#they’re really boxy I love them
rexbalistidae · 14 days
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Weekly normal 💪
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Also here is the original drawing for that first one, it’s over a year old from like June I think
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#16: The Secret Rendezvous (1.02)
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Ok, this scene has got to be a Top 5 TOWL scene for me. I love everything about Richonne's secret rendezvous from the 🔥 walk-up at the beginning to the passionate embrace at the end 😍...
So first we see Michonne talking to some CRM leaders during a vetting process. And again TOWL stayed aware of Danai’s flawless face card with the close-up shot. Contrasting the start of the episode when she says her name is Michonne, here she’s following what Rick told her and changing her name to introduce the CRM and us to a B named Dana Bethune.
Michonne is in her acting bag as she shares, “My name is Dana. And I’ve been out there a long time by myself. So long that it’s strange to hear my own voice.” Michonne smartly mixes truths into her lies as she tells them “I was in Georgia for a long time with my boyfriend and about 40 people” She really was in Georgia with her boyfriend both from before the apocalypse and the boyfriend-turned-husband she found in season 3 😋. 
Michonne says their group was led by leaders who she thought were good and says she was with her sister Elle, who was the HR lady from the caravan group at the top of the ep. Michonne says, “And then things changed. They changed. I saw it. I knew we should go. You always really know when to go.” Look at her passing Nat’s mentality down to the CRM. 😊 I was like CRM, y’all should be scared because a loyal person like Michonne is going to make sure Nat’s death is avenged. 💯
She’s asked about her weapon of choice and she says a Bo staff that she lost and is now making do with a knife. Playing up a certain aloofness Michonne looks at herself in the reflection of a window or two-way mirror idk. And you know while they’re observing her, sis is also observing everything about this place while trying to just appear more meek and even ditzy.
They ask if it bothers her that she’s being watched and it already shows how privy she is to things that she can tell she’s being surveilled. She softly says, “No I just haven’t seen myself in a while.”
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The CRM folk start telling Michonne about the place and how she can never leave and you can just see Michonne have a subtle reaction like 'Yeah alright we’ll see about that.' She knows that never-leave rule is about to get broken. Best believe.
They ask how she feels about the fact that she can’t leave and Michonne smiles and says, “I feel that what’s here, it’s what I’ve been looking for. It’s what I’ve been trying to believe in just a little while longer.” And not a lie was told right here. 💁🏽‍♀️
They have her baby up in this place so they absolutely do have what she’s been looking for. And I love her referencing the 'believe a little longer' motto from the iPhone and also how it again affirms that she believes in Rick so much just like in Rick's dreams. He’s what she’s been believing in.
This was a greatly acted scene from Danai playing Michonne playing Dana playing the CRM. 🤭 Like I love that Michonne was sorta playing in the CRM's face a bit and it was just so clear the CRM does not stand a chance against this woman. She’s a mother on a mission. Nothing is stopping her. 👌🏽
So then we see Michonne walking around the CRM in a consignee jacket and I love that hers has a cinched waist. Michonne isn't letting that boxy jacket completely hide the Coca-Cola body. I’m here for it. 💅🏽
As Michonne walks around you can tell that, similar to Woodbury, she’s making note of quite a bit in this place - except this time she’s trying to blend in more like her husband told her. And the main thing Michonne clearly wants to know as she's walking around right now is - where is Rick Grimes.
She walks up some steps clearly trying to see where he could be, and even with all these CRM soldiers in helmets I know she’d be able to spot Rick if she saw him among them. And why? Because of that walk. 😏
But baby, she doesn’t have to spot him because of course the magnets in them have Rick spotting her first and making a beeline to her. I adore this walking moment. 🤩 I rewound it so much cuz I too love that man's walk lol.
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So Michonne is walking and then we see a soldier very intently making his way to her and I love the way it’s shot. Rick’s walk is iconic and so I love that that’s how you can immediately tell it’s him. And as we know, we’re not the only one who loves Rick’s walk because as he approaches Michonne and quietly takes her arm Michonne has this instant smitten smile upon recognizing his touch and walking alongside him. 😊
This scene made it clear that TOWL was gonna have a lot of fun with Richonne’s love and desire being at the foundation of the show. And you just know Rick was eagerly waiting for the moment he could get to her. He was a man on a mission. A mack-on-Michonne mission. 😌
And the moment as he takes her arm and silently guides her into a room is just hot, what can I say? 🔥
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I love seeing Rick take control and seeing Michonne try to be subtle but clearly look so excited to be back with him. 😊
Also, now y’all when would a soldier…especially this soldier, grab a consignee by her arm and guide her into a room alone lol? That alone likely would've raised suspicions around the CRM. But I'm glad they did it anyway cuz it was a joy to see Rick and Michonne walk side by side again. CRM, y’all don’t even know you now have the most lethal married couple in your midst walking arm and arm rn. 🤭
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Rick leads her into the room and gives one last look outside to make sure no one is headed their way. The way he looks around before going inside, you know he knows exactly what they're about to do.
So then we get a top-tier scene as Rick and Michonne walk into the garage?? Idk what that place was exactly so I’ll just call it a garage lol. 
Rick and Michonne walk into the garage and give each other a quick look before checking to make sure the coast is clear. Rick checks one side and Michonne checks the other and then y’all, Rick has a very clear mission and it’s not swapping information it’s swapping saliva lol. I promise you, dishing out information and making a plan was secondary on the agenda for Rick during this secret rendezvous. 😋
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Rick proceeds to put his helmet down and before Michonne can even confirm that she doesn’t see anybody on her side, Rick grabs her and they basically pounce on each other with kisses and it’s the best. 😊They both are starving for each other and this kiss made it clear.
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You can tell the moment Rick put that helmet down he was laser-focused on loving on Michonne. He basically said I’ll brief you on this mysterious advanced society that’s kept me from you for years if we have time in between the main priority of making out.
I adore the way he grabs her neck and then the way Michonne is always ready to match the energy as she wraps her arms around him. And y’all, how nice of them to have a kiss that is as pleasing to the ear as it is to the eye because they, and Rick especially, stayed moaning in these TOWL kisses. Love to see it/hear it. 😋
I always say Richonne’s kisses are a form of communication and their first wordless conversation in the CRM - or 'moanversation' if you will - had them both making it very clear to each other that they’re ecstatic to be back together.  
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And after almost 8 years apart, the intensity of this kiss makes perfect sense, and I love that they knew exactly how to communicate how hungry Richonne are for each other in every way. This kiss is A1. 👏🏽
Like the way they lean against the vehicle and Rick puts his arm up against the vehicle to be mindful of Michonne adds such a cute caring layer to this whole top-tier moment. And the way they’re swaying and wrapped up in each other, her knees buckling, his hands in her hair, the way he chased her lips at the end. Just yes to all of it. 👏🏽
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I love how the kiss is so immensely passionate and then afterward they just have this moment of holding each other and breathing together. Seeing the way Michonne smiles after and touches his face, you can seriously see how safe she feels with Rick. Like she still knows so little about this place but she’s back in his arms so she knows somehow it’ll be okay. 🥲
And then y’all, we get the first signature Richonne forehead touch in TOWL as they break from the kiss and still stay wrapped in each other's arms. It's one of the classic Richonne things they do and I love the intimacy of it. 🥹
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That kiss clearly left them breathless as Rick whispers, “They believed you.” And Michonne earnestly asks, “How do you know?” Rick says, “You’re here.” And the way he says that you can tell his elation comes not just from the fact that she passed the CRM vetting process but most of all that she’s really here with him after all this time.
And then because Rick is like this rendezvous is about making out first, information second - he goes right back to kissing Michonne and moaning as they pull each other in as close as possible. 😊
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Michonne reciprocates but then she notices something. And this is where the loss of Rick’s hand is mourned yet again by me because we all know the reason Michonne notices Rick’s missing hand is because she’s like normally this would be the part where I feel your hand on my backside but it hasn’t happened yet so, something must have happened.
After not feeling that signature palm on her behind, she stops to touch Rick’s prosthetic and I adore how Rick is still so in the moment of kissing her that he kisses her one more time as she turns to look at his arm. The man is voracious about his wife and I love it. 😊
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Michonne gently holds his prosthetic in her hand and looks at Rick with so much care and concern as she wonders what happened. I feel like this is the first time in years that anybody showed this level of care for what Rick went through and I love that she immediately wants to know what happened to her baby. You know if the CRM had cut his hand off themselves the beef she has with them would only intensify. In a way, the CRM did have a hand in Rick losing his hand so they gotta pay.
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Rick looks down at his prosthetic too and shares sadly but also with a certain resolve, “It happened a long time ago. One of the last times I tried to get home.”  I love that he says 'tried to get home' rather than just 'tried to get away.' It shows that in every way the CRM is not home - Michonne and their family still are home to him.
Also, it’s interesting how for Michonne this is devastating news but for Rick, this is old news and he’s just like what’s more important is making out rn. But Rick’s words catch Michonne’s attention as she repeats his words back and says, “One of the last times?”
This is Michonne’s first indicator that Rick might have stopped trying to get home. I think in her mind she thought surely Rick would have been still working on an escape but after fighting like hell to get home for years he had to stop trying - and not even because he wanted to give up but because he was made to feel that going home could get his wife and loved ones killed.
(Side note: I love that the bullet shell from Rick's gun is visible in Michonne’s hair in this scene. She really found every way possible to still be close to him 🥲) 
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Rick’s reaction to her asking this makes me emotional. 😢 He looks into her eyes as he too hears how his words sound and then he takes a deep breath. Breathing tells a very informative story throughout TOWL. And with this inhale from Rick you can just feel the weight of what he’s been through and now, finally having a moment to share some of it with Michonne, it’s probably difficult for him to even know where to begin.
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It’s hard because we as the audience got to see how hard he fought to get home but at this moment you know it's overwhelming to even know how to tell Michonne how hard this years-long separation and imprisonment has been on him. But he so badly wants Michonne to know that it wasn’t for a lack of trying or a lack of love that he stopped trying to get home.
He tells her, “They had me trapped.” And then the way my heart literally overflows with emotion when Rick so sincerely says, “They don’t have me anymore.” It’s so moving and beautiful to see Rick become the heart-eye emoji as he tells Michonne they don’t have him anymore. 🥲
There’s a clear second part of that sentence that’s not said aloud but rather in Rick's eyes - 'they don’t have me anymore...because I’m yours.'
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The way he looks at her with that teary-eyed smile, knowing he’s hers. 😭 It's touching and layered because he so sincerely wants to reassure Michonne of this, all while knowing that the damage they've done to him is pretty severe.
It’s also so powerful for him to say this because while their situation is still dire and in many ways, Michonne and us will learn the CRM does still have him more than he’d like, in this moment Rick genuinely wants to believe that he’s no longer chained to the CRM.
They don’t get to have him anymore, even if that’s what it still looks like on the outside, because the woman who makes him come alive, the brightest light in his world, is back with him. That alone makes him feel like he is no longer stuck with the CRM.
Rick knows his heart will always belong to her and that was communicated in this sweet line and his loving eyes and smile at her after he says it. 
Rick then says with certainty, “We will get away. Together” because right now he does believe that Richonne can do anything. He’s tried to get away for years but having Michonne here now makes all the difference.
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And I love the eye contact as he looks at her with so much love and smiles, feeling so right being back with her. Like just looking at her gives him strength. At the same time, it moves me how much you can see in his eyes that he's eager to be the determined and strong man Michonne once knew, despite feeling dead and broken after what he endured the last seven or so years.
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Michonne of course believes and is comforted by Rick’s words that they’ll get away together as she smiles and nods. Again she trusts him more than anybody in the world. 
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Also, I love how Rick’s reunion with Michonne as his wife is one where without even having to address it they both just know they’ve waited for each other. They know they’re still the one to each other. As we know, after just a few months Rick reunited with Lori and she was already pregnant with his best friend's baby. So it’s beautiful to see Rick now reunite with his wife Michonne after years and know that she really has only wanted him all these years. And if anything her big reveal will be that she was pregnant with his baby. 🥲
But while that's understandably not revealed in this scene, there's still some more great mom and dad content when Rick again wants to confirm his baby girl is okay.
He asks, “They're okay? She's okay?” I love him asking that and the way he asks, nodding and looking right into Michonne's eyes. Again it’s so vulnerable and caring. A true father. You know making sure his loved ones are good is so important to him.
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And “they’re okay” means team family which is sweet that he wants to know they're okay. I liked hearing "they're okay?" too because while Rick doesn't know it, he does in fact have more than one kid out there and it almost felt like without even knowing it he’s asking if both his kids are okay.
Michonne answers with a smile and says, “Yes. She’s okay.” She has this smile that’s so specific to when she’s thinking about her kids and it’s precious. 🥲
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Michonne continues, wanting to finally tell Rick all about how amazing their daughter has turned out as she goes, “She’s…” but then she stops herself and you just know the image of a certain Little Brave Man has popped into her head. 😭
And it’s a moment that hits my heart as you see Michonne feel both joy and sadness. Because she misses RJ too and because she knows Rick is going to be filled with layered emotions the second he learns of him.
Since the moment she found out she was pregnant you know Michonne longed to be able to share with Rick that they had a baby. Rick can tell she has something big to say too as he asks, “What is it?”
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I noted in this scene you can really tell that Rick can sense that Michonne has something major to tell him and he knows it’s about their immediate family but he doesn’t know what it is which is why he keeps thinking it might have to do with Judith being okay. Like you can see sometimes he searches her eyes trying to figure it out because whatever the news is he can feel it’s about their kid. And he’s right. It's just about the kid he doesn't know of yet.
And you can also see the thoughts running through Michonne’s head as she and Rick stay in each other's arms between these vehicles. She longs to tell him about RJ but knows this isn’t the right time yet. And as always, she’s right. I heard there were some viewers upset and thinking she made the wrong choice by not telling Rick right here and now and that was wild to me.
This is Richonne’s first time getting to even have an extended conversation and even then it can’t be that long because they can’t risk being caught. And major life-changing news that you have a son that you had no clue about and have missed all of his life thus far is not the kind of thing to drop on someone when there won’t even be time to elaborate and ask questions and just process the news together.
I fully support Michonne choosing to wait and it’s actually such an act of kindness to Rick because she knows that news is going to shock him and be very bittersweet and just a lot to take in and she ideally wants to tell him when they can more freely talk.
Like after holding their child in her womb alone she basically chooses to now hold the news of their son alone just a bit more for Rick’s well-being.
Rather than just drop it on him and have him carry that news on top of carrying the task of getting them home, she shows discipline and restraint and lovingly smiles as she tells him, “When we get away.” (Also I always just love thinking that when Michonne looks at Rick here she’s seeing all of RJ’s little traits he got from his dad. 🥰)
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I adore the way Rick says, “No. She’s okay?” He’s such a concerned dad and again he knows, because of his and Michonne’s interconnectedness, that there’s something more she has to say about their immediate family. I just love that he’s like I can’t wait until we get away to know for certain our baby girl is okay. But Rick, little do you know the news is actually about your beautiful baby boy.
Also, the fact that Rick is so not okay after everything he’s been through all these years but his main care is that Judith is okay 🥲. Warms my heart.
And then the way Michonne responds, it’s my favorite thing ever. 🥹She says the absolute perfect thing as she assuredly tells him, “She’s us, Rick.”
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Y’all. 😭 It’s the perfect response and so true. Judith really is a little Richonne baby. 🥹
It’s so beautiful for Michonne to tell Rick that their daughter is just like her mom and her dad. Rick gets to know not only is their baby alive and okay but she has qualities like him even despite his absence and she’s also like the love of his life which you know would make him happy to see Judith turn out like Michonne.
I love that Michonne looks at Judith and sees her and Rick. 🥹 And that they’re an 'us' like that. And also I love the way Michonne has her hand in Rick’s hair as she comforts him with this confirmation that their baby girl is bound to be okay because she’s just like her resilient parents.
Michonne calmly says, “The rest when we get away” and hearing Judith is them is enough for Rick to feel a bit less anxious and agree to wait for the rest of the family updates. 
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He nods and then remembers this is probably also a good time to get their next steps in order.
Rick tells Michonne if he passes her a note somehow she has to read it and destroy it. Michonne looks into Rick’s eyes because she has to address some things about this shady CRM as she tells him, “They killed people, Rick. Dozens of people.” I know Michonne is like my friends died and I almost died from these people so wth is this place? (Also I love how often she says Rick’s name since they've reunited.)
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
As Rick mesmerizingly stares into her soul (and i'm not even exaggerating about that lol) Michonne says, “They’re killing people out there. Have you had to…?” And before she can finish the question, Rick is quick to want to make it clear that he means it when he says he’s not with them as he says, “No. No. The ones in red. They go out sometimes. They come back covered in blood.”
He looks at her toward the tail end of that statement but it’s interesting how for the most part he looks down when talking about the CRM, again almost like there’s this sense of shame and fear surrounding them.
He says, “Most of us don’t know what they do. I didn’t know.” Rick looks into Michonne's eyes as he admits to not knowing about the CRM's mass killings and then he vulnerably says, “But I knew. I was stuck here.” That’s the one thing the CRM made very clear to him. 
Seeing the toll the CRM has taken on her friends and now her husband, Michonne knows the CRM needs to be taught a lesson and brought down so she, as determined as ever, asks Rick, “Could we stop them?”
And y’all I absolutely adore Rick’s response to her. 😍 The way a big smile spreads across his face as he gets to see Michonne is still the woman he knows and loves who won’t take anything lying down. She's still her. Again, you just see him have so much love for the part of her that’s a fighter. Like the way Rick just has to swoon for a second over his wife's determination is the sweetest thing. 😊
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But then Rick collects himself, knowing taking on the CRM is too risky as he definitively answers, “No.” Michonne takes a moment to look at Rick, surprised and searching for the man who was always willing to fight the fight with her before. Then she asks, “Could we try?” 
Rick is quiet for a moment, not wanting to have to just turn her down about this, but he knows a thing or two about how hard you can try against the CRM and they still come out on top. So he softly says, “We’d never get back.” Getting home with Michonne is the ultimate priority for him.
And then in the first of many times Rick will gift Michonne in TOWL, he reaches into his pocket and gives Michonne Nat’s signature lighter that his stepparent Danger gave him. 🥹
Once again Rick wins Husband of the Year because how sweet is his good kind heart that he saw the lighter in the woods and pocketed it knowing it would mean something to Michonne to have something of her late friend. He’s the best. 🥰 And I love the way he gently lifts up her hand with his prosthetic to give her the lighter and the way their hands linger in each other as she takes it. Every time they touch it's clear they're magnets. 🧲
Rick so sweet and sincere says, “I’m sorry about your friend.” Like truly, anything and anyone that means something to Michonne means something to Rick because he loves her so much - even the guy who nearly killed Rick by shooting down his helicopter.
Michonne, never one to forget her loved ones' memory, says, “He should’ve lived. They all should’ve lived.” But then she takes a quiet moment and confidently looks right into Rick’s eyes as she says, “I’m here now. We’re in here together now. And we’re gonna get home.”
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I love how Rick and Michonne both want to fervently reassure each other of this - that they’re in this together and they’re going to achieve their goal of getting home because they’re here as a unit now. Having each other back makes them know they can do anything…at least for now. 
And then Rick is ready to go back to the activity that was always at the top of his agenda for this secret rendezvous because he’s like 'Michonne, you can’t be a hotly determined A like that and think these magnets aren’t going to kick in to overdrive and have me eating your face again lol.' #DirectQuote 😋
So Rick of course leans in to kiss her again and Michonne looks like she might’ve thought they were going to continue the conversation but then of course it takes less than a second for her to reciprocate the energy and start passionately kissing him back.
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I really adore that closing kiss. These kisses stay feeling like they’re trying to inhale each other and physically morph into one being. and then I especially adore the way they embrace after it, just overcome with the amount of love they pour out to each other. It’s so sweet seeing them nestled into each other. 🥰 Every physical Richonne action, from the kisses, the forehead touches, the embraces, and more is so 'spine-tinglingly' intimate.
As Rick leans against her, you can see that he does feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure of how he’s gonna get them out of here. But being wrapped in her arms now he’s at least given the strength and the calm to know somehow they’ll find a way.
And as Michonne holds him close, she looks like so long as she has him, she’ll face whatever else may come her way in this giant mysterious place. It really does feel like she's transferring this much-needed uplifting energy and reassurance to him as they stay in this embrace.
