#they're also canonically a demigirl
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vitiateoriginator · 1 year ago
Cringetober 2023 Day 1
credit to @sleeprann for the concept and awestin martinez for this year's prompt list
Day 1's prompt is "Heterochromia"
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I chose to draw one of my minor Warrior Cats ocs, as she's one of my only characters who has heterochromia. Their name is Batwing [she/they]! Here she's depicted as a freshly named apprentice, who's just faced the wrath of their abusive mother (because she's not instantly perfect at her warrior's training like her littermates are). Poor kitty :(
if you'd like to participate in the challenge, here's the prompt list
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usfp-the-blog · 8 months ago
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new pfp! this picrew was made by the amazingly talented @elena-illustration! i have commissioned art of Iris, which i have yet to post, but i have nothing of Orion, or of the two together, so i look forward to getting more art done made for the two! here's a link to their picrew if you want to try it out!
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epiceneandroid · 2 months ago
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presenting: time period (90s) accurate yiik gender and sexuality headcanons, helped out by my alex facet and my rory alter. thank you, alex and rory, for giving me your own gender and orientation identities for this :) i appreciate it.
from top to bottom: alex is a genderqueer pomosexual (because of course, the protagonist of a postmodern rpg is pomosexual for Alex Typical Reasons; my alex facet considers themselves above sexuality in a typical cisnormative heteronormative way, as typical for how pretentious they are...they're very mad at me for saying that and feel sensitive about how Smart their liberal arts english major philosophy minor made them feel), michael kucinski is a gay man, vella wilde is a bigender bisexual trans woman (there are both male and female soul survivors in her mind dungeon and vella wanting to leave her body and discard it for a new one while still having male and female parts in her mind feels very...bigender trans woman), rory is a pansexual epicene (rory is canonically pansexual, and pansexual was an identity that's surprisingly been around in it's modern inception since the late 70s; my rory alter said although they'd describe themselves in modern terms as a demiboy demigirl demiproxvir demijuxera enby, they'd describe themselves in 90s terms as epicene in the "indeterminate gender" sense, which is why they were bullied so much and why they believe carrie was bullied; because they openly identified as epicene in the 90s before shoving that away in their head, and people bullied them and carrie in school because "your 'brother' is a freak"), claudio is a pangender pansexual (though i can also see claudio being pangender and gay as in "all genders and gay for all genders"; something about either headcanon just makes sense to me), chondra is a stem lesbian and identifies as stem as her gender identity (ze uses she/ze (as in ze/hir feinberg style) pronouns interchangeably, she when she leans more on the fem side of her identity and ze when ze leans on the stud side of hir identity, so kind of a genderfluid thing except with stud and fem, which from research i've done in the black community seems to be almost separate lesbian exclusive and occasionally bisexual used gender identities), and asuka furutani is a femme bisexual and identifies as femme as her gender identity.
i will do queer headcanons for semi/sammy, essentia, jocasta, william/wilfrid/the perfume king, the handsome krow, various semi/sammy/vella/essentia past lives, and carrie/nameless child later! enjoy my 90s accurate headcanons :)
edit: FUCK i forgot michael was in love with allison. forgot michael was bisexual instead of gay. i am a dumbass. i have alex brain and warped reality so michael could be in love with ONLY alex instead of his first love being allison. stupid stupid stupid
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transmcytshowdown · 2 months ago
Ok here we go: Trans masc Scott-he/they/ice/flower this is for Empires dude is so Fae high elf that gender doesn't truly matter to him but ice doesn't like being born a woman or being a woman, Genderfluid Tango(amab)-he/she/they so questioned for a while and had to talk to others to figure themself out but she is so like not caring about anything especially in Life series that sometimes when he thinks about it he realizes she doesn't want to be a guy that day, Trans masc Grian-he/they Watcher so doesn't really care much about gender anymore but him and Pearl being identical twins, Intersex Jimmy-he/they/cod Empires always demanding respect possibly had more feminine traits so everyone thought cod was female but no also fish hybrid things, Questioning Skizz(amab but has big tits and is questioning his gender specifically)-he/him, Trans fem Gem-she/her she is so trans coded and opposite trans cherryblings is so silly, Intersex Lizzie-she/they t4t bi4bi Jizzie but also fish hybrid things, Demiboy Xornoth(amab)-he/they pretty sure canonically Scott uses they/them for Xornoth but he's also such a guy but not and just he's our little not guy, Bigender Fwhip(amab)-any FWHIP IN A DRESS SHE DOESN'T CARE IF YOU PERCEIVE HIM AS A GIRL OR A GUY, Nonbinary Xisuma(amab)-they/them they're just a little silly and are another worldly creature so enby coded, Trans masc Joel-he/they he's a sopping wet tanooki(cat/j) and they are t4t bi4bi Jizzie coded,Demigirl Cleo-she/they Cleo actually uses she/they and is so trans fem but not fully woman-⭐️
lots of propaganda!! love to see it!
