#they will get very fiveya in the next ones
jjdoggies-fanfics · 4 years
Day 1: Memories
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27320533
Fiveya Week 2020 is upon us!! @fivevanya
Title: I Will Rise And Stand My Ground
Where the hell was she?
One minutes she’s driving with Sissy and Harlan, then she’s being questioned, interrogated, and drugged by the FBI, then she was getting shocked half to death, and now she’s here.
Wherever here is.
The building. House. Something told her she was in a house. Her house? No. It was too big to be her house. Did she have a house? Vanya couldn’t remember having a house, but something smaller.
Her head hurt.
She was in a room, a very small room. With barely enough space for a bed and a dresser. Who could live like this? Was this, did this used to be her room?
Vanya walked out of the small bedroom, and as she walked into the hallway there was a flash of blue light in the corner of her eye. Didn’t one of her brothers do that? The younger one. With the uniform. Five! When she tried to find him, expecting to see Five near where the blue light had come from, and turned up nothing.
Her eyes must’ve just been playing tricks on her. 
Or perhaps Five had seen her, and left. He must be mad at her. She’s very late for the meeting he’d wanted her for, the way for their family to leave Dallas, and go home. He should be angry at her. Vanya forced herself to push away the thoughts of her siblings, of Five, and she walked through the hall until her feet lead her to some stairs.
And as she approached them, she could hear something downstairs, it sounded like someone talking. But, she couldn’t recognize the voice. Her foot barely touched the first step of the stairs before there was another flash of blue. Two this time, in quick succession. And when Vanya looked around again, hoping to see the source, to see Five, to see anyone, her search, again, turned up nothing.
Once again, shaking her head, as if that would be enough to deter anymore thoughts of her siblings, or of Five, Vanya resumed her decent down the stairs. As she reached the bottom of the rather large staircase, with no further signs of flashes of blue light, Vanya instead wondered into what must’ve been their dining room, following the sounds of talking. The voice still unrecognizable to her.
“Number Seven,” that voice, she knew, Reginald Hargreeves, their adoptive father, “you’re late. Take your seat.” She’d barely crossed the threshold into the room with her father, mother, and siblings, and she was already feeling inadequate, despised, and out of place, in her own home. Vanya, who evidently was also called Number Seven, swiftly and silently moved into the only empty chair at the rather large table meant for eight.
As she settled into her seat, their mother placed a plate with a yellowed brain on it in front of her. Vanya’s eyes flicked up from the brain on her plate to look at the others’ plates, only to find similar brains on theirs. Their father told them, commanded them, to eat as if they were dogs and not people. And while Vanya looked on in confusion, the rest of her siblings dug into their brains, undeterred from the disgusting ‘meal’ and ate without a word.
Again, Reginald hissed out, “Number Seven, eat your dinner.” In an instant Vanya felt the weight of eight pairs of eyes set on her. Reginald, Mom, Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, and Ben? (Why was Ben an adult now? He should still be a kid) They were all watching her, waiting for her to do as she was told. But, she didn’t want to.
“I’m not hungry.” Vanya said, pushing the plate in front of her away. For a moment, she thought she wouldn’t have to eat the brain, her siblings would stop staring at her, Reginald would stop glaring at her. 
“Eat your dinner Number Seven.” Reginald ordered.
Vanya looked between her six siblings, hoping for one to be understanding, on her side. Instead Luther, Diego, and Allison looked annoyed. Klaus and, who she believed to be, Ben seemed to be looking at her with pity and worry. And Five, the one she’d felt closest and safest with, he just looked angry.
That’s not right.
The look on Five’s face, and it being directed at her, it felt wrong. He hadn’t been that angry with her when she’d argued with him, the many, many times, or when she ignored him and his wishes returning to the farm.
All of, most of, the looks on her siblings faces felt wrong. At first, Vanya felt like she deserved their annoyance, pity, and anger, as if her mere presence was enough to upset her siblings. But as she looked between the looks, Vanya grew annoyed herself, something deep inside her yelling that she didn’t deserve their anger or pity or annoyance. It screamed that she should be able to exist in a room with her siblings without them hating her mere presence. It screeched inside her that she deserve to be treated like a person, rather than the dirt on their shoes.
Where had this anger come from?
“Vanya,” Five said, there was a crack in his glare, he’d softened for a moment, looking more like the Five she knew. But the crack sealed back up in an instant, and he glared at her again as he continued, “why don’t you ever listen?” What? “It’s all your fault Vanya.” Stop it Five. “You’re just ordinary, and insignificant.” No.
“You’re lying.” Vanya hissed, keeping her gaze firmly on the table in front of her. The glint of the knife near her right hand pulling her attention.
The silverware in Five’s hands clattered to the table. Everyone else utterly still. “I’m a liar, Vanya?” Five asked.
Vanya told him, keeping her eyes on the knife rather than Five’s face, “I didn’t say you were a liar Five. I said you were lying. There’s a difference.” There something annoyingly familiar about the knife. Something nagging in her mind about the knife, the table, Five, and an argument.
There was a flash of something, a memory? Five stabbing the table with a knife, and he was arguing with…. with…. who Five had been arguing with was lost to her. But he hadn’t been looking at her.
“Would you stop it Vanya?” Allison was yelling at her now, looking more annoyed than she had before, “Some of us are trying to eat our dinner without making a spectacle out of it.” When Vanya pulled her eyes from her knife to her sister, she then noticed the table’s center piece garland and pineapple? (When had that gotten there?) had been floating a foot off the table. And came down with a clatter.
Once it dropped, Allison’s attention, along with everyone else’s including Five’s, returned to their brains. And that annoyed Vanya more than anything.
It felt like anger filled her every being. She doesn’t deserve to be ignored or berated all the time by her own family. Rather than try to push down her anger like she at first wanted to, rather she felt herself minisculely shake in her fury. The air around her shook. Then spread to the table, then the room, the house, the world. There were several voices yelling at her, about her, ordering her around, ordering her to stop. They were swimming and fighting each other on the way to her ears. It was too much. Too loud. And it kept building, and building, and building, until it exploded.
The pineapple that had appeared on the table exploded like it had at the last family dinner Vanya had been to with the Hargreeves. And everything silenced for a moment. That is until Vanya’s eyes looked back to Allison, who’s throat was cut and bleeding out. Allison with Vanya in a cabin, strong winds blowing around them, Allison nearly rumoring Vanya, Vanya slashing with her bow to top her sister, Allison bleeding out, Vanya getting dragged out by….. by….. by Leonard. Vanya practically tumbled out of her chair, clattering to the floor in shock. 
“Number Seven!” Reginald hissed, standing from his chair while her siblings sat in their chairs watching her again, “You will stop this insolent behavior immediately and follow orders! You will sit in your chair, silently, eat your dinner, and take your medication as instructed.” Vanya ignored their father and stayed on the floor, curling into a ball, holding her head.
Her head was hurting again. Worse now. Her eyes were screwed shut.
The floodgates were opening.
