#they may be chokers but they're MY chokers
sakiye · 3 months
im still at the world cup final i love my team so much guys
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huramuna · 8 months
banshee's lament - chapter 1.
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aemond targaryen x stark ofc minor jacaerys velaryon x stark ofc masterlist prev | next
a former ward of alicent hightower and aemond's childhood companion, shera stark, returns to king's landing after ten years. ten years after the incident at driftmark that left her and aemond permanently disfigured. after so many years apart, shera and aemond are almost strangers. almost.
a/n: i posted the first two chapters of this story before, but they're being reworked -- so just poof what you know about them out of your mind when reading it now and think of it as a clean slate.
wordcount: 3k
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings! no taglists right now, sorry.
content: smut, angst, fluff, disabled ofc, aemond being delulu & obsessive, major canon divergence, ofc has a service direwolf, i'm taking canon rules and putting them in a blender and taking a shot, arranged marriage
story playlist
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The wind had finally died down that day, the trees somewhat still over the horizon. Their branches still wobbled with some errant breeze, whistling through the wood like a song. 
The window was pushed outward, the crisp air crossing paths with the smell of smoke, whirling and mingling like lost friends. A small fireplace was warming the room as the lady perched on her windowsill, dark copper curls hanging around her like tendrils. Shera took in a deep breath of air— it was crisp and refreshing, pushing away the errant effects of sleepiness. 
Her skin prickled in goosebumps beneath her nightgown as she turned to her bed. A large black mass was snoozing softly still, taking up the majority of the mattress. Slinking over, she snuggled herself close to the giant canine, blowing softly on his muzzle to wake him. Large amber eyes met brown and milky blue, pupils dilating and constricting in tandem, before the wolf let out a sleepy chuff. 
“Wake up, my love,” Shera whispered, fingers digging into his shaggy mane as she scratched just the right spot. “Moongeist, we must start the day.” she hummed. 
The direwolf rolled over onto his back, belly exposed to the chilled air. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, one leg kicking as his companion got the one itch just out of reach of his own claws. 
“Oh, you’re a ham,” Shera mumbled into his fur, peppering him with kisses. “You’re no wolf, you’re a honey glazed ham,” she tickled his belly, causing him to let out an almost laughing whine. “With a side of sweet potatoes and winter chard.” she rolled next to him, snuggling into him like he was a person. Sprawled out from the tip of his outstretched legs, up to his nose, he outmatched Shera’s height by about one and a half feet. Westeros would surely need to watch out if her wolf ever learned to walk on two feet! 
They lazed together for the better part of an hour before Shera called in the maids— but not before donning her veil and choker. The maids would only help dress her from the neck down, and were ushered out after for Shera to do her hair alone. She took in a deep breath as they fastened the corset around her form. 
“May need to lay off the blueberry hand pies , my lady,” one of the maids murmured. “‘Tis getting hard to lace you up.” 
Shera felt a swirling pit in her stomach at the comment— it wasn’t a secret that she was no svelte ermine. She had curves and a bit of extra mass in the softer areas of her body, coupled with scarred stretch marks around her sizable bosom and thighs. “… hm.” she snorted, not wanting to dignify the maid’s comment with a response. This was, unfortunately, the norm. The jabs, the pokes, the insults between sentences— even the serving girls have become brazen, snickering as Shera walked past. She didn’t exactly understand it— mayhaps it was because she could hardly speak to defend herself, mayhaps they think her daft and non-understanding of their less than tactful barbs. 
As normal as it was, it made it no less tiring. “Just… lace it up,” she quipped, a bit too harshly, as she held her thumb and forefinger to her throat at the scratch of pain. “… I have things to attend to…” 
“Yes, my lady.” the maids responded in tandem, squeezing poor Shera into a corset much too tight. 
After they left, Shera picked up a shoe and threw it at the door, startling Moongeist. “Damned ptarmigans… clucking hens… when do they cease?” she groaned, patting the wolf on the head as he, ever dutifully, retrieved her shoe. “I’m… we’re the wolves— they’re supposed to be afraid of me.” she continued, as it usually went. She would whisper and murmur to herself (to Moongeist) while she readied herself. Sitting in front of the open window, her fingers deftly weaved through her auburn locks, working absentmindedly into a braid. She pinned the braid upon her head, glanced at the mirror, then unpinned it. 
It became a back and forth task as she meticulously decided on a hairstyle— she wasn’t usually so vain, but apparently, Prince Jacaerys was arriving for a meeting. She’d spent some time with him the past few moons as they ‘courted’. He was polite, of course, and had grown into himself well since their childhood. But… Shera felt nothing for him, princely charm be damned. And she was increasingly sure he felt the same, more inclined to enjoy the company of Cregan rather than her. 
But that was the way of the world, wasn’t it? To be trapped in a loveless box for titles, for armies and alliances, for oaths— that was fate. And fate… was usually unchanged. Shera oft cursed the Gods, the Old and the New, for weaving her tapestry of life in such a bereft and depressing manner. If she were to look upon it, it’d be dreary and uncouth, not fit to hang upon a wall, destined to rot and mold in a cellar for eternity. 
But what did Shera know of love, anyhow. How could she— for who would love a banshee?
She settled on twin braids that settled upon her back, pinned up into two loops. Adjusting her veil in the mirror and assuring she wasn’t too visible, she made for the door, Moongeist pressed to her. 
The winding halls of Winterfell had become second nature, muscle memory— but her mind wandered, imploring herself to think… Did she remember such paths at the Red Keep? She hoped her memory, if nothing else, would serve her well one day. 
None of the denizens she passed by in the corridors spoke to her, only gave her stiff nods before avoiding her eye line. Was she such an abhorrent sight? Her heels clicked against the stone, fingertips skimming the walls as she stayed close to them, using the familiar winding gait to guide her to the Great Hall. Her stomach grumbled under her tight corset– she hadn’t even had time to break her fast before already being shoved to the dragon’s maw. She heard the whispers of the ‘dashing dragon prince’ arriving early, upon his dragon which was the color of a witch’s brew, green and sprightly. Shera couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she pushed the heavy oaken door to the hall. 
Cregan was there, beard trimmed so as to not be unsightly, and laden in dark aurochs fur. Their ancestral weapon, Ice, was strapped to his back like a second spine, rigid and unyielding. He was faced towards the fire in the hearth, while Jacaerys was to his side, the two already deep in conversation.
The sound of the door opening was as good of an indication of her arrival as she would get, and they both turned to her in tandem. Jacaerys, gallant and princely as ever, rushed to her side, but not before stopping a few paces before, as Moongeist was pressed to her thigh with a wary look in his eye.
“My lady,” Jacaerys exclaimed, flashing his dazzling smile, his brown mop of curls bouncing as he approached, albeit cautiously. “You look radiant as ever.” 
Shera’s brow rose from under her veil– her facial expressions were hardly seen, and she was able to give her unabashed reactions to things quite often. She was woe to master the art of masking, so she simply did not. He called her radiant– an alluring lie if she ever heard one, he couldn’t see her face, how could she possibly be radiant? She presumed his mother had been schooling him in the art of politics. That is what this is, isn’t it? It’s all just… politicking. 
“My prince,” Shera responded softly, giving Moongeist an ever subtle command to sit to the side, allowing Jace to take her arm. She didn’t much like being touched by other people, it made her skin crawl, but she too needed to… continue the charade. “Thank you– you are quite early, I hope I look… presentable.” 
“We were waiting for a bit, Shera,” Cregan commented offhandedly, cracking his knuckles slightly. He was a bit annoyed, she could tell. “But, ladies do take long to get ready, do they not, my prince?” 
“It wasn’t a long wait, no worries,” Jace responded coolly. “But yes, it takes a small army and frequent turning of an hourglass for my mother to finally be ready, I imagine it’s similar for most ladies.”
Ah, yes. As if it doesn’t take Cregan an hour to pick out his furs for the day, pompous ass. And did Jacaerys don himself in that heavy dragonscale plated armor? Doubtful. Shera suppressed the urge to give an indignant huff. “My… deepest apologies,” she murmured. “I do hope my dear brother wasn’t such a terrible conversationalist.”
Cregan snorted as Jace guided Shera to her seat, pushing it in for her. “My mother– she wishes to meet you, of course,” Jacaerys prattled, scooting into the chair next to her (and Cregan). “We are going to go to the Queen for approval for the official betrothal… and subsequent wedding.” 
Shera blinked slowly as she absorbed the information. She expected to have to meet Princess Rhaenyra at some point and for the Queen to become involved in the betrothal– but the wedding? Subsequent? The nail on her pointer finger dug into the nail bed of her thumb idly, picking, picking, picking as she mulled over her next words. “... will the wedding be soon, my prince?” she asked, sneaking a glance at Cregan, who had a glazed over look in his eye.
“... my mother wishes to secure the… union before her ascension, my lady.”
“The King is not yet dead– I don’t understand the rush.” Shera blurted out, her nail sinking deeper into her flesh. She felt like there was some sort of secret she was not a part of, some undisclosed plan that she wasn’t privy to Oh, yes, of course– she was just the pawn, wasn’t she? 
“That is well and true– my grandsire, the King, has been in poorly health for the past few years. It is… only a matter of time.” Jace stammered, trying to regain the upper hand in the conversation. 
“Rhaenyra’s ascension will happen sooner than later, Shera. It is only a wish that you and Jacaerys are well bonded by then, mayhaps even producing an heir.” Cregan interjected. 
She wanted to vomit, she wanted to scream, she wanted to lash out at everyone– she was a vessel, a puppet for a greater vision of Westeros that nobody cared if she was specifically a part of– ‘twas only her luck she was the sister of the Warden of the North, who held an amassing army and ferocity for those he was bidden for. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Warmth spread onto her fingertip and Moongeist shuffled at her feet, a low whine coming from the back of his throat. She felt such a rage come over her for a split second, her vision blurring as she felt the overwhelming need to sink her teeth into someone and make them feel her despair. 
