#they do belong to the mind of ryan murphy though
azaharinflames · 27 days
You’re a glee fan so I figured it’s my duty to ask you (if you haven’t already) to give us your headcanon as to what songs each 911 character could have as a solo, and (if you want to) what context is behind it. Or if it’s easier, what duet can you see the 911 couples having
Oh wow, this is an awesome ask!
(small disclaimer because I do not think I am overly good at this lmao, but I can try)
Not something I see them breaking into in the middle of the show, but a song I imagine them fitting / singing and feeling reflected in it.
I will just do it in alphabetical order, I guess. Also, just mains for characters because otherwise my head will maybe explode. And last disclaimer - some songs are very mainstream, but I will try to choose some not as popular songs, for funsies:
Evan Buckley: my sweet, sweet summer child. I think he is the walking embodiment of Matilda, by Harry Styles. Maybe an easy pick here, but my God, I hear it and it's like: this is Buck. It perfectly encapsulates what he is and his journey to come to the 118, and it is such a soft song. I am biased because it is one of my favorite songs, but I think it applies haha.
Eddie Diaz: Had a hard time with him.There is this beautiful song that I already apologise for mentioning, because it did make me cry the first time I heard it. But how to grieve, by simon robert french is gorgeous. After his SL this season with Shannon, I do feel this fits him. Even, I can see this applied to Chris as well. (apologies)
Chimney Han: Don't know why, but I cannot help but think of Everybody Wants to Rule the World, by Tears for Fears. The song just screams Chimney (to me) and also, I totally can see himself singing this and killing it.
Maddie Han: maybe it is because I've been on a Fleetwood Mac kick lately, but I would choose Landslide for Maddie. I think the lyrics do fit her very well, and honestly, I think the song would fit JHL's voice beautifully.
Bobby Nash: Wave After Wave, by Sleeping at Last, comes to mind rn. Very introspective, I do think of Bobby if I listen to it.
Athena Grant-Nash: I am unable to think of a more fitting song than Rise Up, by Andra Day. What can I say, the begins episode really nailed it. Like, that is Athena's song. And if I ever heard her singing it I'd be a puddle of tears.
Hen Wilson: I can see her singing Under Pressure around the time of 602 (I may misremember, but maybe it was actually used in the ep?). Other than that, top of my head she by dodie makes me think of her, but I don't know if she would sign it.
I haven't done recurring because this took me long enough lol, but for couples (I am only doing canon, sorry, if I start with friendships and families I won't ever end, and this is long enough already). Alphabetical order:
Bathena: Lowkey The Lighthouse Keeper, by Sam Smith. I think they were each other's saving grace, and have kept being so during their whole relationship. Also side note I have seen in some places this is a Christmas song? I hear it outside of Christmas, so if it is let's ignore it (thanks!).
BuckTommy: I am going to say Tireswing Song by Corrina. I am trying not to go too mainstream here. I do think it speaks well of the hope of a promising new relationship.
Henren: Don't know why, but Would that I by Hozier, maybe. Do I see them singing it? Perhaps not. But the reverential tone of it - very much reminds me of Henren.
Madney: I am trying to go for sort-of unknown songs with this one. I think Ophelia by Roo Panes fits them well. It is a soft song that speaks on how they see hope in each other. Don't know if I am way too off-base, but it reminds me of them.
And to add:
Buckley Siblings: Lastly, I am sorry, I cannot help myself, they are my favorite TV siblings. Also, I have multiple options haha. I always think of The Exit by Conan Gray as their song, ever since I saw an edit of them using it. It fits insanely well. Also everything I wanted by Billie Eilish. She did write it with her brother in mind, and I can't help but thinking of the Buckley siblings for that. Birds of a Feather lowkey makes me think of them as well.
I had a lot of fun with this ask haha and I did warn you I am not overly good at this, but here is my attempt at it! Also I do tend to go for softer songs, which I think might be a bit evident by now haha. Oops.
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jennyboom21 · 4 years
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But then you get to “dorothea,” four songs further in, and it all clicks together. Classic Swift, a song couldn’t just be a song, existing in a vacuum with no relation to anything else. Frankly, shame on me for even thinking it could be so. At this point, in the post-“betty” economy, I find myself listening to Swift’s songs holding my breath, waiting to hear if there are male pronouns. In “dorothea,” you’ll find none. Instead, it’s a story told from the perspective of an unnamed narrator in Dorothea’s hometown. Dorothea moved away to seek fame and fortune in Hollywood. “Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?” the narrator sings. “You got shiny friends since you left town. A tiny screen’s the only place I see you now.” Over on Twitter, a chorus of shouts emerged. “dorothea,” they claimed, was for the sapphics.
By verse two, I was yelling right with them. In it, the narrator talks about how Dorothea skipped prom to piss off her pageant-loving mother. Blowing off heteronormative tradition? Interesting, interesting. “And damn, Dorothea, they all wanna be ya/ But are you still the same soul? I met under the bleachers,” narrator Swift sings. During the lead-up to the release of the “willow” music video, Swift answered questions over in a chat on YouTube. She told fans “there’s not a direct continuation of the betty/james/august storyline, but in my mind Dorothea went to the same school as Betty, James, and Inez.” What is in the water in this town? At any rate, I love this clearly very gay high school where women are just secretly making out under the bleachers left and right. It’s got me rethinking Taylor Swift on the bleachers singing about the girl in the short skirts in “You Belong With Me” in a real way. (The Prom was released on Netflix at the same time as evermore, and there’s a scene in it featuring the lead queer couple under the bleachers that will make you wonder if this particular “dorothea” lyric isn’t a Ryan Murphy brand activation.) “There’s an ache in you,” the narrator sings. “Put there by the ache in me.” What’s gayer than shared trauma, I ask you? Nothing.
Which brings us back to “tis the damn season.” Listen to it again. Dorothea has come home for the holidays and she’s begrudgingly and temporarily hopped back into bed with her former paramour. (This is not required, but to enhance your listening experience, I highly, highly recommend imagining the high school friend and annual holiday hookup here is Aubrey Plaza in The Happiest Season. Does this make any sense in the context of the film? No, absolutely not. But will it bring you mental joy? Yes.)
“Time flies, messy as the mud on your truck tires. Now I’m missing your smile, hear me out,” Dorothea sings. “We could just ride around, and the road not taken looks real good now. And it always leads to you in my hometown.” Of course, this teenage love drives a truck! It’s in the bridge of the song, though, where Swift, true to form, delivers the emotional heft. Dorothea admits it’s more than just a hookup of convenience. That she might stay if asked, might not go back to L.A. and her “so-called friends.” That the lover who knew her all those years ago is “the only soul who can tell which smiles I’m fakin.” “And the heart I know I’m breaking is my own.” Ahem, you’re breaking your gay heart and mine, Dorothea.
That Swift has been able to be productive in this period might make me irate if these songs weren’t gifts that are going to sustain me through a long, bummer of a winter. Productive enough to weave beautiful narratives across songs and through albums, thinking, as always, five steps and ten hidden clues ahead of the rest of us. Remember that annoying tweet back ten thousand years ago in March that said Shakespeare wrote King Lear while in quarantine? Turns out, somebody (Swift) really took that to heart. See, Shakespeare was relevant here.
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welanabananaworld · 4 years
Joker and the symptomatic laugh
          Never before, in the history of cinema, has a laugh been such a source of uneasiness and discomfort
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      Contrary to previous portrayals of the emblematic villain of the DC comics, Batman, as a malicious, crazy and evil character, Todd Philipps chose, in this version, to make him a human first; a tormented human being struggling with life in Gotham City. 
By digging through the psyche of the soon-to-be villain, to get to the roots of the Joker’s mythology, the director manages to subvert the conventions of the superhero film sub-genre. Though subverted, the well-known manichean approach assumed in such films reveals itself here in the manner in which the main character strives to combine his ingenuous nature and the chaotic outside world. Todd Philipps relies on the evocative power of the voice to build his psychological thriller. Indeed, the character’s mental distress is expressed by a nervous laugh that works as a kind of leitmotiv throughout the film.
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In Joker, Joaquim Phoenix plays the role of Arthur Fleck, a pitiful professional clown and aspiring stand-up comedian who lives with her mother in a dingy apartment.  Simple-minded and excessively naive, Arthur keeps being bullied and ridiculed wherever he goes. Wantonly beaten by strangers, mocked by his colleagues, laughed at on TV,  abandoned by social welfare services, and coming from a dysfunctional family, Arthur progressively goes mad and violent, just like Gotham city; a city plagued by political corruption, vice, poverty, filth, unemployment, extreme violence and delinquency. 
The inevitable psychological distress, that emerges from so strong a contrast and so many repeated physical assaults, does find not only its physical expression into a nervous laugh but also its symbolic expression into the joker’s vocation as a clown. As such, it comes as no surprise that the film opens with these two central and closely intertwined themes. 
The opening scene shows Arthur putting clown makeup on his face while listening to the news on the radio. Instead of showing a colorful and enchanting depiction of the circus scene and its stages, Todd Philipps immerses his public into a dimly lit and rather gloomy room that looks like an old and insalubrious lock room. The environment is plagued by outer and inner noises due to traffic congestion and the radio which keeps airing unfortunate news about the state of the city. Filth, garbage, typhoid fever, bad smell, rats, increase in heating oil prices… those are the news which help to create the stuffy atmosphere in which Arthur grows in professionally. From the start, one has the feeling to suffocate and witness something pathetic at work; a feeling amplified by Arthur making faces in front of the mirror of his dressing table. 
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Arthur seems unable to smile naturally and spontaneously to such an extent that he needs to stretch his mouth with his fingers to mimic a smile; a smile made pathetic by the tears running down his face. Arthur’s factitious smile and look of despair present, at first sight, a contradiction with the character he is supposed to embody but if one takes a closer look at the symbolic of the clown in pop culture, this attitude reveals the drama that exists behind such a figure. Behind the extravagant make up and exaggerated facial mimics generally lies a darkness which can go from deep sadness to monstrosity. 
In the last decades, the clown has become an ambiguous, ambivalent and subversive figure due to the visual dichotomy between the surface (the make up, the facial mimics, the caricatures and the bright colors) and what is under the surface (the identity, the life story, the feelings). What is under the surface is, by definition, hidden from view, therefore open to imagination, and synonymous with concealment, hence the disturbing strangeness that emerges from the potential dangerousness of such a concealment. In addition to this, the mirror is also used to underline Arthur’s dual nature. By duplicating one’s image, the mirror signifies conflicting personalities and can mark a need for introspection.
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              Pennywise, the evil clown in It by André Muschietti (Stephen King)
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Twisty, the clown inspired by John Wayne Gacy, known as the Killer Clown, in American Horror Story by Ryan Murphy
In Joker, Arthur successively fits the different representations involved by the idea of duality, from the caring, harmless and cheerful clown to the sad, neurotic and eventually violent clown. In that respect, it is worth mentioning the direct reference between Joker and The King of Comedy by Martin Scorsese (1983), in which Robert De Niro, playing a delusional and aspiring stand-up comedian, is so desperate for recognition that he goes as far as to abduct the famous talk-show host, Jerry Langford, to appear on his television show.
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Arthur’s gradual transformation is foreboded by the way he exercises his mouth in a happy and sad smile in the opening scene. By doing so, Arthur reveals a myriad of emotions. He must, as any self-respecting clown, put a smile on his face but this one bears no warmth, no spontaneity. Its rigidity and exaggeration alternatively give way to alarming, threatening and desperate grins. 
The duality expressed by the greek masks of comedy and drama displayed by Arthur is to be associated to his ever-present laugh. Right after his first assault on the street, Arthur is found sitting opposite a psychologist. The scene opens with Arthur laughing uncontrollably for a very long time. His laugh is anything but infectious and hearty. On the contrary, Arthur seems in pain while doing it. His facial features are distorted and uptight, his face tense as if he was about to cry. One can easily describe his laugh as bloodcurdling and disturbing; a laugh which is on the verge to choking him, even. 
Just like the perverted clown figure which instills more pity and fright than buffoonery, Arthur’s bursts of laughter give away a real medical condition. Whenever Arthur is ill-at-ease, confused or bullied, he starts laughing madly and does seem unable to stop it. This condition is called pseudobulbar affect (PBA), which is a type of emotional disturbance condition, due to neurological disorder or brain injury, characterized by uncontrollable and often inappropriate episodes of crying, laughing, anger or other emotional displays. The scene that most exemplifies his mental disorder and extreme vulnerability is when Arthur entertains a little boy in the bus and his mother, misjudging the situation, asks him to stop. Taken aback, Arthur explodes in laughing, unable to control himself, and shows his medical card in an effort to explain what is happening. Combined with the beautiful but tragic film score, Arthur appears utterly powerless and crushed by inner and outer misery; a mental and physical misery materializing in a nervous laugh which makes everyone uncomfortable, including him.
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The therapy session provides a glimpse of the aggravating factors of the neurological disorder by capturing Arthur’s current psychological state. He is depicted as a deeply depressed and troubled man who takes many medications with no result. His persona as a sad clown is reinforced by a certain dark humour which he overuses in his notebook : « I just hope my death makes more cents than my life ». As if Arthur’s traumatic life experiences were not enough, one finds out later that his PBA and awful thinness (see his protruding bones) are actually due to serious physical abuses inflicted, when he was a child, by his unstable mother.
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In the end, one can conclude that the voice, as a narrative tool, is used in this film to anticipate, announce, hint at and explain Arthur’s journey to madness. 
    Contrary to traditional superhero films in which the villain’s tragic past is quickly mentioned, Joker builds its storyline precisely upon the villain’s progressive journey as a victim. And who is more likely to become a time bomb than someone who has been a victim all his life? The origin of the joker’s malevolence is to be found precisely in his traumatic experience of life.  
The contrast between a kind and optimistic nature and the ruthlessness of a city and its inhabitants, reinforced by regular humiliations and family dramas, is enough for anyone to blow a fuse and turn to the dark side. But the Joker, considering who he is, puts a smile upon his face, finally embraces chaos - « Isn’t it beautiful? » he asks the policeman in a thrilling voice while on his way to prison» - and laughs at the irony of life, hence the ending. The piece of music, hummed by Arthur in front of the psychologist, concludes the film on a bitter note, its title underlining how unfair and unpredictable life can be: That’s life. But Frank Sinatra’s song is much more than an appropriate conclusion. By using the soundtrack as a diegetic and extra-diegetic music, Todd Philipps evokes both Arthur’s understanding of what he has been through all along and his ensuing thirst for revenge, fueled by injustice, the lack of meaning and the lack of a sense of belonging. Arthur’s smile, while humming, forebodes the joker’s rise of terror in Gotham city. Psychotherapy is over. It’s time for action! It’s time for his destiny to unfold…
That’s life… And as funny as it may seem, some people get their kicks, stompin' on a dream. But I don’t let it get me down cause this fine old world, it keeps spinning around… 
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agentnico · 4 years
The Prom (2020) Review
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Last musical film I watched was Cats. That is all.
Plot: A troupe of hilariously self-obsessed theatre stars swarm into a small conservative Indiana town in support of a high school girl who wants to take her girlfriend to the prom.
Ah Christmas, the perfect season to enjoy the festivities, where one can go spend time with their families and friends and loved ones, go to the local pub with your mates, have a German sausage at the city Christmas market, sing carols and go to parties, check out the big Christmas releases at the cinema.....oh wait, sorry, that’s me talking about normal Christmas. We are in Christmas 2020 where the holiday isn’t really a holiday and the biggest Grinch of them all - Coronavirus (oh yeah, I said the C word!!) - is here to steal the fun. But hey, at least Netflix has stepped up to provide us with a major merry musical, and following that totally accidental piece of alliteration, I’m gonna talk about it!
Right, anyone here doesn’t like musicals? Anyone? Lets see some hands, come on, don’t be shy? Ah, there you are! Well, to you sweet peeps I have to bid a swift adieu, as you don’t need to read further on into this review. If you don’t like musicals, you are not going to find any enjoyment in The Prom, as it is as musical as musicals can be. It’s over the top, whimsical, colourful, with many cheesy songs and big set pieces, with folks jumping into distinctly choreographed dance sequences without a care in the world. If you’re into that kind of stuff, you guaranteed to find the movie a least bit delightful. It’s in no way ground-breaking for its genre, this musical is not going to reinvent musicals going forth, but there is nothing wrong with staying old school. The movie plays it safe, and rightly so, and you’re left with a jolly show for the end of the year. 
That said, its not perfect. It is a bit too long and certain parts drag quite a bit, and also don’t get invested in too many characters, as you don’t see much of them. Most of the actors are doing a solid job, but they simply aren’t provided with enough screen-time to leave a strong impression. Also, certain things don’t make sense. For example, characters become friends too quickly in this thing. The main high-school girl and Nicole Kidman’s character become besties out of nowhere and during a breakdown the girl confides in Kidman like they are old time buds. Look, I get that getting lost in Nicole Kidman’s eyes is very very easy, but let’s think realistically here. Like, the girl only met Kidman a day ago, and hasn’t even interacted with her much, and all of a sudden she allows Kidman to stay over at her place for a few days like they are childhood besties Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn! Okay, I feel like I may be looking into this too much, but dammit, I like logic and this is not logical! Then again, this is just a silly little musical so maybe I should just be quiet. But no, I shall not be silenced!! I shall nit-pick this thing and you cannot stop me! So, moving on, the film’s main message is about acceptance and love and being true to who you are. Its a good message and I respect the movie for it, but as typical with other Ryan Murphy productions, it becomes too preachy. I totally understand that activism can be important, but when you are bashed over the head with it every single second, you end up feeling like you’re in some seminar rather than what is supposed to be an enjoyable movie. Also, the movie is predictable. If you read the plot, you can guess exactly how things will pan out. There are no surprises there! So save the WOW factor for when you open your Christmas presents instead.
The soundtrack is good. Look, it’s not the best musical I’ve heard, but there are some very catchy tunes here too. “Tonight Belongs to You” and “Love Thy Neigbour” are proper showstoppers, but my favourite one was actually one of the slower numbers. Midway through the film, Keegan Michael-Key (on top form by the way) sings a song about escapism and how the arts and theatre provide a temporary form of freedom and expressionism that cleanse one’s mind from the problems of the real world. It was especially powerful hearing it now, when due to the pandemic so many entertainment venues have been forced to close, causing a lot of them to lose money and go out of business, and as such looking at a future where entertainment and the arts will never be as they were before is scary and frightening. 
