#they're inseparable your honor
What's Eight Plus Seven?
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
Being friends with Eddie is interesting, now that Eddie knows they're friends. Or trying to be. Or whatever it is that's happening.
If Steve thought Eddie was in his personal space before, it's nothing compared to now. It's not like this is a revelation to Steve, he's been around and seen how little Eddie cares for everyone else's personal space. It's just interesting to be part of that group, now.
He leans in close to stage whisper about anything and everything, especially if what he has to say will get a stir out of one of the kids. He gets to be on the receiving end of Eddie's touching now. Always touching. Eddie's hand on his arm as they talk, an arm flung around his shoulders as Eddie laughs about something and uses Steve to stay upright, so many high fives and fist bumps. Like, so many.
It's not like Steve is a stranger to touch. Robin leans against him all the time. The kids have no problem doling out hugs and attempted tackles in equal measure. And even the other Hellfire club members have warmed up to him, offering high-fives or handshakes when they show up for games. Except for Gareth, whose sole greeting seems to be clasping hands and pulling him into a half hug before patting him on the back like he's trying to burp a baby.
Not that Steve is complaining about the lack of personal space. He's just making an observation. He can now see just how much Eddie has been holding back when it came to touching him, back when he was still trying to befriend Steve. No, none of this is a problem. It's just, well, Steve didn't expect to crave the physical touch as much as he does now, is all.
It also turns out that beyond losing all access to his own personal space, Eddie is funny, can be kind, and is taking accountability. Steve was witness to Eddie pulling Lucas aside to talk, and even though he couldn't hear what was said, he did get to see the hug it ended it. And while Steve still declines all invitations to actually play Dungeons and Dragons, Eddie's been taking the time to explain it to him. To talk him through the words that swim on the pages of the Player's Handbook. He answers any questions Steve has after ever session of the campaign they play, and recaps the ones Steve isn't around to hear, whether because of work or a migraine (Dustin has a key to his house to let them all in when Steve is gone).
He and Eddie have been hanging out after ever Hellfire session, along with two or three more times in the week. Robin is still the person who Steve spends most of this time with, but Eddie is a close second these days.
So, overall, befriending Eddie has been interesting this last month, and that brings him to the now.
Now, Eddie has just finished cleaning up after the most recent game and Steve is lounging on the couch. It's perpendicular to the table, so Steve's laid out on it, head at the end furthest from the table so that he can watch as well as listen. Steve watches as Eddie fiddles with some papers, brows furrowed in thought, for a good five minutes before Steve speaks up to break the silence, "what are you thinking about?"
"I just- I made you something."
He props himself up on his elbows to get a better view of Eddie, "You made me something?"
"Don't, uh, don't get too excited. It's nothing fancy," he says, before grabbing the pieces of paper he was fiddling with and marching over with determination. "I know that you might never play a game with us, but here."
Steve sits up fully now that Eddie's approached the couch and reaches out to take the pages.
They're homemade character sheets. His character's character sheets. Three pages per character, where he can very clearly see that Eddie has taken the time to keep his handwriting neat, even, and as Steve examines the words, he can see Eddie has done his best to mimic Robin's handwriting, which Steve had mentioned very briefly, and only once, being easy for him to read. Robin's letters all look so different from each other with the 'f' having a slight curve at its top, but every 't' is perfectly straight. For reasons Steve doesn't fully understand, it makes it easier for him to read. Robin's writing rarely swims on the page like printed words do. Even the numbers are painstakingly written to look different. The 6's curve while the 9's are almost as straight at the t's. The 5 perfectly mirror a printed 5, with straight lines and a curved bottom but the 2 looks more like a capital cursive Q, all rounded edges.
The third page of each character sheet, however, has a character portrait drawn in a corner of the page. The top character is his dwarf paladin, drawn to look like Steve with a thick, full, braided beard. He laughs out loud at it, too touched and happy to keep it in. "Did you draw this?"
"Yeah. Will's not the only artist here," Eddie grins at him.
Steve flips to the last page, to see how well Eddie did with the elf magic-user. Steve didn't base this character on himself. When Eddie asked how he imagined the elf to look like, Steve had tried his best to describe him with words and gestures, demonstrating how long he thought his ears would be, and the length of his hair.
What he sees makes his heart skip, or stop, he's not sure. Because even though Eddie's never seen him, what stares back at Steve is Christopher. It's not perfect, the jawline is more angled than Christopher's was, and the hair is too long but that's because Steve described it that way. It's as close to being Christopher as one could get without seeing a picture.
It makes Steve's eyes water.
"Is it that bad?" Eddie asks.
He just shakes his head in response, setting the pages on the coffee table and stands. He disappears into the study and returns with a single photo frame. He reaches for Eddie's wrist, pulling his hand up and shoving the frame into his palm. Eddie grips the frame and frowns down at it for a moment, a confused expression on his face.
Steve feels a lump in his throat, emotion blocking words that usually come easily to him. All he can do is grab the page with the character portrait on it, offering it up to Eddie to see again. Eddie looks from the photo to the drawing and back a few times before quickly looking up to Steve. "I- is this... Christopher?"
He nods. There are three people in the picture frame. Christopher in the center with Amber and Robert on either side of him. A Santa hat hangs off his head while the twins are each wearing headbands with antlers on them, all three of them in ugly Christmas sweaters. It was sent along with a Christmas card and his mother, perhaps in a pique of nostalgia, framed it. It had sat on the mantle above the fireplace for a few years before migrating to the bookshelf in the study.
"Oh," Eddie whispers, looking between the two pictures again. Then he looks up again, a soft smile on his face and mischief in his eyes as he says, "you think Hopper'll hire me to do the police sketches? Turns out I'm pretty good at drawing from verbal descriptions."
That helps clear the block in his throat, helps him find his words again. Eddie's good at doing that. Saying just the right thing at just the right time to make Steve laugh instead of cry. "You? Working for the police?"
"The police!? No! Slander! I'd work for Hopper, though."
He does laugh, then. "I think your character is developing, or whatever."
Eddie snorts out his own laugh before passing the photo frame and paper back to Steve. "Yeah, well, I'm trying."
And Steve see it, is that thing. That Eddie is trying, has been trying. He makes less comments about conformity and says less snarky things about the customers that come into Family Video when he's loitering around. He does it even when Steve's not around to see this. Robin vouches for him, so do the kids, and even Wayne mentioned that Eddie sat and watched a full baseball game with him without his usual scoffing and ranting.
(And by mention, Steve means that Wayne pulled him aside when he went over to the trailer recently to tell him, "Eddie watched a whole game with me last night and didn't bitch once. And of course I questioned if he was gettin' sick and he said someone had given him a needed talkin' to about bein' a right ass 'bout some things and he was workin' on his way of thinkin' 'bout those things. I think I got you ta thank for that."
"What? Why?" Steve had asked.
"Eddie 'n I don't have much we bond over, believe it or not. Even though Eddie's decided baseball still ain't for him, he said he wouldn't be opposed to watchin' with me again. Don't think he'd of done that without ya.")
So, Steve sees it. He sees that Eddie is trying to be a better person than he was, and that he's drawn an almost perfect picture of Christopher because he listens when Steve talks. He wrote out character sheets that might just make it easier for Steve to read them, instead of just trying to argue that words don't move and if he'd just try harder he'd be able to read like everyone else.
He sees Eddie and it makes Steve want in a way he's been repressing since he was a freshman and first thought Eddie was cute. Eddie's fingers brush against his as he hands the pictures back, and even though Eddie's touched him probably a million times since that first talk, this is the time it makes electricity run through him and his stomach swoops and he feels his face heat.
Not wanting Eddie to see him blush, he turns on heel and speed walks to the study. He places the photo back on the bookshelf where it was before and then pauses to lean his forehead against the wall. They just got to the point of friendship! Steve cannot ruin this by catching feelings.
He did tell Robin he had a crush on her and got a soulmate out of it.
No. What are the odds he'd get two soulmates? No. He needs to talk to Robin.
He gathers himself and heads back to the living room, where he plans to sit and chat with Eddie like they do after every game and pretend everything is normal.
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He crawls through Robin's window that night. She wasn't expecting him, but the window is always cracked.
"Rob, you awake?"
"Mmm," Robin hums back, rolling over in the bed to pop one eye open. She watches him untie his shoes and toe out of them before scooting herself to the edge of the twin, lifting the blanket she's under up for him to slide in. Usually when he does this, it's with his back to her, but this time he needs to see her face, to see the reaction to his confession. He climbs in and settles facing her, watching as she blinks herself more awake.
"What's happened?" she says around a yawn.
"I want to date Eddie."
Robin's eyes go wide. "Oh! Ah, so, that's definitely wake me in the middle of the night kind of news."
"It's barely midnight, but yeah."
"So... how, umm, did you find out?"
Steve sighs, wiggling to lay on his back and stare up at the ceiling now that he's dropped the bomb and it didn't explode instantly. "That I like boys, or that I like Eddie?"
Robin wiggles forward and slings an arm over his torso, curling into his side. "Were they different epiphanies?"
He feels Robin nod her head against his shoulder. "So, how long have you known?"
He swallows thickly before whispering, "since the summer of '78."
A long silence follows that, and Steve doesn't try to fill it. Steve knows that there is no universe in which this confession to Robin ruins their friendship, but that doesn't mean she can't be mad or upset at him for not telling her. He tells her everything.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" is the question she asks after an eternity, and Steve feels tears in his eyes because she doesn't sound angry or hurt, just curious and maybe confused.
"It didn't matter before," Steve says and waits a moment to see if Robin will say something, but she doesn't, so he continues, "I thought it never would matter, living here in Hawkins. And- and a little part of me was afraid you wouldn't even believe me. If I said it out loud, if I'd let anyone know, and they scoffed, or, or rolled their eyes, or- I know I would have shoved it down. 'Cause I knew I could just like girls for the rest of my life and it would be fine."
She squeezes him with the arm draped over his torso. "Hmm, shoulda known that you'd like girls and boys, ya slut."
