#they’ve grown up soooo much
nvuy · 2 months
nuvy. nuvy have you heard of the boothill leaks.
YES i did *salutes*
boothill story leaks under cut;
girl dad girl dad
soooo what about boothill falling in love with a single parent with a daughter hmm hmm
like god if he doesn’t just accidently run into the kid and she squeals over him because “hey!! cool robot man!!” and you chase her down and apologise.
he freezes, because your daughter looks so much like his did.
same hair colour, same eye colour, same energy that he could barely keep up with, just learning to walk on two feet properly and string together words to form simple sentences.
it absolutely destroys him. in the worst and best way possible. especially since your daughter practically develops an admiration for him on the spot, begs to be carried, and you’re confused because “sweetie, you shouldn’t be talking to strangers.”
like like.,,,, example……..
Something small and warm wraps around his hand and Boothill glances up quickly from his lap.
There was a little girl searching for his fingers, barely three years old by the looks of it. Pretty tresses of black hair flowing in the wind near the shoreline, sniffling and barely standing on short wobbly legs.
“I need help,” she hiccups, and Boothill melts on the spot. So small and helpless, like a baby bird away from its mother’s nest. “I can’t find my–”
And of course, he stands up, dusts off his pants, and offers her his hand. He guides her away from the beach back towards the market where crowds of people swarm the stalls.
It’s nighttime, cold, and definitely no place for a little girl to be by herself.
“What’s your parents look like, princess?”
He busies himself searching for any targets that would make sense given the girl’s prattling of your appearance down to the colour of your shoes—“White. Like mine.” Hers light up purple with each step she takes—too many faces, too many people.
He stands to give up when he hears somebody frantically running around like a lunatic to every single store, asking if they’ve seen a little girl with light up sneakers wandering about.
“Calm down. I’m sure she’s around here somewhere,” he heard one of the assistants try.
Another shopkeeper offers a pitiful frown and shakes their head.
Boothill nudges the girl, squeezing her small hand in his, careful of his strength around fragile bones. “Is that them?”
She quickly wipes the tears from her face. She then nods and takes off into a sprint to lunge at you, still sobbing when she wraps her arms around your leg.
You sigh in relief and scoop her up into your arms.
Boothill then has an entire conundrum in the middle of the market square. For one, your daughter is waving him over with a smile on her face. Two, you looked like you were about two seconds away from passing out in shock. Your clothes are askew, hair a mess, face flushed and yet simultaneously drained of blood.
He steps closer anyway, though hesitantly. He can’t say no to the little thing whose grin has now grown double the size of her face.
“This is the man that helped me,” she explained softly to you, pointing at him with a small finger.
You scanned him over.
For a moment, he thought you were going to turn around and book it in the other direction. A random ‘robot man’ in the centre of the town square was probably the least most inviting thing he could’ve been. Not to mention he had been sitting at the docks for so long staring out into the water he knew his hair had been tossed wildly from the wind.
Not that you appeared anymore put together.
Instead, you grab his face with a free hand and kiss him on the cheek.
“Thank you,” you whispered hoarsely.
He almost damn near blue screens. The words ‘anything for you’ fight to come forth out of his throat.
Instead, he lets out a garbled noise before he clears his throat. “Of course. Couldn’t let the little princess run too far.” He teased your daughter with a tap to her nose.
She grabs his finger and presses the pads of her own across the metal rivets and joints like she’s studying them curiously.
Your daughter stared up at you with giant puppy eyes, still holding his hand. “Can we keep him?”
It was your turn to make a weird noise, spluttering with your face heating up. “You can’t keep people.”
All the while, Boothill was staring at you as you chastised her with hot cheeks.
No spouse by the looks of it—nor had the little princess mentioned somebody else. He knew kids liked to ramble on about their parents.
Well, his daughter did. Something cold and metallic turned in his stomach. She used to think her dad was a hero.
He wondered if she still would.
No ring on your finger. Adoration was such a gentle expression on your face, and the way you held her so firmly, yet so delicately, said it all.
Oh, if he wasn’t completely head over heels from the very beginning.
the angst potential. The angst potential. Theeee angst potential. i’m gritting my teeth.
i’m going insan e
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safety-writes-noms · 2 months
Ohohohhoho now that you bring it up, I can definitely see Mark just. Agonizing over the fact that he wants to eat people every now and then. Hmmm how would you think his first time nomming someone would go?
he would be half convinced he's a psychopath or something. like... who thinks about eating their loved ones?? swallowing them whole too like omg?? clearly someone who's not sane. the impulses have gotten worse and worse as he's grown through the years and now it feels like a constant thorn in his side. that never ending hunger burning through his body that no amount of food can possibly sate. it doesn't even want food -- just people and that's gonna freak him out soooo bad.
obviously he can’t really talk about it to anyone just in case they think he’s utterly batshit insane so he’s slowly winding himself up while the urges keep getting more and more intense. He figures that it’s a viltrumite thing since eating people alive is very very very frowned upon in human culture. So, when he sees his dad again (with the ep where they find that Nolan’s banged a bug and made another kid) it’s one of the first things he asks about before they get the snot beaten out of them by the other viltrumites. His dad’s answer? Nolan has no idea what Mark is talking about whatsoever.
so its a mark thing. Alright. Cool. Awesome. Totally won’t send him into an emotional crisis spiral but whatever. He gets home. Hands off his new little brother to his mom and flies off to clear his head.
he runs into a crazy dude while patrolling. the guy's clearly off his goddamn rocker with a massive futurized looking gun. Mark pulls himself together before going down there before this dude can shoot anyone. does the quip thing, the whole schtick.
In the process however, he gets hit and finds himself way bigger than he's supposed to be. Nabbing the criminal is a cynch -- or its supposed to be, at least. The place s mostly evacuated by now, courtesy of Cecil and his crew and its good thing too because buildings are crumbling and now Mark is grappling with a mega sized lunatic who decided that it'd be a spectacular decision to also make himself gigantic. go figure.
he's sent flying into a building, dust flying every where as bricks collapse into a broken heap, leaving only the shell of walls left. he glances to his side groggily, registering a tiny trembling form of some poor guy who didn't have the time to get out of there, taking shelter as giants clashed outside.
there's adrenaline pulsing through mark's veins, he almost freaking squished this dude and he needs to get them out of here before that raving mad man outside comes in to beat on him some more which would undoubtedly result in this civilians death -- and shit, he's has no idea how the hell he's going to get out of here with no lives lost.
and he is just so hungry.
he barely even thinks before he's moving, gently scooping up the person and popping them into his maw. It feels weird at first, a whole living, wriggling, breathing human just… there. In his mouth. Wild. His subconscious reacts before he does, throat moving to automatically swallow in one fluid motion, and just like that, he’s done with it.
mark doesn’t actually get a whole lot of time to process anything before he’s jumped again, trying to ignore the desperate squirming nestled in his body and the rush of dopamine flooding his brain. Sure it’s not exactly what his urges want, considering they’d rather have someone close to them and not some rando but for now, they’re satisfied that they’ve been partially appeased and just focus on keeping the little human warm and safe.
The bliss of not feeling too much of that aching, burning hunger has him practically floating, and he finally finishes off the lunatic, knocking the guy out with one massive punch.
Now that mark’s been left alone (partially, sonce theres still an unconsious crazy laying in the rubble) he finds that in the absence of adrenaline is the slow rising horror of the realization that yes he actually freaking ate someone, and yes they’re still inside of him. It wars with the tidal wave of dopamine currently still juicing up his brain and eventually wins out.
Mark stumbles to his feet, cupping a hand to his mouth and heaving desperately, muscles contracting as his body fights against him until he manages to bring the poor human back up who, thankfully is just shaken and a bit confused.