“Okay.” she finally said, her voice sounding far away and small, as if it wasn’t even hers.
Jacaerys and Cregan conversated further while Shera stared off into some small point in the distance until her eyes watered from not blinking, blood pooling and staining against her nails. 
“Thank you. I must break my fast now,” Shera suddenly spoke up, not caring if the two of them were in the middle of a conversation. “We will leave within a fortnight.” 
The journey from the hall back to her room was a blur, she remembers curtsying to Jacaerys and bidding him goodbye and some other innocuous pleasantries. Sitting back at her desk, she tore off her veil in frustration, bracelets and earrings alike jingling. She put her head in her hands, feeling the all too familiar ache of tears building. 
She didn’t want to go— why did she have to be married? Why was it her destiny to be a pawn? To be a wife? Especially to someone who was there. Her throat clenched as she tried to hold back the tears— to no avail. They burned and stung, her already tender demeanor withering. 
Prying her hands away, she looked over her desk. It was strewn with miscellaneous books to which she struggled to read, along with some half-done charcoal sketches of prospective sewing projects. Shera wasn’t known for outbursts, as her quiet and ghostly prefecture was one that stayed in the background of things. But, she felt a roiling in her stomach, wrought over like forged castle steel, molten and aching and hot— it burned in her like a plague, working its way through her and exiting her body in the form of a wail, coupled with her arms sweeping off the contents of her desk to the floor. 
The momentary feeling of anguish subsided as soon as it came and her throat ached from her cry. Her eyes felt heavy as she tried to get up and subsequently failed, sinking to the ground like a discarded rag. Moongeist let out a whine, propping his head under Shera’s arm, having her rest some of her weight upon him.
“I’m pathetic, my love,” she whispered, feeling all the part of a fallen porcelain doll, placated on her bottom upon the floor, legs out in front of her as if she were a child on a playroom floor. “Nothing like the Winter Kings of yore. I’m sorry.” Shera’s thumb rubbed on the wolf’s ear as she wallowed momentarily in self-pity and self-loathing. 
Gathering some strength, she pushed the papers below her desk to the side. The sweeping motion befell something new— no, not new. ‘Twas old, upon inspection. It was a stack of letters, covered in dust now, but neatly tied together with wool twine. Unveiling one, she skimmed it over to the best of her ability.
Dearest Shera, 
It isn’t the same without you here. My head hurts all of the time, I keep bumping into things and I can scarcely write. In fact, I am having Helaena pen this to you right now. She says hello. 
Mother is in shambles, frayed at the ends like your old blue dinner dress. Her and grandsire are constantly whispering and she cries more often. I think she misses you. 
As does Helaena. As do I. Mayhaps even Aegon.
Does your head hurt as well? What do you do to help with the pain? Are you able to walk without bumping into things? 
I hope to hear from you soon. 
Aemond Targaryen
That had been the first letter sent to her from King’s Landing— Cregan, to his own dismay, sat down and read it to her after she had spinned herself into a crying fit, sending the maesters into a tizzy as she threatened to reopen the stitches upon her throat. 
In her poppy-addled young mind, she hadn’t recognized that it was not Aemond’s writing or words, but most definitely Helaena’s, as the letter Shera sent back were those of Cregan, and not hers. 
Prince Aemond, 
It is an honor to hear from you. I’m recovering quite well, at the behest of my brother. Winterfell is very different from the South, but I am finally finding my footing here in the cold. 
I have been a wolf at heart this entire time, like my forefathers. 
My ability to walk has been improving, as the maesters here are excellently equipped for such a feat. 
It is my hope that we can both find a sense of normalcy in our lives once more. 
I wish you well. 
Shera Stark
She’d hardly remembered when Cregan read it aloud, and she didn’t catch the cold, rigid wording, bereft of any warmth and camaraderie that she would have included. Truth be told, at the time of it being written, Shera couldn’t even hold her own spoon to sip at bone broth, much less walk. 
It was unclear to her still, to this day, why Cregan felt the need to lie about her condition— but it was apparently a well placed one, as the next letter to come was in another tone all together. It was about three moons afterward, and the handwriting was different. It was a bit shaky, but proper and dignified. 
Lady Stark, 
I am most gracious for your reply. It is a balm to the Queen to hear you are doing well. 
Let us both hope we are well on the road to our full recoveries. 
Stay warm.
Prince Aemond Targaryen
Shera’s fingers traced over the letter, she could still recognize it as Aemond’s handwriting— but the tone seemed clipped and cold, colder than even Cregan’s letter was. 
There were a few more envelopes in the stack, but if she remembered correctly, there was nothing of substance. Her chest ached occasionally when she thought about it all— did Aemond think of her still? Or was she just a silly footnote in his life? She abhorred to admit to herself, much less anyone else, that she still did. Aemond Targaryen still had a place in her mind, an undeterred host in the recesses of her brain that she couldn’t rid herself of— if she even wanted to. She wondered what he looked like now. Was he finally as tall as Aegon, mayhaps more? Did he finally get his hands upon the book he had been wanting to read? She hoped he spent his days flying upon Vhagar’s back— a gift that he had paid the price for. 
She did as well. But her price wasn’t for Vhagar. It was for Aemond.
Her throat burned and constricted with the threat of tears once more as she pulled herself from the floor, Moongeist’s body pressed to her hip to guide her. Padding to the fireplace, which was nursing a few hot coals and sparse flame, she fed the letters into the fire one by one. The flames grew as they burned, the ink upon the pages fettering into nothing but ash and sickly memory. 
Were they strangers now? 
Does he remember her? 
… why does she still wish to see him? 
A wolf travels south at the behest of one dragon– but her mind upon another.
How sordid.
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queenendless · 11 months
👻🦇🎃 Spooky Lovin' (Various JJK ft Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Female!Reader) 🎃🦇👻
A/N: Just my headcannon on an imagined scenario with the JJK cast celebrating Halloween together and they're all A-OK and happy and 😭🤧❤️‍🩹 There are ships/pairings in this here and there plus the costumes I thought of for them all that took forever to think of! Spooky romantic fluff. Cause writing that vampire AU 18+ piece is ... hard.
Pairings: Yuji x Megumi, Nobara x Maki, Yuta x Rika with hints of Yuta x Toge, Kokichi x Miwa, Shoko x Utahime, Nanami x Haibara, Mai x Momo, Yuki x Choso, and Satoru x Suguru x Fem!Reader at the end.
All credit for JJK cast goes to Gege.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope you enjoy. And —
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🎃Yuji in a tiger onsie and his usual sneakers with black face paint on for the whiskers and the nose.
🎃Megumi as wolf boi with just a wolf ears headband on … he was willing to put those on for his Yuji bae and that's all you're getting.
🎃Nobara as OUAT Aurora with a sword because she is a cute badass.
🎃Maki as OUAT Mulan because I like her warrior armored suit. Blame the fanarts I've seen.
*Plus seeing fanart of those OUAT girls together made something click.
🎃Toge as the Mummy. Better that than automatically putting him in a sushi roll suit.
🎃Panda as Frankenstein's Monster. In the torn up black Frankenstein jacket, stitches painted on, Frankenstein bowler head wig, and bolts in the neck. It was either this or Killer bear.
🎃Yaga as Dr Frankenstein. Labcoat, gloves but with his shades still on. Makes perfect sense.
🎃Yuta as Bendy the Dancing Demon.
🎃Rika as Alice Angel
*They both start off cute then become quite terrifying but in the best way.
🎃Kokichi as Victor from The Corpse Bride.
🎃Miwa as Emily THE Corpse Bride.
🎃Nanami as Captain America cause I got the idea from @TimieTate on twitter. But he keeps said cap off. He'll keep the shield just to see the fanboy within faces Yu, Yuji and Ino come to life.
🎃Yu Haibara as Iron Man cause I like Stony and it all fits now. Also he used face paint to add in the beard goatee combo.
🎃Ino as a zombie with the usual horror makeup with green skin, bloody cuts, and he's a cutie wanting brains~
🎃Shoko as Sally
🎃Utahime as Genderbent Jack Skellington with a Zero plushie.
🎃Momo as Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Just the poofy velvety black dress, witch's hat, It was the broom's fault.
🎃Mai as Salem Saberhagen/Cat. It's just in a velour jumpsuit with an attached tail, layered choker necklace, cat ear headband, and ankle boots.
🎃Todo as a crossdressed Takada … cause why not.
🎃Choso as Netflix's Castlevania Dracula, with his hair loose to match. Also because of the whole blood thing.
🎃Yuki as Lisa Tepes also from Netflix's Castlevania cause they're both independent and stubborn and it just made sense to have them pair up.
🎃Riko as Wednesday Adams
🎃Kuroi as Morticia Adams
🎃Toji and Shiu as Sam and Dean Winchester. Just wearing leather jackets, rustic shirts, torn jeans and boots for the rugged look. Doesn't matter who's dressed as who. They can both make either roles work.
🎃Noritoshi Kamo as Hellsing's Alucard
🎃Junpei as Ash Williams. OG Classic. With detachable chainsaw toy hand.
🎃Nanako as Mitsuri Kanroji
🎃Mimiko as Nezuko
🎃Tsumiki as Shinobu
*They all got the wigs and custom made toy Nichirin swords. Also because Tsumiki and Shinobu share the same seiyuu. It was either her or Yor from SPY X FAMILY. Lord knows Gojo, Geto and Megumi would never want to see this girl in that kinda getup; overprotective they are.
🎃Mei as Disney OG Ursula. They both have white hair and do business with high rewarding profits. I had trouble figuring out a costume for Mei, okay!?
🎃Ui as a Flotsam Jetsam Mashup. Devoted brother/minion, so be it.
🎃Kusakabe as a Scarecrow. Apparently he's a fearful man that is courageous when it counts. It all fits.
🎃Akari Nitta as OG Disney Cinderella. Cause why not? It's cute!
