#they're not....great...as someone who is used to watching streamers
cementcornfield · 1 year
i NEED a clip of ja'marr using cher omg
god all i remember was that he used it once or twice during a gta rp stream. he definitely wouldn't have any occasion to use it during like, a locker room interview lmao. i will do my best to get a clip when he says it next!!
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Okay this is 100% discourse, so maybe avert your eyes if you don't want to see me wail at the heavens, but for a fandom so anxious about boundaries, we haven't actually been very good in practice at respecting the actual stated boundaries the streamers put down, and I think it shows what we're actually policing, which is not things to make the streamers comfortable, it's stuff to make us comfortable.
This ranges from inventing new boundaries for people (you can't use neopronouns for ranboo, their pronouns are he/they; there's no boundaries on dark content for streamers so obviously we have to invent and enforce dark sbi rules ourselves) and then harassing people based on those boundaries that we just made up, to ignoring the actual things that the streamers said if we don't agree with them (cc!dream said he was uncomfortable with gore art back during the revolutionary war/exile but he's a villain, right, so we can just do whatever we want with the character, right?) and just doing whatever we want.
This is a recurring problem, with people violently policing boundaries that the fandom has all agreed on, to the point of doxxing and harassment and death threats, and ignoring boundaries that they have decided "don't make sense".
Like here's the example I put in the tags earlier, which is Technoblade related. Everyone knows that family dynamic is great and shipping is a no-go, right? But if you actually go looking for the clips, (or listen to streams in the background recursively while you're doing other things), you'll find that what Technoblade said about shipping was that it was "kinda cringe" (I think the list of things he said was cringe included reading percy jackson books and talking like you're better at video games than you actually are), and he was MUCH stronger in saying that he didn't like family dynamic in canon, saying that he didn't like it, that it was non-canon, and he'd never betray his family like that.
But if you look at the entire "found family" tag on Ao3, 19,860 stories, Technoblade is tagged into 29% of them. That's 5,760 fics just blowing right past what Technoblade said. Boom. Taking that character from his political anarchist setting and setting him right down in a royalty au w. younger siblings.
Because obviously a family dynamic isn't actually going to hurt someone's feelings or make them feel weird, the fandom has agreed, so what he must mean was that saying that family dynamic was actual literal canon is the only bad thing (I have been clotheslined by family dynamic written into stuff tagged as "canon compliant" multiple times as well,) and we can continue with the fun family stuff, right? Because someone saying they don't like family dynamic doesn't make Sense, in the way that I like it, the fandom has agreed, so we can just ignore that clip. Honestly I think that a ton of people have no idea that Technoblade ever said anything negative about family dynamic, because that clip is never brought out or talked about. I literally only know about it because I've watched that stream.
Meanwhile, the much less firmly stated boundary when it comes to shipping is absolutely doubled down on and brought out to justify mobbing people off the internet, because everyone already knows that shipping is bad and terrible and tainted and horrible to do and we don't like it, so even the slightest indication that it's out has to be grabbed and used to police people. So that everyone can be very to sure themselves that what they're doing is not weird, and the streamers are okay with it, and if I showed them my fic they'd say they liked it.
They're not going to give the Ok to your fic, because the fic isn't FOR them, and it shouldn't be. It's for the other weird fans who can't stop thinking about the block men characters, it's not for the actors. The actors have their own lives, leave them alone.
To be clear, I am not saying that we should stop writing family dynamic to respect Technoblade's feelings. Among other things, I don't think he's checking his character tag on Ao3 right now. But like, I've talked before about the way that boundaries culture ends up working in practice, and how constantly bringing problems up to streamers just ends up showing them all the things that are the most weird to the streamer. You only have to look at what most of Benchtrio has done in terms of boundaries, which has been transitioning from very explict boundaries with details on everything to just saying "just use your manners," stopping answering questions, and telling people to actually think about what they're showing the streamer instead of expecting someone to weigh in on it for them.
But even when it comes to the boundaries that we do have, that we know about, the way people enforce them seems to be less about actually respecting what the creators like, and more about making sure we're morally pure and never have to see something that we personally don't like, and we don't happen to have any of that nasty boys kissing content in our work, because we all know that's terrible. (And as someone who's seen crackdowns on LGBTQIA content several times, that certainly has unfortunate overtones.)
As long as it's all kept away from the creators, I really think that fluffy cuddly family dynamic and kissing fic and hardcore whump all falls into the category of "not for the creators, they might find that one weird, but you do you". Like keep it away from the streamers, use your brain, but like, it's all a bit weird and for fun. Let it be weird and for fun in a secluded part of the internet, keep it away from the streamers, tag your shit for people who don't want to see it, and go to town.
So just like, I really think that "creator boundaries" should be more about using your brain as to what you show the streamer, and less about harassing someone off the internet cause they drew kissing art.
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feralwetcat · 4 months
I haven't been very sappy on main so *throws sad shit at you* (aka me thanking the fable community and cast again, cuz goddammit you guys are so neat and cool)
Fable smp was, and is probably one of my favorite things I've discovered, i clicked on one of heyhays vods one day on a whim and gods im so glad i did, the way Fable has shaped me as a person and helped me improve is honestly crazy, its how i got into doing art, how i improved, how i met most of my friends, its genuinely been an amazing journey.
For me as a person, my home has always been an odd environment, without getting into too much detail my family has lots of trauma circling around, my brother and dad especially, so the way Fable comforted me through bad days, or when my dad would burst out at me or my mum, its genuinely such a crazy thing that these little block guys have helped me through so fucking much, the way they've helped me discover who i am, to feel represented through so many characters, heck even just hyperfixating with others, its amazing
Its helped me become more confident in my own skin, able to accept my body and how fucked up it is, from the rep with disabilities to identities, seeing something like "hey i have that!" Or "i experience that!", even the small pieces, its so fuckin awesome to see such cool people that are honestly like me
To all the cast: thank you, if not for making Fable, but for representing people, for showing us how much of an outlet being creative can be, and everything in between, all of this is so crazy how cool and detailed it is, truly.
To the fandom: you all are so fuckin cool, the way i get so excited when you guys interact with my stuff, art, silly posts, or just jokes, it's just so cool to interact with y'all, I've made so many friends and i know I'll make more, especially with all the smps y'all promote, keep doin that, i love your stuff guys<3
(now for specifics that have made me feel seen ayo)
To Athena: thank you, genuinely, for making a space that i feel seen in, i feel welcome in, the rep with C!Athenas disability and still having a great time, having a fulfilling life, which I've been told so many times I can't have due to my disabilities, its so amazing, even if its sleepy stardew, lore, or anything in-between, your community and self is so inviting and comforting. Your voice has always been so comforting (like a chill pink mixed with a light coffee brown feel:]), and i genuinely can't thank you enough, if not for representing me, but for becoming a comfort streamer for me
To Ghosty: Caspian as a character was so cool to see, his story was like a good book really, one you could pull up and watch with some tea or hot coco and a blanket, one that was so interesting, I've experienced some of the issues he worked through and it felt so amazing to see, especially a trans character whos entire personality wasn't that he was trans, or a character who struggled with grief but was still happy and able to be *alright* sometimes, thank you.
To Sherb: the way you did lore, and continue to do lore, always excited me, got me feeling genuine emotions, which I've always struggled with, it made me get into storytelling, something I've always enjoyed, it made me get into telling my own stories, its been so enjoyable, and will continue to be ! Icarus as a character made me feel seen in the way that you can care for someone, trust them fully, but they can still be a good person, but the way they treat you makes you believe they're a good person, and thats really important to me. Thank you Sherbert
To Connor: gods your writing is so cool, your fics motivated me to start writing again, and Ulysses as a character as well is such an interesting character, his writing is so neat and his story again made me feel so seen in many ways, and your writing is so good
Finally, To Beck: Arisanna was and continues to be a character i resonate with, always working for someone, never for yourself, feeling alone at times even with many people, having to or feeling like you have to provide for your friends and family, i grew up feeling like i had to protect my older brother, make sure he was alright, and Ari made me feel seen in that way, thanks for that, really
Thank you everyone, for supporting me, through my art, pickup lines, or just dumb jokes
Signed, FeralWetCat (Kai)
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bunbunbillion · 5 months
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i've been recording everything i consume for the past few months to do a media thread at the end of every quarter. and now april is over... so its time to talk about stuff!! forever!!!!!!
01/13 - Homestuck (Re-Read)
I finished re-reading Homestuck for the... 4th? 5th time? I've lost count. It's a good way to start the year though. This time around I read it with my girlfriend, who you should give all of your money too (@yinkybaginky), and it was very fun to see someones reaction to it for the first time. She knew literally nothing about Homestuck, not even what a Vriska Serket was. A truly great experience, especially thanks in part to the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. I'll probably have more to see about Homestuck in depth on a later date, so I won't bog down this post with that. It's my favorite piece of media ever, and that's all there is really to say on the matter.
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01/24-01/25 - The Trolls Movies
I've been surrounded by gay people who love Trolls for the past like 5 years so I finally decided to give them a watch on a whim with my girlfriend, after catching some of the first movie in a streamers server.
They were fun! I really don't think I have much to say on them. They're kids movies, sure, but they're also just very visually great and made me go "yeah you know what some of those old pop songs WERE pretty good". I think when it came to stories I liked the first one the most just because I liked the Bergen's a lot, I thought their whole world was very well designed and all that. Don't have the most care for Branch, and Poppy is OK as a protagonist, but otherwise I had more fun with the other characters. Creature design is absolutely excellent and is what stood out to me the most of anything, though. The animation in the 3rd movie is also top notch, I really do want to see the series continue. If they do, I like the third movies approach of finding a niche to make "the thing" for the whole movie, it's a fun way of doing stuff.
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We thought this shot was really funny.
1/20 - Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio
I was gonna watch this when it came out awhiiile ago, but just put it off forever. I saw Jacob Geller had uploaded a new video about Pinocchio, which talked about the movie and was like. Man. I wanna watch that video. Guess I'll go watch this entire movie. So I hopped into VC with Netflix on and just watched it.
It was Fucking Good!!!!!!!!!!! Every good thing you've heard about the movie is absolutely true. Do yourself a favor and just watch it. That being said, I also don't have too much to say about it! It's been a few months and it hasn't totally stuck around in my head, but that just means I get to rewatch it sometime, and I can look forward to that. It mostly made me want to watch more stop motion movies.
If I were to highlight anything, its that I love to make the movie all about death. Pinocchio as a story seems to constantly get turned into this thing all about freedom and living and how great life is and all that, but this movie completely nailed that yea. Pinocchio works so much better as a movie about death. A puppet living on a blessing against the laws of nature being used as a vessel to explore acceptance of death. It's really great.
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the demons are such baddies btw
01/29 - Earthbound USA
Not the game, but the documentary put together by Jazzy Benson through Fangamer. It was absolutely fantastic. Easily my favorite game documentary I've ever watched... Because it's not really about the game.
To put into words, because I imagine 90% of people reading (not including the people I watched it with) haven't seen it or even heard of it, Earthbound USA is a documentary about specifically starmen.net and Earthbounds western fanbase.
