#they're very cute together and also i wanted to let her run into his arms so bad
mumms-the-word · 7 months
More that I Want...
Day 25 (okay it's day 27 AGAIN) of the BG3 Fic February Challenge
Joke's on me, I had two scenes ready for this prompt lmao
When I played Ardynn's game and got out of the mind flayer colony, I didn't know that Halsin would be waiting inside (I had left him behind because Jaheira wanted to join and I felt like two druids was a lot of druids for a 4 man party, so I asked Halsin to say behind)
Imagine my surprise when he's there! Waiting for you!! AND I COULDN'T HUG HIM!!!
So I wrote a fic to rectify that.
Check out my masterlist of BG3 fics!
25. Choose any scene in the game and write it with your headcanon (originally #27)
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The battle against Ketheric in the depths of the illithid colony had left them all battered, bruised, and broken, but victorious. Armed with newfound knowledge and a goal that felt insurmountable but unavoidable—stop Orin and Gortash from enslaving Baldur’s Gate with the elder brain—Ardynn steeled herself against the pain in her body and entered the portal that Aylin had conjured for them.
They emerged in the main hall of Moonrise Towers. To Ardynn’s surprise, not only were the surviving Harpers still there, alive and with no evidence to suggest they had faced down an army, but the tieflings and gnomes were nearby too. And Withers, looking as grave as ever.
Karlach stepped away, the flames licking across her body as she began to pace out her emotions about Gortash, her fists clenching and unclenching as she shifted restlessly from one bit of blood-soaked flagstone to another. Wyll wandered off to sit on one of the steps, his face somber and tense with worry, while Jaheira broke away to converse with her Harpers. Ardynn pressed a hand to her aching side as she scanned the rest of the group in the main hall. She didn’t realize who she was looking for, or even that she was looking at all, until she saw him step out from behind one of the stone columns.
She sucked in a quick gasp that sent a pang to her ribs, but she barely registered the pain. “Halsin,” she breathed, her feet taking her forward almost without her volition. “Halsin!”
At his little smile, she could hold back no longer. She dashed forward, ignoring the pain in her ribs or the throbbing in her ankle or the way each step jostled her already battered body. She didn’t care about the pain. All she wanted in that moment was to close the distance as quickly as possible, leap at Halsin and throw her arms around him, burying her nose in the crook of his neck and breathe deeply of the scents of healthy tree bark, sunlight, fresh water, musk, anything that smelled of him and reminded her of all that existed beyond the confines of this shadowed place. She wanted to forget all about the shadow curse and the illithid colony she’d just escaped, erase her memories of butchered, bloated corpses and pulsating, meaty walls and replace them with him. His strong arms around her and his scent filling her nostrils with the reminder of all things living and thriving and good.
But as she neared him, her foot slipped in the blood and water that had mixed on the cobblestones, the grisly aftermath of her fight with Z’rell and the other cultists. Her bad ankle twisted in pain as she tried to catch her balance, and she stumbled, nearly crashing into him.
With sharp reflexes, he caught her by her arms, steadying her as she winced in pain. “Careful there,” he said. “It’s all right. You’re safe here.”
The moment to embrace him was gone, the pain giving her back some of her senses. But with his warm hands around her upper arms, she almost didn’t mind. She reached up to put her hand on his forearm, gazing at him, trying to catch her breath without jostling her ribs too much. He studied her, too, his eyes searching her face, and then the rest of her, lingering on the places a blade had slipped through her armor or a spell had burned into the leather. She knew it likely didn’t escape his attention, the way she favored one leg over the other, or how she held herself in such a way as to breathe around what must surely be a cracked or broken rib. Examination complete, his eyes met hers again.
The fight against Ketheric Thorm had been hell, but she was still standing, and Ketheric was not. Halsin seemed to realize this, because a strange emotion mixed with the obvious concern on his face. It looked like…relief. The tension in his shoulders visibly relaxed, and his next breath seemed almost one of release, like he’d been holding it unconsciously.
His hold on her arms loosened, but he didn’t let go. “You did well,” he said softly. “I knew I could put my faith in you.”
She felt as though she could cry. Just break down, right there, and release all the pent up fear and horror she’d kept buried beneath adrenaline and survival instincts up until this moment. She was tired, injured, stretched nearly to her limit, and they weren’t even done yet—far from it. She wanted to sink to her knees and just sob. She wished they were alone, just the two of them, so she could shatter in peace and hope that he would wrap his arms around her and lend her his strength.
But they weren’t alone, and she expected too much of him. She managed to staunch most of the urge to cry, though her throat closed up and she could feel her eyes watering. She curled her fingers and dug her nails into the bark of his druidic bracers, closing her eyes as she struggled to get her emotions under control.
Eyes still closed, she said, “Please tell me it worked. That all of this was worth it.”
“It was,” he said. She opened her eyes again to find him just a little closer…unless it was her imagination. His voice had dipped down as though they were speaking privately, despite behind surrounded by companions and allies and refugees. “You defeated Ketheric Thorm. Thaniel has both halves of himself back together again. I swear I can already feel a change in the air—like the curse itself knows its time is short.” 
He lowered his head slightly until his forehead was nearly touching hers and softened his voice even further. “You did well, Ardynn,” he said again, placing emphasis on each word. He moved his hands to her shoulders and gave them a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “And now you can rest. You deserve it.”
She shook her head. “No. We don’t have time to rest. There—there’s so much more to be done. We know their plans now, we know what’s at stake. Baldur’s Gate is in trouble, and I…” She faltered, glancing around at the carnage that lay almost untouched from when she, the Harpers, and a handful of Flaming Fists had assaulted the Towers, what must have been only hours ago. She knew she had to face other battlefields with similar results in the near future. But, gods, all she wanted was some sleep, and pray that the last several days wouldn’t haunt her dreams.
Halsin said nothing, but eventually he straightened, his hands slipping from her shoulders and returning to his sides. She missed their warmth and weight immediately. 
“Then we can depart, whenever you’re ready,” he said. “Though you should at least have one of us tend to your wounds, if you can’t be convinced to spend at least one night resting.”
She wanted a whole week of sleep, but the pressure of the task ahead weighed heavily on her. Still…one night of sleep after healing all her injuries couldn’t hurt. 
“I could be convinced,” she mumbled. 
She looked up at him cautiously, a sudden unpleasant thought springing to her mind. He spoke with such measured distance for someone who had fought at her side the last few days, ever since Thaniel and Oliver had reunited. He’d also volunteered to stay behind after Ketheric fled at the top of Moonrise and Jaheira had insisted on joining Ardynn’s team to defeat him in the mind flayer colony below, saying that Ardynn didn’t need two seasoned druids on her team. Was he putting distance between them for a reason? 
Was he preparing to leave? 
The thought shouldn’t have hurt so much, but it did. She knew she had a silly crush on him, one that he’d occasionally entertained. But she feared now that he had only been humoring her. She knew she should have stopped herself before she let her feelings run too deep, but it was too late now. She was irresistibly drawn to the man in front of her and if a dozen allies weren’t watching she’d give in to her exhausted, delirious desires and pull him down for a kiss. But if he intended to leave…she had better get this heartbreak over with.
“What about you?” she asked, even though the question sowed a seed of dread in her stomach. “Is this…where we part ways?”
His eyebrows drew together slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…We’ve put an end to the shadow curse and Thaniel is whole again. The land will heal…eventually. So...” She paused, not certain she wanted to know the answer. But she asked anyway. “What will you do now? You’ve got what you wanted.”
“I have,” he said. But then his gaze dropped away and his next words were spoken almost as though he spoke to himself, and not to her. “Though…perhaps there is more that I want…”
Despite herself, she felt her breath catch silently in her chest. No—no she shouldn’t read into it. She’d gotten herself in plenty of trouble already, misreading people’s signs and signals. But then again…gods if there was even a slim chance…
His gaze flicked back to up to hers and he was his usual, steady self once more. “Anyway, the curse is lifted, and nature can take its course without me. I belong at your side.”
He said it so matter-of-factly, she almost missed it. But she repeated his words in her head, again and again, making sure she knew they weren’t a figment of her imagination. I belong at your side. I belong at your side.
“So you’re…not staying behind?” she asked, wanting to be sure.
He smiled slightly. “Do you prefer I stay behind?”
“No!” she said quickly. “No, of course not. I prefer you—that is, I could use your expertise. In the field. Your skills, in the battles to come. Your healing, always. You…you’ve always taken such good care of me, I…” She trailed off, unable to finish.
Was she blushing? He couldn’t tell, right, with all the grime that covered her from navigating the illithid colony and fighting corpses and skeletons and mind flayers? Gods, she hoped not.
“I want you to stay,” she said at last. “I want you to join me.”
He chuckled softly. “Then you shall have me.” He glanced over her shoulder and then back down at her. “But there are others who require your attention right now. I should not keep you.”
She turned to glance over her shoulder at Withers, who was rather unexpectedly present on the dais, his glimmering eyes fixed on her. When she looked back at Halsin, he was already turning away.
“Wait,” she said, reaching out before stopping herself, her hand lingering uncertainly in the air. Halsin paused, looking at her expectantly. She didn’t want him to go just yet, even though she knew he wouldn’t be far. She cast her mind about for something to ask him, just to have a few more seconds of his time.
“This…’more’ that you want,” she asked, her hand lowering slowly back to her side. “What is it?”
He smiled, then, a little crooked, a little mysterious, and something about it felt as though it was meant just for her.
“Not what,” he said, and leaned in just slightly, his smile growing. “Who.”
Her heart seemed to flutter within her chest. His gaze lingered on hers just long enough for her to discern part of his meaning. At the very least, he made it clear exactly who the “who” was.
There was more he wanted. Someone he wanted. And that someone could very well be…
Before she could say anything in response, he straightened again. “But all in due course,” he said, all business once more. “I should leave you to your conversations. I will not be far, if you need me.”
She watched him walk away, joining Thaniel as the child stood gazing out through the open doors of the main hall into the shadowed land beyond. Her head was all but spinning with the implication of Halsin’s words. Did that mean…did he mean…
“Hey, soldier,” Karlach said, snapping her fingers near Ardynn’s ear. Ardynn nearly jumped, flushing to be caught unawares. “Bone Man Withers wants a word. Got a minute? As a matter of fact, I’d like a word or two with you myself.”
Karlach still looked rightfully upset about the Gortash business, and Withers was still staring at her expectantly. Wyll, still sitting nearby, didn’t look like he was up for any conversation, but Ardynn knew the capture of his father was foremost in his mind. All of this came back in a flash, grounding her back in reality. There was still much to be done, even before they could rest for the night.
“Right,” she mumbled. She took a deep breath. “Let’s go see what the bone man has to say, then.”
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
Wondering if MC and Jade marrying each other and have children, will that child have MC ability to read people mind? And If so, imagine that MC didn't tell jade about her ability only for her child casually told their father about it Infront of MC, MC be like:
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I am currently leaning to having Jade find out about Yuu's telepathy in PTM, but this scenario is also incredibly funny as hell.
I can't go into why Yuu got magic, as it's a very large spoiler, but I can say that no one is quite sure if their abilities are hereditary or not due to the nature in which they were gained.