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The way Richonne gives each other life gives me life. And this scene makes me so happy like it’s oozing serotonin.
Richonne is in for quite a roller coaster after they leave this moment in the garage so I appreciate this scene - their first extended conversation in years - for giving them a time when they're on the same page.
With this scene, they got to show that their chemistry is still as fiery as ever and they’re still such a well-oiled machine as parents and partners. Whenever Rick and Michonne are in each other's arms they’re in the safest place they could be.
But while they’re the ultimate safety to each other, to the CRM...Richonne is most definitely the danger. 😌👌🏽
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elmuvahva · 10 months
let me talk about leo and donnie’s matching clothes pLEASE
plus a lil bit of mikey and raph near the end :>
so we all know the obvious ones like in ‘repairin’ the baron’ and in ‘man vs sewer’
but i want to talk about the little things hehe. starting with the two mentioned above anyways lmaooo
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yes they’re matching but i love the little differences they add on. leo wears a blue undershirt, fully going ride or die with his blue theme, while donnie goes for a white undershirt for a more classic look.
i think that says a lil but about their characters and how they thought to present themselves to april’s mum (who they thought they were meeting). they both wanted to look good hence the stunning matching outfits, but leo also wanted to be himself (hence the blue undershirt), compared to donnie who wanted to appeal to april’s mother (hence the more classic look with the white).
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in man vs sewer, they are both wearing the singlet and board short combo, however leo opts for simplicity and ‘laidbackness’ keeping the bare minimum and keeping his shirt loose and untucked. donnie on the other hand goes further and adds the extra decorative shirt to really hammer home the ‘i’m not a useful member of society’ and the holiday/break vibes he’s trying so hard to feel. he also chooses to tuck his shirt in, which i think is just a personal stylistic choice, one which extenuates and shows off the board shorts more and one which mirrors his belt that’s a part of his usual outfit.
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now onto snow day :>
at a brief glance it doesn’t seem like they’re matching but you’d be wRONG! they’re wearing the same shoes, pants and scarf, however they choose different jackets and headgear according to their personal tastes (i also wanna point out how donnie’s pants are more boxy/puffy at the bottom to fit with his whole rectangle theme, while leo’s are tucked in firmly, providing a more angular/triangular look).
leo chose a sirius black looking leather jacket bc why wouldn’t he lmaooo. it very much screams leo in the sense of his faceman attitude and his ‘confidence.’ he also chose a beanie which provides a more hippie, laidback and cool vibe.
donnie, ever the nerd, matches his jacket and headwear, as they both have the light purple fluff. donnies jacket is also much more practical and feels like something you’d see skii-ers (how tf do you spell that), hikers and snow-bikers wear. he’s also wearing the ugliest fucking hat /lh that’s reminiscent of what those occupations also wear.
so what we can take away from this is that leo will look cool whatever the weather and donnie will dress for the practicality of the occasion.
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now in the clothes dont make the turtle there are A LOT of matching outfits, not just from donnie and leo, for example, in the images above, all the boys are wearing classic black suits with white button downs, however they all style them differently.
i’d also like to note the slight differences on the collars of the suit jackets (leo and donnie’s are matching, mikey’s is more rounded with a lil point and raph’s mirrors his spikes).
they all style their suits differently by using different ties. leo goes for a black and blue striped tie, which i think showcases his sense of style and his playfulness in comparison to raph, who decides to play it safe with a classic one-toned tie.
mikey goes for a cute bowtie bc why wouldn’t he he’s adorable, and it also fits in with him being the youngest and ‘the baby’, as bowties are most commonly worn by kids.
donnie decides to completely forego the tie altogether bc he doesn’t need it, he’s already stunning 😩 lmao but i actually think he’s just really playing into his emotionally unavailable bad boy image.
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there’s also these matching monstrosities for god knows what reason
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and it’s not super matchy, but raph and leo also both rock the singlet under the open button down shirt (though the colours are swapped and leo pops the collar causes he’s an idiot /aff)
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and lastly!! these outfits. now at first glance, you’re probably thinking ‘elva what the fuck are you going on about’ BUT just hear me out!!
they both have ripped aspects to their outfits, leo’s at the shoulders and donnie’s at the waist. it’s obviously not an intentional match but i think they just subconsciously did it :>
they’re also both wearing head accessories, though in totally different styles (leo with his backwards cap to look ‘cool’ while donnie adorns a beanie to complete his LA hipster vibe)
ugh i’ve met the image limit for this post so here’s the link to the post that continues my rambling lolol
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Carpe Noctem 21
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, blood, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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As you come home, the house is seemingly empty. You sneak up to the guest room and tuck your bag beside the bed, your apron buried inside. After a long day of steaming milk and trying to perfect your latte art, you don’t have the energy to reveal the truth. It’s better he doesn’t know. He’d agree, he probably doesn’t even care.
That’s your real problem. You just need to accept that other people don’t care as much as you. That’s not a flaw in you, it just means you need to adjust your expectations. Or maybe just see things for what they are. Honesty would save you a lot of disappointment.
You go downstairs and lazily pluck out ingredients from the pantry and fridge. You always found cooking relaxing. A clear goal with small steps. Not to mention, the kitchen is much bigger than your boxy apartment. You’ll enjoy the luxury while you can.
You fill the pot and the aromas mingle fragrantly, tugging at your stomach. Even after tasting nearly every dessert in the cafe, you’re starving. You stir the mixture and open the bag of tortilla chips nestled away in the cupboard.
“Don’t eat those all,” Lloyd startles you.
You look at him over your shoulder, “won’t. They’re just to go with the soup.”
“Soup?” He glances at the stove and you pull down two bowls.
“Tortilla soup. My specialty.”
“Really? I was just going to order from The Duke.”
“That’s expensive,” you say, “there’ll be lots of leftovers so–”
“Save some money–”
“Not really something I’m worried about, baby cakes,” he crosses the kitchen and sniffs emphatically at the stove, “tomato-ey.”
“Well, if you don’t like it, I can freeze it. I’ll take it for lunch–”
“Why are you doing this?” He asks abruptly.
“Why am I… cooking?”
“Well, because we need to eat,” you say as if it’s obvious.
“We? You’re… not my mother. Or wife.”
“Clearly,” you agree. “I’ll replace the ingredients. Sorry, I just thought… maybe a nice gesture since I’m staying here.”
“Nice gesture. I got a few of those in mind but they don’t include a hot stove.”
You glance over at him. Right, yeah, you’re a body to him, not anything else. You realise now, it was the same with Johnny. You were just a thing to him. You cleaned up, you cooked, but he never really looked after you.
“The soup won’t take long,” you assure him.
He takes a breath and sighs, drawing close, looming over you as you take out the cheese shredder. He watches as you unwrap the cheese and grate it. You don’t know what else to do but keep going. You feel like you’ve crossed some line you can’t see.
“I just want us to be clear,” he taps his fingers on the counter, “this isn’t… serious. Us, I mean. There’s no us. Not outside the bedroom. Got it?”
You frown, “I know that. I’m not stupid. And I certainly am not interested in that.”
He’s quiet as he drags his hand off the counter. He exhales, “good to know. We understand each other.”
“We do,” you nod.
You wrap up the unused cheese. As you do, he reaches to steal a pinch of the shredded cheese. You instinctively swat his hand away and he recoils.
“Eh,” he shoves the cheese in his mouth.
“You didn’t wash your hands,” you accuse him.
“You’ve had worse than my hands near your mouth–”
“Jeez,” you huff, “you’re going to make a mess.” 
You move the plate of cheese across the counter and tidy up the few stray pieces across the counter. You toss them in the pin and take a cloth to wipe down the marble. He lurks, pacing around the kitchen.
“I’ll have extra chips with mine,” he nears the door, pausing as you sense him watching you but don’t look. “I’ll figure out dessert, baby face.”
The next day you don’t bother making yourself coffee. You’ll have more than your share at the cafe. You dress and leave at the usual time, parking a block away from the shop and walking the rest of the way. 
As you approach, you see Cole ahead of you. He unlocks the front door and glances over with a smile. He waves as he tugs with his other hand. He turns his attention back to the door and struggles to dislodge the keys.
You come close and watch him wiggle and jiggle the key ring.
“Dang thing gets stuck every day,” he shakes his head.
“Can I try?” You offer.
“Sure,” he steps back,throwing his hands up in exasperation, “not as strong as I look, I guess.”
You don’t comment. He’s tall and even under his corduroy jacket, you can tell he’s in good shape. You grab the end of the key and give it a small wiggle, sliding it out easily. Not much force, just a bit of finesse.
“You don’t have to be strong,” you offer him the keys, “just have to coax it a little.”
“Thanks,” he takes the keys, his fingers brushing yours, “you’re a godsend. I swear. I think… call me crazy, but last night I was telling my ma that you were sent to us for a reason.”
“You did?” You ask as he reaches around you to open the door, waving you in ahead of him.
You enter and he follows, pulling the door shut to lock from the inside.
“Oh, yeah, I mean, I’ve been interviewing like crazy. Most of the staff lasts a day and gives up but I can tell… you’re committed,” his sleeve touches yours as he passes, putting his passenger bag on the countertop as he stretches and looks around, “well, you want a coffee before we go through opening?”
“I’d love that but I can wait if–”
“Nah, we got plenty of time,” he interjects, “besides, that’s one of the steps. We do a batch medium and dark roast before opening so we’re ready to serve when doors open.”
“Oh, makes sense,” you peer around and set to taking the chairs down of the tables and set them right.
“I’ll get those,” he insists, “please. Lady’s shouldn’t be doing all that.”
You hesitate as you place another chair on its legs. You glance over at him as moves behind the counter. The comment isn’t exactly HR friendly but you don’t think he means anything. He’s just the type who likes to wear shining armor. 
“I don’t mind.”
“I do,” he insists as he approaches the till, “come on. Let’s make the coffee.”
You step away from the tables. He is your boss. You go around the counter into the narrow space behind it. You forgot how cramped it is here.
“You wanna put your stuff in my office?” He asks as he prods the bag slung from your shoulder, “I’ll get this warmed up.”
“Oh, I guess…”
Here, the brass key,” he hands over the keyring, “you can leave those on the desk.”
You take the keys and go through the kitchen and turn into the small hallway between that and the storage room. You go to the office door with the peeling paint and the worn side that reads management. This place needs a lot of work.
You let yourself into the office and set the keys on the corner of the desk. You put your coat and bag in the chair against the wall, eyeing the picture of a younger Cole and who you assume are his parents. The backdrop is grassy and bright. He’s smiling that same sunshiny smile. You wonder how he’s held onto that.
You close the door behind you as you head back. You can hear him humming as you come down the hallway. Is that Frankie Valli?
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lipstickhotchocolate · 5 months
Kind of want to combine my hyperfixations and redesign Stardew bachelorettes and bachelors in various eras of vintage fashion?
If I don’t end up drawing this, here’s my general vision so far just because (yes I am skipping the 30s and 40s because I don’t find them as visually interesting):
Penny. Her hair reminds me a lot of the pinned up faux bobs that flappers would wear and I think she would look AMAZING in a drop waist and cloche hat.
Krobus. His little trench coat get up gives me sort of 1920s Agatha Christie detective novel vibes.
Shane, because I think he would look dapper with a kind of Cary Grant and Marlon Brando hybrid inspired look? Like with sharp lines and but because he’s messy his sharp suit is ruffled after a long night.
Abigail. I know this isn’t the obvious choice, but due to my hatred™️ of Pierre and Caroline’s parenting style, Abigail’s story has always felt a bit like her breaking away from tradition, especially for gender wise. As such, I want to draw her in Beatnik style, with a black turtleneck, a beret, slacks, and huge dark glasses.
Harvey :). His fascination with planes means I absolutely have to draw him in the golden age of travel. I’m thinking a smart suit, kind of more early 1960s, inspired by the fashion in the original Bond films.
Haley. I would probably do a different part of 60s fashion to Harvey for her, more akin to the mid to late sixties Swinging London movement, as inspired by Twiggy and Mary Quant. Boxy mini dress, Gogo boots and a Bridget Bardot-esque bouffant.
Maru. The 70s were big for jumpsuits and women’s fashion got a lot more practical, which I think works well with her personality. I love Maru and I love flared jeans so 🫠 I also think I would give her big hair (I love her older game designs)
Leah. Leah’s hippie artist vibes work perfectly for the 70s flowery hippie fashion. Please put my girl in a loose fitting prairie dress or some bell sleeves. Her hair would also work with the long natural wavy look of that era.
Emily. I know her vibes are at a first glance 70s, but the style of her dress and her hair remind me SO MUCH of Winona Ryders wedding dress in beetlejuice? So the gothy fashion of the 80s with big spiky hair and mesh and craftiness remind me of Emily.
Elliot. Once again at a first glance 70s, but I will put this man in a late 70s/early 80s glam rock outfit if it kills me. With the massive hair and the sort of military inspired studded jacket and everything. Hear me out.
Alex: the 80s were probably the start of the jock character, and Alex to me reads like he could literally be a character in the breakfast club to be honest. He must be taken back to his roots.
Sam. In the 90s skater boy fashion was literally like… the thing, so this is obvious. Give him a baggy ahh flannel , a baggier ahh graphic tee and a baggiest ahh pair of jeans. And some fugly 90s man hair.
Sebastian. Not really a huge redesign, but I’m incapable of not drawing him as like a mall goth / early emo kid (yes I know they’re different but similar style roots).
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vinetae · 2 years
Can I please ask for a neighbour jimin who gets intensely attracted to y/n, they flirt a lil here and there and due to a guy's visit he gets extremely possesive and claims his ownership 💦🥵
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” Your eyes lull to the back of your head at his shameless attempt. 
“And you’d be really cute with this knife shoved in your thick head.” He laughs, raising an eyebrow up in questioning. 
“So you think I’m cute?”
You scoff, eyes rolling. “Not in the slightest.” He hums, tilting his head before following you into your room. 
“But you said really, which means that I was just cute before. So therefore, you think I’m extra cute.”
Smile - PJM
Genre: Neighbours!Jimin x Neighbors!Reader, (Ft. Love interest Taehyung)
Word Count: my guess... 12K ?
Warnings: Lying, accusations, broken friendships, cunillingus, f.masturbation, wet dreams, pinning, vaginal fingering, games under the table, exhibitionism, voyeurism, light ass play, dirty talk, hurt no comfort (I'm so sorry Tae Tae), use of the word 'faggot', cursing, harsh language, foul language. Camera play, videotaping of sexualactivities, pornographic described photos sessions. Possessive!Jimin, Yandere!Jimin, sub!reader, usage of 'wifey' terms and Y/n being a helpless damsel in distress. Y/n being innocent, and Jimin loves it lol. Jimin coerces Y/n into a nude photography shoot. Jimin is VERY VERY sneaky and charming.
A/n: this got lost in my Tumblr drafts which I don't use anymore. I'm so sorry, anon! Please forgive me 🙏🙏🙏🙏💜 I wanted to post this to remind myself to write part 2 when I get the chance. To give you guys a sneak peak I guess? I just gotta write the steamy.. 🥵
You take in a deep breath, nodding your head in assurance. “Thanks again for the help, guys! Really appreciate it.” They’re quick to ignore the comment, brushing past your shoulder quite roughly. You silently groan, rubbing at the sensitive skin before turning back around to meet their gazes. 
“Total’s 120 for the three hours plus lift.” He gruffs, jotting down the amount on the piece of paper. You nod, feeling the jolt of him shoving the little slip into your grip. 
“Have it paid by next Tuesday.” He turns around, picking the large toolbox up off your oak flooring before exiting. You rush over, leaning in the door to thank them once again but they don’t return the same attitude. 
You huff, folding your arms at the annoyance. Blowing a piece of hair from your view, your eyes scan the loitered hallway full of your things.
Your eyes follow a dark shadow across the corridor, waving at the young man. A black ball cap covered his face, along with a darkened gray mask. His clothes had resembled ones that someone would sleep in to keep warm in the cold winter days. Black sweatpants and sweatshirt to match. 
Your arm flies in the air, waving as he passes by. “Hi!” 
He brushes your arm, moving past your body before walking into the doorway of his apartment. 
“Hmph. Rude much..” You gruff, taking in a breath.
 “Alright..”  You lean down to lift the heavy box. It had been quite heavy, until suddenly the weight felt light as a feather. You lean to the side to look past the large cardboard box,  seeing a young flash you a bright smile. 
“Here, I’ve got it.” He adds, pushing his way past the rest of your things before turning around for guidance. 
“Oh uh- just set it down in the livingroom.” He nods, placing the large box down before walking back to the hallways. Your hand catches his shoulder before he continues. 
“Uhm.. who are you?” 
He flashes a quick grin before lifting another box. “I’m part of the moving crew. Sorry my dad’s such a..” 
“Pain in the ass?” He laughs at the joke. 
“Exactly.” His hand extends out, a boxy smile plasters his expressions. “My name’s Kim Taehyung.” You nod, shaking his hand with the same enthusiasm. You take a glance down the hallway, frowning. 
“Won’t you miss your ride?” He shakes his head, while hoisting two boxes into his grip.
“I drove here myself. I’m just working as a mover for the summer. Just some extra cash I can show off.” He winks before taking the boxes back into your apartment. You chuckle, watching as he makes quick work of the boxes that would’ve taken you hours to finish moving. 
“Oh- How rude of me!” You yelp, running to the kitchen, peaking out from the fridge’s door to call out to him. “Would you like anything to drink?” He sets the box down, lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead. His permed fluffy, puppy-like hair had floofed up even more from Korea’s hot summers. 
“Water please?” He asks. Your body freeze at the sight. Eyes trailing down the plains of his torso, watching as his six-pack tenses with each move of his joints. The lump in your throat felt as thick as a golf ball. 
“Uh- yes. Of course!” You laugh it off, trying to hide the nervousness in your tone. You’re quick to make work of his water -like there was much to do anyways- before you set it on the coffee table he’d already placed down. His sweating body takes a seat on your hardwood floors, legs crossing in manner. 
“Thank you” He glances up through the glass, flashing you a bright smile. You plop down onto the edge of your sectional, taking slight-
Who were you kidding? 
You’re watching this Taehyung guy drink water like it’s the best telanovela you’d ever seen. 
He downs the glass quickly, setting it quietly on the coffee table in front of the two of you. “Anything else I can do?” He questions, internally smirking at the way you’d been staring at his adam’s apple for the past minute or so. 
You shake your head, pulling yourself from the rabbit hole of dirty thoughts. “I think that’s it.” You reach out to your purse, rummaging through the tiny folds of tightly laced fabrics before taking a glance up. “How much do I owe you?” 
He smiles, pulling out his phone to calculate the total. His eyebrows knit together, watching as his face intensifies on the numbers. After a few minutes of torture, he contuines, sliding the phone back into his pocket. 
“Sixty-nine dollars, or.." He eyes you up and down, lips trailing out to pad across his bottom lip. "you.”
Your eyebrow quirks at his weird statement. He shakes his head, chuckling nervously.
“No I mean- Ah fuck.. I’m not good with pick up lines, am I?” His hand reaches back to rub at the nape of his neck, acting as if he’s shying out of asking his highschool date to the prom. A few seconds go by before you get it. Your face immediately flushes. 
“No- Oh my God, I’m so dumb- Sorry! My Korean’s still a little wonky, you know?”
You smile, trying to hide the embarrassment behind your laugh. He chuckles at the irony. 
“But your total would be sixty-nine. Just saying.” You let out a sharp laugh, shaking your head. “No way.” He pulls his phone from the pocket of his khakis, showing the blue an black screen which indeed had sixty-nine calculated in for about an hour. 
“Damn.” He chuckles, nodding. “It’s a sign, right?” His eyebrows raise, flashing a cheeky grin towards you. 
“Oh, for sure~” You tease, reaching into the pouch of your purse, pulling your phone from its concealment. 
“How about this? I pay you, and ask you out?” You watch as a little hue of pink flushes his round cheeks. “Ask me out? Hey, I was the one to ask first.” You laugh, nodding. 
“Yeah but you sucked at it.” He pouts but eventually agrees. “Yeah.. okay fine.” He stands up, getting a little more confident. “So how about this Saturday? 8:30?” You nod, rising to meet his level. Your hand reaches out, handing him the correct amount of money, as well as your number written on the piece of paper. 
