#they're both so sarcastic and get along so well
aceghosts · 4 months
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Mass Effect (Legendary Edition) (2/X)
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emmodii-mode · 2 months
I've replayed The Wayhaven Chronicles (Books 1-3) so many times and I love all the ROs, but M's route just.
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They're so funny and they're not even trying.
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“Assurément, je ne suis qu’une jouvencelle et je n’entends rien aux voiees de la guerre. Votre avis, messires ?” Daenerys IV, ASOS
“Par ailleurs, nous dit septon Eustace, le roi accueillit ces décrets “avec courtoisie” et remercia lord Peake de sa sagesse, puisque “je suis toujours un enfant, comme votre seignerie le sait bien, et manquant d’instruction sur ces sujets”. Si ses véritables sentiments étaient autres, Aegon choisit de ne pas les exprimer, et préféra se retirer de nouveau dans le silence et la passivité.” Feu et Sang : Sous les régents. La guerre, la paix et les foires au bétail.
“Vous ne devriez pas vous attarder ici trop longtemps, Votre Grâce. On nourrit les Astapori, comme vous l’avez ordonné. Nous ne pouvons rien faire de plus pour ces malheureux. Nous devrions regagner la cité.
- Allez-y si vous le souhaitez, ser. Je ne vous retiens pas. Je ne retiens aucun d’entre vous.[...] Je ne puis les guérir, mais je peux leur montrer que leur Mère se soucie d’eux.” Daenerys VI, ADWD
“L’autre héros, à la stupeur de tous, fut le jeune roi. A l’horreur de sa Garde Royale, Aegon passa ses journées à visiter les malades, et il restait souvent assis avec eux des heures durant, parfois tenant leur main, ou adoucissant leur front enfiévré avec des linges frais et humides. Bien que Sa Grâce parle rarement, il partageait ses silences avec eux et écoutait quand ils lui racontaient des histoires de leur vie, imploraient son pardon ou se vantaient de leurs conquêtes, de leurs bonnes actions et de leurs enfants.” Feu et Sang : Sous les régents. La Main encagoulée.
Some parallels between my two favourites Targaryen rulers I thought about when I read again Fire and Blood. The quotes are in french because I only have the french versions of the books. 
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cutieln4 · 3 months
Matchmaker | LN4
lando norris x fem!reader, background lestappen
summary: you try getting involved in max and charles' love lives, and it turns out they're also trying to get involved in yours
At the age of 21 years old, you joined McLaren after becoming a champion in all the junior categories. This made you the first woman in modern F1, and the first woman in several decades. And if people thought that Lando had a lot of energy, they had not met you yet.
Now that your rookie season was halfway done with, you've learned two important things. 1) Lando was very easy to get along with and 2) Max and Charles were certainly in love. 
There were a couple times when you had been on the podium with them, and of course you loved being on the podium, but having to third wheel that pair would drive anyone insane. 
So, when you got back from the summer break, you decided to make it your mission to get them together. Step 1 was telling Lando about your plans.
"Landooo!" you called out as you saw him walking in the paddock up ahead, running to catch up with him. 
"Hey, Y/n/n," he greeted you with a handshake. 
"I have a plan," you said devilishly. 
"Shit, that can never be good."
"Hey! Hear me out. So, Charles and Max, you know?"
"Who? I've never heard of those people in my life," he said sarcastically. 
"Ooookay, I could do without the attitude, thanks. Anyways, I'm sure you've noticed how in love with each other they are. Like hello? They literally scream 'enemies to lovers' trope. You know what I mean? I just need to find a way to get them to confess their undying love for each other." 
Lando's eyes widened and he looked around, making sure that no one was listening before pulling you to the side.
"Oh—jeez, so, you in?"
"The entire grid has been trying to get them together for years, you think that you'll be able to do it?"
"Yeah, obviously, but I'll need a sidekick that's why I'm telling you, so...?" 
He sighed. "Alright, tell me your ideas."
"But I'm not your sidekick, we're partners in crime, okay?"
"Sure, sure. Anyways, step 1 of 'el plan' is to just subtly start mentioning Max or Charles when in conversation with the other. Get them in each others brains, you know? Like 'Oh Max was saying how he hopes for rain.'
Then, step 2, we start mentioning things that they've said about each other. 'Hey Max, Charles was saying how he always loves his on track battles with you the most,' stuff like that. Then we have to start interrogating them about their love life so they can hopefully admit their feelings. That's all I got so far."
Lando nodded, deep in thought. "Okay, this could work, this could work."
Charles won in Monza, with Max and yourself completing the podium. While you were getting your interview done, the two of them seemed to be locked in their "debrief".
"Am I the only one who's noticed all the chemistry between her and Lando?" Max asked.
"You're definitely not the only one, mate. Being in a press conference with those two is unbearable."
"Ugh, yes, like just kiss already. I'm glad I'm not going crazy. We need to do something about it, get them to confess their feelings."
"I agree," Charles replied, staring into Max's eyes. 
Later, they were in the press conference room, waiting for it to start, and Max and Charles were chatting away.
Landhoe: you can't complain you got a podium
Y/n: i actually can complain, i've suffered too much
Landhoe: you like seeing them together, don't lie. 
You grinned at that, then glanced up from your phone to see Max and Charles looking at you. 
"Who you texting?" Max asked.
"Just Lando," you shrugged, confused as Charles and Max gave each other a look.
"You guys seem to be getting along well, no?" Charles asked. 
"Uh yeah, I guess. It helps that we're both pretty similar."
"Yes, yes, very similar," Max nodded, and you raised your eyebrow, side-eyeing them. 
"Anyway, you guys have anyone special in your life, yet?" you asked.
The smirk on Max's face faltered as he glanced at Charles for a millisecond before looking back to her. 
"No, not yet, mate."
"Me neither," Charles added. 
You hummed. "Hm, okay."
In Suzuka, Lando and you were talking while walking towards the driver's parade. 
"So I'm going to talk to Charles and you're going to talk to Max, sounds good?"
"Yup, I know the plan," Lando confirmed. 
"Great, we'll debrief after the race."
You spotted Charles and quickly ran up next to him before someone else could start a conversation with him. 
"Hey, Charlie! Congrats on your podium in Singapore!"
"Thanks, mate."
"Man, it's crazy how fast the season flew by, it seems like just yesterday I was a scared little rookie rolling up in Bahrain. Anyway, I was hoping to get your advice on something," you said, trying not to bring up the topic too suddenly. 
"Yeah, of course, go ahead."
"Okay, well, let's say hypothetically in a situation where you like someone, but you're not sure if they like you back, and you don't want to say anything because it could ruin your friendship and it would be awkward because you have to see them for the majority of the year, what would you do?" you asked, trying to gauge his feelings about potentially confessing his feelings. 
Charles glanced somewhere behind you, and you didn't want to look but you would've bet a million bucks that it was at Max.
"Well, if you're feeling like that person even just maybe likes you back, I say go for it. You wouldn't want to waste precious time that you could be spending together because you were too scared."
"So you're saying that if you like someone, you should just go for it?" you confirmed. 
"Interesting..." you rubbed your chin, then turned to look at Max behind you. 
Meanwhile, Lando and Max were deep in conversation. 
"What would you think if two of the drivers started dating? Cause some of these people have some real chemistry," Lando asked, trying to seem nonchalant. 
Max shrugged. "I mean, yeah, some of us have known each other since our childhoods. I wouldn't be surprised if some crushes have developed. It's not my business, but I don't mind. It would be interesting, though."
"What about Charles and Pierre?" Lando egged on, waiting for a reaction. 
He watched in satisfaction as Max's eyes turned a shade darker and his jaw clenched. "Nah, I don't see it. But you and Y/n seem to be getting awfully close."
Lando couldn't help the blush that painted his cheeks. He tried to say something but was at a loss for words, mouth gaping like a fish. Max started snickering.
"We're just friends," he finally stuttered out.
"Alright, if you say so."
Lando sighed, turning away in disappointment. That did not go according to plan. 
Max won the race, and because the McLaren was good in the high speed corners, Lando finished 2nd and yourself 3rd. 
You and Lando hugged as soon as you got out of your cars.
"Wohoooo! Let's go!" you cheered as you both ran to the fence of McLaren workers. 
You got done with the interview and was the first one in the cooldown room. You had put your helmet down on the platform and was drinking your water. You heard the others entering and turned around, bumping into Lando. 
"Oh, shit!" you exclaimed as you dropped your water bottle. 
You both bent down to grab it, causing your hands to touch and both of you to pause. Lando then grabbed you bottle and you both stood up, staring into each others' eyes for a couple seconds before you snapped out of it and moved to grab your water bottle. 
"Thanks," you said quietly. 
Lando was still looking at you, before quickly saying, "You're welcome."
You noticed Max watching you and the camera on you, so you cleared your throat and moved around Lando to sit on one of the chairs. 
"That was a good overtake, in the beginning," you commented to Max, trying to diffuse the awkwardness. 
Before the conference, Max was quick to get on his phone.
Max: Holy shit, I have so much to tell you about Lando and Y/n
Max: You should come to my hotel room tonight
Max: I think we're in the same hotel
Charles: I have stuff to tell you too. What time?
Max: Does after dinner, 9:00 work? 
Charles: That's perfect
Max: Great, my room is 1633
Charles: See you then ;)
And for some reason Max felt like a giddy schoolgirl at the thought of Charles coming to his hotel room.
You and Lando kept stealing glances at each other whenever the other wasn't looking, and it was so frustrating.
Later, when it was just around 9:00, Max waited (im)patiently for Charles to knock on his door, and he jumped when he finally heard the noise, getting up to let him in. Charles walked in nervously. 
"We can sit on the couch," Max commented, and Charles quickly situated himself on one end, and Max on the other. 
"Ok, you go first," Max urged. 
"Well Y/n came up to me during the driver's parade and she was talking about 'hypothetically' liking something but not doing anything about it because it could ruin their friendship. So of course I told her she should just go for it, and then she looked at Lando."
"Oh my God. Lando came up to me during the driver's parade and asked what I would think if two drivers started dating each other, and I said something about how close him and Y/n were, and he blushed. And then in the cool down room, they bumped into each other which made Y/n drop her water bottle, and when they both reached down to pick it up they touched hands. Then they just stared at each other for like 5 fucking seconds."
"Jesus, what is going on with them."
"I know right, like holy fuck just make out already! I'm sick of their pining."
Max shifted on the couch, causing his foot to touch Charles' leg. 
"Anyway, want to watch a movie?" Max asked, and Charles nodded eagerly. 
And that's how they ended up in the pitch dark, a bowl of microwaved popcorn in between them, some racing movie on the television. 
They both reached for the popcorn at the same time, causing their hands to touch, and both of them snapped their heads to look at each other. 
They stared at each other, eyes flickering down to each other's lips...until the sound of Max's phone ringing caused them both to jump apart. 
"Jesus!" Max exclaimed, quickly silencing his phone, and they reluctantly turned back to the movie, moment ruined. 
A couple weeks passed until they were in Qatar. Max and Charles hadn't spoken to each other, and there was minimal communication between you and Lando. 
Max would be starting the race on pole, then Lando, you, and Charles. 
As the race went on, it seemed like that would be the finishing order, until halfway through Max started having braking issues. Lando caught up, overtaking Max for the lead, and you did the same a few laps later. 
The rest of the race, Max had adapted to the issue but still had slow pace because of it, which left him defending against Charles. 
The race ended in that order, Lando taking his first win.
They parked up in front of the podium boards. Lando opened his visor, got out of his car and stood on it, holding up his pointer finger and pumped his fist in celebration, fireworks going off in the background in the dark sky. 
You quickly got out of your car and removed your helmet, going straight to Lando. 
"You did it! You fucking did it! I'm so proud of you!" you told him as you pulled him in for a hug. 
He stared at you for a second when you let go, then immediately removed his helmet, putting a hand on your waist, pulling you closer and connecting your lips together. 
You were stunned for a second, before placing your hand on his cheek and deepening the kiss. Everything around you guys went still, like only the two of you existed. You eventually pulled away and could hear the booming of fireworks, the cheers from the crowd, and the whistles from the McLaren team a few feet away. You both blushed as you came to your senses. 
"I really fucking like you," Lando breathed out, slightly winded from the kiss. 
"I would hope so, after that," you teased, before pulling him in for another kiss. 
Max stood by his team, watching the pair from a far, his jaw dropped. 
"Fucking finally," Max sighed. 
But then he glanced behind him and spotted Charles walking to the FIA garage to get weighed, and an irresistible urge overcame him.
He followed Charles into the garage and grabbed his arm, dragging him behind one of the curtains.
"Did you see that! They finally—"
Charles was cut off as Max crashed their lips together.
"I think I've been wanting to do that for a long time," Max admitted when they pulled away. 
