#they're having karaoke and some self care
lutzgocelly · 1 year
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Realized some days ago that I never posted my @omgzineplease stuff so ✨ after college: here's one of their slumber parties to see each other, have nice fun and REST because boy. Life is mad these days isn't it
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literalite · 2 months
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marlo velasco for @rainymoodlet's rock of love!
hii formally introducing marlo after showing them in cas first lmao i'll stick all their info and some bonus pics under the cut :3
they're filipino, nonbinary (using they/them pronouns), and androsexual- for simplicity's sake they sometimes just say they're gay
traits: erratic, hot-headed, creative likes: alternative and metal music, competency, a good discussion, wellness, getting everything just right, being praised(.......), a good visual contrast, travelling, friendly competition, hard workers, vintage artwork, and of course tattoos fhgjhkjkl dislikes: modern decor, elitism, people who lack drive or who follow tradition, being told what to do, stupid questions, green eyes, makeup, phones or cameras or honestly most modern technology, softening their tone in any way, uncomfortable shoes
quick well that was a fucking lie bio:
only child to two very conservative parents, had a very testy relationship with them both throughout their teens and young adulthood. currently no contact with them both
learnt how to tattoo in their teens and joined a tattoo and piercing shop as an apprentice at 21. they met both their ex husband and their current best friend, risa there
married their ex at 25, was truly in love with him despite being deeply unhappy in other aspects of life
came out and began transitioning at 29, which strained their marriage as he tried and failed to accept their true self as opposed to the "woman" he had signed up for
he convinced them to try for having a kid in order to save their relationship shocker, that did not work so mickey was born
after three years they divorced- admittedly marlo was not a stellar parent and left mickey mostly in her father's care while they moved on from working at the original tattoo shop, eventually seeing their kid for only a weekend per month
at 35 opened their new shop Purgatory Tattoos with their best friend risa as co-owner
two years ago, they got a call in the middle of the night, from their ex who immediately started shouting down the line at them for "corrupting" their 11 year old into thinking that she's a girl. they immediately drove the few hours to go pick mickey up and filed for custody the morning after
marlo's relationship with mickey was initially understandably pretty rocky, with marlo being really awkward around their own daughter and mickey obviously being distrustful of them. in years since, they've grown a lot closer, with marlo now really appreciating the work it takes to raise a kid. they're still very anxious about being a "good" parent though, having totally lacked for any role models
has sort of dated around since breaking up with their husband, but hasn't been able to commit to anything serious what with their focus on keeping their business running and the residual sting of a long and painful loss both emotionally and financially from their ex
signed up for this at risa's insistence and also thinking that it'd be nice for mickey to grow up with a more stable and loving environment than they did
fun facts:
they're pretty much tone deaf but nevertheless enthusiastic about karaoke much to their neighbours' detriment
for their employees and apprentices, they're known as kind of a hardass, especially in comparison to risa, but being under their guidance improves skills x10
lactose intolerant but im not wasting a trait slot on that LMAO
used to have piercings, but took their facial ones out years ago because they'd all been done by their ex- all the holes have since closed up
has pretty much no social media presence aside from their shop's instagram account, on which they've got no photos of themselves, not even a candid in the background of a shot. doesnt know wtf a tiktok is even though mick keeps begging them to do dances with her?
can't imagine moving away from tomarang even though they love travelling overseas. a big goal is getting enough money together to take mickey on a big holiday abroad
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here are some pics of them and their daughter, mickey! she's 13, trans, she/her pronouns. due to their long estrangement, mickey calls them "lo" instead of any other term
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bucksdaffy · 5 months
Okay, let's talk about development. Buddie shippers love to throw shade at Tommy. So, quick question: it's been 5 years now, where is Eddie's character development? Since Season 3, he has been suffering because of his wife and has run away from a new relationship. He's in the same place as in Season 7. The truth is, Buddie shippers don't care about Eddie's character. They see Eddie as an extension of Buck. Buck manages to get some self-improvement. We can see his changes from Season 1 to now. Eddie? They don’t care; they're too worried about karaoke scenes and their only concern is to make Buddie canon
Sorry, that annon got me so nervous
truth be told, the show favours buck, and eddie is often neglected in terms of development. i must admit i actually saw some eddie-leaning bobs express frustration about this early on when it was revealed that a gay eddie arc was under consideration before tim and co ultimately decided on a bi buck storyline. but their voices were pretty drowned out by the constant yapping of how the show could make buddie canon, and now it's hard to see anything else.
i think you're right in saying bobs don't care about eddie as a character. but i'd even go so far as to say they don't care about buck either. superficially? sure because they both are part of the ship they love. but in reality? i wouldn't be so sure about that.
because the thing is they don't seem to think about buck and eddie as separate individuals. they always make one's storyline about the other. there is no buck without eddie and no eddie without buck in their eyes.
when you love a character, i think it's only natural that you want them to be happy. but when you love a ship more, your brain is wired to believe that the only way for them to be happy is if said ship ends up together. i don't want to condemn anyone for their feelings and choices because it's everyone's right to enjoy what they want to enjoy. you can't force anyone to change their view on that. i just wish they admitted they are not actually buck defenders or eddie defenders – they are just full-on buddie shippers, and that's it. don't pretend you care about them as individuals because it's obvious it's not true.
bobs don't care that buck is now in a happy relationship with a man who treats him as his equal, doesn't glorify him, understands what it means to be a firefighter, supports him, and makes an effort to be there for him when he needs him. they don't care that he is good for buck right now. they want tommy gone because he stands in the way of buddie canon (does he really? not the fact that eddie is canonically still very much heterosexual?), and because the audience seems to enjoy him much more than they anticipated. and they don't even care about an amicable break-up anymore – i saw some bobs say they want tommy dead. now you can't tell me you care about buck if you wish for his love interest to die. it's fine if you don't like tommy and if you personally think buck would be happier with someone else. let's agree to disagree and move on. but when you wish to seriously traumatize (one of) your favourite(s) character(s) in order for your ship to become canon? that just shows where your priorities lie, and i can guarantee that most people will disagree with you.
when it comes to eddie, he doesn't have the happiest storyline right now, and hasn't for a while. but if/when in s8 or some later season (provided they get renewed for more) he gets the development he deserves, and finally finds someone who he truly likes (and that someone isn't buck) and treats right, or perhaps decides that being single is fine and lets go of the pressure to be in a romantic relationship, do you think they'll be happy for him? i highly doubt so. they'll still push for buddie canon, not taking into account the individual characters of the story and their needs. what matters is that they get what they want, and everything and everyone else can go to hell.
if that is your stance, i personally think you should just quit watching the show and move to ao3 full-time for your and everyone else's own good. tim and co will not make buddie canon just because you want them to. it has to make sense for both buck and eddie individually first. and right now that is not the case for either of them.