Memories began trickling in one by one, rainy days reading with Five and Ben, Klaus braiding her hair with shaking hands (only when Allison was busy), then a stream of other memories, recent memories, Reginald’s funeral, Five falling from the sky, waking up locked away in the cage in the basement, and in an instant a rush of memories, from her birth, somehow, to their fucked up childhood, and into an extraordinarily lonely adulthood.
“Vanya?” A voice, another one she could recognize, but it’s been a long time since she’d heard it, “Vanya, can you hear me?” it sounded a lot like, “It’s Ben, your brother.” Ben.
When Vanya opened her eyes, she was alone. The table was fixed, reset. The room was cleaned of her mess. The brains were gone. “Ben?” Vanya called into the emptiness, sincerely hoping she hadn’t completely lost it and her mind was playing tricks on her, “Ben?”
She wondered back towards the stairs, hoping for some sign of her possibly-alive-now dead brother. A silhouette standing in front of the large windows, “Ben?”
“Vanya!” The silhouette, Ben, said, before practically running down the stairs and crashing into Vanya with a hug. Without a second thought Vanya hugged her brother back. After a few minutes of hugging, Ben pulled away, taking a hold of Vanya’s shoulders as he asked, “Are you okay?” 
She gave him a quick nod and asked, “How do we get out of here?” Vanya looked around the foyer, hoping to find some new exit sign, and finding nothing. When she looked back at Ben, he was slowly becoming covered in blue, with a sad smile on his face, “What’s happening Ben?”
“It’s okay.” Ben told her, “I came to help you after all. Everything’s okay.”
“How, how can you say that? It’s, it’s not okay! Ben!” Vanya cried, “There, there has to be a way that, that, that we can both leave.”
Ben tried, again, to convince her that it was okay, “Vanya, it’s okay. This is how it’s supposed to happen.”
(If Vanya had been paying attention to Ben, rather than scrunching her eyes closed again and trying to force herself and Ben out of whatever hellscape she’d gotten them stuck in, she would’ve seen that the blue flecks of light coming off Ben, had reversed their course. Ben was no longer dying for a second time, but rather, coming back to life.)
Vanya gasped back into the real world, still bound to the chair in the FBI’s interrogation room. The bonds on her wrists and ankles had been undone, somehow, and she ripped the helmet they’d shoved onto her head off, before pushing out of her chair and finding Diego, Allison, and Klaus at the end of the hallway. Once she made sure they were okay, and they made sure she was okay, the four of them walked out of the FBI building together, intending to meet back at Elliot’s with Luther and Five. But before they did, there was a figure waiting for them just outside the building.
“Ben?” Diego asked, while Allison, Klaus, and Vanya each had surprised looks on their faces, but for somewhat different reasons. Allison was the first to launch herself into a hug with Ben, Klaus joining next, and Diego shortly after, while Vanya watched from a bit away. For the second Vanya stopped paying attention (Thoughts not thinking about what Klaus had wondered about Five before. They weren’t!) someone’s hand pulled her into their little group hug. After another long hug, none of them wanting to pull away first, they wandered back to their base, and when Luther and Five saw Ben, alive, there was another group hug of the seven Hargreeves siblings.
Five, who’d returned with his fixed equation for time travel, had them stand in a circle, Luther, Allison, Vanya, Five, Diego, Ben, and Klaus, and built a ring of blue power around them, opening a wormhole type of portal, and when they crossed through the other side, together, they were home.
They were home, whole, and safe again.
Then they met The Sparrow Academy.
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rappaccini · 3 years
Hey, I was just re-reading your post that is essentially a guide on how to characterize (TV) vanya given that she spends most of her time either drugged up or memory-less, and I really love your analysis of her relationship patterns so far. "Find the first person who gives me affection, become possessive, change myself for them, have the whole thing implode, find the next person" etc. and I was wondering about how you think fiveya fits into this unhealthy repeated pattern of hers?
oh sure-- the way i see it is, it'd break that cycle because of two things: 1) vanya getting the space within the narrative to learn how to be on her own and demand better, and 2) demonstrating that she's learned by starting a relationship that doesn't align to that pattern.
first, the nature of fiveya is that if it's ever to be canon Like That, it's not possible during the story proper, and could happen only at the very end of it. meaning, that up until that end, they're both free to do other shit.
which means, vanya would have the space and time during the story to get the arc she'd need to be able to break her pattern: being single for a while, learning to stand on her own two feet and gain enough confidence to demand better from her partners and maintain her own sense of self while with them.
and second, the nature of the relationship itself:
she actually knows who he is, so rather than leaping into an intensely committed romance with a total stranger, it'd be a culmination of years of knowing and caring for each other. and there wouldn't be a case of manipulation/mistaken identity at the heart of the romance. he already knows who she is and doesn't shy away from it, so there's no pressure to pretend to be someone she's not. as such, an implosion would be unlikely because the foundation is far more stable.
and even if there is an implosion, at least they'd be on equal footing. both five and vanya have massive body counts, extremely lethal powers and the willingness to use them. they're in a unique position to really understand each other and keep one another in check. i say this because since vanya's powers have blown up on both her love interests, both intentionally and unintentionally, i think that right now she's proven she can't be with a normal person without putting them in serious danger.
and finally just in a general sense, vanya most needs someone who isn't going to tolerate that clinginess, who's willing to give her tough love, and who can bolster her confidence. she needs a spine. and as we've seen, five can and does literally dip out of any situation he's displeased with, and he has a strong independent streak that vanya could do well to learn from. he stands up to her dumb decisions (like deciding a nuclear apocalypse is worth a girlfriend you've had for one week and barely know) while still approaching their arguments with restraint and care.
five needs someone to get him to dig his heels in and stick around, who's willing to get him to embrace his sensitive side, and who can encourage him to chill the fuck out. he needs an anchor. and as we've seen, vanya is maybe the only person to be consistently sensitive with him (and at least in season 2, even when she isn't particularly kind to him, he takes care to be patient and gentle with her), who he keeps getting reeled back to over and over, in both seasons-- i say this because vanya both needs a partner who's good for her, and who she can be good for.
what i'm getting at is, fiveya would give vanya the space to figure her shit out and be her own person, and at the end of that road, there'd be a relationship that's balanced, with someone who's her equal.
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queeenpersephone · 4 years
fiveya :) "I had four dreams in a row where you were burned, about to burn, or still on fire"
sorry anon this one has been sitting here awhile!! but i hope you’re around and that you enjoy it <3 
Five saves the world. He saves the world, reunites with his family, destroys the Commission, and gets the girl.
It’s been six months, and his life is perfect. A new body, family dinners, and no more killing. He spends his afternoons with his equations and his mornings and evenings wrapped around the love of his very complicated, confusing life.
He spends his nights tangled in tightening, sweat soaked sheets and dry-heaving into a toilet bowl.
He’s very smart. Very discreet. Has survived and thrived on very little sleep before. That’s probably the only reason it takes six months for his bedmate to notice his affliction.