"I've been wanting to do that since I pushed you off the track in karting," Charles smiled, and Max smiled back, kissing him again.
a/n: i never intended to publish this anywhere but here i am. i literally never write written romance like this so this is really cringe and i cringed while writing it but enjoy ig. if you have any suggestions though please tell me!!
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rifari2037 · 3 months
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They talked about cultural differences?? Really??? I laughed so hard 🤣
Do they realised that air and water are different too?? That their cultural are completely opposite???
Water tribe people killed animals for food, furniture, clothes, etc. That's their culture! Air nomads don't killed animals, even a fly, for any reasons, they're vegetarian. That's their culture!!
There's nothing wrong with both cultures, but if we think about it with sense, can two people with extreme cultural differences marry and accept each other's cultures easily?
No, it won't be easy. Katara and Aang got married without any problems about cultural differences because Bryke were the writers!
Do they know that Aang/Kataang stand was aware about it and wrote this???
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Do they even realise that in canon Aang doesn't really like Water Tribe culture?? Yes, that's CANON!!
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Katara : Bato, it looks like home! [Bato, Katara, Sokka, and Aang file inside.] Sokka : Everything's here, even the pelts! Aang : [Sarcastically.] Yeah, nothing's cozier than dead animal skins.
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Katara : [Surprised and delighted.] No way! Stewed sea prunes! Bato : Help yourself! Sokka : Dad could eat a whole barrel of these things! Aang takes a bowl of stewed sea prunes and sniffs it, but looks away in disgust and sets it to the side.
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Aang : Hey everyone! Sorry I was gone so long. Katara : [Turns to face him.] Hey, Aang, I didn't notice you left. Aang : Yup, but now I'm back. [Sitting down.] Sure could go for some delicious sea prunes! Aang quickly takes some bites of sea prunes, but chokes them back up, yet he pretends to enjoy them. Katara, Bato, and Sokka look at him strangely.
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Hama : I wanted to surprise you! I bought all this food today so I could fix you a big Water Tribe dinner. Of course, I can't get all the ingredients I need here, but ocean kumquats are a lot like sea prunes if you stew them long enough. Aang : [Sticking his tongue out in disgust.] Great!
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Aang : [Whispering to Toph.] I'd steer clear of the sea prunes. Toph : I thought they were ocean kumquats. Aang : Close enough.
Oh, btw, An ocean kumquat is a small, round fruit often consumed in the Fire Nation. That's close enough with sea prunes, water tribe cuisine.
When Aang doesn't like water tribe cuisine, I can imagine Zuko and Katara having dinner, sharing water tribe and fire nation dishes and they enjoying it because it taste similar. 😂
Fire and water are the opposite elements, that's why they are compliment each other.
Yin and Yang shows a balance between two opposites with a portion of the opposite element in each section.
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Remember what Iroh said about the elements? Let's see if fire and water don't mix together, especially for Zuko and Katara.
"Fire is the element of power..."
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"...The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want."
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"Water is the element of change..."
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"...The people of the Water Tribe are capable of adapting to many things..."
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"...They have a deep sense of community and love that holds them together through anything."
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Young Zuko : [Zuko is shown standing up.] You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them?
Zuko and Katara would bicker and not get along well, they said?? Really??
Every time Katara is mad, Zuko just silent and listen to her. Even when they're still enemies!!
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Oh, btw, Katara not 'always' threatened Zuko to kill him if he hurt Aang. It happened once. She is still mad at him not because of Aang, but because he betrayed her.
That's personal to her, she is mad not because he hurt someone else but he hurt her. I mean, if she really mad at him because of Aang, why is she connected her anger at Zuko to her mom, not Aang (again)?
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And after this moment, after Katara by her own choice, forgives Zuko, do Zuko and Katara always bickering and not get along at all??? No, they're not!!
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Zuko gives Katara advice, Katara listens. Katara gives Zuko advice, Zuko listens.
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They reassure each other at a very important moment.
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Lastly, I don't understand how Zuko and Katara, who they said would never get along, always save each other lives, even Zuko sacrifice his life to her?
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sebscore · 1 year
i live your writing! request for your gen z driver series! reader and the other drivers react to/make fun of rumours about her dating various drivers. thank you!
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader 
warnings: mentions of cheating (but not actual cheating). swearing. catch the friends reference. 
author's note: I immediately imagined the setting for this, it took me a while to get to it, but I hope this is how you imagined it as well! hope you enjoy it, darling! 
• • • • • • •
Some of the young drivers were chilling in their own little corner before the driver's briefing started, catching up with each other after the summer break. 
The conversation was interrupted when Lando walked into the room. ''Oh, there he is! My wonderful husband. The apple of my eye. My honey pie.'' Y/N greeted him, the sarcastic tone accompanied with a fake smile. 
''Honey, you're here already! Did you take the kids to school?'' Lando went along with her small skit, taking the seat next to her. ''What do you mean? I thought you were bringing them? We've abandoned our kids, Lando.'' She continued, dramatically waving her hands around. 
The group watched in amusement, except George who seemed totally confused looking at the two younger drivers. ''What are you guys doing? I can't follow.'' 
''According to some news site, they've been secretly married for like three years and have kids.'' Alex explained to his friend. ''It's the funniest thing.'' 
''You have to read it, George.'' Charles chimed in. 
Pierre handed his phone to the Mercedes driver. ''Here it is,'' the Frenchman grinned, ''enjoy.'' 
George skimmed over the words of the article, already chuckling at the first words. ''A mutual friend of both drivers spilled the beans on their impromptu Vegas wedding and the family they started afterwards.'' He read out loud, bursting out in laughter. ''Who's this friend?'' 
''It's obviously Mr. Gossip Girl over here.'' Y/N pointed at Pierre who jokingly dropped his jaw and placed his hand on his heart. ''How dare you?'' He gasped. 
''Don't act so surprised, you're literally a bigger gossip than I am.'' She retorted, having the entire group agree with her. 
The focus shifted to George as he let out a huge snort which he quickly covered with his hand. ''Oh my god…'' The Brit pointed at something on the small screen. 
''What is it?'' Mick asked, trying to see what he was pointing at. 
George composed himself before speaking. ''They just posted a new article claiming Charles and Y/N are dating, and live together in Monaco.'' He cited, attempting not to burst out in laughter again. 
Pierre grabbed his phone from George's hands, wanting to read it himself. ''Where are they getting this from?'' He scrolled through the report, chuckling as their source was another ''a mutual friend''. 
''You're cheating on me?'' Lando exclaimed, dramatically widening his eyes. ''What about the kids, Y/N? Why would you do this to them?'' 
''Lando, it's not what you think!'' She argued, impersonating the voice of those old movie stars in Hollywood films. 
Y/N could see the McLaren driver clenching his jaw, desperately trying not to break character. ''I see how it is- I'm taking the house and the kids.'' Lando held his hand in front of her face, essentially blocking her from his view. 
''And I'm taking your money, and me and Charles will be spending all of it.'' She bit back, pushing his hand away. 
Lando seemed ready to give a comedic comeback, but was interrupted by a curly-haired German. ''What's all the commotion here?'' Sebastian adjusted the headband on his head, his eyebrows furrowed.
''Y/N cheated on Lando with Charles and now they're getting a divorce- Lando is taking the kids, but Y/N is taking all his money.'' Mick answered his friend, matter-of-factly. 
Sebastian frowned, feeling like he missed a few chapters in the story. ''Oh, uh, good for you, Y/N.'' He walked away from the youngsters, joining Lewis and Valtteri on the other side of the room. 
''Thanks, Seb!'' Y/N amusedly thanked him, ''I can never do anything wrong in his eyes.'' She told the other guys, grinning from ear to ear. 
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taglist :: @i0veless @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @formulazeesworld @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123-blog @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @scuderialavender @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis 
@champomiel @ooohmickiyoursofine @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads @mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria
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wileys-russo · 11 months
this but with Leah who hates it when you are more than two feet away from her because she needs you right by her side + reader who is always getting sidetracked while shopping and stops everywhere driving her insane
sidetracked II l.williamson
"-and then on wednesday we have to..." leah trailed off as she realised you were no longer walking by her. she quickly turned around, bumping into various shoppers with mumbled apologies as she finally spotted you.
"oi! babe please stop dawdling." your girlfriend sighed, gesturing for you to follow her. "but look lee! new flavours." you pointed to the packets of two minute ramen that had caught your attention, leah swallowing the sarcastic remark which so badly wanted to be spat from her mouth.
"that's nice love. but we really need to get this done, your mums coming over for dinner remember?" leah forced a smile as you again joined her, the blondes hands grabbing the shopping basket off the floor as you resumed walking.
"how could i forget? you invited her without consulting me!" you huffed as you gave your girlfriend a withering side eye. "you ask my mum over all the time without consulting me!" leah argued back, nudging you along with her elbow as she noticed you start to become sidetracked by something on the shelves.
"its always while you're at training leah that doesn't count." you scoffed, grabbing a few packets of pasta at her request. "no! put them in properly." the blonde warned as you lingered behind her intending to toss them in like basketballs once she'd given you some distance to shoot.
"baby you are seriously no fun to go shopping with." you grumbled dumping the pasta into the basket as the older girl pinched you for the comment. "shopping is an errand it's not supposed to be fun love." leah chastised tiredly, again grabbing the back of your top and tugging you back up as you squatted down to read something.
"when you're in love everything can be made fun! lots of couples enjoy doing errands like shopping together, stroppy." you poked her sides as the taller girl scowled at you which only widened your smile of amusement, knowing very well how much leah detested grabbing groceries.
"what time's the match again on sunday?" you asked, the blonde still not playing but back in full training so you both knew it was only a matter of time. "well kick off's at four but i'd like to get there by three at the latest so i can watch the girls-" leah again stopped mid answer noticing you were no longer beside her.
spinning around she spotted you hunched over with your eyebrows furrowed, reading the cooking instructions on a box of taco shells. "in for ten and out for ten leah, you are calm and you will stay calm." leah closed her eyes and mumbled herself an affirmation as she made her way back toward you, her frustration levels rapidly rising.
"can you believe these only take two minutes to cook? i guess they're like giant corn chips after all." you shrugged, eyes still scanning the box before leah wordlessly took it out of your hands and put it back on the shelf.
she held out her hand again without a word as you took it, linking your fingers as you filled the silence with your usual chatter, your girlfriend humming every now and then as she continued to grab what was on your list.
"can you go and get a dozen eggs please sweets?" leah sighed, nodding toward the other end of the fridges as you ducked off to grab them. leah meanwhile stocked up ham, moaning in annoyance as her favorite brand was out and she'd need to trial another.
"oh for fuck sakes where's she gone now?" leah glanced to where she'd sent you, noticing eggs but a distinct lack of you as she hurried off with a groan.
she checked aisle after aisle, but still nothing, and with each one her irritation grew more and more.
until finally she saw the back of your head and charged toward you. hearing footsteps come closer you glanced up, a smile curling onto your lips seeing the blonde hurrying over.
"lee baby look they have-" you started as your girlfriend reached you, taking the eggs out of your hand before placing the basket on the ground. "what are you..." you frowned as she messed around with her keys which hung off her jeans.
"there! now, you can no longer be side tracked or run away." the taller girl hooked the two of you together by your belt loops using the carabiner on her keys. "i wasn't running away! i don't need this." you huffed as she fixed you with a stern glare normally only reserved for her team mates when in captain mode.
"leah this is ridiculous." you whined, trying to unhook it as she smacked your hands away. "considering it has taken us over an hour to grab about twenty things babe, yes you do." leah huffed, grabbing the basket in one hand and grabbing your own with her other, tugging you along with her as you smiled awkwardly to those giving you strange looks.
"leah this is embarrassing." you hissed, again trying to unhook the two of you as she once more smacked at your hands. "oh but babe are you forgetting something?" leah smirked as the two of you finally reached the check out counter.
"when you're in love everything can be made fun, no?"
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sheisjoeschateau · 7 months
misha's masterlists
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Hi, I'm Misha. Thank you for diving into my stories and supporting my writing :)
My fanfics [+this blog] are dedicated to Steve Harrington. All fanfic series, one-shots, blurbs, etc. listed below are written by me. Do not repost or share anywhere without proper credit. Thank you.
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"Oh, so we DO love Steve..."
Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
[Part IX - blurb] | [Part IX - full]
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"You're there. You've always been there."
Steve Harrington x OC!fem!reader Childhood friends to lovers. Sloooowburn. Angst. Romance. Smut with plot. Action. Told from second-person view, reader is Nicole (character from S1), different POV, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, pre-S1-S4, eventual post-S4 universe.
Summary: Steve Harrington was six years old when he met you: Nicole St. James, the girl who carries the other half of him. Since 1972, the two of you have been inseparably tethered by the soul. You give Steve a home in his big house with no parents, and he gives your introverted heart a longing for someone. The King of Hawkins High and princess of this small town, you tell each other absolutely everything...except that you are in love with each other.
