#they're my guardian angels
steakout-05 · 8 months
miscellaneous digital barry sketches
every time i draw this man i just make him more and more beefy. like. i've given him such a strong chin and big features i think my barry simpery has reached a boiling point heeheehaahaa
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also the eyelashes!! they make him more babygirl!!
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i headcanon that he's bi and this would be his reaction to seeing the most beautiful people ever in front of his very eyes.... he literally goes awooga heart bursting out of chest jaw drop and completely forgets everything he's doing for a solid 5 minutes
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quick little side angle of barry :) i like giving him a bit of an underbite cause he looks more,,, attractive i guess? slightly goofy? but i think i need to make his hair a liiiittle less slicked back maybe....
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me when barry.... ignore the singular line down his face i forgot to erase it oups
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teddybeartoji · 7 days
satoru as the guardian of an itty bitty six year old nobara... he spoils her so fucking much, and he lets her do anything and everything lmao nobara is so loud and lively and satoru fucking loves it like he adooores her so so so much<333333333
lets nobara climb all over him like he's her personal jungle gym whenever she's bored and lets nobara mess up his hair if she so desires. this is all very normal btw,, satoru doesn't even bat an eye when he feels her tugging at his arm as he's cooking, only smiling to himself when nobara grumbles that he's too heavy for her too pull on. satoru just ruffles her hair and tells her that he'll play mario cart with her after they've eaten and just fucking dies out of cuteness agression when nobara stomps her little foot while glaring at him. the hair thing is very casual too – sometimes satoru's just laying on the couch, watching tv, when nobara plops onto his back and just splays herself all over him like a puppy. yk how they sometimes lay on their backs with their paws up in the air – like that. it's very cute!!! she watches the tv with him for a while in silence but then she gets a little bored and goes to play with his hair instead. she styles it, she combs it; she makes fun of it being white, commenting that satoru's just so old already but he loves it.
they have spa days together, too. after a very, very bubbly bath, they're both clad in the cutest pyjamas with equally adorable headbands holding back their head. satoru's never been afraid to spend his money, meaning that the bathroom they share is as big as they come – they both have their own sides, seperate sinks and cupboard for the both of them (satoru really loves spoiling her). nobara has her own little stool to stand on as well, so she can see herself in the mirror perfectly as they wash their faces before applying face masks. sometimes nobara insists on putting on satoru's herself bc she thinks she can do it better. of course, he lets her.
after that, satoru carries her to the couch, so they can watch a movie while the mask dries. they eat popcorn and candy, and joke about whatever's playing on the screen. and when the twenty minutes are up, they both head back to the bathroom to wash their faces again. nobara does this for satoru, too – her eyebrows are furrowed, her eyes determined as she cleans him up. satoru pokes her cheek and laughs as she tells him off, as she tells him to stop messing around. satoru apologizes with a grin.
he blow dries her hair after all the skincare is done, his hands gentle as he combs through the strands. he's extra careful, knowing full well that he'll get reprimanded if he were to tug on her a bit too hard. satoru's rather good at it btw – doing her hair. he's learned how to braid it in different ways, so he's ready for whatever she could ever want. he's got hairties with him at all times, he's even got some hairclips in his pockets – in various shades, to match with the outfit she's wearing.
satoru likes to teasingly call her "little lady". it almost always ends up with her trying to shove him, the argument that 'she's not little' the saying she counters her guardian with. satoru thinks she's very adorable. nobara usually calls him by his name, sometimes by his last name but that's only when she's a little pissed off or when she's trying to be tough. she calls him 'toru' when she's tired though; when she's glued to him, her tiny hands circled around his neck as satoru's carrying her home from the park.
satoru's always there at her taekwondo practices, silently cheering her on as she kicks ass. he's so proud of her, so fucking proud. every once in a while, she turns to him with a big grin on her face, yelling out in excitement after yet another win. satoru is so incredibly proud.
satoru really adores nobara. she might not be his kid, but he still loves her like one. a father, a brother, a guardian - it doesn't matter. family. and nobara couldn't be any happier either – to have somebody that lets her have her fun, that doesn't even try to tone her down in any way. to have somebody that loves her unconditionally. it's everything a child could ever possibly want.
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ahopefulbromantic · 21 days
Me: I wish I could just live with my friends. Have our little commune or qpr or whatever. And I wish we would cook together and do the dishes together and pray together and talk together about God or anything else really and sing together and sit together in the living room and play games together, and I wish everyone was celibate without any angst about it so that no one would leave us when they find a chance for a romantic partner. And we could even adopt and raise kids together like a family. And I wish-
My Guardian Angel: Idk sounds like a convent to me.
Me: ...oh.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Quest for a Cure (LU in Healthcare War Era)
Sicktember prompt 2 is here! :D @hermitdrabbles56 @socialc1imb I know you wanted to see this plot. :)
(AO3 link)
His entire body hurt so much. It wasn’t the worst pain he’d ever been in, but by heaven it was unpleasant. What was more alarming, though, was the distinct sense of dread that was steadily building in his stomach, a knowledge of oncoming darkness that couldn’t be pierced, a strange peace and anxiety fighting for control as something so unquestionably inevitable slowly edged ever closer.
Time swallowed thickly, trying to open his eyes. By all things holy, I certainly am being dramatic this evening.
Yes. Yes, he was just being dramatic. That’s what the logical side of his brain was saying, at least. The side that was desperately trying to maintain control as it slipped through his fingers. The rest of his mind was registering how utterly weak he was, how he hadn’t had anything to eat or drink in at least two days (from what he could reckon), how someone was at his side constantly, how this virus had hit others and was more than capable of snuffing out its victims.
The darkness was pierced with light, dim and flickering—he really needed to change that lightbulb, didn’t he?—and he saw three silhouettes over him.
