#they're all pretty close at this point with some exceptions. wild and warriors being one of them
bloomingbluebell · 11 days
since playing twilight princess again i cannot get behind the lu fandom characterization of twilight and wild i'm sorry. like i think twilight would be an overprotective big brother figure towards wild, absolutely. but wild doesn't take that sitting down. he doesn't like being coddled, and it's pretty clear (side note: i do really appreciate the analysis posts about wars and how hard he's been on wild potentially pushing wild closer and closer to a rather big memory. you can sort of see how twilight is not happy with how warriors is acting, but he's not saying anything right now. probably because it's not his place to, and also probably because wild wouldn't want him to right now).
i think that twilight and wild have a very different relationship to what most of the lu fandom thinks. they're close - that much is obvious from how they react when the other is hurt, and how twilight pushed through the rest to get to wild during the memories comic. but i think that a lot of the time, it feels like wild only exists around twilight, or he can't be left without twi otherwise he'll "do something stupid" or whatever. wild doesn't exactly appreciate twi's protectiveness or his advice all of the time, but he still looks up to twilight. despite whatever went down when they first met, wild worked to gain twi's trust in order for them to be so close. they're equals - just like the rest of the chain are equals. and yes, wild does a fair amount of dumb things and he's impulsive about it, but i would like to argue that twilight also does a fair amount of dumb things (in game and in comic)
(i think it also kinda feeds in to how wild is sort of infantilized by the fanbase. he's already not exactly trusted by the rest of the chain (legend especially, for some reason), and i think i'd like to explore that and how his relationship with legend formed. they seem to think he's sort of a loose cannon, especially after the previous arcs. wild hasn't seemed to realize it yet, but i do think something is coming, especially with him and warriors)
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deconstructthesoup · 9 months
Adventure Time AU, continued
Yep, I'm addicted now. Also, I just finished The Seven, so I have ideas.
All of the Seven Maidens are princesses in Ooo, with two exceptions---but I'll get to those later. For now, let's kick things off, one at a time:
First, Antiope is also known as Slayer Princess of the Warrior Kingdom, the youngest of five and yet the one who's the most well-traveled and well-known by individuals in Ooo. This is partially due to the fact that she constantly feels the need to compensate for her older siblings' successes, but she also just really enjoys being one with the people. Antiope's usually found training Fabian and Kristen in the ways of combat, skillfully avoiding kidnapping attempts from the Ice Queen, and just all-around being a pretty kickass individual... who's got a lot of stress. She deals with it via slaying monsters.
Danielle is, of course, Slime Princess, and she's definitely earned her reputation as the chillest and kindest princess in Ooo. She's a pretty good leader and is, for all intents and purposes, a very level-headed person in a crisis... mostly because she embodies the Slime element's cool, chill, laid-back attitude a little too much. She's still learning how to express her anger, her wants, and her needs, and while she thinks that being fairly impartial and understanding makes her a better leader, it does affect her connections as a person. Danielle's got some growth to go through.
Katja is often referred to as Orc Princess, and while she does embody the orcish love of adventuring and fighting and just general free-spirited toughness, she's still her amazing horse-girl self. She doesn't feature as much, but she's close with Gorgug due to him always wanting to learn more about his orc background, and they've got a pretty wholesome friendship. Katja has a lot of insecurities about not fitting in with a lot of the other princesses, mostly stemming from the fact that she's still not quite ready to rule her kingdom---even though her dad is off adventuring on his own a lot of the time. Thankfully, she does get to reconnect with Antiope, and she and her dad eventually come to a better understanding with each other, strengthening her relationships with the other princesses in the process.
Ostentatia is, as I said before, an LSP equivalent! She's not as selfish or insensitive as canon LSP is, but she's still the sassy, self-assured, stubborn, and stylish princess of Lumpy Space, with all the purple glitz and glamour required. Despite her free-spirited nature, however, she never fully rebels to the point of abandoning Lumpy Space entirely---rather, she's just a frequent visitor with a little guest house on Ooo, and she's the perfect person to call if you need someone's shit absolutely wrecked. Definitely still embodying the spirit of the words "I FUCKING LOVE YOU." Queen shit.
Zelda's mostly known as Satyr Princess, and she's unique in that the Satyrs don't really have a kingdom---rather, they're a nomadic society that wanders the woods of Ooo, throw wild and crazy parties, and leave a nice amount of "controlled" destruction in their wake. Zelda, of course, feels pretty uncomfortable with all the chaos and wild times, as her idea of a good time is just chilling while listening to heavy metal music. Due to her mostly living in the woods and the Thistlespring cottage being right smack-dab in the woods, Zelda and Gorgug eventually meet and develop feelings for each other, resulting in your typical hijinks-filled episode where Fabian and Kristen both try and fail to set them up, before Riz finally steps in and tells them to just sit back and let the two talk to each other. Moral of the story, listen to Riz.
Amidst all of the chaos of Ooo and the politics of the princesses, Adaine needs a constant companion that she can rely on... and she has that in her butler, Penny Peppermint. Penny's a very sweet, kind, and caring individual who effortlessly helps to keep the Candy Kingdom running smoothly, has frequently acted as a mentor figure for the human duo and Riz... and she's also heavily involved with dark magic. In this world, the Society of Shadows is a hardcore dark magic focused secret society, and Penny is not only in it, but she's also its leader, running it from the Candy Kingdom and implanting members into it as a way to help protect it. This helps boost Adaine's interest in studying magic, and it does keep Penny pretty damn happy, so... a win!
