#It was so easy I guess. The post-apocalypse vibes really fit with a lot of NIN music tbh
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akirenhell · 9 months ago
"I am ghoulified...Inside youuuu~"
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Soooo, even though I haven't played any of the games, the Fallout brainrot got me tight enough to binge the TV show AND learn some of the lore, cause HOLY SHIT, the attention to detail they put into it is impressive.
As some of you have probably seen, I did show some sneak peeks of this guy a few reblogs ago, but now here he is in full color!
Sooo, this is Mucky, a rather special ghoul due to the fact his hair has actually survived the massive doses of radioation he has gained and his incredibly slimy and filthy skin, which always looks like its melting down from intense heat. He's a bit of a celebrity in the wastelands, strolling around with his band looking for a good place to perform his music (which is the equivalent of 90s industrial rock, mind you).
Personality wise, he's pretty crass and cocky, but if you hit his right points, he can get pretty shy and flustered. Regardless, he's not exactly an asshole, for he can be pretty polite at times despite how violent his music can be.
(Backstory and fun facts under read more)
Before the Great War, Mucky's name used to be Michael (something he has long forgotten about). He was considered an outcast due to his rather radical way of thinking and not following the "American norms" of what's good and not, especially when it comes to music, one of his few favorite pasttimes and the only way he had to fully express himself.
However, ironically enough, music was also the thing that almost lead him to his doom. One day, the once human called Michael actually managed to release an album of his own music, and even though it wasn't a massive hit, it was very well beloved by specific groups of people, which were those that were unsatisfied with society.
Due to the fact his music could be considered "commie propaganda", Michael was almost murdered for this by none other than the Enclace. Yet oddly enough, what saved Mucky was the same thing that doomed humanity, for his failed assasination attempt happened the day the bombs fell.
Despite getting severely burnt and hit with a massive dose of radiation for him to turn into a ghoul, Michael survived the attack by hiding in a sewer, where something strange happened. Call it whatever kind of luck you want, but due to the radiation and his slowly melting skin, his body managed to mutate with the sewer waters, thus turning him into a foul smelling, slimy ghoul made of muck.
Hence his new name: Mucky. Promptly given by those who considered him a freak of nature (mostly humans who hate ghouls, obviously).
The rest of the years after the war remain fuzzy, but eventually, Mucky, alongsides a group of ghouls that found comfort in his music, made their way towards Necropolis, the city of the dead; where the filth ghoul settled down and, with an uncertain future but a strange yet newfound liberty, he started to work in his new albums to share with the rest of the wastelands. Be it with humans, ghouls, super mutants, it doesn't matter; for music is one of the reasons why he managed to remain sane even to this day.
And maybe the real reason why he hasn't gone feral yet.
Post-Fallout 1, Mucky obviously left Necropolis due to the Master's invasion on the city. Thankfully, he didn't leave alone, for two super mutants actually joined him as bandmates thanks to his mercy.
And so begins his life as a rockstar in the wastelands.
-Mucky has a little cat companion he named Scatticus, which he found in an abandone vault where they ran cruel experiments involving both animals and humans, which Scatticus is the only that remains. The cat, oddly enough, can talk due to a device that is linked both with his collar and his brain, and he's a sassy little bastard.
-Mucky has a love-hate relationship with old, 50s music, which really was another reason why many considered him a weirdo in pre-war times.
-Due to an incredibly strange chance of luck (and possibly genes), Mucky is one of the rare exceptions in which a ghoul could become a super mutant. While exploring a vault to look for equipment he could use in his instruments, the ghoul got ambushed by a pack of irradiated wolves that gave him chase, with one of them alongsides him falling into a vat that was full of an alternate, very rare version of the Forced Evolutionary Virus. From it came crawling away a large, filth covered wolf, the complete contrary of the scrawny ghoul.
Luckily, if you can even say that, once he grew exhausted enough, Mucky reverted back to his ghoul form. However, there is still the chance he can revert back to that hellhound, especially if there's massive amounts of radiation neraby...
-Mucky is originally from Ohio, but due to the fact he spent pretty much of the time out in the open after the war "touring", that gave him a great amount of knowledge regarding the wastelands and the commonwealths he could get in. If you need a trip somewhere, he will gladly take you there. Though, he might ask for something in return...
-Mucky can be pretty skilled with technology, even using pieces of weapons as ways he can improve the sound of his instruments when playing.
-He's a huge menace to both the Enclace and the BoS, especially with the fact his skin and foul stench can corrode metals. Yes, even the one from a power armor.
That's as much as I can name about him, but if you have any questions about Mucky, please ask! I'm pretty new into Fallout, so if I have made any mistakes or it's there anything I could change, please do let me know, cause really, I mostly made this OC for fun.