The thing is: his Vanya is also very smart. Very empathetic. Knows him better than anyone. Instead of confronting him during the day, she waits until two a.m., when he escapes to the bathroom after drifting off for a few, terrible minutes.
She sinks to her knees at his side. She doesn’t touch him, just sits back on her heels with a glass of water and a damp washcloth in each hand.
“Go back to bed,” he orders, but it’s weak and reedy, and he knows as soon as he says it that it convinces her of nothing.
“Do you want some water?” She asks instead, soft and gentle, and it pokes the bear inside of him. This Vanya, his Vanya, is so different from the avenging, glorious goddess that had nearly ended the world with her rage. Of course, that Vanya is his too, but that part of her is his the way that the part of him that had left her is hers. They love the worst parts of each other: her rage and his arrogance. The blood on both of their hands.
But he’s irritated, exhausted, angry at her patience and at his broken mind. So he lashes out.
“They’re all of you,” he says bitterly. “You keep me up at night. That choice. Either you destroy the world or I kill you, Vanya. Just endless burning, every time I close my eyes.”
There is a long silence, and his heart thumps hard in regret. He wipes at his mouth, turning to her, wincing at the look of horrified agony she gives him, the faint sheen of wetness in her eyes.
“I - I’ll go,” she tries to stumble to her feet, but he pulls her down into his arms, scooting back against the cabinet as he wraps himself around her tiny body.
“No,” he cuts her off. “Because the only thing that makes it better is waking up and seeing you next to me.”
“I know, it’s not healthy, we’re fucked up, you’re afraid of hurting me,” he finishes for her. He waits, and she nods sheepishly against his neck.
“I’m worried that I’m not good for you,” she murmurs.
Five sighs. “One day, I’m going to sleep through the night,” he half-lies. It’s a dream in and of itself, but he’s not afraid to break this promise if that’s the price he has to pay for all the wrong he’s done. “And it’ll be because I finally have everything I need. Time is one of those things, Vanya, but that’s a distant second to you.”
Vanya is quiet for a long moment, then: “if you let me help you, I’ll stay,” she says decisively.
He chuckles. “Of course, sweetheart.”
She snuggles deeper against him, twining her hands with one of his. She plays with his fingers absently, and he lets her; it bleeds the tension out of his body until the urge to bend over the toilet has vanished. “What do you need now?”
Turn back time, he doesn’t say. Don’t have tried to end the world, he doesn’t say. Stop burning, he wants to say.
“Just sit with me awhile,” he whispers instead.
Vanya reaches up, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “I can do that.”
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hellstenglow · 4 years
Hogwarts AU
Anyway, here where I (me and my personal opinion) will sort the Hargreeves in the classical Hogwarts houses. Shippy headcanons (mention of fiveya and alluther, if you don’t like, don’t click) and scenarios included, because my brain can’t help it. I also think I want to write this into a fanfiction, but I have not the time and I am not confident enough in my skill at the moment? Yeah, I just vomit a lot of words. 
Five – Ravenclaw. People would put him in Slytherin because he can be ruthless, but I see his clever brain being his prominent feature. He loves knowledge, he just focuses on what he loves the most of course (math, physics in real world). He is also cocky and smug about his own abilities and intelligence, which is a side-effect on a lot of Ravenclaw. They think they know better. He thinks the same. I can see him excelling in Arithmancy since it’s the Math of Magic.
Ben – Ravenclaw. He likes books and he is pretty rational most of the time. He has a gift with words and with them he reaches people’s heart. He doesn’t notice a lot of people have a crush on him, because he is good looking, a funny sensitive guy and when he starts talking about the beauty of latest discovery on Runology people are influenced by his passion. Yes, he is definitely good in Ancient Runes.
I like the idea of my favourite boys being in the same house. I am sure Five would insult Ravenclaw’s eagle knocker every time he can’t get inside their dormitory, because the eagle goes all philosophic and Five has no time for that. Ben always gets the answers right.
Ben: “It’s about the perception of the question, not the accuracy of the answer per se.” after Five flipped at the guardian of their house once again that week.
Five *snikers*: “Bullshit, Ben. The Eagle just hates my guts since the first year I called him an obnoxious opinionated rusty emblazonment.”
Ben: “I am sure Rowena Ravenclaw would have loved to listen you insulting her enchanted knocker! But may I remind you, you cannot threaten to melt him in an ashtray every day and demand him to like you.
Klaus – Hufflepuff. He is so random and full of chaotic energy, Hufflepuff can be that. He is also very empathic and has a very acute emotional intelligence. He is better at school subjects than what people gave him credit. Since in the wizarding world ghosts are more common than the muggle world, he learned to not be afraid of them. They do not have superpowers in such AU, they’re already magical so seeing ghosts isn’t something special. I imagine him having a sort of sixth sense though, not powerful enough to be a Seer but good enough to have amazing intuitions. He had tons of fun in the Divination class, because he can talk for hours about random sh*t (remember the frog and the scorpion) and it sounds like a prophetic genius. 
Vanya – Hufflepuff. People always look down on this house because they are “the rest” and their good features are loyalty and just. What’s wrong with being loyal and just? Helga Hufflepuff thought everyone with magic deserve an education when she decided she would take everyone else the other four didn’t want. That’s an educator, great Helga! This house encourages the students to be proud of who they are. Vanya being in a house that welcome people and treat the students equally is a fitting choice for me, she would love the warming dormitory too. Vanya is loyal to the people she loves and at the core she is a good person. Extra points for the fact you must get the right musical rhythm to open the secret entrance. She nailed it. She joined the Hogwarts Orchestra in the Third Year and have a wicked talent for Charms. (I am biased because I am an Hufflepuff, but my house is good!).
I imagine Ben and Klaus’ friendship being the reason why Five and Vanya’s orbits collided at the beginning. One day Klaus drags Vanya with him in one of the study rooms to join a study group for the next Transfiguration test “Benny is funny and adorable, but he is also bringing this other super nerd Ravenclaw who is kinda of a jerk. I CANNOT deal with studying Transfiguration and two brain-suckers at once. You are my emotional support.”
Vanya accepts because she had to prepare for the same test anyway and she already knows Ben, she likes him. So, they met, everything is fine except for the fact Five is being his snarky self. Then I imagine Vanya saying something very witty at him to shut him up and suddenly Five feels a sort of sparkle inside (brain Five: Oh. Wait.). 
He doesn’t expect such a counterattack from this seemingly timid shy Hufflepuff girl. By the way he has noticed her since the third year, when she casted an actual Patronus charm during a lesson in DADA (Yes, Vanya is a powerful witch). Five was VERY impressed that day (probably turned on, but he is a teenager that’s normal. Hormones suck). However his brain didn’t catch up the hints from his heart until that moment in the study hall. 
Allison – Slytherin. I could put her in Gryffindor, but I like the idea that she subverts the typical image of a Slytherin. She is cunny, clever and ambitious like any Slytherin can be, she also doesn’t mind being at the center of the attention. However, she is also caring, kind and a social butterfly among her peers. She befriends Vanya because she genuinely likes her, who care if she is of another house. She certainly doesn’t care if his boyfriend Luther is a Gryffindor, the “enemy” of their house. No Slytherin bullies can ever have the best on her, she hex them before they can blink. Excellent in Cure of the Magical Creatures and Transfiguration.
