#they don’t know the pain of running into a Red Defender and getting beaten to death
takamoris · 3 months
My weirdest Kingdom Hearts request is that they bring back Eliminators.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hi, I hope you're having a great day/night. If you're comfortable with writing polyamory, can I request yandere poly Knock Out and Breakdown?
TFP Yandere Knockout and Breakdown
You met Breakdown on pure accident- he had transformed in the woods to stretch his legs, not noticing you. 
As soon as he noticed you, he let out a curse. He was shocked though when you looked at him with awe instead of fear. He went up and nudged you with a finger. “Uh, are you defective?” 
“Woah!” He jumped back in shock. “You can speak English? Where are you from? You’re so pretty!” Breakdown couldn’t fight the blue blush that rose to his face. He’d been called plenty of things in his life- but never pretty. Even his conjunx always used the word ‘handsome’. It felt nice to be called pretty.
“U-uh. I’m from the planet Cybertron?” 
“Wow! You’re amazing! So what brings you out here to my humble abode?” You gestured to the cabin behind you.
“Oh. Uh, I was tracking energon, not exactly going to your, uh, ‘abode’.” He wasn’t sure why he was so open with you. There was just something about you that was so easy to talk to. 
You tilted your head in confusion, to which he explained what energon was. You ended up going on the energon search with him. You, being a big science nerd, managed to upgrade his sensor. This allowed him to find a few deposits of energon within a much bigger area. He was shocked that you could do this with only a few materials. 
“I actually do remote work here for a science company. I don’t like to be around people that much.” you explained. Breakdown called the Vehicons to get the energon after driving you back to your home. He didn’t want you to get caught up in the war at all.
When Breakdown got back to the Nemesis, Knockout greeted him with a hug. “So, find anything?” 
“Yeah, some energon… and a human.” 
Knockout looked up at his conjunx with confusion. “A human? What happened?” 
“They were living where I went. They were… kind. Didn’t run away like the rest of em’.” 
Knockout noticed how his husband seemed conflicted. “Hm, maybe I should go meet them too.” 
Both of them bridged a small distance away and drove up to your house. Breakdown tapped a finger against your door much louder than he had meant to. 
“Look Mr. Bear, it was a one ti- Oh! Hello again Breakdown!” You smiled up at him. Your eyes flickered over to his cherry red companion. “Hello to you as well! Wow, you’re beautiful too!”
“Well, you were right about the human, Breakdown! They are smart,” the cherry red mech puffed out his chest. “I’m Knockout. What would your name be?”
“I’m (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!” 
Knockout and Breakdown often went to visit you when they had time. Your curious and gentle personality appealed greatly to them. One day, the Autobots found out and brought you to the base. You went willingly, not knowing anything about the war. There, they told you about the war.
“No, that can’t be! They are the sweetest people I’ve ever met!” You tried to defend them.
Ratchet just scoffed at you and pulled up their files. You looked in horror at everything they had done. You demanded to go home so that you could think, and Optimus went with you to protect you in the event they showed up again.
They both arrived the next week to see you talking with the Prime (who you had grown close to in a short period of time). “Do you think they were just using me?” You sniffed.
Optimus paused for a moment before speaking. “I’m not sure.” 
Breakdown, in a rage, slammed his hammer into his back. He grunted in pain as he was thrown into trees, his body destroying them as he hit. “OPTIMUS!” You cried out.
Knockout tried to grab for you, but you dodged out of his way. “Come here, doll. We aren’t going to hurt you.” 
“Like you didn’t hurt all of those other Cybertronians in your stupid war?!” You demanded. He looked hurt and shocked for a moment before turning to Optimus. “What have you been telling them?”
“The truth.” The Prime tried to stand but was beaten down before Breakdown. Hit after hit Breakdown landed on him.
“STOP!” You yelled out. Breakdown stopped his hits but kept his hammer hovering over Optimus.
Knockout and Breakdown eyed you when Knockout got an idea. “I’ll make you a deal, doll. You come with us and we’ll let him live.”
“No, ru-” 
“Shut up!” Breakdown slammed his hammer into his face and turned to you again. “This hammer’s getting heavy, better choose quick.”
You looked at Optimus who was leaking energon, then back to Breakdown and Knockout. Both of them had a dark look on their faceplates. You looked at the ground before nodding. 
“Okay. But you can’t hurt him anymore.”
Breakdown backed away from the Prime who transformed his arm into a gun immediately. “You won’t be taking them today.”
“Optimus! Stop.” He looked at you in confusion. “You won’t last in a fight. You’re bleeding and it’s two against one- please, just.-just go. Please. You can save me later- I don’t think they’ll hurt m-”
Before you can say another word, Knockout throws you into the air and transforms. He quickly drove away, Breakdown following. 
“W-why are you doing this? Where are you taking me?”
“The Autobots weren’t supposed to find out about you. We have to protect you from their lies.”
“Lies? I saw videos of what you did!”
Knockout scoffed. “You think they’re any better? Do you have any clue how many they’ve killed? Why the war started in the first place?” You were at a loss for words. “No, you don’t. But you’ll learn, eventually.” 
“Where are we even going?” 
“To your new home. After all, we can’t let the Autobots get to you again, can we?” 
You brought your legs up to your chest as you feared whatever was to come.
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love2write2626 · 1 year
Our Love in a Rogue Nation 7
Sorry for the delay! Please comment and let me know what you think!
Chapter 7
I sat in the room listening to the group discuss their next plan of action. Ok honestly I was tuning them out, at the moment I am admiring my beautiful engagement ring, I can’t believe I am getting married to Ethan. We had never discussed marriage, there was a small part of me that worried, that he was interested in marriage.
“You ok baby?” Ethan whispered to me, I looked up and smiled
“Yeah, just admiring my ring” I whispered back. He kissed my cheek, and just as if nothing happened, he went back to his conversation with the guys. As I tuned back in, it seems we had hit a speed bump, when it comes to the red box which meant that the drive is double encrypted.
“So, what your saying is there is no Ledger, which means we have no proof that the Syndicate even exists… so now we’re back to square one, except now we are all wanted by the CIA… I am so proud of us” Brandt said
“I have a question” I butted into the conversation. “Why is there a Redbox sitting in a private data base in Morocco?” every one looked at me pondering my question “and for that matter why would Lane want it, if he can’t open it?” I added
“Well, if Lane wants it you know he was a plan to open it” Benji said, Luther looked back at Ethan and I. My eyes got wide when it clicked
“He’s going to kidnap the prime minister” Luther said
“Yes he is” Ethan said
“Do we need to warn somebody?” I asked
“Yes, MI6” Brandt answered, he grabbed his phone when Ethan said
“Brandt, wait put the phone down, lets just think about this for a minute” I stood up walking closer to Ethan and gently placed my hand on his shoulder
“Ethan…” I mumbled
“Let me think a minute” he said
“No, Ethan we need to warn the British government, and not gamble with the prime minister’s life… just so you can beat the guy who has beaten you at every turn.” I saw a slight look of hurt in Ethan’s eyes
“Is that what you think this is?”
“I think, you are incapable of seeing another way right now. I think you need to maybe take a step back”
“Brandt, think about what you are saying” I stepped in “Sometimes Ethan is the only one who can see the way things need to be done” I said
“You, have no right to say anything right now. Ashley, you are smart but you are too close to Ethan, which means you will defend him at every turn, and that can lead some serious problems.” I cowered back a little in all the time I have known Brandt he has never once raised his voice at me, and I hate confrontation
“Brandt, you better watch your tone, Ashley is here to help just as much as everyone else here. You don’t ever raise your voice at her again” he stood up and got closer to Brandt “Am I clear?” Brandt didn’t reply he gave a simple nod of the head
“Ethan, we need to warn the British” Brandt said
“Maybe, that’s exactly what Lane wants us to do” Ethan said, now yelling
“Ethan enough! We are going to warn the British”
“No, we are going to find Lane, and we are going to get him, before he takes the Prime Minister” Ethan said. As I was listening to them argue, I started to feel pain run through my body… Damn the pain medicine must be wearing off. Ethan saw me stumble back a little, and rushed to my side “Baby sit down, you still need to rest… do you want some more pain meds?” he asked
“No, I don’t want to become dependent on those” Once I was sitting down, I leaned over a little to where Ethan is kneeling next to me and placed a light kiss on his cheek, which made his smile a little
“Ok, fine Ethan how exactly do you plan on finding Lane?” just as he asked the question the tablet next to Luther beeped, indicating his software had picked up on Ilsa’s most recent location, and Ethan turned to Brandt and gave him a cocky smirk. Brandt sighed
“Who’s going to drive?” Brandt asked in defeat
“Baby, I need you to wait in the car” I sighed
“Ethan I can help”
“You are still healing, and I just don’t want anything to happen to you… please wait in the car” I nodded knowing Ethan wasn’t going to let this go “I love you” he mumbled. I leaned over pulling his face closer to me and bringing our lips together. We both moaned into the kiss, this is the must real kiss we have had since I woke up in the hospital bed. After a minute, we broke apart
“I love you too” I whispered. We rested our foreheads together for a minute but jumped apart when we heard a banging on the window.
“Quit snogging my sister, and lets go” Benji said, I rolled my eyes, and Ethan pulled away from me
“Make sure you lock the door” Ethan said before getting out and walking away
Once Ethan left, I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes and I was honestly close to sleep when there was a tapping on my window. I jumped awake, and was scared to see a very large man standing there. He used his hand indicating he wanted me to roll my window down. I rolled it down only a little so I could hear him
“Hey, any chance you can give me a jump? My battery is dead, please? I’m desperate.. my wife just went into labor and I need to get to the hospital”
“Oh, sorry! Of course” I got out of the car, so I could walk to the drivers side “Where are you parked?” I asked
“It doesn’t matter” he said
“What?” I asked confused, then before I could do anything else he grabbed me and put a white cloth over my face… and the last thoughts that went through my mind before I blacked out was ‘How could I be so stupud?’
Ethan’s P.O.V
I ran as fast as I could to the parking garage, Brandt and I got to the black van where Ashley was just in time for the ‘Bone Doctor’ to speed off
“I lost her in crowd” Luther said as he ran up behind us
“No! Only Lane knows what’s going to happen” our conversation was interrupted by my phone ringing, I quickly answered it having a good idea of who it was.  “I swear Lane, if you hurt her in anyway” he cut me off
“I have a job for you Ethan” I let out and angry huff but said
“I’m listening”
“Your Mission should you choose to accept it, is to bring me the unlocked disc by Midnight.” He paused for what I am assuming was for a dramatic effect “Now say the words please”
“I accept” I mumbled before the line went dead.
“What does he want, Ethan?” Luther asked
“He wants the unlocked disc by Midnight”
“Ethan, there is only one person on this earth who can unlock that disc”
“I know”
“Ethan…” Brandt started
“We have to take the Prime Minister”
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snake | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Your parents have no qualms on doing whatever they can to climb the social ladder. That includes assigning you a betrothed you've never met, an offering to the crown prince. You, the one the gossipers whisper under their breath... the Snake Princess.
warnings: implied parental emotional and physical abuse; language; non-idol!AU - prince!Yoongi x aristocrat!reader, ft overprotective (but secretly soft), tattooed, little brother!JK; based on this
“I don’t care what our father said, you’re not marrying him!”
You scratched your ear, partly shielding it from the loud voice of your brother.
“He’s an asshole!”
“You don’t know him?” you offered, affixing your earring, somewhat annoyed. The yellow gold wasn’t quite your style. Your parents liked such gaudy, ugly things.
Both in fashion and tradition, unfortunately.
“Do you?” your brother shot back, throwing himself up from your bed where he was yelling at the ceiling about nothing he could change. It was a favorite past time of his, along with following you around like a talkative shadow.
“No, that’s why I’m meeting him today,” you replied dryly. You switched to the other ear, adding the dragon-shaped ear cuff above the gold earring. Your parents hated it when you added such aggressive accessories – they’re not womanly, they would say – but if you were going to be betrothed to some guy on the sole basis that they had ambitions and he was the man who so happened to be the next-in-line for the throne, you weren’t going to lie about what kind of woman you were.
“Aren’t you pissed?”
You shrugged. “Is it so bad?”
You sighed and flickered your eyes to the mirror, seeing Jeon Jungkook’s furious expression, long black hair tied back with lingering strands framing his high cheekbones, his black and gold robes wild, poorly tied and revealing half of his tanned, toned chest. His dark brown eyes flashed, pressing his cherry-painted lips together, jawline sharp and defiant. That’s how Jungkook always looked, messy, undone, borderline furious.
Everyone called him the Reckless Prince.
You just called him little brother.
You saw him frown and you looked away, running a hand through your hair, browsing your hair accessories. You used to have an aide to help you at one point, but you told your parents to get rid of them, preferring to get ready by yourself. And besides, Jungkook liked to burst in and interrupt you with his relentless tirades about how unfair your arranged marriage was. There was no point in having hired help when you could coerce your brother into doing things as you put up with him.
“Can I brush your hair?”
“You have arms and hands, so you’re physically capable, yes.”
You heard him click his tongue in annoyance and smirked, shifting your eyes to the mirror. He was behind you now, face no longer visible. It didn’t matter. You already knew his cross expression quite well. He snatched the ornate comb from your vanity, the black snake head clearly visible on the side of his right wrist, inked near his thumb. Your parents scolded and beat him for getting it, but Jungkook could care less, breaking the wooden paddle with ease, right out of your mother’s hand.
You hadn’t said anything.
The rumors called you the Snake Princess.
Quick-witted, sharp, vicious. Not to your face though, because that was just foolishness. It wouldn’t be only your wrath they would be evoking.
Jungkook ran the comb through your hair, gently separating the strands, careful not to pull too hard. He was better than any aide anyway. They merely yanked and pulled you into their standard of beauty, ignoring your opinions or input, always citing that it was important to not look like a peasant, important to always look above your status, using your beauty to save face.
Saving face.
You hated those words.
“What if he’s a horrible person?” your brother asked quietly, tucking the strands away from your eyes only for them to slip back stubbornly.
“Then he’s a horrible person,” you replied, applying your makeup. “And you’ll probably do something about it.”
Jungkook made a noise between an aggravated bear and an injured tiger.
“If he so much as puts one fingertip on you, I’ll kill him.”
You snorted. “I’d hate to tell you what marriage entails, Jungkook.”
The comb in your hair paused.
His anger subsided, just like that.
“You’re really going to do it?” he asked softly. “Really, really?”
You heard the pain in Jungkook’s voice.
You recalled when you received the news many years ago, silent fury as your parents gave you away, turning you into a transaction to raise their own reputation and status. Your reaction was nothing to your little brother’s, him running to your room and crying in your arms, distraught and upset that you were leaving him, declaring he hated your parents, everyone, and everything.
“You’re supposed to protect me,” Jungkook had sobbed, already too big for you to hold like this but you did anyway, patting his head and wiping his tears with your sleeve. “You’re supposed to be here, with me, forever and always.”
He had taken your hand, tucking his fingers in yours, pressing your pinkies together.
“You promised me.”
And you had, from the very beginning, the shy kid always following after you and making you speak for him, your parents yelling and scolding him to be a man, but you defending him, taking the slaps meant for him, sneaking him sweets when he was hiding his tears, telling him it was okay to cry and that noona would stay here and listen to his worries, no matter if it was as stupid as a butterfly flying away or the teacher once again reprimanding him for his poor scores.