The laugh he lets out is way too loud to this late at night, but he doesn't care. That Robin is teasing him means they're okay. That she's not too hurt or mad at him for keeping this from her. For letting her think she was alone. His voice holds no hint of that laughter when he says, "I'm sorry."
"Unless the thing you are apologizing for is speed-running the gay crisis, which is unfair, you better shut your stupid mouth, Steven Michael Harrington."
"Don't government name me while we cuddle in your bed."
"I seem to be the only one doing the cuddling, so I'll say what I want."
He huffs out an exasperated breath but wiggles his arm under and around her. "Better?"
"Yes. Now, Eddie, hmm? I don't see the appeal, but neither can I claim he's a dud like Tammy Thompson. Give me a crush you had I can mock."
"... Tommy H in freshman year."
"No!" Robin is so flabbergasted by that she has to prop herself up on an elbow to look down at him.
He knows he's blushing because of the heat in his face but the room is only lit by the light of the moon, so she might not notice. "It was like for a month. A confusing time where I couldn't tell if it was a crush crush or a friend crush."
"Yeah. I know."
They giggle after that and Steve shifts so he can place a kiss on Robin's forehead, bending his arm to pet Robin's hair.
"Alright. You want to date Eddie. Do you... think he likes guys, too?"
"I don't know. We don't sit around discussing who we like, you know? Eddie's never mentioned liking anyone. Ever. Lots of talking about Dungeons and Dragons and his guitar, though. Hmm. He calls it sweetheart. Did you know that?"
Robin snorts. "What a dork. I lied. Eddie's a total dud and loser. Who gives their instrument a name, much less that name being sweetheart."
"What, you don't have a name for your trumpet?"
"God no. I'm a band geek but I'm not a total weirdo."
"Well, does Vickie have a name for her instrument?"
Robin gasps suddenly, a realization of some sort, and says, "Oh! This is why you were so sure Vickie liked me back at Warzone! Why you were so sure she could like both! Because you did!"
Steve shushes her. "Is this how you want to come out to your parents?"
"Right. Quiet time," Robin whispers, "I can do that. Anyway, back to you and Eddie. Are you going to... pursue that?"
"I don't know. I know I'm usually a Pursue Immediately kinda guy but this time... I'm scared, Robbie. I've never been friends with someone before dating them. I've never had something to lose if they said no."
"I don't know what to say," Robin says like a confession, quiet. "I don't know how to help. You're the only person who knows about me because I'm also scared. I don't want to lose our friends 'cause I don't know what they would say. You can never know how people will react about it until they, like, have to actually react. But whatever you decide, however you proceed, just know I'll always be here."
"I love you."
"I love you, too, you giant sap."
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May gives way to June and graduation parties. Steve conspires with Wayne to hold Eddie's graduation party at his house. The trailer wouldn't have room for all of Hellfire and the kids. The graduation ceremony goes by quickly and the party is a hit. Nancy and Robin are at their own graduation parties hosted by their parents, so this one is only for Eddie.
Which is what Steve wanted. He didn't want Eddie to have to share this day, a long time coming, with anyone.
(He does make an appearance at Robin's party, because that's his soulmate, but she tells him to go away after fifteen minutes with a my parents already want to betroth me to you, if you stick around, they'll actually try).
"Thanks for hostin'," Wayne says once the party starts to wind down, plopping down into the camping chair he'd brought with him. He'd actually brought four of them, to ensure enough seating for everyone when factoring in the chairs Steve already had at the house. Wayne then gestures across the pool, where Dustin, Lucas, and Max are welcoming a recently dropped off Mike, who had to spend most of the day at Nancy's graduation. "Speakin' of hostin', you gonna let 'em play their game here over the summer? I can start chippin' in snack money."
Steve laughs. "It never even occurred to me that they'd stop once school ended. So, yeah, if they want to keep playing then my place is open. We can take turns buying pizza."
"Best tell Eddie that. He's been tryin' ta work up the courage to ask ya. I can hear him pacin' 'round his room, mutterin' to himself."
"Is he... scared to ask?"
"Nah. Just don't wanna overstep himself, I think," Wayne says, then leans forwards, elbows on his knees. His expression is serious and his voice is low when he adds, "Eddie might not look it but he's always had a fear of bein' too much, y'know? It's not anything you've done, son. It's just Eddie, gettin' up in his own head again."
That Steve understands completely. "Don't worry, Wayne. I'll make sure Eddie knows I want him here."
Wayne nods, reaching out to pat Steve's leg and then use it pull himself out of the chair. "No doubts, here. Now, I think there's some potato salad left callin' ta me."
Steve stands, too. Wayne heads inside to where the food has been safely stored away from the bugs, and Steve heads off to join Eddie, Frankie, and Jeff in whatever they're talking about. They're discussing band stuff, so Steve listens happily, chipping in when they ask his opinion.
Eventually, Frankie and Jeff claim they want to go throw Gareth in the pool as payback for some earlier misdeed, and Eddie opts to stay and chat with Steve.
"So, I originally came to ask if there were any DnD snacks you'd like to change up. We've been getting the same things for a couple months now. Any summer specific snacks?"
Eddie's face glows with delight, smile big and eyes bright. "You're not sick of us yet?"
"No way," Steve smiles back. "I like having you and the guys around."
Eddie's face softens into a fond expression and Steve feels butterflies erupt inside him. Eddie opens his mouth to say something but a shriek interrupts and they both whip around to the sound of splashing.
"Oh. They were serious," Eddie says, which is a weird thing to say. If Eddie didn't think they were serious about throwing Gareth in the pool, then he must have thought they were just making an excuse to get out of conversation. Why?
"Looks like it," is what Steve says, instead of questioning Eddie.
"Oh! Steve! I had an idea," Eddie blurts.
"Oh! Eddie! What?" Steve parrots his phrasing back at him.
"And, like, you can tell me this is none of my business and to drop it, but, uh, Christopher's younger siblings, they're the same age at like Dustin and the rest, yeah? I was thinking, maybe, you should invite them to come stay with you for a couple weeks. Like you used to do with your grandparents? I mean, what's the difference between one older relative and another, right?"
Eddie keeps going, talking about the pros and cons, how it might be cool to get their kids to be friends with Steve's cousins, and Steve hears him, but also isn't listening at the same time. It's a great idea. Steve wonders why he hasn't thought about it. There's nothing stopping him from calling up his aunt and uncle and offering. He doesn't know if Amber and Robert still spend a month of their summer in Michigan, but he wants to know.
And that Eddie has been thinking about it. Has been listing ideas for group activities so Amber and Robert have fun while here. He's got great ideas, and it sounds like he plans to be around for the whole thing, like he wants to be around for the whole thing.
The want swells inside him and Steve just acts. He grabs Eddie's wrist and drags him into the house, passing Wayne as he's heading back outside with a new plate of food. Which is good, because Steve had forgotten Wayne was inside but with him back outside, they are alone in the house as he drags Eddie into the kitchen.
"Uh, what-" Eddie starts to ask once Steve has stopped walking, but Steve cuts him off. He's turned to face Eddie, dropping his wrist to reach up with both hands and cup Eddie's face between them.
"Can I kiss you? Please? Please can I kiss you?"
Eddie's eyes widen but he's nodding his head almost frantically and Steve pulls him into a kiss.
It's electric, like that first time Eddie's fingers brushed his own the day he realized he had a crush on Eddie. Eddie presses in, his own hands wrapping around Steve's waist, pulling him in as much as he's pressing forward. He runs his tongue along Eddie's bottom lip and Eddie opens to him immediately.
Eddie backs him into the wall that divides the dining room from the kitchen, kisses turning heated, biting. It's a heady feeling for Steve, to not be the one pressing someone against the wall; to instead be pressed. There's a high-pitched whine that echos through the kitchen and it takes Eddie breaking away to kiss his way down Steve's neck for him to realize he's making that noise, encouraging Eddie with it.
"Fuck, Eddie," Steve says as Eddie shifts, his leg sliding between Steve's own. "Wait, stop. Wait."
Eddie pulls back, although reluctantly. "Hmm?"
"Anyone could walk in here. And your party is still going. We gotta slow it down."
"Right, shit, sorry," Eddie pulls away, far too quickly, and Steve doesn't like the uncertainty that settles on him.
"Hey, no, don't apologize. I just- Jesus Eddie, I want to continue so bad, but not if we have to rush. Not some quicky in the middle of your party."
Tentatively, Eddie reaches back out, takes one of Steve's hands in his. "So, this isn't just a- this is something you've thought about?"
Steve nods. "Yeah. I told Robin almost a month ago I wanted to date you."
"Yeah?" Eddie looks shocked and shy at the same time.
"Yeah. So, uh, let's finish this party and we can talk about us after?"
Eddie nods, bringing Steve's hand up to his lips and planting a soft kiss to his knuckles. "Definitely."
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cnl0400 · 11 months
Wow they're putting Surge in Sonic Speed Battle.... WOKE Sonic The Hedgehog be like....
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frvnkcastles · 4 months
hiii!! i hope you're okay ❤️ so i was thinking of a frank x reader where she's asthmatic but hasn't had an attack for a long time, so they're watching a movie and she has a very strong attack and he helps her and comforts her.
thank you, i love the way you write ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Summary: You have an asthma attack, and Frank is there to help.
Warnings: Asthma attack, language
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: Anon I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to this! Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope you enjoy this <3
Maybe you had been foolish to sink into the false sense of hope and security — maybe you had been foolish to think another attack simply wasn’t going to rear its head and you could live your life without care or worry about the air in your lungs.
Truthfully, it was something you always had to deal with, always a part of your daily routine that you had just grown accustomed to. Being asthmatic could be a real pain in your ass, but for the most part, it was manageable. For the past months, you had been spared of an attack, and you almost forgot how constricting and terrible it could be.
You liked to think your sudden lack of symptoms had something to do with the man by your side. He seemed to make everything better, after all. You had been friends for a long time, but a few months back, he had taken the plunge and kissed you — with caution, as not to take your breath away entirely. He had worked backwards, first cradling your face in his massive hands and clashing his perfect lips against yours, noses brushing together as he handled you with ease and effortlessness… and only after, he shyly backed away, wondering out loud if you’d do him the honor of joining him for a date. He had enchanted you entirely and you had agreed in a heartbeat, and ever since then, you had been inseparable.
