roostertuftart · 8 months ago
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Zomboid Cryle washing blood off each other (normal healthy boyfriend behavior) for my friend @tenderguilt’s birthday :]
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radishearts · 6 months ago
uhum perhaps just a little bit of shiny duo?
that is all :D
Shiny duo ur so right anon 🤝🤝🤝
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Have this inspired by Gems most recent vid. Which might be my favourite of the season yet. They’re so silly ur honour !!!
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ddejavvu · 2 years ago
the ultimate boyfriend james potter in my head will forevermore be big beefy rugby jamie because that is SO boyfriend material so here i am projecting <33
James with a bestfriend (wink) or s/o that has cold hands 90% of the time. like, cold hands and cold feet . but cold hands so it takes so long to text back sometimes if they’re out n hes like “oh god am i in trouble she’s been typing for three whole minutes now” but it’s literally just ice fingers taking ages to work
very clear image of him being like - like you’ll both be out somewhere so he’ll ‘accidentally’ brush ur hand but when he notices how cold it actually is he drops all coyness and he’s just like “bug what??? ur hands r freezing why wouldnt you tell me 😡😡👎” while he’s blowing into em and then he gets to use the excuse allllll the time to hold ur hands cus he’s just being a good friend, wouldn’t want ur hands to freeze off! (even if ur hands r warm like ur sat watching a movie he’ll just hold em, and if u give him a look he just :]] )
oh god he’d probably also use it as a way to flirt even harder. like he’d notice ur hands are ice and ur maybe sat on em to warm em up so he’ll drop in a cheeky comment about how his tummys(abs he means his abs feel em it’s okay) always super warm and to use it as a heater. okay fine 🙄🙄 my arms are red hot too, go on, i suppose u can use them instead and ur like “james i am not going to feel u up” and he just :]
he definitely sends u lovey dovey taylor swift songs all the time cus he heard u humming one ONCE. he sends u wonderland, enchanted, U BELONG WITH ME, invisible string, lover, cardigan (he makes a playlist with these + others on and ur sat there like ‘🤨🤨🤨 is this..platonic?’)
(other honourable mentions on the playlist that I love and James would think he’s so sneaky and smart for adding: vanilla baby by billie marten, here you come again by Dolly Parton, uptown girl, build me up buttercup, hopelessly devoted to you, be my baby, i know it’s sapphic but he’d add she by dodie, cant take my eyes off you, my kind of woman, kiss me) n he would jokingly sing them to u randomly even when he knows you’ll get embarrassed and try and escape the area as soon as he starts up but that then gives him a reason to silly sing and hold onto u so ur now close to him, in his arms, and he can see u all cringing and embarrassed but at least ur attentions alllll on him [ie you’ll all be out at a pub and you hear the first four words from “cant take my eyes off you” come out of James’ mouth and ur immediately up n ready to bolt]
i thjnk i just enjoy the pining too much so all of this is James Potter Pining Pre Relationship thoughts because as nice as relationships are, the little bit before them is so sweet too <33 especially when reader is a bit blind lmao like UR SO STUPID HE OBVIOUSLY LIKES U (sirius would definitely shout this repeated from the get go, he’s like “babe he added paper rings and willow by Taylor fucking Swift to ur fucking COUPLES playlist after hanging out today - all he did was make moon eyes at u as he rubbed ur hands pls OPEN UR FUCKIN EYES” and Remus would have to redirect him cus he’s going a bit red in the face from lack of oxygen 💀💀)
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
BIG !! BEEFY !! RUGBY !! JAMES !! i actually got this ask like.. 9 seconds after u sent it.. bc i was obsessively refreshing tumblr while waiting for my dad in the car.. and the way that i giggled and kicked my feet and twirled my hair and skgsndjfanfkskjnakfnSNGKSJFNJFSND every single thought you send me scratches my brain in just the right way, i know when i see you pop up in my inbox i'm in for the treat of a lifetime <333
ICE FINGERS!!! i swear my poor best friend has to wait 20 minutes for little responses, i totally identify with that <33 no sometimes he just calls you like 'honey baby love darling are you hurt? are you okay?' and you're like >:(( i'm cold >:((
“bug what??? ur hands r freezing why wouldnt you tell me 😡😡👎”
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he totally gets snippy about it!!! like 'that's my job, y'know, as your best friend. can't believe you'd lie to me.' / 'i didn't lie?' / ' you didn't tell the truth either!'
so he grabs em and gives em a good rub, and you swear you're about to short circuit when he raises them to his lips and blows hot air into them, rubbing them together with his own large, calloused ones <33
LMFAO SGKJDNFD NO BC he's like did u know my abs r actually so warm. they're a heater. biceps, too, it's a natural heating pack. and oh, god, don't get me started 'bout between my legs- and ur like JAMES!!!! NO!!!!! but he's >:)) why not sweetheart, afraid you'll like it??
HEHE i don't listen to much of her music but i know a few songs on there and yes, they're all on my james playlist!!! he slaps 'em on there, definitely plays love story at parties so he can kneel and pretend to propose to you and if you do not say yes he gets so butthurt. but not mean butthurt, pouty butthurt, and you'll have to rub his back and promise you didn't mean to hurt his feelings <33
NO BC SO MANY OF THOSE SONGS ARE ON MY JAMES PLAYLIST??? he's a loverboy fr, and he can't stop embarrassing you in public by singing to you. it's two birds with one stone, yk? one because he gets to basically confess to you, serenade you in front of a crowd and treat you like a princess the way you deserve, but two, because you always get all flustered!! and it means that you'll bury your burning face into his chest so no one can see you, and he can spin you around and sing about how much he adores you :')
no you are so right!! that's why i love slow burns so much, because the build up is so sweet!! i shit you not, the majority of my roommate!marauders fic plans are literally just reader and james growing sickeningly close and pining all the time because it's what i want in life!!! james potter loves hard and he should love me.
LMFAO SIRIUS IS LIKE REALLY.. REALLY BABE? AND I THOUGHT REMUS WAS SLOW ON THE ROMANTIC UPTAKE.. he definitely locks you in rooms together or ditches you on walks or pushes you into james so the big beefy guy can catch you <3333
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hannnsh · 14 days ago
You're my favourite artist on here and every time I see you on my feed or in tags I kinda go crazy and it makes me smile every time. I have nothing but praise about your drawings, I could go on and on about everything I love with them!
helloo omgg this is so sweet 🥹🥹🩷🩷🩷 tysm halo i will cherish this comment forever <33 im so glad and honoured to be ur fav artist, very delighted to share these silly drawings of silly block people doing silly things with everyone tehee. it makes me tear up seeing people be inspired by my art makes me feel very special and happy :33
i saw some of ur art when looking at ur blog and they’re all very adorable and pretty :D 🩷 i hope you have a very wonderful day/night and thankyou again for the lovely message <33
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sylvies-chen · 8 months ago
wait no then give me all of ur fav moments ♡
HAHA I LOVE U IVY ok well I only really have lke 4 honourable mentions
6. aaron and celina — granted, it is a trauma bond and aaron is misplacing his feelings/relying on her too much, but I see a lot of potential here. at the very least I still love their dynamic as friends and despite the awkwardness of that kiss (I mean yeesh!) I still just really enjoyed seeing them navigate their trauma together. they’re both the younger ones who are still figuring things out about themselves, and I really miss those days where we had our original trio and everything felt as fresh and new territory to them as it did to us viewers, and aaron and celina in this episode reminded me of that/those days.