🎃Ijichi as Zorro. Be a brave badass, my man!
*Those two are doing a callback to A Cinderella Story; the OG one, where Sam is Cindy and Carter is Zorro. Ergo, neither pair are couples.
🎃Arata Nitta as just a bedsheet ghost. He's timid as hell according to his wiki so there.
🎃Satoru as Wassup Ghostface
🎃Suguru as Viper Ghostface
🎃You as OG Ghostface
*Cause I gotta put my favorite horror character of all time in this and seeing fanart of them as Ghostface is a big turn on~! Plus Gojo gives Wassup vibes. And Viper looked so cool for Geto. And yes you be representing the OG!
🎃👻🦇 🎃 👻🦇🎃 👻🦇🎃👻🦇🎃👻🦇🎃
Fall has come.
Warm colored leaves whisking in the cold blowing winds.
And so much rambunctious chatter teemed the atmosphere.
The annual Halloween carnival fair has arrived.
"Fushiguro! Let's go on that ride next!" Yuji cheered enthusiastically as the pair rode the flaming pumpkin head shaped go bumper car.
"Fine fine! Just keep your eyes on the – ACK!" Megumi grabbed those mochi cheeks of Yuji's to make him face forward, both jerking forward as they got slammed in up front by another go cart.
"Itadori-kun! Eyes on the road!" Junpei laughed.
"You two can get it on later, ya know~" Ino teased, grinning, innuendo jokes going hard.
"Ino-san, please don't egg him on." Megumi grumbled, bashfully avoiding eye contact.
"If he wants to, sure." Yuji made it all seem so simple.
"WHAT!?" All three exclaimed in shock, startling the other drivers and passerby, earning him a hard yank on his tiger hood.
Mingling outside a food booth
"Mmm, umai~!" Nobara's eyes lit up with actual stars in them as she eyed her crepe with bat and spider sprinkles paired with chocolate sauce. "Delicious and Insta-worthy~! Maki-san, what do you think?"
She smacked her lips in afterthought, eyeing the"With the black and orange dyed cone, matching sherbert ice cream gave off that spooky pizzazz to put one in the festive mood "Not bad. Too much though."
"Hmm … then finding the best cammable sweets for Maki-san is our goal for this all Hallows Night!"
"Don't go overboard, baka." Maki bopped her on her crowned head, endearingly smiling. "Cause we're burning all this sugar in our workout tomorrow."
Nobara saluted. "Yes ma'am!"
From down the road, sitting at a mini table set up outside another food both, Mai scoffs at the sight. "Maki, what do you see in that girl?"
Giving heated glares to some passerby that were giving cat calls to Mai, Momo "Your envy is warranted but not tonight. Now have a spooky berry." Momo plopped a bloody frosted one from her decorated strawberry coffin into her partner's mouth.
"Out of all the people, she chose to date … her." Mai muffled through her full mouth.
"I heard that, you know." The Kyoto pair looked up to see Mai's twin and her bae standing there; Maki a bit facially irked whereas –
"We BOTH heard!" Nobara's seething face was too close for Mai's comfort; Maki restraining her from going feral, though Mai looked undisturbed.
Oh? I didn't see you there." Mai's false smile had Nobara shooting steam out of her nostrils.
"She means well." Momo; understanding Mai's protectiveness over her twin, just sat there and ate those berries away.
The baseball struck gold as the bottle tower collapsed with ease.
"Alright Nanami-san! Perfect aim as always!" Haibara cheered, clapping before pointing at the prize he wanted hanging above their heads. "How many prize booths does that make now?" Haibara beamed, arms full of stuffed toy prizes.
"This would be the fifth one. I believe we've reached a moderate amount at this point." Nanami stated, adjusting the strap keeping the star spangled shield on his back, as they walked off with their reward.
"Yeah. This is more than enough for my sister. Thank you. So here." Picking up his latest prize, he handed the Iron Man chibi doll to his beau. "As a token to remember this night."
Nanami was so taken back by the gesture. "Then you keeping this one would even things up." He plopped that Cap chibi plush right on Haibara's face.
Haibara nuzzled the Cap plush with his cheek. "I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth … Kento."
God, Nanami's heart was getting ready to burst right outta him! "Yu …" Looking straight ahead, he shyly blushed as he kept a hand on Yu's back just in case. "I'll never forget."
On a park bench, viewing the fair from across the way, the two ruggedly dressed drinking buddies were hogging the bench.
"You know spying is a bad look for you, Zen'in."
"Shut it. It's Fushiguro now, remember?" And yet, propped against the back of the bench, Toji kept glancing at his wolf eared teen son walking with his fellow sorcerer buddies through the festive grounds evidently content regardless if he was smiling or not.
"Just go say to your kids already, you big old wuss."
Downing some booze, Toji sighed. "Nah. It's better this way. Besides, his two new papas would kill me in cold blood if I got even close."
"You're actually pissed you didn't get invited to their group gathering." Shiu drolled, getting bonked in the back of the head by Toji's half empty bottle.
"Still though, nothing like a drink and a smoke outside to spend the night away." Shiu mused, smoke slipping through his lips.
Toji's semi bored eyes suddenly became focused as they trained on a former target that now alluded to his sights after slipping inside one of the many houses of horrors littered around the fair grounds.
Holding hands tightly, Riko and Kuroi jolted and squeaked among the many other costumed attendees from every jump scare triggered by the gory horrifying figures coming every which way.
"Riko-sama, it's okay if you don't want to keep going."
"No! I can be brave through this! Just to rub it in those two's smug ass faces! I can do this – mmph!" She bumped into someone's back amiss her self encouragement. Looking up into the blackest eyes of Count Choso who bluntly uttered.
Riko's terrified screams didn't startle Choso in the slightest as she flailed, losing balance, and falling into Kuroi's arms.
"Sorry about him, Amanai-chan. Just trying to get him in the spooky spirit is all." Yuki's head popped out from behind him, apologetically smiling.
"An incarnated object … in the flesh!" She was as terrified as she was astounded at being in his presence, especially when he punched a screeching animatronic that got too close for comfort.
"Another former Star Plasma Vessel." Choso pointed out dryly.
"I chose my own path going forward of my own free will, same as you. No need to be so blunt about it." Riko stuck her tongue out at the somewhat irked hybrid man.
"Riko-sama, let's get going. We're holding up the others behind us." Kuroi cautioned.
"Yes yes, we're wasting precious time here! The night is still young after all!~!" Not wanting to get kicked out and sued by those running the house, Yuki dragged those three out to the exit, barreling through puzzled exclaiming normies.
In a mock up Haunted Mansion ride, Kokichi stayed stiff but flustered as Miwa held his hand, hugged his arm, and cuddled up next to him in their automatic carriage seat for two.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" She curiously wanted to know.
He nods, fidgeting a bit. "And you?"
"Yes … I'm with you, after all." Miwa's genuine smile spoke volumes to how true she meant it.
"Good." He kissed her cheek all feather-like, earning a glow from her face before she peppered his face all with lipstick kisses, to his dopey smiling face.
"Oh my precious students!" That alerted the two as they spotted their sensei tearing up, to which her date used her Zero plush to pat away those tears.
"Just ignore us. We'll keep mingling with our brethren, that's all." Shoko waved to them, lounging in the fake graveyard setting.
"Not if we get kicked out over it!" Utahime panicked.
"Eh, no big deal." Shoko's usual apathetic shrug.
"You promised me you wouldn't act like THOSE TWO – MMPH!" Utahime got shushed by a smooch. Zero's nose lit up red, smooshed in between them, pouting as they parted. "You don't play fair."
Shoko rubbed her nose against Utahime's, mixing her faded blue powder with her white face powder, smiling proudly. "You make it too easy."
Outside, in a corn maze, Toge was looking ahead over the tops, carried on Panda's shoulders,
"Tsuna Tsuna."
"Go right?"
"Got it. Oh, Yuta, why must you leave us in your wake!? We barely see him anymore! Now he left us behind in this maze!" Panda dramatically tearfully shouted to the heavens.
Turning this and that way, they finally found Yuta. On the hay covered ground. With Rika laying atop him.
"T–Toge! Panda! Uh … I can explain everything! I – It was just a slip –!" Yuta sweated bullets.
"He still cushioned my fall. You're always looking out for me, Yuta, my love~!" Rika gushed.
While he remained calm on the surface; that and his mouth was covered in wraps, Toge was irked at seeing his close friend being smothered by his lifelong love.
"If you two wanted to be alone, all you had to do was say so." Panda suggestively said.
"Uh, that's not – AH!" Getting pulled up to their feet, Yuta blushed at how intense Inumaki's gaze held him with such devotion. Ruffling his hair, Toge was now turning red from what those wraps didn't hide, Yuta laughed a bit at the cute sight, before Panda bear hugged them all. "I – I missed you all too!"
Leaning against the fenced borders of the exit, Kusakabe-sensei stood beside his fellow Scarecrow; a display maybe but still, staying steer clear of any unwarranted hassle.
"Kids … naively enjoying normalcy despite our true reality. As long as I don't get screwed over in the long run, I'm –!"
A clown faced balloon got thrusted in his face.
"Take one. Enjoy yourself. I mean it."
Principal Yaga, handing out spooky themed balloons to adorably costumed kids passing by with their parents, still noticed the somber fear in his eyes. Speaking of kids –
"Come on, uncle! Mom is waiting for us!"
Yaga smiled at seeing Atsuya being dragged off by his Batman dressed nephew, willing to let his guard down for the little guy, a bat shaped balloon in his small gloved hand.
Mei cackling as money rained the sky. "Thinking you can trick me out of my wits," Men with wounded pride crumbled around her. "Only to be treated to my heart's content." They should never have bet straight outta their wallets. "Now that's what I call the best treat ever~!" She was that good at the shooting ranges. And darts. And slamming the hammer to ring the bell.
"Nee-sama, on top, as always~! Perfection~!" Ui applauded in his own odd unsettling way that only his elder sister enjoyed as she laughed madly.