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pjsk-story-summaries · 2 months
You Deserve It! Break Time! Event Story Summary
TL;DR: MORE MORE JUMP! continues to gain followers on their streams. Haruka wonders if their segments are growing stale and decides to brainstorm some new ones.
Shizuku begins to worry about Haruka's well-being. She doesn't think Haruka is taking enough time off to care for herself. Though Haruka tries to reassure her that she's fine, Shizuku's not convinced. She believes the idol persona Haruka carries must be hard to keep up.
With a bit of help from Airi, Shizuku proposes that they all go hang out on their day off together, forcing Haruka to take a break. However, despite their intentions, she keeps using their adventures to come up with new stream ideas. Every idea Shizuku tries to get Haruka to relax ends up backfiring.
Minori and Airi go into a crowded shop together, leaving Haruka and Shizuku alone. Haruka asks what's bothering Shizuku, who reveals her concerns about Haruka. Haruka realizes the things she usually does to relax, like training and brainstorming, aren't really relaxing. Shizuku apologizes for assuming, but insists on helping her properly take a break.
Minori and Airi exit the shop with some matching penguin keychains for the group, reminding Haruka of a nearby cafe themed entirely around penguins. She agrees to split a parfait with the group despite the sugar.
Official English YouTube Upload / Song (Ai no Material ) 2DMV
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Chapter 1: MORE MORE JUMP! finishes another successful livestream. Though they've been fun, Haruka begins to wonder if their streams are growing stale. The group decides to come up with ideas for new segments.
Right before the group splits up to head home, a fan approaches Haruka. They're impressed she remembered them from a past meet and greet. Minori, Airi, and Shizuku are impressed by the professionalism Haruka displayed in the conversation.
Haruka finishes personal training at home fairly late. She begins working on homework and show ideas immediately after, though.
Chapter 2: MORE MORE JUMP!'s streams continue to gain traction as they add new segments. They're happy Haruka came up with such a good one, but worry she might be overdoing herself. Minori and Airi want to go get crepes to celebrate, but Haruka decides to go home and work out some new ideas.
MORE MORE JUMP! head to the SEKAI for practice the next day. They're surprised to find a show from the newest member of the SEKAI- MEIKO. She casually introduces herself to the four and asks to help them with their stream ideas.
Chapter 3: Airi jokes about a cooking segment idea. Haruka's glad everyone's having fun. Shizuku notices her yawn and kindly asks her to take a break. Haruka reassures her that she'll get proper rest tonight.
MEIKO runs over to join the conversation, explaining all the wonderful things she's heard about Haruka but also her worries about Haruka's own well-being. Haruka explains that her practice regimine is something she's done ever since ASRUN, so shes used to it, but promises to take time for herself. Shizuku's still mildly concerned.
Chapter 4: Shizuku remembers back to her debut as Cheerful*Day's lead. Though she knew the persona she presented wasn't her true self, she wanted to make her fans happy. Haruka had come to talk to her when they appeared on a show together. Even though Shizuku didn't think so, Haruka that she was amazing and a clear hard worker. Shizuku admires Haruka's strength and love of idols.
Even then, Shizuku thought Haruka was the perfect idol. Now, though, she wonders if Haruka's having a hard time keeping that persona up.
Chapter 5: Airi notices something bothering Shizuku and asks to eat lunch together. Though she understands Shizuku's fears for Haruka, Airi's sure Haruka will be fine. Airi suggests trying to go out and do something fun together on their day off.
Shizuku proposes the idea after practice that day. Minori and Airi are both excited, and Haruka agrees.
Chapter 6: The first stop on their day off was a trip to karaoke. They all had fun, though Minori did go back to fan-mode after seeing the idols sing. Next, Shizuku proposes going to a low-sugar cafe. Haruka immediately wonders if they could do segments promoting places like that. Shizuku's worried that Haruka still can't let go, even on her day off.
Shizuku tried to lead them to the cafe, but got lost. Haruka took them to a different cafe instead. Shizuku tried ordering a relaxing tea set to share with Haruka, but accidentally got too much. The rest of the group pitched in to help finish it off.
They went to make scented candles next. Shizuku was happy Haruka seemed to be having fun, but she accidentally added too much fragrance in her distraction and ruined it. Shizuku feels bad that her plan to help Haruka relax completely backfired.
Chapter 7: Shizuku doesn't want to give up on the day quite yet. She takes the group on a walk. Airi realizes Haruka's just trying to find new stream ideas. Minori and Airi head into a crowded shop while Haruka and Shizuku stay outside.
Haruka asks if there's something bothering Shizuku. She reveals her worries over Haruka's well-being and the true intention behind the outing. Though Haruka's grateful, she reassures Shizuku that she's just fine.
She does realize that she might be pushing herself too hard on accident, since her usual relaxation techniques might not be true rest. Shizuku also realizes none of it felt like work to Haruka because she truly loves what she does. Shizuku apologizes for her assumptions, but still wants Haruka to rely on them more. She offers to do something together where Haruka can enjoy herself.
Chapter 8: Airi and Minori walk out of the store and hand out the matching penguin keychain set they got. Haruka asks if the others would accompany her somewhere quick. She takes them to a penguin-themed cafe she'd been wanting to go to. Minori wants to share an parfait, and though Airi tries warning her Haruka doesn't eat sugar, Haruka agrees. She thinks the penguin on top is super cute.
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seaweedstarshine · 8 months
*Poll inspired by typical ambiguity in the new audio story Victory of the Doctor, which on an unrelated note is amazing!
Evidence for each argument beneath the cut!
Open marriage
The Doctor's wedding to Marilyn Monroe occurs in A Christmas Carol, when he storms off to a chapel with lipstick marks on his face. “I’ll just go and get married then, shall I? See how you like that. Marilyn? Get your coat!”
While he wasn't yet with River then, he maintains this relationship afterwards, apparently with River involved. In the mini-episode Good Night, the Doctor enters the TARDIS with a euphonium, calling over his shoulder, “River! I’ll see you later! Tell Marilyn she’s too late, she’ll have to use the biplane. Take care!”
Another piece of evidence comes from The Wedding of River Song, when they're passive-aggressively flirting.
“Hallucinogenic lipstick. Works wonders on President Kennedy. And Cleopatra was a real pushover.” “I always thought so.” “She mentioned you.” “What did she say?” “Put down that gun.” “Did you?” “Eventually.” “Oh, they're flirting. Do I have to watch this?” (from Kovarian)
I've never understood the innuendo (please tell me what I'm missing), but Kovarian does, and as we know from The Husbands of River Song, the Doctor and River are both married to Cleopatra, so… it's definitely something.
There's also that diary page in The Eternity Clock game that suggests the Doctor, River, and Jim the Fish got blackout drunk at karaoke night and started “some sort of religion of love” which went on to last for centuries.
