#they/them kynan leore
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kill-a-man-for-kynan · 1 year ago
Vax: I trust Kynan. Percy: You think they know what they're doing? Vax: I wouldn't go that far.
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blorbologist · 1 year ago
This little space between us
Cassandra de Rolo/Kynan Leore, T, 16K, Hurt/Comfort
Giftfic for @burr-ell! <33
"... So, if you don’t mind - I guess that makes me your guard, now?” Cassandra does mind. Very much so. So at her first opportunity, when the stumbling and sighing and shifting becomes too much, she slips away. -- Cassandra de Rolo survived by hiding and still finds comfort in small spaces. Regrettably, Kynan Leore is pretty damn good at finding her.
Cassandra is used to jumping at her own shadow. It slinks too close to her heels, looms too tall overhead by candlelight. She will spy it out the corner of her eye and think it part of the castle’s literal skeleton crew. Worse - Sylas or Delilah. Unfortunately, her wallbound twin resembles the latter more than anything. She takes to wearing her hair down, or braided, or pulled back, just anything but the tight bun - 
She hates her shadow. Wishes she could carve it from her heels with a stolen kitchen knife.
So to find she has two, after Percival revealed a dragon hiding in��their castle, she - she would scream, she should, but that habit has been cut from her successfully. 
He’s not Assum. Though that hardly matters, with a shapeshifter (can she trust the next Percival she sees to be her brother at all)?
Older demons, at least, she can identify. His flesh is not sloughing. His bones are all well-hidden. He is not Sylas. He is not Delilah. (She is not Delilah.)
And so Cassandra swallows enough bile to squeak “Who?” at this stranger. 
Her new shadow startles, backing some paces. “I - oh, I’m sorry, my Lady! I just - sorry, did no one tell you?”
It feels like a trap. Smells like one, too, but that might be the familiar cold sweat she breaks into at mind games. She swallows and feels the snare against her throat. The dagger in her corset. “Tell me what? Why are you here - and speak clearly, or I will - I’ll -”
What? Cry for help? Gut him like a fish? Die prettily? She isn’t sure. So she pretends it’s a hanging threat.
To his credit, however he takes it, he takes her seriously. 
[Keep reading on AO3!]
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joyfulsongbird · 6 months ago
someone stop me from writing kynan and cassandra smut
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occidentalavian · 7 months ago
Time to speculate on who each story in Vox Machina: Stories Untold will be about! Each token corresponds to a character, so we'll be going clockwise around from the top right, then the two in the middle:
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Raishan: Serpentine dragon head, resembles her design in The Legend of Vox Machina.
Kevdak: One of the Titanstone Knuckles.
Craven Edge and/or Sylas Briarwood: A jagged sword. Most likely the story involves both of them.
Doty: A quill and ink bottle. "Doty, take this down!"
Trinket: Trinket himself of course! We know this story also involves the de Rolo children, and possibly Pike and Scalan's kids too.
Kima: Symbol of the Platinum Dragon, whom she is a paladin of.
Kynan Leore: A rifle, which Kynan was trained in as the first captain of the Whitestone Rifle Corps.
Cassandra de Rolo: The de Rolo crest.
Shaun Gilmore: A unicorn, the logo of Gilmore's Glorious Goods.
Kaylie: A flute, her instrument of choice.
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critter-genfic-events · 8 months ago
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This time, we have seven fics that talk about mentorship! Sometimes for the better, sometimes for worse - and a lot of thoughts about legacy. Check them out behind the cut, and as always - comment and kudos if you like them!
The Slow March of Time by Swan_Song (13737,General) Warnings: Major Character Death/Lifespan angst Pairings: Yussa Errenis & Essek Thelyss & Caleb Widogast, background Shadowgast, QPR Essek and Yussa
Yussa and Essek talk about Caleb, about grief, and about memory.
Reccer says: gorgeous and sad
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we all need someone to stay by whyyesitscar (2776,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Dairon & Beauregard Lionett, Dairon & Yudala Fon
a short character study on dairon's thoughts and feelings about our favorite punk monk
Reccer says: I liked it
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Tiny Monks and Little Mages by devil_seabird_king (ShaaKi) (2011,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
When Caleb needs assistance with a lesson, Beau takes the opportunity presented and runs with it. The outcome may just have a lasting impact.
Reccer says: Great Beau voice, and cute!
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Unnamed Baby Boy by tfm (1270,Teen) Warnings: Pairings: Dairon & Beauregard Lionett, background Beauyasha
Beau takes her newly adopted son to Zadash. Dairon is unimpressed (or are they??)
Reccer says: Fun and hilarious and adorable
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prospective pupils by quinn_of_aebradore (1128,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast
After a two year break, Caleb begins tutoring another class of Soltryce rejects.
Reccer says: I love the characterization and thought put into the students, and the emotions described for Caleb
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Let Others Light their Candles by ChronicBookworm (2801,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Patia Por'co & The Raven Queen, Cerrit Agrupnin & Patia Por'co, Imyr Por'co & Patia Por'co, Maya Agrupnin & Patia Por'co
Patia, her mentors, and the one she never got the chance to mentor.
Reccer says: God, thinking about Patia just kills me and this fic does her justice and gives me so many feelings
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kill your heroes by CorvidFeathers (16440,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Kynan Leore & Anna Ripley
The ballad of Kynan Leore and Anna Ripley
Reccer says: Amazing fic about a character that doesn't get too much attention - and super clever to boot
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
We'll be back on the first with Scanlan Recs - then on the fifteenth with fics featuring dreams.
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit! If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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criticalrolenpctournament · 1 month ago
NPCs competing in Round 4!
