#they keep getting longer and longer
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just finished chapter 20 of the ridonculous race rewrite and we're at 60k words!! only 5 more chapters to go!!
#they keep getting longer and longer#not SLIP SLOP long mind you. never slip slop long#but the last two chapters were like 4-5k words when theyve been like 2k in the beginning of the fic#i unintentionally made a fuck ton of parallels this chapter and im gleefully giggling over them
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Good Omens 2 Re-watch. Episode 5.
“You leave me with no alternative” – says Aziraphale to the musician preparing to promise to give him a book for free.
[Love the Doctor Who theme playing in the background, hehe]
“Nina and Maggie are depending on me. They just don’t know it yet.”
First of all, all those jokes about Aziraphale organizing a ball to dance with Crowley are actually very true. And I don’t think he’s doing it just to hold Crowley’s hand – he really wants to see Nina falling in love with Maggie so that he himself could believe that Crowley might open up to him someday at last. Again: he wants to have control over something; he wants to feel that he is capable to make someone happy, and to deal with his own problems himself too.
Secondly, Aziraphale could have just as well made all those people come to the ball – after all he made those men in suits leave his bookshop and never return – but he chooses to negotiate with them, manipulate them, but let them come on their own free will. He’s basically tempting them all, but “They don’t have to say yes,” as Crowley once put it. And Crowley is following him around watching this.
I love speeches they do in Hell. :D Dagon in the first season, now Shax. :D No wonder, Crowley was the one to record the greeting message. XD
Nina talking to Crowley is so much gentler than when she’s with anybody else. Both here and later when she tells his about Lindsay leaving. You just see how she feels him and relates to him. It’s like it’s easier for her to talk to someone for whom everything is harder than for most of other people. She’s all prickly with Maggie and Aziraphale because quite often they act like the world is a happy place made of rainbows and unicorns with kind people all around you. Compared to that Crowley must seem kind of more real to her, or at least less annoying, huh.
And God, oh God, Crowley’s face after that conversation. How can a person show so much emotion with their dark glasses on?
The scene on the terrace of the French restaurant leaves me with a whole bunch of complicated feelings. They’ve probably all been described already, but if I try to lay them out for myself…
The first time I watched I didn’t even pay that much attention to the “smitten” joke, because I was a bit disturbed by how little attention Aziraphale pays to Crowley’s concerns. “You’re being silly” is not the way you should calm down your demon, Aziraphale!
But, as I looked through the gifs later, and now during the re-watch, I came to realize that this moment also shows me that side of Aziraphale that I’ve been trying to feel and describe in these posts.
Now, we’ve got this “smitten” joke, which everyone likes to mention, and it’s great because it’s just in the middle of two POV’s, so to speak.
When Crowley starts talking, he’s damn serious. Though he doesn’t talk directly about all his concerns, he’s still very much in the state where he wants Aziraphale to listen to him, to hear his worries. “I spent last night worrying… He could smite me…” I wonder if little part of Crowley wishes in this moment that Aziraphale would think of the danger he’s putting Crowley in and give in, and give up his stupid idea to hide Gabriel further – at least for Crowley’s sake, and this way Crowley might keep him safe.
But then Crowley happens to stumble upon this unserious linguistic matter – “smote… smited?” – and his whole rant is compromised, as if he is too afraid himself to sound too pleading too desperate. Remember, he did completely the same when he was going to ask Aziraphale for holy water. “Walls have ear… trees have ears… ducks have ears. Do ducks have ears?” – absolutely the same. Poor boy, he just can’t speak seriously about his own fears, the danger he is in. :’( Too nervous, too afraid to ask… T_T
Crowley is known for talking a lot about how he is selfish and values his own existence above all, and yet he is always the first to take huge risks to save others. Like in every single historical minisode this season, and several times in the first season too.
And here he suddenly bares his fears to Aziraphale hoping that the angel would see that if Crowley is afraid then it’s serious and he should be afraid too.
But the thing is that he gets a completely opposite effect.