“Sounds like a date.” He smiles like a little kid in a candy store before making his way quickly out the door. Before you hear the lock click, he’s quick to rush back in, using the door as support. 
“Wait! What’s your name?” You giggle, leaning down to start unpacking one of your boxes. 
“It’s Y/n.” 
You let out a deep breath, setting the huge load of laundry down onto the floor, admiring your hard work. You’d gotten almost everything done in just a few hours, since it hadn’t been a huge apartment. Now, all you had to do was wash your clothes. 
You lean down, throwing your darks in first before setting the machine’s timer. 
“What?” You groan, pressing the button again, just for the little alarm to beep at you again. 
“Ugh!” You bend down more, examining if there had been anything wrong with the machine. Once you knew it wasn’t it’s compartments, you rise back up to meet with the annoying error signal again. 
“Okay.. try this again.” You inhale calmly, trying to remember your breathing techniques you’d learned from the free month of yoga you’d signed up for. 
“Breeeathe, Y/n. It’s just a little-”
“Why you piece of shi!-” 
A hand comes to bang in front of your face as you fumble back at the sudden noise. Your eyes glance over to your left side, watching as the man who’d hit the machine had been reaching down to take his things out of the lower machine. He glances up, the black face mask hides any kind of emotion he might’ve shown. 
“It gets stuck sometimes. Gotta hit it.” He says monotony, lifting his charcoal gray basket to his chest. You flash a quick smile, bowing.
“Thank yo-” 
He was gone. 
Jimin lets out a sigh, throwing the bag of laundry down onto his duvet cover. Shuffling over to the computer, plops down into his gaming chair. He slides his headset over, turning on his PC. The screen flashes a few times before loading up his game. 
“Heyyyy it’s J-man!” His friends chant on the other line. He scoffs, quick to choose his gun and character. 
“Yeah yeah, don’t shit your pants, alright? I’m only gonna play one round.” They all laugh at that, echoing through the mics. “Jimin and only one round?” 
“Oh please, his girlfriends beg to differ!” The two boys snicker over the lines, making Jimin groan in frustration. One thing his stupid mates had said caught his ear though. 
“You hear about the new girl who died in Chun-dae complex?” 
“No shittt bro. Wait- Jimin isn’t that where you live?” 
Jimin’s body freezes. His mic goes silent, as he calms his labored breaths. His finger hovers over the mic button before finally replying. “Yeah.” Everyone goes crazy. 
“Oh shiiit. Bro do you know what happened?”
“Did you know her?
“Did you fuck her is the question, gentleman.” They all agree, waiting for his response. He groans, eyes lulling to the back of his head before pressing the T button. 
“Of course I didn’t know her. It was all over the news, though. Cameraman and news channels cleaned every inch of her apartment.” They all ‘ooo’ in curiosity. 
“Hah, knowing him he probably was the one to kill the poor thing.” 
“Hey, Ji-bom, that's not funny. My sister knew her.” 
Ji-sung scoffs over the mic before replying. “Oh yeah? Only ‘cause they were scissoring each other the night before, isn’t that right?” 
“Ayoo, Ji-bom chill man.” Kwang chimes in at the banter. Jimin scoffs at his idiot teamates. 
“I’m just sayin’. Fucking faggot got what she deserved, dude.” 
“Alright alright that’s enough guys-” 
“That’s enough, both of you.” Jin barks back at the two, silencing the chatroom. 
“Thank you, hyung. Anyways, Jimin isn’t there a new girl moving into her apartment?” 
“Oooo yeah. Go check her out. I heard she just moved to Korea, too.” 
“Foreigner?” Jungkook chimes in.
 Jimin lets out a sigh, questioning why he’s even friends with any these idiots. He picks up the mic piece, making himself as clear as he can before answering. 
“I’ve already seen her.” He scoffs, spinning quietly in his chair to face the wall. 
“Ain’t much.” He retorts, clicking out of the call before throwing his wireless headphones to the side. 
His eyes take a glance to the organized white board decorated meticulously with red and blue strings, the woman’s face in the center had made a smirk creep up his face. 
“Oh fuck-” You curse, watching as the little orange from your net rolls from the paper bags and down the stairs. You whines, setting the little bags to the floor, following the rolling fruit. 
“Come back here you little-” Right before you’re able to catch the run away, a soled shoe props itself ontop of the orange. Your eyes flash up, seeing the same man from earlier towering over your figure. 
“Oh- thank you..” You bow to reach the object, but he’s quicker to pick it up. The black hat had been capped over his head, revealing the flat of his glistening forehead. His milky skin gleams in the floruescent lights, as he observes your orange like an artist admiring their work of art. 
“It’s gone bad.” He comments, throwing it up the stairs as you both watch it land in the space of your bag. Perfectly sitting ontop of the thin paper container. 
“Wow..” You awe at his skills, turning around to thank him once more. His black mask is pulled down to reveal a set of large and cherry red lips. A smirk plasters his face. 
“Why didn’t you just take the elevator?” 
You take a look down, trying to remember why you had gone this was in the first place. 
“I.. Don’t really remember.” He hums, leaning against the white stair railing for support. 
“You’re the girl from room 13, right?” You nod, flashing him a bright smile. 
“Yep! I think you’re..” 
“Room 14.” 
You nod sharply, sticking your hand out. His eyebrow raises at the gesture.
“Oh right.. Korea.” You cheek flush with a red tint, as you slowly go to retract your hand. However, he’s quick to take it in his grip, giving you a firm shake. His grip had pulled you closer in proximity, your body almost flushed against his completely. You could see the little twinge of gold specks peaking from his chocolate irises.
Where had your voice gone all of a sudden??
“I..I- Uhm.. My name’s Y/n.” You watch the corner of his mouth tug upwards at your stutter. 
It had now been the second day of moving in. You decided to go explore the complex a bit more, wanting to know its history further than what the website had briefly explained. 
Your feet click against the old marbled flooring, and echoed clatter sounds through the empty rooms. Your head swished back and forth, taking a few glances at the passing doors on your way to the elevators. 
That’s odd. 
You’d been told that this apartment was constantly having people coming in and out all the time, but you haven’t seen a single soul since the guy in the stairwell. 
You shake your head, pulling yourself from the rabbit hole of your silly thoughts. You chalk it up to a weird coincidence. You’d moved in on a Wednesday anyways. Everyone was probably at work when you had tried greeting them. 
You make your way past the set of elevator doors, pressing the button to make quick work of getting downstairs. 
“Hold it!” You hear someone call out, reaching out to pause the elevator doors form shutting completely. He sighs, bowing to thank you as much as the boxes in his arms could. He sighs, taking in deep breaths. 
“Ah, thank yo- Y/n?” Your head cranes to the side, seeing Taehyung’s boxy smile and permed, curly locks flowing in the elevator’s A/C.
“Taehyung? What are you doing back here?” He smiles, flashing you a thousand-watt grin. “I’m helping an ajuma switch rooms.” He leans down, lowering his voice to a hushed whisper. 
“She said she hates hearing the little ghost girl running across her ceiling..” Chills spiral down your back like a mattress coil. He chuckles, hitting your back gently. 
“I’m kidding! Well, I mean she did say that so.. I guess I wasn’t kidding..” He shrugs, fixing the collar of his Frank Sinatra hoodie. He continues to keep the conversation going, trying to explain himself. 
“Would it help if I said she was diagnosed with schizophrenia?” Your eyebrows knit in fear. A cold rush flows through your blood. 
“Not really..” He pouts, lip peeking out to quiver. 
“I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to scare you, promise!” You finally let go a bit, flashing him a slight smile. 
“It’s okay.” He nods in excitement, glancing around the room awkwardly before turning back to catch your attention. “So how are you liking your new apartment?” He questions, rocking on the balls of his heels, clasping his hands behind his back. You let out a sigh, slightly nodding. 
“I like it. I wish people were a little more friendly, though..” He nods, a compassionate look plastering his face. “Yeah.. it’s got a lot of old people in it, so can’t really ask for the nicest of treatments.” You sigh, nodding at the truth. 
“But hey! It’s got a nice view, huh?” You giggle at his excitement, agreeing. “Indeed. And I’ve got one kinda nice neighbour?” He flashes you an adorable boxy smile. “Really? Who?” 
“He said his name was like- Jimin or something.” 
The whole atmosphere feezes. Taehyung’s once bouncy and energetic vibe fades, and a dark, mysterious look plasters his face. 
“Y/n..” He turns to face you, taking your hand in his gently. “Promise me you’ll stay away from him, alright?” Your eyebrow knits in confusion. 
“What? Why? He seemed okay.” He shakes his head quickly. “I don’t know much but- he’s got a not so nice reputation around here..” The elevator dings, as the doors slides open. He sighs, taking the boxes back into his arms before turning to give you one last piece of advise. 
“Just- stay away from him.”
“Come on you freaking- Ugh!” You’d been trying for the past two hours to hook up the wifi and ethernet cables so you can watch Netflix, but you lost the instructions packet while moving your things around. You groan out, throwing the screwdriver to the side in frustration. 
You rise before walking out of your apartment door, as Taehyung’s voice rings in your mind. 
“He’s got a ‘not so nice’ reputation around here..”
“Just- stay away from him.” 
Your head shakes the thoughts away as you ring the doorbell. 
A few minutes after, the door starts to unlock, cracking open to reveal a messy haired man standing in the doorway. 
“Uh- Jimin?” You ask, wondering if it had been the same man you’d see earlier. He hums, leaning on the doorframe for support. The fuzzy blanket wrapped around his small frame had made him look completely harmless. 
Which only fueled your motives. 
“Uh- Hi. We met in the stairway earlier and-”
“Ah yeah.” He yawns, face resembling one of a little baby puppy waking up from it’s naptime. “Y/n, right?” You nod, happy that someone had remembered who you were. 
“Yes, that’s me haha. Uhm so- I was wondering if you knew anything about wifi cables?” His eyebrow raises at the question, but continues on. 
“Yeah. Why?” You flash a large grin, putting on your best ‘I’m a woman, I need help, please help me’ look. 
It’s worked before. 
“Great! I’ve just been struggling with hooking up my wifi cables to the outlet and it’s really frustrating and-” He cuts you off with a chuckle. “That’s the easiest thing setting up in the apartment.” You huff, but continue. 
“Well if it’s so easy, then it won’t take you long at all.” He chuckles, arms crossing over his chest as you’d taken notice of his more aware self stealing ‘sleepy’s’ spotlight. 
“What’s in it for me?” He teases, flashing a cheesy grin. You nod, trying to think of something a man would want. 
Other than that..
“Uhm- I could make you dinner?” He thinks for a second, before opening the door all the way. 
“Alright. Just lemme grab a shirt.” 
Jimin’s eyes take a few double takes around Y/n’s apartment. The tiny couch tucked in the corner, covered in plastic wrapping and dusty blankets. The cream colored high walls stood twice his size, and really? That was the only beautiful part about living in these shitty apartments. 
“So where’s the cable?” He questions, head craning a full 180 to observe the lack of decorations. She flashes a small, embarrassed grin while pointing to a separate selected room. His fingertips graze the surface of her marble countertops. Lifting his finger, he examines the light dusk bits his skin had picked up. He’s quick to wipe the dirt on the fabric of his jeans. 
“You know, the landlord said that the internet cable would be in the mainroom but-” 
“What the fuck..” His feet stop behind yours, observing the cramped space of your bathroom. 
He watches your nails reach behind your head, scratching as you let out a small chuckle. “Yeah..” 
He scoffs, eyes taut on the little internet box shoved on a low rickety shelf above the toilet. You bend down to meet his level, waiting for his next move. “Makes sense on why they knocked off a few bucks..” You laugh nervously, eyebrows knitting together in frustration. 
He lets out a short chuckle, reaching around to pull the plug. He rises to his feet, arms crossing over his chest. “What a bunch of idiots..” He mumbles, sighing. 
You rise as well, glancing up at his frustrated figure. “Anything I can do?” He stops running his hand through his black toussels, taking a glance at your way. 
“Yeah.” He comments, bending back down to reach into his toolbag. 
“Got any beer?”
You take in deep breath, knee tapping anxiously against your hardwood floors. You’d been waiting outside the bathroom for the past ten minutes. He offer to relocate the router so it wouldn’t be a future firehazard. You happily agreed, trusting his insticts. 
He was the man, anyways. 
Your nails had almost been cleaned right off from the tightness of your jaw nervously chewing on the poor things. Every few minutes you’d heard a sigh of frustration or mumbled curse as he’d been removing the wires from inside your walls. 
“Hey, wifey,” He yelps out. You’re quick to make your way into the small bathroom. 
“Need anything?” Your jaw drops at the sight. His tanned skin had glistened with a sheet of sweat, jet-black locks greased and pulled back to sit slick against the crown of his head. A few dry and perfectly good stragles make their debut on the slick of his forehead. His white shirt you’d seen his thrown on prior to coming over was drenched making the thin material completely see-through. 
He gripes, rising to his feet once more. His large hands held the tiny router in one, with wire cutter in the other. He chuckles, watching your eyes blow as wide as cartoon characters. 
“Might wanna close that mouth if you’re not gonna put it to good use, darling.” 
Didn’t help. 
You’re quick to pull yourself from the train of spiral thoughts, nodding at his commentary. He lets out a short laugh, pushing the little router into your chest. You yelp a little ‘oof’, gripping onto the device. 
“What.. am I gonna do with this?” You ask, watching him packing the things in his toolbag, slinging it over his shoulder before replying with a smirk. 
“Replace it. Piece of crap is older than my mom's kimchi recipe.” He reaches upwards, stretching the length of his elongated spine. You silently gawk at the peak of skin underneath his shirt. He twists around, giving you a little smirk. 
“Dinner ready yet?” You shake your head, pointing at the clock on the wall. He glances over, reading the time set. 
He scoffs, throwing his bag onto the floor to lean up against the edge of your little centered table. 
“Besides,” You add, finally having found your voice once more. You watch one of his darkened eyebrows quirk at the comment. 
“I asked you to fix it.” 
“You didn’t fix it.” 
He chuckles, leaning further into the table’s edge. “Can’t fix something I don’t have.” 
You pout, crossing your arms to match his. “Why don’t you have it?” 
“You don’t get it, do you?” He asks, leaning towards your direction to lazily tower over your figure. You back down, feeling his intense aura consume yours like a little bunny caught by the big bad wolf. 
“You need a new router, the other one won’t connect to the complex’s main central.” You watch his narrowed eyes soften upon seeing your intimidated ones. He sighs, carding a hand through his greasy locks, flipping his chin up to shake the entirety of his head. 
“Hardware store’s closed for today already. You can check tomorrow. If you order it online, it’ll take up to a week to have it shipped.” You huff, annoyed with the cursed thing. 
His smirk toys with your aggravated posture. 
“I don’t supposed you have an extra one?” You plead, flashing your most intense puppy-like eyes.He smirks, shaking his head.
“Nope, sorry, Wifey.” Your eyes flash up to meet him. 
“What’s with that?” His shoulders shrug, an innocent look splays his sharp features. You groan, walking away to tug the roots of your hair in frustration. You twist around, throwing yours hands down. 
“There’s NOTHING you can do?” He lifts from counter, slowly coasting his way to stalk your frame. He towers over you, a smirk plasters his features. 
“There’s alot I can do. But for that?” His finger points to the little old device on the counter where you’d placed it. 
“No can do.” 
You take in a deep breath as he makes his way to jump onto the counter’s surface, feet swinging back and forth like a little kid. He watches your features slowly fade from hopeful to hopeless in a matter of seconds. Your eyes quicken over the area of your apartment, as if he could almost see the little gears trying to push their way to start. 
After a while of pacing and panic, you’d just settled on giving into fate. “Alright.” You sigh, slowing your paces to a stop. Your eyes glance up, seeing him propping himself back on the heels of his palms, an amused smirk paints his face. 
“Still up for dinner?” 
“Not very wifely of you, Y/n.” He comments, stuffing a face full of the hot rice you’d ordered for him. 
“I’m not trying to be wifely, Jimin.” He chuckles at that. 
You’d settled for just ordering in. So here you sat, using the flat of your old couch as a backrest as the two of you sat on the hardwood floor eating sticky rice and crunchy chicken you’d gotten from the place across from your apartment. 
“I like that.” Your head cranes, giving him a questioning look.
“Like what?” 
He grins, taking another bite of his largely portioned rice bowl.
“When you say my name.” 
You chuckle, clicking the remote to find something to entertain this kind of awkward situation. You feel him shift a bit, crossing his legs to get into a more relaxed position. 
“So,” he starts, digging in the little to-go box for the last of his rice. His voice strings with casualty and familiarity which he laced to ease this into a more comfortable atmosphere for the both of you. 
“Why this shithole?” You chuckle, reflecting back on the selection process you’d forced yourself to go through. 
“It was kind of an emergency situation. I wanted to come here for animation and graphic designs.. But, I had to move out quickly.” His eyebrow quirks at the questioning sentence. 
You sigh, fingertip grazes over the ridges of your hardwood floor. Should you really be letting an almost stranger know so much about your personal affairs?
Well, you two were neighbors now. 
“Stuff just got too complicated in my house.” He nods, not wanting to pry on more of the obvious still fresh wound. His throat clears, as he begins clearing your table of the plastic wrappers and trash. 
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I got kicked from my own house.” You chuckle, head turning to face him. “Really? What could you possibly have done?” He laughs, leaning back against the couch’s front. 
“What? Don’t think I’d get into trouble?” Your head shakes at his question. “Frankly, you look like a cinnamon roll.” He chuckles, taking a sip of his soju. 
“Oh really?” He leans in further, the pad of his lips brushes your ear’s shell. Hot breaths roll past your heating cheeks. His voice is low and sensual now. 
“I mean- you just like blacks, right?” He chuckles at that. He reaches out, ruffling your hair between his fingers.
“You’re cute.”
“Oh fuck..” He moans out, hand palming himself over the clad of his boxer-briefs. His body, slung forward, propped up to leave the back of his chair lonely and cold. His chin tilts upwards, eyes focused on the bright of his screen. 
“Mmmm just like that, baby” He groans, free hand gripping the edge of his chair, knuckles hueing to a white tint at the pressure. He watches the woman drop the fabrics of her remaining clothing items. Her pink, basic underwear slipped from the waist of her tight skin. 
“Yeahhh” His heavy moans pant at the sight of the beautiful woman exposing herself for the camera. His palm wrapped around the base, a slow pace up and down the length of his throbbing cock. His sweaty bangs come to fly forward before sticking to the damped of his forehead. His mouth stifles sounds that would be a one-way ticket to hell.
Oh, how he wished she'd caress her breasts.  
His eyes focus on the way her hair falls out of its messy bun to cascade down the beautiful plains of her back. A small, cursive tattoo sits atop the nape of her neck. The little decoration only furthers him deeper into his state of temporary euphoria. 
The soap slides down her body, grime and grease being removed from even the most difficult crevasse. Suds and white foam paint a thin sheet over the bare of her entire frame. His hips slightly raise out of control at the sight. The red and angered tip of his cock leaks a thick string of pre-cum from his slit. 
Her hand reaches out to steady herself, making sure she doesn’t slip from the sudsy shower floor. Her long, manicured nails made him wish she’d ruin his back with them. Red scratches running up along the plains of his shoulder blades only edged him on further.
His balls tighten, warning him of his nearing end. He groans out, leaning back against his gaming chair as he lifts a leg to prop up on the desk, showing the invisible camera on his computer all of his lengthy and girthy glory. After a few minutes of slowed strokes, his balls ached with pain. 
He loved it.
His hand wrapped around his cock picks up the pace. Body practically leaping from his seat. 
“Fuck!” He moans out, lips dropping to form an O-shape as a string of hot cum shoots onto the towel that he’d held to his tip right before blowing his load.
He clicks a few buttons, watching as the camera zooms in at the perfect time. She’d finished up, exiting the shower to wrap a warm and fuzzy looking lengthy towel around her fitted body. The steam had fogged the glass mirror above the sink, but the camera still stood clear as fresh water. 
The cameraman had cleverly sprung for the fog-avoidant cameras.
He, being the cameraman..
You reach over, answering the incoming call that had rung for the past few seconds. You hug the portion of your towel to your body, clinging it as to not accidentally flash a single soul. An all-too-cheery voice answers. 
