#they now we are all just here for sonadow generations
sparklingjay · 9 days
Boyfriends on a walk.
This would look even better if they were holding hands.
Full pic:
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hall0wedwyrm · 3 months
okay guys im gonna need some input because i think about this everytime i go to listen to any Shadow theme song and it drives me insane
Shadow has a lot of songs that could be 'his theme song' but no one (SEGA) can decide which... so im putting it to the fandom.
Little do you all know i have a very strong opinion about this and i will be judging your choices /hj
also drop your opinions in the reblogs or comments im genuinely curious
I was gonna add Throw it All Away but these two are the ones everyone loves to use to its out of these ones lol
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sharpedgedfool · 2 years
Hello I was just wondering if we could get some more stuff and ideas about the sonadow future museum au (im just going to call it that cuz thats shorter)
heres a quick sketch cuz I really liked the designs👍
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES YOU CAN AND IL OVE UR STYLE WITH IT???? I love how uncle-chuck-esc Sonic looks it's the exact vibe I wanted him to have 10/10
I'm in the process of writing this au as an actual story but I'm barely a chapter in yet, but I'll give some more snippets about Shadow and a page of sketches! (its a long read im so sorry but thank you for the ask!!)
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Shadow goes by 'Oliver' as his fake name, he took it from a book he read once and liked the cover. They use He/They pronouns and identifies as something non-binary, he's not in a rush to label himself (they joke they've enough to label around the museum)
He lived as a vagabond until settling in Rainmeadow Town, and being taken in by the museum's solo-curator Beatrice, who's a field mouse with a physical disability and was unable to fully access the museum after she took it over from the previous owners.
Shadow adored museums as it was one of the only places he could visit freely so he has a soft spot, and Beatrice was so nice to him so he stayed to help restore it and got too attached he ended up settling down there. He was anxious at first, but its been five years and he's comfortable living there now
He lived with Beatrice for two years, before managing to earn enough from odd-jobs to buy out the small apartment above the local B&B
He has a stray cat he's taken in who wanders around town when he's at work. The cat is known to be vicious but is a sweetheart around Shadow, somewhat mimicking Shadows own demeaner
He dresses himself as unassuming as possible, and that sometimes makes himself a target for any outsiders of the village He gets tired out easily, due to them restricting their energy so much, but they can still fight viciously (almost feral after so many years outside of civilisation) for a short amount of time though would prefer to run. Shadow also needs rest throughout the day
Due to his tight inhibitor rings, Shadows red stripes and eyes have all dimed to a dull grey, his blood however remains a harsh green so he has to be diligent to ensure he doesn't injure himself in front of anyone. If he loosened his rings they would rapidly shift back to a red and he would regain energy to use his abilities, but he hides them and is extremely paranoid about his true identity
He likes to read and cook, and has a habit of reading while walking around even in the dark. He cooks meals for his cat and refuses to give them cat food from a can
He's a huge coffee fan, and loves brewing it himself with the manual machines at home (but also will still absolutely eat the beans straight if it's been a long day)
They haven't 'aged' but they've 'grown bigger' through mutation, their spines and fur are longer so they appear more mature even if internally he hasn't changed much.
He's always wanted a motorbike, but couldn't travel with one and can't afford the upkeep
Their glasses are generic reading glasses that he doesn't really need, but he finds it grounding to have them in his vision (he feels hidden behind them)
Rainmeadow is a known queer-safe town, despite it's remoteness, and the museum has a hall they regularly hold events in (Shadow is fond of the rollerskate hang-outs they schedule)
He has frequent panic attacks and extreme anxiety, they're selectively mute and uses sign (I use BSL when I'm drawing it out) and can't be around large groups of people for too long. He lets Beatrice work at the front of the museum and he lurks around in the back, people jokingly call him a 'shadow' often (and he's gotten used to the fear that shoots down his spine at the mention of his name)
No one knows of his origins, though Beatrice knows some of his vagabond experiences and topics that makes him uneasy
Shadow has met Rouge a handful of times. When he was saving money, he was contacted by her due to his experience in the museum. Due to his lack of background information, she assumed he had been involved in criminal activity and needed his knowledge on artefacts and assistance in restoring something. Shadow agreed reluctantly, but despite his uncertainty he enjoyed working on the things she brought and Rouge found his genuine interest in history and lack of concern for her intentions to be good company. Shadow became her main contact for these things (though she rarely needs his help) and the two are on good terms despite not being close
Rouge has worked with Team Sonic on occasion, and never worked with GUN. She's infamous but her identity is unknown to the public, except her name on her calling card. A few of Sonic's gang know what she looks like as eventually after knowing them for so long she doesn't wear the spy gear around them all the time, but felt strangely comfortable around Shadow rather quickly so he's seen her face
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 8 months
hi i’m that one person who was upset about a sonadow sex joke you made. let me preface by saying i’m not here to argue or scare you but to apologize.
you don’t have to respond to this at ALL i just saw your blog name and felt guilty for hurting you.
im sorry about upsetting you and reacting the way i did. i still think its eugh and everything. but i just get upset when people make jokes about that with characters previously stated to be minors because of personal trauma and people sexualizing me as a kid and just morals in general. of course i know that i can’t control how people enjoy their stuff, and i know it’s going to exist regardless. but i want to at least know if who im interacting with is someone i don’t want to talk to due to being a proshipper or whatever stuff like that.
i wasn’t trying to ‘cancel’ you or anything. i was upset and said something in the moment. i’m sorry. i should have just unfollowed and moved on. i should’ve saw the human i knew behind the screen but what i could only think of was a random person i didn’t know. i’m really sorry.
well, anon, i accept your apology. but also i dont. so let's take this one by one, okay?