He spent a lot of time at your apartment, and it already felt like he belonged there, like he was what turned it from a house into a home. You were completely comfortable with the burly, hulking man who fixed your furniture and learned the contents of your kitchen cabinets in an effort to cook you dinner even without asking. In fact, you were head over heels for him and his tendency to always have his hands all over you, sometimes in a protective manner, sometimes hungry and needy to feel your body under his calloused fingertips. He made every day a dream come true, heaven on earth, and you couldn’t have been more grateful.
So, it was easy to forget about your health concerns. He was the concerned one, always looking out for you and making sure you were alright, and you were just happy to have him.
But of course, bliss could only last so long, and you were pulled back into reality on a seemingly uneventful Friday evening, your body nestled against Frank’s with his strong arms around you and your fingers drawing patterns on the back of his cut-up hand. It was all so domestic, something he never thought he’d have again, and in that moment, you were both undoubtedly content.
It started out with a wheeze, a shallow attempt to inhale air into your system. Frank was immediately alerted, well-aware of your condition, and with a cocked eyebrow, he pushed himself off of the soft cushions enough to give you a knowing look full of worry and willingness to jump into action.
”I’m okay”, you managed, but he didn’t settle back into the couch, only continued to observe you, and his instincts proved to be right — in the next second, panic erupted on your face and you felt the familiar, suffocating grip, making it difficult for you to breathe. Your chest tightened and you burst into a fit of coughs, sitting up while struggling to haul air into your lungs.
Without a word, Frank got up from the couch. ”Where’s your inhaler, sweetheart?” he asked with a clear and firm voice, trying to stay calm and rational as he quickly glanced around the living room.
”The—the bedroom?” you theorized, silently cursing yourself for neglecting your inhaler. It had been months since you had had a full-blown attack, and days since you had needed to prevent smaller symptoms with the device, and in the rush of the moment, it was hard to think back to where you had left it.
Frank wasted no time, making his way to the bedroom
where you heard him ransack every nook and cranny. You tried to control your wheezing and regain composure, but it seemed the symptoms were only getting worse with every passing second, and it became blatantly obvious that the inhaler alone was going to offer any relief. It scared you, the thought of it being utterly lost, but before you could start panicking any further, Frank was running back to your side.
”Got it. Fucker was in the bedside table”, he announced gruffly, seating himself next to you on the couch while handing over the inhaler. As you desperately brought it up to your mouth, Frank caressed your cheek and wiped astray strands of your hair behind your ear. ”It’s okay, baby. It’s gonna be better soon”, he spoke with reassurance, swallowing thickly as he watched you slowly get the upper hand.
As you began breathing easier, he smiled, the feeling of being useless subsiding. He hated not being able to help, even if realistically he knew there was nothing else he could do. ”Attagirl. You did so good, sweetheart”, he praised you, leaning in to kiss your temple before lowering his face to your level to meet your stare. ”Feelin’ better?” his voice was soft as he addressed you, care in every word.
You nodded, the panic in you melting away as you gripped the inhaler with a vice-like hold. ”I’m never losing track of this thing again”, you grumbled, making Frank chuckle as he gently pulled you into his arms and stroked your back.
”Y’know I hate bein’ so fuckin’ useless. Just wanna make it better for you”, he lamented, and with a tender smile, you hugged him tight.
”You’re not useless. I would’ve been screwed if I had to start looking for the inhaler myself”, you reminded, and supposing you were right, Frank nodded.
”Fair ’nuff, sweetheart. Lemme know if you ever need anythin’ else from me, aight? I’m here for ya”, he swore, and full of love for the man and his big heart, you withdrew from his embrace just enough to place a careful kiss right on his lips. He returned the fervor, greedily kissing you back, almost losing his cool as he ached for more of you.
”Thanks, Frankie. You’re my hero”, you grinned, half-joking, and with a snort, he rolled his eyes.
”You’re your own hero, pretty girl. ’M just the lucky asshole who gets to admire you in all your glory.”
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ryusuisloveinterest · 8 months
hello!! i was the anon who sent in the stanley crush request (or 💙 anon as you called) Thank you soo much for doing it!! i love it lots and got me giggling lmaoo
If I may, i'd like to request another Stanley one where reader was his higher up pre petrification and is like a better marksman than him, but they're really close and reader helps him to like achieve Xeno's goals. Thank you!!
Hello love welcome back💙! There wasn’t a lot of helping Xeno so if you want me to fix it or redo it just let me know. I hope you enjoy girlypop!💓
Stanley Snyder x lieutenant commander s/o💞
He knew of your name he’s just never seen you before 
The first time he saw you was when one of his subordinates moved up in their rankings
It was a ceremony, many honored soldiers attended 
Even though the night was supposed to be about the newly ranked soldier, everyone surrounded you. Asking you for advice, completing your attire and awards, and asking you to tell your war stories
Watching the men of the highest and lowest ranks hover and practically worship you is what got his attention 
He approaches the conversation and hovers for a minute before he speaks
“Who’re you?” You ask
“Commander Stanley Snyder, it’s an honor to meet you, lieutenant commander.” He salutes.
“Never heard of you.” This surprises him and all the men around you. Everyone knows the marksmen!
Still, Stanley was intrigued by your boldness
He continued to make conversation with you even making you focus your attention on him
You both have forgotten about the now angry men surrounding the both of you and kept talking to each other 
By the end of the night he escorted you to your ride 
“What did you say your name was again?”
“Stanley Snyder.”
“I’ll keep my eye out for you Snyder.”
With that you two became inseparable 
You’d watch as Stanley would train his men and he’d be there handing you a water anytime you were training 
He introduced you to Xeno and got kinda jealous because you and Xeno clicked more than he thought you both would 
There was one day he tried to slip the idea of a relationship with you 
“Say (l/n), why don’t we make a bet. If you make the perfect amount of targets then I’ll cover your paperwork for a week, but if I make it perfectly you go on a date with me.”
Stanley barley missed the right spot for one of the targets
You made all of them perfectly, without even looking at them 
“I’m not going to date you Snyder and that’s the end of it.”
You both kinda distance yourself after that 
Until the petrification 
As soon as Stanley gets out he begs Xeno to try and find a way and de petrify you
He takes your statue into the castle and checks on it everyday 
When Senku tells Xeno the revival fluid the first person they test it on is you
Stanley is, for the first time probably ever, that it won’t work or he damaged your stone
But when your break free and he sees you there and you see him, you run to kiss him as he holds you in his arms 
Then Xeno gets kidnapped:)
You follow Stanley to find Xeno, both of you determined to get your friend back
As you both look out into the night sky you get something off your chest 
“I hope you know I loved you before we turned to stone.”
Stanley doesn’t react
“I just made it so far up the ranks that I got scared that the higher ups would disrespect me for dating a subordinate. I really love you Stanley, I hope you can forgive me for what I said to you…”
You look down when he doesn’t respond 
But, he takes your hand in his
“Guess that’s one good thing about the stone world,” he begins, “there’s no one who can tell us what to do but us.” He gives you a smirk. 
You let out a breath and move closer to him, resting your head in his shoulder 
You two were finally together 
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thatfreshi · 1 year
"Yeah, Besties" (Uni AU P. 11)
tw - slight mention of abuse
You and Astarion proceed to spend all your free time together, which isn't much for him, but it's nice in between the stresses of life. You go from barely being friends to almost inseparable, studying in his dorm and talking about nonsense. There's plenty of times when he has to disappear for miscellaneous modeling things, which he still doesn't really talk about, but you don't mind.
It's been about a week and a half since Astarion got back from LA, and things have been getting much better for everyone. Academics are picking up, sports are starting, and your little group of, 'friends,' has started to somewhat get along, which is a big relief. Since the seven of you are still working on that damned public speaking project, you meet up on Saturday to start discussing the presentation, but of course, you don't actually end up doing that. Besides, who goes to Starbucks and actually ends up studying?
"Ugh! Tav, I told you it was going to be far too busy here on a Saturday."
You roll your eyes at your white-haired friend.
"We're not even staying here, we're going over to the park across the street. Cool it broody."
He mocks you and you elbow him in the arm, making sure to be gentle about it in case there's some other 'scrape' he hasn't told you about.
"Can the two of you stop flirting and decide what you want please?"
Lae'zel is impatient, especially when it comes to caffeine.
"This? This is not flirting, we're like besties."
You throw Astarion a smile, and he responds, almost reluctantly.
"Yeah, besties."
You hear Gale and Shadowheart giggle to themselves somewhere in the back of the group, but you're not sure what about. Probably some bullshit they always find funny that no one else seems to understand. After some group discussion, Karlach decides to pay for everyone's drink, because oddly enough she's never been in a Starbucks.
"I don't know, I've just never gone! Drink a lot of protein smoothies, ya know? Coffee isn't really my thing."
Shadow of course is wrapped around Karlach's buff arm, and here's where someone would say that thing about sapphics and move-in vans on second dates. Eventually you all make up your minds. You get an iced coffee, something basic for your still-waking brain. The rest of the orders go as follows:
Astarion gets a caffè mocha, but asks for double the espresso, which you soon find out is six shots. You know from texting him this morning that he didn't sleep last night, and you're honestly not sure how he lives off of the amount of caffeine he drinks.
Karlach gets the dragon drink because she thinks it sounds cool.
Shadowheart orders a pink drink, blended, and proceeds to deal with intense teasing from Wyll about her edgy exterior. She yells at him about how she just like strawberries, and the aesthetic of her drink has nothing to do with how cool and mysterious she is.
Wyll then orders a chai latte, admitting he's never actually had coffee before after he was scared off of it as a kid.
Gale, like the classic man he is, goes with the caramel macchiato, but makes sure to ask three times that they're using almond milk, making a big deal about how his stomach will not handle it well if it's actual milk.
