#they would be so heartbreakingly GOOD
couldcarefewer · 2 years
i am once again begging Yellowjackets fans to check out FantasticLand
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nathanielhsewell · 12 days
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jacarandaaaas · 6 months
back when it was a trend to rank the encanto songs on tiktok and the bottom would always be dos oruguitas and waiting on a miracle 😭
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guckies · 9 months
I just had the most Silliest idea ever that would be ✨heartbreaking✨ (This is not to like force in game relationships btw)
You know how German and Lenay are irl partners and then in game they’ve called each other nicknames and such. So just a little what if scenario…
They were lovers before their memories disappeared and each time they keep finding each other again. But because the feds are lowkey torturers what if they were kidnapped and forced to live away from each other only being able to see through 1 way glass or fake videos.
So one of them hates the fed because they only show the other hurt while the other sees them healthy and is just happy to be able to see them. Of course they don’t remember that part until they remember those memories but when they do it just leads to fed task overload because they both want to keep the other safe while the fed are threatening them…
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
If Randall thought he was about to cry before, then he was veering dangerously close to outright sobbing at Emily’s words, and it took a great deal of effort on his part not to do just that, as he tried his damndest to wrap his head around what she was telling him. Did she really mean that? Did she really believe that he was so amazing with his musical prowess? Did he really amaze her so much?
Of course, there was the part of him that nagged him, scoffing at these words, that little voice that was so certain she was lying to him, secretly thinking he was an awful composer, a dreadful singer, and a terrible musician, but for once, he found himself silencing that little voice, so caught up in the euphoria of her words that the inner voice was drowned out. For once, he didn’t believe that little voice, being instead so touched by her wonder, her admiration, that he was struggling not to burst out in joyous tears. So unfamiliar was he with such praise, he hardly knew what to say!
And he told her so, after taking a few moments to gather himself to keep from exploding with emotion (the last thing he needed was for him to break out into childish tears as something as simple as being told he was good at his craft), still blinking back the tears as he managed to choke out, “Th-Thank you, Emily, th-thank you...! I...I don’t know what to say o-other than...thank you!” He didn’t know if he had some natural-born knack for music or if it was just his own perseverance or something somewhere in between, but clearly, it was something worth celebrating in her eyes.
(Honestly, he much preferred to think it was his own hard work that made him so good at music...how cruel would it be for the Lord to give him such a horrible face, and yet have him make the most beautiful music, he thought to himself? Surely, if he were not the Devil’s Child, he was at least cursed by him at birth-the world will love the music you make, but not you yourself!)
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pockykierra · 11 months
I don't know what would be worse, if/when Aziraphale apologizes if Crowley were to say "I forgive you", or if he were to say "I don't forgive you"
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mileshehimwhite · 6 months
reflecting on the many many discourses of who is and isnt lgbt is interesting because they rely on the concept of a community. but which community? the lgbt community in my hometown is much different to the one where i live now, and my experiences within them differ just the same. and honestly thats important for all of us to consider - regardless of if youre the tranniest fagdyke to ever tranny fagdyke - what am i seeking out by being present within these spaces. am i looking for social support? sex? monetary benefits? safety? am i able to get my needs within my local lgbt community or am i trying to find resources that just arent there? and, most integral imo, what am *I* bringing to the community myself? our communities were not built by people only looking out for themselves and they will never survive if thats the mindset people have nowadays when referencing lgbt communities
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drulalovescas · 3 months
The most heartbreakingly sinister thing Supernatural ever did was have Cas believe there could be a happy life for Dean with him gone. That Dean could just move on. That Dean could just be happy without Cas in his life. That Dean could ever get over losing his angel.
The man carried Cas' bloody trenchcoat from car to car because a part of him always believed that cas'd come back.
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The man stayed A YEAR in Purgatory (even though the way out was RIGHT THERE!!) because he had to find Cas and had to bring him home.
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He literally killed himself when he believed Cas was gone for good. And he would've stayed dead if Billie didn't have other plans for him.
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The man decided he actually wanted to live again ONLY AFTER the gay angel returned to him.
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Dean would never EVER get over Cas. But Cas never realized that. So he killed himself, unknowingly killing Dean in the proces...
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luveline · 7 months
anything bombshell reader I would adore!!!
Oh my god, Spencer thinks desperately, could she give me a break? 
You waltz into the conference room wearing a smile (your smile, as heartbreakingly perfect as always) and a motorcycle jacket buttoned to the chin. There's something about it. Spencer doesn't know what it is, just that it makes you even more attractive than usual. He toys with the word sexy, and sure, you are when you want to be, but he thinks about it long and hard. You're a fucking bombshell, and you're going to kill him one day. 
“What's with the outfit?” Morgan asks immediately. 
“You can't wear that to the precinct,” Hotch says, though he sounds curious rather than annoyed. 
“You called us in unexpectedly,” you defend, holding up two perfect hands. Calluses from shooting practice line the palm of your dominant hand and you've a cut down the side of the other, and they're still perfect. Everything about you compliments everything else. “I was out.” 
“What, on your motorcycle?” JJ asks. 
“Your motorcycle?” Emily asks. 
“I didn't know you had a motorcycle,” Garcia says.
“You're ganging up on me. Spencer, honey, would you save me?” you ask, though the tone you use doesn't express much urgency as you unzip your thick jacket and toss it aside, its logos and sponsorships crumpling over the back of your chair. “You're the only one who looks pleased to see me.” 
“I am pleased to see you,” he says honestly. 
You don't make it to cases every time; you're on a different type of leasing, you always say. He doesn't have the subtlety to pretend he isn't happy you're here. You flirt with him, sure, and he enjoys it even while being out of his depths, but he likes you. You're fun and smart and good to be around. You listen. 
“They couldn't keep me away from you if they tried,” you say, head dipped gently to one side, smile far from teasing.. 
“Since when do you ride a motorcycle?” Emily asks. 
“If we could get back to the case at hand,” Hotch says, and for a moment everyone looks rightly chastised, until he adds, “we can discuss Y/N's choices afterwards.” 
What's worse than your jacket is the quickness of your brain, the connections you make, your endless suggestions. You're so good at your job it makes Spencer feel funny. Rossi, who'd been mostly silent during the exchange, sends Spencer a pitying look. 
When the case has been introduced and everyone sent to make preparations for another trip, you and Spencer remain in the conference room. You, because your go bag is already here and you don't have much to do, and Spencer, because you're here.
“Do you really have a motorcycle?” 
You tap your nose. “Need to know, babe.” 
“I sort of do need to know. If you have a motorcycle, I should probably be spending more time worrying about you.”
“Well, it's not mine.” 
He feels a crushing wave of rejection descend on him. “Right,” he says. He knew this would happen. He knew you were just being nice—
“I'm borrowing it from a friend. Mostly to see if I still knew how.” You put your chin in your hand, smiling knowingly. “Who's did you think it was, Dr. Reid?” 
“Don't do that,” he says. 
“Or what?” You ease up anyhow. “If you don't like being flirted with, Spence, I won't do it.” 
“I didn't say that, just don't– don't look at me like that.” 
You sigh morosely, but your dramatics are unconvincing, and a smile plays on your painted lips. “Alright, I won't. But it's how you were looking at me, you realise? How's that fair?” 
Spencer is about to say you know how, but do you really? Why is it fair for him to ogle you (albeit without meaning to) when you walk in, but when you make your soft googly eyes at him, he tells you to stop? Maybe because his are real, and yours are… questionable in authenticity. 
You're smart enough to see that debate before it forms. “I have less choice over it all than you think, you know?” you ask, softer than before. 