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wishing-stones · 1 year ago
Monster Sexuality and Gender Views, and Humans in the Underground
Anyway time for more LGBTQ+ positive content!
So I touched on this a little bit before, but I figured I'd detail my headcanons a little more in light of recent events.
Monsters are born with gender-neutral terms. Until they are old enough to communicate what they would prefer to be called, they are referred to with they/them pronouns. Sometimes they can communicate this fairly shortly after birth, other times, it takes until they're a little older and can properly communicate their feelings on the matter. Pronoun changes throughout childhood are common as monsters discover who they truly are, and most of the time, they have it largely figured out by the time they leave their stripes (become and adult: all kids wear stripes after all!) Sometimes, it takes them a little longer to figure out, but it's incredibly easy for monsters to adjust to new names and pronouns (Mettaton; Alphys immediately uses the right names and pronouns once she makes him his body, or presumably before, when he told her.)
Humans who fall into the underground are no exception to this rule. If they vocalize their pronoun preference, those will be used. Until then, they are referred to in the gender-neutral. This sometimes takes the younger humans by shock, but it's historically gone over pretty well.
Entering very large headcanon territory: Chara and Frisk are both AFAB, but greatly enjoyed gender-neutral pronouns. For Chara, it became an instant preference because they liked it so much. Frisk was a little more chill about it, but never correcting people spoke louder than they could. (Further headcanons have Chara falling into the realm of demigirl, while Frisk is non-binary through and through. Chara tolerates she/her sometimes, and Frisk doesn't really care all that much, but might get a little testy if someone tries to shove them into a gender role. These are just personal takes on them and not supported by canon.)
This applies to all humans in the underground, from children to adults. This also applies to any humans encountering monsters in other spaces, either on the surface or even in the greater UTMV at large.
Regarding sexuality, I've said that most monsters are Pansexual, because monsters as a whole species are incredibly diverse, but can all interbreed. Some monsters develop more specific sexualities and attractions (Undyne) while others might drift towards Asexuality. All of this is commonly accepted, because monsters are made partially of compassion. (Another smaller headcanon here is that this large acceptance may have played a role in the war, because humans are, on the whole, stupid flighty creatures of habit and aggression. What they shunned, monsters accepted.)
I think that about covers it. So, yeah. You can't be transphobic or homophobic in this fandom, the canon literally goes against it, and my headcanons are that you and your bigotry can suck big fat eggs and kick rocks monsters are very 'come as you are' to everyone.
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nephilimbrute · 8 months ago
whatre your splatoon AU squad's genders/pronouns/sexualities i must know :3
my agents? Hmmm......welllll
val (agent 3) is a Cis lesbian. she uses she/her. someone asked if she got kicked out of the NSS for being cis. she holds the title of agent 3 to prevent confusion even though she was FIRED. she's also blonde and white but thankfully not blue-eyed
spingly (agent 4) is a bi transman and uses he/him. he's the only normal one out of everyone else (he later on decides to get his joints replaced with metal). he HATES salmonids and doing salmon run shifts. marie is like his mom
riley (cap'n 3 and Only called cap'n 3) is a sapphic demigirl that uses she/they. i can't tell if her or 8 are more troubled but she's Really anxious. was hired in place of val because val was "too reckless" (that's just how she works), which resulted in riley getting her ass beat BAD by agent 8 not once but TWICE
agent 8 (agent 8) is NONBINARY and uses THEY/THEM (really sticking this into your brain so you'll remember it). they don't have a name but if they did it would probably be "nana ida" which sounds cute, but they don't even respond to the name nana since it's not their birth name. they're also really mean, but they don't show it and keep it to themself. like they don't say mean things (because they rarely ever speak) but they'll probably upset you with no remorse
maggie (neo 3) is a uhhhh.huhhhhhhh.. bigender unlabeled inktoling. i think. i forgot. she uses she/him (no pref) and is super annoying. really stupid and likes to annoy people with his dumb arguments. knows a lot about technology but that's the only field he's smart in
and then vega is a transfem lesbian that uses she/her. she's dating marie and she has a Cool Metal arm. i don't know. she's awesome and she mains splatana and splatling
val is dating one of my friends' ocs (iris) and we hit them with hammers over and over again and burn them alive. this is their daily treatment
8, riley, and spingly are all dating each other. riley is Very dependent on spingly but she tries to manage on her own. both riley and 8 are very awkward with touch, but they know each other's boundaries. spingly is very nice and riley and 8 love him. though, 8 'likes' to make riley uncomfortable by asking her really personal questions or by staring at her too much (because all they do is stare), and sometimes they make her break down into tears (they don't really have much empathy).