Aziraphale suddenly feels more confident. He feels responsible, and therefore he feels the strength he needs to carry out this responsibility. We’ve already seen him like this: when he tries to snap Crowley out of his panic after Warlock’s birthday and come up with a plan, at the end of the world in season 1 starting with the refusal to fight the war and further; we’ll see it later, when he “does the thing with the halo” because nothing else and no one else is helping.
And he enjoys it. You can clearly see it while he’s convincing Crowley that he has nothing to fear. It’s not because Aziraphale is oblivious of the danger or doesn’t care about Crowley’s safety. He does, he’s just met Shax after all. He just can’t help and enjoy the feeling of being brave and sure and ready to act and protect – for once. He wants it so much – to feel capable, to feel competent. I wrote in the previous rewatch posts why.
We’re so used to the (head)canon that Aziraphale loves playing damsel in distress and letting Crowley save him. But this season states it quite clearly – if partly as a joke – that he does it for Crowley more than for himself. “Saving me makes him so happy.” That’s a joke, because Aziraphale knows perfectly well that most of those times he did need saving. But whether he does or doesn’t need saving, Aziraphale is always ready to admit that Crowley has done something wonderful. He knows Crowley loves it. And Aziraphale knows he would love it too. “There must be something I could do for you.”
So yeah, maybe he is a bit intoxicated by this feeling, maybe he is too sure and optimistic about Gabriel, maybe his plan is a bit rubbish (though let’s admit – the ball plan worked better than Crowley’s rain plan), but his motives are pure.
[Oh God, I wish so much to finally see a situation where Crowley would have to rely on Aziraphale for something big and Aziraphale will be capable enough to save the day and Crowley…]
Should we or do we even have to talk about all the moments where people call Crowley nice in this season? Apart from Aziraphale, there’s Jim and Mrs Sandwich and really Nina would do so too if she wasn’t Nina. It’s so… On one hand, it’s for fans and all, and it works – I do a little delighted noise every time Crowley can’t help being nice and someone mentions it.
[My theory is that there wasn’t enough nice and deep Crowley in S1, so now we’re getting what they owed us.]
On the other hand, doesn’t it sound a bit like foreshadowing to you? Or, like the things we ought to pay attention to. Crowley doing good just because “why not” and because “I do what I please”, kind of proves Aziraphale’s point which is: Crowley hasn’t ever been bad, he deserves Heaven as much as (if not more than) other angels do.
I’m really not a fan of Aziraphale messing with people’s emotions. I know he means well, but making people feel fine and even happy while they have all reasons to be upset looks far too much as robbing them of their free will.
That’s a bit like the thing he does with Crowley at the end, isn’t it – thinking he can make him happy even if Crowley doesn’t want it, thinking he knows better what’s best for him.
And this is such a striking contrast with the beginning of the episode where Aziraphale goes to great lengths to get people come to the party on their own free will.
Again, I think this comes from the notion that this time round he’s responsible, he has an idea, and he is so excited to see it work, to be able to save the day. For once. He enjoys being in charge so much, he even asks Crowley to go out so that he can surprise him with the new bookshop look later.
The same comes for the ending where Aziraphale is so happy to be the savior that he doesn’t even listen to the person he’s trying to save.
I can understand him, I know how easy it is to cross this line and not even notice it, especially when you’re feeling euphoric about something.
But of course it was wrong both times. It even reminds of that horrible moment in S1 when Adam makes his friends smile while they’re crying.
The whole atmosphere of the ball surrounded by demons is so NeilGaimany, it suddenly feels as if the stakes are higher than you expected. At least for a moment. I must say I like it that in the end it turned out that no humans were hurt after all.
Crowley throwing himself between Maggie and the demons is a moment that makes me jump a little. It’s not Aziraphale, Aziraphale isn’t even around to be impressed, and Crowley doesn’t know yet who those ominous creatures are – and his instinct is to defend the human and to stop something bad from happening.
And oh how much I love the fact that Crowley talks to those demons as someone of a higher rank! :D I love being reminded that Crowley was cool and actually very high-up in Hell. And he still has a lot more power than average demons or angels.
[I really suspect that one of the reasons I liked this season so much on the first watch was because it gave me all my favourite things about Crowley, lol.]
Aziraphale looking at Maggie while she and Nina are dancing – there’s so much gentleness and hope, and longing in that face! He wants the same for himself so much. And he hopes for it.
