#they discover online shopping and are unstoppable
goddamn will we ever get happy jean and neil friendship
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thatfrenchacademic · 2 years
Local European law PhD person is breaking down why Twitter is in trouble with European authorities - bc we live in a dystopia and I am procrastinating my research.
TL;DR : Twitter is loosing all the experts required to actually make (good, but really any) decisions regarding data privacy in Europe, and it's even funnier because they picked the one(1) European country that would give them the most tax cut but it's also the one that is really into dragging Big Tech all the way to the highest instances in the EU to make knock them down a peg.
But also more under the cut bc this is hilarious and I CANNOT WAIT for Elon Musk to discover the EU. Very much going to be a unstoppable force meets unmovable object situation, because trust me, TRUST ME, there are few things as slow, inhert and full of bureaucrats who are NOT on twitter as the EU. Anyway here is too many paragraph of me putting my diploma to good use or something, my Masters Director would be proud.
Step 1: TF is the GDPR, like, actually.
Ok the the General Directive on Privacy Regulation is a European Union Regulation, which sets clear rule on what you can and cannot do with people's information/data, in order to protect their privacy. It is very wide and very cool and the US wishes it had it (Except you, California, you're doing great).
And what's cool is also that the moment you want your digital services to be available on European territory, you need to comply with the GDPR. Doesn't matter where you are based, if it's not GDPR compliant, you don't get access to that sweet sweet European market.
For example, after the GDPR was entered into force, there were a bunch of US News Media website I could not access, because they were not complying with the GDPR yet, and were not willing to take the risk to infringe on the GDPR. Doesn't matter if they are not Europe based. What matters is the market. Dw they are fine now.
Ok, cool.
Step 2: Twitter was doing ok so far - I know, I'm surprised as well.
So Twitter is a US-based company, but blue-bird had to comply with the GDPR like everyone else. So far, so good-ish, and by that I mean that Twitter was not really targeted by any European or national authority for not complying.
But let me tell you the thing about the GDPR: it is. a. mess. Getting to UNDERSTAND what's even required guaranteed my cohort of European Law major that we would ALL be employed in the upcoming years. It is atrociously difficult. THE REGULATION HAS ITS OWN WEBSITE imagine a law having its own website, what the hell honestly.
The GDPR is challenging for your local true crime book club handling the email addresses of its 12 members, ok.
Behemoth social media platforms require a massive amount of workforce and expertise to make sure they comply with the GDPR. Like, I cannot stress the absurd amount of work and constant vigilance it requires. But they were doing ok.
Step 3: Elon Musk is an authoritarian manchild and Twitter is bleeding experts
I know both things are related but trust me, it's important to mention them separately, you'll see in a second.
Among the many high-ranking people who left, we have:
The Chief Information Security Officer
The Chief Privacy Officer / Data Protection Officier
The Chief Compliance Officer (unconfirmed officially but I would bet on it)
So they are trying to do some emergency creative problem solving by apparently having data engineers be the ones certifying compliance with the GDPR (lmao as someone who works with a bunch of data scientist I would pay money to see that happening) and nominate people to temporarily take over all these positions. To be transparent the guy they nominated as "acting GPO" (lmao I'm really feeling the confidence right now) does not seem fully incompetent, but this is still hilarious.
Step 4: Haha it's funny because it's Ireland
Now, ok, here is the kicker.
Twitter so far has been using a system that the GDPR allows, which is the One-Stop Shop. OSS means that Twitter picked the authorities of a specific EU State to report to, when it comes to compliance to the GDPR, it's easier for everyone than massive online companies like Twitter going to 27 different states to report what they are doing.
So they picked Ireland, because their European headquarters are based in Ireland.
(spoiler: it's because Ireland is a tax haven).
Now. You might think there is ONE problem on the table, but get ready, there are TWO, baby.
Haha Twitter's GDPR person has left, mate, you want to explain how you're going to comply with the GDPR when you don't have you GDPR experts anymore??
Elon Musk is, as stated before, an authoritarian manchild and the GDPR is also not super super fond of that, mate if you want the OSS system you actually need to give minimal guarantee that the data-privacy-decision-making is happening in the State of the OSS. When clearly, right now, decisions are happening wherever the hell Elon Musk decided to have his morning protein shake, and I'm pretty sure it's not Dublin. And also around 50% of the Dublin headquarters have been fired, so I don't know who is supposed to take decisions over there, honestly.
Like the case about the guy who sued Facebook for violating the right to privacy in the way it handled data? It's the Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner case, and it comes from Ireland. Irish Judges had no issue being like "Yeah, Facebook or not, we're choosing violence".
Step 5: Ok now what ? Aka I sit back and grab some popcorn
So right now, Twitter is trying to convince the DPC that it's totally absolutely doing GREAT.
Sure Jan.
Anyway, the question is whether the DPC is willing to buy it. We know there has been meetings, and the DPC is at least putting SOME form of pressure on Twitter.
Outcome 1: the DPC is feeling petty and does NOT buy it. Then I'll write another post, but I think the DPC would give Twitter some time to put things in order and give enough guarantees before going on the offensive.
Outcome 2: the DPC buys it (because Dublin LOVES its Big Tech companies, and they are driving prices up to the point where Dublin is experiencing a massive housing crisis, it's fine, this is fine) . And we wait for an individual/NGO to bring a formal complain to the DPC, for the DPC to refuse it, and for the individual/NGO to challenge that decision before the Irish Courts and that becomes a whole new story that will warrant its own post - and I get to show off some useless knowledge on EU procedural law.
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jack-danial · 1 month
Modern Women’s Fashion Clothing by Sarabloo: A New Era of Style
In today's fast-paced world, women's fashion is constantly evolving, and Sarabloo is at the forefront of this transformation. Our brand is dedicated to offering Modern Women’s Fashion Clothing by Sarabloo, stylish, and versatile clothing that meets the needs of today’s dynamic women. From chic office wear to elegant evening outfits, Sarabloo is redefining what it means to dress with confidence and flair.
Versatility for Every Occasion
One of the hallmarks of Sarabloo’s fashion line is its versatility. Our collections are designed to transition seamlessly from day to night, making it easy for women to feel stylish and comfortable no matter where they are. Whether you’re heading to a business meeting, a casual brunch, or an evening soiree, Sarabloo has something for every occasion.
Quality Fabrics and Exceptional Craftsmanship
At Sarabloo, we believe that quality is key. That’s why we use only the finest fabrics and pay meticulous attention to detail in every piece we create. Our clothing not only looks good but feels good, offering comfort without compromising on style. From luxurious silks to breathable cottons, each item in our collection is crafted to perfection.
Timeless Designs with a Modern Twist
Fashion trends may come and go, but Sarabloo focuses on creating timeless designs that are both contemporary and classic. Our designers draw inspiration from the latest trends while ensuring that each piece remains a wardrobe staple for years to come. With Sarabloo, you can build a wardrobe that’s always in style.
Empowering Women Through Fashion
Sarabloo is more than just a fashion brand; it’s a movement dedicated to empowering women. We believe that the right outfit can boost confidence and help women feel unstoppable. Our mission is to create clothing that not only enhances your style but also empowers you to express yourself freely and confidently.
Sustainability and Ethical Fashion
In an era where sustainability is crucial, Sarabloo is committed to ethical fashion practices. We strive to minimize our environmental impact by using eco-friendly materials and ethical production methods. When you choose Sarabloo, you’re not just choosing fashion—you’re choosing a brand that cares about the planet.
A Personal Touch: Customization and Tailoring
Understanding that every woman is unique, Sarabloo offers customization and tailoring services. Our expert tailors work closely with clients to ensure that each piece fits perfectly, providing a personalized shopping experience that sets us apart from the rest.
Join the Sarabloo Community
At Sarabloo, we’re building a community of fashion-forward women who value style, quality, and empowerment. Join us on this journey as we continue to innovate and redefine modern women’s fashion. Discover our latest collections online or visit our flagship stores for an unparalleled shopping experience.
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itssolved10 · 1 year
CRM for E-commerce: Optimising Customer Experience and Sales
Running an online business is like embarking on a thrilling adventure, full of unexpected twists and turns. It's not like managing a physical store, where you can instantly figure out why a customer might storm out in frustration. In the digital realm, things work differently. Understanding why customers abandon their carts or leave disappointing ratings without feedback can be akin to untangling a complex puzzle. But don't worry! The secret to unravelling this mystery lies in leveraging a robust CRM for e-commerce that provides comprehensive data insights.
The Power of CRM for E-commerce
Imagine analysing a customer's journey through your virtual store, gaining insights into their every move. You might discover that they tirelessly browsed multiple pages, struggling to find their desired item. They even reached out via email, only to receive a delayed response, resulting in the item being out of stock by the time they heard back. Frustrating, right? Well, here's where a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool comes to the rescue, eliminating guesswork and boosting customer retention.
With a CRM for e-commerce, you can conveniently store a wealth of valuable customer information all in one centralised database. These detailed profiles go beyond just basic data and cover demographics, browsing habits, purchase patterns, and even preferred communication channels. And here's the best part: armed with this knowledge, you can create automated workflows that are triggered by specific actions. Just picture this scenario: when a first-time visitor is about to leave your website, a captivating pop-up magically appears, offering them an irresistible 10% discount. Meanwhile, a returning visitor is warmly greeted with personalised product recommendations that perfectly match their unique tastes. It's like having a dedicated sales team that works tirelessly for you, ensuring your customers receive the best possible experience while boosting your sales along the way!
Gaining a Competitive Edge
CRM for e-commerce is like a secret weapon that can help you dominate the online business scene. By gathering all your customer data in a single place, CRM for e-commerce gives you a competitive edge regarding your business operations. It's like having a crystal-clear vision of everything. Plus, it uncovers those sneaky sales opportunities you never knew existed and gives you the power to handle every customer interaction like a pro. With CRM, you're armed and ready to conquer!
So, what does this mean for your e-commerce business? It means gaining a competitive edge. It means expanding into new markets, fostering unwavering customer loyalty, and optimising your resources for unstoppable growth. With CRM as your trusted ally, you'll capture attention, captivate customers, and create a thriving online empire. If you believe that your business is irrelevant to e-commerce and you are seeking information regarding your business or startup, read our article specifically crafted for entrepreneurs who are working on their startups.
Benefits of CRM for E-Commerce and Retail Business
It's no secret that the world of online shopping has been booming lately. And with this e-commerce revolution, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology has been evolving at a rapid pace in the B2C space. The big CRM players have caught on to the power of e-commerce and are now tailoring their solutions specifically for online retail. So, if you're in the e-commerce game, get ready to discover the fantastic benefits of CRM for e-commerce.
1. Get Personal with Customer Segmentation
Ever noticed how your social media feeds get bombarded with ads that seem tailor-made for you? It's not a coincidence! Social media platforms have become masters at analysing our search patterns and delivering ads that we're most likely to click on. As an online retailer, wouldn't you love to have that level of precision in reaching your target audience?
A CRM for e-commerce enables you to segment your customers based on their preferences, behaviours, and purchase history. By understanding their needs and interests, you can deliver personalised experiences, recommend relevant products, and increase customer satisfaction.
2. Never Miss a Beat with Access to Relevant Information
You know that feeling, right? You're happily scrolling through an online store, tossing items into your cart, and then... you suddenly change your mind and abandon ship. It's a common occurrence, way more frequent than you'd imagine. But hey, don't worry! With CRM for e-commerce, you can get some amazing insights into customer behaviour and stay one step ahead. It's like when I'm shopping on AliExpress, and those clever sellers kindly remind me to finish my purchase.
By tracking customer interactions, browsing patterns, and purchase history, CRM allows you to understand the reasons behind cart abandonment and take proactive measures to win back those customers. You can send personalised emails, offer discounts, or provide targeted recommendations to re-engage and convert those potential sales.
3. Save Time and Be More Productive
You know what they say: time is money. And for sales agents, time spent on administrative tasks and problem-solving means less time for actual selling. But fear not! An e-commerce CRM can automate many processes, giving your agents more time to focus on what they do best—selling!
With CRM, you can streamline repetitive tasks, automate email campaigns, and manage customer inquiries more efficiently. By eliminating manual work and reducing response times, you can provide exceptional customer service, nurture leads, and close deals faster.
4. Rock Your Social Media Interactions
If you're running an online retail business, you know just how crucial social media is. It's not all about sharing cute cat memes; it's a powerful tool for driving traffic and engaging with customers. When customers have questions or issues, they first instinctively turn to social media for answers. That's why your social media presence and response time are so significant.
Did you know that 42% of people who complain on social media expect a response within 60 minutes? Yep, the clock is ticking. But fret not! With the help of CRM for e-commerce, you can seamlessly manage your social media interactions like a pro. These CRM platforms offer social media integrations that make handling customer inquiries a breeze. And if you're looking to take your marketing game to the next level, consider exploring Salesforce Marketing Cloud—it's a game-changer for any e-commerce business seeking a cutting-edge CRM solution.
5. Master Your Payments with Ease
Managing payment data can be quite a hassle when you accept multiple payment channels on your website. But hey, no need to worry! Enter CRM for e-commerce, your ultimate saviour! With the right CRM solution, you can effortlessly handle invoicing, billing, and even those pesky payment failures. And guess what? You can even integrate your CRM with a payment gateway to ensure smooth and seamless transactions. Say goodbye to payment woes and embrace the power of CRM for e-commerce!