Serial cheaters
“How can you be engaged, in a manner of speaking?” The Doctor is jealous in Flesh and Stone before he's even kissed her, which doesn't set him up as a person who'd be interested in an open marriage.
“No, wait. That's your husband? That's who you're married to? Not anybody else?” In The Husbands of River Song, the Doctor is clearly not expecting the other husbands. Culminating in the same episode…
“So, King Hydroflax?” “Oh, how many times? I married the diamond!” “So you say.” “Elizabeth the First!” “Ramone!” “Marilyn Monroe!” “Stephen Fry!” “Cleopatra!” “Same thing!”
It appears he is well aware of her other spouses (and that she's aware of his); so perhaps his surprise was more that didn't expect her to be so flagrant about them. It makes him insecure (“I posed as his nurse. Took me a week.” “To fall in love?” “It's the easiest lie you can tell a man. They'll automatically believe any story they're the hero of.”) enough to start an argument about it.
River also expresses her jealousy as an obvious fact, as seen in The Day of the Doctor Novelization (written by Moffat who (along with Alex!!) knows the character best):
“Ow!” “Madame de Pompadour?” “Jealous?” “Of course I’m jealous. Keep your hands off her.”
In The Name of the Doctor, we learn that the Doctor, who has had a number of... sexually-charged moments with Clara (including, but not limited to, Victorian Clara), has avoided telling her that River is his wife. Vastra is uncomfortable with having to introduce them, having “gone a darker shade of green.”
“The Doctor might have mentioned me?” “Oh, yeah. Oh yeah, of course he has. Professor Song! Sorry, it's just I never realized you were a woman.” (from Clara)
Actually both
This could mean many things (i.e. open marriage with boundaries which are violated), but potentially, all the same evidence from prior arguments! With a shade of “Our lives are back to front.”
In the mini-episodes First Night/Last Night, when River, having burst into the TARDIS and pretended to faint, mistakes her past self for another woman the Doctor's hiding from her, she openly expresses jealousy.
“Doctor. Have you brought someone else here? Does anyone agree to wear that dress? Where is she!” “River, think it through!” “This happened the last time we were here. You brought someone else!” “No I didn’t!” “Yes you did, I heard you talking to her!”
However, when a third and significantly older version of River makes the same mistake, she no longer expresses jealousy, but rather curiosity, which could at least signal a shift in how she sees their marriage.
Maybe there was a conversation that happened. Maybe it slipped the Doctor's mind when he forgot Clara.
Actually neither
This could also mean multiple things, but one of those things is this. The Doctor is a widower from the start. Likewise, River is well aware of Doctor's death on Trenzalore, “of course River would know, she's always known,” having been raised to prevent those events, and having refused to be bound by that destiny.
How can fidelity be defined the same way for time travelers? Everyone's spouses are dead somewhen. River understands the paradox of her husband's existence better than anyone. To quote The Day of the Doctor Novelization yet again…
‘Because you live in a time machine. All of history is still happening outside those doors. On a good night that means everyone you ever met is still alive and you can’t wait to see them again. On a bad night, it means everyone’s dead, and you want to charge around the universe, pretending you can do something about that.’ She looked up at me. ‘I know which version of you I prefer.’ 
And there she was, so alive again. I remembered her, twisted, burnt and dead, in the depths of The Library. ‘What if there are people who died because of me?’ I asked. ‘What if there are people I should have saved?’
‘People die. All people, everywhere. We grieve and we move on. That is how we respect the dead. That is how we forgive ourselves in their presence and their absence.’
Please feel free to add anything I missed!
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tubbypeddle · 2 months
May I request a platonic/queerplatonic matchup for JJBA and One Piece? (No Dio, Kira Part 4, or Doflamingo please)
I am 26 years old, autistic, and schizoaffective, I am on meds that allow me to function from day to day and am living my best life. 
I’m a feminine presenting nonbinary person and I go by they/them pronouns. I’m 5’7 ft, have tan skin, dark brown eyes, and wavy, brown hair. I have a curvy body type with stretch marks on my hips and stomach I lovingly call my “tiger stripes”. My default outfits consist of hoodies/sweaters, basketball shorts, joggers, and graphic tees or something of equal comfort. 
I am aromantic allosexual with a preference for individuals that are masculine. 
Personalitywise, I’m an introverted leaning ambivert, I do my best to push myself to be a better person than I was yesterday. I am very emotionally open and vulnerable to those I trust, but said trust is hard earned and some trust is reserved only for specific individuals (i.e what I trust my Mum with is different than what I would trust my siblings/best friend with). I love learning new things and always remain curious with the world around me. I am creative and imaginative; I have lots of ideas swirling in my head though I do my best to work and finish one at a time. I have a hard time with small talk but could talk people's ears off about and exchange special interests.I also love teaching and being taught and am patient. It takes quite a bit to get me mad, but when my threshold is reached it’s “take no prisoners”. 
I despise willfully ignorant/vulgar/bigoted people. Yelling, loud cars, and motorcycles feel like an attack on my nervous system and a way to bypass my patience and tick me off is teasing someone about their appearance or things they can’t biologically control (past bullying trauma), I don’t care if it was “just a joke” Brad, get a better sense of humor or I’ll run you over with my electric bike. 
I’m scared of my friends leaving me behind, treating me like a second class friend, or otherwise losing interest in me in favour of a romantic partner (no hate on the partner, my usual thought process is two friends for the price of one but what pans out is usually not the case 🙁) and of course heights. 
My hobbies include writing, reading, drawing, swimming, travel, baking, karaoke, and crafting.
I love gifting my loved ones with things that pertain to their interests and coming up with fun things that I could do with them (Taking them to a carnival, comic con, waterparks, baking together, etc.). I am also very affectionate and I love, love, love cuddles, the deeper the pressure the better. Kisses are Very Noice™ too. 
Sunshowers and flurries are my favourite types of weather, I love anime/animated shows/movies, raspberries and rain are my favourite scents, and I have collections ranging from plushies to enamel pins to ita bags to action figures.  I would prefer someone who can be my rock when I’m not doing my best and is patient with and does their best to understand me. In return, I will be their companion, their friend, their confidante. I will accept their authentic self as they do me and be the one they can always come back to, who will always put in the effort, me, their dear platonic partner. 💛
Hello!! I'm so sorry for the ridiculously long wait! And thank you for sending this in! I'm going through a horrible a burnout right now, so I worked on this as much as I could without breaking down ;-;
Now, while I had the time, I thought long and hard about who would be your ideal friend! And maybe partner for life, queerplatonic or not, if you're up for it.
(author's note: I apologize if they're out of character ☹ I feel out of character myself. I hope you enjoy it anyway 🫂 and as always, credits to gif owners, gifs are not mine)
We'll start off with this one.