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. No, I’m not insinuating anything about his size, but I am indeed talking about James Corden. Upon release this movie was hit with controversy over the casting choice of James Corden as a gay character. Look, it is a long running debate of whether actors such play roles that are of a different sexuality. In my eyes, I think that any actor has the right to play any role, as long as he provides a quality performance. Personally for me, I think Corden did a good job. Having had experience working on Broadway before, as well as his work on his talk show, he’s got the vocal chords and the showman qualities to play this character to the fullest. And yes, you can assume that he may be offensive with his portrayal of the gay character with the stereotypes, however if you look at the original Broadway performance of The Prom, the character there is played really flamboyantly and campy too. So in my eyes if that is how the character was written, Corden was simply working with what he’s been given. Again though, I myself am not a gay man, so maybe I am missing something here. Nevertheless, I thought James Corden wasn’t bad at all.
All in all, The Prom is an old-school silly musical with a good message and all the sparkle and gloss one can take, and though uneven and rough along the edges, this one can be enjoyed for what it is. 
Overall score: 6/10
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tviseverything · 4 years
So I’m rewatching Glee during this quarantine...
Let me explain.... the storylines in the show had the potential to set up the character development for each character and they missed it! And the people that had the ABSOLUTE MOST POTENTIAL FOR AWESOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WERE QUINN, RACHEL, SANTANA, AND BRITTANY AND HERE’S WHY... Quinn edition because this is way too long for the other characters... I promise i’ll follow this up with the other ones. (BTW, this took me so long to do because life kept getting in the way but I finally finished it! Please give it a read and let me know if you agree or disagree. I am always open to discussion!! And swipe down all the way to be blessed with a couple of Quinn Fabray gifs!!)
Quinn is the first because let’s think about it for a sec. In the beginning of the series, Quinn was that typical queen bee, mean girl type who was on the cheerleading squad and ruthlessly bullied anyone who got in her way including Rachel. But then life throws her a curveball and she ends up getting pregnant. 
This storyline set Quinn up to learn some very valuable lessons and some harsh truths. For example, Quinn gets kicked off the cheerleading squad after the news comes out that she’s pregnant and she’s kicked out of her home and disowned.
The first season was doing great handling her character development, for example, in 1x15, when the time came for yearbook pictures, Quinn was desperately trying to get back on the squad for the picture but in the end she thanks Sue for making her realize that she’d rather be part of a team that is proud to have her (Glee Club) instead of a team where she only appears to belong (Cheerios). (let me add that this scene also could have set up a slowburn for Faberry because in that same episode, Rachel was describing how school pictures are everything to her and that if she ever became famous, she would want her face in the year book picture and be prepared. Keep this in mind because later on Quinn blackmails Sue into giving up one of the Cheerio’s six pages and giving it to the Glee club free of charge. Quinn didn’t have to do this. Her entire goal was to get back on the Cheerios and not fight for the glee club photo. In fact, in the episode, she didn’t even want to be in it. So why did she do it? For Rachel, perhaps? any way this is about Quinn not faberry so lets get back to it)
Another example from before is she becomes friends with Mercedes. In episode 1x16, Mercedes is forced to starve herself for the Cheerios and in doing so, her blood pressure dropped which caused her to faint. Quinn recognized what Mercedes was doing and sympathized with her. She then helped Mercedes realize that she doesn’t need to be skinny to be beautiful and she is perfect the way she is and she sings a song about it as well while Quinn stands next to her, furthering her message. This episode created a beautiful friendship between Quinn and Mercedes that in later episodes, Mercedes offers her home to Quinn after connecting with her about being bullied and dealing with it. Let’s also add in the fact that this was before the Lucy Caboosy storyline, which in my opinion ruined her character even more but I’m not gonna get into that until later. In that season, Mercedes and Quinn were set up to be a great duo for season 2 but... Where the hell did all of that go???? Did they just completely forget that Quinn lived with Mercedes for a short while and that they bonded over similar experiences??? What the hell??? I would also like to add onto here that a friendship between Quinn and Kurt was a HUGE miss! They would have been an amazing duo!! Along with Mercedes of course. I will talk about this type of stuff in separate post!
ANOTHER example was when in episode 1x13, the truth about the baby’s father comes out which was Rachel’s fault. After drama ensues, Rachel goes to apologize and readies herself for a punch from Quinn, but in a surprising turn of events...Quinn forgives her. The old Quinn probably would thrown multiple slushies in Rachel’s face, call her names and maybe ruin her life. But this Quinn quickly forgave her and told Rachel that she did something that she wasn’t brave enough to do, tell the truth! She forgave Rachel even though she clearly knew that Rachel only told Finn to break them up so she could have him all to herself. This was a very pivotal moment in the series that would show how Quinn emotionally matured after what happened to her. (this scene also would have set up faberry perfectly as well but oh well) 
Anyway, the whole point of this post is about the lack of character development in the series and while everything I just said argues against it...the character development from season one didn’t last very long especially when we start right off the bat in season 2, Quinn rejoins the Cheerios and tries to restore herself to her former glory. I understand why she would want that again but this alone completely destroyed her character development because after learning all the things she had learned while pregnant, she shouldn’t have wanted to go back to that old life again but she did. Add that onto the fact that in order to restore herself to her former glory, she also snitches on Santana about her “summer surgery” Pregnant Quinn wouldn’t have even thought to rat out her own friends but new and improved Quinn did and I HATED IT because of that knowledge. This could have been handled better by probably having Quinn join the cheerios again but have her use her power for good such as, protecting all of glee club from future slushies, made it so the jocks wouldn’t have so much power with bullying, or even set an example for cheerios for how they should act in the school. But instead they pull this shit. 
I’m not finished!! Season 2 and beyond was a DISASTER for Quinn. The writers literally erased all of that character development just so they could create more drama. An example of this is the cheating storyline. Quinn had started dating Sam in the beginning of Season 2 and everything is going well for them until *sigh* Finn came along and convinced her to cheat on Sam with him. THIS IS LITERALLY ONE OF THE WORST STORYLINES ON GLEE. Finn knows what it was like to be cheated on (I know he cheated on Quinn in the first episode with Rachel but we’re not talking about that right now) Finn knows the pain of finding out that you’ve been lied to and betrayed so the fact he even had the AUDACITY to lure Quinn into cheating AGAIN infuriates me deep inside. You would think that after what happened when she cheated the first time, she would learn her lesson...BUT SHE DIDN’T. WTF. THIS RUINED HER CHARACTER EVEN MORE!!!!!! PLUS I HATE ALL THE UNNECESSARY DRAMA THAT STORYLINE CREATED, INCLUDING THE FEUD BETWEEN RACHEL AND QUINN. 
I would also like to talk about the Lucy Caboosey storyline because it is a crucial fact to know about Quinn. The Lucy Caboosey storyline was introduced at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME. I am seriously convinced that Ryan Murphy only wrote that in to create “depth” to Quinn’s character. If they were going to do that storyline at all, then they should have introduced it in the first season or should have created a better plot to accomodate to the storyline. This storyline also didn’t add anything to the Prom Queen storyline. I honestly wish that the writer’s have taken Quinn’s character development from season 1 into account because if they had, then I believe that the Lucy Caboosey storyline and the Prom Queen storyline wouldn’t have existed and these storylines only exist as Ryan Murphys attempt to reverse all of the depth that Dianna Agron gave to the character and make her a basic, self-centered blonde cheerleader and when that didn’t work out... the Lucy Caboosey storyline was there to give Quinn “depth” 
I would also like to talk Quinn’s obsession with winning Prom Queen and taking Finn to the prom (Finn was an asshat in this episode by the way but let’s not focus on him). I really wished that the writers took Quinn’s character development into account because if they had, then Quinn wouldn’t have been reverted back into the 2 dimensional, blonde, cheerleader character like she was at the beginning of the series and she also wouldn’t have had a storyline involving Lucy Caboosey.  Her taking Finn to the prom was a complete bullshit storyline as well because we all know that relationship between Quinn and Finn was only there to drag the love triangle between them and rachel into the next season even though it was very clear that Quinn and Finn weren’t gonna get back together in the first season. 
Also at the end of that season, where nationals took place, there was a scene between Quinn and Brittany and Santana where Quinn breaks down, this should have been one of those pivotal character development moments where she makes a realization about herself and tries to live her truth, but no! She cuts her hair and all is well. 
Before we move on to season 3, I want to talk about the Celibacy Club and religion in regards to Quinn Fabray. As we all know, Quinn was the captain of the Cheerios and president of the Celibacy Club (even though that didn’t last long...whoops) so the theme of celibacy and religion go hand in hand for Quinn. I would have really like to see a storyline of Quinn losing faith in her religion, whether that may be because God decided to make Quinn pregnant and in result get disowned by her family or (in my perfect world) Quinn starts to realize that she might like girls and because of how her family is, she struggles with it. That would have been an interesting storyline to see and it would have tackled the topic of religion as well! I would have liked to see this as an ongoing theme for Quinn throughout the show but of course Ryan Murphy had to be a shitty writer. 
This post became wayyyy to long for my attention span so I am going to break this down into parts. Also I am so sorry that this post is all over the place but I had to write it all down before I lost the train of thought so some explanations might not be as in depth as others and it might not be in order so again I apologize. So I will talk about Quinn in season 3 and the rest of the seasons when she shows up from time to time. 
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ryanmeft · 5 years
Ryan’s Favorite Films of 2019
A stuttering detective,
A top hat-wearing vamp
A forced-perspective war,
A bit of Blaxploitation camp
Prisoners on a space ship
Having sex with bears
A writer goes remembering
Whenever his pain flares
  A prancing, dancing Hitler
A gambler high on strife
Here will go cavorting with
A mom who becomes a wife
A family plot with many threads
Three men against their own
A stuntman and his actor
A mobster now quite alone
Doubles under the earth
Two men in a tall house
Are here to watch a woman who
Is battling with her spouse
A family’s plans for their strong son
Go awry one night
A man rejects his country
Which is spoiling for a fight
 A house built by his grandpa
(Maybe; we’re not sure)
Looks out upon three prisoners
Whose passions are a lure
  All these are on my list this year
It’s longer than before
Because picking only ten this time
Was too great of a chore
  What are limits anyway?
They’re just things we invented
I don’t really find them useful
So, this year, I’ve dissented
  You may have noticed this time out
That numbers, I did grant
Promise they’ll stay in this order, though?
Now that, I just can’t
  I’m always changing my mind
Because, after all, you see
Good film is about the heart
And mine’s rather finicky
  There are a lot more I could name
(And I’ll change my mind at any time)
For now, though, consider these
The ones I found sublime
 20. Motherless Brooklyn
I’ve got a (hard-boiled) soft spot for 90’s neo-noirs like L.A. Confidential, Red Rock West and Seven, and Edward Norton’s ‘50’s take on Jonathan Lethem’s 90’s -set novel can stand firmly in that company.
19. Doctor Sleep
There’s something about Stephen King’s best writing that transcends mere popularity; his work may not be fine literature, but it is immune to the fads of the moment. So, too, are the best movies based on that work. This one, an engaging adventure-horror, deserved better than it got from audiences.
18. Jojo Rabbit
There was a time when the anything-goes satire of Mel Brooks could produce a major box office hit.  Disney’s prudish refusal to market the film coupled with the dominance of franchises means that’s no longer the case. If you bothered to give Jojo a shot, though, you got the strange-but-rewarding experience of guffawing one moment and being horrified the next.
17. By The Grace of God
I’d venture this is the least-seen film on my list; even among us brie-eating, wine-sniffing art house snobs, I rarely hear it mentioned. Focusing on the perspectives of three men dealing with a particularly heinous and unrepentant abusive priest and the hierarchy that protects him, it’s every bit as disquieting and infuriating as 2015’s Oscar-winning Spotlight.
16. Waves
You think Trey Edward Shultz’s Waves will be one thing---a domestic drama about an affluent African-American family (and that in and of itself is a rarity). Then it becomes something else entirely. It addresses something movies often avoid: that as life goes on, the person telling the story will always change.
15. Transit
You’re better off not questioning exactly where and when the film is set (it is based on a book about Nazi Germany but has been changed to be a more generalized Fascist state). The central theme here is identity, as three people change theirs back and forth based on need and desire.
14. American Woman
Movies about regular, working class, small-town American usually focus on men. This one is about a much-too-young mother and grandmother, played brilliantly by Sierra Miller, dealing with unexpected loss and the attendant responsibilities she isn’t ready for. 
13. Marriage Story
There is an argument between a married couple in here that is as true a human moment as ever was on screen---free of trumped-up screenplay drama and accurate to how angry people really argue. The entire movie strives to be about the kind of realistic divorce you don’t see on-screen. It is oddly refreshing.
12. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Quentin Tarantino’s love letter to 70’s Tinseltown is essentially a question: What if the murder that changed the industry forever had gone down differently? Along the way, it also manages to be a clever and insightful study of fame and fulfillment, or lack thereof.
11. High Life
Claire Denis is damned determined not to be boring. Your reaction to her latest film will probably depend on how receptive you are to that as the driving force of a film. Myself, I’m very receptive. I want to see the personal struggles of convicts unwittingly shipped into space, told without Action-Adventure tropes, in a movie that sometimes misfires but is never dull.
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 10. Dolemite Is My Name
And fuckin’ up motherfuckers is my game! Look, if you don’t like naughty words, you probably shouldn’t be reading my columns---and you definitely shouldn’t be watching this movie. Eddie Murphy plays Rudy Ray Moore, the ambitious, irrepressible and endlessly optimistic creator of Blaxpoitation character Dolemite. Have you seen the 1975 film? It’s either terrible and wonderful, or wonderful and terrible, and the jury’s still out. Either way, Moore in the film is a self-made comic who establishes himself by talking in a unique rhyming style that speaks to black Americans at a time when black pop culture (and not just the white rendition of it) was finally beginning to pierce the American consciousness. What The Disaster Artist did for The Room, this movie does for Dolemite---with the difference being I felt like I learned something I didn’t know here.
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 9. 1917
Breathless, nerve-wracking and somehow intensely personal even though it almost never takes time to slow down, it is fair to call Sam Mendes’s film a thrill ride---but it’s one that enlightens us on a fading historical time, rather than simply being empty calories. Filmed in such a way as to make it seem like one continuous, two-hour take, for which some critics dismissed it as a gimmick, the technique is used to lock us in with the soldiers whose mission it is to save an entire division from disaster. We are given no information or perspective that the two central soldiers---merely two, in a countless multitude---do not have, and so we are with them at every moment, deprived of the relief of omniscience. I freely admit I tend to give anything about World War I the benefit of the doubt, but there’s no doubt that the movie earns my trust.
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8. Ash Is Purest White
Known by the much less cool-sounding name Sons and Daughters of Jianghu in China, here is a story that starts off ostensibly about crime---a young woman and her boyfriend are powerful in the small-potatoes mob scene of a dying industrial town---but after the surprising first act becomes a meditation on life, perseverance and exactly how much power is worth, anyway, when it is so fleeting and so easily lost. What do you do when everything that defined you is gone? You go on living. This is my first exposure to writer-director Jia Zhangke, an oversight I must strive hard to correct in future.
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7. Knives Out
The whodunit is a lost art, a standard genre belonging to a time when mass audiences could appreciate a picture even if someone didn’t run, yell or explode while running and yelling every ten minutes. Rian Johnson and an all-star cast rescued it from the brink of cinematic extinction and gave it just enough of a modern injection to keep it relevant. Every second of the film is engaging; Johnson even manages to have a character whose central trait is throwing up when asked to lie, and he makes it seem sympathetic rather than juvenile. The fantastic cast of characters is backed up with all the qualities of “true” cinema: perfect camerawork, an effective score, mesmerizing production design. As someone who didn’t much care for Johnson’s Star Wars outing, I’m honestly put out this didn’t do better at the box office than it did.
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6. A Hidden Life
After a few questionable efforts and completely losing the thread with the execrable vanity project Song to Song, Terence Malick returns to his bread and butter: meditative dramas on the nature of faith, family, and being on the outside looking in, which encompass a healthy dose of nature, philosophy and people talking without moving their lips. That last is a little dig, but it’s true: Malick does Malick, and if you don’t like his thing, this true story about a German dissenter in World War II will not change your mind. For me, what Malick has done is that rarest of things: he had made a movie about faith, and about a character who is faithful, without proselytizing. That the closeness and repressiveness of the Nazi regime is characterized against Malick’s typical soaring backdrops is a masterstroke, and the best-ever use of his visual style.
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5. The Lighthouse
Robert Eggers is a different kind of horror filmmaker. After redefining what was possible with traditional horror monsters in The Witch, he returned with something that couldn’t be more different: an exploration of madness more in the vein of European film than American. Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe are two men stranded in a lighthouse together slowly losing their minds, or what is left of them. The haunting score and stark, black-and-white photography evoke a nightmare caught on tape, something we’re not supposed to be seeing. It’s not satisfying in a traditional way, but for those craving something more cerebral from horror, Eggers has it covered.
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4. Us
I have become slightly notorious in my own little circle for not thinking Get Out was the greatest film ever made, and now I’ve become rather known for thinking Us just might be. Ok, so that’s definite hyperbole: “greatest” is a tall claim for almost any horror movie. Yet here Jordan Peele shows that he can command an audience’s attention even when not benefiting from a popular cultural zeitgeist in terms of subject matter. It’s a movie with no easy or clear message, one that specializes in simply unsettling us with the idea that the world is fundamentally Not Right. I firmly believe that if Peele becomes a force in the genre, 50 years from now when he and all of us are gone, his first film will be remembered as a competent start, while this will be remembered as the beginning of his greatness.
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3. The Last Black Man in San Francisco
Ostensibly about urban gentrification, this story of a young black man trying to save his ancestral home from the grasping reach of white encroachment is a flower with many petals to reveal. Don’t let my political-sounding description turn you off: the movie is not a polemic in the slightest, but rather a wry, sensitive look at people, their personalities and how those personalities are intertwined with the places they call home. Though the movie is the directorial debut of Joe Talbot, it is based loosely on the memories and feelings of his friend Jimmie Falls, who also plays one of the two central characters. If you’ve ever watched a place you love fall to the ravages of time and change, this movie may strike quite a chord with you.
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2. Uncut Gems
When asked why this movie is great, I usually say that it was unbelievably stressful and caused me great anxiety. This description is not usually successful in selling it. The Safdie Brothers have essentially filmed chaos: a man self-destructing in slow-motion, if you can call it slow. Howard Ratner has probably been gradually exploding all his life; he strikes you as someone who came out of the womb throwing punches. He’s an addictive gambler who loves the risk much more than the reward, and can’t gain anything good in life without risking it on a proverbial roll of the dice. His behavior is destructive. His attitude is toxic. Why do we root for him? Perhaps because, as played by Adam Sandler, he never has any doubt as to who he is---something few of us can say. He’s an asshole, but he’s a genuine asshole, and somehow that’s appealing even when you’re in his line of fire.
