#they have fucked up morals and are narcissistic af
cotton--dandy · 2 years
thinking about when i was on a date with this guy (he was a major loser and a cheat anyway and a mormon who listened to imagine dragons) and he caught me totally check out this girls ass that walked by and i remember him thinkin it was so like crazy or funny or maybe he was even a little offended. i dont rly have a conclusion for this i just think its funny af every time i remember
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animentality · 5 months
in re your post about therapy speak and ship wars, i THINK i agree from what I do understand, but i also dont know what therapy speak means? I looked it up and got this definition "Therapy speak is a colloquial term that refers to the use of psychological, therapeutic, or mental health language in everyday conversation. It can include terms like "boundaries," "abuse," "psychopath," and "trauma"."
So would an example of such be, "X ship is better than Y ship because X ship respects each others boundaries, but in Y ship they're a psychopath"? And then you know probably some added death/doxxing threats cuz ship wars.
Either way, yeah, ship wars dumb af, I just am dumb af too so I don't know what the post means. I also, fortunately, don't encounter much of therapy speak in my fandom spaces or online in general (proven by the fact that I had to look it up) as I just talk to people that I know and avoid the For You pages (which, plot note, are very often not For Me) so I'm lucky to avoid stupid opinions.
Thanks for answering if you do choose to, I know that at least several of the replies/responses to that post are likely stupid af, so I hope that my stupid af question is at least stupid af in a different way :) If I somehow have the wrong definition feel free to just link me to something that explains it better, because regardless it seems like a useful term to know!
not a stupid question at all.
so in the context of that post, abusing therapy speak refers to people who misuse terms like "narcissist" and "bipolar disorder" and "gaslighting" to suit their own personal tastes.
say for example, a character is arrogant and kind of haughty. if you don't like that character because people ship him with the character you like to ship with someone else, you insist he's a "narcissist" when he's you know. just arrogant.
and you say he can't be with her, because he's a narcissist and he has problems. that's problematic.
or say there's a female character you hate for having genuine human reactions to traumatic things. you'd say well I don't like her because she lets her obvious bpd hurt people instead of trying to fix her issues, she's so messy :(
and then if someone lies to another character, say their enemy, because they're fucking enemies, then you'd say oh he GASLIGHTS him, how could you guys ship this??? toxic ship???
so that's what that post refers to.
therapy speak as a whole, by definition, is fine because PTSD and depression and trauma do exist.
but in certain spaces, especially Twitter and TikTok and Tumblr of course, it's been weaponized as a tool to harass people who are fans of characters or ships that they themselves do not like.
which is ridiculous.
like you can say you don't like a ship without feeling the need to diagnose the two characters with whatever fun term your gen z therapist tossed at you that week.
you can say oh I simply do not like this character instead of oh he has an obvious mental illness and that's why I don't like him.
or you know.
he's a terrible representative of (insert illness) and that's why I don't like him-
bitch, we used to just not like things.
now it's like... oh this character is a psychopath.
let me read you a Wikipedia page on dsm-5 and explain that my personal preference is morally correct while yours is amoral.
that's why that post meant.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
They all want the kiss, Min. Goggles are still pretty tight on so much that everyone wants the m/m couple to do what f/m couple did in the reflections. I mean I understand, given a kiss would 100% prove what it is for the GA and the generational trauma of fandom will be finally put in to sleep.
Until that happens, this is all a very suspenseful game. No one trusts anyone except for those idk. Not the fake ones tbh.
I for one trust. Because I have no choice. That's how desperate this dumpster is.
Yes, that's why I told you "until episode 1x7 I was unclear if it would only be verbal, but Jensen and Robbie made it very clear what Jensen's shape of it looks at the end." However, if they're only here for the ending? They fake. Fake as fuck.
M/M pairings equally deserve meaningful tellings, not slapdash barbies smashing together. We'll get there when we get there, but everybody refusing to listen to the story, morals, or dean screaming to be heard the entire way? fake as fuck. I want them out of my garden. I want people that actually want to listen to both Dean and Robbie, not people who are waiting for their personal gratification bar before deciding if anything is worth a shit. Cuz frankly if they were listening, they wouldn't have to ask these questions to begin with.
It's not about desperation. it's about reality yall. And it's about learning to care about people beyond your own personal wants, shapes, demands, orders of how you think they should talk, walk, or anything else. We'll get there when we get there, and we're getting there, but I call absolute horse shit on anyone that refuses to listen until the coconuts smash.
Harsh? Yes. True? Also yes. It hasn't escaped me how few people genuinely cared enough to learn the authors as individuals as people, rather than trying to scream over and assign assumptions for all these years just to warrant attacks on them. Nobody fucking cared. And Robbie's out here pissed af talking about revenge and STILL most assholes in this fandom in all lanes all around are still too self absorbed to listen to his voice until the end, around which he'll be shoving his dick down everyone's throat.
By the by, GA don't need shit proven. Trolls and antis need their shit pushed in, bitters need put in their place, etc, but GA don't need shit proven. The noise you guys generate in this fandom is your own transmission interference that clouds up a lot of shit that is perfectly clear to the GA. I've invited 3 GA people to my server that are just Random Dudes That Watch The Show and they themselves wandered in and were like ?????????????? I CAN TALK ABOUT JUNG???????????? OMG. [goes on a long theory that's half solid half out of touch with the content but is automatically building theories wincels would scream are delusional]
Stop imagining monolithic monster enemies against yourself. Your mental health is yours alone to manage and perpetual anxiety and trauma sharing is a toxic trait, flat out. Nihilism is a toxic trait, flat out. Narcissistic projections or demands are a toxic trait, flat out.
It's all toxic shit and you all gotta root out your own damage before trying to sit here preaching that the people who are building a wholeass gay empire need to somehow Do Better than the story that's about to headshot half the fandom at once while they actively swear off the existing content until it's Their Way(TM.) and, in result, are actually starving or attacking queer content actively, and still taking out their personal mental health issues against queer content, and they won't get out of their head enough to realize it.
Speaking of narcissism, this illusion of a GA composed of yokels barefoot in the appalachians that understand TV Less Than You is actually a manifestation of narcissism. No, the GA is a diverse, wide array of people from all walks. They're as wide as the fandom itself is, but far less extremized, and not exposed to years and years and years of interference from fandom's white noise. GA, at large, are actually fucking smarter than the fandom is at this point. A vast majority of the GA are better educated or equipped to understand storytelling than fandom is just due to their own life experiences, frankly. They're not all fucking illiterate and stupid. There's no magical Idiot GA monster that is unanimously for or against a position or unanimously do or don't want a thing. That, like your trauma, is inside your head.