Cecil's team comes in then, uses the gun to reverse their sizes back to normal (huh all they had to do was flip the batteries sweet) grabs the crazy and the dude mark ate to 1) apprehend and 2) wipe the memories of the guy. they tell Mark that Cecil wants to talk to him later, and promptly disappear.
mark is left alone with horror sinking in his chest and a slow pit growing in his stomach all over again.
this isn't an actual story or anything I js wanted to make a scenario where he ate someone so :3
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aemiron-main · 2 years
(gay Mike rambling time bc I want to work on the analysis but also I’m in bed and tired soooo.)
no bc why set it up so that El was repeatedly paralleled to Will in season 1 to the point of looking so much like him that she was mistaken for him if not because Mike’s always been in love with Will + was projecting his feelings for Will onto El?? Like as a character, El in s1 works perfectly for the setup of “mike is gay and is (not intentionally/consciously) projecting his feelings for Will onto El and trying to deal with heteronormative pressure” because El in s1 has lived in a lab her whole life AND hasn’t gotten a chance to figure out who she is as an individual, which makes her easier for Mike to project onto.
This is part of why we see more tension between mike and El as the seasons go on: mike can’t project his feelings for Will onto her anymore because a.) she’s grown into her own unique individual, b.) mike is becoming more aware of his own feelings, his own sexuality, the implications of those feelings, and what he does/doesn’t like or is/isn’t attracted to, making it difficult for him to subconsciously project onto El even if she didn’t develop more of her own identity and c.) El becomes more and more stereotypically feminine looking as the seasons go on and it’s not a coincidence/accident that as El becomes more stereotypically feminine looking, Mike has more difficulty being romantically affectionate with her (things like kissing).
We see Mike initiate the kiss in s1, because a.) heteronormative pressure and that’s the typical “role” of a man in a heteronormative relationship, being expected to “take charge,”/lead something that Mike is already expected to do in his daily life (@/madwheelerz made a great post about Mike and independence recently) and b.) El has less of her own identity, making her easier to project onto, AND she looks more stereotypically masculine.
Like even at the snow ball or during the s3 makeout scenes, El is the one initiating the kisses. El is the one leaning in while mike stays mostly in his own space. Mike takes her hands off of him. During the second s3 kissing scene, El is the one holding Mike’s face in her hands while mike literally just sits there. Even though he’s still BEING affectionate with El as time goes on + as she develops her own identity + looks more stereotypically feminine, we literally see him become more and more uncomfortable with it, especially during that last s3 kiss scene.
And I know this is from the s3 script so I’m not relying on it bc I’m going to focus on what’s in the *show* as the main parts of my gay Mike analysis, but the fact that in the script, mike thinks “what’s wrong with me?” after El kisses him is very interesting to me.
It’s not his first kiss! Its not even his first kiss with El! It’s not that he’s not used to kissing! And like I’m gonna talk about, it’s not because a.) he’s fully realized that he’s into men or b.) just realized he isn’t into El specifically anymore: imo it only makes sense if Mike has realized throughout the course of s3 that he isn’t into girls at all. He’s not thinking “oh gee i don’t like kissing” or “oh wow i wish I was kissing men” or “i don’t like kissing El” or “Why did El do that? That was gross” or “what’s wrong with El, that was so weird”
He’s thinking “what’s wrong with me?“ because it’s NOT ABOUT EL!!!! Like I’ve said in other posts, the big thing for me abt gay Mike is that it removes El from the equation in a good way because Mike’s behaviour isn’t ABOUT HER, it’s not about who she is as a person or what she does or how she looks as a girl. It’s about him being gay and not being attracted to her because of that. Like i just don’t buy that Mike just fell out of love with El/is choosing Will over her, because a.) they’ve incorporated so many fundamental cracks into the foundations of this relationship from the beginning, b.) it doesn’t align with a satisfying arc for el’s character, somebody who has consistently felt unloveable and would then be learning that Mike fell out of love with her because of who she is or what she looks like or just anything about HER, and pits Will and El against eachother, and c.) mike has TRIED to love her. He does love her platonically. He does care about her!! He’s just not attracted to her romantically.
Like, if mike isn’t gay, and just isn’t in love with El anymore because there’s something that he doesn’t like about her looks or where personality (and if he “just likes Will better,” that STILL means that there’s something about El that he seems to be ‘worse’ when compared to Will’s qualities, not that it’s wrong or bad for him to think that, it’s totally fair to not like aspects of people, but again, these are characters with arcs and themes and imo it doesn’t align with el’s arcs and themes or Mike’s or the way that the willel dynamic has been setup), then what girl IS he going to be in love with.
Seriously, if mike isn’t gay, and if Will isn’t an option, but he’s just seemingly fallen out of love with El/there’s something about her that he doesn’t like, then what girl would he like? What would he possibly change about El, somebody that he already CLEARLY cares about deeply and doesn’t want to hurt and has tried to love?? What girl could possibly fit what he’s looking for?? None of them! Because he’s not looking for a girl at all.
It’s not about falling out of love with El. It’s not even about his love for Will. It’s about how over the course of the seasons, especially in s3, mike has been becoming aware of his lack of attraction to women, and also learning what attraction is/what it’s supposed to be like, and what he does and doesn’t like (I’m gonna talk about his in the analysis, but the s3 max and El “How do i know what I like” scene also applies to mike!! Because right before that scene, mike says that he ‘doesn’t know what he’s looking for/asks what they’re even looking for’ in regards to shopping in the mall. But just like how El’s scene isn’t just about knowing what clothes she likes, but rather about what she likes as a whole and who she is and her identity, Mike is also trying to figure out what he likes/what he’s looking for, beyond the scope of looking for a gift in the mall and instead in terms of what he likes/what he’s looking for in regards to his sexuality/romance/relationships.)
And the big thing that makes this point towards gay Mike for me is that it’d be one thing if we saw Mike having more active romantic inclinations towards guys in s3. But we don’t, not in the same way that we see his realization of his lack of attraction to girls develop. And so, if Mike’s spent all of this time kissing El, and trying to figure out what he likes, then that doesn’t add up to just “mike figured out that he likes men,” because I think that’s more of what’s happening in s4,is mike coming to terms with his attraction to men, like even though we do get bits of him moving towards attraction to men in s3, the main thing in s3 is mike realizing his lack of attraction to women.
That’s the thing, too, part of what interests me about the sauna scene: is that the old dudes are portrayed as “gross,” because to be fair, a bunch of old half naked dudes is gonna be gross to any 14 year old kid, but also, it’s not a direct parallel to the lingerie scene, because the lingerie scene is something that’s typically intended to be attractive, it’s framed in that way. So, they don’t give us a “mens underwear” scene to parallel the women’s underwear scene and show that Mike’s “figuring out what he likes” is just him figuring out that he also likes men. Instead, they give us that womens’ underwear scene to demonstrate that he’s realizing his lack of attraction to women, even when the women/the underwear are presented in a “pretty,” meant-to-be-attractive way, and then give us the sauna scene, which like i said is not a direct equivalent to the womens’ underwear scene, even though the scenes are PARALLELED, they are not EQUAL. Because the sauna scene is framed as being “gross” regardless of sexuality, just like how Will is also freaked out by it, it’s not framed in an “attractive” way in the same way that the womens’ underwear scene is, and part of that is due to how the scene works to tie into Mike’s internalized homophobia and bits of disgust with himself in s3, and part of it is also because Mike’s whole ‘figuring out what I like’ journey in the mall and in s3 in general isn’t about him realizing that he’s into men: it’s about him realizing that he’s not into women.
And I have a lot more to say abt the sauna scene and the fact that mikes the one holding rhe door open and some really interesting facial expression choices that Finn makes even after the door is closed, but I’ll save that for the analysis!
