#they got the most boring takes when it comes to meanings behind a song
hoeranghae · 2 years
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banj0possum · 9 months
My Lovely Melody
Yandere!Rockstar x GN!Reader
CW: yandere is a playboy before he meets reader, suggestive (creepy) thoughts, minor obsessive behaviour
🎸 Axel's been in many relationships with both men and women alike, but all of his little flings felt nothing more than that, just flings.
🎸 And he was content with it, I mean being a famous rockstar meant lots of people wanting a chance with you and he indulged in that fact.
🎸 He could sleep with whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and he wouldn't have to deal with the commitment that comes with dating or any of that messy stuff.
🎸 So why the hell can't stop thinking about you ?!?!?!!
🎸 He scratched his head trying to make sense of it, his messy hair getting even more ruffled as he tries to get the image of your smile out of his head.
🎸 You were in a miscellaneous store full of alt clothing, trinkets and various other stuff when he walked in with his bandmates.
🎸 It was fairly normal when he came in the store. It was dim with some random punk song playing faintly in the background. His friends started exploring, looking at the graphic t-shirts and mugs shaped like skulls and the like.
🎸 He got a bit bored and wandered to the other side of the store. It had posters, candles and..who's that?
🎸 There you were, staring longingly at a plush toy sitting on one of the shelves, just standing there.
🎸 He didn't think much of it, probably just some person baked out of their mind. "Hey buddy, you doin' good?"
🎸 You snap out of your gaze and look at the big hulking man in front of you. You stutter out an apology and explain your little misfortune.
🎸 "So you want this..toy...but you can't afford it..?" He raises a brow at you as you nod, making him chuckle.
🎸 He thought for a moment, looking at the stuffed creature, well it wouldn't hurt to buy it for you, he's pretty well off from all the gigs and concerts he's been in so...
🎸 "How 'bout I buy this thing for ya then? But you owe me~" He winks, thinking he could score some quick sex for being such a 'gentleman'
🎸 But no, instead of a blush or a knowing smirk, you just looked at him with the widest, most innocent eyes he's ever seen, you were practically shaking with joy as he said it.
🎸 You thanked him profusely before listing off things you could do in return, treating him to some food, buying something for him in return, plain paying him back..he was a bit surprised.
🎸 "O-oh...uhm that was a joke heheh, y-you don't have to do all that babe..." He blushes.
🎸 The two of you head to the cashier, his friends spying from behind the aisles as his gaze is locked on the little ball of cuteness beside him.
🎸 Seriously? Did you even know who he was? This has never happened before...most of the time, he would pay for someone's drink or something and they'd be on his dick in seconds, but you, you were so..different...it felt nice..
🎸 You didn't even get it in a bag, you immediately took the plush after it was paid and hugged it close.
🎸 so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute!!!
🎸 "Hey uh..so me and my buds are in a band and uhm..wanna maybe..watch our next gig?" He asks nervously, he's never been so shy towards anyone!!
🎸 You agree, thinking it's the least you could do for what he did for you.
🎸 You take out your phone, Axel can't help but grin at the case, it was cute, like you~..
🎸 "Here's my number if..you need it.." You smile at him, that smile..that damn cute smile...you had his heart wrapped around your finger at this point.
🎸 "Th-thanks sugar..I'll see you there.." He smiles back as you part ways, he heads back to his friends who were bombarding him with questions as he watches you skip out of the store with your new little soft friend.
🎸 That night, he was getting ready for the show when he got a message notification and sees that you sent a picture of the show from one of the seats with some text "Good luck out there!"
🎸 His face was on fire as he realized you were there, he peeks out in the crowd and there you were, your little plush toy in tow.
🎸 You look so out of place from the people in spiky jewelry and dark outfits, you were just in a hoodie and baggy pants, albeit the hoodie had a MCR design on it, but you can tell it was very soft compared to the rest of the audience.
🎸 Finally it was time for the show to begin and it was the most passionate he's been in a while, it seemed as if the words he was singing were dedicated to you and you alone.
🎸 The little glances at you made you giddy, like a friend seeing their bestie perform, you were cheering excitedly for him, not in a fangirly way, but one of genuine support and amazement.
🎸 After the performance, Axel tried finding you, but the crowd was too big and he assumed you must have left already.
🎸 Wait..why is he being so buddy buddy with you? You just met today! It's not like you two were best friends or anything!
🎸 He tried dismissing the thought of you, tried distracting himself by flirting with other people, but he could only think about you, and making you smile like that again..
🎸 no no no! get out of my head!
🎸 Maybe a little fling can ease his mind?
🎸 Even on his bed with some random girl after show, he can still think of you.
🎸 Would your skin be as soft? or maybe softer? How would your hair smell? He bets your moans would sound delicious..
🎸 shit FUCK!!
🎸 Even after his one night stand, he kept thinking of you
🎸 He stares at your messages, you sent a lot of pictures of your plush toy doing goofy things to him, so cute..so silly...he can't help but smile.
🎸 He decides to look you up on social media and..
🎸 Wait a minute...you make music too?
yep this was a bit short but idk man i love making you guys suffer <3 stay tuned for part 2 (i am actually out of ideas guys please request me please please ple-)
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
Candy- C. Sturniolo
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pairing: influencer!reader x Chris
classification: fluff
warnings: Latina reader, use of Spanish (brief), use of y/n, mention of alcohol, suggestive content but no smut, online scandal
translations: pendeja- dumbass (feminine)
inspiration: Candy by Plan B
summary: You were sweet as candy and Chris couldn’t stop himself from taking a bite, leading to an internet scandal neither of you anticipated.
Influencer parties were never Chris’s thing, he usually just let himself get dragged along for appearances. Today is one of those days, he got ready and acted excited, but deep down all he wanted to do was go back home. Currently, he’s making his rounds around the event, dabbing people up and introducing himself to the strangers he hasn’t met yet.
As he walks around the crowded party with his brothers, he realizes that there’s more unfamiliar faces than he accounted for. Maybe he’s seen a video of theirs once or twice, but for the most part he has no idea who these people are.
Nick finds a friend and disappears amidst the crowd, dancing to the beat of the music as he follows his friend towards a different area of the house. Matt has started a conversation with someone he recognized, bonding with them over God knows what. Chris lingered around Matt for a while, debating whether he should insert himself in the conversation or not, but it sounded boring and there was sure to be something more interesting at this party.
So, he allows himself to wander around, grabbing a drink along the way. Candy by Plan B plays loudly over the speakers, shaking the walls with each beat. He’s never heard this song before, but he makes a mental note to add it to his playlist, bopping his head slightly to the music. Chris takes a long swig of his beer, eyes scanning the room for something or someone interesting.
The room is crowded, the music is loud, and the strobing lights don’t help him recognize anyone. He walks further into the crowd, holding his beer by the neck as he weaves past sweaty people. He’s about to give up and walk back to where he left Matt, but that’s when he sees you.
You’re in the middle of the room, dancing shamelessly to the song. You’re swaying your hips, grinding against a friend as your hair falls in front of your face. Despite the commotion surrounding him, Chris feels the world stop. He’s never seen someone so beautiful, and maybe it’s the alcohol, but he’s instantly addicted to you. In that moment he made it his mission to learn your name and get your number.
You feel Chris’s watch on you, following the burning sensation until your eyes lock with his. You don’t know who he is, but you’re immediately in awe. He was so handsome that if this was a cartoon you’d have heart eyes.
You continue dancing, looking Chris up and down with a slight smirk before finally prying your eyes away. Just because he was cute didn’t mean you weren’t going to make him work for it. He senses the challenge and mentally accepts it, ready to do whatever it takes to make you his. The song fades out, a completely different beat playing over the speakers as Rompe by Daddy Yankee plays.
You’re swiveling your hips to the song, turning towards your friends as you begin singing the lyrics to each other. Chris takes another swig of his beer, finishing it off for some liquid courage before finally walking over to you. “Look who’s coming,” your friend comments, her eyes darting behind you to signal at Chris.
Usually you’d find boldness like Chris’s obnoxious and creepy, but he had a certain charm to him that made up for it. Before you knew it, you found yourself drunkenly dancing with him, his hands on your hips and yours around his neck. The alcohol, loud music, and his ability to dance on beat is enough to convince you that you’ve found the man of your dreams.
“What’s your name?” he shouts over the music, hands holding you in place as you grind against him. Chris feels like he’s in heaven, he’s never had a girl this hot this close to him, let alone grinding on him. “Y/n,” you exclaim as he leans into you so he can hear you better. “I’m Chris!” he replies, face so close to yours that his breath is fanning across your neck.
Despite the loud music, the moment is intimate and it feels like you and Chris are the only two people in the room. He pulls away from your ear, keeping his face close enough for your noses to touch while you dance. Before he can stop himself, he’s leaning in for a sloppy, drunk kiss. His hands are all over your body and yours are tangled in his hair.
You’re making out, grinding against each other as loud reggaeton plays in the background. The alcohol running through your veins caused you to forget that this isn’t just a random party, this is an influencer party; where everyone knows everyone, and everyone knows Chris. But the room is so chaotic that neither of you notice people taking pictures, the strobing lights serving as a mask for the nosy onlookers. They sneakily snap pictures and take videos, posting them online in a matter of seconds for the world to see.
At this point, you’ve been dancing with Chris for hours, both of you becoming a sweaty, drunk mess. People kept taking pictures, all of them trying to get their 15 minutes of fame by creating a scandal. If it weren’t for your friend who managed to pull you away, you would’ve stayed clung to Chris for the whole night. You were so drunk that you would’ve surely led him to a room and created an even bigger mess for yourself.
“Girl you can’t be dancing with that dude,” she says, dragging you outside of the party and to the car. “What? Why not?” your words are slurred, your heels clacking on the pavement as you struggle to keep up. Just moments before you were dancing expertly, but now you can’t even remember which foot is left and which is right. “Because he’s famous, pendeja,” she quips back, pulling you along aggressively towards the car. Who cares if he’s famous? He’s fucking hot.
“So? I’m famous too,” you’re slurring your words, stumbling with each step.
It’s true, you had your own group of fans, but you were a fairly new content creator. So, even if you were ‘famous,’ you weren’t as popular as Chris. “Exactly my point, bitch. Everyone was taking pictures of you guys. That’s gonna look so bad on you,” she says, throwing her hands up in the air. She was still pretty sober, leaving you on the dance floor to use the restroom and getting distracted along the way, only to come back to you grinding on a stranger.
When her hands flail in the air, she lets go of you causing you to lose your balance and fall on the grass lawn. She looks down at you annoyed, “Girl, oh my God. Get up.” Her hands wrap around your arms, using all her strength to hoist you up.
Your friend explained the situation to you, going into full detail about the story and of how she obtained the information in the first place. You’re so drunk that if all sounds like jibberish to you, but you listen anyways. Apparently she heard from a friend of a friend that Chris was extremely famous, he and his brothers sharing a YouTube channel that amassed over 6 million subscribers. These numbers didn’t really matter to you, you were never the type to measure someone’s worth based on followers, but it obviously mattered to your friend.
You were tuning her out now, your mind occupied with thoughts of Chris; his lips against yours, his hands that roamed your body, his body heat while you two danced to the music.
If the internet wanted to cancel you for having fun with a hot guy that you’d probably never see again, so be it.
Two days have passed since that party and Chris’s phone has been going crazy because of those pictures, there’s even videos of the two of you practically undressing each other mid dance floor. He was so drunk that he hardly remembers that night at all and he didn’t even manage to get your number because your friend pulled you away before he could ask. Although he hates the negative attention the videos and photos have brought, he can’t stop watching them.
“You need to fucking fix this,” Nick says through gritted teeth, scrolling on his laptop. Their Instagram DM’s, YouTube comments, emails, Snapchat messages, all of it was full to the brim with crazed fans. There were even YouTube drama channels reacting and talking about the photos, claiming that this was the ‘downfall of the Sturniolo Triplets.’
Nick pulls up the main photo everyone is going crazy over, enlarging it so it takes up the whole laptop screen. In the photo Chris’s hands are firmly gripping your ass, fingers ending right below your dress. Your right hand is tangled in his hair, the left one holding onto his bicep for support. The two of you are locking lips, and because you were dancing, the picture is blurry, but there’s no doubt that it’s Chris in the picture. There’s even less doubt that it’s you, your outfit matching the one you posted on your Instagram just hours before the party.
“Dude you’re fucked,” Matt chuckles as he shakes his head at Chris, he found the situation slightly amusing. “It’s not funny, Matt. Read these comments,” Nick responds, tilting the laptop so Matt can do a once over. Matt’s eyes gloss over the screen, reading so many messages that all said the same thing, ‘who is she and why is she with Chris?’
“They can’t be that bad,” Chris finally says, glancing at the laptop from over Matt’s shoulder. After reading about 5 messages he realizes that they were that bad, the fans were actually going insane over these photos. They managed to find your social media and kept tagging you in posts, one of the notifications popping up on the screen as Chris reads comments. “Wait click that,” Chris instructs, pointing towards the right hand corner of the laptop.
Nick clicks the notification swiftly, managing to catch it before it was replaced by another one. The notification leads them to your Instagram account, your aesthetic and page layout immediately jogging Chris’s memory. Suddenly he remembers every detail from that night, Candy by Plan B playing in his head as images of you flash through his mind.
“Is this her?” Matt asks, shooing Nick’s hand off the mousepad so he can scroll through your account. Your account was full of photo dumps; all of them including pictures of you with friends, family, out partying, and a lot of provocative selfies. There was a sexy, mysterious edge to you that could put anyone in a trance, and it was evident in your suggestive poses and the amount of likes under each post. Matt clicks on one of the photos, you’re wearing a little black dress and holding a beer, sitting on a lounge chair outside of a bustling party.
It was the exact dress from that night, and Matt instantly recognizes the background as the same venue from the party. Your legs and chest are visible, black pumps and a gold necklace on full display; all of them being the same details from Chris’s scandalous photo. “Dude you’re so fucked!” Matt reiterates loudly with a laugh, zooming into the background of the picture.
In the background, among other drunk people, you can faintly see Chris, Matt, and Nick. Chris squints his eyes at the screen, trying to see if he was distinguishable in the photo, but he clearly was. He couldn’t lie his way out of this situation even if he tried, all the evidence pointed directly at him.
“Fuck!” He groans, running an anxious hand through his hair. What the fuck was he going to do? What if this singular night and these photos managed to ruin their career?
Matt laughs, he understands that this is stressful, but even he had to agree that you were hot, “Dude, don’t worry. I’d get cancelled for her too.” Chris sends him a warning look and Nick rolls his eyes, this was no time for jokes.
Nick takes control of the laptop again, opening up a chat with you. “Wait, what are you doing?!” Chris asks immediately, watching as Nick types up a lengthy message. “Fixing your damn mistake,” he replies, pressing send without hesitation. Chris groans, facepalming as he thinks of what that message would lead to.
“Like I said dude, you’re fuuuucked,” Matt comments in a sing song tone, chuckling as he retreats to his room. Nick shuts the laptop, standing from the table and doing the same, grumbling a “fucking dumbass” as he walks upstairs.
Chris is left to think about the situation, mind replaying that night on loop. Although he doesn’t regret it, he feels like a high schooler getting in trouble for having a girl over and locking the door.
He was a grown man, he could kiss as many strangers as he wanted, but he still couldn’t help but wonder what he was supposed to do now.
Despite all the comments and backlash you were receiving, you didn’t learn your lesson. Instead of hiding from the world, you dolled yourself up for another night out. Your outfit is sensual, it screams ‘I don’t care what you think about me,’ and turns heads when you walk in a room.
You were still in the infancy stage of your career as an influencer, and if you’ve learned one thing from watching your friends get involved in scandals it’s that these things come and go. Tomorrow something more exciting will entertain people and they’ll forget all about you, so why stop having fun?
The strings of your thong peak from above your low rise jeans, a fitted crop top hugging your figure perfectly. You’ve styled your hair and done your makeup, ready to get drunk and ruin it with more mistakes at yet another influencer party. Hopefully Chris would be there too, not only because you’d love to dance with him again, but because you need to talk about the elephant in the room.
Of course you didn’t really care how this affected your career, but you knew that he and his brothers would take a slight hit from this. They were more established in this field, people held high expectations of them and scandals like this only tainted their image.
You do a once over of your outfit in the mirror, making any last minute finishing touches before walking downstairs. As you’re making your way downstairs, you grab your purse and begin shoving random things in there, your phone being one of them. The phone vibrates in your hand indicating a notification, nothing out of the ordinary especially right now, and when you inspect it your eyes just gloss over your phone before turning it off.
It was a message from the ‘triplets,’ apologizing for their fans behavior and for the entire scandal, even inviting you to meet in person to discuss what comes next. If you weren’t so excited to go out, and if you would’ve clicked the message, you would’ve realized that it was from the actual triplets and not a troll account. But at this point you’ve received so many notifications just like it from a plethora of sources, so you didn’t pay it any mind.
Instead of stressing yourself out, you shove your phone in your purse and walk out the door to meet your friends. You were going to enjoy your night with or without a scandal.
Chris is apprehensive, not sure if he should join Matt and Nick on their night out, especially not after what happened last time. Matt and Nick are dressed and ready, waiting for Chris in the living room so they can leave. Maybe attending another influencer party so soon after the scandal wasn’t the best idea, but Matt already promised he’d go and Nick had friends texting him asking if he was coming. So, if Chris didn’t want to go that was fine, but the other two were definitely making an appearance.
Chris is torn between two choices: stay home and protect his image or attend this party in hopes of seeing you again. He chews on his cheek, mulling the decision over before mumbling a quiet, “fuck it,” and getting dressed. Everyone was already raining hell fire on him, what difference did it make if he made mistakes now?
He throws on a casual outfit, ruffling his hair in the mirror before exiting his room and jogging up the stairs. Matt and Nick look up from their phones once they sense Chris’s presence, a little shocked that he’s joining them.