first of all. you're still wrong, and i'm still angry.
it wasnt a "sex joke", i was commenting on a uquiz someone else made, because i found the sheer fact that sonadow of all ships was included in that quiz to be really funny. not to mention, the uquiz was based on statistics from ao3, and i guessed the correct answer by just knowing how shipping culture works. i thought this was funny. you know, people are allowed to find suggestive humor funny, even if you're uncomfortable with it, anon.
but i'll humor you. lets say i was doing the things i got accused of doing. big deal. i don't think you're wrong for being upset, much less for being uncomfortable, but one: could've settled this over dms, two: not everyone is you. not everyone is uncomfortable. not everyone cares so much. i didn't give that joke more than two seconds of thought, you clearly did, and i don't think you're wrong for that, i think it wasn't my problem.
secondly, and this will sound horrible, but (like i said) your discomfort isn't something i (the people running that oc poll, and my followers, by the way) needed to know about. i hear you, anon, and i'm sorry that all that happened to you. i understand the discomfort. but, like i said, we could've settled this in private, you could've at least told me which mutual you were, and no one else had to know.
third: i am not a proshipper, and i don't appreciate that you're still calling me gross, by the way. this isn't an apology if you're not accepting you were wrong. i'll humor you again and say that i was doing what you say i was doing: it is not that serious to me, and i don't like being called gross for something that is just plain, morally neutral weird (not good, not bad, neutral weird)
and fourth: thank you for at least recognizing what you should've done. however you didn't do that. from what i understand, based on what happened shortly after your anon, you went to the person running that sonic oc poll (which, whatever, i was losing anyway), and you lied about what i was doing to get me kicked out. good on you for realizing that was wrong. but you know, i'm still angry. im banned from many fandom events now because you couldn't just unfollow me. so i'm glad you realized it was wrong, i accept your apology, but i'm still very much angry with you.
i'm glad you're sorry, i'm glad you're recognizing i'm a human being (okay?) and i'm glad you at least tried to apologize. don't call me gross, apologize for real, and next time don't do this to someone through tumblr anon over whats essentially a common ocurrence on the sonic fandom, and every other fandom
(by the way, even if we weren't mutuals, you shouldnt do something like this to "a random person you don't know" either, but what do i know right? and "because of my trauma" isn't an excuse, because by that logic you also generated trauma in me, because now i'm fucking paranoid about everything i fucking post. i can thank you for that.)
have a nice day.
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by the way
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samshroomm · 8 months
just thought abt it, i wonder if eclipse is gonna be the sonadow generations game. it would be So sick if he were, like think abt it. shadow is gonna have to relive his past, go thru his traumas, face his fears, black doom, all of the shit that has been thrown at him is back again. all stuff we have seen before. we already thought black doom was forever collecting dust on the shelf, but here he is back in a game. now imagine if eclipse gets featured in a game?? that would be so cool!! we could see more of him, put more of shadows lore on mainstream, not just locked away in comics
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beevean · 1 year
Can I just say that I h a t e the Whispangle teasing from the latest issue, because of how it's making all the fans act? It's the perfect combination: 100% non-canon because SEGA does not WANT or allow any romance, but the hints and teases are about as subtle as a sleighthammer to the knees, and thus now the fans are all claiming that "OMG IT'S SO CANON EVERY OTHER SHIP WITH THEM IS NOW INVALID AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU'RE A HOMOPHOBE UWU GO FUCK YOURSELF". The fact that also Silver and Blaze are literally seen holding hands in the exact same issue conveniently gets ignored, despite the fact that apparently is the standard we're needing to meet here for a ship to be """""canon""""". Must be the fact they're in front of a few trees, not a unsubtly-coloured pride flag background.
I'm salty about the general fandom mindset, sorry. Was the exact same when Sonadow promptly got declared """""canon""""" when Shadow carried Sonic bridal style one time, except the fact Sonic has done the same with Amy tons of times too. I can't help but feel like fans of 'straight' ships are a LOT less insufferable about it than those of 'gay' ships, but that might just be a generalisation because this is Tumblr.
100% agree with you there, anon.
Like. Really, guys? The pride flag? Just in case we didn't get the hint enough? Funnily enough, you can even see it the other way around: Laviarray said, in his latest video, that if you removed the colors from the panel it would lose all meaning, because it's just holding hands, and it doesn't convey romantic chemistry (not helped by Whisper's expression: couldn't she look at Tangle, to signify that she matters to her?).
As I said, Whispangle lost all sympathy for me after their little drama. The two did not interact after their own miniseries, which apparently takes place between #16 and #17; then they meet again and Tangle decides to propose the Diamond Cutters' name as their own team name when it wasn't her place at all (and putting Whisper in an uncomfortable position in front of people who aren't aware of her trauma); then the incident is resolved with Tangle being like "i'm sowwy i didn't mean to i just thought your dead friends were so cool 🥺" and Whisper writing a whole ass multiple-tweet apology that amounts to "I sincerely apologize for my PTSD, I recognize that it's very inconvenient for you, from now on I will try to be a better person, therefore I will allow you to get what you want and use the name of my dead friends for your personal comfort"?
I. Don't see what y'all are seeing. Do we have to play that old game of "imagine if Tangle was a boy and this was a boring straight ship"?
To be fair, at least Whisper and Tangle holding hands isn't quite as irritating as the Sonadow bride carrying, or even worse Sonic giving bedroom eyes to Shadow in #6: Sonic and Shadow are such disgusting pricks to each other than the people who seriously see chemistry between them basically out themselves as people who did not read IDW, and are just going with out of context panels.