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scottxlogan · 7 years ago
11 Questions
11 Questions
I was tagged by @sheisstrangerthanfiction
✰ post the rules ✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger ✰ write eleven questions of your own ✰ tag eleven people
Eleven questions:
 1. What’s your favorite childhood memory?  I honestly don’t know. I wish I could pinpoint one, but I really can’t think of one. I don’t know if that is good or bad.
2. Who was your first childhood hero? Wonder Woman. When I was really young I was introduced to Wonder Woman through the old shows with Lynda Carter. I used to dress up in Wonder Woman costumes all the time because I wanted to be just like her and truth be told I thought she was so cool and such a great superhero that I even got my ears pierced because I wanted to be just like her when I was six years old. I think that’s why it is important that young people have those kind of role models to look up to and identify with growing up.
3. What was your favorite class in school and why? I think I’m going to go with the 3d classes I’ve taken in college just because I love the idea of creating something from nothing and watching it grow and evolve into a completed project. Plus it was one of the first times where I could kind of choose my own direction on what kind of assignments I wanted to do and I was pushing myself to grow and evolve and learn in ways that went outside of the classroom. 
4. Who is the most inspiring character to you (movie, book, TV show)? Scott Summers. I know there are a lot of great characters out there, but I really find myself inspired by Scott because here is a character who by Marvel standards should’ve grown up to be a villain according to their narrative, but he was able to survive the odds and come out a stronger person. He endured a lot of trauma and abuse as a child and really lived through some horrible things that made him stronger along the way. Plus Scott isn’t always the most popular or well liked of characters, but he makes the tough decisions. He does the things in being a leader that others don’t have to. When the whole AvX garbage went down he wasn’t thinking about what it would do to him as an individual, but rather he was willing to self-sacrifice for the greater good of the people around him even knowing that at the end of the day they were going to undoubtedly hate him. He gets a lot of heat for being the way he is, but a lot of people on his team would be lost without him. There are so many things about him that I identify with myself with the way my life has been I guess. Plus he’s got so many layers that I can’t help, but appreciate that.
5. What is your dream vacation?  If money were no object, where would you go, what would you do, what do you most want to see and eat?   I’d go to NYC. I go there whenever I get the chance, but there’s something very inspiring about being there and just taking in the atmosphere of the place. Every time I take a trip out there it brings out the creative bug inside of me and I find myself wanting to write and create. Usually when I’m there I spend a lot of time outside in the parks and exploring the city. It’s great to take in the atmosphere and there is always something happening around you. Just being around that kind of vibe helps the artist in me thrive. As for food admittedly I don’t eat much when I’m in the city just because food and I do not get along, but if I had to pick I would go to this Chinese place out there that has gluten free food (which where I live like almost never happens).
6. What is your biggest fear and is there anything you do to attempt to get beyond it or do you just hold your breath and deal with it when it comes up? My biggest fear is failure. Every time I mention that someone around me is quick to point out the ways in which I failed at something, but the thing is the despite the anxiety issues I have it’s that overwhelming fear that I’ll completely fail at live and never accomplish my dreams that really terrifies me. It’s a tough battle for me, but some days it is easy to give into that feeling like it’s going to take me under though a friend once told me that I needed to think about something that makes me happy when I’m feeling the most upset about what could go wrong.
7. What is your go-to daydream? I guess it would be that I was able to write a book and live in NYC doing something that makes me really happy.
8. What is your biggest comfort food? I can’t really think of one, but I have a horrible Dr. Pepper addiction that gets me when I’m feeling stressed out.
9. What is your favorite scent? Vanilla, there is this one wax air freshener that my mom has and every time I walk into the house it just smells super delicious lol
10. Where would you most like to live in the world? NYC. Not like anyone couldn’t have guessed. 
11. What song(s) can you listen to that always put you in your happy place? Uptown Funk because it reminds me of the road trips my sis and I took on the way to competition and it just fit the whole time period I guess.
My Eleven Questions:
1. If you could meet anyone alive or dead and spend a day with them, who would it be?
2. If you were in a zombie apocalypse and could pick a team of 6 other people/characters to fight with you, who would you choose?
3. Do you prefer the morning or night time?
4. Do you consider yourself an extrovert, an introvert or somewhere in the middle? 5. What do you consider your biggest success so far? 6. Superheroes or super villains? 7. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life from here on out what would it be? 8. Name five things you can’t live without. (Pretend I put that in question form lol) 9. Pretend that you have an alternate persona as your secret identity like Superman or Batman. Who would you be and what would you do? (It can be a completely original made up persona or an established one. It doesn’t matter) 10. If you knew what day you were going to die, what would you do with the rest of your life while you were here? 11. If you could tell the world one thing to really convey who you are, what would it be?
Tagging @hughxjackman @claire-luna @cosmiccontrolrod @sgfic @avengingxmen @nausiwindstrider @chiarucci @cykerine @justsmilestuffhappens @beni-o2​ @nordrike
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