Everything changes that one afternoon at school, when you catch the school's social outcast -- Jonathan Buyers -- has been stalking Steve, his posse and his girl, Nancy. Little do you both know, the monsters in your favorite fairytales are real. And you're both going to have to fight them together.
You both share the best days and worst days, through childhood and teen years, until you both find yourselves roped into the perils that exist beneath your feet in Hawkins.
But through it all, despite all the doubt, Steve knows one thing: you're there. You've always been there.
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"At the Chateau, We'll Be Alright."
Steve Harrington x Jonathan Byers x fem!reader A crossover au inspired by Saltburn and Call Me by Your Name. Additional Inso from Joe's theater performance as in Spring Awakening. Song Inso: "Chateau" by Djo
Strangers to best friends to lovers. Slowburn. Angst. Romance, with polyamory themes and schemes. Smut with hella plot.
[MULTI-PART SERIES] COMING SOON. Click here for a preview.
Summary: The reader lives with her parents at a fancy chateau, in France.  This year, her father offers their home as a housing sanctuary to a select student or graduate.  He decides to invite two graduate students to live with their family over the summer, coming from different working class backgrounds, and help with their academic paperwork as a professor of archaeology.
Steve Harrington: a rich kid from a swanky boarding school with a bad boy reputation and too much charm for his own good.  Surprisingly, his grades say otherwise.  A’s and B’s, his parents claim that is seeking one-on-one tutoring so that he can progress in his studies — but it sounds more like an excuse to ship him off for longer periods of time, giving them an out for having their son around during the summer.  The pretty boy’s all about ladies…but that’s only because he hasn’t met a boy who awakens his bisexuality.  Yet.
Jonathan Byers: a kid from the lower working class, excelling in his studies and AP programs at the same boarding school as Steve which he only got into because of community sponsorship and grants.  Quiet wallflower, little to no friends, a bit cynical.  A closeted gay, he’s more determined to stick with being perceived as “ace” than come out of the closet.  Until he goes to stay at a chateau with a handsome boy, and a beautiful girl who understands him.
Twists, turns and terrifying risks, you all put your hearts on the line that summer at the Chateau. Add the reader's cousin Eddie into the mix, along with her best friend Robin, Steve's ex-girlfriend Nancy, Jonathan's estranged mother and your progressive parents alongside Steve's absent parents -- it's a cruel summer.
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libraincarnate · 2 years
astrology notes: 11 🌊
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. lastly, keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. enjoy!
✿ aquarius in the 1st house (composite): people may be surprised to you see two together as a couple. this can be because you don’t look like you’d be attracted to each other or because your personalities are different. maybe you guys have been friends before so your families/mutual friends didn’t see it coming. and perhaps you & your partner didn’t expect it either and it came as a surprise, something unexpected. a friends to lovers type of relationship. and although people may be surprised at your relationship they may see that the two of you get along really well, probably always laughing and talking to each other.
✿ neptune in the 2nd house: these natives may have recurring moments where they lose money or it just suddenly disappears even though they’re certain they remember exactly where they put it. may also experience money missing from their financial accounts.
✿ lilith in the 2nd house: can indicate someone who is sneaky, stealthy, & sly like a fox, good at stealing things and rarely getting caught. probably have a history of stealing and could have been doing this since they were young.
✿ lilith in the 3rd house: may have road rage and can be someone who doesn’t respect the traffic signs nor traffic lights. the type to make a u-turn when they’re not supposed to, run a red light, or go above the speeding limit. possibly the types that got into fights in their earlier years in school.
✿ lilith in the 4th house: may be embarrassed or ashamed of their family or their mother in particular. they may not like it when people come over their house and especially do not feel comfortable inviting their friends/partner over. their family may be overbearing, lacking social awareness, vulgar, messy, etc. this placement kind of reminds me of elizabeth and her family, the Bennets, from the movie pride and prejudice (2005 version).
✿ there are so many factors to look at considering your appearance in astrology. i have the features of my rising sign and although im not a libra rising, i’m very libra/venus dominant. i’m a libra sun/venus, my sun is at 7° (libra degree), i also have a libra stellium in my natal chart and in multiple persona charts, it just goes on and on. with that being said, i have dimples and so many freckles, beauty marks, and birth marks all over my body and basically on every body part. so don’t just look to your rising sign. check your dominant planet/sign, your venus sign, the degree of your rising/venus sign, your ascendant/venus persona chart, along with any planets in your 1st house because they can all have an influence on your appearance.
✿ when it comes to words, i’ve noticed that gemini tends to double check the definitions of words to make sure they're using it correctly. they like to expand their vocabulary and using that vocabulary in their day to day speech or to appear smart & they talk a lot, quite extroverted. virgo tends to be more pedantic, correcting others for an error in pronunciation/spelling, there’s an emphasis on on grammar and they may flash their impressive vocabulary to show you how stupid you sound, at work/business meetings, or when they’re being sarcastic. they're both ruled by mercury, but i think geminis like to talk more than virgos. virgos appear bashful and quiet/introverted but they have their moments when they are feeling talkative.
✿ sun in the 4th house: these natives may stand out in their family in some way. their skin tone may be lighter than the rest, may be the smartest one, the tallest one, the popular one.
if you have siblings with sun in the 4th you might get compared to them a lot, people/your family highlights the qualities that your sibling has which are the ones you don’t have or maybe they point out how they’re better than you at certain things.
✿ chiron in the 4th house: may have felt like an ugly duckling, an outcast in your family, like you don’t fit in. omg just thought of meg from family guy as i was typing this. could have been treated like cinderella was by her stepfamily.
✿ aquarius moon: may enjoy or find comfort in watching wholesome videos or reading/listening to wholesome stories or news reports. the ones with acts of kindness & generosity, humans treating each other the way they should, the ones that “restore your faith in humanity.”
✿ people with gemini or aries placements tend to be impulsive or quick to react, especially with aries who can be intense & temperamental, or someone who is uranus dominant who can be quite unpredictable and capricious. but if you have pluto in the 1st house you may have great self control. you might be livid or scared on the inside but you have a poker face on the outside. this doesn’t mean you don’t react but you delay the reaction, you wait a little longer to see how things develop and decide whether a reaction is warranted or not.
✿ libras appreciate manners & respectful people so they may not be a fan of cursing and vulgar language. this is contrary to their sister/opposite sign aries who probably curses often and uses indecent words when talking. for libras it makes them cringe, for aries it can be a form of verbal, emotional, and self-expression.
✿ pisces love it when it rains. they find it soothing & dulcet. the change in atmosphere is something they can really feel & it’s comforting. they’re the types to listen to sad music when they’re sad, so the gray skies & dark clouds only makes everything better. taking a walk or being outside on the porch or balcony as it rains can be refreshing & purifying for pisces. laying in bed cuddling or falling asleep to the raindrops feels like bliss.
^ meanwhile sun dominants may hate it when it rains because the atmosphere looks too gloomy & dismal to them. and things could get windy, muddy & messy which makes them want to avoid going outside altogether.
✿ lilith in gemini: these individuals are quick thinkers & are good with words, they know how to be persuasive which makes them good liars, they can create clever lies on the spot. while this can make them appear untrustworthy, for these natives lying could have been a survival mechanism. they may have been subject to tense, controlling, and traumatic environments & people which may have made them feel like they couldn’t be themselves nor speak their truth. doing so may have resulted in more pain and suffering and to avoid or at least reduce that, they turned to lying to protect themselves.
✿ netpune in the 8th house: probably aren’t afraid of death and may even look forward to going to the other side (i’m not talking about suicidal thoughts). or they might wish to die in their sleep when the time has come. they may have a tendency to imagine gruesome things like strange/dark creatures & they might experience vivid nightmares that feel real. would probably be really good at creating morbid art.
✿ scorpio mars/venus: may be mean to their partner, not really in a serious way but in a teasing way. but trust me, underneath the little attitudes & the teasing they are in loveee. they care for their partners so deeply and just want to drown in them.
✿ moon in the 7th house: they don’t like when people are mad at them or when there’s strife in their relationships. it makes them feel emotionally uncomfortable which can lead to the native worrying and obsessively thinking about what went wrong. they’ll try to talk it out, perform acts of kindness, or other things to get the person to forgive them or to resolve any issues. this is another placement that may be too forgiving or tolerant in relationships as well.
✿ cancer: may be a very patriotic individual and so they may have the desire to go to war or fight for their homeland/country in some way like getting into politics for the sake of their country. they may feel a strong connection to their family, their background/history, and the land their family came from. could be the type to rep their flag and culture loud and proud. may want to give back to their country or the people there. tradition is important and they plan on keeping family/cultural traditions alive and/or even creating some of their own.
✿ 6th house synastry: gather around the fireplace my loves, were gunna talk about this synastry because often times it’s either disregarded, underappreciated, or seen as ominous. because of this i’ll mainly be talking about the positives and the favorable possibilities. warning, this is section is lowkey long af.   with 6th house synastry you get a feel for how well a person can fit into your life. because the 6th house has to do with daily life, routines, and schedules, this is such an important aspect in a relationship. the person you have 6th house synastry with could possibly think you make their daily life so much better. and if you are apart of their daily life, then there’s potential for you to be a big part of their life or to be in their life for many years. this doesn’t automatically mean this person will be a co-worker, employee, or employer, but if you can see, interact with, and develop relationships with the people you work with on a pretty daily basis for years, even 10+, then the same can apply to the those who aren’t co-workers, etc. but you still have 6th house synastry with them.
who knows, animals may bring you two together. could meet at the dog park, the vet, at an animal shelter or pet store. you guys may get pets together and it could feel like that pet is apart of your relationship/family. perhaps you two met at the hospital/doctor’s office, or when you happened to visit their place of work.
this person may look forward to seeing or speaking to you everyday. you can become apart of their routine, your presence can feel so natural that it feels like something is missing or different when you’re not around, when they haven’t heard from you, when you didn’t go out for your daily coffee together, when you miss dinner, when you’re traveling or away from home they can really feel it and miss you.
schedules are also important, such as work schedules. with unfavorable planets and aspects they might work a night shift but you may work a morning shift, or somehow your schedules clash. or sleeping schedules which can determine the rest of your day. for example they may be a night owl and you may be an early bird which means you may not get to sleep with each other often, can eat breakfast at different times, while you feel the most productive and energized they may feel the least productive or they’re just trying to unwind. almost functioning on different time zones.
but with favorable planets and aspects and such, this can bring so much harmony, connection, and understanding to the relationship. things flow. those moments when you’re sleeping together, get to just spend hours in bed, cuddling, making/having breaskfast together, knowing exactly what they like to eat, doing your morning/night routines together. a lot of the things are in the details but they’re still significant and can contribute to forming a bond. there’s more time to spend together and wanting to be near each other either doing something together or on your own but still next to each other. there’s a sense of familiarity and comfort.
there’s so much care and attention in 6th house synastry. your partner wants to put you at ease, making sure you’re okay, that you’ve eaten, you’re in a good mood. they’re supportive. they remember the important and little things about you. your likes and dislikes. you know those games where you and your partner answer questions about each other/your relationship? you guys would probably be good at that. when you’re sick they wanna do anything they can to help and alleviate your pain & discomfort. the type to never wanna leave your side until you’re well again. your well-being is a priority for them.
the 6th house is ruled by virgo which is ruled by mercury and the 6th house relates to the conscious mind as well. so with 6th house synastry, you may be someone that’s always on their mind, they find themselves thinking about you throughout the day. wondering what you’re doing, how you’re doing, the next time you’ll hang out, how much they love you, etc.
sex can also be a big part of your relationship. for a lot couples, sex is important and even a deal breaker. this doesn’t necessarily have to do with one’s performance in bed but rather the sexual experience as a whole and how they connect with each other during the act. for a lot of people sex is more than just sex and in the 6th house this can be a daily/frequent thing. you guys might like showering together. and because 6th house is the house of service, depending on the signs/planets in the 6th house there can be a dom/sub type of dynamic, not just in sex though. your partner may be more dominant or have submissive traits in the way they approach life and go about doing things.
since the 6th house considers physical health, exercising may be something you like doing together & perhaps helping each other stay healthy and on top things. there’s self-improvement here but in synastry there can be improvement and progress within the relationship too. creating common goals & plans with each other, and if you’re doing these things together, surely you must see them in your life in the future. 6th house also talks about habits and you might be a good habit, something that is so good for them and their life, possibly even addicting or healing. with taurus in the 6th you can make them feel grounded and you bring stability to their life. with leo in the 6th you can bring fun, a burst of energy or happiness to their everyday life.
if they’re headed out to the store, food shopping, running errands or whatever, they might want you to come with them and you guys can have fun doing simple things like that. the type of partner that might be sitting with you or watching you while you put your makeup on/get dressed, helping you choose an outfit. don’t forget, acts of service is considered a love language for a reason! and relationships don't only consist of romance, going on dates all the time, staring in each other's eyes saying i love you every 4 seconds (hey scorpio 😘😂), but there's a more realistic & practical side as well.
mars in the 6th can bring passion, sex, desire, and determination. your partner can be a source of motivation. and i get that mars is a malefic planet, but every planet/sign can come with pros and cons whether it be benefic or malefic, and there are also favorable/unfavorable aspects, retrograde planets, etc.
venus in the 6th can bring affection, beauty, attention, love/romance, and pleasure. they may also help you with your self-love. acts of service may be a primary love language but remember signs matters to. with taurus venus it may be acts of service + physical touch.
or with gemini venus it may be acts of service + words of affirmation.
moon in the 6th here can bring an emotional connection, considering their feelings and what’s meaningful to your partner, someone who relieves your stress. may help you cope with your emotions in better ways.
plus, the 6th house won’t be the only house with planets in it. so having a synastry chart with 6th house energy coupled with that 8th house synastry ya’ll love, or even 5th house or 7th house energy may be really nice to have.
i see 6th house synastry described as unromantic and while i agree that the themes of the 6th house aren’t related to love, i still see it as a house with themes that can establish a very good foundation for a relationship and it can help develop a bond, and greatly contribute to intimacy and a close connection.
if you read the whole 6th house synastry section here’s an extra heart for you ♥︎, because you really read all that lol. i appreciate you! but hopefully this was helpful, encouraging, and i hope this brought a sweet & supportive perspective to this synastry.
if you read this until the end i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you.
