#they hate follow so many commies
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new type of person whose main political output is praising small business (mother and father) and who can't stop talking about hasanabi

The exquisite irony of this person thinking the people who "praise" hasanabi being the same communists they hate follow while reblogging this:

And it's always the french revolution and guillotines with these types of people
Also looking through their blog it turns out the very suspect/weird tags I've seen being left on my posts lately have almost all been done by this one blog so go figure
#they hate follow so many commies#“the power of small business”#for the record this is not just a random user I found but someone who was being an asshole to another communist for selling art commissions
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Hi i’m sorry if this is weird but can you talk more about what’s making you leave teaching? I’m in the process of getting my masters rn and i’ve really loved my placement so far but admittedly i’m a little bit uh. scared. lol.
Oh, so many reasons!
Student behaviors are out of control with increasingly less support from parents, administration, and society in general. There’s always some little excuse for why the kid decided to threaten to throw a desk at multiple classmates or wrote “FUCK ME UP THE ASS” on classroom furniture, whether it’s magically the abusive commie teacher’s fault, the poor wittle bwaby uwu is just going through a hard time and needs a bag of Takis, another kid made them upset, etc. Gentle parenting and the over-reliance on giving kids the benefit of the doubt for genuinely atrocious behavior is going to result in a very fucked up generation of adults in the next ten or so years, so be ready for that.
There’s also too much extra paperwork that doesn’t contribute to effectively getting the job done in the classroom in any way. There’s always some stupid PD to go to, some random document that needs to be filled out and uploaded, some email or phone call that just HAS to be responded to by 12:30 PM no matter how much it interrupts actually, you know, teaching your class.
I’m also very pissed off about how my maternity leave was handled, among other things. I understood my leave would be unpaid, which sucks and is honestly unacceptable, but we managed with short term disability giving me 65% of my normal paycheck while I was out. While I was on leave, I also had to deliver checks to the office to pay for my insurance premiums at the threat of having those benefits taken away. What they DIDN’T make clear to me, however, was the fact that my pay rate would be “adjusted” when I came back, so I was also getting hundreds of dollars slashed from each paycheck even when I got back to work, up until the end of this past August. In short, the school district found some legal way to double dip on withholding pay from me for having the audacity to have a baby. It’s 2024, and yet we still have a female-dominated field where this sort of thing is considered expected and okay.
There are also just little things that take away passion from teaching and add up over time. I hate having literally everything I teach revolve around making the kids pass a stupid standardized test at the end of the year. I hate having admin come in and, instead of finding ways to help me and my coworkers grow, picking out “gotchas” to make us feel like we suck at our jobs. I can’t stand being limited by following to the letter exactly the lesson plans the district hands out to us. It’s impossible to handle 16 different IEP’s for individual students. There’s an unspoken expectation that we devote hours of our personal time outside of work to focusing on work-related things.
I haven’t had a huge outbreak in trichotillomania since high school, but my traditional bald patch has started to come back in the last couple of years, I suspect from all the stress and anxiety. When I look at what I want for myself in the next ten, twenty, thirty years, this job ain’t it, especially since I would need to take out another student loan to get a master’s degree if I want to advance anywhere outside of the classroom. I’m not willing to put myself through that anymore. 🤷🏼♀️
#the teacher shortage isn’t coming from nowhere#but instead of trying to fix it the powers that be are just like#‘’hmm how can we make this job even more impossible and miserable??’’#and then are all shocked pikachu face when teachers keep quitting
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"I am ghoulified...Inside youuuu~"

Soooo, even though I haven't played any of the games, the Fallout brainrot got me tight enough to binge the TV show AND learn some of the lore, cause HOLY SHIT, the attention to detail they put into it is impressive.
As some of you have probably seen, I did show some sneak peeks of this guy a few reblogs ago, but now here he is in full color!
Sooo, this is Mucky, a rather special ghoul due to the fact his hair has actually survived the massive doses of radioation he has gained and his incredibly slimy and filthy skin, which always looks like its melting down from intense heat. He's a bit of a celebrity in the wastelands, strolling around with his band looking for a good place to perform his music (which is the equivalent of 90s industrial rock, mind you).
Personality wise, he's pretty crass and cocky, but if you hit his right points, he can get pretty shy and flustered. Regardless, he's not exactly an asshole, for he can be pretty polite at times despite how violent his music can be.
(Backstory and fun facts under read more)
Before the Great War, Mucky's name used to be Michael (something he has long forgotten about). He was considered an outcast due to his rather radical way of thinking and not following the "American norms" of what's good and not, especially when it comes to music, one of his few favorite pasttimes and the only way he had to fully express himself.
However, ironically enough, music was also the thing that almost lead him to his doom. One day, the once human called Michael actually managed to release an album of his own music, and even though it wasn't a massive hit, it was very well beloved by specific groups of people, which were those that were unsatisfied with society.
Due to the fact his music could be considered "commie propaganda", Michael was almost murdered for this by none other than the Enclace. Yet oddly enough, what saved Mucky was the same thing that doomed humanity, for his failed assasination attempt happened the day the bombs fell.
Despite getting severely burnt and hit with a massive dose of radiation for him to turn into a ghoul, Michael survived the attack by hiding in a sewer, where something strange happened. Call it whatever kind of luck you want, but due to the radiation and his slowly melting skin, his body managed to mutate with the sewer waters, thus turning him into a foul smelling, slimy ghoul made of muck.
Hence his new name: Mucky. Promptly given by those who considered him a freak of nature (mostly humans who hate ghouls, obviously).
The rest of the years after the war remain fuzzy, but eventually, Mucky, alongsides a group of ghouls that found comfort in his music, made their way towards Necropolis, the city of the dead; where the filth ghoul settled down and, with an uncertain future but a strange yet newfound liberty, he started to work in his new albums to share with the rest of the wastelands. Be it with humans, ghouls, super mutants, it doesn't matter; for music is one of the reasons why he managed to remain sane even to this day.
And maybe the real reason why he hasn't gone feral yet.
Post-Fallout 1, Mucky obviously left Necropolis due to the Master's invasion on the city. Thankfully, he didn't leave alone, for two super mutants actually joined him as bandmates thanks to his mercy.
And so begins his life as a rockstar in the wastelands.
-Mucky has a little cat companion he named Scatticus, which he found in an abandone vault where they ran cruel experiments involving both animals and humans, which Scatticus is the only that remains. The cat, oddly enough, can talk due to a device that is linked both with his collar and his brain, and he's a sassy little bastard.
-Mucky has a love-hate relationship with old, 50s music, which really was another reason why many considered him a weirdo in pre-war times.
-Due to an incredibly strange chance of luck (and possibly genes), Mucky is one of the rare exceptions in which a ghoul could become a super mutant. While exploring a vault to look for equipment he could use in his instruments, the ghoul got ambushed by a pack of irradiated wolves that gave him chase, with one of them alongsides him falling into a vat that was full of an alternate, very rare version of the Forced Evolutionary Virus. From it came crawling away a large, filth covered wolf, the complete contrary of the scrawny ghoul.
Luckily, if you can even say that, once he grew exhausted enough, Mucky reverted back to his ghoul form. However, there is still the chance he can revert back to that hellhound, especially if there's massive amounts of radiation neraby...
-Mucky is originally from Ohio, but due to the fact he spent pretty much of the time out in the open after the war "touring", that gave him a great amount of knowledge regarding the wastelands and the commonwealths he could get in. If you need a trip somewhere, he will gladly take you there. Though, he might ask for something in return...
-Mucky can be pretty skilled with technology, even using pieces of weapons as ways he can improve the sound of his instruments when playing.
-He's a huge menace to both the Enclace and the BoS, especially with the fact his skin and foul stench can corrode metals. Yes, even the one from a power armor.
That's as much as I can name about him, but if you have any questions about Mucky, please ask! I'm pretty new into Fallout, so if I have made any mistakes or it's there anything I could change, please do let me know, cause really, I mostly made this OC for fun.
#is this one of the Trent Reznor based OC I was talking about? YUP#It was so easy I guess. The post-apocalypse vibes really fit with a lot of NIN music tbh#but uh yeah#look at my self-indulgent trash :p#mucky#my OCs#Fallout#fallout OCs#classic fallout#fallout 1#fallout 2#fallout 3#fallout 4#fallout tv series#my art
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But why though?
So I recently saw a post talking about how LGBT people are suing tumblr or some related company that acquired them due to "Human rights violations" because "LGBT most affected by porn ban" and I got to thinking about something.
