#they sleep in and get some nice rest they make a yummy breakfast then they spent they day doing nice stuff
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tkbrokkoli · 3 months ago
i thought arthur finally got a rly good night's sleep but turns out this was just the beginning of a nightmare full of The Horrors
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cloudyskydreams · 5 months ago
Scent drabbles! UT,UF,US
Sans smells like pine and rain
You groan as you lazily smack at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Sweet silence fills the room once you finally manage to hit the snooze button and you consider getting up, for a very brief moment you really did think about it but your skeletal mate clinging on to you destroyed any thoughts of getting up and starting the morning early. You snuggle into him and inhale deeply, his scent has always been so calming. The smell of a rainy day trampling exploring a pine forest filled your senses and you sigh happily.
"heh did you just sniff me?" His voice makes you jump a little and blush in embarrassment.
He looks up at you with a brow bone raised and squinted sockets."Uhm... No?" your voice is a tad meek.
"don't worry I'm not scent out of shape about it." He chuckles and you shake your head at his pun. He pulls you back into him burying your face into the tank top he sleeps in. "it's too early to be up." He whines and you sigh snuggling into him and enjoying the comforting smell pulling you back into sleep.
Papyrus: smells like citrus and clean laundry
You and Papyrus are in the kitchen together eating breakfast. He lovingly made you both pancakes and you happily dug in when the decent sized stack was set in front of you. There was some for his brother of course but he wasn't going to be awake for a few more hours the lazybones he is. Papyrus worked on the daily crossword puzzle in the newspaper while you munched on pancakes occasionally asking you for advice.
"EIGHT LETTERS, UNWAKBLE STATE" you think about it as you chew.
"Maybe ... Comatose?" He checks it with the spaces and other answers he already has and nods.
"THANK YOU SWEET PEA." You smile at the nickname and stand up to set your plate in the sink.
After you're done you creep up behind him and lean over his shoulder resting yourself against his back as you peer at the crossword. He Nyehs and leans his head against yours. You smooch his cheek and sigh contently before nuzzling into the side of his neck vertebrae gently. He smells wonderful like a productive day inside cleaning laundry and munching on freshly peeled oranges.
"Papyrus darling you smell so yummy I could just eat you up" he blushes at your words and you chuckle noticing that the citrus stands out more when he's flustered.
"(Y/N)...DONT DISTRACT ME FROM THE DAILY PUZZLE I MUST KEEP MY MIND SHARP!" You know he doesn't mean that from the way he's pressing himself against you but you chuckle anyways.
"Sorry clementine, I'll let you focus." You smooch his cheek again and he leans into the touch. Heading away from the kitchen to leave him be you decide for once you're actually motivated to get some laundry done.
Red smells like campfire and apple pie
Fellby had called you complaining of the drunken red stating he didn't want his brother to come pick him up and to call you. You sigh and tell Fellby you're on the way. You grumble to yourself the entire way out of your apartment complex and to the bar. Once you make it to the bar you search around and spot Red perched on a barstool dozing off as Fellby stands close to him behind the counter crackling with his fire looking a little brighter than normal.
"Hey fell, m here for him don't worry" you say as you help Red off the bar stool he clings on to you and Fellby does the equivalent of an eye roll before walking off to serve patrons.
"heyy sweetheart, nice ta see ya" he slurs and you sigh bracing his body with yours as you help him stumble to the door.
"Jesus Red the suns not even down yet... Did you and Edge have another fight or something?" Red mumbles something stopping in his tracks.
"i said i love my brother." Guess you hit the nail on the spot.
"Never said you didn't bud... Have you been seeing your therapist?" You get him walking again and he groans as you pry into his personal life.
"yeh e'ry two or so weeks" he huffs and you nod satisfied.You gaze at the stars for a bit as you help Ref stumble back to the apartments and help him into the elevator.
"Your place or mine?" He looks at you confused. "If you got into a fight it wouldn't be the best look to come home in this state..might set him off again?" You prompt and he nods looking a bit taken aback.
"guess yours then doll thanks for offering." His voice is gruff and there's a slight red hue to his face you brush off as the influence of alcohol.
"It's not problem babe I'm used to babysitting you " you chuckle and lead him to your apartment. He stumbles and collapses on the couch and you go and get him and cup of water from the kitchen.As your setting it on the coffee table he gives you a soft look and you pause to stare at him. You awkwardly look at eachother before he inhales sharply and looks to the side.
"keep me company?" You melt at his request and sit on the floor next to the couch.
"Wanna talk about it?" You prompt and he steels his face slightly, you take that as a no."That's okay... You should sleep this off."He nods in agreement and lays his head back after receiving a small smooch from you,you're sitting pretty close and you can smell his scent coming off of him it's like a fall night eating apple pie with friends around a campfire. You tell him about your day gently as he drifts out into drunken slumber and when you're done you stand up and stretch. These brothers and their emotional constipation, they have to get over it someday. You head to the kitchen intent on using the fresh apples you have to make a pie.
Edge smells like gasoline and cherries
You had ran into Edge in the hallway and had both gotten on the elevator at the same time. Unfortunately for you the elevator decided now would be the perfect moment to break down mid descent and leave you standing awkwardly across from the tall pointy skeleton who's looking more and more stressed with each second.You notice his breath is labored and wonder why he even needs to breathe before noticing he's sweating slightly.
"Hey.. you okay edge?" He looks at you and glares
"I-IM PERFECTLT FINE ITS JUST A LITTLE CRAMPED IN HERE PRINCESS/PRINCE." You would think he would know better than to lie to you at this point. He's obviously in the early stages of panic.
"Hey it's okay we won't be stuck for long... They're probably working on fixing it already" you press the emergency button on the elevator just in case. You sit in tense silence with Edge for a bit more before actually sitting on the floor, after a few moments Edge follows suit. You smile at him and gently start humming hoping to calm his nerves. He looks at you gently blushing slightly and listening to you hum as his breathing calms. The scent of gasoline dissipates the more you hum leaving the sweet after scent of cherries hanging around and after awhile the elevator springs back to life. Edge scrambles up and away from you to the furthest corner of the elevator and clears his throat.
"THANK YOU... TELL NO ONE YOU SAW THAT." his voice holds a threat to it but you just smile at him and his flushed cheeks.
"Have a good day edge." You hum as you exit the elevator after kissing his cheek now intent on going to the store. You have a craving for cherries now.
Stretch smells like honeysuckle and honey
You sigh as you stretch out further on the couch. Today was lazy Sunday and you decided to spend the day with Stretch and Blue. Blue tried to join in on the tradition but couldn't sit still long enough and left to go about his day. Stretch however matched your laziness twofold so here you two were lazed out in his living room watching some nature documentary on bees.
"hey honey, what do bee's chew?" You think about it for a second before shrugging.
"bumble gum" he chuckles and you roll your eyes that was awful."
what's a bees favorite sport?" You groan hoping this isn't going to be a rest of the day thing.
"I don't know honey bun what?" You coo and he flushes a bit at the nickname but smiles as he sits up in his arm chair.
"Fris-bee." You chuckle at that one and he beams at you proud to have made you laugh.
"Okay Mr comedian no more" you say and he throws up and a okay sign standing up and gesturing for you to move your feet. You do and he sits down so you spread your feet back over his lap and he sets a hand on your calf rubbing it lightly. You guys enjoy each other's company and eventually you fall asleep to the monotone voice of the speaker on the documentary.
When you wake up you're cuddled to Stretches chest and he's asleep a little bit of orange drool leaking from his mouth. You giggle at the sight.He smells floral sweet like summer honeysuckle and the regular honey he likes to drink, it reminds you of your childhood and summer days. You nuzzle into him and he pulls you into his hoodie clad ribcage. You drift off back to sleep as you cuddle the clingy skeleton
Blue smells like mint and snow (stole this one couldn't think of anything lol)
Blue and you bustle around the kitchen as you cook together.
"NOT TOO MUCH SUGAR ANGEL WE DONT WANT IT TO BE TOO LUMPY." Blue reprimands and you halt on pouring in the sugar as he mixes the cookie dough.
It's winter time and you're making sugar cookies to ice and give out to neighbors. Blue and Papyrus had plenty of stuff planned for the winter season and you were invited to join in on them.
"Alright now we let the dough chill for a bit," you hum and set the dough in the fridge. Blue nods and starts to wash up as you head over and wait for your turn. You wash your hands and head to the living room with Blue.
"IM GOING TO TURN ON THE NAPSTATON GYFTMAS SPECIAL! ITS A CLASSIC THIS TIME OF YEAR!" He calls out and you nod. You can't decide if you like Mettaton or Napstaton more but you don't really watch them without the boys so it doesn't really matter in the long run.
Blue bounces over to the couch and gets comfortable as he turns on the special he's talking about. He looks at you for a second and there's a sparkle in his eyes a he gives you puppy dog eyes.
You chuckle and nod sitting in between his legs to which he immediately shoves a bony hand in your hair. You lean back into the sensation and let him work out knots and braid and unbraid as you watch the musical drama in front of you.
