#they're my fav of of the kids
idletrait · 3 months
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When your brother (unsuccessfully) tries to steal your girl and you forget he's a gymbro
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Plus their mother's reaction
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jeremy-pakhitou · 1 year
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Kid and Law fighting Big Mom and ... feelings
(based on the big titties man meme)
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cinna-macaron · 1 year
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red son doodles + dragonfruit sillies !!!!!!!!!!
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godsworstson · 3 months
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knoxville + beyonce
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I know Brook says the whole "I will protect you even if it costs me my life" about both Usopp and Sanji (the crew in general, too, but at that moment only those two). But I think there is something so personal about that sacrifice being directly tied to Zeff actually doing that very same thing when Sanji was a kid.
Sanji is not used to love and care from older men or, well, men in general. The first (and probably only connection) he has with that is Zeff and he ends up relating that sacrifice to parenthood and what a dad should be. And then Brook-- A man older and wiser and someone who they've basically just met, decides to do it too. Not only with actions but verbally stating he will protect him risking his life.
I am just saying that one can't have too many father figures after the shit Sanji has been through, and while he is far from home and far from his real dad, I don't think viewing Brook as a parental figure or a safe place would be far from the truth or what Sanji needs. I actually do think it'd be great for him.
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swordheld · 10 months
hi! your blog is one of my favourites and i absolutely adore reading your thoughts. my grandfather recently passed away and it feels like i lost myself with him. how do i continue living after this? there is this constant weight on my chest and it feels like an emptiness has made a home inside of me. how do i go on when it feels like the world crashed on my shoulders?
hello, love! this is so very sweet and kind of you, and i hope you're treating yourself gently and kindly right now - there aren't words for a loss like this. that heaviness is difficult, and hard, and painful. it's okay if things don't feel okay, right now, or even soon - i think that's something that a lot of the people i know that have gone through similar grief feel: like they should be able to get back to a relative 'normal' in a [insert far too short period of time].
but it's okay if it hurts. that's where i'd like to start. you're allowed to feel that emptiness, that world-crashed feeling that goes beyond words, beyond time. don't feel like you have to rush this to feel some sort of better. things get easier with time, i promise you this, but sometimes painful feelings are important to feel, too. cry, scream, feel your emotions. they're a part of you. grieve.
it's perhaps a little silly, but when i think about death i always think about a couple of space songs: mainly drops of jupiter by train and saturn by sleeping at last. there are perhaps others that speak to the emotions better, but these two have always hit something a little deeper for me, and are popular for a wide-reaching reason.
and while personally i don't know much about grief like this, i do know a lot about love; and i think they're a lot of the same thing.
the people we love are a part of us, and this is why it takes from us so deeply when we lose them, because it does feel like we've lost a part of ourselves in the wake of it. but it's because they were so central to our experiences of living - our lives, that the separation introduces a hollowness - a place where they used to be. a home that now goes unlived in.
an emptiness, like you said.
but just because they're not here physically, doesn't mean he's not still there, in your heart, in your life, your memory. you can hold him close in smaller ways, as well: steal a sweater, or cologne/scent for something a little more physical and long lasting for remembering. hold onto the memories you cherish, the things that made you laugh, the ease of slow mornings and gentle nights. write them all down, slide a few photographs in there, go through it and add more when you miss him. keep them all close, keep them in your heart.
you're not alone, in this. he's still there, with you, it's just - in the little things.
he's with you in the way you see and go about your daily life, in doing what he liked to do, in the ways he interacted with the world that you shared with him. the memories you recall fondly when the night is late or the moment is right and something calls it into you like a melody, an old bell, laughter you'd recognize anywhere.
but i think, perhaps most importantly above all others - talk about him. with your family, your friends, his friends, strangers; stories are how we keep the people we love alive. the connections they've made, the legacies and experiences they've left behind, and so, so many stories.
how lucky, we are - to love so much it takes a piece of us when they go. grief is the other side of the coin, but it does not mean our love goes away. it lives in you. it lives in everyone who knew him, in the smallest pieces of our lives.
the people we love never really leave us, like this: they're in how we cook and the way we fold our newspapers, our laundry, in the radio stations we tune in to and the way we decorate our walls, our photo albums. they're in the way we store our mail, organize our closets, the scribbled notes in the indexes of our books. the meals we love and the drinks we mix, the way we spend time with one another. they've been passed down for generations, for longer than history - and we are all the luckier for it.
think about what you shared with him, and do it intentionally. bring him into your life, like this, again. whether it's crosswords or poetry or sports or anything else. if one doesn't help, try another. something might click.
i hope things feel a little easier for you, as they tend to do only with time. i hope you find joy in your grief, even if it is small and hard to grasp at first. know that your hurt stems from so much love that there isn't a place to put it properly, and that it is something so meaningful and hurting poets and storytellers have been struggling to put it into words and sounds that feel like the fit right for eons, and that it is also just simply yours. sometimes things don't have to make sense. sometimes they just are - unable to be put into words or neat little sentiments, as unfair and tragic as they come.
but i promise it will not feel like this forever. your love is real. and perhaps, on where to begin on from here - i think it's less on finding where to begin and just beginning. and you've already started. you've taken the most important and crucial step: the first one. wherever you go, after that, from here? you'll figure it out. you always have, and you always do. it'll come, as things always do. love leads us, as does light - and you're never alone in your hurt. in your grief, your missing something dear to you. i think if you talk about it with others, you'll find they have ways of helping you cope as well - and they have so much love of their own to spare, too.
as an aside, here is the song (northern star by dom fera) i was listening to when i wrote this, for no other reason more than it makes me think of connections, and love, and how we hold onto the people we love and how they change us, wonderfully and intrinsically. it's a little more joyous than the others i've mentioned, and plays like a story, and it made me think of what is at the core of this, love and stories and i am here with you, and maybe it'll bring you some joy, if you'd like it. wishing you all my love and ease 💛
#q&a.#birdsong.#wishing u gentle ease; the death of a loved one is near inexplicable to put into words and i hope you take care of yourself gently <3#i hope this will make u laugh: when i was a tiny child in middle school there were times i would go outside in my tiny suburban cul de sac-#in the rain and sing along to my lil ipod nano and i only remember doing this to drops of jupiter. can you imagine going out to get the mai#after a long day of work and you just hear this kid singing train in the streets. in the RAIN.... it makes me laugh like i really.#i really thought i was so cool and deep and emotional ghjkd but i find it v funny that i only remember it w/ that one train track.#and saturn just. it's my fav s.a.l. song for a reason. that slow violin opening? the piano coming in gentle and easy?#it feels like light. like hope. like something new - a dawn after the long dark. that beautiful things can begin again even where#it hurts. and there is nothing more human than a sentiment like that.#how rare and beautiful it is to truly exist. what it is to be alive and get to be here and live with other people. with those we love.#i think your grandfather was so lucky to be able to know you. to have you in his life for the time you had together.#i'm no spiritual person; but i like to believe when you're thinking about him? he's thinking about you too.#the second law of thermodynamics (physics nerd mode) is that no energy has ever been created/destroyed since the beginning of the universe.#so it has to go somewhere - it's that carl sagan quote of 'we're all made of stardust'. because we are. we used to be stars; planets; etc.#i think it's why i think of these space songs - because they're a part of everything; once more; when they go. us and everything else.