And that's not all. Advanced analytics within CRM systems can help you uncover valuable insights, such as your best revenue sources and highest-value customers. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your services and boost your bottom line.
6. Stay on Top of Your Orders
Order management is like the backbone of your e-commerce business, you know? It's the key to keeping things running smoothly from the moment a lead comes into the final delivery and even customer feedback. So, you want to stay on top of every step. That's where a solid CRM for e-commerce comes in, my friend. It's like a magic solution that gives you a complete view of everything, from order placement and processing to shipment tracking and even customer feedback for every product you sell. It's pretty awesome, right?
Whether you're a seasoned e-commerce pro or just starting, having a reliable CRM system for order management is crucial. And if you're a startup, CRM for Startups can help you get organised and maximise your business efficiency from day one.
Recommended CRM Solutions for E-commerce
CRM offers some truly awesome benefits for e-commerce and retail businesses. By implementing a custom CRM solution, you can supercharge your customer segmentation, gain access to valuable information, save time, rock your social media game, streamline your payments, and master your order management. So, don't lag behind the competition—leverage the power of CRM and take your e-commerce endeavours to new heights!
If you're on the hunt for the perfect CRM for an ecommerce business, you've come to the right place! We've got a fantastic selection of ten top-notch CRMs that will surely catch your attention. So, let's dive in!
Zoho CRM: Zoho CRM takes the spotlight, my friend! It's the bee's knees, striking that perfect balance between features and price. Zoho CRM has your back, whether you're a small biz or a bigwig. It plays nice with other Zoho tools like Zoho Books and Zoho Inventory, making it a real champ in the efficiency department.
HubSpot: Hey, let me tell you about HubSpot CRM for e-commerce. It's a real winner packed with a bunch of awesome features. Need contact management? Check. Want to track your leads? Check. And guess what? It even has email marketing covered - double-check! But here's the best part: it won't cost you a dime. It's a freemium solution, which means you get a whole bunch of functionalities without breaking the bank. And to top it off, it seamlessly integrates with other HubSpot tools like Marketing Hub and Sales Hub. It's like a perfect match made in CRM for e-commerce and marketing businesses!
Salesforce: It's a powerhouse of CRM, offering an extensive array of features. Sales forecasting, customer support, and integrations galore! Sure, it may come with a higher price tag compared to HubSpot CRM, but it's worth every penny. If you're after top-notch capabilities, this CRM will have you doing cartwheels.
Pipedrive: This CRM for e-commerce is like having your new best buddy for sales. It's incredibly user-friendly and packs a punch with lead scoring, pipeline management, and email integration. It's a sales assistant that never takes a break! Trust me, you won't find a better companion to help you boost your e-commerce sales.
Klaviyo: This CRM is tailor-made for your business. It's all about delivering a personalised customer experience. Picture this: email marketing, customer segmentation, and rescuing abandoned carts. Klaviyo is your secret weapon for building customer loyalty and boosting those sales figures.
Insightly: It is a real multitasker CRM. Need project management and CRM for e-commerce in one tidy package? Look no further. It's your go-to for tracking your sales pipeline, managing projects, and collaborating with your team. It's like having a superhero sidekick that keeps you organised and on top of your game.
Capsule: This CRM is like a breath of fresh air. It's cloud-based, easy on the pocket, and a breeze to use. With features like contact management, lead tracking, and email marketing, it covers all the essentials. It's time to give your business that extra oomph!
Freshsales: Freshsales CRM is here to supercharge your selling game. Track leads like a pro, easily manage your pipeline, and close deals like a champion. Lead scoring, email marketing, and call tracking are just a taste of what this CRM brings to the table. Say hello to better sales figures!
ActiveCampaign: Automate your marketing game with ActiveCampaign CRM, the top-notch marketing automation solution. Experience the power of sending targeted emails, creating automated workflows, and witnessing your marketing ROI skyrocket. It's like having a personal marketing magician at your service, making it the perfect CRM for e-commerce.
Monday.com: Last but not least, say hello to Monday.com CRM. It's a master of all trades, combining project management and CRM like a boss. Keep that sales pipeline on track, manage projects like a pro, and collaborate seamlessly with your team members. It's time to simplify your business life.
With these ten top-notch CRMs by your side, you'll be armed with the knowledge to choose the CRM that best suits your e-commerce business. Take into account factors like pricing, features, and integrations, and get ready to take your business to new heights.
CRM has truly revolutionised the way online brands connect with and nurture their valuable customer relationships.
We can't stress enough how important your customers are to your brand's success. With CRM for e-commerce, you gain invaluable insights that enable you to understand and serve your customers better than ever before.
Among the plethora of impressive e-commerce tools available, we highly recommend Zoho for small businesses. Its affordability and adaptability make it ideal for building an effective E-commerce CRM strategy without straining your budget.
And for any size of business out there, Zoho takes the crown as our favourite e-commerce tool. Its powerful features, combined with its user-friendly interface, make it a winning choice. Plus, the pricing plans are budget-friendly, considering the value they offer.
We sincerely hope that our comprehensive post on the best CRM for Ecommerce tools has provided you with valuable information and insights.
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sourwormsaresour · 2 years
La squadra as class mates?
I'm going to assume you're talking about American high school because I'm not familiar with other forms of similar educations around the world. AU where La Squadra are a group of friends at Passione High School lmao.
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Sorbet and Gelato are the school’s confirmed couples that are just openly affectionate to the point where it’s kinda cringey but they don’t care. Both of them are on the student planning committee and have a knack for planning the best homecoming dances, proms, senior getaways, etc. while not going over budget. Sorbet is a math whiz and taking AP math classes and is a member of the math-lete’s competition club. Gelato, however, can't do math for shit, but knows how to run side-businesses on school grounds. The two are unstoppable with running wacky schemes throughout the year like barber shops in the boy's bathroom, cut fruit stands during practices, or running black markets on exam papers. The reason why Pesci’s known as a baker is because Sorbet and Gelato once ran an illegal bake sale and helped Pesci set up a little online shop using the money they make on campus. School authorities can't stop them no matter what. Every time they try to shut down something, Sorbet and Gelato manage to kill it before any punishment can be dished out or bribe the right people to help get off scott-free. This is how they're able to plan the best school events without going over budget. Whatever they have over budget is paid for by their hustles so it ends up being under budget but they pretend they “recalculated” everything and it works out. Plus, that money also goes into their personal use too, so they’re the ones with the best clothes and foods that they bought on their own. 
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Formaggio is your typical himbo jock that doubles as the occasional class clown. He's actually in various sports depending on what season it is but he's mostly known for being a football linebacker and track team as a sprinter. He’s hoping to be quarterback someday. Everyone's at first intimidated because he's a jock but turns out he's the nicest, funniest dude ever. Teachers don't mind him cracking a joke or two because he makes sure to not cross a line or make it a big distraction, although there were a few hard-asses that don’t appreciate it as much every now and then. Classes are hard for him to excel in so he’s more of a Bs and Cs guy but people are willing to help him out because he’s the person that brings the best snacks and drinks to study sessions and genuinely does his best to pull his weight regardless. He's not good at research or planning when it comes to group projects but he can make a mean powerpoint presentation that's readable yet full of funny memes and jokes. He's the guy that helps carry chairs around and walk you to your car after practice because it's late at night and he noticed you're a bit scared to walk out by yourself. He's the one that actually fights the bullies instead of being a bully. He’s hoping to get a sports scholarship so he can go to college and study without worrying about whether his grades will make or break his admission. 
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Ghiaccio started out wanting to join track and cross-country team but got injured and had to sit before he could try out the first season. While recovering, he discovered a new passion that replaced his initial choice for extracurriculars: marching band. While he took band class in middle school, he stopped when he was in high school to get into sports, but then quickly got back into music when he was offered to be part of the school marching band. He started out with the drumline on snare but managed to get himself to become the band’s drum major. He yells at everyone for not being on time and not taking things seriously or not learning the routine quick enough. This kid used to vent his stress with running and now he's venting it on the other band kids. Everyone hates it but they respect Ghiaccio because he's also quick to bring everyone back in timing and can troubleshoot where timing was off and how to fix it. Outside of marching band, he excels in AP Language and foreign language classes, sometimes arguing with other students for not using proper grammar. Surprisingly, he is bad at AP Literature because he wasn’t able to understand the use of motifs and symbolisms to convey themes and hated that class as a result; it’s the only class he got a 2/5 for AP scores in. He tried to be on the debate team but they kicked him out for... obvious reasons.
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Prosciutto is one of those students that don’t really fit into any clique but is rather popular because of this. Appearance-wise, he looks like a preppy-Daddy’s money kind of guy but that’s really all just appearance. He mostly dresses like that because he’s on the history trivia team and is the captain and officer of the debate and chess team respectively, so those things require him to dress up and look somewhat nice. He’s a TA for some classes because no other electives interest him and he doesn’t mind using his spare time to help grade papers, do his homework, or just listen in on the lesson for the day. What’s on his mind is getting into an Ivy League and eventually a Law school, so he’s keeping himself busy with both academics and extracurriculars and trying to diversify himself in order to stand out- another reason why he dresses the way he does. He does like the AP history classes and really likes both AP macro and micro-economics. That doesn’t mean he’s goody two shoes though; you can find him smoking with a few other students behind the gym or help plan house parties that have the right amount of booze to keep goers entertained but can easily hide or rid of if the cops come to shut the party down. 
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Risotto is one of those goth kids that everyone is intimidated of and his height also contributes to that. He and a few other students, like Abbacchio and Carne to name a few, ended up creating a metal/prog rock band that occasionally plays at school or local community events. Surprisingly, they're quite versatile in terms of musical genres, so they can easily play anything if they’re paid for it: top 40 hits at weddings, live entertainment for middle school fundraisers, vintage tunes at retirement homes, metal shreds at late night bars they managed to get gigs at with fake IDs. He and his band make regular uploads on SoundCloud of their recent riffs and covers; they’re hoping to get some sort of record deal to make their first album so they can be musicians full-time after high school. Other than that, Risotto mostly keeps to himself and doesn't really get involved in extracurricular activities or have any favorite classes that he excels in. You might see him occasionally joining in on stuff, like being a lead for a musical or helping out to volunteer for some credits. No one but Formaggio knows this but he’s also the person underneath the school mascot; it started out as punishment for getting caught sneaking out of class once to see a concert but he started volunteering to do it more often lets him be a bit silly under anonymity.
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Illuso is a theatre kid and also an officer of the Journalism club. Think Sharpay Evans level where he thinks he’s the best but also wiling to help other students shine on stage too with a sprinkle of inflated ego. He's in every play, musical, etc and tells everyone he's going to get out of this "small town" once he graduates and will make it big in Broadway one day. Other than living and breathing theatre both at his school and at local productions, he’s pretty average in his classes and does help Sorbet and Gelato with their school event plannings every now and then in terms of decorations and coming up with some sort of theme. As part of journalism club, he helps oversees the stories coming in and once had an unofficial “investigative journalism” department. It had to be shut down he was close to expose a teacher for some sketchy stuff and a Twitter account that goes by the name “passione-rumors” began to rise in popularity among students. That last part ultimately made the department useless because whoever was running the account had no limit or boundary to what they can post. Before Illuso graduates,one of his goals is to find out who’s running that Twitter account. Not because rumors the account spreads are bad and intice bullying but because how dare someone spills tea better than he does investigative journalism. 
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Melone is a fucking nerd that knows his way around social media. How he managed to juggle AP Biology, AP Computer Science and his other classes as well as his personal life- only he and God knows. He tried to make a Robotics club but it fell off because there wasn't much interest in it but he's active in a bunch of volunteer work for medical-career based clubs as a means to get his volunteer credits. Everyone always says he's on his computer to continue studying or find ways to get free scholarships for university tuition, but he's actually spending his time on Twitter and Tumblr running is successful, anonymous fan accounts about his favorite K-pop groups as well as other fandoms. He's a master at keeping up to date with fandom news and is responsible for a few viral photos he took himself for the fandoms he is a part of. He's got a shopify store selling merchandises of the memes that came out of those accounts. No one knows that it’s him running these things though. If only Illuso knew that the one who runs the “passione-rumors” twitter account was Melone all this time. He really is irl Gossip Girl/Whistledown, although he makes sure to not gossip about his friends and occasionally make gossip about himself so he wouldn’t be suspicious. All those rumors about him liking feet and having a fetish for them- that was just a lie he tweeted about himself to avoid getting caught. 
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Pesci excels in vocational classes. He just loves taking them: woodworking, home-economics, etc. He loves to share his creations with his friends and classes. Sorbet and Gelato helped him set up a bakery delivery service thanks to their school schemes in exchange for helping them plan the catering for the school events. That bakery service is still growing and starting to serve as catering for events like microweddings and birthdays. While he’s good with science classes, especially biology, he’s too scared to try out any AP classes despite his teachers suggesting he at least takes a class. In terms of extracurricular activities, he’s club president of the fishing club and aquatic animal appreciation club- both of which he founded. Despite the club being for those into those interests, a lot of people like joining because Pesci uses that time to share his baked goods and both clubs have planned and organized really fun events like aquarium visits and whale watching ferry rides. A big part of why Pesci is able to do these events comes from Sorbet and Gelato helping fund these trips but Pesci isn’t complaining. He’s just glad that there are people who seem to be just as interested in fishes as he is. It also helps that some of the members are also willing to pitch in as a sort of payment for eating Pesci’s pastries. 