Blue seems content to simply play with your hair and as you lean back you catch a whiff of his scent.
He smells like freshly fallen snow and peppermint a nice combination and perfect for these winter days. You find comfort in the scent and sensation of having your hair played with and subconsciously lean into Blues touch as he starts to massage your scalp.
Once the shows over you two hope back up and start on rolling out the dough and shaping it. It's a fun time and you and Blue take turns picking out different cookie cutters. You can't wait for more winter days like this to come.
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xoxoavenger · 1 year ago
The Holiday Party
summary: Unexpected developments go down at the Party's holiday party.
word count: 1699
warnings: none
previous part next part series masterlist
12 Days of Christmas main masterlist
The holiday party was going much better than Y/N expected.
After Steve had effectively moved in with Y/N, having only had to sneak back in once to grab the rest of his clothes and his few sentimental items, the two had found a sort of routine. Y/N would wake up and make breakfast, getting James ready and beginning some chores. Steve would go to work, coming back in the afternoon to take care of James while Y/N went to work. She's bring dinner home from the diner, and they'd both put James to bed as if they were a domestic family and she hadn't met Steve just a couple months ago.
Steve uses the top sheet to sleep on the couch, folding them every morning and keeping them in the corner of the living room. When he's left alone with James, his favorite thing to do is tell James stories. Very watered-downed versions of what happened in the Upside Down ("Robin and I worked at at an ice cream shop. I know, ice cream is yummy. And underneath the ice cream shop was an evil lair, which is just a fancy word for bad people's homes.") and even about movies. He had read in one of Y/N's parenting books that he had looked at while James napped that it was important to talk as much as possible around babies so they could learn a lot of different words. And he thinks Y/N may have noticed when she complained about the neighbors littering, saying they were"bad people" and James screamed "layin!" She had looked at Steve with squinted eyes. All he could do was laugh.
"How's living with dingus?" Robin asks, walking up to Y/N. They're at Nancy's house, since the kids were also there, and her parents had agreed to take Holly away for the night so they could have a big sleepover. They had promised the kids wouldn't drink, but Y/N was two margaritas in and comfortable enough to only keep one eye on James as he played in the living room with Lucas and Elle.
"It's actually much easier than living alone." She admits, looking over the table of drinks.
"Really?" Robin sounded so genuinely shocked it made Y/N look up.
"Yes? She answers, turning to face her friend. "Why wouldn't it be? We have two sets of income, two pairs of hands to help with James." She leaves out the part where it feels nice to have someone care for her and her son. "And it doesn't hurt to have a man in the house in my neighborhood." She adds quietly, almost ashamed to admit it. Before Steve moved in, she had been so terrified some nights of a break in that she would barely sleep, getting up to check every lock multiple times. Now, she didn't worry as much, knowing that Steve could protect her and James.
"Sounds more like you're married." Robin said offhandedly, and if Y/N was drinking something she would have choked. Instead she just scoffed, trying to school her face as her cheeks heated.
"The society we live in, hey?" Y/N mutters, turning back toward the drinks. She decides on some eggnog that she had seen the kids drink, ladling it into her cup. She brings it to her lips and tries it, noting a unique - but not bad - taste. She's never tried eggnog before, but she likes it.
"You're tellin' me." Robin ladles herself some eggnog, taking a large gulp as they turn to take in the rest of the party. Y/N sees Steve arguing with Dustin in the corner and decides to go out on a limb.
"Does Steve ever," Her confidence fades halfway through the sentence, not sure if Robin would tell her best friend about what she was going to ask.
"Talk about you? He never shuts up, actually. Especially now that you live together." Robin answers, and Y/N tries not to think about the fact that she just implied that Steve talked about her before they were even living together.
She thinks that Steve enjoys their living arrangement as well, even though sometimes she can't help but think about the fact that she had took him away from a life of luxury and basically holed him away in a trailer park. The single time she brought this up, Steve shushed her and told her he liked this life better. He had told her that he wouldn't go back even if his parents offered. That was the night that he had come clean about what his parents had done to him, how they had neglected him his whole life and how they were probably gonna move anyway.
"Like the eggnog?" Robin asks as Y/N takes another sip.
"Yeah. I've never had it before, it's good." She brings it to her lips once more.
"I spiked it." Robin says it so nonchalantly that this time Y/N does choke on her drink, putting it down on the counter as she struggles to breathe.
"That's good." Y/N nods, wiping her mouth. She's glad she brought James' overnight bag, because there's no way she's leaving now. He screams just then, as if her thinking of him somehow made him aware that he had not seen her in an hour.
"I don't know how you dod it." Robin mutters as Y/N rushes over to her baby, who is crying like he's been hurt. It scares her, because usually when he cries like this he has been hurt, but when she gets there it seems, he's most likely tired. She looks over his body while he cries, his little fists holding tight to her shirt.
"I can put him to sleep if you wanna keep talking to Robin." Steve offers, but Y/N shakes her head as she stands with James in her arms. She stumbles, not enough to actually fall, but Steve still grabs her. "Or maybe we should all just go home." She's just going to pretend that him saying that didn't make her want to melt into a puddle on the ground.
"Robin spiked the eggnog." Y/N mutters as they walk away. Steve's eyes widen.
"Henderson!" He yells, scaring James. Dustin chugs the rest of his drink before Steve can yell at him more, but James' cries pull Steve away from the teen and back to Y/N and her son.
"I feel bad you're always leaving your friends to help with James." She admits as she goes to the extra room that everyone had agreed could be theirs. Y/N and Steve hadn't slept in the same bed yet, and she's not sure if Steve's going to leave before they go to bed or if he'd be willing to share a bed. She thinks Steve likes her in the way she likes him, but she has a kid and she's sure that Steve could do better.
"I like helping." He says, putting the pack-n-play they had brought up. James was very fussy tonight however, and the second Y/N put him down he screamed. He usually wasn't this angry about going to bed, so Y/N checked his diaper.
"Maybe he doesn't like being in a new place?" Steve suggests when Y/N leans back against the headboard, James in her arms. He's quieter now, sniffling as he squirms in an effort to stay awake.
"He went to bed so easily at Eddie's a couple months ago." She says, breathing deeply when Steve got up and turned the light off. "He's gonna be awhile if you wanna go back out there." She says quietly, turning her face to see him when he gets on the bed next to her.
"How many time do I have to tell you we're in this together?" He asks, and she's glad he can't see her face in the dark. She puts James between them and lays down, letting James grab onto his own feet and play with them. He'll eventually tire himself out.
"I just don't understand." She's barely speaking, trying to keep the noise down so James goes to sleep soon.
"What's not to understand?" He puts a hand on James' belly to rub it and calm him down.
"I'm not a normal girl. I'm not going to be able to give you what you want. I was barely able to live in the trailer park before you came and helped. I have a baby, and he's never going away." She wasn't sure why she was explaining this as if Steve didn't know, but she couldn't help herself. It was quiet for a minute, the two of them just barely able to look at each other in the darkness.
"I hope not." Steve finally says, scooting closer to her. She scoots close to him, sandwiching James in the middle. "I don't want a normal girl. I don't want you any way that you aren't. I don't like you in spite of you being a mother, I like you because you're a mother. An amazing one." Y/N moves to hide her tears, not wanting to admit that Steve's words have hit her in a place she's never felt before.
Steve, unfortunately, doesn't understand this.
"Shit, was that too much? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He's leaning up, which makes James roll slightly to him. "I'm so sorry, I only-" He doesn't get to finish his sentence because Y/N has pushed herself up, careful of James, before pressing her lips to his. He's shocked for a second, but he quickly puts a hand on her face to angle her into a deeper kiss. She gets into it, forgetting that her baby is right in between them until he screams. Y/N chuckles as she pulls back, laying back down as James giggles before yawning.
"You're tired, love." Y/N tells him, and he scrunches his nose.
"That make two of us." Steve yawns, settling back into the pillows.
"Yeah," Y/N agrees, laying her head down. She's just resting her eyes while James falls asleep, then she'll go out and party with her friends. She's just resting her eyes because James had been up all night teething.
She's just resting her eyes for awhile, and then her and Steve will talk about what that was. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @mcueveryday @xxhellfirebunnyxxxx @parkershoco @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @peculiarwren @freezaz123 @mads-weasley @johnricharddeacy @sweetdreamsshifter @param8re @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @fangisms @alicetweven @damon-loves-pie @gaysludge @l0v3e1i  @luvrsbian  @zulpix-blog @scarletwitchwhore @taylortheyellowlobster  @ash5monster01 @nix-rose @loving-and-dreaming
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intimidating-fettuccine · 1 year ago
could you write a soft scenario of poly lj and jason please?
just a quiet morning at the mansion where the 3 of them wake up and have breakfast together (with Y/N preparing their favorite meals)
I had to do HCs instead of a scenario, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. I really enjoyed this request :)
It's one of those rare mornings where the three of you are able to sleep in, where none of you have any obligations for the day and you're free to rest and relax as much as you'd like. They often wake up before you as they don't technically need sleep, and so they rest beside you in a dormant state, waiting for you to finally wake up, waiting for your arms to wrap around them, for you to snuggle up to them and for the three of you to embrace and cuddle up. It's everyone's favorite way to wake up, and delightfully saccharine kisses will be shared as the three of you procrastinate leaving the warmth of bed, content to just rest and enjoy each other's company. 