Lae'zel gets straight-up black coffee, hot. That's it. She doesn't add sugar, creamer, not even a little flavor, just hot black coffee.
So the baristas get to work on your myriad of drinks. You go to ask Astarion something, but quickly get interrupted by a stranger tapping you on the shoulder.
"Sorry, I just wanted to say, you are absolutely gorgeous. Mother Nature blessed us the day she made you."
You turn around to see a rather tall and built man. Your cheeks can't help but fill with red at the sincerity of the compliment you've just been given.
"Thank you! See, you guys really should worship my looks more."
"I know this might be strange, but I'd be honored to take you out sometime. Here's my number, you don't have to text me if you don't want to, but I just couldn't pass up this opportunity. Oh, and I'm Halsin, a pleasure to meet you."
This Halsin character soon walks off, leaving you with a receipt he's written his number on.
"Wow, and I thought I was a gentleman."
Wyll is clearly shocked by the sudden turn of events.
"Seriously, Tav you have to text him! What a heart throb."
Shadow eggs on the flirting that just occurred.
"I don't know, should I? What if he's like a weirdo."
"Oh c'mon, he seems so sweet! You'd be stupid to not at least give him a chance."
There are murmurs of support for Karlach's statement. Soon, your drinks are done, and your ragtag group starts to leave the building.
"I mean, he was maybe a little forward. And the line about 'Mother Nature?' Did he not have anything better?"
"We get it Astarion, you think you're a master flirt. Not everyone is as lusty as you are."
You don't see it, but Astarion proceeds to give Gale a solid middle finger, and Gale matches him. As much as everyone's getting better at getting along, those two still have some trouble.
"I don't know, maybe I should text him. I mean what's the harm?"
"I don't know, the possibility that he could be a serial killer freak?"
"Astarion, he's not a serial killer. There is literally no way the guy that came up to us is capable of murdering anything."
Shadowheart takes a drink of her pulverized fruity beverage in confidence.
"Alright fine, but if darling Tav gets murdered, don't blame me!"
"I mean c'mon Astarion, you hate every guy I'm interested in on the apps anyways."
It's true, because you've sat there and scrolled through Hinge with him far too many times, and everyone you've ever come across has received negative remarks from your pale friend.
"Because they're all weird! Besides, I find making a real-life connection is much more enticing."
"Says the guy who has never been in an actual relationship."
"You shut it Gale! This mystery woman is the first person you've ever been with, so you have no room to talk. Besides, I'm sure I've bed more people than you've ever laid eyes upon."
"Woah, cat fight. Calm down, you might scratch an eye out."
Wyll's comment earns a few laughs. The group eventually gets to the park across the street, finding a large shady tree to sit under. Astarion makes some off-hand comment about how his pants are too nice to be grass-stained, but he ends up joining the rest of you anyway.
"Okay Tav, so how do we craft this message to the hot nature guy? Because honestly I'd climb him like a tree if I could, you're lucky."
Shadowheart scooches next to you in order to brainstorm.
"Oh, so we're still on this? Great. I'll be over here, not thinking about the wannabe nudist."
"Come on Astarion, you have to help too! Shadow's too thirsty. I need a voice of reason."
He rolls his eyes, only obliging because you're the one asking.
"Fine. We will craft a text to this Halsin fellow."
While the others check their student email and actually do productive things, the three of you sit over your phone, wondering what to send to this hunky stranger. After Shadow and Astarion argue quite a bit, you settle on a sweet but intrigued message.
"Are you guys sure I should hit send? I don't know, what if he was kidding? Or it's like some prank?"
"Tav, if it was a prank I'll kill him."
Shadowheart agrees.
"I second Astarion, I would also kill him."
"Okay, fine! I'm doing it!"
You're a little giddy, excited that a stranger so kindly hit on you. It could've been creepy and weird, but he was so nice. With a slight tap, you've sent the message, and your phone emits a little whoosh noise. Little did you know, Gale had started texting Astarion while listening to your conversation.
gale_eats_paint: you should tell them
wannabe.vamp: tell them what ??
gale_eats_paint: that you like them. i can see you gritting your teeth all the way from here
wannabe.vamp: fuck off gale, you don't know what you're talking about
gale_eats_paint: alright, if you insist on being secretive that's fine. but i wouldn't wait around too long. also your @ is lame. what are you, a middle schooler?
wannabe.vamp: i'm literally albino AND anemic it could not make more sense
"Oh god, he responded!"
Astarion perks up from his phone, giving Gale a look across the shaded patch of grass. The artist simply gives him a concerned, yet discreet eyebrow raise. You read out the message, which asks if you'd be free this evening for a botanical garden tour.
"Aw, that's adorable! Tell him you're free!"
Karlach is now scrunched up next to you and Shadow.
"Thanks guys, this is so exciting! And what a cute first date idea, bringing someone to a garden? Oh, and Astarion, you have to help me plan my outfit, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
He rolls his eyes.
"Sure, since you asked so annoyingly, I will."
You go to wrap him in a grateful hug, which catches him severely off-guard.
"Thank you! You're the best Aster."
He almost questions the nickname, but decides to keep his mouth shut, because if this is the type of affection you're going to show him, he'll take it, no matter how small. Gale makes eye contact with him again though while you have him trapped in your warm embrace. While the two aren't particularly friendly, there's a sadness in Gale's eyes, knowing that Astarion won't speak up, no matter how much he wants to. Either way, he'll help you get ready for that date, even if it crushes him when you leave for the evening.
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sunsetandthemoon · 2 years
saw in your tags you mentioned earthmix were in a serious fight while filming moonlight chicken? what's the story there? (ty in advance if you answer this and np if you don't :) )
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Hii. Ok, so, while I do follow them on Instagram and Twitter, I never noticed anything until they talked about it during the MLC promo a few weeks ago, so I definitely don't know the full story, but here is a short summary of all the information that I’ve managed to gather from Twitter.
Apparently, there was a 4-5 month period last year where Earth and Mix were fighting (so-called their “divorce era”). It started with them going from constantly hanging out together to never interacting with each other anymore and fans quickly noticed something was up. Then this video from the MLC set was posted and it only further fueled all the speculations (it looks like a perfectly normal video to me tbh but to some, it looked like Mix was angry or like he was sulking 🤷)
They also had a few work events during that time and fans reported a noticeable tension between them. There was also a lot of subtweeting and indirecting on their social media including posts like this:
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which is funny considering this is how they described each other in an interview once
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("am I still your flower" is absolutely sending me 💀)
some more Mix retweets x/x
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Earth even posted this on his insta story
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and then, during the Oishi Magic Of Zero trip, they seemed to have finally gone back to their normal selves (x)
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they even acknowledged the fight and said that they had made up and that everything was okay between them again (x/x)
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and everyone was happy for them including P'Godji who posted this video (x)
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Mix even posted this on his story
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which may or may not have been a reference to this scene from ATOTS
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then, during their interviews recently, they talked a bit more about their fight (x) (their poor manager 😭)
and P'Aof even teased them about it by saying "the hard part for me is, I wanna work with them when they aren’t fighting with each other" when EM were asked what were the easy/hard parts of working together on three different series (x)
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speaking of P’Aof, I need to include this bit from MLC bts where he forgot Jim and Wen weren’t supposed to kiss each other during their sex scene in ep1 because it’s just so funny like dhfjhsdjkd
P‘Aof: *after watching them unnecessarily devour each other five takes in a row while knowing damn well they’re in the middle of their divorce era* “whoops my bad 🤭 please don’t kill me” 😂😂😂😂
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anyway - TLDR - Moonlight Chicken was filmed during their divorce era and they were spending their days filming scenes like this
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only to then go home and start subtweeting and shading each other online at the end of the day 😂
but they're making up for it now by being inseparable and constantly posting about each other. there are too many moments to link but here are some honorable mentions: x/x/x/x
including these posts from last night x/x
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a-vessels-thoughts · 5 months
Random Naegi HCs
The Naegi family are naturally good marksmen. Makoto has more raw talent in this than komaru does. This makes them, ironically enough, bad at baseball (their throws are too clean, too straight, and they don't have the raw strength to blitz people) but really good at basketball despite the height.
Komaru is stronger than Makoto, and by a landslide. Makoto is way more flexible, though, so at least he has that over her.
Both can't dance to save their lives. They're singers, leave their two left feet alone!
Komaru can't cook. She will make a fire with water. Makoto will make your kitchen look like a warzone. Everyone thinks the taste is worth the clean-up; it also looks really good!
Komaru is the first to notice all this and just sighs, muttering under her breath, "Isn't it supposed to be the opposite?" She's more jealous that she can't cook than anything. Was in a cooking club to learn before the tragedy.
Komaru calls Makoto Lil bro (as a jab at his height). This has made many people think she's actually the older sibling. There was an event with the future foundation, and komaru was listed as his elder. She laughed her ass off.
Komaru has NO charisma (the utter girl failure) Makoto stole it all. She talked her way INTO a fight with a pacifist by pure accident (both were trying to avoid conflict).
Makoto's talk no jutsu could almost count as brainwashing. Assassins after his head have learnt to plug their ears, because You Stand No Chance Otherwise.
Makoto is scared of fighting any woman, not out of a sense of honor or anything, he just assumes they can bend him like a pretzel (he's right, 9/10 times he's out under 5 seconds in direct confrontation).
Makoto only read manga because Komaru was into it, he's more of a... literally anything else guy. He liked some of the fluffy and Shonen manga the most.
Komaru reads BL (and yes, Makoto read some of them with her), and Toko Can't Stand It, literally has a No BL policy. Genocider and Komaru have a sorta book club over it. Could probably stop Genocider from committing any crimes (or drop anything she's doing) by saying Komaru wants to share manga recommendations.
Makoto is a complete malewife, cleans, cooks, does the laundry, is good at makeup if he ever learns, can wrap up wounds and scold you (gently) so well, but is utterly horrible at fashion. ("I can just... grab whatever, right?") He has no idea why Komaru is so smug that she has good fashion senses.
