can't tie 'em up if they just wiggle around
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MDNI - TERs DNI - she/her - 27 - guaranteed for at least three hostages or your money back - literally sooo normal about things
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untildawnss · 24 hours ago
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my contribution for ides of march
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untildawnss · 24 hours ago
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infected emily would’ve ate. literally.
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untildawnss · 2 days ago
emily's favourite animals are frogs and emus, i'm sure
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untildawnss · 3 days ago
More textposts!! DPD edition (and Sixty)
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untildawnss · 3 days ago
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North at DBH premiere?
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untildawnss · 5 days ago
Why Connor is a Deviant Hunter
Summary: AO3 link
Connor's description in the Extras gallery is as follows:
Connor is a prototype, named the RK800, created by CyberLife. Its initial goal is to assist human detectives in their investigations by offering them technological assistance. He is also equipped with a social module which is specially developed to create the "ideal partner", capable of integrating into any team
Why, then, is he a Deviant Hunter? This story is a partial attempt to answer that question, at least, in this universe.
WC: 326
Connor is in a classroom setting. He isn't typically permitted to be in such places. Only the prototype domestic and education androids are allowed inside. So that they can understand how one is meant to behave in such a setting. So they can be “comfortable” and learn to exhibit the expected behaviors.
Connor watches the behavior of the androids around him and begins to imitate it. The person supervising him smiles. His job is going to be helping the police investigate cases they couldn't handle by themselves. Part of that is learning how to blend in. To be able to act like anyone he might need to. The smile is good. It means he has done a good job.
Connor will be working with the police. And he does not belong in this setting. At least, in most situations. But this is a very special occasion, the Cyberlife technician tells him. He is joining the domestic prototypes because they are all going to watch an informational video about the dangers of an unsupervised android. The dangers of Deviancy, he's informed.
Connor quickly glances at how the androids around him are behaving in the school desks. They are sitting up straight and looking straight ahead. So most likely, the desired outcome is for him to do the same.
Connor imitates them again. And very soon after a projector screen is pulled down from the ceiling.
Connor is sitting at the very front of the classroom setting. With the very best view of what will be projected. This is because Cyberlife will have a very special question for him after the video, he is told. So he is to look and listen and pay especially close attention to what he's going to see.
After the film is over, Connor is asked the very important question. Would he like to prevent incidents like what happened to Lieutenant Hank Anderson's wife? Would he like to put a stop to Deviancy?
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untildawnss · 8 days ago
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[part 4]
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untildawnss · 8 days ago
God idk, maybe I'm being emotional again, but I can never stop thinking about how Josh kept seemingly go on and on inside his head about how Hannah and Beth must have hated him and been disappointed. He is so convinced that they are angry at him, that he is hallucinating them in these awful forms that yell at him and tell him he's abandoned them. He thinks he has let them down and wasn't a good big brother towards them, seemingly in general.
When the truth is that they loved him a lot. We mostly see this from Hannah. She repeatedly wrote about him in her diary. Usually it was about how great of a brother he is, that he invited Mike, prepared a party. But also how worried she was once she knew he was ill.
But even after her death, even when she isn't her anymore, she still loves him so strongly that her wendigo initially spares him, and a 50/50 chance she still recognizes him later and keeps him around. Sure, that's bad for Josh, but for her it must be a good thing.
It's just that she isn't even her anymore, a creature meant to keep killing, with none of her humanity left. But she still loved her brother so much, the Wendigo curse couldn't stop it.
And Josh will never know. He lived over a year, convinced she hated him. And he dies thinking she still hates him
kills me
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untildawnss · 9 days ago
m squared friendship core to me
touch starved but for physical violence
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untildawnss · 9 days ago
i'm ngl i love drabbles to death
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untildawnss · 9 days ago
the north star (markus dbh x north dbh)
wc: 338
ao3 link
it was over. one kiss was all it took for it all to be over. for them to be seen as human. north was smiling back at him; no shots were fired or ringing in his ears. and he was glad for it. the fighting was taking up every ounce of composure in his systems. his desire to kiss north had felt so human. and maybe it had looked human, too. the guns and rifles trained on their small group were lowered. in the blink of an eye it was over. had they won? had they lost? he really wasn’t sure.no one was shooting at them, anymore. no one was asking them to surrender.
markus felt…deflated, almost. he was never meant to fight. it had been a success, for now. but it had taken his all, their all. they had lost so many of their own in this revolution. the acceptance felt conditional. it had never felt as conditional as it did now. the humans were just waiting for one of them to slip up now. an excuse to start attacking them. he decided to be as human as they could be. word of mouth. tell your neighbours. no antagonising the humans. he hoped his pleading tone would get through to them.
north was standing a few feet away from everyone else. she was looking up at the dark sky. at the stars.
