#they would adopt a puppy dont even @ me
transtuvok · 4 months
you're doing alright kid ❤️ love ya ❤️
I'm not sure how long this has been in my inbox but thanks for checking in. Today has been much harder than many because I really do miss my dog. I'll actually attach a couple of pictures of the old man for you.
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I trained him to grab a sword toy from me and it was so cute. He always loved learning new games and playing. I think my cat learned to play fetch by watching us play together.
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And this was a walk from this year. We went on daily walks until he started to decline in early April. Our last long walk we did was about an hour and a half and that was on March 31st. He used to be able to go on much longer walks but I made sure I didn't put too much of a strain on him as he got older. I taught him last year to "get hype" for a walk and he'd get so excited.
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Here's another picture of him in a sweater because it was just so adorable on him. He would've been 14 on the 25th.
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skyeslittlecorner · 7 months
can i request relationship hcs with the avisos boys? i really liked the ones u did for the hades demons even though i dont like any of them that much after chapter 5 lmao 😭
Do I see our favourite family? 👀 Here we go! The scenario will be similar, but we will change the topic a bit. Hades had a ball, and here let's welcome a new fluffy member of the family.
This turned out to be longer than I planned, I hope you don't mind. I just love these guys too much-
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Bael circled his own Bermuda Triangle - kitchen, office, bedroom. You knew his daily schedule perfectly, you knew when he woke up, when he fell asleep at his desk, and when to get out of his way so as not to fall victim to his legendary cookies.
You quietly opened the door to his bedroom, the first rays of sunlight falling on the dug-out bedding. Bael looked so peaceful. He was sleeping deeply, his broad shoulders rising and falling with his breath, the muscles on his chiseled back twitching as he dreamed something. Despite his tight uniform, you rarely had this view as his back was covered by his cape and the chair. You came closer and combed blond hair which was scattered on the pillow.
“You know I hate waking you up.” You whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear. Just as you were getting up, you felt a firm grip on your waist.
“I'm awake…”
“Mm. Of course." He looked so adorably sleepy that you crouched down next to him and tapped him on the nose. “You should rest some more. Avisos can handle itself for an hour or two.”
He lifted an eyelid as if he was thinking about what you said. You tried to leave again, but he pulled you towards him. Despite being sleepy, he had a strong grip. You landed on his bare chest, radiating warmth and the smell of fresh bedding.
“This isn't sleeping.”
"It is." He wrapped his arms around you tightly, murmuring into your hair. “I have to be sure that I will get up soon... and that my alarm clock won’t run away.”
“I can sneak out as silently as a cat!”
“You probably haven't seen Hell’s cats.”
He kissed the top of your head, and before you could respond properly, you felt his breathing slow down. He was sleeping, so you kissed him on the lips for good dreams. Avisos can handle itself, and you in your boredom came up with a brilliant idea.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Naberius looked at you like you were crazy when you told him what was on your mind. You were walking down the aisles of the pet store, right between toys shaped like angel wings or fetch pitchforks. You put into his basket one by one what looked the least poisonous and suspicious to you.
“Did I understand correctly… Do you want to adopt a cat?”
“Not me, us.” You made it clear. “He will live with you in the palace.”
He didn't look happy.
You reached out and scratched his chin. He tried to be strong, but then he leaned his head back and his lips twitched happily from the petting.
“Yes, kitten. Because I already have the best puppy in the world here, with me. You will take care of him, right?”
“Maybe… He will have to be brought up so that he does not disturb Bael at work.” 
He tried to be strong, but you knew he couldn't say no to you. And in addition to the cat food (at least you hoped it was cat food), you discreetly added a collar that would go well with the black glasses and red horns.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Amon helped you put out the pet shopping and arrange the room so that it would be ready for a new little roommate. He sat cross-legged in the corner, between the cat lounger and the food bowl, and read the instructions for the small water fountain you had just assembled. He clicked a few buttons and water began gushing from above and pouring down to the lower levels.
“Did you know it's a bird fountain?”
“It's also suitable for a cat.” 
His legs looked so comfortable. You couldn't resist. You brazenly placed yourself on his lap and wrapped your arms around his narrow waist, completely distracting him from the instructions. He hugged you tightly and started purring like a kitten himself.
“Nabe said he would help me raise her, but you all will be definitely switching places. After all, if you have patrols, you won't always be in the castle.”
Amon stroked your cheek. He completely forgot about shopping, and water from the waterer he turned on was spilling onto the floor. You tried to turn it off, but it splashed you in the face. As you snorted water, he quickly corrected the wobbly structure.
"Be careful, love, that's not how it's done. Come on, I'll help you.” He cooed, wiping your wet face gently. “Maybe I should fix it?”
“That's probably a better idea.”
You agreed, but when he leaned towards you with his love-struck smile, you wanted to forget about the waterer and pull him down to the carpet with you in a deep kiss.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Stolas was your companion whom you took to the shelter. Despite your excitement, you tried to remain calm. You just didn't know why he kept boasting about how he would defeat any beast you chose, but everything became clear when you arrived. The enclosure where the animals roamed looked more like a coliseum full of wild beasts than a meadow with cute kittens. The smallest of them made Earth's lions look like meerkats.
“Just show me who to beat for you!” Stolas rubbed his hands together with aggressive excitement. “Who makes you sad?”
You sighed in resignation.
“I thought they were smaller. When I was shopping with Amon, all the things we bought… were smaller.”
“So it's Amon's fault? I knew. I'll kill him!"
"Wait!" You placed your hands on his chest as he was already turning around to find another devil. “I thought I could have a cat in the palace… but I see they are too big.”
He looked closely at your disappointed face, then pursed his lips.
“If you like animals, I can take you to an owl cafe.”
If he wanted to cheer you up, he made it. You tilted your head with interest.
“Will you turn into an owl yourself?”
You hoped he was lying. You needed a fluffy ball to cuddle up to. Either way, your mood improved significantly as you left the coliseum filled with beasts for a cozy cafe full of cooing birds.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
You were sitting at your desk, finishing writing down financial reports you wanted to help the Baels with. You've almost come to terms with the fact that you won't have a kitten when Beelzebub stormed into your room without warning. You stared at him with question marks on your face.
"I have something for you!"
His presence hadn't even dawned on you yet, and there was already a cardboard box on the table. He handled it surprisingly gently. Put it down slowly, as if there were porcelain tableware inside, even though it looked solid. It was a strange box, making sounds through tiny holes on the sides.
Beelzebub stood behind you, resting his elbows on your shoulders and folding his arms over your chest.
“Go ahead, you should check it out, I'm sure you'll like it…” He trailed off when, instead of reaching into the box, you took his hands.
“I'd rather have you than welcome gifts, you know?”
He fell silent for a moment. You couldn't see his face, but his voice had softened noticeably.
“You'll like this one. I promise. Open up, don't make her wait.”
You had a feeling you knew what you would find, and it makes you ticklish inside. When you lifted the lid, a pair of coal-black eyes stared at you from a fluffy muzzle. Kitten. A small, striped, earthly kitten. Your voice stuck in your throat as you squeezed Beel's hands tighter.
"How did you know…!"
“I'm everywhere and hear everything, baby.” He reached out and grabbed the kitten by the nape, just like its mother would. Little pet started meowing.
“Gentler!” You smacked him and took the fluffy ball in both hands. “Is this how you treat your new daughter?”
“My daughter?”