“Y/n! So, I was thinking- We never really decided on a place to eat at.” He pouts, a teasing tone peaks his expressions. Even though you couldn’t see him, you could see the child-like boxy smile he’d always sport. 
You decide to have a little fun with your new found friend. “I’m sorry- Who’s this?” You could hear the hurt in his voice. 
“It’s Taehyung.. Already forgot about me, huh?” You giggle, throwing the phone onto your bed after pressing the speaker button. 
“I’m playing with you Taehyung.” He huffs. “Not very funny of a joke, ma’am.” He retorts, making you snicker at the nickname. 
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry Taehyung-ie. How about I make it up to you?” His voice cheers up quickly, amusement peaking his interests.
“And how would you do that, milady?” His voice sports a gentleman-y, british accent as if he’d been just brought out of a shakespeare play. 
You throw on a quick T-shirt before sprawling out on your bed. “Well, how about coming over tonight? I could make us some coffees.. Or I’ve got wine too.” He sucks in a breath, a saddened tone controls his voice. 
“Sorry, can’t tonight. Dad’s got me working extra hours all over Seoul, I’m not even home yet.” You pout, toying with your little anxiety ring you’d gotten from a friend back home. 
“Oh, okay then.” You’re quick to flip over, getting into a more comfortable position on your back. You stare up at the ceiling while talking with your only friend. 
“So, how is work?” Before you get a response you hear a loud crash on the other end. 
“Shit- I have to go, Y/n. Bye!”
“Oh oka-” 
He ends the call.
You sigh, rolling back and forth on the surface of your bed. You’d still been on Chicago’s clock, so you were wide awake right now. Your eyes roll at the time blinking on your nightstand’s alarm clock. 
You needed to get to sleep. You KNEW you needed to get to sleep. But, your body had different plans. You decide to roll yourself out of bed, making your way to the little walk in closet right before the front door. You slide on your little fuzzy boots and a pair of sweatpants before walking out the door. 
“Oh!” You turn around, seeing Jimin leaning outside of his front door to drop off the trash in the hallway. You run up, catching him before he has the chance to slip back into his dungeon. 
“Hey-” You call, flashing him a warm smile. 
He slams the door in your face. 
Your frown reappears, sighing. 
What was everyone’s problem with you?
You were about to continue on your journey for late night convenient store snacks, but something inside of you had irked to get a hi from him still. So, you knock on his door. 
No answer. 
“Come on, Jimin. I know you’re in there!” You call out, banging on his door now. After a few minutes and a rude comment from a neighbor telling you in a very passive way to ‘shut up’ he’d finally opened the door. You push right through, hands on your hips to signal off confidence. 
“Y/n what do you-”
“Why didn’t you say hello back?” He shakes his head, not following. 
“What do you mean-” 
“I just said hi to you, and you slammed the door in my face!” He chuckles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“I just woke up.” Somehow, you don’t believe that. 
Your stupid self decides to rummage through his things. 
“Oh really?” You walk yourself over to his desk and gaming chair, feeling the monitor’s heat. “Hmm, computer’s still warm.” You comment, accidentally bumping the mouse with your wrist. The screen lights up, as your face drains with color. 
A bunch of women barely dressed on a leopard-print bed, hands rubbing and touching all over each other while some had fully been going down on one another. 
You could hear a dark chuckle in Jimin’s voice. A body comes up behind yours, towering your frame from backing.
“Caught me.” He whispers,fingertips trailing up the skin of your arms. You flinch, backing away from his touches as he lets out a laugh. “What? Aw, I’m just having a little fun with you.” He flashes you a cheeky wink as you try and calm your beating heart. 
“I– Sorry. I-I’ll just leave now-” He chuckles, opening the door wide. As you make your way through the exit, he leaves a few words to trail in your ears.
For the past few days you’d been bickering with Taehyung over where to go. Since you both were in moving saving mode, you decided to just cook up a nice dinner and watch a movie instead. 
You’re almost done putting the final touches on the dessert pie until you heard the doorbell ring. Walking past, you reach down to fluff a few pillows on your couch before answering. You crack the door open, a wide smile plastered onto your face until you’d seen who was behind it. 
“You..” He chuckles. 
Franky you’d been avoiding Jimin for the past two days. Ever since your jet-lagged brain decided it was a good idea to march into his apartment and check out his browsing history, things had been pretty awkward between the two of you. 
Well, just for you. 
“I’ve got something.” He teases, holding his hands behind his back. You nod, keeping him outside of the door. “Uhm can it wait ‘til later? I’m kinda busy..” He pushes past your shoulders before you could even protest. 
“Payback, wifey.” A smirk tugs the corner of his lips as he holds out the tiny box on front of you. 
“Take a guess.” 
You sigh, shrugging. “I don’t know.” 
“That’s the whole point of taking a guess. You’re really bad at this game.” He chuckles, swinging the little box in his grasp. 
“I don’t know, Jimin.” He groans, pouting. “You’re no fun.” He unboxes the object, holding it out to show you. 
“I still don’t get what it is.” He shakes his head, obviously annoyed by your adituttde. 
“Fine, then I guess you don’t need the router.” Your eyes widen. 
“Wait!” You reach out to pause his actions, making him smirk. “Oh now you answer me.” He chuckles, setting the little device on your kitchen counter. 
His eyes take a glance to the kitchen table, feasting upon the delicious, mouth-watering platters and bowls filled with some of his favorites. 
“Ah, good! You remembered our deal.” Your eyes look at the food, then back to him to quickly shake your head. 
“Uh no- actually-”
Jimin’s eyebrow quirks at the revealment of the guy behind your apartment door. Taehyung’s bright and boxy smile soon drops as his eyes land upon the strange man in your livingroom. The newly dyed locks tinted with colors of the sky had shifted from their styled position. 
“Who’s this?” Taehyung comments, questioning the new man. Jimin’s lips tug more into a smirk at his confusion. 
“Her cousin.” Jimin retorts, watching as you flash him a ‘what?!’ look. Taehyung’s eyebrows knit in confusion as Jimin’s quick to correct himself with a light chuckle.
You let out a nervous chuckle at his words. 
The dinner table felt like a couffin. Suffocating and awkwardly tight. Hadn’t helped that your little circular table could barely fit two people, much less three.You had tried to kick him out, really you did. But he had been too stubborn, pulling up his own make shift seat of your lidded trash can to support on. The smug and tight grin on Jimin’s lips had made your jaw clench with annoyance. Taehyung’s quick to clear the thick air, along with his throat. 
“So, Y/n. How do you feel about sea animals?” He smiles, trying to ignore the elephant in the room. 
Your mouth falls open to answer, but the slick circles drawn against your thigh halts you.. You take a glance over, Jimin on the sidelines taking a large bite of his pork and rice, completely unfazed by the situation. The tense of his right arm doesn’t go unnoticed by you. His hand slipped up the space of your dress, caressing your knee before rising his touch higher. 
Your eyes flash back to Taehyung’s who had a questioning look. You let out a loud chuckle, trying to shift your leg away from Jimin’s fingers as your answer. 
“Love ‘em.” You flash him a quick smile. He returns the little expression, a relaxed ease sets upon him. 
You? Not so much. 
“Well what about getting a little wet?” Taehyung quirks, leaning a little closer to make his voice clear. 
Jimin’s fork swirls around the surface of his plate, a bored expression plasters his features as he cuts in. “Easy.” You feel the tips of his fingers drag along the heat of your skin, resting on the outers of your underwear. His index finger presses slightly against your soaking panties, your lips fall to form a small O-shape. Thighs squeezing together at the sensation. 
“I don’t think she minds getting wet.” Jimin comments, an unamused expression toys his features as he takes a sip of his soju. You nod, shifting slightly in your seat, which in turn had made Jimin’s touch fall further in the gap of your thighs. His fingertips tease your clothed heat, a silent moan rumbles from the deep of your chest. 
“Perfect!” He turns his reach into his pocket, pulling out two pieces of thick paper. “The new aquarium in Incheon just opened. I was hoping you and I could maybe go tomorrow?” You nod, trying your best to stay silent. Jimin’s touch lingers on the outerparts of your heat, silently commanding you to beg him. 
You weren’t. 
Your grin follows the sweet tone in your voice you’d forced yourself to keep, even though everything in your body had been screaming to do quite the opposite. 
“So Taehyung,” Jimin comments, sliding the fabrics of your underwear to the side, carding one finger through your slick folds teasingly. Taehyung’s head tilts, smiling friendly even though he’d been quite disappointed in Jimin’s unannounced presence. 
“Yeah?” He questions. Jimin shifts, crossing one leg over the other to make himself appear smaller. 
Though, his actions had been quite the opposite. 
“How’d you two lovebirds meet?” He asks, quietly catching the way your chest tightens as his finger teases your entrance, coating the digit in your juices. A smirk presses his lips. 
Taehyung chuckles, a shy glance directed to you. “Well, here actually.” Jimin faints a forced interested look, nodding at the stupid interaction. 
“Yeah, my dad had hired me for his moving service for the summer before I go back to college so I could make some more money. I had helped her move in, then shot my shot.” You fight back a moan, letting out a sharp breath as he inserted the length of his finger past your velvet walls. Your hands reach out, one catching on Jimin’s forearm to steady yourself. Silently begging for him to stop so you could enjoy your date with Taehyung. 
Jimin nods, almost making your loose it when his finger starts to pump in and out of you at a teasingly slow rate. His eyes narrowed, getting bored with Taehyung’s little story. 
“Hah, how funny.”Though his words matched his features, his tone had not. A cold and hardly-entertained looks paces his face. 
Taehyung mentally groans at Jimin’s pulsing bicep. He stands, pushing hismelf away from the table with force. You startle, eyebrows meeting in concern. 
“Taehyung what’s-” 
“You know, it’s kind of common courtesy not to let your neighbor finger fuck you while you’re on a date with another guy.” Jimin smirks at his words, releasing you in his grip, watching as you rise to meet Taehyung’s level. 
“Y-You kne-” 
"Of course I fucking knew, Y/n. I helped him install his gaming setup when he moved in.” Your head cranes to Jimin, seeing the cocky grin upon his features. Turning back, your eyes meet Taehyung’s. His burned with anger and fury. 
“Taehyung I’m so sorry-” He chuckles, scoffing with a harsh tone. 
“My thing isn’t that he was groping you on our date, Y/n. It’s the fact that you lied to me.” Your heart aches at his words. Your feet close the space between you and him, but he backs away. 
“Don’t, Y/n. And you.” His eyes narrow to Jimin who’d shifted to your seat to lean back. Leg crossed over the other, while his shiny finger had been popped into the crease of his mouth. Taehyung’s hands fist at the sight. 
“Dick move, Jimin.” 
With that, Taehyung storms out. You tried following him down the hall, but he had been too fast for your7-inch heels to catch up with. You let out a silently breath, leaning up against your front door. 
Your eyes land crack open to land upon Jimin’s laxed figure. He’d risen to lean up against the back of your couch, arms crossing his chest. He shakes his head, smirking. 
“Not cool, Y/n.” Your fists clench at his cocky tone. 
“Get out.” You command, swinging the door open to lead him. He shakes his head, making his way to the door, walking out. 
“Over here!” You wave, signaling your location through this messy crowd. He makes a beeline to your table before sitting down quietly. A silence had drawn out for far too long. You take notice in the tanned, unusual overcoat he’d thrown over his white button up and navy blue suit pants. Black loafers to compliment his whole attire. 
“Thanks for meeting with me..” You let out a deep breath, trying to break the awkward silence between the two of you. He nods, eyes glancing around the restaurant to look anywhere but your pleading self. 
“You’ve got a probem with lying, Y/n.” He comments coldly. You could do nothing but nod, agreeing with his harsh but true words. 
‘I know.. Taehyung I’m so sorry for lying to you.” You lean forwards, trying to catch his gaze. He’d done a pretty good job of ignoring you for the past few weeks. 27 missed calls and 14 text messages later, he’d finally caved in and agreed to meet you at the little cafe you’d originally planned to meet at for your first date. 
His arms fold across his chest,, leaning back to entertain your guilt. “Go on.” 
Your fingers clench around the mug, toying with the warmed handle from the hot joe inside. “I shouldn’t have lied to you about him being my cousin. It was stupid, anyways.” You let out a short chuckle, feeling the atmosphere soften just a bit. 
“Indeed.” He still holds onto his firm and upset composure. You push the basket of break rolls to his side, a silent peace offering sits in front of him. 
“I do like you, Taehyung. You’re really sweet, and kind and always so considerate of others-” He chuckles, scoffing at your generic sayings. 
“Sounds more like a breakup rehearsal than an apology.” You nod, hitting your head at the stupid comments. 
“What I’m getting at is; I never should’ve let Jimin do any of that. He was honestly just there to replace my wifi router, swear!” He leans forward, studying your features for any sign of a lie. When he finds none, he returns to his slouched posture taking a sip from his wine glass he’d ordered. 
“Then why did you?” His question throws you off. 
Why did you let him touch you like that? Get away with it…
 Let it go so far.
Taehyung scoffs at your silence. His feet shift, eyebrows raised with sarcasm. His tone lowers, mumbling into the bottom of his wine glass. “Silence of the lamb.” 
You sigh, banging your head gently onto the tale before raising up. He takes pity on yourself, deciding to ease you. 
“Do you like him?” Your head shakes. 
“I’m not lying!” 
“Then tell me,” He leans closer, closing the large, table-sized gap between the two of you. 
"Would you have let me do that then?” Your pussy clenches at the thought, Taehyung’s slender fingers thrusting themselves deep against your slick walls, hand cupped over your mouth to shut you up from the ears of others.
Your lips fall flat. Eyes looking at Taehyung, imaging him doing all of those things, 
Yet, when you’re thinking of moaning his name, all you can hear is..
“Jimin.” He states coldly, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. If green was jealousy’s color, he’d been a fucking broccoli stalk.
You shake your head, flushing the stupid thoughts from your mind. Your hand reaches out, eyes shading darker to his narrowed ones. You lean closer, brushes of hot air roll past his cheek onto the shell of his ear. 
“I want you.”
His dark chuckle stripes the atmosphere from the sexy and alluring scene you’d tried to play. He toys back, giving barely any attention to your neediness. 
“Oh really?” You nod, hand reaching down to palm at the forming tent between his thighs. His lips roll out a soft grunt at the touch. 
“How much.” He demands, warm hands coming to rub on the balls of your knees. Your lips brush the outer of his reddened ear, tongue poking the sensitive. You moan, sending the thin skin vibrating in waves. 
“So badly.” 
“Oh fuck-” You moan out, hands gripping onto the skin of his back for a false safety. Nails digging and scratching at the rededened the bare complexion. Your tongue grazes his lips, before he takes you in his reach to swallow yourself whole. Hands roaming each other like wild animals in some kind of feral heat. The headboard claps against the wall’s poor dimensions, securing the dents and markings that were sure to follow tomorrow’s awakening. His voice deepens with each passing, passionate second. 
“Shit!” His lips fall to a large O-shape, uncontrollably snapping his hips into yours. His large frame towers over yours, leaning down to plant heavily sloppy kisses to the base of your neck. 
“Mmm, gonna cum-” His raspy voice thickens, becoming easily weary of his nearing climax. You could feel the way his throbbing cock pulses in the depths of you, as yourself had been efforting the same pulse around his meaty cock. 
“Oh God-” You head falls back, arms catching yourself onto his neck to make sure you remain unscathed. Your legs wrapped around his waist, sucking his girth into yourself to your limit. His large banded arms coil around your smaller frame, pulling your body flushed against his. A few gruff and loud moans here to there, shared between the two of you. Soon, you’d felt the rushing wave of pure ecstasy coarse through your frame. His sweaty form drops onto the length of you, heavy pants exile his chest from the intense session. You glance down, seeing the blonde and greasy locks blocking his features. 
Your body jolts itself awake, propping up like a doll with a metal pole as its spine. Your chest heaves with heaviness and anxiety as shock flushes your system from its previous ecstatic state. You find your hand slunk down into the space of your mini shorts, fingers pressed against your aching bud. Memories from the day’s events had coarse your mind like a taunting, awaiting jack-in-the-box. 
He pushes your body away from his own, hands releasing the tight grip you’d formed around his hardened length. Your frame falls backwards, catching itself right before impact. He stands, a furious aura surrounds his whole once bright and soft figure. 
“Good-bye, Y/n.” 
You groan, rolling over to reach for the pillow, suffocating yourself with the plush object. You head spins with uncertainty. You felt like shit. 
Your feet land on the floor, guiding you unconsciously to the self-indulgent kitchen you’d stocked. The darkness that floods your apartment had been good for keeping to yourself, not having to worry about anything else you had to get done, until you wake up for work in a few hours. 
“Morning.” A sudden voice becks out from the silence. You’re quick to land your grip on a steak knife from the counter, waving it blindly in the abyss for protection. His chuckle makes your heaty drop into your stomach. 
“Put that away before you hurt yourself, wifey.” You groan, tossing the sharp object into the sink, reaching out to find the light switch. His cocky smile makes your teeth grind with frustration. 
“How the hell did you get into my apartment?” You scoff, watching as he points his index finger to the wide open door. 
“You left it unlocked.” Your arms cross, a narrowing look paints your tired and gaunt features. His wide and torturous smile makes your stomach bubble. 
“Enjoy your sleep?” He questions, reaching over to put the bowl of cereal he’d made himself into the left side of your sink. 
“Did, until you came.” He chuckles, stalking your figure before he’s standing right infront of you. “Really? Cause it looked like you were wide awake before I even got here.” Scoffing, you push at his chest making him stumble back a bit to catch himself. 
“Go home, Jimin.” You make your way to the fridge to place the milk back on the shelf. He follows, hoping up onto your counter like a kid. 
“Don’t wanna.” You huff, slamming the cabinet. 
“Go. Home.” You repeat, already tired of his shinannigains. He leans closer, meeting your gaze. 
“I. Don’t. Want. To.” 
“Wasn’t. A. Question.” You retort, making him smirk. 
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” Your eyes lull to the back of your head at his shameless attempt. 
“And you’d be really cute with this knife shoved in your thick head.” He laughs, raising an eyebrow up in questioning. 
“So you think I’m cute?”
You scoff, eyes rolling. “Not in the slightest.” He hums, tilting his head before following you into your room. 
“But you said really, which means that I was just cute before. So therefore, you think I’m cute.” You plop down on your bed, body feeling extremely heavy from your sleep-deprived state. 
“Not listening, I’m sleeping.” He chuckles, scooting his way over to your side of the bed to lay next to you. His arm rests under his head for support. 
A few moments of silence flows by before he continues. “Didn’t know you were such a daredevil.” You sit up, giving him a stern look. 
“I’m not.” 
He chuckles, shrugging. “Really? Cause letting a stranger finger you while you’re on a date sure sounds like something a daredevil would do.” Your eyes roll, pushing his frame away with the soles of your feet. 
“Get out of here, Jimin. Why did you even come in the first place?” He smirks, walking around to the side of your bed, kneeling in front of your pillow cover face that’d been hanging off your bed’s edge. 
“Why, I heard my name of course.” Your eyebrow quirks at his words. “Oh yeah? Who called you.”
A devilish grin toys the corner of his lips. He lowers his voice to a deep tone, much like the one you’d heard earlier in your little escapade-like dream. 
“You did.” You let out a sharp chuckle. “Me?” He nods, making the fits of laughters wash in waves even more. Once you’ve settled down, you can clear the air. 
“Hate to break it to ya loverboy, but I was sleeping if you couldn’t already tell.” 
He lowers himself to meet your level once more. Hands slid into the fronts of his jean pockets, blonde locks falling to the sides of his face to frame his features perfectly. 
“I’m aware.” 
Your eyes narrow, not following in his little innuendos. He reads your expression, and decided to elaborate some more. 
“Well, these were more along the lines of ‘Jimin’.” He mocks a woman high-pitched moan, head thrown back to add a dramatically erotic effect. 
“Yeah right, like I did anything like tha-” 
“Oh Jimin! Oh fuck ah- Mmm, gonna cum!..” Your eyes widen like saucers at the little sounds. Eyes training upon the little cellphone held in his hands, showing you the recorded melody. His smirk never faulters from amusement of you. 
“You were saying?” 