“Alright, I’m ready. Let’s go,” Chris comments nonchalantly, tilting his head towards the door to encourage the other two to get up. Nick is more conscious of his actions than Chris is, and he knows that as soon as Chris enters that party all eyes are going to be on him. And, if you’re already there, the attention this’ll bring is worse. “Don’t you think you should-“ Nick begins, but Chris cuts him off because he knows where this is going and he doesn’t want to chicken out now.
“I said I’m ready. Let’s fucking go.”
Matt rolls his eyes at Chris’s tough guy act, grabbing his keys and walking past him, “Watch your fucking mouth, kid.” Chris ignores him, following closely behind him as they walk downstairs and out the door. He suddenly feels excited, he can’t wait to get drunk and lose all his inhibitions.
The party is like any other, full of drunk people and loud music, the smell of alcohol and weed being the only thing wafting through the air. Chris was excited on the car ride there, but as soon as he hops out of the car he can feel everyone’s eyes on him, and that’s when the anxiety kicks in. What the fuck was he thinking? That he could saunter into this party and go unnoticed?
Chris tightens his jaw, trying to keep his composure and show zero signs of weakness. People are murmuring, pointing, some of them even laughing. If Chris didn’t have Nick and Matt at his side he would surely break and let the anxiety consume him. The three of them are doing their rounds, greeting friends and grabbing drinks along the way: the usual. Chris wills the bad thoughts away, taking a swig of his beer as his eyes scan the room.
Last time he was scanning the room for anything or anyone exciting, this time he’s scanning the room for one person; you. He hasn’t been able to spot you in the crowd, and after the scandal he dragged you into, he wouldn’t blame you for not showing up. Chris takes another long swig of his beer, practically chugging the drink as he tries easing his nerves with the alcohol.
“Go slow with that shit,” Nick comments with a scoff, pointing at the beer that was already halfway finished. Chris holds his hands up in defense, he definitely had to pace himself tonight, especially with so many haters lurking around every corner. “I’m gonna go find my friend, don’t do anything stupid,” Nick continues with a warning glare, pushing past Chris and disappearing into the crowd
Chris’s eyes follow Nick, watching as his figure weaves between people until he’s no longer in view. He allows his eyes to scan the room one last time, mentally claiming that if he doesn’t find you then it wasn’t meant to be. Just as his eyes reach the far left corner, and he’s about to give up, he sees you. He swears he feels his heart skip a beat, butterflies in his stomach, and heat rise to his cheeks.
You’re sitting on the arm of the couch, legs crossed and rocking back and forth as you groove to the music. In your hands is a cold beer, you take small sips from it in between conversation with your friend. Chris is silently grateful that you’re here with a friend and not another guy because it means he stands a chance with you. Usually he wouldn’t be psyching himself out this much, but you were easily the prettiest girl in the room, he’d even go as far to say that you were the prettiest girl at the party.
“I’ll be back,” Chris says to Matt, slapping his brothers back and abandoning the group he was standing with as he walks towards you. Matt, who was previously engaged in a conversation, is now watching Chris intently. Either Chris was going to come out as the underdog who got the girl, or he was going to make an idiot of himself and become a viral sensation once again. The group Matt is standing with is watching too, ready to watch Chris fail to impress you and walk back defeated.
Chris pushes past dancing couples, apologizing to anyone he bumps into as he walks towards you. His eyes are locked on you, afraid that if he looks way you’ll disappear and become a figment of his imagination. You’re too busy talking to your friend to notice Chris approaching, one of your arms rests on the back of the couch as you lean into your friend. The music is loud, the lights are blinding, and the alcohol is beginning to muddle your senses.
When you pull away from your friend you see him, standing so dangerously close to you that if it were anyone else you’d be startled. But for some reason you feel comfortable, you feel like you’ve known Chris for forever and he’s just a friend coming to say hi. So that’s what you do.
“Oh! Hi,” a big smile grows on your face, the alcohol making you extra confident and cheery. Chris chuckles, finding your drunken state only slightly amusing. “Hi,” he replies with a goofy smile, taking a step closer to you on the couch.
He’s now standing in between your legs, gentle hands landing on your thighs before he continues, “our kiss broke the internet, huh?” You laugh, Chris had an unmatched charm to him that could make anyone fall in love.
“Tryna break it again?” you ask, feeling extra bold now that he’s standing so close. He smirks knowing that in that moment, despite all the online drama and rumors, he came out with the girl. “We can try,” he replies coyly, leaning into your touch as he allows his lips to hover over yours.
Maybe it’s the alcohol, the music, or the crowd of people watching, but Chris feels the need to claim you as his in front of everyone at this party. His lips attach to yours, both of you moulding together as Candy by Plan B plays in the background.
You were sweet as candy and Chris couldn’t help but take a bite.
Latinas for Chris🚨Latinas for Chris🚨
Had this one in the drafts for a while. I just had to write something for my Latina girlies 😋
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
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castiwls · 5 months
tolerate it - a.s
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Paring; anakin x reader
Prompt; 'If it's all in my head, tell me now. Tell me I've got it wrong somehow'
Requested; @simonsbluee
Notes;anakin version:) again all time fav cry song requests are open!
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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The sound of the door opening pulled your attention from the data pad on your lap. A small smile grew on your lips as you placed the pad beside you before standing from your seat. “Your back,” You grinned. “I didn’t think you were due back for another few days.”
Anakin pulled off his robe before turning to you, his grin just as bright. “We got back early.” He closed the distance between you both pulling you into a hug. You felt his arms squeeze tightly around your middle as you tucked your head into the crook of his neck. 
Taking a deep inhale you felt your body relax in his arms. He was safe. After weeks he was finally home again. After a moment you pulled back. His arms still wrapped around your waist. “I missed you.” He spoke quietly, his eyes slowly tracing your face. 
“I missed you too.” You smiled slowly rubbing a hand through the back of his head. “How come you’re back so early?” 
“Some sort of diplomatic thing.” He let out a breath, rolling his eyes causing you to laugh quietly. You knew how much he hated anything which involved politics. In all the time you’d known Anakin he’d never been one for anything which involved long boring conversations.
“The charity ball?” He nodded his thumb slowly rubbing circles on your waist. “Yeah. How did you know about it?” He frowned slightly, a look of confusion filling his features. “I got invited to,” You watched as a small smile grew on his lips at the idea of not being alone. “Well. That should make this slightly more bearable.” 
You nodded thinking for a moment. “We could…we could go…together.” Your voice came out as a whisper. The thought was something which had been sitting on your mind for a while. 
Every event you were invited to end up with you having to go alone. It was always the same questions asking when you were going to get into a relationship if you had anyone special in your life. By this point, you had mastered the act of politely brushing off anyone who brought up the topic, but that didn’t mean that it never hurt.
It hurt that you were unable to share your relationship with the other people in your life. That you had to act as if Anakin was nothing more than an acquaintance when you met him in public. You knew getting into this relationship that there would have to be sacrifices, you never expected anything less. But sometimes you wished that he would have enough trust in you to share your relationship with those closest to you.
Anakin let out a sigh, his gaze moving down to your feet. He pursed his lips slightly, looking back up. “Angel, you know we can’t…” He moved a hand to gently cup your check. “If the council found out about us…I don’t know what they’d do.” he frowned to himself as he spoke, his gaze seemingly growing distant for a moment before he re-focused back on you.
“I can’t risk them finding out.” He rubbed a thumb across your cheek. You kept your face passive as you stared at him. 
Sometimes your relationship felt almost one-sided. You felt committed to him in a way that he could never commit himself to you. While you knew Anakin was by no means in love with the order and their rules you knew he was still committed. You came second.
The thought had you swallowing, trying to push back the sudden rush of emotions that ran through you. “Fine.” You pulled back from his hold before walking back to the main room. Anakin sighed following closely behind you.
“Are you seriously gonna do this again? You know why we can’t do that. It would put my rank at risk!” He stopped as you turned to face him. You jabbed a finger into his chest. “You. You. You. That’s all it ever is. Do you ever think about what I want?”
“Of course, I think about what you want. You are the most important person in my life!” He reached out to grasp your hand. He lowered his voice as he spoke. “Which is why I can’t lose you.”
You rolled your eyes letting out a quiet breath. “You know, sometimes I feel…I feel like you don’t even love me anymore.” You felt your lips quiver slightly as you swallowed back tears. “Like you're only here out of obligation.” 
You watched his face drop slightly. “Of course I love you. You’re my wife.” He stepped closer, his thumb slowly rubbing circles over your palm. “Then why are you so scared of telling the people closest to us that we’re married,” You pulled your palm from his grasp feeling a tear slowly slip down your face. 
“There’s dinner on the table if you want it.” You whispered before walking towards the bedroom.
You could hear him calling after you but you simply ignored it slamming the door behind you. Slowly you sank to the ground, your body shaking slightly as sobs began to fall from your lips. 
You’d stopped feeling loved a long time ago. At first, you’d believed that the feeling was simply in your head that you were just having doubts about your relationship due to how new it was, yet those doubts never seemed to go away. 
And Anakin did nothing to quell those doubts. Taking a breath you placed your chin on your knees, staring at the bed. You never imagined the man who you were supposed to love unconditionally and who was supposed to love you back could leave you feeling so unseen in your own relationship.
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mischiefmaker615 · 3 months
The Boy is Mine
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Rating: R
Summary: Loki finds you after dark.. but who owns who? 
Note: Based off the song The Boy is Mine by Ariana Grande
Requester: @Laer111ee (wattpad)
*Insert slut song here First and play as you read LOL*
Your hips swayed from side to side as your fingers gripped the pole firmly to keep your balance. Shifting your weight as you swung yourself, arched your back and flipped your hair, all were the main ingredience to get the big bucks coming, especially with those regular fat cats in the audience that continued to gawk at you for the 5th day in a row. It paid the bills at least, kept your head away from other problems and.. you just really loved to dance.
Your hair was loose, make up was light but still captured a sexy look, you ditched the ridiculous high heels and just put on the shorter ones that almost said ‘sexy business woman’ and you had your favorite black outfit that almost resembled slave Leia from Star Wars.. or at least, that’s what that one guy shouted from the audience that one time.
As soon as your last song ended, you struck your pose and closed your eyes, catching your breath with a smile as the feeling of paper brushed against your exposed skin as people threw cash and cat called. After a moment, you collected it all after a corny bow and headed down the stairs for the next girl to take over.
‘’hey Y/N, some fella in curtain 5 paid for a private dance’’ your boss whispered before you could get to the back rooms. His grip on your arm indicated his usual ‘I’m telling’ not ‘asking’.
Your eyes glanced over at the closed curtain room, as if expecting to see the gentleman right there and glanced at your boss with a sigh. ‘’fine, then I’m done for the night.’’
‘’sure.’’ He waved off and disappeared elsewhere.
After placing your bag in your locker, tiding yourself up a bit and even changing into something similar, just with more exposed leg space for your usual lap dances and headed over. Ignoring the stares and cat calling as you pass people, you paused at the curtain and took a deep breath- knowing you’ve done hundreds but it was just to prepare for.. anything, and went in.
“hello darling, you’ve never mentioned about your little side business..’’
You stopped dead in your tracks with wide eyes and queasy stomach. Your body ran a cold shiver up your spine as you remained a deer in the headlights at who sat before you, manspreading and comfortable, rocking his perfect black suit and your expression was still.
‘’what the hell are you doing here?’’ you managed to squeeze out, your voice not indicating any anger but more.. uncertainty as you glanced at the curtain behind you to make sure it was closed.
‘’don’t worry darling, I’ll keep your little secret’’ Loki smirked and laced his fingers together before him with a cross of his legs. ‘’but might I say, you do look ravishing, especially displaying your skillset and.. assets on stage’’ he smirked, trying to get a rise out of you.
So he had been there that long.. your eyes narrowed in challenge as you remained calm. At least on the outside. Loki has been your long-time crush for a long time, having seen him amongst the tower many times to share some playful bickering and knowledgeable conversation here and there. He was someone to keep things interesting, never boring and got your mind to always think- unlike the dull and self-centered males that also occupied the tower. Most of them anyway. Being an Avenger was also your job, but you just couldn’t give up your first job here when Stark offered you the position, so you worked both, this one obviously in secret- until now.
‘’how did you know I was here?’’ you questioned, crossing your arms as worry showed on your brow nevertheless.. for some strange reason you trusted he would keep your secret- it didn’t mean he wouldn’t use it against you though.
‘’the tower tends to get rather boring, and most of your Midgardian locations don’t suit my interest. But you do, you’ve always have..’’ his voice got dangerously low as he leaned forward as he spoke. ‘’so, I followed you. you tended to disappear every evening and I got curious’’ he smirked.
You looked away a little as he spoke, glad the dim lighting hid your blush you felt come to your cheeks as you took a deep breath. Were you really going to do this? ‘’..you know I could always refuse you right?’’ you challenged out of curiosity.
‘’true,’’ he shrugged, relaxing back on the couch as he watched you, his eyes slipping down from yours a few times. ‘’but I could tell a part of you actually wants to do this,’’ he smirked, his eyes flicking up to yours again. ‘’and I don’t even have to blackmail you.’’
Your eyes narrowed as you stared at each other, almost daring to see who would do what first, but unfortunately it was all you. he was the customer and you hated that he was right. He wasn’t just a customer; you had wanted him for a long time; there was no use in denying it. if you had to do this, you were going to take your time and take charge. You will not give him a chance to belittle or doubt, this was your job and you were good at it.
As if on que, the music had started playing again and you wished you had taken a shot of tequila while you had put your stuff away, because the way he gazed at you now was making it hard to focus. He was sat back, limbs loose and relaxed as if he had been drinking a bit himself. His legs were a bit more together now, his slender hands resting at his thighs as his eyes drank you in now. His expression was difficult to read, but you could tell by his deep breathing and how now and again he would shift a little, that he was aroused, and that made you extremely powerful to offer your own smirk.
Taking a small step forward to be more in the center of his room, you kept your half-lidded eyes on him as your hands gently brushed over your thighs, slowly swaying your hips in the beat of the music while they slowly rose and flattened a little at your covered center.
His chin tilted up as his eyes seemed to pry, almost as if trying to look right through your clothes themselves as he swallowed and remained his composure. Your body slowly turned, showing off as your hands slowly rose around your hips and brushed against your perfect ass with your cut dress covering your intimate parts before you slowly faced him again while you gripped your chest.
Your eyes closed then, as if your own touch alone could make you orgasm and your fingers traveled into your hair while your lips parted. While your eyes were closed as you moved to the music, Loki’s hands briefly brushed against his pants as he began getting antsy, his jaw tight but he remained patient as he drank you in. gods you were beautiful, and you both knew it. the fact that he also knew your personality form your encounters at home as well he felt you were all the sexier.
His breath hitched when you placed your hands on his knees, feeling him having no rejection as you leaned forward and he took advantage of the view of your cleavage. Feeling his tense but loose limbs, you pushed his legs apart, standing between them as you remained holding eye contact and you smirked, seeing a small flash of defeat in his eyes that he hated and loved at the same time.
You had the upper hand now.
You turned yourself and slowly, just ever so slowly to tease him- more- began grinding your ass on him. depending on the package, it could involve touch, but you still weren’t expecting your breath to hitch when you felt his slender hands rest at your hips, his finger tips lightly digging into your flesh as he used strained control to bring you harder again him. speaking of..
By the gods he was huge, and you could feel yourself getting aroused every time he pulled and you pushed your cunt against his hard cock. You almost felt like you could salivate as your grinded more into him, hearing him growl as his grip strengthened ever so slightly, as if to stop himself from slapping your ass. You had him where you wanted him and pulled away, his fingers hesitating to let you go as you turned around to face him and placed your hands on his shoulders with do-me-eyes.
Loki’s lips parted weakly as he remained himself to breath, his eyes looking up into yours as if silently begging for you to take him. you wanted to.. if you wouldn’t get fired. Though it didn’t mean you couldn’t tease him a bit as you got onto his lap, your thighs resting against his while your cunt began grinding itself again on his bulge.
His hands went back to your hips as fast as magnets, wanting to grope and touch but he was unsure if he was allowed. You felt him squeeze your flesh as he leaned forward, making you grip his shoulders more as he inhaled your scent with fluttering eyes closed.
This gave you the perfect opportunity to lean forward and run your tongue teasingly up his neck, making your body lift as his cock got impossibly bigger to raise you. his eyes shock open with blown, hungry pupils and his own cologne filled your sensed as you gazed at him. he gave you a frustrated breath, his hips almost thrusting up as if he forgot you both were clothed.
Just to add fuel to the fire, your hands ran down his chest and took his wrists, pulling them off your thighs to rest against your chest as he eagerly began to massage and knead. His eyes never left yours as he almost seemed to study you, admiration on his features as if he never thought this moment would be possible- and he was still trying to believe it.
his thumbs ghosted under the edge of your bra at the bottom-if you want to call it a bra. It was thin as paper, you might as well of not have been wearing one as his movements slowed, asking silent permission as his teeth grasped his bottom lip lightly. Giving a small smile with a nod, his thumbs lifted the bra forward enough to slip his hands in and he almost shuddered in pleasure as he grasped your globes. Your head almost fell back as you moaned, slowing your griding at his bulge to deep, long strokes and you felt a warm tongue run up your neck.
You pulled away just enough to give him a playful smile as he shared one, knowing it was a pay back tease before a hand left your chest to move to the back of your head. It moved it forward, his fingers lightly grasping your hair as he tilted your head up and began sucking at your neck. Your hands went to his shoulders, nails digging into his suit as your own body shuddered in pleasure. He left open mouth kisses below your jawline and ran his tongue to your collar bone.
‘’F-Fuck..’’ you breathed before there was a knock outside the room.
‘’hey Y/N, I’m not paying over time.’’ your boss called and you realized the music had stopped.
Loki pulled away and removed his hands to rest at your hips, looking up at you curiously as you both caught your breaths.
‘’..the songs over..’’ you whisper, your eyes breaking contact as you use his shoulders to help yourself off of him and he keeps his hands on your hips for as long as possible as he lets go and stands up.
His height reminds you just how different you both are as you brush and straighten your clothes before you feel his hand at your chin and lift it to look at him. his expression was gentle but deadly serious and seriously still aroused.
‘’what time are you off?’’
