#they moved it that week and i’d come in late. and in my shaking-hands haste i knocked over someone’s two tall goblets. sorry.
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bubble-you · 3 months ago
what’s the point of conversation if you aren’t verbally penetrating each other or devouring the other. yes i know you’re probably maintaining friendly and lightheartedly supportive relations with other people and yes i know i regularly am like i WISH people TALKED to me and yes i would be creeped out if i was probed in questions or overshared at by a stranger as if vomiting bile.
i’m just… feeling frustrated.
#i wanted to break the newly formed pottery plate the moment i got it#and felt its sturdy clean solid form#its concentric pattern and little fish inside#break something good and sturdy and MINE#my own creation something i should treasure#break it in the middle of a group of potters#so solid and grippable#good and hard thick and cold something that is built by grip and palm#fits perfectly comfortably in the palm like a soothing mint balm. calmingly strong#something you can form a claw around without being aware how delicate it is. like $1 plates.#it was made to be held. it was made—-solid as a heart.#to break it — could i shatter it? the CRACK the THUNK#the sound of skin moving over it ringing its 沙沙的sound#how easily would it break? how easily would it break? my hands are warm and running hot they are itching to throw this unique thing to#the tarmac and hear the round sound#the urge to destroy others’ wet clay works in frustration#while knowing id fight anyone who even touched my delicate little cup-shaped experiment#i can’t find my clay. i lost it two weeks ago probably when kamala harris lost the election.#they moved it that week and i’d come in late. and in my shaking-hands haste i knocked over someone’s two tall goblets. sorry.#donald-trump-figure-gets-smacked-on-by-cat#and i missed another thing tonight#the support group i’d meant to go to. but their times clash.#…#last week i didn’t come to class at all#i was resting. maybe after a concert or something#of COURSE i’d lose the clay. of course i feel lost and behind and confused.#next week is the second last week.#i’d missed the first class. the fourth. the fifth. and this is the sixth.#and i forgot to change my long sleeve shirt. which id noticed while driving here but i was gonna be late#and then i had to do pottery while having my
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Chapter 10: The Heist - Sapere aude (Dare to know)
Warning: first fluff and then larceny, oh my
Tag: @glitterypirateduck (she asked!)
Part 1: The dare
Part 2: The theft (you’re here)
Part 3: The aftermath
It took almost twenty minutes under a very cold shower for Riot to feel sober enough to face the world again. She even skipped dinner and munched on some snacks she stored in her room before meeting Ghost for coffee.
After getting back from Belarus the previous week it had become a habit for them to have coffee together after having dinner with Soap and Gaz, and Price if he hadn’t left for home already. 
At first they stayed in the mess hall, but the recruits staring at the Lieutenant and the Sergeant having coffee together, with only half their masks off, was too much for their respective self-consciousness and they ended opting for grabbing their coffee and meeting at their usual spot for smoking behind the building.
When they were truly alone and far from other people’s eyes, Riot tended to take her mask off completely. From her point of view, Ghost had already seen her face and hadn’t run for the hills, so why bother keeping the scar covered?
That night was no different, except from the part where she missed dinner and arrived with her hair still wet to find Ghost waiting with two cups of coffee, sitting on a crate. Hearing her steps made him lift his head from his phone, his balaclava pulled over the bridge of his nose.
‘‘Thought you weren’t coming’’
‘‘Never’’ Riot shook her head while taking her mask off and stuffing it in one of her pockets, glad to feel the dizziness was completely gone. ‘‘Just running late. I should have texted you to tell you, sorry’’
He moved slightly to make room so she could sit beside him on the crate, and handed her one of the cups of coffee.
‘‘So what was that at the mess hall?’’
‘‘Idiocy’’ Riot snorted, sipping carefully, half glad that the coffee wasn’t pipping hot anymore and half regretful that it seemed he had been waiting for some time. ‘‘I was at the supermarket earlier today and saw a case of Irn Bru, and I thought I’d buy it for Johnny’’
‘‘What did he mix it with?’’ Ghost chuckled, shaking his head while drinking from his own cup.
‘‘Vodka’’ She rolled her eyes, smiling. ‘‘I didn’t even know he had two half pints laying around in his room’’
‘‘Well, it seems not anymore’’ He felt good when she laughed at his comment. It was strange to feel so at ease with another person, just by doing nothing but drinking coffee and smoking. Relaxing. Domestic. She was so close he could smell the scent of her shampoo. That made harder what he had to say. ‘‘I’m leaving tomorrow before briefing’’
She turned her head to look up at him, worried.
‘‘A solo mission…?’’ She sighed when his only answer was a nod, looking down at her cup of coffee again. ‘‘Where…? No, I know you can’t tell me. How long?’’
‘‘It’s a short one’’ Ghost shrugged, toying with the empty cup, tiny in his enormous hands. ‘‘Three days tops. Nothing too serious’’
‘‘Ok’’ Riot nodded, still looking at her almost finished cup of coffee and wondering why she felt sad. It would only be three days.
‘‘I’ll be back before you know it’’ He mumbled, without knowing why. She looked… sad, and Ghost felt both comforted and alarmed at that.
‘‘You better’’ She looked up at him again, with a smile that she hoped looked genuine. ‘‘Don’t you dare leave me here to deal with Johnny by myself’’
Ghost shrugged, with a low chuckle rumbling from his chest, oblivious to the shiver the sound provoked in her.
‘‘Wouldn’t dream of it’’
‘‘Speaking of which, if you have to leave before briefing…’’ Riot jumped off the crate to stand up again. ‘‘Shouldn’t you get some rest while you can? No midnight smoke today for you’’
‘‘Yes, ma’am’’ He stood up again, effortlessly because his legs did reach the ground while sitting, and pulled his balaclava down again, but with less haste than other times. Riot never made a fuss about the glimpses of his face she could see. What is more, sometimes she even turned her head to avoid seeing more than what he was yet ready. Never asked, never complained, never tried to take a peek like others, Johnny included, the only other person to respect the mask completely was Price.
She was putting her own mask on and rolled her eyes at him, chuckling, before heading their way back to the officer living quarters, leaving the paper cups in the nearest bin they found.
Their rooms were in opposite wings, and they usually parted when they arrived at the hall, usually after another good ten to fifteen minutes of banter.
That night she didn’t want him to go.
Riot looked around to make sure there was nobody else in there, it was either too late for the people who had late dinners or too early for the ones that were having fun in the common rooms or out and about. Once she made sure there was nobody who could hear them, she looked up at him to find his brown gaze on her already.
‘‘Simon…’’ She stopped, not really knowing what to say to not sound like an imbecile. Come back? Don’t leave me alone? I’ll miss you? ‘‘… just… be careful, will you?’’
Ghost nodded slowly, hands in the pockets of his cargo trousers and his face unreadable under the balaclava, but his eyes didn’t leave hers.
‘‘I’ll be back before you know it’’
‘‘I’m serious, Simon’’
‘‘So am I, doll’’ Even his own tone, gentler than usual, surprised him. He was used to those missions, same as her, sometimes he even craved them to have a way to channel the violence and the anguish that sometimes threatened to swallow him whole.
Now he wanted to be back before he was even gone.
‘‘Off to bed’’ Riot sighed, the corners of her eyes narrowed in a smile while waving her hand at him. ‘‘Shoo. I don’t want to be blamed tomorrow if Price has to drag your ass out of bed because you miss the flight’’
Ghost snorted, his shoulders shaking lightly with the mental image. He almost said he’d prefer if she was the one dragging him out of bed. Or the opposite. Almost.
‘‘Night, Christine’’
‘‘Night, Simon’’
The first thing she saw once she stepped into her room was the laundry bag, filled to the brim with her clothes.
‘‘Aww fuck…’’ She should have taken it to the laundry room earlier, but Soap and his goddamned antics distracted her. The following day the bags would be collected by the laundry service, and unless she hurried to leave the bag in place, she wouldn’t have clean clothes until the next time.
Muttering under her breath she carried the sodding bag down the stairs again, cursing the Scot and the vodka and the bloody moment in which she thought about being a good friend and buying the Irn Bru. She could smell the laundry room way before she found the door, which was to be expected, but it made her frown and curse Soap again. If she had gone earlier, it wouldn’t have been that bad.
Riot tossed her bag inside after locating Soap and Gaz’s bags, and when she turned to leave she remembered.
Ah dare ye tae steal Ghost’s t-shirt or hoodie by tomorrow’s tea
‘‘No’’ She shook her head, muttering for herself. ‘‘Not doing it. I’m not a stupid teenager. It’s a stupid game and I don’t have to do it’’
And yet, there in front of her was a bag with the name S. Riley engraved, next to the other lieutenants’ bags.
Nope. No way in hell.
Inside the bag – why did I open it, damnit -, on top of the pile, was a simple black t-shirt.
That she had seen him wear that very morning in the training room.
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eddysocs · 2 years ago
Cure For What Ails You (Anthony Bridgerton x OC)
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Summary: Marianne is having a tough time with her second pregnancy, and Anthony is at a loss for how to make her feel better, but he knows someone who may be able to help.
Word Count: 1,033
Warnings: Pregnancy, Morning Sickness, Nausea
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Anthony dismounted his horse after his early morning ride, something that had become a habit of his as of late, and made his way back inside the warmth of his home. Aubrey Hall had been revitalized for him since he welcomed Marianne into it as his viscountess and that had only become truer when they welcomed their first child, Thackery.
Yet now, pregnant with their second child, discontentment had been sewn within the walls of Aubrey Hall as Marianne was having a far more trying pregnancy than her last. Anthony had left her that morning, his wife peacefully asleep, and had gone about his morning ride hoping things had finally settled down. When he returned, it was to a pale, exhausted looking Marianne, sat at the window with Thackery playing with his favorite cavalry soldier at her feet.
"Another bout of sickness," Anthony asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.
Marianne managed only a nod and even that brought a touch of the nausea back which she swallowed back down. She was hoping the rising sun would bring some of the color back into her skin and energy back into her body. She’d been suffering with morning sickness for several weeks to varying degrees of severity. She’d only thrown up once when carrying Thackery and she could not fathom why this time was so much worse.
Anthony came to sit across from her at the small table. He reached out his hand, placing it atop hers, the only gesture he could think to make in the moment. He was beside himself with worry. He was reminded of his mother's last pregnancy. Hyacinth, though she was not at any sort of fault, had almost killed her.
"What is that look on your face, Anthony," Marianne asked when his eyebrows became furrowed and the smile he’d meant to be reassuring dissolved into a haunted looking frown.
He brought himself out of the past with a shake of his head and his eyes focused once more on those of his wife. "I am just worried for your health. If my mother was not out in London trying to get Eloise married off yet again, perhaps she could bring you more reassurance than I."
"Then write to her, Anthony. I know you cannot be with me and Thackery all the time, so maybe, if your mother is agreeable, she could take some of the weight off of your shoulders. Temporarily."
He let out a short sigh, realizing the folly of his words and how Marianne may misconstrue them. "I hadn’t meant—"
"I know what you meant, and I can’t say I'd mind having an extra hand for a few days. Hopefully by then, this will have passed and we can resume as normal. Then our biggest worry can be what to name our new baby."
A tired but agreeable smile crossed Anthony's face, and he left to pen a letter to his mother to be delivered with the utmost haste later that very day. In three days time, Marianne was faring very much the same, but Violet had shown early that morning to quell Marianne's fears.
"Violet, how nice to see you," Marianne greeted as pleasantly as she was able. She began to walk herself carefully over to her favored seat by the window. Her ankles had swollen, and coupled with the back pain she was experiencing that morning, it was making it excessively difficult to move. Violet wasted no time in coming to her aid, keeping her balanced until she was able to find the familiar comfort of her heavily pillowed chair.
"I was just like you are now when I was expecting Colin. Sick day and night, some days felt worse than others, but all of them felt as if I’d never survive them." The look of panic that colored Marianne's otherwise pallid features must have given Violet pause. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to regale you with horror stories. It was awful, but one morning I woke up and it was all gone. Pregnancy is a funny thing like that. You never know quite what to expect, no matter how many times you’ve been expecting."
"I think perhaps my limit may be two. This little one has given me more trouble than a brood worth of children, and the little darling is currently playing havoc on my bladder. If you will excuse me."
Violet nodded. "Of course, dear. I’m all too familiar with that as well. I shall be here all day if and when you need me."
"Could you just keep an eye on Thackery while I’m away?"
"As if you even needed to ask." Already she was headed over to the two year old who was inexorably happy to see his grandmother. He’d always been partial to her, even as a newborn. Marianne really couldn’t blame him. If anyone were an expert on babies, it would undoubtedly be Violet Bridgerton.
As she made her way back to her son and mother in law, she found herself already more at ease than she had been in the past several weeks. She sat with them, though lowering herself onto the settee had been a challenge. She watched Thackery play. He’d been so clingy since she’d been ill that he hardly left her side, but now it seemed he felt comfortable enough to enjoy his toys more, and Marianne couldn’t help but credit Violet for such improvement in them both.
"You seem worlds better than when I arrived a few short hours ago. I should not want to sour your improvement by addressing it, but I think you may be over the hill of your illness."
Marianne thought on it a moment. The nausea had almost entirely dissipated in the past hour, so maybe Violet was onto something. She smiled contentedly. "I suppose you could be right. I don’t know what magic you possess, but if it gets worse again, I hope I can call on you."
"You may always do so, Marianne. You're family, and we Bridgertons are a tight knit group. If you are in need you will always have my support, and support from the rest of us as well."
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @foxesandmagic, @connietheecunning, @chickensarentcheap, @sicktember
Marianne Hardwell: @dancingwith-sunflowers, @dollvi3e
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 4 years ago
Tied With a Bow
A Holiday Drabble! I wrote this on my break so hope y’all enjoy it (please let me know what you think!)
Warnings: nonconsent/rape, kidnapping, mentions of stalking.
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You open your eyes but the world remains black. You smell a fire and hear the crackle; the warmth waver against your bare legs. Your jeans are gone, the rest of your clothes too. All that hides your body is an unseen bra that tickles the front of your breasts and a thin, barely discernable thong.
You shiver. Your blindfold is thin and cool. A thick length of ribbon knotted at the back of your head. 
You remember slivers of what came before. Christmas Eve. You just finished up with your mother for the night. Your parents left the next morning for a Caribbean getaway and you were content at a quiet day to yourself. 
You never made it home. You recall that much. The footsteps just behind you and a glimpse back revealing nothing more than the snowy yard and your parents' glowing decorations.
It happened in the car. The engine rumbled and you drove off without haste. You remember a rustle behind you and suddenly a hand around your mouth. You lost control and it all went black.
Then you were here. You sit there for what feels like forever in the din of the fireplace flickering on the other side of your blindfold. You smelled pine and felt the nip of snow as it rattled the windows. 
Then voices. Deep, unfamiliar. You hold your breath and wriggle in the chair. Your hands are bound behind you and your ankles to the wide legs, you can do nothing but listen as the strangers come nearer.
"If you weren't do damn late," the words grow clearer and your veins sear with adrenaline, 
"Your present's just in there."
You're frantic as footsteps sound on the floor.
"Oh? You actually got me something this year?" A sardonic chuckle dies halfway as the steps stop. "Buck?" His tone turns to surprise.
"All yours," the other man responds, "a few scratches but she's in good shape."
"How--" he clears his throat, "wait..." suddenly the footsteps are marching towards you. You panic and struggle to free yourself. The chair rocks and is caught before it can fall over. A hand grabs your chin and stills you. "It's...her? You know?"
"All those solo missions. Always distracted. You usually catch on when I tail you but," the clap makes you flinch, "Surprising but I suppose you need something."
The hand falls away and you feel the stranger move past you. "And?"
"And what?"
"You don't think I'm crazy?"
"She's cute. Sweet. Hell, if I'd seen her first, I might have been the same way." A sniff between words. "How did you find her anyway?"
"Just... chance. I..." the man is hesitant. You're petrified. He's been watching you but you don't know who he is. "She has a family. They'll look for her."
"Let me worry about that," a snicker.
"I..." he's breathless as your heart is pounding. 
"Hear that," the other taunts, "go on and introduce yourself. Maybe she won't be so nervous."
There's a silence and you sense more movement. He's in front of you, you know it even though you can't see him. He says your name and you scrunch your nose to keep from crying. 
"Get away from me," you utter, "go!"
"Sweetie," he touches your knee and you try to shake him off. His hand grips you tighter. "I'm not going to hurt you." He sighs. "What did you do to her? You have to tie her up like this?"
"Got in a bit of a bender but she's fine," the other assures, "you can untie her but she's your problem then."
The man lets go of your knee and reaches around your head to untie the ribbon. He kneels before you as he looks you over, rubbing the ribbon between his fingers. You know him. You've seen him before, but never in person.
Steve Rogers is even bigger in real life. He smiles. Those blue eyes that always seem warm in pictures are startling.
"Please, let me go," you whine.
His brow twitches and he tilts his head; confused, pleading, you cannot tell. But you know from that look he won't oblige.
"You're scared?" He leans back on his heels. "You know who I am?" He watches you and all you can do is gape back at him. He holds out his hand. "I'm Steve."
He realises his mistake as you only blink at him and he drops his hand. He rubs his palms together and hesitates before he stands.
"I'm sorry about my friend," he looks to the doorway, "Buck, can you get her a blanket?"
The other man huffs but you hear him go. Steve turns to the fire and stoops to move a log from the metal basket onto the dwindling embers. He turns back and shifts his weight on his feet.
"I... I want to untie you but you can't run." He says carefully.
"If you think I'm going to run, why would you want me to stay?" You hiss.
"You can," the other man speaks as he enters. "One of us will catch you."
You glance over your shoulder as he nears and hands Steve the blanket. He watches and lets out a breath.
"I dress her up all nice for you and you’re coverin' her up?" he tuts.
You recognise him too. Captain America's ever loyal sidekick, Bucky Barnes. He grins as he meets your gaze and winks.
"Isn't she cute? Maybe I should have put her in white." Bucky sneers and smacks Steve's shoulder.
"You're scaring her," Steve smacks him with his knuckles, “sweetie," he turns back to you, "will you be good if I untie you?"
You look between him and Bucky. You squirm and blink away another wave of terror.
"Please," you whisper at first then repeat yourself louder.
Steve nods and rounds you. You feel him picking at your binds as Bucky rolls his eyes.
"Don't say I didn't try to help," Bucky grumbles and goes to the fireplace. "Any plans for her? I'm sure you've been thinking about it for a while."
"Enough, Buck," your hands fall loose and Steve comes back around to free your ankles. He looks up at you. "Please, don't listen to him."
You don't say anything. The whole situation is too confusing. Surreal. Your ankles come away from the chair legs and you slide forward. Steve stands and catches you by your shoulders before you can stand.
"You okay?" He plays with the fringe at the edge if the blanket as it rests over your shoulder. 
You sit back and shrug away his touch.
"I don't understand," you say, "I really don't."
"I didn't think it would be like this--" Steve is interrupted by a scoff and sends Bucky a sharp look. The latter raises his brows and strolls from the room with a sarcastic salute. 
Steve backs away and you watch as he passes the chair you sit in to sit on the long sofa. He pats the spot beside him.
"Can we talk?" He asks as if you could day no.
You rise and sweep the blanket around you before it can fall. You near him and sit as far from him as you can.
"I didn't think he would... it's my fault. I just could never build up the to-- to--" he looks down bashfully and drags his nail along the faded denim along his thigh. "To say hello."
"How do you... know me?" You ask.
"MrsRogersTeddy?" He smiles as his eyes flick up. The username, almost forgotten,  has you pressing yourself against the arm. You shake your head at him in disbelief.
"I haven't posted in years," you murmur, "how..."
"Well, that's why I went looking. The blog was inactive but I love your stories. They're so good."
"They're trash. Sometimes you just get so bored that living in dumb fantasies is better than anything in the real world. They were just stupid fics. They didn't..." his face falls and you speak slower, realising you've said you much, "mean anything."
He frowns and sits back, deflated. His fingers tap on his jeans. “They mean something to me.” He says deliberately. Slowly, he turns. “Don’t I mean anything to you?”
“I don’t know you,” you regret your words the moment they hang in the air before you.
“Then why would you write about me? Why?” The vein in his forehead sticks out and his jaw squares. “I don’t get it.” He grabs you before you can react and pulls you to him. The blanket slips between your bodies. “You wrote about us!”
“No, no, they were all made up. It wasn’t about--”
“Shhhh,” he hushes you as his hand stretches across your throat. He flexes his fingers as he pushes you onto your back and lowers himself with you. He crushes you beneath him as he frames your faces with his hand. “You love me.”
“No,” you murmur, “Steve…”
“Don’t.” His voice is harsh as you stare up into his eyes. His pupils dilate and he smashes his lips into yours.
You push against his chest, the blanket twists at your waist. The bra, a dark blue with white fur trim, threatens to reveal all. His hand brushes down your neck and arm as he traces the length of your body to your hips. He pulls your leg around him as he moves between your thighs.
A rush of panic rises within and you whimper into his mouth. Your head is spinning and you can’t breath. You can barely think. You’re trapped with a stranger. Smothered by THE Captain America. And for days, weeks, months, who knows, he’s been stalking you. You never knew. How could you? It was unthinkable.
He draws away and gazes down at you. “Say you want me,” he purrs.
Your lips part but you can’t speak. He doesn’t wait anyway as he kisses you again. He’s tugging at the thin string of the thong, exploring your body with his hands. He shoves his thumb beneath the cup of the bra and teases your nipple. He grinds against you like a puritan.
You gasp as you turn your head away. You gulp for breath as his lips continue to your throat. He’s ravenous, unstoppable. He’s kissing, nipping, and sucking your flesh. You grasp at his thick bicep and claw at his firm chest. He is immovable but you are not.
His hand slides along your pelvis. The thong is scrunched from the friction of your bodies. He hums as he grazes your cunt with his fingertips. He nuzzles your neck and fumbles with his fly.
“No,” you beg, “Steve, please…” you’re desperate. “You said you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I’m not,” he groans as he wriggles and pushes down the top of his jeans and rolls down the elastic of his briefs. He struggles for a moment and you refuse to look anywhere but the ceiling. “I’m not, I’m not…” he recites more to himself than you.
You kick your heels into his legs but he doesn’t even flinch. His hand is still moving between you. You feel him prod along your soft thigh. You writhe, you need him off of you. You’re sweating, stolid. You’ve never been so afraid. He drags his cock against your folds.
He claps his hand over your mouth and enters you in a single thrust. You exclaim into his palm as he shakes and holds himself deep in you. His head hangs beside yours and his fingers curl as he muffles your distress.
He rocks his hips carefully. You squeeze him between your thighs unable to do much else. It hurts how full you are. Each time he tilts, he’s deeper inside you. Your walls cling to him and you close your eyes to the world. You want to forget where you are but you can’t as he brings you back each time he moves.
His tempo builds steadily. You ache; for him, because of him. Your body rebels as your mind shouts for rescue. There is no escape. You are caught in his embrace; in his scent.
He lifts himself and his hand falls away from your mouth. You bare your teeth as he pins your shoulders and holds himself over you. He slams his hips down and you yelp. Your lashes flutter open and you see a beast atop you. He is not the saviour painted across glossy magazines and inky newspapers. He is a man, base and bestial.
His flesh slaps loudly against yours. You peek down at the joining of your bodies, his shirt rides up on his firm stomach as the thong digs into your skin. Your tits are out as the bra slides further down your arms and torso. 
He growls and your eyes meet. He hums but not for long, instead grunting with each thrust. He licks his lips as his gaze ventures down. He sits back and holds your hips. You cover your face with your arm. You’re cumming. You don’t want to but you can’t stop the tide that swirls around you. You’re drowning. You’re lost. You cannot find your way back in the storm.
His voice is louder. His groans carnal. He raises your left leg to rest against his chest. He hugs it as your muscles strain. You’re quaking, the entire couch is trembling. He bites his knuckles to stifle a cry. He bucks wildly as he spills into you.
When he is still, you feel as if you are still moving. Your thighs tingle and your vision clouds. He drops your leg and bends over you as he catches his breath. He blindly cradles your face as his breath washes over your chest.
“Merry Christmas, Steve,” a shadow appears behind him. You see Bucky watching you with a grin. “So… where’s my present?”
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adorehs · 5 years ago
Hello! Welcome to a very chaotic story.. I really cannot accurately describe all that happens. Heavy influences from Quantico which I have been watching and the American Assassin series which I have began reading.
For @majorharry​‘s #majorharry20k with the following prompts: “Should–should we kiss?” (6) and “You’re making this so much harder than it has to be.” (30)
Summary: FBI!Harry and Y/N work together to solve a crime and romance ensues. Enemies to lovers if you squint. (6k words)
Warnings: violence, smut (unprotected), mentions of death, use of alcohol, there is a lot happening
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The gun felt cool against your skin which juxtaposed your body which was coated in a light layer of sweat. You were hyper aware of its presence under your dress, along with the wig on your head and the colored contacts you wore, making you feel entirely uncomfortable for the simple assignment you were given.
You sat in the backseat of a government SUV, eyeing the dashboard monitor at the front of the car. It’s view showed multiple angles of the casino you and your partner Harry were headed to. You watched as various members were let in under what seemed to be a heavily guarded building.
You glanced to your right to see Harry reading over his new persona, mouthing certain phrases to himself as he folded the alias card into a black handkerchief, tucking it into his suit pocket.
The two of you and your analyst Mitch were briefed on the mission a few hours earlier. There was a man and a woman, siblings, who were believed to have bombed a casino in London earlier that week. Now, you and a team were set to find and detain both siblings, along with disarming the bomb before it is too late. 
“Bellagio’s guest list for nights like this is pretty exclusive but they recently had some people added so we should be able to get by just fine but play off me if need be,” Harry spoke with a gruff voice, adjusting his collar to ensure his communication device was hidden properly.
You defensively shifted towards Harry, “I know my alias,” you stopped to wrap your radio harness tighter around the wire of your bra to hide it’s bulk, adjusting the receiver in your ear you continued, “I was supposed to use it last mission but I didn’t need to.”
Harry raises his eyebrows, “Okay, no need to get defensive.”
You look at him one last time before eyeing the camera footage at the font of the car again. You see a skip in the footage and scoot forward in your chair, “How do you rewind this?”
Mitch meets your eyes in the rear view mirror, “You have to call back to the cyber ops, we can’t do it from here.”
You nod, testing to see if your comm was working before asking the same question, prompting the security team on your case to rewind the footage. “There!” you point out, asking them to go back and pause it again, “There’s a cut,” you decide after seeing a frame by frame replay.
“No camera has him after that. It can’t be a blind spot, he just disappeared,” Harry agrees.
“Someone was probably waiting in a blind spot to take him,” Mitch informs, “They're five to ten feet, there is enough room.”
Having the camera back in current time, you watch as a cab pulls through one screen and stops before it reaches the next camera's sight, “So do you think that's them? Picking up whoever that was?” you ask, looking at Harry.
He sighs heavily, “Probably,” he hesitated. He didn’t want to have to follow the cab, “We can call someone to trace the cab though, right? So we still make sure shits good at the casino,” he replied.
Mitch slows to a stop as he approaches a stop sign, “Ask them to get their license number from another camera and find out who drives that cab,” he suggests, “Then whoever follows them can see what's going on.”
You nod, relaying the information to the analyst team assisting you all on the case. Your eyes follow the monitor as you watch the cab leave the building with an excessive roar of their engine. A crinkle forms between your eyebrows, “Why was that so loud? Wouldn’t that draw more attention to themselves?”
Harry sucked his teeth as he racked his brain for a logical answer, “It would,” he agreed, “Maybe it’s to derive our attention.”
You shrug lightly, “That could be it. We definitely need to get more people out here just in case, though,” you agree.
“It could go both ways,” Mitch reminds you, “They could be a step ahead, knowing how we think, and really be escaping and we would be too naive to realize.”
“This is so confusing,” you whine, “Why can’t they just pull a stunt we already know.”
Harry’s lips tug upward into a smirk, “We don’t have to know what they’re planning, we just need enough people to be ready no matter what,” he reminds you.
You open your mouth to reply but a noise in your earpiece stops you. “They’re headed south on Las Vegas Freeway,” someone comments, “Be ready to follow through once they stop.”
You and Harry approach Bellagio, arms linked. It wasn’t the original plan, but Mitch said it would be easier to go in together rather than to be seen leaving the same car fifteen minutes apart in a crowded area.
You both approach the bouncer, Harry giving the buff man his alias, “Oliver Irvine,” he speaks casually. The bouncer's gaze moves to you with an unimpressed gaze, “Maggie Greene, but also my plus one,” Harry speaks again. The man glances at the door and back at you with a grunt. You sigh softly, leaning closer to Harry while also shrugging your arm up to make your breasts look more pronounced, “We know the Russell’s,” you mention the siblings. You watch in amusement as his eyes widen slightly, panic visible on his face.
The bouncer’s face scrunches up in confusion, “We’re visiting from London,” Harry helps him remember your names.
He clears his throat, “Of course, I remember them mentioning Irvine now,” he nods at Harry. You bite your lip softly in attempts to keep yourself from laughing, “Head in,” he sidesteps and you wink at him whispering a soft thank you, making him smile slightly like a schoolboy.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and you let go of Harry’s arm. You make a beeline for the bar and immediately ask for a pale ale. The bartender eyes you up and down before returning slightly after with your beer. You thank him softly and look around the club, sucking your teeth with distaste at the bitter substance. You hate beer but you need to encompass Maggie Greene and Maggie likes beer.
You spot a man looking at you and you smile at him, giving him permission to come up to you. He approaches you with a smirk, “Hey, I’m Rob.”
You twist the hair from your wig around your finger carefully and you lean forward giving him a face full of cleavage, “Nice to meet you Rob, I’m Maggie.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” he asks, his eyes refusing to meet yours.
You look down at your full beer and lift it slightly so he sees before laughing at him, “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.”
He laughed back and with a stutter replies, “Yeah, I figured,” he paused. Looking at your eyes, you silently hope he can’t tell they’re not your natural color because of the dim lit building. “Sorry, I just don’t know how I haven’t seen you here before, I come here every few nights,” he explains.
You perk up at that, he probably knows someone, you think to yourself. “No, I’m new, I came with my boyfriend.”
He nods with his head down and a chuckle, clearly disappointed, “And who’s that?”
“Oliver,” you say simply, pointing at Harry who is talking to a guy towards the back of the crowd, “How come you’re here so often,” you counter.
“The owner is a friend of a friend,” he smiles, lifting his hand to meet yours. He takes the drink out of your hand and sets it down on the bar before speaking, “They’re coming later today, maybe I’ll introduce you.”
“Oh cool!” you feign enthusiasm. You're beginning to regret speaking to him. The more you talk, the faster he seems to go. “Who are they? Oliver was telling me about some of the regulars he met last time,” you trail off in hopes of getting something.
“My friend? Her name’s Jazzy. Jazzy Russells,” he tells you, “Heard of ‘er?”
You shake your head lightly trying to suppress a smile, “No, but I’d love to meet her,” you send him a lipstick sweet smile. You pick up your beer with a slight tilt towards your body spilling it along the hem of your dress “I’m sorry,” you gasp, “I need to freshen up. Would you mind holding my drink?” you ask with no intent of drinking anymore.
He smiles at you and nods, allowing you to rush to find a secluded area. You find a nook next to the bathroom where an occasional straggler looks near. You put your phone up to your ear so it looks more natural and press the button on your comm to speak directly to your team.
“A found a guy who said he’s meeting Jazmyn later today,” you speak in a hushed voice, “Said he’d introduce me,” you tell them.
“Great,” you hear on the other end, “Can you get Styles in with you?” they ask.
“Probably, yeah.”
“Okay. Styles meet Y/L/N and devise a plan,” they conclude.
You nod slightly in confirmation, texting Harry to meet you near the women's room.
When he arrives in a haste, he has a light lipstick stain on the apple of his cheek and smells strongly of a woman’s perfume- his own scent masked heavily. “Jesus, Harry, did ya smother her?” you ask, licking your thumb and attempting to smudge the lipstick off before deciding it’s no use. You sigh, “Go wipe it off in the bathroom, you look ridiculous.”
His face scrunches up in disgust, “Why’d ya do that?” he asks, using his handkerchief to wife off the lipstick and your spit, making sure to keep his alias card hidden.
“Because I told that creep I was talking to that you were my boyfriend so he wouldn’t try anything,” you whisper harshly as you see a woman approaching the bathroom.
His lips upturned forming a smirk, “I knew you liked me.”
“I don’t like you, you just need an in,” you remind him. “Seems like I’m the only one doing any work of value,” you complain, “By the way, that perfume? Doesn’t suit you.”
Harry groaned, “I ran into a drunk girl on my way here, she threw herself on me and kissed my cheek to get some guy away from her,” he explains.
You shake your head with a bitter laugh, “Whatever. Just know, you’re making this so much harder than it has to be.”
Harry looks at you intensely before breaking out into a grin, “Awww, Y/N, no need to get jealous. I promise I won't let anyone kiss me tonight if that’s what you want,” he teases.
You look at him unimpressed, “No, I don’t care what you do, just don’t blow our cover. What are we going to say when I show up with you to meet Jazmyn and you smell like another woman but I claim you’re my boyfriend?”
“Relax, I’m a professional,” Harry shrugs, leaning against the wall next to him.
You scoff, “Doesn’t seem like it,” you mumble.
Harry rolls his eyes in response, fed up with you, “What’s the plan?” he asks.
“So I was thinking,” you pause when you hear Harry grumble an oh great, “I was thinking when we meet Jazmyn we get her a bit drunk,” you shrug. You knew she wouldn’t just reveal anything to you. Especially sober. You meet his eyes, “Then you take her up to her room to take a nap or something? Or back to wherever she says she’s staying,” you shrug, “And from there you take her wherever you can that’s alone and you interrogate her.”
Harry nods, “Okay and Justin? He’s gonna be out all night we can’t just get one of them.”
“Well, if he does end up coming I’ll just flirt or something and get him alone. If he doesn’t, you have to get Jazmyn to tell you where he is or whatever.”
He hums, “Okay so when Jazmyn comes, we have to get her drunk then I take her back? That's it? That simple?” Harry was skeptical. He had done enough work in this field to know that simple plans are never executed to perfection.
“That simple.”
Getting Jazmyn drunk was proven harder than you both thought. First, you asked if you could buy her a drink since she just arrived but she insisted she plays better when sober. Then, Harry tried to hand her a drink while she was approaching a game of craps but she knocked it out of his hand onto some random man’s suit who was none the pleased. He sighed an insincere apology to the man as you suppressed a laugh. Harry then immediately found you to keep from drawing attention to himself.
Safe to say the plan was not going well.
On top of that, Oliver, the man you had met earlier, would not leave you alone and insisted on buying you drinks. You took them carefully and set them on a random surface when he looked away, but the inconvenience it gave you was not taken lightly.
You both were on the edge of giving up when Mitch told you through your earpiece that they had gotten Justin, Jazmyn’s brother, and he wasn’t talking. He kept saying his sister has it under control.
Harry looked at you briefly before walking off to find Jazmyn in a rush. He found her playing the same game of craps he left her at and she had just finished betting a push on her opponent when Harry whisked her away.
“Hey,” he breathed on her, voice steady.
“Hi,” she giggled back. Harry smiled, maybe he was getting somewhere with this. He watches as her opponent rolls a perfect twelve and she cheers quietly at her neutral state. “Think I’ve gained four hundred,” she speaks quietly.
Harry raises his eyebrows, “Impressive.”
“I make good bets,” she shrugs with a smile. Her hand finds his, intertwining them together, and Harry watches as her face falls. “Where’s your girlfriend?” Jazymn asks.
Harry smiles fondly and points to the bar, “She’s getting me a drink, ya want one?”
She huffs out a breath in frustration, “Sure,” making Harry smile.
You approach not a minute later with an old fashioned in hand and Harry transfers it to Jazmyn’s. She smiles at you and asks how your night has been.
You glance at Harry and back at Jazmyn, “It’s been pretty good, love getting tipsy,” you shrug. You lean into her, “I always find someone when I get him drunk,” you whisper with a wink.
Jazmyn’s eyes widened slightly, “And today?”
“Workin’ on it,” you shrug, “Why?”
She looks at you and sighs in frustration, “No particular reason.”
You smile to yourself. She’s interested in one of you, you just have to figure out who. “So, Jazzy, are you in a relationship?” you ask her a bit louder then intended.
She shakes her head sadly, “No, haven’t liked someone in a while.”
You purse your lips and nod slightly, “Well I’m sure we can find you someone here, come on!” you enthuse, “There are hundreds here.”
She shakes her head, “I’ve had my eye on someone since they’ve walked in,” she starts, “But it turns out they have a boyfriend,” she looks you in the eye.
You mask your surprise with a soft smile, “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind- they don’t have to tell anyone,” you whisper.
Harry looks your way with a nod. His face is hardened and his jaw is clenched. He looks upset but you couldn’t put your finger on what. “I’m gonna go get a drink,” Harry paused, gesturing to the drink he sacrificed for Jazmyn. You nod in response, watching him walk off.
“They really don’t have to tell anyone?” Jazmyn asks once Harry is out of earshot.
You watch her carefully. For a moment you forget she’s a wanted criminal- a ruthless murderer. In a vulnerable moment, you almost forget that you are supposed to be trapping her.
“Maggie?” she asks. You look at her confused for a moment before remembering where you are and what you are doing.
“Don’t have to tell anyone,” you confirm with a sweet smile.
She smiles back, showing all her teeth. “When shall we go?” she asks.
“A bit forward are we?” you ask, taking the drink out of her hand and taking a long sip, keeping your eyes locked with hers. She shifts, slightly uncomfortable, as you hand the drink back and slightly push the glass up to her lips for her to follow your lead and take a sip as well. “Don’t wanna get to know me? Buy me a drink?” you continue your teasing.
She looks you up and down, “I know everything I need to know about you.”
You raise your eyebrows, slightly unimpressed but wholly not surprised, “Is that so?”
“You like hard liquor, you hate your boyfriend but he gives good dick, your game of preference is poker but you’re bad at bluffing,” Jazmyn trails off, her finger playfully tapping on her chin, “Oh, and you’re hot. I know what I need to know, now let's go?”
You chuckle at her eagerness, “Not all right but I’ll give you props. Not bad.” You begin looking around for Harry, who you find looking at you with an emotionless expression from across the room. “I’ll go get my room key and we can head up,” you wink.
You meet Harry’s gaze and keep it as you make your way across the casino to meet him. “I got her,” you tell him, “I need a key card.”
He nods and scrambles to find one he was given during the briefing, “Third floor, good job agent Y/L/N.”
You fake a gasp as you grab onto the card, “That’s a new one… a compliment?”
“I won’t say it again,” Harry shrugs, watching as you turn on your comm.
“I got her to go back with me. We’re meeting in the hotel room. What now?” you speak to your team.
“Y/L/N, bring her up to the room. We have it equipped with just about everything you’d need. Interrogate her if you can. If she won’t break just detain her and bring her back to us. Styles, you go follow in after ten minutes to help with whatever method is needed.”
You both murmur your agreements and Harry sees you off.
You meet Jazmyn back where you left her but this time she has two large men with her. You smile at both of them before leading the four of you to the elevator, “So you’re an important woman?” you ask.
“Very important. But don’t worry, they’re just here to keep me safe,” she replies, gesturing at the two men’s gun holsters.
You nod, selecting the third floor and waiting patiently as the elevator slowly moved up to the second and finally the third floor.
“Do they have to come in with us?” you ask innocently, hoping you don’t have to blow your cover so soon.
“Is that a deal breaker?” she asks sadly.
“Yeah.. not one for being watched,” you shiver in discomfort. She nods and tells them to wait outside your room and to not let anyone in. They nod obediently and you unlock the door, letting both you and Jazmyn into the large room.
She shuts the door quickly, nearly pouncing on you as you stand by the bed. Her lips meet yours briefly as you pull back in shock. “Would you like a drink?” you ask, turning around and heading towards the mini bar.