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v3lv3tsin · 5 months
really, really: sim jaeyun
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| pairing: sim jaeyun x reader
| genre: friends to lovers
| warnings: no warnings <3
| word count: 5.0k
| stefy's note: this idea hit me at 2-3am and well i'm going back a bit to my jake roots, so enjoy :)
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You never really spoke with Jake ever, and just knew him as "the hot transfer student from Australia", but that was until he had come up asking if you wanted to help him set up. Obviously you guy's best friends agreed to too, since you knew they already liked each other.
What you didn't think was that it would lead to you and Jake becoming incredibly close, to the point you'd hang out almost every day and grow really close, that others would start to think that you two were dating, which wasn't true, not yet, at least.
"y/n..." Jake hugged you tighter. He'd never thought cupid-ing would've lead to the both of you sitting on the swings in a park at two am after you had called him, crying in desperate need of comfort.
"Can i stay at yours tonight?" You asked embarassed. Ever since you became "friends", you started wearing his hoodies on a daily basis. Knowing that he lives alone and not wanting to hear your parents fight anymore, as they were getting divorced soon. You already explained the situation to him over the phone.
"Of course you can.. it's better than you being here alone with your 'awesome parents'.." He said sarcastically but in a playful matter, as he was clearly not a fan of them and would be more than happy to let you stay at his place for as long as you needed.
"Yeah right." You giggle a bit, hugging him tighter.
Jake wraps both of his arms around you tightly whole chuckling. "Plus it would be nice to have some company, my bed is awfully big for just me." You giggle a bit and add. "So will your couch."
"What? You aren't sleeping in my bed?" He smirks leaning into your neck and kissing your shoulder jokingly. You nuzzle your head in his chest giggling, feeling embarassed. "Maybe."
"Aww come on...you have to sleep with me or else i can't sleep." Jake whined, clearly not used to sleeping alone anymore. "But we have to watch a movie first." You added looking at him.
"Only if you let me pick.." He smirked at you, he knew you were in no position to say no to him, not now at least, not after you two had gone to the extent of basically flirting and acting like a couple at this point which makes him believe you could say yes to anything.
"Fineee, but not the lego movie again." You rolled your eyes giggling. "We watched it five times already."
Jake beamed, he had the biggest smile while giggling along with you and gave you a quick peck on the forehead. "That's my girl.." Jake smirked proudly once again, now he knew why everyone was shipping you guys, being alone with you would put a smile on anyone's face, including him.
You blushed a bit, looking at him and nuzzling your head in his neck embarassed
"Let's just get to my place alright..? I've got snacks.. and a much better bed than this" Jake teased as he got up, he held out a hand for you and was waiting for you to follow him back to his place.
"But do i get to change this hoodie to another one that's new?" You said reffering to the hoodie you were wearing which was his, taking his hand.
"Fine.. but if i find you wearing my clothes again in the morning, I'm not letting you borrow anything ever again" Jake teased, you could tell he wasnt actually annoyed by you wearing his hoodies.. he just acted annoyed but you probably knew better than anyone else at this point that this boy liked it.
"But they're better than mine." You whined following him home.
"Fine, fine keep them, but only because the thought of you wearing my clothes is kinda hot" Jake said with a smirk while walking with you to his place, he stopped infront of the front door and opened it for you.
"Kinda hot?" You teased him, pushing his shoulder playfully.
Jake blushed and looked away before mumbling. "Very hot." Jake looked back and smirked and then pushed you into the wall teasingly. "I dont want you to ruin my hoodies though, so no washing" He teased again.
"No washing?" You asked, fakely offended by what he just said.
Jake chuckles and nods his head "Yes.. no washing.. besides I think they smell better when youre the one wearing them." He said teasingly, as he leaned a little closer to you, closing the gap between you two, looking into your eyes.
"Oh do they?" You said teasing him, tilting your head to look at him better.
Jake smirked and put both of his hands on your waist. "Very much so... they smell almost like a sweet.. perfume.. i cant get it off my mind"He says teasing you, but its almost as if hes being serious, you think you might be starting to have an effect on this boy.
"Lilies." You whispered to his ear, reffering to the perfume he is talking about.
"Yes.. that's it." Jake whispers back as if in a trance, it was clear he was obsessed with that specific scent, you knew right then and there that you'd be wearing that perfume everytime you hang with him if this was the way he loved it on you.. not that it was necessarily a bad thing for you.
"Told you." You said wrapping your hands around his neck, playing with his hair.
"Well if i didnt know better... i'd think you were putting some kind of love potion in every one of my hoodies" Jake said with a light chuckle as he moved his hands to rest on your hips, still being pretty close to you as he looks down at you.
"I know you love the harry potter universe but no, i don't use love potions on you." You said giggling.
Jake rolls his eyes teasingly and chuckles "Damn, well i guess i gotta stick with the idea that your natural scent is like an aphrodisiac to me then" He said while he pulled you in tightly into a hug so that your face was buried in his chest, wrapping his arms around you before planting a quick kiss on your forehead.
"And i'll take that as a compliment." You nuzzled your head in his chest, giving him the biggest and cutest smile.
Jake smirked. "Good, you should take that as a compliment" He said teasingly, he held you closely to him and played with your hair, before he noticed something. "Hold on a second.. are you wearing any perfume??"
"See for yourself." You said leaning your head against the wall, letting him have access to your neck.
Jake's face was now buried in your neck, he sniffed it a few times before he pulled back confused. "Wait.. theres no perfume.. just the smell of your body?" He said sounding almost shocked and confused, he smirked at you as if thinking up something. "So you mean to tell me that the only thing that drives me crazy is just you?"
"Exactly." You smiled looking at him while playing with his hair.
Jake's face was bright red at this point and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "So all this time..... there was truly no love potion?.. damn it.. i was starting to think that you were slowly and secretly making me fall in love with you" He teased with a smirk as he started to caress your cheek.
"Next time i promise i'll learn how to make spells." You giggled, leaning into his touch.
"Oh so you weren't already using love spells on me??" Jake teased, it was clear now that you two were officially flirting with each other, this conversation pretty much sealed the deal for him.. which meant that he was definitely not going to be sleeping alone that night.
"It's my natural charm." You smiled, looking at him.
"Natural charm? oh please.. dont be so full of yourself now" Jake said teasingly as he smirked at you, you could tell he was still trying to process how the girl he's been pining over for two solid months now is flirting with him, this wasnt something he expected to hear from you, it was like Christmas and his birthday all in one.
"I'm just saying the truth." You smirked still keeping eye contact.
Jake chuckles as he rolls his eyes, this girl was something else. "If you truly believe you're that beautiful then you're crazy"
You looked at him and pretend to be fakely offended by what he said. "Now you hurt my feelings!"
Jake quickly realized that he took it too far, he probably didnt mean to actually insult you, which was why he quickly added. "Okay okay okay.. my bad, you have some sort of 'charm' if that's what you wanna hear, but you still arent going to admit to using love spells on me"
"Fineee, i learned how to do love spells!" You giggled, curious of his reaction.
Jake's face was red again as he let out a small chuckle. "Well damn, that would explain a lot actually, there's no way a girl as pretty and sweet as you liked me.. there had to have been some sorta of love spell used on me" He teased back, but this time he did sound like he was being somewhat genuine.
You pouted, hearing the way he talked about himself. "Someone like you? Jake, you're an amazing guy.
Jake's jaw practically dropped to the floor when he heard those words, he wasnt used to getting compliments, definitely not like this anyway, he smirked back a little trying to play it cool as he tilted his head at you. "Ah you're just saying that though.. im a very boring guy really."
"Sure you are." You teased him back, giggling then decided to state the truth. "That's why you're the basketball captain."
Jake rolled his eyes playfully, you caught him, he really wasn't boring if he was captain of the basketball team. "Okay yeah, you got me, i'm not boring... but I'm not 'amazing' either.. im not even that good looking"
You looked at him shocked. "What? Not good looking? You're known as the "hot transfer student, i think that sums it all up."
Jake snickered. "Do people actually call me that? well now you sound like youre complimenting me only because im cute" He teased, he seemed to be in a much better mood now, he still couldn't believe that someone as amazing as you was complimenting him.
"But you're cute." You ruffled his hair, wanting to help with his confidence.
Jakes face was once again red as he chuckled. "Shut up.. im not that cute, alright? and just because people are constantly staring at me as we walk down the hallway doesn't mean that im "hot""
"Sure it doesn't, sweetheart" You teased him back, giggling and going inside the living room.
Jake rolled his eyes as you called him sweetheart, he tried to pretend he hated it but he really liked it when you called him sweetheart. "So you want any snacks or anything?" He asks as he walks to the kitchen, his tone was still playful, he was slowly getting more comfortable around you which made all this flirting even better.
"Well anything you want, i'm ok with anything." You sat on the counter, making yourself comfortable, still keeping eye contact.
Jake noticed you sitting on the counter and smirked before asking. "So not picky huh?" He said teasingly, this was his kind of girl.. not picky, not annoying and best off.. she actually wanted to be around him, he grabbed himself a soda before he turned to face you once again. "So.. where are you planning on sleeping tonight?"
You looked at him thinking. "You're bed seems pretty comfortable." You smiled a bit.
"Yeah my bed is pretty comfy indeed" Jake smirked, he liked the thought of this much better than you sleeping alone at your place with your parents fighting. "So we sharing orrr?" He teased as he took another sip of his soda.
"So i mean that you probably will be on the floor by the time you even reach the bed." You giggled, thinking about what will his reaction be.
"So you'd push me off the bed to make room for yourself?" He teased pretending to be offended, he was very much enjoying this back and fourth flirting. "How selfish of you.. especially after i offered you the comfort of my bed" Jake said mockingly but in a clear teasing tone.
"What can i say, i'm very selfish when it comes to sleeping." You chuckled, taking a sip from his soda.
Jake couldn't help but laugh a little at that. "So.. what you're basically saying is that not only are you selfish when it comes to sleeping, but you would also take up a ton of room to make sure that your comfort is top priority" He teased teasingly, he really had no clue what was coming next but he was fine with whatever the outcome was going to be considering you still agreed to sleep in the same bed as him.
"That's exactly what i'm saying." You nodded, curious of his reaction.
Jake chuckled once again and sighed. "Fine.. but i get to pick which side you get to be on.. deal?" He said with a smirk, he was just messing with you but he was curious to how you would react, was she going to be fine with that or get mad? the anticipation and curiosity was killing him.
"Fineee" You rolled your eyes, agreeing with him.
"Okay good, so that's settled.. we're both sleeping on my bed" Jake said sounding rather genuine, he looked at you as he waited for an answer, he was hoping that this conversation would eventually lead to something more, but he was afraid to make the first move just in case you declined.. but for now, he was going to enjoy this flirting as much as he could.
"Come on, don't ask so surprised, we slept in the same bed many times." You said thinking about the amount of times the two of you have been into trips and slept together in the same bed.
Jake's face went red when you said that, he completely forgot about the times on the trips where you slept along-side him in the same bed, when he noticed that he suddenly smirked and said with a teasing tone. "So you mean to tell me that you liked sleeping in the same bed with me on those trips? I mean why would you wanna share a bed if you found it uncomfortable?"