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tabbi-mysteries · 9 months
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Episodes 1-800 of Mouri Ran's Wardrobe!
+ Films 1-19 & OVAs 1-11 & Lupin TV Special & Magic Files 2-6 & Lupin Movie + multiple TV specials + Magic Kaito 1412 appearances
(Better quality images under the cut)
Managed an update just in time for Christmas! This is becoming a kind of insane length haha but there's like 300 more eps to go that'll I'll be working on in the new year! See you then and Happy Holidays!
Let me know your favourites / least favourites in the tags / comments!
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If there's an outfit you want to see in clearer quality just send me an ask, this is just the only way I can even attempt to get it all into one post!
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intercomkris · 1 year
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my favorite big lipped, fashion nova fit bitch in question.
cas outtakes.
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escxelle · 5 months
just thinking out loud but someone should totally make a wangxian stardew valley mod
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goldensunset · 8 months
i don't really know how to word this but like i feel like i'm gonna forever have to deal with the pain and heartache of one of my very first pokémon games- the first 'normal' pokémon game i've ever played, that i will have lasting nostalgia and love for as a result of it being formative to my introduction into the series- being the one that will forever be looked down upon for bad graphics and technical issues as a result of the game having been rushed
like i honest to goodness want to scream and yell and cry into the void about how this means everything to me and will always be one of my fave games just in general. but how am i gonna do that without someone being like 'the broken overpriced mess? the one that's missing all this stuff from the older games that was great? the thing with all the cringe? that one?' or whatever. and the thing is they aren't wrong for their criticisms either like i know the fact that they rushed this wonderful game hardcore is a massive stain on its reputation and it hurts me too but like i cannot turn off the brain full of love in me and be a mean critic. or even an impartial one. i mean i criticize everything i love don't get me wrong i am constantly running my mouth about what i like and don't like. but at the end of the day i approach all media with an unusually optimistic mindset. if you see me talk a ton about something no matter what i'm saying you can bet it means i love it.
just. aaagh. it's always tough being a new fan of an old series. i'm like too embarrassed to express my opinions bc i feel like they're invalid y'know? i feel so exhausted every time i see something to the effect of like 'oh those poor kids these days having to deal with such bad quality everything what a bad time to be a fan of pokémon wow y'all make me feel so old' well see the thing is i actually am thriving and i love it here. and i'm also an adult myself so i have more critical thinking skills than people who played red when they were like five years old did. and even with the power of critical thinking i manage to be in love with this. join me in marvelling at the beauty of life
#sorry for the massive rant i am full of both love and rage but i feel alone in this world about this particular subject#my other fav complaint is like 'they make it too easy to xyz these days'#to me that reads like 'i suffered so why shouldn't they'#yes we should encourage people to spend 100 hours grinding to do basic story requirements.#to weed out the true gamers from the weaklings. or maybe we could use the spare time in our lives to touch grass#the only easy-fication change in sv i don't like is the ability to access boxes right from the menu#that kinda cheapens the need to strategically organize a team before heading somewhere#i can.. sorta understand being miffed about the remember moves mechanic?#frankly platinum was so stressful with not being able to freely switch without great hassle/cost#it would have been a fair enough compromise to make you pay a bit of lp or something#or do it for free but having to go to like a pokécenter or something#i'll never agree that exp share is bad though sorry#pokémon#ok but about the 'i feel bad for kids these days with these ugly designs/lame 3D models' thing#yeah i have news for you every gen has its ugly/stupid pokémon.#dude look at exeggcute#and some of the oldest spritework is hideous#granted the ds era spritework was beautiful#but i don't see what is so bad about the 3D models of today? they're both nice...#dude play an indie game or something if it's that important to you idk#it will never be the 90s again. it will never be the 00s again. i'm sorry.
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imminent-danger-came · 6 months
tbh you are so real for talking about the misogyny targeted to mei & other women in the lmk fandom. in general its like people only value mei as: a: the wingman to some basic mlm ship or b: macaque 2.0. its honestly crazy how so many male side characters overshadow her in the fanbase despite not even having a FRACTION of her screen time. idk chat i feel like the reason people dont care about mei but care about some random male side/background character is less because they're inherently more likeable but because some of you view women as inherently less likable. and everyone is always like "mei is so girlboss pussy cunt slay shes the only reason theyre still alive because she keeps them safe from their silly boy shennanigans shes their ultimate wingman shes so badass shes their lesbian best friend i totally paid attention to her when i watched this show LOL" and even ignoring the obvious misogyny here (ie. how people reduce her to being the male characters babysitter) its like... okay... i know mei is cool & badass already... could you name literally ANY other character trait she has. like people just value her as being "the braincell" who can get red son and mk together or something stupid and its like are we having fun still is this still fun. literally every day i go into the mei tag its like "look at mei shes red sons wifey and shes vaguely in the background of this drawing of red son and mk staring into each others eyes #trafficlighttrio am i right oh look shes macaques niece now this post is about ao lie why is it in the mei tag"
and thats literally JUST talking about mei and it doesnt even begin to cover the other female characters. chang'e constantly gets reduced to being red sons aunt/mom/big sister despite them like. not having any actual interactions in the show. lady bone demon constantly gets overshadowed by her minion who has like 2 seconds of screen time, or she gets made into a cartoonishly abusive madwoman who people call lady bitch demon. just in general people act like shes a horrible person for like. being a villain. liks yeah the trying to destroy everything was bad but also she was an antagonist and thats what antagonists do LOL. spider queen gets completely ignored. princess iron fan gets made into a cartoonishly abusive mother so that way red son can have a poor angsty backstory and some male character (usually nezha, macaque, swk) can take care of him.
(also theres just a great deal of ethnocentrism in the lmk fanbase? like im white so take what İ say here with a grain of salt but so many people will misconstrue aspects of chinese culture for their own personal hcs. people will say male characters are transfem or nonbinary while completely ignoring the time period/culture their from where thats the norm. like yippee youve implied that an east asian man is feminine/emasculine because he has long hair. how do you not see the negative connotations with this. people also turn pif (& lbd to an extent) into a dragon lady which obviously has negative racial connotations lol.)
anyway this is where my unhinged rambling ends have a good day have a good night İ had more to say here but İ reached the text limit. İ dont see a lot of people talk about the misogyny thats prevalent in the lmk fanbase so İm glad youre pointing it out lol.
Yeah, I totally hear you. The lmk fandom has plenty of issues with misogyny and, like you said, ethnocentrism. It's definitely something worth having a discussion about, along with these issues in fandom as a whole.
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huffle-dork · 1 month
Swap Beyond the Crystalverse Chapter 3: Paranormal Teens
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Other Multiverse Stories: SITCV | SATCV | GITHV
The jolt happens again, and Bro finds himself--well this is not ideal. It's a public bathroom. A very clean public bathroom, with pastel blue and white tiles forming a checkerboard pattern, but still. Not ideal. At least it's empty. 
Bro reorients himself and then blinks in confusion. “Huh… well, this is a first…”
There's some faint music coming from the closed door leading out into the rest of the building. 🎵 The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now, My universe will never be the same, I'm glad you came, I'm glad you came 🎵
Bro’s ears pick up on the music and he heads over to the door to peek out of it.
