#they start fighting along side each other and even eating together
For That One Guy on Tumblr part 6
Chilchuck x !fem !halffoot reader
The party trudged through the icy floor they'd found you on. 
At one point Laois pointed out where they'd dug you out of the ice. There were what looked like explosions, signs of battle, and a dead ice golem. Ahhh so they'd been fighting something else and your body had just happened to have been uncovered. That made sense. 
You spotted a chunk of fabric attached to...something, and shuddered. Looks like they hadn't collected everything. The experience of seeing your own flesh, disconnected and dead was surreal. Maybe you should take it along with you as a souvenir. Laois would probably be all too ready to help you pickle it. 
You felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped. Turning, you saw Chilchuck. 
"Hey, come on, you're starting to fall behind."
You hadn't even realized you'd stopped to stare at the remains of your death, but the party had indeed started to pull ahead. 
Chilchuck turned without another word and you fell in step beside him as you both caught back up to the party. 
The door to the next part of the dungeon opened into what looked like one long hallway, bending to the right off in the distance. You stepped through the threshold and immediately shucked off the blanket you'd had to borrow to use as a jacket. It felt wonderfully warm in here. 
As the party continued walking you noticed that they had been working together long enough to automatically sort themselves into an order that made sense for combat. Laois was up front with Senshi, the two most durable heavy hitters. Then Marcille, presumably for quick backup and/or healing. Then Chilchuck, who would need to be out of the way of any fighting, and would be best equipped to hear anything sneaking up from behind. Izutzumi drifted around wherever, up in front, back behind, racing ahead and then flopping down and digging a stone out of her shoe. You weren't sure what her role in the party was yet, but she seemed extremely agile and confident, so you'd guess she could hit a lot harder than her skinny frame and lack of obvious weaponry would suggest. They really were all very well coordinated and used to working with each other. 
You kept in line with Chilchuck. Both because of all the tactical stuff you'd just run through, and because it was nice to get to chat with another halffoot again. It'd been a year since you'd seen another halffoot when you went into the dungeon, and then another six months or so in the dungeon.
Up ahead Laois and Senshi appeared to be in excited conversation about cooking the remnants of the barometz. From the sounds of it Senshi was looking forward to taking advantage of the tender meat to make delicious stir fry, and Laois was theorizing about the best way to use the plant as bait for larger monsters.
You glanced at Chilchuck. "Laois and Senshi seem to be having fun."  
He chuckled. "Yeah they do that. They're both kinda freaks about monsters, Laois MUCH more so. That guy..." He shook his head ruefully. "I mean don't get me wrong, he's a good fighter, and the monster knowledge helps him fight and survive, and he's even picked up some healing magic so he's a good guy to have on your side, but he just does not understand social or cultural norms or how to deal with people. Plus he's just kinda a freak about it."
You nodded. Up ahead, Laois and Senshi dropped their voices a bit and started discussing meals that would be suitable for you to eat until you recovered from revival sickness. 
You grimaced. "Ah, have they not..."
"Realized we can hear them even if they think they're too far away? No they haven't, they still think of me as a tallman child after all, I doubt they clock that we can do stuff they can't." He snorted and said. "I bet they think of you as a toddler. After all they already think I'm a kid and you're so much shorter than me."
"Wha- hey!" You spluttered. "I'm not the one that's short, you're ridiculously tall! Being around the tall races has warped your idea of whats normal for sure."
Chilchuck grinned. "Regardless of what's normal for us they're still gonna ruffle your hair first chance they get. Mark my words." 
You'd interacted with enough of the other races to know he was probably right. You'd been able to work people underestimating you to your favor sometimes but that didn't mean it wasn't annoying. 
Up ahead there was a strangled yelp, like a cat being sat on. Marcille gasped. "Izutzumi!" And started sprinting ahead to where the corridor took a sharp right turn. 
Laois and Senshi followed suit. You and Chilchuck followed but quietly dropped back to keep some distance.
You came skidding around the corner to see a very mangled walking mushroom and Izutzumi standing over it looking cranky. 
"Izutzumi!" Marcille gasped out. "are you okay?? What happened??"
"I can't stand these things." Izutzumi growled. She turned to Senshi, who was already inspecting the mushroom. "You better not be thinking about putting that into my food! I will NOT be eating-"
You heard a faint series of "chunk" sounds, like a series of very large stones softly falling into place. You whipped your head around, looking for the source. Chilchuck also started glancing around, but no one else reacted. It must have been out of their hearing range. 
it didn't take long to find the source. A solid wall had risen up in the corridor you'd just come down, and doors and turns had opened up in the corridor you'd just entered. 
Chilchuck turned to Senshi and Izutzumi. "Stop squabbling about that! We've got bigger problems." 
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sockdooe · 3 months
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Some old doodles I did of shance :))
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impyssadobsessions · 1 year
OKAY IDEA Danny is a police officer and works with Dick Grayson in Bludhaven. He's new to the force and often called rookie but turns out to be really good at his job. Him and Dick get along same time think the other is a little cocky until they both get to fight along side each other as like some rogues that nightwing usually fought is doing something while they're on duty. (just the two of them got stuck in a warehouse while outside cops are still trying to bust in (probably some rubble fell blocking away or something)) Danny showing off martial art skills and is like "What. My mom is a black belt." Dick does something just as impressive if not more, grinning, "My dad is too." Just them joking around. They almost have everything under control, when Danny's ghost senses activate. Dick gets hit by an ectoblast that slams him into the wall. His vision blurs as he can hear a voice taunting Danny, and Danny growling. bright lights and then he knocks out. He has a brief moment of being awake as backup comes to his aid. He learns that a new meta broke in and Danny was missing. He passes back out.. He wakes up in the hospital, worried about Danny, cursing himself. He's a vigilante.. how could he- in comes danny with a bag of fast food and balloons. "Figured I get you something you rather eat then some flowers. : D Nice to see you breathing, dick-" Dick asks about what happens but notices Danny being flighty and vague. "Oh yeah, meta kidnapped me and took me to some highrise building. Luckily nightwing came by and took care of it. Really was quite a trip. If it wasn't for the terrifying fight for my life thing, I say I wouldn't mind flying like that again." Dick cracks a smile, though inside his head he has way more questions than answers. But he cant call Danny out on any of it. So he does what bats do best.. he starts to investigate. -bad at explaining but basically dick catches danny in a lie and starts to piece together every odd thing danny ever mentioned about himself. -even better if they're partners LOL
-Also imagine danny has used his powers to keep himself or others from being shot.. plus has one of the best aim in the force, second to/on par with dick.
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Can’t stop thinking about chubby reader being one of the guys roommates. When he brings his friends over, they basically drool over her and her body, beginning to play fight with her and keep her company (going back to their own homes and jerking off). They can’t stop poking and Teasing at your soft areas. Low-key perverts who can’t keep their hands off you in the guise of friendship
Losing my mind over this 😵‍💫
Imagine having a guy as a roommate. The two of you are good friends, you get along really well, so naturally you would have fun living together! You rarely have problems with each other, and you're never bothered when he brings his friends over to hang out or watch a game. His friends are super nice to you, always asking how you're doing, wrestling with you, playing with you. You assume they're just nice to you bc you're roommates with their friend, but you don't complain. You're just grateful that they're kind.
Oh, if only you knew what was going on behind the scenes.
To start off, your roommate's friends? They're obsessed with you. You are an angel in their eyes, a sweet cherub who could do no wrong. They'd be shocked if they ever found a mean bone in your body.
Oh, and your body. They've never seen a woman as beautiful as you, never met anyone so cute and sexy. They're amazed that anyone could look as good as you. And they're bad at hiding their attraction for you. They flirt, tease, play around with you, like you're their own cute doll. They'll pinch at your sides, brush their hands along your hips and waist, maybe give you a squeeze here and there. They're enamored by your soft, plush frame. It's no wonder that they wrestle and hug you any chance they get, wanting to savor your squishy body as much as they can. It's all in good faith, right? They're just being friendly, aren't they?