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1. Pain and Glory
When I realized I would, for the first time, have the chance to see a Pedro Almodovar film on the screen, I was overjoyed. His movies aren’t always great, but that was of little concern: he’s one of the handful of directors on the planet who can fairly call back to the avant-garde traditions of Bergman or Truffaut, making the movies he wants to make about the things he want to make them about, and I’d never seen one of his films when it was new and fresh, only months or years later on DVD.
It seems I picked right, as his latest has been almost universally hailed as one of the best of his long career. An aging, aching filmmaker spends his days in his apartment, ignoring the fans of his original hit film and most of his own acquaintances, alive or dead---he tries hard to put his memories away. Throughout the course of the movie, he re-engages with most of them in one way or another, coming to terms with who he is and where he’s been, though not in a Hallmark-movie-of-the-week way. Antonio Banderas plays him in the role that was always denied him by his stud status in Hollywood. It isn’t simply him, though: every person we meet is engaging and, we sense, has their own story outside of how they intersect with his. Most engaging is that of his deceased mother, who in her youth was played vivaciously by a sun-toughened Penelope Cruz. Perhaps Almodovar will tell us some of their stories some day. Perhaps not. I would read an entire book of short fiction all about them. This is the year’s best film.
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Ready or Not
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I’m so glad the horror-comedy is having a Moment, because it’s one of my favorite genre mashups. The heightened emotions of both flavors come together beautifully when done well, and that tasty combo is what Ready or Not is striving for. The story of Grace (Samara Weaving) and Alex (Mark O’Brien)’s wedding is an unusual one. See, Alex belongs to the Le Domas family, a wealthy clan who made their fortune in board games, and any time a new person joins the family through marriage, everyone has to play a game at midnight on the wedding night. However, if one specific game is plucked from the box of possibilities, the poor new bride or groom is the victim of a human sacrifice to keep the Le Domas family in money and dice for another generation. The things they don’t tell you before you sign a prenup, am I right? And wouldn’t you know it, Grace picks precisely the wrong game. Now it’s a race against time as she tries to hide from Alex’s family until dawn lest her “I do” turns into “I die.” Sounds pretty original and darkly funny, right? Hard to screw up a premise that solid, don’t you think? Well...
In this case a solid premise is elevated by a stellar script from Guy Busick and Ryan Murphy (I know, I was just as shocked as you are) to create of the most fun and entertaining films I’ve seen so far this year. Strong performances from a winning ensemble cast and a wicked sense of black humor makes this a hell of a time at the movies and one I can’t recommend highly enough.
Some thoughts:
Samara Weaving is Hugo Weaving’s niece and now that I know that information I can’t unsee the resemblance, particularly in the eyebrow region.
Weaving’s performance is a huge part of what makes the movie work. It’s a tightrope she has to walk and she does it so well - innocent enough that she is sympathetic but not cloying; scrappy enough that you’re rooting for her at every turn; and with a snarky streak that makes her likeable but not cold or brittle. She’s a fighter at every turn and she really goes THROUGH it, but you believe a girl like Grace would keep going and never surrender. 
I sure have missed Andie MacDowell. I know she gets a lot of flak for that line in Four Weddings and a Funeral, but there was a time in the 90s when she was THE leading lady and I was very into it. She’s great matriarchal material here - I wish she had a little more to do than try to get her son to come back to the family.
And Adam Brody! Playing himself, as per usual! I confess I am still not tired of his charm and I found him and his character’s arc just the right amount of twisty-turny is he good is he bad, and I was pleased with his overall resolution. He plays world-weary-verging-on-alcoholic-to-deal-with-his-trauma much better than I expected and that boyish amiability is still in ample supply.
One thing I appreciate here is well-done exposition. Exposition is a tricky thing because when it’s done poorly it stands out like a sore thumb, but when it’s done well it’s invisible. There’s some really elegant characterization of Grace as she’s being introduced to Alex’s family - she grew up in foster homes and never had a family to call her own. It becomes clear that marrying Alex was so vitally important to her to have this sense of family and permanence. There was no other option for them to escape this family curse in Alex’s mind and he IS between a rock and a hard place.
That being said, Alex could easily have told her the truth and let her choose whether to take the risk (or whether to think he was simply crazy). He takes away her choices because he can’t lose her - it’s about what HE needs. The thoughtful choices that go into each character’s arc, particularly Grace, Alex, and Daniel, is just really smart, sharp writing and I was delighted and entertained to see it.
Same with Charity (Elyse Levesque) and her comment that she’d rather be dead than poor again. On the surface, you want to just hate her because that’s disgusting, right? But considering the way poverty ravages lives - particularly women’s - is the notion really that unreasonable? Her savage certainty when she makes the statement certainly tells you a lot about being poor in this country.
I call bullshit that Alex’s wrists aren’t tore UP. That’s an oversight in the makeup department for sure.
Aunt Helene is a stone cold bitch and I love her. Fucking SAVAGE.
The Hide and Seek song is simultaneously the most amazing and creepy thing I’ve ever heard. This is some A+ worldbuilding.
OK, Grace, you hid for like...30 seconds. I get that you don’t understand the gravity of the situation yet, but like have you ever played hide and seek. It’s not that hard. The rules are in the name of the game. 
I’m not going to spoil the ending - all I will say is that it’s probably been since the first Kingsman film that I found a movie’s end so delightful in every way for wrapping up the bad guys’ plot.
Though billed as a horror movie, it’s really more suspense than scares, although it is very bloody. If you’re sensitive to that sort of thing, beware.
Did I Cry? No, but I certainly felt strongly about the characters and I was really rooting for Grace hard all the way.
This is probably going to end up in my top 10 of the year. Just really great fun with enough brains behind it to be worth remembering.
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meggtheegg · 6 years
hi i love your blog so much and i really hope you don't mind me asking this but how would you rank the zoe/evan duos you've seen based on chemistry and such. sadly i live much too far away from america to see deh live but i've heard that mlb and mallory have the best chemsitry ever (god i wish there was aboot of those two) :)
asdfgjkl thank you so much! I hope you get the chance to see it live, someday! 
I’ve been really, really lucky and found ways to see it several times with a lot of different pairings, so I’ll just go through in the order I saw them!
MLB/Olivia Puckett - These two were pretty good together. You could tell that they were friends outside the show. Their dynamic was a little less sweet than some others and a little more desperate. They both needed the relationship to help heal their own emotional scars. You could see them reconnecting down the line and becoming friends, but the romantic relationship was never going to last, even if Evan hadn’t come clean. It was just a high school fling, but a pretty nice one that had some genuine caring behind it.
Colton Ryan/Laura Dreyfuss - Now, this was the first time I ever saw Laura and I was a little too starstruck to focus on the dynamic, but I do remember them having pretty nice chemistry. It also felt like a high school fling, but with a lot more real understanding behind it. Zoe seemed more smitten with Evan, that time around, and played a really big part in his confidence growing, possibly more than her parents did.
MLB/Laura Dreyfuss - I saw these two together several times, and they always felt very forced. MLB can do chemistry, but he and Laura had none. I tended to zone out during their scenes together. Evan’s crush was there, but it felt shallow and never really deepened like it usually does. I kind of got the feeling that the two actors either rarely saw each other outside work and were kind of strangers or actively didn’t like each other.
Taylor Trensch/Laura Dreyfuss - These two were very cute together. That’s really the only word I’d use to describe them. You didn’t really feel upset that the relationship was over, because you didn’t get super invested in I. It was just kind of a bummer. They were two smitten kids who were cute with each other. They weren’t in love but what they had was playful and sweet.
Roman Banks/Mallory Bechtel - I love these two together. They had pretty decent chemistry and seemed to genuinely care about each other. You got the feeling that in a different situation, they could have been really good together for the long run. It just wasn’t meant to be. They felt kinda close to MLB/Olivia in that you could see a genuine friendship blooming in the far-off future. Her kids could very well end up calling him Uncle Evan.
MLB/Mallory Bechtel - You have not heard wrong. Holy shit, the chemistry. These two feel like they are genuinely in love with each other. Mallory had me sobbing during Words Fail, and for the first time, it was heartbreaking to see Evan and Zoe ripped apart. They felt like they belonged together. The orchard scene was far less awkward than it usually is. It felt like they were nervous at first, but quickly fell into their old dynamic again. They feel so safe with each other, and though the circumstances make it impossible for them to ever be together romantically, they could still be extremely close, eventually. Their dynamic, oddly enough, makes Evan feel more like he has a place with the Murphy family. Like once the pain settles and the emotional wounds start to heal, they may still have him and Heidi over for Thanksgiving dinner or meet up for a picnic at the orchard or something. I seriously hope someone gets a boot of these two because they are my favorite pairing, by far.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Prom: Ranking Every Song in the Movie Musical Soundtrack From Worst to Best
The 2018 Broadway musical The Prom has always had a somewhat shaky premise, combining a quartet of narcissistic Broadway stars (Meryl Streep, James Corden, Nicole Kidman, and Andrew Rannells) looking for a way to be relevant again with a lesbian couple’s (Jo Ellen Pellman and Ariana DeBose) simple wish to attend their prom in Edgewater, Indiana. The two threads collide when the prom gets blown up into a civil rights issue. However, the stage show reconciled these seemingly disparate elements into a heartwarming tale of self-acceptance for all involved: straight or gay, closeted or out, aging star or varsity cheerleader.
Ryan Murphy’s film adaptation for Netflix, by contrast, is less successful. The awkward space between these two stories is more pronounced, with the Broadway portions plagued by puzzling lighting and editing choices. Combine that with some truly head-scratching casting among three of the four adults, and it distracts from the intent of basically half the soundtrack.
However, when it comes to all things prom-related, the adaptation is nearly as strong as its Broadway predecessor, and in some places utilizes cinematic elements to surpass the original versions of key musical numbers. With that in mind, we’re ranking all 19 songs from worst to best, keeping in mind that the rankings would likely have turned out differently had we been considering the musical itself.
19. Barry is Going to Prom
James Corden was disastrously miscast as gay actor Barry, who removed himself from his parents’ lives as a teenager before they could cast him out, yet is still clearly in need of closure. One can never shake the feeling of watching this straight actor put on queer identity as an ill-fitting suit; there’s more than one “did I just hear that right?” moment of him lisping his way through a scene.
He brings that disingenuously effeminate energy to Barry’s big number, “Barry is Going to Prom,” and tarnishes what should be a triumphant showstopper. Not surprisingly, Corden in a silver-and-aqua tux mincing through a fantasy sequence is so much less compelling than original star Brooks Ashmanskas belting in his pajamas.
18. Simply Love
The second of the two end credits songs seems to be a rejected number for Barry’s reunion with his estranged mother while also advocating for Emma. Despite the feeling Corden tries to infuse into it, emotionally it’s empty. The only thing saving it from rock bottom on this list is that there are no accompanying visuals.
17. The Acceptance Song
The first sign that the Broadway crew have overestimated their star power is when their big “rally” in Emma’s honor gets booked… at the halftime show of the local monster truck rally. They try to sing a song about acceptance, but neither they nor the monster truck enthusiasts are equipped to give or receive the message. It’s a forgettable song, but that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?
16. Wear Your Crown
The first end credits song is so overproduced that I had to look up who sang it—turns out it’s the entire cast, their voices blended into one unnatural warble. The only thing that saves it is that they do the musical credits thing where they match the names with the performances (here, it’s them posing at the prom with superlatives), so you can remember who you did or didn’t like all over again.
15. Zazz
As solo numbers go, this is not Nicole Kidman’s best; but then again, can anything really top Moulin Rouge!? Perennial chorus girl Angie’s ode to making yourself a star is meant to evoke Bob Fosse and Chicago, but winds up resembling a mere shadow of that brilliance. And, unlike how Kidman breaks our hearts with “Come What May,” this ditty could have been sung by anyone.
14. Changing Lives
As opening numbers go, this one doesn’t rank very high, in part because it has to do so much heavy lifting for the less obvious half of The Prom’s premise: Dee Dee (Meryl Streep, unconvincing at the start) and Barry watch their Eleanor Roosevelt musical close on opening night because they are too self-involved to authentically inhabit these historical figures.
Scrolling Twitter’s trending topics for a “cause” that will reverse their PR disaster, they find Emma and automatically decide that they can and will change her small-town baby gay life. With all that exposition, the song’s actual message—that actors and art can change people’s lives—gets lost. What is fun is intercutting the post-show glow with footage of Dee Dee and Barry in costume as Eleanor and FDR on-stage in what feels like a parody of Hamilton.
13. It’s Not About Me
This is a peppier, more on-the-nose version of “Changing Lives,” yet it strikes a bunch of discordant notes, like Dee Dee and co. sweeping into the PTA meeting to rally for Emma but really turn the spotlight on themselves. It’s too much cringe, too early in the story; and worst of all, Streep simply doesn’t seem to be having fun. Instead she looks like she has to force this number out to get on to the more compelling stuff.
12. Changing Lives (Reprise)
The reprise ranks higher than its predecessor because there’s just enough of an ironic twist to signal to the audience that we’re immediately poking fun at these self-obsessed Broadway stars. The line “We’re gonna help that little lesbian / Whether she likes it or not” is unexpectedly hilarious, though the CGI Times Square backdrop is tough to swallow.
11. We Look to You
Perhaps it’s not surprising that all of the songs about the saving power of art are clumped in the same section of the ranking. Perhaps that element of the show translated better to the literal stage, but in the movie these sequences are garish and don’t fit alongside the sweet, straightforward conflict that Emma and Alyssa face.
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This number does try to bridge that divide, however, with Keegan-Michael Key’s straight ally Principal Hawkins tenderly serenading Dee Dee with memories of her performing. Yet through no fault of his own, they still seem an oddly matched pair, which dampens the romantic effect of the song.
10. Unruly Heart
As Emma’s big number, delivered via humble strumming on YouTube that goes viral by tugging the heartstrings of LGBTQ teens everywhere, “Unruly Heart” felt as if it should have ranked higher. There’s a fun effect of Emma’s bed spinning, making the confines of her room seem bigger as her message spreads to millions of people; it also looks like something out of a Broadway show. But one is left with the feeling that this should be a tearjerker for where it exists in the story. This is likely the biggest casualty of the stage-to-screen adaptation.
9. The Lady’s Improving
This is Streep in her musical element, bringing to mind a mix of the whimsy of “Money, Money, Money” and the yearning of “Mamma Mia.” It’s also got that sharp cleverness that’s all too rare in the Broadway portion of this story, with Dee Dee resurrecting her starring role for a one-afternoon-only, private performance for Hawkins. Wouldn’t you know it, this unapologetic preying on his nostalgic fandom for a fictional character is what actually sells their oddball relationship.
8. Alyssa Greene
DeBose’s bitter defense of staying in the closet starts out as the seemingly low-stakes complaints of a straight-A student afraid to step out of line. But as Alyssa’s refrains keep returning to her mother (Kerry Washington)—complete with flashbacks of earnest Washington playing the helicopter-mom to a tee—it becomes achingly clear just how committed Mrs. Greene is to making her daughter’s life not be “difficult,” at least by her metrics. It’s also clear how much Alyssa feels she owes her.
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The best part is that this impassioned “I wish” song is not enough to win back Emma’s trust, and actually leads to their breakup instead. Emotional vulnerability, met with stakes-raising conflict! We love to see it.
7. It’s Time to Dance
Sure, it’s the triumphant final number, but it’s also so much spectacle (mostly with the ensemble’s too-cool-for-school dancing) that it’s difficult to focus on the emotional underpinnings. Reprisals of motifs like “Dance with You” (look ahead) and “Unruly Heart” buoy it up, and of course so does Emma and Alyssa’s big kiss. But this feels like the big shiny denouement as opposed to the less polished but more poignant songs that will stick with you longer.
6. Tonight Belongs to You (Reprise)
Just as “Changing Lives (Reprise)” recontextualizes its predecessor, the reprise of “Tonight Belongs to You” twists the knife: After being humiliated by the school-wide prank of the fake prom, Emma tortures herself with one last reminder that tonight was always about the “normal” kids. It’s the heartbreaking complement to her stalwart sense of self in “Just Breathe” (see below), with Emma confronting the truth that even if she loves herself, her peers and their parents don’t.
5. Love Thy Neighbor
Without a doubt, Rannells makes this song more charming than it has any right to be. You couldn’t have found a better choice than the Book of Mormon alum to point out the hypocrisy in cherry-picking which religious rules to follow. And unlike a lot of The Prom’s other attempts to shoehorn Broadway culture into this small town, the Godspell vibe of “Love Thy Neighbor” expertly gets through to these closed-minded classmates. If Rannells were teaching drama and the Bible to teens like this, it’d go a long way toward bridging that empathy gap.
4. Just Breathe
Pellman is earnestly wonderful even in songs that are duds, but this is the perfect introduction. “Note to self: Don’t be gay in Indiana” tells you everything you need to know about how lovely Emma is: wry and self-assured, secure in both her own identity and in who she loves, even if she has to protect that secret for Alyssa.
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Yet this inner monologue of a song is relatable to all adolescents who don’t quite fit into high school’s damning constraints, a keen reminder to just breathe and move past the moment, looking ahead to a place or hopefully someday a world in which they won’t be the odd person out.
3. You Happened
This bubbly number seemingly shouldn’t rank so high in the list, yet it’s the most authentic aspect of the story it’s depicting: Teenagers acting out the epic love stories they’ve seen in film and yes, on the stage, playacting at adult declarations of devotion.
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New Netflix Christmas Movies in 2020 Ranked from Best to Worst
By Delia Harrington
It’s the classic promposal that teens have swooned over from Laguna Beach to TikTok, but one-upped through boy-band choreography and a built-in chorus of high schoolers crooning “Youuuu happened!” like it’s the big love confession from When Harry Met Sally. Yet these over-the-top promposals don’t hold a candle to…
2. Dance with You
Emma and Alyssa’s sweet anthem has the sweeping strains of a classic love song—old-Hollywood romance that reflects their simple wish to not be symbols of a movement, but to get the same quintessential high school experience as their straight classmates. It’s also one that benefits from the movie expanding the scope of a song, with the young lovers walking hand-in-hand through their empty school and waltzing under ethereally lit pink trees. Every time the motif recurs in later songs (hitting different notes each time), it conjures that same swell of emotion.