At the same time Crowley is worrying crazy, the whole weight of all these people’s fates on his shoulders. And Aziraphale isn’t listening to him. There’s already a lot of great heartbreaking meta about the way they keep things from each other and then not listening when the other one tries to talk.
I just want to stress how brilliantly the POV in this scene is done: with Aziraphale, we desperately want Crowley to take his hand and dance and talk and appreciate the beautiful thing he’s created to solve their problem (because as Aziraphale sees it, if they fool Heavens, Gabriel won’t be discovered – he doesn’t know yet that Shax has already acted on her threat). And with Crowley, we get frustrated with Aziraphale for not listening, for acting recklessly and putting them all in danger. And at the same time both of them just want to hold hands. XD
And then it’s Aziraphale who puts himself between Shax and the humans (and Crowley). He is confident and I like it just as much as I like cool and bossy Crowley. And when Gabriel volunteers to go out Aziraphale says he will protect him because he promised, and he’s still doing it with his confident, guardian-angel voice, which even sounds a little bit lower than his usual voice. He has it in him – the Aziraphale he wants to be: brave, competent, true to his word. And it comes naturally to him, even though he doesn’t always have resources to keep fighting.
There’s such sad irony that we’ve heard him be like that when he defends the Earth, humans, Gabriel. But we’ve never heard or seen him defending Crowley, have we? We’ve actually seen him defending other things and people from Crowley. Which is just… Uuuugh! Again, it’s all so natural: he sees Crowley as equal, even as someone stronger, cleverer, cooler – so Crowley doesn’t need, can’t need Aziraphale’s protection, not in this way, surely?
I hope so much that we’re yet to see Aziraphale putting Crowley above all else and defending him with all he has. I’m sure Crowley’s going to explode. Or at least I will.
[On a side not: I wonder whose clothes were the suit and the furry coat the Gabriel is wearing at the party? :D Did Aziraphale just have them in the bookshop?? Why?? XD]
Ahaha, hellish bureaucracy and Crowley’s bluff is just so Good Omens, I love it.
But he isn’t listening to Aziraphale just as Aziraphale didn’t listen to him. :( Well, he’s absolutely got his reasons: Aziraphale has put them all in danger, and after all demons are Crowley’s field of expertise. But still. It leaves Aziraphale again feeling his failure, feeling that he’s just been put back in his place.
I think the joke “saving me makes him so happy” is both a joke and Aziraphale’s little attempt to get back some of his self-esteem before the inevitable battle and after he’s just been put down by Nina. It’s interesting how Nina’s words echo in Shax’s line later in E6 “…Crowley’s moral support angel”.
Earlier I wrote about Aziraphale robbing humans and Crowley of their own free will. So here we kind of see the reason why he doesn’t see how wrong this is: people keep pointing out that he has no will of his own. And it’s a sore spot. Because on one hand he’s spent his whole eternity being told that his opinion and actions don’t matter. And on the other, he keeps relying on Crowley, because he doesn’t find it bad to rely on someone he loves and trusts. Just like he wishes he could rely on God. And that’s why he can’t see his error: he’s doing what’s in these people’s interests, he’s saving them, surely they’ll be happy to entrust their lives and will to someone who loves them?? Aziraphale would be. He always is.
I know some of these conclusions contradict each other but that’s because the characters’ feelings are so conflicted. They feel so much at every given second, and they have so much background that is not easy to shake off.
#good omens 2#long post#good omens 2 meta#good omens 2 rewatch#they keep getting longer and longer#well at least maybe the 6th won't be that long as i've already said most of the things earlier
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“This thing is legally dubious and therefore technically unenforceable.” Is not a “useless liberal gotcha” it’s how legalism works in this country. Tying up stupidly worded EOs in court is the quickest way to keep them from being implemented. It is the definition of “doing something.” But it doesn’t usually involve much tweeting so of course a certain type of leftist feels obligated to mock it.
