#they deserve those asks and im very glad for them but like. am i doing smth wrong :/
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
skitskatdacat63 · 11 months ago
you don’t have to post this but i just want you to know i totally relate i rbed an ask game post today and got no asks :/ it sucks even if it’s just a silly little tumblr game
Yeahhhhh :(( I'm glad I'm not alone, anon. This made me feel a bit better, so thank you <3
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nyxtickled · 16 days ago
Fucking hell, Nyx. I have down-shifted my presence on here significantly lately (only tangentially relevant tl;dr: it turns out that the added mental bandwidth from my ADHD meds is not the only thing I need in order to be a good member of a kink community, and I am still working on the rest) so it took me a minute to get caught up, but I have now.
I am really fucking sorry that Socal put you through all of this extremely unhinged, unnecessary, sociopathic shit; I am really fucking glad you had the receipts ready to unload; and I am really really fucking amazed at your fortitude, both in carrying it mostly in silence as long as you did, and in opening up about all of it. I obviously also wish you hadn't had to do either of those things, but that's not news. I reiterate: fucking hell. 😞
(Incidentally: he was the pissant, penny-ante troglodyte shitheel, wasn't he? Your answers to other asks implied you knew who the main anon hater was, and that you'd taken some distance from them. It deserves mentioning that that was the same fucking guy. If someone wrote a character that toxic on an HBO show, people would say it was unrealistic. Fucking hell. 🤮)
I've always felt two ways about sharing community hygiene posts because my blog is tiny and I legitimately can't see that it matters (though I do it anyway) but I also saw the one that said "reblog that shit no matter the size of your blog" so I guess I'm done feeling two ways about it. Do you mind if I add a couple of my own thoughts when I do? They feel really inconsequential, because I have not dealt with anything even remotely like this, but I think I saw a reply saying you appreciated other people's perspectives, so I dunno.
Either way. I am glad you're here and that you continue to be here despite All Of The God-Damned Fucking Bullshit. The community is better for it. I am very evidently not the only one who feels that way, either. Go hug your wife and cuddle your dog and gather some spoons. 🖤
hey there, my dear beloved Thing 💖 it’s so great to hear from you! and i appreciate your empathy and support, very very much.
(incidentally: your suspicion is absolutely indeed on par with mine. the first time i ever received anon hate was during the screenshot fallout i shared when my dog got sick, as i was ignoring his calls and receiving walls of toxic texts from him. the second time was during the additional screenshot fallout i shared when the AUNT convo went down. the next time was after i got married, when i wasn’t speaking to him anymore. and, ever since i ended the connection entirely, ive been getting sporadic anon hate from the same person who just keeps trolling about me “cheating” since im married now etc. lmao, it’s just, the timing??? is way too fucking suspicious and it makes me laugh every single time i think abt it)
i am always open to anyone sharing their thoughts and perspectives! you’re more than welcome to add anything you want to a rb.
thank you for being here. the overwhelming response has been so validating and healing bc i legit only wanted to look out for others, and i’m so grateful that it was received in the way i intended. 💜
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sutorus · 1 year ago
im new to jjk tumblr do you have any blog recs 😊
✩ @hannzai — hannah my beloved read her jjk stuff neow she deserves sm hype + lots of sfw works too if u ever want to just yk. chill with ur jjk faves. but do urself a favor and read this one (smut) rn it went platinum in my brain
✩ @itadorey — inez hiii <3 very active which i love <3 these ones i'm about to rec are not smut if u follow me ur prolly a horny fiend like me but please read them they're so immersive and the characters r so well written here aaand here mwah
✩ @fxshigurosbae — kristen! ooomigod so many flavors of ur jjk faves like please go through her masterlist i guarantee ur gonna fall in love with every version of every man in there so yummy
✩ @nanamibeloved — rylie aka nanami's sweetheart all her works r amaze much more polished and clever than mine sobsob but. best flavor of nanami bc she knows him intimately frfr
✩ @todorosie — FIRST OF ALL LOOK AT THE THEME. it's too good and FITTING bc sorin COOKS please go through her masterlist and enjoy mwah
UPDATING in november with more amazing blogs i’ve found mwah
♡ @todorokies
♡ @sachiyoh
♡ @rinniessance
♡ @satocidal
✩ @satoruhour — surely u know i'm a gojo hoe so here u go have some more recs hehe BTW INCREDIBLE THEME i'm obsessed anyway her gojo stuff is sooo yum
✩ @saetoru — her rich boy gojo series has truly awakened so many of us so start with those works but i recommend everything ugh so good. one of the blogs that made me start my own akshually :p
✩ @prettyboykatsuki — has a lot more than jjk and everything is so delicious i've been following for years from other blogs i couldn't recommend them enough!!