This is a restaurant of some sort, with pastel pink-and-blue walls and a checkerboard floor. Looks pretty crowded. There are all sorts of people sitting in booths and at tables. The music is almost drowned out by their chatter. There's a big set of front windows showing a nice sunny day outside.
Bro whistles a bit to himself as he walks through, “this is a cute place! Heh… I would take Stacy to a place like this…” he smiles to himself.
As he walks through the crowds towards the front of the shop, he suddenly hears a shout. "Holy crap!" a voice says. "Hey! Bro! Is that you?!"
Someone sitting at a table by a window suddenly stands up and starts waving. A teenage boy wearing an oversized T-shirt and black jeans with rips in the knees...and a snapback cap pushing down messy brown hair.
Bro jumps slightly and looks- then smiles wide and bright. “yooo no way!! Little me???” He hurries over, grinning, “…wait what??? Who said you were allowed to get this much older, huh?!”
The younger Chase laughs. "Yoooo it's been forever since I've seen you! I was like--thirteen or something? That's wild! It's so good to see you again!" He holds up a hand for a high-five. 
Bro high-fives him instantly. “Jesus… what are you now? 16?? It had not been 3 fucking years oh my god-“ Bro laughs breathlessly. “That’s insane…”
"Older Chase?" Someone else stands up--the other person at Chase's table. It's a girl around the same age, with wavy blonde hair. She's wearing a pink pair of glasses, a pink skater skirt, and a T-shirt with the graphic of a skull wearing a pink bow and the words Monster High. "What're you doing here?"
Bro blinks at the girl and his eyes widen. Oh hey- she… kinda reminds him of Stacy… “uh? Hi? Iii don’t think I met you last time! But hi! Uh- we’re here to actually fix our multiverses traveling thing… that’s why we never got to come back to visit you guys!” He takes off his hat and pushes back his hair, “God… I feel like when I would visit from Uni and suddenly Alt grew an inch-“
"Huh? What d'you mean?" The girl blinks, confused. 
"You don't remember Stacy?" Chase asks. "I mean... you guys didn't meet her the first time you showed up.... And what d'you mean you never came back here? What were all those other times?" 
The girl--Stacy--puts her hands on her hips. "Is there some weird time stuff happening?" 
"Ohhhh, that must be it." Chase nods. "So like--those visits haven't happened for you guys! God, this must be even crazier, then."
Bro blinks in bewilderment. “What?? Yeah uh- we didn’t come back since the first time! …oh no this is gonna break my brain oh god-“
"God, I know, right?" Chase laughs. "I have no idea how Jays deals with everything." 
“Jays?? He deals with this kind of stuff??” Bro asks with wide eyes. 
"It's a long story," Chase says, shrugging. 
"Anyway, um... in that case, hi, I'm Stacy!" Stacy smiles and waves. "You guys are here to fix your TRVLR?"
Bro focuses back on Stacy and smiles, “Nice to meet you officially then, Stacy! And yup! It’s- god such a long story but basically it got broken and then got sucked into other worlds and we almost got all the pieces! But now we gotta go collect what’s left! Which led us here!”
"Ohhhh, cool." Stacy nods. "Is there anything we can do to help?" 
"Wh--I mean--Stacy, we were--" Chase suddenly stammers. "I-I mean--we didn't even... get our food or anything..." 
"Oh, I mean, uh... yeah! We can totally keep going!" Stacy looks embarrassed. "It's not that I, uh, don't like this or want to leave, I just... it seems important." 
"Uh, yeah, it does, but uh... I-I was gonna... I mean, uh..." 
"We can come back here some other time. Any time!" 
"Yeah, I just uh... yeah." 
They are both blushing.
Bro blinks a bit in confusion and looks between the two of them. Then it clicks and he goes, “OHH! Oh! You two are-! Awww-! It’s okay little dudes you two can finish! I gotta figure out where Alt went anyways!”
"Wh--I mean, we're, uh--y-yeah, we're--I-I mean we've done stuff before, but like..." Chase messes with his hat distractedly. "This is like... stuff." 
"Yeah, it's like... stuff." Stacy fidgets with a bracelet on her wrist. "Um... he'll probably be with the others, I guess. Or... nearby." 
"So he's gonna be at Jackie's house," Chase says. "They're all hanging out there. They asked us if we wanted to come, but uh... stuff."
Bro laughs, “You guys are so cute- you can just say it’s a date!” He waves himself off, “You guys gimme an address and I can find them then! Maybe you can come catch up once you’re done!”
The blushing intensifies. "Y-yeah, it's like... a casual thing," Stacy says. 
"Uh, yeah, hang on." Chase grabs a napkin from the napkin holder. "Stace, d'you have a pen?" 
"Yep." Stacy takes a sparkly gold pen out of her pocket and hands it over. 
"Thanks." Chase writes something down. "Here!" He hands it out to Bro. On it is written the address 45 Hyder Lane, as well as some other stuff. "Uh, I know you can fly so you'll probably be able to just go there, but just in case here are the bus lines to get there from Zelly's--that's here, by the way."
Bro takes the address from them and laughs, “yeah but that’s probably not a good idea here-! Luckily I got my phone- …that should still work right?” He whips out his phone to type in the address.
For some reason, the maps app takes a lot longer to load. Chase and Stacy lean over his shoulders. "Oh, you have a GPS on your phone?" Chase gasps. 
"I hear they're gonna do something like that soon!" Stacy says excitedly. "This fall or something." 
Eventually, something seems to connect and it shows the address.
“Oh right- this is still the past.” Bro giggles, “it’s… 2012 now then?” He whistles, “man.. that’s crazy.” Once it’s loaded he grins and shows them. “Alright! See we’re all good! You guys can enjoy the rest of your date!”
The two teens blush again. "Th-thanks," Chase says. "Good luck with your, uh, search." 
"We'll see you later, maybe?" Stacy says. 
“Hopefully!” Bro grins as he waves, heading towards the door- “have fun you guys!”
"See you!" Chase waves Bro off.
Alt lands in a hallway at the base of a staircase. The floor beneath his feet is covered in a brown shaggy carpet and the walls are painted pale yellow. There's a door to the left that's ajar, showing a laundry room of some kind. There's also a door to the right that's ajar, through which come a series of voices and shouts. 
"How are you guys winning?! You don't have a fucking Medic!" 
"You don't need a Medic when you got mad skillz--oh god damn it!" 
"Hah! That is what you get for talking shit!" 
"To be fair, we are like, four years older than you guys--" 
"And so? That means you're better at video games? I beg to dif--fuck! Where were you?!" 
"Ahahahaha! I could be in this very room! I could be you, I could be me, I could even be right behind you!"
Alt shakes himself out and blinks as he takes in the hallway. All those voices… it sounds like a bunch of teenagers? …weird- he glitches a bit forward and tries to peek in through the door.
This room is full of stuff. Right by the doorway there's a bookshelf full of stuff for something called Caverns and Creatures. Up against the opposite wall, underneath a high-up window, are a series of stacked plastic boxes full of what look like old clothes. In the corners of the rooms are piles of outdoorsy equipment. But in the center is a small island made by pushing a desk up against two folding tables (looks like the desk had been pushed over from a spot by the wall, judging by the impressions in the carpet). On this island are a bunch of computers, most of them laptops but two clunky older models. 