Why are you standing behind this movement? No really people need to ask themselves this. Love and Sex are NOT the same. And when the Pride movement was ABOUT love, or so the claim went, most libertarians and other people in the middle were like, "Ok yeah no love who you want so long as they are an adult". Yet, if you look at pride from the Mid 00's until now less than 2% of it is about love. 98% of it is about genitals, sex, and kink/fetishes. Which honestly I've long since noticed that but it took me a while to realize what the implication is.
Consider the following. Many people in the 90's and 00's thought that if gay marriage because a thing the world would become a more degenerate place overall. I now stand here in 2024 and look at the world and they were right. Non consenting Kink displays in pride parades. Sex acts broadly in public. Movies like "Cuties" being praised by the broader Q-mmunity. Sexaul shaped things being sold at pride. Anatomically correct mannequins in lewd sex positions in shop windows during pride.
So basically. It was never about love. Sure for the earliest gen Y and most of Gen X it was but the parades? Kind of prove you just want to be as degenerate as possible in public. And the "Human rights violation investigation" tells me more. So what? Porn banned LGBT most affected? You DO realize what that makes you look like correct? It makes you look like a bunch of sex obsessed degenerates who feel it is your "Right" to view porn. I'm not against porn like a lot of people that follow me but you best believe that if you keep up this behavior more people WILL be for banning it. And more people WILL become far less accepting than they already are of LGBT stuff in general. You all go so vocal about taking everyone in that you forgot to gatekeep the crazy ones out. Now they are the BRAND that companies try to cater to. Meaning it all gets put in public front row and center.
Some groups are taking a stand but it's not enough. More need to.
I need to be able to look at people on the left and not see fat, lazy, violent degenerates. Because that's what I so often see. The "Fat acceptance movement" the "I don't want to work but everyone else should support me" movement IE Commy fucks. The "Health is a myth and only big people are valid". The "If you appear to be white any and all bad things that happen to you are perfectly fine" crowd. I don't like pointing any of this crap out but here we are.
And more to the point. The reason the top bit pisses me off is because you lunatics are making things worse for the SANE lgbt people. IE: Friends of mine. Friends that HATE that their entire movement has been boiled down to "We own kink as a concept and sex degeneracy". You don't own kink. You don't OWN sex. And most of you need to really dig deep and start learning the term CONSENT. Especially if you believe Kink should be at your parades. It should not be. And given the degenerate nature of a lot of the parades? Neither should kids.
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I'm gonna rant and vent
I'm gonna rant and vent about people I consider my brethren, my comrades, and my peers. I'm 100% not interested in debating or arguing with anyone at all so don't expect that if you message me.
I fucking hate election year. Every 4 years it's the same god damn song and dance and every other election it's worse and worse. And I'm not talking about some shitty pat ourselves on the back, circle jerking feel good about yourself garbage where I preach to the choir and we all sing "Yeah I feel that way too!"
I'm talking about Leftists, specifically, American Leftists (as I am American this will be therefore be from the point of view of one and my grievances will henceforth be specifically about "AMERICAN" Leftists so foh with your "That's an american centric view" shit).
I'm gonna preface what I'm about to say by stating the obvious. I am a leftist. Whether you fucking like it or not, whether you agree with me being one or not, I am. I don't hate leftists, as hard as this rant will make that easy to believe. I'm just very bothered by trends I see among them. They bother me because, unlike conservatives, I actually want leftists to "win". I actually want us to succeed. But in case your world view is black and white to the point you need me spelling it out for you, yes I am a leftist, I agree with leftists, and I am absolutely repulsed by Conservatism.
Now let me get into the meat and potatoes of what I want to bitch about. Basically, in the past, whenever I saw people bemoan that leftists are largely signal virtuing, morally uptight, jerkasses I thought of it as nothing more than the typically reactionary pant shitting rhetoric we've come to expect from Right-Wing discourse. And to be fair, back than, in the early-mid 2010s it probably was. But now? I don't fucking know anymore, it really does seem like at the very least a worryingly large amount of leftists think they're a part of some clique or social group and don't understand both the implications and power of their own standing. Particularly and most especially when it comes to voting. Let me tell you something, something really fucking important. You have nothing, you are nobody, and you are mostly powerless to do anything at all...EXCEPT for one thing, and that's voting. Yes, you can call your senator and congressperson but even thats only really gonna work if your congressperson or senator is one that'll even consider your interests. Do you think people in Lauren Boebert's district feel confident calling her to complain about trans issues? Yeah no. Every single fucking vote, every single god damn one matters and you can fuck off with your "both parties are the same" and "voting doesn't matter" bullshit. One party is waging a culture war on our entire nation, one party wants to make sure you're following a rigid social hierarchy, one party wants to turn Christianity into state law, one party wants to drape everything in repugnant Christian Nationalism and it's not Democrats.
Yes, yes it sucks that we can only pick from the two. No, no voting third party is not an option, we do not get the privilege of living in a country with a multi-party system. The DNC and the RNC both respectively own the two whole halves of the media industry in the United States, and no I'm not making that up. As cool and based as you think you look here on tumblr preaching about how we'll all vote for some super sick Ultra-Commie Socialist Dream party it's not going to happen. How many people will be inspired by you organizing on tumblr? in public even? on campus? Do you know the statistics you'd need? 2020 had an election turn out of 154 MILLION people! over 81 Million of them voted for Biden, and 74 Million of them voted for Trump! Now let's do a hypothetical, and lets be god damn realistic about it okay? REALISTICALLY, you and your lefty friends will never, ever, in all your attempts and rhetoric and debate, will ever be able to convince a MAGA Trump supporter from 2020 to vote for the Green Party. It will. Not. Happen. So that 74 Million? That stays, you get none of that. But, you could probably convince Progressives and Liberals who voted for Biden to do so (you know, if you actually want to shut the fuck up for 10 seconds and stop crying about how much you claim you hate them so all your friends nod and clap at you for being a super cool edgy leftist). So okay, let's be REALLY optimistic, let's say you convince like 20 million of those people who would've voted for Biden to vote for you, lets be even more optimistic and say you started with a base of 2 million people. I want you to keep this in mind that 2 Million people alone would be a record for the green party. In 2020 they had a popular vote of 406,000, literally less than half a million. But I digress. You're at 22 Million people, now lets consider people who didn't vote in 2020. That's 80 Million people, but, BUT, that's not a big pool of 80 million for you to grab from. We need to consider statistics first. Out of that 80 Million only roughly 30% of them didn't vote specifically because they either were undecided or didn't like the candidates. Therefore your actual pool of candidates interested in voting for you is 56 Million people. If you were only able to convince 20 million Biden voters, chances are you'd convince even less undecided voters. Realistically you should only get a hairs fraction of voters but, I'm trying to make a point here so lets say you get the largest share of Undecided Voters, somehow you're just super cool and based and you convince 30 million to vote for you. Not you have 54 Million votes. Congratulations, you have made US History by being the most voted for third party in the history of the US. You have beaten the previous record set by Jo Jorgensen in 2020 by a whopping 52 Million Votes (yes, really, that's the most a third party has ACTUALLY ever gotten before, just shy of 2 million votes). Despite your epic feel good win, the Orange piece of shit running against you, who has been galvanizing his base and everyone from the most fervant of maga's to your needle dick co-worker you kind of get along with despite voting republican for "fiscal" reasons, has surpassed his previous record by a little bit, he only really pooled in about a million more....which is 75 Million voters. Which is over 20 million people more than you.
Now I get it, I hear you barkin' big dog, we don't decide elections on popular vote, it's decided on the Electoral College. My point here is showing you how unfeasible third parties really truly are. This isn't a movie, this isn't like someone's gonna make some grand speech and everyone claps and comes to their senses and all of a sudden votes for "the right candidate". No, for a party that's NOT Libertarian to get even 10 million people to vote for them would be a historical precedent. And you don't need me to tell you that 10 million people is not nearly enough people spread across 50 states to make up for the electorate you'd need to win an election.