“I know,” he says. He doesn't, obviously, because the idea that you flirt with him accidentally is hard to accept, because who is Spencer to you? Your nerdy, socially clueless coworker who very clearly has a crush on you. Why would you like that? So he doesn't know about that, but he knows about having little choice in the manner; he sees you and he trips over himself trying to get you to see him. 
“I say it every time, but I've missed you, handsome. How have you been?” you ask. 
Spencer forgets the depth of his crush in the face of a friend. “I'm good, I've been reading all this Russian existentialist literature–” 
“Yeah? Anything good?” 
Spencer beams. “Actually, yeah. There's this one writer, you've probably read him already, Dostoevsky…”
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uhfaithy · 2 months
there is NOTHING as heartbreakingly lovely as the line: “tell me to go to school closer to you and I will.”
This scene has always stuck with me, purely because of how that line is such an out-of-character thing for Adam to say, but he says it anyway. These words are coming out of the mouth of ADAM PARRISH. This is the same person who had to pretty much kill himself over getting good grades, getting out of Henrietta, and making something of himself. Adam refused to give up on that dream for literally everyone, and we can kind of watch his friendship with Gansey deteriorate because of his pride/how insistent he is that he gets into Harvard.
And he does. But in this scene, Adam witnesses Ronan crying after trashing his dorm room. barely even hesitates before telling Ronan he would leave Harvard just to be CLOSER TO HIM??? like Maggie is actually the sickest person out there for doing that. The fact that he was offering to literally THROW AWAY a life’s dedication of hard work and sacrifice just so Ronan would be COMFORTABLE??? oh I’m going to be SICK. (Of course Ronan declines the offer, and Adam is somewhat relieved he does, it’s still so heartbreaking to see him even propose that idea in the first place)
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oof 💔
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reverieblondie · 4 months
Late Night Dip
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Pairing: Rolan x Fem!Tav Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut with Plot, Fingering, Tail play, Teasing, Praise, Unprotected Penetrative Sex (Please wrap before you tap), G-whiz Position.
Summary: Cal and Lia are worried about their brother, he's just so stressed and needs a break! Good thing you have an idea that could help...
A/N: Rolan is hot, and I'm not going to apologize. I want to give him everything. More fics of my other favorite fictional men coming soon!
Word Count: 4,774
“Please, you have to get him out of that tower! You're the only one who he will listen to!” 
You almost spit out your drink from Cal’s comment and look at him bewildered, “Uh, You must be confused you're talking about Rolan? Mr. Know it all? The arch workaholic? He's not going to listen to me.” 
Lia leans against the bar dramatically, “Could you just give it a try, please? We have tried everything we could think of to get him to take some time off to destress but nothing has worked. We are hoping that because he has a soft spot for you he will listen to you.”
A scoff leaves you, “Rolan does not have a soft spot for me…” 
Lia and Cal share a quick look before Cal speaks up again. 
“Just one try, for his health. I swear every time I’m near him I can feel his tension radiate off him, take him out somewhere so he can unwind, and if he rejects you I will buy your drinks for two weeks.” 
Closing your eyes you consider the chore. Seeing Rolan isn’t a bad thing you love getting any excuse to see that handsome face. Though pulling him from his work would not be an easy feat, but…you do enjoy teasing him, those looks he gives you when you get under his skin always sends a rush of heat to rise to your cheeks. Plus if he is overworking himself you can’t let that happen to your favorite wizard (sorry Gale). Maybe this would be a good push to your friendship to move to more…romantical areas….plus there was that spot you wanted to take him and tonight is as good of a time as any. If all else fails and Rolan heartbreakingly rejects you for a night outing at least you will get free drinks for the next two weeks to wash away the pain.
“Okay, I will handle it, but be ready to have to buy a lot of ale for the next two weeks Cal,” you say as you gather your stuff and step towards the doors. Cal and Lia watch as you walk out of the tavern into the night towards Ramazith Tower. 
“Think there's a chance he will reject her and we will have to deal with a tense Rolan?” Cal asks Lia worriedly. 
Lia scoffs and settles herself on a seat at the bar, “Please, Rolan can’t deny her, and even if he wants to pretend he can, do you think she’s going to take no for an answer?” 
“Those two are really into each other huh?” 
“Yeah, Let's hope one of them finally realizes it and does something about it tonight. I have a bet with Larkissa that Tav makes the first move, and I want my 50 gold.”
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Wow, they were right…he looks so stressed.
Your eyes watch as Rolan's taut back stays hunched over the journal he is scribbling in as he studies an old-looking tome. The only part that moves on him is his hand and he writes in a frantic motion. His golden eyes peering at the tome then back to his journal as he continues, it's clear he has been at this for a while. 
Leaning against the doorway you study his profile for a bit longer. Hair was done in its elaborate bun to hide his ears, brows underneath his well-kept horns furrowed in irritation, and the most perfect nose in all of Faerûn. Let's see if we can’t get him to scrunch it in irritation. 
“And what happened to the master of Ramaziths Tower? Worked so hard he died from stress, he was so young…” 
Rolan seems surprised for a moment before he turns his head to see your smug grin, this earns you an eye roll,  “What happened to the Hero of Baldur's Gate? Oh, she pushed her luck too many times and was thunder waved out of Ramazith's Tower.” 
Sontering in you wave him off dismissively, “See you're so tired you're unable to come up with your own insults. That means it’s time you take a break.” 
Scoffing, he turns away from you going back to scribbling away, “You sound like Cal and Lia…” 
“They did send me to get you.”
“Of course they did” 
Getting closer you see the swarm of papers and books he’s been busying himself with, ignoring it all you sit on his desk and look down at him as he writes. He seems to look at your legs for a moment before shaking his head and going back to what he was writing. Usually, he would be nagging you about your poor manners and the fact that you are bothering him, must be too tired to fight. You watch him as he slowly starts up his work again trying to ignore your ass so close to his hands crushing his papers. His nose is starting to scrunch and you can only smile with a sweet taunting hum. Crossing your legs gets his attention one more time before he mumbles something to himself. 
“Work, work, work, write, write, write, Rot, rot, rot” you chant in a sing-song voice as you shake your foot bumping him slightly.  
“Must you annoy me?” he grumbles
“You're just annoyed because you're so pent up with stress, come on let's go out.” 
Rolan looks up at you and furrows his brows, nose still scrunched, “I’m annoyed because of everyone constantly pestering me when I have a thousand things to do. I’m not going anywhere and I am not…pent up…” 
You let out a loud sigh, “Oh come on Rolan you're so pent up with stress you could pop, just a small break, a nice stress-free night will do you some good, then we will leave you alone to be the great grump of Ramaziths. Plus I have something I want to show you that I found the other day.” 
Rolan keeps his head down scribbling, “It will be really fun.” you coo
He continues to ignore you. You frown before leaning down to his ear. “Please…” you whisper softly
Rolan stops his writing and groans. 
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“Come on Rolan! Just a bit further!” 
“Where the hells are you taking me!” 
“It's a surprise! Now hurry up!” 
You're both running in the forest outside of the gate, you're ahead of him leading the way but you can hear the snapping of twigs and slight infernal cusses as he tries to keep up. You can't help but laugh as he continues his grumpy pursuit. Finally, you reach your destination with a bright smile on your face as you wait for Rolan to emerge from the thicket. Biting your lip in expectation you bounce on the heels of your feet, this will be perfect…
You had found this place on one of your walks and knew that you would have to come back, and bringing Rolan only made it all the better. A secret hot spring is hidden away in the thick forest, perfect for two. The water looks as if it glows a cyan blue, it seems to glitter underneath the full moonlight. Your eyes watch as the steam from the water rises to the vast starlit sky. This will be perfect for relieving stress. 
