#they have comsumed my brain
megamixsmania · 8 months
They're working on their art and science collaboration,,, I think,,
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feverishfatale · 2 years
Trope I will never get over is a worried caretaker bringing someone to urgent care/the doctors office because they are concerningly sick but then getting told they are ALSO visibily sick as hell and need an exam too
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sk3l3t0n444 · 1 year
i wanna give you guys a little hint about my little project but idfk what to tell you guys
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howlingday · 5 months
Honestly, i'm kinda disappointed in how WBYJ kinda brushed off Ruby and her issues throughout V9. So, I have taken matters into my own hands to look for a song to cheer up Ruby, and I have found it!
I now pass this song on to you to post, as I am both very unskilled a writing and very lazy. The song is Tom Cardy's H.S, and a link will be given to a tumblr post within this ask. Wether WBYJ sing it to Ruby or Jaune shares it with her as a ln apology is up to you.
If an outside link is needed, I am willing to give the link to the YouTube video.
Sing a-long!
"Now and then, we all get a thought that stops us in our track. Am I living to my full potential, or am I holding myself back?" Jaune spins Ruby around, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You've gotta stop with that shit, 'cause you're P-P-PERFECT~!" He slid from his seat, walking away to the bookshelf. "Check out that analysis paralysis!"
"Paralysis~!" Ruby's team added, crooning from the hallway.
"If you need some help to see, take a lesson from me!" Jaune spun around, opening a book to the story of the Rusted Knight. "They say that I'm not a huntsman. Do you think that I really give a shit?" He tossed the book aside, causing Blake to jump in the air to save the spine from being ruined. "You know we're not gonna quit, 'cause we know we can take a hit, and we know what we is, and we know we is-"
Jaune spun around, tearing off his armor to reveal a pair of yellow spandex covering his body. He pointed his finger to the sky in his declaration.
"HOT SHIT~! And you know that we know it! We might never get registered, but it don't matter 'cause we know that we're still-"
"HOT SHIT~!" Team RWBY sang without their leader.
"Yeah, you're hot shit, too, so get out of your brain and do what you're 'born 'sposed to do!"
"HOT SHIT~!" WBY chimed in. "You know that we know it! Expect some real magic from us real huntress! HOT SHIT~!"
"And you're hot shit, too," Jaune pointed at Ruby, his finger inches from her face, "so get out of your way and just do what you were born to do!"
Before Ruby could argue, Jaune sat down next to her. "Before I got wise and said "gosh dangit," it's true that I was jealous of the big other huntress." He pulled out his scroll, opening to a news article published by various journalism sites. "But did you know that Winter, the biggest to you, was jealous 'cause Atlas would call her a rebel, too." He swiped to the photo album, featuring a familiar face to the red huntress. "The huntsman she was jealous of was your Uncle Qrow, who had self-comsuming thoughts that he would never become-!"
"SUMMER ROSE!" Yang held out a picture as Weiss and Blake sang with her.
"He was constantly chasing the dream that he would be so big that he'd be a legend!" Jaune left Ruby's side and stared out the window. "But trillions miles away that even Summer didn't see was a big guy strong enough to lift reality." He drew a signature S shape on the wall in chalk. "He turned his gaze into our world to see "There's a girl with a beret who's cooler than me!"
A new voice joined the choir as a woman with a black beret and dark shades entered. "But the most super awesome, coolest huntress to ever exist is probably at Vacuo saying "Now I'm seeing shit!" Coco lowered her sunglasses at the youngest leader. "I've seen a fight with a camera, I've even seen a memory lapse, but I've never seen a red huntress KICK SO MUCH ASS!"
"HOT SHIT~!" Everyone in the room was singing now. "And you know that we know it!"
Ruby stood from her seat. "I don't need to be a hero because I know that I'm still worth it, baby~!
And you're hot shit, too!" Jaune wrapped an arm over Ruby's shoulder. "So stop doubting yourself and feel this huntress groove~!
"HOT SHIT~!" It seemed like everyone in Vacuo was feeling it, as singing came from down the halls in chorus. Was everyone in on this?! "And you know Ruby knows it! Expect some fucking stories from this red hoodie~! HOT SHIT~!"
"And you're hot shit, too," Jaune led Ruby out the doors, past the crowds, "so look out to the world, because we're all waiting for you~!"