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lindszeppelin · 11 months
I feel like it’s a PR relationship 100% kaia is using his fame for her own career. Like she did for Jacob elordi when they just so happened to be dating when season 2 of euphoria got released. Same thing when she dated Pete Davidson right when he was blowing up on snl. She needs to stick to modeling truly. I hope it’s just like a two year contract and we will here that they’ve “split up” by January. I’m sure he’s getting paid for it. It’s also so suspicious to me how she apparently started dating Austin not even a month after her split with Jacob when there 1 year anniversary was the month before. I also don’t fully blame her and I’m sure her parents have something to do with it wanting to get her name out there like she isn’t Cindy Crawfords daughter and couldn’t get any role she wanted without dating a man who was trending at the time. I just want Austin to be happy. I also hope she realizes that Austin’s not gonna want to get married for like 2-3 years minimum. He’s gonna wanna work on his career. Doesn’t mean he won’t actually date but he’s not gonna settle down anytime soon. I just want their relationship to be over. I don’t want to hate on Kaia but it’s just so frustrating when she is a literal model because of her mom, she’s an “actress” because of her mom. It’s not for her being her. Like all nepo babies nowadays are successful because of their parents.
First of all thank you for your commentary, anon. You're not alone in how you feel. There are plenty of us that think the same exact way, some just don't always vocalize it, so cheers for being one of them that speaks up on it.
I had quite a nice day today so I'm in a good mood to go a little in depth with my answer right now. And then go back into my little cancer crab shell lol
What's crazy to me is she looked so much more suited and happier with Jacob Elordi. They were always snuggled up to each other and he looks more her speed. If they were PR then they did a very convincing job because he actually looked happy to be loved up on her and to be seen with her, unlike someone we know lol. And she looked happy to be with him. Plus, she actually posted him to her socials and they talked about one another all the time in the papers. So. It's wild the 360 there between Elordi and Austin.
And yes I do remember that she was broken up with him and then 1 month later she was seen with Austin. That's buckwild, and the fact we still do not know at all how they got together in the first place is very strange
But yes to everything you express here. Also the thing with Austin, I feel like he's still focused on his career that i think 2-3 years isn't long enough of a gap to be honest. He was with V for 9 and he never popped the question. This man is dead set serious on his career first. And conveniently so he also uses that as his excellent and genuine excuse to not allow engagement rumors to flame with K, seeing as that died in less than half an hour with a quickness on social.
Let's just be fucking real here, K is not his forever girl. I feel like whenever Austin meets his one true love that he'll marry then he'll be all about it. People are getting married AND having children at older ages now, and while he's only gonna be 32 this year that is still young to where he could wait until mid/late 30s to get hitched. Who knows. The man has plenty of time, he's in no rush clearly. She however is only 21 and she's still a child and she needs more time to mature and grow as an adult with life experience. As a near 30 year old woman I remember how I thought i was tough shit and knew everything at her age and thought i was soooo grown up. But hell no, you're still a kid.
When someone is dying to get married, you have to question the reason why. There could be deep seated insecurities where by a certain age one feels like their clock is ticking and they need to settle down with the next available person immediately. Or maybe it's for security financially, etc. It could also just be desperation in order to feel like you're wanted. I'm looking at V here because she moved on with that Cole guy so quick and got engaged so quick and throws shade to Austin all the time. Still bitter about not being Vanessa Butler lol. But rushing down the isle is a big mistake. Austin's background dictates that he knows 100% the seriousness of a commitment and he will not just marry any woman when he knows divorce could maybe be in his future.
aaaaaand end rant lol. I pray Austin finds the Pam to his Jim one day!
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f0point5 · 2 months
I think the whole issue with people hating/not liking the wags or anyone involved with the drivers is just a product of the way society brings young women to perceive love and relationships. It's not that deep as it sounds, but I think girls are more prone to develop parasocial relationships with the one they want to be with (usually celebrities or in this case the drivers). So they develop fantasies about them falling in love and constantly thinking about it or use tumblr to read fanfics and their brain is convinced they're the "one" for them.
Then they hate that their crushes are going out with models or other celebrities, but the reality is that, of course, they're gonna be with people with the same level od fame/status/money bc that's their circle and that's where they meet people.
Also you can fantasize all you want but you don't know that driver/celebrity that you like so much. You don't know what they're like, who they are, you don't know anything at all really let alone if you'll truly like them if you'd knew them irl (which is most likely never)
Sorry for the rant, low key it's kinda sad they think they can hate other girls that they have a chance with their celebrity crush. Also that girl you're hating is a human being and what about the drivers, as you say, they are grown men who know what they're doing so why not blame them for only choosing models if you think they're going after models only for their looks...
That is high key the reason 99% of the time. And it’s kind of obvious because you see this same behaviour from women in real life, when a guy they might like starts dating someone. It’s always “omg she’s not even pretty” or “look how she grabs him all the time omg so insecure”…exactly the same rhetoric.
The parasocial relationships are actually insane. People have this idea of who they would like these men to be based on their appearance in TikToks, after they’ve literally been advised how to behave and how not to offend people, in nearly in every situation. People will be like “oh he’s soooo sweet” like girl do you think this man does not have the urge to scream at everyone who comes up to him and asks him to sign something? Guarantee he does, because he’s human, but he also knows there’s a camera shoved in his face so he’s being polite about it. You don’t know anything about these men, not really.
Often the only way you can see even a glimpse of who these people are is by the partners they choose, and people are mad because they don’t like it. Charles choosing to be with a girl from his own circle, who is concerned with art and fashion and a quiet person is so deeply offensive to these freaks because it reminds them that it will never be them. Lando hanging out with Instagram baddie models and actresses is hurtful to the crazies because they know even if somehow they could get on his radar, they’re not his type. The existence of these women is the only thing that keeps the lunatics anchored in reality and they can’t stand it. It gives “raised on 1D fanfiction where Zayn Malik picks you out of the crowd at a concert”. They just can’t handle that these men are not men who’d ever want them. These girls are also a reminder that the drivers are just human. They’re men with options and *shock horror* they go for the one with the most social capital. Shocked pickachu face 🙄
They’re not Disney Princes, and I know damn well these girls on Twitter don’t look like the girl from Tangled so sit your petty, jealous asses down.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
Oh my God, I just read about your plans for a Van Helsing inspired story and since it’s literally one of my fav AU’s I have several thoughts I would love to share 😭💕😭💕😭💕
-What if Ghost, who as a part of his profession of course travels to all sorts of places in the world, brings back very rare and often expensive fabrics and like sewing materials for reader, you know as a thank you but also bc she doesn’t have the means to buy those ever on her own and he wants to show her his gratitude (we love a king whose love language is gift giving🥹)
-She’s a tailor, but she also has some medical training under her belt (probably could not progress much after a certain point because of gender inequality) so one day he knocks at her door wounded and in need for patching up so she tends to his wounds/sews them up
-Eventually they’ve grown quite close. Simon realises that unlike with other humans, he has found himself to deeply care for her, and her company. He initially tried to keep his distance, he’s been alone for more years than she’s been alive but denying his feelings for her seems to be impossible. So he gifts her a revolver, one made and filled with silver bullets. He makes her promise him to use it should the day ever come that she’s face to face with the part of himself he shields away from her.
-And my all time favorite werewolf trope ever because I love being a basic bitch: he finds himself in her presence and without the means to shackle/cage himself away during full moon, and by this time she already knows about the curse, so they’re both afraid he’ll tear her to shreds once has has transformed because Simon isn’t Simon when he does but lo and behold! Despite being in his beast form he still remembers who she is and the bloodlust doesn’t rule over Simons feelings for her.😭 and the silver revolver? She doesn’t even know where she left that thing.
-And lastly, at some point, his enemies (KorTac 👀 Konig👀👀👀 I meannnn!!) who are also werewolfs (bc I love me a monster who also happens to be a monster hunter 🤷🏼‍♀️) are on his trail but they find her instead. Because his scent is all over her, and they pick it up from miles and miles away. They think that the eternally solitary Ghost has finally found his mate and they abduct her, in order to lure him in a trap, one Ghost is willing to walk into if it means he can save her😭
These were my brain rots thank you for coming to my TedTalk 🫡 *scurries away*
Omg, so many great ideas. I'll definitely incorporate some of these, thank you!!
