#they sear it??? so it has the grill flavor?????
vulcanette · 1 year
that nasoya vegan steak is. like I black out when I eat it lmao I turn into this
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taibobo · 2 years
inside job master chef AU with rand JR and tamiko as judges . rand is a sort of casual crass judge, speaks very bluntly but is the one contestants want to impress the most. JR is your average rich restaurant goer so he wants intelligent and expertly crafted dishes with intense flavor profiles. tamiko is about that picturesque WOW factor and wants new and exciting flavor combinations and plating techniques
reagan: highly technical with a love for complicated gourmet michelin dishes. wants rands approval and is extremely mad about it. highly independent worker, and though i think she’d likely make it to the semifinals or finals she would likely face elimination in a team challenge or the restaurant takeover unless she was captain
gigi: great with visuals and infusing her atlanta background to create highly modern and beautiful looking dishes. likely works with a lot of trendy ingredients and dishes, so something like a mystery box challenge would pose a hard challenge for her as she has a very small range of dishes she’s comfortable with creating
andre: the wild card. makes strange, culturally diverse foods with highly conceptual and abstract ideas and flavor profiles. judges are constantly stumped by his abilities despite his usually quite casual demeanor in the master chef kitchen. crumbles under extreme pressure in the restaurant takeover at first, but as soon as he’s able to take a “bathroom break” he’s an instant star. definitely a possible finalist
brett: highly skilled cook, though not the best among the cast, but what he lacks in technique he makes up for in gusto and his understanding of what other people enjoy. his ability to tackle challenges is very headstrong because he wants to impress more than he wants to win. his palate is very sophisticated (from his parents) and his understanding of gourmet cuisine is very advanced (from his house staff), but i think if anyone yelled at him he would break like a fucking soggy cracker
myc: he’s in a human glamour on tv obviously, but i think it’d still be funny if he was an alien. the judges know this but the rest of the cast and the audience do not. because of this his concept of food combinations is quite literally beyond human understanding. tries to avoid using mushrooms and similar ingredients, but his palate and choices are insane, near on the level of andre. he’s fantastic at working with colors in plating, but i think some of his combinations and flavors may be a little too camp and clash. he’s kind of an asshole and would likely do badly in a team challenge unless he was with someone who could easily let his insults roll off like glenn (who’s used to them) or andre (who isn’t paying attention)
glenn: also fully human in this— hearty chef, great at cooking comfort food in large portions and has a lot of gumption with working with heavy machinery and butchery. a bit of a sore loser, but he has a great taste for protein especially and could out grill, out sear, and out marinate pretty much any other competitor. not as intelligent with plating but his knowledge of flavor profiles is very rational and he could definitely cook something he’s never eaten with little issue, especially a meat.
robotus: surprise competitor. technically near-perfect and conceptually has a deep understanding of several cultures and types of cooking. is even better at baking and could destroy a bakery challenge. however his food tends to lack ‘soul’ and creativity at first until he’s able to learn from the other competitors around him. i think he’d make a great finalist or semi finalist
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trivialbob · 2 years
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My back itches so much I nearly bought one of these grill scrubbers at the grocery store tonight. It has a long handle!
But it wasn’t on sale. So I will find a door frame at home and squish against it like a cat because my wife isn’t home to help me.
Today I actually went to the store twice. First time, right after work, I got a few things for dinner (and nearly a back scratcher that would have drawn blood).
I also wanted some low-sodium V8 juice. Lately I’m addicted to that stuff. They stopped making the low salt, spicy version which I really loved.
I have to watch my sodium intake. Sheila suggested adding cayenne pepper to the plain, low-sodium stuff. That works well. My homemade version tastes better than the spicy stuff the store used to sell. Replacing salt with spice works well and sometimes is even tastier to me.
Lately it seems the low-sodium V8 competes with pizza flavored Goldfish crackers as a favorite product of mine that is barely ever in stock. The low sodium V8 was sold out again today! Corporate will be hearing from me soon.
What I did find though were some steaks on sale. The price was so low that if the manager sold crappy used cars in a former life he would would have told me today he could lose his job selling those steaks at such a low price.
No, the steaks were not expired or even close to it. They were perfect.
I fired up the sous vide (125°F @ 60 minutes) then seared the meat in a cast iron skillet with salt, pepper, and red wine. It was fantastic! I served it to myself with sauteed mushrooms.
Happy guy right here.
After I filled the dishwasher and started it (which always brings me joy), I began to think of the fantastic deal on those steaks again. At that price I really need to buy more and freeze them.
So I went back and got more.
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townofcadence · 6 months
"What are you cooking?" From Lexus to Grayson
My Muse will Make Them a Meal
The plates were each placed with the utmost grace in front of Lexus as their time came to be presented, for a four course meal.
The first was an appetizer of sorts; home-made bread and salty butter churned from locally-sourced cream. It was comprised of half a loaf that appeared to have been braided with a few floral designs before it was cooked, and a golden wedge of butter beside it. Several slices had been perfectly cut to rest artistically on the plate from both. The bread's crust was a deep golden brown and had a crispy texture, but the inside was perfectly soft, aerated to be fluffy without losing any substance. With a smear of butter added, the combination was creamy and rich, melting in the mouth and flavoring the bread with a delicate, savory tang and an herbaceous freshness. There was just a pinch of salt in the butter as well, to highlight the balance of soft, almost-sweetness of the bread, and the light but savory flavor of the butter.
The next course, also an appetizer were raviolis, a set of six, placed on the plate in a circle. The pasta it was cooked in was translucent, allowing you to see the filling inside where it lay, a medley of greens and reds. a slight extra lip to the pasta also gave it the appearance of seashells, with the filling packed at the base. Their flavor is delicate, something bright with citrus and flavorful but earthy like basil and ricotta and a hint of beet or celery, depending on the color ravioli chosen. All of it was garnished with pest and a swirl of olive oil, one of the finer brands. Inside the ring of Raviolis were finely sliced, thin sea scallops, served chilled and garnished with colorful beets of red and green, as well as several herbs and lemon, for a refreshing flavor that was both light and unobtrusive, almost seamless with the similar flavors of the ravioli. The warm and chilled temperatures played together, as did the soft skin and filling of the ravioli, the bouncy yet tender texture of the scallop, and the soft crunch of thinly sliced beet and cucumber, drizzled with scallions and an tart, citrus vinaigrette.
