#they sure gave us alliance and then just washed their hands of it huh! no issues there! certainly this did not have lasting effects
uhohproblems · 7 months
good morning all 5 members of the generator rex tag. I am new to this fandom and I have written fanfiction. it is about biowulf having generally a bad day and circe looking at castle van Kleiss and saying 'damn bitch you live like this'
i've been consumed by madness and it's @bambeptin's fault
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
“Longing for Attention” Illumi x Reader
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Hello anon! Thank you for this awesome request! This story consists of a little angst and fluff towards the end. I can truly say that this story is the closest to Illumi’s canon characteristics. If you all did not know, I am celebrating my 100 follower goal! If you’d like to participate in this event, click this link. Please note that requests for this event will close on July 15th at 12 AM EST. The post will have all of the rules and prompts!
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👁 👁 👁 👁
“I swear I’ll haunt you in your sleep, Zoldyck! ‘Ya hear me, boy?!”
A body thudded as this man’s speech was cut short. A tired Illumi Zoldyck came calmly walking towards his target with the straightest face ever. Even at the sight of blood, darker than any he had seen, his lips remained neutral and his eyes remained half-lidded as they were. The sound of the mini heel on his green loafers echoed as he continued to approach the deceased man before him. The ballroom was completely empty, leaving Illumi all by himself for who knows why and what else could happen.
Being a bounty hunter was challenging in itself but being a bounty hunter and dating an assassin is a totally different story. Criminals began to spread the word of your alliance with the Zoldycks and formed many gangs to retaliate against you both. Both of you have been shot at, stabbed a few times, and even been robbed! After being robbed at gunpoint and dealing with trauma, it nearly made you quit your job because of the stress and life endangering events faced almost everyday but for Illumi, it didn’t phase him at all. Not in the slightest. After being robbed of his engagement ring, he simply went to another jewelry store and bought another. He did not cry, quiver, or shutter.
After Illumi phoned his father and gave him a brief overview of his success, he proceeded to the exit. The light flickered, giving the impression that an eerie figure stood at the end of the hallway. Electricity hummed the closer someone approached it, sounding like a fly trying to find its way back outside. An atmosphere like this one did not bother Illumi in the slightest but he did not like being there no longer tha needed.
“Y/n! Y/n! I know you can hear me!”
“Now is not the time to play around. We need to vacate the premises immediately,” He thought to himself. He began to bang on doors, opened them up, and yelled your name to the heavens trying to find you.
“Oh! I know,” he said out loud, snapping his fingers.
He opened a tracking app on his iPhone that displayed all of his contacts that had recently shared their location with him. Once he began the search, it revealed that you were 400 kilometers away. Tracking your phone was something he did every time he could not find you. At times it was adorable and sometimes it was weird and intrusive. Illumi’s intrusive behavior stems from his mother, Kikyo and no matter how you put it, it is very unhealthy. Caring can easily turn into an obsession that can make you do unsound things.
“Illumi! I am in the bathroom. Can you give me a second,” you ask, slightly irritated, washing your hands quickly. You did not want to keep him waiting any longer. It was always a mystery if it was his anger or anxiety that prompted him to bust the door down just to make sure you were safe. Poor Illumi Zoldyck. His expression of love and how he cared for others was rather odd and unusual. It is safe to say that you were the best thing that has happened to him.
As you open the door, he stands with his long arms crossed in a huff, his long legs creating an upside down “V” shape gazing at you a slightly angry about your disappearance halfway through the mission.
“Where were you,” he asked, moving closer to you. “While I had to complete both of our jobs, you have been playing around in the bathroom.”
“Illumi, you’re—“
“Shhh—“ He placed his index finger over your mouth, bending down at eye level, and smiled devilishly. “—I’ll still pay you but you owe me a favor.”
“—But I wasn’t playing in the bathroom!”
As you were pleading your case, Illumi nonchalantly typed away on his phone. He quickly showed you his screen that listed your every step within the last few hours. It displayed where you were, the longitude and latitude, who you spoke with, and if you took any pictures. You had no idea that a smartphone could disclose so much personal information and since you have shared your location with him, he has access to it all.
“—Care to tell the truth?” Illumi raised his left eyebrow, using his somewhat intimidating tactic used when he was a child.
“Fine. Ugh! Why do you have to be like this?”
“Like what?”
“You’re…too overprotective. Give me some space sometime! Hell, you might be pleased to know where I was.”
“Pleased?! I nearly had a heart attack when I realized you were not by my side! Are you satisfied that my heart weakens everyday?”
“You’re so dramatic. You might want to take up acting, you know.”
“Ha, ha, so funny,” he said flatly.
As you roll your eyes in irritation, Illumi closes the leftover space between you two. Still bent over at eye level, he places his large hand on your cheek, blinks twice, while his straight face remains. His cold hearted personality seemed to always overshadow his body but all of his warmth seemed to be omitting from his palm.
“I care about you deeply. I cannot have you running away doing God knows what while we are on a dangerous mission like this one.”
“Illumi, I—“ He places his index finger over your mouth again, shushing you as he continues to, as they say, pour his heart out for once.
“I understand that you are a bounty hunter, but if I’m being honest it is a much different line of work than being an assassin. It is my job to care for you while I complete some of the harshest tasks on Earth.”
“I’m not a child, Illumi. Do you want to know what I was doing? Those longitude and latitude readings are very wrong, by the way.”
“Huh? Ok…where were you then?”
Still, your face was placed in his palm, his large eyes staring in yours somehow made you feel lost. Your delayed answer made his palm involuntarily tighten.
“I bought you this pocket sized white teddy bear…?” This statement was propositioned as a question rather than a statement because you were afraid of how he’d react. He was already startled and giving him a plushie would only make it worse. Instead of reacting calmly he would assume that giving him a plushie would imply that he was weak.
“…Valentine’s Day is a few days and I know you’ll be in Las Vegas handling business so I decided to buy you something that will remind you of me while you’re away.”
The small plushie was a white teddy bear holding a heart. It’s eyes were as big as Illumi’s. Before you could hold it up to him, he grabbed it rather gently, stood up straight, and held it in front of his eyes for examination. He turned it around a few times as if it was on a rotator. He placed his index finger inside of the keychain loop and finally smiled. He placed this small object against his heart just before he bent down to meet your eyes once again.
“I always think of you. Come to think of it, that must be why my shots have been off.”
His face scrunches in a humorous way. As usual, his smile fades away and returns to his neutral look. Illumi’s silence signaled that his mind was running a million miles a minute. So many questions and feelings begged to be released but something was preventing him from doing so. You could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to suffocate you with a bear hug but he wouldn’t do it. He has been trained to think that assassins do not need friends, cannot express their feelings, and can only do what is needed to get the job done. It’s ironic; the Zoldyck children are not allowed to have friends but they are allowed to have lovers only so they can reproduce and keep their legacy alive. Love has no part in their marriages; they are only contracts, literally. As in love as Kikyo and Silva were (and still are), it would seem like they’d emphasize the importance of love to their children. As a result, they all have adopted an odd way of showing affection for others.
In this instant, Illumi’s face appeared to be more endearing than before. His face had darkened significantly, his cheeks were fatter like they were stuffed slightly, and his eyes twinkled. You smiled as you have truly found the key to his heart. All this young man wanted and truly desired was to be loved not for his abilities or job, but for him and only him. Your warm hands, now on his cheeks, felt overwhelmed with warmth. Just the sight of him at that moment was breathtaking. The flickering power, the unrest souls in the next room of his targets, and the eerie atmosphere seem to fade while you gazed into his eyes. Pressing his cheeks together, puckering his lips was indeed both an amusing and cute sight to behold.
“You are so adorable, Illumi. Did you know that? This “bad boy” behavior and clutching a teddy bear is too much to take in. I might just send a photo to your mother. She’ll screech and tell the entire world.”
“You wouldn’t dare do that ,” he said, words muffled; lips still puckered. He seemed to flush more and more every time you’d remind him of how vulnerable he is right now.
“Try me!”
“Mother would just embarrass me, you know that!”
“I know. Then I’d be able to see the sweet, soft assassin that I see now. All warm and cuddly. I’m sure you just want to sit in the back seat of your Dodge and just fall fast asleep, am I right?”
“I plead the 5th,” he said flatly.
“I was right! Ha, ha!”
“Would you pipe down already?”
Illumi’s right hand was placed directly behind his torso carelessly pressed against his lower back. He appeared to be in pain but made no mistake. If asked about it, he’d lie just to debunk any statements about him being weak.
“What is in your hand? Let me see it.” Your demanding tone turned into one that a mother has, specifically Kikyo.
“It’s nothing,” he said, slightly wincing in pain.
“Let me see it now, Illumi or I swear I’ll—-“
“Fine! Fine! Just don’t make a big deal about it, alright?”
A promise is a promise; that is what you said to Illumi as you agreed to not over react once you saw his hand. A healed bruise nearly scarred the entire base part of his hand. A light red dotted cut looked as if someone took a exacto knife and grazed it. You gazed back into his eyes. He looked hurt; longing for attention for a cut that had already healed. As childish as it may seem, just the slightest bit of attention is something he craved, even if something like this had been healed a long time ago. Him wincing was something he conjured up to grasp your attention. He raised his hand in front of your mouth, leaving it bent for you to grab.
“Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?”
“Please,” he replies, smiling slightly again.
The touch of your soft, moist lips made his smile grow larger, his cheeks flushing yet again. A few overlapped lipstick stains remained on his hand, something he might get tattooed so everyone knew who he belonged to.
“Why can’t you be this way every time we finish missions? We could have sooo much fun.”
“If I have too much fun, I’d abandon my remaining missions and father would not like that at all. He might even put out a contract on me.”
You sigh somberly. Illumi had his moments of anger, roughness, and kept his distance but moments like this, where he wasn’t afraid to allow his softer side resurface made you feel content as if you completed a mission of your own. Gazing into his eyes one more time, they sparkled greatly.
“At least I can enjoy this while it lasts.”
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
Dating Luke Skywalker Would Include...
Anonymous said: hello, how are you? was wondering if i could get some meeting and dating (young) luke skywalker x reader headcanons please but no pressure! have a nice day :)
AN: Thank you darling, for asking! I’m well, a little tired but well! I hope this meets (and exceeds) your expectations!
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Is it cliche to say you meet Luke in the Rebellion?
However cliche it is, your meeting was a perfect whirlwind.
Tensions were running high and the Empire was breathing down your neck.
A move had to be made and, luckily for the Rebellion, the Princess of Alderaan had returned with reinforcements.
Though, at first glance, her saviours were not much to look at. 
“They rescued you?”
“It was more of a group effort,” Leia admitted, taking the data pad from your hands. “If it wasn’t for them, I would have been killed. If it weren’t for me, well, so would they.”
As she spoke, you watched the blond, the one you believe you heard Leia call Luke, bounce from pilot to pilot.
He looked as eager as a protocol droid at a linguistic convention.
The noise around you seemed to muddle as you watched Luke chat with the X-Wing crews.
Even with the distance between you two, you could tell that he was cute.
Cute didn’t last long in the Rebellion; you frowned at the thought.
“That one doesn’t bite,” Leia said, breaking you from your thoughts. “The smuggler on the other hand...he’s rough around the edges.”
“Do you think they’ll stay with us?”
When you looked at Leia, waiting for her reply, you saw that her brown eyes held hints of grief in them.
“Luke will. His heart is in this fight, just like the rest of us.”
You cocked a brow at her. “Then why do you look so sad?”
Leia turned her eyes back to the data pad you had given her.
“I could introduce you if you like.”
Your chest tightened at Leia’s suggestion and, despite being many meters away, checked to see if Luke had somehow overheard the Princess.
“I’m not sure that would be-”
“Wise? When we’re on the raging end of war?”
Leia sighed and shook her head. “My parents once told me that inaction is the worse path one could take. In politics, in life, in love. Even if it is small, movement forward towards a brighter future is the best choice. Always.”
It was hard to ignore the words of Leia’s deceased, adoptive parents. 
You could see that she was hurting, still aching with the loss of her entire world. 
Reaching over, you grabbed her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. 
“Then introduce me.”
It seemed that Leia was more than willing to step away from the rush and chaos that the Empire brought to the Rebellion’s door.
Still holding your hand, Leia dragged you over to where Luke was fluttering about.
He was midconversation with Briggs, a skilled X-Wing pilot from Tatoonine, when Leia tapped him on the shoulder.
In a flash of blond hair, you caught your first glance of his shining blue eyes.
Then you saw his smile: lopsided and charming.
In that moment you knew you were completely gone. 
What ever the future had in store, what ever battles, wars, and losses, you knew you wanted to be by Luke’s side.
It was like electricity the like of which you never felt before. 
“Luke, this is Y/N, my friend and fellow representative of the Rebel Alliance.”
Your face warmed as Luke looked you over.
Did he feel it too?
He must have because his smile widened.
“Hey, I...Hey. I’m Luke.”
He held out his hand to you and, without a second thought, you took it in yours.
“I know.”
“Hah, y-yeah, I guess you do.”
Leia stood between you, glancing at Luke then you, and back again.
She knew what was happening before either you or Luke did.
“Y/N can show you around while we get some work done. Right, Briggs? That engine isn’t going to fix itself before the charge, hmm?”
“No, ma’am,” the pilot replied.
Before Luke could tell him goodbye, Briggs was off; lest he face the wrath of Princess Organa.
“Now, run along. I have work to do,” Leia sauntered away, leaving you and Luke alone.
When you looked back at Luke, you saw that he was already staring at you; waiting for you.
Warmth flooded your face but you pushed past it.
“So, this is the hangar.”
You showed Luke the ins and outs of the Yavin VI base.
With every location or small detail you pointed out, you and Luke spent the next strides talking about yourselves.
“Tatoonine? That’s how you know Briggs?”
“Yeah. When we were younger we’d go to Tashi Station and play pilots. We were free to go anywhere and do anything.”
“Well, you’re not playing anymore, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess not.”
Luke scratched the back of his neck and you suddenly felt as if you had stepped over a line with your words.
“Are you alright?”
“I, uh,” Luke stopped in his tracks and shook his head. “You’re right. This isn’t a game anymore. Piloting it’s...it’s life and death.”
“It’s still free, you just have to fight for it.”
Luke lifted his head then, you meet your gaze.
There was a glint in his eyes that you would not soon forget.
A glint of hope, a new drive to live.
It made your heart swell. 
Then the sirens went off and you shoulders dropped. 
Luke’s eyes suddenly widened at that sounds, a mixture of fright and excitement in his features.
“Is that…”
“Yes,” you whispered, letting your gaze fall. “Are you flying in?”
“Y-Yeah,” in Luke’s reply you detected a nervousness.
When you looked up to meet his gaze, you see that you glint was gone, replaced by an expression you had seen so many pilots wear before.
Without thinking, you reached and grabbed Luke’s hand with yours.
“You’ll be okay. There’s great things in store for you here, Luke. Just fight.”
“Just fight,” he echoed.
You felt his hand tighten around yours before he ran off to the hangar again to ready his X-Wing.
And fight he did. 
He fought, tooth and nail with the rest of the Rebels.
When they returned, you were amongst the first to greet them.
Your eyes scanned over the gathering crowd as techs and pilots alike rejoiced in this victory.
When you finally saw Luke clambering out of his X-Wing, a flood of relief washed over.
You had known he was alive as he was the one that delivered the fatal blow to the Empire’s Death Star but seeing him, in one piece, made your heart soar.
Somehow, moving through the masses of people, you made your way over to him.
A taller man, the one Luke had come to Yavin VI with, embraced him and was soon followed by Leia, who was smiling widely.
For a moment, it felt like you were intruding on the scene.
Like you were seeing something important, something grand, and did not want it to end.
Luke was beaming and you felt silly about how much his smile made your chest ache.
You had only just met him and yet it felt as if some force (or Force) was pulling you to him.
How silly, you thought; how could something do that?
But, just as you began turning away, you felt someone grab your hand.
“Hey! We fought!”
“And we won!”
Luke pulled you close and, for a split second, you thought he was going to kiss you.
But that was crazy! Too soon!
Though, you wouldn’t complain if it happened.
Instead, you were overwhelmed by the warmth of Luke’s arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace. 
From that moment on, you strove towards that warmth, towards the joy held in Luke’s arms.
Since that attack on that first Death Star, you and Luke grew closer.
When he returned from missions, you were the first person he sought out to see.
“You’re back!”
You would share an embrace that would garner the stares of passersby.
If Leia was around for one of these hugs, you would catch flack about it later.
“That quite the reunion.”
“We hadn’t seen each other in over a cycle it seems!”
“No need to get defensive,” Leia would say with a smile. “It’s just an observation.”
“I know that tone.”
“Then you know what I’m implying.”
Leia and Han bond over teasing your bond with Luke.
Wholesome all around.
About a month before the Rebel Alliance is forced to vacate Yavin VI, you meet Luke in the makeshift cantina on base.
He was just readying to leave for a recon mission to scope out planets for a new base
And despite the excitement of that, you cannot deny how tired he looks. 
“Are you alright?”
Luke meets your gaze and there is an unfamiliar coldness in his eyes.
You reach across the table and grab his hand.
“You know you can tell me, right? You can tell me anything.”
There’s a flash of hesitance in his expression but it quickly melts away to reveal the Luke you know best.
“I know, Y/N, it’s just...I’ve been having dreams.”
Luke explains his dreams, his nightmares.
Some are about Ben Kenobi, a man you never met but Luke insists you would have loved as he had.
Others, Luke explains, are about that battle, that final shot into the Death Star.
“Some nights I miss and there’s a different explosion. One of war and pain and...I..”
“Hey,” you squeeze his hand, bringing Luke’s attention back to you. “You didn’t miss. You and those squadrons saved countless lives.”
Luke nods but you can tell he is not easily convinced. 
“I see faces in those dreams. People I’ve known and people I don’t. They’re all in pain. I see you, too, and you’re in pain. It’s...awful. I can’t take them anymore.”
“You don’t have to go through them alone.”
As you spoke, you grow courage and entangle your fingers with Luke’s. 
At the touch, he breathing evens and you can see the fear flee from his eyes.
“Whenever you have a nightmare like that, you find me, okay? Those dreams are some darkness trying to twist you.”
You squeeze his hand again.
“I’m right here, still alive, and breathing like you.”
“Y/N, I’m in l-”
“Master Luke!”
Before Luke could finish what he was about to say, a familiar, golden protocol droid waddled up to where you were sitting.
“Master Luke! Princess Organa has sent me looking after you all around the base!”
“What does she need, Threepio?”
Even with his slightly annoyed tone, Luke was still holding your hand.
“You were supposed to leave Yavin VI twelve minutes ago!”
Luke’s eyes went wide and you felt his hand tighten around yours.
“She told you, several hours ago, regarding your take off time, that you-”
“I know, I know,” Luke said, shaking his head.
You gave him a fond smile, sympathizing with his flustered expression.
But when he met your gaze, you saw there was something else there, deep in his eyes.
“I thought I had more time.”
“You must leave immediately, Master Luke, to meet at the marker with Fulcrum.”
Luke’s face fell and you squeezed his hand. 
“We can talk later. It can wait until you get back.”
“Y/N, I don’t know when I’ll-”
“When you get back.”
You saw a flash of desperation in his eyes and you felt the same in your heart.
The idea of him leaving so quickly, so suddenly, pained you.
But you knew you would see him again; Luke always came back.
He always came back to you. 
“I’ll see you then, yeah?”
Luke moved to slide out of his seat, his hand slipping out of yours in the process. 
“Stay safe,” you murmur, as Luke walks past you.
You saw his lips move, utter some tender reply that you could not quite make out as he strode off.
All at once, you were alone, horribly alone.
You glanced down into your empty glass sighed.
At least there were free refills.
As you moved to head towards the bar, you felt someone grab your wrist.
When you looked up, you were met with Luke’s blue eyes watching you, reading you like a data pad.
“I didn’t want to wait for this.”
Before you could ask what he meant, Luke’s hand on your wrist tightened and pull you up, closer to him. 
Warmth floods your system and then, it almost becomes a dream.
Luke presses his lips against yours and you feel like you’re floating.
It is all soft and needy and when he pulls away it feels too soon. 
Half-lidded and wanting, you hold Luke’s gaze.
“Y/N, I-”
“Master Luke!”
“You gotta go,” you whisper.
Luke nods and turns away, but his hand still lingers on his wrist.
You’re mentally preparing to watch him leave again when he turns around and kisses you again, harder than the last time. 
That was the last time you saw him before the Alliance moved to Hoth. 
You spent months waiting for him to return.
Worried for cycles, wondering if Luke was really going to come back to you.
When he finally did, you rushed to the icy hangar hungry for the sight of him.
You’re nearly slipping down halls as you basically run to him.
Just as you round the last corner…
“Y/N!? Are you alright?”
You don’t even respond.
You’re too caught up in the fact that he is there, at last, in arms reach. 
Both of you are on the cold floor but that doesn’t matter.
You grab him by the flight suit (he didn’t even take the time to take it off, he was that eager to see you) and pull his lips to yours. 
His hands find the sides of your face and kissed you like a man stranded in the vast empty of space who found a last breath of fresh air. 
Neither of you care that you’re siting on the cold ground of the Hoth base
Or that those who pass by are staring, dumbfounded at the mess of a pilot and technician on the floor.
When you finally pull away, you and Luke are beaming at each other.
No words are said; nothing has to be said.
You’re happy enough to be together, at last.
That is perhaps the greatest thing about loving Luke.
Happiness with him comes easy.
Waking after long nights, by his side.
You often wake before him and savor the quiet moment before he stirs.
He looks so peaceful in his sleep; like the weight of the galaxy didn’t rest on his shoulders.
Like he did not wear the moniker of ‘the last jedi’.
Then, silently, Luke will wake and, with eyes still closed, he will pull you to him.
“I can feel when you stare.”
“Is that a Force thing?”
“No, it’s a you thing.”
On mornings like those, it’s hard to get up and moving.
The two of you just lie together you either get hungry or C3P0 comes rushing in to tell Luke that he’s needed somewhere on base.
That is perhaps the ‘worst’ thing about loving Luke.
Everyone else loves him too.
Everyone else needs him too.
So you have to hang on to the moments you get with him.
Those lazy mornings and those dark nights.
There are times when you and Luke feel like a Sun and Moon; always passing each other, busy with your tasks.
But you always find eachother in the end, those stolen moments when you both share the same sky, the same task, the same room.
Those moments are filled with needy kisses and the swapping of stories.
You both make a deal to go to the base’s cantina once a week for a sort of ‘date night’.
Those ‘date nights’ end one of two ways:
One: Someone, whether a droid or ranking officer, interrupts your evening.
Second: you and Luke leave after a few minutes, fearing someone, droid or officer, will interrupt your evening.
If you leave early, you just stay within one of your respective chambers.
To put it lightly, the two of you become, nearly, homebodies.
Life in the Rebellion is so wild and unpredictable that having an escape, the general reliability of your small room, is nice.
Better than nice, amazing. 
You two are able to speak freely, deeply, and do other things not suited to the public.
 “Do you think they’ll ever…?”
“Han and Leia?”
When he gets lost in the snow storm that time, it takes all Leia has to keep you on base while Han searches for him. 
“You’re no good to him if you get lost too!”
Tears streamed down your face at the idea of him alone out there, facing the Hoth cold and creatures by himself.
“I love him, Leia!”
“I know! I know,” she holds you close and tries to soothe you.