maggie is 21 years old but dating nobody because he's just. uninterested. if you flirt with her she'll make fun of you for it
this is canon to me. whenever i see cap3 or 8 i go "OMG that's riley" or "stupid bug looking 8". same with agent 4 but preferrably if it's a green 4
ummmmm that's all. if you wanna know more about any of them you're free to ask any questions
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the-crystal-femmes · 9 months ago
Absolutely zoned out while making this. Anyway, pride headcanons!!
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Categorized by character
Draculaura - Lesbian aroace, she/vamp/it
Frankie - butch lesbian nonbinary, she/they
Clawdeen - lesbian demigirl, she/her
Lagoona - bisexual, she/he/they
Cleo and Deuce, transfem and transmasc respectively, pansexual, she/her and he/they respectively
All shots are from the commercials made by Pepper Films Inc. Rambles under the cut
There are some pride headcanons missing because I decided I was only doing 2 flags per character. Also I don't know what Lagoona identifies as HC wise.
I didn't mean to make the main three all lesbians 💀, but Clawdeen is canonically lesbian. For ships I'll say yes Cleuce, but also dracustein qpr and toradeen romantically. Lagoona? Not sure.
Draculaura I didn't give a gender headcanon but she's not cis. Perhaps just genderqueer or maybe vamp's enby like Frankie
I love the t4t Cleuce headcanon so that's why they're both trans 🫶
I'd say Deuce is arospec and Lagoona is acespec.
OP is trans, aroace and lesbian so that may be why there's a shit ton of projection lmao! Mainly Lala is the projection goals. And Frankie. They're my favorites for reasons. Not every thing is projection though
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poor-impulsecontrol · 8 months ago
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um, hi. i'm ali adams. or you can call me al. my therapist told me to get this app because apparently there's people on here who have gone through the same shit i have. like, jigsaw survivors. what the FUCK?
anyway—uh, so a bit about me. i'm 25. my pronouns are she/they. i'm a demigirl, i'm bisexual, im demiromantic...what else? oh, right, i have autism, self-destructive/petulant borderline personality disorder. my therapist says i have anger issues but i'm pretty fucking sure i can control my anger well.
if you've watched the news in the past year or so, you probably know about the trap i was in. i don't really wanna talk about it.
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HELLO!!! tis me, gia, i decided to join the saw oc rp blogs bc why not.
my amanda young rp blog: @riggedtraps
my main blog: @messyscarletdreams
if you don’t know me, hi, i'm gia. im agender, my pronouns are they/them. im very autistic about saw. i also have bpd as well so i'll base all of ali's experiences with asd/bpd on my own. i'm a minor so don’t be gross with me.