She sighs in frustration, “No, that’s okay. Just want you,” she pauses as she watches you bend down to get a drink.
You rise again, holding a bottle of wine. “You sure?” you confirm. She nods in reassurance and you shrug, “Okay, I’m gonna get a glass. Make yourself at home,” you gesture towards the bed.
You leave her and close the bathroom door. You hastily whisper that you are taking your comm off and to contact you through Harry and you detach the harness and tear off the earpiece. You return with a plastic cup, pouring red wine into the cup.
You take a sip, eyeing Jazmyn and you smile at her. You walk towards her slowly, watching as she straightens her posture at your presence. You smile at her intimidation and hold her chin with your forefinger and thumb. “What am I gonna do with you?” you tsk.
She smiles, “Kiss me.”
You set down your cup and lift her chin to meet your height. “No,” you whispered, “Let me please you.”
You were officially worried. It had only been about five minutes. Harry wouldn’t be here soon enough and you really didn’t want to have to do anything with Jazmyn.  
“Okay,” she bit her lip, raising her dress without a second thought.
You hid your fear with a sultry smile- helping her lay down on the bed and kneeling down onto the floor. You began kissing up her legs, her hands reaching your wig. You pulled away abruptly in fear but it was too late. Your wig had come off.
“What the fuck?” Jazmyn asks softly. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. “Who are you?” she sneers.
You stand immediately but you’re stopped by Jazmyn grabbing at the necklace you wore around your neck. The braid your hair was put in falls onto your back and she yanks it with her other hand, making you groan.
You growl, launching yourself at Jazmyn. “You bitch!” you scream, unhooking the necklace and using the chain to wrap her arms into a makeshift hold as she thrashes in your hold. You use all the momentum you can gather by a simple step forward and thrust her onto the ground using all your body weight.
You step on her hand with a heel but she sweeps your other leg out from beneath you with a swift kick. You fall onto your back and she untangles herself from your necklace, throwing it to the ground as you instantaneously try to stand up before she can reach any weapon.
You reach under your dress and grab the gun you held under tight with your stockings and you quickly point the gun at her. “Don’t fucking move,” you sneer.
“Shoot me,” she replies with a matching tone.
You lower the gun to her leg and attempt to shoot- but nothing happens. The gun wasn’t loaded. Your eyes widen in disbelief and she lets out a deep chuckle and stands for herself. “Good one, Maggie,” she mocks.
You hear a thud from the door and both of you glance at where the noise derived from. “Harry,” you whisper and Jazmyn lets out a “Fuck.”
You sigh in relief as you see Harry’s large figure make its way through the door, assertively pointing the gun at Jazmyn’s leg just as you did before. She chuckles, “Bet it isn't loaded either.”
Harry smiles in response, “Yeah, I bet.” He shoots her. She falls immediately, surrendering to the ground with a tight grasp on her thigh, as Harry speaks into the comm, “Rowland, wipe the cameras and get up here.”
You walk slowly towards Jazmyn, kicking her in the chest with your arms crossed, watching her head hit the carpet of the hotel room.
“What took you so long?” you asked Harry as you turned slowly, making sure to keep your heel on Jazmyn’s chest.
“Had to take out the guards,” he pants lightly, recovering from an adrenaline rush, “Why?”
“Took your sweet ass time, huh?” you ask, watching him roll his eyes.
“Don’t get pissy with me- you didn’t even go through with the mission. She almost got you and you had a gun,” Harry accesses.
“My gun wasn’t loaded!” you yell out of frustration, releasing the cylinder and removing the magazine. “No cartilage,” you show him.
“How the fuck did you not think to check if the gun was loaded?” he asks, his voice raising.
“Why would I check? When have you ever picked up an unloaded gun?” you defend yourself, your voice raising to match his volume.
“I check every time regardless!”
“I was never given a reason to!”
“You should know to! Come on! You were trained for months on this shit at the same academy I was!” Harry yells, “Do better, it’s your fucking job to work a gun.”
Your eyes meet his, “Don’t tell me to fucking do better,” you beg.
Just as Harry was about to reply, the door opens again, this time revealing Mitch. “You guys good in here?” He asks, immediately heading over to you and leaning down to tie Jazmyn’s hands together.
You remove your foot from Jazmyn’s chest and kick her onto her stomach making her groan in pain, “Fine,” you reply shortly.
“We’ll be down there later,” Harry nods as Mitch hoists Jazmyn up, leaning her body weight onto his. Her head falls down, chin hitting her chest at the lack of blood and energy in her body.
“I’m leaving now to get her back,” he gestures towards Jazmyn with his head, “I’ll send a car, though,” he speaks over his shoulder as he walks out of the room.
You sigh in relief of Jazmyn finally being off your hands. You walk over to the bed to sit down when something catches your eye. The necklace. You kneel down to take a hold of it, dragging it towards you on the ground, watching as the necklace falls into two separate chains.
“Fuck,” you gasp, “She fucking broke it.”
Harry's eyes widened, “So what, she broke your necklace. Big deal, you can get another one,” he shrugs dismissively.
You shake your head no, looking for the two rings you keep on the now broken chain. “No, fuck I need that,” you cry out.
Harry looks at you before asking again, “What's the big deal?”
Your eyes water slightly as you look at him, “They’re my ex-husbands.”
Harry sighs heavily and lets out a quiet, “Fuck, sorry.”
“Fuck’s right,” you chuckle, eyes closing in a prayer as you spot the rings that had fallen beneath the bed. You reach under the bed, retrieving the two rings, placing both onto your hand- yours on your ring finger and your ex-husband- Ryan’s- on your thumb.
“Why’d you keep the rings?” He finally asks.
You shrug, admiring the gems on the rings. You had just recently cleaned them in hopes of preserving their life, as they tend to get dirty and battered sitting on your neck during long missions. “He died on the field,” you swallowed harshly. You had been forced to talk about this multiple times with a psychologist during your preliminary training but it didn’t prove any easier as time went on. “Keep ‘em for luck. He’s the reason I got into this.”
He nods, “That’s nice.”
You let out a sigh and look at him, “Yeah, sometimes. Other times I wish I could forget.”
He watches you carefully as you stand up and retrieve your hardly touched wine from earlier. You drink what was left in your glass with a single gulp. “How can I help you forget,” Harry speaks after a long pause.
You look at him and with a longing glance you tell him, “The alcohol helps.”
“How can I help?” he asks again.
“You don’t need to help. You’ve done enough.”
“I think I could help if you’d let me,” he persists.
“And if I don't let you?” you ask, confused. Every assignment you had with Harry he had been nothing but cold. He spoke when spoken to. He paid no mind to you except when it came time to critique your performance. You didn’t understand why he was beginning to care now, when you already had a foundation of hatred thick on the surface.
“I’ll find a way myself,” he shrugs.
“I’d like to see you try,” you scoff. You had no reason to believe he had spent every mission analyzing you- how you reacted, how you spoke, how you moved. The way you went about your work was inspected to the motive and you had no idea.
Harry watched as you turned once more to the minibar, looking for a stronger alcohol. The mission was over and you were officially off the clock. You felt no guilt or shame and there was nobody in your ear telling you otherwise.
He watched as you turned with a mini bottle of crown royal and a can of sprite. “Come on now,” he said, approaching you with his arm out. “Hand over the bottle. No need to drink that much tonight,” he tells.
You defensively shift so your body is shielding the bottles, “Let me do what I want, I’m not working anymore” you argue, “What does it matter to you anyway, you hate me,” you mumble under your breath.
Harry sighs, “I don’t hate you.”
You look him in the eye before concluding he’s telling the truth. Slowly, you set the drinks down onto the small table beside you, “I don’t believe you.”
“Why not? I think you’re pretty good,” he shrugs.
“Today is the first time you’ve ever said anything kind about my work in this field. Every other mission we’ve been on, you’ve told me where I could’ve been better,” you start, glaring at him with an accusatory expression. “Anyway, what gives you that right? You’ve only been here for six more months then me.”
“Because why be good when you could be great? I might have only been here for six more months then you but my position was higher six months ago then yours is now,” he reminds you. “I work smart. You work more. That’s not good in this field. You have to be quick on your feet.”
You scoff and turn around from him, “Okay so how does that prove you don’t hate me?”
“I want you to be the best. I think you could be.”
“So you’re a pretentious asshole because you think you can fix my performance? Cool.”
Harry lets out a sigh of frustration. You’re never going to understand how he cares for you and he knows that, yet he refuses to outright say it. “I never said that.”
“You implied it,” you argue back. He was getting on your nerves.
“I’ve also implied that,” Harry pauses to swallow the lump in his throat. He doesn’t think it’s appropriate to confess to this now, but as you said, you’re off the clock. “I’ve implied that I think you’re attractive. Why can’t you notice that?”
Your eyes widen in shock, “Stop playing with me. I know you haven’t implied that.”
“I have,” he nods, moving closer to where you are standing, “Like when I tell you I won’t let anyone kiss me but you? I mean it.”
You turn and look at him, “Should–should we kiss?”
“Yeah,” he whispers. Gently, unlike what you would assume, his hand finds your chin and tilts your head towards his before aligning your lips into unity. He shifts you with a grunt to a free wall and pushes you up against it with a thud. His tongue forces its way into your mouth and you let out an elicit moan at the new sensation.
Your hands found their way beneath his dress shirt and crawled at his happy trail. Harry steps back to discard the clothes on his torso and he watches as you drop the slim straps of your dress down your arms, unhooking your bra, allowing your breasts to fall free.
His mouth finds its way to your hardened nipple and he flicked one, then the other, between his teeth and eventually he moved his fingers to help the dress past your hips. You moan softly as his mouth works at a steady pace, making your nipples sensitive and erect in their own capacity.
His mouth left your breast, leaving sloppy kisses down your body. Your hands find their way to his hair as your head knocks back in pure ecstasy. You squirm at the feeling of his lips on your hips and feel his fingers claw at your panties.
“Oh god,” you moan aloud. He looks up, nodding at you in confirmation of what he is about to do. You hastily nodded back and watched as he rids your panties and holds your hand softly as you step out of the clothing that had accumulated at your feet.
He wrapped his arm around your waist as he sponged kisses back up to your mouth, biting gently on your bottom lip. Your hands find their way to Harry’s slacks, working quickly to unbutton and unzip them, pulling them down along with his briefs.
Finally, you take in the sight of the naked man in front of you. You involuntarily let out a gasp and Harry chuckles softly before he pressed his body close to yours again. His lips find yours and his erect cock presses into your stomach as your arms find their way into Harry’s hair.
You held him close to you, tugging him even closer when he tried to step away. That was all the invitation he needed to help hoist you up off the ground. Your legs legs around his waist and he keeps you steady with an arm under your ass, the other in your hair.
You kissed his shoulder repeatedly as he carried you onto the mattress, setting you down fully onto his lap. His hand left your hair to find his cock, pumping it a few times before lining up the tip with your wet entrance.
With short huffs of air out of swollen lips, you slowly lower yourself down onto his cock, allowing for a loud, erotic moan to leave his lips as your hips meet. He falls further back into the bed, stretches a leg out to prolong the feeling of warmth as you slowly start to move up and down on his shaft, releasing an immense amount of pleasure into both of your bodies.
He tugged your hair back, giving his access to your neck and jaw and he sucks harshly as you quicken your pace on his member, pressing down deliberately in an attempt to feel him everywhere.
Trying to keep your clit rubbing on his pelvis resulted in a series of hot and short breaths being released within the next few minutes. The pressure against his body was unbearable and you had never felt so full before in your life.
“I can’t,” you pant out, not slowing down your movements. You hadn’t felt this good in a long time so stopping seemed out of the question. You pushed deeper, pausing for a moment to catch your breath, before quickly moving against his shaft for the second time.
“Me neither,” he replies, just as dazed as you. He groans aloud as you squeeze against his cock, causing it to throb in preparation of its release. He tries to pull out but you push him down further into the mattress.
“I’m on the pill,” you barely get out before you come, shivering at the sensation. Harry followed shortly thereafter. He sighs in pleasure, helping you off his cock and into your lap before wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you desperately.
You watch as he leans back, admiring your body. Your nipples were still erect from pleasure and your breathing was unsteady, short huffs attempting to bring you back to a normal state. There were accidental red marks adorning your neck and a hickey beginning to form on the underside of your chin, “Sorry,” he chuckled, swiping his thumb over the marks he left.
You laugh lightly, “It’s okay,” before rolling over onto your side. Harry stands up slowly, making his way to the bathroom, returning with a towel to help clean you up before he lays back down with you.
“So,” he starts, “We should talk about this…”
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adventuresinwonderlust · 4 years ago
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Title: Intermingle: part 1
Pairing: dom! yoongi x inexperienced reader
Warnings: co-workers to lovers, angst, smut, public sex, dry humping, oral (f) receiving (brief), oral (m) receiving (brief), fingering, squirting, orgasm denial, daddy kink, fluff, teasing, pussy spanking, talks of cheating
Rating: 18 and over
“You think I can make you cum just by sucking on your sweet little nub?” He questions from between your thighs, gripping tightly at your flesh. You nod desperate for him to lap up your arousal before it reaches your knees. “Beg me, I want to hear you beg for my tongue in your cunt.” “Please, Yoongi, eat my pussy. I want you to so bad.” He smirks up at you, moving slowly to your dripping sex. You drop your head back in anticipation of his tongue.
Your eyes shoot open as your alarm clock goes off at exactly 6:45am. You whimper like a spoiled child, flailing in bed with need, your panties soaked. Another painstakingly good dream about your office crush that never really goes anywhere. “Meow.” Your Chartreux cat hops onto the bed to inform you it's time for her feeding. “Go away Frenchie.” You shoo, leaning over to your side table and pull out your pocket rocket, deciding to take a few minutes to relieve yourself before you must hop in the shower. “Don't judge me.” You look down at her before throwing yourself back onto your pillow. You release a lustful sigh, your room soon filled with the sounds of your moans and the buzzing of your favorite toy.
“Good Morning everyone. Welcome. Let’s get started quickly, we have a lot to cover and not a lot of time to cover it.” Your boss begins the Monday morning meeting. You take a seat next to your friend Rebecca and hand her a coffee you bought for her. She mouths a Thank you and your boss begins. “Okay. The launch of the new game is in a month's time. We need all testers working with the graphics team to get this game up and running for release time,” He looks around the conference room, “Where is Yoongi?” You look around and realize that he isn't seated in the meeting this morning. “Someone get him on the goddamn phone!” Your boss commands, his assistant hoping up to run out of the conference room to make the call. Just as she twirls in her seat, as if summoned, Yoongi walks into the conference room looking like pure sin. Your breath hitches at the sight of him mouth open wide as if he's been running, dressed in all black with a thin diamond crusted choker around his neck, his messy hair covering his eyes enough to cause him to have to tilt his head up to scan the room. “Fuck Yoongi, if you weren't essential to the team, I'd fire your ass.” Your boss calls out to him. Yoongi yanks his headphones from his ears and gives your boss a tight smile. “Sorry I'm late. There was traffic.” Your boss rolls his eyes while you bite your lip. It was ungodly for a man to look this good.
“As I was saying, for you Yoongi, we need to get the kinks out of this game before launch. The higher ups don’t want excuses they want results! I am putting you all in teams to finish up the last of the projected maintenance, testing, and graphics updates. I want all your work submitted to me one week before launch so we can revisit and correct any errors that pop up. Any questions?” He looks around at all the faces in the room. “Good, please see the assigned teams listed on the white board behind me. No excuses people. If it's my ass, its sure as hell your asses! Got it. Now get to work!” He stands quickly, exiting the room as his assistant flips the white board to reveal the assigned teams. You linger for a moment to gather your things. “Oh, girl, your dream has come true.” Rebecca elbows you. “What are you talking about?” You walk over towards the board and catch Yoongi pinch his nose. “Great looks like I'm stuck with Mother Teresa.” He whispers to himself. You swallow thickly, moving forward to catch a glimpse of the list. Your heart begins to thump heavily in your chest as you see in big bold letters under tester/graphics team 2: Y/N/ Min Yoongi. Never once had you had to work so closely with someone you were crushing over. You and Yoongi worked together in the same office but never.... closely. Hell, your conversations were so minimal you weren't sure he even knew your name.
You jump at Yoongi hitting his knuckles against the white board before you. He gives you a perplexed look, “Are you ok? You spaced out I think.” “I’m fine.” You whisper. His eyes pop open in a worrisome way and you clear your throat, standing a bit taller. “I am excited to work with you.” You brighten up. He gives you a tight smile and quick nod before walking off. “What the hell was that creepy?” Rebecca scolds. “I have no idea. I just completely shut down.” You groan. “You think! He probably thinks you're a weirdo now, on top of the fact that you dress like a nun!” She points at your outfit. “What's wrong with my clothes?” You whine, stepping into your shared cubicle space. “You look like a librarian and not a hot one.” She notes, plopping into her seat. You run your hands over your favorite buttoned up black cardigan, tugging the fabric down to meet your black dress pants. “I think I look fine.” You shrug, taking your seat. She snorts. “You missed a button.” She teases. “That was purposeful!” You snap at her.
“Hey,” Yoongi appears at your cubicle, “If you have time today to go over our assignment, maybe we can grab lunch or something.” “Uh, sure thing.” You say quickly. “Cool, I’ll shoot you an interoffice message around noon.” “Yeah, sounds like a date… I mean plan…meeting. You know what I mean.” You ramble. He chuckles pointing at your shirt. “You missed a button.” You look down and fumble with your cardigan. “That was on purpose.” You mutter. “Oh, I like it. Living on the edge.” He teases, walking away with a wave. You drop your head into your hands, feeling your face heat with embarrassment. “Smooth Y/N, really smooth.” “Shut up Becca.” At noon your computer pings with a notification from the interoffice messenger:
Minyoon93: ‘I ordered sushi. Hope that’s ok. Going down to grab it. We can eat in my area. Meet you there.’
Y/L/N/Birth year: ‘Yum, sounds good.’ “Catch you in an hour.”
You tell Rebecca, scooping up your notes from today’s tests runs. “Mm, unbutton a couple more buttons.” She yanks at your cardigan. You swat her hands away, “Stop that! Goodbye.” You walk off towards the rear of the office, pass the larger glass door that separates where the graphics team sits, from where the testers sit. You walk past the single seated cubicles, catching everyone lost in their own worlds. You finally make it to the last cubicle before a left turn that’ll ultimately take you to your boss’ office. You run your fingers along the plaque with Yoongi’s name on it, surprised by how neat his cubicle is. He isn’t back from grabbing the food, but he’s set up another chair for you. You snoop a bit around his area, looking over his equipment, notes, and random Knick knacks on his desk. “You know its impolite to snoop.” You jump at the sound of Yoongi’s voice. “I’m sorry. I was just looking at your equipment. It’s really state of the art. I wasn’t snooping, I mean…” “I’m fucking with you. Are you always this wound up?” He tilts his head to the side looking you over. You feel your face heat under his gaze. “Uh, how much do I owe you?” You dig in your pocket. “Oh, don’t worry about it. You get next time.” You nod, your pulse racing at the idea that he wants to have another lunch with you before this one is done.
He opens the trays of food, handing you chopsticks, and begins to dig in. He points at the trays for you to join him. You smile, grabbing a sushi roll and popping it into your mouth. “I brought my notes on the levels I’ve tested so far. There are a few things that can use a bit of a makeover. Some general glitches that need software upgrades, and a few areas that need smoothing.” He nods, staring off, chewing his food. You don’t know why but you find yourself nodding with him. He says nothing, just keeps eating, and your eyes move down his neck as he swallows. You begin to look over his features. His sharp jaw, profound Adam’s apple, his cute button nose, how pink his lips are. God he’s gorgeous, you think to yourself, rubbing your thighs together. You’re almost tempted to reach up and run your fingers along his pretty little choker. He licks his lips, and a small moan escapes your throat. His eyes widen and he looks over to you. You collect yourself and grab a sushi roll, “So delicious.” You raise it up to him. He smirks.
“So, what’s you deal? You’ve been working here a while. You obviously like gaming. Why do you always seem so, I don’t know, reserved?” “Uh, I’m not reserved. I’m cool and fun. We just don’t hang out in the same circles. There’s no deal.” Yoongi looks you over, shaking his head so his bangs move away from his eyes. “If you have to say your cool. You’re not cool.” He replies with a point of his chopsticks. “Oh, and you’re the king of cool?” He sighs, thinking over your comment. “I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, no, but I think you like what you see.” He licks his lips watching you squirm in your seat. “I, you are crazy.” You stutter. “Am I,” He leans in close to you now, “Then how come you keep staring at me the way you do?” You don’t know how to respond, instead opting to stand to escape the conversation. In your haste to get away, you accidentally flip over one of the trays and it lands right in Yoongi’s lap. “Shit!” He shouts, dusting the rolls from his lap. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry,” You reach for napkins and begin to rub at Yoongi’s lap, “Let me get it.” “It’s ok Y/N, it’s ok, hey, stop. Stop! Hey, your rubbing my dick.” He grasps your wrist to stop your movements. You gasp, realizing you’ve been rubbing aggressive circles against his shaft. “I, oh my God. I’m such an idiot. I’m so sorry.” “Hey, no, it’s ok. No harm done. Just a few fallen rolls and jeans that need washing.” He smirks. You cover your mouth feeling your face burn bright red. You apologize again and run out of his cubicle as fast as you can.
“So, what, you jacked him off?” Rebecca looks at you confused. “No, I was trying to clean up the mess. I didn’t realize I was rubbing his.... ugh. He probably never wants to speak to me again. Why oh, why am I cursed to be this clumsy, nervous wreck?” “Girl, you need to get laid. I think you should march over to that boy’s desk and tell him you’ve been craving him for the last two years!” “Are you crazy!?” Suddenly a notification pops up on your interoffice messenger:
Minyoon93: ‘Hey! I didn’t mean to scare you away. We didn’t get to talk about our assignment, and you left your notes here at my desk. I usually work late if you’re interested. I’ll be here. No pressure.’
You read and reread his message, unsure of how to respond. “Don’t! Just show up to his desk after work.” Rebecca suggests when you show it to her. You work your current levels until the end of the day. “Go get him tiger.” Rebecca winks, leaving you at your desk. You fix your hair, apply a little lip gloss, and unbutton two buttons on your cardigan. You grab your new notes from the rest of the day and head back to Yoongi’s desk. He’s seated with headphones over his ears, his face going from his computer screen to your notepad from earlier. You tap his shoulder gently and he turns to face you. “Hey,” He smiles wide taking in your fresh look, “I was just working on your notes.” “I have more.” You dance your new pad in front of him. He waves you in, patting the chair beside him. You clear your throat. “Sorry again about earlier.” “It’s cool, I came on a bit strong. I shouldn’t have grabbed your wrist like that, I didn’t realize you were, well you know.” Your brow furrows. “I don’t know actually.” He leans in to whisper to you, “A virgin.” Your eyes burst open and your mouth falls open. “I’m not a virgin!” You protest. “Really? You just seemed uncomfortable with, anyway, I’m sorry if I was inappropriate.” He smiles. You sit in shock, wondering how you got yourself in this embarrassing situation. “Well, you weren’t inappropriate, I’m was honestly. I shouldn’t have touched you like that so I should be the one to apologize for inappropriate behavior and just for the record I’m not a virgin, so how about we just forget this whole thing.” He leans into his computer screen, stifling a laugh. “Sure, yeah. I’m ok with that. Sorry for assuming.” “You should be.” You tease, batting your eyes a bit. He scoffs, looking your way and you decide to be brave and sit a little taller, raising an eyebrow and crossing your legs in what you hope is a seductive manner.
He leans back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. “Silly me, how could I have missed all the signs? What with your sexy cardigans and shiny loafers? You really know how to take a man's breath away.” He licks his lips, pressing his folded hands into his crotch. You swallow thickly, feeling your core heat. “Well you know we all don’t have the ability to don sexy little chokers and actually look good doing it.” His mouth falls opens as the realization of your own words hit you. “Did you just call me sexy?” He inquires with confidence. “No, I said your choker was sexy.” A large sly smile forms across his face and he reaches up to caress the diamond crusted choker. He reaches his hand back to undo the clip, removing it from around his neck. You watch him suspiciously. He soon hands the dangling accessory to you. “What are you doing?” You huff. “You’ll never know if you can pull it off, if you don’t try.” “Yoongi, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He rolls his chair close to you. “Maybe that’s the problem Y/N, you think too much.” He leans in close, bringing his arms up to either side of your head, and latches his choker around your neck. You touch the tight accessory once he's done. “There, see, sexy.” He tilts his head to the side with a sly smile.
“Ah, look at you two working late on your assignment.” Your boss interrupts. Yoongi straightens in his seat, turning to face your boss, you on the other hand jump up. “I was just dropping my notes off for the day. I’m actually heading out.” Yoongi looks at you puzzled. “Well any productivity makes me happy! Come Y/N, I’ll walk with you over to the elevator.” Your boss states. You nod, walking towards him, stopping to turn to Yoongi. “Your choker.” You whisper, moving to remove it. Yoongi shakes his head. “Keep it, it looks better on you anyway.” You smile and walk off with your boss towards the elevators. “Y/N, do you know why I assigned you to work with Yoongi?” “No sir.” “Well, while he is one of the best graphic designers we have here, he’s arrogant, late, unorganized. I could go on but I imagine you get the drift. You on the other hand are classy, quiet, neat, put together, always on time. I know you can get things done in a timely fashion. You are always focused and someone I can count on. My intent was not to have that boy corrupt you and believe me I know his charms. I have heard the office rumors. What I need here Y/N are results in favor of the company, now can I trust you to keep that chaotic Min Yoongi in line?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Your boss was standing before you gossiping about you coworker. You could only imagine the things he really said about you behind your back. You simply nod. “Excellent. You really are a gem.” The elevator opens to lobby. “Have a Goodnight Y/N. I’m counting on you.” “Yes sir. You too sir.” You wave, happy that you are both going in opposite directions.
“You really know how to take a man’s breath away.” He praises, pushing your head down further onto his cock. His head falls back as dark sultry moans leave his gaping mouth. He hitches his hips up causing tears to form as you gag all over his twitching cock. “So sexy”, He grips your hair tightly, “I’m going to cum down your tight throat. Would you like that?” You hum in approval. He cries out loud and you brace yourself for his seed.
You wake with a gasp, covered in your own sweat, panties soaked through. “Ugh, this has to stop.” You whisper to yourself. “Meow.” You look down at your cat, who calmly licks herself “Alright, you win today, let’s get you fed.” You slide out of bed and head to your kitchen to set out her breakfast. She hops up on the counter and you scratch behind her ears like she likes. “Eat up kiddo.” You place a soft kiss atop her head and jump in the shower. Today you opt for a different outfit, you wear black jeans and white spaghetti strap tank, with a jean jacket. You apply a little bit of makeup and curl your hair. “How do I look?” You turn to your cat who is now lounging on your bed. You nod and her unimpressed look and head out the door.
You arrive at the office and find your notepads on your desk with a post it stuck on it from Yoongi that reads ‘done’ with a wink face. You smile down at it and decide to stick the note onto your desk. You pull off your jean jacket and sit down at your desk, loading up your computer. “Damn Y/N, look at you. You have shoulders.” You roll your eyes, grabbing the coffee Rebecca is now passing to you. “Thank you. For the coffee, not the stupid comment.” You sip from your drink. “I guess you and Yoongi had a great night.” She smiles. “No, I dropped off my notes and left. I did however have an interesting conversation with our boss about Yoongi. He said he paired us because Yoongi is unorganized and he’s heard all these rumors about him and he wants me to keep him in line. How do suppose I do that? I can barely speak to him without creaming my pants.” Rebecca laughs out loud at your comment. “Who’s creaming their pants and why?” Yoongi appears with coffee in hand and your laugh catches in your throat. “Y/N was just telling a hilarious story about some movie she saw last night. You look great Yoongi, I love you in red. Y/N doesn’t Yoongi look great in red.” You look Yoongi over, he’s dressed once again in all black accept he offsets it with a red bomber. “Yeah, you look nice.” You compliment. “Speaking of looking nice, did you lose your cardigan?” He snickers. “Ha. Ha. It’s nice to change it up a bit.” You shrug. “You look good. So, you wanna grab lunch later?” “I can’t actually. I’m meeting someone.” “Oh, yeah, of course. Some other time then.” You nod as Yoongi gives you a nod and heads to his desk. “You’re meeting someone? Who, pray tell, are you meeting?” Rebecca slaps your arm. “Taehyung.” You murmur. Rebecca’s eyes pop open. “Get the hell out of here. Why? I thought we agreed, you were done with him popping in and out of your life. He broke your heart or did you forget?” “Of course, I didn’t forget,” You scold, “He’s in town ok. He just wants to check in and see how I’m doing. That’s it. It’s just lunch.” She shakes her head at you. “I’ll be fine Becca. Don’t worry about me.”
You sit, shaking your leg at the restaurant that Taehyung texted you the address for, he’s late. When he finally burst through the door, you’re livid. “I only get an hour for lunch.” You huff. “Sorry Jagi. I couldn’t find parking.” “Don’t call me that.” He nods. “Um, I wish you could’ve met me after work. This rush conversation stuff is hard for me.” He looks around for a waiter. “Well, how about you just start talking then.” You cross your arms in front of your chest. He frowns at you. “How’s Frenchie?” “She’s fine. Is that what you wanted to discuss? My cat?” “Our cat.” He whispers. “MY cat. She was left with me after YOU left me. So, she is MY cat.” “Still so angry Jagi. It’s not healthy to be this way. What was I supposed to do? Lie? Keep secrets?” “You did lie and keep secrets! You cheated! You cheat still just now it’s the other way around.” You hiss. He snorts. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I asked her to marry me. She’s pregnant. I want to do right by her. I love her. I can’t see you anymore in any capacity. I came clean and told her everything. She’s going to give me another chance so long as I end this for good.” You sit in shock. “Married.” Is all that slips past your lips. He nods. You grab the water from the table and toss it in his face. “Fuck you Kim Taehyung!” You spew as you head out of the restaurant. You allow yourself to get two blocks away before allowing your tears to flow. You run into the restroom when you get to your office and sob as quietly as you can. You wash your face of any and all makeup and head back to your desk. You find another post it on your desk this time from Rebecca. ‘Had to leave early, one of the kids is sick. Call me on my cell if you need me. Becca.’ You sniffle, curling the note and chucking it in the trash, immersing yourself in work for the rest of the day.
Its 5:15pm, when you get a tap on your shoulder. You yank off your headphones and give Yoongi a small smile. “Hey! You staying late tonight?” He asks. “Uh, I wasn’t planning on it. I lost track of time.” “You look stressed. You ok? I can take these notes off your hand if you’re done with them.” “Yeah sure. Thank you.” You hand him your notepad full of today’s fresh scribbles. He tucks it under his arm. “Go home and get some rest. I’ll handle this.” He throws a fist in the air and walks off. You smile weakly and begin to cry again thinking of the news Taehyung dropped on you. “Married.” You groan. You get up to leave but something pulls you in the direction of Yoongi’s desk.
You lurk a moment, watching him look over your notes. “Want company?” You interrupt causing him to jump. “Ah, you scared me,” He whines, “I thought you left.” “I was going to but the thought of going home to my uninterested cat made me kind of sad.” He smiles wide, exposing his gums and pats the chair beside him. “You have a cat huh?” He inquires. “Yeah. Her name is Frenchie. She’s cool.” You shrug. “I like cats.” “Oh yeah, wanna come meet her some time? She hates people.” You giggle. “You want me to come over to your house?” Your eyes widen and you begin to stutter. “I’m fucking with you calm down. You’re so uptight sometimes. You do know what joking around is right?” Yoongi says, stretching in his seat. “Sorry, I had a terrible lunch date today.” “Wanna talk about it?” “I don’t know. It’s weird.” “I like weird, try me.” He rests his elbow on his desk and props his head up with his fist. “I met up with my ex, which in and of itself should be a huge no no, but I don’t know part of me just hopes that one day, he’s gonna wake up and realize he made a huge mistake and we'll get back together.” Yoongi just nods, so you continue, feeling surprisingly at ease with him. “Well, it turns out he just wanted to inform me that he would no longer be reaching out to because the woman that he cheated on me with and then subsequently left me for is having his child so they are going to get married.”
“I’m sorry. I am sure that was hard to hear.” He whispers. You nod, swallowing back the lump in your throat. “I shouldn’t still have feelings for him. It’s stupid I know but, I loved him you know.” Yoongi nods again. “How long were you guys together?” “Three years.” “That’s a long time. How long was he cheating?” You cringe at the question but answer truthfully. “Two out of the three we were together.” “Damn, I’m sorry. What a jerk. How long since the break up?” You cover your face with your hands now, afraid to tell him. “Three years.” You whisper. “Say again.” Yoongi leans forward. “Three years ok! And before you judge me, just know he kept popping in and out of my life sporadically to sleep with me, making it hard for me to let go.” Yoongi stares at you like you’re crazy. “You just let go, you don’t do to someone what they did to you.” He replies. “Oh, what do you know ok. It was hard for me. He was my first.” “Heartbreak?” Yoongi inquires, still with the look as if you’re crazy. “No,” You turn your head away from his gaze, “my first, you know, sexual partner.” You look back at Yoongi to see his eyes wide and mouth agape. “Meaning, you’ve never been with another man…. since…when?” Yoongi squints at you. “I don’t know. Since he and I last hooked up. Maybe a year or so ago.” Yoongi’s mouth hangs open again. “Stop looking at me like that.” You shout at him. He suddenly starts laughing, rubbing his eyes, then drying his palms on his thighs. “You’re fucking with me, right? This is a joke. You got me.” He turns, shakes his head, and laughs some more. “Who jokes about stuff like that?” You remark and he snaps his head to look at the seriousness of your face. “You’re not kidding. So, you really are a virgin? Explains the button up cardigans.” He whispers to himself. “Alright, ha ha, very funny. Glad I could make you laugh. I’m leaving now.” You stand and he slides to the exit of the cubicle. “Come on,” He whines, “Don’t leave. I’m sorry ok. I just was…surprised by your story. Sit down, we are having a nice talk, getting to know each other. Please. I promise, no more asshole comments.” He gives you a thin smile and you sit down. “Well, what’s your story? I think we’ve heard enough about me.” You lean back in your chair.
He clears his throat. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Haven’t had one in a long time.” He fiddles with a character on one of the levels on his screen as he speaks. “Ah, I see. Not the commitment type. More of a tinder kind of guy.” He scoffs at your comment. “Uh, full disclosure, sure I’ve dabbled around in the tinder pool but after a while it gets boring and repetitive. I don’t mind commitment, I just haven’t found anyone worth committing to, you know?” “Yeah I get it. So, when’s the last time you, you know, did it.” You squirm awaiting his response. “Did it,” He cringes, “Uh, I don’t know like 3 or 4 months ago.” “Oh.” Is all you manage. “Does that make you uncomfortable?” He stops what he’s doing and turns to face you. “No, why would it?” You avoid eye contact with him, instead staring down at your feet. “Why do you ask then?” “Uh, I heard rumors. That you fool around here at work.” The words are out before you can think and he is completely taken back by the statement. “Oh yeah? Did you hear that from the boss?” You stutter unsure of what to say. “It’s all good Y/N, I know he doesn’t like me. I don’t sleep around with people from work. He made up that rumor himself because the person I screwed around with 3 or 4 months ago was his daughter. She passed by here once and left me her number. It was a one-time hook up but I guess she likes to throw it in daddy’s face. He can't fire me for it so he gives me shit instead.” “That sucks, I'm sorry I said that. I shouldn't have brought it up. It's a stupid rumor.” Yoongi shrugs, “Just admit that part of you wishes it were true cause you have a huge crush on me and we can call it even.” You giggle at his confidence. “I do not have a crush on you.” You attempt to look appalled. “Really,” He smirks suggestively, “That's too bad, cause I most definitely…” He leans in to whisper in your ear and you lean in close so you can feel his breath on your neck. “Think you're lying.” He whispers and you shove him away. He laughs, biting his lip. “You're too easy to tease.” “That's just mean.” You pout. “Don't do that.” He groans. “Do what?” “Pout like that. It makes it hard for me to resist kissing you.” You chuckle nervously, not sure if he's teasing or not.
You both stare at each other, the tight space filling with your heated tension. “You'd like that wouldn't you? If I kissed you right now?” His voice changes, deepens, as it fills with lust. You look up and around at the cameras on the ceilings afraid of being caught. “I could hack those you know. Make them see what I want them to see.” He reads your mind. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, your core heating. You move your right hand over you left and pinch your own skin. “Oh, this is very real baby,” He smirks, “All you have to do is ask.” You lick your lips and watch as Yoongi's eyes flicker with excitement. You stand and move towards his desk, pushing his keyboard back so you can sit before him. He swallows hard watching your every move. “Here,” You whisper, “I want you to kiss me while I sit here.” His face changes and he becomes a man possessed hopping from his seat and leaping towards you. You pull him into a desperate kiss, digging your hands into his messy hair. His lips are warm and commanding, and you are surprised at how quickly you fall into rhythm with him. He glides his tongue along your bottom lip and you gladly open your mouth for him, allowing him to hungrily swirl his tongue around yours, claiming your mouth. You wrap your legs around his body, pressing your heat closer to his growing erection. He soon takes a hold of your hips, grinding your clothed sex against his length. You moan into his mouth while he nibbles and tugs on your lips. He growls quietly and you know you’re driving him wild. “Fuck you sound so sexy.” He confirms, lifting a hand up to grab one of your full breasts. You gasp at the sensation causing Yoongi to stop everything. “Is it too much?” He asks breathlessly, leaning his forehead against yours.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting it. Please don’t stop, touch me again.” You beg. Yoongi groans, pulling you closer against his jailed member. He begins trailing kisses along your neck, tugging on your earlobe with his teeth. “Tell me what to do. Tell me what you need.” He whispers, pressing kisses along your ear. You bite your lip, tugging at your tank top to free your left breasts. “I want your mouth on me.” You whisper to him, kneading at your heavy mound. His eyes are completely blown watching you touch yourself. He lowers his head, opening his mouth to latch onto you erect nipple. You curse under your breath at the feeling of him suckling and licking at your nub ever so gently. He kneads at the soft flesh with his large hand, pushing more and more of it into his mouth, eliciting loud moans to fall from your mouth as all your darkest fantasy of this man flood your mind. He releases your nipple from his lips to blow softly on it causing your skin to goose. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He tells you, gazing in your eyes from under his bangs while he lowers his head to suckle at your nipple once more. Your pussy clenches at the sight. You moan loudly, aggressively grinding against his massive hard on. He curses around your nipple, allowing it to fall from his lips with a loud pop.
He leans back a bit, pushing his hips forward, intrigued by your sudden burst of excitement. You are suddenly so overcome by lust and want that you've taken to a steady pace, thrusting along Yoongi's cock. He grips your hip with his left hand, panting heavily, still fondling your exposed breast with his right hand. He soon licks his thumb and index finger, tugging and yanking at your nipple. You curse under your breath as you fuck yourself shamelessly, your moans becoming more desperate and wail like. Yoongi watches you in awe, his mouth wide, and you wonder when the last time was that he had ever been dry humped. Suddenly, your eyes widen, as you feel that coil deep inside you tighten. You are in complete shock that this could even be happening but are too overcome with pleasure to care. You grip his desk tightly, moving your hips faster, dying for more friction. Your head falls back as that sweet sensation hits you, your coil snapping, sending you straight to heaven. You cry out, feeling your walls tremble, not stopping your thrust until your high has fully washed over you. When you finally come down, your eyes meet a sweaty Yoongi's impressed expression. You swallow hard realizing you're still at work. You raise your hand up in shock, covering your mouth, then your breast, pulling your tank over it. “Did you just cum right now?” He pants, adjusting himself in his jeans. “I need to go.” You shove him away. “Wait, what? Why? Hey, don't be ashamed. It’s ok, I thought that was so fucking hot.” You cringe. “What happened to not sleeping with people from work?” You snap. He looks at you confused. “That's a bit of a low blow isn't it. I've never done this before ok. Besides we didn’t exactly sleep together.” He responds angrily. “Oh really, mister I can hack the cameras. How many times have you done that before?” “Are you serious right now? You’re just attacking me to make yourself feel better about getting off at work.” Your mouth drops open at his comment. “Now that is a low blow. Excuse me please. I'm leaving.” He sighs but moves out of the way.
