#they were all very nice but I would have honestly preferred to be yelled at
literallythegrabber · 4 months
Could you rank the TBP boys about how who is the fastest to slowest to confess? Thanks for reading and writing : )
thanks for requesting! I'm aware that this post came in months ago, but I was swamped with school and sports, so sorry. enjoy!
I think Bruce would be the quickest to confess due to his confidence.
His personality plus his general popularity with girls would definitely fuel his ego, so he wouldn't think too hard on confessing.
I think he generally just gets along with all people, no matter their personality, so if u were to be more stoic or quiet, it wouldn't stir him up when it comes to reading u.
He's good with social cues, so if u wanted a big, flashy confession with a lot of attention, he'd cook up something big. If ur more like me and would prefer something more private and intimate, then he'd take u to a secluded area and pronounce he feelings for u without being too cheesy.
I think Billy would confess next because I dont think he cares about rejection.
Like he would want you to say yes, and would obviously be disappointed if you said no, but he would get over it fairly quickly.
He'd probably write something sweet in a newspaper or something and deliver it to ur house, praying that ur parent/parents don't notice it.
Sorry if his seems lacking in a way. He just doesn't get enough screen time for me to get a good judge of his character, other than him being hilariously sassy.
I think Vance would kinda be in the middle.
I was gonna put him in second to last place, but then I thought about a bit more.
I feel like he'd confess to u so his life could return to normal.
Like, him realizing his feelings for u literally destroyed his world, and he thinks the only way his dangerously nice thoughts about u will cease if he either confesses or tries to scares u and his feelings away.
I think he'd try the latter first, and literally become a big evil monster towards u.
He'd snap at u for basically nothing, yell at u, be 10 times as mean, and genuinely go out of his way to be a total ass towards u.
If his crude behavior distances u from him after being verbally abused way tok much, he'd be happy at first, thinking that without u in his life, his thoughts would return to normal and he could finally focus on pinball.
But after a few weeks, he actually finds himself missing ur presence. So instead of apologizing like a normal person, he decides to confess his feelings right out of the blue! very clever vance😐
So if spots u alone at school, he'll just pull u over and confess in the most confusing, unromantic way possible.
He won't expect a romantic relationship right and away (and u shouldn't either), but this could be the beginning to a healthy friendship and perhaps something more in the future.
Robin would be second to last, probably because he doesn't want u getting involved with his never-ending beef with the majority of the kids at school (the bullies).
He thinks that if he starts a relationship, his opps will go after u to hurt him (he's probably right).
So, although he steers away from a romantic relationship, he tries to become close friends with u to intimidate other potential suitors.
He'd use bf like behavior with u while also trying to be ur friend, and it was honestly very confusing.
I just think the mixed signals he'd be sending would be too annoying and confusing, to the point where you'd just have to confront him.
So he'll stumble over his words, and just give off awkward teen vibes before he actually gets to his point.
If u reciprocate, then you'd have to agree to not being too flashy with ur new relationship and take things slow.
You'd also need to know how to throw a punch or sm cause those ugly school vultures are unpredictable.
suprise suprise Finney's last!
Given his shy personality, low self-esteem, and his experience with bullies, it's obvious it would take him a while to confess.
He'd watch u from afar for a while, so you'd def have to start up a conversation.
Yalls' relationship would very much be a slow burn, filled with awkward moments, hidden meanings behind simple words, subtle affectionate gestures, and a lot of teasing from Gwen.
He'd accidentally blurt it out one day, taking u completely by suprise.
He'll instantly try to dismiss it, rapidly trying to change the subject.
But if u press him, then you'll get a proper confession, and the rest is up to u!
thank u for reading!!
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delirious-donna · 1 year
Atta Girl [Toji Fushiguro]
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Toji has a debt to collect and you just happen to be along for the ride as his new partner. He has no need for a partner, not unless you plan on putting that smartass mouth to better use?
pairing: Toji Fushiguro x female reader
warnings: face fucking, mean Toji, light asphyxiation, rough blowjob, light degradation, mentions of blood on clothes, implied violence (not detailed and reader is not harmed in any way), cum swallowing, if this looks familiar it's a touched up version of something I wrote last year!
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You didn’t think you could possibly miss the bickering of earlier, the yells of indignation at your mere presence, but it was far more preferable to the heavy silence of right now. Oppressive and sinister, even your measured breathing sounded deafening to your ears.
Toji Fushiguro regarded you with the dead eyes of a merciless killer, devoid of emotion and not even a smirk present on his scarred lips, it was terrifying. 
Of course, you had been unlucky enough to be partnered with the one man famed for being a lone wolf. A man that had grumbled and downright growled at you like an animal whilst you had both sat idling in the car. His chin rested against his broad palm, elbow braced on the sill of the door and he refused to meet your eye, not that you were trying particularly hard.
“Who the fuck said I needed any help? Stupid motherfuckers sending me some shitty piece of ass as backup… the fuck I need backup for?”
You hadn’t known which part to be more offended by; the insinuation that you couldn’t hold your own or the comment about you being a piece of ass. Pointing out that two were better than one had fallen on deaf ears, riling you to the point that insults were hurled like bladed weapons between the two of you.
With the air conditioning cranked to the max in a poor attempt to lower the temperature from your heated exchange, you swept your gaze over the infamous debt collector. Known for never losing a mark, always retrieving the goods and often in the most gruesome of ways, it was impossible to deny that he was hot. You never could hide your feelings and even as fucking pissed as you were at him, it was still more than evident that you were interested. 
Toji was exactly your type, and that was the biggest problem because you had a thing for assholes. The type of man that would only ever call you things like “sweetheart” or “darling” for the sole purpose of avoiding the possibility of uttering the wrong name or worse, forgetting it altogether.
Men that wanted one thing, and it wasn’t like you were some innocent flower, but it’d be nice to be held once in a while after having your cunt split open and your make-up ruined by the steady flow of tears and saliva.
A basic white tee stretched taut across his upper torso and it only highlighted how strong Toji was, the cotton did very little to hide the definition of his chest and the cut of his strong abdominals. What might it be like to have the chance to ride those tawny abs? Thick veins ran the length of his forearms, curving over the bulge of his biceps and his hands looked like they could crush a windpipe with little effort.
Why did he have to be so fucking attractive? Why were you thinking with your pussy and not your brain? The man that you had known for all of five minutes had insulted you more times than you could draw breath, yet here you were, wet and horny.
Perhaps this was the reason your judgement lapsed. Too fogged by lust and decadent fantasies to see the ambush, and it had almost cost you your life. A job that had meant to be a cakewalk turned into a shoot out and honestly, it would have been your own fault if the worst had happened.
You were thankful that Toji had been there, that he had even bothered to shield you from the brunt of the attack and struck back with such deadly precision and fervour that you would swear he had otherworldly powers.
A choked thank you caught fast in your throat, wary of how icy his expression was whilst you took in the white tee that was now caked in drying blood and worse. A streak of crimson ran the length of his face and you wondered if he had been hurt and you simply hadn’t noticed in the carnage of the moment.
You reached out to cup his face, an instinct to care for him burning you alive but he caught your wrist before you could touch his cheek. Prominent callouses rubbed at your soft skin, the roughened texture a stark contrast and one you enjoyed more than you were willing to admit.
“What the hell are ya playing at?” he yelled, forcing a meek squeak from your mouth as you jerked back from being grabbed and how angry he sounded at you.
“You’re hurt. I was…” your voice trailed away under the scrutiny of his cold, penetrating stare. A vein throbbed in the side of his thick neck and you watched it, unable to maintain eye contact with him. You were wilting faster than a flower caught in a heatwave.
“Where’s your shitty attitude gone, huh? Lost your bark now that I had to save your sorry ass? Told you I didn’t need a goddamn partner. Nothing but fuckin’ trouble.”
Toji tossed your captured hand back into your lap, ripping down the sun visor to stare at his bloody reflection in the mirror with a heavy frown. You watched him covertly, or so you hoped. It was wrong to continue finding him sexy, especially dripping in blood but it only fed that primitive image you liked so very much. It suited him to look so dangerous and capable of violence at the drop of a hat. It kept you on your toes, never daring to find his presence comforting for fear that would be the moment he finally struck.
“I know you like whatcha see, princess, keep staring and imma do something ‘bout it,” Toji threatened, fixing his gaze on you through the reflective surface of the mirror.
You squirmed. You blushed. You felt downright stupid. Embarrassment burned in your chest, turned you petulant once more and your sassy tongue returned with a bow.
“Yeah right. Like I’m interested in a slick motherfucker that has no respect for anyone. I’d rather suck on a cactus!”
Toji was a hair’s breadth away from snapping. There you went running that fucking mouth again. The mouth that had done nothing but snark since he had picked you up earlier that morning. It didn’t matter that it was an attractive mouth, plump lips that would look even better kiss swollen and a tongue that he would like to tangle with. None of that mattered when you couldn’t hold your own just like he had predicted.
Venom laced his every movement, acid burning in his veins as he raked your body without a care in the world for masking his action. You were pretty, a firecracker personified and he wanted to show you how he shut up little girls like you.
He had wanted to fuck the brat out of you since the moment he had laid eyes upon you. He was still pissed at being told he had to have a partner on this job but perhaps taking you would be the reward for swallowing that bitter pill.
Having to actively protect someone other than himself, and with no monetary reimbursement on top of it, he was beyond pissed and you’d know about it soon enough.
Toji moved faster than you could possibly comprehend, a bloodied hand wrapping around the slender column of your throat. Thick fingers squeezed down, your supply of air drastically reduced until you were gasping and choking.
His free hand worked at his belt, never taking his penetrating stare away from your flustered face. Toji smirked in the knowledge that he was indeed correct, you were a slut for this kind of rough treatment. Cheeks warm, eyes glossy and rather than clawing at his hand for freedom, you were clinging to him with a heaving chest. Every inhale a struggle that parted your lips further and further.
“Not so fucking chatty now, are ya? I’ve got an even better idea of how to keep that mouth from spouting venom,” he hissed at you.
Your eyes grew impossibly wide as Toji’s girthy cock slapped up against his abs, shirt pushed out of the way whilst he worked on freeing himself. The tip was a deep angry scarlet, weeping thick pearls of silvery precum. A prominent mushroom head with a ridge that made your mouth salivate and twin stark veins running the length of the underside of his shaft.
He pumped it almost lazily whilst his hold on your throat relaxed, his hand moving to the back of your head and you found that you were inching closer and closer to what you could only describe as his pussy ruining dick. The mere thought of that monster forcing your walls apart was enough for a salacious moan to roll past your lips, much to his amusement.
“That’s better. Knew you were a filthy little thing, now then. Suck it good and I’ll consider fucking you like you want.”
There was no second given to contemplate his request, not a chance at being able to brace yourself for what was to come. Your lips barely parted in time for his sticky tip to slip past.
Groaning at the heavy, musky taste of his skin and mingling arousal, you lapped at him like an eager little kitten. His grip shifted to trap your hair around his fist, giving an experimental tug that lifted you momentarily and caused you to whine in protest. Toji’s dark laughter rumbled through his chest, pushing you back down and forcing more of his cock between your lips.
Toji let his head fall back for a moment, the relief of your wet and wanton mouth cooling the very worst of his fiery temper. You really were very cute, sucking on his tip like it’s the first cock you’ve ever sucked and he couldn’t help himself from lifting his hips to push further into your mouth.
Your lower half moved to crouch on the passenger seat, hips wiggling from side to side and he knew exactly what was on your mind, but first, you’d have to earn it. There was never a chance of reward without hard work.