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just-a-8th-dreamer · 4 years
“Unstoppable” | Soyeon
Request : “ Hi since you said I could request I’m gonna I’m just too weak for soyeon omg I’m not sure how this works it’s my first time, could you write a scenario where soyeon is self conscious because she’s had enough of online comments and cries when she gets home to her girlfriend. Please with lot of skinship. Thank you!! Have a nice day :) “
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It was 2:00 AM and Soyeon was still working in the studio, trying to make her new song perfect while she was adding some lyrics. Exhausted, she rested her body in her seat and her demons came back again. She started to look at people’s comments on her computer and as a vicious circle, she couldn’t stop reading. 
(G)I-DLE isn’t a real group, It’s just Soyeon and her friends.
Nobody asks why Shuhua has no lines in their songs ? Because Soyeon write them and she clearly hates her.
Soyeon is self-centred, she keeps all killing parts to herself.
What about ‘Oh My God’ lyrics and MV ? This is so offensive! 
It was almost 4:00 AM when she decided she had enough of all of this. She frowned, her heart pounding in her chest as If it was going to explode, her anger overwhelming her as a devouring fire. Why people couldn’t just see their group as a band of artists ? Why the public could’nt focus on the art in their songs and performances instead of searching a way to harm them ? Soyeon shoke her head and decided to come back to your flat, putting on her hoodie before slamming down her computer’s screen. 
She needed to see you, to feel your warmness, to let herself relaxing in your arms. You were her girlfriend, her shining star. You were her rock and strength, giving her the good energy to work and stay stable in her very busy life. Inside her, she felt the insatiable need to have her other half half by her side at this moment as If nothing on earth could calm her down, dark thoughs spreading in her mind. You were her antidote and she wanted to be freed from  this poisoned anxiety as soon as possible.
When she entered your flat, she discovered the living room in the dark and she knew you were sleeping. Of course It was almost dawn and she couldn’t blame you because she told you not to wait for her this time. Too many times she was working till the middle of the night and you were always there waiting for your girlfriend; sometimes with a cup of tea, under a blanket or sometimes already asleep on the couch. She wanted to throw her bag on the floor but she didn’t, not wanting to wake you up as she thought you were sleeping in your bed with the door open. A ghost of a smile appeared on Soyeon’s lips when she noticed the bowl of rice and fried chicken you left for her because you knew she never ate when she was concentrated on her work. 
Skipping her meal, she directly came to your bedroom to find you asleep in her big shirt and wearing a volley-ball short. She could see every details of your beauty thanks to the moonlight and she couldn’t resist to sit on the bed, stroking your hair. You slowly woke up, shivering under her touch and when your eyes met hers, your lips turned into a smile. 
“You’ve worked late again” you said with a sleepy voice, sitting in your bed to face her. “Did you eat something ?”
A sad smile appeared on her lips but she quickly hid it as you were taking her wrist, absentmindedly caressing it with your soft fingers.
“I didn’t. But I will. Did I make you feel lonely ?” she asked, feeling guilty to leave you because of her obsession with perfection again.
You shoke your head, smiling at your wonderful girlfriend to reassure her. 
“The girls came for dinner so I cooked with Soojin before Yuqi begged us to play karaoke.” You explained. “She then started to fight with Shuhua as always because she lost the game while Minnie was recording them. See, I didn’t feel lonely.”
“You should control your best friend sometimes” smiled a little Soyeon. “She is not as cute as she seems”
“Yuqi doesn’t like to loose so when she does I can’t do anything.” you answered. “That’s why I came next to Miyeon to look at the clothes she bought when whe went shopping today.” 
You let out a little sigh.
“You have finished promoting ‘I trust’ and all the members are resting and having fun. You should do the same, love” you finally told her, stroking her hair.
She lowered her head, pursing her lips and you instantly noticed the half angry half sad spark in her eyes. This is when you took her chin in your hand to make her look at you.
“Jeon Soyeon, what aren’t you telling me ?” you asked her, seriously. 
She suddenly crashed into your arms, wanting to feel you close to her, tears flowing from her eyes as she hid her face against your chest. She couldn’t handle it anymore, she had enough of those haters and harmful comments about her and her group. This was too much. Every comeback was a reason to attack the leader of (G)I-DLE and she couldn’t keep it to herself this time. Especially because she has worked hard to write the songs on the album. She had put her heart and soul in ‘I trust”, she had exposed herself and the fact that her work was taken as garbage by a lot of people was destroying her. 
You had never seen her like this and the desperation you had noticed in her eyes was breaking your heart. You tightened your embrace around her, letting her express her feelings through her tears before kissing the top of her head. 
“They say I’m self-centered !” she screams, totally mad but still crying against you. “And that I use the members to shine brighter than them !”
In front of her deep anger, you let her talk about the online comments she had seen, rubbing her back to comfort her while she was overwhelmed by her tears. Each hating comment she told you were having you shaking your head and clenching your teeth. You were trying to stay still but you were the one feeling your wonderful girlfriend trembling against you because she was exhausted therefore It was very difficult for you no to defend her. You knew her. She was a sleeping volcano. If something made her mad, nothing would happen at first and one day, suddenly the lava would spurt out. You wanted so badly to protect her from herself. From being this demanding about herself as she was an eternal dissatisfied when It came to her. But you couldn’t protect Soyeon from everything and you knew it when you started to date her after Unpretty Rapstar. At least, you were there for her now, her arms holding tighlty your waist while you were constantly kissing her hair on different spots.
“Last time, they said to Soojin that she was ugly” she said with venom before hitting the bed with her fist. “She came back to us crying”
Softly, you took her hand in yours, making her violence stop and you put some kisses on each one of her fingers.
“You know that hating comments aren’t the truth” you replied with a gentle voice. “And Shuhua defended her on a VLive”
She pulled away a little to see your face while hers was red because of desperation and tears then she sat to face you, her hand still in yours. She used her other hand to harshly dry her teeth but you stopped her, drying them gently with your thumb. 
“They say ‘Oh My God’’s lyrics are offensive.” she let out, calming herself down a little because of your fingers caressing her thigh exposed by her denim short. 
“So what ?” You replied instantly, your face becoming serious. 
She looked at you for a moment before shaking her head, silent but still upset. 
“You are a wonderful leader, you take care of the girls as If they were your family. You know that you’re not self-centered. You know that you love Shuhua as a little sister. You know you buy them some gifts after every comeback to let them know you are proud of them.” You said, putting her hair behind her ear. “And they know that too. You don’t have to worry about it.
Because she was going to say something, you raised your hand to make her stop.
“I’m not finished” you declared, smiling a little. “Okay ?”
A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips as she understood you reference to ‘Uh-Oh’’s ending part. 
“About your talent, I won’t apologize for this but you are the best rapper of this generation.” You started to say with honesty. “ Your rap is clear, fast and sharp. You have a beautiful voice, you know how to sing, you have wonderful dance skills. Plus, you are writing your songs, you are directing music videos, you are searching for new and interesting concepts. Come on, baby, those comments should’nt harm you because you are too talented and hardworking to let people tell you what you are or what you have to do.
Hearing your words, your girlfriend’s eyes started to shine as tears disappeared and her confidence seemed to come back progressivly. 
“You are unique” you declared, staring at her lovingly. 
Her lips turned into a smile as she was feeling overwhelmed by your love and she squeezed your hand a little.
“No one does all of this like you do” you continued. And I’m sure of a thing ; in ten years, when people will talk about you they will still consider you as one of the best artist in the world.”
Tears rolled again on her cheeks but you were the reason and It was nothing about sadness. Your words melted her heart and they were feeding her with happiness and confidence. 
“You can do whatever you want with the girls” you told her. “You fit everything and you are all more than talented. It’s just the beginning of your career and you’re already one of the best girl group in Korea and overseas. Don’t be harmed by the comments because you are self-sufficient”
She shoke her head with a smile, trying to contain her tears and you took her face in both of your hands, locking her irises in hers.
“You are unstoppable, Jeon Soyeon” you finally said.
She couldn’t resist anymore and she suddenly pulled you closer to her to hug you tightly, crying of against your neck, deeply touched by your words.
“What have I done to have a wonderful girl by my side” she just whispered as her love for you was overwhelming her. 
You laughed a little, tightening your embrace around her and she put a kiss under your ear. 
“I know I’m not easy to live” she said, still in your arms. 
“ Soyeon...” you started to contradict but she put a finger on your mouth to keep you silent, pulling away to look at you with her deep cat eyes. 
“Don’t mess with me” she joked with her acute voice, forcing you to let her talk. 
You couldn’t help but smile, tilting your head on the side. Her face expression became amused and you were happy to see this part of her again.
“Then, If I am this wonderful It means that in ten years, you will still be here with me” she teased you, biting her lip. “I think you should start worshipping me like a goddess from now”
You hit playfully her shoulder with your fist and she kept laughing.
“Who do you think would propose to the other first ? you asked.
“Me of course, I have a more developped sense of fashion and It’s important for the rings” she teased again before running away as you got up to catch her.
“How dare you !”
You were playfully running in the living room, laughters filling the room and when you finally succeeded to catch her, you both fell on the huge and soft carpet next to the sofa. You were in your girlfriend’s arms, resting your head on her chest when she kissed your forehead.
“I love you more than anything babygirl” she finally said, her words having a deep meaning for her, her confidence and happiness rebuilt thanks to you.
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creativemediahouse · 3 years
E- Commerce Marketing Trends 2021
The E-commerce world has always been a competitive one. And with the Covid-19 pandemic coming along, the competition for these platforms has multiplied, as there is a growing need to be the best and hold a higher online presence, in retrospect to the competition. In order to stay ahead, there are certain trends that one has to monitor and incorporate into their E-commerce businesses. And so, here are some of those trends that will contribute to the success of your online store.
Online presence is now imperative:
The first one being that online sales growth are unstoppable. E- commerce sales have been growing constantly as online shopping is one of the most popular activities. With improved website experiences, people are now more comfortable sitting at home and shopping from these platforms. Let’s not forget that with the Covid -!9 pandemic, shopping from home is the new and most heavily followed trend. Moreover, people have more options available to them, one of them being contactless payments. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that online sales are just moving upwards, and it is important that many stores who don’t have an online presence, have to work towards building their e-commerce platforms in order to gain profits.
Designed for Mobile users ‘Mobile friendly’:
The second trend is linked to the growth in mobile shopping. For the most part, Millennials and Gen Z have grown up around computers and the internet, and so they are likely to be using their mobiles to browse and research websites and various products online. While mobile shopping is also used by the older and more mature age group, still there is a very stumped growth in the profits from mobile shopping. And so, the focus has to be on the Millennials and Gen Z, as they are the ones who are pushing the revenues from mobile shopping upwards. Therefore, improving the experience of online shopping for mobile users could generate a lot of profit for the online businesses.
Social Media Marketing is changing the game:
Another trend that should be taken into account is the growing influence of social media on E-commerce. Many a time, people will shop from brands that they have discovered while using their social media platforms. Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. all have sponsored ads that are linked with the advertising of products. Many of these applications have the store option as well, where various brands are highlighted and so viewers can easily purchase with the click of a button. Therefore, businesses need to get in link with social media and have their products displayed on the current trending applications to further promote and increase revenue for their companies.
Leading agencies such as Creative Media House offer 360 degree Digital Marketing solutions & specialize in SEO, Social Media Management, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Content Creation and Influencer Marketing & Ecommerce Marketing & Website Development
Personalise, Personalise, Personalise:
The last and most important trend I feel is Personalisation, when it comes to the shopping experience. Many businesses believe that customers, especially in link to luxury retail, deserve to have a very personalized and online shopping experience catered to them. This leads to trust building for the brands and likely leads to an increase in acquiring a loyal clientele. The same can be said for smaller businesses who have to start incorporating personalized tactics with regards to their consumers. This could include the personalization of messages that go out via email, or by providing the right information to the interested consumer group. By offering personalized customer communications, providing relevant discounts, and engaging with customers via video content, will help deliver a better shopping experience and strengthen the bond with ones customers.
In conclusion, taking these E-commerce trends into account will not only improve the shopping experience for your customers, but will also build long-lasting relationships with them. And so, take your e-commerce evolution to the next stage by adapting to these E-commerce trends.
Go onto https://www.creativemediahouse.ae/ to know more
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warlordsecrets · 3 years
Warlord Secrets Review – Worth It or a Scam?
Warlord Secrets Review – About The Product
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ranger-report · 4 years
Review: SPELUNKY 2 (2020)
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Few things in the Year of the Apocalypse have brought us joy; once upon a time back in February, there was something about a Sonic the Hedgehog movie that people actually liked, and then we went full-on deep into madness. From there it was disappointment after disappointment; even an unstoppable giant with hype, The Last of Us: Part II fell apart under fan scrutiny despite huge critical success.
But then, there was light: Fall Guys, a true underdog of a game, released and swept the internet and gaming as a whole with excitement. Joyous, colorful, wild, aggravating, Fall Guys single-handed brought catharsis to a series of unfortunate events, followed by a masterpiece of deception, Among Us. Also capturing colorful characters in the most unlikely of situations, Among Us is the game of Secret Hitler that nobody knew they wanted, ruining friendships along the way -- a game I plan to do a write-up on soon. And yet, we still have another gem to consider now, one which is seven years in the making, and against all odds is just as good -- if not better -- than it’s predecessor: Spelunky 2.