The following day, you arrive at the office early and get right to work so you can leave early and avoid Yoongi all together. Rebecca texts to inform you she will be working from home since her kid is still sick. You power through all the updates that Yoongi made to ensure that there were no more glitches. At exactly 9:15am, Yoongi saunters into the office late as usual, looking fresh faced and divine. You groan, drinking him in. His hair is still slightly damp from a morning shower but today he is in a crisp white shirt that brings out his pale complexion. You turn your head quickly as he passes by your cubicle. “Morning.” He grumbles as he passes.  You don’t respond, instead choosing to put on your headphones and work on your levels. By 10:30am, you receive an email calling for an emergency meeting of all the teams working on the new game in the conference room. You curse under your breath, throwing your headphones down and grabbing your notepads containing everything you and Yoongi have been working on. You reluctantly head into the conference room, spotting Yoongi already seated at the table. He looks up at you, nodding his head towards an empty chair beside him. You opt instead for one across the table from him. You hear him scoff as you once again avoid him. Your boss flies into the room with his assistant in tow. “Good Morning everyone. I have just heard from the higher ups today that they want to move launch day up a week.” Everyone in the room either groans or sucks their teeth.
“I know, I know, believe me I fought hard to avoid this but unfortunately my hands are tied. I was shooting for a week three review with a launch at week four but unfortunately that’s not going to happen. Review is next week, launch at week three people. I hope you are all working your asses off to get this game ready for streaming. How have our teams been working out, Y/N?” He shoots his gaze at you. You jump up. “Uh, great! Yoongi and I have already cleared levels one through ten of all its glitches. I have been reviewing Yoongi’s work to make sure nothing was missed but all in all we are ahead of schedule.” You explain. Your boss nods as Yoongi shoots his hand up like a child in class. “Yes, Yoongi?” Your boss looks in his direction. “Why on earth is she reviewing my work. Isn't that what review week is for? In addition, she's not my boss. I don’t need her micromanaging me. I am more than capable of handling my side of things.” You begin to shift uncomfortably in your seat but luckily your boss cuts in. “She is just a perfectionist Yoongi. No one is having you watched or micromanaged. We all know what you are capable of, no one is doubting that we just need to ensure that everything is set for launch day. Now you two play nice. Review is next week people. No more bullshitting! Now get out and get to work.” You see Yoongi clench his jaw, unsatisfied with the response.
Everyone runs out of the meeting room and you race to catch up to Yoongi. “Hey,” You breathlessly catch his attention upon arriving at this cubicle, “what was that back there?” He leans back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. “What?” He drawls. “Your outburst.” You snap. He chuckles. “Go away Y/N.” He turns suddenly and begins starting up the new game. “Look,” You move closer to him, sitting on his desk, feeling awkward in the skirt you decided to wear today, “I am really sorry about last night. I get that I overreacted, and you're pissed but during work hours we need to remain professional.” He snorts, “So, after work hours we get to be unprofessional.” He leans towards you, grazing your knee with his slender fingers. You look around the office to see if anyone is watching the two of you. “Don't worry Y/N, I cleared the cameras after you left. No one is the wiser. Everyone thinks we’re just two regular co-workers discussing levels. Tell me, are you getting paid extra to keep me in line?” You are completely lost, and it shows. “What are you talking about?” “Funny what kind of conversations people have when they think no one is watching.” He runs his hand through his hair, his eyes never leaving your face. “I don’t know what you're talking...” Suddenly it hits you, “The elevator with...” You cover your face with your hand. “There it is,” He sighs, “I never took you for an office gossip, making dirty deals with the boss while no one is watching. Boy, if he saw you last night.” “Fuck you!” You shout. Yoongi’s brows shoot up as he looks around. You soon do the same, luckily no one has noticed. You drop your head. “I'll have you know that conversation was not what you think. I was horribly uncomfortable the entire time. If I agreed to anything it was because I like you and felt like I could protect you.” “You like me huh? Then why did you run off last night?” “Why do you think? I was embarrassed, I have never done anything like that before. Ever! To be frank, my sex life has been.... what's more basic than vanilla? Italian ice?” You cover your face with both hands to avoid Yoongi’s wide stare.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He whispers, pulling your hands away from your face. You look at him with doubt. “I am so serious Y/N. I think you’re sexy whether it’s showing some skin or in your button up cardigans and loafers. Sure, maybe you can call what happened last night Italian ice and maybe someone really hasn’t been good to you emotionally or sexually, but I have never seen someone look more gorgeous than what you did last night when you made yourself cum. I couldn’t get that face out of my head.” “Oh yeah? Even though I left you with blue balls?” You laugh quietly. Yoongi’s face suddenly changes, his eyes darken, and you can tell he's turned on. “Is there something you wanna ask me baby?” He says in a low tone. You feel it straight in the pussy. You begin stuttering and he tsk at you. “No baby. No stuttering,” he leans in and whispers, “From here on out, you’re going to need to tell daddy exactly what you're thinking. Every. Single. Dirty. Thing.” He leans back in his chair, pressing his fist into his crotch, with sly smile. “I can't.” You whisper. “Yes, you can. I know you can. Your ex may have given it to you in vanilla, but I know you dream in rocky road. You wanna know if I went home with blue balls, if I still have them now?” He stands suddenly and moves closer to you, rubbing his fingers along your jaw. You shoot your head around, but no one is looking everyone still comfortable in their own worlds. “Yoongi, people will see us.” “Then you should act natural, so no one suspects anything.” He whispers, running the back of his hand down your arm now until his fingertips rub along the exposed flesh of your thigh. You shiver under his touch. “So, do you wanna know?” He asks again. You bite your lip to stifle a moan, gripping his desk tightly at the feel of his erection against the back of your hand. You nod your head. “I did and I went home last night craving you so bad that I lubed my hand up and stroked my fat cock until I drained my blue balls all over my belly. Then I laid there kicking myself because I never got your cell phone number so I couldn’t text you a picture of the mess you made me make because fuck if I didn’t wish you were there to lap It all up with your tongue.” You bite down harder on your lip, feeling your pussy clench around nothing. “Yoongi.” You mewl. “Yeah baby?” You respond by brushing his hard on with your fingers. “Say it, I need to hear you say it.” He leans into your roaming fingers. “I want…” “What do you want?” “I need…” “Tell daddy what you need.” You bite your lip, hearing him refer to himself as daddy has you bravely turning your hand to palm him through his jeans. His mouth falls opens, a small moan escaping his pout.
“She should be back there working with Min Yoongi.” Both you and Yoongi turn to the sound of the approaching footfalls. Yoongi swallowing hard, growling a bit before stepping away from you. You take a deep shaky breath, feeling the heat emanating from your cheeks. “Y/N?” Your eyes shoot open and you step out from the cubicle. “Taehyung? What are you doing here?” “Hi,” He smiles brightly, hugging you, “I hated how we left things. I needed to see you, make things right. I don’t want to end things poorly.” He takes your hand and you melt into his warm eyes. “Didn’t you guys end things years ago?” Yoongi states plainly with a clearing of his throat. Taehyung laughs, moving towards Yoongi and sticking out his hand. “Kim Taehyung. You must be Min Yoongi. One of the other testers told me you guys are working together on the new game.” “Among other things.” Yoongi gives a tight grin. “Right, well, I know it’s a bit early but maybe you can take a break and come grab lunch with me. I’d love to really talk, like really.” Yoongi scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Sure.” You respond. “Actually, we are really swamped. They pushed the deadline up so; we really have to get to work on these glitches.” Yoongi answers for you. “Oh, well in that case how about dinner?” Taehyung offers now. “Yeah I can do that.” You nod. “Ugh, we’ve actually been working late nights, double checking everything. Maybe next month, you know, after the launch.” Taehyung gives an awkward smile. “Can we talk in private?” He whispers to you. “You should really wrap this up Y/N, wouldn’t want the boss to see you just standing around.” “What’s your problem bro?” Taehyung snaps.
“Yoongi its fine! I’m fine. We are ahead of schedule. I’ll be back in an hour. Come on Tae, let’s grab a quick bite.” You push Taehyung towards the front of the office. “Uh, Y/N,” Yoongi calls out to you with money in his hand, “Can you grab me some sushi on the way back?” You nod and walk over to Yoongi to grab the money. “Please, don’t go to lunch with him.” Yoongi whispers to you, holding onto his money tightly. “Will you stop being so weird? I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” He looks you over, nodding in defeat. “Combo 13.” He says, releasing the money. “Got it.” You give him a smile, heading out with Taehyung. “Are you seeing that guy?” Taehyung asks once in the elevator. “Yoongi? Uh, no, we’re just friends.” Taehyung nods. “Really? You know you can tell me, right? It’s not like we are together. You can date whomever you want. He just seemed, I don’t know, jealous or something.” Suddenly your heart drops at the thought. “Really,” You suck your teeth, “I don't think so. He's just really serious about work.” Taehyung just hums in agreement. You both walk over to a nearby sushi restaurant and grab lunch, placing Yoongi's order to go. “So, let me just say that I'm sorry for tossing the water in your face. I was very angry. I'm sure you can understand why.” Taehyung nods. “Of course. I shouldn't have just thrown everything at you the way I did. It was insensitive. Look, I want you to know that despite what I did during our relationship, I really truly loved you. Even now I care so deeply about you. We were so young when we got together, we didn't know anything. I mean you were still a virgin; did you really think I was the one?” Your brow furrows. “Yeah actually, I did. I loved you with all my heart. I thought you were my forever. I thought WE would be getting married someday.” He frowns at your statement. “I'm sorry Jagi. I really messed up but I hope that moving forward we can remain friends. I think the world of you. You deserve nothing but the best!” You sigh, angry that you still had feelings for him.
“I agree. Thank you for saying that.” You tell him. He smiles, taking your hand from across the table, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. “So, you’re not dating that guy?” You chuckle at the repeated question. “Like I said we are friends. He’s really nice to me. Doesn't judge me or poke fun like other people. He accepts me for me.” Taehyung gives you a thin smile. “Guys like that only look for one thing. They don’t care how you look or sound. He gives me bad vibes. Pushy you know.” “Well, he actually likes how I look. Unlike other men I know and to be honest I don’t know how you can determine his intent or pushiness from one encounter. He’s actually really sweet.” “Then I suppose you like him then?” “I never had an issue with how you look Jagi. I, for one, think you’re beautiful.” “Is that why you cheated?” You clip. Taehyung sighs. “I’m sorry again Jagi. I know it’s not enough but I really am sorry. What I did had nothing to do with you. It was my own issues. Maybe when things aren’t so painful, we can really talk about them you know. Right now, I think they’re still too fresh.” “Maybe you’re right. No point in opening old wounds.” You nod. You finish up eating, and allow him to walk you back to work. He insists on bringing you all the way upstairs. “Maybe when your game launches, we can grab dinner to celebrate?” He suggests on the elevator ride up. “Sure, that'll be nice.” “You're truly are so beautiful Jagi. Thank you for letting me set things right. Well, some things anyhow.” He leans in, taking you in a deep hug and you breathe in his cologne, taken by his much you miss his smell. He pulls away slightly and presses his lips to yours. You should shove him away, slap his face, but you don't. How could you? This man that that you loved so deeply, that took your innocence, that stole your heart, NO, that broke your heart! The elevator door opens on your floor and you push Taehyung away. You begin to stutter until Taehyung cuts you off. “Take care Jagi. Dinner soon.” You nod, stepping off the elevator, waving goodbye to Taehyung as the doors shut. He gives a cocky smirk. You take a deep breath and turn to bring Yoongi his lunch, only instead you slam right into his body. “Nice kiss?” “Yoongi, how did you?” “I'll take that, thanks.” He grabs his lunch from you and turns to walk away. “Hey! Wait. It's not what you think.” You whisper. “Don't care either way. Let me know when you finish levels eleven through twenty. Talk then."
You plop down at your desk and pull your phone out texting Rebecca, filling her in on all that has gone on in her absence. “FUCK!” She responds in big bold letter. You write back that you think you’ve blown it with Yoongi and now you don’t know what to do. It takes her a while, but she finally responds. “Be brave Y/N!!” You release a deep sigh and nod, knowing your friend is right. You’ve been in your neat little cage too long. It was time to be brave. You send her a kiss face and place your headphones on, determined to finish your next ten levels in record time. By 5pm, everyone is making their way out of the office, including your boss who makes it a point to say goodnight to you on the way out. When you’re sure everyone has gone, you walk over to the back with your notepad in hand. You slam the notepad down obnoxiously onto the desk of Min Yoongi. He doesn’t even react, pissing you off just a bit. You stand tall however, crossing your arms, awaiting a response. He turns his head slowly to look up at you. “Thanks, I’ll get to work on this. Have a goodnight.” He turns his attention back to his computer, pulling his headphones back on. You feel your resolve cracking. You remain standing there but Yoongi continues to ignore you. You tap his shoulder, but he simply raises one finger to make you wait. You fume at the gesture, yanking the headphone jack from the computer angrily. He swirls in his chair to face you. “I want you.” You say plainly. He opens his arms but says nothing. You begin to stutter, unsure of what to say next. He scoffs, shaking his and turning back to his computer. “Wait, um, I need you.” You pretty much whimper, biting your lip at how desperate you sound. Yoongi doesn’t turn around. “Please.” You whisper. “Go away Y/N.” He grumbles. “Did you hear what I said?” You whine. “Yeah, I did and to be frank, I don’t think you know what you want. Is it me? Your ex? And even if you did, you're so caught in your own head you wouldn’t even know how to verbalize it,” He turns suddenly, “I meant it when I said I liked you, but I won’t sacrifice my sanity for what you got going on with that guy. I play a lot of games Y/N, but what you got going on with your ex, isn’t one I’m interested in.” He moves to his computer once again, plugging his headphones back into the monitor.
‘Be brave! Be brave! BE BRAVE!’ You tell yourself.
You look up at the cameras for a moment, “Fuck it.” You whisper to yourself; you have wanted this man for too long to have him slip away now. You watch as Yoongi begins to work on the notes you left him. Your heart pounds in your chest, ‘Here goes nothing.’ You think to yourself. You lift your skirt a bit and slide your panties off, walking forward and dropping them onto Yoongi’s keyboard. He looks at the lacy fabric with intrigue, swallowing hard, and turning his head to you. His eyes are filled with desire, but he says nothing; does nothing. You lick your lips and move towards his desk; his eyes follow you the whole way. You push his chair back away from the desk just enough to lean against it. He smirks seductively, leaning back in his seat. You grab the sides of your skirt and slowly begin to tug the fabric up your thick thighs, stopping right before you are about to reveal your pubis. He releases a slow unsteady sigh, lightly clearing his throat. He didn’t say a word, but he didn’t have to, you knew how bad he wanted you in this moment. You glide your butt onto his desk now, being sure that you are seated comfortably. You slide your feet out of your loafers and rest one on each arm rest of Yoongi’s chair, parting your legs to reveal your dripping folds to him. His face soon drops, as if taken over by a completely different force, he watches you slowly caress and then part your lips. You dip your middle finger towards your entrance, collecting your juices before bringing it back up to your throbbing bud. You moan gently, staring straight at Yoongi who stares at you like a man possessed. “You see how wet I am?” You cry, arching your back as you rub circles around your needy clit. “I need you so bad.” You confess shakily. His eyes darken. “Careful,” He finally speaks, “You’re not in your right mind right now. You don’t know what you’re asking for.” You moan faster, feeling your core burn with the build of your orgasm. “I’ve wanted you for so long.” You cry out, slapping your clit now to keep from cumming too soon. “Fuck.” Yoongi growls, shaking his leg feverishly. You needed his hands on you, his mouth, something and soon! You were ready to burst. “Daddy.” You moan out the nickname you’ve heard him use on occasion, hoping to elicit a response, and boy a response you get. Yoongi’s eyes light up like a child on Christmas and he takes hold of one of your ankles pulling you forward a bit, his resolve seemingly holding on by a thread. “Don’t call me that. You have no idea what that does to me.” He warns. You rub your finger gently up and down your clit, opening your lips once again, “I need your hands on me, right here, in my tight hole. I want to cum on your fingers. Please…. daddy.” You say as sultry as you can. Yoongi springs up from his seat, wrapping a hand around your neck. Your eyes widen at the abrasiveness, your back pressing into his monitor. “Yoongi.” “No….no…. kitten, its daddy remember?” He pants, turning your head to suck on your neck. You moan at the feel of his wet tongue against your skin. He grabs your hand away from your cunt and places your sticky fingers in his mouth, sucking off your juices. “So, fucking sweet.” He groans, lowering his hand to your sex, cupping it gently, staring deep in your eyes searching for doubt. “Please don’t tease me. I want you to touch me.” You beg. He smirks, slapping your pussy hard. You cry out, arching you back. “Yoongi.” “Wrong again.” He corrects you with another slap, then another. “I’m sorry, I meant daddy.” He smiles now, gliding a finger through your slit. You whimper, pushing your hips forward.
“You’re a needy little kitten, aren’t you? How often have you dreamt of me annihilating this pussy?” His whispers in your ear. “Every night.” You admit. Yoongi moans at the confession. “What’s your favorite color?” He asks out of nowhere. “Uh, yellow.” “Yellow if its too much.” He tells you, kissing your lips hard, pressing one sole finger into your slick, pass your folds and into your entrance. Your mouth falls open, your moan trapped as he quickly adds another finger. He slowly begins to fuck your pussy with his long slender fingers, bringing them to the tips and shoving them in to the knuckles. His pace is so tortuous that you find yourself grinding your hips forward, trying to fuck his hand. He presses his forehead to yours, looking down, watching himself fuck your needy cunt. Your folds become more and more sodden with every thrust of his fingers, the sounds of your moans and slickness filling the small space. “God your so wet, I bet my cock would slide right in wouldn’t it? I can’t wait to fuck this tight hole. Make you mine.” His words cause a desperate cry to escape your throat.  “I love that sound. I’m gonna make you scream so loud when I fuck you senseless.” You mewl just thinking of all the dirty things you want him to do to you. He begins to tighten his hold around your neck, moving his thumb to your clit, rubbing your swollen bud. “Yes, daddy. Please don’t stop.” You strain, your core burning with your impending orgasm. He curls his fingers, pressing on the soft bundle of nerves inside you and your body ignites. Your vision begins to blur, your walls clenching hard on his digits, a sharp yet warm flush overpowering you. Yoongi quickens his pace and you scream out his name your orgasm rising fast. “I’m going to cum.” He groans deep in his chest, removing his fingers from your clenching cunt. You gasp, reaching up to claw at his shirt. “Why? No. I was right there.” You whine. “I know baby. Shh.” He kisses you gently, entering your mouth with his tongue. He cups your sex once again, slapping it suddenly, you jump at the sensation. He enters you this time entering you with three fingers. You squeal with pleasure, causing curses to fall from Yoongi’s lips at the sight of you. You relish in the delightful burn of this newfound stretch, baring down, to clench around him, your legs are stretched so wide Yoongi takes to rubbing the soft flesh of your inner thighs with his free hand. “So, fucking sexy, pussy so tight. My cock is so hard thinking about how amazing you’re going to feel stretching around me.” “God, daddy please, I need to cum.” You nearly sob. He quickens his pace, fucking you relentlessly now. He curls his fingers inside you once again, rubbing large circles deep inside your walls. “Rub your clit baby. Cum for me.” He commands. You drop your hand quickly, rolling soft circles over your bud. Your breathing quickens as your climax once again climbs up your abdomen causing your skin to goose. Yoongi presses harder into your g-spot, dropping his head slowly to your sex. Your eyes roll back at the sight as white waves of pleasure soon wash over you, your body trembling with the most overwhelming orgasm you’ve ever experienced. His fingers curl at just the right angle to cause your entire body to tighten and your climax to shoot out onto Yoongi’s face and waiting tongue. Yoongi pants hard, swallowing your juices as you continue to thrust onto his fingers wailing through your climax. He lifts his head pressing gentle kisses on your face as you soon come down from your high. You wrap your arms around his neck, saddened by the empty feeling once he removes his fingers from inside you. He licks them clean, kissing you softly again, your juices coating his lips. “I’ve never done that before.” You whisper to him, “You should come over to my place and we can do it again.” He chuckles. “No, that’s all for tonight. I will however drive you home.” You pout but nod. Yoongi helps you off the desk and you dress watching as he clears the camera footage. “Where’d you learn to do that?” You inquire. “Sorry kitten you can’t have all my secrets.” He turns to wink at you. “I’ve never been touched like that. Tae could never…” You trail off. Yoongi stands after he finishes hiding the evidence of what you’ve both done. He puts his hand out for you to grab and you both walk over to the elevator.
“If you let me, I want to make you feel good all the time, in so many ways. I just need you to trust me, we have to trust each other. I’ll give you whatever you want, you just have to ask and its yours and if its ever too much, you use the safe word.” You nod at him. “Yellow.” He smiles, nodding with you. “Yellow.” You arrive at the garage and Yoongi unlocks his car. You hop in. “So, what’s with the daddy thing?” You inquire. He laughs. “It turns me on. I like to be in control. I mean if it makes you uncomfortable, we can try something else.” “Did other women call you daddy?” You can’t help but ask. “I don’t want to talk about other women. “So, that’s a yes.” You chide. He sighs. “Full disclosure, yes, some other women have called me daddy. It’s what I like, but like I said if it makes you uncomfortable then we can switch it up.” “Did you call them kitten?” “No.” He says plainly. “What did you call them?” “Honestly, I like calling my women sluts, whores, things like that. It turns me on.” You nod. “So why kitten?” He shrugs. “Its what popped into my head, what turned me on in the moment. Do you want me to use something else?” You shake your head. “I like kitten.” “Then we’ll use kitten.” He rubs your cheek with the back of his hand. He soon begins driving, “You know you really surprised me today. I was definitely not expecting that from you.” He laughs. “I wanted to be brave, I guess. I wanted to show you that I’m serious about you. That whole thing with Tae was nothing. I don’t want to look back anymore.” He nods, nibbling on his lower lip. “I’ll admit I was jealous when I saw you guys kissing. I know I don’t have a right to be, we aren’t dating but still, it really pissed me off.” He swallows hard. “Well, you have no reason to be jealous. I can assure you Tae has nothing on you.” Yoongi laughs out loud at your comment, exposing his gums. “I love seeing you smile like this Yoongi. Its rare.” He looks at you quickly, leaning his hand over the gear shaft to place it on your thigh. You trace the prominent veins in his hand with your fingertip. “Um, I was brave today but I might still be shy about things.” You tell him. He squeezes your thigh. “I’m not in a rush.” He pulls into the garage of your building. “We’re here.” You pout. He nods, leaning in to kiss you. You latch onto his lips, kissing him desperately. You pull him closer, sticking your tongue in his mouth. He moans at the contact. “Please come up.” You say against his lips. He shakes his head. “Some other time.” You lean back in your seat, saddened by his answer. “I’ll see you tomorrow kitten.” You smile at your new nickname. “Hey! Take down my number.” You light up. He gives a big smile and hands you his phone. You enter your digits and lean in to kiss him again. “Goodnight Yoongi.” “Goodnight Y/N.”  
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tatooedlaura-blog · 4 years ago
Max 2.0
post-Max. Because the car is the best place to deal with crises of being and pseudo-bad grammar ...
Our Moment Chapter 1: Five Words (post-Leonard Betts) Chapter 2: Sidebar Nonsense (post-Memento Mori) Chapter 3: Interim (floating somewhere around Unrequited) Chapter 4: Max 2.0 (post-Tempus Fugit/Max)
Out of her bed and halfway down the hall before she opened her eyes, she stopped by the couch, realizing she had no idea why she was out of bed. Vague notions of her gun crossed her mind but then she heard a knock. Wavering for another moment or two in full-on sleep mode, she shook her head lightly, tried to pry her eyes open, then regretted it, eyelids stuck together, burning, dry; another knock.
She wondering in passing how long he’d been out there but finally summoning the brain power to move her legs again, she made it to the door. Peering out at him through the peephole, she yawned, then unlocked the door, pulling it open, squinting at the glaring hall light, “you okay?”
Now, he’d known she would probably be asleep, had to be asleep given it was nearly 1am, but that didn’t stop him from being surprised by her pillow-creased face and unfocused eyes, “yeah, um, I’m now realizing this was stupid. You’re asleep. I should be asleep. I’m sorry.” Not turning away, however, hoping if he stood there long enough, she’d invite him in, “I’m sorry.”
Scully knew him like no other and stepping aside, “come on in.”
He did, leaving shoes and coat on, standing, filling, overwhelming the area he stood in, doorframe small behind him, “thanks.” Folding arms, not in that annoyed way of hers but in the ‘I’m trying to hold in a yawn so I will stupidly think that crossing them will keep it from rising to the surface’. It did not work and Mulder sighed, apologizing again, “I’m sorry.”
“Are you okay?”
“I just … I can’t stop thinking about Max and the plane and just … he was me, Scully, and that’s bothering me more than I thought it would.”
“Would you like some tea?”
Reaching out, he touched her hand, the one not tucked under her elbow, proceeding to play with her knuckles, the hem of her sleeve, twisting the thermal fabric between his fingers, “I was actually wondering if maybe you’d like to go for a drive with me?”
It had been over a month since their Tennessee drive but the memories were clear and nodding, she gave him a small smile before extracting herself from his fingers, “just let me go grab a coat.” Disappearing, then reappearing quickly, she had one of his zipped sweatshirts over her shoulders, thick socks firmly in place and feet shoved in soled slippers, “ready.”
“Do you steal all my clothes?”
“Only the good ones.”
Soon in the car, they were off, quiet between them broken a minute later, “your car’s clean.”
“It happens.”
“Not often.”
Shrugging, he turned right, then left, the left again, the city night passing by them in an unnoticed blur. He seemed to have a destination in mind and asking if he did, Mulder told her, “no. I just want to get out of the city and I know this is the fastest way.”
Because it was late and dark and she was tired and loose-limbed, she folded her legs under, folded hands in her lap.
She baited the hook to see if he’d bite.
He did, his hand sliding across the center irritation of a console, fingers wedging once again in the fold between bended knee and adjacent thigh. He knew she’d done it on purpose.
Neither cared.
The connection made them both feel better and Mulder, squeezing her leg lightly, “sorry I don’t have a moonroof for you.”
“It’s cloudy anyways and there’s no moon, so I’ll forgive you this time.”
She gave it awhile, the pair of them well out of the city lights, darkness prevailing before, “you’re not like Max. I mean, you are, but not in the ways you’re dwelling on.”
“But I am like him.”
“We’re all Max in our own ways. I mean, we have passions and hopes and problems and dreams but some of us fixate on them to the point where it’s their only hope, their only passion and it becomes their biggest problem.”
He moved to pull his hand away but she grabbed it, holding tight, as he spoke, “I am the poster boy now that he’s gone, Scully. I am Max 2.0.”
Twisting, she refolded her legs so they both vee’d in his direction, able to look at him better that way, turn to see him easier. Putting his hand back between her knees, she moved to hold his lower arm, firmly, trying to get her point across with words as well as tactile pressure, “if you were anything like Max, obsession-wise, I’d be long gone. You have passion, Mulder, he had fixation. There’s a vast difference.”
“Not that vast.”
“There is in my mind. Max wouldn’t be here right now, taking a midnight drive with his … partner,” that was an odd hesitation she wasn’t expecting, “he’d be in his trailer, trying to decode the conspiracies of the universe.”
“The Gunmen are probably doing that as we speak.”
“But Langley also cooks a mean prime rib, Byers plays Majhong on Friday nights with a group of semi-normal people, Frohike crochets blankets for the Veterans Hospital and has a 22-year old penpal in Denmark. These people have other interests. From what we saw and heard about Max, while he was a very nice man, he didn’t do any of that.”
“You know about the crocheting?”
“Have you seen the granny-square afghan on my couch? The one you like to snuggle with when you’re tired and don’t want to drive home? That’s Frohike’s handiwork from last Christmas.”
Suddenly, the world didn’t seem quite so down on him after all but he still felt something he couldn’t shake. Ignoring that, however, for the moment, he scoffed, “he’s never made me a blanket, that yarn-wielding bastard.”
“I’ll drop a hint next time I see him.” Feeling the tension leaving him slowly, Scully began moving her left hand up his arm, around the back, to lightly rub the underside of his bicep, other hand splayed around his wrist. It was an unconscious thing at first, then, noticing it, she decided she liked it and stayed. “Do you think there’s any hot chocolate out here in the sticks?”
Looking at the houses still visible from the road they were on, more spaced apart than a few minutes ago but still numerous, “you’ve been living in the city too long if you think this is the sticks.”
“You call it the city; I call it a severe lack of 24-hour dining possibilities with hot chocolate necessities.”
“You’re wordy today. Did you snack on a dictionary before going to bed?”
“Is that your polite way of telling me to quit mouthing off?”
And now her mouth was foremost on his mind.
“I have M&Ms in the glove compartment. Is that a good enough compromise?”
Retrieving the candy post-haste, she popped one in her mouth, then offered him one, “sugar?”
“Sure. Why not?”
Both chewing, Scully returned to her previous position, “peanut. I approve.”
Continuing on, they covered all kinds of light subjects, music, family, things they visited often but both always enjoyed, especially hearing about the antics of Scully’s extended family, brothers, cousin, bevy of nieces and nephews. After one exuberant story about Sam, second oldest of the bunch, Mulder wiped his eyes, tears of laughter blurring his vision, “how did you land all these people? I mean, you have the cast of some off-beat comedy show and I’ve got my mother.”
He hadn’t meant to bring the atmosphere down and Scully didn’t want to keep it there but she had to tell him, in words he apparently didn’t hear the first seven times she told him, “you realize my mother has adopted you right? I mean, there may not be paperwork but there’s pie. Also, just to let you know, do you remember when you were asking me about my mom’s dentist appointment, about her infected tooth last week?”
“I had no idea she was having any issues but I pretended to know because, good Lord, Mulder, you knew about it and I didn’t.” Giving him that look that made his smile return, “does that tell you anything about the level of your acceptance into my family?”
“I mean,” looking almost sheepish, “she called to talk to you and I answered and we just …”
Patting his shoulder, “it’s okay, Mulder. My mother can love you more than me occasionally. I don’t mind.”
His eyebrow went up, about to bring down the grammar hammer on her, hard, “you love me? I had no idea. When did this happen? Was it after I introduced you to the Conundrum or, ooh, I bet is was around the time you were trapped with me in Alaska. That tiny room? Checking for murderous prehistoric alien worms?”
Total confusion all over her face, “What?”
“You said occasionally, your mother loved me more than you. So, I deduce that you love me most of the time and now I’m trying to figure out when that all started.”
Oh, hell, why not just play along?
“I’m pretty sure it was when you were about to head into the hospital with Modell: looking up at me with that camera on your head, Kevlar all tight, panicked look in your eye.”
Wait … was she humoring him? He was treading into the unknown now, not sure if he should keep going, “um … what?”
Her laughter bounced around the interior of the car, a happy sound, a light sound he hadn’t heard in awhile, “nervous, Mr. Mulder?”
Smiling himself finally, “just … left-field line drive came in a little faster than I expected.”
“Are we back to baseball again?”
He was going to crash the car in the next two minutes if this kept up, “I think we should just drive in silence for a minute. My brain did something and just … give me a minute.”
Fuck again.
She was pretty sure with one joke, two follow-ups and a mention of baseball, she’d quite possibly changed the course of their relationship in ways she had no understanding of. Silence nerve-wracking, she fumbled for words, “I’m just glad the two of you get along so well. It’ll make things easier.”
She’d never felt atmosphere shift like it did in that moment, the air hardening between them. Mulder looked at her, any trace of humor gone from his face, “make what easier?”
“If … if something happens to me. I’ll feel better knowing … you’d … have each other, I guess.”
Mulder steered roughly to the left, blew through a stop sign, then pulled them into a large, dark parking lot, a high school if Scully read the sign correctly as Mulder raced past. Hitting the breaks, he threw the car into park, got out and slammed the door, leaving Scully stunned. She hadn’t meant to make it sound as harsh as it did and sighing, she opened her own door, zipping up her sweatshirt as she did so. He’d turned the headlights off so the only light was from a parking lot fluorescents fifteen feet away. Coming around the front of the car, she tugged on his arm, “hey, look at me, please?”
“Have you given up already?”
With a genuine scoff in his direction, “I don’t give up on anything. What the hell kind of question is that?”
“You said when something happens to you.”
“No, I said if.” Taking him by the arms, she turned him around until his back was to the car, “will you sit down?”
“So I can look at you, and not up your nose, when I talk.”
He conceded, sitting down on the bumper, “nothing’s going to happen to you.”
“Yes, I know.” Coming in closer, she forced her way between his knees, “but I learned from you to plan for all eventualities. I have a prepacked suitcase for when you ring my doorbell at 5am telling me we leave in 20 minutes. I have $500 cash in my purse and another $500 in my carry-on for emergencies …”
“Bail money for me?”
“Some of it, yes.” Continuing, “I now prepare for all things, even if there isn’t a chance in hell they’re going to happen. You forced me to learn that and I have and that’s all my comment was. I will be fine,” moving her palms to his face, thinning fingers, delicate steel hands against his cheeks, covering his ears as she tilted his head up to look at her, “but I feel better knowing mom has you and you have mom. You became friends with her while I was missing. I haven’t been forcing you together to create some superficial bond to make my never going to happen, non-impending doom easier to accept. She invites you for pie. You arrive and eat pie. You go home with leftover pie. I have nothing to do with that but I’m glad it happens.”
By now, his hands were on her wrists, eyes glued to her, closing as she leaned in, mirroring that accursed hospital hallway not that long ago. Once her forehead touched his, she whispered, “you are not Max. You have so many people here who love you and need you and you have so much to offer them back and you do. That’s the difference between you and Max. He searched for himself. You search for me, Mulder. You search,” kissing his forehead, then quickly his mouth, “for me.”
Then she wrapped her arms around him and felt his go around her waist. Hugging him tightly, she let the world disappear, sinking against him, warm, solid, against her.
“Who knew this much angst could come from a misplaced modifier?”
“We know now. Never let it happen again.”
With a chuckle, he shifted his head, talking into her shoulder, “Modell? Really?”
She just hugged him tighter, staying quiet against him as he held her close.
They may have stayed like that for two minutes. It may have been ten. Regardless, eventually, Scully had to whisper into Mulder’s neck, where her mouth had landed earlier when she turned her head, “Mulder?”
Just as quietly, “yeah?”
“Can you take me home to bed, please?”
“Should I comment on the structure of that sentence as well or just be quiet?”
Giving another kiss to his neck, she pushed back off of him, sly grin, “just take me home.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
After a quiet goodnight/good morning at her bedroom door, he wandered to the living room, taking up residence on her couch, 3am sleepy as his head hit the spare pillow and his mind was finally calm.
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moxfirefly · 4 years ago
Video calls and confessions
Part 2
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Rated Explicit (18+)
Got around to that part teo for this one shot.
The world going to shit wasn’t exactly how’d you planned out your Friday afternoon. This morning you had woken up with enthusiasm and a desire to treat yourself.
You’d gone out to the city, had your nails done, grabbed an obscenely priced coffee and on your way had stumbled on a museum.
A little culture never hurt nobody.
For Christ sake it was a free entry day too.
So why then, as you admired priceless art and sculptures had literal hell descended upon the evening?
Creatures. Actual monsters. The screams of the public deafening.
That had happened about half an hour ago. In your haste you had thanked you fight or flight mode to quick into flight. The shaking in your body had cause you to run into one of the exhibit rooms most cluttered with random ‘junk’ whatever this art installation had gone for it was surely not for somebody to duck behind for safety.
You checked your phone. The news was reporting the attack of the art museum. Authorities had been sent as well as the B.P.R.D...
That made you pause and clutch your phone.
If the bureau was on its way then that meant Hellboy was too.
The very notion of possibly seeing him in the flesh made your heart skip a few beats. The two of you had been communicating on and off for a while now since the private shows had started. You knew mixing work and pleasure wasn’t smart but fuck, you had it bad for this guy.
There was a sense of relief washing over you. He’d be here, he’d take care of this mess. Maybe you’d finally see him and not through a computer screen. You knew things had escalated with him although neither of you had really properly addressed it.
“Please whatever is up there, if I survive this I’m fucking telling him I’m in love with him” You whispered to yourself. This possibly couldn’t be your last day on earth.
Something screeching and something akin to a human scream startled you. You hugged your knees closer and tried not to breath loudly. Gunshots and more screams could be heard.
Then something came crashing into the installation where you were hiding. Your scream was imposible to hold in. The creature was screeching so loudly, a sound that left your ears ringing.
Adrenaline made you run out as fast as you humanly could. You heard the great strides it took to catch up to you. This was it wasn’t it? You were gonna die?
Your legs kept pushing you forward even as your muscles burned with pain. Your eyes hurt from crying and your throat felt like it was sandpaper. Something like a claw reaching for your hair made you close your eyes. There was no way you wanted to see how this ended for you.
Two shots.
Loud and so very clear, the sound coming out of left field made you trip and fall. The screening fortunately had stopped.
“Miss?! You’re safe! Hey! You gotta get out of here now!” That voice you knew all to well. You looked up and saw red and a stone hand.
“R-red...” Your voice was small, a sob catching in your throat.
“Y/N!?” He was shocked, eyes wide as he knelt in front of you.
You weren’t sure how your body moved or if he moved you but somehow you’d ended up with your arms around him sobbing into his neck. Hellboy held you tightly, whispering that you were safe, an array of cusses slipped out as he breathed heavily.
The knowledge that you were here, if he’d been a millisecond too late, all crashed down on him as he picked you up and carried you to safety.
You could’ve died, was all that ran through his head.
You’re alive, was all that ran through yours.
One helicopter ride, a medical exam and a shower later you found yourself at the home base of the B.P.R.D. A nice young woman by the name of Alice had loaned you some clothes and had taken you to Hellboy’s room to wait. A debriefing was happening and all you could do was sit tight.
You resolved to canceling all your cam shows for the week stating you had fallen terribly ill. There was no way you could work, your hands were still shaking as you typed out the post and notified your one on one shows. It felt like hours as you sat on the couch, you had looked around at his room, seeing and array of personal items that made up his personality.
Such a big part of you often dreamt about this but your nerves had you glued to your spot.
The door opened and Hellboy came barreling in like a tornado. You flinched and bit too hard on your already chewed off nail, so much for that manicure.
“I’m so sorry, I wanted to leave that stupid meeting but it’s fucking mandatory because Daimio thinks it’s necessary, asshole that guy I tell ya-“ He took in your state, the still slight tremble in your hands, the few scrapes here and there. You looked small and scared and it absolutely destroyed him.
In his silence he made his way towards the coffee table and sat in front of you. “You know I often fantasized what it be like to see you in the flesh, this wasn’t how it usually went I promise” He smiled and for the first time in this piss filled day, so did you.
“How would it go?” You asked softly.
“Some mood light, a little wine maybe some music” The two of you chuckled. Your chuckles quickly dissolved in you trying to hold back your tears.
You were almost killed tonight, the shock would take some time to subside. “Hey hey kid, it’s ok, I’ve got you. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you on my watch” Hellboy’s flesh hand rested on your knees.
You leaned forward and rested your forehead on his shoulder. “...When I read you guys were sent out, I really got excited that I’d finally see you” You felt his flesh hand stroke your hair.
“I’m in love with you” You blurted out, his hand going to still. “I said, if I’m making it out of this alive I’m telling him, so I’m telling you...” You looked up at him, e/c meeting his golden ones.
“I-Im not dancing around this no more, I’m tired of pretending that what’s been going on isn’t just some work thing that I do, fuck, I love you I really do and I think you do too” Your mouth want dry again, the scratchy sensation making you swallow.