Reclining his seat, Toji hummed at the sensation of your tongue exploring and learning his length. Your tongue flattened wide to run up and down his length before switching to a speared point to flick into the weeping slit and lave around the ridge of his cockhead.
You’re good, almost too good. He groaned deep in his throat when your cheeks suction further and those wide eyes blink up into his face. You’d be fucking smiling if you could and that only made him grit his teeth in irritation, grinding down on his molars.
“Think you're such a clever cocktease, dontcha? This ain't your first cock but I bet it's the first that'll ruin you like you really want.”
With those words, Toji tightened his grip around your hair. His free hand pinched into your cheeks to halt the rhythmic bobbing of your head. Terrified eyes snapped to his face and he only smiled, that cold deadly mask back in place and the stretch of his scarred lips turned your blood icy.
His hips snapped upward, fucking into your mouth and forcing his fat cock deep into your throat to bully past the soft tissue at the back of your mouth. You gagged around him, not a hint of oxygen getting past the blockage that was his dick. Air rushed through your nose and for a second you were worried that he’d pinch it shut, but he didn’t. 
Falling back with a roll of his head along his shoulders, those sinfully dark eyes watched the thick viscous strands of saliva and arousal drip from your mouth with nothing but amusement on his face. There was only a second of reprieve to let you cough and swallow down air desperately before Toji plunged back into you. Spit bubbled at the corners of your lips, drooling slowly towards your chin and he wiped a finger through the mess to press into his mouth with a hum of satisfaction.
His pace was punishing and you knew it would be the same if he were to fuck your drooling cunt. Every stroke deepened until your nose was pressed right against his stomach, the muscles contracting wildly and the coarse hairs of his pelvis scratched at your face. He held you there and you clawed at his thick muscular thighs, begging for release but also knowing that he was imminently close to release. 
With cock twitching, a groan of pleasure sounded from his chest and the first waves of his sticky cum shot down your abused throat. Toji drew his hips back with a hiss, slapping his sensitive cock atop your pink tongue and painting it white. His bloodied hand pumped his shaft, milking it clean of everything he had whilst you could only blink through heavy tears and try not to swallow it before he finished.
Toji admired the sea of cum upon your tongue as well as your flushed cheeks with tears rolling down and your ruined mascara. He liked you just like this, preferred you silent with his load in your mouth. Maybe he would keep you, you’d be a real treat to break completely.
“Atta girl, swallow it all and c’mere. I’ve got plans for you…”
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Hello! I'm back, I was the one who asked for Eyeless Jack and his s/o with a miscarriage (so much angst-)
Soo, now I wanted to ask for something for lighthearted: How would Eyeless Jack and his s/o fare with their twins who have contrasting personalities/interests?
Love a switch from angst to fluff hehe, I hope I do you fluffy justice for this :)
Also, obviously no method of birth was mentioned, so it's EJ and GN partner*
Considering his own horrible upbringing, and his general lack of sociableness, Jack was already quite unsure of how he'd be as a father, but he was (foolishly) hoping that since the two of you were getting twins, maybe it would be a little easier, maybe they'd be similar enough to each other that Jack could ease into parenting. However, it seems he may as well have jinxed himself because the older your twins have gotten, the less alike they've become, and so Jack has been put in quite the pickle in getting to know your kids and growing closer to them, but he's always been one for a challenge, so he always does his best to equally bond with your children.
He's thankful he has you by his side to help him in communicating with your kids because he doesn't think he could do this by himself. One of your children is very similar to Jack, preferring quiet time and reading, often spending time by themselves so that they can have peace and quiet to do as they please. The other child is incredibly loud and rambunctious, always wanting to run around outside and be messy and playful. Obviously, Jack has an easier time bonding with your first child, always spending time with them when they read, and introducing them to new books and reading with and to them, their bond forming easily. When it comes to your second child, Jack needs your encouragement, as he was never a loud or rambunctious child, and he sometimes feels as though he's not a good enough parent because he can't relate to your child in that way. However, your child disagrees, often running up to him and trying to drag him outside to play with them, usually calling for you to join them as well. Jack seems unsure of himself, standing or sitting awkwardly and watching as your child runs around, laughing and yelling and going on little adventures, but gradually Jack gets more comfortable and relaxed, learning to play pretend and have fun.
I can see your child wanting to rescue you, having you be a royal in distress that must be protected, with Jack as the villain trying to steal you away and them being the knight that has to save you (and of course, Jack can't help but always let them win in the end). I think bonding with your rowdier child is honestly quite healing for Jack, as he never got to experience a normal childhood himself, and so to be able to do so with his own child is very nice for him. With your help, he also tries to get the two of them to bond a little more, like getting books they'd both be interested in so they can read together, or going to a smaller park together so while your little adventurer runs around you and Jack can help your introverted reader to put their books down for just a little bit and have fun running around a park too, and it always makes him happy when the two of them end up bonding and playing together despite their different interests. As they continue growing older he tries to remind them that while they want to do different activities, they can also form common interests together, and with you by his side, Jack feels much more confident in raising them. He constantly thanks you for coming into his life and leading him to be the father he is. Whenever he spends one one-on-one time with them individually he always happily rambles about all the things they did, and when he has them both together he does so even more eagerly. He never thought he'd have so much fun as a parent, and being able to raise your children and give them the happy childhood he never got brings him so much joy, but he's the most joyful about the fact that you're the person he gets to raise them with.
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salethe2 · 3 months
Okay, so instead of sleeping, I'm here writing this, but I just had to share my thoughts on episode 7 and the relationship between Armand and Louis.
I'll probably need to rewatch the episode a few more times to fully grasp everything and maybe make another post but wow—episode 7 was absolutely devastating.
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Okay, so starting with Louis… Honestly, I can’t even be mad at Louis anymore. Initially, I was yelling at my screen, wondering if he was just blind. Armand’s manipulations have become so blatant, yet Louis doesn’t seem to notice. Watching this episode, seeing how Daniel doesn’t even get angry or judge Louis or get angry at Armand like he did last episode—it hit me. Louis probably knows deep down that Armand is behind everything, but he’s in denial. Because, as twisted as Armand is, Louis feels he’s all he’s got left. And I think Daniel starts to see this towards the end of the episode. Sure, he still states the facts, as a journalist does, and makes it obvious that he knows Armand is hiding things, but he doesn’t call Armand a liar like he did last episode, he just listens, and is calm because what else can he do?
Not only is there manipulation going on from Armand, but Louis also remembers and tells the story differently from how it happened as a coping mechanism. Because as much as I’d like to blame Armand on everything, the changes in Claudia’s turning, and his fight with Lestat were done by Louis, so he is very much lying to himself.
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And what can Daniel do? What would Louis do if the last thread holding him was cut? Can Daniel do that to him? Does he have the right to do that? Would he cause him even more pain by doing that? Because as much as Louis is ignoring the obvious manipulation, as soon as it all comes to light, that bubble will burst and there will be no going back. At the same time, Daniel is not excusing Armand. I mean, the look he gives him in this scene is so telling. His voice is soft and almost surprised. "Wow, you saved Louis. How nice of you." But the way he looks at him, it's as if he's saying, "I know this is all a lie and you're the one behind all this, but I'll play along for now." I mean he could have easily just asked Louis if all of this doesn’t seem weird to him, driven that point forward more like at the beginning of the episode or last episode, but he just says “but not her” and that small sentence nearly broke the bubble of ignorance around Louis but oddly enough Daniel stops there, does not push a bit more. (I guess we’ll wait and see if this remains the same next episode).
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As for Armand…I mean, I love him, and I think he’s a is brilliantly written character because he didn’t just isolate Louis; he stripped away everything in his life, turned his heart further against Lestat, and crafted scenarios where, even if Louis confronts the truth about his manipulations, he’s still trapped. Because what can Louis do? Abandon the only semblance of connection he has left? Lestat remarked in this episode that anything is preferable to loneliness for a vampire. Consequently, Louis would rather turn a blind eye than sever the last tie he holds. Even when Louis considered ending it all—something he already tried before—Armand wouldn’t permit it. Louis can’t even challenge Armand, given the disparity in their power. So, what else can he do!!
As for wether or not Armand is a villain, I can’t really say without watching the last episode, but I will say that know it’s easy to label him as merely evil and manipulative—traits he undoubtedly possesses—but I beg to differ on the notion that he feels no remorse. Yes, he’s orchestrated some truly horrible acts, even gave himself a front-row seat to watch it all go down, but to say he harbors no regret? I don’t believe that’s entirely accurate. I think, in his own warped way, a part of him believes he’s helping Louis, possibly as a coping mechanism for his own guilt.
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As for what he did to Madeleine and Claudia, it was downright horrible and he 100% meticulously planned it all, still, I suspect a sliver of guilt does linger within him—not specifically for what he did to them, but for the essence of his actions and the hatred towards the loneliness that’s shaped him.
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I mean, we have to remember that this is a man who endured unimaginable horrors even before he was turned, and has lived in solitude for 500 years! Lestat, at 150 years old, moved a man to tears by sharing his loneliness. Can you imagine the depth of pain, loneliness, self-loathing, sadness, anger, and a myriad of other emotions this man has borne for half a millennium?
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This isn’t to say that Armand’s actions are justified—far from it. But it does highlight the devastating impact of loneliness on vampires and how it can profoundly twist their minds. For 500 years Armand has been alone and the only light he saw through that darkness was to take this half broken man, take everything he had and make him as broken as him to make sure he would always be his. Again, this does not justify his actions, but merely explains them.
All of this being said, the presence of guilt, albeit slight, likely twists inside him. Armand might reinterpret this feeling as ‘helping’ Louis, keeping him blissfully unaware of the harsh truths as a way to alleviate his own conscience. Kind of like, “I know I did this horrible thing, but there was no way around it, and I hate myself for it—for being this way. But I have to keep this man by my side for his own good and my own, by any means necessary.”
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Also, just adding this, can we take a moment to discuss the lighting in this shot? Notice how Armand's face is partially shadowed when facing Louis, yet the side that's illuminated is turned towards Daniel. Honestly loved the lighting in this entire episode.
Anyway, this is precisely why I believe Louis DID asked Armand to erase those memories in San Francisco
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And why he remove the torn pages from Claudia’s journals. Because he prefers a life of blissful ignorance over the agony of truth.
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Of course Armand willingly, and easily went along with all of this because it keeps Louis by his side, so it plays nicely into his manipulations. Still, I do believe that Louis did in fact ask him to erase those memories. Does his consent to all of this make it any better? If anything, it makes it worse. This is a man so ensnared and without any escape that he’d rather erase painful memories—those that remind him of the grim reality of his situation—than live with them. And Armand’s mind is so twisted that he probably convinces himself it’s all right. In his mind, as long as he has consent, he isn’t doing anything wrong.
Anyway, that’s all I have for now but honestly, Louis’s only real escape now is through Lestat. Otherwise, he needs to figure out how to outmaneuver the master manipulator himself—because I doubt Armand will let go without a fight.
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skylardoesthings · 2 months
PLEASE DOOOOO drop more or elaborate your hcs I'm starting to feel the eiliea illness creeping back up so might as well (the illness was never gone in the first place) also just realized your blog title. handshaking u on that we are in this asylum together 🤝 - @kumagorosh
LMFAO??? Yeah guys, im ill abt these guys, its funny that theyre not my favourite characters though.