Once upon a time, a developer named Derek Yu released a pixellated exploration game that was a love letter to Pitfall and Indiana Jones. Dubbed Spelunky, it followed the trials and tribulations of the Spelunky Guy as he dove headfirst into a series of ever-changing caverns as he explored mines, jungles, icy caves, and Egyptian ruins to discover the City of Gold. It was released free online, and was well-received enough for Yu to work on an upgraded version, Spelunky HD. Gone were the retro pixels, replaced with detailed cartoon art and vibrant atmosphere. Telling the same story with the same levels, only now realized in higher quality and deeper secrets, Spelunky HD helped create the roguelike genre, in which players start at the beginning of a game with nothing, slowly make their way through the game amassing items and weapons to assist them, but death takes them all the way back to the beginning pockets empty. Then, the game randomly generates a new series of levels for the player to try again, ensuring no two runs are ever the same. For some this is frustrating, for others an endearing challenge. Many have spent hours diving deep into the game, searching over and over for its most hidden secrets, discovering hidden paths and endings only achieved through insanely difficult methods. With that game cemented as a bona fide masterpiece, it seemed daunting to even consider a follow up, but Yu and development team Mossmouth have done it once more with Spelunky 2, a game that feels tighter, plays looser, and somehow holds even more secrets than the first game, partially due in part to the sequel having actual lore to follow and a story that literally is out of this world. Here the protagonist is Ana Spelunky, daughter of Guy Spelunky (the titular Spelunky Guy....the game is full of dad jokes like these), as she followers her adventurous father and mother to the moon as they have disappeared there. Turns out the Olmec guardian defeated in the first game also has a presence on Earth’s satellite, and the Spelunkys have vanished in their quest to research this. So Ana, full of spunk and vigor and dog Monty in tow, steps into the spotlight on a completely new adventure, along with completely new friends.
Where the first game gave players options to discover and unlock new characters during the course of the game, Spelunky 2 treats these side characters as actual companions. A base camp at the start shows life and livelihood where everyone beds down and preps for the next expedition, where shortcuts to different stages can be traversed (once properly unlocked) and dialogue can be had. There’s a simple joy just to stand around and see everyone you’ve unlocked hanging out, walking around, as more and more beds occupy the camp. It’s a very subtle way of showing player progress that is both incredibly rewarding and relieving. And for the most part, it’s the same essence of gameplay. Explore levels filled with creatures out to kill you, while collecting gold and rescuing animals. Gold can buy resources from the shops located in the levels, animals give you a kiss for extra health, but only if they make it to the end alive. Meanwhile, the areas are loaded with traps, bombs, hidden monsters, jars filled with any number of surprises, and bonus areas that can be unlocked with the proper use of a rope or a bomb. But tarry too long and the ghost that haunts this world will reveal itself, slowly stalking you until either you reach the end of the level or there’s nowhere else to run.
Differences with the new game come in gentle shocks: for starters, where the first game had a linear progression this one has multiple pathways that can be taken to get to the end. And minibosses! Journeying through the opening caves, divided into four sections, leads to a confrontation against a giant caveman named Quillback in World 1-4, which leads to a pair of doors, one on either side of the level. First time playing through might lead to discovering one of the doors due to the way they’re split apart, but casual exploration to the opposite side reveals the truth: a whole new world. One door leads to Volcana, the underground mining operation in a volcano, the other leads to the Jungle, which has received deadly upgrades from it’s previous life. Spelunky 2 is littered with these gentle shocks as I mentioned above: golden idols still set off traps when picked up, but the traps now vary from falling pillars to explosive lava to spiked walls. Beyond the Jungle and Volcana lies a boss fight with Olmec, making a surprise appearance early in the game. And from here the game moves ever onward, revealing new areas, new characters to unlock, new surprises. And the surprises are telegraphed even better than they were in the first game. For example: unlock a special box with a golden key in the Caves to gather the Eye of Udjat, which lets you see through the floor. But the Eye can also be used to start up the Drill in Volcana, the only way to power it. What happens when you use the drill? Gentle shocks, indeed. New ideas also include mounts to ride (once tamed, which can leave you vulnerable for a moment while you wait for the ride to settle), each one having a different attack or special ability, and brand new shops which can let you into their back rooms to loot...unless you have a skeleton key and you want to risk pissing them off by breaking and entering. But pissing off a shopkeeper usually results in guns blazing your direction, and the imminent threat of death.
Death is in abundance. The game knows it, you know it, the characters know it. With a premise around the idea that death is impermanent while inside the tunnels of the moon, it becomes eventual that the characters get in on the act. Turning the page in Ana’s journal on the game over screen reveals little thoughts of hers on this leg of the journey: from base facts such as when she first took damage, to giggly details like “I was vegan” (referring to the fact that she didn’t eat any turkeys or -- god help us -- cavemen for extra health), the game brims over with character aplenty. Even certain guardians refer to Ana as “Reborn” nodding to the endless cycle. And, in fact, it is endless: it keeps going and going and going until eventually there is the final level and the escape from the moon. But how long will it take to get there? What sacrifices must be made to make it that far? How many loops, deaths, rebirths? As always with Spelunky, there is gold both figurative and literal to be mined from the ruthless exploration. Secrets are deep and wide, surprises await around every corner (was that a LEPRECHAUN and did it drop a FOUR LEAF CLOVER??? And did that ghost just sPLIT into FOUr???), and all of it is rewarding.
It can be difficult to review a game that I haven’t finished. A lot of Spelunky players have never finished the game. There’s a certain finesse to it, watching speedrunners bounce through levels undaunted, gathering miracle items to assist them. Then there’s players like me, that bumble and stumble their way into lucky runs and slowly earn shortcuts to different worlds. It’s a gamble every single time, and sometimes I wonder why I do it, but the charm and the fun and the fist-pumping feeling of success against all odds is what makes this game so much fun. And to think that Mossmouth not only captured the feeling of the first game, the majesty of it, and renewed all of that magic with the second. Someone made a blood sacrifice to craft this game, that much is for sure. As of this writing, the Playstation 4 version has been out for a few weeks, and the PC version for only a few days. After playing both I can confirm that they are precise, concise, and play exactly the same, although I do feel I had slightly better control response times on the PC. That said, online co-op is not yet available for PC, as Mossmouth is going over that aspect with a fine toothed comb. Having playing online day one for the PS4, I can say that the hiccups experienced then will be best served through Mossmouth’s attention first. Online play has become much smoother since, but players deserve the best experience off the jump.
Spelunky 2 is mana from heaven in these trying times, and I’m gobbling as much of it as I can. And when a game like this is is this deep and wide, there’s a lot to gobble...and all of it is tasty.
Final Score: 9/10
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/jupiter-conjunct-pluto-june-30-2020/
By Dawn of Astrology
The year of 2020 heralds a series of Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions, occurring between April and November, in the sign of Capricorn. The significant, expansive power of Jupiter coupled with the dismantling and dissolving energies of Pluto produces an unstoppable power of transformation. With this cycle occurring in the sign of Capricorn, the very structures of operating in our daily lives will change. Where and how we work, learn, shop, worship, and govern our affairs will cease to function as they have up until this time for us. The systems that have been our source of support will begin a new and improved function. 🦋 The first conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto occurred on April 4th at 25° of Capricorn, when both planets were direct. This initiated the extreme changes of epic proportion that were about to unfold in our world. The second conjunction occurs on June 30th, at the same degree of Capricorn, with both planets now in retrograde. These retrograde phases allows us to adjust to the integration of the massive changes that are taking place. We are provided a pause, to reflect, and release the outdated parts of our past that no longer serve a beneficial purpose. These changes are occurring on a personal, interval level as well as an outwardly, on a collective level. The third, and final conjunction will occur on November 12th at 23° of Capricorn, after Jupiter and Pluto are direct. When both planets are out of retrograde and moving forward, we will have a better understanding of how to work with the vast array of changes that have inundated our existence. 🦋 When the benefic planet Jupiter conjuncts the power planet Pluto, it is a catalyst for a heightened understanding of ourselves and what we value. It is an intense time of Spiritual growth, a process of deep, and sometimes dark, inner transformation. Jupiter is a truth seeker that helps us to discover the root cause of issues that need to change in order for us to evolve. It is truly a regeneration of possibility through the renewal of our Vision. Through this metamorphosis we are creating new structures of stability in our lives. The birthing process is often times mess.
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joruhth67 · 4 years
Italian Food Online Store: All-in-one Italian Grocery Store
Did you realize that your nearby market Provolone cheese would one say one is of your best assets for discovering cures that lower hypertension? Indeed, it's actual. The unstoppable force of life has given us a shopping container brimming with normal nourishments that are helpful to heart wellbeing when all is said in done and (hypertension) specifically. More than 50 million Americans are beset Provolone cheese with hypertension, and almost a million of our residents pass on every year from this quiet executioner. However, by and large, this conceivably lethal illness can be managed by things we can accomplish for ourselves, rather than deduction the cardiologist has done everything that requires to be done when he gives a medication solution. Indeed, even cardiologists who depend vigorously on doctor prescribed medications rush to state that an energizing eating routine should be the target Provolone cheese of each heart tolerant. Furthermore, an invigorating eating regimen for a heart patient ought to incorporate certain nourishments that are powerful in assisting with lessening hypertension to inside the ordinary furthest reaches of 140/80. Every one of the nourishments recorded has a demonstrated history of lessening hypertension, just as making other significant commitments to a heart sound eating routine, and every one is promptly accessible probably any supermarket. Garlic: Garlic not just includes flavor and zing when utilized for culinary purposes, yet it lessens hypertension. As a significant reward, it builds HDL (the great cholesterol) while bringing down LDL (the terrible cholesterol). What's more, as though this were insufficient, garlic contains cell reinforcements that shield the corridors from free extreme harm, and it offers insurance against platelet and blood cluster development that can prompt strokes and cardiovascular failures. There is, notwithstanding, an expression of alert for individuals who are on blood-diminishing medications. Garlic goes about as a blood more slender, so be certain and check with your primary care physician before accepting garlic as an every day supplement. Celery: This food positions high on rundown of those credited with treating hypertension and is utilized broadly in Asian societies to diminish pulse. Celery contains 3-n-butyl phthalide, a substance that loosens up the muscles of the supply routes, permitting them to unwind There's a case on record in which the University of Chicago Medical focus tried a man whose circulatory strain was 158/96. By eating four stems of celery daily for multi week, his perusing dropped to 118/82. Oats, Oat Bran: An examination including 850 members directed by analysts at Johns Hopkins University found that individuals who expended as meager as one ounce of cereal day by day had lower circulatory strain and cholesterol than the individuals who never ate oats. In contrast to wheat, grain and most different grains, oats hold their wheat and germ layer supplements even subsequent to handling. Oat wheat is an all the more remarkable part of cereal. In one investigation, the members encountered a 3.5 percent drop in LDL cholesterol by eating oats, yet a 15.9 percent drop in LDL cholesterol by eating a similar measure of oat grain. Grapes, Red Wine: The "French Paradox" is the name given to the wonder in which the French, who eat a few times more spread and fat than we do, have 2-1/2 less respiratory failures. Specialists accept that the appropriate response may, to some extent, be because of the way that the French outshine us in the every day utilization of red wine, which contains a substance called flavonoids, and flavonoids have been connected to a lower frequency of coronary illness. Despite the fact that the specialists actually don't have all the appropriate responses, the hypothesis is that the flavonoids in red wine and grape juice may forestall low thickness lipoprotein from oxidizing, subsequently keeping cholesterol from adhering to course dividers and making blockage. Around three fold the amount of grape juice as red wine is expected to get the equal impact. In spite of the fact that the product of the plant appears to offer medical advantages, specialists caution against men drinking multiple glasses a day and ladies mutiple. Bananas: This is a natural product that is wealthy in potassium, and potassium seems to make the body dispose of abundance sodium, which has the impact of bringing down circulatory strain. In an Italian investigation, potassium was expanded for a gathering of men as of now taking drugs for hypertension. Therefore, the men had the option to scale back prescription by the greater part the sum they had been taking. To put it plainly, clinical tests show that bananas viably help lessen circulatory strain by keeping plaque from adhering to vein dividers, and they do this by keeping the "terrible" cholesterol from oxidizing. Avocados: Avocados are plentiful in minerals, for example, potassium and magnesium while they are low in sodium. One avocado has double the potassium of a normal size banana. This trademark makes them great diuretics and they are suggested for individuals who have hypertension. Indeed, the U.S. Food and Drug Association has approved a wellbeing guarantee that states: "Diets containing nourishments that are acceptable wellsprings of potassium and low in sodium may decrease the danger of hypertension and stroke." Olive Oil: Oil from olives is a monounsaturated fat, and supplanting immersed fats found in meats and dairy items with the monounsaturated fat from olive oil brings down LDL cholesterol, while not diminishing HDL, the "great" cholesterol. Olive oil contains a few mixes, for example, polyphenols, that are ground-breaking cancer prevention agents that can impair free revolutionaries. Two or three tablespoons of olive oil every day can help keep your veins clear. Additional virgin olive oil (the principal squeezing) has restricted timeframe of realistic usability and is best kept in the fridge to safeguard its great taste and defensive nature. Potatoes: Potatoes are high in heart-accommodating potassium, and only one seven ounce heated potato with the skin on has over double the potassium of a medium size banana. Alongside potassium, there are different segments inside the potato that add to heart wellbeing. The Institute of Food Research in Norwich, England reports having recently as of late found that the pulse bringing down compound, kucomines, is available in potatoes. For the ideal in medical advantages from the potato, the strip is best left on, and heating or steaming are suggested as opposed to bubbling or fricasseeing.