Adon Zeenoth
Anna Ripley
Astrid Becke
Bryce Feelid
Carlos Remedi
Celia Ovesso
Craven Edge
Cree Deeproots
Cyrus Wyvernwind
Dagen Underthorn
Demid Sunlash
Doctor Dranzel*
Eskil Ryndarien
Evandrin Alterra*
Gaz Tomo*
Gustav Fletching
Halas Lutagran
Henry Crabgrass
Imahara Joe
Ira Wendagoth
J'mon Sa Ord
Jamedi Cosko
Jarrett Howarth
JB Trickfoot
Kir Agrupnin
Kynan Leore
Laughing Hand
Luc Brenatto
Lucien Tavelle
Ludinus Da'leth*
Madam Musk
Marwa Endalia
Maya Agrupnin
Milo Krook
Ophelia Mardoon
Orly Skiffback
Otis Brunkel
Otohan Thull
Planerider Ryn
Prof Thaddeus
Purvan Suul
Sun Tree
Terrosh the Lidless Slumber
The Bad Luck Bandits
The Calloways
The Clays
The Gentleman
The Green Seekers
The Lionetts
The raven queen
The Schuesters
TJ Lionett
Tower Cats
Trent Ikithon
Uriel Tal'dorei
Velora Vessar
Verin thelyss*
Vess Derogna
W.S. Andy
Yussa Errenis
The characters with asterisks have had images submitted. Everyone else is up for grabs if you would like to submit your favorite images of them. ALSO, almost nobody has propaganda currently, and even the ones that do could always benefit from some more. So feel free to go to the submission form and submit what you would like to see for your favorite NPCs.
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azaisya · 4 years ago
@maliro-t replied to your post:
your mind,,, this concept is so powerful (i mean like. horribly tragic but POWERFUL)
aaaa thank you! this au is definitely full of many tragic thoughts but also they are such deeply satisfying thoughts. here’s a snippet from what little i wrote:
"So what should we do?" Vex hissed. She and Vax were huddled in an alcove, elbows pressed awkwardly into each other. The hall was quiet, but not for much longer. Cassandra’s old bedroom door loomed across the hallway. "What if she's not even in there? What if—"
Vax opened his mouth to reply, but Vex heard footsteps—the quiet, measured footsteps of somebody used to needing stealth—and hissed, "Someone’s coming.”
A second later, a young man turned the corner. Vax sucked in his breath in a sharp gasp, and he took a half-step out of the alcove; Vex grabbed his arm and squeezed mercilessly.
It was Kynan.
A Kynan who was older and gaunter than he should’ve been, his frame thinned from a lack of food and his face hardened by whatever horrors he'd been forced to endure.
Vex’s stomach sank. The horrible suspicion that she’d been nursing since the faulty teleportation spell had spit them out in a Whitestone covered in Vecna’s flags and guarded by a skeletal dragon hardened into an undeniable truth.
Kynan knocked on Cassandra's door. “It’s me.”
Vax twitched at the sound of Kynan’s voice, and Vex's fingers tightened even more around his arm. Vord’s ring cut into her flesh, and oh god Vord’s ring. She had no idea where the rest of Vox Machina was, which meant they were far enough from the ring that Vecna knew where they were. 
After a heartbeat, Cassandra’s door swung open. She wore a long blue overcoat and riding pants in the same style that she once had, but she too was undeniably older. "Kynan?"
Kynan’s head dipped into a nod, but he was strangely stiff. "Hey, Cass. Where are the Briarwoods?"
Cassandra's lips twitched into the smallest of smiles. She was terribly pale. "I don't fucking know."
Vex's heart skipped a beat, but Kynan's shoulders visibly relaxed and his hand dropped away from his dagger’s pommel. "Oh, good. The executions went well, then?"
Cassandra shrugged. "Do they ever?" She stepped out from the room, sliding the door shut behind her. "Shall we head out?"
Kynan slipped into step beside her, and the two started walking away. Vex was frozen in place, unable to untangle whatever interaction had just occurred. By the time she noticed Vax’s change of resolve, it was too late. He slipped from her grasp and sprang into the hall, uncaring of who might see. She swore, simultaneously reaching for him and her bow, but then Vax called, "Kynan!"
Both teenagers—although they weren't teenagers now, were they?—whirled about. Faster than the eye could follow, Kynan had a dagger in his hand and a  free arm thrown over Cassandra's torso as if to protect her.
But Cassandra—Cassandra, who'd ever abhorred Percy's bloodiest creations and flinched from the sounds of gunfire—drew a pepperbox pistol. Her arm was steady, her fingers molding to the weapon with the ease of familiarity, but then she saw who it was and went stark white.
Kynan's dagger drifted ever so slightly towards the ground. His eyes were huge as dinner plates. "Vax?" he asked, breathless.
"And Vex," Vex said, quickly stepping up beside her brother because like hell was she going to leave him there by himself. Besides, her instincts told her that this wasn’t a trick. Cassandra’s and Kynan’s shock was too real, too visceral.
Cassandra pointed the pistol at her, blue-grey eyes flashing around the hall as if searching for somebody else. "I don't know what game you're playing," she called, "but I won't hesitate to shoot them, too. I won tonight, fair and square. I gave up the rebels. Give me your end of the deal.” There was no response, and Vex’s heartbeat rang eerily loud in her ears.
Cassandra’s voice rose. “I won my freedom for tonight, and I will not let you take it from me!"
"What are you talking about?" Vax demanded, and Vex could hear the heartbreak in his voice, "It's us."
Cassandra snorted, eyes dropping back down to his. "Shall I shoot you in the head and see who you really are?"
"It really is us, darling," Vex said, eyes flashing over both Cassandra's and Kynan's faces to try and get a gasp of how old they were now. Cassandra's hair was even whiter than it'd been, and her eyes had always been old. But Kynan looked less like a boy and more like a man, now, his shoulders broader and his eyes harder.
"I don't believe you," Cassandra said, although the gun in her hands dipped towards the ground.
"Ask us anything," Vex said immediately, "We'll tell you anything you want to know.”
"Kynan," Vax said, expression fierce, "we first met outside of Castle Greyskull, when I foolishly attacked you. I searched for you afterwards. I gave you my dagger. I gave you Simon."