Anyways i hope you like my insane ramblings, this is gonna be REALLY long so, you can see em all under the cut 👍
For the "in go, to the public Kiyama is Kira Hiroto, to his friends and family, hes Kiyama Tatsuya" hc, the reason why they found out his name is Tatsuya is because of Touko. No one knows how she found out, all they know is that one day during summer she appeared, saw Kiyama and went "HEY TATSUYA!" And watched him panic,
Inazuma Japan noticed that Kiyama and Mido sometimes tend to not answer them whenever they say their names, so they would say their alien names. When the two do reply by their alien names, they would yell "WRONG TRY AGAIN!" bc they are Not Gran and Reize anymore and they have to learn to not reply to those names
As for "The reason why InaJap was so nice to kimido was because of Dark Emperors" hc, it sorta came to me out of the blue while rewatching s3, Mido and Kaze are good freinds despite aliea and my hc is that is the reason why everyone warmed up to them – if DE didn't happen, Kaze wouldn't feel like he understood what Reize had to go through ans that feeling of inadequicy that followed them, if this makes any sense. (Note; if DE didn't happen, they would've either A. Not even be a part of InaJap or B. Be a part of it and get treated like outcasts, kinda like Fudou.)
Also all the sun garden kids, areori or og, knows how to fight btw. Og sun garden is just, better and stronger because of the Aliea Meteorite
ALSO BTW. This is game canon but like, aliea???! Is so fucked up in the games? Like Seijirou rlly was going to sell those kids as weapons of war and we went "wow, normal IE stuff." And Garshield too. Like what the hell
Anyways back to the hcs; Demonio, Kiyama, and Ronijo are friends! "How so?" You might ask, its the child experiments.
Prominence is very used to the heat and prefers it, they hate the cold.
Diamond Dust player, menawhile are the opposite, whenever it snows Hitomiko always has to remind them that they're human and need to be warm, so "Don't go outside without gloves or jackets–!" And they absolutely hate the heat.
Ok this is just semi canon bcz mido, but Gemini Storm totally has a inferior complex.
This is dubiously canon? But all of Eisei are on given name status with each other, and for the og cast, they're still a bit to awkward (well, more like strangers) with each other to do that, but in go they totally call each other by their given names
Ok now for my hyper specific hc where i have no idea where this came from but its something i like and kept
Reina is a psychologist! Maki is a nurse, why? Because honestly, with the way they grew up, they were probably frustrated a lot by all these different things would probably want to help themselves and others. Why them specifically? Idfk it just happened. Same thing with Mutou being a techie, Nagumo being a choach to bunch of kids (like handa in canon), and a bunch of other stuff
Ngl, my hc is that all the Kira's were probably in the spotlight post-aliea, so the hc that Shuugo probably lost a of friends when he was a kid was born,
Which takes me to the hc that he loves his friends and family. He's not ashamed to be a Kira, he holds so much pride for being one. One of his goal's for when hes an adult is to probably just make something for himself, be someone he himself could be proud of,
I honestly have ZERO idea where i got my "Kiyama sees a lot of himself in Kariya" hc, but i think it was when i was rewatching s2 and went "wow thid guy has a lot of similar mannarisms as Kariya" whenever i saw covert Kiyama+Gran
Which takes me to the, "Shuugo and Kariya are just mini versions of the aliea captains" hc, which is mostly by mannerisms. They probably unconsciously mimicked them or just adopted it into the way they do things or smthn idk. Hitomiko finds this adorable.
Ehm. Here's some of Shuugo and Kariya actually why not, mostly shuugo because... he's my favourite.
The whole "they're complete opposites of each other" bit is mostly based on my other headcanons, but also from Shuugo's recruitment needs + kariya's canon behaviour. (shuugo's talks for the both of them, and kariya in turn, insults people for fun)
Shuugo likes to fist-fight people btw, he's nice and calm, but he has anger issues, and when someone pisses him off bad he'd start fist-fighting people, which is pretty often. (Kariya in turn, gaslight people. for fun. like father like son, I guess?)
Nagumo taught both Shuugo and Kariya curse words.
Shuugo was the one who came up with the idea of Masaki transferring to Raimon (the moment he joined the soccer club, shuugo went through all five stages of grief at once)
oh yeah kariya and shuugo have a sibling-like relationship. idk if you can tell from all the previous hcs.
literally no one knew that they know each other, so one day during the match of raimon 1gun vs raimon 2gun in s1 of go, they started talking to each other post-match and everyone was just "????? since when ???" and the revelation that kariya is an orphan and shuugo knows him because his cousin(??) is the "owner" of the orphanage opened,
also because of kariya and shuugo knowing each other, the two of them (along with ichino and aoyama!) sorta become the bridge between raimon 1gun and raimon 2gun! they have a lot more joint practises and team 2 are able to play in official/friendly matches!
Also fun fact, Shuugo was supposed to have a character arc similar to Hikaru's when he was first introduced in the sequel for go s1, aka, Chrono Stone, but as we can see that never happened. Anyways, i totally do NOT have a whole ass plot and am writing a fic of this for myself. nope, Nuh-uh.
(i am, i just stopped writing it cause i got stuck with a bit I cannot write to save my life :sob:)
wow this is. really long, i am so sorry if this makes no sense, and I'm sorry in general.
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petitelepus · 4 months
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I love to help others and make them smile, but I do wish I would get something for being so nice in return, yeah it might sound greedy but I want to be appreciated! I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I just want to be selfish sometimes and care about myself even if it sounds mean. I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyful, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes). I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might be too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. When around older people/people that I don't know I tend to be shy. Also horror and scary things are very important to me, I can't imagine my life without it, it's just such an interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued!
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Hantengu is Yandere for you!
This cowardly Demon fell for you and your sweetness and thoughtfulness, but somewhere that love turned into an unhealthy obsession.
You're so helpful and busy caring for others that you barely care for yourself!
Don't worry, once you are his, he will give you as much attention as you may desire and more, and all he asks is that you show that sweet compassion to him.
He wanted to keep you to himself and never let anyone else see you ever again. Wouldn't that be great? Just you and him and no one else!
So in the middle of the night's darkness, he crept into your home and took you with him.
If you scream at him, he will cry and cover in fear as if you were about to hit him. You weren't, but he still acted extremely fearful toward you and it triggered your habit of apologizing to others.
He will guilt trip you shamelessly, telling you that he just wanted to talk to you, he meant you no harm, how could you yell at him like that?
You're so kind, sweet, and sensitive, so when he does that, it's game over for you as you can't nor will he ever let you go.
Once you belong to Hantengu, he takes wonderful care of you, calling you his own angel because you are just as kind and cute as one. He insists that you can be who you truly want with him, trying to lure you to fall for him like he fell for you.
It can get tiresome to always tend Hantengu and his needs, but that's what his clones are for too, to prevent you from getting bored of Hatnengu and to learn to love his other sides.
Sekido thinks you are too sensitive, but it works in his and the original one's favor. Seeing that you are sensitive, he tries not to yell at you, but he might scold you if he sees it fit. He might not be your favorite clone, as he is most serious, but he does want to take care of you like others do too.
Karaku loves watching horror movies with you and often asks you playfully if you wanna play the victim while he acts like a zombie and eats you out? You're not sure if you should be fearful or not.
Aizetsu loves you so much, you are so kind and sweet, he almost feels bad that the original one took you, but at the same time, he couldn't feel so because he is so fond of you. You may get along best with him since you are both sensitive.
Urogi, loves your carefree moments and loves just as much laughing at your jokes, no matter if they were good or not. He is pretty easy to please and you can't help but smile at his ability to laugh at most things.
But this is Hantengu we are talking about. Once he falls for you, he won't let you go, no matter what he needs to do to keep you with him. If he must, he will personally turn you into a Demon and will force you to depend on him for the rest of your life.
Food, flesh, company, he would provide this all for you since you wouldn't be able to step outside during the day anymore and he doubts you actually have the heart to kill anyone. Lucky you, he is willing to do anything for you.
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9800sblog · 1 year
hi jes! how've u been? i hope everything's fine as u read this.
may i request a "things/characteristics that might be a turn off or deal breaker for ateez"? i hope u haven't done something like this before hehe
thank u in advance and have a great day <3
ateez deal breakers
based on tarot, a little difficult to interpret as they don't talk openly about relationships, take it with a grain of salt
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4 of swords, the hierophant reversed, king of swords
dependence, people that need him to boss them around, that need him to be in control of the relationship, like someone who wouldn't make the first move or high demand people. stuck in their ways, close minded, negative, too introverted (isolated, lone wolves, etc), people that stay lied down in their room all day, people that sleep too much, people that worry too much and would complain and need him to be super nice. not being spontaneous, defensive, controlling and scared.
(he seems super busy these days, cards were jumping and my head and eyes started feeling heavy and my body tired 😮‍💨)
ace of cups reversed, the devil reversed, 6 of cups reversed
I don't think he likes people that are very experienced in relationships. he honestly might have a specific person in mind or just a really reaaaally specific type, so if you're anything different from that, you're just not his person. if he can't see himself being friends with them, having a friendship before and beyond a relationship. someone that doesn't wanna have kids. it honestly feels like he's looking for a soulmate so if you're not them, there's just no hope for you.
knight of pentacles, 5 of cups reversed, page of pentacles, bottom of the deck: the star
co-workers, other idols, celebrities (basically anyone he couldn't run from if they broke up). doesn't want someone that has just started their career or college students, he's done a lot in his life and he wants someone to match him. he doesn't wanna fix anyone or save them, he just wants someone he can chill with, so no negativity, hard work, pessimism, anyone that would bring his spirit down, he doesn't want to be "the energizer" of his relationship, that's his JOB. he also wants someone that can be around him often, so you can't travel/wander too much; doesn't want people that sleep around and/or just wanna hook up with him, he wants commitment.
(always in such a good, lighthearted mood, it's energizing)
2 of wands reversed, temperance reversed, 10 of swords reversed
a wanderer spirit, his job is already so demanding and fast paced, he wants someone that will stick and, again, not travel too much. no patience, he doesn't like to be yelled at. someone that moves too much, doesn't chill, loud, etc. the 10 of swords is making me think of physicals, he prefers athletic builds, so people that don't work out, get tired easily, weak in general wouldn't be able to keep up with him and his preferences/hobbies.
2 of swords, 5 of pentacles, page of cups, 6 of pentacles
literally people that leave him out in the cold, don't share their thoughts and feelings with him, keeping secrets. someone that is too decisive, don't ask his opinions and inputs on things. san has changed a lot over the years, he may not want someone that met him before that, he'd feel stuck, so people from his hometown, childhood friends, trainees, other idols and people that his friends recommend may be totally out of question. he'd prefer someone in the same level of fame as him, he doesn't wanna do "charity work" (for lack of better words) or worry of gold diggers and would feel nervous if the other person was more famous.
(such a happy and innocent dude he's so cute so cute)
page of swords, wheel of fortune reversed, 7 of cups reversed
I could make a very lengthy post just about what mingi doesn't like, he's VERY picky. destiny plays a huge part for him, so basically every characteristic that doesnt match his idea of his soulmate is a deal breaker. but also (even platonically), people that are too nice to any and everyone like it's their job (literally the page of swords), wild, independent, party people, superficial, immature (in his terms). doesn't like people that aren't interested in soulful subjects and/or practices, people that don't think of the future (spontaneous, careless, etc.), or don't study. people that think/dream small, can't see beyond their physical reality, don't support his fantasies, people stuck in reality (he daydreams all the time and loves to dress up as anime characters in real life). etc etc etc there's a lot more coming through, but this is a good sum up, I think .
7 of wands reversed, 4 of wands, 5 of swords reversed
people that get offended easily, he does playful banter even with his mom, so someone too serious doesn't work with him. maybe people that pursue him are a deal breaker, he may like the chase. someone that gets along too well with his friends (he's said he doesn't think men and women can be friends without feelings). "boring" people that don't like to bend the rules sometimes.