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kainks · 6 years
midnight suck. 4
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Come on little human, come out and play.”
pairing: vamp!jungkook x reader
genre: vampire au, destined lovers au, slow burn
warnings: match maker jimin, brave reader, scary jk once again
words: 6,700
summary: you had seen him drain the life out of someone, there was no way he could leave you alone now.
Series updates every Saturday at 8PM PST!
–> 1 | 2 | 3
It was without little enthusiasm, that you found yourself stepping into ‘J’s Collective Herbs’, a small grooved building - with red tinted windows and black trim - that was boxed in by a neighboring market and floral shop.
It was barely reaching noon as you pushed open the door, a small chime greeting you into an over packed and enclosed area, almost no room to roam about or breathe as you shimmied your way through stacks of yellowing papers, boxes, and the occasional spice rack.
The quaint little shop smelled of aged books and crushed herbs. Thyme and rosemary wafted through the air, your nose twitching at the odd combinations. It held an earthy aroma, the kind that reminded you of treks through a vast forest; climbing a hill in the springtime sun.
“Welcome, welcome!” An overly enthusiastic voice greeted from behind a dark stoned counter; littered with small mason jars of different tea leaves. 
“What can I help you with today?”
It wasn't until you rounded a stack of boxes, towering above your own height, that you were able to put a face to the chipper voice. A man stood behind the cluttered counter, wearing clear specks and a purple velvet robe; crushing a combination of herbs in a marbled pestle with too much fervor.
He wasn’t looking at you, rather whatever it was he was grinding down into a loose powder. You saw the faint twitch of his lip as he put more strength into his wrist, twisting the stone tool with vigor and you almost felt bad for interrupting his work.
“Are you, um.. the owner? Or do you know where I can find him?”
Your voice sounded so small, you were surprised he even heard you. You know he did though, because instantly his hand stopped grinding, and he was looking up at you in slight surprise.
Your heart was thudding way to heavily in your chest.
Because really, what were you thinking? After finding a somewhat eerie blog post on the internet, you decided to visit the shop associated with the owner of said blog, in hopes of what exactly?
Especially someone claiming to be a vampire, on the internet of all places..
“That’d be me.” He spoke, voice now considerably less chipper. “Whose asking?”
You noticed the man looked on edge, as if your simple question brought a thousand suspicions along with it. You could feel a light sheen of sweat building on the back of your neck, your palms a little clammy as they rubbed against the denim of your jeans.
“Well… I am. I found your blog online and-” You trailed off, voice dying out until it was nonexistent.
You weren’t sure how to explain yourself to this.. J, or whomever he was. You felt considerably awkward as he stepped away from his pestle and removed the specks from his face, laying them down on the counter top uncaringly.
“You found my blog?”
His gaze was impeccably intimidating, eyes seeming to burn a permanent stare into your own. It made you feel uneasy as you nodded your head in response, not trusting your own voice to provide an adequate answer.
At your reply, he no longer looked wary, but amused. His lips turned up into a teasing grin, and you took notice how they faintly resembled the shape of a heart when he smiled.
“Interesting. And how is it that you found my blog little dove, what exactly were you searching for?”
He knows, oh my god he fucking knows.
It was the only thing running through your head, because how else could somebody stumble across a blog like that? You had no excuse, except for that you were an overly paranoid idiot who stuck your nose into a place it didn’t belong.
Cheeks feeling slightly warm at the endearment, you took a small step closer to the front counter, shrugging your shoulders as if to play nonchalant when really, you were freaking out.
“I just.. stumbled across it.”
Your pulse intensified, and you hope he didn’t hear the quiver in your voice.
“Really? Just stumbled across a place like that?” He chuckled then, as if no longer being able to keep up with your games.
You watched as he leaned down to rest his elbows on the counter top, becoming eye level with you, and with the way he was hunched over, you saw the exposed honeyed skin of his chest from where the top three buttons of his white dress shirt were undone.
You swallowed.
“Listen little dove, I don’t have time for your human games. So why don’t you go ahead and ask me what you really came here for?”
There it was again, the word that had been haunting you since you’d been thrown into this puzzling predicament; human.
It was then you realized that it was always said as a way to remind you of where you stood, beneath them, a weak, pathetic, breakable human.
It was also then, that you realized the man in front of you was anything but.
That he’d been able to hear your erratic heartbeat all along.
You wondered how many more run in with vampires you’d have until you met your untimely death. Though the one in front of you didn’t seem all that bad, and despite your constant flight response thrumming in the back of your mind, you didn’t feel like your life was at stake.
At least not yet.
Maybe your curiosity just outweighed the sensible part of your brain that tried to keep you safe.
“You’re really one too, aren’t you?” You sighed out.
“That I am!” He spoke exuberantly, hand lightly slapping down onto counter with enthusiasm.
Standing back up, you watched as he ran a hand through his hair, the brown tufts falling freely back into place, separated and styled almost to perfection.
“What do you mean by ‘one too’ though, little dove? Am I not the first dazzling vampire friend you’ve acquainted yourself with?”
His lightheartedness and playful teasing did somewhat put you at ease. The guy completely contradicted everything that told you a vampire was supposed to be. In all, he was the least non-threatening person or vampire you’d ever come across.
“Actually, you’d be my fourth.”
His eyebrows shot up in surprise, not quite expecting that answer you supposed.
“Wow, you’ve been a busy human, haven’t you?”
Your face turned up into one of dislike, a mixture of distaste and regret.
“___” You stated. “Call me ___, not human. I hate being called that.”
The man looked almost perplexed at your shift in mood, but nonetheless nodded agreeing.
“And what makes you dislike it so much ___?”
“It reminds me of someone, someone I’d rather not think about.”
You both left it at that, because you were not about to go into detail about Jungkook and his unstoppable ability to scare you to death, and the man was not about to ask into your personal business. You figured he didn’t care that much, but with the way his lips seemed to frown at your response, you weren’t quite sure that was the case.
“So, what brought you to me little dove?” He eyed you expectantly, and you nervously drummed your fingertips onto your pant leg.
“I’m actually.. not quite sure. I guess I’m curious is all.” It was the truth, and something told you that being honest would help you immensely with this strange vampire.
He’d be able to tell if you were lying anyways.
“Curious about what exactly?” He hummed.
“Everything.” You breathed in response, because the more you learned, the more you felt it wasn’t enough. That this new world you just discovered was always out of reach from you, and that distant feeling kept you searching for more, despite the dangers or not.
The man, vampire, pondered over your reply for a few seconds. As if he didn’t quite know how to respond, as if he’d never had a human in his shop asking questions about the un-dead.
You were probably his first.
“Can I ask you a question ___?”
You nodded, albeit hesitantly.
“Are you curious because you think this is fun, or curious because you have to be?”
Your breathing hitched.
“Let’s just say, I didn’t exactly have a choice in the matter.” Your voice held a hint of disdain, and you assumed it was enough of an answer for the vampire, because he looked at you with a dawn of understanding.
“Is one of us bothering you, little dove?” It was a simple question, filled with the faintest of worries.
You weren’t sure how to respond.
“A little, yes.” You agreed solemnly. “I saw something I was never meant to see, and Jungko-”
You immediately caught yourself, lips all but slamming shut before you said too much. Even though this vampire seemed okay in the least, you didn’t know what the information you shared could cost you.
At your abruptness, the vampire narrowed his eyes at you just the slightest, as if you had said something that had caught his interest. Yet at your continued silence, he let his face resolve back into one that was cheerful, smiling gently at you as if you were a delicately scared animal.
He seemed to be monitoring how he acted around you, and although strange, you were nevertheless grateful at the small courtesy.
“I’m going to give you some advice ___.” He spoke, stepping around the counter and walking towards you.
When he was only an arms touch away, you felt your anxiety spiking just the slightest, and if he could sense your worries, he touched your shoulder with his right hand barely so. It was a comforting gesture that almost instantaneously had you at ease.
“It’s not safe for a human to be sticking their nose into vampire business.” His head shook in emphasis; a soft squeeze to your shoulder. “Technically, you’re not even supposed to know anything about us. The elders wouldn’t approve.”
As his hand fell from your shoulder, you looked up at him in confusion. “Elders?”
He nodded disheartened, as if the mere topic was painful to speak of. “Yes, little dove. There is more to this than you realize. You need to be careful who you associate yourself with and how.”
If anything, you were even more puzzled than before. More to this than you realize. What did that even mean? What could be worse than the information you already knew?
“Promise you’ll be careful?” He asked hopefully, as if your safety was one of his utmost concerns.
Which didn’t make sense to you, because why would a vampire concern himself with the safety of a human at best?
“Yeah, I- I promise.”
It was all you could do, could say, at the moment. Your mind was still riddled with curiosity and confusion, but you found that you were somewhat more sated than before. Even though you knew barely anything new since you’d walked into the small shop.
“Perfect!” He beamed, eyes shining. “But don’t let my warnings stop you from coming back, I do have a business to run after all.” He chuckled, quickly stepping back behind the stone counter.
The quick shift in his mood was puzzling, and you found it almost endearing.
“What do you even sell?” You asked off topic, as you eyed your surroundings. The shop was more nick knacks than anything, small trinkets littered about on dusty wooden shelves, candles lit and dripping hot wax onto random surfaces; it was a complex and extravagant space you were currently in.
You supposed its uniqueness fit that of its owner.
“I sell everything, little dove! Herbs, spell books, blood bags… you name it, I have it.”
Your eyes shot open in surprise.
“B-blood bags?!”
As if awaiting your reaction, the vampire laughed light-heartedly, a dazzling grin appearing on his heart shaped lips. The radiance he emitted was almost blinding, for someone so very dead.
“Well of course! I do get thirsty from time to time.”
You held back your fright in the form of a very audible gulp, to which he grinned at as well.
“I should probably get going.” You spoke, biting down onto your lip anxiously.
You knew the vampire wasn’t going to harm you, could almost feel it in the way he acted around you; the presence he gave off. But that didn’t stop your chest from filling with anxiety as your brain once again realized that all of this was horrifyingly real.
“Mmmm, that’s alright.” He was once again distracted with his pestle, continuing to powder the herbs into fine dust. “But visit me again soon, okay little dove? You’re the first human I’ve talked to in a while.”
Well, that was odd.
“Don’t you get human customers?”
The vampire shook his head, sparing you a quick glance. “Believe it or not, the things I sell cater to specific audiences.”
You really didn’t want to know what he meant by that, so you didn’t question any further. Yet you felt considerably fond of the vampire, in a weird way. Maybe because he was the first one who hadn’t threatened you, or gone out of his way to intimidate you until you were cowering in fright.
Whatever it was, you were thankful towards him.
“Well, it was nice meeting you-” It was then you realized you’d never caught his name, and if sensing your unfinished sentence, he temporarily halted his grinding to grin over at you once more, a similar fondness found in his own eyes.
“Hoseok.” He relayed. “You can call me Hoseok.”
“So, have you talked to him yet?”
Wiping down another empty table of crumbs and straw wrappers, you eyed Jimin over your shoulder, head of orange hair relaxing lazily on one of the bar stools at the counter. You noticed his eyes were playful, like he’d been dying to tease you about the last conversation you both had.
You’d rather clean gum off the bottom of tables then do just that.
Focusing back on the task at hand, you loaded dirtied dishes into a plastic bin, balancing it on your hip as you went from table to table. “Talked to who?” You replied nonchalantly, though you were sure your voice deceived you in displaying just how anxious you were over the topic.
It was your shift at Johnny’s once again, working from nine at night, to closing. The only reason Jimin had offered you this shift in the first place, was so he could get home to his boyfriend at a reasonable hour. Yet, there he still sat, watching you busy yourself with any task, rather than answering his questions.
You knew he’d stayed behind, just to interrogate you on the subject of Jungkook, and your supposedly secret crush on him.
You internally gagged.
“Come on ___, I’m dying here. Give me something… did Yoongi give you his number? Have you texted Jungkook yet?”
You groaned audibly, letting him know your obvious frustration. You didn’t want to be too disrespectful, since he was your boss after all, but you truly had no intention of texting the guy who’d been practically stalking you, and you were a terrible liar.
So what the hell were you supposed to say?
Setting the tub of dirty dishes onto a nearby table, you turned around, hands on your hips as you narrowed your eyes at the male who sent you an award winning smirk.
“No, I haven’t messaged him yet Jimin, since you’re dying to know.”
He perked up then, clearly happy that you were at least speaking to him. For the past hour of your shift, you’d done nothing but reply with quiet ‘mhmms’, since you weren’t too keen on the topic.
“Why not? Didn’t you get his number from Yoongi?”
“Uh.. yeah. I’m just-” You paused, trying to come up with an adequate excuse. “Nervous?”
It came out as more of a question, but Jimin didn’t care, because he was instantly hopping down from the bar stool and making his way towards you, a look of almost disbelief on his face.
“Why!” He practically shouted. “Why are you nervous? Jungkookie is so nice, I’ve known him since I’ve been with Yoongi, he’s just a dorky kid. I’m sure he’d love to take you out!”
Dorky kid… who happens to tear into people’s throats when he’s particularly thirsty.
Dorky kid your ass.
Letting out a sigh, you rubbed your forehead in exasperation. You could feel a headache forming, and you knew that Jimin wasn’t going to let you off the hook until you gave him something to work with.
