#they take a nap together woooo!
bilberry-jam · 2 years
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A moment of respite.
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rabbit-or-rib · 4 months
WOOOO LETS GO YAY YAY YAY ^_^ Romantic Alphabet with Tim Wright ? :3
- 🧸
U GOT ITT !!!!!!!
🚬 Romantic alphabet with Tim Wright :)
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A = Attention, how much attention do they want in the relationship?
he's not gonna ask for it, and it'll be a little awkward for him to actually be getting attention for the first bit of the relationship- but he LOVVESSSS IITTTTTT this guy swoons so hard when you're lovin on him however you choose to (he might get a little overwhelmed, though, make sure you listen when he tells you it's not the best time !!)
B = Baby, do they want a family? Why/why not?
in Tim's ideal world, the two of you are far away from wherever you are and you live way out in the countryside, with as many kids and/or pets as you want. but, for right now, he'd much rather keep it just the two of you with a pet or two- he doesn't want to put anyone in any more danger than he already feels like he has.
C = Cuddle, do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
OOOOOO BUDDYYYYY he's a very very shy snuggle bug. most days you'll have to initiate things- lay your head on his shoulder, hold onto his arm, lay down in his lap- and it almost always ends in a nap when you're further along in your relationship. he'll pull you into his lap or grab your thighs to get you straddled over him when the two of you are going to bed, though :))
D = Dates, what are dates with them like? What do they like to do? 
he's not the biggest formal date guy, as much as he'd like to be. he does like to take you to a drive in movie every now and then, but most of y'all's dating life is centered around late night drives, quiet walks through the woods together, or really anything to do with enjoying each others presence. if you hint hint wink wink at him about wanting to go somewhere or do something specific, though, he'll do his best.
E = Equal, do they prefer to be more dominant or submissive in the relationship?
he's an old fashioned (and paranoid) guy !! he wants to be the one to drive you around, do the heavy lifting, pay for everything- let this man spoil you rotten while you sit pretty
F = Fights, how do they handle arguments? How quick are they to forgive?
fights with Tim usually are the result of one or both of you bottling up emotions for too long. when you guys have a serious fight, he knows himself and he knows he needs some time alone for a little while- nothing extreme, just enough time to get himself calm and levelheaded. forgiveness for him comes relatively easy depending on what it was about- you thought he was mad at you because he was a little quieter or cold for a few days? he gets why you'd think that, he'll try and make sure you know what's up with him next time. you were caught going through his personal belongings/phone because you were looking for something you might not like? you're gonna be shit outta luck for a while. his privacy means a lot to him, invading it is never a good idea for either of you
G = Gratitude, how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? 
VERY !! he may not be bubbling over with words of praise for how amazing and wonderful you treat him, but all throughout the day he'll have his chin resting on your shoulder and whispering small praises your way, little kisses when he sees you doing any chores around the house, and if you play your cards right, little monologues to you late at night when he thinks you're asleep
H = Honesty, are they honest with their s/o? How important is it to them in a relationship? 
he's an honest man about most things to you, the only area i can see this being a problem in is his work. he doesn't wanna talk about what he does, why he does it, where he goes- any of it. he wants to keep you and the things that plague the back of his mind separate.
I = Insight, how easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
he'd definitely know if something was up with you, but that doesn't mean he's gonna push on it. you'll get one or two "y'alright?"'s before he drops it. he knows that not every issue is one that needs to be let out, and he does his best to respect that. one of his favorite things though is when he can tell you're excited but you're trying to keep your cool about it, he can't get over how wide your smile is or how you keep shifting your weight on your feet- adorable to him
J = Jealousy, do they get jealous? If so, how easily? How do they deal with it?
quietly jealous. when you're talking to someone that clearly has an interest in you, it's a hand on your hip, massaging your shoulder, pulling you closer. it won't end in violence if they back off, but if it does get there he'll make it fast dwdw <3 usually levelheaded about it though!! just might lead to things later
K = Kiss, what are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
YOU KISSED HIM !!! he was so nervous about messing it up or making you uncomfortable he ended up just staring at your lips, it was the first time he took you out on a late night drive around town since you two became official and he had walked you up to your front door. his breath caught in his throat, he fiddled with the belt loop on your pants as he held your hips before you pulled him into a kiss with your hands on his cheeks. it completely melted him; his face heating up as he pushed his lips harder into yours, he craved it even as he was getting what he wanted.
L = Love, who said “I love you” first? How often do they say it? When did they realize they were in love?
you told him you loved him and he was this 🤏 close to crying. it reminded him of how starved of it he'd been for so long, and while he didn't cry, he certainly held you close for a long, long time with his face buried in your hair
M = Marriage, do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like?
he wants to get married so bad. he wants that ring on your finger, to see you all dressed up, to have the world know you're his- just as soon as you get away from all this, he's popping the question. 
N = Nickname, what are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
i feel like he would try not to acknowledge it when you use nicknames/petnames with him, but he thinks it's so cute when you do :) i can see him calling you darlin' a lot
O = Open, how long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
long. long time. there are some things from his past that he just might never talk about, honestly. most of the reason isn't anything to do with you specifically, just that he doesn't wanna relive those moments or uncover something that sparks up new nightmares. the other part is him being scared that despite all of the other things you know about him- his job, what he does, Masky as a whole really- it'll be what's deep down and irreversible inside him that scares you away.
P = PDA, how do they feel about public displays of affection? What kind of PDA do they show?
not the biggest fan of PDA i feel like !! his hand in your back pocket or around your waist isn't uncommon, but i seriously doubt that he'd wanna be swapping spit im front of y'all's friends
Q = Quality Time, what do they like to do for quality time with their s/o?
essentially parallel play 😭 you two don't have to be talking or doing the same thing, as long as you're in the same space he's happy :))
R = Reunion, how do they react after being apart from their s/o? How do they cope when they’re away?
HE HATES IT AND THEN ACTS ALL TOUGH GUY ABOUT IT 🙄🙄 he'll text you pictures of things he sees on the road or bring you snacks on the way home, tell him you missed him and watch his face get all pink it's adorable
S = Sad, how do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
honestly just tell him what you need. space? he's outta your way, just come find him when you need him. physical comfort? he's holding you the whole rest of the night and rubbing circles on your back when you cry into his chest. wanna talk? he's great at listening, especially on the porch over a cig
T = Thrill, do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? 
unless you have something in mind, you're one of the only peaceful things Tim has in his life, and he so desperately needs it to stay that way.
U = Understanding, how well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
usually very !! as long as you're treating him with respect, you'll get it right back at you. he knows that just existing is hard enough as is, he's not looking to stress you out any more.
V = Value, how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
you mean the world to him !!! deeply madly truly he would do anything for you. you've brought back the light in his life and he hates thinking of what it'd be like if you left.
W = Wild Card, a random relationship headcanon
iiii can't think of anything with the reader, but i can tell you for a FACT him and brian used to mess around in college together
X = Explicit, a NSFW headcanon
he's so embarrassed but he so wants you to take control of him. it'll take a lot of trust, but when you get there?? you could have him however you want him
Y = Your Name, if they did get married to their s/o, who would take whose last name?
i think he'd prefer to have you two share his last name just because it's something he's always dreamed about- but tbh if your last name is just straight up cooler he's down to go either way
Z = Zz, how do they like to sleep with their partner? What time do they like to go to sleep/wake up, ideally?
he's GOTTA be holding you. sometimes he doesn't even fall asleep holding you, but when the two of you wake up he's hot a grip on you. he feels awful if he has to leave in the middle of the night for work or do overnight trips- tries to leave a little note on the nightstand about where he's going and a lil 'Love you'
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leonsleftbicep · 5 months
Okay I am eepie but! Before I go honk shoo! Fluff prompts!
(vessel = any of the guys ; Ves = it him 🫶)
vessel is sick and the others have to take turns taking care of the boyfriend
someone comes home with a bouquet flowers and!! flowers on the hair!! on the mustaches!! inside their books!!
Ves playing piano while the others watch? dance? (i am a sucker for piano V sorry 😔)
matching outfits please. pijamas. ridiculous socks. idk. it's cute 🥺
OOOooooOooOooooohhhhhhh first kiss? any pairing (iii or ii would be funny with whomever)
honesty just ii flustered. he's so Sensible and Responsible, it's funny when he gets all sillay hehehe
ivy peach.... being poked like a marshmallow
vessels taking a nap 🥹
vessels sharing a meal 🥺 food is so!!
vessel reading a book/story out loud while the other three are all cuddled up against him mehehehe :3
Oh! someone's birthday!!!! that's fun!!! party hats yeaaa
Dilfs! ivy and ii doing Old Men activities together (like idk feeding birds) while iii and Ves are destroying the house (either because they decided to cook and things went wrong ; or because they are exploring each other's bodies yeaaah weee woooo)
bakery au! ivy decorating cute heart-shaped cookies (maybe the Echoes are helping) for the guys 🥹💙
With Lotus!
she had a bad day and is being comforted and lulled to sleep by her dads 🥺
they are all spending the day at the beach collecting shells and pretty rocks 🥹 Ves is info dumping about Ocean Facts™ ; iii is annoying ii and trying to splash him (and failing. ii is loving it though) ; ivy is making a sandcastle and using Lotus' pebbles and shells as decoration 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Liddol Lotus visiting the recording studio for the first time and sitting on ii's lap at the drums. Her head barely pops up 😭 iii says she's almost as tall as ii. He gets hit in the head by a drumstick.
Uhhhh is this. Enough? Okay? Usable? Idk but there you go! I got Extra Soft on Lotus, just can't help it 🥹🪷
yeah i just ate that
and yeah i am using it
oh and you wanna know what else!
i am going to line this up in my milanote with a set day on the calendar for each prompt and i am going to draw the hell out of it…
well i might have to rearrange it for the 4th 7th and 8th because i have some stuff to do those days but eh
heres a bonus! i might draw lotus at different parts in her growth because of the wacky fact that she ages 2.5 years ever year
Thank you Darya!!!!! 😘
edit: i wanted to add that on the dilf prompt i read out the “or because they are exploring each other's bodies yeaaah weee woooo” and then tehe’d like a teen girl in an early 2000’s disney film
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intriq · 1 year
warnings: mentions blood, death, little bit of fighting, depression, mentions of guns/getting shot, etc etc NO USE OF Y/N
Part 2 of Little Moon
Part 1, part 2, part 3
Word Count: 5.7k words
Authors discussion n shizzle:
Hi y’all sorry this took so long to do. But it’s here and I’m happy and it’s long as FUCK.
Like it’s twice as long as part 1, and it’s so bad everyone voted I break this up into a 3rd part so like, yea
I’m publishing this while the 2 yr old I’m babysitting is down fr his nap so like woooo
I’d like to thank my beta readers n co owners of Little Moon for reading this shit (I’m sorry if u cried): my bestie aka @deaths-favorite-star , terra, Apollo (Taylor swift and bat brat versions), bri, and lilac
mostly cus without them this wouldn’t even be possible/done lol
let’s get on w this shall we? Hope you all enjoy <3
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
Months have passed since your death.
In those months the children of Bruce Wayne, whether adopted or biological, grieve. All of them mourned you.
There are seldom times your grave is without fresh flowers or some sort of visitor, who either sits in silence or just talks to the headstone in a conversation that they know they’ll never get your input on again.
Your bedroom is in the same state of familiarity, too.
On some days, Alfred has to force Bruce to get out of bed or to even come home.
No one looks at Alfred quite the same anymore, but no one looks at Alfred with the same disgust as Alfred’s own reflection.
Since the funeral, family dinners went from being twice a week, to just once.
And then they went to once a month, with Alfred having to just watch as the number of people who attended them dwindled, before eventually they came to a total stop.
Today is another day of distant and silent mourning, as Alfred stands in his room, looking through pictures of you and Bruce as children.
Down the hallway as Alfred looks at a picture of you on your seventh (7th) birthday, he hears Cassandra softly crying down the hall in your bedroom.
During your birthday that year, when you’d turned seven (7) years old, Alfred remembers how the only thing you’d asked for was a cake. Specifically, you requested that he let you help him bake your birthday cake.