News flash, dickbags. You're part of this magical GA monster too.
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agentbloodlust · 5 months
OKAY---"KIN" LIST (im defining kin as a fictional character i feel i embody in some major way and makes me feel seen by others. Also through which I can see myself as I have a difficult time with that as I have bpd among other things.
DEEP BREATH ...Okay. This might seem "cringe" or stupid but idc. It's a big deal for me to come out and release this list even to strangers.
Fox Mulder✨--The X Files
(Purest and parts of me I most strive to lean into. Also transboy. my crazy puppy dreamer energy to someone's skeptic down to earth anchor. ready to kill god and anyone who'd dare to hurt the ones i love and cant live without)
Tony Stark✨--You know who I am
(Aware of sins and ready to constantly improve and be better. Heroes are self made!! (built) He loathes himself AND loves himself. The cluster b is strong with this one. as well as cptsd and ocd. Specifically Sun armor. Blazing sunshine energy BOTTOMING AND SUB SPACE IS A NEED TO HEAL. DADDY ISSUES)
Will Graham✨ --Hannibal
(Hyper sensitive "empath" who struggles with mental illness and harmful urges. morally grey. morally good. morally bad. confused/hurt/gentle.)
Quentin Compson (male) --The Sound and The Fury✨
(first book character through whom i felt SEEN. he has MASSIVE ocd issues and the writing style for his chapters resonates with my soul. i was watching tokyo ghoul at the same time and "White Silence" the song makes me think of Quentin in a coffin covered in white flowers with white hair and I break down)
Naruto Uzumaki✨--Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
(hero's hero. he grew up with me and we are most alike in sunshine blazing personalities. Feel VERY DEEPLY and have deep trauma. anyone can change for the better--BELIEVE IT! Childish and loud. hyper with FEELINGS that sometimes get out of control and make us go ninetails mode. (intermittent explosive disorder) Which always end up hurting those around us even though we get that way in emotional responses to freak situations. "THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO BECOMING HOKAGE"
Lestat de Lioncourt✨--The Vampire Lestat (book)/ AMC's show Interview With The Vampire
(The villain in me. The wretched creature. The lover. Absolute chaos. cluster B diva. The trauma. Needing to feel SEEN and fucking everything up over and over. Obsession. Self harm. Suicidal and homicidal ideation.)
Nora (with Weiss' trauma) (team JNPR) --RWBY
(Bright eyed. Motormouth. Random and hyper AF but like actually. Living your entire life with/for someone and needing to figure out who you are without them. Hitting things with a massive hammer. A hero. Lightning blaze heart. Will do anything for those she loves. just add in the song "The Path To Isolation" )
Spinell--Steven Universe Movie
(oh god. the villain origin story. worst fears being imagined. the annoying love bombing and wanting NEEDING others approval and constant attention. bpd. the scythe. the HEALING.)
Asuka --Evangelion/Rebuild
((MOMMY ISSUES TO THE EXTREME) bpd again. need to be seen by others in order to exist. without praise or what you crave from others you are nothing. you only exist through the eyes of others. self harm/ suicide attempt (bathtub scene) mind rape scene. trauma driving your entire life and still...still wanting happiness for people and yourself. not knowing how to express love. coming off as annoying and loud and weird and narcissistic and then laying there alone in bed crying about how much you hate yourself. and yet STILL being able to grow at the end and save the world)
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Monday, March 11, 2024!
7:43am: damn I feel like I'm freaking out about this remediation I slept like shit and I already feel so stressed wtf. I knew this would happen too, it's just like starting the semester over again. Also I gotta watch out bc DST means it just became daylight aka it's so easy to oversleep rn 😬
Today will be fine I'm 100% overthinking, which is good sometimes but I'm max stressed rn. Giving myself a fucking ulcer.
Also please stop thinking about dip shit, it does not matter if he treats his new girl better bc
They're bar is in hell, mine is up here where the real men are. It's easy to be amazing when you have no morals or standards and also no responsibilities 😬 please grow tf up oh wait it's gonna be a few years/ a decade on that one. Idgaf if they're happy together that's like saying you're in love with Ted Bundy 💀
After Tuesday, I'm gonna keep going on dates, keeping myself in check and staying rested bc this no sleep shit is for the birds. I'm too old to be waking up in the middle of the night to do homework that shit doesn't fly anymore. Now waking up for fun is different. Also Idgaf if that guy doesn't text me back either, his loss too idc
11:33am: THE BACK N FORTH IS CRAZY. He called me on his house phoneeeeee this bih can't get enough of me!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhh
10:09pm: god thinking about how he said his gf is annoying and he wishes they were just friends, they have sex less than once a week, said my body looks better, he misses me and wishes he hadn't done all this, said she's like an annoying little sister 🤢 and he had to go to the hospital for hemorrhoids and says his body is falling apart and can't make any male friends and is tired of having female friends at 23 yrs old is craZ. And he's still suicidal AF I haven't heard him talk like that in a while, wanting to restart his life. Wow it's like he learns a new life lesson every mf day 🤯 karma is KRAZY. Fuck and I still have a hard time sympathizing for him because he treated everyone so badly including myself. Toxic ass narcissist ass MF.
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maurenislife · 2 years
Categorical Guide to Boys
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠...
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙
██████ 100%
Type 1 : Fake woke Schizophrenic Hotep Know it all 
This specific type reaks of a brain that has marinated too long in YouTube and un-chcecked conspiracy theory and edvidence 
he has speed read hastily, never has double checked any theory
he just has tried shrooms and is experiencing exisitiental feelings and has no tools to interpret it so he uses cheap low hanging fruit of theories and culture. 
has no set views and can be easily moved if you use the right langauge cause he has no scope of transitional words or know the inner workings of argument IE persuasion. 
I suggest you preform your own customized litmus test to make sure somebody is normal is to test their basic knowledge of reality and socital problems at large. 
often hypocrites 
skimmed thru history and assumes most information at headline value
his schizophrenia about no reality and conspiracy overlap in a scary way not a smart way.