(jongho never gives me permission to read for him, unless I'm totally 300% available so that's a hint)
justice reversed, the world, the empress, ace of wands reversed
impulsive, reckless, hasty, self critical and judgemental of him, unfair/full of prejudice. someone that is too similar to his friends and/or their partners. too independent and in control, don't need him, also doesn't want someone that has a hectic schedule or travels too much, because he takes it slow and steady.
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asherloki · 1 year
The prompt is "You never asked me anything in return, you just showered love on me, and all I gave you was doubt, unfaithfulness and mistreatment." :)
Just honesty
Marc Spector x reader
Word count:- 1288
Warnings:- quite angsty actually!
A/n:- I didn't actually thought I could use this prompt for a moon boy, it was fun writing honestly, hope you like it.
Dialogue prompt list here!
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You were shocked when after a year of dating marc Spector you found out he has DID. All you ever ask for is honesty, you rather preferred him telling you right away than finding it out after a year out of nowhere.
"you could tell me marc, I would've understood" you said almost crying out of dishonesty, disappointment and sadness.
"I thought it'd freak you out, I thought you'd leave me" marc had his own reasoning too, you couldn't deny whatever his reason was to hide such thing from you was acceptable, you may have still stayed after hearing his mental illness but anyone else would've left him then and there, and anyway how was he to know. You forgave him, because why not, this man would do anything for you, anything to keep you happy. You knew one thing for sure, Marc Spector was the man who'd risk his life for you. Everything between you two went back to normal, until one day you found out another thing about him. Something that's unbelievable, Your boyfriend is an ex mercenary, yes ex but still, mercenary, he never said that. You being someone who'd prefer honesty had to deal with someone like Marc, who hid two very important things of his life from you. The one thing he never hid was him being moon knight, a superhero.
But this time it was enough for you, when you recieved the phone of his, the call from Bushman and heard all the things about his past you froze,
"I'm living with a... a.. freaking mercenary? no no no... it can't be... he's so sweet to me, nice to me he can't just..." your train of thoughts went on until a voice from behind interrupted.
"everything alright?" Marc, it was marc.
'the one I should confront' a voice in your head said. you slowly turned to face the liar, the one that was actually a liar in your eyes, your eyes were red out of crying, yet you didn't exactly cried. After the phone call you froze and tears streamed down your cheeks.
"baby, you're crying is everything..." he trailed off as he saw his phone in your hand " my phone". His heart gave a tug, that was enough for him to understand, the one secret that was left to discover was no longer a secret.
"Bushman " you said in your shakey voice, crying or rather shedding tears nonstop.
"he called? so I guess you know that..." before he could finish you said,
"mercenary". your face, the expression terrified the man thaf stood infront of you, it reminded him of his mother, when she blamed him for his dead brother.
"it's..." he couldn't say anything, what could he? what was there to say? everything is infront of you now.
"freaking mercenary" hurt, fear and disappointment was clear in your voice. Marc just stood there watching you, years of being blamed prepared him to not to cry, he didn't cry he just stood there.
"such a LIAR" you yelled at the word 'liar'.
"I didn't lie" Marc muttered under his breath.
"no, but you kept it hidden from me, and about your DID, what else now? what are you?"
he knew there wasn't anything left to discover but he still just stood there watching you. You stood there looking at the man you love, the image you had of him changing. Marc noticed the window behind you, the sky was cloudy, you always feared the thurders so he silently went passed you and closed the window so you don't be scared. You watched everything and laughed mocking his actions,
"oh my dear! oh Mr Marc Spector thinks he'd win me over again".
"I'm doing what I've always done, you fear the lightning so I... I'm sorry but I'm not a mercenary now" he said, ofcourse he wasn't anymore. but you could hardly let go off it, even though a voice in your head kept telling you 'please, you know he's the nicest guy to you, he's never hurt you, for a whole year as long as you've been together all he did is give you love and support, did you do the same?' the memories of him showering unconditional love on you played infront of you but then the scene infront of you was true too. You just wanted to run away, not caring about the weather,
"you know what?" you said looking at Marc "it's enough now, I'm... I'm going" that's all and you run. Marc could barely say anything but run after you, you ran down the stairs and landed on the road. The clouds, it terrified you, but better to run under it than being caught by Marc. So you thought and so you did. Following you marc landed on the road too, he didn't has it in him to utter a simple 'stop' to you. He knew how much his secrets hurted you and all he wanted was to hold in his arms and apologize.
You on the other hand ran, aimlessly, making all the few people outside stare until the Bright, flashing lightning lit up the sky like fireworks; banging, crashing thunder roaring furiously, sizzling, electrifying lightning zipping across the sky. It was a nightmare for you, all of these are nightmare for you anyway. but that was alot too handle, you fell on your knees, covering both your ears with your hands. Marc was terrified for you, he knew he'd freak you out but he had to, he held you in his arms as he too sat on the pavement. The sounds were terrifying, the flashing light reminded you of your life without these arms wrapped around you. Lonely, sad, scared. How can you smile without the man who did his best to keep you smiling? You let yourself fall into his arms and Marc tightened his grip around you. that's it, that's good, that's home. You allowed yourself to cry now, in his arms. After a minute or two you both stood up, that's when you saw Marc crying too, silently, like he always did when you doubted him, when you flirted with other men, when you took him for granted. Yet his hands reached to wipe your tears with a sad smile on his lips,
"I won't force you to stay, but I'd like if you forgive me, don't go like that please". he said with such pain that you could feel his heart was heavy,
"why do yoh care so much about me?" you enquired,
"because you know, I love you, you don't have to believe it but I do", he answered your question. You watched him, rather observed him. He lied or hid alot from you but one truth is that he genuinely loved you.
"You never asked me anything in return, you just showered love on me, and all I gave you was doubt, unfaithfulness and mistreatment." you said, tears still flowing down your eyes.
Marc's hand cupped your face as he said, " what can I do? one truth of my life is I love you" he then let go off you and turned around. He walked to his house knowing you'd sure leave him at this point. Until he heard footsteps and then saw your figure walking beside him to his house, he was confused ofcourse,
" you ... do you wanna come inside."
you looked at him with the expression of an annoyed girlfriend, the one he enjoyed extremely, " ofcourse, I need to get to my home, and these walls and rooms aren't my home, you are Marc, you are."
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lukabitch · 2 years
Sorry if the requests are closed I couldn't find a post detailing it
Anyway can I request trans masc reader who's too nice for they're own good and tries to talk sense into the killers
Preferably Wraith, Hillbilly and Bubba but I'm fine with Ghostface or anyone besides frank and freddy
Request are almost always open. The reader sounds like the most innocent thing in the realm. Thank you so much for the request! :)
Killers: Wraith, Hillbilly, and Bubba the baby boy.
Tw: typical dbd violence, mentions of cannibalism, parental abuse mentioned(Hillbilly and Bubba), transphobia.
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Oh okay.
He’s a bit confused but it doesn’t bother him as much.
He’ll just continue with the trial as usual but would give you the hatch.
Finds it cute when you try to talk him out of it every trial.
Usually ends up saying your too pure of heart.
Has told you on multiple occasions that he would stop if he could. It’s just a ghost haunting him.
Every damn time you would pull him into a hug telling him it doesn’t have to be like that.
He almost cries when you do this. Your just too sweet.
He would become more defiant to the Entity.
Practically protects you with his life. He won’t let anything happen to his sweet boy.
If someone was being transphobic towards you they will be missing a spine.
He has and will always be there for you. You mean too much to him to let you be upset.
He loves you with all his heart. You showed a side to him he thought was lost long ago.
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Someone actually showing genuine concern for him? He’s never had that happen before.
Seriously he literally melts from just you showing concern and trying to get him to change.
He’ll just let you ramble to him about how he could be a good person.
He always pats you on the head and walks off.
Even if he wanted to turn a new leaf he couldn’t exactly communicate that to you. He doesn’t know exactly how to speak because of the neglect and abuse of his parents.
He can only really make noises that sound like words. Lucky for him you were quick to notice what he was trying to say.
With how nice and innocent you are it repulses him to have to hurt you. He honestly doesn’t want to so he saves you for last to make it less painful.
He lets you go when he can.
Every time he does let you he sees you smile and lets you ramble about how you could let all of them go next time.
He never does let all of you go. He can’t take the beating the entity would give him.
If someone is being transphobic they will be horrifically dismembered.
One time you were trying to talk sense into him and a survivor yelled slurs at you from afar.
Yeah they didn’t last long he will protect with all his heart. It’s his only way to show that he cares without being sucked into the void.
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He’s incredibly confused.
Remember he was raised into believing that it was normal to eat people.
After awhile of you trying to talk him out of it he gets a bit weary. He truly takes your words to heart.
Remember how he treats Stretch in tcm2? He treats you very similar.
He’s kind to you and tries to keep you being alive low key. It doesn’t work at all but come on he’s trying! :(
He gives you a hug every time you try to talk him out of it.
He can’t communicate properly at all. He can only make a mess of noises and squeals.
He considers the two of you close and bring you gifts! Isn’t that lovely?
The gift was makeup, it makes him happy why wouldn’t you make happy?
You tried to explain to him. He does kind of understand what your saying just very loosely.
He just saw you become really uncomfortable when someone was calling you a girl.
It’s chainsaw time baby! He swung it like his life depends on it.
At the end of the day he wants to change for you because he cares about you. He just can’t change due to circumstances.
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yakuzacanons · 6 months
Hello, I hope you’ve been doing well and taking care ☺️! I’ve been lurking around your blog for the past month and I love your HCs so much but I always struggled with coming up with ideas of what to request, but I think I’ve finally got one: furniture shopping with their S/O!!! (I spent two hours on the sims on build/buy mode; I’m on an interior decorating mood rn)
What’s their favorite room to shop for? Who’s being extra particular over color schemes? Who prefers a big department store (like ikea), and who’s preferring going antique store hopping? Who ends up getting distracted/fixated upon random things (like curtains, kitchen appliances, linens)? Etc, etc… (please have fun with it!)
You can write this for ANYONE (literally, I enjoy reading your HCs for any character), but I would especially love it if you included Majima, Joon-Gi and Saeko 💕
Feel free to pass tho if the prompt just isn’t something you’re vibing with at the moment! Thank yoooou!!!
Teehee yes, forgive me for the long wait, I really tried to mull this one over. I'm only going to do the three characters your mentioned but please feel free to ask for more.
Majima Goro
Clueless and lost as all hell in the entire process. Fully understands that if the two of you are going to live together, you will have to furnish said living space but he knows nothing about furnishings.
It's not that he has bad taste or is stupid, he's just used to living an extremely bare bones lifestyle when it comes to home decor. His days working at the Grand were especially lean in regards to personal effects so it's highly likely that his house or apartment currently has the bare minimum requirements with little to no color or pizazz.
Tentative by excited to explore this new avenue with you, only because it's with YOU. Anyone else would've gotten the stink eye from him, probably.
Gets lost in large furniture stores, mostly because he gets distracted by some kitchen doohickey that he doesn't recognize and spends time trying to examine it and guess what it's used for. When he loses sight of you, he'll just wander the aisles yelling your name. It's easier if you just keep an eye on him.
Always a little surprised when you ask his opinion on things like colors and patterns. His style is a little chaotic overall but would it really be a home with Majima if it didn't have some chaos?
One thing you can bet on is the man is sitting in all the chairs and laying on matresses before buying em. Don't let him check out the cutlery sets, by the way. He'll want the pricey one.
Joon-Gi Han
Even though his current living space is pretty minimalistic, Joon-Gi has a pretty decent wealth of knowledge about various aspects of interior design. Blame it on him going down some YouTube rabbit hole in the middle of the night.