Makoto is super naturally cold, even with his shirt, thick jacket, and BLAZER combo he sometimes still feels cold! Could lowkey function as a refrigerator even in the summer. Komaru is the opposite. As kids, they were inseparable when sleeping and are cuddle monsters to this day because of it.
Makoto is naturally drawn towards caliginous colours. Give him all the edgy dark colours, they're his; black is probably his favorite. Komaru doesn't actually have a preference, as long as it doesn't clash when she wears it.
Both naegi's are really good at spotting romances and pairing people up... when it isn't themself. It's genuinely frustrating for others because they can call people getting together before it even gets platonic, but you could pin the naegis to a wall, whisper huskily in their ear before kissing roughly, and you'd have a 50/50 chance that they interpreted it right.
"Oh, we're just friends, why would they be interested?" -both naegis, despite literally raising children with their partners. Both are Actively at risk of becoming black holes.
Komaru is somehow an amazing and HORRIBLE mother. The girl failure energy is too strong. Her (likely adopted) children would trash talk her before they could crawl. It might've been Toko's doing, but still... trash talked by babies. At least the family is loving, and she would never lock any child in a closet... on purpose. 100% apologizes profusely if it happened.
Both are incredibly snarky. Makoto is way less obvious, and he rarely has the chance to be during/after the killing game, but Komaru is a ball of sarcasm and teasing after some therapy. Hina finds both of them bickering with each other and kind of short circuits. (They were both so kind normally??? What was this??? ) She can barely wrap her around the fact that this is their Natural State. Makoto decides to use this to his advantage by being sarcastic/jokingly passive-aggressive when people are least expecting it; Komaru lives for it. It catches even Kyoko off guard for the first few times.
Komaru is good at physics; Makoto isn't and hates it like any other maths related subject. He actually really likes history. Komaru sucks at psychology. Both agree that English sucks. Literature is kinda... there, to them. Both are good at chemistry, but for different reasons. Makoto has a great memory, Komaru is Just Good At It. Can also make it explode at will, for some reason??? No one understands why.
Makoto was gloomy and shy as hell as a child (also an outcast), Komaru was the brave and outgoing one. No one believes her when she says this, ever. (Even as children, people thought Komaru was older because of their dynamic and Makoto relying on Komaru way more than she did him, to outsiders).
Their parents kinda suck.
Makoto has broken several laws, got into fights, and was probably a vigilante at some point. He rarely talks about this. People don't believe any of it until he committed treason.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
would you do a little one shot about aang with a steam baby?
How Do You Mend?
It took Aang six years and nine months to figure out that Katara was the absolute best he would ever get in this lifetime. It took another four months for him to try to find his wife and two children. The plan was to show up in the Southern Tribe with an armful of gifts for all three of them and a shiny new saddle on Appa to rescue them from the desolate frozen desert Katara had been born in. He was greeted by his stony faced ex-in-laws telling him that Katara and her kids had moved on years earlier and were living well in the Fire Nation. That was fine. Aang knew that his friend Zuko would be taking care of Katara and her children as if they were his own blood.
Katara greeted him with the cool, impassive expression he recognized from the few diplomatic trips she took with him. She was glad to see him, despite what her eyes seemed to convey. She had been planning to write him, but maybe face to face was better for something like this.
They were getting married. Katara and Zuko, that is. It hadn't been announced publicly, but the rest of their friends and family - which apparently no longer included Aang- already knew. Katara had a request from Aang in particular, which she told him she expected him to have no issue with. It had, after all, been nearly ten years since Katara had left. Ten years since he'd seen his first two children. They barely remembered him, and Zuko had been the only father they'd known for most of their lives.
"They're my kids!" Aang insisted. "I'm their father!"
"If you care about them, even a little," Katara pleaded, "then do this for their sake, not mine. He just wants to make sure they're taken care of. We both do."
"So what I think doesn't matter at all?" Aang felt his anger rising again. The familiar tug of the Avatar State pricked at the base of his skull and through his fingers and toes. Katara recognized the signs, but she met his eyes firmly as the wind picked up.
"No," Katara replied coldly. "Your opinion hasn't mattered in a long time, by your own doing. The only reason we're asking you is because of your position. Any other man would be considered an abandoner, and we wouldn't need your permission.
"You're asking me to give up my kids!" Aang whimpered. Katara rolled her eyes skyward and sighed.
"You've already given them up," Katara told him. "I'm only asking you to make it official. You have other children now. Other airbending children. You have your legacy. Let me have mine." Beyond her, Zuko stood at the top of the stairs, alone now. He was keeping his distance, but he looked formidable with his dark robes and even darker scowl. He turned back to Katara and sighed. He was no good at this sort of thing. People tended to listen to him because he was the Avatar, but he was never very persuasive on his own. But he still had to try. He begged for time to adjust to the idea, which Katara gave, grudgingly. Aang was allowed to stay for a few days- was expected to, in fact (as Avatar, he had recently been neglecting his duties to at least be seen in company of foreign dignitaries). He kept his eyes open for reasons to say no. For any sign of insincerity in Zuko to suggest that once he had Katara, he would drop the pretense of wanting to be a father to children that weren't his.
Aang had his chance to see Zuko with Bumi and Kya at a dinner hosted in Aang's honor. They had his attention as much as the Crown Princess had. Izumi, too, seemed to have accepted the new additions to her family. The three were nearly inseparable the entire evening. Zuko danced with both Izumi and Kya throughout the evening, letting them stand on his feet as he took them through the still unfamiliar steps. Bumi tugged at Zuko's hand, urging him to pile plates high with the sweets he was otherwise only allowed in small portions. At one point, Izumi had run to Katara to fix one of the Southern Water Tribe style braids she'd insisted on for the evening. Katara and Zuko's engagement hadn't yet been announced publicly, but still, the Fire Lord was never far from Katara or their three children. There was genuine affection in his face whenever he looked at Bumi and Kya.
Aang slipped away halfway through the evening, making his way to the stables, where Appa was being kept. He was, perhaps, not as surprised as he should have been when Katara appeared in the doorway.
"He loves them," she told Aang quietly. "He already thinks of them as his own. Izumi thinks of them as her siblings. And I'm adopting her, too." Aang was silent for a long moment. He turned away and busied himself with a matting in Appa's fur.
"I came here to ask you to forgive me," he told her.
"I forgive you," Katara said simply. "I did a while ago."
"But you won't come back to me?"
In the end, and for the first time ever, he gave Katara exactly what she asked for. He signed away his paternal rights, allowing Zuko to adopt Bumi and Kya officially at the same time he married Katara. It was, Aang thought as he made his way back to the Air Temple, full of squalling babies and aggravated mothers, the greatest sacrifice he'd ever made in his life. His last gift to the only woman he'd ever loved and her children.
Follow up to Severing the Tie and to How Things Fall Apart
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dipplinduo · 9 months
*The BB Elite Four watches as Kieran lays on Juliana's lap in the Club Room*
Carmine, walking up to the four: He's still there?!
Amarys: Yes.
Lacey: They're so cute!
Crispin: No words needed for how much he missed her while she was back in Paldea.
Drayton, smirking: Remind me, Carmine. How long was Juliana gone?
Carmine: *annoyingly sighs* A day!
Your honor, they're inseparable.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
elia sand, queen of (what’s left of) the seven kingdoms
probably the biggest and most important question after you accept “king bran in harrenhal” into your life, is but bran can’t have kids. that’s correct. or well, it’s potentially correct - everyone in universe seems to think he won’t be physically capable of having a child because of his paralysis. BUT. that doesn’t mean he won’t marry nor does that mean that there isn’t a potential benefit to him not being able to have children.
now, there have been several marriages made to bring peace after conflict - dorne is involved in several of thess with the matches of maron & daenerys as well as daeron & myriah. the marriages of robert & cersei and jaehaera and aegon iii were…less successful attempts at this. so even if bran isn’t expected to have kids, it’s possible that a marriage for him would see prudent as a way of brokering peace in some symbolic way. what better candidate than dorne, really, given the similarities between their people and what dorne & the north have lost (in differing colors for formatting reasons)-
"I promise." Promise me, Ned, Lyanna's voice echoed. The prince is a sentimental man, and he still mourns his sister Elia and her sweet babe.
Lyanna had only been sixteen, a child-woman of surpassing loveliness. Ned had loved her with all his heart. "As children Elia and I were inseparable, much like your own brother and sister."
That was his curse. Robert would swear undying love and forget them before evenfall, but Ned Stark kept his vows. He thought of the promises he'd made Lyanna as she lay dying, and the price he'd paid to keep them. "If you die before you say her name, ser, I will hunt you through all seven hells," he promised.
Archmaester Brude, who was born and raised in the shadow city that huddles beneath the crumbling walls of Sunspear, once famously observed that Dorne has more in common with the distant North than either does with the realms that lie between them.
"Robert, I ask you, what did we rise against Aerys Targaryen for, if not to put an end to the murder of children?" "Four lives will suffice for me. Lord Tywin's golden twins, as payment for Elia's children. The old lion, for Elia herself. And last of all the little king, for my father." "The boy has never wronged us."
but why justify elia sand specifically though? well-
Robb bristled at that. "The Westerlings are better blood than the Freys. They're an ancient line, descended from the First Men. The Kings of the Rock sometimes wed Westerlings before the Conquest, and there was another Jeyne Westerling who was queen to King Maegor three hundred years ago."
Arianne read the letter thrice, then rolled it up and tucked it back into her sleeve. A dragon has returned to Westeros, but not the dragon my father was expecting...Fire and blood was what Jon Connington (if indeed it was him) was offering as well. Or was it? "He comes with sellswords, but no dragons," Prince Doran had told her, the night the raven came… “Elia's son... I would weep for joy if some part of my sister had survived, but what proof do we have that this is Aegon?"
wild Elia Sand, a maid of ten-and-four.
Five yards from the gates Elia Sand came flying from the cloud of dust behind them to rush past both of them on her black filly. “Are you half horse, child?" Valena asked, laughing, in the yard. "Princess, did you bring a stable girl?" “I'm Elia," the girl announced. "Lady Lance."