Six young guys are sitting there, all focused on the computers. "Jameson how the fuck are you typing while shooting me?!" one shouts. Another one just grins and sticks out his tongue in response. 
"Marvin I need to fucking heal you!" 
"Oh that's you, I thought that was Aodhan, sorry!" 
"It could be me! You don't know!" 
"Dude, shut the fuck up." 
Alt blinks a bit in confusion. …are these all? But- last time they were like- 13! These can’t be the same guys right? He furrows his eyebrows and tries to lean closer- but then leans too far onto the door and it flies open- leaving him standing in the doorway with wide eyes.
The nearest guy--wearing an old red hoodie, brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, a bit of stubble on his face--looks back towards the doorway first. "Dad, did you want--" Then he stops. And grins. "No way! Alt?!" 
Alt glitches a bit in surprise and awkwardly waves his hand. 
The others all look up. "Holy shit, it's Alt!" one of them shouts, standing up. He has a black streak dyed in his hair, and is wearing a black t-shirt with a band name over a longer-sleeved striped shirt. "Hey! Alt! You probably don't recognize us! It's me!" He waves, and little green fireworks pop off around his hand. "Marvin!" 
Alt grins big, “No fucking way- what the hell?!” He laughs. He glitches further into the room and his eyes widen as he sees the magic. “Oh my god hey!”
"Alt?" A boy with round glasses and a blue flannel shirt looks up. He grins. "Alt! It is so good to--" 
"From behind!" 
"Hey!" The glasses boy glares at the guy sitting across from him.
Alt pushes his hair back in disbelief, laughing breathlessly, “Jesus Christ… h-has it been that long since we’ve seen you all? You’re all… you’re all grown up..!”
Marvin laughs. "Yeah it's been like--three years or something? Fucking insane!" 
“Jesus- it hasn’t been that long for me and Bro!” Alt laughs.
"Huh?" One of the guys looks over, wearing a blue hoodie and an Irish flat cap. "Oh, so you're that Alt guy from their one adventure with other worlds?" 
"Yep!" The guy in the hoodie--obviously Jackie--nods. "Alt, this is Jack, we met him a bit after you guys." 
Alt blinks at the new kid and smiles. “Yo nice to meet ya! Any friends of these lads are a friend of mine!” He grins.
"Nice to meet ya!" Jack says cheerfully.
"Schiesse!" shouts the boy with glasses. "Jackie, pause the fucking server, Aodhan is making camp on me!" 
"Noooo, I'm camping you, that's different," the guy next to Jack cackles. He's wearing all black, a black leather jacket over a black t-shirt with only highlights of silver on his bracelets and the choker around his neck. 
"Okay, I'm calling time-out," Jackie says, turning back to his computer and pressing some buttons. 
Alt looks over at the computers and chuckles, “oh man whatcha guys playing? Sounds intense-“ he laughs.
The guy in black looks back at Alt. His eyes are bright green. He grins. "Hey! I remember you!" 
Alt blinks at the boy in all black and his eyes widen, “Woah- you’re … you’re A-Anti??” 
"Yeah!" Aodhan nods, grinning. "Look at me! I'm normal now! Well, almost." He's suddenly over by the the corner of the room. Then he's sitting up on the ledge of the window, crouching awkwardly since it's so close to the ceiling. Then he's back in his chair. 
Alt blinks rapidly then grins, “You’re just like me!” 
"It's still crazy to have him here," Jack laughs, leaning closer to him. Aodhan leans close as well and the two of them bump shoulders. 
The last boy stands up and waves. He's wearing a green t-shirt over a white button-down shirt, and has an old-fashioned pocket watch on a chain around his neck. It's so good to see you, Alt, the boy with the pocket watch says. It's me, Jameson! 
"And I am Schneep." The boy with glasses grins. 
Alt glitches around to look at Schneep and Jameson properly, “Damn! Look at you all! …some of you are taller than me what the hell?!” 
"Chase and Stacy were gonna be here, but they had plans," Marvin says. He wiggles his eyebrows, making JJ laugh. 
Alt’s eyebrows raise at the mention of Chase and Stacy. He shakes his head and laughs, “you guys have a lot to catch me and Bro on it seems! Man… I was hoping it wouldn’t be this long before I got to see you all again…” he sighs and rubs the back of his neck.
"What are you doing back here, Alt?" Schneep asks. 
“Well… We wanted to visit long before this but… we ran into problems that broke the TRVLR and now we… we gotta find the missing parts. One of them should be here.”
"Oh no, your TRVLR is broken?" Schneep says, distressed. "That is terrible! I do not think we could help put it back together, but we can help find your piece that is stuck here." 
Alt smiles, “We just gotta find the parts but thanks Schneep-“
Alt's phone lets out a squawk of static. "Actually there are two parts in this world," Anti's voice says. "One of them arrived here at an earlier time, closer to when you were first here, but the second was shot to a later point in the timeline. That's why so much time has passed." 
He jumps when Anti’s voice comes out of his phone and he pulls it out, “I gotta get used to you just speaking randomly…” he grumbles.
Aodhan gasps. "There's a voice in your pocket! I know that voice!" 
"You do?" Jack looks at him. 
"Yeah, that's the guy who showed me the Fissures, I'd never forget him." 
"Oh. I don't think that was me," Anti says. "But it was probably that other version of me." 
"Ah, okay." 
Alt blinks at this and tilts his head, “wait ...does that mean we gotta travel even further into the past? Man.. that’s gonna get confusing-“ He blinks a bit shocked at Aodhan then nods at Anti, “Oh yeah it’s…complicated- this guy is theee same guy- just a different timeline basically.” He flips his phone to show everyone Anti inside, “This is Anti guys- he’s from one of the first worlds we ever went to!”
Anti waves as the guys crowd around to look at him. "Oh he's a little guy!" 
Marvin gasps. "And he does look like Anti--Aodhan!" 
Your phone is so cool, Alt, Jameson says, smiling. 
"I'm not normally this little, I'm just hanging out in his phone until I regain my energy," Anti explains. "And no, Alt, we won't have to travel further back. The piece still exists in the future, after all. We can pick them both up from here." 
“Oooh- right okay. What I said sounds dumb now-“ Alt laughs sheepishly.
"Ooooo." Aodhan reaches out and pokes Alt's phone screen. He abruptly disappears, reappearing on the screen just like Anti is. 
Marvin laughs. "C'mon, dude! You're probably gonna fill up Alt's memory storage." 
"Sorry!" Aodhan pops out again. 
Alt jumps a bit at this then laughs, “Dude- we’re more alike then I thought! Though I don’t think I can appear on the screen like that… maybe I could though.” He muses. 
"Never know until you try, Alt," Anti says from the phone. "But uh, not right now. The teen Marvin is right, I'm taking up a lot of your storage." 
Schneep narrows his eyes at him. "Were you using your powers to cheat?" 
"I'd never do that!" Aodhan gasps, mock-offended. "Not for TF2, you all suck too much at the game for cheating to be necessary!" The others all immediately shout out protests.
Alt listens to the others bicker and laughs more, “Oh! TF2! Man- that takes me back!” He grins.
"Oh yeah, they said you were from the future!" Jack gasps. "Or, a world that's in the future. That's so cool." 
