#they'll be closing soon
puretopia · 8 months
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2nd of December
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thelvadams · 3 months
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starting a 70 hour rpg one day before it's online components shut down forever is a very good way to spend your saturday night
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transfemmes · 3 months
I'm gonna see Set It Off soon :D
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savingthrcw · 6 months
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Jenny had jumped out of the still moving car to get there faster, leaving the other agents behind so she could reach Donna in time. Just once, just this once, she had to succeed, she had to be the hero, no one getting hurt, no one dying. And succeed she did, drop-kicking the alien two seconds after it had showed up in front of Donna with the intention of charging at her. She flipped around a few times to avoid its tentacles and fought it, shooting it with a stun gun that for a moment she wished was a real one. Better not to think of that. "Donna! Donna, are you alright?" she asked quickly, before remembering that she was supposed to act like a stranger. Her hearts were beating so hard they felt about to burst out of her chest, though, and Jenny found impossible to hide her emotions. It was Donna, it was Donna, so many years later.
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euniearts · 2 months
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some outro art! i wonder who it's for...?
( like what you see? i've got commissions open! )
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scary-lasagna · 4 months
Wait wait wait, a while ago I think you said you said something about not having written for any scp fics yet even though it’s been stated in your rules since since the beginning, which is like, 4 years ago. Has no one really made any requests for them? That’s lowkey kinda funny, like, they’ve been sitting in the drawer collecting dust for ages, begging to be seen
GSDHGDSG right!!
I'm surprised it took this long to get an SCP ask, and I've been off and on in that fandom for a year or so after i got into creepypasta since they pretty much go hand in hand.
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
I'm watching the new Sad Boyz episode and Jarvis has been talking about Fall Out Boy for thirty minutes and I'm juuust. not enjoying it
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guinevereslancelot · 6 months
sitting in a blooming garden would fix me
#flowers WHEN#i have one teeny snowdrop just starting to form a flower 🥲#worried its going to get killed by the cold front coming in tho#its an early blooming fancy one that honestly probably won't live idk what i was thinking when i bought it#literally nothing else is close to flowering tho#i just get so anxious for spring flowers in january i start blowing money pre ordering stuff tho#i ordered a bunch of snowdrops and some bare root hydrangeas and roses#idek how im gonna plant them the ground is probably frozen and we're about to get a foot of snow#what is wrong with me#the hydrangeas tho were a gift from my mom#i've wanted the white kind for a really long time and i told her one of my friends might get married at our house in the next few years#so she ordered them so they'll have time to establish and we'll have big beautiful white flowers for her wedding#which was really nice of her#anyway my friend was so excited and touched when i offered :')#she's not officially engaged but she's halfway thru her degree and she and her bf are planning to get married soon after they both graduate#so in two or three years the hydrangeas should be pretty well established and nice for a wedding#anyway im off track but im excited for all the stuff i ordered to be beautiful and blooming this summer#less excited to figure out how to plant them 🤔#the roses are shipping at ideal planting time in april but the hydrangeas are coming this week for some reason#i cant plant those??? in january???#i will have to try ig#i probably can we'll see#this has been a shitpost
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fellstcr · 2 years
⚔️ //  she  had  made  way  to  visit  sun  on  a  whim.  perhaps  it  was  simply  a  stroke  of  intuition  that  led  her  to  his  side.  (  or  simply  her  own  fleeting  ,  selfish  desire  for  companionship  . . .  )  regardless  of  the  reason  ,  byleth  had  been  STRUCK  with  the  impulse  to  be  around  a  friend.  but  not  just  ANY  friend.  very  SPECIFICALLY  ,  sun.  (  his  presence  was  a  fleeting  thought  in  the  back  of  her  mind  from  earlier  in  the  week.  his  name  lingered  upon  her  tongue  and  she  simply  could  not  SHAKE  the  strangest  feeling  about  him.  as  though  he  was  a  ghost  that  lingered  just  out  of  her  peripheral.  )
          and  thus  came  the  resolve  to  meet  with  him  ,  and  how  GLAD  she  had  been  to  have  listened  to  her  instinct.  there  was  a  foreign  sort  of  flightiness  to  him.  a  wariness  that  kept  his  every  muscle  coiled  and  tense.  a  restlessness  that  showed  in  each  low-hanging  swish  of  his  tail  ,  the  occasional  dart  of  golden  eyes.  she  wished  only  to  PLACATE  whatever  ailed  him  ,  though  hours  into  their  foray  and  she’d  hardly  gotten  a  HINT  as  to  what  it  could  be.  so  as  they  made  their  way  from  the  sandy  shores  of  the  beachside  to  the  nearest  ward  train  to  PART  WAYS  with  the  city  of  glass  ,  byleth  had  taken  it  upon  herself  to  carry  the  CONVERSATION.  no  matter  how  it  made  her  throat  ragged  and  faint  with  wear.