So why is this important? Why is it important we vote against republicans instead of voting for whatever helps us sleep at night, makes us feel good, and makes us look super "in" with our buddies online? Uh, because republicans will continue to do the things they're doing so long as they see it as a means to make themselves electable. Sure, some people say "well it's not MY fault it's the dems faults for not being GOOD enough for me to vote for them" and to that I say pbbbbth, you fucking KNOW better. You KNOW better, because you're a leftist, how dangerous fascism is, how bad and poisonous and terrible Traditionalism is. Consider this, another hypothetical okay? Everyone is so disgusted by the perils of conservatism they unite, as they did in 2020, to vote against them. They do it again in 2024, They do it again in 2028, and a 4th time in 2032. You've now had two full term presidents in the United States, will that make the conservatives go away? no. But will it swing the pendulum back? Yes! YES IT WILL! Politicians only give a shit about one thing and thats GETTING ELECTED. And if those mother fuckers start to realize that conservatism is an UNWINNABLE position, than they will, at the least, begin to abandon Conservatism as a platform for their party.
At the moment, that's NOT what's happening. Instead, we have Conservatives emboldened by 40 years of Reagan Rhetoric slowly shifting the pendulum ever more right. They've been doing it for 4 god damn decades okay, and you think 1 term from a dem president is going to start shifting it back? Fuck. The Fuck. Off. Dems are, from a global perspective, a centre-right party. When and if they do anything to "shift" the pendulum left, it's going to be shifted less to the left and more toward the "centre". Right now THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT!!!! YOU WANT THAT!!! HAVING THE PENDULUM FARTHER AWAY FROM THE RIGHT IS A /GOOD/ THING BECAUSE RIGHT NOW ITS DANGEROUSLY FAR TO THE RIGHT.
This shit doesn't make me liberal, this shit makes me pragmatic. I DONT. LIKE. CONSERVATIVES. I'm guessing if you've read this far /YOU/ probably don't either (or at least you claim to). But I don't hate them because they're rhetoric is bad, because they act like bigots or say mean/offensive things. I hate them because I genuinely hate their ideology, I hate their beliefs, I think everything they want for you and me and society at large is a fucking POISON to us as a modern, progressive society. And that's for obvious reason, they don't WANT us to be a modern, progressive society. If you've hated conservatives this entire time because of any "shocking" or "apalling" things you've seen or heard from them or that MSNBC or your lefty friends have shown you (including me) than I'm sorry but you're hating them for the wrong reasons. I mean, not that it isn't valid to hate someone for being a dick head. But your repulsion, your disgust should run deeper than that. You should be terrified and stop at nothing to want to crush Conservative ideology from the grip it has on American society. The vast majority of conservatives want to kill you, do you understand that? Whether that's because of their bigoted views, or because of LITERALLY CENTURY LONG WORTH OF PROPAGANDA AGAINST LEFTIST AND SOCIALIST VALUES they see you as a threat and want you dead. As much as they point and ridicule "libs" and "liberals" like you do, the liberals will be fine. It's YOU who won't be, it's YOU who should be hating them the most. And from what I see, you don't. Because if leftists truly felt threatened by conservatism they'd be stopping at nothing to rid it from our system. Instead, Leftists are more concerned with policing themselves, more concerned with having some super cool "hot take" on whoever the current president is. Leftists are more comfortable being the edgy outcasts, and if they're successful, they're not outcasts anymore. Fuck that. I haven't claimed leftism my entire life since I was 13 (I'm 30 now) just cuz I wanted to be edgy, and different. I didn't want to "look smart" and prove some "moral superiority" over people. You can do that shit with literally any political ideology. I claimed Leftism as my political ideology because it is, to me, the most pragmatic to ending universal suffering. And with that, I want leftism as an ideology to prevail and succeed. Not remain in the fucking shadows, ever caught on the side-lines of a worsening tug-o-war between Liberals and Fascists.
And most importantly of all, I want this to succeed, it NEEDS to succeed. And to do that we MUST unify, divide, and conquer. Yes, that means at least for a while we have to unify with Liberals. Our battle right now should be with the scourge of Fascism. The Soviet's didn't turn their guns mid-way through fighting the Nazi's cuz "erm actually the Allies are cringe too" no, they fucking united against a common, worse enemy. In fact, let me dive into the Nazi's cuz there's an interesting tid bit here. The Weimar republic, pre-Nazi rise, was composed of like 3 "left" wing parties. Needless to say by US standards all 3 of these parties would be considered left of Democrats but I digress. The refusal of all 3 of these parties to unite and caucus together created fractions in the political system of Germany at the time. This made it way fucking easier for the Nazi's to come in and sweep things up afterwards. There's many reasons WHY they were fractured, but those are beside the point of what I am trying to say here. It's like, that one part from Sun Tzu's Art Of War that people actually remember: "Divide and Conquer" with political division, the Nazi's easily just swept in and destroyed them. Do not forget, Fascism is an inherently authoritarian ideology. It is therefore organized and demands rigid conformity. If we do not unite, we will be easier to break apart and fall victim to it's clutches.
Finally, and lastly, I think this last part just comes from our horrible education system in the US. I understand many people probably didn't take Civics in high school, to those people I am sorry. As there's no way you could get how our system works because the system itself failed to educate you. If you did take civics in high school, or god forbid college, than you fucking know better. YOU! WILL NOT! CHANGE ANYTHING! IN A MEASLY 4! FUCKING! YEARS!
I know what we want, I know because I share a lot of the same values as you, even if I don't share your methods. I also know them because I've been reading you people post about them for the better part of like 15 years! NOTHING YOU WANT TO SEE IN GOVERNMENT, NONE OF THE CHANGES YOU WANT TO SEE HAPPEN! NONE OF THEM ARE GONNA HAPPEN IN ONE PRESIDENCY! Need I remind you that the current state of affairs has been shifted to the Right over a process that has taken FOURTY! FUCKING! YEARS!? and you think somehow that you'll just come in with some super cool epic revolutionary spirit and change shit in a couple years? That's not realistic! IT's just! NOT! But that doesn't mean we CANT change things. Yes, it does mean we have to change things slowly, it DOES mean we have to play the long game. But guess what, the Conservatives have been playing the long game since that shit bag Reagan leaked poisonous venom from his gunshot wound in DC. In fact they've probably been doing it longer, from 1965.
You wanna know if things can get worse? You already know the answer to that, yes. Yes things can get worse. Yes a society can advance forward, only to move backward. This literal exact fucking thing happened once in modern history, and it took 3 major super powers to defeat it.
Leftism isn't a fucking club, it's not a circle jerk for all of us to feel good about ourselves for being intellectuals and morally upright people. It's a fucking political ideology, that's it. It's not one of your fandoms. So no, you don't need to spend all the energy spent arguing with and debating with every other leftist and YES I know how that sounds coming from me. As much as this rant will have you assume otherwise I don't really spend much time debating other leftists. Mostly because a good chunk of leftists are way too reactionary to give me a charitable and honest platform. Anyone you disagree with is a fascist. And yes I've ACTUALLY had people call me this before. You dilute the term, you HELP the fascists this way. Fascism is a very specific evil, it's not just people who disagree with you. Sometimes, you will feel uncomfortable about the views other leftists have. That's normal. That doesn't mean they're "Liberal" or "Fascists". Again, this isn't a little pow wow where we sit around and agree with each other and get super psyched together about our favorite piece of political theory, and than if someone says something we disagree with we just kick them out of the circle. That's not how that works. That's not how any functional political movement succeeds. Right now, you and I have ZERO seats at the table, we don't exist on the grand political spectrum, as much as the GOP tries to fear monger that we do. So yes, we will have to unify sometimes with people we don't like. We will have to agree to disagree and come together for a common enemy.
I know this will change literally nobody's mind but I just really needed to get all of these thoughts out. I want them out and I want people to read them so that they can at least SEE the perspective of leftists outside their fucking echo chamber. Our division is NOT conducive to our success. We are going to /FAIL/ because the pendulum will keep going to the right. It'll fail cuz we are more concerned about making a choice that makes us feel morally vindicated than one that is pragmatic. I have nothing else to say anymore. Fuck Americans. Fuck all of them. Fuck all the American Conservatives. Fuck all the American Liberals. Fuck all the American Leftists. And Fuck all the undecided pieces of shit who couldn't decide whether or not they want to vote against fascism or let it slip on in. Fuck all of you, you uneducated, feel-good, self-satisfying, non-communitarian, individualistic, pigs of society. I sincerely wish I was born in literally any other country because at least than I wouldn't have to deal with being around some of the most inane, vapid, superficial fucking human beings on the planet. American Society is a god damn joke. Only above Israel. And that's not a bar you should be proud of.
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A list of every sekai oc from least communist to most communist bc i am bored and my pfp mostly everywhere is a commie miku:
20- Akito.