If only you knew that they were going home right after seeing you and jerking off to the thought of you, your image fresh in their minds, the feeling of your chubby body still lingering on their palms. If only you knew about the fantasies they have of you, the ones where they bend you over the counter, push your knees up to your ears, or bounce you on their cock for hours. They dream of being able to plunge their cock deep inside of you, fuck you nice and hard, making your plump body bounce with each thrust. They want to taste you, shove their face into your pretty chubby pussy and eat you out all night, savoring the delicious nectar from your cunt. They moan your name when they cum, wishing they were spilling their seed inside you instead of all over their rough hands. They feel hollow after, wanting you by their side.
But it's not just your roommate's friends that want you. No, your roommate himself is head over heels for you. He pretends he's fine when his friends play with you, but he's so so jealous. He just wants you all to himself, his pretty chubby roommate becoming his lil girlfriend. He jerks off in his room while you're right next door, wishing he could just man up and go to you and get laid. He's even resorted to stealing your panties when he does laundry, taking them back to his room and sniffing them while he rubs one out. He feels so pathetic, but what else can he do? He knows you're too good for him, why would you stoop so low as to go out with a nobody like him?
Regardless, you've got a dozen or so guys who want you more than anything. If only you'd wise up and realize they all wanna fuck you.
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swirlymarimo · 9 months
10 Zosan Headcanons picked by poll
1.) Zoro is the more jealous one. He's the type of overprotective boyfriend to stand behind Sanji and glare down anyone that he thinks might be interested and if anyone ever does make a move on Sanji, Zoro's not shy about starting a fight.
2.) Everyone knows that Sanji's a good-looking man. there's no doubt about it. For Zoro, the thing that caught his attention first was his fighting style. Not only was he crazy strong, but there was something in the way he moved that made him look simply gorgeous as he threw kick after kick. Zoro's always mesmerized watching him.
3.) When Sanji gets the desire to shower Zoro with some affection, he typically does so by making whatever silly excuses he could possibly think of to get only Zoro to go on supply runs with him. While in town, Sanji always picks out a nice place to eat lunch, and maybe they do a little sight seeing together if they can. It's not the perfect scenario, but these small dates always mean so much to them.
4.) Sanji has always been a ladies' man. He adores women, and everyone knows that. However, there's always been one thing about Zoro that he could never ignore, something that always made his heart feel a little funny. If you really paid attention to Zoro while he's with their friends, he gets this much softer look in his eyes, and something about that side of Zoro had Sanji smitten from the start.
5.) When it came time in their relationship, they each decided, independently, that it was time to take things to the next level. There came a day where they had planned the absolute perfect date, one that would pale in comparison to the others. It was the perfect opportunity for a proposal. Which they both did. Both men dropped to one knee at exactly the same time, ring in hand and shocked expressions on their faces. Zoro and Sanji both had tried to propose to the other at exactly the same moment, and of course, they both said "yes."
6.) When they get married it's of course, aboard the Thousand Sunny. The crew spent the entire morning decorating the deck until it was perfect. Franky put in the most effort, building a small gazebo in the center of the deck to really enhance the real wedding experience. It was simply gorgeous. When Zoro and Sanji finally meet beneath it, they're so absorbed in each other that the other strawhats swear they didn't even notice their hard work.
7.) Their honeymoon was a small uncharted island that Nami discovered along their course. It was small enough to be unbothered but big enough to comfortably accommodate a small group of people. The rest of the crew decided to stay on a nearby island to give the newly weds their own privacy. For a whole week, Zoro and Sanji were left alone in the spoils of a gorgeous tropical island.
8.) Everyone knows that Zoro is a protective person by nature, but when it came to his husband, he had a tendency to take things a bit too far. The marines still tell horror stories about what Zoro had done to the poor bastard that dares to lay a hand on Sanji. He'd taken advantage of an opening while the blonde was distracted shielding the girls, and he'd paid dearly for it.
9.) It was strange at first to have Sanji doting on him as he would for the girls. It wasn't exactly the same treatment. Every time he ended a training session, Sanji came with some snack and water to refresh him. Every time he got himself hurt, Sanji was the first to patch him up unless their doctor was near. Sanji always saved meals for him if he was stuck on watch, too. He also received regular massage and pampering from the chef. He should have known, giving Sanjis habits that he'd, of course, be a doting kind of husband.
10.) It doesn't take very long for the word of their marriage to get out. Once the Marines caught wind, they seemed to have mass printed new posters. One morning, the news coo dropped a paper with a healthy stack of new wanted posters in the center. All the buzz seemed to be centered around Zoro and Sanji, who now share a singular poster with a ridiculously high bounty. The greatest part, though, was that instead of having their usual titles, they've gained a new one. It read "Roronoa Zoro and Roronoa Sanji."The wings of the pirate king' "
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eggluverz · 9 months
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PAIRING. dan feng x gn!reader
SUMMARY. you and dan feng were just friends. close comrades who challenged each other. but you were starting to suspect that just friends don't stare at each other like this...
NOTE: dan feng on the brain !!!! i was looking thru some writing prompts and there was a list of friends to lovers that inspired meeee :> i hope y'all enjoy this lil dan feng drabble!! :o ~sof
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It wasn’t always easy being a friend of the esteemed High Cloud Quintet, but it sure was fun. In a group of warriors and leaders, some of your morals seemed to go against the grain. With your more pacifist approach, you preferred healing and mediating disagreements rather than resorting to a clash of the swords.
Still, you were not young with folly such as before. You understood there was a time and place for everything and, sometimes, war was inevitable in this world. You could only sigh to yourself, wishing it weren’t so.
But while battles waged on, you at least wanted to help those wounded trying to fight for what was right—no matter how misguided you thought their approach was.
Dan Feng was someone you chose to confide in. The great warrior, the Imbibitor Lunae, somehow empathized with your inner conflicts more than you would have expected him to. He may have been a cutthroat, fearless leader, but he was also gentle and thoughtful, pondering whether or not the ends truly justified the means in between brutal battles. 
The people he led could never see that ever-questioning side of him. Nor could he ever find the vulnerability to show them. That was something he reserved only for the closest of friends. 
That was something he reserved only for you. 
You let out a deep breath after a long day of work, smiling only to greet Dan Feng who had asked you to meet up with him over dinner.
“Like a date,” Baiheng sang with a grin when you had told her the previous day.
Your cheeks flushed at the memory. Two friends could certainly partake in evening consumption of sustenance together without it being a date, you had reminded her. And yourself. 
“Sure, but do just friends stare into each other’s eyes for seconds too long like you two do?”
With a small laugh and a shake of your head, you brought yourself back to present time with Dan Feng.
“Good evening,” you greeted with a wave. “Have you been waiting long?”
“I have been left alone here all day waiting for your arrival,” he jested with a dramatic sigh, one corner of his mouth tilting upwards to let you know he was only joking.
“Of course,” you played along, “I do not doubt that the great Imbibitor Lunae has plenty of time to spare waiting about.”
“For you? Most certainly.” 
You fought a grin off your face at his kindness. Dan Feng truly was a good person, always putting his friends first. For a moment, you wondered how much more thoughtful he would be towards a partner—towards someone he had romantic feelings for. But you did not allow yourself to entertain those thoughts for too long. After all, you had food to eat. 
“I requested your favorite dish,” he said as the meal came to your table. Establishments in which private outdoor dining was an accommodation were not common in your area, so you and Dan Feng often frequented the one closest to you. It was no strange feat for him to commit your favorite dish to memory. “I hope I did not overstep, but it was getting dark out and I know you tend to grow rather famished at this hour.”
You smiled as the scent of the food in front of you wafted through the air, causing your stomach to grumble quietly. “I appreciate your preparation, Dan Feng. You aren’t overstepping in the slightest.”