Alfred can’t help but smile, even just slightly, as he remembers how big of a mess you’d made when you had attempted to dump the entire bag of flour into the mixing bowl.
He also can’t help but remember that after a long day of celebrating your birthday, it was the first night since you’d come to live with him and Bruce that you hadn’t woken up once because of a nightmare.
Alfred had been in Bruce’s study when the news came.
A tray of food in hand, he’d been begging Bruce to eat something. Anything, even if it was just a piece of toast that he hadn’t prepared himself.
“Master Bruce, you haven’t eaten in the past few days. Please, take at least one bite.”
Bruce only raises his head, dark circles under his eyes as he just blankly stares at him. An almost soulless look, one that gives a hollow feeling of emptiness.
Across the desk in Bruce’s study are papers, books, various gadgets in states of disrepair or in the middle of being made, as well as schematics for them that have the occasional ring-shaped coffee stain on them.
“Not now, Alfred. I have things to do,” Is Bruce’s only reply, a hoarse and exhausted sounding tone held within his words.
Alfred’s coming words of protest are silenced by the sounds of an alarm going off. Not too loud but neither too quiet, but just enough to make Alfred go silent.
That’s what the screen on Bruce’s computer read.
Various screens pop up on Bruce’s computer, each showing feed from different CCTV cameras of a person moving through Gotham and killing vampires in their wake.
The videos in question had been saved from numerous different days in the past few weeks, all adding up together once there was enough saved to trigger the algorithm that Tim had made. Specifically, it was designed to use the cameras around Gotham to track and keep note of Vampire Hunters and vampire attacks. Made solely to help prevent someone else from suffering the same fate you did.
All to prevent them from having to lose someone else.
Bruce and Alfred watch as the videos play, watching as the new hunter the algorithm had detected took out various vampires across the city of Gotham. But what made Bruce rub the drowsiness from his eyes as he leans forward, peering closer at the numerous video feeds was not because of how they looked.
No, it was because of how they moved.
The way they moved was eerily familiar. The way they moved with such precision that only got better and better with each new video feed that grew to be more recent was what had Bruce holding his breath.
While they had kept you from knowing the world of Vampire Hunting most of your life, they hadn’t let you be completely defenseless.
Which was why it was so eerie to see that the way this person was moving, was by using moves he’d only ever taught you. It was unmistakable, really. Bruce had grown up with you, knew most of the little habits you had. He knew you better than he knew himself sometimes.
Bruce is unsure if he wants to let himself grow delusional about whether or not it was who he thought it was. Should he? Could he? Was it even worth the pain it’d bring by opening up old wounds, to bring back the choking hold of grief?
Bruce can feel Alfred staring at him, because he gets that same feeling of familiarity. But it should be impossible. It couldn’t be possible.
But was it? Could it be?
Alfred sets the tray of food down on Bruce’s desk, taking the opportunity to clean up some of its disorganized mess. But it’s only because he doesn’t want to let his mind wander like Bruce’s is. He already lets it wander far enough when he looks through photo albums and when he sees his face reflected off the tea he drinks in the morning, in the mirror, off the windows, and on the screen of Bruce’s computer.
Bruce doesn’t even acknowledge the tray of food Alfred leaves on his desk, only getting up after receiving a notification on the screen that the new hunter was spotted again. Bruce already felt the idea of who it could be creeping into his mind and clinging there, leaving him wondering. Wanting to know. Needing to know, to get his question answered.
“I’ll be out for a while.”
“Will I expect you back for dinner today, Master Bruce?”
Alfred is only met with silence as Bruce grabs what he needs and heads out the door. Which gives him his answer.
“At least come back unscathed, Master Bruce. I don’t think they want you to join them just yet.”
“Don’t act like you know what they would’ve wanted, Alfred.”
Alfred goes quiet again. He understands, after all. He knows Bruce is still hurting, just like the others are. Alfred was the last person to see you alive, and was the only one there when you drew your last breath. They resent him for that.
But they also can’t look at him the same after knowing that it was because of him that you drew in that last gasp of air, held in his arms in that cold, dirty alley whilst the sun rose in the distance.
What makes it worse was just how often you used to like watching the sun rise. It was often when the others finally returned from their patrols, having spent all night hunting down vampires to make Gotham even just a little safer.
And every time, you’d be there, waiting for them. You’d welcome them home, tend to their injuries, and if they had a particularly rough night you’d even make them something, though it was usually some sort of baked dessert, like cake or cookies. And even though Bruce had a disdain for anything overly sweet, he’d still eat whatever cake you’d baked for him, even if it was so sweet it made him feel nauseous.
But no matter how much of a disdain Bruce had for sweet foods in general, he never could quite turn them down when you made them. You always had a smile with comforting words to follow, all to mask just how truly worried about him you were. Bruce knew that you always wanted, deep down, for him to stop being a vampire hunter. But you knew he couldn’t nor wouldn’t stop, so you always kept quiet about it.
If you weren’t so worried, if Bruce did anything to ease your worries, would you have let him know that you wanted to be walked home that night? He’d seen the unsent text message. Tim showed it to him. It’d been easy for Tim to find, with how unprotected your phone was from hackers and the like. You had deleted the message, and Bruce knew why.
It was because you felt guilty about even thinking of asking for his help. You knew how busy he was saving Gotham from vampires, which meant you could never work up the courage to ask him. He’d already helped you so many times before, and you barely could do anything to help him. Would things be different, Bruce thinks, if he’d texted you to make sure you got home safe instead of focusing on his patrol? Would you still be here, alive and well? Would you be here, saying goodbye to him as he heads out, telling him to stay safe?
Bruce forces the thoughts to shake free from his head as he swiftly departs, not allowing himself to turn around, knowing only that his heart would ache when he doesn’t see you there waiting for him. It’s always hurt, because the first few days he’d always mistakenly hear you calling out for him, sometimes even thinks he’d see you in the corner of his eye.
But whenever he’d turn and look, you weren’t there, and Bruce remembers.
It takes a few minutes for Bruce to track down the new vampire hunter who’d somehow been able to avoid making Tim’s detection system go off, as it should have alerted Bruce to their presence months ago. The night is cold since autumn is right around the corner, and it reminds Bruce of just how cold that night was when you’d been brought to Wayne manor.
Bruce reminds himself to focus as he follows the new vampire hunter, who moves through Gotham as if they know the place by heart. Which almost seems odd to know every part of Gotham, when they’d only been detected less than six months ago. It’s odd, because the system has only had a record of their existence from that time frame. The program couldn’t even pick up data from normal Gotham citizens from before that to link it back to them.
It was odd.
So, so incredibly odd. Almost an off-putting, eerie kind. The type you get when you walk down the street at night and suddenly don’t feel alone, like you shouldn’t be there.
Bruce has this odd, eerie feeling for almost fifteen minutes before he realizes. The world’s greatest detective, they say, and it took him fifteen minutes of following this new vampire hunter to realize they were leading him in a circle. That they knew they were being followed.
When Bruce realizes he’s been following the new vampire hunter blindly for fifteen minutes in that same circle, the vampire hunter seems to know, too.
“Took you long enough to notice, Batman. You're getting awfully slow.”
Why does that voice sound so familiar?
Why does Bruce feel like he’s heard it somewhere before? And why is the familiarity hurting him?
Bruce leaps down from the rooftop he rests upon, landing on the street beside them. That feeling that screams in Bruce’s head that he knows who this vampire hunter is, who they are underneath the mask, is hideously strong. Almost sickeningly so.
But who is it?
Bruce narrowly avoids the punch the vampire hunter has swinging his way when he snaps out of his thoughts. Getting distracted and in a daze when confronting someone isn’t smart, he knows that. He taught Dick and Jason never to lose focus in a fight.
But yet here he is, losing focus.
Jason would probably find it ironic if he were here right now.
“Focus, Batman. Isn’t that what you taught those boys of yours?”
Behind Bruce’s mask, his face is scrunched up in confusion. Contorted as he continues to try and avoid getting hit, because he hates just how easy it is for him to lose focus because of just one thought.
But yet, even despite how familiar these moves are- which are the only reasons he’s able to avoid them even at the last possible moment- there’s something that bothers him, something that he realizes. The vampire hunter who is fighting him, attacking him, isn’t doing it with the purpose most others would.
It’s almost like it’s some sort of warning, as they change the trajectory of their moves to only hit the most non-vital points. Areas where it won’t do anything but leave a nasty bruise.
Which is odd, considering Bruce now realizes after a particular glint in the fluorescent lighting of the street lights that line the roads of Gotham, when the mask of the vampire hunter before him slips just enough when Bruce finally strikes back is that there are fangs.
The vampire hunter right in front of Bruce, the one that has managed to evade program that Tim spent weeks coding, the same vampire hunter that is refusing to strike Bruce anywhere vital as if some sign of guilt, is a vampire.
A vampire, hunting down and killing other vampires. Killing them. In a most brutal fashion, too, based on what Bruce and Alfred saw in the collected video files.
Why is a vampire, a creature that exists to attack and feed off of humans, trying to avoid hurting him?
Bruce can’t make sense of it. He can’t. There is virtually no reason for any vampire in Gotham, in the entirety of this world, that they would be trying to not hurt him.
Most vampires attempt to kill him on sight. So why isn’t this one? Why is it acting so… odd?
Bruce twists around the outstretched, reaching arm of the vampire hunter as they move in a pattern that Bruce is quickly learning. They never differ or change the pattern, no matter how often Bruce is able to evade their attacks. And with that open window of opportunity, he takes the chance to collect a sample of their DNA.
Some blood, to be specific.
The vampire… hunter lets out some sort of noise of pain. Not quite a shriek, nor a yelp, but just a noise. And just as soon as they started attacking Bruce, they are trying to flee.
And before Bruce can attempt to stop them, they are gone.
But that’s fine, because Bruce has what he came for. A blood sample.
Enough for Bruce to test, to compare to others in the database to see who they are.
Because that is the question lingering on his mind. Who is it? Just who is this new vampire hunter that has been able to leave a growing pile of bodies in their wake in just mere months?
Bruce doesn’t waste a moment, ignoring Alfred’s pleas to let him look over and treat his injuries, as minor as they are. Just a few bruises that will heal.
He doesn’t waste a moment in immediately getting to work on finding out who that vampire is. Who the vampire hunting down and killing other vampires is, who they are underneath that mask.
After loading the sample into the batcomputer, he waits. Sitting there with so much impatience, so eager to find out who it is. It’s almost suffocating just how badly he wants it to just finish already, to just show him the results.
Alfred takes the opportunity, though, to place another tray full of food in front of Bruce. Because it’s now been a few days since Bruce last ate, and the only thing he’s done is keep himself hydrated.
Bruce attempts to protest, but he relents at the painful gnawing in his stomach. No longer able to keep himself sufficiently distracted to not notice just how hungry he is. But all he does is take small, slow bites, watching the progress the batcomputer is making on the sample.
He eats so slowly that by the time the sample is eighty [80] percent analyzed, the food has grown cold. So cold that it makes Bruce not want to eat anymore, even if he’s barely even touched any of the food. But Alfred is happy anyway, because he’s happy that Bruce has something in his stomach.
Even if it’s not a whole lot.
When Bruce saw the results, his mouth went dry. His chest felt like an unrelenting void, filled with a crashing tidal wave. The creeping feeling that fills him is just as terrifying.
Alfred had to practically pry Bruce away from the batcomputer, as he mumbles nothing but words about how the results had to be wrong.
How there was no possible way that the blood sample belonged to and came from just who the batcomputer said it did.
So now here everyone was, called here by Alfred. Stated to be an absolute and utter emergency, and that excuses would not be tolerated. It was absolutely mandatory, and emergencies were to be ignored because this was the emergency.
Jason didn’t want to be here. Dick didn’t want to be here.
None of them wanted to be here. Not in the same home they’d ‘grown up’ in, that now held nothing but bitter reminders of a certain death. The death of someone they viewed as a child, a sibling, a parent. A role model.
You. Your death.
But yet here they are. Unable to avoid it, because it was an order. An order that it was an emergency, and no one could turn away when someone raises the alarm about something being an emergency.
