#they need to give us more bby T&S stories
tutuandscoot · 1 year
“S basically lived there” 😂 you’re not wrong. Also help why is that so cute to think about 🥺 that boy really did grow up on the ice huh 😭
It’s literally the cutest! He said at some point it was basically free daycare 😂🥹 And when he said he had to wear hand-me-down figure skates from his girl cousins and had black skate covers and his hockey friends would tease him🥲(I think he said in the book they tired to paint them black but they were obs white), there’d be a class going on and he’d just be asleep next to the boards or in the goal net, pulling the fire alarm to get out of ballet class (oh the irony mr perfect turnout), giving T flowers at the end of the show even though she was gonna get them anyway he really wanted to give them to her because he couldn’t afford to buy her flowers (you just know he saved up money BIG TIME for the Marvin and the Martian body pillow), 🥹🥹🥹, literally any picture or footage of little scootie in a tiny suit and them freaking ballroom dancing on ice my freaking children I can’t take it 😩😭✨
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amindofstone · 3 years
in his arms
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a/n: I AM IN LOVE WITH JUJUTSU KAISEN!!!! It´s so good and my bby Yuuji has my whole heart! He needs to be loved and protected at all cost. Megumi needs to be loved too and Nobara has to be praised. That girl is a BADASS!!! I love her! This trio is wholesome and their friendship!!! AHHH my heart. I love them! Hopefully they will stay together for a long, long time. (Preferably until they get old and grey.) Who´s yall favorite character and why? Any favorite moments/scenes? (I am in trouble because I wrote this during my linguistic class and only got half of the stuff taught. So please give this some love. Why do I only get good ideas during my studies?! Send help! Regret is really having the best of me right now. Like why did I let my mind convince me to write this down?! Now I have to study that sht on my own!)
Genre: anime imagine/oneshot? Jujutsu Kaisen imagine? Fluff!
Character(s): Itadori Yuuji x you (reader) x Ryomen Sukuna
Spoiler(s):NONE, (Please be aware that I just finished the first season and that I don´t read the manga. Please do not spoil anything if any comments are made. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 2529
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are your (the readers) train of thoughts.
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to: @calclzz (Twitter)!!!
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Dating Itadori Yuuji for six months now felt like six months spend in pure bliss, joy and heaven. You were the most happiest since you could remember. He took care of you and loved you. Everyday felt like the first time you went on a date. Every time you thought of him there would be a smile on your lips that would get Nobara to tease the hell out of you until you would hide your face behind your hands because of the growing pink shade of your cheeks. “Sweetie it´s fine. You´re in love with that brainless creature after all. I might not understand how such a sweet living being like you could love him but what I know is that he´s a lucky idiot.”
Yes, you were deeply in love but so was he. He fell for you in the first week he saw you. It started with a simple crush and him always trying to show his best and strongest side whenever you were around. Sometimes he managed to do so but some other times he would end up embarrassing himself. With time passing he slowly understood that you were more than just a simple crush. He was in love with you. He fell for you head over heels. He would always imagine hugging you whenever he saw you hug Panda. He tried his best to not show any traits of jealousy but always failed due to him looking at you with a sad pout. He wanted to make a move and tell you about his feelings but the curse inside of him worried him so he kept a distance. He tried. He tried so much to unlove you but he didn’t knew how, so it came that every time he made a step back regret and sadness would overcome him and he would come back and make two steps towards you. One day he found himself knocking on the door of your dorm asking if you wanted to watch a movie with him.
“For all the times that rain on my parade. And all the clubs you get in using my name. You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake. You think I´m crying on my own, well I ain´t.”, You were in your dorm cleaning and rearranging some of the furniture’s in your bedroom while singing some of your favorite songs like you always do whenever you were cleaning. You tried to look for a good place to put in your full length mirror you recently purchased while once in a while checking the cake that was put in the oven by you.
“And I didn´t wanna write a song, cause I didn´t want anyone thinking I still care I don´t but, you still hit my phone up. And baby I be movin' on. And I think you should be somethin' I don't wanna hold back, maybe you should know that. My mama…”
Although the song wasn´t really about a beautiful love story or a lovely couple you still loved the song a lot. It was a simple song accompanied by a guitar. You loved it. The first time you heard it you fell in love with it, although you weren´t that of a huge fan of the artist himself you sang the song daily and listened to it as much as you could. The song was played on your phone at least three times in a week and probably sang more than three times a day. When asked what exactly you liked about the song you would stop in your tracks and just reply with a shrug and a sweet smile.
And right now was one of those moments were you sang the song when a pouting pink haired boy started to whine. “Baaabyyyyy, why are you singing such a sad song? It´s basically about someone that got used by their partner for their name. Why would you sing that when your great boyfriend is around?”, you smiled at Yuuji who walked into your room with sad eyes. “Aren´t you happy with me?”, you shook your head and laughed at his question. “No bebe. It´s just that I really like this song. Should I sing something else?”, you asked and made sure the mirror you leaned at your wall next to your closet does not fall. “Yes please!”, when you were sure that the mirror stood properly you turned around and walked to your bed to take your phone. “What are you doing?”, Yuuji asked leaning onto your desk that was occupied by books and notebooks filled by your neat handwriting.
With a chuckle and your phone in your hand you reached for the curious looking boy in your room. Yuuji took your hand in his and let you drag him back on his feet. “Why do I need to stand when I can enjoy your singing sitting?”, the boy asked with eyes filled by endless love. You said nothing and just played the song you choose and made the boy smile.
“I found a love for me. Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead. Well, I found a boy, beautiful and sweet. Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting from me…”, you softly started to sing again while you placed one of your hands around his neck and the other one at his cheek to lovingly caress it. Yuuji leaned on your hand and let out a soft sigh. You were in love. No matter what anyone said about your age and you two being just kids. You didn´t care what people said because you knew what you felt. You knew what he felt and that was enough. You didn´t care when people told you that it is just a phase that is lead by curiosity and the need of attention. You didn´t care and so didn’t he. Why should you two care when your friends were watching your backs and making sure no one talked bad about you. Why should you care when even Gojo Sensei was approving of your relationship and supported you although he still annoyed the hell out of the both of you. But that´s Gojo Sensai after all. You didn´t expect anything else from that man.
“I love you so much.”, you heared Yuuji say before he hid his face on your shoulder. You placed a soft kiss on his neck while you slowly danced around your bedroom. “… Baby, I´m dancing in the dark with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath. But you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight….”
The position you were right now made you remember the beginning of the time you started to date him. You remember him never wanting to hug you this long. You remember him saying that he fears he won´t be able to hold up his guard and Sukuna taking over his body and mind. He feared the thought of you seeing him and on top of that having him so close to you. He feared the thought of him hurting you. He was able to take care of the curse and make sure that he doesn´t take over his body and causes trouble. But he did not knew if he was able to do that in your arms since he turned weak whenever you were close to him. And he told you that. He told you his worries and him being scared that the curse will hurt you. But the curse never did.
You always hugged him and held Yuuji close to you. You would sit in between his legs at the river close to the academy and sleep in his arms without a bit of worry. You would drag him to bed with you and keep him over night next to you without a bit of fear towards Sukuna. Sensei Gojo might be supporting your relationship but he always made sure to tell you that you should never forget that there was a curse inside of the boy you called your boyfriend.
“…We are still kids, but we´re so in love. Fighting against all odds, I know we´ll be alright this time. Darling, just hold my hand. Be my man, I´ll ne your girl. I see my future in your eyes….”, you never cared for the curse being inside of him. It was a fact and couldn´t be changed. So you simply lived with it. But it would be a lie when you said that you didn´t saw him once in the cause of yor six months of relationship. In fact, he appeared quite some time out of nowhere when you had Yuuji in your dorm. But that only happened when the boy turned into the lovesick boyfriend he was or when he came seeing you after a mission all tired and sleepy. Every time he would pass out after a tiring mission the chances of Sukuna taking his body over was high. But you learned that when he showed up around you it never was to cause trouble or hurt you. He only did that to take a closer look at you while wondering why his stupid vessel liked you so much. He would come to understand why the stupid creature would always come for a hug or simply just holding hands. And right now, exactly that happened.
“….Baby, I´m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song.”, you still had your arms around his neck while caressing it. Slow steps were made around the room accompanied by your voice that sang along to another of your favorite songs. Another soft kiss was placed on his neck by you when you loosened one of your arms to take your boyfriends hand in yours. His hand that held you close to him were tenderly placed around your body. The hand you loosened around him took one of his in yours to intertwine them when something made you stop in your tracks for a few seconds. You felt longs nails on your boyfriend’s soft hands that made you realize that he no longer was here but rather pushed aside. “…I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person and he looks perfect. I don´t deserve this, you look perfect tonight.”
“Aren´t we a bit cheeky, my dear dark knight.”, a deep sigh echoed in your ears. “Why did you stop singing human?”, a chuckle left you while the song by now ended but your body were still slowly swaying from side to side. “Cause the song ended, idiot.”, an annoying growl erupted from the throat of your boyfriend. “Who are you calling idiot, human?”, Sukuna didn´t sound mad. In fact it even sounded playful. Should I let go of him? But he´s not letting go himself so hugging him should be fine, right? “Why are you calling me human? Well, I am one but still. Do you know that I have a name? A name like you have it. Something we use to call each other to avoid calling every living being human, you know my dear?”, a soft but still deep chuckle could be heard before he let go of your intertwined hands and got back to hug you. “I´m not stupid you damn creature. I´m even smarter than any of you could ever get.”, he whispered while he nuzzled onto you. “Really? Are you that? Well it seems like you weren´t that smart when you ripped Yuujis heart out of his chest or attacked Sensei Gojo. Remember?”
The words you said made him loosen his grip on you and look you in the eyes. Any normal human being with a bit sense of sanity would have screamed or looked the curse with fear in their eyes but you didn´t. With one hand still around your body that held you close to his he took your face in his other and made you look in his eyes. “I dare you to get rude. Watch out what you say, human.”, he sounded angry and talked in his deep voice that would cause anyone to tear up instantly. But you? You were smiling at him while trying to hold back the need to laugh. It´s so easy to provoke him.“I need to take the cake out of the oven.”, the curse looked at you dumbfounded. Weren´t you scared? How aren´t you scared of him? “You need to what?”, he asked confused. “Let me go for a second and you´ll see.”, the man in front of you raised a brow but let go of you nevertheless to see what you meant. After a quick thanking him, you made your way out of the bedroom into your kitchen to turn the oven off and take the cake out. “You see that´s a cake and the thing it was in is called oven. It bakes there. Now I let it cool.”, you carefully put the cake on your counter and look back at your boyfriend whos body and mind was taken over by the curse. “Now would you mind changing back with Yuuji? I´d like to watch Netflix with him.”, you asked with a tilted head.
A slight smirk grew on Sukunas lips before he came closer. “You could also do that with me. , you shook your head and went to sit on the couch in front of the TV. “I could, but that´s not fun. We wanted to start the third season of Money heist you know. And I need someone to talk to. And that I can´t do with you. You´re not understanding the whole concept of the series and the minds, emotions and the actions of the characters. Therefore it´s a no for me, thank you. Now please change back, your majesty.”
Sukuna came to sit next to you. With an annoyed eye roll he closed his eyes and left to allow the actual owner of the body to take over again. “Hey there. You´re back, baby?”, you said with a tilted head. Yuuji looked around with confusion written all over his face. “Did he come again?”, he asked you with a pout and apologetic eyes. You nodded and took his hands in yours. “It´s fine. He didn´t do anything. He never does. He just comes to annoy us.”, Yuuji nodded and pulled you into his arms and made you sit on his lap. You were straddling him while he buried his face back on your neck. He was happy. He was happy and really appreciated the fact that Sukuna kept his word and never hurt you. He might cause him a lot of other problems and annoy the hell out of him and even drop him when he needed him but at least he didn´t hurt you. He sometimes even could feel how he took care of you when he couldn´t. Yuuji couldn´t say that he was on good terms with the curse but one thing’s for sure. He was damn thankful that he understood his feelings for you and didn´t disrespect that.
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captainrexisboo · 4 years
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Upon reaching this TREMENDOUS milestone, I present, my dearest babe: Witcher ✨
He’s my beloved Clone OC...this is where he came from. Sorry if it reads like a DND background story. It kind of is!!! Witcher holds a very dear space in my heart, I made him while I was hurting pretty bad, threading him into my life through my Nightsister OC. These two are pretty personal to me, and I’d love to share their story with you!
Asva Strasi is an old self-insert/Star Wars DND character I played with that I’m beginning to flesh out, and her story goes hand in hand with Witcher. There can’t be an Asva without a Witcher, nor a Witcher without an Asva.
Witcher’s introduction to this blog is in V pt iv, and more info about him can be found at this ask. (Edit: also here!) Please let me know if you would like to be put on the Witcher tag list (present tags are at the bottom of the backstory)!!!
Thank you all so much with your love and support, I can’t wait to share more with you!!! I love you all!!! And without further ado, I give you:
The First Meeting
It’s the very start of the war, where Asva Strasi is a witch of the Nightsister Clan on planet Dathomir. She’s a younger witch (19 years old, 22 BBY), in the process of completing her training to become one of Mother Talzin’s assassins, she’s never known life outside Dathomir and seeks to change that. Strasi always dreamed of travelling and learning about life outside her planet, like many of her assassin sisters. One day, she was out for athletic training with her sisters. Going a little farther than usual, Strasi came across an armored body. Deciding the body was indeed a male, and close to death, she convinced her sisters to bring him back to base. They brought him to Clan Mother Talzin, who classified him as a Mandalorian based off of the signature T-shaped visor of his helmet, but other than that the armor he wore was strange. It seemed too stark, and not as decorated, not even a clan symbol to be seen. Knowing of the Mandalorians code of honor, as well as their universally praised strength and strategist mind, she thought of bringing him back to health to gain his gratitude, and push for an alliance. Mother Talzin brought her most talented witches together, and as a reward for bringing her the Mandalorian, she allowed Strasi to be a part of the ritual. Once his health was restored and consciousness gained, he was met with the gazes of Mother Talzin and Strasi. Mother Talzin began to answer his questions, and upon learning Strasi saved his life, he was extremely thankful but told them he needed to be off world immediately. He needed to return to the war.
“Ah, of course. You Mandalorians are always in one sort of war, or another. We’ll help get you home-”
“I’m not a Mandalorian ma’am. Well, not technically anyways.”
Talzin and Strasi listened to the soldier, now learning he was only a clone of the Mandalorian Jango Fett. CT-2457, not yet named. He fought alongside the Jedi, lightsiders, for the Republic.
“And who dares defy the Republic?”
“Separatists, ma’am… I’m sorry, who did you say your planet aligns with?”
“We’re a neutral planet, sir.”
Strasi answered for her Mother, assuring the clone they meant him no harm. She explained how she and her sisters' only goal for him was to take him home.
“Asva will accompany you back to Coruscant,” Talzin declared, surprising Strasi, who still had a final trial to go through before becoming a full-fledged assassin to be allowed off-world. CT-2457 left with a respectful thank you to Strasi before going with a duo of witches back to where he had landed to see if he could find any salvageable supplies that might’ve dropped from his crash along with him.
“When you get to the...what did he call it? The GAR headquarters, please extend an offer of our services to the Republic. I’m sending a group to go find and extend the same offer to whoever runs the Separatist forces. When you come home, we’ll put you through your final trial.”
Strasi takes 2457 back to Coruscant...only for them to say due to him being accounted for as deceased, he’ll have to go back to Kamino for them to decide what to do with him. Strasi sees the clone make the slightest twitch of discomfort, and before the nat born GAR officer can alert anyone to take the clone back, she volunteers her service, “I can take him to Kamino. Just let them know we’re coming. My name is Asva Strasi, I’ll be flying a Lancer-class pursuit craft, Vigilance.”