Luther – Gryffindor. He wants to do the right thing and showing it. Big body, bigger heart. Quidditch player in the house team, probably a chaser. He is doing it just because Diego asked, he is more into Astronomy and Herbology (he was very caring with his little plant on the base on the Moon, I like the idea he is good with plants in general) than sports. I mean, if not Gryffindor where else?
Diego – Gryffindor. In this reality he doesn’t have such a bad hero complext, but he has a strong sense of justice and he wants validation through his good actions. He does them because he is a brave of course, but also because he’s a little show-off like any Gryffindor on monday morning. Captain of the Quidditch team, a chaser and he loves to participate at the duel club (a proper duel club, not the fake one created by Lockhart years before). He is good on Defence against the Dark Arts. He wants to be an Auror.
Klaus convinces Diego to join the “How long it will take for Five and Vanya to finally confess their feelings and snog in one of the broom closets?” bet he made with Ben. Allison and Luther try to help them by organizing a double date at Hogsmeade, one of the weekends when the students are allowed to visit the village. Five almost chokes his own twin brother (YES, Luther and Five are twin brothers canon in this AU. Like in the comics. It’s my guilty pleasure okay) for tricking him, altough the plan worked at the end of the day. Ben wins the bet. 
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letbenfuck2021 · 4 years
I have a, perhaps silly, but legitimate question. I too love feral Five. Do you have any thoughts/tips for how to write him still being feral in a non-action-oriented story? If that makes sense? Like if he ain't killing people with an axe, what are some ways we can keep true to his feral nature?
hey anon!
I’ll start by saying that I am truly no expert, I’m no where near the best writer in the fandom or for fiveya. At the end of the day, how you write any character for fanfic is totally up to you. You do you.
Next!!! This is not at all a silly question and very legitimate! I think when ppl think “feral” their thoughts immediately go to action-y stuff. Fighting, running around with an axe, etc. BUT! when I think feral, the first thing my mind goes to is feral cats lol. And what I always think when considering a “feral” personality, my mind goes to...extreme protectiveness to the point of paranoia. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to rescue kittens that have a feral mama cat but those mama cats are incredibly paranoid of humans and other animals. Another part of this is also always being in a defensive position, making sure that you are in the best position to defend and attack if the need should arise (ie. back to the wall so no one can get behind you). Another thing I think about is food/resource hoarding? Five spent a long time in a place where food and resources were extremely scarce and now we also know that he uses sugary foods to fuel up his powers. 
So when writing feral Five, consider these ways to show his “feral”-ness. Have him be extremely paranoid of outsiders (he’s like this towards Lila and he turns out being right but if you wanna heighten how paranoid he is, make it turn out that he’s wrong). Maybe he unconsciously always places himself in a room that is the most advantageous in both defensive and offensive, even goes so far as to place people in the room to this end as well. And my personal favorite is food/resource hoarding. He keeps snacks and less perishables in his room or on his person, maybe beef jerky or dried fruits. He might also be very aware of what and how much ppl in his personal circle eat etc.
sorry!!! this is just a rant at this point >.< and keep in mind these are all just purely opinion and suggestions. if these things don’t align with how you would write a more feral Five, privilege what YOU think over this. Hope that this helped at all.
Happy writing, anon!!!   
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igpitn · 5 years
maddy, queen of fiveya, please give us #46 !!
…out of envy or jealousy.
Five grimaced at the bright pink lipstick mark on his cheek, rubbing away at it with his hand. An overzealous fan had somehow bypassed security and jumped him on the way to the platform where the Umbrella Academy was supposed to be getting an award - Defender of the City or some nonsense like that. She’d surprised him, pecking a fast one on his shocked mouth and then another on his cheek before she was pulled away. There wasn’t any time to deal with it right after the fact so Five got photographed and recorded with this hideous bright pink all over his face. Klaus and Diego could barely contain their laughter while Allison glared at him like it was his fault.
Now they were headed back home and all of Five’s efforts to get the pink off his face just seemed to spread it all over his skin instead. “Don’t any of you have a napkin or something?” he demanded from his other siblings. Ben offered an apologetic shrug while Klaus burst into another fit of hysterical giggles.
“Sorry buddy,” he snorted. “Though at least we all know that this shade of pink is definitely not for you.”
Allison regarded him with cool eyes before smirking. “You’re right, Klaus. It clashes with his eyes.” 
Diego grinned at him. “So... you gonna call her or what bro?” This joke cracked even Luther who’d been blessedly silent for most of the car trip. Now they were all laughing at him and Five was about two seconds from throwing them all out the car.
Ben made it worse. “Good luck explaining that to Vanya.” This made all of them shriek loudly, Klaus burying his face in Allison’s shoulder while Diego slapped his knee, hooting about how Five was in the doghouse.
Five scowled at all his cackling siblings. “You’re all so goddamn useless.”
Back home the first place he blinked to was the bathroom, fully intending on scrubbing his face raw until all evidence of the waxy pink lipstick was gone. He wasn’t alone, Vanya washing her hands at the sink. She looked up with a smile as soon as he arrived. “Oh Five you’re bac - “ she stopped mid-sentence, eyes going wide at the sight of him. “What happened to your face?” she squeaked.
“Don’t you start either,” Five warned her, a little snappish from his siblings’ teasing. “Some idiotic fan mauled me today. I know I look ridiculous. You don’t need to tell me that.” He splashed water all over his cheek, reaching for the soap. Vanya’s hands stopped him. He groaned, irritated. “Vanya what are you - “
“Some fan kissed you?” Five paused at Vanya’s quiet words. She was staring at him with a rather strange expression, eyes dark with intent. Five felt his stomach clench. She only ever looked like that at night when he’d snuck to her bed after curfew, running their hands over each other under the covers. 
“It... was not consensual,” Five assured her, voice cracking a little towards the end. Vanya was a good foot shorter than him but somehow under her heated gaze he felt surprisingly small. His face was still dripping wet when Vanya leaned in to grab his collar, pulling him down towards her. “Vanya,” he stammered. “Um.”
Vanya wasn’t listening. She kissed his cheek first, right over the smeared kiss mark. Five let out a very embarrassing yelp. They’d never done anything like this in broad daylight, let alone in the communal bathroom. Vanya didn’t seem to care about that, peppering kisses all along his skin until his face was flushed. Then she pulled away, scrutinizing his cheek with a satisfied look, moving on to his mouth next.
Five was not at all prepared for the fierce, bold way Vanya pressed her soft lips against his. Vanya’s kisses were always gentle and sweet, deepening into something more at his urging. This was an insistent kiss. A possessive kiss. She probed at the seam of his mouth with the little tip of her tongue and Five groaned into her, hand coming up to cup the back of her head, gripping her hair. Vanya made a pleased little noise, leaning up further into him, pressing her body against his. She slid her tongue fully into his mouth, licking him open and Five felt his knees tremble. He never wanted her to stop kissing him. He could just stay here and let her take what she wanted from him for the rest of all time. 