When everyone arrives, Bruce is already seated in his office. He almost seems emotionless, like there isn’t even an ounce of life behind his eyes as he simply stares ahead, blankly.
He doesn’t even react when they all close the door behind themselves, his eyes only moving up once Dick stands in front of him.
“Why were we called here, Bruce?”
Dick’s voice sounds tired. But that’s because he is tired. He’s so, so tired of grieving. Of mourning you. Of feeling like that total and utter failure that he knows he is because he got lazy on one stupid patrol.
He’s tired of feeling like this. Feeling like he’s stuck in a deep pit of sadness and guilt, sadness because you died. Guilt because you died when he wasn’t looking hard enough. But yet, there’s also anger.
Anger at himself.
But Bruce doesn’t have the energy to answer Dick’s question, so Alfred does the talking. He shows the videos, also shows Bruce’s encounter with the vampire hunter. Everyone doesn’t quite understand just why there was an emergency meeting being called over a vampire hunter. Sure, it was alarming they were a vampire but that wasn’t cause for an emergency.
That is, until Alfred shows the results from the batcomputer. Results of who the DNA belongs to.
And while some seem surprised, some in a state of utter shock, others just feel.. Numb. Like there was nothing they could feel besides the ever consuming pit of nothingness in their chest.
But everyone is in disbelief, just as Bruce was. Is, more like.
The results showed a one-hundred [100] percent match for the last person they expected. The last person they even wanted to believe it could be.
You, who was supposed to be dead. Buried six [6] feet under the ground in the cemetery on the grounds of the Wayne manor.
Dick wants to feel sick. Jason, too. Damian feels his stomach lurching as well, but he doesn’t let it show. He refuses to.
They all don’t want to believe the results are true, just as Bruce did. Because it should be simply impossible, right? They all made sure you were dead before burying you.
“But that’s impossible. We made sure. Alfred-... He…” The words choke and die in Tim’s throat. But everyone knows what he means. How could they not?
Alfred made sure, because he was the one who dealt the killing blow.
Those are the words that go unspoken. The truth, as disgusting and heavy as it is.
But is it the truth? Did Alfred actually deal the killing blow?
And the truth is, they hadn’t double checked. So lost in their grief over your bloody body that Alfred brought back to the manor they hadn’t even bothered to check and make sure that Alfred had actually shot you in the heart.
They had just assumed he had.
“Alfred… You.. You checked, right?”
Dick’s voice is shaky, as ragged and rushed as his breathing. He feels like he already knows the answer, but god does he want to be wrong.
But the way Alfred clenches his jaw and his eyes focus on that abandoned tray of food from much earlier, food long since grown cold, gives Dick his answer.
“Bruce? You checked, right?”
Tim is the one to ask this time. Because surely, there is no way that Bruce didn’t check and confirm for himself. He’s thorough, he always is. There isn’t any realm of possibility that Bruce didn’t check… Right?
When Bruce doesn’t answer, there’s a look of disbelief on just about everyone's faces. Bruce Wayne, the ever thorough and the world’s ‘greatest detective’, renowned vampire hunter Batman, didn’t double check that you were dead?
“You checked, right?”
“No. I didn’t.”
And now everyone is left with the horrifying, dawning realization of just one thing. A simple thought that is horrifying to picture, to imagine. To even now be known as a reality.
They’d practically buried you alive.
Everyone quickly dispersed after that. No one could stand to be in the same room as each other, because even though they know they rightfully have no right to blame one another, even though they could blame themselves, it’s all they think about.
You were alive. Alive.
All this time you’d been alive while they mourned you. While Dick blamed himself, while Damian blamed Dick for the reason you were no longer present.
Damian feels sick to his stomach at just how angry he was at Dick in the past. Of the things he’d said to him, blaming him for your death. When you weren’t even dead.
Jason can feel nauseating guilt creeping in his chest, too. Ripping open a swallowing, fathomless pit. He’d screamed at Alfred. Been angry with him, caused him so much pain. Alfred hadn’t even killed you, and he’d been so angry at Alfred.
But the sudden appearance of the vampire hunter is making sense. It coincides with your death, somewhat. With the recovery period a vampire would need to recover from a wound like the one you’d taken.
But it makes so, so much sense.
Six months ago is when Cass was out tracking a vampire. Well, more-so a large nest of them. One that held connections in various cities, dangerous and leaving an endless, bloody wake of victims.
Perhaps it was because of the grief clouding her mind, that thought of how this group could be the ones responsible. The one responsible for your death.
So she got sloppy. Just a little bit. Enough to make a small error that she normally wouldn’t make.
Cass hadn’t taken the time she usually did to make sure she was sure of just how many vampires actually lived in that nest before she charged into it to take out the vampires that resided there. The information hadn’t been totally accurate, it’d missed a few vampires. So she’d been quickly overrun, out of supplies with not even enough bullets to last her.
But just as Cass thinks she’s going to die for her margin of error, as she decides to resign to her fate because hey, it means she’ll get to see you again, the vampires that are about to kill her are dead.
And there’s a figure standing over their bloody remains that seems oddly familiar to Cass. But she can’t quite place it. At least, she couldn’t then.
“I thought you were taught better than this. This is a stupid mistake, even for you.”
Before Cass can ask the obvious question that’s scratching at the back of her mind, the figure is gone just as quick as they appeared. Leaving nothing evident of their presence, besides the dead vampires.
They’d all been in some sort of predicament caused by their overwhelming grief that meant they’d needed someone to save their ass. And you had. You’d been there to rescue them from their mistakes every single time.
You’d saved Cass from death, been there to save Jason during the few times he’d been distracted [even if all he’d glimpsed of you was your retreating silhouette], and so much more.
But why had you never shown yourself to them? Why had you let them wallow in their own self pity and grief over your death, when you hadn’t even died?
Perhaps there was an answer to this question they didn’t yet have.
But it was no matter. They had time to get the answer they so desperately wanted. They had a means to find you the next time you appeared, all they had to do was wait.
And wait they did.
It took almost a week before you appeared again, presumably to lay low for a while after that encounter with Bruce. As if it would stop them from figuring out the truth.
They’d even checked your grave. And god, were they horrified to find that it was empty, just as they’d feared.
But yes, when you’d appeared again after lying low for a week, Jason was the one sent to go talk to you. You’d always had a soft spot for him, after all.
So in his Red Hood gear, he approaches you. He wasn’t even sure if he should be surprised that you seemed to know he was there the moment he’d landed on that same rooftop as you.
But maybe he should, since he knows neither Bruce nor Alfred gave you any training to be a vampire hunter. They wanted you to stay as far away as possible from it, after all.
But perhaps that distance is why you’d never stood a chance the night you’d been attacked. Maybe it was the lack of making sure you were prepared to face the threats that lie in the very shadows they hunted in.
Jason sees your moments from fleeing from the way you visibly tense up and flinch when he steps closer to you, so he stops. He entirely freezes, because the last thing he wants is for you to disappear again.
“We know it’s you,” Is all Jason calls out, paired with your name instead of the nickname he’d always refer to you by. A parental nickname, something similar to the way children call their parents Mom or Dad, but entirely different and unique to you.
Jason watches the way you seem to think, still frozen in a stance that says you're seconds from fleeing, that him making the wrong choice is all it takes for you to disappear. But this time it’d be Jason’s fault that you're gone, not Dick’s.
“We aren’t mad, I promise.”
Bad thing to start off with, Jason. Now you’ll think they all were mad.
“What I meant to say is… We all miss you. When you died- thought you died, we didn’t know what to do.”
Jason is practically grasping at straws. He can see his words aren’t reaching you in the way he is hoping, wanting them to. He’s never been good at the comforting stuff, never been good at talking someone down. Not like Alfred is, not like Dick is. Not like Barbara, too.
What would they even say to you?
Jason feels lost, because just why did they send him to talk to you, instead of anyone else?
Well, not sending Alfred is understandable. He’d been the one to shoot you, and Jason knows that he wouldn’t want to see the Joker again, to be the one to talk to him. But what about Dick and Barbara? What would they do?
Jason doesn’t even know if attempting to continue to comfort you is worth it, especially not when it doesn’t even seem to be working.
Those words slip past Jason before he can even get a chance to stop himself. But it’s a question he really, really wants an answer to. Well, not just want. He needs to know. He needs to know why you’ve let them all sit and rot inside their grief and despair, even as understandable as it may be for Alfred because even he understands that seeing the person who killed you is not easy.
Well, not that Alfred even killed you. Almost killed you, which Jason understands. The Joker had almost killed him then, too. Instead he’d lived because some weird ‘miracle’ left him being some freak of nature, a half human but not entirely vampiric person.
Like some curse.
“I was supposed to be dead.”
“I get that.”
“Plus.. I’m a vampire, Jason. I’m a danger to you guys. What if.. What if I lose control? Like I did that night?”
He knows what you're talking about. The night you’d attacked Bruce before… Alfred shot you. Jason remembers hearing about it from a very heartbroken Bruce, although the heartbreak wasn’t easy to see on the surface. But Jason had known. So had everyone else.
After all, they’d all been pretty much trained and raised by Bruce. They knew what he was feeling- most of the time. Though they couldn’t see it as easy as Alfred did.
“We could’ve found ways around it that didn’t mean you totally avoided us,” Jason says those last words with more bitterness than he should’ve. He knows he has no right to be angry, doesn’t even deserve to be. But he can’t help it, not with how he can only rethink on just how he’d treated Alfred because of it.
“Because of that we treated Alfred-” He cuts himself off, not wanting to spew those words out. Doesn’t even want them to fall past his lips. But it’s far too late, judging by the way your eyes narrow and your head practically snaps toward him.
“What did you all do?”
The venom in your voice when you hear those words is unmistakable. Sure, you wouldn’t be able to look at Alfred the same because he’d been the one to shoot you, but you still understood why he had.
You were a vampire. Something dangerous, and he was doing what needed to be done.
Before Jason can even try to backpedal he’s already spewing to you how everyone’s treated Alfred since you’d ‘died’. Everything. Including how he’d screamed at Alfred after hearing what your last words were from him, down to him destroying his room, Bruce’s new attitude, everything.
“Why would you all do that?” You’d hissed almost immediately after he’d finished telling that tale. Disbelief is just about the only thing you feel, along with those other bitter emotions you were currently feeling.
“He killed- we thought he’d killed you, and we just.. We were angry! Because he took you away from us!”
When had you even marched over to him? Was it while he was speaking those venomous words about how Alfred had killed you, taken you from them? Or was it sooner?
Was he blinded by his own emotions to even notice?
Nevertheless, you're pretty much right in his face, and while Jason is expecting you to scream at him, maybe even yell, raise your voice somewhat, you don’t. Perhaps it’s worse that you sound calm.
“Alfred did what he needed to, what he had to.”
“But you were our family!”
“I do not deserve special treatment because I helped raise you all. Not because I was the person Bruce viewed as a little sibling, and the person Alfred viewed as his own child.”
You silence him by raising a hand up, your eyes squeezed shut in the way it does when you’d had headaches in the past, pinching the bridge of your nose between your index finger and thumb.
“Tell me, Jason, would any of you have been able to do it then, hmm? Do you know how hard it was for Alfred to even point the gun at me without his hands shaking? Without crying? Would either of you have been able to pull the trigger instead of Alfred?”
Jason stays silent, and when you open your eyes to glare at him, demanding an answer like those times you’d interrogated him after he’d been stupid and nearly gotten himself killed on those patrols back when he was younger, back when he was just Robin and training under Bruce’s watch. 
And he only shakes his head.
“But I promise I’ll be back.. Someday, I don’t know when. Don’t know if it’ll be soon, or if it’s not for years ahead. But I can promise that, okay?”
You really didn’t know just what else to say, honestly. You already had plans for what your coming moves were, for your motives. You knew Jason was wondering that just by glancing at him, even if you couldn’t see his face behind his helmet.
“And if you want, you can try to help me, if it’ll make you.. I don’t freaking know, feel better, I guess?”
“You’ll see. It’ll be an answer to my motives and why I’ve been so secretive I guess. I’ll tell you how you can help me later.”