She left with the proper extension of the Nightsister’s services in the future.
Aboard the Vigilance, she spoke to 2457. A little hesitant, he opened up about life on Kamino, raised to be what they are, not who they could be.
“On my planet, males are seen as slaves. Good only for the harvest, sometimes protection, and breeding,” Strasi recounted, chuckling lightly at 2457’s uncomfortable face, “Don’t worry, I won’t treat you as such. I’m just saying, you received a very special treatment on Dathomir. If you can’t find yourself a happy place on Kamino with your brothers, please think of me as your sister. And Dathomir, a place of rest.”
She holds out a small object in front of him, a chunk of dark metal, the size of just the tip of her thumb, the point tinged green with the light hitting it just right.
“What is that?”
“A focus. I use it to help center myself in meditation, to channel my energy and thought into. And now-” she breaks it, the metal really just a shining stone, handing half of it to the clone, “-you’ll always have a part of me with you. Brother clone.”
2457 takes it gently, wary of how brittle the stone may be. He marvels at it for a moment, how the green looked to nearly be glowing, and looked back up to the kind face of the witch in front of him, nodding his head, “Sister Asva.”
She lands on Kamino, and the Kaminoans are already waiting for them, along with a couple of other clones to serve as guards.
“Would you care to tell us exactly your healing methods, miss Strasi?”
“Magicks. Nothing to leave a scar that wasn’t already formed. CT-2457 just needs to be reentered into the system so he can get back to his proper clan.”
“Magic. Clans. Dathomirians,” a different Kaminoan rolled his eyes, spitting out his words, “The primitive ideals of your planet mean nothing for us, we will need to recommission it-”
“No need, sir,” Strasi bit out, venom lacing her formal request, “CT-2457 is perfectly well, Mother Talzin saw the ritual through. Or, I’m sorry, should I word it differently? Perhaps in a way you understand? Kaminoans. CT-2457 was put through our traditional medical procedure, headed by our lead doctor, and he will need nothing more than a regulatory physical to ensure he’s fit for battle with his company again. Is that more clear, sir?”
“Young lady-”
“Am I clear?”
Before the other Kaminoan could speak again, Nala Se stopped him, putting up a hand and motioning Asva to come closer, “Stay for the physical. If anything proves to be out of place, you will be put on trial as representation for your planet, charged with tampering with Republic property. If you’re correct and nothing is wrong, we will hand you a reward and you will be free to leave. Is this fair to you?”
CT-2457 was getting looks as he passed through the halls, side by side with the white haired young woman dressed in ruddy colors. He didn’t stray from her side, steps falling into line with hers. She brushed her hand against his, causing him to look down to her, to see her tapping her half of the focus against her leg. He nodded once, breathing deeply. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he just thought of the little rock stuffed in his pocket, thought about giving it his entire self, and breathed.
Before he knew it, his physical was over, passed of course, and he was waving goodbye to Strasi’s ship as it left the atmosphere. He was hounded by his vod about where he had been, what had happened, what had been done to him. He told them about Dathomir, the Nightsisters and their magick, Asva Strasi and her focus. By the end of the night, he had a name; he was Witcher.
Tags: @bad-batch-of-fics @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @vesperstalksclones @haloangel391
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katsuriin · 4 years
I recently stumbled across your blog and now im obsessed🥺 like the way you write is just so🥰 so if you dont mind, id like to request a little scenario with maybe tsukki, iwaizumi, and ushijima being clingy towards their s/o after not being able to see them for a long time🥺🥺🥺 and their s/o kinda asks them why and kinda teases them abt it i guess?? ive just been a bit touch starved lately need some fluff hehe
❥Tsukishima, Iwaizumi and Ushijima being Clingy Bfs™
wc: 0.9k
a/n: BABY!!1!!!1! I've been hella touch starved lately too 😞✊ so I drowned my sorrows in writing this req thank u sm for the kind words I hope you enjoy this!! 💕💕💕also don't @ me for saying sofa okay I'm britiSH djffshdj
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as this string bean's s/o you get used to him only being his true soft self behind closed doors and you're perfectly okay with that!!
so when you meet him and the rest of the team outside the gym when they arrive back from a training camp, you nearly jump out of your skin when you feel a pair of arms snake around your waist
he'd nuzzle his face into your neck and you'd be like,, woah,,, u ok bby??
when I say bby I mean bABY ok he's just gonna mumble something inaudible into your neck and hold you tighter, his social battery and his physical battery is drainED
the team are just gonna be like 👁👄👁 cue hinata saying "you tAMED THE BEAST Y/N!!1 1!!!! 1"
hfshdj anyway he's fully prepared to walk to his place whilst clinging onto you but you're literally waddling
"baby if you let go of me we can get to my place faster and cuddle?" /big tsukki sigh/
By the time you'd finished changing, the blonde was already lying down on your bed. 
"Why did you take so long?" he huffs.
"Wow even when you're being a clingy baby, you have the energy to be moody hm?" you tease, setting yourself on the edge of the bed. He sighs before gently tugging you to his chest.
"I missed you... everyone was too loud and I couldn't sleep properly." you giggle before looking up at him, admiring how peaceful he looked. You carefully lift the glasses off his face, placing them on the table, before getting him under the covers. When you got comfortable again you took his face in your hands and pressed a kiss to his cheek, a sleepy smile gracing his lips.
"I missed you too Kei."
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after finals and then a volleyball tournament the two of you had barely seen each other
so when the bell finally rung, you both rushed to your homes. you picked up your packed bag before running to his house where you could finally chill in each others presence
you had barely even knocked on the door before it was flung open, your boyfriend standing there in a comfy looking hoodie and shorts t-thighs
doesn't even say hi he just stands there like "Baby!! 😊🥺"
would tell you to change into your pyjamas even if it's 6pm hgdfgj
tells you to wait on the bed while he makes tea because he missed you and wants to treat you like roYALTY
He sets the tea down on the bedside before turning to you. His eyes softened immediately as he raked his eyes over your form, your pyjamas making you look extra cuddly. He nudges your legs apart and climbs in between them, resting his head on your abdomen as you smile down at him fondly.
"Someone missed me" you chuckle, running a hand through his hair. He hums in response the vibrations tickling your tummy making you giggle. He recounts the highlights of the tournament and a couple of funny team stories as the two of you catch up, all whilst you play with his hair and give him sips of your tea. When his voice gets softer and more sleep ridden, you scooch down a bit hugging him to your chest as you fall asleep to the sound of each others soft breathing.
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you'd been away for the first half of winter break but that was too long for toshi >:(
he'd gotten used to your daily hugs and the influx of affection he received whenever the two of you were together
so when you got back he made sure he was the first to know
Can I come over when you're home? 
it made your heart soso warm when he was as straightforward as this and you immediately agreed
he came over with some basic essentials and snacks because he knew there wouldn't be anything at home for you after being away for a while 🥺🥺
once you'd both finished putting everything away, you felt him staring
He was leaning against the kitchen counter, staring at you with a soft look in his eyes. He didn't look away when you caught him staring, instead the corner of his lips upturned a bit, making your tummy erupt with butterflies. Hit with the sudden urge to shower him with affection, you push yourself onto the counter before tugging him towards you. His hands find your thighs and rest on them, drawing small patterns with his fingers, whilst you hold his face in your hands. You press a soft kiss onto his forehead, his eyes fluttering closed at the contact. When he doesn't open his eyes after, you get a bit concerned.
"Are you okay Toshi?"
"I'm fine. I just missed you when you were gone." 
You can't even bring yourself to start teasing him, as you feel warmth engulf your entire body. You smile widely pulling him in to hug you whilst peppering the side of his face with kisses. He sighs contently, resting his chin on your shoulder, before lifting you up and walking to the sofa. 
He places you against the back of to sofa before laying down, your noses bumping together. For the 100th time that night, your heart warmed at the sight of your boyfriend. He resembled a big teddy bear and you'd be damned if you weren't going to give him as much affection as you could. The rest of the night was spent giving him soft kisses all over his face whilst his arms stayed secure around you, holding you close.
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rainstormfes · 4 years
Attack on Titan S4 Ep6
Ya know... i thought i wouldnt make another one of these but OH WELL EP6 OPENED UP MORE THINGS ABT THIS AMAZING STORY SO I’M MAKING ANOTHER POST TO RANTTTTT
So again SPOILER WARNING I’m gonna be talking about Attack on Titan: The Final Season Ep6
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FIRST OF ALL can i just say the war hammer titan LOOKS SO FRICKIN COOLLLLLL like that is the coolest frickin ability BY FAR THAT WE HAVE EVER SEEN
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Eren’s hot.
Ok but also i just wanna comment on the fact that he’s changed SO MUCH like PHEWWWW the character development is amazing. He went from such an energetic kid to this stoic, always analyzing, ‘i have no choice’ man and it gives me SO much whiplash.
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Mikasa’s hot
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Jean glowed up and is now hot
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Floch’s hair isn’t that weird spiral thingy i’m proud 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Whatta glo up connie Y E S 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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ok THE PARALLELSSSS this ss alone holds the same vibes as eren on the boat in 845 and he was swearing he’d kill every last titan. GOSH YES I LOVE THESE PARALLELS SO MUCH.
This part hurt my heart so much bc we know that THIS ONLY HAPPENED. BECAUSE THE MARLEYANS WANTED TO RETAKE PARADIS FOR DUMB RESOURCES so they were like ‘AIGHT LETS GO KILL EVERYONE ON PARADIS’ and then that just triggered the chain reaction of the walls being broken down and eren’s rage being sparked etc etc like i imagine none of this wouldve happened if they WEREN’T GREEDY. I mean sure grisha might’ve done smth if wall maria’s first breach didn’t happen but it wouldn’t have had as much of an influence as wall maria’s breach had
Oh yea ALSO i’d like to give ayaneru (gabi’s seiyuu) a special mention cause the scream gabi let out around the time when udo was getting trampled and it was just settling in that zofia and udo were dead was executed SO. WELL. The TERROR in her voice was *chef’s kiss*. (weird sentence but seriously her scream along with the screen showing eren just perfectly juxtaposed the situation. Eren’s gone through this shiz before. Oh he knows what every single child that’s being orphaned right now is going through. But GOSH DANG IT HE HAS NO CHOICE CAUSE ALL THE PARADIS PPL WANT IS FREEDOM AND THEY’RE NOT GONNA GET IT UNLESS THEY LITERALLY STOP EVERYONE TRYING TO GET IN THEIR WAY BUT THE PEOPLE GETTING IN THEIR WAY ALSO HAVE THEIR REASONS AS WELL)
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O H ?
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Gosh he looks so hot. I love how he’s called by name probably cause zeke, pieck, and reiner were like ‘YALL BEWARE OF THIS GUY AIGHT’
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aND I KNOW everyone’s made connections to mikasa wearing eren’s scarf still and levi wearing the og survey corps cape to represent erwin and every single life they ever lost in the walls BUT GOSH DANG IMMA PUT IT HERE CAUSE IT DESERVES TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED. GOSH. AND NEXT EP LEVI IS GONNA FIGHT ZEKE AGAIN I AM SOOOOOO READY FOR LEVI VS BEAST TITAN PT2
Oh yea also, I just love the added detail of basically everyone using the interior police 3DMG equipment that was “specifically designed to kill humans” along w the thunder spears. BUT THEN LEVI USES THE OG 3DMG EQUIPPED W ONLY SWORDS CAUSE HE AND HANJI ARE THE LAST REMAINING OG SURVEY CORPS MEMBERS AND TO SEE HIM REPRESENT EVERYONE THAT HAD TO BE SACRIFICED TO MAKE IT TO THE MAINLAND IS JUST *CHEF’S KISS*
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THIS. T H I S FRICKIN SCENE. Porco’s like ‘what?! these humans know i’m a titan right? they know that and yet they’re coming to kill me?!?!’ MY GOSH YES OFC THEY ARE.
All humans learn to adapt to their environments (i’d like to believe) faster than any other species on this earth AND GOSH DANG DUMPING HUMANS IN A PRISON FILLED WITH TITANS THEY’RE BOUND TO LEARN HOW TO DEFEND THEMSELVES EVENTUALLY. As eren once put it, the survey corps are made up of a bunch of weirdos. But that’s what their world needed. Weirdos brave enough and stupid enough and curious enough to want to figure out how to kill titans and figure out their certain quirks and behaviors.
Totally understandable how, if s4 was released first, we would see the paradis ppl as demons bc titan killing humans?! That’s never been SEEN in Liberio or all of the continental mainland for that matter. ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO SEE HIM FREAKING OUT like that’s what DECADES of living with titans has done for the humanity within the walls hehehe.
ALSO i bet the rest of the titan shifters are gonna be like ‘wtf’ seeing LEVI (who is one of the shortest among them) WIELDING BASICALLY TOOTHPICKS in their eyes. O H my gosh i really wanna see more reactions from the titan shifters cause it’ll be HILARIOUS. Their minds being absolutely blown after only believing that the only thing that can kill titans is other titans is just so funny. YALL’S HIGHER UPS WERE THE REASON THEY EVEN ADAPTED IN THE FIRST PLACE BC THEY WERE FORCED INTO THAT HELL AND NO WAY DID THEY JUST GIVE UP.
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And ofc this beautiful frame. I personally absolutely frickin love the cgi that they implement. IT LOOKS SO COOL AND EVERYTHING from the TITANS to the 3DMG just looks AMAZING
Gosh this episode, again, reinforces the idea that both sides are fighting for their own justified beliefs. Like ofc i wanna root for the paradis ppl and honestly they kinda deserve the victory after so long of just losing countless and lives and hope. Liberio and marley in general hasn’t faced that kind of loss yet. Like all theyve ever fought is PEOPLE. Imagine fighting against an enemy that is SO much more powerful and unpredictable than you. BUT on the flip side on the mainland, everyone still has loved ones they dont want to lose. And eldians are still highly persecuted as well so they have also fought to win favor with the marleyans and not get killed for the shallow reason that their ancestors killed many people and that they should take responsibility for that. For example falco (and his brother) is trying to protect their family and the girl that he likes. And gabi herself is probably being held on high expectations cause she’s related to reiner. Everyone has their struggles. It’s just... whose side do you want to be on?
Anywaysssss cant wait for ep7 :3
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seijorhi · 4 years
alright i’m compiling these because today was a lot 
i dont think there was even any negative stereotizing of black men bc all of the men in your fics do dark things??? pls ppl be looking for crumbs to hate 😭😭😭
i mean that’s kind of my view. if you’re writing like mainstream fics and characterising aran (and aran alone) as somebody who’s aggressive and rapey and all of that, absolutely, that’s a real red flag, but everybody is equally as awful in my fics. i don’t do fluff or any kind of safe, sane and consensual so??
 Who is aran? And what fandom?
aran is from haikyuu, he’s an outside hitter for inarizaki :)
Please bb write that Aran fic! That man is sexy af and there is not enough content out there for daddy Aran! Please! I’ll give you my whole heart if you write it out of spite!
haha i’m honestly tempted 👀
Lol maybe the aran anon sent to the apology to the wrong creator 😂 
I don’t think it’s nice to tell people to delete their fics cause that uncomfortable. Also it’s not your only JUST writing Aran fics 😂
yeah idk the ask felt very half cocked but it’s whatever
I’m sorry there are people being mean to u :( is there anything I can do to help? Is there a way for you to blog that aran anon?
it’s okay, i’m not really bothered by it – mostly because it doesn’t actually apply to me but anyway lol
Anon, if you don’t like dark content then use the content AND tag filter to block it. I don’t think you understand how both HATEFUL and RUDE it is to demand a writer to delete their fic. If you really dislike their content, then block it. Every single writer does not exist to cater to YOUR preferences. Sorry you’re getting this rude and ridiculous anon Rhi! Thank you so much for writing amazing pieces 💕
it’s all good, bby, but i do agree. tumblr has a blocking system, people should use. also i would never delete a fic just because somebody came to complain to me about it
What’s a moot? Sorry i should know this
a mutual - somebody who you follow and who follows you back :))
Did anon think you were just writing yandere fics for Aran or smth👀 Did they ignore the entire masterlist full of other characters
i don’t think they bothered to think about it, just went straight to jumping down my throat after making an assumption over blindsided
To Aran Anon, don’t you think intentionally excluding the black characters of haikyuu in fanfic writing is inherently ✨ r a c i s t ✨?