SUGGESTION: stay away unless you wanna become his next victim 
-- subset spawns also reference 
“stay at home pothead”
”ego death victims” 
Type 2: Chill  “insert drug” Guy 
smoking is their entire personailty
they are chill
super quiet 
very annoying
they think their Seth rogan and they are not half as entertaining
clumsy at being cool
cute at being clumsy which makes them cool
He lives in the moment so he forgets the future and misjudges the past
he can move foward with a lot he just be chilling
needs a vape or a smoking device at all times
Often his life will go no where 
there's always the ex as his true love *fight me
they will often to too fried to even give a fuck about how you feel
they live in a secondary reality probably with a green tint 
---subset spawns include 
“soundcloud drug dealer”
“cool isn't cool enough for cool dude so its not cool till I say its cool dude”
RATING 8/10 they are enjoyable but don't get too high u might start to feel like you could do better 
Type 2.5 : *SUBSET SPAWN/ Soundcloud drug dealer
they always send u music or ask for input on music or projects
Your extensive knowledge on Rap will never be enough or compared to his 
you know “nothing” bout this song...... NOTHING period
he wants to be the next carti but he will be the next HVAC cause they mostly all suck
you will end up liking one song 
“hyperactive narcissist driven psychosis” THIS is cause they drug deal and sit in the house all day alone. They can develop a level of psychosis with a hard splash of narcissism cause they breathe their own air and ice each braincell with cookie apple fritter gelato packed woods. they can be driven now into a narcissist driven dreamland which mirrors heavy psychosis little do they know cause they high af all day. their morals tier on gimmick and notoriety. they are the end all be all, they are the winner and the loser. Their life is the Odyssey in which they believe they are the only unique force in this life when in reality there are many people just like him.
he is either always horny cause he is alone or always wants emotional reassurance cause he is alone
all his friends are complete assholes as well 
even though they are all fake deep cause of the heavy drug use they all are  active HYPOCRITES.
you are never the only one there are several bitches of different flavors in his phone
His ego death created a personality scarred by the ego death 
if he often gets mad at you its cause you have proven time and time again you  just “happen to be cooler” than him
If he really wants to fuck you he probably wants to really fuck 5 other girls too.
He will always secretly hate you 
----subset spawn includes 
“stay at home pothead”
5/10 seeing is believing so at least you met one, they are a fun pastime but love them at a distance don't feed their ego anymore than ur text back did.
Type 3  We get it he's athletic* 
always at the gym
just recently lost weight and wants to shame you
used to play sports 
Might think he looks back on highschool memories like nostalgia but it’s definitely envy
Loves his mom way too much
Takes the adult league way too seriously
Has a borderline autistic love for sports
Relates life and real life situations to sports on a unreal level
Might think he wants a gym rat girlfriend but actually likes the fact he can compare himself to you subconsciously
Secretly smokes alotta weed but “anti drug” as a health performance
If they play college sports their ego will be inflated grossly
In his freetime he will mention about how he has to immediate back to the gym
The sex will be good but not enough that u believed all he does is workout.. you would have been expecting more
Shames the party lifestyle but takes part in it part two hypocrisy
If he recently had a weight transformation his ego will be back like it never left
They are secretly insecure as fuck
They watch porn to a unhealthy degree and probably envy the male performers
RATING 6/10 they look good but boy are they annoying…. If only they could let go of the mommy and image issues smh
—— subset spawn include and not limited to
“Infinite highschooler”
“Son of a frat”
0 notes
The Ted Bundy movie hasn’t even come out yet and people are already convinced by a 2 minute trailer how it will portray Bundy as this super-relatable guy designed to make us look the other way at the heinous things he did. 
a. It’s kind of hard to separate the man from the horrible things he did. He was a monster. Period.
b. Having Zac Efron portray him is genius because Zac is, for all intents and purposes, a heart throb. Now, I know some of you are all up in arms over people saying how handsome Bundy was, and to state what I saw in a tag - just because you don’t think he’s attractive doesn’t mean you’re morally superior over those who do. Attractiveness is many things, but it can be as basic as looking at someone and acknowledging that they are good-looking. It doesn’t have to mean you’re romanticizing them. 
My interest in Bundy and true crime has to do with the psychological aspects, and I am sure that is the case for many. Bundy said himself that the image we have in our heads of someone who would do things like that is someone ugly. Someone obvious. The fact was, Bundy was NOT obvious. He just wasn’t. You can argue all the live long day about how he was in fact ugly, but the women he lured in didn’t think so. The women outside his trial didn’t think so. He didn’t fit the norm. You look at John Wayne Gacy and then you look at Bundy and who do you think you’re more likely to think would do something awful? Gacy dressed. Like. a. CLOWN. Okay?
What makes Bundy creepy af is that he is NOT what one thinks of when they think of a serial killer. And he was narcissistic af which meant, whether you want to admit it or not, he was charming. 
Not wanting to admit that doesn’t mean he wasn’t and doesn’t change the history of what happened and all the reasons why. A good-looking man who is able to charm a lot of people is the scariest of them all. Probably why I am instantly wary of charming and good-looking men lol. 
Bundy can be a good lesson for women - the charming guy who seems so perfect probably isn’t, feeling like we have to and should do what we can to help someone out doesn’t mean you follow a stranger to his fucking car, be aware of narcissists: know how they work and how to spot them and then RUN, safety in numbers always, always be aware of your surroundings, and LISTEN TO YOUR GUT. Learning about how women escaped being his victims was enlightening because many of them simply listened to their gut and got the fuck outta there, and don’t be afraid to be rude if you’re not getting a good feeling. We are trained as women to think we can’t speak up or beat feet when we feel something is off because we want to be “nice.” Be rude. Get away. 
So there are things to be learned from him. There are things I’m way more conscious of after all the mass shootings here in the US, for example. But please, let’s just stop shaming people because they are interested in him. And for those you come across who are lusting after him and are wishing they could have been kidnapped by him? RUN. 
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irlaimsaaralath · 7 years
Beyond Trespasser: Solas and Elves as Embodied Spirits
Edit: It helps to include the title, right? Edit of the Edit: Fucking autocorrect.
With that title, I feel like I’m about to write a research paper.  Heh.  And, I’m gonna tag some folks I think might be interested, but everyone’s welcome to join in.  Also, feel free to ignore me if you’re not interested in conversating on this topic.  :)
Anyhoo!  I apologize that I can’t find the post I’m about to reference.  If you know which one I’m talking about, point me at it, and I’ll link it.  But, there was recently one that suggested that ancient elves were embodied spirits.  I like the idea, I’m not sure I can get behind it completely, but I enjoy thinking about it.  I’m also gonna put it below the cut because it’s long AF.