Jason wants to say something, but he doesn’t know if he should even be surprised you already know what it is he wants to say. “Oh, and don’t tell anyone I’m letting you help me. That part stays a secret, got it?”
Jason only nods in reply, and with that, you’ve disappeared from Jason’s sight, leaving him alone on that rooftop to think through his thoughts. And of your words, of course. To muddle them over, to debate whether or not he even accepts the notion of helping you.
With keeping it secret being the price he pays.
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
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bossfight-messages · 1 year
There is no dialogue in this bc I'm bad at it </3. I also don't have that much practice writing so i'll put a summary in the tags if you don't wanna read :D
This is from the canon boss's pov. Not the other, bluer Boss.
also im fairly lazy and barely proofread this </33 forgivee meeee
Boss hopped from the tree, landing safely down on the grass below. After a chase from a very pissed off goblin hoard, a nice long nap in the sun was beginning to feel more and more alluring.
That and a couple strawberries. They could really use some strawberries.
All that.. shit. Yeah shit was a good word. For a random gemstone that they didn't even know would work or not.
Boss sighed and sat back against the tree trunk. They dug around their pouch for a moment, before producing a book. One slightly wared down, the spine cracked a bit and the ink fading. It was thin, but very important right now.
The events of the last couple days played in their mind like a broken record.
They had woken up somewhere oddly.. cold. Boss tried to avoid colder areas, they were built for withstanding more humid climates after all.
So imagine their surprise when they woke up from what was supposed to be a short nap, in an Ice People fortress. Fun stuff.
It had taken a lot of confusion, explaining, whatever, to understand what was going on. Something about alternate realities, them replacing another version of themselves, yadda yadda.
The Ice People of this dimension were oddly... nice. Well, from Boss's standards. And they had only met their dimension's Ice People once, aside from small run-ins whilst trying to get the goddamned Ice Golems to actually work as intended in-game.
Whatever, the past was the past.
Then.. there was the gem.
Sharp a bright. Harsh reds and purples clashing and fighting over the surface of it, sometimes bugging and lagging. When they had touched it..
Boss's hand stuck to it they felt a weird, gross feeling wash over them. Like something was pulling out pieces of their coding, rearranging it, deleting, adding, scrambling, deleting adding scrambling deleting adding deleting deleting dele-
They stumbled back, landing on the ground, hard. Boss sat up, dazed.
Then they realized. The glitching had stopped.
It didn't take long to realize what it was, asking locals and piecing together what they could. Obviously even more of their questions were answered when they managed to steal some books on the subject.
They chose to ignore the odd looks they got whenever their.. antennae? Horns? Whatever they were, changed to question marks or interrobangs. Especially interrobangs. Guess the other them didn't have that little feature.
Boss opened the book to one of the pages, then broke a stick off the tree.
Annnnd now. Time for the good part. Fingers crossed it actually works.
they reached into their pouch and pulled out a different gem, shaped the same as the first one they had touched, but a solid color. A dark purple, it glowed softly in their hand.
Hopefully it actually did work, seeing as the goblins protected it so fiercely, and they would need to summon a lighting demon to power the damned thing.
They sighed and placed it down on the ground, grabbed their stick, and got to work.
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I need to bully Aymeric now XD how would he react if he wakes up from his nap to see Esme trying to gum/ nurse his cheek like she did with Estinien
(Bully Aymeric woooo!!! Doing Agi/Estinien/Aymeric for this one.)
With Agnes and Estinien out, Aymeric was home at Borel Manor with baby Esme. She is our whole world. Such a beautiful, perfect gift from the Fury for us. How I adore you, sweet child. Aymeric sighed happily and kissed Esme's very bald head as she napped on his bare chest. Estinien isn't the only one who can lie down with our little miss and have her dream the sweetest...wait a second...is that...
Oh dear.
Esme scooched herself up and began suckling on his cheek with little happy noises BY THE FURY SHE IS SO ADORABLE!!!!
"Ah, how happy you must be, Esme!" Aymeric whispered. "But alas, I'm not your mother, so there isn't any milk coming from my cheeks." He chuckled as she continued to gnaw on his cheek with CUTE LITTLE GUMS!!!!!! "Mummy will be home with Papa soon, I promise. They love you so very much...as do I." Damnit man, don't start weeping over her again. Estinien will never let me hear the end of it if he sees me crying...again. "Esme, sweet beautiful child, I--"
He heard a snigger.
Fuck me.
"Awwwww Aymeric! This is so sweet!" Agnes gasped, shoving her shopping bags at Estinien, who grunted. "Look at you two! My little baby and my handsome knight! I can't take it!" She carefully lifted Esme, who, despite having her eyes closed, tapped one of her mother's very large and perfect breasts with one of her tiny hands. "I see how it is, my little love. Let's feed you and lay you down again, okay?" As Aymeric sat up on the sofa, Agnes sat down and adjusted her top. "There you, sweetie. There you go. You're such a good baby. I love you so much..."
Aymeric wrapped an arm around his wife and kissed her cheek. "How was shopping, darling? You didn't tire yourself out?" She only gave birth three weeks ago. It took so much out of her...and there were so many visitors. I thought by the time Master Alphinaud and Mistress Alisaie arrived, Estinien would bite them.
She shook her head, smiling. "Oh no, love. I made our grumpy dragon carry all the bags, so it was fine. And you were okay with Esme?"
"Yes, dearest. She was asleep for most of it, and I do so enjoy our quality time together." Enjoy our time now, because soon I must return to my duties as Lord Speaker and Lord Commander...
"Hmph, and you were crying again." Estinien chuckled, sitting on the other side of Aymeric. He pressed his lips against Aymeric's and ran a finger along his ear cuff. DAMN YOU, ESTINIEN! "And just how much more sentimental will you be when Agi has more?" He teased, showing off a crooked grin.
Agnes responded before Aymeric could. "Oh for fuck's sake, as if you weren't a fucking mess when Esme was born! Such a naughty man!" She kissed his cheek where Esme had previously been suckling. "Don't worry, love. We'll all be messes as our little family grows. Mum still has her bet with Momodi that we're having a dozen children. Can you believe it?" She giggled and then her attention returned to Esme.
Estinien blinked.
Aymeric blinked.
Halone hear my prayer, if we have that many, then I swear as head of my house they will be loved and cared for as my parents did for me.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
Woooo it's Friday and therefore spam Bethany's askbox day!
kiss prompt 66, only supposed to last a moment but it goes on longer, rulie
lol, my favourite day of the week!
"I'm just so embarrassed," Julie muttered as she and Reggie hobbled towards her door. It was slow going with her leg in a cast from the knee down, a lovely result of tripping over that damn final step to leave the library. She usually makes sure to take notice of it, but today, with terms and definitions flooding her mind and the stress of exams bearing down, she hadn't taken notice , slipped, and now had a nasty fracture to show for it.
Thankfully Reggie had been there, five seconds short of saving her leg, but more than willing to carry her to his car, rush her to the hospital and sit with her. Through boring hours in excruciating pain in the waiting room, punctuated with stale coffee, reviewing her terms and quizzing Reggie right back about his math theorems.
Julie had told him he could go, but he insisted on waiting. "What kind of friend would I be if I left you here, hurt, scared, and alone and then have to get an Uber back to school?"
Now here he was, still here, helping her maneuver into her apartment, firm arms wrapped around her waist as she tried to keep the weight off her injured leg. Honestly he had offered to carry her until she got used to the crutches, but she didn't think she could handle that. Look, Reggie was a dish and being bridal carried by him might just end Julie, so she conceded to letting him act as a crutch.
"Honestly Julie I'm surprised that it wasn't me. My head is always in the clouds or buried in a book, that stair is deadly, so I figured it would get me one of these days," Reggie said as she unlocked the door, the two of them shuffling through, bags being dropped, and Julie hoped Reggie wouldn't judge her too badly for the tornado of exam time mess that was currently her living space.
But Reggie didn't comment on the notes covering the table, the sink full of dishes, the wilting plants. He merely helped her to the sofa, propping up her leg with a soft pillow. "Now, how about I get you something better to drink than the hospital swill and something to eat. We'll veg out for a bit and then I'll go through your vocab with you after you nap."
"Vocab terms, then nap," Julie negotiated. "During which you should go home, you've already given up so much of your day for me."
"Julie... I like spending time with you, it was no trouble. Now I am going to raid and judge the contents of your fridge."
Some time later, after grilled cheeses, some iced tea, and an episode of Bake Off, Julie felt much better. Still embarrassed about being laid up, but the stress of exams was melting away. Reggie's warm smile seemed to have that effect. Even if his grin was currently full of mirth as she let out yet another yawn.
"Okay, think it's time for you to head off to bed, and for me to skedaddle," Reggie said. He scooped Julie up, despite her protests, and her flushed face. Thankfully she was already in lounging clothes, so she could easily be lowered onto her bed, smiling softly up at Reggie.
"Thank you for everything Reg," Julie said, leaning up to brush a kiss against his cheek. Only he turned his face at the last moment, and their lips landed against one another. Julie knew she should pull away, let the accidental smooch be just that, but instead she pressed against Reggie more firmly.
Reggie for his part was not about to pull away when Julie Molina was kissing him, the object of his secret affections for the past few semesters. He just hoped it was because she wanted to kiss him and not some weird after affects of the pain meds they had pumped her full of at the hospital. No, instead he kept the kiss going, cupping her face in his hands, licking across the seam of her lips, savoring the flavour of her lip gloss... of her.
Julie finally pulled back, just slightly, their noses still brushing, foreheads pressed together as their eyes fluttered open. "I like how you say thank you," Reggie quipped.
"That was nothing, just wait until I get the cast off," Julie quipped, loving how Reggie flushed at that. "Um... do you want to stay? Have a nap with me? Maybe we could get some sushi later, keep reviewing? Maybe put on a movie?"
"Sounds like a date," Reggie replied. Julie nodded, and then indicated where her oversized sweats where, letting Reggie go off and get changed. She settled back into the bed, smiling wide. Sure, her leg was still busted, school was driving her to drink, but if all of that led her to landing Reggie, well she had to suppose it was all worth it.
But she was still writing the school administration about that damn last step.
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violets · 3 years
my brain going brrr on this good day at 7am woooo am going to take a nap and hopefully get up and Do Things and maybe get a booster shot if i can. oh well i need to get my life back together anyway
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Quarantine Peter!!
This had to be done.
A/n: this is kind of modern and includes stuff like zoom and face time soooo ya don’t come if you want 70s/80s realness haha.
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It sucks. As this whole situation does.
But Peter makes it better :)
Just being around him is so comforting in these hard times.
He keeps making jokes of how nothing has really changed but he hates the fact that he can’t take you on a lovely night out or an adventure.
The first days are pretty chill
You know, you just watch movies, play his games, and chillllll. Y’all were pretty happy.
But sooon you both realized that you would be stuck with eachother for a while and began to get irritated.
Spending more time with eachother means more fights with eachother. Which sucks.
They’re not big or dramatic or anything. They’re just there and it gets you both down.
“Let’s just stop fighting” he said at one point which made you chuckle. “Create a cure or fix your attitude and I’ll think about it” you replied. He gasped. “Asshole.” He said as he kissed your cheek.
He will definitely take you on runs. To any place even, as long as there aren’t other people. His powers really come in handy with the lack of fresh air.
You cook for him a lot, just cause it’s safer than going out. He appreciates it a loooot. He cooks too! But I have a feeling he’ll just prepare really easy stuff like pizza or spaghetti.
You tried teaching him how to cook a steak once but he got annoyed and zoomed off. Which lead to another mini fight. But y’all were good.
You zoomed with your fellow X-men peers and it was hella fun! It was nice to see all their lovely faces.
“I’m starting to miss classes even!!” Kurt said. “I’m not” replied Peter. “That’s cause you have y/n you lucky ass”
“True” :)
You best believe that interaction ended with a biiiig hug and lil kisses on your face.
You had to turn the camera off.
You and Peter would try to help out the outside world in small but certainly meaningful ways.
For example, you would donate whatever spare money you have to a charity.
This helps out the world plus it makes up for the absolute LAZINESS that you two have succumbed to.
Getting up the absolute latest you possibly can.