Assuming these are biological children, it's a delightful surprise for Yuu when they find out that their little one can also read minds! How nice, to have someone just like you! Yuu is excitedly telling them all the ways in which they can overcome the difficult parts of being a telepath, how to try and not be too invasive, and how to be sneaky about it with others.
Yuu, however, forgets to tell their kid that their dad isn't exactly privy to their telepathy. So they're sweating just an itty bitty bit when their kid's big mouth goes off on it with their dad, saying:
“It's so weird, Papa! This one girl at school likes me, I can hear her head, but she's always so mean to me. But Ama says that it's not too bad once you get used to it, like they did with you in school! Ama said that you had a buncha thoughts about them in school all the time, like my classmate did. Oh! Do you think I'll get to marry her too, like you and Ama?”
Jade is staring at you with a pleasant smile, chin in his hand, as he hums along to his child's talking. “Why, of course!” He tells them, still staring at you with mischievous eyes and an even more mischievous smile.
“I think you like this girl too, or else you wouldn't be thinking about marrying her. Now, why don't you go off and play with your friend next door, we'll clean up.”
Your kid, none the wiser and not really trying to process whatever thoughts are going through your heads, nods and runs off to play. You two stay in the kitchen as you take the dishes to be washed, and Jade puts the leftovers away to take for lunch tomorrow. As you wash the dishes, Jade spooks you by wrapping his arms around your midsection and kissing your left temple.
After years of marriage, you'd become less aware of Jade's presence around you, it was becoming second nature. Like his mind was just another part of your own. So, when you were distracted like times like this, Jade reveled in being able to spook you, just a bit.
“So, telepathy, hmm?” Jade sighed, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “That would certainly explain a few things. Though, that does bring up a question…”
Jade pushed you against the sink, tightening his hold around you and he hummed against your neck. His thoughts were busy with ideas of taking you against the sink, of covering your mouth to keep you quiet, of littering bites along your collarbone like a pretty red necklace.
“Did you like hearing all my dirty thoughts about you? About the ways I wanted to take you? Use you? Make you my own?”
The front of your shirt was getting wet, the plate in your hands dropping into the soapy hot water as you grabbed his hands, wandering under your shirt and into your pants.
“J-Jade, not here, it's embarrassing—”
“Oh, but you like that, why else would you let me pursue you? You knew how I felt, and yet never shut me down. Why? Because you wanted me too? You can admit it my pearl, it's okay, I like it when you get flustered~ You're so cute when you are, no wonder you had me wrapped around your finger~”
Jade began moving his hips against yours, his breath becoming heavy as you moved against him despite your earlier remarks. Because yes, you really did like the way he made you hot and bothered. You liked that he desired you so reverently, even now, after years of being together. It was like you two never really left your honeymoon phase.
“Our little one will be at their playmate's for a while, why don't you read my mind and tell me about all the things I want to do to you?”
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
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[REQUEST] could you maybe do something like Spencer x famous!reader (I would say maybe actress) where just as Spencer was getting off of work she was away shooting and comes home at like 3 in the morning all stressed and things and spencer calms her down and it's just really cute and fluffy. @thenerdthatwrites
A/N: i added some fluffy smut cause why not?
warnings: they're madly in love and very handsy, needy smut, no condoms (creampies) lots of fluff
word count: 1970
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When Spencer finally rounds the corner to his street, he can see someone parked out front of his apartment. When he gets a little closer, he sees his girlfriend unloading a few bags from the trunk and he sprints. He drops his own bag once he’s near her and calls out her name, “What are you doing home?” 
“Spence,” she rushes to embrace him. She wraps her arms around him and buries her face in his neck, breathing in his familiar scent that she’s missed so much these last few weeks. “They sent me home, the writer's strike is still going strong and we don’t have anything to film without new pages.” 
He was so happy to get to hold her again, it's been a few months since he last saw her in person and his heart ached for her. This was the best surprise after a hard case, “I missed you.” 
“I missed you,” she coos. “Why are you only getting home now? It’s like 3 in the morning?” 
“Our case finished and we don’t really have a good budget this year so if we don’t need to stay in hotels we won’t,” he explains as he pulls back, but his hands stay on her hips, he has to touch her to make up for all the time they spent apart. He’s such a lover of physical touch, he won’t let her go for the rest of the night if he doesn’t have to. 
“Ma’am,” the drive cuts into their reunion. “Everything is unpacked, are you okay if I leave?” 
“Oh, yeah, thank you so much again for the ride home,” she says while digging into her pocket for a tip. She hands the man twenty dollars and he takes it with a smile. 
“Have a good night,” he offers. 
“You too!” 
And then it’s just them, all their bags and the cool night breeze to keep them company. “Do you want help bringing this all up?” 
She nods, “Please, I thought I was going to have to do it alone.” 
The two of them carry all her bags up 2 flights of stairs to their second-floor apartment, they place them by the door before they lock it right back up. Spencer reaches for her hand and she takes it gladly, he leads her down the hall to their bedroom that’s felt way too much like just his these last few months. They keep the lights off, she pushes his suit jacket off his shoulders and he lets it drop to the floor. She unbuttons each and every button of his dress shirt and frees his chest so she can run her fingers over his warm skin and then he takes her hands in his again. He twirls her around and presses a kiss to her shoulder as he unzips her dress. 
His kisses moved along her shoulder and up to her neck, and then right under her ear, “Why’d you fly back looking so pretty?”
“The paparazzi knew I was coming back,” she can’t help but laugh. She turns around in his grip to look at him again, “Come on pretty boy, get out of your clothes, I wanna cuddle until the sun comes up.” 
“Just cuddle?” He teases, pushing her dress straps off her shoulders and watching it drop to her hips. 
She smirks, “Maybe more…” 
“Okay,” he doesn’t mind either way. Just getting to hold her is going to be everything to him after 3 months of being away from each other. 
Once all their clothes are gone, she searches his drawer for a big t-shirt and slips it on and the two of them crash into their big bed together. He just holds her, she snuggles into his chest and lets out the deepest sigh in the world. She’s missed this so much. Being close to him, knowing he’s safe, the way he rubs her skin and kisses her head… but she also misses the sound of his voice in person. 
“What was the case about?” 
“Another freak with mommy issues killing women who look like her,” he says as if it’s nothing new. He’s so over it. “I don’t really want to talk about it… what episode did you get to before they sent you home?” 
“Episode 9,” she doesn’t sound happy about it. “They have to find a way to add a time jump now because Sandy’s pregnant and whenever we come back she’s going to be either heavily pregnant or away with the baby so they’ll have to write that in or write her out. And like, I love the writers, I really support them with all this, I just don’t know if the show will survive it after this season.” 
“That’s okay, you can audition for more stuff, you’re amazing, someone will hire you,” Spencer encourages, his hand gently caressing her arm in a soothing motion. He kisses the top of her head, “I know it’ll all work out.” 
“I love you, you know that?” 
He nods, “I love you, too.” He cups her face gently and draws his fingers down her cheek so he can take her chin in his hands and redirect her to look at him. 
She takes it one step further and sits in his lap, she holds his face right back. The streetlights shining through the window are enough to ignite the room in a soft amber glow, he looks so pretty like this. And he’s thinking the same about her. He brushes his thumb over her bottom lip, adoring that pout that made her famous in the first place, “you’ve been home how long and you still haven’t kissed me yet?” 
She giggles again, “you wanna kiss me until the sun comes up?” 
He nods while leaning in, and their lips collide, finally. He’s really home now. He’s so tender and soft with her, she runs her fingers through his hair and heats up the kiss with the tug of his luscious locks. His free hand wraps around her waist and slips under her t-shirt so he can feel even more of her. 
She pulls back just enough to break the kiss and reach for the hem of said shirt, she tosses it back off, “I don’t know why I even put this on,” she admits with a smile. “You still up for more?” 
He nods, “Always.” 
He carefully rolls them over so she’s laying against the pillows, her legs part so he has a place to rest between them and she cups his face once again, “god, I missed you…” 
“Maybe I’ll come out to California with you next time?” He offers, lightly tracing his finger down her arm, he stares at her like she’s the only woman in the whole world. “I hate being away from you that long.” 
He finally leans in again, kissing her cheek and down her neck, he presses himself against her, and their hot skin finally meets. 
“My apartment isn’t big enough for your book-buying habit,” she teases him, arching her neck so he has more space to kiss. She closes her eyes because it feels so good, her hands travel over his shoulders and to his back, her legs wrap around his hips, trapping him there. 
He laughs against her skin, “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll have much time to read if we’re together all the time again.” 
“Maybe I can convince them to hire you as my love interest, then we can do this literally all the time,” she can’t stop making little jokes when in reality, she’s not kidding. She wants to do this all the time. 
Truth be told, he wouldn’t mind that either, “too bad I can’t act…” his kisses go even further south and a hand comes up to palm her breast, “plus,” he looks up at her through his lashes, “I rather not show the world how much I love you, that’s just for you.” 
“Show me,” she whispers, enticing him to stop teasing and take this all the way. 
He sits up, kneeling between her legs which she now has bent, feet firmly planted on the mattress. She lifts her hips so he can peel her out of her underwear, he gets them off and tosses them to the floor quickly. His hand cups right under her left knee, he rubs his cheek against her thigh and then replaces the friction with kisses that lead all the way down to where her underwear once lay. She reaches out for his hair again, she pulls him forward and away from what he really wants to do, “We have all day tomorrow to fool around, I need you inside me like yesterday, babe.” 
“Okay,” he laughs, making sure to kiss her lower belly just once before he gets back onto his knees and pushes his boxers down.
He’s quick to hover over her again, she reaches down between them and helps him angle himself at her entrance. Their lips collide again as he starts to slip inside, whatever he thought about really being home when they first kissed is a lie. This is home. This is where he should always be. And she’d have to agree. She holds him close, gripping his back as the kiss deepens and his hips start to thrust. 
It's exhilarating to be back in his arms, to have him inside of her, for the pleasure she’s feeling in the middle of the night to come from him and not something she plugs into the wall… she savours every kiss, every time their skin touches, each thrust and pulse and moan and feeling she feels when they’re together. She loves him more than anything on this earth and he loves her just the same, if not more. She’s his everything. 
When things start to get more intense, the kiss breaks so he can rest his forehead against hers and reach between them to thumb at her clit, bringing her just as close as he is. “This what you wanted?” He teases, seeing just how flustered she is with each heavy breath. 
“Yeah,” is all she can muster. “Missed this.” 
“Mmm, me too,” he mumbles, he kisses her cheek over to her ear and then buries his face in her neck so he can fuck her harder. His free hand slips underneath her, gripping the small of her back, making her arch just a bit so he can hit that wonderful spot that makes her scream. 
“Spence, Spence, please, oh my god, Spence,” she whines, right there on the edge, just waiting for him to fill her up. 
“Cum with me, sweetheart,” he gives in to her please and with that permission, she lets go.
He physically feels her body tense and then release, her cunt flutters around him, sucking him in deeper as her body falls deeper into the mattress. With just a few more thrusts, Spencer is rutting into her with his face buried into her neck. He finishes with a whine, breathing heavily he pumps her full of cum and stills, dropping his whole body weight onto her. 