Then all too soon, Vanya was pulling away from him. Her mouth was wet, spit dribbling on her chin, and slightly pink from the lipstick. Five gaped at her dumbly, absolutely speechless. She blushed, tucking her hair behind her hair. “I don’t like that color,” is all she offered him before turning around to leave.
Five glanced in the mirror. His red face and swollen mouth. No trace of pink left on his lips.
send me kiss prompts!
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ao3feed-luego · 5 years
by Whatthef0ucault
“You know, its okay, right?” Klaus whispered through soft kisses to his rough, stubble cheek next. Those familiar hands snuck under dark cloth to continue to ground him, pressing into the muscles of his chest. “I know its complicated beyond all ridiculously fucked up belief with him, but I think this is a good thing.”
Diego scoffed in response, but Klaus didn’t let him get away with it.
“No, just hear me out, Big Guy,” Klaus spoke warm next to his ear, and Diego had completely forgotten about the mostly finished dishes at this point. “I’m not saying it’s the same as us. But if it is-” Diego's body clenched in acute anxiety at the thought and Klaus squeezed just a little tighter while he continued “-or if its a completely unique manly violent bonding...thing, or anything, its okay with me, I promise.”
“You’re the only one for me,” Diego answered with all the conviction he felt retaliating in his head against the very thought. Klaus was momentarily grateful Diego couldn’t see the small eyeroll and the fond smile he bit back.
"Your valor, as always dear, is as romantic as you are stubborn."
Words: 6419, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of 42 Bedrooms, 19 Bathrooms, A Whole City Square...
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Ben Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Grace Hargreeves
Relationships: Diego Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves/Klaus Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy/Vanya Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Vanya Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves
Additional Tags: Pseudo-Incest, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past Torture, Post-Canon, Post-Apocalypse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Power Dynamics, Submissive Diego Hargreeves, Dom/sub, Top Klaus Hargreeves, Dominant Luther Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves Has a Human Body, Bottom Diego Hargreeves, No Smut, Eventual Smut, Bisexual Diego Hargreeves, Bisexual Luther Hargreeves, Pre-Poly, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, No love triangles or squares here, Diego Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Stuttering Diego Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Ghost Ben Hargreeves, éleos - Freeform, Consensual Kink, Mutual Pining, Implied Fiveya, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dom/sub Undertones, diego hargreeves has a fear of needles, Switch Klaus Hargreeves, switch diego hargreeves, Did I Mention Angst?
0 notes
ao3feed-alluther · 5 years
by Whatthef0ucault
“You know, its okay, right?” Klaus whispered through soft kisses to his rough, stubble cheek next. Those familiar hands snuck under dark cloth to continue to ground him, pressing into the muscles of his chest. “I know its complicated beyond all ridiculously fucked up belief with him, but I think this is a good thing.”
Diego scoffed in response, but Klaus didn’t let him get away with it.
“No, just hear me out, Big Guy,” Klaus spoke warm next to his ear, and Diego had completely forgotten about the mostly finished dishes at this point. “I’m not saying it’s the same as us. But if it is-” Diego's body clenched in acute anxiety at the thought and Klaus squeezed just a little tighter while he continued “-or if its a completely unique manly violent bonding...thing, or anything, its okay with me, I promise.”
“You’re the only one for me,” Diego answered with all the conviction he felt retaliating in his head against the very thought. Klaus was momentarily grateful Diego couldn’t see the small eyeroll and the fond smile he bit back.
"Your valor, as always dear, is as romantic as you are stubborn."
Words: 6419, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of 42 Bedrooms, 19 Bathrooms, A Whole City Square...
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Ben Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Grace Hargreeves
Relationships: Diego Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves/Klaus Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy/Vanya Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Vanya Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves
Additional Tags: Pseudo-Incest, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past Torture, Post-Canon, Post-Apocalypse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Power Dynamics, Submissive Diego Hargreeves, Dom/sub, Top Klaus Hargreeves, Dominant Luther Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves Has a Human Body, Bottom Diego Hargreeves, No Smut, Eventual Smut, Bisexual Diego Hargreeves, Bisexual Luther Hargreeves, Pre-Poly, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, No love triangles or squares here, Diego Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Stuttering Diego Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Ghost Ben Hargreeves, éleos - Freeform, Consensual Kink, Mutual Pining, Implied Fiveya, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dom/sub Undertones, diego hargreeves has a fear of needles, Switch Klaus Hargreeves, switch diego hargreeves, Did I Mention Angst?
0 notes
ao3feed-fiveya · 5 years
Like Violence, You Have Me
by Whatthef0ucault
“You know, its okay, right?” Klaus whispered through soft kisses to his rough, stubble cheek next. Those familiar hands snuck under dark cloth to continue to ground him, pressing into the muscles of his chest. “I know its complicated beyond all ridiculously fucked up belief with him, but I think this is a good thing.”
Diego scoffed in response, but Klaus didn’t let him get away with it.
“No, just hear me out, Big Guy,” Klaus spoke warm next to his ear, and Diego had completely forgotten about the mostly finished dishes at this point. “I’m not saying it’s the same as us. But if it is-” Diego's body clenched in acute anxiety at the thought and Klaus squeezed just a little tighter while he continued “-or if its a completely unique manly violent bonding...thing, or anything, its okay with me, I promise.”
“You’re the only one for me,” Diego answered with all the conviction he felt retaliating in his head against the very thought. Klaus was momentarily grateful Diego couldn’t see the small eyeroll and the fond smile he bit back.
"Your valor, as always dear, is as romantic as you are stubborn."
Words: 6419, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of 42 Bedrooms, 19 Bathrooms, A Whole City Square...
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Ben Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Grace Hargreeves
Relationships: Diego Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves/Klaus Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy/Vanya Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Vanya Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves
Additional Tags: Pseudo-Incest, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past Torture, Post-Canon, Post-Apocalypse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Power Dynamics, Submissive Diego Hargreeves, Dom/sub, Top Klaus Hargreeves, Dominant Luther Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves Has a Human Body, Bottom Diego Hargreeves, No Smut, Eventual Smut, Bisexual Diego Hargreeves, Bisexual Luther Hargreeves, Pre-Poly, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, No love triangles or squares here, Diego Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Stuttering Diego Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves Needs A Hug, Ghost Ben Hargreeves, éleos - Freeform, Consensual Kink, Mutual Pining, Implied Fiveya, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dom/sub Undertones, diego hargreeves has a fear of needles, Switch Klaus Hargreeves, switch diego hargreeves, Did I Mention Angst?
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/21600070
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letbenfuck2021 · 5 years
I wanna see your fiveya headcanons, please ❤
oh! hmm, just in general?