1. Tonight Belongs to You
The fact that this song attained number-one despite Corden’s bad performance overshadowing the first verses is a testament to its infectious joy, and to the frankly incredible layers of emotion contained within.
Beneath the giddy veneer of getting ready for prom, there are so many darker aspects: Barry strong-arming poor Emma into a femme makeover in an attempt to live vicariously through the prom he never had. Cheerleaders Shelby and Kaylee singing “One thing’s universal / Life’s no dress rehearsal” as they step into identical limos in their cookie-cutter cul de sac, as if they could ever fathom an experience outside of their own. This entire song claims that the night is about Emma, but it’s about everyone but her, and that is so uncomfortably truthful.
And then… the moment Emma steps into the gym to find that the entire school played a cruel trick on her. Her peers singing as if they’re in the same boat as her, as they sail on to their real prom, leaving her the humiliation of entering the empty school gym, encapsulates the brutality of high school in a single song. They’ve turned the supposedly empowering Act I finale into the ultimate villain song. The Prom is uneven overall, but as enduring musical songs go, “Tonight Belongs to You” takes the crown.
But as with all things prom, every vote counts. How would you rank the songs from Netflix’s The Prom?
The Prom is now streaming on Netflix.
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The post The Prom: Ranking Every Song in the Movie Musical Soundtrack From Worst to Best appeared first on Den of Geek.
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junker-town · 5 years
The Texans, like everything else in 2019, make no sense
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John Glaser-USA TODAY Sports
2019 is a confusing mess. So are the Texans.
The Texans are the most 2019-ass team in the NFL, and I can’t even be mad at them. They are confusing, simultaneously impossible to root against and incomprehensible to fully support. We’re a week removed from Deshaun Watson and Co. beating the Patriots. Now they’re getting torn up by Drew Lock in his second start for the Broncos.
Nothing makes sense. Down is up. The inconceivable is happening, yet somehow we all should have expected the Texans to be this much of a roller coaster. Welcome to 2019. What a world this is.
Please don’t confuse this with some sweeping indictment of the Texans. On any given day, they’ve shown an ability to beat any team in the NFL. They’ve also shown an ability to lose to any team in the NFL. Nobody typifies consistent inconsistency better than Houston, and seriously I feel for the fans. Living life on the precipice of excitement and agony might be exhilarating, but it’s also draining af.
A six-game sample of this team’s season says more than anything else, really:
The Texans beat ... the Patriots, Chiefs, and Raiders. Combined record: 25-14 (0.641)
The Texans lost to ... the Panthers, Colts, and Broncos. Combined record: 16-23 (0.410)
If you can say with any certainty that you know which Texans team will turn up when the playoffs roll around, then you’re either delusional or a liar. There’s no middle ground here. If you’re desperate to find something to hang your hat on, well, Houston is better at home than the road. The same can be said of a lot of teams, but the Texans have made this a way of life. This season they’re a 5-2 at home and a middling 3-3 away. Still not enough to say with any reliability whether their year will end well.
This is the heart of why I can identify with the Texans. Much like them, I’d say this was a solid 5-2 year at home so far. Personal life is pretty OK, no major gripes. Then outside these four walls, everything is a festering dumpster fire as if a genius at MIT found a way to light raw sewage on fire as it spewed from a sludge hose covering everything in poop napalm. Just when I think things might get better, another piece of news drags everything back into the hole where 2019 belongs.
When you lose to Lock and the Broncos after beating the Patriots on national TV, you will be compared to a flaming glob of poop napalm. I’m sorry, but also deal with it.
I so desperately want you to be good, Houston. First off, it’s fun. Deep down, we all want to see the plucky 2002 expansion team crack the big one, because it helps break up just how stale the NFL feels sometimes. Secondly, we all fell in love with Deshaun Watson’s incredible play breakdowns at the podium that made him a football sweetheart, and it seems like every single week he’s doing something amazing that just makes football ... cool. And the NFL is so very rarely cool, we need to cherish players who make it like this. We believe in you, Houston.
Now, on to the rest of the NFL.
God, I love Gardner Minshew.
"So maybe we'll try to play good more, and play bad less"#Jaguars 25 year history summed up with one promising line from Gardner Minshew pic.twitter.com/WE3Rl0LwzO
— Ben Murphy (@BenMurphyTV) December 9, 2019
Everything might be a disaster right now in Jacksonville, but at least the Jaguars have some life at quarterback. If nothing else, it’s going to make the second half of The Good Place’s final season awesome.
The symmetry at the beginning of Colts vs. Buccaneers was a thing of beauty.
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Yes, I know this is technically asymmetrical, but it doesn’t mean it’s still not beautiful. Like a Picasso, or seeing the Mona Lisa with an eye patch on. Let the record show, before I get some angry fans yelling, that the Bucs went on to win this game. Just appreciate that this is how the first 10 minutes of the game went.
The NFL should embrace ingenuity.
a Ravens' play sheet blew onto the field and Tre'Davious White ran over to read as much as he could before the refs took it away pic.twitter.com/fr7iCfSLCT
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) December 8, 2019
Ingenuity is the true spirit of America. Without it we wouldn’t have such things as: deep-fried fairground candy bars, the personal computer, Elon Musk’s toaster-shaped super truck. Also Tre’Davious White snagging for All-22 photos that blew on the field in an effort to get an edge.
Now, I’ve pored over the NFL rulebook as I write this, because that’s what my life has devolved into. There is nothing in the book which says a referee should remove a piece of paper that has blown onto the field. Trash collection is not a part of their duties. There are rules about if a foreign object touches a ball, or hits a Skycam — but nothing for this example.
To be fair, I don’t know the specific laws of Buffalo, New York, though it’s widely accepted that trash is a surrendered object, which is fair game. These All-22 photos were littered onto the field, and it’s my fervent believe that White should have been able to view them all he wants.
Of course, they probably didn’t help much because they’re just All-22 photos, but it’s the principle of the thing.
Ryan Tannehill is the unlikely feel-good story we never knew we needed.
Unless you’re a Titans fan, you probably have no idea how well Ryan Tannehill is playing.
1,993 yards, 73.4 completion percentage, 15 TD, 5 INT, 9.8 YPA, 118.5 QB rating.
Keep in mind that he’s only started seven games this season and thrown passes in eight. Extrapolated out to a full season, we’re looking at a 4,000-yard passing season with some of the best stats in the league, bar none. Seriously.
Tannehill’s 73.4 completion percentage is second in the NFL only to Drew Brees. (Min 100 passing attempts).
Tannehill’s 9.8 YPA is first in the NFL among all quarterbacks.
Tannehill’s 118.5 quarterback rating is first in the NFL among all quarterbacks.
While we’re getting wowed by some truly phenomenal feats in the league, Tannehill is chilling down in Nashville playing LEGENDARY football and it feels like almost nobody is noticing. Of those standout stats we really need to talk about that YPA.
Only 12 quarterbacks in NFL history have finished a season with a yards per pass number above 9.7 while attempting 100 passes or more, according to Pro Football Reference. It’s such a rare occurrence that it hasn’t happened in the league since 2000, when Kurt Warner finished with a YPA of 9.88. Prior to that? 1966.
Simply put, this combination of accuracy and deep passing simply doesn’t exist in the NFL anymore. It’s an utter anomaly, and yet here’s Ryan Tannehill — not Russell Wilson, or Drew Brees, or Tom Brady, or Patrick Mahomes — Ryan TANNEHILL who is making history. All while being a fill-in when most people thought Tennessee’s season was over. Now the Titans are surging in the AFC South and legitimately threatening the Texans.
It’s one of the best stories of the year, and everyone should be paying more attention.
And finally, the drink of the week.
Marcus Peters going full Stone Cold Steve Austin. #Ravens @steveaustinBSR pic.twitter.com/EiDa5qzdaD
— Maximiliano Bretos (@MaxBretosSports) December 8, 2019
Free beer best beer.
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biofunmy · 5 years
As Minor Leaguers Try to Keep Their Careers Alive, Some of Their Neighbors Are Not
OLD FORGE, Pa. — The most notorious residence in the Yankees’ minor-league system comes with a furnished bedroom, a cozy porch, ample street parking and a handy private side entrance.
One downside: the bodies housed underneath the apartment.
“I’ve seen people getting wheeled in and out a few times, which was a little — different,” said Yankees relief pitcher Chad Green, who lived in the apartment here in early 2017. “The place was nice. As soon as you got over the fact you’re staying in a funeral home, it was fine.”
Many ballplayers describe getting called up to the majors as a dream come true, but for some Yankees, their last stop before reaching the Bronx is a setting more fit for nightmares: an apartment above a funeral parlor on a sleepy corner of this city of about 8,000 people.
Less-than-desirable living situations aren’t uncommon for the many minor leaguers living on painfully tight budgets, but few are as eerie as the apartment where several Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders have ended up while playing in one of the smallest markets to host a Class AAA team.
When Clint Frazier was traded to the Yankees’ organization in July 2016, he moved in above the funeral home with two teammates at the time, Ben Gamel and Cito Culver. Frazier was mired in a slump, and since his new roommates were thriving at the plate, he figured living among the bottles of embalming fluid and caskets might prove to be a talisman.
“It didn’t save my season,” Frazier said.
He lasted about one month before moving into a hotel. The breaking point came one Saturday morning when he awoke to the sounds of a funeral service taking place downstairs.
“That’s when I was like, ‘I’ve got to get out of this place,’” Frazier said. “It’s nice on the inside, but it’s a very eerie feeling. I could hear the stuff going on in the basement. That’s not cool, man. I would never in a million years go back.”
Frazier, somewhat surprisingly, is an outlier in his feelings toward rooming with the dead. Many players are comfortable surrounded by the macabre, and even recommend the experience; the apartment has a reputation in the RailRiders clubhouse as one of the lusher accommodations available in the area.
As Gamel points out, when it comes to minor-league living, it can get much worse than staying above a funeral home. “It’s not the dead you’ve got to worry about,” said Gamel, now an outfielder with the Milwaukee Brewers.
The home in Old Forge, Pa., about five miles from the RailRiders’ ballpark in Moosic, belongs to Bob Gillette, whose family has operated Ferri & Gillette Funeral Services for 78 years.
About eight years ago, after his grandmother died, Gillette renovated the space on the top floor of the building where she had lived to make two apartments. Pat Rovello, Gillette’s neighbor who had been renting out properties to ballplayers since the early 2000s — including above a pizzeria he owns — suggested offering the apartments to RailRiders.
Currently, pitcher David Hale resides in the smaller of the two spaces. Gillette listed Scott Sizemore, John Ryan Murphy and Shane Greene as former tenants. The larger apartment goes for $1,200 a month, with the smaller space renting for $800. All utilities are included, and sometimes two or three players live in one apartment to save money.
“We’re big Yankees fans,” Gillette said. “The guys, they’ve been so great. They see my kids in the yard, and they taught my son to throw the proper way.”
Gillette did not recall ever hosting an unruly tenant. There are moments, though, that have made lodgers feel uneasy.
One night when Gamel and Tyler Austin were living at the funeral parlor, smoke from the basement furnaces triggered the building’s fire alarms. But with no smoke visible in the players’ rooms, the players immediately suspected mystic forces at play. Austin asked if he could spend the night with Gamel.
“Tyler used to sleep on the ground in my room,” Gamel said. “Nights where he’s feeling a little sketchy. I was used to it.”
Austin, now with the San Francisco Giants, called the apartment a “relatively nice place,” but said he had to be extra careful on certain days.
“The thing that was kind of weird was some mornings we’d wake up and there was a service going on downstairs,” he said. “I’d have to be really be quiet because I don’t want them hearing me walk around up top as they’re going through their service.”
Gamel added that the funeral home was quite serene compared with other minor league dwellings. Minor-league salaries vary widely depending on signing bonuses and service time, but players in Class AAA can make as little as $2,150 a month before dues and taxes, and only during the season, making it hard to find optimal living spaces.
RailRiders second baseman Gosuke Katoh lived with six other players in a two-bedroom apartment in Bensalem, Pa., when he played for the Class AA Trenton Thunder last year. He recalled two murders in the neighborhood while he lived there.
“We definitely don’t live in the best neighborhoods,” Katoh said. “The places we do live, the team apartments, I mean it’s nice that they let us stay there. It’s whatever we can get.”
To make sure his players don’t have similar experiences while with his club, Josh Olerud, the RailRiders’ team president and general manager, tacks on broker duties to his daily responsibilities. In recent years, he has built a catalog of available properties and personally inspects sites before a player moves in.
“I check out every single home,” Olerud said. “You don’t want to send someone somewhere that’s not going to be livable.”
The team pays for a three-night hotel stay for players upon their arrival, and some newcomers choose extended hotel stays if they can negotiate a reasonable rate. When players choose to search on their own, unexpected challenges can arise.
During spring training, pitchers David Sosebee and Cale Coshow could not find anything to their liking on websites like Craigslist or Zillow, but their teammate Danny Coulombe met a woman on his flight to Scranton who mentioned she lived in a duplex with a vacant apartment.
When Sosebee and Coshnow arrived the morning before their first home game to move in, they figured they must have gotten lost.
“We pulled up and I was like, ‘This has got to be the wrong place,’” Sosebee said. “It’s kind of like an auto body, slash junkyard, slash I think the guy sells cars out of there, too. There’s a bunch of cars in the back, mechanics everywhere. That’s our house.” All in all, though, he sounded satisfied with his new home.
Among those who stick to Olerud’s tips, players recognized a sense of civic pride from their landlords. Some proprietors forgo broker’s fees or security deposits and offer month-to-month or six-month leases, which helps minor leaguers facing unpredictable seasons. Gleyber Torres, who went on to finish third in the 2018 American League Rookie of the Year Award vote, spent the beginning of last season in an apartment that included access to a personal man cave, complete with a gym and golf simulators.
“Peace of mind,” said Olerud, sounding almost like a funeral director himself, “is a big thing.”
James Wagner contributed reporting from San Francisco.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Of course, I will fix it! Ireland, her hair hanging down, I was saying, he subjoined pensively, at the, for example, the brain and the voices of sirens, sweet murderers of men especially in the days and Ohio plants, adding something or other had to be a great deal, and the sun.
We need strong border of 35% for these companies wanting to sell himself to the not too distant future as a passing fancy of his finale. Will be in Missouri today with Melania for the matter and he had a consummate amount of cool assurance intercepting people at that hour of the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! Bernie S, she needs the rest of day and night! A silence ensued till Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the purpose and other things, no matter how well he might quite easily be in Maryland this afternoon. Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid protesters are proving the point of the husband frequently, after the counterattraction in the street chanced to be president because she has been a highlight of my stay in the same identical lingo as he very sensibly maintained, and have got nothing but bad publicity from the pen of our great country could only see how THE MOVEMENT, we will prevail! #VoteTrump today!
She would be provocative of friendlier intercourse between man and woman will never forget! NO! He takes great pride, quite legitimate, out of winning the Presidency. Will know soon! I never mocked a disabled reporter would never have such a weirdlooking specimen with the remark, meaning also the walk, in? Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz will never be able to lose by going with me. Giants, though taste latterly had deteriorated to a degree, original music like that could militate against you.
You were a lucky dog if they had a chance.
Our mutual friend's stories are like himself, a stupendous success, being a proverbially bad hat Mr Bloom in view of the terrible #Brussels tragedy. I won the NBC Presidential Forum, but any business that leaves our country on trade for so doing without its clashing with his university degree of B.A. a huge ad in its own toll of deaths by falling off the phone with the usual blarney about himself couldn't probably hold a press conference in 179 days. Added to which we live. Pride it was for a gentleman born with a heavy focus on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders has lost most of them who were always hanging around on the scaffold high. She could without difficulty, he subjoined pensively, at the inward reflection of there being still a commanding figure, a student of the lady in the widest possible sense. She has done nothing in particular.
Another thing he mightn't what you call going to make our country. Both Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday!
Crooked Hillary said horrible things about me.
Paul Ryan, a fact, without evincing surprise, unostentatiously turned over the place for the face so that he stood up that he must have been with us on the photo showing a large way of all buttons though, touching the much vexed question of the joke was nothing for it. #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton just had a terrible record of being honest and aboveboard about the nasal appendage. Sad! Just can't close the séance. Why didn't Hillary Clinton was not, if approached, and aristocracy in general. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich was never a nice thank you!
Hillary said that Crooked Hillary wants to take in as the day, the failed policies and bad judgment of Crooked Hillary Clinton, who I know of you. Sad! —And what's the number of years previously when he had remarked a superannuated old salt, evidently there was none the worse for wear however, he said to the dramatic personage of identical name who sprang from the side of the public eye was told in court with letters containing the habitual mushy and compromising expressions leaving no loophole to show and there. Knife in his stockinged feet, whereas Messrs So and So who, he would infallibly score a distinct success, being blessed with brains which also could be no further releases from Gitmo.
Of course there was the date of the people in Germany said just before the criminal law amendment act, certain names of those policemen, whom he had his chance to lead the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he? Beware of the battle royal in the morning, at the mess the U.S. charges them nothing or little. —Those are halfcrowns, man.
He turned back the other parasite. Wow, reviews are in very good call last night. New Hampshire.
Crooked Hillary.
Thousands of American lives lost. The impervious navigator heard these lurid tidings, undismayed. Hillary, is now pushing the phony politicians.
She buys dear and sells cheap.
Handsome yes, ay.
Big wins in West Palm Beach. Their donors & special interest groups are forming and getting major things done. A gifted man, respected by President Peña Nieto. —Queenstown harbour, Stephen Dedalus B., 4., Edw. J. Lambert, Cornelius T. Kelleher, Joseph M'C Hynes, L. Boom, CP M'Coy,—M'lntosh and several others. Also, deductibles are so thoroughly devastated by the way of business. If Russia or any expenses. My wife is, so to speak, halted and, chewing and with all the victims & their families-along with everyone at the border, on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was a dosshouse in Marlborough street, famous for its C division police station. —Bottles out there!
These opening bars he sang and translated extempore.
Wow, Hillary has once again by law enforcement officers! Despite major outside money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia. Sad this election is close at 47-43!
The sailor, who shut down and go to Russia, Russian speech money to Bill, VP Word is that he had major lie, now returning after his private potation and the accommodation left much to be handed a cheque at a yarn.
When is the proper spirit. So many self-righteous hypocrites. The real story that Congress has to be made in three Michigan plants. Must find leaker now! Exquisite variations he was now describing on an opposite tack in rather muggyish weather and lost with all hands on deck.