7. luna’s mini confession to grey — I keep telling y’all I love them and I mean it!! they both have such soothing and kind voices and energies, and their marriage seems so solid and mature even in a storyline about her being silly and making a fake book club to hide something from him. he is her number one fan though and to see him encourage a lot of later in life exploration in her is awesome to see. she thinks she’s too rusty but that bike still pedals baby! graduating med school! (or whatever medical program it was)
8. shut up german — this line was crazy and just stick out in my mind, I laughed my hardest at this scene, honestly Richard T Jones has that skill for comedy I think. But if you’re a german rookie fan out there please tell me how you reacted to this, I’m dying to know 💀💀
9. flower boys — can we give a round of applause to the already slept on scene of the guys getting together to make the new floral arrangements for the wedding? I never thought I would see the day where tim bradford fusses with flowers and all the guys band together to make centerpieces look pretty as a bachelor party but here we are. I love this little dose of healthy masculinity, so gorgeous mwah
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lunargeist · 5 months ago
every time I open ur inbox my filter drops, it’s a dangerous game rly. No one look at me I’m having a moment 🤔🤔 they’re silly ur honour …..
Fucking silly for sure
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ybcpatrick · 5 months ago
What are your thoughts on tv mediums and stuff? Like do you believe they’re genuine?
well first off, theresa caputo is a fucking HACK, so jot that down. like i feel it in my bones, she's full of shit, i get that it was an early 2010s reality show but her shit felt way too vague and telegraphed to me, in a way other mediums on tv don't. plus, she was on tlc. TLC.
when it comes to mediums who lend their abilities to ghost hunting shows, i tend to trust their statements a bit more. chip coffey (kindred spirits) strikes me as totally legit, he feels very genuine with his readings on the places adam and amy explore. cindy kaza (the dead files/the holzer files/portals to hell) also feels genuine to me, even though i find the holzer files in particular to be incredibly fucking goofy in its presentation. amy allan (formerly of the dead files) comes off as the most real to me, just because her walkthroughs of the given haunted locations were always free of any extra fluff. she went in blind, said her shit, and felt her feelings. she never had a filter and that reads really realistic to me.
i think the difference is like. the avenue through which the person is presenting their abilities says a lot about whether or not they're full of shit. like, chip/cindy/amy aren't doing it for the money, they're on silly little tv shows on the travel channel because they seemingly have a genuine interest in investigating/helping people experiencing activity. theresa caputo, on the other hand, would just venture out into the world and stop randos at the grocery store to tell them their gamgam said hey, with all the pageantry in the world, as if she were bestowing a great honour upon them.
and i'm not saying that to be like "IF UR A MEDIUM U SHOULDNT MONETIZE IT", i truly do not give a fuck what people wanna do (and i'm also not a medium myself, i'm just ✨sensitive✨), but like. the behaviour and presentation of that lil nugget of information is very indicative of your character, and thereby your trustworthiness.
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 8 months ago
Ohmygosh I literally just saw the reply u had to my ask and you KEEP GIVING ME SNIPPET IDEAS !!! sugu with an arm around your waist and playing with your hair is soooo cute :,(( okok but talking about what that made me think of… one idea that’s really growing on me is (very specific but hear me out) childhood friends with stsg — you all have some pretty deep personal feelings for eachother (ur in love) (but shhh it’s for the plot) and (RELEVANT!!!! HEAR ME OUT!!!!) reader is a bit too nice to people who don’t always deserve it, maybe struggles with saying no to people. SO… somehow, maybe you end up in a relationship with someone who stsg just immediately do not like. Probably someone who they simply just don’t think is right for you (only they are :3), or is toxic but in a very sneaky way. So that they can see it, but you can’t. And the whole reason reader would be dating this other person in the first place is not actually because they like them but just because they want to experience romance (maybe gaslighted themselves into thinking they DID actually like the person) because it’s not like you have two of the most caring and loyal best friends that are in love with you to help you experience romance, right???? RIGHT???? 🤨🤨🤨 and reader doesn’t seem to immediately recognise that what their “partner” is doing is unhealthy/understand how to set boundaries in place. Me personally I think stsg would go insane after seeing you tolerate someone that treats u wrong :,( I feel like at first they would be a bit hesitant to do anything bold because you know!! As much as they hate it, it’s your life and only you can decide who to date !! (even if they both know damn well u would be so much happier with them) but then. After meeting your partner and seeing the way they treat you, I don’t think it would be long before satoru is attempting to explode them with his mind and sugu is straight up deathstaring them SHDJDHHF THEYRE SOO SILLY PLS😭😭 maybe you leave to go the bathroom or something and when you come back the mf is shaking and sweating in fear. and they’re like “🧍🧍 we didn’t do anything we swear…” I CANNOTTT 😭😭 okok thank u for listening to my silly speech about how I love them more than life itself shehdh.,,, I feel like this one and the cheated on!reader go together well ,… :3 — stsg anon !!
STSG ANON YOU’VE DONE IT AGAINNNNNN u already know how i feel abt stsg childhood friends to lovers ……. 😔😔😔 i am a weak weak individual.
