#they’re both so iconic ugh
mistysgardenn · 1 month
we were robbed of billie dean howard and sally mckenna meeting in hotel
8 notes · View notes
pucksandpower · 4 months
So Good to Her
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: the public reacts to the TikTok challenge you and Charles inadvertently participated in
Read So Good to Me (about the TikTok challenge) here
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The TikTok that the British influencer posted of his encounter with you and your incredibly generous boyfriend quickly goes viral, racking up millions of views, likes, and comments within mere hours.
It spreads like wildfire across social media platforms, with people sharing it on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook — even LinkedIn of all places. Everyone marvels at this mystery woman with the boyfriend of all boyfriends who casually sent her €10,000 just to buy a pair of shoes.
In a cozy London flat, a group of university students and diehard Charles fans gather around a laptop, eyes wide as they watch the now-viral video for the umpteenth time.
“I can’t believe Charles has a secret girlfriend!” Megan, a petite blonde wearing a red Ferrari cap, exclaims. “How did we not know about this? We follow his every move!”
Her best friend Ethan nods in agreement, his brow furrowed. “Seriously, who is this girl? She’s drop dead gorgeous and apparently Charles is just casually sending her 10 grand for shopping sprees?”
“Okay but like, goals though,” Lexi chimes in dreamily, clutching a Charles Leclerc poster to her chest. “Imagine having a boyfriend who’s not only mega hot and talented but also spoils you rotten. She’s living the dream.”
Ethan scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Oh come on, he can’t just throw money around like that. I bet this whole thing was staged for clout.”
Megan shoots him a withering glare. “Don’t be ridiculous. What would be the point? Charles is already one of the most popular drivers on the grid, he doesn’t need to pull PR stunts for attention.”
“Plus did you see the way he talked to her on the phone?” Lexi points out, rewinding the video. “That was not acting, that was real love and affection in his voice. I’m so soft for them already, ugh.”
The trio falls silent as they watch the clip again, zeroing in on every little detail and facial expression from both Charles’ mystery girlfriend and the clearly shocked TikToker.
Ethan chuckles and shakes his head. “I still can’t get over her reaction though. Just a guy who loves driving fast cars — I mean, the cheek! She really knows how to keep a secret, gotta give her that.”
“An icon, honestly,” Megan declares. “The fact that she told him to donate the money to an animal shelter too ... okay, I can’t even be mad. She seems like a sweet person.”
Lexi sighs happily, starry-eyed. “They’re literally a power couple. The sheer confidence and BDE of it all. I’m so jealous but also like, rooting for them? We have to find out who this girl is!”
As if on cue, Megan’s phone pings with a Twitter notification. Her eyes widen as she swipes to view it. “Guys. GUYS. The TikToker just confirmed her first name is Y/N and posted another video with a few more details about her!”
“Well don’t just sit there, play it!” Ethan demands, practically launching himself across the couch to peer over Megan’s shoulder at her phone screen. Lexi scrambles to join them, bouncing with anticipation.
In the new clip, the TikToker is grinning excitedly at the camera, an extra bounce in his step as he walks along the same Monaco street where he first approached you.
“Right, so I’m sure by now you’ve all seen my video with Charles Leclerc’s girlfriend go absolutely mental viral,” he begins, running a hand through his artfully tousled hair. “Which, can I just say — thank you so much for the insane support and love, you lot are the best fans ever.”
“Get to the point,” Ethan mutters under his breath, earning a sharp “Shh!” from both girls.
“Anyway,” the TikToker continues. “After she left and I finally picked my jaw up off the floor, I did some digging. I headed to that little boutique she mentioned in the call with Charles, just to see if she actually went in and bought anything. Thought maybe if I asked the staff, they might be able to give me some more info, you know?”
Megan, Ethan, and Lexi all subconsciously lean closer to the small phone screen, hanging on to his every word.
“So get this — not only did she buy the shoes, she apparently also went next door and purchased, and I quote, a frankly alarming amount of lingerie. The cashier said she dropped over 5 grand like it was nothing!”
Lexi lets out a scandalized gasp as Ethan chokes on his sip of Red Bull. Megan just shakes her head in wonderment. “The actual legend,” she murmurs reverently.
The TikToker laughs and waggles his eyebrows suggestively at the camera. “I don’t know about you lot, but I’m definitely sensing some spicy thank you for the shopping money activities were planned for a certain Ferrari driver, if you know what I mean. Get in there, Charles!”
“Gross, I so did not need that visual,” Ethan grumbles, but there’s a slight smirk playing on his lips all the same.
“Oh shut up, as if you wouldn’t do the exact same if you were dating Charles,” Lexi retorts with a playful shove to his shoulder.
“ANYWAY,” the TikToker presses on, “I did manage to squeeze a few more details out of the lovely shop girl. Apparently Charles’ girlfriend is named Y/N, no last name given for privacy reasons. But she’s a regular customer and, I quote, an absolute sweetheart who only ever has glowing things to say about her man. So there you have it, folks — Y/N and Charles are the real deal and we’re all just peasants watching a fairytale unfold.”
Megan sighs dreamily as the video ends. “Y/N and Charles,” she repeats to herself, already typing the names into her social media search bars. “God, even their names sound good together. I have to find out everything about her.”
“Dibs on making their ship name hashtag go viral,” Lexi calls out, already furiously typing away on her own phone.
Ethan snorts and rolls his eyes affectionately at his friends, but there’s no denying the small, reluctantly impressed smile tugging at the corners of his mouth too. “I give it two days before they’re papped together on some glamorous date night now that the secret’s out. Hope she’s ready for the attention dating an F1 star brings.”
“With that level of confidence and the way Charles clearly adores her? I think our girl Y/N will handle the spotlight just fine,” Megan says confidently.
Lexi nods in firm agreement. “Yep, a true queen. Charles better lock that down and wife her up real quick before one of us tries to snatch her for ourselves!”
In a cozy apartment not far from the very street where you had your memorable encounter with the TikToker, three young women huddle around a laptop screen, eyes wide and jaws slack as they watch the now viral video for the umpteenth time.
“I can’t believe this,” mutters Isabelle, a pretty brunette with an impressively encyclopedic knowledge of Formula 1 stats. “Charles has a girlfriend? Since when?”
“And he just sent her €10,000 like it was nothing!” Exclaims Maia, nervously twirling a strand of her platinum blonde hair. “I mean, I know he’s loaded but holy shit, the way he spoils her ...”
The third girl, Claire, bites her lip, a pensive look on her delicate features. “Did you hear what she said at the end though? Just a guy who loves driving fast cars. She was obviously talking about Charles. But the way she said it, all mysterious and like it was some inside joke ... I don’t know, it just rubs me the wrong way.”
Isabelle scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Please, she was totally gloating. Didn’t even have the decency to act a little humble about the fact that THE Charles Leclerc is apparently head over heels for her.”
“Exactly!” Maia chimes in, nodding vigorously. “Like okay, congrats, you bagged a hot, rich, famous race car driver. No need to rub it in the rest of our faces.”
Claire wrinkles her nose. “I just don’t get the vibe that she actually cares about him, you know? I mean, who asks their boyfriend to send them money in the middle of the day for some stupid shoes? While he’s working? She seems like such a gold digger.”
“Ugh, you’re so right,” Isabelle agrees, her lips curling in distaste. “Poor Charles is probably blind to it because he’s so gone for her. He didn’t even hesitate to transfer that money!”
Maia sighs dramatically and falls back on the bed. “God, it’s so unfair. Why can’t I find a man who’s that generous and totally obsessed with me? I’d treat him so much better than she does, you can already tell.”
Claire hums and taps her chin thoughtfully. “You know what, I think this smells fishy. How do we even know she’s actually Charles’ girlfriend? For all we know, she could have paid some guy who sounds like him to play along for a TikTok clout.”
Isabelle’s eyes narrow as she considers this possibility. “That’s true ... I haven’t come across any photos of them together or anything. Why has no one ever seen her before if they’re supposedly so in love?”
“Exactly!” Claire exclaims, growing more animated. “I’ve been a Charles fan for years and I’ve never seen or heard anything about a girlfriend. If they’re really dating, there’s no way it wouldn’t have come out before now.”
Maia sits up, suddenly energized by this new conspiracy theory. “Oh my god, you’re right! She’s probably just some wannabe influencer trying to get famous by pretending to be with Charles. That’s so pathetic.”
Isabelle nods slowly, a determined glint in her eye. “You know what? We should do some digging. Try to find out who this girl really is and expose her for the fraud she clearly is. Charles and the world deserve to know the truth.”
“Yesss, I’m so down for an investigation!” Maia says gleefully. “Imagine if we’re the ones who reveal that this whole thing is fake. We’d be doing Charles a huge favor.”
Claire is already pulling up Instagram and Twitter on her phone. “Let’s start by going through the comments on that TikTok and seeing if anyone has identified her or posted any receipts. There have to be some clues somewhere.”
The girls spend the next few hours poring over social media, searching for any scrap of information they can find about the mystery woman who has supposedly captured Charles Leclerc’s heart. They work themselves into a frenzy, convincing each other more and more that you can’t possibly be Charles’ real girlfriend. In their minds, you’re clearly just an opportunistic clout chaser looking for your 15 minutes of fame.
“God, I hope Charles sees through her act soon,” Isabelle says for the hundredth time, shaking her head. “He’s too good for some two-bit gold digger who’s just using him.”
“We’ll make sure he finds out who she really is,” Claire assures her firmly. “And then he’ll have no choice but to dump her lying ass.”
Maia sighs wistfully, hugging a throw pillow to her chest. “Do you think once he’s single again, I might actually have a chance? Like, if I run into him at a race one day and strike up a conversation, maybe he’ll realize I’m the girl he’s meant to be with ...”
“Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Claire says with a laugh. “First step is taking down this fraud of a girlfriend. Then we can daydream about being Mrs. Leclerc.”
The girls giggle and go back to their social media sleuthing with renewed determination. They’ve decided you’re public enemy number one and they won’t rest until they’ve exposed you for the fake, money-hungry, clout-chasing liar they’re certain you must be. In their eyes, they’re crusaders for truth, fighting to save their beloved Charles from your clutches.
What they don’t realize, of course, is just how very real and very deep Charles’ feelings for you actually are ... and that you’re not going anywhere anytime soon, Internet conspiracy theories be damned.
In a dimly lit basement somewhere in Italy, a group of die-hard Charles Leclerc fans huddle around a computer screen, their jaws dropping as they watch the video for the umpteenth time.
“Guys, are you seeing this shit?” Enzo, the self-appointed leader of the group, asks incredulously. “Who the hell is this girl and how did she bag Charles freakin’ Leclerc?”
“Dude, we don’t even know for sure that it’s actually Charles,” Giovanni points out skeptically. “She never said his name. It could be some other rich dude with a fast car.”
Enzo scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Oh come on, who else could it be? €10,000 like it’s nothing, is it possible that Leclerc has a secret girlfriend we don’t know about all this time? A guy who likes driving fast cars? It’s obviously Charles! Our boy is LOADED and that’s exactly how he’d spoil his girl.”
Luca nods in agreement, a dreamy expression on his face. “God, can you imagine being with Charles though? Having him call you all those cute pet names and just showering you with love and gifts? I’d fucking die.”
“Yeah, she has to be the luckiest woman on the planet,” Enzo sighs wistfully. “I mean, I’m straight, but even I’d let Charles ruin me, you know what I’m saying?”
The other guys murmur and nod in emphatic agreement, all of them momentarily lost in a fantasy of being Charles Leclerc’s pampered significant other.
“Okay but like, how is this even fair?” Giovanni gripes, breaking the spell. “The rest of us mere mortals are out here busting our asses on Tinder and Hinge, praying a decent girl will swipe right, and Charles just gets to date a literal goddess who is probably a model?”
“Life isn’t fair, Gio,” Enzo says solemnly. “Charles is on a completely different level. He could have any woman he wants and they’d all say yes before he even finished asking. The rules don’t apply to a guy like that.”
Luca suddenly sits up straight, his eyes widening with realization. “Holy shit, guys. Do you know what this means? If Charles is taken, that’s one less F1 driver on the market for all those grid girl groupies to throw themselves at! Maybe the rest of us actually have a chance now!”
Giovanni snorts derisively. “Yeah, you wish. Those chicks are still gonna be busy trying to get with Sainz or Verstappen or Norris. They’re not gonna settle for some nobody Ferrari fan. Let’s be real.”
“Wow, way to kill the vibe, Debbie Downer,” Luca mutters. He turns back to the computer and hits replay on the video, watching enviously as the TikToker clearly shows the €10,000 bank transfer on your phone. “Seriously though, how is this chick not freaking the fuck out? If Charles Leclerc randomly sent me 10 grand I’d be screaming and probably pass out.”
“She’s probably used to it,” Enzo says with a shrug. “I bet this is like, a regular Tuesday for her. Just casually strolling around Monaco, stopping into designer stores whenever she feels like it, Charles’ black credit card weighing down her Hermès purse. The bougiest of WAG lives.”
“God, what I wouldn’t give to trade places with her for just one day,” Giovanni says longingly. “Can you imagine getting to wake up next to Charles every morning? Having him make you breakfast and give you forehead kisses and tell you how much he loves you in that sexy accent?”