Your body froze. That had for sure been your voice. Hell, it even showed a sliver of your bedroom for a second. You had been sprawled out on your bed, covers thrown off as your hand had been stuffed into the lining of your underwear. Thighs trembling to signal your nearing climax. 
You. Were. Mortified. 
“I- Well that- My dog-” The longer you’d tried to come up with an excuse, the stupider you sounded. He chuckles, tilting his head back while holding his stomach. 
“Your dog?” His eyes well into little crescent shaped moons, irises disappearing from sight. 
“The only bitch in heat my dear, is you.” You groan, reminding yourself later to go jump off Seoul’s largest bridge. 
“I called out your name,” He starts, sitting on the edge of the bed to slide his phone back into his pocket. He chuckles, remembering your sleep-induced reaction. 
“But you just got louder.” You grab the nearest pillow and start suffocating yourself. He laughs, prying the beautiful death away from your grasp. 
“Hey, you saw my porn collection.” He teases, poking at your side to try and get you to laugh this off like friends would. 
“Yeah, but it’s not me!” His body stiffens at the words. Lowering his tone, he mumbles.
“It might.” 
You sigh, wanting the earth to swallow you whole. You take the pillow from his grip, digging your face into the soft plush once more. “Just let me die.” He smiles, tugging the pillow from you once more. 
“Nah, I’m not into that necrophilia shit.” You huff, pulling your knees up to hide your face in. He leans closer, brushing a few strands of  hair from your vision. 
“Guess this means we’re even now, huh?” You chuckle along with him, cheeks still burning with embarrassment. 
“Was quite a unique sight.” He sighs, taking the pillow to tuck it under his clasped arms. Leaning back, he supports his weight against your headboard while continuing. 
“Never seen a girl masturbate to me.” You scoff, not believing that for a damn second. “Yeah right.” His torso twists to face you, giggling. 
“It’s true.” 
“No girlfriend?” 
He shakes his head. “They just wanted sex. Nothing else.” You shift, not really knowing what to respond to that. 
“They also thought I was weird..” Your head cranes, tilting to listen better. “Why?” 
His hands fidget between the thick of his thighs, shrugging. “I liked taking photos.” You smile, laughing. 
“Everybody does. Photography’s a very popular hobby nowadays-”
“Of them.” 
“Well yeah, you like to remember the fun times you had with loved ones-”
Yeah, you had no counter for that one. 
He chuckles, a tint of red flushes his cheeks. “See? You think it’s weird too.” Your head hesitantly shakes, denying it. 
“No- It’s just- I wasn’t expecting it.” He sighs, leaning his head back against your headboard. “I just think that women’s bodies are exquisite.” You chuckle, nudging his arm. 
“Large word for a small guy.” His eyes flash towards yours, suddenly not so bright eyed and puppy-like. 
“Think I’m small?”
You nod. “You’re not that big of a guy. Taehyung’s much larger-” He’s quiet to flip you on your stomach, sitting atop your lower back while holding your arm behind yourself. 
“Can still do this, though.” He smirks. 
“Yah! Get off me!” He chuckles, leaning down to brush the pads of his lips to your skin, ghosting your heated body. 
“Yaaaah Jimin, my baaack!” You groan, muffling your noises into the pillow below you. A smile creeps his lips, before he’s rising off from you. You groan, sitting up to speak. 
“Yah, that really hurt du- Jimin?” As quick as he’d left, he’s right back at the end of your bed, This time, sporting an old polaroid in his right hand. Your eyebrows raise in confusion. 
“What’s that for?” He smirks, edging himself closer to you on the bed. His proximity makes you fall back onto the bed as he towers your frame, camera still firmly held in his hands. 
“Mind being my model?” You laugh, hands pressing at his chest as he leans back to sit atop your lap. 
His eyes glance up, taking a peak from filling his camera with film. His blonde locks fall loosely infront of his vision, making the scene so much more intense.
“Well of course you, idiot.” He smiles, wiping the camera lens with the thin of his black T-shirt, lifting the material up to give you a little peak of his softly defined abs. 
“I don’t need you jacking off to them.” He quirks, taking a glance to look back up to you. “You jacked off to me.” Your mouth falls to answer, but then shuts. He smirks, taking your silence as a win. 
“Just lift your top a bit.” He teases, holding the camera up to his face, peaking out the little lens. You laugh, bucking your hips up to try and nudge him off of your small frame. 
“Oh come on, Y/n. I feel violated.” He pouts, lip-quivering in a fake pained expression. 
“What? How so.” He whines, shifting on your lap like a little kid. 
“You violated my privacy. Barged into my apartment, and went through my laptop. Sexual harassment at it’s finest.” You scoff, eyes rolling at his stupid reasoning. 
“Your laptop was already on. And I’ve never sexually harassed you. If anything, that shit you pulled at the dinner table was sexual harassment.” He smiles, using his free finger to tilt your head to the side, getting a better angle. 
“Part your lips.” 
“Jimin I’m not doing this.” 
“Open your mouth or I’m gonna tie you to this bed and slip a vibrator into your panties. And take pictures of that instead.” Your eyes widen at his choice of words, suddenly feeling the room heat from his proximate figure sat atop you. 
He smirks, moving a few strands from your vision, while positioning your hair a bit to get a nice shot. Your mouth had opened slightly from shock, which he took as a chance to snap a little picture. 
“Got it.” He smiles, hiding the little sheet of film under the nearest pillow. 
“I’m pretty sure this is sexual harassment.” 
He chuckles, reloading for another shot. “Not harassment if you’re enjoying it.” 
“Now who made up that rule?” A devilish smile crack his straightened lips.
“I did.”
He reaches down, flashing you to the little polaroid picture from a few seconds ago. 
“Wow..” You gawk, admiring the beautiful position he’d moved you to. Pieces of your messy hair falls into your forehead, framing your face perfectly. The lack of light plus his flash had made this simple photo look like a work of art. 
“Natural beauty.” He picks up the camera once more, pulling the picture away to get another shot. 
“Okay you’ve had your fu-” 
“I think you’d look better tied up.” He giggles, scooting off of your body to sit on the side. He stands, walking to your closet to rummage through your things. 
“Hey, I didn’t give you-” 
“Perfect!” He holds out a silky tie that you’d forgotten to give back to your ex. The silky red material dangles loosely in his grip as he makes his way over to set himself next to your laid out figure. 
Your arms reach out, giving full access to whatever he wanted of you. The motion makes him smile, patting your head. 
“Good girl.” 
“Jimin it’s almost morning-” His eyes glance towards you, previously focused on binding your hands together. “So?” 
“So- I need you to let me up.” He chuckles, motioning down to your figure.
“I’m not holding you down.” 
He’s right. You’d been giving him permission to do all of this. You were the one who didn’t want it to secretly end. 
He reaches up, loosely tying your hands above your head to bind them to your grid headboard. He picks up his camera from off the side once more, holding it up to his face to angle it down your way. 
“Smile for me.” You shake your head, not being in the mood. 
He reaches down, tickling at your side torturously. Your head throws back, mouth popping wide open at the giddy sensation. One flash of his camera later, he throws the little old device to the side. 
“You’ve got an adorable smile.” He coos, hovering over your locked in figure. A rosy tint paints your cheeks. 
His lips lower, bushing the soft skin of your forehead before dragging the back down a bit, mumbling something sweet. 
The smell of freshly baked bread waffs through your apartment. Your counters had been filled with sweet and gooey treats. Your whole upperhalf had been dusted heavily with flour and egg whites. Though it had taken almost 5 hours, you’d finally baked all of the necessary goodies you needed. 
You walk yourself through all of the desserts, making sure you hadn’t missed a single thing. “Pudding, cherry pie, hotteoks, creme brulee..” You sigh in satisfaction, admiring all of your hard work. 
You glance down, seeing your messy and caked in self. A chuckle exiles past your lips. Making your way to the bathroom, you’d just taken off your sweater before hearing the doorbell sound off. 
Walking over, you try fixing your hair best as you could before opening the door. 
“Welcome.” You swing the door wide, allowing the man to enter. 
“Thank you.” He takes in a deep breath, sighing at the delectable aroma. You take his coat, hanging it on the rack before leading him to the dining table. 
“Smells amazing.” You smile, silently patting yourself on the back for his commentary. 
“This way. I- Didn’t know what you preferred, so I just made all of them..?” He chuckles, making his way through your living room to sit upon the balcony’s patio. You’re quick to bring the treats out, only taking two round trips before settling yourself in the seat across from him. His dark button up, and white, creamish dress pants had made him look even more elegant than ever. 
“So, how's the progress going?” He questions, as you sigh in relief. 
‘It’s going great. The product’s development is really coming along. I could even move the release date up a month.” He smiles, watching as your delicate hands cut a few slices of the pie for the two of you. His large hand comes to cover yours, stopping your motions gently. 
“Y/n.. You didn’t have to make all of this. I would’ve been fine with cough drops for all I care.” You giggle,  shaking your head. 
“You’ve been a huge stepping stone in getting my stuff out there… I owe you.” He smiles, his face coming to close the distance between the two of you. His breath mixes with your own, a different kind of feeling settles over the scene. 
His voice lowers, but a bare whisper. “Y/n..” 
A brightly lit flash of light separates the two of you quickly. “Annnddd, got it. See Y/n? Told you you’re photogenic.” Jimin’s face scrunches at the picture. “Mmm, you bro? Not so much.” 
“Jimin!” You gripe, standing to push him out of your apartment. 
“What? Just trying to capture nature’s beauties.” He leans to the side, sending your co-worker a narrowed glance. “And.. uglies.” 
“Jimin, I’m in the middle of something!” Your voice lowered so he couldn’t hear. A deep chuckle exiles his chest. A hand places itself upon your shoulder, making Jimin’s fist clench in silent anger. The man’s hand extends outwards, offering Jimin a passive shake. 
“I’m Namjoon.” Jimin smirks, taking his hand in a firm shake. 
“Nice to meet you.” You sigh, rubbing your temples from frustration. 
“Jimin could you please just leave? I’ve got to discuss some things with Namjoon.” Jimin huffs silently, quirking his eyebrows. 
“Nah, Think I’ll stay.” He plops onto your couch, crossing one leg over the other in a relaxed position. You were about to protest but a beep cuts you off. 
“Ah, sorry Y/n. It’s Eleana, I’ve gotta get going.” He’s quick to make his way to the door, grabbing his trench coat from the rack. He throws it over his figure. 
“Wait- Who’s Eleana?” You call out, making your way over to his spot. He fixes the collar of his button up, tightening his tie. 
“She’s with High Lines. She’s our rep, but the bidders aren’t biting so she’s calling me in to sweet talk ‘em.” He calls out, making his way quickly down the hallway before turning around. 
“Thanks for the pie!” 
You wave, smiling brightly as he leaves. Once he’s completely out of sight, you slam the door, huffing from frustration. 
“Jeez, Y/n. So desperate.” He teases, taking a bite from the apple displayed in the bowl set on your counter. You turn around, ears -would be- steaming from anger. 
“I am NOT desperate!” He leans back from your volume, covering his ears to shield them from your anger. 
“I was trying to have a nice dinner with a coworker-” 
“Who you wanna fuck.” 
“And eat some pie with him-”
“Who you wanna fuck.” 
“And then a stupid photography student had to barge in and ruin my damn day!” 
He smirks, dragging out his words. “Who you want to fuck.” 
Your fists clench at your sides, face reddening from fury. You reach over for the throw pillow, putting its name to good use. He’s quick to dodge, laughing at your sad attempt. 
“And what’s with you, huh!? One minute you’re completely avoiding me and the next you’re trying to take nude photos of me?!” He goes silent, slowly reaching forwards to take a bite of one of the hotteok you'd made. 
“Been deciding.” He comments, licking his thumb clean of the chocolate. 
“On what.” You gripe, going to clean up the kitchen in anger. He hops off the counter, placing himself behind, gently slowly moving your movements to a halt before he has his hands on each side of your hips. His front gently presses against your back, his warm breath coming to creep up behind your ear like a little kid on halloween. 
“On you.” 
You turn to turn around to face him, but his hands steady your hips preventing you. Your head lulls back, originally trying to talk to him but he’d taken the opportunity to press wet kisses to the side of your neck. Your lips part, a soft moan escapes into the thin air. His hands follow the lines of your body, reaching forwards to cup your breasts. 
“You smell like cookies.” He whispers, making you laugh. 
“Gee, I wonder why?” He chuckles, twisting your body around to press flush against his. You two had been in the most intimate embrace of a lifetime. Your arms coiled around his neck, his hands settled back to steady your hips. His forehead nudges closer, pressing against your to tease your lips with his breath. 
Your voice softens, “That tickles..” He smiles, back the two of you into the counter. “Mmm, ticklish?” He wraps his arms around your thighs, lifting you up in one swoop to set you down on the counter. He plants himself between your widened legs, hands resting on the small of your waist. 
“Have you no memory of last night?” His head tilts, faking a confused expression. “Mmmm, remind me.” You laugh, going to unwrap your arms from his but he’s swift to scoop you up bridal style. 
“Or, shall I remind you.” 
Your pushed back into the soft plush of your bedsheets. The cream colored fabrics jumping in alignment with your bounce when pressure is applied. His body stalks yours, leaning over you like a falling Jenga tower.
"Jimin are we-" His finger comes to press against your lips, quieting your rambling mouth.
"Tell me right now that you don't want to fuck me. If you don't, then shut the fuck up kindly, wifey."
Your arms fall to your sides. You were going to protest, push him off of you and kick him out of your apartment never to be seen again but-
You did want him to stay.
Your head nods softly, earning him a small grin. His hands snake up your body, lips pressing against you neck in a slowed and hushed manor. Fingertips graze the hem of your cropped tee. His chest releases a lowered grunt, slipping the thin fabric over your head before throwing it somewhere across the room.
His fingers trail along the lace of your brassiere. A smile paints his lower face at the sight. "Pretty." Suddenly, his expression switches. From loving and soft, to demanding and hard.
"Were you planning on fucking that Nam-shoe guy?" You chuckle at his insult, hands cupping both sides of his cheeks.
"Honestly? A little." His hands grip onto the lace fabric, ripping the expensive-looking material from your warmed body.
You let out a short yelp, hands flying to cover yourself. He groans, pulling your hands away.
"Don't you fucking even try, baby." He smirks, leaning his head down to your level. His soft breaths roll across the skin of your cheek, landing on your ears. "Wearing these tight ass jeans, and a shirt that wouldn't even fit a fucking baby doll? You're just asking for it."
You nod, flashing him some cute pleading eyes. "I am asking." He lets out a dark chuckle, hands coming to pinch lightly at your exposed nipples. Your head lulls back, groaning at the sudden touch.
"I don't need asking. I want you begging."
Hands gripping the bottom of your thighs, he pulls your your body down until the hardened outline of his jeans had been pressed firmly against your aching core.
his arms lock into place, trapping you in his grip.
"What do you say?"
Your throat feels dry. However, your panties had become more than soaked through. You shouldn't do this. You really shouldn't. You'd already fucked up with Taehyung, and now with Namjoon? This man has caused you nothing but trouble.
Yet, you still couldn't help the words that seemingly fall from your lips so easily.
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somethinginworl · 1 year
He would not fucking say that - Kirby franchise edition (Results)
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Well! Seems like a lot of people had a lot to say about mischaracterized Kirby characters, as a matter of fact, there were a whooping 57 entries! Well, let’s get going with them, shall we? Just,,, beware that this is a LOOONG post.
The dude 100% did fucked up shit and needs to be held accountable but people seem to so easily forget the degree he was influenced/corrupted by Star Dream. I don't understand why people hate Haltmann and love Star Dream who is arguably the actual reason HWC started colonizing and draining planets. Also the fact that Haltmann isn't conventionally attractive to the majority of the fandom makes him less sympathetic ig?? But the dude is a grieving father who made mistakes that sent him down a spiral into being corrupted and then deleted by a heartless machine. I can't help but pity him
Prince Fluff
Go on ao3. Look in his tag on tumblr. He exists only to be Kirby or Shadow Kirby's love interest most of the time, with no personality of his own.
He barely gets recognized anymore, and if he does, it's usually as a ship Prince Fluff was a big part of my childhood, with Epic Yarn being my first game. To me, he was Kirby's fellow main character, and they had a cool sibling/best friend relationship. But now, a lot of what I see of him is just . . . Kirfluff. Which is cool and all, but man's a prince! He can do more than be a boyfriend! Heck, he runs an entire kingdom by himself! One thing that I want to see more of is Fluff as a stressed but caring ruler, not just a sidekick/boyfriend to the pink puff. Give yarn boy his deserved appreciation!.
Dark Meta Knight
Hello! I am here to spread the good word of a character with no personality. It's the mirror thing. Of course.  Dark Meta Knight has No Personality. Zero. Nada. Zilch. He's Meta Knight but Dark. What does that mean? Your guess. He fights Meta Knight. And wins lmao skill issue blueboy. And fights Kirby. And loses a few times, which isn't surprising. He was dumb enough to split Kirby in four, though. Four times the Kirby is four times the amount your ass is grass. You're practically a forest at that point because you're so grass. So he's violent and has no personality outside of being violent. Woo! Triple Deluxe has him attack Dedede in Dededetour inside the Mirror. This has led people to think he fucked over Sectonia. This makes my heart bleed as much as Taranza probably did when he was punted off of Royal Road via Fuck You Lightning Ball. My man just has no sense of timing,,,, They just wanted to include a Meta Knight battle because Knight Battles are a Kirby standard at this point,,, You think a man that stupid can figure out how to take advantage of a woman's insecurity? I don't even know if he knows women exist. How many female Amazing Mirror characters are there??? Boxy??? Moley mentions having a wife once and Dameta doesn't know what he means. But other than being driven to immense violence and being scapegoated for the stuff his boss probably did, Dameta has other hobbies! Like whatever his motivation in Star Allies is. Something dastardly, I'm sure. People really like to pretend he's not part of the Star Ally club when my man is doodling with toddlers and posing with his less cool less edgy self. Would a villain have a silly little we heart kirby statue? No, didn't think so. Also I cannot imagine him as a dad to Shadkirby either. Do they even interact? I've seen both "Amazing dad" and "Outright abusive" as interpretations and I can't go with either. But I think that's because I don't enjoy Metadad that much. They're like awkward coworkers. He thinks they're student and mentor. They're not even that. Dameta barely knows Shadow exists.
Dark Meta Knight is very popularly characterized as like an abusive parent, usually physically abusive. Mainly to Shadow Kirby, of course. He's an asshole, yeah, but not THAT bad, christ. I've seen multiple fics where Shadow Kirby is some poor little hey what t the fuck hes fighting himself. um. Back to being a hater.
Shadow Kirby
Some folks still think he's shy/cowardly like from the Amazing Mirror Days. Not really true anymore. From what fans have seen from the ending of the game, he does protect the Mirror World. As for the spin off games that include him, he's pretty tough and even creates mischief sometimes.
Shadow Kirby is constantly treated as an "evil" Kirby. Especially bad after Fighters and fighters two. Not to mention "Parallel Kirby". There's also a strangely common trend of making them more sapient than pink Kirby, who tends to be infantilised to hell and back. Shadow Kirby also is often treated as a complete coward who can't do anything right, when they aren't called evil.
He's shown as completely different in several different occasions, not only in personality but in design I like shadow kirby he's purple and then he's not
Dark Taranza
Dark Taranza, gonna be honest what little characterization people give him are actually okay compared to the rest. But I'm still a hater and hang on im watching jerma clips. okay. He's like Sectonia if Sectonia was Taranza if that makes sense.
Shadow Dedede
Shadow Dedede barely gets shit but I'm going to be a little hater anyways. I don't like most characterizations. I see people make him like a dictator like bro he's literally just some guy.
have you seen how often people say that  sectonia and taranza were boyfriend and girlfriend in canon?????? they were never!!! shes the gosh dang final boss but shes only ever used to give taranza angst. she is her own person with a personality!!!! yes their backstories are interconnected but gosh!!!!