In fact, you quite liked that Dan Feng went out of his way to ensure you would have food to eat by the time you arrived for dinner. He was right— You were running late today and you were rather peckish by the time you had arrived. It was a simple act of kindness, and you were grateful for it. 
Dan Feng really was nice to his friends. 
If you did not have a good head on your shoulders, you might have let your emotions confuse the situation and misread his intentions towards you. He simply was a good friend to you and the High Cloud Quintet, though in moments of delusion you felt yourself imagining more. 
Especially moments of delusion fueled by the unnerving stare on his face directed right at you. Unnerving in a positive sense, of course. 
Unnerving in a way of not being able to understand the depth of emotions behind those bright eyes of his. Unnerving enough to pique your curiosity and want to learn just what that stare meant. 
The certain stare he was giving you right now. 
Was he looking at you like a confidant? A scholar to share his pacifist literature with? A friend? A lover? 
If Dan Feng noticed your inner turmoil, all he did was smile. It was a smile that said he knew exactly what was running through your mind. His piercing gaze stayed locked on yours as he tilted his head and took a sip of tea. 
Unable to help yourself, you blurted, “Do you intend to look at me in such a way?”
An expression of delighted amusement formed on his face before he regained his stoic composure. “In what manner are you referring to, my dear?”
Your heart stirred in confusion at his affectionate words. This High Elder truly had a disarming effect on you.
“Such as how you are staring at me right now!” you cried, feeling rather indignant. “It is how you’ve been staring at me for the past few months, even. It— It bewilders me!”
“And how, exactly, am I staring at you?” he pushed, a confident smile on his lips as he awaited your answer. 
“You are staring at me…as if you want me.”
His eyes widened for a brief moment, like he was shocked you gave in to his teasing and prodding this time. 
“You keep staring at me like that, and treating me in a special manner… You should be careful, Dan Feng,” you said with a sigh, slowly bringing your utensils to your mouth. Before biting, you stated, “You could confuse even the most refined of individuals that way, are you aware?”
He studied you before asking, “As an esteemed and refined Vidyadhara yourself, what do you find confusing?”
“Whether I am reading your intentions incorrectly or not,” you said, no longer bothering to hide you frustration. 
“It is not my desire to confuse you,” promised Dan Feng, a genuine look on his face as you finally met his gaze again. “For that, I apologize sincerely.”
Your stomach churned in dejected understanding. “Thank you for the apologize. It is okay.”
Perhaps you shouldn’t have gotten ahead of yourself and confused his kindness for interest. You shoved the food around on your plate, trying to downplay your disappointment that Dan Feng did not desire you after all.
At your lackluster response, he cleared his throat. He looked at your downcast expression and frowned. “Perhaps I am not making myself clear enough. Believe me, you are certainly not misinterpreting my intentions.”
Your eyes widened at his clarification. “Meaning…?”
“I do want you.” Dan Feng set his teacup down with a conspiratorial glint in his eye. “I admire your strength and your intellect. Your desire for peace and your willingness to do what is right. You are nuanced and complex and, at times, even oblivious,” he smiled at the thought of you misunderstanding his initial confession, “and you are my close friend I have found myself getting more and more drawn to.”
Giggles bubbled up from inside you, more so in excitement than in amusement. If it weren’t unbecoming of an unpartnered Vidyadhara to show public displays of affection, you would have ran over to Dan Feng and given him a hug by now. 
“I want you, too, Dan Feng,” is what you said instead. “You are cunning and sharp, yet understanding and gentle. Your thoughtfulness is inspiring and I have never met anyone more loyal than you.” 
The apples of his cheeks tinged the lightest pink you had ever seen, and you fought the urge to continuously shower him with more compliments.
“You’re the only one I could confide my potentially treasonous thoughts in,” you laughed while he nodded with amusement. Your gaze softened as your tone grew more serious. “You are one of my best friends, but I can envision a road in which we are more than that, even— Lovers.”
If he was surprised at all, he did not show it. 
“That is the path I would prefer to take.” Dan Feng extended his hand from across the table as if it were a mere offering to your boundless grace. “Do you desire to take it with me?”
“With you?” you repeated, slipping your hand into his with a smile. “Most certainly.”
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thebluejoker · 8 months
TAGS: Teasing, feeling a little bit guilty, fluff
SHIP: Jax x reader, Ragatha x reader
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It's his fault
He decided to sneak into your room and leave some spiders there
Yeah, he knew you were afraid of them, that's kinda the point
He expected some screams, yells and frustration
What he didn't expect, was you not entering your room after finding out about the spiders
You REFUSED to go to sleep or even be near your door
Caine was somewhere else so he couldn't help you with the bugs
Ragatha isn't fan of bugs as well, so she politely declined your offer to get rid of them
She could take you into her room, but she wouldn't leave Jax with a punishment
And his punishment was you sad, right?
He wasn't satisfied with the news
I mean, yeah he pranked you, so what?
"Get over it, kid. You're not spending this night in my room"
He said and turned away to leave
He would eventually leave, if Ragatha didn't threatened to push him into the void
It sounded more like a promise by the way
So, later on, you were in his room, standing with a pillow and blanket that Ragatha gave you
She prayed for you as well
Jax, without hesitation, told you to sleep on the floor
There was only one bed and it was his only
As always, he expected you to be mad or upset
You said and seriously laid down on the floor, covering yourself up with the warm blanket and nuzzling into the pillow
That did surprise Jax
You didn't want to be near him so bad that you just went along with sleeping on the floor?
So easily???
Nah, that cracked his ego
Yeah, he's an asshole, but not that bad one that you just sleep on the floor, without even looking bothered by it
Eventually he just dragged you into the bed
And I mean, DRAGGED
You refused to go into his bed, your literally fighted for your life, self-love and ego
But that purple bitch is taller and stronger than you even though he looks like a damn stick
He didn't just dragged you into his bed cause his ego was slightly cracked, but also cause he wanted to test a new way of teasing
He wrapped his arms around you
Yeah, it seems to sound romantic, but it was more like he was keeping you in jail
"You leave and I put a spider in your mouth"
You immediately stop fighting and just laid there, hoping that he was joking
The night started to get darker and deeper
But that doesn't mean he stopped talking
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Or rather teasing
"I can hear you heartbeat getting quicker, crybaby"
He couldn't
You were the one pressed against his chest
In fact, his heartbeat was quicker than usual
He would never admit it, but it was the best night of his life here
You on other side couldn't sleep, thinking of how he would put a spider in your mouth
By the way, after that he putted bugs into your room more often
Oh, you both were having a sleepover
After you appeared in the amazing digital circus, you both quickly got along
You were good friends
Spending time with each other everyday
Eating lunch, dinner, dinner, breakfast, dinner, lunch together don't know what time it is, so..
Joking together
Hating Jax together
Being afraid of centipedes together
So, no wonder you came up with an idea to have a sleepover
You seemed to be very excited
While Ragatha too, but she felt nervous at the thought of sharing a bed with you
Not like she didn't wanted it
In fact, she wanted it very much
But it was quite embarrassing and it made her doll heart race
At the beginning, you both gossiped
Guess about who
You both also laughed like horses, interrupting everyone else sleep
You also tried to make her hair, but it was quite impossible
It was all good and nice until you both were tired if it's even possible in Digital circus
It was time for sleep
When you both laid down together, Ragatha thought she would "die"
You on the other side immediately fell asleep, feeling really comfortable
She's a soft toy after all
Ragatha couldn't sleep
Or move
Not sure if breath
She was afraid to wake you up
"They looks so cute.."