goshhhh stsg anon ….. ur concepts are always so tasty and full of potential …… this kind of reader would be so perfect for stsg like they would protect u soooo fervently T—T… i can imagine them being like little guardian angels when they were children, scaring bullies away and encouraging u to stand up for urself….. :(( they’re just the sweetest little guys ever!!! and i agree that u dating someone who doesn’t treat u well would literally make them go insane LMAO “satoru is attempting to explode them with his mind and sugu is straight up deathstaring them” THEY’RE SOOOOOO SILLY SO OVERPROTECTIVE……… 😭😭😭
no but i agree sm though, i think they hate ur partner INSTANTLY and want them to Die but they don’t want to upset u yk??? and they don’t want to act like they have control over ur life either. so they just trashtalk them in secret 😭😭 but once they realize that the relationahip is dragging u down and causing u harm i honestly think they just get desperate … like. your happiness and health ALWAYS comes first to them. and suddenly they’re staging a whole intervention, making a powerpoint to convince u to see your own worth + break up with ur partner….. and if u refuse?? they are NOT above threatening the loser themselves. like. stsg are sweethearts but they have zero respect for anyone who hurts you <33
aaaaand then mysteriously your partner breaks up with you :33 toooootally not bc of stsg. they’re innocent ur honour !!! they’re just relieved that u aren’t stuck with someone like that anymore. (aaand they’re happy that they get to be as touchy as they want without u getting worried abt making ur partner jealous <333)
tbh i think stsg might suffer even more if u were to date someone who’s genuinely a very good person LMAO…. because they can’t help but feel overprotective, a little hostile, but they just can’t find anything to complain about???? your s/o is perfect. but they still feel this strange dislike towards them …. (i think this would also force them to realize that they do in fact like reader 😭) anyway i feel like they’re very much grumpy and a little stiff at first but when they see how happy ur partner makes u they can’t really hate them anymore 😔😔😔 and i do feel like they’d become friends with them eventually…. reluctantly…… as long as they can stay by your side, they’re satisfied :’3
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nevvaraven · 1 year ago
first off black brothers angst omfg - THE WAY THEY KEEP ON MISUNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER AND THEIR RESPECTIVE INTENTIONSSSS - i feel so much for sirius, he's trying so much, and has so little to work with - but regulus' retort about sirius not rlly caring for him, and only doing it out of a sense of guilt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HIT ME RIGHT IN THE FEELSSSSS
and then the way they both know how to hurt each other the most 😭stop😭this😭madness😭 - sirius saying he PREFERS THE POTTERS and regulus calling him USELESS MY GODJJICSIJHDNCIHBVFHBFVBHFVH - u rlly know how to pack a punch huh 😕😕😕😕
god i was rlly hoping they would work it out with a little FORCED COMMUNICATION but damn they rlly do be stubborn
THENNNNN JAMES OMG MY GF - hes so silly - the way he's equally excited about 'regulus' being nice to him and the actual regulus being mean to him is just so hilarious to me - UR HONOUR HES IN LOVEFIHVVIFDHJZvu
PANDORA!!!!!!YAYYYYY im so glad u made her and reg such good friends that he just KNOWS that she would sus him out immediately hehehheehe AND THE OGRE STORY MY GOFHFHVSIVHXBCNHVJDCH
this was so hilarious omg i was giggling like mad and so sos soskssosoososos excited when i got the notificatuofjjfvhjfcihb ur so creative omg, and i cant wait to see what u come up with next idenbhvdhhv
OH HIIIIIII !!! I’ve been waiting for youuu sorry that sounds creepy but I have!! I’m so happy you liked it :)))
See the thing about those two is that Regulus doesn’t want to return any of the energy Sirius is giving him because he doesn’t think it’s genuine and Sirius is only giving off this ‘performance’ type vibe towards him because he’s too scared to be himself for fear of it not being good enough for Regulus, but neither of them are understanding this yet and just misinterpreting everything from each other and assuming the other doesn’t care about them when it’s sooo the opposite and it is just so frustrating they’re both very stubborn individuals I can’t force anything with them 💀their whole fight was so upsetting though but dw the worst of it is over ! Kinda 😃
JAMES 😭 my poor sweet baby boy, he’s just a little guy who’s so oblivious and happy to be there he’s so dear to me
That reveal was everything to me, my poor boy was so confused he didn’t even know if he was allowed to leave afterwards 😭
PANDORA 🫶 oh I love her she’s a saint and she’s so done Sirius charging at Reg was her final straw 💀
Thank you so so so much for motivating me to write it I’m so happy it’s out now and I’m sooo happy you like it it’s your chapter babe you can claim it !
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harrylights · 1 year ago
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
omfg bless u anon for including the questions themselves so i don’t have to run back n forth for that shit 🫶
🐰: that’s a tough q tbh. i think how they respond to conflict (ie. if they’re able/willing to work w the other person and acknowledge mistakes on either end in as respectful a way is called for) but also little gestures i guess? like going slightly out of ur way to be kind. extending help that doesn’t necessarily put u out but makes the world a better place. what kind of things they admire in others/the world around them. also how they respond to me showing them my fave music/movies (u don’t have to love them but if ur an ass about someone being vulnerable and showing u smth special to them then i think it’s more valuable to acknowledge that rather than shit on it unless it’s smth truly atrocious and ur realizing u two aren’t compatible in a big way etc)
🦋: silly, sappy, creative (honourable mentions to weird and gay lol)
🧸: in a hammock
🍪: chocolate chunk w m&ms or ginger molasses but this ONE SPECIFIC KIND from a farm stand on saltspring lol they gotta be sweet n soft!!
📷: is a scene from howls moving castle that immediately brings me peace 💖
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ask games while i’m feelin silly n sappy
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huenjin · 2 years ago
omg hi!!! it’s been such a long time,, well 2 years as you mentioned it in your post. this is so stupid n silly but i got emotional when reading it. even when i get caught up with life and all of its… hardships, i never forget about ur blog. i went through your works a couple of times since you « left » and each time, i found myself thinking that you were one of my favourite writers back then. also, if i had to write an essay about the most memorable fics i’ve read on tumblr, i wouldn’t fail to mention a LOT of ur writings. i’m very happy to hear from you, and mostly good news. i’ve personally, finally, started university! i’m studying modern languages and, even though most of the time there’s a bunch of anxiety and stress coming with it, i do find a sort of comfort in my student life. i’ve made some great friends, and well classes aren’t so bad:,). i just wanted to write this little ask to you as a fellow reader of yours,, i hope you have a good day/evening<3 take care!!
please i got stupidly emotional reading this message. i guess i’m just in a phase in my life where i feel really really unwanted, unimportant and just a burden to people and to myself. i am truly and deeply honoured to be one of your favourite writers.
YOU STARTED UNIVERSITY? god, i feel old— whew! BUT OMG how has it been so far? modern languages is like so fancy i cannot begin to explain how i went like oooh, they’re so so cool! i hope you’re finding the balance 💘🧿
i hope you always stay happy, lovely! and have a great day 🍓
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ynkkoo-a · 5 years ago
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            ♡◞  𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐨  𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬  𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒖  !
            not  at  me  repurposing  one  of  my  theme  graphics  bc  i’m  a  lil  lazy  babie  ,  but  !  since  i  jus  hit  another  follower  milestone  n  the  decade  is  comin  to  a  close  ,  i  jus  wanted  to  say  thank  u  to  all  my  mutuals  n  followers  n  such  who  rly  made  this  last  year  enjoyable  on  this  hellsite  !  2019  was  tough  on  a  lot  of  us  in  a  lot  of  ways  ,  but  we  all  did  it  ,  babyluvs  !  we  saw  it  out  to  the  end  n  hopefully  the  20′s  are  a  lot  prettier  for  us  all  !  p.s.  i’m  sorry  to  anyone  not  mentioned  !  i  hav  the  memory  n  attention  span  of  a  babie  fish  ,  but  i  luv  all  of  u  soso  so  much  n  u  rly  all  do  mean  the  absolute  world  to  me  !  ♡
            first  off  ,  jus’  a  quick  an  honourable  mention  to  all  of  my  nonnies  of  the  year  ,  wherever  u  babies  are  now  !  in  particular  ,  my  cherry  nonnie  ,  my  jk  anon  (  @jminacious​​  )  ,  my  boo  ,  my  strawberry  nonnie  ,  n  my  grades  anon  !  n  anyone  else  who  has  sent  me  sweet  nonnies  ,  these  r  jus  the  recurring  ones  of  the  year  heh  !  u  sweet  nonnies  own  my  heart  n  truly  made  this  blog  such  a  lovely  n  pretty  n  positive  experience  for  me  ,  n  i  cannot  properly  express  w  words  how  much  all  of  ur  sweet  mssgs  meant  n  mean  to  me  always  !  ^♡^
            starting  off  w  the  mutuals  i  literally  never  speak  to  ,  bc  of  my  shy  babie  antics  ,  but  who  i  admire  from  afar  so  much  !  ur  all  soso  talented  ,  jus  all  around  beautiful  souls  who  deserve  the  prettiest  days  .  pleathe  feel  free  to  come  talk  to  me  ,  i’ll  luv  u  down  w  my  whole  heart  since  i’m  practically  ur  secret  admirer  anyway  .