Saria? Sheik? No, none of the figures matched their physiques. The blurred edges of those over him started to clear, just enough for him to see familiar faces.
His Lost Boys.
Warriors, Sky, and Wind were watching him with varying expressions of concern. Wind’s eyes were wide and worried, fear evident in his constricted brow. Sky was more distant, anxiety held at bay by sheer force of will but still clearly showing through his expressive face, however muted he tried to make it. Warriors just looked exhausted, a dread shrouding him and making him look far older than he actually was.
Time tried to smile, but he knew it looked as strained as it felt. “What’s with the long faces?”
“You’re definitely not going to work today, old man,” Warriors said with a carefully light tone. “I see the night didn’t treat you well.”
“Are you feeling any better than before? You look awful,” Wind asked, his voice trembling.
Time swallowed thickly. He’d physically been through worse, he knew, but…
He was a trauma surgeon. He fixed things. A laceration was simple, an illness…
Damn it all. There was a reason he didn’t go into internal medicine. He hated how helpless he felt. He hated how scared his boys looked. He hated how he knew in his bones that this was not going to be an easy illness to overcome… assuming he would even overcome it.
“I’ll be up and about soon, Nugget,” Time answered to reassure them, even if he was lying through his teeth. Wind brown uncurled a hair, the tension in his face releasing for a moment, and Time thought he’d almost succeeded. Sky and Warriors, on the other hand, had hardly changed their expressions.
“Please try to rest,” Sky said so softly that Time almost missed it entirely.
Time watched the boy and stretched a trembling hand out to take his. Sky slowly took it. His hand felt so warm in Time’s frozen grip that it brought a little sigh of relief through the surgeon’s lips.
He wanted to say something, anything. Some anxious thought in the back of his mind said this might be his last chance to do so. He really didn’t appreciate the sentiment behind that, but…
If it was his time, then it was his time, he supposed. His gaze passed theirs, up to the ceiling. You have lousy timing, you know. Why would you take me away now, when I have children to look after? To finally find companionship and family, to finally find a purpose once more, to finally feel as if I belong, only to be ripped away and leave them bereft… what a terrible fate.
Despite his ire at the situation, despite his worry for his boys, Time felt his eyes closing once more, and the darkness consumed him.
As the surgeon’s eyes closed and he let out a shaky breath, the three others in the room tensed once more. Sky hated feeling how limp Time’s hold was on his hand, and he stepped away, hugging himself as Wind slid in to replace him. He took a fortifying, slow breath, leaning against the doorway while Warriors took the washcloth from Time’s forehead and dipped it in a bowl of ice water.
“So is he feeling better…?” Wind questioned hesitantly, suddenly not so sure of Time’s reassurance.
“No,” Warriors answered curtly, and Sky winced. The nurse was clearly not pleased with what he was seeing, and it made Sky worry even more.
“You think it’s going to get that bad?” Sky asked hesitantly, his voice quiet.
Warriors sighed as he wrung the cloth out. “I don’t know. I’ve seen it sweeping through barracks, though. It hits everyone to varying degrees. Some people just feel run down and bedridden, and others…”
The rest of his sentence hung heavily in the air.
Wind burst out, “But you guys are medical people! There’s a hospital right here!”
“It’s a field hospital, kiddo,” Warriors clarified as he wiped the sweat off Time’s brow once more. “We stabilize, do emergency surgeries, and then ship them somewhere more equipped to handle a long-term stay and recovery. Besides, the medicine to treat this virus is expensive, they’re not going to ship it out here unless it’s taking out the troops in droves, and it isn’t. Time wouldn’t be staying here, and his illness isn’t something we have medicine for. Either he’s going to get through it or someone will fly him out of here.”
Sky shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t usually fly people from the field hospital to the fully equipped military hospital in the Gerudo capital. He hadn’t seen a piece of land that wasn’t involved in the conflict since he’d finished basic training. The capital was very much in a safe location and therefore not his priority. Time would be protected there, but…
“We’d never see him again! What if they transfer him from there or something?!” Wind exclaimed.
“You don’t know that—” Warriors tried to reassure, but now the teenager was frantic.
“No! This is stupid, why does everyone have to keep leaving—” Wind growled, turning towards the door, and then he stopped with a heavy sigh. “I’m… I’m sorry. I know you’re dealing with a lot.”
“It’s okay, Sailor,” Warriors replied with a kind smile, though Wind didn’t see it.
Sky looked between the pair, and then his eyes settled on Time’s pale face, already drenched once again in sweat. He wasn’t winning this fight and Sky knew it. Thoughts clouded his mind so much he couldn’t put words to them or string a coherent sentence together. He settled for putting a gentle, reassuring hand on Wind’s shoulder.
Then sudden clarity struck him. His lips pressed firmly against each other, and his fingers curled into Wind’s shoulder, catching the teenager’s attention. Sky motioned towards the hallway with his head.
“We’ll be back later,” Sky said to Warriors, who gave a simple nod.
When the door to Time’s room closed, Wind said, “I know I shouldn’t have yelled. Can we do something to help them, though? I can bring Wars food or something.”
“I have a better idea,” Sky said, a smile starting to pull at his lips. “This virus is pretty common to this area. Which means somebody has to have medicine for it closer than the capital. I think the nearest enemy camp in the town ought to be a good place to start.”
Wind gasped, immediately catching on to what Sky was implying. “Hell yeah! I know all the ways to get in there too!”
Sky smiled as the boy’s face practically glowed. There were likely a hundred rules Sky was breaking in even suggesting this, but he didn’t care. Time was seriously ill, and Sky knew the enemy had to have medicine for such a thing. Sure, the local village might not have it, nor would their military base, but many of the enemies they were fighting here were locals, and they had been dealing with this for ages. He also knew from flybys where their nearby camp was – the nearest one, at least, and the one that was based in a town, which meant it likely had the medicine.