Hellboy searched out your eyes, something in his head was going a mile a minute. Was he searching for a lie? Something disingenuous?
That all died when he lunged forward and kissed you.
A kiss that truly and utterly left no worry.
You were kissing Hellboy. You were gripping Hellboy by the scruff of his shirt. The way his lips molded against yours, the abnormal warmth to them, the softness to them, the roughness of his scruff.
Pulling back for air felt obligated but he’d insisted by pressing the stumps of his horns against your forehead. “Wow...that’s...so much better than I could’ve imagined” He was star struck in a way and it honest to god made you laugh.
The days events took a back seat for now you wanted to take in the being before you. You scanned everything you normally did while on cam with him. Your hands explored his face, running across scars and hair.
Then you remembered what lay to his right and your heart raced.
You gripped his stone hand, fascinated by the texture of stone, how he held your hand with so much regard to his strength. The patterns, the markings everything has you entranced.
“Extraordinary” Was all you could muster as you rubbed on what would be the inside f his wrist. “I’m sorry, is this weirding you out?” You looked at Hellboy only to find him grinning. “Having a beautiful girl touch me? Yes it’s completely weirding me out” He mocked and you couldn’t help but playfully shove him.
“God I need a beer, can we...?” He was leaning over toward the mini fridge next to the couch and pulling said drinks out. “Read my mind, beautiful” He offered one towards you.
This morning you were going about a normal routine, and now after a near death experience you were in the room of a man you had been falling in love with for months. The twist and turns of life.
Around round 3 you’d excused yourself to use the bathroom. As you washed your hands and saw your normal pristine face a little worn down from the stressful events you frowned.
But there you stood in Hellboy’s bathroom. Surrounded by things all him. The tips of your fingers ran through a brush of his. This was a reality right now.
You stepped out and caught him shrugging off his coat. Busying your thumbnail again at your teeth you watched his now visible arms flex with the movements.
“All good?” He smiled leaning against the dresser.
There was a pregnant pause in which the two of you merely just ogled one another from across the bed.
You moved first.
You walked over the bed and stood on it, you reached out a hand that he took without hesitation and with the extra height from the bed you met in a heated kiss face to face. You wrapped your arms around his neck, you felt his around your hips.
In a wordless haste you yanked at his black T-shirt and busied yourself with taking off yours. He watched mesmerized, as always, the revealing of your skin.
The image before you though, god you wanted to scream.
Hellboy undoing his belt and swiftly yanking the whole thing out of the belt loops without breaking eye contact. Off were your pants, and on was him as he took you down on the bed.
It was a haze, breathless kisses and chants of desire. He one handed the button of your jeans and his own. The brief separation to take the offending items off had the two of you giggling almost. In record time he was back on you and you welcomed it with a ferocity to your kisses. Tongue slipping into his mouth, you swallowed a groan of his that vibrated all the way to your cunt.
He was here, you were here. Physically.
You grinned as he trailed kisses over both your covered breast. “Take-fuck-take it off please, now right now” You felt the air leave your lungs when he simply broke the bra in half and met his reward, two beautifully round breasts he had craved more than any meal. Hellboy pressed his face between them and inhaled before leaving a series of bites and marks. Each time he bit down your raised your hips in search of friction.
The heaviness in the air, the warmth of him lapping and sucking at your breast. The heated tongue wrapping around a nipple. Hellboy devoured you, and if your breast had him like this...
“Baby please, wanna touch you too” Your hands ran down his back, sharp nails leaving a path. Hellboy shuddered as he left a nipple with a loud pop. “Go on, I’m all yours” That very comment sent a gush of heat and you bit your lip to hold a moan in.
You nudged him to lay on his back and you climbed on top of him. Hands running over your body, the feeling of that stone hand gently cupping your rear was enough to make you grind down on him with purpose.
“I promised you something every time we spoke, you remember what that was?” You rubbed yourself on him as you began to trail down his body. Hellboy’s eyes were fogged with lust. “Oh, you remember” You kissed his stomach, nails scratching his sides before hooking into the waistband of his underwear.
He was going to have a stroke.
Hellboy watched you slide his underwear down. Eyes hungry and mouth engulfing his cock. He bucked up without meaning to but you caught most of the onslaught by closing up your throat. A minor choke and you were back on track.
Fuck he was big and thick, you did your best swallowing as much as possible before settling the rest with your hand to jerk. The gut punched groan that left him egging you on. He saw your head bob, the way your lips stretched around his length, the blissed out look as you sucked earnestly. “Shit shit, you look beautiful” Hellboy reached a left hand across your cheek.
Letting him go with a breathy inhale, spit on your chin you jerked him lazily.
He was putting this look away for a rainy day. You had no right looking so utterly debauched and perfect.
“C’mere and kiss me, beautiful” Hellboy whispered softly and you obeyed crawling on him to meet him in a sensual slow lip lock.
Underwear gone, or more so also ripped apart. You were now on top of him about to guide his cock into your drenched hole. The initial burn was actually delicious, that breach between pain and pleasure sending a delightful shock through your body. Once fully seated on him you reveled in stretch and burn. “God this is, fuck I-“ You moaned as you tested with a sway of your hips, he was hitting your spot perfectly. You rested your hands on his chest and he gripped your waist.
Hellboy was gone, the sight of you riding him, lost in your pleasure caused by him nevertheless. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever see. Lost to it all you fell forwards, burying your face in his neck. Your impending release had you stuttering your hips. “I got you baby, I got you” He muttered against your ear. You moaned as he held you, hips pistoning upwards to drive that orgasm out of you.
It crashed something fierce, running all over your body and coming out as a scream against his neck. You felt limp as a noodle but held onto him as he fucked his way through yours. When he came he yanked another orgasm out of you along with his.
The two of you laid there, a mess of limbs clutching at each other. Hearts racing, lungs trying to catch up.
Exhaustion won. You fell a sleep on Hellboy, still inside of you, his mouth against your temple.
There was no turning back now.
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your-daily-biaswrecking · 4 years ago
Serva me, Servabo te
save me and I will save you
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pairing: photographer!Taehyung x f.reader
genre: angst, smut, slight enemies to lovers
word count: 7.3k  |  reading time: 40 min
chapter summary: flash backs clear the mystery of their first encounter, they fight over it, and then things get a bit heavier
warnings: there’s finally some sexy stuff going on yall, alcohol usage, metions of cheating, some dirty talk ig, some not very fluffy smut, almost angry fucking, dubious I’d say, fingering f.receiving, oral f.receiving, kinda dom!Tae, name calling kink? idk
All chapters  |  Masterlist  |  Read on AO3
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Chapter 5: Irresistible urges of the past
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3 years, 2 months, and 14 days ago at 7:35 pm
The party was Yoonji's idea but you never complained. Well, okay, you complained a little bit. But that was only when you heard the approximate number of guests that had been invited so far and argued your small, shared apartment would probably collapse from the total weight in it. You offered to move the function over to the bar down the street, but apparently, that's not a house-warming party.
"How on earth are so many people coming, anyway? We have, like, five friends at most. And that is including the lunch lady."
Yoonji gave you those puppy eyes. "Well, actually, Jimin just made an Instagram story to get the word out, not thinking many would wanna come," she mumbled under her breath, almost like she was trying to avoid giving you the explanation. "But it turns out ever since that video he did, lots and lots of people wanna be his friend now."
You exhaled hard, making a pathetic sound. "You gave the guy you've only been seeing for a couple of weeks permission to invite people to our party?"
She pouted at you. "I thought you liked him. Plus, he offered to do this for us. We barely know people here, Amy, this party is going to be the best to see new faces."
You chewed your lip as you were setting the drinks on the table in a nice order and contemplated your roommate's words. "What do you need new people for?" you whined. "You already have a best friend and a hot boyfriend."
Yoonji bumped her shoulder on your arm playfully. "But you don't. Who knows, maybe you'll like one of Jimin's friends."
You rolled your eyes at her, but that didn't cover up the smile that had started to form. "Doubt it," you objected. "Models are not exactly my type."
You heard Yoonji laugh from the kitchen. "Jimin's not a model!" she shouted back. Then peeked her head around the doorway to raise an eyebrow at you. "I mean, you're not entirely wrong."
People that you had never even seen before started showing up at your place, and without fail, they all asked where Jimin and Taehyung were. Rude, you thought. That was not their party; something that could easily be deduced by how they weren't even there yet. Also, when had Jimin become so popular all of a sudden? And who the fuck was Taehyung?
At about an hour after the place was already packed and your roommate's boyfriend had finally made an appearance, Yoonji just so happened that she was constantly MIA, and the task of welcoming the people that kept and kept on coming, fell entirely on your shoulders. A task that briefly seemed not so bad when you opened the door and a brown-haired, pretty boy stood in front of you. You guessed models were indeed invited to that party, the only explanation you could come up with for why the most handsome man you had ever led your eyes upon was looking at you and smiling.
"Is this Yoonji's and... Amy's party?" he asked and you were taken aback by his deep, raspy voice that countered his charming face.
"Yes," you said, letting him in. "And are you on the bride's or the groom's side?" You hated the joke the moment it left your lips, a moment too late to take it back. Five full seconds spent with a cute boy and you were already acting weird.
But the boy laughed, and the sound quite literally lifted your spirits. "I am with Jimin if that's what you're asking."
"Of course you are. Jacket?" You offered your hands up for him.
"Oh, right, where can I leave this?" he asked as he slid the piece of garment off his shoulders. You opened the door right behind you, a door that normally led to a small storage space, but you had turned into a temporary closet with all the jackets and purses you had shoved in there. The boy leaned next to you as he tried to find somewhere to leave his outerwear without just dropping it on the pile on the floor.
"Let me," you offered, taking a random jacket that hung from the ironing board, abandoning it on the ground, and replacing it with the pretty boy's one. That's pretty privilege for you.
He chuckled. "Whose was that? Is that okay?"
"Who cares, it's my house."
"Oh," he exclaimed, watching you more closely as you closed the door again and turned to him with your lips awkwardly pressed into a thin line. You pinned your body on the wall, waiting for him to move or say something. "You're Amy?" You nodded, and the boy burst out a big smirk. "Well, well, well..." he rasped. "I'm gonna kick Jimin's ass so hard. He didn't tell me Yoonji had such a cute roommate."
The way your entire face felt like it had caught on fire in a split second almost scared you. It definitely made your eyes widen and your head go into a defense mode; you had never flustered before, of course your brain would think it was under attack. And of course you would reply with something stupid again, like snorting and saying: "Right. And you are?"
"Kim Taehyung, freshly graduated and aspiring big photographer," he proudly introduced himself. It all suddenly seemed to click and you barely held yourself from gasping right in his face. He extended a hand to you, and you took it, ready to shake it. Instead, he surprised you by bringing it to his lips and planting a soft kiss right between your knuckles. "Enchanté," he whispered with his dark eyes piercing yours.
The stupid fire all over your face got worse. So worse all you could do was quickly pull away and scoff at him, but also laugh. "That was too much!"
"Sorry," he chuckled and gave you a big, boxy grin. "I was trying to make you swoon."
You couldn't help but mimic his energy. "Does that ever work on anyone?" Well, what a liar you are. It had literally turned your stomach into a knot.
And Taehyung, almost as if he knew that, smirked at you. "You'd be surprised."
Okay, so you may have overreacted a tiny bit when you took off running away from Taehyung. There could possibly have been other ways to go about it, like gently pushing him off and telling him this was a mistake, trying to talk, or even staying silent. Your head was spinning so hard as you stumbled down that path wishing you don't get lost in the foggy state your mind had dipped in due to the haste. And it had almost cleared, you had almost stopped to think about this rationally and wait for the photographer so that you could walk home together, but the longer you thought about it more clearly, the faster you ran. You didn't even know if it was fear or shame that was powering your flight, but it had to be one of those.
The further you stayed locked in your room, the later emotion became more and more prominent. You saw Taehyung emerge from the trees sometime later and get in the house, you heard him on the downstairs floor, you saw the lights turn on and off... He was everywhere, and you were hiding away, terrified and ashamed. How could you ever meet his eyes again? But most importantly, how would you face yourself in the mirror? You knew that was the worst part of the whole situation; you let your own self down.
3 years, 2 months, and 14 days ago at 1:23 am
You returned on the corner that Taehyung and you had been occupying all night long with a drink in your hands, swaying around and trying to survive the mob of drunk college students that were doing what you were sure they thought was dancing in the middle of the living room. Some of the drink spilled on the way and you're not sure if it was because of all the bumping on people or the way you had started seeing everything double and losing your balance pretty easily.
"What the hell happened to my chair?" you whined as you found the photographer sitting there alone when you had specifically asked him to save you the seat.
He shrugged. "I couldn't defend it, sorry." Then he spread his legs wide and pat his thigh, looking up at you with a smirk. "Just sit here."
You didn't think twice; sat down on his offered position, swinging your legs to the side to completely lie on his lap and an arm around his neck for balance. Your face was inches away from his, so much so you could smell the alcohol in his breath, his hands instantly on your waist and hips to pull you close. But it felt so comfortable. Since the moment you met, you hadn't left each other's side, and you hadn't stopped touching. Touching as in holding hands while talking or pushing him while laughing, playing with your clothes or stroking each other's hair. It seemed like there was always an excuse, or, better yet, constantly a need to touch.
"Ugh!" he gagged when he took one sip of the drink you had brought right to his lips. "What is this shit?"
You giggled. "Tequila."
"Is it just tequila?"
You kept giggling. "Actually, we ran out of soft drinks so I mixed it with water."
His mouth dropped open and he started laughing, too. "Of course! Why wouldn't you!" His hands around your body squeezed you tighter and you had to squirm around, still a need to get even closer.
"It's not that bad," you proclaimed, then took a sip from the same straw and had your entire face scrunch up. "See?"
Taehyung had gotten serious, staring at you intensely, as he slowly brought the straw right on his tongue yet again. He took a generous gulp, then offered the drink to you, his eyes fixed on your lips and the way they wrapped around right where his had just been. His stare gave you goosebumps, and you pressed yourself even closer, your hip flushed right against his lower abdomen.
"You know I don't drink," he said in a whisper. He didn't need to speak louder, you were right there. "I'm only doing this for you."
"Well," you mumbled as your fingers ran through the back of his hair. "That makes two of us doing something we don't usually do tonight." And you meant it. You never did this; whatever this was. Sitting on a cute boy's lap that you had only met a couple of hours ago, ready to devour him with the first chance you got. And boy, would you devour him.
"We haven't done anything yet," Taehyung noted, his hand dipping between your legs to pinch your thing.
"Yet," you murmured, pressing even closer to him, feeling his erection grow against your hip.
Your eyes alone could communicate. And all they conveyed was the urgency to get out of there. The need to be alone. Your entire body burned with that need, or maybe it was the alcohol. With no words spoken, you both got up, holding hands not to get lost in the crowd, and searched in the apartment for an empty room. The bathroom was locked, the kitchen busy, one bedroom filled with boys playing video games and the other with smokers. Taehyung pulled you towards the exit; he wasn't about to let the moment escape him. He would get you in his car or even back to his place if he had to, just to get his hands properly on you.
But you didn't have time for that. You needed him right away. So you opened up that makeshift closet and shoved him inside. Space was limited and your bodies were naturally pressed together. The moment the door closed behind you, you realized how dark it was; the light switch being outside, forgotten. You felt his hands ran up your body, trying to blindly find your face with haste like he was being chased.
His lips found yours. And you indeed devoured each other. He had you pinned against the door and his fingers through your hair as he kissed you like a starved man. You know how first kisses almost always suck? How it takes a while to find the right rhythm, to lean into it just enough to match the other's technic? That was nothing like that. It was the best kiss you had ever had, it was so perfect and so right. The way his lips moved over your own and his tongue stroked you, it was like you had done this a million times already, or simply like you were made for each other.
Nothing could stop you now. Not even your common sense that would advise you against fucking just anyone in that tiny space, when everyone was still outside. But common sense had left you long ago. Your body was being controlled by an innate, animalistic hunger. And you moaned his name as you straddled his waist and let him suck hickeys into your neck. And you thought about how this is the best thing that had happened to you as you started taking off his belt.
You heard it again; a thump in the room. This time it was certainly not just in your head. You looked around -let's be honest- scared out of your mind because the last thing you needed right now was for something to be hidden in there with you.
"Tae?" you asked in a low voice, just in case he was playing a stupid prank on you. But you were met with silence.
Until it happened again, a louder tap, and this time you determined it was coming from the window. Slowly, while keeping your body as far away as you could, you got closer. You stared at the glass, trying to figure out why it was making that sound. Then you saw it; a small pebble clashing on the pane and disappearing just as fast. You opened it immediately and leaned outside.
"What the hell?" you shouted when you noticed the shadow-covered man standing in the garden under your room. "What are you doing down there?"
Taehyung tossed away the stones he had in his palms, straining his neck to look up at you. "I wanted to talk to you."
"And you thought -instead of just coming to my room- it'd be easier to walk downstairs, get outside and throw rocks at my window?"
"I thought you wouldn't let me in if I just knocked on your door," he explained.
You groaned. He wasn't wrong; you would have probably continued to hide away and avoid him. But he didn't have to be so dramatic about it. Well, not that you are one to talk. "Ugh, just- get your ass in here," you shouted back.
"You're gonna talk to me?"
You groaned again. "Yes!"
You saw Taehyung run inside as if he was afraid you would change your mind in the meantime. Perhaps you would. You really didn't want to talk to him. What would you even say? You had no excuse to give him, or no excuse you wanted him to know, anyway. All you wanted was to pretend he wasn't even there until morning came; then you could drive back home and go back to pretending you didn't even know each other.
"He is crazy," you mumbled to yourself as you decided you couldn't evade this anymore. "No, that man is certified insane!" you kept on complaining to no one as you opened your door and dashed away.
You ran into him in the middle of the staircase. Stood there, just a step away from him, with your arms folded over your chest, keeping your eyes anywhere but on him.
"So?" you spat.
"I wanted to talk to you," he said in a whisper, a tone that sounded like he was guilty of something.
"Yes, I got that. You can talk now."
He looked down at your feet. "Here?"
You scoffed and moved past him, jogging down the stairs and taking a turn towards the kitchen. The boy followed you diligently. When you reached the room, you immediately grabbed a glass and filled it with water, chugging it down in one go and going for a second turn. You really wished this was something stronger, looking around to see if you could spot a bottle of some kind of liquor. You would need it if you were to have the conversation you thought you would.
"I have a confession to make," Taehyung announced after he decided the silence was enough.
You froze, the glass of water still against your lips, and you looked at him from the corner of your eyes. "Oh, please," you groaned but still couldn't move. "No more confessions from you."
He sighed, walking until he got right in front of you so that he could look you in the eyes for this. "I remember your party."
See, this is exactly what you feared the most. This...This conversation was what was making this place truly haunted for you.
"What?" you weakly breathed.
"Your... welcoming party? With Yoonji?" he continued. As if you didn't know what party he was talking about. "I remember everything about it."
"I wasn't that drunk."
The glass hit the counter with such force, for a second you thought you had broken it in your grip. But it had just provided a loud noise as you gaped at the boy in front of you. What were you supposed to say, now? Where to start?
"You didn't even remember meeting me!" you called out.
"Yeah I- I lied."
The worst part wasn't that he was pretending he didn't know who you were. No, that was low-key genius and you would have done the exact same thing if you were quick enough to think of it when you found yourself in that sitting room, across the person you least wanted to see. The worst part was that you had believed it. You felt like such an idiot. You had believed it and thought it meant you could have a clean start.
3 years, 2 months, and 14 days ago at 1:44 am
You didn't want to stop, but you still did, when Taehyung's phone went off. When he pulled away, gasping for air and apologizing. You thought you were having a moment there, you know, a moment where no matter who was calling, it wasn't important enough to pick up. But he apparently didn't see it that way. He took one look at his screen and asked you to be quiet.
Maybe your eyes accidentally caught the pet name on his contact for a split second, or maybe it was the girly voice that came muffled from the speaker, but your head started spinning without warning. And the space was suddenly too small, and it was choking you. You found the knob before he realized what you were doing, and with your body weight on the door, you were launched outside; into the light that burned your eyes. A girl was standing on the other side of the hallway, looking at you with judgement in her eyes and her phone in her hands, then immediately averting her pretentious gaze. A hand tried to hold onto your shirt to keep you back, but you escaped.
You stumbled through the place, not sure where you were trying to go or who you were trying to find, solely trying to keep yourself up and not barf on the new carpet. You wanted to get away, but where could you go? You lived there. You heard Yoonji's laugh before you even saw her, sighing in relief when you spotted her in the kitchen and letting your body fall on hers.
"Baby, baby, everything alright?" your roommate called for you, but you just held onto her without a word. She tried to bear your weight as best as she could, holding onto the counter so that you wouldn't both plummet onto the floor.
Another hand rubbed your back. "Did you drink a little too much, Ames?" It was Jimin's sweet voice. You whined into your friend's neck before you pulled back to look at her boyfriend.
"Jimin, is Kim Taehyung your friend?" you asked him.
He frowned, a little confused as to how the conversation got there. "Ye- yeah. He's my best friend. You met him, right?"
"Yeah," Yoonji responded for you. "I saw them talking earlier."
You took a deep breath; everything seemed to be against you at that moment, even the air itself, and you were trying so hard to not crumble. "Does he have a girlfriend?" you dared ask, even though you thought you might vomit if you heard the answer.
"Who? Tae?" Yoonji mumbled. You nodded, and she gave you a smirk right away. "Ohh... Why do you ask, baby? You interested?"
You rolled your eyes as both of them started teasing you. "No," you tried to tell them.
"Why, was he flirting with you?"
"How does he get every girl like that?"
"No, guys-"
"I don't blame her. He's so hot."
"Hey! I'm right here!"
"Just answer the damn question!" you yelled at them, and they finally stopped. Jimin looked at you with the same frown again.
"He does," he said and everything that was spinning in the room stopped abruptly. "Sorry, love. I promise you'll be the first to know when they break up."
Everything was foggy, and you felt numb. So numb, there was absolutely no thought in your head. You barely noticed the couple turn their heads to the door, barely realized who it was they were looking at.
"No, thanks," you whispered to Jimin then and pulled Yoonji away. "Bathroom," you simply stated and she carefully took you there, avoiding successfully the boy that was the topic of your conversation. For the first time of the many, many more that followed. All those times you stayed clear of gatherings you knew he would be at. All those times you changed your way, left a coffee shop, stayed silently in a corner in places there was nowhere else to go. You never told Yoonji exactly why you didn't want to be in the same room with him again, but she was very supportive no matter what.
You weren't sure why, either. Whether it was your hurt ego, your high standards for the people surrounding you, or the shame you felt every time you met his eyes, you couldn't tell. One thing you knew for sure was how you vowed to never fall for that again. Not from Taehyung, and not from anyone else. No more hooking up with random fuck boys at parties. No more associating yourself with people you don't even value enough. Kim Taehyung was an asshole, and you didn't care what he did or who he did it with, but you would rather be caught dead than be caught with him ever again.
Yet there you were. With him.
You cleared your throat. "And you're telling me this now because...?"
The photographer frowned, mostly at himself, clenching his jaw and looking at the ground. "Well, because you kissed me and ran away as if your life depended on it. Thought it might have something to do with that."
"Right." You bit the inside of your cheek, nodding slightly as you tried to think of what to say. Truly, what could you say? There have been so many things torturing your mind, but you didn't know which of those would be worth saying aloud. "Okay," you simply mumbled. "Are we done then?"
You tried walking past him but he held you back. "Wait, wait, hold on. You promised we would talk."
You just looked at him with your eyes wide. "You said you had a confession to make. You made it. There’s nothing more to say about that."
"Yes, there is."
"Like what?"
Taehyung snorted, finally letting you go. "Like what your problem with me is!"
You released a bitter laugh. "I thought you said you remember everything about that night."
He licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair. "It's been three years-"
"And you stay lying to me." He looked at you intensely but you didn't back down. You might not have wanted to have this conversation, but now that it was happening, you wouldn't cower one bit.
"Look," he started, taking a step closer. "What I did was wrong. Both to you and to my girlfriend. I understand, it was very shitty and I don't have any excuses. I'm not here to give you any excuses."
"Yeah, 'cause there is no excuse for such a thing," you bit back.
Taehyung sighed at your attitude, somewhat losing his patience, but continued. "Right," he mumbled through his teeth. "I told her what I did and we broke up. Actually, she forgave me and wanted to stay with me but I insisted on breaking up because I didn't want her to be in a relationship where I made such a mistake, I wanted her to find someone better."
You shrugged, folding your arms over your chest yet again and tapping your foot on the floor. "Alright. Good for her. What do you want, a cookie?"
"You really did less than the minimum, there, buddy. I don't know what you want from me right now."
"I- nothing!"
"Then why are you telling me this?"
He paused, opening and closing his mouth again, clearly not knowing how to reply. Maybe he expected a different reaction, or maybe he was nervous and it all translated into a type of irritation, but he was starting to look angry. "Because!" he said in a louder tone. "Because you keep treating me like that, you're acting like I'm this huge asshole, and I get it- first impressions are hard to change, but I'm not! I'm not that asshole you've made me out to be and quite frankly it's starting to get pretty annoying."
You chuckled. What else were you supposed to do? You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "Excuse me, but I have the right to believe anything I want about you. If I have a certain idea of who you are and it's not affecting you in any way, then what's the problem?" You saw Taehyung roll his eyes and turn away, his hands on his hips as he shook his head and sighed. "If I think what you did is bad enough for me to never change my mind about you, then that's my opinion."
He was mumbling his words out, not being able to form a sentence long enough for it to make sense. "But that's- you-" He kept grunting and shaking his head at you until he finally spoke up. "Three years!" he announced. "It's been three years, Amy, and you're still punishing me for this. Alright, it's your opinion to determine the gravity of it, but don't tell me it doesn't affect me. Not when you've been avoiding me for three years."
"I haven't-" you tried to lie.
But he knew better than that. "Yes, you have. Every time I wanted to come along with my friends, something always came up and you'd bail. You didn't even show up at Jimin's birthday for crying aloud! Because you knew I'd be there. And I wanted to talk to you, apologize to you. I liked you and wanted to make this right and you never gave me the chance." He took a deep breath after having given his monologue in a haste, almost like he was scared his words would bail, too, if he wasn't quick enough. "And then you're wondering why I pretended I didn't remember you?" You blinked at him when you realized he was waiting for an answer. You had none to give him. "What was I supposed to do, huh? What could I have done that wouldn't have resulted in you getting back in that car and driving away?"
You stayed silent, looking at him through your lashes, then averting your gaze again. You sniffed your nose a couple of times as you were trying to get your thoughts straight. Kicked the floor once or twice as you felt your body squirm under his stare; he wouldn't relieve you from the scrutiny. "I..." you finally mumbled. "I'm not interested in reconciling with you." You gulped but noticed his stance and expression didn't change at all. Like he expected those words. "I'm sorry if that's what you wanted to do, and that I prevented you from even trying. But I won't change my mind about this."
He licked his lips, looking at you with a serious frown, then simply said: "Why?"
Why was he even asking? Was it not obvious? "Look, I simply don't like people who do things like these. I don't want them as boyfriends, or friends, or anything. Nothing personal."
"But that's what I'm trying to say!" he insisted. "I'm not like that." He came close, so close his face was hovering above yours merely inches away, staring into your eyes with a sort of urgency. An urgency for you to understand him. "I'm not normally like that. That night... I don't know. That night was an exception. I really don't want to give you cliché excuses, but I thought you knew. I thought you felt it, too. I'm not crazy, right? There was something there that you felt, too?"
You gulped again, looking him up and down with fire all over your face. Because you knew instantly what he meant. But it had to take a few moments for it to actually sink in. That it wasn't just you. And that he, too, was unable to keep his hands from you that night. It certainly didn't justify his actions or lessen your disdain for him. But at least it felt a tiny bit good to know that you weren't just a naive little girl who had fallen for the pretty boy's trick, just like dozens of others.
"That still doesn't explain..." you started saying, keeping your opinion openly still the same, yet not denying his words.
"I know it doesn't!" he was quick to say. His eyes traveled all over your face, the tone of his voice having calmed a bit. "It was very douchy of me and I don't expect to be forgiven for it. Which is why I didn't stay with that girl." You jumped slightly when you felt his hands land on your arms. But you didn't pull away. "But I don't understand why you have to be so harsh on me. It's been three years, and this is still obviously bothering you. You haven't let it go even a little bit."
You looked away, taking a step back, but he quickly made up for it. "It doesn't bother me," you said, tongue in cheek.
"Well, it clearly does," he insisted. "When you are cold to me one moment, kissing me the next, and then running away like I hurt you."
"You did hurt me."
The words left your mouth before you could stop them. Before you even knew what you were saying yourself. He hurt you. You had never admitted that before. Always blaming your anger and aversion to him on your morals or whatever. Yet that was the true reason you didn’t want to see him, and you didn’t want to talk to him, and definitely not kiss him again.
Taehyung paused, taking a deep breath. He leaned nearer as he looked down at your lips as whispered. “I know,” he said in a sweet voice as if to reassure you. “I know.” That meant you weren’t crazy. “But why is it still hurting you now?” You tensed up at his question. “Why do you care -about me- so much that this is, to this day, an open wound?”
You scoffed. But you couldn't say anything. You tried pushing him away, and for a moment he let you, but then he was right in front of you again. Even closer, perhaps. “What are you…?” you murmured, looking quite lost. Especially with the close proximity that was driving your mind into a frenzy.
“Do you still like me?” he asked, straightforward.
“No!” you called immediately. But he didn’t seem convinced, raising an eyebrow at you. "I’m not still hurt. I just… I told you. I simply don't want anything to do with someone like you. So it's fine when you keep your distance, but it's not fine when you kiss me. I said I don't want- ."
"Yeah, yeah, you don't want a boyfriend nor a friend like me," he interrupted you to finish your sentence. "Not that I ever offered to be either of those."
Your cheeks flushed and you looked away immediately so as not to get caught. "I- I didn't say I wanted you to."
Taehyung chuckled. The sound almost scared you more than when he was shouting earlier. Because you knew a casual, flirty Taehyung was always more dangerous. "You know, you kissed me!" he reminded you.
Your mouth dropped in a dramatic way. "You seduced me into kissing you!" you complained.
And the boy laughed even harder. "Seduced? Is that your way of saying you couldn't resist me?"
You tried to fight back at his remarks that clearly only served the role of firing you up -whether that was with anger or something else, you weren't sure. And then he had the audacity to wonder why you still didn't like him? But your voice cracked, as you backed until your body hit the kitchen counter and your hands held the edge tight. "Is not!" you managed to get out.
Taehyung’s arms trapped you in that counter, his hands holding onto it on either side of your body until you were caged between them, as he leaned even closer, standing one breath away and staring at you with a smirk on his lips. It was clear then, he wasn’t trying to talk anymore.
“C’mon,” he rasped, a voice so low that it vibrated in frequencies hard to hear. “I know you can’t resist me. You couldn’t do it three years ago and you can’t do it now.”
Your palms hit his chest, trying to push him away from you as you breathed heavily, hearing your own heartbeat in your head and feeling your control slipping through your fingers. But you still couldn’t form any words. Your brain had shut down when it came to that. Just spinning around as Taehyung kept getting closer. What the hell was he trying to do?
"I'm just saying… There is no one here to judge you for it. No one will know you went against your morals," he purred, a hand leaving your side briefly to swipe your hair off your shoulder and caress your neck in the process. The contact made your palms clench into fists, his shirt pooling under your grip. And there were two ways you could go about this; either push or pull him.
“Go on then,” he said in a teasing tone. “Show me how much you hate me, princess. How you despise me and everything I stand for. Resist me.”
You did hate him. And you hated being proven wrong. So, those two together should result in you pushing him away and going to your room. Right? You should resist that man, it couldn’t be so hard, anyway. So tell me why the way he was looking at you made your knees buck? Why his words filled your stomach with butterflies, his scent numbed your brain like a hallucinogen? Why you couldn’t resist him.
Tell me why you pulled him in by the shirt.
He didn’t hesitate to wrap his lips around yours. Didn’t waste any time to hold you by the waist and press his body on yours. This was the third chance he was given for this and he was about to make it work. And he seemed to have been waiting for it. He already knew what to do, how to hold you, how to kiss you in order to make you moan in his mouth. It was the party scene all over again; as in, you were devouring each other in a sort of urgency, bumping your lips together like you were drunk and had just found the person you were feeling the craziest chemistry with, grinding on each other as if you were trying to merge together.
And maybe he was right; you could never resist him.
Your fingers dipped into his soft locks and he moaned your name. He snaked his arms under your thighs to push you up, letting you sit at the edge of the counter. He immediately filled in the gap between your legs, hands rubbing up and down your back, while you started kissing down his neck, making sure to mark him as if he was yours. He hissed and growled every time you bit him, riding your shirt up to get a feel of your skin underneath. Then finding your hands, intertwining your fingers together, and pushing them past your body, almost like he was trying to confine them away from him. And you hated not being able to touch him, hated how he pushed your body back to have you almost lay on the counter completely, and you couldn’t move. Because you wanted more.
And maybe he was right; no one would ever know about this. So perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to do this. This mistake. Taehyung.
“Princess, if you plan on regretting this and running away again, you better tell me now,” he rasped while kissing your collarbone. “I might not stop later.”
He was giving you an out. And normally you would have taken it. But at that moment the only thing busying your mind was that implied promise of what was to come.
“You better not,” you mumbled, more to yourself, but heard him chuckle when he heard it, too.
His hands clenched harder around yours before he released you in favor of grabbing your ass and your thighs. He squeezed you close, pulling you until your crotch was rubbing against his clear erection under his pants, and all you could do was whimper. Still kissing his neck, that sweet spot under his ear, biting his lob, and hearing him grunt at the way you were making him feel. Your hands, free now, could run up his toned arms and enjoy his body like you wanted to for a while.
He pulled his head slightly back to look into your eyes. His seemed so unfocused, so dark, like he had gotten high from you. “You want me to make you feel good?” he asked with a smirk. You weren’t sure if he was asking for permission or just building the anticipation.
“Can you?” No, you weren’t making a plea. You were questioning his skills. And he picked it up from your tone immediately.
“Can I?” he snorted, his eyes turning to the ceiling before he let his fingers slowly and very slightly brush your naked belly, moving further down. Your entire body squirmed with the rhythm of his fingertips. “You shiver every time I touch you. So, yeah, I think I can do anything I want to you.”
You immediately punched his chest, pushing him away. “God, I hate you.”
But his smug smirk wouldn’t back down. And he wouldn’t let go of you. “We have already established that,” he murmured, as he lowered his head down- and farther down- until it was right in front of the fly of your pants. And your stomach was sucked in the entire time, your whole body, actually, as if you were trying to take up less space. As if you were trying to pull away from him, even though at the same time you could feel your lower half burning from want, and your lips were already missing his.
But then he looked up at you too, as he was bent down there in front of your crotch, to stare into your eyes through his lashes with a hotshot grin and his tongue between his teeth; and you forgot how to breathe. And then he unbuttoned you with his mouth, biting the zipper and pulling it down slow enough for you to feel every vibration on your body, without ever breaking eye contact; and you thought your soul left your body.
He was back at his normal height, pushing your pants down while licking his lips and examining your face. “Alright, princess,” he spoke in a low tone. “I will give you my best, on one condition.” The pants were completely off and he was working on your unimpressive underwear next. “Every time I do make you feel good, you have to say my name.”
He had gotten you all naked from your waist down, yet he still hadn’t even glanced there; kept his eyes stubbornly on yours. But when you tried to press your legs together, feeling shy and exposed, he was holding them tight. “That’s your condition?” you wondered, not seeming too hard to do. You were probably going to do it anyway.
He leaned down, keeping his lips close enough to rub on yours when he spoke. “Yes. Every time. I want you to keep reminding yourself who it is that is making you feel this way.” When he kissed you, it worked almost as a distraction to how one hand crept in between your thighs and pressed around your folds, yet avoiding the place you needed him to touch.
His lips moved at the same rhythm as his fingers, his tongue slipping in your mouth right as he finally moved them closer, getting them all dirty with your wetness. Index and middle finger rubbing up and down, brushing against your clit and over your opening but never giving into either. You hummed in frustration as you bit down on his bottom lip, your hips trying to move forward, trying to get more.
“What did I tell you?” he whispered, increasing his pressure on your clit just for a moment, a moment long enough to make you gasp with your mouth open over his.
“Tae…” you breathed.
“Say it,” he insisted.
“Taehyung,” you moaned, closing your eyes as he started moving his fingers in circles over the sensitive bud like a reward.
“You’re so wet, already,” he observed, something quite obvious from the sounds the simple movement was creating. “Is that all for me?” He pulled his head back to watch your reaction better, smiling when he saw you nodding. “Good girl,” he purred, rewarding you yet again with sliding one finger easily inside.
"Oh,” you moaned, your body immediately arching towards his. You still needed more. The better it all felt, the more you wanted from him.
The photographer inhaled sharply through his teeth, stilling his actions. “Amy, what did we say?”
“Taehyung,” you immediately obeyed. And you didn’t need to be told twice. “Taehyung,” you moaned, again and again, as he worked his magic into you. As he kissed you in that way no one had ever been able to replicate. “Taehyung,” as he pushed a second finger in to stretch you out. “Taehyung,” as he found your g-spot and massaged it softly as if he was working with something fragile. “Taehyung, Taehyung,” as he made you come, once, twice, thrice. With his fingers inside you, on your clit, his mouth french-kissing your pussy, his tongue dipping in and out as he lapped at your juices.
All while you had to make yourself think of who exactly was fucking you like that. Who was making your legs shake, your head spin, your sight and hearing unclear. Whose hair you were pulling, whose teeth you had marks of on your thighs, whose name you were screaming.
Kim Taehyung.
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exosmutfactory · 4 years ago
Six Phases 005 Pt 2
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Who knew it nearly took 6 months to win your heart, and 6 phases for Baekhyun to lose his mind.
[ contains: romance, fluff, angst, & smut ]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1) P(2) ✓ | Part 6 P(1)  P(2)
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
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Orginally posted by sefuns
I'm starting to wonder when that talk will happen—if ever. It's been two weeks of us in the same dynamic as the start of our relationship. If I had known we would resort back to this point all those months ago, I would have left that night of our first kiss and never looked back. (Says this with my full chest as if my heart would allow such a thing. I'd just continue sitting and staring up at the ceiling with disappointment squeezing the mess out of my poor muscle).
A buzz pulls me from my miserable thoughts, turning my attention to my phone dangerously close to falling off the side of my bed. I catch it just before it tips over the edge.
I'm outside
Puffing my cheeks while sending a reply, I stand up from my pile of blankets. Temporary safe haven left for my return in a few days.
Smoothing out the fabric of my blue jeans, I move to slip into my simple black and white converses; making sure my phone and charger are safely tucked into my silver purse. Taking one last look around the room still containing Jenny's messy array of clothes on her bed, my lips quirk up into a quick smile. Some things never change.
Choosing to go down the stairs today, I make sure the door is locked behind me; shoving my hands into the pockets of my dark gray hoodie with quick strides. The hallways are packed with students preparing to leave for the long weekend as well. A few barely familiar faces waving me farewell.
I slip through the door someone carelessly walked out of moments before, not even to look back to check if anyone else was coming out in their haste. I’ve hit my face a couple of times from instances like these. Never again.
Shaking my head, I pick up my pace at the sight of a familiar shiny black Audi parked out in front. The visual of Baekhyun's form clad in a black t-shirt, white hoodie, and an off-white coat leaning against the expensive car is nearly enough for my heart to stop. And the smile he sends my way could melt me into a puddle all together. "Hey." His voice is tentative like the hand that gently tucks hair behind my ear.
"Hi," My voice is barely above a whisper as he moves to open the passenger door, the way his brown eyes watch me has my own shyly lowering to his ripped blue jeans; carefully maneuvering around his brand new multicolored gray shoes to step into the car. I take a peek at him walking around to climb inside as well; smiling at his little shiver when he opens the door in wake of a chilly breeze.
