#Time is Golden AU
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cuppajj · 11 months ago
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What if the ancients also corrupted and became beasts, and it's one great cycle of futility?
some info on the beast ancients:
Saint Vanilla Cookie, after deducing that the horrors and cruelty of the world are caused by the darkness in cookies' dough, formed a messiah complex. Believing he is the only one who can save Earthbread, his extreme compassion for the happiness of cookies has made him an angel of death; though he believes he is purifying those he touches, he believes their cries of pain from their disintegrating bodies are simply a part of the healing process. He has brought his willing followers to salvation, and seeks to do the same for all of cookiekind.
Midnight Lily Cookie became the new monarch of the Faerie Kingdom after the death of Elder Faerie Cookie. When she turned to the path of darkness, her fiercely loyal subjects followed with her, sworn to protect her at all costs. While she holds no ambitions for conquest, she has vowed to assert the influence of her kingdom across Beast Yeast on her own terms, and to put an end to the false enchantress who shares her being.
Dragonberry Cookie reinstated herself as the monarch of her kingdom, keeping the royal family under her thumb and influence. Her passion for strength and combat drew her attention to the Red Dragon, whose power became her obsession. Now, she seeks to know how to become a great beast herself, and will do anything to achieve it; even keeping the Red Dragon shackled underneath the castle as it’s studied day in and day out.
Frigid Cacao Cookie learned to tame the Licorice Sea that had threatened his kingdom for eons; however, something of either his design or an external force led to the entire Cacao Kingdom freezing over. Cacao sat idly by as this happened, unmoving from his great throne with his head slouched and eyes unreadable. He has resigned himself to extreme solitude, but the swirling black ocean does his bidding in his favor.
Celestial Cheese Cookie never moved on from the truth. In fact, she chose to build everything from the ground up. How wonderful! She can bring her grand design to Earthbread itself, sharing her brilliance with all of cookiekind. Of course forging a new empire will come with resistance, but she is well prepared. For the devout, they will be graciously rewarded; the dissenters will become decorations. With the ability to summon as many arms as she needs, she can turn anything to gold with a simple touch.
With five new Beasts loose on earthbread, the fight to save it has become much, much harder…
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these-are-not-my-titties · 7 months ago
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Gk sketchbook page + closeups of my fav bits cuz my camera is shit
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buttercupshands · 2 months ago
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twitter already saw this one, basically just me trying out drawing a cutscene bc I wasn't sure if I can
Not exactly made using coding at this point
Skemch dump bc why not
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Don't let me listen to vocaloid songs while I draw
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Same here, just me silly-ing with stuff
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koifishanonymous · 11 months ago
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@havanillas’s rtrn mermaid au has been giving me brainworms chat
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canisalbus · 4 months ago
Vasco parents 100% called him Sunshine and dresses him in sun themed clothing as a toddler
They toned it down as he got older, but went right back into it when they meet Machete. Vaschete are sun/moon coded and everybody knows fr fr
(they also do winter and summer nicknames to break it up a little)
The theming stuck to him so tightly, he continues to be subconsciously drawn to sun imagery as an adult, both in canon and modern au.
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mothinflamesdoodles · 1 month ago
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from a different life
Fanart for the fanfic The Golden Quiche and The Lone Defender by @sophtopus
the “classic” Sans from in The Golden Quiche is already very much unhinged. He already went apeshit across several reloads/resets and this was from before getting the data dowload from LD Dust. Man makes LD Dust cute in comparison XD.
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be4thevortex · 7 months ago
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tiny b-day present for @floristick. i'm a little bit late, but happy birthday, sweetie!!
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pincushionx · 5 months ago
Just had a random thought of Owl Beast Eda and Ghoul AU Hunter having a vole-eating contest. I think that’s enough thinking for tonight.
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Ghoul Hunter Au
They go on hunts together :3
She can definitely eat more than him but he’s very good at hunting them (it’s in his name)
Once we start approaching the post canon of this AU, Eda and Hunter bond quite well together. Since both of them deal with curses or curse-like (in Hunters case) things that in many ways ruined their lives. (Belos told Hunter he was cursed)
Eda is big advocate for Hunter and often the one to talk to him about being a “monster” considering she was labeled as one for so long. She helps make that deep rooted shame go away for a bit and often gives him moments of where he can embrace that side of himself just for a moment.
Voles and other animals are like the equivalent of drinking a cup of juice when hungry for Hunter, it does help a bit but it isn’t actually food and he’ll be hungry again in an hour. While normal cooked food is like water, at least the juice has some sugar and vitamins.
Thanks for the idea, this was really fun to draw :33
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darkfluffydragon · 1 year ago
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This, dear friend, is a question I am more than delighted to answer :)
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Elder Faerie won't be waking up for a long time.