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You find yourself in a world of Stand users. Of Hamon and vampires and devils whose evil is beyond our comprehension.
There's one man who's perfect for you. Your perfect friend.
Mohammed Avdol
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Starting off with that which is most obvious, he does not seem to care much about your physical body. Not in a way that he finds you ugly, or that he doesn't like it.
He just never comments anything negative about it.
In the most positive way possible, Avdol does not care what you look like.
If you're looking for compliments from him, he'll dish them out happily. He does not mind showering you with affection and compliments if you want it. But what you look like isn't the first thing that comes to his mind when he thinks of you.
Since you're so personality driven, he's very happy to help you as much as he's able. He wants to see you at your best, and he wants to accompany you on your journey to that version of yourself.
You wouldn't have to worry about him making insensitive jokes. He's rather proud of how much effort he puts into being as inclusive and as inoffensive as possible.
He enjoys listening to your ideas, about anything that comes to your mind. Avdol is happy to listen, and even give some of his own ideas and suggestions for your infodumps, perhaps. If you're willing to hear.
He's also quite fond of your very curious personality. He enjoys learning, and will make time in his day to just sit and learn anything you want with you. To keep your company, and to make you happy.
Avdol, despite being very easy to become heated, is a very steady and stable man. He will be your comfort, your rock when you need someone to keep you grounded. Just as fire can be wild and uncontrollable, it can also be tame and warm and comforting. The hearth in your home.
You want patience? This man is made of that stuff. I mean, if he can deal with Polnareff and Joseph on that adventure? I'm sure he can handle someone as comparably docile as you.
Every single gift that you give him, he keeps it. Anywhere he can think of. If he's able to, he'll even display them in his home. There's something about your gifts being presented in his most intimate spaces that's so special. He wants reminders of you when he's most comfortable. As an assurance, perhaps. Or a comfort.
Cuddles are the best with him. He runs warm because of his Stand and his abilities, so they hit especially harder on colder nights. His favorite cuddling position is him just plopped on top of you, like he's a big weighted blanket.
He understands trust is a very tricky thing to balance with people. He's okay with not knowing every single little thing about you, if you so wished to keep some things from you. He just wants you to be comfortable around him, and if that means keeping some things from him, that's fine with him.
honorable mentions! Part 6 Jotaro
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You're so charming to him. Captivating in a way he hasn't seen since his wife. He finds himself a little too attached to you, which may scare you off.
That's Jojo's done!
Onto One Piece.
You find yourself sailing across the sea. Or maybe you're on an island, made of candy, or made of ice and lava. Of rock and sand.
Wherever you are, there's one man who finds himself particularly interested in you.
Trafalgar Law
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He's a loyal loyal man. Once he's decided you're his friend, you're his friend forever.
Post time skip is probably the best era of Law for you. Post time skip, he smiles and laughs less, but it's not impossible for him to be amused at all. His favorite activities with you tend to be
He finds you very charming, similar to how Jotaro does. You're short (compared to him, at least), and feisty, and know yourself well enough to be clear about your boundaries. He appreciates that. He likes when people are clear about themselves and their intentions. It's why he's such good friends with Luffy.
Hi friendship with you isn't the same as it is with Kidd and Luffy though.
With them, he's competitive. Dangerous. Downright vicious with them, in the most affectionate way possible. (You know, as is the One Piece way)
With you, he's a little bit softer. A little bit more physically affectionate. His only examples of showing love that he can bring himself to remember are his parents, and how Corazon treated him. He doesn't remember much of his parents' tendencies anymore, it's been so long. But he could never forget how Corazon treated him.
He often finds himself repeating Corazon's actions to you.
Maybe he's a little mean sometimes, a little firm with you. But it comes out of the softness of his heart.
He wants you to be safe. He doesn't want you to get hurt because of him and his pirate lifestyle.
Should you find yourself insisting to come with him aboard the Polar Tang, he'll be very against it. He appreciates and even likes that you want to prove your strength, and stay by his side. But he just cannot risk losing you. He's lost too many people already.
He might be a bit tense when it comes to any sort of soft physical affection, initially. It doesn't take long for him to soften, though. He melts with your touch, honestly.
Trust also doesn't come easily to him, so it comes as a surprise to him when you open up to him so easily. (To him, at least, it seems easy. because he has issues up the wizzow)
He's careful to keep your trust in him, cradling it as if it were the most precious gem in the world. He opens up to you slowly, and it's easy to scare him off. He's like a stray.
Just as he's patient with you, please be patient with him.
He's damaged, and lost a little too much in his life to know how to open up so easily.
He takes your gifts easily. He loves being gifted things, even if it flusters him beyond belief. He hasn't been gifted things very often throughout his life, so he'd forgotten it was a thing that people did.
honorable mentions!! Luffy
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Luffy is easy to be friends with, because he will just straight up take you hostage if you refuse the first time. He sees you and immediately thinks, "I must be their friend."
I am so sorry this came out so so late. I don't feel very good, I think it's a depression episode, but I DID IT!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this one 🫂
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I'm sorry if this is a repeat! It said something went wrong with my ask when I tried to send it!
Congratulations on 150 followers! That is quite a feat to accomplish and deserves celebrating. Have some confetti!
I have a request for Rex. SFW or NSFW is up to your discretion and if you want to ignore altogether, you can. No worries!
How about a fic with an introverted reader who's more reserved with Rex in terms of affections in public, and not only because of GAR regulations? She might snuggle into his side, hold his hand, hug and kiss when no one's looking, but that's it. Maybe she starts feeling a little insecure over how Rex might feel about it (probably because she sees other girls hanging all over his men at 79's/maybe someone tried to flirt with Rex because it's not obvious that they're together) and they have a heart-to-heart.
Like I said, you can ignore this if you want. It's just that I've read quite a few fics with readers who are much more extroverted and forward with Rex in the PDA department. Haven't read many with us more introverted type girls. Just because we're a little stiff in public doesn't mean we don't get wild for our special someone behind closed doors.
Hi Nonnie!! Thank you so much for asking this, and thank you for celebrating with me! Honestly, I loved this ask, and I completely got carried away. I accidentally wrote 1500 words and I probably could have easily written another 1000 more if I had time. I also haven't written for Rex in ages (a crime!), and I missed it! This was very personal, so thank you for trusting me with this request. I hope I did it justice!
Pairing: Rex x F!Reader
Warnings: Feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, Jealousy, Sexual themes/implied sex
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You and Rex have been dating for a few months now, and it’s been - well - a dream. He was everything you had ever hoped for and more in a partner. Rex was kind, he was caring, he was unbelievably handsome, and he was charming in his own sweet and occasionally awkward way. Even with your busy schedules, he always made time for you with date nights out on Coruscant and surprise flowers while he was away. You thought that the GAR would be more concerned about one of their high-ranking clone officers having a relationship with a civilian mechanic, but you quickly learned that there weren’t any rules against it. If anything, Anakin and Ahsoka had been almost helpful - almost. Rex told you later that the Jedi had teased him so badly about his obvious crush that Obi-wan finally begged him to ask you out so it would stop distracting “those two impossible children”.