And it explains the phone being so cool, JJ says. 
"Yes, look at the apps, they are all so smooth and without texture," Schneep says. 
Alt laughs, “Yeah in my world it’s 2020!”
Jackie shakes his head. "We're getting distracted. Alt, d'you know what these pieces you're looking for look like? Or where they might be?"
Alt blinks at Jackie then digs in his pocket to pull out the tracker, touching the pupil. “Oh I can find out, one sec-“ The two TRVLR pieces are in in the city, one in Hollewych Park and one just outside city hall.
Alt looks at the others, “There’s one in Hollewych Park and one just outside of city hall-“ He relays to the others, putting the tracker back in his pocket.
"Ooooo, was that magic?" Marvin says excitedly. "Like some sort of--scrying thing?" 
“Oh yeah kinda?” Alt chuckles, “that’s probably the best way to describe it!” 
"We are kinda close to the park, but we'll have to drive a bit farther to get to city hall," Jackie says. He sighs. "I don't really want to go back there. I mean, I know it's fine now, but like..." 
JJ looks at Alt. Do you remember the Circle? They used to have a location at city hall. I think we all remember city hall for that, even though it was years ago by now.
Alt blinks at Jackie’s response but then his expression darkens a bit. “Oh yeah- I remember you all talking about them… but hey you got rid of them it sounds like! So it should be fine- but you guys don’t have to come if you don’t want to!”
"No, it's fine," Jackie insists. "You're right, the Circle is gone now, so there's nothing to worry about. I just get nervous, you know?" 
"You can wait in the car or something," Jack suggests. 
"I mean... I definitely want to come. I wasn't around for the other times these guys showed up!" 
"We are going to the park first, yes?" Schneep says. "So we can think about city hall on the way there." 
Marvin frowns. "I don't think we can all fit in Jackie's car. And Chase is the only other one with a license so we're shit out of luck for taking two cars." He looks at Alt, eyes wide. "Can you glitch us there?!" 
That's probably too many people, Jameson points out. 
“I can try- it is kinda reaching my limit though-“ Alt says.
"I can try to help?" Aodhan suggests. "But shouldn't we ask something first?" The others stare at him. "Like--where's the other guy? The big Chase? And did that cat guy come along?"
Alt blinks with the others then smacks his head kinda, “Oh yeah! Bro should be around here somewhere- probably with little him since the rest of you are here! And no don’t worry- Mag isn’t here this time, thank god.”
"Oh good." Aodhan relaxes, looking relieved. 
Alt seems to process something and looks back at Jack, “Wait…you said other times- as in plural? We’ve only been here once…” he says, looking confused.
Jackie blinks. "You mean you don't... remember your other visits?" 
Maybe it's more time stuff! JJ says excitedly. Like Dr. Who! In the episode with the angels where they meet the lady who gives them a guide for the questions-- 
Alt’s eyes widen as he blinks at the boys in surprise. “…woah- this is some fucking timey wimey shit all right-“ he laughs. “…god that makes me feel a bit better- I was really bummed that guys thought we just… forgot about you guys.” 
"Oooo, yes, of course!" Schneep nods. "Like your watch!" 
That too. JJ grabs the pocket watch around his neck. 
Alt tilts his head at JJ then glitches over, looking at his watch. “Oh? Do you have magic now too??” 
JJ grins. I found this a couple months ago! I don't know if it's magic, but it's very cool! He shakes his head. I'll hold back for now though so I can explain to you and Bro at the same time.
Alt nods, “That’s fair! I’m very interested to learn more.” He grins. 
"I wonder if Chase and Stacy will want to come," Marvin says. "Or d'you think they'll want to, yknow... do whatever people do when they date?"
Alt looks at Marvin and laughs, touching his necklace. “Well- probably the latter if I had to guess. Lemme see if I can catch Bro and tell him where we’re going-“ He pulls out his phone and calls Bro.
Bro has been walking for a while, despite how Chase gave him bus directions. He's in an area with tons of businesses and restaurants, and a lot of people walking around, enjoying the sunny day. That's when his phone starts to ring.
Bro grumbles to himself, “Fucking- should have listened to little me… why isn’t flying more wildly accepted?” He sighs. Then blinks as his phone rings. “Yo? Alt?” 
“Hey Chase- where you at?” 
“Trying to walk to Little Jackie’s house-“ Bro grunts. 
“I’m with the others! The TRVLR parts are at hollewych park and then city hall- are you anywhere close to there?”
"Oh, if he started at Zelly's then he'll probably be kind of near the city center," Jackie says. 
"Is he surrounded by five-story buildings or two-story buildings?" Schneep asks. "Because they tend to get taller the closer you get to city hall."
“Here let me put you all on speaker so he can hear this,” Alt laughs, “Say hi to the kids, Bro!” 
“Yooo little dudes!” Bro’s voices says over the speaker.
"Hi!" Jackie says. 
"What's up, bitches!" Marvin shouts. 
"As Chase would say, 'sup?" Schneep says. 
Jameson whistles. 
"You haven't met me before, but I'm Jack, nice to meet you!" Jack says. 
"And when you met me I wasn't normal!" Aodhan says cheerfully. "It's me, Anti! But my name is Aodhan, too." 
“Oh wow hi eveyone!” Bro laughs over the speaker, “and uh- hi Anti! Glad you’re … normal now?” 
"Bro, where are you?" Jackie asks. "What bus did you take?"
As Jackie asks his question there’s a long pause on Bro’s end before he mumbles, “I- uh… didn’t take one-“
A second passes in silence. Then Aodhan starts laughing. Marvin starts giggling after him. "Are you--are you fucking walking?" he asks. 
Schneep frowns. "I know this is a small town, but it is not that small." 
Alt covers his mouth to hide his laughter, “Chase… really?” 
“Well I can’t fly right now can I?? I thought- how bad could it be?? Plus like- don’t you need to… show id or something on buses or- be a citizen?? I don’t know how buses work I’m a superhero goddamnit!” Alt rolls his eyes. 
"You need to pay for a bus, so if you don't have money, that's an excuse," Jack suggests. "I don't think you have to show ID? At least, they've never asked me or Anti."
"So you're probably still close to Zelly's then," Jackie says, nudging Marvin and Aodhan. "You probably didn't get past Queen Cleo's--that's the pizza place with the red roof. I mean, assuming you don't have super speed or anything." The pizza place Jackie is mentioning is right next to Bro.
Bro looks over at his side and then makes a face, “…yeah I see the pizza place-“ he says in a defeated tone.
Jackie holds back a snort of laughter of his own now. "Okay, okay, it'll probably be easiest if you head towards city hall. I can drive over there to pick you up and take you the rest of the way. Meanwhile, Alt can take some guys straight to the park and look around for your TRVLR thing there, then once they've found it they can go to city hall." He looks around. "Does that sound good to everyone?" 
“Sounds good to me!” Alt grins. 
Bro sighs heavily, “Yeah that’s chill- lemme see if I can pull up directions there-“ 
“You’re using your gps?? Dude it tells you how long it takes to walk there-“ Alt laughs, “Did you see how long it would take and still chose to walk?” 
Another long silence follows before Bro says quietly, “…I had it still on the drive time-“ 
“Oh my god chase!” Alt bursts into laughter now.