Getting right back into bed.
Naps and cuddling.
Only getting up to eat.
But despite most of the lazziness you guys sometimes feel the need to finally do things.
Some of these things include:
Making dumb videos
Playing board games
Building a lil pillow fort
D a n c i n g
Making a script together
Making that script come to life
And a lot more <3
As I said before times are incredibly tough right now and my heart goes out to everyone who is being affected by this. But I have finally made a Peter fan fic after probably a year so woooo!!! I’ll gladly take requests right now since I have so much time on my hands! Just as long as it isn’t smut! Love y’all! 💜💜
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more bc ur an amazing mutual and ily /p
adorable couple edition!!
-selever gets little gifts for elvira and leaves them on her bedroom drawer for her to wake up to
-kava likes to hugs hunter and he always appreciates them considering she always does it at the right time
-licorice and strawberry pocky take naps together on the benches and licorice leans on strawberry pocky during those naps
1. Can I just say that's so sweet of selever to do? Adorable, I love.
3. may I just say that's so wholesome?? I love that idea, such cuties ❤️
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BTS Reaction: You having a panic attack | Maknae Line
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Requested: yes ❤️ thanks for the request love!
a/n: here's the second part to the panic attack reaction! Hope you guys like it :)) -chip
Genre: angst-ish, fluff
Warnings: panic attacks, car accident and catcalling. Nothing too severe but if that triggers you don't read!
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an anGEL
"TO THE STORE!!! WOOHOO!!" Jimin cheers and runs down the steps leading from your apartment, jumping off at the last few steps and landing on the ground gracefully before sprinting to the car. You hurry down the stairs and laugh at him, sending him a big smile when you see him watching you happily from the side of the car.
Jimin always gets excited when you two have movie night. Whether it's the movie, spending time with you, or the snacks; you still can't figure it out. You climb into the driver's seat, buckling your seatbelt and turning to your boyfriend, "ok, seatbelt on?" He nods and pulls on the belt strapped around him to prove it to you. You laugh and shake your head, turning on the radio and plugging your phone in.
"Music?" Jimin pumps his fists in the air at your question.
The two of you make it to the store, and run around collecting all the goodies you can't wait to stuff your face with. Jimin has a little basket and is grabbing chips, popcorn, and spicy snacks. You fill your basket with different candy, cookies and ice cream. Then, the both of you meet up and buy everything, lugging it to the car and settling back in your seats.
"Woooo, that was a lot." You flop in your chair and pull the buckle around you. Jimin pulls his on as well and nods, "yeah, there will be no shortage of snacks tonight!" You two laugh and you plug your phone in; handing it to Jimin and giggling at his surprised face.
"You can pick the music. As long as it isn't something you know I hate." He nods and gently takes the phone, scrolling through the options.
You're driving down the road, singing along with Jimin to the song blasting through the speakers; when the car in front of you swerves a little to the right. It straightens out, but now you're nervous anyway. Jimin makes a 'hm' sound and you see him shift in his seat.
"That car has done that a couple times, actually." Jimin speaks up and your palms start to sweat. Was the driver drunk? Hurt? Tired? Just not paying attention? Your mind starts to think up all the worst case scenarios, then you feel Jimin's hand on your thigh. He pats it and says softly, "it's alright y/n, just stay a safe distance behind him and we'll be fine." Yes. Yes, he's right. If you keep your cool, no matter what the person in front of you does; you'll be fine. You take a few deep breaths in and let them out slowly, keeping a distance between you and the swerving car. If there's one person you trust, it's Jimin. If he says you're fine, then you're fine. Jimin smiles at you and pats your thigh again, "good job baby, see? Nothing's gonna happen. Just hope he pulls over soon." You nod in agreement.
After a couple minutes, the car seems to be going straight again, but you're still uneasy. Jimin shifts again and mumbles, "is there a number we can call to give them a heads up that someone is driving that maybe shouldn't be?" You shrug but keep your eyes on the road, "I'm not sure. But I don't trust this guy-"
At the same second you say that; the car in front swerves off the road, almost turning in a complete circle and you scream, slamming on the breaks and just missing colliding with the vehicle.
You and Jimin lurch forward in your seats; the belts restraining you and slamming you back into place. Thankfully, the airbags didn't explode and you both seem to be fine. Your breathing picks up and you start to cry, your hands shaking and struggling to unbuckle yourself. Jimin unbuckles and quickly reaches to your side to undo your seatbelt.
"Hey, hey baby it's okay. Calm down, y/n." You can't though. Your nerves are absolutely shot and now all you can see is dust in front of the car, obscuring your view of the other driver.
Once Jimin is sure you didn't bang your head too bad, he hops out and runs to the other car. You can't see anything, but your body is frozen jn place and won't let you get out of the car. A minute later Jimin comes into view; his phone to his ear while he nods and speaks to someone on the other side. Your boyfriend walks to your side and opens your door just as he hangs up, "come here, baby. It's alright. Everyone is okay." He pulls you into a gentle hug and let's you cry it out on his shoulder.
"Just breathe deep, babygirl. You did the right thing, everything is okay." After a minute of just crying, you pull your head up and wipe your eyes, "how is he? Is the other driver okay?" Jimin nods and pushes your hair back from your eyes.
"He's okay. He didn't get enough sleep last night I guess. He's shaken up and extremely regretful, but he doesn't have any serious injuries. The police will be here soon to get everything sorted out." You nod again and Jimin smiles softly, lifting your chin to look him in the eyes, "hey now, you did great. I'm so proud of you." Jimin knows you suffer from anxiety and it took a huge amount of strength to keep your cool. You hesitate, then give him a small smile.
"After this is all figured out, I'll drive home. We'll continue movie night and forget this happened, okay?"
"Thanks Jiminie."
"I'm so proud, and I love you, y/n."
"Love you too."
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mHm, yAs, wHo sAid yOu cOuld LoOk liKe thAt?
"You ready, cutie?" Taehyung opens the car door as you're flinging your purse over your shoulder and skipping to the door he's opened for you.
"Yes, I am! Thanks, baby." You hop in the car and Tae shuts the door with a big boxy smile on his face. He gets in on his side and shuts the door, rubbing his hands together and turning towards you, "alrighty! So, downtown?" You nod enthusiastically and he giggles while putting the car into gear.
Tae hurries out of his side so he can open the door for you; which makes your heart positively melt. You pat his arm and smile at him when you hop out, "thank you, you're such a gentleman." You kiss his cheek and he tries to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks by staring at the ground.
"N-no problem." Then your fiance links his arm in yours and you two are off. You both love to shop, so you go in and out of lots of stores before stopping to grab a bite to eat. After lunch, you see a pair of tan heels in the window of a store and stop to look at them. Tae didn't notice and kept walking for a few paces before turning and realizing you had stopped. He laughs at you staring into the window longingly; then he starts walking back to you. Right before he reaches you, he hears some random man call out to you.
"Hey beautiful! Looking good."
You turn at the sound of the voice, seeing that Tae had kept walking and some man was looking you up and down. There's a sinking feeling in your stomach and you turn to walk away when he calls out again, "you not gonna say 'thank you', babygirl?" You pick up your speed when you see Tae walking towards you with a look of murder on his face.
"What a shame, I woulda liked to-" the man says some inappropriate stuff that you try to block out. You reach Tae and he grabs you by the arm and pulls you to him. You stumble into his chest and try not to panic. You can feel how tense he is and when he goes to move toward the guy you hold him back, "Tae, please. Please, let's just get out of here. Please, Tae." You're starting to tear up, scared that the man is gonna try to start something with your fiance and you just want to leave. Tae's shoulders drop when he feels your panicked grip on his shirt.
"You're a piece of trash. No wonder all you do is sit on the street and catcall girls. You couldn't get a date if you paid someone. Pathetic." Taehyung spits at the man and turns to gently drag you away.
"T-thank you, Taetae." Your voice is quivering and he pulls you into a nearby store before enveloping you in his strong arms. "Are you okay, darling?" You nod, but contrary to your actions you burst into tears and choked breaths. Taehyung shushes you and holds you close, petting your hair and rocking you back and forth.
"Hey, how about some boba tea?" He says after a little while, then he laughs at the way your watery eyes start to shine at his suggestion. You nod and he wipes your tears away, "no need to fret baby, I won't let anyone touch you." You hug him again and listen to the sound of his heartbeat; it's strong and steady, calming you down almost instantly.
A week later you find a box with a note from him. The note reads: Just a little present for my one and only girl <3
You smile and set the note down gently before opening the box; gasping and rolling your eyes when you see the tan heels you wanted that day.
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yEaH let's not talk about this gif. Bc I'm dead mofo.
It came out of nowhere honestly, you have no idea why it happened....
You and Jungkook are on his bed, he's on his back scrolling through his phone and you're laying on your stomach with your head on his tummy. You were extremely tired earlier when he asked you to come over but you missed him so much so you decided to just relax with him, that way you could still spend time together.
Jungkook giggles, which causes his tummy to jiggle; making your head move since it's lying right on his stomach. You laugh and open one eye to peek up at him, "what're you laughing about up there?" he looks over the top of his phone down at you and smiles before cooing at you, "hi sleepyhead, get a good nap?" You nod against his abdomen and cuddle closer to him, "I guess, if you can call fifteen minutes a good nap." He nods, running his fingers through your hair then flips his phone around for you to look at while he massages your head, "this is what I was laughing about. You can go back to sleep if you want sweetie, I'm not going anywhere." You look at the meme on his phone that Taehyung sent him and giggle at it then you stuff your face back into his belly and give it a big kiss. Jungkook squirms and laughs out loud, "stoooop~ it's tickling!" You smile and lie back down, closing your eyes. You feel Jungkook brushing your forehead softly.
That's when it hits you. Suddenly your chest is tight and you squeeze your eyes shut, willing it to go away. You breathe in and out deeply, but it just gets worse from there. You feel your palms get sweaty and the thought that someone is going to hurt you jumps into your brain so quick you can't catch it in time to logically figure it out.
You sit bolt upright, startling Jungkook, grabbing your chest in an attempt to help the air go in. Jungkook sits up quickly and reaches out for your hand. He knows exactly what's going on, even if he doesn't know what has triggered it. You don't mean to, but you're panicking at this point, so you yank your hand out of his roughly and stumble off the bed. Jungkook watches you in alarm, seeing you start to sob and shake right in front of him, and not knowing a single thing to do about it.
"I- I ca- I can't-" your breaths are super short and your sobs are choking you, not letting you get enough air in to speak. You start to fold in on yourself, the horrible feeling that someone is right there about to kill you taking over your mind. At this point Jungkook is off the bed, mind turning round and round to figure out what to do. Then he wraps his arms around you, sinking to the floor slowly alongside you as you cower to the ground. You both sit on the floor and you can hear Jungkook saying something, you don't know what, but the sound of his voice is breaking through the blur of panic.
You mentally grab onto his voice while he rocks you back and forth, telling yourself over and over that it's okay. You hear little fragments of what he's saying, things like, "my baby's okay. You're perfectly safe my love. No one can hurt you. You're okay babygirl. My baby is so strong. It's just you and me, love. Nobody but you and me."
Eventually your sobs have stopped. Jungkook keeps rocking you, back and forth while you two sit on his bedroom floor. When you come to, you realize he's started to sing to you.
His voice is breaking slightly due to his tears, but you can't see his face. His heart breaks for you every time this happens, and he wishes he could take it all away.
Your breaths are slow and calm now, the tears on your face just a sticky reminder of what just happened.
When Jungkook feels your breathing slow down, he pulls back and smiles gently at you. You look like a mess with your hair sticking to your face and a red, runny nose sniffling. Jungkook kisses your nose and softly wipes under your eyes, then he pulls his sleeve over his palm and gently dabs under your nose to clean you up.
"There you go, baby." He whispers and keeps smiling while fixing your face up. You curl back into his chest and he wraps his arms around you, continuing the song where he left off.
"Take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria."
a/n 2.0: I hate Tumblr. The end.