He is probably like a crypto dude until An kicked his ass and convinced him otherwise. He just has the vibes im sorry.
19- Mafuyu.
She just follows whatever her mom does so far, her mom is a big capitalis
18- Kanade
Here we start the neutral ones. Kanade doesn't know a single shit about politics she just wanna nap, valid, queen.
17- Shizuku
She has been an idol with money since as a child, i dont think she knows exactly why people are fighting, but she's on the side of fucking human rights :D.
16- Honami
She's afraid to speak up because of her classmates but she is starting to try and actually be on the side of who she believes in, thanks leoni, Go Honami!
15- Touya
He's going simply against his dad. He doesn't even know if he believes in it that much but he will defend it
14- Haruka
She's a bit confused but Airi is teaching her the ropes
13- Shiho
She's just silently on the commie side and would punch anyone who threatens her but she also kind of grew up rich so she's a bit confused at some things
12- Minori
She's a commie at heart but she's bad at economic and politics so she can't explain her thought very well and her arguments arent thw best
11- Kohane
She's always been against capitalism but not communist… until An. Now Kohane is going in
10- Tsukasa.
He forgets he's bi bc he's chanting for gay rights for Saki i love him.
"Of course i support gay rights my sister is gay"
"Onii-chan, you're also bi"
"... Oh right"
9- Nene
No Rui friend is a capitalist, duh, she hates Elon Musk with all that she have. But she considered investing one time too many to be higher.
8- Saki
Girlie may have lived a sheltered and kinda isolated life but the old ladies at the hospital have a lot of knowledge and some of them include GUILLOTINE
7- Ichika
No idea why just vibes, she doesn't feel like she'd be quiet about politics but i can't explain the reason why shes this high other than she has a lot of communist vibes
6- Mizuki
Does not buy clothes from big chains, they see an outfit from there that they like and recreate it themselves, its canon i know Mizuki personally
5- Airi
Man she would punch a nazi no second guessing. Go go Airi.
4- Emu
She may be rich but she studied economics and she hates capitalism, she had a bit to unlearn but Rui taught her well. Plus like. The wxs storyline is the most commie thing ever
3- Rui.
He literally would arson a bank or a billionaire house if you gave him the idea
2- Ena
Need I say more? She was actually gonna be first place but my friend realized she would fight about it more online then actually be on frontlines
1- An
She literally was created being know by the whole street. Takes a community to raise a child? Yeah thats An, of course she's communist. Leader of the communist rebellion im telling you

This all taken from before main story but on like. 3 cases. Bc its easier.
#i hate that it doesnt let me get 20 pics so yall just get top like 8#and some others that fit#project sekai#proseka#pjsekai#colorful stage#puroseka#prosekai#tsukasa tenma#an shiraishi#minori hanasato#ena shinonome#akito shinonome#mafuyu asahina#shizuku hinomori#kanade yoisaki#honami mochizuki#touya aoyagi#haruka kiritani#shiho hinomori#kohane azusawa#nene kusanagi#saki tenma#ichika hoshino#mizuki akiyama#airi momoi#emu ootori#rui kamishiro#toya aoyagi#emu otori
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TF2 Headcanons: Clones
This has been simmering for a bit, so here is what’s been cooked up so far.
So basically, the entire BLU team are clones of the RED team. The RED team was doing so well against the original BLU team that they decided to clone the RED team. What better enemy than yourself, right? Well, Blutarch was rather upset with this. In my eyes, Blutarch is smarter than Redmond, but not smart enough to avoid this entire gravel war. He decided that the clones needed to be better than the RED team. Each BLU mercenary will be practically the same person as their RED counterpart, but there are key differences, some of which being their names. Here is the list of changes:
- Not much was changed about him, but BLU Scout was made to be less talkative. It was assumed that Scout’s ability to constantly ramble on would be an annoyance, but they were wrong. Scout’s constant blabbering on the RED team was a key factor in their cooperation.
- They removed his patriotism for America, since they thought his obsession with it was stupid. But since BLU Soldier isn’t patriotic, he doesn’t really have a reason to fight. RED Soldier was fighting for his country against the commies, but BLU Soldier is just a guy with a rocket launcher.
- I headcanon that Pyro is just a flameproof suit brought to life with magic (more on that in a later post). It’s pretty hard to replicate magic though, so BLU Pyro is just a robot. His design was key in Grey Mann’s takeover, as it was the first robot mercenary.
- Made him sober. Problem is, what made RED Demo so unpredictable was his drunkedness. BLU Demoman is stronger than RED Demo, with more precise attacks that do more damage. However, he is much more predictable, and therefore easier to dodge.
- Pretty much unchanged. He can speak English better though, but that doesn’t do anything since there is no trust on the BLU team.
- More cooperative and less insane. Straight up improvement, except he’ll listen to anyone and everyone on the BLU team, even if they tell him to do something stupid since he’s desperate for appreciation.
- Not as insane. But RED Medic’s insanity is what led to so many breakthroughs on the team. RED was definitely first to discover the power of most Mediguns, since BLU Medic is a tad more squeamish about shoving a heart into a ribcage with no anesthesia.
- Them: “Make him stop pissing in jars it’s disgusting”
Sniper with no Jarate and now down one of his most powerful weapons: “ok”
Seriously though, BLU Sniper just doesn’t scare off the RED Spy as much as the RED Sniper. Piss is the only thing preventing that knife from lodging in his back.
- A Spy’s job is to trust no one, and BLU Spy follows that to the end. He will not hesitate to stab all of his teammates in the back. He’ll never come out of his shell like the RED Spy did. But just like Engineer, he seeks appreciation for his job.
The amount of work and money it took to clone the original team was too much, and they were stuck with these clones. In the end, the BLU team hated each other while the RED team depended on each other. Cooperation is key in an endless war over gravel, and if the BLU team doesn’t master that soon, they’ll soon be having a problem on their hands.
(The BLU team mercs would have the same backstory as the RED team mercs, their only difference being their names.)
i guess you could say that the real victory was the friends we made along the way-
[ If anyone ever uses these headcanons for anything, I would like credit. I just want to establish some sort of presence on the internet, I guess. I’ve come up with ideas in my head that someone else online writes up a day before I even write it down. ]
#TF2#tf2 scout#TF2 soldier#tf2 pyro#tf2 demoman#tf2 heavy#tf2 engineer#tf2 medic#TF2 Sniper#tf2 spy#tf2 headcanons#tf2 mercs#Time is Golden AU
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I can really tell that there genuinely is a migration of Twitter users onto Tumblr because there has been an influx of people following this blog so HELLO SYSTEM TWITTER BIRDS. Good luck with the culture shock cause Tumblr asshats are asshats and not prone to changing how we Do Things TM /affectionate
In this house we
Don't really care about syscourse or engage in (other than "tulpa" being a term people have to stop using for cultural appropriative reasons - sincerely a Buddhist-adjacent S/SE Asian)
Do not give a shit about being "cringey" about our disorder
Support and embrace fusion as a positive thing
Do not open up arguments about race with white people
Always reblog "Reblog to explode a TERF" cause we hate TERFs
Love gender and queer shit 10/10 love that shit - sincerely a gender queer shit
Are obsessed with far too many things including birds, music, guitar, video games, research, psychology, birds + psychology research, birds, did I say birds and whatever the hell is on our interest / mind at the time
Stan good faith label and identities
Commie Posting TM
Love and support our Cluster B peers~~
Post what ever the fuck we feel like uwu
Are 2 kewl 4 skewl (no we aren't- except for XIV)
Idk I'm just listing off things off the top of my head cause I don't take this blog seriously at all these days
Just like pull up a chair and enjoy the dumpster that is our collective brain cause like
Yeah thats what you sign up for when following this blog ngl
Who knows what is gonna be info dumped on you
Or what birds I feel like all my mentally ill mutuals need to see to lighten their day
Or whatever idk man just good luck and welcome to tumblr, if you survive you become one of us, if you die then you weren't suited anyways
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Oh wow! Thank you so much for sharing! For the sake of my response, I'm going to start at the end of your post and work upwards.
(For those following along at home, click the READ MORE. I'm doing this because this is going to be another long post. Sorry!)
(I've boiled each of your paragraphs/points/bullets down to just one sentence purely so you know which paragraph/point/bullet I'm referring to.)
-Discord is addicting.