Finally, you hear him come into the clearing, his once pristine appearance is now a mess with twigs in his now messy hair and robes covered in dirt from where he must have fallen trying to keep up with you. The smile on your face never falters and he approaches you with an unamused look. He looks past you at the heated water and raises an eyebrow.
“A hot spring? You know if you wanted to bathe…” 
Rolan's words halt as you start loosening the strings of your bodice. Looking up you meet his golden eyes and smirk at his surprised face as you drop your bodice to the ground. His eyes widen and his lips slightly part before he turns away quickly. 
“Come on Rolan, a late night dip under the stars. You can’t beat that. Plus I bet once that water hits your skin all your stress will melt away.”
You start stripping off your undershirt quickly followed by your pants. Your eyes watch Rolan's back as it seems to tense at each sound of your clothes rustling and falling. His tail whips around seemingly uncontrollably, before wrapping around his leg, you're still trying to figure out if it is from excitement or irritation.  
“You have been traveling with Halsin for too long…” 
You laugh at the comment, “Well, he is rather wise, learned a lot from him while on our journey…”
Rolan's tail twitches before he turns around quickly to face you. His eyes widen as he sees your scantily clad undergarments, not like you went and changed before going to fetch him…
He turns back around quickly “Like what…” he mutters, is he? Jealous… 
“Just…things…” you say almost tauntingly. You just can’t resist, from the moment you two started becoming friends you two have been taunting and teasing at every opportunity.  Sometimes you don’t know if you want to punch him or kiss him. Though now…you can only think of one thing…
Taking off your undergarments and then by complete ‘accident’ you toss them towards his feet. He looks down at them for a second before you watch his tail rise slightly before falling back down and lifting his head to look up at the starry sky. 
“I’ve learned things from my other companions as well…”  you say softly, almost too sweetly
A nervous laugh seems to rise harshly from his chest. Slowly you approach Rolan, you're being extremely quiet and you're completely bare. “Like Astarion for example” Right behind him now you look up at his tightly set bun, and with a quick moment you pluck the tie keeping it up out, That should loosen him some, “taught me to sneak up on people to take things.”
Rolan starts to turn his head but seems to stop himself remembering you're now naked. Not that you would mind his golden eyes taking you all in. With his hair now down you finally see his sharply pointed ears, they are cute and with their marron coloring at the tips completely giving away how embarrassed he is at the moment. Part of you wants to take the opportunity to be naughty and nibble on his ear while playing with his loose hair. Best not to push your luck however.  
Proud of successfully teasing him you decide to finally get into the water. Stepping carefully into the calm water the heat craseing your skin immediately relaxes you. The water is the perfect temperature and you quickly sink in and swim around enjoying yourself with pleasant sighs. Turning your head you see Rolan watching with what you think is a smile on his face.  
“Come on in, the water is great!”
“Dry land is also great.” 
“So you're just going to let me swim alone?” you watch as Rolan thinks for a moment “It's very relaxing…” you coo 
He finally sighs, “Fine…just to make sure you don’t drown out here…” 
“Lucky me ~”
Instead of ripping his clothes off quickly and jumping into the water ready to confess his desires to you as you hoped, Rolan instead brings his hands to undo his collar slowly and methodically. Somehow the slow stripping is not only frustrating you but also exciting you, the robe rolls off his shoulders and he takes the time to fold it up neatly. A tightening in your lower stomach is driving you mad, how hard is it to undress quickly? 
Opening your mouth to give him a hard time your comment gets halted in your throat. Rolan lifts his red undershirt over his head exposing his chest lined with beautiful ridges. The ridges seem to lead your eyes along his surprisingly athletic build, the moonlight shining on his body showing off just how toned he is; tense muscles being stretched as he raises his arms to relieve some tension from being so confined. He’s been hiding all this under those robes? That's just criminal…
Then his hands go for his belt and you're completely caught in a trance mouth slightly parting as he undoes the first button, seeming to remember your presence in the shining spring his golden eyes lock with yours and all your previous nerve leaves as your heart lurches. Quickly you turn around breaking his gaze, you swear you hear a slight chuckle before the clearing of his throat. Closing your eyes you chastise yourself for being a pervert, but that still doesn’t stop the image of his bare body replaying over and over in your mind running through all the possibilities the night could hold.  
Sounds of sloshing water along with a sigh breaks you from your thoughts. Turning you can’t help but smile at what looks like a very blushy Rolan, feeling nice you give him a round of applause as he settles in the warm water.
Rolan rolls his eyes, “Your an idiot” 
“What, I thought you liked adoring applause?” 
Rolan ignores your comment, shaking his head as he cups the shimmering water in his hands. You take the time to admire him trying to relax the best he can, his loose hair hovering softly over his shoulders, you see that not only do his freckles decorate his face, but they are also peppered against his tense shoulders. With a quick motion, Rolan brings the spring water towards his face, rubbing the water against his face then keeping his hands over his eyes for a long moment. You watch him confused by him keeping his eyes covered.  
“What are you doing?” 
A sigh leaves his nose before he responds, “Relaxing”
Getting closer you do a testing poke to his left shoulder, and an irritated groan leaves his chest. 
“You don’t seem relaxed…” 
“I’m working on it.”
“Maybe you should try swimming around then?”
Rolan pulls his hands from his eyes, golden irises glow as his ardent gaze lands on you. Suddenly you're hyper-aware of how close you two have drifted and how bare you are right underneath the cyan water. All your previous nerve starts to sink away being replaced by a growing flush to your skin. 
Rolan lifts a brow leaning down slightly to take in your face, you put on your best poker face to seem unbothered through Rolan quickly sees past it and is ready to tease you, “Heat finally getting to you?” 
“Then why are you so red?” 
“Why are you so red?” 
Rolan folds his arms over his chest and you roll your eyes, “redder than usual” 
“What do you expect? It’s hot.” 
“Aren't tieflings like…heat resistant?” 
Rolan goes to argue back but he seems to be unable to think of anything so he turns his back towards you muttering under his breath. 
Turned away, you trace the paths left by his infernal ancestors. He seemed to have relaxed when teasing you, but now…
“You can feel the tension radiating off….” 
Rolan's ears seem to perk up and he glances at you. 
You sigh, “I was hoping to help…”
“I…you…” Rolan sighs collecting his thoughts, a cuss slips his lips before he starts again, “You are helping…I just…” Rolan takes his hand to cover his eyes again, “I don’t know how to let myself relax…” 
Carefully you reach your hands to rub his back, he practically feels like a board, so tense under your fingers. You lean your head to rest on him.
“Rolan, let me…try something….” 
You continue to rub his back and shoulders gently working out the knots. Right as he seems to start to relax he tenses up again. A soft hum leaves you as you continue to work down his back. Dropping from his shoulders you use his ridges to guide you, softly you rub his shoulder blades feeling the sharp tips. When you touch them you feel Rolan tense and lean forward slightly. 
“Am I hurting you?” 
Rolan looks over his shoulder, his eyes moving from your flushed shoulders following the drips running back into the cloudy water keeping the rest of you hidden, only enough for his imagination to run wild. “No, I’m just…not used to being touched like this.” 
“I could stop…”
You keep your hands on his spine, trying to savor this moment in case he says yes. You close your eyes and keep your hands as gentle as possible hoping he won't say yes, that he won’t move away. Just keeping this moment touching his warm skin for a bit longer…
“Don’t stop…it's helping me” 
Biting down the smile on your lips you continue to rub his back blindly moving through the water. Over time you get lower slightly rubbing above the base of his tail. A steady sigh leaves Rolan's chest as you continue to work. You even feel all your nerves starting to settle in this perfect moment, then suddenly a wrapping around your calf startles you enough to let out a yipe. Rolan, snapping back to reality goes to retreat his tail and move away from you, but before he can run away you quickly grab his wrist. He pauses for a second, then he turns towards you, your eyes wide, lips trembling for the words to say.  