Everyone else in the mansion is hustling and bustling about, and so you all take your time to have a likelier chance to have the kitchen to yourselves, and luckily this morning you do. You all make your way there, dressed in the fancy matching robes Jason made for all of you. Jason will take his place at one of the kitchen islands, Jack will pour the three of you some orange juice, and you will set up shop at the counter to start prepping some pancake batter, as it has become a tradition to have some nice, fluffy pancakes on days like today. The two of them will sit at the island, having idle chitchat with you as you prep breakfast and begin to cook it, with you standing across from them and leaning over the kitchen island to exchange some smooches when you get the chance. When the pancakes are almost done, Jason always preps toppings, ranging from different fruits to whipped cream, and chocolate, strawberry, or maple syrups. 
The three of you will sit at the kitchen island in peace together, shoulder to shoulder as you indulge in the yummy pancakes together, customizing them all as you go. Jack often likes to brighten up the morning with some jokes, and Jason prefers to start off his days with different gossip and drama he's found floating around lately, and you're content to rest between them and comment on the different topics they bring up. Some mornings, like this one, Jason likes turning on some calming, relaxing jazz for all of you to listen to, taking breaks in your conversation for the delightful ambiance of the music to wash over you. You're in no rush to eat or clean up, taking your time and relaxing in the comfort of each other's company. 
Sometimes Jack might make you all some hot coco after breakfast if you and Jason are craving it, and you'll all retreat back to Jason's room to freshen up and get dressed for the day, whether in usual clothes or pajamas more suited for lounging about the mansion, and you'll curl up on his large sofa together, hot chocolate in hand as you rest together. These are the best mornings for the three of you, where there are no plans or expectations, where you all go with the flow at a relaxed pace and just take your time together, letting it pass gently and slowly. Maybe you'll go out later, or maybe you'll stay curled up and turn on a movie or a show, or perhaps just lay there in quiet peace. There are no expectations on a day like today, and those are the most wonderful of days the three of you think to yourselves, indulging in some of Jason's sweets and freeing yourselves of any worries. It's rare that days like today happen, and you're grateful for every single one you get. The romantic peaceful nature of resting together like this is treasured by all of you, and you find yourself hoping for time to freeze for just a bit longer as you listen to the two of them get into a silly little disagreement about things that don't even matter, as Jason sighs and Jack laughs, both of them curling around you. Today is a day for love, rest, and care, and you'll all take advantage of that. 
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pahtoosh · 2 years ago
lap, please
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[image ID: the center is a picture of lee bodecker on a dark blue background with white dots representing stars above his head. on the left is an image of a barn and on the right is a photo taken from the inside of a car pointing at a field of grass. /.end ID]
summer celebration masterlist
wc: ~550 words
warnings: i keep trying to write a southern accent and i will not stop
a/n: i don't really like road trips !! don't tell daddy lee though, i will happily go on one with him
pairing: lee bodecker x gn!little!reader
summary: you get pouty on a ride home with lee.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾
You squirmed in your seat, pouting and staring at Lee. This was the longest road trip you had ever been on. 
Your daddy planned the perfect day today. He woke you up early and surprised you with the news of a day trip for just the two of you. He took you to the apple orchard where you picked some fruit and ate apple turnovers for breakfast. Then, it was to the farm where you petted goats and baby chicks. By late afternoon he had taken you to the tulip farm and asked a nice couple to take photos of you on Lee’s film camera. 
Everything was perfect. Until the ride home when some unexpected traffic added another two hours to your commute. You’d had such a wonderful day and you didn’t want to seem ungrateful or make your daddy upset by being bratty. But it was way past your bedtime and all you wanted was to rest your head in Lee’s plush lap and fall asleep with your face against his soft belly. 
You let out another whine. 
“I know, baby. Daddy’s sorry but I can’t drive with ya on my lap. It’s not safe, sweetheart.” He offered you his right hand to hold.
You accepted it gladly, kissing the back of Lee’s hand. 
“How ‘bout we get your mind off a’ this mess, huh? What’d ya like seen’ today?”
“Mmm. I like the goats and the duckies.”
“Yeah? That was pretty funny when of ‘em got distracted by a frog an’ broke the line.”
You giggled. “Yeah, and den all the duckies keep walking and he almost got lost! He have to walked so fast he almost fell down.”
Lee spared a look at you then returned his eyes to the road. “Did ya like them apple pastries from the orchard?”
You nodded. “They was so yummy! The bestest breakfast ever! Can we make them at home, Daddy?”
“Your daddy’s not much of a baker, baby.” He sensed your disappointment and recovered quickly. “Well, I might have a coupla’ my ma’s old recipe cards in a cabinet. There’s gotta be an apple turnover recipe in there somewhere. And we already got the best apples in the state, so just tell Daddy what else ya need from him o’ the store.”
“Yay! Yay! Thank you, Daddy.” 
“Anything’ for you, sweetheart.” Lee was grinning now. He couldn’t see your face because he was focused on the road, but he could feel your happiness radiating from you. 
“You help me make the tarts?”
He squeezed your hand. “Sure will. There’s lots a’ steps I can help ya with. Like cuttin’ up the apples. Little babies like you have no business around sharp tools.”
You hummed in agreement and daydreamed about the pastries you and Lee would make. Now feeling less sad, you looked out the window and yawned. 
“Gettin’ tired over there?”
You shook your head but you were already starting to nod off. 
Lee chuckled when he got a glimpse of you fighting off sleep. “Go on and rest your head on the winda’ baby. I’ll wake ya when we get home.”
You grunted but did as he said. You fell asleep still holding your daddy’s hand with the rumble of the car and his gentle squeezes lulling you to sleep. 
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graveyardlily · 5 months ago
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Hehe, sorry for the absence, everybody! I don't have a very good memory on things days in the past, so I'm gonna be talking about Thursday and today!
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Yesterday was really fun! Sayori came over, and we got sushi! After we ate we went to the Halloween store! I got some super cute bloody tights and some rings for me and my love, Sayori got new press on nails!
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After the Halloween store, I wanted to walk around ragstock, and my mom let us get something! I got a cute maroon top with velvet flowers, and Sayori got new hairbows!
Once we got back to my father's house, we hung out and played omori til it was time for Sayori to leave.
(Happy birthday Reigen Arataka :3)
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Sayori and I went over to Natsuki's house for a sleepover! We had a fun picnic outside, and we hung out on the swings listening to music ( ^ω^ ) Natsuki fell asleep so fast, I was getting pretty sleepy around 1am I'm not sure when Sayori finally went to sleep.. ( ゚ε゚;)
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In the morning, Sayori and I kept falling asleep, we're on school schedule, so our bodies kept waking us up super early.. I eventually got up to hang out with Natsuki and got a little bit of food. The rest of the day, we all hung out playing video games, having snacks, and watching TV. When it was time to leave, Sayori came home with me to watch Mizu5 episodes, We got a bit distracted with making food and watching funny videos on the TV.. (;゚∇゚) When we did end up watching it, I fell asleep super fast..
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Sayori and I lazed around all day. Once we made breakfast, we watched all of Mizu5.. ( ω-、) We quickly had to go back to my father's house because he was hosting a dinner for my grandpa and nanie. We played a few games together after eating, and once we were done with that, Sayori and I went back to my room to play some games! My father got a little drunk that day and kinda kept me up, asking me questions about stuff and telling me about my mother. It's alright, I suppose I probably should've just said he hasn't bothered me because the conversation got pretty boring.. (ー_ー;)
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Today was pretty boring, My father left with my brother to hang with my grandfather. I stayed home and watched anime all day. My nanie requested to go out to eat tonight, so I decided to invite Sayori along! We had a nice time and the food was very yummy! (〃´▽`)
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count-alucard-tepes · 6 months ago
An unexpected date…(Rolon/Lolong Donaire🎖️) Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Rolon had woke up before Y/N as he was used to waking up early to train but this time he didn’t mind sleeping in just a little longer so that he could watch his beloved who was curled into him and sleeping soundly. He ran his fingers through their hair slowly and pressed gently kisses all over their faces.
“…5 more minutes…”, Y/N whispered as they pressed into him further, burying their face into his neck slowly.
“Sleep as long as you like…it’s still very early”, he said gently as he rubbed their back slowly.
He’d sneak out of bed and went to make breakfast for them while he let Y/N sleep in a little more. Soon he’d feel a pair of arms wrap around him and Y/N nuzzling into his back, “…breakfast smells yummy”, Y/N said lazily as Rolon smiled and looked over his shoulder at them.
“…good morning to you too, baby…pancakes are almost ready…take a seat”, he said gently.
Y/N smiled and kissed his shoulder, “…good morning, love and thank you for making breakfast…I shall look forward to this often”, they cooed as they took a seat.