The gifting silver bullets one is soooo good and angsty!!
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gross-gal · 1 year
"First Kiss" a.k.a. Weeb's first Repo self ship fic
Alright, here it is. This is the first self ship fic I've done in a looong time. Don't have much to prelude soooo, hope y'all enjoy this incredibly self indulgent thing I made.
*6 months into their friendship, Repo decides he wants to show his appreciation about their relationship for Clementine/Clem (Weeb). So the two go on a friend date and he spoils them. Both are crushing hard on one another but neither are ready to say how they feel. 
*This takes place after the date and they’ve returned back to the Scrapyard. Clem wants to say her thanks.
**Clementine is a placeholder name cuz I’m not calling my sona Weeb here lmao. ALSO I use multiple pronouns to address them (she/they/he)!!
“Noooo shut up. Let me be nice now..”
Repo knew he wasn’t going to win against Clementine’s kind and stubborn heart. They always had to make it known their appreciation for the ones they loved, even if it wasn’t called for, she was just sappy like that. Which overtime, Repo had grown to adore.
“It’s really lucky that we got to meet like this. I kinda just asked you for a job on impulse, that wasn’t something I normally do…but I’m really glad I did. I know you don’t see it but you’re a pretty sweet guy deep down, the bestest friend I could ask for haha…so thank you for today, not just cause it was fun but it means a lot that you went out of your way for…uh…meeee…”
She dragged on the last word for a second or so. The awkwardness from being so vulnerable already getting to her. 
Repo smiled warmly.
“Heh! Yer such a jokester most of the time, I always forget yer so sentimental Hahaa!”
“Whatever, I can’t exactly compete with your gifts, I wanna show my thanks somehow, you know?”
His comment only fanned her embarrassment. She was kinda regretting saying what she did but chose not to linger on that thought.
Truth is, Repo said that only to distract from his flustered state. 
Not wanting to make her feel bad, he swallowed his pride and responded after clearing his throat.
“Ehhh well…anyways I should be the one thanking youse. Yer also the bestest friend I got…one of the only ones.”
He took a second to think on what he wanted to say. Looking off to the city and focusing on the skyscrapers from afar.
‘Damn…how does she do it so freakin’ eloquently??’ He thought to himself.
“I ain’t too good with the words, kid. Not even my gifts can compare with yer bleedin’ heart. But I care about ya and youse been a real nice thing in my life. So thank ya, again.”
When he turned his head back to them they had a dopey grin forming on their face.
“YOU’RE SUUUUCH A GOOOOOD FRIEND!!!” She blurted, mockingly.
She narrowly avoided the lunge he prepared. Looks like he was aiming to put them into a headlock.
Clem could dodge well enough but they could never hope to match Repo’s swift athleticism. 
He tackled them to the ground and their bodies came crashing to the dirt together. Repo quickly sitting on their back before they could worm away, he twisted their arm back, though not nearly enough to seriously hurt them. Wrestling was a thing they were used to and enjoyed.
“Ah right, take it back!”
“Heheh, dis the thanks I get fer bein’ so charitable?” Repo chuckled at the predicament they brought on themselves. 
Sincere, kind, a joker, fighter (sorta)… those were a few of the traits he saw and admired from them. 
“OKAY!! I’m done, my back is hurting…pbbt!” Clementine tried turning their head to face him but just ended up catching their large hair to the face.
And good hair…he liked that too.
An exasperated sigh blew out their mouth once Repo got off them. Though he was fairly lean, he still had some weight thanks to his abdomen, which did a number on their back after the tussle.
“Ya been werkin’ for me fer 6 whole months, how the hell do ya still got no muscle or anythin’?”
“Heh…genetics?” She joked.
“Pfft- yeah right. Lazy ass.”
“I’m an artist~ I don’t have to worry about muscles. I need to conserve all my energy for my drawing, you know that!” He proudly emphasized this by raising his chin.
“Oh yeah, I getcha…better go easy on ya so youse can still finish dat logo thingy I asked ya for!”
“Hmmm, how long ago was it I asked ya to do that?” His elbow lightly nudged her shoulder.
“…yeah okay…” Clem begrudgingly muttered.
It was a jab but he didn’t really mind all that much she neglected it. He just liked having a hand in keeping her artistically motivated…though it would be nice if they actually got around to it…
The smoother part of his claw then moved to rest on their head and he tussled their hair. This was his way of saying “you’re okay” Without actually having to. He’d done it a few times before but neither of them ever really got used to it. 
It never failed to make Clementine smile.
Repo wasn’t a particularly emotionally vulnerable person, she picked up on that after sometime. And he especially wasn't the physically affectionate type, that was reserved for his cats and on certain occasions like today, only for Clementine.
That alone was enough. 
She was content on her assumedly one-sided crush. Though it brought an ache to her heart, knowing that these feelings she had would never be reciprocated, she still was able to make him happy and was allowed to share intimate moments such as these with him. Those brief, warm moments, they’d treasure.
About an hour had passed, they spent that time mindlessly chatting until Mrs. Nubbins hungry mewls put their conversation to a halt.
“Oh it’s that time already?”
“Never a dull moment around ‘ere…PAPA’S COMIN’ MY SWEETY PIE!!”
Had this been months ago, she would’ve made a joke at his sudden cutesy-ness. But Repo is incredibly unabashed about his love for Mrs. Nubbins, so that wore off long ago. And now to her, it was actually rather cute. Which they sorta hated to admit.
“Ah uh…guess dat means youse should be leavin’?” His voice lowered, saddened.
“Nah, I’ll stick around and help you with Mrs. Nubbins at least.”
His antennas perked up…
“After all, I AM her favorite~” 
And then laid flat…
“Watch yer mouth, kid.” 
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She was careful to keep her snickering to herself. This was a satisfying little victory.
Repo went onto share stories about his bond with Mrs. Nubbins till they arrived at her cave of junk. 
It was a lot easier feeding her now with Clem here. She still wasn’t used to mutants and certainly not Repo, perhaps had something to do with the new instincts she had. But humans were alright to her and she grew a liking to Clem.
This was another thing Repo was thankful for but he’d never admit that. 
After finishing up with Nubbins’ dinner, Repo escorted Weeb out the yard.
He didn’t really say much during the walk. But his mind was racing with a thousand thoughts per minute. Mainly thinking on what more he could’ve done to make today special, was it really enough? Wishing he could’ve said more about his gratitude, was he too mean? Was he open enough?
‘No…don’t think it…’ But it was too late.
Today would’ve been perfect to tell them how you feel.
‘Keep dreamin’ jackass…he just considers ya a friend.’
Why did he have to get caught up in his feelings now of all times? All these emotions made him feel like a stupid, confused, lovey kid. 
“You okay?” Her concern pierced through his mind.
His head shot up, checking their surroundings. They’d already reach the gate. 
“Yeah! Just thinkin’ ‘bout what I’ll have to eat later.” 
Despite having eaten already earlier, they chose not to inquire about his appetite. 
“Alright…get some rest soon though, okay? I promise I’ll make it up to you when I can!!”
“Oh ya don’t gotta haha…” 
“I wanna though! And I’ll make sure it’s reeeeal special!” 
“Whatever ya say, kid.” There was no point in fighting him, not like he would bother any further, any chance they’d give to see him, he’d take it. 
They made him feel so cared for. It was too hard to keep himself from smiling, his cheeks were hurting a bit too.
In fact he felt so giddy, he couldn’t stop himself from pulling them into a hug.
‘What...?’ Was all Clementine could think at this sudden contact.
She couldn’t remember the last time, if he’d ever done this.
Their hearts were pounding, as if they wanted to burst from the walls that were their chests and embrace one another even further. This was all too much. 
What was going to happen when they pulled away?
It was less than a minute that this actually went on for. Eventually they would have to pull away and it had to be soon so neither seemed suspicious.
Repo was the first.
For a few seconds, Clem’s brain stopped processing and seemed to black out whatever had happened in those instances.