"Yes. Now that you have a baby, you have to visit us more often, you know?”
He leaned down and nuzzled his nose into your shoulder.
“As soon as this is all over.” He promised in a whisper so quiet it might as well have been your imagination. “I will never leave you again. I promise.”
You held the purring kitten to your chest with one hand and stroked Beel's soft hair with the other. Despite his giddiness, you felt that these were not idle words. Your heart sank at the thought that he missed you too. Whatever was going to end, let it end quickly, because all you wanted was to go to sleep next to him, knowing that you wouldn't wake up in an empty bed.
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tongjaitongjai · 1 year
Cryptic God!Merlin & Number1Worshipper!Mordred au - part 2
(Kinda an escalation of this post ) the Magic ban was lifted for a while now and they definitely has encountered a few weird sorcerers/Druids who is in Emrys cult.
So, when Arthur first meets calm and collected Mordred, a druid who asks to be knighted instead of licking Merlin he is very relieved like OH GOD YES FINALLY A NORMAL ONE
Arthur: I am so happy you are not one of those who starts hyperventilating and mentally screaming straight into Merlin’s head the moment you see him.
Mordred, offended: Why would I do that
Later, when Leon and Lancelot are giving him a tour:
Mordred: I understand why some people will get excited at the sight of Emrys, he is a god to us after all, but seriously, only immature fans get over excited like that; a real and veteran worshipper like me have a private hyperventilating session while praying to a personal Emrys shrine at night
Leon: You have a what in at what in what now
Merlin doesn’t like it when people treated him like a god and also not quite aware of the extent of his godly power himself, so, at first he avoids Mordred because even though Mordred appears calm, he can FEEL Mordred praying to him EVERY NIGHT.
Mordred: why do you fear me Emrys? I pray to you everyday. You are my idol.
Mordred: It works?
Mordred: does that mean if I pray hard enough, you will be able to shoot fire beams from your eyes like you do in those bedtime stories druid elders used to tell me?
Three days later, the knights encounter wild magical beasts in the forest during a patrol, as they are so sure they are kicking the bucket tonight, Merlin appears and shoots fire beams from his eyes, annihilating all the threats in 0.3 seconds. Mordred is overjoyed.
And at that point, Merlin has no choice but to adopt Mordred now because have you seen how the kid’s eyes lit up when he saw fire beams? This boy's puppy eyes will be his doom. If the kid asks him to shoot electric bolts out of his mouth, he will fucking do it. Merlin’s mom instinct kicks in yet again.
Arthur, while finally is relieved to see them getting along, soon realises that his hope to have Mordred as a Calm and Collected Magic user who will help his ex-manservant, current-Court Sorcerer, permanent-his idiot make less stupid decisions has flown out of the window, THE KID IS AN ENABLER.
Merlin: Imma punch that castle-size wyvern with my bare hands
Mordred: Yes. you can do it #king. This is going to be the best day of my life.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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spidergutz-writes · 1 year
Miguel O'hara thoughts/Hc's
my friend recently got me into Miguel, and now im hooked.
that man has me in a chokehold, and i dont plan on ever getting out. i cannot describe how carnally i need him, so instead, im making this little thing :3.
please give me feedback and such, as I've never watched ATSV (ooooh but i want to, so bad), so my portrayal of Miguel and his abilities could be severely wrong.
18+ themes ahead, written with fem reader/insert in mind, but can be portrayed as different if you so wish, as I don't put any pronouns in there, or any explicit female bodily descriptions.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who always has his hands on you in some way or another, whether it be on your waist, hips, back, shoulder, or even your ass. he just needs to be touching you.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who has some major issues, losing his kid, so now he's so protective of you, watching you at all times and making sure your safe.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who would kill so many for you, because your his redemption, his salvation, his rescue. you've saved him, and he will do anything in his power to make sure nothing happens to you.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who loves how you smell. it may sound weird, but when your scent fills his overly sensitive nose, his shoulders always relax a little. he's grown so used to the pungent and tangy smell of blood, sweat, and other not so good scents. but, when he smells you? his racing mind calms a bit. he breathes a little easier, and his mind becomes addled with your intoxicating scent.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who loves playing with your hair, the repetitive hand movements calming him down as he continuously combs his hand through your hair, talons softly scratching your scalp.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who want's to be by your side all the time. he never wants to leave you. he wants to be attached to you by the hip, following you around like a lost puppy.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who is haunted by his past, but he so desperately wants to have a child with you, adopted or not. he knows you would make an amazing spouse. He wants to have a family with you so badly :((((
this is all i have for now! if you have any requests, drop on by!
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
hello love,ur writting is so amazing
can i request where jude or kylian is jealous about reader gives more attention to her pet..like reader always gives the pet cuddles massage,hugs and one of them are jealous
if u accept this request thank u love if u dont like it its okey
Yes please I love this request so much! I feel like reader is me because my dog>>>> anyone else
kylian mbappe x reader
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Pet therapy
When you and Kylian moved together he knew he had to accept the fact that you would have never been just the two of you in the relationship. Your dog Loki was there too and he always wanted more attention than a baby. You adopted him three years ago, he was only a puppy, so small he couldn’t even walk straight but you fell in love with him the moment you saw him at the shelter. So now, three years later he was your best friend and your protector.
Kylian asked you to move with him only six months into the relationship and you agreed. You were in love and everyone knew. He knew you were moving him with your dog too, and even if he wasn’t a big fan of Loki he knew you cared too much and that you would choose your pet over him any time. So he agreed of taking you and Loki into his apartment. Luckily for you, or your dog, his apartment was huge so Loki had a lot of space for when he wanted to play.
But one thing Kylian didn’t know about was that you would spend most of your time taking care of your dog instead of spending time with your boyfriend. Kylian was not a baby of course, but he loved your attention, you taking care of him and making him feel special all the time but now your dog was taking over most of your time.
Was he really jealous over a dog?
Yes he was.
He couldn’t stand the fact that everytime when you wake up you would greet Loki before greeting Kylian. The fact that you would kiss your dog goodnight before you do it with Kylian. The fact that you would take time showering and cleaning your dog but you would rush it everytime you and Kyky took a shower together. He just couldn’t stand it.
One night you came back pretty late from work and all you wanted to do was taking a shower and laying down in bed and sleep.
The moment you opened the door you saw Loki jumping from the couch and running to you.
“Hi baby!” you greeted him with your baby voice. That stupid voice you would make every time you talk with your dog
“How’s my baby? Uh? Were you good today? Did you have fun with Kyky?” you asked him knowing he couldn’t answer back but still you loved treating him like a baby because to you, he was your son.
You spent almost ten minutes petting your dog before going up to Kylian.
“Hey babe, how are you?” you asked him, dropping your baby voice and sitting on the couch next to him.
“Oh so you know I exist too…” he said and that confused you a bit.
“Of course baby…are you okay?” you asked him a bit worried.
“So she cares now…I thought I wasn’t your priority” he snapped back and you had no idea why he was behaving like that.
“Kylian what’s going on?” you asked him a bit more irritated.
“Loki, that what’s going on?” he said and you immediately worried.
“What happened? Is he okay? Did he do something? Did he break something?” you asked and Kylian rolled his eyes seeing your reaction.
“That’s what I’m talking about! You give him all of your attention! I exist too!” he shouted back and you couldn’t help but smile. Your boyfriend, the man that you love the most in your life, was jealous over a dog.