✩ @iwaasfairy — DARK CONTENT! another one i've always lurk-read since like 2020 prolly LMAO i love her haikyuu stuff so much just like fyi but the jjk stuff too is just. yum. dark content warning for u again in case that's not ur vibe!
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ask-captain-anya · 2 days ago
anya! hearts to you too :)
thank you for all your encouragement! I’ve…it’s been a long time coming, getting promoted to a real position. I’ve done more work than my past two captains combined just so I could prove to them I was worth something. the universe didn’t want me to succeed but, well, I proved it wrong.
you helped me through so, so much of this. when I first contacted you, i was a scared, meek little girl, so overwhelmed she had to ask her mom for help. but you helped me get out of that mindset, you showed me that i was a strong, capable woman, just like you are. and I will never have enough gratitude in the world to express how you made me feel.
as for you, I’m still worried, but I’m not going to pity you. I’m sure you’ve heard enough “poor captain musume”’s for one lifetime. you aren’t a victim, you’re a survivor.
and surviving is so difficult. I know it is. but you’re a brave, strong, wonderful woman, anya. it’s hard, it’s so hard, but every day is going to get a little better. healing takes so much time, and I know you can do it. you’re the strongest woman i know, anya.
I’m so sorry about your crew, also. I can’t imagine…. I’m sorry, I won’t bring it up, I don’t want to make you sad. your nurse sounds amazing, though. I hope they’re doing okay, too.
anya, i want you to know that im so proud of you. you’re stronger than i can even imagine being. i hope you know that. you’re incredible, anya, and you deserve the absolute world. at least in my eyes, you’re a hero. you saved me, I hope you know that. my mental health wasn’t doing so well and you helped me remember that I wasn’t anything those awful people were saying.
thank you, anya. really.
oh, and of course you’re invited to my wedding, silly goose! I wouldn’t just tell you about my engagement and then not invite you, what kind of awful woman would that make me!
if you’d like to, I want you to be one of my bridesmaids! I’ll only have…maybe four, and I want you as one. absolutely. you’re so dear to me, anya. i mean, my closest friends besides you are bria (my wife!!! aa, I’ll never get tired of saying that) and two girls I knew from the naval academy, so it won’t be a big crowd, but I really do hope you’ll accept.
Oh, and bria wants you there too! She wants me to let you know that she’s so grateful for you and she really hopes you’re okay. oh, and she wants to meet this nurse you’ve mentioned. she’s such a dork…
anyways! sorry that was a whole lot, I’m just excited to talk to you!! you’re the coolest!! I can’t wait to hear back from you!!
I love you so much, anya. really.
(ooc: brielly real!! :) so glad you like these two, I love em to death)
Kelly, don't make me cry! I won't be able to respond to your kind message if I'm busy sobbing, trust me, my phone does not pick up sobs.
Wow, I don't even know what to say even if I could. I know that you offer me too much credit! I only told you what you needed to hear, you're the one who put in the work. You better not downplay your own excitement.
I don't know if I can be your bridesmaid. I want to, don't get me wrong, I just..
There's too much in the air, I fear. I'm not exactly the prettiest to look at right now, and who knows if I'll be able to stand by then and..
I need to think about it, but it's not a no. At the very least, I'm going to be there to support you. And meet Bria. I need to make sure this woman is good enough for you... Joking, but I am excited to meet her too.