The only thing that worried you about your relationship had almost nothing to do with Rex. If anything, it was your problem. You were more introverted. You always have been.  You had your close friends and didn’t mind getting to know new people if the situation was right, but you rarely put yourself out there, except for that one time that Fives forced you to do karaoke with him, and you swore that your cheeks burned red with embarrassment for a week. Up until now, you’d never considered it a fault. Being introverted made you careful, thoughtful, and caring, all traits you loved about yourself. And, of course, Rex had never made you feel anything less than special, but you were starting to worry if you made him feel special enough. Your reserved nature meant you had trouble expressing your feelings for him, especially in public. When you were on duty, the two of you hovered near each other but always kept it professional. Even when you were able to relax, like out at 79’s with the other members of the 501st or on brunch dates to Dex’s, you would steal a kiss in a quiet moment, lean against him in the booth, or hold his hand under the table, but that was the extent. Sometimes, you would watch him laughing along with his brothers, whose partners sat on their laps and hung around their necks, and you wondered if it was enough - if you were enough.
Tonight was one of those nights. Despite the loud music of 79’s, Rex’s hand occasionally grazing your knee, and the antics of Torrent Company, you couldn’t shake this feeling of being too shy. And now, as if you weren’t already feeling insecure, you had a front-row seat to the cute waitress flirting with Rex. You couldn’t fault her. How could Rex not catch her eye? With his close-cropped blonde curls, the tight compression shirt that covered his top half, his cool smile, and his kind manners, Rex stood out, even in a bar full of clones. She had spotted him the moment she came to wait on your table. And the beautiful young woman had made her intentions clear, been dropping hints all night about being single while her lingering eye contact progressed to gentle touches of his shoulder. Now your stomach twisted as she ran her hand along his arm, asking if he needed another drink. You wished you were bold enough to kiss him right in front of her, but even as badly as you wanted to, you knew you couldn’t. Instead, you looked away.
“I’m all set.” Rex gave a nod to the beautiful woman before he leaned back away from her. 
Under the table, his hand found yours and gave you a small squeeze. He nodded to Jesse, who quickly jumped in and began chatting with the waitress.
Later that night, you couldn’t shake the image. Even as Rex wrapped himself around you in bed, his breath hot on your neck and his hands on your hips, you couldn’t close your eyes without seeing how her hand grazed him. 
“Rex,” You whispered his name into the darkness.
“Hmm.” The groggy syllable was quickly followed by a kiss to the back of your neck as if he had been drifting and just remembered where he was. 
“Rex, can I ask you a question?”
“Course.” The reply came quickly. Rex was awake now.
“Does it bother you I’m not…I’m not more extroverted?”
The question came out in a tumbling exhale. As you took another breath, you held it and chewed on your lip while you waited for a response. Behind you, the mattress shifted and Rex coughed as he began to stutter.
“I’m… uh… you’re going to have to give me more than that, mesh’la.” 
You could hear him running his hand along the back of his head, and your heart panged at the nervous tic. You loved him, truly and deeply.
“It’s just… that waitress at 79’s was really flirty tonight, and I’m not mad. I don’t blame her. Like, look at you. You deserve to be flirted with and doted on and all that PDA. I wish I could do that, but it’s just not me, and you… you deserve more.” You stumbled over the words. They felt heavy and tilted as you tried to form them, but you knew you had to get them out. Rex deserved more, and he should understand that.
“Is that what you think, mesh’la?” Rex’s arms found you as he sank in close behind you once again, wrapping around your waist and pulling you tight against him. “That you’re not enough for me?”
“You deserve more.” The floodgates were open, and you couldn’t hold back anymore. “You’re incredible, Rex. You deserve someone who shows you in all the ways, someone who’s brave enough for public displays of affection, and that’s not me. I wish I could, but I’m never going to be the girl that’s sitting on your lap at 79’s or making out with you in a dark corner.”
“Thank the Maker.” Rex snorted into your shoulder. “Far too much risk of running into Fives or Jesse there.” 
“I’m serious, Rex.”
“I am too.”
You sighed. He didn’t get it. 
“Hey,” Rex reached and turned on your bedside light. “Look at me, mesh’la.”
You turned to face the man you loved. He laid his arm out so you could tuck your head in his elbow. The dim light caught his deep brown eyes, and the marbled flecks twinkled as Rex stared at you. His look was serious, but a soft smile settled across his face as he studied your features.
“I… I know what I deserve.” Rex chose his words carefully. “And I know what I want. And I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you. I love our moments. I love that we can check in with each other over a glance and that when you squeeze my hand, you’re saying I love you. I don’t want big displays. I want you. Don’t I deserve what I want?”
“Yes,” You glanced down at the crumpled covers between you. 
It was true. You also loved how your eyes always found his, even in a crowded room. You loved your own special language of unspoken words and connections. The doubt that had gnawed at you from the inside out began to abate. You’d never met anyone more clear-headed than Rex, and no one deserved what they wanted more than Rex. Time and time again, he always made it clear that what he wanted was you.
“Well then,” He placed the knuckle of his index finger under your chin and slowly tilted your head back up towards him. “What’s the problem then?”
“I guess there’s none.” You gently shrugged. 
“That’s what I thought.”
His hand moved from below your chin and unfurled itself as he clasped your cheek. You leaned into his palm, savoring its heat. Gently, he guided your face up to meet his.
Rex’s lips found yours softly at first, meeting your kiss at the same time you were washed over with a grateful feeling for his love. You had found someone who understood you and saw you for all that you were. Someone as incredible as Rex. The kiss deepened as his hands fell to your hips. You met him as that grateful feeling turned into a breathless need.
“You have to know how much I want you.” He rasped as he dug his fingers into your skin.
“I do, Rex.” You pecked his lips one more time before you pulled away. 
With a hand on his shoulder, you gently pushed on Rex’s broad chest until he rolled onto his back. You sat up and swung your leg over to straddle him, grinding against him as you moved. You could feel him start to harden against you. Rex’s eyes flashed as his hands found your hips again, pulling you even tighter as he instinctively searched for friction. You leaned down to whisper in his ear.
“Now, let me show you how much I want you.”
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dismissivedestroyer · 6 months
Violet, bless her heart, has grown up very sheltered and with very little human interactions, so she's ECSTATIC at the idea of having a roomie she can share the house with so she doesn't feel alone. Dexter is NOT, and understandibly so. She's all like "oh my gosh it's gonna be so fun we'll have movie nights and slumber parties and we'll do karaoke" and he's like "GOD. WHY ME. WHAT DID I EVER DO WRONG TO DESERVE THIS."