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awoogayanderes · 1 year
➪ request : “HI there! I just thought of this while I was making my new account but like think off this Dazai, Atsushi and Akutagawa are on a mission at a party with their s/o and they get caught so they are running from the guards or something so them and their s/o had to pretend to be a couple making out in a hallway as to not get caught anyways love your writing! have a wonderful day!” - @ghostlyintervention
➪ warnings : slightly suggestive
➪ other notes : hey guys i’m back, it’s finally summer break, I’M SO HAPPY TO BE OUT OF SCHOOL !!! and thank you for the sweet message anon :) and also this was honestly trash but i wanted to write at 2 in the morning
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Osamu Dazai :
- you two are often paired up, the agency knows how you two bounce off of each other making most missions successful
- however this one didn’t go as planned, your distraction didn’t woe over the people you wanted to woe over, instead it created chaos of anger with dazai right behind you
- this wasn’t a mission where physical altercation was a good idea, so when there’s no other plan, you and dazai fled
- your escape plan didn’t exactly work, with dazai purposely leading you to the wrong places
- your mind was spinning, trying to think of a plan before both of you got arrested
- that’s when you turn to dazai, a small smirk on his face, already knowing what to do
- you sighed, knowing this fell under his plan the whole time, in matter of seconds he was basically eating your mouth as disgusting as that sounds
- once the coast was clear, you pulled away, wheezing to yourself trying to catch your breathe while side eyeing dazai
- “how about we continue this later,” the bastard smirks at you before taking your hand and leading you to the proper exit
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Atsushi Nakajima :
- it’s not too often that you’re paired with atsushi, everyone knowing how flustered he is around you, even months after starting your relationship
- now the dispute at this party wasn’t either of your fault, it was just someone recognizing you as an imposter, and that’s when both you and atsushi fled
- now, both of you didn’t exactly have a plan b, you didn’t think you’d need it
- obviously now it was a regretful mistake as you’ve wandered into the third dining hall, with guards right on your heels
- finally having some to breathe after being tucked into a corner, you quickly thought of a plan that involved both of you
- without a second thought, you lunged at atsushi, kissing him like your life depended on it, the poor boy was caught in shock but he went along with it
- he genuinely didn’t know it was some type of twisted plan of yours until the guards passed you by running not suspecting anything
- once that happens, you pull away, atsushi breathing hard being taken aback
- “please let me know the next time you do that, my heart can’t bare it” the white haired boy said with rosy cheeks
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Ryūnosuke Akutagawa :
- it’s extremely rare for you and akutagawa to be together on a mission, mori doesn’t like to mix relationships with work
- his temper is what got both of you in trouble, he snapped at one of the party hosts, and with that, it started a huge fight
- while akutagawa was willing to kill everyone there, you managed to persuade him to not spill any blood on the shiny floors, instead just run
- both of you didn’t know where you were and aku’s grumbles of displeasure didn’t quite help
- that’s when you thought to yourself what the hell were you going to do to keep everyone alive and both of you out of trouble
- then an idea lit up, you slowly turned to akutagawa, “ryū please just go along with what i’m about to do,” you say and right as he was about to question you, you pushed your lips onto his, him almost pulling away
- it took all his might not to freak out on affection overload but it worked as no guards were chasing you now, instead running in the other direction
- as you pull back, akutagawa immediately turns around from you, face beet red
- “let’s just leave” he said, coughing into his hand, not looking back
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Agere age guide
3 years addition
Hi every tiny and big! Make sure to check out my previous age guides!
Intro post
One year babies
Two year babies
I also want to add that not everything here will be accurate to all toddlers that regress to the threes and age regression is very fluid and individual to each and every tiny!
Traits And Behaviors
☠︎︎This is about the age that tiny tots start to identify with gender, they may gravitate towards certain styles and colors now
☠︎︎They can follow simple and short instructions
☠︎︎Now is about the age that these tiny tots start to like playing with other kiddos, instead of parallel play, they may enjoy playing together in games like dolls, they may build blocks together, simple puzzles are good too
☠︎︎Along side with being more interested in companionship, these kiddos may have a hard time sharing and need to be taught how to share
☠︎︎Usually in the two to three age range, these tots are just figuring out their emotions and learning how to manage their big feels, that being said, they may have a lot harder time regulating their emotions and they may have tantrums and meltdowns.
☠︎︎These babies are speaking in full sentences and are starting to express their needs with words and actions
☠︎︎Tots in their threes are starting to spring and walk around freely, you may catch them starting to climb things, jumping about, and running around the house. Even with these teeny toddlers starting to run about, their balance isn't the best yet, so make sure to be there in case they fall
☠︎︎These babies are starting to use the potty by themselves! Babies anywhere from 1.5-3 are starting to potty train, you may want to have these tots in pull ups when they go to bed but slowly, they'll become fully potty trained and need less and less help in the bathroom!
☠︎︎These tots are well on their way to doing most anything else any other kiddo can do! Big kid games may not be the best fit but most other things are on the table!
☠︎︎Sensory toys are tons of fun for these little babies, play-doh, sensory cubes, rattles and new textures to experience are lots of fun for these babies
☠︎︎Water play is a new and fun thing for these babies! Set up a fun bath with toys and bubbles and bath bombs and it'll sure be a blast for your regressor
☠︎︎These tiny tykes are starting to have more fun playing outside, mud pies and playing in the sprinkler are a must outside in the summertime and snowmen and Snowball fights will be tons of fun in the winter
☠︎︎Babies this age are starting to enjoy puzzles, playing puzzle games and putting together puzzles can be great fun for tots in their threes
The Foooddsss
These lil ones enjoy simpler tasting food, not many threes enjoy elaborate meals, a turkey sandwich with apple slices will do just fine. These babies are starting to figure out what they like and don't like, they've been eating solid foods for a bit now and they're trying new foods everyday. It's also important to note that these teenies are at a snacking age, they're rarely interested in sitting down to have a big meal three times a day, it's better to offer a bunch of small snacks throughout the day.
Shows And Movies
Similar to the ones and twos, these tiniest enjoy animated shows, maybe shows with shorter episodes since now these babies are up and running around. Movies may be a little too long for these tiny tykes but short shows are great, turning on shows like bluey, Daniel tiger or doc mcstuffins are great shows for these babies.
Boundaries And Safeties!
I think the most important note I could give everyone cg reading this post is just to get to know your tot, it can be awkward to bring up their tiny space especially if your baby is shy but the awkward conversations are important! Ask your baby what shows they like, what makes them feel safe, whether they like pull ups or they're potty trained, what foods they like, if they like to sleep with cg or they like to sleep in a crib, important questions
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ryukatters · 9 months
kaaatttt 😭😭😭 i need some satoru headcanons to heal my soul... what is he like as a bf??
ask and you shall receive my love (writing this to heal my soul)
content: modern AU, fluff, nsfw headcanons at the end
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“mmm..i think i deserve a little treat right now.” 
except he says that at least 5 times a day and you will also be given a little treat. he does not care if you don’t want to eat kikufuku right now, you will be accompanying him to get some. 
speaking of, this man is basically eating 24/7. if gojo leaves your side for any reason while you guys are home, just know he is scavenging the kitchen for scraps like the raccoon he is. 
food is one of satoru’s main love languages. there’s something oddly satisfying and strangely warm about his loved ones eating and sharing a meal together, even if they tend to make him the butt of the joke in every single dinner conversation. 
will force you to become a sanrio girly idc (if you aren’t one already)
“babe, look!” "satoru, we have enough cinnamoroll plushies at home." "so you hate me then?"
the type to pick you up and spin you around whenever you two hug. he’ll spin and spin until both of you are dizzy and crash onto the couch.
attention whore. also just a whore in general but mostly a whore for (your) attention. will absolutely do the MOST to make sure your eyes are on him— i’m talking about poking your cheek, locking your phone if you’re scrolling through tiktok next to him, and it doesn’t even take much for him to start begging. he’s a loser like that.
scarily in tune with you. satoru is a lot more emotionally intelligent than he likes to let on around others, but he picks up on a lot of things. both of you are at a function and he can take one look at you and know that it's time to pack it up and go home.
is very sentimental about the things you give him/the things you two do together. before you started dating, satoru wasn't really one to collect tiny trinkets or keep ticket stubs because he thought they were just a waste of space. after you two got together, he started keeping virtually everything in a little box hidden in his closet. he realized that it's nice to give sentimental value to the little things, because then the memories associated with them live on in something physical.