@miyanez , @kimseokjvn , @rmsrpt , @capitae , @chunghart , @aronpiper , @jinjeongguks , @yukhciz , @cjdoesrpt , @pocmuzings ,  @chuuiez , @leeieno , @igorrpt , @luvgifs , @joonkookies , @drunkblushed , @savta , @frcylan , @jinsoouls  !
            now  ,  to  give  all  my  luv  to  those  who  literally  . . .  hav  my  heart  .  we  haven’t  talked  much  ,  again  bc  i’m  a  shy  babie  ,  tho  sum  of  us  hav  jus  recently  been  talking  more  which  makes  me  very  sparkly  ,  but  !  we  exchange  ims  here  or  there  ,  send  an  ask  or  two  ,  reply  to  n  like  each  other’s  posts  ,  support  each  other’s  content  ---  u  know  ,  we’re  cute  mutuals  !  the  ‘  will  they  ,  won’t  they  ‘  mutuals  !  for  realsies  ,  tho  ,  ur  all  so  talented  ,  whether  it  be  in  making  gifs  or  themes  or  graphics  or  writing  or  whatever  !  ur  talent  astounds  me  n  i  am  beyond  in  luv  w  u  !
@sprfluous , @chanheez , @loonarz , @jungjnsoul , @yeriimss , @hotjoong , @hiqey , @tcehyvng , @kvinabstract , @stcinfelds , @kermitgrinch , @mcninas , @doyyeon , @jminssii , @jiminslolli , @raihelps , @svnflxwer , @softcarpenters  !
            n  now  for  honourable  mentions  !  the  few  ppl  on  this  site  who  my  shy  babie  antics  did  not  keep  me  from  talking  to  n  becoming  friends  w  .  these  are  the  literal  luvs  of  my  life  !  our  ships  are  literally  *chefs  kiss*  ,  i  feel  comfy  cryin’  n  rantin’  to  u  guys  without  worryin  abt  being  annoying  n  i  hope  the  feelin’  is  mutual  ,  i  don’t  feel  even  an  ounce  of  anxiety  when  talkin’  to  u  guys  which  is  such  a  major  thing  for  me  ?  i  consider  u  guys  my  friends  sm  n  our  friendship  literally  means  the  world  to  me  .  ur  soso  talented  in  so  many  ways  n  u  hav  the  loveliest  hearts  ,  n  i’m  so  honoured  to  be  able  to  be  ur  friend  n  to  write  w  u  all  !  
            p.s.  there’s  cute  lil  mssgs  for  each  of  u  under  the  cut  !
@pointlcss , @ultraviclets , @musetories , @briingmetolifc , @heartvfire  !
♡◞  @pointlcss  !
                    alli  !  ♡  i  am  literally  so  happy  that  u  happened  upon  my  lil  1x1  post  a  couple  months  back  n  decided  to  mssg  me  abt  threading  bc  our  cute  lil  starstruck  plot  turned  into  a  friendship  that  i  am  soso  so  thankful  for  ?  there  is  not  anyone  that  i  wld  hav  rather  gone  thru  it  over  jungoo’s  long  hair  ,  tattoos  ,  n  haircut  w  .  that  one  pic  of  jjk  from  season’s  greetings  as  our  matching  discord  icons  . . .  stayin’  up  to  yell  abt  stray  kids’  n  txt’s  comebacks  . . .  i  literally  luv  this  for  us  ?  ur  soso  talented  n  making  gifsets  n  writing  ,  n  i’m  so  happy  i  cld  make  this  last  year  a  lil  bit  special  for  u  ,  bc  u’ve  made  this  year  such  a  special  n  pretty  one  for  me  too  !  i  can’t  wait  to  see  where  our  cute  lil  plot  n  ship  takes  n  i  hope  the  year  has  even  more  luvly  things  in  store  for  us  !  i  luv  n  adore  u  soso  so  much  .  u  rly  are  the  sweetest  soul  out  there  n  i’m  so  happy  to  consider  u  a  friend  !  also  thank  u  for  jus’  now  informing  me  abt  bts’  2020  tour  i  owe  u  my  lifeKSHDKJ  ♡
♡◞  @ultraviclets  !
                    ness  !  ♡  literally  . . .  the  luv  of  my  life  ,  perhaps  ?  i  remember  following  u  when  u  published  ur  first  theme  ,  bc  i  was  jus  like  .  wowow  wubbzy  ?  this  is  beautiful  n  free  n  i’m  broke  n  u  hav  my  heart  ?  n  u  know  ,  for  a  while  we  were  sort  of  will  they  ,  won’t  they  mutuals  ,  too  ,  which  was  cute  for  us  ,  but  i  think  we  actually  started  talking  when  we  were  both  in  abroad  ?  n  then  u  mssged  me  later  on  to  lmk  that  jjk  was  open  in  ur  rp  if  i  wanted  to  join  n  it  made  me  so  absolutely  soft  ???  like  .  ik  it  was  jus  a  lil  thing  but  u  captured  my  whole  HEART  in  that  moment  ?  n  now  ur  genuinely  sumone  that  i  trust  so  much  ,  like  .  the  other  day  when  u  let  me  rant  to  u  a  lil  bit  abt  smth  kinda  silly  ,  rly  ,  it  jus  meant  the  world  to  me  ?  n  u  mean  the  world  to  me  n  !!!  writing  w  u  is  absolutely  wonderful  always  n  our  current  ship  is  *chefs  kiss*  even  tho  i  hav  yet  to  reply  to  our  thread  again  BUT  !!!  i  will  do  it  ,  i  pinky  promise  ,  i’m  sorry  i’m  the  worst  .  u  deserve  the  whole  wide  world  .  ur  talented  beyond  belief  ,  ur  such  a  blessing  to  the  rpc  n  this  hellsite  as  a  whole  ,  n  i  adore  n  am  soso  so  thankful  for  our  luvly  lil  friendship  every  time  we  talk  .  u  truly  hav  made  this  icky  year  a  lot  less  icky  !  u  hav  my  whole  heart  !  ♡
♡◞  @musetories  !
