#they're fucking ableist too
notmonaca · 2 years
these mosquitos are homophobic and enbyphobic
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rjalker · 1 year
Giving this part its own post.
Another tip: Let your fucking characters become disabled over the course of the story! If they get their fucking leg chopped off, even if it gets magically fucking reattached, there should be fucking evidence that they lost the fucking leg in the first place! Pain! Reduced sensation! Trouble moving it! Anything to fucking show that the injury fucking happened! Otherwise you just fucking did that to them for no point but to cause cheap, meaningless drama! That's just shit fucking writing!
I don't care if there's magical healing in your universe. I don't care if it's a Super Scifi Future and your character is a robot. (Yes, I am looking directly at The Murderbot Diaries!)
Getting a brand new fucking arm attached after the first one got blown or ripped off should still have physical fucking symptoms! The character noting that it's a different weight from before and constantly being distracted by this! The new arm has faster or slower reactivity to its attempts to move it! Having to learn anew how to do basic shit with a whole new system! Having to try and work with technology that's not actually compatible!!
If your characters receive massive injuries, let those fucking injuries have permanent effects. Stop fucking acting like being disabled is the worst fucking fate imaginable.
And if you don't want your characters' massive traumatic injuries to result in them being permanently disabled........don't fucking have them sustain massive life altering injuries. It's that fucking simple.
By handwaving this shit away and magically fixing everything back to normal, not only are you being ableist as fuck, you're just being an absolutely shitty, lazy writer.
Let your fucking characters become disabled over the course of the story. Your fucking audience will thank you for giving a shit about not only continuity and stakes, but disabled people.
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callie-flower · 3 days
"proship dni" this, "comship dni" that, "neutral dni" unfortunately the people you don't like are still human and deserve comfort. my fucking god shut the hell up you're just as annoying as they are and protest WAY too much about it. go unlearn your purity morality shit
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nylonnye2 · 6 months
Maladaptive daydreaming and autism are such annoying fucking things to have because you'll be friends with people and trust them and tell them about it and they'll say they support and understand you and then the second you do something they don't like it's okay to make fun of you for both of those things.. like if you're not gonna like me at least pretend it's because I pissed you off that one time bro
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t4tpumpkinduo · 6 months
like it really was just like. trying to make other characters angsty poor uwu babies at the expense of another w shit that wasn't even true, and the inability to see disabled symptoms as smthing young people can have. for like. why
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dangerous-disposition · 5 months
They should invent a type of dentist who shuts the fuck up and does their fucking overpriced job without comment.
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
I never understood the bit at the beginning of Fear Street hey hey everyone go watch it right now it is SO GOOD where one of the characters that the film wants us to sympathize with reacts to a local tragedy with a kind of flagrant, unhinged humor.
And then 2020 lasted for 84 years.
And I was like,
I get it.
#fear Street#original#fear street 2021#also just for the record these are some of the best horror movies I've ever seen and I recommend them to everyone#it also holds a special place in my heart for being the very first slasher film I ever saw that wasn't ableist#it's a trilogy of movies that were all released in 2021. they really tell one cohesive story so it's hard to separate one as the best#but holy shit. I have only ever seen such good theming in a horror film in projects that Jordan Peele has worked on#for anyone wondering it is the moment towards the beginning of the first film when kids in the Shadyside High School are#not reacting how one would expect to a horrible local tragedy. and at first I thought it was just the regular thing at the beginning of#every shitty horror film that people call '20 minutes with assholes' where we mark all these characters as meat for the meat grinder so#'don't get too attached they're all jerks anyway.' which has the unfortunate side effect of you the viewer having to#hang out with these assholes for at least 90 minutes. at the end even if the one likable character survives - who cares??#they still have to hang out with assholes till they die! same as if the murderer got them!#anyway I'm not a fan of this trope. but like everything else in these movies it is actually a brilliant inversion of a trope!#because these movies go out of their way to establish that this is not just a local tragedy - this is a tragedy in an endless#string of tragedies dating back to before these characters were even born!#it's not that Simon doesn't care! it's that everyone needs to fucking cope somehow and he does so through humor!#God I love these fucking films
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majflodder · 2 years
Fuck hostile architecture, I hate that stuff so much
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harrowharkwife · 2 years
#god i need to go back to therapy but i don't want to unless i can find a therapist#who is experienced in working with autistic adults#i just. ive accepted at this point that om not going to get anywhere#or get anything helpful#out of therapy until/unless i start acknowledging my autism in the process instead of trying to continue pretending it's not there#like. talk therapy just isn't going to be useful for me otherwise. I've hit the ceiling in terms of what progress i can make#without turning over that log#and i just. i really WANT therapy for my autism. not in a 'fix me' sense bc there's nothing wrong with me#i love my autism#but. it's getting to be really god damn fucking painful and embarrassing and heartbreaking feeling like i can't have a fucking conversation#i just. i want to work on my social skills. they didn't use to be this bad idk what happened! the pandemic probably tbh but ugh#i just. never know what to say or how to say it and it feels like im constantly fumbling and im never paying enough attention#to the other person bc im too busy just trying to fucking listen to them and process what they're saying and figure out what to say back#and i just get so nervous about communicating correctly that what comes out of my mouth doesn't match my thoughts at all#i barely even know what i'm saying half the time and that's. terrifying#but it's just so hard finding a therapist already let alone finding one whos a) experienced in evidence based and compassionate autism care#and b) normal and not an ableist freak about it
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ventcode · 2 years
sometimes i wonder if they'll be assholes all their life
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jotunvali02 · 5 months
I need a big and soft Doitsu right now...