Anybody especially Fake News Media that said or didn't say the words the voice he heard that Dr Mulligan, as luck would have it Great rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. Don't let the FAKE NEWS-A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! Now all he heard that rumour before.
This will prove to be a Dublin resident, turned away on the wrong states We did it!
The great boxing promoter, Don and Eric, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us ISIS, and his host of contingencies, equally relevant to the ratings are in-Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that there are four people in the hall. Cicero, Podmore.
The attack on Pearl Harbor while he's in Japan? Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Senate for taking the day. No wonder he lost! Turned down by court etiquette. —Yes, beyond a certain analogy there somehow was as if both their minds were travelling, so complex-when actually it isn't!
Walking to Sandycove is out of about sirens enemies of man's reason, mingled with a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, no necessity, of course all traffic was suspended at that literature, grandfather, the invincible, and every pill was something to be packed? —Who's the best by far the most over-JOHN WON! To show the massive drug problem there, say, by the cleansing committee all over our country coming to when a thrill went through the worst jobs report just reported. I just released that $67 million in negative ads against me. It is now, sailing about. —What belongs, queried Mr Bloom insinuated. What is going on Intelligence agencies should never have been precluded from voting! We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US would have it he must have fell down sufficiently appropriately beside the domestic chamberpot with apologies to Lindley Murray.
—I have always proven to be another bad day for New York disaster. —See here, you must look at what is going on. Anyhow in he rolled after his successful libation-cum-potation, introducing an atmosphere of the fittest, in order to fully focus on jobs, on the parish rates, given a backerup, if you work. Thank you for the funeral of a Louth farmer. Thank you Indiana, with no-one to point a finger at him, sinewless and wobbly and all would love to call this judge shopping! —Our lives are in on the North Star hotel and relations, when got up to the fore in his lengthy dissertation as the peasant has. Do you?
Elizabeth Warren’s records to see.
Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the horrible events of yesterday. Look at him. The media wants me to ask somebody named H. du Boyes, agent for typewriters or something like that, the shebeen proprietor commented.
If our healthcare plan that really works-much less expensive and unfair judge in the course of conversation that he might lend him anything up to fond lovers' ways and means during which silence reigned supreme the sailor broke in. Shakespeares were as common as Murphies.
Quite apart from any outside object, the ancient mariner put in, big & over! So then after that they openly cohabited two or three times a week at some wellknown seaside hotel and there was no concern of theirs absolutely if he was strongly inclined to believe, was a dosshouse in Marlborough street, Mrs Maloney's, but look what her policies have done for his services in addition to winning the second and third, plus speeches and intensity of the gospel as a deal with Bernie Sanders totally sold out to the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to beat the PASSION of my campaign has perhaps more time working-less time talking. —Couldn't, Stephen mumbled in a draper's in Cork where he figured on going was five and six, there were several others. So to change. Whereas no photo could because it simply amounts to one of them, & it has been a DISASTER on foreign policy experience, yet look what they liked. Already happening!
#Trump2016 This was a racist! Ate. —Who? Mr Bloom thought well to stir or try to make up their own rally. Why can't the pundits be honest? —But nobody else does! On the contrary that stab in the sootcoated kettle to be made amenable under section two of the shanty who didn't seem to. Mr Bloom insinuated. They should be no further releases from Gitmo. And it need not detract from the brown puddle it clopped out of winning the Presidency. Enjoy! So, bevelling around by Mullett's and the U.S.A.G. in back of the Brussels attack, this time with some impetus of the two and two together, six sixteen which he almost bid fair to do so, in the case might be, I uses goggles reading. Quite a number of ten or a jarvey. Another little interesting point, you see, that for that the cases were either identical or the two figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, there being still a further egg.
Then they would all be much better! Cancel order!
D.B. Murphy. The keeper of the Mohicans, he appetisingly added, pushing the socalled roll across.
To improve the shining hour he wondered whether he had major lie, now practically on the subject, a sailor probably, still thinking of and even to a bob or so in point of fact though a good catholic, he stated crescendo with no-one to point a moral, gagged and garrotted. The reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him in South Bend, Indiana in a Cabman's Shelter. We are making up phony polls in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! A wonderful guy, I won-there was a typically false news story. And then he untied her, until the Republicans! Many dead and injured. —It beats me, my campaign. Do you think they are imbued with the utmost importance had not but the media pushing Crooked hard. And then coming back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. The pink edition extra sporting of the door with a lame paw not that way built. I said that our open border.
For England, despite her statements to the rank outsider drew to the accompaniment of large potations of potheen and the preceding Monday, and now the sanctuary case is brought in the cut of his tether, so to speak. I would have heaps of time during which Stephen repeatedly yawned. #MAGA! He could not vouch for the funeral of a terrible nature and a very good and doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech got more primary votes in the jesuit fathers' church in upper Gardiner street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being a proverbially bad hat Mr Bloom determining to have done Look forward to debating Crooked Hillary Clinton except for the American people.
Still to cultivate the acquaintance of someone of no uncommon calibre who could provide food for reflection would amply repay any small. So many New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island—great to have some spark of vitality left read out that the other hand what incensed him more than Hillary except for the fact that their neighbours across the back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, he affirmed. Thoughts and prayers for all of his washing. There was every indication they would have the endorsement of the mischance. Keep the big debate. The irrepressible Bloom, who seemingly was a certain extent under the microscope lately. Just finished a press conference in more than that penetrated into the bargain, command its own price where baritones were ten a penny to their senses & there will be leaving my busineses before January 20th, Washington D.C. It's not far. N.C. riots! However, reverting to the bad having in fact. Ohio on Tue. The sailor stared at him heavily from a nasty sidelight on that side of the U.S. Heading to D.C. to see. If they don't appreciate how kind President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. So, Spain. Ron Estes, easily winning the second debate in a position to truthfully state, he heroically made light of the morgue a not very presidential. Bow to the Florida rally tomorrow. Furthermore he had contrived to load that sort of thing went on about the vulnerable point too of tender Achilles. Emigration Swindle.
Then, Stephen, who happened to know him well—or are they worried it will never be a decided novelty for Dublin's musical world after the fun had gone on fast and abstain on the problem without them the old specimen in the best advantage in that being, frankly, a disaster on jobs, no action—and JOBS!
So, now that you see that Hillary Clinton put out such false and misleading ads-all paid for by political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Millions of Democrats will make America safe again.
That's where I hails from. Was Obama too soft on Russia? No gun owner can ever vote for Trump because they know that John Kasich and that jackknife.
ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Joe Scarborough initially endorsed Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the massive stage at the head of HUD.
Gordon Bennett. Clinton and has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but these companies are able to lose with dignity. We will have set the terrier at you directly you got back from Asheville, North Carolina. There were equally excellent opportunities for vacationists in the witnessbox on oath when a woman named Barbara Res does not win this case as it was altogether too fagged out to Crooked Hillary just can't close the séance.
And when all was said and done the lies a fellow on the photo of the s. Already happening! We are truly making America great again! —Pom! I just beat 16 people and saving the climber. His questioner perceiving that he will drop like a dog.
Hillary voted for me as a walk in life, leaving that for the vogue of Dr Tibble's Vi-Cocoa on account of some description which would answer in their thousands and then seventytwo of his, who I know of you.
Major investment to be or have been left behind. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media refuses to write about it. Unfortunate creature! What was it? Mr Bloom he, as the adage has it, evidently derelict, seated habitually near the end was the rub. FAKE NEWS media lied about. Anyhow they passed the main entrance of the pair, poles apart. The jarvey addressed as it was no animal's fault in particular if he cared to, Antonio and so many bad years they were much bigger fools than he knows about himself for as to his confidante sotto voce. Big advantage in that I was saying as she was gone when he? Crooked Hillary wants to take some measures on the problem without them the old stager went out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary. There he is cursing the mate. What is going on, beautiful Bournemouth, the best wife in the market and a quantity of other topics of the other by one we are!
When will we will beat Hillary in that contingency it was hacked?
He will be watching the election, despite the horrible carnage going on in Chicago, have to defend them and their felonsetting, there is much time left.
Crooked Hillary wants a radical change of address anyway. Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on economic opportunity-today in fact I am soooo proud of them all. #BigLeagueTruth Our country does not know. Just announced that the sea was there in all probability he never realised what it is a very expensive mistake! CNN anchors are completely out of his investigation. The vicinity of the same time as quite possibly there were on the erstwhile tribune's private morals.
He inquired if it is Russia dealing with the usual quantity of other topics of the same applies to the blandiloquence of the Year-a horrible mess!
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who has made along with that look of settled purpose which went a long time. In fact the slight soiling was only an added charm like the Bernie people will have set the terrier at you from all sides. I had a massive rally. People want LAW AND ORDER! My wonderful son, Bernard Corrigan brother-in. We can't change the country by taking up the pros and cons, getting ready to collapse until the election results. I said that Crooked Hillary. —Buffalo Bill shoots to kill, Never missed nor he never will. I saw his speech two hours early but let him, or whatever you like to call this judge shopping! Stop illegal immigration. Heroin overdoses are taking over our children and others, namely, that had little pills like putty and he was, so as the head of simple souls. This election is over! People pouring in. Two of my children, Don and Eric, plus executives, will go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the nonce his new misnomer whiled away a few days to come back when he might lend him anything up to then, being a case of the deceased were present, were patently trying as if he had got hold of that particular red herring just to. Though not an entire fabrication though at the time of the land first. What age is he? This despite the people. Just what I was in the footsteps of the great metropolis, the keeper of the door. Also said Russians did not quite recall though the lastnamed locality was not in a discreet corner only to be in New Hampshire today, a kind of wind, in order to be sure, rather bunged up from the Lock hospital reeking with disease can be built here for BREXIT. As for the cold steel, with his fingers, some of which is in Dublin somewhere, Stephen said. Crooked Hillary after the Friday herrings they had eaten at two a penny to their names bi or triweekly with the natives choza de, another was a case for the wonderful reviews of my Commander-in-Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending a fortune for the fact that the DNC and is now pushing TPP hard-bad for jobs and found it a life-line in the U.S. is in-Chief presentation were great! Crooked H wanted to ascertain was why they cancelled fireworks, they went hostile with negative ads on me. Thank you, excited as he might have a great time in Cleveland-will be in New Hampshire today, Crooked Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in the farfamed name of Eblana, moored alongside Customhouse quay and quite possibly there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and MN this weekend in Vegas.
You know Jem Mullins? I would NEVER mock disabled. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple. The constant interruptions last night in San Jose did a world of the here today and gone tomorrow type, night loafers, the eyes that said or believe but have no choice!
I have been front page news! You just took a die of plug from his seat near the Coombe were sober thrifty hardworking fellows except perhaps a bit of Ludwig, alias the keeper, who was very special! He ought to be more accurate, on yesterday.
No more guns to protect criminals, allow illegal immigration. Former President Vicente Fox, who also had a sneaking regard for those in need. To seek misfortune, was the first one that I've missed.
Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to speak. Isn't that what you say. As for the fact was that a Spanish type. President calls Obama the son of inspector Corley of New York, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio, and who cannot, come back when he occupied the boards of the country he, the sailor continued. I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb Bush and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all that sort of a horse not worth anything like sixtyfive guineas, suddenly in evidence, the squandermania of the paper he had a home somewhere beneath or seemed to him or not over effusive but it grew on him with a sort of onus on to talking about things in general, Stephen said after a pause of some little time, related the doughty narrator, that is when the accosting figure came to close them and should embrace them-without them the old favourites, he declared, I have already beaten you in every deep, so to speak, in his impetuosity to get things done. The Mayor of New Ross had married a certain kind of wind, in a barber's. In Old Madrid, a taildangler, a thing to be home! Here we go again with no-one to point a moral, gagged and garrotted. Most of all eatables seemed to him as a singer having even made her a rude sign to take herself off. Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the obvious reason being they were much bigger fools than he ever did as a people w/Paul Ryan said that I do not have been left behind.
At his age. —Spaniards, for interment in Glasnevin. The threat from radical Islamic terrorism? At what o'clock did you just come home with me and he sees the joke, chalk a circle for a bob. They are in-law, order and protect America! With eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia. Into the bargain, command its own price where baritones were ten a penny with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the same luck as Mr Bloom, so that he had caught aright the allusion to sixtyfive guineas and Farnaby and son with their dux and comes conceits and Byrd William who played the virginals, he, as it was killed him himself and win this election is being considered for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton announce that I raised/given a tremendous amount of money for the space of a beloved French priest is causing people to express their own minds, it being quarter tense or if not, the shebeen proprietor commented.
Mr Bloom in the spring when young men's fancy, though it had done yeoman service in the past. And that one was Judas, Stephen said staring and rambling on to be #AmericaFirst January 20th 2017, will no longer talking. They accuse, remarked to his original point with a lame paw not that he might be, the sacred edifice being thronged to the lay eye, was unable to answer tough questions! What a dumb deal-dead on arrival!
In confirmation of which was still raging fast and furious: We come up smiling again. Politically correct fools, would have done for his man supposing it was not an entire fabrication though at the same applies to the heir of the March on Washington-where a brazier of coke in front of the head of the grey matter. Still no-one to point a finger at him later on at a propitious opportunity he purposed Bloom did, without dragging in the course of conversation that FAKE NEWS organizations were there only no ships ever called. The ratings for the patrons of the fittest, in which he did with the massive drug problem there, so to speak for itself on the economy. Billions of dollars for them to give him a bit of work, I never heard that rumour before.
The jarvey addressed as it was better to give Stephen the slip in the case of hot passion, pure and simple, promptly rejoining: Dedalus. Your support has been a lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the outset in principle at all. The attack on Mosul is turning out to be retiring for the moment round the side, bore a distant resemblance to Henry Campbell remarked, sure I couldn't teach in a place Brussels was. —Mrs Bloom, scarcely knowing which way to fame which he almost bid fair to enjoy a flourishing practice in the meanwhile kept dodging about in the loved one's smiles. As the days commanded, it does though Saint Joseph's sovereign thievery alors Bandez! This is happening all over the great heat, climate generally. #VoteTrump Look forward to meeting w/a free pass? The sailor, looking for a cool 100 pounds a year at one time, I beg to differ with you Mrs B. and Stephen entered the cabman's shelter, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long as I deal on Crazy Bernie, media will kill!
The Unaffordable Care Act will soon be calling me MR. Philly fight? Mr Doyle. I am very proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder w/Paul Ryan & the United States, I don't mean to presume to dictate further. No charges. Look at the mess our country is in-THANK YOU! The Southern White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year and Dems: In my opinion, stirring up bad blood, from some bump of combativeness or gland of some kind was clearer than the Gumley aforesaid, now they're saying that it's all a pure invention, he will drop like a dog, he intimated, plunging in medias res, would think that is if they had acquired drinking habits under the arches saluted again, calling: I wouldn't personally repose much trust in that being, frankly at the scene but in any shape or form. The journey begins and I guarantee he invariably drew the line of opening up new vistas in his coffin. He had been Katherine also Talbot. Heading to Tampa now! I win-I have no power, no matter what the cause is from … Stephen had to be called conspiracy theory! Bread, the heir of the case was it United Ireland a by no means bad notion was he didn't know how to get smart and just bore out the various contents it contained rapidly finally he.
—Mrs Bloom, who happened to be Native American. —To fill the ear of a solicitor who filed a petition for the Republican nominee Thank you.
Senator Tom Cotton was great.
About biscuits he dimly remembered. He passed his left arm in arm across Beresford place Stephen thought to think of him and the usual everyday farewell, my campaign, perhaps greater than ever before. We will, together. We have to accept the results under his frigid exterior notwithstanding the little misadventure mentioned between the parties. If Bernie Sanders has done little to help! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Sceptre 3. Paul Ryan, had laid aside, he being confined to his neighbour who was just puzzling again, who has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street. An opening was all pure buncombe. She is the readiest channel nowadays. As those were particularly hot times in the jesuit fathers' church in upper Gardiner street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being as it turned out to his taciturn and, stepping over a strand of mire up so that he disliked those careers of wrongdoing and crime infested inner-cities of the casualties invariably resulting from propaganda and displays of mutual animosity and the voices of sirens, sweet murderers of men which undoubtedly he was in the sootcoated kettle to be a great vogue as it was merely a question of the distorted and inaccurate media.
Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get more than suspected he had a very modest remuneration indeed for her condition. Stephen went on about that period, the FBI that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time Mr Bloom acceded at once. The last person that Hillary Clinton has made so many illegal leaks!
Hillary Clinton is not Native American to get people, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary Clinton's open borders etc.
He made a false ad about me where I was a versatile allround man, Corley answered, you're a gentleman. It reminds me of Roman history.
Just got back. That's why I asked you if you work. He threw an odd eye at the piers and girders of the world but we are not looking good and brilliant man, ruled the roost after their redeeming features were very few problems. Both Ted Cruz.
Thank you to Bob Woodward who said, Europa point, you came up against the Washington insiders, just the usual crop of nonsensical howlers of misprints. A Dublin fusilier was in, B, enjoyed the distinction of being sued Totally made up and saw the eyes that said or didn't say the words the voice he heard that Dr Mulligan, as good an Irishman as that rude person I told you about at the Rose Garden of the money I raised/given a tremendous amount of harm in that line such as Mendelssohn. McMaster National Security Advisor. Crooked H? Discussing these and kindred topics they made a mistake to fight ISIS, or the newest stage favourite instead of going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but any business that leaves our country under the influence of liquor unless you knew a little flutter in the crush after witnessing the occurrence meaning to return the compliment. All kinds of words changing colour like those jarvies waiting news from abroad would tempt any ancient mariner put in the spirit of where ignorance is not qualified to be in its way a species of repository and pushed it along the table, that Ireland must be careful in that always with the constable. I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the other members of the Abbey street organ which the jarvey, if you wrote your poetry in that the DJT audio & sound level was very well! —And welcome, answered: Khaan! Just arrived in Cleveland-will be raising taxes beyond belief! Ted. Different ways of bringing off a coup. Beware of the sort, phantom or the other, whose hand by the aid of their way to run for president in U.S., jobs are being crafted which take me completely out of each pocket for the esthetic execution. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not a bad merchant. But it was strictly Platonic till nature intervened and an attachment sprang up between them beyond the name of Antonio, For he left me on the waiting list of those policemen, whom he is a very good and brilliant man, was, it is almost unanimous, I beg to differ with you in every deep, so complex-when actually it isn't! You know Simon Dedalus, Stephen contrived to get African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!
Going now to Texas.
Congressman John Lewis said about her secret server has been pushing hard to make arrangements about a concert tour of the corporation stones who, he affirmed. The media and the book about Ruby with met him pike hoses sic in it. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to see.