The main course provided was pan seared duck, the outside crisped to perfection with a golden glazed crust decorated in an array of herbs and spices. The meat is topped with a garnish of an expensive serbian cheese, a crumbly feta-like textured cheese that bring a nutty, earthy flavor to the dish with a pinch of salt, carefully balanced with a rich, buttery taste that overall tastes quite clean. The duck itself is crisp, but on the inside it's divinely tender, flavorful and almost sweet from the sauce it is served with, that has a honey and fig flavor to balance against the savory of the meat. The duck is cooked perfectly as well, with no additional oiliness.
Several mushrooms, cut into coins also join the dish to form a small ring around the duck breasts, and they have a meaty texture that adds an almost autumnal, spiced flavor to the dish. There is also mashed potatoes on the plate, buttery soft and finely processed to the softest, cloud-like texture, but still with a weight on your tongue with each bite. A small sprinkle of truffle is added atop the potatoes as well, grated finely so it melts into the warm softness of the potato, bringing with it a robust, woodsy flavor. Sliced baby tomatoes, cooked confit with garlic and herbs, are also on the plate, as well as grilled slices of fresh squash and zucchini. The tomatoes bring a distinct texture that melts in your mouth almost immediately due to their small size and how they were cooked, but they pack a wallop of fresh flavor. The other vegetables bring a similar flavor in their own way with a slightly crispier texture and clean taste, with only salt and pepper to augment them slightly, to balance against the spiced starches and sweet-and-savory meat from the rest of the dish. The main course is served with a glass of aged brunello, a drink that adds a dark, fruity but acidic flavor, tannin heavy to pair with the fattiness of the duck, also with notes of fig, cherry, and hazelnut to tie it to the dish's flavor.
The final dish, dessert, is brought out; a square of chocolate pudding, separated into four distinct layers, each a chocolatey delight born from different styles of Belgian chocolate. It is creamy, soft, and layered with a fine topping of champagne jelly, which adds something fresh to the chocolate to keep it from being too rich. It appears to be dusted with a fine glitter. All of which is hidden beneath a dome of chocolate drizzled with the thinnest layer of salted caramel. A drink is also provided with the last dish, a saffron cordial, called Safran Şerbeti, a Turkish drink known for it's floral, fruity, and sweet elements, turned a beautiful shade of gold by the saffron threads dissolved in the sugar. It is served chilled, and has notes of lemon and orange, as well as honey and a pinch of spiced ginger. It is served in a long glass, which also contains an additional lemon slice submerged inside.
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I’ve heard Dr Clef can cook, is that so? And if so, what’s his favourite dishes to make? If not, I’ve heard he likes steak so how would like his steak done?
I like to think Dr. Clef (as in the character), and Author Clef (me) share most of our opinions on food. But I think that one place where we might differ is in our opinions on meat. I feel like Clef is probably a roast kind of guy: thick slices carved off a big chunk of meat cooked slowly in an oven. Whereas I'm more of a steak kind of guy: individual servings seared to get a nice crust, then finished at a lower temp until reaching the desired doneness.
A good steak should always be prepared medium rare, or as close to medium rare as you can get it. Medium rare happens when the meat is cooked (not transparent), but has a deep, reddish-pink center, about 135 degrees F. A good crust is also essential: you basically want the outside of the steak to be browned and almost crispy, while the inside is still pink and juicy. To do this, first you let the steak cook in an oven at a low temp (about 200) with a meat thermometer in, until it's about ten or fifteen degrees below desired temp. Then finish it off in a cast iron skillet. Go hot and hard and quick, you want to get that nice brown sear as fast as possible to avoid overcooking the inside of the steak.
The steak should also be rested: allowed to sit for about ten minutes, wrapped loosely in tin foil, before slicing and eating. This lets the juices redistribute throughout the meat, and results in a tastier, moister steak, rather than having all the juices leak out onto the plate.
Most cuts of steak, from the soft and expensive tenderloin to the inexpensive sirloin, have their appeal. If you're still figuring out your technique, practice on sirloins. Once you've got it down, try out many different cuts until you find one that you like. Strip Steak is tasty, but a bit tough. Ribeye tends to be fatty. Tenderloin is lean but soft, but tends to lack flavor. Steak afficionados these days tend towards ribeye cap, denver steak, and picanha (sirloin cap), which are the parts of the cow that have the most flavor.
T-Bone steaks are a combination steak: the larger piece on one side of the bone is the strip steak, whereas the smaller piece on the other side is tenderloin. A T-Bone that has a particularly large piece of tenderloin is also known as a porterhouse. Porterhouse steaks are my favorite steaks for date nights, as I can serve two people off of one steak: I generally give the lady the tenderloin (which is the more expensive portion, and also the softer one), and eat the strip steak myself (there's more of it, and it's a bit tougher, but it's got a lot more flavor).
Always season your steak at least an hour before you cook it. I like to use kosher salt and "Montreal Steak Spice," which is a mixture of peppers and herbs that you can find in the spices aisle of most supermarkets. Use a good sprinkle of salt, then season with the spice. Add enough spice until you think, "Man, I think that's too much," then add a little shake more.
As for sides: some kind of grilled vegetable and a baked or mashed potatoes is fine.
EDIT: Alton Brown video here sums it up: https://www.foodnetwork.com/videos/pan-seared-rib-eye-steak-0169271
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clatterbane · 1 year
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Part of the grocery order that came in yesterday evening. All of these were sale items, and we have two (smallish) packs of pork chops plus an accidental two bunches of green onions. That's only one of them, and some of the onions themselves are pretty big. Good thing they do hold well in water, but guess we're getting plenty of green onions for a while!
These are also some of the fresh items that I thought should be used the soonest, and no reason they couldn't profitably go together. So, quasi-Japanese is looking good tonight! Mr. C also remembered to pick up some sake from Systembolaget the other day, so we should be better set for that.
With a side dish of pseudo-Chinese cucumber salad on the side, currently marinating itself in the fridge. Using some of the green onion, naturally. I just sliced the cucumber fairly thickly this time; it's all good.
A great use for the oyster mushrooms and at least a couple of the shiitake (plus another big green onion instead of the regular onion!):
JAPANESE SPAGHETTI with Mushrooms (Easy Pasta Recipe)
(Another version of kinoko pasta with bacon, from Hiroko Liston who also has a bunch of solid recipes.)