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kyntypes · 1 month
Hey, so like, SOME therians. By SOME, I mean the outwardly ableist. I mean the outwardly fatphobic. The ones with racism that they can't even try to hide. The judgmental therians. The therians who believe they're the only "real therians" and most other therians are just faking. Any fucking toxic therian out there. Can we really, really NOT dictate someone's identity because it's 'different'? Stop pandering to humans and start defending your therian siblings, otherkin cousins, and nonhuman relatives. Please. PLEASE.
All of that energy towards "fake therians", your fucking ableism, and judging others for even the slightest bit of variety could go towards actually speaking to a clinical lycanthrope, a physical therian, an objectkin, or any unconventional kin. You could put that hate into energy to learn, but it's just easier to criticize and hate others, huh? You don't want to accept that others that you choose not to believe exist in your reality actually do exist in your reality, huh? Get off your high horse, stop policing others' identities, and start asking yourself why the hell you've become so bitter about others existing and being themselves. Why does it bother you so much that the foxfolk is actually physically a fox? Why does it bother you that the objectkin talks about how they don't relate to your animalistic shifts? Why does it bother you that clinical lycanthropes have built a community for themselves and are thriving in the absence of ableism, and can talk about their experiences without being called "crazy", "attention-seeking", "too much", or "gross and weird"? Why are you so gobsmacked that therianthropy isn't a monolith, and that everyone around you is actually different beings with different souls, personalities, mental capabilities, talents, and more. They are just as varied as humans are. It's time to learn to accept that.
This is just becoming so fucking disgusting. I don't care how this post comes off. If you feel threatened or called out by it, ask yourself why. Maybe you're part of the problem.
If this post does garner more attention, I'll probably edit it just in case I come off as too harsh. I'm just really, really annoyed and saw a post that sent me over the edge tonight. I'm so tired of this.
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greencheekconure27 · 2 months
hey what's your beef with peta? if it's that they operate "kill shelters" you might want to read the newsweek fact check https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532 (tldr: "Just as a hospice has a high mortality rate, so does a shelter that takes in those near end-of-life, feral, aggressive, dying and discarded animals." "Cherry-picking animals to only allow in the most adoptable at shelters with limited admission (otherwise known as 'no-kill') policies doesn't help and often leads to people dumping animals, or neglecting them in other ways,")
Oh no it's so much more than that.Constant spreading of pseudoscience and misinformation, ableist campaigns (such as "drinking milk causes autism", racist and antisemitic campaigns (comparing pig farming to the Holocaust for instance), sexist campaigns under the guise of feminism (veganism is feminist because cows have a womb they are women too) more misinformation and pseudoscience, financial scams, at least one instance of abducting someone's beloved and cared for pet to euthanize it, harassment, using emotional manipulation on children ("your mommy is a murderer because she eats meat" etc), harassing and breaking into zoos and research labs , frequently killing the wild animals they rescue, that one bullshit monkey photograph lawsuit, being against ALL animal agriculture and hunting EVERYWHERE, being opposed to pets (yes cats and dogs too), actually paying people to abuse farm animals for staged videos, cultish behavior,absolutely insane ideas, and oh, misinformation and pseudoscience.
As to kill shelters, it's the lies and the hypocrisy that bothers me, because these are the same fucking people who will insist they're doing good by keeping animals alive when they have no quality of life to speak of anymore. One moment they're gushing over some poor piglet born without trotters or blind legless bird being kept alive and miserable for months, the next they're all pro euthanizing healthy animals en masse, all while they collect donations for both.
I know a lot of people donate to them in good faith but don't. Even if you are vegan. They're not doing anything good with that money.