He chuckled and brought their breakfast for them to enjoy, “…oh I don’t mind at all, I’m pretty good at cooking I think…maybe I could cook more traditional meals for you…I’m sure the hotel food isn’t that great”.
“It’s not bad but i definitely do miss home cooking “, Y/N said as they happily tucked into their meal.
“Well if you want to check out and just come stay here…that’s good with me”, Rolon said gently as he began eating.
Y/N looked at him and smirked a little, “You’re so cute, you know that…”, they said gently, “…I have a few more days after my performance then I’ll leave back to my parents for a while…that’s until I move to Tokyo”.
He smiled a little, “…I see, can’t be mad at a guy for trying to keep his partner all to himself”.
Y/N’s eyes softened at that and they quickly went over to hug him and give him some kisses, “…if I could spend all my time with you, I would no matter what, Rolon…you mean a lot to me”.
He rubbed their back slowly and kissed Y/N back lovingly, “…I know, I feel the same…you mean a lot to me too…I’d protect you from the world”.
The couple would spend the day together and before long it was time for the event they both had been preparing for it.
All went smoothly and Rolon had won his match as well Y/N’s performance being a hit with the crowd.
Rolon waited outside Y/N’s dressing room as they changed into their regular clothes before they’d head back to his place. He was lucky he wasn’t beat up much and the doctors patched him up pretty well so that he didn’t scare Y/N too much.
Y/N came out and smiled at him before gently touching his face, “…you okay, love? Sure you’re not tired to drive?”, Y/N asked with concern.
He gently took their hand and kissed it lovingly, “…I’m all good, baby…let’s go home, you got everything you need?”, he asked gently.
Y/N nodded and walked with him, hand in hand to his car.
He’d hand Y/N his phone as he took the driver’s seat and strapped in, “…order some dinner…what do you feel like eating?”, he asked as he began driving towards his home.
Y/N took his phone and looked through the food app, “…sushi and sashimi looks so good right now”, they said with a cute little pout.
“Go ahead then…it will arrive just after we get home anyway”, he said gently.
Y/N nodded and placed their order before placing his phone back in the little cubby in his car, “…I have a few more days until I head back to my parents…it will be nice to relax after just practicing and what not”.
“Yes…it would good to relax and rest after all of that”, he replied gently, looking over at them with a small smile.
“You should do the same, sir…”, Y/N said gently with concern in their eyes. Y/N didn’t want to be negative about how he made his living and what kept his livelihood but it wasn’t easy seeing him fight knowing that there could be a chance that he would lose his life in a blink of an eye.
“I will…I’m already so relaxed when I’m with you”, he said with a smile.
Y/N just smiled in response and laced their fingers with Rolon’s freehand, kissing his bandaged knuckles softly.
When they arrived home, Rolon let them head in first just because he had a little surprise for them with the help of his housekeeper.
“…I’m so hungry I hope our food gets here soon”, Y/N said as they walked through the door, taking off their shoes and heading inside only to stop and gasp at the sight before them.
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Rolon would come in after them and smile, he’d have to thank his housekeeper even more for all of this, he would have never got it this romantic and by the look on Y/N’s face, they loved it!
“It’s so beautiful, Rolon…I love it so much”, Y/N said before hugging him tightly and giving him several kisses.
“I’m glad you do, baby…it’s all just for you”, he said gently before giving Y/N more kisses, his phone would beep as it was their delivery.
He’d go get their food and then came back to Y/N who was already helping themselves to the chocolates and taking in the scents of the roses.
Dinner was filled with laughs, smiles and lots of cuddles and kisses.
Y/N would yawn and cuddled into him, “…let’s go to bed, love…I’m so sleepy”, they said as the eyes rubbed their eye a little.
Rolon smiled a little and nodded, “…go ahead, I’ll be clean up and be right with you”, he said gently as he placed a kiss on their forehead.
Y/N nodded and headed off to shower before getting into bed.
The gladiator cleaned up and then headed off to his bedroom to find his beloved already asleep. He smiled and gently covered them with the covers before going to shower.
He was pretty bruised up from his match that night so he was glad they would see him like this, he knew it hurt them to see him fight and face the consequences of those fights.
Ever since he met them, he thought about more to life than just fighting. It’s not like he needed to for money…he did it because it was fun to him but not anymore. He realized that there was more to life.
The urge to settle down and have a family became more prominent in his mind. He stood under the hot water and got lost in his thoughts for a bit before he would get ready for bed.
He slid in next to his beloved and pulled them close to him, giving them gentle kisses but not trying to wake them, he loved their company so much. He never felt this way about a partner, there was just something about Y/N that made him feel at ease.
“…go to sleep, love”, Y/N whispered with their eyes closed as they cuddled into his chest and got comfortable.
Rolon smiled a little and nibbled their ear a little, “…sleep well, baby”, he whispered before he fell asleep.
The next few days, the couple spent it together before deciding to go to Osaka together. That’s where Y/N lived with their parents and they invited Rolon to meet their parents.
Rolon had to admit, he was nervous to meet them. He never thought at 37 years old, he’d be nervous to meet his partner’s parents, let alone try to impress them.
“My parents are excited to meet you…”, Y/N said as they packed their suitcase and smiled at him. He could see that they were even more excited for him to meet them too, their eyes told him everything he needed to know.
“I’m excited too, baby…I’ll be on best behavior”, Rolon said gently as he helped them with their luggage, he was already done with his as he was already packed.
“Best behavior? Just be you, love…I want them to meet the man I fell in love with”, Y/N said gently.
Rolon couldn’t help but blush a little in response, he knew he felt something special for them but he just didn’t want to say it quite yet or risk the chance scaring them away.
“…I love you, Y/N…”, he said gently as he looked at them with tender eyes.
Y/N smiled and walked over to him before wrapping their around his neck, feeling his arms snake around his waist, “…I love you more, love”.
He moved quickly to kiss them lovingly, “…impossible…I love you more”.
Y/N laughed in response and continued to kiss him.
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eadanga · 1 year ago
A Very Merry Christmas
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Chris slowly opened his eyes and smiles as he sees the snow falling on the ground then he looks around confused What time is it? He grabs his phone then his eyes go wide “Shit!” He throws off the covers and heads downstairs. He sees his wife Sarah playing with their 2 year old daughter Hailey
“What sound do frogs make Hailey”
Sarah laughs “Ribbet not boo”
Sarah laughs harder “You’ll get it eventually” She looks up and sees Chris watching them “Oh you’re finally awake good morning sleeping beauty”
Hailey stands as she walks to him “Dada!”
Chris smiles and picks her up “Hi princess” He kisses her cheek then he sighs “I overslept and forgot didn’t I?”
Sarah stands “That you did but don’t worry it’s all done” She points to the dinner table filled with food
“I’m sorry baby”
“I told you not to spend the night watching those Christmas movies” She playfully smacks him
Chris chuckles a holds up a hand in surrender “Ok ok this is my fault I know” He smiles “But you did a good job baby”
“Yup and just in time too soon all our guest will arrive to celebrate Christmas with us”
“Who’s coming again baby?”
“Well my family and your family”
“That’s it? I expected more people”
Sarah laughs “You’re probably so used to all the college parties we used to have”
Chris chuckles “Guess it still hasn’t worn off”
Hailey fusses “Food!”
Chris smiles “You want to eat cutie? Before everyone else”
Chris chuckles “Ok baby let’s go make you some food”
Sarah smiles as she follow them into the kitchen Chris warms up Hailey’s plate and sits her in her chair “There you go”
Hailey slowly digs her hand into the food then grins “Yummy”
“Yes it’s yummy”
Hailey claps her hands and continues to dig into her food
Chris whispers “I have something for you beautiful”
Sarah blushes “You didn’t have to get me anything Chris”
“But I wanted to” He kisses her cheek “Wait here”
He heads down to the basement then comes back up with a wrapped gift “Here you go”
Sarah smiles as she unwraps the gift and opens the small rectangular box her eyes go wide at the Cuban link necklace “Chris…”
“That’s for you baby”
Sarah grins and throws her arms around him “Chris thank you” She pulls away with tears in her eyes “This is beautiful baby”
“I’m glad you love it here let me help you put in on” Chris takes the necklace out and stands behind her
“Chris this must have been expensive how did you get this?”
Chris smiles as he fastens the necklace “Do you like it?”
“I love it but”
“Then that’s all that matters” He kisses her cheek “It’s looks amazing on you”
Sarah goes to look at herself in the mirror then throws her arms around him “Thank you Chris I love you”
“I love you too baby”
Sarah smiles “I have something for you too” She steps out the room and returns with a small gift
Chris smiles as he takes the package and opens it and looks confused “Babe this is my jersey”
Sarah giggles “Look closer Chris”
Chris looks and his eyes got wide when he sees the signatures on it “No way”
Sarah grins “Yup all the Dallas Cowboys signed it”
Chris’s jaw drops as he looks from her to the jersey then back at her again “How the hell did you?”