Ruby stepped away from Jaune, looking down as she walked away. "Now and then, I get the thoughts that stop me in my tracks. Should I really be a huntress? Or should I just cut back?" The world held their breath as Ruby asked, fearing the worst had happened to her. "...I've got to stop with that shit 'cause I'm P-P-PERFECT!" Ruby roared to anyone who would spare the time to listen to her. "My life is fucking cool and so are you, if you only let me tell the rest of my story with yoooooooooou~!
"HOT SHIT~!" The world answered.
"And you know that I know it~!" She answered back to the world. "I might never get my register, but I'm still awesome as a leader~!
"And you're hot shit, too, so let's shoot for the stars 'til we break through the mooooooooooon~!" Ruby pointed to the sky, heedless of whether the moon was above or shattered or not or neither.
"Do you like my space metaphor~?" Jaune asked.
"Would you like to know what I use it for? To prove to you that you are hot shit, too, now stay out of my room and show Remnant what hot shit do~!"
"HOT SHIT~!" Ruby jumped through the air, cheering until she landed flat on her face. "Whuh? What just happened?"
"Emmy! You dropped it too soon!"
"Sorry, I couldn't hold it any longer."
Ruby looked up to see Jaune still sitting on his bed, patting Emerald's hand as she panted in a nearby chair. Nora loomed over her, barely held back by Lie Ren. To the other side of the room, she saw her team looking at her with mixtures of concern and worry. A gloved hand reached down to help her up, which she forgo to address the whole room and not just Oscar.
"What just happened?" Ruby asked.
"No more musical numbers." Emerald groaned.
"We... I was worried about how you were feeling since coming back from the Ever After and getting registered again, so I talked with your team and my team and, well..." Jaune shrugged. "Jaunty musical number?"
"Dude..." Ruby grumbled. "I don't care if it was your musical number or mine or Oscar's. Tricking me to sing is not cool."
"Don't blame 'em, kid." Coco said, leaning on the doorframe. "You were pretty jittery since you came back, so we all talked it over. The musical number was actually my idea, but unfortunately, I can't sing."
"Because you're too cool to sing?"
"Nah. Court order."
As Ruby balked, she looked to her team, who still didn't drop their looks of concern. As much as she wanted to be mad at being tricked into singing, she knew neither her team nor Jaune's would do this without some merit to their concern. So she relaxed a bit and sighed.
"Nobody recorded me, did they?"
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thewitchesfortune · 1 year
So someone posted a short rant earlier that kind of pissed me off, but rather than going on their post and starting a fight, I'd like to make my own rant about it. I also wound up blocking that person, because they've been posting things I disagree with far more than anything, and I disagree inherently with the ideology behind the post they made.
They essentially said that routine and discipline in the craft are not at all important, and neither is getting results. They said that anyone who believes any of it IS important had a "toxic grindset/workout mentality", which is rather ridiculous to be honest. Basically they were comparing occultists who are dedicated as the gymrats of the occult world.
First, routine is important. I'm not great at building routines myself, but if you have a routine set up for monthly and weekly spells it will help you keep on top of things. And to address some of the comments on that post that I know I'll get, I am also neurodivergent. I am undiagnosed, suspected adhd. Routines are extremely difficult for me to start, especially if they are spaced out. Once I am IN a routine though, it's so much easier to keep up with
Discipline is not "toxic" btw. I saw a lot of people talking about needing to have a life outside of the occult, and no one with a brain is gonna tell you that you don't need/get to have one. Discipline is not "I will eat/sleep/breathe this thing until it has comsumed my every waking moment" it is "Practicing this thing at least for an hour a day, or a few times a week will help me get better at it."
Practicing divination daily will help you improve your predictions, just like practicing the guitar every day will help you improve your finger technique. Discipline is required in any craft if you want to become proficient, whether you want to become a "master" or not. It's ok to dabble, but I'm not gonna go to someone who dabbles in painting for a portrait I actually want to show off.