If this is the case, we have Solas, spirit of pride, and Abelas, spirit of sorrow.  The first question I’d want to ask would be this:  do the spirits manifest bodies of their own?  Sweep up bits of earth and clay and fashion something for themselves?  Or do they inhabit ‘lesser’ beings?  Maybe ancient elves are born ‘empty’ and are only possessed by spirits after birth.  If they manifest their own bodies, does that mean their mind is completely in sync with their spirit?  Is there a difference between the spirit and the body’s intellect?  If they possess vessels, do they override the vessel’s intellect and nature to impose their own will?    Or is it a sort of symbiotic relationship?  Are they both conscious?  Do they both influence their thoughts and actions? 
My next question would involve the process of how a spirit becomes a demon.  We know from Solas that a spirit forced to betray their nature becomes a demon.  Does that mean if Abelas was to leave the temple, make a life for himself, and know happiness that he would become a demon?  Or are spirits capable of altering their nature in accordance with their will?  Does the becoming a demon hinge on the aspect of the spirit being forced?  Does their willingness to change exempt them from that danger?  Then, with the supposition that Solas IS a spirit made flesh, what is a change in nature for pride?  What would it take for him to cross that line and become a demon?  Pride isn’t evil.  It can be boastful and insensitive and narcissistic and insulting.  But, it is also self-confidence, motivation to improve, drive to maintain standards.  So, what action would bend pride against its nature?  Lack of self-confidence?  Passionlessness?  Despair?  Being so mired in hopelessness that one is rendered incapable of rising above it?
By the end of Trespasser, especially if the Inquisitor has romanced him, it’s pretty apparent that Solas is having some inner turmoil.  That he’s in pain.  That his decision to (try to) rectify his mistake is causing him grief and sorrow.  But, he’s so staunch in his insistence that it will be done.  Is that because he IS a spirit of pride?  And as such, he’s incapable of turning away from his nature?  Unable to alter the course he believes must come to pass even if intellectually, he realizes that doing so effectively turns him into a monster?  It’s one thing to sunder the world unintentionally, and it’s another entirely to do it again with full knowledge and consciousness, regardless of your good intentions.  So.  Committing world-wide genocide would effectively make him a monster, morally speaking.  But, would the act of resisting that compulsion turn him into an ACTUAL monster (demon)?  Seeing as it would bend him against his own self-assuredness that it MUST happen.  His conviction that his mistake must be made right, that his decision is just.  I wouldn’t think that’d be the whole of the reason he’d resist being swayed from his course, but could it be part of it?  
Aaaand, if spirits are capable of changing their nature or making a choice to act contrary to it, what would it take for Solas to decide to do that?  It’s obviously not love, as a romanced Inquisitor isn’t able to reason with him effectively.  Though, they do come closest to swaying him, I think.  Well, maybe not so much swaying him, but I think they genuinely make him WANT to be wrong about what he feels he must do.  I think he wants to be stopped (which, now that I write that, sort of goes hand in hand with the idea that as a spirit of pride he is unable to subvert his own nature lest he fall to the demonic), but I also think that it will take more than appealing to his compassion or even his intellect to put him in a position where he would WANT to change his mind.  He could want things to be different, while knowing they can’t be.  He could want for his plan not to be necessary, but wanting doesn’t make it so.  I think to truly give Solas an out (if he’s actually a spirit of pride), we will have to do more than convince him that there’s another way.  We’ll have to actually show him.  We will have to give him proof (proof that he considers substantial enough to invest in) that either his plan will fail OR that what he desires is possible without destroying the world as it currently exists.  That would allow him to make the willing choice to subvert his nature, thus avoiding demonhood.  It would allow him to ‘find a new name’ as he encourages Abelas to do.
Hypothetically.  If that’s how spirits to demons works.
I didn’t really have a distinct point I was trying to make here, just a lot of ideas I thought it might be interesting to discuss with the community if you guys feel so inclined.  Y’all know I love my meta shit, right?  Right.
@liaragaming @rhunae @savvylittleminx @thevikingwoman @solverne @tel-abelas-mofo @mistressdreadwolf @fade-touched-obsidian @buttsonthebeach @inquisitor-selvala @theagelesswanderer
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wonderswritings · 6 years
Challenge Time
I can’t believe it, I’ve hit 1k followers! Thank you all for your love and support! Since this is my first milestone, I’m going to attempt to do my first challenge as a host. So please be gentle with me as I get a handle on everything. So, here are the rules: (their pretty simple and easy) 
So, here are the rules: (their pretty simple and easy)
Pick a prompt from the lists below, there is one sentence prompts and 1/+ sentence prompts,  and SEND ME AN ASK with your first choice and your second choice, stating which prompt list it’s from. (just in case your first choice is taken) Direct Messages WILL be ignored.
There is no limit for how long it can be, but if it is over 500 words, please use the KEEP READING feature. 
Your story needs to have the simple necessities: Summary, Pairings, Warnings. Please tag me in the AN so I can see it. 
If you write NSFW, you MUST be over 18. I will check.
Your story can include any of the following characters, Any of the Avengers, TWD characters, Supernatural, the Arrowverse, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles
Please warn and tag properly!
I will create a Masterlist with all the fics and their owners on May 12th.  Please tag your fic with #ali’s first challenge 
And finally, have FUN!
Now without further ado, here are the one sentence prompts:
 “Definitely rates a 9.0 on my weird shit-o-meter.”
“What an idiot...Wait..That’s my idiot!”
“Politely, I’m going to stab somebody.”
“I have three explanations. You can pick your favorite.”
“How can someone say Y/N is evil? She’s the most precious soft little soul.”
“You’re cute, but selfish and narcissistic to a point of near delusion.”
“I can weasel. Never doubt my weaseling abilities, for they are epic and memorable in their scope.”
“It's so ingrained in him that sometimes he doesn’t think twice. The knife is him, he is the knife. But her? No. She knows the difference. There is her. And then there is the knife. And we’re not sure which is more terrifying.”
“She is a mess of gorgeous chaos and you can see it in her eyes.”
“I could get killed. Or even worse, Steve might lecture me on responsibility. Again.”
