#they'd see the Pitbull as aggressive
burningkingpeach · 14 days
Republicans are the type of people to want a woman dead for aborting a 1 day old fetus that was going to grow up in an abusive foster home and then starve to death after aging out of the system, but will tell you to put down your dog if it stubbed its toe
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
This is a honest question, but what is your opinion on the class of "Pitbull" dogs? In my experience they often seem to be like Malinois with being a "loaded gun intense dog" with how some owners talk about them, yet also aren't seen as able to do anything but fight.
Do you think they'd be good with sports? Like pulling, or sledding, or agility? Also on the Malinois, what do you think of the videos of them scaling walls, or put through such intense workouts?
I like American Pit Bull Terriers and other pit bull type dogs. I think they have a pleasing shape and I love their fat heads and how easily they seem to build muscle. If you're active, and don't need a dog that can be off leash or with other dogs necessarily, not into socializing with weird dogs yourself, they can be great companions. They are successful in weight pulling and generally love pull sports (all the weight pull clubs 'near' me are run by pit bull people). Overall I think many people have worked hard to maintain the dog as an active breed while finding other ways to satisfy the dog's need to work without falling into dog fighting. Weight pull, back packing, joring, wall climb and other individual sports are great options for these dogs. Hell I also know a ton that do hog work. In this way they are a lot like malamutes (besides the hog work, but one could argue this is very similar to the way indigenous sled dogs are used for hunting/polar bear security).
Where I feel the breed falls short is when people try to "de-intensify" the way they are talked about to combat breed bans and negative stigma (think 'velvet hippo' and 'it's all how you raise them' mentality). I think white rescue people get a big high over taking pit bulls out of what they deem as negative environments when in reality this dog is owned in majority by people of color in urban places. I think that LESS people need to own pit bulls because they are NOT velvet hippos or nanny dogs, they are instead an active, dog aggressive breed. There's nothing bad about that fact, it's just the truth. Like literally think of the nastiest Jack Russel Terrier you've ever met (and i think many people have met at least one REALLY ornery small terrier dog in their lifetime) and then make it 40-60 pounds. That's what a pit bull is at its core. A big ass terrier. I think the people that talk about these dogs in a way that is HONEST about the actual nature of these dogs (intense, strong, active and dog aggressive) are doing the breed a kindness. I think shelters and rescues trying to down play these very real, very breed standard in well bred pit bull types traits in these dogs to get them adopted are putting people in real danger. I think a lot of random bred pit bull type dogs have human aggression and I think we need to be more liberal with behavioral euthanasia for those individuals.
I like pit bull people that are in the breed for what the breed ACTUALLY is and respect that while not continuing the dog fighting horrors of their past and finding other, more positive ways to honor the dogs abilities. I HATE pit bull people that see them as capable of doing nothing wrong ever ever ever. The breed has, at its core, two very different types of camps that own them and unfortunately the later is more prominent.
And regarding Malinois I don't think that there's anything wrong with putting a dog through an intense workout. Malinois are truly incredible dogs and capable of so many things. The problem comes in for me when handlers expect and desire the dog to be overly stimulated and engaged 100% of the time. That's not healthy mentally for the dog and I also don't believe a dog can perform those tasks safely when they are quivering from stimulation. From a big dog owner perspective, I do wonder about the joint health of these dogs though honestly.
And to finish off, I do think there is a difference between talking honestly about a dog breed and the "loaded gun language" I so frequently complain about. Talking honestly about a breed is about acknowledging the differences and challenges a specific breed or type of dogs may have. Not every breed is suited for every person or situation and it is important to recognize this. "Loaded Gun" language, as often used with Malinois and Pit Bull types, is bragging about a dog's lack of manageability as if that is a good thing, as if the dog needs some super human or some sort of ridiculous schedule to act composed. In reality it feels like these people are overwhelmed by the dog they have created, a dog that has never been taught to settle, and are ignorantly talking pridefully about this to convince themselves that THEY are correct and there's nothing wrong. It's not bad to do intense dog sports, or to have a dog that loves and is driven to do said sports, but a good sport dog and/or working dog should be able to compose themselves. Without this ability they are not able to truly be a dog, existing simply as dog kind, and are just a tool with which people stoke their egos. If you're in it for the dog you will allow them to relax and settle, even if that has to be taught.