Noritoshi hoped Miwa and the girls' choice of costume for him wouldn't make him feel so … out of his comfort zone. And yet, the various fangirls that adored the character he portrayed had them taking him up on both sides, hugging him arms and giggling nonstop at how fine he looked. Guess letting his hair down and loose made the look really sell. Still …
"I cannot tell if this is better than dealing with curses … or worse."
Getting dragged off to God knows where, an overwhelmed Noritoshi passed the masked Ijichi-san who was mesmerized by Nitta-san as the princess she is inside and out, twirling on the bridge. "I'll make sure not to lose my glass slipper~!" She cheekily jokes.
"I'd gladly carry you should you ever lose them." Ijicji bravely offered.
"Oh thank you Ichiji-san, but I'll manage. Right, Anata?"
All she got from the tarp draped ghost of her teen brother was jerky nodding and an "Eep!"
"He's really shy. But that makes him that much more precious to me~!" She hugged her startled embarrassed tarp brother.
It brought tears to Ichiji's eyes, sniffling. "Ah sibling love … so pure!"
And for Todo. Yeah, a Takada-chan Halloween themed concert was happening nearby. And yes he got tickets to see her. Cross dressed as his #1. The man will wear it with the utmost unbridled pride and joy for his Takada-Chan. And he'd lose it seeing her dressed as the best half angel half devil in history. "Pure and forbidden to all … the perfect balance … that's my Takada-chan~" He'd be on Cloud 9 yall!
"Ooh, another one!" Nanko cheered.
"New pose time." Mimiko softly suggested.
"Okay, one more!" Tsumiki added.
Posing and taking photos with cosplayers of their fave online idols in their demon slayer outfits was too much fun for all those involved.
A Wassup Ghostface popped up above Nanako's head. Followed by a Viper one appearing between Mimiko and Tsumiki's faces. Startling away their cosplaying acquaintances.
"Our own papas giving us heart attacks, unbelievable!" Nanako complained.
"It was a good scare, though." Mimiko clapped a bit.
"It made my heart jolt right out of my chest!" Tsumiki exclaimed.
"Huh? Where's Mama, though?" Nanako asked.
"She's missing." Mimiko noted.
"I thought you three would all arrive together." Tsumiki reminded them.
Gojo pulled up his mask to beam at them. "Not to worry, girls. The Mrs is fine. Quite fine, actually~" Gojo's purring tone at how fine you looked in your costume did not go unnoticed as the girls mock gagging into their hands.
Geto also pulled his mask up to peck their foreheads. "You girls keep having fun…not too much, though." Geto wanted the best for his girls too, but not around unsavory company.
"Yes, Geto-sama." The twins kissed his cheeks before dragging Tsumiki off to rendezvous with Megumi's group.
The big question.
Where are you in all this?
Photographing the moments, of course.
Entrapping these precious once in a lifetime memories.
Looking over them all from afar, your tender smile gave way to a wave of attachment as tears pricked your vision behind that mask.
This fragile tender peace amiss this cursed world was what you sought-after.
Swaying from the overflow of sentiment, empathy and affection you felt for this found family had you shaking in your actual costumed boots.
"Tell me …" You felt his cursed energy appear immediately, hovering right behind you. "What's your favorite scary movie?"
You felt giddy, butterflies flocking your nerves, smiling nervously underneath your mask. "This one." You pointed at yourself. "Duh." You giggled as he glomped you from behind, lifting your mask off to see your red cheeked beauty. "Lord forbid I wanna remember this night, digitally and soulfully. Doing group hangouts takes lots of planning, coordination and effort – AAH~!"
You squealed as Satoru lifted you up bridal style, spinning you around, marveling at your form highlighted by the moon while the fair lights made your e/c eyes sparkle like the universe laid in your gaze. Matching his Six Eyes perfectly, hypnotized by them as ever, as he kissed you openly.
"Heaven sent … you truly are." Tuffs of his snony bangs tickled your forehead and nose as his face beamed with pride and joy, unbridled love stretched from both ends of his wide smile, all for you.
"An angel for our depraved souls," Feeling those giant clothes hands cup your cheeks from behind, your toothy smile looked up to see Suguru sharing the same twitterpated expression.
"Ghosts having guardian angels … huh. Who'd have thought?" Your attempt at joking only made them give loud, slobbering, open mouthed smooches all over your face as you became a flailing giggling mess.
"Selfie time~!" Satoru chirped as he took tons of them with his phone, lots of laughs and kisses exchanged amongst the many goofy, creepy, and ecstatic faces you three made.
When midnight would soon be upon you all.
"Looks like we're right on schedule." Suguru mused as you three saw everyone that you personally invited eventually convening where the end of the fair grounds and the park meet, fairy lights hanging among, between, and around the tall hanging trees, various spooky tune favorites playing in the background to set the mood.
"Precisely." You threw the heavy ginormous bag you brought with you.
You popped it with the signature cursed energized finger gun.
It rained candy for all assembled.
While some – Yuji, Panda, Toge, Yuta, Rika, Junpei, Ino, Nobara, Miwa, Riko, Yu, Todo cause his lovely Takada-chan's concert had ended early, Nanako, Mimiko, Tsumiki, Satoru who yes scrambled over to get some too – clamored for every piece they could get their hands on.
Others – the adults at least – had restraint or not much interest.
As the fireworks went off to signal the end of the night, so much lively chatter bounced off everyone in animated mayhem, and you could only stand there and watch in amusement, content, and peace.
You wanted to freeze this moment. As well as many others. From back then to going forward.
This world – this reality – was something else.
You found more meaning, a sense of belonging, and heart in being here.
You would shape, bend and change it all to make it the kind of world you wanted it to be.
One where you could protect the smiles of those you feel attached to. Keeping this little slice of semi-normalcy intact, this somewhat safe haven of a life.
And should any curses wreak havoc upon the city – they will be most active on this night after all – this league of sorcerers would exorcise the hell outta them.
Sitting down on the grassy grounds, you were lost in the glowing sight that you got startled as Suguru slung an arm around your shoulders, nuzzling your humming self with his own.
"Truly a memorable night. Well done, love~"
You two jumped as Satoru collapsed before you two, candy stains smearing his lips, but smiling too much to care. "Best Halloween thus far! But next year we gotta top it! We should throw a bash! At our place!" Satoru's eyes were crazed and high at that point.
"Satoru, no more sugar for you tonight." Suguru lightly scolded.
"But Suguru, I feel so good right now~!" You and Sugu sucked the sweetness right off Toru's lips. "Like that but more~! Please love~?" Those puppy dog eyes and pouty lips have you kissing his lips. "Thanks you two~"
Helping Satoru sit up enough to rest on his elbows, you three spent the moment relishing the youthful scenery. Satoru's head rested on your left shoulder, Suguru's head rested on your right shoulder, and you hummed at how warm and cozy and right it all felt.
Calling out to everyone assembled to do at least one group cheer before the clock struck twelve.
Finishing the night off with one last –
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Hobie x spiderperson!reader where they both have COMPLETELY different types but they're so attracted to eo for some reason???
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙚
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Cw: Hobie Brown x reader, just fluff
>I don't think Hobie has a defined type, like, as long as you're not a fascist he's not one to be like "not my type"
>But he has something I would call "type by proximity" you know? He always hangs out with the same kind of people, so all his dates and hookups were always similar in style
>He has dated a variety of people though, different in a lot of aspects, just that they're all punks
>There are some views he has that he needs to share with his partner, but they're pretty down to earth and some very logic considering his political background
>He wouldn't get surprised or weirded out when he realizes he's romantically attracted to you, it just happens very organically
>His friends would be the ones to point it out (the ones from his dimension)
>"they certainly ain't Hobie's regular", "But he looks happy, innit?"
>But if you happened to be just the tiniest bit taken aback because of your new found crush, he'll notice, and definitely tease you about it
>If all your previous partners were goody goody two shoes, he's definitely, laughing, I'm sorry (though is unclear if he's laughing at them or you)
>He's honestly all up for the opposites attract kind of thing
>He'd definitely hype you up if you wear any kind of alternative fashion, it doesn't matter if it's something not even remotely close to his aesthetic
>I think he keeps a piece of you in his attire, maybe a necklace (pendant, choker, whatever) or a piece of fabric of an old item of clothing you threw out for any reason, if this is a "he was a punk they, did ballet" situation he finds so cute to have a pink article of clothing in his battle jacket, maybe it's cute earrings with the shape of a heart, teddy bear, ice cream cone, or anything adorable, or maybe it's a patch of pink fabric sewed in between all his pins and patches, to add a little more color
>If you mention he's not your usual type at a confession, he has the knowing smirk of someone who will weaponize this your entire relationship
>"No, it's not like that, it's just that you're far from my go-to type when it comes to dating"
>"So ya don't find me pretty, sweetheart?" He get really close just to fluster you
>"I do, but you're, um, a little different"
>"Why bother being so consistent? You may get impressed if you give good ol' punk scoundrel a chance"
>He likes that you're different, that you can show him new things, he's not one to stay in the same unmoving place for a long time, if he's serious, he needs you to know he'll never stay still, he craves the constant dopamine hit of learning new subjects
>He'd feel really flattered if you incorporated something of him to your daily life, whether it's his guts, disregard for the authority or black nails and spikes
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gabessquishytum · 7 days
I love your addition to the Dream bratty student idea, so I'm branching on that:
Dream shows up the next day, intentionally late so that way everyone could see him walking in wearing what are very obviously Hob's pants. They're massive on his lanky body, and he liked black only anyway. Hob didn't even think Dream would actually wear them to the class, so he didn't think to maybe wear something else- like anything other than basically the exact same pair of beige trousers but from a different brand bought probably a few years apart. Dream even smiles when he notices.