Since I don't have any plans in the near future for the rest of that pack of shiitake, I'm thinking of just drying what's left for later. That does tend to work out well, and we don't have any dried ones right now. Couldn't pass up the deal even without immediate plans for all of them! 😊
As for the pork chops, the one pack is also chilling out in a Ziploc in the fridge with a variation of this miso marinade:
I actually threw some lemon pepper seasoning in there instead of the yuzu chili paste, because we have it and it ought to taste fine--if in a rather different slightly spicy citrus direction. The basic marinade would also be awesome with just some garlic and ginger instead, and/or using chicken instead of pork. I am also planning to just quickly sear those thin loin chops in a skillet, then reduce the marinade in the same pan teriyaki style.
(Will I blame Nami if any of my monkeying around with her recipe goes horribly wrong? Not hardly! But, it should hopefully be all good, from previous experience cooking similar things.)
A little more work overall than I was planning on today, but hopefully worth it for a nice fresh meal.
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inverse-muses · 2 years
*Throws a 🔥 at you* "Talk about... food, I guess. Get as petty as you possibly can."
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Cooking steaks on the grill is severely overrated. At the very least, cooking good steaks on the grill are overrated.
Now if you got some cheap sirloin steaks for a cook out that c'est la vie, have at'er, but for the love of god at least add some wood chips to enhance the flavor.
In the pan, either cast iron or stainless steel, is the absolute best way to go.
Here's a bonus: inverse-mun's steak guide:
Get yourself a good new york strip, ribeye, or any steak cut of choice. Works for sirloin too, doesn't always have to be a pricy cut ( though I do prefer sirloin for steak sandwiches, fajitas, or ramen )
Let that baby sit in the fridge for a couple of days after you get it, or even freeze it in a vaccuum seal bag if you can. Not necessary, but this ages the meat.
Take it out about an hour before you plan to cook it. Let it come up to room temp. Lets the meat relax before cooking.
Get a good steak seasoning. Ideally it should look like someone through salt, pepper, and some herbs in a bottle. It it looks too colorful, throw it out. Or just use salt, pepper, and garlic power. Sprinkle it on, pat it in.
Heat up some oil in a pan. Get it at a good medium-high heat. Oil should be just starting to smoke.
Put in your steak. Sear on one side and flip. Should be a nice, dark brown. Turn the heat down to medium, throw in some butter, rosemary (optional), and cracked garlic cloves ( not optional ).
As the butter melts, use a long-handled spoon to baste the steak in the juices; tilting the pan so that all the butter and juices collect on one side to make it easier.
Once the pan has cooled down enough that the butter isn't burning, cover it and let it cook for a little bit.
Check it ever so often until the internal temperature is 135F
Take the steak out, leave it rest on a plate for a couple of minutes. The heat will regulate throughout the steak and should leave you at ~145F which is PERFECT medium-rare.
While waiting for it to rest, throw some asparagus in the pan and cook it in the drippings.
There. You have a perfect steak.
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adculinary24 · 25 days
Week 3
Amuse Bouche: Brioche, Lardo, Mostarda                    Appetizer: Bacon Cooking Experiment (with aioli)                      Entrée:  Braised Pork Cheeks or Braised Pork Belly, Celeriac Puree, Bitter Greens, Warm Bacon Vinaigrette
Part 1 Introductions
Method of cooking/technique to discuss:
Braising, comparison of bacon cooking methods
Learning Objectives:
Understand the fundamental principles of cooking bacon.
Produce an advanced braised dish (pork belly or pork cheek).
Demonstrate proficiency in preparing an emulsified Sauce (Aioli), showcasing different consistency and flavor profiles of bacon.
Prior Knowledge:
Primary Ingredient of the week:
Braised Pork Cheeks or Braised Pork Belly
I have had pork cheeks and pork belly at the Korean BBQ. The pork belly is my favorite. I had it smoked with garlic and then grilled on the hot plate. It has a juicier and less salted taste than bacon from the store.
I previously cooked bacon in a frying pan on the stove until I found out about cooking it in the oven. It yields a very consistent product in the oven. I have only cooked it on a tray so that more of the fat drips off, but after seeing the picture in the lesson I may be interested in trying it on parchment. They water also drips off from the rack in the oven method, so on parchment it may be less dried out. I do much prefer it in the oven beyond the convenience of not needing to watch it or get splattered in grease; I think that the fat gets cooked more thoroughly.
Part 2 Background Information
Braising- According to MasterClass, “Braising is a combination-cooking method that starts with pan searing followed by slow cooking in a liquid—usually in a Dutch oven or a slow cooker—until ingredients become tender. A successful braise transforms both the ingredient being cooked and the cooking liquid itself into something harmonious.” The process is forgiving because it retains moisture and develops flavors easily with time. 
What is braising? how to braise meats and vegetables - 2024. MasterClass. (n.d.-b). https://www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-braising-how-to-braise-meats-and-vegetables
Bacon Cooking Methods- “Bacon is a type of salt-cured pork made from various cuts, typically the belly or less fatty parts of the back.” According to the book excerpt on Canvas, a lot of the flavor comes from the nitrated pink salt used to cure the belly. More of what we think of bacon flavor comes from smoking the bacon. Different wood can give the meat different smoke flavors. We will try cooking the bacon in different ways to see what the results are. These ways include the following:
1. Microwave
2. Sheet Pan with Parchment
3. Sheet Pan with Rack
4. Cast Iron Skillet
5. Flat top
6. Grill
7. Non Stick Pan
8. Non Stick With Water
Wikimedia Foundation. (2024, August 6). Bacon. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacon
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Image link: https://www.thekitchn.com/skills-showdown-bacon-22956708 
Primary Ingredient:
Lardo-  Lardo is the fat from the back of a pig that has been salted/smoked and stored. It is made in two towns in Italy; a small village in the Aosta Valley produces “a fine flavor with a marked aroma of spices” and the village of Colonnata produces “milder and more delicate” lardo. 
Lardo is served sliced thinly. According to the producers in Colonnata the lardo should dissolve on your tongue and melt in your mouth. There should be no rancid fat flavor. Lardo beyond being eaten as is can also be incorporated in the cooking of meat such as veal to lend more flavor and richness.
Lardo. La Cucina Italiana. (n.d.). https://www.lacucinaitaliana.com/glossary/lardo?refresh_ce=
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Image link: https://www.lacucinaitaliana.com/glossary/lardo
Bacon- As discussed earlier, bacon is made from the fat striated meat of the belly or back of a pig. We will be using it in the vinaigrette/salad as well as trying it with aioli. Bacon has an importance in american cuisine and has for a long time due to its stability at room temperature
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Art link: https://lchenart.tumblr.com/post/183394755603/howls-moving-castle-eggs-and-bacon-direct 
Braised Pork Cheek/Belly- These follow the method of low and slow heat to soften the meat. Searing high heat before the low moist heat creates umami and flavor that infuses in the long process.
