#they're both flamboyant af
variousqueerthings 1 year
been reading a lot of clive barker recently and find him to be incredibly whimsical, life-affirming, and wondrous so I decided to read his ya series "abarat" which as it turns out isn't finished, so we're waiting at a point of utter despair for the most part, rip to the kids (that being said I do wish I'd known of it when I was a kid, no matter how frustrated by the wait I might have been)
anyway, do think I will write a little fanfic that nobody is going to read of christopher carrion and finnegan hob working through their mutual realisation that they were both being used by princess boa (meanwhile she's shooting finger guns at them, love her, love how she fucked up not one but two incredibly powerful silly boys, love that she just loves being bad, it appears to be her whole raison d`etre), and then they make out or smthin, unclear
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murfpersonalblog 2 months
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Exactly. I've said since S1 that Loustat got Vegas Married; they didn't REALLY "know" each other. Jfc, Les really was illiterate, cuz he definitely wasn't reading Lou's mind well enough to understand who he was deep down AT ALL. 馃檮馃う
Cuz Lou's NOT some "disreputable, cold, violent" thug like Les assumed & Santiago disparaged. He IS kind, soft, nurturing; and he cares about "human souls;" not seeing them as "the Meat" like Les, or "Kill Juice" like Claudia, or "cattle" like Armand. And poor Louis didn't have a frikkin clue what he was getting into with sadistic Lestat. They'd BOTH been putting on an act.
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Loustat are soulmates, STFU. 馃槶
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"One-sided." 馃憖
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Armand is very No Future coded, wow. Very apocalyptic & fatalistic--hence his actions following Memnoch the Devil.
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I said it way back in S1: Armand "loves" people like OBJECTS.
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He does the exact same thing with Daniel, which is why I've never understood the appeal of Devil's Minion. It's FUNNY, seeing Armand be such a gremlin, but it's not romantic IMO; esp. since Daniel had zero agency, drunk AF and out of his mind most of the time--esp. after he was Turned. The only people Armand was able to love unconditionally, as PEOPLE (even family), were Benji & Sybelle.
Granted, what Assad said about Armand selfishly only thinking about how Louis could enrich him is kinda unfair. ALL vampires are selfish. They're leeches literally feeding on people, sucking them dry to sustain themselves. (Why they're a perfect allegory for capitalism, pimps, slaveowners, aristocracy, etc.) As Makers, they're crabs in a bucket, pulling humans down into eternal damnation with them just cuz they don't wanna go through hell alone--regardless of how prettily they talk it up (*cough* Lestat *cough*)--it's still a Savage Garden. Armand had the right idea, not wanting to make his own fledgling:
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Armand & Les actually have a lot more in common than they're given credit for (which is why Lou's fond of them--he's compatible with both of them: Les' fun & flamboyant side; and Armand's more muted & chill domestic side). They're Old World relics who BOTH rely on Louis as someone who can bring them into the 20th century. Toxic AF, they BOTH treat Louis like a vessel--Lestat more carnally, as someone he can dump all of his pleasure & love into, lovebombing Lou and expecting him to take it with open arms; and Armand more mentally, literally inserting his memories/personality into Louis and mindwiping him as he stays on suicide watch; becoming Lou's nursemaid/caretaker and treating him with kid gloves like Lou needs to be "coddled, hyped up, lied to."
So yeah, this was a really juicy article. I agree with Sam & Assad, but for different reasons.
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wi55iams 9 months
i love the carlos theory, but is there evidence??
we must see - for scientific purposes, of course 馃憖
Apologies at how long it has taken me to prove my theory, but I come bearing proof of Carlos' twinkishness! Firstly, we must consider the definition of twink. This is what wikipedia describes a twink as:
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So how does this apply to Carlos? First, let's focus on having a slim physique. Carlos definitely fits this descriptor. I know a lot of you will think I am crazy. 'But Carlos is buff!' You will say. However, this is a misconception. Consider the following;
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See how skinny his upper body is compared to his race suit? In the bottom image you can see its like a centimetre or two thick fabric which pads him out a bit. I think the video of him walking to the podium after Miami 2022 really exemplifies this:
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I think because we usually see Carlos in a race suit, we perceive him as bulkier. Not convinced by this alone? Lets actually compare him to an F1 driver usually called a twink, Charles.