I think anon needs a pair of glasses, cause I don’t think they see the bigger picture of this issue.
i understand where they’re coming from i just think that their viewpoint (at least in this case) kinda doesn’t make sense, but hey, they’re entitled to feel how they feel, i’m more irritated that they came up and asked me to delete a fic over it
first time sending something in but i gotta bc wtf is that aran anon on?? like i get that it can be seen as demonizing black men but does anon not know that literally almost every other character is asian lmao dont pick and choose which group of poc can or cant be in dc fics its all in good fun and horniness at the end of the day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also i love you youre one of the few haikyuu dc creators thatll always have me entertained keep it up babes <3
yeah, it’s just all a bit ??? but what’re you gonna do. 
also i love you too thanks for this bby!
Pretty sure I just bombed my Math exam 😢
Please send one good vibe my way it would be appreciated (also big fan of your work, please never stop being great!!!)
aw i’m sorry bby, i’m sending you all the good vibes and love 💕
I’m writing for Oikawa rn and I need help because your yandere Oikawa is so...amazing. What nicknames do you think he uses with reader? Like darling, cutie, sweetheart...anything?
sweetheart, cutie & babe/baby are my go-to’s for oiks :) but darling works too!
hello this is the anon who u made simp for oikawa even tho ive never having seen haikyuu dropping by to say you are my favorite writer!! i picked this flower for u ✿
omg i would love a second fic for final girl! the whole story and concept is super interesting ALSO i love bo kuroo and akaashi 🤍 (i love your fics and ideas in general ily)
well it’s currently winning with 354 votes so :))
So I voted for Final Girl but I'm sure whatever fic wins it will still be a masterpiece but what fic are you rooting for Rhi?
honestly i think i could go for a blindsided part 2 or et tu part 2 efbhjvkl i just wanna write more manager au’s
don't mind me, just coming here say that y'all are really sleeping on Good Girl 😟 It's a total chef's kiss 1000/10 fic.
fdhcbjiewrkoviwhrtj my first hq fic 
Do you read manga or watch anime? 🥺 Where do you watch you’re anime (if you do), I can’t find anywhere to watch after kiss anime was shut down 😭
i watch animes across crunchyroll, hidive and netflix. manga’s i just google but i’ve only read a few
Istg the way you write these fanfics are
We love you!
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nanbaka-82 · 4 years
No one asked and no one will probably read but here’s songs that remind me of some of my most beloved hypmic boyos (Yes I wrote this at five am and I was being biased) Alert this is very long and shitty don’t read if ya don’t wanna get a brain rot and I advise you not to break your mind before 2nd drb.
Bonus up top:
All Stars + Kotonohoto:
- This Is The Moment - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
- I’m Ready - AJR
- Three Thirty - AJR
IM NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE AT ALL but since he’s a character that we never really got to understand and analyze, or maybe the fact that he was put falsely into his comatose state pains me.
“You start thinking about the clock ticks, you get nervous, you start stressing, so how am I supposed to fit this, in three minutes, and thirty seconds?”
“Listen to my aching heart. Quick before you skip the song. We are human after all. And we. Don’t. Stay. For. Long”
Naughty Dialogue/MCD +:
- Bang - AJR 
“I’m way too young to lie here forever (IchiKuko) I’m way too old to try so whatever (SamaSasa) so come hang! We’ll go out with a bang!”
- Partners in crime - ft. Ash Costello
The vibe too! Idk I really like it!
- A Bud Like You - AJR
Naughty Busters: 
- Rope - Kulick
“I keep slipping on down but I can’t let go yet”
- Kids In The Dark - All Time Low 
 “They left us alone, the kids in the dark, to burn out forever or light up a spark, we come together, state of the art, we’ll never surrender, so let the the world sing”
More pain but cute 
Mad Comic Dialogue:
- I’m Not Ok - Weathers 
- Weak - AJR 
“But I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that? Boy oh boy I love it when I fall for that” (fall for each other those Lil gay boiz)
- Broken -lovelytheband 
“I like that you’re broken broken like me, maybe that makes me a fool?” (sasa)
“I like that you’re lonely lonely like me, I could be lonely with you” (sama)
“There’s something tragic, but almost pure, think I could love you, but I’m not sure” (sama)
“It’s something wholesome, it’s something sweet, tucked in your eyes that I’d love to meet” (sasa)”
- Rose Colored Boy - Paramore 
Y e s 
- Sober Up- AJR
“Hello hello, I’m not where I’m supposed to be, I hope that you’re missing me, cuz it makes me feel young”
*Cries in SamaSasa*
“Won’t you help me sober up? Growing up had made me numb, and I wanna feel something again. Won’t you help me sober up? All the big kids say I’m drunk and I wanna feel something again. Won’t you help me feel something again... how’s it go again?”
“And I wanna feel something again. I just wanna feel something again. (My favorite color is you)”
“Can I finally feel something again?”
*Cries in SamaSasa again*
Otome (I’m so in it for her):
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez 
Just. Her backstory. Shit. 
Fling Posse:
- TMD (Talk Me Down) - R & R 
This song just reminds me of the overall relationship between fling posse! I’d make an edit but I’m lazy and sad 
- It’s On Us - AJR
(Honestly AJR is my emotional anchor and it’s obvious)
“It’s not your fault you don’t feel safe it’s not your fault so don’t take blame (no it’s on us)”
“We can try together, make it right together, we can fight together, it’s on us, though your trust is stolen, though your heart is broken, you are never broken, it’s on us” 
“We know what we need to do we’ll be there it’s not on you”
Now da main course:
Samatoki Aohitsugi:
- Karma - AJR : 
THAT PART WHERE ITS LIKE “Where the hell is the karma?” HNGGG
- Can I Get a Witness - Sonreal :
OKAY hear me out:
“I fell in love with you cuz you made me feel, I fell in love with you cuz you kept it real, but you changed up on me, you changed your flow, and now I’ve been hating on you every where I go”
- Honest - Nico Collins 
No comment... 
- Middle Finger - BOHNES 
Oh god I love this song 
“But I refuse to let you make me feel like I can’t fly, not only will I soar again, I’ll own the fucking sky” 
“Livin like a riot, setting off the sirens, fists are clenched I’m fighting, soul has been ignited, ain’t got time for dying, I’m too busy thriving, more than just surviving, heart is beating violent”
And just so much more, this song reminds of his spirit that no matter how many times it’s been broke down just won’t give up, and I love it
- Little Poor Me - Layto 
“I tried hard you know I care, I care, I care, just a little poor me, just a little poor me”
The way he protected what he loved with all his heart, Sasara and Nemu, yet, he still lost them at the end. 
Jyuto Iruma:
The Car - Nightly 
Idk why it fits him—the feel of it I guess 
Ramuda Amemura (maNy but I chose):
- Rabbit Hole - AViVA 
Gives me the feel where he drags people down with him but wants to escape 
- Hypnotized - AViVA
“Can’t you see you’re hypnotized? Locked inside those eyes. Now don’t you go out at night, you’ll end up hypnotized”
“Look into my eyes find it so appealing look into my eyes send your body reeling, now you’re hypnotized, drag you down down down”
Gentaro Yumeno:
- The Way - Layto
Not so sure about this one—but 
“New Speak, show and tell, this will be my hardest sell, wise men, always say, sadness raps in golden plate” 
Reminds me of how he was bullied and unsocial in school, also how his care takers were elders and made him happy 
- 100 Bad Days - AJR
“A 100 days made a hundred good stories, a 100 good stories make me interesting in parties” 
Dice Arisugawa:
- Disaster Party - MAGIC GIANT
“You’re a brave heart, but you’re broken, and an Angel, but you’re choking”
“Throw away all your money” hhhhh
- I’m Not Famous - AJR 
Reminds me oh how he could have been literal royalty but decided to say fuck it
Hifumi Izanami:
- Echo - Crusher-P
We don’t talk about why I link this to fumi 
- Oh oh and there’s this part in Parents - Yungblud, “Hi nice to meetcha! Got nothing to believe in! So tell me when my breathing, stops-“ idk it reminds me of his phobia and past 
- Make you Mine - Public The Band
Doppo Kannonzaka:
- Isolate - SubUrban
“Segregated, situated, hanging on, sophisticated, liberated, nauseated, I just want my medication, individuality and blue lights give me headaches, I’m not changing for the better, I’m just changing clothes on weekends”
Need I say more?
- Come Hang Out - AJR
I personally love this one 
“Come hang out cuz you’re outta your mind, you’re working so damn hard, you forgot what you like, come hang out, don’t you leave us behind. But, I’ll be there next time”
“Come hang out cuz you’re missing your life”
“Should I go for more clicks this year? Or should I follow the click in my ear?”
I feel like this song is from everyone who cares about him which is also me—
Jyushi Aimono/Hitoya Amaguni:
- Crybaby - Melanie Martinez
ABSOLUTELY NOT SHIPPING but the part where it’s like 
“I look at you and I see myself”
Makes me cry because I remember how Hitoya lost his brother to bullying then you have Jyushi so he wants to help the little boy live his life and achieve his goals, unlike his brother, sadly
Sasara Nurude:
- My Play - AJR 
Fucking. Just watch the official vid. That’s all. It’s about parent divorce and slaps.
“When I show you my play, will you pretend you didn’t know, if I make a mistake? It’s gonna get really really really really bad, before it’s okay. But maybe you’ll forget it all, while you’re watching my play” 
- Rose Colored Boy - Paramore 
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) 
- Hushh - AViVA 
Fucker got one. 
“Hush Hush, keep your pretty mouth shut, hush hush, lose your inhibitions”
- This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arms Race - Fallout boy
Like HeLL.
“Fitting you with Weapons in the form of words, and don’t really care which side wins, as long as the room keeps singing that’s just the business I’m in”
“I’m not a shoulder to cry on, I digress, I’m a leading man, and the lies I weave are so intricate, oh so intricate” 
If you read this then congratulations why the fuck did you waste your time
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
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a/n: hello! i’ve been wanting to do this for a while now since im a huge astrology nerd (so i know what im talking about teehee)  so this is male match-ups according to sign and compatibility. this isn’t my usual kind of writing so i hope you guys like it!! <3 if you don’t know your sign check here  
this took me so long oh my god i hope you guys like it 
taglist: @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee ​ @moonlightinsanity​ @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @leeeah-loooser​ @bby-chloe1999​ @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum​ @izuku-sakura​ @thegalxe
Katsuki Bakugou- April 20; Taurus
the absolute SHOCK in my face to learn he wasn’t an aries
it would be expected that katsuki is a fire sign, like cmon look at his quirk
but taurus is actually an earth sign 
taurus are typically seen as quite calm, but,, 
katsuki does seem like a true taurus in many ways
they can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise 
they are very realistic 
they are often great at cooking and love to shop 
i feel like katsuki isn’t a self indulgent shopper but would buy anything for his s/o 
taurus are really good at working with their hands ;) 
theyre soft romantic bbs and as much as katsuki hates being vulnerable he’d definetly be a softie with his s/o 
id match katsuki with a calm pisces
Izuku Midoria- July 15; Cancer
i am not shocked at ALL to see that the lil broccoli boy is a cancer
like cmon he’s so sensitive 
he is a cancer to the T
he’s loyal, emotional, imaginative 
he also carries the negative traits of many cancers
such as feeling insecure and having difficulty taking criticism 
i mean the kid breaks his bones to prove others wrong 
cancers love being with their friends and family 
and they love helping others
the career of a hero would be natural for cancers
cancers are such sweet babies and izuku fits right into that category 
i would match izuku with a chill taurus 
Tenya Iida- August 22; Leo 
i didn’t expect tenya to be a leo but im also not surprised 
leos are often seen as flashy and arrogant 
but they’re more than their stereotype
leos are passionate and natural born leaders
like cmon class rep! 
tenya being a leo makes a lot of sense 
he’s generous and kind and always strives for the best 
they tend to be a bit dramatic, and tenya can be too 
being that leos are a fire sign they gravitate to self growth
this can be seen in tenya wanting to improve and challenging himself 
leos struggle facing harsh realities, similarly to tenya when he learned about what happened to tensei 
leos are known for their bravery and tenya fits right in
i would match tenya with a kind aquarius 
Shoto Todoroki- January 11; Capricorn 
i practically screamed when i realized shoto was a capricorn 
it just makes way too much sense 
they’re responsible, well-mannered, respectful !!!!
capricorns i just,, i love them, truly 
shoto is no exception 
they love family, things of quality, traditions 
and their dislikes vary from day to day
cause they’re iconic thats why 
however, capricorns aren’t always the nicest 
they tend to be condescending and can often come off as rude 
they’re incredibly unforgiving *ahem endeavor ahem* 
but, its because they just have naturally high standards 
it makes sense that he is an earth sign because he’s super grounded 
because saturn rules capricorn, the tend to seem cold and distant at times
but they are incredibly loyal friends and always strive for the best 
i would match shoto with a down to earth cancer
Mashiro Ojiro- May 28; Gemini 
i must admit, i was surprised to learn ojiro is a gemini
but if you really look at his character it makes a lot of sense 
gemini’s have a bad rep of being too faced
they’re actually one of my favorite signs!!
gemini’s are are gentle and affectionate 
and sweet bb ojiro is exactly that 
however they also tend to be quite anxious, another thing ojiro happens to be at times as well 
they’re very adaptable people
this can be seen throughout ojiro’s training and how much he learns and is willing to continue striving for 
gemini’s are very sociable and will talk to almost anyone 
like, he doesn’t see hagakure but they’re still good friends 
this is why i think ojiro would do great with a fire sign 
i would match ojiro with a cheerful sagittarius 
Denki Kaminari- June 29; Cancer 
alright cancer number two!! 
to be honest, denki doesn’t really give cancer vibes 
but, his personality traits align to much of what a cancer is 
tenacious and loyal 
and denki is definitely that 
however, cancers can be suspicious of others and their actions
and denki feels like the kind of guy to snoop on somebody 
but we gotta give denki some credit 
cancers strive to be there for their friends no matter what
denki shows this in the usj attack when he protects momo and jiro 
cancers tend to avoid conflict but even so, they search for conflict in those who pose bigger threats to them
similarly to when denki makes fun of bakugou even though he could totally blow him up 
denki is a chatty and flirty baby 
and cancers tend to be most compatible with earth signs 
buuut i think denki would be better suited with a fire sign 
i’d match denki with an outgoing aries 
Hanta Sero- July 28; Leo 
at first i was like hmmm no 
but then i used my brain and i was like actually yes 
leos are prideful and while sero doesn’t seem like the boastful kind, he does have a lot of pride in himself 
leos are very committed to their goals and sero’s actions show his dedication to becoming a hero 
leos are also so funny?? and sero is literally one of the funniest guys of 1A 
sero is one of the most sociable in the class and a total class clown 
leos are almost always seen with their friends and sero is no different 
sero’s vibes are just immaculate in my opinions 
so his s/o needs to match the energy 
i would match sero with a funny gemini 
Eijiro Kirishima- October 16; Libra
ok ok but seriously, of course kiri is a libra 
libras are diplomatic, fair, and strive for justice 
aka being MANLY is in the stars for bb kiri 
however, libras aren’t the most confident people 
they’re quite insecure and pity themselves a’lot 
which makes sense that its canon that it took kiri so long to accept his quirk 
have you ever wondered why kiri is so hot and cute and perfect?