Yet, you’re only soothed when Han lugs Luke through the doors. 
For the next few days, you’re sleeping in the medbay.
When you’re awake, you’re watching droids work on Luke, increasing his chances for survival. 
You’re barely sleeping.
It’s impossible to rest with the steady beep of Luke’s heart monitor.
You are studying the bruises on his skin and cuts on his face.
You’re trying to remember what he looked like before: with soft features, eyes open and full of love.
Every so often, his eyelids twitch and your heart leaps with momentary joy.
When the steady beep continues on, you fall back against your chair.
You glance at his lips and wonder if you’ll ever kiss them again.
You see the corner of his lips twitch, but you know better than to get your hopes up.
Then, the corner of his lips lifts entirely into a small, tired half smile.
“It’s a you thing.”
You’re over at his side immediately, clutching his hand and pressing your lips to his cheek.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I’m so-”
“Shh, no. I let you go out alone this was…”
“Don’t,” Luke warns. 
His hand grabs yours and squeezes weakly.
“I’m right here, still alive, and breathing like you.”
You can’t help but laugh lightly at his words, an echo of yours from many months before.
“Barely,” you reply, before leaning down to kiss him like the first time.
You spend time with him, getting Luke back on his feet.
He tells you about how he heard Ben’s voice, how he needs to leave.
“I feel like I just got you back.”
“I know, but I….”
“You need to do this,” you say softly.
“Yeah, I do. I don’t know how long it will take but I love you, I’ll be back.”
You smile when Luke’s eyes widen.
“You love me?”
“Yes, I...I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too.”
You spend as much time with him as you can before he leaves.
“Be safe out there.”
“Always. I have to come back to you, don’t I?”
“Have to?”
“Want to. Need to.”
Even though he is many hyper jumps away, you can feel that he is alive.
You almost think it’s the Force before you know that this feeling is deeper.
It is real love.
It is something even stronger than the Force.
Something stronger than you or Luke by yourselves.
You’re strongest when you’re together and, when you are together, it feels that everything is in balance.
So you stay together through it all.
The Empire’s fall, the New Republic.
You hold his hand and he holds yours, for as long as you both can.
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acciokaidanalenko · 3 years
Kaidan walked out of the Starboard Observation lounge, datapad with his half-finished Spectre expense report clutched in his hand as he made his way toward the mess hall. It was early in the morning cycle of the ship, 0500. He had hardly slept last night, his first night back on the Normandy. His mind was still bursting with all the thoughts he couldn’t keep quiet and it was making his head ache a bit. He made his way past the tables in the mess and stopped short as he saw Shepard standing in the kitchen. Her back was to him as she leaned against the counter of the island. She wasn’t alone. Lieutenant Vega stood at the stove, cooking something in a pan as he and Shepard talked. They hadn’t noticed his presence yet and he stood frozen in the spot he had stopped.
“Trust me, Shepard, my abuela's huevos rancheros are the bomb. You’re gonna love 'em!” James said as he shifted the pan back and forth.
“Uh huh, I believe you, James. Just not sure if you’re gonna be able to accomplish that with whatever kind of eggs it was you found in the fridge. Do we even know what kind of animal they came from? Because they did not look like chicken eggs,” Shepard responded.
Kaidan could hear the grin that must’ve been on her face in her voice. She and Vega must have gotten closer during their time together on the Normandy since the initial Reaper attack. Kaidan tried to stifle the pang of jealousy that shot through him, wishing he had been here the whole time, with her, instead of having to recover on the Citadel. He felt as if he had missed so much in the past few weeks.
“Are space chickens a thing? Like, do the Turians have some weird alien version of chickens?” Vega wondered aloud as he turned around with the pan in his hands. His eyes fell on Kaidan and a smirk spread across his face. He walked over to the island and began plating the food he had prepared. “Aye, Major, you want some eggs?”
Shepard turned around quickly, her eyes falling on him as he still stood beside the table in the mess. Her expression softened as she watched him cross the space between them.
“Uhh, rain check, Lieutenant. I think I’ll stick with my regular rations today,” Kaidan responded as he reached the cabinet and searched for a granola bar in its depths.
“You sure, Kaidan? Our first stop is another Cerberus mission. I was hoping you’d be up for joining us as part of the ground team,” Shepard said as she leaned forward onto the counter of the island, propping herself up on her elbows. Kaidan moved to stand opposite of her, setting his datapad down and ripping open his Alliance issued granola bar as Shepard and James began eating their eggs.
“I’m up for it, Commander. Don’t worry about me,” he responded dryly.
Shepard frowned at him as she chewed the bite she had just taken. James looked at both of them in turn before he picked up his plate and began walking toward one of the nearby tables. Kaidan caught the look James gave Shepard before he walked away, a knowing gaze accompanied by a raise of his eyebrows, and felt a wave of nerves wash over him.
Shepard waited until James had taken a seat before she cleared her throat in an attempt to get Kaidan’s attention. He met her gaze and looked at her questioningly as he chewed the rough granola.
“What’s with the formality, Kaidan? I thought you wanted to be here,” she said in a whisper.
“Of course I want to be here, Nat. But I’m the new guy here. You’ve been with this crew for almost a month now, and you’re the commander. I may outrank you in the Alliance, but on this ship you’re the one in charge. I have to show you the respect you deserve, especially in front of your subordinates,” he explained softly, hoping she would understand. He had to stop himself from chuckling as she rolled her eyes at him. He knew only too well how closely she regarded Alliance regs.
“As if James isn’t aware of us. He was the SR-1’s number one fan boy. And I also may have admitted it to him when we were on our way to the Citadel,” she confessed, avoiding Kaidan’s gaze.
“You what?!”
“Look, I was very upset. He came into the medbay while I was sitting with you, and we had a heart to heart. It was actually a nice bit of bonding,” she replied, taking the final bite of her eggs and standing up.
“You have an odd sense of what classifies as bonding, Nat. Who else knows?” he asked. Shepard shrugged her shoulders as she placed her dishes in the sink and turned toward him. She walked around the island until she was standing beside him and leaned back against the counter again, crossing her arms as she looked into his eyes.
“I’d say most of them are aware that we’ve worked together in the past. Not sure what scuttlebutt says about us lately, but even on the SR-1 we were usually the hot topic of the day. Did you know Garrus and Wrex had a bet going? Which apparently Garrus won,” she answered with a grin.
“Why am I not surprised?” he asked, running a hand down his face in frustration. He let out a heavy sigh as he looked down at Shepard, her bright blue eyes sparkling as she met his gaze. The softness of her expression as she looked at him made his heart ache.
“If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll keep it professional around the crew. For now,” she said as she pushed away from the island. Her fingers trailed across his chest as she sauntered past him. She made her way to the table where James sat and took the seat opposite him as he finished eating his breakfast. The corners of Kaidan’s mouth twitched upward as he stopped himself from smiling after her. No matter what the crew thought or knew about his past with the commander, he was happy to be back.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)
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Part 8: A kind gesture for Aizawa gone wrong, compensated for with a ton of fluff and shenanigans by the big three. Aizawa also being 100% done with Yamada.
Word Count: 4k
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You were skipping down the hallways of UA, on your way to the teachers' lounge. In your hands, you held a bento box.
Sato had been teaching you how to cook. His cooking was just as good as his baking and he had taught you a bunch of skills already in the kitchen. How to peel a potato, cook rice, correctly cut vegetables and meat, the list went on. Most times, you liked to watch him, observing what he did and then tried it for yourself.
He was a very good instructor, even though he brushed off your compliments more than once. He was too humble for his own good.
You knocked on the door a couple of times, a bit louder than last time. Over time, your confidence had been building up thanks to Aizawa's guidance and the constant support you had from your friends surrounding you.
Everyone should be at Lunchrush by now, there was no reason for anyone else to be in the classroom. You had gone there initially but the room was empty and that's when you remembered that Aizawa liked to sleep during that period.
In the teachers' lounge, hidden away from the world in that same yellow sleeping bag.
Your mouth twisted down in a faint frown as you recalled how he never seemed to eat much. Even when the others invited him for dinners at the dorm, seeing as how they rotated who cooked each night, he never seemed to eat a lot or stay for very long.
That was going to change.
You heard someone say it was okay to come in, so hesitantly, you pushed open the door, poking your head inside.
"Excuse me, is Aizawa-sensei here?" You asked politely.
Midnight immediately sprung up from her seat, dashing over to you and squealing at how adorable your ears were.
Her hands, however, were halted a hairbreadth away from your fluffy ears, entwined in familiar cloth binds.
"Nemuri, we talked about this." Aizawa glowered, hair floating as he activated his quirk even though it wasn't necessary.
"Awwww, Shoutaaaaa~" Midnight sang and you offered her a sympathetic glance.
You shifted uneasily. He really didn't have to go to such lengths, you weren't that used to people doing that yet. It still felt a bit weird.
"Ah, it's okay, Aizawa-sensei!!" You stammered out after finding your voice.
"Uh huh," He grunted in your general direction, dragging his colleague over to Yamada and detangled his capture weapon, releasing his quirk.
Immediately after he made sure she wasn't going to move, he lumbered over to you. It appeared to be lethargic but you knew better. He had that same concerned gleam in his eye whenever Midoriya would get reckless or one of his other students hurt themselves.
"What's wrong?" He demanded, inspecting you from head to toe for a single scratch.
You waved frantically, then yelped as you momentarily forgot you were holding the bento box and launched it into the air by accident. Scrambling to catch it, you were successful but you crashed into the lounge with a loud thud.
Aizawa's eyes were wide, not expecting you to suddenly flop in front of him. It happened in the blink of an eye but he recovered quickly and helped you up immediately, but not without scolding you first.
"What were you thinking? You could've gotten seriously hurt." His tone was scarily even and your ears fell as it washed over you. "We talked about this, Y/N."
He didn't understand what could be so important that you were willing to risk hurting yourself.
"... 'm sorry..." You mumbled, holding up the box as a sort of peace offering. "I... This is for you."
Aizawa took it but didn't take his eyes off of you, worried that if he stepped away for a second that you would injure yourself.
Mistaking his attentiveness for disappointment in you, you found yourself high-tailing it out the door before he could stop you, holding back tears.
Present Mic approached his best friend with a frown on his face as Aizawa sat down in his chair with a sigh.
Now that he was up, he should mark these papers before the next period. The sooner he got that done, the sooner he could sleep.
Yamada's head shaking in disapproval caught his attention and Aizawa rolled his eyes, not noticing how Kayama was sneaking over to his desk from the opposite side.
"Not cool." Was all his best friend said.
Aizawa lifted an eyebrow. "What?"
Yamada scoffed and Aizawa was taken aback.
"What the hell did I do?" He demanded, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "She knows not to bother me when I'm at work by now."
He didn't mean it exactly like that.
It was just that he had talked to you about it previously, the added risks of walking by yourself to the school when it wasn't an emergency. He thought he made it clear.
But he didn't mention that the real reason was because he knew how accident prone you were and was beyond worried every single time you left the dorms.
His best friend just shot him a look of disappointment and Aizawa could feel the irritation creeping up his spine.
"What do you rather me say?" He snapped.
"It's not what you said, it's how you said it." Kayama corrected, twisting around the box that you had brought to him.
In his haze of concern that you had hurt yourself with that nasty fall, he had discarded it rather carelessly, thinking you gave it to him to hold onto while you regained your balance. In his haste, the lid was jarred, revealing the hot, steaming food inside.
Aizawa's heart twisted painfully as Kayama pushed it over to him gently, and he lifted the top off, his heart sinking even more as he saw the carefully crafted katsu curry inside.
It was clearly homemade and clearly for him and he felt awful that he didn't even thank you before you left.
"Fuck." He sowre, grabbing his capture weapon and throwing it over his shoulders.
Ignoring his friends' knowing looks, he sprinted to the door, hoping and praying he could catch you before you went back to Heights Alliance. If you had already left, he would catch up to you. You couldn't have gotten too far away from the school.
He knew that the thought that you had disappointed him would weigh you down and cause you to drag your feet. He prayed that it would work in his favor.
But he was known to have the worst luck in the world.
Running the calculations of how much time was left in the period and combining it with the fastest route to intercept you all went out the window when he threw open the door, stopping himself just in time from crashing into you.
You jumped in surprise. "Aizawa-sensei?"
He thanked the universe.
He was breathing hard and you grew worried. Then, a thought hit you and you stepped to the side, thinking you were blocking his way. He looked like he was heading out somewhere.
He growled at you. "What the hell are you doing?"
Crap, that wasn't at all what he meant to say.
You just blinked, holding up a pair of bamboo chopsticks in your hand. "I... I realized you probably can't eat without these so I went to Lunchrush and got some. I'm really sorry I came today but I was worried that you didn't bring anything to eat today and since Sato-kun's and Todoroki-kun's been helping me, I thought I could—"
Cutting off the rest of your nervous rambling, he engulfed you in a warm hug.
"Aizawa-sensei?!" You burst out, now really worried something was wrong.
He never showed affection so openly like this. You didn't know what to do.
"I'm sorry."
Now, you were really freaking out.
His arms curled around you tighter and you just stood there, unsure what this was all about. Was it the food? Oh All Might, did he hate it?
You knew it. It would've been better just to buy something and have them deliver it to the school. But you really thought that it would taste okay—
He stopped you from spiraling too far.
Aizawa sighed heavily, detaching himself from you and regarded you with poorly concealed gratitude. "Thank you for the food. It was very thoughtful."
He nearly cringed as the words left his mouth since he wasn't used to being so blunt in this way, but the smile that stretched across your face as he said it made it worth it.
"R-Really?! You don't hate it?!" You blurted out without thinking and in that instant, his expression changed.
Aizawa's chest tightened painfully at how innocently earnest that came out. "Kid, what the actual—"
You clapped a hand over your mouth. "I'm sorry!!"
"When did I say that?" He demanded, quite sure he never said he hated anything you made.
But as you shifted uneasily in front of him, he couldn't quell his disbelief. You thought that it wasn't good enough for him, that you had disappointed him.
All the puzzle pieces fit seamlessly and he cursed himself for not seeing it sooner as well as for his foolishness earlier. He never was very aware when he woke up.
"I'm about to eat it now, how about you come in?" He asked awkwardly, just now noticing how he was having a conversation with you while you were still in the doorway.
You nodded and stepped inside rather shyly, making sure not to trip this time. Unbeknownst to you, Aizawa was looking for the same thing.
Midnight was nowhere to be seen now but she was most likely with Cementoss nearby. Present Mic waved enthusiastically to you from the back and you returned it rather timidly, hiding behind Aizawa before you could stop yourself.
Aizawa chuckled but made no move to pull you out into the open. He had social anxiety, too, so he understood perfectly. Everybody knew how intimidating his best friend could be with that quirk of his. It was the perfect match for his personality.
You walked over to his crowded desk, papers spread all over the place along with a handful of pens haphazardly strewn around. The bento box you had made him sat neatly in the center and you beamed up at Aizawa, tugging on his sweater not-so-discreetly.
He hid a smile at your eagerness, sitting down across from you only after he grabbed a chair for you to sit down in. Vlad King wouldn't mind.
You had to sit on your hands to keep them from shaking as he broke the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of meat from the bento box. You held your breath as he popped it in his mouth, chewing carefully.
He looked thoughtful as he swallowed it and you couldn't contain your silence any longer.
"Is... Does it taste okay?" You questioned, crossing your fingers.
You really wished you had tried it before giving it to him, but at the thought that he would end up with less made you skip over that part, leaving all your previous attempts on the counter and you finished the final product.
Maybe you should've tasted it.
But everything else melted away as a small smile tipped up the corners of his mouth and you squealed.
Aizawa wiped it off of his face. "Calm down, kid."
"You liked it!!" You cheered, dancing around him obnoxiously. "You liked it, I can't believe it!!"
"I didn't say that." He tried to reason but the damage control wasn't enough.
You were too far gone. "You really liked it!!"
"Kid, stop making so much noise." He ordered, hoping that would be enough to get you to stop shouting and dancing circles around him.
"No way, old man!!"
"Old man—?!"
His incredulous protest was cut off as you threw your arms around him, hugging him tight.
"I'm so happy." You cried, unable to stop the flow of tears after all your hard work was rewarded. "I'm so glad you liked it."
Aizawa froze for a second, taken aback by the sudden display of affection. He knew you were rather clingy, in part due to your wolf quirk, but he never expected this. Hesitantly, he returned your hug, finding that he rather liked holding you.
It made him feel like you were his daughter.
Oh All Might, you were his daughter.
You sprang back, wiping your tears with the back of your hand and he already missed you.
For a few seconds, the two of you stared at each other, a newfound understanding forming. It was disrupted as your stomach growled loudly.
Aizawa's eyes narrowed. "Did you eat anything yet today?"
Your sheepish smile answered that question for him. In your haste to get his done on time, you had skipped your own lunch.
Ignoring Yamada's snicker in the back, Aizawa gestured to the meal you had prepared for him. "Have some."
You pouted. "But, I made it for you."
"And I want you to eat some." He found himself saying even though he could easily scarf the whole thing down.
As delicious as it was, something stopped him from nearly inhaling it all.
These wretched parental instincts. Still, he supposed he was willing to accept those instincts as long as it meant you didn't go hungry.
Seeing you still hesitant to accept his offer even though you were clearly starving, he motioned for you to come closer and once you did, he dropped a hand on your head.
"We'll share, okay?" He compromised softly and you gave him a meek nod, giving into his father-like authority that left no room for argument.
Aizawa stretched out the chopsticks without thinking but you took it without pause, delicately picking up a piece of food and munching on it. It didn't escape Yamada's notice and growing curious, he sidled over, eyes glinting with mischief.
"YOOOO, Y/N!!!!" He shouted, the glass of the windows rattling from his loud voice.
You jumped at his volume and Aizawa smacked his best friend over the head, scowling at him.
"Stop that." Aizawa said, checking to make sure you weren't too shaken up by his careless colleague.
But your eyes were transfixed on Yamada as he pointed to the chopsticks in your hand.
"He used those already, here, you can use these."
In a show of good faith, or perhaps as an indirect apology for messing with you, he extended another pair of chopsticks that hadn't been opened yet.
But to both of the men's surprise, you shrugged your shoulders, grabbing one more piece of meat and eating it. "It doesn't bother me."
Both of their jaws dropped but Aizawa recovered faster.
"It doesn't?" He asked curiously.
You shook your head. "Nope, thank you though, Present Mic."
"Oh please, little listener, Yamada-sensei is fine." He reassured you quickly and you shot him that bright smile that melted his heart.
You were just about to take another bite when he interrupted you.
"Do tell me though, Y/N, how come you aren't bothered by sharing germs with this guy?" Yamada asked, poking his best friend in the face.
Aizawa scowled at him, batting him away in annoyance and you giggled, knowing it was all for show.
You rarely got to see him so at ease, it felt like you were being privileged to see a side of him that his students didn't get to yet.
"I don't know, it doesn't matter if it's family right?" You responded before your attention was taken by a particularly enticing piece of meat.
Yamada looked extremely satisfied with that, but Aizawa, he was floored.
You considered him family already?
He swallowed hard, clearing his throat, cheeks pinking slightly and giving away his embarrassment. The other man spotted it immediately and grinned.
"Yeah, it doesn't matter if it's family." Aizawa affirmed softly, making you look up.
You beamed at him, handing back the chopsticks that you had wiped clean with a napkin. "Thank you for the food, sensei!!"
He snorted. "That's my line, kid."
You giggled and the walls he had put up around his heart after years of working as an underground hero crumbled one by one.
That's it. He was screwed.
One of your fluffy ears swiveled as you faintly heard the bell chime from outside, marking the end of the free period. Everyone would be making their way to Midnight's class and since it was your day off, you had planned to get back to the dorms even though you had nothing to do.
Surprisingly, you were rather good with coursework, finishing it rather fast and nailing the topics with relative ease that flabbergasted your classmates.
The teachers had staggered your schedule around the others so that you didn't take on too much at once and this allowed you more time off than the others to compensate for your rigorous schedule.
You didn't have any classes today so that's how you had the time to make him all of this and not be worried about making it to next period.
Thinking it would be rude to ask to stay longer, you reluctantly got up, making your way towards the door. You supposed it was time to go back to the dorm and clean up the mess you had left behind in your hurry.
Aizawa's low tone halted you in place and you turned around, wondering if he was going to ask something of you.
To your surprise, he gestured to the empty seat next to him.
"Want to help me grade these?" He asked and your eyes lit up.
"Can I?!" You asked excitedly.
"Sure, kid." Aizawa replied, a hint of a smirk pulling at the edge of his mouth at your enthusiasm to do something so boring as grading papers.
Pumping your fist in the air, you sped over to his side, nearly tripping yet again in the process but managed to right yourself before crashing to the ground.
Yamada leaned down and lowered his voice, mischievously whispering as you plopped down in the chair next to him. "I always wondered what it would be like if you had kids."
Aizawa sharply elbowed him in the ribs.
"Shut up." He hissed to his nosy best friend before getting to work alongside you, teaching you what to look for while you skimmed each paper.
After grading papers for a while, he turned to you. While he knew that you hadn't eaten a lot since you were busy making him such a thoughtful lunch, that didn't mean he was going to let you off the hook.
You were currently wolfing down a bowl of gyūdon that he had ordered in for you.
When you objected to the generous offering, he had flatly told you off, easing up and letting you know that he was worried you weren't taking care of yourself and warned not to do it again when your eyes watered dangerously.
You were sly and sneakier than he gave you credit for as you tapped his shoulder. "Can I make you food from now on?"
"No." Came the dry retort from the stoic man, not taking his eyes off of the essays in front of him once.
You turned your best puppy dog eyes on him. "Pleaseeeeee~"
He shot you down again, still not looking at you. "No."
Huffing, you casted a look over your shoulder, puffing out your cheeks. "Yamada-sensei, he's being mean."
Immediately, a wind picked up around you, spurred on by the outraged shout that filled the air so much so that you had to clap your hands over your ears to protect them before your eardrums exploded.
"SHOUTA, WHY ARE YOU BEING MEAN TO MY NIECE?!?!?!?!" Yamada screamed.
Thank goodness it was only the three of you left in the lounge. Midnight and Cementoss had left a while ago and Vlad King wasn't going to be back until much later.
"She's not your niece." Aizawa snapped, throwing a textbook at his face.
Yamada deflected it rather easily and pouted sadly. "But Shouta, if she's your daughter, then that makes me the uncle!!"
Aizawa stiffened, unsure how you would take being labeled as his daughter but his shoulders slumped in relief as you doubled over with laughter.
"He's not wrong." You told him teasingly and he rolled his eyes.
"You two are too much to deal with." Aizawa complained, though there was light in his eyes, giving away his amusement and dare he say it, happiness.
"Hah!! Y/N, we did it!!" Yamada high-fived you excitedly.
You giggled. Aizawa instructed you to finish your food before you helped him grade anymore and you obeyed with a cheeky smile, pushing the rolling chair away so that you slid across the floor, your bright laughter ringing out as you spun around.
Yamada bent down, resting his arm on Aizawa's shoulder as soon as you were out of earshot and occupied with your new toy.
"She's a sweet girl."
Aizawa smiled slightly. "Yeah, she is."
That was the only agreement they reached in that afternoon of craziness.
"Hey, Y/N!! Can you make me lunch, too!!" Yamada shouted over the empty office cubicles from where you were playing fetch.
Definitely not a good idea but you were so full of energy that it was either this or laps around Gym Gamma and this seemed a lot more appealing to you.