The doc highlights basically every aspect of Earthbound in the west. They talk to the people who translated the game, who made the marketing campaign, the fans who bought the game day one, the translator of the MOTHER 3 fan translation, they talk about Earthbound Zero, about the virtual console releases, the quest to get MOTHER 3 officially localized and every single defeat that came with it, I mean Shigesato Itoi is just here too. It's everything you could ask for all combined with home videos from the early 2000s, an outstanding soundtrack that gives me goosebumps from Robbie Benson, it's just... So good.
I bought the DVD for the movie and streamed that to my friends, which you can get here on Fangamer, whenever they plan on restocking it at least. Or, you can watch it on streaming services listed on their website! If your a MOTHER fan, I'd say this is like, essential viewing. It may as well be official with how good it is.
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01/29 - A Brief Retrospective of The Simpsons' Golden Age
I finished this the same day. I recorded this mostly as a joke, but hey if your insane and have watched every single Simpsons episode like me and want whats basically a Simpsons Summary Podcast, I recommend this 11-hour video.
02/06 - MOTHER
A week later I couldn't get Earthbound USA out of my head, so I decided to finally sit down and go where no MOTHER fan has gone before. To the first game in the series.
It was really really good. Like, man, I don't know why I slept on it so long just because it was an NES RPG. Ok, I mean, I know why I did, it's because it's a NES RPG, but still.
This game really highlights everything that went into its two sequels to make them so good, and has so many little unique novelties about it that make it just so so memorable. The music, the writing, the places you go, it's just... So, so good. I still think the best way to get into MOTHER is to start with Earthbound, just due to how approachable it is, but if you like it and/or MOTHER 3, do not sleep on MOTHER/Earthbound Beginnings. It's just so good.
Probably use an emulator with rewind or save-states though.
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i'll be fine with not hearing magicants music anymore though
02/17 - Yakuza Kiwami 2
I started this game probably years ago, and never got that far. Yakuza 0 is definitely one of my favorite games ever, and I was kind of mixed on Yakuza Kiwami, but I was enjoying the start of Kiwami 2 for sure.
How did I feel by the end?
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I mean it's not BAD, per say, it's just... Not very good, either. The gameplay never really felt like it evolved much, the writing really felt like it never picked up and just kept ADDING stuff, but at least the side quests were probably the absolute best the series has given me so far. That definitely saved it for me, but man the story. It just wasn't very good.
I had a lot more thoughts after playing it, but I think think in the end it just comes down to;
Ryuji did not get nearly enough time to shine to be an impactful villian
The bastard cop was a character I was given no reason to care for, and the focus put on him did not feel earned in any way
Kiryu really did not feel that involved with everything going on
Sayama did not get nearly enough agency in this story
As for the twists, I didn't like how many there were at first, but I think by the end there were just so many twists I was like. Yeah nvm this is so fucking stupid it owns. So good on them for that!
I don't think I'll ever replay the main story for this game, but I will absolutely come back to those side quests, they're so good I don't want to spoil a single one. I am also really enjoying Yakuza 3 so far, so that's a we might just be back regardless.
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the selfie feature is really funny. you really feel like your some 40 year old dad.
02/22 - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero - Epilogue
I have a lot of thoughts on Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. I am a HUGE Pokemon freak, like omega huge freak levels of such. I will claw and bite tooth and nail defending Sword and Shield any fucking day of the week. I think Scarlet and Violet are like, painfully mid games in such a disheartening way. I still enjoyed a lot of it, but man it's so held back by... everything, really.
And the DLC fixed I'd say about none of it. In fact, I'd go as far to say the 2 DLC stories only highlight and strengthen every single problem scarvi has as a game and it disheartens me, so, so so much. Unlike the Sword and Shield epilogues, which expanded upon the best parts of the game and experimented with brand new formats as prep for the next generation, scarvi kinda just does. Nothing. It's more Scarlet and Violet, slime grease and all.
Kitakami is... Ok, I guess? It's an exceptionally uninteresting region with absolutely no landmarks that stand out in my mind. The story in it is pretty subpar, it's a really annoying kind of "player has no control over a misunderstanding" narrative in a really obnoxious way and by god I'll say it I never really get a reason to care about Kieran. He's not bad by any means, I mean he's just a kid, but really I don't feel like I'd ever call him a friend. The story with the Loyal Three and Ogrepon is really cute though, I do love that they completely flipped the story of Momotaro on its head in such a fun and unique way.
Blueberry Academy I was looking forward to much more, thinking that while Kitakami was really rushed and pretty bad, it must mean more resources were just put towards the second DLC. I was pretty wrong, it was basically just as under baked... But also still better, regardless. They introduce a lot of characters you won't really remember with this DLC, and it feels weird because it feels like there SHOULD be more to these characters, but it's all confined to a pretty short campaign.
The story is pretty ok, and I like what they did with Kieran here, but the second you beat him in the champion fight the story like, immediately halts the breaks and everything stops mattering. I really thought Drayton might've been set up as an interesting antagonist, someone subtly bullying Kieran and egging on how he is, but in the end he's just a well meaning friend who's just eccentric. All the other trainers basically disappear as well, and Kieran reverts back to how he was before all this for the most part. Then the story with Terapagos has to happen, and you get the return to Area Zero, except with your new friends you've barely built bonds with and Briar instead.
Similar to Drayton, I thought Briar might've been getting set up to be a bit fucked up. She's pretty obsessed with Area Zero and proving that Heath was right, and that feels like obvious easy set up for a villain right? Obsession is kind of the text book villain motive, especially in a series like Pokemon. But, no, like Drayton, Briar is actually exactly as she seems, and there's nothing underneath.
Unfortunetly, Area Zero itself was also not as interesting on revisit. I imagine it was the far lower budget, but it ends up mostly just being a very basic crystal-cave environment, without that really fascinating hollow-earth vibe Area Zero has in the base game. You're also mostly just traveling alone going on fetch quests to beat mini-boss Pokemon to open up gates, so that feeling of traveling an unknown place with friends is also completely lost. In the end, Terapagos isn't much of a character at all, like Ogrepon (or Miraidon/Koraidon) are, and is just kinda There. I'm sure the anime is doing a lot more with them, given they're a main character, but man they are NOTHING in this game and it's really disappointing with how incredibly hyped up they are.
In the end though, the thing I really came out loving with the second DLC was something I didn't actually know about until after finishing the epilogue, which was the brief interaction with the Professor in Kitakami once you have Terapagos. I won't spoil it, I'd recommend going to the crystal lake in Kitakami with Terapagos in your party to see it, but it was a moment where I was really like... Damn. This story really could've been something special.
NOW WITH ALL THAT OUT OF THE WAY, it was the Epilogue that I beat this year, which acts both as a bonus to the DLC, and a Mythical Pokemon event similar to ones from the DS games. And, I gotta say.
It's easily the best thing in the entire DLC, bar none.
Despite just being a revisit to Kitakami, the Epilogue is not only better written then both of the DLC chapters, but actually shows that promise for future games like the SWSH DLC did years ago. I had a smile on my face basically the entire time.
First off, hanging out with the three friends again after they basically disappear once you beat the game is so incredibly refreshing. Just having them over to your house is the first time in a Pokemon game I've actually felt that like... Oh, I'm a kid hanging out with my friends, kind of feeling. That original inspiration the Pokemon series had was just completely captured with that, and I love it, and it continues through the entire DLC. On top of that, the DLC does a lot of very small things with its cutscenes that I felt were really missing from the main game that actually completely caught me off guard. Seamless transition between overworld cutscenes, cinematic cutscenes, and battles mainly. It feels like Pokemon games have always struggled with taking you out of the story for loading screens or transitions or letting the player wander off or something. It's hard to immerse, but with this DLC just through the most simple methods they really catch you off guard with the cutscene framing and battle starts in a way I absolutely adore, especially since your with your friends who can actually Talk for you too. Helps that all of the writing is just really funny too, I had such a good time.
Overall, I think this is where I want the Pokemon series to go. The segment of Area Zero where you travel with all your friends already stood out to a lot of people, but didn't have the most writing to back it up. Similarly, this DLC has all of the writing, but it can feel like you aren't actually traveling with your friends, as they don't follow you. I think having a Pokemon game where you travel directly with other people in a bit of a party is the way to go with expanding on Pokemon as a series, and this DLC combined with base scarvi really proves How it can work. It makes me so excited to see where we can go from here, and I can only hope they learned from all these mistakes.
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wow i had a fucking lot to say about scarlet and violet dlc and i didnt even mention this thing. whatever.
02/26 - Splatoon 3: Side Order
Funny story, I actually beat Splatoon 3 on a friends copy, but on my own switch, so when this DLC came out I ended up buying an entire new copy of Splatoon 3, with DLC, and an already completed save file. So was the DLC worth 80 bucks? I mean, no, not at all, but it was extremely good!!
It came out while I was out of town with my girlfriend, so we had a lot of fun playing it together, and I think it's just overall a genius idea for a Splatoon mode. It makes me like, viscerally crave an even bigger Splatoon roguelike, but I'm also like an extreme roguelike freak. The story was super cute (my big "I <3 PEARLINA" shirt notwithstanding) and basically everything it introduces is great. I haven't actually beaten the Agent 8 locker yet, because I'm Bad At Splatoon </3, but I everything else was just so good.
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im actually extremely biased, btw
02/27 - Ponyo (Rewatch)
I rewatched Ponyo with my girlfriend while I was over for the first time since I was a wee little amoeba. It was so fucking cute!!!! I really do love Ghibli movies a lot. I don't think there's a lot I can say about Ponyo, per say, at least not as much as other Ghibli movies I love like Spirited Away (my fave movie evarr), but I think this movie combined with like. Finding Nemo, Animal Jam, and going to the Houston Aquarium combined are probably why I love marine biology so much now.
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02/29 - Death Note
The anime, to be specific, for the first time. Yeah, I can see why this became such a big thing with fujoshis. I get it, I understand now. I'm sorry L, I didn't know your game.
Death Note is overall both an anime of its time, and an absolute classic you should be watching. It's engaging, it's dramatic, it's funny, and there's so many points where your just like "damn are they gonna bone" about the two characters the authors 100% had no intention to be seen in that way.
It's only real problems come from the authors also having no fucking clue what to do with women in the story, and making pretty annoyingly shallow characters that get sidelined really hard. The final arc is also a bit head scratching, but it makes for good drama, so I can't really complain, even if I remember a lot less of it. Great show, great ending. Where's my Misa & Rem yuri manga series.
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he really is just fucking jeff the killer huh
02/29 - Promare
Watched this with my girlfriend on a whim, cus we wanted to watch a movie together. I've been a very lowkey TRIGGER studios fan since I was a kid, watching Kill la Kill when I was way too young to be watching shows that crazy boobed, but it did definitely contribute to my transgender-ness, so you can't fault it there (you can fault it for a lot of other things though). No matter what though, when TRIGGER just randomly came out with a full feature length movie released in theaters, I was pretty interested. Which is why I didn't watch it for years.
After watching it though? Yea, that was really fun. It's not much in the way of story, very basic Minority Allegory story I think, but it's all to make way for extremely crazy action scenes and homages to all their favorite mecha anime, which like, yea props they did a great job. Character design is extremely fun, environments are super colorful, animation is what you'd expect from TRIGGER (good), and there's a lot of man tits this time around. I recommend it!