"You're not bringing anything?" He inquires once he’s settled in the driver's seat, looking over at me while the engine purrs to life.
I simply shake my head, observing how the colorful trees pass by the window, turned into an array of different hues in the wake of the best season there is; Fall. It may only be the beginning of September, but the signs are all there. Late sunrises, chillier nights, and the scattering of fallen leaves across the ground. The season of pleasant walks without the hinder of bees, sneezing fits from pollen, or the unmerciful heat of the sun.
We barely say a word as the rest of the world flies by, but there is less tension in the car. I hesitate a bit before reaching for the stereo, pausing when Baekhyun beats me there; turning the radio to our favorite station with a knowing smile.
It's about a 3-hour commute from campus to my home. Tall innovative buildings gradually morphing into more humble structures; brick walls versus floor to ceiling windows.
I direct Baekhyun down a few back roads that his GPS struggles to navigate, taking pleasure in how his eyes widen the moment we pull up to the house. "Whoa…"
Rose bushes I helped my grandmother plant are still in full bloom out front in the spacious yard; ruby reds and pretty pinks basking in the unshy sunlight beaming from above. The familiar scent of freshly cut grass greets my nose the moment I step out of the car, glancing back at Baekhyun when he goes to retrieve his duffle bag from the backseat.
Spinning back on my heel, I open my arms on instinct, receiving a tight hug from a fast moving small person with a quiet ‘oof!’ "Hi Mom." I mumble through my restricted breath, her short hair tickling my chin.
She pulls back a bit in realization, grinning sheepishly up at me before her brown eyes flicker somewhere behind me, hardening into that classic protective mother bear look. "You sure haven't been calling much this week."
"I was busy," I try to justify, a slight whine in my voice that seems to startle Baekhyun. The loud thud of what I assume is his head hitting the roof of the car makes us both turn to him. He's gingerly rubbing the back of his head, the expression of a kid being caught doing something they shouldn't on his reddening face.
"Busy, huh?" Her eyes narrow in suspicion.
"Yep! I had a few assignments to finish up in advance," I chirp; mindful to keep the nervousness out of my voice, easing her up a little as Baekhyun carefully makes his way over to us. My hand comfortably slips into his despite the swarm of butterflies in my stomach under her watchful stare. "Mom, this is Baekhyun." Peeking over at him, I look back to her, motherly instinct still visible in her eyes. "Baekhyun, this is my mom."
"Hello, Mrs. Parker," His tone is similar to the one he uses when greeting associates; calm, respectful, and observant of her fiercely yet wary mannerisms while sliding the duffle strap further up his shoulder before holding out his hand to her.
She squints down at his hand, meets his eye, and grips his hand for a firm handshake; pops of his bones being squeezed audible to all our ears. "Mr. Byun." After one last look to size him up, she swiftly turns away.
"Did I ever mention she's ex-military?" I whisper in his ear as she walks back up the short driveway leading to the house.
"No," He replies just as quietly with wide eyes, slowly flexing his fingers.
"Well then! Let's go," Holding his hand more firmly in mine, I venture after my mom, quick to catch the door before it closes behind her. "There's someone else you should meet."
"Your dad?" He inquires stepping over the threshold.
"Shoes go over there," I point to a rack stationed next to the large carpet that we keep in front of the door, slightly shaking my head. "No, men rarely enter this house."
His lips part along with the furrow in his brows, question at the tip of his tongue, "Wha-"
"Honey bear!" I turn just in time to be wrapped up in another tight hug, resting my free hand on their back. "Hi Grandma," My voice comes out muffled in her shoulder, the comforting scent of lavender and her shoulder-length salt & pepper hair tickling my nose.
She pulls back to look me over with a warm smile, sending the same sentiment Baekhyun's way before taking my other hand. "Come on, I'll whip up something for lunch."
Baekhyun's eyes light up a bit at the prospect, his shoulders losing tension as he neatly sets down his duffle bag on the couch, letting her lead us further into the house. A few family pictures on the wall catches his eye along the way. I gently cup his chin to distract him from the more embarrassing ones, why the hell is there a photo of me completely destroying my dinner in my high chair on the front wall!?!
"Grandma," I start the second we step into the kitchen, placing my hand on my hip, "What happened to the cream curtains?"
"In the closet," She lifts up the blinds of the blue-curtained window above the sink, making her way over to the refrigerator. "I forgot. We can put them back up later, have a seat."
Taking my designated seat at—arguably—the tail end of the rectangular table, I shoot a smile over at Baek settling into the seat to my right, sliding my hand back into his under the privacy of the autumn-themed tablecloth.
The distinct smell of chicken and relish reaches my nose, dragging my attention away from admiring the warmth of his brown orbs. "Grandma? Are you making chicken salad?"
Her reassuring hum makes me squeal a little, my gaze shifts back to Baekhyun when he lightly squeezes my hand, shooting me a fond smile. "Chicken salad?" He inquires, sparkly eyes full of curiosity.
I nod, softly playing with his fingers, "It's canned chicken, relish, and mayo."
His brow lifts a little, "I thought you hated mayonnaise?"
"I do," I mumble, sneaking a quick kiss to his cheek when no one is looking, feeling my heart leap a bit at the unexpected act of affection. "It tastes better than it sounds, trust me."
His cheeks redden, and even more so when mom's voice rings out in the quiet room.
"Kissing in the kitchen now, huh?"
"Mom," I weakly protest, hiding my red face behind my hand as Baekhyun directs his gaze to the tabletop. She swiftly enters the room with a teabag in hand, opening the fridge while Grandma stands by the countertop, mixing all the ingredients together.
"Perfectly fine," Mom comments, coming back out of the fridge with a small glass container in her other hand, walking over to our side of the table while cheekily adding, "Not in front of the food though."
"Kimberly," Grandma chastises, making her way over as well. Mom just sets down the dish with a playful smile, "I peeled you a few carrots when I heard you were coming."
"Really?" I perk up, receiving and thanking them for the food while Baekhyun shyly gives his gratitude as well; I can't help smiling at the bashful expression playing at his handsome features, looking totally out of his element. Who knew he'd be this reserved? It's cute.
"Here," I quickly retrieve a packet of crackers from the shelf stationed against the wall behind me, opening them up as Baekhyun looks over the food curiously. "We usually eat it with bread or crackers," I pause, taking a good look at him then, "Do you want bread instead?"
He lightly shakes his head, the motion causes his long hair to dangle into his eyes, creating an even more adorably shy expression on his cute face. It's hard containing my fond smile while giving him some crackers and scooping chicken salad on his plate. "We ate this often back in the US," I murmur, handing him the spoon before grabbing another. "Chicken salad. Sometimes with soup."
"She'd toast her bread," Grandma sits across from Baekhyun, digging into her own small portion of tuna salad; the potent smell of onions filling the air.
"And drown it with mustard," Mom mutters, phone in one hand and steaming cup of ginger tea in the other. "She puts that shit on everything, I swear."
"Hey!" I shoot them both a mock look of betrayal as she takes the remaining seat, setting her phone neatly on the table. "Why must you two gang up on me?"
"Gotta make sure he knows what he's getting himself into," She mumbles, sipping her tea, turning to face Baekhyun then. "Does she still leave leftovers if it's more than a sandwich?" She inquires, eyeing him evenly. "And her eyes sparkle at the mention of ice cream?"
"Ah, well…" He falters, eyes briefly flickering to the ceiling, a thoughtful expression on his face. A little smile forming on his lips before looking her way again. "Actually, yes." He utters softly, sparkly orbs peeking over at me.
I start taking a bite out of my meal with my hand blocking them from view, pretending as if they—and myself—are not here.
"Still got the appetite of a little kid." Grandma chuckles, glancing over at me while spooning tuna on her bread. "How is Sehun doing, sweetie?"
The shy feeling in my chest eases away. Perking up at the change of topic, I chirp, "Great! His gym is going well, and he just moved in with his lover into a new apartment.~"
"Really?" Her smile is visible even from her blue eyes alone, aged hand brushing away wild strands of salt and pepper hair from her forehead. "That's good, I'm glad."
Mom makes a noise over her cup of tea, arching a brow as she utters lowly, "Y'all not thinking of moving in together are you-"
"Mom!" I shake my head, waving my hands around. "No, no. We're not at that point-"
"We're not?" Baekhyun mumbles, a petulant tone to his quiet voice.
We all fall silent at that, wordlessly looking at him. My blush dying down in an instant.
"Ah, Kim," Grandma pushes away from the table, sandwich clutched in hand. "I need help with that thing I told you about earlier."
"Thing?" Mom's brows furrow, pure confusion on her face, "What thing-"
"The thing," Grandma emphasizes, urging her to stand, already leading the way out of the kitchen. "Let's leave the lovebirds to their meal, they must be tired from their journey." She throws her arm over Mom's shoulder as she continues to grumble in confusion, glancing back at us with knowing blue eyes as they turn the corner and flashing a wink.
I relax back in my chair, sinking down a little with a shaky sigh. Heart jumping at the fingertips tentatively searching for my hand.
"You good?" Baekhyun murmurs, warm breath caressing my cheek.
"Yeah," My eyes lazily drift back over to him. The dazed look in his eyes makes me straighten up, "I should be asking you that. You okay?"
He hums, dabbing his lips with a napkin. Crescent moon eye-smile giving away the hidden curl of his lips. "I'm a little surprised, is all." He murmurs.
"Really?" My eyes widen, heart-squeezing uncomfortably in my chest. "W-Why?"
"You," Baekhyun mutters, setting down the napkin. Slender index finger smoothing out the furrow between my brows, "You're a spitting image of your mom and a carbon copy of your grandma..." He tilts his head, brown orbs twinkling thoughtfully; a little smirk forming on his lips, "With a dash of rebel spirit."
"Yah," I complain, batting his hand away from pinching my cheek. He isn't wrong though, I only let my mom boss me around. And even then, I always find loopholes within the rules she sets out for me. Thanks, Grandma. But it's hard playing the role of a good daughter with him around. Do I behave like the person he knows or the one he hasn't seen? This weekend will be full of testing the waters, it seems...
Baekhyun just chuckles, going back to his meal.
"Do you wanna go somewhere?" I mumble after a few minutes, holding a cracker topped high with salad and carefully cupping it with my other hand while stuffing it in my mouth.
Baekhyun hums, brown eyes shifting from the last few bites on his plate to focus on me. "Where do you wanna go?" His words come out muffled, cheeks adorably stuffed with food.
"There's this nice park in town," Neatly tucking our leftover crackers into a sandwich bag to keep them fresh for later, I add, "It has biking trails, a playground, and a mini water park-"
"Your stomach hurts if you walk too much after eating," Baekhyun raises a brow, swallowing the rest of his food. "And you hate getting your hair wet."
"I know!" It's hard containing my smile. I'm flattered that he remembered such trivial things. I rest my head on his shoulder and hug his arm, looking up into his sparkly brown eyes. "We could go swing for awhile?~"
Baekhyun looks me over for a long moment, lips quirking up as he reaches to dab the corner of my lips with a napkin as well. "Okay," He mumbles, adding fondly. "Only for you."
I bite my lip to fight back another smile, stacking our empty plates and taking his hand. Gently setting them in the sink before leading him deeper into the house. "Mom? Grandma?"
"In here, honey."
Following the sound of Grandma's voice, I rest my free hand on the open door frame, peeking into her bedroom. Finding mom clicking around her old computer while she stands by the open window. "I'm gonna show Baekhyun around at the park, we'll be back for dinner."
"Okay, baby," Mom mumbles, brows furrowed in concentration. Grandma shoos us away with a little smile.
Smiling their way, I glance at Baekhyun, squeezing his hand before walking back out into the living room. We retrieve our shoes from the rack, slipping into them again. His quiet chuckles filling the room while steadying my wobbling body before I fall over; cursing gravity while struggling to pull on my right converse.
A few neighbors are out in their yards as we make our way to the car, some men that go to the same college I do. The sight of them and their cat-calls has me flinching, quickly hiding behind Baekhyun. Peeking with an embarrassed expression over his shoulder as he glares at them. I swear I've seen them at Jongdae's party… My face bursts into flames, even more so at the way Baekhyun gives me the side-eye as if he has a good idea of why they are like this as well.
I meekly climb into the Audi, gently closing the door behind me as Baekhyun starts the engine. Throwing his arm over the back of my seat while backing out of the driveway in an unfairly attractive manner. His brown eyes flicker over to me with a blank expression on his face. I just sink down as far as possible in my seat.
The ride to the park is dead silent, not even the radio is on to defuse the stifling tension in the air. I fight the urge to keep taking glances over at Baekhyun. His tight grip on the steering wheel is enough of an indication of the current mood he is in. What has him mad now? I don't know how much more of this I can take…
We finally arrive at the park, I slip out of the car the moment he pulls into a parking space. Not even waiting for him before venturing down a familiar walking trail. The sounds of his shoes hitting the pavement has me quickening my pace. Adrenaline fueling me forward.
Nope nope nope. The last few weeks bombard me all at once, causing a lump to form in my throat along with the tight squeeze in my chest. I crouch down under the weight of my unrelenting thoughts, wrapping my arms around my knees. Why did I let him come home with me? How do I face them now when we are like this? One look at my face and they'll know everything.
"How do I know you were with her?"
The bitterness in his voice perfectly matched the cold of his dull eyes. The bite of his menace full words.
"You were out fucking Jongin."
My heart practically shatters, feeling pressure behind my stinging eyes. Will we always be like this? Are we just going to continue down this road of destruction until… until—
I flinch away from the hand resting on my shoulder, head snapping up to see him through blurry eyes. The concern written all over his face nearly enough to send me to tears.
"I told you not to push yourself," He mumbles, thumb gently swiping beneath my eye. Brown orbs a complete 360 from what they were earlier. "Come on," He urges, crouching down to my level, looking all over my person. "Let's go sit down. You wanted to swing, hmm? I'll push you."
I slowly nod, my stress ebbing away as he wraps his comforting arms around me, carefully pulling me up to stand. His distinct scent makes me soften further within his hold; my gaze focused on our respect shoes as he leads me toward the playground with his arm over my shoulders.
"No one is here today?" I look up at his question, briefly taking in the confusion on his face before sweeping my eyes over the vacant area. "Strange," My response is simple, hands shoved deep in the front pocket of my hoodie.
Baekhyun glances down at me, brushing his thumb over my jaw. "Pick which one you want, love."
Wordlessly moving away from the warmth of his embrace, I plop down into the swing I always go to when no one else is using it. The leather seat is visibly higher up from the ground than its twin, a fresh patch of lighter shaded dirt underneath. Less strain for me later when I try to stop myself instead of having to stretch my legs towards the dug-up ground. And white sneakers be damned, I need this.
The scent of vanilla tickles my nose, Baekhyun's lean form in my peripheral vision as I tighten my grip on the metal handles. Butterflies fluttering in my stomach while he pulls me back, my feet lifting off of the ground.
He gives me the lightest push forward, and I scoff, shooting him a glare. "You can do better than that, Byun."
His lips twitch, a mischievous glint in his eye while I'm swinging back towards him, tucking my legs to make sure my shoes won't dirty his jeans. His next push has significantly more strength behind it. I squeak at the croak of the old chains, laughing loud as I launch myself along with the motion; soaring towards the sky. There's nothing quite freeing like the weightless feeling that comes with swinging. Aiming higher and higher until the chains drop heavily under my weight on the way down. Nothing to worry about except the wind in your hair and falling out at a scary height.
"This is so fun!" I yell, beaming with bounds of delightful adrenaline; glancing over my shoulder at Baekhyun. My smile dims when he isn't there.
"Baek?.." I slow down to a stop, burying my converses in the dirt. Twisting around in my seat for any sign of the silver-haired man, a sense of panic steadily rising in my chest. Where did he go? He… didn't leave or anything, right? It's getting a bit harder to breathe.
"Baekhyun? Baek-" I yelp at the sudden tug on my swing, looking up at the man in front of me with wide eyes.
Baekhyun holds the eye contact with dark brown orbs, slowly pulling me closer until our foreheads touch, his breathing steady compared to my slightly labored one. He looks so eternal against the backdrop of the sun beginning to set. Stunning pink, purple, and orange hues framing around his heart-stopping features like the most beautiful portrait, painting him in a hypnotizing glow. The way his eyes constantly flicker down to my mouth makes me gulp, my face heating up against the cool fall air.
Baekhyun licks his lips, meeting my eyes before leaning in. I release a shaky breath, eyes fluttering shut at the brush of his soft pillows to mine, grip tightening on the old sturdy chains of the swing.
The kiss starts out soft, his lips tentatively moving with mine, but then the mood shifts. His hands grabbing my hips and my own tugging on his silver hair, our tongues battling for dominance in a knee-weakening dance. The loud clearing of someone's throat breaks us from our spell.
Baekhyun remains unphased, shamelessly taking his time to pull away with a wet smack of lips. "I think we have an audience, love." He chuckles, licking his bottom lip in a way that has my insides quivering. I avert my gaze from the stranger's heated glare, focusing on our dirty shoes instead.
Baekhyun tucks his finger under my chin, bright orbs twinkling in amusement. "Let's go?" He mumbles, raising a brow, holding his hand out to me.
I nod quietly, still a bit breathless as he helps me out of the swing, my shaky knees buckling under me. Baekhyun's hands rest with familiarity on my waist, holding me up as I struggle to get my legs working properly again. His naturally addictive scent and alluring eyes don't help my current situation at all. Do I ever get a break from falling for this man? Literally!?
"Let's get you home before your mother skins me alive," He murmurs humoredly, his brown eyes alight, leading our way back to the car.
The smell of fried fish greets us at the threshold of the door. I perk up at the sound of boiling hot cooking oil, hastily slipping out of my shoes. Leaving Baekhyun to neatly place them back on the rack while running to the kitchen. "Grandma, you didn't!~"
"Grab a plate." She chuckles, setting a fresh batch of fish in a serving tray. The sight of fries and home-made onion rings making my eyes widen in glee. I skip over to the sink to wash my hands, quickly getting two plates from the high cabinets and heading to the stove to grab the desired pieces of fish. Setting a few of the biggest ones on Baekhyun's blue striped dish.
He joins us at the stove with washed hands just as I'm biting into an onion ring, pressing a kiss to my temple with a little hum. "Careful, baby!" He exclaims as I fan my burnt mouth, catching the ring in his palm before it can fall to the floor.
"Same little Riley," Mom shakes her head, handing me a cold glass of water with a pacifying hug.
"I'm not little!" My words come out weird around my throbbing tongue, wildly gesturing between our height difference as Baekhyun chuckles, taking our plates to the table. Grandma shortly joins in on the embrace, "Hush and go eat your food."
"That's what got me into this predicament in the first place," I grumble, wiggling away after a few moments.
We all take our seats, respective plates containing appetizing food. No one cooks Southern delicacy quite like Grandma. I swear, give her fresh meat or cans of anything and she can create a masterpiece. My mouth is salivating just at the thought of the perfectly seasoned meal in front of me. Baekhyun's knowing look keeps me from taking a bite of the steaming fry held carefully between my nails. Right, a repeat of a few minutes ago isn't the wisest idea. I set it back on my plate with a pout.
"Ooh~ she went for the onion rings again." Mom teases, drawing everyone's attention to me reaching for the ketchup bottle. "Expect to get a few mouthfuls of seconds," She continues, amused eyes drifting over to Baekhyun.
"Here," Grandma breaks off a few paper towels, handing them to me. I take them shyly, carefully breaking my pieces of fish in half, "Picky little eater. She gets it from her mom." She gestures to the other end of the table, Mom pausing mid-break of her fish.
"I like to know what I'm eating," She justifies, munching on a fry, "Can you hand me the mustard, baby?"
"Mmhm!" I stretch with the yellow bottle across the table, starting to stand up to walk around to her side instead when Baekhyun gently takes it from my hand, politely giving it to her.
Conversation flows easily after that. Both of them taking turns asking Baekhyun questions regarding his work and home life. I watch them carefully, swiftly steering the conversation away from a handful of embarrassing childhood memories. No way in hell I'm letting him hear any of that. My gaze shoots down to my plate, the last little half of my fish makes me wince at the thought of eating anything more. Realizing this, I shyly tug on Baekhyun's shirt, trying to inconspicuously get his attention, "Baekhyun…"
"Hmm?" His cheeks are puffed up with the last of his food, the attentive look in his eyes makes me bashfully lower mine.
"Do you want the rest of my food?" I meekly utter, worrying my bottom lip.
He chews a few times, swallows the food in his mouth, and dabs at his lips with a napkin before leaning to kiss my forehead, flashing a reassuring smile at me. "Yes, baby."
"Do you know she's afraid of the dark?" Mom sips her drink, grinning knowingly my way. Oh no.
Baekhyun hums thoughtfully, shaking his head. "No, she never mentions when she stays-" My muffled squeal draws his eyes back to me, innocent orbs widening, "Over."
Mom faces me then, "Do you need-"
"I'm sleeping with the lights on, yes," I interject, not missing a beat. A few decent nights of rest is needed before my first day of work on Monday. The thought alone makes me shiver. Why do I have to do this adulting shit again?
"See?" She complains, a whine to her loud voice. "I can't get her to sleep with them off for the life of me!"
"Scary stuff happens in the dark! You've said it yourself!" I rebuke just as dramatically, hands firmly planted on the table. Grandma and Baekhyun just laugh watching us.
"Lights out and sharing leftovers…" She mutters, idly swirling the contents in her glass, a little smirk hinting at whatever flustering thing she will say next. "When's the wedding?"
I seek an escape within my folded arms on the table, hanging my head in mock defeat as harmless laughter echoes around the room.
I insist on helping them with the dishes after dinner, Baekhyun being shooed out the room by Grandma and fixed with a stern stare from Mom. He goes on to take a shower while sheepishly ruffling his hair.
"So..." Mom gives me the side-eye, hands deep in soapy water. "You've been dating this man for a year and haven't made a peep about him-"
"Half a year!" I clarify, mindful of her disapproving tone while wiping at the damp plate with a brown square pattern dish towel in my hands. Listening carefully to make sure the shower down the hall is still running before lowering my voice. "Plus I wanted to make sure he was worth mentioning, Ma," I whine, shrinking back at the stern look she gives me. "Or bringing home…"
"Well, he seems like a nice young man," Grandma inputs, neatly setting dried plates up in the cabinets.
"Sure..." Mom mutters, handing me a glass, going back to washing the dishes. I send Grandma a grateful look over her shoulder, she just winks at me.
"Riley?" Baekhyun's gentle voice breaks through the quiet atmosphere of swaying water and silverware clinking together. I glance over my shoulder, turning fully at the sight of his hair dripping non-stop onto his black t-shirt. "Baek, what have I told you about drying your hair?" I tsk, walking over with quick strides. Pulling the towel hanging around his neck and reaching up to gently dry his silver locks. "It's not good for your health or your dyed hair." I can't help but grumble, carefully detangling the delicate strands. "Are you tryna get sick or go bald?"
"No..." He mumbles, head tilted down as I smooth out his hair.
"What am I gonna do with you…" I sigh, resting my hands on his shoulders, taking in the sheepish expression on his face. My weak heart softens, "Will you be alright out here for the night?"
He nods, putting the towel back around his shoulders, "It's not my first time sleeping on an air mattress."
My lips quirk up a little, sending him an apologetic look. An all-women house means all women rules—no men are allowed in our rooms in the rare instance they stay over. For good reason too, I'd throw a fit if either Mom or Grandma pulled that shit—keep your relationship business out of my earshot!!! For fuck sake.
I follow Baekhyun over to the mattress in the middle of the living room floor, stacked high with some of my own pillows. (The watchful stare I received from mom while tugging them out of my room… Worth it). And a thick comforter. It's that odd time of year where it's late to turn off the air conditioner yet too soon to switch on the heat. Subjecting us to many cold nights and hot mornings.
"You can kiss, we won't look," Mom's teasing tone floats from the kitchen doorway, Grandma not too far behind. The noise of protest I squeak out is too high pitched for my own ears, nearly jumping off my perch at the edge of the bouncy mattress.
Baekhyun laughs in that adorable way of his, cheeks rosy and eyes twinkling in delight as he wraps an arm around my waist. I hide my red face in his broad shoulder instead.
My family heads to sleep early for the night, lucky with being able to venture to the realm of dreams just as their heads hit their pillows. Must be nice, it takes hours of endless social media scrolling to catch up with friends before I can think of catching a wink of rest. Sehun sends me a meme so damn ridiculous I have to muffle my laughter in fear of waking everyone else up.
I don't settle down for sleep until well after midnight. The temperature in the room seems to have dropped 10 degrees within the last hour, making me shiver, quickly grabbing a fleece pajama top to pull over my butterfly printed sleeping shirt. After countless hours spent tossing and turning, I decided to get out of bed, walking over to open my door on light feet; peeking around to make sure no one else is awake.
Tiptoeing out into the hall, I avoid the creaks in the floorboards, smiling tiredly at the adorable sight up ahead in the living room.
Baekhyun is tucked under a pile of blankets, nothing but his silver-haired head exposed to the chilly temperature in the house. 70 degrees in Autumn is a complete 180 from 70 degrees in the Summer here. Thanks a lot, climate.
I ease my way into the room, taking a quick glance towards the dark kitchen that sends a shiver going down my spine.
"Baekhyun?" I whisper, trying to see if he's awake or not. Receiving no response, I inch closer; crouching down to rest my hand on his back, "Baek—"
He flinches, air mattress squawking under his weight, "Shit... Baby?" He chuckles, leaning upon his arm, running a hand through his ruffled hair. "You scared me."
"Yeah?" I whisper, biting back a laugh, "I can see that." Smiling softly at his weak glare, I shuffle closer on my knees.
"What are you doing?" He mumbles, sleep evident in his droopy eyes, low vocal octave, and the fabric indent on his cheek.
"Couldn't sleep," I shrug, watching him with a smile. "What about you?" I ask, hands resting comfortably on my knees, my eyes widening. "Are you comfortable? If your back hurts or anything we can sw—" A warm hand cupping my cheek silences me. I blink a few times while meeting his gaze; the fondness I find there warming up my sleepy form from the inside out.
"I'm alright," He mumbles, thumb rubbing over the curve of my cheek. Smile growing on his lips as I lean into his touch.
"Good." I hum, closing my eyes and nuzzling his palm.
"Come here," He sweetly requests.
Humming again, I focus on his comforting touch; squeaking when I'm suddenly being pulled onto the bed.
"Shh!" He hushes, laughing under his breath at the disgruntled look on my face; coaxing me to lay by his side.
I do so grumpily, heart still racing a mile a minute until the familiar scent of vanilla and Baekhyun wraps around me like a warm blanket. The racing of his own heart under my palm brings a smile to my lips. Quiet mutters under his breath has my eyes peeling back open to meet his, "Hmm?"
"It's not the same sleeping without you." He murmurs, softly squeezing his arms around my waist, a hint of shyness on his sleepy features.
"You seem to be doing just fine these past few weeks," I can't help but remind him, pointedly arching a brow.
Baekhyun sighs, pressing a lingering kiss to my forehead that causes my cheeks to warm. "I'm sorry."
"All talk, where's the action?" I play it off as a joke, teasing grin contrasting the war raging in my heart and the depths of my worried mind.
He looks me over for a while, tucking a stubborn lock of hair behind my ear. "I am. Starting…" He leans closer, soft lips hovering over mine, hot whisper making goosebumps rise on my skin, "Now."
"Sneaking around, huh?"
I barely give a response, snuggling closer to the pleasant heat of the pillow wrapped up in my arms only to pause when it vibrates under my touch, an all-too-familiar chuckle tickling my ear. My eyes snap open with a squeak, ducking under the covers at the sight of Baekhyun's lazy yet attractive smile. The feeling of his warm hand on the back of my bare thigh sends my cheeks aflame. How hard do you have to blush before catching on fire? I fear I am nearing that point.
"Here I was thinking I'd catch you both in your room this morning, but this-" Mom continues as I poke out my head, shooting her a grumpy look.
Grandma enters the room from the kitchen, lightly smacking her arm. "Leave them be." She scolds, smiling sweetly at us. "Good morning, lovebirds. Come, breakfast is ready."
And with that, Baekhyun and I swiftly began the new day. I offered to go to the store with Grandma to pick out something nice for dinner—and to sneak a peek at the dessert aisle. Who am I kidding, I got a cinnamon bun flavored tub of ice cream sitting in the cart right now. The description alone enough to make my eyes sparkle, according to Grandma.
"So," She begins, placing lettuce in the cart, "What was the fight about?"
"Grandma!" I splutter, nearly dropping the cucumbers in my hands along with my startled heartbeat. See what I mean? Can't hide shit in this house!
"What? You're both tiptoeing around each other like guilty little kids." She holds open the plastic bags as I drop the fruit inside with care. "It's not good to leave a fight unresolved, you know?"
"I-I know, it's just…" He's one of the most stubborn men alive—"Heart to hearts is not really our strong suit..."
"Do you want this relationship to last?" She looks me dead in the eye then, seeming to find an answer despite my silence. "A relationship cannot work without communication and trust." Her statement is firm, but her tone softens, "You've seen what happens when those are lacking."
I go quiet for a while, taking a peek at the grocery list, "I'll go pick the spaghetti noodles." With that, I venture off on my own.
My pace is slow, dragging my feet deeper into the store. A chew toy left in the middle of my path nearly sends me falling on my face. Texting and walking who? More like no thinking and walking, I've become a walking hazard here.
The desired aisle is easy to find, an array of noodle brands with tomato sauce on the opposite side. I scan the shelves, making sure every product matches the pictures on my phone. Mom is funny about what she eats.
I'm debating over which sauce is the right kind when a long fingernailed hand is digging into my shoulder. I spin around with a hiss, ready to tear into whatever fucker had the audacity to put their filthy hands on me only to pause, blinking at the woman standing in front of me.
"Oh good, it is you," The raven woman drawls in a high pitched yet raspy voice, smelling heavily of smoke. "I need to talk to you." Recognition takes longer than usual to set in. It's that fucking ex-fling of Baekhyun's—
Or is she an ex? That small part of me wonders, a lump suddenly forms in my throat. I ain't got time for this shit, and I swear her hair changes more than the seasons. What did Baekhyun ever see in her—don't answer that. Shut up.
"I'm casually gonna walk away," I utter blankly, swiftly turning on my heel only for her to end up following me.
"I need to tell you something."
My eye twitches, counting backward from 20 in my head. "I don't give a flying fu-"
"I know what Baekhyun refuses to tell you." She drops, stopping me dead in my tracks.
Slowly turning to her again, I look her over suspiciously, tucking the packet of noodles in the crook of my arm. "Like what?"
"Ever wondered why Baekhyun is notorious for getting around?" She looks me over for a moment, amusement twitching at her annoyingly red-painted lips, "Oops, I mean was sorry."
"Can you hurry the fuck up?" I snap with narrowed eyes, already done with her bullshit.
She looks at me for a long moment, the smirk melting off her face entirely. "Baekhyun has a lot of skeletons in his closet. And you know," She chuckles, shooting me a fake pitying look, "It's entertaining, seeing which one will jump out at you next."
She's walking away before I can respond, the stinging scent of her perfume and the annoying clink of her heels left in her wake along with my disturbing thoughts. What does she mean by skeletons?.. And how does she know that… He��
I snap out of it, turning around with wide eyes and my heart in my throat, "Oh! Grandma." I exclaim, jumping back with a hand over my heart, sighing shakily in relief. "It's just you."
"You okay?" Her brows are furrowed, concern shimmering in her blue eyes.
"Y-Yeah," I mumble, rubbing the back of my neck. Growing more uncomfortable the longer we stand in the middle of this damn store. "Just spaced out for a second."
She looks at me for a moment, pushing the cart towards the cash register. "Come, let's get you back home."
"Hopefully it's still in one piece..." I mutter, heart pounding furiously in my ears.
"I'm sure it is." She chuckles, sending me a reassuring smile. "I'm sure Baekhyun's missing you too."
Is he? The thought comes so suddenly, I freeze. Do I… Am I doubting him now?
Has a lot of skeletons in his closet...
I shake it off or at least try to on the journey home. But not even Baekhyun's warm smile and open arms can lift the sinking feeling weighing on my heart.
Dinner goes by in the blink of an eye along with a popular comedy movie we decide to watch together. The clever jokes and hilarious scenes distract my overthinking mind for a while. Enough for me to find peace in Baekhyun's embrace despite my growing anxiety and the obvious giggles coming from Grandma on the other couch across the room.
"Thanks for having us." I put on a smile for Mom as they send us off at the door, one she can easily see through with a frown, but that's okay. It's enough to fool Baekhyun while he receives a fist bump from her and a tight hug from Grandma. Their own unique ways of showing approval before turning to pull me into a three-way hug. I almost don't want to leave their loving hold, or this house I call home. Taking a year off of school was a good idea, but… is dating Baekhyun?
I can feel the negative energy coming off of me in waves, fuck, time to go.
Our walk to the car is quiet compared to the chaos going on in my head; warm fingertips brushing against chilly palms. I'm so lost in thought, the next time I look up we are on the highway again. An endless stream of vehicles traveling alongside us. The sunset has a reddish tint tonight, giant fluffy clouds attempting to hide the glowing star from view. Almost like the stunning man next to me, so close yet so far like a fading dream, just out of reach. Slipping out of your hands before you can fully grasp it and print it into your memory.
Something you hope for, but can never have.
"Baek…" I can only manage a mere whisper. My heart still hasn't left my throat, anxiously apparently in my restless hands. Every word I utter takes all of my strength to get out.
"Yes, love?" He briefly glances over at me, steering the car with a confident hand. The heart-softening endearment he uses only causes my heart to squeeze even more.
"Can I go home with you?" I can't bring myself to meet his eye, something he seems to pick up on, shifting uneasily in his seat.
"Of course, baby." He tries to soothe, free hand searching for mine. I shove my hands deep in the space between my thighs, keeping my gaze focused on the city lights streaming past the window.
Nothing else but the radio and the fast pace of cars fill the silence. I can just imagine the hurt expression on his handsome face, busying myself with bending shapes into my hair-tie; not brushing rebellious strands of hair out of my face despite how annoying it dangles in my eyes.
All too soon, Baekhyun is parking the Audi in his designated spot, pink lips parting unsurely, "Are you-"
"Inside, please." I utter quietly. Climbing out before he can respond; calmly closing the car door behind me and remembering how to breathe. I think it's about time… I tell him some things. And hope he feels comfortable enough to open up in return. —Or run if shit gets bad, Sehun's number is looking mighty tempting right now.
The walk up to his apartment is a long one. Standing on opposite sides of the elevator and footsteps echoing across vacant halls. He has that blank expression on his face again; lips downturned and brown orbs full of questions. Hopefully, I can answer them…
His apartment comes into view, the sight of the familiar door brings back memories of the last time I was here. The heated words spewed and frustrated feelings shared. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath as Baekhyun unlocks the door. Tentatively stepping into the cold home.
"Do you," He falters when I turn to face him; gulping before continuing, "Do you want to talk now?" The crack of his voice gives him away, looking more like a frightened child than the strong man I've come to know.
"O-Oh." It's a bit funny how much impact that simple word seems to have on him; an even more fearful expression takes place on his features. Sock clad feet shuffling awkwardly in the middle of his living room, voice as quiet as a mouse, "Okay…"
I close my eyes; hands gripping the bottom of my shirt. Here goes nothing. "I had a few boyfriends before you. And...they didn't leave the best impression on me." My eyes flutter back open, meeting his shaky ones. The words come a bit easier after that. "They'd chase after me for months—sometimes the whole school year—and as soon as they got with me, They…" I bite my wobbling lip, inhaling sharply. "They never wanted to be affectionate in public. Never wanted to tell their friends, and…"
Baekhyun steps closer, carefully holding out his hand to me. I place my trembling palm in his, inwardly cursing my nerves.
"All of them ended up cheating on me." Flickering my gaze up to his softened features, I gulp, nodding at the comforting squeeze of his hand before continuing. "I was...treated like an object, for lack of a better word." I chuckle bitterly, haunting memories playing behind my blurry eyes like a tragic film. "A bet of who would sleep with me first among a large group of friends. A group that I had trusted for years."
I shake them off, focusing on our joined hands instead. "Besides that… my last straw was my best friend at the time trying to convince me to go against my mom. 'You should go out more.' 'Tell her you want freedom'..." I scoff, laughing a little. "What an asshole. Acting as if he wasn't in on the dare as well. My mom has kept me out of more trouble than you would ever know. But to have my own best friend bad mouth her to my face and then say 'Well, you knew I was a jerk.' When I tried opening up to him about it…" Meeting his eyes, my heart aches a bit at the odd look on his face. He nearly looks in pain. "If it wasn't for Sehun, I would have been okay, but I wouldn't have been...you know." I shrug, laughing weakly, "More than a party animal if you know what I mean."
Baekhyun's brown orbs glisten as he pulls me closer to his chest. Strong arms wrapping me in his protective embrace, yet all I can think about is…
He didn't say a word.
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Originally posted by exo-stentialism
What is even left for me to do at this point? I… feel as if I have been fair. I've given him a whole month to say something. Anything. And yet here we are, continuing with our daily lives as if there aren't unanswered questions weighing on our hearts—unless… D-Does Baekhyun even care? Is he really just going to sweep this under the rug?
Okay, if this is what he wants, it's what he gets, right? Mr. Big shot CEO, holding onto his own vulnerability through thick and thin. I thought we had moved past keeping things from each other in our long talk all those months ago, but apparently… That isn't the case.
So okay. Let's pretend as if he doesn't get jealous over every man in my life and I don't feel insecure by just looking at the dresses that were once my favorite now hung up in the back of my closet. Because I love him—because I don't want us to fight. Am I just dating myself now? Is that what this is? Guess I better enjoy this ride before it crashes and burns, huh. Peachy. Mother fucking peachy! But hey, there is no peach like the cute curves of his cheeks or stars like the ones ever-present in his mocha eyes.
Fuck you, Byun Baekhyun. In more ways than one. But just your luck that I am a woman of many talents, hmm?
I don't need some tight-fitting dress or painfully high heels to grab his attention. No, the way I carry myself out on the dance floor like no one's business is more than enough to lure him close. As long as these hips don't lie, he's mine. And at the end of the day, if he decides that all the attention I give—all the unconditional love I fucking shower him with—isn't enough, then fuck him. What he could consider walking away, I take it as a favor. But no other fucking woman in their right mind would put up with his shit as I do, but then again… Who 'in her right mind' fell in love with the notorious, multi-millionaire playboy studying off-campus…
"Are you sure you want to go clubbing tonight?" Baekhyun's voice is soft enough, green orbs eyeing me carefully. Funny how he is asking this as if he didn't already have plans to go out tonight. Dressed casually in black with a subtle, middle part of his freshly dyed silver hair. When did he even get those contacts? It's funny how much of someone's life you can miss in a few weeks of little to no dates.
"Yes, baby," I purr, smoothing out my lip gloss in the reflection of my hand-held mirror. Making sure not a strand of hair is out of place. There's nothing like pairing my soft, blue button-down denim shirt with black shorts, and my hair parted the right. A few spritz of hair-spray doing a great job of keeping it durable yet mobile. Perfect for my plans for the night.
Baekhyun looks over at me from the driver's seat, adam's apple bobbing in his throat before he steps out into the cool night. Meeting me on the sidewalk. We walk into the club hand and hand, the booming bass of music pumping adrenaline in my veins.
"Do you want a drink?" His honey-smooth voice is nearly drowned out by the loud atmosphere, pinks lips brushing the shell of my ear. I simply nod, yelling, "The usual!" To his back as he gravitates to the bar. The sight of grinding bodies brings a smirk to my lips, hidden behind the glass Baekhyun hands me minutes later.
"Come," He murmurs, leading me over to an empty booth. Sitting down and pulling me into his lap. I slowly move along with his urging hands on my waist, savoring my drink. Relaxing against him with an appreciative hum, curiously watching him sip at his glass. The reddish concoction looks similar to my own.