Kynan visibly wavered, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. "I—"
"I don't trust that!" Cassandra interrupted, expression fierce, "I don't trust that they can't just tear our thoughts from our heads."
"Cassandra—" Vex began, but Cassandra shook her head.
"Tell me something I don't know," she said, eyes blazing with challenge, "Tell me why you're here now. Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan are dead. The Whispered One killed them."
"He didn't," Vex said, voice as gentle as she could when panic threatened to burst from her chest, "We were forced to flee. We went to the Feywild, and we only spent a day there, I swear, but—"
"The Feywild and time don’t always mesh," Cassandra murmured. She lowered the pistol completely, slipping it into the hidden holster under her overcoat. ”Percy used to tell me about that.” Her expression wavered, just slightly. She’d always had a good poker face. “Where is he?”
“We don’t exactly know,” Vex said, with feigned lightness. “There was a problem with the teleportation spell. But, Cass—”
“If you’re a trick,” Cassandra interrupted, but Vex cut her off.
"We're not. I'll swear to Pelor, even, if you want."
Cassandra sucked in a deep breath, eyes fluttering shut. "Fine." She looked sideways at Kynan. When she spoke, her voice was soft, nearly inaudible. "If this is a trick, then you were never here."
Kynan shook his head, jaw set stubbornly. "If they punish you for this, then I'm going with you."
Cassandra's lips twitched, just slightly. She turned back to the twins, and Vex felt a shiver run down her spine. It was Cassandra’s eyes, she thought. Cassandra had always had old eyes, but now they were darkly cynical. Dead eyes, Vex thought, with no small amount of discomfort.
"If you really are my brother's friends," Cassandra said, voice low and trembling with what might have been warning, "then you need to leave now. Get out of Whitestone."
"We're not leaving you here with them," Vax said, immediately.
Cassandra let out a bitter laugh. "I don't trust you enough to go with you. But if you're real—find the Waystone Inn."
"Where is that?" Vex asked.
"If they're spies—" Kynan murmured, voice sharp with anxiety.
"I know." Cassandra didn't look away. "You’ll find answers in Emon, although you won’t like them.”
Cassandra’s eyes flashed. “That’s all you’re getting out of me. If you’re real, then go. Go and come back. If you’re not—” She laughed, low and bitter. “Well then. I suppose I should prepare to die.”
Neither twin moved for a very long time. Vex’s eyes burned, and she could hear Vax’s breathing beside her, ragged with emotion. But then there were footsteps coming around the corner, and Cassandra and Kynan were retreating down the hall, and Vex could do nothing but grab her brother’s arm and disappear into the shadows.
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topaz-mutiny · 2 years ago
Folks seem to be interested in my random and extremely sporadic word vomit (and my tempo is unlikely to change - it may be I even just go silent for a couple months) so I’d thought I’d gather some of my guessworks for the upcoming Season 3 of Vox Machina.
Having seen the campaign already and knowing what points they need to hit gives me some ideas on what might happen.
The first thing to note is that what will happen likely depends pretty strongly on if the Chroma Conclave arc extends into Season 4 or not. If CC ends in Season 3, thats one dragon dead every 4 episodes. Which doesn’t sound bad until you account for everything that happens in between - 3 more people need vestiges, potential plane-hopping, downtime scenes, romance scenes, villain scenes, character progression scenes (like the Twins finding out it was Thordak that killed their mom). Is a lot. But it could be done - a lot would probably need to get cut or condensed.
So, with that in mind, here’s what I think is going to get cut and changed if the Conclave ends in S3:
Kynan Leore is cut entirely. Vax already has plenty of storypoints on his plate, adding in Syndrome isn’t too necessary especially since Ripley can just hire anybody she wants. There’s also not been any buildup to it, and while it could happen entirely in S3, that would be time better served to the other members of Vox.
Hotis is cut entirely. Again, Vax has already had a lot happen and while Hotis’ conclusion didn’t happen until after the Conclave, what we’ve seen of Hotis seemed to just purely be an easter egg for fans of the actual-play. So this also would mean Vox Machina Does Not Go To Hell. Percy may make a deal with a devil somewhere else.
City of Brass might be cut. We’ve just seen two major moments of Scanlan (jumping from a height with Mythcarver in order to save his friends and getting a devastating hit (from Hotis’ attempted assassination), and Awakening Mythcarver by standing his ground and not running away (killing blow on a devil in the City of Brass)) so the only really important thing left there is the Plate of the Dawnmartyr, which could be moved. I can see the City of Brass staying but being greatly changed, especially if the Conclave extends into S4.
Keyleth’s Earth Aramente will be shown. This is something that happened pre-stream and during a timeskip, so no one but Matt and Marisha really have had details on this before. But the show has indicated that Keyleth still needs to go to Terra for her Aramente, so it seems like it will be shown here and she will gain her Keyteor Earth Elemental form here. Possibly could also be combined with getting the Spire of Conflux, depending on what happens with Vorugal.
Vorugal is a big heaping question mark. I have doubts they will ever show Draconia (and the ravine tree was used as their entry to Vasselheim), and a straight assault on Whitestone seems unlikely (what with the magic barrier and Raishan’s alleged help), so it’s really up in the air as to where they’ll be taking his fight (beyond being near a forest for that Anything Can Happen In the Woods scene post-battle, if it maintains its place in the timeline (it might move, honestly, as it seems too quick to have All Them Ripley Scenes in the first 3-4 episodes and then kill Vorugal since he’s definitely the second dragon that will be taken down)). Possibly the dragon fight I’m most interested in since it’s such an unknown.
Ripley might have more vestiges. For the sake of condensing things, Ripley could not only start stealing Cabal’s Ruin and Whisper, but the Plate of the Dawnmartyr as well and maybe even the Spire of Conflux. She seems WAY more involved in the show than in the streams and we’ve gotten to see her perspective fairly frequently. Having more than 1 or 2 vestiges (some part of me thinks Whisper might be cut since Show Vax is fast enough that teleporting on a knife hit seems redundant, plus it would work better having 1 vestige per character) on hand would also make her and her crew an even more interesting and dangerous Mirror Match for the party. It will also help lead the show party into discovering she’s involved, discovering she’s making guns, and letting Percy feel like shit for multiple episodes.