(also all content related to this AU I will now put under the phantasmagoria crk tag)
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1vylili3s · 2 months ago
i wonder how the rest of the ancients or beasts are doing rn
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meeting pt. 10
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doks-aux · 2 years ago
William refusing to definitively gender his own fursona because maybe he just doesn't have the vocabulary to express a nonbinary identity but also definitely to leave room for customers to assume the Spring Bonnie character is Fredbear's love interest.
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linked-maze · 1 year ago
May I give the Golden Wolf a small pat? I could use some comfort cuddles, it would make me feel better, even just a quick head pat?
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burningcheese-merchant · 15 days ago
Golden Cheese’s wings had come in just a few weeks ago, and quite late, according to what she knew of her species. Usually, a Phoenix's wings sprouted during early teenagehood, but hers came when she was already almost 18.
She'd spent hours and hours combing through every inch of them, days watching the pin feathers slowly mature and their keratin sheath flake off so she could preen them to perfection. It had been a painfully long process, there were no other winged people around, let alone phoenixes, so she had to do it all by herself.
But now here she was, gold and turquoise wings shiny and huge and perfect. Except… Golden Cheese didn't know what to do with them. Fly, of course. But no matter how much she tried, she couldn't take flight. The thought of flying was exciting yet so terrifying at the same time, she couldn't even hover a few inches off the ground without her heart leaping to her throat.
It was such a pity too, she had wanted to surprise her best friend, the Herald of Change, by flying into his temple in all her golden, newly winged glory. She could imagine what face he'd make upon seeing her and it made her giddy. Alas, that would have to stay in her imagination.
The Herald was so busy most days, and as they both got older, he became burdened with even more responsibilities, to the point they could barely hang out anymore. But now, Golden Cheese had the perfect excuse to drag him out of that stuffy temple. He could never refuse her when she was insistent.
The boy, now man, really, stared at her wings as she proudly spun around to show them off. His open mouthed, amazed expression inflated her ego like you wouldn't believe “So, will you help me?” she asked
His face fell, and he looked to the side almost in guilt “...Not today, I don't think. But when I can, I will, I promise!”
Golden Cheese frowned “What? No way, come on, come on! Let's do it right now! It won't take more than an hour!” she grasped his hands with her own.
He inevitably relented.
It took much more than an hour. It took days, in fact. But eventually, Golden Cheese managed to flap her wings and stay a few feet off the ground, hands on a death grip around The Herald’s forearms as she gently grasped onto hers.
He could tell that she would not go further than this If It depended on her, so he did something a little foolish. He tightened his grip on her and started to run. As fast as he could.
His friend screamed at him to stop, threatening to kill him, priests be damned. But the wind on his back told him her wings were flapping, and once she stopped screaming and the sound of flapping became steady, he let go.
It took her a couple seconds to muster the courage to let go of him, but she did. And she flew. Higher and higher into the air, to the point she became a tiny speck in the bright blue sky. The Herald of Change watched in wonder as she slowly came down, he thought she was about to land, but was surprised when she started to fly in circles.
Golden Cheese’s wings shone in the Sun like fire, watching her was a spectacle for his eyes only. It was the most beautiful thing he's ever had the honor of witnessing, a moment that would never, ever leave his memory.
High above, her laughter was almost inaudible, but her delight was his delight. His beautiful phoenix, flying free and circling above him. He could never get enough of her.
If, somehow, The Herald of Change became The Great Destroyer, golden bird imagery would be heavily associated with him. In almost every single tapestry or artwork dedicated to him, It would be there, flying above the Destroyer himself.
And Golden Cheese, the goddess of wealth and ruler of the Golden city, would stare at them with confusion, and strange familiarity.
(A gift for you, I really like your blog! Was thinking about them a lot today)
This is so beautiful 😭😭😭 what have I done to deserve this cuteness 😭😭😭 thank you so so much, I love it! You write so well! GC and BS being dear friends that tragically drift apart due to heroic responsibilities is so... ugh, my heart. Friendship that evolves into romance that eventually ends in tragedy is peak. I can't thank you enough man, this made my day!!!
(ugh... The golden bird imagery featured in all of his artworks... Imagine he's shown always reaching for that bird, his body language and expression suggesting such painful longing... Fury and hunger in some, grief in others, all of them always bordering on desperation for her... I feel so ill rn)
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bonniesfamiliar · 1 year ago
DIMENSION TRAVEL STORY IDEA: Summary: Harriet "Harry" James Potter has travelled to an alternate dimension during a spell gone wrong (Kreacher's actually responsible cuz he cares about Harry since she's the Lady of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black) Harriet knows it's an alternate dimension cuz she finds a newspaper stand and lo and behold, who's on the front cover? Tom. Fucking. Riddle. But not the ugly Voldemort Tom Riddle she killed. No this is young Tom Riddle who grew up FINE AS HELL.