Not even going to talk about that little discourse of "if you ship Tangle and Whisper with men you're lesbophobic". That's stupid. It's so stupid that I feel stupid even explaining why it's stupid. Then again, it's Twitter, so what do I expect.
As for your last point, it does feel that way. I think it's because gay ships are immensely more popular on Tumblr/Twitter in general so it attracts more assholes, and because gay ships aren't allowed to simply exist, but are touted as Representation and thus Extremely Important Activism To Take Super Seriously. Which, guys, chill. It's just two anthros looking at each other. Have fun and stop pretending you're doing something important: shipping is just a game.
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❗Empty and/or disturbing blogs will be blocked❗
(I think you know what I mean by "disturbing")
Hi everyone, I'm Cress Lee | 18 | she/her.
I love Greek Mythology, working with acrylic, reading, writing, organizing my bookshelves, cryptology, story telling, baking, Taylor Swift's music, Katty Perry's music, etc.
I enjoy the shows: STH, TOH, GF, The Big Bang Theory (it's a treasure, I love it), The Ghost & Molly Mcgee, etc.
My top favorite movies; " Cruella ", " Spirited ", " The Nutcracker & The Four Realms ", " The Greatest Showman ", and literally any Spiderman movie ever (except for " Venom ", the poster was scary enough, I didn’t need *cough*want*cough* to watch it *acts tough, but can't handle horror movies*).
I do not like: The Knuckles Series (It's... distasteful, to say the least), Radiosilence (It's the worst, I hate it with all my heart and soul. Nobody deserves radiosilence, it's torture), fanfictions that includes incest, little kids (I hate little kids, as well as kids who aren't little, they're just so annoying, I can’t stand it. I am so not parent material), the taste of caramel, lip-sticks (how do you people eat and drink with it on???), sunlight (and no, I'm not a vampire, I just don't like it, vitamin D is literally the only thing keeping me from an A+ blood test), and tumblr bots (they're the embodiment of evil) etc.
I'm not exactly new in tumblr but this account is only about a year old.
I love STH in any and every way but my favorite is, and will always be, Sonadow.
Which is what this tumblr blog's mostly about.
I also have an Ao3 account with the same name.
Most of my works are about " Sonic the Hedgehog All Media Types ".
Short, but as frequent as possible chapters are my motto.
Seriously, I'm terrible at writing long chapters.
Anyway, here's a complete list of my works on Ao3;
✅: Complete,
☑️: Almost complete (less than 3 chapters left),
▶️:On going,
⏯️:On going with slow updates,
⏸️:On hiatus,
❌:Extremely rare updates
🟧: Mature, 🟨:Teen, 🟩:General Audiences
(Word Count); 0️⃣: <2K, 1️⃣: 2K < X < 5K, 2️⃣: 5K < X < 10K, 3️⃣: 10K < X < 15K, 4️⃣: 15K < X < 20K, 5️⃣: 20K < X
My very first series called: " What It Means To Be A Family "
It had two complete parts so far, but then I decided to re-write the series, all over again, FOR THE THIRD TIME!!!
So here we are;
Part 1:(✅🟨4️⃣) Becoming A Family Isn't Easy - Act 1 (Original Version)
Part 2:(✅🟨4️⃣) Becoming A Family Isn't Easy - Act 2 (Original Version)
Part 3:(❌🟨) Becoming A Family Isn't Easy - Act 1 (Re-written)
Please read the notes. PLEASE.
And another one, called: " You Matter "
Part 1:(✅🟨2️⃣) Sonic's Purgatory
Part 2:(✅🟧3️⃣) It All Began On A Field Of Violets
Part 3:(⏯️🟨) Rotten Lemons (8/?)
Part 4: ( In Process )
Part 5: ( In Process )
And other than that, I have a tiny fanfiction (Sonic Prime) named " I'll Listen " (✅🟨1️⃣). It's a sickfic.
And also " Calming Down A Hurt Soul " (✅🟧5️⃣) too. (Video Games & IDW Comics) It's basicly a Sonadow Hurt/Comfort fic that has recently taken a dark turn.
And an even tinier vent fic called, "On The Verge" (✅🟨1️⃣).
And, "Dark & Alone (but not for long)" (⏸️🟧), a fic on Sonic Forces. My take on what happened during those six months.
And my latest vent fic, "The Emotional Beast" (✅🟨0️⃣) on Sonic as a werehog.
And, "(Not)Unexpected of You" (▶️🟨), It's gonna be a wild ride, so take cover guys!
I'd be delighted if you took a peek.
Well, that's all for now.
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nejishadow · 3 years
Neji’s Pinned Post - What Is Up My Dudes
Greetings! I’m Neji / NejiShadow!
[ 25 - They / Them - Agender / Asexual ]
I’m best friends with @shadowfreak98, so you know why I mention her in my descriptions and tags so often, and also why we commonly match.
I do commissions, but they’re closed right now - I’m moving so figuring out price changes has been put on hold. I don’t do requests unless I put out a post for it, and art trades are for muts / people I interact with often only.
[ I have unlimited Sketch Commissions on our Ko-Fi ]
Can contact me on any social media if interested!
[ If you wanna check out my stuff elsewhere, all my things are on the Carrd ]
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My Persona meme edits are generally free to share and use, just please dont claim you made them, and if they inspire you to do anything please tag or show me - I need to see or I'll die unfulfilled in this life [and I'll def share / like / reblog / something]
This doesn’t apply to my drawovers / art memes!! Those take way more time and effort
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My queue is set to post thrice a day. The pattern is two reblogs, than a new post. Occasionally there will be a day nothing new is posted to give the last new post breathing room, or to give me more time to make more art.