im not even kidding
libras are known for being physically attractive 
i mean libra is literally ruled by venus
who else is venus?
long story short, kiri is the god of love 
libras hate being alone
why do you think he puts up with bakugou constantly calling him shitty hair and pushing him around? 
i considered putting kiri with a water sign but they’re kinda babies (no offense i love my water signs) 
but i don’t think he could handle a person who is constantly emotional like many water signs are 
i would match kiri with a kind-hearted sagittarius 
Hitoshi Shinso- July 1; Cancer 
jesus christ ANOTHER CANCER?? 
i cant even be upset cause it makes sense 
while i would’ve thought shinso was a calm scorpio or a relaxde picses 
he fits much better as a cancer 
as mentioned previously with deku and denki, cancers really do have a heart of gold and just want to help people 
cancers are also very manipulative people 
i mean, look at this mans quirk 
cancers are also moody and pessimistic 
characteristics that shinsou has but are seen more as stoic and quiet
but cancers are also sympathetic 
and bb shinsou is a softie i just know it 
cancers are guided by emotion
like deku, he is seen as passionate for his desire to be a hero, even though his quirk is seen to be one of evil 
shinsou needs to be with someone who’s willing to listen when he opens up (which cancers hate doing)
i would match shinsou with an understanding taurus
Tamaki Amajiki- March 1; Aries
youre telling me this man is an aries and bakugou isnt?? 
i need to collect my thoughts 
OK so tamaki is an aries 
and honestly its pretty accurate
most times aries are seen as passionate in a reckless and angry manner
but tamaki’s passion is displayed in his dedication to being a hero 
i mean he’s literally in the big 3 
aries tend to be moody, which is seen in tamaki’s shy actions 
but they’re also enthusiastic and courageous 
tamaki’s courage is shown in the mission to rescue eri 
aries are seen as intimidating and tamaki’s dark features are exactly that 
and while he is very shy, he needs someone to help bring him out of his shell delicately 
id match tamaki with a gentle libra 
Mirio Togata- July 15; Cancer 
whats up with mirio and deku sharing the same bday doe 
this is way too many cancers 
BUT mirio is such a cancer lets be real 
we’ve covered the basics of cancers
will do anything for others 
and most importantly brave
the sign of a cancer is a crab 
the crab symbolizes someone who doesn’t realize their great strength  
mirio is the personification of the strength of the crab 
and poor baby has gone through so much and deserves the world 
he’s so cheerful but he needs someone to be there for him when he’s at his most emotional moments 
i would match mirio with a tender capricorn 
Shota Aizawa- November 8; Scorpio 
i mean cmon 
ofc dadzawa is a scorpio 
he’s the image of a stereotypical scorpio 
dark features, dark clothing, serious and kinda rude 
but scorpios get a bad rep for being meanies (we should be watching out for virgos tho) (jk jk i love my virgos <3) 
but scorpios have some of the best characteristics 
their loyalty is beyond words 
they would literally lay down their life for a friend or the good of others 
scorpios are passionate and assertive, and this side of aizawa definitely comes out 
aizawa is so stoic he needs somebody to soften him up 
i would match aizawa with a cheery cancer 
Hizashi Yamada- July 7; Cancer
another f*cking cancer
not just because aizawa and him are married and he’s a cancer and it totally makes sense 
but hizashi is such a cancer oh my god 
he’s sensitive, and caring, and brave, and a literal pro hero 
which is a cancer living the dream 
cancers often have difficult childhoods and struggle immensely to find outlets 
this fits with the theory that as a child, hizashi was put up for adoption and/or muzzled as a child because of his powerful quirk 
cancers are ruled by the moon, which would make sense to why they are so emotional 
because the moon goes through phases, so do they
hizashi needs someone that would help him be strong outside of his hero work and for his own mentality 
i would match hizashi with (aizawa or) a charismatic virgo 
Toshinori Yagi- June 10; Gemini 
ofc all might is a gemini 
he literally has 2 forms
and geminis are literally two faced
it makes so much sense that the symbol of peace is a gemini 
he’s adaptable and a quick learner 
geminis are affectionate and you cant tell me toshi isn’t the biggest cuddler and softie in the world 
geminis are people pleasers and just want to make others happy 
and all might’s literal thing is smiling to comfort those in fear
toshi needs someone who is understanding of what he had gone through as a retired hero and the bearer of one for all 
i would match toshi with an inquisitive aquarius 
Keigo Takami- December 28; Capricorn 
ok but he is such a capricorn its not even funny 
he’s a cocky know-it-all kind of capricorn 
but he’s also a responsible and well mannered capricorn
capricorns are people who are willing to take on immense responsibilities 
and hawks is literally the no. 2 hero so of course he’s got a lot of responsibilities 
because he’s an earth sign, we wants to get the most out of what the world has to offer him 
including fame and money 
but hawk’s head strong and professional attitude is what comforts people and makes him such a great hero 
he needs someone who would match his energy well 
i would match keigo with a level-headed scorpio
Dabi- January 18; Aquarius 
i have a deep love for this sign 
dabi is an aquarius and it is so accurate 
aquarius love to fight for a cause
in dabi’s eyes, the league of villains is the best cause he can support
and he’s at the front lines
they’re considered humanitarians,,and dabi is in his own “special way” 
aquarius love a good conspiracy and mystery 
and dabi is a total mystery 
aquarius constantly have to be stimulated and doing something
otherwise their boredom can lead to reckless actions 
they are also anti all emotions 
this is why they seem so aloof, they don’t know how to confront their own feelings 
i’d pair dabi up with someone who is willing to listen to him and hopefully allow him to open up 
i would match dabi with a charming sagittarius 
Tomura Shigaraki- April 4; Aries
now this is a stereotypical aries 
aries is ruled by mars, which was named after aries 
like his literal goal is to destroy society,, 
aries love to be in leadership roles
they’re also short-tempered 
and aggressive 
how ever, his more “positive” traits such as determination and passion are also evident in his characteristics 
they’re competitive people and tomura definitely is one 
tomura would need to be with someone who is calm  
i would match tomura with a patient leo 
Kai Chisaki- Birthdate Unknown;NA 
so kai’s sign is unknown 
he still deserves a match up 
besides his stance in villainy
kai as actually very well mannered and polite 
but he doesn’t value human life and sees his as more important and pure than those who are “sick” 
a lot of his characteristics would lead me to believe he is an unevolved sociopathic capricorn 
outside of being a villain i would match kai with someone who was understanding and a good listener 
i would match kai with a sympathetic pisces 
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kvngjoong · 5 years
mingi + nsfw a-z
you can tell who my bias is after this, but i’m not apologising. I actually considered myself a soft mingi stan but after this i’m not sure. If this is how i see mingi, my soft baby, idk what hongjoong’s is gonna be like
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A: Aftercare
he probably wouldn’t know what to do really, but he would make an attempt. honestly the aftercare would be more centred on him and making sure he is okay bc he is smol and needs to be cared for. but he would still check you’re okay and honestly, the majority of aftercare with mingi is you both making sure all is good, cleaning up a little and probably doing something dumb afterwards like nothing even happened
B: Body part
he likes his shoulders because you like them and for him that’s a big plus. he really likes it when you leave marks on him there because it’s sensitive and because he likes to have a hand in your hair as you straddle him and tell him that he’s a good boy. as for you, he really likes how generally small you are compared to him and that you can still put him in his place and tell him what to do. also probably likes your ass/tiddies since he’s a bit of a newbie
C: Cum
he cums more than the average guy, but he’s good at listening to you and wants to please you, so whatever you want him to do with it, that will happen. he’s a fan of cumming either in your mouth, or on your chest - but he regrets telling you that because now you only let him do that if you think he’s been good enough
D: Dirty Secret
he kinda, really, wants you to choke him. he’s not sure how to approach it, mostly because it’s a topic that isn’t the easiest to approach (and he’s not just gonna say btw babe can you choke me tonight). he tries to encourage it a bit, he’s extra loud when you’re rough with him and you bite him a little harder, but he really wants you to just put your hands around his neck and choke him a little. he would literally cum on the spot
E: Experience
he seems like he would be one of the least experienced in ateez, but that might be wrong. like, he knows what everything is and probably knows about the whole dom/sub thing (hence why he knows he’s a sub, and automatically subs when you guys first do the yanno) but he’s yet to have actually tried a lot of it
F: Favourite Position
as long as you’re on top, he is very content. he likes seeing you bounce on him, so cowgirl or reverse cowgirl is a preference of his that you’re happy to oblige to. he rarely tops (that doesn’t mean he can’t) but when he does he likes it too because he thinks it’s more intimate and again, he likes how small you are underneath him (he can take care of you sometimes, too). so it depends on the mood he’s in, really
G: Goofy
he can be, but he’s not usually. when he’s in a sub mindset he’s there to please you and listen to you. if it’s less of a dom/sub situation, he isn’t impartial to crack a joke here or there, or make you laugh over some weird ass comment he makes. he feels comfortable with you and it shows in his actions. he will mostly roll of your energy though, so if you’re in the mood to take things less seriously, so will he
H: Hair
probably doesn’t shave or manscape, just kinda leaves it. he didn’t know what to do with it so thought doing nothing was the answer, which is fine
I: Intimacy
he can be intimate, but it’s not always. there are special times when he is extra soft and just wants to hold you, which lead to sex and he will top and that will be soft and he will tell you that he loves you and stuff, but that is occasionally and not each time. that isn’t to say there is no intimacy in everything that’s done - he knows that there is love and trust behind everything you do together
J: Jack Off
this is talked about more for yearning, but mingi has been taught by you that to be a good sub he needs to ask you for permission and wait for you before he does anything. he would get a bit of a guilty conscience, especially if you’ve been together a while, if he was to jack off without you giving him permission to do so. this isn’t always the case and he will still occasionally succumb to his urges and run to the bathroom, especially when you’re not around or you’re busy and he needs some relief
K: Kink
considering that, when i started writing san’s version of this, i had to stop to write size difference in all caps on mingi’s version, i think that it is pretty clear mingi has a thing for how small people are next to him. not just height, his everything is big. but he’s also a massive sub. like the biggest sub in ateez. he isn’t a power bottom, he just wants to please and he’s all ears for what you want him to do. he probably doesn’t have it in him to actually dom unless you teach him how to (and maybe he would enjoy that, but he would always be too afraid to actually dom you). other than that, he would be pretty vanilla - but he’s game for anything you want to introduce. he would be pretty vocal if he didn’t like something and he’s not afraid to use the safe word for the reason you introduced it. he wants to please you, but he’s not gonna do something he’s not comfortable with - not that he actually doesn’t like that much in the end, anyway
L: Location
prefers the privacy of his/your own home, though is open to anywhere with a locked door or at least some cover from other people seeing. his favourite is and always will be when you’re at home and things are comfortable. it gives you both some breathing space and you’re free to do whatever you want to, without the real world distractions and people disturbing
M: Motivation
kind of typical stuff, really - likes it when you send him pictures to tease him, and sometimes it’s a though that pops into his head and he’ll tell you the thought in the hopes you will incorporate it. when he’s bored his mind might drift off and he’ll recall when you did something he really likes and he’ll remember it for later. he initiates things quite a bit, since it doesn’t take all that much for him to get going
one time you suggest a threesome to mingi and he was umming and ahhing about it for a while, but after careful consideration he realised that he really doesn’t like it for two reasons: he wants you to himself and he is pretty shy and doesn’t particularly want anyone involved in what he’s doing. nothing personal on them, he just doesn’t anyone involved in activities like this unless its you (because he loves you), nor does he want to see you treat anyone like you treat him. he won’t be told otherwise
O: Oral
loves when you suck him off but knows that you’re not always gonna do that unless he asks really nicely (or he’s done something that impresses you, turns you on, or pleases you) so it isn’t the most regular thing - as in, it does happen, but not every day or anything since you both can do foreplay in loads of different ways, and when it does happen he really enjoys it. also likes giving because he likes when you pull his hair and likes getting you off, too. does he have some kind of pain kink? probably. likes it when you pull his hair hard
P: Pace
you control the pace, not him. he likes it slow and then fast towards the end, but he told you that and now you use it against him. whatever you’re in the mood for - you’re in control with him
Q: Quickie
not impartial to them, happy to be part of one, but prefers it not to be. he doesn’t mind when you give him head under the table, but since he’s a sub it’s a bit more difficult for a quickie between the two of you. unless you’re telling him exactly what to do and you’re instructing him specifically on picking you up, pushing you against the door and rawing you, then there’s not much else to do
R: Risk
the poor bby does not want someone walking in on him, despite his confidence. mostly because he shows his sub side to you and only you. it would be weird if one of his hyungs (especially 98 line) ever caught him being your sub. so he likes to do things away from people he knows. he’s not so bothered if there’s a risk of someone he doesn’t know catching him, like one of your friends that he doesn’t know. so maybe you could get away with a cinema hand job
S: Stamina
i keep saying that they are performers so can go for a while, but mingi is on the same level as san when it comes to stamina - he can go a couple of rounds and then still go out afterwards to get food or whatever. he has a lot of energy and usually doesn't use it all during sex. he may, however, get kinda tired during overstimulation and whilst he will ask you for more, he can barely keep his eyes open and he does kinda just wanna lay down for two minutes so he can collect himself. whatever you want him to do though, he can and will do it
T: Toy
he’s not the biggest fan? but he honestly doesn’t have a preference. if you like using them on him then it’s cool, as long as you tell him first and don’t surprise him with it. when it comes to you it’s a bit of a different story. one time you ask him to use one on you and he has no idea what to do with it, but with some instructions he’s got it down and knows what he’s doing. he liked watching you get off but he’s not sure if he’ll do it again because he knows you asked him to use it instead of him getting you off himself. he has a love hate relationship with them
U: Unfair
he’s not a tease at all, at least not intentionally. he does it more as a joke and he takes pride in knowing that you think he’s really fucking hot when he’s performing. however that doesn’t mean he will do things intentionally to tease you. he usually does it to show off to you (like, baby check out my abs on national television) or to get some kind of reaction from you. he won’t admit to it, but he does kind of like it when you tease him. he likes the build up
V: Volume
he’s loud, and there’s no stopping him on that. he will usually whine and moan, but he’s talkative too. more so than most. he doesn’t ever talk back to you but usually he will be happy to answer you and you will never have to ask him to use his words because he’s way too eager to not speak. even when he’s laying back against the headboard and you’re overstimulating him, he’ll still have it in him to ask for more (he will never say stop)
W: Wild Card
mingi likes to be told what to do. he wants to please you so appreciates the help that you give when you tell him how he can get you off, however when it comes to eating you out he likes to take a bit of the control away from you. he goes off when he’s giving head, he loves how sweet you taste and he will always find it in him to put all of his effort into pleasing you, without needing you to tell him what to do and when to do it. he watched videos and everything on how he can improve. like before, he does really like it when you pull his hair and the feeling of the pain, like when you bite him or leave marks on him, turns him on way more and keeps him going for longer. he will probably tell you he likes it in the hopes you’ll do it more often
X: X-Ray
look, there’s a video which is pretty clear, so it doesn’t need much explaining - you know my thoughts on this given how big he is
Y: Yearning
he’s probably a bit more on the needier side. he needs a lot of attention in general, but this also applies to sex. he can go a while without anything from you if it’s completely unavoidable, but if you’re both free then he’ll be wondering why you’re not together? that being said, he does have a lot of self control, mostly that you taught him, and he can be patient when needed. it’s a wonderful ability you’ve taught him, because now when you send him pics on snapchat he isn’t having to run to the bathroom (mostly because you told him he can’t do that without permission, but that’s another story)
he doesn’t often sleep straight after sex, mostly because he’s a ball of energy that can’t be contained and afterwards he would be super talkative and just want to chat shit with you about whatever. even if you’re just laying there he will find something to talk about. if you’re up for it though, he is down for a late night/early morning walk (or smth cute like sitting on the balcony or window sill looking up at the stars talking about space and life etc)
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britishchick09 · 3 years
sherlock s2 ep 3 livewatch
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it’s time for the sherlock s2 finale! i’ve been keeping lockie alive for as long as possible, but I can’t stall any longer. let’s fall into the reichenbach!
here it is:
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the last masterpiece ep! :D
it begins with rain! *beatles ‘rain’ plays*
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john’s back with the therapist from study in pink! :o
does this take place after the fall and the rest of the ep is a flashback?
it’s been 18 months!
john called tv ‘telly’:)
he called sherlock ‘my best friend’ IN THE SADDEST VOICE IN THE WORLD :’(
john: “sherlock holmes... is dead.” or is he? ;)
guy: “falls of the reichenbach...” you dodged a credit roll with that one! ;)
sherlock: “diamond cufflinks. all my cufflinks have buttons.” john: “he means ‘thank you’. ...just say it.” awww what a parent :)
sherlock isn’t one for thanks and publicity!