And he had a kid who knew how to sneak in and out of said encampment.
It was time to help their friend.
Sky guided Wind to his own quarters. His roommate thankfully was out, which gave him the opportunity to plan things out somewhere as private as possible. He quickly pulled out desert camouflage attire, putting it on and glancing at Wind, who waved him off.
“I’m small, I sneak in and out of there without it all the time,” the kid reassured him with a smile. His easy confidence both amused Sky and made him uneasy. For a moment he realized the gravity of what he was asking of a fourteen-year-old. Time’s pain-stricken face floated into his mind, though, and his anxieties over losing him overruled the concern. Besides, Wind had said it himself – he’d snuck in and out plenty of times. It wasn’t fair to ask this of the kid, but Sky did have to wonder how well they’d fare if the army utilized Wind to take the enemy base down entirely.
That was a matter for another day. Sky couldn’t eliminate an entire enemy base, but he could sneak into one.
But just in case, he packed two pistols and his semi-automatic gun. Just in case. And maybe a sniper rifle.
Wind did, under mild protest, get a camouflage jacket from Sky, both for the elder teenager’s sanity and because the desert was frigid at night.
The pair snuck by the guards rather easily—unnervingly easy, Sky would have to bring this up later—and began their long trek through the desert.
“How long does it usually take to get to the town?” Sky asked before adding out of curiosity, “And why do you sneak in there so much? You know they can kill you, right?”
“It’s like an hour walk from here with the route I take,” Wind answered. At Sky’s alarmed expression, he added, “It’s not a route that vehicles can drive. We’re gonna be climbing. A lot. Hope you can hold on to all your guns.”
“Speaking of which,” Sky said, holding out a pistol and a machete. “Do not use these unless you absolutely have to. Got it?”
Wind reached out hesitantly. Sky quickly asked, “You do know how to shoot, right?”
Wind gave him bewildered, somewhat exasperated look. “Why the hell would I know how to shoot?”
Great. Maybe just the machete, then. “I don’t know, you’ve been wandering a war zone for so long now I figured you had something up your sleeve to defend yourself.”
“I do!” Wind replied excitedly, pulling out a boomerang. “This baby’s helped me out in tough times!”
“Huh.” Sky gazed at the boomerang curiously. “That’s different.”
“It works!”
Sky shrugged. Whatever worked, he supposed.
The adolescent pair continued into the desert night, a chilly wind trying to tear through them. Wind’s path quickly went off the main road, and Sky did indeed find himself climbing nearly sheer cliffs, gripping whatever flora had managed to creep along its walls. He started sweating quickly, feeling his stamin fall, but they managed to reach the top before his grip gave out. Their journey was mostly spent in silence aside from Wind giving pointers on footing, giving Sky plenty of time to formulate different plans.
This medicine had to be in a clinic or hospital. Which meant they’d have to get to that point. Then they’d have to figure out how to sneak into such a facility. It was a good thing he had thought to swipe a few items that Wars had left lying around.
Wind held up his hand suddenly, making Sky freeze. Then the kid cackled, pulling out his phone. “Gotta do the obligatory pre-break-in selfie.”
“Wind!” Sky hissed. “I could get court martialed for this, no pictures!”
“Oh come on!” Wind argued. “I’m not dumb, I don’t share this stuff! These pictures are to show my grandma and sister when I find them, that’s all.”
Sky sighed heavily. To hell with it. Pulling down the black mask that was covering his face he gave a strained smile as Wind winked at the camera with a peace sign.
The edge of the town was surrounded by stone walls. The only entrance in and out was flanked with multiple armed guards. Sky looked at Wind hesitantly, and the kid had the audacity to smirk. Sky was almost proud of him.
Wind moved towards the alpha side of the town wall, pointing to a spot that seemed darker than the rest of the surrounding area. “A lot of places here have old leftovers from way back when. This town’s got old sewage system that they don’t really use, it’s kind of more just runoff for… I don’t know, I guess they get rain sometimes. Either way, we can get in that way because they don’t really use it anymore.”
“And nobody’s guarding it?” Sky asked curiously.
“There’s, like, one guy. And he’s so freaking bored. He plays games on his phone.”
Sky snorted out a laugh and then followed his friend. The pathway was a little muddy, implying that something usually ran through here. It didn’t have a terrible odor to it, though it wasn’t great. Sky clutched his gun tightly as Wind peered around a corner and motioned for him to follow. The mud squelched too loudly for his liking, and with as on edge as he was feeling…
These people wouldn’t hesitate to hurt them. He’d seen what they were capable of. They’d shot down a medical helicopter for heaven’s sake. Still, if Wind had managed to sneak in and out…
Wind pointed silently, and Sky saw the guard in question. He squinted, staring at the man’s phone. Was that Angry Birds?
Slowly, Sky put his gun away, letting it rest on his back, and the pair scooted forward. The man sat close to the entrance, but not directly beside it. If he stayed engrossed in his game, they might actually have a chance. Wind snuck out first, quick and silent. Sky followed suit, feeling his stomach clench so tightly he thought he could throw up, but neither caught the guard’s attention.
Great. Great. They were in the city. Sky let out a subtle laugh, shaking the jitters off as they slipped into an alley. Now all they had to do was find a clinic or hospital or—
Oh, that giant building with the medical symbol ought to do nicely.
“What are you usually doing when you sneak in here?” Sky asked, suddenly curious.
Wind shrugged. “Looking for my sister and grandma. But they don’t really have refugee locations or prisoners here or anything.”
Sky felt his heart hurt. This kid was so determined to find his family. It was no wonder he was desperate not to lose anyone else.
“They’ve got curfews and stuff here,” Wind noted. “Since they turned the whole place into a base and all.”