The amount of pressure they put on him just because he was the son was immense.
“I wanna play,” he had cried softly. “I don’t have to study anymore.”
“You want to be stupid?” you had teased, patting his head. “What if I had my lessons with you? I can make that happen.”
So, you made it happen, telling your parents and tutors that it would be better for him to be exposed to more complex concepts earlier rather than later and watching someone learn would improve his own scores. You made yourself a better student for his benefit and he, in turn, followed obediently, doing what you did, always overjoyed to hear your praise.
You and your snake tongue could made anything happen for him.
“This servant is bothering me.”
You found some questionable information on that servant and they resigned rather quickly.
“I don’t like the girl our father introduced me to.”
Suddenly said girl was no longer interested in Jungkook. For… reasons.
“I wish I could go on vacation, even for a couple days.”
That one got you both beaten for your three-day adventure to the sea, mostly because you had to run away from your duties to do it. But it was worth it to see the smile on Jungkook’s face.
Then Jungkook became a teenager.
You might have taught him that rules were for old people, for the generation too uptight.
He wanted to do a whole lot of things and you made it happen. Getting him out of those sticky situations was a bit tough, but nothing unmanageable. And now Jungkook was a young adult who did not care about anyone’s opinion other than yours, getting tattooed and spending all of his time with his friends, lackadaisical and free, your parents giving up and calling him a disgrace, relying on your marriage to restore the reputation they valued so much, the face they themselves ruined with their own poor decisions, taking out their frustrations on you and Jungkook, sometimes without warning.
You stayed home, playing good daughter so Jungkook could be the bad son.
Ah, maybe it was your fault he was the Reckless Prince.
You turned, looking up at him now from the corner of your eye, up his loose robes and exposed collarbone, up the line of his jaw that was similar to yours, his lips not quite as full, his round brown orbs that were actually much more innocent and purer than he liked to admit, similar to your eye shape.
But not the same.
Because your eyes were sharper, cold-blooded, predatory.
Even with Jungkook, there was no mistaking the power behind your gaze.
“Do you think just because I’m married to some man that he can control my life?” you said with a sly smile, your lips painted lush red. “I’ll come visit you whenever I want. You can come whenever you want. You can live with me if you want.”
You turned back, sweeping your hair and twisting it in place, deftly and quickly pinning it back, leaving some strands loose and messy that your parents would highly disapprove of, but why did that matter? If this man was to be your husband, then he would see you completely undone at one point, so he should get used to it.
Your parents wouldn’t approve of the black and dark green combination you had chosen either, but that’s why you learned how to sew to dress yourself as you liked. You have to be a lady. You were a lady. Just your version of a lady and not theirs. They tried to gatekeep you by saying that the pink and yellow fabrics were all they could afford. They had a tendency to underestimate your craftiness.
No obstacle was too high for the Snake Princess to slither over.
“Really?” Jungkook asked as you stood up, smoothly adjusting the tie at your waist.
You chuckled at him as he began to follow you out of your bedroom.
“If that’s what you want, I’ll do it for you.”
“You brought your brother.”
“I don’t bring him anywhere. He comes and goes as he pleases.”
Jungkook was sitting behind you, arms crossed, glaring at the dark-haired man sitting in front of you. You had mildly fixed his appearance before entering only from him to push up his sleeves so he could reveal the entire snake tattoo wrapped around his arm, a black snake surrounded by thorned vines.
This man had requested to meet you first, alone, without the parents. Untraditional, but as long as his father agreed to the request, it was done. Your father had no say in the matter, although he did protest rather loudly and uncouthly.
You had poured the tea for your future husband and you.
Neither of you were drinking it.
The man before you had a piercing gaze, cloud-white skin, shapely lips. Somehow, he surprised you by being dressed in black and gold as well, although he was much neater than Jungkook, black hair tied back in a the usual, curated traditional style.
“I intend in marrying you, you know.”
He had a deep, rough voice, reminding you of dead leaves and winter.
“Is that not the point of this meeting?” was your dry response.
A dark eyebrow lifted.
Jungkook clicked his tongue dismissively.
Those shapely lips curved into a slow smirk.
“I thought I wouldn’t like you,” the dark-haired man mused, reaching over to the teacup and pulling it to him. “I was fully prepared to refuse this proposal and put your family more in the dirt than your brother has already put them into.”
“You bas–” Jungkook hissed, but you held up a hand, cutting him off.
You kept your eyes on those dark brown orbs, cat-like and predatory. He took a deep inhale of the aroma of the tea, letting out a satisfied, smokey sigh.
“I thought you would be like the others. Prim, proper, begging for me to take your hand.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do I need to beg for? You either will or you won’t. It has nothing to do with me.”
A dark chuckle. “Indeed.”
He took a long sip of the tea, savoring it. You watched him swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing, tongue flickering out to lick his lips. Slowly lowering his head, scrutinizing gaze on you. He made you wait for his words.
“And besides, snakes can’t kneel, can they, Snake Princess?” he purred.
“Don’t you dare call her that!”
“No, they cannot,” you replied calmly, ignoring Jungkook’s outburst, staring into the eyes of the man who was going to decide whether or not you were going to be his wife.
“They can’t pray either.”
The dark-haired man tilted his head, intrigued.
“I have no need for gods to be able to live the life I want, Min Yoongi,” you said quietly, venomous edge to your voice. “The ties you put on me cannot restrain me from living as frivolously or ambitiously as I like.”
Min Yoongi, the man who would decide whether you would live an honorable or disgraceful life, the man who was next-in-line, the crown prince. You were meant to be his, but, unlike you, he was free to refuse. Unlike you, he had nothing to lose. Unlike you, he could destroy your life in a heartbeat with a simple no.
“You believe that?” Yoongi questioned, daring you.
You didn’t back down, small serpentine smile on your lips.
“I do not need to believe when I know.”
Then Yoongi’s shoulders shook, raspy laughing bubbling from his throat, smirk on his lips.
“You want me to refuse. You want to ruin your parents’ lives.”
You didn’t say anything, your smile fading.
“Ah, but the problem is, I really do like you, Snake Princess,” Yoongi hummed. “You sharp tongue and you even sharper mind. A simpler man would have been tricked by you.” He tapped his long fingers against the table, keeping his feline poise directed at you. “I did not want some placid, useless little thing but a real woman, someone who isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. Why have a trophy when you can have a weapon?”
He placed his chin on the back of his other hand, clicking his tongue thoughtfully.
“What shall we do then? You absolutely must be my wife.”
“You–” Jungkook hissed, rising up behind you, glaring at Yoongi over your shoulder. “You know she doesn’t want to marry you and yet you’re going to do it anyway?”
The dark-haired man raised an eyebrow. “She doesn’t want to marry me because she wants her parents to pay for using her so carelessly to further their status. However,” he added with a sweep of his hand on the table, palm upward towards you. “Has she actually said she has no interest in me as a person? During this entire meeting, has she declared that I, the crown prince, am not to her liking?”
Yoongi gave Jungkook a sharp look.
“Do you think she would hide her disdain for me if she had some?”
“N… Noona?”
“Yes, Jungkook?”
“You don’t like him at all… right?”
You let out a deep breath, slow and controlled.
“Hmm, you are very intuitive.”
Yoongi grinned. “You know we would be a good match, you and I. Here,” he murmured, pointing to the table. “On the throne.” Pointing outside, indicating the land. His cat-like eyes locked with your snake-like gaze, lips forming his next words slowly and deliberately.
“In bed.”
Your eyes trailed from those glittering dark eyes to his pleased smirk. Not a malicious expression somehow. An exciting one. You fully expected to be walking into this room to tear down an arrogant, gaudy man with grandiose self-centeredness.
Instead, it was Min Yoongi.
He ticked his chin to Jungkook, now right next you instead of behind you, clutching your arm tightly.
“Do you want him to be with you? That could be arranged. I can make that happen.”
You really thought you would hate Min Yoongi and yet it seemed as if you were being drawn closer and closer to him. You pursed your lips, not ready to give up yet. He continued.
“And, of course, there’s no reason for your parents to enjoy luxuries that they didn’t earn, is there?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. Yoongi smiled, calm with an underlying slyness.
“That would reflect on you if you treated your in-laws poorly,” you responded coolly.
Yoongi shrugged. “And so? I still have you.” He tilted his head. “Why take a wife if you’re not prepared to do anything for her?” He nodded to himself, tapping his fingertips on the table once more. “Whatever you want, I can make it happen. Be it your brother tagging along, your parents’ lives in ruins…”
Yoongi’s eyes found yours and there was a kindness, already knowing your and him were meant to be.
You weren’t so sure.
And yet.
His next words made you fall in love.
“If that’s what you want, I’ll do it for you.”
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shywhumpauthor · 3 years
My Old Writing Masterlist
(Good luck. You’ll need it.)
Assorted Prompts
Free with credit!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
X X  X X X X X X X X  X X X X X X
1, continued- Caretaker finds themself with a non-human whumpee in their possession
2- Injured and starving Villain does not want Hero’s help
3- A spy heard something they weren’t supposed to, and Whumper wants to know exactly how much they know
4- Whumper discovers their best soldier is not who they said they were
5- Whumpee fell in battle, but they don’t want to die.
6- Hero may be a bit too rough when it comes to sidekick’s training
7- Leader flips out when the team’s newest member messes up on a mission
8- Leader is very tough on their team, but Whumpee is used to that type of treatment
9- Whumpee’s kidnapper is a bit too… kind for their liking
10- Sidekick doesn’t have much control over what they say when in pain, and lets something slip when talking to Villain.
11- Hero would rather die than surrender to Supervillain
12- Hero discovers that Teammate was not who they said they were
13- Caretaker’s job was exactly what they signed up for
14- A… concerning guest arrives at Caretaker’s little diner.
15- A very sarcastic whumpee got captured by enemy forces.
16- Just a Whumper enforcing a bedtime
17- Leader falls in battle and Whumpee is left to defend themself against the enemy troops
18- Sidekick is too stubborn for their own good
19- Sidekick takes a shortcut through Villain’s territory
20- Sidekick’s performance in their training is downright unacceptable
21- Whumpee just wants to get out of the rain but there’s a stranger in their car
22- Whumpee is sick of rude awakenings
23- Caretaker is just a manipulative piece of shit
24- Some lab whump and stuff
25- Whumper is caught red handed
26- Sidekick doesn’t know where Superhero came from, but they want them gone
27- Hero’s team abandoned them in their time of need
28- Hero’s team isn’t answering their distress call… but Supervillain is
29- Civilian is out late at night… so is Supervillain
Other Series (forgotten)
Hot Cocoa
Bram thought they could entrust Hugh with their deepest secret. Bram thought he could bear the weight of their most prized possession along with their best friend. But when they showed Hugh the beaten, bloody shell of a person in their basement, the one who’s bruises Bram had worked so hard to create, Hugh snaps.
Rune’s Story
Rune didn’t remember much of their life before they were captured. The last memory they had was running. Running away from a group of people. The people were laughing, taunting them. They had guns.
A Dozen Eggs
Oakley's entire purpose is to serve. To serve their master, and his family. That's the reason they were alive. The scars that crossed their back mere reminders of the times they tried to defy their purpose. I have a lot more written, drop an ask if interested but I’m not gonna post any more otherwise
Squirrel’s Story
I wrote like two parts, got distracted by whumptober, never looked back.
Whumpmas 2021
Just don’t. It’s a shitshow
Ask Game Fills Masterlist
Exactly what it says. A bunch of short pieces from an ask game.
Bad Memories Masterlist
Abused hero x protective possessive villain. I still have the next part to this in my drafts
The Vampire’s Little Plaything
Like three chapters of vampire Whumper shit. No actual whump. Lost interest in it
And just take this in case anything breaks idk where else to put it. Old drabble masterpost
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Rescue Mission – Suicide Mission.
Part 4 - Not a fair fight.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Brainy x Reader, Eliza Danvers x Granddaughter!Reader.
Word count: 2480.
Warnings: Injuries. Pain. Angst. Some graphic fight scenes I guess.
Previously on the series - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Whatever it cost.
Your life has been put at stake before. You almost died three or four times. Honestly, too much for a 16-year-old-girl. But this. This is different. There’s no aunt Alex to call for help, no Supergirl coming in to help you pick up the pieces. No Lena waiting for you at home with comfort hugs and donuts.
You land on the DEO, shaking. You thought about not coming the entire way here. What if you just wait until Supergirl wakes up so she can help? Would it be that bad?
“Brainy!” You call him, and he turns around to you. Tablet in hands, still monitoring the shapeshifters. “Can we wait until my momma wakes up? Then we can go for them. I mean, I didn’t see much damage around the city so-”
“We can’t.” He stops you.
“Why? Honestly, we both know I’m no match for a shapeshifter.” You say, and Brainy looks up from his tablet.
“Oh.” He smiles a little. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
“I’m sorry?” But it doesn’t take long until you tie all the knots. Of course. Of course you couldn’t trust anybody!
Brainy turns into Supergirl right in front of your eyes, and hits you with a blow of freeze breath that throws you back down. You fall, all fours, and look up to the shapeshifter in front of you.
“You are definitely not a match for us.” It presses something in the tablet and soon you hear a woosh of air coming from containment and landing a punch on your face.
Shit! Fuck! Damn it!
It played you just right! Made you believe that you could trust ‘Brainy’ because he found your family, and imprisoned one of the shapeshifters, but it was obviously just a plan. Now both are here in front of you, and if one was already hard enough, two looks impossible to beat.
You get up and fly out of the DEO. First superhero rule: if possible, take the fight to where no civilians can get hurt, so you will have less casualties. In this case, maybe just yours is enough.
The other two Supergirls fly right behind you. You feel one of them grabbing your feet and tossing you back to the ground. You fly up less than a palm before your body hits the concrete. You keep flying farther away from the city, but it’s forced to stop sooner than you would like.
One of the Supergirls punches you down, and you feel your body smashing against a boulder in the desert, making a hole on the hard rock. Dust rises up and around you. You cough, getting up from the hole and you look at both aliens in front of you, using your momma’s pretty face. You can’t win. You wouldn’t be able to win even if you were up against just one Supergirl, let alone two. You breathe deep. You were right. Two Kryptonians are better than one. You just wish this advantage were to your side.
“So, it was you all along.” You yell from a distance.
“I told you not to trust anyone.” You hear Kara’s voice and your heart beats faster. “But I suppose you are just a kid.”
“I am.” You agree with your head, taking a deep breath. “But I am her kid!”
You fly towards them, punching one in the face, making it fall in the hard rock, like you did, breaking it off in the process. But you won’t give it a chance of recovery. You fly down, settling on top of its body. Kara’s body.
“You don’t deserve this face!” You say, giving it another punch. “You don’t deserve these powers!” Another one. “You don’t deserve to wear this crest on your chest!” It’s where you punch after and you watch the alien losing its breath, looking as beat up as you found your momma. You raise your fist again, ready to end it, and feel the other alien grabbing your hand.
“What makes you think you do?” It says, flying high with you, while you try to untangle yourself from its firm grip. When you look up again, it has changed its form. You’re face to face with yourself.
“I’m not a phony!” You twist around, and it drops your hand, kicking you in the chest instead. You fly far away, trying to regain your breath. “But now it’s a fair fight.”
“Is it?” It asks, tilting its head at you. You look at your face staring at yourself on the other side and smile. Yes. Now it’s a fair fight. You know your strengths, and you know your weaknesses. And you have so many of them.