“My dad has a friend who works with the team he went to go visit him I had him bring you’re jersey so they can sign it”
Chris quickly puts it on then let’s out a joyful laughter as he picks her up and spins her around
“Chris! Put me down!”
Chris laughs as he sets her down and kisses her deeply he pulls away then rests his forehead “I love you baby thank you so much”
“Anything for you Chris and I love you too”
Chris smiles as he walks over to her “Good girl you ate all your breakfast”
Hailey reaches out with her hands “Up!”
Chris chuckles as he lifts her up out the chair as Sarah takes her plate “You want juice?”
Hailey nods ��Ya”
Sarah smiles as she hands her the juice Chris smiles as her wraps an arm around her waist pulling her closer “You know gifts are nice but this is the best gift right here my two favorite girls”
Sarah smiles “Merry Christmas Chris”
“Merry Christmas my love”
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @darley1101 @jared2612 @choicesgodfanatic
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years ago
Take My Hand P10
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Media 1912
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Abuse + Sweet
Concept Take My Hand Series
Warnings Abuse
|Thomas| I watched y/n go, heading back to her deck. I couldn't help my wide smile finishing my cigarette as I watched the sun get higher and higher into the sky. I threw the end off the side of the ship and headed back to the suite having a shower and getting dressed for today making sure I used alot of aftershave as I'd get a slap if he could smell the smoke on me. 
So I headed out and sat on the deck for breakfast making sure I ate it all, 
"Hungry this morning?" my father asks as he read his book
"yeah, I don't want to waste it." I told him 
"Don't get fat I told your wife you're skinny"
"I won't get fat over four days"
"Where's all this lip coming from?"
"Sorry" I sighed 
"I think you should get down to the gym. get on the electric horse for a bit"
"I'm fine" 
"Don't argue with me."
"...Fine" I sighed "After breakfast" 
"Alright, where are you going to spend the rest of the day then?"
"I don't know I might have a little rest. I didn't sleep well last night,"
"Alright, where did you go last night?"
"for a walk, I couldn't sleep so I needed to clear my head"
"...Okay. Ohh remember we're having dinner at the Café tonight"
"Oh no I'm having dinner at the other restaurant tonight."
"...are you now? with who?"
"some.. friends I met when I popped out last night" 
"I see. Alright just don't run the bill up" He says "and get to the gym" he demanded before he headed into his suite
"yes sir" I nodded, I finished my breakfast taking a couple of the honey buns and I did as he asked and went to the gym even if I didn't do much just enough to make sure I was seen. 
And after I'd been there enough I headed up to the deck watching people go back and forth I made sure I was over the side where the gates of the classes crossed over, I waited for a good while until I saw her again she came up the steps with her journal and she smiled giving me a little wave, so I smiled and waved back as she came over.
"Hi, do you feel better?"
"A lot better yeah, did you get your breakfast?"
"I did, but the marmalade was gone" 
"Ohh, well I got you something" I told her giving her the honeybuns
"Oohhh, I shouldn't"
"I got them for you, here" 
she smiled and happily took them giving one a taste "Ummm that's good bread"
"They're honeybuns" 
"Ohh, yummy" she smiled "This is breakfast for you?"
"Yeah, I figured I'd save them for you."
"That's so sweet" she giggled but she happily handed one back to me so I smiled and we shared the rest 
"You carry that around everywhere?" I asked glancing to her book
"Of course, I like to journal about things especially big experiences" she smiled she showed me her journal she had been keeping all the tickets, the menus from third class, all with her drawings and little descriptions it was all so sweet and beautiful the way she had pasted all these little things in her book, even the smallest things where looked after and written about like they were great works of art and I couldn't help but find joy in how she see's so much beauty in things. 
"I wanted to ask you... there's a few restaurants in first class and if I talk to the staff you can come over for dinner, I'd really like to treat you to a nice dinner as a thank you for last night"
"Absolutely, so? what do you say?"
"That's far too generous."
"Y/n. you saved my life. I'll sort it all out I promise"
"I'd love to"
"I would," she smiled she opened her journal ripping out a page and using her pencil "That's my room number and the deck, what time should I be ready?"
"Ohh uhh five thirty?"
"I'll sort out my best dress and I'll see you then" she smiled "see you later Thomas"
"Yeah see you later y/n." 
she happily headed off and I waved to her unable to stop my smile
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danika-redgrave124 · 2 years ago
@kami-kun1003 @ask-no-sleep-au
Had a Blurb for this one. It's kinda random, but a somewhat wholesome interaction between this verison Silver and Yuu.X
Silver woke up, rubbing his eyes. Was this the first time he slept in awhile? He noticed a male body right next to him covered in hickies and he winced before rubbing his eyes again. He was unfortunately still tired while the body moved slightly then sat up, his long blue hair falling messily to his back, he almost didn't notice the white X's on them. The glitch demon glanced over at him and smirked with an air of naughtiness.
"Ara, Silver, you were so unhinged last night." The demon cooed with lust lacing his words while stretching his body a bit.
"What?!" Came the startled statement from the cursed teenager. There was no way he did something lewd especially not after what happen last night.
"You left so many hickies and made me take it over and over again." Yuu.X snickered at him before pulling his hair back to reveal more hickies.
"I-I-I wouldn't!" He stammered, realizing that he was still in blood red clothing that Yuu.X gave him.
"I know." As the illusion of the hickey covered demon glitched away to his regular appearance. "Did you have a good night's rest? I already taken a shower earlier. We're going out for breakfast." Yuu.X questioned nonchalantly, hopping out of the bed while his hand combed through his blue locks.
"Yes, but am I cured?" Silver questioned the demon who glanced over at him while going through the makeup as if looking for something before heading over to Silver's side of the bed.
"It's stronger than my powers. At most, I could keep you asleep for six hours. Six is better than none." Yuu.X patted his head instinctively while Silver lazily leaned into it. "Come on, let's get you to the shower." He tugged Silver up, dragging the still sleep deprived teenager to the shower.
Two hours later,
Silver rubbed his eyes tiredly as he was dragged by Yuu.X to another store. Silver had to hide the fact that he's been looking for a cure through unconventional mentions. Why were they shopping again?
"Silver, pay attention!" Yuu.X barked out causing the latter to flinch and look up at the demon who had his arms crossed.
"I just ask you what would you like to drink?" Yuu.X questioned him. "I'll get ya a coffee." The demon walked away from their table while Silver pondered their relationship.
On one hand, it was nice to not feel like he's going crazy, but on the other hand, he was hiding this from his dad and the rest of his family. The latter came back with two cups with one being Silver's coffee and another being the demon's hot chocolate.
"The coffee I got you is Cortando and they make killer french toasts. I don't need to see you chugging another cup of Red Eye for breakfast again." Yuu.X sipped their cup of hot chocolate with a smirk. "Mmmh, yummy." Yuu.X sighed contentedly as Silver sipping his coffee with a small smile at the friendly nature that they were sharing in the early morning with little to no customers here.
It was almost like he didn't murder Sebek's family yesterday for some sleep.
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slowroadtosantiago · 2 years ago
Day 7 - Uterga to Estella
Just a 9 mile morning walk today, plus sightseeing around Estella
Pilgrim meals are usually three courses plus a couple of glasses of wine and bread. Last night’s was vegetarian which is really unusual for Spain. We had a walnut and apple salad, a chickpea and mushroom casserole followed by a pot of cinnamon custard and it was all yummy. We met an amazing 80 year old Japanese/American woman who has travelled the world on her own and has a fascinating back story, she needs a post all on her own which I’ll put together.
The church bells stopped overnight and being in such a spacious room we all had a good night’s sleep. We were up just before 7 and on the road by 7:30. It was a bit chilly to start but the sun was out and the sky a really deep blue.
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We made our way to Lorca, about 3 miles away, under canals and motorways. Breakfast at Lorca consisted of a huge glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, a still warm ham and cheese tortilla and a cup of coffee, absolutely lush!
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We carried on with the hills in the distance chatting to Greg from Philadelphia, until we got to Estella. It’s interesting hearing views on the US from an American and he wanted to know our view on the Royal family.
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Our hostel was the very first as you reach the outskirts of Estella, and what a fabulous location right on the river. We had treated ourselves to a private en suite room (breaking the bank at 51 euros), and oh boy what a room. It’s not massive but everything is modern and fresh, with towels, a hair dryer, and sheets on the bed! The bonus is that it backs on to the river.
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We had arrived by 11:30, so had a chill then went looking for a bank to get more cash out. You always need to carry a few hundred with you as many albergues and rural cafes only take cash. We wanted to get some out before the banks closed in case our cards got swallowed up (heard some horror stories). Nevertheless we were both successful, so did a bit of wandering through part of the old town to find something to eat.
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We then got the rest of the ingredients for tomorrow’s picnic lunch, and some blister plasters for me (three small ones so far, all now dealt with, Jane is blister free).
A quick wander around the old part followed where we met Joe from Uterga a couple of night’s ago and had a quick chat.