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atbussysparks · 1 year
Tf2 mercs as dog breeds
+Ms. Pauling bc I love her
Dog breeds under cut
Sniper 👁️🐊🎷 Australian staghound
A quick witted as well as long legged
They have a great sense of spatial awareness. gentle, and at all times alert. they can be very loving with the right people, and stick directly at their side
can survive well in a stressful agrarian environment, but not very well with yappy little dogs in homes
tenacious, hunt-minded, pack leader that was bred to hunt predators, rather than prey.
Heavy💪🏻📗🪆: 1/4th Siberian husky, 3/4ths Caucasian shepherd
Intelligent guardians, defending their loved and almost noble
Their appearance is large and imposing
Siberian husky bc when I think of noble Russian dogs I think of the Alaskan serum run my bad
They can take a great care of children, and they're fluffy
Medic🥼🩸💉 doberman, half canaan
Dobermans have very cut features and I swear to god they just exist to scare people
Even with their ears unclipped, even if they were raised correctly with love, they have the sadistic need to scare me and small children and whatever poor souls come their way
Medic would be a doberman with clipped ears. Also, they kinda look like musical notes to me, which is funny bc he plays the violin
Canaan bc I like to imagine medic as Jewish as well!
Scout🏁⚾💥: half Picardy spaniel, 1/4th greyhound, 1/4th xoloitzcuintli
He brags that his shiny picardy coat is simply because he's the next generation of handsome practical boys his ass do not know 😭
Lean, playful, kinda brainfarted, incredibly fast. Greyhounds have been bred for the best racing body in the world
Xolo just bc I am brown and I fucking love projection, nevermind that he is prime white boy he just pale
Demoman🍻🗡️💣: Rhodesian ridgeback
Violence is his passion and it is very easy to forget
He would just look like a greyhound with a shiny coat, bald patches, and a xolo head.
Despite his lazy, flashy, wannabe, artistic personality, He's still a speed demon, and constantly needs a job to do or authority figure to disrespect.
Large, hearty, and loud
The type of breed you can't free feed because they can't do self regulation. they're mainly independent
They're funny handsome fellers shut up I love demo
Great hunters! They love to look at the chaos after their hunt, all the fun mess
They are very much "Dearly devoted companions," loyal as can be
This is a strange CREATURE in a rubber suit. He wields fire, the light of the giver's sun and song of control, as a beacon for his morbid pondering
A macabre display of blood and the scent unfurling through the nerves, thick with iron and gas, laced with the crackling curling charred skin.
This is not dog nor human, he has come from the depths of hell and he cannot see it, for all he knows is to play and frolick. Glitter and stickers trace their surroundings. Humanity envies them. He might just be a raccoon 🦝
Engineer 🧑🏻‍🏭🧰🤠: coonhound
Intelligent, and if they can use that as a means to not have to do a lot of work then by God they're gonna exploit it.
They're good at killing though I tell you that
Pretty darn affectionate, but their specialty is caring. They take care and split up fights.
They're musical too! They can howl and they've got a sorta melody to it. They may not like to share stuff though
Spy🕵🏻‍♂️🍷🎭: Picardy spaniel
I forgor what scout was hold up 💀
They hold themselves to a certain esteem. They are the unseen hunters.
Most of them are good with kids and shit but every french dog I've ever seen was much like their people. Dicks.
Silent and stalking, they'd prefer their own space
Regal and untelling of their true love.
Soldier 🪖🍯🎖️: pitbull
Clownish and patriotic, they're very misread as naturally aggressive and evil. Them bitches CANNOT lock their jaw. There's more to them!