“Okay, now you’re just torturing yourself, bro,” Luca laughs. “You’ll be lucky if you can get a Tinder match to agree to split the bill at McDonalds.”
“Why you gotta bring me back to my sad reality like that?” Giovanni groans, chucking a throw pillow at Luca’s head. “Let me live vicariously through Charles’ bougie mystery girlfriend for a little while longer, damn.”
Enzo sighs and leans back in his chair, hands behind his head. “You know what the craziest part of all this is? The fact that Charles managed to keep a whole ass girlfriend hidden from the world. Like, the media has been speculating about his love life forever and no one had a clue he was actually in a serious relationship. That man moves in silence like a ninja.”
“Yeah, and did you see how he just casually threw out that he loves her?” Luca gushes. “He was all I love spoiling you, you deserve the world. My dude is head over heels for this girl and I am LIVING for it.”
“Ugh, why can’t I find a man like that?” Giovanni whines dramatically. “All I want is a guy who will write me cute Instagram captions in three languages and buy out the Gucci store for me but I guess that’s too much to ask!”
“Maybe if you stanned Charles harder, the universe would reward you,” Enzo snarks. “Start leaving thirsty comments on his shirtless pics, see if that manifests your dream F1 boyfriend.”
“Bold of you to assume I don’t already do that,” Giovanni retorts with a smirk. “How else do you think Oscar Piastri ended up in my DMs last night?”
“Wait, WHAT?” Luca and Enzo exclaim in unison, whipping their heads around to gape at their friend.
Giovanni bursts out laughing at their shocked faces. “I’m just kidding, jeez! You think I’d be sitting here listening to you losers if Oscar freaking Piastri actually messaged me? Puh-lease.”
“Man, don’t even joke about that,” Enzo grumbles, clutching at his heart. “You really had me going there for a sec.”
Luca huffs and slouches down in his seat. “Can we get back to being jealous of Charles’ sugar baby girlfriend now? I was enjoying that more than whatever the hell this conversation turned into.”
“She’s not his sugar baby!” Enzo argues. “They’re clearly in love! Did we watch the same video? The way he talked to her was mad cute. That’s his GIRL girl.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” Luca concedes, holding his hands up in apology. “Charles might spoil her but he obviously adores her for more than just her looks. That’s the real relationship goals right there.”
“Imagine being so secure in your love that you can just ball out on your partner like that and know it’s only going to make them love you more,” Giovanni muses. “Cannot relate.”
Enzo nods sagely. “Charles is just built different, man. In more ways than one.”
“Truer words have never been spoken,” Luca agrees. “So, are we watching this video another 50 times or are we moving on to the Grill the Grid compilation I found of all of Charles’ most adorably flustered moments?”
Enzo grins maniacally and reaches for the mouse. “Oh, you know we’re watching the hell out of this absolute gift again. And then we’re gonna spend the next three hours cyberstalking Charles and seeing if we can find any other crumbs about who this legendary mystery woman is. For research purposes.”
“This is the most productive thing we’ve done in months and I’m not even ashamed,” Giovanni declares, cracking his knuckles in preparation for the intense social media deep dive they’re about to undertake.
In a crowded sports bar in Dublin, a group of die-hard Ferrari fans gather to watch the latest race. But today, there’s another bit of F1-related content that has their attention. They huddle around a phone, repeatedly watching the now-infamous TikTok video.
“Can you believe it? €10,000 just like that!” Exclaims James, a tall, lanky guy with a mop of curly hair. “I mean, I knew Charles was loaded but damn ...”
“Forget the money, did you see his girlfriend?” Tom, a stocky redhead, chimes in. “Absolutely stunning. Like, how does a race car driver land a girl like that?”
Mark, a quieter guy with glasses, rolls his eyes. “Uh, maybe because he’s Charles freaking Leclerc? The man’s a beast on the track and has the face of a Greek god. Girls probably throw themselves at him left and right.”
The guys all mutter in begrudging agreement, a note of envy coloring their voices. On screen, the video replays yet again, showing you confidently calling up your boyfriend and securing the small fortune without batting an eye.
“God, what I wouldn’t give to have a woman look at me the way she probably looks at Leclerc,” Tom sighs wistfully.
“In your dreams, mate,” James scoffs. “Girls like that are way out of our league. We can’t compete with a Ferrari paycheck and Monaco real estate.”
“Still doesn’t seem fair though,” grumbles Mark. “The dude’s already got it all — talent, fame, money. Leave some for the rest of us!”
On screen, the video reaches the part where you coolly inform the gobsmacked TikToker that you don’t need his measly €2,000 and he should donate it to an animal shelter instead. The guys let out low whistles, clearly impressed by your classy move.
“See, that right there, that’s what separates the Monegasque princess types from regular girls,” says James with an air of authority. “We would’ve taken the cash in a heartbeat.”
“Speak for yourself, I’m a man of principle,” Tom jokes, puffing out his chest exaggeratedly. The others snort and shove him playfully.
As the video ends, the guys sit back, each lost in their own wistful imaginings of what it must be like to be Charles Leclerc. To have the money, success, and effortless charm to win over a girl like you.
Mark is the first to break the contemplative silence. “Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong,” he muses thoughtfully. “I mean yeah, Charles is a lucky bastard, no doubt. But that girl, she seems like a real catch too. Like the kind of person who’d keep you humble and grounded, even when you’re a superstar athlete with the world at your feet.”
The others consider this, nodding slowly. “Fair point,” concedes Tom. “Behind every great man and all that jazz. Leclerc may have his millions but he still needs someone to call him out on his BS from time to time.”
“Exactly,” agrees Mark. “And did you hear the way he spoke to her on the phone? The dude’s completely smitten. He may have all the money and fame, but I bet she’s the real prize in his eyes.”
“Alright, alright, settle down Dr. Phil,” James interjects with a good-natured eye roll. “You gonna start writing romance novels in your spare time now? Maybe they’ll make a movie — The Tifosi Who Loved Me: A Charles Leclerc Story.”
The guys all crack up laughing at that, the tension broken. Their envy towards Leclerc’s charmed life remains, but it’s now tinged with a newfound respect and even a touch of empathy.
“Y’know, jokes aside, I do hope he realizes how lucky he is to have her and treats her right,” Mark says sincerely as their chuckles subside. “A love like that seems rare these days.”
Tom reaches over to clap Mark on the shoulder. “No worries, mate. Did you see the dopey grin on Charles’ face in those paparazzi pics of them together that came out earlier? That man is whipped with a capital W. He knows he’s got a keeper.”
“As he should,” nods James sagely. “Behind every great Ferrari champion is an even greater woman keeping his ego in check. Tale as old as time.”
On that note, the guys clink their pint glasses together, silently saluting the unnamed woman who stole the heart of Charles Leclerc and the envious admiration of Formula 1 fans worldwide. The mystery girlfriend with impeccable style and a heart of gold.
As the pre-race coverage starts up on the bar TV, the guys settle in to cheer on their favorite driver, their fleeting jealousy replaced by the camaraderie and excitement of race day. But in the back of their minds, a single wistful thought remains — what they wouldn’t give to find a love like Charles and his girl seem to share. Guess that’s just one more thing to add to the list of reasons to idolize Charles Leclerc.
Among the hordes of viewers obsessively replaying the clip are three best friends gathered for a girls night at a posh Parisian penthouse. Colette, the willowy blonde draped across a velvet chaise lounge, takes a sip of her champagne and shakes her head in wonder.
“God, can you imagine having a boyfriend who just casually drops 10k on you like it’s nothing? Talk about relationship goals,” she sighs dreamily.
Next to her, Nadia snorts derisively while scrolling through Instagram on her phone. “Oh please, like that’s hard to find. I bet loads of rich guys would do that for their girlfriends. It’s not that impressive.”
From her perch on a tufted ottoman, Stephanie raises a skeptical eyebrow. “Really? You think Liam would send you that kind of cash without batting an eye? Mr. I-Need-To-Check-With-My-Financial-Advisor-Before-I-Buy-A-New-Tie?”
Colette erupts into giggles at the scathing impression of Nadia’s banker boyfriend. Even Nadia cracks a reluctant smile before tossing her sleek dark hair.
“Whatever. I’m just saying, that TikTok chick’s boyfriend can’t be THAT special. I’m sure if we did the same challenge our boyfriends would come through too,” she declares with more than a hint of competitiveness in her voice.
“Oooh yes, let’s do it! Let’s recreate the video and see what happens!” Colette squeals, bouncing up and down on the chaise with excitement.
Stephanie, ever the voice of reason, looks uncertain. “I don’t know, guys ... isn’t it a bit tacky to demand money from them like that? What if they get mad?”
Nadia rolls her eyes. “Oh come on Steph, live a little! It’s just a silly experiment. Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Okay, okay fine,” Stephanie relents, unable to resist her friends’ cajoling. “But I’m blaming you both if Omer breaks up with me over this!”
“Deal!” Colette grins impishly as she grabs her phone. “I’ll go first — let me call Henry and we’ll see if he’s as generous as Mystery Monaco Man.”
With a deep breath, she dials her property developer boyfriend and launches into her rehearsed plea as soon as he picks up. “Baby!” She whines. “You’ll never believe what happened. I’m out with the girls and my Louboutins broke! Like the heel just totally snapped off. I’m absolutely gutted, these were my faves. Is there any way you could send some money to my account so I can grab a new pair on the way home? Pleeeaaase, I’ll love you forever!”
There’s a heavy pause before Henry’s clipped voice comes through, tinged with annoyance. “Christ, again with the bloody shoes? What is it with you women and wasting my hard earned money on bits of leather you don’t need? Can’t you just take the broken ones to get fixed?”
Colette’s perfectly glossed pout trembles, her blue eyes shining with disappointed tears as Nadia and Stephanie look on in pity. “Never mind,” she mumbles. “Forget I asked. Chat later.” She hangs up and flings her phone down despondently.
“What an ass,” Nadia spits. “You deserve so much better.” Colette shrugs sadly but rallies as she turns to Stephanie expectantly.
“Okay Steph, your turn to give Omer a ring! Let’s hope he restores our faith in rich boyfriends everywhere.”
Stephanie grimaces but dutifully calls her Qatar-based hedge fund manager beau. In her most saccharine voice, she makes her case. “Habibi, you know that gorgeous YSL bag I showed you last week? It finally came back in stock but only for today! Could you maybe pop some cash in my account so I can treat myself? I’ve been working so hard lately and-”
“Wallahi Stephanie, how many handbags does one woman need?” Omer cuts her off irritably. “If I buy you this one, I don’t want to hear any more whining for designer things for at least 6 months, got it? I’ll send you 500 euros, that should more than cover it.”
“Oh. Right. Thanks, I guess ...” Stephanie replies glumly before ending the call. She shakes her head at her friends. “Well, it’s something at least?”
“Hardly,” Nadia scoffs. “These men, I swear. Okay, time for me to show you girls how it’s done. Watch and learn, ladies.”
With a confident smirk, she video calls Liam who answers distractedly, clearly still at the office despite the late hour. “This better be important Nadia, I’m right in the middle of-”
“Liam. Focus,” Nadia cuts him off crisply. “I need you to send €10,000 to my account right now. No questions asked.” She arches a commanding eyebrow, daring him to argue.
Liam just blinks at her for a moment before letting out an incredulous laugh. “I’m sorry, you need me to do what now? 10 grand, are you mad? For what possible reason?”
“To prove you love me,” Nadia retorts smugly. “I saw this thing on TikTok, some girl’s boyfriend sent her-”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Liam interrupts. “I’m not one of your little social media playthings to manipulate for views, Nadia. My money is not a toy. I’ll buy you a thoughtful gift for your birthday next month, but I’m not in the business of flinging cash at you for no reason. Now if you’ll excuse me, some of us have real work to do. Goodnight.”
With that he abruptly ends the call, leaving Nadia staring at the blank screen, a red flush of embarrassment and anger creeping up her elegant neck. Stephanie and Colette exchange knowing looks.
“So … that went well,” Stephanie quips sarcastically.
Colette sighs morosely as she flops back onto the chaise, hugging a silk pillow. “Maybe that girl’s boyfriend really is one of a kind. God, I bet she feels like the luckiest woman alive. Can you even imagine being THAT loved and adored?”
Nadia seems to deflate, her bravado evaporating. “No,” she whispers. “I can’t. You’re right, Col. Mystery Monaco Man is clearly in a league of his own. I bet he makes her feel like an absolute queen every damn day.”
Stephanie nods thoughtfully, twirling a lock of hair. “You know what though? Good for her. She seems lovely and down-to-earth in the video. If anyone deserves that fairy tale romance, it’s a girl like that who doesn’t even realize how special it is.”
“Ugh, so true. god I’m depressed now,” Colette groans, reaching for the champagne bottle to refill her glass. “To Mystery Monaco Man — may he set the standard for rich boyfriends everywhere. And to the girl who’s lucky enough to love him — may she live happily ever after and never take a single moment for granted.”
“Hear, hear,” Nadia and Stephanie chorus, clinking their glasses against Colette’s.
As the bubbles fizz on their tongues, the wistful faraway looks in their eyes betray the same thought — what they wouldn’t give to trade places with you for just a day, to know what it feels like to be cherished so completely by a man like Charles. To them, you’re living the ultimate dream.
If only they knew the best part isn’t the extravagant gestures or lavish gifts.