It flies closed fist at you, but you saw it coming, it’s always your first move. You fly out of the way, hitting its back with your heat vision, making it fall on the ground, raising up dirt all around it.
“You can’t win.” Supergirl gets up from the hole it was in. Oh, come on, it was almost gone. You use your heat vision again, but it’s met in the middle with its own heat vision. Shit, this is useless. Fighting Kryptonians it’s a fucking hell.
The other alien rises from the ground, and you see yourself between both of them. You don’t have a lot of options, it’s clear to you. You can run, but where to? You can buy yourself time, but for what? Help isn’t coming, you know that.
“We shouldn’t both waste our time with this kid.” Fake Supergirl says, almost ignoring your presence right there between them. “You know where she took them. Go get them.”
Breath stops midway. Heart stops mid beat. Time slows at its own accord.
No. Not them. Not your family.
“Oh yes, we should thank you, by the way.” The other Superkid flies to Supergirl’ side, and your eyes are filled with tears with the sight of that. You wanted that. You wanted a Superkid and Supergirl team-up. Instead, two monsters are using your faces, bodies and powers. They don’t seem to acknowledge your discomfort with the scene, as they go on.
“Getting the whole family together in one place. You just made our job a lot easier. Now we can kill Supergirl and everyone she loves in just one blow. And you? You’ll be alive to see it all going down with your help.”
You swallow hard knowing they are right. You helped. You thought you were the one doing the saving, but they were letting you. They were playing you, so you can do the job for them and that’s why it felt so easy. That’s why you encountered almost no resistance; it was all for this moment right here.
It’s your fault Lena has no memories. It’s your fault Jamie was taken. It’s your fault Supergirl is not here defending the city and the family. And now it will be your fault they’ll kill all your family in one blow.
You feel something burning inside of you. It’s not anger, it’s not sadness. It’s a mix of all the feelings you once had. It’s the slow burn of love, and the heavy taste of hate on your mouth. It’s the bittersweetness of having such a strong and rotten last name, and the wonderfulness of being a part of this family. It’s the cautiousness of hiding your powers, and the relentless yearn of letting go and bursting into flames, destroying everything and everyone on your way. But most of all, it’s that moment where ‘you should do better’ kicks the ‘you’re doing great’ to the side of the curbs and takes a hold on you.
You could even try to hold this feeling inside you, but you know better. This is the time to stop thinking, stop using your powers, and let them use you instead.
“Don’t thank me just yet.” You say with a little smile playing on your lips.
Fighting two of them was never going to be a fair fight and you know it. Even with you letting your powers take over you, even after beating them, even with this faintest feeling that you might -just might- pull this off because you’re fighting for the right reasons.
It doesn’t take long until you find yourself trapped under both getting punches after punches. The taste of blood is strong on your mouth. You know you’re going to lose. You’re minutes away from blacking out.
You have been beaten down before. By red kryptonite Kara, by villains using green kryptonite against you, by aliens from another dimension, by your own fears and your anxiety. You were once beaten down to the point of suffocation. You were once covered in your own blood and vomit. For time and time again, you thought you were going to die. Once you even prayed that you would.
This moment right here, feels like another one of those. You can feel it. When they’re beating you down so hard your blood is the one splashing on their faces, when you slowly feel yourself losing consciousness. When the last thing you see before your mind goes totally blank is Lena’s eyes and Kara’ smile. Maybe this is the last time you feel you are going to die. Maybe this time you’re actually dying.
And you know what comes next. They’ll go to the Fortress. March in there using your face. It’s your face your family is going to see blowing up the entire place. And when they realize it’s not you, it will be too late, they will be doomed. Your whole family will be destroyed like they promised in the message.
You won’t accept it. You may die, but your family won’t.
You untangle yourself from them. Grab Supergirl’s cape -capes are lame, you still remember that- and fly up. Up. Up. Up. The other shapeshifter follows you, trying to catch you before you do what they understand now it’s going to happen.
“If you do this, you will die!” You hear Kara’s voice. But it’s not her, and you know your Kara would do anything to protect her family. Anything.
“I don’t care if it kills me. All I care about is taking you down with me!” You say and you reach the exact point. You know if you keep going, you’ll be too far gone. You almost died in outer space once. You don’t know exactly how you survived, but you know this time you can’t pull it off again.
You hold Supergirl’s cape stronger and spin it around. You see the shapeshifter trying to change its form, but it’s too late. You toss it into space and look down to the other one.
“Two Superkids dying in outer space together is almost… Poetic.” You fly towards the other shapeshifter, the one with your face.
“You don’t want to do this.” It says, staring at you, like it's looking at your soul.
“You’re right, I don’t.” You grab its throat and look up. “But it’s whatever it costs!”
Up. Up. Up.
No air left in your lungs, no other thought except that this is the right thing. Dying was never going to feel right but dying for your family, it’s the closest you could ever feel to death being right.
The other you are now transformed back into its ugly alien form, turning blue. They’re gone. It’s over.
You close your eyes feeling light-headed and you feel like crying. It doesn’t matter if it’s the right thing or if it’s for your family, you still don’t want to die, and you’ll still miss them.
You know this won’t matter. But maybe, just maybe, the watch will send them a signal and Kara will come for your body when she wakes up. That way they can mourn you properly. All of them, but Lena since she doesn’t even remember you anymore. At least she won’t suffer, you think. You press the emergency watch. And you’re out.
“Will you please stop going to outer space?” You hear softly in your ear, and you open your eyes trying to focus them on what is before you. Blonde locks flying in the wind, a perfect baby blue sky over you, and that warm smile only one person in this universe has. “I’ve got you, little one. You’ve got me before; I’ve got you now.”
You smile. And before passing out again you think that you have to stop almost dying. It’s starting to get truly exhausting.
You open your eyes, looking around to make sure you actually didn’t die. It’s stupid, you know, but still you find it’s hard to believe you pulled it off. Somehow you pulled it off.
Alex is in the bed next to you, awake, finally. Brainy is also in a bed, the real one that was probably hurt by the shapeshifters so one of them could take his place. Kara is pacing around nervously, and the rest of the family are also in the infirmary, creeping around the sick ones.
“You fucking dipshit!” Jamie slaps your arm, and you almost feel the sting. “I told you to come back. You promised you would come back whatever it costs!”
“Well… I’m here.” You give her a little smile and she rolls her eyes, full of tears. Next thing you know, she is hugging you tight, and sobbing on your suit.
“I hate you.” She whispers in your ear, and you smile, while the whole family looks at both of you. “I hate you and your hero complex.”
“I love you too.” You smile and she lets go of you with a smile. Kara is the next one to throw her arms around you and kiss your temple.
“You’re the best superhero in this town.” She says, and you almost believe her. Almost.
“Mom.” You let go of Kara and look around in the room. “Where is she?”
They all stare at you blankly. No one says a thing.
“Where is Lena?” You demand, and Kara drops her head low and lets out a sigh.
“We’re gonna get her back, kid.” Her hand cups your face, and she strokes your cheek. You see the pain in her eyes, and you feel tears forming on yours. “One thing at a time.”
Your heart squeezes on your chest, and you forget about the fact that you were probably actually dead for at least a minute, not long ago. This doesn’t seem remotely important, as Lena not having her memories and not knowing who you are right now. You almost died, and your mom is not here to hold you gently and say, ‘you’re ok babygirl’.
Kara seems to be able to read your mind, like Lena usually does, when she puts her hand on your knee and gives it a gentle and assuring squeeze. “One thing at a time, baby.”
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hey Laura! Congratulations on 300!💕. You really deserve it for all the hard work you put in for us ❤❤.
Thank you so so much!I'm so excited to take part 😁. So for the event I'd like one with Mikey with the prompt 18. Preferred gender is female. I'd like it to be a hurt with comfort.
For the scenario I was thinking of after Valhalla. Mikey has known the girl since he was a kid. He found her unconscious outside the dojo anf later discovered that she was an orphan. She ran away from there because she was accused of beating up a boy (which she did) because he attacked another one of her friends. She didn't like him at first but once challenged him to a fight but Mikey said that he won't fight girls and that's when her feelings started ti grow for him.
She's watched him fo so long that after the incident with Valhalla,seeing Mikey act all strong annoyed her. When she confronted him about it he told her to stick her nose elsewhere and she only slapped him in response. Later he finds that she got into a fight with Mucho ( XD) because he made fun of Mikey for not having any emotions. He then proceeds to beat up Mucho and open up to her about how he feels and they share a very sweet moment and confession if possible 😂.
Thank you so much, doll!! 💕 I do hope you enjoy the finished product ❤️
I have decided to write for the aftermath of the event, and instead of it being Mucho, it's the Haitani Brothers because I feel they would make more sense ☺️ Plus, I don't even know if this is hurt to comfort or angst to fluff (I think they are the same but y'know, just in case) 💕
Prompt: "Surrender... all the pain we've endured until now, Surrender... all the hope that I lost you have found, Surrender yourself to me" - Billy Talent ~ Surrender
Characters: Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano, mentions of Haitani Brothers
Genre: Hurt to Comfort/Angst to Fluff
TW: mentions of injuries, hospital setting, misdirected anger, hurt feelings, Valhalla/Bloody Halloween arc spoilers!
The blond stood outside the door to your hospital room, an uneasy feeling swirling around in his chest. Mikey hated hospitals, especially when the ones he cared about were the ones admitted. That situation never usually ends well. With a deep breath in an attempt to calm both his nerves and his building anger, he pushed open the door.
You were staring out the window when the door had opened. You didn't need to look to know who it was. After all, you had provided the nurses with his number to contact since you had no known living relatives. The Sano's were the closest thing you had and even then, you could never bring yourself to look at Manjiro as a brother. Not when your heart yearned for him.
That day, you had done something reckless that had got you where you are now. It started when you had confronted Mikey about taking on the burdens alone. Pleading with him to let you in so you could help, his words had caused something to break. Tears in your eyes, you had slapped the boy and went out for a ride. No other words were exchanged between you.
If you hadn't have been so frustrated and upset over what had just transpired, you may have paid more attention to where you were. You hadn't realised you were in Roppongi. Sighing, you pulled over to use your phone to figure out where you were. Smack dab in the middle of Haitani territory.
Ran and Rindo were walking the streets when they noticed you. They had instantly recognised you as the girl that would be seen with the Invincible Mikey. After having witnessed the Valhalla vs. Toman brawl, they knew what had happened. There were very few gangs who didn't though.
The brothers had made comments about Mikey that had started to get you angry. How Mikey was too weak to save his friend, how it was all Mikey's fault to begin with that Keisuke Baji ended up dying. You were seeing red as you got off your bike and decided to confront them. Their reputation must have slipped your mind in that moment, only the thoughts of defending Mikey evident.
And that is how you ended up with your injuries. Your leg was in a cast as the bone had been snapped by Rindo; your shoulder had also been dislocated during one of the joint locking holds as you had struggled to get free; you had a bandage around your head after Ran's baton had broke the skin from how many hits he used; and your face was bruised with cuts littering the skin, nose broken and your eyes black. If it hadn't been for a passerby calling for an ambulance, you would have probably still been on the streets of Roppongi, beaten and bleeding out.
Upon hearing what had happened, Mikey had started to ramble on and on. About how you were stupid for entering Roppongi, how he had warned you already about how merciless the Haitani Brothers were, and how stupid you were to think you could do anything against them. His words were coated with anger. But what you didn't know was that his anger wasn't directed at you. Mikey was angry at the Haitani Brothers for daring to lay hands on a girl, angry at himself for indirectly causing you to be in the hospital, angry that he couldn't protect the girl he had come to love.
His words broke your heart. Sure, you shouldn't have rose to their comments but you only did that because you loved the boy! And you'd happily do it all over again if it meant you could keep Mikey from himself! You understood how difficult losing Baji was on him and you knew that hearing comments like that would break him more. Tears filled your eyes. Maybe you needed to finally let the blond know.
"I wish you would let me in, Mikey..." Your voice was quiet, contrasting against his previous tone. There was no way you could bring yourself to shout and scream back at him. You were tired. Tired from the injuries, tired from trying to show the boy you were there, and tired of carrying around these unsaid feelings. So you came right out with it, expressing the feelings you have been hiding for years.
Mikey froze to the spot upon hearing your confession. He didn't know whether to laugh at your timing or whether to run over and hug you. Neither seemed appropriate though. Instead, he moved his obsidian gaze to your teary eyes. The sight had his heart hurting. He had caused you to get upset.
Time had passed and you were finally able to leave the hospital, stumbling along on crutches. While you were stuck there, you had been visited by everyone from Toman at one point or another. Each scolding you for being reckless before moving the topic onto whatever was happening outside the four white walls you were stuck in.
As you hobbled out the front entrance (with some help from one of the nurses), you beamed happily at the sight that greeted you. Mikey was waiting for you, a plushie of your favourite animal in his arms. It may have taken a little longer for you to get to him than usual but you didn't mind.
Mikey grinned at you, his eyes filled with happiness over the sight of you up and about. Once you were in front of him, he handed you the stuffed toy and placed a kiss on your cheek.
"You ready for our first date?" With a blush, you nodded and the two of you were off. Where did you end up going? Well, that's up to you.
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chadillacboseman · 3 years
Mozzie anon here...I really appreciate it! When your requests are open, could I get Mozzie rescuing reader from the whitemasks?
TW: mentions of torture and death, violence typical of R6. Otherwise SFW.
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It had been three days- or, at least, you were fairly certain three had passed. So little light filtered into your cell from the outside, that you couldn't be absolutely sure.
You watched the metal door in anticipation.
Twice a day, like clockwork, they opened a small slot and shoved a meal through on a plastic tray along with a bottle of water. Too small of an opening to make a move of any kind, and they never let their hand come into your cell.
The White Masks were smart, you had to give them that much.
The sliver of light on the far wall was slowly fading from bright orange to a deep, charred hue, and you knew the sun was setting wherever you were.
You sighed and kicked a chunk of broken cement across the floor; there was no way out of this- the White Masks would either torture you or kill you, and no one from Rainbow had any idea where you were.
Hell, even you didn't know where you were.
Your mind wandered to Max, "Mozzie" as the other ops called him- you wondered how he was feeling. You knew how reckless he got when he was hotheaded, and he was surely feeling very distraught right about now.
A loud metal clang jerked you out of your musings as a plastic tray was shoved, unceremoniously, through the slot in the door.
Dinner time.
You sauntered over to the tray and wrinkled your nose at the sight- it appeared to be a crude stroganoff, likely leftover from days prior, accompanied by plain bread, the texture of which was akin to cardboard.
You picked at the plate halfheartedly, trying to pry your mind from the writhing sense of dread slowly building in your gut. Three days was a long fucking time to keep a prisoner. Your luck had to be just about out.
Your cell grew dark as the sky outside the small square window turned black and your eyes got heavy. You fell to your stiff cot and rested your back against the cold stone wall.
You closed your eyes and let sleep wash over you as you tried not to think about what the morning would bring.
You awoke to the sound of a drone buzzing along the hallway outside your cell, mechanical blades whirring quietly, the sound reverberating through the metal of your door.
Drones. You imagined this compound was so secure that they had little need for regular footpatrols. That didn't bode well for you.
You glanced up at the wall and noted the burned orange light that painted it- you guessed it had to be at least 6am.