I have a pitbull and she loves running around being free, but she's also fast to act, dumb of ass
For some reason they can smile really hard 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷
They can be aggressive! Loud and demanding! Pure muscles and surprisingly easy to flip over for belly pets
They love to watch stuff break. They love to be squished. They love to love. They're food driven
Ms. Pauling 🩸👓💼: groenendael
Does a lotta dirty work
Highly trainable, and loyal. They can be affectionate. Just, a liiiittle but averse to deep love
Elegant, but much more brawny. Determinate and eager to please
Sleeper build fr
They know more than one would think, and are observant. Workaholics need a break dawg 💀
(as a cat I think she'd be a calico)
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death-munchkin · 11 months
Reminder that there is no such thing as a "Dangerous Dog Breed".
There is no such thing as a dog breed with puppies born with an ingrained desire to attack and harm.
There is a prey drive, but that is not going to result in a dog viciously and unprovoked attacking an innocent bystander. Also, all dogs have a prey drive, it is normal for a domesticated predator species. All cats also have a prey drive. It's completely normal and prey drive =/= aggression.
Rates of dog on human and dog on dog violence is primarily correlated to the taught behavior of the dog and slightly influenced by the dogs personality at birth, which by the way is not in any way reliably predictable by breed.
The CDC does not track attacks by breed because there simply is no reliable evidence to suggest that rates of dog attack directly correlate to the breed of the dog!
The concept of a "Dangerous Breed" as we know it today comes from the late 19th through 20th century as propaganda was created to demonize or outright ban certain dog breeds in an attempt to crack down on pit fighting, which by the way, the dogs were victims of. The mental image of the "dangerous pitbull' was conjured up specifically so that people would hate the breed, hate the people who owned it and by extend discourage the owning of the breed and lessen it's existence which would in turn lessen the number of pitbulls in fighting rings.
So basically the same shit we see today in the war on poverty (aka, war on poor people) and war on drugs (aka, war on victims of drug addiction).
This tactic unsurprisingly did not work, as the asshats who bred dogs to toss in a fighting ring never did care about the health and safety of the dog nor the opinions of those who are against pit fighting.
What it did do however was leave a bunch of non pit fighters afraid of and hateful towards pitbull breeds, which, again, I remind you, did nothing wrong and were victims.
Pitbulls, rotwilers, dobermans, staffies and bull terriers are not violent by nature.
They are, however, due to the reputation humans gave them, predispositioned to being bred, bought and adopted by people who see them as a symbol of violence and use them as a tool to attack, frighten and otherwise harm others (both human and animal) with no disregard for their dog's safety.
The dogs didn't choose to be placed in the ring. The dogs didn't choose to be abused and taught to fear humans. The dogs didn't choose to be owned by humans who reward aggression and punish submission with pain and neglect. And, thankfully, these memories and taught behaviors were not passed down to the next generation.
And even those who did go through those horrors can still be rehabilitated and want nothing more than to be loved and to love in turn.
Bonus: Even dogs who were bred for things like pit fighting were not bred to be aggressive. They were bred to be strong and powerful fighters, yes, but they were NOT bred to mindlessly attack, if they were, they'd be put down as they would be a risk to their owner and their owner's other dogs. No, they were bred to be good fighters, fiercely loyal, protective, and were then starved, beaten and provoked into fighting. They weren't simply tossed in a pit and off they went, they were injured, attacked, hit, and the only way one of them were allowed to leave the pit alive is if they killed the other. Sorry for the gruesome image, but that's simply fact, and sugar coating it does not do anyone any good. Dogs do not kill other dogs for fun. DOGS DO NOT KILL OTHER DOGS FOR FUN!
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batfoonery · 3 years
BatPets Headcanons
In honor of the Most Glorious and Beloved Bitewing (and Ace and Titus and Alfred the Cat and Goliath and Batcow.....) I wanted to share my thoughts on what pets the batfam has and should have.