There went Sky’s next thought to just blend in with the civilians. He supposed they would have to sneak around everywhere, then.
Maneuvering to get to the hospital wasn’t too terrible – the majority of the guards were posted along the walls rather than through the streets. The hospital was a fairly small one, but still more of an official medical institution than the field hospital Sky flew people to. He grabbed Wind by the shoulder and motioned to a bag he’d brought along.
“What’s that?” Wind asked hesitantly.
Reaching in, Sky pulled out a pair of scrubs and smiled mischievously.
Wind’s eyes brightened. “We’re posing as nurses!”
“I am,” Sky corrected. “You won’t fit in Wars’ clothes.”
“How did you get his scrubs?”
“Lost a bet. He wanted me to do his laundry as punishment.”
“…Did you clean them first?”
Sky tilted his head with a sheepish smile. “Well… point is, I have scrubs.”
Wind raised a cautious eyebrow. “So then what about me…?”
Sky’s smile grew more devious.
Ten minutes later, a security guard was knocked unconscious and dragged away, tied and gagged (with a bonus unconscious selfie with Wind winking and Sky looking mildly exasperated), and a wheelchair was acquired as a nurse wheeled his pediatric patient into the hospital.
“Okay, so we need to find the pharmacy,” Wind whispered. “That’s where the medicine would be, right?”
“We need to know what the medicine is first,” Sky replied quietly. “The only way to do that is for you to have that virus.”
Wind gave a quick huh? And then gasped with an oh! And proceeded to start fake coughing so hard the veins in his neck bulged.
“Easy, sailor,” Sky said worriedly, but Wind waved him off. When they stopped at the emergency department doors, Sky got himself together and waved sheepishly at the triage tech. “Forgot my badge, sorry. Mind letting me in?”
The triage tech rolled her eyes good naturedly and walked over. “You’re on the struggle bus tonight, buddy.”
“Yeah, I know,” Sky replied with a chuckle as he wheeled Wind in.
“So uh, what’s this virus called anyway?” Wind whispered as Sky found an empty room to put him in.
“I know the colloquial term is Sand Fever,” Sky said, pausing. “But I don’t know its actual name. I’m hoping that’s enough, though.”
If there was one thing Sky knew he could rely on, it was the chaos in the emergency department. He went to registration and put on a show how there was no paperwork for this new patient and gave her false information for a face sheet. She noted that he hadn’t been triaged, according to the paperwork, and Sky said he had, actually, he was in bad enough shape that they were going to get the info once they brought him back, which wasn’t unheard of for critical patients.
So one false paperwork bracelet later, Sky and Wind found themselves awaiting a physician’s examination for the presumed serious case of Sand Fever. Wind really played it up as much as he could, and it certainly worked well enough that the physician was willing to do a test for the virus. As soon as she left, Sky asked Wind, “How did you fake wheezing? Like this whole thing definitely has my heart rate and blood pressure up, but I can’t fake wheezing.”
Wind huffed, almost proudly, but then he wilted a little uncertainly. “I… don’t know. I tried hard, though.”
Sky’s confidence in the situation faltered a moment, quivering like a freshly hatched chick. Wait…
Dread filled him, and he slowly walked out of the room. He wandered the emergency department to get a lay of the land and distract himself, keeping close enough that he could rush to Wind’s room if anyone suspected anything. He felt incredibly exposed all of a sudden.
After maybe his third lap around the unit, the physician from earlier stopped him. “I put in orders for the Velkisen. Give him an initial dose and then I’ll write a script for pharmacy to fill.”
Sky blinked. What? “Uh, yeah. Okay.”
He repeated the name over and over. Velkisen. Velkisen.
Wait. Was that… was that the antiviral medication? Was… did that mean…?
“Shit,” Sky swore, going back to Wind’s room.
Wind perked up immediately, having been anxiously fiddling with the blanket provided to him. He also immediately could read Sky’s expression and knew something was wrong. “What is it?”
“You’ve got Sand Fever,” Sky said.
Wind blinked. Then he said, “Wow. Okay. That makes sense for the wheezing and achiness.”
“You’re achy and didn’t say anything?!”
Wind stood, crossing his arms defensively. “What differnce does it make? It doesn’t affect everyone the same, clearly I’m not as bad off! So what if I got it from Time! He needs the medicine.”
Sky groaned. “Well, we’re in luck because—”
A script! They were going to get a script!! All Sky had to do was fudge the amount of pills they would need, he could double or trip it, and they could get out of here with everything they needed from the hospital pharmacy!
…Assuming the pharmacist didn’t question it.
And he needed to get the initial dose apparently.
Sky advised Wind to wait and turned quickly, asking another nurse to let him into the medication room because of his supposedly forgotten badge. That wouldn’t get him into the actual dispenser, though, and he knew that. He had to figure out something.
Wait. He knew a trick he’d seen Warriors done a few times to override for medication. All it took was swiping some aspirin out of someone’s bag. Then he poked another nurse. “Hey, I need to return this medication, but it’s not popping up for me. Do you mind checking for me?”
The nurse shrugged and popped in easily enough, and Sky once again felt guilty at how he was abusing the camaraderie that emergency personnel showed each other.
The nurse logged into the dispenser and asked, “What’s the med called?”
“Yes! That’s the one.”
The nurse tossed him a look with a smirk. “Long night?”
Sky laughed nervously. “Yeah. I keep tripping over my words.”
“What’s the patient’s name?”
“Last name is Tingle.”
“Looks like it hasn’t even been dispensed.”
Sky made a humming sound and gently pushed by the nurse to look at the screen. “Weird. Well, I guess I’ll just pull it again, then.”
He tapped the medicine name with his finger, and a drawer popped open. When a compartment opened inside, awaiting his removal of the medication inside, he hesitated.