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the iconic hat! :D
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he reluctantly put the hat on:)
the transitions from a scene to a newspaper is so cool! :D
john’s tabloid nickname is BACHELOR OMGGGGGG
john: “what do they mean by that?” oh you know what that means buddy ;)
john: “we need to be more careful-“ johnlockers: “NO!!!!!”
sherlock is criticizing the hat lol :D
john called it the ‘sherlock holmes hat’ eyyyyy!!!!! ;D
john’s voice has a hint of deep love it ;)
there’s so many people touring at the castle! :o
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this sneaky guy has this on his phone and i’m guessing that’s what all apps in the uk look like lol
is it moiarty?
lestrade said ‘bloody ‘ell!’ and it was so british of him :D
he’s dancing to the background music YEP IT’S MOI ALRIGHT
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also is this an abominable bride reference? :o
john’s text notif sound sounds apple WHY
he has a windows laptop and an apple phone how chaotic
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the smiley face!!!! :o
ooh cool american song playing in the background! :o
john: “ready?” sherlock: “yes” *PRESS CHATTER* how would anyone be ready for that?
sherlock wants to be himself but john’s like ‘no smartass’ LET HIM BE A SMARTHOLE JOHN
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it’s the bbc! :D
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i bet johnlockers have actually done this because they were craaazyyyy back then...
sherlock knows she’s not a fan lol :D
wait is someone peeing in the background wtf
fan: “you and john watson, platonic, have you there as well!” mofftiss totally based this girl off of real johnlockers!!!!
can they please leave the bathroom I SWEAR SOMEONE IS PEEING BACK THERE IT’S SO AWKWARD
sherlock: “you... repel... me.” YAS!!! :D
HOLD UP what if this is mofftiss’ way of saying they don’t like johnlockers :o
now lockie’s in court bor-ing!
moiarty is a spider great metaphor sherlock! :D
judge: “how long-“ sherlock “not a good question.” lol :D
sherlock and moiarty knew each other for 5 minutes lol
who ate the wafer
aaand he kicked them out
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john: “you’re doing The Look again.” omg so married ♥
he finds The Face annoying lol MARRIEEEED
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epic wallpaper! :D
and he looked at john... ;)
moiarty’s out and sherlock beeps john away,,,
omg there’s a shadow...
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sherlock lets him sit down wowza kind to a criminal! :o
moiarty: “every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain ;)” omg HE KNOWS HE’S A STORY CHARACTER AHHHH :o
moiarty to sherlock: “you need me.” no he needs john THANK YOU VERY MUCH
moiarty thinks sherlock’s boring SHUT UP FUNNY MEAN MAN >:(
moiarty: “that’s the problem... the final problem.” eyyyy roll s4 credits! :D
moiarty: “i didn’t tell you... but did you listeeeennnn?” lol sing-songy moiarty is funny :D
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he’s doing the hand thing ♥
moiarty: “i own secrecy” who do you think you are bish brother
sherlock: “i never liked riddles.” *maddie hatter rages in the distance*
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he’s having a row with the machine again ;)
also that’s literally my dad with his card lol :D
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ooh antiques roadshow! :D
john’s meeting mycroft why
it’s just mycroft’s way of saying hello?
what happened in 1972
mycroft’s giving john an unrelated case... s1 finale flashback!
john’s loooong groan lol :D
sherlock is moiarty’s ‘only rival’... >:)
awww john fed some crumbs to birds :)
another unrelated case and lestrade is at the flat! :o
lestrade called lockie ‘a celebrity’ awww :)
oh he wanted her to ‘speak quickly’ ok
not ok but thaaat’s lockie!
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it be moi...
sherlock SNIFF
sherlock: “brilliant, anderson?” anderson: “really?” sherlock: “brilliant impression of an idiot.” OHHHHH!!!!!!! :D
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sherlock 2 NOW
john: “don’t do the smiling thing. kidnapped children..?” oh he always does the smiling thing! ;)
molly was going on a lunch date but sherlock said she’ll go with him and her little ‘what?’ is so cute! :D
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sherlock’s like ‘look at all the fricks i give’ :D
aaand he left her!
sherlock: “the chemical footprints will lead us to moiarty!” all roads lead to rome, and all the footprints there lead to moiarty ;)
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b r i c k   d u s t
molly: “you’re like my dad. he’s dead- no, sorry-” lol :D
oh no molly’s telling a sad dad story :(
i can kind of see why people ship sherlock and molly they’re nice together :)
although molly’s super awkward she’s so cute! :D
lestrade: “brick dust!” b r i c k  d u s t
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he’s the google in 360 website! :D
they burst through the kidnapper’s door and it was like ‘someBODY once told me’! :D
omg mercury chocolate wrappers! :o
sherlock: “the more they ate, the faster they died... neat!” ...neat? :o
they found the kidnapped kids! :D
lestrade doesn’t want lockie to be himself awww :(
lestrade to sherlock: “i feel like screaming when you walk in!” ooh noice ;)
the jerk lady said sherlock was ‘unbelievable’ coolio she’s a bit nice! :D
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also there are tvs in taxis OMG :o
lestrade called sherlock and john ‘csi baker street’ lol :D
moiarty’s connecting sherlock to sir bostalot hmm... ;)
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sherlock: “what was that on the tv?” cabbie: “no charge...” *drives away* OHHHH
john to the rescue!!! :D
the guy was shot not lockie coolio
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sherlock uses a mac WHYYY :(
sherlock: “dust is eloquent” mrs. hudson in a whisper: “what’s he on about???” lol :D
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lockie vlogs! :D
sherlock: “this is a game, lestrade, one i’m not willing to play.” so the game is not on, then?
john: “i know you for real.” sherlock: “100%” awww :)
john: “no one could fake being suck an annoying dick all the time.” OHHHH!!!!! :D
guy: “yer a bloody idiot, lestrade!” and yer a bloody brit aren’t ya?
mrs. hudson said ‘ooh hoo’ just like oaken! :D
OMG fairytale!!!!
lestrade and the lady knocked on the door and mrs. hudson’s like ‘don’t barge in like that!’ :D
awww sherlock and john were arrested together so romantic just girly things ♥
they’re running omg!!!!!
sherlock: “take my hand!” FRICK YES
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john: “people will definitely talk!” FRICK YAAAAS!!!!!!!
just two bfs running around in handcuffs ♥
they need to coordinate while getting up the stairs... easy enough for them! ;)
i thought the van thing was part of the drunk ep in s3 but it’s cool that-
they let go! :o
moiarty: “they didn’t have any ground coffee so i just got-” *SUSPENSE CHORD* out of context that’s hilarious :D
moiarty’s richard!!! :o
wait he’s a hired actor the frick???
just because it’s in print doesn’t mean it’s real...
ok technically moiarty’s an actor BUT THAT BE KNOCKING DOWN THE 4TH WALL
an actor playing a person playing an actor... wild actorception! :o
moiarty: “i’m the storyteller! it’s on dvd...” but is it on blu-ray? ;)
sherlock: “stop it STOP IT NOW!!!!” yoda seagulls...
fan: “i can read you and you... repel... me...” DON’T USE HIS LINE BOI
sherlock: “there’s only one way to complete his game...” is it on? ;)
OMG he’s admitting his feelings to molly AND HE NEEDS HER awwww!!!! :D
the sherlolly fans loved that i bet! :D
john to mycroft: “you and him go out for coffee? you and jim?” sarah z be like ‘YAS!’ :D
mycroft tells john to tell moiarty ‘i’m sorry’ and john just gives this ‘please’ wheeze lol :D
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julie albright bouncing her basketball against her bedroom wall in ‘meet julie’ (colorized)
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lockie’s fidgeting with the ball awwww :)
john: “she’s DYING.... you MACHINE!!!!!!” YEAH LOCKIE YOU BISH
john: “friends protect people!” true that!
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this is the music video lol :D
omg are moiarty and lockie gonna have a dance battle like in despicable me 3 lol :D
moiarty: “our final problem... stayin’ aliiiive!!!!!” HE SO PLANNED THAT
there’s about 28 minutes left will the battle take that long?
oh he turned the song off :/
aw man moiarty has to play with the ordinary people :/
ooh sherlock’s doing binary code with his fingers! :D
moiarty: “first one to sherlock is a sissy” oh SHUT UP
moiarty: “there is no key DOOFUS!!!!” WOAH MAN CALM THE FRICK DOWN
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moiarty: “nice you chose a tall building! great way to do it!” sherlock: “do- do- do what?” oh you know what lockie :(
moiarty: “i read it in the paper so it must be true!” no!!!!
john’s here for mrs. hudson!!!! :D
she seems fine tho?
moiarty: “for me? pleeeeeaaaseee?????” OMG THAT ‘PLEASE’ WAS SO HIGH LOLOLOL!!!!!!!
toss him sherlock TOSS HIM!!!!!
moiarty’s little ‘woah woah woah!’ tho :D
aww sherlock has only 3 friends :(
moiarty about sherlock kermiting: “you gotta admit that’s sexier” WUT
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sherlock’s breath is so shaky :(
he said ‘privacy’ like ‘pri-va-cee’ why
he’s gonna call john!!!!!
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awww smile!!!! :D
he knows that this is fake right?
moiarty’s like ‘WHAT?? WHAT DID I MISS????” BOI CALM DOWWwwwwnnnn
sherlock to moiarty: “i am you. prepared to do anything.” save that line for john plz
sherlock is ‘on the side of the angels’ awww :)
moiarty said sherlock’s not ordinary RIGHT HE’S A SPECIAL SUNSHINE ANGEL
moiarty: “you’re meee!!!!!” NOT WHAT I MEANT
they’re holding hands and standing close NOOOOO
he’s not really dead right or is that just a theory
sherlock’s like ‘oh god what have i done’ SAME WHAT DID YOU DO
it sounds like the thx theme!
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oh no
i know it’s not a legitimate kermiting sewerside but DON’T FREAKING DO IT
sherlock: “look up, i’m on the rooftop.” ♫ up on the rooftop, click click click, HERE COMES SAD OL’ KERMIT CLAUS ♫
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sherlock: “i can’t come down so we’ll have to do it like this.” it was only a kiss :(
an apology????
is this just for moiarty’s game?
sherlock sounds like he’s gonna cry NOOOOO :(((((
john: “shut up, shut up, shut up.” SAME WTF ARE YOU SAYING LOCKIE???
sherlock: “no one could be that clever. you could.” OMGGGGG
sherlock sniffled omg :’(
he researched john to impress him OH MY HEART!!!!!
it’s not a trick sherlock is legit amazing!!!!!!!!
sherlock wants john to ‘keep his eyes fixed’ NOOOOOOOO
if sherlock knows this is fake he’s doing a pretty good job at it BUT WHY JUST TO PLEASE MOIARTY OR ESCAPE THE SPOTLIGHT OR WHAT
sherlock: “goodbye john.” NO
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if sherlock’s alive THEM HOW WAS THERE A CRACK
john: “i’m a doctor, he’s my friend!” yes you are AND YES YOU FREAKING ARE
it’s fake he’s not really dead OH HOW I WISH I COULD TELL YOU THAT JOHNNY :(
OMG NO :’(
everything is slow NOOOOO
i can’t believe mofftiss made the fans wait 2 YEARS TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED NEXT i know there was ‘many happy returns’ in 2013 BUT HOW DID THE FANS SURVIVE THAT LONG WITH THAT ENDING????
it’s raining now perfect
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therapist: “he didn’t say it. say it now.” john: “sorry, i can’t.” he said ‘i love you’ :(
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awww john and mrs. hudson! :’(
omg she’s crying no!!!! :(
john to sherlock’s grave: “you were the best man and the most human i’ve ever known.” awww :’)
john: “one more miracle for me, sherlock. don’t. be. dead.” miricale granted my friend ;)
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that’s the end of s2! that was a much better finale than s1 and it’s definitely the best ep of the series so far. there’s a lot of exciting turns AND WHAT EVEN IS THE ENDING??? you knocked it out of the park mofftiss! i can’t wait to see what s3 has in store besides mary, drunk times and the wedding!
and to quote the blog... ‘#sherlocklives #johnwatsonlives’ ♥
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 21: The Tea Party (Part 1)
Previously: we went on a very stressful and very emotional trip. We finally learned Hanako’s brother’s name: Tsukasa and he continued to unsettled me like he does every single time he appears. Mitsuba actually passed away, this time for good, it seemed and it made me tear up a bit ngl. After that, the chapter decided I hadn’t suffered enough so it punched me while I was down and showed us how Hanako feels about the existence of the dead as ghosts in general and how that reflects in his own sense of self. We also got another glimpse of the mermaid and she said some real ominous shit :)))) if anything happens to Nene istg :)))))) Sigh And last but not least, Natsuhiko went to see Nene at her classroom and I’m,,,,concerned,,,,
Now onto the next chapter!
Personal update for the 50 (holy shit?) of you that still follow this blog: Well…..hi there, it’s been a while ^^;; Looking back on it, quarantine really hit me like a bag of bricks and burned me out. It’s not the first time that has happened, and what it means to me is that I just can’t bring myself to consume new content; I might have loved it so far but my brain is like “nope, we’re not doing that today” and well, this time it happened for almost two months. Also, one of my cats went missing for a little over a week (he’s home now, thankfully) and that just added to the general distress I was feeling. But over the last week I actually wrote small fics for another fandom and it finally pushed me back into a creative state, so I went back to re-read the last couple of recaps I did for JSHK and it made me realise that I miss my babies and I really want to know where the story goes, so here I am c:
Ohhhh that’s right, we’re starting a new volume with this chapter! Our main trio is front and center and judging by the colorful pastries and the tea, it is a reference to the tea party that was alluded to in the preview of the last chapter. Also, I see the ropes are back again, but this time Kou also has some around him! Nene and Hanako seem to be tied together with pink, blue and yellow ropes, Nene and Kou seem to be tied together with an orange rope and both Hanako and Kou seem to have another rope each that it’s not connected to neither Nene nor each other. Hanako’s is red and considering the way in which we’ve seen him tied up before, I would guess this represents his connection to Tsukasa. Kou’s is pink and considering everything that just happened, could his rope represent his connection with Mitsuba? Like, I know he’s dead dead now and their actual friendship was short-lived but I would also like to think that even though he’s gone, his memory will live forever with Kou, hence the rope. But I’m speculating and I already went on a long enough tangent for the cover page so let’s move on.
The next color page has the main trio again as the central focus in what seems to be the inside of a place that has a clockwork-like mechanism. On the corners of the page we have who I assume will be important character during the following arc(s): Aoi, Akane, Yamabuki and Teru (the latter one worries me slightly ngl). 
Ohhhh okay, the content page says that one of the arcs is called “the three clock keepers” so the art on that page now makes more sense.