They are off to a very rough start because Dexter is not keen on making friends and he's hanging around just in hopes to get his body back, really. So, as Dexdoll does, he's SUPER RUDE to Violet. Fortunately Violet learns to handle him quickly, at times having to be a bit harsh cause his dumbass won't listen to anyone. She's okay with him carrying around a knife, she knows he most likely won't hurt her. Sometimes he gets a bit stabby though so she just tapes him to the wall or puts him on a very tall shelf. There, problem handled with no need for ovens.
Eventually, they both bond. At least, i think Dexter would regain a sense of self enough to be able to be nicer with her, and open up a bit. Idk they're very interesting to be, they bicker a lot but they care to some extent.
Dexter remains absolutely terrible at empathizing and comforting thought. That's more of a thing for human-dex, doll Dex would rather burn alive (again) other than have emotional vulnerability. Violet opens up about her shitty home life (and lets thank Ignacio for that), and Dexter just pats her back awkwardly and goes "Wow. That's rough."
Also he would NOT take the big reveal on Violet's actual family well, but that's a story for another time
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kamiimiya · 3 months
TEEHEE 1, 3, 5, and 7 with kokonoi hajime >:D
ask game here
♡ If you have one, what's your ship name?
kokomiya !! just a silly basic little shipname cuz those are the ones i'm used to in most fandoms and i'm simply not creative enough to think of something unique and funny.
i honestly like the tag misconceptions more than i do the ship name, because i Thought about that for a little while even though its kinda basic so it doesn't even really seem like i did much thinking. but for a long time we didn't like each other, he thought i was wayyy too nice and just going to be used by everyone around me ( deadass projecting but go off koko dearest ) and i couldn't understand why he has such a grudge against me. we understand each other a little bit too well in some regards, despite each of us being on the opposite ends of The Horrors. sometimes he mentions that i would understand inupi more than i understand him, and he just doesn't understand why i'd choose someone like him when it's so obvious that he had the capability to hurt others. he's so blinded by his lack of self worth and inability to truly understand other people's depths that there's just a lot of miscommunication between the two of us for a really long time.
♡ What song would you duet for some chaotic late night karaoke?
umbrella by rihanna. is it because of that one scene with inupi where koko was hiding behind the umbrella and trying his best to act confident even when he was losing it a little bit ? yeah. maybe. who cares. it's also a BITCHING song and you can't look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't know it by heart. and to be very clear, i'm not saying he's gonna be jay z and i'm rihanna. we alternate lines like how god intended. i will step out of the spotlight this one time and let him have the last little bit with the last few lines because i feel like he needs them a little bit. maybe it would do his psyche some good who knows.
in the tune of rihanna, also s&m is a very good choice. my minds eye can see him swaying his hips and doing a little dance and dammit he's feeling himself. gonna do that silly debby ryan thing where he pushes his hair behind his ears trying to be hot but its kokonoi hajime so it just works idk how to explain it. first verse is his and he'll sing it alone, i'll just sing the background vocals. we alternate the lines of the chorus & sing the post chorus ' come on, come on, come on ' part together at the same time. second verse is mine. if you see him blushing at the mention of whips and chains no for the love of god you do not.
♡ If you were dogs, what breeds would you be?
so he's definitely going to be something like a doodle or a golden doodle. something that looks pretty but actually may not be the best pets. i lived in a house with golden doodles and let me tell you they were wild and rowdy if not trained right and also practically impossible to kennel train at any point in time, and maybe it was just the dogs that the person had but they had the worst separation anxiety i've ever seen in dogs, and that's pretty much just koko. if you look at them from a distance you think that they're pretty and fancy looking and then you spend more than a minute in the same room with them and you realize that they're actually a handful, and i love koko for that.
for myself, i don't really have an in depth answer. i like pomeranians and also i too have a bark wayyy bigger than my entire bodyweight. they're like 3 apples tall and mostly fur, and have one of those super annoying barks that just simply don't shut up ever, and i'd like to think that's me going on and on and on about stuff that no one objectively really cares about. they're also extroverted but can get aggressive with dogs much bigger than their own size. and yeah that honestly just checks out with me i will body check a dog 4x my size because i don't like the way that it didn't look at me.
♡ Describe how your f/o smells, be absurdly specific.
oh boy he's expensive but also depressed. you can tell he's having one of those days where he just can't be half assed with anything because the cologne he wears will be sprayed so much that you can't smell anything else. he chooses savage from dior because it's one of those colognes that covers up everything else with just a little bit sprayed, but he'll still overspray it to the point it almost chokes you with the scent of it. if he's not wearing any cologne ( rare, but not impossible. i just have to catch him at the right time ) he probably smells like a mix between his lotion he wears and his body wash / exfoliant. he shops at bath and body works for lotions because he likes the deals and also has a thing for their candles.
if he's out doing ' business ' i think honestly he sweats wayyy more than he likes to let on especially since most uniforms are a jacket of some kind and they're actively fighting most of the time, so he has to use a pretty strong deodorant to hide it. definitely carries deodorant with him and he's so shameless about it. he definitely hops into the shower the moment he's home though.
sometimes, though, he smells like blood and a housefire, with the smell of smoke so thoroughly coated in his hair and blood underneath his fingernails, and i can't mention it because it's really not the important part going on right now. sometimes i just gotta pull him into the shower and wash his hair for him really well and fix dinner for him without mentioning it. tears or worried words from either one of us may break the fragile thread hanging on and it's just not worth it. i know he's okay, he knows that he's safe. it's,,, important that the nights we're together stay as normal for him as possible, especially on nights like those.
and anyways so i - ( gets shot )
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pharawee · 2 years
I started reading Middleman's Love because I'm almost finished with Triage and I have no self-control (I probably should have started with Bed Friend but it's like 16€ on Meb and apparently Middleman's Love comes first chronologically - at least in the novel universe).
And I love Jade so so much!
He claims that he's not prone to overthinking and then he goes and overthinks every. single. little. thing. He has opinions (tm) but he never voices them out loud because he's too kind. He's constantly broke because he overspends at the beginning of each month. But that's okay because at least he gets to keep the unwanted gifts he's constantly asked to deliver to Uea and King.
He's also completely clueless. He's so used to being ignored that being noticed doesn't even occur to him. He's fully internalised being invisible, and he doesn't even mind because obviously everyone else is good-looking and he should be smart enough to know his place.
So Mai looking at him with sparkling~ eyes is obviously because he wants to flirt with Uea through him.
Jade, you perfect little idiot!
I can't wait for the moment he realises Mai is actually flirting with him. That someone as utterly perfect as Mai wants a relationship with someone who drools in his sleep and can't hold a tune (but is also kind and funny and thoughtful).