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03/04 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
I'll be so fucking honest I watched this on my phone on a plane ride and I don't fucking know anything that happened. I think it was good?? I think it made sense??? I really wanted to fall asleep but I really wanted to watch the movie. It felt like it was simultaneously 4 hours long and 30 minutes. I think I should probably watch it again. I don't know why I chose to watch it on a plane. But hey, I did!
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watching this shit while half awake on a dark plane felt like i was in another fucking dimension. what the hell happened
03/08 - Fortnite Chapter 5: Season 1
Hey Fortnite, I play that game! Sometimes.
I've been pretty consistently "playing" Fortnite since Chapter 2: Season 5, and I do really like the game. I love the gameplay, I love all the stupid crossovers, I loved the story, it was just a really fun time!
Well, up until like half way through Chapter 3 at least. The problem with Fortnite is that, no matter what, in the end of the day, it's still owned by Epic Games, and that means at some point, shits gonna get sloppy. I won't go over my whole history with how I feel Fortnites been on a decline since Chapter 3, but I can at least say i was pretty fucking checked out most of Chapter 4. I really didn't like it.
So, coming back on for Chapter 5? Oh shit this game is actually fun I forgot. Played a shit ton that season, actually finished the main battle pass for once, had so much fun with all the new things they added, it really feels like Fortnites back.
Oh... and there's that LEGO mode... and that rockband mode... and there's racing I guess... I didn't really touch them much but they're neat... They were pushing those modes pretty hard, I hope this isn't a sign of something to come... I'm sure they'll keep up the momentum for the next season right? Battle Royale is totally back, right?
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i ended up staying up till like the last day grinding in creative to get this emote. im so glad i can make perfect cell do the bird is the word dance now.
03/12 - King of Crusher
I beat this game over on my twitch, you can catch me live playing obscure games every so often each month!! Check it out and give me money! I said mostly everything I wanted to say about it on stream, but this game was just a really fascinating little art project that was both really frustrating and really funny to play. I really wanna find more little gems like this to play, it's so ODD but fun.
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03/15 - Animal Crossing (Movie)
Watched this movie as apart of a movie night with my groupchat and it was adorables so cutes! I don't think there's really anything I COULD say about this movie, but it does really make me wish Nintendo was more willing to make more stuff like it. Just a really well animated fun anime movie that's not trying to be this big thing.
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the ending caught me completely off fucking guard though
03/17 - Unpacking
Similar to Animal Crossing, I don't really have a lot to say about this game besides so cutes! The story told through the environment was super adorable and I really do think back to this game a lot in a very emotional way.
That being said, I wish it was a tad longer for how expensive it was, as great as the art was lol
If you can find it on sale though, go play it!!
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i was playing with my girlfriend and we ended up interpreting the main character as really hating her boyfriend. my fucking Pig of a husband wont let me put my posters on the wall. my Pigly husband. i need to Kill my Meat Pig of a Husband.
03/17 - Pizza Tower (The Noise Update)
In complete tonal contrast to Unpacking, I beat the Noise Update in Pizza Tower right after. It was, like Pizza Tower, really good, but not without its flaws.
In the time since I've played Pizza Tower, I've reflected a lot on what I love about the game and what I honestly don't care much for. I've been playing demos since the very first public one, and I've loved watching it evolve, but if there's one bit of context I've gotten that shapes how I look at the game, it's that the games creator has a really big issue with having a lot of ideas for stuff, and not really thinking about how they fit in together.
Pizza Tower is like, a REALLY good game, don't get me wrong. The movement is borderline perfect, the level design is consistently fun and flows well, the graphics are unmatched in how expressive they are, the music is some of my fave from the entire medium, but if there's one thing really holding back Pizza Tower it's that lack of focus, and I think you can boil that down to the core game design of levels.
Pizza Tower is easy to compare to Wario Land, given that's its primary inspiration, but I think it's much more akin to Sonic, which is also a major inspiration for it. The problem is, it definitely tries to apply Wario Lands brand of "wario can be anything" to sonics "levels can be anything". Sonic levels are all about super quick flashy levels you can blast through, each one having a gimmick unique to the level that you learn, master, and then use throughout the multiple zones. On the other end, Wario Land presents you with these large winding interior-like levels that you slowly (or somewhat quickly in the case of entries like WL4), navigate and solve puzzles throughout for treasure, with your main solution typically landing on how Wario himself can be controlled using various gimmicks unique to him. Your presented a gimmick, and then you remember that gimmick for the future so you can use it to solve a future puzzle. In many ways, these two games can almost feel like the opposite kind of game, only linked by being sidescrolling platformers where you can bust through walls. Pizza Tower, despite that, tries to be both, and in many ways succeeds, but cant avoid the problems that inherently comes with trying to be these two very polar ends.
Basically, I just feel theres a lot of really forgettable levels and an overall problem with gimmicks getting absolutely no chance to be explored so you can never really be rewarded in basic play for mastering a gimmick, other then replaying a level multiple times. I think less gimmicks but more places to use the same ones would be really great.
Talking about the Noise update specifically, it was just a fun retake on the main game, and made for a fun replay after not playing Pizza Tower for about a year since release. I find it really fascinating how even after changing how the entire game controls, the levels still work with minimal changes. I'm looking forward to see if they decide to change it any more in the future, and I hope whatever comes after Pizza Tower can be a much more focused experience.
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03/17 - Hiveswap Act 1 (Replay)
See; Homestuck Reread. Been here a billion times, here to show my girl this time. I'll probably scream about this one later. <3
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03/20 - Rescue Shot
See; King of Crusher. Another stream game! This one I liked even more, though I Really wish I had a lightgun (or could fix the mouse controls on my emulator). Incredibly adorable game with insanely good music, check out the VOD if your interested!
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03/25 - Super Mario Bros. (1993)
I feel like in recent time, people have been hyping up this movie as like, secretly a really good film that people only hate because it's not a Mario movie. I'll be real, after watching it for the first time, I don't see it at all, I think this is just an incredibly funny bad movie.
Beyond not being Mario, which really doesn't matter at all, it kind of just felt like a fever dream of a script. Things kept HAPPENING there wasn't a single second to break I felt like I was in a nightmare hell dimension being blasted with insane plot beats and I couldn't keep track of anything. Without the Mario branding this would be like 10x LESS comprehensible, but good lord.
Maybe this is like, an arthouse film, and I need to watch it 12 more times and be high at least half those times, but idk I think it might actually be bad guys. Big Bertha a baddie though.
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03/29 - The Croods
Another movie night with friends, we got the PRIVILEGE of watching The Croods. I saw it once when I was a kid, but I didn't really remember anything about it other then there was a character named Grug.
I now realize that the reason I remember this character is because this movie literally lied and he's the main character. It really tries to set up that the conventionally attractive main teenage girl is the protagonist but no this movie is 100% about Grug and it's so fucking Particular. Why pretend it's not about him when he becomes our sole point of view for half the film? Why pretend its about the teenage girl when she basically doesn't have any dialogue for the last 25% of the movie? What is this movie trying to say, politically? This movies a thinker. I think its a bigger thinker then 2001, honestly.
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04/12 - Police Story
The first Jackie Chan movie I've ever seen and damn what a fucking good one to start with. Insanely entertaining, incredibly funny, and just a really great film! I don't think I have much else to say about it other then gush about each and every scene and how well made it is, but it really makes me wish we could get movies like this more. Just a practical effect wonderland where the main guy is just having fun with people on set. It's great.
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hes kind of a babygirl
04/13 - Con Air
Actually the first time I've seen this movie, surprisingly, given my attachment to the media that has essentially co-opted this film. It wasn't good, like at all, but it was very very entertaining with friends. I didn't expect it to get so much into like, weird racism stuff?? Characters just keep appearing and getting named it's so fucking weird. What was the deal with Steve Buscemi's character, I feel like scenes were cut or something. Nick Cage was incredibly funny as the lead. It's the thing you watch with friends on 4/13, what else can I say.
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why did he do this
04/19 - The Princess Bride
Honestly, I thought this one was a rewatch when we put it on in the GC, but I think I just remembered watching clips of it or seeing half of it on TV as a kid, so I'll just consider this a first time watch. It's really good! Just a fun simple movie full of extremely witty jokes. It's kind of like watching a Simpsons episode for the first time and getting to a part where they say something and you go "oh i've heard this quoted like a fucking million times, i get it now". If you haven't seen this movie, whattarya doin, go watch it!
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i feel like were it not for andre being basically irreplaceable we would have a netflix reboot about these three right now. maybe that does exist already.
04/21 - PokeRogue
Half this thread is Pokemon and as I already said, I'm a roguelike freak. This game is like crack for me. That being said it's just alright. I think I'll be willing to judge it more once it's more finished and not just Pokemon in the most barebones form imaginable, coding wise. It's the basis for an extremely addicting game, and I plan on sinking even more hours into it soon. Extra points for using PMD music as well <3
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im only just now finding out the rival is gendered. hey cunts let me play as a girl and get the girl rival or you hate me ok?
04/22 - The Mask (2023)
Now you may be wondering, The Mask? The movie from ten TRILLION years ago staring the homunculi known only as Jim Carrey? You'd be a fool to assume this. I am talking instead about Connor O' Malley's current best work, THAT The Mask.
There's not much I want to say about it, because I just think it's good, but if there's one thing I can say it's that Joker (2019) should be fucking embarrassed in how hard it was stood up by this short film.
Content warning for pretty heavy themes and a lot of crass jokes.
04/23 - Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) & Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) (Rewatch)
In preparation for the Knuckles show (which I still haven't finished), I decided it'd be nice to rewatch these two films for the first time. I haven't seen the first one since I watched it for the first time before Sonic 2, and I haven't seen Sonic 2 since I saw it at an early screening. What do I think of them now in retrospect?
Yeah, not very good films. Very fun! But damn, yea wow, I think with enough time to look back on them, there's a lot I really don't care for in them, and I'm not just talking about the human scenes.
I've been having a lot of conversations about adaptations lately, so I'll mostly summarize my thoughts here. In making an adaptation, your one mission in my eyes is maintaining what made the original loved. Not good, because that's not really a quantifiable thing. Not faithfully, because I feel you can make a good adaptation without being faithful. All you need to truly keep is the Reason people came to that piece of media originally, in my eyes. Whether that means going as hard as you can with something like The Last of Us, which essentially 1 to 1 recreates an entire video game, or be much more out there like with One Piece (Netflix), which essentially tells the same story but with wildly different circumstance and aesthetic.
The Sonic movies, in my eyes, simply don't capture that. In the first movie alone, Sonic and Eggman are essentially our only ties to the games, which is fine as long as they can nail them right, right? And, as many before me have really pointed out, no they don't really at all. Sonic isn't really like Sonic at all, he's a much younger, innocent, and hyperactive "version" of the character, and I say version in quotations because I don't really feel like with those adjectives removed he'd be all that similar to Sonic still. This is basically a new character, and that's fine, but I'd be hard pressed to say it captures what brought people to Sonic. Similarly, Eggman is very much not really similar to any iteration to Eggman at all (except maybe AoSTH?) A lot of people love Jim Carrey Eggman, and I totally get why, but man he really has never clicked with me. I think I like canon Eggman too much to let go, it's over for me.