This was an intravenous medicine. He could immediately tell from the vial. There was no way he was administering this to Wind, even if the boy needed it. He grabbed it nonetheless – hopefully it could help Time. The script ought to provide more anyway. With a nod to the other nurse, he quickly made his way back to Wind, who was just finishing a conversation with the doctor.
“How old did you tell them I was, anyway? She hasn’t once asked about a parent,” Wind noted as Sky hastily slid the door closed.
“Eighteen,” Sky answered easily before pulling out the medicine. “Did you get the script?”
Wind waved the paper triumphantly. “I sure did! Tripled the dose, too. Now we just wait until I get discharged?”
“No,” Sky immediately said. “Too much paperwork, too many questions, too easy for people to figure out something’s off. Let’s head for the pharmacy now.”
“That means we have to sneak by the nurses too.”
“Sweet! Best night ever! We’re like spies!”
Sky sighed heavily, feeling exhausted. They were going to be dead spies if they weren’t careful. “Let’s go.”
Wind snapped one more selfie, showing his hospital wristband, and then nearly skipped over in delight. The pair tried to look as innocuous as possible as they casually slipped out of the room and into a hallway before following a transporter through locked doors and peeling off to head towards the signs indicating pharmacy.
It was honestly unnerving how easy it was, even if Sky felt like he was going to have a heart attack at any moment. He was going to ask Wind how the kid was so excited, but the more he watched him, the more he saw the nervous ticks, the way the younger one’s hands were shaking, the way his eyes were constantly on alert. Wind was just as scared as he was, but he expressed it through excited jitters.
The pharmacy tech filled the prescription after an agonizing few minutes, and before they knew it, they were slinking through the basement of the hospital with pockets full of pills.
“I hope this is enough,” Sky muttered as they found their tied up security guard. The man was wiggling now, trying to yell over the gag Sky had secured over his mouth. Sky grabbed his bag of supplies, changing out of his scrubs and back into his uniform as Wind threw the spare camouflage jacket back on and ripped off his hospital bracelet, pocketing it. Then Sky grabbed the butt of the gunstock and slammed it into the man’s temple, knocking him out once more. He then untied the guard so he could awaken and get actual help when they’d left.
But he should have known. This mission had been all too easy. Something had to go wrong.
It was blissfully late in the game. They had gotten back to the Angry Birds guard, who had now taken position directly in front of the entrance to their escape route. The pair came up with a plan quickly, and Sky waltzed up to the guard.
“Nice score,” he commented with a smile, and the guard jumped, registered the sight in front of him, and promptly got clocked on the head by a boomerang that he’d missed due to Sky’s distraction. A solid punch to the face did the rest of the work.
Unfortunately, it was time for the soldier to check in based on the radio traffic. Sky grabbed his gun, hissing for Wind to run ahead, and the pair tore into the tunnel. By the time they’d reached the other side, alarms were blaring.
“Head for the cliffs!” Sky yelled. If they could clear them they’d at lease be out of sight.
Instead, a spotlight shone right on them. Wind yelled, running faster. Sky whirled, firing his rifle at the light source, blinking rapidly to see his target. A few blind shots in the general direction eliminated the spotlight, but it also gave away their position just as well.
“Climb! Now!!” he ordered, slipping behind a boulder to give cover fire.
Wind scrambled up the rocks, flinching as gunfire peppered the area around him, though it primarily honed in on Sky’s general location. Sky fired off rapidly, praying he hit at least a few targets or warded them away long enough.
“I’m over!” Wind called. “Come on!”
“I’ll follow you, just go!!”
Any argument Wind might have had was covered by the wound of bullets slamming into stone, sending dust and tiny, sharp rocks flying. Sky prayed the kid listened. You have the medicine, Wind. Save Time and yourself.
The distinct sound of a gave opening caught his attention, as well as motors. Sky turned his head and saw two motorcyclists tearing out of the main entrance to the town. They wouldn’t be able to get to Wind in the higher terrain, but they could chase him down until he reached the end of the cliffs. Taking a steadying breath, he peered out from his shelter and fired, managing to pick one rider off, leaving their bike spinning out of control.
Their bike.
Sky held his breath and ran. Bullets sprayed the ground around him, creating a trail as the gunner tried to keep up with his steps. Sky nearly slammed into the bike, throwing a leg over and gunning it with all his might.
Drawing close to the cliffs, he screamed out Wind’s name. After the third attempt, he saw the blonde head poking over some stone, the only thing visible about him. Wind immediately perked up, but then he pointed and shouted in warning. Sky turned and saw the other cyclist approaching, gun in hand.
Pulling out one of the pistols he had tucked into his side, Sky fired once, twice, thrice, and the soldier fell. He moved towards the cliff again. “JUMP!”
Wind ran alongside him and leapt without hesitation, arms and legs splayed out wide. Sky reached out for him, managing to catch the falling teenager and helping him climb onto the bike between the pilot and the handles.
“Hold on tight!” He instructed as they tore into the night. Wind kept a continuous lookout, and Sky’s head turned so much it might as well have been on a swivel, but they had gotten enough of a lead to outmaneuver anyone on foot, and Wind started pointing out trails off the main road before any other vehicles could exit the base.
Sky revved the engine again, watching as they accelerated to speeds in the triple digits, and Wind laughed almost as loudly as his namesake that was whipping through their hair. The farther they got from the town, the more infectious the laughter became, and eventually Sky himself was whooping and screaming in delight.
We made it.
The room felt so quiet. So empty. So cold.
Warriors slumped in his seat, alone with his thoughts. Time had long since fallen asleep, breathing disturbingly shallow. It was high time he take him to the hospital. It was high time he get transported somewhere that could better handle this, assuming it wasn’t too late already.