She wraps herself around him again, running her fingers through his hair and down his back in a soothing, calming motion. “My god, I love you.” 
He just laughs, fucked out and feeling high on her. “I love you more.” 
“Mmm, nope, I love you most,” she teases, kissing his temple she hugs him tighter as if they could possibly get any closer. 
“Okay,” he lets her win. 
He’s tired now, his eyes are heavy and she’s so comfortable like this. He just snuggles in and she lets him, they can deal with everything later. For now, they’re content like this. Happily together again, madly in love, with all the time in the world to just be. 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @babybisexual @marsmunson86
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luveline · 11 months
Hi don’t know if you’re taking requests (if not please ignore!) just wondering how Halloween would look like in the KBD universe or even a masquerade ball for prince Steve and reader?
thank you for requesting angel ♡ kbd mom!reader, 2k
"I think we should paint her orange," Avery says. 
Steve pushes the wand of his bubbles back into the container, coating it in solution. "What for, honey?" 
"For Halloween! We'll paint her orange and she can be a pumpkin." 
Steve purses his lips, blowing bubbles over the green grass of the garden. It's alive despite it being late October, mildly crisp underfoot. He can hear leaves crunching under Bethie's boots where she runs around toward the back gate. 
Wren sees the bubbles and giggles wildly. Steve grins. "You like those, sweetheart?" 
"What if we make her green like a witch?" 
"Who, Ave?" 
"Oh. Well, Wren can't use face paint yet, babe, she's too little," Steve explains, dipping the wand in solution again. "But they're very good ideas. Do you know what you want to be?" 
Avery throws her hands out. She's getting older than he ever imagined her, but she's still so small at the end of the day with delicate little hands and facial expressions cute enough to make a grown man cry. Steve would know, he's cried a ton of times just looking at her. 
"I already told you." 
Steve pretends to remember to spare her feelings as he blows more bubbles. He knows you'll know, and so it's a white lie. Better for everyone. "I remember! You're gonna be awesome." 
She smiles for the first time in ten whole minutes and sits down next to Steve. He offers her the bubbles and the wand, freeing his hands to give her a loving squeeze from either side. "Very good ideas," he repeats, patting her arm.
Bethie comes running with two cupped hands. Steve can picture her find before she shows him, and still he's horrified to see a slug in her palm. It's not big but neither is she, lavishing across the breadth of her hand. 
Ew, Steve thinks. "Wow, Beth! What did you find?" 
"There's snails, too!" she says excitedly, her eyes bright as her attention flickers between the slug and her dad. "They're sleeping, I think. They're stuck to the slide." 
"Beth, listen to me really quickly?" 
"Yeah, dad," she says, nodding. 
"I like that you're being gentle with the slugs, you're being nice, but as soon as you put him down, don't touch your face, okay? In fact, when you put him down, we're gonna go inside and wash our hands." 
Beth looks down at her slug in alarm. "What?" 
"He's not dangerous!" Steve reassures her. "But he might have germs. Germs don't hurt our skin, but they can't go in your mouth, okay? Good girl." 
"He can't hurt my skin?" 
"No, bub. Some bugs can, but not the plain black slugs. How about next time you want to pick one up, you come and get me and we'll pick it up together?" 
Steve doesn't want to kill her fearlessness in this sole area, not when she's usually timid around everything else, but he also doesn't want to kill her full stop. All these random bugs, Steve doesn't know what's what. 
"Okay. I picked this one up because he's got a yellow stripe," she says. Beth speaks in full words and makes sense the majority of the time, but her delivery is clumsy, heavy in places. Steve can still remember her first word. He's a firm believer in taking your time (please. please, let her take her time). 
"You're super brave," he praises.
"Mom says bugs are more 'fraid of us than we are of them." 
"She's right. Think if something this much bigger than you picked you up one day, you'd want them to put you down gently, right?" 
Determination fills her eyes. "Yes." 
She starts to run off but then slows, holding her hand aloft in front of her. 
Closer by, Avery blows bubbles near Wren's soft chair, the youngest baby giggling like a tinkling bell. You and Steve have emphasised to Avery that Wren isn't her responsibility. Look after her as you would your other sisters, but don't feel like being the biggest sister makes you in charge. Avery sort of listened, but now she's planning Halloween costumes in her head, Steve's worried she's putting too much on her little shoulders, as she tends to do. 
"Come here, my big girl," he demands, opening his arms. 
Avery grins and jumps into his lap. Steve groans playfully, happy to be trampled, and just glad she had the foresight to screw the cap on her bubbles before she pounced. 
"Hello. So, do I need to go to the store for this costume?" he asks. 
"Okay. Are you coming with me to choose?" 
"Mom said we're all going after lunch." 
Steve waves her arms back and forth. "I guess we better get ready, then." 
Easier said than done. Steve marches the girls back inside to find you've already dressed Dove and sat her in her chair with her lunch in front of her. Feeding young kids is tough because you're always trying to rotate things to keep their tastes big, but you've given in today to an easy solution; everybody's having pizza subs and halved grapes. So long as they're fed, who minds? 
"Give me the babies!" you say, jumping up from your seat to grab Wren, chair and all, "Hi. Something tells me it's time for a bottle." 
"I'll get them dressed–" 
"Go get yourself dressed. They can eat first." You kiss his cheek. "I put some stuff out for you already." 
"I can do it," he insists. 
"Take a break," you insist back, your tone gentle as velveteen.
His turn to kiss your cheek. "Do you know what Avery wants to be for her costume?" he asks in your ear. 
"She wants to be Belle, she told us weeks ago." He remembers as soon as you say it. "But I don't think finding a costume for her is going to be very easy this close to Halloween." 
Steve doesn't blame either of you for your busy October, but he hates himself watching Avery grow more and more disappointed with every store you drive to. There are no yellow princess dresses to be found, only store brand pinks. Bethie is ecstatic to choose one of those ones and Dove insists on a white fairy costume with sugar paper wings, but Avery's frown grows heartbreaking when it's clear there aren't any Belle dresses to buy. 
"I'm sorry," you're saying, Wren strapped to your chest, Beth and Dove knee to knee in the shopping cart in front of you. "It's my fault, baby, I left it last minute." 
"No, it's my fault," Steve says. 
Avery glares for a while, standing in front of all the dresses. Steve bends down to speak with her. "I'm sorry, Ave. Don't be mad at mom, okay? It's not her fault even when she says it is, she was busy working and I forgot about costumes because I had all that stuff with Wren and the doctors and my glasses and–" He winces. "I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. So be mad at me if you want, I was supposed to remember, but I'll make it up to you, promise."
"I told you ages ago," she says morosely. 
"I know. You did. I didn't think about them running out of costumes, Avery. Sometimes when you're a grown up you have so much stuff to think of you don't have room for all of it, but that's not fair, huh? Now you don't get the costume you wanted." 
She sighs, but the thing about Avery is that if you understand her point, she runs out of anger, just like her mom. She wants to make up, burying her face in Steve's thigh for a hug. 
"What am I going to be now?" she asks. 
"How about Belle's blue dress, babe?" you suggest. 
"They don't have any Belle costumes!" 
"I know, but we can make one. That's what me and dad did growing up, right?" you ask. 
"All my costumes were homemade," he seconds, "that was the fun part." 
So Avery marches you guys to the normal dresses and together you look for something nice and long enough for her tall stature. It's in the middle of this searching when she gasps, jumping up to grab Steve by the elbows. 
Delighted at being forgiven, he bends down at her whim. "What?" he asks excitedly. 
"Wren can be a bumblebee, like me!" 
"You remember that?" he asks. 
"No, but you have the photo in the car. Do you still have the costume?" 
It's Steve. Of course he kept the costume, he keeps everything, an attic stuffed to bursting with the offcuts of your lives. You giggle from the landing underneath him, the baby in one arm and a spooky drink made special by Dove in the other hand. "I wish you could drink more than milk." 
"Don't poison her!" Steve says, covered in cobwebs and knees white with dust as he climbs down the rickety ladder back onto solid ground. You wolf whistle as he reaches up to close everything safely, and cheer when you see the bee costume in his hand.
"You're the best. Think we should let Avery put it on her?" you ask. 
"Maybe. Think she can be gentle enough?"
Your little girl, so preoccupied with her sister's costume that she forgot about her own? Yes, Avery can be gentle enough. She sews Wren's small arms into the costume's sleeves like she's handling a girl made of glass, and she doesn't attempt to lift her, quick to say, "Dad, can you pick her up for me?" 
Steve lifts her and Wren does her scrunch, legs pulled up high and face a little startled. She's just old enough to giggle, prompting Bethie to join in as she races across the living room rug, the skirts of her dress fluttering against the floor. 
"She looks like a bee!" Dove says, following after, her fairy wings jittering with her movements. 
"She is!" Avery says, buttoning Wren's last button. 
Finally, after an exhausting afternoon (both of energy and your wallets), the four girls are dressed in their Halloween costumes. Avery as Belle in her original blue dress and white apron, not the costume she wanted but clearly her favourite character nonetheless. Bethie wears her pink princess dress and one of Avery's big plastic tiaras, her hair done as you would style your own for date night. Dove twirls in her white fairy dress, silver corset ribbons shiny in the light. Wren gurgles in his arms, her soft wings folded between her and Steve's chest. And you, uncostumed, stand beautiful and tired in the doorway, sparkly eyeshadow in a stripe up your cheek. 
The girls smile at him and their eyes glimmer. 
"Wow," he says, leaning back against the couch. "You guys look amazing." 
"It's about an hour until we're gonna leave," you say, "so please do mommy a favour and watch some TV, okay?" 
You set them up in a line with a bowl of chips each —you can vacuum them clean. Steve cleans as quickly as he can while you wipe your face and put aside some stuff for tonight in case the girls come home hungry, and eventually, eventually, you and Steve make your way to the kitchen table for a quiet minute together. 
"In her bassinet," Steve says. "You're–" 
"Fine." You reach for his hand. "And you're–" 
"Perfect." He rubs the back of your fingers with his thumb. "I've missed you today. I know we were together, but…" 
You slouch into the table, resting your cheek on a placemat and closing your eyes. "Me too, sweetheart." 
He shuffles closer and leans in. "Tired, huh?" he asks gently, pressing similarly soft kisses to your cheek. "Love you," he says. "Don't fall asleep." 
"I'm not. Just resting my eyes." 
He doesn't rub your back, worried it'll send you to sleep. Instead, he kisses all over your face, sloe at first and faster when he realises it'll take a while to cover every inch. You smile and let him do as he pleases, laughing under your breath as he kisses your eyelid, squirming when he pecks under your nose. "Freak," you mumble. 
"That's what I'm being for Halloween."
"What am I gonna be?" you ask.
"Same as every year, I thought. Most beautiful girl this side of the Mississippi river." 
You like the sound of it, pulling your joined hands to your face to nuzzle his knuckles. 
"Or you can be Frankentstein," he suggests. "I'll be the monster." 
"We can just be the two tiredest parents ever." 
"That's not super creative, babe, we kinda do that every day." 