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……….I really don’t trust him hhhhh please be careful, Nene, please don’t let your weakness for pretty boys cloud your judgement.
Ohhh it could be because of Nene’s dress and the bunny ears (and the twins) but the title page gives me strong Alice in Wonderland vibes. It’s a cute picture but Tsukasa is there and Nene is tearing up so I’m,,,concerned 
Okay so Nene followed Natsuhiko outside and 
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Are you reciting her your dating profile or something? also “call me Natsuhiko-senpai ♡” omfg he’s one of those, huh? Like, it could all be an act but he’s looking less and less threatening by the minute lol
Nene, bless her, has the common sense of asking him why he wanted to talk to her all of the sudden and he says it’s because “someone wants to meet her”. Gee, I wonder who that could be :)))))
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…………….oh, oh no. Nene, sweetie, I need you to run and to run fast because this boy is up to no good and you’re not gonna  like what’s gonna happen. (Edit note: also this brings up a question: how did the chaotic trio know that Nene turns into a fish when she touches water? Like, I know they had been keeping tracks on her and Hanako for some time, so maybe they found out that way? Oh, maybe they use the Mokke? Because the Mokke were there in Yako’s boundary when Hanako pushed Nene down the waterfall)
Hhhhhhh and to the surprise of no one, there’s Tsukasa here to make Nene’s day more difficult.
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asdasgdjash please do not make my daughter share the same fate as the puffer fish, she doesn’t deserve it (゚д゚;) (゚д゚;)
Nene fainted (can’t say I blame her jfc) and now she’s waking up in what seems to be the tea party and the floor is wet! so she thinks she could be on another boundary. Interesting, I wonder which number would this one be? Because the boundaries are assigned to the seven mysteries, right? So one of them should be in control of this place. Could Tsukasa be in control of this one? But that wouldn’t make much sense because he managed to get his “physical” form only recently, right? However, Hanako also spoke of a traitor that was changing rumors and we know that these three are responsible, so if they’re not the owners of the boundary maybe they somehow managed to manipulate the mystery that does control it? Oooor it could also be that there’s another boundary that managed to go under the radar and in turn the other mysteries don’t know about it.
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sjdgjjasd she’s so done with them lol I know I call them the chaotic trio but it’s really the chaotic duo + Sakura. I’m so curious about how this whole *gestures wildly towards them* arrangement came to be.
Ohhhh this great! So Sakura got everything under control and from her introduction to Nene we now know that she’s a third year and we have confirmation that she became Tsukasa’s assistant in the same way that Nene did, in exchange for a wish. B U T, again, that brings up even more questions because Tsukasa said that while Amane granted the wishes of the living, he granted the wishes of the dead. So like (⚆.⚆) what’s up with that?? Is she an exception? Is she dead? Another supernatural? Or, maybe, even though it should be impossible considering what we know so far, could her wish have something to do with her being ‘alive’ in the school right now? Mhmmmm…...suspicious.
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Okay but like, I actually really want to know how he fits in all of this because okay, Sakura and Tsukasa are linked together by the wish she made, but why is Natsuhiko here? Who is he? How did he end up working with these two?  He seems silly and completely whipped for Sakura, so maybe they knew each other before she made her “contract” with Tsukasa?  Hhhhh idk let’s keep reading.
Sakura says that she wanted to meet Nene because they’re in similar positions and she thought they could be good friends. And like, that’s a fair point…...but I don’t trust like that, no sir. Even if she didn’t want the boys to be so rough when they brought Nene here, the fact remains that they still kidnapped her so if this was just a friendly meeting, why would they need to do it in such a convoluted way?
Okay good, Nene is suspicious because of their methods and the amount of knowledge they have about her.
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………………...sigh, I shouldn’t be surprised but bby no please don’t trust them so easily. She’s venting to Sakura about Hanako’s unpredictable behaviour and Sakura says that she can empathize with most of her struggles while Tsukasa is sitting on top of her shoulders and wrapping his arms and legs around here…...I can definitely see why she said he was cat-like because my cats do things like that when I’m sit down to write at my desk. But again, I know he’s technically a kid but I really need him to stop acting so cute because it unsettles me a lot.
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Even he can see the romantic chemistry between those two. Well, thinking about it, that’s probably why they dragged her here, because she’s important to Hanako.
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(;;⚆.⚆) NOPE, no, no thank you, I need you to back tf up please jfc
Nene snaps out of it and realizes that she let herself be drawn in by girl talk. She thankfully knows it was a stupid thing to do but she was just relieved and happy to have found someone who seems to understand what she’s going through, so I’ll cut her some slack. And she mentions that they don’t look like bad people but like I did, if they had innocent intentions, they wouldn’t have had to bring her by force.
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………………...I feel like I’ve mentioned this before but I really hate it when either of them does this fucking face, it’s so creepy >n< also, Nene, sweetie, once again I’m asking you to run, run far and don’t look back because that look doesn’t spell anything good, especially paired with Sakura’s scared/resinged look (which makes me think that maybe her own intentions had been more innocent that I had originally given her credit for)
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Hmmm. This is concerning; like, yes, Nene has to help Hanako with whatever he needs as his assistant as part of their deal and he does threaten to turn her into a fish when she pouts but I never got the feeling that it was malicious. On the other hand, Sakura’s wording (especially calling Tsukasa “Master” and saying she “can’t” disobey) and the look Tsukasa gave her make it seem like her punishment for not following his orders would be much more severe. hhhhh I really don’t like where this is going
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“We’re gonna have you disappear now” okay so, yeah, he’s doing this specifically to upset his brother. the room is fucking sinking though and omfg what even is this room?? is it really a boundary? Since this happened at this very moment, it looks like they do control it so my questions from before remain, the biggest one being “how”. Also I’ve just noticed that the eyes all over the place are very similar to the ones in the broadcasting room and now this tells me that those weren’t an artistic choice and that is terrifying.
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…………………..excuse me, w h a t??? why? hello??? “she’s like this sometimes” ????? Sakura what???? I have….so many questions, the main one being why do you let her treat you like this??
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……………………………………...oh…..y’know, I hate the term simp with a passion because I feel like it’s been memed to death but wow.
Hhhhhhhh it looks like she can’t stop sinking and that (and the fucking eyes) tell me that this is not normal water (since she would have turned into a fish already). She’s yelling out for Hanako and that’s how the chapter ends. I’m still :)))))) concerned :))))))))
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Northshore's couples, written by anonymous, about anonymous.
a crack idea bear and I had that I took seriously
g/t mean girls
November, 12th
Hey, Northshore! Welcome to a new section of the school newspaper. I've been fighting for a gossip blog for a hot minute now, and since the paper is dying down, Northshore is finally allowing it. 
But this isn't just any gossip blog.
This is the place where I'm gonna -try- to answer your most burning questions about Northshore couples in question.
All through anonymity and observation.
To start, let's meet the students. All names have been changed so identities can stay hidden. In the tinies we've got: J, A, and R. Then in the giants there is: D, C, G, K, and S.
Who's with who? Who hates who? Who's got some secrets under the surface? Come back next week.
"Full offense to Northshore, this sounds stupid as fuck." Janis huffed, tossing down the newspaper, letting it fall to the table. 
Karen looked at the small girl of Damian's shoulder.
"Why do you think?"
"Gossip blogs are unoriginal and boring. The school newspaper is grasping at straws."
"They can be fun when done right." Regina points out. "I say we check in next week and find out more about the students it's about."
"Whats-" Cady frowned. "What's a gossip blog?"
"Aww, baby's first gossip blog! We have to keep up with this one. Just for Cady." Damian said.
Karen watched with amusement as her friends discussed gossip blogs and if they were any good.
This will be fun. 
November 19th
Love the feedback from last week guys! You're all as hyped as I am. And no. I won't confirm who your suspicions are. Stop slipping notes under the computer lab door.
This week J and D were seen together. (It's not uncommon.) 
A was seen kissing C when they thought nobody was looking. But don't be fooled, somebody is always looking.
Not to be creepy or anything.
Just- we saw that, A. 
You won't spot R without K or G anywhere near them, don't know if any of them are dating though.
Development into J and D's relationship as D is seen defending J from S. Sources couldn't hear what they were saying but it sounded pretty hostile. Is it just caring friends or something a little more? 
This blog is focused around uncovering Northshore's couples once and for all. Have any tips? There's been a box placed by the computer lab door. Got any other people you want to see covered? Let me know!
Until next week, the anon who writes about anons. Xx!
"So," Cady looked down at her newspaper. "A gossip blog, is just talking about people?"
"Hence, the gossip part." Janis folder her own tiny newspaper, tossing it onto the cafeteria table from Damian's pocket. "And it's stupid."
"I wonder who it's about?" Gretchen said. "I know everything about everybody. But all this info? This is news to me."
"It's obviously about-" Karen paused. Was she the only one to figure it out?
Wasn't she the dumb one?
"Never mind. I dunno who it's about either."
"I don't understand why you care so much." Janis huffed.
"Because its fun to be nosey about lives that aren't ours. Duh." Regina said.
November, 26th
Happy Friday, Northshore!
Wow, lots of you sent in info about J and D. Whether you've cracked the code on who they are or maybe you're just observant of two fellow students- there is no denying they're pretty affectionate.
Since we're on the topic, let's start with J and D.
Kisses. Lots of them.
Romantic, or just friends? The duo themselves give pretty mixed answers so we must take matters into our own hands and draw our own conclusions. J was seen skipping class on multiple occasions and hiding with D. I hope J has a good tutor. I could never miss that much info.
R and G are seen together. K seems like they're third-wheeling. Somebody get them out of there. K, if you need a sos, slip a note in the box bby. We've got you.
If you want to talk about PDA, look no further than A and C. Wow! A hello kiss, a kiss kiss, a GOODBYE KISS? They may not say it themselves but those two are definitely a fairytale couple.
No updates to S. #singleforlife.
Sorry, S. If you're reading this.
"Well, A and C just sound gross." Janis frowns.
"Don't be negative, Jan." Damian shakes his head at the girl on the table. "They sound cute."
"Overly cute." Cady says.
"I'm glad somebody agrees." Janis huffed.
"Poor K. Thridwheeling a couple is awful." Gretchen sympathizes.
"We don't know if R and G are dating." Aaron points out. "We don't know if any of these people are dating. I'm kinda hooked."
"Well, third-wheeling best friends is even worse." Cady sighs, glancing at Damian and Janis. 
Karen looked at the newspaper in her hands with a soft smile. She had a note to drop off.
December 3rd
Happppppy Friday! I have a big announcement right off the bat!
It is I, the writer, formally known as Anon. But now there's two of us! Me, the writer, and another student- the spy. Between the two of us (and your help from the box!) we're gonna crack these relationships open in no time!
This week's rundown!
R was with G the whole week. There was not one time they were separated. 
A, J, and R were seen in the tiny halls together where  A was overheard talking fondly about C.
Is there a fight for J?
D and S seem to never want to leave J alone.
Although, if you asked the writer, I'm totally team JD. Message for S? This isn't middle school anymore. Being mean to somebody isn't a good way to show your emotions. Message for D? You're doing fabulous, I'm rooting for you. Message for J? Pick fucking wisely. 
I'm a bit biased but my info is not. 
Don't you worry.
Until next week, you know where the box is! Xx.
"Aw, J and D sound like a cute couple." Regina cooes.
"A and C don't." Janis shook her head. "To sappy."
"Is Jan warming up to the gossip blog? And forming opinions?" Damian teased.
Karen shook her head in disbelief. The fact that her friends were yet to catch on-
-they were dense. Not idiots, just dense.
"S sounds like an asshole." Gretchen shook her head. "Bet its a boy. Yknow when a boy would pull your hair in elementary school and you'd get told, oh boys will be boys. He just likes you! Yeah. S is a dude for sure."
"Not every boy was like that. I wasn't." Damian said.
"You're gay." Janis rolled her eyes. 
December 10th
Heyo Northshore! It's the writer. Might I say, you look wonderful today? 
I don't see you but I'm sure you're just stunning.
A must be p r e t t y stupid because they were seen all this week studying with C. A kiss for every problem right? Hey, it's not a bad deal.
R was seen primarily with K this week, throwing off all previous theories.
Must have been a rough week for J. I'd imagine you've got to be stressed as hell to just break down randomly but guess what- they did. Lack of sleep? Hunger? S? Who knows what the culprit was.
But don't you worry, D was quick to whisk them off to someplace quiet.
Love to see it, I want a significant other like that.
The day they confirm their relationship is the day I expect a wedding invite.
See you next week! Xx.
"Wow! Looks like Jan isn't the only one in Northshore who needs to learn when to take a break before the break takes them." Damian deadpanned, lowing his newspaper.
Karen blinked. Are you kidding me?
"I was just tired." Janis huffed. "I needed a nap."
"I dunno man. A and C sound cheesy as fuck." Gretchen shook her head.
"They do. Now J and D though? That couple goals." Janis said.
Karen's hand shot to her mouth as she covered a laugh with a forced cough. "Couple? You think they're together?"
"For sure. They sound made to be!"
Oh dear.
December 17th
Winter break next week! Who's excited? We get full two weeks off this year and I'm so ready for a break.
I'll miss our resident couples in question though.
Not to throw everyone off but-
J spent the week with G. R spent the week with C. And A was with D?
Now granted by the time you're reading this print, this is two-week-old information- but why?
Did you get bored and just s w a p?
Anyway, I guess S wanted into the mix too? Because they took advantage of no D to try and get to J. It didn't work. G was there to protect our favorite JD ship. I'm not saying they're a cockblocker bc I don't wanna imply anything, but S is d e f i n it l y trying to get something out of J. Motive unclear but hey, we can assume :/
Anyway, there were multiple fights that broke out that day so idk what yall were on but jesus christ calm down. Not relationship-related but be fucking nice to tineis.
K had no part in this swap of s/o but hey, they weren't third-wheeling anymore. 
"Be fucking nice to tinies!" Regina cheers.
"J and G?" Janis frowned at the tiny newspaper in her hands. "Sorry, only know about J and D."
"Janis went from, ew gossip, to I'd die to have JD confirmed, real fast." Aaron pointed out.
"As she should." Gretchen pointed out. "They sound cute as fuck.
"Hands down they're lesbians." Regina said.
Karen shook her head, totally dumbfounded.
January, 7th
Did you miss me! I missed you. Mwah.
Right off the bat-
Uh. The box has been filled with messages from S saying, they do not like J. 
So I guess they're just an asshole.
Hey, just means team JD is gonna win.
Speaking of-
When J was asked directly they said that, I quote "D is the love of my life." But when asking D, I was told: "[J is] just a good friend". Sort your story idiots. The school wants to know!
While S may be out of the running, many sources say JC is a rising ship? Between A and C and J and C, I can't help but wonder, is there a behind the scenes JCA?
Fellow tiny students report A and J not being very close in the tiny hallways though. Now J and R tho-
J is just one lucky mate.
Who's your favorite? Let me know in the box! Xx.
"J and D." Janis says from her perch on Damian's shoulder. 
Karen just looked at her phone.
"You think there's a threesome going on in school?" Gretchen asked.
"Unlikely. I don't even this A and C sound cute. Why add another." Aaron rolled his eyes.
You don't think-
Karen sighed.
She really should tell them but- it was so much funnier this was.
Janis stood up on Damian's shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to his jaw without motive. 
Karen turned back to her phone, unsurprised if that would pop up in next week's article. 
January 14th
I love you- signed the writer.
Glad we got that out of the way.
This was quite the week for our "couples".
First off, D and J? PDA through the roof.
Idk, maybe it's a special week, or maybe we're paying more attention and they've always been like that.
Those tiny kisses aren't lost on me, J. I see all.
Ugh, so cute.
A and C are-
"Skip this passage," Janis whined. "Nobody cares about them."
Everyone around the lunch table nodded as Karen began to read out loud again.