Schneep chuckles. "You really are an older version of Chase. I am not quite understanding this conversation, but it sounds like something he would do." 
Alt laughs, “I can see it.” 
"Alright, who wants to come with me to pick up Bro, then?" Jackie asks, looking around. 
"I, uh... want to meet him," Jack says. 
"I do not imagine being much help with the park search, I will go, too," Schneep says. 
"I can do both!" Aodhan grins. 
JJ and Marvin look at each other. They nod in unison. "Me and JJ will go with Alt to the park," Marvin says. "If that's okay."
Alt blinks then grins wide at Marvin and JJ, “Of course dude! Us magic bros gotta stick together!”
The twins grin right back at him. 
"Great." Jackie nods. "Now... I just need to think of a reason why I'd be driving off with Jack and Schneep. To tell Dad, I mean. He'd want to know. Maybe we're getting snacks...though in that case we'd need to actually get snacks." 
"I should text Chase all this, yes?" Schneep says. "Or do you think that would interrupt him?"
Bro chuckles on the speaker, “We can get snacks- we aren’t in that big of a rush. Alt could always use extra anyways if you all are glitching pretty far.”
Jackie laughs. "Okay, okay, we'll stop by, then." He looks at Alt, JJ, and Marvin. "You guys will probably have to glitch right out of here. If you went upstairs Dad would be confused as to who this older guy is and when he got here." 
“Yeah I don’t wanna alarm your dad,” Alt laughs. “Keep me updated bro-“ 
“Will do dude- see you all soon!” Bro says before Alt hangs up. He then stuffs the phone in his pocket and offer a hand out to the boys. “Alright! Let’s get moving then~”
Marvin grabs JJ's arm and then Alt's hand. "Great!" He looks at the others and grins. "See you all later! Tell Bro we say hi when you find him!" 
"No problem!" Jackie says.
Alt waves his other other hand and then glitches the 3 of them out of there towards the park.
They appear on a concrete path surrounding a wide green space. More paths crisscross the area, as well as some steps, as they seem to be standing on top of a slight hill. In the center of the park is a large fountain with some angelic looking figures--though one of them is missing a wing, like it broke off. There are some people wandering around the park. A woman walking a dog, a family with two young kids, some teenage boys in the corner skateboarding. 
"Heheh. Hey look, it's Chase's people," Marvin says, pointing at the skaters. 
Suddenly, Aodhan appears next to them. "Hey, this is where I first saw Chase!"
Alt laughs at Marvin’s comment then can’t help but jump a bit as Aodhan joins. “Oh right- hi,” He laughs. He pulls out the tracker again to see if he can get a more accurate read on where the piece is as he looks out over the park. “This is a nice park! Cozy almost.”
"Yeah, it really is!" Marvin nods. "When me and JJ were younger we used to take the coins from the fountain that they threw into the basin for wishes. But as we got older it started to feel kinda bad doing that, y'know? Like, if greenlight is real, what if wishes are? So I started doing like, pet sitting stuff for money. I'm really good with cats. We have a cat, named Sinney, she's a Russian blue and very adorable." As Marvin talks, the glass eye tracker tells Alt that the TRVLR part is in... what do you know? The fountain basin.
“Oh yeah I remember you talking about Sinney!” Alt smiles, “and that’s a good way to get money dude - hanging out with cats all day? I’d do that!” He blinks then laughs as the tracker tells him the location. He starts to walk towards the fountain. “Hey! The part is actually in the fountain apparently!”
JJ laughs. What a coincidence! The group heads down the path and reaches the fountain. 
Aodhan looks up at it. "Did I break the wing off that angel?" 
"Yeah," Marvin says.
“That sounds like a wild story,” Alt giggles.
JJ leans over the edge and looks into the basin. Do you know what the piece looks like, Alt?
Alt sighs and leans over the fountain, “Not really- but I guess something mechanical will be easy to spot, right?”
"Well, your TRVLR was very small, wasn't it?" Marvin says. "Like... this big?" He pantomimes holding it. "So there's probably a lot of small parts in it..." 
"Guess we just have to look close!" Aodhan says, leaning right up to the water, his nose two inches from its surface. 
JJ chuckles. Don't get wet, your eyeliner will smear. "I don't have the time for eyeliner! I'm not Marvin!" 
"Hey!... well, that's true," Marvin admits. "But I'm not wearing eyeliner today."
“Oh my god the eyeliner phase-“ Alt laughs, hiding his face a bit.
While they're talking, they circle around the fountain. Alt sees a glint of something gold--unusual compared to the rest of the copper and silver coins. 
Marvin also notices it. "Oo! What's that?"
Alt brightens and reaches over for it, “I think this might be it!”
It looks like a little rectangle, no bigger than the coins it's surrounded by. Most of it is black, but there's a smaller gold rectangle in the middle that's the source of the glint. 
"Hey! What are you doing over there?"
Alt snatched up the rectangle before standing up quickly and looking towards the source of the question. “I-I dropped something in here! Just getting it real quick!”
The asker is a man in a gray suit, looking very out of place among the casual summer fashion of everyone else. He nods slowly. "Sorry. Didn't mean to bite your head off. But I hear some people like to steal coins from the fountain." 
JJ and Marvin glance at each other. 
"Are you all... family? Brothers, cousins, what?"
Alt tilts his head and then answers quickly, “Yeah I’m uh- cousins with these two! Just visiting-“ He smiles.
"Hmm." The man looks at Aodhan. "And you?"
Aodhan just stares. A slight static hum comes from him. 
"He's just our friend," Marvin hurriedly says. "You know--" 
"Stranger," Aodhan mutters. 
The twins look at him in confusion. 
"Well, I'm also from out of town," the man says, seemingly not hearing Aodhan's comment. "It's a lovely place, isn't it?"
“Yeah I love visiting here,” Alt says carefully, narrowing his eyes at the man. “…but if you’re from out of town, why do you care who’s in the fountain…?”
"Oh, I don't like to see people causing trouble," the man says. "I hear there was a lot of trouble in this town about three years ago? Have you heard of that?" He looks at Marvin and JJ. "What about you boys?" 
"Uh... yeah, we remember it," Marvin says. "It was crazy."
Alt narrows his eyes a bit more, crossing his arms. “…can we help you with something?” He says shortly.
The man stares at the four of them thoughtfully... then sighed. "Alright, I can see you're the type to see through the small talk." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a business card. "I work for an agency, we're very curious about what happened here in Hollewych three years ago. I know it was very confusing for everyone who lives here, but we've already had the details of what happened. So we've been going around asking people if they know why it happened."
Alt just stares hard at the man and his card. “I don’t think we can help you with that. These guys were just kids back then- and I wasn’t here.”
The main raises an eyebrow. "Teenagers are more observant than we think, you know." 
"Sorry, we don't know anything," Marvin says. "It was fucking weird, that's all." 
"Alright. If you need to contact us, if you remember something, our phone number is on this card." 
Jameson silently takes it. 
The man nods. "Be seeing you, maybe." And he walks away.
Alt glares at the man as he walks away, “that was… really fucking weird. Everything about that seemed off.” He mumbles.
"I don't like him," Aodhan mutters. "He reminds me of the people in the Circle." He looks over at Alt. "Bullies." 