“i never noticed,” she muttered.
“never noticed what?” markus asked, his gaze fixed on north.
“how beautiful the sky looks at night.” north looked back at him, solemn maybe?
markus wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pointed at the sky. “did you know that this one is called the north star?” north turned to look at him. “really?”
“really. they call it polarstern in german.” markus nodded, as if to emphasise what he had just said. “it’s how humans determine where north is. maybe you were named after it.”
north smiled back at him. “do you think they did name me after it?”
“why wouldn’t they?” markus whispered.
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untildawnss · 10 days ago
omg i still have two reqs in my drafts and two reqs/asks in my inbox i'm so sorry anons who didn't get a reply yet
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untildawnss · 10 days ago
connor visits detroit's newest botanical garden but it looks a little too familiar...
"The garden is indoors?" North asked as they arrived at their destination.
"Correct. Given Detroit's natural climate, it would be difficult to sustain a botanical garden year round. So they've opted to create the garden inside something akin to a greenhouse."
"Leave it to humans to put nature in a tiny box they can control," North murmured as she stared up at the building. "Why did Markus want us to come here again?"
"It's supposed to be help relieve stress."
North gave Connor a skeptical look. He shrugged in response. Nature offered calming effects on humans, but Connor had some doubts whether that would hold true for deviants.
North sighed, "I guess we shouldn't keep them waiting."
They stepped inside and were greeted with a small garden. A stone paved path snaked around a central pond. White and wooden bridges connected to a small island in the center with a rose trellis. An artificial blue sky almost indistinguishable from reality stretched above them.
It was the Zen Garden. Amanda's Zen Garden. Connor froze while his OS unhelpfully told him that his stress levels had spiked.
Why was this here? His eyes flickered around. No mission telling him to talk to Amanda. No Amanda. This was fine. It was not fine.
"This is actually really pretty," North said in awe as she looked up at the cherry blossom tree. "Can't believe we're inside. They made the sky looks so real."
Markus, Simon, and Josh appeared from the path at their left.
"Hey, glad you guys made it!" Markus smiled as North greeted him and Connor nodded in response.
The deviant leader pouted when he noticed Connor, but quickly recovered as he turned to North. "It's pretty, isn't it? We already walked through most of it since it's pretty small, but Josh and Simon can show you around. I have something to talk about with Connor privately first."
"Sure thing, Markus," North said before shooting a curious glance at Connor who still was rooted in place at the entrance. The trio went back up the path on the left.
Markus turned to Connor. "C'mon, Connor, let's take a walk."
Connor nodded again and stiffly followed him as they took the path to the right. "What did you need to speak with me about?" Connor asked to distract himself. He tried to keep himself calm. Keep his LED blue.
Apparently, he was doing an inadequate job because Markus' eyes flickered up to his LED before meeting his eyes. Connor didn't see a benefit in removing his LED before, but having everyone able to have a general idea of his current mental state at a glance felt a bit violating which made him reconsider his decision.
"Is something bothering you?" Markus asked.
It was very typical of Markus to ask him that despite being able to definitively discern that something was indeed bothering him. Connor looked away. He was tempted to lie, but he'd have to explain why his LED was yellow if something wasn't bothering him. He's never told anyone about Amanda before. Should he tell Markus?
His thoughts were ripped away from him as he noticed a white headstone inside a small clearing at the edge of the path.
This wasn't the Zen Garden. It couldn't be here. It wouldn't make sense to see it here.
He didn't hear Markus call after him as he quickly walked ahead to crouch in front of the headstone.
sorry but this wip has been sitting in my drafts since december and i don't think i'll ever finish it bc it was just a vague phantasm of an idea. it was gonna just rot in there so decided to post the unfinished idea here since i haven't posted a fic in a bit. my apologies for it's half-baked condition u_u i'll probably post it on my ao3 if i ever develop it more but for now this is all i got
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untildawnss · 10 days ago
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Deke Shaw 🍋 text posts pt. 17
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untildawnss · 10 days ago
“Terf is a slur used to silence us” dang bitch I wish it worked shut the fuck up
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untildawnss · 12 days ago
sorry for the lack of posts, there’s a new little guy i made up living in my head and he makes me cry every day (i miss him)
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untildawnss · 13 days ago
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but now i've got a bellyache.
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