Back at the hostel it was time to empty our rucksacks and get virtually everything in the wash, Jane lived in a sarong until it was finished! 4 euros for the wash and 3 for the dryer, bargain, and we smell a bit sweeter now!
Our next stop will be Los Arcos, about 13.4 miles away, and after finally finding somewhere to stay, we’ve booked luggage transfer to make sure we don’t struggle. We’ve both got small folding daysacks for our drinks and sarnies.
So we’re now sat in the lounge overlooking the river having had our tea, drinking a glass of wine, listening to some nice music on the radio just having a chill reflecting on our first week.
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Hasta luego!
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bunsante · 2 months ago
What I ate today as a pcos/BED recovery girlie
Along with all the other issues I talked about in my last post lol. I enjoyed writing about my food choices yesterday. I felt like one of those tiktokers who post "what I eat in a day" videos without actually having to film myself all day. I'm proud of myself today, Sunday went really well in terms of choices made and how much I enjoyed them.
Sundays are my rest days from working out, Monday-Saturday I switch every day between cardio and strength training, I'm an early bird so I get up before my gym opens at 5 am, so Sunday is my day I sleep in. I woke up at 8:30, insanely late for me, then stretched like I do every day. I then worked on bagel breakfast sandwiches for my husband and I. I'm super duper picky about my bagels, and for some reason, Dave's Killer Bagels are so so delicious. Can't explain why. Love you Dave! I used their everything bagel, cooked an egg in a pan over easy, sliced some pepper jack cabot cheese (also SERIOUSLY shout out Cabot for making lactose free cheese, I love you Cabot), and decided to try frozen Beyond Meat sausage patty. All together, these ingredients made for a delicious breakfast sandwich, pairing nicely with my usual cup of Lady Grey tea. The Beyond Meat sausage patty seemed good, or at least worked with everything else. Using fake meats doesn't bother me, it's a nice option for when I miss actual meat. Also, every morning I have a 1400 mg omega-3 vitamin, nature valley omega-3 fortified women's multivitamin, and Seed probiotic. So many vitamins and probiotics! All of these were recommended to me by my doctor and my dietician to help support my gut health, my pre-diabetes and pcos symptoms.
My husband and I had decided to try something new and went to an Indian restaurant we hadn't tried before. We had lunch kind of early, around 12:30, and when we arrived we were immediately told they were doing a buffet instead of their normal menu. We were a bit surprised but went with it. I had about a cup of white jasmine rice mixed with aloo gobi masala. It was.....an awkward lunch. We were the only people in the restaurant and our waiter kept on coming up to our table to push extra food on top of the buffet. And despite how yummy my food was, I wasn't actually planning on/in the mood for a huge Indian buffet lunch. We had to tell him multiple times we didn't want any of the extras and he seemed disappointed in how small a meal we had. Overall, good food, uncomfy atmosphere. Oh well! After we went on a hike!
Early afternoon I had my favorite lactose free greek yogurt peanut butter cocoa bowl with blueberries and grain free granola. I had that with another cup of Lady Grey tea. Spent the afternoon relaxing watching Twin Peaks (so good!!).
For dinner I made a shrimp stir fry. Used frozen pre-peeled no tail shrimp, a pack of frozen mixed green vegetables (beans, peas, broccoli, kale) and a home-made stir fry sauce. For the stir fry sauce, I cobbled together a few recipes I found online. It had soy sauce, a little bit of monk fruit sweetener, lemon juice, some corn starch to thicken, some rice vinegar, and garlic. All mixed together it was super yummy! And, as usual, I wanted something sweet to end my meal, so I had a Russel Stover sugar free pecan delight, a surprisingly yummy sugar free candy. I don't constantly indulge in "sugar free" foods but it's nice to find something I like for occasional treat, these are good because they have stevia, a sweetener that also, surprisingly, does not bother me.
All-in-all, it was a really successful weekend. I feel like I struck a great balance between my wants (fun food outings, sweet things), and my needs (low sugar, low simple carb, high protein). The week is a lot more consistent/less unpredictable in terms of food, but I may write about it anyway since it's fun to.
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smalife1234 · 2 months ago
I am so sorry! Everyone this weekly smiles was supposed to be uploaded on Sunday and it's Wednesday! I've been extremely busy these past few days!
But anywho with that said please enjoy the weekly smiles!
What made me smile this week?
Monday, 12/9/24 - today it's December 9th meaning only 16 days until Christmas which is mind-blowing! Today I just stayed home because honestly, I wanted a break I had a fun time at home, and I'm noticing that I'm extra coughy after getting my ventilator yesterday December 8th so far I have been having it for only a day but it pretty cool to know just how long I can keep this ventilator! Today we just relaxed and chilled for a while and got to eat yummy food and it was a good day! Today wasn't anything special it was just simply a chill day! Sorry for the short entry but we did enjoy today and it made me smile!
Tuesday, 12/10/24 - today I got back to school! Fun lol, when arriving at school I found out that I needed to dissect a cow eye it was so disgusting! I about gagged three times and it smelled awful I swear after dissecting the eye I could still smell it even after I left the class, Matthew had washed out the tray and then washed his hands and taken off the apron, it was very disgusting and I would not recommend in second period I had gotten a yummy treat and just ate the breakfast and then we had worked on a worksheet that needed to be done by the end of class, in third period we had watched a video on blood analysis and then worked on notes so it was finally a chill day! And in fourth, we had just worked on some assignments! Then we got home and enjoyed our day and we opened our advent calendar and got a cool Pokemon figurine (honestly I do not know the name since some of them are hard to identify and pronounce lol) but it's only 10 days until Christmas! I am so excited! But today made me smile!
Wednesday, 12/11/24 - today instead of immediately starting on my work in the first period I went down to student services to see if I was testing with Mrs. Barlow but they just told me to go to the main office and then the main office told me to go to Mrs. Barlow office lol so a lot of moving then I had gone down to her office and we talked about the test and several other things it was a pretty interesting talk and I did like getting information on the topic and she said she,ll schedule me sometime next week! And today is my ceremony I am so excited and cannot wait for it! I headed back to the first period and worked on the rest of my online assignment and then I worked on a project that we should be presenting Friday! Then in the second period, we had gotten a review sheet to do and I had done it mostly then in the third we worked on a blood analysis lab and dropped fake blood from several different heights and had to graph it and I suck at graphs! But I got it done and my group was very funny so it wasn't too bad then in Mrs. Churches we had just worked on a few assignments and watched a few videos they were very weird LOL but we enjoyed them. Then when we got home we saw Mom on the couch just sleeping and then I got ready for my ceremony at 6:00Pm. And before leaving we heard that our mom hurt her back! And couldn't go! It was a bummer but I kissed her on the forehead and we headed out! On the way there there was a beautiful sunset! And it was so gorgeous and then there was the pretty moon as well! So my grandpa came to visit as well! Shortly after I sat down and they congratulated people for making the event possible and all the teachers and then they congratulated all the inductees and then we got to go up on stage and get an award! I was so excited and very happy and then we all participated in our speech on the back of our certificate lol it was funny and cool and then we sat down again and just heard the rest of the speeches and then we got yummy cupcakes! Which were so good then we got some free stuff from colleges and then we went home and we had a nice calm night it was an awesome but so tiring day!
Thursday, 12/12/24 - Today I worked more on my project and got it complete then I watched some videos and headed on to second period where we were warned of a test on Friday, and then we did a worksheet and I got it done shortly after int third period we had worked more on our graph and a report of what we had done but apparently my graph was wrong and the most information she gave me was a slap on her face which is the best information possible… then in Mrs churches class we had had a talk with mrs churches parents about marriage and how they're like and how they met they were very nice people and very funny we did enjoy asking them questions and talking to them! Then we we worked on an assignment and continued on home we had a fun time waiting out in the frigid cold LOL and then we went home and enjoyed our day home it was nice and relaxing! And today made me smile
Friday, 12/13/24 - today we had totally overslept and it was 7:30 we went out to the bus stop at 7:40 and Willam and Donny were able to catch the bus but I wasn't so I stayed home I got to just chill and watch several Pokemon videos lol, every December me and my brother get in the mood of watching so many pokemon videos lol, then I had just chilled for a while and had made me some yummy turkey sandwiches which I hadn't had in a while and they were so good! When Dad came home I had to make him 4 turkey sandwiches and then later I had to help him with the inflatables outside which we put up every year! It wasn't too cold out thankfully and it was not that difficult but I liked setting them up we talked for a few and just had nice conversations, shortly later they came home and we just enjoyed and talked the entire afternoon it wasn't too bad of a day and we did enjoy it and it made me smile!
Saturday, 12/14/24 - it's the first day of the weekend, and today Mom is in an organizing mood! She has been organizing near her TV area and has just been in a pretty good mood today we got to chill and hang out for most of the day and we are pumped for the newest mythical island in Pokemon TGC pocket to be released! We cannot wait to see what it has to offer!, shortly later we have done so many battles since I want to get to 500 solo battles which is a crazy goal and so far I've been battling all day LOL, and I'm not getting tired yet lol, fast forwarding a lot of the day we had a great day I battled so many times and we did enjoy the first day of the weekend.