Isn't particular about what kind of store you go to, but if he happens to walk by an interesting looking home decor store, he will want to at least take a peak. Out of the three, he's the most likely to go to as many stores as possible rather than one.
Carefully examines every individual object, no matter the size or importance. Constantly weighing the differences between price, material, durability, etc.
Pretty good taste in things like bedspreads, towels, and curtains but isn't headstrong in his opinions. He's more like a "Oh, that towel would look with that floor mat..." type of guy.
His favorite room to shop for is the bathroom. Likes a nice set of towels in various sizes and a cute organization rack for things like skincare products.
Good at buying most electronics, like a television or computer. Unsure of what to buy for the kitchen when it comes to fancy things, like a stand mixer. Mostly just amazed at the amount of gadgets you can attach to it.
Saeko Mukoda
Very self sufficient and has a pretty nailed down personal aesthetic for herself and her house. Honestly, she could probably go furniture shopping by herself and get it all done in a weekend.
She's always keeping her budget in mind so she's the most likely of the 3 to go to a secondhand or antique store. Especially fond of going there for larger pieces of furniture, like a coffee table.
Her overall house aesthetic is clean but not minimalistic. Think warm but bright tones, not over saturated though. She doesn't mind adjusting this to accommodate your taste as long as her personal areas remain undisturbed, like the nightstand on her side of the bed or her makeup organizer.
Loves shopping for bedroom items. A good mattress and a fluffy pillow are a must for our working girl. Always buys two sets of matching bedspreads so that when one is dirty, the other can be used and still look cute while the other is in the wash.
Her secret weapon is that she knows the best way to organize items in the house. Great at getting useful organizers like baskets, holders, organizers, etc. Makes the most out of her space.
Do not ask her to buy electronics, she will just buy what's newest, which unfortunately means sometimes she will buy what's most expensive.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Robin's Friend Steve
When Robin comes back from summer break in ‘85, she keeps talking about her friend Steve. At first Casey doesn’t believe her, however, over time she observes the strange duo, who are attached at the hip.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: some of the girls are mean, like behind Robin's back
Casey has never been friends with Robin, no one really has. She’s too loud and talks too much and is just weird overall. There’s nothing wrong with her per se, she just doesn’t fit in. There is something different about her.
However the two have been in band together since middle school and are friendly in the halls. And sometimes she even sits with Casey’s group during lunch.
Robin is nice, everyone gets along with Robin, she just doesn’t tend to stick.
Honestly, Casey feels kind of bad for her, but she is awkward during sleep over games and can never gossip along, preferring to talk about her book than the cute boys in their school.
That is all to say that it is very weird when Robin joins them again for lunch, first day back senior year, and seems different in an unknown way. None of them can place a finger on it. It’s Jessica, who opens her mouth first asking: “Did you have a good summer, Robin?”
“Yeah,” Robin grins, oblivious to the stares send her ways. “I spend most of it with Steve, worked as an ice cream scooper together. It was fun, besides the whole mall burning down thing. He’s my schmuck, my dingus, you know. We watch movies together. He dropped me off at school this morning.”
“Steve?” Jessica asks, obviously as intrigued as Casey about this boy, the first one Robin has ever mentioned.
“He’s a bit of a goof, but he makes up for it,” Robin informs them happily and obliviously. “He doesn’t go here anymore, though.”
That makes a lot more sense to Casey, a stab of pitying sympathy going through her, Robin has made up a friend – a boyfriend maybe even – to fit in. There are a lot of boys named Steve who graduate each year, so it’s vague enough. It’s honestly a miracle she didn’t say he went to a different school and she met him on holiday.
More people seem to connect the same dots Casey has, because they smile at her awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Luckily Amy changes the topic, before it can get too awkward. She says: “You worked at the mall? Were you there when it burned down?”
It’s definitely more interesting than Robin’s made up friend, so they all lean in curiously. Everyone has heard of the tragedy, the rumors still churning the mills endlessly even if it has been almost two months ago. To hear a first hand account would make them a big player in the talks about it.
However, Robin stills, hunching into herself, before she swallows her bite. All the goofy playfulness is gone from her face and she nods: “Yeah, I was there.”
“What was it like?” Casey finds herself asking, practically holding her breath with the excitement at the admission.
“A lot more yelling than you’d expect,” Robin says tersely. “It was horrible.” At that she looks up, her face look a little haunted, making all of them wince back, unable to meet those eyes.
Robin takes a deep breath, then gets up and goes to sit at another a table. It houses the people who run the Hawkins High newspaper, but Robin doesn’t interact with any of them, except giving a small nod to Nancy Wheeler, before focusing on her meal.
The message is received by those in the band: Robin does not want to talk about the mall fire. She will actively walk away if you ask, as if it had been terrible, which does nothing to quell the rumors it brings with it.
Another weird facet to Robin Buckley.
Still, the first part of the conversation would likely have been forgotten due to the weirdness of the second part, were it not for the fact that Robin keeps mentioning her new friend, Steve. She brings him up whenever she can and it’s like they’ve moved in together with how much she knows about him and talks with and about him. If he’s even real that is.
Casey honestly doesn’t believe he is for a while. No one talks this much to one person. It’s weird to never spend time with anyone else. Even Jessica, who is now dating Micheal spends more time with other people.
“She makes up everything he says to fit in,” Jessica rolls her eyes when Casey expresses this. “She wants to have someone to mention like we do, but she doesn’t. She can know all those things about him, because she is the one coming up with it.”
“That’s kind of sad,” Amy comments. “I would rather just be alone than do such a thing.”
“I mean, I guess,” Casey says, she thought that too at first, but- “It’s just- She’s so consistent, you know? It always matches up.”
“God, do you think she has a notebook?” Amy giggles, Jessica joins in and that is the end of that conversation.
However, next band practice it happens again. They’re discussing The Breakfast Club and Robin interjects: “I liked Allison the best, but Steve liked Bender the best, which doesn’t even make sense, because he’s such a jock,” she wrinkles her nose. “I thought he would find solace in Andrew. He did, but he likes Bender better.”
And Casey can’t help, but think it’s weird Robin made up a person with such different hobbies to hers. She would think Robin would claim to have found someone like her, but instead she never seems to agree with his movie opinions or jocky-ness.
“What sports does Steve play?” Casey asks Robin, which gets her a few looks and some giggles, they probably think she is about to call Robin out on her made up friend, but she is genuinely curious what sort of person might befriend Robin.
“Well, he doesn’t do sport anymore, he graduated,” Robin starts. “But I think he still goes running, which is like insane. What kind of person even likes running? You get all sweaty. But I think he was on, like, every sports team before. He loves sports. He tries to explain, but I can never get it, you know? I only know basketball and swimming for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was more, the jock.” She fake shudders with a grin.
“Of course,” Casey smiles, the gesture feeling awkward and fake, though Robin doesn’t seem to notice. A guy who did every sport, yeah, right.
“Truly, it’s horrible,” Robin continues on, oblivious. “He tells me the scores of the game each morning. I guess it’s fair, because he watches my art house movies. He claims that they are at least, most of them are just classics and he’s uncultured. I mean, I love him to bits, but who hasn’t seen Citizen Kane?”
Casey herself hasn’t seen Citizen Kane either and wants to avoid getting a detailed explanation about it, so she cuts Robin off. She asks: “Why are you friends with this Steve if you have nothing in common?”
Robin pauses and looks at her like she is the crazy one, as if she suddenly has two heads. She answers: “Because he’s great,” like that is obvious information.
“Oh my god,” Jessica exclaims gleefully, suddenly interested in the conversation. “Robin, do you like Steve?”
If she’s honest, Robin kind of looks like she has never considered the possibility, however before Casey can be sure, the look is gone, replaced by a blush. “I- I mean, he is attractive,” she stutters and Casey can barely believe it.
Some rumors are going around about Robin and why she might never talk about a boy, but here she is, blushing about a boy.
It doesn’t occur to Casey that Robin might be embarrassed by the question, flushing under the sudden attention. She doesn’t think that Robin is stuttering, because she has to find an answer to protect herself, mentally bracing herself for the minefield she found herself in without warning.
“Tell me more,” Jessica demands.
“His, uhm- His hair is floppy and nice,” Robin starts, everyone oblivious that she is thinking off what all the girls said when Steve was in the back room when they worked at Scoops Ahoy. “And he’s nice.”
Casey almost can’t believe her ears as she pounces on the topic with Amy and Jessica, sadly interrupted by the teacher, who cuts the conversation short, before they can truly get into it. Robin slinking away.
After that, she avoids them, however the curiosity of Casey and the others has been sparked and they discuss it later.
“This makes so much sense,” Jessica exclaims. “She didn’t make him up, but she isn’t friends with this guy! She just imagines she is, because she likes him.”
“Which Steve do you think it is?” Casey wonders, able to picture what Jessica is sketching, feeling bad for Robin.
“Oh my god, do you think it’s Steve Harrington,” Amy exclaims. “I think my sister said he works at Family Video now, doesn’t Robin work there too?”
“He totally does,” Jessica agrees, looking like someone gave her a goldmine. “I can’t believe Buckley has a crush on king Steve.”
“She did seem obsessed with him, remember, when they shared Mrs. Click’s class,” Casey brings up, having also been in that class.
“Exactly,” Jessica agrees, excitedly.
“That’s so sad,” Amy says, not sounding like she pities Robin much. “That she makes up that he is friends with her.”
Casey feels a little uncomfortable at the comment, it sounds a bit too mean. Especially when Jessica adds: “Yeah, at that point go all in and say you’re dating.”
“Maybe she’s friendly with him, if they work together,” Casey says. “She might have exaggerated a bit, but it’s not too out there.”
“Come on, Casey,” Amy rolls her eyes. “She claims he drives her to school every morning. You don’t believe that, do you?”
“I guess not,” Casey says, not wanting to be excluded from their group. She is a band nerd, she knows to be happy with the friends she has, okay.
However, the next morning, before band practice, they all linger outside, instead of waiting inside with the rest. Robin is hardly ever late, so they don’t really worry. They’re just curious why Robin thinks she can keep up the lie when anyone can just check in the morning.
The car that rolls up is quite obviously not Steve Harrington’s. It’s a bit beat up and behind the wheel is an older man with glasses. Robin says goodbye to the man, stumbling out.
As to not look conspicuous, Jessica light a cigarette and waits until Robin is nearby, before she says: “I didn’t know your dad’s name is Steve, Robin.”
Casey cringes at the faux-sweet tone that Robin doesn’t pick up. Her heart plummeting when she replies: “It isn’t, his name is Frank. Truly an old man name in my opinion, like, who names their kid Frank, honestly. Steve was busy,” without seeing the trap.
“Really?” Jessica asks, faking interest. “What was he doing?”
“Oh,” Robin says surprised and shifts her eyes away. She shrugs: “I don’t know, I don’t live in his pocket, you know.”
The whole thing feels like a lie, because it is. Robin knows exactly where Steve is. His parents are home, so he has to play house with them. He hates it and she isn’t about to tell some random people that, there’s a besties code. Plus, she doesn’t want to fake a crush on Steve. Iew.
Of course, Casey doesn’t know this and winces, knowing what sort of rumors will be circulating about Robin by the time lunch period arrives.
“Just thought you would,” Jessica shrugs, like she actually was and stubs the cigarette. “Walk to practice together?”
“Sure,” Robin smiles, seemingly relieved the conversation is over and not seeing the look Amy and Jessica share. Casey keeps her eyes on the ground, not wanting to be in on the look. Robin seems a lot nicer than her own friends.
Indeed, rumors circulate about Robin. About how she’s making up being friends with Steve Harrington, like a sad weirdo.