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See how they're actually about the same size and body shape? If anything, Carlos has a slimmer waist than Charles, and both are about the same in terms of muscle. Lets compare him with an F1 driver not considered a twink by the masses, Pierre in terms of muscle:
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Carlos is pretty bulky arm wise, but just look at how crazy huge and defined Pierre's muscles are. If you look at more pictures of Pierre he's much bigger than Carlos or Charles in size. Look at this guy!
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So if Carlos is closer to Charles, a known twink, than Pierre, i think its safe to say he is much more twinkish than we give him credit for. But i'm not even done. Carlos has in fact been DECEIVING you by being an athlete and having muscles, under all that he is built like a twig. You can see this when he was younger. Look at this. If you're willing to do some digging back to his karting days, you can see before he started lifting he was weirdly long and built fairly skinny.
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So that completes the 'slim' part. Next is youthful appearance/age. Carlos is nearly 30, but as Wikipedia states you don't have to be an older teen or in your early twenties to be a twink. It's about the presentation, and Carlos certainly fits that youthful vibe with his always messy hair, toothy smile, and big eyes. He also likes to rough house and push people around as a sign of affection, which just screams young guy to me lol.
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Next is body hair. I admit my theory hits a slight snag here, as we all know Carlos is hairy af. However, we also all know he's dedicated to waxing every last piece of chest hair off. It's harder to find a picture of a hairy Carlos compared to the many pictures of him with no body hair at all. So I think we can say he's pushing himself towards a twink vibe with this. (below picture isn't the best to illustrate how much he shaves his chest i just think its funny)
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Finally, flamboyancy. Defined as 'tending聽to attract attention because of their聽exuberance, confidence, and stylishness.' This is Carlos to a T. He's always confident, perhaps not super 'stylish' but he does have a good dress sense and seems to know what clothes suit him, and he's been proven to be quite excitable and exuberant when hanging out with friends. I think his hypercompetitiveness shows this as well. Is this picture not the epitome of careless confidence and flamboyance?
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So. There is my evidence. Agree or disagree as you will. I will say he is probably more a twunk than all out twink, but he for sure has some twink in him. Here's a few last pictures to really try and convince you, but for now, ciao.
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dreemurr-skelememer 1 year
Man, we鈥檙e both dealing with the topic of drama today huh :/
How rude!!! It鈥檚 first month of gay!!!!!!
So!!!! Here鈥檚 a few questions (if you want) that you can ramble about:
1. What are your favorite LGBTQIA+ headcanons?
2. Do you ship polys? (If yes do you have a favorite (no need to specify if you don鈥檛 want to))
3. What is your FAVORITE LGBTQIA+ shipping troupe? (Butch lesbian + Bi busy bee, flamboyant gay + pan sweetheart, Trans!fem + trans!masq, etc)
4. WHAT is ur favorite thing to do during pride month (doesn鈥檛 have to be celebrating pride or being pride forward, can just be making memes or smthn)
5. LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!!!! Give urself a Pat on the back and look urself in the mirror and tell urself you are cool and awesome and great and that people on the Internet can be very dumbb
What are your favorite LGBTQIA+ headcanons?
something i don't talk often about enough is the fact that i think dream and nightmare are non-binary! they're formless balls of fire and energy that needed a body that fit them because none of the others fit right. and that's like. gnc af, dude
Do you ship polys? (If yes do you have a favorite (no need to specify if you don鈥檛 want to))
YES!!!!!! I VERY MUCH DO!!!!!!!!! i pride myself in being a multishipper, polycules make me SOOOOO happy
as of lately, i've been rotating my head around the star sans poly and BEI (blue/error/ink)!!!!!!!!! but i was pretty known for sansgoriel too!!!!!!!!! (SHOUTOUT T4T SANSGORIEL ANON. I SAW UR ASK I STILL LOVE IT.)
What is your FAVORITE LGBTQIA+ shipping troupe? (Butch lesbian + Bi busy bee, flamboyant gay + pan sweetheart, Trans!fem + trans!masq, etc)
i never really thought about the tropes!!! mayhaps edgy bi + sunshine pan (tooootally not biased at all)
WHAT is ur favorite thing to do during pride month (doesn鈥檛 have to be celebrating pride or being pride forward, can just be making memes or smthn)
my favorite thing is indeed just making memes about my identity and sexuality LOL!!!!