"The bed was uncomfortable, not sleeping beside you." You said while wrapping your hands around his neck.
Jakes face went completely red when you wrapped your hands around his neck, he couldnt believe how lucky he was sometimes, here was this beautiful girl, who was willing to share a bed with him and admit to him that sleeping next to him had been her favorite part of those trips. "Is that so?" He teased sounding impressed, he kept his eyes locked onto yours as a smirk spread across his lips.
"Mhm." You nodded into affirmation, still keeping eye contact with him.
"So do you enjoy sleeping next to me then?" Jake teased with a smirk, he couldnt find another way to ask the question without sounding somewhat goofy.. he did however like playing it cute with you.
"Your cuddles are the best." You blushed and looked at him embarassed by just confessing that to him.
Jake's face went more red as you said that, he was glad that you found his cuddles enjoyable.. he really didnt have anything else he was good at otherwise other than basketball, so the thought of being good at cuddling you made him more happy than he could ever let known. "My cuddles? that's all?" He teased with a smirk, he chuckled, he really was enjoying this flirting and banter.
"Too obvious." You giggled while playing with his hair.
Jake smirked and chuckled as you played with his hair, the action was so soothing, yet you had no clue how much it meant to him that you were playing with his hair like this. "It is obvious isnt it? it's the obvious truth though.. im not too bad of a catch right?" He asked while he smirked, he knew the answer to that question just based on how you were so comfortable around him alone, the flirting, even the fact that you slept in the same bed as him during trips said enough.
"Not bad." You said giggling, coming closer to him.
Jake smirked as you came closer, he liked that you were doing that, he was also wondering just how close you were really planning on getting that you'd be basically pressed up against him. "Not bad?" He teased as he looked you up and down. "I think i'm the most catchiest boy you've ever met" Jake joked confidently.
"And so modest." You said teasing him.
Jake rolled his eyes playfully as you teased him. "I have to brag about my many.. many amazing qualities, its how i win over pretty girls like you" He teased you back, he knew damn well he wasnt the most modest guy, in fact he was far from it when it was just him alone but he just couldnt help acting like the cocky and confident guy he always presented himself to others as.
"That's why all of our friends started shipping us." You giggled and continued to tease him.
Jakes face went completely red when you mentioned that you and him were being "shipped", you were the first one who actually brought it up with him and that caught him off guard. "So all of our friends ship us as if they can tell we're in love or something? is that it?" He asks teasingly but he was also curious if you were one of these people who actually liked the idea of you two being together.
"They have been doing for some time." You giggled. "Don't tell me you don't know?"
Jake rolls his eyes playfully as he chuckles. "Oh no i know very well they have, I just haven't really given it much thought.. but now that youre mentioning it, do you like that people ship us together?"
"Maybe we should." You blushed, tilting your head to see his reaction better.
Jakes heart was pounding when you said that, he couldnt really believe that you were actually saying this right now, he couldnt believe it. "Maybe we should?" That was exactly what he wanted hear, he was dying to actually date you, he wanted to have you to him self, make you his own and him being yours.. that was what he yearned for when it came to you.
"Hopefully this answers your questions." You said, kissing him softly.
Jakes heart skipped a beat when your lips touched his, his hand moved instinctively to wrap around your waist as he pulled you towards him, now their was no need for him to suppress his smirk, he was getting exactly what he wanted. He kissed you back as his grip on your waist tightened and he pulled you closer to him, their was no way that this was all a dream, this was real right?. You pulled away after some time to catch your breath.
Jake's breath was heavy as he finally pulled away from the kiss, it took him a few seconds to recover but once he did he smiled at you. "So does that mean that you'd be willing to date me?" He asked coyly with a smirk, he wanted a straight answer, after all his heart is racing right now.
"That's exactky what this means." You smiled and played with his hair.
Jakes smile grew bigger once you said yes, his whole world just got that much better, he couldnt contain himself and leaned forward to kiss you again. You kissed him back, coming closer to him.
Jake's mind went blank when your lips once again touched his, his hold around your waist tightened as he pulled you closer, he didnt want to stop kissing you, ever.. it felt like time had stopped, it was just you and him there, no distractions, just kisses and him feeling your presence and yours alone.
You continued to kiss him and said between the kisses. "So no lego movie tonight?"
"No lego movie tonight.." Jake says through our kisses as he wraps his arms around your body, he then slowly pulls away from the kiss, he lets out just a tiny little giggle as he looks at you. "Are we actually dating now? or is this just a friends with benefits situation?" He said teasingly with a smirk.
You looke at him, rolling your eyes giggling a bit. "Well what do you want it to be?"
"I want it to be an actual official relationship.. just you and me" Jake replies quickly with a smirk, he meant what he said, he wanted the relationship between you and him to be official, not something temporary.. he wanted to be with you and he wanted you to be only his and his alone.
"So do i." You kissed his cheek softly.
Jake chuckles and rubs his cheek where you kissed it. "That makes me happy to hear" He says smiling, he then thinks for a moment as he leans forward to give you a quick peck on your lips. "But we still need to figure out a way to actually tell our friends that we're dating.. they've been shipping us and trying to get us together for weeks.. i know they'll go crazy once they find out"
"Can we not think about it now?" You pouted a bit not wanting to think about how you're gonna tell your friends about your relationship. "We'll figure out a way."
Jake chuckles and his smile grows once again once you pout. "Fineeee, we dont have to think about it right now.. we can figure it out later, right now im not letting you out of my sight" He says wrapping his arms around you once again, he pulls you back into him so that you were pressed against him.
You giggled looking at him. "Sure you won't."
Jake chuckles. "Oh im sure of it.. in fact i wouldnt dare let you out of my sight.. we're dating now so you better get used to it" He says teasingly as he smiles at you, his grip around you doesn't loosen up or anything.. he couldnt bring himself to let go of you after you guys just made it official, he was just too happy to want that in the moment.
"Possesive..." You smiled a bit, looking at him. "I like it."
Jake chuckles as you say this. "Am i coming off as possessive? because id happily be possessive over you" He says with a teasing tone, he really wasnt trying to be possessive, it just came naturally to him when it came to you.
"Come off as possesive? You're very possesive." You smiled as you played with his hair.
"Well you're just too pretty and attractive, im not letting anyone else have a chance to look at you" Jake says smirked as his grip around you tightened a bit, it was all playful but he was being serious when it came to not wanting anyone else to have a chance to look at you.
"Sure you won't." You said smiling and then looking at the clock remembering that the two of you have school tomorrow.
"Oh right.. school.." Jake says with an amused shake of his head, he completely spaced the fact that you guys have school tomorrow, he was getting a little too carried away by flirting and making it official that they're dating that he forgot that he needed to be up in the morning.
You pouted as you looked at him. "Come on, you have practice tomorrow, and besides i need to steal more of your clothes."
"Oh you're in the mood to steal more clothes now huh? i'll let you take as much as you want" Jake says teasingly as he shrugs his shoulders, it wasnt like he minded that you were currently borrowing his hoodies and sometimes his t-shirts, that just meant that he got to see you walk around in them and that was enough to satisfy him.
"I'm always in the mood to steal your clothes, and you know i saw so many girls wearing their boyfriend jerseys." You told him suggesting that you want to wear one of his jerseys and wear it for his game and practice. "And maybe i can see your practice."
Jake chuckles as you suggest that you want to steal his jersey and come see him practice, he wasnt really surprised that you were willing to do that, especially considering how much girls like to do similar things, he was just surprised that you were actually going to do it. "You want to watch me play basketball?" He asks curiously looking at you, if anything now that you guys were official, he was more willing to let you watch and see his practices, it felt good knowing that you'd be watching from the bleachers.
"Maybeeee" You blushed, nuzzling your head in his chest.
Jake chuckles as you nuzzled your head in his chest, he was more than happy to let you do that, he liked when you snuggled into him as he wrapped his arms around you, just the small act meant so much to him. "That sounds like a yes" He replies teasingly as he looks at you with a smile, he just couldnt stop himself from giving you another kiss on your head.
"Still." You added looking at the clock again. "You still need to ace the game on Friday."
Jake sighs as he looks over at the clock again aswell and realizes you were right, he does need to sleep but at the same time, he was having so much fun being with you right now, he didnt want to end the moment so early. "I know, but i dont think im going to be able to sleep with you around" He says teasingly with a smirk, he definitely had to go to sleep and make sure he gets plenty of rest but he was just enjoying having you in his arms way too much.
"I'm hoping the cuddles can help you sleep." You smiled trying to convince him. "Cause at the rate that my parents fight i could just move in."
Jake chuckles as you say this, he never really knew about how your home life was when it came to your parents, even though he felt bad that you had to be around that kindve of environment, he was somewhat glad that he got to spend so much time with you.. "So are you actually willing to move in with me?" He asks teasingly, he hadnt meant for that question to come out at all, it just slipped from his mouth without realizing it.
"Let's not think about it now." You said, thinking that is it too early to even know about any plans of moving in with him.
Jake chuckles as you said that. "Right right.. we can think about that later.." He says with a light giggle and smirk. "Im willing to let you move in anytime you want, but you know what would really help me sleep right now?"
"What? Kisses, cuddles." You added, still thinking about his question.
"Exactly.. kisses and cuddles.. that's what would really help me sleep good tonight" Jake says teasingly before pulling you closer to him and planting a kiss on your forehead.
You smiled as he kissed your forehead and asked curiously. "Soo that means we finally sleep." It would be a lie to say that you weren't tired.
"If thats fine with you that means we finally get to fall asleep together" Jake says with a smile, he was more than ready to actually go to sleep with you in his arms, it felt like the most comfortable thing ever.
"Well now we get to cuddle as a couple that's differnet and besides i need to steal more of your hoodies." You said giggling and kissing his cheek.
Jakes smile grew wider when you said this, you were right, this was different now that you two were official.. and you were right about you stealing more of his hoodies, he didnt mind of course as long as you were the one who's stealing them away from him. "You need to steal more of my hoodies now? how many more do you need to steal?" He joked with a chuckle as he pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist again, he was more than happy to cuddle with you the night away.
You giggled, leaning into his king sized bed and looking at him, but kissing him before doing so. "But i can steal them tomorrow so don't worry." You smile reassuring him that it's time to sleep since it's almost three am.
"You're really trying to steal my whole wardrobe huh?" Jake says teasingly as he giggles lightly with you when you lean onto his king sized bed, he doesnt mind if you steal away the hoodies or shirts he owns, it just meant that you get to look even more cute in them. "We should go to bed, it is pretty late right now" He agrees as he plants another gentle kiss on your forehead.
And so you did, Jake fell asleep with his hand around your waist and your head leaning onto his muscular chest. That's how it happened. You were accidentaly in love.
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© V3LV3TSIN ⎯ do not translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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angstywaifu · 6 months
Options - Bodhi Durran x Reader
Prompt - They're looking. Kiss me. Now!
Warning: Spoilers for end of Fourth Wing.
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Graduation Day. A celebration for all. For those graduating the college and accepting their postings. And for those of us moving up to the next year. It was an exciting time. And I was glad for the distraction after Athebyne. Athebyne where it had nearly all ended. Nearly gone wrong. Something Colonel Aetos had hoped for. Had almost bet on in fact. All day I had caught people staring at those of us who we’re meant to be dead. Wondering and whispering about what had happened.
Movement in front of me catches my eyes as two cadets from another wing sit in front of me. I vaguely knew them. They we’re in my year but that was about it. Due to me being one of the marked ones they usually kept their distance from me. Something about the way they looked at me had me on edge. One of them had a second drink in their hand they pushed towards me.
”Can I help you?” I ask them sarcastically. Hoping they get the hint I didn’t want to talk to them.
”Just thought you could use some company. Sitting here all by yourself. No one wants that on graduation night.” The one on the left says.
”Maybe some of us do want to be alone.” I snap back as they push the drink towards me again despite me already holding on in my hands.
”Graduation Day is a time to celebrate, let loose. Something we can help with.” The one on the right adds.
The way they both smile at me sends a chill up my mind. I had now regretted my choice to sit on my own. I could have easily joined some of the others, but most of my friend group were occupied or we’re saying goodbye to those who were leaving. Which is where Imogen and Bodhi had disappeared to. Gone to say goodbye to Garrick and Xaden who I had seen before coming down here.
”Well this Graduation Day I don’t particularly feel like celebrating. So if that’s your only goal, please go elsewhere.” I say before turning my attention to elsewhere in the room, my eyes catching Bodhi, Garrick and Xaden making their way into the room.
”Most of you made it back alive. Can’t have been that bad.” One of them adds.
I see red as I turn to face them. But I couldn’t snap at them the way I wanted to. I couldn’t reveal what we had actually dealt with. Actually faced. I had to reign it in.