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ali's faceclaim is alice glass (because i can't draw to save my life, and that is how i imagine ali.)
ali struggles with alcohol addiction, nicotine addiction and self-harm addiction. will trigger tag them so block that if you don’t wanna see it.
anyone can interact with ali, canon or oc characters, i don't care! :3
ali says she doesn’t have anger issues but she definitely does, which links into her addictions, so if she's mean, don't take it personally, they're just a bitch.
due to her trap, ali is deaf in one ear and they have their pinkie finger and ring finger missing on their non-dominant hand.
gonna use ❪–❫ for when speaking out of character e.g ❪ hi :33 ❫
'ALI ✶ MUMBLES' : in character posts
'GIA ✶ RANTS' : ooc posts
'ALI ✶ RPS' : roleplay threads
'ALI ✶ ANSWERS' : answering asks
OKAY BYE !!! 👋
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dandysworldhcs · 10 days ago
The blood golem will now project their gayness (give hcs of sexuality/gender to) onto the toons because everyone in the basement wanted that (RIGHT GUYS!? every anon screams in pain as I slosh around because I am made entirely of blood)
Dandy is a demiboy and goes by he/him, they/them, she/her, and any neopronoun or the like that you give them, with preference to he/him and they/them (they will take your gender too they already took mine (i was not born with gender i am the amalgamate of blood and pain)). They are aromantic and sex (sowwy) repulsed.
Astro is nonbinary, but also is cool with star/stars (ya know... space...). They are also sex-repulsed and aromantic!
Sprout goes by anything and everything with a preference to he and him. He is pansexual!
Shelly goes by it/its and she/her exclusively (because you usually refer to fossils as objects but she also enjoys being a girl.......). She is asexual/bixesual.
Vee is technically transfem due to her not being programmed with a gender but still going by feminine pronouns... She is lesbian (shellevision my darling..............) and a sex-repulsed asexual!
Pebble................................... is a dog......................
Bobette is a demigirl, going by it/its and she/her with preference to she/her. She is bisexual (dated Dandy before he found out he was aroace) and has a loving cookie girlfriend :)!
Coal.............. is a do
Flutter goes by they/them but also enjoys she/her. She is aroace.
Gigi is a demigirl, going by she/her, they/them, and xey/xer. They are a lesbian with a great goth ghost girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!
Glisten is a transmasc demiboy who goes by he/him and they/them. He is bisexual and loves his autistic girlfriend with a ballerina for a brain ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Goob goes by anything you call him. He is aroace.
Scraps is transfem, she/her, and she is also aroace!
Brightney goes by she/her. She is very lesbian and has a girlfriend she is TAKEN.
(Absolute dump ahead be warned) Connie does not have a definite gender, so people speculate and she just goes with it (most toons call her she/her, they/them, or he/him, she enjoys the odd toon who calls her by neopronouns or just calls her WEIRD GOTH PERSON!!!!!!!!!!! guess who calls her the last one.............). Whatever the sexuality it is for them to like girls with their lack of gender, that's what they are (most lean towards calling her lesbian).
When I asked Finn what his gender was he said cod I don't trouting know he identifies as a bitch his pronouns are try/me (he goes by anything). He likes fish......... NOT IN THE ZOOPHILIA WAY................. he's aroace btw.
Ginger does not give a shit about what you call her, but she likes she/her the most. She's pansexual with a preference of waman.
Both R and D dont like to be held down by the restrictions of gender so they do not care what you call them. Both are aroace and hate people (Razzle tries to trick you................................... but I can see through his liessssss........)
Rodger is transmasc. He like both men, women, and the ones who have ducks in their pants.
Teagan is transfem (she swapped with rodger and that's why they're married). She is pansexual and sex-repulsed.
Toodles............ she's six years old.................. as far as anyone knows rn she's a straight ally........
Boxten is a transfem demigirl, going by they/them and she/her, preference on the latter. She is a pansexual with a preference for men and is the aforementioned girlfriend with ballerina for a brain.
Poppy is butch lesbian.
Cosmo is a demiboy and goes by he/him, she/her, and star/stars. Pansexual with preference for strawberries and men.
Looey does not give a shit. Aroace.
Rudie is contemplating his gender (he is like 12/13 in my eyes idec if there's anything canon contradicting it) but he's pretty sure he's a man? He is aroace.
Tisha is a regular old female. She likes women (I am running out of ideas).
And so every evey toon hath been gay-ified besides the dogs and the six year old because the blood golem cannot keep anything straight 💔💔💔
-the blood golem anon
Guess who needs to 🛏🚶 ➡️ 🛏😴
woo, okay.. time to lock in while reading (<- pre-reading the hc)
is that deadass just every toon in the game?? darn, tags are gonna be FLOODED.. anyways, love all of these LOTS!!! agh i love seeing sexuality hcs and such
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pekoposting · 4 months ago
most of my pekoyama headcanons (for now)
(also standard disclaimer: I do not automatically perceive all of these as canon, they're just how I like to think about her.)