Why had the air gotten so tight? It seemed perfectly fine just a moment ago.
The face Repo was making was nothing they’d seen before. It was…bewilderment? Shock? Fear?? And why had their faces felt warm?
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‘And my lips…?’ Though it was only barely, they’d also had been puckered. 
Oh shit.
“OKAY SEE YA BYE!!!!!” Clem blurted before their brain could fully put the pieces together. But they knew enough that whatever had happened, it wasn’t typical.
Repo was stunned and face flushed. 
None of it really made sense to Clem as they focused on running to the suddenly arriving bus. They showed their pass and collapsed into the seat towards the side exit. 
Now it was all coming together.
Oh god…
She kissed him. On instinct. As if he was a loved one. A significant other. She, carelessly, had kissed his cheek. 
They gave a loving goodbye kiss to her crush/best friend. 
Repo proceeded to spend the evening yelling into his pillow.
He was 25% embarrassed this socially awkward nerd put the moves on him first, and the other 75% elated.
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So, I’ve been listening to an SCP podcast lately. I’m no expert on the SCP world or anything, buuuuut I had the idea that “what if Wayne Enterprises contained some of these top secret facilities?” I mean, a multi-billion dollar company could easily hide and fund such a thing. And Gotham being Gotham, it kinda makes sense? Gotham would be like a breeding ground for this kinda stuff lol.
Like could you imagine Arkham Asylum being a sorta sentient building sending out mindless orderlies/guards to kidnap people who are driven insane by the building? It lets people go to wreak havoc upon the city and ultimately bring more people in, ‘cause how else are the inmates always getting out??
Idk, I just think it’s a cool idea.
And, of course, being the Wayleska/Valeyne lover that I am, I’ve had to connect the two. Soooo, under the cut is a little concept fic I wrote just now about it.
"Oh, Bruce." That voice. A whisper in the noise. A bellow in the quiet. A melody in their dreams. A shriek in their nightmares. Like honey and silk. Like ice and chemicals. Familiar and strange.
"Brucey, darlin'." A deep, raspy mimic of the other. Louder, grander, with discord in the melody. Instead of ice and chemicals at its core, there was fire and electricity.
"Long time no see." Together, a harmony luring you into a trap. To your doom.
And the boy they worshipped and put up on a pedestal made of rotting flesh and bone, grown so much from the time they first met, stood frozen at the sounds of their voices. Eyes wide with images of ginger hair, freckled skin, and wide smiles. With memories of knives and blood, mazes and generators, shared hugs and kisses and tears. Conversations and promises made what seemed a lifetime ago echoed through his head. Until he crumpled under it all.
Ecco, fighting off her own memory-filled trance, fell to her knees in front of Bruce, pulling his quivering body into her arms. Huddled together, hiding their faces, clinging to one another, blocking out the world, she chanted the same old lie: "It'll be okay."
I may expand upon this, but there’s so many things already lol. The basic idea I have right now is just: Thomas and Martha’s deaths were SCP-related, and Bruce is devoted to containing and learning about every anomaly he comes across. I can’t really decide if the twins should be like humanoids from the very beginning, and now they’ve built this deep connection so Bruce can’t let go. Or if the twins died because of some entity that now taunts Bruce with the memory of them. Or maybe I’ll leave that all ambiguous, who knows? I don’t.
This is just a concept I wanted to share and can’t promise I’ll do more with. I would like to! But idk if it’ll ever happen. I’ll probably get lost in my research of the SCP world and never get around to writing anything. ‘Tis the way of life, I’m afraid.
Please let me know what you think!! <3
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beldaroot · 1 year
ANITA !!!! aaahhh ok so i’ve been super busy these past few weeks so i’m just catching up on buddy daddies ep 9&10 now and!!!! I NEED TO SCREAM ABOUT IT TO SOMEONE!!!
ok first of all, any kind of sports day/festival episode in an anime is my absolute favourite and this one did not disappoint !!! i was literally smiling like an idiot the entire episode because of how into it kazuki and rei were, like rei sneaking into the school the night before so he could get the best seats in the front???? the cutest thing i’ve ever seen HELP OTL and rei getting all depressed because he tried to cheer on miri and accidentally made her trip ??? you’re telling me this man is an cold blooded assassin?? gsbshagsjshsk except i have to admit i fully sobbed at the end when miri had to find “family” for the scavenger hunt and she got her papas!!! i was crying just like kazuki in that scene T^T
but ohhh my god episode 10….. this one hurt so bad!!! of course at this point we know that kazuki and rei love miri and that they’ve grown used to this little family of theirs, but in this episode it really hit them of HOW MUCH of a family they really are and it’s really shattering my heart to see this family break up just when they’re all starting to be happy together T^T i loved kazuki taking miri and rei out for one last fun day together it was so sweet but the entire time i was only thinking about how they’ll have to say goodbye to their little miri soon…. i’m so anxious about what’s gonna happen next i just hope that these 3 will have a happy ending…. but i have a feeling we’re in for a bit more hurt :’[ do you have any theories for this show?? i’d be interested in hearing them if you do!!!
anyways sorry for this super long ask!! but you’re the only person i know who watches bd and i need to let all of my emotions out haha!! have a lovely day/night <3
ahhhhhh sunny i'm so glad you've caught up with the episodes!! i should've warned you how emotional these last two episodes were, i'm sorry!! but i'm so glad you enjoyed them :')
ep 9 was soooo silly and fun! i also love festival/sports day episodes and i knew kazuki was gonna be competitive as hell but it was so nice seeing rei be just as supportive and protective! i cracked up when he also wanted to kill that lil boy for getting to close to miri lol but i was also crying at his face when he made miri fall and when he realized miri gave him the "family" paper! rei's just stepped up so much (like the cereal onigiri OTL) and is really allowing himself to be emotional and i'm glad kazuki doesn't pressure him to change, that it's coming naturally bc rei genuinely cares for this lil family he has :')
and ep 10..... oh you don't understand how much i was BAWLING my eyes out over it!!! right when we see rei and kazuki open up to be a family and start anew, it all has to come crashing down OTL kazuki trying to lighten the mood by having one last fun day was precious, but then it got to the ferris wheel ride and i couldn't see past my tears bc it was so bittersweet! and then realizing that kazuki wrapping the scarf is a direct parallel to the cat in the first episode?!? i honestly don't want to make many theories bc i don't want to get my hopes up.... but i wish that it all ends with a happy ending. i think this show has been v successful so i wouldn't be surprised if they had an ova/movie in the works? if they do, then i can see it ending bittersweetly, like miri stays with her mom but comes visit kazuki and rei still, but then the ova goes into eliminating rei's family so there isn't any threat to miri anymore and then they can all live together? i'm not sure what's gonna happen with miri's mom though... like i don't want her dead lol but if she leaves again i feel like that would hurt miri a lot :( UGH it's all so sad to think about! but no matter what, they've all changed bc they've met each other and their one year together will always make them a family! <3 if you have any theories let me know!!!