Every once in awhile reblog extra stuff in the moment, but mostly save stuff for my queue so I’m not running out of art to post too quick. 
My queue easily has 400+ things at any given time, so there may be multiple month gaps between me liking your posts, and them getting a reblog, in case you wonder why you’re suddenly getting a buncha reblogs from me This also means if you have some variant of “don’t like this without reblogging” on your posts, I just won’t interact with you to avoid getting blocked
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- I’m an anti, so pr*ship and their supporters get out.
- I do not answer DMs that only say “hello / hi / what’s up” or any other variation. I don’t like talking to strangers, period, honestly.
Fun facts and other things below the cut so this post doesn’t just... go on forever
If you ever wanna ask me questions in my askbox, feel free! I don’t mind being asked fun stuff. I turned off anon mode after getting asked questions that are clearly answered by the part of the post you’ve read by now. 
Currently trying to focus on (read: failing to focus on):
- MOVING, god it’s stressful, help!! 
My general favorites:
Color: yellow-orange (leaning towards orange usually) and royal blue
Food: Sharp cheddar cheese
Song: Live and Learn by Crush 40
Music Artists: Owl City, Daft Punk, Crush 40, nostraightanswer
Fic Tags: Wholesome. Happy Ending. Fluff / tooth rotting fluff. Café AU. 
Story Genres: Fantasy / sci-fi. Stuff from those genres but modern AUs
Game Genres: Platformer. Action / adventure. RPG. Most things heavily story driven. Any fusion of those genres.
Game: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Comfort Characters you’ll see me cry over:
Tails the Fox
Pidge Gunderson
Turing (2064 ROM)
Vocaloid Oliver
Ken Amada
Yuuki Mishima (more a blorbo but he deserves to be here)
Favorite Ships you’ll see me reblog more of:
Klance, Adashi and Curtadashi [VLD]
Sonadow, Sonally and Sonaze [STH]
Akishinji, Shuryu, Shuyuu, Souyo [PERSONA]
Zerox/Xero [MMX]
Pearlina [SPLATOON]
Neonnova [NSR]
My “active” fandoms (meaning I interact with posts more often from them) are: - Sonic the Hedgehog - Persona - Voltron Legendary Defender [VLD] - Splatoon - Kingdom Hearts - Ace Attorney
- What I’m drawing constantly fluctuates, there is no consistency of who / when / where and what I’m doing. Even I don’t know sometimes
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- OCs are tagged under their name. So if curious about them, simply click the name hashtag and it’ll bring up all their posts. Only ones that might be confusing are: - Neji is my persona (Tagged simply “Neji”, “NejiShadow” is usually used for update textposts) - Salem (Tagged “Salem”) is my fursona. - My sonicsona / sonic mascot is tagged “Salem (Sonic)” - Lance -- in order to differentiate him from VLD Lance -- is tagged “Lance (OC)”
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rachello344 · 6 years
I’m going to tell you all a story. I don’t really know who all will see this, but I think it’s important for me to make my position and my history clear, so I’m going to write it out anyway.  This will probably have some level of TMI, so your mileage may vary, but I don’t want to censor myself for this.  Includes frank discussions of sexuality, sex ed, etc. so it’s relatively NSFW.  Nothing especially graphic, but again, ymmv
This is... much longer than I meant it to be, so tl;dr: Fiction is meant to be a place to explore.  Being afraid of sexuality or intimidated by it is normal, but trying to control the people around you because of that is not.  The only person whose sexuality is your business is your own, and potentially your partner(s)’.  Policing the sexuality of other people will not give you anything more than the illusion of control.  Illusions, however nice, don’t generally last long.  Be kind to others, and be kind to yourself.
I started reading fanfiction when I was 12 or 13, which I think is about the average.  Everyone around me was starting to talk about dating and the like, and I wanted to figure out what they were talking about without asking anyone I knew.  As an avid reader, the only way I knew how to get contextualized information was through stories.  So I did what I think a lot of kids online inevitably do:  I looked up stories about sex and romance.  The site I was using at the time was DeviantART.
Any of you who have used the site are probably recoiling right now, as you should be.  I have seen so many terrible things written in fiction from such a young age that a lot of the stuff people complain about here seem legitimately tame.  But that’s not the point.  The point is, I was a curious kid looking for answers, and I turned to stories to find them.
I started with original fiction.  Imagine that.  A 13 year old girl online reading effectively hentai-style fiction about OCs she had no connection with.  I learned about my body through badly written dA hentai fic.  I figured out things that felt good.  I experimented quietly when my family left for my brother’s baseball games.  And then, at some point, I found my first fanfiction.
I’d technically written fanfiction of Sonic characters when I was 8 or 9, but they were all just fairy tales with Sonic and Amy as the leads.  I didn’t start with Sonic fanfiction, though.  No, the first fanfiction I remember reading was Naruto.  It was a badwrong Uchiha-cest fic.  I was probably 13 at this point.  I’d never watched Naruto, but I absolutely knew that those characters were related.  Morbidly curious, reluctantly fascinated, I read the fic.
It was short, but it was definitely hot, to my 13 year old standards.  I mean, most things were.  I was 13.  I didn’t exactly have standards.  And then I realized:  If this exists, shouldn’t there be stories with characters I actually know?  Granted, I still read SasuNaruSasu fic because it was SO easy to find--I preferred Naruto topping at the time, but now I’d go back and forth, I think, I just hated the characterization of bottom!Naruto--but I also discovered slash for things I actually knew.  Sonadow was a revelation.