"Oi." Aizawa shot him a glare. "Don't make more work for her."
"But her katsu curry is sooooo good." He complained, a dreamy look in his eye.
You readily agreed to make him lunches too, and Aizawa's concern grew.
"You don't have to, you know." He jabbed a finger at his colleague who was reaching for the food in the background, only to be swatted away by him. "He'll survive without food. Unfortunately."
You stifled a laugh at the jab, but it burst out anyways as Yamada heard it and narrowed his eyes at his best friend.
Clutching your midsection, you doubled over when Present Mic jumped on an unsuspecting Eraserhead from behind.
"Gah, get off of me!! You're heavy." Aizawa groaned, shoving him off.
Yamada's gasp was way too over exaggerated for him to actually be insulted and you giggled when he allowed himself to be pushed off.
"Shouta, you love me~" He sang gleefully, dancing back over to him and sticking his face close to his.
"No, I don't." Aizawa expressed emotionlessly.
"WHAAAAAAAT?!" Yamada cried, bawling as he sank to the floor dramatically.
Your laughter had turned silent as you ran out of air to produce sound, tears leaking out of your eyes from laughing so hard that Aizawa actually had to rush over and make sure you were still breathing.
After that, he didn't let the loudmouth get that far again.
Once the chaos died down a decent amount, he became concerned as he realized that by making his annoying best friend food from now on, it'll be too much of a hassle.
Aizawa's thoughts ran rampant as he tried to think of valid reasons to talk you out of it.
You could fall behind on your studies. You could overwork yourself. You would make the rest of the students lazy if they caught wind of your delicious cooking.
But you brushed him off, flashing your canines as you confidently reassured him that you would be okay making both him and Yamada lunches every day.
"I can make them when I free time and plan ahead so that you have food for each week." You told him, subtly insisting that you could handle it.
Aizawa rubbed the back of his neck, thinking you shouldn't be putting so much pressure on yourself to do this for him, but in the end your determination won out and he surrendered.
But only after telling you repeatedly not to overdo it.
You hid a smile behind your hand as he resumed his work, your ears twitching as the next bell rang and you stood up to get back to Heights Alliance, collecting the empty bento box on your way out.
He might deny it if you asked him while Yamada was there, but you were quite sure that was his way of saying that he loved you.
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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fantasy2739 · 4 years
Maybe you could do a one shot with Douxie and the Arcadia gang spending time with each other and having fun (whatever activity you choose)? after Wizards. Slight canon deviation with Douxie staying a few days before departing with Nari. It’s be fun for them all to the unwind after all the events they’ve been through
Ahhh a little fluff good Anon? A little happy for these children? But of course!
I hope you enjoy!!
“Staying a couple of nights won’t kill you.” Claire had said. Which was how Douxie had ended up in the cul-de-sac that housed the Lake’s and Domzalski’s. He could rough it, or have gone home. Except his home had been blown to bits. Douxie shook the depressing thoughts from his head. No point in dwelling on the past.
“I’m bored.” Toby said as they sat in the Lake living room.
“Bored? We were nearly killed by a flying castle.” Jim pointed out.
“Yeah but that was like yesterday.” Toby said, flicking through his phone. “Nothings’s happened today.”
“Maybe we should enjoy the peace and quiet.” Claire said, leaning against Jim.
“We could play a game.” Krel suggested. “That’s peaceful.”
“Video game?” Steve asked curiously. “I would pound all of you.”
“GoGo Sushi?” Aaarrrgh put forward hopefully.
“To many people.” Jim said with a shake of his head. “Board game?”
“Cluedo?” Claire suggested. Then she frowned before counting the people in the room. “Damn, too many people.”
“We could team up.” Douxie said, stretching out on the floor. His limbs still felt stiff.
“Team up, nah not for cluedo.” Toby said. Then he got an evil grin on his face. “We could play Monopoly.” There were several protests. A chorus of no’s.
“What is this Monopoly?” Nari asked curiously as Krel shot them a questioning look.
“Yes, I am rather curious myself.” Blinky put in. The teens groaned.
“You go around a board earning money and trying to bankrupt everyone else.” Jim explained.
“Except no one can agree on the rules.” Douxie added.
“And it always becomes an argument.” Claire added.
“Usually with at least one person quitting.” Toby finished. Blinky frowned and pondered.
“I think we should play.” He said eventually. Jim went to find their board. He came back with a look of doom.
“Anyone want to pair up?” He asked, setting it down.
“Wingman?” Aaarrrgh asked. Toby smiled.
“Sure thing big guy.” He said, patting the ground. Jim unfolded the board. He shot Claire a hopeful look. She smiled.
“You’re going down Lake.” She said sweetly.
“Nari you want to play?” Douxie asked kindly. Nari looked nervous but nodded. “Alone or with a team?”
“I will try alone.” She said softly.
“Well I intend to take you for all you have.” Archie said with a sly grin at Douxie. Douxie rolled his eyes.
“Everyone keep an eye so that Archie doesn’t walk on the board.” He said. He rubbed the familiar. “He cheats.”
“I don’t cheat.” Archie protested. “I play creatively.”
“Leaping on the board because you owe rent is cheating.” Douxie said. Claire snickered.
“Sorry Archie, but Douxie’s right.” She said. “Do it and we’ll double the rent.” Archie looked properly chastised but still like he might try.
“Fine, but no enchanting the dice.” He said primly. Douxie nearly slapped his forehead.
“It was one time.” He grumbled.
“Okay, so no magic, no jumping on the board.” Jim said. “And Lake house rules are in effect. If you don’t call for rent you don’t get it.”
“What? So I have to focus on you buttsnacks too?” Steve complained.
“I’m guessing no Akiridian tech either.” Krel interjected.
“No Akiridian tech.” Jim agreed. “We need to pick out character pieces. Pe- Uh those that haven’t played before can pick first.”
“Well Miss Nari, if you’d like to go first.” Blinky offered graciously. Nari eyed the little metal pieces.
“I will be this little dog.” She said, picking it up happily. Blinky picked the Top Hat, Krel took the cannon.
“Does it blast people?” He asked.
“What no.” Jim said. “They’re just pieces. They don’t have powers.” Krel looked disappointed. Steve grabbed the battleship with a smirk. Archie chose the Thimble and Douxie picked the Horse and Rider. Toby took the race car before Jim or Claire had a chance. Claire sighed and took the wheelbarrow while Jim took the boot with a wry look. Clearly he was used to Toby grabbing the car first.
“I’ll just run through the rules quickly.” Jim said with a sigh.
“Roll the dice Jimbo!” Toby yelled.
“Huh? Wait you owe me rent Dumbzalski.” Steve snapped.
“Jim rolled!”
“No he didn’t.”
“I’m calling rule break.”
“That was not a rule break.”
“You rolled three doubles!”
“I’m not going to jail after just getting out!”
“Suck it up and go!” Douxie snickered at the arguments that broke out between everyone. It reminded him of many game nights with Archie. He sat back and let the atmosphere wash over him. It felt so relaxing.
“Douxie are you going to roll?” Claire asked. Douxie blinked at her. She gave him a concerned look but he smiled at her. He rolled and landed on Mayfair.
“I’m going to buy it.” He said. “And since I have Park Lane too, I’m going to put a house in both.” Everyone’s eyes went down to the board.
“Oh no.” Toby mumbled. “We’re all doomed. He’s got them both. Why didn’t anyone stop him?”
“I didn’t have enough money to buy it.” Krel said. “Kleb. If you hadn’t called rent on Fleet Street.” Blinky gasped in shock.
“But then I couldn’t stop Master Jim from buying Bond Street.” He said.
“It’s only two properties.” Douxie said.
“The most expensive ones.” Jim grumbled.
“Right near Go.” Claire added. “And you got the train stations.”
“Only because Archie ruined my utilities plan.” Douxie argued.
“The end of the board is a death trap.” Steve said. “We’re doomed.” Nari had curled up against Douxie after being bankrupted three rounds in.
“Is this not the point of the game?” She asked tiredly. “To crush your opponents wealth until they are helpless.”
“Nari remember what we talked about.” Archie said. “It’s not just crushing wealth. It’s crushing their dreams too.” That brought a round of laughter.
“There’s still a chance someone else could win.” Jim said. “If we all target Douxie.”
“Ooo an alliance. How devious.” Toby said while rubbing his hands together. “I’m in.”
“Fine but just remember, Claire’s got all the pink places.” Douxie said with a smirk. “And if you aren’t careful she’ll buy up all the orange too.” Looks of distrust circled the board.
The game took four hours. Four unholy hours of backstabbing, yelling, attempts at cheating and Archie nearly setting the board on fire. Douxie won, naturally.
“Don’t feel too bad.” He said. “I’ve been playing since it came out.”
“I feel a little less bad.” Claire sighed. “Still you are brutal.”
“You should have seen when played with Jeff.” Archie said. “That was a night.”
“Jeff?” Krel asked. “Who’s Jeff?”
“Goldblum.” Archie said, licking his paws. The stares made both Archie and Douxie uncomfortable.
“It was before the Jurassic Park thing.” He said sheepishly.
“Have you met other famous people?” Toby pounced. Douxie flushed.
“I mean a few yes.” He mumbled. “It’s been a long life.” An awkward silence fell. Douxie waved his hands a little. “But still as monopoly victor.”
“Brutal victor.” Blinky said, snapping his fingers.
“Uh yeah brutal victor. I don’t have to tidy up.” Douxie declared. There were a couple of snorts.
“No fair is fair.” Blinky said.
“You should rest anyway.” Claire said. “And then tomorrow we’re going to kick your butt with a different game.” Douxie raised an eyebrow at the challenge.
“Looking forward to it.”
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chocolatemin · 4 years
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word count: 8.51k
contains: fantasy, fluff, angst, crack, psychological issues, violent themes and mentions of explosives, implied fem!reader, mention and description of food, cursing
note: yaaaay! I'm back with another fic for Halloween Special, the story was mainly inspired by none other than my favorite Disney movie, Alice in Wonderland and the word ‘horologe’! I had so much fun writing and this is my longest one yet, about the pairing-- it’s a secret! You’ll find out along the way ;) I hope you enjoy reading! <33
「1st Strike.」
You sat on the bottom of the tree, feeling the texture of the paper on your fingertips as you flipped through the pages of the book you are reading. Horologium, it has been stuck in your bookshelf for years. You always tell yourself to read it after finishing a book but somehow, you always end up forgetting it. The book’s cover has always been intriguing to you, it was simple and pleasing, yet it has a vibe that you cannot determine. You read one of the passage aloud: 
“By the time the clock strikes twelve,
Thou shall hear the sound of bells,
Make sure to bid thy farewell,
Or the day shall repeat its spell.”
“What?” Your brows furrowed in confusion, under the passage was a picture of a pocket watch that is oddly familiar to you. You shrugged off the thought and closed the book, ready to head home. It was still early, around 10 o’clock, and the tree created a perfect shade for you to read your book peacefully at, however you have still errands to do. 
“I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!” Your ears perked upon hearing a tiny voice not too far from your spot. Huh? You got up from your seat and dusted off your clothes. You carefully made your way towards the source of the voice and tried your best not to create loud sounds as you stepped on the fallen dried leaves on the ground. Quietly peeking from the leaves, you saw a talking squirrel in a suit, running for its dear life. Wait, a squirrel? You must be mistaken. You blinked your eyes a few times but nothing has changed, there really is a talking squirrel in a suit running. Letting the curiosity get the best of you, you quickly followed the squirrel. It seems to be too caught up in being ‘late’ that it didn’t notice you following it. 
“Goodness, I’m late!” The squirrel groaned once more before ducking safely under a log. You were almost there when you felt something slipped out from your pocket halting you to a stop. You looked behind you and saw your pocket watch lying on the ground. You immediately picked it up, examining if there are scratches or broken parts and thankfully, there is no damage or else your mother is going to get mad. And when she gets mad, all hell breaks loose. 
“Oi, Felix! Whatcha doin’ mate?” You saw a blonde guy approaching another blondie while grinning widely. He has such a nice jaw and cute dimples. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt, showing off his well-toned muscles.
“Look at this egg!” The taller blondie, which you assumed as ‘Felix’, flashed a cute smile, extending his arm towards the shorter one, holding out an egg, “isn’t it cool!”
“What’s so cool about it?” The blonde guy which you didn’t know the name looks at Felix quizzically. Felix’ reaction was a mix of shock and disgust causing a giggle to escape your lips. You instantly covered your mouth but they already turned their heads to you, “A friend!” Felix yelled before they practically ran over to you.
“Hi! My name’s Felix!” Felix asked, holding his hand out to you, “What’s yours?” You were skeptical about shaking his hand but you didn’t want to come off as rude and impolite so you hesitantly took his hand, “I’m Y/N.”
“That’s such a pretty name!” The shorter blonde spoke, “I’m Chan, and we’re brothers. Nice to meet you,” he extended his hand to you for a handshake which you still took skeptically, “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I was just passing by.” You hid your hands behind your back.
“Do you wanna hear a great story?” Felix chirped with excitement.
“Maybe next time? I still have to go somewhere.” You glanced at your right, where the squirrel headed off, taking a few steps away from them and you could see the dejection in their eyes.
“Wait! Aren’t you curious about the sunset and sunrise?” Chan asked and in which you firmly answered, “No, not at all.” 
“Are you sure about that, mate?” Felix followed, wiggling his brows simultaneously.
“Are you really not going to listen to it?” Chan pouted, giving you his ‘puppy’ eyes. Well, you think it is cute but your curiosity about the squirrel is killing you. You shook your head, “Not a chance.”
“You’re not really going to give it a chance?” Felix clasped his hands in front of his chest and pouted, causing your heart to flutter and become annoyed at the same time. When are they going to stop?
“You’re annoying! Fine. Let me hear about it.” You grunted and you saw them jump in excitement, “Ha! Told ya, you are curious!” Felix cooed.
“I am not. Now, kindly get to the story so you can stop bugging me about it.”
Chan began the story, “The sun is afraid of the dark so it hides during night time.” He created gestures as he continued, “The sun is known to be the warrior of the day, so the Sun cannot afford to lose its reputation by simply being scared of the dark.” Felix continued, “This is where the Moon enters, the Moon cannot stand the day because it was too blinding for him. So, they made an agreement. The Moon shall hide during the day and reign on its glory at night.” 
Chan followed, “The sun shall rise and dawn upon the day, but they shouldn’t tell anyone their little secret. They made an alliance, tricking everyone that they both ‘rule’. And so the night came, the Sun immediately hid under the mountain while the Moon glimmered at night. And then, the morning came…” Chan nudged Felix’ side, signaling him to resume the story in which Felix nodded, “And the sun yeeted the moon.” 
“No, Felix! The story is not supposed to end that way!” Chan ruffled his hair a little aggressive, placing his hands on the sides of his waist. You watched the two bicker over the ending of the story until you heard the ringing of bells. Your eyes widened as the color of the surroundings started turning into different arrays of color. You felt dizzy and your vision started to swirl. The squirrel! I totally forgot about it, thanks to these two. You feel yourself falling but all you can see is darkness and you’re definitely terrified. You feel your chest tightening along with a lump in your throat while you become lightheaded. Panic washed your body as you experience two of your worst fears– not being able to see and falling from heights. But before you completely pass out you grabbed your watch from your pocket and saw its hands glow as it pointed on 12. 
「2nd Strike.」
“Wait! Aren’t you curious about the sunset and sunrise?” Chan asked. You were confused, mouth hanging open upon the happening. What did just happen?
“Didn’t you ask me that earlier?” You tilted your head, looking at him with confusion.
“No, I didn’t.” Chan gave you a puzzled look.
“Really?” They both nod at the same time, you were disoriented by the happenings. First, you met these two earlier and you agreed to listen to their story, second, your sight turned into an unfamiliar vision before free-falling at a void of darkness, and third, you were suddenly back with Chan and Felix. The squirrel! You glanced to your right and saw the footprints left by the animal in a hurry, “but I have to go somewhere.”
“Are you sure about that, mate?” Felix wiggled his brows, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Yes, and if you would excuse me, I’ve got something to do. Goodbye.” You waved your hands before running off to the direction where the squirrel headed at. You hear their shouts of disapproval but you disregarded it. You already knew the ending anyway, right? 
You hurriedly tried to follow the footsteps but it only led you to a wooden gate. You peeked on the hole to see two tall men wearing extravagant clothes arguing over something you couldn’t quite figure out. What you didn’t expect is for the gate to swing open by itself, revealing your dumbfounded self.
“A guest!” The brown-haired lad clapped his hands, gesturing you to step inside in which you were compelled to, "Welcome to the party. Please enjoy yourself.” He flashed you a captivating smile. 
“Hyunjin, what a shame to our guest, tell the chipmunk to hurry up!” The brown-haired lad smacked Hyunjin’s arm to get his attention from dancing on his own. Hyunjin nodded upon the order, taking the bell on the long table, shaking it violently and you covered your ears using your hands. What’s wrong with this guy?! However, your annoyance was cut short by the clanking of porcelain and plates coming from the back door. 
“Squirrel!” You almost yelled and the two turned their heads to you. You notice how perfect their faces were, the taller– Hyunjin has a mole under his eye that highlights his pretty eyes and thick brows, he has a pointed nose and full lips. You haven’t seen anyone as pretty as him, heck, he’s even prettier than your sister. While the other lad, which you still didn’t know the name of, looks a lot mature and more masculine than Hyunjin, he was charismatic, his eyes are something, so are his lips. 
“Do you have any problem, Miss...” Hyunjin eyed you a bit harshly, causing goosebumps to form on your arms and you decided not to give your true name.
“Alex. No, I just didn’t expect a squirrel out of all to bring the tray.” You feigned innocence, smiling to him and he returned the smile with a hint of mischief. 
“Oh, how rude of me not to introduce myself, you can call me Minho.” The brown-haired lad removed his hat and bowed, offering you a blue rose. As you picked up the rose from his hand, you felt your heart skip a beat. You faintly smiled at his courteousness but you were interrupted by no other than, Hyunjin.
“Miss Alice, I think you should join us dance. A party is not complete without dancing!” Hyunjin dragged you towards a spot near the end of the long table, he then walked over to the table, taking a teaspoon and tapped the teacup three times, “Music, please!” 
A loud booming sound of a trumpet was followed by the strumming of harp, accompanied by percussion and stringed instruments, and it rather sounded obnoxious to your ears. Looking around, you couldn’t find the source of the music, you were flustered. How the heck is that even possible? There wasn’t even a record player to begin with. You stood awkwardly watching Minho and Hyunjin dance rather crazily than dancing according to the music. Minho noticed you and spoke, “You should dance with us!” 
You shook your head, “No, I cannot dance, besides, I have somewhere else to go.” You stepped back.
“Then have a bite first, a party isn’t a party without sweets!” Hyunjin shoved a saucer to you with a slice of red velvet cake with mint chocolate frosting topped with blueberries. You almost puked just by looking at the bizarre combination of flavors, it didn’t even look pleasing to your eyes.
“Thanks, but I’m good.” You forced a smile and returned the saucer on the table. When you looked back at Hyunjin, his brows were knitted and he was glaring at you, shivers ran down your spine and you were frozen at your spot. His pretty face is now contorted with anger and disappointment.
“Your behavior is so ugh!” Hyunjin raged, making Minho stop from dancing. Hyunjin grabbed something from his pocket that looked like a bath bomb, you don’t know whether to feel frightened or laughing because it didn’t seem harmful. But you felt your insides turn upside down as soon as you heard Minho’s celebration, “Bomb fight!” 
In a blink of an eye, Minho was already holding many bombs. Fuck, they are out of their minds! Your adrenaline came rushing and before you can even think, your body was already making its way out of the place. You heard Hyunjin and Minho’s steps and explosions from behind, you glanced to your back and saw the squirrel come out running from the mixture of colored smokes. You realized that it that the bombs weren’t catastrophic but it still scared you. As much as you wanted to get away from the two, you can’t help but feel bad for the squirrel so you turned your heels and rushed to it. You frantically grabbed the squirrel and carried it. Albeit getting farther from the two, you didn’t notice the bomb coming at your direction. You were shaking as soon as you saw the bomb drop in front of you, and as an instinct, you ran back to the opposite side inspite of the colored smoke blocking your sight. You felt the ground shake from the explosion near you, making you lose your balance and your body collided with a softer surface. 
Upon hearing that the explosions stopped, you pushed yourself up and saw an unconscious man lying under you.
“What the hell!” You stumbled backwards, garnering the attention of the man, he looked young though. His black hair is parted in the middle that flaunts his attractive face and his cheeks sort of resembled a squirrel’s. He appeared like a prince because of the tuxedo he was wearing.
“Wow… you were gorgeous.” Your eyes widened and you shut your mouth from embarrassment. You heard him scoff as he helped himself to a sitting position.
“What do you mean ‘were’? I am always gorgeous!” He rolled his eyes at you and you can’t help but to feel irritated from his cockiness. You stood up huffing as you removed the dust and dirt from your clothes.
“By the way, have you seen a squirrel?” You fanned your hands, trying to push away the smoke that causes you suffocation. The man behind you erupted in laughter and he looked at you in a judging manner. You could feel your irritation growing, you wanted no other than to slap that arrogant smirk off his face. “Did I say anything funny?”
“I didn’t expect you to be this dumb.” He made a straight face.
“Pardon?” You glared at him, clearly offended.
“I am the squirrel, dumbass!” 
“But you look.. human...” It sounded more of a question than a statement.
“You know what, nevermind.” He shook his head, “Where are you going anyway? Maybe I can help you.” 
You fought the urge to leave a sarcastic comment to avoid an argument. But where were you heading off to? You were just following him. “I was lost, I wanted to find my way out of here.”
“Are you not from here?”
“No… I am from Alium Orbis.” You fidgeted as you gazed down at your worn out pair of shoes. It really wasn’t your intention to travel to a different place, you only wanted to know what the squirrel was late for.
“I’ve never heard of it, but we can inquire at the palace.” He flashed you an apologetic smile and you nod. 
The skies were already painted with hues of orange and pink yet you were still out in the woods, the route you were taking is the safest yet longest, according to the man beside you. You have learned that his name is Jisung and he was working at Minho and Hyunjin’s sometimes and he was quite used to the two’s antics. He also works for the king, he said that the king had a terrible anger so he works there as one of the palace’s repairmen. You also learned that he wasn’t cocky, he’s just very good at ‘teasing’ people. He joked a lot from time to time and you realized that hanging around with him was fun and never boring.
“Hey, Jisung.” You broke the silence that engulfed the atmosphere as you walked through the dark forest.
“I haven’t eaten since noon, and I’m…” You shyly admitted since you cannot hold in the hunger, your stomach is churning and aching at the same time. You fished out your pocket watch and the timepiece says 8:27. Thankfully, there were lamp posts along the way so you could still see clearly despite the darkness. 
“Right, my house is just a few minute walk from this place, can you still wait a bit longer?” Jisung scratched his nape.
“Yes, but my legs are getting weak so you’ve got to carry me when I cannot walk anymore.” You joked, trying to lift up the mood but Jisung stopped in front of you.
“Hop on.” Jisung crouched, his back facing you.
“Wait– no, I was just joking.” You laughed but your feet and legs are already sore.
“I said hop on.” Jisung impatiently argued, turning his head to you. You gulped nervously and obeyed. You can feel the erratic beating of your heart as Jisung carried you on his back on the way to his house. Your cheeks are flushed from another embarrassment with him. 