Your blush darkens and you could feel your arousal as your thighs close tight. ‘’now-‘’
He leans down a bit, his knees bending to accommodate his height as he holds your eyes hostage and your noses almost touch.
‘’then this is most certainly not over.’’
Tag List: @foxherder @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
Note: Thank you for reading! it's kind of like a series~ you send songs, i write based off of them LOL More on my masterlist!
~Funny *on the subject*
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theobsidianempress · 4 months
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Being Neurodivergent in JJK
 OK let me explain a few things first I have ADHD officially diagnosed back in October. I have always wondered how my favorite characters would react to neurodivergent people in terms of like dating them.
Like in JJK I have three that I feel with probably do pretty well with the neurodivergent partner.
First on the list is Nanami Kento-
I feel like Nanami would probably deal with a neurodivergent partner with grace and patience, and actually become a safe space for you to unmask and be who you genuinely are. He would probably very likely be confused and concerned at some point in the process but then just learn that’s your neurodivergence and that’s just who they are.
Imagine this right-
You’re home alone, right? You’re bored and you have to read a book but you don’t want to read a book in silence and you don’t feel like going to find your headphones to listen to an audiobook. You decide to narrate a book to yourself. You decide to go way back to when you were a kid when your mom would read to you and she would do the voices and funny actions. Honestly, you don’t even realize you’re doing funny actions you’re just reading a book. you are so into this book you don’t hear Kento home.
He stands there by the front door. He’s hung up his jacket, taking off his shoes and he slowly walking towards you. Again- You are so into this book and this narration you got going on you don’t notice a fucking thing. So, finally you finish the chapter. You decide, “I’m done reading for the day.” You close the book put it down on the coffee table. Turn your head and you see him standing there with an amused smile on his face. You are also terrified. This man just saw you reading a book to yourself as if you were a toddler. Doing voices actions the whole 9 yards.
You stare at him as if he caught you stealing. (I mean you did steal his heart but that’s neither here nor there)
“That was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.” He finally says.
Some how that DID NOT quell your embarrassment. It just made it worse. You are redder than red and hide your face behind a sofa pillow.
“Don’t say that!” You practically squeal into the pillow.
He comes over and sits next to you gently taking the pillow away. Your embarrassment has now morphed into shame.
“Oh sweetie, wipe that look off your face. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” God he was so sweet to you.
“You just walked in on me reading to myself like a toddler. I mean I could see if I was babysitting a kid…” You turn your head further away.
Kento takes off his sunglasses and sets them on the coffee table next to your book.
“Sweetie, if reading like that makes it more fun for you - then do it.”
Your brows snapped together and you slowly raise your head to look at him. Not once has anyone told you that kind of behavior is okay. All of your exes called you ‘childish’, ‘weird’ and ‘fucking crazy’. They constantly made fun of you for reading aloud to the point you stopped. But this man… this man right here, sitting next to you just affirmed and validated you. Something no one has done until now.
You stared at him blinking back tears.
“If you want an audience, I’ll be your audience. You can read like that to me any day.” He picked up the book from the table, “Though I am going to need a recap.” He takes a large hand wipes away your budding tears.
“What did I do to deserve you?” You ask nuzzling his hand.
Second is Toji -
So Toji could go one of two ways - he’s either completely OK with it or he isn’t.
It’s like this right- you forget he’s home. He’s just hanging out in another room playing video games or something. So forgetting he’s home you just start being weird. Singing random songs reciting random movie quotes. Dancing as if you have no rhythm. Just whatever your little neurodivergent brain wants at the moment. And then you turn around to see him staring at you very fucking confused.
“What the fuck was that just now?” He says confused and slightly amused.
“When the fuck did you get here?” You ask just as confused and slightly terrified that you’ve scared him off.
“I haven’t left. I’ve been playing video games.” He replies.
Now this is where it can go one of two ways:
1) “I see…” you nod your head, “Well now I’m gonna have to kill you because I can’t have you telling people about what you just saw. You know too much.” You say this with a serious look.
Toji stands there for a split second then just laughs, “Yeah, okay. I’d love to see you try, doll.” He strides over and gives ya a lil kiss.
You make a happy squeak before going back to whatever it was that you were doing.
“Sides, I don’t go around tellin people my business anyway. So, your weirdo secret is safe with me.”
2) “Nope.” He puts his hands up like he’s being held up, “I learned my lesson on stickin’ my dick in crazy. Nope.”
And he nopes out of the relationship faster than he came into it.
Gotta save the strongest for last Gojo Satoru-
I don’t care what the fuck anyone tells me you cannot tell me he does not have some form of ADHD. I don’t care what you say. This relationship would be so chaotic and so funny. Because I feel like he would also quote random movies and TV shows and you just join in and then if and when Yuji is around, he would also do the same thing and vice versa.
Imagine this right-
Y’all are at home making dinner together for the kids. They’re watching a movie upstairs so they hear none of this start.
You’re chopping carrots and they remind you of little legs…
“Run, run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me; I’m the gingerbread man!” You say mockingly as you continue to chop the carrots.
On cue, Satoru turns to you with dramatic flair, “You’re a monster!”
It just devolves from there. You two finally get to the part of the scene where Gingy goes, “Do you know the muffin man?”
“The muffin man!?” You ask dramatically.
But before Satoru can say the line the two of you hear from the hall way, “THE MUFFIN MAN!” In the shrillest voice.
It was Yuji who came down to see how dinner was going.
The three of you just stare at each other for a second before bursting out in laughter. It takes like a good three minutes to recover and get back to making dinner but god was that funny.
Honestly,I wasn’t really expecting this to be my first real post but I just found it really funny I mean feel free to comment, re-blog and add whatever. Or hey tell me that my head cannon is stupid and none of this would actually fucking happen. Either way I just thought this was funny and needed to put it somewhere.
Also, please note I am sleep deprived. I got zero sleep last night. It’s also that time of the month for me ladies so with all of that being said, thank you so much for reading this if you read it. if you didn’t - have a good day.
Remember- you are loved, worthy, and valid.
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lesbianslvt666 · 1 year
Hi, how are you?
can u imagine the reader is ellie's girlfriend and one day she goes on the reader's instagram and sees a guy sending nasty messages to the reader and it makes her angry, something like ellie texts the guy threatening him and then she argues with the reader for not telling her about it and that ends up with ellie fucking the reader hard, but being cute in the end? ty 😘
Hello love 💕
Not proofread lol
Cw: smut, mean!Ellie, kinda sub!Reader i guess, slaps, fingering (R! Receiving), kinda denigration, squirting, over stimulation. Rushed ending. Idk what else lol
Ellie and you trusted each other so much.
You where the one with the idea of having both face id’s on your phones, so when you where doing something else Ellie could look for a song or do whatever.
And now was very handy. Ellie was bored out of her mind, you had offered to cook something fast to watch a movie and her phone was dead.
She unlocked it and went straight to instagram, she loved watching your pics and you had the most random explore page.
It wasn’t a secrete that you had too many unread messages, i mean, look at you! Pretty and talented, a lot of randoms followed you there either for your fashion or your looks or to watch you paint or to hear snippets of your songs.
Ellie thought it was a good laugh to go thorough your your requests, people where shameless sometimes, sometimes funny, and other times like right now, where just so nasty.
The ugliest dude with only one misogynistic meme on his page. The messages started as “flirtatious” (dry and awkward) but as time went by the messages got more and more aggressive and sexually suggestive.
Her blood was boiling, her free hand was scrunching the duvet with so much force that her finger where burning.
Without a second thought she started to type, every word more aggressive than the last one, she typed the last words fast and sent it, she left you phone down, face red, her anger was blinding her.
You entered the room with two plates of food.
“Babe, ya’ wanna help me with the drinks? Couldn’t bring them and-“ your word cut off by her scoff, your eyes traveling to her.
“Whats wrong Ells?” Your words careful after leaving the plates down.
“Angel, you remember when i told you that if anyone ever even dared looking at you the wrong way you were to tell me? Like right away?” Her hand traveling all the was up caressing from you hand up you arm to your face.
She places a stray hair behind your pretty ear. “Yes baby” your voice small, her face changed. “You don’t have anything to tell me?” Her middle and thumb fingers grabbed you harshly.
Moving your face to her liking, looking at you in a way that kinda scared you, however that only made your wetness pool on you panties.
“No baby, i promise” her eyes went dark, blown pupils, her lust mixing with anger. “You slutty lair” her mouth attacking yours with hunger.
She was feeling every part of you and you let her, although your confusion was fighting for dominance against your lust.
“Wait baby, what- ahhh- what why… mmmhhh” you couldn’t speak correctly, her mouth leaving marks on your neck and her hands squeezing your ass harshly was enough to make you delirious.
“There’s” a slap on your eyes made you squeeze your cunt on nothing, eyes closing shut. “A stupid bitch” another slap. “on your request” and she took this time to manhandle you to the bed.
she sat without a word and bed you over her lap. “His messages are very disgusting angel” slap. “Why didn’t you told me?” Her hands massaging your ass to let you speak.
“I just.. umm.. i dint wanted to ummmhaaaaa.. worry you baby!” After every word you spoke her hand traveled further in between your legs.
“It was nothing… mmmmhhaaaa!” Her hand slapped your cunt when you said that, anger filling her again.
“Nothing?” Her face coming close to your face. “Can i take this off princess?” Her fingers hooking up at the waist band of your butty shorts. “Yes, Ellie yessss please, touch me, do anything!”
She took it, taking down your shorts and panties.
Soaked pussy glistening with your milky essence.
She licked her lips while moving her fingers up and down, the stimulation too much.
She inserted two fingers out of nowhere, the pain mixing with delicious pleasure.
“Fuck baby, yes, like that…” your voice just above a whisper. Her hand moving in and out of your pussy so hard your juices where dripping down yours and her leg. You couldn’t take it any longer.
She stopped all movements, carrying you to the bed, taking off your shirt and hers, she knew how much you liked seeing her boobs bounce when she fucked you.
“You better tell me, this shit, even if its not important okay bitch?” Her hand glistening with your cum massaging your boobs, pinching hard and without a care, your body squirming at the feeling, and after all the juices where clean on your tits, she moved to your neck, pressing your wind pipe softly, loving how your mouth opened and your eyes rolled back in bliss.
And thats how she fucked you for the past hour, fingers in and out through your squirts and highs, aiming for over stimulation, and when you simply couldn’t take it any more. She stopped.
She knew your body like the palm of her hand and she know she was overstepping her boundaries. Even if you loved it.
She knew you’ll be sore in the morning and she didnt wanted you to feel uncomfortable.
She give your clit a sweet kiss, going all the way up to your face, she kiss all over, both giggling at her sweet change.
“I love you baby, i just don’t want anyone to make you feel bad or anything” she was a bit awkward, feelings weren’t an easy thing for her.
She took a soft towel that she bought especially for this cause she thought “the normal towels could be too rough on your pretty skin”, wet it a bit and came back to clean you.
She tossed the towel back to the bathroom and took both plates, both of you now under the covers and cuddling on the bed, she pressed play on the Lorax and you laughed at that.
“I love you Ellie” you said looking up at her.
“I love you more baby” she said kissing you on the forehead.
“Fuck i forgot the drinks” she said followed by a groan.
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Hope you liked this baby 💋🫶
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Master List <3 Request List <3 Marauders Master List
Remus Lupin x Reader
A/n: AHHHH Taylor Swift <333
Summery: But the rain is always gonna come if your standing with me
Warnings: injuries, blood mention, insecurities, constant reassurance within a relationship, song lyrics within the fic, swearing
Word Count: 1627
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Our coming of age has come and gone,
Suddenly, this summer, it's clear.
I look myself in the mirror as I wash the blood off of my hands. The gash up my arm still stung slightly due to the sing of the rubbing alcohol but the bleeding has stopped thanks to my little first aid kit.
We've only been out of Hogwarts for three weeks and the full moon had come around.
Me and Remus were hoping the rest of the gang would be available to help him but only Sirius was free and I had found myself showing up too early and standing a little too close.
I never had the courage of my convictions, As long as danger is near.
I step out of the bathroom of our little apartment to see Remus sat on the sofa with his head in his hands.
I sit myself next to him, speaking in the bravest yet gentlest voice I can muster.
He looks up at me slowly with stained cheeks, watery eyes and a new scar creeping up his neck from under his shirt.
And it's just around the corner, darling, 'Cause it lives in me.
"I'm so sorry." He chokes up between a sob, flinching away as I try to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey it's not your fault."
He finally allows himself to melt into my touch, silently and softly crying into my shoulder as I run my hands through his curls.
No, I could never give you peace.
"I can't believe I hurt you." He says as he finally collects himself, sitting up from my shoulder.
"That wasn't you, you didn't mean to do it." I say, brushing some hair behind his ear, allowing my hand to linger on his cheek.
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm, If your cascade, ocean wave blues come.
"Why what?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him as I trace his features with my thumb.
"Why are you here, with me. Living this life. You deserve so much better than this."
He wipes another tear off his face with the sleeve of his jumper whilst shaking his head.
"Because I love this life. And I love you."
All these people think love's for show, But I would die for you in secret.
"But why?" He looks at me with an expression full of pain, regret and guilt which made my heart break on the spot.
"Remus Lupin your intelligence, personality, face and most of all heart is why I've always loved you. Do you really think that I would've punched Snape in the nose in third year for making fun of you if I didn't love you? Or ran into the forbidden forest, at night, without my want in our fifth year just because I thought you might've been hurt? I've always loved you Remus and I love this life, our life, because I have you in it."
The devils in the details, But you got a friend in me.
He nods slightly, a single tear rolls down his cheek as he prepares himself to speak again.
"But this is my life. I'll always have this.. this burden to carry on my shoulders. I don't want you to have to carry it as well. I'll never grow old with you in the way you want, or be able to give you any calmness or serenity in your life."
"It's much easier to carry something heavy if you ask for help, and serenity is boring anyway."
I smile at him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
Would it be enough, If I could never give you peace?
A ghost of a smile crosses his face as he nods at my words before taking another shaky breath.
"But I hurt you. I lost control of myself and hurt you. And I have no way of guaranteeing to you that it won't happen again. Your the most important and perfect thing in my life, I would never be able to forgive myself if something serious happened to you. What if Sirius wasn't there? What happens when it's just me and you here? I try my best to keep you as safe as possible and yet the only harm that's come to you is from my own hand."
Your integrity makes me seem small, You paint dreamscapes on the wall.
"I'm not afraid of what might happen Remus, because I know that if anyone can handle it it's us."
I take his hand into my own, placing them in my lap as I run my thumb back and forth the side of his hand.
"Plus we'd be so lucky to get rid of James, Sirius and Peter. As if they'd never leave us alone. And even if they did we'd manage."
He chuckles lightly at the mention of our co-dependent friends and opens his arms to me as if to offer a hug.
I talk shit with my friends, It's like I'm wasting your honour. And you know that I'd, Swing with you for the fences.
~27 days later~
"I made chocolate cake, I know it's your favourite." I say with a smile, placing the plate into the table next to the seat he was reading in.
"I'm trying to read, leave me alone."
"Oh, I'm sorry I just thought I'd try and cheer you up."
I move to sit next to him, placing a soft hand on his knee, causing his head to snap up.
"What part of I'm trying to read don't you understand? Leave me alone." He moves away from me with a cold glare.
Sit with you in the trenches, Give you my wild, Give you a child.
I climb into bed cold and lonely as his side remained empty despite the late time that was being displayed on the clock.
I understand that the effects and the stress of the oncoming full moon was effecting him but his harsh and cold attitude still upset me.
I pull the fabric of his sweater that I'm wearing closer to me in attempt to regain the familiar comfort of his embrace around me as that side of the bed remained empty.
Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other, Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother.
I awoke with my head resting on his chest as fingers gently comb through my hair.
I sleepily look up at him with hurt and lonely eyes and the expression of guilt, remorse and adoration that he returns to me with explains all the guilt and sorrys in more ways than his words can.
I just nod in understanding and cuddle closer to him.
"Try to be safe tonight. Please." I say looking away from his eyes.
Is it enough? But there's robbers to the east, Clowns to the west. I'd give you my sunshine, Give you my best.
"Y/n!" I hear James's voice shout from downstairs, accompanied by the clattering and banging of my furniture being knocked over.
I quickly rushed myself down to see what was happening to be met with the sight of James and Sirius lowering Remus's weak and bleeding body onto our couch.
"Shit.." I say whilst biting my lip, trying to assess the damage to my boyfriends torso from the skin that was on display.
"Grab the first aid bag." James says whilst shuffling the pillows around to allow Remus to sit as comfortably as possible.
"And some ice." Sirius added, undoing the top few of Remus's shirt buttons. Allowing the gashes and scrapes on his torso to breath and be easily treated.
I nod, quickly running to our kitchen "Keep him awake!"
But the rain is always gonna come, If you're standing with me.
"I'm sorry for ruining your night." He whispers lightly as he laid across my chest, his cuts and bruises now cleaned and treated,
"Don't be. It's not your fault."
He nods despite his face clearly  showing that he doesn't believe a word I said.
"I just can't believe that this is the rest of my life." He choked out another little cry as I kissed his forehead gently. "I mean what about a well paying job, or kids? I'll never have the freedom to do that."
I was unable to muster up a response, instead pulling him closer into my arms as I allowed him to cry for as long as he needed to.
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm, If your cascade, ocean wave blues come.
"I can't believe I found you, somehow despite my constant misfortune in life I'm still the luckiest guy alive because I have you by my side." He kisses my lips with a delicate smile, caressing my face softly with the back of his hand "Thank you, for ignoring the loudness that comes with me. And for helping me learn how to love others and myself despite it."
All these people think loves for sure, But I would die for you in secret.
I blush softly at his words and peck his cheek "Remus not only was my life boring without you but it was also loveless. You've made me unbelievably happy and filled my life with this amazing light and love, I can only hope I've began to do the same for you."
He smiles at me, the both of us admiring one another faces for a moment before he pulls be into a deep kiss.
The devils in the details, But you got a friend in me. Would it be enough, If I could never give you peace?
He pulls away with a smile, keeping his face close to mine as he spoke.