It was silly, really, to assume such a thing. Time had only been sick a couple days. It had just slammed him all at once. He hadn’t become altered to such a degree until tonight. Some part of Warriors’ brain insisted on taking care of him here, in the barracks, as if telling himself the situation as fine would actually make it so.
But he’d waited long enough. He wasn’t going to risk Time’s life over his desperate attempt to placate his mind. Time would go to the hospital in the capital and be treated and he would be fine. Never mind how quickly he was deteriorating. He would be fine.
He fell apart in forty-eight hours. Will he last the flight? Will they even think it’s worth flying him? Will they risk a pilot, a flight crew, a helicopter to transport someone who might already be too far gone?
Is this my fault for not taking him to the hospital sooner?
Warriors was usually better than this. He could figure out when a situation was going south, he could distance his emotions from the situation. This should be no different.
Except it was different. Because he’d already lost others, and just the mere thought of Time leaving sent him spiraling.
Impa. Lana. Oh fuck, Lana.
Warriors blinked tears away, tried to regulate his breathing. It was time to get moving. He tried not to look at Time, tried to think he was just taking a patient, grabbed his radio to call for an ambulance, when the door to the room slammed open with such intensity it nearly took it off its hinges.
Shooting to his feet, Warriors stumbled and knocked over the chair he’d been sitting on, taking in the sight before him. Sky and Wind were in front of him, breathless, excited, covered in sand and sweat and—was that a smear of blood?! They were wearing camouflage, and Sky was sporting multiple weapons in different holsters.
Warrior felt his body grow cold. “What. Did. You. Do.”
The pair immediately dug into their pockets, hands emerging bearing pill bottles and a vial. Their eyes shone with hope, twinkling brightly like stars in their filthy faces. “We got medicine.”
The nurse’s brain immediately put the pieces together, and his body found itself in a strange, bewildering, clashing state of relief and horror. “You stupid bastards.”
Their laughter at his words was not appreciated.
“You could’ve gotten yourselves killed!”
“Medicine!” Sky barked as if issuing an order, interrupting Warriors tirade.
The nurse snatched the medication, still glaring at the pair. “We’re not done here, you hear me?”
He tore into his drawer to grab a syringe, a flush, and alcohol swabs. The medication, according to a quick internet search, was given IM, which simplified things. He was still taking Time to the hospital, though. But injection first. Dosage check first. Reconfirm the route first.
Time didn’t flinch as Warriors gave the shot. Sky was already on the radio calling an ambulance. Wind was smiling in the corner, looking like a triumphant little imp.
They were imps. Warriors was going to have a freaking heart attack. The lecture he had in store for them would certainly be enough to make them think twice before doing anything like this ever again.
Good Lord. If Time’s illness doesn’t kill me, these two surely will.
Waking up really shouldn’t have been this hard.
For whatever reason, Time was distinctly uncomfortable. The bed was too hard, blankets too warm, skin too itchy, joints too sore. As he fluttered his eyes open, he swallowed and coughed at the dry sensation at the back of his throat.
What had…? Where was…?
Sitting up, Time felt the room spin a hair, paused, and then resumed what he was doing.
“Easy, old man.”
Warriors. That was Warriors.
Glancing to his left, Time saw the army nurse watching him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. Warriors gave a small, relieved smile, and it temporarily hid the dark circles under his eyes.
“You’re okay!” Came from his other side, and immediately Time felt Sky’s hand on his other shoulder as the teenager helped guide him back to his pillow.
“I’m… okay,” Time affirmed, actually feeling like it could potentially be true. He felt… not great, but also not the way he had before. The growing dread, the bone-weary exhaustion, the haziness… they were all gone.
He marveled at it a moment. Couldn’t quite believe it himself. He’d been so sure that…
Well. He supposed even surgeons could be wrong.
Wind practically leapt onto the bed, held in check by the other two, but not even Warriors and Sky could stop him when Time held out his arms invitingly. Wind tore into his embrace, practically flattening him into the bed as Time chuckled, relief flooding his body.
“It’s good to see you boys,” he whispered, tears leaking out of his eyes and disappearing into Wind’s hair.
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mynameisemma · 1 month
Thinking about Lane losing her humanity and submitting to divine blissful and numbing peace; thinking about Lane reaching out for Cain before he loses himself in blinding thrilling rage and almost getting killed by him; thinking about Lane burning from the inside while Cain explores her body, unsettlingly calm and collected like a surgeon; thinking about humans look so much like immortals, who's mimicking who; thinking about Lane being used to endure her pain and misery all alone; thinking about Cain staying with Lane when she has fever; thinking about Cain meeting a girl whose dark nauseating thoughts resonated with him; thinking about Cain searching for the girl that might not want to be found; thinking about if you want me to be kind teach me how to be kind; thinking about Cain and Lane
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paisleywraith · 1 year
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callmegaith · 1 year
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You should kill me, kill me, kill me Not the real me, real me, real me I don't see him breathing You don't need him, need him, need him, oh And I always think about you when I'm sitting in the dark Swear I feel your breath putting pressure on my arm But what the fuck do I know? I'm sat here waiting for some truth to be told Better, know you could be wetter Pussy so bad he pulled a weapon My love, I don't know what you're selling Too bad I'm bought in descension Oh, God, I don't know what to get Two-two minds, I'm not losing again
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some fun wips
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bumpscosity · 9 months
sorry i've been so absent today the twilight zone marathon is happening and the only time im not glued to my screen is during commercial breaks
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talentforlying · 9 months
the silt verses 🤝 hellblazer: we accidentally invested this mundane concept with otherworldly power by casually creating and enacting everyday rituals in service of its potential omniscience until it learned that it possessed that power over us and acted upon it
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antihibikase-archive · 10 months
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Okay I've been posting about Summon Night Swordcraft Story 2 a lot the past few days and I do recommend it a lot even if the game is highly questionable at times.