he just... can't keep his hands to himself LOL. and like not even in a sexual manner either (sometimes), he just naturally gravitates towards you and is almost always touching you somehow— hand fiddling with your jewelry or hair, arm around your shoulder when you're sitting, arm around your waist when you're standing, playing footsies, whatever.
this man is painfully in love with you, and he makes it everyone's (mostly nanami's) problem. manages to bring you up in every single conversation with a lovesick grin on his face.
you will rarely ever hear satoru address you by your actual name. it will always be some variation of baby, babe, sweetheart, love, etc. uses snookums, cupcake, sweet cheeks, cinnamon sugar roll, my little sausage mcgriddle <3 on a rotating basis to annoy you
you know those couples that just have this pent up sexual tension between them for no reason? like y’all could just be looking at each other but to everyone else it feels like you two are just eyefucking ​​😭 that’s you and gojo
no matter how long you guys have been together for, that spark between you just doesn't go away. people can see the immense physical attraction between you two.
is somewhat of an exhibitionist LMAO. he literally gets horny at the worst times and will drag you to the nearest supply closet, even if it means breaking the door in the process. who knows, maybe his real kink is vandalism
enjoys when you put up a bit of a fight/act like a brat. it makes putting you in your place so much sweeter.
very vocal— talking, moaning, whimpering. he sounds very pretty. he's extremely receptive to your touch so simply rubbing your hand along the bulge in his jeans has him moaning like a pornstar.
say it with me: satoru gojo is a pussy👏🏻pleaser👏🏻!
really likes going down on you. he thinks he could stay in between your thighs forever if you'd let him.
nasty. will cum inside you and clean it up with his tongue.
oscillates between wanting to overstimulate you and deny you. sometimes he does both. the way you get this hazy look in your eye and become so pliant, so needy for him gets him going.
he gets strangely possessive during sex. maybe it's a way for him to affirm that you really do love him and find him attractive.
"i'm the only one that can fuck you like this, right? make you feel this good?"
is a fan of snacks during aftercare LOL. you could have just had the most wild sex of your life, with the two of you panting as you lie in bed before satoru rolls over and opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out a pack of oreos before shoving one into your mouth
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Some of these aren't even bf headcanons they're just how I think he'd be LMFAO
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besttropeveershowdown · 4 months
The Best Trope Ever Showdown: FINALS
Found Family
Well all know it, we all love it
the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb
Forming a bond with friends or strangers so deeply they become your family!!! Choosing the people you want to support you, to be your backbone, to care for you and be cared for by you in return!
literally the experience! characters may not come from the best past but they grow together and give each other the support that they can't get otherwise. the attachments that form are usually amazing and I guess just. yeah! + platonic/doesn't need romance involved which I guess is a plus for myself???
Because its so cute! It's sweet, and kind, and forgiving, and just asdfghjk its just the best. Without FF we wouldnt have shows like The Owl House so think about that okay?
I mean, come on. A pair or group of people that know little about or nothing about each other become fiercely protective and loving towards the others. They consider each other family through shared experiences and traumas, loving and caring for each other as if they were kin.
Battle Couple
Two people fighting side by side, or back to back, trusting the other to have their back, even while bickering. Amazing. And if they kiss, surrounded by enemies… perfection ❤️❤️❤️
Reformed, but Not Tamed
They're not Evil anymore. But like, they're also not Nice really. Still a jerk about it. (No TVTropes page submitted)
All the coolness of a redeemed villain but without losing the spicy villain jerk charisma they had before. Often called The Vegeta. Get to have your cake and eat it too.
who doesn't love a villain kinda sorta turning good but being annoyed about it the whole time
We all love it when the bad guy joins the Plucky Team of Heroes because it is a) hilarious or b) reaaaaally interesting character dynamics, and "reformed but not tamed" is the superior way to achieve this. You get all the fun of having the bad guy join the team WITHOUT having to sand down everything that MAKES the bad guy interesting. In this house, we like a "domestication" arc more than a "redemption" arc. He's still an awful little shithead, but now he's OUR awful little shithead.
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Can i request hcs with jason,leo, and percy (separately) where they get into the fight and the reader has a panic attack/gets really scared? Ik its kinda specific sorry
They Get In A Fight And Reader Has A Panic Attack
((I unfortunately got hit with the insomnia truck and did an all nighter , So I tried to piece together what little energy I had to get this together! I hope you still like it! 🥲))
TW: Panic Attack, Hyperventilation
Jason Grace
-He was stressed, trying to keep things running in both camps and get the altars set up for all minor gods in both camps wasn’t easy. -”Hey Jason could you-” before you could even finish getting the words out Jason snaps. “Can’t you ask someone else for once!” he yells in frustration but seeing you take a step back in surprise with a look of fear across your face makes him regret every word.
-He felt the guilt hit him like a ton of bricks. ((hehehe)) “Look I’m sorry I…” Before he could finish you start to hyperventilate dropping to the ground. Jason ran to your side in a second.
-”I’m not mad, I’m not. I promise, I’m sorry just… Follow my breathing, ok?” He says gently and takes some deep breaths, helping guide you out of the panic attack. “In… And out…” he says with each breath to make sure you were following along.
-He holds you the entire time gently rubbing your back until you calm down, but the guilt of causing you a panic attack would never leave him…
Leo Valdez
-Leo was a busy man, between his own projects, working on the argo ll, and being the counselor of the Hephaestus cabin he was always busy and always stressed.
-He had been interrupted three times already while he was trying to work on his own personal project, trying to take a break and focus on making something for himself for once. He was just about to start when the door opens *again*...
-”What!?” he snaps in frustration going wide eyed in surprise when he hears a shatter. He could feel his heart sink a bit as you looked at him with worry trying to pick up the shards of a broken plate. “I… I’m sorry.. I… I just wanted to bring you some food…” You choke out, voice quivering slightly.
-Leo quickly goes over, taking your hand to stop you from grabbing the shard. “Careful, don’t touch the shards.” he says anxiously before he lets out a quiet sigh as he felt the guilt eating away at him already. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to scare you.” his voice was just above a whisper as he could feel your hands were shaking. 
-You just hug him tightly, not being able to get any words out as he hugs you tightly in return. He rubs gentle soothing circles onto your back to try and help calm you but he felt his own lip quiver slightly as the guilt was still creeping inside of his mind even after apologizing. 
Percy Jackson
-Percy was trying to get some time alone in his cabin to calm down and take a breather. He was summoned for **ANOTHER** quest. He was getting sick and tired of quests and fighting some monster who had beef with the gods.
-A knock on the door snaps him from his attempt to calm down, making him grind his teeth in frustration. If Lester was standing outside his door again he was going to kill him himself. He storms over and slams open the door. Fully expecting some god here to make his life harder.
-To his surprise there you were jumping in shock since he had slammed the door open. The two of you stare at each other and Percy could see just how tense and nervous you were. He tries to speak but no words come out so you speak up first.
-”I… I just wanted… To check on you.” you admit softly with a sheepish laugh that turns into a little gasp as you start to hyperventilate. You had unfortunate memories with slamming doors so they often caused a panic attack.
-Panic hits Percy too as he quickly leads you inside, sitting you down on the bed. “I… I didn’t mean too… I thought you might be…” he takes a shaky breath and holds you close knowing there was nothing he could really say to excuse his actions right now.
-”I’m sorry.” he admits genuinely. He holds you close trying to help soothe you, resting his head over yours to help ensure you knew he was right there with you.
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sinfulpanda16 · 7 months
Breaking The Ice
Shoto Todoroki x fem reader
A/n: Characters are aged up
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You and Todoroki never argued. There's was never anything to argue about. He loved you and you him. You trusted him and him you. Throughout all those years you two have been together, from being boyfriend and girlfriend in UA to being husband and wife, fights have never been an issue.