It's rare that I take the time to observe the scene of drunken bodies dancing under the neon disco lights without the urgency to join them, but tonight is a special occasion. And with that comes uttermost care. Running my hand through Baekhyun's hair and pushing my ass against him while leaning forward to set my drink on the table.
"Want to dance?" I inquire, already finding the answer within his droopy brown eyes. The lazy way his slender fingers card through his silver hair enough of an indicator.
"No thank you, baby." He mumbles, dropping a lingering kiss to that sensitive spot where my neck meets my shoulder. I fight the urge to shiver under his touch, inwardly praising my self-restraint; shortly moving off of him to venture out into my home away from home—the dance floor. A carefree atmosphere after my own heart. The beginning of a familiar Latino song captures my attention.
¿Cómo te llamas, baby?
A little mezcal got me feelin' spicy
I know that we don't speak the same language
But I'm gonna let my body talk for me (Talk for me)
Raising my hands while swaying my hips side to side, I let the music take control. Spinning around to face Baekhyun with a cheeky nod, running my hands through my hair.
Hola, me llamo Katy
A little mezcal got me feelin' naughty (Let's go)
I know that we don't speak the same language (Woo)
So I'm gonna let my body talk for me (Talk for me)
I take my time strolling through the crowded dance floor as catchy Spanish lyrics ring through the air, glancing over at him every now and then.
Dress up with my girls, on the hunt tonight
Got a feelin' I'ma catch a wild one
I mouth along to the words, cooly dusting off my shoulders as I move around, trying to entice Baekhyun to come over with every sway of my hips. "And I know that I'm not typically your type. But you never had this kind of stimulation"
Trying to find a dance partner is proving to be difficult, I seek out eye contact with someone. Anyone. But everyone seems to lack rhythm tonight. Too many out of tempo movements and whiskey painted breaths. I push through to locate Baekhyun again, meeting his dark brown orbs from across the room.
Con calma
I see you're lovin' the way I work the floor now
I got the poom-poom, boy
You could be my Puerto Rican dream, and I'll be your California gurl now
I got the poom-poom, boy
Fuck it. I'll dance by my damn self. No one is up to par with my standards except the stubborn man seated across the room who's having way too much fun watching me struggle. But it's alright. I got something for his smug ass.
Con calma, yo quiero ver como ella lo menea (Con calma)
Mueve ese poom-poom, girl (Girl)
Es un asesina, cuando baila quiere que to' el mundo la vea
I like your poom-poom, girl
I pop open three buttons of my shirt, taking a few steps back towards the center of the dancefloor. Just far away enough to be partially hidden from view. Baekhyun leans forward, taking a hard swig of his drink. Fingertips playing with his bottom lip.
Come with a nice young lady (Let's go)
Intelligent, yes, she gentle and irie (¡Fuego!)
Everywhere me go me never lef' her at all-ie (¡Dile! ¡Ja!)
Yes-a Daddy Snow me are the roam dance man-a (Ay, Papi!) (Snow)
Once again raising my hands above my head while swaying my hips fluidly like a hypnotized python to a tamer, I run my hands down my body in time with the beat; eyes still locked on his. The clench of his jaw and tightening of his grip on the glass in his hand curling a knowing smirk on my lips.
Roam between-a dancin' in-a in-a nation-a (Prr-prr-prr)
You never know say daddy me Snow me are the boom shakata
I strut around the dance floor with attitude, flicking my hair while beckoning him over with my eyes. Baekhyun hastily sets his empty glass on the table, swiftly making his way over to me.
Con calma, yo quiero ver como ella lo menea (Menea)
Mueve ese poom-poom, girl (¡Woo! Girl)
Es un asesina, cuando baila quiere que to' el mundo la vea (Oh, yeah)
I like your poom-poom, girl
He meets me move for move, gripping my hips. Firm chest pressed to my back and erection prominent every time our bodies brush against each other. My laugh is swallowed up by the rest of the song.
Con calma
I see you're lovin' the way I work the floor now
I got the poom-poom, boy
You could be my Puerto Rican dream, and I'll be your California gurl now
I got the poom-poom, boy
Baekhyun spins me to face him before the song even fades into the next. Gathering me to his chest in a searing kiss.
We take a cab back to his apartment; the Audi was taken under Jongdae's and Chanyeol's care for the remainder of the evening. The travel takes much longer than usual with Baekhyun insisting to stop at every hidden corner. Endless kisses and impatient hands.
"B-Baek," I bite my lip, cheeks heating up under his lustful stare.
"Tell me how you want it," He mutters, ripping off his shirt before caging me to the bed, "Tell me how you need it."
I want to—boy do I want to. Every part of me is screaming for me to do it, but…
My palms slide up his back, getting a good grip before switching our positions, pressing him against the messy sheets instead. I have other plans.
Baekhyun looks up at me, a little smirk on his lips that fuels my determination to do everything in my power to wipe it off. I take my time pulling down his jeans, eyes locked on his dark ones while brushing my lips over his newly exposed skin. Chuckling at the goosebumps left in my wake. "Someone is excited," I murmur, tucking my fingers under the waistband of his boxers; running the tip of my tongue up the length of his clothed cock.
"Riley..." He breathes, pupils blown, desire twitching under my touch.
Deciding to put him out of his misery, I tug down the thin fabric to set him free, gasping when I'm nearly smacked in the face when his cock springs to attention. This is the first time I'm seeing him up close, and damn this man for being stunning all over. Even his cock is pretty with its flushed red tip and prominent vein running up the side. Drops of precum sliding down his shaft quickly collected by my eager tongue.
"Fuck." He hisses, tangling a hand in my hair as I take him into my mouth, being mindful of my teeth. "Baby."
I hum, something he seems to appreciate as more of his precum drips onto my tongue. His thighs tense up under my hands as I bob my head, gradually working him into my throat.
"B-Baby," His voice wavers, lips shaking when I glance up at him. He thrusts further into my mouth the second we make eye contact, causing me to choke, pulling a whiny noise from him that I've never quite heard before.
I keep up a steady pace, wrapping a hand around his base to massage his balls while moving to swirl my tongue around the head. His hips buck once again, grip tightening on my hair, a gruntle moan falling from his kiss-swollen lips.
After a while, he tugs on my hair again, rougher than before. I pull off of pulsing cock, looking at him with wide eyes as he urges me back up his body, "Wha-"
His lips smash to mine, hands roughly pulling at the rest of my clothes. "Let me see you," He murmurs, lips brushing over the sensitive spot on my neck. I slip off my shirt without hesitation, assisting him in taking off my shorts; pushing them off the side of the bed. He takes a brief pause, looking me over as my heart hammers in my chest, cheeks warming when his eyes meet mine once again. "Beautiful." His breath fans over my breasts, slender fingers tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "Baby?"
"Hmm?" I tilt my head to give him better access, whimpering at the way his teeth graze my nipples.
"Sit on my face," He murmurs, hands urging me forward before I can even react.
"W-/What?/" I look at him, wide-eyed and thighs clenched around his waist, feeling my arousal pool in my underwear.
Baekhyun licks his lips, smirking at the way I stare, squirming above him. His large hands gently squeeze my waist, "Do you trust me?"
Gazing into his earnest yet lust-filled eyes, I nod, gulping. "Y-Yes."
"Come here," He murmurs, helping me slip off my lace panties.
I slowly climb further up his body, feeling immensely aroused yet a bit apprehensive as he helps me forward; shaking a little when my thighs rest over his shoulders. Having yet to find a stable position when his hands flex around my hips, warm wet tongue swiping between my folds.
I jerk away with a squeak, glaring weakly down at his chuckling form, "Baek!"
"Hmm?" His tongue brushes against me again, teeth tugging at my hypersensitive folds as I let out a soft moan. "You were saying, baby?"
My eyes don't stray far from his, heart and pussy pulsing in sync at the way he watches me crumble under his touch. Strong hands holding me steady as my breathing shortens; panting for air at his tortuous circles around where I need him the most.
"...Please," I mumble.
"Hmm?" He obnoxiously smacks his lips against my wet core, causing heat to rise onto my already flushed cheeks. Those brown orbs of his twinkling mischievously, "What was that, baby?"
I curse under my breath, hastily tangling my fingers in his hair, "You really are something-"
He gasps, looking up at me with wide eyes when I yank his head back, bending over to stare him down.
"What's the matter, baby? Hmm?" I muse a smirk curling at my lips. The shocked expression on his handsome face boosts my confidence. "You're not afraid I'll show you up in giving oral, are you?"
Baekhyun's eyes narrow, a switch seeming to flip in him before he's pulling me down to his open mouth. My gasp interrupted by his own moan, pink lips wrapped tight around my aching clit. "F-Fu—aah," I whimper, thighs shaking from the direct stimulation.
He chuckles, pulling back to lick his lips. "What's wrong, my love?" His warm breath fanning over my core makes my legs tremble more, whimpering as he tightens his grip. "Coming already?"
"N-" My eyes roll back as his tongue slides inside of me and fucking curls towards my sweet spot, damn near making me shatter around him right there and then. "No." I grit out between clenched teeth, bucking at the way his nose rubs against my sensitive clit.
"Mmm you're so wet," He groans, triggering my own moan when his teeth graze my clit. "Making a mess all over me. Do you like sitting on my face, baby?"
"Baekhyun…" I can hardly speak at this point, slowly grinding myself against his mouth, feeling breathless with every flick of his tongue that touches my quivering core.
"Fuck." His sudden grunt has me opening my eyes, looking over my shoulder at him stroking himself. The cute mole on his thumb is a complete contrast to the leaking cock in his palm. "I can feel you throbbing…"
My orgasm sneaks up on me before I realize it; thighs quaking and back arching so high Baekhyun is quick to steady me, continuing to pull me along his stiffened tongue as I cry out his name.
"Fu—ha," I tighten my grip on his hair, trying to get my shaky limbs to cooperate enough to lift off of his unrelenting mouth. "Baekhyun, please-"
"Mm-mm," He protests, landing a swift smack on my ass that makes me release a small cry, thighs clenching around his head. "Stay right there."
"B-Baek..." I'm slipping here—literally. My shaky thighs refusing to cooperate.
He takes a few moments to notice, lifting me off of his face before I feel a brief breeze, finding my back against the silk sheets. "You're perfect," He breathes, making me blush, gulping at his hands running up my trembling inner thighs. I hold myself up on my elbows, watching him press kisses up the length of my body.
"Baby," He looks at me with those dark eyes, sliding a hand down my abdomen, "lay back."
My heart is promptly set into overdrive. I do as told, relaxing against the pillows only to buck my hips with a gasp when he slips a finger into my core.
"Soaking wet for me," He murmurs sucking on a new spot on my neck, sliding another finger in with ease.
All I know is his name at this point, calling for him between hoarse whimpers and breathless gasps; feeling that knot forming in my stomach again as his fingers brush over my sweet spot. I reach down to wrap my hand around his wrist, clenching around his digits as he speeds up, obscene noises of my own desire sounding out amongst our shaky moans and heavy breaths.
"Look at you," He muses, watching me squirm under his touch, free hand pressing on my lower stomach to keep me pressed to the bed. I cry out when he hits my sweet spot head-on, "Taking my fingers so well."
"Bae…" My words falter, head thrown back when his thumb joins into the mix along with a third finger, the blissful stretch combined with firm taps on my clit sending me over the edge.
"Fuck." He grunts as I slowly open my eyes, not even realizing I had closed them while he slips his wet fingers between his lips, groaning loudly as I bite my own. He notes the expression on my face, attractively raising a brow while pressing his body back to mine, "I want to drink on your sweet." He murmurs, tone dripping with lust as he leans over to the nightstand.
"N-No." I pant, grabbing his forearm.
Baekhyun pauses, looking at me with wide eyes, brows furrowed in concern. "Do you want to stop, love?"
I shake my head, running my hand over his back as he leans down to me again, littering my jaw with soft kisses. "N-No I just…" I gulp, wrapping my thighs around his waist. "I don't want a condom."
Baekhyun freezes, and for a moment I consider backtracking, but he just cups my face in his hands. "Are you sure?" He looks me over, nibbling on his bottom lip.
"Yeah," Noting the concern still playing on his features, I reach up to brush my thumb over his cheek. "I'm on birth control, idiot."
"What!?" His eyes widen comically as I nod, "Since when?"
"The first time," I mumble, cheeks warming at the memory of our first night together. The deer caught in headlights look on his face makes me giggle, "I love you, but I'm not ready to have a baby with your Byun. Haven't you noticed?" I continue a bit quieter, gesturing to myself, "I got bigger..."
"No," He shakes his head, taking my hands into his own, staring at me with sincerity in his shining eyes. "You're just as beautiful, if not more so." His voice lowers, taking on that sexy lit again while nibbling my earlobe, warm hand soothing rubbing over my waist, "And sexy as hell."
My face damn near bursts into flames. Flustered giggles at his ticklish kisses on that sensitive spot behind my ear morphing into gasps as his cock brushes against my folds.
Baekhyun leans back a bit, taking a hold of himself while sliding his cock around in my arousal, making me whimper every time his head brushes over my clit. He pauses after lining it up with my entrance, looking back up at me from behind damp strands of silver hair sticking to his forehead.
I nod, biting my lip as he slips inside, my head falling back when he pushes into the hilt.
"God." He groans, starting to pull back out.
"W-Wait," I gasp, pressing my hands to his chest. Baekhyun tenses, looking at me with wide eyes. "You okay, love? Shit. Did I hurt you? I'm so-"
"Baek!" I laugh a little, cupping his cheeks so he'll look at me, shaking my head. "No," I murmur, a smile curling at my lips. "I just…" I hesitate, bashful under his attentive eyes. So sweet. "I want to top."
He relaxes with a gulp, strong arms wrapping around me before switching our positions. I carefully straddle him, finding a comfortable position on my knees before lifting up, letting him line his cock up with my entrance. He meets my eyes, smiling softly as if sensing my nerves, large hand lightly squeezing my hip. "I got you, baby."
Releasing a shaky breath, I nod, slowly sliding down onto him, taking pleasure in the way his jaw drops, head of messy silver locks thudding against the pillows. It's a tighter fit with him in this position. It feels so good I'm almost afraid to move at risk of coming again.
Baekhyun's fingers twitch against my hips when I move, tentatively lifting up to the tip before sliding back down again. My slow pace pulling the prettiest of moans from his red lips.
"Baby," He breathes, quickly licking his lips, eyes focused on where we are joined, "Faster."
"I don't know~" I smirk, lightly dragging my nails down his torso to pull a gasp from him, "I think I like seeing you like this."
That shift happens in his eyes again, giving me no time to prepare for his tightened grip and buck of hips, cock hitting a spot that falters my pace, leaving my thighs trembling. "And I like making you cum," He murmurs, smirk of his own on his lips while continuing to thrust into that spot, our bodies coming together with satisfying slaps of ass against his thighs.
"So fucking wet," He groans eyes drifting back to our joined parts, licking the pad of his thumb and bringing it down to rub quick circles over my clit.
"Fuck-" I gasp, trying to stay upright as he quickens the pace. "Baek-"
"Come for me, baby." He mutters in a breathy tone, thrusts tripling in speed until I'm coming hard around him, falling onto his chest in a heap. He slows down to a stop while I recover. Just when I think we are done, he's flipping us back over. "Baek-" I stop, whimpering as he pushes back into the hilt.
"We're not done, baby." He murmurs, lips brushing the shell of my ear. My pussy quivers at the thought of another round.
"I…" My eyes drift over to the glowing red clock sat on top of the nightstand; the timestamp of 5:00 am causing my eyes to widen. "D-Don't you have work in the morn…" I falter, arching my back when he circles his hips, thick cock stretching out my tight walls, "...ing?"
"Baby," He chuckles, tucking a wet strand of hair behind my ear, meeting my eyes, "We can stay up."
"I…" Biting hard on my lip, I press myself into his sneaky fingers lightly rubbing around my clit, just enough to get me soaking the sheets even more below.
"I'll go easy on you." He promises, moving to sit up only to pause, meeting my gaze again, adding softly, "Tell me if it's too much and we'll stop, okay?"
Smiling at him, I nod, accepting his sweet kisses when he leans in with a hum. "Okay."
Baekhyun's smile morphs into a more serious expression, concentrating on slowly moving within my walls to give me time to recover. He pauses when I lift my hips to meet his movements, reaching to place my right leg on his shoulder, the shift of position pulls a loud gasp from my lips. He moans in turn at my vice-like grip around his cock, steadily picking up the pace.
"Fuck, what a naughty girl you are." His grip tightens on my hips, tilting them up to better accommodate his thrusts, "Letting me fuck you raw in our bed."
My heart raced at the use of the word 'our.' A sense of belonging in this house; this room; this bed with him brings me to a dangerous peak. It feels more intense than all the others before and I don't know if I can handle it.
Baekhyun takes notice, holding my hips down to the bed. "Come on, baby." He slides a hand down to hover over my clit, "Come for me, give me one more." A mere brush of him over my sensitive bud and I'm gone, vision going black as a distinct ringing fills my ears.
"Fuck." His loud groans and wandering hands bring me back down to earth, thankfully he's slowed down the pace of his thrusts.
"Shit, you're squeezing me so tight." He says through gritted teeth, grinding against me as my walls don't let up their grip around him. "Mmm. Do you want me to cum inside you?" He breathes heavily, cock throbbing deep within my spasming walls with his slow yet hard pace. "Hmm? Do you baby?"
"Y-Yes!" I can't even recognize myself at this point, meeting his steady thrusts with my shaky movements.
"I know you want it." He grunts, snapping into me so roughly I give a small cry, clutching the bedsheets. "I know you need it..." He falters, pace taking on sloppy thrusts as I feel him harden even more inside of me. "Fuck," His eyes search for my own, the desperation in them makes me clench around him. "God, baby, can I?"
I nod quickly, wrapping my thighs tightly around his waist as he trembles. "Come for me, Baekhyun." I murmur, rubbing my hands down his heaving chest, "Come inside me. Make me yours."
My words seem to trigger him, the brand new feeling of warmth spurting inside of me pulls another loud gasp from my lips and whiny moans from his; his shaky forearms holding him up before his body weight can overwhelm me as I'm filled up to the brim with his cum full of lust and love. I hold him close, rubbing over his back as we catch our breaths.
Baekhyun nuzzles in my neck, letting out a long sigh. "God, you're trying to kill me."
"Me!?" I exclaim incredulously, giggling at his playful kisses peppering my heated skin. "Who's the one pulling four orgasms from my poor body?"
"You loved it," He mumbles, soft smile pressed to my skin.
"I did," I admit without missing a beat, giggling more at the blissed-out expression on his face.
Baekhyun hums, brushing my hair out of my face, a fond look in his sparkly brown eyes that makes my heart squeeze and soar at the same time. "I'll be right back," He mumbles, planting a quick peck on my lips, getting out of bed to head into the bathroom.
Sighing softly, I relax back against the sheets; nose scrunching up at the aftermath of our—cue the blushing—activities dripping down my thighs.
Baekhyun comes back with a towel in hand, gently cleaning me off with the damp material before throwing it into the hamper across the room. Snuggling back in the warmth of my worn-out body. "I love you," He utters, pressing a kiss over my heart.
"I love you too." My reply is instant enough; his satisfied hum evening out into deep breaths. Eyelashes caressing the tops of adorable mochi cheeks.
I point my gaze to the ceiling, feeling the tell-tale sign of tears brimming my eyes. Is this really the beginning of the end?
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1) P(2) ✓ | Part 6 P(1)  P(2)
Thank you for reading this long asf chapter. Let me know what you think! Even if it’s with pitchforks lmao. Have a beautiful Sunday.
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imagineclaireandjamie · 5 years ago
Shielded. Chapter Four
Happy Sunday all, back to the usually scheduling this week. I hope you enjoy the next week of lockdown with Jamie and Claire <3 Mod MBD.
Anonymous said to imagineclaireandjamie: 
It does not matter what you bear, but how you bear it. [Seneca]
As Monday rolled around again, the weekend having passed by in a blur, Claire sat at the breakfast table with a fresh cup of coffee in her hands. Having ventured down during the day on both Saturday and Sunday, she had hoped to bump into Jamie and pass on her thanks to his generosity but he had been out before sunrise each day and she had been asleep before he’d returned home.
Resolute, however, she chose to spend her day downstairs and hopefully get something on for dinner before he came back so she could at least start the week off right.
Fate, however, wasn’t on her side. By 10pm, with the lasagne tucked away, wrapped in foil, in the fridge, she covered her mouth with a yawn and pulled herself up the stairs to bed.
The crash and smashing of a glass bought her out of her sleep as the clock beside her bed clicked over to 3am. Pulling herself from beneath the sheets, she crept downstairs, eager not to scare him as she approached the kitchen.
“Couldn’t sleep?” She asked, knowing full well he had only just returned home.
He was stood by the sink, cold lasagna on the countertop and his mucky boots still on his feet. With the fork held to his mouth, he smiled as he took another bite of the pasta, chewed and then shook his head. “I havena ever been the best sleeper but it’s lambing season, aye? One of them got into bother and I couldna leave her until I knew she was safe.”
“And she made it?”
“Aye. I was luckier tonight than I was at the weekend.”
“Oh, dear...that doesn’t sound good.”
“It’s the job, I’m afraid. If I didna lose at least a handful a year I’d be shocked.”
It was the first real (and longest) conversation they’d had since she’d arrived and she was suddenly grateful for the company. He was calm, grounded and relaxed in the way a lot of city dwellers weren’t. She could tell in the slump of his shoulders that it didn’t matter how long and awkward his day was, how messy or how little sleep he had gotten the night before, he was still weightless almost, free of the constraint modern living brought to most.
“I wanted to say thank you,” she broke in, remembering the reason she’d half-blindly stumbled down in the middle of the night, “you’ve been so amazing - to get me materials for a garden, that’s...above and beyond the call of duty.”
“Ach,” shaking his head, he finished the last of his supper, balled the tin foil up and placed it in the bin, “dinna fash yersel’ about that. It’s no’ a problem.”
He was embarrassed, she could tell. Abashed, his accent had become incredibly thick and almost impossible to understand. But it was quiet enough here that there was no background noise to blot out his sentence and luckily she didn’t have to ask him to repeat himself.
“Well, nonetheless,” ignoring the slight reddening of his cheeks she continued, “I am very grateful to you. For everything.”
With nothing more to say between them, she waved, smiled and backed off, feeling strangely pleased with herself for breaking the silence between them. Hopefully, she thought as she climbed the stairs back to her room, there would be some evenings in the future when they could eat together and she could show her appreciation by making him something warm and fresh.
-- --
By mid-week, she had yet to see Jamie again. His work was intense, and yet, despite that, he had still managed to begin construction of her tiny garden.
In her haste she had forgotten that she wasn’t allowed outside the house and, as she’d watched the greenhouse foundations being laid, she had become almost inconsolable about the fact that she probably wouldn’t get the chance to tend to any of the produce grown in it.
She knew, however, that safety was more important than new hobbies and she chose, instead, to make detailed lists of the daily needs of each of the seeds and plants Jamie had procured for her.
She started with the tomatoes and grapes, which needed to be contained within the glass walls in order to collect enough light and heat to survive. She noted water levels, soil PH and balance and daily rituals which would need to be abided by in order for the best crop to be formed. It filled most of her days and when the sun went down, she’d swap her notepad for the computer as she researched all the differences she might see in her fruit and veg determined all by the way they were treated as they grew.
Though she had never been an artist, she started to search for youtube videos on how botanical art could be created. Having no coloured pencil crayons or watercolours, she stuck to pencil sketches and began to leave more post-it’s, this time with future predictions on what the garden might produce for the household.
Once again Jamie enjoyed coming home. There had only been a few days lapse in her communications but when he didn’t see her for days, it was the one thing he could rely on to buoy his spirits.
They were different, in so many ways, but on a subconscious level, he pondered to himself at night as he held the drawing of some rare cabbage in his hands, Jamie felt as if they had very many similar quirks. He’d been pleased that his idea to leave her be for as long as she needed had been a success and was grateful she felt at home enough to reform her life around his. Her asking for the garden made him realise how easy it might be for someone else to fit into his own life without causing him much grief.
It was only a small thing, but to him it had made a huge difference. Having lived alone for so long, he had almost forgotten how malleable people could be. Though, he thought as he rifled around in the fridge for more pre-made meals, he had probably just gotten lucky with Claire.
The thought also occurred to him that she had been inadvertently raised more suited to this life than her old one, but he didn’t know enough about her to advance on the notion.
It wasn’t until late on Thursday when they came face to face together. After another heavy day and late night, Jamie finally toe-ed off his work boots at nearly midnight and made his way, quietly, through to the kitchen.
He had not expected to nearly bump straight into Claire has she dished up what looked like a very tasty stir fry.
“I thought you might be sick of reheating pasta dishes, so I thought I’d try and wait for you this time.”
“Ye didna have to, it’s very late.” He scratched the back of his neck bashfully, even she couldn;t find the truth in his words and she smiled as she placed a fresh bottle of soy sauce in the centre of the table. “But this does smell delicious.”
“It’s taken me a few attempts to hone it, but I’ve been practicing most evenings this week to try and get it perfect, flavour as well as how long I need to cook the veg for.”
“What’s the meat?” He asked, watching as his stomach rumbled audibly.”
“I used the duck, I hope you don’t mind. I used chicken earlier in the week but I couldn’t seem to get it as tender as I wanted it and a few forums online suggested that duck might be a better substitute if I wanted meat with a bit more moisture.”
“Perfect. Use any meat you want from the freeze, for anything. Honestly, I forget most of the time what I’ve got in there.”
Placing several bowls filled with various meats, vegetables and sides, she went back to the sink to wash the remaining stickiness of her hands before beckoning him to start without her. “I had hoped you weren’t saving anything for a special occasion.”
“Ach, I think the virus has put pay to anything like that for a while,” he began, filling his plate with noodles, duck and beansprouts, “my sister - she lives in Canada now - had planned a summer visit, but we’re no’ sure of anything at the moment.”
“Is she the one in the photo,” Claire enquired, taking a mouthful of her own concoction and swallowing back the relief when it tasted nice - a mixture of sweet and savory that wasn’t as overpowering or as dry as it had been earlier on in the day when she’d made the first of the final tests. “The one with brown hair?”
“Aye, she is. Her partner, Ian, got a job out there a few years ago and they emigrated. We talk as often as we can on Skype and FaceTime but it’s become sporadic recently wi’ my erratic work hours. She’s a nurse, ya see, and works odd shift patterns too. But we try and keep in touch at least once a month.”
“Do you miss her?”
“I didna really think about it, we were close....until we werena. Then they moved away and I fell into a new routine.”
He had begun to speak without thinking, filling up the silence with answers to her questions as they ate in between conversation. He had, though, had the forethought to stop before giving too much away. The thought hurt his heart and he had to inhale between a bite of his dinner to gather himself back up. He knew, given time, that he would be alright with sharing his past (as he hoped she would be with hers) but tonight wasn’t the night for revelations.
Sensing his reluctance to continue, she moved on, understanding that she herself wasn’t in a place to open up about her own family life.
“I can imagine Skype is about the only way most are communicating at the moment.” Sighing, she started to collect the empty dishes and load the dishwasher. “I’m quite grateful, actually, that I don’t have anyone to keep in touch with. It’s all...quite scary.”
It was the first time Jamie had consciously thought about the pandemic, being cut off from the outside world had its benefits and he felt relieved that he could separate himself from the constant barrage of news that he supposed others would be exposed to. He realised that both he and Claire were unique now, part of a smaller section of society where being remote was almost a blessing rather than a curse.
“If you ever need to talk, lass,” standing, he helped to clean up the remaining mess from dinner, his hand almost brushing against hers as he wiped the countertop down, breaking only to hover for a second before returning to his job, “ye know where I am. Please dinna think you have nobody...if yer concerned, aye?”
“Thank you Jamie.” Pulling her fleece cardigan across her chest she walked slowly to the kitchen door, pausing for a second in the doorway just to make sure she’d left nothing out to go cold and mouldy overnight. “The same to you. I’m a good listener, I promise, if you ever need to talk, or if you need any help.”
She’d been thinking about his life on the farm for a few days now, watching the rolling hills out of her window, seeing the sheep and cattle on the horizon and -very occasionally- seeing the silhouette of him roaming his land. There was little she could do from indoors, she knew, but there had been chores around the house that she could potentially complete. Putting herself to task, she had learned new basic kitchen skills but only this morning she’d noticed the beginnings of a hole on the seam of his trousers as they dried on the rail in the courtyard and she thought it might be something she could tend to...should he be alright with it.
Leaving with the quiet settling calmly between them, she noted the relaxing of the muscles in his face as he smiled and nodded as she turned and carried herself to bed.
Resting against the faux-marble worktop, Jamie closed his eyes as he waited for the soft slam of her bedroom door before he followed her up. She just might, he thought to himself as he undressed himself, taking a towel from his radiator and making his way to the shower, be better equipped for this life than I am.
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 4 years ago
bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet (1)
Warnings: this series will be a shorter one and will include blood/blood kink, cutting, noncon, and other triggers to be warned in future parts.
This features Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes and is explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You unintentionally find yourself at an awkward impasse with your boyfriend's best friend.
So, I’m transferring this over from ao3! It’s two parts so far but I just kept procrastinating so if you didn’t see it over there, here it is on Tumblr.
I love you all and I always cherish your feedback and comments and wouldn't mind some on this piece here as well. It's never an obligation but always loved.
It felt like you were always waiting on Steve. He was an important man and his time was equally as important. It wasn’t a surprise that he was so divided between his personal and professional life and you weren’t bitter for it. You learned to live with it. It was a precious sort of patience knowing that when his time was yours, it was spent without waste.
You sat with your phone pressed to your thigh. You were early but when it came to Steve, you were always early. You’d headed over right after work and he warned you his meeting might go late. You didn’t mind the wait so much. You knew most of his colleagues in the tower and it was almost like a second home.
You flipped your phone and checked the time again. You frowned. Even if time passed quickly, it felt too long. Those minutes dwindling that you could be with Steve. You couldn’t be upset; his work was demanding and at times, dire. And he was worth the wait.
As you sighed and flicked through your apps, looking for a distraction, you were startled by a shadow in your peripheral. Bucky had a habit of sneaking up on you and everyone else. His steps were light and measured. You glanced over as he waved to you with two fingers, his other hand clung to a slender metal box. You eyed it as you said ‘hello’ and dropped your phone into your purse.
“Waiting on Steve again?” He stopped on the other side of the empty chair behind you.
“He’s just wrapping up,” you shrugged, “What are you still doing here? You’re usually the first one out.”
“Oh, uh, just picking something up,” he gestured to the box. “Thought I’d stick around and get some practice in.”
You raised a brow and looked at the box again. “Well, what’s the mystery?”
“Ah,” he sat beside you and shifted in the chair. He rested the box on his leg and gripped the lid. He stopped himself and peered over at you. “I lent this to Sam on a mission and he didn’t return it in one piece.” He slowly unclasped the case and opened it. “It’s my favourite combat knife. A kabar. Not standard army issue, but I made a barter for it as we were taking over for a company of Marines.”
You eyed the long knife and its thick handle. Your eyes rounded. You weren’t unused to the presence of weapons but Bucky was so casual about it, it was almost scary.
“Oh,” you blinked, “Wait, you mean, way back…”
“1944.” He declared as he took it off the cushion, “It’s a relic. Well, the handle at least.” He balanced it with his vibranium finger, “You see?”
He turned the handle towards you. You eyed the butt where three letters had been engraved along the metal joint; JBB. You tilted your head as you leaned closer.
“Here,” he made it wobble, “Take it.”
“What? No… I don’t think I should,” you laughed.
“Go on. It’s fine.” He goaded, “What else are you gonna do? Your old man’s sure taking his time.”
“I’m not to be trusted with sharp objects,” you kidded, “If Steve was here, he’d tell you as much.”
“Boo,” he chided, “Don’t worry. I’ve trained greener than you. Just keep your hand on the handle and your fine.”
He waved the handle toward you and you tutted. Reluctantly, you accepted the knife and held it to the light as you admired the blade. It was large and you shuddered as you imagined it slicing through human flesh. You had no doubt it would do so easily.
“It’s a nice knife,” you remarked as you turned it in your hand, “Here.”
You slowly offered it to him but in your haste to be rid of the kabar, it slid in your grasp. You overcompensated for the slip and fumbled it completely. Without thinking and against Bucky’s sudden ‘don’t’, you tried to catch it before it could fall. The edge of the blade sliced your palm before the knife embedded in the floor.
You hissed and recoiled as you held your hand. Bucky shoved the metal box from his thigh and lowered it onto the floor. He turned to you and stared at your bloody palm as you tried to stems the flow.
“Shit,” he searched his pockets, “Are you okay?”
He got up and grabbed the box of tissues from the table on the other side of you. He sat again and pressed a wad of six tissues to your hand as he cradled it. He pushed and you winced with a whimper.
“Gotta apply pressure to slow the flow,” he said, “You’re fine. Probably just need some stitches.”
“Stitches?” You gulped, “Oh.”
You felt woozy as the sight of your own blood. You flinched as he clung to your hand, sandwiched between both of his as the tissue turned red. You heard footsteps along the next hall and you peeked over your shoulder as another appeared at behind you.
“Hey, you two,” Steve chimed, “Funny you ran into--” He choked on his words and rushed forward. “Woah, what happened?”
Steve knelt beside your chair and as good as snatched your hand from Bucky. The movement made your hand throb and Bucky watched Steve with a frown. He stood with a grumble and retrieved his knife from the floor and scooped up the box. Steve moved into the empty chair without looking.
“What were you doing?” Steve snapped.
“I dropped his knife. I was… well, you know how clumsy I can be.” You shook your head, “I’m fine.”
“His knife?” Steve looked back at Bucky and quickly turned back to you, “You let her play with that thing?”
“She’s not a kid, Steve,” Bucky sniffed.
“Maybe not but she got hurt,” Steve snipped.
Bucky pursed his lips and was silent Steve continued to mop up the blood as you watched the other man. Bucky lifted the knife and looked it over. You saw a tint of red along its edge and his blue eyes traced it before he lowered it into the case. He snapped it shut and held it in his metal hand as he left bloody fingerprints on it with his other.
He paused and held up his real hand. He turned it and looked at you between his fingers. His cheek twitched and his eyes returned to his stained flesh. His mouth curved slightly and he brought his fingers closer to his face and seemed to smell them. You gasped as Steve jostled your hand and Bucky poked out his tongue to drag it over your blood as it dripped his knuckles. His fingertips lingered on his lips and he pushed two fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. He took a deep breath and his dusky eyes bore into you. You were stunned. Were you hallucinating from blood loss? It couldn’t be that bad.
You looked down and Steve checked beneath the tissues.
“Come on. We should head down to Med and get you some stitches,” Steve stood and drew you up with him. With your hand in one of his, he reached over and took your purse from the table. “Well, now you know not to play with knives.” Steve spun and pulled you along, “And you know not to let her.” He reproached Bucky.
“She’s fine. It’s shallow.” Bucky said, though his voice was thick and stunted.
“This time,” Steve rebuffed and kept, “Come on, sweetheart.”
“See ya later, I guess,” Bucky called after you.
“Later,” Steve said sharply without pause.
Steve didn’t stay mad for long, if he ever was. His worry often got the best of him. He even said it himself and apologized. He dealt with enough blood on the job, he didn’t need it at home. You agreed it was stupid but it wasn’t Bucky’s fault; it was just an accident. You promised, at least, to stick to kitchen knives.
You also made sure that Steve apologized to Bucky. You felt bad after you were all stitched up and thought of the defeat in his voice. Yet, you couldn’t shake the image of Bucky licking your blood from his fingers. You were sure you’d imagined it. You had to have. You had been in so much pain and it had all happened so fast…
You pushed the thoughts away. You were stupid. It didn’t happen. Bucky wasn’t like that. He wouldn’t do that. He just wouldn’t.
A week passed. You didn’t see him again, even when you waited for Steve. Stark was hosting another event and the tower was in a frenzy. Steve was being awarded for his humanitarian work and while Tony didn’t like sharing the spotlight, his name would be mentioned enough to assuage his ego.
Saturday came and you enjoyed a quiet morning as Steve went over his speech and you got ready together. You were still unused to being attached to him at these events; the cameras made you tense and the strangers had you reaching for another wine glass. He made it easier though; he reassured you when in doubt and was able to easily sweep you away from any awkward situation. Steve wasn’t the just the world’s saviour, he was yours.
You arrived and followed Steve past the press. He stopped to say a few words and take some photos but didn’t tarry long.
“Come on,” he pulled you through the doors, “There’ll be enough pictures inside.”
“Ow,” you moaned as he grabbed your bandaged hand.
“Shit, sorry,” he hooked his arm through yours instead, “I still can’t believe you did that.”
“Me either.” You laughed.
“You know, if you knew how to keep hold of a knife, you might actually be a worthy opponent.”
“Maybe,” you poked his arm, “You better hope I never learn how.”
He chuckled and guided you around the bodies around you. Again, he stopped for pictures and bulbs flashed as he stood against a curtain backdrop. He greeted those he knew and patiently smiled at the introductions of those he didn’t. You stayed close as he made certain to include you in each interaction. He never forgot about you and when formalities were over, he hugged your waist and sighed.
He led you to your assigned seats and you were happy to see familiar faces waiting for you, Nat, Wanda, Vision, Tony, and Pepper sat with drinks already half-gone as Bucky approached the table. You averted your eyes as he came to Steve and claimed the chair on his other side.
“How’s your hand?” Bucky asked as you sat.
“Healing,” you showed your bandage, “And your knife? It’s still in one piece?”
“I think it did a lot more damage on you,” he grinned and stared at you a moment before he turned to Steve, “Nervous yet?”
“Shut up, Buck,” Steve felt around his jacket and patted the cue cards hidden there.
“Oh come on, you’re always great,” Bucky scoffed.
“Compared to you? Easy.” Steve smirked.
“Hey,” Bucky elbowed him.
You reached for the glass of white wine and sipped. Natasha caught your attention as she asked about your dress and you lost yourself in a conversation about Wanda’s favourite soap.
Finally, the ceremony began as the tables quieted and Steve pulled your hand over onto his thigh as he squeezed it nervously. You ignored the pain it caused and leaned against him.
“You’ll be alright,” you whispered.
He smiled and turned to kiss your cheek. “How am I gonna think of anything but getting that dress off tonight?”
“Steve,” you uttered and rubbed his thumb with yours.
“Sweetheart,” he breathed and nuzzled your temple before he looked forward again.
You clung to his hand even as it made the bandage chafe against your stitches. You tried to listen but found yourself squirming. His words lingered and you felt giddy. It had been a few days; the two of you worn out from your jobs, your plans often ended in you falling asleep before they could come to fruition.
When Steve was called to accept his award, the crowd stood and you did too. As they applauded, you clapped the back of your hand with other. As Steve made his way to the stage, you felt a shift beside you. A warm scent rose in your nostrils, a subtle cologne, and you felt an arm brush against yours.
“Mmmm,” Bucky hummed as he stood close.
You looked over at him as he grinned, his eyes on the stage. You shook your head and turned back to watch Steve.
“You tasted delicious,” he muttered as he leaned closer. Your hands froze and he reached to touch the back of the bandage wound around it.
You bit down and didn’t dare look at him. You resumed your pathetic applause as Steve climbed onto the stage and Bucky clapped loudly beside you. As the audience quieted and sat, he reluctantly resumed his own seat, Steve’s empty chair between you.
You shivered as Steve stood behind the microphone. He bent his cue cards then peeked at them before he began to speak. You were distracted as you sensed something beside you. You peered over as Bucky’s fingertips tapped against his thigh.
His eyes caught yours and he bowed his head. You looked down again as he brushed his hand over his crotch and pushed his shoulders back. Your eyes flicked up to his face and he winked. You tore your gaze away as your ears buzzed and you could barely decipher Steve’s voice. It wasn’t happening. It wasn’t. And yet, that ache between your legs was even more persistent.