"So I'm not beautiful every day," you say quickly, having set him up. "Knew it." 
"You tricked me." 
"Did not. Make it up to me?" 
"What do you want?" he asks. 
"Just a hug, Stevie." You raise your head to smile at him sleepily. "A really nice hug, please." 
He saves the line about every hug being nice when it's with you and cuddles you, stroking your back for countless minutes, murmuring nothings to you until baby Wren shriek-cries from the living room. Steve soothes her upset, and you start the impossible task of getting everyone in their shoes for a night of trick-or-treating.
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kyokutsu-sama · 6 months
Sfw headcanons
A/n: I made more headcanons, these are for Yami and julius because I love them and they're also my favorites💜
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I can imagine a certain enemies-to-lovers romance with him. Firstly because he annoys you a lot (because he secretly loves seeing you mad) and secondly because he's rough with everyone. (He tries his best so he doesn't have to act with you like he does with others, I swear)
He likes to carry you on his shoulder whenever you both cross paths, even if you try to free yourself from him, his arm is too strong for you to run away.
He helps you with your tasks and if you're short, he won't mind reaching to higher places to get something you need. (Of course he will tease you later because of your height)
He likes to train with you, he will ask you not to hold back against him and come with everything. He will probably only bring you home at the end of the day so you can recover from the whole day training.
He will ask all the members of the Black Bulls to take care of you when you arrive from a long mission or when he leaves and you stay at the base.
No one touches you anywhere because he always has an arm around your waist or shoulders and a deadly glare in the direction of those who even try to get close to you.
"Try something with her to see if I don't cut you in half"
The katana is his second girlfriend and he always makes sure to clean and sharpen it. You can't help but laugh to yourself when you see him saying something to it as if it was a person.
He likes to take you out drinking and will be happy if you can handle the drink as well as he can.
He's also a gambler, so it won't be the first time you leave a bar next to a completely naked Yami after he gamble on all his clothes and lost. You will be even more embarrassed not because he is naked but because he normally walks down the street as if he were well dressed.
You guys ended up laughing your ass off that night about that.
Despite everything, he is very careful with you. He is always available when you are sick or injured.
If you are angry or stressed about something, he lets you punch him (But only you can do that) (Besides, he doesn't feel pain because his body is too strong)
If you have a problem that you think there is no solution, remember the famous phrase:
"Surpass your limits...And if you die, I'll kill you"
Julius :
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Julius, on the other hand, is cuter and friendlier. So it would end up being a friends to lovers.
He will always be thinking of you as a priority and even if he has a lot of work to do, he always finds a getaway to escape and come to you and see you.
He obviously wants you to show him your magic and is proud of you for being so strong and dedicated as a magic knight.
He gives you cute names and even calls you his queen (Call me queen too, okay🥹👉👈?)
He likes to walk with you around the kingdom, always hand in hand. He doesn't hide his feelings in front of others and even if you are a commoner, he doesn't care. *Bonus: If you come from a foreign country like Yami, he will ask you to tell him what your homeland was like or things about it. He is a very curious man.
Julius always makes sure you're okay and if you need something because you're injured from a mission, he'll bring together a team to take care of you and if that's not enough, he'll send Marx to take care of his affairs (He'll kill him for that) and will stay by your side during that time.
He is very sweet and offers you gifts, even a simple flower he picked in the castle garden he will offer you.
"Y/n, look at this rose! It's beautiful like you, take it"
He's also protective, not deadly like Yami who kills another guy just because he looks at you the wrong way. HOWEVER, I belive that he has other methods for this person and trust me, you don't want to know. He can be dark and mysterious when he wants to...or when someone messes with his girl
He usually takes you to the top of the castle to watch the sunset while hugging you. (Oh my God, I'm going to die of cuteness)
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weebsinstash · 5 months
Since you guys have been digging poly yandere LuciLili do yall wanna hear one of my more fucked up ideas
I keep thinking about scenarios where Lilith is emotionally intelligent enough to kinda, get a read on who you are pretty quickly and, maybe you even help out by being a bit too honest about yourself, and she falls in love with you first and decides almost on his behalf that you would be perfect for Lucifer as well. Like I'm talking this man may know barely more about you than your name but Lilith sees certain similarities or contrasts between you that she's like, INSANELY POSITIVE you two would be perfect together, and she may be totally right, but the ethically dubious part is when Lucifer isssssss not quite as fast to warm up to you and Lilith tries to... expedite that process
I've thought of, the idea i mentioned before with you being pulled into a kind of dream dimension where you're bonding with them in a pseudo-Eden, that maybe Lilith "invites you" into their dream without telling or asking Lucifer first, and then it's in Eden where he falls in love with you, since, you're acting more like your actual true self since you think it's a dream with no consequences. In the waking world, you're nervous, barely making eye contact, maybe even a little scared of him, but in Eden, it's "do you two have nicknames for each other? Like do you ever call each other things like, maybe Lucifer is Lulu or Luci or Ducky and Lilith would be Lili or-- also when you two first met, Lucifer, were you ALSO completely naked or did you accidentally teach her what clothes were and made her self conscious? Since Lilith was naked when you met her, was it hard not to stare at her p--" like, you have so many interests and all this curiosity and they both think it's so cute and once you start talking, you speak in paragraphs not sentences and they just pofe watching you get excited and interested about things
but picture it gets to the point where here's Lucifer, "ok Lili OK I like her alright?! But it's- she's not really ready for a relationship let alone a BABY right now" and Lilith is just pouting and crossing her arms and BANISHES HIM TO THE COUCH. IM SERIOUS. Kicks him out of his own fucking bed and tells him he should be in yours instead. "Well just MAYBE she would be ready for a relationship if she had someone to show her she was safe and cared for LUCIFER >:( don't pretend you haven't been wanting another child LUCIFER >:( don't make me get her pregnant myself LUCIFER >:(" and also she very very well COULD do that so it IS a credible threat
Like Charlie is getting so fucking worried her parents are bickering all the time and she's worried they're gonna get divorced and it's just like, THEM ARGUING OVER GETTING YOU PREGNANT OR NOT. Lilith is over here privately having conversations with you where you're breaking down about dying before you could get a partner and get married and have a wedding and have a baby and she's running back to Lucifer, "cmon Lulu... don't you want to know what your baby would look like? She's just so SAD, Lulu, she wants her baby and her family SoooOoooo badly. You mean you don't want Charlie to have another sibling? You dont want a little baby to put in a little duckie onesie?"
I just. Picture. Lilith inviting you and Lucifer to drink with her and she just. Drugs you both, completely unapologetically slips you both aphrodisiacs. Gets you Hella Hella Drunk and, at some point later in the night, Lucifer thinks he's having sex with his wife, but uh, not wife number 1, that's for sure. He doesn't snap out of it until either the next morning or when he's already, you know, finishing, and you're just slurring and clinging to him like a teddy bear and honestly probably already pregnant
LATER ON DOWN THE LINE AFTER YOU'VE HAD YOUR BABY, you break down crying to Lucifer, "I want to tell you something but I'm worried you'll be mad but I- I don't want my baby to grow up with a lie and get hurt in the future, and, and you're a really good person and a good husband and a good dad and I hate lying to you" AND YOU REVEAL YOU WERE IN ON THE DRUGGING THING THE WHOLE TIME. LILITH APPROACHED YOU AND TALKED YOU INTO IT. But Lucifer still doesn't blame you because you're absolutely perfect in his eyes and, now you two have a beautiful little baby and you're both so so happy together, and here's Lucifer, "hey honey? I'm gonna go talk to Lili for a lil while, ok? Be back later ^^"
Skip to like a month later, here's Lucifer looking quite smug, "big news everyone! Lilith is pregnant! We've got another Morningstar on the way!" and here's Lilith ALSO looking quite smug cause, awwww that's so cute, he thinks he got back at her, but really, she got everything she wanted in the end. Lucifer just puffing out his chest because he's got a new baby and another on the way and Lilith just smirking coyly as she continues to knit little baby socks. If they'll go to your baby or hers or, maybe another future baby of yours, now, who can really say? Honestly the happiest Morningstar is Charlie because now she has her dad, her mom, and her other new mom, and now her new siblings too! And if anything bad ever happened to you or your baby the entirety of the Hotel will go to war for you with unspeakable unspeakable violence :)
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
hi tiff!! do you have any hcs for eren and jean as a dad/husband? 🙊
🥺 what a cute, sweet question -- of course i do!
this is mostly about them being dads and less about being husbands lol sorry
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╰┈➤ as a dad - aot.
ft. eren, jean. cw. explicit language, reference to sex, fem!reader.
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⋙ eren jaeger.
eren fully believes that you're going to have a boy, like to the point that he fights you over painting the baby's room blue, but the second he sees your little girl he completely melts.
he's read every book about "how to raise a child" and has them highlighted and annotated next to his bed. goes to them immediately for guidance whenever your daughter hits any sort of milestone.
he plays with her all day, every day. literally, he jumps out of bed to go bug her because he's so excited to spend time with his little girl 🥺 he'll let her do his hair, paint his nails, and even have little tea parties together.
he's literally putty in her hands. whatever she wants, he gives her. the two of them have to hide away from you when you say no, because the second she pouts up at him, he's crumbling and buying her that candy bar.
makes you be the bad guy because he can't bare the thought of making her upset. literally has to go into another room when she starts crying after being punished because he'll just cave and give her whatever she wants.
your daughter grows up spoiled as fuck but also has impossible dating standards thanks to the expectations eren's set for her.
ever since the beginning, eren's always done the most to help you out around the house. he's not the stereotypical "come home from work and sit on the couch"-dad, he's the "comes home and makes dinner, helps his daughter with her homework, spends the evening watching movies with the family and kissing you and squeezing you on the couch until your kid yells at you to stop"-dad
even after all this time he's still so crazy in love with you and shows you every time the two of you are together. he's always playfully grabbing your ass and making out with you in the kitchen or whistling at you when you come downstairs after getting dressed up. your daughter claims that she hates it -- says that it's gross -- but she still smiles and gushes about how in love her parents are to her friends.
even when she gets older, she's still a daddy's girl and will call him for help or send him memes or teach him about tiktok 💀
⋙ jean kirstein.
jean wants a literal litter of kids, like three minimum. and no gender preference. like you guys just have a designated baby room in the house on the off-chance that he convinces you to let him knock you up again (and he's very persuasive).
he's very nervous with your firstborn but after that he throws all caution to the wind. he figures the first kid turned out alright, so the others should be fine too.
very rough with them!! even the girls!!! he'll throw them up in the air, swing them around by the arms, or tuck them under his arms and run around like he's carrying a football. you're constantly screaming at him to be careful and slow down but he rarely listens.
loves doing big excursions with the family. whether that's a big trip to Disneyland or a day at the waterpark or whatever, he's always got something planned for the weekend that involves strapping all the squirming, upset kidlets into the car and driving for a few hours.
he's always the bad guy. like to the point where if someone does something wrong, all you have to do is say "what dad going to say when he finds out about this?" and they're crying and begging for forgiveness. he's mastered the stern, "i'm not mad, just disappointed in you"-stare that really tears at all of the kids heartstrings.
i feel like he's really into gentle parenting but there was maybe an incident when one of the kids was a toddler that was potentially very dangerous that had him yelling at a child for the first time in his life (immediately burst into tears once he realized everything was ok and was shaking so bad that you had to hold him 🥺)
jean is also insufferably in love with you but he's really weird about having sex when the kids are around. so the two of you end up going on a lot of late-night drives or date nights at hotel rooms so he can fuck another baby into you show you how much he loves you
he wants your house to be the house that all the kids go to hang out and is always so excited to meet their friends and be involved in their lives as much as possible. he knows all of your kids' friends by name, knows who they're dating, who they hate, etc., etc. i feel like jean is someone that is so easy to be around that some of your kids' friends will go to him for advice
when the kids get older, he loves it. loves being able to talk to them like adults, helping them navigate adulthood, and see them grow up and succeed. definitely cries during each and every child's graduation and whispers in your ear as he's clapping, "we raised a good one." (and yes, he says that every time)
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bigfan-fanfic · 10 months
Meddle, Just a Little (Male!Reader x Ryan Lucan)
How about a fic where Alex, being the empath she is, immediately recognizes that the new guy in town and Ryan are so obviously into each other and also that they're both useless and need a nudge in the right direction...or maybe a shove.