G kissed R?! R might have given a scowl but bystanders didn't miss the blush. Platonic or something more? That's the big question of this article but hey- this is a big step for all you GR shippers. Sorry to whoever wrote that long letter in the box passionately explaining how JR was peak friends to enemies to lovers. 
#JD, anyway, you know where the box is! Xx.
"Fuck A and C. All my homies hate A and C." Janis grinned.
Cady nodded. "They're too cliche. It's annoying and I don't even know who they are."
Karen placed her head on the table with a groan.
She may not be smart, but these people were flat out idiots.
She felt a tug on her hair and looked up, resting her chin on the table.
"You okay, Karen?" Janis stood in front of her, Newspaper held at her side.
"Yeah, just dying on the inside a bit. Yknow, leaf emoji."
Janis made a face. "I don't but uh-" She leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to Karen's nose. "Don't leaf emoji. We like you here, alive on the inside."
Karen smiles. "Thanks, Janis." 
January 21st
Just when you think it's all figured out- J kisses K. 
In front of D.
At this point- they're all together. One big happy family. 
I'm still clinging onto my JD dream. 
Speaking off-
S is back. Did you miss them? Me neither.
They just grabbed J like nothing? Anyway, D was there to save the day obviously.
Our great big hero got a pretty precious nose kiss from J.  
I could make their own newspaper section about how cute they are. There is no way you can be that cute and n o t already engaged.
On another J note, if JD doesn't happen, I'd be pretty content with some CJ. C was seen giving J "a nice-sized smooch" (somebody from the box).
No development in the R and G category, just their usual cuteness.
Leave any tips in the box! You know where it is. Xx.
"Uh uh. JD over CJ." Janis shook her head.
Karen just placed the newspaper in her bag. Janis and Damian were quick to become J and D's biggest shippers. They were so good at confusing the school about their relationship status that they had themselves fooled.
Cady and Aaron, who were dating and just won't confirm it, hated C and A's relationship. Calling it cheesy and artificially sweet.
And Regina though R sounded like a bitch and G deserved somebody better.
The whole thing was just crazy. 
"I gotta go talk to a teacher this period. It was fun reading the paper together though." Karen said getting up.
There was a chorus of 'bye Karen's as she walked away.
The newspaper holder in the hallways was empty. Northshore's 'couples' was quick to catch on and save the newspaper program. 
Karen pushed the door open to the computer lab, making her way over to the tiny end.
"Hey, Glen."
Glen Coco looked up at her with a grin. "Got anything for me, spy?"
@realmisspolarbear @smallsoysauce @musicallygt
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Soft Tears,
Hello! May I please order a Dalgona Matchup Latte? 😌 I’m an Aries and my Myers-Brigg is ISTP. At first I might seem shy but once I open up it’s impossible to shut me up but that doesn’t mean that I will hesitate to kill someone if they deserve it. I generally speak my mind whether people like it or not so I’m quite blunt. I hate routines, they bore me. I’m impatient and short tempered and I hate being tied down or told what to do. You never have to guess where you stand with me, as I will always let you know. In love, I’m more of a one-on-one person. I can never get too much attention or solo time with my s/o. I’ll try to put my partner first in all matters, and I expect the same in return. That doesn’t mean I’m a pushover though since, like I said, I’m not into being suffocated or controlled. I just love attention (giving and receiving), and I want to share my most intimate side with someone I can trust. As you can tell, I’m a huge hopeless romantic and I dig cliches as long as they don’t make me cringe. I’m a night owl I tend to go to sleep late. I love taking on leadership roles and being challenged since I’m very competitive. I’m actually quite taller than average females, my height being 5’8”. I like reading, listening to music, working out if I don’t feel lazy or if i feel like it, going out with my friends. I’ve played volleyball and basketball for my school teams but I quit because how toxic the teams have become. Now I only play them for fun. Thank you so much for this and I hope I managed to follow all of the instructions. 💞
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Thank you for ordering and following the instructions, you’ve made Kyupid very happy! Dalgona Matchup Latte coming right up— oh, and I think I already mentioned something about the side effects; so I matcha up with ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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➞ this relationship is just filled with love; that sounds like an obvious thing to have in a relationship, but this is just different — you both take ‘i can’t picture the future without you’ to a whole new level
➞ he falls for you first, and he fell hard; at that point, he just knew that there was no turning back, you were the one periodt
➞ he probably realized it when you suddenly stopped blabbering after you realized that he was just staring at you intently and got a bit flustered; all he could think about was ‘no, please don’t stop talking to me. i want to see your eyes sparkle more, i want to hear your voice more, i want you to be happy around me more. i want to be one of the reasons behind that heavenly laugh of yours. i want to see that beautiful smile of yours… for the rest of my life’
➞ of course he wanted you to be his, but even if you didn’t see him like that, he still wanted you to be a part of his life — that’s how important you became to him
➞ he will give you all of his love and attention; he’ll definitely voice out how much he loves that you’re quite clingy, he’ll even ask for you to not hold back with it
➞ expect to be treated like a princess; you’re literally gonna be spoiled with everything, whether it’s gifts or affection, you name it, it’s all yours
➞ he may need you to initiate the majority of your guys’ convos since he’s afraid that he might say something wrong (he’s canonically blunt, taunting, and have no filter) so bear with him, he’s still trying to be more sociable since he isn’t really experienced in that department (skdkskdk it hurt writing that)
➞ sometimes it’s obvious who loves the other one more between most couples; but with y’all? nuh-uh, y’all are just pure on simps for each other and it’s mad obvious to everyone; literally expect everyone at shiratorizawa to have made a ship name for y’all already, like it’s just that obvious
➞ semi will probably say, “look, it’s y/n” just to distract tendou, and mans will always look even if he knew that you were on vacay with your parents in a another country, like he’s just so whipped—
➞ i think because he’s very clueless when it comes to love, he resorts to watching romance movies to maybe learn a thing or two that may impress you
➞ but bby is so pure and innocent, he mostly copies the ones from disney; his fav would be the lady and the tramp spaghetti scene
“…what’re you doing?”
“i’m fhying thfwo be romanthwic.”
“i said i was trying to be romantic 🥺 that was the last noodle… now we can’t be like dogs in love.”
“hey, how about we copy ellie and carl’s love story, hm?”
“…sato, she ends up dead.”
“well clearly not that part; but i want to live happily ever after with you. just us, and mini-me’s running around our front yard, while we just hold hands on the porch and drink our tea— what i’m trying to say is, i’ll marry you in the future, so wait until then, alright?”
➞ dates will include midnight escapades to the park to play some sports or just to sit on the slides and stargaze; spontaneous trips to tokyo literally right after school; pet store dates where you’ll see how caring and sweet he actually is; he’ll probably pull out a wagon and tell you to get on it, and you’ll probably just make everyone in your neighborhood smile and remember that love exists when they hear just a bunch of laughs and giggles, and they look outside to see you two and see how tendou looks at you with pure love in his eyes while he’s pulling you around the block like i— uwu, just uwu
➞ expect tendou to turn mundane things into competitions like, “baby, i bet i can slurp this juice box faster than you” and he’ll just completely fawn over how you suddenly have this glint in your eyes and you just look so beautiful to him
➞ you’re always showered with affection, but doesn’t mean that he doesn’t give you your space when needed
➞ he is not at all controlling; like literally unless you’re doing something that may cause you harm, then mans won’t interfere until you tell him to
wanna wear a tight dress? “of course, babe, you look breathtaking as always.”
wanna change your appearance? “ooh, a surprise! i’m all for this, sweetie. should i change mine too, so we could be matchy-matchy if you want?”
wanna hang out with a couple of friends, “you don’t need to ask me for permission, but i really appreciate it. go have fun, baby, and tell me all about it when you get home.”
➞ he may get jealous when you talk about your guy friends though, but he won’t stop you from hanging out with them (you’re not his property, and he’s very aware of that) he’ll most likely just pout and be like “but i’m your baby, right?”
➞ he gets insecure because of his past, he’ll end up thinking that you’re too perfect for him and that he doesn’t deserve you; so please give him all the affection and love that he’s starved of (or i’ll pull and steal ur mans, bby boo)
➞ just know that he’s very grateful to have you in his life; even if you do end up rejecting him, he’ll accept everything just for you to always be a part of his life even if you end up just being a friends
➞ btw, your height? damn, he literally thinks it’s so sexy, and the fact that he can literally just kiss you without having to worry about neck or back pains? he will literally end up peppering you with kisses, like legit you might end up suffocating (good luck with that, bby 😌✌️)
➞ i think you might be wearing the pants in the relationship…
➞ but anyways, you and tendou just radiate love energy to everyone; legit everyone sees the two of you with heart emojis all around and i mean, who wouldn’t want to be around a love so strong like you two’s?
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I really hope that you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a visual of your movie-esque relationship: he’ll pull the cliché ‘let’s compare hands’ move before you guys will start dating, and ever since then, he’ll just adore the warmth of having your hands in his; your first kiss after a lil’ spontaneous hiking at a cliff; how he hugs you whenever he’s lost in his feeling for you (which is literally almost all the time) before leaning in to give a soft peck on your cheek; he will often feel as though maybe you shouldn’t be with him and that you deserve better, so during those times, please comfort him and remind him that he’s loved.
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Thank you so, so much for ordering and being so kind; Kyupid hopes to see you again! Have a wonderful day, cutiepie ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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an: you’re literally so nice 🥺 like thank you, bby, honestly. i really hope you enjoyed this! pls give tendou all the love and kisses that he deserves.
also thank you for requesting, bcus of you, i just now realized that i have been sleeping on my bby chicken tendou, and i will now commit to being a full time simp just for him… so expect me to pull up if you ever hurt my mans 😤🥺 jk ily
if you notice anything wrong with your request, dm me please so i can fix it! if the gif isn’t working if you don’t see any colored texts at all.
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Five Otome/Romance Game Men I Adore
Hai hai many thanks for thinking of me for this tag game @justine-the-guillotine !!
 I always feel pressure to do these things perfectly, even though it’s just talking about things I like :’) so please bear with me in my, probably, screaming appreciation. I’ve been thinking of a list a characters for a whole day and honestly I’m suddenly blanking,,, who do I adore? lol who knows,,, Well actually you are about to know cause I am going to tell you LOL. OkAY. Enough of this blabbering, onto the list of many mens.
Please know I am excluding Lucien (MLQC) because it is obvious that I adore him to a fucking fault. If you want to see me do a whole appreciation about those him just hmu in my asks or message me and I will go on for days bby
This list is in no way order of most to least adored, I physically could not make that kind of decision jkdfjksdfh. ALSO PLS KNOW I DO SWEAR LIKE A FUCKING SAILOR AND I TALK OF SMUSHING LOVELIES OFTEN. IT”S JUST MY PERSONALITY SO SHHHHH IF YOU DON”T LIKE IT DON”T READ IT BOO, THAT SIMPLE!
Takeda Shingen (Ikemen Sengoku) - Okay, I will be honest, I was very skeptical of sengoku period romance games because I had played some in the past,,, but holy shit, Shingen blew me away. He quickly rose up the ranks of otome men in my heart, and I think about him at least once a day now. I related so much with his MC because it was so hard not to lust and swoon over that man. I have no idea how or when I fell hard for him but it happened and I am not mad at all. I self insert so much with my games,,, and it’s easy for me to slip my real feelings into my fantasies. And honestly I really wish I could have Shingen IRL, ~~though I’m sure I would absolutely freak out and hide under a rock if he ever paid me any attention. He represents the perfect man, lover, and husband to me; he’s on a god level kind of man. Shingen is compassionate, knows boundaries and has never restricted MC from doing anything she loved (without good reason), he’s reliable and strong in a way that makes my heart melt. AND  LET’S NOT FORGET HOW FUCKING BRILLIANT THIS MAN IS, HE IS SO FUCKING SMART AND I WISH CYBIRD LET US SEE HIS EXTREME INTELLIGENCE MUCH MORE,,,, He’s just so damn perfect it is near infuriating how good of a man he is. He fits my normal type so well; me saying “Tall, Handsome, Flirtatious, Sexy as Fuck and Infuriating” might of as well have been about Mr Takeda “I’ll marry you and give you everything for one smile” Shingen. I also really like characters that are loyal to their loved ones (yes in contrast to my bastard villain type kink, I also love those who show loyalty and devotion to the people they love) Shingen does more than enough of all of and I really do look up to him as a person and model for character,,,,, oh gods, and the way I imagine he would make sweet baby making love to ---*cough cough* ALRIGHT LETS STOP HERE BEFORE THIS BECOMES A WHOLE ASS SHINGEN APPRECIATION POST!!!
Sirius Oswald (Ikemen Revolution) - I’m really tempted to just insert a daddy kink meme and leave it at that,,,, He is my absolute top otome man, or rather,,, one of my top “I wish you were real and we were married” men. As much as I whore around and claim to love a new man the most (besides Lucien because they’re on the same level now) every week,,, I will always come back to Mr. Flower Daddy. He holds such a precious spot in my heart, I can only try to explain the things that he makes me feel. Like a giddy school girl in love for the first time, but in this story they end up together. High school sweetheart kind of love that lasts till they’re old and wrinkled with time. Gods, thinking about Sirius makes me sob and my wallet sob harder . I must have a thing for men who keep denying their affections for MC (aka me self insert) because of things like responsibility, friendship, being labelled an old geezer,,etc. I have played his route about eight times over (probably) by now, it’s a little upsetting that his route wasn’t as spicy as his side content. Please Cybird, let Mr. Flower Daddy be the sexy and dramatic man he can be. I love the way he cares for others, how hard he works to achieve the bonds and peace he has now for not only everyone he loves, but for the country they all live in as well. His many layers intrigue me, seeing his reactions as well ughhhh I love this man so fucking much, how do people irl deal with love like this? I’m sitting here dreaming over Sirius Oswald,,, and his,,, big hands,,, Never have I held such large and terrifyingly real emotions and lust for an otome character. The man just screams let daddy take care of you baby but also let daddy wreck your pretty whore mouth, little lady or maybe that’s just me projecting my kinks onto this pure (lol) man. Not only is his body, heart, and morals absolutely stunning, HE IS ANOTHER INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT BEING AND I CANNOT STRESSSSS HOW MUCH I FIND SMART PEOPLE INCREDIBLY SEXY AND THE WAY HE USES HIS TALENTS TO SUBTLY AID HIS LOVED ONES UGHHHHHH I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE. GODS PLEASE LET ME BREAK INTO THE SIXTH DIMENSION AND MARRY THIS MAN!!!! 
Kent (Amnesia Memories) - OKAY LET ME JUST SAYYYY HE IS THE BIGGEST BABY AND BIGGEST MAN AT THE SAME TIME AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS IDC BUT HIS OUTFIT IS THE SHIT!!! FUCK YOU BELT HATERS!!! His outfit and his love slaps like the wholesome man he is. Absolutely I would love to h*ld his h@nds and give him the best smooches I can give. Because that is what he deserves. I really loved this game, growing to love Kent was easy despite his big brain fucker throwing math questions at me from time to time. I’m not sure what makes me like Kent so damn much, but I do and that’s what matters skjdfdskjfh. He is so damn precious,,, you all know those  “you so fucking precious when you smile” song video thingies? That is exactly how I feel about Kent. He’s so damn precious I want him to be happy always. And I will fight anyone who bullies him hnnn. 
Myeong Hwi aka Theodore Wilson + Lee Gun Wook aka William Harris (Mystic Code) - Mystic Code used to be one of my favs, till they did the whole updating and redoing the story thing, with no full voiced lines etc (I really hope they bring that back). But two stood out to me the most was Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Harris. Both have very strong personalities and care for the greater good, and thick as fuck lets be real with that dom energy . I adore men with strong and noble (?? is this the right word??) personalities and also possess a compassionate heart. As Theo is with the MIU team members and Will is with MC. 