“Okay! I’ll… I’ll message him tomorrow okay? Would that make you happy?”
Jimin didn’t seem convinced, his eyes slightly narrowed onto your own. You had to admit, he looked slightly intimidating, and forcibly held back a shudder at the look he was giving you.
“I don’t believe you.” He stated, matter of fact. “Why don’t I message him for you? Wait! We could double date this weekend, that would be perfect. I’m sure Yoongi would be down for that.”
You grimaced.
Every cell in your body was telling you that Yoongi would not be down for that.
“I don’t think Yoongi is the double dating type of guy.”
Jimin waved you off, clearly still proud of himself for coming up with such a genius idea to set you up. You were going to do everything in your power to keep that from happening.
“Yoongi will go, I’ll make sure of it.”
Clearly you knew who wore the pants in that relationship.
It was a funny thought, the image of Jimin bossing around his vampire boyfriend who had probably worn a permanent scowl on his face for decades.
“Jimin.. I appreciate you trying to help, but I think this is something I need to do on my own okay?”
He frowned, and you almost felt bad. Your boss was a sweetheart, almost too pure for his own good. His heart was two sizes too big, and you hated disappointing people. But there was no way you could go on a double date with a killer. The thought was just revolting.
“I’ll message him in my own time, okay? I promise.”
It was silent for three beats of your heart, until Jimin was letting out a defeated sigh, pursing his lips as his shoulders slightly dropped. “Fine.” He muttered.
“Why are you even still here? I thought you wanted to start spending more time with Yoongi.”
At the sound of his boyfriends name, the orange haired male was perking up again, smile gracing his features once more. “Oh yeah! I guess I got distracted hanging out with you.”
Pestering you, was more like it.
“Why don’t you head home? I can handle things from here, we usually don’t get any customers near closing anyways.”
It wasn’t a lie. Johnny’s Pizzeria was busy during class hours, since it was close to campus and offered decent food at a cheap price. Anytime during daytime hours, college students would be scattered about the small diner, grabbing a quick lunch between classes.
You felt your mood slightly shift, because you used to be one of those people; hurrying from class to class, never having time to do much other than grab a quick slice and go. Now, you had all the free time you’d need, and the thought was gloomy.
You were a college drop out, and the title made you feel sick. You had dropped out because of your love for writing, but hadn’t even written a single word since you’d left. Your life had gotten twisted, turned upside down so suddenly, that you’d forgotten to even live.
You hated that.
Were you going to spend the rest of your life living in fear? Did you want to?
No, you didn’t.
You had a feeling that Jungkook wasn’t going to leave you alone anytime soon, and he’d given you his word that he wouldn’t sink his pearly whites into you. Of course, his word meant absolute shit to you, but still, it was something.
You needed to make some sort of change.
“___? You okay?” Jimin asked worriedly.
You snapped out of your thoughts, had almost been consumed by them for a short moment. Giving Jimin a slight nod, and a reassuring smile, you agreed.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, just tired I guess.”
He gave you a once over, like he wasn’t quite convinced, but nodded anyways.
“Alright.. Listen, you can close up a little early tonight okay? I won’t mind. Make sure and get some sleep tonight, and I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
You watched him grab his bag from behind the counter, before making his way towards the exit.
“Thanks Jimin, I will.”
He sent you one last Jimin smile, round cheeks and all teeth. “Of course, take care!”
“You too.”
The sound of the bell ringing above the door let you know he’d taken his leave, and you were once again focused back on the task of busing the tables. Picking up the gray plastic tub filled with dirty dishes and cups, you carried it towards the back of the restaurant, setting it down in the kitchen to be cleaned later.
Eyeing the clock, you realized you had two hours left of your shift, and since Jimin had mentioned you closing early, you knew that you only had an hour or so left. There wasn’t much left to clean, and you were thankful that you’d be able to get back to Taehyung’s apartment a little earlier than normal.
Honestly, it truly sucked staying there. It wasn’t because of Taehyung though, but more you. You loved your best friend, and were so thankful to him for letting you stay as long as you had. Yet, the more you stayed there, the more useless you felt.
Like you weren’t in control of anything anymore, not even your own life.
You were an adult, with a functioning apartment waiting for you to return to. You missed your cozy bed and comfy couch, you were homesick in the worst of ways.
You had left college to become more independent, to become a better version of yourself, one that wasn’t ruled and molded by what your parents wanted. But how could you achieve that, when you were hiding away like a coward?
You couldn’t.
Your run in with Jungkook yesterday had somewhat eased your fears, believe it or not. You supposed his words held some sort of truth to them. If he had truly wanted you dead, you’d be buried ten feet underground by now. He could have easily gotten you at any vulnerable moment, yet he hadn’t. You had no idea why, maybe he did enjoy scaring you, and that was all there was to it.
Either way, things had to change.
You needed to move back home, whether your mind was telling you to or not. You were going to listen to your heart instead, insisted that it always knew best.
“Okay then, it’s decided.” You spoke to yourself, mentally patting your back for having the guts to make that decision at all.
As you were tossing the dirty rag into a hamper near the door, you felt an overwhelming feeling of unease pass through you, enough so to send a spine chilling shiver up your back. The air suddenly felt heavy, and the only other time you had ever felt such emotions, was around Jungkook.
Please don’t be here, please.
And to signal your suspicions coming true, the chime to the restaurant went off not a second later.
You felt your pulse still.
Heavy footsteps rang through the otherwise empty room, and you weren’t brave enough to peak around the corner of the kitchen to see who was standing on the other side of the wall. No one ever ate pizza this late, so just knew this wasn’t a coincidence; could feel it in your bones.
Ever so gently, the sound of fingertips tapping against the front counter could be heard. The person obviously wasn’t leaving, and you decided that you were being an absolute idiot. Maybe a person had a sudden craving for cheese pizza at eleven at night. Maybe.
Since it was your job after all, you sucked in a deep breath before hurrying around the corner, plastering on the nicest smile you could muster up as you made your way behind the counter towards the register.
“Hello, sorry about that. I was cleaning up in the back.” You spoke warmly, “What can I get for you?”
It was then that you were brave enough to look up at the person on the other side of the counter, and were pleasantly shocked to find a head of silver hair, instead of raven black.
Not Jungkook then.
You were undoubtedly pleased.
The man was tall, broad, hair swept back and styled away from his face. Body hidden by a black coat that fell to his knees, and as his eyes met your own, the drumming of his fingers instantly stilled.
It made you uneasy, how he didn’t speak, just simply stared at you. His eyes were a certain black, pupils blown and almost eerie with how vacant they seemed. Confusion flourished through you, at the strange man.
Why was he just staring at you, with no expression?
“Can I get you something?” You repeated again, more cautious this time.
It was only then, that the man let a smile stretch over his lips, dimples appearing on each corner, and it was the most sinister smile you’d ever seen. Like the man knew something you didn’t, and it scared you, to the point that your hands gripped the edge of the counter to help keep your balance.
“I do believe you can.” His voice was rich, deep and husky, words carefully calculated and spoken in such a smooth and enticing way, that left you somewhat bothered.
The man’s features were anything but soft, eyes hardened and jaw tense, as if he was restraining himself from saying, doing, something.
“W-what do you need?” You cleared your throat, as a raspy chuckle left his throat at your stuttering; the sound came deep within his chest, and it left your face feeling too warm.
“I’m looking for a friend, yet I see that he’s not here.” His voice drawled, lazily. 
“What a shame.”
What the hell?
“Um, who are you looking for? Maybe I can help?” You insisted politely, even though you were extremely wary around the stranger. His mere presence sent warning singles throughout your brain.
The man took a step back, eyes taking a long sweep down your body, as if taking in every detail of you and your uniform, black pants, yellow shirt with a slice of pizza on the right shoulder, and your name right underneath.
“____.” He spoke to himself, your name sounding like a warning as it passed through his lips.
“Your help won’t be necessary, I can come back another time.” His eyes found yours once more, and the eerie smirk was still permanently etched onto his face.
You hoped he didn’t come back.
“Well, okay. Sorry your friend isn’t here, can I at least get you a drink or something?”
You had no idea who the guy was even looking for, having not having even offered up his friends name. You were pretty sure Jimin would never associate himself with this type of guy, all broad and intimidating.
“No thank you, I’m not particularly thirsty tonight.”
You watched as he slid his hand off the counter, slowly, precision in every move he made. He struck you as odd, and you couldn’t quite define him in exact words even if you tried. The man was strange, in a fearful kind of way. Like he demanded respect from whomever he crossed paths with.
“If you want to give me your name, I can ask around tomorrow to see if anyone here knows you?”
At your offer, the smile slowly slipped off of his face, eyes seeming to drip heavy intent, of what you didn’t know. Weren’t sure you wanted to know.
“My name?” He questioned rhetorically, as if he was too proud to answer at first.
“I suppose I wouldn’t mind giving it to someone with such a pretty face.” He spoke, hauntingly.
You could only stare, fingers frozen to the counter and eyes transfixed on his own, almost as if you couldn’t look away.
“My name is Namjoon.”
Your feet felt heavy as you made your way up a familiar flight of stairs. It had been so long since you’d been home - even within the same block as your apartment - that being back, it felt good.
Felt right.
The bag flung over your right shoulder was heavy with your belongings, but not as heavy as your heart as you realized that you’d be on your own once again. Though it was your choice to move back in, you couldn’t help but remember the moment you told Taehyung you’d be returning home, and his protests at the topic.
“What! You’re going back already? But you just got here…”
You saw the pout of his plush lips, shoulders sagging as he held the small angry puppy in his arms. You both were cuddled on the couch, watching some random Netflix movie that wasn’t very good, but it was cozy and you felt safe.
“Tae..” You said weakly, not liking the disappointed eyes he was giving you. It hurt your heart.
“I’ve been here for over a week! I don’t want to be a burden on you anymore..”
At that, his face looked struck with disbelief, his body sitting upright as he sat down the little puppy between the two of you, who instantly starting chewing on the blanket that covered your legs.
“You’re not a burden ___! I love having you here! Who is going to do face masks with me every night now? Who can make delicious macaroni like you can?”
You stifled a laugh, reaching out to grab his hand and offering a reassuring squeeze. You loved your best friend, weirdness and all. And you were going to miss him, because honestly, it was nice having someone else around to talk to. Where it wasn’t just you and your thoughts.
But you knew you needed to do this, for yourself.
“I’m only fifteen minutes away, it’ll be just like it was before! Plus, I’m not leaving until this weekend, so we still have a few days left.”
Though it wasn’t enough to convince him completely, Taehyung still sent you a small smile, before picking up the puppy again, once it started chewing on the cushion of his couch.
“Tannie’s going to miss you so much.” He sighed dramatically, and you smiled at the sight of the small dog in the arms of a much larger puppy, and laughed, heart feeling a little too warm.
You supposed you were going to miss them too.
It had taken a good twenty minutes for Taehyung to even let you leave through the front door, whether by conveniently misplacing your apartment keys, to accidentally relocating your bag.
You found it cute, in an annoying sort of way. You had hugged both him and the little pupper goodbye, before grabbing an Uber back to your apartment. It was Friday, which meant you had a good three days to get yourself acquainted with your apartment, before having to work again.
Jimin had given you the day off, after you told him you were moving back in. He had sounded too chipper over the phone, raising your suspicions, and when you’d asked him what was up, he replied with a suspicious ‘I’m just happy for you!’.
A little too happy, was what you thought at the time.
You’d let it go, thankful that he’d given you the time off. It was still light out, the sun just starting to fade into the sky, and you were feeling okay, happy to be back at your apartment and happy to get your life back on track once again.
That was, until you rounded the corner at the top of the stairs and saw a familiar head of black hair in front of your door.
What the hell was he doing there.
Suddenly, all the courage and long for independence you’d once held inside, came flowing out like lava. Why the moment you decided to change yourself for the better, was he reappearing to make your life hell again?
You were angry, and for once the anger layered the fear.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You spat, as you made your way towards him.
He had been leaning against the front of your door, one leg bent at the knee and foot propped up on the door, while the other was stretched out in front of him. His head was hung, as if asleep, but you knew better, and hands were tucked into the pockets of a familiar black coat.
At your voice, his head snapped up and attention fully on you. His once emotionless face now held a prideful smirk, as he watched your heated figure stomp towards him.
“Little human, was wondering when you’d show up.”
His voice made the hairs on your neck stand up, and as you came to a stop before him, you let your bag drop from your shoulder uncaring.
“What- why are you here? How did you even know I was coming back?”
You were almost too shocked to sound angry, because how the hell had he known you were planning on moving out of Taehyung’s house? Unless he really was stalking you, and if that was the case, you had a much bigger problem on your hands..
The only two people you had told were Tae, and Jimin.
Oh my god.
“Oh no..” You spoke aloud, closing your eyes as you remembered how suspiciously evil your boss had sounded on the phone.
The sound of laughing broke you from your thoughts, and you were met with Jungkook’s eyes staring at you, lips turned up into a grin and eyes still consumed by a black void.
“Yeah, Jimin hyung said you’d be here. told me to help you get settled in.”
You wanted to scream.
“Well Jimin is an idiot, I don’t want you here, so leave.”
You ignored how the grin slipped from his lips, and the same expressionless stare was once again rooted to his face. You thought he looked better that way, helped really emphasize on the killer aspect of his personality.
“That’s not what he said.”
You ignored him, fishing for your keys in the pocket of your jacket.