“I’m allergic to the entire spectrum of human emotions.”
“Wait, can I take that back? I do actually, hate you I mean.”
“Why are you covered in blood?”
“Get me some whiskey or I’m going to scream.”
“You’re right, it was a dumb idea. Fun, but dumb. And I solemnly swear that I’ll do it again.”
“You mind doing a little thinking with your upstairs brain?”  @aikibriarrose
“You’re bossy, and short.” @brandyleewhatever
“I would love to have sex with you.”
“You sold me out? Well fuckity fuck fuck you.”
“And what happens when you’ve decided that I can’t be trusted again?”
“I have guns and I will find you.”
“There’s no shame what’s so freaking ever in having to fight everyday.”
“I’m going to come in and kick your little 5’2 ass.”
“She climbed up the stairs with three chocolate brownies in one hand, two in the other and one in her mouth. Also, she opened the door with her foot. Pretty sure I’m in love.”
“Trust me, I know exactly what I’m doing. Mostly.”
“You’re not listening to anything, your headphones are unplugged.”
“If I’m an idiot then what does that make you?”
“If you say that one more time, you’ll hope for death.”
“What do you mean maybe? It was a yes or no question”
“I know it’s really strange that I’m naked on your patio but if you give me some clothes or a blanket I’ll explain everything.”
And then here’s the 1/+ sentence prompts:
“What are you doing here?” “I’m running from my problems, duh.” “Right, well come in.” @marvel-af
“So are you the big spoon or the little spoon?” “The fucking knife.” “He/She is the little spoon.”
“Did you miss me?” “With every bullet so far.”
“Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?” “I don’t know and I don’t care.”
“Can’t do that. It’s against my moral compass.” “Your “moral compass” is a fucking roulette wheel.”
“Fuck I wanna die.” “Language.” “Heckity heck, I crave death.”
“Are you still upset?” “Do you think this voodoo doll looks enough like him to work?”
“Must you always attack us with words?” “You want me to use rocks?”
“Explosions won't save your problems!” “They might”
“What’re you doing?” “Pokin around.” “You can’t do that!” “I can do anything I want, I’m cute!”
“You can’t leave yet, you’re not properly armed!” “Yeah I am.” “With what?” “Overconfidence.
“I’m giving up alcohol for a month.” “Really?” “Wait, shit, sorry, that didn’t come out right. I’m giving up. Alcohol for a month.”
“How did you find me?” “Oh I saw a huge explosion and wondered, “Now who could that be?”
“Would you rather be feared or loved?” “Easy both.” “Why?” “I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”
“Fuck you.” “Insubordination!” “With all do respect sir, fuck you, sir.”
“If we get out of this alive, I will kill you!” “So what’s my incentive to live then?”
“Would you come over here and be a corpse?” “Yeah, sure. You do mean pretend to be a corpse, right? Because the way you’re holding that knife, you’re looking a little slasher.”
“I failed the exercise test.” “How?” “They asked me to run, and I said no.”
“Are they flirting?” “I think so.” “We are not flirting, we are arguing.” “We are flirting.”
“You know what? Underneath it all, you’re actually quite nice.” “Repeated that disgusting slander again and you’ll regret it.”
“The glass in and around Fury’s office is bulletproof.” “Maybe. But is it Y/N proof.” “….Shit.”
“You’re really campaigning for asshole of the year aren’t you?” “As defending champion, are you nervous?”
“Can you please be serious for five minutes?” “My record is four, but I think I can do it.”
“This is interfering with my 23 hours of beauty sleep!” “You may want to shot for 24.”
“I know he’s your husband and your soulmate, but” “Oh no, we’ll kill him together”
“Okay I may be in a little trouble.” “Yeah? Define a little.” “I am currently on the run from the FBI, the CIA, SHIELD, Hydra and Russia.” “Jeez what’d you do?”
“Where are you going?” “To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.”
“I miss you. Come back to me.” “Where are you?” “My apartment.” “Go to the window.” “Im here.” “Jump. Make sure to do a flip.”
I’m just tagging everyone on my old taglist to get the word out. 
Marvel: @emoryhemsworth  @kindnesswins  @supernaturaldean67  @wildefire  @kirakombat  @katykyll  @white-chocolate-mocha-fan  @be-amaziing  @e-nigamatic  @imaginesofdreams
@helloangelicaaaaa  @regrets-decison  @sonic-lipstick-is-mine  @hp-hogwarts  @indaybella99  @rashinyx2002  @lilypalmer1987  @flipsorenson-99  @dninah  @marvel-af  @shieldgirl95  @taya-bui  @greeneyedthief  @lovemesomepietro
@capsofwinchesters  @midnightdevotion  @lilya-petrichor  @what-if-i-am-weird @kenzi-cold-greenkale  @bucky-made-me-do-it  @topjean  @smoothdogsgirl  @starlight-xxxx @introvertedsin
@emoryhemsworth  @supernaturaldean67  @brandyleewhatever  @kirakombat  @be-amaziing  @e-nigamatic  @white-chocolate-mocha-fan  @imaginesofdreams @helloangelicaaaaa  @sonic-lipstick-is-mine  @hp-hogwarts  @flipsorenson-99  @marvel-af
@shieldgirl95  @kenzie-cold-greenkale @bucky-made-me-do-it  @starlight-xxxx @introvertedsin
DC: @supernaturaldean67  @katykyll  @helloangelicaaaaa  @flipsorenson-99  @e-nigamatic  @white-chocolate-mocha-fan  @greeneyedthief @lovemesomepietro
The Walking Dead
@emoryhemsworth  @brandyleewhatever  @kirakombat  @sonic-lipstick-is-mine
@e-nigamatic @white-chocolate-mocha-fan  @hp-hogwarts  @flipsorenson-99  @shieldgirl95
Actors @emoryhemsworth  @supernaturaldean67  @kirakombat  @be-amaziing  @imaginesofdreams
@white-chocolate-mocha-fan  @helloangelicaaaaa  @regrets-decison  @indaybella99 @rashinyx2002  @flipsorenson-99  @shieldgirl95  @e-nigamatic  @taya-bui  @greeneyedthief  @lovemesomepietro  @capsofwinchesters @midnighdevotion @lilya-petrichor  @bucky-made-me-do-it @smoothdogsgirl @starlight-xxxx  @introvertedsin
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myatuesday · 3 years
SC and I broke up. FrFr. Finally.