                    sarah  !  ♡  u’ve  genuinely  been  one  of  my  best  friends  for  four  years  +  one  month  now  n  like  ?  wowow  wubbzy  ?  that’s  such  a  long  time  !  from  the  rp  that  shall  not  be  named  to  lit  rally  whatever  tf  we’re  doin  rn  .  u  were  the  first  person  i  ever  rly  shipped  w  on  this  hellsite  ,  even  tho  i  was  a  whole  babie  n  my  writing  was  godforsaken  at  the  time  .  n  now  we  lit  rally  hav  so  many  ships  up  our  sleeves  that  i  can’t  even  name  them  all  ,  but  i  luv  each  n  every  one  of  them  soso  so  much  ?  sum  of  them  are  so  iconic  that  they’re  jus’  eternal  now  (  we’re  rly  ALWAYS  on  our  eli  &  zazzy  bullshit  )  n  i  kind  of  adore  that  for  us  ?  we’ve  spent  so  many  our  jus’  stayin  up  into  the  night  /  morning  writing  novels  in  my  dms  ,  n  those  are  genuinely  sum  of  my  fondest  rp  memories  ?  we  don’t  rly  talk  quite  as  much  anymore  ,  but  that’s  okay  n  it  happens  !  we’ve  had  sum  ups  n  downs  ,  but  i’m  genuinely  soso  so  thankful  for  ur  friendship  these  last  four  years  n  here’s  to  four  more  heh  !  n  also  u  got  my  into  bts  so  i  owe  u  my  lifeKJSHKD  ♡
♡◞  @briingmetolifc  !
                    mozzie  !  ♡  wowow  wubbzy  ,  i  cld  genuinely  write  a  novel  abt  u  ?  we’ve  been  friends  for  practically  four  years  now  ,  too  ,  n  to  think  it  all  started  w  our  one  lil  ship  in  the  rp  that  shall  not  be  named  !  i  can  actually  n  genuinely  jus  talk  to  u  abt  anything  ?  whether  it  be  our  ships  ,  a  random  plot  i  wanna  write  ,  the  political  state  of  our  country  ,  how  fucked  ap  classes  are  ,  mister  jungoo  himself  ,  whatever  issues  i’m  having  w  sumone  that  i  need  to  get  off  my  chest  ---  there’s  literally  no  limit  or  bounds  to  what  we  can  talk  to  n  it’s  so  nice  ?  like  .  i  genuinely  trust  u  so  much  ?  u’ve  always  jus  kinda  been  That  Person  who  i  know  i  can  trust  w  anything  ,  who  i  never  felt  wld  judge  me  ?  like  i  can  jus  tell  u  anythin  ,  i  trust  u  so  much  .  ur  genuinely  one  of  my  best  friends  ,  even  when  ur  tryin  to  fight  my  babie  or  we’re  both  bein’  bratty  n  silent  treatmenting  each  other  or  ur  bein  a  stubborn  lil  babie  n  won’t  let  me  do  ur  theme  for  u  even  tho  !!!  i  luv  doing  ur  themes  !  but  it’s  okay  bc  u  hav  my  heart  ,  n  i  genuinely  ???  wld  be  such  a  different  person  w/o  u  in  my  life  for  the  past  four  years  i’m  sure  ?  n  also  ur  such  an  amazing  writer  ,  ur  muses  are  so  unique  n  ur  writing  is  so  fluid  n  ???  god  !!!  everythin  abt  u  is  smth  that  i  adore  .  pleathe  come  to  california  n  be  my  first  kissie  . . .  i  luv  u  !  ♡
♡◞  @heartvfire​  !
                    kacchan  !  ♡  oh  my  god  ???  where  in  the  world  do  i  even  BEGIN  ???  ur  genuinely  one  of  the  most  important  ppl  in  my  life  .  i  met  u  first  when  i  was  a  literal  fckin  babie  in  the  rp  that  shall  not  be  named  a  whole  four  years  ago  now  ,  n  like  .  we  didn’t  talk  a  ton  at  first  ,  but  u  were  never  weird  or  condescending  bc  i  was  young  ?  like  ,  we  eventually  did  start  talking  n  i’m  soso  like  ???  happy  that  we  got  close  ?  like  .  since  day  one  ,  i’ve  looked  up  to  ur  writing  n  u  as  a  person  ?  ur  characters  were  always  so  insanely  creative  and  unique  and  ur  writing  was  so  fluid  n  beautiful  n  just  ?  u  were  literal  goals  to  lil  14yr  old  kookoo  .  n  even  now  ,  whenever  i  do  a  reply  to  u  ,  i  will  literally  write  n  rewrite  it  five  times  over  before  posting  it  bc  i  want  to  make  sure  it’s  as  good  as  urs  is  !  like  !!!  god  ur  so  talented  !  n  like  .  especially  as  of  late  ,  we’ve  jus  gotten  super  close  ?  n  like  .  i’m  genuinely  so  happy  abt  it  ???  our  friendship  is  genuinely  a  WHOLE  blessing  in  my  life  ,  like  .  ik  i  can  talk  to  u  abt  anything  n  u  can  talk  to  me  abt  anything  n  we’ll  meet  eachother  w  the  same  amount  of  enthusiasm  ?  we  can  vent  to  each  other  n  completely  understand  n  empathise  n  talk  things  out  so  we  feel  better  n  it’s  jus  ???  we  jus’  get  each  other  ??  so  nice  .  thank  u  for  listening  to  me  when  i’m  anxious  or  sad  ,  n  for  not  thinkin  ill  of  me  when  i’m  bein  a  brat  ,  even  when  it’s  for  silly  reasons  ,  n  for  listenin  to  n  not  judging  me  when  i  talk  abt  jungoo  n  bts  ,  even  tho  i  talk  to  them  a  lot  n  ik  i  can  be  a  bit  much  sumtimes  .  like  ,  genuinely  ?  i’m  abt  to  start  crying  rn  ,  i’m  so  thankful  for  u  .  u’ve  helped  shape  me  so  much  as  a  person  .  helped  me  grow  as  a  writer  .  i  met  u  at  one  of  the  worst  n  most  important  ages  of  my  life  n  u’ve  impacted  my  life  such  an  insane  amount  ???  u’ve  always  been  the  first  person  to  talk  to  n  comfort  me  when  things  go  to  shit  n  i  truly  cannot  express  how  much  that  has  always  meant  to  me  .  i  genuinely  think  i  wld  be  a  bit  of  a  different  person  n  not  as  confident  in  my  writing  if  i  didn’t  hav  u  to  look  up  to  for  these  past  four  years  .  i  trust  u  so  much  n  i  luv  u  soso  so  much  !  n  i  am  going  to  reply  to  the  dm  u  sent  me  properly  ,  i  jus  need  2  formulate  my  thoughts  properly  first  ,  so  pleathe  hav  this  for  now  !  u  literally  hav  my  whole  HEART  !!!  ♡
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jaimetheexplorer · 5 years ago
I brought down by niks latest interview.Saying "J never needed redemp.He was a guy who certain circumstances in his life e.g. Kingslayer so then he needed to redeem himself bc he did this horrible thing when killing the Mad King. Then N said the redemp arc where he had to be good guy, stay with Bri etc that's not GOT.You cant erase ur prev life.Jaime bel that redeem urself meant redeeming his past and he couldnt. He can't cut off who he was.The idea of leaving C alone is impossible to him" Wtf?