Theodorus Van Gogh (Ikemen Vampire) - whoallowedthismantobethisfuckingattractiveandlegal??????  *insert his magic mike CG* I have played Theo’s route in JP a few times, once to completion but knowing him in the EN version I am already absolutely in love with this man. How this came to be? Maybe it’s his bittersweet personality, the way he cares for MC in the same way Sirius does, but he’s a bit more brash about it than Sirius. I absolutely adored his character growth in his route and as you get to know him better he opens up more and more, ahh the tsundere is quite the cute trait XD. He is strong willed and passionate, he is caring of his loved ones, he is loyal to his family, blood or found, and he is an absolutely attentive loving person. Why ask for more when you can just love Theodorus Van Gogh? He is the absolute softy packed into a large brooding and brash package with a shiny 8-pack abs that I wish to slather maple syrup on and lap up for the love of----  for someone who loves pancakes so much. And I very much admire his drive to do what he wants and needs to do to the absolute best of his ability. His will to thrive for the best he can get has me swooning. He truly is a breath taking man,,, whether that be because he is being a complete sweetheart all of the sudden or he’s whipping you some nasty insult that is itching for a rebut.
Alright, that’s it! I cheated a little lololll but there aren’t any rules so >;3c I can do as I wish. 
I uhhhhhhh don’t interact with many other otome blogs T^T (but maybe you can change that hwehwe) so I won’t be tagging anyone. However, if you do see this and want to join in and tag your friends pls do!!! Share the love, pass it on, scream about more 2D mans.
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alolanrain · 5 years
Human!Arceus comes in with Bby!Raihan (not actually baby Raihan, but Raihan who isn’t a gym leader yet for Galar) and sets him in the chair opposite of Lance.
“Who, what, where?” Lance ask’s I’m so much confusion, but Head Council Ace (Human!Arceus) ignores him.
“I need to train Raihan here.” He states, patting poor scared Raihans bony shoulders and fucking leaves.
Lance is immediately like “am I getting fired!?! Can they fire me!?!?!” But he’s calm when he faces Bby!Raihan. Who’s fidgeting up a storm because he’s in his idols presents!!!
“What’s your typing?”
Lance: well S H I T
So Lance starts training Raihan, and if he drags the other Dragon type gym leaders/Elite Four into it than that’s his choice, and while he’s there Raihan meets Bby! Red and Bby!Gold who are now Champions of Kanto and Johto respectfully.
So that’s also a reason why Ace gave Raihan to Lance so the Elite Four member could train the kid. Lance doesn’t know what to do with his time now because he’s so used to 4x’s the paper work for being both an Elite and the Champions of the two neighboring Regions.
And where ever Red and Gold go, the gang follows.
Raihan ends up meeting Silver, Crystal, Green, Daisy, Yellow, and OFC actual Baby Ash and Gary. He also meets their parents and Delia was so close to adopting Raihan into the family because the boy didn’t have his on family since his dad was apparently to “busy” to come and raise his son and Raihans mother died during child birth.
So he comes back every summer to train before going back to Galar for the next five years, then the next five is to just hang out and rant about the Galar League and have fun.
Idk about age so far but here’s the final ages for a few of them.
Red - around late 29 to early 30
Green - same as Red
Gold - 26 to 27
Silver - 25 to 26
Crystal - 27 + 5 months on Gold
Ash - around 23 to 25
Gary - same as Ash + the 6 Months he has on him
Raihan: - around very early 25 to very late 27
Daisy - 35 to 40, she just needs to be a few years older than Green and Red
Lance - around 50 to 60, but he’s emotionally an 80 Y/O with his wisdom and what he had to put up with the Ketchum/Oak kids and the other National Poké Dexers
Delia - 50 to 57 she’s needs to be older than Daisy, but younger than Lance
Ace - he’s fucking Arceus, does it look like I know his fucking age!?
Lance soon finds out that, No, Raihan isn’t immediately replacing him and that he’s being trained in stead because the current Galar gym leader at that time was finally sub-coming to her Cancer. So Lance was the next option because he’s been the longest Dragon trainer in the league after her.
(Hint at that Immediately??)
Over time Raihan soon sees that the other Gym leaders are drawing away from him, Chairman Rose and Oleana are now piling more and more paper work onto him, and now Leon and Sonia are now avoiding him at all costs.
(I haven’t figured out a reason why just yet, but I’ll get there)
And now Raihan goes to the council, because he can’t go to Rose because he knows how absolutely shitty he is about complaints and other things, and begs them not to actively search Rose until the Council is done with their search of evidence.
Unbeknownst, Ace has been gathering shit on Rose for Years now. So he uses this as a chance to freak the head chairman out. 
So Ace scheduled for him, a few other Council Members, Lance, Gold, and Red to come to the next beginning League ceremony for the start of the Season. Now Chairman Rose is internally freaking the FUCK out because he has council members and the three most terrifying International league members coming to watch the Galar League opening ceremony.
( Ace also starts hounding Lance, who’s hair is now mostly grey now with red streaks, to start looking for people so he can retire. Because Alder’s position got taken by Black and Both Alder and Drayden are wait patiently for Lance.)
(( and if Ace also can get Raihan to take both Lance’s Elite position, while also Raihan being closer to Ash and the found Family that’s been yearning for the dragon tamer to join them permanently - via marrying Ash finally - then that’s Ace’s second main secret ))
Rose sticks them down with the other gym leaders because he doesn’t want to sit near the council members or other league members. But that also means he gives them a great chance at “talking” (more like interrogating) the Galar gym leaders
And they find out that they have been distancing Raihan for multiple reasons that are pretty fucking weak. Ace pulls Raihan aside and gets the full sob story and then gently asks if Raihan would like to move to the Kanto League, which has grown substantially stronger with Red, Gold, and Ash at the helm of those Regions.
And Raihan subconsciously melts at the thought of being closer to his found Family and his Ash. He answers hesitantly that if they have a position, than Raihan would sign all the paper work today and that he already has several people ready to defend the Vault in his stead. Raihan then gets pulled away by a very nervous assistant that says it’s time for the final battle with Leon.
Ace joins up with the others and starts to casually grill Lance that Raihan would be the best person to fill his two Elit spots.
“What!?” Lance looks shocked at that thought. And Ace tries not to laugh at his God-nephew face.
“You and the rest of the Dragon Tamers trained him. And I also noticed how you subconsciously trained him to take an elite four position instead of a gym leader one.”
“That - that doesn’t mean anything!”
“Everyone that he needs to know has already met him and like him. Unlike the others you’ve found where they don’t like several people in the line up.”
“Lance, look at him! His own Gym uniform is styled after your outfit! He fits well with everyone, and is just as strong-if not stronger than you. He’s completely perfect to take over your position.”
“Hell! Chairman Rose is already pushing most of Leon’s Champion paperwork onto him, creating just the same amount-if not, again, more paperwork than your two positions.”
“I... do see your point.”
“Lance. I’m not talking to you as the Head Council, your Boss, or an equal League member at this point. I’m talking to you as a concerned family member an as your God Father. It’s time for you to rest, Your Husbands are waiting for you and you’ve denied yourself this for a longer time than absolute necessary.”
“But the kids-“
“-they can come to you! You are still there! Available when they need help or an answer only you know.”
“I don’t want to spring this on Raihan though.”
“And we don’t have to. You can still train him as we bring in another gym leader, I’ve been gunning to put a bug gym leader in Galar anyways.”
“Lance, Watashi no musuko. Stop making excuses, the future generation of League members are here. Right in front of your face. Just like when you first came Champion of Kanto and the rest son followed after you. You’ve been Champion of Kanto for over 30 years, Johto’s Champion for over 25 years, and Elite four for both for over 28 years.”
“Watashi no musuko. It’s time to rest.”
“Okay, I’ll train him.”
“Good. Thank you.”
“Thanks for telling me to cut my shit.”
“I’m not the only one, Delia will hound you now more than ever to come to the family dinners.”
“Ugh! Don’t remind me!!!”
It all boils down to Raihan getting moved over to the Kanto Elite four under Red and finally start dating Ash. Chairman Rose gets taken down and Raihan is now allowed to heal.
Idk this thought has been plaguing my thoughts for the last couple of days and I just had to wright this all out.
I think I’m calling this the Replacement!AU
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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if you sent any asks (recommendations for things don’t count as I have to look around!) since october 17 until october 22 it is in here :)
anon said: The header for your askbox response post is *aesthetic*. I think it’s a really good idea to post one every few days if you have the time. ❤️
well, thANK YOUUUUU!!!!! I put in a whopping 10 minutes into it because I had no idea what I was doing! i’ll definitely be doing asks this way now though.
big dick kiri anon said: !!!!!! ILY HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY PLS HYDRATE 💙💙❤️❤️ -bigdickkiri
Omg love! Please don’t worry about kinktober just breathe! Take your time and try to relax 💙❤️- bigdickkiri
DAMN, that is a LOT. Please look after yourself and don't stress about it love!! - bigdickkiri
I believe I did have a good day, and I am actually super bad at hydrating, buT ILL TRY TO GET BETTER!!!!
I am breathing!!!! JUSTTT BREATHEEEE!!! I am taking my time now and relaxing to the best of my ability :D thank you so much bdk I love you with all my soul
theres always a lot, but if im not doing a lot I dont do anything so on one hand.... it’s okay LMAO but I will continue to try and not stress :D
@bread-theduck​ said: We love you and support you ❤ dont push yourself, your mental health is so much more important that kinktober haha. Take all the time you need, we're right here and open if you wanna talk~
I don’t really try to push myself... it just happens subconsciously D: but thank you for the love and support!!!! my mental health is stronger than I give it credit though
anon said: listen! we all appreciate you and your writing dearly but! I think we can all agree that we want you to be okay mentally and physically before you make yourself write! kinktober can wait! you’re more important!! at the very least, pls take a break for tonight.
I honestly can’t even remember when i said I was tired, but thank you for your kind words regardless!!!! I am trying to get better at it because i don’t want to disappoint you guys D:
@saintbullet​ said: Please take care of yourself!!! DONT risk your health for writing. We care about you so much! Be careful 💕💕💕
I know I push myself a lot, and i’m really sorry for scaring you all!!!! I am trying though, and it just has a lot to do with my mental fatigue and that im judging some hard classes right now then it has to do with anything
anon said: hey it'll be alright! idk whats wrong but i promise everything will work out like its supposed to! you just take care of yourself and take as much time as you need to feel better!! we love u!! ♥️
anon said: periods can be a pain so pls take care of yourself!! drink lots of water and rest up!!!
my period is the worst, if she was a person i’d block her and avoid her irl!!!!!!!!
anon said: Lol ok so gay for Mina anon back and no, I was not the anon who requested it. But lmao, let me take this time to whole heartedly thank that anon for quenching my thirst anyways
anon said: I am just planning on hanging out and reading all the lovely writing that comes from this
i’m pretty sure this is about my nsfw/sfw headcanons, and honestly im sooo very excited to start working on them!!!!!!!!
anon said: you have no idea how happy I got when I saw u posted for mina like UGH MY WIFE I LOVE HER SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺 N GIVING US GAYS AMAZING CONTENT UR AMAZING MWAH MWAH KEEP BEING THE PERFECT ANGEL U ARE 🥺🥺💞💗💖💕💓💝
many a anons said: Sorry I didn’t see the part where you said not to request characters that were already on the list I thought that was the list of character we could vote for.
so sorry I accidentally sent a character in that has already been requested, Tumblr didn't show me the follow up posts ;;
nooo I didn’t see the list I’m so sorry 😭😭😭
LOL ITS OKAYYYY. y’all were hoes and kept sending me shouto who I couldn’t even think about deleting from my list... so... you are lucky >:(
anon said: hello! not a request here but take care of yourself anc stay hydrated bb 🥰🥰
I got my water right next to me rn bby :D
anon said: be todoroki’s girlfriend
bitch I am todorokis WIFE, why would I need to dress up???
@girl-with-a-mentality​ said: You can be todoroni for Halloween.
....you right...
anon said: Thirst post infoo ;3 I found a doujinshi of Bakugo being teased and toyed with sexually with by Ochako, Yaomomo, and our lovely momma Mina
...send it
anon said: GIRLLLLLL
local dumbass anon said: local dumbass is here once again, i thiink you know who i am and might've found my ig buuuuuut..?
uh.... I don’t know???????? I only followed people on insta if you gave me your handle or followed me first.... also did you cut your bangs?
anon said: Your Monoma scenario was really good!If we’re being honest, though, Monoma would literally start foaming at the mouth if he saw anyone from 1-A making physical contact with his s/o, ESPECIALLY Bakugou. They would have to call animal control because there would be a rabid Monoma in the dorms lol
okay... while you’re not wrong, I just thought 18 year old monoma should have grown up just the tiniest bit! plus his obsession is controlled because of his insecurity so LMAO IDK I JUST THOUGHT MAYBE UGH
@awkward-theaterkid​ said: I was reading your Day 19 Fic but I couldnt take it seriously, the title "My Way" kept reminding me of the Backstreet Boys "I want it that way" and it keeps popping up while I read it 😂
as someone who only heard that song because of b99 I read this and immediately thought of b99 LMAOOOOO
Hello Queen Lyssa, I finally read "And They Were Roommates" and have absolutely no idea why I put it off so long! ITS A MASTERPIECE. Each chapter is addictive and the slow burn and angst destroyed me 😭 The smut in the final chapter is flawless and sooooooooooooooooooo H O T. Shoto wasnt even my favorite character but he might have to be now (or at least in my top 3) 😰 This is my new favorite series and I cant wait to re-read it!!!! YOURE AMAZING AND ILY. You own my soul now -🍒💥
~ thank you to @didyoumeanme​, @kittenlordofdarkness​, @soafers​ for submitting memes and animal pics for my rommate, much appreciated :D ~
anon said: Did the local dumbass anon ever cut their bangs? Do you know?
....I dont know, but I just asked her rn >:)
this paragraph is dedicated to those surrounding to the meltdown mess that occurred yesterday. to each and every one of you who sent me kind words via my askbox or directly contacting me, thank you. I really want to move past this because I feel by holding on it will make me feel less inclined to write because of my guilt. of course, I do not expect you to forgive me, or trust me in my story of how it went down, because at the end of the day it was my mistake for trusting in someone to write with pure intentions when I didn’t know if she could. im trying to continue on with my best foot forward and im grateful for those of you who trusted in me. I swear I will never push myself again, and that I will instead take my time in order to publish my original work and only my original work and not take anything that comes from a “friend”. know that I love you all, and I dont know how to take it easy so my break lasted a whooping 10 hours, and my blog won’t discontinue until im done with bnha or...I get into medschool which is still 3 years away, I am taking care of myself, im staying hydrated, im trying not to put myself down anymore, I will keep going, & will forever continue to be more careful with what I post. also, no one was really coming for me, so don’t worry if you thought so lol. (to you 9 anons who expressed their kind thoughts to me, thank you. to big dick kiri anon thank you. to @bqkubabey​, @flayvus​, & @ultimate-shit-poster​ thank you so so much you really helped me not drown myself in my own guilt.)
anon said: i hope you’re feeling okay today :((
I am feeling a lot better. unfortuantely I did make myself really sick yesterday because ive never been as stressed in my life ever, but im okay now. there’s nothing I can do more for what happened so I will try to continue on as best as I can and I appreciate you caring... ilysm :)
@ikinabi​ said: Your writing??? Actually god sent 🥵👌 and the way you write Mirio gets me GOING
anon said: fuck buddy iida is a thought that has never crossed my mind but now that i’ve seen your post i am intrigued haha
well... it is up :) if you wanna check her out :)
anon said: You dont have to answer if you dont wanna but i just wanna see if your okay. I hope your end your doing well and not stressing.
i’m doing much better than I was yesterday!!! I just needed to rest and calm down and stop attacking myself. thank you for checking in!!! it means so much :,)
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