It's been like this long drawn out thing.
I'm trying not to think about it too much.
He's wasting my time and he knows it.
He's loves me, but is shallow and immature AF
He's also obsessed and addicted to a walking trainwreck and dumpster fire relationship with someone else
And... is not going to stop letting that shit destroy us both anytime soon.
So we're calling it.
I'm not like heartbroken
I'm relieved.
Because I'm so tired and unfulfilled
And I don't want to waste another year
In this bullshit circus
Am I having an existential crisis
And feel like I'm just drowning in the dark
Without a lighthouse anywhere in sight?
Yes. That's the dilemma.
But whatever.
At least we're finally being honest
And just...
Calling it what it is.
Even if he knows, in the long run, this will prove to be a mistake. (Imo totally detrimental to both our lives)
Atm... he doesn't have his emotional vs logical shit together
So, this is just... how it has to be.
As it stands *in this moment*
I'm not bitter. Or trying not to be.
Best as possible.
I'm just having a full on existential crisis
That honestly has nothing to do with him
Other than the fact... our relationship was a giant waste of time and energy and investment.
And... it was all for fucking nothing.
I'm just old. And alone. And empty handed.
And trying to figure out what to do now.
The part I do resent is...
He has NO idea what that is.
He's just out here basically living his best life
Has a million years in front of him
Just got a brand new truck.
Clearly has a back up gf (regardless of how garbage she is, the fact is, he just fucking does. Atm.)
And is coming out of this basically totally unscathed and without consequences.
And... I can relate to literally NONE of that.
None of it.
So, yeah. That's a notable disparity
I would just like him to recognize and acknowledge
(Not to mention, of course, we break up right when he's getting his shit together again. Finally.
Call me ZERO percent surprised about that.
And yes THAT part DEFINITELY makes him a fucking asshole.
In that... he knew he didn't want this all along
But... I was convenient.
Now he doesn't need me.
Sooo... that bitch gets to reap all the benefits
With none of the sacrifice.
And I'm sure the benefits are going to be enough to make me fully wanna murder them both.
If the past is any reflection.
Wtf else is new?
But THIS is why we're breaking up
Cause he's a spineless POS w no morals
Who treats me like shit
And gives that UNDESERVING whore everything.
At least... he's done denying it.
And I'm done trying to fight it.
Do I want a severance package?
Uh - you better fucking believe.
Cause FUCK this shit.)
Any fucking way...
Yeah. To circle back...
Fuck him for acting like this hurts him too
Or that we're anywhere in a remotely similar boat
When... we couldn't possibly be in more different places in life or be suffering the same aftermath of this break up.
(Dollars to donuts, he'll be balls deep into a "relationship" w her by the fn weekend.
[Aka she lies and manipulates and is never around. While he gives her everything she wants, just so he can breath her same skanky air on the occasion she has to see him in order to get something from him. That pretty much sums up the reality of their "relationship" aka "arrangement. Cause she's a literal fucking whore. And he's in love w a whore (her fleeting time and attention, that is. He doesn't actually get any of her "services", just her being a cunt... unless/until she wants something). He just still doesn't realize that's literally all this is.... A scam. An arrangement. That he falls for every time. Like a chump. To put it mildly. ]
New truck and all. (That if he said it once, he said countless times "well you're the one who's going to ride in it/be seen it/whatever the fuck". Yeah... that couldn't have been further from the truth. OBVIOUSLY.)
He gets his shit together.
Gets his money up even, so he can just throw it all at her.
And I, the one who stood by him through all this goddamn bullshit. Him working 247. And him being broke. And on probation. And not having a car. Wtfever. I... can just go fuck myself.
[That's why I didn't bend over backwards to do more. Cause I KNEW, like fucking clockwork, he was going to do this shit.]
None the less, I get zero return on my actual investment. (Wtf has she done? Besides stand there looking like a junky slut, sweet talking her way back into his wallet. And/or throwing a fit when she doesn't get her way.)
I'm the one who actually did fuck his dumb, punk ass
And idk. Actually fucking cared about him (what a concept!). And was around for more than just his money and attention.
Cause... idk. I'm not a narcissistic con artist.
But, sure. Fuck me. Cut me out.
Got it.)
So... yeah.
Wtf ever.
Obvi I am bitter.
(Who the fuck can blame me?)
Maybe wouldn't be if he had any perspective
At the fuck all
(Or gave a fuck about these details
Even tho I way digressed from my initial point...
Which is... him not recognizing the disparity btwn mine and his overall situation, day to day life, or how this break up impacts us)
Instead of acting like this is impacting him just as much as it is me.
Yeah, naw, it's obviously not.
1. This is all your fault/doing
2. You're fn GOOD. You're set.
3. We both know he's gonna give her the entire world on a silver fucking platter. Again. And is all set&ready to do so. Again. Hence, here the fuck way are.
Duh. Duh. Duh duh duh duh. Smh.
So... just no.
It's not right, regardless of his "intentions".
But he was honest for a change.
So there is that.
That just makes the break up itself "easier". Less emotional. Whatever. Kindof. I guess.
But does fuck all
To change my situation.
Other than... ssssiiiiiigh.
Just fuck it.
It does need to end.
I just... don't know wtf I'm supposed to do from here.
Meanwhile, he's like having a pity party
While he has it made in the shade.
So it's like... can you not, jerk off?
Give me a break. Cry me a fucking river.
As the fuck If.
We never should've dated.
And unless somehow this situation were to radically change to be favorable for me, for a change, for literally the first time ever (never gonna fucking happen)
I'm always going to feel that way.
If I had it to do all over again
(And I don't mean knowing what I know now
I just mean, period)
I wouldn't.
I don't think I say that about any other exs.
The only thing I got out of this relationship was trauma and a shitty unlubed dick constantly fucking my life straight up the ass 247. The past... 2 years, at least.
And what I have to show for it, other than the trauma, is... wasting so much time I'll probably never recover from this. Never get married to anyone. And just have my ovaries shrivel and die.
And a pile of stuffed animals.
I wanna burn
And throw through the window of that bitches car with her in it.
That's... it.
That's what I got out of this.
If we had to date
And I did have to do it over again
I def def def could've saved myself the trouble
And have ended things Jan of 2019, like my instincts fucking told me to.
Shit was at least still good then.
And he hadn't totally fucked me over and betrayed me yet. (Not to my knowledge anyway).