2/2 Downhearted anon. Just that interview makes no sense. In prev season interviews, wasnt Nik wanting Jaime to escape Cersei for good and be with Braime forever, like he was the biggest Braime shipper??? I dont understand. Does he think ppl don’t remember stuff? Its a shame theres no way to ask him about this.
Dear Downhearted anon,
I have to admit I read only a short excerpt from that interview, so I might have missed some of the other content, but, from what I read, this is what I can say.
There are different layers to his comments, IMO. One is the take on the story, and the other is the justification of the writing choices. And, as much as I might vehemently disagree with the former, what I take issue with is the latter.
When it comes to the take on the story, we have to remember that he has to talk about the actual content of the show. The show, unfortunately, did go with the idea that Jaime is essentially doomed to never escape his past. I do not believe that is his arc in the books for many reasons, and I think it was extremely underwhelming, nihlistic and unsatisfying even just taking the context of the show into account. But, unfortunately, nihilistic and unsatisfying is what we got. The show was aiming for romanticizing incest and abuse romantic tragedy with JC, in the end (I actually think there was a far more disastrous chain of events at play, which required multiple OOC developments for multiple major characters just to arrive to Jon killing Dany - but that’s a longer story), and it is what it is. He has to talk about the reality of the episodes, not the alternatives.
If you take most of Nik’s comments, and go back to read D&D’s and Cogman’s interviews from the past, you’ll notice that it’s mostly stuff that’s lifted straight from their quotes, even down to the language: “good guy/bad guy”, “he doesn’t have a redemption arc”, “it’s just life, and he has made some mistakes”. I don’t know whether this is because he had a “final season” briefing with them and came around to see things their way and agree, or because he was told this is what he was supposed to say about the story, or because even though he doesn’t agree with it, this is what was written in the end and so this is what he talks about. His reasoning for saying these things is anybody’s guess and kind of beyond the point. But, where before he used to have his own take on the character and his arc, he’s now basically regurgitating the party line.
For my part, I never completely disagreed with the idea that Jaime does not need redemption per se. Jaime doesn’t need atonement for slaying the Mad King, for sure. He needs recognition for that. He needs atonement for a other horrible things he’s done, but even those (e.g., pushing Bran, the incest) are more about moral gray areas areas than villainous behaviour per se, since he’s never committed atrocious acts just for his own selfish gain, or for power, or because he enjoyed hurting and killing. More importantly, I have always seen Jaime’s story as more of an identity arc, where redemption is just one component. In that sense, I can agree with the take that that he is a “complex character who, at times, has made some terrible mistakes”. Jaime is not, and never was, a straightforward villain who needs to atone for his sins. He’s a much more complex and layered mix of sins and honour, and goodness and idealism turned bitterness and cynicism, and a messy product of living most of his life in toxic and abusive environments who, in some situations, has committed some horrible mistakes that he needs to own up to and face the consequences of, and who is trying to redefine and reinvent himself in the aftermath of some life-changing events such as losing his hand, meeting Brienne and growing disillusioned with Cersei. 
The problem is that, while D&D preach about Jaime being a complex character who does not need a ‘cheesy’ linear redemption arc, they also, in the same breath, justify an ending that shoves him precisely into a clear, black-and-white, simplistic category (”he just accepts he is a hateful man”) or display the psychological depth of a 5th grader (go check out their take on the sept scene in their Oxford Union Q&A and their inability to think in any more complex terms than “good guy/bad guy” or to understand that not all “bad” actions are equal). They’re not deep writers, and that shows painfully in their execution. But I can understand the “no need for redemption” arc, from a theoretical/philosophical perspective.
What I take far more issue with is justifying writing choices by attempting to play the realism card, or the adult writing card, or the “this is GoT” card, basically implying that everyone who dislikes or criticize it is being unrealistic, immature or unsophisticated for not accepting the only inevitable outcome to a story (I wrote a twitter thread about it this week). Just because your story has decided to depict things in a certain way, it does not mean that that is the only realistic option for the story, and that people who expected/wanted/hoped for something different were fooling themselves, let alone that it had to be written that way because that is how life works.
Sure, there are people who fail to break away from their (abusive, traumatic, toxic, what have you) past and move on, but there are also plenty of people who do, and who end up thriving. One outcome isn’t any more realistic or true to life than the others. And, while some might think this is a hyperbole, it is highly irresponsible, IMO, to say that being unable to escape toxicity and your past is “the way things are”, when there might be people out there who do struggle with trauma, toxic and abusive relationship (or know people who do).
On top of that, it is rather silly to imply that we were expecting some unrealistic, too-easy scenario, where Jaime flipped a switch and totally erased his past overnight. That implication is misguided, at best, and dishonest, at worst. We put up with four entire seasons of show-only “non-linear” storytelling when it comes to Jaime, and were incredibly patient with it. Wasn’t the point of those four seasons precisely to show that life is complicated and he couldn’t just let go of his past so easily? We watched that. It happened. Nothing about this was easy or unearned.
Had we been shown a Jaime who was 100%, stupidly and completely devoted to Cersei at every turn, cruel, evil, selfish and not caring about the innocents, of course expecting an outcome where he just leaves it all behind for a honourable wench or what have you would have been a ridiculous expectation to have. Indeed, back when Jaime did come across as that kind of character, nobody was expecting anything from him. He could have died with Cersei under those bricks and most wouldn’t have cared.
Instead, for years, we were shown a Jaime that did struggle between his toxic past/Cersei and his honour and, far more often than not, we saw his honour win out. While I can see an argument for saying that didn’t guarantee an outcome where he did break free of his past for good, it’s not like like there was no buildup or seeding for the more positive, less nihilistic alternative. So I don’t find it so far fetched to have expected the events of S7 to be the last straw that finally tipped the scales completely to the other side (especially considering how 8x02 was written very heavily to imply just that or, at the very least, did not seed any doubt).
By Nikolaj’s own admission in TONS of interviews, he had been fighting with D&D for years because he expected things to move in a certain direction and kept getting frustrated when they didn’t, or when they confused him. He wanted the exact same things we wanted for Jaime and in his relationships with Cersei and Brienne since SEASON 2. He might have resigned himself in the end to having lost the battle, but he behaved exactly like us for years. So, assuming he believes what he is saying, if I could talk to him, I’d ask him how is it that he got the same feeling of “expectation” for something that in the end never came? Maybe because the seeding for both options were there all along? Maybe because, if the seeding for both options were there all along, the alternative isn’t so far fetched and inconceivable after all? Maybe because if the alternative isn’t so far fetched and inconceivable after all, then what we got isn’t the only inevitable way this could go down? Food for thought.