"Apologies for my tardiness, Professor Gadling." He says, fully knowing it just draws more eyes on him. Hob just tells him to go sit down and doesn't even look up from his ancient laptop currently not working properly. While Hob doesn't see the pants, all the other students do, and they're all trying to contain their laughs and chuckles, whisper the "oh my god look at his pants!" to their friends, etc.
Once the laptop manages to do whatever he wanted it to do, Dream was already sat. So Hob had to try and teach with the lecture hall yapping without knowing why.
Until class ends and everyone leaves, and then he sees the bastard in his trousers walking out.
Of course, he does it the day after that again to actually get Hob's reaction properly. Maybe he'll even try to get another pair of trousers. Or a jumper.
(May be back to write a "How The Endless Stole A Sweater" fic)
(Also can I have 🕷 anon if its not taken??)
Hey, I don't think we have 🕷 anon, so welcome to the club, new friend! Here's the last ask where we talked about bratty student Dream, and the trouser stealing incident.
This is a fantastic addition, I LOVE the idea of Dream showing up to class in Hob’s borrowed/stolen clothing - he's not even a little ashamed of himself! He had to cinch the waist of the trousers in so tight and he nearly came all over them, just thinking about how tiny he is compared with his beloved professor... Hob, due to poor eyesight and the fact that he's trying to actually do his job, doesn't see the trousers until Dream is actively walking out of the lecture theatre, swinging his hips like a dancer, showing off his cute little butt in the boring baggy slacks.
He gets his cute butt spanked in those same slacks less than 24 hours later, bent over the professor's desk with one of Hob’s hands covering his mouth to muffle his screams. The other one of Hob’s (big, wide, manly) hands smacks down on Dream’s arse, and it hurts even through the dense beige fabric. Poor little Dream.
Next lecture, Hob shows up with one of Dream’s gothic velvet chokers clasped around his neck. Of course, it could be a coincidence that the dusty professor has suddenly developed an interest in jewellery... and there's no actual proof that Dream is wearing Hob’s trousers. But as the clothing swaps continue throughout the academic year, it's pretty damned obvious that Professor Gadling belongs to Dream. And vice versa!
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bigfatfurby · 4 months
berry patch!
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(i wish i had taken better photos!)
berry patch was the third custom i made for anime north, but they didn't actually join us there because i gave them as a birthday gift to my friend/booth partner :)
what makes berry patch special as a longfurby is that they are completely functional! their battery compartment is accessible from the back with plastic snaps. it was a challenge to see if i could completely disassemble a furby boom without breaking any parts, and have it still work when reassembled.
however, it made me realize i couldn't find a complete 2012/boom text/photo disassembly guide online. is that something people would want? 🤔
berry patch has completely custom fur, ears, mane, and tail made from my own pattern, painted faceplate, eyelids (with little strawberries!), beak, and feet, and lots of strawberry accessories. they have a posable spine and are tightly stuffed to help them sit up better. (they're quite floppy in this picture. i added more stuffing later, but the boom parts are rather heavy -- if i had had more time, i may have chosen to add weighted beads to distribute the weight better.) i nearly managed to assemble them completely without the help of hot glue... but then i needed it at the very end for the ears 😂 it's a learning curve!
[image description: two images of a modified furby boom. the first image is a closeup of its face. it has green outer fur and a red belly, and a matching swooped red hairstyle. its faceplate is painted red and has yellow paint dotted on to look like strawberry seeds. its eyelids have small strawberries and flowers painted on. it wears dangly strawberry earrings, an embroidered choker, and a faux leather choker with a large resin strawberry clipped on. its hair is decorated with needle felted strawberries and a strawberry shaped barrette. it has a hand beaded necklace reading "berry patch". its eyes are half closed and its mouth open in an expression of pleased contentment. the second image is zoomed out to show that this furby has a length of approximately 75cm or 4/5ths of a yard. its plastic feet, at the bottom of its long body, are painted to look like strawberries, and it has a long red tail that matches its head hair. its bottom uses a strawberry-printed decorative cotton. it appears to be struggling to sit up on its own, but its expression is happy. end id]
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ur-dad-satan · 10 months
How I think each of the brothers would react to MC asking them to wear THIS!! Pt. 2
My Obey Me! brainrot is back!! For some reason, I remembered these existed and the brainrot took over. Enjoy if you like.
Just the four younger bros. I may do more characters if y'all want it. <3
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. MC where did you get this? . Why in the fuck would I wear this? . You would have to beg him to wear this outfit. . And then you'd have to fight him to get the kitty ears back . He would wear the dress, ears, cuffs, and choker but would fight you if you try to make him wear the thigh highs and garters (I just realized they were garters next to the bottom of the dress T_T) . He would eventually fold and put on the entire outfit for a fee... . He would prefer you wear it, but doesn't mind too much if it's for MC.
. OH MC! I didn't know you were into this!! <3 . He would wear it in a heartbeat. . He would love to take some pictures in it for only you two. . He would wear the entire outfit and look absolutely amazing in it. . He would also love for you to wear it but would actually ask to wear it often. . The outfit would become a shared item between you two and he may try to keep some of the accessories for himself.
. Uhm, MC, what's this? I don't get it... . He would be confused at first, but once explained he would probably be down. . The dress would be a little tight on him and show off his muscles. . It would hug him in all the right places. . He would wear the whole thing and even jokingly meow. . He would beam when you tell him that he looks cute in the outfit. . The tiddie window would make your mouth water. . You would probably act up. (I'm projecting) . He wouldn't mind wearing it again for you if you asked. . He also wouldn't mind seeing you wearing it.
. What the hell is this? . Why do you want me to wear this? . He probably wouldn't fight much. . Even if he did, he could be persuaded with the promise of cuddles. . He would wear the whole thing except the headbands (they're uncomfy to lay in) . He wouldn't mind wearing it because it's spacious and flowy. . He probably wouldn't wear it again on his own, but he wouldn't mind wearing it again. Only for MC though.
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windermeresimblr · 9 months
Dance Suite: A Maxis-Match Rococo Clothing Set For C-EF
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This was inspired by my frustration with the Store's "Morning in the Garden dress," which is a decent approximation of a robe a la Francaise, if somewhat costume-y. The channels were poorly assigned, the mesh was nowhere near as wide as it ought to have been at the hips, there were no engageantes, but worst of all, there was no maternity morph for the young adults and adults! So I set out and made one. And then I adjusted the channels to make things much more fashionable. Because I can't be the only one to look at extant examples with mix-and-match stomachers, robes, and petticoats and think "YES PLEASE!"
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Option one (seen in picture four) has a channel for the robe, the petticoat and bows, the stomacher, and the tucker (1), choker, and engageantes (2).
Option two has a channel for the robe, the bows, the stomacher and bows, and the tucker, choker, and engageantes.
Option three has a channel for the robe and stomacher, the bows, the petticoat, and the tucker, choker, and engageantes.
Option four has a channel for the robe and petticoat, the bows, the stomacher, and the tucker, choker, and engageantes.
This dress is available for Everyday, Formal, Career, Makeover, and Maternity for Teens (Courante), Young Adults and Adults (Allemande), and Elders (Sarabande).
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And then I made a vaguely Rococo dress for the children, because I was sick of putting them in the Tudor dress, and they couldn't all wear Danjaley's dress all the time! The style could fit anywhere from, say, 1680 to 1780, though the polonaise-style ruffles might be more suitable for the 1770s-80s. It's darling, in my opinion.
Option one (not shown) has the original yellow gold rick-rack trim.
Option two has a new bronze rick-rack trim.
Option three has a new silver rick-rack trim.
All of the options have the same channels: bodice and skirt, sleeves, stomacher, and trimming.
This dress is available for Everyday, Formal, Career, and Makeover for Children (Gavotte).
There are some really harsh shoulder seams that I can't smooth out. Additionally, the child dress has a strange gap between the sleeve cap and the sleeve that I can't figure out; I may revise this when I'm more skilled at frankenmeshing.
All photos are unedited; what you see is what you get! You should not need the Store dress or Generations for these dresses to work.
Download them here. I hope you have a happy holiday season, and may this new year be safe, happy, and full of simming!
EAXIS for the original "Morning in the Garden" dress, as well as the "Dress With Bolero" and "Princess Dress Costume."
KentConverts for the teen and elder female conversions of said "Morning in the Garden" dress, as I took those meshes and bonedeltas and ran with them; you can have my dresses and Kent's at the same time, as they're separate items.
Edorenel, whose Colonial Williamsburg palette I used to make reasonably-period but still visually distinct presets in CAS.
@danjaley, for the poses, inspiration photo, and the wonderful tutorial on bonedeltas.
@simlicious, for the patterns and troubleshooting my initial forays into meshing!
(1) The "tucker" is the trim along the inside neckline. I decided to put it on the same channel as the engageantes and choker because I like the look.
(2) The "engageantes" are the lacy sleeve trim seen here. One day I'll make a set that actually is meshed...
(3) The self-stripe you see on the elder model is a pattern in progress of my own, borrowed from @simbury's silk stripes texture for TS2. I'm a sucker for self-stripes.
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quinloki · 1 year
hello i'm eating up everythink this kink game is soo 😋😋😋
could you do branding, breeding and collar for Eustass Kid and Killer? (im a sucker for kid pirates what can I say, if you wanna add a third c of your own choice i'm all ears 🤭)
\o/ I'm enjoying doing these - I'm so glad people are enjoying them.
Branding, Breeding and Collaring - make talk about the Possessiveness Trifecta. Sucker for yandere that I am, I am not complaining, but a fair warning to everyone reading, I may go a bit hard on this.
Also - I 100% have some yandere Kid Pirates stuff I want to go balls to the wall toxic on, so I'm going to do these particular head canons from a healthy view point (save all my deep dark shadows for the multi-chapter stuff.)
Hmm.. I'm tempted to add Heat since I did Wire not too long ago, but I'm not feeling it so I'mma step outside the Kid Pirates for my wild card choice and go with hmmm...
(I've done breeding kink for : Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Rayleigh, Marco, Newgate, Jinbei, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Lucci, Law and Kaku.)