”Regardless I do not feel like celebrating, especially not with you two.” I emphasise the last word with as much anger as I can. Please get the hint and leave me alone.
They smirk at me. “I don’t see any other options for you. All the other marked ones seem to already have their options for tonight.”
God these two made my skin crawl. Made me want to jump over the table and teach them the lesson I know I could easily do. I’d seen them fight. They weren’t bad, but I was better. I had Xaden and Garrick to thank for that.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I have options. So if you could move along.”
A lie. A blatant lie. I had no options. No one I could escape to and try use to get these two away from me. And these two creeps knew.
”Go on then, go get one of those options and we will leave you peacefully be.” One of them challenged.
I gulp as I scan the room. Hoping for anyone. Anything. Hell I would go over to Imogen and ask her to play along. We were both straight, but we would play the part if needed for the other to help get out of a situation quite like this. I had hoped she had snuck back in with Garrick, Xaden and Bodhi but she hadn’t. Bodhi. Bodhi could help. But it was different with him. We had a friendship, that quite honestly could go that way if we wanted. Hell we toed the line a little too much. But that’s all we were. Friends. Nothing more. But he would help. And it’s not like I had to kiss him or anything. Right? All I had to do was walk up, quickly explain the situation and hope those two would find someone else to go pester. Though part of me hoped they wouldn’t. I could do this. It was easy. That’s what I tried to tell myself as I stood up and walked over to Bodhi who was leaning against the wall with Garrick. Xaden now gone. Probably saying goodbye to Violet. Bodhi looks over at me as I rush over to him and Garrick. I know he can tell something is up by the way his brow furrows.
”You ok?” He asks as I stop in front of him.
”I need your help. I need you to pretend that you’re into me.” I tell him sternly.
Garrick does his best to hide his laugh with a cough. He mutters something that sounds oddly like “that won’t be hard” as Bodhi elbows him in the side.
”T-that’s an interesting thing t-to need help with.” Bodhi stutters back.
I sigh and nod my head towards the two boys who are staring at us very intently, obviously intrigued to see who out of Bodhi and Garrick was my option. Garrick was a gamble as he was dressed to leave. But he was known to sleep around when he was so inclined. He would have been the more believable target for this. Garrick would have easily played along, but would also give me shit about it later. But I had gone to Bodhi.
”Those two are pestering me and keep pushing that I need to celebrate tonight with them. And I do not. It’s the last thing I want. But they won’t go unless I can prove to them I have another option. Which I don’t, but I need someone to at least pretend.” I blurt out as I look behind me. My blood runs cold, they’ve now stood up and are looking at Bodhi and I, and are about to walk over. Shit., I barely think before the words leave my mouth. “They’re looking. Kiss me.”
Bodhi just looks at me shocked. Frozen in place. Shit. I step forward and cup his face between my hands as I pull him down into a kiss. I feel Bodhi go rigged as our lips touch. As my lips meet his, its like it ignites a fire in me. A fire I had never felt before. I wrap my hands around his neck in an effort to deepen the kiss as I step closer. As I lightly trace his lip with my tongue, something in Bodhi snaps. His hands that were frozen at his side come to grip my hips and pull me flush against him. His body relaxing as he eases into the kiss. A small groan rumbling through him as our tongues meet. A cough next to us has us breaking apart to a very amused Garrick smirking at us as he motions with his head. I turn my gaze to see they’ve stormed off to another table and a group of girls from another squad. I go to step back but Bodhi’s grip on my hips tighten as he holds me against him. I look back at him to see him staring at me with an intensity I’ve never seen before.
”Have fun you two. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Garrick teases before pushing off the wall, leaving us alone as he heads outside.
Bodhi continues to stare at me, as if he’s shocked and cant believe what has just happened. As if it was a dream. A dream he had been waiting to come true. Like he had been waiting for me to toe that line just a little more. To take that first step he was too scared to. But slowly a smile breaks out over his face.
”Would you object to not pretending to celebrate with me tonight?” He finally asks, in a way that almost reminds me of the confidence that Garrick and Xaden have.
”Not at all.” I tell him before giving him a quick kiss, grabbing his hand and leading him up to the third year rooms.
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Shapeshifter Anatomy
shapeshifter is a broad category, covering any fictional creature or peoples that can alter the shape of their body. some can shift into pretty much any animal, like animorphs or DnD druids. some are shapeshifters against their will, like werewolves. I'll be covering the anatomical possibilities for shapeshifters with a limited ability to change their shape, more like werewolves.
the anatomy required to change one's form mostly involves keeping a lot of body parts "hidden" until they're brought out to use. there are a lot of animals that can do this! cats have retractable claws, eels have a secondary jaw in their throats, many snakes have large fangs that fold back in the mouth. etc.
hair and feathers are also capable of changing the shape of a creature by the way they move, like the quills of a porcupine or the display feathers of many birds of paradise. this is a much less flexible sort of shapeshifting, but it's a good option for intimidation and courting displays or temporary disguise.
to keep this post simple, I'm just going to focus on a humanoid with a singular monstrous form, but these concepts could be used for a lot of different creatures! though I haven't fully determined how to make someone go from mostly hairless to suddenly very furry. Maybe becoming a werewolf just gives you a lot more body hair growth and it puffs up during the transformation.
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(image description: compiled sketches of different animal anatomy. in the top left corner, there are colored diagrams showing the different parts of a human skull and a wolf skull. in the top left, a diagram showing how cat claws retract and bend forward. on the bottom, sketches of moray eel and viper skulls, showing the eel's secondary jaw and the viper's folding fangs. end description.)
It took a while but i managed to find an ask i answered a while back about giving humanoids retractable claws like cats have. so that's at least one part of possible shapeshifter anatomy covered! the tldr is this: retractable claws actually require the first joint of the finger or toe to be folded backwards, and then the claw comes out when that joint flexes forward. it does make the fingers and toes shorter and more bulky at the front, but that's fine.
here's a look at just the skull and upper torso of a potential were-creature or monstrous humanoid.
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(image description: colored sketches of a humanoid skeleton with a retractable fang on both the upper and lower jaws, as well as an extra joint on the lower jaw, and neck vertebrae that sit more curved in the first sketch and straighten out to a longer neck in the second sketch. end description.)
this could use more polish before it's really ready to add the fleshy parts on top, and they wouldn't quite look fully human on the outside. If you want to take something like this even further, you can alter the entire skull to be full of small moving joints, like how so many fish are able to fold up their jaws and then shoot them forward like a tube. or the sarcastic fringehead, a fish that can unfold its jaw as a method of intimidation.
(video description: a 3d model of a carp's jaw, showing how it's made of multiple parts that can all move and extend the mouth. end description.)
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(image description: two photos of a sarcastic fringehead. the top photo shows this fish at rest, with its jaw frame folded backward along its face. the bottom image shows this fish with its jaw fully extended, revealing a very wide panel of brightly colored flesh on either side of the mouth. end description.)
facial changes like this are probably the most difficult part of making the anatomy for a shapeshifter. but the more moving parts their face has, the more variety of face shape you get! moving to the rest of the body though, let's consider how an upright human figure could shift into a quadrupedal form with digitigrade legs, since werewolves are probably among the more common creatures all this advice is useful for.
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(image description: a simplified human skeleton and wolf skeleton next to each other, with an arrow pointing from the human to the wolf. end description)
pretty much all vertebrates have things in common when it comes to the form of their skeletons. the general location of each limb and the ribs and pelvis are always similar. but their exact size and shape varies from animal to animal. so you can't really make a normal human skeleton turn into a normal wolf skeleton. but you can make a weird human skeleton that doubles as a weird wolf skeleton.
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(image description: same as above, but now the human shaped skeleton and the wolf shaped skeleton match each other, and the human shaped one is hiding its longer neck, spine, and tail by holding them with a far more curved shape while the wolf shaped skeleton holds them more straight. end description.)
okay they're not an exact match, but I tried. any humanoid being with a skeleton like this is not going to be able to fool anyone into thinking they're a normal human when they're naked. but with the right styling of clothes, a lot of the weird curves, hunched shoulders, and awkward feet problems can be hidden from view.
anything that gets more complicated than this will require extra bones and joints and muscles depending on what exactly you need your shapeshifter to do! a change in posture is a lot different than, say, being able to extend the length of their limbs or alter the shape of their ribcage by making it more narrow and protruding vs more flat and open.
I can't personally cover every single possibility! so you all will have to just use this post as a springboard and go explore more ideas yourself! I started with the idea of taking a human skeleton and altering it, but imagine what this would look like if the base form was entirely non-human! or if they were more of an invertebrate! extra arms can be folded to resemble the shape of a torso, for example. there are so many more options I'm sure I didn't even think of.
go put your mind to work and have fun!
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fun-k-board · 8 months
Can I request headcanons for Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gn crush accidentally confessing to him?
Dammon, Rolan and Zevlor If Their Gender Neutral Crush Accidentally Confesses To Him Headcanons
Note(s) : The reader isn't Tav or durge they're just sort of a random person, I don't think the race is ever specified (correct me if I'm wrong) and neither are any described features or their class.
I'm not too knowledgeable of Dammon, Zevlor and Rolan's character in BG3 and I'm so sorry if the characters are wrong.
This is a mix of random general relationship headcanons as well as the random confession.
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He's all about outwardly caring for those he loves and he understands that love can come in many ways, he had a strong love for you before you had even confessed aloud, a mix of platonic and romantic feelings that he would showcase by doing tasks for you.
Whether he gained his crush first or you did doesn't matter in his eyes. What matters to him is that he doesn't know if you liked him back for quite a while, not until you had confessed that is. Dammon's not the type of man to make wild guesses about romance, even if you're more affectionate he doesn't think anything of it because some people are just like that with their friends and he thinks that it'd be presumptuous to assume.
He decides to eventually try and court you by making you small items or helping you as much as he could with his blacksmith job, things like necklaces, bracelets, maybe even armour, whatever you prefer, really.
Dammon isn't a fan of the typical Tiefling courting rituals, they're the same as humans but with violent and sarcastic speech, along with playful teasing and pushing their object of affection around. Of course, he won't judge if you do that to him, he can take teasing, but he much prefers to show his love through affectionate actions and words.
When you confess to him he gets more excited than embarrassed or flirty, he adores you and to know that you feel the same way as he does gets him a little giddy. He won't even realise that this could be embarrassing to you or even uncomfortable, straight away asking if you'd like to go on a date or be a couple. He does apologise after he realises how forward he's being though.
In a relationship Dammon is very much someone who shows his love through acts of service, he'll craft things for you, help you with your job(s) and even just random tasks you might not want to or be able to do by yourself.
Sometimes he'll make random pieces of jewellery, he says that it doesn't matter if you want to wear them all the time, just as long as you like them. He accepts any gifts even if they're not something he likes, he can find a way to make it practical.
Dammon loves to tease you about your shy confession, in public and private. Unless you directly tell him you don't like it he'll randomly bring it up during conversation, when you're being cocky or teasing him it's an easy and fairly cute memory he can use to make fun of you.
Cooking is something that's interesting for the both of you, I don't think that he'd be too good at cooking or baking, not so horrible that he'll burn down a house, but not really good enough that you'd be able to have a lot of his food. Don't get him wrong, he'd love to learn, but he does prefer to have you cook while he gets ingredients and helps with any part of it that doesn't require anything that requires experience or talent in cooking.
His cuddles are very shifty, I don't think he likes to stay still for long and so you'll constantly be switching positions and he'll tend to play with your hair or hands if you let him. He might roll you around so you're laying on top of him, he's on top of you, you're sideways and hugging him, or he's hugging you, it generally just depends on how fidgety he feels on that day.
His kisses are short, he likes to give a small peck to your lips every few moments. Whether you're busy with your work or he is with his blacksmith work, then boom, kiss out of nowhere on your cheek or neck, he loves to catch you off guard and laughs whenever you get surprised by them.
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Rolan personally doesn't do the typical tiefling courting strategy, of course he's sarcastic, but he's not going to be spewing out any violent speech when it's supposed to be a romantic hint to his feelings toward you.
His reaction would mostly depend on how it happened, and I can mainly see it going a few ways. Either A, you accidentally blurt it out during a conversation directly to him, or B, he overhears you talking about your love for him in some way, maybe going over a confession you're planning with a friend or you're just ranting about how much you like him.
If you blurt it out during conversation he's certainly surprised, but he is wondering if it's some sort of joke even if you're not that type of person. He will absolutely ask if Lyla or Cal put you up to this. Whereas if he overhears you he's much more likely to believe it's genuine, and he won't strut over while the other person is still there, he'll wait until you're done with the conversation and then strut over.
Whatever the way it happens, he will a hundred percent tease you about it. Nothing too heavy and it's mainly a ploy to confirm that you do in fact like him, just so he can make sure the situation is correct and he's not just assuming. He'll just outwardly say things like 'So, you have feelings for me?', 'a birdie seems to have told me about your feelings.', etc.