"I have a question to ask you, and before I ask I want you to understand that I won't hold it against you if you say no. I can understand why you wouldn't want to and the only thing I want is for you to be as happy and as content in your life as physically possible. That's the only thing that could make me truly happy." He took my hands into his own and took a deep breath.
"Remus just ask me, what is it?" I say with a giggle, trying to reduce the obvious anxiety he was experiencing.
Would it be enough, If I could never give you peace?
"Will you marry me?"
Would it be enough, If I could never give you peace?
"Of course I will."
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latibvles · 2 months
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playing pretend.
who up mourning that this is the last prompt. it’s me im up. anyways for Dress Uniform we’re going all the way back to Wendover. It’s December, 1942, and John Egan’s about to find out that he is in fact, a very good actor.
The frigid air reminds him vaguely of Manitowoc.
Of course, it would get much colder, snow piling up against the door. He’d help his dad dig out the pathway leading up to the house, the sidewalk, the driveway. And he remembers steam puffing up around their mouths, how he’d take his dad down in the snow to save his sisters from the “dragon” and how powder would cling to his curls. It’s something sobering, warming — he’s not drunk, not enough to have much trouble finding his way.
Wendover isn’t big. There’s base, and there’s the town, and the local bar. On a weekend, they might’ve taken a bus into Salt Lake City, but it’s Thursday, so they all settled for this instead with no practice flight tomorrow. He could take his chances walking back alone, and he doesn’t hate the memories that are choosing to accompany him. He likes the cold, for the most part.
He shoves his hands into the well-worn pockets of his dress uniform, hums under his breath as he takes in the windows with their lights off. If he had a watch, he’d check the time, but he doesn’t. Bucky just knows that it’s late, because he’s never been the kind of guy to call his nights early.
The song they’d been singing in the bar has wormed its way into his thoughts and he’d have to pester Brady for the name of it tomorrow.
He’s halfway between bar songs and shoveled snow when he hears hurried footsteps behind him. He doesn’t have much time to turn around before he’s being swathed by the scent of a peachy perfume, arms hugging one of his and he’s met with slightly frizzy hair, and eyes boring into his own; hazel ones, alight with something indiscernible. He knows her face, because it’s hard to forget something that pretty, but he and Lieutenant Savorre hardly ever spo—
“There you are!” She practically chirps, jovial. If it weren’t for the fact that he can’t smell anything on her breath he’d ask if she was drunk. She’s not though, as she tilts her head up to sear a kiss against his cheek that’s warmer than the whiskey in his blood. Her breath ghosts against the shell of his ear, making him shiver.
“Sorry for the trouble, Captain, but those boys back there have been trailing me for the past block. Could you play along?” Bucky hears it, then. The loud laughter, and as he turns his head he catches glances of the group in his peripheral vision. How they double over one another and stumble, loud and reckless in the quiet. They aren’t Army, not by the way they’re dressed. If Savorre’s scared or nervous, she doesn’t show it. Her lips are pressed into a tight smile as she looks up at him and they keep walking.
Bucky’s never been much of an actor, but he figures he can try.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he leans forward, daring to press a kiss to her hair and Savorre bows her head to let him, like they’ve practiced this before. “Took you long enough.”
“Got caught up with a friend,” Savorre’s reply is breezy as she lifts her head once more. “Missed you like crazy though.” Bucky swallows, harder than he means to, at how easily the words come to her. And if it weren’t for the clamor behind them, he could easily forget that she was just saying it to say it.
“Like crazy, huh?” he counters with a grin of his own. Savorre’s nose scrunches, her eyes narrow.
“Don’t tease me.”
“Can’t help it,” he counters. She huffs, and he chuckles. “C’mere.” Bucky moves his arm from her grip to drape around her shoulders, pulling her into his side and dunking himself further in the scent of her, the warmth of a body pressed against his own. Her hand finds his heart through his jacket, hand curling against fabric.
She’s too good at this.
Savorre keeps looking up at him, laughs at the jokes he comes up with and counters his quick remarks with her own. His thumb presses into her shoulder as he tries to make sense of their predicament. Or rather, the fact that this is the most they’ve really spoken since meeting a couple weeks ago. And he can’t help but be mildly surprised at how easy she makes this all look: she laughs and lightly pats at his chest and bats her eyelashes like she really is his “sweetheart.” It’s impressive. It’s off putting.
He glances behind them momentarily as he leans down as if his plan is to whisper something salacious in her ear.
“Bank left,” he mutters, and Savorre giggles and gasps out a “Sir!” that sells as he veers down a sidestreet with her in tow. They move a few feet behind and Bucky looks behind them to watch the group of boys stumble past, paying them no mind.
Savorre untangles herself from him with a soft sigh, straightening out her jacket and he watches for a moment. His well of words has run dry and all he can really do is stare as she rights herself; straightening her tucked in tie and rumpled collar, before her gaze drags up the length of him to settle on his face.
“Sorry for the trouble, sir. I hope I’m not uh– in trouble for that.” Bucky balks at her.
“What? No. I’m not—” he pauses, before waving his hand dismissively. “Stays between us. That happen often?” Savorre looks a little caught off by his question, before she presses her lips into a line.
“Sometimes, in Texas.” She shrugs, looking at the main street. “Usually we… travel like a pack but my partner had to make sure our Radio Op got back safe and I was handling something with the bar owner.” She reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. He doesn’t miss it — the way she keeps the details vague and he isn’t going to press her for them. But he does smile a little bit.
“Your partner, that’s—”
“Neumann, yeah. Tiny one, black hair,” Savorre demonstrates by holding her hand near her mouth and Bucky can form the image pretty quickly. It was hard not to stare at them.
“I don’t think she’s a fan of me,” Bucky admits and Savorre chuckles at that. He’s pretty sure this is a real laugh of hers, and she shakes her head a little bit.
“Everyone thinks that. It’s just her face. Promise she hasn’t said anything bad, sir.”
“So you girls talk about us?” Savorre rolls her eyes, but he doesn’t think it’s malicious as she raises a brow towards him.
“If you’re hoping for the inside scoop all I can offer is that we’ve been calling you ‘the tall one’, so don’t get too excited,” Savorre smiles a little, like it’s the secret he’s been waiting to be let in on. Maybe it is, because he’s been curious about all thirty of them since he met the pilots on the runway. He presses a little more.
“If I’m the tall one then what’s Kidd?”
“That’s classified information for the 349th to know and for neither you or Kidd to ever find out.” Bucky kisses his teeth, makes a hissing noise as he puts a hand over his heart as if he’d been wounded. She laughs again, with a slight shake of her head and a roll of her eyes.
“Y’know Savorre, they say secrets are poison to a marriage.”
“So now it’s a marriage? I thought it was a rescue mission.”
“Well I’m hoping if I promote myself I’ll get clearance to know what it is.” Savorre makes an ‘ah’ noise, then hums, like she’s really considering it. Makes a point to take her chin between fingers and stroke it pensively, staring up at the cloudy night above them before clicking her tongue and shaking her head.
“Sound argument, sir, but no can do. Plus I’d have to be the one to promote you anyways if that’s how you wanna play it.”
She’s got him there. There’s a glint to her eye — something like mischief — and Bucky’s pretty quick to decide that he likes talking to her and wants to do it more. Mostly because she’s funny, which he didn’t know, and in part because somehow she’s made the idea of Jack Kidd being called anything besides Jack or Kidd seem like the most interesting thing in the world. It feels like a game in some respects and Bucky likes a good game.
“You can drop the sir,” Bucky offers. “...when we’re offbase.” An olive branch, or something like it, he watches the way her face softens up some in surprise, before she tilts her head and furrows her brows.
“Are you sure?”
“It’s just us. Bucky works fine.” Savorre looks like she’s contemplating it for a moment, her expression virtually unreadable. It’s always been pretty easy for him to decide who he does and doesn’t like; it’s easy for him to file Savorre into the prior category as opposed to the latter. She nods, slowly, mutters his name under her breath before fixing her gaze back on him with a smile; warm, friendly.
“This isn’t just a way to get yourself on the fast track to promotion, is it?” Bucky scoffs in mock offense.
“Y’know, if you weren’t smiling all nicely I’d be offended by that.” He whines. Savorre snorts a little bit, which he doesn’t expect.
“Well then sorry, Bucky, and you can call me Viv when it’s just us. If that’ll make it up to you,” She offers and he nods. Viv. And then it’s almost like an immediate switch; how she rocks back on her heels for a moment, looking away from him to one of Wendover’s low rows of businesses and houses. “And thanks again for… playing along. I wouldn’t’ve done that if I had another option.” She sounds almost apologetic and Bucky rejects the unspoken apology with a wave of his own hand, a shake of his head.
“Anytime,” he assures, before amending the statement. “Well, maybe not anytime but if you need a bailout I’m not… it doesn’t bother me.” Viv nods, and he takes her in a little bit. The pinkened state of her cheeks and tip of her nose from the December air, and the progressive softening of her features.
She’s not readable, at least not in any way he understands quite yet. But she’s not stiff either, or rigid. The only other time he’s ever gotten some kind of read on her was when she’d breezed past him with two other pilots to go greet Veal with a “What took you so long?” and a smirk that reminded him of just about every other pilot he’d met, including himself. Maybe she didn’t have sharp edges, but she wasn’t shy or meek about anything.
She’s not shy or meek now either. Maybe comfortable, which feels like some kind of reward for him.
“I might give some of mine the heads up on that,” she admits. “If you don’t mind. Some of them are too shy about that kind of thing and don’t know how to ask.” It doesn’t sound like a complete thought, more like she had more to say but is withholding it. He decides not to pry into it.
“I don’t mind,” he agrees, instead. They lapse into silence for a moment, stiff with that uncomfortably frank knowledge that, yeah, this isn’t the first time any of them had been followed around. Bucky decides, quickly, that he doesn’t like it: the silence and the knowledge. He can do something about both, thankfully enough. “So can I keep walking you back or do you plan on leaving me in the dust?” Viv makes a noise, somewhere between amused and disbelieving.
“Yeah you caught me, I was planning on running for the hills ‘till you opened your mouth.”
“Yeesh, am I that bad of a husband?”
“Well I wouldn’t know. You promoted yourself pretty quick — and it still doesn’t count.” She walks towards him, and then brushes past, and he turns on his heel to follow her, falling in step pretty easily.
“I’m taking that as a ‘No, Bucky, you’re great and also terribly funny. An absolute catch.’” That makes her snort again and she reaches to lightly shove at him, but he doesn’t move much as she shakes her head.
“Sure, Bucky. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
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hoonieyun · 6 months
"melody of a broken heart"
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“melody of a broken heart”
pairing: riize anton lee x reader “y/n”
genre: lovers to exes - angst
plot: a happy relationship is what most people want when it comes to finding love. love is a strong word and it can mean a lot of things. you can love a person, a song, a feeling, an item, but what happens when you fall out of love? 
warning: not much, a lot of cursing and toxic behavior in a relationship
notes: like i said… i am obsessed with riize lol not proofread and if there are any warnings you’d like me to add pls lmk, as per usual, italics are dialogue. also mentions of riize members and ningning as y/n’s best friend! enjoy!!!
word count: 8142
“hey, what are you doing next weekend?” you ask anton while plopping onto his bed next time. he almost instantly moves over, not in the way so that he could make room for you, but in the way so that he could have some distance from you. 
“uhh, i think i’ve got some plans with the guys. gonna hit the studio, i think.” he responds softly, eyes still glued to his phone. “you think..? what you’re not sure about your plans?” you ask, questioning his intention. he drops the phone on his lap with a sigh that turns into a smile, “no, i do have plans this weekend, but what’s up?” he asks while moving closer to you; almost like he noticed that you were starting to get frustrated with his behavior. you stare at him for a moment, your faces are closer now as you’re both laying on your stomachs with your chin propped up by your elbows. 
“nothing, i thought you’d want to check out that record shop that just opened downtown.” you say while turning over onto your back. opting to stare into his bedroom ceiling instead of his eyes, a way to avert your true emotions behind what you really want from him. “uhh, maybe. when?” anton asks. you don’t respond for a second, getting lost in thought as your eyes bore holes into anton’s ceiling. “hey!” he says with a playful shove, knocking you out of your thoughts. you take in a big breath before responding, “nothing… i think i’m gonna head home.” you say while rolling off his bed. anton throws his hands up with a shrug, “what? you don’t wanna go to the record store?” he asks. “nah, it’s more your thing anyway. just wanted to ask if you wanted to go but you’re busy so it’s alright.” you explain while slipping your shoes on. “text me when you get home!” anton says as you make your way out of his room. you roll your eyes as you leave, scoffing at the fact that anton didn’t even bother to walk you out of his apartment. 
it’s almost 6pm when you leave anton’s place. you don’t live that far and the sun was still up so you didn’t bother walking home. the wind was a bit chilly but the sun felt warm, you were excited for spring; it was your favorite season and luckily your hometown didn’t receive a lot of rain so you were able to enjoy the outdoors before it got too hot outside during the summer. 
you passed by a couple corner stores on your way home, popping in to grab a drink and a small snack; opting to eat some donut holes and a bottle of tea for dinner instead of a real meal. before you knew it, you were walking up the stairs to your apartment and jumbling your keys around to unlock the door. when you enter your’re greeted by your small dog. a 3 year old cavalier king charles spaniel named teeny your boyfriend got you on your 2nd anniversary. you bent down to give her some kisses and rub her belly before making your way to your room. 
the air was very still in there, almost like it had been unoccupied for months. you crack open a window and change out of your clothes into something more comfortable, a pair of shorts and one of anton’s hoodies you stole. you shuffle into your bed and teeny follows, jumping onto your mattress and making herself comfortable by your legs. you’re munching on a donut hole when you get a text from anton, “you home yet?” he asks. you quickly swipe away he text and go back to scrolling on your phone when another text from anton appears, “don’t even try to ignore me.” you texts with the annoyed face emoji. you find the text kind of cute, especially when he uses emojis, so you give in and respond. “yes, i’m home babe.” you respond quickly as you watch the indicator change from delivered to read. you wait a couple minutes and it continues to stay as a read, getting annoyed that anton doesn’t even bother to respond. 
you spend the rest of the night mindlessly scrolling on your phone and playing with teeny, trying to brush away the feeling that your relationship with anton hasn’t been ideal the last few weeks. you suddenly check your phone when you realize it’s now 3am. thankfully you didn’t have work the next day so you didn’t mind. you were going to continue scrolling when your tummy grumbled, you weren’t planning on eating anything but you decided to make ramyeon because it sounded good and you had some green onions about to go bad anyway. 
as you made your way to the kitchen with teeny in tow, you decide to watch some instagram stories. some of your friends studying, funny photos of people’s dogs, and you stop in your track when one of anton’s friends, wonbin, story appears and its anton and his friend group. they’re in anton’s room, a room you know far too well, and they were just playing with anton’s instruments. a part of you was a bit hurt he didn’t ask you to stay so you could hang out with them or even ask you to come back after you had got home since you didn’t live too far away. with your appetite gone, you made your way back to your bed, tossed your phone into a pile of clothes in the corner of your room but not before putting it on do not disturb. you shut your eyes and let sleep takeover. 
you’re awoken the next day by teeny pawing at your sleeping figure and soft whimpers indicating she was probably hungry. you get up to feed her when you realize it was still dark out. you look around your room to find your phone, which is now under a few old clothes as the pile of clothes before toppled after you tossed your phone. picking it up and checking the time, it reads 8:56pm. had you slept through the whole next day? your phone says it was now the day after which leaves you shocked. you’re thrown off by all of the notifications on your phone, some missed calls and texts from anton, some from your best friend, and to your surprise, a couple from anton’s friend. before you’re able to check out all of the notifications, teeny barks at you reminding you to feed her. “sorry babygirl!” you say while quickly getting up to fill her food bowl downstairs. 
you’re trying to catch up on notifcations on your phone while simultaneously filling the food ball, causing you to accidentally overfill the bowl. you don’t mind as teeny is probably starving as she’s gone the whole day without eating since you slept through the whole day. your stomach grumbles at you, reminding you that you as well haven’t eaten all day. 
you sat at your kitchen counter for a moment to catch up on what’s been going on, still confused as to how you ended up sleeping for so long. 
text message from bestie: 
“hey girl! you free this weekend? my parent’s are leaving town so i have the place to myself if you wanna have a sleepover!” sent at 2:33pm
“you okay? you’re probably with anton, just text me if you’re down! you can bring anton and his friends too, seunghan is cute.” sent at 5:56pm
text message from unknown (could be: wonbin):
“hey! you coming to our show this weekend?” sent at 4:27pm
text message from unknown (could be: sohee):
“y/nnnnn, anton said he hasn’t heard from you all day? he’s a bit a sad today :c” sent at 4:48pm
“when did anton’s friends even get my  number?” you thought to yourself. you found it a bit weird considering you’ve only met them once but even weirder that it seemed like it was such a big deal you were MIA for a day. 
text message from chanyoung <3:
“hey babe, you up?” sent at 9:36am
“come over later?” sent at 10:05am
“are you upset? did i do something???” 10:23am
*missed call at 10:30am*
*missed call at 10:32am*
“y/n if i did something just tell me, you know how much i hate when you ignore me…” sent at 11am
*missed call at 11:16am*
*missed call at 12:32pm*
*missed call at 1:03pm*
“i stopped by and you weren’t home? i heard teeny barking but it seemed like you aren’t home. just text me when you can i guess…” sent at 3:21pm
*missed call at 4:06pm*
“just got to sungchan-hyungs for practice, we’re working on a new song today.” sent at 4:09pm
“what’s going on? where are you?? i just hope you’re ok…” sent at 7:19pm
you were a bit perplexed, nothing happened the whole, at least for you, but it seemed like it was such a big deal to everyone else you were gone. it wasn’t like this just yesterday, when it seemed like anton couldn’t care less about you; disregarding your efforts to spend time and barely acknowledging your presence while laying next to him. 
you sit in silence for a minute and realize teeny had devoured her bowl of food and was now staring at you with her head tilted. “outside?” you quickly ask and she does a spin followed by a bark. you walk towards your front door and let her out onto the front yard. you take a seat on the steps in front of your home and decide to give anton a call. 