I'm not sure if I would say Discord is addicting per se. You could make an argument that changing the notification icon for server posts from a number to just a dot, which scared a lot of my friends in the beginning, as it looks close to the symbol for something recording, makes it so how many you've missed is a mystery. For me, and those who may agree with me, it makes it easier to know when someone is trying to reach out to me or a group role I'm a part of.
-Discord is practically extorting you.
If we had met long ago, when Nitro just came out, I would be completely opposed to this idea. That being said, I don't like their new pricing model for Nitro at all, but I feel obligated to pay for it if I want to share any file with my friends easily, especially if those files are pieces of art or large word documents. Most of their "perks" for the $10/month plan are really stupid, especially the themes, and I simply just don't use them. I really just need the 500 MB upload, longer messages, and using emoji's outside of their servers of origin. You brought up the trend of cars locking physical features behind software paywalls, and I also hate that, but I want to save talking about that for a future day.
-Discord's official clients are awful.
I... can't argue with you there. I use Better Discord because I'm starting to want to decorate my digital spaces to be reflections of my tastes. I have yet to set up backup channels of communications with some of my friends that I, as of now, can only communicate through Discord in the event that Daddy Discord comes for my ass, but I hope to rectify that soon.
-Discord is closed source.
This one I have to disagree with you on. Even though I am a communist, a filthy, filthy commie, I stand by having some things be closed source. We don't necessarily need to know the source code for everything. I don't need to know the source code for my printer's OS or my tablet's driver software. I will say, however, that them constantly changing their API every now and again is a tad silly, especially when one of the communities I'm a part of has a custom bot that breaks when the API changes.
-Discord has horrible privacy.
This is something I know far too well. I would probably be better off if I took my personal Discord server, used a tool to export all those channels into text documents, and then have those text documents on my keychain flashdrive. It would arguably be far more secure that way. We also know that Discord has, in the past, just given information over to the police at the first scent of an investigation; this was probably done in a way to cover their asses. There's also the fact that there was that one Minecraft Discord server that had the massive government document leak on it, so we might see the CEO be questioned by Congress.
-Not trusting tech startups.
This is something I think about from time to time. Not just with tech startups, but websites in general. If you are not paying for something, then you, yourself, are the product that others, in most cases: advertisers, are paying for. We know this is the philosophy for many websites, with a special spotlight on YouTube/Google, Facebook, and Twitter, and it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
-Discord is a walled garden.
I have nothing to argue about. Every time that I have to join a Discord server to get answers, my soul cries out in pain.
With that all being said, Discord is a deeply flawed program that the developers seem to making weirder and worse changes every few months, quarters, or years. In the beginning, and to some extent still, it was a great alternative to Skype. You could have a "server" that acted as an envelope for all of the different chat rooms you and your friends made. Nowadays, however, it feels like a weird mix of forums and I.M. chatrooms. I have extremely conflicting feelings about Discord. I both love it for the ease of communication but also hate it for everything it.
This has been quite a fruitful discussion, and I do hope we run into each other again in the future! Happy web-crawling, comrade!
Tumblr and The Old Internet Re-Awakens, An Opinion Essay
This is going to be a super long post about my thoughts on the current state of the internet, with a chunk of what I'm about to say having been stuff I've already said elsewhere on other sites. To save your dash, I'll be putting a READ MORE break.
The fact that Twitter and Reddit have basically been destroyed by their own hubris is both hilarious and sad. It's funny because "ha ha rich man's hubris" but also sad because this is very emblematic of the current direction many social media companies that have been at the top for too long are going.
Ever since the muskrat purchased Twitter, it was clear from the beginning that something seriously wrong had happened, with worse decisions to follow. Something I hadn't realized was just how extensive the ripple effects of this would be. Reddit is now being destroyed by their leader's desire for more and more money, as if they needed any more.
I've been having this conversation with my friends via Discord and with strangers on the Starmen dot net forums. The writing is on the walls. The internet is moving towards a future that caters to advertisers more than its users. If there's even the slightest hint of getting more money by screwing over users, the higher ups of a given site will be chomping at the bit.
Where does that leave us?
Well, with Reddit and Twitter both now in a state of complete and total self-destruction, albeit rather slowly, we have seen an influx of new and returning users. Fantastic! I love when an old place gets new life breathed into it.
That being said, I don't believe that Tumblr is the bastion of The Old Internet, far from it, and many of you would agree.
Instead, I think that the resurgence in Tumblr's popularity could be just the first step towards the return of The Old Internet. We have the power to go back to the days of making our own websites. Information on web design and web programming are available online for free, in addition to many places offering free hosting services for a basic website or blog that don't need many bells or whistles (just don't go to GoDaddy).
Tumblr, in my opinion, once you know how to use the advanced editing tools, can make for a great "Baby's First Web Blog." There are some users on here that have made GORGEOUS blogs that will absolutely blow you away.
What about peer-to-peer communications?
We've seen that Discord has been another victim to the plague that is internet gentrification. They've removed the discriminators for usernames, had a store put in, and so many other little changes that have consistently annoyed the end users.
That being said... Discord is not going to be falling apart anytime soon. It's still a fantastic way to connect with many people at once and have quick access to all your different communities.
However, you could make the case, and I certainly try to, that internet forums fulfill the same thing. It is true that forums for many topics have drifted into the void of internet history, but is that not simply the nature of the internet? Communities sprout up, thrive, have an internal way, break apart, and start anew. We've seen that with many Discord servers, albeit rather small ones.
I will still hold my ground that forums should be revitalized if we truly want to go back to the days of old.
What does the future hold?
I... don't know. Despite my vast horde of opinions, research, and second-hand accounts of what The Old Internet was like and how The Current Internet is becoming, I cannot say for absolute certainty that we will see a total collapse of these tech empires. At the very least, however, I do believe that they will become hollowed shells of their former selves.
I have yet to talk about YouTube and its history, and, to be quite frank with you all, I simply must avoid that topic for now. All I will say is that I implore my fellow content creators, specifically those that create Video On-Demand content for YouTube and TikTok, to look into creating your own websites to host your content in the event that something happens to these empires, too. If you don't have offline copies of your videos, do so when you can.
That will be it for now. Thank you for reading this essay. I love your faces. Stay safe.
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what the fuck is wrong with you lol
Definitely not what you're thinking.
I never once defended Nazis by saying 'They were just following orders', I said 'threatened and indoctrinated'.
Seriously? This is the worst thing you could come up with? Hiring former Nazi scientists for the Space Race?
This isn't even unique to the US- Russia did the same thing.
So even if I considered 'hiring former scientists from the Nazi regime' to be the same or worse than 'firing an innocent animal that is effectively wired to trust and love humans due to hundreds, thousands of years of evolution and leaving the scientists who actually KNEW and LOVED that dog with her death on their heads all for their political pissing contest'- Russia at this time would have still been worse.
And considering that these scientists were either indoctrinated or threatened like many Nazis were- Yeah, those commie fuck sticks aren't getting any points from me.
I find it rather hard to believe that 1600 people would all or most of would be evil.
And if this is about the 'racist' thing-
You might want to revisit this comment because-
Wouldn't BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION indicate this is not an admission or acknowledgement but rather a sarcastic use of the word to indicate someone fucking up?
(2) Knight Of Balance: Redux on Tumblr
This is what they were calling racist.
This doesn't even make a statement ON any racial group, let alone a negative one based on being said racial group.
It's a fuck you to a racist theory that lumps several groups together with other groups that historically HATED and OPPRESSED them (the irish and italians with the english and english americans) just to create an us vs. them dynamic.
You know, what the Nazis did. Because the difference between CRT and whatever you call Hitler's delusions is a coat of paint.
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“I’ve seen religion from Jesus to Paul” I always thought that line wasn’t about John worshipping Paul, but about other people worshipping Paul. I mean, John is criticising religion in this song, he’s criticising worship. He didn’t believe in Jesus, so “from Jesus to Paul” doesn’t seem like it’s supposed to be about himself and his religions imo. I always thought it was about beatlemania and how people worship Paul like a god when in reality he’s just as flawed as any of us. It’d fit with John being mad at Paul.
I might be wrong of course! I never thought about it as John saying he worshipped Paul, so my point of view isn’t really well thought out or anything. It’s just what goes through my head when I listen to the song. I hope you don’t think I disagree with you or anything 🥺 I just love discussing mclennon
No, I think you’re right, but I also believe it’s more complicated than that.