(+ at the beginning = i have written at least 1 fic that incorporates this hc. ++ = i have written a fic that centres around it // = i am planning to write a fic about it)
Much of her power comes from the fact that she is simultaneously able to be a Dog Person and a Cat Person
++Touch starved? No. TOUCH FAMISHED
I like the idea of her not really using make-up, so her knife-sharp eyeliner is completely natural.
+ //The reason why she doesn't have glasses in any of her 'growing up' pictures (in the collage w/ Fuyuhiko at the end of chapter 2) is because she assumed her blurry vision was a her problem, and just learned to get around it. Fuyuhiko only realises after she makes an off-handed comment about everything in her near-sight being blurry.
Pretty good cook. Her best ability in it is being resourceful (and her knife skills, but that's fairly obvious.)
Is fairly good at any skill that a servant would be required to do, really (e.g. cleaning)
+Very good baker, and loves baking (the latter is semi-canon according to the description of her on her 'relationships with the others' page in that one book (linked)). Part of this is because of Fuyuhiko's sweet tooth, and she simply enjoys making him happy
Multilingual (the greatest gift I can give to any of my favs. More specifically, she probably knows at least Japanese, Mandarin and English)
+ //Bisexual (multiHC alternative: demiromantic bisexual)
Autistic (someone please teach her what stimming is)
++Sometimes if I'm in a gender mood they're nonbinary in my head (whether they're full on agender more like a demigirl depends on my mood)
+Siberian (cat breed) lover
Watched a movie about the dog Hachiko once. Cried so hard that she refused to ever watch it again, and has been wary of media with animals in them which are sad ever since.
+I know this is fairly common but big tea enjoyer. Particularly black tea. By extension, enjoys matcha a lot.
+Favourite dessert is cha dango (matcha flavoured dango)
//I think I lean towards her being actually able to enjoy lactose. Mainly because I think she'd really enjoy the fluffy Japanese cheesecake (and watching Fuyuhiko go through the silly emotional turmoil of 'I want to see her happy but I REALLY FUCKING HATE MILK' would be funny)
+Terrible at any video game that isn't a fighting game / isn't kinda similar to the real deal (like the shooter games at arcades that give you a fake gun)
//Has a guilty pleasure for reading manga, in particular magical girl manga
my most obscure headcanon: would enjoy Gábor Szabó's 1968 album Bacchinal. Her favourite song on it would be 'Theme from "Valley of the Dolls"'
post-sim (aka angstier):
++Due to the stress of her execution in the simulation (it's mentioned in optional dialogue that her entire body was destroyed in her execution), she loses a lot of coordination for a period of time after she leaves the simulation, and she never quite returns to her pre-sim self physically. (It's tough for her to come to terms for at first.)
+Also gets phantom pains all over her body for the same reason
+Has scars all over her body due to her time as a Remnant (namely because she had to fight more powerful enemies to protect Fuyuhiko, and because she fought more recklessly)
++Finds comfort in water due to her execution (she could have never of run from the Monokuma samurai and escaped into it because of social pressures, but maybe, just maybe if she had, could she had been spared..?)
+Feels guilty for being raised to be so physically apathetic to gore and violence (i.e. no automatic physical response of fear, anxiety, hesitation, etc. to it), partially because it makes her feel like less of a human, and partially because she's afraid of what she could do without any physical responses to hold her back.
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catsandwof · 1 month ago
WoF LGBTQ Headcanons
also some gay ships I ship. All headcanons pls don't yell @ me
Tsunami: Bi, female preference
Glory: Pan, demigirl (she/they)
Sunny: Demiromantic pan, any pronouns but prefers she/her
Moon and Winter: I think they're canonically bi
Qibli: I think he's canonically pan
Carnelian: Lesbian (she's also not dead IDC what Tui or any1 else says she's alive and well)
Peril: The idea of gender even mattering in romance never even occured to her. She's pan
Anemone: Bi, polyamorous
Pike: Straight, polyamorous
Tamarin: This is gonna sound like I'm just being lazy but I don't think she'd use labels, aside from polyamourous because she's in a relationship with Pike and Anemone
Sky: Gay
Snowfall: Lesbian
Lynx: Lesbian
Now 4 the gay ships I ship
Moonelian (Moon x Carnelian who is alive and well)
I'm a bit of a Qinterwatcher shipper but not rly
I stan Anepikemarin (Anemone X Pike X Tamarin)
I kinda like Persunny (Sunny X Peril) Ig
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thecalmerllama · 3 months ago
Things people didn't ask for: WWRY headcanons that are so true and make so much sense for no reason
Starting off pretty obv with most of them being neurodivergent!! Esp Gaz and Scara my ADHD/Autistic duo!!