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xocasper · 2 years
tw: mention of sexual harassment, melancholic talk of mental illness, mention of suicidal thoughts
soooo, i should definitely give an explanation instead of pretending that i didn’t go awol for almost a month. i would like to apologize for that; it was not my brightest moment, but here’s a quick little run-down.
towards the end of july, my mental health really started to go off the deep-end. unfortunately, the management at my workplace is total bullshit, and i’ve had customers make me feel incredibly unsafe.  there have been repeated incidents with the same customer making sexual advances towards me, to the point where i was having breakdowns the second i got in the car. the other day, it happened again, and the second i saw him, i became nauseous and shook for the rest of my shift. when i spoke to a family member about this, i was told that i was overdramatizing the situation and was invalidated on top of feeling violated and objectified. there was an argument about it, because apparently my safety and mental health is less important than being right. management has done nothing about this, but i can’t just quit my job, so i’ve had to learn to cope with consistent sexual harassment at work. i’ve also been having issues with a coworker, which has not helped in the slightest.
i struggle with chronic depression, and being stressed at work along with a constant pressure to be productive has made my life increasingly difficult. i cried until i physically couldn’t, and ended up spending all of my free time sleeping or staring at the wall. i’ve felt so inhuman and empty the last few weeks. i stopped eating and only got out of bed for work, and even at that, i’ve hardly slept. i’ve had a handful of severe dpdr related breakdowns, and on top of this, i’ve been having nightmares that have caused a lot of sleep anxiety and paranoia. in short, august was basically just a giant ‘fuck you.’
i’ve always struggled with suicidal thoughts, but as you can imagine, they’ve grown worse and less passive recently. i’m still searching for a therapist, but it’s easier said than done.
as for writing goes, i’m slowly getting back into the groove. my goal for september is to keep writing rather than letting myself fall back into long-term writer’s block. i’m so sorry for leaving without warning. i didn’t see myself disappearing for this long, and by the time it occurred to me, i wasn’t sure what to say. i didn’t want to give myself a deadline and promise to be back the next week. i wanted time. hell, i still want time. sometimes it’s not about what i want though, but what i need. right now, i need to be able to take these steps. i have to be able to accomplish small tasks and slowly regain old habits again. i wouldn’t consider myself ready for this, but i can’t wait around forever, so i’m forcing myself back into the real world again. healthy? no! is anything i do actually beneficial, though? probably not.
anyhoo, i just want to say that i’m endlessly appreciative for everyone’s patience. thank you all so much :,)
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
How do you think the members would react if they did buzzfeed thirst tweets 😂
dawwwwgggg pls they been acting mad suspicious on twitter today i’m terrified of what may come up 💀 but i would give anything to see sumn like that
jimin would be in total shock and disbelief there’s no way his army would ever think much less say something like that on a public platform like this the man that think it’s some kind of mistranslation every time they comment something wild ; army: i want to sit on you jimin: 😦 that can’t be right; he’d be pleasantly amused tho like we’re jimin’s baby and i think it’d be like realizing your baby is all grown up
i think seokjin would be flustered at every comment whole body flushed red he’d be barely able to read the little slips of paper but he’d be shutting us down at the same time there’d be a whole lot of “yah’s” and “that’s never gonna happen” and then at the end he’d be like “i never thought i’d see these kinds of things but i am extremely handsome so i understand why they feel that way”
yoongi would be so concerned for us. like he’d see someone say they want him to step on them or there was this one tweet i seen earlier and someone was like they wish they were a roach so they could crawl up jimin’s crack and make a home there and if yoongi saw anything like that he’d be like “😶 i don’t think they in they right mind” overall i think he wouldn’t even be flustered like there’d be a couple that make him do that little snort laugh he be doing but he’d mostly be tryna figure out how we find pleasure in the statements made
94 line would be very interesting to see bc i know they’ve come in contact with these things personally like they definitely on stan twitter but hobi would be soooo cute and entertaining to watch as always but like i just know he’d be cracking up in disbelief at some of what’s said half the time and then the other half he’d be in confusion tryna figure out what the terms mean like i can clearly imagine hobi in front of that blue background asking what a bussy is 💀💀💀
and then joon the whole time would be just like “uhhh yeah… wow” blushing dimples popped out probably at least mildly aroused nd be like “y’all kinda nasty haha” he’d admire the creativity i know he would like i’d give anything just to see him read that one tweet where they were like “i want to sit on joon dick like a pottery wheel just to spin around and let him mold me into a better person”
i think tae would love it lowkey like ain’t no way he post the pics he post on ig and expect us to be normal about it like no he wants to hear all the little nasty things we say about him but it’d be infuriating at the same time bc he’d never direct that energy toward us like lightly scolding and friendzoning us the entire time and to make it worst he’d go on weverse and confront us about it talm bout “ahh… army… i didn’t know you were like that…” like shfijsksjdns shut UP yes u did and you liked it too 🙄
and jk i think we’d get a few new eyebrow laughs to add to the compilations bc he knows how them videos work but seeing someone else read it and reading them himself are two different things but at the same time he would be taking things down for his own personal catalog mr “you want me? try to get me 😏” mr “explaining to members in the middle of vlive how telling someone you want them to come and see your cat” works like he’d be flirting back so freaking hard lightly exposing himself and it’d just be so insidious we wouldn’t make it out alive
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kyra45 · 1 year
Obviously this clown just wants attention, whether it's negative or not, and giving it to them is just feeding and enabling them. They don't care that you're disparaging them, all they see is that you reacted and it entertains them. Maybe it's time to try the gray rock method (google it). I honestly can't believe you've replied to them as much as you have lol. I'd have blocked each new anon, and let them stew wondering if they even went through
Oh don’t worry, I do block them once I get bored enough lol. People seem to underestimate the fact I have no issue with humoring annoying people until I’m bored. After all, you need it when you deal with romance scammers on Facebook! I’ve also been on tumblr since 2012 but lurked so much barely anyone knows who I am besides the friends I have.
I assume it’s just some troll who thinks I’ll post photos of myself but I haven’t. They’ve also sent some wall of text ask once that said I owed them photographs of myself among assorted nonsense of rambling. I deleted the ask of course xD
No idea why someone will see half a face and be like “Ah yes I will annoy this grown up lady under the guise of fake romance because it’ll be soooo funny!!!!” And then not stop. Like. It’s sorta sad. Someone’s so deprived of attention they don’t care if they need multiple accounts.
I hope they donate all that money their spending on that VPN. It’s a waste of money honestly if your only use for it is tumblr stalking a stranger who has no interest in you.
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wordstro · 2 years
sannie these last two chapters pls 🥺 he might’ve been an emotionally constipated ass in the beginning but he really broke my heart during the whole body control scene. at least we know we can count on him now tho ksksks he should’ve shot swh in the head instead of just knocking him out with the bat but at least he trying <33
was he even in the room anymore or did he keep his head bowed and mouth shut like a bitch boi thru the whole fight scene too smfh
also not news-breaking that in the end, hj was just a psychotic menace. tho i will say, his “final” moments were kinda heartbreaking ngl but his d-word reminded me too much of the “wabababa weeee” meme for me to take it seriously dksksks
the whole Remnants thing is kinda weird bc it’s almost comforting in a totally fucked way … like that means the aliens have if even the slightest bit of residual personality traits in them of the people they had previously possessed ?? idk kinda sounds cool to me ejekdkd nE WAYZ—
san really took fifty five business days to step it up 😭 at least he’s trying!!!!
jongho really in the corner like:
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yeah!! so, from y/n’s perspective, there won’t be much going into depth of what exactly is going on with the remnants in the aliens so i’ll say that basically when these aliens possess ppl via the fog at night, they’re trying to find hosts so they can live on the planet and take it over. they’re a parasitic species - hence seonghwa calling it a mutually beneficial relationship bc he has (bad) Jokes - that needs a host to “grow up” and once they’ve like fully incubated (is that the best word?) they become those full grown spider creatures in the pit. those creatures are in the pit because the creatures can’t stand the sunlight, which is why they’ve been looking for hosts and why a lot of them also choose to occupy human bodies permanently. they’ve mostly been spending all these years looking for more hosts (and the sanctuary - and many more like it - are a part of that plan for the aliens). but during the “incubation” time the aliens didn’t take into account that they accidentally start to take personality traits and memories of the people they’re occupying. strong emotions affect the creatures the most to the point where it stays with them. i figure when a living creature feeds on another living creature from their nervous system like that, there’s going to be overlap you know? like you can’t get away with occupying another living creature’s consciousness without empathizing with them accidentally. so even after the human is dead and they’re those big creepy creatures, their memories and the ones they loved still live on in the aliens. and for the ones like seonghwa where the human’s conscience is still there beneath everything else, sometimes they come through when their will is strong enough. a lot of time the will that gets them through ends up being strong human emotions such as platonic/romantic love, desperation, anger, etc.
also it’s very interesting how you find it comforting and then another reader thought it was terrifying. like i think it’s kinda cool and kinda scary but it’s cool to see which ppl think and which way they lean
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metagalacticx · 2 years
4, 10, 12 for morey please? (i'm greedy...but no pres🌸❤️!)
i am soooo sorry this is so late ilu <3333 🌹🥹
4. Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
mason does. he notices the kitchen tap dripping one morning and decides to fix it. he watches four different videos before he decides on the best one to follow. he gets the tools he needs and has his phone in one hand while he goes through all the steps the guy in the video outlines. it takes him two tries. corey walks into the kitchen a couple times but doesn’t say anything. the next time the bathroom tap is leaking corey grabs the tools and fixes it on the first try. mason is so amazed and gapes at corey who’s standing with arms folded and a self-satisfied smirk. he raises one eyebrow at mason, who still hasn’t said anything. mason kisses him, and corey’s arms fall to his sides as he takes a half step back. when he opens his eyes mason’s staring at him with a smirk of his own. corey’s entire face is flushed pink.