I could've just walked away, virtually drama free
Thinking he was just some kid who wasn't ready for a real relationship. And that be that.
Oh fucking well.
0 notes
imhayleyappleford · 7 years
they look like don’t mess with mebut actually they’re love me
too smart
they don’t care a lot about emotions… unless their own
one of the easiest ways to lose them is lying to them
cry baby
they talk too much, so it’s hard to know when they’re serious
somehow they can convince people to do the most stupid things
sexually frustrated 24/7
they’re strong like when everything is going to shit they have strength and don’t let themselves get dragged
they move their hands a lot when talking
they’re the kind of people who bite their lips when thinking and accidentally bleeds
on the outside they look very calm and quiet, but in the inside they burn like hell (they’re too intense)
they don’t lose control easily but they do lose it often
they have a hard time trusting/believing in people’s emotions
they could kill you if you hurt an animal
a great part of them have a great sleeping schedule
they care too much about people they love
they cheat on board games
very good friends
too selective when choosing who to spend their time and energy with
they move their eyebrows a lot in their facial expressions
they don’t let people go completely
their hugs are the best hugs when you have a bad day
emotional mess (they feel nothing in the right way)
they know a lot of useful shit
but they don’t know what sleep means
being bored is the worst thing that can happen to them (they get too mean, like little children)
narcissistic af
they’re never wrong
they express their feelings in thousands of different ways, however none of them seem to work
incomprehensible love for snacks
they cover their feelings with humor/indifference 87% of the time
they can make anyone laugh, no kidding
they lie to themselves
sensitive af, if you spend a lot of time with them you’ll see they’re such babies
very insecure
random happiness/sadness attacks
their brain is an exhaused roller coaster
innocent without wanting to be
they seem to fit everywhere but nowhere at the same time
they look like love me but actually they’re like i fuck with you or you fuck with me
they don’t know how to handle their feelings, so they don’t
they can be too selfish
unpredictable af
leave me alone, but give me attention
their cellphone is part of their body
their true friends knows their family (even if they have never seen them) because of all the stories they tell, all the time
they victimize themselves a lot
they know how to listen and they give the best advice ever but they don’t use it
that kind of people who their first impulse when doing eye contact with someone is smiling
they care a lot about what other people think
they plat a lot with their hands and lips
the most adorable people when they’re not angry
children loves them
they can tranquilize people quickly
misunderstood because they don’t let anyone understand them
very sharp ideas/way of thinking
high moral
they need constant acceptance/validation
if you do them one you pay ten
always reading your intentions
they tend to joke about other people insecurities
they tend to do good things for people without even realizing
despite being surrounded by people, they still can feel very alone
they talk to themselves when nobody’s whatching
insecure af
a lot of craziness under the calm person they have
they wink a lot
will never cry or look vulnerable in front of others (unless they totally trust that person)
they always look like they want to kill someone (maybe they do)
public nerds
the most damaged sleeping schedules lol hello it’s 4 am
they read weird things
super committed and and helpful
they get angry when things are not done in their way
they’re the midpoint between introvert and extrovert
they have a great stalking until they have no crush anymore
they can’t tolerate it when someone is angry at them, even if they’re the ones to blame
their favorite acronym is lmao… laughing my anxiety off
they do this face a lot > 😏
they’re always in love
they listen to shitty music but won’t admit it
super emotional
they probably don’t know what is happening right now
they get too weird when they’re not comfortable
a stranger is a person they’re not friends with yet
they have good intentions
they blush easily
they have a hard time saying no
they hide things so they don’t disappoint people they care about
they try to make everyone happy, even if it’s exhausting
they try to look rude, actually they’re cry babies
dark mind, bright personality
they have secret hobbies
they crave love
talking to them will make you either appreciate life or want to jump off a bridge
they get easily offended
scary when angry
protective with people they love
they hate being ignored
random laugh attacks
they can make you laugh in the most fucked up moments
they’re that kind of people who give more priority to the problems of those who love than their own
they easily connect with music
ready to disappear in any moment
they have watched every. movie. on netflix
using my emotions? caring about yours? nah, tomorrow… maybe
34 hour-long naps
they fuck up 10 moments and make a very epic one
they have a hard time when apologizing
they have a hard time when asking for help, they believe they can do anything
would yell at strangers if needed
intentionally do things and then say they weren’t planned but went well anyway
they tend to be sad before sleeping
this is probably not a good idea but i’ll do it anyway
very competitive, but never satisfied
superiority complex
more party souls than you could imagine
they just want you to shut the fuck up
they’re cute until you’re obstrusive
able to intimidate people for good or for bad
they recognize their mistakes and then apologize without making a lot of drama
they keep their cool in the craziest situations
have random acts of love, like biting, cuddling, etc…
can make you feel important one minute and shit in the next minute
always have backup plans
physical appearance is important
always have weird obsessions
they play a lot with their feet
they need hugs and you to show them love, but will never say it
they disappear with no reason
cuter than you
they get confused when choosing between good and bad
everything is overrated for them
they’re addiced to memes
feelings out of control
they’re the special snowflakes
cannabis 23/7
they will know if you lie
they lose their shit often
they think and feel more than they show
the smartest ones
they don’t like dealing with their responsabilities
they like music more than they like you
they like attention but not too much
will never accept being the 2nd option for someone
can listen to you for hours, without making it awkward
fake friendliness (sometimes)
too weird but in a sweet way
super funny. their humor is either too simple or too hard to understand
they overwhelm your mind
big heart, even bigger imagination
confused af
if you really analyze them they look like they’re stoned
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ellamordes · 7 years
Tumblr media
priam volta. 46. unsouled. beine.
Self-loathing narcissist; misanthropic malcontent; jaded genius; nihilistic science-nerd; reckless jerk-off with a substance abuse problem who should have grown up like 200 years ago but eh, fuck it.
TW/CW: dumb af language/vulgarity (see me trying to set the tone or something), mentions of attempted suicide.
Firmly believes humanity is the root of all evil slash that everyone and their idiot fish-brained uncle is 200% a whiny little bitch.
Virtually unburdened by all that “morality” bullshit everyone’s always bending over for. (Except tbh he’s mad empathetic and it takes so much effort to actually suppress it IRL. It’s an issue so he drinks. ://///)
“I don’t care,” I say, caringly, as I care deeply.