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thatonebipotato · 5 years
Discarded Memories- 6
Story Warnings: Angst, memory loss, yelling, Deceit, manipulation in a way, Remus, uhhh I’ll add more when I think of them
Chapter Warnings: Deceit, mention of animal death, pain(burn) mention, lack of sleep, it gets a little angsty but it ends in fluff I promise, let me know of anymore!
Also Logan finally gets sleep wOOOO!!
Logan sighed, rubbing his eyes. He was working, yet again. He was finding it harder and harder to filter through intrusive thoughts, because since Deceit could no longer do his job properly, he had to also filter through memories and ideas, as well as plan ahead of time for simple lies that could possibly be needed. And, since Thomas was currently out, make a few up on the spot. He let his head fall onto his desk, letting out a loud groan before picking it up again and continuing.
He was exhausted, and extra work helped nothing. He rubbed his eyes again, trying his best to hide the dark circles under his eyes. He has just been able to do it earlier, before he came into his room, just enough to look fine. He was so tired he couldn’t even change his appearance, one of the easiest things any of them could do.
He yawned for the fifth time in two minutes, glancing over at his bed. It was so tempting, but he had work to do. Yet, knowing they would eventually drag him out and see his lack of sleep clear as anything, well, it was at least enough for him to move away from his desk and settle into his bean bag chair with a nice book.
He got maybe halfway through the first chapter before his eyelids backstabbed him, closing all too fast for his taste. He slept, with a book and his hand resting on his chest, skewed glasses, and soft snoring. He twitched every now and then before he forced himself up again, ashamed he had fallen asleep.
Sure, it had only been ten minutes, but that was ten minutes of work lost to time. Cursing himself quietly, Logan attempted to stand again, giving up when he both felt and heard how his back cracked.
He pushed his glasses back up his nose and allowed himself to sink into the depth of the soft bean bag. He was still exhausted, but didn’t want to go back to sleep. He also couldn’t shake the hunger. He hadn’t eaten much breakfast, and lunch had already passed. Another day wasted in his room by work. He was curious, he wanted to do things, test things, but he just couldn’t.
He was relieved when he finally heard that knock on his door. He shakily stood, gathering the energy to have a normal appearance as he opened the door.
“Hello, Virgil, how may I assist you?” he asked, forcing down another yawn.
“Just wanted to ask if you would be joining us for that movie marathon,” Virgil said casually, looking Logan up and down, as if he knew. “We’re gonna be doing that in, like, an hour, after dinner.”
Logan nodded his head. “I would probably be forcibly removed sometime after you four started anyways, so of course.”
He let the illusion drop the second Virgil walked off, letting out a sigh of relief. An hour. He would have enough time to take a nap, resume work, and then join them. He pulled his papers and computer onto his bed, laying on his stomach and continuing, not forcing himself up. If he was having any sleep, he would do it while working.
He filed through the documents, pushing the ones that were newly forming off to the side, and typed away. He was drawing multiple blanks on information as he continued. He felt his head drift into the itchy sheets, letting himself collapse on his bed and drift into slumber. A few more minutes passed before his body registered he wouldn’t immediately wake up again, and began to form dreams.
Now, dear reader, I am going to break the fourth wall to explain some things. While I should be reading now, I prefer to write, so I will have to make this explanation short and simple. Logan has a fun thing about his dreams. He will go to a safe spot that he’s created. Sort of like BBC’s Sherlock, how Sherlock has a mind palace. He will… appear in a sort of lightbulb dome thing. Whenever he wants to leave, a small opening with appear in the glass, and he can crawl out into an endless world where all his pent up emotions and thoughts can be released. Would canon Logan do this? Probably not. But I mead, idk. This is my story I can do what I want in here, thank you very much. Ok fourth wall break over~ :)
Logan laid down at the bottom of his dome. His spot. His safe place. He watched as his thoughts formed into ideas on the outside, and if he disliked them they morphed into his preference.
The garden left, replaced with a library. The books in the library disappeared, turning into plants and small, strange, caged creatures. The lights changed colour many times before settling on a simple white glow. The table morphed, turning into the silliest designs that were not at all practical. Cups of coffee arranged themselves neatly on the table, before they changed into a hot chocolate, with whipped cream and marshmallows, even with a pumpkin spice powder, which turned into chocolate powder at the sour glance Logan gave it. No, he did not like pumpkin spice and hot chocolate together. He sighed, sitting down on the wooden chair that changed under his rear end into a soft shark chair. He prefered that. It was squishy and comfortable, like his bean bag, shaped like a typical chair, and with a shark design printed onto it. How could he not?
One of the small critters open the cage and leaped from the shelf onto the table beside him. It had the basic shape of a small monkey, but it’s fur was black, it’s eyes were shining gold, and it had four arms instead of two. It pushed one of the mugs towards Logan, who drank from it, ignoring how the steam clouded his glasses. The monkey let out a chirp, leaping onto the shelves again to release a small bird. The bird looked dull and grey from the outside, with some browns mixed in, black eyes, and a long, pointed beak. But it waddled out, and spread it wings, revealing an array of reds and oranges and pinks and blues.
It flew towards the top of the library, with the monkey giving loud shrieks and cheers for the bird as Logan simply glanced up, unbothered and unfazed by its beauty. This was his favorite place to think of. The bird and monkey held a special place in his heart. The other creatures did, too, but the two were his personal favorites. He set the mug down, wiped his lip, and stood up as the monkey clung onto his arm and the bird landed on his shoulder. He began to walk towards a separate door, one off to the side of the library, hidden by the shelves. The other animals started to shriek, a loud cry to be let out. But no, not today. He reached for the handle of the door as the cries grew pained. The second he walked out of that door, they would all die. All the plants and animals, they would turn into nothing but dust. Yet, when he would eventually return, they would be alive again. That’s what happened to them all, even the two he was currently carrying, they would all meet that fate anyways, when he would have to leave. He wished he could bring them with him, but for obvious reasons, such as them not being real and also because of how many there were, he couldn’t. He didn’t like it, not at all, but it’s just what happened.
The door opened and the cries dimmed away as he walked through and into another garden, not like the one that had turned into the library. No, this one was more special. There were small trees growing everywhere, with silver leaves and ruby trunks. Small flowers blossomed upon his arrival, revealing lightning bugs that glowed like fairy lights of all different colours. A breeze drifted by, swaying the teal grass that, from experience, tasted like sour candy. Bushes of small, indigo berries grew beside the trees, lining a path made of mixed gems that let to a gigantic tree. It was a baobab tree, thick and tall. It’s trunk was ivory and it’s leaves were a bright emerald green colour, and even though there was a large room carched through the center, it still lived on beautifully.
Logan followed to path to the side of the large tree. When he made it to a certain point, he stepped off the path and into the shrubbery, crouching into a carved hole near the bottom of the trunk. Inside were floating lanterns, and carved shelves lined with books and framed pictures and half eaten snacks. There was an opening at the top, where then canopy let filtered sunlight fall onto a pillow. He settled himself in the pillow, letting the monkey and the bird roam the place they had made together, many, many years ago.
Though he could never think of absolutely any of these things on his own, he was glad Roman could have. They had all made ideas together to make a room filled with a grand world. It was back when they were still King, when Logan wasn’t yet Logic, when Morality was nothing but Kindness. He made this space, and the separate variations, out of old ideas they had scrapped. Anything that wasn’t a kingdom was scrapped. Peaceful creatures, scrapped. Flavours, foods, animals, stories, all scrapped, all kept by Logan. He would never admit it, but those were his favourite times. When he didn’t feel the need to be serious, when dark and light sides were teams they made for games and nothing more, holding no meaning, when there weren’t any fights. It was so much simpler then. He missed it.
He heard a knock. It was loud, echoey, meaning it came from the real world. His time to dwell on the past was up. He shouldn’t have even done it in the first place. It was stupid of him to think he even wanted it. No, no he didn’t. He clearly didn’t.
When his eyes opened in the real world, they were wet. Why had he been crying? There was nothing to be sad about. Besides, he doesn’t get sad. He doesn’t feel.
He pushed himself upright, wiping his eyes and fixing his glasses. He held up an illusion to hide the bags that still remained under his eyes. He adjusted his tie and pulled down his wrinkled shirts, opening the door.
“Ah, Virgil, is it time already?” he asked, sounding completely unamused.
“Yep.” Virgil gave a small smile to him before his expression changed. “Actually, the time passed. We’re still watching movies, of course, but I… did come in earlier. You were asleep and I didn’t want to bother you, but you looked really tired. Are you ok?” Virgil’s voice was drenched in concern, his eyes filled with a deep worry, so deep, in fact, the ocean would be jealous.
“Of course,” Logan said, trying to stay calm. “Why wouldn’t I be? Not getting enough sleep would be illogical, and it is important. That is, if that’s what you were meaning.”
Virgil stared at him blankly, with an unreadable expression. He said nothing as he turned and started walking to the living room, Logan following close behind him.
Currently, they were halfway through Fantasia. Devon was curled up and the end of the couch, hugging a small pillow and staring intently at the T.V. Roman was beside him, sitting with his legs crossed, his head resting in one of his hands, also staring intently at the screen. Patton was at the other end of the couch, in his cat onesie and sitting with his legs up to his chest. Upon seeing Virgil, he smiled brightly, making grabby hands at him.
Virgil smirked, walking behind the couch to meet Patton, settling between the others legs as he clung on tightly. Logan walked over, nudging Devon to move over a little. He looked up at Logan before he sat up, sitting upright and still hugging the pillow. When Logam sat down, Devon laid across his lap contently.
He sighed, upset he couldn’t sneak back into his room if Devon didn’t move(which was likely). He started absentmindedly running his hands through the other’s curly hair. It was soft, and had no knots. It felt nice, and his scalp was warm. Devon started backing into Logan, enjoying the feeling. He softly let out some noises that sounded close to a purr. Logan knew he would likely regret this, but he didn’t stop.
The others looked over occasionally, but made no comments. By the time Cinderella was over, Logan had a sleeping snake in his lap. He felt tired himself, cursing himself mentally. Devon was warm, much like a blanket, and his breathing was rhythmic and very calming. There was pain in his legs, sharp and burning. But before he could react to the feeling of it seering into his thigh, his eyes grew heavy, and before he knew it, he was back in his bubble again.
@5am-the-foxing-hour @spacesquidfandoms @redundant-statements-for-400 @slimysnek-boi @lovesupportandcookies @paperghastly @invalid-author @fangirltothefullest @the-infinite-artist @withspaces @theobsessor1 @melonthemelon27 @actual-garbage-gay @peepapeep @hitmewiththatfanart33 @eeveeawesome @stellar-blue-bird @thepoolofthedead @lawful-logan @pastelbutterfly2341 @analogicalhell @kadenistrying @lovingcreatorstrawberry @ma-art-is-average @the-magicalpotato @plyyeemoloser @thesassiersylveon @lamaplant @knine-nights @nightstargalaxy @jay-son-toddler @deathshadowrules @spxced-oxt @panic-at-the-deceit @chelsvans
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sheyshen · 5 years
48. "…out of habit", for whoever you think suits it best?
Getting back to writing woooo ♪
Series: SWtoR: Star Wars the Old RepublicPairing: Shey & Koro (+Torian)When I started writing this the ‘habit’ was between the former spouses now friends, but Torian just kinda happened as well and it was fun so hey, more love right? ;)
To say it was swamped would be an understatement. Koro grumbled as he sorted through reports that had been sent while the commander was away on a mission. Theron normally handled this day to day but since he was also away from base on a separate mission with Arcann and Koren, the task fell to the commander’s older brother instead.
He didn’t mind, as an information broker, his life revolved around data and for every report he went through he also managed to get a little dirt on some members of the alliance.
A report from Khomo updating the commander on how the Mandalorians were doing, he filed that one with the previous reports he had already reviewed. A romantic poem from an anonymous admirer, judging by the wording he suspected it was from one of his sisters two lovers though he couldn’t entirely rule out it being from an old flame. Corso was high on the list, but so was that sith friend of hers, or her ex-husband who’d been hanging around more and more lately. He shook his head, deciding to make a copy for later before he filed it away with her other personal messages. After he was done he could figure out who it was from and either toss it or keep it for possible blackmail in the future.