But I'm sure anyone who's been around Sonic long enough has heard a trillion complaints about the first movie. In rewatching the second movie, I found that it moved way faster then I remembered, and just had way less.. character? Tails is so incredibly shoehorned in, which is a common complaint, but it really felt like at times Sonic was too?
In Sonic games, Sonic isn't exactly a character we put ourselves in the shoes of. Sonic is like this cool older brother we're just along with for the ride. If anything we insert ourselves (as kids) in Tails' shoes. Sonic doesn't really have an internal monologue, nor does he really tend to need a big shonen arc to overcome in his games. He's very much this vessel to explore other characters, to see how people respond to his brash and cocky personality. In that way, Sonic works really well, but can struggle really hard when he's placed all alone. He needs people to not only bounce off of, but to do the emotional side of the story in his stead. With the Sonic movies, we get this very very diffrent form of Sonic being put into this scenarios the canon Sonic wouldn't typiclaly find himself in, and see how he acts. It can work for original stories, because it's basically an original character, but that's the struggle with Sonic 2, and I worry Sonic 3 as well. They aren't fully original stories. Sonic 2 is a loose adaptation of Sonic 3 in most ways, with Knuckles being the true second character, and Tails being mostly to the side. Knuckles acts basically perfectly, like yea that's Knuckles, no notes there outside of maybe not taking his heritage seriously enough, but that's him. So how do you write this movie sonic into this adaptation with a Knuckles whos playing it basically straight like the games? Well... I mean, you kind of just... You, don't, really? Sonic is really just There sometimes, to say quips and to move the story forward. With exception to the scene where he's having a feeling jam with Knux, which I like, Sonic is very much Just There, and it feels really odd. In the games, this works because of his aforementioned status as this guy your along with for the ride, a dude whos too cool to even be the protagonist, but Sonic Movie Sonic IS the protagonist. He's meek and still learning and is far from the asshole we know in the games and comics, but implanted into a games storyline, he just doesn't have much he can do. He can't be that too cool guy that let's his friends do the talking, because he's already been set up as this superhero esque main guy who needs to learn a lesson by the end of the film, or overcome some kind of arc. It's just all odd in retrospect, and I really wonder how they're gonna tackle it in Sonic 3, especially without all the characters that make Sonic Adventure 2s gears go.
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i also couldnt stop staring at his teeth in the movie. i really dont like the teeth idk why im just now noticing them.
04/25 - Pseudoregalia
Knocked this game off my backlog and I'm really happy I did! Beat the game with all the time trials done and I really do love it. I want to call it the perfect length, but really I think it was just a bit too short and I hope we can get more content in the future, I'm definitely itching for more levels and maybe even more time trials.
I can't think of much else to say about the game. I don't think I picked up on the story much at all, I'll probably have to ask my girlfriend about it sometime, but it's not exactly a big part of the game. The music was absolutely fantastic, and I adore all of the costumes for the main character. I like her design, for many obvious reasons.
For further criticism besides length though, combat feels pretty useless. There's really no point in the game where I ever feel like I have to or even SHOULD fight, and the final boss ends up losing a lot of impact because of it. Enemies just become a hazard in navigating the world in a way that isn't particularly fun. Similarly, there were a few upgrades that had maybe one use ever and I don't even know why they're there. I think this game could benefit a lot from playing even harder into it's all too obvious inspirations and just getting a bunch of RPG mechanics and more RPG inspired elements in here. Give me Symphony of the Bunny-Cat-Goatgirl, full on.
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I also watched madagascar 2 with friends, but i don't even feel like counting it. watch this fucked up compressed video instead.
THAT'S IT FOR Q1 2024!! I'm really trying to look at a lot this year, and I hope to have EVEN MORE TO TALK ABOUT in 4 months! maybe ill do it even earlier because damn this was a fucking lot to write. If you read this far thank you, I'll be sending you a giant mettalic muscular butler sir in the mail as thanks.
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tremblingmuse · 1 year
Heyyyyyy! Could you do prompt 24 with Nico falling out of love, not noticing it, and starting to develop feelings for Lahela because of all the time they're spending together??? I'm very much in the mood for a painful, heartbreaking fic. Thank youuuuuuu
You Like Her More
It was great when it started. Y/n had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks thanks to some complications with a minor surgery. She found her own ways to pass the time.
“Knock, knock.” She heard a patter on her door. She had been there alone all night.
“Hello?” She questioned with tired eyes.
There was a boy standing in the door, in a hospital gown.
“Just want to say hello to my new neighbor.” He leaned on the frame. His arms folded, a stupid grin crowned his face.
“Uh hi… neighbor.” Y/n was puzzled. A strange boy was in her room.
He saw her expression. “Sorry, it’s just no one’s been in to visit and I thought you could use the company. I’ll go.” He nodded to himself about to turn.
“No! Sorry. I just woke up a few minutes ago. Im a little out of it, I’m y/n.” She sat up straighter.
“I’m Nico.”
Even after she was discharged she visited almost every day.
“Guess what I brought!” She charged into the room. Nico was sitting on the bed, flipping through magazines he’s read a million times.
His gaze shot up to see a copy of a movie he’s been dying to watch.
“Yes! Coming in clutch, like always.” He complemented.
Before long it was more than just a simple friendship. Something more bloomed in that hospital.
“Y/n, I can’t.”
She let her hopes get the better of her and leaned in for a kiss.
“Did I.. read this wrong? Cause I was pretty sure you liked me too.” She shifted away.
They were sitting on a bench outside.
“I do, I just know I’m a lot. This is a lot.” He motioned his hands to the hospital.
They had been through more than a few scares with his cancer. He didn’t want to rope her into something that’s bound to hurt her.
“Nico, I don’t scare easy.” She assured, hoping he’d reconsider.
He paused, he was conflicted. He’d spend so much time alone and he was used to being left or forgotten. Screwed over. It was hard letting someone in.
“It’s not about that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then tell me what I’m getting myself into. Cause it’s gonna take a lot more than that.” She criticized his ‘letting her down easy’ speech. “If you don’t want me you can say it.”
Nico looked at her with surprise. “Of course I want you. More than anything. How could I not?”
“Then stop worrying about the what ifs, for just a minute. Please?” She laid a hand on his. Hopeful. “Let yourself have this.”
The first few months were great. Nico was in and out of the hospital but they were together. If only that could have been enough.
He had been spending a lot of time with Lahela. A child prodigy, a doctor at only 16.
Y/n admitted, she was a little jealous of her from time to time, but she was Nico’s doctor, nothing was going to happen.
Until they started talking more.
Y/n convinced herself it was nothing, Nico was sick of course he’d be spending time with his doctor. Until he was talking about her all the time.
She walked into his room, it was covered in decorations.
“Woah, look at this place.” She gazed at the glittering streamers.
Nico and Lahela were standing a little too close for comfort. “I’m gonna go.” She uttered quickly before dashing out the door.
Y/n looked at Nico with confusion.
He looked guilty, he liked her.
He couldn’t control who he fell for, he didn’t want to choose, he didn’t want to end it.
So she had to.
“So… you and Dr. Kameāloha.” She crossed her arms, trying to appear neutral while her world was burning.
“What are you talking about?” Nico played dumb. He didn’t want to accept he wasn’t in love with his girlfriend anymore.
“Nico, I’m not gonna get in the way of you two, as long as you don’t string me along when you’d rather be with someone else.”
He was silent, he didn’t know what to say. Y/n was right.
“Say something.” She demanded.
“I like you! You’ve been with me through everything I can’t… it’s wrong.” He rationalized. Denial was a messy thing.
She closed her eyes, ready to admit what she’s know for weeks now.
“You like her more!” It came out louder than she intended.
The walls they had so carefully tore down were rebuilding right before their eyes.
“How long have you liked her?” She questioned.
Y/n couldn’t keep him from being happy, she promised herself she’d make sure he never regretted a thing. She knew he didn’t get many opportunities to be happy.
“Can we just talk about this?” He asked.
“I can’t hold you back, I won’t.”
They both wished this wasn’t for the best. That there was another option. That they could pretend to be happy.
“Just let yourself have this.” She mumbled, turning to leave.
“I love you.” Nico called.
She stopped in her tracks.
“We can’t do that anymore. Not when you should be saying it to someone else.”
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barbatoskisser · 6 months
Hello humans! Quick warning - I spam sometimes and I just reblog ang type wtv. Consider this q blog full of whatever catches my eye. May contain smut but I try to keep this as sfw & friendly as possible <3
Pronouns here for those who want to compliment but dunno how <3 (i love you all, i need to update it, but its pretty accurate for now!)
Commissioms OPEN 0/5 link here for info
PSA - not terribly active due to irl reasons!! Dw, ill explain everything once I have a chance. But yeah, I'm mostly on discord because thats where a lot of my friends congregate. May still reblog occassionally. Asks are always open, just might take a min for me to respond !
Adin River Barbatos
19...somehow? I don't know either.
He/Its but if it/its just feels awkward to you, they/them is fine (in moderation). Primarily I use he/him though.
Rules / Guidelines
Very much basically just don't be an asshole to me or my mutuals and to protected groups. I support palestine and ukraine, gay and trans, and I'm far from neurotypical. I'm white too, but nyeh. Overall I dont support racism, zionism, homophobia, transphobia, and abelism. Be nice. Not as enforced but if your a minor and think "oh hey neat! A sfw adult blog!" Thats cool but dont be surprosed if I randomly rb a venti smut or spicy venti, lyney, xingqiu, or aether fanart. I fullhearted consider all above as adults and now willing to debate it. If you don't think so, just block me. If genshin ever says directly "[character] is under 18 years of age." And its one of the few, then no shit I'll get rid of this but otherwise it stays up. Eitherway, yeah, no promises i wont reblog spicy occassionally. Be warned and dont interact with that stuff unless ur a legal adult. Also, preferrably, keep drama to a minimum. If a mutual of mine, or someone ypu may think of as a mutual of mine, does something problematic send me a dm and be respectful about it. I'll investigate and if I find it absolutely appalling I'll no longer be friends with them. But just know 9 times out of 10, I really dont care about what my friends post about (see: "problematic" fics. I DON'T CARE. If it doesnt involve in real life humans, i do not give less of a shit.) Unless its in real life that someone did sonething illegal then I'll give a shit. Otherwise, yeah, i'll side with my friends. No offense.
@definesanity , @archaicanathema , @gunterdon , @unkownknowledge , @pale-value , just to name a few. They're all great [chefs kiss]. I'm always open to gaining more mutuals, but preferably be 16 or older. I don't understand gen alpha or anyone under 16. They confuse me. Henceforth; please be over that age otherwise I'll feel like I'm talking to a toddler. And i doubt you wsnt to be treated like a toddler. Anyone born past the 2010s atp is a toddler to me. I'm a 2005s kid.
Am catboy future vtuber / streamer with secret human. Hint, a friend of mine. Also, if you ask my friend gunter, he'll say eldritch creature. So, honestly, who knows ~ ehe.