“y/n? oh my gosh, where are you? are you okay?” he instantly answers and begins to ask questions. “anton, i’m fine. i just slept through the whole day is all.” you explain shortly. you hear him release a heavy sigh of relief. “you scared me…” he says softly. you heart melts a little, whenever anton acts endearingly always makes your heart flutter. “i’m okay, don’t worry. thank you for worrying about me but i was just really tired.” you explain further. 
“did you have dinner already? i quite literally haven’t eaten all day so i’m pretty hungry.” you ask anton, hoping he would come have dinner with you. “i could eat!” he says. “cool, your place or mine?” you ask him getting up from your spot on the stairs. “i’ll come to you, you’re probably tired and i started walking over as soon as i got your call.” you can’t help but smile at his words. feeling as if the negativity you were so focused on yesterday within your relationship could’ve all just been in your head. “ok! i’ll start the ramyeon so it’s almost ready by the time you get here.” you say your quick goodbyes before entering your home and calling for teeny to follow suit. 
the noodles are a few minutes from being finished by the time anton knocks on your door. you open it and you’re instantly engulfed in his arms. he’s rubbing your back and squeezing you, “you need to stop putting your phone on do not disturb, i thought you died or got kidnapped.” he says into the top of your head. for a moment you just enjoy being in his arms, the smell of his hoodie, and the feeling of his broad shoulders and strong arms wrapping around you. you peek out from his chest to look at him, “you’re so dramatic, come on the food is almost done.” you say, breaking away from the hug and taking the pot of noodles off the stove. 
“i’m not hungry, just have it all.” he says to which your smile drops a bit. “what? i thought you were going to have dinner with me?” you say trying to hide your sadness. “i just got back from dinner but i wanted to make sure you ate.” he says taking a seat at the kitchen counter, picking up teeny off the floor, “poor teeny, she was probably so worried about her mommy being passed out all day.” he says jokingly. a part of you is trying not to overthink, the negative thoughts of your relationship were starting to fill your head again and you were trying your best to keep them out. 
you take a seat across from anton on the counter and begin to eat your food. not caring that it was still very hot because you were starving. you’re eating in silence after realizing anton hasn’t really said anything. you look up and see he’s on his phone again, smiling, and occasionally letting out a chuckle. “what’s so funny?” you ask, wanting to actually spend time with him and not just feel like he was some guy in your home. “huh? oh, nothing. shotaro-hyung just sent me a funny video of eunseok-hyung.” he quickly explains, going back to putting all of his attention to his phone.
you remember the text you got from wonbin, about their show this weekend. “sooo, are you busy all weekend? maybe we can still check out that record store if you’ve got time?” you ask, almost testing him to see if you could catch him in a lie of some sort. 
“mmm, yeah. i’ve got practice saturday and sunday my grandparents are coming to visit.” he says without even looking up from his phone. you could almost feel a piece of your heart break. it’s not like he told a huge lie but he still lied. instead of being honest and inviting you to his show, he made an excuse not to be around you. you sadly look down and went back to quietly eating your dinner.
anton left not much later after you had finished your dinner. dumping your dishes into the sink. you were starting to think that all of these negative thoughts you’ve been having wasn’t only in your head and maybe it was the reality of your relationship with anton. you were about to take a shower when your phone begins to ring. 
“y/n! where the hell have you been!!” your best friend, ningning yells after you answer the phone. “sorry ning! i slept through the whole day, i just finished dinner, was about to shower when you called.” you say apologetically. “i was so ready to bust your door down but i figured your boyfriend would do it.” she say while laughing. “yeah… something like that.” you say quietly. ningning could instantly tell something was off, “what’s wrong?” she asks. “and don’t even try to tell me nothing is wrong. we’ve been friends since we could count to 10.” she says almost threateningly. you laugh for a short moment before explaining your theories about your relationship and how lately it hasn’t really felt like a relationship. 
“my offer stills stands! come over for the weekend? we could have a sleepover just like old times, i can pick you up right now.” ningning says trying to find a way to cheer you up. she’s always been by your side and someone you could truly rely on. after high school, you and anton went to the same university for a year. he dropped out the next year to pursue music and ningning transferred to a private university a couple cities away so you rarely see each other anymore. “you know what, i’m not even taking no as an answer. pack a bag and be ready when i get there.” she says and you can hear her grab her car keys. “ning, i'm naked right now i was about to shower.” you say even though you haven’t even taken anything off. “girl, i don’t care. shower at my place, i’m on my way. byeee!” she says before ending the call. you scoff and drop your head a bit with a sigh. 
half an hour later, ningning is at your front door, hip out and head tilted waiting for you. she picks up teeny and grabs your weekend bag. “thanks ning” you say softly as she places your bag and dog into the back seat. the ride to ningnings apartment felt short, you mostly looked out the window while sang along to the radio. 
you settled into her apartment, letting teeny roam free. “so… anton. what’s going on?” she asks. you plop down onto her bed face into the mattress. you mumble some words before ningning cuts you off, “girl i can’t hear a thing you’re saying.” she says to which you turn your head towards her; explaining in further detail the last few days and adding the fact that he lied to you about his whereabouts this weekend. 
“that jerk!” ningning says with a high pitched gasp. “do you want me to punch him? i’ll do it!” at this point ningning is now standing up on her bed with hands on her hips. “i’ll break his guitar or that little computer he always walks around with. i’ll even take on his friends, i can take down the big ones!” she says while punching her fist into her other hand. you grab her hands and drag her to sit back down. “no one is punching or taking anyone down ningning.” you say trying to calm her down. “i’m serious y/n! i’ll break his nose!” she says almost yelling. “yizhuo!” you exclaim and ningning instantly comes to her senses. you’ve always done this with her, whenever she gets too riled up you’d just call her by her traditional name and she’d snap out of it like a mom called their child their full name when they’re in trouble. 
the rest of the night goes smoothly. you take a shower while ningning spends some time of teeny. you do typical girl sleepover activities like doing your nails, skincare, watching movies, and eating snacks. you’re getting ready for bed when ningning lets out a high pitched gasp followed by a devious facial expression. “what? why? why are you making that face, i hate when you make that face, it means you’re up to something.” you say while trying to hide under the blanket. ningning jumps on the bed, startly teeny causing her to jump off the bed and continue her sleep on the floor near ningning’s stack of plushies. “i have a brilliant plan! what if we went to his show?” she suggests. you make a face at her, “what? that’s stupid i’m mad at him i don’t wanna see him!” you defend. “okay, but think about it. imagine how bad he’ll feel after seeing you there and you weren’t even invited.” she explains to which you respond by showing her wonbin’s text, which is kind of an invite. 
ningning snatches your phone and types something and tosses it back to you. “what did you do?” you say when your phone surprisingly gets a text. 
text message from wonbin:
“sure thing! we’re playing at 8pm saturday night, here’s the address. see you and your friend there!”
“Seven Sirens, 127 N St”
wonbin had texted you back with the details of their show and the address. a local bar named seven sirens. you’d been there a few times with anton, once being where you had your first fight. “ningning i can’t believe you texted him.” you say and ningning grabs your phone. “i can’t believe he responded so fast.” she says while reading the text. 
“what if wonbin tells anton i’m coming? then it defeats the whole purpose!” you explain and ningning begins typing again on your phone. “already ahead of you babe.” she says and hands you your phone afterwards. she had texted wonbin that you showing up was a surprise and not to tell anton. you look at her with a straight face and she just smiles and shrugs. “come on, let’s go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow!” she says while getting under the blankets and turning off the lights. 
your follow ningning and try to get some sleep but sleep doesn’t come as easy to you as it does ningning. in just a few moments you can hear her soft snores while you’re awake for another hour worrying about the events that are going to unravel saturday night. 
you’re awoken by ningning jumping on the bed followed by teeny also jumping onto the bed and barking. “come on y/n wake up! i ordered breakfast it should be here soon.” she says while pulling the blankets off of you. you get up with a stretch and follow ningning into her kitchen. just as you’re sitting down at her dining table, her doorbell rings, she runs to grab the food at her doorstep and sets it up on the table. “you should stop ordering out so much, your bank account is going to hate you.” you say while scooping some eggs and fruit onto your plate. “eh, it already hates me. plus i don’t know how to cook, do you want me to burn down my apartment?” she says while taking a bite out of her croissant. “true…” you quickly respond and the two of you finish breakfast while teeny eats out of the bowl you brought with you in your weekend bag. 
it’s a couple hours later when you and ningning start to get ready for the show. you’re starting to get nervous again when ningning comes up behind you, she wraps her arms aroud your neck and settles her head on top of yours. “we don’t have to do this. i know i was being a little crazy last night but if it’s too much for you we can stay home.” she says trying to comfort you. you look at her through the mirror you’re currently sitting in front of for a moment before responding, “no… i feel like we need to go.” you say and a smile breaks out onto ningning’s face. “ugh! thank god, i was going to be bummed if you wanted to stay home!” she says with a laugh as she retreats into her closet to change. you shake your head and laugh with her. 
it’s 7:29pm when the two of you finish getting ready. ningning is in low cut black flared leather pants, a baby blue tube top with an image of a bear on it,  a pink knit bolero, and platform heels. you were dressed in a two piece green silk crop top and skirt that landed a couple inches above your knees paired with matching heels. you thanked ningning for the outfit as she put on perfume. “no problem bestie” she says. “come on, uber is here!” ningning says while grabbing your hand leading you to the front door. you knelt down towards teeny before you left, “be a good girl teeny! don’t poop or pee on anything besides your doggy pad.” you say before patting her head and leaving. 
the uber ride to the show felt like an eternity. it felt like the longer you were in the car the less you could breathe. ningning noticed this through your leg bouncing, she asks the driver to roll down a window and she places her hand on your knee and softly rubs it. “its okay, if at any moment you wanna leave, we leave okay?” she says trying to comfort you. you nod worriedly and the car comes to a halt, “we’re here ladies.” the driver says. you and ningning exit the car and thank the driver before he speeds off.  
ningning holds your hand, guiding you towards the entrance of the pub; a bright red neon sign that reads “Seven Sirens”. as ningning pulls you to enter the building, you halt, causing ningning to slightly trip on and turn around. “are you ok? do you wanna go?” she asks while coming closer to you. you’re staring at the neon sign, the red light illuminating your face, slightly blinding your vision. the neon sign slightly flickers and the light fades for a moment before coming back on. ningning squeezes your hand softly, trying to get your attention. “y/n?” she says. you let out a deep breath, “come on.” you say and now you’re the one dragging her into the pub. 
you and ningning are finding your way through the crowd, it’s a lot bigger inside than it seems and the place was packed. a part of you feeling more hurt that there was such a big turnout and anton didn’t invite you. such a special moment for him to be able to perform the music he makes for such a huge crowd and you would’ve missed it. now you were there, somewhat of an imposter; knowing anton didn’t want you there, almost as if you were trespassing. you and ningning push pass a couple patrons, some college guys grabbing drinks for the weekend, some middle aged women who seem to be trying to enjoy some time away from their families, and definitely some underaged people who somehow got in, probably with a fake ID. 
you find your way to the bar, resting your arms on the counter while you and ningning catch your breath. it felt so stuffy in there you almost forgot that you were anxious about something else in the first place. “what can i get you two lovely ladies?” the bartender asks. a guy who looked to be in his late twenties, tattoos run down his left arm. you’re still catching your breath so ningning decides to order for the two of you. “yeah, just 2 vodka sodas please. heavy lime, thanks.” she says while handing him her card to start a tab. “you ok?” she says while rubbing your back. “yeah i’m good. i think i just need a drink.” you say while looking at her. the bartender soon hands the two of you your drinks. you grab it from him and down the whole thing, ningning just stares at you in awe. “damn girl, slow down.” she says jokingly. you slam the glass on the counter and wince, the alcohol burning on it’s way down. 
ningning is sipping on her drink and looking into the crowd when she spots wonbin who seems to be making his way over to the two of you. she slaps your shoulder to try to get your attention. you look at her confused and see that she’s slightly pointing her head into a specific direction. you find wonbin who was now approaching and you straighten up. “hey! you made it!” he says with a toothy smile. “yeah! we’re just grabbing a drink.” you say and turn to look at ningning and realize she’s giving heart eyes and twirling her hair while looking at wonbin. you swat her arm, “right ning?” you say and she snaps out of her trance. “yeah.” she says while smiling and extending her hand to wonbin, “i’m ningning by the way.” wonbin accepts her hand and shakes it. “wonbin!” he says with a smile and slight blush. 
“you want me to grab chanyoung?” wonbin asks, pointing somewhere into the back of the pub. “no!” you exclaim slightly scaring him. you awkwardly chuckle, “she’s here to surprise him. he thinks she’s out of town.” ningning explains. wonbin nods, remembering the text you had sent him the night before. “oh yeah! cool well, i hope you guys enjoy the show. we’re performing a new song anton wrote. i gotta go get ready.” he says giving the two of you a quick hug before running off to the back. 
“he’s so dreamy…” ningning says staring out to the direction wonbin left. “ningning focus! i can’t have you losing focus i can barely think right now.” you say while turning around to ask the bartender for another drink. “okay so what do we do? do we just jump him after the show?” ningning asks still sipping on her first drink. “what? no, i’m just going to walk up to him and if he tries some shit about me being here then i’m going to confront him.” you say finishing your drink. you turn around to set down your glass when you hear a voice you know all to well speak into a microphone. 
“hey everyone! i hope you’re having a fun night so far, we’re riize and we hope you enjoy are set.” anton says before he steps back and grabs his guitar. you recognize all of his friends on the stage. wonbin and eunseok had guitars, sohee and seunghan front and center on the mic, shotaro on drums, anton on the keyboard, and sungchan on bass. “come on, let’s get closer.” ningning says grabbing your hand as she pushes through the crowd. “not too close ning! i don’t want him to see me.” you say and she stops with just a few people in front of her. “this should be good.” she says. “just hide behind me if he looks over here.”
they begin to sing, playing songs you’ve heard before. some of them were original songs the group worked together to write and others were renditions of popular songs. you watched anton intensely, especially when it was his turn to sing. you almost felt bad and that you couldn’t enjoy his beautiful voice because of how upset you were. maybe you were just overthinking? maybe he didn’t invite you because he forgot? or he was shy? you’re taken out of your thoughts when the song ends and anton speaks up again. “this next song is a new one we’ve been practicing. i’ve been working on it for a while now and it’s a bit personal. it’s called falling.” he says. anton generally writes somewhat happy songs so when he mentions the song was personal you couldn’t help but feel something in the pit of your stomach. 
the song begins and it’s a lot slower than the other songs they performed. you made sure to pay attention to the lyrics because it was a song you hadn’t heard before. you realize the song had a very somber and sad tone. anton begins to sing his part when you notice the lyrics he’s singing are about falling out of love with someone. the song building into the chorus with sohee taking over, singing about losing interest and not knowing how to be happy anymore because you don’t have the same kind of love for the person you used to love so much. you’re starting to realize the song is about you and anton’s relationship. 
seunghan and anton share the bridge of the song, singing about creating distance between yourself and the other person because “distance makes the love grow fonder” but he realizes that it only makes him realize the distance is confirming his loss of love. each word anton beautifully sings is like a knife to your heart. tears begin to fall uncontrollably down your face so you wipe your eyes. when you open them again you see anton is looking right at you. the two of you make eye contact as the song ends. the group all stand together to bow at the front of the stage but anton is still fixated on you. you shake your head at him and head towards the exit of the building.
ningning follows closely behind, making sure to be there for you as your tears continue to fall. the two of you make it outside and the first thing you do is run your hands through your hair and let out a groan. “hey, i’m so sorry babe. it’s going to be okay.” ningning says while giving you a hug. you hug her back and cry into her shoulder as she comforts you on the street outside the pub. 
anton jumps off the stage and runs after you. the rest of the members are surprised by his actions as they watch anton push through the crowd towards the exit. he finally makes it to the exit when he finds you crying into ningning’s shoulder. 
“babe…” anton says softly. you raise your head from ningning’s shoulder, seeing anton in that moment made something go haywire in your head. you let ningning go and walk towards him. “what the fuck is wrong with you?” you say almost in a whisper. anton is speechless. shaking his head back and forth and retracting his hands. trying to come up with some explanation but no words were coming out and his own body was betraying him; stiffening and unable to even move. 
“is this your sick way of telling me you wanna break up?” you ask, voice slightly rising. “you didn’t even invite me to this show… and now i know why.” you turn around shortly but go back to facing him. “you have nothing to say?” you question him, moving closer to his standing figure. “you had so much to say on stage but now it’s nothing?”...
“what did i ever do to you anton? i did my best to be the most loving and supportive girlfriend i could be. i was there for you every step of the way, from our first day of college to even helping you convince your parents that dropping out & pursuing music was okay.” anton was going to speak but you cut him off, “i’m not done!” you say, now yelling. people on the street were starting to stare but you didn’t care. 
anton’s friends pile out of the pub and find the two of you arguing. “everything okay?” sungchan asks. “no! it’s not!” you yell back. “anton wrote that fucking song about me. the one about falling out of love? yeah that had our relationship written all over it. you think i wouldn’t be able to tell that it was about us?” you ask him and again he had nothing to say. “you’re a joke… and we’re done.” you say as you got close to his face. you stare at each other for a moment before you swiftly turn around and start walking down the street. “where are you going?” anton finally speaks up. “anywhere but here!” you say with a middle finger in the air. 
ningning lets you walk alone for a bit, before joining you she turns around and throws her drink at anton. “you’re a dick.” ningning says and scroffs. she could hear “oohs” and “ahhs”  from the guys and random people on the street. “okay, i deserve that.” anton says while wiping his face. “you deserve more than that. but i’m not going to waste anymore time on you than y/n has on your relationship.” she says before jogging after you. 
you and ningning return to her aprtment and the two of you spend the rest of the night in her bed with ningning consoling you. she’s never seen you so heartbroken before. she’s seen you go through breakups before but this one seems so different from the others. “i’m so stupid ning… i saw all of the signs. i spent so many nights, awake and worried he didn’t love me anymore; and i was right…” ningning heard you say while you turned away from her facing the wall. 