This not too prominent but I can't stand it when people portray her as an uwu shy girl pre-corruption. While she gave in her worst aspects, she was probably always a kind of vain, girlboss! I mean she knows how to fight with rapiers c'mon!!!
idk it just feels like lots of people just see her as Taranza's tragic dead wife and like nothing else you know? like she is more than that and I feel like what little content we have of her proves that (like the soul boss descriptions (especially the original japanese text of the 2nd phase!!) and the eternal dream song) - or maybe im reading too much into those because im hyperfixating on my blorbo whoops
I'm not sure how true this opinion is considering how little people talk about Kine, I feel this is partially the anime's fault, or maybe its because of how he just looks, but Kine is cool and is not some stupid loser fish. Before the days of Crystal Shards, Him, Kirby, Rick & Coo were the dream team at the time, always hanging out going, with various activities long before the days of Meta Knight or even Dedede. Kine is an awesome aquatic rep for the Kirby series not to mention drinking and being a pirate and Kine even has a Wife! Kine has got it! I guess this is a partial compliant of Ship of Theseus which can be applied with Rick & Coo too, but I feel Kine gets the most hate if any because of people who are unfamiliar just see a dopey fish and are unaware of his origins and his past with Kirby. I'm not upset with the current representation of the Kirby cast (I love the RTDL team being the main crew) but I do hope the animal buddies get some more love, Especially Kine.
reduced to his significantly less in-depth and compelling characterization from the anime
Anime Dedede.
one time i read a series of fanfictions where he called every female character in the story a bitch and was portrayed as the good guy in the story
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Is it possible to both be flanderized and woobified at the same time? There is a lot of "removing his responsibility for his actions" but can we get better jokes than "hehe Microtransgolor hehe scammer egg”
Always an uwu soft boy. Like no that is a criminal not a catboy.
Bro would never be intimidated by Magolor
People either portray him as a edgy sociopath or constantly bored and annoyed. Portraying him as an adult or a teen kinda annoys me as well. I'm very picky about portrayals of Marx so don't get upset if you portray him as one of these I've listed.
Sometimes I see people only joking about the "hungry so he came along" thing with Marx and it's pretty overdone
They took one look at him and said “to the insane asylum bitch”. I don’t think he’s some crazy murder hobo rather a dude with questionable morals and puts his own mischief and fun before others it seems. Though Marx is indeed one of the least “character” characters when I mean he doesn’t have much depth in comparison to other characters. But you could do anything else than have him follow the Jevil path of him being crazy. Make him evil? Sure. Make him a cringefail idiot? Sure. Make him a crybaby bitch? Go ahead. But making him the definition of what a 14 year old white girl in New Jersey that probably is addicted to Instagram and thinks Webtoon comics are the highest level of art and storytelling’s definition of insane doesn’t cut it cuz. Slapping the spaz label without a thought of what’s being done on a character who fits the mark makes the Schizoid peeved who coulda known. As this is all coming from the one person who has likely ruined Marx’s character the most for Kirblur by making him a somewhat empathetic manchild who clings to both pipe dreams of normality and being a monster btw. (Also this doesn’t mean jokes, you can joke about him being a psycho like Jerma it’s when it’s taken 100% seriously is when it’s bad).    Also to add on, Woobification of Marx or any Kirby character period CAN be annoying if taken too far. I take full responsibility in the fact my variant is also woobifed to an extent but that train full of ticking bombs doesn’t bother me as much. Make him sadcry and be gay he deserves both those things. Send him to sad hell with the rest of them.
To the anon above... What?
Making him stupid or reducing him to just Silly Clown. Or just having him act in purely impulsive or spontaneous ways (which sometimes happens when juxtaposed with a more "collected" character like Magolor).
this is something i’ve noticed specifically in chatfics, but when daroach is in the ensemble some of them tend to designate him as the Goofy Meme Dumbass for… idk, fandom quota? i really don’t know why it happens because he has a bunch of canon dialogue (and alternate continuity stuff like the novels) that show him to be cool and clever. i’m not saying he can’t have a sense of humor or anything (he’s definitely the type to have a bunch of quips), but it sucks when he’s mischaracterized because the fandom doesn’t give him that much attention as is. if you NEED a silly haha guy, marx is right there!”
Morpho Knight
"Morpho Knight is a creature of mercy. It's a benevolent entity putting tired souls to rest." NO?! I'm going to copy-paste some stuff I put in a post of my own. A while back, SYZekrom on Reddit translated Morpho Knight's entry, and it contains some... interesting information. Allow me to provide some excerpts. "He’s a red knight with butterfly wings, continuing from a pair of white wings like an angel’s, and a pair of azure wings with a bit of an evil feel." This is the first of two instances where Morpho Knight is outright stated to be evil. There's also stuff in the art book that supports my theory that Galacta and Morpho are permanently fused and the former is not dead, but I don't want to get carried away. These are its gacha figure descriptions in Forgotten Land: "The fluttering fiend that casts judgment upon final battles is drawn toward the isolated isles of Forgo Dreams. There, it feasts on the most powerful soul it finds and takes the fearsome form of a scarlet-clad knight… Let the most challenging battle of this new world begin!" –English "One of the dreaming birds, which are said to pass judgement upon decisive battles, drifts towards a forgotten, isolated isle as if summoned. There, it sips upon the strongest Soul and descends as a red knight. Finally, welcome the dusk… of the deadliest battle in this New World!"  –Japanese While at first glance there doesn't seem to be any information of note, the "fluttering fiend" bit in the English version is outright stating Morpho Knight is evil, and the phrase "he deadliest battle in this New World" doesn't sound particularly heroic. But I digress... Morpho is NOT a good person! This is clearly leading up to a villain vs hero confrontation! Which, may I add, implies that reaping Galacta Knight wasn't necessarily a good thing for it to do?!
elfilis is NOT entirely malicious. they would gladly accept hugs and kisses. being in a fucking capsule ALONE and AWARE for likely CENTURIES will DO SOMETHING TO YOU YOU KNOW?? god fucking DAMN dude... and after the ending of the true arena in the game, WILLINGLY GAVE THEMSELF UP TO ELFILIN. also they're not fucking DEAD you PSYCHOPAYHS elfilis is STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE!!!!!!! RUUAAAGGGH!!!!!!!!!!
Being Evil or being a Sad uwu girl who has had bad things happen to her seems to be the only way most people can portray this character.
Susie isn't a friend. She's selfish and wanted to take over the company. Her "redemption" is pointing Kirby at the world-ending machine, gives him armor, and then stands around. She doesn't even know his name. The closest she does for good is tell Kirby to do something he would've done on his own.
My girl really became the subject of hate thanks to a mistranslation. I mean yeah she likes robots and shit but the fact that people think she is a terrible person and that she's still colonizing planets makes me upset. i blame the translation team for everything.
When people say she has fully redeemed herself and is reduced to cishet, pretty girl??? Like no, star allies mistranslation my ass you fell for her corporate propaganda. The female characters in this franchise, while lovable, is not nearly as popular as a lot of the male ones. HAL literally gave us a morally grey girlboss who we can still sympathise with. She actually feels like a very real character in this fictional world.
You Know How People Are About Her
she's not even my blorbo!!!!!! everyone thinks she's a huge evil bitch who has done terrible genuinely unspeakable things. i read a fic that went on and on abt the horrible things she "did" to meta knight when he was mechanized (things so bad i cant even say) and i was pulling my hair out she did not fucking do any of that!!!! yes the universe can have pretty dark moments but good lord people only use her to woobify meta knight and give fuel to ship him with others and it pisses me off lol. or people go too far the other way and woobify HER to ship with him and aughhhh no one has a shred of media literacy. she's not purely good or purely evil she's such a complex character who did bad things because she was in a bad situation and the best example of a morally grey character who's on no one's side but herself and that will always be more interesting that 100% good or 100% evil. once again she's not even my blorbo but i've never seen a character butchered this badly by a fandom
Because of mistranslation (from what I've heard) Susie's whole mechanizing planets has been the number one thing when it came to susie hate and the only reason as to why people hate this girl so much. Honestly Susie's character has been fucked up immensely and no one has such a divided spread of opinions like she does. Some people brush away her backstory and make her a soulless being with no love whatsoever.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Susie Haltmann. I cannot with the fandom interpretations anymore. It's ridiculous how bad they've gotten. Susie is a two dimensional character. I absolutely despise seeing people portray her as some sort of greedy capitalist bastard and "the one with the braincell". In canon, she's consistently been portrayed as a sweet person (with a knack for violence, but EVERYONE in this series is like that). Everything bad she did in Planet Robobot was FOR WORK and the will of HER FATHER, and even if she did want to do the things she did, she's clearly not doing them any more. The "mechanizing planets and peoples" line in Star Allies is a mistranslation. And the "punishing savages" doesn't have to mean anything bad. It could mean she's punishing evildoers with her money and resources. In fact, I've seen some translations put it like that And Meta Knight... is just the straw that broke the camel's back. Oh lord. Why does everyone insist that he hates her? There's the little scene in Star Allies... but god, that isn't canon, it's clearly a joke. If anything, Susie might have been trying to talk to him and he was just trying to avoid her in a misinterpretation of the situation. It's supposed to be funny. Why are you imposing this onto people like this automatically makes Susie a devil incarnate and anything involving those two characters in problematic? Just shut up.
Meta Knight
Everyone thinks he’s just the ‘edgy character’ or ‘the uncaring mentor figure’ while in actuality he really does care for Kirby (and Bandana Dee) more than anyone gives him credit for!
Everyone either makes him all broody and lonesome, like shadow the hedgehog or batman; or they make him a goofy dad, like Dedede or Hugh Neutron. In reality, he's a weird uncle with unknown motivations, simultaneously selfish and practical. Also, he doesn't hide the fact that he likes sweets, he eats them away from everyone so no one steals them (Dedede and Squeak Squad).
He's not Kirby's fucking dad! He's an irresponsible uncle that hands out swords! And he is definitely in love with dedede, he is the only other dramatic bitch willing to build a skyscraper to beat up kirby (I am using intense anger for comedic effect) 
He wants to look cool so bad but he is actually a huge fucking goofy goober. Any representation of Meta Knight being a badass is propaganda made by Meta Knight himself to convince you he’s cool. I mean have you seen his RTDL Deluxe pause screen description? King Dedede’s and Bandana Dee’s are in first person, but his is in third person? He’s literally talking about himself in the third person like hello????? Meta Knight is such a fucking lame goofy little man who thinks he’s the most badass motherfucker on the planet.
To fair this has been less common lately but back during 2014-2016 MK was usually portrayed in fanart/fanfic as either this wise veteran or cold edgelord. He is just an unhindged!!! Silly!!! Guy!!! He can be cool and cringefail!!! But he is also compassionate in his own aloof, awkward way!!! 
i am not a big fan of the metadede ship. i think people are shipping for the sake of having a ship and nothing else. As someone with a severely underrepresented orientation (aromantic and asexual), when I see a character I like, I will project onto said character. This is the case with my interpretation of Meta Knight. I saw a cool character that I liked who a) doesn’t have any canon love interests and b) didn’t really need a whole ton of friends/significant others to be happy with life. Meta Knight always seemed to be perfectly content with the friends he has on Popstar and his crew and everyone in the anime, so I looked to him for hope that I could live the same way. I was open to the metadede ship at first, but as time passed, I felt less and less comfortable with it. It seemed to me that people were so hungry for gay ships that they just pulled this one out of thin air courtesy of Kirby Fighters 2, which is to my knowledge the only piece of media that somewhat supports this. Why can’t people just be happy with MK and Dedede being friends or frenemies? I’m probably starting drama with this bc I know how popular metadede is on Tumblr so I apologize for upsetting you if that is the case.  But I also feel that I shouldn’t apologize just because I have a different opinion.
I dislike how "pathetic" the fandom has made him out to be. I don't like it when he's portrayed as overpowered but... "pathetic, whiny manlet" could not be further from the truth. How did we get to that?
Often people make Kirby more dependent on others than he actually is. He's an extremely independent person that literally cannot be stopped by anyone who tries to get in his way
ik its been covered to death but matpat made that video about how kirby is evil and completely ignored the themes of friendship and kindness that are present throughout the entire series
dude hes not a baby. he drinks in the manga adukt kirbies are a fine interp god. and hes not a godkiller or some shit he just fights for his friends hes not some terrifying monster kirby is literally just some friendly guy. strong yeah but just some guy. he fights strong entities incidentally lol
The anime portrays them as a literal infant, and due to its overprevalence (despite not being in the same stream of canon as the games), this is often their characterization in the fandom.  Canonically, they indeed are a child (at most, they'd probably be a teen in the modern games), but they are old enough to talk, and they demonstrate a high amount of emotional and even technical intelligence.
Admittedly, this is one that usually only happens to people outside the fandom, but it bugs me when people portray Kirby as a sort of immoral monster who only does good things on accident. When it’s quite the opposite! He may not be incredibly bright, but he does his best to help people. Oddly enough, there’s not many cases of “he would not say that” in the fandom for me because of how loose Kirby’s story is. It is lore heavy but the actual characters aren’t super concrete save for a few and I think that’s perfectly fine
People forget that their air bullet!! is an attack!! its literally one of their only ways of dealing damage in DL1!!! I’m looking at you Smash Bros!!! Why isn’t it their nair?????????
making them a toddler who cant speak for themself
I swear everyone outside of the fandom sees Kirby as either a braincell infant or  a merciless force of mass destruction
WHAT DIDN'T THEY DO!?!?!? Taranza, as we see him in Triple Deluxe, is such a fun villain. He's dramatic, arrogant, a total suck-up to Sectonia, and it's so. Fucking. Good. He's a devious bastard, he monologues!!! His animations in the Clash games are so fucking campy and dramatic it's chefs kiss!!!! Fanon Taranza is as plain as white bread. Sometimes as pale as it, looking at some of the gijinkas. No shade though! As little shade as there is melanin in him lmAO- He is flanderised to hell and back. There are so. Many. Fucking. Taranzas who happen to be nothing but sad and weepy about his evil dead wife. Where's the bite!!! The pizzazz!!! Even in canon, when he is a bit of a wet sack later on, he still hunts for an altar he can bring her back on. My boy's a wannabe necromancer!!! Write that shit in your lost lenore Sectonia fic you fucking cowards Queen's Phantom ain't just for show. The above is also evidence for woobification! The fucker is obviously sad his crush is dead! But can we pleeease focus on anything else. This is definitely not targeted at Hal Labs. Imagine being woobied so hard your creators backtrack your personality I would just die. "Ehehe he's the responsible mage!!" No the fuck he isn't he can't be trusted with anything he tries take control it WILL blow up in his face. He knows magic he's good at magic but is he responsible??? Fuck no my man's strongest attack is "Blow myself the fuck up via a giant burst of magic" and it shreds. Even worse is the "Taranza got mind-controlled by Sectonia" theory in tandem with this. That wasn't confirmed right. Right. God I hope not that would be embarrassing. He can't even have a moment to realise his devotion has gone too far and she doesn't love him or even care for him, and he has to finally make that decision to free himself from her like ain't that cool!!! And then making him all sad over her afterwards it's just a Little Fucked if you're tryna put it all together eh. Eh. And he's not suuuper objectified (That usually goes to Seccy rest in piss girlie) but the way he's treated in some ships is. Eugh. Fucking Magoranza amirite he's basically there to look responsible and cute (I've already explained my issue with this) and to fix the tortured soul who is Magolor (I do not like Magolor. Nor Magoranza.) Tbh Sectaranza does the same he's there to be tragic because his girlie's dead. When you give him less personality than the dead cardboard cutout you know you fucked up. Anyways these ramblings are here to remind you what Hal Labs stole from us: Taranza but not a TOTAL saddo. Theatre kid Taranza. Arrogant prick. He's even British.
For the anon above me, I just wanted to say that this entry is probably my favorite and lives rent free in my mind.
I'm definitely guilty of it and it's all we have to go off of but PLEASE he needs more than to be Sad. Give him hobbies and interests that aren't just gardening, at least. Make stuff up about him, please!
So, SO many people make him an absolute crybaby over Sectonia. Even though, yes, he has grief problems, it's not his whole freaking personality. Pretty sure they're forgetting the fact that he LITERALLY HELPED KILL HER.
Taranza is not just a little pathetic guy!! He’s a bitch— a little schemer if you will !!! He’s smug—he’s formal—he’s a little fucker!!! Taranza needs a new partner and that partner is me
Oddly enough I do think people make him out to be a bit too much of a goody two shoes. Like he has done some mean things in the past and it wasn’t all Sectonia’s fault, he literally *stole* the Dimensional Mirror after all. Don’t get me wrong I think he’s a good person in the end, but cmon. He has committed crimes
Taranza in some corners of the fandom has kinda been turned into this forever crying baby who can never recover from losing Joronia and like, I never see people who do that write about the recovery and being able to move on to the final stage of grief.
Everyone needs to stop reducing him to pathetic simp. He is allowed to grieve but he's probably one of the more mature characters within the series???
People disregard everything else about his character to make his tragic relationship with sectonia his only character trait. Not sure if this quite counts as woobifying since he does canonically still mourn her (and obviously seeing a close friend/crush go down the path of self destruction and ultimately die from it WOULD NOT be something you'd get over quickly). But I'm so tired of taranza in fanart and the like being an uwu softboy with Crying as his main character trait. Like he's canonically more than that! He goes full cocky villain mode when you confront him near the end of triple deluxe and he can pack a punch in star allies with his magic! If you're going to write about him prove that you don't just know about the guy from twitter artwork!
And here’s a graph!
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Anyways, thanks everyone for your submissions! What I’ve learned here is important: We’re all fucking delusional.
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The Clone Wars 4.09 ‘Plan of Dissent’ Reaction Take 2
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I think out of all of the episodes from the Umbara arc, this is my favourite. If it’s possible to have a favourite with everything that happens. There’s so much of the clones themselves in this episode. So much of their interactions and personalities and characteristics and lives.
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Hello to Fives' very nice thighs and crotch. There’s just something about a clone lying on their back, legs splayed, knee bent, as they do mechanical work on the underneath of a ship. Insert your own references to the 2 nickels meme here. Also inserting the gif of Tech doing the exact same thing because I can.
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There are definitely moments where Fives voice gets husky and it is very nice. I am not complaining at all.
Obi-Wan is looking rather boxy there
Krell completely changes when he’s talking to someone with equal or more power than him. Slimy bastard.
I know they mean arms as in weapons but every time they say ‘arm’ all can picture is crates full of actual arms.
That tiny head shake from Rex. He is so done.
Ugh that look up from Rex. Ugh.
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Ahahahaha it definitely looks like Fives is about to burst into an earnest and deeply emotional ballad in the music video as part of his 90s boy band. So, the important questions are: Who are the rest of the members of this clone boy band? And what is their name? These things, I must know them.
Look at Rex’s big beautiful brown eyes there
Paused the episode only to realise Jesse has an exclamation mark on the front of his chest plate.
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Tup waving his space screwdriver grabby thingy around to make his point. I think it’s a calliper? It looks similar to the one Tech has on his belt or in one of his 2000 pockets. Just noticed Tup has the same hairline as Tech too.
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“I do think his desire for victory has blinded him to the fact that there are lives at stake. I’ve never seen a General with these kind of casualties.” – I love this moment from Jesse. Especially because he doesn’t go after Dogma, he just calmly but firmly points out what isn’t right about this situation. The adorable nose scrunch is also out in full force.
“I don’t have a better plan.” Rex, you always have a better plan
Fives: Why don’t we just do the same thing we did before!
Lmao Fives’ little chaos face as he explains his plan
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Gif by @nickleister from this glorious post
That ‘do it’ from Rex was very Palpatine of him
“Yeah, he wasn’t really flying. More like avoiding crashing.” Tup going for the jugular there
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Omg that was not subtle at all. “What’s going on?” “Eh, nothing.” *awkward*
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Oh, Rex and Fives are fighting. That line from Fives about them all being not just another number really hit home too.
I know this is supposed to be a serious moment and all that but omg Fives is built like an absolute unit. Boy is thicc.
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Well this is going well. Fives, why are you standing underneath the fighter that Hardcase is barely able to control?
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Fives: Hardcase, what are you doing?! Hardcase: If I knew, I wouldn’t be doing it! CACKLING
Who's the random clone helping out Fives and Hardcase? They’ve got different paint but I can’t tell who they are.
“Great, this can’t get much worse” Well now you’ve gone and jinxed it
Oh, so that’s where that shot of Fives standing there comes from. Who knew the absolute chaos that was going on behind as Fives stands there looking all gorgeous.
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Fives: “Nothing’s out of control down here.” Hardcase: *actively destroying everything*
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Omg the absolutely over the top agonised full eye and body roll that Fives gives while he draws out a long “Uh” to try and come up with a cover story for what they’re doing. 