Steve’s hands were on you before you even closed the door. All night, he’d been sneaking touches; your arm, your hip, your ass. His eyes stuck to you now and then as he took in the praise of another admirer but you could tell, despite his nods, he wasn’t really in the moment.
You heard the lock click as he tugged at the back of your dress. You looked back at him and giggled.
“At least let me get these damn things off,” you looked at the strappy heels.
“Fuck your shoes,” he spun you to him and turned you against the slim table beside the shoe mat. “I’ve waited long enough.”
He lifted you onto the table and your shoulders hit the wall. You braced the edge as he pushed between your legs and crashed his lips into yours. Your cheeks burned and the sensation spread through your body as he crumpled your skirt in his fingers, pulling it further and further up your legs.
You grabbed the lapel of his jacket and pushed it down his shoulders. He rescinded his arms long enough to shed it and let it drop to the floor with a woosh. You yanked on his tie as you kept your mouth moving against his. He forced your skirt higher and you lifted your ass as the cool air brushed the thin fabric of your panties.
He purred and you squeezed him between your thighs. You fiddled with his belt until it came undone and quickly unzipped his fly. You rolled his pants down and hooked your thumbs in the elastic of his brief. You drew your hands to the front and pulled the top of his underwear down past his erection.
You stroked him and he gasped into your mouth. He threw his head back and shoved his hand between your legs. He pulled aside the crotch of your pants and slid his fingers along your folds. He teased you and cradled your face as he kissed you again. Your legs bent in anticipation.
You continued to tease his length as you moved closer to him. You guided him along your cunt as his fingers played with your clit. He smeared your arousal along his tip and you angled him against your entrance. He pushed into you, nearly taking you off the table as he gripped your chin and nibbled at your bottom lip.
He thrust as you teetered on the edge, his thumb pressed to your bud. You moaned and hung your head back. He hummed as his hand slipped down to your neck and his thick fingers spread over your throat. He held you firmly, as if he were tempted to squeeze as he rocked. You felt the pressure threaten for an instant and he let out a heavy breath. His hand fell to your chest and he fondled you as his hips kept a steady rhythm.
You arched your back and kept a hand on the table as you moved with him. He rubbed your clit as he pulled your dress down below your tits. He tweaked your nipple and buried his face in your neck. You panted as you bent your legs around him and welcomed him even deeper.
He grunted loudly through laboured breaths as the fabric of your clothing caught and clung between your bodies. You grasped the back of his neck as he plunged into you over and over. Your core thrummed and bumps rose along your skin. You whined as your orgasm blossomed and fell over you in a haze. Your eyes rolled back and you held onto Steve desperately as you longed for more.
He pushed you back until you were against the wall and snaked his hand under your leg. He pushed your knee up so that your foot was by his head and slammed into you. He pinned you and rutted with eager growls. Your lashes fluttered and you stared back at his fiery blue eyes. He watched you as you writhed and whimpered.
He leaned his forehead against yours and his hot breath surrounded you. He groaned and muffled his climax as it shook his body. He jerked into you sharply as he came and the table knocked the wall with each tilt of his hips. He kept on until he was breathless and you were splayed and tender around him.
He brought two fingers up under your chin and kissed you. His hand fell and he played with the loose strap of your dress as it sagged down your arm.
“Should we take this to the bedroom?” He asked as he b`rushed his nose against yours.
“You think you’ll make it that far,” you murmured.
“We’ll get there,” he lifted you and kept you around him. “Eventually.”
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illfoandillfie · 5 years ago
Welcome Home
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Summery: Roger’s delayed getting home from tour.
Warnings: SMUT (18+),but it’s like light smut lmao,cock warming,morning sex,just like some fluffy bullshit really
Words: 2326
A/N: Been a lil minute since I wrote Rog and I kinda missed him. this idea came to me last week and wouldn't leave me alone lmao
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Taglist: @laedymoon​ @dtfrogertaylor​ @vee-ndetta​ @atomic-watermelon​ @kellypenac​ @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks​ @jennyggggrrr​ @drowseoftaylor​ @hannafuckingsucks​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​ @supersonicfreddie​ @taron-egrotten @johndeaconshands​ @borhapbois​
It had been a couple of months since you’d seen Roger face to face. The biggest downside of dating a rock star was dealing with his absence. Everyone seemed insistent on dragging him away from you, often to the other side of the world. You took comfort knowing he missed you as much as you missed him, and that he was leaving you to live out his lifelong dream. What could be more important than that? When he was away, he called frequently to check in with you. You’d laugh about whatever drama he’d had to endure during rehearsal (though privately you were sure he exaggerated) and then you’d tell him all about what he was missing back home. But the further into the tour he got, the more the calls changed. Gone were the long conversations that unpacked every minute aspect of your day. They were replaced with long conversations that answered the question how was your day? in the first five minutes and dedicated the rest of the time to talk of possible ways to celebrate his eventual return, growing steadily filthier. The problem was that, having moved in together, you’d become accustomed to a certain amount of physical intimacy that you just weren’t getting without Roger there. You missed being able to startle him by laying ice cold hands against the back of his neck, missed cuddling up with him on the couch. You even missed the way he’d pinch your bum as he hugged you, laughing when you squealed in response and batted his chest with your palm. Of course, you missed the sex too. He’d always claimed to be a good lay and, so far, he hadn’t disappointed you. It wasn’t always easy to unwind after a long or hard day of work without being able to grab Roger by the hand and pull him into the bedroom for a few hours, and sometimes the forced abstinence just added to any tensions or stresses you were already dealing with. Plus it was nice to have someone you enjoyed having sex with, who liked making you feel good, and it kind of just sucked to lose that. So being stuck with nothing but your imagination soon had you desperate for Roger’s return and he seemed to feel the same. By the end of the tour you’d abandoned all pretence and we just having straight up phone sex every other night, Roger locked away in his hotel room, you wherever you’d happened to pick up the phone – bedroom or kitchen or lounge room, it didn’t matter.
There was some mild embarrassment at the thought of what may be said of you if anyone were to overhear. Things mentioned in the heat of the moment often seemed silly after you’d hung up, the fog of needy lust subsiding. But while you were on the phone you couldn’t care less who heard what, as long as Roger was there, listening to you, describing his own ideas in response. It was good that Roger had just as large a disregard for anyone else’s ears as you because you were sure one of the boys would be in the room next to his, probably able to hear everything he said. Perhaps if they’d been able to hear your voice, your moans, you would have been more concerned, but you were alone on your end of the line, free to be as loud as you liked. And when you were lying in bed, one hand shoved down the front of your pants, listening to Roger describe how he wanted to fuck you, loud is exactly what you were. The hand that wasn’t pressed to your clit held the phone held tight to your ear, as if loosening your grip would shake you loose from Roger himself.
“Christ I miss your cunt,” he groaned down the line, the sound of his hand sliding over his dick audible beneath his words, “tell me you miss my cock,”
“God yes Rog,” you whined, a little startled by just how much you meant it. “Miss how you fuck me. My fingers are fucking shit compared to the way it feels when you fill me,”
“Shit, love. The second I see you I’m going to slide into your pussy and just stay there for as long as I can.”
“I’ll squeeze down on you,” you warned, not in the mood to think about being full and unfucked.
“Good. I’ll cum in you and then stay there until you’re squirming and begging and I’m hard enough to pound you. Fuck you so loud the neighbours complain. Might even keep myself stuffed inside you until I can start round three.”
“Jesus Rog,”
“You like the sound of that? Being my own personal cock sleeve?”
“Mmhmm, so much. You could live in me. Just stay inside me forever, fucking me and pumping me full of cum over and over.”
“Fuck. I can hear how wet you are.”
So it usually went, or something similar.
But, unfortunately, your most recent phone call was nowhere near as fun. Roger had meant to be home by six. You’d been excited and spent the afternoon getting things ready. A nice hot bath with your favourite scents, fresh sheets for you to ruin the minute he walked in the door, a bottle of wine for afterwards. It would pair nicely with the steaks and sides you’d prepped – all easy and fast to cook as soon as you’d recovered enough. You even put on some of your nicest underwear. Not your fanciest lingerie because it was likely to be torn in his haste to undress you, but it was a matching set and one you knew he liked. But six o’clock came and went and he didn’t walk in the door. Enough time passed that you’d gotten cold waiting in just your undies, so you’d thrown a robe over the top and settled in front of the TV under a blanket. But it was hard to relax when you didn’t know where Roger was or why he hadn’t come home when he said he would. After a few more hours the phone rang and you raced to it, slightly worried you were about to hear something devastating. You sighed in relief at the sound of Roger’s voice but he didn’t have much time to chat. He rushed out an explanation for his being late – something about a weather delay and missing luggage – and then hung up again. A little upset at having to wait even longer to see him, and that your night had been ruined, you fixed yourself a quick dinner, leaving the steaks for the next day instead. You didn’t change though, just in case, your head flicking towards the front door at every little sound. It was late when you finally decided to call it a night, stumbling up to your room, not even bothering to change into pyjamas before you slipped under the covers.
The next thing you knew was being woken by someone climbing into bed next to you, the chill of his fingers making you shiver as he brushed hair off your face. You cracked an eye open, but the sun hadn’t risen and it was hard to see more than a vague outline, Roger’s quick apology for waking you confirmation of who he was. He felt you move to try and get a better look and softly told you to go back to sleep. Instead you waited for him to finish undressing and then shuffled closer, reaching out for him. He let you wrap your arms around him, repaid you with a soft kiss.
“You’re home,” you mumbled, not fully awake.
“Finally. Sorry I’m late,” his voice was low and rough and comforting to hear, right beside your ear, undistorted by connection issues and distance, “Fucking terrible night. But I’m glad to see you again.”
“Not quite the welcome I’d planned,” you said through a yawn.
He laughed softly and kissed the tip of your nose, “Me neither.”
“I got all dressed up and everything,”
Roger raised the blankets into the air, peaking under, trying to see what you meant, letting out a low whistle and a “now I really wish I’d been here sooner,” though you weren’t convinced he could actually see the set through the grey black of the early hour.
You laughed sleepily and raised a hand to stroke his cheek as he fell back to the pillow.
“I was thinking about you the whole way home,” he broke off to yawn, “Had to have a quick wank halfway across the Atlantic,” he yawned again and let his eyes shut for a moment, blinking them back open to look at you with a hint of his cheeky grin.
“Remember when you said you’d fuck me as soon as you saw me,”
“Not sure I have the energy for that. Don’t think you do either.”
You hummed in agreement, the sandman tugging at the corners of your brain, but there was another idea there too. Something more insistent. You tightened your grip on Roger, adjusted yourself to be more comfortable, pulled his head closer to the crook of your neck, able to feel his warm breath on your bare skin. “Kinda want you inside me anyway, Rog.”
The more you thought about it the more you wanted it. You’d missed his presence in the house, the smell of his shampoo and his cigarettes and his aftershave all mixed together, the way his laugh could fill a room, how it felt to sit in the backyard on a warm day and listen to him plucking at one of his guitars, the way he smiled when he said he loved you. And now that he was back all you wanted was to keep him close, listen to his every breath, feel his hair tickling your neck, the scratch of his stubble before he shaved, his warmth seeping into your skin. Just lying beside him wasn’t enough. You wanted to drown in him, completely and utterly surround yourself in him. But that was too hard to explain so early in the day, when you’d had only a couple hours sleep and he seemed to be running on even less. So you replied with a short, “Mmhmm,” lilting upward, and dropped your lips to the top of his head.
“You sure?” his question was an exhale against your throat, fingertips dancing closer to the waistband of your knickers.
“Positive. Just for a bit, please,”
He stifled another yawn as he pushed your underwear down, letting you kick them off one foot as he got rid of his own. There was a pause as he ran his hand along his length in long lazy strokes, a needy whine caught on the tip of your tongue as you waited. But it died there, replaced by a gasp as he pulled your leg over him and slowly sunk into you. Your fingers tightened where they lay and you felt his groan as vibrations against your throat as he filled you inch by inch.
“You okay?”
“Perfect,” you whispered back, “Welcome home.”
Roger hummed and breathed deep, taking a moment to wiggle into a slightly more comfortable position, hitching your leg up a little higher, tilting your head down so he could find your lips again. You saw his eyes flutter shut as he relaxed into the pillows, content to just stay like that until he could summon the energy to do more. You let your own eyes shut too, relishing the way it felt to be stretched around him, listening to his breaths slowing down and evening out.  
It was Roger’s groan that made you stir. An almost desperate sound, though he tried to keep it quiet. Slowly you blinked your eyes open, trying to tell whether Roger was awake yet too, or whether the noise was made in his sleep. You could see him clearer now, the bags under his eyes, the ruffled unkempt look of his hair. Your leg was still slung over him, slipped a little from where he’d placed it, and without thinking you made to move it back. Roger groaned again as a small gasp left you, the full memory of what had happened the previous night returning to you. It was weird, waking up so full, but not unpleasant.
“Y/N,” he sighed, “you up?”
“Love, do that again and we’re going to have a mess to clean up,” he warned, softly.
“How long you been awake?”
“Not long. But you’ve been clenching around me a bit in your sleep and I’m so close.” The last two words were almost pained and you briefly considered moving, letting Roger go so he could calm down sufficiently. But you were comfortable and happy wrapped around him and the memory of your phone calls nagged at the back of your mind, “You can let go,”
“I’m… what’d you call me…your personal cock sleeve? So let go,”
Roger stared at you, eyes wide though still tired looking, as if he couldn’t believe what he’d heard. But, when you didn’t take it back he leaned in to kiss you, rocking his hips against you slowly, letting out a low noise as you felt him empty inside you. You kissed him in return, stroked his cheek as he calmed down. Just for a moment you let your eyes slip shut again, basking in the feeling of it all. When you looked back at Roger he was still staring.
“I love you,”
“Good, I don’t plan on letting you leave this bed much today,”
“Sounds good to me,” he laughed softly, following it with a hiss when you intentionally clenched on his sensitive dick again, “wait, wait love, give me like another minute.”
You apologised and settled for another kiss instead, leaving a few extra along his jaw until he was able to make good on his earlier promises.
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lyssismagical · 5 years ago
Did my heart love till now? For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night
Parkner Week Day Four: “I will pepper in the fact that I am gay.” / coming out / first date
Peter slips out onto the fire escape, desperate to escape his obnoxious roommates for even a minute.
The city is dark and quiet, despite it only being eleven. Peter’s surprised, considering it’s New York, but the borough they live in is different than Queens or Manhattan ever was.
Harry and Gwen’s bickering follows him out onto the fire escape, so he shuts the window behind him, muffling their voices. They fight a lot. He knows they mean well, they love each other deep down, but they’ve both got big personalities, lots of opinions, and they’re both too stubborn to step down from a fight. Peter’s been appointed as the peacemaker of the group, but even then, there’s only so much he can do. It’s easier somedays to leave them to fight for a little while, get it out of their system, than to try to get them to reconcile.
It doesn’t help that they’re all struggling college students, desperately trying to make a name for themselves in a big city like New York. Harry wants to be a director or maybe join the fashion scene if he can, Gwen wants to make it as an actress, and Peter’s dream is to get on Broadway. They’re all nineteen, though, barely scraping by at NYU or AMDA, trying to pay rent with their minimum wage jobs as waiters.
It isn’t particularly easy, but when has anything ever been easy?
Just because the chances are slim and there will be a lot of struggle, doesn’t mean any of them are willing to give up on their dreams. They’re all prepared for the hardships as long as they have each other.
“What light through yonder window breaks?” A voice calls out from the street below where Peter’s feet dangle. “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love!”
Peter hasn’t read Romeo and Juliet since he was in high school, but he’d know those lines anywhere.
He can’t see whoever is quoting Shakespeare up to him, too many shadows cast in the street, but the voice is deep with a southern drawl, projecting easily up to where Peter is.
“O, that she knew she were! She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold, ‘tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, od entreat her eyes to twinkle in their sphere till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!”
“Do you just have it all memorized?” Peter calls out, knowing it’s meant to be his line. He can’t help the smile as the mysterious Romeo laughs from the streets below.
His voice is softer as he speaks without lines. “I played Romeo for three weeks worth of performances last year. I saw you sitting up there, and couldn’t help myself.”
Peter frowns, thinking back to last year. At AMDA, he auditioned for Romeo, but he ended up playing a background character with a single line instead. He was told it was because he was only a freshman, but it was a pretty big hit to his ego. He can’t remember who actually got the role of Romeo though.
“I don’t suppose you quote Shakespeare to just every sad looking person sitting on their fire escapes?”
“There’s a first time for everything,” Romeo says. “You go to AMDA, don’t you? I think I remember seeing you around… You don’t happen to work at that diner on 64th street, do you?”
Peter laughs. “I don’t know how you know that, but yeah, I do. I’m a sophomore at AMDA, double majoring in musical theatre and performing arts. And spending nights at that diner to pay rent.”
“Me and my friend get dinner there all the time. I remember you because Cassie kept pointing you out as one of the greatest dancers in one of her classes.”
The blush that creeps up Peter’s neck makes him feel warm all the way to the core. He’s been working really hard in his dance classes to get where he is now, it’s nice to get that kind of recognition. “That’s very nice of her.”
“I was pointing you out because you happen to be one of the prettiest people I’ve ever seen,” Romeo adds on. “And you have a lovely voice.”
Peter tries to summon any piece of confidence he can, but comes up mostly empty. “Would you mind stepping out of the shadows, so I can compliment you too?”
Romeo laughs again sweetly, and then he’s stepping out from where he’d been leaning against a building across the street. He walks to the middle of the deserted street until he’s properly under the light of the one of the streetlamps.
“O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o’er my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air,” he says.
Romeo is gorgeous and Peter remembers him too. Harley Keener, a Junior at AMDA, in the same musical theatre program as Peter. Harley’s wearing a pair of tight jeans and a flannel, blond curls bouncy and messy, blue eyes wide and sparkling, hands lifted towards Peter as he recites his lines with so much passion and truth.
“You’re calling me and angel? When you look like you do?” Peter blurts. He can hear Gwen’s muffled voice rising behind him and knows he doesn’t have much more time until they finish their argument and come looking for him. “You were brilliant as Romeo, too. I played one of the guards, but I watched your performance every night.”
Harley smiles, showing off his adorable dimples. “I would’ve loved it if you could’ve played opposite me, though. I think you would’ve made an amazing Juliet.”
“I think the world would’ve rioted if they saw a guy playing Juliet. I think Shakespeare would’ve risen from the dead just to have a heart attack.”
Peter can barely stop grinning at the not-so-subtle hints that Harley’s into guys too.
“We’d make a pretty amazing duo, though, don’t you think?”
“My ears have no yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue’s utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?” Peter calls out, putting on his best Juliet voice.
Harley laughs brightly. “You skipped a few lines, but I’ll let it slide if you come down here.”
“If they do see thee, they will murder thee.”
“Is that a no? O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?”
Peter shakes his head, already pulling himself up to his feet. “I’ll be down in five, Harley. You want to get coffee?”
“I’d love to get coffee.”
Grinning, Peter pries open the window and slips back into his apartment where Gwen and Harry seem to have finally gone quiet.
He changes into a nicer outfit quickly, nearly face-planting in his haste to tug his jeans on, and then he skips into the living room to say goodbye to his friends.
“You have plans?” Harry says when he sees Peter. “I thought you were staying in tonight?”
“I met somebody!” Peter practically squeals, bouncing on his toes. He can barely contain his excitement. He hasn’t dated anybody since high school, spending college focused on his career and education, but he’s not about to turn somebody like Harley down.
Gwen lifts an eyebrow. “You met somebody… on the fire escape?”
“We may or may not have been quoting Romeo and Juliet… We’re getting coffee. I’ll catch you both up when I get back, okay?”
Just as Peter’s about to turn away, Harry grabs his arm. “Wait, who was it? Do we know them?”
Peter, blushing furiously and so giddy like he’s a lovesick teenager, says, “Harley Keener. He played Romeo last year, remember?”
Both their jaws drop in shock, eyes wide. They remember him, for sure. It’s hard not to remember somebody like Harley.
Peter doesn’t bother sticking around any longer, racing out the front door to get down to Harley.
Apparently, Harley knows a nice coffee place that’s open at the late hours of night, so he leads the way, bumping shoulders, teasing each other, and making small talk mostly about their friends and school.
“I don’t know if this is too forward,” Harley says when they make it to the coffeeshop. “But I just wanna know if you’re into guys or not. I’m gay… If this is totally platonic, that’s cool too, I just want to know.”
Peter grins, unable to help himself. “I’m bi, so… I thought we were being pretty obvious how we felt by saying we should be two of the most famous star-crossed lovers there are.”
Harley laughs, leading Peter to the counter to give their orders. “I suppose… So, this would be a date?”
“I was kind of hoping so, yeah. If that’s okay?”
“It’s perfect, yeah.”
Harley pays, if only because Peter managed to forget his wallet in his haste to get out of his apartment, and then they start walking back to Peter’s apartment.
Harley talks about how he’s from a small town in the middle of nowhere, Tennessee, how he always dreamed of making it on Broadway like Peter, how scared he was submitting an application to AMDA, how much everything changed when he got accepted. He talks about his family, his mom and little sister back home, how proud they are of everything he does, how he’s going to work so much harder for them. He talks about his experience in New York, how different it is compared to Rose Hill, how much excitement there is, how fast it moves and how full it is.
It’s strange to hear about New York from an outsiders perspective. Peter’s only left New York twice. Both times for Academic Decathlon which took him to DC and to Toronto.
In turn, Peter talks about May, how much he loves her, how much she’s supported all of his decisions. He doesn’t say much about Ben or his parents, but he says enough that Harley links their free hands together and squeezes comfortingly. He talks about Harry and Gwen, about school and his job, how much stress has been piled on his shoulders by everyone wanting him to choose a more possible dream. How he refuses to give up on his Broadway dreams.
They make it back to his apartment all too soon, hands still linked, noses and cheeks red from the cold.
“This was really nice,” Peter murmurs. “I would invite you up to my place, but I have two roommates who are crazy obnoxious and loud and a lot. I’d really like to do this again, though.”
“Me too. I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while now, I didn’t think it would be like that. Quoting Shakespeare isn’t the greatest pickup line.”
Peter shrugs, tugging Harley a little closer. “It worked.”
“Is there anyway I could get your number?”
“I’ll give it to you in exchange for something,” Peter bargains, smiling dopily.
“And what’s that?”
“Kiss me?”
Harley doesn’t waste a second, pressing their mouths together and backing Peter into the brick wall of his apartment building, free hand grabbing Peter’s waist while trying not to spill his coffee. Peter wraps his arms around Harley’s neck and shoulders, smiling into the kiss.
Eventually, they do have to pull away, both of them grinning at each other and they let out twin breathless laughs.
Harley fishes a pen out of his bag, presenting it and his forearm to Peter.
He jots down his number with a little heart, trying not to think too much about the wiry muscle in his forearm and how much he really wants to see Harley’s biceps too. He leans up to kiss Harley once more before he pushes open the door to his building.
“I’ll see you around?”
“Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spideygirl2003 @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay 
73 notes · View notes
bubmyg · 5 years ago
footnote: better together - ksj
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pairing: seokjin x reader
genre/warnings: neighbor!au, strangers to enemies to lovers, fluff, sugar glider fun, seokjin has a collection of stationary and alpaca statues, cheesy holiday goodness
word count: 10,935
summary: the tale of semi friendly notes exchanged passive aggressively between a pair of neighbors until they’re no longer threatening to blackmail one with voice memos of the other singing justin bieber in the shower or the one where you’re alone in your apartment complex and holiday activities are done better together
a/n: happy holidays and happy late birthday to mistre seokjinnie!!!!
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Kim Seokjin had a way with delivering words. You’d, quite literally, discovered that hour one of indirect interaction with him. 
Three weeks and the newness of your apartment had started to fade, your decorations hung at slightly crooked angles from your pattered meanderings around the vicinity of your space, laundry dangling out of the hamper rather than meticulous stuffed inside, snacks now scrawled on a list pasted to the front of your fridge where their once full wrappers were hidden in the depths of your trash can. Muscle memory started to carry your legs up the back staircases and through narrow hallways for your apartment, passing by familiar decorations hung on the outside of doors and the occasional familiar face whose schedule happened to coincide somehow with yours. 
It was in a similar fashion that you assumed you had no neighbor directly next to you. The walls were paper thin as the individual across from you took great privilege in letting their door crash shut every time they opened it at four in the morning and from your limited knowledge of building layouts and the way yours slotted nicely to the neighboring apartment, you assumed that if you did have a neighbor, you would have heard them in their bathroom at least once at this point. 
You hadn’t. Not one noise. 
Three weeks into newness fading from your apartment meant built up grime in varying degrees was starting to plague your apartment, thus, time for the first weekend day dedicated entirely to scrubbing into crevices of tile and wood. The earbuds snug in your ears played some tune, something you vaguely recognized from the radio as you hummed absently to it in meandering into your bathroom to grab another wipe from the yellow cylinder perched on the counter. 
The pop of the lid opening and closing registered louder over the sound of your earbuds but it was the melody of something that didn’t at all match the music contained only to your ears that caused you to pause, disinfectant wipe dangling from the pinch of your thumb and index finger as you glanced around the small space. With your free hand, you clicked at the tiny white control dangling off your earbuds to silence your music, squinting as if the narrowing of your sight would help your ears pick up the source of the noise. 
Seeping between the drywall was the voice of Justin Bieber, or rather, the lyrics over a Justin Bieber track but the voice pitched higher, dramatic clearly for the fact that this water was in the shower but with a hint of training, melodious and mesmerizing to an extent. 
If only that voice weren’t loud as fuck. 
You tried to ignore it by tapping your volume up a notch and clicking to a playlist of songs that were just a fraction louder than before. And for the most part, you did forget about the actions of your apparent new neighbor while you scrubbed down the cheap countertops in your kitchen and piled trash bags near the door to take down to the dumpster when it wasn’t dark and less than ten degrees outside. 
The volume in your ears sank as the sag of your couch cushions swallowed your stature, allowing your muscles to relax as you paused your music and let your eyes close for a moment of peace. Except there was the patter of water that wasn’t rain or snow or any type of precipitation coating the window beyond your cheap curtains but instead your neighbor still showering. With a groan, your thumb tapped at your phone screen a few times. 
Taehyung answered half a ring in, “Can’t talk right now, just let the water for my ramen boil over—”
“Wait, did you actually?”
“No,” You heard a vague, high pitched laugh, “For what do I owe the pleasure of your correspondence?”
“I have a new neighbor.”
“Awe, did your landlord spoil the surprise? It’s me!”
You rolled your eyes, “Were you belting Justin Bieber in the shower earlier?”
“How’d you know?”
“No, I wasn’t. I’m offended you’d even think that of me.”
“Someone must have moved into the empty apartment next to me while I was at work last night. And they are a better singer than Justin Bieber.”
“Not hard to accomplish that, dove—”
“What do I do? It was funny for like two seconds but I can’t deal with that all the time every night.”
Taehyung scoffed noisily with his lips, “I don’t know. Tell the front desk?”
“Hoseok will be of absolutely no assistance,” You blinked at the far wall from your couch as one of the decorative picture frames you had hung from a command strip began to shake a bit. Popping out an earbud, you found muffled shower sounds replaced with the slam of bathroom cabinets and the uninhibited sound of music, something you vaguely recognized from your previous, radio friendly playlist. “I guess I’ll just hope that it’s the new environment thing running its course. Hopefully I won’t have to experience a terrible concert every time my neighbor wants to shower…”
“I hope that for you as well…” Your best friend trailed off on the other end, “I was partially kidding about the water thing so I kind of have to go...but definitely call me if you have anymore juicy updates on the new neighbor. Maybe I’ll come over sometime and experience it for myself.”
“Go tend to your ramen mess and don’t make Yoongi clean it all up,” Taehyung made another noise of indignation before you signed off with a soft bye, tapping the end button on your phone with another slipping sigh. 
You stared at the wall until the popular radio tunes had faded, just a noise but nothing distinguishable as the new tenant had evidently moved out of the bathroom. You had half the mind to connect a bluetooth speaker to your laptop and blast something off of one of your albeit embarrassing playlists but you didn’t feel petty enough for your neighbor’s first night so you gathered your clothes and fiddled at the creaky dial on your shower in silent peace. 
The damp towel hung loosely from your neck as you wandered back into the hallway, humming something in place of music but pausing the noise and your steps when something white fluttered underneath your front door. Squinting, you tugged the towel a bit tighter and gripped onto the baggy center of your hoodie as you crouched to swipe up the piece of paper. 
It was patterned stationery, a step below cardstock maybe with purposeful, cloudy puffs of grey sprinkled throughout the slightly offwhite paper. Elegant paper, if paper could be elegant, ruined by the messy scrawl of a bleeding black pen, lettings pinched and scrunched to the top half of the paper when they easily could have stretched throughout. In fact, the only thing on the bottom half of the paper was a signature line, spread out and blocky. 
Hey, your new neighbor here...if you haven’t noticed, the walls are a bit thing. If you could keep it down when you’re on the phone, that’d be really helpful. Wouldn’t want to have to tell the front desk, you know? Have a nice (quiet) night! - Kim Seokjin (or...your new neighbor). 
Your handwriting turned out equal in horrendous quality as your shaking hand etched across a piece of notebook paper you yanked out of a drawer in the kitchen. Seokjin’s note fluttered sadly to the floor as you passed where you’d slammed it down on the edge of your kitchen counter, nearly crumpling the return letter in hand as you retched open your apartment door. 
Hey, your neighbor here. I’ll keep that in mind but I’d say you should probably heed your own advice. Wouldn’t want to broadcast a voice memo of you singing 2013 Justin Bieber to the entire building, now would we? Have a nice (quiet!) existence - your neighbor (I don’t think you’ve earned my name quite yet). 
In your angered haste, you knocked on the door before you slid the paper underneath, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of stumbling upon it some time throughout the evening like you had. You, and your hazed subconscious, wanted them to know of your threat now.
...until everything screeched back into reality when a few locks fluttered and the door was yanked open to reveal your neighbor, Kim Seokjin. 
Wet black hair was swept backward by a searching hand, black joggers snug underneath a massive pink sweater that hung off the knuckles of each hand, the one in his hair and the one clutching your crumpled piece of notebook paper. His facial features were gentle but critical, dark eyebrows pulled inward, plump lips pursed until they gradually pulled outward into a smile as soft brown irises flicked haphazardly across the contents of the note. 
“So, what you’re saying is…” Seokjin looked at you, one eyebrow cocking, “You don’t like my music?”
“I don’t like how loud your music is.”
He leaned into his open door, laughing, “Touche’.” 
“Just…” You clenched your fists by your side and you half assumed frustrated steam was billowing quietly out of your ears, “Just try to keep it down, please? And if you have a grievance with me just...come knock on my door or something.”
“Only if you don’t threaten to broadcast my bad shower singing—” He paused in place of your name, one you provided with a sigh. He repeated it with a giddy grin, sticking his hand out that you unwillingly shook, “Nice to meet you.”
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Except Seokjin all but refused to knock on your door for anything, instead leaving you messily passive aggressive pieces of various colored stationary underneath the sizable crack in your apartment door. 
Forest green with darker specks in between had the request for your Wifi password after he’d given some sob story via barely comprehensible handwriting about how his provider couldn’t make it for another week and he needed to submit something for his work now or he’d get fired. You’d refused, obviously, with a silent protest of not returning his request, something he countered with ridiculously obnoxious music for hours straight until you caved and thrust a ripped shard of yellow notebook paper underneath his door. 
Only when he’d navigated onto his laptop did he notice that you’d changed your Wifi network name to don’t use this to stream Justin Bieber. A week later, when your connection finally turned to normal did a new network shuffle among the list of others scattered throughout your building. 
Using this to stream Justin Bieber. 
A pastel blue sheet with purple and navy specks through it came to your door to asking about a printer, Seokjin claiming he’d heard the unmistakable sound through the paper thin walls and that he desperately needed to use it as his suddenly wouldn’t connect to his laptop. If he hadn’t heard a printer, the asterisk at the bottom informed you to disregard completely. 
The largest part of you knew it would be a disaster if you were to give him the ability to connect to your bluetooth printer but the smallest part of you knew you couldn’t hide that secret and he’d just torture you with a Disney movie soundtrack until you caved so you scrawled out connection instructions and taped part of the user manual to the note you slid underneath. 
It took him a week to start taking advantage of the printer, beginning to use it in place of his notes instead of trekking down the hallway to push cardstock beneath the crack. The first couple were serious, a request for a spare iPhone charger, a half attempt at getting you to invite him over for dinner with a compliment to how good your dinner smelled. The next couple were ridiculous, a meme outdated by about three years, a Wikipedia page on the history of twist bottle caps that he insisted was just an accident with the next print. 
Then there was one you thought was ridiculous until the same message printed again on fake cardstock, a color he’d applied to the paper that printed in your apartment (soft pink with maroon splotches) and added text that said THIS IS NOT A JOKE, HELP ME. 
You vaguely understood the logistics of sugar gliders but you grabbed a hand towel on your way out of your apartment anyway, picking careful feet on the patterned carpet as to not accidentally step on the creature. It found you first, however, scurrying underneath your pant leg and you had to muffle your scream in the towel as you crouched, managing to fish the sugar glider out with little trouble and throw yourself into Seokjin’s apartment when he opened the door for the tap of your foot against the bottom of it. 
“He was outside?” Seokjin took the towel from you to inspect the tittering creature with wide eyes, “How did you get outside?” 
“You’re welcome—”
“Please don’t turn me in,” There was a separate panic in Seokjin now that he’d retrieved his pet, referencing the no animal aside from non aggressive fish rule in the apartment building. Another second of you being silent and he continued to ramble, “I don’t have anywhere else to take him and he’s good most of the time I just—”
“Seokjin,” You held up a palm, “I’m not going to turn you in.”
He bounced the towel in his arms like it was a human baby, eyeing you with innocent irises, “On any conditions or you just won’t period?”
You considered his proposition for a moment and felt a tiny bit bad for making conditions on him keeping his pet. But only a tiny bit. 
“Stop playing your music so loud,” You proposed. “And I’ll stop using your printer!” Seokjin’s words ran together and his eyes bugged wider, “I’ll give you my number so we can stop wasting paper. Anything…”
He thrust out the hand that wasn’t cradling his pet, “...deal?”
You sighed, watching as his sugar glider’s nose began to twitch and he burrowed into the tiny nest made by your towel. “Deal…”
Except that deal lasted less than a week and he was back to playing music at a ridiculous volume, clattering his cabinets loudly, printing so much it ran out your black ink and you had to ask for money to go buy a new cartridge when you took his heaving stack of documents over to his door. 
You tried banging on the wall as a warning, something you’d never thought of before, an action that caused the lowering of volume for no more than ten minutes before it was up again and you were back to digging the heel of your palm in the shared wall separating your bathrooms (and apartments). 
This was the first time he’d texted you, something you stared at for a hard few seconds upon forgetting to save his name to the contact information, just a puke emoji. It was the contents of the message that jogged your memory. 
Were those knocks Morse code for a song request? 
You sighed, angrily tapping into your phone. 
No, they meant shut the fuck up. 
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Months of living in your building meant you had a general idea to the schedules of those who lived around you and how they coincided to yours. That meant you generally parked in the same parking place, took the same route up the stairs, pressed a halfhearted smile into your cheeks at the same people in the lobby and the elevator and the halls. That entire routine was thrown off when you worked over one day, sweat tattered into your hairline and the buttons on your clothes itching to become baggy sweatpants before you departed for an exam that evening and all you could think about was the newly empty parking spot that was entirely closer to the door than where you normally parked. 
In the time it took to shed your polo and jeans smelling of the restaurant you waitressed at part time and grab your backpack, there was someone parked directly behind you, effectively boxing you into the space that had a concrete wall in the front and two other cars on either side. At first, you assumed it was an accident until you got closer and the soft wind fluttered at a piece of pastel purple stationary with blue tick marks splattered throughout it. 
I see you are enjoying the convenience of my parking spot. The code word is “penis”. Scream it loudly down the hallway and I’ll come out and move my car currently blocking you in. If I don’t “hear” from you in an hour, I’m calling a tow truck. Yours truly, Jin :)
You were shaking by the time your trembling legs brought you in front of his door, your voice miserable in rising to say plenty loud enough, “Penis.”
There was a gentle cackling from the other side of the door and his voice answered back, “Not loud enough.”
Anger, one like the initial day he’d moved in next to you, began to lace into the exhaustion and anxiety crippling the swirling pit of your stomach. It caused your voice to rise a second, unashamed octave, “Penis!”
Seokjin’s fingers tapped on the inside of the door and he hummed, “Still can’t quite hear you, darling.”
Your fists curled so tight it crumpled the note in your hand and you set your shoulders, letting your vocal chords waver as you, pointedly screaming, “Penis! Penis, penis, penis—”
The door swung open to reveal Seokjin’s concerned features, his hands lifting in penance but you continued to repeat the word, pausing only to chastise, isn’t this what you wanted? until a lock could be heard down the hall and Seokjin panicked enough to grab your wrist and tug you into the depth of his apartment. 
When he dropped your wrist, you silenced, staring hard at the scrunch of his features and it was the ripping sob that made you immune to the way he’d asked if you were okay approximately three times before the first of the tears began to appear across your cheeks. 
“You have my number!” You wailed, hysterical, “Why couldn’t you have just called me like a normal fucking person and asked me to move my car?”
Seokjin stuttered, “A-are you going somewhere?” His eyes flicked to the strap of the backpack that you gripped for dear life. 
“I have an exam tonight asshole. Not like you care but I’m probably going to miss that too.”
“No, no, you won’t just—” He darted somewhere and returned with a wad of tissues and his car keys, “—dry your face and let’s go. I’ll drive you.”
“I don’t want you to drive me,” You dabbed at your face with the wad of tissues rather than separating them individually, “I want you to move your car.”
“Seokjin,” Your voice rose again, only to dip into a tremble as more tears leaked miserably from the corners of your eyes, “Just move your car. Please.”
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The next note came two days after you’d been fifteen minutes late for your exam, paired with the warm scent of freshly baked cookies. The plain piece of white paper advertised that too, that there was a plate of cookies waiting for you just outside your door and you probably needed to get them quickly before other tenants started to think you were running a one person bake sale from inside your apartment. You munched a sizable dent into the tiny pile of chocolate chip lain treats while thumbing softly over the tiny heart curled into the corner of Seokjin’s signature, considering it as some sort of unspoken apology. 
He didn’t stop there in his quest to earn back your trust, to amend the absolutely heartbroken expression plastered to your features as a buildup of stress but that he took as his fault for taking the friendly enemy step one footprint too far. 
For example, you didn’t question how he’d discovered it was your laundry tumbling in the dryer down in the common area of your floor. Maybe he’d correctly guessed, but regardless, he’d piled your laundry in neat, sorted piles in the white wire basket you’d left perched on top of the machine. You tried to ignore that he’d touched, multiple, pairs of your underwear and instead took the clothes against your side in the trek back to your apartment. 
And aside from targeted attacks of penance, he overall tried to be a quiet neighbor, giving off the impression that no one lived there aside from the occasional slip of a shutting cabinet and the flick and click of his door knob and lock. The top forty playlists had ceased along with any other form of music and once you caught him exiting his apartment with earbuds attached to his phone, something a few months ago that you weren’t entirely sure he owned. 
It went on this way until the fall month melted into deep winter, ice covering the sidewalks in a thin layer on the first day that it seemed plausible that there would be a white Christmas and you loathed it like the various warnings of canceled (in your email, on the airline website, through the tight lipped voice of the attendant who you’d spoken on the phone with, to the many news warnings flashing across the television screen every time you turned it on to something that was vaguely a news channel) attached to your flight tickets lain forgotten underneath some loose change on your kitchen counter. 