Hunter x Hunter, Genshin Impact, Ouran High School Host Club, Lunasmr audios, That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime...If its popular enough, I've probably watched it. I used to play Honkai Star Rail, but I've since fallen out of it. Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, some others. Essentially, quite a number of modern isekai. Up to Overhaul arc of my hero academia with no plans on finishing, all of Hunter x Hunter, all of Dragom Ball Z, up to the universe tournament arc in Super, All of Slime in the anime adaptation. Though i do have webnovel spoilers. By the grace of the gods (pleasw someone yell at me about it. I beg you), Lowkey getting into Monkey Kid lego edition
Okay as I'm rewriting this I've watched a lot, and I mean a lot of shit. So ask me about a show if its not on here. The only ones I can say I haven't watched are demon slayer, attack on titan, naruto, and one piece. Maybe one day, but certainly not today. Currently about to start a few new series. On youtube I'm starting to watch Grian and Kaboodle. Damn their fun. I dont know if its on here, too lazy to check, but also pLEASE ALSO YELL TO ME ABOUT IRUMA KUN. I LOVE IRUMA KUN SM. I NEED MORE IRUMA KUN MOOTS.
Favorite character(s)
Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecss, Venti / Barbatos, Goku, Illumi Zoldyck, Ryoma Takebayoshi, Alluka and Nanika Zoldyck, Kurapika Kurta, Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Rimuru Tempest / Satoru Mikami, Milim, Veldora Tempest, Paimon, Xiao, Gorou, Lyney, Lynette, Arlechhino, Furina, Zhongli / Rex Lapis, Focalors, Karma Akabane, Korosensei, Nagisa Shiota, the rezt are kinda forgettable. Mavuika, Nahida, Mualani, Kachina, and more to come. I love so many different characters its not even funny.
Other Things
Congrats if you've read down this much! Here would be a secret code for a silly but the co-conspirator said no. You'll have to wait!
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klysanderelias · 2 years
Do you have a favorite Vtuber?
Please also tell us why.
All right, wall of text time.
The short answer is not exactly, I watch vtubers for a lot of different reasons. I have a shortlist, and I have one or two I actually spend money on supporting, but I don't think I could name a favorite. If you're looking for names, I'd shout out Finana Ryugu, Mai Tsukimiya, Hakos Baelz, and Pavolia Reine, with Mai Tsukimiya closest to 'favorite' based on my support/engagement.
Now, the long answer.
I follow vtubers for a couple of key things - body doubling, relaxation, let's plays, music, and 'other'. A lot of these don't really interact well - if I'm trying to find a comprehensive let's play of a game I want to experience, I'm looking for a different thing than when I'm trying to find something to put on when I'm going to sleep. Plus, there are a lot of vtubers who are part of an agency like Hololive or Nijisanji that have a certain level of obligation to play specific games, so suddenly everyone I follow is playing the new pokemon, or hitman, or (ugh) Hogwarts legacy, because the agency made a promotion deal. And it's important for me to remember a lot that Vtubing is a job, especially the bigger you get, and that's more than just 'I need to make money doing this.' It's also 'I have a boss who makes decisions about what I am and am not allowed to do, and if I say something on stream I may have to make a ten minute apology video if my handler decides it might hurt the brand.'
I do want to talk about that - I don't like a lot of the subculture that vtubers inhabit. I don't like the way that it vaguely reeks of 4chan memes, or how if you scratch the surface you'll find incredibly toxic and disgusting behavior in chat. I don't blame the streamer for basically any of it, but there are vtubers out there who play more into it that I would like much more if they didn't (basically anyone in vshoujo, but also gawr gura and amelia watson, for example). And I'm sure there's more that I don't know about because like, if they don't stream in english, I'm obviously not gonna know what they're saying unless it gets clipped and translated. I will say, Finana Ryugu specifically gets a pass from me, and I think if she streamed more games I was interested in, she might make it up to being my favorite. I will never forget her anger at her chat for calling certain gacha characters 'traps', and her banning the word from her stream, and then like a day later being forced to apologize for it. I've more or less given up on trying to find 'progressive' or 'leftist' vtubers because of the culture (plus y'know, no one talks politics or ideology at their job), but she strikes me as a genuinely kind and thoughtful person.
For the things I watch vtubers for, number one is probably body doubling - if you're not familiar with that term, it's basically 'having someone else in the room to help someone with ADHD start and execute tasks that they otherwise wouldn't be able to'. It's kind of like having a podcast on for me, or chatting with someone while doing the dishes. It's having the stream on in the background and not really paying much attention to it.
Next is relaxation - sometimes I'll put a streamer on just to fall asleep to. I don't do the ASMR stuff really, but just having noise on in the background helps me sleep, and there's a number of people who have very calming or pleasant voices. Ceres Fauna is a shoutout here - I think she's on the edge of the 'elmo voice' crowd, but she's great to fall asleep to.
I also listen to a lot of music from vtubers, either covers or original music. I'll voluntarily admit I like Mori Calliope - when she's not trying to be edgy or playing into the subculture, her music is genuinely good. In general I think vtubers shouldn't be forced to sing, but I have a bunch of songs from vtubers I listen to a lot.
Let's plays - obvious. I have to shout out Hakos Baelz' playthrough of Resident Evil Village, she struggles with horror games and her experience with RE8 was extremely fun to watch because she was able to enjoy herself and get through the scary parts. This is also what's hardest to find for me - there aren't a lot of vtubers who play the kind of games I'd like to see.
I also like listening to vtubers who stream in other languages - most non-english vtubers stream in Japanese, but I like listening to the indonesian streamers from nijisanji and hololive as well (and ID streamers like Reine and Moona have some extremely good songs).
There aren't many vtubers I actually support financially, I think the only one is Mai Tsukimiya. I think she's very sweet, is small enough that I feel like I'm supporting a person and not a company, and I've bought some of her merch and enjoyed it.
Anyway all of this is to say that it's complicated, but I follow a lot of let's players and vtubers and have Opinions about them.
This is different from a list of recommendations, though. I think everyone I've named (and quite a few I didn't) are worth checking out, but obviously there's a lot of variance in terms of what they stream, how they stream, etc.
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
did you follow any mcyt in your language before starting to watch smps in english? I remember fondly a parody cover of they're taking the hobbits to isengard from the non-english duo I followed
I don't think so. We didn't have many Portuguese MCYT creators and I was never much into listening to Brazilian creators. We had Fer0m0nas when I was a kid but I didn't really watch him a lot. My brother did watch him a bit but even he didn't watch him that much.
A lot of them were really loud and chaotic which I never really liked that much. (It did get me a bit to get into Tommy even as an adult, for example... And I can't watch Tommy's vlogs even today, even if I love his Minecraft streams when he's with his friends). (Grian can be loud and yes he is chaotic but not in his video style or when he's speaking to the audience. The style is more laid back which I enjoy a lot more).
So no. I would've loved them if I had found some that liked but even today I have yet to see a real portuguese MCYT with content that is a bit more mature. And by mature I don't mean "says curse words and makes sexual comments" I mean has a content that is entertaining and maybe even educational without making you feel like you're watching something for a 6 year old.
Hermitcraft is an all ages series. It sometimes as more mature jokes but over they really are a PG (Parental Guidance) series that younger kids can watch but adults can very much appreciate too with great building, role playing that isn't too dense and plenty of choices for a creator you want to watch. The Dream SMP which I also loved is not an all ages series.... Even if there were definitely a lot of kids watching.... but had the guts to explore difficult and mature topics like depression, abuse and others (and did them mostly right... Except for the ending of course). You also have a lot of choices for creators. For solo people I watched Fundy a lot even before the big Dream SMP stuff because I love the doing weird things with Minecraft via programming. I also watch PhoenixFC and there's some others with this type of content I enjoy.
I have also never seen a Portuguese MCYT that is a woman. I know there are Brazilian women MCYTs but portuguese? I've never seen one. It's also really difficult to find Portuguese creators. I did a search for Portuguese streamers on Twitch and I couldn't find a good list or commentaries by anyone. The only way I manage to find Portuguese streamers is by following RTP Arena AKA the Esports staff of the Official National Portuguese Television or occasionally one streamer appears in a Portuguese YouTube channel dedicated the European Youth matters which is most likely related to the Erasmus+ programme and makes some interviews with various young adults.
The lack of the organisation of the Portuguese streaming and YouTube community makes for a more challenging experience for the viwers who have to do work if they want to actually find someone they enjoy.
There's also the fact that since a lot of us speak English fairly well we may do content in English which again— makes things difficult if I want to find you. And sometimes I want to hear Portuguese from Portugal you know?
I once had to research Portuguese Content creators of various categories for an organisation and the pain I had to find good gaming stuff... you have a decent shooting games CCs but for any other types of games? Well, if they exist they're not easy to find. There are some variety game streamers there's very few belonging to just a gaming community.
All this to say: gamers portugueses organizem-se porfavor. E se calhar comecem a publicar videos de Minecraft que eu quero vê-los e ninguém os faz 😭
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yhlifestory · 3 months
Week 10 : Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming
This week was a bit tough for me because I'm not a gamer at all and gaming isn't really my thing. But it has been interesting to do research because it was a whole new world for me.
Playing games today is so different from what it used to be. We no longer need to worry about having enough controllers for everyone at home or waiting for someone to be free to play. Now, we can just hop online and join gaming communities on social media to play with people from all over the world. Virtual worlds and online social spaces have their own rules that guide how players interact with each other. Sometimes, platforms let players help decide these rules, but it doesn’t always go smoothly. It's a fascinating shift from how we used to play games, showing just how much technology has changed the gaming experience.
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In Malaysia, gamers hang out on different online platforms where they can chat and interact. They use Discord a lot, especially for specific games or types of games. Here, they talk about strategies, share tips, and plan when to play together. (Ashworth 2024) These groups often have tournaments, giveaways, and other events to make everyone feel like they belong and are part of a team. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are also big for Malaysian gamers. They have groups and pages just for them where they can chat and make friends. These communities are more than just gaming; they're about bringing people together who have the same interests and making them feel like they're part of something fun and exciting online.
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Malaysians are hooked on mobile gaming, especially with games like Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and PUBG Mobile leading the pack. These games offer more than just entertainment; they create virtual spaces where players can team up, strategize, and enjoy friendly competition. (www.mygameon.my n.d.)Social gaming goes beyond just playing; it's about building connections and forming bonds with others who love gaming as much as you do. It's not uncommon for these friendships to extend beyond the game, creating a sense of community and belonging among players.
The phenomenon of live streaming gaming content has taken Malaysia by storm, thanks to platforms such as Twitch and Facebook Gaming. Local streamers have emerged as influential figures, attracting large followings by sharing their gameplay and interacting with viewers. (Sinha 2022) These streamers have become icons within the gaming community, contributing to the exponential growth of Malaysia's gaming culture.
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The Malaysian Dota 2 community is a great example of how passionate Malaysian gamers are. They've formed teams, competed in local and international tournaments, and shown their skills to the world. (Kathuria 2021) Platforms like Facebook and Discord are important for them, helping them organize tournaments, share tips, and make friends. This community really shows how dedicated Malaysian gamers are and how they're shaping the gaming scene in the country.