It only takes a moment before Rolan pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you suddenly and burying his face into the crook of your neck. 
“I’m sorry…” 
“D-don’t be…” 
Rolan moves his face from your neck and you feel your body heating up as his shining eyes watch you, slowly roaming from your eyes to your glossy lips, then down to where your chest is pressing against his. 
Rolan's eyes linger for a moment before he brings his head down to whisper, “You feel like you're burning up…” 
All you can do as you feel his clawed hands moving slowly down your back is nod and lean into him further. Touching him now he seems much more relaxed, more open, confident. Right as you're settling yourself on his chest you whisper the words he’s been waiting to hear. 
“Kiss me…” 
Quickly you feel his hand lifting your chin and then meeting your lips for an almost too eager kiss, but you had been wanting this equally as bad. Rolan's lips are soft and assertive as he leads you through the kiss. The familiar feeling of his tail sliding up your leg no longer draws a gasp from you but a wanting moan, craving for his warmth to further engulf you. Rolan, always striving for more, lifts your arms to wrap around his neck as he slips his smooth tongue in your mouth to get a taste of you. It's deep, and teasing as it slides against yours making you meet his enthusiasm, and driving you to want more. Before long you find yourself with fist fulls of his loose hair while his sharp nails dig into the fat of your ass, Pressing you into his hardened shaft, it practically throbs on your thigh. 
As you start breaking from the kiss to fully catch your breath Rolan bites on your lower lip, careful not to break the delicate skin, only enough pressure to have you whine before he’s releasing it from his sharp teeth. You're a panting mess feeling like your body is on fire, the spring, his hot touch, your blazing arousal dripping down your thighs; it's all starting to be too much for you. Rolan brushes his nose to yours to bring you back from your fuzzing mind. 
“I think it's time you get out. You're as red as me now.” his rich voice taunts 
A quick laugh leaves you before it’s ripped from you abruptly. Rolan almost as quickly as he kisses you, he lifts you guiding you to wrap your legs around his waist. With shocking little effort, Rolan carries you out of the hot spring back to the dry bank. The sudden chill of the air nipping at your skin should leave you shivering, but wrapped in Rolan's warm limps you find yourself perfectly comfortable. 
Playfully you twist and pull the strains of his soft hair. “Not to sound like an insult but I’m surprised you're able to carry me. I didn’t think wizards were all that strong?” 
You're both out of the water, dripping on the springs bank still wrapped tightly in his hold. Rolan rolls his eyes at your statement before responding with a smirk, “Well you should know that no wizard can match me, from my talent to my strength.” 
It’s your turn to roll your eyes now and as you do he bounces you within his arms forcing you to grab him tighter making him laugh at you.
“Well, you are definitely relaxed now.” 
“I am, I should thank you, Hero.” 
You feel yourself getting wetter from his sultry words, “How do you plan on doing that, Archmage?
His eyes spark with something and he grins allowing you to see his sharp canines and molars, “I’m thinking I’m going to fuck you on the bank of this hot spring. Is that what you want?” 
Leaning in you breathe into his pointed ears, “Yes…” 
Then in the next moment, you feel his lips leaving messy kisses over your neck causing you to hold on tighter as Rolan slowly lowers you to the cool ground. The chill of the forest floor on your back makes a shiver rush your spine causing your nipples to perk and your body to shake. A whine leaves your chest and a smile stretches to his lips as he pulls away from you, his shining eyes roam over your body as he carefully moves his hands to your hips and adjusts to a kneel. Slightly digging in his nails, he pulls your body causing his length to brush your slick sex. 
The heat of his cock pressed on your soft flesh makes you shut your eyes with a whimper, he’s not even in you, and your whining. 
“Keep your eyes on me.” his voice commands as his hands lift your legs onto his textured shoulders. 
Finally opening your eyes you see his eyes watching you as he presses a kiss to your inner knee before taking a quick nip to it causing your hips to buckle forward. 
That only feeds his ego, “Don’t tell me you're sensitive…” 
You narrow your eyes, “if you were underneath me I would have you whimpering, so don’t get cocky.” 
Rolan lets out a laugh as he looks down at your spread sex, wet and quivering for him. You can hear his tail begging to swish behind in excitement. 
“We will have to test that on a different night…You look too perfect spread open and waiting for me.” Rolan taunts as he brings his hand to slide his fingers over your glistening cunt, then rubbing slow circles to your swollen clit. 
The sensation of his dexterous fingers stimulating your bud causes you to grind your hips on him for more. Falling deeper into the pleasure you feel your lower stomach twist as waves of heat flood your body. You can’t help but shut your eyes with a shivering breath as soft moans slip through your lips. 
Rolan tsk as he suddenly pinches your clit making you gasp and shoot your eyes open.  “Keep your eyes on me. Understand?” 
You quickly nod, keeping your eyes on his gorgeous face. His fingers slide to your entrance, slipping his middle finger slowly to rub your soft fluttering walls. Watching you intensely he slips in a second finger curling the long digits in your velvety insides. Moans of his name and pleads flow out of your lips as he keeps a steady tempo. 
“You're being so obedient…that's new for you…” 
You open your mouth to say something, but before you can Rolan twists his fingers to the spot that's making you see stars. Rolan seeing your slack jaw expression speeds up his motions. The twisting in your lower stomach gets tighter and tighter as you look at Rolan with pleading eyes. Seeing your expression and feeling your walls clamping down on him, he knows you're closer and he brings his tail to flick on your clit as his other hand keeps your grinding hips in a firm hold. 
You are panting as you dig your fingers into the ground you feel the coil in your stomach about to snap. Rolan's eyes are on you, staring intensely as he studies every one of your expressions, he looks divine. 
“F-Feels so-so good!” You scream breathlessly 
He smiles at your stammering, getting excited from your praise. “Yeah? Then cum for me.” 
Nodding absently mindlessly you feel his tail flick faster and his fingers curl deeper so perfectly making your coil suddenly snap and your body explode in a wave of white-hot ecstasy as you feel yourself squirt on his fingers, running down his hands and thighs now. 
 “Prefect…” Rolan whispers as he watches you come down from your high while slowly rubbing your release over his swollen cock. 
“You want more?” he asks as he lines himself up to your tight slit. 
“Please~” You hum out blissfully, feeling his ridged length’s heat radiating onto you. 
Rolan chuckles with a shake of his head, “So greedy…” 
He braces his hand tightly on your hip as he pushes the heat of his dick into your cunt. It’s hot and intense as it slides and stretches you. Your walls clench as you moan his name as his ridges rub your insides deliciously. Your thighs tighten as he pushes into you fully, his nails digging into you as his cock throbs as you adjust to him. 
“Gods you feel good” he sighs in pleasure. He moves his eyes from where he’s buried within you to your blissed-out face. Rolan brings a hand to cup your cheek and you melt into his touch, turning your face to kiss his palm before giving him a nod that you are ready. 
Rolan presses kisses on the insides of your legs again as he brings his hands to your waist. Slowly he starts positioning into you, your eyes roll back as his strokes nudge his burning cock right into your spongy spot that's making you mew shamelessly at every thrust. Rolan picks up his thrusting as he feels your walls clenching on him. 
“You're taking-ta-taking me so well darling.” he groans, throwing his head back as his balls slap against you. 
Rolan moves your hips up and down to match his thrust as his breathing quickens. Squirming and curling your toes you feel yourself approaching your climax again, but this time you're desperate to have Rolan cum with you. 
Rocking your hips against him faster you drive him deeper as his cock now rubs your cervix and your walls lick his ridges.  “Rolan, you're amazing! Fantastic! I’m yours whenever you want me! Fuck! Right there!” 