Also I feel pretty obv with Meat and Brit basically adopting all the bohemians as their own kids, except big macca who's the weird uncle. They def took all of them under their wing, including some of the (who I see as) younger ones like Cliff, Charlotte etc.
Brit is a total softie, especially for his wife Miss Loaf🥺🥺 he likes to pretend he's a big macho man but he's type that would bake cookies and cry if they burnt. He def treats Meat like a total queen, and pampers her religiously - and he never wants her to go scavenging with him in case she gets hurt.
With the amount of canon bi and gender non conforming rep that we have in the show, i definitely don't think scara's "they think I'm a lesbian because I don't wear pastels' line should go unnoticed. She definitely likes girls and I do def headcanon that Gazza is basically her only exception because she just radiates queer vibes to me. And also maybe demigirl suits her too - as I really do feel like she feels quite disconnected from what is regarded on planet mall as 'feminine' and 'girly'. (Or maybe I'm projecting)
Gaz is Bi, let's be real.
Little more out there now;
Gazza radiates MtF vibes I cannot explain he just does don't @ me okay.
Pop is Scara's dad this is probably only just me but I got such father/daughter vibes from them and seeing as we never met anyone's parents I feel like it's super up to interpretation but for me it just feels right but he doesn't realise it til yeaaaars after they meet, I.e: "I used to know a gorgeous chick that looked just like you, crazy lady. I knocked her up and after I started working at globalsoft full time never saw her again - I wonder what happened to that ki- *oh*" I dunno it'd just be funny considering everything he says to her when they meet (in both the 2002 productions and more recent ones).
Speaking on the pop subjects that man has stories to TELL and drops lore like atomic freaking bombs. "Oh yeah I used to know KQ really well... REALLY well *wiggling his eyebrows which is met with a chorus of 'ews' from the bohemians*" "oh yeah I know Commander K, very commanding and stuck up, and quick frankly terrible in bed" (because let's be honest, pop has tried everything with anyone, and him an Khash were so roommates when they were as High School).
Brit has never killed anyone. Ever. He makes people think he has, but he once stepped on a bug and sobbed, for hours. Meat had to makeshift a funeral for the poor thing 100% and while Gaz is enthralled by when Brit tells a tale of how he "took a life" the whole gang has to hold back giggles cause they're taken right back to him sobbing on the dirt outside the heartbreak.
Scara got most of the stuff for her act one outfit by sneaking into the archives and finding so much fabric that wasn't available to the public for sale in the malls. My girl is smart and scrappy and def was like the OG goths, dyeing, repurposing and making her own clothes all the time.
Let me know your WWRY headcanons🫶🫶
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louisthiccsexyglitteryass · 3 months ago
This is kinda stupid ngl but fuck it we ball!!!
Answer under the cut;
Basic info:
They all belong to a group of assassins
It's a "book" i'm writing technically
Most of said book is currently in my brain
Set in London
Toxic yaoi!!!!!
I'm only *fully* covering the main 4/5 rn cause I haven't fleshed everyone else out yet:
Bunny. He/They (Trans NB FtM). Queer. From the North of England. His name isn't actually Bunny but you'll see why it's funny in a minute. His father was a mafia boss and was killed in front of Bunny when he was 16. Bunny responded by murdering the culprit. Had a weird childhood that he won't really talk about. Bunny is the leader of the organisation, 30 years old. He's very immoral/morally grey and literally does not care about doing crime. Thrives on gender fuckery. He's a lil twink but very dangerous, unstable and shit. Uses Bunny as a "code name" (refuses to tell anyone his real name). His name is ironic because he's nothing like a cute lil bunny yk. Very flirty/slutty but doesn't commit (supposedly). Bit of a loose canon and refuses to see fault in his own actions. Quick to anger and react violently. Has a lot of enemies. Ends up dating Archer. The only person who can treat him badly is Levi, who is a bastard, and basically manipulates Bunny. (more on him later). Bunny ends up finally getting away from Levi and has a lil thing with Archer, then gets back into contact with Levi and leaves Archer. Shit happens, then finally is endgame with Archer. Nerves of steel.