I do expect the Thordak and Raishan fights to go pretty much like they did on stream (barring the deaths, which all but one will be removed). Speaking of deaths...
While I really, really, REALLY want it to happen, it is still possible Percy’s Glintshore death will be replaced with something equally dire, like Orthax kidnapping his soul or something and torturing him a little, and after Orthax is gone his soul is separated from his body and is contemplating going with the Matron of Ravens until Someone calls his soul back to his body.
Unlike by brother, I still think Scanlan’s FIX HIM death is still going to happen. They’ve really been focusing on giving Scanlan a five-star treatment during the show (which, not gonna lie, I’m a little annoyed at), and that death and his team’s prank cements his decision to leave Vox Machina. It would also be a great point to allow Pike to perform her first resurrection rite, based off of how she saw Kashaw perform one, and set up for how Vax’s upcoming death is a death Pike cannot fix.
And then they might do something to set up the Whispered One / return of That Bitch arc, but I’m not sure what it could be. A villain scene, perhaps.
So, that’s it for my thoughts on the major plot beats.
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furys-burn · 3 years ago
Campaign 1 Watch Guide 
With the release of the animated series, here is a small watch guide covering the recorded live show with some short summaries and their comparable episode of the animated series. The comments also usually have a time stamp guide buried in them but you may need to scroll for a bit to find it. Later episodes of VM has this pinned but not earlier ones unfortunately.
First Mentions of the Briarwoods and Banquet: 23-27 Briarwood Arc (AKA What is covered in TLOVM): 28-35 Post Briarwood: 36-38  Wanna pick up where LOVM ends? I suggest starting with episodes 37 or 38.  Just here for the next Arc of the series and no down time? Start with episode 39. 
Link to the playlist
Link to “The Story of Vox Machina” with subs; This is a rough retelling of the party’s adventures before the start of them recording it live. Has some interesting character backgrounds and insight. Definitely worth a watch whether or not you’re watching it live.  Finally, I have given summaries of each episode below the cut with their animated counterpart. 
Happy Watching! 
Episode 1-22: The series starts with the campaign already 2 years in progress so it picks up quite literally in the middle of a quest as VM has been tasked to find Lady Kima for Allura in Kraghammer. Much of this appears to be dropped to simplify the story of Vox Machina but if you want an episode guide for these episodes in particular, please let me know! 
Episode 23: At the 3 hour mark, you will find the first mention of the Briarwoods. The episode also talks about Grog’s rivalry with Kern, a fighter from the Crucible, and introduces Kynan Leore, a young wide eyed fan of Vox Machina who wishes to join them.  Episodes 24: Prep for the banquet, vampire lore drops, and the reveal of Percy’s history with them. 
Episode 25: The actual banquet and first onscreen appearance of the Briarwoods.  Episode 3 of TLOVM. 
Episode 26: The fallback from their actions in the previous episode, they go on a side quest while Percy stays at the keep preparing for their journey to Whitestone.  Episode 3 of TLOVM.
Episode 27: It is house cleaning time as the party preps for their battle in Whitestone. If you would like to skip the shopping and some actions of a player at the table, skip to circa 2:43:00. This also the last appearance of Tiberius at the table if you would like to skip his time on the show overall. 
Briarwood Arc: 
Episodes 28-35: This is the entirety of the Briarwood Arc that is covered by the animated series. I will give a brief summary with its best parallel in TLOVM. Some episodes were obviously changed to fit a show’s script from what was done live so I recommend combing through the comments for a time stamp guide if you want a particular scene or moment. 
Episode 28: The party makes their journey to Whitestone with Emon in their mirror but get into trouble along way way.  Episode 5 of TLOVM. 
Episode 29: The first name on Percy’s list of Sir Kerrion Stonefell is about to be wiped off as Vox Machina enterers their first battle for Whitestone.  Episodes 6 of TLOVM (Note Archibald is changed from an older advisor to Percy’s father to his childhood best friend in the animated series) 
(This is also the start of things getting really swapped around for story’s sake in the animated series) 
Episode 30:  More searching through the city trying to uncover the secret plot of revolution and the introduction of Keeper Yennen who alerts Percy that he is not the only de Rolo who survived the massacre.  Also episode 6 of TLOVM
Episode 31: Scanlan takes on a one man mission to escape the trap that puts himself against Duke Vedmire. The rest of VM going against a part of the “New Nobles” that the Briarwoods put into place after the murder of the de Rolo family starting with Tylieri, a royal with a love of cruelty.  Episode 7 of TLOVM
Episode 32: An undead army is making its horrific way through Whitestone but a little cleric is about to do a shit ton of damage to help with that. Episode 9 of TLOVM
Episode 33: The brutal climb into Whitestone Castle begins where they make an unlikely ally in the dungeons. Climbing up, they also come face to face with Anders who holds Cassandra with a dagger to her throat.  This episode is a little bit all over: End of Episode 7 and all of episode 8. 
Episode 34: Betrayal flavors the party as they make their own into the depths of Whitestone to come face to face with the Briarwoods themselves. It is time for one hell of a boss fight.  Episodes 10-12 of TLOVM. 
Episode 35: The party have to contend with Percy’s own inner demons quite literally.  They also wrap up the Briarwood arc with a festival to bring some joy back to the town after a long five years.  Episodes 11-12 both pull from this episode. 
Post-Briarwood: These are events I believe will be covered in season 2. Episode 36-37: Downtime and some lore drops for PCs Episode 38: Start of the next Arc
Episode 36: Vox Machina enjoy Winter’s Crest, an annual event in Whitestone of fun, drink, and food that offers some needed reprieve after the events of the last arc. 