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That has got to be a homage or reference to Han Solo doing basically the same thing in A New Hope.
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“That’s gonna leave a mark.” Hardcase, you just melted the door!
“No harm done.” Says Hardcase, standing amongst the ruin he has just created
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Absolutely losing it at Hardcase’s cover story for what they were getting up to. To be fair to him, he actually sold it fairly well and it was a decently believable cover story to come up with on the spot. Fives, on the other hand, cannot lie to save himself. Rex is not falling for his bullshit one bit.
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Aaaaaaaaaah Hardcase’s little wiggly sneaky fingers. You utterly adorable dork. He looks so pleased with his idea at the end too. It’s the best idea guys!
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Hardcase is in. He wants chaos.
Anakin telling Fives that the trick to taking out a control ship is to hit the main reactor from the inside? Well that’s totally not going to come back and bite him in his shiny black asthmatic arse in approximately 20 cycles or so. 
Jesse and Hardcase’s doubtful scrunched up faces as the listen to Fives’ “plan” are utterly adorable
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"I can’t help you, when you get caught." — That exchange between Fives and Rex definitely sounds like Rex has put up Fives’ crazy bullshit before. And you can tell how much Rex cares and knows this is the right thing to do yet he’s stuck and he can’t do anything to help them or protect them when the shit hits the fan.
If those fighters are supposed to be locked down, then why are they conveniently sitting outside?
I found this scene of Dogma and Tup in the barracks really uncomfortable. I’ve been trying to reserve judgement on Dogma and not be so harsh on him because I know what happens in the end and he seems like a fan favourite. But it really felt like he was bullying Tup into snitching on Fives, Jesse and Hardcase. I don’t know what Dogma and Tup’s connection to each other is. They seem fairly close so I’m going with close or best friends, if not batch mates. I know Dogma thinks he’s doing the right thing (I know, please don’t come at me) but it felt really uncomfortable watching him bully his best friend/batch mate and vod into doing what he wanted. I think I’m reacting to this so much because I relate to Tup so much. The constant anxious worry. Being bullied and peer pressured into doing things you don’t want to do (hello school trauma). Out of everything that has happened, and a lot of truly awful things happen in this arc, it felt like this was the worst thing Dogma did. Even if he didn’t mean it, that doesn’t excuse it. 
Paused the episode at the start of the next scene and Rex is standing there in the dark looking down at his datapad and fuck me is he a tall glass of water.
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The look on Rex’s face when he sees Fives, Jesse and Hardcase fly off in the fighters! I mentioned this in my first reaction post but man, is that a multi-layered expression. Deep long suffering at putting up with their bullshit. Admiration and respect that the crazy bastards went and did it. Worry and concern about what they’re about to do and how they’re all going to deal with the fall out. And probably a bit of satisfaction and amusement that it’s going to piss off Krell.
“I’m just doing it for fun!” Hardcase knows what he’s about
Well that’s a shit fight
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Is that a blimp?
Fives, telling Hardcase not to get an itchy trigger finger is like telling you not to be a chaotic little shit. Utterly pointless
Omg the supply ship is even sphere shaped, just with a giant rectangle in the middle. It’s just a B-grade Death Star.
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“I’m sure the report will make your strategy more effective.” Rex you sly bastard
So I know everyone says clones can’t lie to save themselves but Rex was pretty damn believable right there, covering for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase. It didn’t feel like a cover story that was made up on the spot either, so Rex had to have come up with it already. He knew they were going to go off on their own hair brained mission, and, even though he was disagreeing with Fives, he still came up with a way to cover for them and protect them as best he could. So he’s bloody smart and cares deeply too. Ugh, I love him so much.
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Rex running interference for Fives, Jesse and Hardcase
“Regarding, what?” CACKLING
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” asdf;lkj why are you so badass. Though it does feel sad that all of this has started to pit the clones against each other. And doesn’t that come back in an even worse way later on.
Oh look, it’s a trench run to a reactor! I wonder where we’ve seen this before!
That tactical droid didn’t consider Fives in his equations
Oh man as soon as Hardcase’s fighter got hit, that was the moment you knew he wasn’t coming back. 
That gesture Fives made to stop his fighter made him look like he was using the Force
Nooooo Hardcase what are you doing
“This is for the 501st. Don’t wait for me.” *sobs*
Hardcase calls Fives sir. Again, I am baffled as to what the rank system is here, though I’m assuming ARC Troopers are at least above standard clone troopers in some way?
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“If I know Hardcase, we better leave.” That speaks to a lot of experience with Hardcase making things going boom
“Live to fight another day.” Dammit now I can’t see the screen through the tears. Hardcase had a little happy smile on his face too.
Guys, you only blew up half of it! Though I should imagine the rest of it went up too.
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That smirk from Rex. He knew.
Very interesting that Tup’s here with Rex. I wonder if Rex took him aside after intercepting him and Dogma or if Tup came to Rex.
It’s a tiny moment but Fives jumps out of the fighter and there’s a shot of his feet and legs landing on the ground and his kama is swooshing around his legs looking all badass
Rex’s look of concern when he sees only Fives and Jesse. He knew.
Oh Hardcase
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It’s an equally blink and you’ll miss it moment but this is where that gif of Rex glaring over his shoulder comes from. I think this is going to be like the “On your knees” moment for me. Definitely hot in isolation but now knowing that Fives and Jesse just told Rex and Tup that Hardcase died, it’s going to take me a while to separate what’s happening in the moment from the hot glare.
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Rex trying to take the blame for Fives and Jesse and then Fives refusing to accept this and making sure Rex and Jesse don’t get hurt and the agonised way Rex says “Fives!” and Jesse’s worried expression the whole time and just aaaaaaaaaaah *pained noises*
“Oh, do you?” I hate Krell even more. Piss off you overblown bullfrog
Being executed for disobeying orders seems way too steep. I could understand being reprimanded but shooting someone because they didn’t do what they were told? At least Krell gets what’s coming from him in the end.
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fayetape · 3 months
Flame by Fayetape - Chapter 2: The Games
Finnick Odair x Reader
Word count: 1446
CW: Early Sexualization of Finnick, angst, death, very minor gore.
Summary of series: Reader and Finnick met when they were very young. They experience the horrors of Panem together as they grow up. Throughout the years they fight for a happy ending. Whatever that may look like… Angst/Fluff/Smut/Series/Minimal use of Y/N!
Authors note: Time jump coming next chapter!! Thank you guys for reading my first ever series :) Open to kind & constructive criticism. Hope u enjoy -Faye
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Hugging her knees into her chest she sat on the hardwood floors of her living room watching the light move through the gossamer curtains. She watched the light move like ocean waves towards her and away. Tomorrow was Finnick's games. Sixty fifth fucking annual hunger games. The more she thought about it the angrier she grew. She could physically feel herself moving through the stages of grief rapidly. Denial. Anger. Angry at the capitol. Angry at the crowd. Nobody volunteered for him. Angry at Finnick. He left her. She knew it was stupid, he couldn’t help it. Bargaining and depression. Acceptance. Finnick was going to die. She was going to be alone again.
Her mother turned on the TV. An old boxy television with a blurred screen. It glitched and flashed black and white static before making out a blurry figure of the one and only Caesar Flickerman. She watched as he danced around the stage happily. Sparkling blue hair moving across the screen. It pissed her off even more. Seeing someone so happy interviewing these people as they’re being put to death. Seeing these people act so cocky as if they’re going to win. She knew at least a handful of them would get their hands on Finnick in some way. She was seething. A district three girl walked on stage wearing a chrome and bright teal accented dress. She looked as ridiculous as the announcer lady at the reaping. Y/N rolled her eyes. The girl bragged about how intelligent she is and how she came from a rich family. She would get a good amount of sponsors. Caesar kissed her hand and sent her off stage before announcing,
“Next up! Finnick Odair!” he laughed, “Come out here, boy!”
Finnick walked confidently out onto the stage putting his hand up to give a quick wave to the audience before sitting down.
“So Finnick, what makes you think you can win the games?” he asked without introduction.
“Think?” Finnick laughed, “Caesar I KNOW I can win the games. It's more about how I decide to win.”
This confidence was so unlike him. He had always been secure in himself, but not like this. Must have been a front.
“And how's that?” Caesar asked.
“Well it would be stupid of me to give that away now wouldn’t it? Let’s just say I have a couple tricks up my sleeve.”
Caesar grabbed a hold on Finnick’s sleeve. He was dressed in what looked to be a sailor or pirate look. Long, flowy white shirt and pants with a thick brown corset belt separating the two fabrics. He was wrapped in heavy fisherman's rope that looked crystalized, like it had been in the ocean too long.
“Oh and how we would love to see what’s up these sleeves!” Caesar flirted.
Disgusting. She could tell Finnick was uneasy, reading his microexpressions. Finnick just laughed.
“Well Finnick, we already know you have a good shot at winning. What’s the first thing you’re doing as soon as you get home?”
Her eyes lit up. Home.
“Well first, I’m gonna do the victory tour of course. Then I’ll see my friends and family. Maybe I’ll buy them all a new house with all the money I’ll earn.”
“You really are confident in your win, Odair!”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve spent my childhood training for these games. Even if I didn’t get reaped I was going to volunteer anyway.”
The crowd gasped.
“I’m here to win Caesar. Whatever it takes. I’m good with weapons, archery, in hand to hand, good in water-”
Caesar cut him off, “Are you good in bed?” He chuckled, “Only kidding of course. We’ll wait until you’re eighteen.”
What the hell?
Finnick just smiled, “Well I’ll look forward to it.” Finnick looked out at the crowd and winked.
“Finnick Odair everyone!”
The crowd cheered. What the hell was that? He exited the stage with a sly smile. That wasn’t like him at all. Why was Caesar being so… suggestive?
Her mother woke her up early to get ready to go to the town. Mandatory watch day. She cried and clung to her bed. Denial. Bargaining. Anger. Depression. She sat up. Feet dangling off the foot of her bed. She threw on a light blue plaid day dress. Observing closely she could see light tea colored stains splattered on the hem of the skirt. Another day where she and Finnick explored the fields. She looked down sadly and headed outside. Once again bypassing her mother. Walking towards the field filled her with so much emotion. Anger. Depression. Anger. She started running towards the field as if she would start to fly. But she didn’t. Once out of breath she collapsed onto the dirt, hugging her knees into her chest once again, breathing heavily. The view of the horizon was blurred from the tears welling in her eyes. She aggressively tore out the roots of grass surrounding her, making quiet ripping sounds and marking her hands with green. Putting a hand over her own mouth she screamed a muffled cry. She sat for a few more minutes staring out in the distance before heading back to town. Her mother caught her half way towards the screening. She didn’t question her, knowing how much pain this poor girl must be in. They took their seats. Old lawn chairs and some fancier recliners. Peacekeepers lined the town. After what felt like forever, the games began.
The camera panned around the arena. First thing she noticed was Finnick. He was dressed in all black. Plain black t shirt, plain black cargos. She recognized the outfit from his limited wardrobe. The arena could have been beautiful if it didn’t have the implications of a bloodbath. Rocky, forested mountains that drop down to a rocky beach. Mountain mist coated the surface of the trees. The tributes were lined in a circle near the cliff’s edge.
And in 5
1… The tributes all raced towards the center to get ahold of all sorts of deadly weapons and survival kits. Finnick sprinted towards the center and grabbed a backpack and a spear, fighting off a dark haired boy from district 8. She couldn’t watch the gore. All she wanted to know was if he was alive. She kept her eyes gazing at the side of the screen so not to witness the destruction while not looking down.
The cannons sounded out the tributes dead. Seven. Finnick had found a hole deep in the woods. He stacked leaves and rocks on top of his makeshift fort to keep himself hidden as he rested for the night. During the first few days he managed to fight off five tributes that earned him a gash across his nose and cheek. It’s been four days already. His sponsors have spoiled him with expensive gifts from french bread to designer medicine. He never wanted for anything. He was quite comfortable. The other tributes haven’t realized how deadly he had been. They seem to be more concerned with the older career packs. This gave him an advantage like no other. He took on the role of being a deadly force hidden in plain sight. Finnick wasn’t one to make allies. He knew that he would form an attachment. He recognized that he could lose sponsors if he gave up his “tough-guy act” and the loss of sponsors could be fatal for him.
He was one of the last alive. Day six he woke up to an expensive gift from one of his sponsors. A trident. It was one of the prettiest things he’d ever seen in person. Prettier than any jewel at the market or pearl he had caught. He couldn’t imagine what it must have cost. He tried not to think about it. Day eight he traveled to the top of the rocky mountain near the cliff side. Over the days he had weaved a net out of vines that he held up with tree branches. Weaving the net almost made him feel at home, sitting on the pier teaching the locals how to braid a fisher line. There were four tributes left including himself. He planned to lure the rest onto the cliff, capture them in his net and use his shiny new gift to finish them off. He used himself as bait, standing on the cliff pretending to be oblivious to his surroundings. Then they fall into the net where they meet their death. He tried not to think about death. He tried not to think about guilt. In a matter of hours, Finnick Odair was crowned the youngest victor of the Hunger Games.
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krookodyke · 4 months
something i noticed recently is that as marian is going about her character arc, her progress is evident thru her hair. seeing as how she starts out the film “tightly wound”, it makes sense the first time we see her in the film not only is she working (in an office, no less) but she also has a very proper bun in—
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even when she shows up to sugar n’ spice she hasn’t changed out of her work gear, not even a teensy bit. she still has her blazer + her little blouse on and her hair is still very much up. even as carla tells her girl take your blouse off she’s like Um. No O_O
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the only time in the first two-ish acts of the movie we see her w her hair fully down is when she has jamie over to give her frozen vegetables to put on her black eye, when the day is clearly over for her. she’s in the private space of her apartment only with jamie so obvs her hair is down. (you could also point to this as jamie being the only person marian is truly comfortable with, which i’d also wholeheartedly agree with.)
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however as the two of them begin their Trek down south, her hair is still in the same very proper bun it seems she’s used to. even the night after marian is awkwardly kicked out of the hotel for jamie and her hookup to have sex, she still has that same fuckass bun when they’re getting pizza and spot the soccer girls.
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but Notably the morning after jamie & marian’s First Kiss that marian scrambles away into the night from and after jamie picks her up from the police station, marian’s hair is now different! she’s in a high pony! (also interesting how jamie’s mess of curls have also been thrown into an updo here— this fit is the only time in the movie that she’s truly wearing a different hairstyle. i assume bcuz margaret was tired of the curlers, but it’s still a fun detail comparatively.)
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when they arrive at the hotel, her hair is somewhat different once again! her once-high ponytail has sunk into a medium-bordering-on-low pony. it’s interesting to note because her bun in the first act never seems to come undone or slip at all, but she has loosened up to the point wherein she’s fine with letting her hair slip.
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then- Of Course— when they have fancy dinner and jamie is courting her like a gentleman, her hair is fully down! she’s also in a cute dress, which seems like a far cry from the marian we met at the beginning of the movie who was pulling up to dyke bars in silly, boxy blazers. (i could probably write a separate post on the wardrobing without thinking, honestly.)
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after this, her hair is only kind-of up (as is jamie’s) when they get kidnapped. for the rest of the movie, it pretty much stays down. and naturally, in the final scene we get of them, her hair is down and done-up so pretty and she’s in another cute and less formal dress. WHOA!!! CHARACTER DEVLOPMENT!!!!!
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also important to note that jamie clearly has a Thing for touching/playing with marian’s hair— her pulling marian closer by a hand in marian’s thick black locks + jamie twirling marian’s silly little ponytail around (she’s stimming guys she has ADHD).
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plus, of course, the very sweet moment before they have sex wherein jamie is moving locks of marian’s hair out of the way as she’s undressing her so lovingly. i love the sex scene because it’s so soft and tender and acts as a breather for both us and the characters. you can tell marian is definitely at Peak relaxation here, just letting jamie undress her and go down on her, especially when she’s soooo blissed out from her orgasm that she falls asleep immediately after. they’re such sweethearts… sniff sniff.
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marian’s whole hair progression was just something i noticed at one point and i was like WAIT! that’s GENIUS. also genius in the fact that geraldine has beautiful hair and is literally a pretty pretty princess, so seeing her be at Peak Princess only really at the end of the film feels like a reward. it’s such a change regardless, but one you can clearly see is coming from marian becoming more comfortable with herself and entering a relationship with jamie, who she’s always loved, a girl who has always loved marian as she is. gahd-damn it. i love this movie.
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mychlapci · 8 months
Prowl saying they should get rid of them? Nooo, the moment he suggests that Ratchet looks ready to throw hands, and if he didnt have an armful of bitlets he’d 100% beat the living daylights out of Prowl.
Maybe they switch every week once the second litter is old enough to spend more then a couple hours away from Megatron. Ratchet has the younger litter on the first week, everyone ends up loving the little guys- yet when they cry its just….sirens🚨. Extremely. Loud. Ambulance. Sirens. and then him and Megatron swap every sunday. The autobots trying to deal with demanding little brats once Ratchet has to parent the older bitties for the week, they bite, hiss and throw whatever their stubby arms can pick up, they’re strong for such tiny creatures, clearly their mix of genetics is the reason. But then they act like utter sweethearts for Ratchet so he doesnt believe any of the autobots saying his children are little twats because his sire-coding tells him they’re all trying to get his bitlets in trouble, tiny devils with bright blue optics and innocent-sounding giggles- innocent to Ratchet anyway.
They learn VERY quickly that Prowl shows the most emotion toward their shenanigans and he’s usually the one they annoy the most. Escaping whoever’s care their under when Ratchet has something important to and they escape JUST to annoy Prowl until he bluescreens or just drives off. I’d say something about lockdown / prowl but idk if it’d make sense but imagine prowl comes back from one of his little drives, those drives can last 4-5 days depending on how stressed he is, and he comes back pregnant. Anyway.
So naturally everyone fawns over the younger sparklings when its their turn to be round, Chubby cheeks with bright red optics is just too cute for even the most stubborn Autobots to ignore, so they get cuddles by everyone, ignoring that they carry the crazy warlord genes is hard, Even prowl interacts with these bitlets instead of the older hellspawns.
I really wanna draw the devil spawns, but like..I get so stressed drawing plus i almost broke my neck on some ice ;-;
SIDE RANT. Uh. Not really a rant I personally want to say that Burnt Ice anon seems to have a big brain thats really wrinkly because whatever they send gives the tingles, we need to make their ideas canon. 👍
- Chase anon, again im soo sorry i feel feral rn ;-;
I always enjoy the thought of grumpy, strict Ratchet being an absolute softie when it comes to his own bitlets. The older sparklings spent more time with Megatron so they're a little more hissy than the younger ones, which were born after Ratchet told everyone and therefore have been spending a little more time with him, and the autobots in general. But he loves all of them all the same. Oh, the older bitlets bit Prowl? No, they wouldn't do that! They're his bitlets, after all, and they've been raised with some manners, thank you very much! if they bit you, it was probably your own damn fault. He just coddles them so much that everyone is in complete disbelief that Ratchet even has that amount of kindness in him. 
Prowl eventually getting used to the younger bitlets because they're pretty sweet, all things considered, but the older ones he wishes would stay with Megatron. They're violent and they seem to only ever want to bite him. Of course, genocidal maniac genes carry on to all of the bitties, it's only a matter of time before the younger ones start causing trouble... Not to mention… Ratchet's pretty big and boxy. Megatron is twice as big and twice as boxy, so you know the bitlets are big, fat, and strong as hell. Menaces, the lot of them. 
Btw now i also kind of wanna draw the megaratch babies… i wish i had the time for it. and the art skills. oh well
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alwaysbethewest · 9 months
Narcos fic: Old Acquaintance
Happy New Year! This is my contribution to the @pickled-pena challenge. It was such a fun idea I couldn't resist trying to whip something up for it. I'm taking a Tumblr break for January so I'm actually scheduling this to post and I'm looking forward to seeing other people's fics when I get back 🥰 (or on AO3 before that!)
Because I'm apparently only capable of writing the exact same dynamic over and over, this is sort of a spiritual sequel to Where the Love Light Gleams, only set at New Year's instead of Christmas. 🤷‍♀️
Title: Old Acquaintance Pairing: Steve/Connie + Javier Rating: Teen Word count: 550 Content/warnings: Post-series, pre-OT3, alcohol, sappiness, Javi getting loved on. Unbetaed.