It’s the little moments. The soft kisses pressed to your temple. The fingers intertwined with yours. The sleepy smiles over morning coffee. The shared laughter and inside jokes. The unwavering support and unconditional acceptance. The bone-deep feeling of safety and coming home.
That’s the real fairy tale. And no amount of money could ever buy it.
Back in Monaco, Lando Norris slouches comfortably in his gaming chair, eyes glued to the triple monitors in front of him. He’s meant to be reviewing telemetry data in preparation for the upcoming race weekend, but the notification chime from his phone proves far too tempting. Lando picks up the device, fully intending to only glance at it for a second before dutifully returning to his work.
But then he sees it — the TikTok that at least a dozen people have sent to him in the past hour alone. Curiosity piqued, Lando clicks on the video and watches intently, his brows steadily rising towards his hairline with each passing second.
“Wait, is that ...” he mutters to himself as the clip plays out. When your boyfriend’s voice comes through the speakers, Lando’s eyes bug out comically. “Holy shit, it is Charles! And Y/N!”
A knock on the door makes Lando jump slightly. Before he can respond, a familiar mop of tousled chestnut hair pokes into the room. “Hey mate, did you see-” Max Verstappen starts to say.
“The TikTok of Charles simping hard for Y/N? Yup, watching it right now,” Lando finishes for him, eyes still glued to his phone screen in fascination.
Max invites himself into the room fully and flops down on the couch. “Absolutely crazy, right? Who just casually sends their girlfriend 10k for a random pair of shoes?”
Lando snorts. “Certainly not you, you stingy Dutchman,” he ribs playfully. Max chucks a throw pillow at him in retaliation.
“Hey, even I splurge on my girlfriend sometimes!” Max protests. “I just bought her ... erm ...” He racks his brain trying to remember the last lavish gift he purchased unprompted.
“A six-pack of Sugar Free Red Bull last week?” Lando supplies dryly.
“... Shut up.”
The two dissolve into snickers before turning their attention back to the TikTok, which has now looped to the beginning again.
“Charles is so whipped for Y/N,” Max observes, shaking his head in amused disbelief. “He’s just asking to get taken advantage of, throwing money around like that.”
“I think it’s kinda sweet,” Lando admits with a shrug. “He just wants to make her happy. Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same if your girl asked!”
Max scoffs. “What, fall victim to a gold digger? No thanks mate.”
“Y/N’s hardly a gold digger and you know it,” Lando chides. “She works hard for her own money and buys plenty of expensive gifts for Charles too. They just like spoiling each other ‘cause they’re in luuurve.” He draws out the last word in a silly voice, making dramatic kissy faces.
“Yeah, yeah, true love and all that sappy bullshit,” Max says dismissively, though there’s no real heat behind it. “I’m just saying, no way in hell I’m sending 10k on command for a pair of fucking shoes!”
Lando hums thoughtfully. “I would.”
Max’s head whips around to stare at him incredulously. “You what.”
“If it was the right girl? Sure, I’d do it,” Lando says nonchalantly. “Maybe not for something frivolous like shoes, but if my girlfriend called me up and said she needed 10k transferred ASAP? I’d do it, no questions asked. You gotta have that level of trust.”
Clearly torn between wanting to take the piss out of his friend and feeling a reluctant sort of respect, Max just grunts noncommittally in response before turning back to rewatch the clip once more.
Debate rages online among the fans about the cute interaction. Most find the whole thing adorably romantic, cooing over what a doting and generous boyfriend Charles is. They swoon at the obvious love and care between you two, speculating excitedly in the comments about when Charles might pop the question.
Others are more cynical, rolling their eyes at Charles “simping” so hard and accusing you of only dating the Ferrari driver for his money. However, these naysayers are quickly drowned out and ratio’d by your legions of adoring supporters.
Through it all, you and Charles pay the speculation little mind, blissfully wrapped up in your fairytale romance.
Charles returns home that evening to the mouthwatering aroma of his favorite pesto pasta dish wafting from the kitchen. He grins when he spots you at the stove, swaying your hips to the sultry jazz music playing from the speaker as you stir the sauce. Quietly, he comes up behind you and slips his strong arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Mmm, smells amazing,” he murmurs appreciatively.
You turn in his embrace and loop your arms around his neck, smiling radiantly up at him. “Welcome home, Cha-Cha,” you greet him, using the silly pet name that never fails to make him chuckle and scrunch his nose adorably. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
“And what’s for dessert?” Charles asks with a playful waggle of his eyebrows.
Biting your lip coyly, you untangle yourself from his arms and saunter off towards the bedroom. “Come find out after we eat. Oh, and I picked up a little something special to express my gratitude for earlier ...” you call over your shoulder with a wink.
Charles’ megawatt grin could power all of Monaco for a year. Viral TikTok or not, the Monegasque knows he’s already the luckiest man in the world to have you as his partner through this crazy ride called life.
No amount of money could ever compare to the joy of being loved by you.
2K notes · View notes
cl6teen · 9 months
all i want is you ❀ cl16
in which charles thinks he can stay just friends with you after a breakup (spoiler alert: he cant)
read part two here.
contains: social media au, ex!charles leclerc x fem!reader, angsty charles and yn living her best life, mentions of charles’s new girlfriend, charles is a confusing man
note: something small just to feed the kids yk, pls don’t read into the twt dates i was too lazy to change them
📍south of france
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, lilymhe, and 100,675 others
yourusername this travel thing is kind of fun 🇫🇷
tagged kikagomes
view all 1237 comments
lilymhe my wifey is so pretty
alexalbon okay then just date atp
yourusername wdym? we already are
alexalbon why do i put up with this
lilymhe because you love us duh
pierregasly no photo credits or tag? i’m (deeply) hurt
yourusername oh please you complained the whole time and then made me and kika take photos of you
pierregasly that is not a crime
kikagomes my stylish icon 🤍
yourusername te amo te amo
carlossainz55 coming to spain next i hope?
yourusername who knows 🤭
landonorris actually she’s coming to the uk with me next
carlossainz55 😢😢 yn you betray me
yourusername you know you’re my favourite carlos
landonorris ouch
charles_leclerc very pretty
yourusername thank you charlie
luvleclrc it’s so sweet that he still comments on her photos
user i miss them real bad
4ouryn are we getting any more travel vlogs soon?
yourinstagram im working on it! it’ll be out around this friday :)
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, landonorris, and 1,235,166 others
charles_leclerc good times at home
view all 7,455 comments
user charles leclerc the man that you are 😭😭
user seeing him with a baby is just what i needed on my tl
yourusername two cuties at sea!
charles_leclerc so you think i’m cute 🤔
yourusername only because of the baby in your hands
charles_leclerc you hurt my feelings y/n
user omg charles still flirting with yn is so crazy
user idk if it’s flirting per se, they’re just friends now
user they were so cute i still don’t get why they broke up
user charles broke up with her bc he wanted to focus on racing
carlossainz55 somebody wants to be a daddy
charles_leclerc don’t put words in my mouth mate 😅
user is this a joke ? 👀
pierregasly i see what he’s doing
charles_leclerc ??
landonorris he’s cooking
alexandrasaintmleux so handsome
liked by charles_leclerc
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📍 lake como, italy
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liked by alexalbon, kikagomes, carlossainz55, and 97,333 others
yourusername loving italia 🇮🇹
carlossainz55 next stop madrid?
yourusername we’ll see, won’t we
landonorris i better be invited
carlossainz55 you know your way here mate
user omg the ferrari flag
yourusername deep down everyone is a ferrari fan :)
user should we read into that
yourusername no lmao
lilymhe travelling with you is the best
yourusername what would i do without you
alexalbon everyday i wake up
user no charles like or comment :( i guess he really is dating that girl
user justice for yn literally
user they still follow each other tho but i feel so bad for both girls
kikagomes i have no clue how anyone could break up with you, like seriously
yourusername me too, but life is too short to worry about things like that babe
user 👀 charles shade??
user i think we should stop tying y/n’s identity to charles in general
liked by yourusername
carlossainz55 updated their story 2 hours ago. landonorris updated their story 1 hour ago.
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📍madrid, spain
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, lilymhe, and 433,125 others
yourusername troublemakers in madrid
view all 5544 comments
landonorris who are those studs in the first photo
yourusername so humble !
alexalbon potential summer soft launch?
yourusername who knows
user ugh why is she always with those two, i swear she wants them so bad
yourusername ew no those two are my sons 🤱
pierregasly who’s the daddy 🤔
landonorris don’t say it like that yn 😭😭
carlossainz55 i’m older than you though, no?
yourusername no carlos it’s like, in spirit
user WHO IS THAT MAN???? is that carlos?? lando??
yourusername no! but he’s certainly someone 🤭
user that’s charles right?
user he’s in monaco right now, it couldn’t be him plus he’s got a gf
lilymhe okay mysterious girl
yourusername i love to keep people on their toes
lilymhe but seriously text me and tell me who that is
kikagomes girl me too
user shout out to yn for reuniting carlando!!
liked by yourusername
yourusername updated their story 5 mins ago
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carlos’s phone 📞
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are you with y/n right now
i know you are
then why ask m8
yes i’m with her, why?
is she mad at me
that’s a stupid question, but i don’t know man, she hasn’t brought you up
and lando and i aren’t going to
what’s the phrase?
poke the bear
actually, i shouldn’t compare her to that
but i would be mad if i were her
who’s that man she posted the other day??
you’ve been with her during her entire spain trip yes? what does he look like, do you know him?
he is a good friend of mine yes
i somewhat set them up, things have been going good, they’re both here at our dinner
aiii carlos! why would you set them up??
how could you do this to me??
did you forget that you broke with her? to focus on racing?
which would be fine if you didn’t get another girl just a month after?
i don’t even know how she could stay friends with you, but she asked me to find a guy for her
i am a good friend, so i found someone
if you’re jealous, you shouldn’t have broken up in the first place
i’m not jealous at all carlos
then why are you stalking her account and asking me about a man she is seeing?
if you’re so concerned, text her yourself
argh you’re no help
your phone 📞
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i miss you
a lot
3K notes · View notes
lewisvinga · 7 months
i wanna show u off | lewis hamilton x fem! reader
summary; fans couldn’t help but love the interactions between their favorite driver and favorite singer
fc; kali uchis mi otra reina
warnings; reader is lowk implied to speak spanish/be latina lolllll but other than that, none i think ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minkyungseokie @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri
notes; requested ! KALLIIIIII also ignore the dates on every tweet i always forget to change them/i make the date so off from the tl
masterlist !
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liked by lewishamilton, alexandrasaintmleux, and others !
yourusername: orquídeas [orchids] is finally out on all streaming platforms, my luvs. tysm for all of your support n luv💗 and even bigger thank u to my lew who supported me throughout writing n recording this album 💗🫶
lewishamilton: 😍😍😍😍
username: simp
username: he’s just like me fr
lewishamilton: amazing as always , my love ❤️ it’s been on repeat all day❤️
yourusername: my luv💗💗
georgerussell63: i can confirm, been hearing your angelic voice all day in the garage! ( lewis even got toto hooked on orquídeas )
yourusername: LMAOO, even toto lewishamilton ??
lewishamilton: i wanna show u off😁
username: she always eats
mercedesamgf1: streaming rn🎶💙 liked by yourusername !
carmenmmundt: so amazing! liked by yourusername !
alexandrasaintmleux: cha and i have been streaming all day😍😫
charles_leclerc: te mata has been ON REPEATTT
carlossainz55: his ‘villain’ era as he told me 🥸
yourusername: LMAOOO but i’m glad ur enjoying it alex and cha🫶🫶
username: ugh the hair, nails, makeup, and the fit??? i adore
username: mother when are u going to a race we miss u😞
yourusername: soon !🤞🤞
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by yourusername, yourbestfriend, and others !
lewishamilton: there’s no place like home !! every year i’m blown away by the love and energy here. without it or without my y/n, the team and i wouldn’t have had the result that we did. still a ways to go, but silverstone i love you deep~
yourusername: lew you’re so amazing 💗 always so proud of u, i love you sm🥹🫶
lewishamilton: i love you💙
username: LEWIS P3!!!!!!
username: this race had me on the edge of my seat fr
username: she’s rlly mother 😫
username: they’re both fashion icons 😍😍
username: lewis in silverstone>>>
yourbestfriend: you were amazing!🤩🤩 ( or however it is racing world, y/n won’t shut up abt u lol )
lewishamilton: thank you! ( and oh ? )
yourusername: ( i just wanna show u off 😁 )
username: i love them so bad pls
mercededamgf1: 💙💙
username: lewis how does it feel to be dating the baddest bitch 🎤🎤🎤
lewishamilton: pretty amazing 😁
username: never beating the simp allegations LMAO
username: the way he never fails to mention y/n, IM WEAK IM IN TEARSS
username: the 🐐
username: not both of them saying ‘i wanna show u off’ to comments where they were exposed for yapping abt each other, they’re so goals😣😣
879 notes · View notes
charcubed · 5 months
I saw Challengers earlier today and I decided to start a running doc of some of my feral thoughts in an effort to not forget what's currently marinating in my brain after my first watch
I want this movie to get a long theatrical release/run because it deserves it, but that's unfortunate because I also NEED to have it accessible to me in my home ASAP so I can pull on all its threads and take screencaps. Alas.
might add to this later as I remember things, idk
-The parallel of Art spitting his gum in Tashi’s hand and in Patrick’s hand… My jaw dropped soooo early on. Anyway they obviously both act as Art’s “coach” at different times in his life in different ways. (The jerking off teaching?? Scream???) Art craves their guidance and approval as a form of love (which is also directly responsible for his confidence issues) and initially likes to follow their leads in every situation
-The parallel of Tashi making out with both Art and Patrick up against cars… delicious
-Patrick’s car is his “bed” and it’s where he and Tashi fuck. Nice
-Wait now I’m sad because… lowkey Patrick is homeless because Art and Tashi are his home…………….