In short, Malaysia's gaming culture is a mix of different cultures, new technologies, and lots of creativity. Gaming communities, social gaming, and live streaming are more than just trends; they're key parts of a culture that's always changing and captivating people all over the country.
References :
Ashworth, B. 2024 'How to use Discord: A Beginner’s guide,' WIRED, 3 June. https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-use-discord/.
Kathuria, R. 2021 Top five rising Malaysian Dota 2 players to watch out for. https://afkgaming.com/dota2/originals/top-rising-malaysian-dota-2-players.
Sinha, R. 2022 Top Facebook alternatives for different social media types. https://beebom.com/facebook-alternatives/.
www.mygameon.my. (n.d.). 10 Fun Mobile Games Made By Malaysians You Should Play Now! | MyGameOn. [online] https://www.mygameon.my/posts/10-fun-mobile-games-made-by-malaysians-you-should-play-now/
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northwest-cryptid · 5 months
As much as I don't think people want to hear it, I think it needs to be said of entertainment as a sort of service provided without need for payment.
People do often post their writing, music, videos; or live streams for free and especially those who care about their audience and try to entertain them tend to get the worst of this in my experience but; people don't seem to often recognize that these things are services being provided.
Someone made that music, someone sat down and edited that video; someone typed out those words and actually thought about the meaning behind it all. Don't even get me started on live streaming.
Not only do these things take genuine effort, but they take time; they have a material cost and a time investment that goes far beyond what you see on the screen. Yet entertainment is something we've just gotten so used to not having to pay for that we just take it for granted.
Now I want to say not everyone does this, there are people out there who do actually financially support their favorite creators, there are people out there who support them or help provide them with content.
However in my experience these people aren't overly outspoken, they're typically the ones who are more willing to let the creator do what they want, very often this comes as a side effect of enjoying what that creator does.
So what is this post even about? If people support creators they like, where's the problem? Well the problem is the louder majority don't.
There's a weird thin line between the fact that "just watching the streams really helps out" and "exclusively watching my videos and content doesn't help nearly enough on it's own" are both true statements despite how contradictory they sound.
Okay so am I saying it's not okay to just watch people and nothing else? Well no, that'd be weird and demanding of the audience. The creator shouldn't make demands of their audience right? But I feel, especially for anyone smaller, indie, or otherwise just doing these things as a hobby; it goes both ways.
It makes me kind of frustrated to see my friends and fellow creators doing their best to make things, very often things they have specifically tailored so heavily to their audience that they're no longer even interested in it; and then their audience says "it's not enough, do more."
You want to ask them of anything? Fine then, what do you offer? Willing to pay them for it? Willing to compensate them?
"But I'm a viewer! I support them!"
Okay, that's great! You're a viewer, and I'm sure they love having you in the audience; but what else are you?
"Is being a viewer not enough?!"
Is being a streamer not enough? It goes both ways.
They are providing you FREE entertainment, entertainment mind you; that takes time and effort.
So what if you're a paying customer? Someone who donates or DOES support them financially?
Well then I ask you why? For what reason do you donate?
Is it simply because you enjoy their content, you recognize the service they provide and that your monetary compensation is all but required if you want them to continue doing it without needing to take time and effort for other things that keep them afloat in the capitalistic world we live in?
Do they have a sort of "if you pay me you can help determine what I do next?" Sort of system set up?
Do you consider yourself a donator, or a paying customer; because ultimately it depends on how they set up their operation.
For example I'm both a Streamer, and an Animator.
If someone donates money to me on my stream it's just that, a donation; because they enjoy my content or because they want to help me pay my bills since I am disabled and desperately trying to get on disability. This person is supporting me in a form of mutual aid; I provide them the service of being active as a streamer and they provide me the service of paying my bills; but it's ultimately a donation. It doesn't carry with it the weight of buying something for the sake of a transaction.
If someone however, commissioned me for an animation; this is done specifically as a transaction. Someone is approaching me saying "I will give you [amount of money] to purchase an animation of [stuff], if that's agreeable." To which I can respond in kind and we can negotiate a price for my time and services. They have the right to determine what I make because I'm making it specifically and exclusively for them as a direct response to the payment they're providing me for said service.
Alright fine, so when is it okay to request something of my favorite streamer or content creator?
I'd argue that this is a fine interaction provided the understanding is pitched as an agreement.
Just as an example, recently I was approached by a gentleman who plays OSRS and knows I play. He didn't make any such requests of me, but he gave me a few bonds (essentially membership for the game that allows you to access far more of the game.) I wanted to figure out some way to sort of give back to this guy for the roughly $16 he just saved me, since you know; that's a proper investment in someone he has only just met via tumblr.
So let's say he was a viewer of mine prior to this interaction and wanted me to stream OSRS, I believe wholeheartedly it would have been fully acceptable for him to sort of pitch the idea of "hey I'll toss you a few bonds if you stream your experience with membership in OSRS!" Again, I want to emphasize this absolute legend did all of this without asking anything of me, I don't even know if he knew I was streamer prior to the interaction or not. This doesn't even take into account the fact I had wanted to stream my experience with OSRS before this interaction.
I'm using this as an example because I believe it's a good example of what I'm trying to convey here. I've seen people tell a streamer "I'll donate [amount of money] if you attempt a speedrun trick here." This is again, totally fine; because it's pitching an agreement.
To make this clearer, let's compare the following:
"Do the speedrunning skip here!" "I want to see the speedrunning skip, do it." "I request that you do the speedrunning skip here!"
"I'll donate $10 if you attempt the speedrunning skip here." "I'll give you 5 gifted subs right now if you do the speedrunning skip!" "Will you attempt the speedrunning skip if I donate $10?"
Notice the change in tone? Notice that one asks a question while the other is barking a demand?
It doesn't matter how nice the demand is worded; if you're not compensating the individual asking anything of someone who is already giving you their time and effort is uncalled for and rude; and I'm saddened to see that if a streamer reacts poorly to this it's considered rude on their part.
"The customer is always right" does not apply here, you're not a customer; you're an audience member, and you're not contributing to the financial well-being of the creator.
"But I'm a viewer! They don't have many viewers, they're streaming/creating for me!"
Right, exactly; they're already doing this for you, for the few people who engage with their work, and you'll ask more of them?
I don't think these people are aware of how they sound to someone who's desperately trying to entertain an audience. It's why I urge indie creators to create for their own sake, to make for their own sake; to do this all for themselves instead of their audience.
"But I don't like when their content isn't about me and my interests!"
That's fine, maybe their content isn't for you if you can't handle the reality they're having to face. Many creators are artists dealing with the very real reality that art doesn't pay the bills, and not all of us are so lucky as to live rent free with our parents and still have freedom.
Many of us would be homeless if not for the financial support of others; and as an artist I need people to understand that the hierarchy of who I make content for is as follows:
Me -> those who support me financially -> everyone else.
Want me to play that specific game? Buy it for me. Want me to discuss a specific topic? Throw it in a donation message. Want me to do anything? Perhaps take into account that I'm already doing everything I feasibly can for my hobby, and if you want more from me I'm going to need more from you; that's fair trade.
This general mentality is seen as being harsh and rude and wrong, but that's very much because it's coming from a place of understanding that I as a creator am a free resource for you to exploit and you don't like if I have a voice that demands to be seen as a fellow human.
I'm not a corp, I'm not even able bodied. I can't meet everyone's demands. I will invest in those who invest in me, especially when we invest in one another because our interests happen to align.
If someone is pandering to you, tailoring their content to you, and ultimately trying to deliver an entertaining experience for you; you need to understand the balance of the situation should you ask for anything.
Look man there's literally a CHILDREN'S BOOK about this!
This is literally what we teach kids when we have them read "If you give a mouse a cookie" and shit like that.
We are taught from a young age not to pander and tailor ourselves, our content, or our creations towards individuals. We're taught not to give people what they want, we're taught if we do; they'll want more.
I desperately fight against that idea; I want to give people what they want, that's part of being a good entertainer. That's part of my work ethic, that's something I can have pride in.
However, I'm burning a fire with no fuel, and you ask for it to burn brighter while offering me no kindling.
It sounds rude to say "know your place" but I really do think people need to understand the difference between viewers who actually support the creator, financially; socially, creating content or giving them the funding necessary to spend more time on their hobbies instead of trying to sit on the phone with lawyers about disability payments; and viewers who show up and ask for more without so much as offering anything substantial in turn.
This is the shit no one wants to say because it's "bad for business" but I'm sorry it needs to be said, there's plenty of ways to be helpful without spending money on a creator; demanding more from them is not anywhere on that list.
Respect your indie creators, they get nothing out of entertaining you, it's their hobby; let it be THEIR hobby. Don't try to control them unless you're willing to pay them for their services.
"But we're friends!"
I don't let my friends commit services for free; just because we're friends. I specifically make sure they are compensated fairly BECAUSE we're friends.
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blogging0202 · 2 years
Quick and Easy Guide to Downloading Videos from YouTube
YouTube is one of the most popular video streaming websites, and it’s a great way to find new content and entertainment. But what if you wanted to watch or share the video offline? Downloading videos from YouTube doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. This quick and easy guide will show you how to download videos from YouTube with just a few clicks of your mouse. Whether you’re looking for a way to save your favorite videos for later or wanting to share them with friends, this guide has everything you need to get started.
How to Download Videos from YouTube
There are a number of ways to download videos from YouTube. The quickest and easiest way is to use an online video downloader like SaveFrom.net. Simply go to the SaveFrom.net website and enter the URL of the YouTube video you want to download in the field at the top of the page. Then click on the "Download" button. You'll be given a choice of different video quality options to choose from. Select the one you want and then click on the "Download" button again. Your video will start downloading and will be saved in your default downloads folder.
The Different Types of YouTube Videos
-There are a few different types of YouTube videos: -Videos that are uploaded by individuals -Videos that are uploaded by businesses -Videos that are uploaded by media outlets -And finally, videos that are live streamed. Individuals who upload videos to YouTube can be anyone from a teenager filming themselves skateboarding, to a mother cooking her family dinner. These videos offer a more personal look into someone's life, and can be incredibly heartwarming or funny. Businesses use YouTube as a way to market their products or services through video content. These videos range from "how-to" guides to commercials, and everything in between. Media outlets will also post videos on their YouTube channels - usually clips from television shows or news stories. And lastly, there are live streamers who use YouTube to broadcast themselves live, in real time. This type of content is usually found on gaming channels, but has become increasingly popular with vloggers (video bloggers) as well.
Why You Should Download Videos from YouTube
If you're like most people, you probably watch a lot of videos on YouTube. And if you're like most people, you probably wish you could download those videos so you could watch them offline or on another device. Luckily, there are a few different ways to do this. In this quick and easy guide, we'll show you how to download videos from YouTube in a few different ways. One of the best things about downloading videos from YouTube is that you can watch them offline. This is great for when you're on a plane, in a car, or anywhere else where you might not have an internet connection. Another reason to download videos from YouTube is that you can watch them on any device. So if you want to watch a video on your TV, phone, or tablet, you can do so without having to worry about internet connectivity. Finally, downloading videos from YouTube can be a great way to backup your favorite videos in case they're ever deleted from the site. So what are you waiting for? Start downloading videos from YouTube today!