And Robin remains painfully oblivious. She still talks about Steve daily, brings him up at practice or during lunch. Sometimes however, she falter as she does, glancing around. It makes Casey feel like she does know that she isn’t believed. In those moments, she can’t look Robin in her eyes, guilt eating at her.
It feels a bit like passive aggressive warfare. Robin’s ability to bring Steve into every conversation she has vs. the ability of the other to not snap that she should stop lying. Tensions that are rising and bound to break.
However, before they can, the impossible happens.
It’s an after school practice and Robin is doing that thing she does when she’s anxious when she’s unable to stand still. Casey notes she doesn’t have her trumpet with her.
“Where is your trumpet?” Vickie asks. Casey doesn’t really talk to Vickie, but she seems nice enough and her words stop Robin’s nervous fiddling, which Casey is grateful for. It can be really distracting.
“I, uh- I forgot it,” Robin squeaks.
Vickie frowns for a second, then smiles, putting an arm on her shoulder as she says: “I’m sure there is a spare. Don’t worry.”
“Oh, uhm, thank you,” Robin stutters, now blushing. She must be embarrassed at being called out like that, Casey thinks. Then Robin finds her footing again: “That is really nice, but it’s fine. Well, it’s not fine that I forgot, because I need it, so that sucks. I’m always forgetting stuff when I shouldn’t and it’s annoying, so I know it’s not fine. Sorry, what I’m trying to say, it’s- I called Steve, he’s bringing it over.”
Now, it is up to Vickie, whether she will go along with it, or tell Robin that she can’t rely on her imaginary friend to bring her stuff. Casey thinks Vickie will go along with it, never one to believe rumors. However that still leaves everyone in proxy, who heard.
Before anyone can make a decision, a different voice calls out: “Oi, Robbie, come get your flute thingy.”
Robin’s head whips around, big smile on her face, though she complains: “It’s not a flute thingy, dingus, you know that. It’s a trumpet. A glorious instrument that should be honored by all-”
“Yeah, yeah.” She is cut off, at the door stands none other than Steve Harrington. His hair is perfectly coiffed and his muscles bulge under his polo. He waves Robin’s rambling away, but he’s giving her an equally big grin. “If it’s such a glorious instrument, you shouldn’t leave it in my car like you do with all your other shit.”
Casey honestly can’t quite believe it. No one there can. It is actual king Steve, who took time out of his day to bring Robin her trumpet. The trumpet she left in his car. She hasn’t been lying. Robin Buckley is friends with Steve Harrington.
“You love all my shit. Besides, it’s not that bad,” Robin argues, taking the trumpet and pulling Steve into a hug.
“Yes, it is that bad,” Steve protests as he hugs Robin back, head resting on hers. “I don’t even know why you own that many hair ties, you don’t even have hair.”
Offended Robin pulls back and says: “I have hair, you’ve braided it. Just because I’m not like you, Mr. Hair, doesn’t mean you can insult my locks.”
In turn Steve sticks out his tongue and they continue to bicker. The rest of band just watches the duo, unsure of what to think. Ever since that first hug, they haven’t let go of each other, arms looped around waists even as they argue about Robin’s hair tie habits and Steve’s nickpicky-ness surrounding his car.
They look comfortable, so intertwined together, Casey thinks. However, she isn’t reminded of Jessica, who is often disgustingly wrapped up in Micheal, instead she is more reminded of her two baby cousins. Twins. They never leave each other alone. Robin and Steve look like them as they talk.
The duo is cut off by the teacher, who comes in and calls out: “Everyone get ready. Yes, that includes you, Buckley. Say bye to your boyfriend.”
Steve and Robin share a look, before they burst into giggles. Steve plants a kiss on Robin’s forehead, Robin leaves one on his cheek. Then she’s walking back to her spot, though she keeps hold of Steve’s hand until he is too far to keep a hold off. They keep waving until the door is closed and Steve leaves, practice beginning.
After that, different rumors pop up. These spread further than band, being deemed more juicy than a delusional girl.
Because that girl isn’t delusional. She is friends with Steve Harrington, the king of Hawkins High, even if he lost that throne to Billy in the end. Steve has befriended someone, who no one would have ever thought. Of course people want to know.
Amy and Jessica enjoy the attention, however, Casey feels uncomfortable. They hadn’t believed Robin and now they were talking about her and what she told them like they always had. Just to be popular.
Casey doesn’t want to be an outcast, she wants to fit in and have an okay high school experience before she can get out of Hawkins and move to college. Amy and Jessica have always been her friends and she doesn’t want to give that up.
However, she finds herself sitting with Vickie during lunch more and more often as her friends parade around the tables with the more popular kids.
Robin has taken to sitting with Nancy during lunch. The friendship stirring more rumors, since Nancy is Steve’s ex and Robin is either Steve’s girlfriend or illicit sibling if you want to believe what people say.
Not only that, but it seems that with the conformation, Casey sees the duo everywhere.
She is out to buy some ice cream, the last of the nice days of the year and there is Steve, Robin hanging off him as a little black girl who’s with them says: “You made a deal, sailor. I want four scoops.”
“You never finish four scoops,” Steve protests. “Plus, all that sugar is horrible for your teeth, your mom will kill me. You can have two. I’m serious, Erica.”
Erica turns to Robin, lifting an eyebrow as she asks: “Do you know something about honoring of contracts or do you need me to pull out the constitution?”
“I don’t know, do you want me to explain to him that contracts with minors aren’t upheld by most courts?” Robin counters. “Just let him pay for the two.”
“Fine,” Erica says after a moment, throwing up her hands.
“Thanks, Rob,” Steve tells her, nuzzling his face into her neck.
“Course, dingus,” Robin smiles back, ruffling his hair, a thing that seems illegal to Casey. Though the whole interaction in front of her already seems like something from another dimension.
Casey also spots Robin getting out of the very recognizable car that Steve owns at the drop off each morning. Sometimes they’re joined by a Freshman, but often it is just the two of them. Whenever she goes, she gives Steve this big hug that he returns, the two of them clinging to each other as if they’re afraid to let go.
And every time Casey sees them, they look happy. They have lively conversations, hold hands, give each other big grins.
At some point Casey sees them walk on a cold day. Robin is inside Steve’s coat, the two of them sharing it as they awkwardly hobble along. She hears Robin loudly say: “This sucks. It’s almost as cold as that bunker.”
“That wasn’t this bad, you just don’t know how to dress for the weather,” Steve protests.
“I do, the weatherman just lied to me,” Robin pouts. Whatever Steve replies to that is lost as the distance between the duo and Casey grows bigger.
If Casey is honest, she is quite jealous of the easy friendship the two seem to share. Amy and Jessica always make Casey feel like there are wrong answers or if she can do the wrong thing and be dropped. Steve and Robin seem to just like each other, even if they disagree on things. Though, Casey suspects they just like debating over random things.
She wonders what it is like to have a friend like that, but she doesn’t dare approach Robin. A part of her still wants to get out of high school semi-normally and befriending Robin is counterproductive in that. So, she just watches from the sidelines.
They go together to homecoming, both in suits and dancing like idiots. Neither of them seem to care about the stares, wrapped up in their own worlds.
Robin briefly shows up to a Halloween party, has one drink, then disappears into a toilet. Steve later shows up, uninvited and picks her up. She looks shaken and clings to him as he soothes her. Casey wonders what happened, but doesn’t dare to ask. Even if she had, she wouldn’t have been told about a bunker under the ground and cold needles.
Over winter break, they’re everywhere together as well, even if they’re not working. Casey is reminded of what she thought when Robin was lying, about how they must have moved in together with how much she seems to know about him. Looking at them sharing a scarf that doesn’t seem so far fetched.
Of course after winter break, school truly takes off. They’re all drowning in acceptance essays, mock exams and stress. No one is immune.
Casey looses sight of Robin and Steve, the odd duo not important enough for her as she tries to get into a good college with her grades.
Amy and Jessica barely hang out with her anymore. She stopped seeking them out a while ago and they haven’t cared to reach out to her again. It’s a bit lonely, she’ll admit, but she can use the time to study and do volunteer work that’ll look good on her college applications. Besides, she has been feeling better about herself without her old friends.
1986 is shaping up to be a pretty good year with the Hawkin’s Tigers going to the championships for the first time in years. This obviously means that band is there as well for the prep rally. Casey isn’t in the same section as Robin, but she’s close enough.
She isn’t sure if she should be surprised that Steve is also there and the two manage to make jokes through the National Anthem. However, she can’t help but note that Steve keeps ignoring his date to make faces at Robin. How he seems to have changed from when he was in school.
They have become part of her scenery over the past half year, she realizes. The duo has been popping up everywhere and she quite likes observing their weirdly close antics. When asked if they were dating, Robin denied it and she looked genuine. Casey believes her, unable to shake the twins from her mind when she looks at them.
A part of her wonders what made the two so close after the summer, when before then they had seemingly never interacted. Another part of her is resigned to it remaining a mystery, the odd duo continuing to be odd to the end.
However, they are blasted out of her mind when the news of Chrissy’s death hits the news. The whole town is on edge, looking for the unfamiliar. If Casey would have thought about Steve and Robin, she only would have noticed that the two seemed to have disappeared from the streets, likely in hiding as so many other that were afraid.
Casey herself is very afraid. She kind of looks like Chrissy and while the other two targets were boys, she can’t help but fear he has a type. That she’ll be a target.
It is almost funny how quickly worrying about a murderer can be overshadowed by something bigger. Way bigger. Hawkins splitting open kind of bigger.
She is lucky that her house has survived. Still, her parents are taking her a few towns over to where her grandma lives, hoping to let Casey graduate there on time, since Hawkins High now functions as shelter. They’re not yet selling the house, it’s worth less that its mortgage now and both her mother and father hope to return. Both grew up there and both wish to stay.
Right now Casey is delivering some stuff to the shelter, everyone wants to help those less fortunate after the earthquake and her mother has been planning on doing a deep clean anyway. All the clothes Casey has outgrown can be used by someone else.
And it is not until she is on her way to bring the clothes to the folding table that she remembers the duo, because Steve is folding clothes.
The moment she sees him – she knows Robin must be okay too, a stab of guilt for not worrying about her earlier going through her – because there is no way Steve could look like that if Robin had been hurt. Not even if the world got flipped upside down. Those are a package deal.
Indeed as she gets closer, she spots Robin at a table with Vickie, the two of them laughing as they make sandwiches. They look happy despite it all and Casey feels a little bit of jealousy in her bones as she watches.
Casey has never been friends with Robin, but when she sees the people she has befriended, she wishes she had. Robin loves them loudly and wholly and that seems like a nice thing to have, people who care. It’s different than what Casey knows.
She stays a few minutes, sees Vickie say goodbye, before Robin makes big eyes at Steve and runs to him, jumping on his back. Steve catches her like this is routine, swinging her around, before setting her down.
There’s a lot of tragedy in this town, but they have found happiness in the other.
I hate all the girls I made up so much!!! It was so hard to write them, bc I keep wanting to fight them ://// (I couldn’t keep writing this and have Casey be too mean, lmao, I had to make her a little bit nicer to not throw this out omg)
Also Robin is at that intersection where she doesn’t notice the indirect digs at her, but she knows that she is being excluded in some way and sometimes she chooses to ignore it, trust me, she’s aware :(
But I hope this came across well enough with the outsiders POV! Steve and Robin are besties, always together and a little odd and I love that for them <3
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prismuffin · 7 months
Hey. Can I send in a watch dogs request please when sitara is R’s older sister, and they are mute; and Sitara is really protective of them like Josh? Maybe like someone makes fun of them online or something and Sitara goes full big sister mode and comforts R while going after whoever sent the messages?