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            “. . . and  so  it  is  said  that  the  goddess  lives  both  in  the  heavens  through  the  BLUE  SEA  STAR  and  in  fódlan,”  she  was  explaining  ,  having  been  asked  what  the  texts  of  her  prayer  circle  said  ,  and  what  they  meant.  “i  suppose  the  ancient  magic  is  where  the  legends  and  DOCTRINE  of  the  church  came  from.”
@sxnburst​ / plotted !
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mmmitchmmmarner · 6 months
ngl this is going exactly as well as i thought it would
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altruistic-meme · 8 months
trying to hype myself up to make this phone call like "you can do this!! you've made dozens of phone calls!!! all you gotta do is get an appointment!!!" the anxiety is strong. but i must be stronger.
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piplupod · 8 months
the choice of "do i pretend to be Juno and keep up their usual tasks or do I take this opportunity to be my own person for once but also let all their usual tasks and socializing slide to the wayside"
mainly: I cannot play accordion for the life of me and lately they've been posting a little snippet of their accordion practice daily on their instagram story and I don't know what to fucking do about that LMFAO hopefully they show up later today I guess but otherwise I ain't gonna attempt to fumble with that beast
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gojuo · 2 years
The fact that we did not get see not even once a scene with Aegon and Sunfyre in this season is criminal
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croxovergoddess · 2 years
If you'd like to support me, I'm tryna get a Popeyes chicken sandwich 🙏
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also to go "wow this is just like in pentiment" about absolutely anything and/or "wow this is just like iphigenia crash land falls on the neon shell that was once her heart (a rave fable)" about absolutely anything further:
the Narratives within crash land falls where like, in the end iphigenia being Given the story of both "this is going to happen anyways" and "so why don't you see it as a noble sacrifice to accept." the situation happening to Create a story that she was killed, so her father must be tragic, and sympathetic. that iphigenia does take on that Narrative of taking on the Noble Willing Sacrifice, and it kills her, but she also would have been killed anyways, as everyone also knows. that we even get a bit of pentimentesque [other characters observe & assess things] like, the fresa girls as a chorus, and one at the end like yeah She Was No Saint, i saw everything, but being cut off by The News that's like yeah looks like iphigenia was killed, that seguing into her father saying yeah she was killed, god's will was done, She's A Saint now. seguing to the emcee who introduced the play, but that superceded by achilles, and that superceded with iphigenia's extasis monologue as the end of the play. that whether iphigenia's a saint or not, she dies. that [the whole play] tells us as much, like, this isn't a What If kind of retelling where she escapes her fate, this is a retelling examining itself like, she Will die because the story's preset, so what to do with this as the story that has to take her there, what to do with this as iphigenia who has to go there
that iphigenia takes on another narrative in addition to the one offered by like, violeta as guide and oracle telling her she has to die (As A Noble Sacrifice), that again (as per iphigenia in aulis being like uh hey daughter. let's go to aulis so you can uh marry achilles (it is to be sacrificed)) achilles is this bait, but it's only in the ending that there's any Story about being with achilles, and when iphigenia goes to the mercenary soldier who she knows will kill her, she's the one telling him what to tell her about where she's going and why, i want you to tell me achilles is waiting for me....and she still dies, because This Is The Story. as also applied to the reality, iphigenia as another dead and missing girl following & preceding many; any disappeared deaths when consumed as disposable & replaceable, not given part of any narrative about it. while also iphigenia only gets a chorus of fresa girls from there being crosses put on the factory wall with their names, with one girl even remarking like hey they spelled my name right for once. but at the same time they're also like, both mere Apparitions but also like standins for people who are simply alive. real [shades]esque kind of, i suppose, but like they're not Sanctified for dying either, they'll comment on iphigenia but not with any like, divine knowledge, just as this out of place rich girl. whether iphigenia's A Saint or Not A Saint, she's still dead either way. she wants to be a fresa girl, they maybe want to be her, but everyone's doomed anyways thanks to way larger forces and the Stories that have been told and will be told again
but there's also the moment right before the final section wherein, before she's having to say what she wants within the bounds of [she has to die], there's achilles asking "you still want me" and iphigenia answering with "i want everything" and her vision for, like, getting to be alive actually, i'm on the gulf where the sea is gray, and no one wants a piece of me....the whole inciting event here where iphigenia wants to evade her fate however she can, exiting the bounds of her life, the physical bounds and the family unit and walking away from the rank of status / class / wealth, trying for [have her body for herself] and what the body wants, the sensuous indulgences of (a rave fable), let's hear some more about the roman state like "we don't like the examination and challenge and upending of class and convention in a bacchanalia, so only do the official versions we permit;" the Threat of people's desires for themselves, when that's going to be counter to those in power who'd want these people to be resources at their disposal; the burden on the disempowered to suffer [the only way out is through] with the Additional pain & loss that has to be taken on in pursuit of their autonomy, while also of course suffering for the autonomy