You took in the supportive text messages from your family and friends back home with misty eyes kin to the thin glaze of ice covering the window in your apartment that promised not to melt for at least a week, if not the exact opposite and enhance by a few quarter inches with the cold front coming in directly before Christmas. Your fleece blanket served as a tiny, furry cave, sheltering you from the crippling sense of loneliness that came with being alone on the holidays, a sense that plagued your very being of living alone yet heightened when you had the expectation of it ending for a few days while being at home surrounded by other people. 
The Snapchat notification from Taehyung went unopened when you saw his story said he’d just touched down in his hometown, just hours before cancellations began to flood in to that particular airport. You swiped away the missed call notifications from your parents that served only to cheer you up but assumed would just make the tired butterflies in your stomach sink. You moved the stack of neatly wrapped presents in your corridor to the hall closet that only contained a vacuum and a dustpan (no broom), even the present that you’d scrawled Seokjin’s name over but had considered keeping for the sake of your own dignity several times over. 
You even managed to loathe the wall you shared with Seokjin a bit extra, as it was eerily silent, no annoying albeit comforting ambience filtering from it but instead dead silence, reminding you that you were virtually the only person left in your entire building, if not the entire vicinity of the your suburban side of the college town. 
Until that wall began to chatter, first with a barely there scuffle of things against the floor and second with the unmistakable sound of music, his trademark no less, except in holiday fashion this time, melodious bells and jingles marking the underneath of lyrics you couldn’t hear but beats you could vaguely recognize. 
Half of your exhausted conscious thought it was a mirage, that you were simply imagining that your neighbor was still here with you as the second and only two individuals left in the entire building, so it aided in your carelessness of wrapping your fleece blanket tighter to your shoulders and venturing out into the hallway. The music of your mirage only seemed to grow louder the closer you shuffled to his door, and you timed your knocks with the tune of jingle bells until you were met with the panicked expression of Seokjin, one you’d seen only once before when you’d been cradling his nearly lost pet in a clump of grey towel. 
“Shit,” He cursed, “I figured you’d went home, I’m sorry. I’ll turn the music down again, that’s entirely my bad I was just…” Seokjin trailed off, gesturing quietly over his shoulder and when he stepped aside, you could see the mass of a fallen, plastic tree along with nearly a dozen half opened packages of ornaments. Green metal hooks decorated all the spaces in between, ones curled like his lips into the dimples in his cheeks when he shrugged, “...was trying to put up my tree, is all.”
“Oh,” You nudged your nose into the material around your shoulders, “It’s alright, I just...didn’t think you were here either—” You tried to smile underneath the puffy, sewn hem, “—making sure it was you, you know. Being a watchful neighbor.”
The tiniest of grins manifested to his lips, gradual in growing into the slight wheeze of his laughter but the speech he articulated didn’t quite match, just a soft, “Yeah…”
A few more heartbeats of awkward and you broke the trance with a nod towards the floor, taking a step back, “Well, if you need me then...you know where to find me.”
Seokjin returned your nod. “Yeah. I mean yeah, yeah same.”
You were two sad shuffles down the hall when something was tugging on the end of your blanket. It was Seokjin with the grey fleece held hostage, tugging softly again before dropping it all together, the round of his mouth suggesting the mortification he felt at the situation as the tips of his ears slowly grew red but none of that stopped his invitation. 
“Do you want to help me put up my tree?”
When you just stared at him from underneath your makeshift cape, he held up a single finger, a sharp wait! before a distinct crashing could be heard as he stumbled back into his apartment. Moments later he returned with a strip of that familiar stationery, ripped a bit more on the perforated edge in his haste but the message read semi clear as he pressed the paper to the wall and began to mark on it with a thickly tipped black marker. 
With all the giddiness in the world, he thrust the note toward you. 
Come help me decorate my tree?1 (pretend that one is a footnote) and at the bottom, smooth edge of the paper footnote: this activity is done better together. promise. 
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In all your short lived instances of appearing in Seokjin’s doorway to explain notes or hand him documents (or sugar gliders), you’d never taken the time to really look at his apartment or at least, those parts of it you could see. Perched on his couch while he stretched on his tiptoes to plant a plastic star with red glitter woven through the middle was an entirely different perspective, especially when the itchy wool inscribing an ostrich with a Santa hat on the front rode up a bit on his hip bones and you had to force yourself to examine the apartment rather than the occupant of said apartment. 
It was a similar layout to your own, an open concept living room into a kitchen with fully functioning appliances (his fridge, for example, freckled white and covered in so many magnets you would almost venture to describe the color as magnetic). There was a hallway beyond the wall in which the couch you perched on was pressed to, to the right, his bedroom and to the left, the connection of your bathrooms. In theory, your walls touched in more places than just the initial hotspot that was the shower concert, but seeing the layout for yourself in comparison to how you knew yours was laid out did nothing to change the perception already ingrained in your conscious. 
Seokjin seemed to go for modern and minimalistic decorations, monochromes the theme for the big (the black leather couch and matching armchair, the white drawers shoved into the black outlined entertainment center), and wildly neon for the accents (a sharp red shag rug pressed underneath your socked feet, tiny alpaca figurines shoved onto decorative shelves and coffee table corners, a round pink bunny pillow with a questioning eyebrow taking the place of a decorative pillow on his couch). 
One alpaca in particular caught your attention, standing upright with a tiny red bow around its neck as it seemed to wave in your direction from it’s place on the edge of the entertainment center. Seokjin’s voice dragged you away from being endeared by it, however, and you again felt your face heating as your eyes tore to the dip in his exposed spine. 
“Hello,” He crooned again and you tried to ignore the slight slant in his lips when you finally met his gaze, “Is the star straight?”
You blinked up to where the red spined topper was very clearly lopsided. “Not even close.”
“Okay,” You were quickly growing endowed to the wheeze in his laughter, “Which direction does it need to go?”
There was a vague flick of your wrist toward the front door. He complied and you shook your head, “No...back this way.”
Too far again the wrong direction. Too far back. Nearly tumbling backward off the tree. Pressed forward so the tip was pointing toward you. 
Finally, you shrugged, “...that’s good enough.”
Seokjin groaned, letting the pins and needles in his arms relax as he turned to you with slumped shoulders and accusing eyes. “You’re not very good at this thus far,” He told you, placing the bend in his thumb and pointer finger to the high rise of his waist. 
“I don’t have much practice this year,” Your voice was light but the implication of the words wasn’t and Seokjin sensed it. 
“Not much of a decorator?” 
You answered the unasked question, “No. I was waiting to do it with my family.”
“Oh.” He shuffled away from the tree to bend over a cardboard box, traping a tangled mass of green wired lights from within. His attention focused on straightening them out while he inquired gently, “...so you are you staying here over the holidays?”
“Yes. My flight was canceled and a proper one won’t be available until after the holidays.”
“Oh,” Seokjin emphasized the word, nodding mostly to himself as he let the unlit lights drape down his front to sway against his legs, “Good, good. Me, uh...me too. I mean I’m staying here too. And my flight got canceled. The me too was to that part, too—”
“Good,” You happily dismissed the rambled ends of the conversation there, unfurling your legs from underneath you to stand, “Want some help with those?”
You aided each other in wrapping the thin, artificial tree in four strands of twinkling white lights, passing each other the looped wad in front and behind the plastic limbs, careful not to dislodge the prior work of the balanced star while also assuring the bulbs sat nestled in the branches. It looked a bit overwhelmed, wrapped in unlit green wires until Seokjin crawled to the floor to jam one end in the nearby outlet, only to have the tree look a bit underwhelming when only two of the strands lit up, those two being the ones that hugged the middle half of the tree. 
The next twenty minutes were spent silently checking each individual bulb, Seokjin stretching back for the top of the tree while you crouched below. You’d barely made it halfway when he was waddling determinedly off into the apartment, only to return with a creaky wooden chair that he ordered you to sit on while you did the work. 
“What if we rotate the tree as well,” He proposed, fingers reaching for the light he left off on, “That way we don’t have to, oh—” His fingers twisted into one of the bulbs and suddenly, his entire strand came on with yours following close after. A puzzled smile stretched into his cheeks as he regarded you where you sat on the edge of the chair he’d brought you, “—well, never mind.”
“You know…” You’d watched him meticulously separate green hooks from each other in silence for far too long, “You can turn your music back on.”
A pile of hooks snagged haphazardly against each other fell to the floor when he looked at you. The silence was affecting his ability to function as well, clearly, particularly when he said, “The music? What music?”
“The....the music that you were—?”
As if to cover himself after the handful of heartbeats that were nothing but silence in response to your statement, Seokjin began to laugh, a high pitched wheezing sound that paired to the hand he cupped across his stomach and the other that he slapped against his thigh. 
“Oh, right,” Seokjin nodded, stumbling on the fibers of the festive socks on his feet to wherever the source may be, “That music.”
You took it upon yourself to untangle the hooks. 
The exchange of silence stayed for the first few songs on the holiday playlist, an unspoken teamwork of you weaving hooks on shiny plastic bulbs while Seokjin placed them evenly around the tree. It took a package of red and silver ornaments and half a package of unconventional, squished lamp shaped ornaments of a green hue before he began to hum. 
They were hums that grew louder as your fingers brushed in the transfer of hooked ornaments until he was essentially serenading you with the seam of his lips pressed tightly together, prolonging the shared contact on the ornaments as he leaned a fraction closer with his head wiggling to the beat and a smile tugging upward on his sealed lips. 
Then he was singing, something akin to the tone of voice you’d heard him use the very first day he’d moved in. A bit pitchy but on purpose, careless and carefree, soft at first but growing louder the more comfortable he got with you being in the presence of a one man audience for a one man concert. 
And then his voice switched, something more formal, a bit whispery and genuinely beautiful. It had you pausing in your actions, hook in one hand and ornament in another while the corner of your jaw began to unhinge. He was lost in it, unaware that you’d failed to hand him another ornament until he turned with eyes screwed shut and bumped into your outstretched fists. 
Seokjin’s eyes popped open, immune to the expression on your features as he took the ornament from you, placing the unhooked plastic and the hook on separate places on the tree before sliding his hands into yours. His voice wavered between silly and trained, happily wavering your intertwined hands in between your bodies as he danced your figures in messy circles around the myriad of excess decorations. 
“You can step on my feet, you know,” Seokjin assured, letting go of one of your hands to coax you into a stumbling circle. When you made the revolution, he held you at arms length as the streaming service through the speaker buffered between songs.
“I’m not close enough to step on your feet.”
He regarded you for the half second it took a single eyebrow to cock before he jerked on your arm, tugging you nearly on top of his toes. Seokjin hushed, “Is this better?”
There was a distinct waft of cinnamon and vanilla that filtered off the smiling ostrich stretched across his broad stature paired with a comforting warmth that soothed through the stabilizing hand you’d pressed to his chest. Your gaze trailed upward from the stitched tufts of hair woven into the top of the ostrich’s head to meet Seokjin’s gentle eyes, irises brewed in something that radiated the same coffee warmth of the rest of his aura. 
Bluntly, you answered, “Yeah, I’m standing on your feet now.”
He took that as his cue to rock you back and forth, still perched on the tops of his feet, matching the beat of the more melancholy instrumental that filled the apartment. The sun had begun to set outside, lessening the natural light into a glossy orange hue that enhanced the twinkle of lights now forgotten on the tree as two shadows curled around the small space and melded into each other. 
“You have a nice singing voice,” You said to his collarbone, afraid to meet his gaze again. 
“Thank you,” Seokjin squeezed one of your hands, “You’re a terrible dancer.”
It was reflex to smack his shoulder, daring your gaze up at him just to glare and in turn sending the two of you into a fit of unabashed laughter. It was laughter that brought the curl of your bodies closer together, gripping each others hands tighter, until the giggles died into soft smiles directed solely to each other. 
Seokjin cocked his head after a moment, “Would you like to stay and watch a movie?”
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“I don’t have much in my cabinet other than this—” A warm bowl of ramen was placed gently on the fold out TV tray in front of you, “—and this…” Next was a paper bowl filled to the top with buttery popcorn. Seokjin held a sheepish smile when you glanced up at him to thank him, “Movie night essentials, you know.”
You hummed, sliding the wrapper from the chopsticks he’d provided to absently dig them through the noodles, “Thank you. We could have ordered something, you know…”
“Yeah? What could we have ordered?” The smile on his lips was teasing as he gestured for the ice stained window in the corner where flakes of new falling snow could vaguely be seen. “I don’t think much is open anyway...we’re pretty close to campus and nearly everyone has gone home.”
You moaned into the first bite you pushed past your lips, “That should have been us. Don’t remind me.”
“What?” Seokjin plopped next to you on the couch, dragging his own TV stand closer to ruffle around at the utensils and bowls, “You mean you’d rather have a home cooked meal and a tree with fully functioning lights?” His eyebrows lifted in the direction of the tree you’d aided in decorating where the bottom strand of lights flickered each time you stepped on his floor with a little too much force. 
“Thank you, though. Seriously,” You let your next bite of ramen pool back into the bowl, eyeing it as you confessed, “It’d be worse to be alone so...I’m thankful you’re stuck here too.”
A surprised noise left Seokjin’s lips as he mumbled around the chipmunk shape of his cheeks as a result his own steaming bowl, “Well I’m glad you’re here too—” He swallowed thickly, leaning over to nudge you with his elbow, “—you’re not a half bad tree decorator. The lights are my fault somehow, I’m sure.”
The television was on but without anything playing, just the home screen of various applications and the name of the building cable provider in the corner. You ate through the silence of a dozen mouthfuls of food until Seokjin began to hum to himself again, shoving his bowl aside to dig busy fingers in the popcorn while his free hand went fishing in the couch cushions. You watched as he returned, triumphant, with a remote, clicking at the buttons with the brush of his thumb. 
“What do you want to watch?” He continued to munch happily on his popcorn as he opened a streaming service and navigated to the holiday section. “Any traditions you’re being deprived of this year?”
You watched as he skimmed past the green, yellow, and blue cover of— 
“Elf is pretty good,” You murmured, stirring the ends of your chopsticks through the leftover broth in your bowl. 
Seokjin navigated back to it quickly, pressing play before he asked, “Oh, yeah? I don’t know that I’ve ever watched it all the way through.”
“You’ve never watched Elf?” You passed the utensils in your fingers aside to reach for your untouched bowl of popcorn, pulling it against your chest as you leaned back into the couch cushions. You stuck the first of the pieces in as the beginning tune of the opening credits filled the apartment, “Well, you’re in for a treat.”
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He was still giggling by the time Christmas was saved by the less than magical voice of James Caan singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town in the middle of Central Park but not enough that he was distracted from you nudging him off your shoulder to gently take his dirty dishes and empty trash to usher it all into the kitchen. 
“You don’t have to do that,” Seokjin rushed, galloping after you only before nearly tumbling headfirst over the TV tray still folded open in front of him. He caught up to you as you began to run water through the dirtied bowls, “I invited you to stay, wouldn’t I be a bad guest making you do my dishes?”
“Don’t let me do them, then. Help me,” You handed him the rinsed bowl and gestured to what appeared to be a frayed sponge and a half full bottle of soap. You made a point of grabbing the soap and pressing a dollop of it onto the otherwise dry sponge Seokjin lifted to scrub through the curved inside of the bowl. “Then you can let me meet your sugar glider. Properly.”
“Gukmul,” Seokjin nodded, letting the half clean bowl splatter to the suds below, “I”m sure he’ll be thrilled to properly meet his savior.”
You started to say his name as he disappeared down the hall of the apartment, effectively leaving you with the dishes all over again. He was quick though, you halfway through rinsing the bowl he’d abandoned when he returned with a towel shaped ball, your towel, curled against his chest. 
“Here,” He gently held the bundle out toward you, especially when the white furred creature with grey ears poked its head out from between the sanction of his owner’s palms. “You hold him and I’ll do that.”
You dried your hands on the front of your pants, brushing fingers with Seokjin as you assured him you had the bundled up creature, quickly bringing him against your chest. Gukmul didn’t stay in the cocoon for long, regarding you with black beaded eyes until he made his move. Tiny, jumping movements let him glide up the front of your sweater until he was perched against your neck, content with his tiny heartbeat rapidly brushing against your skin. 
“He likes you,” Seokjin nodded, placing one bowl aside to reach for the other. 
“Is he going to jump off?” You countered, too preoccupied with how soft the little animal was for proper flashbacks of the last incident to flash in your conscious. 
“Probably not,” He grinned when you looked horrified, “What? I can’t guarantee he won’t.”
“...although he might want to stay a little longer if you bribe him with a treat—” Seokjin jerked a suddy thumb over his shoulder, “There’s cut apples in the refrigerator if you want to feed him one.”
Elongated, picking footsteps carried you toward the refrigerator, ones in which Gukmul barely moved an inch other than to stabilize himself against your shoulder. The same amount of care was taken to get back across the room once you’d retrieved the apple cube, successful in not losing the tiny sugar glider until he resided in your palm with his treat happily munched between his cheeks. 
“Will you help me pick up all the decoration stuff too?” 
You glanced up at Seokjin from where you’d previously been watching his pet with utter fascination. “If job can be to hold Gukmul so he doesn’t get in the way, then yes.”
“He has a cage for that,” He placed the second, clean bowl aside before reaching for the pan he’d cooked the noodles in. He exchanged an amused glance between you and the sugar glider, “I was kidding, anyway. You don’t have to help me.”
“I was still just joking, you know,” He told you a few minutes later when you stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the dozen plastic bins that looked as though they’d puked holiday cheer onto the tile floor of Seokjin’s apartment. “You don’t have to help me.”
“I’m going to help you.”
You moved to crouch on the floor to collect stray hooks and an assortment of miniature, icicle shaped ornaments that had scattered outside of their plastic box when he was cupping your elbow to halt you. 
“Wait—” Seokjin held up a finger with a mischievous glint in his irises that tucked into the corner of his eyes to regard you, “—I have an idea of what to do with these.”
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“Are we going to get in trouble for this?”
Seokjin huffed dramatically from below, hands shifting off the small of your back so that he nearly got two handfuls of your ass. “Probably not, now attach the garland before I drop you.”
The connection of the twist tie around the wire of the green branches was messy but it secured enough along the top part of the cabinets in the common area of your floor, perfect timing for the way your foot slipped off the small part of counter top and proceeded to throw most of your body weight into Seokjin’s palms. 
“I’ll never forgive you if you let me fall,” You threatened.
“That implies that you’ve forgiven me for everything else,” Seokjin grunted, bracing his weight and pushing until you were stabilized again, “So that to me is a win.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder, finding the tiniest bead of sweat matting down black fringe on one side of his face but he was wholly serious as he huffed and got a tighter grip on your back. You teased gently so he would look at you, “Who said I forgive you for anything?”
This time, his palms did cup your ass in route to land on the backs of your thighs, exasperated as he began to rant, “I am still sorry for being the shittiest neighbor ever. I had no idea you had an exam that day but it didn’t really matter I shouldn’t have done that anyway and—”
“Jin,” You trusted your balance enough to flick a socked foot backward at his face, “Hand me the lights.”
Seokjin whined into handing you the rolled up wires, “You didn’t let me finish.”
You sighed, tossing the outlet end of the lights down the side of the cabinets before beginning the meticulous weave through each of the rungs on the cabinet. 
“I was going to say I still owe you some more fresh baked cookies,” He grunted when you shifted and squeezed your thighs, “but I’m really not sure that I’m sorry anymore.”
He regarded the work you’d done around the small common area with a critical eyebrow, standing shoulder to shoulder with you as he took in your surroundings. The lights had proved easier to weave than the garland, now on and twinkling between the tiny bits of artificial green. You’d hung a few leftover bulbs for good measure, tucking them back into the greenery. A tiny tree, one you’d fished out of forgotten presents in your hall closet, sat idle on the corner of the cabinet, directly next to the microwave that didn’t work and the sink that no one obeyed the don’t do your dishes here rule of. You’d looped the last of the multi colored lights to that short, fake vegetation, clicking settings on the little dial until the lights were programmed to a periodic flashing motion. The glitter all over the floor was simply a hazard of all the other decorations but it added to the ambiance, especially when the time curled dangerously close to the midnight hour, reflecting the blues of the snow outside through the glass windows lining each part of the common room before they disappeared into the individual hallways. 
“Not bad,” Seokjin mused. You held your hand out, palm up for a high five. 
“So…” You began once his hand touched yours, curling your fingers around his to hold him there, “...about those apology cookies you still owe me?”
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“And I was under the impression you were a master chef.”
Seokjin’s eyes brewed a similar shade to the chocolate chips buried within the perfect block of dough he was breaking apart, regarding you under shaggy bangs that hung over his eyes. 
“Generally, I am,” A high pitched squeak left his lips when a particularly difficult square cookie finally gave way to his prying hands, followed by a few more other noises as he spread that piece to the greased cookie sheet, “but on account of the time and the worst ice storm in the history of the city, I can’t exactly go get fresh ingredients.”
You leaned against his counter top, watching as he spread the rest of the premade cookies across the sheet. The festive oven mitt was shrugged on until it rested across his wrist, doing a dramatic twirl across his kitchen to place the pan in the oven. 
“A master chef would have bulk supplies for potential winter storms,” Your palm cradled your chin, “No?”
Seokjin tossed the oven mitt so that it slid across the counter, smacking into your elbows and in turn making you flinch. There was a grin plastered to his features when he tottered over to retrieve it, murmuring, “Sorry, darling. Thought I could make to—” He flicked open the part in the cabinet below you before slamming down the fabric and slamming it shut, “—the drawer.”
“Ramen, popcorn, and premade cookies,” You tapped your fingers in succession against your bottom lip, “Quite the array of food to have until it clears up outside.”
“I have other stuff,” Seokjin defended, motioning toward the top half of his refrigerator on the far adjacent edge of the kitchen, “Some French toast sticks, a frozen pizza or two. I think there’s a box of instant mashed potatoes somewhere around here…”
“Master chef,” You nodded. 
“Precisely,” He shoved himself up off the counter, hands braced on the edge and elbows locked as his head lulled to the side, “Going to have a holiday feast tomorrow night.”
“Enjoy it.”
“You aren’t coming?” You blinked at him until he added, “I mean, you can come over if you want. We can pretend to exchange presents or something. I’m sure I can spare an alpaca figurine. You might be worth it.”
Part of your body went numb with the realization that you’d now have an excuse to give him his present, the one that had tumbled to the middle of your hallway when you’d carelessly yanked your tiny tree from your hall closet. You ignored it to joke stiffly, “Frozen pizza and a present that may or may not be a tiny alpaca? How can I resist that?”
A fond smile curled into a tiny half circle on the plump seam of Seokjin’s lips, pressing into the cute indentions of his cheeks as he looked away from you. His eyes instead went to the screen of his phone that he dug out of his back pocket. 
“It’s late,” He said after a moment, still not quite looking at you, “If you want to go home, I’ll save the cookies for tomorrow.”
“You won’t eat one without me?”
“Not even a crumb,” Seokjin vowed, looking at you now with a hand dramatically slapped over his heart. 
“I’ll be able to hear if you do,” You half threatened, slowly moving to where your keys were. 
His nose wrinkled when you bumped into the side of the couch, eyes glinting.
“Won’t taste as good without you, anyway.”
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You contemplated the gift package in your hand for far longer than you considered the red and white striped fuzzy socks tucked nearly up to your knee caps. Whether that was a good or bad thing on your part, it cost you another half a roll of wrapping paper as you tore open the gift, considered not taking it, thought to take it again, hid it underneath the scarf you’d gotten one of your cousins, and finally swallowed your pride to tuck it under your arm and go the short distance to Seokjin’s place. 
“He was joking about the alpaca thing,” You conversed with yourself in the first two footsteps out your front door, “You’re going to look silly bringing him a gift that you bought months in advance. Who has this just laying around, anyway—”
That was the first thing Seokjin said when he opened the door too. “Oh. You brought a gift—” He nudged the door a bit wider to coax you inside, “—not anything that could be considered payback for all my neighbor crimes, is it?”
You bypassed the insinuation of his hanging guilt to instead hyper-fixate on how his hair was stuck up in a few different directions, his holiday sweater bunched around his waist, and the way his teasing smile didn’t quite meet his eyes. He looked nearly as disheveled as he had when you’d swept his pet up in a navy blue towel after he was sure he’d lost it forever. You paused halfway in the threshold, nearly pressed against his chest. 
“Are you okay?”
Whatever remaining resolve that Seokjin had been putting forth crumpled in that moment, stature slumping off the door so that it swung to a hard close behind both your figures. His hand was in his hair again, tresses poking in more awkward angles between his digits. 
“I think Gukmul is sick,” His hand shifted to his nape, “He hasn’t ate since you left yesterday. And he’s being lethargic.”
“You think it was the apple I gave him?”
“Some of the other pieces were browning but,” Seokjin’s hand fell limp to his side and he shrugged, “I don’t know. It’s probably nothing I just…”
“Okay, so we take him to the vet,” You placed your gift aside to reach for your phone, tapping away at the screen, “I’m sure there’s a twenty-four hour clinic somewhere that’s open on Christmas Eve.”
“Darling,” He touched your hand, thumb stroking between your knuckles, “It snowed a couple extra inches last night. How are we going to get there?”
“Drive? If we take it slow—” 
“In whose car?”
Seokjin paused, “Are you in my spot again?”
You slumped under where his hand touched yours, “We don’t have time to play the penis game again—”
“I’m just kidding,” His fingers laced around your wrist, squeezing, “I could easily drive us too, then…”
“I’ll drive. And, I have something to help us—” You dislodged his grip on you to reach for your present, tearing easily into the newly wrapped sides to reveal the box inside. Seokjin protested the whole time but you ignored him, slicing the tape with your thumb to digging inside. 
It was a fanny pack essentially, bright pink with stark black zippers and a black strap with a plastic buckle. The front pouch was sheer netting, enough so that you couldn’t see inside but enough that the creature inside would be able to breathe. You thrust it toward his chest, “Here.”
“It’s supposed to be a carrier for Gukmul,” You explained lamely, “You know, so you can take him out of the apartment and not lose him. Or get busted by Hoseok.”
“Oh,” He took it into his grasp, gently turning it in his hands, running his fingers across the zippers, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I got it a long time ago,” You winced at your own admission, “and in pink too. You seem to like that color.”
“I do,” Seokjin blinked from the pack to you, “Thank you.”
“Of course. Now go get Gukmul, I’ll go warm up the car.”
“Oh. Oh,” He stumbled over himself in an effort to shrug the strap over one shoulder, “Right. Okay, right, I’ll meet you out there. Be careful on the ice!—”
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Thirty minutes to what was normally a ten minute trip later and the vet was descending behind an ominous looking door with that navy blue bundle curled against her chest. There were a few fishtails and a handful of instances where you didn’t think your vehicle could make it up inclined streets in between stop signs but Seokjin’s knuckles hadn’t been nearly as white then as they were with your hand pressed between both his palms..
He leaned against you, turning your palm over in his lap to trace gentle fingers across the lines in your palm. You let him, leaning too until your heads touched. His leg bounced in time with sighs he took to attempt to calm his breathing. 
“You know, I’m really glad our flights got canceled,” Seokjin said, lacing his fingers through the spaces in yours to pat your intertwined appendages against his thigh, “That sounds horrible. I mean I just....am glad you’re the one who lives next to me, is all.”
“Up until a few months ago, I couldn’t really say the same about you, you know,” You flexed your fingers in his grip.
“I was a dick at first on accident. Then I thought it was entertaining. You never seem that bothered by me. If you were, I assumed you would have told Hoseok and I would have had complaints on my file or something. But you never did so I just...figured you went along with my stupidity because you enjoyed it too. Until that day you cried…”
“It’s okay, you know,” You shifted on his shoulder to peer at the side of his face, “You don’t have to keep apologizing for that. I wasn’t going to get an A in that class, anyway.”
“The exam wasn’t the point. The point was that I teased you like I knew you. Like we were friends or something. And it turned out I didn’t know you at all. I didn’t even know you went to university.”
“...I didn’t know you but I wanted to know you,” Seokjin swallowed, squinting up at the paw print shaped clock on the far wall from where you sat, “Your presence was just...strangely comforting. Knowing that you could hear me being dumb almost felt like I had a roommate. Like I wasn’t alone with myself.”
“That’s why Gukmul means so much to me, aside from the fact that he’s a part of my family. He reminds me that I’m something larger than myself. That I’m not constantly alone.”
“I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you,” Seokjin’s chin pressed to his neck to smile down at you, “For being here with me. For putting up with me. Indirectly and otherwise…”
“And I’m sorry I was such a shit neighbor for so long. It was like I reverted back to middle school—” He gestured with the hand that was still twisted around yours, “—you know, tease the person you like and that’ll make them understand that you like them.”
“You weren’t and aren’t a shit neighbor,” You assured, nudging your nose against the underside of his collarbone, “You bring the same kind of comfort for me, you know.”
“You know how many times my friend Taehyung told me I should turn you in? So many times,” You shrugged, “You’re kind of annoying but nothing unbearable. It’s part of what makes you charming.”
“Thanks,” Seokjin laughed dryly and you smiled when a part of his natural wheeze came out in the giggle. 
“I just got used to you. It felt weird if I couldn’t hear something going on over there...if my printer wasn’t whirring to life at the most inopportune times…”
“Why do you think I said up until a few months ago? I realized that I—” You nuzzled your cheek against his jacket so he couldn’t see your face, “—kind of liked you too. I mean, hello I bought you a gift in advance. I don’t even buy my family presents in advance.”
“Sounds like we should talk more outside of bluetooth printing, vague wall knocks, and horrible Spotify playlists,” Seokjin playfully jostled you on his shoulder. 
You curled your free arm around his elbow, snuggling in closer to his side, “We definitely should.”
You sat in the silence that came with observing the basket of haphazard animal magazines and the children’s play maze that consisted of tiny wooden beads on twirled metal tracks, the whisker hands of the cat shaped clock stuck to the front of the reception desk ticking by unbearably slow. The paw print clock showed the same drag of time, the ticking of the second counter in time with the bounce of your own leg. 
Time means it’s something bad. Or it’s nothing. Or it’s something and it’s small. Of course, bringing him here was going to take time but—
“Looks like your little buddy here just had a tummy ache,” The vet reappeared holding your towel, the only difference being that there was a small white head now peeking up from between the rolled center. What was once lethargic was now energetic, head darting back and forth at he new surroundings with his tiny nose twitching to the overwhelming smells. “He puked a bit of something up but took to the carrots I fed him like he’d never ate before…”
There was a bit more exchange between the owner and the vet as she passed Gukmul into Seokjin’s care, just a reminder to keep an eye on him for at least another twenty-four hours and the instructions to give her a call on her personal cell phone if anything got worse. The exchange of credit card information, a few shards of carrot for the road, and Gukmul was bundled back up into his new pouch laid across Seokjin’s chest. He chattered happily on the careful trek to the care, noise happily placed between munches on the carrot the vet had given him. 
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You scratched underneath Gukmul’s chin before Seokjin closed the wire gate to his cage, standing so that he could drape an arm across your shoulders. 
“I think he’s a faker,” Seokjin said finally, watching as the sugar glider hopped away into one of his hanging toys. 
“Be nice!”
“What?” He grinned when you turned to him to swat his shoulder, “Had us risk our lives in the middle of an Antarctic winter storm just to get a couple shards of carrot. I would have bought him carrots after everything melted—”
You tugged on the lapel of Seokjin’s jacket, cutting him off long enough to roll onto your toes to plant your lips softly to his cheek. “It’s okay,” You soothed, brushing your thumb over where a blush spread outward from where your lips had touched his skin, “We made it, didn’t we?”
“Wait! That reminds me!” 
You startled with the intensity that he blurted the statement, stepping back when he stepped away from you, too. You stood rooted in the spot as he stumbled around his bedroom, coming back with a piece of stationary in hand, one of red and green speckles this time. Black ink was written neatly to the paper this time, looping letters complete with the normal heart next to his signature at the bottom. 
“It was a scavenger hunt but I don’t have the patience to wait while you do the other steps so—” Seokjin gestured vaguely to the paper in your hand, “—that’s the last clue.”
“Go to the kitchen,” You read, lifting your eyebrows first before your gaze, “Quite the clue.”
“Hush, do you want your gift or not?”
You faltered when he began to direct you with hands firmly set on each of your arms, steering you out of his room, down the hallway, and around the bend of the kitchen. It was a push and pull, forward a few steps on the tile, backward toward the plate of cookies he’d arranged on a plate shaped like a snowflake, forward one step and finally his grip left you. 
“Okay, turn around. And look up.”
You saw his red tipped ears first, a color that spread over the entire surface of his skin in each area the longer he tried to smile at you. When you didn’t budge, his eyes flicked upward a few times, then his head jerked, then he blatantly pointed until you laughed. 
“My present is a kiss?” You giggled, stepping closer to him. 
“Yes, of course,” Seokjin’s pink features told a different story than the way he confidently reached for your waist, drawing you against him, “Only the best for you.”
“I didn’t think Gukmul was going to get sick and we were going to have this weird confession session in the lobby of the vet’s office. This was me, what do they say...shooting my shot?” One hand came up to cup your cheek, “I was going to lure you in here naturally with my impeccable charm but...this is cute and romantic too? Right?”
You touched your lips to Seokjin’s to dispel the last of uncertainty that still saturated heavy in his tone. 
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dirt-cup-draco · 5 years ago
Severus Snape x Reader- Starstruck
I couldn't find your who you write for but if you write for Snape could you do a Snap and reader (adult) where maybe the death eaters are attacking her/torturing or injure her after they find her snooping for the order and he has to step in and be like leave her alone, she's with me or is my girlfriend to save her life but they're not dating or anything before but crush on eachother then they have to fakebeing a couple in front of the other death eaters/voldemort. If not don't worry!
A/N: I definitely need to make a list of who I write for, so my apologies! But I’ll put one together soon! Maybe even before I post this ;) I also maybe tweaked this a bit but I think i kept the spirit of your ask
Your spine was bent uncomfortably as you curled up into a tight ball. The grime that had collected at the bottom of the bathtub was grainy and scraped against your jeans every time you shifted. With bated breath you watched as the wind from the broken wind brushed against the torn shower curtain that you hoped concealed your body. 
You felt your end coming. You had been hiding in this abandoned home for weeks now, ever since your double cross was uncovered. Antonin Dolohov had been the first to suspect you, his eyes always watching. It took everything in you since following the Order’s instructions to not slap that permanently smug look off his face. Molly Weasley was a good friend of yours and you had known the agony that her brothers’ deaths had caused her. 
It didn’t take more than him to whisper words of betrayal to his fellow death eaters until you were being investigated, every inch of your life examined. You were found guilty and they felt they had the power to hand out justice. You’d been lucky to get away even if you had been a bug under Antonin’s foot. He took great pride in watching you squirm and cry and scream when he had tortured you, seeking information.
You hadn’t condemned the order, even as Antonin uttered the cruciatus curse.It had been Severus who had crept into the dark and rotting room underneath the Malfoy’s manor and set you free. He hadn’t spoken a word as he unbound you, moving around the room like a shadow. You’d run the second you’d gotten the chance.
You wouldn’t have a chance to thank him, you realized as heavy footsteps made their way up the dilapidated stairs. Every step was punctuated with a groan from the ancient home. Your heart was doing back flips in your chest and you were frightened that Fenrir led the group coming to kill you and would be able to hear the wild beat.   
You stuck your wand in front of you, hand shaking and betraying the stern look on your face. You weren’t ashamed to hide, it was a matter of survival, but you felt shame at the fear coursing through your veins. A month ago you would have charged from your spot, trying to take out as many death eaters you could before you were overwhelmed. Now, after experiencing just what they could do to a person who scorned them, you couldn’t help but feel frightened, weak even.
As soon as the door, that was only hanging by a single yet stubborn hinge, burst open you were silent and still. The figure paused in front of you, imposing and dark. You couldn’t make out their features, the moon only a sliver in the sky. It seemed the curtain in front of you hid you well enough that your fight instinct could kick in.
The curtains only downfall was that you couldn’t aim properly, your body binding curse breaking against the wall. Suddenly, a hand was at your throat for only a second, a familiar voice seething at you, “I’d watch it if I were you, Y/L/N,” 
Your chest nearly collapsed in relief, a choked oh, thank god it’s you rushing past your lips. You through your arms around Severus’ neck and he tensed even as his arms came around your waist, pulling you over the chipped rim of the bathtub that you thought would be your grave. 
“What are you doing here?” You whispered, still not trusting your surroundings. You had been nonverbal since you had escaped, laying low. Your voice caught, your body still on overdrive from the adrenaline you had just experienced. 
Severus lowered his voice and his arms, dropping you back onto your own two feet as you tried to get rid of the shake in your knees. “The order sent me,” Your heart thumped for another reason other than fear. They cared. You had worried that you were to be left to the wolves after being found out, your use as a double agent vanishing even as the dark mark stained your skin. “They aren’t far behind, I suggest we make haste,” 
You nodded, being the first out of the crumbling home. “You don’t need to tell me twice,” 
Severus’ eyes scanned the open field before you, trying to make out any sign that you weren’t alone. Inky wisps blew through the wind, swirling as they began to materialize. Without a second’s thought, Severus had you pulled against his chest, his wand shoved uncomfortably against the junction between your neck and jaw. 
“Pettigrew, Yaxley,” Severus greeted, his tone neutral. “You’re late.” 
You tried to calm your breathing but you found yourself without comfort as Severus tightened his grip to nearly painful, keeping your hands glued to your sides. You knew he was trying to help but your skin was alight with anxiety and you wanted nothing more than to kill the men where they stood. 
“Funny ‘ow you always gettin’ the drop on us,” Yaxley observed with a sneer but his bravado quickly faded as you felt Severus’ chest rumble with a threatening growl. 
“You may not understand being competent but do not think to question my loyalties,” 
“W-we’ve just come for the girl,” Peter sniveled, head lowered and feet shuffling. “Master’s wishes,” 
“Master’s wishes or Antonin pretending to speak for our Master? I know how he hates losing his playthings,” Severus observed and you couldn’t fight the chill that ran down your spine. “Do not assume that his vices are aligned with what the Dark Lord wants. Our Master would never put man power into catching this weakling,” You stomped on Severus’ foot in retaliation even if you knew it was all an act. 
“Then why’re you ‘ere?” Yaxley questioned, eyes narrowed. 
“Seeing as she’s mine, I’ve come to show her the consequences of her actions personally. I don’t wish to have an audience, gentleman,” Your breath caught in your throat. Mine, he called me mine. Despite the situation you couldn’t help but feel like you’d obtained some sort of prize. It wasn’t a secret that you had been mad for Severus all through school and into adulthood, never reaching him, feelings unrequited. 
“That traitor is your woman?” Peter squeaked and Severus grimaced, his chin pressed to your temple as he pretended to feel disgust. 
“Unfortunately,” Severus droned. “But after tonight, she will be but blood on my hands,”
Yaxley grinned, a low chuckle reverberating through the electrified air as you squirmed against Severus, uncomfortable. “Good man,” Yaxley encouraged and your stomach churned. “Pettigrew,” He barked. “We’re leavin’, tell Antonin we found ‘er dead, burned the body,” 
Pettigrew looked at Severus for approval and seemed to have found it, trusting the man with the hostage would do as he said. “I’ll send word when the deed is done,” 
Without another word spoken they had vanished, the only sign they’d been there in the first place was your clammy hands and lack of breath. You struggled against Severus but he crushed you against him. “Not yet,” He breathed against your ear.
Wand still posed against your neck he dragged you back to the abandoned house. Only when you were safe inside, having cast a protective charm on the place, did he release you. Spinning on your heel you brought your palm up to his cheek swiftly, the sound of you smacking him ringing out against the silent night. “That was for acting like a pig,” You sniffled, pride wounded. 
And then, you grabbed the front of his robes, lips slanting against his, all teeth and tongue. His hands stalled just above your hips, unsure of what to do next. “And that, was for saving my life,” You panted. 
Too concerned with your safe arrival it went unnoticed by all in the order, including yourself, that for the first time since he was a schoolboy, Severus Snape was a little bit flustered, and a whole lot starstruck. 
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