“Why are you smiling now?” he asked you.
“Kylian” you laughed “are you serious? I mean, you’re jealous over a dog?” you kept laughing and he felt his cheeks heat a bit, realising he over reacted too much.
“But I mean, you give him all your attention and what about me?” he looked at you with puppy eyes and you couldn’t believe of what you were hearing.
“You…Kylian” you said moving from the couch to his lap “are the most important person in my life okay? I love you and you know it and I can’t believe my boyfriend is jealous over a dog” you said still laughing and he laughed too “I promise I’ll take care of you too” you said kissing him.
“More showers, just you and me” he said and you nodded, a smile on your face.
“And please don’t let him taking over my spot on the couch, he’s absurd!” he joked looking at your dog who was currently sleeping in Kylian’s spot.
“I promise you big baby” you said and Kylian smiled.
You just had the best day of your life, finding out that Kylian loved you so much that he was jealous over a dog.
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heongiu · 1 year
Gun x reader fluff? Gun being jealous of us over a kitten ? 🥺👉👈👈
yessss ofcourse! our Gun being a babygirl is all I ever need! tysm for the request anon!
Gun x Reader | “me or it?”
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“Gun..” you whined lowly, showing him the best of your puppy eyes, and all that you tried was in vain. He was not an easy nut to crack, well not at all if it werent for you, but he was somewhere deep down weak for you.
“nope, not at all, its raining like crazy, and you want to pet that cat? really? what if you get wet or catch a cold? I cannot risk that you know” He replied to you, trying hard to sound so cold and ruthless, but really there was a hidden hint of softness to his voice, one which only you could notice.
“Gun..please?..I wont take much time I promise!…pleaseee?” But you werent going to back off that easy either, you were stubborn, and no body can move you away once you have decided something. maybe, he was considering it, maybe somewhere he was thinking of your request. but finally he agreed.
“fine, not more than 5 minutes okay? and no I wont adopt it in case you become too attached” He spoke, opening the door for you so you could step outside on the sidewalk where the little kitten was hidding in a wooden box.
“what a poor kitty…must be hard for you here right?” you picked it almost like you were caressing a baby, softly placing the small kitten inside your arms carefully, in case you drop it, you wouldn’t but precaution is always good.
“its soooo cute!!” Trying to contain your happiness at the wholesome of the small innocent brown kitty.
but there was someone who was..not liking it at all. and it was no one other than Gun himself.
“Caring so much for a small kitty huh? its not like its gonna survive out here in the wild, theres no point” the jealousy was smell-able, very strong scent of jealousy indeed.
“cmon Gun! dont be so pesky, its just a poor little kitten” you lightly punched his arm from the back, he was not happy at all. what had the kitten done to deserve your precious attention and why not him? he deserves it too and probably more, he cares for you so much doesn’t he? and he loves you just as much, then why would you care for this kitten more?
“ugh..5 minutes are gonna be up soon you know?” he remarked, obviously getting more irritated as he watched you show the little kitten your love more and more by every passing second.
“Aw man..I wish I could take it home, but anyway, I hope you stay safe” you blow a kiss to the kitty, before putting it down to where it was. Now all that was left for you to do was go back inside your car and ride back home. Gun seemed happier now, well, almost like he was about to kill it if you had stayed there longer, but he didnt want to make you upset in any way, after all, you did really love that grumpy man.
just know when you returned home, he didnt even leave you alone for a second, cuddling and hugging you, nuzzling his face in your chest, he wanted your love too, hes just as adorable as the kitten!
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
You are my sunshine
paring: q!wilbur x fem!reader
summary: a glimpse of a night of you taking care of tallulah and she asks you to sing her a song.
authors note: Dont mind me, just a self indulgent motherhood fic. alsooo reader and q!wilbur are married and are raising tallulah together but since wilbur is on tour reader is alone so hes not in this just mentioned! also also i got teary when bbh was singing this to dapper the other night :/
warnings: domestic fluff, mother-daughter relationship, short, unedited! please ignore any mistakes! lol
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It was a good day spent with your daughter Tallulah. You had mostly spent time at the house working on the garden, and even went on a little picnic for lunch! Despite the fact that both of you were attacked and almost knocked out by mobs. you both managed to escape with not much harm done to either of you.
You were thankful for the training Phil had put you through awhile ago to defend yourself against mobs. You just wished you were more stronger.
Now you are in your shared safe little house by the river Wilbur had spent days building for you and your growing family. It was the perfect space, with a small kitchen and an upstairs bedroom for your daughter.
Tallulah came into your lives unexpectedly. After missing the adoption day, you and wilbur had been out exploring a few weeks later and came across the abandoned adoption center building. You had been the one to noticed the trap door in the celling and found little Tallulah huddled in the corner of the attic. She was covered in dirt and shaking like a leaf in the dark. For weeks she had been alone to fend for herself while everyone had found their children and were taken care of. You felt so heartbroken and partly guilty. you wanted to find whoever left her in that cold dark place to make them pay.
You were already so protective of the little girl and you practically begged Wilbur to take her back home. He was hesitant at first, he never really wanted kids, he never felt ready even after you were married and had talked about it. Plus he knew he was leaving again soon and didn’t want to leave you two alone. However, as soon as she played her little flute, and you gave him the best puppy eyes you could muster he rolled his eyes playfully and caved.
Little did Wilbur know that after only a few hours with the girl, watching how you interacted with her made his mind do a complete one-eighty. How you effortlessly switched into a motherly roll made him see that this was right and he became attached to her just as much as you were and there was no looking back.
The sun set over the trees, crickets chirped as you settled down for the night. You sat with Tallulah in your lap as you brushed through her curly brown hair that resembled her fathers way too much. It was unruly to take care of most of the time, much like Wilbur’s when it got too long. It almost seemed too much of a coincidence that Tallulah resembled him, down to the hair and red beanie, her musical abilities, ect. You didn’t think much of it considering this island worked in mysterious ways and you were happy regardless.
You had done all the basic bedtime routine objectives and had gotten her into her pjs shortly after coming home and now was the time to unwind, especially after the day you had.
Before Wilbur left to tour the world with his band you both slept on the sofa, you curled up into his chest like a cat. This didn’t bother him in the slightest it was perfect for you two. Since he left, you had been alone on that yellow sofa staring up into the celling until you drifted off.
Some nights Tallulah woke you with her sobs from her nightmares. Rushing to be at her side to aid her, you would try your best to calm her down with soothing words. Her cries would die down to small hiccups and she would look up at you with puffy eyes and a runny nose. A silent plea not to leave and you would stay with her, telling her story’s, and singing her lullabies until her eyelid’s fell into sweet slumber.
As time went on you ended up falling asleep next to her and wake with her cuddling up to you and eventually this became a routine.
You cherished these moments, watching her drift off to sleep in your arms. You knew that she was beginning to trust you, and it filled you with a warmth and joy that you had never felt before. She seemed to be getting more comfortable with you and trust you more, you’d be dammed if you broke that trust now and swore to protect her with your life. She was too precious.
Once you were finished gently brushing out the last knot in her hair you placed the brush down.
"Alright, all done! Are you ready to go to sleep now?" you asked.
She nodded but moved away from you to reach over the nightstand to grab her pencil and little notebook she used to communicate.
Ever since you found her she hadn’t really talked much. You figured it was a response due to trama from whoever left her alone in that attic. It only broke your heart more to see a child of her age feel so uncomfortable with expressing herself.