10. Any pets? Or plants?
lydia gives them fake plants and corey loves them. he talks to them every morning and evening, a habit which has mason rolling his eyes and leaving whichever room he decides to do this in (they have at least two in every room) and when liam comes over he fiddles with them and asks liam if they look like they’ve grown since the last time he was there; liam always side-eyes mason like "??? tf is wrong with your bf" but he also always says "yeah, sure they do”. and when mason’s niece visits corey pretends to water them with her. occasionally the three of them are there together and mason is so amused by all of this he just stands there with the goofiest smile while corey tends to fake plants with liam and his baby niece.
they do not have pets. corey isn’t a big fan of having animals in the house.
12. Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
silence is fine for both of them, but not ideal. they could sit for five minutes without saying anything but neither of them really wants to. they both talk a lot, very excitedly about a variety of things. so many of their conversations start with, "hey did you know…" and both of them are always up for mini research sessions where they ask and answer questions about the topic, and at the end of the knowledge-seeking spiral they just go back to whatever they were doing like nothing happened. at least, corey does. mason now has four or five bookmarked tabs to check out before bed.
i hope these were okay, i love them so much thank you for giving me morey feels to carry me through today <3
shipping headcanon questions!
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend and, finally, after the last 100 years of S4, i have a song for you. So I do want to do something for the joy and love you could see in our boys during their reunion/engagement, but I'm afraid today we're coming at this from a different direction, so let's talk about Homesick (I know, it's title appropriate even!). The lyrics for this just fit too well for this episode, especially from Alex's POV. The intro being him trying to get back to his home with Michael (and yeah,
this can also apply to the accursed blue filter) only for Michael to appear and the "compass needle stands still". And then the "if love's elastic verse" makes me think of their promise to always find each other and Alex looking so sad to know Michael thought of going to the Oasis, but wanting to let him go since he thinks he won't be with him anyway. And then the final verse just hurts because it makes me think of how they must both be feeling in the moment Alex reveals he's  reveals he's dying, Michael wanting to cry/scream/be angry, but Alex already did that and now he just wants to spend the time he has left happy, with Michael 😭😭😭. So enjoy this feeling trip my friend (sorry any emotional damages)!!
Okay I hope everyone is ready for a feels trip because this song is coming for the throat! We talked about this song briefly last spring so it’s definitely an appropriate time to revisit it and as you said, very title appropriate! We can do all the good mushy love stuff when Alex isn’t dying anymore! All aboard! Next stop, pain. 
you spend your whole life just to remember the sound when the world was brighter, before we learned to dim it down.
Oof, coming out of the gate hard with the “lost in a strange alien dimension that’s making me feel sick, all alone and unable to find a way back to the love of my life” vibes (plus ALL the shade at that blue filter from hell), but also hitting the Lost Decade vibes of both Alex and Michael trying so hard to remember that time when they were so bright and happy. They both learned at far to young an age how to dim who they were to appease other people, but they really let their true selves shine forward with each other (you know Michael would have spilled the beans about being an alien at some point if things with Rosa didn’t happen like that), and that pilot kiss felt very much like them trying to remember that feeling but not quite getting there. While here, they’ve grown so much and we are seeing those bright, happy boys starting to shine through again (Michael just swinging his legs while holding hands with Alex just killed me!).
call it survival, call it the freedom of wills; where breath is borrowed our compass needle stands still.
our resignation only comes on beaten paths.
when the world was flat, we dreamt of its edges…
I’m also thinking of all they have done in the name of “survival” and “freedom” over the years, even up until now with Alex figuring out how to survive this place, and Michael finally exercising his freedom of will to say forget everything else, my priority is Alex (we will NOT be discussing how the writers failed this storyline right now). We see them first in a flurry of movement when Michael tackles Alex, but when we come back they are just standing still, sharing breath and it is beautiful! I mentioned in our other post about the callback to West with  “sometimes our compass breaks, and our steady true North fades” for when the couple is separated, and “it’s a matter of time ’til our compass stands still” when they are back together which is very on brand for them since we’ve seen a very manic and busy Michael all season, but he’s so still and at peace just sitting with Alex 🥺
Also don’t get me started on that last line about resignation on beaten paths, because it’s soooo Alex right now, who has been thinking his dad would kill him most of his life, then that his death would come in the desert during war, and how he has been resigned to dying before his time for so many years and that’s the path he’s on again. But Michael will not allow him to resign himself to his fate! They are going to carve a new path, with the brightest future and follow those dreams they never thought they would have.
if love’s elastic, then were we born to test its reach? is it buried treasure or just a single puzzle piece?
it’s poison ivy beneath our brave and trusting feet… but all revelations come to us in recovery.
Okay this line always gets me in the Lost Decade Malex feels but also it’s sooo perfect for right now and Alex being missing and Michael telling him that no matter where they were, they would always find their way back to each other because the pieces want to be together. They have certainly tested the bounds of their love’s elasticity but they of course found their way back, over and over again. I also love the “buried treasure” line because Alex was literally buried in a hole 🤣 but also the puzzle piece line since that’s such a prominent image on the Malex merch!
Also hitting in the Lost Decade/Season 2 feels is the next line about love being poison ivy under brave and trusting feet because OOF the kind of love they have required so much bravery and trust, and consequently is also the kind where the betrayal is stinging and sticks around long after initial contact 😭😭😭 But I love how as they have recovered and worked on themselves, they are now seeing things in a new light and are able to joke about things like the drive-in date that hurt so much at the time. They have come so far and I love that for them! (Wish we could have seen some of it, but at least Tyler and Vlamis make it believable with everything they do!)
cry wolf, cry mercy, cry the name of the one you were raised to believe; cry hard, cry yourself to sleep, cry a storm of tears, if it helps you breathe. if it helps you, if it helps you breathe.
Okay, I don’t want to get too attached to the handprint agenda because we have been waiting for this since season 1, but whooo boy if this last bit isn’t a whole lot of handprint agenda feels! These two did not have the kinds of childhoods that allowed them space to cry and healthily express those kinds of emotions, but I want to see Michael screaming, crying, raging at the universe to keep Alex, followed by the two of them breathing together, finally safe. Also I honestly thing both of them having time to scream and cry and just rip open every wound and drain them out would make both of them feel soooo much better (which is what I wanted from season 2 but alas).
Thanks for picking a great, gut punch of a choice for this week! It matches the gut punch we got of Alex dying in that awful blue filter. Here’s hoping we can milk one more epically sad song out of this season before going into the joyful wedding songs! 
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catgirlcae · 3 months
Rewrite of the beginning of Sadie's story
Soooo Abit late, since i said i'd have this out by the weekend but I hope it's more enjoyable this time.
“Captain!!” Maccus' voice called over the loudspeaker inside the large dome of a cockpit, I turn to the left, my body suspended in the air in the center of the cockpit, the machine follows suit with my movement, and I see it, it’s long dark body shooting up from the rubble, pouncing at me, I quickly reach out and grab ahold of it, restraining it in place before responding.