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"You do know how stupid it is to try and lie to me about your feelings, right?"
"I'm not- I'm not lying, Alex. I'm not in love."
"I'm not even an empath and I can see that's a lie." Steph butts in.
Ryan sighs. "Look, I'm not denying that I have a crush, but... we don't even know anything about each other. And... people like me don't just... go in, guns blazing."
"Weren't you literally a park ranger? Isn't that what you did?"
Ryan scoffs, and Steph lightly punches his arm.
"I'm just saying - if you don't take any risk, you don't get any reward."
"She's right. You gotta live a little, Ryan." Alex chirps, leaning her head against Steph's shoulder.
"And that's my cue to head on home." Ryan smirks.
"Much appreciated, Mr. Lucan." Steph giggles as Alex nuzzles against her neck. "Just remember - cute moments like this could be yours for the low low price of actually making a move!"
"Goodnight, Steph. Alex."
Alex smiles softly at Steph once Ryan actually leaves. "We're gonna have to meddle, aren't we?"
"I'll leave the meddling to you, o smooth one."
"Wow, you're just full of sweet-talk today..."
And so begins Alex's campaign of subtle manipulation.
First off, she makes polite conversation with you, and since she and Steph co-run the record store and live above the bar Ryan took over after the mess with Typhon, she's not far from either you or Ryan, since the Black Lantern is a pretty good place to hang out and get food.
And it's clear to her immediately, that whenever Ryan is near, your emotions spike with a thrill of excitement and nervousness.
So she dives deeper, and quickly asks Ryan if he would mind if you joined them all on Game Night, and amidst glares at her, he says he would not.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I... totally told Charlotte I would take Ethan to the premiere of that movie! That movie he wants to see."
Steph is no actor, and very transparently adds, "And I have to go with you. Because... I'm the chaperone."
You chuckle. "Isn't Alex an adult?"
"Yeah, but you give her chocolate and she goes crazy!"
Alex raises an eyebrow. "Seriously?"
"Uh, feel free to hang out! It's a short movie, we can be back later-"
"But not too short, you know."
You sigh as they leave. "I'm sorry they roped you into this."
Ryan smiles. "They really don't leave well enough alone, do they?"
"I mean, I let slip one little time that I have a crush on you and they do this!"
Ryan freezes. "Well... I was under the impression that they did this because I had a crush on you."
"I was gonna get around to actually asking you out." you say lamely. "It's just..."
"It's scary to put yourself out there. Even today."
"Yeah. Exactly."
Ryan chuckles. "Well... I hate to let them get away with it, but it might not be such a bad idea to go downstairs? Get a bite to eat together?"
You grin. "We can always get them back some other time."
He offers you his arm. "I figured I was crushing on you for a reason."
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mollymauk-teafleak · 2 years
Hey, can I get some headcanons of Icemav being grandparents? I think your grandparent au is so cute, and I want to know more!🥰
You absolutely can, it's my favourite thing to talk about!!
It is very, very hard to get the babies out of Ice's arms once he's got them, he could sit for hours on end, rocking them and humming to them and pulling faces to make them smile. Mav just has to perch his chin on Ice's shoulder and grin down at them. He's not that annoyed, the only thing cuter than his grand babies is watching his husband with them
Poppy especially is always insisting on bursting into Ice's office and sitting with him while he works. She'll sit on his knee and say 'tell the boats to go over there' and Ice will smile and nod, yes of course, dear. As he does something completely unrelated.
Tommy, the little boy, adores stuffed animals, they're his favourite thing. As soon as his grandparents hear that, all of a sudden he's always coming back from their house with a brand new stuffed animal. Bradley will tell his uncles they are making his life so much harder, Mav says that sounds like a you problem,
In my head, there's three hangster babies, Poppy then Tommy then another little girl called Joy. Joy takes the biggest interest in man's hangar, from when she's about four she's always wanting to be there, always fascinated by what her Pops is doing. She can take apart a car engine and put it back together by the time she's twelve, Mav is so proud of her. However she's also the one who takes the biggest interest in Ice's babushka's recipe book and spends hours happily baking with him in the kitchen and even opens a bakery when she's older where she still uses those same old recipes she learned from her deda.
Maverick is putting that somehow still well functioning sixty year old body to use, always running around with the kids on his shoulders, playing aeroplane with them, swimming with them. Once they go home with their dads, he's face down on the floor groaning that tours of duty were less exhausting than being a grandparent.
They are absolutely those grandparents who fill their grandkids full of sugar, spoil them rotten and let them sleep way past nap time. Bradley is on his Knees, you're literally killing him.
Three a side family dogfight football tournaments. Tommy sits out because honestly, it gets hostile and he's not cut out for it
Ice is always falling asleep with his grand babies on the sofa, Mav calls it 'their' nap time meaning all three babies and his husband. They're all nightmares if they don't get at least an hour
Poppy hears her deda's callsign and is a little confused by it. She asks if he got it because he's warm and soft like a polar bear because honestly thats the only version of Ice that she's ever known, she can't imagine him being a smug, tooth snapping asshole
The hangster kids taking it in turns wearing that cowboy had Bradley had when he was tiny
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 7 months
Welp...FF7 Rebirth came out and ummm....I have this ship with an OC called Raven and I put her with Sephiroth...Ravenroth??? Idk
I'm debating on what prompt to do them with but we'll see with the actual story. This may also tie into a painting I did~
(they also have a kid named Mercury, he's a sweetie and I made Sephiroth a sister named Seri...yay) (Mercury is not in this story but Seri is!)
Without further adoooo let's get started.
May I Have This Dance?
Rating/Warning: minimal stuff but also AWWWWW
Ever since I can remember, I've always been by his side. Sephiroth. The Golden Child of SOLDIER. Ever since we were young we'd be teamed up together. He was there when my father died in that freak accident. There i remained in SOLDIER. Even as a First Class rank I didn't care much for the formalities or the perks of being this popular. I always thought myself a medic and only that.
Genesis or Angeal will always tease us as teenagers. Teasing about dating, who would win in a fight, best aim, you name it. As the years passed by, I found myself trying to answer why. It had been years since Genesis and Angeal disappeared and I still hear their voices egging me on. I had things, priorities, to attend to, especially one that was his very sister, Seri.
"Raven!!! What do you mean you're not coming to the company ball?! Everyone will be there!" Seri whined as I checked her vitals on the screen and took some tests.
"I told you Seri, I have my duties to the hospital and you. Sephiroth will have a conniption, you know he doesn't dance anyways" I replied.
"well I'm going with Zack! He invited me in Aerith's place because of her circumstances! She insisted!" She fussed as she crossed her arms.
"Oh are you? Then I guess I have no choice~" I rolled my eyes playfully as I gave her medicine and a change of clothes from her closet and helped her put them on.
"Yay! Dress shopping!!!" Seri squealed. I helped her onto her wheelchair and we walked to the elevator to get to the bottom floor.
We walked along the streets of Midgar to a dress shop nearby. I was never really into girly stuff even as a kid. The only girly thing I wear is earrings bc my face still says masculine. I guess looking more like my father was half of a good thing. I'm glad I developed nicely up top and got ass for days. My dad would try and get me to wear hair berets or make up to make me look more feminine but I was a part of SOLDIER. I couldn't/it would run or snag in the field.
Seri and I walked through all the clothing racks. Seri picked out a few dresses her size. She kept on pointing to other dresses that might look good on me but none were speaking to me. Seri started scanning the whole store. I know those eyes too well, just like her brother's, always on target and ready to pounce. Then she grabbed a dark colored dress and snuck it under her picks, thinking she was sneaky. I only caught a glimpse of the color but not the style. I was worried but not in a scared way.
As we made our way to the changing rooms, she picked out a cute pink dress because she told me Aerith liked pink and wanted to respect her favorite color. Seri really has grown fond of both Zack and Aerith these past few years. I've never seen her this excited unless it was Sephiroth coming home to take her to a fancy dinner and toy shopping. She's 7 years younger than him yet they're both a spitting image of each other. They definitely are siblings.
I remember the day my father showed us her, so small and frail. It was devastating to see her health decline when she reached 10 years. My dad did so much for her, even as he got up in age, he was like a father to her. His death put a toll on all of us, I stayed with Shinra because I had nowhere else to go. That's when I became on call for SOLDIER and mostly full time at the Hospital. I made a promise to my dad and myself.
Seri showed off her dresses and then from underneath she revealed the dress she swiped for me. It was a long sleek slender gown with a slit up the leg that stops at the thigh and has one strap. It was a dark blue with shimmers.
"oh no...that's no me..." I deflected.
"Come on Raven just try it on! You never wear dresses so how can you know?!" Seri pouts and shoved the dress and shoved me into the changing room, "imma go find ya shoes! Be right back!" With those parting words she wheeled herself away and I was alone. In the changing room. With a floor to ceiling mirror...
I placed the dress over me to get a feel then I started to undress from my uniform into this dress. Once it was on I saw myself. My figure helped but I had muscle. Was that sexy? Appealing? I even posed with my leg out the slit.
"Raven! I'm back with shoes!" Seri snapped me out my thoughts and shoved the shoe box under the door. I looked inside. They were black high heels...
"You sure about this Seri?" I called out.
"trust me!!!" Seri giggled.
I gulped and tried on the shoes. I looked at myself again and was amazed. Everything...matched me... Was Seri some kind of fashion genius? Maybe those fashion magazines around the hospital didn't help.
"come on out I wanna seeeeee!!!" Seri whined and scooted her wheelchair back.
I opened the door and revealed myself. The look on Seri's face said it all. She looked like she saw an angel.
"you look...amazing!!!!" She took a picture with her phone. "Sephi will FLIP when he sees you in this dress!!!"
"you think so?" I blushed.
"I know so! And with your silver earrings to match him it'll be perfect!!! Zack is already matching me with a pink tie already. He is not scared of pink!" Seri laughed.