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customized the shitpost @ari-axis made for me just so i can fuck around with my discord profile LOL it makes me chuckle
i also love just!!!!!! seeing people do pride related things :) both where i live and generally online! i think it's nice seeing people be truly themselves and having a great time doing it!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!!!! Give urself a Pat on the back and look urself in the mirror and tell urself you are cool and awesome and great and that people on the Internet can be very dumbb
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thanks anon :)
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macaroni-rascal 11 months
Okay, here comes the ice dance roast.
I'm calling this first team Olivia and a Half, because dude is barely there. I liked her previous costume too but she's also a smokeshow in this one. I'm convinced they're putting her in distracting costumes so we won't be looking at Tim, who desperately needs to discover that there's an audience there that he should be projecting to. Good outing, but it made me miss Adrian.
I'd give anything for Katerina's skirt lengths not to give me anxiety for one (1) season, and now she's added a long ponytail as well - why does she hate me so? These costumes are giving 2000s more than 80s. They desperately need our mother hen Madison Hubbell to take them under her wing, these unpointed toe kicks are not it.
Why are the Browns skating in what are essentially practice outfits to the famously flamboyant Elton John? Give these talented children funding! Otherwise they slayed, which is why I'm annoyed at the packaging. Best sibling team here, I said what I said.
HanYe with the costumes of the event and possibly the field. Only guy with an actual outfit. I wish her sleeves were attached to the bodice more in the front, we don't need armpit cleavage, but other than that, best dressed. Levels were oof. IAM needs to leave their teams with Paul Mac over the summer to learn how to execute their turns, they've got pretty much everything else figured out.
Holly and Jason looking hot af. I prefer her golden butt to Olivia's in the free. His corset-y mesh top - cunty af. Her bodysuit seems very intricate up close, but I wish that same level of attention went into getting their levels.
Taschlers look okay for a European team and the costumes are accurate for the music choice, but why oh why is the cutout on the side of his stomach round instead of matching her pointed one? Love their attack and unison but wish them better programs moving forward.
I actually like this French team this season and I hate that for me. His boatneck I'll allow because he isn't a broad boye but I'm not quite sure what his top has to do with the 80s. Her outfit is cute but I wish she'd move on from the Slutskaya cut and the henna dyejob to a more contemporary pixie or bob or something, they need to look more polished because they are indeed very trained and technically strong.
Marjo and Zak - my loves. The only ones I genuinely care about, not gonna lie. Seemingly the only team that read the ISU Communication on the theme this year. Fantastic campy costumes, killer performance ability, couldn't take my eyes off them. Noticed in the warmup that the costume designer shaded his butt crack as well and for that, that mofo need Jesus. They need to sort their levels situation out because they're the stars of the discipline, really, but we're not allowed to talk about that just yet (馃か).
Now for the crime of the night - the grand larceny that was Green/Parsons' score. They were the strongest team here across the board, they're the most complete all around, and I was fuming when I saw 4th. They def need to rework the cut but I like this better than the Paula, it suits them, the costumes weren't revolutionary but they both looked fine af. I know he's old enough to be her great uncle but at the same time I don't want them with lesser partners. The judges went out of their fucking way to prevent last year's situation when H/B (let's be honest) obliterated C/B. Maybe if G/Pa weren't coached by human silver medal and Canadian trophy husband Charlie Allen White, they wouldn't be in this mess.
And now for the grand finale - I'm dispatching a firing squad for the tech panel because are you seriously telling me that this team that graduated with honors from the Diana Davis School of Edgework is best-in-class??? And I can see what she was trying to do with the dress but she didn't quite nail it, the front is awkward, the mid-buttcheek zipper-like split in the back is a choice, and the skirt flaps around awkwardly. Meanwhile, Evan's outfit is just low-effort and perfunctory. They should've just put him in a white tank top and lightwash jeans to highlight his white basicness, since he wears her like a jacket for most of their programs anyway, it would've been apropos. They were out-skated but most of the teams here, they had no energy, speed, power or ice coverage, and to top it all off, they were on the edge of disaster in the lift again, and that was the only edge they were on the entire program. They deserve a surprise P/C comeback at this point, I can't take this anymore.
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A masterpiece of a roast.
Anon, I want you to know I got three OTHER anons that were excited to hear about your fashion opinions.
Olivia and a Half is beyond correct, I can forget he's there if I squint, and I enjoy the program so much more. I honestly don't think the Browns have ever had a good costume, and that's a damn shame. If Paul MacIntosh cam to IAM, I would cheer for years, they really need a kick in the ass in terms of tech, and quickly. Holly looks so good in that gold outfit, it's wILD. French team I can't even get into, they are never not So Deeply French Looking. You are spot on with G/Pa, they do not deserve to be sitting in 5th right now. I also can't even get into C/B, cause it's just Too Much at the moment when I'm trying to switch into women mode for the short program that starts in 5 minutes.