-The storm = Patrick and Tashi having sex = the reason why Art’s half of the giant poster/ad on the side of the building falls down so only Tashi’s side is left up. Iconic, loooove a good visual metaphor, especially shown nonlinearly
-The parallel of the forehead kisses??? Art and Patrick on the court at the start when they won the doubles, and Art and Tashi in the sad almost-sex scene towards the end??? I will throw up
-Disclaimer and reminder I’ve only seen this movie once and might reform any of these thoughts later BUT…
One of Art’s main things is, as he tells Patrick towards the start, not wanting to be “left out.” He loves and he wants both Patrick and Tashi (but he doesn’t fully want to acknowledge the extent of his want for Patrick for years, and that repression is part of his problems…). He gets “lit up” about the thought of them together not because he’s jealous of one of them but because he’s jealous of BOTH of them; he wants to know it all, he wants to be in the room, he wants to be with them both, he despairs at the thought of losing either of them (but, at the start, especially at the thought of losing or being of lesser importance to Patrick. Obviously he’s a fucking idiot as evidenced by how Patrick goes to see him FIRST at Stanford. Ugh). We see all of this at the start when Art wants to know if Tashi and Patrick fucked. We see this in Atlanta when he witnesses Tashi cheating on him with Patrick but doesn’t directly confront either of them about it; he only skates the edge of confronting it with Patrick in the sauna while also lashing out at him. Patrick tells Art at Stanford “it’s nice to see you so lit up about something, even if it’s my girlfriend” during the homoerotic churros scene because Patrick’s clocked all of this about Art, too. He clocks it further in Atlanta when he shows up to Art’s practice with Tashi and his mere presence makes Art hit the ball harder. It obviously all comes full circle; the cocktail of emotions that Patrick and Tashi being together gives Art coalesces again for him on the court in the Challengers match: Tashi’s threatened to leave him if he loses… and she’s maybe got one foot out the door with Patrick of all people, who Art already “lost” in the past as the love he’s been mourning for 13 years. But what’s important is that THIS time, unlike Atlanta, Art learns about Tashi cheating on him with Patrick not by accident but rather because Patrick actually tells him. Patrick understands the significance of how this will get Art lit up again and make him play the way he needs to for all of their sakes, and it’s fucked up, but… what this means is Patrick doesn’t leave Art out. He TELLS Art – and he tells him in a way only they understand while they’re on the court together again. Of course Art goes through several stages of emotions in response to that fucked up information… but ultimately that moment of honesty and realization between the boys is what Art needed and puts where all 3 of them stand into sharp relief, shedding a light on who they’ve all always been and what their individual needs are.
Art’s always wanted to play tennis, but that desire is framed around his relationships. Tennis is only something he truly enjoys or that fully makes him happy when he’s experiencing it through his connections to other people: he wants to impress, earn the approval of, or celebrate with those he loves who are watching (like his grandmother or Tashi) – which is partially why he wants Tashi to be his coach in the first place. And of course, tennis all began as something Art found joy in because he was always doing it with Patrick. It’s clear Patrick feels the same. At the start, neither of them cared much about winning for the sake of winning unless it was doubles because they competed as a team and that was “really fun” for them. With the singles competition, they kind of cared less about the wins at the start; Art assumed Patrick would win and didn’t care back then, and then Patrick was willing to let Art win so he could impress his family, and they were both fine with all of those sentiments. Tennis was first and foremost something they did with and for each other. As Patrick later tells Art in the sauna, “I miss playing with you” – and, of course, at that point he’s definitely not only talking about tennis. But in that final match, after so many years, Patrick and Art finally understand each other completely again. It’s like they’re in love (because they are and always have been), they go somewhere really beautiful together… etc. They finally reconnect on the court and feel that thrill as they become synchronized again, which is what tennis was always about for them.
And Tashi, who’s irrevocably connected to them both and whose primary love is and always has been the sport itself, gets what SHE’S always wanted: to “watch some good fucking tennis.” It’s why she pitted the boys against each other vying for her number at the start. Though she needs/wants both boys in different ways on an individual level, she doesn’t particularly need or want anyone to ~be in love with her~; she wants the men who are in love with her to entertain her and challenge her and give her a show. So that’s what she tries to accomplish again in the end by telling Art she’d leave him if he lost the Challengers match… but the missing piece in her making that threat – the element that would get Art truly fired up – was that she’d potentially leave Art for Patrick. That final piece of info, when Art finds out about the cheating, is what reconnects them in all of the above ways. Because it’s about all 3 of them and their triangular codependency. They’ve all been broken for 13 years because they all need each other and tennis to be fully functional. Split any of it apart and they just don’t work.
-Literally this is a film where from the moment of the injury they’re all constantly mourning. They all lose their greatest loves that day… Tashi essentially loses tennis, Art loses Patrick, and Patrick loses the two of them. Everything after that is just them being affected by how they’re all mired in various grief and feeling incomplete… until that synchronization at the match when they finally become whole again. Going from that bed scene that was breaking my heart to the final match was HEALING. Things are still fucked up and in progress, but they’re fucked up in a way they all understand, which gives them a path forward. This movie has a fiercely happy ending in that regard… and what I’m saying is that… after the match, once they communicate further, and much later down the line… Art and Patrick should go back to playing doubles and Tashi should coach them as as doubles team. God they’d eventually all be so happy I wanna CRY just thinking about them doing that. It would take them awhile to get there — because yeah, Tashi is living vicariously through Art’s career as an individual player and maybe if Art retired she’d then want to live through PATRICK’S career for awhile — but I think if they worked out their relationship then their tennis could come to reflect the needs of that relationship too, and doubles can still be “good fucking tennis” in its own satisfying right, y’know? I think they could get there and it would be a beautiful collective restart.
-I gotta say, I can't imagine Tashi pregnant. Wild to me. Sorry to their daughter. Oooo also... I think Patrick would be great with kids... when he gets to meet Lily and become "Uncle Patrick" they're gonna hit it off so fast. Help me
-*holds up Tashi watching them kiss after she orchestrated it* *holds up the Challengers match* It’s the same picture. Except the kisses were kisses whereas the match was actual sex. The moaning and grunting… I’m insane. Also Tashi’s “COME ON!!!!” is arguably the sole orgasm/climax we witness in the whole movie perhaps? Though you could argue the hug is too. In this essay I will, etc.
-Art begging for Tashi’s love/validation saying “Tell me it doesn’t matter if I win tomorrow” vs Art telling Patrick in the sauna “this is a game about winning the points that matter” / Patrick saying “I don’t matter?” AAAA oh my fucking Goddddddd I’m gonna die
-Thank you Luca Guadignino for your dedication to having Art and Patrick hold phallic drinks and food in each others’ presence. Specific shout out to Patrick at the beach party holding the beer bottle on his crotch
-Patrick = comfortable with who he is and secure in his bisexuality; honest and open Art = repressing his queerness and his overall desires Tashi = hiding who she is aka her dissatisfactions with life and the lengths she’ll go to because tennis is her true greatest love and always has been
-I need to rewatch to catch the dialogue because it was difficult for me to hear it over the music, but I think in the 3am Atlanta scene Tashi tells Patrick that Art’s grandmother had a stroke. IF that’s what she said (and if there’s no reason to believe it’s a lie Art told; like I said, I need to rewatch)… my immediate impression was that it’s a nod to Patrick being the voice of accuracy and prediction in this movie. Towards the beginning he tells Art (jokingly) that he hopes Art’s grandmother dies of a stroke, and that’s seemingly what literally comes to pass. He repeatedly clocks both Tashi and Art’s behaviors, describing them brashly to their faces (and to us as the audience), and he was right about his predictions. He’s the one who’s not repressed or unaware of who he is out of the 3 of them: when Tashi first asks if there’s something between him and Art, he looks away because he knows the answer is yes; he’s openly bi on dating apps; he tells Tashi he won’t be her lapdog unlike Art which we see later ends up becoming literal; he clocks how Tashi is hiding some of her true motivations when she seeks him out in the storm; and even from afar he predicts Art’s mindset about wanting to retire. For the most part, what Patrick does / says either seems to be or becomes truth. Hmmm, wait, as I’m typing this… something to look out for: the “I TOLD YA” shirt. Working theory: Tashi briefly wears it, she’s the voice of accuracy; then it blatantly switches over to Patrick and he wears it throughout the film and [waves to all of the above]
-Head in my hands thinking of how the word “love” is used in these tennis matches. Also something I need to make detailed note of when I rewatch
-Patrick grabbing Art’s thigh when they first watched Tashi play… oh my GOD
-Patrick pulling Art’s stool close and Art just smoothly sitting on it with no reaction… the way they kept looking at each others' lips... oh my G O D
-I just remembered Tashi referred to the boys being known as as “fire and ice.” What the fuck even.
-Tashi going to Patrick asking him to lose the match for Art… she’s literally like, "do this because I love tennis and if I lose Art then I lose the way I live tennis through him. Do this because if he loses this match he'll lose himself." And she's really like, "Do this because I know you’re in love with both of us." And Patrick is like, "A) fuck you because you know I’ll say yes precisely because I'm in love with both of you so how dare you ask this of me, and B) you’re kidding yourself if you think you don’t miss the challenge I give YOU simply by being myself because I don’t take your shit." Something something they're peers, you know
-Tbh for 13 years when Patrick gets his rare opportunities he’s @ both Art and Tashi like “you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” And the thing is that he’s RIGHT. He’s right! Art in particular doesn't want to admit it because he's trying to convince himself he outgrew being bisexual / outgrew Patrick but it's obviously bullshit
-Realizing some of the sounds in the soundtrack intentionally emulate the sounds of tennis balls and rackets???? MADNESS
552 notes · View notes
jamespotterismydaddy · 11 months
Lord Husband (Chapter 5)
cregan x reader
word count: 1,606 words
series masterlist
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A private carriage. You thank the gods for small victories. Being locked in a small box for a month with nobody but Cregan Stark for company would’ve been the thing that pushed you over the edge of insanity. Or, you likely would have killed him.
Perhaps it was more his safety they are concerned over rather than my comfort. You think to yourself.
The preparations for your departure have been immensely extravagant and your mother has already commissioned ten new dresses and five nightgowns just to tie you over until the royal family flies in for the wedding. You’ll spend another whole month courting Cregan (in Winterfell this time) before the ceremony and you don’t know if you want the spectacle to be drawn out more to prolong your unmarried freedom or if you just want it to be over with.
You ignore the thoughts as you make your way down to the courtyard with Baela and Rhaena on each arm and Ser Robert trailing after you.
“I’m going to miss you awfully.” Rhaena says sentimentally. 
“You’ll have to write to me with every bit of court gossip. Gods know that the boys won’t do a very good job at keeping me filled in.” You roll your eyes dramatically, trying to keep it all lighthearted.
“You’ll write to us plenty as well, tell us all about the joys of marriage.” Baela says with a little smirk.
“I hardly believe there’ll be many joys to rave about.” You say with a scoff.
“I wouldn’t be so sure. From what i’ve heard, northern men are very good with… their tongues.” The elder twin says scandalously. You think you hear Ser Robert choke on water from behind you.
“Baela!” Rhaena scolds but she giggles too.
“I don’t want his tongue anywhere near me.” You say as you shoot her a glare.
“Then you are as dumb as you are pretty.” You roll your eyes at this.
“His assumed skills don’t matter if I do not like him.” You say primly.
“You don’t have to like him to appreciate the look of him.” Baela says as she lifts a hand to inspect her nails.
“I agree. You know what they say about men with large hands…” Rhaena trails off and you glare at her as well.
“Do not team up against me.” You say.
“We are only trying to help you to look on the bright side. You’ll be with him for the rest of your lives.” Rhaena says softly. It’s a thought that you don’t really want to think about.
“Perhaps after I give him a son, we will become estranged and he will allow me to retire to Dragonstone.” You reply wistfully. The twins exchange a look.
“And what of your son?” 
You sigh and say, “Any child I have will be his, not mine.”
“But they will also be Valyrians. They could be dragonriders. They will need a Valyrian to teach them.” Baela says. The idea of a child with a dragon, not knowing its history, not knowing how to care for it, is a sad thought.
“Motherhood is as noble a path as any.” Rhaena says, in an attempt to make you feel better.
“Not if it’s forced.”
There is an awkward silence after that and you feel bad, being the one who caused it. Your closest friends, your sisters, they only wanted to comfort you, to make you excited about the journey and you’ve made them feel bad for trying.
“I do quite like some of the dresses her Grace commissioned for me, though.” You say with a little grin and both of the girls light up.
“Oh yes, they’re all so beautiful. I don't know if I could even pick a favourite.” Rhaena gushes.