I think my headcanons either veer really dumb/funny to just plain fucked up but I’ll try to keep it nice and clean but also I just make everything sad so....sorry
I like to think that Five and Vanya is that couple that is borderline creepy with how insular they can be. Ya know, the kinda couple that will sit next to one another at a restaurant rather than across from each other so that they can talk quietly to each other all night
they are constantly touching one another, not necessarily in a sexual way but rather it just happens, innocuous, subconscious. there is some kind of force, like gravity, like magnetism that draws them together
I think they are also like fucking low-key hilarious. I’m thinking like, straight-faced while they do stupid ass, bat shit insane stuff.
ie. They go to a Halloween party dressed as each other and it is both completely ridiculous and SPOT ON. Five dresses up in jeans, a sweater, and a wig. He will try to play something, gets everyone to quiet down and look at him and make a big deal out of getting into position before playing hot cross buns really really terribly
Vanya wears the old boy’s uniform and hides little plastic water guns EVERYWHERE on her person, tons of them. She will point them at people at random and hold out a plastic eye and threaten them to tell her who it belongs to. She does this mostly to Diego who slaps the gun out of her hand only for her to pull another one out of nowhere and resume pointing
speaking of humor, I like to think Vanya’s sense of humor is also pretty dry and can be just as savage as Five’s. She just does it far less so that when she does make a joke at someone else’s expense it seems all the more savage because of its rarity.
Five and Vanya both do the whole “ice out” thing when they are mad so when they are mad at each other it is just TERRIBLE and fills the air with so much bad vibes that all the siblings will vacate the immediate area for fear of dying of the miasma that builds around the two
but when they argue, it never lasts. someone always breaks. surprisingly it is usually Five, who is loathe to spend any time apart from Vanya even when he’s angry at her
I think they do a lot of like non-verbal communication too, like meaningful looks
ie. When Diego or Luther says something particularly stupidFive will look at Vanya like:
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and Vanya will be like:
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They think they are very funny and clever lol.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I may have bored you with all that ahahah!!! but I am an infinite well of fiveya hcs. 
anyone who wants to hear more lemme know
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letbenfuck2021 · 5 years
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untitled drabble; for @fivevanya‘s end of august event - fiveya week - [3/7 prompt - time]
“It's about time.”
The sudden outburst causes John Lambert's attention to cut to Five. He’s about to admonish the errant teen for disturbing the class before there’s a click and creak from the other side of the room. The door to the classroom is cracked open ever so slightly, just enough for a small figure to peak head and shoulders through the doorway. A young girl smiles apologetically over at him and opens her mouth to say something just as he too is about to usher her in. Neither of them get a word in before Five interrupts. 
“You're late," he grumbles and waves the girl over.
Half a second later the door creaks open wider and a young girl inches into the room. This must be Vanya. Or as his employer probably would have referred to her, Number Seven. When Lambert had first been offered the position to be a private tutor of foreign literature teacher and in the employ of a billionaire no less, he had been overjoyed. Lambert is fresh out of college and the commission Hargreeves offers is better than anything he could have hoped for,
Vanya is a tiny slip of a girl, ordinary and mousy. It’s the first time he’s seen her. She’s oddly absent in the few family pictures that are scattered throughout the Hargreeves mansion and she hadn’t been present when he had first been introduced to the children three days ago. Hargreeves had lined them up and introduced Lambert’s new pupils, referring to them only by numbers. He thought it was a joke, some sort of Sound of Music reference but after this brief introduction both he and the children are dismissed and Hargreeves says no more on the matter. It’s the chimp, Pogo, who tells Lambert their names, Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, and that there is one other that he had yet to meet, Vanya. The only one who lacks a second moniker is Five.
He learns in passing from the other tutors about Five. Brilliant and charismatic, a literal genius but a smarmy little bastard. During his first lesson with the children, the little twerp had barrelled question after question and incendiary comments at Lambert. Thankfully, he’s been silent today, at least until the arrival of the seventh Hargreeves child. 
"You must be, Vanya,” he says to the girl, deciding to ignore Five’s outbursts. “Your - uh...Mr. Pogo informed me that you’d be late today. Please have a seat."
She nods but instead of going to the empty desk near the door she bypasses it entirely and makes a beeline clear across the room to where Five is seated. Then, with no preamble, she takes a seat on her brother’s lap. For a moment, Lambert thinks this must be some kind of prank, a joke that they are all in on. He glances around at the rest of the children for some trace of humor but they are dutifully focused on their reading. Looking back at the pair, he finds they have shifted slightly. Vanya is now stradling Five’s right light and is leaning on her elbows. Her hair falls forward, blocking her expression. Five has his right arm around her, his chest flush against her side. 
“Ahem,” Lambert grunts.
Neither seem to notice. Five murmurs something to her then points to a line in the open book on the desk in front of them. Vanya nods as Five, with the arm that’s around her, pulls the hair that’s fallen around her face over her shoulder. From there, his right hand trails down the center line of her back before finding its final resting spot on the small of Vanya’s back. 
Lambert clears his throat again this time louder and more insistent. 
“Yes?” Five replies nonchalantly.
Lambert narrows his eyes at Five but it’s the girl’s attention he’s trying to get. 
“Miss Vanya,” he says and her attention snaps up from the page to him. “Please have a seat at your desk.”
This elicits a confused look from the girl. The rest of the siblings continue their reading, uninterested in the unfolding spectacle. Vanya glances at Five, who still has that penetrating gaze trained on him, then back to her book.
“This is Vanya’s desk,” Five says a wide smirk forming on his face.
This throws Lambert for a moment but he’s taught teenagers for years and he’s quick to volley back a reply.
“Then you will return to your desk, Number Five.”
Five’s smirk doesn’t falter. In fact, it only grows wider.
“This is my desk too,” he says. “That desk is mine and this desk mine. They are both mine and they are both Vanya’s.”
Lambert glances at the rest of the children. They are still engrossed in their reading, unfazed by Five’s antics.
“What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours. Right, sis?” he says merrily to who Vanya nods distractedly, her eyes still trained on the reading.
With that, Five wraps his long arms around Vanya’s middle and squeezes tightly. He pulls her with him as he leans back contentedly in his chair. Vanya’s own hands come to rest naturally on his. Her eyes never once leave the pages in front of her just like the rest of the siblings. Only Five is looking up at him, leveling him with a trenchant stare. Lambert’s dealt with difficult students before but none like Number Five. 
In truth, he finds the kid downright frightening. All of them should be terrifying to him. He knows from the tabloids what these kids are capable of, has seen pictures of the aftermath of their “justice” but it is hard to think of any of these well-behaved adolescents as vigilantes. The only one that gives Lambert the creeps is Five, who’s eyes seem to give off a predatory vibe even when discussing something as harmless as Hugo. Still, Lambert is unwilling to back down.
“You will separate yourselves. Now, Number Five.”
His stern tone causes the rest of the Hargreeves children to finally look up from their reading. They all stare at him but Lambert has his eyes trained on Five who doesn’t break eye contact even as he turns his head to whisper something in his sister’s ear. It isn’t until Lambert hears a small ‘um’ that his attention shifts away from Five to Vanya, still comfortably leaned against her brother’s chest. He notices that Five’s hands has shifted from her middle to her lap. They sit loosely upon her thighs as if it is the most normal thing in the world. A light blush colors the girls cheeks as she speaks. 