And then the bit about not needing to push yourself to get better results. Like ... I don't understand why anyone would type that. At all. If you don't want results, why are you doing magic? Do you really not care about results, or are you just not getting them? And instead of actively trying to figure out where you're going wrong and improving your craft, you're just gonna talk down anyone who puts in the work to do better? Are you seriously negging people who enjoy practicing magic because you can't be bothered to? That whole post just made that person seem so sad, and then I saw all these other people in the comments agreeing
I'd like to make it clear, this is not putting down spoonies or chronically ill people. Of course, work within your own abilities. Someone with severe asthma shouldn't be trying to mountain climb without a good amount of training. But you CAN START TRAINING. You can work on your craft little bits at a time. You can do low energy magic and rework spells that include things you're allergic to. You can do research, or listen to podcasts in your downtime. Dedication to the craft might look different for different people. It doesn't mean you have to hyperfixate on it and let it consume your life. But you can't expect progress if you AREN'T PROGRESSING
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iressails · 1 year
Okay so. I'm due back at work today and yeah I can say I'm still in pain whatever (and I am still on oxy level of pain I got down to paracetamol for roughly 8 hours) but I dont want to sign on today because I am on a mission to find the perfect fanvid of Bayliss looking adoringly at Pembleton. PINING captials. This is likley beyond the belly of Youtube. I have an inkling it's going go comsume me shortly because I need to make this supercut for me. That's scrubbing through 122 hours of television obessively. I ordered the DVDs yesterday (all 33 of them ) and I have to Wait for the post for decent quality for what I want to do but what I Can to do is find the time stamps and I can do that Today.
I cant do that today because I'm a grown arse adult with a grown arse job. I could probably leave my work to pile up/miss deadlines (because I really am sick and in a decent amount of pain and people would understand) but that would mean leaving my junior colleague at it and that's not fair. That's what is going to drag me in and I'm feeling stymied. My job's been enough for a couple of years now, got it at the tail end of COVID, I go in I do my 8, 10+ hours of hourly (usually reasonably complex) problem solving and paperwork and it gives my brain enough of a hit all the time that I'm not bored. I love it normally and it's so much better than report writing and stats that I used to do before. Unfortunately over the past week all my hits have come from Homicide and my job has become stupidly secondary despite mortgage and bills and etc. I dont even have a DVD widget to make my supercut so I have to buy that as well. It's so weird to not have high quality video to start with.
Anyway, anyway, I've made a compromise with myself, I'll go in catch up and sort things for my staff member this morning, hopefully only half of day at work, and as a reward I'll give myself the afternoon and evening to do Homicide things.
That's what grown arse adults do I guess.
(P.S my followers who have seen this descent happening in real time you can filter #hlots posting which is my new tag for this.)
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ylkcheeeks · 1 year
brain dump
Fill pill case
Request refills as appropriate
Comsume breakfast time food
Itemize this week’s readings for mm & icc
Fwd edr email per signs
👀 degreewerks. If appropriate, send tickler email
Set alarm for get ready for meeting
Drink water
Calendar catfood pickup
Check running tally on club hours
Reply whatsapp thread ⬇️
Ping about apples timing, tell preferred ⬆️
Draw waffles and rhubarb (who is now a deer? Maybe?)
Figure out how many pages of accordion will be necessary for this whole first chunk
Consume a lunchtime food
Drink water
Put any number of hanging things away
Make any progress on cats’ area vibes
Put any number of folding things away
Other things which would be grateful to go home include: markers. Pads. Paperwork. Pens. Hardware tackle box. Tote bag hell.
Check out nami
Draw any October prompt thing
Finish the handle job ⬆️
Make ground dinner
Wreath? Ingredients? Special trip this week??
Pester editorial for copy
⬆️ Share with club email shall we ⬆️
Shop storage
Computer specs
Shop your closet? Thursday?
Look at insurance/hosp site for bone men
👀 ref. acupunctuation
Other PACT and LCM events
Belated anniversary thing?! oh dear.
Hand tingly again outer half of left almost like a glove that’s too tight
How is pressure into painful release/stretching into the pain causing the belching? Why do some things clunk and done while others click click click click and never quite feel settled? What can I do to treat the underlying issues? What specifically are they- show me a diagram of the goo please. Is this a forever thing? Is being without pain one of those Molly Grue things for me at this point?
Shopping list: blank book, vest, slacks, shorts, swim, Jose Carioca,
Is there like a brace or a cream I could be using at night?
New boots (lacing/zipping), yogurts, easy in face veggies, kebeb stuff, a Vermont folksy basket to put the crushing weight on my chest into for easily accessible attractive storage
Look into accommodations
Make one thing louder
VT puppet? Kidpix 3?