Archer. He/Him (cis male). Bisexual/Pansexual but won't admit it until later. From London. Archer is 22 and the story is in his POV. He was raised by his aunt and uncle because his mother died and his dad fucked off somewhere. College drop out who was recruited after doing errands. Has this moral compass that slowly deteriorates. Crushes slightly on Isobel then realises he likes Bunny, above arc happens, and then he leaves the organisation temporarily. He finally returns after saving the life of someone important to him and he finds out something. Basically, his father was the founder of the organisation. The code word for a legacy member is "viper" and he gets confused as to why people use it. He discovers all this after saving his Dad's life and returns to the organisation. Archer is a regular dude who doesn't really want to kill. Total himbo, definitely stupid, and fiercely loyal to a fault. Tendency to bail when things get tough. Jumpy.
Isobel. They/She/It (demigirl). Lesbian. From Wales (Nigerian descent and very proud of it). She is a typical femme/girly girl (but still demi) who can and will break your spine. Nice, kind-hearted, but will not hesitate to throw hands. They had a normal childhood and got recruited by Bunny when they met in a bar. They're 25 and have a secret girlfriend. She's a motherly figure at times and serves as a moral compass and guide to Archer, but underneath it all has a lot going on and can be a bit of a people pleaser. They felt really bad when Archer had a crush on them, and let him down gently. Trans guy / lesbian iconic duo with Bunny, but constantly absolutely done with his shit. Background character so maybe not as fleshed out?
Leviathan. He/Him (cis male). Pansexual. From Newcastle-upon-tyne. Levi is a manipulator. He is 34 and has a weird relationship with Bunny. He doesn't care about Bunny and regularly cheated on him when they dated, but also doesn't let Bunny speak to anyone else. Randomly dumped Bunny but now hooks-up with him randomly. Only called "Levi" by Bunny, who doesn't see the problem with his cold, manipulative personality. Basically tries to isolate Bunny and control him. Hates Archer, Isobel and everyone else. ASSHOLE. Ruins everything.
Honourable mentions:
Paul: 50, He/Him, Straight, London. Works with them all and is absolutely done with them all. Very stoic.
Johnno: (stats unknown currently). Recruited Archer, works for the middlemen part of the organisation.
Jasmine: (stats unknown currently). Has an on/off fwb thing with Bunny, totally crushing on Isobel. Might have a toxic turned healthy yuri arc with Isobel if I can work it in.
Mattheo: Italian man who doesn't speak Italian. STRESSED gay guy. Chaos gremlin. Absolute hottie.
Darius: Big buff dude who's friends with Bunny and scares Archer for fun.
Bunny's Personal Bodyguards: No actual names, just known by Archer as "Hair" (he has hair), "Earring" (has an earring), and "Baldy" (bald).
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a-taut-thread · 10 months ago
Now that I'm talking more about this AU more, and since I've mentioned I'm taking asks, I figure I should probably give some basic info on pronouns/gender being used here for reference so nobody is potentially wondering on that, especially since headcanons are used quite a bit, and because Chasing Wind/Grey Wind and Unparalleled Innocence don't really have canon gender iirc.
Pebbles is transmasc, he/it pronouns and primarily masc terms.
Moon is a demigirl, she/they pronouns and fem or neutral terms.
Suns is unaligned nonbinary, they/them pronouns (but will accept most except he/she) and primarily neutral terms.
Sig is transmasc agender, he/any pronouns and masc or neutral terms.
UI is transfem nonbinary, they/ae pronouns and neutral or fem terms.
Wind is genderfluid (and alternates which name they prefer or both), they/it pronouns and any and all terms.
As for orientation if curious (because why not talk about this too), that's a bit trickier to get at because I've not thought in depth on some of them but nobody is straight here lol. A lot of them are in some capacity unlabeled or not fully labeled in orientation, there's a few specifics though.