“I can.” Baela says. “The deep maroon velvet one. Ugh, the sleeves on it are to die for. It’s far too hot to be wearing such fashion in King’s Landing. We’d be sweltering.” Baela pouts a little at that but then grins. “You’ll be the icon of the North when it comes to gowns.”
“I intend to be the icon of the North when it comes to everything.” You say with a faux level of superiority as you come around to the stairs that go down to the courtyard.
There are many nobles waiting to see you off and Cregan Stark stands right at the front, waiting for you and looking as disgustingly handsome as ever. You ignore him and make your way to the ladies who won’t be accompanying you first, hugging them and trying not to tear up. You hope Cregan is offended by how you brush by him. Then, you reach your siblings. Your goodbyes to your family are short and proper, you’ll see them at the wedding anyhow. Your goodbye with your mother is… tense if nothing else. 
You turn to Cregan at this point, knowing that you need to have a public interaction before you get into your carriage. Even if you enjoy being the centre of attention, you don’t want to waste the creation of gossip if you’re not there to see how it all goes down.
Lord Stark bows deeply. “Princess, I am glad to be accompanying you to your new home.”
“I thank you for your protection on the long trip that lies ahead of us.” You say in response, your voice cordial and dripping with charisma. 
“It is my honour.” He holds out a hand and you take it, allowing him to help you up the steps, into the carriage. Your two handmaidens follow after you. When the door shuts, you sigh, ready for the long trip to be over already.
As the trip properly starts, you begin to remember how much you hate carriage rides. Short ones are usually fine but you’ve been sitting in the wheeled contraption for hours now and it's making you awfully dizzy.
“Your Grace? Are you well?” Rose, your handmaiden, speaks up. She looks concerned for your state.
“I am fine. I perhaps just need to rest for a moment.” You say, a bit breathlessly, as you shift to lay down, resting your head in your other handmaiden’s lap.
“Are you sure, princess? You look a little green.” Safia speaks up as she begins to stroke your hair.
“It’s this stupid carriage. And the road for seven hells. How can it be so uneven?” You groan and Safia starts to rub your temples.
“It is awful, I know.” She soothes but her kind words don’t help. You just feel more and more nauseous.
“Oh gods.” You groan.
“Princess, are you going to be sick?” Rose asks, and to your dismay, you believe you are about to be sick.
You nod a little and she stands, banging on the roof. “Stop the carriage!” She calls out to the driver.
Before you’re even fully stopped, Rose pushes open the door and Safia helps you to your feet. You stumble out of the carriage and unceremoniously, onto the grass. You fall to your hands and knees, breathing heavily. You thank the gods when you don’t actually throw up and the churning of your stomach begins to slow with the help of a stationary position and fresh air.
“What is happening? Is the princess alright?” 
Oh gods why does he have to see this? You think to yourself as the young Lord Stark’s voice rings through the air.
“The movement of the carriage makes her unwell, my lord.” Safia says.
“Oh of course.” He murmurs and wanders off for a moment. You feel hopeful that he just decided to leave you but he’s back before you know it and kneeling by your side. “Here, eat this.” He says and gives you a gentle smile as he holds out ginger for you.
“Why would I eat tha-” He seems to know that you were going to kick up a fuss so as you are mid-sentence, he puts the piece of ginger in your mouth.
“Chew.” He says simply. Your eyes are wide and you want to refuse but you also don’t necessarily want to spit it out like a spoiled child. So, you apprehensively begin to chew the root, trying not to make a face at the peppery flavour. “Good.” He speaks again. “You’ll feel better now.” You think he looks far too pleased as he stands up in front of you and offers you his hand. You begrudgingly take it and he pulls you up with so much ease that you hardly even had to try and stand.
You brush your skirts off, feeling spiteful even if Cregan just helped you.
He just looked far too smug about it. You assure yourself as you make your way back into your carriage. 
Before the door is closed, your betrothed speaks up, “Perhaps I could join you, princess. Just to make sure you’re feeling better.” The smile he gives you is almost sneaky, as if there is some sort of hidden innuendo in there. You feel that he enjoys toying with you.
“That would be terribly improper.” You speak only loud enough for him to hear.
“Yes, of course.” He says but the cheeky grin never fades, even as he walks to his horse.
“Strange.” Rose says. “Most lords would enjoy the comforts of a carriage themselves.”
“Perhaps it would be an excuse to sneak into here.” Safia says scandalously. 
“Then he shall be perpetually disappointed.” You say as you settle into your seat.
The procession begins to move again and through all the bumps and uneven roads, and as more time passes, the nausea that plagued you never returns. 
taglist(comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy
Lord husband: @feyres-fireheart @possiblyafangirl @hb8301 @marihoneywk @youn-jo @velvet-spider @janelongxox @ninastyless @nyctophilic0vitnir @m-a-s-h-k-a @delicious-xx @weepingfashionwritingplaid @happinessinthebeing @betelrus @joliettes @black-swan-blog27 @mxtokko @valeridarkness @karolalolla @satan-s-ass @synindoodles
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
ohhh love the new theme😍
i was wondering if i could please request one where it’s feysand x reader where reader has a mommy kink, mdlg kinda vibe. I literally cannot stop thinking ab mommy feyre, she would be the perfect caretaker ever. Like imagine laying on her tits just sucking on them while she strokes your hair😩 I NEED HER RNNNNN
ohhh imagine rhys walks in and sees them chilling with reader sucking on feyre. ugh and he would be the perfect daddy🧎‍♀️ and he puts his dick in reader and the three of them just lay there all night.
i just need them right now… like it’s getting ridiculous
OHHH and imagine when they’re being casual, like feyre does cute hairstyles for reader, rhys picks out dresses for them to wear, and anything reader wants, they give to her. literally spoiled rotten. and they’re so wise and give great advice and really lead the relationship. reader doesn’t even have to use her brain around them, she just ✨ exists ✨
i’m so desperate for them someone help
Taking Care of You hc
Feysand x reader
A/n: thank you! Omg I need them now too, this request is everything 🤪
Warnings: ddlg, mdlg, nsfw content at the end
The two of them are truly perfect for this kind of relationship
They’re both gift givers and they just want the best for those they love
You love & cherish them with your whole heart
You’re very clingy with them and they don’t mind one bit, they think it’s adorable
Especially Feyre, she adores how much you want to be with her and when you call her mommy she tries so hard not to blush
Every morning Rhys is always the first one awake for training and work
You and Feyre like to sleep in and get ready together
Your morning routine is typically taking a bath together, dress, and eat breakfast
Rhys lays out your outfits for you bc he’s a style icon. They always want you to look and feel pretty and cute
After the bath you sit at your vanity and Feyre brushes your hair, styling your hair and putting in the most gorgeous, expensive hair clips
You’re positively spoiled rotten on a daily basis
Eating out at the best restaurants in Velaris
Shopping at the expensive stores across Velaris
Vacations in the summer and day courts at villas
Anything you could dream of it’s yours. Even if you think it’s something so wild and unreachable Rhys always tell you to ask anyway and he will do his best to make it happen, “Anything your heart desires my sweet. We will get it for you.” He’d say while holding your hands
It’s just princess treatment 24/7 with them
They’re great advice givers. Between everything Feyre has been through and Rhys’s years they always know what to say
They also always know what you need
Both of them being daemati is perfect for you
They can look into your mind and know what you want, what you’re feeling, and what your mood is
Rhys and Feyre want to make sure you’re happy with the way things are. They want what’s best for their sweet little angel, it’s their job to take of you after all
Whenever you’re feeling tired Feyre and Rhys always encourage you to go bed
“You need your sleep angel so you can stay perfect.” Feyre tells you. “Go to bed sweet we will be up soon.” Rhys adds with a kiss on your head. A big yawn comes out as you nod, giving them each a hug & kiss before going upstairs
You never know who’s going to come up to bed first
70% of the time it’s Feyre and when she comes into the bedroom she gives you a cute sleepy smile
She climbs into bed next to you and lays on her side facing you as she gently strokes your face
The three of you always sleep naked
On nights when you can’t fall asleep Feyre always knows calms you down
“Angel you need to sleep. Do you want mommy to help you?” “Yes mommy.” Feyre turns slightly, exposing her breasts to you, opening her arms and motioning for you to come closer
You shimmy into her embrace and place kitten licks on her pert nipple. Feyre moans softly, gently placing her hands in your hair
She lightly scratches at your hair as you start to softly suck on her
Her praise in intimate moments like this makes you blush like crazy. “There you go Angel. I can see you getting sleepy, good girl.” “Just like that baby.” “You’re doing so good for mommy.”
Rhys comes up and wears a faux pout when he sees you and Feyre tangled up together, “Aww you couldn’t sleep baby?” He coos. Feyre shushes him and gives the High Lord a stern look
“Daddy will you help me too?” You ask, pulling your lips away from Feyre to give him a sleepy pout and doe eyes. “Of course baby.” He climbs into bed After undressing, spooning you and making sure you’re ready for him with his fingers
As Rhys slides into your dripping pussy you moan around Feyre
Rhys stays cuddled to you with his arm around your middle. occasionally kissing the back of your head and whispering sweet nothings of praise and love in your ear
They can tell you’re getting sleepy and Feyre goes back to tracing your face as your eyelids start to droop
You try to force your eyes back open and jerk yourself awake but Feyre shushes you, “Sshhh Angel. Let yourself sleep, we’ve got you.”
You let your eyes fall shut and drift off to sleep
When you wake up in the morning your squished between the two of them
Your head on Feyre’s breasts and Rhys’s chest pressed against your back
Noticing they’re still asleep you snuggle back into their warmth to get a few more minutes of sleep
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cowgurrrl · 9 months
okay, so! this relates to the "one for the money, two for the show" series (which is BEAUTIFULLY written btw) but: could you imagine reader hosting SNL while the musical guest is her own husband, joel miller?! iconic if you ask me.
(bonus! the little promos they do for SNL! imagine that but with those two and in-between, they just keep giving each other heart eyes! UGH, i love it personally)
Thank you for this request and your sweet words!! I hope you like this 🥺
Live from New York
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: fluff, not edited
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You can’t stop laughing when Joel tells you the news. He thinks you’re insane but you think he’s equally as insane. It isn’t until Violet curiously pass into the room do you get yourself under control. “Did they ask you to do this before or after they asked me?” You question and he shrugs with a guilty look on his face.
“Guess we’ll never know.” He says as he walks over to kiss your cheek, wrapping an arm around your waist and turning to look at your daughter. “Vi Chai, you wanna go to New York?”
The day SNL announces you as the host and Joel as the musical guest, poppy news sources and other celebrities start reposting the image with varying reactions. They’re mostly positive and only add a little bit of extra pressure to the already stressful week ahead. All five of the Miller children, including spouses and grandchildren, join you in New York and you spend the week bouncing between rehearsals, family dinners, and play dates with the kids. On the day of shooting bumper pictures, Joel and his band mess around with different props and poses and you get to watch them work and laugh together. Watching them achieve success as a band has been one of your favorite parts of being married to Joel. That and all your cute kids, you guess.
When it’s time to switch, you take several individual pictures in different costumes and poses, moving every time the photographer tells you to. You catch Joel laughing in the corner when you’re taking a particularly ridiculous one where you’re reenacting a very dramatic scenario Violet and Sophia came up with while playing with Barbies and you can’t stop yourself from laughing too. “You’re distracting!” You yell and he shakes his head, a wide smile splitting his face.
“I didn’t even say anythin’!” He says and throws his hands up.
“I can hear you laughing!”
“God forbid I think my wife is funny.”
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes and he laughs.
“Yes, dear.”
“Did you guys want to take some together? Since you’re the first married couple doing something like this.” The photographer asks and you raise your eyebrows at him. He shrugs and makes his way back to the mark in front of the camera. Together, you guys pick various poses— some dramatic and some funny, like the ones of you guys showing off your wedding bands— and play off of each other in a way you haven’t gotten to do since he worked on the soundtrack for one of your movies. You make good work individually but when you’re together, it’s magic.
Your favorite and the one that ends up splattered all across social media is taken when you thought the cameras were off and you were wrapped in Joel’s arms. You must’ve told him a joke or a funny story from set or something because he’s throwing his head back, eyes crinkled shut in laughter, but your focus is on him. You’re both smiling, close, and impossibly happy. When the picture gets posted the day of the show, Carolina texts you a screenshot of it with the message, “you guys are so sweet it’s SICK.”
You spend a majority of the day running from sketch to sketch in a final run through while the band and Joel entertained the little kids and you switched off when it was their turn to rehearse. It’s an awkward system but with the older girls and their spouses there, it’s not too hard. By the time the cold open starts, you’re more than ready and drumming on Joel’s chest backstage to get your nerves out.
“You’re gonna be fine.” Joel says but doesn’t interrupt your nervous fidgeting.
“I know.” You say, making him laugh. He kisses you for good luck before scurrying away and letting you do your opening monologue. Sarah and Ellie whistle loudly the second they see you on stage and you blow kisses to them. You run through the rehearsed jokes, talk about how cool it is to have this opportunity, and promote your newest project easily. It feels good to be in front of a live audience and get real time feedback to what you’re doing. You love it even more because you think you can hear Sammy loudly chattering away about his Mommy.