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And he's on the front page cuz he's The Minister of Magic and guess what he's talking about.
He's talking about Dumbledore.
And not manipulative gramps Dumbledore whose beard is longer than my hair.
We're talking about this one
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You know why he's talking about this Dumbledore?
Because Albus. Percival. Fucking. Dumbledore decided to become the epitome of "Be Gay, Do Crime," with Gellert Grindelwald, his husband.
So Harriet is obviously freaking out and does the right thing.
She goes to a pub and drinks her sorrows away in Scottish Whiskey, (Thank you, Minny)
But Harry never makes reasonable decisions so when she finds a quill and paper, guess what she does.
She writes to Misinter Riddle.
But the drama doesn't end there.
Whenever Harriet does anything, whether she writes or talks about Tom Riddle, she doesn't speak in English.
She talks in Pareseltongue.
(Cuz she and tom are the only Parselmouths. I think.)
So Parseltongue.
Harriet writes in parseltongue to the Minister of Fucking Magic on his wrongdoings in her universe.
The letter literally looks like this:
ssss ssss sssssssss ss ssssss s sss ssssssss ssssss sss sss ss ssss ssssssss ssssssss ssss ssssss sssssss ss ss sssssssss and that transcribes to 
"Dear Lord Voldemort, or should I say Minister Riddle, you are an ugly noseless hairless evil snakey bastard in my dimension,"
and cuz she's spiteful, she signs it off with "You-Know-Who"
But the thing is Harriet never mentioned her name or who her parents were.
So when Minister Riddle receives this letter, he freaks out and then does everything he can to find this person.
Not to kill them.
But to woo them.
This kind, thoughtful person has travelled from another dimension just to stop him from becoming evil.
THEY'RE OBVIOUSLY HIS SNAKE MATE. (cuz he killed all of the Gaunts and Riddles so they're not family)
You can bet ur ass he was squealing to Nagini at the thought of having another Parselmouth in the world with him.
He's obsessed.
(He's not tom riddle if he doesn't have possessive issues and his jealousy issues are just as bad.🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰😩😩😩)
Like it's not a want.
It's a need.
He needs the writer of this letter to be with him forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and-
You probably get the idea.
Anyway, 1 year goes by.
Harriet Potter: *forgets about even writing the letter* 
Tom is growing more obsessed as the days go by and then he meets a woman at a charity ball held for idk an organisation for potieneers? Potion Masters?
She's chatting up with Lord and Lady Dagworth-Granger cuz she's been working with them cuz they remind her of Hermione and she needed a job.
Anyway, he approaches the couple in hopes of talking to them and Harriet sees Minister Riddle approaching and quickly moves away to head to the drinks table.
And then lets out a breath of relief when she realises he wasn't heading for her.
She schmoozes for a few more minutes before calling it quits and heading out for fresh air.
The party is at the Dagworth-Granger's manor so she goes out to the gardens.
And hears a cry for help.
Her Gryffindor instincts push her to run towards the sound of danger.
But her Slytherin side made her hide behind the wall from where the cry of help had come from.
It was a witch being harassed by two wizards.
One of the wizards was holding her wand, taunting her.
While the other had begun to take off her outfit.
Before it could go any further, she brought the men's attention to her and with a flick of her wrist, Harriet had the men on their knees.
She then walked over to the one holding the witch's wand and grabbed it out of his hand, accidentally snapping his wrist in the process.
She gave the witch her wand back and accepted the shaky hug she received.
Harriet waited until the witch was out of sight before she turned to the men and smiled, watching as their faces fell into horror as they saw the fangs in her mouth.
(I'm in love with the prompt by a post on tumblr where  Basilisk!Harry is hugging Kneazle!Hermione and Dragon!Ron also wants his cuddles. I can't find the person who made it but I've lived by the idea that these would be their animagus forms if they ever performed the spell like James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew had done to become illegal animagi for Remus Lupin)
Harriet rips into their throats, feeds on them and then turns their bodies into ash with the fiendryfire spell.
She grabbed a mirror from her purse to erase the blood from her face and clothes and began to walk away lest anyone come looking for the wizards.
But, Harriet suddenly slammed into what felt like a wall.
A very warm wall.
Regaining her bearings, Harriet looked up to notice that the "wall" was MINISTER RIDDLE.
"Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?" She said pasting a smile on her face.
Shift of POV:
Minister Riddle internally sighed at being stuck in another ball instead of being at home, analysing the letter once again.