“Jisung, I think I can walk now,” you stuttered, “my legs are now okay.” 
“Nah, we’re already here.” You tore your gaze from his back and saw a small but cozy house, “Wait a moment, hold tighter.” You were about to argue but Jisung cut you off. He removed his right hand from supporting your other thigh as he slipped his hand inside his pocket to get the key and opened the door for the both of you. Your heart skipped a beat from his act. 
“Jisung put me down.” You declared earning a chuckle from him before muttering ‘alright’, “Thanks, by the way,” you shy away from his gaze.
“You’re probably exhausted from all the running and walking, you can grab a pair from the clothesline and change in the bathroom,” Jisung pointed towards the door at the kitchen back door, “The bathroom is upstairs, the last door at the left.”
You whispered ‘thank you’ before heading to grab a pair of his clothes and go to the bathroom. As you cleaned up and changed into comfortable clothes, you pondered on how you got in this mysterious place. You heard the clanking of plates and pots from the kitchen as you washed your clothes and you couldn’t help the weird feeling in your chest.
Damn, Jisung has it all.
Not only was he funny, kind-hearted and gentleman, he also knew how to do all the domestic chores and it was a bonus that he’s awfully attractive. You felt the blush creeping up to your cheeks so you immediately shook off the idea. This isn’t right. You thought to yourself. It didn’t take you long enough to finish rinsing you clothes and you soon left the bathroom. You went to the kitchen and you were welcomed by the smell of food and of course, Jisung in an apron.
“Hey, Jisung.” Jisung jumped from your voice.
“You startled me!” He placed a hand over his chest dramatically, “You’re done?”
You nodded, “Can I hang my clothes outside?” 
“Of course, but better hurry up. I’m almost done.” 
The dinner was scrumptious and you savored the food with delight. You didn’t imagine that Jisung was a great chef. You’ve exchanged stories and personal experiences, just like friends in the get-to-know stage. He talked a lot and made you laugh countless times. You offered to wash the dishes as an act of returning the favor, he didn’t even oppose, you saw how his eyes lit up and you couldn’t help but laugh at how happy he looked. 
Gazing through the telescope, “Look at the constellation! It looks like a pendulum!” You stood up and ushered Jisung to switch seats so that he could see it too. You sat beside each other at his mini observatory next to his room. It’s been an hour since you two started stargazing and you were having the time of your lives. It’s been a while since Jisung had a companion and it surely made him all giddy inside, but it wasn’t just the thought of having a companion that makes his heart flutter. It was you and he didn’t know why.
“Y/N, I think I might be falling in love with you.” You were taken aback by Jisung’s confession out of the blue. Long silence filled the atmosphere.
“But it hasn’t even been a day since we met.” You whipped your head to face him and you swore, there’s something in his eyes.
“I know, sounds absurd, right?” Jisung shook his head, you’re right, but who are you to tell him his own feelings, “Y/N…”
Jisung stared at your eyes, so do you, you could see that he was trying to see the deep side of you, trying to figure out the puzzle in you. It was funny how you only met him today yet you felt nostalgic. You stiffened the moment Jisung started closing the gap between the two of you, his eyes trailed from your eyes to your lips and a turmoil started boiling inside your chest. Jisung’s lips were only an inch far from yours when you felt dizzy again along with the ringing of bells in your ears. Your vision swirled and you were transported again in the void of darkness, falling. However, this time, there were faces of the clock in different sizes, all glowing as the hands pointed at twelve. You sighed in relief. Thank goodness, that was close. 
「3rd Strike.」
You adjusted the telescope to find another constellation and you did. This time it looked like a pendulum, you wanted to show it to Jisung but knew fully well what could happen next, “Jisung, I’m getting sleepy. I think I should go to bed now.” You tried your best not to sound too awkward but failed.
“Yeah, sure.” Jisung got up from his seat, offered his hand to help you stand up and he led you to the room you’ll be staying in for the night. 
“Thanks, Jisung,” You stepped inside then turned to face him, “good night.” You smiled at him and he returned the gesture.
“Good night, Y/N.” You waited for him to leave before closing the door behind his back. 
You turned off the light and walked over to the bed, it wasn’t very dark since the moonlight illuminated the room just right. You thought that maybe this “12 o’clock” thingy doesn’t seem bad at all. In fact, it saved you two times, but if you were to be given a chance to go back in time, that would be before he was gone. You also felt guilty for Jisung for an unknown reason. You have to put up an act tomorrow and pretend that nothing happened, well nothing did happen, but what almost did.
You woke up the next day feeling energized and ready to head home. Just like last night, Jisung cooked the meal while you washed the dishes since that was the only thing you could do for him in return, for now. You washed the clothes you wore last night and hung it outside, fortunately, your clothes dried up overnight. It was around 9 o'clock when the two of you left his house. On your journey, you noticed how Jisung seemed a bit off and you had a clue why. He still joked a lot and told you some of his embarrassing moments while working at the palace. You shared how your mother always scolded you whenever you did your antics. How you miss your home.
“Jisung, did you hear that?” You moved closer to Jisung as you whispered.
“You heard it too?” You nod at him and the growling sound became louder. You tugged the hem of his shirt as a signal to stop walking. Your eyes darted to your left, observing your surroundings while Jisung kept his eyes on the right side of the route, “Hey, Y/N. Continue walking but stay as close to me as possible.” He whispered in your ear as he pulled you to his side. You continued on your tracks and pretended as if you didn't hear the loud growling behind you.
“Y/N, on the count of three, you hide there.” Jisung eyed the bush near the oak, “walk faster this time.”
“Got it.”
Jisung mumbled, “One, two,” taking a deep breath, “three!” He pushed you away from him before transforming into a squirrel. You followed his instructions and hid behind the bush, as you peeked, you saw a chimera facing Jisung in his squirrel form. 
“What the fuck, Jisung?” You cursed under your breath, you could see that if he tries to fight, he would be no match for Chimera’s size and abilities, but Jisung is smart and full of tactics– something that Chimera lacks. You trusted Jisung whatever his plan may be.
“If I don’t come back within an hour, you go first, the town is straight ahead. Look for the blacksmith and wait for me there. When he asks you why, just say “Jisung’s”.” Jisung was rapping and you almost didn’t pick up the last part. 
“You wanna eat?” Jisung yelled, “You gotta run first, weakling!” 
You wanted to punch Jisung hard, he really was very good at provoking but this wasn’t the best time to do so. You watched Jisung dashed off to the left side of the forest, which was opposite to where you were hiding. You grow more worried as minutes pass by. After what felt like an eternity, you decided to head first according to Jisung’s plan. Along the walk, you became more anxious about Jisung, you hoped that whatever his plan was, worked for him, because unfortunately, there you are, face to face with another creature– Greater Basilisk, oh, how lucky you were. Knowing that you were nothing compared to the beast, all you can do is run. Turning to your heels, you ran with all your might albeit trembling. You ran here and there, making you more lost than you actually were. You were worried as hell for Jisung and now you were running everywhere just to get away from the beast chasing after you. You were on the verge of breaking down when you heard the ringing in your ears. Thank goodness! You felt dizzy, causing you to trip on a twig you didn’t notice. The last thing you saw before your vision swirled was the Greater Basilisk’s mouth. You were transported into the void just in time, that’s when you let your tears out as you fall into nothingness, and you felt grateful for whatever this thing is.
「4th Strike.」
You opened your eyes and you were back in your hiding spot. You left out a heavy sigh and grabbed the clock from the pocket of your kirtle. The hands were pointing exactly at 11:45. So I get transported to the time, fifteen minutes before twelve. This time though, you decided not to leave your spot.
“So, what are we hiding from?” You flinched at the deep voice. 
“Jisung?” You turned your head and met a man standing behind you wearing a white dress shirt, black trousers and suspenders worn over his shoulders. The first button of his shirt were unbuttoned, making him appear mature. He has his hair styled up that brags his pretty forehead. Were they all required to look this good?
“You’re staring,” He snorted, “and I am not Jisung.” He made himself comfortable beside you. 
“Oh, you have the Horologium.” The man pointed to your pocket watch, “Where’d you get that?” 
“What are you talking about? This was given by my mother.” You clutched the pocket watch close to your chest protectively.
“Is that so? I used to have one but I accidentally stepped on it.” He chuckled and that was the most pleasant thing you’ve ever heard since you came here.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” you shoved back the watch inside your pocket, you felt like he has all the answers to your questions and you figured it wouldn’t hurt trying, “Can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.”
“Where are we?” He threw you a ridiculous look. 
“At the forest, obviously.” You didn’t expect his answer but he’s right. 
“What is this place?”
“Why are you here when you don’t even know this place!” He hit the bullseye, that’s very stupid of you to follow a squirrel without even having an idea where would it take you, and he notices your lack of response, “You’re in District 9.”
You heard a loud growling not too far from your hiding spot, “I hate reptiles.” You bit your lip and peeked from the bush that hid you and your guess was correct, it was the Greater Basilisk. 
“How did you know?” The man beside you asked in a quiet voice. 
“I already encountered that monster earlier!” You spoke in an angry tone, “I can’t believe it’ll come here.”
“So that’s what you were hiding from?” 
“Not really. It just so happened that I followed Jisung’s plan but ended up face to face with that,” you sighed, should I tell him? “Do you know that 12 o’clock thing? I was transported back here before that monster ate my head off.” 
Something in the deepest part of Seungmin’s memory struck upon the mention of 12 o’clock. You were really just like him when he first stumbled at District 9.
“Do you know that your watch can work like magic?” Seungmin asked.
“What are you saying this time?” You eyed him suspiciously.
Seungmin smirked, “The basilisk can smell us, if you wanted to know.” The tiny hairs on your nape stood up and you never wanted to have an encounter with that beast anymore. You took out the pocket watch faster than a lightning.
“What now?” You impatiently asked. Seungmin changed from sitting position into a crouching position before pulling you towards him. He grabbed your hand holding the timepiece and pressed the crown firmly. Your cheeks flushed upon the realization that Seungmin was holding your hand tight but it was cut short by the glowing of light from your pocket watch. The light formed a circle that served as a shell for the both of you.
“What is this?” You asked, bewildered by the hidden power your pocket watch holds.
“The power of Horologium,” Seungmin explained, “It can give you protection and invisibility but it only lasts for half an hour. Pretty cool, right?” 
You faced Seungmin and noticed how dangerously close he was. His eyes met with yours and you felt the loud thumping inside your chest, you’re sure that he could see how red your cheeks were. You realized that he kind of looked familiar to you.
“You’re staring again,” Seungmin lightly chuckled, “I can’t believe you are already falling for me, princess.” 
“If I push you out of this shield, what would happen to you?” You smiled in a sarcastic manner and he just rolled his eyes at you. He was about to say something whilst you glanced over the bush and the basilisk was standing in front of your hiding place. 
“It’s right in front of us! Shh!” You placed your forefinger above his lips to shut him up. Little did you know, Seungmin was already dying inside yet feeling alive from the close proximity, his heart did a series of backflips when your finger came in contact with his lips. He didn’t understand why you have this effect on him and it’s not like he hated it, he was just baffled.
“It’s gone!” Seungmin snapped out of his trance, “But how do I deactivate this?”
“Yeah, right, all you have to do is chant ‘in tempore’.” The shield slowly faded after Seungmin muttered the chant, “See?”
“How awesome!” A wide smile spread across your face from astonishment. 
Seungmin couldn’t suppress the smile forming on his lips from how adorable you looked. 
“Woah there buddy, get your hands off.” Your eyes darted towards the owner of the stern voice and found Jisung with an extremely disheveled hair.
“Who are you to tell me?” Seungmin helped you get up and smiled at you gently making Jisung grow more irritated.
“Why would I trust someone like you?” Oh, Jisung, stop digging your own grave.
“Why are you so worked up? I just helped her hide from a beast, right?” You nodded enthusiastically. Seungmin enjoyed the sight, he can read him and he wanted to try pushing Jisung’s buttons further, “Why are you acting so protective of her when you literally left her alone?”
Jisung clenched his jaw, he couldn’t admit that he was feeling jealous of seeing Seungmin holding you too close to him for his liking.
“I know you find her cute and all but can we like, leave now? We have something else to do, Min.” A charming young man with cold, fox-like eyes and blue hair came out from the opposite side of the forest. He was wearing a vest instead of suspenders, unlike Seungmin.
“How did you find me?” Seungmin’s ears turned cherry red. How could Jeongin expose him like that?
“You just talked to this girl and you already forgot that I can literally smell you from miles? Oh, greater basilisk, this isn’t you, Min!” Jeongin cackled.
“Hey, I have a name!” You glared at him
“Alright, Miss. But I wasn’t talking to you.” Jeongin snapped back.
“Watch your mouth, Jeongin.” Seungmin threatened, he was not just having it. 
“Yeah, sure, Loverboy. Come on, we’ve got to go somewhere!” Jeongin waved his hand in annoyance. 
Seungmin rolled his eyes before whispering to you, “I apologize in his stead, he’s not usually like this.” He walked over to Jeongin while Jisung was shooting daggers with his eyes as Seungmin walked past him. 
“Let’s go, Y/N.” Jisung gave Seungmin one last glare before pulling you to his side.
“See you later, Y/N, bye chipmunk!” Seungmin waved at you before dragging Jeongin away, seeing Jisung frown made Seungmin erupt in laughter. 
Oh god, why does his laugh sound familiar?
“Why were you still there? I told you to go first.” Jisung blurted out unconscious of the anger in his tone.
“Hey, calm down. Why are you so angry? I was almost- if I didn’t wait for you, I would have already been eaten by the basilisk.” Jisung’s anger slowly died down because of your next words, “Also, I was worried as hell for you!” 
“You were?” Jisung didn’t notice the smile creeping up his cheeks.
“Why are you smiling like that? It’s freaking me out.” You pushed Jisung away from you jokingly and he just left a hearty laugh, “You’re weird.”
“Call me that one more time and I won’t treat you to lunch.” Jisung deadpanned.
“Alright, mighty squirrel.”
「Last Strike.」
Upon reaching the castle, you were welcomed by the king having tantrums so you were escorted to the garden instead. His loud yelling echoed within the palace halls and you were never terrified of someone in your life until today, not even your mother. You heard a loud shattering of glass causing you to flinch on your seat, across the you was Jisung sighing heavily. 
“When you said he’s got a bad temper I didn’t know that it was that bad.” You admitted.
“Not to scare you, but actually... that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” Jisung gave you an uneasy smile as he picked up a cookie on the table.
After what seemed like an hour, the king’s shouting could no longer be heard and the tension inside the palace walls died down, you were asked to come to a room for interrogation. The servant bowed before leaving the two of you in front of a wooden door. You knocked and heard a muffled voice behind the door saying come in.
“Greetings, my King.” You copied Jisung’s actions and bowed.
“You may have a seat,” The king spoke without sparing you a glance, he was busy signing documents, “What brings you here?”
“My King, I found another lost traveler in our land.” You were confused with Jisung’s statement and he has this mysterious aura around him that left an unsettling feeling inside you.
So this isn’t the first time they’ve encountered people like me.
“Oh, really? Please tell me more about it.” The king finally decided to turn to you.
“Here’s Y/N. She said she was from Alium Orbis.” Jisung took a pause, “does our District 9 perhaps have connection to other lands?”
“Alium Orbis… that sounds familiar.” The king rang the bell and a servant entered the room.
“You called, Your Majesty?” The servant bowed to the king, “Do you need anything, Your Highness?”
“Have you ever heard of Alium Orbis? I think we had someone come here before from that land.” You were staring at the king for a very long time now and you notice how intimidating he looked. His eyes had this sense of authority in them, his broad shoulders also added to his intimidating look, as if he can break anyone into pieces.
“Yes, Your Majesty. His name was Kim Seungmin.” You felt your heart jump upon hearing the name.
“Miss Y/N, do you know him by any chance?” The king’s piercing gaze almost made your soul leave your body.
“I do, Your Highness.” Tons of questions about Seungmin flooded your mind. One day you all woke up and Seungmin disappeared just like that. His parents almost turned mad when they heard the news that their only son was missing.
“That’s good news then.” The king turned to his servant, “Where is he now?”
“I believe he’s with the Teller. He still wasn’t able to leave our land.” 
“I remember now, it’s been exactly twelve years, right?” The king placed his hand under his chin as he tried to figure out the reason, “Suspicious.”
“Nevermind,” The king opened the drawer and took out a piece of paper before handing it to you, “this is the map to the Teller’s place.”
“Thank you, Your Highness.” You gave him a small smile.
“I advise you to start your journey sooner before the day gets succumbed by darkness.” You were freaked out by the king’s choice of words but you stood up from your seat anyway.
“Thank you, Lord Changbin.” Jisung bowed before the king and the servant escorted you out of the palace. 
It took you three hours to get to the Teller’s place, you were feeling nervous and uneasy for an unknown reason. You should be excited, right?
You lightly knocked on the door and you were welcomed by none other than him. You did not expect that he would be the one you’re looking for, “Oh, it’s you. Uhm, you are the Teller?” 
“No, it’s Jeongin.” If the man standing in front of you isn’t Jeongin- oh. 
“Seungmin?” A large part of you hope that you’re right, despite the information from earlier, you’ve been looking for him all this time, and maybe that was the reason he looked familiar.
“Yes, that’s my name.” Seungmin smiled pleasantly, you mentioning his name sounded mellifluous to him, “You’re looking for Jeongin?” You nodded calmly inspite the storm in your insides.
“We are not here to flirt.” Jisung scoffed behind you and Seungmin rolled his eyes before stepping aside to get in. Seungmin motioned you to follow him and led you to what seemed like a place for rituals. 
“Jeongin, someone’s looking for you.”
“Oh, so, it’s your girl.” Jeongin scoffed but Seungmin did not answer, instead rolling his eyes.
“So you’re not denying it, I see.” Jeongin’s smirk grew wider but decided to stop picking on the older’s nerves, but that smirk soon vanished from his face when he turned to you, “I know why you’re here. Do you want me to get straight to the point?”
“Sure.” Jeongin pointed to the seat near the cauldron, gesturing you to have a seat.
“First answer to your question, just like a pendulum, it never stops once you move it, so does the Horologium. You will continue to go back in time when the clock strikes to twelve until you leave this place.” You were amazed and creeped out at the same time, “I know the route to Alium Orbis, Seungmin’s from there too, unfortunately, he broke his clock so he couldn’t return, not only that, he also forgot his memories outside District 9. Seungmin’s clever and all but sometimes he’s just dumb.” Seungmin let out a sound of disapproval and Jeongin laughed, his pleasure truly comes from annoying the older. However, the thought of Seungmin forgetting you does hurt like hell.
“So, Y/N, if you were to leave make sure that you will step out of the boundary before twelve. I suppose there are other ways but I still haven’t found out.” Jeongin didn’t even trip on his words, he wasn’t the Teller for nothing, “But you know, at District 9, once you enter there’s no way of getting out.” Jeongin laughed rather maniacally, his wicked voice filling the house.
“What do you mean by that?” You abruptly stood up from your seat.
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N. You know fully well what that means.” Jeongin walked closer to you, raising his hand that was emitting blue flame. Seungmin stepped in before Jeongin could hurt you, “What now, Seungmin? You’re going to protect her when you couldn’t even protect yourself?”
Jisung who has been silent since you entered the house finally spoke, “Y/N, the truth is... You will never be able to leave this place,” he stood beside Jeongin before he continued, malice notable in his voice, “No one can leave this house.”
As if on cue, Jeongin started shooting flames around the house while Jisung took out bombs similar to Minho’s and Hyunjin’s and threw it everywhere. The colored smoke blocked your vision while the smell of burning wood entered your lungs. Their wicked laughter reverberated within the house, there’s no way you’d let them burn you alive. The suffocating atmosphere inside the house made you hold your breath as you tried to step forward despite the heavy feeling on your legs due to the lack of oxygen to grab Seungmin’s arm, luckily he was just a few steps away from you. You managed to get out of the house unharmed even though you bumped on several furniture and broke objects on the way to find the exit. 
However, Jisung and Jeongin were quick to follow you. Seungmin’s movements were really languid as if he didn’t care about anything. Your kicking adrenaline was the only reason you were able to run speedily despite Seungmin’s lazy and heavy footsteps that keeps slowing you down.
“Seungmin, we have to leave now!” You dragged him away from Jisung and Jeongin.
“But Y/N, I don’t want to leave.” Seungmin’s words made you stop on your tracks, “that’s why I intentionally broke my clock.”
“Seungmin, we don’t belong here. They’re all insane!” You cried, at this point, the only thing you wanted to do was to leave this hell of a place. You’ve had enough of all the madness this place bears.
“Didn’t everyone in the town call me that?” Seungmin tightened his fist, his memories came flooding, he could now remember everything– from his childhood to people calling him insults, he was just a kid enjoying his imagination and fantasies, “Y/N, please let me go.”
“No, Seungmin, I cannot afford to lose you again.” You were sobbing, letting your feelings out. 
Ever since Seungmin disappeared, not once you did not think of him. He was your best friend who caused the blossoming feelings inside you, the only one you could trust, the only one who could understand your complexity. The only one you wanted to sacrifice your life for and give all the happiness in the world. Your feelings for him never changed throughout the years.
“Please, Seungmin.” That was the most selfish thing you’ve ever done in your life. You only wanted to spend the rest of your life with no one but Seungmin. 
“Why, Y/N? Tell me why should it matter to you!” Seungmin yelled, pain and trauma evident from his tone, you never knew that he was suffering inside all those times. You choked on your sobs, the lump in your throat was getting bigger, it’s now or never.
“Because I care for you! Can’t you see that? You’re my best friend!” Oh god, how hard could admitting one’s feelings get?
“You can find another best friend there,” Seungmin started tearing up too, “Just leave me alone.”
“I don’t want anyone else!” Your mouth already has a mind of its own, and you couldn’t believe the next words that slipped out of your mouth,  “I only want you!” 
It made you even more frustrated with everything. You glanced at the clock dangling around your neck, you only had ten minutes 'till 12 and you wanted to leave, but not without Seungmin. 
“If you really care for me, then stay with me here.” Seungmin stepped closer to you, offering his hand.
“Why are you acting so childish, Min!” Your emotions were getting mixed up and from afar, you could hear Jeongin and Jisung’s shouts and twisted words.
“Y/N! I thought you liked me? Why are you running away from me?” The tone of Jisung’s voice made shivers crawl on your body. 
“Seungmin, they’re near, let’s leave!” You pulled Seungmin but he doesn’t budge. 
“You like Jisung?” Seungmin’s eyes looked hurt and empty as it gazed at your frustrated ones. You wanted to hug him but there’s not enough time.
“Please Seungmin, not this.” Why can’t you just admit it?
“Don’t avoid the question, Y/N.” 
“Let’s leave now, please. They would be here anytime soon.” 
“Why can’t you just leave me here and go on your own?” Seungmin was really trying to get those words out of your throat.
“For heaven’s sake, Min. Don’t make me say it!” You smacked your forehead in annoyance.
“Say what?”
Screw it.
“Of course, I love you! Why would there be any other reason?” You never thought you would have the courage to admit your feelings, especially not this way.
“I’ll never let Jisung take you.” With those words, Seungmin picked you up swiftly in his arms and ran from the scene as fast as he could.
“Why couldn’t you just say it?” Seungmin asked, his eyes still focused on the way.
“For fuck’s sake, I don’t even know how you feel!” Your voice raised in defense.