“Solid call, Mac. Thanks for the help!” I look out from the viewport, watching with a sense of found respect for the monster as it thrashes and claws in an attempt to free itself from my grasp. Its massive jaws bite down into the metal plating, some of its teeth shattering on impact, whilst others find their mark and dig into the metal. Its claws scraping across the plates to no avail.
“Congratulations Limaccia, you put up a damn good fight,” a smile grows across my face as I speak, looking out upon this creature I remember the day I first saw one.
It wasn’t far from this very spot, a few blocks over where my childhood home once stood. I remember watching it barrel down the street, consuming everyone and everything. I used to shudder just thinking about it, but now not even the memory of watching my father’s head roll past my feet as I ran phases me.
Amy calls over the loudspeaker, her tone, laced with annoyance, snaps me out of my thoughts “Are you serious, Captain? After everything that creature did? You’re congratulating it?”
I laugh softly and take a deep breath. She wasn’t wrong. A few months ago, ashes forbid, a decade and a half ago when this war first began, I’d never have thought for a second about saying anything nice to these creatures. Now though, finally holding one in my hands with the others trapped here with us my thoughts have changed. I have to admit that some good came from them.
“Yeah Amy, I guess I’ve grown a sense of honor for these creatures. Think of the amount of damage they caused. They completely changed the way our world turns. They brought us all together and changed the way we use this world’s power. Sure the races have always got along, but before this think about how much prejudice there was. These guys brought us all together to fight them. And in the last moments of this war, I think I’m allowed to give these creatures the recognition they’ve earned.”
“Don’t go getting sentimental on us now, Captain!” Amy, joined by Maccus, René and Askel call out, only to be immediately followed by all four voices yelling “Nyx! You owe me a drink”
Before I can respond, Yara, the oldest and flirtiest member of our squad jumps into the conversation, “Shh dearies, this isn’t the time for your childish bickering and jokes. we’re not making it out of here and you all know it. Also captain, you can’t congratulate that creature and call it a slur in the same sentence.”
As Yara speaks, the cold feeling of the thick gold collar around my neck becomes more pronounced in my mind and my thoughts drift back to my first date with Yara, back when we were all getting close, It was a night out at a Tavern for the entire squad, That night Yara and I got to talking between ourselves whilst the others were drinking and joking, it turned out that Yara and I had a lot in common, she offered to pay my drinks and of course I accepted, and things quickly devolved, Within an hour I found myself sitting in Yara’s lap at the bar, wearing a traditional boys’ outfit from her home country, an outfit consisting of tiny shorts, disconnected sleeves and a bra made with thin, semi transparent red fabric loosely bound to gold rings. Something designed for a hot desert environment. It was embarrassing to wear at the time. But Yara and I have been together ever since, and the golden collar that I’ve continued to wear to this day came from that outfit.
My face goes bright red just thinking about it and I snap back to reality just as Amy, René, Maccus, and Aksel’s voices drift into silence with murmurs and apologies just in time to actually say something. “Yeah, you’re probably right Yara, wasn’t my best word choice, but you’ve got the point all wrong” I take a deep breath and clear my throat, the machine leaning forward with my movement,
“First of all, stop calling me captain, this is it and you all can call me a sentimental idiot, but we’re at the end of the road, and we’re not making it home. So let's go out as friends. That's an order.”
Izel and Soren’s voices come over the radio, adding to the conversation,
“Well then Red, If this is the end, I have to say, thank you for accepting me here” Soren adds, sounding as though he’s about to break into tears.
“Soren’s right, y’know. Everyone here has completely different origins, none of us knew eachother before, and we could’ve just torn eachother apart, but instead here we are, fast family, and family to the end.” Izel says with a sense of content resignation.
Saskia’s laughter joins into the chatter, overshadowing everyone’s words, “Izzy, Soren, are those seriously what you want your last words to be? Seriously, why would we have ever hated eachother, our last moments should be fun, a commemoration not a somber funeral.”
I laugh and tighten my grip on the creature, listening silently for a moment as the others continue their banter, I think back to how we all met, all of us being called in from around the world to pilot first of their kind machines, I remember the varied reactions from all twenty of us upon seeing the worlds’ first war machines, It was practically unbelievable, automata-like machines towering over us larger than any building we’d ever seen, and we were going to pilot them. We became fast friends, and over the years of this war we’ve gotten so close with one another, I’m happy that we get to be the ones to end it too.
My thoughts are interrupted as the voices of our resident technicians, Ivo and Elio come over the loudspeaker with the same announcement “Ladies and gents, time’s up and systems are charged”
I grimace for a moment as I come to terms one last time before I speak. “It’s been an honor. To know all of you, to fight beside you, to live beside you, I’ll miss you all. I'm sorry that our story will end this way, and I’m sorry you won’t be seeing your families again.”
My statement is returned only by silence, and I look down, understanding that they all have their own feelings about this, and accepting the fact that I can’t force them to say anything more to me, even though it hurts to not have a proper goodbye.
“Well then, it’s time…” I say in a much more resigned tone as tears well up in my eyes “Raise the barrier”
I clench my fists tightly against the creature in my grasp, watching in the far distance as a wall of bright yellow rises from the machines at the edges of the city, forming an inescapable dome around us. I sigh and crack a small smile as a single tear falls from my face “It's been an honor everyone”
I give a bow like an actor at the end of a live performance and reach out to the console in front of me, pressing a singular button. A deafening whirr and roar of machinery fills my ears as the room around me begins to glow, I can see everything down through the air gaps, every cog and wire that makes this titan move as a white light fills the room, meanwhile I watch as more creatures surface from the ocean of rubble and pounce onto me, causing the machine to shudder and shake until finally the light grows blinding and I take a deep breath, then everything goes black.
Sadie shot up in her chair, awoken from her dream by the loud snap of a ruler slamming against her desk. She looked up to see her theoretical history professor, Ms. Miraya,
“You had better pay attention, young lady, this is important.” She glared at her as she readjusted her skirt.
Sadie nodded, brushing off Ms. Miraya’s comment as she strutted back to the front of the classroom. Sadie held back laughter as the sight reminded her of the dominatrixes from the pornos her friends watched.
With that thought now forever ingrained in her mind, Sadie looked out the large windows next to her and unpaused the music player on her neural implant as her professor began to ramble again.
As usual, she rambled on and on about the ‘true history’ of the world, a conspiracy many of the old-timers believed in, that 1600 or so years ago (she didn’t care enough to remember the exact details), other sentient life, magical creatures, and monsters, once shared our world with us.
Their only evidence was what sat right outside the window. A giant lake, or more accurately a giant crater filled with water, sitting 230 kilometers across, bordering her university. At its center stood a machine, it looked something like the giant mechs in her video games, but this one stood so tall you could see its details from her seat.
Sadie laughed to herself at the thought, the idea that a giant city of myth once stood where the crater does now, the idea that it was destroyed in some ancient battle or that there were more of those machines, even the idea of that massive chunk of metal moving was unimaginable.
Yet doubt still crept into Sadies mind as she looked at the machine, slumped over yet still standing in the center of the crater, untouched by human hands for nearly two millennia. Her mind drifted to an idea she had had many times before, to travel to the center of the crater and find out the truth for herself. As with every time before, however, Sadie had to push this idea to the side as a fantasy. The trip just wasn’t possible. The water was toxic to the touch and filled with hostile predators that would tear apart any ship which dared enter; and the crater is a no fly zone, ruling out any chance of getting there by air.
Sadie’s mind wandered from one thought to the next as her music played out through her head.
Finally after what felt like hours, she heard the squeal of the rusted wheels on Ms. Miraya’s chair as she took a seat, signaling the end of class.
Sadie jumped out of her chair, slinging her backpack around her back. Her music pausing itself automatically in response. Sadie's fast movements caused her to knock into her classmates' desks as she sprinted for the door.
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