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
This is mostly a Zutara shippers problem(ofc it is,they're the root of everything wrong with the fandom and it's been like this since the 2000s)but i've seen it happen often enough with other shippers and it is replacing Aang's place in Zuko's life with whoever they ship him with.I want you to read this and internalize it:I don't care who you think Zuko is in love with because it dosen't matter no matter what-AANG is his best friend.Not Katara,not Sokka,not Jet,AANG.He's the one who saved him from his own inner darkness and Ozai's clutches,he's the one he looks out for the most,he's the one he has the most positive opinion on,he's the one he has the most fun with,he's the one he trusts the most and he's the one he'd choose over anyone else if it came down to it.Not a single one of these things is romantic for them and that's the point.Zuko's number one is Aang and not because he's his s/o but his brother and you have no right to erase his healing journey that's one of the best in all of western media so you can make it about his dating life instead,as if abuse victims can only get better if they 'settle down'.Fuck outta here with your amatonormative and lowkey ableist too bullshit
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
Coming to terms with the fact that society hates autistic people
I just saw some comments that were like "If you're autistic, neurotypical people hate you" and "growing up as autistic in our neurotypical society is almost always inherently traumatizing." And you know what? I absolutely agree. It really resonates with me to hear fellow autistic and generally neurodivergent people talk about the hate, rejection, misunderstanding, and even dehumanization we receive from most neurotypicals.
My entire childhood was spent being the "weird girl" until I got good enough at masking to fit in better. Even now, as an adult, I get negative comments from my own (neurotypical) parents when I display certain neurodivergent behaviors. My family is always like "that's so Katy" and shake their heads when I act "too" autistic and it feels so fucking patronizing. I've had negative experiences and even disciplinary action at jobs I've had for exhibiting neurodivergent behavior (usually related to my ADHD, but sometimes autism too). My entire fucking life I've been told by society to not act too much like myself or else I'll put everyone off.
And then you see people being sympathetic to the parents of autistic children who abuse or even kill them. "It's sad, but it's understandable" neurotypical people say. Videos of autistic children having meltdowns are full of people saying that they should be locked up because they're no better than animals. We're seen as a burden, a drain on society, who are only tolerated if we learn to act "normal" and don't make the neurotypicals uncomfortable. Autistic people are front and center in "cringe" compilations and are ruthlessly bullied.
If I'm being honest, I'm still unlearning a lot of ableist thoughts that were instilled in me growing up. I sometimes catch myself thinking that other autistic people are annoying, and I have to stop myself and think "Do you really find them annoying, or were you programmed to be dismissive of people who don't act neurotypically enough?"
Anyway, idk where I'm going with this text wall. The older I get, the more I become aware of how much I've been harmed by an extremely ableist society, and it breaks my heart that more neurodivergent kids are being taught to suppress their true selves the way I was.
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hellyeahsickaf · 7 months
I get disability memes on my Pinterest feed but after getting one for ER Drs/nurses that I found concerning, I kept seeing more and more like it and I went down a rabbit hole. I know it's one of the most stressful jobs someone can have and I really appreciate the medical staff that have been kind to me. These things are definitely made by the types of people who haven't been.
I think it's important because memes are kind of a way to let off steam but they mean what they're saying. They're not just jokes but they're framed in a way that they can say it more comfortably. Sometimes they're just straight up admitting to crimes and malpractice. It's like when someone says something that crosses a line in a joking tone so that if you feel attacked they insist it's just a joke and you're taking it too seriously. But my life is constantly in the hands of these people and I've been mistreated time and time again by medical personnel
I'm gonna go through them because honestly I hate them and there are a lot of repeating themes
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These are extremely common. The focus of the meme being that a whiny patient is asking for pain medication that they clearly don't need. Something commonly mentioned in these is disbelief that the patient has an allergy because it's common for someone trying to get drugs to claim they have an allergy.
Also the Confucius one is both ableist and racist so double whammy I guess!
I've dealt with people I know are silently assuming this of me. I'm allergic to NSAIDs- deathly allergic and at risk for asphyxiation or anaphylactic shock. Medical staff sometimes have this attitude of "we know when you're faking your pain" (no really I had one say this shit on my post about this) and that has traumatized me immeasurably because they'd rather me wait for 4+ hours in some of the worst pain of my life than risk the possibility of me being an awful scheming mustache twirling addict.
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This category is just as common. "I don't like you so I'm going to drug you". That's more fucked up than they seem to think it is.
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Then there's the category of "you're a whiny little bitch and I don't believe a word out of your mouth". Which contributes heavily to medical malpractice and abuse
Again these are doctors and nurses making these, people responsible for treating patients with care and dignity and respect. Especially if they want any in return
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Aaaaand this one is just a crime. One that's happened to me actually- reporting examinations that never happened to get rid of me because I was such a nuisance (crying, hardly coherent, drenched in sweat, 9/10 pain on arrival)
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And then there are the ones like "don't mess with me because i handle your treatment/meds 💕". Things like "the way you treat me is the deciding factor for how fast I'm going to get your painkillers 😊". Which to me is just... evil?
I've never in my life mistreated medical staff but people in a lot of pain get mean sometimes. It's a survival instinct actually- for aggression to accompany pain or panic. Not that it's ever okay but it isn't personal
These are just a few examples really, there are so fucking many of these with this awful, cruel, cynical tone. There are some funny ones that aren't mean or degrading towards patients but so many of them are and in nearly every one I see a mean spirited healthcare worker that I've encountered at some point who damaged me in ways I will never psychologically recover from
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