When you confirm you do in fact have romantic feelings for him he's over the moon, of course he won't outwardly show it and attempts to act suave, he's failing miserably and stumbles over one or two words at first, with false cocky arrogance and deepening his voice to try and make you more embarrassed than he is. Although, if you look down at his feet you can see that his tail is swishing back and forth.
In a relationship he's a mix between awkward and suave, he loves to tease you but if you tease back he gets huffy and storms off, not because he's angry, but because he's just so embarrassed. Especially if you do it around his siblings, Cal and Lia will help you make fun of him but he won't forgive you, unless you give him a kiss or gift him a new book and then it's history.
Rolan will sometimes remind you of how you so forwardly and awkwardly confessed to him to try and make you embarrassed, whether or not if you actually bite back or not doesn't matter, but he loves to do it when you flirt with him first. Oh, you think you've caught him off guard? Well, here's his ultimate trap card! Unless you're not embarrassed by it, then he's stuck trying to remember some other event that could make you embarrassed.
He's not too great at cooking but he can absolutely try for you, he's better at baking because of the strict step by step instructions, but for cooking where it mainly relies on taste and altering recipes he can struggle a little. Rolan does that cute thing if you like to cook or bake where he wraps his arms around you from behind and gives you a lil' kiss.
His cuddles are very 'bear hug' like, when you're spooning him he always asks you to wrap your arms around his waist and push yourself against him fully, he adores the closeness and comfort of it. When he's spooning you he does the same, arms around your waist, his face buries in your neck, making sure to position his horns away from your face. He prefers cuddling in bed and laying down rather than sitting up or on the sofa, the sofas smaller so it makes it harder to get comfortable in his opinion.
Rolan's kisses are always short and sweet, gentle and usually he'll give two or three pecks in a row because he can't get enough of you. Sometimes he'll kiss you for longer or more passionately, usually if one of you is upset or had a long day and just needs one another to relax.
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So, Zevlor's not exactly the most confident or well sought after in the romance department. His age shows on his face and many people seem to be turned off by it, of course there's the whole issue with his past that many tieflings dislike him over, which they make painfully clear.
Although of course, one man's trash is another's treasure, that's where you come in. You both express interest in one another, if you don't catch on due to differences in culture, a general misunderstanding or complete obliviousness, that's up to you. But Zevlor does try to court you.
Regardless of the fact that he's single and has been for a while, he still values romance to some part. Even though it's not to the point that he actively wishes for a relationship or is miserable outside of one.
Overall, Tiefling courting rituals are similar to human courting rituals, but with a lot more grim gallows humor they use to cope with being shunned in most societies that you might not be comfortable with. In Tiefling spaces a common dark joke is 'The fastest way to a man's heart is to either make it laugh it up, or cut it out of him.' If you are a Tiefling, or perhaps from a culture or a specific race that has similar courting rituals to a Tiefling, then he will most likely just stick with what he'd normally say. Nothing too intense, but definitely things that would make a stranger unaware of these traditions to raise a brow.
If you're a non Tiefling he might try to dial back what he would typically do to court one of his own race, in his years he understands that many races or cultures will show love through kind actions, but for Tieflings, courting is all about sarcasm and being a bit more 'violent' verbally. But, if a Tiefling didn't like you then they wouldn't pick on you.
Many Tieflings in the grove are already, painfully so, aware of your little crush on the old Tiefling man. Whether it's because you've talked to them about it or because you're just so obvious, gossip can spread like a wild hellfire, everybody will know even if only one person does.
He most likely had one or two flings in his time, but to hear someone so suddenly admit that they have feelings for him is rather new, and, let me just say, I think he would have some clue before you even said it out loud. Zevlor would never outright think 'they love me', but perhaps would be under the impression that you admire him in some way, especially with how many tieflings try to hint to him that you do love him.
I don't think he would even attempt to court you if he didn't think you'd be at least a little interested.
Obviously if you're reading this you most likely want Zevlor to reciprocate your feelings and accept your confession, which he does, his confession back isn't blunt per se but he definitely gets his feelings across without mincing any words.
In a relationship he's a little awkward at first, but definitely not shy. It's mostly because it's been a while since his last lover but he also wants to make it work with you, but after a few weeks he really does begin to settle in. He'll suggest activities to strengthen your bond, like cooking meals for each other and the other tieflings, training with weapons or fighting styles either one of you might not be perfect with or against, and sometimes just taking a stroll around to admire nature.
Zevlor will adore it if you bite back with equal sarcasm, he is never outright rude, especially if he knows you can't handle it, but he does love a good playful back and forth.
I don't think Zevlor would ever tease you about your awkward and sudden confession in public, maybe with a few close friends of yours or his, but it's mainly when you two are alone and it's usually just if you tease him first. It's a fun little inside joke between you two that you can always find humor in.
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Zevlor's great at cooking that can give you energy and also taste good with minimal ingredients, it's nothing spectacular that you can eat thousands of plates full of, but they're always able to give a pep in your step. He, however, isn't too good at baking, and so if you like to bake then he appreciates some lessons when either of you have the time.
I think he'd be rather awkward and stiff if you ever cuddle for the first few times, after a while he does learn what you both like and how to position himself to be comfortable for each other, but he feels very cumbersome especially if you're laying down. Zevlor prefers to cuddle on the sofa just sitting next to each other one arm around another's waist style.
His kisses are passionate and like the movies, that's the best way I can describe them. He wants you to know how much he loves kissing you and so he takes your breath away every time, if either of you are busy or in a rush he will give a small peck to your cheek as to not make you dawdle.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
Leo was bouncing his leg up and down as they waited for Bella and Luke to get out of the house. He was trying to keep an upbeat attitude, after all Jonah was already cranky enough for both of them, but it was hard when those two idiots seemed to always be late for everything.
"How are you gonna run for mayor if you cannot make it to a 9 AM appointment, Luke?" Leo groaned, as they finally walked out, Lucas bouncing on his feet, while Bella trailed after him with a tired demeanor.
"I'm running for mayor?" Luke frowned, jumping the last two steps and messing up Leo's hair, causing the blonde to shove him off with a scoff.
"Give it five years," Leo grumbled, while Jonah simply huffed, arms crossed to his chest and leaning against his car.
"Twenty three minutes," Jon said through his teeth, leveling Lucas with a glare, then Bella as well for good measure, "you two said you'd be waiting for us, twenty three minutes ago."
"Oh my, you're going to die because you waited twenty minutes?" Lucas rolled his eyes, "you're the one who invited us, if you don't want us-"
"Actually, I invited Bella," Leo cleared up, feeling a smidge of amusement over his annoyance that matched his boyfriend's. If there was one thing they could agree on was that being late was terrible.
Luke made a wounded face, all but pouting and stumbling into place, "Ah... You don't want me to go...?"
Well, shit.
More often than not they could joke and all be sarcastic and mean and it barely registered, but in truth the last thing that Leo wanted was to hurt his friends. He let out a sigh, "I didn't say that."
"God, you guys are so mushy," Bella groaned, planting a hand on her husband's back and shoving him forward, "get in the car, Atwood."
It was all the incentive they needed and they got the party on the road. Leo was driving, for once, because he really didn't want to go pick up his new car feeling carsick and woozy. Jonah was still in a shitty mood, but he had retrieved JD from her cat carrier box and was petting her, a clear tell his mood would be looking up soon enough. And Luke wouldn't shut the fuck up.
He was like a little kid, or rather, a puppy trapped in the backseat of their car that was far too small for him. Bella was leaning against the door, curled up slightly and watching him with a fond smile on, not seeming bothered by the fact he didn't seem able to stand still.
Leo wondered if he had that same type of stupid love struck look on when he looked at Jonah, because for all Bella wanted to upkeep her bitchface, she was clearly smitten to hell and back.
"Do you guys wanna stop for breakfast?" Luke pushed his face slightly against the window as they drove by a side of the road restaurant.
"Our appointment is at 10h30 AM" Jonah reminded them, "no stopping."
"Can we turn music on?"
"You're gonna remove that stick from your ass or...?" Lucas rolled his eyes, sliding his had in between seats so he could pet JD, only for Jonah to turn his body away, shielding the cat.
Leo caught Bella's eyes in the rearview mirror and she was grinning like mad, leaning to whisper in his ear, "they're never beating the sibling allegations."
Leo snorted at the thought, glancing at Jonah once more and the frankly very similar jawline he had with Luke... Whatever. They had enough family drama without needing to turn their group into a full blown soap opera with paternity reveals and what not.
The shop they were headed to was in Portland and not the best area of the town, hence why Leo had asked Bella to tag along. If there was one person in their friend group that he trusted with mechanics it was Bell, and even more so to kick the ass of anyone trying to scam him.
The opportunity had just been too good to pass up, a beautiful white SUV that had Leo already imagining himself inside of it like a prince and better yet, that fit the price he had set for himself. Of course Jonah had bitched and moaned about getting a second hand car, but he could bitch and moan all he wanted, Leo wanted to pay for his own car thank you very much.
Again, if there was anyone who understood that, it was Bella and her Jurassic car, that was older than both their ages combined.
"Uhm, Leo," Bella poked his shoulder, "can you pull over? Over there," she pointed over his shoulder to a quiet street in a bit of a broke down neighborhood. No, he did not want to pull over Jon's fancy BMW, but he did anyway.
"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, who had successfully managed to pspspsp JD to rest her little head in his hand, turning to look at his wife.
"Just a second," Bella mumbled, pushing his had away from her waist when Luke tried to hold her, and opening the door.
She circled the car and Leo frowned, looking at Jon with a puzzled expression, "what the hell...?" in the rearview mirror he saw Bella brace against the trunk, taking deep, measured breaths... Then bend down and disappear from view.
"What the fuck!?" Leo echoed his incredulity, throwing his own door open just in time to hear her retching, half muffled by Luke's exaggerated, "BELL!"
Leo got out as well, while Jon kept his ass planted inside, but threw open his door, carefully moving JD back to her carrier.
As soon as Leo rounded the back, he found Bella almost down to her knees, coughing. She was holding on the back of the car with one hand, while the other one was trying - and sort of failing - to keep back her hair. There was a small puddle of vomit, but nothing much.
"Why didn't you say you were feeling sick, baby?!" Lucas skipped down to his knees, grabbing her and starting to rub her back, causing Bella to let out an annoyed groan.
"I'm fine..." She panted, eyes squeezed shut and breathing slowly through her mouth. Leo raised his eyebrows, not sure if he was impressed by her ability to lie in face of the evidence or not.
"Did you get carsick?" he asked, sidestepping the mess and Bella shook her head, blowing out a small burp and leaning more forward. Luke planted a hand on her forehead, supporting her head as her stomach, appearing thanks to her crop top, heaved once more.
Leo cringed in sympathy and returned to the car, where Jonah had a queasy frown on, "no," Leo knelt on the seat, poking his fiancé, "no bitching at her for getting sick, be nice."
"I'm not a dog," Jonah barked at him and JD meowed, sounding offended just like her owner. Leo snorted, grabbing a water bottle in the glovebox and showing his tongue to his cat.
"Stop siding with him, little miss, he doesn't even give you extra snacks," Leo whispered, then walked back to the back, where Bella was trying and failing to cough up more of last night's dinner.
"Shh," Luke held her hair back now, deciding to make himself useful, and was rubbing her back with the other hand, "deep breaths, baby."
"Shut- Shut up," Bella groaned, gulping down nauseously. She lifted up her head to look at Leo, "I'm sorry..." her throat bobbed dangerously, "just give me a minute."
"No, take your time," Leo frowned, "don't worry about the appointment, the guy can wait ten minutes."
The irony of his words, when they had been bitching about waiting just an hour before, was not lost on Leo and he opened a smile. Bella offered him a little queasy smirk, before groaning, "oh god-" and heaving again, managing to bring up a mouthful of brightly colored stuff against the tarmac.
A gruesome sight, really. Leo's disgust probably showed on his face, because Luke glared over Bella's head, "go away," he said roughly and Leo jumped, spooked.
"Sorry, I- I'm gonna give you some privacy, sorry-" he walked backwards to the driver's side and entered, feeling a stab of guilt. He didn't mean to make Bella self conscious, hopefully this was just Luke being insane...
"Is she alright?" Jon asked, glancing at the rearview mirror. They couldn't see much, just Luke rubbing his wife's back and Bella's bending down with another heave, "that was out of nowhere."
"It's this stupid stanced car," Leo grumbled, crossing his arms, "I wouldn't survive 10 minutes in the back."
"My car is not stanced," Jon wrinkled his nose, offended, "it's just a sports car."
"The back is cramped."
"Luke was fine and he's twice her size," Jonah pointed out, then perked up as the couple in question walked back to the car.