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Image link: https://thewoksoflife.com/shanghai-style-braised-pork-belly/
Part 3 Recipe R&D
Chosen Recipes:
Mostarda-Ingredients: Pears, Apples, Cane Sugar, Lemon Juice, Mustard Seeds, Mustard Oil. The mostarda will take about an hour of cooking. The sugar will reduce into a thick mustard syrup that coats the fruit.
Bitter Greens- “Cook bitter greens with bacon or sausage, pump up the garlic, throw in something spicy, or add a sweet element, like roasted squash or dried fruit. Having a strong contrasting flavor will temper the bitterness and help balance the dish out since bitter greens can have a strong vegetal flavor in addition to bitterness.”
Gallary, C. (2019, May 2). 5 ways to tame bitter Greens. Kitchn. https://www.thekitchn.com/5-ways-to-tame-bitter-greens-214850
Warm Bacon Vinaigrette- I found a recipe that pours hot fat over a salad with the bacon vinaigrette on it. I think it will be interesting to see how the popping fat tames the bitter greens.
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Provided Recipes:
Braised Pork Cheek- The pork is seared to have the Maillard reaction and gain flavor, then it is cooked for 2-3 hours to soften and cook the meat as well as render the fat. The juices coming off are strained and made into a sauce with some added butter. Rest, slice, sear and serve.
Aioli-The aioli relies on properties that the garlic and egg yolk have as well as the power of shearing from the robot coupe. Garlic and egg yolk both have enzymes that help to form an emulsion of oil and water. Whisking splits the oil into small drops that can be suspended in water.
Celeriac Puree- The celery root is boiled and then blended. This recipe says the root can be mashed or riced which I might try instead.
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Part 4 Recipes
Chosen Recipes:
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Bitter Greens and Warm Bacon Vinaigrette
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Milton, T. (2023, March 14). Spring greens with hot bacon vinaigrette. Bon Appétit. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/spring-greens-with-hot-bacon-vinaigrette 
Braised Pork Belly
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Image link:
Provided Recipes:
Braised Pork Cheek
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Pork Belly Rub
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Celeriac Puree (Celery Root)
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Plan of Work
1-115 discussion
1:15 bellies and cheeks in pastry ovens (half hotel pans for 2-3 hours)
Start mostarda, start aioli for bacon experiment
2:15 bacon experiment
2:35 evaluation of bacon cooking methods
3pm plates up for Amuse Bouche
3:30 cheeks and bellies out of oven, chill then sear
Celeriac puree, bitter greens, warm bacon vinaigrette
4:45 plate up
5pm cleanup
530 debrief
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thechestnutworkshop · 25 days
lemony fish tacos with salsa verde & cilantro-limon crema 🅟
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I love pier food. The food you get at a shack that you stopped along the waterfront, with fresh fish caught that day, cooked minimally so as to let you taste all of the delicate sweetness of that morning catch, while the briney, minerally breeze shoots into your nose and the sunset colors all the dishes at the table with violent primrose—that kind of food. Bright foods as if kissed by the sun under violently piercing blue skies. And having grown up in Los Angeles, it's hard not to be obsessed with Mexican food, specifically of the western coast and southern states. And I've been violently obsessed about Ensenada-style fish tacos from Baja California all throughout this summer (and gooey fudgy chocolate cake too!). I personally prefer them with a slightly fresher take, what some might call in the manner of 'Californian cuisine'. It's one of my favorite uses of salsa verde as well as of the non-traditional lemon vinaigrette from Mustards grill that pairs incredibly well with fish. There are a few sauces to prepare, but everything can (and should) be prepared ahead of time, even frozen (except the crema), so come lunch, you'll be ready to taste summer by the sea.
lemony fish tacos with salsa verde & cilantro-limón crema white fish, but not too firm cabbage, sliced thinly on a mandolin tomato cilantro onion lime fresh corn tortillas, homemade or from a local tortilleria cilantro-limón crema lemon-garlic vinaigrette salsa verde sear fish until a good crust forms, then brush with the vinaigrette. drizzle neutral oil in a pan, and heat tortillas until the underside bubbles up. flip to heat the other side. construct taco (be generous with the cabbage, as it gives well-needed crunch) and devour. -
cilantro-limón crema 2 tbsp mayonnaise 1 tbsp mexican crema (or creme fraiche / sour cream) milk, enough to thin to desired consistency 1 lime, or to taste cilantro to taste salt mix mayonnaise, sour cream, milk, the zest and juice of 1 lime, finely minced cilantro, and salt together. -
salsa verde de tomatillo
2 lb tomatillos 3/4 medium onion, quartered 6 garlic cloves 3 bunches of cilantro (as in, 3 fistfuls torn from a bouquet) jalapeño &/ serrano to taste salt boil everything but the cilantro for about 10 min in lightly salted water, until tomatillos are about to burst. blend everything with cilantro. preheat neutral oil in a pot, then fry the salsa for around 10 more minutes until the flavor deepens. finish with more fresh cilantro if desired. -
lemon-garlic vinaigrette adapted from mustards grill 2 lemons 1.5 - 2 heads of garlic (18 large cloves - 24, depending on how lemon-forward you want the vinaigrette to be) 10 tbsp californian extra-virgin olive oil 4 tbsp champagne vinegar 5 - 6 tbsp fresh herbs* salt 1 scant tbsp dijon mustard boil lemons and garlic for 20 min in lightly salted water, with just enough plain water to cover, until at least 90% of the pith has turned translucent. drain, then blend until smooth. add vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs, mustard, and emulsify with oil. * I like: 3 tbsp chives 1 tbsp parsley 1 tbsp thyme 1 tbsp rosemary 2/3 tbsp marjoram 1/3 tbsp sage 1/3 tbsp savory can also add other herbs such as basil
🅟 indicates a high-protein meal (that is, at least 10g of protein for every 100cal)
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jackminii · 26 days
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Top Recommendations for Fish Dishes Close to St Albans
When it comes to indulging in delicious fish dishes, finding a restaurant that excels in quality, freshness, and flavor is crucial for a satisfying dining experience. For those in and around St Albans, The Oasis St Albans is an exceptional choice for enjoying some of the best fish dishes in the area. This blog will explore why The Oasis should be your top pick for seafood, highlighting their unique offerings and what sets them apart from other dining options.