#challenging an EO in court keeps it from being implemented for a very long time and that’s a good thing#not only does it *not get implemented* for usually at least a year as it gets appealed over and over again#it also distracts conservative resources from going full steam ahead because they have to dedicate resources to defending their bullshit in#and the dumber their bullshit is the longer it takes to defend and the less they can get done#this is materially good so yes saying ‘this EO is poorly worded and can be interpreted to mean that all people are now female’#is a valid point to make
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ok not to be that guy but like. labor rights and working class rights can coexist with 24h services and late amenities. its certainly hard to do so without worker exploitation in this political and social environment, it’s not a conflict likely to resolve overnight. but 24h services are important and especially valuable to those of us that are disabled or are on a different circadian rhythm. in fact more professional, health, and government services should be available or at least possible to work on asynchronously (if applicable) during late or odd hours, while workers also get sufficient pay for their labor and proper consistent scheduling. this would be much easier on the workers with night schedules if the entire professional world didn’t grind to a halt at 5pmEST
#just like. it doesn’t have to be this way#the number of people I’ve talked to who would absolutely do a night schedule if it didn’t suck ass because you can never get anything done#like. go to the doctor. without waking up at your equivalent of 2am to make their latest afternoon slot#the sleep deprivation of trying to keep a normal schedule and trying to get stuff done sometimes on my natural schedule are like#the same. I started getting fevers any time I stayed up longer than 14 hours bc I had to do it so often to make appts#it’s only a little better now because I’ve been strict with a schedule that’s somewhere in the middle#so I at least have 2 hours to try and do stuff before the entire country fucks off to bed#.txt
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process of drawing an OC: - you design them - you get attached to them - their hair gets bigger without you realizing it
#it's always the hair#tbd maybe LOL#one of my OCs rn their hair keeps getting longer every time i draw it...#i'm tryna keep it to their shoulder blades but at some point it started reaching their hips and i was like. Wait.
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Company Mandated Fancy Fits on the Tulpar 😏
Also had to include the REAL star of the show (and a bonus)

Based off of this and this. Thank you very much joetastic for being inspirational 👍
The REAL reason this is late

#just pretend I posted this like 6 days ago 😁👍#<-got distracted#sorry I’m Afflicted with The Curse and everything just takes me a long time#also right now I’m just kind of being experimental with my workflow and style right now so stuff is just naturally taking a bit longer#mouthwashing#mouthwashing fanart#anya mouthwashing#mouthwashing anya#nurse anya#curly mouthwashing#captain curly#mouthwashing curly#swansea mouthwashing#daisuke mouthwashing#jimmy mouthwashing#myart#anyway my new years resolution is to put more WOMEN in SUITS and MEN in DRESSES#had fun drawing this but still not too sure about the rendering style just yet. probably just gonna keep playing around with shit#IM DOING IT SCARED but im DOING IT#im also still trying to figure out how to Social Media#am i doing it right#GRAAAHHHHHHH I NEED TO BETTER UNDERSTAND FORMATTING POSTS#i have a more serious mouthwashing piece in the works but wanted to get this done first lol#honestly I have a buncha sketches I should post too#i like them but they’re not really composited very well if you catch my drift. been having trouble with sketch page layout recently#which is kind of antithetical to the idea of a sketch page but you know how it is with spaghetti#i doodled the others on the side and liked how they looked so i just put some color and basic shading on them#edit: realized i forgot to change the color of the ‘lapel’ on jims shirt lol
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I try to be responsible but my brain just keeps throwing me more shit to draw
#bungo stray dogs#skk#bsd#soukoku#dazai osamu#nakahara chuuya#doodles#my list keeps getting longer......#anyways i love th
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Shockwave somewhere off in the corner with starscream watching this personality swap unfold that he caused somehow
you inspired me to make this comic why is this becoming an actual au why does this stupid blucking au have lore I’m going to cry
#switcherooAU#transformers#shockwave#soundwave#starscream#megatron#maccadam#fanart#comic#how did soundwave and starscream end up switching you ask??#uh#I have no idea#probably for five dollars#shockwave is another one of those characters whose personality varies depending on the continuity#my personal favourite is when he’s this goofy aah comically evil scientist#I really love when soundwave and shockwave have like a random seething hatred for each other#coworkers who are extremely distrustful of each other but are so compatible so they keep getting assigned together#soundwave doesn’t trust shockwave cus bro has no traceable thoughts or emotions#shockwave doesn’t trust soundwave cus bro knows a lot and is way too quiet about it#SORRY THIS TURNED INTO A RANT. IM STOPPING BEFORE IT GETS SVEN LONGER