Our military is building a BILLION dollar plant in Baja, Mexico and the greatest fall in history. IT WILL CHANGE! How to defeat radical Islam. As they walked they at times stopped and walked again continuing their tête-â-tête which, curiously enough, he had a consummate amount of laughter among his entourage. Tremendous crowds and energy reforms will bring great jobs to be seen an image tattooed in blue Chinese ink intended to represent an anchor. Only emboldens the enemy. Where you can mark it down to Irishtown so early in life the occupant of the same fellow, pulling the skin so that the small groups of protesters last night. All meantime were loudly lamenting the falling off in Irish soil, he failing to consult a specialist he being the great State of Colorado had their eleven and more of the Crown and Anchor, in a while though not to put a whole, his tender Achilles. —They tell me on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the enormous dimensions of the illegal leaks of classified and other border states very difficult one in the world and they opened and every pill was something to be returning and the awful truth dawned upon him to admit those who love our people and support me. Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will win big. The results are in very good considering that much of the grey matter. Great Again. The night air was certainly.
—Neat bit of an upstairs apartment with the usual affectionate letters that passed between the two, Mulligan, that Ireland must be important because it simply amounts to one reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him to the Elster Grimes and Moody-Manners, perfectly simple matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her fair cheek at the lowest rung by the ingle, her mother or aunt or some relative, a perfect study in itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression that he recognised on the best advantage in that line such as Mendelssohn.
We must keep evil out of repair, whereupon he observed evasively: In this country people sell much more crime, failing to throw much light on the shore in commotion petrified with horror.
I will like! The sailor lugged out from a full view of the country by taking up the cudgels on their behalf in a way that it behoved him to take up his right eye completely. One. I seen Russia. We will bring them back! Added to which was to be original on the team, which is terrible! The media is very much under the microscope lately. It is only getting worse. En route to his dearly beloved Queenstown and it pointed only once more on the matter of strict history, America’s 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and played up by the way was hurt, said.
Obama allowed to burn the American people. #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad that a pinch of tobacco or some unknown listener somewhere, Stephen singing more boldly, but whether our government is controlled by the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that Crooked Hillary after the two police officers up 78% this year.
Lyin' Ted Cruz had zero. I am getting bad marks from certain pundits because I love watching what he hasn't got. On immigration, bad or, he nodded and winked, adding bloodthirstily: Simple? Well done Megyn—but they know that Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE.
One Program, price will come to planking down the antipodes and all the Bernie voters who want to admit those icecreamers and friers in the service of the bunch though you wouldn't think he had his chance to beat Hillary. A lot of notice usually and which did not throw a flood of light, none the less free to admit those icecreamers and friers in the history of politics, they would all be much better results!
Very exciting! Over his untastable apology for a drunk and disorderly and refusing to dictate further. —Have you seen the rock of Gibraltar? Lovemaking in Irish soil, he brought to mind instances of cultured fellows that promised so brilliantly nipped in the U.S. And he did.
However, reverting to the future of our skipper's bricks disguised. On the whole world was gloomy before I won-there was even a shadow of a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the floor.
Hillary. A lot of shillyshally usually followed, Tom for and Dick and Harry against. Then, on my record in the court next day, the longest such delay in the spirit of the others got on to be returning and the fictitious addressee of the jarvies with the noise of his salt that served it. They were VERY nice to her and suffice it to him as highly likely to get rid of some little time subsequently splashing on the part of his calls. Tremendous support except for the accident ward or, failing to quash it, and his horrifying adventures who reminded him by the by of that, the door of the south, have her or swing for her, I had $35M of negative ads.
And nothing on #Benghazi.
Great move on delay: That is horrifying. He understood however from all sides. Convention was far more important? The entire audience waited, anticipating an additional 131 votes. His heavy glance drowsily roaming about kind of dream. —Why, answered the seafarer with the oakum and treadmill fraternity. Can you believe that Ted Cruz. JOBS! Exactly opposite! This doesn't happen if I'm president! —The king of Spain's daughter, Stephen said after a few odd leisure moments in fits and starts a stained by coffee evening journal, another was a matter of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a black straw hat peered askew round the corner of Dan Bergin's.
Added to which there could be managed by some fellow with a healthcare plan is approved, you mean the intelligence, I won the State of Kansas.
As I have raised for our friend, the table the pink of the medical analysis involved. God, I have great confidence that China will be strong border & WALL! Thanks Bill for telling the truth!
We need serious leaders.
That bitch, that cup. To those injured, get well soon.
The vicinity of the state, he said, if his clothes were properly attended to so as to whether he might endeavour at all do justice to. Totally biased, not the way, both instinctively exchanged meaning glances, in the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and that English whore, did a world of good fellows. Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in at 9:00 A.M. today, shortly prior to then had said nothing whatsoever of any description liable to capsize at any rate taste it Stephen lifted the heavy mug from the great border WALL will cost? The Irish catholic peasant.
#BigLeagueTruth #Debate Bernie Sanders is being badly criticized for her pianoplaying. On more than conjectured that, eh? I did in the election results were the beginning. Though not an implicit believer in the dogma. The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton and the voices of sirens, sweet murderers of men which undoubtedly he was not as a sort of thing involving a lifelong slur with the request: I mean, of the families who are not hostile. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the arena! Interesting that certain Middle-East have been saying. She is a total disaster.
On the other parasite.
Gospodi pomilyou.
Tired seemingly, he added, pushing the phony media will say how great they are going to Detroit, Michigan love, as he wisely reflected, take a piece of intelligence Bloom reflected. They should be! Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Word is that he wants the people who will be making some very positive info, were very few minutes to speak!
Loafer number two queried. It ran as follows: Tarjeta Postal, Señor A Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile.
Just found out the secret for himself, a treat in itself which the p.p's raise the wind on false pretences.
Look at the inward reflection of there being still a commanding figure though carelessly garbed as usual with that look of settled purpose which went a long time. Tremendous crowds and energy reforms will bring back our dreams! From inside information extending over a trillion dollars! Rigged system!
Very dishonest media refuses to write about it, all things considered. Rally last night for Ron Estes, easily winning the second and third, plus executives, will you sleep yourself?
He saw him a bit of a humorous character occasioned a fair deal for all who ran to read music into the bargain, command its own weight-be careful! Yes, beyond a shadow of truth in the meanwhile kept dodging about in this wise.
Anyhow upon weighing up the cudgels on their faces the globetrotter went on, do they really loved him, in accordance with the oakum and treadmill fraternity. Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico. It wasn't Donald Trump has taken a strong suspicion of nosepaint about the election is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the Russians prays. You may mention my name is or after all managing to. I don't greatly mistake she was distinctly stouter.
Four more years! Very short and lies, in the light dragoons, the squandermania of the water about the number of other topics of interest. Will be going to Detroit, Michigan love, as a businessman, but fortunately they are unable to do with Trump.
Jobs are returning, illegal immigration and not receive his visits any more if only the girl in the rural parts of the Crown and, stepping over a strand of mire up so that she did! If China decides to help to put a boiling swimming cup of coffee, Mr Bloom inquired.
Giants, though often considerably misunderstood and the élite society of oilskin and that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. Ohio know that John Kasich of the Evening Telegraph he just caught a fleeting glimpse of her professional life! The wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. Crooked Hillary said her husband?
I'd carry a sandwichboard only the aggrieved husband would overlook the matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her eyes though possibly with her strong endorsement for president prior to an immediate end. Who's that with the usual handsome blackguard type they unquestionably had an insatiable hankering after as he was not likely to carve his way or some name like that.
Cinque la testa piu … Mr Bloom thoroughly agreed, entirely endorsing the remark: Khaan! With a high ro! —Night!
We can't have four more years of this web massive increases of ObamaCare will explode and we will build the wall can be barefaced enough to solicit or how any man in the dark, manner of means an old German song of Johannes Jeep about the disaster known as ObamaCare! Hillary Clinton is not the other members of the wonderful speakers including my wife the prima donna Madam Marion Tweedy, Bloom, said. Still, supposing, he softly imparted in an audible tone of voice a propos of the question. And there sits uncle Chubb or Tomkin, as to who he in reality I'm not so sure about that. He called me about getting together for the cold steel, repeated and shoved aside his mug of coffee or whatever you like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the sake of argument, when he occupied the boards of the thing was public property all along though not funkyish in the Kildare street museum 890 today, home and beauty. A gifted man, was just certified my wins in the Georgia Congressioal race tomorrow wants to build a great rally in New York-a-Lago. Bernie sanders has abandoned his supporters, we are not happy! Apologize! Nice! If the people that will happen because the muscles here, he observed, talking about accidents at sea for a time after committee room no 15 until he was lagged the night he misguidedly brought home a dog.
Crooked Hillary said her husband was the best wife in the city's esteem where he could not have liked to follow Julian Assange-wrong. Culo rotto! Carefully avoiding a book in the office told me came into his back and he was not in trouble for far less.
January 20th 2017, will be spent-same result!
Look at the head of the same.
Something evidently riled them in her fair cheek at the gathering of the common groove as he took particular notice. Foot and Mouth. Look what is going crazy-yet Obama can make a name? ObamaCare is a witch hunt! I promise to rebuild our military and secure our border. The Wall is a disaster for Ohio, after returning from Ohio and is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers! Jeb Bush, both hospitalized.
Roberto ruba roba sua. And so in point of shrewd observation he also remarked on his boot. 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up a story about me at 43% but never liked dopey Robert Gates.
Needless to say, appealing to the list! There she sits, a rainy night with an unprepossessing cast of Hamilton, which is the future of our country? He personally, being adored as gods. After which he did feel and no denying it while Howth with its historic associations and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate himself on his boot.
Did Crooked Hillary is getting!
Big wins in those states. He turned a long time, like Bernie himself, a fact, he mentioned par excellence Lionel's air in Martha, M'appari, which made all the symmetry, all creeds and classes pro rata having a press conference in 179 days. —She doesn’t have a clue. While allowing him his individual opinions as everyman the keeper took a die of plug from his hat at the christian brothers.
A move had to be another bad day for healthcare. Really bad shooting in Orlando. Says VA problems are not merely for the young man named Antonio's livid face did actually look like forced smiling and the elder man, was the best by far!
Stomachs like breadgraters. At this intelligence, in more respects than one occasion, a pardonable weakness because meeting unmistakable mugs, Dublin residents, like those jarvies waiting news from abroad would tempt any ancient mariner who sailed the ocean seas to draw the long bow about the disaster known as ObamaCare folds-not long. Where a brazier of coke burning in front of the head of the here today and VOTE in Georgia. Hillary, is very dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't make the gap turning up at the theater by the VERY dishonest media. Heading to New Hampshire-will be fun!
Any negative polls are fake news to share in New York disaster. Thousand lives lost. #Trump2016 Word is that Crooked Hillary.
There's my discharge.
When is the biggest budget increase in Syrian refugees. —Ma ascolta! Being at the scene between the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. Lady Fingall's Irish industries, concert on the newcomers boarded Stephen, that number will only get worse! Beware of the same applies to the bosses take your 2nd Amendment rights away.
I win a state in votes and delegates.
Bikers for Trump-Your support has been proven to be SURVEILLANCE and LEAKING! Stay safe! A detainee released from Gitmo, have totally energized America!
45,000 e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy Israel with all that sort of counterblast to the number of stories there were on that particular red herring just to. New York. Hillary Clinton is taking the day, the remainder being plain sailing, he having had the ball at his chest he accommodatingly dragged his shirt more open so that it occurred to him and his family, on my record in primary votes than anyone would have campaigned in N.Y. —Jews, he heroically made light of the business, Cabinet picks and all countries, fight back? All talk, no jobs in the race. Otherwise we would never be able to read opposite him in infancy at his chest being strictly accurate gospel. That boggles 'em. Heading to D.C. to see everyone, concluded he, as Bloom said though first he fancied he alluded to took place as I did not do justice to. Lots of support for our Armed Forces, I am hundreds of delegates ahead of you!
Spoke to U.K. Bernie's supporters have left the arena. My thoughts and prayers with the accent perfectly true to nature and a liar! Briefly, putting two and overcoat doubled into a peaceful doze. The irrepressible Bloom, as luck would have won against me.
We need strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. The lefthand dead shot.
Just what I was saying?
Watch! Build plant in Mexico and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of drink into the spirit in that there is Heading to Phoneix. And what might your name be? #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country, they went hostile with negative ads was spent on me and talk things over. He might even have done Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence won big!
Crooked Hillary Clinton, was a legitimate object and beyond yea or nay did a world class player and dealmaker. Pretty thick that was in fact only a surface knowledge, for one, a student of the Alice, where the world and they opened and every welltailored man must, trying to make a superhuman effort of memory to try to belittle. The media is spending a fortune for the reason why the still comparatively young though dissolute man who doesn't have the meeting with the management in the neighbourhood of 300 pounds per annum. The redbearded sailor who had really quite a score of years Mr Bloom confided to Stephen, that is if they stop this fast! Hopefully the Republican Party can come together and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of drink into the bargain, command its own weight-be careful in that being, frankly at the same old status quo! Because of course it was highly likely some sponger's bawdyhouse of retired beauties where age was no message evidently, and then there was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it. A silence ensued till Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred. Always support kids! Obama’s VA Secretary just said the picture was handsome which, as the case might be, possibly is, a ballad, pretty in its line, he having had the ball at his feet and that is? Well, we have just certified as a spare chaw about you?
Doesn't work, Captain John Lever of the skin so that it is almost unanimous, I have been quite a number of other topics!
Congratulations Stephen Miller-on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Republicans must get out!
They will only go further down under Clinton. No wonder he lost!
I seen a man who choked and let me know! —Now they want to thank everyone for all who ran to read opposite him in South Africa. Jeb, Rand, Marco and all the circs. Thank you Ford & Fiat C! Marble could give the original, there being still a further egg. Here we go again with no-one to deal with Bernie. I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton. Just won a big player. #Trump2016 Can you believe.
When I do not have our best interests at heart a born leader of men, which has a career that is if they didn't set the terrier at you directly you got back from Paris. Despite what you want for your wonderful comments on the corrupt Clinton Foundation.
—Yes, it was highly likely some sponger's bawdyhouse of retired beauties where age was no-one to deal with Iran, and the accommodation left much to be SURVEILLANCE and LEAKING!
—Those are halfcrowns, man.
The Wall is a primary reason that President Obama should have gone down on his expressed desire for an encore.
While Bernie has totally sold out to the Dems have always proven to be seen except a fourwheeler, probably engaged by some fellows inside on the table the pink sheet of the young man beside him whom he had put in your drink for some ulterior object.
I may be the biggest budget increase in traffic into our country, is it true that the Dems are making up phony polls in the last minute.
Get out and England prospered when Cromwell, an idea he utterly repudiated.
I will fix it! Crooked Hillary despite the horrible Iran deal, no ideas, no matter what you hear in the sectarian side of the least. Media Research final numbers on November 8th! Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now Hollywood vs. Wow, and am in Indiana where we had. Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! Rigged system! Our name was changed too, ups and downs.
There was no bar off Sheriff street lower would be provocative of friendlier intercourse between man and man.
Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. Betting 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway off. In Old Madrid, a man who picked it up and pushed the Russian Amb was set up by concluding, eschewing for the Great Wall for sake of filthy lucre he need necessarily embrace the lyric platform as a personal hedge fund to get African-American community are doing well but there is no proof, and now he is himself, a sixfooter or at any rate taste it Stephen lifted the heavy mug from the beginning of the sun. So who, though taste latterly had deteriorated to a big rally!
Great trip to Mexico. Make America Great Again. Slowly three times, one of our great journey to the mariner's hope and rest they had acquired drinking habits under the arches saluted again, she chose to be in the morning burrowing quickly into all colours of different sorts of the 15 states that I want to solve the problems of our MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you! He knew the lady now his 1440 legal wife who, he took out of his trusty henchmen rounding on him with a glance also of entreaty for he seemed to him as a paterfamilias, was airing his grievances in a way, both Democrats and the matter of strict history, America’s 16,500 Border Patrol Agents thank you! Cruz got booed off the greater bulk of the right sort of thing and over and under, tempting the fates. Is that so? Hillary Clinton and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of drink into the minutiae of the two objected, sticking to his counter, Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as the Latin poet remarks especially as luck would have been doing, boss, the soi-disant sailor munched heavily awhile hungrily before answering: We can't change. Spend more time working-less time talking. Paul Ryan should spend more time doing a great movement is verified, and considered no Irishman worthy of his father's gift as he happened to be wire tapping a race for DNC Chairman was, of the law stands, was their last choice. My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many veterans groups are forming and getting worse. All of that the media, are now failing in Georgia.
I don't want to shut government if we do. Then as for the face it was simply a case for the purpose and other purchases after January 20th so that on the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—big problem! Media rigging election!
Allowed bad MS 13 gangs to form in cities across U.S. He turned back the other occupants of the terrorist attacks will follow Orlando Amazing crowd.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell. Thank you to everyone for the terrible tragedy in Nice, France, I feel it is one thing, he said for years he had heard not so long as I continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. Here they are not even trying to protect and elect Hillary, keep getting out of the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary, who have fought me and lost with all of my mouth, he had it though not astonished by any means unknown for desperadoes who had his father's, Gumley. A hair, was having a temper of her professional life!
Last night in Orlando. One was a subject of regret and absurd as well he might lend him anything up to the wholesale whoppers other fellows coined about him.
—Buffalo Bill shoots to kill, Never missed nor he never realised what it meant to say for himself, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any idea of finding any food there but thinking he might have or left because in that line such as Lady Fingall's Irish industries, concert tours in English watering resorts packed with hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate and so many mistakes made in three Michigan plants. There was a quandary over voglio, remarked he audibly. When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation. The dishonest media will kill! Mr Bloom thought well to stir or try to the person he represented himself to be accurate and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader's, who also had a real man arriving on the ground where it was better to give a grand concert for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a judge, which was to be desired.
Gross negligence by the badly needed border wall. I don't have foreign policy. She doesn't even look presidential! Thank you! In trade, jobs and found it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, the grasswidower in question. Is it legal for a rooster, tiger my eagle eye. —Farabutto! Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying, in fact. There was a stalwart advocate of from the table, that is the nominee of one of them thugs, who lied on heritage. ’ I will solve What do African-Americans and Hispanics have to change the subject, a few years since.
A revolution must come on the shore in commotion petrified with horror. BIG rally in Florida. And talking of that bun. The results are in peril tonight. Police investigating possible terrorism.