But while I'm really happy that the series is still happening with Yim and Tutor (who I like a lot - they're probably my DMD faves right after Jimmy and Tommy), I can't help but wonder how Tommy and Jimmy would have been as Jade and Mai.
Because Tommy especially would have killed it as Jade.
Then again, who knows, maybe Yim will pull off Jade's inner snark just fine. And I'm actually really looking forward to see that side of him (and Jade).
Some other tidbits so far:
Jade knows King from school and Uea from university. They're both his best friends and they never got along - leaving Jade as the middleman. Uea's dark backstory seems to be the same as in the series.
In the novel, Mai is actually present at the karaoke party. He goes all in with the flirting but Jade dismisses it as him trying to get with Uea through him. Jade then plans to set things up so Mai will take Uea home (because he totally ships it) but both of them end up drunk so King takes care of Uea (like in the series) and Jade is left with a very handsy Mai who's conveniently forgotten where he lives.
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months
I'm about to watch walker 4x07... (copypaste from DM with the bestie <3)
The way the jackal notebook looks like John's journal, cordell waking up to that instead of geri has me 👀👀👀👀
Luna is watching hawk's shadow hahhh
God, cassie talking about the double standard for women dating 👀👀 will this be explored
Omg tactical gear and all, on a hunch👀👀👀
Stella so pretty
Witt being awfully pushy istg
Campus security thinking it's just some drunk frat dude, after seeing that video, is willful ignorance lmfao
Lmao I'm over here like, hell no I'm not letting you in my house without a warrant, jfc
I knew they would draw on him for reaching for something but goddamn😬
Lmao Bonham's shade at cordell teaching stella bad technique
Cordell is looooooosing itttttt
"I'm not gonna lose my friend to this" hiiiiii have you looked in a mirrorrrrr
Having cereal for dinner cuz he's solely focused on the case hahhh relatable
See, this is why geri had to leave
He's gotta have no tether at home
Is it too much to hope for an Emily's ghost moment before the end of this case 👀👀👀👀
Corpus Crooner ?? Lolol
Even good karaoke gives me secondhand embarrassment lol
Lmao that chest shot
The closeups on Luna lol they know what they're doing. I'm always so amused
Lololol is bonham IGNORING Abilene
Ooof stella is like damn
Dtr tho lol
He's not gonna show up to boot camp is he...
"He's a zookeeper" lmfao jfc
[Why are commercials so weirddddd (i know why but good LORD)
Why is kevin hart literally in EVERYTHING]
Oh it's this kind of zoo lololol
Serpentarium lmfao
Gotta be consistent, i guess lmao
Omg that fall sync up
Aaaaaaahhhh head injury!! Lol jared has acting tbi DOWN
Lmao lovey dovey cassie
I love trey and augie so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He's really been an influence in his maturity
"I'll make it up to him" that's a familiar line
Yeah, liam, tell himmmmm
"Dramatic" ooh and that flippant affect 😯😯😯😯😯😯
He is LOSING it losing it 👁👄👁
Oh i see
Hahhhhh please let this get renewed god
Rewatching the ep immediately lmfao
What difference does a 5pm curfew make if you're not around to enforce it lolol
Eating cereal so you don't have to think about cooking and staring at the thing you're reading...also relatable
Cassie unable to separate work/life on the romantic side parallel to Cordell's inability to work/life balance on the work side 👀
Cordell is like a bomb sniffing dog that alerts for everything
(There's a series of YouTube shorts about a retired bomb sniffer that false alerts everywhere he goes😅 reminds me of that)
It's funny in all that ranch house they don't have somewhere else to put the home gym 😅
Bonham so snotty on the "our ranch" lol. Sounds a little bit "my ranch" sir
Did stella even get a new room or anything? Is she still in the same dorm the guy used a KEY to get in?
Once again, the coming inside to ask questions part makes me sooo 😬😬😬😬😬😬
I am so not letting 4 rangers IN TACTICAL GEAR into my house without a warrant. Don't care HOW innocent i am
You think i warrant that much prep, you can GET a warrant
Serial killer case not enough to excuse it. That's how cases get thrown out, buddy
Goddddddd only augie even knows her dorm was broken into. Like it is just hitting me how they all really don't know what she's going through. Yeah girl, get some self defense from grandpa
I knew augie was gonna help that kid as soon as he failed the trial time lol
Everybody and his literal mama: Cordi, you're letting the case consume you
Cordell: well that's just, like, your opinion, man 😉
Stella's braid is so cute. Lol bonham giving abilene the snub understandable, but stella just staying focused on her punches and also ignoring her😅
Wonder if cordell is going to miss August's high school grad, too 👀👀👀👀👀👀 y'know, to keep it all even lol
Lalala what is a warrant lololol
The visual storytelling on this show is so ON POINT this season. The music, the video syncing with these multiple parallels in the bootcamp/zoo scene, the main plot/secondary plot parallels. They're FOCUSED
I'm soooo happy about liam being like "stella is going through it and you in particular should be there for her on this but you're ignoring it"
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thestareyed · 1 year
disclaimer: None of this is claimed or intended as fact! It's just something fun for me to try out to practice my tarot readings. I keep these questions directed at their life as idols in the public eye and overall career.
⋆ What's coming up for ATEEZ in April? ⋆
Rest + Development + Opportunity
They'll be resting and putting more focus on their own health and self care matters, so we'll probably notice that they have more free time or off days soon. Probably in the first week or so.
Looks like they'll also be taking the time to sort of 'work on' what they think they're lacking in. The best example of this would be how some of the members took some singing/dancing/producing lessons while they were in America last year! They may do something similar soon or we may just notice them putting more effort than before.
There may be an opportunity that comes up for them that they may not acknowledge or comment on? At least not publicly. Possibly even a 'missed opportunity' type of thing.
⋆ Anything in particular that we should keep an eye on? ⋆
Something significant about their mics. Maybe they'll get new ones for some reason? I don't think that's the case... It's hard to say with this one lmao I just got an image of a single mic, which i've never got before in a reading so it might not be a literal mic, but something about their singing instead? I personally associate mics with singing and karaoke.