You mused for a moment about where exactly you might be- you knew by the faintness of the sounds from the yard below that you had to be several stories up. The White Masks were notorious for claiming abandoned or decommissioned sites, and this was likely one of them.
Footsteps outside the door interrupted your thoughts, loud and methodical- the footsteps of an executioner.
You swallowed, hard, when they paused outside your door.
A series of loud thuds and clanks signaled the unlocking of the door before it swung open and thudded hard against the concrete wall in your cell.
You glanced up and a blank white mask stared back at you, beady, dark eyes like two black gems set against the ivory surface.
"On your feet, prisoner."
You hesitated, weighing your options.
You could run.
Before you had the chance to consider it, the guard's large hand clasped down on your shoulder and hauled you to your feet. When they had brought you here, there had been a hood over your eyes- now you were able to see that there were dozens of other cells, some occupied, some emtpy, running the length of the hall.
The guard pinned your arms behind your back and cuffed them before shoving you, unceremoniously, forward toward a large, metal door at the end of the hall.
You had seen plenty of doors like that before.
You knew what would be behind it- a car battery, knives, a chair with leather restraints.
Anything and everything a torturer could need.
You knew what the bodies looked like when you recovered them. Torn to shreds, beaten, bloody, barely recognizable as human beings.
You let out a shaking breath as the guard pushed you onward.
Jesus, I'm so fucking sorry, Max
You repeated the thought over and over in your head. You knew what this would do to him- how it would tear him apart to find your broken body dumped in some pit like garbage.
The familiar whirring of the patrol done broke the silence, approaching fast from behind.
Too fast-
The machine struck the guard in the head at maximum velocity, sending him stumbling forward with a grunt.
"What the hell-"
The drone buzzed, menacingly, like an angry hornet, diving at the guard over and over, metal blades slicing into his skin as he held up an arm to defend his face.
"Hey, ya fuckin' drongo, havin' a little trouble with your drone?"
You spun on your heel as the Aussie rounded the corner, assault rifle brandished. There was a loud crash as the wall in front of you exploded in a cloud of dust and Gridlock barreled through the opening with a roar.
The facility lost power and red emergency lights began to dance erratically as the alarms screamed to life. The guard at your feet made a motion to stand and Gridlock struck him with the butt of her rifle.
"Come on, we haven't got all day!" Mozzie yanked a jackknife from his pocket and cut the flexcuffs that encircled your wrists.
"Max-" you felt tears well up in your eyes as you looked into his polarized glasses.
"Don't get soft on me yet- we gotta get outta this fuckin' place."
The next moments were a blur as Mozzie and Gridlock flanked you and the three of you traversed the compound.
"We've got maybe three minutes before this place is swarming with Masks!" Gridlock called, "Jager is on the roof with the helo."
Gridlock ran point, up the stairs, as Mozzie stayed behind you. The three of you hightailed it up one, then two, then three flights of stairs. The alarms continued to blare, and you could hear the faint sounds of footsteps on the flights below.
"One more level!" Gridlock called.
The sounds of the footsteps were growing closer, and you could make out the shouting of the White Mask soldiers, growing louder and louder with each passing step.
You heard a loud grunt as Gridlock kicked the roof access door open and bright sunlight burst in, practically blinding you.
"Get to the helo, NOW!" she shoved you through the door and toward the black helicopter.
You leapt into the open door and Jager shot you a thumbs up from the cockpit. Mozzie and Gridlock jumped in behind you as at least two dozen White Masks pushed through the door, guns blazing.
"Go, go NOW!" Mozzie was shouting at Jager as he sent a burst of fire from his rifle and struck one of the soldiers.
The helicopter lurched off the roof and barreled away as shots rang off of the metal, growing more and more distant with each passing second.
"It's good to have you back!" Jager called from the pilot's seat.
"It's good to be back."
Back at the compound, you were sent to the infirmary, despite your fervent protests. Doc demanded you stay at least overnight to replenish your fluids and have your wounds looked at.
The other beds were empty, and you contemplated making a break for it when Max walked through the door. It always surprised you when he was devoid of his usual helmet and sunglasses.
The Aussie strode over and took a seat beside your bed; you avoided his eyes as guilt began to burn in your chest.
"Max..." you swallowed, hard, and finally brought your eyes to his, "I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" Max cocked an eyebrow and chuckled, "The hell are you sorry for? I should have had your back."
Tears pricked in your eyes and the Aussie reached over to grab your hand. He ran his rough thumb over the cuts and bruises gently, his expression pained.
"How bad did they hurt ya?" Max sounded as if he was about to break down, his voice gravelly and low, so uncharacteristic for him.
"Not bad," you lied, poorly, and tried to tamp the memories down.
"I'd have killed every last one of 'em," Max murmured as his eyes flicked up to meet yours, "Me 'n Gridlock, we'd have fuckin' glassed that place."
"I know," you choked out the words- it felt like you had glass in your throat, "Thank you for coming for me."
Max smiled and moved his hand to your cheek, his fingers gently passing over the bruise that had blossomed on your chin.
"Anytime, love."
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
can u do a jj maybank request (from outerbanks)? Where y/n has a similar home life to JJ but doesn’t want to admit it. JJ notices that she hasn’t been surfing with him lately and teases her, every time he touches her she gets tense, and when JJ sees she has bruises he gets super protective and forces her to tell him. She doesn’t want to and tries to leave but then jj softens and says he just wants to help her?💖
On My Own
Warnings; Abuse (Physical and Mental), arguing, sexual harassment mentioned.
Tag list; @heresalltheshit
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. . .
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
You pause at the door with a swift clench of your jaw, eyes fluttering shut in defeat that you hadn’t made it out the door two seconds earlier,
You force yourself to turn towards the source of the voice, your father standing at the doorway between the kitchen and the living room, arms crossed yet hands balled in fists,
“I was just going surfing with JJ and the Pogues,” You answer, lightly, as to not irritate him more with a wrong tone of voice, “I’ll be back by ten,”
“You’re always hanging out that with Maybank boy,” Your father rolls his eyes, jabbing his finger, “He’s a bad influence, he’s making you a pain in the ass for me. You’re never home, never do your chores like you’re supposed to!”
“I did my chores this morning, dad,” You defend, voice weak, “Power cleaned every room,”
“Oh yeah?” Your father hums and steps forward, ignoring the way you flinched, harshly, his hand running across the smooth wall of the living room, revealing a thin coat of ash- from his smoking, “What the fuck is this shit then?”
You swallow, yelping when your father reaches out his free hand to roughly shove you back into the wall beside the door, hand curling to point again, “Answer me! Why the fuck is the wall dirty, huh?”
“I didn’t clean enough,” You murmur, your father scoffing before he drops his hands, then pats them together to rid the ash,
“Get out of my face,” He demands, allowing you to step back, “I’m sick of your shit,”
You turn to push open the screen door of your house, jaw clenched tightly as you move to your bike, forcing yourself to suck in a deep breath before peddling off down the dirt road,
“There she is!” The call of your favorite Pogue causes your frown to lift as you drop your bike on the sand, padding up to the towels spread across the shore in a circle,
“Hey guys,” You greet, softly, mentally flinching with a furrow of your brows when JJ takes your hand, pulling you down next to him,
His hand slides to your back in a soothing motion, his eyes scanning your face as you glanced outward to the ocean, “You okay?”
You hum and smile at him, nodding as he leaned forward, and let his lips press to yours. You pull back so he could stand up, his hand pulling yours with him, “Come surf with me. You haven’t in weeks,”
“I was thinking of just sunbathing today,” You protest, tugging JJ back down so he knelt down next to you, the group of four already at the oceans peak. His hands drop at your thighs, one raising to hold your hip,
“You’re just mad I beat you in that challenge last time,” JJ teases, and you snort, pulling at his shark tooth necklace so his lips met yours, again,
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night,” You grin, and grimace when JJs hand slides up to your waist, grazing a bruise from two days ago. Still fresh,
Unbeknownst, JJ smiles against your mouth, then leans back, nose touching yours, “You help me sleep at night, baby. You know that,”
“I know,” You murmur and smile, allowing him to pull away and pick up his board, winking before jogging out to catch up with Pope,
You rub the bruise where JJ had touched, wincing at the ache it gave off, huffing as you leaned back on your towel, allowing the sun to make you almost sweat in your tee shirt,
JJ frowns at your expression and turns back to where he was in the ocean, shaking off the feeling of him being that reason and catching the first wave he sees.
. . .
He wasn’t the first to see them. You had been changing in John Bs guest bathroom when Kiara stepped in- you were both girls, harmless- when your shirt was off, and after seconds of you freaking out and whisper shouting for her to leave, your best friend had finally caught your hands, forcing you to show her the bruises on your skin,
“Y/N!” Kiara whisper shouts- hisses almost- her eyes wide and fearful as she looked at each bruise, the one JJ had touched earlier, the one from your father this morning, and the many small ones from getting items thrown, “Who did this?”
“No one,” You hiss, tugging your arms away to pull on your shirt, “I- you know I’m clumsy,”
“You didn’t do that, Y/N,” Kiara narrows her eyes, “I’ve seen JJ and his bruises-,” She pauses, eyes widening as your eyes flick down to the floor, “Is your dad doing this to you?”
“You can not tell JJ,” You demand, jaw clenched as tears began to fill your eyes, “Please, Kie,”
“He can help you, Y/N,” Kiara pleas, “He knows what you’re going through,”
“Exactly,” You wipe your eyes, sniffling, “I don’t want to seem like I’m seeking attention. I’ll be fine- I am fine!”
“Talk to me when this happens again,” Kiara demands, exiting the bathroom with a silent slam of the door. You exhale a deep breath and rewipe your face, checking the mirror to make sure your eyes hadn’t reddened, moving out of the bathroom and to the front porch where the Pogues had all settled,
You pause at the five sets of eyes settled on you, your brows pinching as your gaze quickly flicked to Kiara, seeing her glance at JJ, worriedly, “What?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” JJ starts, your gaze hardening on Kiara before you look up to JJ, who has moved closer, “Why didn’t you tell me your dad is beating you up?!”
“Because I knew you’d get like this!” You answer, JJs eyebrows flicking up in disbelief,
“Like what? Protective? That’s my job! I’m supposed to care and worry about you!”
You cross your arms and flick your gaze to the floor, shaking your head, “I don’t want to talk about this, J,” You shake your head a second time, moving to pick up your bag, “I’m going home,”
“But I do!” JJ follows you off the porch and tugs at your wrist, deflating when you flinch harshly at his rough tug, “You know, I thought I was the reason for your flinching,” He mumbles, releasing his grip so his hand slid down to hold yours, “I knew something was up. But you wouldn’t talk to me,”
“My home life is none of your business,” You raise your head, letting him see the redness around your eyes,
“But mine is yours,” JJ clenches his jaw, nodding, “Got it,”
“That’s not what I meant,” You sigh, as JJ pulls his hand from yours, stepping back to turn.
He turns back around, arms out that almost has you flinching again. Almost. “Then what the hell did you mean?” He shouts, “We are in a relationship. We are supposed to tell each other everything. I told you everything that goes on in my house with my dad, why can’t you?”
“I don’t want to be babied!” You exclaim, JJ scoffing with a hand to his chest,
“And you think I do?” He growls, “The only god damn reason you or any of them-,” He points back to the Pogues at the porch, all stood up and watching, “-Knows about my piece of shit of a father, is to remind myself that there is trust in our relationship. But you don’t seem to get the memo,”
“Do you want to know what happens in my house?” You ask, quickly, JJs eyebrows raised in answer, “My father tells me every day that soon enough I’ll end up pregnant, I’ll end up on the streets of Outer Banks. I spend every minutes when I’m not with you- cleaning my whole house, only to get beaten the shit out of, because my alcoholic father thinks I’ll never be the priss perfect fucking daughter,”
You shake your head, “I know my situation isn’t as bad as yours. But the only difference in our stories?” You tilt your head, “Your father doesn’t put his hands on you,”
Realization settles on JJs face as Kie puts a hand over her mouth, glancing to John B who had almost moved to embrace you,
“That’s why I flinch every time to hug me,” You whisper, “Every time you hold my hand. Because my dad uses his own hands to pin me down, and-and have his way with me, and I haven’t told you because I believed that you wouldn’t believe me- no one ever fucking did-,”
Your ramble is forced to a stop when JJ moves forward, hands ghosting the back of your neck before he focuses his lips on yours, your shoulders dropping at the gentleness in his touch- unlike your fathers.
“You don’t have to talk about it anymore,” JJ soothes, pulling back as your eyes blurred, “We’ll tell Peterkin together,”
“We can’t tell Peterkin,” You exhale, JJs brows furrowing, “She’ll take me away. Away from you,”
“You’re going to stay with me,” Kie orders, moving up next to you as you force yourself to look away from the blonde, “It’ll work,”
You find yourself sniffling as your tears finally released, JJ bending down so his arms wrapped tightly around your hips, as your looped at his shoulders, his nose at your neck,
“I love you so much baby,” He promises, and you suck in a deep breath, nodding against his shoulder, “We’ll figure this out,”
. . .
“Are you sure you’re okay with me being here?”
“Y/N,” Kie laughs, landing on her bed where you already laid, in a tank top and shorts, “My parents are okay with it- I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t want you to,”
“I know,” You mumble, leaning into your best friends shoulder, “Do you think Js mad at me?”
“I think he’s upset,” Kie corrects, “Only for the reason that you didn’t tell him about you what you know about him,”
You nod, turning to stare up at the roof,
“He loves you, Y/N,” Kie reassures, copying your action, “It’s painfully obvious,”
You smile up at the ceiling, allowing your eyes to flutter shut without protest.
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my-socialdiary · 4 years
Behind His Mask
Words Count: 1973
Pairing: Childe x Lumine
Warning: it contains intense fighting scenes, blood
Here we go again, an angsty fanfiction about Childe and Lumine. For these past days I’ve been CONSUMED by this pairing and all I can think is that writing angsty story for them just becauseeeeee. And again, english is not my first language so bear with me >_< enjoy! 
He pushed them, they went away. It’s fair. It’s how things should be done. 
He also pushed her. He pushed her so badly, he even did wicked; he lied, he betrayed her, he even broke her faith in him. He showed her his bad side. 
She stayed. She smiled. She put up with everything he did. 
She’s too good to be true. She’s too perfect for someone like him.
Lumine knows sooner or later, she needs to confront her biggest enemy in this quest given by Zhongli. Her enemy, he is someone who is now carving the biggest scar in her life, pushing her away because of the perspective that has been given to him, made him believe that he’s wicked. 
Yes, dozens of times, she wanted to run away from him but she just couldn't do that. Somehow, deep down in her heart, she wants to believe… in him. 
And today, she’s trying to not let her faith be shaken while she’s seeing Childe一now finally一standing in front of her, showing her that he’s her enemy she needs to beat in order to complete the quest. 
“Well… what do we have here?” His voice sounds different. It’s not the voice of Childe she knows. “Finally, the time has come. I don’t need to explain anything, don’t I? Let’s just start the battle, then.” As he was saying that, he forms a water blade each in his hands. The sound of water along with the groans of the whale. 
“No. I want an explanation.”
“No. You don’t need one,” he said. “You’ve already seen the facts but you just want to believe in your own thoughts and opinions.” Childe walks forward, he lifts up his right hand and makes a slashing move towards Lumine. 