Sunday, 12/15/24 - today our mom is organizing again, and thankfully she is in a good mood we have been helping her on and off with her TV area, it hasn't been hard but it has been a lot of stuff we still had continued battling as I'm so close to the goal! And I'm very excited to reach the goal! I uploaded a video to another channel and it started to blow up which surprised me! But sadly this is the last day before we go to school! But we only had this last week and then were off for Christmas break!! I'm so excited and now it's night I've been hanging out and just casually battling and I finally unlocked the gold solo battle award!!! I am so happy and so proud of myself considering I had to do over 200 battles for the goal lol but it was well worth it and I cannot wait for the new set without further ado thanks so much for reading! And now for the most important question?!
What made you smile this week?
Img desc #1: doc is seen smiling while looking slightly terrified lol she is wearing a pink long-sleeved hoodie.
Img desc #2: doc is seen in a restaurant looking very shocked she is seen wearing a brown long-sleeve shirt while sitting in her electric chair.
Img desc #3: Donny is seen in a standing frame he is making a shocked face while wearing a grey long-sleeved jacket and short-sleeved beige colored shirt he has a black chest strap over his chest.
Img desc #4: shows doc smiling while at dinner she is wearing a pink short-sleeved buttoned shirt with her hands and arms propped up in a certain way (she does this cause she has a weak jaw) there is a plate of pasta near her legs and her electric wheelchair.
Img desc #5: shows Doc and Emmie smiling doc is seen wearing a grey short-sleeved shirt, green baggy sweatpants, and a brown beanie she is sitting in her electric wheelchair Emmie is seen right beside Doc is seen wearing a light green short-sleeved shirt, and blue jeans she is smiling while in her manual wheelchair.
Img desc #6: Donny is seen looking in another direction with a stern look on his face he is sitting in his electric wheelchair while wearing a checkered red and black sleeveless sweater underneath the sweater he has a stripped long sleeved buttoned shirt and black pants or shorts his hand is resting on his armrest he is wearing a cool shades with a little yellow flower on the side of the sunglasses.
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smollobsession · 9 months ago
Posted 27.5.
Start of the month:
Met with P in Telč. The weather was terrible :D but I had good svičkova and a good talk with my friend! I also picked up some albums she's been wanting to get rid of, and I'll pass them on to my kids who want them! woo!
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As I was on the bus to get there, I passed the "pretty bridge" again and I decided to finally find it and check out the view. I was right, it's amazing! I then went on to Chodov for some more cinnabuns :D
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On Sunday I went to Hlavni, thought I'd play some pogo. Honestly not many good raids but I did one and I finished a few researches so ok. I had a YUMMY pancake with ice cream.
6.5. Considering doing this
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7.5. I had the most productive morning wow. first of all, i slept i think 9h so wow to that! Made and filled pancakes for C's bday, packed them up nice with skz stickers :D caught up on met gala skz gossip :D made lunch (sandwich and smoothie) bought rice and made breakfast (i researched this morning and apparently potatoes are also bad for ibs. all starches except bland ass white rice are, so, white rice it is) did most of the dishes so it's not a whole mess.
i still have pancakes left over so that's tomorrow sorted :D
i'm following what's happening in Palestine and getting ready for this week's protest. :/
but in the process i was on fb again and found this bit of typical internet discourse
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:( onigiri class for adults is full. the lady hasn't contacted me about meeting. and yesterday i made pancakes for a new friend but it turned out we weren't able to meet and my class pissed me off so i just ate the pancakes.
i'll give it till the end of this week and then i'll contact the lady asking to maybe only speak online, if meeting is too hard.
talked to my dad about this new job idea and he's enthusiasic. his idea is that if i'm looking for a bridge job, i might as well look for one in the general area (family) of they company i'd like to work for. he said oil rigs have a similar system. they are called differently tho which makes my search even more complicated.
idk why, when i talk to others about this, it seems so possible, but when i'm in my own head, it seems like a silly dream.
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meanwhile, pogo gave me 2 more useless 4 stars :D i mean yay i'm happy with my collection but truly every pokemon i use and want to be good is meh :D
the animation before i could catch the diancie was fun :) but the diancie also has trash stats lol.
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hello sir mr vegas sir... afterglow you say? O.O
in completely opposite news, i guess i'm happy someone put this up, even if clearly someone was Very Upset it was up.
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it's nice to know that despite it all, there are SOME czech people who care.
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12.5. They used a bit more!
The lady I wanted to talk to about work has rejected me. I guess my next stop is reddit :D
I had Korean on Friday and it was excellent! I then went to the agency that someone recommended to talk about potential job offers in my city and they were like "uh you should send us an email" which YEP i knew it (i tried but it got spammed).
Yesterday sure was a day. It was my mom's 11 years dethiversary. I had a weird ass dream about her of course.
I made a very hopeful meal plan for the rest of the month... fingers crossed. then went shopping for it. I also went to balkan store to get sweets for my kids, but I'll have to do more today bcs they didn't have my faves. Went to Flora to do some of my Korean HW - I have too much lol - and had a cake for breakfast... not the healthiest of choices but I was starving by that point because I didn't have breakfast at home. Saw C and said hi :D Then had a phonecall with D.
I hoped to see Aurora Borealis last night so I went to sleep early. I just slept until midnight, went out to see if anything was there - saw the city was oddly lively at midnight - didn't see AB, went back to sleep. Got a solid 9-10h last night thanks to this :D
There's a protest today, I'm getting ready and I shaved my legs :D priorities! :D
wore a dress and open sandals, no regrets, it was perfect for the weather, especially with the hat and the mask.
on my way to the protest i was on a bus and a man reached over and gave me a flower. i was confused but my kids reminded me it's mother's day!
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some of them are going to the rammstein concert so the chat is buzzing :D (in the city i also saw hockey fans so wow so much stuff happening here now)
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it was a good protest overall, though i felt like there were maybe fewer people than last time. sadly when we arrived there was a small group of pro isr protesters waiting for us (with cops between us, no issue) and a lady had a massive panic attack, it was kinda scary. ambulance came and helped her and i think it all ended up ok.
I went to the other balkan market later and got a burek and the rest of the sweets i want to share.
then i went to flora again to finish my homework. and have one more cake hehe
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rip my feetsies :D
meanwhile... two things i'm considering. a) swimming in the local pool once a week. idk yet i'm so scared to try but :/ i want to? b) tmi but there's a big sxtoy store near the balkan market and i'm considering a toy. we'll see. honestly i'm far more concerned about the swimming... being perceived half naked is uh :(
and on a totally different note, i asked on reddit about the job and yeah... i think it's not for me. sadly. ah well.
18.5. hm so far all my attempts to socialize have been destroyed, i wonder why :D telc was good but rainy and i ended up being 1h late. my local friend wasn't in for pancakes. last week i made plans for pub quiz and then i locked my card by typing in the wrong number 3 times as i was trying to withdraw ca$h for the quiz master. Sigh. Even the fun lesson i planned with that one class ended up being with only half of us!
Now I joned a pogo group for bounsweet community day... let's see if i manage ><
some other adventures have been happening tho! I managed to try corncob - why sweet? and i found a taiyaki place that i really like!
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yesterday before korean (since i had to leave early to unblock my card......) i was bored and it was raining so i found myself in the small botanical garden which currently has a succulents exhibit.
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I did buy a smol one :) and it inspired me to clean my plants too so i did some of that yesterday and today.
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After Korean I ended up at the Nepalese Indian place and had a great lunch. Omg their food is so good sob.
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In fandom news, Jeff is in Sweden. I'm fine.
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And this vid of Khao by First just melted me. Sometimes when people take pictures or even draw people they love you can just see how they see them and it's wonderful.
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And I made plans with P for next weekend! I'm exciteeed!
It's spring here and plants are pretty <3
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21.5. I've exercised 3 days in a row so that's nice.
On Sunday i did go to the center to meet up with the pogo group i follow on discord. i managed to speak to absolutely no one and even the pic we took hasn't been posted so there's like 0 evidence i was there. well, i got some codes from the leader so that. sigh, i'm so bad at this.
i got my period and bled all over everything again, despite a tampon and a pad. so now i'm washing all my sheets and protectors. happy tuesday to me.
27.5. last Thursday I joined the Pub Quiz group and had a good time and wasn't totally useless. Just got another confirmation I should have more faith in myself.
Evaluations sent and I'm slowly wrapping up the school year. (Omg today I talked to S*'s mom and I was so awkward lorde why am I like thissss aaaa)
Ugh ANYWAY. This weekend P visited! We did some good (and some mid :D ) food tasting, went to a medieval fair and visited the castle!
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When she left, I got on a tram and spent an hour just traveling and reading. I'm reading Natsume's book of friend's finally and I still love it as much as I did originally. Such an underrated manga.
Did my homework in a cafe and had some cake :) and then did my shopping for the week.