“y/n…” she says while sitting up and so do you. “you’re not stupid. it’s not your fault you chose love and anton was too dense to see how much love you gave him.” she said while putting her arm around you. “it doesn’t matter what reason he has for falling out of love with you because you put so much of yourself into your relationship. so much to the point you were starting to love him more than you loved yourself and maybe this is a sign for you to take back that love and put it back into love yourself…” you don’t respond but the two of you stay like that for a moment before you fall asleep. ningning tucks in and falls asleep next to you, closing her eyes and hoping that you’d take her words seriously. that you deserve the love you so freely give others. 
it was the next day, you spent all of sunday in bed with ningning. it felt just like the old days, whenever one of you would go through a breakup in high school you’d spend the night at each other’s house while the other cried it out. it felt comforting to know after all these years you and ningning could really count on one another, like you were actually sisters. “you sure you wanna go home? you can stay here for as long as you need.” she says while carrying teeny in her arms. “yeah i’m sure, i should probably go home. classes start again next week and i have some stuff to catch up on anyways.” you explain while packing up the last of your things into your bag. “you’re welcome here whenever and for however long. always!” she says while giving you a hug. 
your phone dings letting you know your uber was here, “you know you didn’t have to get an uber, i could’ve driven you.” she says while putting her hand on your shoulder. “no ningning, you’ve already done enough for me this weekend.” you say while grabbing her hand. you say your last goodbyes and hug before entering your uber. once inside you roll down the window and thank her for all of her support and kindness and as you drive off you can still see ningning standing at the front of her apartment building waving at you. 
text message from bestie:
“text me when you get home ok? love you always!!” sent just now
after a somewhat long uber ride home, the driver drops you off just around the corner of your home. you thank him for his service, grab your bag and teeny and make your way home when you see anton sitting on the stairs in front of your home. you stop in your steps and he looks up at you and stands. you don’t know what to say and you definitely weren’t expecting to see him, especially not this soon. teeny barks at her dad and she wiggles out of your arms and runs over to him. he kneels down to her and pets her, giving her a small hug. 
you muster up the courage to walk up to him, now standing next to him on the stairs, you just stare at him. you’re looking up at him into his eyes, trying to fight back tears. it seems he was going to begin to say something when you turn away to open the door and enter your home. teeny follows and so does anton but not before you close the door in his face before you could enter. anton sighs and thinks to himself that this was going to be a lot harder than he thought. 
he softly knocks on the door, you contemplate just leaving him our there and just completing ignoring him. however, teeny’s barks and your curiousity get the better of you. you simply couldn’t rest without knowing how you got here. feeling so alone, unloved, and in desperate need of clarity.
anton was about to knock again when the door swings open. you don’t even bother to wait for him to enter, you just open the door and walk upstairs to your room. he enters and closes the door behind him, following you upstairs into your room he knows all so well. 
he approaches your room, he softly pushes the door open and finds you unpacking your things. you’re walking back and forth from your bag on your bed, to your closet, to your dresser, back to the bed. he takes a seat on your bean bag chair. he remembers when he helped you bring it home. the bag was so heavy you could barely drag it around. he carried it up the stairs for you and almost fell a couple times, a smile breaks out onto his face but it quickly fades, “what are you smiling about?” you ask bitterly. he looks up at you from his seat, he doesn’t say anything causing you to roll your eyes and continuing to put your things away. 
“are you just here to sit around? if so you can do that in your own home, i don’t wanna see you right now.” you say as you toss a sweater into you hamper. “if you didn’t want to see me why’d you let me in?” he asks, getting up from his seat and wrapping his arms around your waist from the back. you know this position all too well. anton knows it’s your weakness, in the past whenever you’ve felt sad or upset he would put you in this position. he’d hug you from behind, set his head on top of yours and sway you left and right, and it always worked. but not this time. 
you roughly push him off of you and you turn around to see him with his hands up like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. “what do you want chanyoung?” you ask. he sighs before responding, “i wanna talk… about us.” he says. you scoff, “how cliche. there’s not any talking we need to do, especially about us. you said enough in your little song saturday night.” you say with such anger that he winces a bit. as if he could feel each word you spoke like a dagger to his heart the way your own heart broke with each lyric he sang. “you weren’t supposed to hear that song… i didn’t invite you because-��� you cut him off mid sentence. “because what anton? huh? you think it makes me feel better that you didn’t want me to hear about how you’re falling out of love with me? or the fact that you probably don’t even love me anymore? is that what you didn’t want me to hear?” your voice raised, veins starting to become prominent in your neck, and the redness beginning to creep its way across your cheeks. 
“it doesn’t fucking matter if i was there or not last night. you wrote the song regardless! whether or not i was there, you would’ve still felt that way. me being there only made it more real because you!” you stop halfway to catch your breath. you aren’t used to yelling this much so your voice has already begun to become hoarse. “because you had to live with the fact that you wrote a stupid fucking song about how you don’t love me anymore while i stood there like a dumbass listening to that song.” you spoke in a whisper. 
you were crying again, something you had become used to for the last few days. “you made me look so stupid. do you even know how i would’ve felt? especially if i didn’t show up and hear that song. i would’ve been walking around without a clue in the world that my boyfriend not only wrote a song about not loving me but also performed it to a room full of strangers. like i’m some naive, stupid, clueless little girl grasping onto the last bit of hope that this relationship wasn’t failing.” 
anton stands up and tries to reach for your hands but you reject his offer and hide them behind your back. “listen…” he starts. “i didn’t want to invite you because i didn’t know how to tell you how i felt.” he says and his explanation only makes you angrier. “so you decide to fucking write a song and perform to a bunch of fucking people are you kidding me?” you say, dumbfounded at his response as if it was supposed to justify any of this. “you think that makes me feel better?” you ask. 
“no, i didn’t mean it like that. i just-” he starts and stops, trying to collect his thoughts so he could properly tell you how he feels. he takes a deep sigh and starts over, “i didn’t know how to tell you, so i wrote a song. i didn’t plan on performing at all but the guys heard me singing it and thought we should perform it for the show. they don’t even know it was about you.” he says and some clarity has begun to find its way into your head. “it doesn’t matter anton. you still wrote the song, i would’ve rather you wrote a fucking diary entry than a song.” you’re still frustrated and it doesn’t seem like anton is getting it through his head. 
“i know how much you love music and making music, but turning this into a song before you could even tell me about hurts so much more.” you sit down on your bed, you’re starting to get lightheaded from the yelling and if you’re being honest, you’ve barely slept the last few days. “why couldn’t you have just told me?” you say looking up at him, tears still in your eyes. “you haven’t even told me how you really feel and then i have to learn about it through some song you decided to hide from me?”
anton joins you on your bed and finally is able to get ahold of your hands in his. “i’m so sorry that this is how everything turned out. i know i haven’t been the best boyfriend for a while now, i’ve been distant, and whenever we’re together it seems like my mind is somewhere else. i’ve lied to you, i’ve hidden things from, and you don’t deserve that…” anton says with a quiver in his voice. you can tell he’s fighting back tears but a part of you doesn’t feel any sympathy for him. “i’m sorry y/n, i truly am. but you deserve someone who can give you the love i can’t.” he says and your heart completely shatters. 
the small sliver of hope you had that you could patch up your relationship and work through this was now gone. he doesn’t love you anymore and you don’t even know how long he’s felt this way. you take your hands back, wiping your tears from your face, and stand up. you walk towards your bedroom door with a hand pointed outwards. “get out.” you simply say. 
“what?” anton says, confused. “i didn’t stutter. get. out.” you say firmly. anton begins to walk towards you and he begins to say something but you cut him off before he could even get a word out, “i don’t care what you have to say. just get out.” you say without even looking at him. anton’s heart is aching; seeing you like this hurt him and knowing it was because of him only hurt him more. he walked with his head low out of your home. teeny barking at him as he left almost as if she understood what happened and she was also giving him a piece of her mind. 
you could hear the front door shut behind anton. you quickly run downstairs to lock it and watch him leave through the peep hole. he was slowly leaving your home, walking away from you, and your relationship. a part of you wants to open the door and run into his arms but he’s let you walk away way too many times without coming after you that you decide against it. fighting back the urge to want to fix this because it’s not yours to fix, because you weren’t the one who broke it. no matter how many times you walked away, anton never followed you. nor did he understand that you weren’t walking away, you were being pushed away, by him. 
you slid down the front door and broke down into tears again. thinking about how just a few weeks ago everything seemed so normal, but you guess anton was better at hiding his feelings then than he was now. teeny walks towards you, nudging your arm with her hand, gesturing to give you a hug. you open your arms and she snuggles into your arms, “just me and you, teeny.” you say while standing up to go to your bed. 
you spend the next hour talking to ningning on the phone, catching her up on what happened. she again, threatens to beat anton up, and as much as you want to; you reject her offers. you’re sleepless that night, going from crying every couple hours, to pondering about where things went wrong. could it have been your fault? were you not loving enough? were you not deserving to be loved? 
you asked yourself endless questions until you fell asleep. the sounds of your choked up tears and sadness filling your room. the sounds of your own crying lulling you to sleep, almost like it was the melody of a broken heart. 
copyright 2024 - present © hoonieyun fka jjhyn all rights reserved
all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned.
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
Wildly veering into the realm of headcanon here but I think jgy has, like, deeply embarassing and intense fantasies about nie mingjue being courteous to his mom.
He has them about everyone to some extend it's his favorite way to calm down. Close your eyes, imagine your mom decked out in gold, her hair bound up, everyone bowing to her. It's how he gets through meetings without murdering everyone. But I think nie mingiue in particular is a very common solo target for these.
Lan Xichen gets his own special edition too, but it's not the same. Because he has a very clear and realistic picture of what he'd actually do. They don't talk about his mom that much but whenever she comes up xichen is always like well she sounds like a kind woman trying to make the best of her situation 😊 and everytime he thinks about them interacting there's a risk of it getting sad because oh if only...
Jin guangshan? Complete opposite end of the spectrum. It's very gratifying to imagine his mom getting everything she wanted but it's also too unrealistic. Even when still desperate for approval he knows what his father is like. He indulges in them from time to time but it's like the whole time there's an alarm flashing red overhead and going "out of character! Out of character!"
But Nie mingjue. Ohhhhh. Perfectly in the middle. Possible, but improbable enough it be exiting. Sure, he's an honourable man who didn't judge him for his background but he judged him for a whole lot of other things. Did he not discard jin guangyao just like his father threw away his mother when he got bored of her? He's both so easy to admire and so easy to be angry at and it's tantalizing.
He imagines himself walking arm in arm with his mom, in better health than she's ever been, dressed more luxuriously than even the wives of sect leaders on their wedding days, and Nie Mingjue comes up and bowes to her deeper than any sect leader should bow to anyone. Maybe even takes her hand and kisses it and dream!jgy gasps because that is so improper for any unmarried man to do to a woman not of his family!! But Nie Mingjue just looks confused because why shouldn't he pay Meng Shi the respect she so clearly deserves? If people interpret it wrongly that is their problem. Not even er-ge would do that. Would avoid inappropiate touches as a proper lan should but Nie Mingjue? Mingjue doesn't care about those things, if he wants to tell jin guangyao's mother she is the most elegant and radiant woman he's seen in the entire jianghu he will do so because he means it, dammit.
You can't call them horny exactly but they are carnal. This is a deep base desire he's satisfying here and oh does nie mingjue do his job well.
I think he has them, like, almost every day. I think he wakes up from them blushing I think he daydreams about it every single time he and Nie Mingjue talk. Even if it went bad. Especially if it went bad.
I think after the stairs incident the dreams mortifyingly increase dramatically for a few days. He sees it play out behind his eyelids everytime he so much as blinks. Imagines Nie Mingjue down on his knees kowtowing, apologizing to his mother, imagines him being outraged at his real self's words. Dishonourable, unfair, he would never say that. He closes his eyes when he first plays the song of turmoil for nie mingjue and imagines it the entire time. And when he's done he takes a deep breath and then he fucking beats the thought to death and stuffs it away with all the other feelings he's repressing and then never thinks about it again.
Nothing else is ever that satisfying but sometimes sacrifices must be made.
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crushedsweets · 1 year
i was listening to twin size mattress by the front bottoms and was like. hmm this is the most toby song ever
SO i was wondering do u have any songs that remind you of specific creeps? could be from lyrics or just general vibes yk yk
- 🌙 anon (im new here hi)
HII welcome. ok ok. so i listen to music in a very boring way and never analyze lyrics/artists/albums/etc. but for you i will try to change.
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also these lryics with toby oh wow.. wow. ok. wowwww. wow. ok. wow. STUFF UNDER THE CUT BUT KNOW IM DEEPLY WARPING THE ACTUAL MEANING BEHIND A LOT OF THESE SONGS LOL. i religiously listen to love songs so its hard
toby and honey by coastal club. (my fave song rn..)
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whether its from his perspective or not.. it doesnt even have to be romantic either. just his friendships with everyone around him, both from people like tim and brian seeing this SEVERELY TROUBLED kid. . . 'wide eyed..dying to get outside' feels very :((( yk. he was a kid trapped in a fucking horrifying situation all his life. or him looking at his friendship with nina. "youve got a way with me... alive and so full of life, i'm mesmerized by your love" etc. maybe jack or clockwork with the "i started laughing at the words you spoke, i kinda like you and your stupid jokes"... AGAIN I KNOW ITS A LOVE SONG but i see it applying in so many different forms of love. and i love love. also a ton of like, car and driving references which is um. lyra reference sorry
nina x clockwork and "a big brown dog named bagel" by nep
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ok this doesnt apply so much to my au(nobody is canon in mine but yk)... buttttttt... yeah. ugh. this is so nina @ nat. sorry guys ive been changed. one ask always diverts my attention at the speed of light. "I like the way she bites, the way she talks, the way she looks when I smile" is just SO FUCKING NINA ADORING NAT. nina just wants to be in the most fairytale coming of age movie ya novel lovestory and she says that her biggest dream in life is to get married. she wants to take care of her lover and give and give and give so fucking much and "I'll buy you a big old house on a big old hill And I'll grow old with my baby, 'til she's dead" is so very her. of course i chose clockwork cuz 'she's tall in the knees' and 'some green in her eyes' plus im a lesbian and havent fawned over sapphic relationships in months since i began my creepypasta return. LOL
eyeless jack and "downhill" by lincoln
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there r few words to describe the amount of guilt, horror, and devastation that jack feels after what he's done, all he's lost, and what he has to do to survive. he has a year of his life that he was literally possessed by a demon and went around fucking tearing humans apart and eating their remains. even as he's """recovering""" and settling into a cabin, his friendships with the creeps, trying to just feel okay. he's on his last leg, he can tell that people know he's a shell of what he was but they'll never know how warm, kind, inviting he used to be. "i went downhill at such a steep inline" ... yea he did his life changed immeasurably in a single night and it's never coming back. the lyrics "'Cause I was born into the world on a silken cloud / And I got bored of the world before I hit the ground" ... while he had a ton of pressure. he loved his life, loved his family, was the type to constantly express how grateful he was for everything that got him where he was. and then he hit rock fucking bottom because he wanted to chase a little excitement with the pretty girl inviting him to join a 'club.' poor guy
liu and "i'm not angry anymore" by paramore
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i dont think i need to explain this because um..... lols... liu just wants to fucking move on. he just wants to escape everything. he wants his family back, including the little brother he'd play catch with in the front yard for so many years. but he has his moments where it all comes barreling back, and he makes real fucking brash decisions - he lost his marriage because he spiraled trying to find jeff and moved to fucking alabama. so you know.
jane and "everest" by beabadoobee
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again, i dont think i need to explain this. maybe this could be mary(jane's wife) singing to jane, cuz she was one of janes main supports after her parents death. jane can only act strong for so long but she is so so so fucking sad and mourning and she was always so soft and gentle and sweet and she lost everything in a single night. she spent a short period of time filled with rage, as she would be, but her story eventually evolves into her just wanting to help others with their cases, be happy with her wife, take care of sally, grow old, make her parents proud. she's climbed mountains and is probably in the best place of all the creeps. holds her. i dont touch her character too often because i just want her to settle happily lolz..
ok thats all i got guys :3.. thank youuuuu thank youuu. sorry if my music taste is bad guys. LOL.
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asocialangel · 1 year
sitting on itzy's lap out of habit.
Chaeryeong - fluff - 609 words
Other verions: Yeji - Lia - Ryujin - Chaer - Yuna
Chaeryeong: would instinctively push you off, then regret and talk you into coming back, swearing she won't let herself be surprised again. She would be super nervous the whole time tho, so it's not that comfortable.
why is it my itzy content is flopping ? where are MIDZY ? hahaha, i find this writing very cute, had the idea while i was reminiscing a mini apple flavored kit-kat i bought in Japan... (btw i try not to care when sumtin flops. It's hard bcos social media made me used to look forward to big numbers but hey, i write for myself and the niche fandoms that could enjoy it-)
Through the screeching sound of chairs being dragged on the floor, people starting to chat again and the door getting opened by the teacher, you search for your phone in your school bag. On the tip of your fingers, you feel it and grab it as you’re lifting your head up. There you saw her, sitting on her chair, hair all over her notebooks. ChaerYeong was still writing something and didn’t even bother to look at you. You got up and started pushing your chair back under your desk, when you remembered you had something for her. Well the both of you. You reach again to your bag, taking out two mini kit-kats, one strawberry flavored, the other peach. You got up again and started walking to your friend. She still hadn;t turned her head, but she knew you were coming anyway.
“Sup Y\N ?” She greeted, without even looking at you, still finishing up prettifying her notes. “3rd period is still as boring as ever, but great. Chaer, we have a 10 minute break, better make the most out of it, stop thinking about class for 10 lovely minutes”, you answered. “Hm right’. She suddenly started tidying up her desk and putting her books away. When she was done, she pushed her chair back, to be further away from her desk. She finally turned diagonally to see you better. “I don’t wanna get up tho. It’s not like there’s anything interesting to do anyways”. “True”, you agreed, looking at your kit-kats. You handed the strawberry one to her, which she accepted, thanking you softly. You knew she’d prefer it anyway.