Oh I was going to pick Sir Crocodile, because why not, but you know what, let's go with Smoker.
Eustass Kid:
Branding - Oh god you don't even know - Eustass isn't going to suggest this to you, but if you bring it up (tattoos, actual branding, cell popping) he'll be all for it. Safe and painless as possible - well, okay, I mean, sometimes the pain is the point, but my statement still stands. Cell popping is generally not-permanent but most other forms of branding are. Style, design, brand or tattoo, he's going to talk all the details out with you, and how you're going to go about getting it.
Strapped to a custom chair, completely naked, as either he - or someone trusted - does the work (hey if you head canon Kid as a tattoo artist, rock on). He'll tease, please, and praise you the entire time, probably record the entire thing for posterity too especially if it's a tattoo. If you're up for it, he'd be all in for you to have a couple tattoos - at least one everyone can see, and few for his eyes only.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - Man's got a specific piece of furniture for this. It's designed to be adjustable (It goes from 4'00" - 12'00" just because he could), and can be used with or without straps. It's got a few other addons, and it's multiple body type friendly.
Hey, Eustass makes things with his hands - not just metal stuff, the man's leather working and wood working skills are on point and I'm not even speaking in double entendre xD It's designed to keep from having the sub/bottom that gets on it from being too exhausted to be, well, bred. (Designed with their pleasure in mind cause some of these addons vibrate).
Thing of it like a comfy saddle with a sybian built into it (google that at your own risk).
Collaring - Oh god you don't even know - Obviously less permanent than branding, but there's a real "You gotta earn it" process to this for Kid. You don't just go around collaring people - putting someone in irons because they're a legit prisoner (or your role playing that sort of thing) isn't the same as this.
If you're okay with it he'll have a collection for you before long. From almost subtle chokers you can wear every day if you want, to ornate metal ones strictly for playtime, to fur-lined leather ones you could wear publicly if you wanted to. You can be sure all of them were made by Kid, and they're all going to be comfortable. The more comfortable you get wearing them, the more likely Kid is to loop a finger through them and pull you into a rough kiss without much warning.
Branding - No - Tattoos are an exception to this, but permanently marking/scarring his partner is a big no for Killer. Careful temporary marking yes, but he's the one with the scars, and he doesn't want to cause you to have any (or any more than you already have). It's not that he needs your skin to be flawless, it's that he doesn't want to be the cause of any of your scars.
Killer's job is protecting - the Captain, you, the crew - and probably in that order if we're being legit. Now tattoo(s), something he designs, something you can each get (that not exact matches, but matches style), he's all for that if you are. He wants his somewhere he can easily see - and maybe even that can be easily seen. >.> He wants yours somewhere that only you and maybe the ship's doctor will ever see.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - I mean, have you see that breeding bench that Kid built?! Of course he enjoys using it, and this is a style of marking/possessiveness he can get behind. (ah, heh accidental pun there. get behind... xD) It's not just filling you up over and over that he enjoys, sometimes letting others fill you up too, but it's having you shudder and cum on his cock over and over too. He's into it just as much for your continued pleasure as his own.
The number of times your body tries to curl on that bench is going to be at least twice as often as Killer satisfies himself.
Collar - Oh god you don't even know - it's blue and white with a double row of spikes on it and somehow it is crazy comfortable to wear.
Well, at least that's the first one he gifts you. Killer won't force you to wear any collars, but he'll talk about them and their importance to him and what they mean, and when he gives you the first one he even reiterates that you don't have to wear it. But if you put it on yourself, or present your neck for him to put it on, it'll certainly have an effect on him.
And if you're willing to own/wear more, he'll be gifting a small variety to you. Though the first time he notices you wearing one outside of playtime, you might find yourself over his shoulder and on your way to the bedroom - or the nearest available secluded spot. He'll cool off a little with time (or learn better restraint), but that first time is going to hit him like a ton of bricks.
Branding - Rather not - Cell popping maybe, but branding or tattoos aren't really Smoker's vibe. You could probably convince him to get matching tattoos for say, like, your tenth wedding anniversary or something, but he'd be a little skittish about the idea before then. He certainly has a possessive streak, but it's more of you knowing that you're his, and not necessarily a need to make sure everyone else knows.
I mean, everyone else will know, but he doesn't need a tattoo or brand to get that point across.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - Pressed against the wall, bent over the couch, screaming muffled pleasure into the comforter on the bed, and trying to stifle your moans as you hold onto the balcony railing while getting railed. Smoker is going to take you rough and without a condom - your body's begging for his to be buried in you, who has time for anything else?
Wrapped in his smoke you'll swear you smell like his cigars no matter how much you wash. It's not unpleasant, but it also feels embarrassingly obvious to know that anyone else who knows what his cigars smell like is gonna know. Not that you're asking him to stop, you agreed to the arrangements after all.
Collar - Starts as a Sure turns into FUCK Yes - You're the one telling him about collars, and some of the meanings behind them in bdsm and all that, and he's not against it. He lets you pick out what you want, and reads up on safety about them, and you two incorporate it into your playtime.
At one point though, you greet him at the door after his shift, either in little more than the collar, or with it being visible along with what you're wearing (sexy surprises galore under the clothes, of course). The whole evening riles him up more than usual, and he becomes a lot more attached to collars. Eventually he even collars you almost ceremoniously during a session, having gotten a custom piece made for the occasion.
Kinky One Piece Head Canons
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ailuropoda-sims · 2 years
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(^ω^)Azure Acosta(^ω^) - A Cheerful ErotiCutie, Now in 4 Different Flavors!
If there could only be one word to describe Azure, it would most certainly be "perky". A ray of sunshine towards everyone they meet, Azure likes to spend their days streaming video games and watching reruns of the Voidcritter anime.
Azure finally makes their formal lookbook debut!!! ╰(▔∀▔)╯ You guys may have noticed that they're that one sim I've featured on my edits, and I love them so much!!! (ᗒᗨᗕ) My main source of inspiration for Azure's outfits is the aesthetic of "Erokawa", which as one Pinterest board aptly put it; "an aesthetic for when you're cute but also horny". I tried to balance the elements of cute and kawaii with some more risque choices, and I'm happy with the results!! The 1st and 4th outfit are my favorites~ The CC used will be listed down below~!
Hot Pink Strawberries and Cream: Heart Earrings, Bunny Necklace, Ruffle Top, Skirt, Heart Purse, Bikini Top, Belly Piercing (TSR), Nails, High Rise Thong, Leg Warmers, Boots
Sky Blue Bubblegum Bitch: Kitty Mask, Cloud Earrings and Nails, Choker, Poofy Sleeve Top, Skirt, Heart Chain Belt, Bra Accessory, Rings, Stockings, Heels
Minty Matcha Moxie: Pearl Cat Ears, Macaron Earrings, Eyeglasses, Choker, Blouse, Skirt, Bracelets, Chain Belt, Nails, Garters, Striped Socks, Shoes
Sour Sweet Lovely Lemon: Cap, Earring, Glasses, Choker, Sweater, Shorts, Harness, Shirt Decal, Leg Wrap, Socks, Sneakers
Poses: @helgatisha, @katverse, @catsblob, @uh0htaj
CC Credits: @pralinesims, @sadlydulcet, @aharris00britney, @ts4eve, @b0t0xbrat, @simkoos, @suzuesims, @saruin, @cubersims, @trillyke, @oppasims, @arethabee, @sentate, @christopher067, @solistair, @liliili-sims4, @xurbansimsx, @sondescent, @ooobsooo, @persimmods, @the-crypt-o-club, @1-800-cuupid, @clumsyalienn @imvikai
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kingscourthouse · 2 years
This is a Ren Cinematic Universe moment
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Did a quick update on my Ren designs. Note: King RenTheKing isn't included because I don't see him as someone separate from ren himself. Grimm (Demised RenBob) is my own mini au I guess? Don't really know what he would be, but I like to imagine him n Grim are a team in killin'.
If anyone cares, details on them below!
Base things on all of them: All of them have some sort of enchanted band on them with protection. If they were to remove it, they would just be some big dogs. (This way I get both Ren and dog Ren >:D)
Have you seen those glasses without the arms just pinch to your nose bridge? Yeah, they kinda need them. Dog ears lol.
They all have diffrent versions of Ren's facial hair. Obvi Grimm's is based on Renbob's and the others are based on Ren's. Example, Red still has the same shape of stubble like ren, but his is much thicker and a bit messier like his hair.
Their hand nails are all diffrent too if that counts.
Ren: Legit just basic Ren Diggity Dog. Pan flag colours on his ear peircings. Leg coverings are layers of leather that button in the back to keep them from being too damaged while working. Prot band is on his left arm. It's made of netherite so it can't be destroyed...unless he runs into a cactus. Very fluff, is a good boy.
Red (King): Still grey from the death games and curse, but has a bit of colour unlike the demised. His hair is much messier and a bit longer than Ren's. Ears are more pointed like a wolf. When Ren was King, Red made his crown and cape for him. Red still thinks he's better though. Slacks are tighter fit around his knees for movement. ROYAL BLUE BABY- Not a chestplate, but has gold plating around his neck and shoulder that holds his cape. Gold cuffs on his feet because he hated the lack of movement with full leg coverings. Gotta protec those toe beans. Cape is pinned to his sleeve so it moves with him. Very elegant. Prot band on his left hand is a gift from Martyn. Has his symbol so he may always protect his king in some form. Martyn also learned the hard way that Red's cape is basically a giant weighted blanket. How the hell does he carry that?!
(Ren) Bob: Sometimes the hermits call him Rob. Basically a Timmy/Jimmy situation. Again, just basic RenBob. Very flowy clothing. His necklace is a crystal gifted from Impulse back in season 6. He also has earrings made from Grian's feathers he'll wear. They tickle sometimes though, so it's not often. No leg protection. Wants to "Be connected to the world" or whatever he said. Most of his jewlry is wooden. The wooden earrings pull his ears down a bit, but he likes the floppy ears anyway. Prot band is wooden braclet on his right arm. He has a wide variety of goofy cardigans. The egg one is one of his favourites.