Wednesday will be my last Full Day at work. It's really hard saying bye to some of the kids. sG said today that he'll continue if I'm not the teacher. He will be really busy and he would have made time for me but now he's not sure. I almost wept yo. Teens.
PS. I tried a new form where I write more often and keep it in a draft. I like it... but I wonder if it'll post without errors hahaha
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umichenginabroad · 2 years ago
Week 2: Galway, Cliffs of Moher, Dublin Castle, Hurling, London!
Hi everyone! Wow it’s been a crazy week!
We got up early on Sunday to take the 8 am train to Galway. It only costs 8 euro for students, but we couldn’t figure out how to choose our seats so all ended up apart. We all wanted to sleep but most of us got stuck in loud cabins full of little kids, so maybe we should’ve tried harder to choose our seats. When we arrived in Galway, we grabbed take out breakfast from a local cafe and ate in Eyre Square. We booked a bus to Cliffs of Moher so we went to the meeting spot and it took about 2 hours to get to Cliffs of Moher. The bus driver told us it was the longest line to park he had ever seen(how lucky). We were able to explore for 2 hours and the view was breathtaking. The bus rides went by very fast because the bus driver played some really good music.
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When we arrived back in Galway, we checked into our hotel, changed, and headed out for the night. We ate at a super yummy burger place, explored around the water with a drink in hand (there are no open carry laws in Ireland), and hit a few pubs. It turns out the Sunday before Bank Holiday’s there are people out everywhere so we all ended up having too much to drink and struggled to get up Monday. Anyway, we woke up around 10 and shopped around, stopped by the cathedral, ate delicious pizza, and then headed back to Dublin on the 3:00 pm train. We took the bus home from Heuston station and got back around 6:45 pm. We picked up some food at centra to make and all ate together before heading to bed.
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Tuesday we had morning classes and a field trip to the National Library to see exhibitions of Yeats and Heaney. The exhibitions were really cool although some of them were more graphic then we expected lol. We were left on our own to get back to UCD so we decided to explore the city and grab a bite to eat at Hairy Lemon. The fish and chips were amazing and I officially ordered my first Guinness(kind of embarrassing 2 weeks in). We stopped for ice cream then headed back to UCD to do laundry and hangout.
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Wednesday was another day of classes with another field trip to the Dublin Castle! The Dublin Castle was beautiful and we got a brief history of the castle as well as how it is used today. After, a few of us stayed downtown where we checked out The Bank for a drink, a Mexican restaurant, The Capital Cocktail Lounge, and Flannery’s. Let’s just say it was a long and very fun Wednesday night! :)
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Thursday, I struggled to get up but it was another full day of classes. This day included a physics lab that was so incredibly difficult and ended up taking the entire 3 hours. We also learned the hard truth that getting a perfect score is extremely hard here as our 8/10 on previous labs were accompanied by zero red marks and a “very good.” After the lab, we ate at pi restaurant and headed to meet up with the summer at ucd team for hurling 101. Hurling was so fun a mix of lacrosse and field hockey (the two sports I played in high school) + baseball. Our friends ended up winning a lot of the competitions so a lot of us ended up winning Seamus(the summer at UCD mascot). Jessie even won the entire collection! I finished up the night planning and packing for London.
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Friday morning we had classes and then we headed straight to the airport via taxi for a flight to London! I have been to London before but was so excited to be back. We took at taxi from Heathrow to the hostel we were staying at. It was my first experience in a Hostel and we had our own private room which was super nice. We arrived around 9:45 pm, changed quickly, and headed out to O’Neill’s which was recommended by Jessie. We had a super fun night and ended up staying out later than expected. Many drinks later, the night ended perfectly with McDonald’s Haloumi fries.
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Saturday, we woke up at 8 and headed in a taxi to the Tower of London. We headed straight for the Crown Jewels which were stunning, then explored the rest of the sites. The whole experience was amazing! We then took a walk over the Tower Bridge and went to Borough Market where we had the most amazing food. The chocolate strawberries were perfection. Once we were stuffed, we went to see the London Eye, Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey. We then headed towards Theatre Royal Drury Lane for tea. It was gorgeous and all of the food was amazing. We ended up staying there for almost 3 hours and enjoyed the tea and conversation(and the air conditioning). Once we finished, we made our way back to the Hostel and stopped by a tiny wine shop to get a couple of bottles for later. We rested until about 9:30 when we drank our wine, got a light dinner and drinks at a local greek place, then headed to a club we had researched. We had a fun night but were all exhausted from the day.
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Yesterday, we got up around 9, which was a rough wake up call, checked out of the Hostel, and headed to Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of the guards. I had seen this before but it was still super cool and the music they played(including parts of the Lion King) was great. We then grabbed brunch at a cafe on the way to Regent Street where we spent most of our day shopping. We finished the day with sushi and gelato before heading to Gatwick for our flight. Although our taxi driver was concerned that we did not leave ourselves enough time, we got there in plenty of time and our flight ended up being delayed about two hours(thanks Aerlingus). During this time, we bought Coronation Chicken crisps, Prawn Cocktail Pringles, and some other interesting snacks to try. They surprisingly all ended up being pretty good. Our flight finally took off and we finished our travel at 1:45 am this morning when we arrived back at UCD.
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Because of my lack of sleep this entire weekend, I am writing this a little late from bed before we head on a field trip to Kilmainham Gaol.
Elsa Pater
Industrial and Operations Engineering
BIG 10 STEM and Irish Studies: University College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland
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starshaped-raindrops · 2 years ago
*Daichi wished you didn’t have to get up and go to work on such a special day, so he was determined to do everything he could to make things easier and more relaxed for you. He wakes up and turns off your alarm, wanting you to get at least a few extra minutes of sleep.*
Don’t wake up momma, just yet. *He pats Molten on the head while going into the kitchen to feed the dog and his kitty sister. He starts the coffee maker and then gets to work making some homemade muffins, hoping you’d be in the mood for a small treat for breakfast.*
*He checks the time after the muffins are done and then heads to the bedroom, sitting on the side of your shared bed and kissing your cheek and then forehead.* Honey, time to wake up. *He brushes his knuckles over you face and pushes your hair behind your ear. When your eyes blink open, his lips pull into a big smile.* Good morning, bunny. Happy Birthday.
*He waits patiently for you to wake up fully, soothing any worry you might have about sleeping in.* You’ll be just fine, love. I’ll drive you to work myself after a muffin and some coffee.
*As you get ready, he goes back to the kitchen to take the cooled muffins out of the pan and prepare a mug of coffee just how you like it.* I know you have to go into work today, Jade, but I promise we’ll have a nice dinner when you get home tonight. I have some other surprises prepared for you too!
*He makes sure to lavish you in kisses and affection before taking you to work, doing everything he can think of to keep that smile he loves so much on your face.* I hope you have the best day possible, darling. I love you so much. Happy Birthday.
*The smell of something sweet and baked tickled my nose and I stir a little, slightly waking up. I’m half eager to know what’s that yummy smell but also wanting to have a couple more minutes of sleep before having to go into work. I chose the latter, settling more into bed to catch those few minutes. The kisses felt dreamlike for a moment until I hear the voice of my husband calling me awake and making my heart bloom in getting his affection first thing in the morning. I sigh in content and lean into his touch as he brushes my face, only pouting when he pulls away; mumbling to him not to go. Still a bit sleepy, I open my eyes and my lips grow into a smile as he smiles too* “Daichi, good morning to you to-oh!”
*I notice the sunlight streaming in and panic has my heart drop about being late to work. A little part of me (maybe a little devilish side) tells me since I’m late, I should just stay home. But I sigh in relief when Daichi assures me and promises to drive me to work, along with breakfast which makes me tilt my head a little, remembering that yummy baked smell* “Muffin and coffee? Did you bake me something, honey?”
*Adoration and excitement fills me but I wash up and get dress, thinking about how I’m gonna spend the morning with him even if it’s for the drive. It brightens my mood from earlier the night before but also because I just wanna spend as much time as I can on my birthday with him. I get a little sad thinking about being away at work for most of the day for my own birthday but I know once that’s done, I’ll be in Daichi’s arms for the rest of the day. I perk up when he comes back with his little surprise* “Honey! Oh these look so yummy! Thank you!” *I lean in to kiss him* “I know… Sucks that I gotta work today but I’m yours once I’m clocked out and outta that building. You’re making it hard to just go in, honestly. But I’ll be good and do my best” *I promise by wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him properly by slotting my lips over his and pouring all my love for him*
*I happily have my breakfast in the car as he takes me to work, sharing my breakfast with him and stealing kisses during stop lights. I don’t care if it was too early for other people to be all lovey dovey; it was my birthday and I was gonna steal as much kisses as I could before parting from my husband for a few hours. Even in the parking lot, I stole a few more kisses* “I will do my best. Don’t miss me too much?” *I joke with a giggle* “I love you too, honey. I’ll see you in just a few moments. Thank you for starting my birthday off with so much love. You’re my whole heart, Daichi Sawamura”
(thank you much for this lovely birthday surprise anon-chan! this really made my morning and gosh does it make my heart flutter. thank you thank you!)
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