As you started opening its wrapper, you mindlessly started sitting on her lap. I mean, it’s not like there was another free seat. But you could only start bending your knees that Chaeryeong had already pushed you off. “W-what are you doing ?!” Embarrassed that she reacted too loudly, she looked around her to see if anyone was staring at her, but thankfully no one cared. The classroom was so busy, everyone was focused on their own thing. Unimpressed, you looked at her face. She seemed flustered more than mad, so it was okay, it’s not like you broke any boundaries, just caught her by surprise. 
“Uhm well nothing, just sitting sorry”. No hard feelings nor embarrassment in your tone, you just dead-pan started eating your kit-kat. Realizing she might have overrated, Chaer started talking you out into coming back: “Sorry, I, uh was startled. But come, it’d be unfair for you to stay standing while I'm comfy here.” After a few back and forths, you finally accepted and placed yourself on her lap.
You were both facing the table, but you turned your head back to her when you were talking. “You have a peach one right ? I wanna try it please, can I ?” You nodded as you stretched your arm behind you. She stuck her head up and took a bite out of the chocolate. As she expressed her delightment (“Mhmm that’s what im talking about !”), you whispered under your breath that she was so cute. She heard it, of course, and you felt her whole body tense up. I mean tense up even more than it already was. 
To be completely honest, sitting with her was not the most comfortable thing ever, because she was so nervous. But spending time close to her like this, made you overlook that.
A\N: did you like it ? My fav itzy song recently is snowy. Comeback was announced this mornin !
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howlingday · 1 year
A Big RWBY Party
Yang: Hey! Hi! How's it going? Welcome to the party! Come on in!
Weiss: Ugh... Why did we agree to this?
Blake: Yang said it would be a great way to meet new people.
Weiss: Jaune isn't going to be here, is he?
Ruby: No. He had a thing going on already.
Jaune: (Sleeping)
Yang: Hey, how's it goin'? You enjoyin' the party?
"Fan": Hardly. This party is so boring?
Yang: Oh, really? What's wrong?
"Fan": This music is so loud and obnoxious, you could probably replace it with anything from the Sonic the Hedgehog games. It's also really annoying that it's always made by the same two people.
Yang: Uh-huh... Well, uh, I'll check the song list and see what else we got in the ol' music library.
"Fan": Whatever. It's not there's anything good to do with the music anyways.
Yang: ...
Blake: Hey, uh, how's the food?
"Fan": Terrible. It's all the same crap.
Blake: ...It is?
"Fan": It's either something so salty, it might as well be a bowl of salt, or it's so fluffy that I'd rather be eating a pillow.
Blake: Uh...
"Fan": And more than half of them are just bananas! Like, there's other fruits out there people can eat!
Blake: ...What bananas? Where?
"Fan": Ugh, and don't get me started on these "thirst" traps!
Blake: ...You mean the punch?
"Fan": You just know whoever made these are just hiding behind the "it's implied" excuse. We all know you're a pervert, so just admit it and jump off a bridge and die! Ugh!
Blake: ...What the hell just happened?
Nora: I love you, Ren~.
Ren: I love you, too, Nora. (Pokes her nose) Boop.
Weiss: Hey! What the hell is your problem?!
"Fan": This is so forced it hurts to look at! There's no way they should end up together!
Weiss: And who are you to decide that?
"Fan": Soneone who clearly understands how the real world works. Unlike SOME of us.
Weiss: What are you talking about?
"Fan": She was pining after him for years, and the only thing they have in common is their shared trauma. That is not any kind of healthy relationship. It's called enabling each other's flaws.
Weiss: Wh-
"Fan": Also, you are a shitty person because you didn't just stab Jaune when he couldn't take the hint.
Weiss: Why would I-?!
"Fan": Jaune was a stalker and you didn't tell anyone. Just like you didn't tell anyone that Velvet was being bullied.
Weiss: That was years ago!
"Fan": And what have you done now to fix it?
Weiss: I-
"Fan": Whatever. I'm done associating myself with someone who refuses to acknowledge that they're a terrible person.
Weiss: ...
Nora: You okay, Weiss?
Ren: What an absolute-
Ruby: Come on, midnight... I want these people to leave.
"Fan": And you.
Ruby: Huh?
"Fan": You are the worst, most sorry excuse of a character I have ever met.
Ruby: I am?
"Fan": First off, your look is so cliché, it hurts. Red Riding Hood with a gun? Real original. Also, what are you, fourteen? You shouldn't even be near these people, let alone going on the same adventures as them. You're a liar and a fraud, just like that idiot Jaune; you just cheated your way into school. The big difference is that you did it by breaking the law and being a vigilante who should have just let the police do their job. But with a thug like your sister, who breaks into bars under the legal drinking age and sexually assaults grown men before destroying their business without getting any punishment because her tits are somehow fatter than her head, I'd say it's no wonder.
Ruby: ...
"Fan": Of course, it's not she's the only bad influence in your life. Your deadbeat dad was a womanizer who got what was coming to him, and your uncle is an alcoholic mess who had to change his voice because he didn't know the meaning of the words, "no" and "stop".
Ruby: Hm...
"Fan": And finally, your "accomplishments" are so forced that you might as well change your name to Mary-Ann Susan. Everything just has to go ypur way because you know how the world works. You want to be so much like your mommy, but you don't want to put in the effort to actually better yourself.
Ruby: I see.
"Fan": You, your friends, this party, and everything you touch becomes a bigger and bigger trash fire the more you stick your nose into it, no matter how much you and your racist, sexist, homophobic "friends" try to make it better. You're a disgrace to your mother, and an abomination to your father.
Ruby: ...
"Fan": ...
Ruby: ...Are you done?
"Fan": I... I had some other things to say, but I can't remember them right now.
Ruby: Okay. I think I get what you're saying. Honestly, some of that stuff does kinda make sense when you think about it.
"Fan": Really?
Ruby: Mhm. But I also think you should leave.
"Fan": What?! Oh, I get it! You're trying to silence me because I'm telling the truth!
Ruby: No, I'm asking you to leave because you came to this party, but instead of just enjoying it for what it is, all you've done since you showed up is complain without offering anything actually constructive as criticism. This is a party for people to have fun, and you showing up, making fun of it, and then acting like you know how things should but not offering anything except even more criticism is just... dumb. Like, really, really dumb.
Ruby: They're here to have fun. And we're here for their fun, too. Because we believe in the message they all believe in, too. And that's why we're here. To make it better.
"Fan": I...
Fan: Can I stay? Just a little longer?
Ruby: If you promise not to be such jerk anymore, then I'm okay with it.
Fan: Yeah. I want to make it better, too.
"Now I know as I say this, there will be some [viewers] saying that they think [creator] doesn't have quality or quantity and that everything [they] do is wrong. People will often disguise their comments as 'constructive criticism' even though they word in a way that isn't just mean, but as pompous, and often to prop themselves up as some sort of authority because of their own experience while also disregarding the experience of the actual successful creator of multiple shows with millions of fans worldwide."
- Deep Cut, Cartoon Universe
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nanawritesit · 2 years
SingleDad!Mingi x Nanny!Fem!Reader (NSFW/ 18+/ MDNI)
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A/N: No one requested this but I had a dream about dilf Mingi last night and I HAD to process it SOMEHOW. I’ll put a warning above the smut if you just want the fluffy parts. But if you’re like me and have raging daddy issues, you’ll love it all :)
TW: female reader with she/her pronouns, reader is afraid of thunderstorms, cursing
NSFW TW: making out, groping, grinding/ dry humping, nicknames such as “sir, good girl, naughty girl, baby girl, little girl, princess,” oral sex (giving and receiving,) nipple play, marking up, hair pulling, fingering, protected intercourse
You never wanted to be the kind of girl who would hook up with her boss. Especially when it was the father of the two adorable twins you looked after. But Song Mingi was simply irresistible. He had a way of flustering you and making you feel safe. And it was all because of that stupid thunderstorm.
It was late at night, and the kids were fast asleep in their rooms. You were sitting on the couch, waiting for Mr. Song to come home so you could leave. His job meant that he was working most of the day, so everyday you would pick them up from school and spend time with them until they went to bed. You also watched them on the weekends and whenever Mr. Song was away on a business trip.
The kids were crazy about you. They saw you more than their own father, so you were practically a mother to them. And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t attached to them as well. You tried not to get too close to the families you worked for, but something about these kids just tugged at your heartstrings.
You and Mr. Song got along great as well. He was always so grateful for your help taking care of his kids. The two of you weren’t very close, but your conversations were always pleasant. Plus, he was very handsome. You didn’t want to admit it, but he always made you weak in the knees when he came home in a suit, his hair all tousled, his rings and chain glimmering in the dim light.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a bright flash of light coming through the window. It was followed by a loud booming noise, one that made you jump up in your seat.
“Oh great.” you said to yourself. “A thunderstorm.”
It had been raining pretty hard, but you were still holding out hope that it wouldn’t result in a storm. Why couldn’t it have waited until after Mr. Song came home? Then you could go home and hide away under your bed like you always did when there was thunder.
You gripped the hem of your shorts anxiously, biting your lip as you thought about what to do. The storm looked pretty horrible. You tried to do a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself down.
“Mr. Song will be here any minute…” you whispered to yourself.
And soon he was. You jumped at the sound of the front door swinging open behind you, turning around to see him entering the house.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” he chuckled, setting down his umbrella to remove his coat.
“It’s okay, I’m just a little jumpy.” you laughed nervously. “How was work?”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. “The usual. A slew of boring meetings and compromising with people I have to pretend I like.” He hung his coat up and slipped off his shoes. “How were the kids today?”
“The usual as well. They were little angels.” you told him.
“I find that hard to believe.” he scoffed humorously. “Then again, they always listen to you more than they listen to me. You’re so good with them.”
You couldn’t help the light blush that crept its way up your cheeks. Something about Mr. Song praising you made you feel so warm and fuzzy inside. You looked down at your lap with a bashful smile, then continued with the conversation.
“Minsu got an A on his spelling test today. The teacher told me he’s one of the smartest kids in his class.”
“Oh really? That’s amazing. I’ll have to tell him how proud of him I am at breakfast tomorrow.” he said with a warm smile. “What about Minji?”
“She didn’t have any tests today, but she had a lot of fun in art class.” you smiled, running a hand through your hair. “She actually made you a painting, it’s hanging up on the fridge.”
He walked into the kitchen to look at it. “Oh…” he sighed affectionately, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s the four of us, isn’t it?”
“M-hm.” you nodded. “I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be all of us at the aquarium we went to last weekend.”
“I’m so glad I got to go with you guys.” Mr. Song mused as he opened up the fridge to grab his usual bottle of wine. “I don’t get to spend nearly as much time with them as I’d like. You’ve really helped me get closer to my kids. I appreciate you a lot.”
There he went again, making you feel all giddy inside. You looked away momentarily in embarrassment, then moved to stand up. “Well I suppose I should-“
You were cut off again with a flash of lightning and a loud crash of thunder. It made you squeak and clutch your chest. Mr. Song chuckled at you.
“My, you are quite jumpy tonight.” he stated, setting down the bottle to walk into the living room. He stopped in front of the large glass window. “That storm looks pretty bad though… I don’t want you driving in that. Why don’t you stay the night here?”
Your heart stopped. You were completely frozen for a moment, then shook your head and laughed anxiously. “Mr. Song, that’s very kind of you, but I couldn’t possibly intrude…”
“You wouldn’t be intruding, I’m inviting you to stay.” he replied, putting his hands on his hips sternly. “I’m not letting you drive home when the weather is this bad. You can have my bed, I’ll stay on the couch.”
“No!” you cried out impulsively. He was taken aback by your outburst. You forced out another awkward laugh before explaining yourself. “I mean, I couldn’t take your bed. Please, I’d rather sleep on the couch.” There was no way you could handle sleeping in your hot boss’s bed. It would smell like him, and your imagination would run wild.
“Okay, whatever makes you comfortable. As long as you stay here.” he sighed defeatedly, but gave you another warm smile. “I’m not very tired yet though. Would you mind if I stayed down here for a bit?”
Yes, I would. “No, not at all Mr. Song. I’m not very tired either.”
“Great, I’ll fix you a glass of wine. And please, call me Mingi.” he humored, walking back to kitchen. “How about you find something for us to watch on TV? Just keep the volume low, I don’t want to wake the twins up.”
You exhaled a long and slow breath. You were shaking like a leaf. Get it together Y/N. It’s just a terrifying stormy night, where you’re trapped in the same house as your extremely attractive boss. Nothing is going to happen.
After you picked out a decent movie, you looked over your shoulder at him in the kitchen. He had removed his suit jacket, the sleeves of his white button-down shirt rolled up as he poured the wine. God, he was so sexy.
You quickly turned your head back to the TV as he picked up the glasses to bring them to you. “There we go…” he said, handing you one. “To the storm.”
“To the storm.” you chuckled, clinking your glasses. As the wine went down your throat, it did relax you a bit. Hopefully it would calm your nerves, and you wouldn’t have a complete anxiety attack over the thunder.
He took a seat next to you. You grabbed a fluffy blanket and curled up into it, using it for security. Not only were you scared of the storm, but being so close to Mingi was giving you butterflies in your stomach.
You watched the movie in a comfortable silence, except for the little comments and laughs you’d share with each other. Suddenly, another boom of thunder sounded off, this one particularly loud.
You reflexively hid your face in the blanket, coiling up defensively. Damnit, you made a complete fool of yourself Y/N.
“Y/N, are you… afraid of thunderstorms?” he asked, setting down his glass.
“No… I was just… startled, that’s all.” you lied. You pulled the blanket down under your eyes. He was looking at you with such genuine concern. You felt a twinge in your chest.
“You’re trembling, dear…” he observed, reaching a hand toward you. You froze as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I can tell you’re scared. It’s okay to be afraid.”
You sighed defeatedly. “Okay, I’ve been scared of thunderstorms ever since I was little. I usually just hide under my bed until they go away.”
“Awh, that’s horrible…” he said sympathetically. He held his arm out to you. “Here, why don’t you move closer to me? It might help you feel better.”
You tossed the idea around in your head. On one hand, cuddling up to Mingi would make you less scared of the storm. On the other hand, being so close to him was also terrifying. Just as you were about to protest, another crash sounded, and you instinctively jumped into his arms, burying your head in his chest.
“Well, I guess that answers that question.” he chuckled, patting your back comfortingly. “It’s okay, nothing bad is going to happen to you.”
You squinted your eyes, furious with yourself for acting so childish. You pulled back a bit to look up at him. “I’m sorry, I just get so anxious whenever there’s thunder.”
“Hey, it’s okay. We’re all scared of something.” he reassured. He threw an arm around your shoulder and gestured for you to lean in. “Just let me hold you. I’ll keep you safe.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief at the comfort that washed over you. You leaned your head back against his chest, inhaling the smoky, spiced scent of his cologne. The way he was running his hands through your hair was putting you in a trance, and for a second you completely forgot there was a storm.
——— SMUT CUT ———
“Oh, that’s a good girl...” he praised. “The thunder went off again and you didn’t even flinch. You’re doing such a good job.”
Your cheeks heated up at his comment. Why did it feel so good to have him praise you? You pressed your knees together as an act of self control and partly because you could feel yourself growing wetter by the second.
“Oh did it? I guess… I didn’t notice.” you laughed nervously, glancing over at the window. You shifted out of his hold to sit up and grab your wine glass, taking a few more sips. “Thank you so much… for comforting me, and for letting me stay here.”
“Of course dear, anytime.” he smirked, sitting up a bit as well.
You set your glass down and undid the claw clip in your hair, shaking it out over your shoulders. He crossed his legs and locked his eyes onto you for a good while.
“What?” you chuckled, turning towards him.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked flatly.
Your mouth fell open a bit at his bold question. You breathed out an airy chuckle and clicked your tongue. “Nope, no one seems to be interested in me.”
“Really?” he baffled, brow furrowed in shock. “I would not have expected that.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, confused.
“Are you kidding me Y/N?” he snickered, leaning towards you. “You’re a very beautiful young woman. Any man would be lucky to have you.”
You gave him a wide smile, feeling more comfortable accepting his praise now. You were also starting to feel a bit bolder.
“Thank you Mingi… you’re not so bad looking yourself.”
“Me?” he gasped, sarcastically pointing at himself. “Nah, there’s no way.”
“I mean it.” you retorted, shooting a seductive gaze at him. “You’re a very good looking man. Incredibly sexy.”
Oh my god. You did not just say that to your boss, Y/N! You thought to yourself, internally panicking. But on the exterior, you remained cool, a playful smirk plastered on your face.
“Oh really?” he asked in a low grumble. He leaned closer to you at a painfully slow pace. “Well I happen to think you’re incredibly sexy as well…” He brought a hand up to your cheek. “Look at you, in that tight tank top and those teeny tiny shorts…” He glanced down, raking his eyes over your body. “It’s enough to make a man forget himself.”
You giggled innocently, then put a hand on his thigh. “It’d be alright with me if you did. Sir.”
That seemed to make him lose all his reserve, as he brought his other hand up to your hair and pressed his lips against yours. It was such a delicate kiss, you were almost surprised at how gentle he could be.
He pulled back slowly, forehead rested against yours. “Such soft, pretty lips…” he observed, running his thumb over your bottom lip. “I don’t think I can restrain myself any longer.”
A playful grin made its way onto your face, then you threw your arms up over his shoulders to pull him into another, much rougher kiss. You began devouring each other, lips growing red and swollen, tongues pressed against each other.
You pulled back for a second, making him furrow his brow in confusion. It soon faded away though when you swung a leg over his lap to straddle him.
The corner of his mouth curled up into a smirk. “What a naughty girl…” His lips were back on yours in an instant, his hands now rested on your hips, gripping onto them tightly. You ran your fingers up into his hair, giving it little tugs as you began to grind down against his crotch.