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The Harbinger Of Death
watch out gem and joel
close ups under cut and analysis in tags ->

#grian#mumbo jumbo#skizzleman#inthelittlewood#martyn inthelittlewood#bluerabb’s fanart#traffic smp#traffic series#traffic life#trafficblr#wild life smp#wild life fanart#wild life spoilers#wild life series#there is a few different symbolisms for who died first#most notably the order of mumbo skizz and martyn and how mumbo is the furtherest away from grian as grian keeps marching#but also that mumbo’s head is tilted the furtherest from the light#while martyn is staring directly up at it like the spotlight has just come on#as well as the fact it gets bluer the longer they’ve been dead and red the closest to living they are with grian obviously being the red#note as well also of utmost importance: skizz has heart socks and grian has a red life heart patch#pushing my ragdoll grian agenda#if you find any more meanings pls tell me in tags i want to hear it
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Feel free to share which is your favorite NOW in the tags, but this particular poll is about which you preferred as a child! ⭐ These are being grouped by a vague theme, so in a few days we'll do another one with more options!
Also, same rule as the last poll: REALLY popular choices (ATLA, SpongeBob, Scooby Doo, Pokemon, etc.) are overwhelmingly popular and have been omitted for the sake of seeing the results for other shows.
Notes: These are shows involving live action characters, no cartoons this time! The timeframe for these polls is generally "I was a kid in the mid-to-late 90s or early 2000s." Mister Roger's Neighborhood and Sesame Street are both multi-generational so they were not included to be fair to the show's with shorter runs 💖
#bear in the big blue house is going to sweep this isn't it? I don't consider it to be a titan though (like Scooby Doo/Spongebob/etc)#just very beloved so I included it <3#also the explanations on these things keep getting longer because of all the ''where is _____'' comments sdfghjkl#polls#talking#nostalgia#nostalgic
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basement guys
#hehehee ive been meaning to draw them lol#i have a bunch of comic ideas i wanna get around to but theyre gonna take a while orz#first one is based on a headcanon abt links humming coined by arystocat.. idk i had a really vivid interaction thinking abt it#the other one is longer but basically connecting the zonai are descendants of gods rumor with some zelda canon abt how#hylians have long ears to hear messages frm the gods.. rauru is really hard to draw though so i keep redoing it ugh#im also practicing how to properly draw faces and i think i like how these came out...!!!#i really suck at gettingthe 3/4 face angles right so rn i consider this a win#my art#myart#doodles#loz#legend of zelda#totk#tears of the kingdom#zelda#link#ganondorf#tloz#ok now i sleep
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the dynamic of demigods thinking which other demigod is the most powerful is always amusing to me because. like, we know the big 3 kids are all the most powerful. That's just a fact of their universe. And then we know nearly every character views Percy as the strongest demigod, and most people are very rightfully intimidated by him.
and you look at the powers of the Big 3 kids and there's Percy, but then you realize Nico is just kind of objectively more powerful than him but simply chooses to hang out in Percy's shadow like he's Percy's scary dog privileges. Like, the two of them are pretty equally capable of causing multiple different apocalypses. Nico just also has like four different instakill powers and it's not like he doesn't use them. He very much uses them! Not infrequently, even! And they don't seem to take a significant amount of energy from him! And other demigods are pretty intimidated by both of them! But Nico makes a conscious point to keep his cards close to his chest and not let on exactly how dangerous and scary he can be if he wants to. People are already scared enough of him without knowing anything about him and he doesn't like that. Percy doesn't think about that nearly as much, and so usually just goes in guns blazing and that's part of why he's considered a wildcard. And then Nico himself puts Percy on a pedestal, so those who do know more about Nico's abilities then presume Nico knows something they don't about Percy that implies Percy is even stronger than him.
And even on a meta level Nico's narrative role requires him to be functionally more powerful than Percy, because he very often serves the purpose of getting Percy out of situations he can't handle on his own. That's just part of his function as a character! But also narratively he can't overshadow Percy so he just takes a backseat of his own accord and that's very amusing to me.