Its one of the best games in the GBA. That said, its one of those games where you might need a walkthrough if you want to 100% everything, since the main game takes the span of ten days.
That being said, I know it might not be for everyone, so I've compiled a list of its gameplay elements, the things I liked about it, as well as some stuff that might irk other people out from trying it.
Basic plot summary; you are a craftknight's apprentice, someone who makes weapons such as swords, axes, spears, knuckles, and drills. You're also specifically the last remaining descendant of the Coltheart clan, a clan of summoners, people who summon creatures from other worlds (machine world Loreilal, Yokai world Silturn, spirit world Sapureth, beast world Maetropa)- these creatures are called as summon creatures.
Plot spoiler happens, and you basically have to seal a certain evil away from rampaging and destroying your village. At the very start, you encounter a stray summon creature- what you answer during this part will result in a different guardian beast to partner with you.
Some gameplay stuff;
The partner you chose at the start of the game cannot be changed. They have different skillsets and priorities from each other; the fire oni Loki focuses on attack and using flames, while the wind beast Arno focuses on agility and utilizing the wind. They all have the ability to enchant your weapon with the others' elements, but they can't learn each other's special moves.
The partner at the start also has different interactions with the player and the world around them; machine guardian beast Ex-e-LD is factual and logical, angel-devil guardian beast Dinah is abrasive and sarcastic, oni guardian beast Loki is hotheaded and reckless, and half-beast Arno is airheaded and peculiar.
Despite the title (and the first game being more centered around swords), you can choose to opt for other weapons. You start with a sword, and only two story elements require a sword; otherwise, you can shift to using the other four weapons in the game.
Weapons are highly customizeable; besides their appearance, you can alter their attacks and passive skills utilizing different ingredients.
The game is an RPG, with its overworld being similar to the likes of Pokemon, but the battle system isn't time based- its real-time combat. Additionally, there are random encounters outside the town and forts.
The world is small; there's no other civilizations explored outside your own town. There's a large forest, the caves, and the four forts it holds, plus some four areas you can instantly transport to, and the final dungeon. The four areas and the dungeon get bonus floors post-game, but that's about it.
Besides weapons, you can create accessories (not reflected on the character, sorry) for stat boosts, medicines, and other items, like a diary that lets you save anywhere, and an amulet that helps you repel encounters.
A fishing minigame is there so you can buy additional shapestones for weapons, as well as buy ingredients you could normally only obtain through story-bosses.
Sidequests that span over the course of ten days; there's quite a few, but the main ones I recall are talking to the merchant and his friends daily for rare ingredients, finding a lady's lost cat, and finding a child's missing items. There's also an NPC that trades you rare ingredients for medals you can find in the overworld.
After the end of every day, you get to spend time with one NPC; your guardian beast, or any of the characters you've met so far. Who you spend time with the most determines the ending you get.
Things I liked;
Fun gameplay! I liked exploring the world, gathering ingredients, and crafting all sorts of weapons. When the gameplay gets shaken up a bit, its also a fun time.
A lot of dialogue is honestly very fun, particularly between the player and their guardian beast; though a lot of characters' interactions with them are also nice.
Unlike the first game, areas can be revisited, and ingredients and materials can be gathered at any time, instead of being permanently missable content if you happen to break your weapon or misuse an item.
Depending on the guardian beast you pick and the weapon you choose to specialize with, the game either becomes very easy or difficult, so each run is at least a little different.
The main characters aren't silent, so they get to interact a lot with the cast. Additionally, Aera and Edgar (canon names of the MCs) are vastly different in terms of personality and interactions with their respective beasts, their family, and their friends, so they don't feel like the same character.
A lot of the things in game are actually progressive and handled decently; Arno is nonbinary (not explicitly stated, and though Arno uses he/him pronouns, he's not a boy or a girl- something he says himself), and Aera and Edgar's interactions with certain characters don't change even if they can be perceived in a romantic context.
There's no direct romance in the game regarding your character, so you can just.. imagine if its romantic, platonic, familial, etc. Qpr rep in my head. <3
Things to look out for;
Even though I just praised it, the game's handling of Aera's interactions with women (particularly the childhood friend's sister, Lynn) are.. less than stellar. Its the whole "but we're both girls" thing in some cases, but in other cases, its completely fine??? I haven't played as Edgar yet, so I'm not entirely sure if its the same case with his scenes with men..
A lot of very sexualized characters, dialogues, and scenes. Dinah in particular (her opening scene is her in a compromising pose) if you pick her as a guardian beast. Nina too, but she doesn't really get sexualized; she's just naked due to being a ghost, but is surrounded by bubbles. Lots and lots of suggestive scenes/dialogues spoken by Lynn to the player are. Yeah.
Unskippable fish plot which includes the last part. Without spoilers, some fish summon creature wants to be seduced. You can thankfully choose to refuse (though your guardian beast, regardless of who it is, tries it out for your honor). Again, sexualization of Lynn in particular in this scene.
Strange dialogue?? Not sure if its because of the localization, but there are strange.. dialogue choices. Or things said by the npcs. Just things that are so out of pocket and strange.
Depending on how you take it; the endings. Though the endings are not explicitly romantic, they end like a dating sim visual novel where the character you spent most time with is given a bust-shot of them smiling at the player. This includes the player's siblings, Orin and Tatiana.
Not really a big deal, but the beginning part of the game (before you get your guardian beast) just has rushed exposition and pacing and it seems jarring at first, trying to fit in the player's relationship with Ryoga, the childhood friend, how they were taken in by their master Blaire after their father's death, what your job entails, etc.