It does not escape me that I got my start in fanfiction reading incest and furry porn, btw.  I mentioned earlier that I was curious, and that was my driving force.  I wanted to see where the limits were.  I would read anything.  And then once I figured out the tags, I could look for the things I liked and avoid the things I didn’t.  I didn’t much care for a lot of things where romance was concerned, but for a PWP those limits evaporated like rain in the desert.  And through this process, I developed standards.  Things I will read, things I won’t, writing styles I prefer, things that I won’t read no matter how well written, writing unskilled enough that I wouldn’t touch it regardless of the kink depicted.  And on and on and on.
I feel like it bears mentioning that the demographic of my junior high and high school was predominantly Mormon and Fundamentalist.  Not all, but a significant number.  We were mostly white, mostly well-off.  I was in as much of a bubble as I could be.  But that meant that until my friends started coming out in high school, I didn’t know any queer people IRL.  I had one friend, Avery, who told me she was Bi in eighth grade, but until about tenth grade, she was the only one who’d told me.
Our sex ed was abstinence only.  Heteronormative and absolutely the kind of thing that we all speak out against.  There were no websites that I could find with reliable info.  I was using google image searches to figure out what genitalia looked like, and I wish I were kidding.  All I’d ever seen was stuff with diseases and sores.  I was told that a girl who has a lot of sex is like an old pair of gym shoes.  I was told that boys will be boys.  I was not told that boys could love boys or girls could love girls.  I was told “Just say no,” instead of any kind of way to tell when it was safe for me to say Yes.
Luckily I wasn’t interested in sex for me, personally.  I was interested in it intellectually.  I wanted to know how it worked, why people chose to do it, what it might feel like, what kinds of sex you could have.  I was arming myself with knowledge in case I ever needed it.
When I was 15, I stumbled on a kinkster’s blog.  She was a writer, and she specialized in BDSM practices and culture, specifically in explaining it to the uninitiated.  I was too young to be there, but the information I got was invaluable.  Again, scarleteen might have existed?  But I’d certainly never found it.  This was the first time I saw someone talking about consent, about condoms and dental dams, about safe words.
It was life changing.  I read her blog avidly.  I spent about three weeks there, researching BDSM.  When I found something that seemed interesting, I’d return to deviantART to see if I could find it in story form.  I’d google terms I wasn’t familiar with or cross check online.  I googled so many things that it’s lucky that my parents let me have my own computer (an old desktop from my dad’s boss).  It’s even luckier that my parents generally let me have free reign.
When I was 17, I found the word Asexual.  It was the best word I’d seen for how I was feeling.  Sex positive asexual.  “It would be fine if it happened, but chastity isn’t exactly a punishment.”  I could make do on my own without much trouble, and I didn’t really like any boys.  Not like that.  (Whether or not I ever liked girls, I’m still trying to puzzle out.)
What I’m trying to say is that my best online experiences were via kinksters.  Fic at the time did NOT go into safer sex details.  They were either implied, glossed over, or outright ignored.  Fantasy doesn’t need to jive with reality, so it’s hardly wrong of them to ignore it.  But that information was truly incredible to me.
And I know I’m an odd case.  Someone who’d never felt sexual attraction to her knowledge researching every kind of sex under the sun sounds strange, I know.  But I’ve always been a researcher.  When I come across something I don’t understand, I look it up.
I guess, the point I was trying to make is that... for me, without all the “bad” erotica and porn, without kinksters, without slash ships, I never would have figured things out for myself.  I had no sexual education to speak of, no context for anything I did no, no one to talk to, and I definitely didn’t have any queer role models or examples in media or in my real life.  The first time I met a lesbian was when I was 13; she was my gym teacher.  And she was the absolute first queer person I ever knew about.  And until college, I’d never met another queer adult that I knew of.  Never.
We had a gay straight alliance in high school, but I didn’t want to get involved.  The cultural climate wasn’t outright homophobic, but I’d learned to keep my head down for being “too much” a feminist.  Like hell was I going to put a target on my back.  I doubt I would have been bullied--no one had come after me yet--but I didn’t really want to tempt fate either.  I stood up for the people around me, and I called it good.
When I hear people say “Kink is unhealthy and glorifies abuse” I think back on my sex ed, on learning that women who sleep around are dirty.  I think about the first time I ever even heard about consent being on a blog about a woman who loved BDSM.  When I hear people say “X fic trope condones Y behavior” I think back on the absolute sewage that I was reading as a young teen.  It’s safe to say that I’ve read just about every kink there is.  I read vore on accident by the time I was 15.  And I didn’t even remember it until I had a visceral flashback to it about a year ago when the jokes first started getting popular.  And despite all of the abuse and rape and badwrong incestuous fic that I’ve read, never once have I knowingly harmed another person.  And that makes the arguments feel a little odd.  Like “violent video games make teens more violent,” the argument that violent erotica and porn makes teens more violent is absurd.
So, for those of you still reading, if you promote anti-shipping or kink critical anything, I think you should look at it a little more closely.  Do some more reading on the other side, within your limits.  Do your own research and figure out where you stand.  I know that sex can be intimidating and scary, especially when you’re young, but something can be scary without being harmful.  Only you know your limits, but there are plenty of places to do research that have reliable information.  I’d be happy to help you find them.  For general sex ed, scarleteen is definitely my go-to.
Policing other people’s sexualities is not the way to make things feel safe again.  I know it seems like a suitable answer, and it makes you feel like you have power and safety, but think about how you feel when people tell you what you are and aren’t allowed to like or do or feel.  Think about how you feel when people accuse you of all kinds of things simply because your views are different.  That’s what anti-culture is doing.  And just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean you have the right to tell them how to feel or how to think.  Because that opens the door to them returning the favor.