(Link to the actual cardigan if you want it)
Grim (Dog): Demised Ren. Kinda like the life games, he has a thirst for death. Maybe not as intense, but he'll sometimes be in a hunting mood. There are tallymarks on his arm are a count of how many he's killed. He's very grateful for the respawn system, he can play these games forever now! Loves very outgoing deaths. Explosions and fireworks are his favourite. NEVER TRUST HIM WITH A CROSSBOW. Prot band is a choker hidden by his hood. Died from fall damage. In death, he invent footwear better than featherfalling to keep him from perishing like that again. (Think long fall boots from Portal. They're shock absorbers.) Has a fear of heights, but he'll never admit that to you. Eyes may look like pure white, but you'll see his iris in a dark room. The iris and pupil glow white, the sclera don't. And yes, his glasses are the shape of coffins.
Grimm (Bob): Demised RenBob! (Rob???) Also gets the urge to kill but prefers not to. When he does, it is much quieter deaths like drowning or suffocation. Grimm prefers to follow around Grim and tend to the dead. Arranging graves, leave flowers, tag you with how you died, that's all him! Died by suffocation. Nobody knows how but Grim. Doesn't talk very much. The most you'll hear is him muttering prayers to the dead. Sometimes he'll also just say a single word and scare the daylights out of somebody. Prot band is a choker beneath his hood aswell. Eyes are just like Grim's; You won't see his iris, but it's there. May not have the weird cardigans like his counterpart, but a few hermits are a fan of his glasses. Tango loves the X glasses. Reminds him of cartoons!
That's all I can think of right now. Any questions? Feel free to ask!
(Suggest more silly cardigans for renbob and I might draw them)
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gothbass · 6 months
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(Images mostly from Pinterest)
One Of Us (Pt. 3)
★ Rhea Ripley x [afab] Reader
Warnings: 18+ [vamp!rhea x vamp!reader], immediate smut, silicone strap-on, continued odaxelagnia, bloody makeout sesh, praise, lyric reference [On Accident — Nico Collins], [sadist!rhea x masochist!reader], choking (kink), mention of aftercare (cliffhanger).
Word count: 845.
As she eyes you up and down, you carefully lower yourself onto the silicone—almost choking on the hitch in your throat as you do so. Rhea, dominating as she is, takes the lead through bucking her hips upward to push into you.
Within merely a few minutes, her force increases, causing you to cover your mouth—as to not be too loud. Though, this attempt is short-lived. Rhea forces your hand away from your mouth (and holds it in hers against the headrest of the swivel chair). As a replacement, she covers your mouth with her own—muffling any moans either of you release. In other, more blissful words, she aids in muffling your pleasure with another source of pleasure (a very lengthy kiss, that is).
Slowly bucking your hips forward, while Rhea speedily thrusts in and out of you, you ride out your high point with heavy, shallow breath. As your release takes place, Rhea pulls her mouth away from yours. While she catches her breath, you sink your fangs into her neck—causing her to let out a moan (which, in turn, causes your bite pressure to increase).
Blood seeps down her neck, like a dark red wine. You absorb the blood into your mouth before engaging with Rhea in a blood-filled makeout session.
“Any other plans for tonight?” Rhea asks, just in-case.
“You’re the only subject listed on my to-do list, don't you worry—Mami,” you respond with a wink.
You raise a brow. “Is that so?”
“Is it not?”
“I believe it may be.”
“Then it is so.”
Rhea uses a free hand to cup your throat. “Don’t steal my lines,” she enforces, in a rather dominating tone.
“Make me,” you rebel. Your cheek twitches as the words come out with little forethought.
Rhea’s face barely flushes. “Oh, trust me,” she starts; “I will,” she whispers into your ear—sending a hard shiver down your spine and almost forcing you to moan. By now, your own face is flushed. “Aww, you like that?”
“Y-yes, Mami,” you mutter, trying not to let your face get any redder than it already is.
“What was that, darling? I couldn't hear you.”
“Yes, Mami,” you speak a little louder and more concisely.
“Good girl,” she licks her lips, scanning your body from bottom to top.
“Now, I could add in a little treat for you…but it's hard to tell if you deserve it…”
You look into her eyes, almost pleadingly. “What do I have to do? What's it gonna take?”
“So eager and needy, aren't you?”
“Only for you.”
“In that case—all you'll have to do, in order to receive this little treat, is (continue to) be a good girl for me. It shouldn’t be that hard,” she smirks. She cups your jaw with one hand and forcefully pulls you in for a kiss.
As the kiss persists, Rhea grips you by the ass and lifts you onto the desk. Her arms are positioned in a plank-like manner, as if to keep you pinned down. Even so, she takes the time to reposition your legs so that they're resting over her shoulders. She pulls away from the kiss and smirks before thrusting into you for a second round, adjusting ever so slightly just to hit the right spots.
With a rush in your body and a torrent of color flooding within you (lyrics reference), you swiftly buck your hips upward to increase the knot in your stomach by around tenfold. While doing this, you pull Rhea in by the choker and bite into her neck. She lets out a moan that sounds like it's been held in for an eternity; the oxytocin from merely hearing it sends a flash flood of heat through your body.
“Shh,” you whisper to her, “not so loud.”
She responds by striking a slap across your face, but it doesn't bother you.
“Do it again, I dare you,” you threaten, but she doesn't dare—purely because you're tempting her to.
“Maybe if you beg, sweetheart,” Rhea teases, coyly. Both her accent and her low tone of voice cause a wave of heat to flush your face and slightly furrow your brows. You lean your head back out of supposed heat, your back arching as well.
“Maybe if you make me, Mami,” you tease in return, also coyly. Yet, without needing to beg, Rhea strikes a slap across your face.
“Behave,” she scolds, forcing a hand to your throat. You gasp for air and struggle to breathe, though you just barely manage.
As the sound of your struggled breathing floods Rhea’s sense of hearing, she drives into you hard enough to force a small amount of blood to secrete from within you. You wince in pain as you ride out your high while simultaneously being choked out just hard enough to obstruct your airway so that any vocal bliss would not be released.
“Good girl,” you hear Rhea praise, though it sounds muffled.
She releases her grasp on you, clothes the both of you, then walks you into the women’s restroom to clean you up.
[Series Masterlist]
Part 4
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gattnk · 1 year
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Uriè and Cabiria, you see, they are night and day.
What an interesting pair of rivals! They're probably the biggest opposites in my redesigned cast, even more so than Raf and Sulfus. Here's my design notes for these lovely ladies:
Their designs came very naturally to me once I cemented their personalities: Uriè is super positive and socially inclined, while Cabiria is solitary and reserved. Based on this, I decided to keep their Prisma Fly colors from the show as their main outfit colors: yellow and indigo, respectively.
While the series has Uriè and Cabiria as paired rivals, in the comic they're paired differently: Uriè is paired with Gas while Cabiria's with Gabi. Since I decided early on to keep Dolce in the cast, I also kept the cartoon's pairings. They also contrasted much more nicely in terms of personality and colors, so I couldn't pass the opportunity up!
Besides the yellow, most of Uriè's redesign is inspired by her comic's counterpart: I picked the lilac and pink colors from there (which is great, coupled with yellow she looks like a breaking dawn!), as well as the hazel-green eyes (while Uriè is not meant to represent one particular ethnicity, I think her eyes were a nod to the black population of the Caribbean and Northern Africa where this eye color is a distinctive trait). She also wears the same gold and blue friendship bracelet as Raf, which may break away from the rest of her ensemble but signifies how their friendship stands out to her.
Cabiria's look from the comic/series might seem too different side by side, but they have the same root: gothic rock/metal and what I can only refer to as "spooky chic". I simply doubled down on this premise: I made her hair long and wild for theatrics, same with the eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick and nail polish; I was heavily inspired by bands like Siouxsie and the Banshees, and The Sisters of Mercy. The silver hair is meant to contrast her very dark clothes, as well as make her silhouette more readable.
Uriè is a little ball of sunshine, so she's plump and the shortest of the entire main cast. Meanwhile, Cabiria is the tallest of the devil girls; her vertical-striped pants as well as her heeled boots bring out her long legs even more.
Their earrings were inspired by their respective mascots: Uriè's pearls are shiny dots just like her firefly, while Cabiria's piercings are linked by a chain like a spider web (her spider mascot hangs from an actual web string).
Mascot placement has some symbolism behind it: I put Uriè's firefly on her choker to signify how her bright words often guide her friends like a beacon. On the other hand, Cabiria's spider hangs from her left ear, just like she often lingers quietly and listens, waiting for the right moment to act.
In all honesty, I'm very satisfied with how I've handled my redesign process so far; I also enjoy sharing my thought process, who knows how it'll change as I go on with this project? I'm curious to see where this takes me...! While I can't tell you more without entering spoilers territory, I can at least leave you with links to the rest of my content to check out! :D
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Ben Reilly x Academic! Punk! Reader HCs
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Established relationship
Reader is like a projection of me + a girl I'm interested in 👀 May also lead into another project
He's not impressed by much, but you..
When you explain anything mathmatical to him, he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky
Even if he knows, too
Every little thing you do impresses him
He'll hang over your shoulders and watch you do homework
Nodding along as you balance equations or whatever
(IDK, I failed out of math last semester)
If you have anything with patches, he'll ask you wtf they mean
"What's.. Bikini Kill?"
"Riot Grrl band from the 90s."
"Who are the Dead Kennedys?"
"Another Band."
Please remember he's
1) a clone
2) only recently out from under Ock
3) just got back from the bottom of the bay
And he doesn't know popular bands, either
"Who are the.. Reagan Youth?"
"Band. Anti-facist, founded when Reagan became president."