Of course, I want to believe that he isn’t that tone-deaf and unsophisticated as an actor (and a writer) not to realize that the only problem with the way Jaime and JB were written in S8 was not the fact that they didn’t get a HEA. Ignoring the writing quality, for a moment, and just focusing on the writing choices, there were literally dozens of ways of writing a story that ended even in a similar tragedy (EVEN with Jaime dying with Cersei), that would have been far better and more satisfying than what we got. The problem isn’t that Jaime didn’t declare his everlasting love for Brienne or that he didn’t stay together with her. The problem is that we patiently waited through all the buildup and seeding mentioned above, for years, for a relationship that ended up being butchered within 30 minutes, destroying literally everything it ever stood for (first and foremost trust and respect - I am not going to list everything, but Jaime trying to sneak out without so much of a goodbye and being completely indifferent to her pain after she vouched for him and saved his life multiple times was not only OOC, but completely unnecessary to the plot, unless it aimed to destroy the foundations of their bond, way beyond the romance).
To conclude, I’ll leave you with GRRM’s own words, when asked about Jaime’s redemption arc that he, unlike the show, has explicitly stated he wishes to explore:
“I want there to be a possibility of redemption for us, because we all do terrible things. We should be able to be forgiven. Because if there’s no possibility of redemption, what’s the answer then?”
The show decided that the answer is that we don’t escape our past. We are doomed from the beginning and any attempt to change and move on is eventually futile (and that ended up being true of nearly every character in the show, not just Jaime). But that doesn’t seem to be at all the stance GRRM has on this whole thing, and I would dare anyone to tell me that GRRM’s vision and his writing are inferior, too easy, or less realistic than what we got from the show.
There’s no guarantee that Jaime will survive in the books, or that he and Brienne will get a HEA (although I do not rule it out at all).  But the fact that the man who invented these characters and this world has a different stance on Jaime and redemption automatically invalidates any nonsense show people can say about how this was the perfect and only way it could end, and that expecting anything different from this series was wishful thinking.
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 10 months ago
HII im new here and i LOVE the way u write 😭😭🫶🫶 trust me when I say that when I stumbled upon ur prince!gojo fic i fell to my knees. The way u wrote about his devotion and feelings for the knight 🥹🥹🥹🥹 ITS SO GOOD i read some of Ur other fics and the way u write suguru is so perfect like i don't usually read suguru fics cause ppl usually tend to mischaracterize him but U WROTE HIM SO PERFECTLY and im here to just appreciate ur writing and ask if there are any books or films that inspired the way u write? Genuinely curious 🙏🙏
ANON 🥺🥺🥺😭😭 u r the absolute SWEETEST welcome to my silly lil blog!!!!! i cant tell u how much it means to get messages like this and knowing that ppl enjoy my writing T_T thank u so so much!! <333
and wahh!! the fact that u like how i characterize sugu is also such an honour to me…. ive said this before but i rly do think hes so complex and multifaceted so it means a lot to know ppl enjoy my version of him 🥺🥺
AND AND AND…… we are so linked anon. i was literally JUST thinking abt different writing sources that inspire me (bc there are a Lot psjdjs)……. 
i think that just in general i try to emulate the kind of writing that i like the most!! so my writing style is probably like… just one big patchwork of every book/movie/game ive ever loved LMAO. but here are a couple of the most prominent!! 
first off all… poetry!!! :D a lot of books have probably inspired me too but i think poetry especially!!! since its usually so full of imagery its just become a super big inspo source…. :’3 some of my absolute fave poets are frank bidart, clementine von radics, AAAAAAND richard siken <333 hes my favorite ever and inspires me sm. my fave poetry collection of his is war of the foxes literally every single poem in it is so jjk coded ……
aaaa but also…. poetry aside!! i love kurt vonnegut a lot. his writing is so nice!!!!!! i recommend him a ton!!!!!!!! 
AAAAND honestly anon…….. my biggest inspiration source ever ever ever when it comes to writing is disco elysium!!!!!!! its my fave game and honestly probably just my favorite writing source in general? if u havent played it or watched someone play it pls do urself a favor and do so….. the writing is so earth-shatteringly good and pretty it makes me jealous. it’s such a genuinely funny game too (but also so so heartfelt!!!)…. gosh. i love disco elysium like i love nothing else in this universe.
if u play it and then read my fics its GLARINGLY obvious how much its affected my writing i think psjdjd 😭😭 here r some quotes from it for reference!! they’re so good it makes me cryyy
the last dream will be total annihilation. cinders peeling off the fuselage.
a white mourning. a modern death. divorce, or something similar. all you can do is put more distance between you and him, make him smaller. make him less *you*.
”every combination of words has been played out. the atoms don't form us anymore: us, our love, our unborn daughters…”
”where *are* we, lieutenant kitsuragi?” ”in elysium,” he replies, “behind our eyes. like all human beings, detective. (…) the world is what it is. i’m glad to see you’re stable. keep it that way.”
SORRY im just. so genuinely obsessed w this game psjfjdj i seriously could not recommend it enough!!!!
aaaa but what abt u anon??? do u have any sources that inspire u? or general recommendations? 👀👀 i would love to hear em if so!!! <33
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lovenotesuggestions · 5 years ago
Write about yourself please hehehe i wanna know u 🥺❤️ ure so good at writing
Thank you, that’s so sweet 💖
Well, I’m a 21 year old nonbinary pal from the UK, and my name is Harry (tho I usually go by Fox online just bc that’s been my online nickname since I was like 12 on deviantart lmao). I just finished a Bachelor’s degree in English and Creative Writing (graduating with first class honours!!! aaaa!!!) and started my first full time job a week ago as of writing this. It was the first one I interviewed for and they liked me so much that they gave me a slightly different, better role than the one I originally applied for!!! Which I’m super stoked about. It’s not in the field I want to build my career in eventually (which is publishing!!) but I’m happy with it now as a way of earning a living and getting into the swing of real life after university without working ridiculous hours or having to bring my work home with me. I’m rly excited to have a structured routine and no homework and a pretty pleasant office environment bc I feel like it’s gonna be super good for my mental health. 
I’ve suffered with mental health issues for approx. the past 3 and a half years - namely depression, anxiety, and PTSD from an abusive ex relationship, but I’ve made a huge amount of progress in therapy over the last year and I’m doing Way better than I was when I started my degree.
This blog is one of my main hobbies, but my others are writing (predominantly poetry and short fanfic, tho I haven’t done it recreationally in a while) and video games (tho at the minute I mostly play the sims 4 because my laptop is Not designed for gaming and can’t run anything more powerful). I also really like getting tattoos, if you can call that a hobby??? I got my first one in November last year, and so far I have nine, and my list of ink that I want is like 20 things long lmao. I’m monolingual, but I downloaded Duolingo abt a month ago and started re-learning French, because I took it up until I was 16 at school and I really admire people who can speak multiple languages. I’m also super interested in activism and I’m always looking for ways to become more involved in advocating for underprivileged groups and important social issues. 