“But incest--”  “But CGL--”  “But--”  No.  It doesn’t matter.  If you know it isn’t for you, then avoid it.  That’s the end of it.  Do I think some things are weird or even kinda gross?  Sure.  But that doesn’t mean no one is allowed to like those things.  If that was the case, no one would be allowed to write fic where people have sex in a kitchen or otherwise involve food in the process.  That squicks me out, but that doesn’t mean people don’t want to get off to it.  I avoid the tag and move on.  Don’t waste your time on things you don’t like.  Period.
Life is too short to waste your time on things that turn you off.  That’s time better spent finding the things that turn you on.  And hey, tastes change.  Maybe someday I’ll decide I want to read people having sticky food sex (doubtful).  Maybe someday I’ll decide that I cannot read another tentacle fic ever again (unlikely).  I won’t know until that day does (or doesn’t) come.  But I’m not gonna waste energy worrying about what other people think about my fantasies.  They’re no one’s business but my own, and theoretically a future sex partner should I find one.
Fiction is for exploration, so explore!  Find ways to keep yourself safe.  Figure out what you need to avoid, and how to do it.  Find the things you want to read and read them.  Consume the media you want to consume.  And if anyone bullies you for it or tries to make you feel bad, you block their ass on sight.  They don’t deserve even a second more of your time.
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classicdaisycalico · 6 years
🔥 for the Sonic series as well ;)
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Hoo boy you just opened another entire can of worms here
So uhhh let’s get started shall we?
First of all, people need to stop bitching about whether or not the classic games are the best or the Adventure-era games or the modern games. All Sonic games have their ups and downs. To say that their greatness stopped after [insert Sonic game here] is really rude and puts down a lot of other people who genuinely like the series and all it has to offer.
With this in mind, I genuinely like Sonic ‘06…at least, in theory. If Sega hadn’t rushed it the way they did (and I feel awful about all the pressure that was put on them in order to put something out there), then I’m sure we would have had a genuinely excellent game and we definitely wouldn’t have as much of a divide in the fandom. Of course, I am not without my fair share of opinions on it, though.
Let’s just get right down to it, shall we? We didn’t need Elise and that awkward “romantic” subplot. It felt kinda…forced in some ways? Furthermore I don’t even think that the princess in the story should have been Elise. It should have been Blaze. She could still be the same character implemented in the exact same way and everything, but carrying all of Elise’s role in the story would have made SO much more sense. It would give her a larger reason to be a part of the storyline, too. Also…SOL Dimension? SOLeanna? SOL Emeralds? SOLaris? Sega missed out on a golden opportunity here. I think they should hire me for a remake of this game.
Speaking of Blaze, WHERE WAS SHE IN FORCES?! I know she’s gonna show up in IDW at some point, I think, but if the Phantom Ruby can mess with other dimensions, then Blaze popping up in the in-game story could have made sense. Also, where was Big in all this? Where was Cream? And her mom? And most importantly, where were all the Chao and the animal buddies? Sonic games aren’t the same without Chao :(
Now let’s change the subject here and get to the voice actors. I genuinely like this voice cast a lot. Roger’s voice still sits a little too deep for a 15 year old, I think, but he delivers the snark so well it’s grown on me.
I like that Cindy Robinson doesn’t sound too Minnie Mouse with her take on Amy, but I still like Liza Ortiz’s slightly better since her 12 year old voice is a little more believable.
Quinton Flynn makes a good Silver. His voice doesn’t bite as much as Pete Capella’s voice used to. Quinton sounds much…calmer? But he still manages to capture both the vulnerability in his voice and the strong sense of justice he maintains.
Kirk Thornton is doing an amazing job with Shadow. I know he had a little bit of trouble adjusting in earlier games but he has improved so much. I don’t like his take on Boom!Shadow, though. He didn’t have to make him sound so gruff.
Kathleen Delaney’s voice for Rouge was absolutely atrocious. Bringing Karen Strassman in was such an enormous relief. I like how she implement’s Rouge’s coy and witty nature, but Lani Minella still holds out as my #1 Rouge VA.
Speaking of Rouge, people need to understand that Rouge is not just your stereotypical “sexy female character”. Being flirty and confident is party of her personality, yes, but it’s both of those things that contribute to what is undoubtedly the biggest part of her character: her wits. Rouge can use what her mama gave to manipulate any enemy ever and later physically kick their ass in a matter of seconds. That’s pretty badass, in my book.
Speaking of female characters, Amy is more than her crush on Sonic, and the writers need to figure this out. Amy is a dedicated girl who throws her heart and soul into all that she does, and if she’s ever fighting alongside her friends, she’ll fight to the death for everyone there that she loves. Yeah, she just so happens to be more vocal and physically aggressive than most, particularly when it comes to Sonic, but she is only 12, after all. And even then, her crush has been significantly toned down, which I appreciate, since it means the writers are finally getting it.
Speaking of the writers, I notice that a lot of people complain about Pontac and Graff’s way about writing storylines for a lot of the games recently. And yes, that is true; while I do like the way they write humor, the things I don’t like are the plotholes that seem to stay empty at times, and some minor characterization things. While they do get the big picture about certain characters’ thoughts and actions, it’s the small stuff they seem to overlook, and missing all the small things can add up and make the characters overall attitude in a game seem off.
Speaking of characterization, I’m still bitter about the way they handled Infinite’s backstory. SO MUCH MORE could have been done with him, and yet his motivation for becoming what he became was chalked all up to simply being bored with the current state of the world. I’m not bitter lol
Lastly, let’s get to ships. There are a few that I’m not completely on board with, and shipping Knuckles with Rouge basically tops the list. I always feel like I’m one of the only people on this hellsite that doesn’t ship the two together (anyone who knows me knows that Shadouge is my OTP for the Sonic series). I just feel like there’s a stronger bond and overall sense of closeness that Shadow and Rouge has that Knuckles and Rouge doesn’t. Most of the time, their interactions are generally negative and sometimes even played up for comic relief. I don’t see those kinds of interactions culminating into a relationship, I just don’t.