I found something, and I find it really interesting:
“In this angry and bitter song Lennon attacks a number of falsehoods such as the idolatry of the Beatles and how he is the focus for many of those involved in the peace movement.” [x]
It’s incredibly curious how John went with using only Paul’s name, if that’s what this song is supposed to be about. If it’s supposed to be about the whole band itself, why only use Paul’s name in it? Why be so direct as that? We know why—
“The lyrics are some of Lennon’s most vitriolic, taking shots at religion, his parents, drugs, and even his former songwriting partner (“I seen religion from Jesus to Paul”). It presents a clear perspective on the past, a theme he would revisit on the Imagine album’s ‘Oh My Love’ the following year.” [x]
Now that make’s better sense, since I don’t believe this was taking a shot directly at The Beatles and the period of idolatry (Beatlemania), but taking direct shots at Paul.
It’s hypocritical for him to basically claim people were worshipping Paul like some God or religion, when John was being no better in basically being quite obsessive about the man. The opposite of love isn’t hate, but indifference.
And again, if this song is supposed to be about criticizing the worship and idolatry of The Beatles, why is he only directly referencing Paul McCartney?
Doesn’t add up.
To me this song is not only for John to “air out” his supposed grievances, and emotions/feelings towards Paul, but to be petty, and lash out at his ex-partner.
This song screams scorned lover to me, someone who’s clearly hurt, deeply hurt, and is lashing out and using music to convey how he feels. I don’t agree that it presents a clear perspective on the past, because it’s John in the 70s and we all must acknowledge that 70s John is not at all a reliable narrator, and often contradicted himself in interviews and double backed on what he’d say about the past, and what he had to say or feel about Paul. It’s his perspective, that’s true, but more-so a skewed perspective on not only the past, but of his feelings at the time and heat of the moment, towards Paul.
John was probably not only envious (To John, Paul is stable, he’s put together, and John recognized and acknowledged that Paul was extraordinarily talented and could very well succeed without him), but hurt that Paul, it seemed, didn’t need him to get along. A fear that most likely rooted and became a nagging insecurity, after Paul unleashed Yesterday in 1965, and then came the questions of whether Paul would leave The Beatles (John) and start a solo career.
It’s obvious that the band broke up because of what was going on between John and Paul, their falling out due to John’s growing lack of involvement due to his use of heroin, which made him unapproachable and testy, his unhealthy escapism into Yoko and her influence/presence. In the end, it’s no real surprise that Paul left. John resented it, even if it was his fault, his doing and behavior that left Paul with no other choice then to abandon ship.
So, Paul left him, and was planning on going solo, and launching his own band in the next year.
Now let me point something out put on your tinfoil hats let’s see if I don’t lose any of you here lol—
Now that I showed you what I been through Don't take nobody's word what you can do There ain't no Jesus gonna come from the sky Now that I found out I know I can cry I, I found out I, I found out
Okay, so I’m reading the two lyrics “There ain’t no Jesus gonna come from the sky,” and��“Now that I found out I know I can cry,” as connected. While yes John didn’t seem to believe in Jesus, he was still spiritual. Now, take those two lyrics, of some messiah not going to come and how the realization of it, of the fact this religion or ‘God’ isn’t going to come down and save you— and finding this out, of course you’re going to cry.
What you believed was going to somehow save you, save you from the miseries of life and save you from yourself, wasn’t actually going to come, or happen, that can really break person who was relying on such faith.
I seen through junkies, I been through it all I've seen religion from Jesus to Paul Don't let them fool you with dope and cocaine No one harm you feel your own pain I, I found out I, I found this out I, I found out
Now, I do agree that John is knocking religion and idolatry worship, but also taking shots at Paul.
But I just think John’s outing himself here, because, okay look. John’s seen through junkies— John was a junkie when writing this, let’s be real. He can say he isn’t fooled by them, but he clearly is— he was fooling himself.
So let’s just go with John is apparently attacking The Beatles here— we all know John loved The Beatles, and had just as much faith and passion for it as Paul did. He put all his eggs in that theoretical basket.
And throughout the height of The Beatles, who were the two always together? Who had plans about sticking together and growing old together still making music? Who two had ideas to write a musical together, one day?
John and Paul were John and Paul, and both believed it was always going to be that way. They’d mentioned running off to Scotland to escape a potential draft, Paul had said that after The Beatles he and John would still continue making music together, that as they got older they’d even make music for other, younger musicians to play. It was ALWAYS John and Paul, like, always.
So imagine you have all this faith in someone, all this love, you see them as a stable structure in your life, someone who rarely let’s you down, who’s ALWAYS going to be there for you, who has shared so many intimate experiences with, who knows you and has seen you without your armor on, seen the good the bad and the ugly and still wants to be with you, who you’ve shared similar, vivid dreams with, who would experience misery and fear with you (the LSD trip), who seemingly shares a secret and unspoken language with you— only for all of it, to fall flat, for it to go horribly wrong, for them to (unintentionally) reject you, to hurt you and leave you feeling abandoned and alone. That perhaps they don’t love you in the way you’d come to the realization that you wanted them too.
For you to realize, or feel, like they can’t save you, that they can’t fix you. Because, like you said, Paul isn’t perfect, he doesn’t always have it together, he wasn’t as stable as John believed him to be naturally— Paul’s just as flawed as any of us. He was struggling too, and simply couldn’t always meet John’s sometimes unrealistic expectations and desires.
I think in some way, The Beatles, and thus Paul, were somewhat of a religion to John. He believed in them unlike anything else. Even if partially satirical, the comment of them becoming Bigger than Jesus, I think that in itself is worship (even if that’s unintentional, or perhaps a Freudian slip) of what they all created together— what John and Paul created together. That they could become more popular than Jesus Christ himself, and the religions he’s attached too.
So I honestly believe John was just telling on himself throughout this song. How John wrote his songs, they were personal, they had something to do with him, how he felt and perceived things, his desires and fears— even when attacking or criticizing someone, or something else.
Cor I could be 100% completely wrong in my interpretation and analysis, and I’m just a biased McLennoner who needs to shaddup.
Now a side tangent real quick because I found this and I have something to say:
“This song includes the line: "The freaks on the phone won't leave me alone, so don't give me that brother, brother." Lennon explained the lyric to the January edition of Rolling Stone. He said: "I'm sick of all these aggressive hippies or whatever they are, the "Now Generation," being very up-tight with me. Either on the street or anywhere, or on the phone, demanding my attention, as if I owed them something." [x]
In 1969 he and Yoko did that performative, elitist Bed In For Peace for two whole bloody weeks. Not to mention spreading all that “War is over if you want it to be,” sloganeering. Of course they (the hippie Now Generation) expected something from him, he’d been playing political activist with Yoko for attention, and he got it. So for him to be bitching about suddenly being looked too as some leading figure for these movements, I think is pretty telling.
Like how it mentioned up there, that John had an issue being part of the main focus for those in the ‘Peace movement’, I think it’s funny, or at most annoying, how people claim John was some hippie or commie when, I think it was clear, he didn’t want anything to do with those individuals or whatever they were selling (I mean John was materialistic and a capitalist, all the boys were) John wasn’t political, he wasn’t very interested in all that, and like with most things, his fascination and interest in it faded quickly and he became bored and disillusioned by the ideologies and political figures, and dropped them.
I’m not saying John didn’t care, like anyone he had opinions and thoughts, feelings on subjects— he wasn’t seriously into politics. He wasn’t a political leader, he didn’t want to become a political figure or martyr, he wasn’t a radical of any sorts, and had admitted later on about being embarrassed about who he was during the Imagine period of his life, and regretted a lot of what he’d said or done.
Anyway... I know this was supposed to be about dissecting the lyrical and personal(mclennon) meaning too “I’ve seen religion from Jesus to Paul,” but it really is all over the place. Sorry about that.