“May I go to the bathroom?” she asks politely.
It’s such a sudden shift in tone that he has to take a moment to stare blankly at her before replying.
“You just got here.”
“But...I really have to go,” she insists.
Vanya stares up at him with large, round mournful eyes. He feels as though he’s just kicked a puppy and after a couple seconds he relents.
At the very least it means she’s no longer straddling her brother’s thigh and the rest of the class can get back to the lesson. However, as soon as Vanya is out the door, Five rises from his seat and begins to make his way across the classroom. He gets as far as opening the door before Lambert can catch his bearings and call out.
“And where exactly are you going, Number Five?”
“Where do you think?” Five replies cooly, turning that too-wide smirk on him.
But it’s different than before. Gone is the humor and boyish gaiety and replacing it is something sharper, predatory. It sends a shiver down Lambert’s spine. Before Lambert can get a word in, Five slips out the door leaving him slack jawed and without words. He scrambles to continue the lesson and he is glad that neither Five nor Vanya return for the rest for the rest of the class. 
The next day, he walks into the room to find them seated together again but this time it’s Vanya on the seat and Five in her lap. It’s shocking and frankly comical. Five is already a good head above Vanya but their current positions only serves to exaggerate their natural height difference. Lambert has to hold back a bark of laughter. 
“Hey, Mr. L, is this better?” Five jeers. 
He’s back to playful it seems. And though Lambert is still concerned, he’d rather not have a repeat of yesterday. So he rolls his eyes and tells them all to open their books. He figures, there are some battles you just can’t win.
a/n: well at least I got one thing in on time, here’s to hoping I can get anything else in
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igpitn · 5 years
i got really in my feelings talking to @maradeur​ so uhhhh fiveya pacific rim au!!! this got REALLY long so i’ll put it under a cut
for those of you unfamiliar with pacific rim here’s a quick tldr: earth in the future is being plagued by interdimensional monsters (kaijuu) who come from sea (i tHINK) portals!! to fight the monsters, humanity created these giant robotic suits for people to pilot called jaegers. but there has to be two pilots together who share a mental link in the jaeger - they are connected to each other’s minds and control the jaeger together. two pilots capable of making a mental link like that and having it be stable enough to pilot the jaeger in the first place are called “drift compatible”
already so imagine reginald hargreeves, eccentric billionaire who’s donated enough money to be part of jaeger and kaiju research. he oversees potential pilot training and decides that they’re all approaching it wrong. if a strong pre-existing bond is a necessary for drift compatibility, they shouldn’t be SEARCHING for said bonds, they should be creating it!
hence, he adopts 42 children and establishes the umbrella academy. he will train the children from a young age in combat and have them establish bonds with each other in order to produce excellent pilots
the training is severe. it is brutal. many children leave when they turn 18 which is a disappointment to reginald and the rest of the world isn’t sure how they feel about children growing up in that kind of environment. but he only cares about the world
there is Some hope though - he has six children who have all showed potential since they were small. not just in their individual combat skills but with the bonds with each other. reginald focuses most of his attention on them when they turn 13 - numbers 1 through 6
okay so enter five!!!!
five knows since he was young that he was strong and skilled and capable and he’s GOING to pilot a jaeger even if everyone around him is an idiot. while he’s talented he doesn’t understand the importance of drift compatibility.
vanya is also on the training compound but she isn’t part of the rest. she’s more like reginald’s assistant, always there, always quiet, but never really interacting much the other children
she works closest with numbers 1-6 and she likes them well enough it just... stings that she’s ordinary. she saw a jaeger defeat a kaiju in russia when she was small and has had dreams of piloting ever since
so after years of training, when they turn 18, is when reginald decides to test them for drift compatibility. they’ll all be tested together. imagine the shock and dismay five gets when one and three are found to be compatible but so is the TRIO of two four & six. he doesn’t have a partner. the tests show that his levels aren’t high enough. he is discarded. “we will find a partner for you eventually number five but for now you are not needed”
the others get to do real jaeger training while reginald tries to convince the government and all the “legal” channels that that they’re all prepared to pilot with incredible compatibility results along with combat training. it gets approved and everyone gets awarded names as a result. 
five is still five. 
he’s bitter/angry so he spends a lot of time solo training. the government sends over specialists to help reginald build THREE jaegers so the others can start pilot training. he’s furious.  one of those jaegers should be for HIM. 
now enter.... vanya
during this time while the others are in pilot training, quiet vanya is his only companion. he asks her to help time his drills or give him data. she’s only an assistant but five likes her well enough. she’s not annoying like the rest and she listens whenever he rants about how UNFAIR it is that he’s stuck here!! he won’t say it to her face, but she’s comforting
one day he’s bored and twirling a staff around (in the original movies, fighting each other with staffs to see how synced your bodies are is another test for drift compatibility) vanya is in the corner, reading a book. he gets an idea. 
“vanya.” “hm” “i’m bored. come fight me”
she’s VERY reluctant. vanya doesn’t have a lick of combat training - she’s just been all data reports and analysis for the past 15 years. five doesn’t care - he’s bored and he promises he’ll go easy on her. it takes a while but vanya is... just a little bit curious so she picks up a staff.
they go slow. five talks her through her stance and her moves. “spread your feet wider. you have to move your shoulders more.” 
vanya is clumsy but earnest and doesn’t stop which five respects. when he decides she’s ready, he comes at her slowly and they do a bit of mock fighting. vanya falls on her ass a lot but he always tugs her right back up. when she says she’s done he’ll stop. for now, they’ll keep going
vanya is getting more confident and hitting him more firmly and five just... can’t help himself. he goes for this move that always works - sweeping the staff under the person’s feet and pinning them down. he’s done it a dozen times on luther and diego and they hate it. so he goes do it and imagine his SHOCK when vanya avoids it, and goes to hit his shoulder. he blocks it, and they make eye contact.
“...did you feel that?” five’s never met someone who anticipated his moves, especially someone with NO combat training. that was all vanya. that was all INSTINCT. vanya’s confused. “feel...what?”
he tries to hit again and she blocks him. weakly, she stumbles to the floor from the force of his hit and he grabs her waist as they fall. her on her back with him hovering over her, starring her down intense. it was weak but she STILL blocked him. they stare at each other, panting loudly.
“...i think we’re drift compatible.” “wait what? you’re joking right?” “no. i’ve been training since i was a child and i’ve never felt like this with anyone else before.” “...five i think you’re seeing something because you want to, not because it’s there.” 
vanya pushes at his chest and five reluctantly lets her up. he’s SURE of his feeling. he’s always understood drift compatibility the least but it MAKES SENSE bc he was never compatible with the rest. it’s always been her. he says they need to tell reginald and she’s just like NO!!!
vanya is ordinary. five is being ridiculous. there’s no way that they’re compatible and even if they were so what?? she has NO combat experience. does five expect them to get into a jaeger?? she can’t. that’s ridiculous. she CAN’T. she runs away from him and five is left frustrated
the next few days, she avoids him. five has never been a quitter, and if vanya is his only chance of becoming a pilot... he’s not going to let this go. he can’t. he keeps tracking her down and finds her, demands for her to talk to him. 