Episode 37: A return to Emon means proving one’s innocence and figuring out how the Briarwoods managed to deceive the Tal’Dorei council for so long. Also, Scanlan’s old troupe show up with a hefty dose of trouble. 
Episode 38: Scanlan meets a young lady named Kaylie who is more than she appears while the rest of the party journey to General Kriegs now abandoned home hoping to pocket some valuables and information.  Episode 2 of TLOVM. Note: In the live show, VM has been traveling far longer than in the animated series. The original fight covered in episode 1 happened two years before the Briarwood arc. The fight also happened long before they started recording their game. 
Episode 39: The party is invited to a royal announcement of Sovereign Uriel the II. This is only the start of where everything changes as they start the story that defines the rest of the the campaign. 
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trickrydomain · 3 years ago
when they're sleeping ; it's not just the way they're at rest. it's that they're at rest with you. it's not just that they're safe but that they feel safe enough to let you see them like this. it's trust and it's intimacy. and you're not sure you're ready for them to see the emotions in your eyes right now. they've been through enough. you both have. sometimes it scares you just how much you love them. it terrifies you that you feel happy as they lay there, eyes closed and hair a little messy. their features twitch and you know they're dreaming and it scares you because if you fall asleep too you won't have a nightmare tonight. you'll dream of them. or nothing at all. and either way it will make you need them more. and you're not supposed to need anyone but it's them. you want to hold them in your arms and never let go. you want to protect them but you know they want to protect you to. this is the kind of love you long for and it's the kind which will hurt if you lose it. but here you are anyway. it's too late now. you're glad it's too late to go back.
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simplaertes · 5 years ago
i know i reblogged smthn abt this earlier bc haha funnie joke but i cannot comprehend the fanon the cr fandom has created that vox machina were “elitist” or whatever. like. aside from tary (WHICH HAS ACTUAL NARRATIVE SIGNIFICANCE I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH THEY HAD ALL JUST LOST SCANLAN IN THE MOST SHITTY WAY POSSIBLE THEN HERE IS THIS BITCH THAT COMES IN LIKE “I WILL INSULT YOU ALL IN VERY SPECIFIC, KINDA FANTASY-RACIST WAYS AND THEN ASK TO JOIN YOUR ADVENTURING GROUP HAHA”) vm were super popular and made TON of friends????? yes, they could be dicks. so can the mighty nein!!!! but within campaign 1, vox machina:
befriended a high level arcanist and her girlfriend, a paladin of bahamut
in the SAME ARC tried to befriend a LITERAL MIND FLAYER
were at least acquaintances with the president of tal dorei
were best friends (and vax kinda romanced) the awesome wizard/shopkeeper shaun gilmore
vax named his snake belt after a kid he saved named simon, and was clearly on good terms with the kid later. the belt also led into the ark of kynan leore, who’s whole relation to vm requires a meta of it’s own
do i even have to mention velora????
just.......... everything to do with jarett. i love him.
befriended the thunderbrand and kraghammer folks
befriended captain damon, the awesome airship captain
became close friends with kashaw and zahra (side note: i’m in love with zahra MY BABE) the coolest fucking ppl around
befriended lyra
gonna include the sun tree bc i love him. not really an ally but i need him.
j’mon sa ord, a LITERAL dragon
kerrek, one of my favorite guest characters of all time
TRISH THE DISH!!!!!!!!!!!! and really all the people of whitestone!!!!!
and that’s just all the ones i could think of in 5 minutes msfjfjdklsa; .... and even with tary: post intro-fight, he was a close friend!! he was vex’s man of honor!! i just don’t see how this image of vox machina as “elitist” came about other than the one fight with tary
i take that back i do have a theory: mighty nein do talk about their group name a lot and invite ppl in (tho i still don’t remember a ton of that) and vox machina were more of a set number. they worked with others, but they didn’t really extend invitations into vox machina. still, that doesn’t make them “rude” or whatever ppl keep saying. idk maybe i’m reading too much into this but i’m suuuuper protective of vox machina. i love them and to see ppl ignoring how many others loved them and how much they helped ppl made me very sad :(
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treeofcups · 5 years ago
Their fan has a name! Kynan Leore, son of Harold the Butcher, who wants to join them in their travels!
Vex, in a very “absolutely not” voice: Oh, darling! You’re so brave and strong.
Scanlan: No. This is not an open membership situation. Vox Machina has been together for many years, and we’ve forged our bonds of friendship--
Kynan: I can forge my way! I can prove myself! My father, Harold the Butcher, is well known throughout these lands.
Keyleth: For?
Vex: Butchering, I believe.
Grog: He’s a good butcher, yep.
Kynan: Well, he is an actual butcher in the upper slums. But! I have been training day and night for months until I was ready to fight alongside you all, and I humbly offer my sword as part of Vox Machina.
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blorbologist · 2 years ago
if you're still doing them: how about some antipathy/sympathy for kynan and cassandra?
36. Antipathy/Sympathy
"This spell attracts or repels creatures of your choice. You target something within range, either a Huge or smaller object or creature or an area that is no larger than a 200-foot cube. Then specify a kind of intelligent creature, such as red dragons, goblins, or vampires. You invest the target with an aura that either attracts or repels the specified creatures for the duration. Choose antipathy or sympathy as the aura's effect."
[This is a really fuckin hard spell to work with yet, so apologies that my muse took me in a bit of a different direction!]
[Set in my Cat’s Cradle AU - and a few months in the future of where the story currently is. So has a couple spoilers for what I have planned there!]
His last stop looks rich as all hells. It’s a relief, a big one, because Kynan can hide from the rain under the eaves without soaking his back and ring the doorbell. And wait. The downpour smothers any sound of approaching footsteps, but he does see the shadow of movement through the fancy frosted glass. 
“Hey - er, hi! Special delivery,” says Kynan as soon as the door opens. He forgot to get the pen handy, so he fumbles around for one to offer along with the clipboard. “Sign here.”