Not even Lord Rickard's daughter could outrace him, and that one was half a horse herself.
When his fallen foes sought to ransom horse and armor, the Knight of the Laughing Tree spoke in a booming voice through his helm, saying, 'Teach your squires honor, that shall be ransom enough.' Once the defeated knights chastised their squires sharply, their horses and armor were returned. And so the little crannogman's prayer was answered.
"Rise. Tell me, who is Lyanna Mormont?" "One of Lady Maege's daughters, Sire. The youngest. She was named for my lord father's sister."
so two joust loving, sassy 14 year old girls are rolling up to A Targaryen Prince who is about to be TESTED by all his Promised Princeliness. Elia Sand, named after Elia, Rhaegar’s wife, and Lyanna, who has a living namesake in Lyanna Mormont. robb justifies his marriage to jeyne by saying kings have married westerlings before…and if elia and aegon elope like some other Unruly 14 Year Old/Targaryen Prince, he has the power to legitimize her, and this excuse could be used again.
As everyone decides what should be done about Bran’s marriage, Elia Sand is pressed forward - she’s around his age (only four years older), she has been legitimized (is perhaps even going by Elia Martell), she is, like jeyne westerling, a crownless little queen without a princely son or a living kingly husband. And as people start to grumble about her baseborn heritage, Arianne will point out that no one is expecting Bran to have children, and it’s merely symbolic - a way of giving Dorne a say in rebuilding Westeros, and if attempting to reunite what’s left of the kingdoms.
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lint-beetle4 · 1 month
Ooo, May I have a Sandy x female reader where it goes from fluff to smut. It can go like how reader fell in love with Sha Wujing but was heartbroken when he died but now is reincarnated as Sandy. The reader wants to stay away to not get her feelings her cause he's mortal and he'll eventually die but Sandy sees something wrong with her. Maybe after a year or sometime they eventually do get together.🥰
❤️Hope u stay safe and healthy❤️
Swaying Tides (Sandy X Fem!Reader, Fluff, Angst and a Smidge of Lime)
(Anon, I'm so sorry, but I couldn't fit the smut in. I hope this lime pleases you!)
As an immortal, you knew not to get too close with mortals
They were such fragile things, affected by the sands of time
Yet you? You were beyond such things. You had all the time in the world, witnessing the evolution of man and the growth of gods
You were content being alone, but unfortunately, you came to serve the celestial realm as a messenger of Guanyin
You had been told to collect a monk and his lackeys and aid them in their journey west
Dutifully, you did so, meeting the funny little mortals--and Wukong
One of them intrigued you though, a water demon by the name Sha Wujing
Cast down from heaven and forced to eat people to survive, you saw the gentle nature of the demon emerging from his powerful exterior
He was honest, good man, you had to admit
Soft yet strong and filled with enough wit to question the world around him
Time went on and before the journey's end, you two confessed your love in the silence of a moon-lit night
While you couldn't explore each other's body--such is the way of Tang's principals--, it seldom mattered as you two became inseparable, love-sick smiles on your faces as you faced the journey west with confident strides
You never smiled so widely again as you found your lover's body on the ground, honor draping over his still corpse as his spirit left
Time marched forward with you alone, Sun Wukong had gone off to his subjects, pushing you to join him
He eventually met his successor, and you eventually met the familiar eyes of your past lover, his gentle features and rugged body all the same yet different
It was truly him. You gaped at the giant before you, his eyes filled with worry and curiosity.
You quickly composed yourself, slightly bowing to the tall demon.
"Ah, sorry--you just look like someone I knew, but--" You muttered under your breath, "You're not him."
"Oh--well," The blue demon perked up happily, a wide smile on his face. "That's no problem! My name is Sandy. What's yours?"
You shook his hand, nostalgia filling your chest is his larger hand enveloped yours. It was warm, tender, able to break your bones easy yet too afraid to more than a gentle squeeze. You held back a sigh, watching as Wukong's student dragged him away for something.
"Looks just like that him, yeah?" You jumped at Wukong's voice, head snapping to see him with sad eyes. "They're all here again--united like we once were."
"Yet, they're all different." You sighed. "We're lucky in that sense. To be here with them again is--"
"A blessing." Wukong finished for you, "You should try talking to him. He might not be your Wujing, but he's still the same gentle giant you knew."
You hoped to the gods that he stayed the same.
Sandy was probably more compassionate than his past life, impossibly so.
"That must've been so hard to deal with." He spoke sadly, hands holding yours. "To deal with the loss of a loved one is such a painful thing for you to overcome. You truly are as strong as Wukong says."
His words hit you just as hard, filled with wisdom only a a life of hardship could grant a person. You cried in his chest as you recalled the way your lover passed, and Sandy was there for you all the same.
Your heart yearned for your Sha Wujing, but slowly, as months passed to years, you learned to love Sandy, to make more room in your heart for a man who was different than your lover in many ways.
Sandy was calmer, more gentle, and a loving cat owner.
Mo seemed to like you quite well, enthusiastically greeting you during your visits to Sandy's boat. You ended up helping Sandy on his boat as well, learning the art to a soothing tea. With plentiful smooches and cuddle sessions, you grew comfortable with your lover as you did before.
The thought of his mortality scared you, you admitted to Sandy late at night after fun conversations and bountiful laughter.
"I understand." Sandy sighed. "You'll have to see me die one day."
The blue demon turned to you, arms embracing you warmly. "But, I've never been so happy so spend my life with you. I hope that one day, we'll be united again in other life."
"I'll be waiting." You laugh sadly. "You're such a wonderful man. I'm happy enough to have this moment to remember."
"Smart thinking." Sandy praised, kissing you on the forehead. "Focusing on the present lets you ground yourself to the here-and-now."
"The most important moment of all." You grin, your lips softly melting into Sandy's.
Sandy reciprocated with tender passion, his tongue exploring your mouth while you removed your clothing, feeling his hands cup your face with a loving gaze.
"Can I?"
He always asked despite never needing to. It made you giddy inside.
"Of course," You hummed, smile never leaving your face as your hands guided his lower, to your breast. "Take your time now. I want to remember this moment for eternity."
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crow-talks-hockey · 8 months
alright. haven't done one of these in a while. here's my top players in each area. (not just this season, but CONSISTENTLY the best in said area)
goal scoring: auston matthews. this one really shouldn't be hard to answer i mean, come on.
points: connor mcdavid, but some others i think are close depending on the season. good point getting is going to come from his play no matter what though.
well-roundedness: nathan mackinnon; he's an excellent passer, scorer, play maker. just all around such a top tier player. both physical and speedy. he is THE blend
defense: cale makar. another obvious one lol. he's just generational. you can't stop him.
goaltending: i'm going to go with andrei vasilevskiy still. just consistent and reliable from what i've seen. he gets the praise for a reason. many goalies are very close though. it's hard to really weigh this one because of how much tending fluctuates year to year
speed: connor mcdavid/nathan mackinnon. both are incredibly quick and actually have a lot closer numbers on average and for their top speed than a lot of people know. their play style is very different but both deserve to be known as the fastest guys out there.
pest behavior: now i'm not talking rat behavior. i'm talking about the ability to propel your team to glory by absolutely irking the opponent. so i'm going to go with matthew tkachuk mostly because he's a better player and pest combo than marchand is. marchand is more rat, matthew has higher playing level.
playoff performance: i'd love to put crosby here, but right now it's wire thin between nathan mackinnon and leon draisaitl. as far as pure scoring and points in the playoffs, it goes to leon. when it comes to the ability to drag a team to a win? i give that part to nate. i always talk about both of them together when mentioning this topic though, so i suppose it's a tie
passing: now THIS one goes purely to leon draisaitl. don't get me wrong there's guys that are close, but holy fuck ain't no one out there passing the way he is. he's excellent at it.
shot (speed/hardness): elias pettersson no comment it's insane argument over
shot (deadliness): david pastrnak, probably :]
defensive forward: patrice bergeron... probably aleksander barkov now, from what i've seen. i'm not very educated on this topic but he seems to trend into this category when talked about often.
defensive defenseman: i'd say devon toews, my favorite underrated king. sorry if this pisses some fans of defenseman off but he doesn't get the credit he deserves. he's very good defensively.
offensive defenseman: either erik karlsson or cale makar. they're always putting up good numbers. it's hard with the regression in ek's season but in his prime? idk. i'd probably still give this one to cale though.
offensive forward: connor mcdavid. shocker lol
skating: there's so many but this also trends in cale's direction for me. i don't think i've genuinely ever seen better edges. maybe datsyuk? either way lmk if there's better skaters out there but.. i'm picking cale again apologies apologies
best player: controversial but this one is a very tight race between mcdavid and mackinnon. again lol. it just depends what you're looking for. they're so much closer than people think but it's hard when their styles are so different. i say mcdavid still for this one, but nate deserves his spot at that "number two" because it's sooooo close. they're both incredible
bonus silly ones now :)
bitchiness: leon draisaitl
hair (not flow, just general amount of hair) : mika zibanejad
shit at media: everyone. congratulations you all get blue ribbons of participation!! you.. you tried!!
goober levels: mitch marner
inseparability: sidney crosby and evgeni malkin and kris letang
weirdness in goalie terms: marc-andre fleury but also all of them
honorable mention picks...
best veteran: we all know. it's sidney fucking crosby and don't even get me STARTED on him anyway
best captain: gabriel landeskog. truthfully but also i'm biased hence why it's here not mixed in with alllllll the others lol
hope you enjoyed my mania
*honorable mention players include mikko rantanen, quinn and jack hughes, adam fox, roman josi, more goalies than i can mention, ovechkin for goal scoring, andrei svechnikov, and so many more because guess what! this league is insane! i could talk about the talent of them all for hours! seasonally or consistently. i love raving about them all. it's very hard to just choose A guy for each category. not enough people see how close many players are to each other in skill levels in my opinion, but then again this is just for fun lol. feel free to debate me i don't mind
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
Marauders being Inseparable.
Marauders spending literally every second of the day together.