A/n: sorry if this is a bit short anon but also I enjoyed writing for watchdogs !! Gn Reader !!
Simple Mistake
Sitara Dhawan x mute!younger!sibling!reader
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( summary: when the HQ gets hacked by some trolls with a petty grudge against "S1lentz0" they don't necessarily hold back on the idiot that left them such an obvious trail to follow, you )
warnings?: cyberbullying, swearing, talks of violence and guns, reader knows sign language!! ( italics are sign language )
!-!more under the cut!-!
You hadn't meant for this to happen honestly. You were in the hackerspace in your usual spot on the couch just patching up some code in the servers on your laptop. Recently Lenni had hacked into your guys' network and left so many backdoors and holes in your servers meaning you were much more susceptible to hacks these days. If you didn't patch this now who knows who could hack you next. You typed away at the keyboard your eyes following line after line of code when Wrench called for you. You were busy, but he said it'd only be a second and that if you didn't hold a very specific wire for him while he searched for his pliers then the thing he was working on would blow up in all of your faces, literally. Josh was busy with a similar task to yours, patching up the network after Lenni got in and removing any potential backdoors she could've left. Sitara was helping Markus with the 3D printer as he got ready to leave for another physical hack across LA. So you reluctantly looked away from your laptop, leaving your unfinished vulnerable servers for just a minute too long.
Sitara shot you a smile as she noticed you walking over to Wrench and you shot her one back. It was nice that even after all these years you still had a good relationship with your older sister. Not a lot of siblings can say that they stay as close as you two have. You look up to Sitara, the way she's so bold in both her art and real life, sometimes you wish you could be like that.
But you're not.
And that thought alone used to bug you so much but Sitara reassured you that you were perfectly fine as you. She's always looked out for you since you two were kids. Being mute and more reserved, it was a lot harder to make friends or to feel useful most days. There was always something bad happening in the world and you felt terrible knowing there was often nothing you could to to help. But after joining Dedsec as 'S1lentz0' with Sitara you've found that there are tons of different people in the world just like you and they're all helpful in their own ways.
Speaking of helpful, you cautiously grabbed the wire that Wrench held. "Good now keep that steady, don't let it touch any other wires or we're all dead...mmm- probably." He ranted as he ducked underneath his workstation in search of his preferred tool. You glanced down at him every so often, cursing in your hands as your hands struggled to stay perfectly steady, though with the amount of energy drinks the whole team downs you're not entirely shocked that you can't help the involuntary motion. "Aha!" Wrench yelled, shooting up only to hit his head on the underside of the table, making the whole thing shake. Your eyes widened as sparks flew momentarily before you grabbed the device to steady it before the wire could react with anything else. "owww," Wrench groaned as he stood up straight, rubbing the back of his head, his mask showing his displeasure. You breathed out a sigh of relief at the lack of any sort of explosion before Wrench took over again, grabbing the wire from your hand delicately as he looked at you. "Your presence is appreciated my dear friend," he put on a fake British accent as he spoke, patting your cheek with the pliers twice before focusing his attention back on the device. You nodded and took that as your cue to leave. Walking back over to your laptop, you huffed down onto the couch with a sigh ready to get back to work.
The sound of beeping caught your attention and you froze, grabbing your laptop you stared at the screen with wide eyes as some stupid animation of a snake firing a gun with its tail played. It shot through your code, 1's and 0's flying everywhere as a mechanical laugh played. The snake slithered into the hole it shot and suddenly the rest of the TVs in your hackerspace were projecting the image of the snake. "What the hell is that?" Marcus questioned making everyone stop to peer at the screens. You cursed in your head as you frantically tried to stop the hack before it could get any worse.
At this point, the damage was already done though. Everyone crowded around the screens as a mechanical voice spoke. "S1lentz0 has left you vulnerable. That quiet idiot can't code to save their miserable life." It spoke, and you jumped reacting as if their words had physically hit you. You just tried to ignore their words as you started to lock them out of your system.
Sitara's jaw clenched as she stared at the screens. "Don't you talk about them like that you worthless pricks." She spat, anger evident in her voice as she crossed her arms. The voice let out the same mechanical laugh from before and Sitara only glared at the sound. "They brought down our encryptions and stole our codes to fix your vulnerable systems and thought we simply wouldn't take notice?" You'd began to sweat slightly as your fingers typed rapidly to shut them down. "Wait, so you're calling them worthless because they hacked you and took down your precious encryptions?" Marcus asked, holding back a laugh at their petty reasoning. "Snakes with cowboy hats? Who's idea was that?" Wrench spoke up, laughing much more boldly than Marcus making Josh roll his eyes at the situation. "I've heard of these guys, they're a newer hacker group called Ouroboros. Their systems are so outdated, I'm not shocked that you got your shit hacked and taken down so quickly," Sitara spoke, still glaring at the screen as she continued. "Don't be mad because my little sibling outsmarted your dumbass encryptions. The only reason you're even here is because some other hacker group weakened our system, not because you're skilled hackers." The mechanical voice tried spitting back but was washed from the screens as you finally kicked them out for good, patching up your network in the process.
With a sigh your head fell into your hands, you felt so bad that you let this happen. "welp, that was stupid," Marcus said before going back over to the printer but Sitara was looking at you. Her eyebrows were furrowed with worry as she saw you with your head in your hands, knowing exactly what you were thinking. Walking over to the couch she crouched down next to you, placing her hand on your knee as she softly called your name. "Y/n," You peeked from your hands to look at her. 'I'm sorry,' you signed, 'I didn't mean to leave us vulnerable.' you frowned, looking back towards your laptop to avoid her eye. Sitara sighed before moving to sit next to you. With a smile she bumped your shoulder and you looked at her again. "Hey, it's not your fault ok? If we're gonna blame anyone here its Lenni. She was the one to leave us vulnerable, you were just trying to fix it." 'Yeah but I got distracted.' "And that's completely ok," she placed her hand on your shoulder and you leaned into the comfort now going into a side hug with her. 'Is it really?' you signed, and she smiled "Yes! It is y/n, nobody's blaming you hun just look around." She was right, everyone had simply went back to their original tasks. It was almost as if you guys hadn't got hacked only a few minutes prior. "Those guys that hacked us are just run of this mill idiots they don't pose any real threat." She said with a playful roll of her eyes and you hesitantly smiled at her wording.
You guess she was right, you'd only hacked them a while ago to steal some parts of their firewall that you thought would be useful in your own. You often do that, stealing multiple different encryptions and putting them all together for one mega-encryption that was damn hard to hack. "Don't beat yourself up over this alright y/n? Trust me, me and Marcus are gonna get them back, right Marcus?" She smiled at the approaching male, "Damn right," Marcus said with a smirk, placing his newly made zap-gun in a holster under his hoodie.
Moving out of the hug you turned and smiled at Marcus. 'Thanks you guys,' You signed and Marcus looked at Sitara for translation, he was trying to learn more ASL for you but it's a lot harder than he thought it'd be. "You're welcome Y/n," She said, eyeing Marcus as she placed a hand on your head and Marcus nodded. You couldn't help but feel better at the interaction. Just having confirmation that they had your back in situations like these was enough to make you beam. You truly loved your team at Dedsec and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
( I'm very iffy on this one tbh I kinda don't like how I wrote it but imma post it anywayyyyy !!! )
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are CLOSED !! Check my req rules and info to see when/if they're open again !!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Snow and Memories in Sumeru
Summary: Heya @tickly-trashcan!!^^ I ended up getting you for the squealing santa event, so I decided to use the pairing of Cyno and Tighnari with the wake up tickles prompt because I absolutely adore these two! I really hope you enjoy it and that you had a happy holiday! Also, thanks so much to our amazing host this year, @hypahticklish!! I had a ton of fun participating in this and I can't wait until next year!!
"Alright that's it, stop being stubborn and get up already. I'm not gonna tell you again..."
"Tighnari, I'm warning you...."
"Ngh, nooo... Go 'way... Lemme sleep you lummox..."
Feeling his eye starting to twitch in annoyance of his friend's unusually crabby attitude, Cyno watched as the half asleep forest ranger merely rolled over and continued to doze, the comfy blankets of Alhaitham's guest bedroom bunched up around him in a messy tangle of chaos.
On any normal day, Cyno wouldn't have really minded so much if his friend wanted to sleep in a little. In fact, he would even go as far to say that he preferred it when thinking back on all the times he'd had to practically force Tighnari to stop studying long enough to sleep back when he was still a student.
It was honestly kinda nice to see him this relaxed and carefree, and he might have even felt a little bit bad for trying to wake him... if not for the circumstances.
Taking a quick peek out the window, Cyno let out a little sigh of relief to see that the tiny flecks of white snowfall that had been his original reason for waking him up in the first place were still falling, and rather heavily in fact.
It had honestly came as quite a shock to him at first when he'd seen it. Afterall, it was pretty rare that Sumeru ever got any snow at all, and if his memory was correct, he and Tighnari had still been small children at the time. Back when the biggest concerns either of them had were climbing trees to get fruit or playing loosely ruled games of Invokation TCG that usually ended in either an argument or a rather competitive tickle fight...
Wait, now there's an idea...
"Tighnari. I'm gonna give you ten more seconds to get out of that bed, or else... Ten."
No movement...
Still nothing...
"Eight... Seven... Six..."
All the way down to the very last numbers, Tighnari still didn't budge an inch. Cyno sighed.
"...One. Ok then. If that's how you wanna play it. Don't say I didn't warn you..."
Not wanting to waste even another second, the general quickly lunged at his friend's sleeping form, earning a surprised yelp from the unsuspecting forest ranger as the force of his landing on the bed made the entire thing jostle for a moment, and at long last, the fox finally raised his head up, presumably to yell at the wannabe jokester for the disturbance...
Only to immediately shut his mouth again and freeze up when he caught sight of both the threatening look in his friend's eyes, and more importantly, the clawlike, wiggling fingers that he was slowly creeping towards him with.
Oh no...
"W-Wait Cyno, hang on, let's just talk about this like adults alright? W-We're not kids anymore, this is childish! There's no need to- WAHAHA!! AHAhahaha- NO!! Plehehease Cynohohohooo!! Wahahait not thahahahahaaat!!"
Tighnari cried as he was finally pounced upon, having been unable to make a run for it in time due to the seemingly infinite amount of sheets that his legs were currently tangled in.
Cyno couldn't help but chuckle a little at the panicked look on his friend's face as he proceeded to latch onto his sides, sending the poor botanist into a near instant fit of hysterics before he could even begin to properly try and talk his way out of it.
"Sorry, but I'm afraid begging isn't going to do you any good now, my friend." The general stated, sounding comically like this entire ordeal was even more tiring for him than Tighnari, "I already tried waking you up the nice way several times, and yet you still refused me each time, even going so far as to use the little bit of wakefulness you did manage to muster just to insult me before going back to sleep, and yet you expect me to show mercy now?"
He asked indignantly, and perhaps Tighnari was even starting to feel a little bit bad about it...
"Now, doesn't that seem rather, inconsleeperate, of you?"
Ok. Scratch that. He was going to kill him after this, actually...
"Yohohou absohoholute idiohohohohot!!" Not paying any mind to Tighnari's annoyed little half-growl half-giggle in response to the pun, the general smiled, feeling just a tad bit nostalgic of that first snow day back in their younger days.
Ah. Right. The snow.
"Alright. That's enough of that then I suppose." He sighed, finally releasing his friend after only a couple more seconds, watching fondly as the poor forest ranger continued to giggle tiredly, "Let's go. Hurry up, before the snow stops."
A beat.
Another. And then...