You were always patient with her, allowing her to take her time and find the words she was looking for. She opened the notebook and began to write, slowly, but with a purpose. You sat there watching her waiting.
She flipped the tiny note pad over in her hands when she was finished and you read the letters. She looked up at you with hopeful eyes as you read the words and felt a wave of emotion come over you.
Will you sing to me, Mamá?
At the single word, tears threatened to spill from your eyes. This was the first time she had called you that directly. It tugged at your heartstrings to think she considered you her mother. Collecting yourself before you got too emotional you nodded and said;
"Of course, sweetheart,"
The little girl's eyes sparkled with joy as she watched you get up to grab Wilbur's old acoustic guitar that sat in the corner of the room. It had been collecting dust since he left and you weren't as good as him but you would try for your daughter. You carefully carried the guitar to the center of the room and began to strum some chords to check that it was in tune.
You thought for a moment of what to play, until you remembered, one of the first songs Wilbur had taught you would be perfect.
You moved to sit back on the bed and Tallulah shifted closer to you.
"You'll have to excuse me. I'm not as good as your papa," you chuckle. You took a deep breath and began playing the melody.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make me happy when skies are gray
you'll never know dear how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.
It caused a lump to form in your throat thinking about the first time Wilbur first sang this to you. It was at a point in your life when you were having frequent nightmares, (much like tallulah.) you would wake in colds sweats screaming and crying until you couldn’t breath.
It was your only second time staying over at Wilbur’s, you had woken him up with your crying. He had gently shaken you until you were blinking your eyes up at him. He held you that night and sang you this softly under his breath until you had fallen asleep in his arms.
It ironically becomes your song. A comfort in your relationship whenever you sing it to the other in moments of conflict. You hoped it would provide the same comfort to the little girl you’d grown to love and cherish.
The other night, dear as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you In my arms
When I awoke, dear I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried
When you finished the last chord she clapped her tiny hands softly, her smile widened even more and her eyes stared at you in awe. you felt your heart swell as she crawled over to you to envelope you in a hug. You squeeze her tightly against you but just enough that she can pull away if needed.
Tallulah pulled out her notepad again, and wrote;
Thank you, Mamá. That was beautiful!
“You’re welcome,“ you placed the guitar at the foot of the bed, carefully ensuring it was set up right so it wouldn’t fall. “im glad you liked it!” Your gaze shifted back to Talulah who began writing something else but tucked it close to her chest.
She flipped the notepad in her hands to show you what she had written and your heart sank.
I miss papa.
Your chest sank and the weight of Wilbur being gone settled back in again. It felt different without him here. Like a piece was missing in your lives.
“I miss him too,” you replied, whipping tears from your cheeks and swallowing the lump in your throat. "But he will be back before you know it.”
Tallulah nodded and placed her notepad and pen back on the nightstand. You helped her get settled by tucking her in and putting out the lantern, you climb into bed beside her and kiss her on the head as sleep is already taking her into its soft embrace. You whisper "sweet dreams, mi nina,” and you swear a faint smile appears across her lips. You remain there until you drift off to sleep yourself.
Tomorrow you would write to Wilbur and tell him about your week. You couldn’t wait to see him in a few more weeks and make more memories like these together as a family. For now you’ll settle for nights like these until he returns.
The story about you playing your song for your daughter definitely won't make him tear up.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Imagine slasher going on his classing killng spree but he see kid treated badly/kid being sad. Its pure platonic
Slasher trying to comfort kid
'Trying' but hes are very akward. There is dailogue and its colored: slashers the kid . The ghostface one is funny while yautja is more cute! she/her pronouns Requests open
He was in silly goofy ah mood, so he went on killing spree (again)
It was some funny party with a lot of drunk teens and loud music
Kids older sibling probably did a party and she got scared of loud music and went crying in her room
After killing some people ghosty need a breather and just went into random room to clean his knife or something (idk i never been on killing spree)
And he just goes into this room and sees some kid crying their eyes off. "Uhhh what is kid doing here? I thoght im irresponsible but-" he got cut of by kid crying/venting how the people downstairs where mean and making fun of her :(
"Zamn kid thats though.. anyways idc cya" in fact he doest not care, police will be there in like 10min he doesnt have time to some child venting in general pls."are you going to kill me mr ghosty :( " "ayo you calm yourself down, aint no way in hell im killinng a kid"
He wont kill her ofcofc (reason? No reason t all :) )
After all killing spree stuff police still didnt come (either nooone called it or its American police so they are riding from difrent state or something) he will go check up on her, yknow if shes still crying :(
"Uhhh yep shes still crying ehhh do you want tea or something?" *nods* "god zamn Im a babysit now apearently"
Ghosty will probably smoke or something (babysitting kid is stressful) "my sister says that guests cant smoke inside :( " "yo sister dead(it is a joke he did not say that maybe he did say that )"
He wont let her go downstairs? Theres litteral crime scene over there?? Yall ever wached any movie?? This trauma would be start of her revange arc or something
???why is there human puppy randomly alone in middle of nowhere???
"Uhhh em child? Where are your human perents" ":( they said I should wait here" "uhhh *looks around* wh when did they leave you???" " it was morning when we went here" "uhhh its afternoon"
He cant just leave her here come one
But his place on earth is temorary he cant Just take her to ship
He will try to find her perents but it doesnt work he will take her TOTALY temporary to his ship and give her some food
Even if hr would find her perents, he woundnt be very pleased of what he sees, they clearly dont want her and they indeed try to abandon her
Turns out he accidently got attached and adopted her
Will melt if she will call him "alien/space dad" its so cute!
(I used x reader tags just to reach bigger audience, nothng sus happening here)
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Hii!! I was wondering if u could do a scenario where you win some sort of contest/fight against lookism characters and brag abt it to everyone only to find out they let u win on purpose when u see the them beating people even better than you ( its ok if u dont want to tho!!)
Thank you for the ask! And a chance for me to demonstrate my shitty ✨imagination✨
Oof I feel like I need some context to make this work. But first off, no chance they would let you win:
Zack: under strict orders from Mira and you're not worth a fight sorry. Unless... what illegal stuff have you been up to?! Maybe he SHOULD beat you up
Samuel: have you seen the size of his inferiority complex
Goo: you could probably give him all the money in the world and he would still beat your ass
Gun: lol
And then the scenario where they like/know you well enough/ have a reason to let you win THEN seeing them beat everyone up..
... and I don't want to actually beat any of these guys up 😔 so gotta go with J High, my number 1 cinnamon roll VASCO
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(I might have twisted this ask a little. I don't do well with too much freedom. Everything WILL turn into a romance)
Vasco - the strongest Cinnamon Roll
Sometimes you can't believe this place is a high school
You can go weeks or months without seeing some of your friends, and then suddenly they pop up like nothing has happened
"Vasco!? Where have you been"
"Fighting some bad guys"
"... ok"
Seriously.. this idiot (affectionately)
And dont even get you started on the teachers
You're not really sure how you've been adopted as an honorary Burn Knuckle member
You used to hang out more with your own Comics + Animation dept. Since Logan Lee joined though, the vibe has changed for the worse
The Burn Knuckles looked a fearsome bunch, but the first time you heard "if we can't protect, we're not burn knuckles" you melted
And then there's Vasco who you've grown close with
Zack Lee might be right and this guy can be a fool, yet you can't help having a soft spot for him
You thought lunch break was lunch break
And you went to the Architect classroom to check out what the guys were doing
Maybe to grab some food with them
To find everyone in the middle of arm wrestling each other
of course that's what these gremlins would be doing during lunch
You sought out Vasco like you usually do, and surprisingly found him sitting alone in the corner
No one acknowledged him, too busy with their own matches
You had always heard about his strength...