I'll have to ask Curly but I don't see why he wouldn't come with me. He's sappy for weddings.
I'm sorry I can't say more, all this talking is starting to wear me out. I think I need to switch back to my speaking aid for a bit...
But thank you for your endless support, Kelly.
You mean the world to me.
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my-castles-crumbling · 1 month ago
Anonymous Advise Asks - February 10
6 anon, three hearts anon, angry anon, unnamed anon (new), confused 2 anon (new)
6 anon
We made it to states on a wild card placement, and the chances of that were like 2 percent! TWO, and we got it!!! I am very happy. I got 2 superior awards and 1 excellence award. However the downside is that it's in Detroit, but it's ok because my best friends are going to watch so yippeeee
OMG that's amazing, I'm so excited for you!!! Please keep me updated and tell me how it goes!
Three Hearts Anon
So if I'm understanding correctly, you can't go to therapy because of something your aunt did? I mean I don't know the whole situation but...I don't think you should sacrifice your mental health to protect her. Like...you're the kid in this situation, you know? You deserve to get help.
Also I promise you that everyone you love does not hate you. I have definitely felt like that before and I get how it feels all-consuming, but there are people who care aboutyou, I swear <3
Angry Anon
Hello, Cas! Angry anon here lol
I want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to reply!! It helped me quite a bit to calm down.
I started writing fanfics for the first time and also made some art that people liked even tho they were pretty messy :D It helped me vent A LOT. I could even talk about stuff that could potentially trigger other people but in fanfics they're just there (like eating habits).
I feel guilty talking about stuff with friends. I think I weight them down and they already have their own problems to deal with, I hate being another one of those.
My situation still kinda sucks but for the first time in like two weeks they actually let me sleep for six hours three days in a row ayy, I think that's improvement (?)! I think one of the reasons I was so upset was them not letting me rest at all, it's different if someone stays up so late and wake up in the middle of the night and has to go places early morning because they just do but was kinda frustrating that I needed to do that because they didn't give me any other choice.
Anyway, I also tried the paper crumpling, didn't really work for me and there's no rage rooms nearby but I put googly eyes on my phone and that somehow worked?? Idk
I might vent here occasionally (you're free to ignore it if you feel like it) but yeah, thanks
Hi! I'm so proud of you for finding ways to cope! Writing and drawing are amazing ways, and though I've never tried putting googly eyes on my phone- if it works and it doesn;t hurt anyone I'm all for it! I'm also really glad you've gotten some sleep <3 Keep it up with the healthy coping!
Also yes, you are always allowed to vent here <3
Unnamed Anon
Hey cas
I'm not gonna use my anon name cause I feel kinda bad about this but.
Backstory- I think I might be bi? But I live in a very religious very homophobic community and I'm not interested in dating yet ( Honestly im super confused) so I'm not out. And I probably won't be. Which is. A whole other thing.
But. This girl (I'm a girl) I've had a crush on for the longest time. I think she's straight. Anyway I really like her. And like... romantically, platonically, however she'll have me, pathetic I know but she's amazing. I applied to the college she's going to just... because of her. Which no one knows. But anyway.
She was dating this guy. I never met him. I only knew in passing. And she apparently just broke up with him. And like, secretly I'm a little happy. Which I feel terrible about! But she's handling it okay, not heartbroken, and it means she has more time for me (it's not like she'd date me now, she's just not doing boyfriend stuff) So idk. I just feel confused and yucky.
Side note, it means she probably doesn't have a prom date? She'll probably get one cause she's super pretty and amazing and everything but like... idk. The delusion lives on.
Even if she wasn't straight and I was out, she's kinda out of my league. I think I'll never forget her tho.
Thanks for being you
Hi <3 I think it's absolutely okay and natural to feel confused about all this, especially with your upbringing. But please know that none of what you're feeling is wrong or bad- even the mixed feelings about your crush's breakup!