"Snow?! In Sumeru?!" Aaand, just like that, the fox was already up and gone, just barely remembering to pull on a pair of boots and a jacket before he was out the door, research journal in hand as he went out into the chilly weather, presumably to start researching how the current environment was faring in such unfamiliar circumstances.
Cyno couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of his normally composed friend's excited smile. Perhaps those two curious young children they'd both once been back then, weren't so very far removed from them afterall...
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Tommy Boy
Hi I know that technically Specs and Tommy tied But I didn't want to make any of y'all to wait any longer I'm so sorry to that one specific person who always reblogs our polls with Specs hype
T/W for transphobia & Refuge talk below the break
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “Pepp’mints! Really like the sof’ ones.”
Color: “Yella. Like the sun. N sunflowers.”
Season: “I don’ have a pa’ticler favorite season.”
Weather: “Sunny. I like sunny days ‘cos then I get to walk ‘round an’ hawk wit’ me fellas.”
Hobby: “Jacobi le’me help in the kitchen once. That was real fun. Wish he woul’ le’me do it again.”
Animal: “Do Blink count? I’on think I knows ‘nough animals to have a favorite.”
Memory: “Movin’ to Manhattan. Ev’ryone was real nice. Finch was gon’ fight ev’ryone that ain’t get my gender right.”
Comfort Item: “I don’t really got one. Ain’t never really had nothin’ to keep.”
Buckle up folks, this one’s real fucked up
Tommy Boy pretends to hate his nickname but it makes him feel fluttery inside. He rolls his eyes and groans and shoves Finch every time he says Tommy Boy/my main man/my home boy/anything else with boy or man. But it makes him giddy and excited
Because he’s a boy
And he knows all the others would fight for him
And that makes him feel real nice
Only knows how to solve things with his fist (but he and Albert are learning together)
He’s also still learning how to take compassion from the newsies. And how to not flinch when the others go to high five or hug him
Because non pain inducing hands on him is weird
He puts his hands in his pockets because he’s scared of hurting his friends or scaring them
He tells everyone it’s so he doesn’t get pickpocketed
Surprisingly good at cooking
Honestly dumb as fuck
Like most of the newsies have either street or book smarts
Tommy has neither
Puts the sexy in dyslexia
Thinks he can do no wrong
Not in a pretentious way 
In a “I just learned I had dyslexia, something I’ve been angry about my whole life, but when someone explained what it was to me, it doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s just a part of me and that’s neat” like a psychopath
Just kinda very aware of the fact that no one is made perfectly, and has come to terms with that
Likes to pull pranks
No longer dumb enough to pull them on Elmer or Davey 
Because they always know
And they know where he hides
And that’s not fair
He’s an angry crier. And he hates it. He hates crying, it makes him feel weaker than he already does when his emotions get the better of him
When he’s only a little mad, he yells to try and feel bigger (it’s a defense mechanism), if it gets worse he starts crying (even though he tries and fights it), and if it keeps getting worse he starts hitting things (he usually turns his anger to trees or punching bags. Inanimate objects. He doesn’t like hurting people), but it’s when he goes silent that’s the scariest. Because no one can tell what he’s thinking or what’s gonna happen. And he just stews in it
Loves music. Prefers music without words, but hates classical music.
When he gets affectionate, he likes holding people (and by people I mean Mush and Specs and Blink and occasionally Finch) but when he gets real deep in his head he needs to be held and his hair played with and just told that everything’s gonna be okay. His head is a dark fucking place. And he sometimes needs help finding his way out.
Jojo used to attack him with cuddles and hugs when he’d get too wound up
That earned Jojo several black eyes when they were first happening
“I love you Tommy Boy”
“Fuck you”
Flirty comments come easy to him. Except when it comes to his partners. They make him so nervous
Was really wary of Les and Davey hanging around, because they felt like outsiders, but Les once roasted Morris so hard that Tommy laughed for at least half an hour. He stayed close to Les when the brothers would come around.
He didn't wanna miss anything else the kid said.
Originally from Brooklyn, but they were too rowdy and angry, he kept getting triggered into panic attacks (and also a few of them kept deadnaming and misgendering him) so he moved to Manhattan
Most of the newsies that don’t know him are intimidated. 
“That’s Tommy from Brooklyn… I hear they kicked him ‘cross the bridge because he was too wild for even Spot Conlon”
Doesn’t care about the rumors. He’s okay with intimidating the people he doesn’t know.
Real fucked up backstory shit:
His birth name was Tamsyn, and he had a twin brother named Thomas. 
His brother was the first person he’d told about feeling more like a boy than a girl. And Thomas was so supportive of him. 
And one day, Thomas disappeared. 
Tommy’s dad wouldn’t tell him what happened, just that Tommy didn’t have a brother anymore. 
And Tommy knew that he was in danger. And he ran away. He stole some clothes to blend in with the newsboys on the street, got sent to the Refuge for three months, where he was kept in the feminine section of the prison.
Tommy was originally sentenced to one month, but he fought against Snyder when he tried to take Bumlets away, once he realized what was happening.
He stood up for others in the Refuge who were getting bullied and abused by Snyder.
He ended up at the Brooklyn boarding house not long after his release. He’d gotten tougher and buff while in the Refuge, and he’d finally gotten some clothes to wear (and keep)
Not many of them were too kind about his transition. Spot had only just become a leader for the boys, and was still trying to get his regime under control. Hotshot was one of the kindest to him, and one of the few he told about leaving.
Spot, Hotshot, and Swipe were the only three he told.
He crossed the bridge to Manhattan, talking to Kloppman about everything that had happened, and moved in that same night. 
He adopted his brother’s name in honor of him, but the others thought Thomas was too hoity toity for a newsie, so they called him Tommy. 
And then he told them that he hadn’t always been a boy, and that’s why he got called Tamsyn and she a lot. 
And so Finch starts his crusade to get everyone to call him Tommy Boy.
I hope y'all loved reading that as much as I loved writing it
Please no one mention how it's been not even a week and we already messed up our timing again
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picklebunbun · 7 months
Hiii humm when you can , could you make a Mouse Ka Boom x reader who prefers to solve other people's problems rather than solving their own problem, and could it be romantic please?
“unfortunate people pleaser”
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hc or oneshot/series?: oneshot
gn reader, gn terms, they/them pronouns
genre: very angsty (I live to make people miserable | (• ◡•)|) but also a sprinkle of fluff
romantic/platonic?: romantic
fandom: HTF
cw: nothing really
(angel’s note🪽: aghh! Yes, I know updates have been slow and I’m sorry! I am sick rn but the medicine really helped)
italics: thinking, bold: yelling
Mouse KA Boom is red, you are purple.
~3rd person POV~
He’s been noticing a pattern recently, maybe he shouldn’t ponder on about it, but it’s his responsibility to be concerned since he is [name’s] significant other. The pattern was [name] trying to find ways to help the people around them, it’s not like it was bad that [name] wanted to help people, it was just the fact that they would drop whatever they were doing to help the person.
What was even weirder is how isolated and closed off [name] was. It made communication frustrating; you can’t truly know the person if they won’t tell you what they’re feeling. It was concerning to say the least. Maybe he should’ve just dropped it, there was no way to budge [name]. Mouse KA Boom was currently eyeing them from across the living room, not realizing that [name] had noticed until a soft voice spoke up to rip him from his trance.
“is something wrong, dear? You’ve been looking at me for quite a while..”
Mouse KA Boom had an exaggerated response to what [name] said, making it completely obvious that something was indeed in his mind.
“HAH?! Sorry! No! There’s nothing wrong at all!”
The soft giggling from his lover made him fall in love all over again, until he remembered what he was going to say to [name]. How should he say it though? "hey, Honey! I've noticed that you ignore your own needs and replacing them by helping other people, you also don't communicate with me, do you want to talk about it even though I just said that you don't talk about your feelings to me?", way too direct, he should ease them into it. He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't nervous talking about something like this
"uh- actually! There was something.."
[Name's] head shot up as their [husband/fiancée/boyfriend] suddenly spoke up. They're head slightly tilting to the side, listening intently on what he was about to say. Those little actions made Mouse KA Boom's heart melt; [name] just looked so cute!
"well, honestly? You've been worrying me a bit lately.. I've noticed that you haven't been honest on how you actually feel"
Sweat beads dropped from [name's] face, they definitely weren't expecting this. Being sentimental with other people was always a difficult task for them, whether or not they were just embarrassed by saying so, or if it was another reason. [Name] just stared at Mouse KA Boom, not saying anything, they felt like a ball of air was just stuck in their throat. Mouse KA Boom looked around in confusion, maybe [name] was looking at something? They weren't talking. He waved a hand in-front of their face, trying to snap them out of their poker face phase.
"uh.. Hello? Earth to [name]"
“ah! Sorry.. uhm, to answer you, uh.. everything’s fine!”
“SEE?! That’s what I’m talking about [name], you always try to avoid this, be honest with me..”
His [paw? Hand? Depends if you want him to be human I guess] reached the [haircolor/furcolor]-ettes [hand/paw], well, damn, it’s hard to ignore that. Although they didn’t want to, [name] couldn’t keep everything in, it would lead to them unfairly lashing out. Once they let it all out, it felt nice, like an ugly weight’s been lifted off their shoulders, to be fair though, it was a bit embarrassing to actually discuss this with their [husband/fiancée/boyfriend].
After the whole situation, [name] promised and swore that whatever happens, they would actually communicate with Mouse KA Boom. To conclude, don’t keep everything cause apparently that’s bad :
(I’m sorry it’s short)
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evansbby · 1 year
Hi Omega!
Girlie, while Steve cusses others out, I have some questions I'd love to know the answer to from you. Cause you're a sweet angel unlike that alpha of yours:
What's one thing you're into, but you're too shy to tell Stebie about it? (Like that man swallowed your entire toe.... is there something you're into?)
What do you think of Shannon?
What do you think of Bucky?
Would you be down for a threesome with Steve and Bucky if Steve asked you to do it.
....What does that dick do? 😏 (Don't be shy... tell us about it... wanna talk about his shoe size?)
Last: have you're ever seen *coughs* porn? *coughs* have you ever caught Steve watching any?
Stebie... I know this question isn't for you, but honestly I won't be surprised if you happened to also answer them.... cause ofc you'll insert yourself wherever Omega is concerned.... 🙄
(Also, I am sorry if these questions were weird. it's just the shit that i came off the top of my head)
Oooh, these are interesting!! Let me become omega real quick JAJDJSJSKA
• um, I guess I’m into just… maybe something slow and romantic? Steve is always so rough and it’s nice but sometimes I’d like if he took it slow and was romantic. But I don’t think he’d want to do that with me, so that’s okay. I usually just like what he likes and he’s the one who decides what we do during sex and I just follow along.
• every time I think of Sharon, I just feel really guilty. It’s all my fault that she’s hurting right now and she had every right to yell at me. And I feel guilty because deep down, I did have a crush on her boyfriend, even if I didn’t fully realise it then. But I never thought it would end up this way. I never thought Steve would do that to her. I wish I could apologise to her properly but I don’t know if I’ll ever run into her again.
• I don’t really like Bucky at all. He scares me and I don’t understand why he’s so awful to me.
• No, I’d absolutely hate to have a threesome. I just want it to be me and Steve. And I really don’t like Bucky.
• That’s inappropriate! I don’t think it’s fair to Steve that I talk about him like that with you! It’s also very objectifying! So I’m sorry but I can’t say anything! He does have really big feet though. He’s big in every single way.
• That’s also inappropriate! When I was younger, I was definitely curious but I preferred to read fanfiction and smutty books. I’ve never seen Steve watch porn but he made me watch it with him a few times but I always look away because it’s embarrassing.
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