Ahhhhhhh Bitewing! Our new beloved! We've only just gotten you but if you get whooshed away by bad writers I already know I will RIOT.
It actually makes perfect sense for Dick to take in a stray pup. His bro-son has the attitude and personality of a cat, so he already had that covered. And I can't see him paying high prices for a designer breed (bless him) so it's stray/shelter or nothing.
That being said, he also needs a young dog. Some people are made with the disposition to take in the older dogs with older dog needs, but Dick loves deeply and I can't see that he'd deal well with the shorter timeframe of taking in older dogs. So. Younger dogs, that he can go running with in the morning and play with in the park and nap with on the couch.
My man has taste, and also had a doggo as a kid. He's got a soft spot for all of Gotham's forgotten strays. I see him as being a pitbull kind of guy, but like. Also mastiffs. Anything big and menacing looking, but they always turn out to be utter marshmallows.
Totally the type to name his big scary dog Tinkerbell or Baby or something mushy like that. Likewise, Kori and Artemis (and probably Roy) all collect cutesy costumes and collars and leashes. Has the most cutsey giant dog.
The kind of dog that he can trust to take care of kids. If he's particularly concerned about a kid out on the street he can drop the dog off to stand guard until the kid's parent shows up. The dog is real gentle with the lil human, but scares off potential kidnappers.
The first of our exotics keepers! I feel like Cass would really appreciate betta fish. The way the swim and flit through the water, fins seeming to dance as they moved.... like tulle, like dancing.
She probably has several tanks. The first one she got was from Petsmart or PetCo or whatever. It irked her because she knows they don't tend to treat the fish well, but the local petshop's fish were all extremely sickly looking. After that she's hooked, for lack of a better word, and Bruce ends up learning way more than he ever needed to learn about importing fish (and paying for imported fish).
She's meticulous about their care. They've all got nice big clean tanks, and a companion to help keep them clean (different ones according to temperaments, snails for the easier going ones and shrimp for the more aggressive boys). They've got live plants and decorations to hide under, each tank a different theme to show off the fish. Has lowkey been considering getting a female for one of her favorite easy going boys (the first one, who has become a very soothing companion) because he's getting older and she'd like to be able to carry a part of him on.
His companion is an emotional support animal, with papers from his doctor and everything. Seems like he should be a dog person, but instead has a very big Turkish Angora. Her name is Mrs. Tuffles and he got her from a breed-specific rescue.
She's good for him because she disrupts his work and also helps provide a soothing presence when he has a panic attack. At night if he isn't in bed at a certain time she lays on top of whatever he's working on. If he's panicking she lays on his lap or chest and purrs (the added weight, the feeling and sounds of the purrs, held disrupt tension). She's a cuddly cat, and it tricks him into sleeping in in the mornings.
When he finds out that cats purr on a wavelength that encourages healing, and that there's evidence that they sit on humans and purr in attempts to heal/help them, he bursts into tears and startles the cat, who had been draped over his shoulders.
Got a bunny because she thought it would be an easy pet. She was very very wrong. It was from one of the neighbors in her building, because the mom of the kid who brought it home didn't want it anymore. It's a cute little lop, grey and brown.
She quickly discovers that bunnies are super dirty, and they absolutely stink. It bites her for the first week (and Tim and Jason and everyone else that isn't Damian, who somehow tricks it into loving him) and she seriously considers taking it to the shelter. But she doesn't. By week three, he's snuggling up on her feet and in her lap, and she decides that maybe he isn't so bad after all.
He didn't have a name when she got him, so she call him Mi-Mi. She doesn't tell Damian, but it's totally named after him because he reminds her of the way Damian had been when she'd first met him and the progression of their friendship over time.
Seems like a bird type of dude. Probably has a Cockatiel or two. They're very sassy birbs, and there's no way he doesn't enjoy that. One of them repeats words, and has picked up swears from Jason. It swears at Bruce every time he comes in Duke's room. Everyone except Bruce finds it funny.