Bella collapsed inside, holding the water bottle to her face, appreciating the cool surface. Her voice was all raspy as she said, "sorry, guys," she gulped down, "don't know what happened."
"Carsickness is a bitch," Leo volunteered, then nearly laughed as he saw Luke trying to fix Bella's top and her shoving his hand away and hissing, "stop fussing, I'm fine."
"Hold on," Leo turned up the A/C to the max, knowing it'd help and Bella let out a small relieved sigh. She opened her eyes, seeming to be coming back to her former self, then unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, taking a sip.
"Let's go?"
"You don't want us to wait a minute?" Luke frowned, stroking her cheek despite Bella's previous shoves, "just so your stomach settles?"
"It's plenty settled," she cleared her throat, taking a bigger gulp, "c'moooon, I'm not dying. Let's go, we're getting blondie a new car today."
And sure, she was all show and badass attitude, but Bella did look better. Her paleness was fading quickly and she no longer was gulping down nervously. Nevertheless, Leo kept an eye on her, just in case.
The mechanic wasn't far out, but the guy smelled like beer and immediately assumed Bella and Leo were together, since they were the first to enter. How the guy hadn't clocked him as gay was beyond Leo, but he bit his tongue and said nothing as the mildly homophobic man continued to chat up Bella as if she was the airhead wife who called the shots of their relationship with pouts and whines.
"It's a nice car, right ma'am?" the man opened the driver's door for Bella, adjusting the seat, "gonna impress all your friends, it's a head turner."
"I know, right?" Bella's voice was up a whole note to a chilling degree and Leo opened a huge smile at her cheerleader tone, "Leo, sweetheart, look at the automatic panel..."
"Its got a blindspot detector," the mechanic continued to prattle on, "it's keyless and-" he clicked on a button, opening the trunk, "a huge trunk for all sorts of groceries."
"A big trunk, Leo!" Bella squealed and Leo had to press his lips not to laugh, "he loves it, if you know what I mean," she winked and the man nodded in approval, letting his eyes go down Bell's body, completely missing the double meaning.
"Yes, ma'am, he's a lucky man," he said patting the leather seat, "the backseat is spacious, you wanna check it?"
"Absolutely," Bella jumped from the driver's seat so she could climb in the back.
Leo took the chance since they were both preoccupied, so he could look back to where Luke and Jon were waiting at the doors of the garage, both silently shaking with giggles. Jonah's face was an entire shade darker with a blush and he looked close to tears from the effort of holding back laughter.
"Can we take a look under the hood, Keith?" Bella asked and the man eagerly approved.
"Of course, darling, c'mere-" he opened the hood, then did nothing, gesturing around, "as you see, it's all in order-"
"Battery is not original," Bella's voice was now back to its own normal tone and the man seemed startled, "neither is the painting, the car used to be orange," she pointed a detail, "and-" she started unscrewing something that was totally beyond Leo's knowledge, then turned around and grabbed a metal rod from one of the mechanic benches, cleaning it and shoving it inside the compartment she had just unscrewed, "this oil is from the last century, he'll need to get this changed ASAP. You're gonna reduce the price of that, of course- Did you change out the radiator? Why?"
Keith looked like he had just seen a magic trick and his brain was trying and failing to figure it out. He spluttered a bit, so Bella planted her hands on her hips, "Keith?"
In the end, Leo got two thousand bucks off the price he had originally planned to pay, as well as a whole wheel, that they gracefully put in the really large trunk.
They drove out separately now, Leo and Bella in the new vehicle, and Jon, Luke and JD in Jonah's car, "I kinda miss having keys," Leo pouted, "I was gonna get a cute keychain."
"You can still get one for your house keys," Bella smiled, leaning in to squeeze his arm, "and for the emergency car keys."
"I guess," he couldn't stop smiling, "at least now you're not gonna be carsick on the drive back. I'm sorry, we should've thought Jonah's car was cramped as hell and taken Luke's-"
"I wasn't carsick," Bella shrugged, lowering her window and smiling as Jon zoomed past them, honking for good measure. It was probably Luke driving.
"Nah, felt off since I woke up," her cheeks turned pink, hand sliding to her stomach in a fond manner... And Leo nearly drove his brand new (sorta) car straight into a lamp post.
"No," she shook her head, then paused, "I don't know, don't think so," Bella bit down her lip, seeming hesitant for the first time all day, all the brilliant confidence he had seen before vanishing in a puff, "don't tell anyone, not that there's anything to tell, just-"
"Does Luke-" his mouth was really dry now and his heart was hammering, as if Leo was the father of Bella's hypothetical baby. She shrugged, uncomfortable.
"Please don't say anything," she looked away, "like I said, it's probably not it."
"Ah," Leo's head was spinning now and he stopped at a red light, catching up with Luke and Jonah. The window lowered and Jonah poked his head out, sunglasses on and whistling.
"Hey handsome!" he yelled and Leo lowered his window, but he was really off his game now, "can I have your number!?"
He chuckled weakly, while Bella leaned over him, "fuck off, he's taken, Jonah!" she said brightly, squeezing Leo's arm so he'd get himself together, "suuuuch a lucky guy to land a beautiful woman like me, Keith said so!"
Jonah cackled, raising a middle finger and lowered his sunglasses, a lopsided smile on as he caught Leo's eyes, "race you home?" Luke made the BMW roar.
Bella scoffed, patting Leo's shoulder, "c'mon, blondie, get your shit together. Your car is cooler than Jon's prehistoric BMW!" she shouted the last line and Jonah continued to laugh.
"Can't hear you over the noise of you LOSING!"
Leo shook his head, catching Bella's eyes and then squeezed her hand in his, forcing up a smile and turning to her, "put your seatbelt on, Bell," then to Jonah, leaning out of his window as well, "eat dust, motherfucker."
All he heard was Jonah saying, "crush 'em," to Luke before the lights turned green.
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yuurei20 · 9 months
Hi there! Quick question, How does Idia feel about Leona?? to me, they have such weird dynamic. They don't like each other but they don't outright hate each other either, but sometimes it feels like they're totally fine with each other?? Is this just a respect thing??
Hello hello!! This gets into character analysis which is definitely not my strength, so I reached out to one of the most knowledgeable Idia-analyzers I’ve ever seen ( @frost__tw ) who was so kind as to collaborate with me on this response, and I am forever grateful ♡
Also: agreed! Their dynamic is particularly fascinating because they are both complete opposites and extremely similar, simultaneously:
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Both are housewardens, near the same height, canonically attractive, unusually intelligent, very sarcastic, enjoy chess, are from important families, keep others at a distance, often complain about having to go out of their way to do things they are uninterested in, have brother issues and won’t put effort into things they have predetermined to be impossible, which ties directly into how they are trapped in situations they can’t do anything about due to the circumstances of their birth.
And we also have their recently introduced titles (on JP server): “Ambitious King” and “King of the Underworld.”
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It is difficult to pinpoint exactly how Idia feels about Leona, possibly because he doesn’t know very much about him (which is possibly because Leona doesn’t want him to).
During Book 6 he assumes that Leona isn’t suited to a leadership role, for example, despite how people who actually spend time with Leona say otherwise.
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The two overlap in Idia’s second birthday vignette, where Leona gifts him with an artisanal chess set and the two pause the interview to play together.
They seem to mutually agree not to mention who won the game, and it may have been a draw.
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We see Idia categorize people and generalize them into character tropes (from anime/manga/games) throughout the game, and based upon Leona’s appearance/outward behavior, Idia may labeling him as the scary top boss of the Savanaclaw hooligans (re: their Halloween vignette together) in his mind.
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But he is able to overcome his initial flight response in this birthday vignette once Leona procures the chess set (one of Idia’s personal interests).
(This is part of the reason why Idia’s stutter is such an important part of the character: he stutters when he panics, but then speaks smoothly when he becomes passionate, which the characters even comment on in the game (Ortho calls it his "go off switch" on EN, and his "heat up switch" on JP).)
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(Recreation of this trait varies by scene on EN.)
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Leona is difficult to read because he will insult the people he likes and respects just as readily as he does those he does not (something that we see Jamil come to understand in real time during Book 6), so trying to work out his true opinion about anything can get into conjecture.
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They also do not overlap particularly often, which gives us less to work with, but his teasing of Idia in the birthday vignette is not dissimilar to his teasing of characters like Jamil and Vil. Whereas they understand Leona’s humor, however, Idia may not.
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What we know for a fact is that Leona has canonically complimented Idia for being both intelligent and powerful during Spectral Soiree, and this may have been a parallel to Terror is Trending when, extremely impressed by Savanaclaw’s Halloween set, Idia asks, “Did Leona use his magic for it?”
Idia also comments on Leona’s power during his evaluations at STYX, saying, “I already knew Leona was tough and could handle whatever danger comes at him…”
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I think you are correct, and it is a respect thing!
They are both aware of the other’s familial situations and strengths and, in any other circumstances, they might get along well. But their personalities are just too different, they frustrate each other in every conversation they have, and whatever positives the other person has might just not be enough to outweigh how obnoxious they find the other to be.
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We learn from Vil that the rule at NRC is “the weak obey the strong,” and the Housewardens at NRC seem to take this literally, with Idia, Leona and Vil all being constantly torn between sincere annoyance and grudging respect. The three referring to others as “spudlings,” “normies” and “herbivores” is another interesting overlap that they share.
(Despite being even more different than Leona and Idia, Leona and Vil repeatedly find common ground in allying against Idia.)
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(In a parallel to this, Leona and Idia find common ground on the subject of Malleus, with Leona saying, “It’s a pain when the majority forces their opinion on you,” which is an opinion Idia seems to share.)
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Thank you so much for this question, it was wonderful to dive into!
Overall, Leona and Idia seem to share a mutual undertone of “I know you’re the best at what you do, but I can’t stand you. I acknowledge that you’re intelligent, capable and talented, but please go be that somewhere else,” which ties directly into a comment from Yana’s 2023 interview:
“Since the characters in the story are villains they do not admit defeat, but they will admit, ‘Hey, you did pretty good.’ Even if they don’t like each other, they will recognize each other’s abilities.”
(And thank you again to @frost__tw for all the amazing insight! ♡)
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Honestly, if I was reader I would weaponize the fact they literally know next to nothing about me. Hear me out
Bruce and fam show up and are like: it's so irresponsible for you to just disappear and not tell anyone, did you drop out of school just to get away
Me, knowing they never paid attention anyways: no one wanted to talk that night so I left a note. And no I didn't drop out, I graduated with honors. I went to/am going to college for___ degree. I took my diplomas with me because it's MY accomplishment
Bruce letting his high tech medical machine do a series of tests because he's lost it and wants to know every detail down to your white cell count: you've had a significant damage to your pelvis in recent months
Me : oh yeah, My husband is going through a phase
Bruce : you're married???
Me : was it my ring or extraordinarily good sex life that gave it away??
Like seriously, I'd not pull any punches when it comes to hurting them back for what they did to me. Such as mentioning lasting injuries or traumatic events that happened while they were pretending I didn't exist. If anything I'd bring it up just to hammer in the fact that I.don't.need.them. And let them all have mental breakdowns. It gives me joy. And the best part is, they really wouldn't know what's fact or fiction. Let them go hunting for a husband that doesn't exist. Send them on wild goose chases for anything and everything they don't know.
Again, I love all of these spite posts and y'all are a RIOT and I love y'all for that, oh my god.
Icing on the cake? Of course the reader has gotten hurt in the past. They've overworked each and every last atom in their bodies just to have an inch of a connect with the Batfam, but still got nothing for their efforts. Which may or may not be mentioned in part 3 when stuff starts tumbling down even more.
Honestly, why not just make shit like that worse? How are they going to know?
You broke your wrist? Say it was your arm.
An ankle? Say it was both your legs and you were maybe even bedridden for a while. Or just on crutches (which may or may not be canon).
Hell, with the whole husband thing — why not lowkey turn it into a whole ass drama for the hell of it? You've had pervious partners in the past, and honestly some of them were kind of shit but there was this one person who you're actually kind of chill with. Maybe you still have a drink with them every now and again. You're married but have already been through your first divorce and have maybe been thinking of having children, or maybe you already do! (Which, of course, they can be pets but how is the Batfam going to know that right away?)
Basically, go off. They honestly deserve it, and especially because after years they still don't know the smallest thing about the reader. Well- besides that they're into music, and even then that's only about half of them? I believe?
The only one that would see through your bs is Alfred but he isn't going to say anything. Not without being sassy himself and heavily sarcastic. Even if he'll only play along for so long, your the favorite so it's okay. Besides it wouldn't be the first mind games he's played.
It may take everyone a little longer, but you can guess why. Hell, maybe some lies they'll never even find out about, since some of the best lies are told with a little bit of truth to them.
Regardless, it all spunds very fun ♡♡
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