Next was one from Koth with updates on the defense of Zakuul, one from Ren updating on Vinn’s ‘integration’ into the Alliance as well as a confirmation that the fight he had gotten into with another alliance member was not started by him.
Updates on Valss’s recovery, Senya and Lana reporting in for their missions, Aric and the status of havoc. It was endless.
Torian dropped off another datapad, patting him on the shoulder with an apology. More messages, it was no wonder Theron was glued to his datapad all day when he wasn’t on the field or distracted by either of his lovers or sons.
Finishing going through what he had already transferred to the datapad he had been using, he put the device down and picked up the one Torian had brought him. Thankfully it wasn’t filled to the brim with reports, but it was with requisition requests, most from Oggurobb. Grumbling in annoyance he set to sift through, rejecting over half that the Hutt sent over immediately.
So focused on this he didn’t realize that there was a cup of caf placed in front of him until Shey put a hand on his arm.
“You should take a break.” She gestured to the cup. “Stretch your legs a bit, you haven’t moved in hours.”
“It’s been that long already?” He rubbed the back of his neck as he put the datapad down.
“About three hours since Tor brought you the new datapad, and nearly an hour since Kyri brought you some snacks.”
He glanced at the untouched plate that sat on the terminal he had been standing at. “I didn’t even notice, I’ll be sure to thank her.”
Shey chuckled as he took a big gulp of the caf and shoved a cookie in his mouth before grabbing the datapad again and returning to his work.
“Just be sure to take a break.”
“I will, nearly done.” He answered distractedly. “Thanks.” He said as he leaned over and kissed her gently. She returned the quick peck but paused a moment after. Reaching over he grabbed another snack but froze right before it made it to his mouth.
She watched him carefully, surprise on both of their faces. It had been years since they had been together, over sixteen years since their divorce, and yet the habit still remained.
She shrugged it off, returning to her work and leaving him to his. It wasn’t worth teasing him on the mistake considering that she also returned the gesture on reflex.
Another hour later Torian brought up another datapad for him and some dinner.“You need to take a break vode.” He pushed the plate of food towards him, all of Koro’s favorites if he was any judge.
The broker hummed in reply, nodding and reached for the food. Torian shook his head, pulling the plate out of reach and earning a frustrated grumble.
“Take a break, eat and go for a walk. You’ll turn to stone standing like that all day.” When koro didn’t reply he pushed the plate closer, and took the datapad from his hands, “eat and walk.” He repeated.
“Alright, I get the idea.” Koro chuckled, grabbing a roll off the plate and still reading the data that had been on the datapad through his visor. He could do both. “Thanks.” He replied, attention split once more. He leaned over and kissed Torian, pausing immediately as the mando chuckled and took the chance to disconnect and remove Koro’s visor. Grabbing the roll from his hand and the remaining datapad he strode away, taking away any other distraction so his friend would have no choice but to take some time to eat.
“Will take a bit more than that to get out of taking a break.” He winked and gave him a grin as he hit the button on the elevator and left the war room.
Koro watched him leave, deciding that Torian was right. Grabbing his plate he turned and headed to his quarters to eat and grab a quick nap, he apparently needed the rest. At least he hadn’t kissed anyone he’d regret.
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Without Kale
“I’m gonna take Ethan upstairs. He needs to be fed and put down for a nap,” you say, bouncing your chunky thirteen month old son in your arms. “Would you mind making Grace some lunch?”
“I can do that.” Harry stands from his desk and makes his way towards you and your son, planting a sweet kiss on your temple before leaning down and giving one to your son as well.
“I think we have some extra chicken in the fridge and a few pitas. You could make the chicken and kale salad sandwich she loves so much.” Smiling at Harry, you make your way out of the office and into the living area.
“I’ll have to look and see if we have kale. I think I used all of it yesterday in my smoothie.” Harry’s teeth clench in an awkward way and his lips spread in a grimace as if he is saying “oops”, worried we may be out of a tasty part of the meal. “We might have to compromise, then go to the store after Stud wakes up from his nap.” He searches the living room for his daughter, but she is nowhere to be found. “Where is she?” Harry asks as you make your way up the stairs to Ethan’s bedroom.
“Outside with Poppy! Will you feed the dog as well? Please?” You ask with a pleading look because feeding Poppy isn’t your favorite thing. Harry insists on wet dog food multiple days during the week to mix things up for her, and let’s be honest, the smell makes you want to vomit. Today is a stinky food day for Poppy.
“Will do. Have a good nap, Stud.” Harry calls to your son as you continue to his bedroom.
Harry saunters into the kitchen, humming a upbeat tune softly. The water pours from the faucet, and he pulls off his rings, the metal clinking against the stone of the countertop adding percussion to his song before squirting soap on his hands. He watches out the window as his daughter throws the green tennis ball across the yard for her furry best friend. His fingers intertwine and rub together, bubbles forming as he scrubs his skin free of all germs. Sliding his four go to fashion accessory on his fingers, he turns towards the refrigerator.
“Blast….” Harry exclaims when he opens the fridge, his eyes searching the shelves for the clear container that typically houses the leafy vegetable. Eyes landing on the vessel, Harry notices a crisp paper towel lining the bottom, prepared for fresh kale to be added after a trip to the store.  Biting his lip, he is hopeful that the meal will taste fine even if missing the best part. Harry mixes the chicken, lemon juice, salt and pepper, chopped apples, and cheese in a bowl, combining the ingredients before filling half of a pita. Cutting up a pear, Harry spreads the fruit artfully on the pink princess plate next to the Mediterranean bread and a handful of cherry tomatoes. Throwing a red ball of deliciousness into his mouth, the skin pops open and the juice squirts flavor on his tongue. “Mmm, that’s good.”
Wiping his hands on a towel, Harry makes his way to the back door, sliding it open towards the vast yard. “Bug, come eat some lunch.” Grace stops mid-throw, the ball falling from her hand and bouncing on the green grass, her head whipping towards her father. She happily calls for Poppy before they both run towards the house, excited for their respective meals.
“What’s for lunch?” Grace’s breathing is labored after her sprint into the kitchen. Her eyes land on the pink princess plate before her father can answer.  “Oh, Chicken and Kale pita. Yummy.” Licking her lips she climbs on the barstool, ready to chow down.
“Hey, before you eat, I need you to wash your hands.” Harry instructs his daughter, who rolls her eyes before hopping off the stool. She drags her feet around the island, opening the cupboard under the sink.  Placing her hands on either side of the stool she pulls back, shuffling her feet, her bum leading the way. Standing on the first step, she squirts a tiny drop of soap on the edge of her fingers, rubbing them together fast, missing the obvious spots of dirt. Looking over at her father who is pouring food into Poppy’s dish, Grace dries her hands and calls her subpar hand washing good enough.
“Bad news, Grace; we are out of kale. But I made everything else the same so it should taste fine.” Harry leans on the counter as his daughter hops back on the seat.
“We are out of kale?” The expression that appears on Grace’s face is akin to the moment when a child’s favorite toy breaks, that middle emotion of horror and sadness. “I don’t want it.” She drops her head on her hands. “The kale is the only good part.”
“Oh Bug, I promise it tastes good. Plus you need the protein and energy.” Harry pushes. “If you eat, then after Ethan wakes up we can go to the store. Get more kale.”
“I don’t want it.” Grace pushes her food towards her father, not making eye contact with Harry. Frustrated puffs of air escape her mouth as she looks at her plate that is missing a key ingredient.
“Well, this is what we are having. You know the rule, Bug. You eat what we make, or you can choose to go hungry.” Harry shrugs his shoulders and pops another tomato into his mouth.
“But I’m starving.” Grace whines.
“Then here is your lunch.” Harry pushes the plate towards his daughter.
“I want good food. That’s gross food. I don’t want that!” She yells back at her dad, pushing the plate hard enough for it to almost fall off the edge.
“Grace Gemma.” Harry says softly in a tone that means business. “Please keep your voice down. Ethan is trying to nap.”
“But. I’m. Hungry.” She lets out. Her eyes fill with tears the size of the raindrops that pour from the London sky, creating rivers down her cheeks, wetting her shirt with sadness.
“Then eat.” Harry places the plate in front of her again. “Food is available right here. See, Poppy likes her lunch.” Pointing towards the dog, Harry shows his daughter that their pet is almost done with her meal.
“I want kale.” Grace cries, throwing her head in the crook of her elbow as she sobs for the leafy vegetable. Harry watches as his daughter cries. Taking a deep breath, Harry feels for his child. If he woke up in the morning and all the kale was gone, he would have the same reaction. A light bulb pings above his head with an idea. If he was in this predicament, he knows what would help him.  So he decides to try and make light of the situation.
“Just stop your cryin’ and eat your lunch.”  Harry begins. “I know that we’re out of kale, but that doesn’t mean you’re in jail.” Harry continues as he smiles at his clever wording, the pride wafting off of him like a kale and cheese omelette fresh off the pan.  
“I want kale; that's why I’m crying.” Grace sobs dramatically. “I want kale.” Harry decides his new rendition of Sign of the Times isn’t working and feels the need to change it up.
“Eat your pita. WOO HOO. Tasty Pita. WOO HOO. It has chicken, WOO HOO and yummy cheese WOOOO HOOOO.” Harry sings, but his song just makes things worse. Grace pushes the plate further away and cries louder.
“Stop singing, Daddy!” Grace whines, throwing her hands over her eyes. “I just want kale. No more music.”
Harry chuckles at his daughter’s reaction. Kale over music. Whose child is she? As sad as it is to watch her cry, Harry feels that he needs to stick to the rules. Eat what we have or nothing at all. A new song pops in his head, and he begins to try again to make her smile.
“Just a little bit of your lunch, Just a little bit of your lunch, Just a little bit of your lunch is all you need.” Harry tickles her arm and Grace pulls away, her pout so big it would sour a beautiful sunny day, upset at the fact that he is trying to brighten her mood. So he changes the song again.
“I’m tempted you know, to send you away without eating. (Quack)” Harry sways to the beat of his song. “Grace. G-Grace. La la la la la la la la G-Grace. Grace.”
“Stop.” Grace cries louder as her father grooves to the music. “I’m hungry, and I want kale.”
“Well my love, I am not sure what to tell you. We don’t have any kale, and I’m sorry. I wish I did. If you eat your lunch, then we can go get more kale from the store.” Harry tries to rationally explain the situation to his daughter. Lifting her head and letting it drop backwards, she wails at her father's words. At this, Harry decides that his songs aren’t going to work, and it is time to bring in the big guns. Picking up a pear, he holds it between his two fingers and begins a masterpiece of his lifetime.
“Eat the pear. Do do do do do do. Eat the pear. Do do do do do do.” He dances the pear towards Grace as he sings one of the most annoying songs ever to exists. “Eat the pear do do do do do do.” The pear comes to a halt as close as it can to Grace’s lips without touching. Harry says a silent prayer in his head as Grace’s eyes move from the pear to his face and back to the pear. Opening her mouth, she snaps the end off the pear and starts to chew, the final tears that have pooled in her eyes releasing and rolling down her rosy cheeks.
“Was that good? Do do do do do do. Was that good? Do do do do do do. Was that good? Do do do do do do do do.” Harry stops and waits for her to nod yes. His fingers dance towards the plate and pick up the red vegetable and he swims the food towards her lips. “How ‘bout tomato? Do do do do do. How ‘bout Tomato? Do do do do do do. How ‘bout tomato? Do do do do do do do do.” Grace has stopped crying as she opens her mouth with a giggle. Allowing the vegetable to drop in her mouth and crunch under her teeth, her bite sprays the juice around her mouth.
“Mmmm, that was yummy.” Grace giggles, a smile spreading across her face. Harry grins back at his daughter and decides to take a risk. Grasping the pita in his hands he begins to fly it towards his daughter.
“This is yummy, do do do do do do do. This is yummy, do do do do do do. This is yummy, do do do do do do do do.” Harry stops the sandwich in front of her face. Grace looks down at the concoction in her father’s hand and sniffs it before sticking out her tongue and licking the chicken that is sticking out of the top.
“Are you sure?” Grace says, unconvinced that it will still taste good without the leafy green.