I smiled, "then I'll get this dress. And maybe a necklace for both of us"
I quickly got unchanged and went to go pick out some necklaces. I got matching silver bang necklaces for us. I paid for the shopping spree and we headed on home to the apartment. Only god knows what will happen tonight...
The ballroom of the venue was packed with higher ups and other important people. I adjusted my dress. My hair and make up fixed up to match my dress. I touched my necklace and took a deep breath and walked into the venue. Seri already left earlier with Sephiroth for the venue. She was adamant Sephiroth doesn't see me get dressed in my pretty gown. My heels clicked along the floor as my presence started to turn heads and unwanted whispers. Why am I so nervous?
Then I saw Seri and Zack talking it up in the SOLDIER section of the venue with our names on the tables on the outside of the dancefloor.
"well look who decided to show up!!" Zack chuckled, "you look pretty good in a dress and is that a clutch?!"
"yes Zack...and you look stunning in that suit. Really brings out your eyes" I teased. Zack's cheeks turned pink. "And your cheeks~"
Seri chuckled, "he at least has some good dance moves."
"Seri where is your brother?" I asked.
"over there next to the corporates and higher ups. He's been sipping champagne for an hour with them..." She pointed.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to them. The drunken fools started whistling at my appearance. I deflected their looks and focused on Sephiroth.
"Look who finally decided to wear make up after so long" Sephiroth commented as he left the drunken old men to come to me.
"you don't look half bad yourself" I adjusted his blue tie. I knew Seri would make him match me.
"Shall we go out to the balcony? Away from these fools and noise?" He suggested. I gladly accepted and we walked outside.
"I'm so used to the sound of the battlefield and hospital. Yet I always get nervous around other people." I chuckled. "At least Seri and Zack are having a great time."
Sephiroth chuckled and held Raven close, "who says we can't have our own fun out here? May I have this dance?"
I blushed and smiled, "you may" he soon pulled me in and we began slow dancing on the balcony to the muffled music of the ballroom. The moon shines full and bright above us.
We swayed back and forth and he spun me a few times. I knew he wasn't much for dancing but he learned to cheer me up when we were teenagers. He knew my father loved to dance with me. Even Genesis and Angeal got on the bandwagon. They were all my best friends. Well now I only have Sephiroth. Ever since we were young we were glued to the hip, even in battle we had each other's backs.
My heart started pounding faster at the thought of feelings for Sephiroth. Are we allowed? I'm not in SOLDIER anymore by default but I work with Seri now so it might be?
"you're making that face again~" Sephiroth spoke softly and snapped me out of my thoughts.
"what face?"
"the cute face you make when you're deep in thought or worried." Sephiroth smirked. Cute? Cute?!
"oh...sorry..." I chuckled embarrassingly.
"don't be sorry, I like it, besides you're beautiful tonight. Seri picked out a nice dress" he placed a hand on my hip, trailing his fingers against my exposed back, "and don't worry about the muscles, I like that about you, you're not dainty or fragile like Seri. Strong and stubborn."
I wrapped my arms around his neck, "you think so?"
"I know so" Sephiroth placed his other hand on my hip, leaning in closer to where we're almost nose to nose.
"I'm glad you said that, because I like a man who can keep me on my toes and always had my back for the past 25+ years" I stared into his eyes as the moonlight hit them.
"then I'll hold you to it for the rest of our lives. You've done too much to just be rewarded once" he leaned in closer.
"it's a promise" I closed the gap and kissed him. We held each other. He lifted me a bit to get one last jab at the toes statement. His chapped lips were soft and his hair was like silk. He even put it up for once in a low pony with a small braid.
We separated with a few good breaths between us. Was dad always right that I might end up with Sephiroth? I don't care, if it is true, I know where my heart lies tonight. It's definitely with him. Soon we were surprised to see Seri and Zack. Seri looked like she was about to lose it at the fact we finally kissed. Zack was dumbfounded that Sephiroth knew how to be romantic.
"I did it! I knew you guys would come out here! And you kissed!!!!" Seri squeaked out giggles and stumbled to her brother and I.
Sephiroth held her steady, "I guess your constant nagging about me staring and smiling paid off, little sister."
Seri smiled, "it's only a matter of time till I hear wedding bells! I wanna be the maid of honor! Can we invite Aerith?! Cloud?!"
"Slow down Hyperactive Kitten, it'll be way down the line for that possibility. What if we just eloped?" I chuckled.
"don't care! I still get wedding bells!" Seri smiled as Sephiroth twirled her around in his arm. She brought him so much joy. I don't remember a day where he tried to visit her and play with her, even being a muse for her paintings. She loved him just as much.
"maybe once I retire, we'll see about that" Sephiroth smiled.
Zack gasped, "you're leaving me all alone no fair! It'll just be me and Cloud!" He pouted playfully.
I laughed at his expression and we had a fun night for the rest of the evening. My feet were sore and tired from dancing. At the apartment I helped Seri get ready for bed and hung her cute dress up for her to look at in her room. I made my way to the other bedroom and got undressed into pajama shorts and a tank top. I wiped off all my make up.
Sephiroth was just in sweatpants as he looked at me with soft eyes. I walked to him and gave him another kiss. Memories of sharing a tent or a bed together on trips, even into older age, came into my mind. Entangling our bodies together to stay warm. Him placing his head on mine. Even in uniform it was comfy. Like we were two sides of one coin. We laid down in the large bed, embracing each other, with me laying my head on his chest. Listening to his strong heart. His strong arm wrapped around my figure. My olivey complexion is a clear difference from his pale skin.
"Goodnight Sephiroth" I yawned softly.
"Goodnight Raven...I love you" He smiled.
"I love you too"
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Ghosts 3x4 Episode thoughts
I am super excited for this. I love going in with complete blindness.
It's made the show so much better. Also, seriously spoiling some stuff in the preview commercial just now.
I love the Halloween stuff.
LMAO at Thor's excitement! He's cute - ohhhhh Sam's response was good.
"Not exactly like a kid on Christmas."
OMG - Sass and Hetty. They are funny.
They are such dorks.
The ghosts are so not great.
Awww "Not the package Thor" - Get arms sliced off.
Hetty has no chill. Apple picking is fun.
I love the faces on Isaac/Trevor's faces when Pete's wife showed up.
Wait, did I miss it - Did Trevor do this?
Oh Pete's so not ready for this.
Ohhhhh Pete/Jay without Jay hearing his support.
Uh oh uh oh.
She's dying from choking? On donut holes????
Also love the seance and 50 year old bag of weed.
Also Trevor/Sass sitting together a lot.
Jay! OMG
Also, what is up with the way Isaac is sitting? It's very .... sexy posy.
OOOOOOOH. That was great - them seeing that.
I love that they really want to see Flower :)
Ohhhhh Jay. Oh, oh, Jay.
Ahhh Jay's ghost notes.
That was definitely graphic, Sass.
Isaac suggesting Jay do it.
Poor Jay, he's so going to do it.
Awww Thor! That's so cute.
Sam lying about the possibility of the parts.
I love Sam as a pumpkin!!!! And them mocking her.
Sam talking to Carol not knowing!!!!
I LOVE that they still don't know!!!
OH Poor Pete! "Meow Meow". - Isaac trying to get him to join.
I love how this party is so big! It's perfect!
OMG OMG OMG. "You win the costume contest."
Trevor being like "WE GOTTA TELL SAM"
Sam putting a foot down! And Hetty being like "Well, guess we can't tell her or do anything."
Awwwww the friends are like "AH SAM."
I can't believe she hasn't realized she's talking to a ghost.
"Found the corpse"
OMG they think they killed her???
Hetty being like "Well, I would tell her but she said no." (outdated advice).
They are so freaked out and Jay is NOT Helping!
I love how cheerful the ghosts are about it.
Jay found her ring!!! COME ON FLOWER!
The ghosts not telling her about Carol 'cause they're made at her!
The faces on Isaac and Trevor!
Technically she's right - right about his LIONS!??? SASS OMG.
They thinking that they're murderers!
The screaming! No one at the party noticing????
Sass is like "couple of things..."
Sam is right to be upset!
That is ironic! Honestly!
"The coroner's on the way clearing out the party."
"Since that is all I am good for."
Aww Pete, "What did I do to the Universe?"
This is so fucking funny.
Love Carol asking questions and Trevor's like "Not now".
Just saying, Sam was right to yell at them. and they were petty.
Also, no Isaac speech???
"Hello, my lions!"
So... we're waiting on the last minute... I really hope they don't just sent Carol off 'cause Pete needs to yell at her first!
Carol's questions.... "Let it soak in"
Jay! You're not helping!
Trevor is like "CAROL we're in the middle of something!"
Nothing is happening!
A wonder if Carol's questions will lead to a nod to Jay's ghost manual!
I love that everyone's like On Pete's Side! YESSSSS.
I'm excited, this was awesome!
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psychangels · 11 months
been thinking abt the different dynamics and general relationships between the gang. so here's those thoughts summarized, with my more in-depth ones under the cut
chai and peppermint they have a very fun dynamic, with their bickering and bantering. the evolution of their relationship is fascinating and sweet, and i will forever love how peppermint starts caring about chai fairly early on and lies horribly about it to his face because she doesn't want to admit to anyone—least of all herself—that she's getting attached
chai and macaron their dynamic is just nice and sweet. chai helps macaron grow more confident and tries to help him relax. macaron helps chai by rooting for him and complimenting him when others won't. it's also rlly cute how they're the only ones to refer to each other with nicknames/terms of endearment (mac and little guy respectively)
peppermint and macaron endlessly fascinating to me how they both love roxanne and what she built so much that, despite not meeting due to her keeping them at arms length, they're ultimately brought together
macaron and cnmn their dynamic is so fun! cnmn's bluntness contrasts well with macaron's cautious nature. love how macaron built cnmn because he didn't want to be alone...and was self-aware enough that he needed help to also make them a therapy bot
chai and cnmn such an interesting dynamic. the guy that supresses basically any and all negative feelings and hides his past and pains; the therapist robot that recognizes that, but is just tactful enough to not call him out on it...for the most part
cnmn and peppermint kind of a similar dynamic to cnmn and chai. she appreciates cnmn for his more analytical side than his goofiness
cnmn and korsica these two can be fun. korsica definitely appreciates how direct cnmn is. i think post-game, they probably bond a bit over how they both got pretty fucked up by kale physically.
chai and korsica their dynamic is just...truly fascinating to me. mostly bc of their parallels. i've made a post talking about that in the past, though, so i won't repeat myself. but i also really like their differences. the main one that i always think of is her drive to challenge herself and need to do more, which contrasts with his more lax nature
peppermint and korsica they're neat. they get along well because they're pretty similar. both assertive, tactical, and confident in their own skills; share a distaste for puns and a need to keep busy; total dorks. post-game i imagine they grow pretty close.
macaron and korsica these two have a lot of potential for a interesting dynamic. they both look up to and respect roxanne a lot, and knew that something was wrong with the company but did not act due to their own beliefs. her levelheadedness is a good counter for his anxiety.
chai and peppermint their relationship starts off the most strained out of all of them, with the exception of korsica for obvious reasons. something that i find interesting is how she starts to care about him fairly early on. despite being (understandably) mad at him for blowing her cover, she checks in on him and compliments him throughout the parry tutorial. later, when she shows up at macaron's lab, she runs in saying, "don't be dead!" and lies horribly about being worried about him when he asks.