But really, how strong could he be? Isn't he just a 17 year old guy?
He's always been pretty sweet and gentle with you...
Does no one want to fight their leader because he'll lose?
"Hey Vasco, you and me let's go"
You caught him off guard, and Jace who was wrestling nearby looked over in shock and promptly lost his match
"H-hey wait a minute!" Vasco was looking more panicked by the second "I don't want to hurt you"
"If you're scared you're going to lose, just say so"
You're not sure where this bravado came from but either way you trusted that he wouldn't harm you accidentally or otherwise
(This guy's phone background was a puppy for god sake, what harm could he actually do)
"If you're sure..."
You sat down on the other side of the desk, and clasped his hand
Vasco cheeks turned a light pink
"Hey come closer Euntae, this isn't fair. I can barely reach you"
He scooted closer and your knees were touching under the table
Vasco's whole face was turning a not-so-light pink
Jace was watching closely. He was pretty sure any closer - Vasco might have a heart attack
You leaned in close "ok after 3... 1, 2 -"
"AHHH I CAN'T TAKE IT" Vasco jumped up and ran out the room, with Jace chasing after him
Everyone turned towards you, wondering what the hell you did to their leader
"Hey, I technically won that!"
"He's too much of a coward to even face me"
"Shame Vasco's pretty weak, does this mean I'm the new head of Burn Knuckles?"
You KNOW you shouldn't be out clubbing, you were underaged after all
But you've seen and heard so much about it that you jumped at the opportunity of going
And honestly? Really not all it's cracked up to be
The music was too loud, floor too sticky
You nearly drained your bank account on 1 overpriced drink that didn't even taste good
This was meant to be Club Vivi - the best Seoul had to offer and the night was turning out to be a bust
"Hey! Look over there!"
You heard a commotion somewhere on the dancefloor, and got swept up by the crowd moving closer to watch what turned out to be a pretty brutal fight
"These idiots have 1 drop to drink and they think they're it" you thought when-
Hold on - isn't that?
Wait it is
Why are you topless Vasco?!
And holy shit beating the hell out of everyone
What the fuck HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG?
Did you just beat up that guy with a 60yr old face?!
Is that guy actually 60? Why you going around beating up old people
oh my god you knocked out this seCURITY GUY TOO!
I can't hear you - what was that about 500 won?!
Now that you think about it, you could never quite work out what happened that time with the arm wrestling
You were too smug about your technical win to follow up
Now after seeing Vasco take on at least half of the staff at Club Vivi, you were pretty sure he could have snapped your arm clean off if he really wanted to
But hey, it was nice to catch up outside the club. He even offered you some fishcakes in exchange for 500 won
I dunno how to end this lol
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d-nessi · 1 year
<3 ONLY US <3
I really tried hard to put a lot of sweets, fluff and flirty things in. also a bit of drama (rly just a bit)
minimum of swearing.
Wordcount: 2k
proofread?: not really
as always I'm german so I hope my English is not that boring <333
the title of this chapter is the name of the song bella sang together with jacob fawler <333 I LOVE HER VOICE WHEN SHE SINGS!!! >__<
(this is not my video on yt :) )
also I use HE/SHE (just because I forget sometimes and also love using all)
and I can`t find if skipper is male/female so I tried to avoid the pronouns.
summary: You just want to enjoy the time until bella have to leave but things changes fast!
so fast you can`t even realize what just happen with both of you. time runs out too fast and things gonna be flirty and heating up your both blood more and more.
pairing: Bella Ramsey x FemReader
A bark comes from the other side of a door. Not any door….BELLAS door. yes I meet her at her Home.
The door opens and a little barking dog runns all around me excited to meet me. As soon as Bellas voice echoed in my ears skipper just sits beside her while she gets prepared for the walk.
"morning", bella says and put on the leash on skipper. "good morning" I greet her.
"isnt it a bit too cold outside for shorts?" I look at her with worries in my eyes. "its ok. I`m often outside, got an active immunsystem" he giggles proudly as we all start to walk into the beautiful world that is surrounded by huge trees, mountains and a small and absolutely clear river.
I look at skipper and smile. "I saw the post of yours on Insta. it is awesome that you adopted skipper."
"yeah skipper was on set and I instantly fell in love with the little cutie" she says happy while taking out the ball, throws it after making skipper off the leash.
"You both are such cuties" realizing I wasn't thinking I grab a stone and just throw it into the river while she looks like she's frozen for a moment with a noticable blush. Im moving on and can feel her gaze on me. Bellas heart starts to race and she tries to find the right words. "Y/N…What is this betwe---"
the mobile of her interrups suddenly the sentence I really wanted to hear.
"Ramsey hello?…….ah..yeah just go ahead…..no…sounds interresting…" that was a total lie. I can clearly see something is burden him.
"but how early?………in 2 days!?" he seems to getting really nervous.
"yes….no there is no problem. Will be there then…it`s still calgary?…ok yes thank you and see you there. bye" she puts her mobile back in her pocked obviously stressed out with a sad face.
"is everything ok? something happen?" I make my way to her as close as I can. "that was Neil Druckman….He asked if I could come sooner as he is currently casting a lot of people for Season 2 including the cast for Dina and he would like me to be there to make sure there is chemistry between me and the Dina cast."
Dont be a dick right now I thought to myself and put on the best fakesmile ever. "but that sounds good! Thats the best way to make this show even better." I pretend but yeah truly that wasn't a lie. "When earlier you must leave? in a week?" I don't realize how serious things getting right now.
"2 days…." she says in a frustrating way and grabs skippers leash only to move on quietly. "Bella…there will be friends on set right? pedro and all the new friends you gonna meet!
"I'll be gone for like 1 or 2 years. yeah great I mean....shit I cant believe this is happening!" she starts to arguing with a face as if Lady Mormont itself wanna cut your head of. Scary and so cute at the same time.
"But this is your chance to make it big again! what the hell is your problem!?" honestly right now Im really confused. She looks at me and I can feel my soul leaving my body.
"BUT you're not with me!"
oh…wait what? She looks at me like a puppy who got lost. "you're a really good friend and sometimes on set it's so boring. most of the time they want to do their work and after that Im in my hotelroom…just me." I am not shure if this is the true reason like…come on they seem to have so much fun on set.
Bu…did….did she just friendzoned me?
I could work from my Laptop I thought to myself and took a deep breath. "well how get we gonna managing this? in 2 days? I need to do some things that's left" I start
"I will talk to my manager and fix everything if you want" she looks at skipper who's just sitting beside her trying to comfort her. "that's huge bella" I admit but smile slightly at her."
"well ok so than lets start and get ready for the flight" I say calm and she smiles so bright even the sun seems dark. I look deep in her eyes and a red shade on her cheeks find its way.
Our way seperate after the walk and I manage to get work and flight together. There's only one problem………
Again a knock on the door. Skipper barks again and the door swings open.
"hey aaaah….." staying here infront of my future wife with all my luggage. "the flight is in two days Y/N" obviously looking confused.