“Now, this isn’t my first time hosting Saturday Night Live but it is my first time hosting it while I’m not pregnant with twins,” you say and cheers erupt from the crowd. “But those twins and my three other children are in the audience tonight so this is going to be a very, very special show.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Joel says, hitting his mark beside you perfectly to even more cheering. It takes about twenty seconds for the audience to die down, it’s that exciting. “That’s the only reason this a special show?”
“I mean, I think we may be the first married couple to be the host and musical guest on SNL.” You say, glancing between him and the camera, as more cheering erupts around you. Together, you make jokes about your unconventional family structure, fame, marriage, and more before transitioning into the next sketch.
You spend a majority of the night running around like a psychotic person but one of your two favorite parts of the night comes when you get to introduce Joel to the world. You stand a little ways away from the stage and face a camera in a zip-up hoodie and a stupid smile plastered to your face.
“Ladies and gentleman, the love of my life, Joel Miller!” You announce and the audience cheers as the camera pans over to him and the band. Joel winks at you before falling into sync with the rest of the band and you get to watch him do what he does best.
Your second favorite part comes when Joel gets to make full usage of his Valley Girl voice for a sketch. He’s high-pitched and elongated his vowels perfectly as he bobs his head around in a wig. Your character is supposed to be having brunch with him and the rest of the band but you keep almost breaking every time one of them does something. Joel thinks it’s hilarious and the hysteria quickly spreads to the rest of the table. The sketch is unsavable the second Ryan comes up to the table as a guest in a blonde wig and identical Valley accent.
The night goes off without a hitch and at the end, with makeup smeared across your face and your body screaming at you to take a break, Ellie, Sarah, Ryan, and Carolina join you on stage as you thank everyone and end the show. Joel is hugging you and spinning you around before you can even fully finish your spiel but you don’t mind. You’re both exhausted and happy and so full of love. You couldn’t imagine doing this life with anyone but him and things like this only solidify that.
That and the fact that even after being together for so long and getting older together, he stills has the strength to carry you home drunk after the after party.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
Nancy Wheeler
A lot of fics will make her the “bad guy” to help push their ship of Steve/whichever guy they’re pairing him with. Nancy deserves better than that she is a great character with a lot of depth. While she and Steve don’t have to be besties I hate it when they turn her into some homophobic or bitchy ex just there to propel the story 
Poor girl can't get a break ever
I got back into ST right after S4 came out, and I almost stepped out bc of how rude people were being to Nancy. She was called a bitch for dumping Steve (which was 2 years ago in canon and 6 years irl???) and she was blamed for Steddie (and in at least 1 post, harringgroove, which ugh) not getting together. Basically she got a lot of uncalled for hate for existing, because how dare she be so stubborn and get in Steve and the other characters way!
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totallysora · 7 months
Newsies (1992)
Ok so these are some things from 92sies! Icl I never actually had time to rewatch it so this is all from memory 😔 There is deffo more and at some point I will actually rewatch it and add to it, but this is all I have for now!
Crutchy is a cutie 
Oscar mocking blink
For a group of kids who can’t actually sing they actually sound rlly good when they’re singning together 😭
Crutchy being stressed out at the start of carrying the banner
CRUTCHY OK I LOVED HIM SM 😕 Him messing with the newspapers 😭
“Nobody told the horse >:(” - Racetrack Higgins 1899
SANTA FE 🥰 For someone who clearly can’t sing HE DIDNT ACTUALLY DO A BAD JOB OK 😭
SPOT 🥰🥰 
“Never fear Brooklyn’s here” - Spot Conlon 1899 
Race and the others all asking synder to donate 😭 AND HIM ACTUALLY DOING IT 💀
Kloppmann 😻 Him protecting Jack 😭 they totally butchered his roll in the bway show but honestly I see why lmao
Icl I don’t hate high times hard times I thought it was kinda fun
Everyone holding spot back ☹️ honestly I would’ve just let him beat his ass
Ok I could say this about both the bway show and the movie but in king of new york the fact that they’re all asking for rlly simple things 😕
Also Denton!! Don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore Katherine but I kinda like denton tbh
“Go back to Brooklyn 😡” - A random newsies 1899 (to spot at the end lmao)
LES MF JACOBS ☹️ HE WAS SUCH A CUTIE 😭 (and he actually did look 7 so 💀) 
The delanceys were just,,,ridiculous 😭
Jack and David r somehow still gay in the movie like what 😭
Do you think they know how much people ship them 😭❓
Ok but spot’s eyes were actually so pretty??
“I say, that what you say, it what I say” - Spot Conlon 1899
“On the grounds of Brooklyn your honour” - Spot Conlon 1899
Can you tell I love spot
Mush bullying Jack at the start 😭
Crutchys laugh
“Extra extra Joe, read all about it” - Jack Kelly 1899
“Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes” - David Jacobs 1899
This wasn’t in the movie but blood drips heavily on newsies square is iconic
Ok this also wasn’t in the movie but the bloopers of crutchy mentioning the delanceys when they’re first introduced r so funny 💀
The fact Morris calls Weisel ‘uncle weas’ 😭 (I THINK DON’T QUOTE ME ON THIS 😔)
Jack on a horse,,,that’s it 😭 IT WAS SO SILLY LMAO
The whole cowboy thing with Jack is also a lil silly
Ok but Jack scabbing in this was like,,sm better done?? Don’t get me wrong I love the whole sellout thing in newsies live but cmon 
Also the fact that JACK ACTUALLY GOES TO THE REFUGE ‼️‼️
The whole spinning on the lights/fans thing in King of new york (AND HOW THEY DID IT IN UKSIES 🥰)
The way Race says “It takes and orphan with a studdah”
Once again this is from memory of watching it at Christmas so sorry if some of this is wrong 😭 If I think of anything else I’ll add it! (Also this was requested by @artemis-lynn [praying this actually tags u 🙏] sorry it took so long!)
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jefferson-starkid · 1 year
An incomplete list of things I loved about the RWRB movie
First and foremost he total of TWO (2) lil bicep kisses Henry gives Alex (my hearttt I will never shut up about this)
Their faces when Alex gets cake on Henry’s coat
That whole scene actually. Comedy gold
Zahra straight up attacking Alex with a pillow for being an idiot
Alex looking and acting like a 10 year old petulant child during the whole hospital closet scene lol
Heny’s little voice crack when he says “I didn’t say ‘get me out of here’ I said ‘I need to get out of here’ there is a difference” BABY
on that note you don't wanna know the amount of times I said 'oh baby' to Henry during this movie :(
The eyelashes thing making it in there even though it’s not henry who says it in the movie but idc because Taylor Zakhar Perez your eyelashes sir
Alex actually grabbing Henry’s hips at the party to show him how to dance WE LOVE A BOOK ACCURATE MOMENT
On that note GET LOW
And Henry saying ‘Did he say ‘sweat drops down my balls?’ I hollered I love that moment in the book
Henry’s lost puppy look when Alex kisses the girls
Nick Galitzine managing to perfectly portray Henry’s mannerisms in the first kiss scene ‘Henry’s whole face grimaces in frustration, his eyes casting skyward like they’re searching for help from an uncaring universe.’ Like he did that perfectly
Zahra being the iconic queen she is
“You’ve been wanting him to dick you down forever”
the Alexander Hamilton portrait good job movie
Alex being nervous and not knowing how to stand when waiting for Henry (ik in the book this detail was after the state dinner in his room, but idc I love that they at least kept it in this way)
Henry’s horrified little moment of realization when he sees Alex isn’t actually gonna yell at him for kissing him but he’s actually into this like Nick Galitzine your face sir!!! It’s so soft and sad and adorable arrgghhh
The detail of Alex hitching Henry’s tigh up around him like in the book
Amy’s ‘oh god!’ when she walks in on them
Henry immediately pretending to inspect the book case and Alex randomly playing with the flowers all ‘ACT NATURAL’ lol that made me cackle
Henry’s face as he leaves Alex’s room and lingers in the doorway a bit to just…stare at him UGH
The rich white people sex dungeon scene with the polo and alex just shamelessly thirsting after Henry lol
“Who says ‘make love’ anymore? Are we like gonna listen to Lana Del Rey while we do it?” PLEASE
That sex scene was handled with so much care. It was so soft and sensual and they worked their asses off to show their connection and it paid off lemme tell u everyone say ‘thank you intimacy coordinator’
Like I could talk for 45 minutes about that hand shot alone
How small Henry looks lying on his side next to Alex afterwards
FIRST BICEP KISS everyone say thank you whoever wrote that in the script
Henry’s disorientated ‘sgoingon?’ when Zahra wakes them up lol just like the book
EVERYTHING ZAHRA SAYS after she finds Henry in the literal closet
You could feel the ‘Zahra does not appreciate being told to chill’ radiating off of her Sarah Shahi you absolute genius
Their faces when ‘oh and I told my sister!’ :D ‘Oh I didn’t know that!’ :D ‘Yeah she was really happy for us’ ‘I can’t wait to see her again she’s real-‘ “OKAY SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU” lol Zahra is going THROUGH it
‘Would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?’ ‘No.’ he said that so fast I’m gonna cry
Zahra calling Henry Little Lord Fuckleroy
Ellen at least mentioning the powerpoint even though they didn’t show it
Ellen giving alex the Queer Talk™
On that note ‘the B isn’t silent’ making it in there is so important to me as a bi person
Alex reading One Last Stop
I am NOT singing karao-
Cut to henry singing karaoke
HE DID IT HE SANG DON’T STOP ME NOW and he’s all smiley and real and open and Alex noticing it and falling more in love by the second
On that note Taylor Zakhar Perez your face sir
On the deck when Henry is slowly realizing what Alex is trying to say (aka ‘I love you) and nick’s face just goes so desperately soft as he starts to understand that this means he’ll have to leave Alex and then his face just slowly closes off like NICK GALITZINEs FACE ACTING don’t talk to meee
That little moment afterwards that Henry spends underwater with his hand on his heart just…ACHING. Ugh someone kill me
Henry is my absolute baby can you tell
David first appearing. A real ‘and everyone cheered’ moment even though the scene is heartbreaking
‘Do you love him?’ ‘What difference would it make if I did?’ and then that sad barely there smile *insert captain Holt ‘PAAAIIINNNNN’ gif here*
“I stormed a fucking castle to look you in the eye and tell you that I love you, knowing that you wouldn’t say it back. So no, Henry, in fact, this is costing me everything.” LORD
”I can love you and want you and still not want that life. I’m allowed, all right? And it doesn’t make me a liar. It makes me a man with some infinitesimal shred of self-preservation, and you don’t get to come here and call me a coward for it” is one of my favourite passages in the book and I am so fucking happy they kept it. Nick slayed that scene
In fact their acting in that whole sequence was amazing
“tell me to go” NOOOO I love that they kept it but it’s so sadddd
The fact that they actually filmed in the V&A
Henry mentioning dreaming of dancing there with a person he loved and Alex wasting zero time putting on a song (cry emoji)
Henry giving Alex his signet ring like in the book, but then them adding that Alex gives Henry his key in return I AM UNWELL
That little montage of cute intimate moments between A&H during Alex’ speech
YAYYYY they kept the Zahra and Shaan subplot
“Yeah I thought you might see it our way, I’ll hold” QUEEN ZAHRA
And then Henry’s little breathless ‘Alex?’ STOPPPP
I’m serious baby making it into the film had me WEAK I had to pause for a full 30 seconds to scream into my pillow
Running towards each other on the stairs :’)
“I’m white and upper class so my affection comes with strings” lol at least he's self aware
The hand holding during the meeting with he king
“I love you”  “I love you more “  “I think that’s up for debate”
Henry wearing the tie with the yellow roses of Texas :’)
In conclusion was the movie perfect? No! did I still love it? Yes!
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
So I just rewatched Barbie The Princess and the Pauper and HOLY SHIT that movie has no right to still be that fucking good, I need to rant.
As a musical lover, this was perfection. Like, every single song was a Bop?!
Free is the perfect beginning to the movie, we see the POV’s from Anneliese and Erika and how, while they both long for their respective version of freedom, they understand their responsabilities and why they just can’t be as free as they’d like to be.
Then… How Could I Refuse? May be my new fave villain song holy shit, no wonder it got a reprise. I love the villain, he’s the perfect amount of ridiculous but also low-key competent.
I Am A Girl Like You. This is lit the only real interaction between Erika and Anneliese but it was just so wholesome and so perfect and just *squeals* I love it. They just click as besties.
To Be a Princess. Julian and Erika are the real besties of this movie, no I will not be taking criticism. Also, Julian’s voice cracking in the middle of admiring and simping for Anneliese was comedy gold. They’re just the best together.
The Cat’s Meow. This had no right to be this fucking good. THIS IS A SONG ABOUT A CAT THAT BARKS WHY THE FUCK WAS I ON THE VERGE OF TEARS?! Also, Dominick is just… the best King he’s just… ugh I love him. And Barky is just… I love him so much.
If You Love Me For Me. I can’t believe Erika and Dominick invented romance. Like, I ship Julian and Anneliese, they’re cute, but Erika and Dominick stole the show, I’ll explain more later.
Anneliese, I love Anneliese… that’s kinda it. I feel like she didn’t get enough time to shine for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love her scenes, especially watching her be a science girlie and outsmart everyone were great, but I don’t feel that strongly about her. I like her, she’s awesome, that’s it.