“Try it. If you don’t like it, we can go to the store right now and buy some kale. Deal?” Harry negotiates.
“Okay.” Grace opens her mouth and takes a bite, chewing the chicken salad in her mouth, allowing her taste buds to take in the flavor. “The kale makes it better.” She says after swallowing. “But it’s okay.”
“You like it?” Harry shouts in excitement.
“Shhh daddy. Ethan is sleeping, ‘member?” Grace reprimands and then begins to giggle.
“Oh yea. I’m glad you like it.” He smiles. “Should we continue?” Harry picks up a pear and smirks at his daughter.
“Eat a pear. Do do do do do do.” Grace starts, tilting her head back and forth with the tune. Harry joins his daughter and they make their way through lunch singing different variations of Baby Shark, giggling until their tummies are full and hurt from the laughter.
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the-kipsabian · 5 years
henlo hi hello i did a thing woooo one wip finished! some bffnate for @coughedfeathers because i can (and also cause this was the only non-angsty wip i had and even then it. kinda ended up having flashes of angst in it but anYWAYS). so i hope you like it <33
He was tired. Exhausted. All he wanted to do was sleep.
And yet there he was, eyes wide open and being so alarmed of his surroundings that sleep wasn’t even close to being an option.
Absentmindedly Nate’s fingers caressed the hair of the smaller student curled into a ball on his side in the beanbag chair. Almost as soon as Nate had walked into the room, Kit had pulled him first into a tight hug, and then pretty much thrown him onto the beanbag chair, cuddling up to his side, and fallen asleep. This was more of a routine to them by now so it didn’t surprise Nate one bit that this was what he was pulled into when he arrived to the scene, and he accepted his faith without a question. He didn’t know what the consequences for refusing a cuddle session with Kit were, and honestly, at this point he was just too afraid to find out.
Kit was sound asleep, their breathing steady as Nate tried to focus on listening to it instead of allowing his mind to wander too much. They seemed calm, their sleep uninterrupted as Nate tried to be a good pillow and not make any moves that would disrupt them. And while he was doing a damn good job at that on the outside, his thoughts were racing like crazy on the inside.
All he wanted was to sleep. Even just a small wink. Nate couldn’t remember the last time he had actually had like a proper good night sleep, it had to be weeks at this point. Sure he had small naps whenever he just happened to pass out or few hours in a night, but that clearly wasn’t enough for him.
Not to mention, the stress he was building up with October around the corner wasn’t doing him much favors. Nate was so sure he had already seen one or two shadows creepily staring at him, maybe even winking at him, thinking he wasn’t looking. It was barely mid-September, and he was already feeling what was coming up.
And Nate just really didn’t want to get there, no, not this year, not here, not now when everything has finally starting to seem like it was falling to place.
Not right now when he was finally starting to feel like he was happy somewhere.
Brushing his free hand through his hair, Nate let out a quiet sigh. He was stressed out, which building on top of the lack of sleep just really wasn’t a thing he was a fan of.
Nate glanced down at the sleeping figure glued to his side, a little smile crossing his lips. Kit was fast asleep right there, with no care in the world.
The shadows surely wouldn’t mess with him with his little protector on his side, would they?
He was going to take the chance with that, hoping that Kit was proving to be enough of a protective charm for him to not be dragged down to nightmare land if he just. Closed his eyes for a hot second. For a second that he just really, really needed.
With one hand still in their hair, Nate pulled his other arm from his chest to under his head, yawning as he rested his head against it, staring up at the ceiling. So much pink in the Primrose dorm, he had never really thought about it before. It was honestly kind of nice, the color was lighter and warmer than the soft blue of Bluebell, and he liked it. Nate wasn’t going to be the first person to admit that he liked the light shade of pink of the walls and the ceiling, but right now though? He really did enjoy it.
The nice thoughts rolled through his mind, slowly fluttering Nate’s eyes shut. He yawned again, slightly adjusting his position on the beanbag chair, trying to not disturb Kit in their sleep. Slowly relaxing against the softness of the beanbag, Nate could feel himself sinking into it.
…Maybe a little bit too far into it, as soon enough it felt like the entire beanbag chair swallowed him whole, the light in the room quickly disappearing from around him, leaving nothing but a maniacally cackling shadows glaring down at him, laughing at his misfortune the one second he allowed himself to be careless enough to be tempted by the thoughts of sweet sleep.
Nate’s eyes shooting open, without having the control of his body he shot up in a sitting position. Feeling a lump in his throat, he tried to catch a few quick deep breaths before his eyes focused back to the lit up dorm room that was obviously in Primrose, and the tired, clearly confused Kit sitting there next to him, rubbing their eyes with a questioning look on their face.
“Nate? Is everything okay?”
Honestly, he didn’t really know how to answer that. Nate just looked back at them blankly for a moment, before Kit had it in them to repeat the question.
“Are you alright?”
Not a very convincing answer, and he noticed Kit’s furrowing brows reflecting their way of thinking being that as well. They shifted on the beanbag a little, giving Nate some more room as he slowly leaned back to the position where he had originally been when Kit had practically thrown him on the beanbag chair.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Their voice was a bit timid, Nate assuming from still being a bit tired. He shrugged his shoulders a little bit. He wasn’t even sure himself what exactly had happened, or what was happening, let alone how to explain it to someone else.
“Just. A bad dream, that’s all.”
“Is that why you haven’t been sleeping much lately?”
Nate looked at Kit, blinking at them a couple of times. They might have been vocal, the little pink blur all over the place that he definitely didn’t think was much into paying that close attention to their surroundings, and yet here they were, cracking his secrets like it was common knowledge to everybody. Nate had definitely tried his best to keep his problems under wraps, people already knew he didn’t attend classes very much in the first place, but apparently he had let himself slip with this one. He could probably blame it on being so tired, to be honest.
“Ayu said you have been showing up for classes even less and apparently you don’t sleep very much, so…”
Ah. So that’s why. Sometimes Nate just didn’t put one and one together fast enough to remember that they were friends with the Violin Boy. That made sense now then, all things considered.
“Yeah,” he finally said, nodding his head a little. “Bad dreams.”
For some reason to him though, it still didn’t seem like Kit was fully convinced by this, but they nodded either way.
“About what?”
“Just. Bad stuff, I guess,” Nate shrugged, making a notice that he had been fiddling somewhat nervously around with his tie for a while now. Kit probably had picked that up too, hence why they weren’t fully buying him trying to explain himself here. “The dark, mostly.”
Kit stayed silent, just watching him as the raven-haired boy sat up on the beanbag chair a little bit straighter, brushing a hand through his hair as he settled on his new spot comfortably enough.
“This is… Probably going to sound a little silly, but –”
“You’re afraid of the dark, aren’t you?”
Nate looked back at them, opening his mouth but closing it again without an answer. Was he really that transparent to them?
“You’re not the first friend to be afraid of the dark,” Kit confirmed, Nate nodding his head very slowly. To him, it wasn’t just about it being embarrassing to being afraid of the dark, it was more of the fact that it was him who was afraid of the darkness…
And even more so the fact that he couldn’t tell anyone exactly why he feared the dark so much.
“It’s okay though. People are afraid of things.” They shrugged a little, a soft smile making its way on their lips. “I mean… I’m. Afraid of butterflies.”
Nate couldn’t hold back a smile of his own. “Really? Butterflies?”
“They are creepy!” Kit exclaimed, watching the smile growing on Nate’s lips – by no mean being a mean one, more of a lighthearted teasing one instead. “They go like whoosh whoosh with their wings and are unpredictable and weird!”
Nate chuckled a little, reaching his hand forward to slightly ruffle Kit’s pink hair, the younger student pouting a little back at him.
“So being me and being afraid of the dark isn’t really that bad?”
“Being afraid of anything isn’t bad. That’s just. How people are,” Kit shrugged. Nate nodded his head, the smile still playing on his lips as he wrapped both arms around them, pulling them into a hug before allowing himself to sink back against the beanbag chair.
“Now were where we?” he asked, watching as Kit yawned before settling back to his side as Nate let his arms go from around them, allowing them to flop over the edges of the beanbag chair. “Oh right, you were having a nap. Better not keep dreamland waiting.”
Kit rolled their eyes at him, but snuggled their head against his chest either way, soon enough being fast asleep again. Nate was kind of jealous about their skill of just passing out like that and being able to have a restful sleep, but at the same time he didn’t mind staying awake for a little longer.
At least he knew he wasn’t a total weirdo anywhere else than in his own mind anymore.
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lazaruspithottub · 6 years
My Thoughts ahead of and preview of Skate Canada
Events in AEST (AEDT is 1 hour forward)
Saturday 27 Oct
4.27am Pairs SP
5.52am Mens SP
9.10am Ice Dance RD
10.45am Ladies SP
Sunday 28 Oct
3.27am Pairs FS
5.02am Mens FS
9.10am Ice Dance FD
11.00am Ladies FS
Monday 29 Oct
4.00am Gala
Skaters that I’m interested in for each event
Men’s (12)
Brenda Kerry (AUS!)
The showdown of Keegan Messing v. Roman Sadovsky v. Nam Nguyen (realistically this will go to KM but it will be interesting to see the spread between the 3 ahead of CAN Nats)
Jason Brown on the GP but with new coaching
Shoma Uno going for the title
Junhwan Cha stepping up into his own in the senior ranks
🥇Shoma Uno 🇯🇵
🥈Jun Hwan Cha 🇰🇷
🥉Keegan Messing 🇨🇦
Ladies (12)
Alaine Chartrand v. Veronik Mallet v. Alicia Pineault ahead of nationals will be interesting.
Wakaba!!! I hope that she can pull those nerves together and skate clean because there is so much potential there.
Evgenia Medvedeva on the GP with new coaching (will these programs be more substantial? How many jumps have been worked upon?)
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva seems to be on fire this season I wouldn’t be surprised if her TES was higher than Medvedeva’s but EM gets 1st on PCS which meh
Starr Andrews v. Mariah Bell will also be interesting
🥇Evgenia Medvedeva 🇷🇺
🥈Elizaveta Tuktamysheva 🇷🇺
🥉Wakaba Higuchi 🇯🇵
Pairs (8)
Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya and Harley Windsor!!! (AUS!) I really hope that they can get their throws under control and that we don’t see any aborted lifts here. Top 5 would be fab. But mostly just please skate clean. Woooo! Senior GP debut!
Kirsten Moore-Towers and Michael Marinaro.
Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres
Aleksandra Boikova and Dimitrii Kozlovskii I don’t know what it was with these guys transitioning to senior but it has done wonders for them and they’ve had some really solid debuts. SGP debut.
Evelyn Walsh and Trent Michaud. I have a soft spot for these two fingers crossed that they skate clean. SGP debut.
Will be interesting to see Peng Cheng and Jin Yang and whether the challenge for the podium as we haven’t seen them yet this season
🥇James/Cipres 🇫🇷
🥈Moore-Towers/Marinaro 🇨🇦
🥉Boikova/Kozlovskii 🇷🇺
Ice Dance (10)
HD I’m excited just for them to earn their GPF spot and take a nap because consecutive gps is *phewww*
GP are better than SK but I don’t know whether the judges will think that. I hope that being on home turf here and the top Canadian team on the Grand Prix works out for GP. This is me being optimistic. If it turns the other way around because of SWR then I’m still counting this as a correctly predicted podium
No-one’s seen or heard from SA since they won jnr worlds so seeing their programs is kind of a FINALLY. SGP debut.
Having so many Gadbois teams (1/2 the event!) will be interesting in many ways
I hope to see M-F Dubreuil in the k&c
🥇Hubbell/Donohue 🇺🇸 *
🥈Gilles/Poirier 🇨🇦
🥉Sinitsina/Katsalapov 🇷🇺
4. Smart/Diaz 🇪🇸 *
5. Lauriault/Le Gac 🇫🇷 *
6. Soucisse/Firus 🇨🇦 *
7. Wang/Liu 🇨🇳 *
8. Skoptcova/Aleshin 🇷🇺
9. Tweedale/Buckland 🇬🇧
10. Sales/Wamsteeker 🇨🇦
*Gadbois team
What are your thoughts? Send them my way.
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