Discover The Oasis St Albans
The Oasis St Albans is a renowned restaurant that has earned a stellar reputation for its dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. Located conveniently for residents and visitors alike, this dining spot specializes in a range of fish dishes that promise both excellence and taste. Here's why The Oasis stands out as the go-to place for fish lovers.
Freshness at Its Finest
The Oasis prides itself on sourcing the freshest fish available. By partnering with reputable suppliers who prioritize sustainability and quality, they ensure that each dish features fish that is not only fresh but also responsibly sourced. This commitment to quality is reflected in the exceptional taste and texture of their seafood dishes.
Why The Oasis is a Top Choice
What sets The Oasis apart is their ability to create unique and mouthwatering flavor combinations. From classic preparations to inventive dishes, their menu showcases a diverse range of options that cater to various tastes. Their chefs are skilled in enhancing the natural flavors of the fish, ensuring that each dish is a culinary delight.
Dining at The Oasis is not just about the food; it’s also about the experience. The restaurant’s warm and inviting atmosphere makes it an ideal spot for casual dining or special occasions. The friendly staff and comfortable setting contribute to an overall enjoyable dining experience.
Exceptional Cooking Techniques
The Oasis is known for its exceptional cooking techniques that enhance the natural flavors of the fish. The chefs at The Oasis use a range of methods, including grilling, baking, and frying, to bring out the best in each dish. Their attention to detail ensures that every piece of fish is cooked to perfection, whether you prefer it lightly seared or fully crisped.
Enhancing Your Dining Experience
To make the most of your visit to The Oasis, consider these tips:
1. Explore the Wine Pairings
Complement your meal with a selection from The Oasis’s carefully curated wine list. The restaurant offers a variety of wines that pair well with their fish dishes, enhancing the overall dining experience.
2. Enjoy the Ambiance
Take the time to enjoy the ambiance of The Oasis. Whether you’re dining indoors or on the outdoor patio, the atmosphere adds to the enjoyment of your meal. The restaurant’s decor and setting contribute to a relaxing and pleasant dining experience.
3. Check for Specials
Keep an eye out for daily specials and seasonal offerings. The Oasis frequently updates their menu to include new and exciting dishes, so be sure to ask about any current specials when you visit.
For those searching for the best fish dishes near St Albans, The Oasis St Albans is a top destination that combines freshness, quality, and a memorable dining experience. With a menu that features a diverse range of fish dishes, from classic favorites to inventive creations, The Oasis caters to all seafood lovers.
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wilsonaron · 2 months
Soapstone Cookware Collection: A Modern Twist on Traditional Cooking Methods
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Soapstone cookware has been used for centuries, prized for its excellent heat retention and non-stick properties. As the world of culinary arts evolves, so does the cookware we use. Today, soapstone cookware is experiencing a resurgence, blending traditional cooking methods with modern design and convenience. This article explores how soapstone cookware collection combine the best of both worlds, offering a unique and efficient cooking experience.
The Timeless Appeal of Soapstone
Soapstone is a metamorphic rock composed primarily of talc, which gives it a smooth, soap-like texture. Its natural properties have made it a favorite material for cookware across various cultures. The primary advantages of soapstone cookware include:
Excellent Heat Retention: Soapstone heats up slowly but retains heat for extended periods. This makes it ideal for dishes that require slow, even cooking.
Non-Stick Surface: When seasoned properly, soapstone develops a natural non-stick surface, reducing the need for excessive oil or fat.
Chemical-Free Cooking: Unlike some modern non-stick coatings, soapstone is free from chemicals and toxins, making it a safe choice for health-conscious cooks.
Durability: Soapstone cookware is incredibly durable and can last for generations with proper care.
Modern Innovations in Soapstone Cookware
While the benefits of traditional soapstone cookware are well-known, modern innovations have enhanced its usability and appeal. Today's soapstone cookware collection offers a variety of designs and features that cater to contemporary cooking needs.
Enhanced Design and Aesthetics:
Sleek and Stylish: Modern soapstone cookware comes in a range of sleek and stylish designs that complement any kitchen décor. From minimalist griddles to elegantly crafted pots, soapstone cookware adds a touch of sophistication to your kitchen.
Versatile Shapes and Sizes: Whether you're searing a steak, baking bread, or simmering a stew, there's a piece of soapstone cookware designed for the task. The variety of shapes and sizes ensures you have the right tool for every cooking method.
Improved Functionality:
Ergonomic Handles: Newer soapstone cookware often features ergonomic handles that stay cool to the touch, providing better grip and safety during cooking.
Compatible with Modern Appliances: Modern soapstone cookware is designed to be compatible with various heat sources, including gas, electric, and induction stovetops, as well as ovens and grills.
Enhanced Durability:
Reinforced Construction: Advances in manufacturing techniques have led to reinforced soapstone cookware that is less prone to chipping or cracking.
Easy Maintenance: Modern soapstone cookware is easier to maintain, with improved seasoning methods and cleaning techniques that keep it looking and performing its best.
Cooking with Soapstone: A Modern Experience
Using soapstone cookware can transform your cooking experience, offering benefits that align with both traditional and contemporary culinary practices. Here are some modern twists on how to use this timeless material:
Versatile Cooking Methods:
Grilling and Searing: Soapstone griddles and grill stones are perfect for achieving a high-temperature sear on meats and vegetables. The even heat distribution ensures a perfect char without hot spots.
Baking and Roasting: Soapstone baking dishes retain moisture, making them ideal for baking bread, roasting meats, and cooking casseroles. The natural non-stick surface ensures easy food release and cleanup.
Slow Cooking: Soapstone pots and pans are excellent for slow-cooking stews, soups, and braises. The heat retention properties keep dishes warm for longer periods, enhancing flavors and textures.
Healthier Cooking:
Reduced Need for Fats: The natural non-stick properties of seasoned soapstone cookware mean you can cook with less oil or butter, resulting in healthier meals.
Chemical-Free: Cooking with soapstone eliminates concerns about potentially harmful chemicals found in some modern non-stick coatings.
Eco-Friendly Choice:
Sustainable Material: Soapstone is a natural, eco-friendly material that requires minimal processing. By choosing soapstone cookware, you're supporting sustainable practices and reducing your environmental footprint.
Long-Lasting: The durability of soapstone means your cookware will last for years, reducing the need for frequent replacements and contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.
Caring for Your Soapstone Cookware
Maintaining soapstone cookware is simple and straightforward, ensuring it remains a reliable kitchen companion for years to come:
Seasoning: Regularly season your soapstone cookware with a light coating of oil to maintain its non-stick properties and enhance its appearance.