Pebbles is probably bi or something close to it (and often has difficulty with identifying when he's experiencing attraction at first).
Moon is queer in some capacity (bi maybe?) and asexual.
Suns is pretty damn unsure on their own orientation (and so am I tbh they're a mystery but honestly why stress about labels too hard), but is also queer in some capacity and demisexual.
Sig is aroace but experiences nonromantic attraction.
UI is pan.
Wind is queer. That's all they'd say if asked, completely unlabeled beyond that, they're old and queer and don't care too much to find a more specific label when just queer fits them just fine.
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unicornlovers10 · 6 months ago
♡☆Pinned Bio☆♡
My name is Celestia Starshine, but you can call me Tia
Bisexual Demigirl and Proud~She/They pronouns
Virgo Sun~Virgo Moon~Gemini Rising
Main Fandoms I’m in (In no particular order): LBP, Mario, Zelda, UTDR, FNAF, TOH, A Hat in Time, Furry, Billie Bust-up, Smash Bros., Kirby, Pokémon, etc.
This is my main blog on Tumblr. I make art and post it here, along with the occasional fandom post
Full DNI and Before You Follow are on my Carrd
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Commissions are closed at the moment. But as soon as they're open, I'll update this area with commission info alongside making a dedicated post about it.
However, if you want to support me. You can buy me a coffee here, or check out this Carrd.
~♡☆My other blogs☆♡~
@celestiastarshine - Personal blog; has more serious stuff and life updates, along with the occasional vent; I'm going to dump mutual aid posts here too; I’ll try my best to trigger tag stuff, but quick rebloops won’t have any at first
@ravenempressau - Official Tumblr of the Raven Empress AU; will contain spoilers for Canon! TOH and this AU, which will be tagged
@fnafremixau - Official Tumblr of the FNAF Remix AU; This is an AU in the process of getting rebooted
@starshinestarlights - Official Tumblr of the Starlights Series; Still under heavy construction
@lbp-stimboards - Side blog specifically for my LBP stimboards, and archiving others’ LBP stimboards; also reblooping my resources as well (Might change later)
@shittyauideas - Side blog to post and archive my shitty AU ideas, which are AUs that are intentionally bad as a joke; swearing, spoilers, and ships will be tagged; rules are on pinned
@starroadprincess - Side blog that I might use for my Mario AU, I’m not sure yet; this one is under heavy construction
@hauntedofficialgame - Side blog for a little project of mine; it’s under heavy construction
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 year ago
Wuddup? The name's Koy (Kat or Latte work too lol), I am an adult, and I am another insignificant artist on the face of the internet. I am an aroflux asexual sapphic demigirl lol. I am the creator of the future object series SPIRIT, and also the creator of a bunch of other smaller stuff I do not really feel like bringing up rn.
Stuff I'm into in order of how hard they're gripping my brain rn:
Dandy's World 🌸🌸💀💀
Rayman (kinda CLH tho) 🧍🧍👊👊
Flatland (All its media tbh) 🫣🫣🟦🟦
OSC stuff in general (hfjONE, Showvember, and Excellent Entities mostly) 🔫🔫😊😊
Rain World Downpour 🤬🤬❤️❤️
Meanings of Personal Hashtags:
#katiekatdragon27 -> the hashtag used to quickly view my artistic posts
#reblog -> the hashtag used to quickly view other people's posts
#koy chats -> the hashtags used to quickly find text posts with minimal to no drawings. Also asks, asks appear under here too
Meaning of Creational Hashtags:
#osc spirit -> the hashtag for my object show!!11!!!!11!
#eee superhero au -> the hashtag for my Extraordinary Excellent Entities AU where everyone is a villain except for like three characters
#a heightlander's escape -> the hashtag for my Flatland "Sequel" AU where there is a canon 4th dimension and stuff
#koy's flatland -> the hashtag for my whole Flatland adaptation, it goes hand n hand with A Heightlander's Escape for the most part
#the sacred dream -> a Rayman prequal "fangame" focused on the adventures of the First King with all the first goofy guys of the Glade.
(This will be updated when I make new things or gain interest in new stuff)
Have a wonderful day fellas and go drink water :)
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