Might not get all the history references either, but he LOVES that you do
Man loves studs
When you introduce him to any spiked piece of clothing, he decides that he Needs One, Too
Which leads to a mildly confused Peter
"Where'd you get the choker?"
While mans is just chilling on May's couch
"Stole it from Y/n."
"You mean borrowed, right?"
Ben just looks up from what he's doing
"They're only getting it back if they steal it."
Next day you're just like "Hey, Ben, have you seen my choker?"
He hands it back wordlessly
Please get him one of his own
You steal his hoodie and he tries stealing your clothes in retaliation
Queue this becoming a normal occurance
Even if he doesn't really fit into your fit 😂
He at least grabs accessories
Looks at a sticker on the back of a glove
"Who's... Panicking at the Disco?"
"Brandon Urie. Used to actually be a band, now he's kinda the face of it."
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666writingcafe · 1 year
The Prank
I should have known better. I really should have. I mean, it was weird that no one stopped me as I went to the planetarium, and it was outright bizarre that none of my brothers barged in the room as I sat down in my favorite chair and got comfortable.
But then Mammon ruined everything when he screamed,
"Which one of you fuckers took my jacket?!" Sighing, I got up and walked out of the room to see what was going on. If I didn't, I would have been dragged out anyway.
"I don't know, but someone took my limited edition Ruri-chan bracelet, and I will literally kill you if you sold it!" Levi yells back.
"What makes you think I took it?!" I wish I could just disappear into thin air. I want no part in this.
"Because you always take my shit!"
"I bet he took my choker, too!" Asmo hollers. Whatever squabbling the three of them were going to do gets cut short by Lucifer loudly demanding everyone to head to the living room this very instant. Groaning, I do what I am told. As much as I don't want to be lectured, I know that if I try to hide, he will find me and force me to listen to him for hours on end. Better to get it over with now.
"One of you has taken my nice pair of gloves," Lucifer states once we are all gathered around in the living room. "The punishment will be less severe if the thief fesses up now."
"I bet it was Mammon!" Asmo exclaims.
"It wasn't even me!" Mammon nearly shrieks, making me feel like my eardrums are going to burst. "Besides, has it occurred to any of you that my jacket's missing, too?"
"You probably hid it somewhere after you took the gloves so that you could distract us," Levi spits. Before Mammon has the opportunity to lunge at Levi, Satan interjects,
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Mammon's right."
"Thank you!" Either Mammon's missed the resignation in Satan's voice, or he's simply latching onto the compliment.
"You may be a fool, but you've never been that stupid. Someone else must have stolen the gloves, along with everything else." Asmo gasps.
"I bet it was you, Satan!" A new round of arguments starts, and I begin zoning out.
Suddenly, I catch movement in my upper periphery. Shifting my attention towards the source, I have to stop myself from making noise. Leaning against the door frame behind everyone is MC, smirking at the scene unfolding in front of them.
The first thing I notice is my stuffed cow. MC has it tucked under their arm. Then, everything else clicks into place. The gloves, the jacket, the choker, and the bracelet. Beel's sunglasses are on top of their head, which means the boots they're wearing must be Satan's.
I can't even be mad at MC for plunging the House into chaos. After all, who would suspect the innocent lamb of doing such a thing? It's genius.
But now comes the hard part: getting my brothers' attention. They're sucked into their screaming match, so trying to talk would be pointless. Normally, I would nudge Beel, but he's unusually invested this time. I quickly glance around the room, but there isn't anything that I can bang that wouldn't break upon impact.
My eyes catch MC's, who repositions the cow so that both they and it are looking at me. MC then brings a stuffed hoof to its mouth and rocks its head slightly. It takes me a second to understand what MC was suggesting, but once I do, I subtly nod my head.
Bringing my own fingers to my mouth, I take a deep breath and let out a loud whistle that pierces through everyone's arguing. My brothers gawk at me for interrupting them, silently demanding an explanation.
"Turn around, assholes," I tell them. Once they do, the energy of the room shifts real quickly. Tucking the cow back under their arm, MC wiggles their fingers in greeting. This causes Levi to scream,
“AAAAAH! Wha…wha…WHA?! Is this really…are you really really…REALLY?!” MC smiles.
"MC, it's you!" Asmo adds. "It's really you!" Before the others can get a word in, Lucifer holds up a hand to silence us.
"MC, what are you doing here?" he asks. "More importantly, why do you have our stuff?"
"Solomon dropped me off," MC answers. "I wanted to surprise you guys. As for why I have your stuff..." They pause. "I just thought it would be fun to pull a prank. I never got to take part in any of that the last time." Lucifer sighs, a resigned smile on his lips. He is such a sucker for them. I mean, we all are, but him especially.
"Well, I'm glad to see that you seem to be doing well. I do wish you could have let us know you were coming. We would have planned something for you."
"The whole thing was last-minute. Plus, the whole point of a surprise is that you're not supposed to know about it in advance."
"Good point."
"If I'd known you were coming, MC, I would've opted for a much more thorough shower routine this morning!" Asmo exclaims, beaming with excitement.
"Gross," I mutter.
"You look just as exquisite as ever, Asmo," MC replies.
"Besides, you took long enough in the bathroom this morning," Satan adds. "Why you insist on using the main one when you have your own, I will never know."
"Are you going to be staying for a while?" I ask MC in an attempt to steer the conversation away from Asmo and his bathroom habits. They nod their head.
"Diavolo has requested my presence to help him with the next stage of the exchange program."
"Just you?" This has everyone's attention.
"The others are here as well." Seeing a few sets of eyes narrow, MC quickly adds,
"In the Devildom, I mean, not here in the House. They have Purgatory Hall, remember?" That seems to calm everyone down.
"So, MC, what do you want for dinner?" Beel asks.
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viburnt · 8 months
Hey! I don't know if you're still on the wave of the Puppy Boy AU but if you are I have a few suggestions, if you don't mind...
1) Iida as a Border Collie. They're intelligent and diligent dogs and I think it's perfect for him
2) Denki as a Pomeranian. The fluffliest ball of fur ever.
I don't know if you write for them, if you don't just ignore this ramble of mine.
Also I'm back from my vacations in Baja, I'll be more active now
MHA Puppyboy! AU Part 3(?
Iida + Border Collie
Border Collies are very fancy dogs that love to follow instructions. They are smart, intelligent, and capable but they also have energy and are willing to protect. Iida is all about following rules and being a very smart student (he's the class rep after all), but he's proven to be fierce when the moment requires it. Border Collies are also (normally) pure blood dogs, which fits Tenya a lot since he comes from a well known family.
He has fluffy ears and tail, the color is a deep black with some white specks around the edges. Did I mention this breed loves to run? They are very good athletes, just like Tenya. He's just the kind of puppy that pulls on his leash if you don't move fast enough.
Talking about leashes and collars, Iida is OK with them. He won't use them during school or work because it's against the dress code, but he'll more than indulge if you wan to collar him up! Iida is very serious about it, so if you want him, you'll have him for life.
Loves, loves, loves praise. In a normal amount... Tell him he did a good job, that he is the best, and that he is a great example to others; his tail won't stop wagging for hours, and he takes your words with such pride!
Sheds, a lot. He tries to keep his fur clean and brushed but he just has too much fur. You WILL find some random dog hair in your stuff.
Can get a little controlling of you, after all the breed is made to guide and handle sheep, so you'll find out he tends to place his hand on the back of your neck or on the lower back to guide you around. A collie for 1A's sheep, what a puppy he is!
May or may not have a tiny doll of you he tucks in his bed when he misses you.
Your face gets warm when you feel Iida's hand unconsciously slide to the back of your neck, his roughed-up fingers grazing that tender skin of yours. It sends shivers down your spine, and Tenya notices it because you've suddenly stopped walking. "Is something the matter? Are you feeling OK?" Your eyes finds his and nod, "Yeah! I just remembered something," you utter, trying to suppress the smile that threats to form on your lips. He tilts his head in and oh so adorable way, worrying something bad had happened, furry ears flopping with worry. "What did you remember?"
"That you're a Collie." You giggle, pointing out the way he had been guiding you through the mall. He flushes and apologizes, but you tell him it's more than OK.
Kaminari + Pomeranian
Denki is by definition, energy. He is cheeky, he plays pranks, and he's just a cutie. This puppy likes the attention, and Pomeraninas just happen to be just like him. The fluffy fur kind of reminds you of the way Kami's hair gets, specially with the use of his quirk.
Short fuzzy tail and tiny perky ears that stand up from his already flash hair, brown/creamy color. This puppy boy will do anything to catch your eye: jokes, drawings, nicknames. He wants you all to himself, and is not shy about it.
This puppy boy doesn't mind being a couch potato, he'd much rather stay home with you and play videogames or read manga. He won't say no if you want more physical activities like going for a walk or something alike (he wants to be good for you) but Denki enjoys being domesticity more.
He wears a choker already, so collars are a BIG yes from him. Want to add a leash for that? Kaminari will gladly sport it for you. Want to put a name tag too? Hell, he'll be flustered but will feel SO GOOD with it.
Kaminari is a particularly tricky puppy because he has the tendency to be all over your place and use your stuff: hoodies? Shirts? Jewelry? He'll take whatever he can from you, but if you say he can't he'll get sad and moody. Whining and begging you to let him use your things and hang in your room. Capricious with you, that much is true.
Lives for the way you pet him though, he's the kind that is sneaks around to get his head under the reassuring warmth of your hand. He just knows ALL the tiktok trends that involve hugs, pats, cuddling, etc.
"Kami, you need to go back to your room... It's past curfew," you yawn, feeling the tight grip of his arms around your waist. He groans and whines, shaking his head. "I don't wanna, you're warm," he mutters, nuzzling against you. You can see his tail wagging against the blankets and smile; he opens his groggy eyes and looks up to your still half-asleep face. "No harm if I stay, right?" He says with a smirk, toying with the hem of pajamas. Denki hears you hum with a knowing smile, "Fine, fine... what a needy little puppy you are."
"Yup, but you like it."
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