I’m not on board with Sonaze, either. Sorry guys! I feel like Blaze wouldn’t want to ruin one of her first real friendships with someone who she used to hate. Friendship has become something really special to Blaze, and trying to move beyond it, especially with someone who is not on board with romantic relationships most of the time, would probably not be the best move to make, anyway. I think it’s for the best if she left her friendship as it was.
Shadamy is a little unsettling. Shadow saw a comparison in Amy to Maria in Sonic Adventure 2, right? So at best, I think he sees her as something akin to a little sister figure, just like how Shadow saw with Maria. Also, I haven’t seen much interaction between the two of them since then (with a few minor exceptions, of course). So…how would that make any sense? (It’s through this reasoning that I can’t ship Shadow with Maria, either. Aside from the fact that she’s a literal human. Who is also currently dead.)
With all the times Sonic and Shadow have faced off against each other, I don’t see Sonadow happening. While they do harbor a mutual respect for one other, their personalities clash immensely, and pointing out their shit to each other every time that happens can turn ugly very quickly. The fact that it’s been going on for so long only justifies that reasoning further. (Sorry, guys!)
Phew. Okay. I’m done. Hopefully I don’t get crucified or burned at the stake or anything for this. (Especially that last bit. I swear I’m not homophobic, at least…I try not to be. Anyone who follows me would know that I try to educate myself on any LGBT+ issues as much as I can.)
Uhhh so that’s that. Hope you enjoy reading through all of this!
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sparklingjay · 5 months
So I've seen a lot of fans (especially sonadow fans) concerned about what Ian Flynn said in this recently bumblekast:
I got this video from here (maybe give them a like for providing the video if you have an account)
In this video, there is a question if the Shadow from the current Tailstube is still the current direction for Shadow or if it's just exaggerated to be funny. Ian answered this question with a: "That is very much his current direction. That is after lots of notes and revisions."
But I would like to remind people that this has been Shadows direction for more than the past decade. His competitiveness, arrogance, aggression, and lone wolf personality have been exaggerated for a long while now, which doesn't have to mean that he will be written badly.
Forces Shadow was written under those same restrictions. And he was pretty decent.
IDW had its bad moments, but it wasn't all bad, and it gave us some of our favorite sonadow moments.
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These moments were all written under the same current direction for Shadow.
And most importantly:
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Prime Shadow had those same restrictions or "mandates", and he was the best written Shadow in years. Even better than most of the 2000s games writing.
In a serious setting like Sonic x Shadow is probably going to be, Shadow won't act like Takeover Shadow or Tailstube Shadow (and they aren't even all that bad tbh, it's just simpler funnier writing, they all act a little dumber than they usually are to make it more entertaining).
For now, let's not assume the worst just because the direction hasn't changed. We all want to see those "mandates" gone so Shadow can have his complexity back, but it doesn't mean it's all bad.
He can still be a good character, and his dynamic with Sonic (and other characters) can still be good, and I'm sure we will still be getting some good Sonadow content.
In conclusion:
Shadow won't act exactly like tmosth Shadow, archie Shadow (which are actually not very in character with early 2000s Shadow anyways) Sonic 06 or Sa2 Shadow in the near future. But he (probably) won't act like vegeta edgelord Shadow either. Those were only his worst moments.
I'm still excited for Sonic x Shadow Generations because there isn't a good reason why I shouldn't be!
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jouska-the-deer · 7 years
The Sonic Twitter Takeover and Sonadow
I was originally going to make an angry rant about this subject because I seriously have some anger issues I need to figure out, but I’ve since cooled down with a hot cup of tea and decided to try and come at this from a level-headed point of view. 
So on Friday, there was a Twitter Takeover where Mike Pollock, Roger Craig Smith, and Kirk Thornton responded to people’s questions on the Sonic Twitter as Eggman, Sonic, and Shadow respectively. Most of the responses were well received and generally found to be funny, but a couple responses have caused some people to become upset. I just thought I’d try and explain what went on for everyone who is either upset, upset that people are upset, or just completely and utterly confused as to what’s happening. I’d also like to say what I think about this situation.
First of all, here are the responses I was referring to:
I’ve decided to also type down exactly what the characters said in those Tweets so everything is clear and easy to understand for everybody. 
First Tweet
Shadow: Oh, this is a good one. At JoannaWhiteRose asks, “to Sonic, I have a challenge for you. Tell me how much you like Amy, and what you like in her.”
Eggman: Oh yeah, Sonic, tell us what you like about that other hedgehog, Amy.
Sonic: No, no, guys can we j- c-can we just not do this right now. I mean- I mean there’s lots of other questions like-
Shadow: (In an incriminating tone) What Sonic? Are you embarrassed? 
Eggman: (Laughs) He’s totally embarrassed. Oh! I just got a message here from Infinite. It’s a file called, “Son-a-dow”
Sonic: (Urgently) No don’t open that!
Second Tweet
Eggman: Cassidy12 0 5 ... that’s a lot of numbers now, asks, “Shadow, what do you think about, Sonadow.” 
Shadow: One word Cassidy, “No.”
In the first Tweet, Shadow and Eggman make fun of Sonic by accusing him of being embarrassed, then Eggman gets sent the file titled, “Sonadow”. Sonic immediately tells him to not open the file in an urgent tone. During the entirety of the response, it can be guessed that Sonic was extremely embarrassed, given the way he was talking, and likely became more embarrassed when Eggman received the Sonadow file since he already knew what Sonadow was, and Shadow was standing next to him. 