All she needs is just one second. She dodge her way and try to balance herself while aiming her right hand forward, palm facing directly to Childe, ready to cast palm vortex. She’s shocked by Childe’s sudden movement, but she tries to calm herself. She’s now looking at him, and trying to convince herself that this is still the man she knows. But all she sees is that the warm smile is now replaced by a cold, distant smile. “You have no idea who I am, do you?” His eyes were cold and lifeless. There’s anger, rage and… guilt. “Why are you holding back?” He asks with his husky voice. He raised up his eyebrow and gave her a smirk. 
“I demand an explanation, Childe,” meanwhile, she takes her sword from her back. “Now.”
“I told you since we first met,” He is now moving again and striking her with his blade, twice. Which makes her now tossed to the side, dealing high damage to her body. Pain creeped up through her palm, making her unable to cast anything except fight him with her sword. “I am a bad guy. But you don’t believe.” Before Childe can do anything, she gathered up her stamina and stood up then ran to the center of the Golden House. 
“The truth is, I was just going to aggressively ignore that part until it goes away,” she said. Suddenly, a burst of wind fills up this space. Soon enough Childe sees a hurricane come right towards him, but he doesn’t have enough time to escape from it. The pain it caused is not high enough to stop him so as soon as he freed himself from the grasp of the hurricane, he took out his bow and shot her with six consecutive water arrows. Her body is now marked with Riptide Blast which deals more damage to her body. 
“That’s definitely not going to work!” He shouted. He now changes himself into his delusion, which is an electro and casts his homing attack. A purple-ish ring of electricity appears around her body. Before it can deal anymore damage, she runs and attacks him with her sword, once, twice, thrice. Cancelling his moves. 
Childe seems tough but now she’s sure that she’s dealing enough damage to him. And that makes her heart ache. But she is still attacking him, half of it represents her anger towards Childe. I hate you. You hurt me. I want to kill you so badly. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face. She feels the muscles of her arms tremble like a small child caught stealing those delicious fried radish balls. Her walls, the walls that hold her up all this time just… collapsed. Ruined. Destroyed. 
Her sword is making clanging sound when it met with Childe’s water blade as he tries to defend himself. With her endless attack, she is now slowly pushing Childe to the wall. I can't stop... I can't stop. Why can I not stop crying? She thinks to herself. Her vision is blurry, but she still can see expressions Childe makes. Eventually, she now pinned him to the wall. Panting, she stopped attacking and now looked at him. Her right hand holding a sword pointed to his throat, ready to slit it while her left arm held him in his chest. “All this time… you made me feel so many… emotions,” she muttered between her breath. “I was sad, confused and angry… but I couldn’t understand why,” She pressed her sword gradually into his throat. “But why does it have to be you? Why, Childe, why?” She just broke down. The sobs bursted out, ripping through her throat, muscles, and guts. 
She didn’t care anymore. All she wants is just to stop this nonsense, go back in time and choose not to follow him after he saved her from the Millelith guard. She would rather not meet him. Or she would rather not come to Liyue at all. 
Next, all she knew was she dropped her sword with a trace of Childe’s blood and pressing her forehead into his chest while grabbing his armor with both hands. She cried. And cried. And cried. She can’t hold it anymore, she chooses not to. The pain came out like madness in the form of a scream. She thought if she acted like it didn’t matter, then it wouldn’t. But turns out the more she pretends, the greater pain she gets. 
“I don’t want to put up with everything you did anymore,” She whispered. 
Memories are the worst form of torture. 
And Childe couldn’t agree more with that. You can heal the pain from physical torture with herbs and medicine fom Bubu Pharmacy but you can’t just cut you head off to get rid of things you don’t want to remember. Even though you really want to do that. Even though that ‘thing’ is the most beautiful thing he ever experienced. The thing that he will never, ever dare to dream in his life. And that’s exactly what he feels now. 
The muffled sobs wracked against his chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the anger he tried to keep. Except for those damn memories. Instead of forgetting it, it keeps playing in his head, rewind itself, filling his mind with a picture of her smiles, her cheerful expression, her flowing hair, her beautiful golden eyes and conclude with the sound of her footsteps, keep coming back to him even though he pushed her away. 
Childe, I’m back! Are you feeling better now?
Childe, I hope you don’t mind if I come back here. 
Childe, let’s go! You won’t think I’ll leave you here alone, will you?
Childe, I was being too pushy yesterday, wasn’t I? Sorry, I’ll try my best not to do it again if you don’t like it. 
He tries to shrug that off. He doesn’t want to remember anything at all. 
Childe looks down where he sees her bleeding head, probably from one of his attacks. That girl is still burying her face in his chest, clutching his clothes, begging him to stop all of this, while he tried so hard to not lift up both his arms and bring her to his embrace. The sound of her footsteps played again. Stop coming back. Just… stop. I didn’t deserve you. His head now swarms with new formed-regrets. 
“I regret a lot of things,” he finally opens his mouth. The heaviness was in his limbs as much as his throat. He sounded tired. “Having this kind of conversation tops the list.” He pushed Lumine from himself just to see her face, now red and wet because of tears. He tried to look away but his eyes were stubborn. “Now let’s finish this game and一”
“Is this a game to you?” 
“It’s nothing more than a game with reward,” He forms the electric polearm. Ready to fight her. He’s bleeding, but he doesn’t care. “You should’ve slit my throat. Now I won’t give you another chance.” As he said that, the mask that he keeps on his hair flies over to cover his face entirely. His mind is now consumed and so all of his action. The anger form in a mask is now a safe haven to protect him from the regrets. With this anger, now he can freely do anything he wants. With this anger, his fear of hurting someone he cherishes is now gone.  
“I give you the chance to kill me, but you don’t,” With the mask on, his voice has now changed drastically. “This is what cost you for thinking that I can be tricked by your actions!” That gravelly voice is now filling up the entire Golden House, making it tremble a little. Without hesitation, he comes towards the weaponless Lumine and attacks her with his electric polearm. He didn't mind electrifying, slashing and stabbing her with his weapon. Lumine tried nothing to defend herself, she’s now beaten, smacked, thumped and all of her body is screaming with ache but she keeps doing nothing. Because she knows; nothing is matter for him right now. He had been titled Eleventh of The Fatui Harbingers for a reason. 
Behind his mask, it pained him to let out all of his attacks to her yet soon enough… a little bit more energy in a form of purple flash and waves combined into one deadly attack should be enough to kill her, giving him a sense of satisfaction amongst agony to end all of this. 
Childe is now casting his final spell when suddenly a burst of wind blows away his mask, exposing his rough face. At that time, his eyes locked to Lumine who is now strengthless, her eyes are half closed, and she’s bleeding everywhere. It was Lumine who blew the wind for the last time and made him realize what he did to her.
“Do… it…” She said under her breath. 
“No…” The anger is now gone, his emotions are back, his eyes now filled with fear, anxiety and guilt. He threw his polearm and kneel beside the girl who did nothing but good things to him. “What did I do… No…Lumine, no…” He has seen so many deaths, he never truly cried. But now, he’s unable to speak, unable to breath. The world around him becomes darker. The weight in his chest locks in his throats. A token of sorrow and misery. He bawls and screams, and that is more than crying. It sounded like a desolate weeping that comes from a person drowned in the sea of regrets. His tears mingled with the rain outside Golden House which suddenly showered the entire Liyue and his gasping wails echoed around that place. 
“Childe一” She whispered, and coughed a little bit. 
“All this time,” he cuts her sentence. His voice is now trembling with agony. “Why are you doing that?”
“Doing… what?”
“Treating me…” He sobs, again. “Like a person.”
She smiles. “Because you are.”
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Better Luck Next Time (USWNT x Baby!Reader)
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Request: Reader is really bad at expressing her feelings and talking about things she loves, so the team helps her as best as they can. And one evening she calls them all into a room and tells them how much they all mean to her and how happy she is to have them
Author’s note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ because without her this imagine would not have been nearly as cute or cohesive. It’s set up kind of like a three times she didn’t and the one she did format. I also couldn’t help the little hint of Mal x reader that i stuck in here. Let me know what you think! i freaking live for feedback. Hit me up with questions, requests or if you just wanna say hi. My inbox is always open!
3 days on the team
Fuck the beep test. 
You fell to your knees panting heavily, sweat pouring off your forehead as you stared in disbelief at Kelley. How the fuck was she still going? The rest of your team had already been eliminated, everyone except for the flying squirrel. 
You had barely made it to the line on time, and there she was, running off to the next one in time to hear the next one like you hadn’t just done 70 reps. You had to up your game if you wanted to keep your spot. Your plan was simple- beat the best players and show them why you belonged. 
A bottle of water appeared in your peripheral vision. You flinched waiting for the icy spray to hit your face, but it never did. 
“You did good kid. Don’t beat yourself up about getting out earlier than Kelley. I don’t think anyone could actually beat her.” She said, pushing the water bottle into your hands and making you take a sip. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but no words would come out. You weren’t sure if that was because The Alex Morgan was talking to you, or if it was because your lungs were no longer in your chest. 
“I swear, the rest of us could tag-team this thing and she would still probably outlast us,” Alex said, shaking her head as she walked away, already used to your non-responses (though she was sure she saw your lips twitch up) “I’ve stopped trying, it’s so not worth the knee pain tomorrow.”
You opened and closed your mouth several times as if you were going to call some sarcastic response after her, but the words just wouldn’t come out. You just sighed, resting your head on your knees, your chin hitting your chest-- better luck next time.
6 months on the team
The bus was a tricky situation. On most days the team didn’t care where you sat, but you knew that would change drastically during important tournaments, like Olympic qualifiers big. You had already been warned that where you sat- where everyone sat really- mattered. 
Screwing it up could bring the team bad luck, and you really didn’t want to be the reason why your team wasn’t going to the Olympics for the first time. 
For that reason you tried to be the last person on the bus, so you could tell where to sit based on what seats were open, but Emily had forgotten something and so she and Lindsey had run off to grab them, and now you were staring down the aisle of a partially filled bus wondering whether you were about to cast an omen of doom if you set your bag down. 
“Third row on the left is open, or 8th on the right,” you hear a voice pipe up from behind you. One of Christen’s warm hands settled on your shoulders, the other held her duffel bag partially over her shoulder. 
You felt yourself relax at the directions, incredibly grateful for the woman who had become one of your many team moms. You hadn’t ever spoken a full sentence to the woman, but she embraced your shy nature without blinking. 
“You could also crash with Mal, she doesn’t have a bus buddy,” Tobin’s bead popped up on your other side, wiggling her eyebrows. It was funny to most of the girls that their two team babies had things for each other. 
A light blush spread across your cheeks as you nodded. “Thanks” You mumbled, throwing your bag into an empty row, unwilling to sit with your crush. Tobin snorted as she settled back down, propping her feet up on the seat in front of her, her head on Alex’s shoulder as she slumped halfway down in her seat. 
“Better luck next time kid,” Christen winked at Mal and tossed her a small package of Oreos when she pouted. 
9 months on the team
Going against Japan was never fun. They were a technically sound team with none of the friendly players like Leah or Jessie. That and they still held a massive grudge from the 2015 World Cup. 
As the second half had progressed, the Japanese team had become increasingly desperate. In their attempts to get the ball out of their defending half and into the US box, they had left giant gaps in their defense that Linsey and Sam were exploiting. As forwards, you and Alex were getting sent through balls and crosses. 
You collected a particularly nice ball threaded by Lindsey and broke towards goal, beating the two defenders that were marking you and looking for Alex. You were so focused on tracking her position that you didn’t see the center back coming in for a tackle until it was too late and you were staring up at the clouds, tweety birds fluttering around your head. 
You could feel the headache forming, like a growing stress ball where the base of your head met your neck. That was going to hurt once the adrenaline rush was over. 
“Hey Beaker, you alright?” Emily’s head appeared in your immediate vision, her worried form slightly fuzzy around the edges. 
“Meep meep” You huffed, sending the woman a little smile. It was weird to see Sonnett so serious. She put down a hand to pull you up and began brushing the grass off your jersey.
“How the fuck is that not a yellow or a PK, her studs were up and she wasn’t even going after the ball,” Lindsey yelled towards the ref, jogging past you to get right in the woman’s face. 
“Go help your girlfriend, mm fine” You mumbled, embarrassed by the attention you were getting. Emily’s presence was comforting, but couldn’t block the feeling of thousands of eyes throughout the stadium, watching you to see if you were going to be pulled from the field. You wondered if many of them were almost hoping for it. 
Emily sent you a worried look before patting your shoulder. “That was almost a goal too! And hey, they wouldn’t have fouled you if you weren’t killing it out here!”  She nudged your shoulder lightly with hers and released you to the medics, walking over to Lindsey and pulling her away from the ref before she got a red. 
You watched them for a bit before someone shined a flashlight in your eyes. Maybe next time you would find the words to thank them, someday when you weren’t feeling so dizzy. You’d have better luck next time. 
1 year on the team
Oreos were the quintessential after practice snack. It appeased the vegans and catered to the sweet tooth of the younger side of the team, and really, anyone who didn’t like Oreos was surely messed up. 
Normally the team took turns bringing the packets of double-stuff, hiding them in duffel bags so coaches wouldn’t see and remind them about the diets they were all supposed to be on during season (and Dawn was like a bloodhound when it came to contraband). 
But to celebrate something the team would forego the normal packs set out by the coaching staff in favor of double, triple, or mega stuffed ones and some funky flavors. And right now was a celebration if you ever saw one. The team was jubilant after their extremely entertaining scrimmage. Your team, Cool Beans (named by Tobin), had beaten team Hot Stuff (Alex’s team) 6 to 5, you scoring 3 of said goals. 
You smiled lightly from your place on the locker room bench, munching happily on your mint Oreo and listening to several of the conversations happening around you. You felt so comfortable tucked between Mal and Christen, so safe and welcome. 
“You know, I really love you guys,” you said. There was a lull in the conversation, and several girls turned toward you in shock. 
“Holy shit, Meep Meep just talked!” Emily exclaimed, all eyes turning to you and your very red cheeks. Perhaps you hadn’t meant to say that out loud...
“We all knew she could talk,” Mal protested, throwing a balled-up cookie packet at her. Emily only smirked as the piece of plastic drifted through the air, falling about a foot short of its intended target. 
“Yeah but she said more than 3 words,” Lindsey rolled her eyes at the 2nd youngest forward, wiggling her eyebrows at Mal who had wrapped her spare arm around your waist. 
“I just-... you guys make me feel safe and I’ve never had my friends become like family before, and I love you guys,” You said, smiling at the ground. 
“We love you too Kiddo,” Christen said, from behind your left ear. 
“Group hug!!!!!” Kelley yelled before anyone could stop her, the women sharing a conspirator look before rushing you. 
You tried to protest, but in the end, there was no stopping them. A bundle of arms wrapped around you, dragging you to the floor in a dog pile. 
“Isn’t this nice!” Emily said from somewhere above you.
“Would be nicer if your elbow wasn’t embedded in my spleen…” You grumbled, hushing when Mal leaned up to kiss your cheek. Yes, these women were crazy, but right now you felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Combining 2 Anonymous requests for this: I was wondering if you could do a Juice x female reader, where reader has been kidnapped by a rival gang and beaten for info, that she doesn't spill. And, in a sort of exchange, two men stab her in front of the sons, including her old man (Juice), and she instantly rages and just does some out of the blue ninja shit that they didn't even know she could do, and takes them out before dropping to the floor. & what if, we/you had a scenario where the reader drops into the splits to trip up two guys because they're charging her or something - literally don't mind which guy is for the pairing and whether fluff or stuff ensues. I kinda just want to see it written in your style. Like, "since when could she do that" and, etc.