Holy shit, she’s cute. And looks exhausted as hell, which makes sense immediately because it’s the end of the term. But also not, because what student would order this much stupidly specific metal. Or maybe she’s an engineer? Engineering majors are always weird. 
His arms are getting tired - again, big box full of panels and parts - as she squints at the pen, at him, at the clipboard, at him, at the box. 
“I have got to get Percival to double check his address when he orders his gadgets online,” she sighs. “I’m sorry - this was my brother’s work. Could I still -”
“Oh yeah, definitely.” 
Probably not, but it’s all pros from where Kynan’s standing. A few more seconds out of the rain, for one. Not needing to carry this box back to the truck. And maybe, just maybe, he can get his head together to say something smart. 
“I, uh-”
Kynan jumps, almost drops probably ten pounds of robot guts on his foot, and yelps when something black and - jingling? - definitely jingling zips by, each bound down the steps punctuated by a cheery little bell.
Kynan’s halfway down the stairs already. “Rapper? You - sorry, you named your cat Rapper?!”
“Rapier,” she corrects. “Like a fencing sword.”
Okay, sure, that works. His eyes widen as the girl brushes past him and onto the stone pathway leading to her house. “What are you doing?! It’s pouring rain - get a coat on, the kitty can’t get far in this weather.”
She narrows her eyes - only barely, because they’re blown wide with distress.  “Only if you saw where she went.”
“Under my - the work truck.”
Kynan steels himself and, while she’s ducking back inside, kneels on the wet driveway concrete to peer between the wheels. And get on his hands, too, because she’s all the way back there, huh? 
“Here kitty kitty,” he chitters. Wide yellow eyes stare back at him, quite startled by the situation. Well, yeah, you got us into this mess. “Come on - uh - Rapier? Rapier, come on!”
She does not come on. Though she does chirp, which he thinks is a reassuring sign. Stretching his arm out to try and scratch her chin or scruff her ends up being a bad idea, though - she skitters farther back. Fuck. He can feel the rainwater bleeding through his pants. It’s freezing.
He makes his second embarrassing trill of the day when a heavy weight drops on his back. Turns his head to see the young woman, now securely wrapped in a raincoat. And something thrown over him, too.
“You’re soaked. It’s one of my brother’s that he’s forgotten here one too many times - at least it will keep you dry.”
“Oh.” Kynan realizes he’s still on his hands and knees, with a very fancy if worn coat hanging awkwardly off his back, in front of a very cute girl. In the middle of a storm. “Thank you?”
There’s a painfully awkward pause. “Cassandra. Cass. Pleasure to meet you.” She looks about to hold out her hand for a shake before she grins a bit sheepishly and stuffs it in her pocket. 
“I - thank you,” she says. “For helping.” 
“Well - I’m Kynan. Leore. Kynan Leore,” he stammers. “And - it’s nothing”
It’s not, actually, nothing.
The fugitive isn’t under the work truck long. She actually leads them on quite the chase until she actually runs into something that gets her to turn around.
Kynan has just a second to cow in triumph, cat bundled in his soaked coat (he stripped it to put on the dry one when Rapier got under the hedge) before he immediately regrets opening his big stupid mouth. 
“Fuck! You - fucking gross! Sorry,” he adds a bit sheepishly, even though Cassandra just looks amused by the sudden outburst. “She reeks - I think from the garbage bins? Fuck.”
Cassandra is cruel enough to laugh. He immediately wants more of it, and if the cat wasn’t so busy struggling to escape he’s pretty sure he’d get a look from the feline. 
“Let’s get you both inside,” she says, disturbing an array of mirrors as she skips through puddles. Gone is the exhaustion, just pure relief to have her cat safe, and - wow. With blue that pale, her pupils are obvious, honing in on the teeny fuzzy head. 
Rapier makes a really pathetic yowl, though, so. There was no look for him, there. Chill, Leore.
Cassandra opens the door for them both. “Never thought I’d be making this sort of delivery today,” Kynan says as he releases Rapier in the entrance. She takes the time to daintily shake her paws, about as miserably as Kynan feels. “I hope you’ve got towels for her - and you, too. You’ll catch a cold ”
“That’s an old wive’s tale.” Cassandra rolls her eyes. Rapier, sensing trouble, makes a jingling retreat further into the house, leaving a trail of damp pawprints in her wake. “It’s moreso the close proximity from staying inside to avoid the weather. It makes sharing colds easier.”
“Oh. That’s cool.” Kynan makes a face as he shucks that wonderfully warm coat. He’ll remember it fondly. And this whole evening, really, even if he’s sure he’s getting a cold out of it, no matter what Cassandra says. “Well. I’m glad I could help! And, uh, I hope your brother gets the package safe, and that -”
Something in Cassandra’s look stops him.
“How long of a drive do you have? Until you’ll be home and have a change of clothes?”
Kynan frowns. “I mean? Between getting back to work, clocking out, and the traffic this time of day? … Probably an hour.” 
She hums, glancing away. Her hair is only faintly damp, on account of the hood she’d had up. Dark brown, with streaks of - blond? Or white? It’s really pretty. 
“... Percy hasn’t been by in months,” she says, almost to herself. “I told him I’d get rid of his things if he didn’t -” There’s a very decided nod that makes Kynan stand a little straighter. “Right. You - Kynan? Mind staying there? I’ll get you a change of clothes. I think you’re roughly of height. And then I’m treating you to tea. For catching my little lady.”
He blanches. The coat alone, even a bit tattered, is probably a few day’s pay. Just loaning it to hunt for a cat in the rain felt decadent. “I - no, really, it’s fine -”
“It’s really not.”
“How about - what - dry up the kitty first?” he tries. “And I’ll throw my coat over a heater and leave when it’s dry. Fair?”
Cassandra sniffs through her nose. From anyone else - from someone else in particular - he’d call it disdainful, but it’s… actually really cute? And it feels affectionate. 