" yeah there is only one thing. I gave notice of my apartment for a whole year, but that counts from today and not just in 2 days.
Now I'm standing here and wanted to ask you if I could sleep at your home." She laughs and let me in. "It's not very big and I only have one bed but I just sleep on the couch" she says while showing me around. "No no, I sleep on the couch, no problem." I just wave with my hands.
Looking to her there is this feeling again. I'm slowly but surely becoming aware of what it means to have this tingling sensation. it drives me crazy and the thought of being close to her is almost painful. I don't know where I stand with her anymore but definitely not in the 'come on let's cuddle zone'.
She just want to be friends with me. I hate my fucking feelings and I try my best to ignore.
I already thought she might feel the same but I was so wrong….so fucking wrong it makes me sick. Sometimes I wish I have a Damon that could just stop feeling any emotions but I just watched to much vampire diaries.
"it's late, I make some dinner and go shower. if you want we can watch a movie later." she grabs some ingredients in her kitchen.
"sounds good! You need a hand for something?"
"no it's ok. if you want you can shower first", he looks to me with a questioning face and I agreed.
"you have a towel? or is it enough to come out of the shower completely naked?" I simply ask cought him offguard looking completely blushing at all my words. here we go I can't stop teasing him.
While I'm in the shower I thought deeply about telling her how I feel. I just can't go with her and not even touch her for once. Being in love with someone you can't have is pure agony.
"smells good" I come out of the shower and really thought about to just tease her more and changing my clothes in front of her. I smirk and was about to drop my towel when she immediatly turns arround and disappears into the bathroom.
I giggle and take a bowl of food eating and waiting for her to come out. After 30 minutes I started to worry and went to the door.
"Bella are you ok?" I carefully listened to what she is saying. "Yes, everything is fine," she conveyed to me. Lie…….. and I didn't know that because she's sitting in the shower letting the water run over her the whole time. Bella was confused and she is more than aware of what is happening here. Too shy to admit what she's feeling, she prefers to swallow all the great feelings and hope it goes away. funny because that's absolutely hopeless. it's getting worse, more and also….she friendzoned me."shit…." she mumblet.
I make myself comfortable on the couch and wait impatiently when she finally comes out in an oversized hoodie and shorts. She gives me a nervous smile and sits on her bed with her bowl.
"ok movie..any favorite you want to watch?" I ask and wait for her to awnser. "I'v never watched Jurassic Park so why not this?" she ask and I agree.
I start the movie and make myself comfortable on her bed beside her ignoring my heartbeat that just dance like a fire in the wind. Bella looks to the TV and follows the story.
I lay back with my Hands behind my Head. Jeeeeezz I can feel the Air is getting more intense and I don't blame it cause hell there is sitting an absolutely beautiful guuurl beside me not knowing what I feel, not knowing that my heart gets electrocuted by her smile. I coul'd just take her face in my hands and kiss her blessed soul out of her.
I didn't even realize that my eyes only watching him. Studying every corner of his face and hell this is painfull when you can't do the things you really wan't to do. Thoughts are buzzing in my head that even scare me.
She's been looking at me…the whole time and I'm so preoccupied I don't even realize it. My heart is literally jumping and my whole body can't take the tension anymore.
"Don't you want to finish your question from the day before?" I say without averting my eyes.
"I already did…" she whispers as if trying with all her might to keep up the lie but failing.
"than say it…again" I come closer like I want to intimidate her.
She blushes and I can clearly hear her breath goes wild. I already know the answer and still words wouldn't be enough for me. The gap between us is getting smaller and smaller so that I can feel her breath on my lips when suddenly her mobile rings. AGAIN ..I swear that thing has something against us.
She completely shreeks up and takes her phone. She answers with a trembling voice. "H… hello? No, Mom, you're not disturbing me right now." Her face turned bright red, first looking at me and than very quickly to her lap. She can brush her mum off while I got up in time to have a drink. crap…. I just thought silently. It's getting late now, so I decide to lie down on the couch and turn off the TV.
"good night Y/N" she lays down in her bed and it's like I can hear still her breath.
As if the breathing almost becomes a whimper. I wake up and see that it is totally dark outside. a look at the clock tells me that it's already 2:42am. The whimper comes from Bella's direction so I just turn around again. Is she crying? I startle immediately and walk carefully to her bed. There she lies… curled up and asleep. She must be having a nightmare.
"No…" I only hear a very low murmur. Enough of that…. I just snuggle up with her under the covers behind her back. An arm wraps around her as I snuggle my face in her hair. She smells so good I have to keep my thoughts to myself. She feels me and startles, turning to me out of breath but hiding her face on my neck.
In the corner of my eye I can see that she is quite red with slight tears in her eyes. I just smile, caress her cheek and literally feel my heart want to erupt. I give her a hint of a kiss on the cheek and close my eyes as I wait for her breathing to become more regular.
There's only us…only you and me I thought smiling and fell asleep together with her in my arms.
WOOP WOOP that was soooo freak'n cute to write and that's just the beginning <333 there will be more Chapter and next chapter is getting moooore snuggle loveydovey <333 :P
For more Chapters, stories and more just look at my Masterlist ♡
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 10 months
BG3 AU Circle of Decay: Dammon Headcannons
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hey hi it's me, again, currently dying from food poisoning at 1am
So I was sitting in my office thinking about how much I love this Tiefling and I realized. . . . .as a character you probably never want to hear that from ANY writer, because that means you'll get emotional damage for breakfast.
🌟 These headcannons are for a BG3 AU called "Circle of Decay", all the content for this AU can be found here -> (Link)
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So we all know that Dammon and Karlach are kind of an item/ its kind of like puppy love - that being said, I dont think the game eludes to it being more than that
BELIEVE ME I WANT THAT TO HAPPEN - ahem - but in this AU it does not happen
Karlach is so busy that Dammon is just doing his own thing and perfecting his craft - he's not the best blacksmith in Faerune for no reason, and while I'm sure he would wait on her - people just be on different paths, you know?
While his main shop is in Baulder's Gate - he will ocassionally go to the rebuilt town of what was once the shadowfell realm - to sell and work on more items
Since the town's form of payment is primarily services and goods and not money - he does get some pretty sweet kickbacks and of course clients who can pay will get their armor and weapons done at a faster rate
His blacksmithing there is not permenant - they just needed someone with services there every once in a while until the town could officially get their own. Think of it as his 2nd base, his vacation forge, 2nd store location if you will.
The Night They Met
When he met Faeryl - the man was like Oh Shit
The poor girl was half naked / covered in blood and hyperventaliting in the corner of his forge
"I'm so sorry. Please don't freak out. I didn't have anywhere else to hide and I don't want my father knowing. "
He asks her if he should grab the local healer and she quickly responds "No. Please don't. The locals already don't like me and they especially won't after this. I don't want to give my father anymore grief "
He brings her a blanket and a dish with warm water and a rag. He kindly asks if he can clean up the cuts and wounds on her back
As he wipes the blood off of her right shoulder he's almost taken aback - The Symbol of House Vandree is branded there in her skin.
"Please don't tell anyone" she's almost crying. He calms her down and assures he wont - perhaps he could walk her home.
"Where are you staying at? I could deliver you to your father"
"Oh. Yeah I'm staying at the old MoonRise Towers "
"Oh you and your father are staying with Halsin?"