It was odd, how you weren’t as afraid as you’d thought you’d be. Maybe it had to do with the overflowing amount of irritation and dislike you held for the vampire in front of you, or maybe it had to do with the new mindset you’d taken on about living your life despite the circumstances.
Or maybe, it was something else, you weren’t sure.
You just wanted him gone.
“Yeah? What did he tell you?” You asked, giving him a quick glance. “And move, you’re blocking my door.”
Surprisingly, he stepped to the side, just enough to let you access your lock, but not enough to where you weren’t forced to have your arm brush against his chest. You almost hesitated, because you were vulnerable in the position, and all he’d have to do is lean down and take a chunk out of your neck.
“He told me you had a little crush.”
You dropped your keys.
“What!” You whirled around, coming face to chest with him, and when you looked up he seemed entirely thrilled at your outburst.
“That’s insane! I- I don’t”
“He even said you went to Yoongi of all people, just to get my number.”
You couldn’t help but hate how arrogant he looked, and you wanted nothing more than to smack it right off his face. If only it wouldn’t cost you your life in return.
“I did go to Yoongi, but it had nothing to do with getting your number!” You fought back.
How quickly his face changed from smug to annoyed was an understatement, and it had you taking a quick step back, as you bent down to swipe your keys from the floor.
You watched his jaw tense, muscles flexing under the skin, and eyes flashing a hint of red.
“You went and saw Yoongi? Why, when?”
Why did he care?
“It’s none of your business, so stop fucking stalking me and get lost.” Your voice quivered slightly, and you were quick when entering the key into your front door and twisting.
It opened with ease, and as you pushed the door open and quickly kicked your bag inside, you felt a strong grip on your elbow, turning your body to face him and bringing you snug against his own.
“I asked you a question, little human.” He spoke low, precise. It sent shivers through you. “And I expect an answer.”
You gulped. Your hands came to push against his chest, and when he didn’t bulge, you felt your anger slowly being replaced by fear once again.
“Like I said, n-none of your business.” You spat, and his grip on you tightened.
It was nearing painful, and for a split second you were reminded of what he was, what he could do, and your eyes held a sense of pleading as they stared up at him.
“Maybe I was wrong about you.” He whispered, face inching down near you, as his nose brushed along your own softly. 
“Maybe you aren’t as weak as I’d hoped.”
You inhaled deeply, body shaking in his grasp, noticing how he smelled of fresh cotton and sandalwood, the mixture of scents all too pleasing, it left your head spinning.
“Just let me go.” You whispered, in a last attempt.
And he did.
He let you go with ease, a newfound recollection in his eyes that you didn’t quite understand, and it seemed neither did he. You took the quick second of distraction to fling yourself into your apartment, the action seeming to shock him back into the moment, as he took a step forward.
“Don’t think this is the last time you’ll be seeing me, little human.” A hand on each side of your door frame. “We have things to discuss.”
You didn’t want to discuss anything with him, ever.
“Fat chance at that happening.” You spat, looking at him with disgust. Your body was till thrumming from being so close to him, a weird sensation in your chest that was unrecognizable.
He sneered, obviously not pleased with your attitude, and went to take a step forward before he was abruptly stopped, his body being forced back as if he just ran straight into a wall.
You looked at him confused, as sudden realization crossed his face.
Looking down, you noticed how the tips of his boots were just outside your door frame, still touching the cement of outside and unable to move any closer.
He can’t come in. You realized in shock, eyes widening to stare up at him.
Yoongi’s words suddenly reappearing from your last meeting with him. ‘About as hard as it’d be for Jungkook to step foot in yours, I suppose.’
You hadn’t invited him into your house. Taehyung had invited him in to his place, that’s how Jungkook had been able to enter.
You were safe after all.
“Wow.” You breathed, a smile breaking out over your face. “Guess we won’t be discussing things after all.”
You watched his lip turn up in annoyance, and you were nothing but thrilled.
“Enjoy this moment while it lasts, human.” He growled. “You can’t hide in here forever.”
Sure you could.
“We’ll see, won’t we?” You replied, all too amused and clearly showing it on your face.
“Oh and Jungkook?” His name seared your tongue as you spoke, and you watched his eyes burn a bright crimson once more, pupils blowing out into a sea of blood red.
“Why don’t you fuck off.”
And with that, you slammed the door in his face.
You were safe.
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locatebiome · 5 years
Supposed To Be
a oneshot I wrote for Beyond the Border, which is an incredible fic by @turboniumaly. If you haven’t read it yet, go read it! The concept is amazing, it’s both heartwarming and soul-crushing, and I highly recommend it!!!
Summary (and spoilers, go read BtB first) under the cut!
This takes place just after Chapter Eight and it’s just my take on the idea of Zed discovering Impulse’s death. Genre is mostly angst. Enjoy!
The cool air of Impulse’s cliffside home was a welcome change from the oppressively hot atmosphere of the Nether.
Zedaph blinked the last violet portal particles from his eyes and stretched his arms high over his head. He’d been gathering quartz in the Nether almost all day. The routine of explore-a-bit, mine-a-bunch, explore-a-bit, mine-a-bunch, and so on, was just repetitive enough to be soothing and with just enough variety to keep his mind from wandering to the dark topics that were so common of late.
He yawned and gave the familiar house a quick once-over. Since the first border-related death, he’d been crashing at Impulse’s place. Like many of the hermits suddenly taking up residence in their friends’ homes, the idea of being alone in one’s house was quite alarming nowadays.
Kind of like how he appeared to be alone right now.
“Impulse?” Zed called hesitantly. He wandered through the quiet house, but there was no sign of his friend. The house was oddly, hauntingly empty.
That was strange. Impulse was always home by now, tinkering with his farms and drawing up blueprints of new contraptions. He always managed to keep up a lively conversation with Zed, despite the everlasting exhaustion that had accompanied him since Xisuma’s death.
Zedaph felt the backs of his long, elfin ears prickle with dread. His ears were never wrong, no matter how much he wished they were.
His first instinct was to check the player list on his phone -- but something stopped him. It took him a moment to realize it was fear. He was afraid of what the list, in all its stark and impermeable truth, would tell him.
He scoffed at himself. Of course Impulse would be online. The stress and panic of the past few weeks was making him paranoid, that was all.
Still, when he found himself sliding the phone back into his pocket, he couldn’t bring himself to pull it back out.
Well, that was fine. He’d just have to find him manually. Maybe he was working on some expansions for iTrade and lost track of time. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d forgotten to come home or sleep because he was so deeply invested in a project.
Satisfied with his own theory, Zedaph checked his elytra and patted the pocket where he kept rockets for flying. Without another moment’s dallying, he shot out the front door and into the sky.
It only took him a few minutes to fly the distance to iTrade. He glided to a stop on the path leading into the store.
To his surprise and subsequent confusion, there was someone outside the building already.
Doc circled it slowly, almost thoughtfully, brushing one hand along its smooth wooden walls and gleaming quartz pillars. In his other hand, he clutched his trademark trident. He was rolling the handle over and over in his palm, which almost always meant he was anxious, with either excitement or distress.
Zed frowned. That was . . . odd. Now suspicion grew over his previous confusion. What was Doc doing here, circling the building so weirdly?
He decided confrontation was his best course of action and approached iTrade at a brisk trot.
“Hey, Doc! What--”
He broke off abruptly as Doc whirled with a snarl, trident raised to attack.
Zedaph took an instinctive step back, trying to quell the thrill of fear that pierced his chest. They’d all been pretty jumpy since Xisuma’s death.
But upon recognizing him, Doc took a step back, lowering the trident.
And then, to Zed’s disbelief and shock, he shot him one brief, uncharacteristically scared glance and leapt into the sky. The loud rapport of rockets firing filled the night air for a moment, and then there was silence.
Once again, Zedaph was alone.
Thoughts whirling crazily, he entered the store. As he’d expected, but dreaded, Impulse was nowhere to be found. He walked back out numbly, in a daze.
He’d never seen Doc of all people so . . . terrified. Stressed, yes. Shocked, yes. Even occasionally nervous. But truly, gut-wrenchingly afraid?
Yes, something was very, very wrong.
He wasn’t anywhere in the shopping district.
Zed was beginning to feel quite concerned.
Eventually, his curiosity began to overwhelm his fear. Something was deeply, horribly wrong, that he knew. From Impulse’s initial absence, to Doc’s strange behavior, to the cold tingle in his ears. The entire world felt like a familiar song played just-slightly off-key. And while he was more than a little scared of what that something might be, he had to know.
After several internal pep-talks, and quite a few false starts, he managed to pull his phone out.
Turn the screen on.
Tap the player list.
The player list was open.
Look at the player list.
Look at the player list.
Look at the player list.
Xisuma and Cub -- still nowhere to be found on the list. Scar was still online, which relieved him somewhat. Zed’d been worried about him since he’d locked himself in CherryCare.
Tango -- still online. Still alive. He allowed himself a small sigh of relief.
Zedaph scrolled back up to the top and went down the list carefully, looking for Impulse. iJevin, Iskall85--
Wait, no.
No, where was he?
Ignoring his building panic, he slowly scrolled through the entire list, muttering each name aloud.
But Impulse, his name normally sandwiched between iJevin and Iskall85, was nowhere to be found.
No, no, no.
His blood ran cold. There was a black icicle in his heart.
That couldn’t be right. They had promised to stick together! To be there for each other!
With Tango so busy deciphering Xisuma’s death - he didn’t have anyone else - Impulse was all he had left. He couldn’t be dead, he couldn’t be dead, he couldn’t be dead.
Zedaph realized he was hyperventilating and gasped for air. It came back out as a choked sob. Each breath felt like it was edged with thorns.
It wasn’t fair - Impulse had promised - “I’m not going anywhere near the border, Zed. We’re gonna get through this. The three of us. I promise.” - it was supposed to be the three of them, always.
He swiped the tears from his cheeks and stood upright -- when had he fallen down? -- on shaky legs.
He had to get outside, had to get the others, had to find Impulse -- because of course he wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be!
Zed stumbled outside, struggling to breathe around the stuttering sobs that choked his throat and wracked his entire frame.
There were two people approaching.
One was tall, blonde, dressed in red, familiar -- it was Tango, thank god it was Tango. He wasn’t alone, he still had Tango - the demon would help him of course, and they’d find Impulse and the three of them would be together again.
Oddly enough, Tango was grasping a sword loosely in one hand. The blade was lit only by the faraway lights of the surrounding buildings and much farther-away light of the moon and stars, and Zed couldn’t make out the details. Yet something about it only amplified that off-key feeling.
There was still something so horribly wrong.
Tango and -- Iskall, he realized belatedly, it was Iskall -- both wore the same tired, broken expression.
They both carried the same terrible, terrible knowledge in their downcast eyes.
More than knowledge, it was news -- awful, heavy news that would feel like a dozen anvils falling on Zedaph’s shoulders -- somehow he knew this with absolute certainty, for his ears were never wrong--
For a long, excruciating moment, they just stared at each other. The sobs had slowed, but tears still silently rolled down Zed’s cheeks, and Tango’s scarlet eyes were beginning to glisten, and finally Iskall broke the silence with a bruised, haunted voice.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.”
Zedaph stared at him, trying and failing to say something, anything, to deny the sentence Iskall was about to say next.
“He’s dead,” he choked out, and now he was beginning to cry as well. “Impulse is dead.”
And hearing it, hearing that he - that Impulse - was really, truly, absolutely dead, felt like being crushed by weighty gravel and being submerged in searing lava and being impaled right in the heart by a malevolent blade.
Zedaph let out one long, agonized wail, and sank to the floor. Suddenly, Tango was there, wrapping his arms around him and offering him the comfort of physical contact. It was the only comfort they had left.
And as Zed sat there, crying violently into his best friend’s chest and feeling said friend shudder with his own sobs, he could only think one thing. The thought spiraled around and around in his head, repeating until it was an unstoppable mantra and echoed endlessly in his head.
Us three, it was supposed to be three - it was supposed to be three - it was supposed to be three - it was supposed to be three -
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Step by step instructions to Purchase An Exquisite Engagement Ring On the web
Getting drew in is maybe one of the scariest moves a man (and yes a lady as well) would ever make. So I have assembled this Engagement Rings Perth manual for help you locate that extraordinary ring that your young lady will love - while abandoning you fulfilled that you have not over-spent.
What's more, regardless of whether your fiancee will pick her very own ring, you'd need to advise her to peruse this data also. Be that as it may, more than likely, you'd purchase your "unique woman" a precious stone engagement ring. Since:
Precious stones Are A Young lady's Closest Companion
Right. Precious stones are 99.95% unadulterated solidified carbon and is as old as soil - between 1-3 billion years of age. Actually, they are the hardest normally occurring substance known and are framed in the world's upper mantle under warmth and weight and conveyed to the world's surface by profound volcanic ejections.
They are later mined from layers of rock found in only a couple of locales around the globe. At that point they are transported to the different slicing focuses to be cut, cleaned and set as gems. Their splendor, shimmer and durability make them well looked for after.
In any case, they can be expensive as well. Different sources quote midpoints costs somewhere in the range of $3500 - $5000. "Ouch" you say. All things considered, I can give you the name of:
The "Virtuoso" That Began The Precious stone Engagement Ring Thought
Be that as it may, he has since quite a while ago passed so you'll need to return your weapon in your holster. The primary very much archived instance of giving an engagement jewel ring happened in 1477.