Downloading videos from YouTube can be a great way to save content for offline viewing or just to watch over and over again. With this quick and easy guide, you should now have all the tools you need to download videos from YouTube in no time. Whether you're downloading music videos, tutorials, or even movies, using tools like 4K Video Downloader can help make it fast and simple. So go ahead and start downloading!
For More Info:-
how to download youtube videos to a mac
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avernale · 2 years
Have You Seen These New Pokémon? Have you SEEN Them?
I'm going to have to start tagging these so I can find them easier. I haven't done a proper HYSTNP since Grafaiai, apparently, and I had to search by the Pokémon's names to confirm. Another one has just been revealed, so let's see all the ones I've missed real quick.
Maybe I've posted about this one. I know I've talked about it elsewhere. It was revealed in a Japan-only stream of Pokémon scientists or something viewing footage of Pokémon in Paldea. Then they see this thing and are utterly confused and discussing whether or not it's a Paldean Diglett. Nope! It's Wiglett, a Water-type Pokémon that just bears a striking resemblance to Diglett.
I imagine a lot of people think this is a lazy design. I have to wonder how many different faces they went through before giving up and using Diglett's. Or if that was the plan all along. Either way, I feel like this is Game Freak trolling us. It's like one of those Garry's Mod videos where they stretch and distort characters for a joke (and probably can't animate them properly).
When I saw it first in the video's thumbnail, I thought it was merely Paldean Girafarig. Nope! It's Farigiraf, its new evolution! I don't see how this justifies having a palindrome for a name in and of itself, but okay. I suppose its four horns could be interpreted as legs if it were upside-down?
I feel like someone created this on accident while messing with Girafarig's model and accidentally inverted its back half. The result kinda looks like an astronaut, though I would've given that honor to a Flying type. This Pokémon instead remains Normal/Psychic. I suppose its Cud Chew ability, which allows it to eat the same berry twice, is interesting.
Might as well discuss the Electric Gym Leader Iono a bit. She's a V-Tuber. Well, in-universe she's a streamer, but to us she might as well be a V-Tuber. I have to wonder if they intend to use her as a V-Tuber going forward. Hopefully not in anything I'd be inclined to watch, because I already find her annoying. I mean, she's a great character and all, but she's a little too high-energy for me.
Also, have you noticed the name puns? If you haven't, you've probably been pronouncing her name wrong. It's "Eye-On-Oh," like "Ion" (an atom or molecule that holds a charge) or, more importantly, "I dunno." Like in her catchphrase, "Whozawhatsit? Iono!", or her game, "Who's Iono's Partner? I'unno!" I notice people pronouncing it "Ee-On-Oh," and it annoys me a little. You don't have to wait for an official English pronunciation! It's right there in the captions!
When I saw Bellibolt in the thumbnail, I didn't think it was very interesting. Then Iono pointed out its "nostrils" are its real eyes, and for some reason I found it's design way more interesting. It's some kind of plasma ball avocado frog, and I am here for it. Will I put it in my party? I'unno! Maybe if I run into it soon enough.
And, finally, the latest reveal. Some PokéPundits were invited to a hands-on demo, and some mentioned seeing a new Pokémon that the NDA wouldn't allow them to elaborate on. I haven't checked to see if this was it, though, so I have to wonder.
Greavard is a great name. I assume it's a portmanteau of "Grave" and "Bernard," though it's not nearly as big as a Saint Bernard. It appears to prey on unsuspecting travelers by draining their energy as they play with it.
I feel like I've seen this exact design somewhere before. Like in a Hannah-Barbera cartoon or something. I can imagine they're at least an influence. A lot of cartoon dogs, usually bloodhounds and sheepdogs, have hidden eyes like that, but I feel like the whole thing is giving me déja-vu.
So what's my planned team look like now? Let's see...
Quaxly - "Señor Quacks" Ralts - "Señora Carena" Cyclizar/Miraidon - "Señor Huffy"/"Saint Akira" Ceruledge - "Señor Crisis.EXE" Klawf - "Señor Crabs" Wildcard
Honestly, the last two slots may as well be wildcards. It took me too long to remember Klawf, and I'm not sure if I'm as into it as I was when it was revealed. I don't know how long I should keep those slots open, though, but I also want to try and avoid rotating Pokémon in and out of my party like I seem to do every generation.
Also, I've decided to include nicknames this time around. I like to come up with a naming convention sometimes. A lot of Pokémon I caught in Shield have names that end in "-ington" or "-sworth" or begin with "Sir," though for Legendaries and Mythicals I use the title of "Lord" (and a few have "Lady") and Ultra Beasts have "Prince" or "Princess." In Legends Arceus, I end their names with the archaic Japanese honoriffic "-dono," except for Legendaries and Mythicals, which get "-sama." And Alphas get α (the lower-case of the greek letter alpha) at the beginning of theirs. And shinies I generally try to give astrological or sci-fi names.
Since Paldea is generally based on Spain, Portugal, and the general Iberian peninsula area, I thought I'd go with "Señor" or "Señora" based on gender (probably shortened to "Sr"/"Sra" to save space) and "Saint" for Legendaries. I also considered a system revolving around Tera types (in Shield, I gave Gigantamax-capable Pokémon, and sometimes ones I just caught in Max Raid Battles, names with "Max" in them), but I thought that might be too complicated for a mechanic that might not extend beyond this generation. Especially since it applies to every Pokémon in this game, whether you caught it there or not. (And I'm still expecting a reveal of bespoke Terastallized forms, too. Ulterastallization! Make it real!)
Well, that's all I have to say for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say when more Pokémon are revealed, but that remains to be seen.
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areislol · 2 years
hi! can i request jealous ayato?👉🏻👈🏻 ur choice if u want to make it fluffy or not, just a small drop of angst but not too much
jealous ayato??! this is not looking too good, but that's okay. anyways, i love your request!! have a great day love <3 streamer! ayato x online friend! reader recommend listening to: this could be us - rae sremmurd
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streamer! ayato x online friend! reader • you and ayato know each other REALLY WELL. • you two are practically besties and y'all are inseparable. ayato would never admit this but.. he hates it when you hang out with other dudes, especially those who are pretty popular, many of their fans make ship edits of you and them and it just irritates him. • (also because he's not there to witness everything, plus what if one of them makes you feel uncomfortable??) • one day, ayato was streaming a game and you joined because ur there to hype him up!! and talk/interact with him ofc, in the middle of the game someone texted you. "i think someone just texted me, i'll be right back ayato!!" • ayato nodded, already knowing who it was - it was a man who often texted you, and that man IS self aware. ayato sighed, everyone could easily tell that ayato was annoyed or ticked off. • it was like that person was trying to take you away from him, and ayato did not like that, not one bit. • what ayato didn't expect was for you to turn your phone off and continue to watch him play - "aren't you going to text back?" "nah, it's not important, I'd rather watch you play. well, I'd rather you." • (rather u, does that even make sense??) • ayato at that moment literally became soft, like, instead of you texting back to that one person who keeps on texting you and annoying him, you ignore their texts and just continue talking to him?? • wow, he's in love - well he has always been! • whenever ayato is jealous, he's so salty about it and tries to pry you away from the other person or just annoy the shit out of the person until they leave. • the rest of the game play, you and ayato enjoy each others company and you two laugh hysterically when the player loses, you also send a lot of memes to ayato whenever he's jealous, why? idk - it's one of ur traits that ayato adores <3 • like, for example, ayato is jealous(and he's bad at hiding it.) because someone keeps on talking to you and whenever ayato tries to speak, they just speak even more louder, you, noticing that ayato is obviously annoyed and yes, jealous. you whip out your phone and quickly send ayato a meme, ayato hears the notification and sees it's by you, ayato clicks on the message and sees a meme, it's adorable yet funny - you and your weird memes never fail to make ayato smile <3 • ayato is now happy and problem solved • (jk, he's still mad so u have to make up an excuse that you have to leave and take ayato with u) • whenever ayato's jealous, EVERYONE, and im saying EVERYONE. can see that ayato's jealous and annoyed. ayato thinks he's good at hiding things but in reality, he sucks. • "i know you're jealous ayato." "pfft- what? no, you're delusional." "im.. delusional..?? :(" • if u keep on saying that to ayato he's going to have a mental break down. • jealous ayato is pretty scary, like - when you're talking to someone and the other person looks behind you, they see a fuming ayato. • ayato is GLARING at them. when you notice that they aren't paying attention to what you're saying and rather, they're looking quite frightened and constipated, you look at where they're staring at and you're met with a happy, smiling ayato. when you turn back, ayato is back to glare at them. • they, in the end leave and say that they have some "important matters" to do, they leave you - and you're sad :( • you was talking about something that really excited you and they just leave you hanging? • ayato notices your sad face and runs up to you, "hey, what's wrong?" "i was talking about something i really loved and i dont think they were listening to me, i dont think they even cared.." • ayato is furious at them even more. • "how about we go fetch some ice-cream?" "oo, okay!" :) • ayato places his hand on your back and leads you to where the ice-cream place is. • ayato's glare made the person want to leave, and he's glad that they did <3 • if ayato is ever jealous, you're never the reason. ayato can't even be mad at your cute face :( • honestly, ayato feels guilty about feeling about this. you're allowed to have
friends, and he's allowed to have friends too! so why is he always feeling this way whenever you interact with any of your guy friends? or even you talking to some people for an insane amount of time? ayato talks to you about him feeling this way and you're quick to comfort him <3
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a/n: if u enjoyed this pls go check out my other genshin hcs/like + follow + reblogs r appreciated!! note: my brain isn't working quite well so im worry if there are any grammar mistakes or just the request over all. I enjoyed writing this <3 i also have an upcoming writing!!
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || first meetings: unreconciled stars
series masterlist characters: scaramouche, fischl, mona genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i'm sorry fischl and mona's aren't that good :(( this is actually my first time writing for them but i hope you enjoy <33
scaramouche's playthrough -
oof scara
scara scara scara
this boy hates his chat and at this point they don't care.
it's not like he'll badmouth them, right?
think ludwig.
that's him.
he's a very angy boy please--
as for what he does?
much like childe he'd do a lot of pvp games.
he's not too keen on showing off his personal life.
he prefers that boundary between his viewers and himself, y'know?
he honestly doesn't even understand why his viewers like him.
he knows he's a mean person and yet here they are :/
he doesn't take requests from his viewers he just kinda plays whatever he wants.
imagine his viewers' surprise when they see him streaming genshin--
they asked why a lot.
"it seemed cool."
this man just wants to play some good ol' anime games.
his chat calls him soft and he just glares.
anyway now he's actually playing.
he's not really into mondstadt's characters they're all... okay to him.
he feels a bit better in liyue.
not because it's pretty oh no no no.
because look at all the enemies outside >:))
he'll clear the whole field don't test him.
anyway, now onto the unreconciled stars event :00
this man really doesn't like katheryne--
anyway at this point he's tasked with find fritz, which he doesn't really want to do.
he sees the dude on the ground but that's only after he sees someone standing next to him.
and then he sees someone standing next to him :0
"is the guy on the floor sleeping?"