"Uh haha technically? Halsin IS my father"
"Oh you must be one of the adopted children"
"I wish. I would've had a less traumatic childhood. Also, I'm 90 years old - so I'm not a child"
Dammon just looks at her for a second. His brain is malfunctioning. It's currently in the endless loading screen circle and playing weird dial up noises. "I didn't know Halsin had biological children"
"Yeah neither did he, nor I - Quiet frankly when that weird mummy said something I thought he was playing a joke"
"But. . . you're drow? Also you have the marking of House Vandree - one of their slaves?"
"Wow you look more confused and scared than I am, and I'm the one who just accidently murdered a family of deer. Look, It's a long, long story. I also hate to ask this - but I'm not too keen on heading back home and getting a lecture"
Dammon aggrees to let her stay for the rest of the evening - only walking her home after all the villager's had fallen alseep and gotten over the commotion of finding deer entrails near town
He does want an explanation of what all is going on if she's going to stay - so she spills everything.
He seems to be charmed by her - she's wrapped herself up in the blanket and has curled up on a cushion next to the fire. The cup of tea he's given her looks so large in her hands
Since that day - she visits him in the morning to bring him honey buns, cinnamon rolls, etc. More or less it's an excuse to see him.
Faeryl ends up visiting him in the middle of the night every so often when she can't sleep - he's normally up still working anyways
Emotional Damage Headcannons
Faeryl does NOT initally tell him that she's pregnant with is child - she's in disbelief. As far as she knew she couldn't conceive - Fey'ri are normally born when Sun Elves and Tieflings interbred.
As far as she knows she was Drow/Wood Elf - it never occured to her that she had Sun Elf in her blood, although she does have noble blood
One day he notices that Faeryl hasn't come to visit in about 2 days - which was unusual
He heads to Halsin's home to see if she's okay; Mol, Arabella, Halsin, and Greta are all in the kitchen looking STRESSED
They explain that Malice and Alistair came for her and took her back home to Menzobarranzan - forcefully - they fucking just kidnapped her and threatened to slaughter the whole town; she didn't have a choice
Halsin is pacing - worried, he explained that she can't hide her belly for long. It's already starting to show a little bit
Dammon is like "Um what?!"
Gretta sits him down at the table "She hasn't told you? She's carrying your babe."
If he were standing up his knees wouldve buckled and he wouldve hit the ground
The man wants to grab a sword and run towards the underdark - but Mol stops him and points out that hes NOT a fighter (MF ACT 2 WAS SO STRESSFUL BECAUSE HE KEPT WANTING TO JOIN IN ON THE FIGHTS AND HIS ASS KEPT DYING - I RELOADED LIKE 17 TIMES)
If House Vandree were to find out that they have a possible Fey'ri in their possession it's over - they're killing her and taking the babe. The child would be the perfect killing machine - Infernal Blood, Noble Blood, Magic Abilities
Eventually it plays out to where they do get a hold of Dammon and force him to forge Armor for House Vandree (for an upcoming war)
they only allow him to see Faeryl for a mere few minutes before they tear them apart
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Anyways - that's all i have for tonight <3 I am currently in the process of writing some scripts to voice act so stay tuned for that.
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happy-tori-friends · 5 months
mascot notes (i used precure mascots and jewelpets [sanrio supports genocide which i shouldnt have 2 explain Why That's Bad, but im simply using them references for if/when i draw or design them] for references. maybe i'll add pokemon like fennekin or buneary later)
lifty and shifty share a mascot and are a duo at the start because theyre together when they meet the mascot - maybe other characters will also share a mascot and be a team at the start but i've only really thought about the mains. i also didn't want to use the same animal as their htf counterpart so i kinda started winging it
so far...
lifty and shifty's mascot will be a fox, bc foxes are often associated with slyness and cunningness. au where they're tom nook and redd's adoptive sons and after their dad's divorced- i'm joking i'm joking. i've contemplated naming him lucky, but who knows if i'll stick with that. dont have any real personality notes though, but obviously he's willing to bribe them.
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splendid's mascot will be a dog. specifically a dig with longer floppy ears. i dont know why, but him with a puppy resonated with me i also really miss my beloved hershey, and just having a pet in general. while they dont have a name or a gender yet, i'm imaging them to be a very loyal type who cheers everyone on and, when there's no fighting evil to be done, loves to play. if i go the high school route (or maybe even college route...) they are vety bad about accidentally causing disruptions and everything thinks that the stress of being a model student is making splendid lose his mind.
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with splendont and flippy, i just chose animals i liked and are popular for cute magical animal characters. splendont is getting a kitty. personality-wise i'm not sure what i'll go for. maybe a stubborn and impulsive type that tends to push his buttons. or a graceful and calculated cat that is stoic and cold at first but shows a true warm heart as they grow close to others. the forner would have a lot of arguing, the latter would let them both bond over being similar, as well as let splendont show a slightly less confident kitty that they are worthy and kind despite taking time to warm up to others, that they aren't alone.
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for flippy i chose a bunny bc i like bnunies. hippity hoppity. this bunny i think would be the most gentle, caring sweetheart ever - but if you hurt their fruends, they'll stop at nothing to get revenge. maybe a sad backstory with a friend dying due to the big bad, and wanting to help to stop the villains as an act of revenge, despite knowing it wont bring back their friend. thus would strengthen flippy's resolve as a hero - fliqpy was the one that wanted to do it for the most part, and flippy was nervous about it (canonically he Did join the army [though he probably wouldn't have in this au] but i think weird magical shenanigans are a lil more concerning bc a talking rabbit comes out of nowhere and tells you to magically transform and fight monsters, and while you do want to help and save people and fight for whats right, this weird magical business is weird and comcerning) especially because bunny seems so sweet and kind. fliqpy thinks revenge seeking is cool and as long as he gets to keep beating up monsters, he'll help bunny avenge their friend.
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next i gotta think of transformation trinkets... probably a watch like the yes precure 5 bc im basic. (im not a yes 5 fan but. i read what happened at the end otona precure and 🫤 i. i uh dont like that. at least i didnt get invested, like the devil is a part timer... but i'll stop rambling about uncomfy endings. this a blog for the 'cute animals die gruesomely every episode' show)
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Thank u so much for the lore answer, I love the cotton candy sweetness of fluff but ima lil drunk right now, so i wanted to share a f-ed up question if that's okay, (you'r free to not answer if not,) but since Bo is so determined to like not fuck upnot be sent back n stuff what kind of stuff would he avoid doing around MC 4hat he used to do around his previous masters?