the two of them both seek out loneliness and prefer to be on their own. but it's interesting how, despite being described as the "loner hacker girl," peppermint is actually far more inclined to seek help and companionship than chai. she clearly doesn't want to admit that, though, considering how, as i said earlier, she lies about being worried about him. she does sort of let it slip when she mentions how 808 provides companionship as well as being a spy drone, though
the two of them have a very fun dynamic. they bicker and banter. their interactions are often filled with a sort of confidence, if that makes sense. not really sure how to explain. all of the lines they say to each other when she gets called in are sort of assertive in some capacity; that same confidence. there's a growing trust there.
chai and macaron their relationship and dynamic is very nice. there isn't as much to say as the previous dynamic, but that's because they don't rlly have a whole lot of growth in terms of theirs. it stays basically the same the whole time. but that makes sense and works well, because macaron's growth is centered around him becoming more confident. which chai is great for, because he's probably the most confident member of the whole gang aside from peppermint and probably cnmn.
they're the only members of the gang to refer to each other with any sort of nicknames/terms of endearment (chai calls him mac; macaron calls him little guy), which is neat. also really cute.
also, to discuss the lines that they say when he's called in: they're actually fairly assertive and confident. they have no lines where they check-in on each other, but this time there are no exceptions. i honestly find this a little strange, i feel like out of all of them, macaron would want to check on chai the most.
peppermint and macaron something that i find so interesting about their relationship is how they both seemed to be very close to roxanne despite the ways she held them at arms length, yet they never met until recently-ish. it makes sense why. but it really does make me wonder if roxanne never even had pictures of her kids in her office or anything similar. i also find it fascinating how their love of roxanne, and what she built, is what eventually causes them to meet
we don't really get to see them interacting one-on-one much, but they seem to get along relatively well. they have a lot of similar interests and hobbies (stem stuff), which definitely helps with that. i can imagine them helping each other out with projects when one of them is struggling with a certain bit of code or figuring out a design or...other tech-y things
macaron and cnmn the bffs! i love them. it's really interesting to see sort of a reverse of peppermint and chai, who sought loneliness and preferred being on their own, with macaron, who was sort of forced in many ways to be on his own but chose to seek companionship by making cnmn. i also find it fascinating how he specifically chose to build them with the purpose of being a sort of therapist. it shows how self-aware he is. i also find it hilarious that he named him CRAP, most likely without meaning to
their dynamic is very fun! cnmn's bluntness has a nice contrast with macaron's more nervous nature. the way that macaron prefers peaceful options, whereas cnmn is totally down to fight, but simply can't due to macaron's preferences being reflected in their design. inaction vs action, but in a friendly and compassionate way
chai and cnmn such an interesting dynamic. the guy that supresses basically any and all negative feelings and hides his past and pains; the therapist robot that recognizes that, but is just tactful enough to not call him out on it...for the most part. i get the sense that chai is sort of wary of cnmn in some ways because of that. but he also respects them and enjoys their company. they have fun! they're both silly fellas! they enjoy puns!
i love how cnmn has his own sort of growth, and chai, while he doesn't fully know how to help them with it, does what he can: offer his support. it's very sweet. it's also interesting because it's the reverse of what you would expect. you'd think cnmn would be the one helping chai with his insecurities, but instead they're the one being offered comfort and support
cnmn and peppermint kind of a similar dynamic to cnmn and chai, but i don't think peppermint's really wary of cnmn. she enjoys his company more for his analytical side, rather than his goofy one. i think she appreciates his bluntness. she also appreciates that he knows when to and when to not share his thoughts and perceptions, for obvious reasons
i wish i had more to say about them, but similar to macaron and peppermint, we don't get to see the two of them interact one-on-one. and they don't have As much in common, aside from that cnmn knows how to hack. the two of them likely aren't particularly close, but that doesn't mean they don't care abt one another.
cnmn and korsica these two can be fun. korsica definitely appreciates how direct cnmn is. i think post-game, they probably bond a bit over how they both got pretty fucked up by kale physically. they would try to help her feel less self-conscious about her scars, and offer support on the whole in regards to some of her insecurities. in turn, she would teach them to fight and help them with their own insecurities in regards to how they feel like they don't do enough for the team
in terms of actual canon interactions, this is another one where we don't get to see very many, so i don't have much else to say. but i do think they'll become fairly close
chai and korsica these two are so interesting to me. they're the only ones with voice lines when she's called in where they ask one another if they're okay ("korsica, you got this?" "you alright, chai?"). she also actively compliments him, unlike the others ("good timing!" "very precise, chai!"). and, of course, she has her moment where she compliments him in the hideout after she joins the team. also special shoutout to him calling her "vandelay security's finest" (heard if you perform one of her jam combos)
their dynamic is just...truly fascinating to me. mostly because of their parallels. i've made a post talking abt that in the past, though, so i won't repeat myself. but i also really like their differences. the main one that i always think of is her drive to challenge herself and need to do more, which contrasts with his more lax nature
peppermint and korsica they're neat. they get along well because they're pretty similar. both assertive, tactical, and confident in their own skills; share a distaste for puns and a need to keep busy; total dorks. post-game i imagine they grow pretty close. peppermint helps korsica with her implants and things down in security; korsica helps peppermint with getting rid of some of kale's bullshittery that's still left
i'm viewing their dynamic here from a more platonic lens, but peppermint's crush is important to take into account. though i'm not sure how much it would really change up their dynamic, aside from peppermint's flustered-ness causing potential cute/silly moments
macaron and korsica these two have a lot of potential for an interesting dynamic. they both look up to and respect roxanne a lot, and knew that something was wrong with the company but did not act due to their own beliefs (macaron didn't want to fight; korsica pushed down her feelings because she had finally achieved her dream). they also both have arm implants, which i'm sure macaron helps her adjust to
her levelheadedness is a good counter for his anxiety. i imagine her presence, though perhaps intimidating at first, can actually be rather calming. especialy since she is known to offer reassurance to those that need it (her interactions with chai being the primary example). i see the two of them as pretty good friends
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sallyastral · 1 year
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Pav x Miles x Gayatri hcs
When Pavitr and Miles hang out it’s super high energy - they run and yell and fight (not actually, it’s more so play wrestling) all day
When Pavitr and Gayatri hang out it’s very calm, sleepy almost - they watch a movie or bake and they talk quietly the whole time
Miles and Gayatri have a compromise where they go in early and spend time winding down where they watch the sun set after a day of going out
I also think Pav and Miles snitch on each other to Gayatri when they’re out, that’s how she knows so much about how and stuff
And a bonus since I messed up the first time
Miles paints on them when they hang out. It’s usually flowers or stars but it covers their whole arms and they love it
Miles also has a sketchbook just for them because he’s whipped
No really, please forgive me! I've been so busy lately with exams to enter a new school and stuff that I completely forgot to check my mail for new headcanons request, I'm so so sorry!!
Time to make up for my mistakes...
Disclaimer: they're all dating in here
Unfortunately these three have the chance to hang out together only when they're all in Mumbattan, as Gayatri can't travel to Miles' dimension
But that's not a problem, because since Miles started dating Gayatri too he intensified his visits to Mumbattan to stay with her too
Miles and Pav's dynamic is pretty energic, they like doing many activities together and often go swing in the city or friendly fight on some roofs
They're also pretty loud most of the time, laughing and talking about everyone and everything
Pav and Gayatri instead are way more calmer
They like going on romantic date nights, walks, or cooking something at home together
Miles and Gayatri are a mix of both dynamics
They either stay at home cuddling, or he brings her swining across Mumbattan watching the sunrise or sunset, depending on her mood
Pav and Miles often gossip about the Spider Society with Gayatri, she knows a lot of things about its members without even entering the HQ
She never met him, but already wants to beat Miguel up for hurting her bf Miles
On the other hand Gayatri talks to them about other models at her modeling agency
Also Pavitr is a fucking snitch
"Hey babe did you know that Miles did this while you were away-" "NO I DIDN'T?????"
Gayatri is basically a dog owner with two feral dogs ready to throw themselves in danger just to protect her
Miles has this thing where he likes to draw all over his partners' bodies
They could be just peacefully watching a movie together and Miles casually pulls out a pen and starts scribbling stars, sunflowers, and hearts on their arms and hands
They both let him do that because he's so damn cute
Miles also has a whole sketchbook dedicated just to those two
Let's be honest, both Pav and Gayatri are hotties: one is naturally buff and the other one is a literal model
What more could an artist ask for?
He spends a lot of time drawing them, for "anatomy practice"
Miles also designed some of the clothes Gayatri wore at certain shows
He would probably have a heart attack if someone outside of him opened that sketchbook, there are things in there that must not be shown to anyone else for... Reasons.
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hearts4golbach · 1 year
Zombified. (Larry Johnson x Fem!Reader.)
part 2
co-written by @cupid-isgone
it's been ages since I'd last seen the group! Seeing the three work together so smoothly... they were different. but somehow the same, as well. sal laughed when he saw who I was and doubled down on Larry, taking care of me.
as if I needed 'taking care of'.'
I glared at Larry, immediately hating every second of what just happened. he has sold me skunk weed countless times until I cussed him out, resulting in me being shoved into a locker. we had fought every day until graduation. I rolled my eyes. "I can take care of myself. I don't need Larry, thank you very much."
"As if! you can't even stand right now on your own." Larry smirked at me.
sal clapped his hands once. "Great, so you agree to help her until she's better, right?"
"I did NOT say that."
"Glad we agree. now, we all need to head somewhere safer. this city is overrun by zombies by now. but there should be a forest nearby."
"Yeah, i don't really want to become a human happy meal." I smiled, ignoring Larry's rude manner.
I began to stand by myself before falling on my ass.
"for fucks sake, Larry, just help the poor girl." sally rolled his eyes.
Larry grunted as he lifted me to my feet and adjusted, moving my arm around his shoulders and his around my waist. I could feel my face heat up with embarrassment.
by now, my arm had been put into a makeshift sling, and the pain was easier to ignore.
"Let's just get going." I didn't want to deal with Larry's standoffish behavior, but at least he was cute.
his muscular arms flexed as they wrapped tighter around me. my face was still hot, but with more than embarrassment.
"okay, look, if we get through the forest we will come across a different town. the further south we get, the less there are. there should also be a stable amount of supplies." sal cleared his throat, pulling up a map.
"You know that's just a rumor? they same the same thing about here." I mention.
Todd piped up from where he was standing. "it's the best we can hope for right now. if there's even a small chance, we have to take it."
"he's right, and we should leave now before the hoard circles back around." sal said.
Larry and I nodded, and we set off. ignoring the fact that I could barely move, the trek started out easy enough.
"By the way, sal, the hoard was already here and almost killed Y/n."
sal rolled his eyes. "You know they're  fucking everywhere, right?"
we began our March towards the woodlan, which was more or less an awkward hobble for me.
the forest was quiet at first, but then the sun started setting. there weren't any in sight, but we could hear some zombies. we had to find somewhere to stay soon. it was barely a few minutes later that we saw a small building.