“Fair,” she agrees, swiping a towel from a nearby bathroom. He helpfully points out where Rapier’s pawprints lead as he works to unlace his running shoes (fuck he feels super poor, extra poor, wearing old no-name sneakers on this fancy tile). 
And then his phone rings.
“Oh - sorry. My boss. Gotta -” Kynan clears his throat. Cassandra actually smiles - really smiles! - and waves a go-ahead, padding off in pursuit of her cat.
“Hi! Sorry, sorry - something came up. A cat got out, and given it’s the end of my shift I figured -” he shuts up. Listens. Nods, dutifully, even if she can’t see it. Hears the scuffling of towel. “Yes. I understand, it’s very - very unprofessional. I know, but - yes, Ripley ma’am. It won’t happen again. Promptly - yeah. Goodbye.”
“Sorry,” he’s been repeating that a lot, lately, but it feels a lot better saying it to Cassandra. “She’s a real - er - hardass? About efficiency, and all -”
“Get out.”
Until it doesn’t. 
“Sorry?” squeaks Kynan.
She’s looking at him like - not like he’s beneath her, the way rich folk do. It’s worse, it’s the look his old man has when he’s fucked up, and pissed him off, and offended him. Even worse - it can always get worse - he sees the face in the mirror, bruised and scared that this’ll be it. 
“Get off my property,” Cassandra snarls, clutching the cat to her chest. It looks just as confused as he feels. “Leave, now, before I call the cops.”
… That last bit shook too much to be a real threat, but he’d not want to turn it into one. Kynan bites his tongue and gets out of there as soon as he can, hears the lock and deadbolt behind him. The rain hasn’t let up. He can’t stop and think, either, because she’s scared and angry and he doubts Ripley would back him up if he loitered. So it’s on autopilot that he gets the keys into the ignition and drives away, Google Maps reminding him cheerfully of the most efficient route back to work.
What did he do?
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joyfulsongbird · 2 years ago
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first chapter of “do you have to let it linger? (you know, i’m such a fool for you)” coming this saturday june 3rd!!
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mattmercerisgod · 6 years ago
what's the headcannon
Okay but can you imagine being an NPC in the world of Vox Machina. Like, maybe you're an isolated farmer or something and you're whole town gets fucking vored by dragons, but since you live outside of the town you're safe. And you just watch as these dragons start to infest the empty town and the surrounding area, and you're scared to stay but don't have the means to leave. And one day, maybe years after the initial incident, you're out farming when a dragon swoops overhead and it spots you, and that's it, you're fucking dead, but then.
Then. A fucking tiny little white thing gets hurled at it, and it lands next to you and holy shit that's a person and there's more of them, one of them is on a broom and the other has wings holy shit you're all going to die. And then they beat the fucking dragon and turn to you to ask you if you wanted any of it's scales. And you just stare at them and kind of follow dumbly behind as they leave the town.
And because you're stupid and broke and because your house burned down in the chaos you follow them and get killed, maimed, or eaten too many times for your simplistic neutral good sensibilities to handle. And maybe it comes to a head at some point, or Vox Machina does something really fucking dumb, and you just can't take it anymore.
So you hightail it the fuck out of there like a sensible person and get to a town far away from them. And it's fine and dandy because the innkeeper is mildly sympathetic. It's great, really, until you're talking to the librarian and he just, stops. Blinks at you. walks away. and you ask around about his deal but all you learn is that he's new in town but so are you
The next evening the guy comes up to you at the tavern with a story, and he tells you how his sister fought valiantly with Vox Machina and got herself killed by a fucking succubus or something. And your heart goes out to the guy and you share stories and it turns out you both have a lot in common so you decide that hey, it's cheaper to share a room.
You both talk and decide to go to Emon to try and find work and maybe help with the rebuilding (but the gold definitely wouldn't hurt). You gather up your meagre belongings for the journey and start to make your way, both of you praying that you never again cross paths with Vox Machina again.
Somewhere along the line you become really close friends with the guy and trade stories over the fire about the mighty and disastrous Vox Machina. You laugh, and you cry, and you bond quite a bit.
And one morning you wake up to the guy laughing with a woman, and he introduces you to the woman with wonder in his eyes and it's his sister, she's been revived by the tiny white child, apparently she's a cleric and not just a living cannonball.
So you keep traveling towards Emon and you're a little hesitant about this new chick because due to recent events (read: Vox Machina) you've learned to be a little wary of people.
But one night you and her are on watch and the guy is asleep and you're staring at the fire all dramatic-like and she just slams a fist down on her open palm.
"I've got it," she goes and you look at her kinda funny because uh, what?
Some confused noise must escape you because she turns to you from the log she's sitting on and smiles.
"We should start a support group," she says with a swig of her flask. And okay, that's not technically the weirdest thing she's ever said, but uh, what?
"Support group?" you ask. "For what?"
She eyes you disbelievingly. "'For what,'" she mimics, rolling her eyes. "For surviving Vox Machina, that's what."
You roll your eyes and laugh, but for some reason the idea sticks. You're all deeply fucked up from Vox Machina (good though they might be, trauma isn't inherently evil so it really only makes sense that they'd cause some), why not be fucked up together?
Eventually you and your dude friend and his sister decide to go through the steps to make it official. The sister even becomes a liscensed psychologist. "I knew I got that degree for something," she'd say over a bottle of wine, laughing near-hysterically.
And finally, after far too much trekking, the three of you make it to Emon. And the place is a disaster, most people gone and the few remaining trying to rebuild and recover what they can.
You sigh, and make youway towards the inn. Along the way, the three of you stumble across a child trapped under a piece of a fallen building. She's screaming for help and you're not sure you want to lend it but then you see the blood pooling around her face and the "good" part of your classification kicks into gear. You and your two friends join forces and drag the child out of the rubble and to the nearest group of people. They're a group of search-and-rescuers, it turns out, and they hire you on the spot.