they lack, that restricted and controlled and mitigated versions of what you might want are deigned to be provided or permitted so that you have Something, but that everyone's actual undeniable personhood will always be spilling past those bounds, the potential power of transgressive pleasure when one's wellbeing and autonomous choices are counter to the power structures that have to constantly try to suppress and preclude this. achilles just as bait, doomed to die like iphigenia is also still doomed, sex was never going to save everyone and the [recognizing connection as these two parallel people / We're The Same] with your lover here is not going to save everyone but it still makes more things possible for them both; iphigenia does know what she wants, and gets some of it because she wants it, same with achilles in turn, while it can't save anyone from their fates still. but it can mean something even if it doesn't transcend, like even a fleeting night of insignificant dancing that doesn't change anything can mean something, and we all die, but that doesn't mean it's Nothing to be killed any more than it's Nothing to have your desires or choices one way or another to be wrung out of your life before you are
anyways, the stories. the Looking and Presenting here. achilles and iphigenia first encountering each other as images put together and presented by someone else for their own purposes. the presence of what's seen through film/camera/recording versus in person; the potential power relations and even violence in framing, presenting, and the intended looking and assessing. repeated language about eyes/looks that burn, while also that connection between iphigenia and achilles, and their finding the least room in what they do have of their lives for more of their own wants and selves and something genuine and not predetermined, is also connected to eyes and looking and being seen and light and burning. while they're also connected to the protection and possibility of night and darkness, getting to exist and be Without being lit up or seen; that with the power that's still in play, it's never like, well then you should have nothing / no reason to hide; the penultimate moment in the play with achilles being one that's in person and fades into darkness, rather than coming in from the light of a projection / video onscreen as the introduction....iphigenia needing to be guided through a crossroads to even get to achilles in person; violeta giving the Advice and Story and Tradition to pray to eleggua, as iphigenia does before getting to encounter achilles for real, who also doesn't get to break out of a role or a fate in full in any way, but their tragedies are like, pointing towards [autonomy, imagine it] in both the ways they manage to find a little bit of it for themselves, in no small part for simply recognizing each other as in the same boat here, and in the ways they still don't have it and still can't get it
and anyways it's also inevitably saying like, telling a story?? this Play is a told story!! looking? assessing? interpreting? you're doing that in the course of experiencing it! and it's really so fucking true.
#reading the whole of it like okay well i'm different forever now then#tearing a wall down about it like yeah it's extremely chill thanks#iphigenia crash land falls on the neon shell that was once her heart (a rave fable)#what a Narrative can change; what it can't....#those already with the power to do whatever they felt like in the first place just able to create whatever story of events supports that#those whose lives are restricted by that power having to struggle to find any narratives that provide some comfort maybe#whilest perhaps it's the stories that provide an accurate reflection on the pain & suffering in one's reality that are more threatening Lol#like hey i hope that that bacchanalia isn't satiriz....paused to look up ''if satire is based on satyr i'll mclose it lmfao''#Apparently it's not Really; but the latin form was indeed influenced by the greek satyr (for the theatre of it all) on the Mistaken notion#that that Was an influence. so; anyways i hope that bacchanalia isn't satirizing norms & conventions & providing a space to transgress#wherein we can see the Constructed and Enforced nature of things like class such that it can be deconstructed & deenforced#you'd Better not be questioning these conventions by commenting on them even indirectly; playfully; or via imitation....#that achilles can only have this genuine final closeness with iphigenia after voicing & sharing ''i'm dying soon too btw (:''#while iphigenia able to voice what she wants from life is only happening with the context that she'll die & she won't have this#she knows she wants [and nobody wants a piece of me] b/c of knowing that they do; and they'll take it....#their navigating their connection via also rejecting / superseding Their Image(tm). i want to kill the tabloid girl that envelops your skin#i will sink & get rid of every inch of me. that at the end of their scenes of actually interacting it's iphigenia reassuring achilles#who's like [but you wouldn't want Me] [everyone only wants a piece of me] [you'll forget me] vs i will destroy your celebrity; there will#be no one left to adore but me....unmaking oneself in the face of being defined & doomed Already; by the past....#breaking into pieces crash land falling. if you existed once ever that exists forever. the pieces all around & as the foundation#making one's way back around to ''wow just like in pentiment'' again lol....endless things to say all around#as well as when anytime you have something to say you have about a trillion words in the effort to do so#the narrative that matters to you but doesn't save your life still giving you More life while you still have it....#and what gives a little more life than that. and a little more than that
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enbyplant · 2 years
so my insurance changed without my knowledge bc they thought i was under my dads insurance even tho i haven't been since july, and this new insurance won't pay for my testosterone bc my gender is """"legally female"""" i love the american health care system 🤪
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