They have every class together, even though Remus has always had the option for more advanced courses.
Remus being a prefect and hearing small giggles from a corner, knowing his friends are hiding under James' cloak keeping him company on his late night rounds.
James going on his first date with Lily and the other three sitting in their usual booth trying not to look suspicious.
*Sirius actually faints when James holds her hand*
The Marauders always sitting next to each other in class.
James saying they are Remus' emotional support animals and if the teacher seperates them he'll die.
*Remus groaning every time because he's not actually wrong*
Peter and Remus enduring the cold and sitting in the stands during quidditch practice.
They bring their homework and sometimes play exploding snap.
James and Sirius living together since third year, inviting Remus and Peter over every holiday and summer from that point on.
One of them asking to go to the bathroom and the others immediatley standing up to follow.
Teachers were confused at first but eventually had no choice but to allow it.
They all stop by Minnie's office between classes to chat.
Remus goes to discuss the assignment.
James and Sirius go for the gossip.
Peter goes for the biscuits.
Minnie always dishes the best gossip fr.
She gets half of it from them too.
James needing to call off practice sometimes because it's a full moon and he and Sirius are EXAUSTED from staying up with Moony.
When Lily joins their group they include her in EVERYTHING.
She has study group and they all groan but go anyways because it's a rule, she's a Marauder now they have to.
They actually learn so much from those groups and end up dragging HER to the next ones.
Nobody understands why James and Sirius are running around asking people for women's hygiene products but nobody questions it because it's them.
They're trying to make Lily feel comfortable in their dorm.
McGonagall saying Mr. Lupin and all of them looking up.
They're married your honor.
The first time Lily makes the "No, he's Sirius" joke James literally cries.
You will never find one without the others.
It's a little scary.
James refuses to let Sirius get detention without him, even after he gets head boy.
"Mr. Potter, you need to set a better example. You got detention this week for asking Mr. Filch to give it to you."
"Minnie, I swear, I've been trying to get Sirius to stop-"
They're just so funny.
I love them
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badchatgptfics · 1 year
Shigure Sohma x Ayame Sohma x Hatori Sohma x Reader - Equal Chances
Prompt Given - Write me a fanfic in which Y/N goes to highschool with Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure Sohma. They're all very close friends, and the Sohma boys are all trying to win Y/N's affection. One day each of the boys goes all out flirting with Y/N, leaving Y/N to choose between them. Make the fic open ended so the reader can choose who Y/N decides to be with
Fic Generated -
As Y/N walked into the familiar halls of Kaibara High School, they couldn't help but smile at the sight of their close friends Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure Sohma. The four of them had been inseparable since they were kids, and their bond had only grown stronger as they navigated the challenges of high school together.
On a sunny afternoon, Y/N found themselves surrounded by the three Sohma boys, each one seemingly vying for their attention. Hatori, the stoic and caring type, approached first with a gentle smile.
"Y/N, there's something I'd like to talk to you about," he said softly, his eyes filled with warmth. "I've admired your kindness and compassion for a long time. You bring a sense of peace to my life, and I'd be honored if you'd consider being more than just friends."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Hatori's sincerity, feeling a warmth blossoming within them. Before they could respond, Ayame swooped in, his flamboyant charm on full display.
"Darling Y/N, my heart flutters in your presence," Ayame declared dramatically, a playful glint in his eyes. "You are a radiant star in my life, and I believe we'd make the most dazzling couple."
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at Ayame's theatrics, their heart torn between the sweet sincerity of Hatori and the captivating charm of Ayame. But before they could decide, Shigure stepped forward with his signature grin.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Shigure teased, leaning in slightly. "Y/N, you have this uncanny ability to keep me on my toes, and I must say, it's quite thrilling. I wonder, would you be interested in embarking on an adventure with me?"
Y/N's heart swayed once again, Shigure's adventurous spirit proving to be just as captivating as Hatori's care and Ayame's charisma. They found themselves in a delightful predicament, torn between the affectionate hearts of their three friends.
In the following days, Y/N spent time with each of the Sohma boys, each encounter leaving them with fond memories and moments they cherished. Hatori's quiet reassurance, Ayame's exuberant flair, and Shigure's playful banter all held a special place in Y/N's heart.
As their feelings grew deeper, Y/N found themselves in a difficult position. How could they possibly choose between three such wonderful individuals, each offering something unique and precious?
In the end, Y/N decided to take their time, savoring the moments shared with Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure. They valued their friendship with each of them, and they didn't want to rush into a decision that might change the dynamics of their group.
So, they continued to explore their feelings, knowing that when the time was right, their heart would lead them to the person who would become more than just a friend. Until then, they cherished the love and affection that surrounded them, knowing that their bond would always endure, no matter what path they chose.
And as the days turned into weeks, the story of Y/N and the Sohma boys remained open-ended, allowing the reader to imagine a future full of love and happiness, no matter who Y/N ultimately chose to be with.
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blackglasses66 · 9 months
Top 10 Vocaloid Songs for 2023
Hi, im Jakob Cobb and I enjoy a good vocaloid song.
Inspired by a certain someone posting about it monthly, I've decided to compile a top 10 list of my favorite vocaloid songs of the year. There is no rhyme or reason about them and it’s 100% just decided on the fact that I love the song for one reason or another
Without much else to say, I will say that this has been an awesome year of vocaloid music and I hope next year continues to be great.
Thanks for reading! Full playlist here, rankings under the cut:
HONORABLE MENTIONS: 花隈の歌は可愛いし小春六花はマジでうるさい - Gyari Honestly just makes the list purely on the fact it makes me happy that Gyari released two vocaloid songs in the year, which is something I thought they never might do again after they dedicated themselves to vtuber creation and management (?) かまぼこかまほろかまことか -  yuro mashima A song im very sad to cut out of the top ten, all due to the fact this song was released on December 30 last year. This song introduced me to yuro mashima, who has released some incredibly good songs in the year (i'm a big fan of the song about brushing your teeth) フランスパンのうた (cover) - world elec. Decided against the inclusion of this song on the top ten over the fact its A) A cover and B) Of an old song at that, regardless, it's really good to hear both OG Teto and New Teto together in a song and making both of them sound good, it also includes a MIDI kazoo solo 少女レイ (remix) - Haru-Ichiban The reason for not including this one in the top ten is due to it being a remix of an already popular vocaloid song, however I feel like it bears to mention how outstanding Haru-Ichiban’s remix is. This song just tickles my brain in the right way and uses the basis of the original to create its own feel サカサカバンバンバスピスピス - Yakomochi The first of three、 absolutely different songs that Yakomochi has become known for. I love the simple silliness this song has an continues to shine on the future works that Yakomochi has made since then 10. TEN: モミアゲヲシャカアゲヲ - Nu^16 Like one of the top comments of the video mentions (by the aptly named @mnmnmmnmmmmmm), the price Nu^16 pays for being a prodigious composer, lyricist and artist/painter is that they can only make joke-y silly songs, despite this and honestly adding to it, the fact that these songs are very funny but still legit good songs really makes it click for me 9. NINE: おどロボ - Umicha The fact that Umicha has only really made three songs in their career (the other two being also amazing), goes to show that some amazing producers have shown up in recent years and that they’ll hopefully continue to make amazing music for the years to come (and as will be shown later, Umicha isn't the only producer with three amazing songs under their belt as their first three) 8. EIGHT:
怪電話 - r-906 This song made me learn about ROSE and POPY, the bandori voice synths, and I think that alone should make this song rank highly. r-906 is a really good producer and they’ve been around for a bit but this song just hits an absolute home run for me with the way its paced and the phone samples 7. SEVEN: 機械少女と三十路OL - Ro2noki Can a song cement a ship in your brain? It can for me! Ro2noki’s awesome song rewired my brain in such a way that Rei and Teto are almost inseparable and are dating, it does help that both their twitter accounts have leaned into it heavily, along with the heaps and heaps of wonderful art of them together 6. SIX: オーバーライド - Yoshida Yasei This became a pretty popular niconico MAD song for some reason, but honestly I get it, everyone enjoys a high energy and tempo song with a really good looking but simple video. Something about this song just works for me wonderfully and it really makes the New Teto sound incredibly nice 5. FIVE:
太陽ポカポカで草 - namigroove Namigroove was a surprise to me this year, they made a bunch of really good songs and my favorite is the one song that sounds like a Vulfpeck song. They're also one of the realest producers out there, their taste in music is insane and so is their choice of voice synths 4. FOUR: 焦燥 - kinoue64 Sometimes certain songs awaken you to understanding that there is so many different things voice synths can do and this is for sure one of them. The Miku shoegaze song is a crazy good song and so is the rest of the album it comes from, if you have the chance do listen to it 3. THREE:
ホントノ - Haraguchi Sasuke It's rare that a commercial producer goes into vocaloid (at least in my experience, it's usually the reverse that happens), but Sasuke has not only knocked it out of the park with the three or so songs he’s made using vocaloid, it only looks like he’s getting started and I look forward to all new songs he’ll make 2. TWO:
ちっちゃな私 - Masarada New Teto release was bound to create new producers for her but no one could’ve anticipated that one would show up and deliver amazing and very distinct songs out of nowhere. Masarada is a producer that I believe will become a household name with some of the greatest vocaloid producers to ever do it if they manage to continue releasing the high quality and chock full of personality songs they’ve managed to release so far, with the song i'm choosing as my top two song of the year being my favorite of them 1. ONE:
KEEP YOUR HEADACHES - Ryo Iogi Teto Hyperpop!!! Not only did this song basically put me on to enjoying hyperpop more but also became one of my most listened to songs of the year period. I hope the Ryo Iogi will eventually make more hyperpop style songs using voice synths (although I will say their grungy Chis-A song is also awesome), because they clearly have a talent for making the style of music and how to blend it with the intricacies of working voice synths
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Okok. Listen
LessoxReader where R is Leonoras' best friend back in gavaldon. But they both like each other,they're just too scared to face rejection.
But then when lessk goes to the SGE R is devastated. Pretty much dead but alive.