The other one "dances" whenever it hears music coming from Cass's room. They're both very active and curious, he's contantly having to buy toys for them to rip apart. One of them nipped Damian's ear once, and Duke has never seen Damian look more offended in his life. It was probably the first pet that Damian hadn't been able to Disney-Princess.
They've probably got a dumb name pair. Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, etc. Personally I think he'd get a kick out of naming them Batman and Robin, just to fuck with Bruce. He probably then teaches the one who talks (Batman) to say dumb things like "I am the night! I work alone!" etc etc.
Has all the animal companions. Not pets. That makes them beneath him, which probably opposes his fundamental beliefs. This is my reminder to yall that Ra's started out as an eco-terrorist. Putting aside what he is or is not now, I like to believe that Damian was raised with a deep respect for nature and animals, he probably sees humans as just one particularly terrible animal species.
He has a wide array of companions as is. I'm good with them all, although I wish they'd bring back his dragon friend. :( I love the dragon friend.
I think he'd be the type to have axolotls too. They've got an interesting mythological basis and fit into the dragon theme. Plus the short story "The Axolotl" by Cortazar is a fascinating piece of mystical realism and I could see that he'd be intrigued by the species. They're endangered in the wild because of habitat destruction and invasion of foreign species that prey on them, but are easily bred in captivity. So I could see he'd keep at least one breeding pair, with the intent to someday bully Bruce into funding a project to save their natural habitat.
Doesn't have her own pets, because she doesn't want the responsibility on top of everything else she does.
But her apartment always has furry/feathered friends in it because she's constantly petsitting for the others when they have to go do hero stuff. She's basically like a step-mom for everyone else's pets. She's learned how to take care of tanks and whatnot as well, mostly for Cass. The axolotls are gross and she refuses to touch those tanks, but the bettas are kinda like cute grumpy old men. She likes to tease Bruce by telling him his grand-fish take after him.
Always has a variety of pet snacks with her. She is determined to be the overall favorite human to all the bat-pets. Competition is fierce between her and Dami, but she has an edge because Robin the Cockatiel seems to prefer her.
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
I learned something last night.
My foster mum wasn't exaggerating.
Okay, I shall explain.
Oh and warnings of talk about cancer, I'll tag this post with #cancer just in case it is triggering for some folks
She had a habit of exaggeration. I have no idea why, or who she was trying to impress, but the several times that she did it, she was often caught out but stubbornly stuck to what she thought was right - in her minds eye.
One example. She bragged about how she was just a couple of points short of going to grammar school (this is in the 1940s btw) and the only thing stopping her was that they couldn't afford to send her.
Fast forward to my first year at comprehensive school and my homework was maths. So I asked her for help.
She barely skimmed through it, declared that there's no way she was going to help and I had to struggle on my own.
So, after that, whatever she said, I didn't believe her.
Now ....
Moving forward to last night.
I don't watch that much TV, it tends to be background noise whilst I'm busy doing other stuff.
But I turned it over to Pitbulls and Parolees, where they had two big dogs ... brothers that they saved from the kill shelter and placed in this kennel where they hoped that these two would be adopted.
Sadly, because of their huge size and strength, the adoption fell through. They couldn't split these two up because they'd been together all their lives.
Then came even more bad news.
One of them had cancer. The aggressive kind that you can actually see growing.
Which brings me back to my foster mum.
We had a pure pedigree Afghan Hound. Beautiful nature, stubborn as heck and she developed lymphatic cancer.
Now, remember when I said that she ... my mum ... (since she brought me up from a baby, that's all I called her despite her telling me constantly that she wasn't my real mother) exaggerated?
She told me that she was sitting, watching this cancer literally growing out of Bella's bum.
I didn't believe her.
Until I saw that TV show last night. And realised that some cancers ARE very aggressive and can grow at an alarming rate.
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