Enji Todoroki has always been an issue though. He never approved of you in fact you're sure he hates you. Todoroki says he does not care what he thinks but there are times where it doesn't seem that way. Your huge fight was about that, the disrespect you get.
You both said shit you didn't mean. It sounds so cliché but its true. Anger is a powerful emotion that makes you do and say stupid shit. He called you a pain in the ass for thinking he sides with his father, and you called him weak for not being able to put him in his place. So, with that for the past two days there's been a thick atmosphere when you guys are together.
You guys are married and you work along side him at his agency. You're together 24/7. The tension was always there and neither of you did anything to break it.
Even the number 1 hero, Deku, felt so uneasy when he walked into Shoto's office happily only to be met with an atmosphere thicker than quicksand. Apparently, there's been a villain on the lose for the past few days and there's difficulty tracking him and taking him down. They need both you and your husband to help with the situation. You both agree and thank Midoriya and then go back to doing paperwork.
That night and for the last two its just been eating in silence for dinner, doing your nightly routines alone, and wishing each other a cold "good night" before falling asleep. How long will this last?
The next day, you both go off to work to finish your paperwork and then go out to patrol the city in hopes to capture this villain. There hasn't been any sightings of him for a while and the city has been growing restless for this. You yourself didn't like that this villain still hasn't been caught and is running lose like a dog. You're sure Todoroki also hates the situation as much as you do. You both don't say much to each other, but you've learned to read his face and body language.
Before long the sun begins to fall and the stars start to shine. You and Todoroki are headed back to his agency. You're walking behind him its officially been three days since you both had that nasty fight. You look up at him, his half red half white hair blowing in the wind and his broad shoulders moving back and forth with every step he takes. You miss him, you wish you could just go back in time and prevent this avoidance from ever happening.
You sigh and muster up the courage to tell him how sorry you are but before you could do anything he stops walking causing to you to stop in your tracks. You're confused why did he stop out of nowhere?
"Shoto? Are you ok?" you ask quite worried.
Shoto turns around to look at you. Your (e/c) eyes looking back at his. It's been a while since Shoto has seen them under the moonlight. He turns his full body towards you. "Y/N" he says apologetically.
Out of nowhere there's an explosion behind you. causing the city to cry and scream in fear. You both turn to look at the cause of the explosion. There he is the villain who's been disrupting the lives of the innocent. He's covered in straps full of bombs for weapons and takes a little one off his belt. He laughs manically and throws it a child who's crying in fear. You however, thanks to your speed, were able to get the child out of harms way and get him to his mother. Where they run safe.
That was a child! Oh, now he's in for it! You've always had hatred for those who harm children. You speed off toward the villain and begin to attack him with your strength. Todoroki caught on and also began sending ice attacks to the villain. You and your husband have always made a great team, you distract the enemy (sometimes land a few good hits) while he burns them up or freezes them or does both even.
You guys had things under control but the suddenly he disappears. An invisibility quirk! That's why he's been so damn hard to track! Now you break in a sweat. Invisible people have always been difficult to fight against they can easily attack out of nowhere. You stay alert and sure enough the villain sends a punch your way from behind, but you were fast enough to block it with a force field. However, the pressure from his punch sends you flying back and causes you to hit one of Todoroki's ice walls. You land on your back hard resulting in a crater being made in the ice and you falling unconscious. Your vision becomes blurry, and you fall down to the ground.
The villain groans "Stupid bitch." to your unconscious body and walks away.
Todoroki saw the whole thing happen with wide eyes. You laying down hurt brought flashbacks of his mother laying on the ground after his father hurt her. His damn father. He looked at the villain who's back was facing him. The villain had the same built as his father. Then he looks back at you. He hurt you and now he is furious!
"Hey!" Todoroki says clearly adding anger to his tone. The villain turns to look back at him with blue eyes. The blue eyes that are the exact same as his father. A flashback of Enji Todoroki disrespecting you came back to Todoroki. That bastard!
"NO ONE!" he yells and sets fire on the villain's right arms causing the bombs to blow up, making the villain scream in agony.
Todoroki's teeth are gritted hard. "DISREPECTS!" he yells setting the villains other arm on fire causing the bombs on that arm to go off.
The villain is about to run away but Todoroki wastes no fucking time. With one final breath he yells at the top of his lungs "MY WIFE!!" and with that he sets the villains whole body on fire causing to bombs to explode on him.
There is smoke everywhere, the villain is still standing in it but not for long when Todoroki appears with his Ice and freezes the damn villain. The fucking villain that has hurt so many innocent people including his wife.
Then it's over.
You open your eyes and see that Todoroki has handled the situation. You sit up with a hurt head. The scenario in front of you shows just how strong Todoroki is. The whole scene was due to Todoroki defending you and speak of the devil there he is making his way towards you.
"My love! Are you alright?" he asks crouching down to holding you.
You lay you head on his chest "Yes, I'm ok don't worry" you smile. Todoroki smiles back at you before picking you up bridal style to help you get to the paramedics while giving you a kiss to your forehead.
Afterwards, you were able to go home from the hospital and Todoroki has taken good care of you the entire time. He's been treating you like you were royalty or something. Like, it's not that unusual but recently he's been acting like he would die if he didn't treat you like so.
He comes into your shared bedroom with a comb in his hands. He's smiling and sits next to you "I got it, now, turn around my love." You do as your told and he begins brushing your hair gently.
He continues to brush your hair for a while, both of you sitting in comfortable silence before you finally begin to speak. "Shoto, I'm really sorry about how I treated you the other day." you say causing your husband to stop.
You continue "You're not weak. That's not what you are at all and that is proven by how you handled that villain attack." You think about how you passed out during the fight, how maybe Enji Todoroki is probably right, and tears begin to fall. You speak with a shaky voice "Maybe your father-"
No? He repositions you to face him and holds both your hands. He looks in your eyes "Listen to me, I don't care what my old man says or thinks. I love you so much and if he never approves then he can suffer for all I care." He wipes away your tears before continuing to speak "My love, I'm so sorry for calling you a pain in the ass you are far from being that you're my beautiful princess, and I'm also sorry not sticking up for you the way I should've." The scene of you landing on his ice comes back to him. "Believe me when I say I will never let anyone disrespect you ever again. Ok?" You're shedding more tears but Todoroki smiles and wipes those away too. "You deserve the best my love." he say holding your face.
"Thank you." is all you say before you lean into him for a kiss to which he happily returns.
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jhugas · 10 months
‘Im not done with you…’- Park Jimin
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Genre: contains angst, mainly smut
Pairing: Jimin X 8thmember! Afab! Reader
Summary: your argument was stupid and getting hurtful, so you expected a few things from Jimin, but not this…
Word count: ~1,9k
Warnings/tags: oral (f receiving), fingering, penetration (d in v), cum eating (m eats), unprotected sex, 3 diff position including a standing up one- he carries her-(he hellaaaa strong, he can carry anyone), cum stuffing, creampie, reader cums twice, they cum 2gether, some French kiss, make out ofc, big d! Jimin, Reader has a dick bulge in her stomach, reader gets hella tired at the end lol, and also forbidden love/sex ig? by the agence.
You and Jimin were arguing endlessly and it was getting more and more heated. And the worst is, that you’re fighting over nothing.
You started arguing over something stupid, then started mentioning deeper topics and just using each other’s weaknesses against each other. The main reason you started arguing for got lost in the way, and you bring this up.
‘Why did we even start fighting for? You’re just straight insulting me! Can’t you keep a normal conversation? Is it that hard??’ you yell at him, while the two of you are sat on the same couch against the wall.
‘Listen, I don’t understand anything you’re saying. You get mad at literally everything! We literally agree. I agree with you y/n!!!’ he yells back.
‘Oh so you agree now? Well good! I guess we can stop arguing!’
‘No y/n, I ALWAYS agreed with you, you just don’t understand!’
‘Well then, why are we fighting?!’ You say as you get up, looking down on him and confused on why did you start fighting, slowly calming down.