In the second Tweet, Shadow is simply asked what he thinks about Sonadow, and he replies simply, “No.” He doesn’t say much(duh) but it can be guessed that he doesn’t like Sonadow. And again, he was standing right next to Sonic.
It can be easily seen that these Tweets share a common theme of Sonadow being brought up, and a character displaying a negative reaction to it. From what I’ve seen, what has most people upset is the fact that Sonadow is a gay ship, and the fact that the characters respond negatively to the mention of it can insinuate a negative opinion on being gay in general. Another reason I’ve seen for people being upset about these Tweets is that the characters’ negative responses to Sonadow can insinuate a negative opinion on the ship itself. 
I’d like to mention that the voice actors likely did not have much to do with the creation of the responses they gave. As Aaron Webber said in this Tweet: “We have teams reading, writing, recording, editing, and finally responding for every tweet we post.” Mike Pollock, Roger Craig Smith, and Kirk Thornton were likely handed a script that a team of writers wrote and had little say in what their responses would be.
Now that I’ve said that, I’d like to get to what everyone’s been saying, that those Tweets were homophobic and/or against Sonadow shippers. Keep in mind that I’m only discussing those two Tweets and that I’m trying my best to see things from everyone’s point of view. 
Alright. Do I think those Tweets were homophobic? 
No. In order for something to be homophobic, it has to show a dislike or prejudice against gay people, and nowhere do I see anything along those lines. All the discomfort the characters show is for the ship Sonadow, which, while it is a gay ship, I don’t believe that fact is the reason the characters are showing discomfort. The most likely cause for Sonic and Shadow’s dislike of the ship is that they are a part of it. From their points of view, they are being shipped with their rival, who is standing with them in the current moment. From personal experience, it is extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable when people talk about you and your friend being romantically involved, especially if you’re uncomfortable with the idea of romance in general, which Sonic and Shadow likely are. 
Now, I understand why people would think these Tweets are homophobic. Sonadow is a gay ship after all, and out of all the questions they could have answered, they chose two Sonadow questions to answer and wrote the characters having a negative response to them. 
One, I believe that they shouldn’t have chosen any shipping related questions to answer, especially any related to LGBT ships since they are an especially touchy subject for people. The shipping community can get very heated, and I think it would be best if they didn’t mess with it, for both their sakes and the community’s. But, I doubt they had any ill intentions by picking those questions to answer. It’s most likely that they saw those questions as an opportunity to make a joke that Sonic fans could laugh at, and didn’t think about how it could be negatively received. 
Two, I don’t believe these Tweets show they have a negative opinion of gay people at all. The negative responses that Sonic and Shadow gave were likely written like that to keep them in character, and I’d bet that if one of them was a girl and Sonadow was a straight ship, they still would have responded the same way since their discomfort wasn’t about Sonadow being a gay ship. I do understand that many people are very connected to this ship, but I doubt that any of the writers meant to personally attack them, or anyone who is gay.
Next. Do I think those Tweets were against Sonadow shippers?
Again, no. Not really. I mean, the Tweets only consisted of the characters reacting to questions. Of course they’d react negatively. Imagine knowing that thousands of people on the internet draw pictures of you and your friend kissing(and doing other stuff). Wouldn’t that make you at least a little uncomfortable? Well, I guess for some people it wouldn’t, but for a lot of people, it would. I think Sonic and Shadow’s reactions made sense for their characters given the situations they were in. 
I guess you could say that responding to Sonadow questions negatively at all is where it could feel like they’re against shippers, but again, I’m betting that they just chose those questions because they saw an opportunity to make a joke for the fans to enjoy. Nothing malicious. It’s like one of those things where the characters portrayed don’t necessarily represent the views of the people running the whole thing. 
Also, making jokes about certain ships is not something new that they’ve done. They’ve made fun of Sonic’s relationship with Elise many times in the past, and Sonic has constantly been shown to dislike Amy’s advances towards him. Heck, there was an episode of Sonic Boom (Spoilers for “The Biggest Fan”)that parodied Stephen King’s Misery where Sonic was held hostage by a crazy fan named Mark the Tapir and forced to read his fanfiction with him. One of the fics that was brought up was a Sonamy fic, which Mark said he didn’t like but felt was “obligatory in the genre”. I doubt that in any of those cases they meant personal offense to any Sonic fans that enjoyed those ships and only wanted to make lighthearted jokes. 
In conclusion
I don’t believe those Tweets were homophobic, and they were likely not intended to be seen as personal attacks on Sonadow shippers or gay people. 
Yes, Sonic and Shadow probably don’t like the idea of Sonadow, but considering that it involves people drawing and writing them being in romantic situations together, it’s understandable why they feel that way. And that has nothing to do with the ship being gay since they would have likely reacted the same way for any ship they’re involved in gay or not. Also, I don’t believe that their opinions are definitely shared by the people who wrote them. 
Those questions were likely chosen to be answered because it was an opportunity to make jokes and have fun, but I feel like it wasn’t a good idea to pick them due to how intense the shipping community can be and the fact that it’s easy to offend someone when dealing with LGBT subjects. 
Overall, I think a lot of people could have handled this situation better. The Sonic Twitter shouldn’t have dipped its toes into Sonadow or shipping in general since shipping is a very personal subject for many people, and some Sonadow shippers could have taken the Tweets a little less personally since it isn’t likely that the Sonic Twitter would try and attack its fans. 
And whether you ship Sonic with Shadow, Amy, delicious chili dogs, or all of the above, as long as you’re being nice and not hurting anybody, don’t let anything stop you from having fun. 
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