And, of course, as you might have already guessed, Sam is in the role of Betty---though, her and Aelwyn's relationship is not nearly as tragic, mostly due to the fact that they started out on equal footing as childhood best friends. Of course, they still have a lot of codependency issues that they need to work through, which isn't helped when Sam becomes Magic Woman and nearly loses her mind... but their story doesn't end with Sam becoming Golb---or, well, Talura, since I was hardly one to deny the incredibly juicy parallel there. If I were to go further, though, I think I might be spoiling some stuff, so... we'll just leave it at that.
If you guys wanna see more, I might do a whole post where I break down Aelwyn, Adaine, Fig, and Ayda's shared past, so... yeah!
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gryphonlover · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 Day 5
Prompt: debris
Victim: Warriors
Words: 1037
Notes: The Yiga discover terrorism. (They're not very good at it.)
That kind of dissociation is derealization. Things feel less real. It's trippy.
Warriors was pretty proud of Wild. Even though he couldn't stay in his own time for very long, he always made the most of the time that he was available, somehow finishing a week's worth or more of work in just a day. He had a sneaking suspicion that the Champion pulled more than a few all-nighters while they were in town, but as long as it didn't affect individual or team performance, he was willing to turn a blind eye.
It hadn't taken very long to clear out the monsters near Wild's hometown. The champion was itching to get back and catch up with Flora, and any sense of self-control that he had in his body had clearly been completely disregarded with the way that he threw himself into the fight.
Warriors couldn't even reprimand him because he'd come out the other side perfectly fine except for a blossoming bruise curled around his jaw, and to be honest, it wasn't worth pointing out. Especially since Wild had already gotten out his shield to surf the rest of the way down.
…maybe he shouldn't have bet against Flora being Wild's girlfriend. 
It didn't take very long to reach Hateno, and by the time they'd reached Wild's house (after several wrong turns), Flora and Wild were already deep in a rapid-fire conversation. Warriors, while not fluent in Sheikah, could understand just enough words to get the gist of what was going on.
Something shrine, something something castle ruins, something roads… construction talk. Great. 
Wild had a… tendency… to recruit "volunteers" to help with his construction projects. While it was very kind of him to help the citizens build things like schools and clinics, it also sucked up a lot of the Chain's time because none of them had any construction experience so they were always directed towards grunt work, like transporting large amounts of supplies and that sort of thing.
Warriors enjoyed helping, he really did, but this was not the kind of helping that he wanted to do. Ideally, he could work on something he actually had experience in, but no. He was forever doomed to dig ditches and carry lumber.
Once Wild had finished debriefing Flora and vice versa, he turned around excitedly. "Great news, guys!" 
Everyone groaned. Wild's idea of great news was noticeably skewed from what sane people would call great news. Except for Hyrule, but that kid was just weird all over.
Wild frowned at them disappointedly. Hyrule awkwardly gave him a smile and two thumbs up, then gestured for him to finish talking.
"Right, so, one of the shrines needs a little repair work because there was a bad storm that damaged a bunch of stuff recently. The townsfolk can't spare the time to do it themselves, so we're going to do it for them. It should be perfectly safe, but bring your sword just in case. There've been some Yiga sightings, but hopefully we can clear out any lurkers while we're working." 
"How is this great news?" Wind complained. "Ships are great news, cake is great news, repair work is <i>not</i> great news." 
Wild rolled his eyes. "Would you rather help lay the foundation for a house again?" 
That shut the younger hero up. The project had been a <i>disaster</i> and had been put on the "we will never speak of this again" list.
Wild collected all the things that he thought they'd need, switching out seemingly random items with Flora before pulling her close in a hug. Then he herded them down the road like a bunch of unruly cuccos in the direction of the shrine.
There would be no escape from their civic responsibilities as heroes today.
The shrine was, largely, in better condition than expected. There was some rubble inside, but most of the damage was restricted to a section of the wall that had been the victim of blunt force, cracking the shrine wide open like an egg.
Wild took it upon himself to double check the finer details of the shrine inside and replace anything that was missing or otherwise broken while the others rebuilt the wall and cleaned away the debris.
Wind was, rather comically trying to keep up with Twilight despite the major difference in their statures. If it hadn't been for his determined face, Warriors would have broke down laughing an hour ago. He might have murdered Ganon in almost-cold blood, but he was still young enough to struggle with lifting the bigger pieces of stone.
All in all, Warriors thought that it was going well.
And then it wasn't.
Wild disturbed a nest of Yiga that were hiding inside the shrine, and the assassins immediately attacked, using the current condition of the shrine to their advantage.
Warriors didn't even think about it, instinct taking over his mind. One second he was outside, ears twitching nervously, the next he was being crushed under stone, staring a baffled Yiga dead in the face.
There was only one left, the others having been taken out by a combination of Wild and their own trap. The anger-fueled adrenaline clouded his mind, and he growled. "You'd better hope I don't get back up, <i>traitor</i>." He hissed.
The Yiga didn't seem very impressed. Luckily for him, it didn't get a chance to attack, since the wall it was standing next to exploded, chunks of rock flying everywhere as a very, very pissed hero glared down at the Yiga holding a massive sword.
Time meant business.
The Yiga didn't last very long after that. Time made quick work of it before kneeling down to Warriors with an expression of concern that had him half convinced that he was back in the war again.
As the adrenaline faded, he could feel the dissociation creeping up as the pain grew. Maybe it partly had to do with bloodloss, because he was starting to get chilly, but he trusted his brothers enough that he discovered he didn't care enough to fight it. The world got fuzzy, and indistinct, his perception of reality sliding away, but that was fine. He trust his brothers. Everything would be okay when he came back to himself, so he let go.
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