"i believe so. i've tried everything, but he won't wake up."
he will pause to look at your outfit.
it's so complex but it's so cool!!!
his chat suspects something's up but... he'll just snap at them like he normally does.
but he'll silently admire you <3
also yOU'RE T I N Y ! !
and then paimon points out your clothes and the cameras pans up your body--
"heh... and by "this person over here," you mean me, right?"
he will choose the "those unique clothes are quite beautiful" option in a heartbeat.
he doesn't care that his chat is teasing him, he just wants you to know :))
he's kinda sad when you leave, though...
"please come back soon..."
skip to a few events later when the constellation is revealed to be leonard's.
the sudden cutscene catches him off guard because he's prepared to fight someone.
"hi! sounds interesting... mind if i join you?"
he won't say anything but he will physically relax at the sight of you.
you make this man soft please--
he's lowkey angry when his character is teleported away from you :(
(name): the sixth of the eleven fatui harbingers
of course he doesn't say that but his chat can tell that's what he's thinking.
this man's eyes go wide when you order the fatui around.
please help he really likes you. you're so assertive and cute and cool and just AGH--
fischl's playthrough -
fischl can and will do cosplay streams.
her fans like to watch her because of the "character" she puts up for the camera.
honestly she just does this because she genuinely enjoys cosplaying and bringing characters to life.
oz is the nickname for her pet bird :))
she definitely gets a lot of trolls in her chat that make fun of her for her cosplays and "dumb" way of speaking.
in which case she'll just yell at them using her "dumb" way of speaking.
she really does care about how people see her but her chat comforts her a lot after, so she feels better after a few minutes :))
the games she plays are very fantasy based and take place in worlds that don't exist.
once she gets into a game, she'd pick her favorite character and cosplay as them everytime she streams that game.
sometimes she does sewing streams where she actually makes her own cosplay with her fans.
they like to make it with her if they have the materials :D
genshin impact was a game her fans recommended because they actually want to see fischl cosplay the characters.
they will beg her to do the cosplay creation on stream.
(they defintitely know who she'll choose to cosplay but it's fine)
when she reaches the unreconciled stars event, she's really excited to learn about the fated meteorite granting sleep upon touch.
she's ready to go around teyvat in search of an answer when...
"katheryne! vassal of the immernachtreich, do mine ears deceive me, or didst thou cry out mine holy name in earnest supplication not one moment ago?"
some of her chat is obviously confused by your speech but her long time viewers can understand some of it.
oz, who fischl had brought with her to play, seems excited to see your familiar flying to you :)
fischl is just as excited as he is!!
please you speak just like her and you're voice is so nice and it actually sounds like the developers put thought into what the speech would mean in "proper speech."
"a pleasure to meet you again, katheryne."
some of her viewers will beg for her to skip through your dialogue.
when she sees those comments, she will purposefully let your dialogue play out, proceed to read out that same dialogue, and respond to you as if she was actually talking to you.
not just to spite them but because it's also a lot of fun for her <3
"it would seem the gods have blessed us with meeting such a well-respected being!"
translation: she's really excited to have met you.
as soon as you spoke she decided she would cosplay as you.
she's already planning out all of the materials she'll need and how much time it would take.
if your familiar is a bird, you best bet oz will be in her photo shoots for your cosplay.
most of the time you're on screen, she'll talk to her viewers about you in her classic chuunibyou style <333
she's really sad when it's time for you to leave :(((
"... goodbye, fischl. you are a good listener. i enjoy chatting with you. to be honest, most of the other adventurers in the guild only ever talk to me when they wanna hear (familiar)'s reconnaissance reports... this little journey we had... it was a great adventure. i'm just sorry that is has to end so abruptly..."
she might cry wait--
she relates to you even more now :(
"ah! what am i doing? i totally broke form..."
you're too cute pleas--
mona's playthrough -
mona does a lot of nightly streams.
it's very rare for you to catch her streaming with daylight.
she likes to share things about astrology while sitting outside drinking something warm.
she'll do a lot of nightly gaming streams as well.
mainly calmer games that people can vibe to in the background.
she prefers to keep her streams lowkey and chill, much like the life she wants to lead.
if only she had the money to do so...
yes, mona is still struggling with money even as a streamer.
she greatly appreciates any donations her fans give to her because she practically relies on them to pay her rent and daily necessities.
of course, it's not like she's completely struggling, just enough to barely get her by.
anyway, her fans ask her about playing genshin impact, inticing her with their talk about the stars and night sky in the game.
she's the type of player to take her time in the environment and take a lot of pictures of her character at night.
she's actually really excited when she hears about this new event centering around the stars and sky :D
soon enough, she gets around to the part where she is need of an astrologist.
she's HYPED to hear there's an astrologist in the game.
"someone looking for me? who is it?"
she will squeal, please.
look at you!!!
your whole design has stars and is space-themed and you're so cute and you're voice is so soothing ! ! !
she really likes listening to you talk about astrology because your voice gets even softer than before.
that scene where you go to the cliff??
please she has that scene as her lockscreen <3
you just look so cool when you start to do your process.
you're so focused and the way they animate your process in the game is beautiful.
and then the fatui harbinger interrupts one of your meetings :00
you grab onto mona's character and teleport away in a cloud of stars and specks of your elemental vision.
she's kinda embarrassed when you scold her about getting involved with the harbinger--
but not only are you really cool and awesome, you're super strong, too!
please be sassy more she really likes how proud you sound :))
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harleyhart · 3 years
Picture this: a muggleborn student who loves playing mostly harmless (if mildly inconvenient) pranks on people, but their grasp on charms isn't very good, so they instead use classic muggle pranks. Everyone expects the elaborate and highly engineered magic of the Weasley twins' pranks, so the staff and students are caught off guard by pranks set up by this mystery mischief-maker.
Little things were popping up regularly for years. Stuff like whoopie cushions, and placing buckets of water over doorways. People can usually get a good laugh at them, and brush them off relatively quickly- attributing them mainly to the afformetioned Weasley twins in the begining- but realize after being hit a few times by both parties, how different their M.O's are, and that they were in fact set up by someone else.
Nobody can figure out exactly who it is though, partly due to lack of traceable magic.
After a while, the pranks die down a bit, before stopping almost entirely.
That is, until April fool's day, 1993.
The day starts out with peeves entering the great hall during breakfast, but instead of causing chaos, he sits merrily at the professor's table next to lupin. The weirdest part is that he doesn't seem to be making any move to pull a prank. In fact, he does absolutely nothing all day, but sit around by the classrooms and in the corridors whistling and doing loops in the air.
At breakfast, students and staff ask for pastries, only to find that the flavour of the day is durian, stinking up the entire hall. When the stench dissipates, they're offered sandwich cookies as an apology, only to find them filled with toothpaste.
Students would find themselves attacked by streamers and confetti when entering a room, and anyone on a bathroom break were annoyed to find that the toilets had all been wrapped in cling wrap.
McGonagall's class had lucky cat statues stashed in random places (that she continued to discover for weeks after)
The person responsible had even managed to encase nearly all of Snape's supplies in lemon jello (barring, of course, his cauldron which had been the vessel for the gelatin)
All this on top of other people's pranks either backfiring on them, or mysteriously being disabled. All accept Fred and George Weasley, who were apparently given a pass.
Speaking of, the twins are having a field day watching this go down- but are admittedly a little miffed that someone is stealing their thunder, and on their birthday no less! That is, until a house elf stops them in one of the secret passageways. He plunks a huge package in front of them accompanied by a note that they're told to read after opening their 'gift'.
Fred wearily tears open the box, only to find the supplies the mystery prankster had used the whole day, and an extra birthday surprise. On top of all the leftover supplies was a large, hot pink bottle wrapped in a golden bow. When he moved the ribbon, he could finally read the inscription. ''Hair dye- permanent''
George opens the note, finding it to be a set of instructions. The information was simple, it was just directions on how to properly use the dye, but it was the message on the back of the pamphlet that made their eyes light up.
'You know what to do, birthday boys.'
Written underneath a picture of Draco malfoy, hair scribbled over with pink sharpie.
Oh, they were gonna have so much fun.
Update:There is now a one shot fic for this hc/imagine! I spent way too much time on it, and would love for people to read it- thanks for indulging my shameless self promotion!
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random-fandom1 · 3 years
I havent done these in a while so here are some Winterspider HC's!
Bucky and Peter cuddle on the jet coming back from missions
Peter tries to hide the fact that hes trans when he and Bucky first start dating
He dosent even tell Bucky when he finally gets top surgery
Peters suprised, and even more in love, when he wakes up a few days post surgery to find Bucky kissing his scars with such care
They went to a fair once, and Peter won Bucky a huge bear which now resides on their bed
When people see it they assume its Peters, but Bucky is quick to cirrect them that its infact his 'Mr Big'
Stanlee the dog definetly gets jealous of Mr Big
If they're taking the subway, Peter makes sure to sit on Buckys lap because 'he dosent want to use up a seat if theres a perfectly good one right there'
Peter still enters in science fairs even though hes 24 years old. Buckys always there to cheer him on
May buys them plants whenever she comes round because Bucky once said they remind him of his Mas small conservatory
They love to go shopping at 2am
Peter is a twitch streamer who's semi big in the gaming community, mostly streaming him and his online friends in the dsmp or just messing about
Bucky hates the idea of gaming to start with, thinking its all Cod and GTA but when he realises Peter is just playing a block game or Who's your daddy?, he watches all of his streams from the other room
(Bucky definitely didnt burst into the room screaming 'ME!' once when George asked Peter 'Whos you Daddy?')
Bucky loves sushi, curries, noodles and asian food in general. Like if you took him to a chinese restaurant he would practically eat the whole menu
Peter prefers spicier food like Mexican and Texan (is Texan a cuisine?)
Peter is into British shows and soaps like Eastenders, Hollyoaks, I'm a Celeb and GBBO. He watches them religiously
Bucky tries to get into the soaps, he really did but he just dosent get them.He does watch IaCGMOOH and GBBO with Peter when they are on
Bucky returns to college, and goes for an engineering course. Peters so proud of him
They shower together (Peter: To save the water. Bucky: Yeah, can't have the bills too high)
They take family walks (Them and Stanlee) around the city at least once a week.
Buckys amazed at childrens TV programmes like Peppa Pig and The Loony Tunes
Bucky dragged Peter fishing once because he used to love it, turns out Bucky cant fish to save his life and they end up soaking wet in pond water
Bucky goes through a stage of wearing turtle necks, blazers, fancy trousers, curly hair, rings etc, and Peter loves it
The avengers all have code words for them, which are more like mini warnings
Sam came up for 'Winters coming', which is used so the Avengers can avoid going past their door while they do the dwvils tango
'Someone call IX-IX-IX' was Bruces way of telling people when one, or worse both, of them were angry
You can sometimes hear a quiet “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!” coming from a hallway after someones walked in on them doing something
If you listen close enough you can hear Steve and Tony sarcastically muttering the words they taught their son his entirs life, "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.", after he leaves family game night to go cuddle with Bucky
They fight over stupid things most of the rime, theyre rarely ever very angry or upset
They once had a fight about the angle a slipper was lying at on the floor
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