Anon, you're a damn icon.
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i-mossy 7 years
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From pure to shithead in .02 seconds (AKA Zephyr is extra af in everything they do)
((Click for a better view))聽
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aims-at-skies 6 years
My Hero Campademia!!!
So I thought about a Camp Camp/BNHA AU which is as follows:
-David as All Might: Come on, it is literally Dadvid and DadMight meshed together to make the ultimate dad. David as a lanky untransformed Toshinori and then as buff AF red head All Might. He serves justice with a smile even though the rest of the world is apathetic and decensitized, but he does what he does bc somebody f*cking has to.
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-Max as Deku: Hear me out, I know Max has more of a Kacchan attitude, but to be honest, from David and Max's father/son relationship it'd make more sense if David saw the potential of Max and take him under his wing. Max used to love heroes, but was super pissed 24/7 for not growing up without a quirk. He does respect David, even if he despises the optimist. He also does aspire to be as happy as David but needs to break that exterior of cynicism.
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Gwen as Aizawa Eraser Head: Come on, the "I look like I don't give AF but deep down I'd protect every single camper/student" attitude is right there and she would defnitely oversee everyone else's ability to succeed whilst sassing and sleeping/writing slash fiction in her spare time as well as in front of the kids while everyone they're taking notes in class.
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Neil as Iida: He serves as the parody of an honors student with cynical scientific views and always works on how to make his engines faster and more powerful. He loves following Max into danger and become better than his philosophical dad. Who has Sock-rates Sockels over his engines.
Nikki as Kacchan: Firey and eager to destroy and cause as much chaos with a smile on her face. Like Max, David sees potential in her optimism that she could apply better whereas Max has that need to help everyone even with a frown. Her and Max are friends and roughhousing rivals everyday and usually rag on Neil.
Ered as Jirou: Just equally cool ladies who usually tag behind and sass whilst not caring about their surroundings.
Nerf as Kirishima: With such a strong quirk, Nerf eagerly looks for as many people and things to unleash his anger upon, living up to his nickname as Red Riot.
Space Kid as Ochako: Innocent Gravity Angel Cinnamon Beans
Nerris as Tsu: The dorky, out of place girl that we all know and love with the stand outish physical features they got (elf ears and frog tongue) usually deadpanning the obvious with animal/D&D analogies.
Harrison as Kaminari: Yellow dudes with exceptional powers and abilities that they can't control them to their fullest potential and end up ruining potentially awesome looking things. Yeah these dudes are direct parallels of eachother.
Preston as Mina: Both flamboyant and eager to be a part of the group and begin the drama left and right with the theatrics fitting of their characters.
Dolph as Momo: Coming from a high prestigious military family with certain expectations to maintain. Eager to please his peers with his wealth, yet it will often come off as more Nationalist Socialist to others even if he himself is unaware about it.
Quartermaster as Gran Torino: The only old dude i could think of with quirky wisdom who may or may not be questionable in how he taught David. He is just looking to keep that Tontine tbh, but does the best he can at the Campademy.
Campbell as All for One: Used to be the inspiration to all Pro Heroes, but it was all a ploy to get as much funding and power for himself in the past, when all that came out, he went into hiding and is a huge reason as to why the world is as cynical and untrusting as it is, especially regarding heroes. Bc the world put its trust in a false idol and is hesitant to even admire the rest.
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Daniel as Stain: The bloodthirsty extremist's whose desire to sacrifice all heroes and villains he deems flawed to his entity in the name of Total Purification for the future.
Jen as Toga: Self explanatory as crazy stalking blood storing fan girl.
Jasper as Shigaraki: Hear me out, bc he technically died in a building on a practice mission with David, Campbells building, the place detonated and it was due to Davids indecisiveness that he got stuck beneath the rubble. Campbell saved him and made him believe it was all Daveys fault. Using his vengeance against his old friend, Jasper seeks to end all the Pro Heroes under the guidance of Cambell.
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Wood/Flower Scouts as Class B: They got well developed quirks and reputations but are constantly under the shadow of the more popular and loveable class A.
Thank you for reading and have fun recreating the scenarios! Campe Ultra!!! Or Plus Diem??? Or how about CAMPE SMASH!!!
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