and like, if its related or not, i had this headcanon that im glad u gave some bo backstory for bc where it was like, wat would happen if he accidentally caused a accident with all his adorbs puppy energy, like he's playing tag with Jack or somethin and with Bos megahuge beach boy buff arms just knocks MC down the flight of their fancy imported italian marble stairs edged with silver (they say this as they're fallin down btw 'ah! Im falling down my fancy imported italian marblestairshks Im stupid)
but anyway yea they break something or get like super injured or something and ofc the ambulance has to be called and they're taken ro the hospital to stay for awhile, which sucks bc like ofc society looks down on hybrids so everyone is side eyeing this adorable zoo mansion bc they're lame and 1 brain celled and like "thats wat happens when u have a house full of wild animals they should be put down if u ask me" and MCs attitude is like a grim but professional "if i had both my arms Id beat ur ass bitch, wats ur @? Soon as this morphine drip is done its over for u hoes" but like they probably have a cast or somethin . Anyway MC's worried about the boys, and me the OP is worried about Bo bc like Trauma city would hit his brain harrd, and i dont even know if the other guys would be so forgiving and stuff bc i mean they Should they're a family, but that was two(2) flights of imported italian marble dude, fuck, why play football tag,, in the house?? And idk i just felt bad bc jack n Bo esp probably would feel double bad even tho MC loves him so much he's just a hyper guy, he cant help his zoomzooms, i dont/cant fathom wat he and the boys would do in this situation probably pack his one thing (an old mc shoe) ina rucksack n try to run away miserably or maybe 24/7 at the hospitsl despite all the nasty looks and comments bc they're hybrids or magbe even hiding away bc he absolutely believes that mc will send him away once they lock eyes again, but regardless of either of those things, if MC has to roll up to the house in that (yknow that spongebob character guy who was born with glass bones and paper skin ass Giant ass full body cast on rollers??) To go find that boy and over the grand table firmly tell them not to harbor any horrible thoughts about themselves or each other, bc it was an accident and about lovin them unconditionally and being a family, i might cry or somethinf, the table is also imported italian maple btw MC-s parents had a thing i think they fucked an italian architect guy, or somethin anyway i luv u, im gonna eat a burrito so let me know if u want any thing from the kitchen luv u
Lemme know if tuis text is broken up enough bc i skimmed over it and i was like this is like the stat wars openin or some shit i put gaps in
First of all, sweety, for me, take a sip or two of water, ok? And make sure you sleep on your side if you're still drunk by then, forehead kisses all around
Anyways, Bo would just mask everything that brings him joy by the time you adopt him. No bouncing, no stimming in general, no talking unless asked, no indulging in his hyperfixations or special interests, he even tries to limit his tail wagging. He's come to correlate his own joy with bad behavior so he's just straight up not him when you first meet him
Holy shit, this is good, but fuck man. Bo wouldn't know what to do with himself. Once the ambulance takes you away he thinks you died. He's in full shutdown, no talking, no eating, no moving off your bed and your scent
Jack would also be distraught, both because he was playing with Bo and because he cleans those stairs so often they're just a little more slippery from how clean they are. He stays with Bo most days, Rory coming in with meals to make sure they don't starve in there. Jack eats a little. Bo doesn't
Rory feels bad for Jack and Bo, he knows they didn't mean it and trusts Jack's recount of events. Nick keeps himself busy by visiting you in the hospital, Shaun wants to go too but since cat's are a popular allergen he's not allowed in unless he needs care. Ian goes as often as he can so he doesn't have enough time to plot Bo's death. Jean and Berry are pissed and openly talk about kicking Bo out. They know better than to talk about Jack like that with Rory around. Joseph is stuck as peace maker until you get back, making sure that no fights break out and they Jean doesn't poisons Bo's food with onions, not that he'd eat it anyhow
When you finally get home and tell everyone that you forgive Bo seeing as it was an accident Bo finally lets everything hit him and cries. He's on his best behavior the months following, you'll have to reteach him to drop his "good boy" mask and be himself
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ratguy-nico · 5 months
So, why did I feel the sudden need to open commission, it is a funny story
Story short:
I have three more mouths to feed now (puppy mouths) so I need money.
Story long:
For those who dont know, I have a dog, Bruno, he is the love of my life, he is seven years old and even though I love dogs I always just planed on living with him, he was my ride or die guy.
But a couple of weeks ago, two puppies (a black boy and a yellow girl) were abandoned just a block from my house, they were pretty so I was sure they would be quickly adopted, I just go check on them with other neighbors waiting for them to get a home.
The girl was adopted just a week later, but her brother wasn't, there was still time so just keep checking.
Than suddenly a third puppy appears (a yellow boy) and start playing with the other boy, but that one dissapears too a couple of days later. So we felt sad after that and decide to adopt the little black one.
And just when we were going back home with him, the yellow boy come running to us and demmand to be taken too. So we did. Two puppies, that couldn't be that bad, right?
Than last week, all of a sudden, a little girl came by the house with the black one's sister, and ask me if I could adopt her cause their parents end up not wanting her.
They have had here for almost a month, and than decided to throw her away again. The rage and disgust I felt.
So now I have a dog and 3 puppies to take care of, I was thinking on given two or at least one away, but they are so happy together.
When the siblings reunited they became inseparable, and the third puppy plays with them as his other brother.
Even my dog now plays with them, and Bruno is like me, he is a total antisocial.
I still live with my mom in a big house, so is not imposible for me to have them, but I'm in a bad job, my boss doesn't like me and frequently cut my shifts off, so I dont make that much money, and since they are still puppies I need to get them check by the vet and got their shots, and the sterilization (having babies is so much money)
So yeah, I thought I could made a little extra cash. I need to be a responsible daddy.
here they are:
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The black one is Ronin as in a vagrant samurai without a master
The yellow one (completly yellow) is Charlie for Hearstopper, I kno he looks more like Nick, but my sister like Charlie.
and the other yellow one with the black snout is Fanin for Dungeon Meshi, my fav anime of the moment, she is a fierce and resilient dragon.
I know Ronin should be name Laios but my family didn't allowed, too much Dungeon Meshi.
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isthedogawolfdog · 1 year
some thoughts for the person asking about best large dog breed for someone working FT (um feel free to delete if this isnt an appropriate way to try to reach out to this person): you're not really looking for a breed! what you want to look for is someone who knows the animals they're working with, and can give you a good idea of their energy level, temperament, social preferences, etc. breed traits really aren't so inherent that a specific breed is going to help you here. if you're based in the us, id recommend checking out Home-to-Home, Adopt-A-Pet, or Petfinder, and then reaching out to specific rescues who provide a lot of information about their animals. im not sure a breeder would be good, since a puppy will almost definitely not be a good fit, but i dont know if breeders tend to also sell older dogs--im not as familiar with breeder processes. i work at a shelter and did adoption counseling for three years and now work specifically in shelter dog/cat behavior, so you can also reach out to me directly if you want more info! i am us-based, but i can help a bit with general behavioral recommendations even if you're outside the us!
Also, I know some breeders will adopt out older dogs if they aren’t used for breeding anymore, or if something just doesn’t work out. Either way thank you!
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bluestonebliss · 10 months
Can you show us your dogs?.
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Awww, Miss Ruby!! <<33
I'm afraid Bear died. And my mother took April about a year ago? I dont have a lot of pictures of them, but I found a few on the Desktop.
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This is a very young April, with a young me. We had her since she was a puppy. She liked to sneak onto couches and matresses, as depicted. Her goal was to blend in with the cushions, and 9/10 in the dark when getting up for a glass of water you wouldnt spot her.
And this was my darling boy, Bear. He loved his sacked out old bed, even though he had a perfectly find new one. And new toys, but he liked his old one. Bear was a very odd dog. Note how big he was? He was very underweight when we got him, but the same physical size. Bear was just a tank, easily twice as broad as April. He wasn't a cross, weirdly. He wasnt treated very kindly by his racing handlers before we fostered and then adopted him. Poor baby was terrified of everything and prone to lashing out for a while. Forgive my Dad's narration of the video, its all i could find lol. Stumbling across Bear asleep upsidedown was more common than finding him up the right way.
Finding pictures of Sam, Vinnie and Bliss may take a while, they would be on old hard drives. Mum may have them. They died a long time ago. We still have their collars, and tags.
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