‘Why did w-‘ you began to say, before Jimin got up too, and cut you by smashing his lip against yours.
You don’t really understand why he kissed you all of a sudden, you’ve never kissed before, but indeed, you can’t say there was never something between you two.
You remember that one time, when you were both sitting down in the pool at night, all alone during summer, and you were just talking together about love and how you wished to find it. And it’s just the way he was staring at your lips when you were talking and the way he was looking at you, that installed an oddly comfortable tension.
It’s true, you felt like your body was moving on its own, trying to feel his lips on you, anywhere, but it didn’t happen.
In fact, your agency didn’t let any idol of the same group date each other, and even if you could just have fun without dating, you never talked about it, so he might not feel the same…
But though you always wanted to kiss him, you didn’t know if it was the right thing to do. Working with someone you might fall in love with is… complicated. But Jimin doesn’t care.
His lips are moving along with yours, still a bit shy but getting more and more bold each second. He has his hands on you, one behind your head, and the other one in between your waist and lower back to hold you close to him, in fact, both of your hips are stuck together.
You pull back to breathe and look at him with a worried look.
‘What’s wrong? Are you alright?’ He asked you when he noticed the way you’re looking at him, he needed to feel his lips on yours again as soon as possible.
‘Are you sure this is okay?’ You whisper with your lips almost touching his.
‘You don’t need to think about anything… just relax and enjoy, you have nothing to do…’ he whispers back, before slowly completing your lips with his again, his bottom lip filling the gap in between yours as he gently sucks on your top lip.
His hand lowers to your ass, leaving you time to stop him if you wanted, but you don’t. He notices and doesn’t lose time to grab your thighs, before lifting you up, making your legs wrap around his tiny waist. Then he leaned his head to the side to get a better taste of you, sliding progressively his tongue in to feel you better.
You can’t help but moan in the kiss. His hands sliding in your panties and the way he’s carrying you is too attractive, he’s making you feel so loved and wanted, and makes you all needy simultaneously.
Because of your position, he gets on his knees on the couch, facing the wall, and makes you sit on the top of it in front of him. He stopped kissing your lips and began to leave kisses on your body instead, from your neck, to your cleavage, to your stomach until he reached your lower stomach.
He looks up at you in admiration with his siren eyes, asking permission to take off your shorts and panties to feel your pussy in his mouth. And as soon as you nodded, you lifted your hips to make it easier for him to take off your shorts and panties in one go, something that he successfully did.
You are now legs open, revealing your bare wet pussy right in front of his shining eyes.
Then he started.
He kissed your thighs, slowly and sensually, then got closer to your lips, before pressing his plump lips against your clit and start giving it a few licks with his tongue.
He also teases your hole, licking the edges just enough to tease you and make you want more.
Curses leave your lips as his tongue works on your clit and his hands grab firmly your thighs to keep them open. You, you are grabbing his hair, bringing him closer to you though it’s not possible, and enjoying his moans through your body vibrations.
His tongue is precise and pleases you at the perfect pace, making your orgasm come faster than usual, and getting wetter each move. And Jimin doesn’t mind, he loves the taste of your juices and would love to drown in it, he always fantasized about how good you’d taste.
He keeps sucking on your clit meanwhile his fingers get to your entrance and eagerly push them in, curling them perfectly and immediately finding your sweet spot. Jimin had so much control over his tongue and fingers it was insane, there is no other like him, he’s the only one that can make you feel like this, and he was ready to prove it to you.
Obviously, you felt your orgasm coming closer and closer as you grab his hair harder, the position being complicated for him but he doesn’t mind, all he wants to hear is you screaming his name.
‘Fu- ugh Jimin! I’m gonna cum!’ you say with the energy you have left, shamelessly showing him how good HE makes you feel.
When he hears this, he decides to go faster to make you cum harder, and it happened.
You cum hard all over his fingers, closing your walls around his fingers as he doesn’t stop until you’re totally done, falling from your high.
Curses leave both of your lips as he pulls out his fingers of you, and leave your clit by itself. Jimin can’t help but taste you on his fingers, feeling your sweet juice on his tongue after playing with it.
Meanwhile, you’re still trying to catch your breath against the wall, still sitting on top of the couch.
‘I’m not done with you…’ Jimin tells you, looking deep into your eyes.
You only manage to answer ‘huh?’ In your state, before he carried you again and started kissing you eyes shut closed, shoving his tongue in your mouth.
You let yourself do and as he told you before ‘just relax and enjoy’. He still has your legs around his waist as he holds you high enough to pull down his pants and Calvin Klein boxers, your bare wet pussy against his lower stomach, and you feel his cock hitting your ass.
‘Be careful…’ you tell him, but he’s not listening, he’s busy aligning the tip of his cock with your cunt.
First, he slides it in between your folds to stimulate your sensitive clit and tease your entrance, before pushing his thick cock inside you.
You throw your head back and arch your back as Jimin carries you safely, and started to make you bounce on it.
He’s grabbing your ass firmly, making you jump up and down his dick as it hits your sensitive sweet spot again. You were so sensitive that even when you tried to not move too much to annoy Jimin, you were still squirming while Jimin, in fact, wasn’t struggling at all.
He was 100% stable and wasn’t ready to let go or stop anytime soon.
Wet clapping sounds, your whimpers, and Jimin’s low groans and moans became louder and louder, still clapping his balls against your ass as his cock pounds into you.
Then suddenly, Jimin decided to switch position, so he pulled out, for one reason; he wanted to see his cock disappear in your cunt.
He heads to the kitchen and lays your back against the kitchen table, as your ass is at the same height as his hips, making it easy for him to slide in and out of you.
You rest a little bit before he slowly pushes his tip in you, observing how his big and thick cock disappeared in your little hole. And once he was all the way in, he could see a bulge in your lower stomach, your lips grabbing his cock as he pulled back. Your sensibility is now more than enjoyable, and you get more pleasure with each thrust.
‘Take off your shirt baby… I wanna see you all naked for me…’ he says, excited at the idea of seeing your titties jump.
‘Do it for me-‘ you answered, too tired to even think straight.
At your words, Jimin doesn’t lose any time and takes off his hands of your hips to take off your shirt, then waiting for you to arch to unclip your bra, finally being able to see your body entirely naked for the first time. You looked more than ethereal, seeing you all open for him and so vulnerable made him feel so trusted.
He can feel your walls clench around him, and also his high coming fast.
‘I’m gonna cu- cum soon.’ Jimin warns you.
‘Cum in me, I wanna cum with you…’ you answer breathlessly.
Jimin is happy at the green light, he’ll be cumming in you and watching his thick semen get out of your cunt too.
He keeps on pounding into you, watching your boobs jump in circles and making you feel every single inch of his thick and big cock he was so proud of. You already felt it when you were secretly grinding on each other years ago, too scared to do more, but feeling it inside you was much different.
‘Fu- I’m cumming!’ He screams, as he pushes his dick deeply into you to cum the further possible. He paints your walls in white and you feel his warm cum resting in you. Then you came next, your juice drowning Jimin’s cock that was still in you, whispering to himself ‘so tight’.
Your body started shaking as Jimin made sure you didn’t hit your head on the table.
Then finally, the two of you calmed down. Not moving as both of your juices mix together in your spot, until he pulled out slowly, making you feel so empty all of a sudden.
He watched his cum get out of your cunt and slide down to your asshole, but Jimin wanted to stuff you more. As you were relaxing laying down, he used his tip to gather his white cum and shove it in your cunt again repeatedly.
‘What just happened?’ You ask Jimin.
‘I said don’t worry love, let’s take a shower now. Had fun?’ He whispers.
‘Yes…’ you whisper back, before Jimin carried you to the toilet then to the shower, helping you feel better and cuddling you a lot.
Let’s say this was an apology for every mean things you told each others.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs, comments and likes are extremely nice and helpful. Thank you!