"the fuck is this? Larry asked, cautiously opening the door.
"a fucking shed, you idiot. what does it look like?" I retorted.
"It looks like this is camp tonight." sal groaned, placing his sleeping bag as close to the wall as he could so that there was room for all of us.
"You've gotta be shitting my dick." Larry grumbled, setting up out sleeping bags next to Todd's.
my sleeping bag was against the other wall, but I had to be turned towards Larry to avoid putting pressure on my bad arm.
"What are you looking at?" he whispered, not wanting to wake anyone up.
"You." I replied bluntly. I was having trouble sleeping, but I wasn't going to tell HIM that.
"You're so weird." Larry closed his eyes.
"Why did you turn to look at me?" I looked away from him and began working on my snapped bandages.
Larry's eyes flickered open to look at me once more. "Let me help."
"I'm fine." I attempted to argue, but he ignored me. his soft hands gently caressed my arm, sending goosebumps around my whole body. I looked up at him, admiration forming as I watched his concentrated face. "...thanks." I shivered as a cold wind passed through the run-down shack. Larry, without even looking up, pulled me closer. he hummed a vague acknowledgment, but otherwise said nothing. I exhaled slowlythroughh my nose. "weirdo." I teased.
"shut the fuck up dude, I'm cold too." I rolled my eyes at him. I looked down at my tattered jacket. Larry seemed to sense my worry and sat up.
"Where are you going?" I questioned him. he didn't answer as he reached into his backpack and brought out a black hoodie that said 'Sanitys Fall' on the front.
"I was keeping this for memories, but I guess you need it more." he whispered, tossing it to me before laying back down and pulling me close once more.
the hoodie smelled vaguely of cologne. it was neatly folded so it would fit as small as it could in his bag. I closed my eyes and exhaled the musk.
we were just laying down, looking at each other.
it was like Larry was trying to look into my soul and pull me apart, like he was trying to figure something out.
I shifted the best I could without agrivating my injuries. "stop looking at me like that."
"like what?"
like I was a particularly tough puzzle, like I was somebody he wanted to know.
"like a loser."
"I look like a loser? I'm not the one with a broken arm." he held a proud smirk on his face.
"yeah, you do." I frowned.
"flip that frown upside down, babe. there's no need to be sad." he chuckled, pinching my cheek.
I slapped his hand away. "get your crusty hands off of me." I mumbled.
"awe, someone is a little moody."
I huffed. "anyone would be moody if they were stuck with you for too long."
"you sat that, but you don't seem really upset, do you?" Larry snorted as I was silent for a short moment.
"oh, shut up." it was late and yawns were interrupting my sentences often. I could hardly think of any good comebacks anymore as my eyes finally fluttered shut.
"falling asleep on me already, y/n?" I could hear the smugness in his voice, but it was strangely comforting.
"Yeah, stupid. I'm in a lot of pain, and having to look at your face makes it worse."
Larry mumbled something incoherent under his breath. I snuggled close to his chest and fell asleep.
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star-cristal-cec · 1 year
Sorry for any English mistakes!! I do not speak this language!
{~📃 |•STELLA!•|🐜~™}
Name: Stella
Feminine gender
Species: Ant
Friends: Hoppo, GERBO, Gradient Joe, Bugbo (although he wants to be your date)
Stella is an ant almost the size of Bugbo, she is a woman, she is part of Bugbo's group and she is one of the tallest in the group, second only to Bugbo in terms of who is taller. Stella and Bugbo are partners for life. They always have adventures together or not.
{ ™°} Appearance:
Stella is a blue ant with legs and arms in a darker shade of blue, she has bright pink eyes and hair (fds, the ant will have hair lol), Stella has two antennas on her head, unlike Bugbo, her antennas are fallen.
Stella is a character who is introverted, she is generally calm and likes to help others, she also worries about others and is afraid of something happening to them, she also tries to protect her friends.
Stella is very kind and listens well, something that catches Bugbo's attention, she's not the best at solving so many problems but she's willing to try! Stella has a big heart, her biggest fear is being alone and being abandoned and letting people down
However, despite being calm, she can end up getting angry, she can simply become a bombshell when she is angry and there are cases where she can end up being aggressive and destroying things and ends up being out of her mind, but this is very rare. to occur . When she runs in, she feels very guilty for not having controlled herself properly.
She feels calmer and happier with her friends, especially GERBO, for her, Gerbo is a great friend and very innocent, despite Gerbo being stupid, she tries to teach him something
(I know it's silly, but I like doing this and I don't know why lol )
The relationship with Bugbo and Stella is kind of cute, the two sometimes get along well, Bugbo is always calm and respects her and she respects him, Bugbo wants to take her to have various adventures with his friends, but this doesn't always happen due to some commitments . The two can even combine because:
- They like to help
- Always try to remain calm
- They can even solve problems
- They like to talk But like anything
it also has some problems, because Bugbo is sometimes a bit psychopathic and manipulative, which makes Stella a little upset and angry with him, but she lets it go, or Bugbo is sometimes a little clingy and sometimes for the sake of Stella's anger. Other than that, it's calm. But they're not totally dating yet
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isca-tide · 1 month
6x02 Last one for the night. Here we go.
Heh. This should still be Zaddy Cop and about Tim, but I do love this song. It's insanely catchy. Yes Celina, dance girl! Eh, you know, Bailey and Nolan have grown on me. I still don't like when they take up so much time in episodes all the time, every now and then is fine, but it is what it is. God, Grey and Luna are the cutest. Department mum and dad will always save the day. Oh Aaron, baby.
Tim honey no, you need to talk. I do get it though. They're both deflecting and frustrated and it's so much easier to talk about things in the future instead of the now. And just keep putting off that future for the next future. Tim and Lucy I love you deeply and you work together so well, but your personal communication issues really need some work. Lady, get your dog to the vet right away. Why would you even wait?! Ugh. Monica. I can't even appreciate Oscar anymore because of Monica. Oh Lucy. Her coffee tumbler really is a little support blanket for her. Someone hug her, please. Angela, honey. You are in the line of fire, stay safe. But also please work your magic and get them back together in S7. Or help them in S7. They need to work on themselves to get back together, but please. Work that magic. Because the writers dropped the ball on your supportive nature in S6 and I need it back thank you. Just clinging to the little moments where they smile at each other or she touches his arm and he touches her back. Drinking raindrops off of petals in the desert. The gifsets are right. Tim was never going to let Lucy fight The Hammer. But I do love the teasing. The little 'you got this'. And how she gets so concerned as the fight progresses. She's mad at him but no-one hurts her man. I mean, in reality both these men are severely injured at this point, but reality is dull. Ugh. Writers why would you do this very obvious thing to us only to have them break up a few episodes later? You better give us the real deal in S7 I swear to god. I want a proposal by then end of S7. I mean maybe S8 would be more natural progression for a slow burn back together, but I'm not sure I can wait for S8. I think they're safe from cancellation, so we don't have to worry about the show getting cancelled before we get proper resolution, but still. I'd just rather it sooner. You never know what might happen down the line. I do love Chastity, I have to say. Pete is always a bit eh for me, but Chastity has grown on me so much.
Tim, you're pretty much spot on. And Chastity, so insightful. It's absoltuely true that Tim does have an issue with it, but yeah. Ugh, I just really needed Lucy to acknowledge she's scared and deflecting. Maybe in S7 I guess. Her cute little smile though when she's off the call from Tim. Mad or not, she loves her man deeply. Nyla's 'run'. But also Nyla's accidental foreshadowing, since Lucy is severely lacking a support system outside of Tim. I mean she isn't, the writers just really dropped the ball and made it look like she did. Oh his soft smile, his soft eyes. Just for her. Also my god, she knows exactly what she's doing to him when she gets in so close. God they're so tactile with each other. So the bug question is a baseline, she already knows the answer and this just confirms it properly. I think the same is true for the love question. I don't think this is the first time he's said it to her, because she's not surprised or giddy or overjoyed. She looks at the monitor to confirm what she already knows, because he's said it before. I wish we'd seen it before but nothing can convince me otherwise unless they say it in canon. And then they're wrong. It's a cute moment, I love it, but no way these two haven't said this before. If it was the first time she would 100% say it back then and there. Like in S5, knowing and being okay are two different things. I think if she'd asked if he supported her being a UC then it might have come back as true. But wanting and supporting are two different things. I mean lie detectors are nonsense anyway but in the universe of the show, we'll trust it. But he supports her. Even if he wishes he didn't. But having been through what he has, seen what he has? Why would he want that life for her? For him? He's so shocked. He was so sure. I'm glad it helps him confront the fact he's been forcing his real feelings down, but I wish we'd had a reversal for Lucy too. Her using the lie detector, realising she's deflecting, and she's a lot more unsure of UC than she realised. Wesley and James, you sweetpeas. I wish I could just wear a suit. Them not turning up together hurts so much though. I like to think maybe she got there early to help out with preparations. She's obviouly a little bit miffed but I want to think they always planned to go separately anyway. Luna, absolute angel. Lucy next to her bff James. I'm kidding but I really want more of Lucy and Wesley and James. I think they'd be an adorable trio. You really couldn't give us a hand hold or something, show? Leaning against his shoulder during the vows? A little glance? Nothing? Cruel. Just cruel. Eh, the vows themselves are a little. Eh. I'm just going to say it. Maybe if I was more into Bailan I'd find it cuter but it's just...ya know. It'll be nothing compared to the Chenford wedding, which we're absolutely getting. Where's Henry's wife btw? Did they mention? Or maybe they're not married yet but still. Guess they couldn't get the actress back for this episode. Tim go and dance with your wife! Also their little smiles for each other across the dancefloor. Celina and Aaron our new co-captains checking in on our ship. Oh Aaron, sweetie. I mean I don't blame you at all, Celina is gorgeous and wonderful and amazing. But oh, yeah. Ouch. But also Aaron, you have a station full of people with trauma. Lucy has always said she's there for you and she has heaps of trauma. Side note, I need Luna and Lucy having a girl's day out.
Okay back to Chenford. My god these two. Even when they're at odds, they just love each other so much. The way she touches him. Always a hand on his chest and over his heart. Her little 'hmms'. Tim's darling smile just for her. Aaron, are you the new Tamara? Let us have more than 30 seconds please for the love of god. God Tim looks so pissed before he schools his expression back to something more neutral. He was having a moment, Aaron!
Now he knows Aaron isn't a threat but he also knows he's drunk and a bit too much, so he slides an arm around Lucy to keep her close to him, and makes sure to keep Aaron the other side and at arm's length away. Lucy instantly looking for Celina because she can sense something happened. Celina, this is why you tell people where you're going please. After last time with Aaron when you said you should've called it in. Okay so Lucy and Tim totally made out in some secret dark corner. Maybe not full on hooking up, but that woman has a smile and some pep in her step. They absolutely made out. A lot. I need more fics of that too, thank you. And just general after the wedding and saving Celina fics. Those two need some make-up sex. Stat.
Lucy taking point. My girl. Tim on her six. And now I take a break until tomorrow. Not that I'm putting off getting to *that* episode. No sireee.
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