Erika, I fucking love Erika. She’s just so… fun? Like, she has a good backstory and motivations, she has big dreams that she refuses to let go of but she’s also just so selfless, like, she knows she could get in huge trouble for pretending to be Anneliese but still does it cause she thinks it’s the right thing to do. Idk, I just adore her.
Julian and Dominick, I love Julian, he’s just a goofy, hopeless romantic. I love his bond with Anneliese and that he’s also pretty smart, if a bit more impulsive than Anneliese. And Dominick, DOMINICK, I know that he has very few scenes but Idk how to explain just how much he just steals the show for me. He’s just best boy.
Julian and Anneliese are so cute, they just make sense. I love that they both just kinda… already knew that they were in love but just didn’t say anything due to her status. But they’d do anything for each other and I am here for it.
Erika and Dominick… they have my heart. They’re more of, almost love at first sight, they have an instant connection and it’s just adorable. But what I love the most about them is that when everything is over and Erika’s debt is paid, she knows that she can’t just marry Dominick, she wants to finally live her dream. And Dominick understand this and just asks her to think about coming back some day.
Gives her an engagement ring, “No promises?” “I’ll take my chances.” SOMEBODY SEDATE ME
And AFTER living her dream, Erika does come back to him and it’s just… AAAAAAHHHHHHH
But yeah anyways… I loved it just as much (if not more) than when I was a kid.
Also, the animated bloopers continue to be iconic. Erika’s phone ringing int he middle of a romantic scene? Amazing. Julian randomly dance breaking in the middle of To Be a Princess? Defined my childhood
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mrpldiddles · 6 months
boy that i found | t.blyth
a/n: the amount of screenshots of louis partridge being spotted at the guts tour that i took so that i could make this... ANYWAYS here's another tom x remi insta au because tom was seen at the guts tour so obviously i got ideas :) ENJOY!!!!
tomremi posted:
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tomremi tom spotted at remi's calgary show last night!!
user1 he's the most supportive bf omg
user2 they're so iconic
user3 i was standing near him and any time i looked over at him he had the biggest smile on his face it was so cute🥹
-> user4 omg do you have any pictures of him there??
-> user3 i'll dm you!!
user5 tom really said "remi you're doing great sweetie!!"
user6 he's so so in love with her i can't
user7 how many pictures do you think he has of her just from last night???
-> user8 probably so many they haven't seen each other in awhile
-> user7 how do you know??
-> user8 tom's been filming billy the kid in calgary and remi's been on tour which is why she said at the show that it was so special for her
-> user7 ohhhh ok thank you!!
-> user9 tom release the pictures!!!!!
user10 i'm so jealous of her but so happy for her at the same time😩
-> tomremi ugh same girl but with both of them
-> user11 right??? they're both so lucky!!
tomremi posted:
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tomremi remi played a new song at her calgary show last night and released it at midnight!!
"calgary you've been hosting something very near and dear to my heart these past couple months while i've been touring, and he seems to still be doing pretty good so thank you so much for taking care of him for me. i still have a few songs to play for you tonight, but in honour of how special this show is for me, do you mind if i play an extra one for you? a little extra thank you from me to you, if you will...alright amazing, thank you. i wrote this song back in 2021 when me and my boyfriend weren't dating just yet, but there was something there y'know?...my boyfriend does happen to be here with us tonight, which is what makes this show so special for me, and even he hasn't heard this song yet so without further ado, this is "let light be light," which is out tonight at midnight!"
user1 what is she doing to us OMG
user5 "i think that he's good for me this boy that i found" REMI OMG
-> user8 they’re so in love i can’t😩😩😩
user7 i can't do this anymore omg😭😭
remi.alaric posted:
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remi.alaric calgary you were so so special thank you for being so incredible and bringing me back to my home away from home🩵🩵🩵this show will forever hold such a special place in my heart and to commemorate it my new song "let light be light" is out now wherever you stream your music🩵
x remi
rachelzegler INSANE
rachelzegler streaming party happening right now‼️‼️
stevie_alaric um does mom know about the third picture🤨
-> remi.alaric 🤫🤫🤫
joshandresrivera it's on repeat!!!
hunterschafer the new song is so so good so so proud of you!!💞💞
-> remi.alaric i absolutely adore you🥹🥹
stevie_alaric i'm expecting a full album to be released at the BC shows just so ya know
-> rachelzegler i'm flying out if she does so remi tell us now
-> remi.alaric check your texts!!!!
-> user5 GIRL WHAT
-> user7 remi what do you mean😀what do you mean😀what do you mean remi😀
user8 it really is remi's world and we're all just living in it
tomblyth you releasing a new song at my show is gonna go to my head
-> stevie_alaric but did you get a whole album released at your concert HMM
-> user9 STEVIE😭😭
-> rachelzegler AND getting a whole speech about you at the SAME show what did you do to deserve all this😩
-> tomblyth i sold my soul to remi
-> remi.alaric i'm praying for your costars for how much you'll be talking about this
-> tomblyth all i do is talk about you so they're used to it
-> rachelzegler EWWWWWW
-> stevie_alaric YOU'RE SICK
-> tomblyth looooooovvvvveeeesick
tomblyth posted:
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tomblyth pov: your favourite artist plays and releases a new song just because you're at the concert
@remi.alaric i'm your #1 fan!!!!!!!!!
user9 get yourself someone who is a total dork for you like tom is for remi
-> remi.alaric so true girl
rachelzegler you're such a fool in love y'all are adorable
stevie_alaric um actually I'M her biggest fan you fool
-> tomblyth "the fool jingled miserably across the floor"
-> stevie_alaric is that a british reference that i'm too cool to understand
joshandresrivera @remi.alaric when do i get a song about me????
-> remi.alaric check your streaming platforms at midnight!!!!!!
remi.alaric anything for my biggest (and dorkiest) fan🥰🫶
-> stevie_alaric @tomblyth HA she called you a dork
-> tomblyth AND her biggest fan😌
-> stevie_alaric probably because you're a giant.
-> user13 i'm crying tom and stevie act like such siblings💀💀
-> user14 so basically when is tom proposing so we can get stevie's maid of honour speech
-> rachelzegler i second that!!!
user1 no cause tom is actually so her biggest fan like the videos of him at the concert his smile is always so big🥹🥹
-> user3 i know they're so adorable🥺
user5 the last picture of them in her dressing room🥹🥹🥹
-> user6 whoever took it is a godsend
remi.alaric i looooooovveeeee you so much🩵
-> tomblyth i loooooooovvvveeeee you even more🩵
-> stevie_alaric get a rooooooooommmm
-> rachelzegler i’m sick because of how in love y’all are😷🥰
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
crimson rivers thoughts (7)
@tastetherainbow290 more!! this one is longer
chapter 12
remus pov!!
LILY MENTION i love you lily i hope we see more of her in this
oh no wait what happened
wolfstar is wolfstarring
oh no the games. ugh.
regulus pov <3 i hope he finds evan
snake jump scare
james pov already wow ok
vanity!!! she lives
them boiling the water they’re so smart i love james
taking a break to eat dinner i will be back later.
ok i am back. (i love that im saying this as if my thoughts are being shared in real time)
“you’re going after regulus aren’t you” right as always, pete.
“stop thinking with your cock” PETER you icon
regulus pov again! i hope he finds james
water!!!!! huzzah
what is this spider 😭
james pov again
omg who died
i know it wasn’t regulus but i hope he is okay
wait is the spider like the wolf things?! that’s terrifying actually
omg irene and mathias hi
james interrogating them about regulus 😭
nice one regulus look at you killing avery spider
the lovers have been reunited!!!!
reggie come on don’t kill james
“he’s absolutely gorgeous” james now is not the time 😭
“you’re hesitating, love” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
james “if i have to tie you up and carry you there, you are coming with me” potter
why is james flirting with regulus right now 😭 read the room james
james going with regulus because regulus wont go with james
“what’s it going to be”
chapter 13
another spice warning for this chapter… more jegulus content?! or is it wolfstar. probably wolfstar. although that’s what i said last time and it was jegulus..
young jegulus ❤️‍🩹
“James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid” yeah that’s james.
james. sweetie. i know you don’t want to kill the cute little family of deer but your only other option is to starve to death.
ok but why is this sad
i guess they choose starvation??
james missing sirius ☹️
“we’re a great big tragedy” that is exactly what jegulus is. you summed it up perfectly, thanks regulus
“do you think we would have gotten married” james 😭
REGULUS TRIPPING OVER THAT you know what you did james
“if it was you asking, you know i would have” ahhhhh
of course regulus ate the snake that tried to kill him. icon behavior.
eeeeeeeee jegulus
THE HANDCUFFS james get your mind out of the gutter
“mum dad look away im having impure thoughts” 😭
james doesn’t have his glasses?! how is he seeing right now
me rn: 💔
i can’t even be mad about it because i love dorcas
omg dorcas!!! she’s safe
slow painful death ☹️ gotta be the worst kind
dorlene <333
why is marlene shocked that dorcas enjoyed the games when she was young. she is literally a hallow. and she was a child??
ok they’re flirting now
eeeeeee they’re kissing
ok more than kissing
“eyes up here sweetheart” dorcas im in love with you
i love dorlene this is a nice break from the arena
noooo the moment has been interrupted
fab and gid ☹️ don’t remind me
and its over.
chapter 14
im scared for this one
i really hope evan doesn’t die
“do fish even have brains” 😭 james please
james shamelessly being in love with regulus ugh i love them
of course james has a knife kink
the story <3
yeah sirius would try to eat rocks
“Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five” jamesss you
THE PARTING GIFT james you’re teasing the viewers
“everything proceeds to go wrong all at once.” oh no
evan?! i hope that isn’t you
james killed him. oh. my.
regulus is os caring ❤️‍🩹
james having a crisis
they’re holding hands omg
“all james wants is him”
run joey run (glee cast version)
ouchie that seems like it hurt (wow. great observation from me.)
“when mulciber has a sword to his throat it’s not sexy at all” i would hope not?!
“he looks rather terrifying in a sexy way” james. babe. keep it in your pants you’re about to DIE
ok regulus
this is stressful. i know they both live but it is stressful nonetheless. 
yes james you go girl
the spear. i’m getting rue flashbacks.
EVAN!!!!!!!! he’s alive and here to save the day
i love that evan calls regulus lover boy
evan is going to die and i am not ready
not regulus thinking of james as his boyfriend
“both” ahhhh reggieeeee
jegulus + evan god tier combo
my face when james calls regulus love: 🤭
is james going to go full peeta and lose his leg too
should i read another chapter….
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Good Morning! Super excited for these next set of eps to review.
We’ve reached the iconic and pivotal DOD eps. I’m nervously excited to review these. I want to do them justice. They are momentous for not just Chenford but the entire series. Rosalind Dyer is one of my fav recurring baddies. I loved Annie from Castle as well. Was psyched she would be joining The Rookie. This was a rare one where I got to use all the gifs I wanted to. Yay. Kid in a Chenford candy store haha Thank you to all the wonderful gif makers out there. You are the real MVP's. Let’s get this started :)
2x10 The Dark Side
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We start with Lucy and the guys out for a post work drink. Armstrong is there as well. They’re talking about Jackson dating a celebrity. Asking how that is? Lucy says they’re happy if he’s happy. Nick calls her bluff and says ‘Liar.’ LMAO Lucy cracks and says men suck ha They sure can. That the single men in LA suck. That whenever they find out she’s a cop they freak out. (To touch on not dating a cop bit. It is only a mistake when it’s not Tim. Let’s be real.) Especially while she's still a rookie just not a good idea (cough Nolan cough) He was never a good decision though....not even a little bit. I'll die on that hill haha
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Armstrong joins the convo and comes in with some solid advice. ‘Those aren’t men they’re boys. Real men are not afraid of a strong woman.’ Your real man just isn’t ready yet my dear. Nor are you. I really love this scene though. I enjoyed Nick a lot as a character. Poor Lucy she goes on her 'Sister Officer Lucy Chen' rant ha Classic. Oh the irony of this convo. In S5 she definitely isn't in a nunnery anymore heh. That is quite awhile away from this point though. Have to note how pretty she looks in this scene. Her outfit is simple but she looks stunning.
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Lucy leaves the table to get another round. That’s when Lucy runs into Caleb….really unfortunate that’s his name. That’s my BIL's name haha He seems normal enough with his flirting with Lucy. Both of them being ignored for another drink by the bartender. He's making her laugh and appearing nice and kind. Ugh run Lucy run…Their moment gets interrupted by Lucy noticing a guy stealing tips. She walks away from the convo and apologizes. End ups arresting the thief. The way she takes him down is bad ass I have to say. (Tim would be proud) Says 'Surprise I’m a cop’ haha
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Roll call comes around and they find out about Rosalind Dyer. A rare unicorn in their world. A female serial killer. She’s agreed to show them the 3 bodies that were never found. In exchange she gets life with no parole instead of the death penalty. Everyone’s day is now centered around this. Tim and Lucy discuss her past murders. Lucy telling Tim she was in college when they found the first victims.
That it was all anyone could talk about, wondering how a woman could be so barbaric? Tim shares his own story about it. How he worked a scene for the 4th victim. That he was advised not to look at the body. How he wish he hadn’t… The hindsight of watching this scene unfold right before they run into Caleb. It’s bone chilling to think about. Their convo being framed around this before he shows up.