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buttercupart · 2 years
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introducing: freak of the earth
#hartwin's home realm is not discussed much and thats on purpose bc it Isn't as plot relevant#as the home realms and customs of the vices are#WHICH - tangent - you can think of them as a cross between DR's darkners and gems from SU#they're an extradimensional alien society that once had abundant contact w/ humankind#hence why so many of them resemble earth animals even if they're very obviously Off#anyways anyways they took on human 'charges' like the concept of guardian angels and made a magical 'covenant' w/ said human#that if the human they're making a deal with fulfill's the Vices half of the covenant... the vice will reward them#by ridding them of their most undesirable qualities and vices. so they were given the name of Vice based off of what they could rid you of#but if you FAILED the vice that acted a guardian to you then it could possess you and make you its host and you'd become a monster embodying#the very trait you wanted the vice to remove/ help you learn to grow past. if that makes sense#but underworld demons? those guys are Just little assholes. like they're such pricks for fun#w/ the 'plot twist' that vices are meant to be good influences and that the actions of some of them are NOT NORMAL its supposed to raise the#question on if -hartwin- finding joy in soaking human people in milk and hurling them at the wall w/ a big THUD is normal or not#and the answer is Yes. yes it is. they're All like that regardless of ranking. well those guys just are not nice#Xenith here is no exception. xenith is undyne from under tale if she was an evil villain for ever#my art#oc stuff#references
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akumadayo777 · 2 years
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it's gremlin hours
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I'm sure this is coming from a place of American privilege and Japanese kids prolly learn about nuclear devastation around the same age if not younger but. My first grade teacher reading Sadako to the class definitely Left Its Mark on me. Like it's an important story don't get me wrong and I don't have a "think of the children!" mentality and I'm not saying the book should be banned or anything. And my teacher prolly thought she was doing a good job of explain the A-bomb as gently and bite-sized as possible to a bunch of six- and seven-year-olds and it prolly worked on all my other classmates because literally none of them acted like me after but she Did Not Anticipate having a student who was rapidly developing "early onset" bipolar disorder and. Uh.
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twilit-tragedy · 2 years
Shadows of Rose got me FUCKED UP. FUCKED. UP. Best DLC in goddamn history. I'm BAWLING.
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mamamittens · 2 years
Give your ocs to me I demand them actually
HAND THEM OVER 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫!!!!
A-Are ya sure bud?! There's a lot lmao...
I suppose since you asked I can at least give you one and a little bit of what I have (some details are still being ironed out as I go through One Piece).
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This is Mina! (After the time skip)
Her name is actually a lot longer (cause she's the daughter of a noble family who primarily got their wealth through trade so they overcompensate). She's about 15/16 when the series starts and temporarily hitches a ride with the Strawhats to get to the Grand Line to find her uncle (who she knows is a pirate on a big crew who no longer goes by his full name, just like she does... or rather, doesn't) after her parents died since he's the one that got custody (and her other option has a gambling addiction and is well on his way to losing his entire fortune as it is).
She didn't actually know that her parents were nobles because she was literally left in the care of the butler and no one actually explained her family to her. Her caretaker also failed to notice she is in possession of a devil fruit for the near entirety of her life (and she just assumes the unique view of the world she has is totally normal). She's adventurous, independent, and resourceful! Eager to problem solve and explore, she has a tendency to assume she can handle everything presented to her--one way or the other.
I designed her backstory as a sort of twist between Kaya and Sabo.
Random snippet I have and may or may not keep:
“Oi! You coming up?” Ace laughed. A low, masculine voice called back to him after a moment, much deeper than anyone expected from the slight figure they’d spotted from a distance.
“I’ve never felt the need to leap up over a large house, Ace. Give me a minute… I’m not even sure if I can jump that high.” Ace’s grin sharpened with mischief as he chuckled, holding out his hands as he leaned over the side a bit more and clapped once.
“You just have to reach me! I promise I’ll lift you up the rest of the way! C’mon, Mina, you can do it!” Ace cheered supportively with a faint teasing tone.
“Drop me and I’m haunting you till the end of your days, Portgas.” The man threatened lowly. There was a soft series of footsteps up the side of the ship before small hands slapped into Ace’s waiting grasp as he cheered, easily lifting up the newcomer and dropping them onto the deck with pride.
“Atta girl! See? I knew you could do it!” Ace slapped his hand over the bright red beanie and ruffled it with a teasing jeer.
His hand was slapped away with a huff.
“Yeah, yeah! I know! I was there! You can stop now!” Ace hopped onto the deck properly with a familiar, wide grin, eyes crinkled with cheer.
(She wears a mask that warps her voice down several octaves as part of a disguise, possibly to contain an ability she gains through her devil fruit, and cause it's cool looking) and finally, the fancy name of her uncle and herself!
Tinsley Inigo Thomas Thatcher Marinus (the Third)
Edwina Tinsley Adeline Wilhelmina Marinus
Obviously, it's Thatch. He seemed like the more interesting option and more likely to not be immediately realized if it was someone more infamous like Whitebeard or Marco. Just big enough she could find him but not likely to randomly find his wanted poster somewhere, necessitating a run in with Ace who knows part of Thatch's name and absolutely had to confirm. And I wasn't mean enough to have it be someone like Crocodile or Doflamingo lmao
Also obviously, Thatch lives in this one, but only barely. He doesn't get to skip out on being a responsible family member and 'officially' making Whitebeard a grandfather.
Naturally, this is just one of many that I have. And I haven't even properly written for her yet since I need to catch up on One Piece to determine where she should be placed in the story.
random pics of other babies
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(All of these are in the One Piece world btw... I have a problem lmao)
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valtsv · 1 month
lighting a cigarette off the rim of my guardian angel's halo and they have to watch and let me shorten my lifespan by smoking it even though they're assigned to protect me from harm. because of free will.
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