Making cat costumes and cat pallamquins…
Pokemans? Patience & fortitude? Editorial…
Day trip to tarrytown with the corpse bride
The year is almost over and with it you will be tumbling into the next semester and that is a lot it is a lot there are big feelings like what do you have to show for yourself and you’ve wasted away your summers again and like maybe you could lighten the fuck up
You have a few things going on physically that are kicking your ass and even if you refuse to show it outwardly you have to allow yourself that knowledge
You have to try to be at least as kind to yourself as you would be to an acquaintance you find mildly annoying. You are legitimately harder on yourself than you are on people you know you dislike. Don’t you dare take this as a new shame fixation either. Just be honest with yourself about how you treat people and accept that if your friends can be nice to you you can be nice yto you. It doesn’t have to be valid or mood or so same friend it can just be sincere in a quiet and come t free way.
Decorative gourds and you: a wishlist
Hot cocoa
The numbness is concerning. So much is concerning.
What if green mouse Mew was in TMM Choux Choux 💋?
Also that’s my just for me new fan series idea I’m rotating. It’s a pun between
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Choux pastry
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Chuu like kiss
Also chuuchuu like the noise a mouse makes
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Nezu speaking!
And, if I’m really awful, as in
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Because she’s green ain’t she?
I like matcha or pear, which I’ve seen. Maybe plantain if I fold her into an American Mew Mew. Or maybe it’s a multinational team. I’m kinda not that interested in the how for this one I just want it sorted so I can get tithe good shit of Mousemew, Waffle the chicken, and rhubarb to be on a team. Maybe Ringo is there too, tho that messes up the color balance. Idk. It’s frothy is the point.
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adorabl8dthirsty · 1 year
i have so many thoughts about sao at the moment i cannot comsume sao content without it consuming my brain
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Why watch a show when you can get all your info from not at all polarizing tumblr posts and memes 🤣? I look forward to your fics though because even if I have minimal context your stories are fun to read! I’m glad to hear about the Rhaella fic, so many things in that verse I’m looking forward to learning about. And the Elia x Brandon fic was a huge treat!!
See all i do is comsume pro-greens and pro-blacks content so it evens out and i achieve my usual big brained understanding of the actual meaning behind the content. Its a pity not everyone is as powerful as me /s.
Im glad youre looking forward to them! For the HOTD crackfic i dont think any context is necessary and for the alicent one all you need to know is that viserys is a shitty creep who married his daughters 15 year old best friend so like... yeah :(. Im so glad you liked the Brandon x Elia fic!!! I was unsure about posting it because it was really short and not my usual well-plotted epic but it seems to have gone down well and i love writing comedy.
Also yes the rhaella fic is progressing nicely. I spent ages today picking out the perfect bible quote for ch 2 and finally settled on the right one.
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xwommen · 2 years
so i dont feel like im absolutely spaming @sniktwolverine for that jornal post im make a separate post so i wont feel bad
think just think x-men photo album
to look back on and and remember memories, and hiw they all changed and have grown
and yes
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scaredandbored · 4 years
lmao when u thought your apathetic mood was because a specific event hadnt yet occurred but now the event has happened and u still feel Nothing????? that shit would hurt if i could feel things 
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asherlockstudy · 5 years
Me rn: King’s IT  book in my left hand, ACoK e-book in my phone in the right hand, ignoring friends, typing my thesis with my nose
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honoraryplebeian · 3 years
My brain is constantly churning out nonsense fic ideas, and I need to be stopped. I don't have the time and fortitude for this. No matter how much I would dig my teeth into an Iliad au for the Senju and Uchiha Clan Wars (Senju as Trojans and Uchiha as Greeks (I have my reasons)), it would take so much to do it justice in my mind. Plus, most of my fics are already niche anyway. I don't need to write more fics that only 5 people will enjoy 😭😭 I already have Ikana au on my plate, and that's another super niche fic that'll suck my soul out (in the most delightful way. It will be a labor of love and obsession). God, I need to work on Ikana fic so badly too. It constantly comsumes my thoughts (Potato Sac Chic Tobirama my Beloved), but I need to make two complete cultures first 😩 I need to finish up my current plans first so I can give it my full attention though. I only have so much soul to distribute at a time.