Rolan’s sweating skin further flushes at your praise and his moans turn into broken whines as he fucks you faster and bounces you at the perfect pace. 
With a couple more thrusts that familiar rush floods you as you arch your back mindlessly screaming as you make a mess over Rolan's cock. With your orgasm quivering and sucking him in he stills and squeezes you tightly as his dick throbs and spurts his burning cum deep within you. Stars slowly fade from your vision as you focus on a panting Rolan still buried deep in you. 
With hooded eyes you give a lazy smile, Rolan eyes are glazed over but still focused on you as he smiles back at you. Slowly he pulls out and you wince at the feeling of the sudden emptiness. Rolan settles beside you and carefully holds you to his chest as his tail wraps around your ankle gently. 
“Rest with me for a while…then come back to the tower with me.” 
You hum in agreement as you let your relaxed state move you to one of sleep. Perfectly warm and perfectly relaxed wrapped in each other's arms. 
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Larkissa is busy drying the goblets behind the bar to prepare for tonight's service. A tapping of nails on the counter gets her attention away from the task. She turns her head to see a smirking Lia. 
“A bet is a bet and I want my 50 gold,” Lia says, holding out her hand. 
Larkissa huffs and digs in her pockets, She will have to scold Rolan for not being assertive enough to make the first move.
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atticrissfinch · 4 months
The Shower (joel miller x reader) (+18)
Part 4 of The Rogue Who Coaxed You
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pairing: boss!joel miller x fem!secretary!reader summary: when you convince joel to shower with you, he invites someone else to join warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] mean!joel, joel x reader x ofc threesome, joel fucks someone who is not reader, sexual f/f interaction at the direction of a male, slight dubcon (but is ultimately consensual), joel STILL respects you 0%, age gap, infidelity, hella power imbalance/dynamics, unprotected anal/slight painal, creampie, daddy!kink, hella degradation and humiliation kink (use of slut, whore, bitch, etc), money as incentive for sex extra disclaimer: as always for this series, blatant infidelity and humiliation kink warning. as in: reader gets off on being humiliated. please keep that in mind. word count: ~4.2K | ao3 a/n: so I know this is not for everyone. in fact, it’s probably only for a select few. but I wanted to write it, and an anon suggested it, so i did it. this is just me being bi but through my characters.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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“Feel that, you dirty slut? Tell daddy you feel it.”
“I feel it,” You wince, gripping the sheets beneath your fingers. 
“Where is it, bitch? Where do you feel it?”
“In my ass,” You whimper, your head hanging low between your shoulders. 
“That’s right,” Joel croons, the flesh of your asscheek in his hand and a palm pressing at your lower back to keep you in place. “That’s where filthy whores take their cocks don’t they?” 
“Yeah,” You grit out as Joel pulls out of your clenching hole to the tip, and pushes back in with a grunt. The stretch of your asshole around his girth is not something you’ve gotten used to in the few times he’s done it. But Joel likes it, so Joel gets it. And when he has you in his bed like this, with Claire away on a solo trip, leaving him to his own selfish devices, you almost feel like he actually cares. 
You feel like a real mistress. The emotional in hand with the physical, instead of just a vessel for his infidelity. His insatiable sexual appetite and his ego. You’re not bruising your knees on his low-pile office carpet or denting your abdomen with the bite of his desk’s edge. You’re soft, like his Egyptian cotton sheets. Delicate, like his silk pillowcases. Luxurious, like his imported duvet cover and matching throws. 
And even though he’s tearing you apart from the inside out, forcing himself inside a part of you that primarily serves to heighten his own pleasure, you feel like he’s choosing you. And the squeaks of pain, the yelps of distress when he goes too hard, too fast, too much — they flood you with a sense of satisfaction. He’s getting what he needs from you . And he’s taking it from you on his wife’s side of the bed, with her Cartier bracelet on the nightstand atop a bookmarked paperback of Eat, Pray, Love. 
He eats her. He prays to her. He loves her. What the fuck does she need a book like that for? Is she so greedy that he’s not enough for her? 
He would be enough for me. 
“Tell me how it feels.”
You blink yourself back into your body, and Joel fucks back into you with enough momentum for his balls to smack against your clit. “Fuck, it’s good, daddy,” you gasp, raising your head to fall back between your shoulder blades to take in the view of him behind you. 
“You like taking it up the ass for daddy?” He asks, canting his hips into you with weighted thrusts. And he looks you in the eyes as he splits you open on his cock. A hand comes up to cup your jaw and hold your head back to pin your gaze to him. 
And goddamn it, he’s so heartbreakingly beautiful. His lips parted with exertion, his bare chest glistening with sweat from the blowjob you’d given him before he entered you from the back, droplets adorning his chest hair. His pushed-back hair falls into his face as his thrusts crash against your skin, and your fingers twitch with the desire to sweep the rogue strands back onto the top of his head. 
“Yes,” you pant, the words tight with the stretch of your skin over your throat at your current angle. 
“Say you’re daddy’s whore, baby. Tell me what you are.”
“I’m your whore,” you whine, feeling Joel’s hips increasing in speed. 
“Yeah? You a piece of meat for me?”
“I’m a piece of meat, daddy,” you recite, your eyes clenching shut and your mouth dropping open as his cock stretches your ass open with abandon, the hole twinging with pain as he tears through it with a smirk on his face. 
“Look at me. Look at who’s doin’ this to you.”
You whimper as your eyes pry open, seeing the hunger reflected in Joel’s eyes. You want the hunger to be for you, for your body, for what you can provide for him that his wife can’t. You’re not sure it is, but you imagine. 
His face starts to collapse as his hips buck forward and he grunts out his release, pumping you full of his thick seed. And you revel in it, knowing this is something he’d never ask of her . This is something you can provide him that she would never. 
Joel grimaces as he pulls his spent cock from the stretched ring of your ass and flops down onto his back, catching his breath. “Good girl,” he mutters wearily, tapping your thigh with his knuckle. 
You wrestle with the grin on your lips, knowing that if he sees the glow on your face due to his words he may well rescind them. So you bury your face in your arms instead, letting the joy bleed to your cheeks as you slump against the bed, a slow trickle of his come slithering down the slit of your pussy and onto his expensive duvet. 
You love tainting his bedding like this. Her bedding. It’s sick and it’s satisfying. Particularly when he’s lying naked next to you, coming back to himself after giving everything he had to you, and you’re lying sore from his cock that he vowed to her years ago. Dripping him onto her sheets. Being his good girl . 
You may never have him like she has him. 
But she will never have him like you have him. 
“I think I need to shower,” you mutter, unearthing your face from your arms to take in the rise and fall of Joel’s chest. 
“Then go shower,” he dismisses, running a hand through his damp hair, but otherwise staying put where he lies. 
You nudge him lightly. “Join me.”
Joel’s eyes trail over you lethargically. He makes a sound of disinterest, scratching an itch on his crotch and waving you off. 
“You just fucked my ass. You don’t wanna shower that off?” You ask, drifting your fingers over his shoulder. 
Another lazy look from Joel and he groans in reluctant acquiescence. You give a triumphant noise and help him off the bed, tugging him toward the en-suite. 
Joel cranks the handles on his oversized glass paneled shower, dual rainfall heads spitting to life onto the heated tile. The water heats instantly and Joel is waving you in before him. You scurry inside, heaving a sigh at the pelting of the hot water on your back and over your neck. 
Joel makes his way inside, and some small part of you hopes he’ll saunter up behind you and pull you close, but he just lets the other shower head wash over him to your right. He scrubs at his face and runs his fingers through his hair, and you find yourself mesmerized. Rivulets flow down his hairy chest, his plump ass, his gym-toned thighs. 