“That’s so stupid, Y/N! I already told you many times that I liked you!” Seungmin groaned in frustration, he thought he already made it clear. 
“I thought you meant that as a friend.” Seungmin couldn’t be mad at you, though he declared his feelings for you, he never acted on it, maybe that was the reason you didn’t feel it. 
“I’m sorry. I did not make it clear either.” Seungmin looks at you with so much regret in his eyes, he swore that this time, he’d treat you right.
“It’s okay, Min,” you wiped the tears that stained his cheeks. 
“Hold tight, Y/N. We’re gonna use your watch to leave this hell.” You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck while holding the timepiece in your left hand tightly to avoid it slipping out of your neck. He sped up, and from his back, you could see Jeongin and Jisung chasing after the two of you.
He stopped in front of a large wall and put you down, “Now, give me the Horologium.” You quickly handed him the watch and he wrapped his arm around your waist, making heart flutter from his action, “Hug me.” 
“Excuse me?”
“I said hug me.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your head on his chest.
“Why do you have to say it like that!” You heard Seungmin let out a mischievous chuckle. 
“Brace yourself, we’re gonna end this cycle once and for all.”
You saw Seungmin throw your pocket watch on the ground causing it to break. You wanted to cry but you’re fully aware that Seungmin knows better. You peeked from his shoulder, Jisung and Jeongin were nearing you two, “Seungmin, they’re here!”
“I forgot the chant!” You looked at Seungmin wide-eyed, “No, I’m just kidding.”
Before you can punch his arm, you heard him mumble before stepping on the watch. 
“In nullo tempore.” 
Just in time, you saw Jisung and Jeongin freeze on their spot, as if the time stopped, the surroundings became silent and the only thing you could hear was the obnoxious ringing in your ear. You felt the familiar dizziness along with the pulsating of your head, Seungmin pressed his body closer to yours, if that was possible, tightening his grip around your waist. You saw a blinding light before you were transported harshly to the familiar void of darkness.
You heard Seungmin utter your name.
“I can’t see you but I can feel you,” you cringed at your words, “What I meant is, I cannot see you but I can still feel you hugging me. Yeah, uh, why do I feel like we’re floating?”
“Y/N…” Seungmin spoke slowly this time.
“What?” Your voice echoed in the void.
“Do you really mean it?” 
“Mean what?”
“You care for me.” You felt your cheeks heating up. 
“I do.” You sighed, “Never once you left my mind. I miss you so much, the thought of never seeing you again kills me more than anything.” A tear escaped your eye and you were surprised to see your tear glowed as it floated above you but you couldn’t care less.
“I felt lonely without you, I thought I was going nuts from the emptiness.” More tears escaped your eyes as you sobbed on his chest. 
“I love you too.” Seungmin caressed your locks and it made your heart feel warm; if it weren’t for you, he would have been stuck with his fears and would never have the courage to leave. “Y/N, your tears… Look at them.” You looked up to see the droplets of your tears glowed in different colors, becoming the source of light to the dark void, it formed a constellation that looked like the one you saw through the telescope– a pendulum. Seungmin was beyond ethereal, with the glowing bits of light that casted the surroundings and you’ve never felt so in love.
“Wait, how long are we gonna stay like this?” You faced Seungmin, and you have never seen him look so happy yet sad at the same time. 
“Oh, right. I forgot to say the last chant.” You lightly smack his chest and he placed a quick peck on your lips that is enough for the fireworks to burst inside your chest before giving you his heart eyes. 
“The pendulum stops here and now.”
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iturbide · 4 years
today was a wash have a chunk of bad end au vent writing
The first thing Claude became aware of -- besides pain, but he didn’t want to focus on that any more than he had to -- was a steady, rhythmic swaying, something he could feel in his bones as he lay still in the darkness.  Next came sounds, drawing his attention one by one: the creak of shifting boards, the scrape of metal across metal, the subtle clink of glass muffled by wool padding.  Then the smell of the sea, the tang of salt at the back of his throat edging out the metallic bite of blood (if only for a moment, but he’d take what he could get)...
He knew where he was before he opened his eyes: an Almyran ship at sea, tucked away in the infirmary belowdecks.  But the confirmation was still nice, and he spent an extra moment or two watching the brass lamp sway on its hook, the dim ring of light it cast rocking back and forth as the ship cut through the waves and illuminating shelves of tinctures and compounded remedies, copper instruments cleaned and secured in their cases, berths and braced cots in neat rows for the medics to tend.  An alarming number of them were full from what he could see, sporting burns and dark blisters from toxic magic along with the more commonplace bindings and slings for arrow wounds and slashes...though he noted wryly that his own bunk was directly beside the doorway: the immediate access by the medics coming through at both the start and end of their rounds said a lot more than he cared for about his injuries.  The cot on the opposite side was occupied, too, and he waited patiently for the swaying light to sweep across it, curious who else was in sorry enough shape to warrant such special treatment--
A few locks of pink hair gleamed at the edge of the wandering glow, and Claude jerked upright -- only to immediately regret it, slumping back down and reminding himself to breathe, in through his nose, out through his mouth, focusing on keeping the rhythm steady rather than on the pain burning through his chest and threatening to steal his consciousness again.  It took a while...but eventually the agony subsided to a manageable ache, pulsing in time with his heart; even then, he kept still for an extra minute before trying to open his eyes, confirming that the light wasn’t spinning any more than it should be before looking back across the aisle. 
“Hilda?” he whispered.  “You awake?”
She stirred slightly, and he stretched his arm across the divide between them, cursing silently when his reach fell far short.  “Don’t try to move,” he rasped.  “I made that mistake already.  Don’t be like me.”
He swore he heard a reedy laugh as she turned her head toward him...and in another moment, her hand drifted out to touch his, their fingers twining weakly as they both put what little strength they had into holding on.  “You made it,” she breathed. 
He mustered up a grin, hoping she could see it in such weak light.  “So did you.”  He’d been hopeful, even when he fell, that she’d get out...but he could remember, hazily, the sound of her shouting, the weight of her body over his before everything blurred and faded out; he could feel her hand shaking, and squeezed her fingers as best he could.  “...why didn’t you retreat?  I thought we agreed, if something went wrong, you’d get out of there in one piece…”
“I couldn’t leave you like that,” she mumbled.  “You were counting on me.  I wasn’t...it would’ve let you down, if I left.”
“No it wouldn’t.”  From his place at the pier, he’d watched the battle, keeping an eye out for the classmates who’d come to make the final stand with him: he’d seen Petra batter Ignatz until he couldn’t hold his blade anymore, and felt a rush of relief when she hesitated before dealing a killing blow, giving him just enough time to retreat; he’d watched as Lysithea took aim at the Empress herself, only to be blindsided by Hubert’s magic, and when he saw the mage take Edelgard’s hand he’d felt the strangest jumble of sorrow and solace, knowing she would live on but equally sure that Fódlan would soon become a bleaker place for those that survived to see it.  “I was counting on you to get out of there in one piece.  I...you weren’t supposed to die in a fight we couldn’t win.”
“...did you know we couldn’t win it?” she asked. 
“...I’d hoped we could,” he sighed, feeling her trembling grip tighten.  “But I knew it was a long shot.  It’s why I told you all to retreat if things got out of hand.  But...it’s why I pulled out all the stops, too, to try and even the odds.  Requesting support from Almyra, calling in old friends from Garreg Mach...it’s why I asked you to come.  Didn’t really think you’d go for it, when I did.”
“Were you disappointed I didn’t send my brother instead?” she teased. 
“No,” he replied, tightening his grip on her fingers.  He didn’t even need to think about that.  “Having you there...that’s what made me think we might be able to pull it off.  But...it wasn’t enough.  All that planning, all the preparations...I let you down--”
He thought he heard her huff as she squeezed his fingers.  “Hardly.  You tried: you kept us out of the war for five whole years, and gave the Empire a fight they weren’t expecting when they finally came.  Anybody who’s let down by that should try doing it themselves, see if they can do better.”
Claude immediately thought of Lorenz and blew out a thin sigh.  “Guess we’ll see how that goes, huh?  Hopefully he won’t run it into the ground.” 
“I give him a week.”  
Chuckling to himself, he glanced over and saw her smiling back.  They’d made it out -- only barely, but still (and he tightened his grip, just a bit, reassuring himself that she was really there, warm, alive…
“Oh, well!  Look who’s back among the living.”
Claude blinked, tilting his head back at the man standing in the aisle between them.  “Nader?  ...please tell me you’re not helping the medics.”
“Of course not,” the man huffed, crossing his arms.  “I just came to make sure you were still breathing.  Been a day or so since we got a word out of you, I was starting to worry about what I’d have to tell your parents when we make landfall.”
...he hadn’t actually thought that far ahead.  But near-death was also not an eventuality he’d planned for, when war was normally a matter of kill or be killed.  “Please don’t tell my parents I almost died.”
Nader snorted.  “They’re going to find out one way or another.  Would you rather it be when they see you in that sorry state?”
“No,” Claude groaned.  Not that he could keep it from them that long, given that they were bound to ask why he didn’t come along when the general flew back to the capital to make his report.  “Can you at least not make it sound too bad?  You know how they get when they think I’m dying.”
“Last time I checked in the medics still thought you were,” Nader pointed out. 
“It takes more than that to kill me,” he grinned.  Maybe not much more, but he wisely kept that to himself. 
The general sighed, but apparently decided to give up on arguing further.  “Yeah, well, let’s try to avoid finding out what else it would take.  Stay put, kiddo, I’ll round up a medic and be back in two flaps of a wyvern’s wing.”
“Not like I could go anywhere,” Claude called after him, relaxing into his berth and glancing over at Hilda...to find her squinting at him.  “What?  I couldn’t.  Not without regretting it.”
“I don’t even know what you two were saying,” she pointed out. 
...he hadn’t even registered that they’d been going at it in Almyran.  “Nothing to worry about,” he reassured her.  “They’ll have us back on the mend in no time.”
“Well, that’s a relief, at least,” she chuckled.  “Holst would never forgive me if I didn’t make it back.”
Only when he felt her grip tighten on his hand did he realize he was shaking.  The Empire had every reason to think both of them died at Derdriu -- which meant Hilda couldn’t go back.  For Claude, it was only ever a matter of not seeing the Alliance again; for her...she couldn’t go home.  “Do you think you’ll regret it?” he whispered.  “Fighting for me?  Not getting out while you had the chance?”
He could barely muster up the nerve to look at her.  But when he did, she was smiling at him through the wan light.  “It was worth it.”
Even he wasn’t certain of that anymore.  “How can you be sure?”
“Because it was for you.”
His eyes stung, and blinking only made his vision blur.  “Would you mind sticking with me for a while longer, then?”
“Do you even need to ask?” she giggled.  “You just say the word, and I’ll be there.”
Drawing in a slow, unsteady breath, he squeezed her fingers as best he could.  “Thanks, Hilda.  For everything.”  
As the ship’s medics came marching in and finally shooed their hands apart, Claude closed his eyes.  His goal was even further away now than it had been when he first set foot in Fódlan, and he doubted it would get any closer while Edelgard held power.  But he could still plan.  He could still prepare.  And when the day finally arrived when it came back in sight, he would be ready. 
He was still alive.  And so long as he lived, he’d work to make his dream real.
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kaiekasunwhisper · 3 years
Hello On the Other Side
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(( Co-written with @grakkar-gorefang / @thefugitivemango / @argonas . @avehi-the-adamant​ , @brent-sunborn​ and @sinafay-the-defiant for character mention.))
The fighting was done. Grakkar slowly felt the fatigue set in as his adrenaline began to die off. It had been a long day; at least, in his perspective. Time seemed to work differently here in the Shadowlands, with people who had been dead for only a few years saying they’d been here much, much longer. It made him wonder how much time had actually passed on Azeroth… if it were shorter than it felt, hopefully it meant his beloved mate and daughter wouldn’t miss him as much as he missed them. Which, by now, was a tremendous amount.
He shook his head, securing his axe down in the desiccated dust that comprised most of Maldraxxus’ ground. Blood and bile that caked it had turned a sickening shade of greyish blue. Something he’d have to wash off once he got back to Bastion. That couldn’t come soon enough. He’d grown tired of this place.
His Soulbind, Argonas, had joined Avehi and the rest of the Necrolord leaders inside the Seat of the Primus, a large statue of what many Maldraxxi revered as the greatest military mind the Shadowlands had ever known. Argonas was eager to meet and speak with Avehi the Adamant, a mutual friend and recent ally of the Necrolords. They had much to discuss following the fall of the House of Constructs. But Grakkar wasn’t much of a talker, and opted to wait outside. He sat down on a bench-- or large femur?-- and sighed. Lips curling to a small smile in the aftermath of a good and glorious battle!
Kai’eka watched him from her position not too far away, arms crossed, eyebrow raised. After all the trouble Grakkar had gone through to be with his stupid mate, what was he doing in the Shadowlands? Had they split up again? She felt a familiar stir of emotions as the possibility of him being single again was entertained. Not for long, however. She shook her head, remembering how disgustingly vulnerable he’d made her last time. She wasn’t interested in that sort of pointless, fleeting thing…
She picked up a small rock and tossed it at the Orc’s head, minding her undead strength. 
“Hey, Dumbass! What’s got you hanging out with dead people?”
The Orc turned as the rock whizzed past his head; a near miss, thanks to his post-battle jittery reflexes. Seeing Kai'eka became even less reason to try and relax in this battle-scarred place. He stood, offering the Death Knight a forced smile and casual wave. Avehi wasn't lying-- there she was, eyes aglow with that telltale lichfire. It was still so vexing to think she had been a Twilight Cultist all along… it really made the Orc carry on with more caution around people. He couldn't take anyone for face value anymore. Still, Avehi had said Kai'eka was reformed in her undeath. Now an Ebon Knight, like she was. He afforded Kai'eka a cursory trust on Avehi's word alone. The Draenei was honest, to a brutal degree. And had earned his respect and favor in caring for his beloved. 
Still, an uneasy feeling welled up within him as he looked upon Kai'eka. One he just… couldn't shake.
"They know how to do an exciting battle, I heard. Had to see for myself." Grakkar replied, smirking. "You're looking good, for being dead now."
The Death Knight shrugged, pushing herself off the rock wall and walked over to sit by the Orc… at least, as close as he’d allow. She rested her large sword up next to his axe against the femur. It actually felt nice being next to him without that drive kicking in. It made it all the more easy to keep her mind clear.
“Best I’ve ever been,” she answered. An exaggeration given her recently broken rune weapon. In truth, she felt exhausted and stretched thin. Nothing he needed to know. “Should have taken this route a long time ago.”
She glanced to him, her expression ever neutral.
“Thought you were done fighting. Settling down with your wife or whatever…”
A grunt came, as the Orc's response. Familiar enough to Kai'eka to be one of affirmation. Orcs had a grunt for every occasion. 
"We have a farmstead, in Arathi." He nodded, proudly. "My daughter, Neelah, grows stronger every day. A warrior to be, no doubt."
He shifted, turning to better face his old friend. He wasn't shy in looking her over; though he hardly looked at her the way he once did. Platonic, now. For more reasons than one. Her armor was familiar enough; he had seen enough Ebon Knights with plate of similar craft. Just one sword, though? That was new. Her eyes, however, drew the bulk of his attention. He wasn't used to seeing the azure flames of undeath flickering from them. Unsettling, yet entrancing. 
"The Ancestors, however, had something else in mind for me. Close brushes with death sometimes strengthen our connections in that way." He shrugged. "They called me here, to help save them from the Maw."
She raised an eyebrow at that. Grakkar had always seemed rather removed from the spiritual way of things. She didn’t think he was lying, but how odd that they wouldn’t call upon a shaman instead. Of course, it wasn’t as though they had ever talked about such things before… and she wasn’t exactly open to such talks now, either way. 
“Well, don’t be getting yourself killed in the process,” she smirked, “Not sure how things work if you die on this side of the veil. Plus, I wouldn’t mind visiting your farm for the occasional spar once this is over.”
She brought an arm up to punch him in the shoulder, before changing the subject.
“How’s my stupid lizard?”
“Dumb as ever. The sounds he and Kronk make keep wolves off the farmstead, at least.” Grakkar chuckled, recoiling slightly from the punch. “He’s being well taken care of. I promise.”
He looked at Kai’eka again, appraisingly. He wanted to ask what she was doing here. But then again, he figured she was doing the same thing Avehi was-- trying to fix whatever broke on this side of death. He looked away, glancing down at the bone dust beneath his boots. It made for a period of somewhat-awkward silence between them… a silence that in meetings long before this one would’ve been otherwise filled. 
The thought now made him shudder.
“--You, er… you’re missing a sword, looks like.” he commented; anything to break the silence.
Her ears twitched at the statement. The memory alone of losing her blade tore her up. The physical pain had been intense, but the emotional toll it took on her was indescribable. It was like losing part of herself. More than the bond between an Ebon Knight and their rune weapon, she’d earned her swords early on in her cultist life. She’d gathered the pieces of the shattered weapon. Perhaps, one day, she’d find a blacksmith that she trusted enough to reforge it.
Outwardly, she shrugged as though they were talking about the weather.
“Avehi decided to get pissy over a misunderstanding. Broke the blade fighting her.”
She didn’t mention she’d lost the fight, of course. 
“Apparently, I have poor judgment in picking sides,” she rolled her eyes, “Moody bitch.”
“Heh, she seems like. I only met her once, but she gave me a death stare. Like… a literal death stare, like she was trying to kill me in her head.” Grakkar added, shaking his head. “Then later, after our farm was attacked, she stood vigil so Sinafay, Neelah and I could sleep peacefully.”
He shrugged, chuckling a bit at the absurdity of the two drastically different encounters he’d had with their mutual friend. He seemed to speak about her with a sense of reverence… and fear. One more than the other, it seemed. 
“We owe her a lot. She’s been a dear friend to Sina.”
He looked Kai’eka over, lips pursing a bit around his tusks. Another shrug.
“... She was the one who told me you died. And… that you were a Twilight Cultist.” he admitted. “While we, erm… between our visits, you weren’t really on Alliance business, huh?”
Kai’eka’s expression remained neutral, though her ears flickered slightly, surprised that Avehi had disclosed that information. It wasn’t something she wanted spread around, and she’d hoped the Death Knight would respect that. Her facade gave way to a frown. Who else knew? 
A question for another time. For now, she debated how to answer Grakkar’s question. She could lie, but he’d been as honest as he could be with her in all their time together. She sighed, casting her gaze to the side.
“I joined the Twilights in my early adulthood. Devoted my life to it. When I got stranded with you, I wasn’t collecting Azerite for the Alliance. It was for the Twilights. When we bumped into each other in Naz’jatar, my partner and I were working with the naga, killing and sacrificing Alliance and Horde soldiers indiscriminately, for the Masters,” she shrugged, “I never had any doubts about the cause I was fighting for. I died for it, more than once, without regret. Even when it all went to shit. Once I died for good, though… saw the Maw,” she shook her head, “All one big motherfucking lie.”
Her gaze returned to his, gauging his reaction. It felt strange, opening up to him again. It was like that first night they’d talked by the fire. This time, without the sexual tension. It was odd. She’d only ever spoken like this with Brent.
“Thankfully, for you, you’ve got a great cock. So, no. You were never in any danger.”
Grakkar’s expression was… neutral. Neutral for him. Brow furrowed, bottom lip pushed a bit forward. He was fighting a frown, it was plain to see. Slowly, he shook his head before looking at Kai’eka again.
“... I had no idea. To choose so poorly… to align yourself with a destructive power like that…”
He narrowed his eyes at Kai’eka for a tense moment. Judgingly-- no, not judging? Looking straight at him, his expression was no frown of anger, but one of sorrow. He reached his hand out, and planted it on Kai’eka’s shoulder. He sighed.
“I know what that’s like.” he admitted, nodding sympathetically. “I was blindly following my Warchief back on Draenor. When he told us that the Iron Horde would conquer worlds, I believed him. I fought for him, killing countless innocent people. Not just Draenei, but fellow Orcs too.”
Another heavy sigh, as his arm fell from Kai’eka’s shoulder, back down beside him. 
“It’s easy to get caught up in the wrong cause, sometimes. Neelah, my first mate, showed me how wrong I was in those days. Saved me from making any more terrible mistakes.” he went on. “We need people like that. Outside perspectives from those who care for us. If I had known back then, I--”
He tensed, eyes widening at the slip. Quickly he cleared his throat. 
“--That is… maybe I could have helped you see a better path. Without you having to die to see it, anyway.” he shrugged. “Though… you said it’s been working out well for you, too. So maybe not.”
He looked away, back out at the scenery-- if you could call it that-- of Maldraxxus. 
Kai’eka wasn’t entirely certain how to respond. She expected anger and criticism, and would have almost preferred it. That, at least, was familiar. She glanced to his hand as it rested on her shoulder, fighting the instinct to smack it away. Memories of how wonderful those hands had made her feel in the past… Strangely, they comforted her in a different way now.
Her features softened as he spoke of the Iron Horde. While he hadn’t spent six hundred years following the wrong cause, he at least understood the situation she’d gotten herself into. She was thankful he had someone able to pull him out before it was too late.
“It’s best you didn’t know,” she sighed, shaking her head, “I was part of a close knit group… we watched each other’s backs, and dealt with anyone who posed a threat to the cause, quickly and efficiently. One or both of us would have ended up dead. With no one to revive us for the better.”
Another shrug of the shoulders, “I know, because I did that for others. My brother… I killed his lover when I noticed the relationship started pulling him away from the Twilights. And then, eventually, I killed -him- too. Probably about a week before you broke things off with me. So… I think things worked out for the best.” She nodded, “You got the family you were fighting for, and I got a second chance to fight for a better cause. Hopefully, I’m killing for the right people this time.”
“--Wait, you killed him yourself?” Grakkar half-gasped, surprised. “I… Ancestors, I can’t begin to imagine what that must’ve been like.”
He commented… but opted not to dwell on that detail too long. He imagined it was a sensitive issue, especially considering that she died, as well. Was he around here somewhere, he wondered…?
“--Either way, you’re right. I think we both found better paths for ourselves. Somehow.” he chuckled lightly, to attempt to lighten the mood. “And I know it didn’t amount to anything, but… I enjoyed our, uh… associating, back then.”
Ugh. That felt like something Argonas would say. So tactful and proper, rather than just saying it straight up. This soulbinding had its drawbacks…
“You’re a good fuck. And an even better fighter.” he added bluntly, as he preferred. “I’m glad we met. And glad you’re still around.”
Despite her best efforts, a contented smile formed on her usually hard features. It felt good to finally open up to him. Other than Brent, she’d never felt this close to anyone before. It was both comforting and frightening at once. And she had to fight a knee jerk reaction to push him away.
“Mutual,” she replied, “I uh… I’m pretty shit at making friends, for obvious reasons. So… it’s nice, you know… when people stick around. Even when I do my best to push them away.”
She half expected Brent to step out of the shadows and poke fun at her after this, but somehow knew he wouldn’t. Something had certainly changed since she’d died. He never bothered to check up on her anymore. She tried not to dwell on it much, but it upset her much more than she wanted to admit.
She reached out to take his large hand, slipping a pointed rune etched object into it.
“That being said. If ever you’re looking for a good spar, or just someone to join you in battle, don’t hesitate to contact me. You can use this to reach out,” she nodded to the object she’d placed in his hand, a pit lord fang, “Just concentrate on the rune, speak into it, and I’ll get the message. Not entirely sure how it works. Magic’s not my specialty. Never was. Still new to the whole Ebon Blade shit. Also, you might want to warn your wife that I’ll be showing up at the farm from time to time to check up on Doofus.”