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gerard’s liberalism and the fact he follows so many straight guys + straight guy related stuff (yes i stalked his social media accs lol) just makes him so much less appealing to me 🥱 like we want the radical fruitiness!! i’ll still keep pretending the danger days universe is for gay commie anarchists only tho 😋
With the understanding that this may be a troll and also that im asking for shit by answering this i will go ahead because anon this is a silly take. Point one I hate gerards liberalism.... agree.... I mean hes a white celeb not like im uh. Expecting much more... but yes thats always annoying ."straight guy stuff" what? Like, does he follow pages about being a man who is sexually attracted to exclusively women? This is baffling. I like "straight guy stuff" I enjoy science fiction and like, some of the Beatles albums... the only thing I would call straight guy stuff are the pages about sexy alt chicks that frank follows maybe. also danger days is not very radical either I understand you mean that its like, been reappropriated by fans as a more radical media but its truly like. Lame mad max. Its not inherently gay nor is it very radical at all
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To everyone who follows me for Centricide
I’m not gonna stop posting about it or anything don’t worry, but I’m gonna give y’all a warning. I know that a lot of y’all on Jrumblr are hard LeftUnity shippers and it’s your comfort ship and stuff. I fucking hate LeftUnity, but I ain’t feeling like crushing some feelings. I know it sucks straight ass to have a comfort ship trashed on, or a comfort character for that matter, so in the future, if I make or reblog an anti-LeftUnity post I’ll tag it with #leftunity hate. I’ll also do this for other ships like #authunity hate or #libcap hate or #rightunity hate, and I’ll do this for characters too, #commie hate #tankie hate (I’ll try to cover as many names for the character as I can), #ancap hate #identitarian hate #ancom hate, etc. So if you don’t wanna see posts hating on a particular ship or character, block the tag of [character] hate or [ship] hate and I’ll make sure to tag it for ya. :]
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I hate the politics in HS2 its so on the bloody nose, a patreon chapter dedicated to Bernie Sanders, Troll Joe Biden, Jane as Donald Trump. Not to mention Kates podcast that tried to label the OG homestuck as a communist story.
Fuck even smaller things like how they go about dealing with the revolution from the signless perspectives vs (Kates and Ayshas) Karkat. Like HIC did way worse then Jane but back then Hussie was like peace and love is the way vs HS2 where it is "KILL KILL KILL".
Whelp thats when you get when Hussie starts to hang around authoritarian communists with many facistics tendencies. Kate herself tweeted that she wanted to line up Sarah Z and execute her when the "Revolution" comes because poor Sarah dare to question authority.
On a final note I have a feeling that in the next couple of years we will learn about another HS patreon controversy where in turns out allot of the money donated to the HS2 was instead used to fund Bernie Sanders campaign last election seeing how they simped for him so much.
I would not be surprised if that they had used all the Patreon money for Bernie Sanders campaign. And when they heard they dropped the election, they decided to go on hiatus to let people forget that they had pushed him and made him canon in the webcomic. I mean, they deleted the Bernie Sanders tweet too. They are trying hard to hide their mistakes. It's also ironic too that they retcon Wayward Vagabond's beliefs in democracy and say that the monarch ruling of kingdoms is the way to go. When we have seen WV against that. And yet, they shill a Democrat in an Earth that has KINGDOMs. Like, how hypocritical and inconsistent can you get from What Pumpkin? Good thing Kate got kicked off the team, if only because of her selling nudes on her Twitter account and spreading all her commie bullshit there. She had encouraged her followers to STEAL. So does that mean we can steal all the Homestuck physical books? Because it sure as hell doesn't deserve money anymore. It's why people are getting sick of political activism in media like tabletop, video games, comics, manga, anime, etc.
#Homestuck#Homestuck fandom#Homestuck^2#HS2#HS^2#Homestuck 2#Homestuck2#Andrew Hussie#What Pumpkin#WhatPumpkin#Kate Mitchell#Wayward Vagabond#Sarah Z
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Penny for your thoughts?
how did human society as a whole fuck up so badly? like its cool to have a few things wrong with it, a few kinks that needed ironing out but. jesus christ. we’ve had dozens of thousands of years to perfect it, and yet it’s so, so bad. we’ve basically already killed our planet, with less and less time to reverse the effects. so many people are systematically oppressed for so many reasons that are always out of their control. the earth has provided everything we need to survive and thrive here, and yet we have to pay for food and water and shelter. call me a commie but i literally don’t understand why that has to be.
and that’s not even including the little, more recent things, such as cancel culture, cell phone addiction, and wage gaps. (why do we need politicians????? why can’t we just have some rules to follow, like dont kill and don’t steal shit from other people????)
theres so much stuff i havent mentioned. politics. colonization. bigotry as a whole. i hate to be such a downer. theres so much beauty in this world. like the josh fight. little josh won :). but it’s something i realized lately, which is just that modern civilization just fucking sucks.
tl;dr: i hate capitalism, i hate bigotry, and i hate modern society as a whole. humanity has had so long to figure out how to run things and we’ve done it all wrong.
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*hiding behind a wall to see if commie accepts* Tsukasa (ot4) and Sougo(ot..4?), Z (found family)?
Z is for family
Junichiro laughs awkwardly. “I’m so sorry, Mr--Yuusuke, it feels like whenever you come here you end up repairing something.”
Yuusuke shrugs, grins. “I like having things to do with my hands, and there’s no sense in making you waste money on a plumber for something this simple to fix. And I’m going to teach Geiz how to do it too, so if it comes up again and you can’t get in touch with me he can take care of it.”
Blinking in surprise, Junichiro looks past Yuusuke’s shoulder to Geiz, who shrugs. “Woz hates being dirty and Sougo...uh...I kinda don’t think we should encourage Sougo to take apart stuff in the house. Um, no offense.”
“None taken, Geiz, I’ve known him longer than you have and I don’t know that I’d trust him to fix the toilet either, he’s, ah...”
“A little absent-minded?” is Yuusuke’s cheerfully diplomatic suggestion.
“Yes, exactly.”
A frustrated noise floats in from the dining room, and Geiz glances over nervously towards the doorway. “Maybe we should get started on that before Daiki actually manages to lose his temper.”
“I don’t think he’d really lose his temper over something like this.” Yuusuke also glances toward the dining room and frowns. “But then again, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him lose at chess this many times in a row.”
There’s a notable silence, and then the sound of Tsukuyomi saying, quietly, “Checkmate,” followed by Daiki’s aggrieved, “Where did you learn to play chess like that?”
“Yeah, let’s head upstairs, either he’s going to actually get upset or he and Tsukuyomi are about to have some kind of serious conversation and he’d be embarrassed if we overheard him, he hates getting serious in public.”
In the dining room, Tsukuyomi frowns at her queen and says, “I...I don’t actually know. I know how to play chess, but I don’t remembering...learning how to play chess. Or who taught me.”
Daiki's resetting the chessboard, so he doesn't look up at her, but he does say, "You know, sometimes I envy Tsukasa for having been allowed to forget things." Before Tsukuyomi can reply, though, "But then he'll go saying something like you just said and I remember how lucky I have it."
Tsukuyomi's frown gets a little deeper, but now she looks more confused than frustrated. "What do you mean?"
"Has he ever mentioned that he can't remember his parents' faces? Or their names?"
"He...no, he hasn't."
"Being able to forget is a blessing, but only if it's something you can allow yourself to do. Having it happen to you is a different thing entirely." He finishes setting up the pieces. "Sorry, I'm being gloomy, it happens sometimes."
Tsukuyomi peers at him for a moment before responding. “That’s why you started showing up to talk to Geiz, wasn’t it. Because of something you wish you could forget.”
Daiki still doesn’t look up at her. Now that the board’s reset he’s started fidgeting with the pieces again, picking up both kings and queens and rolling them in his hands. “You’re too sharp for your own good, you know that?” He puts the kings and queens down again in a little square in the center of the board. “I had a younger brother once. I failed him pretty badly.”
“I mean, apparently I had an older brother once, and he tried to kill me.” Tsukuyomi taps the white queen on the top of its little crown. “That’s also why you keep bringing me Watches.”
“Got it in one. You deserve a better brother. I think you four remind us all of ourselves.” Daiki looks down thoughtfully at the little square of pieces. “Hey, look, by the way, it’s you.” He taps the white queen just as Tsukuyomi did. “So I guess that’d make this one Sougo--” the black king, “and this one Geiz,” the white king.
She giggles. “And Woz is the black queen?”
“Well, it’s not a perfect one-to-one. I guess I could go with the black bishop, but guys who go by Bishop tend to be pretty ominous characters and he's not nearly as worrying as he used to be.”
“So if we’re like you guys, then which one of these are you?”
“Oh, we’re not chess pieces, we’re cards.” Rustling, and a Tarot deck emerges from one of the interior pockets of Daiki’s jacket. He slides it lovingly out of the box and flips through the deck, drawing four cards and laying them down on the table next to the chessboard--the King of Wands, the Queen of Coins, and the Knight of Swords, and the Page of Cups. “See? There’s Tsukasa, that’s Natsumi, obviously this one is Yuusuke, and that’s me.”
