themaitreya · 3 years
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themaitreya · 3 years
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themaitreya · 3 years
Heal with intention, attract what you radiate in thought, use affirmations. Duration, frequency and intensity of undesirable feelings on a scale of 0-10 (make it measurable) are there for as long as you think of it, the frequency of how often you think of it and the intensity of your believe in it!Build an affirmation. 1. Be short and to the point and positive. 2. Let yourself know what you…
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themaitreya · 3 years
What you can visualize without anyone seeing it in public. 1. Visiualize and count from 10-1 relaxing top and fore head, face, jaws, neck, chest and back of chest (upper back), arms and hands, belly, thies, whole leg and feet, whole body. 2. Visualize the main central flow (see video). https://youtu.be/huF07PdQrSg 3. Visualization: do not open or close the chakras (pre-visualize) too wide…
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themaitreya · 3 years
Your not sick, you've got a kundalini problem,
Your not sick, you’ve got a kundalini problem,
kundalini problems cause blockages in the chakras, chakras influence the endocrine system, which regulate all processes in the body .Use in your meditation. Chakra 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Connected to… Beta (brainwave), alpha, delta, tetha, gamma, omega, no experience nor not-experience nor yes and not even that (non-duality). Earth (chakra), water, fire, air, ether, light, no experience nor…
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themaitreya · 3 years
Maitreya Magic School
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themaitreya · 4 years
This is the essence of my bachelor in stresscounseling from the university of applied sciences education…
This is the essence of my bachelor in stresscounseling from the university of applied sciences education…
Stress counseling in 18 words … Does this give me energy, does it reduce my bear burden and does it optimize my carrying capacity? (what is the duration, frequency and intensity on a 0-10 scale of the long-term unwanted feelings when you apply this?) Footnote. Internal stress. Duration, frequency and intensity of unwanted feelings on a scale of 0-10 (make it measurable) are there for as long…
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themaitreya · 4 years
Zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden
Zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden
Zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden, geen leven, geen dood, geen ziekte en gezondheid, geen trauma noch niet-trauma noch wel en nog niet eens dat. Daarom zeg ik ook van kinderen, die misbruikt zijn, mensen, die denken corona te hebben, of een papegaai hebben verloren, jou mening, niet de mijne. Wie jij werkelijk bent wordt niet geboren en gaat niet dood, incarneert niet, reïncarneert niet,…
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themaitreya · 4 years
Gentle healers make smelly wounds
Gentle healers make smelly wounds
Gentle healers make smelly wounds, no life, no death, no sickness and health, no trauma, no trauma, nor yes and not even that. That is why I also say about children who have been abused, people who think they have corona, or have lost a parrot, your opinion, not mine. Who you really are is not born and does not die, does not incarnate, does not reincarnate, does not manifest itself and does not…
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themaitreya · 4 years
Worth knowing ... last enjoyed education university of applied sciences...
Worth knowing … last enjoyed education university of applied sciences…
Did you know that the Maitreya, after primary school, highschool and college has completed various courses at college-level (aura chakra healing, NLP, kinesiology / touch for health) and a training stress counseling and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) bachelor’s degree and certified EE (r) (emotional balance) and CBT (r) (Chakra Balancing Technique) therapist. Is a facilitator of the…
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themaitreya · 4 years
Wetenswaardigheidje...laatst genoten opleiding HBO...
Wetenswaardigheidje…laatst genoten opleiding HBO…
Wist je dat de Maitreya, na de basisschool, M.A.V.O. en (top-)Havo verschillende opleidingen op MBO+ niveau (aura chakra healing, NLP, kinesiologie/ touch for health) en een opleiding stresscounseling en Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) op HBO-niveau heeft afgerond en gecertificeerd EE (r) (emotioneel evenwicht) en CBT (r) (Chakra Balancing Techniek) therapeut is. Facilitator van the…
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themaitreya · 4 years
Do not try to convince anyone that you are right, do not try to understand the other, do not start a discussion, let everyone have their own opinion, stand in your own strength, selfless and unaffected, there is only you, the rest, who is not there , is air and does not exist for you. Avoid and seek loving company, appreciate yourself. You always have the right to return to things on your own…
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themaitreya · 4 years
A x E = 1
A x E = 1
Amount Eternity Oneness Hi no hi nor yes and not even that. Friend of everyone. About the second coming: i will not appear, re-appear, not manifest, be born, or die, not incarnate, or reincarnate nor yes and not even that. No life, no death, no sickness and health, no trauma nor non-trauma (happy feeling) nor yes and not even that. Nothing could not be there so everything was light without…
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themaitreya · 4 years
The following texts i send to YouTube and Facebook live broadcastings which thousands watch.
The following texts i send to YouTube and Facebook live broadcastings which thousands watch.
Hi no hi nor yes and not even that. About the second coming: i will not appear, re-appear, not manifest, be born, or die, not incarnate, or reincarnate nor yes and not even that. No life, no death, no sickness and health, no trauma nor non-trauma (happy feeling) nor yes and not even that. Future vision: sustainable futuristic ecological construction in a border-free world where everything is…
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themaitreya · 4 years
Global Village Awareness (GVA)
Global Village Awareness (GVA)
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themaitreya · 4 years
Maitreya on mantras.
A word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.A statement or slogan repeated frequently.Aum (pronounciation: Om/ Ohm) mantra (a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation), from Sanskrit (an ancient Indo-European language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and from which many northern Indian (Indic) languages are…
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themaitreya · 4 years
Maitreya on mantras.
A word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.A statement or slogan repeated frequently.Aum (pronounciation: Om/ Ohm) mantra (a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation), from Sanskrit (an ancient Indo-European language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and from which many northern Indian (Indic) languages are…
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