“Hah, alright. We’re used to Death Knight friends popping in from time to time, so I don’t think she’ll mind.” He nodded, pocketing the runed fang. “We’ll definitely have to spar sometime. I haven’t had a good one-on-one fight in a while, so that’ll be fun to have a friendly match. See how much stronger you are, now that you’re undead.”
With that, Grakkar’s attention was drawn upward-- the squadron of Kyrian took flight from the Seat Overlook. Which meant Argonas wouldn’t be far along behind them. It seemed their mission was finally over, here-- and not a moment too soon!
“Well, that’s my cue. My Soulbind will be along in a bit, and then we’re headed back.” he explained, as he stood up and picked up his axe. “But it was really good to see you again, Kai.”
“--Kai? Kai’eka?”
A less-familiar voice rang out from the stairs above them. The clopping and clanking of plated hooves echoed through the air as Argonas descended, eyeing the Death Knight.
“Well met! Quite a coincidence, finding you here.” he nodded, drawing close.
“--Ah, er, um… you know each other?” Grakkar asked, brow askew.
“We sparred once, I believe. In Stormwind. But do not worry, Grakkar-- not the kind of sparring you do with her, yes?”
The Orc snarled at Argonas, shoving his shoulder to turn him away-- another unfortunate side effect of the Soulbinding. He pushed and followed after Argonas quickly, waving quickly back at Kai’eka.
“--We, uh… we gotta go!” he said, hastily. “Good catching up! See you around, yeah?”
“Yes, always a pleasure, Warchief!” Argonas added, smirking.
Kai’eka’s expression went from content, to puzzled, to angry, all in the short span of Argonas showing up. She snarled at the pet name and stood up, gripping her sword. She had half a mind to throw it at the retreating pair, but thought better of it. Losing one rune blade had been enough for today.
“Motherfucker...” she grumbled to herself, before heading up the stairs to meet Avehi.
One thing was for certain, Grakkar would have questions to answer when next they met!
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rosesnvines · 4 years
In Stonehenge
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(Art commissioned from Nyastyle on DeviantArt) 
Hiccup glanced down. He and Toothless were flying over Scotland. Hiccup didn’t want to meet anyone just yet. Right now, he just wanted to get the lay of the land, see what it was like, maybe even try to eavesdrop on a few of the locals and get an idea of the way the Scots worked. He was a Viking, and he knew that Vikings weren’t very well liked in these parts. Could they blame them? When all the Vikings these guys have ever encountered were of the pillaging and looting kind, it was only natural that they wouldn’t trust the first Viking who wanted to spread peace.  Especially when that Viking was riding the unholy offspring of lightning and death. He smirked. Yeah, they really wouldn’t trust him with Toothless around, at least not at first. Maybe if he could show them how to bond and work with dragons, they could work things out. But first, he had to talk to a Scot, which he was avoiding at the moment. He was just wanting to see Scotland right now. It was beautiful, and green. So green. Trees everywhere! Sure, there were trees on Berk, but not as many as in Scotland, or the variety. He could see a few fruit trees, the fruit just beginning to grow among the green foliage. He breathed in the woody scents. Autumn must be beautiful here with all the trees changing colors. 
Toothless let out a grunt. 
Hiccup patted him. “What is it, bud?” Toothless nodded towards the horizon. “What in the name of Odin is that?” Below, a ring of stones jutted out between the trees. “Let’s land and take a look.” Toothless snorted, but descended, landing near the stones. Hiccup dismounted and walked up to the stones. He passed his fingers over the carvings in the stone. “Wow, there must be a whole history here. I wish I could read it.” A rustling occurred in the bushes to Hiccup’s right. He quickly turned, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. “Who’s there?” The rustling continued. Toothless let out a low growl as he stepped closer to Hiccup. A young woman stepped out from behind the trees with a bow and arrow aimed at them. 
“Who are you? And what are you doing here?” she asked in a thick Scottish accent. 
Hiccup quickly threw up his hands. “My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, I’m just exploring.” 
The bow lowered slightly. “Hiccup is your name?” 
Hiccup winced, here it comes. “Yeah.” 
She burst out laughing. “What kind of a name is that? Did your parents think you were small and annoying?” 
“Well for a time I was, I’m not that small any longer.” 
Her eyes flitted over his form. “I can see that. Can you not change your name?” 
Hiccup shrugged. “Haven’t thought about that, I’ve been known as Hiccup for so long it wouldn’t make sense to change it now.” 
“Fair enough. So you’re just exploring, huh?” 
“With your dragon?” 
“Oh, yes, flying’s a lot of fun, and faster than a boat.” 
“Where are you from?” 
“A little island north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death.” 
She blinked. “Wait, really?” 
“Well, considering how cold it gets there . . .”
She laughed. “Oh, oh I get it. Those aren’t names of islands, are they?” 
“Well, no, not really.” Hiccup rubbed the back of his head. “Why would you think that?” 
“With a name like Hiccup, I wouldn’t put it past you.” 
“Hey!” He paused. “Though, you might be right.” 
She chuckled. “But I’ve never heard of Berk.” 
“Oh yes, a well kept little Viking secret . . .” Wrong thing to say. The bow went back up. 
“A Viking? You’re a Viking?” 
“Oh, uh, yeah, maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that. See, I’m not here to loot or pillage. We’ve gotten a whole lot of that on Berk too, we get it, it’s pretty annoying.” 
“Pretty annoying? More like downright horrible! People have lost their lives!” 
Hiccup winced. “Right, sorry, we Berkians have dealt mainly with the dragons. We managed to make peace with them though, and, well, we were thinking of trying to meet some new people and extend a hand of friendship.” 
“And you thought befriending Scots is about the same as befriending your dragons?” 
“Well, yeah! I mean, thanks to the dragons, we have found out that not everyone is bad, mainly just a few. And we’ve had our fair share of dealings with bad Vikings. So I get that you don’t want to trust any, but I am hoping we can come to an agreement.” 
“What would it mean for us?” 
“Well, for one thing, we’d help you out with any further Viking raids. And we could teach you how to work with dragons.” The bow went down a lot as the redhead glanced at Toothless. Hiccup held out his hand. “Would you like to pet him?” Toothless and the woman glanced at him in shock, Toothless huffed. 
“Can, can I?” 
“Sure, he won’t bite. He just doesn’t like it when I’m in danger.” 
The woman glanced at her bow. “Oh, right.” She placed the arrow back in her quiver and placed the bow over her shoulder. She took a step forward. Toothless growled. 
“Toothless! She put away her bow. She’s willing to give us a chance, you need to give her one too.” Toothless stopped growling, but he eyed her approach suspiciously. She stopped a couple of feet away from them. “Hold out your hand and close your eyes. Let him come to you.” She glanced at him. Hiccup smiled. She smiled nervously back before holding out her hand and closing her eyes. Toothless glanced at Hiccup. Hiccup motioned him to go through with it. Toothless rolled his eyes and let out a huff before touching her hand with his nose. She opened her eyes and gasped. 
“Aw, you’re not so bad are you? You’re a good boy!” Toothless panted and nodded. 
“Hey, what? Well you changed your mind pretty quickly,” mumbled Hiccup. Toothless chortled. Hiccup grunted and crossed his arms. “Stupid reptile.” 
The woman laughed as she continued to pet Toothless. “I don’t know, I think he’s pretty smart. Aren’t you?” Toothless nodded enthusiastically. She threw her arms around his neck. “Aw, you are a very good boy!” She looked at Hiccup. “What’s his name?” 
She blinked. “Seriously?” She opened Toothless’s mouth. “However did you come up with that one? He’s got all his teeth!” 
“Well, he can retract them,” said Hiccup. As he said that, Toothless did retract them. 
The woman’s mouth dropped. “That’s awesome.” 
Hiccup grinned. “Isn’t it? Oh, I don’t think I got your name.” 
The woman held out her hand. “Merida DunBroch.” 
Hiccup shook her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Merida. Mind if I ask you a few questions about Scots?” 
“Sure, but I can’t stay for long. I have to get home for dinner.” 
“That’s fine. We can meet back here tomorrow, if you’d like.” 
Merida smiled. “I’d like that.” 
The three met up every day after that, chatting about the similarities and differences between Vikings and Scots. Eventually, Hiccup wanted to try talking to the clan chiefs and try to form an alliance. Merida persuaded him to let her try to talk to them about it first and get an audience. She didn’t want him to go into a room full of Scots and nearly get killed because they’re just itching for a fight. She got him the audience, and eventually a new school for dragon training was opened. 
Merida urged Angus to go faster. She didn’t want to be late. The horse just about threw her, again, as they neared the ring of stones. 
“Hiccup? Hiccup!” She glanced around the ring. She couldn’t see the Viking nor his dragon. “Hiccup! Toothless!” She let out a soft shriek as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I missed you.” 
Merida giggled before turning around and wrapping her arms around Hiccup’s neck. “And I missed you, you silly fish.” 
“Ugh, what is it with that nickname?” 
“What? You mean you prefer . . .” she gave a small hiccup. 
He groaned and rolled his eyes. “Fair point. But please come up with something else.” 
Merida chuckled. “Fine, how does husband sound?” 
“A bit better.” He cupped her chin and pulled her into a kiss. Which was then rudely interrupted by Toothless licking them. “Ah! Thank you, you useless reptile.” Toothless laughed. “You know that doesn’t wash out! What were you thinking anyway? You totally ruined the moment!” 
Merida guffawed. “A useless reptile and a silly fish, you two really are meant to be together.” 
“Ha ha, very funny. Come here.” Hiccup pulled her back and they kissed.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Toffee: Chapter 3
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Gordon, Scott, John, Grandma, Tracy Family
Not quite such a long wait for the next instalment this time.  The next chapter of my response to @gumnut-logic‘s #irrelief prompt “toffee on the couch”, and the second of my three fic offerings for Thunderbirds Day, we have a little more scheming and Scott’s tale of woe continues.
<<<Chapter 2
The explosion of expletives from his eldest brother were clearly audible even from where Gordon was floating in the pool. It didn't take a genius to surmise that Scott had just discovered the toffee on the chair, and probably by sitting on it.
As far as pranks went, it was simple but effective. No-one had been in the room when Gordon had slipped the small chunk of toffee, warmed in the microwave under his watchful eye and Grandma's carefully blind one, onto the seat just after dumping his mud-lathered uniform off in Scott's despairing arms. Barring Grandma, none of the island residents had any idea that the toffee hadn't just slipped out of Scott's pocket earlier a la the first incident style, and both Grandma and their ever-watchful Eye in the Sky were firmly on his team. It had been John that had struck a conversation up with Alan to keep him out of the way, after all.
Grandma's voice carried clearly from the kitchen as she hollered up at Scott about minding his language. There was the vague threat of washing his mouth out with soap in there, and Gordon could well imagine the look on Scott's face as he called an apology back down.
He suspected Scott was already sick of soap. The washing machine had been a stroke of genius, even if he did say so himself. A little bit of toffee in Scott's jean pockets wasn't even suspicious, not when toffee in his pocket had been the start of it all. Add in an unaware Alan proving him the perfect alibi, and there was nothing to even suggest it wasn't an accident. Still, there was revenge and there was cruelty, and even Gordon had limits. Virgil would get the machine repaired by the end of the day, as long as no more rescues cropped up, and Gordon wasn't about to keep crippling it.
Scott wouldn't be the only one getting suspicious if it kept breaking, and he had no plans to get Virgil on his back, especially as his older brother was clearly annoyed about having to fix it the first time. If he realised it was intentional rather than accidental, well, that would probably be the end of a squid. No, Gordon had to keep things fluid, unsuspicious. Neither John nor Grandma were providing ideas, but as long as they kept providing the means and alibis (when an innocent Alan didn't do the job for him), he had a week to prank with his brother with no fear of retribution.
Scott's toffee stash would last a week, easily. Even if he turned to it as comfort food. Gordon hoped he did; it would be much easier to pull off his plan if Scott continued to eat the stuff. He had John on Scott-watch for that exact reason. True to form, John hadn't told him where the stash was, but he had suggested where a really good hiding place away from younger brothers might be, and sure enough, Gordon had found a whole mountain of the stuff there.
It was a literal mountain. Gordon had no idea how Scott's teeth hadn't all rotted yet. His ached just looking at it.
Above him, it sounded as though Grandma had gone to investigate the cause of Scott's language, because she was still berating him for it. As tempting as it was to go up and see the scene with his own eyes, Gordon had been a prankster long enough to know that returning to the scene of the crime automatically made him suspicious. Content that Grandma had it all in hand, he rolled over onto his front and continued his laps.
He eventually left his beloved water at a call for dinner. Reluctantly, of course – the call had come from Grandma, and just because she was helping him prank Scott didn't mean she'd suddenly become a competent cook. Unfortunately, the pool was right by the kitchen, and with his grandmother standing just under the eaves, there was no way for him to pretend he hadn't heard the call.
At least none of his other Earthbound brothers were escaping, either. John was invariably munching on some dehydrated just-add-water feast above their heads, and not for the first time Gordon thought it thoroughly unfair that he had the better deal. Dehydrated food was not supposed to be better than good old fashioned home cooking.
Maybe that was why Dad had spent so much time in space. Gordon could hardly blame him.
None of them even dared to hazard a guess at the name of the concoction on their plates, but with Grandma seated firmly at the foot of the table and watching them all closely, they had no choice but to tentatively take their first bites before simultaneously reaching for large mugs of their preferred drink.
Alan mumbled something uncomplimentary into his juice, and Grandma sent him a sharp look. Virgil chose that moment to speak, and Gordon knew the timing wasn't coincidental.
"I've got the washing machine fixed," he said, sending Scott a glare. "Don't break it again."
"I don't plan to," Scott groaned in response, throwing back his squash to get rid of the taste from his latest mouthful. "I'd like to see something other than laundry this week."
"Speaking of the laundry," Grandma interrupted. "I want that chair spotless, young man."
"What chair?" Alan asked, fixing their eldest brother with a suspicious stare when he groaned. "Is one of the chairs dirty again?"
"Some toffee appears to have found its way onto the desk chair," Grandma explained. "Your brother found it by sitting in it." Virgil stiffened.
"If that washing machine experiences another death by toffee, I am not fixing it," he threatened. Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked tired, not that Gordon blamed him after that hell of a rescue. They were all tired from trudging through mud and then cleaning it off of Thunderbird Two once they got home.
"I'll handwash them," he promised. "I have no idea how toffee even got there."
"You mean it didn't fall out of your pocket this time?" Alan chipped in.
"I didn't have any in my pocket for it to fall out, Alan," Scott defended himself. Alan shrugged as though that wasn't a factor that needed considering.
"You had some in your pocket yesterday, maybe it fell out then?"
Gordon watched a look of uncertainty flicker across Scott's face, before his shoulders slumped.
"I guess that's possible," he admitted.
"You're quiet, Gordo," Virgil commented, and he looked at him.
"Something wrong?" Toffee incident(s) forgotten, Scott was straight into smothering older brother mode. Annoying, except when it was useful. He poked at the concoction on his plate dubiously.
"I don't think I feel too good." It was hardly a lie; he loved his grandmother but he could also really do without her cooking.
"Try a few more mouthfuls, dear," the wicked witch of the kitchen said. "Some good food should help."
"I don't see that here," Alan muttered under his breath, but Gordon gave her a patented Believable Fake Smile and prodded at his plate some more, reluctantly forcing himself to eat a few more bites. She beamed at him, and he gave her a polite smile back, all too aware that his alliance with her was just as tentative as his alliance with John, and therefore relied on keeping her sweet.
Which, right now, meant consuming as much of her latest cooking disaster as he could stomach.
Scott – oldest, bravest, sacrificial lamb on behalf of his brothers – was the first to cave, begging off on a full stomach and a reminder of the jeans he now had to handwash. His plate was mostly empty, although when he'd managed to stuff that much in his mouth Gordon had no idea, and after a moment of silent contemplation on Grandma's side he was given permission to wash his plate up and leave.
Gordon loved it when his brothers made things so easy for him. He shoved the concoction on his plate around for another few minutes, occasionally taking mouthfuls, before putting his cutlery down with a groan.
"Sorry, Grandma, I don't think I'm going to eat any more." She peered at him closely before standing up and walking around the table to get to him. He wasn't expecting her to press a hand to his forehead, and jumped when she made contact.
"Well your temperature's normal," she mused, and inwardly he groaned. Please let me leave the table, Grandma! "But if you're really not up to eating, off to bed with you." Yes! Grandma you are The Best!
"Sorry," he said out loud, standing up slowly and picking his plate up. "I'll just get this cleared up-"
She whisked it out of his hands.
"I said bed, young man," she scolded. "I can do your dishes for one evening, but I'll be up to check on you once I'm done and I don't want to see you out of bed." She steered him towards the stairs and, once out of sight of his brothers, gave him a wink. He grinned back, before starting the climb to the bedrooms – and, more importantly right now – Scott's toffee stash.
Having Grandma for an ally made a real difference to pranking.
He kept up the pretence all the way to his room, just in case he met Scott. He didn't, but Gordon had long since learnt not to take that for granted. Shutting himself in his bathroom, he called John.
As predicted, the ginger was munching away on cardboard-flavoured food that Gordon would do a lot to have instead of his grandmother's cooking.
"Scott's in the laundry room," his brother told him without preamble. "Brains and MAX are in their lab, and Grandma has Virgil and Alan pinned in the kitchen." Not for the first time, Gordon was pleased Kayo was off doing agent-y things with Lady Penelope for the week. Her allegiance was harder to secure than John's, and even when he had it she was liable to tell on him to Scott or Virgil at any time. Sneaking past her was also much harder. "I'd estimate you have five minutes before any of them move from their current locations."
"Roger that," he grinned. "It'll take me two."
Scott's hiding place was brilliant in its simplicity. It was both somewhere no-one, not even Gordon, would think to look, but so easily accessible that the chances of being caught in the act of retrieving some were close enough to nil – barring John and his All-Seeing Eyeness. Unfortunately for Scott, now that John had Not-Shared it with Gordon, those same factors made it child's play to steal from.
Gordon was careful not to take too much – Scott was the sort of person to know exactly how much toffee he had, and would very quickly put two and two together if toffee kept appearing in places he didn't remember having any and he noticed it vanishing from his stash. Besides, too much and the game would be up before it even began. He took a couple of small pieces from near the back, ones with identical wrappers to many others. Scott would have to be particularly observant and calculating to notice the disappearance of those.
Prizes obtained, he found his way back to his room and connected with John again.
"Grandma's on her way up," his brother warned, and despite having Grandma as an ally, Gordon figured it would be best to throw on some pyjamas and slink into bed regardless – after depositing the toffee in his bathroom cabinet inside one of his boxes of tablets.
Empty tablet boxes that had not yet reached their expiry date made fantastic hiding places for small objects. With the prescription declaring them for the sole use of one Gordon Cooper Tracy, none of his brothers had any cause to ever touch them. Not even John knew about that hiding place. Probably. You could never be too careful with the Eye in the Sky.
"You decent, kid?" Grandma asked, knocking on the door. John flickered out of sight, and Gordon made a noise that was probably an affirmative from under the covers. She took it as such and his door hissed open. Footsteps crossed his floor, and the bed dipped near his head. He looked up to see her grinning back down at him. "As you're in bed, I assume you've done what you needed to?"
He grinned back at her.
"Yup," he admitted.
"Good, good," she said. "I must say, it's a nice change to see your brother away from that desk more. Toffee or not, he was starting to stick to it."
Gordon laughed and she ruffled his hair.
"Now get some shut eye. Your brothers will have questions if you're out and about after I sent you to bed, and with you boys' job, it's something you're all lacking anyway. If I catch you out of bed again, I'll be dragging you back in here by your ear, got it?"
"Yes, Grandma," he agreed; sleep was nice, even if he'd rather be doing a few more laps in the pool. Ah well, sometimes sacrifices needed to be made in the name of pranking.
"I'll see you later," she told him, kissing his forehead – he made a face – before leaving the room.
So, Grandma didn't want to see him out and about? Well, that was what John was for.
"Hey, John?" he called once the door was shut. His brother appeared immediately, and Gordon suspected he'd never actually left, just culled visual. "Let me know when I have another five minutes free on this floor?"
"Sure thing," his brother agreed. "What's your next plan?"
Gordon grinned at him.
"You know the story of the Princess and the Pea?"
Chapter 4>>>
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Roguish Women Part 26
Summary: Kate Rosseau is an American who fled to Paris to escape her past life. Now she's dancing and playing the part of a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. There she meets Tommy Shelby who thinks she can be useful in expanding his empire. But has he been blinded?
Part 26: Tommy won’t give up, so neither does Kate.
Warning for abuse
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            It was stifling to have dirt in his throat again even with the cloth over his mouth he could feel the grime coating his lungs. The tight spot of the tunnel was hellish and made every nerve in Tommy’s body scream in panic. There wasn’t any time to decide whether it was just another opium-induced dream. He just had to keep digging.
            It happened in a split second. One moment everything was fine at the opening of Grace’s orphanage, then Ada asked where Karl was. The innocent question turned to panic when no one could seem to find the little boy. Then, a harrowing scream came from outside.
            “Mum!” Karl’s panicked cry was unmistakable.
            They had taken Tommy’s nephew. Now he was a puppet to them, forced to do what they said. There was no way Ada was losing her son, not after everything she’d suffered. And certainly not by Tommy’s fault. So, he drove to the tunnel being dug to the Russian’s vault.
            Midnight. They had to get it by midnight.
            All his muscles ached as he worked in the cramped, dank, tunnel. He was caked in mud but there was no time to wipe it from his face. No time to rest. No time to breathe.
            There was a knock at the door and Kate descended down the stairs to answer it. Santo was working so she had the flat to herself. Yet she wasn’t ready to open the door to a familiar face. Her jaw dropped.
            “You happy to see me or what?” The man gave her a signature lopsided smile.
            “Frankie…” She whispered. “What on Earth?” Trying to shake off her shock, she herded him into the apartment so no one would notice him standing there. “Are you fucking crazy?” She hissed as she shut the door. “You could be killed for coming around here!
            Frank Wallace was the no-nonsense leader of the Gustin Gang. About ten years older than her, he was a strong ally to Kate. Along with his brother, Steve, Frank ran South Boston with an iron fist. Only the strongest men, like Santo, ever tested his power.
            “Few of my boys are causing a bit of ruckus to tie up Santo’s men. They won’t ever catch me here.” He smiled confidently.
            Still, Kate was sick to her stomach to know he was there. “Why are you here? How did you even know where to find me I haven’t seen you-”
            “Since that fucker chased you out of the city.” Frank looked a bit disgusted that he was standing in Santo’s foyer. He appeared to have the same distaste for the décor, even if he didn’t have a good reason to hate it.
            “So, how’d you know I was back?”
            “Got a telegram from a Mr. Thomas Shelby, in London. Can you fucking believe that?” He grinned like a kid on Christmas day. “Bit more international than I thought, huh?”
            “Tommy sent you?” She whispered in shock. Sending Patrick was one thing, but contacting another gang leader?
            “Yeah, said something about forming an alliance. Said you’d know something about it. Maybe not, I dunno.” He shrugged.
            Kate’s throat started to constrict. Patrick hadn’t done anything to convince Tommy to stay in Birmingham where he belonged. “Frank, you need to get out of here now. He’s got eyes everywhere if he finds out you’ve been here…” She warned and pushed him to the door.