“You just...had that in your pocket? And...Cups is the one that turned into Hearts, right? You’re the Page of Hearts?”
They’re interrupted by a startled noise from the kitchen, Woz saying, “How did you get that--” as Tsukasa, at the same time, says, “Princess, we don’t play with kitchen knives, give me that.”
“Ooh, sounds like things are getting exciting in there.” Daiki’s face lights up with a genuine grin. “Anyway, you have no idea how much stuff I’ve got in my pockets, that’s right, and of course I am. The Knave of Hearts, he stole some tarts. Speaking of which...” The Tarot deck goes away, and is replaced by on the table by a deck of regular playing cards. “Why don’t we switch games? You know how to play poker?”
Tsukasa carefully takes the paring knife from Yuzuki and puts it back on the counter, farther back from the edge than it was before. “I’m pretty sure you grew, I don’t think you could have reached up there last week.”
She grins up at him. “Tall!”
“Yeah, that’s right, you’re very tall.”
Woz shifts nervously as she returns to the kitchen chair she’s been occupying and clambers up onto the seat. Once she’s occupied with her stacking cups again and in no apparent danger of getting her hands on another knife, he visibly relaxes. He picks a piece of dumpling filling from the mixing bowl with his chopsticks, deposits it in the wrapper in his hand, and passes the whole thing to Tsukasa. “I appreciate your assistance with this.”
Tsukasa shrugs and starts to crimp the dumpling shut. “I figure you’re probably not usually cooking for ten people.” Closed, the dumpling goes onto a sheet pan, where there are already at least fifty completed but uncooked pieces laid out.
“You might be surprised. Sougo and Geiz both eat a great deal.”
“And you don’t?” Tsukasa accepts another filled wrapper and looks Woz up and down. “I’ve seen you eat, it’s kind of amazing that you’re so skinny.”
“That’s...not unfair.”
They make dumplings in silence, Woz filling and Tsukasa crimping as the sheet pan becomes fuller and fuller. Eventually they have to get a second pan, and when they’ve got ten dumplings down on that, Yuzuki slides down from her chair with a thump and tugs on the hem of Woz’s shirt. “Woz. Woz. Woz.”
Woz looks down at her in alarm. “Yes?”
She points imperiously to the counter. “Book.”
“Ah...yes? That’s my book.”
A firm nod. “Woz, book.”
“She wants you to read to her.” Tsukasa puts aside another completed dumpling. “Right, princess?”
Yuzuki nods again. “Ok! Read book!”
Woz only looks more alarmed. “Why me?”
“Well, she knows it’s your book.”
“Yes, but my book is...” Woz glances to the side. “My book is not suitable for children.”
Tsukasa’s eyebrows go up. “Isn’t it? If the stories in there aren’t suitable for children then I don’t know what is.” He pauses. “I mean, maybe don’t read to her about the Amazon kids, the Greek ones, but otherwise. I can keep making dumplings by myself, I’ll be fine.”
Uncertain, Woz nods, puts aside the cooking chopsticks, and washes his hands before taking his book down from its spot on the counter. Yuzuki claps delightedly as he sits down in the kitchen chair and climbs up onto his lap with only minimal wincing on his part. “Woz, book! Thank you.”
His mouth twitches slightly, as if he’s trying not to smile, and Tsukasa winks at him. Then, carefully, he opens up the book and turns to a spot about sixteen pages in. “Long, long ago, there was a man who knew how to do one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine things--”
“Big number.”
“Yes, very big. There was a man who knew how to do one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine things, and his name was Godai Yusuke.”
“Like Daddy! Yusuke!”
“Just like your father, yes. And he loved nothing more than the blue sky and to travel and have adventures...”
“Hm. A little to the left, please.”
Sougo blinks. “Which one?”
“The Ride Booker. Your big watch is so chunky that it’s actually managed to make the Booker look small, which is pretty impressive.” Natsumi frowns, peering at the screen on her camera, and then shifts slightly as Sougo adjusts the placement of the Ride Booker. “Yeah, there we go, that looks nice.”
She takes several pictures. They’re working outside in the sun, so she doesn’t use the flash, and after ten or so shots she nods in satisfaction and Sougo says, “Do you want me to rearrange them?”
“No, that’s fine, I’ve got what I wanted. Here, toss me the Booker, you can take your watch now.“
“Ok, here. Why did you want a picture of the Grand Zi-O watch?”
She shrugs. “I don’t get to do a lot of still photography, most of the studio’s business is portraits. I thought it’d be a nice change.” The Ride Booker goes into her bag, her camera goes back into its case, and she sits down on the bench they were using as a platform for the set-up. “Besides, the weather’s good today, it’s a nice excuse to get outside and get some fresh air.”
The Grand Zi-O watch fizzes away, presumably back to the bedside table in Sougo’s room, and he sits down next to Natsumi. “It is nice out today, yeah. But I mean, like. Why Rider stuff? Why not, I don’t know, nature photography?”
“Because I don’t get out in nature as much as I’d like, but Rider stuff’s been a lot of my life. Tsukasa takes all kinds of photos of Rider stuff, of course, and they’re kinda great for what they are, but they’re not really practical records. The story of the whole thing matters, and it’s easier if you’ve got clear pictures.”
“The story? What story?”
“Whatever story’s being told. That’s what photography’s for, to tell stories about our lives. You know, like, here’s when Ritsuko got married, and this is when Miki and his sister graduated high school, and here’s when we saved the world the first time and Tsukasa got turned into a giant belt for ten minutes.” She glances over at him and grins. “Anyway, I wanted to get a picture of his transformation whatsit with yours because it’s kind of funny to see him pick up a junior, I think it makes him feel better about himself knowing that he’s not the only one doing what he does.”
Sougo nods, frowning slightly. “Tsukuyomi said you’re a Rider too, but I’ve never seen you carrying anything that looks like Rider stuff, what do you use?”
“Oh, god, she’s around here somewhere.”
“Hey! Kiva-la! I know you’re here!”
And a little purple-and-white bat flits into view and says, “Obviously I’m here, what do you want?”
“Sougo wanted to know what I transform with. See,” to Sougo, “Tsukasa and Daiki just get cards, Yuusuke’s got his stone, but if I need to do hero stuff I have to deal with her.”
Sougo stares at Kiva-la wide-eyed for a moment before saying, “It’s, uh, nice to meet you? Ma’am?”
Kiva-la turns a loop-de-loop in the air. “I like him! No one’s ever polite to me! Anyway,” with a pout in her tiny voice, “Tsukasa said to tell you it’s time for dinner.”
The whole building smells like frying dumplings and cooking soup and good food in general, and Yuusuke and Geiz straighten up and put the lid back onto the back of the toilet moments before Woz says, in his most carrying, I-Am-Making-An-Announcement voice, “It is time for dinner,” echoed by Yuzuki’s enthusiastic shout of, “Dinner!”
Yuusuke’s face lights up. “Oh, perfect timing. Here, wash your hands, I’ll wash mine, and we can both head down.”
“Sounds good.” Geiz turns on the water and starts scrubbing his hands vigorously. “Thanks for showing me that, by the way, everyone else here is useless at repairs.”
“I mean, I don’t know that I’d put it that way...”
“No, seriously, I live with Sougo, he’s a space case. And Woz is...he’s Woz. He’s great, but he’s also Woz.” Geiz backs away from the sink and grabs a towel to dry his hands as Yuusuke starts to wash his. “Why’d you want to, though? Like I appreciate it, but what made you want to teach me something like this?”
“I like fixing things, and you seem like someone who needs to find more ways to relax.” Yuusuke accepts another hand towel. “Rider stuff is exhausting, it’s nice knowing how to do normal things too. Wow that all smells good, I’m so excited to eat a meal that I didn’t have to cook any of myself.”
As they head for the stairs, Geiz says, “No offense, but you seem...different, somehow, from Tsukasa and Daiki and Natsumi.”
“That’s because they’re huge drama queens.” Yuusuke grins at him. “I love them so much, you have no idea, but if we were all like that then nothing would ever get done around the house.”
Geiz stifles laughter.
Yuusuke’s grin just gets wider. “See, I knew you’d get it.”
#tokiwa sougo#myoukouin geiz#tsukuyomi#woz#kadoya tsukasa#kaitou daiki#hikari natsumi#onodera yuusuke#fanfiction#anonamouse
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