Steve isn’t a belligerent drunk, but he is an argumentative one.
“You stand there and accuse me,” he protests, “but where were you at the time?”
It’s New Year’s Eve and they’re not as young as they once were. Instead of finding a pretty girl at a dance club or a house party, Javi is spending the evening sprawled comfortably on the Murphys’ living room sofa, nursing vodka martinis and half-watching Dick Clark on the TV out of the corner of his eye. The volume is nearly muted, allowing their conversation to flow with the drinks, and they’ve now reached the stage of the evening where innocent observations are being taken as personal affronts.
“I have a witness,” Javi tells him.
Steve’s mouth gapes. He looks at Javi, then turns to where Connie is sitting, suspiciously silent.
She breaks.
“I’m sorry, honey. You know how Javier is. He smooth-talked me.”
Javi shoots her a wink and she stifles a laugh.
“That’s dirty,” Steve says, rounding on him again. “Getting a wife to testify against her husband. I would’ve thought better of you.”
“Really?” Javi asks. That finally makes Steve laugh.
“My mistake,” he says. “Hey, I’ll forgive you if you get me another drink.”
They’ve been through enough shit that Javi’s not too worried about his forgiveness by now, but he sees that Connie’s glass is empty, too, and he’s feeling charitable so he hauls himself off the couch and steps into the kitchen.
The vodka’s in the freezer but he takes it upon himself to switch Steve to beer. He digs through the fridge for a bottle of Corona and cracks it open.
When he settles back in the living room he sits on the floor at Connie’s feet.
“You guys have a lot of pickles,” he mentions. If Steve were sober, he thinks, he’d call him out sarcastically for making such a scintillating remark, but instead he just purses his lips and agrees with a solemn nod.
Connie’s hand touches the crown of his head, and then her fingers are sliding through his hair, nails scritching gently, distractingly, at his scalp. Javi’s eyes fall shut in contentment.
“I’m making cubanos tomorrow,” she tells them.
Both men groan in pleasure at the prospect.
“I might never leave if you keep feeding me like this,” Javi warns her. She tugs on a lock of his hair.
“That’s the goal, baby.”
“Me and Connie talked about it,” Steve says. “It’s our new year’s resolution, we’re gonna convince you to move out here.”
Javi laughs but it makes his chest go all warm inside, being wanted like that. Texas is home but it’s a little lonely, too. The familiar big skies and the landscape of his dad’s ranch only go so far in competing with this cozy living room, with its ugly carpeting and overstuffed couches and boxy TV and Connie’s hand in his hair.
Steve turns up the volume as the countdown for the ball drop begins. When the new year lands, he hears Steve’s happy new year muffled against Connie’s mouth, and then her hand slides down to cup his cheek and tilt his head back, and then they’re both attacking his face in a volley of kisses until the sound of their laughter drowns out Auld Lang Syne on the TV.
(teeny tiny tag list: @pedrostories, @littlemisspascal, @knittingqueen13, @by-ilmater, @loversandantiheroes, @pajamasecrets, @fleetwoodmactshirt, @mourningbirds1)
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deluxewhump · 3 months
Have you posted the Belle's a fake boxie story? Can we get those details? 👀
I haven’t I’ve just made notes about it 😩 I’d love to give some details that I have so far!
Belle (not her real name) decides she needs to give her whole life the slip really young— like 21, because of her half brother and some serious things she’d ended up witnessing that she shouldn’t have known anything about (organized crime on the west coast). But no one from this group has been caught or apprehended, so it’s not like she can testify against anyone and then go into some official witness protection program (she’d love to testify, but none of these people have been busted and she’s not about to go ask the FBI if they need some extra evidence to make arrests) plus even if she was able to go in the actual witness protection program it’s obviously very serious and there are family members she knows she would never see again… so her half brother, out of guilt, introduces her to someone who can help her fake WRU credentials and “hide out” as a boxie for a few years without actually surrendering herself to this really heinous organization. I know they pretend not to be heinous but this guy knows they are, maybe he even did work for them at one point. Not high up in their organization by any means, but he saw enough to know what goes on. He says if you’re ever thinking of doing that, don’t. He tells her some things about what they actually do if you sign up with them.
So she pretends to be a boxie and this guy actually finds and baits Amber for her as a buyer. He knows it’s becoming a bit of a trend, more people who wouldn’t normally be into this sort of human trafficking craziness are now, here’s a college girl on the east coast who wants a human pet as a lark. Just play along with her, keep your head down, avoid photos of you being taken or posted online if you can, and you’ll be absolutely fine. Cakewalk.
If the people whose crimes she is aware of ever get caught and enough time passes and she isn’t in any kind of danger anymore, she can ditch Amber and probably be able to safely reconnect with people from her life again on the west coast.
Amber ends up being a little more than she bargained for, but it’s manageable and a lot tamer than anything she probably would’ve ended up with going though the actual WRU. Amber is impatient and likes to throw money at whims and problems, she doesn’t like to pop the hood on situations if she can avoid it, so she doesn’t notice for months that something is up. Belle plays her role pretty well, and Amber didn’t do much research anyway so she doesn’t have very specific expectations like people who are more involved in the process with their boxies. (Belles guy actually did pick the perfect buyer for this)
Eventually, Belle’s behavior relaxes and Amber notices she seems to slip in and out of character. Her reactions are fake, delayed, or just wrong for a boxie. Amber compares notes with Cameron. She calls WRU for some info and gets a customer service number that is confused about this paperwork Amber is referring to. It looks pristine, but the numbers aren’t pulling up a file. They ask questions like - did you say this was a resale? Was it through an approved channel? Amber puts it together while she’s on the phone. She says she’s made a mistake and hangs up. But they flag her number and try to make several quality control/survey calls to her to make sure her product doesn’t need any tune-ups. They even send her mail, which Belle sees and opens, panicking. She tries to call her guy that faked her paperwork and got her in this, and his number has been disconnected.
Her biggest fear is Amber will say she needs some retraining and it will actually happen. WRU will pick her up as if she is one of theirs and that will be it, all the things she’s heard about will happen to her. She doesn’t know what sort of power they have, since she was never really theirs, but she knows they’re pretty powerful. Would they do something as shady as fake her intake info, force her to sign herself over to their care? Or would they just call the cops on her for impersonating their product? That would be the least of her worries.
In the following days, Amber can see Belle is anxious. Amber toys with Belle by answering a phone call from some spam number, but talks to them like it’s WRU calling and goes into the other room, shuts the door, that sort of thing. Eventually, she hints to Belle that she knows. Belle is actually terrified. Deer in the headlights. By this point, the two of them do have a sort of bond. It’s got ups and downs and trust issues because of the way Amber has behaved, but it’s not nothing. It’s been a while at this point that they’ve been together. And Amber is more eager to keep Belle around than she used to be. She feels increasingly uncertain and disillusioned with the direction of her life and has grown somewhat dependent on the comfort of belles presence.
“I don’t care,” Amber tells her. “I don’t know how you did it, but I don’t care. I’m not gonna tell them.” (But even by saying she won’t, she is reminding Belle that she could)
Belle wants to seek more reassurance on this, but she can’t exactly ask for a pinky promise without admitting that yes, Amber is right, she’s never set foot in a WRU facility. She stays quiet. Amber just laughs and says well, when you’re ready to talk about it, I’m dying to know how. And why.
Despite Amber trying to act nonchalant about it, it is Belle’s refusal to tell Amber why she did this to herself that they are fighting about when she drops her off with Cam in the last thing I wrote. That piece was an excuse to write some smut, but I also really like her interactions with Cam. Belle is in such rare form at this point that Cam also confronts her on the fact that she’s not a boxie. He’s known for a little bit too, since Amber had been telling him her suspicions.
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delcakoo · 2 years
How would you describe Enhypen members’ personalities? Would it change if they had a lover?
mmm, lemme think ab this anonnie!! >:0 (woops, looking back on this i definitely went overboard and it could’ve been a whole post but oh well, enjoy my rambling lmaojdihf)
the only word i can think of to describe heeseung is just so chill, he just gives me such a childhood best friend vibe. he’s someone you can always trust and be yourself with. all the members have agreed that when they have worries, he’s their go-to person to let things out and vent to. being the youngest in his family, i can see that hee has a very big childish and silly side that he has begun to show a lot more as he’s gotten more comfortable (showing off his woody and buzz light year toy on live, absolutely screaming his lungs out in the karaoke eps, constantly playing his video games even in his envlog, esp w niki). and in a relationship, heeseung would still be very casual and easygoing, except unlike around most other people, he’d let his playful side overtake his mature side that he has to put up as the oldest member with his s/o much more often. he would be quite protective, and i think the highlights of his relationship for him would be whenever he could make his partner smile or even better, laugh.
jay is just such a genuine, wonderful person. like for me it’s so easy to see how much he cares about the people he loves. he is always watching out for his members and would do anything for them, like when heeseung left his damn bowl in the middle of the table in sosofun (😭) jay fr didn’t even care or scold him, he just picked it up and washed it for him anyway. in the jaywonoo envlog, even though he’s literally only a year older than sunoo and won, he put aside any desire to have fun and join them in the pool just to focus on making dinner for the three of them. he’d be the same with his lover, perhaps even more. he’d cherish them so much. he said in a fancall something like if he had a lover he’d want to make sure they’re the happiest they can be/ he’d try to make them the happiest he can (smthn like that, if anyone finds the fancall lmk), like you will know very well he loves you every damn day. i also think with a bit of convincing on their side, he’d open up to his s/o and rant out his worries, something i feel like jay might need to do more often.
to me jake is such a bubble of joy. he has said he’s very shy and scared or being judged, and i’ve definitely noticed this in the way he usually lets the other members take the spotlight and ends up laughing in the background more than telling the jokes on variety shows/interviews. but on enoclock and just when he’s with his members, he’s so smiley and talkative <3 he’s very easygoing and so easy to get along with, jungwon (and niki agreed with this i think) said on enhypen&hi that out of all his hyungs, jake is the most easy to talk to (when sunghoon got jealous about this i was giggling im sorry) and it really shows to me! i think it’s so beautiful how jake tries to be a father figure but also a playmate for niki since he kind of missed his childhood, it goes to show how much he cares about his members in his own, perhaps overlooked way. if he had a lover, at first he’d be very shy and hard to break out of his shell, but after a while he’d let himself show and be very playful and affectionate. he’d be his s/o’s number one supporter in absolutely anything they do, always cheering them on with that boxy grin from the sidelines <3
i could fr talk about sunghoon for hours, he’s so relateable <3. i’m sure most people would have absolutely no shame and full confidence if they looked the way this man does, yet sunghoon is the most shy and humble person. with strangers and in interviews, he almost never talks unless he’s forced to. i’m pretty sure he’s spoken about having trouble socially, and growing up he was put into figure skating because his parents recognised how shy he was and wanted a way for him to meet new people and grow. now that he has a home with enha, you can really see how relaxed and at ease he is with the members. sometimes it’s more subtle, but he’s pretty teasing and rarely shows any affection. i think a big part of his teasing side is to cover up how easily he gets flustered and shy jsdjdjh honestly, i think he’s hilarious and his humor is underrated, just watch some enoclock episodes; he says and does the most random but funny things (i’ll never forget his iconic look in episode 19/20 with the cowboy hat and green glasses, and in iland when he randomly screamed over pyeonyuk 😭) his humor has no specific trail, it’s just out of the blue and that makes it funnier lmao. i think sunghoon puts a lot of faith and trust in his members (sosofun when he straight up left them to deal with the ticket payments 😭, and when he was practicing for mubank he facetimed jungwon to help rehearse), and in a relationship he’d do the same. he’d also be very teasing and playful and wouldn’t show public affection too much, behind closed doors would probably be the highest chance of getting some kisses n’ cuddles from him. he’d try to be the cocky and smug one in the relationship, but if his partner is brave enough to not start immediately blushing and fight back, you can corner him easily 💀
my ball of sunshine.. sunoo is for real a best friend everyone would die for. he’ll always laugh at your jokes, he always brightens the mood like the life of the party he is. i dont need any examples for everyone to know this boy’s absolutely hilarious and so sarcastic. my favorite clip of him ever is on his bday vlive when he recieved anonymous letters from the members and he just roasted the shit out of all of them except jungwon, the sarcastic comments??? “wow, i’m so touched i’m gonna cry *pretends to stab eyes*” “seriously, thank you so much *sassy eye roll” god he’s so funny 😭 though he’s almost always the one being teased, you can truly see how much he means to the people around him. the members may be pretty harsh with the teasing all the time but they care about him so much, never forgettinf when they brought a fox plushie around when he was sick, and at the concert when they were all patting him n’ holding him while he was crying :( sunoo’s just someone you can always rely on to be there and make you feel welcomed. in a relationship sunoo would be a bit more serious. he’d always be watching out for his partner’s health and safety, making sure you’re eating and sleepong well. he’d definitely be a bit playful, probably pinching his s/o’s cheeks constantly n’ taking lots of candid shots for his lockscreen <3.
jungwon is very easily described as mature. too mature for his age. heeseung mentioned how he worried for jungwon, and how he was forced to grow up so fast, and i agree that it’s unbelievable how he became the leader of enhypen at 16 years old and has done such an outstanding job at it. he’s patient, humble, and so dependable. he’s always the one starting up the intro conversations for enoclock and other shows, and he always puts up a smile no matter what. honestly, as a new engene i remember being flabbergasted at how he was the second youngest just watching niki be a hyper chaotic menace while won would just be sitting there with the most disapproving 👁. i think jungwon is someone everyone around him secretly really appreciates. the members don’t say sappy stuff to each other a lot, but i’m sure if they were to be given the chance, most of them would want to say something to thank their amazing leader. his personality would 100% become more relaxed and childish with his s/o. won doesn’t get to act his age much at all, so he’d relish in being able to giggle and fool around with his love. his partner would always be reminded of how special they are to him, he isn’t afraid to show a lot of affection as long as there’s privacy. also, i feel like jungwon wouldn’t get jealous very easily, mostly because he just has so much faith and trust in his partner that anyone else doesn’t matter to him.
niki has slowly been getting more and more mature. watching enhypen&hi and other old content makes me a bit sad for some reason. he used to be quite loud and hyper, always playing pranks and screaming in the members ears during lives (💀) but now he’s definitely, if not the quietest member who just adds a few comments every once in a while during lives/shows. while it is a little sad, it’s understandable since he is at a big changing part of life and this is just how he is, and we still love him always for it! niki is very subtle and the least likely to show a hint of affection, but it’s clear he cares deeply for his members and close ones. i think he really admires his hyungs, especially heeseung (it’s adorable seeing how much hee makes him laugh). niki also radiates such a strong aura, he walks with utter confidence and with his head held high. he also isn’t afraid to tease his members despite being the youngest, his sly comments and mocking is part of his love language which is also the same if he was in a relationship. if you’ve read any of my hcs/reactions you know i’m a strong believer niki would be very laid back and teasing with his s/o. but notice he’s only like that with people he’s very close to? yeah, it’s truly his way of showing his love and that he trusts you. the longer his relationship goes, the more he’d open up for physical affection, though he’s still definitely not one for pda.
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Whaddya know about CRXs? I wan infodump plz
oh hell yeah, so the honda crx was released sometime in the early 80s, i wanna say like ‘83 or ‘84, sold as a trim level for the civic - i think it was its own model in japan but it was a civic in the states. it was a compact but also marketed as a front wheel drive sports car, and was great for winding backroads or auto cross because it was fucking tiny three door hatchback.
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because it was so small and lightweight it had an amazing power to weight ratio that made it drive like a go kart, and on a platform that was really easy to modify for more power. there’s crxs out there making porsche horsepower numbers while weighing like 2000lbs, that’s REALLY a go kart on steroids.
they redesigned them in the early 90s and released them as the crx del sol, usually just called the del sol. it was based on the new civic at the time and i think in the states marketed as more of a civic than a crx. it was less boxy and not quite as much of a hatchback
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it kept the same ethos though: front wheel drive, tiny and lightweight, with enough power to be fun even if it’s technically slow. similarly it was really easy to modify for even more power
the crx line was discontinued in i believe the late 90s when they stopped making the del sol. in 2010 or so honda introduced the crz, a hybrid sports compact that was clearly a bit of a spiritual successor, which was probably its biggest failing because it wasn’t able to fill those shoes. it was a cool car but the powertrain made it heavier and honda wanted to focus on its bigger hybrids so it was only around for about five years
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and that’s the crx rant! i really love the del sol and want one, i think they’re really cute and cool and because it’s basically a civic they’re pretty damn reliable. cool little cars!
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carry-the-sky · 5 months
Hello hi are there any updates to the good omens Gilmore girls picnic basket au? I was thinking about it today (it is ok if there is not but if there is...)
kellyyyy light of my life my sun and stars ♡ i have about 4k written but have stalled out bc i need to rework some things. possibly the entire premise. 🙈 but a picnic fic of some variety WILL be happening at some point!! declaring this publicly so you can gently shame me later if it doesn't happen!!!!!!!!!!!!
a snippet just for you under the cut bc i love you for asking about this despite only tangentially going to this school:
“What about this one?” Aziraphale says, snatching the closest basket and waving it in front of him.
Crowley peers at it over his glasses. “Outstanding. The picnic hamper to rule them all.” “Really, Crowley, if you aren’t going to help—” “I’m helping! I like the boxy one.” “They’re all boxy.” Crowley pops up on his elbows, causing his glasses to slide further down his nose. In the late-afternoon light, his eyes are like amber. “I’d bid on that one,” he says, pointing to the lace-trimmed basket. “You would?” Crowley shrugs. “It looks sturdy. And it’s, y’know. Nice to look at, I suppose. With the…” He waggles his fingers at the lace. “Yeah, it’s nice.” “Nice,” Aziraphale repeats. “Objectively-speaking!” Crowley makes a face. “Eugh, forget it.”  “No, no,” Aziraphale insists solemnly, trading the basket in his hands for the one Crowley indicated. He runs a thumb over the trim. “You make some persuasive points. I may have judged this one too hastily.” “Occupational hazard?” Crowley grumbles. “And besides,” Aziraphale continues brightly, “it’s not as if anyone will actually be bidding on me. I suppose you were right, after all. At the end of the day, the aesthetics of the thing hardly—” “Hang on,” Crowley cuts in. “What do you mean, no one will be bidding on you?” Aziraphale gives the basket in his hands one final glance-over, nods appreciatively, then flourishes a hand. The remaining baskets vanish, returned to one of the bookshop’s many storage closets. “I mean precisely that, obviously.” Crowley sits upright. “Angel. You’re not planning to bid on yourself, are you?” “Certainly not,” Aziraphale scoffs, mildly horrified. “Everyone else, however, may find themselves miraculously uninterested in bidding on me, as it were. Oh, don’t look at me like that, Crowley. I’m treating myself, as the young people say.” Crowley barks a laugh, tossing his glasses to the other side of the sofa. “Let me see if I have this right. You willingly volunteered for this ridiculous shindig, which is for charity, by the way. Went to the trouble of procuring nibbles that are to your satisfaction. Hemmed and hawed over a basket. And now you’re gonna rig the whole thing so that you have an excuse to eat all the food you could've just had whenever you felt like it." “Yes, and there’s really no need to make a fuss.” “And you dragged me into it! I’m an accessory!”  “Well, now you’re just being dramatic,” Aziraphale mumbles, but the words latch in him like a hook. All this time spent on Earth, living amongst the humans in their messy, chaotic glory, living like he was one of them— it seems that some of their vices have indeed rubbed off. Greed, for starters; one of the Big Ones. Gluttony, too. Perhaps he truly has, oh, what’s the phrase? Gone native. Then again, a very tiny voice in his head pipes up, would that really be so awful? It all happened so quickly, is the thing. The Armageddon-that-wasn’t. Rushing to save the world, then save themselves; Aziraphale supposes that neither one of them have thought to stop and consider the full implication of going freelance, so to speak. But these past few days have been a welcome change of pace from the status quo. More than that, actually they’ve been…well, heavenly. No blessings to dole out, no wiles in need of thwarting. No one to answer to. He’s frightfully certain that he could spend the rest of his existence like this, free to do whatever he likes, whenever he likes. The thought both thrills and terrifies him.
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