Cleaning: Avoid using harsh detergents or abrasive scrubbers. Instead, clean your soapstone cookware with warm water and a soft sponge. For stubborn residues, a paste of baking soda and water can be used.
Storage: Store your soapstone cookware in a dry place to prevent any potential moisture damage.
Soapstone cookware represents a perfect blend of tradition and innovation. Its timeless appeal, coupled with modern design enhancements, makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen. Whether you're an experienced chef or a home cook, soapstone cookware collection offers a unique and efficient cooking experience that honors traditional methods while embracing contemporary advancements. Invest in a soapstone cookware collection to enjoy the best of both worlds and elevate your culinary creations.
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thehungrykat1 · 3 months
Cold Storage Seafood Promotes Sea Conservation with "GenSea: Dive into Sustainability"
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Cold Storage, a leading name in the frozen seafood industry for 27 years, proudly announced its new partnership with Save Philippine Seas (SPS) for its "GenSea: Dive Into Sustainability" campaign. This collaborative effort aims to build a community and platform for like-minded leaders dedicated to shaping the future of our oceans.
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The official media event was held last June 20, 2024 at the exclusive Manila House Private Members Club in Bonifacio Global City. This was the first time that Cold Storage held an event such as this which includes a talk with some of the countries leading chefs and restaurateurs on how we can all come together to help sustain our seas.
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The exclusive was attended by guests from the media, corporate partners, plus the owner's friends and family who all came to support this noble endeavor.
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Cold Storage Seafood has been a trusted name in the seafood industry for 27 years, providing premium-quality seafood to customers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on elevating the quality of their products, Cold Storage is also proud to introduce LOKAL, a line of export-quality seafood sourced locally from various regions across the Philippines. The company is led by brothers Marco Qua and Morris Qua who, as president and vice-president, respectively, have recently expanded Cold Storage Seafood's operations and relaunched their flagships retail stores in Wilson Street and Banawe.
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“Partnering with Save the Philippine Seas has significantly enhanced our understanding of sustainable practices,” says Marco Qua, President of Cold Storage. “Through this collaboration, we've identified innovative ways to improve our processes and products, ensuring both environmental stewardship and long-term product sustainability. This partnership emphasizes our commitment to protecting marine ecosystems while delivering high-quality and sustainable products to our customers.” GenSea is not just about advocating for sustainable fishing practices and responsible sourcing; it's about celebrating the strategic collaboration between Cold Storage Seafood and Save Philippine Seas. Through educational content and fundraising events, this partnership underscores Cold Storage's commitment to delivering superior seafood options while promoting environmental conservation.
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"Save Philippine Seas is a non-profit organization that aims to conserve coastal and marine resources by empowering "seatizens" for collective action and behavior change," says Harvey Perello, Project Manager of SPS. "We call ourselves, communities, and partners as seatizens to remind us that we are citizens of the sea. SPS began as an online platform in May 2011 as a response to a large-scale illegal wildlife trade case dubbed in the media as the rape of the Philippine Seas. What was meant to be a short-lived social media campaign continued to grow."
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Guests were treated to a selection of the finest seafood dishes from Cold Storage Seafood prepared by Manila House's chefs. The Salmon Sashimi was very fresh and served as pass around appetizers. It was even better than most of the sashimi you can find in five-star restaurants here.
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The special six-course lunch started with the Seared Scallops and Ikura with Spicy Mayo. These were fresh and plump scallops that were so good, with a little spicy kick from the mayo. The ikura or Japanese salmon roe also brought a nice texture and flavor component.
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Next was the Grilled Halibut with Mushroom Au Jus. This light and clean tasting soup was made more exquisite with the tender and premium halibut that you don't often encounter in other restaurants.
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For the salad course, guests had the Pomelo and Shrimp Salad. This is a refreshing and healthy salad that comes with big juicy pieces of prawns.
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The main course was the heavenly Pan Seared Salmon in Miso Butter Sauce. The salmon was cooked perfectly and it was sitting on a bed of glorious miso butter that would have been so good to pair with rice.
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Everyone was surprised to see a second main course, this time it was the Grilled Pompano in Thai Red Curry Sauce. This was another masterful creation with the freshly grilled pompano combined with a spicy Thai curry sauce.
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To cap off the amazing lunch, guests were served the duo of Yema Palitaw and Mango Sticky Rice. The sweet treats were a great way to end the indulgent six-course seafood lunch.
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The "GenSea: Dive Into Sustainability" event also came with a panel discussion about supporting sustainable practices for local food and beverage businesses. The discussion was moderated by award-winning author and chef, Angelo Comsti, and he was joined by a panel of F&B experts: Nicco Santos & Quenee Vilar of Restaurant Aurora, Stephan Duhesme of Metiz / Automat, Patrick Go of Your Local, and Rhea & Jayjay SyCip of The Fatted Calf. 
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The collaboration between Cold Storage and Save Philippine Seas goes beyond panel discussions. It's a demonstration of genuine commitment to environmental causes. By putting words into action and partnering with SPS, Cold Storage aims to strengthen the trust and loyalty of conscientious consumers. "GenSea is a fitting title for this campaign because SPS is focused on developing a generation of seatizens, or people who appreciate and care for our seas. This partnership will support our environmental education programs and help us develop communication materials on sustainable seafood," said Anna Oposa, Executive Director of SPS.
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As part of the campaign, Cold Storage President Marco Qua committed to donate to SPS and share various projects to help raise more funds for the organization. The campaign also aims to engage with F&B professionals and influential individuals to amplify its reach and impact. Congratulations to Cold Storage Seafood for a successful event and for helping to promote food sustainability. For more updates and seafood information, you may follow Cold Storage Seafood on Facebook and Instagram. 
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sirichaiaat · 3 months
Top 5 Hand Rolls That Will Soothe Your Soul
There is nothing quite like sinking your teeth into a perfectly made hand roll. The way the fresh ingredients blend with rice gives you a burst of taste and textures. Seasoned sushi lover and newcomers to Japanese cuisine should visit a Japanese Restaurant Bangkok.  They should order hand rolls to enjoy a variety of tastes.  
Must order wagyu hand roll at the best Japanese restaurant
Ingredients: A5 grade Wagyu beef, Uni and wasabi.
The Wagyu Hand Roll is a sumptuous menu item. It features the rich buttery flavor of A5 grade Wagyu beef with the delicate uni. The marbelling of tender Wagyu beef is the reason this hand roll is so popular. It is perfectly grills then paired with uni which makes the texture creamy. The wasabi provides a sharp spicy kick to balances the taste of beef and uni. 