Warnings: language, depictions of violence, blood, injuries, murder
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written a fight fic but I think I did alright! Had to throw in a little bit of Juice being a lil softy because it isn’t truly a Juice fic from me without it haha. Enjoy! xo
SOA Taglist: @mijop @adela-topaz-caelon @masterlistforimagines @garbinge​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff (If you want to be tagged in my fics don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know!)
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You’d been put in a lot of compromising positions because of your proximity to the club. You’d been hauled in for questioning more times than you could count, and you’d gone toe-to-toe with a lot of people that you never wanted to have to cross paths with again. Being involved with the Sons meant you had to know how to defend yourself, because they weren’t always going to be around to do it for you. They might be your second family, and you might be someone’s old lady, but for you that was never an excuse to not be able to handle your own shit.
Long before you even knew who Juice Ortiz was, you were involved with Samcro. Growing up in Charming you couldn’t avoid knowing about them, and somewhere along the lines during your rebellious teenage years, you fell into the fold of the club and the community that surrounded it. You went from a silent presence, to a true friend of the MC, to an old lady. It was the wildest ride but you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
You remembered when Juice started prospecting—all smiles and full of jokes. If anyone had asked you for your opinion then, you would’ve said that the MC was going to chew him up and spit him out. But you would’ve been wrong, and in the midst of all the chaos the two of you ended up together. He was good for you, always kept you laughing. And you were good for him, too, helping him not spiral out and get ahead of himself—you kept him grounded. The bedlam was manageable when you faced it as a team.
All of that was running at hyper speed through your head as you found yourself bound to a chair in the back of an old warehouse. Being detained in an interrogation room at a police station was a stay at a five-star hotel compared to what you were going through now. It made you miss it. The metallic taste of blood coated the inside of your mouth. You spit it onto the concrete, staining it red. You mustered the deepest breath you could as you looked back up at the men who had taken you.
“I told you,” you shook your head, “I don’t know shit. And even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you,” you pulled against the restraints on your wrists, “I’m not a fucking rat.”
You felt another blow land to your stomach and you grunted, trying as hard as you could to bite back the pain. It was bad enough that you were stuck in this situation to begin with, you didn’t want to give any extra satisfaction of showing more pain than you had to. You were fidgeting and twisting your wrists relentlessly as you tried to loosen the binds. For a moment you thought that you were getting somewhere, but that sense of victory quickly got pushed to the side when you heard a clamoring coming from the other end of the warehouse. You had a feeling that you knew exactly who it was that was causing the ruckus, and you had never been so relieved to hear the yelling and cussing of some of your favorite men on the planet.
“Go!” one of the men shouted to the other, nodding in the direction of the noise, “Handle that. I’ll take care of her.”
As soon as the other man was a few strides away, you figured you weren’t going to have a better moment to try and catch him by surprise. You’d managed to wriggle one hand out of the rope that had previously been tied around it, and the slack gave you the opportunity to untangle the other. Your wrists were raw and bleeding but you didn’t care—you were closer to freedom than you’d been in hours.
You kept your hands behind your back and waited for the right moment. There was a gunshot and the man in front of you was visibly torn—not wanting to leave you unattended but also not wanting to leave his partner to face the gunfire alone. Neither them nor you even knew how many people the Sons had sent your way.
“Fuck,” he muttered and took one last look at you before taking off towards the chaos.
As soon as his back was turned you reached and freed your ankles. You stood up and ran at the man’s back. You leapt and threw your arms around his throat, choking him as you took him down to the ground. You collapsed on top of him, arms still tight around his neck as he attempted to elbow you off of him.
By that point, the two pockets of disarray found each other. You had no idea what had happened to the guys’ guns but there was no shooting as they approached you. You looked up for a moment to see your other assailant sprinting back towards you, and you assumed that he was being chased by at least Juice, if not someone else as well.
The split second made your grip falter just slightly, and the man underneath you flung his head backwards, hitting you directly in the nose. You cursed as it knocked you backwards, blood instantly beginning to gush out of your nose. You saw the man rising to his feet and you did as well, as quickly as you could manage.
The blood dripping from your nose completely faded from your mind as you assessed the situation in front of you. The man who had just given you your bloody nose reached down into his boot, pulling out a switchblade. You would’ve been lying if you said that it didn’t send a jolt of fear down your spine. Fighting two-to-one was difficult enough, but being outnumbered and one of them having a knife was pushing it even for you.
You stanced up, ready to fight and do whatever you had to do to survive. You were able to dodge a few blows from the man who was empty-handed, all the while keeping the knife in view. It was just a matter of time before the two of them closed in on you and you knew that, you were just trying to buy yourself enough time to get some backup.
There was a sharp pain in your side as you felt an arm wrap around your throat from behind. You screamed out in pain, eyes clenching shut for a moment as you tried to focus on anything besides the fact that you knew there was a blade sticking into your side.
When you opened your eyes you saw Juice and Chibs come crashing onto the scene. In all the time you’d known him, you had never seen Juice look so hurt, so angry as when he was taking in the scene in front of him. Just as he stepped in to try and help, you reached, yanking the knife out of your side and swinging your back to jam it into the thigh of the man behind you.
He grunted, grip on your throat tightening for only a moment before loosening as he leaned forward onto you. You took the brief moment of weakness to twist yourself and sweep his legs out from underneath him.
The other man ran at you and without thinking you dropped down, legs splitting as you tripped the man running at you. You swung your legs and body so that you were straddling the man you stabbed before you ripped the knife from his thigh and repeatedly sank it into his stomach and torso.
You were just about to turn around and finish the job when you were gripped tight by the back of your neck. You instinctively threw your elbow back and were rewarded with a cracking sound. Just as you spun your body around you saw that Chibs was already grabbing the man, pressing a knife to the base of his throat.
You weren’t sure if it was the relief of knowing you finally had a helping hand, or the blood loss from the stab wound in your side, but suddenly the tension began to disappear from your body. So much had happened in a matter of seconds that even you really couldn’t process it all. You stumbled a few steps before you felt Juice’s arms wrap around you to keep you from falling completely to the ground. You let him support your full body weight as you pressed your hand against the gash in your side.
“Get here faster next time,” you let out a humorless laugh as you shut your eyes, trying to ignore the searing pain that was spreading through your body.
“In our defense, love, you had it handled jus’ fine on yer own,” Chibs was walking towards you and Juice, wiping blood from the blade of his knife onto his jeans.
“Can we finish this conversation later?” Juice’s voice was dripping with concern as he tried to figure out the best way to help you move without making your injuries any worse.
“I’ll be fine,” you shook your head slightly, not expecting to feel so lightheaded.
“You ripped a knife out of your own body and killed somebody with it,” Juice couldn’t take his eyes off of your face that was streaked with sweat and blood, “and while seeing you Hulk out was shocking and impressive, you also did just about the dumbest thing you could do with a stab wound.”
“But it at least looked cool, right?”
He shook his head, “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this.”
You knew that his annoyance was rooted in concern. You would’ve been more concerned if they had shown up any later than they did. You weren’t going to heal up quickly by any means, but you’d survive. There was no doubt about that.
“I would’ve gotten that other guy too, you know,” you looked over at Chibs.
He chuckled as he stepped in, bracing the other side of you to help Juice assist you with walking, “I know. Just wanted in on the fun, that’s all. Next time I’ll leave it all to you.”
“There’s not gonna be a next time,” Juice shook his head, staring daggers at Chibs for even joking about the possibility.
“When yer all healed up, you’ll have to get the rest of us flexible enough to do that little drop and spin move ye did back there.”
You mustered what you could of a laugh as they helped you into the back of the van, “Liked that one, huh?”
“Will you stop making her talk?” Juice snapped.
Chibs held his hands up in mock surrender as he walked to the driver’s door, “Sorry. Jus’ didn’t know you were dating a lass who is a goddamn black belt.”
Juice stayed in the back with you, applying pressure to your side as he cradled your head in his lap. You could hear the unsteadiness in his breath as he tried to stay as calm as possible. He’d been in plenty of situations with bloodied and injured people before, but it was never you, it was never this bad. You reached and rested your hand on his knee, giving him a reassuring squeeze when you saw the sadness starting to creep into his eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you tell him.
“Like what?”
“Like that,” you allowed yourself a small smile, “C’mon it’s gonna take more than a couple guys with some rope and a knife to do me in. I’m tougher than that.”
“I never said you weren’t tough.”
“I just feel like you should be a little more impressed, that’s all,” you laughed, immediately wincing once you did.
It got him to crack a small smile, “I’ll take the time to be impressed once you don’t have blood gushing out of your side or your face. Is that fair?”
“I guess,” you smiled, “I’d ask you to kiss me but I don’t think you want that right now.”
He dipped his head down, pressing his lips lightly against yours for a moment in a gentle kiss despite the blood all over your face, “That’s not to reward reckless behavior, you know.”
“All of our behavior is reckless,” you shook your head slightly.
“Oh sure,” Chibs piped up as he drove, “But I’m the one who was makin’ her talk.”
You smiled and Juice chuckled quietly. Both of you did fall into a comfortable silence after that, though. You listened to Chibs’ half of the conversation as he called to get medical help ready for you back at the clubhouse. You were just ready to get cleaned up. You could deal with the bandages and the stitches as long as you were able to take a shower and get the blood and grime off of you.
“I love you,” Juice’s voice was soft, “And I’m sor—”
You cut him off, “Just leave it at I love you.”
He smiled and you could see a little bit of the light return to his eyes, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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its-nebula · 4 years
Don’t Touch Him
PreGame Kokichi x Delinquent Reader
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Well, it wasn’t like you weren’t used to being by your lonesome. It was pretty much just like any regular day. Still, you couldn’t help but wish just once that you could talk to him, maybe even tell him your feelings. Alas, you knew it could only be a fantasy of yours for now. Why?
Well, for starters, Kokichi actually went to class when he was supposed to. Even now, you were standing behind the school, thinking about how you couldn’t even muster up the courage to tell the object of your affections how you simply felt about him. There was an irony to it, really. Everyone assumed that you were one of the toughest people in the school, but you felt like such a wimp, such a coward even.
Still, you had an appearance to keep up. You knew that you would probably scare him off, if you ever tried to confess, so all the more reasons to stay quiet. Eventually, you would probably have to stop coming to school completely and making a fool out of yourself. Every time the two of you crossed paths, you found yourself very giggly and blushy, barely able to form coherent sentences -- not ideal.
Looking at the time, you groaned at the fact that time seemed to be moving so slowly, so you decided to take just a small stroll. Walking back into the building, you lazily looked at the decor, deciding it was all just so boring.
"...and you're just worthless! No wonder your family all left you." You heard a female voice from around the corner. Whoever they were, they sounded angry. 
“I-I didn’t mean to! It was supposed to be funny!” You recognized that voice from anywhere. Kokichi?! You peeked your head around the corner, seeing Kokichi’s panicked face and a pale girl who was covered head to toe in glitter. 
“I bet it’ll be funny to see you on the ground.” She hissed, and punched him in the face without warning. You audibly gasped, covering your mouth and ducking behind the wall. Anger bubbled within you, ready to rise up to the surface. The girl in question looked your way, but seeing nobody, she kicked him in the shin and walked away quickly. Kokichi groaned in pain, rubbing his cheek. 
You felt bad for not interfering, but the girl would get what she deserved. This wouldn’t be the first time a situation like this had come up. Just a couple weeks ago, you had to deal with Rantaro Amami for yelling at Kokichi for dyeing his hair dark red. Rantaro didn’t come near him again.
 Turning around, you made your way around the school to the bathroom, where you assumed she was going to wash herself off. You waited outside for her once you heard the water running inside, and as soon as the door opened, you attacked.
You recognized the girl as Maki Harukawa, who had a reputation for being a little mean, but none of that mattered to you now. You growled as you clenched your fists after you pushed her to the ground. 
“What gives you the right to go pushing people around?” You yelled. She tried to retaliate by getting up, but you put a foot on her chest. “Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size, you bitch?”
“He... glitter bombed....me...” She protested, trying to move your foot off her. You pressed it down harder. “Leave me alone, you- you freak!” 
“Leave. Kokichi. Alone.” You snapped. You moved your foot off of her, allowing her to stand up and dust herself off angrily. “Or else, I’ll-” She punched you in your nose, taking you by surprise. 
“I don’t care how tough you are. Don’t touch me.”
Oh, that fucking does it. Yelling, you lunged at her, tackling her to the ground. You punched her in the face repeatedly, as she tried to reach up and go for your throat.
The school bell rang loudly through the halls. Shit.
Quickly scrambling to get off her, you delivered one final kick to her side, and took off. You weaved through the crowd of people, trying to blend in. It was a little difficult, seeing as how people always got out of your way when you were coming, but you managed to get away without any staff finding you. It was a quiet room of the school that you were sure only you knew how to get access to.
Breathlessly, you leaned against the wall, not even paying attention to the blood dribbling out of your nose. Closing your eyes, you sighed. You knew as soon as Maki revealed what happened you were sure to be expelled.
“Are...you okay?”
You jumped as you heard a voice in front of you, opening your eyes. You saw a small figure in front of you, holding an ice-pack to his cheek. He was looking at you very meekly, but he looked very concerned.
“You’re bleeding...”
The voice was unmistakable as Kokichi Oma, and your face started to flush. 
“I-I-I, u-uh, y-yeah!”
“Are you sure, S/O?”
“I’m, uh...excuse me.” You rushed past him as you exited the room out of nervousness. Letting out the breath you’d sucked in, you began walking to your usual outside spot, but you ran straight into the chest of a very stern headmaster. He glared at you with his arms crossed, tapping his foot.
You, however, pretended you were very happy to see him. “Headmaster. Headmaster! How have you been, how’s the wife?!” You laughed, but he only kept his frown. 
“S/O, I told you after Rantaro that I would give you one last chance to turn yourself around.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Like that was ever gonna happen. But-”
“Not only have you been skipping most of your classes, but you’ve brutally beaten up yet another student. I’m sure you know what this means. I’m sorry, there’s nothing else I can do.”
There was silence between the two of you. You turned your back towards him, tight-lipped. 
“I’m sure there’s still good in you somewhere, S/O. You’ll find it somewhere, someday.”
You hastily walked to the outside area, in the back of the school. Going to your usual spot, you stood there, staring up at the large building. You’d probably never get the chance to interact with Kokichi again, but it was a sacrifice you were willing to make. He deserved someone who was less difficult, less dangerous.
“HEY! S/O!” Great, now what? Pursing your lips, you turned to the side, only to be met face-to-face with Kaito Momota. “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing, beating the shit out of my friends?”
You hummed in response, not wanting to give him the time of day. He put his hand on your shoulder, harshly forcing you to turn around to face him. “All because of some weird little dude nobody even likes, huh? Well, I’m going to beat the crap out of you, and I’m going to beat that little jokester next!”
You blocked his incoming punch, twisting his arm instead. You weren’t in school anymore, so what was the point of going easy? He yelled out, kneeling in pain. While he was kneeling, you took the opportunity to kick him in the chest, calling him to fall down hard. As you were about to kick him again, he grabbed your leg, causing you to trip.