He was certain it was a woman who sent it as there was a red lipstick kiss on the paper after it was signed sss-ssss-sss (You-Know-Who)
His thoughts are cut off when Lady Dagworth-Granger asks her husband where Harriet is.
Who is Harriet? he muses but when Lord Dagworth-Granger offers to look in the gardens, Tom leaps at the chance to run away from the party.
He goes into the gardens aimlessly walking around for a few minutes, lost in his thoughts of his mysterious parselmouth when a witch comes out of nowhere and collides with him.
He uprighted her by placing his hands on her arms and looked on curiously as she seemed to freeze in place when she looked up to see that it was he she bumped into.
Tom Riddle is the one to freeze when she speaks.
"Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?" She says an innocent smile on her face as if she had no idea his whole world had just flipped on its axis.
She's speaking in parseltongue.
She's his parselmouth.
The one from another dimension.
But he had to clarify so he replies honestly for the first time in his life, in parseltongue, "I've been looking for you," 
"Searching for me? Whatever for?"
A boyish smile widens on his face before he forces it into a polite smile.
"The Lord and Lady Dagworth-Granger have been searching for you, Miss Harriet I believe you are?" He reverts to English to test if she notices the change but she doesn't.
She just replies in English, "Ah, I see. I disappeared for too long with my break from the stuffiness of the ball and yes, I am Harriet."
Harriet, he muses in his mind, no last name to give for me.
She extends her gloved hand for him to shake but Tom riddle reaches for both of her hands and turns them over to kiss them gently and forces himself not to give into the urge of nuzzling into her hands (well not yet at least) and without letting them go, he straightens to his full height to tower over her (giving him a thrill at knowing she was shorter, meaning he could easily pick her up and carry her, be it over his shoulders or bridal style) and replies, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harriet. No last name?"
(Harriet has been wearing gloves cuz of the 'I must not tell lies' scars that cover her hands.)
Harriet smiles teasingly towards him and his cold heart thaws ever so, "I couldn't decide on a last name and I've decided I like the mysterious aura it gives me,"
Or maybe she couldn't risk using her real last name because she was from a different dimension, Tom muses in his mind, Nevertheless, Harriet Riddle has a lovely ring to it.
Harriet Potter: *staring confused at Tom Riddle as he smiles down at her
Tom Riddle: *Winter would be a lovely time to get married, wouldn't it?
I'm stopping here cuz it's a summary, not a story. Yes, I'm Evil.
Tell me if you like it tho.
I was this close *makes an inch between her fingers* to making this a Soulmate AU story.
Think of the angst that Harriet would go through all her life knowing that her soulmate's words to her are:  I've been looking for you
And it's an alternate hotter version of Tom Riddle, AKA THE BAD GUY WHO MURDERED HER PARENTS 
And think of how Harriet's words had motivated Tom his entire life to do his best to work hard (and cheat death) to live long enough for his soulmate to see him one day at a place be it a library or a gala or a hallway and ask him: Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?
Maybe I should make them soulmates.
I need a timeline. fuck.
Riddle was educated at Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945, and was sorted into Slytherin House, a nod to his ancestor Salazar Slytherin.
Making Tom 34 cuz 1927 is the year Tom was born in if he went to Hogwarts in 1938 which would make him 11 in 1938 and 38-11 is 27 so 1927 is when he was born.
61-27=34 so Harriet is in 1961 but cuz of the time skip tom is 35 years old in 1962
Harriet was born in 1980 
The Second War technically began on 24 June, 1995, though was not officially announced by the Ministry until nearly a year later on 17 June, 1996, and ended on 2 May, 1998, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, after the death of the Dark Lord.
Which made Harriet 18 in 1998, 24 in 2004, 24 in 1961 and 25 in 1962
 but she deserves peace so the year Kreacher sent her back was 2004 which would make her 24 cuz he's horrified that she hasn't attempted to romance anyone since Cedric Diggory.
Tbh, if he was my bf I would never love again.
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But then hubby "I would burn the world down for you and rebuild a new one from its ashes" tom riddle is here and I'm like Cedric who?
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But none of them compare to (long list of titles, I'll research later.) Harriet James Potter.
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garuye · 2 months ago
AU where Giorno is a Josu8-like fusion of Jonathan and Dio
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HE IS JUST A PERFECT MIX OF THE TWO OF THEM ALREADY (albeit for the sake of Literally being both of them merged into one guy, he would most definitely be bigger)
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lilacartsmadsion · 3 months ago
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Here are each of the Ancients designs! My friend @zammy357 helped me with Hollyberry a bit.
I’m gonna go over their backgrounds a little later after this post but for now have this.
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