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Caleb shows up and Tim is immediately suspicious and does not like this guy. His face has me rolling the entire time. Gives Caleb a hard time about the word 'Perp'. His facial expressions I can not LOL Now part of this reaction is his cop gut. I truly believe that. Not trusting whoever this guy is for Lucy. His default is suspicion. The fierce protector coming out to play in this scene.
I think the rest of his reaction is him just not liking this guy being interested in Lucy. Jealously thy name is Timothy Bradford. Its seeping out of him and he can't stop himself. He's completely forgotten he's dating one of her closest friends in this moment. Written all over his face how territorial he’s being right now. I always love me some protective/jealous Tim. This scene and honestly this entire episode is full of that.
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Lucy’s face is screaming ‘chill out’ the entire interaction. She's basically scolding him with her eyes above. They have a mini silent conversation with their eyes before the scene continues. If that isn't the most married look they've had so far. I love it so much. He definitely looks reprimanded in that second gif above. Tim is as transparent as person can be in this scene. Not even trying to hide it a little bit. Caleb has shown up and Tim's guard and protective nature are out in full force. Doesn't like this guy just showing up and sniffing around at all.
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Caleb is clearly nervous around Tim (as he should be..) It's too funny he keeps trying regardless to talk to Lucy. Tim deftly snags the paper out of the air. She didn't have a chance of grabbing it. Caleb has to sense how much Tim doesn't want him here. He could not be less welcoming of this man. Tim reads the paper and he asks if Caleb has a last name LOL He says Wright. The irony of that last name...
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I doubt our boy even knows why he’s reacting this way to Caleb. Only that he is and very strongly at that. All his feelings when it comes to Lucy are muddled and confusing for him. Yet he acts on them anyway. From the moment this guy showed up the green eyed monster was present. Tim continues to grill him. He asks what he does for a living? Says if it’s a screenwriter he’s going in a cell. He really hates screenwriters haha A theme through out the show for him.
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Eric’s facial expressions during this entire scene truly is perfection. Look at the way he looks at Caleb as he leaves. If looks could kill he would be a dead man. Also you can see the mask on Caleb drop when he turns away from them (shudder). The immense distrust written all over Tim's rigid body language. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Both of their faces above are a summary of the entire scene. Lucy is happy to have caught the eye of a 'decent' guy. Tim doesn't trust this guy as far as he can throw him.
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Tim doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong till he turns around and sees her face. Kudos to Melissa for the great reaction. He says 'What?' All innocent like he didn't just drag that guy through the mud. Treat him like a criminal they deal with on the daily. She is so affronted and honestly confused as hell with his reaction. Her face basically saying 'What the hell was that?'
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From the moment Caleb shows up to the moment he leaves Tim is NOT pleased with his presence. Lucy is truly confused as to why he is acting this way. She can’t put together why he was trying to kill that entire interaction. We all know Lucy included (deep down) this was jealously thorough and through. But she chalks it up to him being stressed about how crazy everything is right now. Sure that’s it Lucy…She demands the paper back with just her face and outreached hand. Tim is shocked she wants the number of this doofus. He relents and unwillingly hands it back to her. Almost rolling his eyes as he does so.
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They’re driving in a caravan to the first burial site. Lucy is looking at Calebs online profile in the car. Tim snaps at her to focus. That this is going to be most dangerous day she’s ever going to spend on the job. Oh the weight of that comment when you know these eps….They both have no idea how true that’s going to be. Might seem like he’s mad when really he’s protecting her by getting her to focus. It’s his way of doing it. I also think it's a little frustration bleeding over from the whole Caleb thing. Not that he's going to put that together right now. Hell doesn't even realize how territorial and jealous he just was.
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We rejoin Tim and Lucy once they arrive at the first spot. They're talking about Rosalind during this 'Hike' to find the remaining bodies. Tim asks if she’s less scary in the light of day? Lucy tells him no…but mentions how smart she must be. To have gotten away with this for so long undetected. Lucy smartly mentions there’s a play here they’re not seeing.
Tim tells her it’s just to jerk them around. Oh my love it is far more than that. Lucy is so sharp to observe this hike has to be more than just her deal. She is proven right when they find a fresher body in one of the grave sites with the old one. It’s obvious she has a partner on the outside they just don’t know who…
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Lucy is looking at Caleb’s “profile” again. Watching a video of him with a puppy. Jealous/Protective Tim makes his next appearance. Could not be more obvious if he tried. Not a fan of her being enamored by this guy. He makes a snide remark saying I bet that’s not even his puppy. It’s scary how spot on he was with Caleb the entire time. It’s mainly from jealously and being protective of her, but it’s frightening how dead on his cop gut was. He turned out to right about everything with him.
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Lucy naturally gives him push back and says she just wants to enjoy a cute puppy. That it’s been an awful day. Can't she just do that? Jealous Tim won't agree with her. So he is a little shit and says 'This your first decomp right? ' Watching her face go from happy to grossed out LOL Oh Tim. He knows how bad this smell is going to be for her and is enjoying it haha The way she follows after him is too funny. Melissa is also amazing at expressing so much as well.
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The eerie part of this scene is it’s them being the ones to discover the DOD tattoo… There are so many forewarnings in this episode for her. For them. Literally smacking us in the face with them. That could’ve been her if things had gone wrong... Ugh my heart. They find out the newer victim was suffocated…What an awful way to die. I’m asthmatic and it gives me a pre-asthma attack just thinking about it.
A light hearted part of this scene is once again the lack of personal space. Ah personal space. They don't know her and never will. We're all ok with this notion. Nolan ends up getting Rosalind to lead them to the second site. They find a new body in it with a DOD Tattoo. The freshest one yet. They realize it’s every three months. That 12/09/19 is the the next DOD. John notes it’s 12/08 they have a day to find the next victim.
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Tim and Lucy join Armstrong at the jail to search Rosalind cell once again. Trying to find some connection. A way her and this person have been communicating. Nick asks where her books are and they say they sent them back. He asks for every book she's read in the last 6 months.
They’re searching all the books and of course Lucy is the one to crack the code. I love it. Finds something in the binding. Its a coded piece of paper. She figures out the cypher fairly quickly. You know Tim loves how damn smart she is. He’s impressed. She figures out a name from the code. My girl. Bryan Coleman. Funny that doesn’t sound like Caleb Wright….
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Harper and Nolan end up saving the next girl. They find out he’s been using the old abandoned zoo as his staging ground. What kills me is them saving her condemns Lucy. They stopped him from scratching that sick itch. Grey tells them all to go home and rest. Lucy spins around and tells Tim she’s just going to go home and crash.
Tim tells her that’s a mistake and gives her the advice that will haunt him in the next episode. Hell for quite awhile if I’m being honest. He will carry this moment with him for a long time. Says after a hardcore assignment she needs to blow off some steam. Find a way to decompress. If she doesn’t she’ll never get any sleep.
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Lucy is super cute asking if he's really telling her to go get a drink instead? He tells her yes. Preferably a strong one even with another human being. We all know who that human being is going to be….Side note I adore the fact that he always opens the door for her. Doesn't even realize he's doing that. Just does it out of habit. Her real man standing right in front of her but it is far too early for that hehe
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Literally makes me sick to watch her scene with Caleb. My skin crawls knowing where it’s headed. He took advantage of Lucy with her guard down. Her cop eyes we're retired for the night. Just trying to decompress. We go back to the station where Grey tells John and Nick they found a body at the old zoo. Bryan Coleman. Which can only mean one thing as we go back to Lucy. That Caleb is the apprentice….
She goes from giggly and relaxed to sheer terror in a matter of moments. He drugged her and Lucy is slowly realizing the situation she is now in. He also snags her phone before she can use it. Sadly she is over powered easily due the drug he gave her. Then sticks her in the trunk of his car. The ep ends there.
It’s a crazy stressful two-parter. So damn good though. I remember when this first premiered how hard it was to wait for the next episode. I’m pre emotional just thinking about analyzing the next episode. Can’t wait to do it though.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Wopez good scenes not many but really good. Wes clearing not handling his post traumatic stress well. Mixing his prescription with alcohol. Angela coming home asking if he was trying to kill himself. He says I don’t know… Not a great answer bud.
The whole Rosalind SL. It’s so dark but so good. Getting a deeper look into Nick and seeing some chinks in his armor. What he sacrificed to catch her. It’s very good. I enjoyed his character a lot and getting more depth with him as well.
Thank you as always to those that like/comment/reblog these reviews. It’s means the world to me. I love doing these and they take time to assemble. But they’re so worth doing to enjoy this rewatch together. I’m also enjoying the hell out of analyzing these eps and our beloved couple. I’ll see you all in 2x11 :)
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puppy-phum · 2 years
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Pick Your Vice Versa Outfit ↳ Talay Rawi Edition [Puen ver.]
My Top 10 Talay Outfits for @stormyoceans​​​​  layout insp. [x]
+ bonus:
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(some thoughts under the cut!)
more rambles about these outfits for you monica! i hope you enjoy ^^
TOP 10 Talay Outfits explained:
10. Zebra Boy a stylish and flowy zebra print shirt with basic white slacks and talay’s signature white bag. this one is so silly but cool i had to include it. i actually am obsessed with both of the white & black print shirts tess owns but the other one is mostly worn my ohm in the series so i didn’t inlude it here (ep 2 when tess/talay goes to pester tun at the café). also i just like this scene a lot and couldn’t get over the “secret lover” -line. 
9. Reunion Blues a simple navy blue dress shirt and light colored pants plus talay’s round glasses. listen: am not a big fan of talay’s clothes in his own universe even if he looks adorable in them, but this one! this one is a legend. straight up iconic. he looks so pretty in dark blue and then we have this whole scene and ugh. just pure insanity. 
8. Goodbyes taste bitter an orange and white striped shirt and black jeans. am so obsessed with the v-neck of this shirt, it’s crazy. i don’t blame puen at all for instantly going like, “oh yes, that’s my bf now” bc honestly? very understandable. talay just looks so good in this shirt, holy hell. continues on the road of, “why must you dress up so nicely when the occasion is breaking my heart?” i guess these two are similar like that. 
7. Let us kiss again a red-blue-white striped sweater with red pants. i love this color combo on talay so much. blue and red just suit him. the shirt is also tight fitting and it’s amusing to see puen Struggling bc of it. man is not able to keep his hands off. it’s very understandable but pls sir, calm down. you’ve known each other like two weeks. and you still haven’t even told talay that you’re not kissing him just bc but bc you’re head over heels in love with him. get a grip. 
6. First Kiss a simple white sweatshirt and red/fucsia pants. i don’t want to say this but i have to say this: talay’s ass looks amazing in these pants. like, am not one to stare but oh boy. it’s right there! stealing the show! and then it’s combined with talay’s sexy wet hair after running through the rain to look for his long lost lover friend who he wants to make up with. Literally. bc they’re kissing by the end of this. and i scream. 
5. The Green Sweater a yellow-green sweater combined with white pants. talay looks adorable in this with his guitar and the sweater paws. am not at all surprised that puen looks close to tears bc bitch, me too. it’s just So Soft and then it’s mixed with the guitar (+ the lotus flower) and talay singing a love song and. i want to hug him so bad, puen get out of the way it’s my turn now. 
4. The Wedding Suit a light pink colored suit, apparently without a shirt underneath. this whole thing began with this suit. as i said, this one is 100% outshining the one puen wears in this scene. i am just in love with this suit; the color, the simplicity, the cut, the way talay wears it so casually. he looks amazing and positively ethereal. puen is marrying him on the spot. talay is thinking it’s a joke but i might just tell him it’s not. get a ring and be done with it, would you. this might sound controversial after me saying puen is rushing things with the kisses but i don’t actually have anything against it.  
3. Loneliness is yellow a simple black sweatshirt with bright yellow pants. i feel like the more heartbreaking the scenes get, the better talay gets dressed. he’s always serving looks when am crying on my floor. i don’t mind tho bc why not have several mental breakdowns at the same time, saves me the time. he looks absolutely glorious in that black shirt, and the colored pants are a wonderful touch. if tess got nothing else, at least he's had the sense to buy all these clothes.
2. The Gray Jacket a textured gray jacket with a black shirt and white pants. the texture on this jacket makes me go wild bc it looks so nice to touch and the whole jacket looks so cozy. am wondering how talay can wear that with the heat but that’s fortunately something that doesn’t get to me through my screen. he looks very huggable once again. he looks positively radiant when he smiles. and it’s just a plus that puen looks so gone for him bc yeah, valid. am in love with this sunshine boy too. 
1. Second chance a gray sweater with red details, combined with red pants. honestly talay’s best outfit in this whole show hands down. every time i start this ep, i am just blown away by this outfit. the styling team was going crazy that day. the shirt has a v-neck, the red details work so well, it fits talay nicely, the rolled sleeves, the delicate bag. the pants are tight fitting and make his legs look extra long and slim. especially in that billiard room lighting he just looks insanely pretty. i want to yell into the void. the void might yell back at me. 
Bonus: Striped Bathrobe a black and white striped robe, worn mostly for breakfast. i am not really sure what to call this but a bathrobe felt like the closest fitting one so i went with it. it’s crazy how this is literally the second outfit puen ever sees talay in if we don’t count talay being half naked. he got absolutely bewitched and talay is not even bothered. this striped robe is what truly mattered. and please let’s not talk about ai’dang. 
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