Honestly, I think we've all felt like that before- a bit happy (and a bit guilty for feeling happy) when something like this happens. It's not like you're celebrating over a tragedy like a death or a fire or anything like that. You're not even outwardly celebrating! If it was one of those things, then I might say you should feel guilty. But you're not, so please don't beat yourself up. If it makes you feel any better, once I asked a guy out like four hours after he broke up with his girlfriend bc I was so excited he was single...it happens.
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halucynator · 1 year ago
END OF 2023
sorry to anyone who didn't want to be tagged xx
hi! most of you will know me as lucy (unless you're @m3ntallyunstable34 and know my real name lol)
so yes, i am lucy. and this is me reflecting on 2023 on tumblr because it seems like a logical thing to do considering this year sucked like 20% less (one of us is lying reference) because of all my amazing online friends. so yes i guess in a way this is a mutual appreciation post 🫶
@berryzxx you wouldn't believe me when i tell you you were the first mutual i didn't have to be all professional and got to be a crazy bitch with lmao so thank you for not judging me and talking to me like we're besties (we totally are btw bc i said so) mwahh
@longlivestv the loml literally owe my life to you bee 🫶🫶 you are one of the main reasons i'm friends with all of the people i will mention after, so tysm and thank you for being so sweet to me and i love flirting with you /hj ilysm 💗 also if im too young to fall in love why do you keep running through my brain? 😍😍
@loserdiaz one of the very few people i get to openly talk to and not feel weird doing it akshdasjhd ilysm april <33 and youre one of the only people i will ever admit has better pick up lines than me (thats a huge honour btw) so thank you for keeping up with me and flirting with me it makes me feel very special mwahhh and ily and we should totally snuggle by the fireplace you know i made those cookies you like (sab reference) 😍🫶
@weeping-in-the-willows thank you for being the absolute SWEETEST person to me <3 ilysm and btw you were my first discord friend and i'm so honoured about that ajshdnjfe you're so nice and ily and i hope you get everything you want
@theladyinwhite13 thank you for appreciating my unhinged comments and you're one of the few people who deserve to be told that they are funnier than me (i rarely ever give anyone this honour btw so its very special) and i think you might appreciate this reference 'so what if i just wanna be a little out of my mind'
@bodybetters and @its-tortle karo and tortle my beloved <3 ilysm you're like two of the BEST mutuals ever and i was so honoured happy excited (any other positive adjective) when i realised you followed ME back?!? i was literally so ajshdnjfe i can't even put it in words you're like my favourite people on this hellsite (affectionate)
@suugarbabe ajdhhgajsgf my pookie <33 you always stand up for me and ilysm for it youre the nicest to me what did i ever do to deserve you 😭❤️
@patrophthia omg the absolute sweetestt!! youre an angel and ilysm and i hope you have the best life every <33 ilysm thank you for being so nice to me and making me feel valued asjdhajksd i love youu
@theautistmwitch omg idk how youre still sane after hearing to my traumatising jokes 😭 ilysm mwahh❤️thank you for being so sweet to meee it makes me so happy <333 can't wait to traumatise- uh i mean make you laugh even more next year!