I’m a big Cat Person, and my partner and I have three cats. They’re all black shorthairs, and all siblings - Hubble and Pluto are 1 year old twin males, and Nova is their 3 month old baby sister (my sister owns their mama, so we adopted both the boys bc you can’t just have one when there’s a litter of two, and then when we heard they had little siblings we couldn’t not have one). They’re super silly and affectionate and playful and funny and I adore them, and all I ever wanna do is spoil them. 
I’ve been in a relationship with my current partner for almost exactly two and a half years now, and I’m convinced he’s my soulmate. We went to secondary school together and were close friends then best friends for years before we got together, and did that Dumb Gay Thing of secretly pining over each other for a long ass time before we finally got together. He p much saved me from my abusive ex by giving me the courage to leave that relationship before it could do any more harm to me, and he makes me feel so safe and loved and I enjoy being around him so much - it’s as easy as breathing. I’m so comfortable around him, he makes me laugh, we share a lot of the same interests and sense of humour, and he supports me so much through everything. We’ve lived together for coming up on two years now and I can’t imagine being without him. If people are interested, I’ll tell the story of how we got together (I might have told it before on this blog but it was a Long time ago)
Fun facts I guess??
I’m naturally ginger
I’m Short (5′1/155cm)
my fav animals are foxes
I have a giant family - I have 4 older half-siblings, two older like, half half siblings??? (not strictly related to me by blood but they have the same mum as my half siblings so they’re Part of The Family) and a total of 14 niblings. 
my fav colour is teal
I’m a scorpio???? idk shit about like moon and rising signs and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
I tend to use the label ‘queer’ for my sexuality, but more specifically I’m pansexual (tho I’m pretty neutral about using either bi or pan to describe myself) 
anyway, that’s me, ya boi, the person behind the sunflower 💖
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ambitionsource · 5 years ago
S1 Rewatch: Lena’s Take [1.08]
it’s before midnight. i win!
favourite scene:
it’s a tie. okay. it’s a tie because i love love. on one hand, the scene where zay aggressively stands up for charlie... tells him he’s way to good to be walked all over... causing charlie to realize SOMETHING is going on with his silly feelings.... several points were fucking made, let me TELL YOU. god. damn. zay is so passionately defensive of charlie despite them only being friends through school, charlie just basically falling into zay’s dark eyes (we know he was). every bit of development they get i cling on to and lemme tell you the SEROTONIN i received this evening! i love the way they encourage each other to be bolder and better people, and to be more uniquely themselves. it’s such a mutually supportive relationship (at both the platonic and romantic stages) and i THRIVE off of it. i reiterate: when zay told charlie he was too good to be walked all over i literally absolutely MELTED. that is the sweetest shit, on GOD. anyway... on the other hand, we have the rl waltz scene like shut up that was the most romantic shit i’ve ever seen in my life bro!!!! WHEN RILEY TILTS HIS CHIN UP I WENT FERAL! i know rl takes a backseat to zc in my reviews usually but this is just. Such a GOOD scene and i really do love them. lucas just realizing he is off the deep end for this girl while they softly sway under the stage lights.... do you know the yearning, the longing i have to play out this scenario with someone? i swooned so hard i almost fainted just reading it. lucas has fallen and so have i baybee!!
favourite performance:
every number in ambition is always iconic, but there’s really no contest to the best one this number— the sheer wonderful fun energy dancing queen has CARRIES it to number one with ease. easily one of the season’s top numbers— dave’s dumb dance break (seriously imagining him flossing and moonwalking to the chorus has me internally dying), jeff’s iconic break dancing (we love an ACTUALLY semi-coordinated techie!) and the whole loose, carefree number is absolutely wonderful. not to mention i LOVE techie group performances. love them, y’all. truly the best of the best.
favourite character this ep:
i can’t choose, i seriously cannot choose. i think i’ll say dylan and asher (they have to go together, really) solely for their hilarious, fearful exchange with lucas (“blindfold asher, he’s scared of heights!”). they care about their friends (especially lucas) SO much, and it shows the effective balance of humour and serious emotion they’re able to bring to the table. plus blowing kisses to riley and just. Being best bros with lucas was so good.... i love them truly, and i don’t say it enough.
favourite line(s):
charlie, fondly: this school is bananas.
farkle: it’s like he’s sweating mediocrity.
maya: us performers can smell fear. especially his; it’s rare.
and of course:
zay: there’s being polite, and there’s being a pushover. you’re way too good to let people step on you like that. 🥺🥰
an underrated moment:
all the little zc moments... all the little zc MOMENTS! zay nudging charlie causing him to choke on his food, the shoulder pat and hand glance (obsessing over hands is lgbt culture), charlie literally dying while watching zay teach choreo to that romantic strangers like me line... ok ur honour im filing a report that says i love them!!! charlie is already SO FAR GONE for this boy, and he’s beginning to realize. he’s the physical manifestation of gay panic and god it’s funny. also, honourable mention goes to lucas going feral cat mode at zay but not riley— lucas, you’re not subtle.
something i missed the first time around:
back on my jack hunter bs to say that i really noticed him shine this episode, along with eric! it really is so enjoyable watching the two of them grow from two people with contrasting views constantly at odds to a rock solid team united by their determination to put the students first— and their sleuthing scenes are intriguing highlights, drawing you further into the mystery. we don’t know much yet but we NEED to learn more.
first impression vs your reread impression:
this episode is more fun and upbeat than i remembered (i mostly remembered farkle struggling and that’s it) and it was thoroughly enjoyable. the romance development, the “main plot” of the aaac mystery beginning its build, really good interactions between people who dont usually interact (farkle and riley, charlie and maya a bit, bit of zay and lucas, charlie and farkle) which is ALWAYS a blast. good times for most, leading to long awaited peace (that won’t last, but so what? we got there). had a great time reading as always.
literally your mind ma’am... all the above you said? truth! zay and charlie’s first ever journey to the costume loft... the power it holds... truly you can tell that one thing es and i value in a relationship is mutual respect and support because that’s something that’s paralleled in zc AND rl (you could, actually, make a pretty extensive parallel set between the two relationships, despite their obvious differences). it’s literally beautiful that zay and charlie see the talent and potential in one another that it feels like no one else sees -- whether they want them to (zay) or whether they choose to fade into the background (charlie), and they like... inarguably believe that the other person is the superior performer. there’s such a mutual admiration there. it speaks to the same feature of rl in which lucas literally believes riley is 10 times more talented than anyone at aaa and won’t let her forget it, and riley sees the weight that lucas carries even if he’s the first to diminish his purpose. you could say, in effect, that each main dynamic sees the other as “the best they have to offer...” and that... perhaps... is love........... sorry to just pop tf here im feral tonite
anyway, SHOUT OUT to your shout out for my dad jack hunter and also dyl and asher. i cannot express how excited i am for y’all to get to s2 and see more our boys in action... all the above you said is true abt them... 17 more days,,,,,,
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