Can you image the look of horror on your own face as you pull out pieces of charred and crushed limbs or, Istus forbid, an entire corpse. The work itself is grueling, and along with the trauma it only takes you three a couple of days before you decide it just isn't worth it.
So you leave quietly, simply telling your boss of your resignation on the last day. You all go together, for good measure. But your boss doesn't yell or demand payment or anything. He just sighs and invites the three of you for a drink. He tells you about his family, a little girl and a little boy and his blind wife, who didn't make it. He drones about his neighbors and the butcher who's son ran away for dreams of heroics. You all listen because it's the polite thing to do and your friend only falls asleep a little throughout the story.
Then he gets to the darker bits. He tells you about a woman who came through who said the dragons were sent by a dark and sinister group. A group called Vox Machina.
The sister laughs before you can respond. She chuckles and giggles and heaves. Then, when she wipes the tears from her eyes, she looks your (ex-) boss right in the face and tells him no.
"Vox Machina did a lot of shit to the world. Did a lot of shit to me, too. But this?" She gestures over to a fallen schoolhouse. "I bet my life they didn't do this."
You find yourself nodding. "They were fighting dragons at my village. Don't know what'd make them do this."
The man looks unsure of himself. He looks young, despite the lines of worry and fear driven into his face and he looks so, so lost.
"Hey," you start to say, because you're stupid. "Why don't you come with us?"
He sighs. "I have a dog. Used to be my wife's service dog, that Clover. I can't leave her here, but she's only got three legs."
Your friend perks up. "I love dogs. We can take her... And you, of course."
And that's how you, your friend, your friend's sister, your ex-boss, and his dog named Clover decide to go to Whitestone.
"Why Whitestone?" you ask when your boss suggests it.
"It's where those bumbling buffoons are based," he goes, and he can only mean Vox Machina. "We'll learn the truth and have more people to join," he says, because obviously you've let him in on the support group. (Clover is an honorary member and a therapy animal.)
So you trek there and only almost die getting there twice (which is a new low-record).
Whitestone is...perfect. It's strong, firmly built, tall but not loomy, and it rinds you of the town you used to live by. Of the town you used to live in.
And there are dozens of new members. The librarians have there own Vox Machina support club that your friend gladly joins, the guard has one too, and you take in at least ten new members every day for the first week. Long story, short story, Vox Machina are pretty good at fucking people up.
Your old boss, for his part, finds his answers in the form of a young blonde boy who sighs at the questions of Vox Machina's morals. He sighs and lays his head against the doorframe, looking far too tired for his age.
"I.. My father used to be a butcher, down in Emon," he starts and you all pause. None of you have told anyone about your work in Emon or the story about the heroic butcher's son. Because of this, you listen, and you hear the horrors of Anna Ripley and the betrayal of the young blonde soldier.
That night, Kynan Leore becomes a member.
It's only a week later that the people tell you. One of the lower-class merchants who lost an eye in the protests of the Briarwoods, looks at your flyer for the group and shakes her head.
"It's not that it ain't a great idea, hon. Bit you gotta know it ain't smart, making a club for that when the ruler of Whitestone is who she is."
Shit. You ask her and learn with slowly dawning horror the identity of one Lady Cassandra, sister to Percival de Rolo, the gunslinger of Vox Machina. Fuck. You are unbelievably screwed.
You talk to your crew and you all contemplate leaving but eventually you decide to stay. Still, you live in fear of the day you meet Cassandra Johanna von Mussel Klossowski de Rolo and you avoid anywhere near the castle grounds like it's got Vox Machina in it - which, considering the Lady de Rolo's family, it just might.
Eventually, it all comes to a head.
Maybe it's because an employee of the castle wants to meet but can only do so on the job, but for whatever reason, you have to go to the castle and no one else can make it. So you go, hesitant and beyond terrified of the Lady of the House of Whitestone, and you talk to the servant and maybe they join and you see Kynan Leore on the way out and you start up a conversation and then he looks behind you and pales a little and
"Kynan. Is this one of the people you were telling me about?" someone, definitely female, asks, and Kynan looks so apologetic and you're suddenly certain that this is Cassandra de Rolo, and that's it, you're all dead, you survived the dragons but you can't survive the vehement sister.
You turn around slowly.
It is Cassandra de Rolo, and she's...actually younger than you'd thought. Far younger, but just as terrifying. She leads you firmly to a seat and you, Kynan, and her all sit down for a cup of tea.
You're shaking in your boots. This isn't a game, like it might've been in the beginning. You could get killed for your group, and you can't help but feel that'd be a stupid way to die.
Eventually, after much hesitation, the Ruler of Whitestone lowers her cup, looks you dead in the eye, and sighs a long sigh.
"I hate to ask this," she starts, and this is it, you're done for, and oh fuck your friends are gonna be so mad, Clover's gonna kick your ass so hard with all three of her legs oh fuck
"But, I heard about you all from Kynan, and... Well, are you still accepting new members?"
And yes, yes you are.
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kestrael-a · 2 years ago
Hand hold meme but for the leore de rolo family
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
cassandra always takes time off of being the primary head of the council whenever any of the children are either born or adopted , to better bond with them and for the growing family to spend time together as a unit . she and kynan always make sure that the older children know that just because there's a new baby doesn't mean that they're loved any less than they were before .
cassandra makes sure that all of the children learn célídian , and teaches kynan as much as he wants to learn . it's something that's really important to her , especially in terms of endearments that she wouldn't be able to bear saying in any other language .
cassandra and kynan are both there for the first steps of the three children they've had since infancy , i don't make the rules . they are always extremely proud of their children for doing something that scary , and even if cassandra tries to keep it lowkey that she's near tears , she doesn't hide that they've done a very good job .
cassandra loves nothing more than on cold nights in whitestone , when her lungs are struggling and her body aches , to curl up with her husband and whatever children want to join them . they tell stories and drink tea and just exist together in a way that cassandra's generation of the family never did .
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