Alt nods, “Yeah I get that vibe…”
"Why'd you take the card, JJ?" Marvin asks. 
JJ hands the card to Marvin so he can sign. 
He seemed like he wouldn't go away otherwise. 
"Hmm." Marvin looks at the card. "Department of Impossible Sciences? Never heard of it."
As Marvin reads out the card, Alt feels a pit in his stomach and glitches over to look at the card.
One side of the card has the department name on it, along with a phone number. The other side is black, and has a white design of an eye on it, complete with eyelid and lashes. It does not have three irises.
Alt deflates at little bit- a bit relieved. Still he shakes his head, “I wouldn’t trust anyone who says they’re from a ‘department of impossible science’-“ He grumbles. “I’d definitely stay away from those guys.” 
"Yeah, no, definitely fucking not," Marvin agrees. 
Alt checks to make sure he still has the piece of the TRVLR and cleans it off before putting it in the black bag. “Well- at least we got the piece! Let’s head over to the others-“ 
"I'll go right now," Aodhan says, and disappears. 
No fair, JJ says, rolling his eyes. 
"Well... guess we're going to city hall without him, then," Marvin says, laughing a little. 
Alt chuckles, “I can just as easily glitch us over too- or do you guys wanna walk?”
"No that's what I meant." Marvin holds his hand out, grabbing onto JJ's arm. "It's just like--funny that he did it without us."
Alt shakes his head with a laugh, “maybe he just prefers glitching solo!” He grabs Marvin’s hand and glitches after Anti towards city hall.
Meanwhile, Bro has been walking for a while. The businesses have taken over the area, pushing out the restaurants. But then a car pulls to the side, a silver car with big windows and a rounded top. The driver's side window rolls down, and a guy with long brown hair and an old red hoodie looks at him. "Wow--you really haven't aged a day!" Jackie laughs. "JJ's right, there must be some weird time stuff going on."
Bro idly looks at the buildings then blinks as the car rolls up. He grins as he sees the familiar face. “I can’t say the same about you! Look at ya!! Couldn’t even drink the last time we saw ya! Now you’re old enough to be in uni!!” He pauses then sticks out his tongue, “Ugh- I sound like an old relative coming to visit-“
Jackie laughs. "Yeah! It's crazy." He grins. "I--I'm actually on break from uni right now. I've made some friends there, I think. Here, get in the passenger side. If you think I look really different, you'll be so surprised to see Schneep." 
"What is that supposed to mean?!" A voice comes from the backseat. 
"It means you had a massive growth spurt, you doof," Jackie calls into the back.
Bro grins and hurries into the car. He climbs into the passenger side and quickly turns around then gasps in delight in seeing Schneep. “Oh my god! Little Hen!! You’re definitely not little anymore!”
"I was not that small, was I?" Schneep says. 
The other guy in the backseat laughs. "Hey, the first time I saw you, I legit thought you were, like, eight years old." 
"Hmph. Well, at least that has changed now!" Schneep grins. "It is good to see you again, Bro!" 
Bro grins back. “It’s good to see you all too! I can’t believe it’s been so long for you all! I wanna say it’s been… god… maybe 6 ish months?? Since we last saw you? Maybe longer-? Things have been kinda crazy.” He laughs. 
"Only six months? It sounds like there is some strange time stuff happening," Schneep chuckles. 
“Right?? It’s blowing my mind!” Bro laughs.
"And it's good to see you at all. I'm Jack." He holds out a hand for a shake. 
Bro blinks and takes Jack’s hand and shakes it, “Pleasure, Jack! I’m Chase but you know that’s confusing so call me Bro~!”
"Bro, then!" Jack laughs. "That's Chase's favorite word, it's really fitting that it's what we call you." 
Bro grins at Jack, “It’s my favorite word too! Why do think I picked it as my hero name?” 
Jackie puts the car into gear and pulls back into the street. Bro can tell that he's a lot more confident in his driving skills. "We're gonna find a corner store or something to get snacks from, then head over to city hall."
Bro sits the right way in the seat now and grins, “Sick! I can get some 2012 food- …was there anything good from then we don’t have now?” He asks himself, making a thinking face.
"Hey, I mean... you'd know more than us, we haven't been any time after 2012 yet." Jackie laughs. "That's sort of how time works, usually." 
Suddenly, there's a whine of static, and someone appears in the empty seat between Jack and Schneep. "Hey!" 
"Jesus focking christ, Anti!" Jack jumps.
Bro screeches a bit in surprise and grips over his heart- “…you think living with Alt I’d be used to this kinda shit!”
“You never get used to it,” Jack mutters. “Trust me.” 
“Sorry,” Aodhan says. “But look! It’s me! I’m not a shadow anymore!” He leans into the space between the two seats and grins. 
“Hey man! I’m so glad! I bet that’s a fucking crazy story,” Bro grins. 
“What are you doing here, Anti?” Schneep asks. 
“Telling you that the other three are going to city hall,” Aodhan says. “And that there was a weird guy talking to us.”
Bro blinks and tilts his head, “A weird guy?”
“Weird guy in a suit,” Aodhan continues. “Asking about what happened three years ago. He said he was from the Department of Impossible Sciences.”
Bro knits his eyebrows together, “…that sounds familiar… weird though- why ask about that now?”
“Yeah… I mean, it’s been a while,” Jackie says thoughtfully. “Maybe it’s only like… relevant now? For something this department is doing?” 
“If it’s a department, what is it a department of?” Jack wonders. “The government?” 
“Well they are not going to get any answers from the townspeople,” Schneep says. “It seems everyone has agreed to forget about it.” 
“Corner store,” Aodhan points out the window. “Snacks.” 
“Yeah, I see it, thanks,” Jackie says. 
“Yeah… seems weird that a guy like that would just- approach Alt and a bunch of teenagers… just out of nowhere…” Bro muses.
“I’m not a teenager,” Aodhan grumbles.
“Yeah, we’re old enough to drink in America!” Jack adds. 
“To be fair, Aodhan, you do act like a twelve-year-old a lot,” Jackie says.
Bro giggles, “I mean- still seems weird to approach a bunch of younger guys about this- out of just nowhere right? You all weren’t like- doing anything weird or magic?”
“We got the TRVLR part out of the fountain,” Aodhan says. 
“In the fountain?!” Schneep repeats. “Are you sure that the part will work?” “It looked like a solid thing. No place for water to get in or ruin it or anything.” Jackie pulls up to the corner store. “Well hopefully this was a one-off thing,” he says. “Now. Snacks.”
Bro hums in thought but then nods and hops out of the car, “Snacks!”
7 notes · View notes
beanghostprincess · 10 months
Also what if when the Red Haired and Strawhat pirate crews finally meet. They meet in a populated area and celebrate meeting each other: Shanks and Luffy bond while Usopp and Yasopp are actually doing well together and bonding too. And Sanji (even tho being in a relationship) still fawns over the village girls every once in a while when he's there (not intensely but y'know). And Yasopp sees him and don't think anything of it until Usopp introduces him as his boyfriend. Which quickly pisses him off after seeing how he acts. Which results in Yasopp not liking him, bc well okay, makes sense, but then it leads to him saying he's not allowed to date his son as if he has any control over his life. Which leads to Yasopp and Sanji hating each other and arguing. But also Usopp hating both of them (Sanji for looking at other women still and Yasopp for dictating his life) and refusing to be around them for a while until Sanji and Yasopp realize they were jerks and apologize to him once he calms down.