Filthy old bastard’s got kinks that ain’t even been invented yet, ladies (and gents and aliens and demigods and demons and bigfoots(feet?) and Nikola Tesla’s negatively-charged ghost 👀  😘  👉 👌 👻  🍆  🔥).
Anti-corporation, anti-government, anti-people, anti-everything except for your hot mum in a neon zentai suit and your dad in a ginger wig. 😎 👉👉
Full-blown conspiracy theorist who will rant @ u for DAAAAAYS re: all the shit your CorpoGods™ are hiding from you -- you lil’ sheep-ass dummies with your stupid gaping mouths all slurpin’ on the collective cock. Gross.
Knocked up his girl at 17, got married because that’s what you do, and it was a twelve-year-long shit show (read: true love is a lie) until the day some sorta rock-bottom smacked him in the dick and he dipped. Left his wife and daughter with this classic dodge: brb heading out for a pack of smokes, and obviously never returned.
His wife died some years later, daughter’s all grown and they’ve had little to no contact up until very recently, when he’d finally been sad and lonely enough to reach out to her. In between that time, however, he’s trudged on thru as a grumpy old asshole who’s either stolen, unshackled, and fiddled with some poor Artifax in search of companionship and/or “adopted” himself an equally poor little urchin pal he’s come to begrudgingly care for while at the same time exposing to some good ol’ mind-fucking, subtle manipulation, and mild abuse. (Ps someone make them??)
Self-medicates but calls it stimulus. Self-medicates but calls it quick-tapping into his gooey creative core -- an inspirational punch to the brain-gut that’s routed through a very contented bloodstream. Self-medicates but calls it just havin’ a chill ass time, motherfucker. Makes high-functioning alcoholism and drug use his friggin’ bitch, son.
High-key hates his life and wants desperately for an end.
Genuinely regrets the fact he’d abandoned his family all those years ago and wants to make the most of any future he might have with his daughter (and perhaps her family?), but navigating that sort of deal feels like walking through a field of thorns blindfolded. It’s scary and foreign and it hurts and he’s bleeding?
Provides and performs unlicensed and under-the-table yet decent quality (despite the fact it’s probably mostly made of garbage -- I mean, you work with what you got) tech mods and body augs to mainly impoverished and otherwise 300% fucked citizens for fairly cheap (really, whatever they can pay). NOT OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF HIS HEART because AHEM what’s that, but because he likes to “tinker”, which is actually what he calls it s2g.
Straight up MacGyvers that shit.
Tfw you get wasted and decide to grab fate by the balls and yank ‘em around a bit via Russian Roulette (or the futuristic equivalent) meets Take a Shot When You Don’t Die with ‘you, yourself, and u’ but pass out before you have the chance to prove conclusively that God’s not fucking real.
Ps God’s not real don’t be an idiot.
I’m sure I’ll be adding to/deleting from/editing this as the site’s opening closes in and more lore is released, etc. So let’s just call this the roughest rough draft ever tbh??
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Friday, January 26th, 2024!
12:38am busted a nut and it felt great, awesome way to start the day lol. Also so glad I deleted the emails, I don't even remember what they said and soon they will be totally forgotten :) I already feel more at peace.
10:26am still feeling better, haven't heard from him day #2 (new record!) I want to get away from him he's toxic and doesn't know it/ believe me/ won't do anything about it. Just worry about me lol.
10:47am there's nothing wrong with doing things with your own company btw. Just be safe and you're literally fine ❤️
10:58am FUCK I jinxed myself what the hell 😂 retarded ass I told him I miss him (as a friend) and he said thanks that makes me feel better.... 😑 Glad you feel better bro (no shit I never did anything to you too make your feel bad RIP) literally what? I can't.
4:02pm had some lunch earlier and took a 3? Hr nap very needed, sleep is important!! And I only had like 4-5hrs last night so this makes sense!! I am a girl who needs lots of sleep especially when I am wanting to achieve my best mental health!! Do not feel guilty that you slept in the middle of the day you needed rest!! I love you ❤️
5:18pm laundry in the wash, trash taken out and I'm going to pick up BC RX. I love summer and warm weather but I have to be ok with sweating lol!
Pros >>> cons :) of going outside
11:15pm oops got drunk and watched too many relationship videos = bad. My heart hurts. I want him to feel pain. I fucking hate him and I want him to know (mmmmm maybe this is what I'm manifesting/ loa??) Fuck him fuck him fuck him I hope he gets fucking cheated on ong stupid prick narcissist. Fuck you you're no longer in my life fuck you and your small dick frfr.
I am a beautiful person, with a heart and soul that would NEVER do that shit to someone and that's why I know I'm fucking better. Someone with empathy, with half a brain, would not do that to another human being especially one they've known for years. I know I'm better, kinder, more loving, more respectful, more empathetic, more genuine and real AF, smarter with more emotional intelligence, more confident in myself not to need some half-ass bitch in my life, I'm going to get farther in life than he can even dream of, I get bitches on days I don't even shower bro, I have bitches hitting me up fucking constantly since you left and literally all their dicks have literally been bigger and fatter than yours and they've all been nicer more straight forward at least tbh 😂 bitch you are the bottom of the barrel and I'm the cream of the crop you could not pull me now with your little bitch ass bro wtf so fucking unconfident and with so much mental baggage and mommy and daddy issues the only flex you have is your physical body that's literally so sad and I will fucking stand on this shit, if you only pride yourself on physical appearance and ability but have nothing psychological or emotional or financial or support to provide,,, you're literally a walking dildo I'm sorry but literally please fix your fucking mental before you come at me!!!! I said what I said and I have felt this way for a while, kinda like a woman just being a fleshlight with no emotional or intellectual contribution to the relationship JFC I CAN'T it does go both ways for men and women.
Y'all are so immature and I am above you both I said what I said my confidence scares both of you coward bitches and I will get so much farther in life than the both of you combined x2 I stg because I know my mf worth and I know what and who will not take up my mf time and space. Y'all are so peabrained and act like fucking high schoolers, there's really no point in talking to y'all either bc of the stereo effect with y'all just tell each other what the other wants to hear, enabling the never ending shitty ass behavior with your insane mentally and morally wrong ways of justifying your actions. Nonsensical which is WHY it's so confusing to people who follow LOGICAL thinking..... That cognitive dissonance is the star of the shit show.
Fuck you and good riddance, can't wait for my birthday to know true fucking peace of mind. ❤️
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