Your pussy throbs between your legs, reminding you just what it hasn’t had yet. You take a step toward him, reaching out, and Joel jerks his head in your direction, his hands freezing in his hair. He gives you a once-over. 
“I didn’t come yet,” you point out, placing a hand on his hip. He glances down at it, then back at you, squinting through the water. 
You pout, guiding him to the back wall with you, out of the spray. “I’d really like to come.”
Joel rests an arm above your head against the shower wall, looking over you as the water hits his back. “You’d like to come, huh? My dick not enough?”
“No, it is, I just didn’t…where it was…it was distracting,” you attempt to explain. You normally don’t have much of an issue getting yourself off on Joel’s cock, even with him being relatively inattentive to your own orgasms. But the discomfort of him being in your ass, as good as it feels, seems to discourage your pussy from cooperating properly. All your focus was on finding pleasure in the pain, making the fuck good for him . And it just never happened. 
“Hmm,” Joel hums, tapping his thumb against the tile as he thinks. “You really wanna come?”
You nod, looking at him with pleading eyes. 
He nods back for a moment, then pushes off the wall and back toward the door of the shower. 
Confusion imprints your features as you watch him open the door and usher in a rush of cold air. “Joel, where—”
Joel pads with wet footsteps to the opening of the en-suite and calls out, “Julia!”
Julia? His maid? What the fuck is he summoning Julia for?
“Yes, sir!” You barely hear from a distance. 
“My bedroom, please!”
You don’t hear her respond, but seconds later Julia appears in the archway of the bathroom. Upon seeing the state of the two of you, she squeaks in surprise and clamps a hand over her eyes. “I’m so sorry, sir! I didn’t know—”
“‘S alright, sweetheart,” he placates, wrapping a hand around her wrist and tugging it away from her eyes. Her eyes are squeezed shut regardless of the shield of her hand. “Hey, it’s alright. Open your eyes.”
And you can hear authority in his voice, but it’s starkly different from the tone he uses with you. It sounds more understanding. Like he’s attempting to comfort her even as he commands her. It makes your skin prickle. 
Julia blinks her eyes open, sweeping them upward quickly to skip over his crotch. 
“There we go,” he encourages, swiping a damp thumb over her cheek in a gesture that makes your stomach swoop. 
He’s touched her like this before. 
You know he’s hinted at it to you, but you thought he was just trying to make you jealous. But no, this isn’t the first time he’s had his hand on her face. Or likely the first time she’s seen him naked. You can tell that much from the way she doesn’t flinch from his touch and the way her cheeks alight. 
But why the fuck did he call her in here?
“Tell me, sweetheart, what do you think of her?” Joel asks, gesturing to you with his head. 
Julia looks nervous as she hesitates. “I-I don’t know…”
You narrow your eyes in assessment of the situation unfolding in front of you, securing a self-consoling arm around your abdomen as you step into the open doorway of the shower, leaving the comforting warmth behind. 
Joel shrugs, pouting his lips briefly in tandem. “Well, she’s reasonably pretty isn’t she? I like to think I pick out pretty toys, don’t I?” He caresses the point of her chin with an air of confidence that swiftly expels any doubt you had that this wasn’t their first time interacting this intimately. 
Reasonably pretty . You’ll take it. 
Julia’s eyes dart to you, then to Joel. “Sh-she is very pretty, sir,” she stutters, her chin still firmly between his fingers. 
Joel nods and looks over at you. And when he speaks again, he’s studying your expression, but clearly addressing her. “How about you go and see how she feels? See how soft she is.”
Your eyes bulge in your head. “Joel…”
“Sir, I…” Julia trails off, her gaze fluttering between you and Joel. 
“Go on,” he coaxes, tossing his head toward you. “I bet she’d like it. Wouldn’t you, baby?” This time he’s talking to you, and it takes you slightly aback. He looks so cocky about it. Like you wouldn’t dare tell him “no”. 
And fuck him, he’s right. 
So you swallow lightly and consciously loosen your heavy grip on the glass opening. “Yeah. I’d like it.”
Julia is undoubtedly beautiful. A short thing. Dainty. Dark hair, bright eyes, large tits for as small a frame as she has. You’ve never really observed her this seriously before, but analyzing her now it’s obvious that Joel would never have let a gorgeous woman like her traipse around his house without sampling her. 
She looks so unsure as she sizes you up in turn. “Sir, I really don’t know.”
Joel smiles and leans down to her ear. You can’t hear what he says, but you watch her eyes light up as he speaks. When he pulls back to gauge her expression, she nods with a shy grin. 
“That’s a good girl,” he purrs, slipping behind her. 
His fingers burrow under her shirt and he lifts it off of her body, letting it fall to the floor. She avoids your gaze as he undresses her with patience in spades that he never seems to have for you. Her thick breasts fall free of her bra, nipples pebbling in the exposed air. And then his fingers tuck into her leggings and underwear, and he crouches to shuffle them down her hips. She steps out of them timidly, her hands clasping in a show of modesty in front of her neatly trimmed pussy. Joel makes a wanton noise as his hands and lips skim over her ass and hips as he rises to stand. His hands journey up to her tits, massaging them in his huge palms. She releases a tiny moan at the treatment and Joel chuckles. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart,” he nudges her toward the shower. Her legs propel her forward as her hands stay in place to obscure her crotch. You stare at her as she approaches the entrance, and you slowly make your way to the back of the space until you’re pressed against the wall once more with her closing in on you. 
Joel hangs back, watching the two of you move from a comfortable distance, eyes sharp like he’s stalking his prey. 
“Can-can I touch you?” She whispers, shifting on her feet with anxiousness but finally meeting your gaze again. 
You look up at Joel and he nods deliberately. 
You take a steadying breath and say, “Yes.”
Her fingers are so gentle. Gentle in a way that men never seem to be. They skim your sides, stroke your abdomen, and pause at the curve of your breasts. 
“Can I?” She asks again, and you give her the same answer. 
The pads of her fingers are softer than Joel’s. She stimulates your nipples with her thumbs with curiosity, and you catch her biting her lip. 
“You can taste them,” you whisper, and that coy smile teases her lips again. 
“Okay,” she says timidly. Her mouth finds one of your hardened nubs and she sucks it into her mouth. You gasp at the graze of her tongue over you. Hers is smaller than Joel’s. Thinner in width and depth, more flighty over your flesh. You feel your eyelids sagging in pleasure and you sneak a look at Joel. 
His cock is working toward full mast as he revels in the sight of the two of you, a hand caressing his balls. “How does she taste, sweetheart?”
Julia frees your nipple to glance over her shoulder. “Wonderful,” she giggles. 
“Good,” he rasps out as his arousal grows and he advances on you. 
You shudder as she takes your other nipple into her mouth and Joel leans against the entrance of the shower. 
“Touch her pussy, Julia.”
She moans around your breast and pops you out of her mouth as she trails two fingers up your inner thigh. She halts again at the crease of you, and before she can ask, you reassure her of your consent. With her hand on your hip and Joel’s eyes glued to your reactions, two thin, manicured fingers slip between your folds. 
Your head falls back in a moan as she strokes up the length of your cunt and circles your clit. 
“How does she feel, baby?”
“So good,” you sigh, jutting your hips out from the wall to angle into her fingers as she rubs at the bundle of nerves between your legs. 
“I was asking Julia,” he corrects, finally stepping back into the shower and pressing his fully hard cock up against her back, gripping her hips in his hands. He dips down to her neck and sucks wet kisses into her skin. “How does she feel?”
“Amazing,” Julia replies, tilting her head back as Joel’s lips move against her neck. 