@kurtcobainsgreencardigan ajkshdad i had the time of my life 'bullying' [insert their name] (i dont wanna get cancelled yk just in case people actually like them) with you <33 [i mean you technically didn't 'bully' them but we bonded over that] you're so funny and sweet and ily<3
@catastrxblues nadine the loml <33 i LOVED chatting with you and ranting to you and reading your answers to my asks akgdskg im so glad to have you as a mutual and i would love to have some more ranting convos with you in the future haha asdhjhajsh ilysm mwahh <3
@nyctophile-me omg you're so sweet to meee 😭😭😭 ily you're like one of my favourite wives too you're one of the only people i will ever share sab with mwah ❤️❤️ id love to talk to you more next year <3
@magicandmaybe @andi-is-bored @alltheliars and @animallover4000 omg you're all so sweet and ily and we didn't really interact a lot this year but i loved chatting with you on discord 💕
@imperpetuallylost omg ilyy you're so unintentionally (or intentionally?) funny ahsjdnfne and i guess it's inevitable sorry sky but it looks like you (lea not sky) deserve to [redacted] goosebot and it's well deserved ajsjdjdne ily and id love to interact more with you next year <33
@london-affairs literally started talking to you like 5 days ago and we were flirting non stop that's CRAZYYYY ily btw pookie 😍
@m3ntallyunstable34 my literal best friend!! i absolutely love you mwah mwah mwah thank you for being my best friend and dealing with me for 12 years llama im shocked you're not insane yet ahsjsj ilyyyy ❤️
these are the mutuals that made me throw my phone across the room and scream in excitement when i realised THEY followed ME
also i will take this moment to thank all of you for making my year amazing and i love you all so much and i hope you have THE BEST 2024. thank you so much for being a part of my crazy blog i would never have imagined 438 people would find this silly little blog 🫶
@cassiopeiasdaughter @faultsline @underthenightskydreamsneverdie @theostrophywife @slytherinslut0 @imperpetuallylost @themidnightarcher @stvrlighhttt @psychedeliccc @prettybaby-grande @nqds @themidnightarcher @i-miss-you-im-sorry @cottoncandywhispers @svnflowermoon @finalgirllx @fallingforfictionalcharacterss @ashisgreedy @moonffe @suugarbabe @wordsarelife and @xobridgertonblues (i might've tagged some people twice sorryyyy)
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supergraphicgirl81 · 2 months ago
With A Little Help From My Friends ⋆⁺₊❅.
Yuki Tsunoda ₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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Formula 1 college hockey team social media AU! Instagram Edition
The tight-knit college hockey team, the Silver Blades, run by team captain Max Verstappen, isn't just about scoring goals—it's a chosen family. On and off the ice, the team has each other's backs, whether that's through college assignments, throwing awesome parties, or winning the championship together. Follow these overworked, tired, college students as they post through their day-to-day life.
With A Little Help From My Friends Masterlist ‧₊˚ ⋅ Yuki Tsunoda Masterlist ‧₊˚ ⋅
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liked by GeorgeRus, Franco43Colapinto, and others
YukiTsunoda22 winter break, breakin it up 😎
tagged AlexandraSaint, LilyMuniHe, ChargingSarge, and LewHamilton
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ItsYourname ROSCOEEEE MY KINGGGGGGGGGGG 😭😭😭😭😭 (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
YukiTsunoda22 i am evr so glad i made his presence (liked by Roscoe)
Roscoe Love's you's too's ! (liked by YukiTsunoda22 and ItsYourname)
ItsYourname OHH MYYY GODODODDDD (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
LandoNorris4 how bomb was that hot chocolatev??!!
YukiTsunoda22 lowkey mid 🙄 pretty sure they used water, not milk
LandoNorris4 UGGGHHHHJHH the worst kind (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
LewHamilton great as always hanging out with yall, I heard Roscoe also had a little fun! 😉 (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
YukiTsunoda22 come back 😭😭😭😭
Albono Wait cause shawtys fit in the back lowkey kind of baddddd 😍😍😍😍😍
YukiTsunoda22 if lily were in any other fit I wouldn't allow this (liked by Albono)
LilyMuniHe Oh my gawhdddddd 🥰🥰🥰
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liked by LewHamilton, CharLeclerc, and others
YukiTsunoda22 recent recipes
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LewHamilton That pesto pasta, Yuki wow! You have such a talent (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
YukiTsunoda22 aw thank you man, very appreciated 😊 (liked by LewHamilton)
Franco43Colapinto AYYYYYY HES COOKING LIKE ITS STIR FRY (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
DanielRicciardo ugnhnhh those cinnamon rolls be making me cream 😫😫💦💦💦 (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
MaxVerstappen I'd yell at you but they really are just that good. (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
LilyMuniHe YUKI THE RAMEN!! TO DIE FOR!! LITERALLY!! (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
AlexandraSaint my little baby yuki the ramen, i think about it every second, invite me back for more, thank u (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
ItsYourname GEN the best chef I know (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
YukiTsunoda22 ty I try, I try (liked by ItsYourname)
OscarJP I think about those cinnamon rolls once a week, please make them again soon 🙏 (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
YukiTsunoda22 for u, i think i will think about it (liked by OscarJP)
ItsYourname UGH OSCAR FUCK U IM SO JEALOUS (liked by OscarJP and YukiTsunoda22)
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liked by LilyMuniHe, CarlosSainz, and others
YukiTsunoda22 Night practice went well! 😊
tagged LandoNorris4, CharLeclerc, and OscarJP
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LandoNorris4 this is live-action SLANDER !! (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
CarlosSainz I've never had better aim in my life 🤣🤣 (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
MaxVerstappen He deserves it for the plays he was pulling!! (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
LandoNorris4 hoes stay mad 🙄
CharLeclerc Too cold, and too old to be doing this. (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
GeorgeRus Reminder for next time, if Max Verstappen is asking you if you're free past 8 PM, don't answer. (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
MaxVerstappen There is always time to be practicing!