Once he was on top of you, he started to punch you in your face, just as you’d done to Maki. With all your strength, you pushed him off you, quickly getting up. You kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine, multiple times. 
You didn’t even notice that you drew a crowd, temporarily distracted by the whoops and howls of the spectators. He took the opportunity to punch you in your jaw, getting you with an uppercut. You started to get dizzy, starting to see stars and multiple Kaitos in front of you. 
“This...is for... him....” You managed to mutter out before you delivered one final push to Kaito, then losing the energy to continue further. You prepared for Kaito to make one final blow, but you heard the voice that seemed to be following you.
“STOP! T-This is all my fault! You don’t want her!” You saw Kokichi’s black uniform standing in front of you. Your eyes widened. Was he dumb? Kaito was absolutely going to crush him into a pulp if he didn’t move!
“Ko...kich...i...?” You wondered out loud. How embarrassing, he had to see you in this vulnerable state. You were supposed to be the one protecting him, but...
When you woke up, you were still behind the school. It was quieter than what you remembered, and the sun wasn’t in the same place. How long were you gone...? And then you remembered everything, especially how Kokichi jumped in front of you. You tried to get up, but your head was throbbing. Your hand made its way to the top of your forehead, and you felt...bandages? You heard footsteps walking towards you, and they suddenly stopped.
“S/O! You’re awake?” Kokichi ran towards you, and gently knelt beside you. You blushed profusely. “That fight...it looked pretty bad.” You noticed the bruise that’d developed on his cheek, and you reached up to touch it.
“You’re hurt... you shouldn’t have done that, you know.” You warned him.
“I had to.” He looked away shyly. “I heard the rumors of the school, that you only fought Kaito because you wanted to defend my name. You didn’t have to do that. Besides, you’re way more hurt than I am.”
“I would do anything for a friend.” You winced as you said that. You continued, “Why aren’t you scared of me already? I got expelled today, Kokichi. I’m dangerous, you’re much better off-”
“Why’d you do it? Why’d you have to get yourself expelled?”
You took a deep breath. There was nothing else to lose. “I care about you, Kokichi. Those people have no right to be hurting you like they want to..”
“S/O, I care about you too, but you don’t have to go around doing dumb things because of my dumb pranks!”
“...Well...maybe I...like you...” You trailed off, embarrassed that you even said it. 
“You...do? What?” His eyes widened. “S-Since when? Why do you always run away from me?”
“I thought you would be more afraid of me if I ever interacted with you too much. Besides, you deserve better than this.”
“That’s not for you to decide.” He placed a soft kiss upon your lips. You kissed back instantly, smiling within the moment. Once he pulled away, he gave you a small smile. “Thank you for protecting me S/O... I know I don’t look like much, but please, allow me to do the same for you as well.”
You smiled back at him. “I’ll try, Kokichi.”
“Thank you.”
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namelesswolffreak · 3 years
I've been working on this story concept for....3-4 years now and I've finally managed to work everything out to the point I'm confident in posting this little blurb of the main characters. So, I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions about them and their world.
Context: This takes place in a world of super powered people heavily inspired by MHA / Marvel / Miraculous. Waker (Way-kur) Atlas is Dare City's main hero who is put through quite a lot on a daily to weekly basis trying to beat the baddies and Cyrus Fauthrin is his infamous thief arch nemesis turned lover and best friend who causes trouble around the city just to get the Hero's attention.
The melancholy of the day was waning on Waker as he patrolled the quiet streets of one of Dare’s many neighborhoods which was quite unusual considering every seven seconds a villain was after his head. The sun was barely above the clouds, no one was really awake yet and the only thing that accompanied him was his footsteps as he jumped, hopped and skipped to the next platform he summoned under his feet. He happened to be bounding over Lay Wind Park, the foxes fast asleep in their dens to his disappointment, but the Hero Monuments were still a sight to behold in the early sunrise as they shone with brilliance in what little light was filtering over the surrounding hillsides.
The wind blew past his frizzed locks as he stood above the park near a tree in the shade, expression steeled and focused as he watched for signs of trouble as he waited for a certain someone to arrive. Today was uneventful and rather slow, the kind of day Waker preferred if he were being honest. Heaven knew being bored all day was ten times better than returning home to the countless kitchen sink surgeries he’d have to do with worn needles and his mother’s thread pinching into his skin as he sewed up bloodied wounds full of shrapnel and debris. Much better. The birds were chirping a happy, lazy song as they flew by on the breeze and the distant hum of an awakening city filled the natural ambiance of cicadas and crickets quite nicely as he watched and waited. He dare let out a sigh as the scene took hold of him fully, a warmth washing over him that he hadn’t felt in the recent weeks.
Which wouldn’t be for long as the rustling of tree leaves and a “Boo!” have him falling off of his platforms and hurtling towards the ground with an embarrassingly shrill scream.
“Waker!” A concerned voice follows as a blue blur dives after him.
Ground spiraling as he falls, Waker braces for impact, too late to conjure any platforms beneath him to break the fall so, he readies himself, waiting for the hurt and pain that would surely follow with some scrapes and bruises…………...But it never comes. He unscrunches his eyes and removes his arms from his head to see a blue, sparkling light surrounding him.
Irritation and embarrassment take over him immediately.
His face turns a copious amount of red as he’s carefully scooped up in pale arms that hold him close and, humiliatingly enough, in bridal style. Oh god no, he curses mentally, murmuring a soft “No…” into his shield of arms. This was so not how he wanted to show up in front of his partner after their long and grueling few weeks of not being able to see each other outside of villain fights and breaks in between their testing week.
The sudden warmth of a chest presses against his side and the delicate rhythm of a frantic heart race beneath his one hand as the other quickly grabs for his cape to hide his strawberry cheeks. There was no way in hell he was letting ‘he knew who’ see him in such a state, there was no possible way he could let the witch-like thief catch him like this. A brave hero didn’t get scared or spooked by rustling leaves and the word boo! Absolutely absurd! Though a voice in the back of his mind said he already had.
“You are such a fucking clutz, I swear.” And a huge scaredy cat, the blue-clad ravenette doesn’t say aloud, but his tone implies anyways. “I should take you to my ballet classes sometime, maybe then you’d actually learn some balance.” The comment only makes him clutch the soft fabric tighter around himself.
He’s loathing the thought of unveiling himself now, but he knows he’s been caught, his normally stoic or serious persona now broken and practically burned away as he knows his cape isn’t doing much to hide his warm face or the tenseness of his grip. Plans to forever sink himself into a hole where nobody could possibly ever find him again after this mess are shortly abandoned for now and gaining courage Waker swallows the huge lump in his throat and tries to cleverly reply. “H-hey, what’s a-....What’s up, Witch Boy?” And he knows the intended playfulness doesn’t go through as he’s met with a narrowed glare.
The other isn’t amused. “Witch boy, really? Did I actually scare you that badly that you lost a couple of brain cells?”
“Shu-shut up, Cyrus!” He defends as this “Cyrus” just sighs at him, though his stare more sly than pointed now.
“Get out of that stupid thing so I can see your face.” He says with a tremble in his voice that Waker can definitely tell is laughter, the prick. “Or I’ll totally drop you again.” And like hell he will, Waker knows, but he takes the threat seriously nonetheless and loosens his grip on the cape just enough to see the Ravenette’s brilliant and ever playful smile.
For a moment Waker just stares and admires him, those brilliant blues sparkling, no, literally sparkling as he says something Waker doesn’t catch. The sun is framing his face so perfectly in the light, highlighting those perfectly red cheeks he would love to kiss every morning, and the slight upturn of his lips as he smiles down in reverence at him, and the slow flutter of his lashes that compliment his features nicely. Though braided off to the side Cyru’s hair never fails to make him look so ethereal as the gentle morning breeze brushes back his loose strands. Waker swears it looks like its made up of space itself when he lets it go during the night time, convincing himself he can see stars within the strands when he stands beneath the moonlight. It doesn’t take much to make the hero swoon regarding his partner nowadays. Daydreams of peaceful nights alone on the couch watching movies together after his nightmares keep him awake and alert run through his mind, or the times Cyrus has saved him from getting beaten to a pulp and they spent hours talking over stitching him back together about nothing at all, and every single time Cyrus has stuck up for him at school, reminding him of the warmth this person carries with them and all the love and affection he’s constantly showered in when they’re together. It’s strange how much Cyrus has changed over the past few months from raging emo to ride or die friend, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. He doesn’t even try to stop the lofty sigh that escapes his lips as more dear memories cross his mind.
And Cyrus is all too quick to recognize that dumb look on his face.
“Oh, hell no!” Is the only warning he gets before being promptly dropped, this time no blue aura to save him from hitting the dirt below, landing with a thud. “Not this early in the morning!” Though Waker could have sworn Cyrus was sharing the same look with him not minutes prior.
“Ow! Why’d you drop me, asshole!?”
Cyrus cocks his hips as he floats there, his wide brimmed conical now covering his eyes in an intimidating manner, making him way more menacing than he should considering his current attire. “Oh please, don’t even act like you’re hiding that stupid look on your face, Idiot! I ain’t dealing with your whole sappy dappy act this early in the morning.”
By “sappy dappy” Waker knows exactly what he’s referring to and scowls accordingly. Apparently, holding hands and having morning cuddles while complimenting everything about Cyrus is considered sappy and lovingly disgusting. Well at least to some people, it’s called affection and admiration!
“It’s a look that means I like you, asswipe!” Waker shoots back, malice nowhere to be found in his tone though, barring more on playfulness.
“Do you think I’m in love with you or something!?”
And they then stand there -well float there- in silence, both looking each other in the eyes, narrowed brows testing the other to make the next move or say the next snappy comment. And for a moment it looks as if the words really have cut too deep, but Waker isn’t one to remain serious for long as his shoulders begin to shake, prompting the other to clutch his stomach and stifle a grin as their eyes water over with laughter.
“Oh, no, not me, I could never.” Waker quips, leaning back and hugging both his arms, not caring for the dirt now caking his suit. Cyrus is quick to come back with his own natural snark.
“Pfft, as if! Absolutely not. Me and you, the orange haired frizz ball who kicks my ass more than twice a week over that one time I stole a candy bar? You gotta be fucking with me!” He bellows, Waker taking note of the boy flipping upside down where he floats in the air, his face a contortion of joy and happiness as his ripped dress flows with the wind.
He finds the display rather adorable, recalling that such a thing only occurred by accident when the thief was getting emotional. His inept ability to control his powers never failed to amuse the Hero. The little wrinkle of his nose didn’t quiet his thoughtful admiration either as he blushed in between bouts of giggles.
"I wouldn't have time to be your lover anyways!"
“It’s only 6am, when can I admire my boyfriend so it fits within your busy schedule?”
And the laughter is immediately quieted, a heavy silence filling the air, even the crickets and cicadas falling victim to it. The world is waiting in bated breath as if listening to the drama unfold.
Waker holds in a breath. Oh shit, oh fuck, he really fucked it up this time! Way to go, Atlas, you really did a number on today!
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I just did-”
“It’s ok……” Cyrus breaths out, taking a long drag of air before finally finishing. “It’s….ok.” He manages to lower himself to the ground, dress falling at his sides, and crosses his arms in doing so. “We’re-I’m going to have to get used to it eventually.” He shrugs. “Right?”
There’s a weight to his words as Cyrus steps closer to the redhead that Waker recognizes near immediately. They’ve had this talk before, a talk that has led to a misunderstanding or two between them in the past and a verbal fight at that. The term “Boyfriend.” It was a touchy subject to say the least and while it had been a challenge for even Waker himself to start using it, it also seemed Cyrus was struggling to accept the lofty title. A long time ago before the two even met, the word had a different meaning to it for them both, but Waker had long since come to terms with it himself, but understood Cyrus’ hesitation in saying the word freely. He considered his next words carefully.
“I know you don’t exactly like the ter-”
“It’s not that I don’t like it Waker…..”
“I know, Cy, but.” Failing to put his thoughts into words Waker scrambles forward to catch Cyrus’ hands in his own, pecking each delicately, square on the knuckles, gauging his reaction whilst he does so. When Waker is met with a soft smile, he returns it, though his much softer and kinder in Cyrus’ eyes. “I shouldn’t have said it when you’re not ready. Just because I moved past it doesn’t mean you have.” Noticing his smile slipping he clumsily adds in, “And that’s ok! Really, it’s ok and I mean, and I love you and-uh, I get it and I mean I just say boyfriend because that’s what everyone else says, expects- wait no- I didn’t mean to phrase it like that uh-I don’t really get the need for a title for what we have anyways, like so dumb right!?”
Followed by more ridiculous rambling that has Cyrus covering his mouth trying not to giggle. It’s a nervous habit that has come to amuse the thief to no end. “And-it not like it means anything to us, its just there for other people so they know that um, we, us, you and I are an um item I guess wow that was cheesy and dumb and I am so sorry that you have to put up with me oh god I’m rambling and no, don’t look at me like that. I’m doing the thing again aren’t I-” Shaking with laughter again Cyrus has to put a hand on his shoulder to get him to shut up because he knows if he doesn’t Waker could go on well into the night and has before. It didn’t help that he could feel the tremble of the others fingers, realizing Waker was going to throw himself into an anxiety attack if he didn’t.
“Waker!” And Waker promptly closes his mouth, panic clear in his eyes that Cyrus quickly combats by brushing strands of orange out of his face and behind his ear. “Just take a deep breath.” And Waker does, following the instruction intently. “And let it out, slowly.” And Waker follows that too, looking that much calmer as Cyrus pulls him closer. “Slowly.” He rubs his thumbs over Waker’s hands. The trembling is still present, but less so. “There you go.” And doesn’t stop telling him to breath calmly until he feels Waker’s grip relax in his own.
Delicately and softly, each flyaway is combed back into place only to immediately pop out again, but Waker appreciates the sentiment anyways and Cyrus has no problem being given an excuse to keep combing through such lovely soft tufts. He loves the soft mane of fluff on his partner’s head that even since their first meeting has remained as untamed and wild as ever. -Such a shame he always ties it back when he’s on duty though- It just adds to the contrast between his actual self and hero persona, the sweet and endearing ball of anxiety vs the serious and battle ready hero of Dare city who couldn’t catch a break. And he wouldn’t be ashamed to admit to which one he preferred.
“You don’t need to tell me-er.” Waker quickly corrects, trying not to sound patronizing. “I don’t need you to explain yourself Cy. You-we don’t need to have a name if that’s what you want, that’s what I’m trying to say. Official or unofficial or whatever, I won’t treat you any different.”
“I know Waker. I…..I really want to call you that, just I-.......I just like what we have right now and-”
Waker just pecks him on the cheek quickly and pulls away to pat at a spot on the ground, looking longingly back up at him. A soundless “You don’t want to lose me.” goes unsaid as Cyrus complies, Waker taking the shorter one in his arms once more.