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daisynik7 · 10 months
listen all i’m trying to say is you put this on yourself, being your lovely self and all, i am simply pointing it out. 😌 
glad the potluck went well, i certainly don’t blame you, they wouldn’t appreciate art, plus supporting local business;) sometimes we celebrate sometimes we don’t, it just depends. this year was basically meal-prep lol.
low-key is always nice, but i hope this year for you goes just as well despite the circumstances, and i’m sure what you make will taste amazing! how do you usually do holidays? and i’m sorry to hear that mom’s sick:( hope she feels better soon 🤍
i don’t have too many plans, just unwind, i have extra apples so bake something with those, sob over the previews of the new jjk episode and not watch it because i don’t hate myself that much🥲 what about you? 
you stay safe and take care as well, i love you very much my sweet daisy, happy thanksgiving! so thankful for you 🥹
also i hope your followers are enjoying us making out on your blog right now 🫶🏼 
yeah, I feel better that I was supporting a local business! they were very sweet so I may order from them again if there's another potluck. I wouldn't mind being the resident lumpia bringer to these events lol. and meal prep, lol! that's exactly what our fridge looks like with all the leftovers right now. we usually just cook at home then digest with either board games or karaoke! how about you? and thank you for your well wishes! I hope so too 🥺
unwinding is always ALWAYS good! and ooohhh what recipe do you think you'll make with your apples? and hahahaha I haven't watched it either and cried over some spoilers, I just don't think my heart can take it! I don't have any plans myself, just relaxing and hanging out!
I love you snookums! happy thanksgiving to you as well. I am extremely thankful for you, and not just today, but every day. you put the biggest smile on my face with these love letters you send me. 💗
also, clearly we are into PDA, so they're just gonna have to deal with it! 😉😘
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polyphonetic · 2 years
I went to Karaoke last night again and I think I'll take another break from it. I kind of feel like all the transfemmes are off to one side of the group, and I didn't have much chance to talk to anyone else. Which, I've been doing some work on just experiencing things for myself and dressing as self-indulgently as possible and not being surprised if I don't get any attention from people I want to befriend. So I enjoyed being myself and just not putting any expectations.
But on the other hand, I *do* want attention and friendship from queer people and that's not evil of me to want. It's okay if I feel like I resonate in a lot of ways or feel drawn towards transmascs in a way that I don't necessarily feel towards my transfemme friends. And I do love and support my fellow transfemmes and gnc queer amabs! I guess passing as a binary trans woman isn't my objective, and the way that I am silly and self-indulgent might be similar to how some people read masc people, and maybe there will always be queer people that consciously or unconsciously read me as just a gnc male. I'm not saying this particular case is that form of passive exclusion, but I have absolutely felt that pressure in the past when I was closeted. Who knows how people perceive me.
There was a different group of what appeared to be mostly sapphics who were having an event, and when I went up to sing some of them were calling out "supermodel" to me in that tone of voice that I've experienced girlbullies in school do that can so easily switch to mocking, but I've gone through enough girlbullying that I just don't care about if people try to mock me in that way, or putting any stake in trying to determine if they're being authentic or not, so I've learned just to smile and take it as a compliment but then ignore them.
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nerd-chocolate · 2 years
Hello I made a another headcanons about @artzychic27 ‘s class + the Austins again but they are not sad this time and I even have a little surprise in the end. I hope you enjoy these headcanons and if you have suggestions or questions you want to ask I’ll be happy to hear them and answer them! Anyway on to the post!
Zoé gets a grunge aesthetic when she becomes friends with the class.
Denise and Jean are not a big fan of horror movies but they both try to watch them for their friends. Don’t worry the class recognizes their fears so they don’t watch horror movies that often for movie night.
Marc is really good at video games since he’s Marinette's cousin.
Lacey is a terrible singer and used it to annoy their friends when it comes to karaoke nights.
Reshma and Mireille are really good singers but are too scared to sing in public but in front of their friends they are fine with it.
Cosette is surprisingly a good singer but doesn’t sing that often and just sings to themselves when they're alone but when Zoé finds out, they start to sing little duets together.
Aurore took ballet as a kid and still dances to this day.
Austin T’s favorite dessert is mint chocolate brownies.
Denise’s and Simon's first date was going to Andre’s ice cream vendor where he was in an amusement park and they got the sweethearts ice cream.
Austin Q is very good at playing baseball but is a control freak when it comes to it.
Ismael’s favorite candy is Reese’s and anything that has a peanut butter flavor.
Austin A is the shortest of the Austins and has the shortest temper.
Both Marc and Zoé can’t cook so the class doesn't let them near the kitchen.
Austin B and Simon are terrible dancers. They have the case of having two left feet.
Austin B is a big comic nerd but doesn’t want to admit it.
Marc is a big goosebumps fan and loves the musical and the series.
When Jean and Austin T start dating, Jean always makes big romantic gestures for him and Austin T is a blushing flustered mess.
Cosette and Nath get along pretty well since they are both fans of cartoons. So they have bisexual friendship with each other.
Zoé is a bit overprotective of Cosette but Cosette doesn’t mind at all sometimes.
The class doesn't do game night often but when they do, Marc becomes very scary especially during monopoly.
Lacey brings her friends to rock climbing whenever she can and the class loves it.
Mireille loves wearing sweaters, especially sweater cardigans.
Reshma’s favorite movie is Bambi and Alice in wonderland.
Jean’s dad was a magician and taught some tricks to him and Jean became a fan of magic ever since.
Cosette’s favorite horror movies are body horror.
Aurore has a lot of stress balls to help her with stress and anxiety.
Ms.Mendelevie’s headcanons:
Her first name is Monique meaning “wise counselor and advisor”.
Monique is strict because her parents were very strict with her at a very young age.
Monique is surprisingly good at taking care of kids since she was the oldest of 5 siblings.
Monique was always insecure about her appearance especially since one of the students (probably Chloe) called her a witch once.
Monique is a fan of sci-fi movies, especially ones that deal with aliens.
Monique makes silly bets with her fellow coworkers about their students’ love life.
Monique is a panromantic gal pal, who doesn’t mind dating but doesn’t normally go for it.
Monique loves her class like they are her family and they do too. Especially when one of them calls her mom once.
Monique has 3 mice. A hairless mouse named Teddy, Dove self mouse named Blueberry, and Tan Mouse named Cinnamon Brownie also known as Cinna.
Monique is really good at playing the flute.
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sweetdreamsbuck · 2 years
okay i have a list ig svslsvs
-since you cannot have a pet🥲 try a lil plant !! something to take care of and look pretty<3
-write things down (i have a note of my favorite things my friends/ family have said. it's so chaotic and out of context but they make me giggle)
-honestlyyy any kind if creative task :( playing with some makeup, doing my nails, painting/coloring or making a moodboard (for me) just because i feel like it makes me feel good in the moment
-self karaoke is sooooooo helpful for me, music is so therapeutic and everyone needs to feel like they're in a dramatic movie scene<3
-also just losing time on tiktok for literal hours at a time on my days off🥲🥸
-i knowww that reaching out is soso hard but i try to especially on my bad days if I can
idk if these are helpful at all but this is how i live
i love this list faythie thank you so much for sharing with me 🥺🫶
I really really really need to be more proactive about actual self care and meeting my needs where i'm lacking basic things like love, hobbies, etc. so these are very helpful
I love you💜 and yes I need to get better at reaching out more too and by more I mean at all because I don't do that <3
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