THEN,THEN R GETS SELECTED TO GO TO THE SCHOOL. But she's an ever . They reunite and they tell each others feelings that never faded.
The rest of the plot is yours to make♡♡
I couldn't keep it brief, so it is broken up into a part 1 and a part 2 will be coming later! Stay tuned.
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The day Leonora disappeared, you were devastated. Nobody knew how, or when, or why. All you knew was that your best friend was gone. 
When you were five-years-old, some girls from town had started making fun of you for being dirty. Children are dumb, and it didn’t matter to them that your family was struggling. They didn’t understand that you could hardly afford food. How could you afford new shoes, fitted clothes, or anything more than a basic necessity? 
Leonora Lesso was a year older than you and your savior sent from above. Or from below. It didn’t really matter which. She found you crying in an alleyway following another round of harassment from the girls in town. She had told you to suck it up and then offered to kick them in the shins in the same breath. You were inseparable ever since. 
“Leo, come on. It’s not worth it.” You begged, pulling on her arm. 
“It’s worth it to me.” She growled as she yanked out of your grasp. 
“Oh look, the little piggy has a lion to protect her! Must be, with that matted mess of hair.” 
Leonora sent you an exasperated side eye. You sighed and raised your arms in surrender before she slung out her arm and decked him. She shot you a toothy grin and kicked him once more for good measure. 
You rolled your eyes and pulled at her hand. 
“Leo, we need to go.” You said as the boy groaned in pain. 
She leaned over and spit on his writhing form. With a satisfied nod, she curled her fingers around yours and walked with you back to the center of town. 
“What?” She asked under your disapproving glance. 
“You shouldn’t have done that.” 
She blew a raspberry at your chastisement. “I was just defending your honor.”
“My hero.” You swooned sarcastically. 
She laughed and bumped your shoulder with her own. You couldn’t fight the smile any longer and let it break, warm affection bursting through. She truly was your knight-errant, if not in shining armor. It was no wonder you had fallen for her. But in Gavaldon, you were an outcast enough, already bringing her down from her association with you. And you weren’t even sure she would ever look at you the same way you looked at her. Instead, you hid behind jokes and friendly smiles. You would be happy with any piece of her she was willing to give. Best friends would be enough. 
That night, the light tapping against your window pane pulled you from the most wonderful dreams of being caressed by a burnless flame. You looked around in a daze before catching sight of her outside. You quickly opened the window and beckoned her in. 
“What are you doing, Leo?” You hissed, helping her climb through. 
She snorted angrily and collapsed onto your bed. In the light of the moon slanting through the window, you caught sight of a motley of bruises littering her cheek. A sharp cut split her upper lip and the dark red contrasted violently with the paleness of her skin. 
“Oh my god. What happened to you?” You asked as you tenderly brushed your fingers against her cheekbone. 
Leonora shrugged with self-depreciation and offered you a halfhearted smile. “Peter showed up at my house with his father. Told him I jumped him while his back was turned. And, well, you know how my father is.” 
She kicked up the covers and slid underneath, lifting them up in an offer for you to join. You needed no convincing. You climbed in and snuggled into the warmth of the cocoon she created. Her long figure wrapped around yours and pulled you tightly to her chest. 
“Do you ever wish you could run away from this place?” Leonora whispered into your hair. 
You chewed on the thought for a long minute. You were thankful your back was to her chest…it was easier to say if she wasn’t looking at you. 
“No…that would mean being without you.” 
You felt her rest her forehead against the back of your neck and sigh. 
“I can’t stay here, Y/N. I want to burn this whole shithole to the ground. I know there’s more for us out there somewhere. We just have to find it.”
You found her hand and threaded your fingers through hers and squeezed tightly. 
“Would you go with me? If I asked you?” She asked tentatively into the night. 
“Of course.” You answered immediately. 
Without a doubt. Without even a second of consideration. Wherever she went, you would follow. Even if it meant to the ends of the Earth and back. You wouldn’t be leaving home, you would be following it. 
The conversation between you quieted as you felt her relax at your declaration. Eventually, her breaths evened out and you knew she had fallen asleep. You took the opportunity to turn in her embrace. In sleep, the harshness of her features softened. An occasional freckle peppered the bridge of her nose and dark lashes fluttered against her sharp cheeks. In the light of the moon, her long, curly, red hair seemed to almost glow. 
“I would do anything for you, Leo.” You whispered, knowing she wouldn’t hear you. 
If only you had the courage to tell her in the daylight. 
You awoke the next morning to an empty bed. You knew she had to be home before her father found her missing, but the emptiness still left you feeling cold. You finished your morning routine with familiar ease and walked the dusty path from your house to the main road. A smile broke upon your face at seeing Leonora standing there waiting for you. 
“Good morning!” You greeted her brightly. 
Leonora simply pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed at her eyes. In the early morning sun, the bruise under her eye seemed less severe, but had already soured in color. 
“You are way too chipper for this early in the morning.” She groaned. “Do you sing with the birds, too?”
“Only when I know the song.” You quipped back. 
You linked your arm with hers and began the trek to the schoolhouse. 
“No more fights today.” You warned at the stone steps of the building. 
“If they keep your name out of their mouths, we wouldn’t have to worry about it.” She muttered darkly. 
“Promise me!” 
“Fine. I promise. Can we go become educated, now?” 
Together, you climbed the steps and parted to your respective classrooms. 
You always enjoyed school. It gave you a reprieve from the grueling work at home and opened your eyes to far off worlds and innovation. School was an escape. 
As you found your chair, Peter’s shoulder roughly connected with your own. 
“Watch out little piggy. Lesso won’t always be around to protect you.” He hissed as he walked past. 
You shivered but ignored the pointed barb. That wouldn’t happen. Leonora wouldn’t abandon you. 
The rest of the day passed by at an agonizingly slow rate. As the bell rang for dismissal, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Your classmates streamed out of the schoolhouse like ants fleeing a flood and you got carried along by the surge. Outside, Leonora was waiting for you once more. She gave a sarcastic bow and offered you her arm to escort you home. 
You walked in silence for a solid ten minutes before you mustered the courage to ask, “You wouldn’t ever leave without me, would you?”
The question was odd and the vulnerability was plain in your voice. It made her pause in her steps and the suddenness jerked you to a halt beside her. 
“I wait for you every day, don’t I?” She asked you with a confused frown. 
The expression was rather cute on her face and you wanted to smooth away the pinched expression. 
“Of course!” You laughed. “I just meant if you ever left this place. You wouldn’t forget about me, would you?”
“Impossible.” She scoffed and a devilish smile grew on her face. “You’d be coming with me! I couldn’t possibly leave without my traveling pack.”
She lunged at you and tossed you weightily over her shoulder. A surprised shriek fell from your lips and uncontrollable giggles followed. You certainly wouldn’t complain. You had a marvelous view from your new angle. 
“Besides,” Leonora continued with a more subdued tone. “You’re my conscience. I wouldn’t survive out there without you.” 
Climbing the last hill to your house, she set you down gently and shot you an impish wink. A thrum of longing flared in your chest. You wanted to tell her everything. 
“Leo, I…”
But the words felt caught in your throat. The bruises that littered her face mocked you. Gavaldon was unforgiving and completely intolerant of anything different. And the violence of the world’s reactions that adorned Leonora’s beautiful face were only the tip of the iceberg of what could come. 
“Yes?” She dragged out in a sarcastic imitation of your hesitation. 
“Nothing. I just…thank you. For being my best friend.” You stuttered lamely. 
A small, almost sad smile pulled at the corners of her lips. 
“Yeah.” Leonora said awkwardly. “Me too.” 
The response felt heavy in the air and you suddenly felt like you had made a mistake. 
“I’ll see you later!” She added after a beat, turning to head down the hill toward her house. 
“Bye.” You called softly. 
You watched her walk until her form faded into the sun. 
Nightmares plagued you that night. Vague images of a smoky red sky and screams in the night. You felt exhausted when the sun rose the next morning. Thankful that tomorrow was the weekend, you dressed robotically for school. 
When you made it to your gate, Leonora wasn’t there waiting for you. Unease buried itself low in your belly. She was never late. Even when she was sick, dead, or dying…she was at your gate to greet you every morning. You waited. And waited. And waited some more just for good measure. 
You made it to the school halfway through the first period and ignored the stares as you found your seat. Your unease grew to monstrous anxiety that clawed at your gut. The buzz of the whispers around you fell like a fog until her name cut through the haze. 
“The police were at the Lessos’ this morning. Maybe that’s why Y/N is late. They probably think she had something to do with it.” 
“Do with what?” You asked, whipping around in your seat. 
“Lesso’s gone missing. Parents seem to think she ran away.” The girl behind you whispered dramatically. 
“She wouldn’t do that.” You adamantly denied. 
But even as the words escaped your mouth, it felt like your heart tried to reach up and strangle them. To pull them back. 
Not without me. 
Suddenly, you couldn’t focus. The air felt thin and your ears began to ring. Was this what heartbreak felt like? 
You stood and the ringing in your ears grew to a thundering roar. The voices of your teacher and classmates drowned in the same waves that seemed to crash over you. Ignoring the presence of everyone around you, you stumbled back out the door and sprinted home. You ran past the outskirts of town, ran up and over the hill of your house, and down the sloping curve to the Lesso family home. You didn’t stop until your fists were pounding against the rotting wood door, echoing the beats of your heart. 
“What did you do to her?!” You screamed through the trembling pine. 
The door swung open to reveal the hulking form of her deadbeat father. 
“Get the fuck off my porch.” He growled as he shoved you off the step. 
“What did you do to her?”
“I ain’t touch her.” He hissed. 
“We both know that’s not true.” You said lowly through clenched teeth. 
He looked at you through narrowed eyes and straightened his back. 
“Bed was unmade this morning and window wide open. Ungrateful brat finally took off. If she knows what’s good for her, she won’t come back.”
He said no more and slammed the door. 
Your feet blindly carried you back to your front gate where you collapsed into a heap against the post. Sobs suddenly crawled up your throat and broke free in an agonized scream. 
She left.
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