This been on my head for a long while and I couldn't help but spill since you brought up Yasopp.
Let me kiss your brain. Please. Like. Come here right now and let me kiss your forehead. This is- This is so- Okay. I NEED A MOMENT. I need a moment. Let me breathe. Just a moment.
Okay, I'm done breathing. This is AMAZING. And now you have to deal with me talking about it!!!
I think Sanji and Yasopp would not get along because of what you just said. Sanji would still simp for girls everywhere (like, that's something that will never change. And it's not like he tries to sleep with them, he's loyal to Usopp. He's just very, uh, sexually attracted to them an insane amount. Usopp should have permission to bonk him with a hammer every time he does that tbh) and Yasopp would instantly think that he's not good for his son. Which is, you know, understandable, but who is he in Usopp's life to talk about his future? Or at least that's what Sanji would say, complaining about how he doesn't have any right to decide if he's good for his son, keeping in mind that he has never been around.
Yasopp left, but he still cares for his son and he wants to have a good relationship with him. Seeing Sanji like that makes him think about Shanks and Buggy's relationship and that's just not what he wants for Usopp (Shanks, baby, I love you but you're so not beating the cheater allegations). And Sanji... Sanji doesn't have a good relationship with father figures (obviously this is about Judge and not Zeff. Zeff, I love you) and men in general, so tbh I think he would already be a bit resentful towards Yasopp even before meeting him. He would try to hold back, of course, be friendly for Usopp's sake and all. But it doesn't work out.
I find this concept amazing because they care and love Usopp so much that they actually forget about what Usopp truly wants. Overprotective much?? I think they would end up bonding over that, too!!! Usopp would get angry at both of them first, though:
Usopp: What do you mean he's not good for me? You don't know him! Yasopp: But I'm sure he would love to know every girl around here, wouldn't he? If you know what I mean. He's going to end up breaking your heart, kiddo, I know people like him. For fuck's sake, Shanks is like him! Shanks: I'll have you know I am a very stable individual and your captain and a little bit of sexual freedom never hurt anyone! Yasopp: Tell that to your ex-boyfriend. Shanks: Ouch. Unnecessary. Usopp: You don't know him! And for starters, you don't even know me! He's wonderful and perfect for me and even if he weren't, you shouldn't have a say in my romantic life! If you wanted to act like a dad, you should've started years ago! Sanji: Thanks, mon trés- Usopp: And you. Don't you dare mon trésor me right now! My dad might not be allowed to say shit like this about you, but I am. I've gotten used to you flirting with every average-looking girl you see, but I'm sick and tired of you acting like a dog in heat with them. Especially when I'm around. It's- I thought I could just deal with it because I'm not a jealous person, but you need to get your shit together, Sanji. Both of you need to get your shit together. And if you excuse me, I'm going to have a drink with the others because I need a long, long break from you two. [...] Zoro: Now you've done it, curly. Told you you'd fuck this up someday. Sanji: I'm going to murder you. [...] Shanks: And you say I'm the bad father. Yasopp: You still are. Shanks: Maybe, good point there, but I'm not the only one. So that's a relief.
And then they would end up talking things out, of course, because Usopp is the most important person in their lives. I would like to see them bond over that, realizing that they both care about him a lot and that's why all of this happened. Sanji tells Yasopp that, even if he's pretty much obsessed with women, he would never be disloyal to Usopp. Usopp is the one for him. If he says he wants to get married to him one day, Yasopp is the only one who hears it. Sanji just needs to control his urges a lot, tbh. And Yasopp says that he knows he's not allowed to decide who his son should or shouldn't date, but he just wants to be a good father and enjoy the time they have together without some guy breaking Usopp's heart. He doesn't know how to be a dad, but he's willing to try for him.
So I think they end up getting along! Sanji cooks for both crews, of course, and Yasopp is delighted to taste his food. They spend the time laughing and talking about Usopp and Sanji won't stop explaining every adventure they've had together. Usopp, on the other hand, isn't as angry anymore (after talking to Nami about it) and watches from a distance how friendly they are now. This raises the question:
Usopp: God, are they going to be like that now? Nami: Is there an issue with that? Usopp: I don't know. Maybe? It's just weird. Robin: Maybe they start talking about all of your dirty secrets and embarrassing memories :) (<- Super friendly and not at all scary smile) Usopp: I want to die.
At some point, Sanji brings Usopp food and Yasopp comes along. They both apologize to him and, well, it's not as scary as Usopp thought. And they might be stupid and flawed, but they're still two of the people he loves the most.
Gonna have a whole breakdown over this now, thank you. I'm gonna think about this all day long. And tomorrow too. I'm sobbing. I have a lot of thoughts right now. Thinking about Sanji asking Yasopp for Usopp's hand because he's just classy like that and Yasopp accepting and Sanji like: "Okay, cool, because I was going to marry him anyway even if you said no. Glad I didn't have to kick your ass."
I'm gonna cherish this ask forever. Thank you. <3
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c-o-z-m-o · 6 months
Is anyone just super annoyed at how most dog man fans (mainly in the Wiki) hate Molly and Li'l Petey for doing normal kid things. Like I saw someone today saying how they liked dog man 12 because "Li'l Petey was barely in it." What the hell
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four2andnew · 9 months
I shared this with my IRL peeps, but I'm gonna add on the fanfic stats here with my cult fellow fanfic enthusiasts
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167 (Kindle) books, 9 DNFs, twenty-five 5 ⭐s, and my average rating for the year was a 3.6
I couldn't narrow it down to one fav book, so here's some categories:
Fav Fantasy (Romantasy): Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (Tairn carries this series, I love him)
Fav Sports Romance: Icebreaker by Hannah Grace ("Shut up, Anastasia. You're not even half my warm-up weight" SIR!)
Fav Cowboy Romance: Heartless by Elsie Silver (Cade Eaton can spit on me any day of the week)
Fav Small Town Mystery (still a romance): Indigo Ridge by Devon Perry (literally could not put this one down)
Fav Dark/Mafia Romance: I Stop Somewhere Waiting for You by Amanda Jones (Thank god for unhinged men hopelessly in love with their women)
Fav Military Romance: Full Measures by Rebecca Yarros (the number of times I cried...)
Fav Arranged/Forced Marriage: Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold by Ellen O'Connell (I love me some good ol' western romances and this one was just **chef's kiss**)
And last but not least - Fav WTF Romance: Rowe by Dylan Page (I've never been so attracted to cave men in my life)
And now for the fanfic stats
I have roughly 40 pages of AO3 history for the year 2023, assuming 20 fic per page, that's roughly 800 fanfics I visited this past year. Here are some of my favorites (that I read in 2023, not necessarily published in 2023):
Ultimate Fav fic: Quidditch is for Losers by @fizzyginfizz
Fav re-read: Come Stay for the Summer by @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey
Fav Jily fic: The Reckless Now by @mppmaraudergirl
Fav Series: Moments in Time by @seriouslysam8
(Also I posted 8 fics of my own for a total of 49,807 words)
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mud-castle · 1 year
Looking through old docs and sketches is wild sometimes
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