This was the point at which a lovestruck Austrian, Archduke Maximilian, put a jewel ring on the third finger of the left hand of Mary of Burgundy in his pre-wedding assurance to her. That finger was accepted by antiquated Egyptians to have a vein that drives directly to a lady's heart.
In the Unified States, it was not until the point when the 30′s that giving precious stone rings for engagements ended up average. Presently about 80% of ladies drew in are offered precious stone rings.
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As this will be a most imperative buy - representative of your affection and the significance of your relationship, observing the accompanying variables should place you in great stead.
The fifth C And Thinking of A Financial plan
Any great engagement rings guide will make reference to the 4 C's as they are key to making a buy for a precious stone ring. The 4 C's are sketched out in more prominent detail underneath however it is the "fifth C" - cost, that excites the best measure of interest and maybe fear.
You may have heard the "standard way of thinking" that asserts that you have to spare somewhere around three months compensation to buy a precious stone ring. This "counsel" may have originated from the De Brews' exposure machine; Debeers being predominant power in each part of the precious stone industry. So accept this exhortation with a grain of salt.
A greatly improved methodology is to set your financial plan dependent on the amount you can practically manage. What's more, you are likely the best individual who can concoct that number.
Likewise your spending should think about the characteristics of the ring that are the most critical to you. With the wide exhibit of precious stone rings accessible, you can spend less and still get a decent ring or you can spend much more on size and quality.
There are some exceptionally believed spots where you can purchase engagement rings online while remaining inside your financial plan. These spots offer a 100% unconditional promise should you not be happy with your financial plan.
A trustworthy online precious stone retailer would likewise guarantee that their jewels don't begin from struggle nations nor different sources with connections to criminal or psychological oppressor exercises.
Whichever source you purchase from, oppose the impulse to go over your financial plan particularly if cash is tight. A businessperson may urge you to spend past your financial plan since precious stones perhaps speak to a sound speculation.
However, a retailer can altogether increase the estimation of a precious stone and not long after you purchase that ring, it could lose a considerable measure of it esteem. Furthermore, more terrible, it could take a long time for that incentive to return. So remain consistent with your financial plan as much as you can.
Know Her Size and What She Prefers
How frequently have I told my sweetheart that I am not a mind peruser? Ladies regularly anticipate that men will know precisely what they need particularly if those men have been in an involved acquaintance with them.
Try not to accept that you know everything about your woman. Discovering what sort of jewel engagement ring your exceptional woman adores can be precarious in the event that you need to keep your fast approaching proposition secretive.
So before you start shopping you ought to
* Concentrate her style of gems. Is it true that she is more into customary or sentimental gems? Does she cherish showy or more unobtrusive gems?
Likewise focus on the metal and shade of the gems she wears.
Likewise get a second assessment. Ask her dear companions or even family for guidance on the style of adornments she loves.
* Decide her ring size by furtively "acquiring" one of her rings and comparing it to a size outline or demonstrating it to a gem dealer. Ensure the ring you "acquire" is the one she wears on the proposed finger.
You could likewise enroll the assistance of a companion or relative who could coolly attempt on one of her rings and find out its size. On the off chance that you are not happy with any of these 007-like moves, basically attempt on one of her rings and bring it down the extent that it can easily go.
You can stamp that line and show it to a gem dealer who should then have the capacity to estimate it from that point. When in doubt and you are not still beyond any doubt about her ring size - pick a ring that is on the greater side. It is significantly better to diminish the span of a ring than it is to "scrutinize it.
The 4 C's Of A Precious stone Buy
No engagement rings control is finished without a talk of the "Four C's" - cut, shading, clearness and carat. The 4 C's are a noteworthy piece of value setting and will be incorporated into a jewel evaluating report.
Albeit the majority of the 4 C's ought to be considered similarly, gemologists will disclose to you that "cut" is the most basic in light of the fact that there are such huge numbers of factors included.
Precious stone Cut: As you'll see, this is the main "C" that isn't impacted by the unstoppable force of life. "Cut" alludes to the geometric extents, symmetry and clean of jewel - not its shape. These components decide a precious stone's fire, brightness and shine.
At the point when light enters an inadequately cut jewel, a large portion of the light will get lost through the sides instead of reflecting back up the best. The previous gives the precious stone a dull, dormant look.
Know that there are medicines that can be completed to a precious stone that can enhance its shading or absolutely change it to an extravagant shading.
Precious stone Shading: Apparently the second most vital "C", goldsmiths normally review shading on a 23 letter set scale - "D" - "Z". "D" is the whitest shading and "Z" is a light yellow shading.
You may feel that a more white shading would constantly mean a more costly precious stone. Be that as it may, this isn't really the situation as irregularity is the thing that decides cost.
There are precious stones called "likes" which have solid hues, (for example, blue and red) and are exceptionally uncommon and expensive. A few likes are estimated out of the scope of a great many people as they cost in the a huge number of dollars.
Jewel Clearness: Precious stones normally have interior and outer flaws called considerations or nature's unique finger impression. These are frequently imperceptible to the exposed eye however can be seen under a gem specialist's magnifying instrument (loupe).
Less considerations implies more noteworthy clearness and a cleaner, more costly precious stone. Pearl quality jewels, that is those with practically no inside considerations are reviewed "FL" for impeccable. These precious stones are uncommon and costly.
Precious stone Carat Weight: The heaviness of a jewel is estimated in carats. This isn't to be mistaken for "karat" which is the manner by which the immaculateness of gold is portrayed.
Nor should you confound the heaviness of a precious stone with its size. 1 carat measures up to 0.2 grams or 100. Numerous individuals know about "carat" as it is a term that is continually drifting near. Carat weight is entirely direct as it is institutionalized and can be precisely decided with a precious stone carat weight scale. The more a precious stone gauges - the more it costs.
The sixth C - Accreditation
Here is another "C" for you - "accreditation". I consider this the sixth "C." alright - I swear - no more "Cs" in this engagement rings direct.
"Accreditation" is really a jewel reviewing report which gives an expert gemological evaluation of the 4Cs.
You should just believe precious stone evaluating reports from strong confided in labs, for example, the Gemological Organization of America (GIA), American Pearl Society (AGS) and the Diamond Confirmation and Affirmation Lab (GCAL).
Notwithstanding the huge 3 precious stone graders over, some online retailers, Amazon for instance, incorporate endorsements from Worldwide Gemological Foundation (IGI).
Remember that precious stone reviewing reports don't offer examinations of jewels. Examinations notice esteem. So in the event that somebody demonstrates to you an evaluating report with a sum professing to be a market estimation of the precious stone - you realize something isn't right.
Purchasing Precious stones On the web
During a time where a half eaten flame broiled cheddar sandwich and a lady's turn in marriage are sold on the web, it appears there is nothing you can't purchase on the web. Wherever you mean on purchasing a precious stone, trust in the seller should be an issue and obviously you have to practice good judgment.
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sanjay-chem · 3 years
Smart Containers Market Potential Growth, Size, Share, Demand And Analysis Of Key Players – Research Forecasts To 2029
Smart Containers market
study offers a comprehensive analysis of the business models, key strategies, and respective market shares of some of the most prominent players in this landscape. Along with an in-depth commentary on the key influencing factors, market statistics in terms of revenues, segment-wise data, region-wise data, and country-wise data are offered in the full study. This study is one of the most comprehensive documentation that captures all the facets of the evolving Smart Containers market.
Smart containers device that provides monitoring, real-time tracking enabling drivers to increase rotation time of their package equipment and improve utilization percentages. To trace and track products among stakeholders along with the electronic product code information services, supply chain, and RFID technologies. Container security devices are the structural backbone for smart containers market. The smart containers is used widely in different industries. Smart containers have always been the crux of the ocean shipping industry, the cornerstone for the work. Smart containers are those containers that are used in the transportation and carriage of goods without the need for reloading and unloading at standard features. These containers help transportation of goods via both seaborne and land modes of transport, which may include the use of rails, ships, and trucks
Request a free sample to obtain authentic analysis and comprehensive market insights at- https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-10520
Smart Containers are using the digital age of transportation one step further beyond paperless methods by including the Internet of Things (IoT) to help enhanced decision-making by the different sectorial stakeholders. Smart Containers electronics can be built in during construction, retrofitted to all varieties of existing containers, or set within the contents of the container. Transportation management systems, in combination with communication networks and cutting edge software, logistics, monitor shipping routes, and times.
Smart Containers Market: Drivers
Several factors are driving this market growth, including growing calls for security across transport value chains and greater transparency. Continuously increase in volume of data generated by the adoption of Internet of Thing (IoT) is boosting the market for smart containers. Rise in popularity of application container technology over the virtual machines due to its numerous benefits is expected to boost the growth of the market. Smart containers standards contains four parts data standard, technical standard, test standard, and specification standard.
The smart containers monitoring system consists of a sensor, power, related signal circuits, and a controller. Satellite communication is a different way of information transmission to gather information for business decisions. The main driver of the smart containers is the rising of online shopping which is usually analyzed by the shopping websites. Smart containers across multiple end-use industries owing to its higher properties is driving the market growth. The use of smart containers will provide endless treasure for shipping companies. The intelligent digital sales path of the global shipping industry start with smart containers. Smart containers are also reducing labor costs for shipping companies. The digitalization trend of the global shipping enterprise is already unstoppable and an undeniable trend in the future.
Smart Containers Market: Competition Landscape
Some of the prominent players manufacturing Smart Containers are CA Technologies, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Google, Docker Inc., Joyent, IBM Corporation, Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Mesosphere Inc., Red Hat, Inc., Rancher Labs, Inc., and others.
Discover more about report analysis with figures and data tables, along with the table of contents. Request for TOC- https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-10520 Smart Containers Market: Regional overview
Based on the region, the increasing industrialization of smart containers in countries such as Japan, Australia, India, and China is a significant factor in making the Smart Containers market in APAC. The world’s major seaports in North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Demanding countries have been the leading suppliers of low-value and high-value raw materials. The main driver of global seaborne trade is the strategic importance of developing countries, as well as their growing participation in global value chains. Smart containers in Sri Lanka, Singapore, India, Middle East & Far East, and Malaysia is connecting most vibrant seaports of those regions.
The smart containers market report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, and inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators, and governing factors, along with market attractiveness as per segment. The market report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.
The report covers exhaustive analysis on:                                    
Smart Containers Market Segments
Smart Containers Market Dynamics
Smart Containers Market Size
Supply & Demand
Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
Competition & Companies Involved in the Market
Value Chain of the Market
Market Drivers and Restraints
Regional analysis includes:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Rest of LATAM)
Western Europe (Germany, Italy, U.K, Spain, France, Nordic countries, BENELUX, Rest of Western Europe)
Eastern Europe (Russia, Poland, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (China, India, South Korea, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand, Rest of APEJ)
Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries, Turkey, Northern Africa, South Africa, Rest of MEA)
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Ecommerce Marketing: 2021 & Beyond
The E-commerce world has always been a competitive one. And with the Covid-19 pandemic coming along, the competition for these platforms has multiplied, as there is a growing need to be the best and hold a higher online presence, in retrospect to the competition. In order to stay ahead, there are certain trends that one has to monitor and incorporate into their E-commerce businesses. And so, here are some of those trends that will contribute to the success of your online store.
Online presence is now imperative:
The first one being that online sales growth are unstoppable. E- commerce sales have been growing constantly as online shopping is one of the most popular activities. With improved website experiences, people are now more comfortable sitting at home and shopping from these platforms. Let’s not forget that with the Covid -!9 pandemic, shopping from home is the new and most heavily followed trend. Moreover, people have more options available to them, one of them being contactless payments. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that online sales are just moving upwards, and it is important that many stores who don’t have an online presence, have to work towards building their e-commerce platforms in order to gain profits.
Designed for Mobile users ‘Mobile friendly’:
The second trend is linked to the growth in mobile shopping. For the most part, Millennials and Gen Z have grown up around computers and the internet, and so they are likely to be using their mobiles to browse and research websites and various products online. While mobile shopping is also used by the older and more mature age group, still there is a very stumped growth in the profits from mobile shopping. And so, the focus has to be on the Millennials and Gen Z, as they are the ones who are pushing the revenues from mobile shopping upwards. Therefore, improving the experience of online shopping for mobile users could generate a lot of profit for the online businesses.
Social Media Marketing is changing the game:
Another trend that should be taken into account is the growing influence of social media on E-commerce. Many a time, people will shop from brands that they have discovered while using their social media platforms. Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. all have sponsored ads that are linked with the advertising of products. Many of these applications have the store option as well, where various brands are highlighted and so viewers can easily purchase with the click of a button. Therefore, businesses need to get in link with social media and have their products displayed on the current trending applications to further promote and increase revenue for their companies.
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Personalise, Personalise, Personalise:
The last and most important trend I feel is Personalisation, when it comes to the shopping experience. Many businesses believe that customers, especially in link to luxury retail, deserve to have a very personalized and online shopping experience catered to them. This leads to trust building for the brands and likely leads to an increase in acquiring a loyal clientele. The same can be said for smaller businesses who have to start incorporating personalized tactics with regards to their consumers. This could include the personalization of messages that go out via email, or by providing the right information to the interested consumer group. By offering personalized customer communications, providing relevant discounts, and engaging with customers via video content, will help deliver a better shopping experience and strengthen the bond with ones customers.
In conclusion, taking these E-commerce trends into account will not only improve the shopping experience for your customers, but will also build long-lasting relationships with them. And so, take your e-commerce evolution to the next stage by adapting to these E-commerce trends.
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