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Foie Gras Tenderloin hand roll would be your all time favourite
Ingredients- Foie gras and tenderloin with cream cheese kabayaki sauce and shichimi.
This roll features tender succulent slices of tenderloin mixed with the buttery foie gras. The creamy texture of cream cheese adds more goodness to the dish. The kabayaki sauce adds a sweet yet savory glaze. The sprinkle of shichimi gives a subtle kick of heat. The combination of these premium ingredients creates a melt in your mouth event.  
Why try hotate hand roll at  the best Japanese restaurant in Bangkok?
Ingredients- Aburi scallop and tobiko flavoured with wasabi mayo and kaiware. 
Try this roll if you wish to enjoy natural sweetness and delicate texture of scallops. Aburi scallops are lightly seared to enhance their flavor. They are paired with a creamy wasabi mayo that adds a touch of spice. Kaiware adds a fresh peppery note while tobiko flying fish roe provides a pop of texture. This hand roll is perfect if you like subtle seafood but with a bit of a spicy kick.
Unagi Hand Roll
Ingredients- Aburi eel and sansho pepper with the taste of sweet kabayaki sauce and avocado.
Aburi eel is grilled and glazed with a sweet kabayaki sauce is the star of this roll. Sansho pepper adds a unique slightly citrusy spice. On the other hand it has creamy avocado which complements the eel. This hand roll delivers a great mix of taste with textures. 
Ebi Hand Roll
Ingredients- Tempura shrimp, shichimi, kaiware and spicy mayo.
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The Ebi Hand Roll is a crowd pleaser that combines the great crunch of tempura shrimp with the creamy heat of spicy mayo. Shichimi provides a flavorful kick to the roll. It has kaiware to give it a fresh peppery note. This hand roll offers a delightful contrast between the crispy tempura and the soft rice and nori. The Ebi Hand Roll is a fantastic choice for those who love a bit of spice. 
How to enjoy Hand Rolls at a Japanese restaurant and bar?
Eat your rolls as soon as they are made to fully appreciate the contrast between the warm rice, fresh ingredients and crisp nori. The nori stays crispy and doesn’t become soggy from the moisture of the rice and fillings. Pair your hand rolls with a cup of hot green tea or a glass of sake for more taste.
Final words
 These top 5 hand rolls offer a variety of flavors and textures. These dishes are sure to soothe your soul. Each bite promises a comforting experience. So next time you are in Bangkok make sure you try these rolls at Yankii Restaurant. It is the best Japanese restaurant in Bangkok where you can transport to a different world of tasty hand rolls. 
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beckyapgar1001 · 4 months
A Culinary Tour of Columbus, Mississippi: Best Restaurants and Dishes.
Columbus, Mississippi, is a charming Southern town known for its historic homes, vibrant arts scene, and friendly locals. What truly sets Columbus apart, though, is its rich culinary landscape. From classic Southern comfort food to innovative fusion dishes, the city's diverse dining options promise a delightful experience for every palate. Here’s a guide to some of the best restaurants and dishes that Columbus has to offer.Click Here For More Info
1. Huck’s Place
Located in the heart of downtown Columbus, Huck’s Place is a beloved local institution. The restaurant combines a casual, welcoming atmosphere with a menu that features both traditional Southern fare and creative, contemporary dishes. Signature items include the Fried Green Tomatoes, topped with a flavorful crawfish cream sauce, and the Shrimp and Grits, which balances succulent shrimp with creamy, stone-ground grits. For those seeking a hearty meal, the Huck’s Burger, made with a blend of brisket, chuck, and short rib, is a must-try.
2. The Grill at Jackson Square
For an upscale dining experience, The Grill at Jackson Square offers an elegant setting and a refined menu. The restaurant is known for its expertly prepared steaks and fresh seafood. Highlights include the Filet Mignon, perfectly seared and served with a choice of decadent sides, and the Redfish Anna, a dish featuring fresh Gulf redfish topped with jumbo lump crab meat and a lemon butter sauce. Don’t miss the crème brûlée for dessert – its smooth, creamy custard and perfectly caramelized sugar crust make for a delightful end to the meal.
3. Proffitt’s Porch
Tucked away on the banks of the Tombigbee River, Proffitt’s Porch provides a unique dining experience with its picturesque setting and laid-back vibe. The menu is a fusion of Southern and Cajun influences, with standout dishes like the Crawfish Étouffée, a rich and spicy stew served over rice, and the Muffuletta, a New Orleans-style sandwich piled high with meats, cheeses, and olive salad. Enjoy your meal on the porch overlooking the river for a truly memorable dining experience.
4. J. Broussard’s
J. Broussard’s brings a taste of New Orleans to Columbus with its Creole-inspired menu. Located in a historic building, the restaurant exudes charm and elegance. Popular dishes include the Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, a hearty and flavorful soup, and the Blackened Redfish, seasoned to perfection and served with a side of dirty rice. The Bread Pudding, drizzled with a whiskey sauce, is a dessert favorite that shouldn’t be missed.
5. Coffee House on 5th
For a more casual bite, Coffee House on 5th offers a cozy atmosphere and a variety of delicious options. The café is known for its gourmet coffee and freshly baked pastries, but it also serves a range of breakfast and lunch items. Try the Breakfast Burrito, filled with eggs, cheese, sausage, and vegetables, or the Chicken Salad Sandwich, made with a secret blend of spices that keep patrons coming back for more. Pair your meal with a specialty latte or a refreshing iced tea for the perfect pick-me-up.
6. Harvey’s
A staple in Columbus for over three decades, Harvey’s is a family-friendly restaurant that offers a diverse menu to suit all tastes. From hand-cut steaks to fresh seafood and pasta dishes, there’s something for everyone. The Loaded Potato Soup is a comforting starter, while the Prime Rib, slow-cooked to tender perfection, is a standout entrée. Finish your meal with a slice of the signature Key Lime Pie for a sweet and tangy treat.
Columbus, Mississippi, is a hidden gem for food enthusiasts. Its culinary scene is a delightful blend of traditional Southern comfort and innovative flavors, reflecting the town’s rich cultural heritage and welcoming spirit. Whether you’re in the mood for a casual meal by the river or an elegant dinner downtown, Columbus has a restaurant and a dish that will make your visit unforgettable. So, take a culinary tour of this charming town, and savor the flavors that make Columbus a true Southern treasure.