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sloaaaa · 3 years
g od seeing news every now n then abt animations studios burning out their animators just because they can always *always* makes me want to start my own comfy little indie studio where everyone gets ENOUGH TIME to work just because i can >:[
(nyough ended up ramblin a bunch abt my qualms w the animation industry)
that's right! i wanna be nICE i have a dream! an ambition! to start my own studio and care more about the love and creativity being put into projects rather than the money that they rake in!
idk it's just very heartbreaking to find out that a piece of media you like turns out to have crunch behind it n that it happens a lot! everywhere! it makes me feel really sad n frustated that i find myself thinking that movies should have a "no animators were harmed in the production of this film" unironically, ik it sounds silly dhsgkfj
also i think i just might wanna try building a comfy community, there are probably lil studios like that out there already! n their stuff is just gettin buried under the Big Boys n i just rarwaarrawr have Many Thoughts about this but i'm bAD AT WORDSS AA
if i! was the boss of my own studio! i wanna treat the people i work with as assets! investments! people to take care of! not like comsumeables :( thinkin that "i i can just replace them next week :]" i wanna make a comfy environment! n aNOTHER thing i get all aughuaghuah abt is! entry level experience paradox thingie!! wanna make a system, make it easy for interns to approach n learn stuff n get the experience they need! have lil protocols on how training new employees works! i'm young n naive but g od if i can't dream!!! aUGAUUSGAIUAGH
ok goodnight congrats of reaching the end of my "oh i was right about to fall asleep but brain wanted to think about the problems of the animation industry instead" ramblings i am handing u a muffin ty for reading ;;
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kikis-writing-world · 3 years
Friends and followers who write GoT fanfiction: how do y’all come up with names for people? Is there a database you use for “older” or “fantasy” names? I have a WIP that is just comsuming my brain and begging to be written, but I can’t find a name I like for the OC. Help?
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How are you? 💕
Hello anon!! Thank you for popping in! How are you? I hope you are having a nice day 😊❤️
I’m definitely in a better headspace lately. Though not by much lolol. There have been a lot of complications with trying to admit me because of my ed at the moment. But I’m having very regular check ups with my doctor and psychologist to try and get the ball in motion. I do hope it happens soon though because I don’t think I can be very strong for much longer ahaha. My physical health seems to be getting a bit worse. I have more intense and constant joint pains lately. I semi fainted the other day so that wasn’t fun ahaha. But I’ve recently discovered visual novels and have been playing them. They are really cute and lots of fun. I’ve also been playing ACNH. Haven’t been reading an awful lot. But that’s more because I don’t have the energy. I can’t get very far before I start falling asleep. My brain doesn’t like to be used right now ahah. I literally feel asleep while reading the other day but didn’t even know I’d fallen asleep till I woke up 2 hours later 😂😂
I really want to write too lately. I just can’t seem to find the motivation or energy to do it. Which is sad. But hopefully that changes. I haven’t cut for about a week now which is good. And I’ve only purged once whooooo. It’s getting pretty cold where I live so I’ve been snuggling up a lot lately. Feeling a bit trapped and stagnated in life. I feel like I’ll never be able to move forward but I hope those feelings pass. I even deleted my dating apps aha. I redownloaded them a couple times but for the most part I’ve been clean. Which has helped a bit. I’m still very anxious and hyperfixated I’m trying to find someone but I’m working on letting that go for now. I’m trying to tell myself I’m allowed to download it again once I get a job. Butttt with this whole covid thing going on that’s certainly not going to happen anytime soon. I’m at the point where I want to feel hopeful for life though. I’m hoping I can move past these feelings of feel as though my life is not my own and I have no choice in the matter of if I’m here or not. That type of thinking was making me resentful. I’m not there yet but maybe I’ll get there. Plus even if I wanted to do something I’m being so heavily monitored at the moment that I can’t really do anything for myself. So I suppose in that regards I really don’t have a choice aha. But all in all I think things are better. Still feeling bad about my sexuality but I’m at the point where I can talk about and comsume gay media now. And when I was getting groceries I saw who I presumed to be a lesbian couple and I didn’t go home and self harm or cry afterwards so honestly that’s a big plus aha.
Thank you for popping in ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you have a wonderful day!! 💗✨
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