“i don’t have anything to say to you!” “tell me you didn’t feel it too. look me in the eye, and said you felt nothing, and i’ll leave you alone.” vanya stares at the floor. she can’t lie. she did feel something
“even if i did... five i’m not a soldier, i’m not like you. and plus aren’t co-pilots supposed to trust each other? i don’t know you.”
five sees his opening. she’s nervous and skittish, so he can’t... demand things the way he has been. he tries a different approach. “two weeks. we’ll train, i’ll teach you everything i know. and...” he struggles a little. “we can get to know each other. give me two weeks. if you still feel like you can’t, i’ll drop it.”
vanya can’t say no to him. plus again, there’s that little part of her that’s always longed to be a pilot that just tells her to TRY. what’s the harm in trying?
the next two weeks are... wild. five sticks true to his word. every morning, he’s at her door when she gets out for the rest of the day with coffee. she nearly spits the first time “you drink it black?!” “is there a problem?” “are you a psychopath?” 
during the day, he accompanies her to all her daily tasks. asking her questions about herself as she works, going over reports and typing data into the computer. “what are your pills for?” “anxiety” “do i make you anxious, vanya?” “you annoy me, that’s for sure number five”
at then at night, they’re during combat training. vanya is always sweaty and out of breath and the end of it while five is cool and collected. “you have no stamina.” “you’re so small” “your muscles... nevermind it’s an insult to call them muscles.” often times vanya is too tired to get up so five picks her up, throws her over his shoulder, and marches them to her quarters
to five, vanya is fascinating. he’s known her all his life but he’s never spent time with her like this. the quiet shadow that’s been in the background is surprisingly clever and capable. plus she gets embarrassed easily and it’s fun
to vanya, she’s already admired five. he’s insanely smart and she watched him grow up from a cocky teen to a confident adult. but getting to know him... he’s infuriating sometimes too. she snaps at him once after training about how he can’t expect her to just KNOW how to do things he’s been doing his whole life. he looks surprised before smiling at her. which surprises HER.
five likes her. he realizes that, the first time she argues back. none of the others have ever made him feel this way. is it normal to like your drift compatible partner? bc suddenly a lot of things make sense.
and then the conversation that changes everything:
“so you’ve been here as long as i have” “that’s right” “so reginald must’ve wanted you in the academy at first.” she hesitates at that. she didn’t consider that. “i... don’t know.”
his question makes her seek out reginald to ask and she’s stunned when reginald bluntly tells her that she had been considered too emotional and unstable to even be a part of the program. it’s not meant for her
vanya stays inside her room and five has to break in. he sits by her on the bed and she’s looking at her pill bottles. “i’ve been taking these since i was five... apparently i’m too emotional to be a pilot” she laughs bitterly and five puts a tentative arm around her shoulder as she recounts the conversation with reginald and then, feeling vulnerable, tells him about her dream to be a pilot bc a jaeger rescued her. she wants to rescue people too.
five squeezes her. “fuck the old man,” he tells her firmly. they flush her pills together and vanya takes his hand, running her fingers over his umbrella tattoo. “okay,” she says. “okay?” she smiles at him. “i’ll do it.”
five manages to get information from ben and they sneakily do their own pilot training. reginald is too busy to realize what’s going on but when he catches them he’s FURIOUS. five won’t back down though. “we’re drift compatible. she was MEANT to pilot with me. you can’t stop this.” he says that vanya is just a civilian and that it’s impossible but five says he’s strong enough to carry the two of them but he can’t do it without vanya
reginald doesn’t believe them. on a whim, he does test their compatibility.  if it’s low he can punish the both of them and they’ll never speak of this again
it’s not low. it’s the OPPOSITE of low in fact. they are synced, really synced in that first one and reginald watches in shock.
meanwhile... for five and vanya, who had never truly grown close to another person in their whole lives, drifting is TERRIFYING. five is a very private person but suddenly he can FEEL vanya in his head. and he’s in hers. all her loneliness, all his resentment, all her insecurity, all his bitterness, it all flows through both of them. it’s overwhelming. he has to reach out for vanya’s hand.
but there are good things too. five’s confidence, vanya’s hope. the memories from all the time that they spent together. “you were right,” vanya tells him and in echoes in both of their heads. five can’t even say “i’m always right.” it’s too overwhelming. plus she knows what he thinks. she’s in his HEAD.
after they leave the simulation reginald tells them to prepare for pilot training. five, once he gets over his panting breath and beating heart, picks vanya up by the waist and spins her around
so five and vanya officially become co-pilots and get to PILOT A JAEGER!!!! 
i guess insert plot stuff here?? i’m lazy to expand upon it but... they go fight kaiju with the others naturally
the first mission going south bc vanya is terrified of fighting a monster for real and benkliego have to save her. five is furious at first but remembers her real, visceral fear and promises her he’ll protect them
“you have to trust me. you’ve been in my head. don’t you trust me?”
the second time they pilot, it’s a success. it’s a REAL good success but it’s a terribly long battle and alluther almost go down and for a moment five thinks they’re going to die. it’s vanya who thinks “not like this” back at him, bc her fear makes five brave it makes sense that five’s fear makes her brave too. they defeat the kaiju but both have to go into surgery for their wounds afterwards.
five wakes up alone and it’s... a strange feeling. his body feels weird. like it’s not his. drifting with vanya was strange at first and he’d been terrified to let someone in but once he got over that it felt RIGHT
now his head feels unnaturally quiet with just his thoughts. he’s heard about this before - when pilots come back out of the drift it’s hard to be separated from their co-pilot. 
he needs to find vanya
he staggers out of bed and limps to her quarters, knocking insistently. part of him is afraid now. he passed out after, what if vanya didn’t make it? what if he has to feel this empty forever?
but the door flies open and there she is, with wide, wild eyes. “van - “ he tries to say her name but vanya jumps at him, throwing her arms around his neck and CLINGING.
they can’t be in each other’s head now, they’re not drifting. physical closeness is the only good substitute
five’s stunned for a moment - she’s never HUGGED him like this - but immediately her skin against his makes him relax and he holds her tighter and just SIGHS in relief
vanya’s whispering to him, urgent and pained. “i thought i was the only one who - “ “no. no you aren’t.” he scoops her close and goes back into her room, dumping her on the bed and holding her. he’s never been this close to another person and he never will be. 
vanya slides a hand over his chest, feeling his heartbeat and five does the same to her. they’re quiet for hours, not talking, not sleeping, just pressing close to each other and keeping themselves grounded with touch
“you saved the world the other day,” vanya tells him before they fall asleep. five presses a kiss into her hair. it feels natural. honestly, he wants to kiss her all over but that’s for another time. “WE saved the world,” he replies. she smiles at him.
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