“Come on, let’s go upstairs.” he huffed, practically gasping for air. You nodded, about to stand up, but to your surprise he just picked you up in his arms and folded your legs around his waist, carrying you up the stairs quietly.
Once you reached his room, he locked the door behind him and set you down on the bed, crawling overtop of you to kiss you once again. You clamped your legs up around his waist, grinding desperately for some friction.
“Oh, you poor little girl, you’re so needy…” he teased, looking down at you affectionately. The way his chain was dangling down over your face was driving you insane. “You’ve never been taken care of by a real man before, have you?”
You shook your head, gazing up at him with doe eyes. “No, I haven’t.”
“Well, lucky for you…” he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “I’m about to change that.” He began kissing your neck, grazing his teeth against the soft flesh and running his tongue up along the sides. His hot breath was making your toes curl, and you couldn’t help the light airy moans that spilled from your lips as you threw a hand up in his hair.
“That’s right, sing for me princess…” he demanded, smirking against your skin. “Do you want me to take care of you?”
“Yes…” you breathed out, gripping tightly onto his dark brown locks.
“Ah-ah…” he reprimanded, pulling back. “Yes what?”
“Yes sir.” you corrected yourself in a pouty whine.
“That’s a good girl.” he praised. He reached down to fiddle with the bottom of your tank top. “This looks uncomfortable, do you mind if I take it off of you?”
You shook your head, and in an instant he was pulling it off over your head, messing your hair up in the process.
“These don’t look very comfortable either, I might as well take them off too while I’m at it…” he stated, unbottoning your shorts and sliding them down your legs. He leaned back to look at you sprawled out underneath him, now clad in just your bra and panties.
“Fuck…” he huffed, looking you all over. “You’re breathtaking.”
You giggled, wrapping a leg around his waist to pull him back in. His lips clamped back down on your neck, this time much more roughly. You were sure you’d have hickeys tomorrow. But all you could focus on was the way his lips trailed down lower and lower, stopping at your collarbone.
“Can I touch you?” he asked, glancing up at you.
“Yes sir…” you practically whispered, frozen in anticipation.
He turnt his attention back to your chest, reaching up to grope one of your breasts. He moaned the tiniest bit as he squeezed his large hand around it, then leaned back down to kiss the top of your chest. He began marking it up as he continued groping your breast, soon moving his lips down to the sensitive flesh above the cup of your bra.
“Sit up for me, princess.” he grunted, and you obeyed. He snaked his dominant hand up behind your back and unclasped your bra, letting it fall down your shoulders before tossing it over his shoulder. Once it was out of the way, he took one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking on it gently. He groped the other breast simultaneously, making you wriggle desperately underneath him.
“Sir, please…” you whimpered. “I need more.”
He looked up at you with a sly expression. “Awh, you need to be more patient sweetheart. I was just about to give it to you, but now I think I’ll have to tease you some more.”
“No please!” you begged pathetically, twitching your legs in frustration. “Please sir, I need you so bad…”
He chuckled coldly, then brought his forefinger down to rub against your clothed pussy. You threw your head back at the sudden contact, slightly ashamed at how worked up you were over the slightest touch from him.
“Oh baby, I’m hardly touching you, and look what a mess you are…” he humored, still looming overtop of you. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to handle my cock?”
“Please sir, I want you inside of me so bad…” you pleaded, reaching down to clutch his wrist. “I’ll do anything, anything at all…”
“Oh? Anything?” he chuckled, glancing down at your lips. He ran his thumb over them before staring into your eyes intensely. “Get on your knees.”
You immediately jumped up and got down on the floor, staring up at him expectantly.
“Such an obedient girl…” he smiled, standing up in front of you. He looked even taller from this angle. “I’ll give you exactly what you want, but you’re gonna have to earn it first.” He reached down to unbutton his shirt, then took it off completely. You gasped at the sight of his toned physique. You always suspected he was incredibly built under all those suits, but you never knew his body was this fine.
He reached down to unbuckle his belt, sliding it off his waist before unbuttoning his trousers. You watched him intensely, waiting on every move he made. He undid his zipper, sliding his trousers down to reveal his tight black boxers. You glared at his bulge hungrily, having to restrain yourself from licking your lips.
“Are you going to be a good girl and suck me off?” he asked, palming himself through his boxers.
You nodded up at him. “Yes sir.”
He smirked, then hooked his fingers into his waistband to pull his boxers down. His cock sprung out eagerly, rock hard in anticipation. You couldn’t help but feel proud knowing that you had worked him up so bad.
You wasted no time, wrapping both hands around the base as you licked all along the tip and down the shaft, getting him all nice and wet. You went back up to the top and sunk down onto his cock with your mouth. He threw his head back with a groan as you began sucking and bobbing your head up and down.
“Fuck, princess….” he huffed, putting both hands in your hair to guide you along. “Your mouth feels so good…”
You hummed in reply, sending a shiver up his spine from the vibrations.
“Look up at me. Let me see those big, pretty eyes.” he demanded. You obliged, and his breath hitched in his throat. “Oh, look at you…” His breathing was growing heavier, his lips parted slightly.
You went deeper and deeper down his cock, struggling to fit all of it in your mouth. The more of him you took in, the louder his moans became.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum…” he exclaimed, pulling on your hair. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop…”
And you didn’t, continuing to bob your head back and forth, whimpering with every stroke.
“Fuck!” he cursed, coming undone in your mouth. You tried to catch all of it in your mouth, jerking him off with your hand as he finished. He moaned airily with every rope of cum he shot into your mouth. When he was done, he smirked down at the sight of you swallowing all of it.
“That was incredible, princess.” he exhaled, tilting your chin up to look at him. “You did such a good job, I’m so proud of you. You deserve a reward.”
You smiled happily, and he pulled you up to lay you back down on the bed. He pulled your panties all the way down your legs and tossed them to the side, then dove down to kiss the inside of your thighs.
“Oh, you’re so wet for me baby…” he chuckled, hovering above your core. The way his breath was fanning it made you twitch underneath him. He leaned in slowly, then attached his lips to your clit, giving it little flicks of his tongue and sucking it ever so gently.
Just the slightest contact made you throw your head back and cry out in pleasure. “Oh sir, yes!”
You could feel him smile into your pussy, and he began licking long stripes along your slit, lapping up all of your sweet nectar. He continued his assault on your clit, circling it with his tongue. Soon, he brought two of his long fingers up and gently pressed them up into your needy cunt. The cold metal of his rings made you gasp, but the feeling was addicting.
“Oh God, you’re so tight…” he growled, beginning to pump his digits in and out of you. He brought his tongue back down to your clit to stimulate it in time with his fingers.
“Oh yes sir, just like that…” you moaned, bringing a hand up to your mouth to lower your volume. His tongue was doing things you’d never felt before, and coupled with his fingers, which were now digging into the soft sponge of your g-spot, you could sense that you were about to come undone. But that wasn’t what you wanted.
“Sir, please… can I have you inside of me?” you begged.
“Silly girl, I’m already inside of you.” he teased, wiggling his fingers along your entrance. “You’ll have to tell me exactly what you want so I can give it to you.”
You sighed in frustration. “Can you please fuck me with your cock sir?”
He shot a sinister grin at you before crawling back up overtop of you. “Well, since you asked so nicely. Get on your hands and knees for me, baby girl.”
You smiled gratefully, then did as he asked. He stroked himself a few times, easily getting bricked up again at the sight of you bent over in front of him, then reached over to his nightstand to grab a condom. After sliding it on, he teased your entrance with the tip of his cock.
“Are you sure you can take it, princess?” he asked, putting a hand on your lower back.
“Yes, please! I need your cock so bad sir!” you exclaimed, feeling your pussy throb in preparation.
He let out a deep chuckle, then began pumping his cock into your pussy. You both whimpered at the initial sensation, you falling down onto the mattress slightly and him leaning over your back.
“Oh fuck, your pussy feels so good…” he moaned, gripping onto your hips tightly. He began to grope the plush of your ass, growling at how it squished up against the base of his torso.
You began to grind your hips in the same rhythm as his thrusts, desperate to have more of him inside of you. “Oh, fuck, yes! Fuck me sir, please fuck me harder!”
“Yeah? You want more?” he huffed, leaning down to talk into your ear. He brought a hand up to fondle one of your breasts. “I’ll give it to you.”
He slammed his hips into you even harder, making your arms give out underneath you. Your back was now fully arched up into your hips, and you were desperately gripping the sheets in your hands as he fucked you from behind.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back up. “Awh, is it too much for you baby girl?” he pouted with false sympathy. “I know you can take it. You’re doing so well.”
Suddenly, the tip of his cock began to bump against your cervix. You cried out at the mixture of pleasure and pain, seeing stars as you squinted your eyes shut.
You began to feel a knot form in your lower region. “Sir, I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”
“Go ahead princess, cum for me.” he ordered.
With his blessing, you cried out and let the warm wave wash over you, sending shocks all throughout your lower region. You rode his cock all the way through your orgasm, until you could barely move anymore.
“Fuck baby, that was so hot…” he heaved, still slamming into you at a relentless pace. “I’m gonna cum again…”
You nodded underneath him, heaving with a satisfied smirk. “I want you to cum inside of me sir.”
As soon as you had finished the sentence, he was cursing and grunting from behind you. His nails were digging into your hips so hard you knew you’d have bruises tomorrow. He breathed out a whimpery sigh, then collapsed on top of you.
“God, that was amazing.” he whispered huskily into your ear. He then rolled off of your back to lay on his side next to you. You did the same and gave him a grin.
“I’ll say. I have no regrets.” you giggled.
He laughed along with you, then fixed your messy hair a bit. “How about you sleep in here with me tonight? The house is just so big, I don’t want you to get lonely.”
“I’d like that very much sir.” you replied.
“You can call me Mingi now, dear.” he snickered, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. “I’m so happy you stayed here tonight. I wish… no, nevermind...”
“No, what is it Mingi?” you asked, sitting up curiously.
He laughed at himself, a small blush forming on his cheeks as he looked down at his lap nervously. It was interesting to see him being the flustered one.
“I was going to say, I wish you could stay here all the time.” he confessed.
Your jaw unhinged, but you were smiling. “Really?”
“Yeah, why not?” he mused, grabbing your hand. “You can live here, with me. The kids already love you, and… I want you here with us for as long as possible.”
“Mingi, I have to work.” you giggled, intertwining his fingers with yours. “And if I find another job, then someone else will have to take care of the kids.”
“I’ll still pay you, but under the table.” he stated without hesitation. “Not as a nanny, but… as my girlfriend. I make more than enough money. You can think of it as me giving you money to take care of the kids.”
You marveled at him. “You mean, you’ll give me a full salary just to stay here with you?”
He nodded with a warm smile. “Yes, I would. Will you accept it?”
You acted as if you were deep in thought for a while, playing with his fingers. Then, you looked up at him and smiled. “I would love to be your girlfriend Mingi.”
He broke out into a huge grin, tackling you back down to the bed and kissing your cheeks over and over. “God, you make me so happy.” he sighed, resting his forehead against yours. “Who would’ve ever thought that I’d fall for my kids’ nanny?”
“Who would’ve ever thought I’d fall for my boss?” you joked back. “The agency isn’t gonna be too happy about it though.”
“Well yeah, they’re losing one hell of a nanny.” he smirked, ruffling your hair before sitting up. “Come on, let’s hop in the shower and then get some sleep. We’ll need to be well rested to give the good news to the twins tomorrow morning.”
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lovingkvinner · 2 years
The same goddamn song (2/3)
Larissa weems x reader
Okay so I’m making it three parts because I got weirdly carried away with the car scene?! It might be boring as fck I don’t know but they’re cute and also reader is a psychic outcast I have decided (I imagined this from the start but it’s just kinda cropped up now)
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“15 minutes? Really?” You said to yourself as you closed the door. I mean, you were soaked from your shower, you had to dry your hair, get dressed and put on makeup in 15 minutes. What annoyed you more is Larissa was a woman of great appearance, surely she knew how long it takes to ready oneself.
This was not just any ordinary coffee date either, this was Larissa weems for heavens sake, she always looked beautiful!.
You had no time to waste and so you grabbed your hairdryer and just went at it until some minutes later your hair was dry, then you combed through it, it was the best you could do. Dressing was a matter of running around panicking and then chucking on whatever you felt was casual but also sort of dressed up….. not in a ‘give me attention’ way but then…. Also in a ‘give me attention way.’
It was comfortable but it made your figure look great so you weren’t too fussed. The makeup was little more than a swipe of blush, mascara and some lipstick.
Usually you liked to go beyond this but time wasn’t exactly on your side, at least you could use the excuse of it being a Sunday ‘day of rest’ and all.
You were breathing very heavily now, attempting to calm yourself and also not faint and throw up and cry and scream and fall at her knees and giggle like a child .
You smoothed down a stray hair in the mirror and walked out of the room quickly in fear that if you lingered any longer you wouldn’t move at all.
A smile graced your panic stricken face as you rounded the corner and saw her stood outside, leaning an arm on the top of her car, her legs perfectly elongated by the pose she was stood in.
The day was a mid autumn one, a little chilly, Larissa was in her dual pistachio dress with matching coat; your favourite of her outfits. Leaves this time of year were all orange, but not yet departed from their trees, they painted a great compliment to the boldness of her red painted lips.
You felt as if your legs might just buckle under you right then and there but by some god you managed to walk over to her.
“How do you manage?” Larissa asked peering down from her spot in the heavens .
“Hm?” You questioned, variably confused and blushing wildly.
Secretly Larissa liked the way she made you feel, but most times tried to ignore the way you made her feel. She could feel shame slipping away or either desire overpowering that shame.
“Look so amazing, I only gave you 15 minutes. Hoped it would humble you but… clearly you have a talent for looking this way” Larissa never once took her eyes off of you except when she traced them up and down your body. This made you insane, never had your heart done this, not even when you worked out, not even for anyone else but you felt as if you were about to vomit up all of your internal organs. Oddly this complement made you more self conscious, you had to be perfect for her, you could never face failure.
“Oh… well thank you, if you think that. However I could never come close to the beauty you posses principal” you looked away shy as you tried to return her kind compliment.
“I think you may call me Larissa, y/n. After all, this is a date, be it however small” peering down at you she smirked and reached out her hand to open the car door to her right and then gestured for you to get in.
“Thank you, Larissa” was all you could muster as you climbed into the car.
Larissa shut the door behind you and for that moment when she hadn’t reached the other side to climb in herself yet, was peace. You had approximately 6 seconds before she climbed in the car door next to you. You drew in shaky breaths and fiddled with the end of your sleeve in the pit of your lap.
Larissa opened the door and you felt an icy breeze seep in from outside, leaving you shivering and pulling you back into reality. As she sat down you could smell her perfume, it was like you were high.
The car ride was torture. Larissa’s elegant hands gripped the steering wheel delicately, she could have been driving you in the opposite direction to murder you in the woods but you were so focused on her you wouldn’t have noticed.
“I don’t see you around a lot, on the weekends.” Larissa said, it was almost like a question, you were thankful that she had decided to break this silence that was quite awkward but strangely nice, you found it nice, the human-ness of being awkward.
“I prefer to become a recluse after the week. Hide away in a book or something.” You were looking at Larissa little more confidently now. “Im boring, I know”
Larissa laughed lightly, a sound which left your mind spinning out of control “nonsense, I find people who read to be the most interesting and by the sound of the music I hear coming from your room, you are certainly anything but boring. Anyway, whose your favourite author? If you have one”
You looked out of the window thoughtfully, god you hadn’t thought about this before but the answer came relatively easy to you “Jane Austen, I just love the way her writing makes the most mundane things magical. I think I must have read Emma a thousand times” she smiled at your answer as if she understood perfectly well, you were bushing madly but you couldn’t help feeling shameful. She was your boss after all “what about you? You got a favourite literary genius?”
“Hmmm, probably, Stephen king” Larissa answered, you loved the way her face looked when she was deep in thought, the orange sun shining through the window onto her perfect being, god you wished it could be this way forever; you sat in her car, falling apart with every word
“You look like the type” you told her.
Amused by this she asked “and why is that?”
“You’re very mysterious, I know little about you yet I want to know everything because I feel like everything you do and say are the most extraordinary things a girl could witness” as soon as the words left your mouth you wondered if you had overstepped. You noticed her face change to an emotion you had trouble recognising, you cursed yourself for possibly making her uncomfortable.
“You’re clearly an Austen fan. Looking at the world and everything in it with a romantic view that I so very much envy” she said, focusing on the road in front of her that was meeting with the outskirts of the town.
“It has so far been my fatal flaw I have begun to see. It’s messy, often delusional to mix ones feelings of sadness and desire.” The feelings flowed out of you and you began to wonder how a conversation about books had grown into this.
“Well, if it makes you think I’m interesting then I suppose it isn’t all that bad, to be a romantic. Your kind make great poets” the smile you had missed so the last few minutes returned to Larissa’s face “you write poetry right? At least that’s what I assume you are always scribbling down in the plethora of notebooks you carry with you”
You wondered how she had been so diligent to notice this.
“I only assume because I can see the shapes of the writing, I thought they looked like stanzas… they always look enchanting” she explained herself, she didn’t want to seem weird, like she had been reading it
“Yes, it is, poetry. Good poetry though? That I haven’t the slightest idea” you sighed “I write it to get my emotions out of my system. When you see so many spirits of the dead caught up because of unfinished business, it makes you more eager to make sure your own business is well and truly buried. I don’t write poetry for it to be good”
Larissa parked the car in front of the weathervane and turned to look at you with a smile “maybe one day, perhaps you’ll allow me to be the judge, of wether it is good, or wether it is not. However, I can not imagine it would be anything other than positively striking”
Larissa opened the car door for you once again and this time took your hand as you stepped out, like a princess who needed protecting. Her act of chivalry made you laugh to which she said “I have to ensure a fair lady’s safety when she has ridden in my chariot” she put on a stupid voice and you rolled your eyes before getting a little confident “the only fair lady I see here is the one stood right in front of me”
The principal was taken aback for a moment, shocked at your display of flattery but then appreciating this, linked her arm in yours and together you walked into the weathervane.
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