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Tiny Kitchen, Big Appetite? The Equator 20" Range Saves the Day!
Does your small kitchen have you dreaming of takeout menus instead of Michelin stars? Fear not, fellow tiny kitchen warriors! The Equator 20" Electric Cooking Range and Convection Oven is your knight in shining armor (or spatula, as the case may be). This countertop crusader packs a serious punch, letting you whip up restaurant-worthy meals without needing a mansion-sized kitchen.
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Master Chef on a Budget, Cleanup in a Flash
Forget those cramped, two-burner woes. The ECR 204 boasts four spacious ceramic burners, so you can finally ditch the "one-pot wonder" routine. Simmer your famous marinara sauce while searing up those perfect steaks – this cooktop lets you multitask like a pro. Plus, the smooth ceramic surface wipes clean easier than forgetting last night's takeout leftovers, and the splashback keeps your kitchen warzone under control. More time plating up masterpieces, less time scrubbing away the evidence.
Baking Like a Boss (Even When You're Not): Perfect Results, Guaranteed
Level up your baking game from "burnt cookies" to "neighborhood dessert legend" with the oven's fancy convection technology (it's basically a tiny miracle worker). The two wire racks mean you can bake a whole pizza party or a batch of cupcakes for your coworkers, all at once. And that convection fan? It blasts out even heat, so no more uneven browning or soggy bottoms – just perfectly golden goodies every single time.
Grill Like a Champ, Without the Backyard Hassle
Calling all grill aficionados who live in apartments with fire alarms that go off at the toast setting! The built-in grill function lets you sear those steaks like a pro, char veggies to smoky perfection, and achieve that restaurant-quality goodness you crave. No more wrestling with the propane tank or battling the mosquitos – the Equator brings the grill right to your countertop.
Safety First (and Cleanup Second): Features That Make Life Easier
Equator gets that safety and convenience are kind of a big deal. The hot surface indicator light keeps you from burning your fingers after wrestling with a stubborn oven mitt, and the bright oven light lets you peek at your culinary creations without letting all that precious heat escape. Plus, that handy drawer underneath the oven? Perfect for hiding away all those mismatched Tupperware containers, keeping your kitchen looking like it belongs on Pinterest (or at least Instagram).
Freestanding Freedom: Fits Your Space, Fits Your Style
Unlike those giant ranges that take up half your kitchen, the Equator 20" unit is like a tiny, freestanding dream come true. This lets you place it wherever it works best in your kitchen layout, finally giving you the flexibility you deserve. No more squeezing appliances into impossible corners – the Equator adapts to your space, not the other way around.
Upgrade Your Kitchen, Upgrade Your Meals
Who says delicious food has to come from a fancy kitchen? The Equator 20" Electric Cooking Range and Convection Oven is your ticket to ditching the bland and boring meals. This little powerhouse caters to all your cooking needs, making meal prep a fun and creative experience. Don't wait to transform your kitchen into a culinary haven – explore the features of the Equator today and unlock a world of flavor possibilities that will have your taste buds thanking you
#homeappliances #kitchenappliances #oven #cooking #cooktop
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udo0stories · 6 months
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I came upon this recipe for grilled salmon on the BBQ while searching for a few different summertime BBQ dishes. I wanted to try something a little healthier because I was sick of the same old hotdog and hamburger combination. Let me begin by discussing the main problem with grilling salmon on a barbecue. A method for making the salmon slide off the BBQ grates. Here are some pointers. To prevent salmon from sticking to the grill grates, here are a few tips: Make sure your grill is heated to the right temperature before putting the salmon on it. Preheat and clean the grill. Using a wire brush to clean the grates will get rid of any residue or debris that can cause sticking. Grates should be lightly oiled with a high-smoke-point oil, such as vegetable, canola, or grapeseed oil, before the salmon is placed on the grill. Using tongs and an oil-dipped folded paper towel, rub the grates. This aids in making the surface non-stick. Oil the salmon: Lightly coat the salmon fillets on both sides with oil. This will lessen the likelihood of sticking even more. Begin with a fish that is clean and well-oiled. Before oiling, make sure the salmon fillets are completely dry by patting them with a paper towel to remove any remaining moisture. Stickiness may result from moisture. Once you have placed the salmon on the grill, give it a few minutes to cook without moving it. Do not disturb the fish too soon. As a result, the fish can naturally form a sear and come free of the grates. Use a fish spatula: To gently lift and turn the salmon fillets when it is time to flip them, use a fish spatula, which is a thin, flexible spatula made especially for delicate fish. This aids in keeping them from disintegrating. By following these tips, you can minimize the chances of the salmon sticking to the grill grates and ensure a smooth grilling process. Other shared-appeal grilled salmon recipes. Pineapple Teriyaki Salmon along with a Fun Giveaway for Spring! 2015's 40 Ingenious Healthy Recipes The icons for the clock, cutlery, flag, folder, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, print, squares, and heart solid are all represented by the icons. Grilled Salmon Delight: A Perfect BBQ Recipe for Seafood Lovers Author: Tyler Total Time: 20 minutes Description A fresh salad, rice pilaf, or grilled veggies are some of the many side dishes that go well with grilled salmon. Savor your grilled salmon straight from the barbecue—it is delicious and healthy! Four six-ounce salmon fillets each Two teaspoons olive oil two tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice two minced cloves of garlic One teaspoon of dried dill To taste, add salt and black pepper. wedges of lemon, for serving As a garnish, fresh dill is optional. Instructions Set the BBQ's temperature to medium-high. Mix the olive oil, lemon juice, dried dill, minced garlic, salt, and black pepper in a small bowl. The salmon fillets should be put on a big plate or shallow dish. Make sure to evenly coat each fillet of salmon when you pour the marinade over it. Give it a good 15 minutes to marinate so the flavors can meld. To keep the salmon from sticking, lightly oil the BBQ grates in the interim. After the salmon has marinated and the BBQ has warmed up, place the salmon fillets, skin side down, directly onto the preheated grill. Once the salmon can be easily removed from the grill grates, close the lid and continue cooking for 4–5 minutes. Using a spatula, carefully flip the salmon fillets, taking care not to break the fish. Once the salmon reaches the doneness you prefer, close the lid and continue grilling it for a further four to five minutes. Salmon that is cooked to perfection should have an internal temperature of 145°F, or 63°C. After taking the salmon out of the barbecue, place it on a platter for serving. If preferred, garnish with fresh dill and serve with lemon wedges on the side. Reader Interact
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