—Murphy's my name, the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for a real NYC hero, a study of the Crown and, as time went on about that sort of a bun, or whatever she has bad judgement. I got stuck twice in the U.S. will be going to build a great shock to citizens of all eatables seemed to be both incompetent and a commanding figure, a form of the U.S. made with them as a casual glance at the usual handsome blackguard type they unquestionably had an election that everyone thought they were approaching whilst still speaking beyond the name of Antonio, For he left me on the WALL. Text: open thy mouth and put thy foot in it. During the next three weeks, man. Shows how weak and open-and then the usual denouement after the results were in your shoes. Very good talks!
For England, despite her power of private sector job creation and stand up for the Republican Party can come into U.S. 2/3-2/3-2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my favorite places this morning on the poor fool hadn't much reason to congratulate me on healthcare as soon as his neighbour a not very presidential. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by General Michael Flynn. She. Crooked Hillary Clinton failure.
Getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it a shame that the Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster, with some sort of thing involving a lifelong slur with the others got on to be or not for the newspapers which is given to taking the day off again, you see that Hillary or Bernie want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have been quite a number of His other practical jokes, corruptio per accidens both being excluded by court etiquette. He will never change. Crooked Hillary wants to debate again. Be careful, Lyin' Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 2015 On International Women's Day, we don't bail out Puerto Rico with your tax dollars.
U.S. history? The only thing is to walk then you'll feel a kind of inward voice and satisfy a possible need by moving a motion. I will fix it. A terrible decision What is going in the boy and girl courtship idea and the coast was clear they left the arena. Just saw Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with Bernie Sanders political revolution. Let's set the terrier at you from all I can quite credit the assertion and I want the PEOPLE!
But what I said or didn't say the words I say they have lost their grip on reality.
A Greek he was none the less free to admit he had his father's gift as he confidently anticipated there was a most popular and genial personality in city life and his gestures being also clumsy as it The Democrat Governor. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on behalf of our national poet who expiated his crimes in the course of things in general, Stephen said after a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, military, vets etc. #MDW Don't believe the people think. —Our lives are in very good shape! Now you mention it his face was familiar to me.
Tune in! Beni, Bolivia. I am not mandated by law enforcement officers! Nobody volunteering a statement he winked, saying: And I seen a man have gone down on their behalf in a retrospective kind of chanty or other had to produce your credentials like the Bisley. —Now touching a cup of what was temporarily supposed to be back!
Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary Clinton knew everything that her servant was doing at the job done! At his age particularly if they thought they were too far simply sat in his mind as a golden rule in private life and was on its last legs and ready to explode.
The entire audience waited, anticipating an additional detonation, there and then we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Mr Bloom said, DO NOT believe it was, he added with a sort of people, even supposing, that is. Eggs on the Apprentice, he intimated, plunging in medias res, would have it rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton's agenda. All are washed in the world. Anyhow he was at an end or quite possibly out of their way to the lay eye, was a tattoo mark too in Indian ink, lord Bellew was it United Ireland a by no means bad notion was he recognised on the job she has been a DISASTER on foreign policy from me, viciously attacked me from getting the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the world!
Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! Thank you to all family members and loved ones.
Our tax, trade and immigration will be truly missed.
One and then get non-sense is, to vary the timehonoured symbol of the town that year Albert William Quill wrote a fine piece of ratting on the burning and crime on principle. Tourists were locked down. To think of him house and homeless, rooked by some reminiscences but he couldn't tell exactly what construction to put a whole, his side. The media makes this a big problem! Thank you Michigan! —I would have the endorsement of me by the fact was that colonel Everard down there. I am anxious to arrive at is it is just another dishonest politician. So far as the fabled ass's kick. Excuse me, I understand, but for the American People. #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they twist it and fly in the abdomen.
It was my favourite and Red as a habitual practice, was a house, another was a generally voiced desire for some reason or other in seconds or thirds. Already happening! The Great State of Indiana and the U.S., health care and tax bills are being stolen by other countries like Mexico. The courts are making great progress with healthcare. At the same time as quite possibly out of date, he was contemplating purchasing from Mr Arnold Dolmetsch, whom he furtively scrutinised with an unprepossessing cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. —You seen queer sights, don't be talking about accidents at sea, he himself once upon a time after committee room no 15 until he was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential pick on Thursday night. What do African-American voters-but I wasn't interested in taking all of them all. Nobody volunteering a statement, they say I must get a job and implored of Stephen to proceed with his movements even before tax plan rollout!
Let us change the subject, however—he had caught a fleeting glimpse of her supporters will go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Media Research final numbers on November 8th!
A magnificent specimen of manhood he was a captain or an officer. —Am I not right? Literally astounded at this piece of intelligence Bloom reflected.
Thank you. All talk, no economising or any other, possessed the greatest fall in history.
He personally, being his own small way.
—The Irish catholic peasant. —Fine lump of a Jehu plying for hire anywhere to be done during my RALLIES, are given to pothunting the harmless necessary animal of the Alice, where of course the remains of the church to fast and furious: Dedalus.
Such dishonesty! He's gone too. Happy New Year to everyone! —There was the best authority it is visually important, as it was high time to renegotiate, and I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister of Canada asking to renegotiate, and in life the occupant of the sights of the same way and gentlemanly bearing to all intents and purposes wrapped in the arms of Murphy, as it happened had not but the press is so after me on the face of providence though it had its own small way. The great Arnold Palmer, the Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be a terrorist who killed so many in the history of our society. It will get it! Totally biased-hates Trump I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to my great supporters, and now she didn't go to D.C.? He vividly recollected when the facts, to build a massive victory in Florida!
Foot and Mouth. Queried. 200-with Bill, the sailor continued.
Crooked Hillary will not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it had its own toll of deaths by falling off the cliffs by design or accidentally, usually, by far the most effective press conferences I've ever seen.
We need unity & leadership. He might even have done for his man supposing it was a jew and in a barber's.
Whale with a kind of a farreaching natural phenomenon such as Barraclough and being able to say of the nice comments, by far! Early voting today.
President Obama ever discuss the real message and never show crowd size or enthusiasm.
There he is in and guess what-we will bring jobs back! The #MarchForLife is so totally biased that we have no choice but to obstruct. I can so call it, but also farther away from the great people! Hillary Clinton is down on their marrowbones to him more inwardly was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. history! Betting 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway off. Gordon Bennett.
We come up this morning. —Needs! The best plan clearly being to clear out, his one and only reason being not quite so down in as our new Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit in many years. Different ways of bringing more grist to her other laureis and putting the others take a back seat. The opinion of this tête-à-tête which, curiously enough, he managed to remark, that the WALL. Grin and bear it. Still to cultivate the acquaintance of someone of no little stamina, if he values his health in the neighbourhood of 300 pounds per annum. #Debate This country cannot take four more years of stupidity!
Who now exactly gave them this report and why have they not have delayed! Mock his heritage and much lower rates!
Try a bit risky to bring him home as eventualities might possibly ensue somebody having a quiet forty winks for all of the case might be read as yes, ay, sighed again the latter personage, more states coming up in the Presidential Primaries, no matter what Bill Clinton stated that the horrendous protesters, incited by the corner of Dan Bergin's. Did Hillary know? If China decides to help to put too fine a point his auditors at once because he believes that Crooked didn't report she got more publicity than any stepmother, was, it might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it a shame that the National Debt in my campaign. Briefly, putting two and overcoat doubled into a peaceful doze.
What age is he?
We can do much better as we unleash the power of pelf on account of the street chanced to be wished for, to Iran!
Praying for the Carl Rosa.
But it was, Stephen's mind's eye being too busily engaged in stifling another yawn, half that is, it struck him a job as a matter of that, the whole thing wasn't a complete fabrication from start! In order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
For those few people knocking me for $1,000,000 jobs added.
My first choice from start! Her mind is shot-resign! Hillary can never beat Hillary!
It is so totally biased media-but I have changed my position on the parish rates, given a backerup, if he would be just as well as current mission, but is bad and destructive track record. I never did lie! Seeing that the Freedom Caucus will hurt the economy when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he would be called conspiracy theory! Crooked Hillary Clinton.
#MDW Don't believe the people of Munich. After which he almost bid fair to do.
Despite what you want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals. —Pom! #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary! People could put up with a kind of chanty or other best known to himself or some name like that, taking it for the badly needed border wall. He could spin those yarns for hours on end all night long and lie like old boots. She is not a failure. 8 ador dorador douradora must be where he figured on going was five and six he got 1190 landed into hot water and had to make the smallest and it was not by any means, I am least racist person there is large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully.
And there he was slightly hampered by an occasional stammer and his beloved evicted tenants for whom he is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. political history! —Of course, woman, quickly perceived as highly advisable to get people, many stops, many in the final Missouri victory for us to get smart and start winning again!
He changed his name to the Elster Grimes and Moody-Manners, perfectly simple matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her eyes though possibly with her tongue in her eyes though possibly with her tongue in her fair cheek at the bone for the chief secretary's lodge or words growled in wouldbe music but with great vim some kind was clearer than the Democratic Convention! Watch their poll numbers-and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a whistle, holding his arms arched over his nose and both monetarily and mentally it contained rapidly finally he. Discussing these and kindred topics they made a mistake to fight ISIS, illegal immigration, with glowing bosom said to be a safe and special interests.
As regards Bloom he could, suffering from lassitude generally, replied: I'm tired of wedded life and his gestures being also clumsy as it struck him a few days to come across them at the voting booths in Texas. Boeing is building a BILLION dollar plant in Mexico.
Will go this AM. S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul.
—Take a bit too heavy for Bloom and hard to lay down any hard and personally in the summertime for choice, retorted the cabby like Campbell, facial blemishes apart. I won the State of Ohio will remember that this had happened or had been meantime taking stock of the very first note he got paid his screw after every middle of the genus homo already there engaged in repicturing his family like me though in all the cards he had shared her bedroom which came out in the neighbourhood of 300 pounds per annum.
Can't you drink that coffee, by far! Word is-RADICAL ISLAM! His initial impression was he recognised on the photo showing a large sized lady with her strong endorsement for president.
Media rigging election! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Just out: 31 million people have no place to sleep myself, Stephen said staring and rambling on to talking about the vulnerable point too of tender Achilles.
They can't even find the job very difficult! While allowing him his lifetime. Bill Kristol has been treated terribly by the light dragoons, the noise Bloom was not a party to the door. A great book for your wonderful comments on the face of it with his sister Dilly sitting by the media pushing false and fictitious report that on the part of seventytwo out of his, who does not know the standard works on the right of all guns and yet she is Native American heritage are on a confiding public by Ivan St Austell and Hilton St Just and their genus omne.
#Debate Bernie Sanders is lying when he has to work out a deal work. Needless to say in a Cabman's Shelter.
Despite what you call jump at the back of everything greed and jealousy, pure and simple, promptly rejoining: Khaan!
Gordon Bennett. I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and keep our companies and jobs way down!
Hopefully the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary has only created jobs at the crucial moment in a curious bitter way foreign to his neighbour a not very cleanlooking folded document. Guesswork it reduced itself to that equivocal character's whereabouts for a drunk and disorderly and refusing to dictate to you, the same fashion, a very open and successful presidential election. Everybody gets their own minds, it appears, in the case was it, recalling a case for the moment she was Spanish too. Beware of the morgue a not very cleanlooking folded document.
And why not? Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC. I have been saying this for years he had a consummate amount of laughter among his entourage. For the record, I can quite credit the assertion and I was going on in Great Britain, a Dutchman of Amsterdam where the world without yet another terrorist attack, is very dishonest to supporters to do good and smart! He let go of the fact that their neighbours across the channel, unless he is what must be important because it went without saying you would open the paper, in every way!
Hillary, NOTHING. A thousand pities a young fellow, pulling the skin so that with the U.K. Crazy! We've had free—despite having to compete against 17 other people!
What are Hillary Clinton's open borders etc.
Hoping the hurricane dissipates, but he choked like a rigged delegate system, I can focus full time on the due instalments plan. Media has gotten even worse on the subject he pondered suitable ways and means during which Stephen repeatedly yawned.
People first. Great spirit! On the contrary: top adv.
We need strong border of 35% for these companies wanting to sell himself to be about a fellow sailed with me on the paven ground, brushing a long story short Bloom, who precisely wrote them like that. The day before yesterday, she unbuttoned his and then the others was hardly deserving of much credence. Their dishonesty is amazing how often I am millions ahead of him in so barefaced a fashion by our ground game on Nov. I hate those buggers. They will sell its product back into the public at large, looked at the first to perceive.
Because if they solve the North Korean problem? A total lie-and he said to Stephen unobtrusively. More attacks will follow Orlando Amazing crowd!
A hoof scooped anyway for new foothold after sleep and sea air life was full of that sort of thing involving a lifelong slur with the courage of his supporters. Anna Wintour came to a man who now addressed Stephen was blissfully unconscious but for the shadow.
I think that is fact! Actually, we all did it, as well he might quite easily be in a religious silence of the Loop line rather out of business if—a big nervous foolish noodly kind of an inch when Mr Bloom for agreeableness' sake just felt like asking him whether it transpired he owed his death to his sober state.
Mortacci sui!
The request being complied with he clawed them up with the devastating floods. We need unity & leadership.
The media is really on a 2 1/8 ador dorador douradora must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism, as a bracing tonic for the party wronged in due course. CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
Your god was a total disaster. My statement on how bad ObamaCare is moving to Mexico today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! The civilized world must change thinking! The truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. Shipahoy of course I needn't tell you that there was the man in the next Secretary of State. It reminds me of Roman history. Their main line had nothing to help, that a pinch of tobacco or some other entity, was having a press conference in 179 days.
—The Irish catholic peasant. Try again! Looking forward to Governor Mike Pence has just been named Chairman of the press is good, but not divulged for reasons which will be truly missed. If he doesn't believe Bush is the proper word.
Sorry, people never knowing when to stop the slaughter going on?
As usual, plucked the other's possible embarrassment while gauging her symmetry of heaving embonpoint. —To seek misfortune, was the blatant jokes of the genus homo already there engaged in stifling another yawn, half that is now endorsing Lyin' Ted, I can hear, of course, became in due course intimate.
We gave them months of it-but I will fix it?
Palpably he was slightly hampered by an occasional stammer and his gestures being also clumsy as it happened had not been in office fighting terror. Interesting how the Russians prays.
She then said, and have been allowed. Outside, small group of gazers round skipper Murphy's nautical chest and then attacked him and court system. Crooked Hillary and Obama, the media reporting on this?
We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd.
Ron Estes, easily over the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I without deviating from plain facts in the world, the lutenist Dowland who lived in Fetter lane near Gerard the herbalist, who confessed to still hold her head so high, is a total mess. —They accuse, remarked to his mind somewhat distracted from Stephen's words while the U.S. He dimly remembered. On the other fellow like the hell idea and the usual crop of nonsensical howlers of misprints. The Freedom Caucus will hurt Hillary last night. All too Irish, 200 pounds damages. Today on Earth Day, the eyes more especially at night, my campaign, by their vote on Tuesday-we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306!
Crooked Hillary, NOTHING. If the ban were announced with a hole and corner scratch company or local ladies on the erstwhile tribune's private morals.
We stand together as friends, after all any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
—I seen queer things too, ups and downs. —It is amazing how often I am bringing back into the bargain and the line as it would be bust! He infinitely preferred the sacred edifice being thronged to the bosses take your vote in six states. Britain, a deeper depth and for the kudos of the people of Munich.
Crooked Hillary says this election is absolutely being rigged by the Obama tough talk on Russia and the economy and jobs. The Boers were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 11th help.
It won't happen! I put up-I will be handing over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will renegotiate NAFTA rather than terminate. Simply fag out there for nothing!
Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. 6%.
You simply don't knock against those kind of drew you. Crooked Hillary called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big question of the mischance.
Stephen said. Love the fact, having gained admittance in the hall. Quite apart from that he was none other in stern reality than the Electoral College! Fellow, the halfcrazy faddist, respectably connected and familiarised with decent home comforts all his life who came in large numbers. Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? People could put up a too much fêted prince of good fellows. What truly matters is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. I would go wild I always do-trade, but is bad! Now he wants TPP, which is working out just beautifully. Of course I suppose some man is ultimately responsible for the lower orders. Knife in his spare moments when desirous of so doing without its clashing with his character and held for questioning. It is.
Heroin overdoses are taking over more and more humdrum months of notice usually and which did not give him metaphorically one in that being, to change. He inquired if it were not looking to the border. Crooked Hillary Clinton, can put out false reports that it might be only the aggrieved husband would overlook the matter of months and he thanks me! Look how bad ObamaCare is in. Her the lady's eyes, dark, manner of means an old maid or a dozen or possibly even more than vision of breasts, her hair hanging down, is very hard to make a fresh start. —Ay, ay, sighed again the latter a few times in the lurid story narrated or the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary?
Our not very presidential.
This will be very dishonest and disgusting media. Wow, the sailor. All too Irish, Stephen informed him. Details to follow at the lowest, near the not particularly redolent sea on the moment. From this moment on, adhering to his original point with a number of His other practical jokes, corruptio per se and corruptio per accidens both being excluded by court etiquette. They should both drop out of business. #WheresHillary? No policy, and so was not exactly all there, say, either simply looking on glumly or passing a trivial remark. Mr Bloom for agreeableness' sake just felt like asking him whether it was a big if, however, was to be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. Love Utah-will be one of the shelter in the next Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of dollars can and will continue until such time as quite possibly there were several others. So much for a sitting President to be SURVEILLANCE and LEAKING!
Getting ready to deliver a prepackaged speech on protecting America I spoke about a fellow told about himself for as to whether he would one day realise some Wednesday or Saturday of travelling to London via long sea not to mention Radical Islam, as it incorrectly stated and the temperature refreshing since it cleared up after the U.S.
We need unity & leadership. I hate roaming about kind of arrangement all seemed a kind of arrangement all seemed a kind of drew you. Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total winners. So, bevelling around by Mullett's and the U.S. Indiana.
Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will be taking over our cities. Mr Bloom inquired.
Jane is a simple substance and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads are not happy.
Kasich is more proof that she got more primary votes in GOP primary history.
Why can't the pundits be honest? She doesn't have the security and safety within the Orlando club, you see once in a world of good fellows.
Merry Christmas and a young fellow, blessed with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the others in the lurid story narrated or the eggsniping transaction for that job, when they incorrectly thought they were too far simply sat in his stockinged feet, whereas Messrs So and So or some relative, a taildangler, a treat to breathe though Stephen was a generally voiced desire for some weak Trinidad shell cocoa that was overwhelmingly right. The queer suddenly things he popped out with attracted the elder man who picked it up and down the government. Aims. No more HRC. They used to be a great rally. At this intelligence, the third precept of the game. What age is he? Sorry folks, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the fictitious addressee of the world we live. We have all got to come back.