It tugs at you, the ease with which he touches her. How often has Joel been inside her? Has he fucked her in their bed more than he has you? How many times has he made her drench his sheets, then paid her to change them?
Julia’s fingers dance at the opening of your pussy and you whine, “Please.”
Soaked and desperate, her fingers glide inside you with no resistance. Just a moan from you and a gasp from her as Joel’s hips rock into her ass. Her fingers stroke at your walls with a grace that feels devastating, even as you hear her breath hitch with the push of Joel’s cock between her cheeks. 
“Just like that, good girl,” he praises her, petting down her sides. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you, sweetheart? Fucked another girl.”
“In college,” she mutters, a flush blooming in her cheeks. 
“Naughty little thing,” he smirks, groping her asscheeks in his hands. His eyes glisten as he shifts his attention to you. “What about you, slutty girl? This your first time?”
You try to tamp down your embarrassment as you mumble, “Yeah.”
“Well, I know Julia’s gonna take real good care of you. Aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Julia nods bashfully, but pinches your clit with the sides of her fingers and glides up and down in a move that has you whining pathetically while she fucks you deftly with her other hand. 
Joel groans as he takes his cock in his hand, positioning it between her legs with intent and grinding it up the slit of her pussy until she whimpers. 
“Condom,” she breathes out, and he stops. He sighs and drops his forehead between her shoulders. 
“Alright. Keep touchin’ her. I’ll be right back.”
Joel’s cock bobs obscenely as he exits the bathroom, leaving the pair of you alone, your pussy opening around her fingers at a glorious pace. 
You take the moment alone to whisper, “Has…has he ever done this with Claire?”
Julia’s big eyes go round as she takes in your words, her fingers slowing inside you. She shakes her head. “He, uh. He likes to keep her to himself.”
You nod, closing your eyes to refocus on the thrust of her fingers. A thumb starts to massage at your clit again, and it has a quiet whine leaving your lips. 
“You’re beautiful,” she whispers. When you open your eyes, she’s staring into yours with an aroused ferocity. 
“So are you,” you offer back, your mouth hanging with the pleasure spiraling in your abdomen. 
“Jesus, look at you two,” you hear in Joel’s trademark deep drawl, and he’s stepping back into the enclosure, rubber securely hugging his thick cock.  
And the sight of Joel approaching you, hard and horny and prepared to fuck another woman right in front of you — while he uses her to get you off for him — the reality has your orgasm hitting you all at once. You let out a loud, reverberating moan as you buck into Julia’s hand, and she lets out an adorable giggle as you clench around her fingers. 
“Good fucking girl, sweetheart,” he rumbles, biting a kiss into Julia’s shoulder as he situates his cock where he wants it. 
The heat from the shower swirls in your head in conjunction with your mind-numbing orgasm, and you’re dizzy as you hear Julia moan while he enters her cunt in a fluid thrust, her fingers still curling inside you. 
“Take it just like that, good girl,” Joel coos, angling her hips back as he fucks into her with abandon. Julia is vocal, her whines and screams only muffled by her face buried in your chest. Her fingers slip free of your clutch and cling to your hips as the deafening, wet clap of Joel’s thrusts fill the bathroom. 
Joel snaps his fingers to get your attention and barks at you, “Play with her tits. She loves that shit.”
As much as your brain fights to dwell over the fact that he knows that about her, that he’s fucked her enough to know what she likes, cared enough to notice what she likes, you just bite your tongue and obey. 
Her tits are stunning, that much is undeniable. Round and full, blushing pink nipples stiffened with the humid breeze of the downpour and the slide of Joel’s length that you know the feeling of so well. The kind of tits that men would trip over themselves to stick their cock between. 
It really doesn’t take much convincing to cup the ample flesh of them in your hands and work them in your grip, the drag of her nipples hard against your palms. Julia lets out a guttural moan and tucks her face into the crook of your neck. She whimpers as you pinch and twist at them and she begins to mouth at your wet skin. 
And though the order makes your heart stutter briefly, Julia — seeming truly gone to the spread of his cock inside her — doesn’t even think before she’s smashing her lips into yours. Her tongue entwines with your own like silk, sliding with it as she pushes moans into where you connect. 
“Look at me,” Joel says, quiet enough that Julia doesn’t assume it’s for her, but loud enough for you to hear it over the ricochet of the water on tile and his hips against her ass. Your lips still locked with Julia’s, you ease your eyes open. He holds your gaze as he reaches down between Julia’s legs and plays with her clit, pulling even louder sounds from her. 
As your mouth moves with hers, getting sloppier as Julia’s own release creeps up on her, Joel orders, “You watch me get her off. Eyes right on me.”
Julia’s mouth slides off yours, panting wetly into your neck, whining, “Yes, yes, fuck, sir, please!”
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he commands her, his eyes fixed on yours, and she screams out her climax into the echoing room, her fingernails digging into your skin where she holds onto you. 
Joel pistons his hips into her, grunting and swearing to your face until he shouts his own release into the condom. 
At least she doesn’t let him come inside her. That I can give him . 
Julia’s legs shake as Joel pulls out and smacks her on the ass, and you secure an arm around her waist as she grounds herself, all while avoiding Joel’s eyes. 
“Thank you,” she breathes into you, finding her strength as Joel steps out of the bathroom to discard the condom, snatching up a towel off the bar on his way out. 
“Yeah,” you reply simply, a grimace on your lips as pieces of herself fall back into place. 
She heads into the direct line of the shower again, and the water is still miraculously hot, billowing out through the doorway until you yank the door closed and join her under the deluge. 
“What did he say to convince you?” You ask, unable to hold back your stubborn curiosity. 
Julia hesitates, then raises her hand and rubs her thumb on the pads of her fingers in a telling gesture. 
“ Money ? He offered you money?” You ask incredulously. 
“I need to pay off my student loans,” she mumbles, massaging at the back of her neck as she allows the hot water to soak her muscles. “He always gives me a bonus after he fucks me. But this time it was…significantly more money. Like, don’t-think-twice kind of money.”
You stare at her as she speaks, and you are left speechless. When you don’t say anything, she pivots her head to you quizzically. 
“He gives you bonuses, right? That’s why you let him treat you like that? I’ve noticed.”
And you really don’t want to lie. You don’t like to lie to people who don’t deserve it. But, for what is possibly the first time, you truly feel embarrassed about what you’re doing with him. And you hate that feeling. 
So you plaster a smile and nod. “Yeah. Yeah, he gives me money. So much money.”
“Good,” she nods back. “Get that bag, girl. Claire drives me fucking nuts anyway.”
“Yeah,” you agree quietly, feeling yourself going distant. “Yeah, same.”
Julia shrugs, stepping out of the spray and wringing out her hair. “Anyway, what my boyfriend doesn’t know can’t hurt him. And I don’t hear him complaining about the nice gifts, so he can deal.” Julia gives you a warm smile and squeezes your hip reassuringly before exiting the shower and heading for the clean towels, putting one up on the hook next to the door for you with a wink. “Maybe we can do that again sometime.”
“Sure,” you mutter, a faint smile still formed on your lips as she leaves. 
As you melt in the heat of the water, you drift a hand between your legs, feeling where she was. Then further back to the tender pucker of your asshole, the memory of the stretch still prominent when the skin smarts at your touch. 
Joel’s voice jolts you out of your reverie from the bedroom. “Wasting all my fuckin’ hot water! Wrap it up in there.”
So you hasten your scrubbing, wistfully contriving all the methods you could use to smash that stupid Cartier bracelet into scrap metal. 
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justporo · 7 months
Hello! Love your writing SO much. I’ve always wondered though, what would Astarion do if he was in love with Tav but she was insecure about how pretty he was and how she wasn’t good looking enough for him??