It wasn’t a matter of Cyrus being afraid to commit, though maybe it was, not even he was sure of what was going with himself anymore, but a fear that the wonderful friendship he’d built up with the hero would end or change or just not be the way it is now because they suddenly started calling each other boyfriends. He’s had it happen one too many times at this point, every one of his previous “boyfriends” changing everything once they started dating, acting as if kissing and romantic outings were supposed to be their only interactions from now on. They were no longer interested in the random silly things he found on the internet or just hanging out doing whatever, but were interested in using him, his body, parading him around and rubbing it in peoples faces, being denied having fun if it wasn’t their idea of “fun” and more. Cyrus' stomach curls remembering being ignored for weeks to months at a time because he wasn’t feeling up to being in bed with them or awkwardly sitting off to the side while his one boyfriend at the time showed him off to his friends and bragged. It was the same guy who he used to play videogames and eat cookies with on the weekends, talking about anything and everything…...It hurts him to realise there probably was never a friendship there to begin with. Just an elaborate ruse to get him into bed at some point.
And that was one thing Cyrus feared when they had held hands for the first time after awkwardly admitting to harboring feelings for each other after the high of a fight they were forced to join sides on. Never had the thief felt more relieved that his feelings were reciprocated, but also more scared that he had just ruined the one healthy relationship he managed to make in those many months spent together.
Cyrus removes his hat and huddles under Waker’s chin, placing his head right on his heart that gives out a steady, comforting rhythm and brightens when the taller of the two puts his head on him in return. No, Cyrus thinks, this is different.
A long silence falls between them as they cuddle in each other's arms, just watching the sun come up. Basking in each other’s presence, taking in the warmth of their bodies pressed together in this nice early morning, and relishing in the calm which was far and few in between with their double lives and they were thankful. There’s no need to exchange words now as a quiet understanding befalls them both.
It’s only after the sun seems to peak at the crest of the hillsides does Waker make himself heard again.
“Is that why you dropped me?” And Cyrus blinks for a quick second, processing the question before understanding and then playfulness cross his expression.
“No it’s because you’re a dunce.” He huffs. “And fucking heavy as hell.”
Waker chooses to ignore that last bit. “But I’m your dunce.” He boops his nose.
“Damn, straight you are.” And Cyrus retaliates with a kiss on his.
Boyfriend or just “friend who I like to kiss and hold hands with sometimes”, Waker loves him and Cyrus doesn’t doubt that for a second.
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ficforce · 4 years
Treat Me Well
Sagamiya Konro x Reader SFW No set timeline New relationship
“You overdid it again, Konro-san…” Y/N pushed the shoji door shut and came to kneel at his side, a fresh flannel for his head and some tea on her tray, “I wish you would be more careful, Benimaru is supposed to be a grown-ass man, let him get his ass kicked occasionally.”
Konro sat up and sent her a small smile, “I don’t mind Waka getting beaten up - It’s just he tends to take out half the blocks when he does…”
“So you were protecting Asakusa from him? Such a brave man!” They fell into a long moment of silence as Y/N carefully removed the medical patches from his tephrosis, she had done it many times before as the GuardHouse’s medical staff. She had been patching the Hikeshi up for as long as she could remember and Konro required daily treatment for his shoulders, “You’re still hot.”
“That’s good to know, here I thought I was looking old.” He saw her raise her hand to give him a playful smack, flinching as he expected her to come down on his wounds - instead, there was a sting to her thigh as she remembered last minute not to hit his shoulder. Konro looked at her with a relieved sigh.
She had changed course seconds before remembering. “I meant your skin, give me a minute.”
The woman got up and left the room, Konro watched after her and picked up his tea, picking up the scent of some sort of medicine mixed in. He also spotted the small cube of sugar she left to help combat the bitter taste that would be left on his tongue. Y/N was so thoughtful when it came to treating others, Konro used to hate being treated for the tephrosis. It was painful and it reminded him how useless he was as a defender now - a samurai who couldn’t fight. At least he had killed the bastard who had said that to him with ease.
Y/N made it bearable though, she changed the patches with ease and distracted him with playful banter, often teasing him or asking his advice, usually something he really had to think about. He never felt weak with her around, she wouldn’t let him dwell on those kinds of things. “I’m back.” “So I see.”
“You’re a real pain, you know that?” She placed the cooling blanket over his shoulders and sat down by his side to wait for it to take effect, “Can I ask your advice?” Y/N started slowly, “Relationship advice?”
He felt an odd churning in his gut when she said that, that wasn’t overly new, he felt it more and more lately, especially when she spoke about other men or was being too friendly with one. “Sure… Though I’m not exactly the best person to ask.”
“I don’t know about that, you and Benimaru have been together a long time, I would have probably have killed him in his sleep several times over.”
“Waka doesn’t sleep, he takes small naps whilst standing,” he watched her hide a laugh and wanted so badly to brush her hair behind her ear, “Besides, that’s more sibling relationship or fed up caretaker and brat master. Have you… have you met someone you like?” Konro thought those words tasted more bitter than the medicine. She was a member of their squad, she didn’t fight fires or infernals but she took care of their injuries and complaints. This didn’t feel like the usual feelings he had for his comrades and he was having trouble separating her from his thoughts more lately.
Y/N fidgeted a little, keeping her hands busy with the edge of her yukata, “I suppose so. You wouldn’t like him.” His eyebrows rose a little and she continued despite his badly held in judgment, “He’s just my type - tall, broad and he’s smart too. Gentle, patient and reliable…”
“Sounds like the worst kind of scum, stay clear.” Konro smiled when she did, if this person was as she was describing then he would be pleased for her… wouldn’t he? “So what advice do you need? All you need to do is walk up to the guy and smile - you’ll knock him off his feet.” He finally caved and reached for that stray hair, his fingers brushing it behind her ear and tried not to linger. Tried not to believe that she might have leaned into the touch. “Y/N, you’re a kind woman, you’re dutiful and if they don’t like you back, me and Waka can have a word.”
“Thank you, Konro-san,”
“I keep telling you, just Konro is fine.” Y/N shrugged at him and moved behind to remove the blanket and carefully feel around the charred skin, the palm of her hand pressed to the middle of his back when he inhaled too sharply, it hurt but that one touch to steady him was enough to make Konro sit straight again. “So, this advice?”
Y/N waited until she had finished with the patches before grabbing fresh bandages and replying, “I can’t get his attention, he’s very dedicated to his work and he has family responsibilities -”
“He’s got, kids?” He held the end of the bandage in place as she started to wrap him, “Please tell me he isn’t married, Y/N.”
“He’s not married and I suppose you could say they’re like his kids… But that’s not the point. He sees me as a friend and I want to be seen as more than that. He makes my heart beat so fast in my chest and it’s hard not to tremble with how much I want him to just pull me in his arms and… ugh!” Y/N had to chase her thoughts away and concentrate on looking after Konro. “You don’t have to listen to me complain.”
The man turned his body so that he could look at Y/N, “I don’t mind. You listen to me plenty.” He didn’t want to give her advice on how to get this guys attention, he wanted to pull her close and feel her tremble for him… When did he even begin to feel this way? Maybe he had grown comfortable knowing she would always be around but now, now, he feared she would be swept away from him. “…Why don’t you tell him how you feel?”
“What if he rejects my feelings? It would never be the same again.” She gathered everything up and told him to get some rest, making sure the cool flannel was on his forehead before heading to the door.
“Y/N,” Konro called out, “He’d be an idiot to reject you.”
She smiled and left him to sleep, coming across Benimaru who took the tray from her, “He’s an idiot and you’re a coward.”
“You’re a brat.” — Konro went about the usual daily routine, he swept the Guardhouse entrance, he did his usual sword practice and got Benimaru and the twins to work. Y/N came to help him with his treatment and he broke up at least two fights in the street. He had seen Y/N speaking with a tall man that morning and he wondered if that was the one she liked, Benimaru had told him later that he had felt as if Konro wanted to kill the guy. He realized he was actually jealous and that made him sit down for the longest time and realize that she wasn’t his to get jealous over…
He was going to tell her tonight when she came to help him. Konro didn’t have anything big planned, he was pretty straightforward once he made up his mind. He was going to pull her against him and kiss her. He was going to tell her that he couldn’t bear the thought of someone else having her and that he had been too stupid to realize it.
“Fire!” The bell started above him in the watchtower and Konro got up and out, looking around for a sign of flames and then confirming that it wasn’t an Infernal.
“I’ll go help, Waka.” Konro waved the other man off, “You go make sure that there’s nothing else going on.” He and a few others ran toward the fire and his eyes widened as he realized he knew that block and who lived in it, “Is everyone cleared out of there?”
“Lieutenant!” Water was already dousing the flames but some of the building had caved in on itself, “There’s someone inside, we’re trying to get to them but it’s unstable right now.” He knew it was her, he just knew that Y/N was inside and he barged past them and into the flaming doorway. The insides of the building were twisted and the heat was intense, “Y/N?!” The man shoved a large beam out of the way, his shoulders ached at the strain and his barely suppressed urge to use his ability to get there faster. “Y/N?!”
Her voice came from a side room, “Konro! I…I can’t get out!” Her arm reached out from the blocked doorway, a partial collapse keeping her trapped. When he got to her she caught his hand and he tried to pat off the fire on her skin. Y/N was a second-generation with a high flame resistance but that was about all. Her clothing was burnt and burning, Konro pulled off his coat and passed it through to her.
“Put it on, you’ll start to burn as you run out of oxygen,” The black, protective plate he wore was resistant to the flames but the bandages around him were already smouldering. Konro began clearing the debris, tiles falling in on him as he shifted joists and held it high enough for Y/N to climb out, “This way, quickly!” Y/N looked down at their joined hands as he pulled her toward the exit, his hands were bleeding and his tephrosis was showing where the bandages and patches had burnt up. She let out a scream as the floor buckled under their feet and the walls came in, Konro pulled her to his chest to protect her from what fell.
She stayed wrapped in his arms until suddenly the flames were gone, seemingly sucked up into the air to vanish. Looking up she was caught in a familiar red gaze, the man looking down at them from the hole in the roof, “You both alive?” Came Benimaru’s bored tone, his expression gave away his concern though and Y/N turned her head to meet Konro’s worried eyes. He was searching every millimetre of her, confirming that she wasn’t hurt beyond a few minor burns and scratches.
Konro didn’t hesitate, he cupped the back of her head and caught her lips with his, kissing her hard enough that she would know how he really felt. His fear, his relief and hopefully he could convey that she was all he need and ever wanted - he wasn’t ever going to let her go. They parted reluctantly and he had the decency to seem apologetic for being so sudden, “I like you, Y/N.”
“Konro…!” She held him tighter and pushed her face into his neck, grateful to be alive and to have him by her side.
A few days later, as she sat in his lap whilst he read a report, the man seemed to remember what started his realization and asked about the man she had been trying to get his advice on, were her affections so easily forgotten? Benimaru had been sitting in the same room, ignoring their cute couple act for the most part, and he had looked up at Konro with such disdain, “She was talking about you, ya moron!”
“But…” he looked down at her confused, “You said kids, right?” Benimaru threw the report he had down with a frustrated growl and stomped out of the room, complaining about Konro being a stupid son of a bitch, “Oi! Waka! Don’t just throw a tantrum and ditch work! Oi!” The shoji door slammed and he gave a frustrated sigh, “It’s like having a… kid. Yeah, I got it now.”
Y/N leaned up and kissed his jaw, “Thank goodness you have other qualities I like.”
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silenthearts · 4 years
Broken man
I wrote this because I love Spider-Man and the MCU and I thought how amazing Luke would be as Spiderman and yeah ... I'm just living through it atm. This is angsty but also lovely.
I hope you like the idea as much as I do and also , I am willing to expand on this universe if people are interested 😳🥺
Also Luke is the next spider man after Miles Morales in this universe . Enjoy 🙂
(gif credit to the owner. The account was deactivated 😞)
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Luke slowly made his way into his dark room. The window was left open and the summer breeze wafted throughout gently. He tried to get in without making any noise but the open wound on his stomach made him hiss in pain as he stepped through the window seal. He bit his lip and tried to contain a moan of pain from erupting from his chest as you slept comfortably in his bed. 
He took a deep breath and tried to just go through it. He knew his body would heal faster than normal and in a few hours, it would all be nothing but a few bruises, but not even super strength could stop the soreness and the pain shooting through his abdomen. 
The suit was sticky and bloody and it was hurting him more than he cared to admit. His mask was ripped in half and his shoulder had also ripped which annoyed him.
Luke walked into the room on his tippy toes, careful to not wake you but his clumsiness did not go away with his new found powers as he hit the side of his dresser with his hip which made him moan in pain. 
"Luke?" You called out as you sat up in the bed, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes as your heart started to pound in your chest 
"It's me lovely , you're okay…" he reassured as you grabbed your glasses from the nightstand and turned on the lamp which dimly lit up the room. When you could finally see the sight of your broken and beaten boyfriend in front of you , your chest felt heavy and your eyes burned as tears welled up.
"Luke oh my god" you quickly shuffle out of bed to run to your boyfriend. "You're bleeding, what happened? I thought you said it was just a small thing wh-wha.." you talked fast as you grabbed his cheeks in your hands and tried not to cry right there and then, Luke brought his fabric covered hands to yours, bringing them down from his cheeks but not letting go. 
"It.. was , kind of… I didn't want you to worry" he admitted , his voice was low and croaky, he sounded broken. His eyes diverted towards the floor as he tried to avoid your worried gaze. He knows that he is causing you pain, he knows you worry every night if he is ever going to make it home. You didn't deserve this burden and he knew that, but he opted to keep his thoughts to himself and said nothing as you lifted his chin with your finger. 
"What matters is that you're home safe… let's get this cleaned up." He nodded as you walked with him to the bathroom , slowly pulling him along. 
Luke sat on the counter, his suit now half off and hanging off his hips. The gash on his abdomen was bleeding less but still hurt as you cleaned him up. 
The silence in the bathroom was defending, Luke tried to maintain a straight face as he was lost in a sea of his own thoughts, not really paying attention to the pain anymore. As you cleaned up his wound , you took glances up at him as he stared into nothingness.
"What are you thinking about?" Your voice was soft and almost afraid to ask as your boyfriend finally looked down at you.
"I don't know how Miles and Peter did this" his voice broke, his gaze focusing on his bruised knuckles. You knitted your eyebrows in confusion and worry at his statement "what do you mean?" You asked as you got up and moved his curly hair out of his face. 
"I try to help everyone but… I can't…" he sobbed as tears made their way down his cheeks. "A kid died today because of what happened and I couldn't save him. I couldn't… I… tried so hard but-" Luke was now full on sobbing , the words barely making it out as you hugged him close to you. You knew anything you tried to say would be in vain, you didn't know what it felt like to have the world on your shoulders, you didn't know what it was like to live up to impossible superhuman standards and you knew anything you said would not help his pain.
" Miles and Peter couldn't save everyone either…" you said as tears streamed down your own face. Luke sobbed into the crook of your neck until he couldn't anymore. You rubbed his bruised back up and down as he cried out his frustration and sadness. 
Once his sobs started to calm down he pulled away from you, not quite breaking the embrace as he finally looked into your eyes. 
"I'm sorry" he whispered, he brought his hand up to your cheek and caressed it with his thumb. His eyes were bloodshot red and his cheeks and under eyes were puffy because of the crying but you just shook your head.
"You don't have to say sorry." He gave you a weak smile and a light kiss on your lips .
"I think we should get you into bed, yeah?" He nodded as he pushed himself off the counter and he pushed out the rest of his suit, finally getting rid of the uncomfortable tight material.
Luke followed you back into the bedroom and both of you got into bed, cuddling up to each other.
He had so much to say and so did you, but you didn't need words as you held each other to sleep. 
I went there. You're more than welcome to message requests of any kind btw ❤️
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