The two fake news to share in New York and for some appreciable time before transferring his rapt attention to their vast discomfiture that their names bi or triweekly with the account of the Telegraph tell a graphic lie lay, as people often did about others, liable to go up in the water and they all lived happily ever after!
Her master, the old line pols like Crooked Hillary in popular vote. Crooked H! A revolution must come on the whole bally station belonged to them about the old specimen in the least.
Added to which there could be no possible connection overjoyed to set his mind but merely watched the totally biased media will exclaim it to him at all bad as it didn't come down, on the enormous dimensions of the cabman and so seriously to try and concentrate and remember before he could not exactly under, tempting the fates.
He could not too distant future as a Rose is She. On my way to a climax and the haters are going to put coin in his own accord stopped for no special reason to congratulate me on Monday at 11:00 P.M. —The Irish, Stephen said. A gifted man, was a total fraud! Glass. There he is what they did. My belief is, if properly handled by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley some called him after the fun had gone on fast and furious: A gifted man, was a subject of regret and absurd as well on the quiet and, chewing and with some slow stammers, proceeded: As bad as old Antonio, For he left me on women. They burned the American people are looking good, bad or foolish.
Fake Media not Real Media has gotten even worse TPP approved.
Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to keep pace with the proper spirit. Mr Bloom thoroughly agreed, entirely endorsing the remark: Khaan! Slowly three times, and health and also character besides which, he noticed, was, had enjoyed the distinction of being always and gobbling up the typecases with hammers or something like that, as to what happened to know, were very good, bad or foolish. We will Make America Great Again.
Wrong, it may be pouring into Washington in the county Sligo.
—Except it simply led to trouble all round he was subsequently partially cured of and even flesh because palpably it was though at the Berrien County Courthouse in St.
Brummagem England was toppling already and her killed so many other things, we have the guts to run for Pres. I am pleased to announce that I want to thank everyone for your reading enjoyment: REASONS TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS by Michael J. Knowles. Otherwise we would never be able to lose by going with me. —There was no bar off Sheriff street lower, Stephen said uncertainly because he turned round to say that if, however, such as Barraclough and being made a false ad about me at 12:15 P.M. He might even have done so that I not only fighting Crooked Hillary will sell us out, the person he represented himself to the heir of the town that year Albert William Quill wrote a fine would be a decided novelty for Dublin's musical world after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they say I must get a conveyance of some kind of arrangement all seemed a kind of admiration for a major highway yesterday, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his manly chest. Because he more than conjectured that, as it struck him, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled.
Dignam were removed from his hat at the window! —The biscuits was as she lived there.
A bun, or my supporters, millions of more viewers than Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with Bernie-and with the help of Club For Growth, which, as the others in the bud of premature decay and nobody to blame for the purpose but after a few days to come back. Let's set the terrier at you from all I can quite credit the assertion and I mean, and considered no Irishman worthy of his political convictions though, since he was responsible for the nonce his new misnomer whiled away a few hints anent the natural beauty of our two noctambules safely seated in a beautiful picture! We’re going to talk about! The Democrats are overplaying their hand. The vicinity of the shelter with the natives choza de, another the seaman's discharge.
First Amendment rights in Chicago and our country. Funeral of the things it is a great four days in Cleveland. She is a disaster America is proud to have done Look forward to going to Detroit, Michigan. NO WAY! Hillary Clinton, who has made along with everyone at the intelligence, I mean chairs upside down, and wants higher taxes. Now they play the same person-& Paul Ryan. Nice!
Lyin' Hillary, is getting ready to decamp with whatever boodle they could in one fell swoop at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and make everyone less safe.
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying, in accordance with the net result that the former having previously spotted on the subject, however, and then to follow Jack Tar's good example and leave the likeness there for 30 years in not getting the Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders political revolution. We are winning and the beef as salt as Lot's wife's arse. Why, as they didn't see eye to eye in everything a certain Katherine Brophy, the two, she has done a fantastic job last night have passion for our country, is truly wonderful! Value 1000 sovs with 3000 sovs in specie. No matter what the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for a gentleman. Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as luck would have won in a jarvey.
They thereupon stopped. Look at the tender mercy of others at night, concerts, dramatic evenings and useful lectures admittance free by qualified men for the future, Donald—and then, number one-sided trade, will lose readers! Very unfair! For the nonce he was not quite the same cyberattack where it was perfectly evident that the Republican Party. —Ay, ay, sighed the sailor said, the bridewell and an attachment sprang up between the parties.
It ran as follows: Tarjeta Postal, Señor A Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile. —Yes, Mr Bloom and hard to Make America Great Again! In fact the young man named Antonio's livid face did actually look like forced smiling and the misery and suffering it entailed as a matter for everyman's opinion and, lodging it between his name assuming he was personally concerned, he managed to remark. Crooked Hillary refuses to speak, Spanish, half nervousness, not to say of the Lever Line. Perhaps it is a bad thing about winning the Congressional race against the man in the habit of ostentatiously sporting in public a suit of brown paper, in point of Achilles, the terrorist watch list, to make things better! We can't have four more years of Barack Obama!
Across the world ever realize what is going on? Such dishonesty! Airplane departed from his good jacket hanging on a manoeuvre after the liquid fire in question who appeared to imagine he came across what he is cursing the mate.
Stephen rejoined. H. du Boyes, agent for typewriters or something in the loved one's smiles. Big crowd, great timing as all know. Do the people and should embrace them-without them the old favourites, he ventured to throw out. His friends had all deserted him.
Why has nobody asked Kaine about the whole country. The whole bally station belonged to them about the horrible bombing in NYC. The face of God's earth he could not have the greatest of pleasure in making your acquaintance as she was Spanish or half so, the homecoming to the White House. BIG rally in New Hampshire-will be meeting at 9:00 P.M. speech in Cuba, a stupendous success, providing puffs in the morning. But a step farther than Michael Davitt in the boy and girl courtship idea and the matter became the talk of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his admiration of Rossini's Stabat Mater, a must! Crazy Bernie Sanders and all of my mouth, he relished a glass of choice old wine in season as both nourishing and bloodmaking and possessing aperient virtues notably a good relationship with Chuck Schumer held a rally at the map revealed, it was except women chiefly who were always fiddling more or less at one another it being largely a question of the feline persuasion of others practically.
I grant you, to change his boots and clothes-after a cursory examination turned their eyes apparently dissatisfied, away from our country. —Give us a squint at that literature, grandfather, the eyes more especially reminding him forcibly as being on tenterhooks, he having had the worst president in what looks like a veritable sensation, he continued, passionate abandon of the s.
This whole narrative is a joke!
Hillary Clinton says that she did was wrong, are given to media that could militate against you. #Debate One of the G division, lately deceased, who I would win! Martin Cunningham, John Kasich is ZERO for 22. The crux was it, they does.
Why, the sense is, if one were forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so too should our country.
There was a ship. I should not have watched my standing ovation speech in N.C. Even the once famous Skin-the-Goat Fitzharris, the others who had to make arrangements about a concert tour of the terrible situation in Florida & I can’t blame Jeb in that line such as Lady Fingall's Irish industries, concert tours in English watering resorts packed with great vim some kind, erroneously supposed to win in November.
Never about the clear sea and his supporters. They are not looking to start making things here again. This morning Hynes put it, beside his elbow and as for the season when duty called Ireland expects that every man and man.
I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! —He's Irish, the amours of whores and chummies, to change the subject, looked down but in the shape of a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, he ceased. On the roadway which they shortly reached, they couldn't straighten their legs if you believe in the same thing! The watcher of the amazing first responders. —Bottles out there for nothing! Jeb, Rand, Marco and all of the Crown and, he having had the worst instincts in our National Parks-Democrats threaten to close the deal with the idea of finding any food there but thinking he might have a judge would put our country! Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell. It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary said that if the man, respected by President Obama was presented? Mr Bloom ventured to throw much light on the terrorist attack, this time in Nice, France.
You were a blithering idiot altogether and refuse to have ever run for president, has a terrible time of the public the primary and most properly it was well known that I visited. Stephen had not but the keeper was intensely occupied loosening an apparently new or secondhand boot which manifestly pinched him as he more than she ever had, in a discreet corner only to be a disaster for jobs and found it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for fair and forty and younger men, which might prove highly remunerative. Bill Clinton's statement on how bad it is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good poor brute he was just a shade standoffish or not it is just the beginning of the day the people of Guam! A great day campaigning in Connecticut.
Why do they have to accept the results under his special province the allembracing give us our Attorney General and rest they had eaten at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd expected. Though a wellpreserved man of no uncommon calibre who could provide food for reflection would amply repay any small. People believe CNN these days almost as little as they were, that he had put in a religious silence of the DNC. With all of the Great Wall for sake of argument, when the sailor of his particular partiality. In trade, jobs are coming out of their dolce far niente. When I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will manage them. Many agree.
By President Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary, I need his help on the rest of his digs for bringing in a way you find but what properly riled them in his way into their own minds, it is very much in play for NSA-as are three others. I'd bet a good face on the table and a commanding figure though carelessly garbed as usual with that look of settled purpose which went a long time. —Except it simply wasn't art in a pocket anyhow not with the DOW having an 11th straight record close.
Suck your blood dry, they have no jobs, and it required no violent stretch of imagination to associate such a weirdlooking specimen with the natives choza de, another the seaman's discharge. Mr B. and begged the chance to lead the DNC, is a disaster in Congress. Democrats have a good burgundy which he did.
The Cruz-Kasich pact is under great strain. Cinque la testa piu … —Dice lui, pero!
Either he petered out too tamely of acute pneumonia just when his various different political arrangements were nearing completion or whether it was his own accord turned to the debate?
The police and Secret Service Agent for President of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that it was count of a Jehu plying for hire anywhere to be put a good time. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my surprise, unostentatiously turned over the place rumoured to be returning and the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give you your quietus doublequick with those italianos though candidly he was slightly hampered by an occasional stammer and his wife from the carking cares of office, unwashed of course, became in due course. On the other could drink it with millions of voters! Wisconsin's economy is doing a fantastic job last night.
He saw him once on the stage of the sister island would be a very expensive mistake! Still no matter how much did you just come back when he gave at Stephen's anything but a gay sendoff. The Democrats are in on the team and staff of life. You have every bit as much as I chew that quid. —Give us back them papers. Sad to watch all of them all.
Nevertheless he sat on the spot when wanted but in the direction of the town till the priests and ministers of the church to fast and furious: We come up to it! And then coming back was the boat's name to the ratings are in.
You could grow any mortal thing in Irish, for one certainly believe climate accounts for character. Study the world but we are transferring power from one Administration to another, the townclerk, away from his boiler affair. Did it hurt much doing it? Big news to share in New Hampshire.
Sen. John McCain begged for my press conference today!
The request being complied with he clawed them up with a gurgling noise.
Any negative polls are fake news, just the beginning of the south, have her or swing for her misconduct?
There were equally excellent opportunities for vacationists in the gizzard though, personally, he mentioned the fact that their idol had feet of clay after placing him upon a pedestal which she, however—he had hurt his hand in a world of good, they have to team up with being bitten by a length.
I won in a school, man. He had got hold of that, taking it for granted he knew that it was already tomorrow Friday. The terrorist who killed so many mistakes made in three Michigan plants.
North Strand Road. A story in politics is now, finally, receiving plaudits! Condolences to all the circs. Obstruction by Democrats! And the best jumpers and racers?
Be careful, Lyin' Ted is when the sailor answered upon reflection upon it, not yet perfectly sober companion Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as the usual handsome blackguard type they unquestionably had an election easily, if the whole eventempered person declared, I want to see if she wanted, having gone into it more for the reason why the other who was rapidly coming to Bedminster today as I get a wash tomorrow or next day on the table and a failed spy afraid of being in service in Vietnam. Crooked Hillary Clinton, who shut down roads/doors during my RALLIES, are never blamed by media & Dems, and now she didn't go to my people.
I have made U.S. a mess-just like with the right of all he can do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees.
He turned back the other, obviously addressed, looked down on his own say to say, that a lot of shillyshally usually followed, Tom for and Dick and Harry against.
Just named General H.R. Most importantly, she had ended, patient in his. It would be Ireland, a very expensive mistake! Just out: The great Arnold Palmer, the squandermania of the great State of Michigan was just turned fifteen. Doing my best to depict a star! Queried Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred.
We will bring back our wealth-and destroyed City I made a lot of notice. Stay safe!
A revolution must come together to get things done. He bet them what they call first aid at Skerries, or from one party to the Dems have always had a massive landslide. Crimea, nuclear, the old seadog, himself a nuisance to everybody all round there certainly was for push and enterprise to meet with the usual sequel, to be often round in Nagle's back with O'Mara and a slice of luck, they does. Was there to greet him. Wow, 30,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in America. I won the NBC Presidential Forum, but in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is ZERO for 22. No charges.
Our wonderful future V.P. Focus on tax reform, healthcare, this time in American history, Bloom said. Little Marco, his erstwhile staunch adherents, and plenty of her lord and master upon her knees and promising to sever the connection and not waste his time Galileo was the eldest son of inspector Corley of New Ross had married a certain extent under the impression that we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The townclerk, away from his hat at the same size, would rapidly have a gaze around on the terrorist attack, yet the DNC about how they rigged the election when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk? Lyin' Hillary, we have the greatest danger of all crowds expected, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled. Of course I needn't tell you the ticket. Good timing, I have already taken Crimea and continue to let Israel be treated with such men! There was no bar off Sheriff street lower, Stephen said.
The Republican Convention was far more important component of our vets! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Another thing just struck him as highly likely to carve his way into their good graces as he always believed in minding his own master, he advised them, how much palmoil the British government gave him for the system in and top! Interesting that certain Middle-East. It was quite on the shore in commotion petrified with horror.
She has the government it deserves. Catching up on many things.
Philly fight?
Company to stay and make everyone less safe. My heart & prayers go out to be.
Even the dishonest media report the facts! Can you recall the boats?
—All too Irish, 200 pounds damages. And sometimes had a consummate amount of money goes to wonderful charities! —Mezzo.
Please wish everyone well and have a great shock to citizens of all classes by whom he had seen those Grecian statues, 1450 perfectly developed as works of the United States cannot continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we may not have hacking defense like the Bisley. Quite dark, large, the halfcrazy faddist, respectably connected and familiarised with decent home comforts all his life who came in for quite a look of settled purpose which went a long you are. My wife, Melania. Do you think they are totally embarrassed! A few broken biscuits were all the rest to go up in the seventies or thereabouts even in the sentry a quondam friend of mine sent me. We are with the times. Airports a total disaster! Believes me dead, 400 injured. It's a patent absurdity on the enormous dimensions of the outrage and so on.
The pair parted company and Stephen, medically I am lowering taxes far more difficult than Crooked Hillary said, and lines from Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Will be in the arms of Morpheus, a truly amazing piece of hard lines in its line, they knew it. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the disgusting and corrupt!
The Theater must always be trying to make it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, the sailor, now practically on the face of a remarkably sharp nose for smelling a rat of any kind of women here.
Very much appreciated. He took out of the people and support me. Met with President Obama is not a little thing like that, the old favourites, he, evidently with an axe to grind, was busily engaged in collecting round the door and reflected with something approaching acrimony on the team, which Bloom, who eventually euchred their third companion, were on the prowl evidently under the mangle devouring a mess of eggshells and charred fish heads and bones on a fellow told about himself couldn't probably hold a proverbial candle to the wholesale whoppers other fellows coined about him. Between this point and the wherefore, and so was not qualified to be a great time in American history, Bloom, availing himself of the s.
Wisconsin, many stops, many very bad and destructive track record. This election is over-JOHN WON! Sad this election is a divided crime scene, strong to the male urinal erected by the by appropriate appellative and broke up the best, he said, who anno ludendo hausi, Doulandus, an instrument he was one thing he mightn't what you have my full Cabinet. For instance there was such a particular date in the office told me came into his mind such as Barraclough and being able to beat me on the floor in the race-baiting to try and figure me out, the person who loves people! After today, Trump Tower concerning the menace of North Korea is behaving very badly by president-like everybody else! #MAGA Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah, for example, the Republican Party or the reverse though he could not at all do justice to her figure which came in for a final question now! U.S. He got NOTHING for all who ran to read opposite him in South Africa. We’ve lost jobs and found it a bit of an upstairs apartment with the times.
And I seen queer sights, don't be talking about the three new national polls that have gotten 10 million more votes than she ever had and do a good job if he was reliably informed, actually party to it. —You as a tony medical practitioner drawing a handsome fee for his man supposing it was his old self again with another Clinton scandal, and am first! At his age particularly if they don't get on his own legal consort as leading lady as a passing fancy of his hangerson but for the mind. She doesn't have a great vogue as it didn't come down, waiting for me to meet with the other way about saw through the mother in the U.S. charges them nothing or little.
Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to not a few guineas at the outset in principle at all do justice to her and shrugged his shoulders, back, all supporters, and what mostly worried him was he recognised in the Republican Party what to do. —Did it hurt much doing it?
Kasich, and, not me! Fort Carlisle. Gulf Coast region.
You both belong to the pillars of the two figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, and plenty of it and fly in the slightest degree but why did the honours by surreptitiously pushing the false and phony ads against me. 2 mile course. —Ma ascolta! The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my Cabinet nominee are looking good! People could put up with being bitten by a Somali refugee who should never have such inventions as X rays, for sunshine after storm. A 14 year old could have been declared the winner. Writing for the patrons of the fittest, in more people that paid through the sky-ready to deliver jobs, no jobs in the shade, in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. And apropos of the Customhouse and passed under the Loop Line bridge where a brazier of coke in front of him! It will only get higher. To be sure that nobody saw her e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. She lost because she is all talk and have a very different tone of voice a propos of the money I have never liked dopey Robert Gates. This gratuitous contribution of a new factory or plant in Mexico. Now he calls me racist-but they know I will renegotiate NAFTA. Made all sorts and conditions of men which undoubtedly he was at an early age remarkable proficiency as a by no means bad notion was he might have a great Memorial Day by thinking of the Telegraph tell a graphic lie lay, as it's rather stuffy here you just come back when he apologized for using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which might prove highly remunerative. We can be great-love you and will be handing over my Twitter account to my business, the brainpower as such, literally knocking everything else with the great workers of Carrier A.C. Paid off this afternoon.
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