            “Santo? Katie, he don’t have anything over you!” He urged. “This fucking debt, s’bullshit! He wants the money you owe, I’ll give you the fucking money. Would’ve given it to you years ago if you’d just asked.”
            “It’s not about the money anymore.” The more Tommy pushed, even from afar, the more anxious she became. Tears welled in her eyes when she realized things were coming down to the wire. She needed to intervene before he did something stupid. “He’s threatening the man I love. He’s threatening the family who took care of me when I needed help the most. If I don’t do this then he’ll kill me.”
            Frank looked a little taken aback. He’d never seen Kate cry and never before had she admitted any personal feelings no matter how close they were. “Jesus, our Katie’s in love. Thought I’d never see the day.”
            She laughed weakly and wiped her eyes. “It’s complicated, and I don’t need you involved either. You’re just another person for Santo to threaten.”
            “Sweetheart, that fucker’s been threatening me for years. If he wants to bring this to blows, then he can come down and visit me. Now I’ve been offered an alliance with British people, that’s something to be pretty fucking pleased about. So, I’m gonna obliged this Mr. Shelby.”
            “And do what?” She asked.
            “To come and see you. Then wait for another telegram. I sent him an agreement; we’ll see if he’s onboard.”
            There was nothing she could say to stop Frank from taking advantage of a tempting business offer. Kate felt that the least she could do was get him out of enemy territory. “Then go wait for your telegram. But call me next time, don’t show up like you’re looking for a death wish.” She snapped and hurried him to the door. The longer he stood there, the more anxious she got.
            “Alright, alright!” He shooed off her concern. “I’ll call you next time, jeez.” He muttered and flashed her a smile before heading on his way.
            Kate looked across the street and noticed Patrick was sitting on the front stoop of the apartment they’d been housed in. He gave her a subtle nod.
            Frustrated with Tommy’s persistence, she shut the door and headed to the phone. On her way, she checked the time on the grandfather clock in the parlor. It was eleven in the morning that meant it wouldn’t be too late.
            Tommy held the telegram from Frank Wallace in his hand as he went downstairs to dinner. Ada and Karl were staying with him for a bit. After the harrowing kidnapping, they all needed a breather. Ada wanted to get out of the city, Karl wanted to play football on his uncle’s large lawns, and Tommy wanted to keep them close.
            Even though the threat of Father Hughes and the Russians was neutralized, he was still paranoid. He was starting to understand the kind of things that happened behind doors and in shadowy alleys. The type of men who were in power and what they could do.
            Mary intercepted Tommy at the foot of the stairs. “There’s a telephone call for you, Mr. Shelby.”
            “Where from?”
            Tommy frowned. He had only just spoken to Patrick over the phone. There was no reason for him to be calling again when he knew the plan that was in place. Unless something happened. Fear gripped him as he went to the telephone in his study to pick up the call.
            “It’s not Patrick.”
            He didn’t know how hard it would be to hear her voice. The message through the telegram from Patrick was enough to make him weak. But hearing her voice, after so many months apart, it was like an ax being driven through his heart.
            “I need you to listen to me.”
            It was like his words were delayed, as if he was still back in that hospital bed, struggling to move. She completely paralyzed him. “Yea-I’m-I’m listening.”
            “Frank just stopped by. I don’t know what you’re planning with him but I need you to call off whatever it is.”
            Slowly, Tommy sat down at his desk, making sure the telephone wire didn’t snag on anything. “Kate-”       
            “Please just listen.” Her voice was shaky but she didn’t stop. “I know you’re not afraid of death. But just try to see it through my eyes. If anything was to happen to your family or you, I would never be able to forgive myself. You don’t know what you’re getting into and I need you to just let it be. I’m begging you, Tommy. Just forget it and move on.”
            It was the same argument she had tried to use before in the letter she left. But Tommy was steadfast. He could appreciate her concern, but he didn’t see anything going wrong. “Patrick’s told me a lot. He says he sees the marks on your face.”
            “That’s not what this is about…”
            “You’re sorely mistaken if you think I’m going to let him get away with what he’s done. He made it my business when he stepped foot in Small Heath. He’s going to die, Kate.”
            “Tommy, just listen to yourself! You don’t see what’s right in front of you! It’s the same thing with the Changrettas, I warned you and look what happened!” She cried, desperate to get him to understand. “You’re blind with anger and you know what happens to men who fight with their heart on their sleeve!”
            “This isn’t negotiable, Kate.” He considered a conversation with her very precious at that moment. He yearned to see her again but hearing her voice was enough. Still, that didn’t mean he was backing down, even if it killed him inside to waste that precious time arguing with her.
            Angry and frustrated, she burst into tears. “I don’t love you!” She shouted. The words grated as they left her mouth. Four words. Only four words and the statement was the most damning lie she’d ever told.
            Tommy was silent. He could hear her crying on the other end of the line. “You don’t mean that.” He said quietly.
            “Yes, I do. I don’t love you and I-I never want to see you again. So, don’t even try to come looking for me. I won’t be here waiting for you!” It was a desperate attempt. Foolish really, but Kate knew she needed to do everything she could to keep Tommy where he was. It was still agonizing and she sank to her knees, the phone held to her ear.
            “Kate, you don’t fucking mean that. I know you don’t. If you were here, you wouldn’t be able to look me in the eye and say it.”
            Her chest seized as she sobbed. She was so distraught that she didn’t hear the footsteps coming up behind her. Suddenly, someone pressed on the receiver to end the call.
            Tommy frowned when the line went dead. “Kate? Kate!” But there was no one there.
            In Boston, Kate’s head whipped up to see Santo standing over her. Fear washed over her as he gave her a sickening smile.
            “Who was that on the phone, micina?”
            She swallowed and looked up at him, unaware of how much of the conversation he’d heard. “Um…no one.” She said in a weak voice.
            His eyes darkened and he grabbed a handful of her hair. “Y’know I could come up with such a long list of names for you, but liar always seems to top it.”
            Kate yelped as she tried to wriggle out of his grip. “Please, I told him to leave me alone!”
            “Yeah? Think I don’t know what’s going on? Why’d my men catch Frank Wallace on the edge of my territory, huh? Got a telegram in his pocket from guess who?”
            She clawed at his wrist but didn’t answer.
            “Guess!” He shouted at her.
            “I don’t know!” She wailed from the pain of her hair pulling at the roots.
            “Liar!” He pushed her into the sofa. “Liar, you fucking lie and lie. That’s all you do, isn’t it?”
            Kate tried to scramble to her feet as he walked back towards her with hell in his eyes. She looked to the stairs as her exits. She could go upstairs and lock herself in the room, she’d done that a few times to escape him. But the lock was starting to give and she worried he might break it down. She could try for the door but he was blocking her path.
            “What is he planning?” Santo cornered her by the fireplace.
            “I don’t know.” Survival mode was taking hold of her. But there were dwindling chances to escape. So, she would have to fight.
            “What is he planning!?” He yelled and grabbed her by the throat. “Tell me!”
            Kate answered with a knee to his groin.
            Instantly, he doubled over in pain and released his hold. “You bitch!”
            She made a dash for it but he hooked her leg, toppling her to the ground. Her wrist took the impact, making her cry out in pain.
            Santo staggered to his feet and loomed over her. “Get up.” He ordered. “Get the fuck up! You’ve really done it now, you whore. No one’s gonna recognize you when they pull you out of the water. Fitting huh? Getting dragged outta the Harbor like your father? They’ll toss you into a ditch and everyone will forget about you like the trash you are.”
            A tear slipped from Kate’s cheek and fell onto the hardwood floor. No way did she see herself going out like this. She just wanted to be free. She wanted to dance on stage again. She wanted to be weightless. She pressed her uninjured hand into the floor to push herself back up.
            “I tried to give you everything. All you had to do was one thing. One fucking thing, Kate!” He kicked her in the ribs, causing her to fall again. “But you couldn’t even do that. Lying whore that you are. Garbage just like your parents. I should’ve never wasted my time on you. I should’ve killed you a long time ago.”
            She would be weightless. Bodies float in water. She would be weightless in the ocean. Maybe the tide wouldn’t carry her back in. Maybe it would let her stay out there. Maybe it would let her dissolve into nothing but salt. She’d be weightless then. There would be no one to worry about then. Santo wouldn’t have a reason to go after the Peaky Blinders. Tommy wouldn’t have a reason to go after the Italians.
            Tommy…God, his eyes were as blue as the ocean. She swore she could remember every single time he looked at her. But the time that was burned into her memory was the time he said he loved her. What had she given him? The last thing she said to him was that she didn’t love him. That’s what she would be leaving him with.
            But that’s all she was to anyone. A missed opportunity. That’s all life ever was to her, a missed opportunity.
            “Get up!” Santo’s voice was going hoarse from how loud he was screaming at her. His face was red.
            Kate took a deep breath. She was going to tell Tommy Shelby she loved him. She was going to dance again. This was her opportunity. Her hand went to the knife on her thigh.
            “GET UP!”
            So she did.
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lilac-sweet-giggles · 5 years
Let’s Just Chat (BNHA Ojiro and Shinso)
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Description: During the preparations and buildings of the Culture Festival, Ojiro runs into Shinso once again. Shinso asks if he and Ojiro can try to hang out and get to know eachother which leads to more bonding than expected
(ft. the help of the lovely @gotmeringinghellsbells​ )
Word Count: (1922)
Just a couple more wood to the gym
Ojiro was briefly helping Sero and the stage group set up some things in the gymnasium. As he was walking on his merry way, a figure stumbles back from their booth and into said Ojiro himself. His tail instinctively caught the person before they could hit the ground and puts his Woods down onto the ground, “Woah you ok?”
“Yeah, I guess so, thanks.” wait, the voice, Ojiro turns around to see the person he recognizes from the sports festival; Hitoshi Shinso.
“Oh it’s you.” Shinso says as he saw the blonde locks and the familiar tail quirk he possesses. Helping him to his feet, the blonde goes to pick up the wood he placed down, “Doing something for the festival?” Ojiro asked the taller.
“Mhm, haunted house.” he says as he points to the decorations in the boxes near the entrance of the potential haunted house, “And yo-“
“Shinso-San! We need your help with some more decorations!” A girl with blonde hair and two pink bubbles following her yelled out to her classmate, the Violette sighs and looks to the house.
“Ok how about this, you have freetime later?” The taller asked the other quickly.
“Yes? Why you wanna meet up?”
“At my dorm?” Huh, He’s never been to Shinso’s dorm before so why not?
“Oh sure, 1-C heights alliance right?”
“Yeah, see you after 6?”
“Sure thing...” the two nodded before parting ways to get back to their festival activities.
Around 6, Ojiro was walking up to the door of 1-C and waited for an answer, “Oh it’s you! Need to see Shinso?” It was the same girl from earlier with the two pink bubbles that follow her, “Yeah, you know where his room is?”
“Yes I do! Second floor, last room on the end of the hall-“ she says as she directs him to the elevator, “Thanks ms?”
“Kamusu; Tami Kamusu” she says as she held her hand out, Ojiro shaking said hand, “Ojiro.”
After the brief meet, he finally got to Shinso’s room, knocking softly on it and waiting for a response. The door opened and Shinso quickly brought the other in before shutting the door. "Oh um, hi to you too?" Ojiro was a bit confused by the other's rush to shut the door. "Ah, sorry. Just don't want to really socialize with anyone else who may walk by." Oh, Ojiro nodded before looking around. "Your room is pretty cool." It looked a bit like Tokoyami's room with a bit more formal gothic design, cat stuff, and was that an eraser head figurine?
"Mew." The male froze himself, looking to see a small kitten sitting on the bed. 'Aw, you have a cat?" Shinso gave a nod. "Aizawa's had an accidental litter. He wasn't allowed to keep more than two in his dorm so he passed some around. Her name is Smudge." He gently pet the kitten, earning softer mews and cuter purrs. She was such a sweetie! He didn’t even expect the teen to be into cats, who knew?
“She’s sweet.” Ojiro sat on the bed and the kitten gets onto his lap and tried to climb up, sharp claws!! Ojiro gets her off and places her beside his tail and curls the tail around her like a blanket.
Shinso follows and sat next to the blonde and kitten, “So you wanted to see me, what about?” Ojiro asked softly as he didn’t make eye contact.
“We were just busy I guess, so I thought that we could just get to know one another, besides quirks.“ Shinso mumbles the last part briefly, “Oh? Seems fair.”
“I also wanted to apologize for being too irrational during the Sports Festival. Just wanted to get into the top, not try to offend you or downgrade you, Monkey.” Shinso says as he pets the kitten too, “Ojiro.”
“Mashirao Ojiro, not monkey.” Ojiro chuckles softly
“Oh, damn it....” Ojiro chuckles some more from Shinso’s nickname for him
“Anyway, What is it that you’re doing with your class?”
“Dance + music concert, I’m one of the dancers.” he says as he shyly rubs the back of his neck, “Dancer huh, you don’t seem that excited though.” Shinso says to Ojiro.
The tail twitched awkwardly as Ojiro tried to think of a response. "Uh.... well... just kind of nervous. I've never really danced in front of people before." He looked down as he spoke before slowly bringing his hands up to press his index fingers together. "Mina is in charge of it; She's really good at breakdancing." Shinso quirked a brow before sitting down with the kitty. "So shouldn't you show yours to your classmates too? Seeing as your going to be dancing anyway maybe get used to people being there."
Yeah, he had a point huh? "Yeah, probably should do that. So hows that haunt-" he was cut off. "Show me." Huh? Ojiro looked up shocked before Shinso realized how demanding he sounded. "Ah, sorry. I'd like to see if you're comfortable." Oh,um, Ojiro blushed.
"Don't tell me you have stage fright." He nodded awkwardly before feeling a hand on his back and on his stomach. "W-What are you," the other smirked. "My dad used to do this when I'd get nervous before performances. It loosened me up and made me feel better about what I was doing." Aizawa may have done it a bit here and there to mess him up on his form. Which worked but he wouldn't stop after the male failed. Lectures were hard to hear when tickled.
"Huh? What do- NAH!" Ojiro's tail stuck straight out as the male covered his mouth, eyes wide. Oh no.
The kitten escapes and goes over to her big ol kitten house as she lets the two interact. This gave Ojiro the chance to fall onto the bed and shove at the hand on his stomach, “Hehehe what’s that for??” Ojiro laughs as he wags his tail.
"Didn't you listen," Shinso chuckled. He gently started to tickle Ojiro's tummy. "Sthahahaop! Thahaht tickles!"
“That’s the point, Dumbo. It’s go get the butterflies out, or am I increasing the butterflies?” Shinso was just straight up in thought.
“Pffff don’t phrase it like thahahahahat!” He was wearing a thin t-shit so this wasn’t helping him be protected. Fingers moved gently over his stomach than dug into his sides. Ojiro looked like a beetle stuck on it's back as he tried to squirm around and free himself. From under his curled legs, his tail was going a mile a minute under him. Has he always wagged his tail when it came to these things? Who knows?
Shinso wanted to take the hand away from Ojiro’s mouth; it was the first step to get him less nervous. Ah the hell with it-
He goes forward and takes the hand from said mouth and there it was; The giggling smile, he’s never got to see Ojiro smile, especially from the Sports festival, "H-Hehehey! Shinso!" Ojrio had one eye open, stuggling, but open. His face was starting to turn pink despite the tickles starting to stop. "How is tickling me going to make me less nervous?"
“Well for starters; you’re showing me you now uncovered smile.” Shinso points out as he ruffles the blonde locks.
....now that Ojiro noticed, he was also showing his blush, huh....
This only caused him to blush more before he curled up some, tail hiding his flustered face. "Stooopppp." Pffff, dork
Shinso chuckles and scoots around to get to Ojiro, continuing to mess with his hair, “Pffff stop that!“ Ojiro says as he reaches for the hands but as his arms were up, the hands went to Ojiro’s underarms and that’s when they clamped down, “PFFFFF SHIHIHIHINSO!!!!!”
The male threw his head back before bucking and squirming about. "Leheheheht ghahahao! Leheheht ghahahao!" He slightly scoots the blonde into his lap, head resting as it looks up to Shinso.
“So how’s it going, Monkey Brains?” Shinso asked as he smirked and saw the boy’s slight eyes opened, Ojiro’s laughter picking up just from the smirk looking down at him.
“HAHA THIS IS TORTURE!!” His Tail says otherwise, wagging like the pup-cat-monkey he was.
"Should I stop, huh?" The other blushed before looking away. He was too emabressed, “Y-Yes-“ What the-
He watched Shinso move and lay down on the bed, his head on his pillows,“Sit up and lay right next to me?” wait what?
Under the quirk, he follows what Shinso said and then felt Shinso spoon in from behind, huh? Then he felt a small flick of the finger at his forehead, snapping him out of it, “Ow, What was that for?” He asked as he rubs the small flicked area Shinso flicked at.
Shinso shrugs and just spoons into him some more, arms around his torso while his chin rested on Ojiro’s shoulder, “.....too shy to ask.....” PFFFF AW SHINSO-
Ojiro blushed before smacking him with his tail. "Ask anyway! I don’t like being a zombie." Shinso chuckled. "Your a cute zombie though." Cheeks were puffed before tail swats ensued. "Ow, hehehe hey! Okay,okay! Ah, in sorry!" Ojiro showed mercy to the other before sighing.
They stood for a moment in time, Ojiro getting a bit more used to the affection he was getting from Shinso, then the Violenette spoke up, “Speaking of zombies, Imma be one in the haunted house.” huh, Ojiro didn’t expect that.
“Wait really?”
“Mhm, covered in rag clothes, blood, Imma look like a freak.” he says as he once again ruffles the addictive blonde locks, they were soft. 
“Pff, more of a dork than a freak...”
“A dork huh? Would a dork do this?”
Shinso leans in and noms along his neck, tail riling up again and squealing madly, “GAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
“Would a dork do this?” Shinso asked once again, “YEHEHES THEY WOULD!!” Ojiro laughs as he then felt the noms of said zombie.
Ojiro continued to attack him with his tail, eventually being released from the other. "Alright, alright. Would you like me to walk you back to your room?" The other hummed before smiling. "May I sleep here?”
.....well then; It was Shinso’s turn to blush.
“You wanna sleep here?” Shinso asked a second time to confirm if he heard right, “You mind?” Ok it wasn’t a dream-
The messy haired teen nods his head and laid back again, “Not at all.”
Ojiro smiles some more and took his phone out his pocket, texting Kaminari that he was gonna hang out with a friend that was in general studies and places the phone over the headboard shelf.
“For once I did a good idea.” Shinso chuckles to himself and passes another blanket to Ojiro to use in case he gets cold some more.
“And all we did was talk to eachother...wanna call a truce?” Ojiro asked as he looks to the other with his natural tired eyes, “Yeah, truce.” Shinso says as he pulls the covers over the both of them.
“Good, Night Shinso.” The tailed teen says as he closes his eyes and nuzzles into the warm dark covers, “NigHT-“ uh, he looks down to the covers and saw the tail at Shinso’s feet.
A small chuckle came from Ojiro and an eye that was still peeled open, “....or maybe we could stay up a bit more....”
Oh boy, time for Ojiro’s vengeance....
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crqstalite · 4 years
(n.) a blank space, a missing part.
for MER 2020. day 7, celebration. set in 2185 [ME2].
She's still groggy as hell when the comm to effectively her new boss shuts off, readjusting her eyes to the dark comm room and rubbing the nonexistent sleep out of her eyes. Sore in a few places (all of them, there wasn't a single place that didn't strain when she moved -- bitterly she wonders who in hell woke her up apparently six months too early, and if they were still alive she was going to smack them to hell and back), and she can't help but gingerly touch the scars on her jaw. It was surreal to both be here, with Cerberus of all people, and to even be alive at all. To have to credit them with bringing her back to life, functional as far as she was concerned, was a little disquieting.
It's her, as much as she knows. Her thoughts still feel like her own. Her memories are all still there, fresh in her mind.
Two years, and twelve days. She can't believe it'd been that long, it felt like a very painful nap from when she'd suffocated in the wreckage of the Normandy, to when she woke up in the lab. Only a few moments before she was thrusted back into the waiting hands of the devil who couldn't let her die. Her first thought had been Joker as she raced around the station avoiding mechs left and right, she knew that the rest of the crew had gotten off the ship before she even reached the cockpit, but she'd been terrified she'd sacrificed her own life only to have one of her friends die on her. Then it'd been the rest of the crew, Liara, Garrus, Wrex, Tali.
Kaidan. To hear the Illusive Man confirm he was still alive gave her some peace of mind among all the unknowns. What he'd say to her new allegiances, she didn't know. But if he was still Alliance, and Anderson was still alive, she could find him. Explain what was going on, bring him back onto the crew. Then do the same with the rest of them, though finding them sounded significantly more difficult than finding a fellow officer.
Two years and twelve days she'd spent on that operating table on the Lazarus Project station, having Cerberus do God knew what to her to bring her back to life. There had to be some serious tech involved, because while Miranda had confirmed that no, she wasn't a cyborg and would still pass as organic, there was no way someone spent four billion credits to bring back a simple soldier who'd probably burned up past recognition on reentry.
742 days of being technically dead, dead as a doorknob really.
Miranda said they'd restored her as is. But something about this body just felt off. Maybe because she'd lost the muscle she once had, making the armor set much heavier than she remembered on her now lithe body. The textures felt weird pressing against her skin, the curls on her head completely gone in favor of her natural hair, short and fluffy and in a style she hadn't worn since basic training all those years ago. Other than the scars on her face, every other one was just...gone. Even the one on the back of her neck from the fight with Saren's corpse was missing, smooth, untouched skin there instead.
Skin grafts, if she had to make a guess. Though, it was so seamless when she'd been able to remove her armor before the mission to Freedom's Progress that she wasn't entirely sure what to believe. Was she still her? That was the real question. Looking into a mirror in the bathroom, the scars glowed red omniously. Organic was what she hoped she was, but that was beginning to look like too much to wish for.
Freedom's Progress was just a big disassociation fest, getting used to the off center weight of the N7 armor (it wasn't like any model she'd seen before, which was to be expected two years after the last time she'd been in armor), the use of apparently thermal clips (the hell were those?) and the fact she didn't have a supply of omni-gel at her disposal anymore (which she relied on when she didn't have Kaidan, Garrus or Tali in her immediate squad). It didn't feel like her body that was taking every shot with wavering accuracy. It didn't feel like her who'd reunited with Tali and helped her with Veetor.
She didn't like 2185 to begin with, and it only kept getting worse. Human colonies, abductions, Cerberus, Collectors. None of it seemed real. Sarcastically she wonders how the galaxy went to shit as soon as she died.
It still felt so weird saying that.
She'd died.
And now the Illusive Man was giving her a ship, which she's assuming is fully kitted, paid for by who knew what funds, and either a very cocky pilot or a very capable one.
The hopeful thought flits across her mind before she even hears his voice from behind her, "Hey, Commander. Just like old times, huh?"
She can't stop the smile that spreads across her expression, feeling relief wash over her body as she turns from the comm station.
Of course, it'd be Joker. She doesn't know how it could've been anyone else, and damn well she wouldn't accept anyone else. Except she's not entirely sure how to react, instead walking over to him on unfamiliar legs, "I can't believe it's you, Joker." She says, just a little incredulous as he turns up the stairs, and she follows without another word, taking in the sight. How he's up and walking -- albeit more limping than anything else, but still worlds better than the first time she'd met him, is a question for later. One of the thousands that she figures he can answer better than the Illusive Man, Miranda or Jacob combined.