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mystra-midnight · 8 months
Two Tickets to Paradise
summary: you'd fought and given up, then started fighting again. the lighthouse, which had started as a paradise, was turning into hell, and it was breaking you—slowly tearing away your sanity.
warnings: 18+ only. on the darker side. mentions of alcohol consumption. rough sex. dacryphilia. hints of emotional distress. hints of angst and/or mental anguish.
words: here.
notes: honestly wrote this so surprisingly quickly. murphy's always been one of my favs from the show - the arrogance, the vulnerability, the character development? jesus it just does thinks for me. (i don't think i'd ever say no if you send in thots and imagines for him)
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The moment the lighthouse door slammed shut, you should have panicked, but you hadn't been able to find it in yourself to be afraid or even upset. After surviving a trek through a seemingly endless desert, then a boat ride across a seemingly endless ocean, a serpent attack, and a night out in the cold with an injured and angry delinquent, the lighthouse was a welcomed surprise—a perfect paradise.
Not even John—fucking—Murphy, with his toxic tongue and perfect eyes, could ruin your good mood. The two of you had never been particularly close, but you got along well enough that the shared space wasn't uncomfortable. For the first few days, you gave each other space, choosing to sit on opposite sides of the room and occupy yourselves.
Occasionally, the two of you would watch and rewatch the videotape that explained what caused the apocalypse on Earth. On the tenth day, you both drank yourselves stupid and spent hours sharing secrets, thoughts, and theories. You discovered you both had a mutual distrust of the adults who'd arrived on Earth and taken over as though they hadn't sent one hundred kids to their deaths until eventually passing out.
That became your routine for the next forty-five days. Or maybe it was fifty-four. You didn't know.
You tried to keep count, but the days had started to run together, turning into a blur of drunken moments that hurt to think about. You had screamed and cried. You had clawed at the doors until your nails bled. You'd fought and given up, then started fighting again. The lighthouse, which had started as a paradise, was turning into hell, and it was breaking you—slowly tearing away your sanity.
Murphy was in a similar predicament. Some days he screamed and raged around the room, breaking what he could. Other days, he sat completely still and stared ahead as though he no longer inhabited his own body. Eventually, you turned to each other for comfort and escape. That was how you'd found yourself bent over the arm of the sofa, his cock buried deep in your slick walls.
Murphy was wild and untamed, lost in a frenzy of emotions. His hand was fisted in your hair, pulling hard as he pounded you. The sound of his pelvis hitting your ass was obscene and loud, as were the moans and gasps forced from your lips. He was rough—rougher than you liked, but you still couldn't find it in yourself to care.
The pain and pleasure blended so beautifully together that it left you speechless and dazzled, only able to moan each time he pushed into the satin clutch of your cunt. Before this moment, you'd felt hopeless, utterly so, and at the end of your rope, your sanity had been stretched so thin and buried so deep in your being that you never thought you'd find it again.
Murphy found it.
And now the pain was starting to feel so good. It made you forget about the emptiness that had been eating away at you—the hopelessness, the desperation. You needed him. You needed him to stop your thoughts from racing and to fuck everything from your mind until all that remained was him, his cock, and the pleasure searing in your veins.
He happily obliged as he needed the distraction as much as you did.
Both of you needed to feel something—anything—instead of that all-consuming disparity. Luckily, the familiar warmth of orgasm was starting to course through your veins, leaving your skin sweat-slicked and your voice ragged as Murphy adjusted his angle, somehow driving his cock deeper into your sweet cunt, the tip of his cock hitting that spot that sent you suddenly careening.
“Murphy!” You sounded panicked, like you were breaking, and perhaps you were. He did it again, feeling your walls tighten around him. He was dripping with your slick; the wiry hair at the base of his shaft matted; your own equally as messy from where he pulled and yanked it. He was in a frenzy, chasing the climax snaking through his veins, relishing in the feeling of it coiling tighter and tighter in the pit of his stomach until he could hardly breathe, until all he felt was flames licking at his skin.
He was going to break you—maybe kill you—but you didn’t care because the same feelings were consuming you. It was glorious and all-consuming. You started to shake. Your thighs trembled so violently that only the arm of the couch kept you from collapsing.
He didn't notice—or maybe he did and he didn't care; either way, it didn't matter; you didn't mind.
He could use you; you'd let him. He could break you; you'd thank him.
But the moment his cock slipped from your slick walls, you couldn't forgive him. Tears stung in your eyes as you sobbed, the sound welling up from your chest only to be drowned under the sounds of his grunts and groans. Murphy snapped his hips forward, seemingly spurred onward by the tears that rolled down your cheeks in rivers, his pelvis meeting the reddened skin of your ass with a sinful slap, slap, slap.
The moment you needed and wanted with every beat of your heart faded away, your orgasm sleeping through your fingers like waters as you felt thick, ivory rops of come hit your lower back. Murphy tugged hard at your hair, sending pain blossoming through your scalp as he shadowed over you, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
You wanted to be angry. You wanted to fight and rage, as you'd done many times already. But the feel of his other hand moving between your legs, his fingers gathering your slick and bringing it to your own lips to taste, melted such thoughts from your brain.
"Not yet," he hissed, pushing two fingers into your mouth, the taste of your own arousal spreading over your tongue. "Not until you're begging."
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nico-the-newt · 7 months
Dating Blaise Zabini would include...
Your first interaction being him asking you to the Yule Ball in fourth year
And at first you’re just kinda like “huh?” because you had never spoken to this kid in the four years you had been at school
But you somehow find yourself agreeing to go anyway
So you go to Hogsmeade with your friends and buy dress robes and a stupid pair of heels that you could barely walk in
The day of the ball you were shitting bricks and just wondering if you should pretend to be sick and then avoid Blaise for the rest of your schooling
And your friends are just like “fuck that - you are going to the ball and you will have fun”
And to your surprise - you did have fun
It was kinda weird at first, as the only other time you two had spoken was when he had asked you to the ball
But then you started actually having a conversation and it was as if something had clicked
(He had also sat out on the dancing with you when you twisted your ankle in the stupid heels, even though lots of people were inviting him to dance and he obviously itching to go)
It was a lovely night overall and you even shared a peck on the cheek at the end of the night but you didn’t show much interest in each other after that and basically went back to being strangers
That was until the following year when you joined the quidditch team and started reconnecting with him through that
So after a few months of chatting, flirting and training together he asked you on a date and you accepted
And the rest was history
You don’t really get along with each others friends
Your friends think he’s a bit of an arrogant dick and while you don’t deny that, you know how sweet he truly is when its only you two
And his friends are all the popular Slytherin kids so naturally they dislike you
Date nights on Saturdays which ranges from eating dinner on the astronomy tower to getting drunk and seeing how long you could play exploding snap in the library before getting kicked out (high score was half an hour)
Him not being a big PDA person
Not big on cuddles either but will still enjoy constantly touching and holding you (eg. Letting you lean into him or rest your head in his lap, holding your hand, running his fingers through you hair etc.)
Sneaking around for alone time
Its not as if you two don’t have anywhere to be horny idiots you both just get a thrill out of sneaking about
His mother inviting your family over for Christmas during your sixth year and you’re both nervous as fuck
Your parents being a bit iffy about your boyfriend and his mum purely because of the rumours about Mrs Zabini and her many husbands
Only Mrs Zabini is the loveliest person you’ve ever met in spite of her possibly being a murderer
Having a lot of arguments during the beginnings of your relationship because Blaise is bad at addressing his emotions and you’re too good at addressing yours which often ends up in a lot of miscommunications
Encouraging him to open up a bit more which leads to a bit more arguing
As you date for longer you both learn how to read each other a little easier which leads to less arguing
Breaking up during seventh year when you join DA
You both spend the year feeling even more depressed than you already were
Finding him after the fire in the room of requirement
Making up straight away and fighting side by side for the rest of the battle because you both realise that life is too short to not be with each other
And you also both know that theres a high chance of one of you dying
Vowing to never leave each other again after Voldemort is defeated
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