#pjo#percy jackson#riordanverse#nico di angelo#i will also note it is implied though we never see that Hazel has the exact same powers as Nico#and Hazel has trained with her powers way longer than Nico has plus is older so theoretically is more powerful already#she killed a giant all by herself. sank a small island. and successfully subdued Gaea for like another 60 years#so given that + her also having Nico's powers then *Hazel* is theoretically the strongest demigod no contest#Jason and Thalia end up kind of nerfed by the plot in that neither is allowed to overshadow Percy either#but they dont play the same roles that characters like Nico do - Nico keeps getting stupid abilities just for convenience factor#and Bianca never got the opportunity to use many powers besides astral projection/dream manipulation and similarly hades kid illusion stuff#and general ghost stuff. and she does all that as a ghost really. her killing the skeleton wasnt even her powers that was just a normal sta#and it was just by virtue of her being a hades kid and fulfilling the ''can kill these skeletons'' requirement that it blew up#technically she also showcases underworld immunity with the lethe stuff wearing off but that's very subtle#Hazel also doesnt play the same role as Nico and so doesnt get to showcase all that#plus is similarly nerfed with the ''cant be cooler than Percy'' constraint and so never gets to really do anything#even though logistically she is the most powerful and should showcase the full extent of her abilities to the same degree as Percy and Nico#Jason at least gets a little bit more wiggle room than Thalia being a main protagonist#Nico just gets the most wiggle room out of both not being a protagonist and being functionally a dues ex machina most of the time#versus Thalia or Bianca who are only ever secondary or supporting characters
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sum early porrim concepts for ultkri au. well see if it sticks
#porrim maryam#ultkri au#get ready for approximately 1000 iterations of her outfits bc im indecisive as hell#also i gave her pupils in the sketch when i shouldnt bc shes a ghost. i forgor. dont worry about it#smashing dolorosa design with candy tl revolutionaries fits#tho im also still not sure if ill keep her hair shorter or leave it longer. i like the idea of her getting hair inspo from candy kanaya#but they could potentially end up looking too much alike ehh
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Adding onto Steve's crime spree from this (and this and this)
Eddie has determined that he's not asking the right questions in life.
Is he questioning the man? Yes. Every day.
Is he asking Wayne for help when his van shits the bed on Thursday? No. When his van is still unusable come Saturday, did he ask his friends if he could catch a ride to band practice? No.
Did he ask if he could get a ride home? Also no.
It's raining and Eddie regrets his life choices so hard, he doesn't notice the Porsche 928 until it blows through the crosswalk he was about to step onto. He's hit with a tidal wave of frigid early November street water because, of course, he is.
"Fuck's sake," Eddie swore, pushing his wet hair out of his face. In his perphery, the Porche slams on its breaks and rolls back into the crosswalk beside him, but he barely notices. Talking to the driver, the world, or god, Eddie does not know when he rants, "Thanks! Thanks for that, I really need pnumonia. Thanks for bestowing-"
"Sorry, man," Steve says, an apologetic wince sticking out of the open window of the Porche. "Wanna ride? I can take you where you're going."
Eddie looks at the car, then at Steve, and then back at the car and signs, "...Fine, but only because this car is beautiful and not to expunge your guilt."
"Dude, I don't think a sponge is going to help."
Eddie rolls his eyes but sticks his guitar in the trunk before sliding into the passenger seat. He has to physically stop himself from touching everything. He's never even seen a Porche before, wow.
Steve's in the driver's seat looking like he's dying for Eddie to ask about the car so he can talk about it. Honestly, Eddie wants to ask about the car. He probably should have asked about the car but instead, he shakes the water out of his hair like a dog as payback.
"C'mon, man," Steve complains, wiping the water off his face. "Watch the leather."
Eddie gives him directions and then bites the bullet. He asks the wrong question, "You trade in the Beamer?"
"No way. That's my baby," He says. "I'm just borrowing this lady."