Shit, she's never been so happy to see her pilot before.
"Look who's talking, I saw you get spaced." He answers sarcastically, though she can hear a smile in his voice, maybe just as happy to see her as she is to see him. It's unsettling to see him in Cerberus colors, yet she's sure he has some funky reason for it. Yet his response is the most familiar thing she's had since she woke up.
Her throat tightens up just thinking about the moments before she'd lost consciousness, choking on the lack of air as the vacuum of the galaxy spun around her in a dizzily pretty array.
She wills the memory away.
"I got very lucky, with a lot of strings attached, unfortunately," She deadpans, feeling one of her knees crack again, the shift of armor scratching through her undersuit. Another Cerberus sigil on the wall sends shivers down her back, "How'd you get here?"
"It all fell apart without you, Commander. Everything you stirred up, the Council wanted gone," He sounds disappointed, and she grits her teeth. Of course they did, they didn't believe her about Saren until it was too late, she wouldn't put it past them to forgo believing her about the Reapers either. To keep their idea of peace instead of acting on the writing on the wall, deciding to paint over it entirely. It was going to get them killed and doom the galaxy, "Team was broken up, records were sealed, and I was grounded. The Alliance took away the only thing that mattered to me. Hell yeah I joined Cerberus."
It was an injustice enough to keep Joker anywhere but on the Normandy. Considering his words, they turn a corner. There's someone else standing at a large bay window as her next question dies in her throat, taking in their appearance. A woman with tanned brown skin, she thinks, staring out into what she thinks is a hangar, dark hair in a ponytail pulled through the back of her hat. She's dressed identically to Joker, and when she hears them talking, she turns her head towards them, arms crossed over her chest.
"Commander," She nods, smiling, "Good to see they finally got you out of that bed, hermana."
It takes her just a second to recognize the slight accent, the way she holds herself. Her green blue eyes boring into her soul from underneath the SR-2 hat. The tiny frame that could still throw a Mako over her head with her biotics if she wanted to. The grin that has a mischief undertone to it.
The other woman barrels into her while Kodelyn holds her arms out for her. Her sister's arms hold her tightly, and she embraces her just as tight back. Afraid to let go, almost. As terrifying as it was to think Cerberus had gotten their grubby hands on her younger sister, she's just glad to see her alive and well. Tears are pooling in her eyes as Citlali mumbles something into her shoulder, before pulling back with a grin, "It's...it's great to see you. Thought Miranda was crazy at first with this whole Lazarus Project thing. Didn't think a word of what she said was possible, still I went anyway because it was you. Damn glad I was wrong."
"I-yeah. Yeah, Lali, I've never been so glad to see you somewhere you don't belong." She says sarcastically, though unable to keep from a small chuckle.
"Hey, I belong just as much as Joker here does," She laughs herself, gently pulling her by the hand over to the hand over to the window, which she assumes is a dark hangar that houses the new ship they'd be using. She has a million questions about how she ended up here, where her parents were, where her brother was, yet she bites her bottom lip to keep from going on a tangent, "Whether I belong here or not is beyond the point, sis. We've got a mission to do, and I'm sure as hell not going to let you do it alone."
"Excuse you, she wasn't going to do it alone whether you were here or not," Joker reminds the sisters of his presence, her sister giving her a look that was half offended, half amused. If she had to take a guess, they'd been here together a while. More questions cropped up, now how Joker was brought on, and then how Miranda managed to convince her sister to come onto what she believes is her new crew. Hopefully because she's not in armor, she won't be on the squad.
"You trust the Illusive Man?" She asks skeptically, turning back to the pilot and raising an eyebrow. Kodelyn didn't trust him as far as she could probably throw him, which probably was rather far. Her sister shrugs.
"I don't trust anyone who makes more than I do," Joker deadpans, and Citlali snickers here, classic Joker, "But they aren't all bad. Saved your life. Let me fly--"
Citlali moves to flicker a light on nearby, "Let us fly."
At the most, that answers her earlier question. If anything, now her sister was living the dream she'd had for years. Just for a mix of all the wrong and right reasons.
"And, there's this." He says, gesturing out to the dark hangar, lights flashing on. They glint off a ship she can't make out just yet, but her eyes widen as she puts the pieces together. The familiar design and hull of the ship, the pattern that jumps out at her once enough lights are on, "They only told us last night."
SR-2 is painted near the cockpit, Cerberus' logo following after it. She's stunned, and for good reason. They built the new Normandy while she was sleeping, and she has more concerns the Alliance might have moles in their company if they got plans for the new version. But her heart still swells seeing it, her smile only growing. Having both one of her friends and her sister by her side, and the Illusive Man's ominous answer to her questions on her squadmates...well she has some hope she'll see them all again.
"It's good to be home, huh Commander?" Joker asks, turning his attention back to her.
"I guess we'll have to give her a name." Kodelyn concludes.
"She's got a name, just a different designation is all," Citlali answers, breaking her immersion in awe by bumping her shoulder, "C'mon. The crew's already on board, plus Miranda will have our heads if we don't leave on time."
This is all crazy, she thinks as they meet Miranda and Jacob at the door, Joker and Citlali going ahead without her. She's given her own Cerberus issue clothes, different than her pilots' and what she assumes is the Captain's version of it. Someone else takes her armor plates from her, and she finds it rather easy to slide the clothes on over her undersuit and change out of it. The new ship is bright, larger than before once she lays eyes on it. Huge even. The cockpit alone has it's upgrades, but the CIC is massive compared to the SR-1's.
It isn't exactly home, she finds. So many different faces wandering around the ship, so many new features that definitely weren't in the plans for the SR-1. Yeoman -- Kelly Chambers is friendly enough, though she's never had her own assistant to file things. Miranda is just as cold as she was when they first met and is apparently her XO now (not her first choice, but at the moment she doesn't have any other choices), Jacob doesn't say much she doesn't already know. Joker is just happy to be back in a Normandy, forget who built it, Citlali more than excited to finally put her schooling to use, hands flying over the controls at a speed that only her senior pilot can match. EDI is a new variable, one Joker doesn't like, one Citlali is wary of. Dr. Chakwas is a happy addition, the older woman was just as glad to see Kodelyn as she was to see her. Pressly was apparently dead, but they hadn't replaced him. Miranda got the XO position Pressly had, Citlali got the navigator duties.
Her cabin is on it's own floor, dubbed the loft by Chambers. There's a fish tank bubbling on one side of the wall, though devoid of any life so far. Fitted with a bed meant more for two, and enough work space for four.
It feels empty. Lonely even as she takes in all her new things scattered across the room.
They've got a mission to Omega, to find a Salarian doctor by the name of Solus. Dossiers for Archangel, who's also on Omega, a Krogan scientist on Korlus, and a criminal on Purgatory. None would be her first choice, but her first request was to get to the Citadel. She needed Alliance and Council allies, and she knew she could rely on Councilor Anderson. En route, they've got about a day until they dock.
While she has some worries about how it was acquired, she's more than happy when she finds nestled among her Cerberus issued belongings is a photo of Kaidan propped up on her desk. She places it back down, grinning like an idiot. He was still alive, not one of her dossiers but that was the only thing not making her want to defect entirely.
It'd be just like old times when she found everyone else. They'd take down the Collectors just as they did Saren, Cerberus or otherwise.
and with that i lead into the main part of eye of the storm, the mostly janky planned shenko fanfiction i was already thinking of two months ago. now given, this story takes place in ME2 (or at least ‘all the stars’ will, thats what this chapter leads into) so it won’t be as much shenko as it will be a retelling of ME2 with a few ocs. citlali is one of them, but johansson and petrakis will be part of it. some side...sort of shakarian? i only say that because brione (petrakis) is shepard in her own universe, but for now i’ll refer to that ship as petrakarian in the eye of the storm universe
now im rambling. im just happy i finished MER week is all. loosely followed the prompts lmao. >:3
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Could you try 9 for kiribaku if you’re still doing requests? :))
things you said when i was crying
*minecraft villager noise*
By the look on Bakugou’s face, Eijirou suspected that he was supposed to think that he was making a rather large mistake. The blond was grinning, but not in a friendly way. It was slightly predatory, as if he was preparing for Eijirou to falter so that he could swoop in with a smug laugh and an ‘I told you so.’ It was irritating but also kinda hot, so Eijirou didn’t really mind.
He inspected the piece of meat held between his chopsticks.
If Eijirou didn’t know any better, he would have assumed the meat was innocent, that the colour on it was merely from the combination of sauces and spices it had marinaded in before cooking. Well, that wasn’t totally untrue, but it was a matter of which sauces. Some would be benign. Some would not.
Like, for instance, capsaicin oil. Also known as (at least in Eijirou’s opinion) the concentrated sweat of all the damned beings rotting in the underworld. This substance was the stuff that gave heat to chili peppers, the stuff that induced that awful, terrible burning sensation that Bakugou liked so much.
The heat wasn’t real, of course, but the capsaicin fooled the mouth into thinking it was. It got into the temperature detecting nerves and played havoc.
This particular meat was part of a range of Bakugou’s favourite dishes at a restaurant known for its stupidly spicy meals. It was Bakugou’s turn to pay this week, so he was the one who got to pick the place to eat at. It was apparent to Eijirou that this place was payback for him being ‘embarrassing’ at their last outing together.
‘Embarrassing’ was, of course, code for ‘Bakugou got too flustered by Eijirou’s obvious flirting and exploded a menu’. Honestly. One of these days they were going to stop dancing around this Thing between them and admit that these outings were dates. The main obstacle was Bakugou’s understandable hesitancy over the whole declaration of feelings stuff, but really, the moment Eijirou got the go-ahead to kiss his best friend he wasn’t ever going to stop.
Anyways. The spicy meat. Eijirou knew that Bakugou was expecting Eijirou to crumble in the face of such an object. Maybe have a spice-related breakdown in the middle of the restaurant. Thing was… Eijirou had a Secret Plan to deal with exactly this sort of situation.
He ate the meat. Eijirou chewed it, slowly, so that he could watch the gradual, delicious change in Bakugou’s expression as it became clearer and clearer that Eijirou wasn’t going to even blink. Eijirou swallowed.
“What the fuck,” Bakugou hissed, having transformed from gleeful gremlin to grouchy grump.
Eijirou took a swig of water to make sure he washed everything out of his handily-hardened mouth before he responded. “You call that spicy?”
“You cheated,” Bakugou said, narrowing his eyes as he sat back in his chair and folded his arms. “I don’t fucking know how, but you cheated.”
“Oh? Are we playing a game?” Eijirou said, leaning forwards to flutter his eyelashes a little. He privately thanked the genetics lottery for giving him the power to turn into a non-porous rock specifically. Huh. Imagine if he became like basalt? Would he float in water instead of sinking? Would-
“You know what I mean,” Bakugou said, pouting off to the side. There was a little colour smudged over his cheeks and Eijirou mentally high-fived his brain.
Eijirou just ate another chunk of meat. Pork? It was hard to actually taste at all thanks to his hardening. He took another swig of water. “S’good! Don’t forget to eat yours!”
“I bet they forgot to season it,” Bakugou muttered darkly, plucking up a piece from Eijirou’s plate.
“Hey!” Eijirou said. “That’s mine.”
“I paid for it,” Bakugou ate it with a glare and then pulled a face. “Okay, what the hell are you doing?”
Eijirou beamed at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Blasty.”
“Yes you do you-” Bakugou cut himself off mid-insult. He sighed. “You big dumb rock. You’re using your fucking quirk, aren’t you?”
“Your words, not mine,” Eijirou snorted. Damn, Bakugou had sniffed him out already. “Aren’t you impressed by my fine control, though? I had to practice for ages so I wouldn’t turn my lips to stone, too.”
That got Bakugou staring at Eijirou’s mouth, which counted as a big win in his books. Bakugou seemed to realise what he was doing all too quickly and turned his attention back to his own plate. “Whatever.”
Oh yeah, it wouldn’t be long now. Some day very soon would roll around and Bakugou would finally reach for his hand. Eijirou didn’t feel bad about pushing things sometimes - he’d tried to back off once when he thought his feelings weren’t reciprocated and that had just ended in Bakugou not-so-subtly hinting that Eijirou should go back to ‘normal’.
The rest of the meal went by smoothly, Bakugou rolling his eyes as Eijirou ate his food without a sweat and Eijirou nodding along to stuff his friend was saying.
All too soon they were on their way back to the dorms. It was nice, Eijirou thought, that now they were in their third year they were allowed to go out for short trips be themselves. The school wouldn’t be able to give everyone bodyguards after graduation, after all.
It was also nice to walk side-by-side with Bakugou in companionable silence. Eijirou very much looked forwards to the time when they could be holding hands as they went, too.
The Heights Alliance building came into view, and Eijirou heard the sound of paper tearing. Huh. He turned to look at Bakugou. The blond had a very weird expression on his face, but Eijirou didn’t have time to ask what was up because all of a sudden there was a hand tugging at the collar of his shirt and a pair of lips meeting his own.
Holy shit.
Eijirou responded eagerly. Greedily, even, clutching at Bakugou to bring him closer. He melted into the kiss, surprised but not displeased in the slightest when Bakugou slipped his tongue into his mouth. Bakugou kissed with aggression and fire, almost burning in the way that he- Wait a second.
The burning wasn’t metaphorical. Eijirou’s mouth felt like it had been set alight, and that wasn’t typically supposed to happen in a kiss as far as he was aware. He pulled back from Bakugou, detached his limbs, saw the triumphant look in his best friend’s eyes and felt the burning sensation increase. Oh. Holy fucking shit. Bakugou was an absolute bastard and Eijrou liked him so damn much.
“Did you just hot sauce me?”
Bakugou grinned and held up a small empty packet labelled ‘XXX SUPER HOT’.
“You’re an asshole,” Eijirou said, panting and feeling himself break into a sweat. Spice tears began to pool at the corner of his eyes and he leant foward to put his hands on his knees. Maybe if he jumped into a pool of ice he could stave off this feeling?
“Yeah,” Bakugou agreed. “You good?”
“I’m dying,” Eijirou said, dropping to the ground and rolling onto the grass. “Call the fire brigade, Blasty. I need water!”
“Nah, water makes it worse,” Bakugou said, looking down at Eijirou with amusement. Holy shit he’d just kissed Eijirou for the first time. “What you want is sweetened milk.”
Eijirou groaned. He was sure his nose was streaming along with his eyes now. It was only because of the spice. That was the only reason he was teary. “Call the milk brigade, then.”
“Dramatic. There’s milk in the kitchen,” Bakugou said, kicking lightly at Eijirou’s side.
“Ugh, I think I’m gonna spontaneously combust from the face down,” Eijirou stuck his arm up so that Bakugou could help him to stand. Once he was on his feet, he moved Bakugou’s hand to the other of his own and linked their fingers together. Heh. Bakugou didn’t even try to pull his hand away! “Today was nice until you tried to murder me. With your tongue, what the fuck? Not that I’m complaining about the tongue bit - that was great - but the hot sauce?”
Bakugou looked almost unbearably smug. “That’s what you get for cheating.”
“What, poisoned kisses?” Eijirou asked, fanning himself with his free hand. “I cannot believe you used our first kiss as a prank. I mean, I can, but like,” He paused his fanning for a moment. “You know what? Worth it. You should definitely kiss me again. Without the pain.”
Bakugou turned a little pink and pulled Eijirou towards the Alliance building. “Maybe I will.”
He did.
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
Though he didn't know it yet Chris Mclean was in for a shocking revelation. One of the campers is not exactly just some rando kid. This camper is his kid and she is out to expose it.
Name : Iris  Escalona
Age 16
Eye color green
Caramel skin
Black hair that she keeps in a high ponytail. A Cherokee rose on the left side of the hair tie.
Iris is 5ft 8",135lb
Out fit-White tanktop with the alchemists symbol blue acid washed jean shorts black converses
Iris has a dark sense of humor. She loves horror,pranks,is resourceful. Iris is not above smashing some skulls together. She is not quick to anger but Heather pushes a lot of her buttons.
All her life she just wanted Chris to know she was alive. Her mother never gave the reason why she left. She is the oldest of seven children.
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island… The Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic losing streak against The Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, and dangerous alliances. And in the end, it was Noah the know-it-all who didn’t see it coming. This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to Loserville. Population: Four. Who will sink? And who will stay afloat? Find out right now on Total. Drama. Island!
Iris walked back into the cabin after a shower. "Oh no this is bad. Im out of fake tan already." Lindsay said concerned. "Then go ger a real tan." Iris said putting her stuff away. "Oh its so tragic" Gwen said sarcastically looking a little more alive today. "Now I have to actually, like, suntan. In the sun! Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin? Oh, you totally do." Lindsay said now by Gwen. I roll my eyes placing my hair in a ponytail. "See you ladies in the mess hall." Iris said leaving the crazy. "Oh off to find your delinquent boy toy. " Heather tried to get under my skin. "He at least I have a joystick. You should find one maybe you wouldn't be a stuck up bitch all the time." The girls laughed as I left. "That white girl is alright in my book." Leshawna said.
 [over loudspeaker]: "All right, campers! Enough beauty sleep! Time to show us what you’re made of!" Chris said
The campers made it to a make shift out door theater.
"I actually have a good feeling about this. Ever since I was little Dad and mom would take me to see musical and plays. I grew up a theater kid just something about it made it so magical."
(End of Confessionals)
Lindsay: Are we gonna see a musical? I love musicals. Especially the ones with singing and dancing. Heh." She asked amazed. I had to chuckle at this poor girl.
Trent: Gwen! Saved you a seat." He said moving aside for her. That is adorable I'm happy for them.
Gwen: "Thanks." She said sitting down next to him.
Cody: "W-W-Whoa! Uh, heh." Oh Cody you poor soul. She wont go for you give up already.
*Lindsay blows kiss *
Uhoh someone is braking the rules hahaha poor girl can't see the bitch she is helping.
*Heather turns and waves her ponytail in Lindsay's face. *
As I said bitch.
Lindsay: Oh! [spits out a wave of Heather's hair] "Hey Lindsay come sit with Me and Duncan." I said she got up and sat with us.
Chris: Welcome to our brand new deluxe state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater! Okay, this week’s challenge is a summer camp favorite. A talent contest!" This made me happy.
Owen: Yes! Awesome!
Chris: Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers.[Katie and Sadie squeal.] These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes, as long as it’s legal.[Duncan snaps his fingers.] You’ll be judged by our resident talent scout, former DJ, VJ, and rap legend, Grand Master Chef, who will show his approval via the Chef-o-Meter.[ding ding ding ding ding ding] The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck.
[whistle blows]
Heather started saying she was the captain. "Who said this Chika" I asked Gwen second it. "Beth and Lindsay"She said crossing her arms. "Fear is not the way to go Heather." I said and everyone backed me. "We shall see halfbreed." She said as I sat down .
It was Trent,Heather and Iris in the talent show for the Gophers.
For the Bass it was Courtney, DJ, Geoff.
Why we were killing time watching the other talents. Heather got ahold of some secrets that she was about to spill.
Cody: What you got there, a journal?
Gwen: Beat it.
Cody: Oh, I get it. Yeah, it’s private, huh? I’m down with that, yeah. It’s cool, brah.
Gwen: What part of beat it don’t you understand?
Cody: [sniffs]
Gwen: What are you, some kind of freak?
Cody: Y-you just… smell… really… pretty.
Gwen: It’s just… soap.
[guitar playing]
Gwen: I won’t even ask.
[guitar playing resumes]
Heather: Look! The first hook up of the season.
Gwen [sarcasticaly]: Oh yeah. We’re going at it big time. I need a swim just to cool off.
[door slams]
[door slams]
Cody groans
Trent: Gwen, wait up! I’ll come with you.
Gwen: Sure. I mean… whatever.
Chris [loudly]: It’s the TDI Talent Extravaganza! [normal voice] Welcome to the very first Camp Wawanakwa… Talent Contest. Where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for the Screaming Gophers… is Iris.
Iris walks out (a outfit that looks like Melanie from pokemon 2000. The Island maiden.) She started to play on her Ocarina my heart will go on.
It got a seven on the Chef-o-Meter.
Chris: First up for the Killer Bass… make some noise for the big guy! DJ!
Tyler: Woo-hoo!
Katie and Sadie: Yaaaay! Wooo!
[spiritual music]
Duncan: Ooh-hoo-hoo…
Katie: Gah!
Chris: Dainty and yet masculine. Let’s see what Grand Master Chef thinks.
[ding ding ding]
Chris: Not much.
Chris: So, with two down and four acts to go, it’s the Screaming Gophers… screaming ahead. Next on deck… Trent. Take it away, my bro.
Trent: This one goes out to someone special here at camp.
[guitar playing]
They say that we’ve only got summer
And I say that’s really a bummer.
But we’ll swim in the sun and have lots of fun…
It’ll just be the two of us…
Nothing to do… just hang…
So let me say only this…
Stick around… for just one kiss…
[ding ding ding]
Chris: Nice work! I’m liking your style, dude. And so does Grand Master Chef!
Chris: All right, quit hogging my light, buddy.
[objects tumbling]
Chris: Three down and three to go and the Killer Bass are totally sucking so far. Let’s hear it for Bridgette!
Courtney: Are you sure you can do this?
[stomach rumbling]
Bridgette[with her stomach rumbling]: Ooh. Definitely. No, uh, I’m great. Really. [She burps a few times]
Screaming Gophers gasp and moan
Bridgette moans and projectile vomits loudly
Courtney and Heather gasp
Owen: I’m hit! I’m hit!
Bridgette projectile vomits loudly
Katie screams and vomits
Bridgette projectile vomits loudly
Lindsay [loudly] :Hey, puke on your own boyfriend!
Heather: On your own what, Lindsay?
Lindsay [quickly]: I didn’t say, boyfriend.
Chris [nasally] :Clean up in aisle three, four, five, and six! [normally] In the meantime, we’ll take a short break to hose the joint down.
[elevator music]
(Confessional: Bridgette)
Bridgette: Going home won’t be so bad… I-I can always work at the surf shack.
(Confessional Off)
Chris [loudly] : Welcome back to the TDI Talent Extravaganza! [normally] Welcome back. Okay. So in a strange turn of events, Bridgette’s chunk-blowing fest registered two thumbs up by Grand Master Chef. But, it’s not enough to pull ahead the Screaming Gophers, who held the lead with Trent’s love song. So, without further delay, here she is for the leaders… Heather!
Heather: Originally, I was going to dance for you. But instead, I want to celebrate team spirit, with a collaboration.
Iris saw what was in her hand. She started sweating.
Heather: So, with words by Gwen, performance by me, enjoy. [clears throat] Originally I thought he would be different. Even though mom says that my father and I are alike I don't see it. He said I remind him of someone her knew long ago but she left. I found that odd because I was alwats told he left. It doesn't matter either way because I know that Chris Mclean is 100% my biological father. " she said then handing my birth certificate to Chris who looked at me shocked. I got up and ran. Thats not how I wanted him to find out.
Heather: Thank you.
Courtney: [to Bridgette] That was so mean.
Bridgette: Seriously.
Chris: Well then, it’s down to the final act of the night. Can Geoff and his rad stunts turn it around? I seriously doubt it. Let’s find out.
Geoff: Whoa… that kinda wrecks the ride.
Bridgette [nervously] : Now what?! We have to send someone out there or we’re going to lose this!
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