So first of all, Anon, let me apologise for letting this sit in my inbox so long - and thank you so much! I guess at some point I've gotten a little overwhelmed with all ideas and requests. I'll still try and answer as many as possible!
So, back on topic:
Headcanons for Astarion battling his partner's insecurity
When you open up about how you feel insecure - especially compared to him - you get a staredown first of all; it does nothing to help with your anxiety and insecurity
"Darling, we don't talk bad about ourselves in this relationship, only about others!"
Expect a lot of aggressive and kind of hysteric support (because this man can talk himself into a fit)
"You'd seriously think I'd settle with anything below heartbreakingly beautiful? Really? You think too much of me!"
He's serious (but also you know it's more than about surface stuff)
He tries everything: aggressive flattery, poetically pointing out all the most beautiful things about you, just staring into your eyes while holding your face (until you might start to cry because damn, this is about you but he's so beautiful)
In all seriousness, when he realises none of it is helping, he will make you stand up, in the middle of the room
His hands wander over your spine, make you straighten your back, lift your chin up, maybe put a strand of hair back behind your ear
One of his hands softly grabs your chin, his brows furrow: "You've done this for me once, now let me be your mirror, my love. When I look at you - I see these eyes, first of all. They're capable of so much: the greatest warmth I've ever felt, fierceness that would make even the strongest foe quiver, deep admiration for all the beauty in the world that you always tend to find. And this smile that never fails to almost make me stumble. Gods be damned, if my heart wasn't cold and dead in my chest it would skip a beat every time you smiled at me. And this body - do you even understand what it has accomplished? Carried you through every step, every battle, every blow and blast - to me if I may be so selfish. So I can admire and worship it everyday." "I thought this wasn't supposed to be poetry?"
And Astarion hushes you and pulls you to him, kisses you until you forget whatever it was you had been feeling in the first place
To be sure, very very sure, Astarion repeats this time and again - especially the worshipping part - that's his favourite
(He casually ruins it by making jokes about how you're "the second most beautiful person in the room", but you forgive him quickly)
Astarion is just very good at getting his point across, don't you think? So you should better believe him!
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess
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tasteracha · 10 months
a/n: i don't really know what this is but it's kind of hurt comfort and not at all sexual just a little bit of caring dom minho
having minho as your full time dom, shyly asked for by you after he had mentioned it months ago. he didn't tell you that he wanted it, didn't make it seem like you should. he just, offered. asked if it was something you would like. and well, after some time thinking, you were sure that yes it was something that you would like.
soaking in that floaty feeling all the time now, from the moment you wake up to the time where your head hits the pillows at night. the only time you had to use your cognition was when you were at work, but with the weight taken off of your shoulders from everything else work barely seemed like a problem anymore. you don't have to think about anything, what to eat or what to wear or where to go that day. he did it for you, and you were so grateful. the things that once caused you such stress and anxiety just, gone. like that. put into his hands, the ones you trusted with your life and more.
and it went like this for weeks and weeks, until your life felt like almost a dream that was too good to be true. until you blinked back to reality as he held an outfit out for you, beige blazer and pressed slacks that you were to wear during your big presentation at work that you were preparing for. the one that you had picked an outfit out for so long ago. a black blazer, not a beige one.
you shake your head when he begins dressing you, taking your arm back out of the sleeve and curling up on yourself. you expect some kind of reprimand, some kind of punishment, maybe. you disobeyed, right? you didn't want to wear what he wanted you to wear. you didn't really know why - his outfit was nice, too. something just didn't click.
baby, he whispered, soft. not pet, or kitten, or any of the things he likes to playfully tease you with. he sounded heartbreakingly sincere. what's wrong?
i don't, you start, keeping your eyes trained on the floor. i picked something else out. i want to wear that. i'm sorry.
why are you sorry? he tilts your head up with a gentle thumb under your chin.
i was bad, your lower lip trembles under his touch. i'm sorry.
this, this thing we do. it isn't me over you, okay? he strokes your cheek, and you're surprised that his fingers come back wet. when did you start crying? we are equals, always. you're always allowed to make your own decisions, about anything. i am here to make things easier, not harder.
it's like his words take a weight off of your shoulders instantly, worries that you hadn't let yourself feel since this started disappearing as you fall into his arms. the oddly terrifying feeling of letting go of all of your control gone when you realize that you weren't really letting go of anything. the discomfort of not knowing replaced by the relief of him knowing everything.
later, he helps you into your black blazer while you eat the breakfast he cooked for you. your choice of food, today. his choice later.
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tojisun · 1 month
this is prelude of that angst ghoap x reader (or, johnny and you sleep together for a secret third thing—your mutual love for simon).
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you played with the ends of your shirt, trembling fingers feeling numb. it’s already cold outside, and your thin sweater isn’t cutting it—the draft pierces through the fabric, razing your aching body with a sharp chill. still, you couldn’t make yourself come back in, your mind weighed down by the turmoil bubbling in your heart.
you don’t know when the hesitation began, but it settled deep in the crevices of your ribs, making home in the spaces and ridges, bloating until it is all that you are aware of.
it stings.
this feeling you’re carrying, unnamed at most, stings. it was a sharp pain that never left, stabbing into muscle until it feels like a constant bruise. like skin welting, unable to find rest with the constant pressure.
you try to trace when it all began, but you know you don’t truly need to look further—the realization happened on a quiet sunday morning, when the lieutenant stumbled into the mess hall and nodded at you in lieu of a greeting.
you don’t know what it was exactly that made you realize—was it the sun, hitting his masked face ever so softly, making his eyes sparkle like they were made of agate? or was it the quiet way he set about preparing morning drinks for the squad? coffee for mactavish, tea for garrick, and, oddly, tepid water for the captain. or was it the way he murmured your name when he asked if there was something else you would want? another cup of your coffee? or would you want to drink tea, with milk and honey just like you prefer?
you didn’t even know he knew what you liked to drink—mactavish was your closest acquaintance, and you’re sure that he doesn’t even know anything about you past your focal interest in jigsaw puzzles.
(it’s the only thing he gifts you for your birthdays. you learned quick that this is his way to tell you that you mean so much to him.
in return, johnny is the first person you show your completed puzzles to.)
you told your lieutenant that you want the tea, if it was alright with him. he said it was no bother, and you sat there, watching this boogeyman that has people cowering in fear and even pissing their trousers in their terror make you a cup of warm tea, fluffed with milk.
he placed it in front of you with a quiet grunt.
thanks, you said.
of course, he replied.
you like ghost, you realized as you breathed in the wafting aroma. you have loved him for a while, in fact, and now you are unable to take the admission back.
you can’t put the toothpaste back into the tube, your mother used to say about situations like this. tea stains when it is spilled.
“god,” you murmur to yourself, pressing your palms to your eyes as though by doing so it could smother the familiar prickling feeling of the tears rising, ready to spill. “god.”
mactavish noticed just within three days after your own realization.
“i’m sorry,” you murmur, your lips wobbling as you try to tamp down the tears. “johnny, you know i didn’t mean to. please—”
“of course,” he says, cutting you off. his lips tug up in that heartbreakingly vulnerable of a smile that has your heart twinging with guilt. “he’s a good man, isn’t he? so really, it’s no shocker here that you like him too.”
he doesn’t say love. he couldn’t say it, not with the weight of his own denial of his feelings.
“yeah,” you warble out. “he’s a good man.”
johnny laughs and pulls you in his arms, covering you with his warm embrace.
the silence settles, and the cold air hangs, and you and johnny know that this realization of both of your heart’s desires is just the start of an agonizing journey.
(he kisses you three weeks later.
“please,” it’s his turn to say, his heartache vivid in the turmoil in his eyes.
“of course,” you echo his words back to him.)
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