The conversation is actually nice. None of Eddie's friends know anything about cars but Steve seems to know a lot. He can almost forgive the guy for being a jock and the psychological warfare he's bestowed onto Eddie's brain the past week and a half, but then-
“It sounds like - shit," Eddie says, echoing the same sentiment as Steve at the sight of flashing red and blue lights in the rear view. A question he should've been asking all along occurs to him, "Did you steal this car?"
Steve gives him an annoyed look and then rolls down his window, smiling that All-American smile, "Heya, Hop. Didn't think you were working today."
"This car was reported stolen."
Eddie swears, sinking into the leather with the hopes that it eats him. Steve doesn't even hesitate, "Let me guess, Mrs. Woolledge? Crazy she knows what all her neighbors are doing but not that her kid's on dope."
Hopper doesn't say anything and the silence is loud so Steve adds, "It's not stolen. It's my dad's car. I have permission."
"From your dad?" Hopper asks, getting an annoyed nod from Steve. "Same dad that's out of town?"
"Well, Hop. There's this thing called a phone."
"You get that MRI...right? Throw the keys out the window," Hopper says. Eddie's mentally preparing on how he's going to explain this to Wayne when he calls from jail. Steve protests. Hopper demands, "Throw. The keys. Out. The. Window. Now."
Steve seems to realize that he's pushing his luck because he does just that. He even gets out of the car when Hopper tells him to. Hopper tells him to get in his truck and Steve straight up lies, "Hop, I'm taking my friend home. We're working on a school project together. At his house.”
Eddie curses Steve's entire bloodline from start to finish when Hopper lookings directly at him still in the car, "That true?"
Say no. Say you don't know him. Say you know nothing. Say anything but, "Yes."
"What subject?'
"History," Steve says at the same time Eddie says 'Art' and then rolls his eyes, "Art history, yeah?"
Hopper nods like he thinks they're full of shit and then tells them both to get in his truck.
Steve protests but more about leaving the car on the street than anything else while Eddie briefly thinks about the psychic his mom used to know. He wonders if she could curse someone for real. Maybe he can call her from jail.
He's fully ready to see the police station that he fails to realize where Hopper's going until they’re in Forest Hills. He turns and looks at both of them and says, "I'd like to know what grade you get on this project."
"Aye, aye, Captain," Steve says with a salute, pulling Eddie out of the car. Once they're inside, Steve peaks out the blinds like, "Yeah, he'll sit there for a while. He thinks I'm lying. Wanna smoke?"
Eddie is baffled, "No."
"Okay," Steve shrugs and flops down on the couch. He pulls a set of keys out of his pocket and adds, "Spare key. We just gotta wait until he's gone and can circle back for your guitar."
The only thing Eddie can think is, “what the fuck” and he doesn’t even know which part he’s talking about.
#Steve a few seconds later: What’s up with all these cups?#The presence of the spare key does imply that Steve was aware that he’d get caught#Eddie is going to think about this when he can’t sleep later that night ask himself: why the fuck did he let me in that car?#These keep getting longer and longer but they do have a tag now#Let Steve Commit Crime AU#steve harrington#eddie munson#jim hopper#stranger things
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practice practice practice, im getting a little better, i think! I really like these two au’s that keep popping up, especially the mob one! Very neat! Very cool! (please go check out @clownsuu when you have the chance! Very cool artist! they made the mob au!) ( also @nonomives made this vampire wally design! their art is delicious, 10/10! one of my favorites, actually! send much love to both!) ooo, i also love that one grayscale au, very spooky! i might do that one next!
#welcome home#welcome home wally#wally darling#sally starlet#julie joyful#rainy dewdrop#welcome home mob au#vampire wally darling#my tags keep getting longer and longer! its kind of fun!#welcome home oc#myart
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mori bro now's your chance. his other ex-husband died man he has no one else to go to you should shoot your shot again come on bro
#SORRY#i miss fukumori. don't get me wrong i loved the old man yaoi divorce and old man yaoi widowing we had here#but maybe fukuzawa needs his other evil man back in his life. they're about to enter another custody battle too right?#let's go mori you can goad him into hate sex before it gets bad. i believe in you bro#bungou stray dogs#< half tagging to inflict this on more ppl but mostly tagging to keep us in the trending for longer uwu
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