YukiTsunoda22 not on snow days !!! (liked by GeorgeRus)
ChargingSarge DAMNNN WHO DAT WITH ALL DAT IN THE BACKKKK (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
DanielRicciardo I think I've GYATT something in my eye (liked by YukiTsunoda22 and ChargingSarge)
OscarJP 😐 (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
ItsYourname LMAOOOOOO (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
AlexandraSaint and I'm sure he deserved it. (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
YukiTsunoda22 and did. (liked by AlexandraSaint)
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liked by ItsYourname, Franco43Colapinto, and others
YukiTsunoda22 daniel took me on a trip
tagged DanielRicciardo
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MaxVerstappen Why are you with a cow?
YukiTsunoda22 why dont u mind your buisness? 🤨
DanielRicciardo Always a pleasure Yuks, you keep me young and fun. (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
YukiTsunoda22 u keep me surrounded by oldies and scared 4 my life sometimes 😊 (liked by DanielRicciardo)
ItsYourname what song did he sing to you?
YukiTsunoda22 u ever heard of brown eyed girl
ItsYourname oh he pulling out ALL the stops (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
Albono This cannot be ethical for the cow.
YukiTsunoda22 BOOOOO don't be a party pooper :((((((
DanielRicciardo MOOOOO MARTY MOOPER 👎👎👎👎 (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
ChargingSarge The hat really does add a lot of character. (liked by YukiTsunoda22)
DanielRicciardo That's what I kept telling him! (liked by ChargingSarge)
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tangledinink · 1 year ago
Heya! First off I’m around halfway through teenage mutant what now and it is the funniest fic I have ever read - Beautifully written and overall brilliant but the jokes get me every time
And second, is it okay if I reference a pose from one of your gemini artworks for my own work? I’ll credit the inspiration if I post it anywhere ^^
whew we're overdue for an ask dump,,, OKAY ALRIGHT.
THANK YOU ; w ; I'm really glad you like it hehehehe. also yeah sure feel free! I don't mind! ^^
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oh he DEFINITELY freaked out at first. there was a lot of panicking and confusion and "how could this even happen?!" ("you think i'd genetically engineer a creature that's not capable of reproducing? all of you should be genetically compatible with practically any yokai," draxum said. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO, I DUNNO, TELL US THAT?!" donnie said.) but eventually, he did calm down, and he and his partner talked about it (a bunch, multiple times), and eventually some of the panic gave way to... curiosity, first of all... and then maybe kind of excitement? and some fondness? i mean, he was still pretty scared, and sure, he doesn't really consider himself a 'kid' person, but it's not like he never thought about EVENTUALLY having kids, just maybe... not so soon? but. i mean.
well. if they're already cooking...
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THANK YOU ; w ; i'm glad you like them! @kiwi-smug-silvalina
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oh gosh, that's a good question. i'm not entirely sure... uhmmm... i would say perhaps... details about how gemini!donnie's witchcraft looks and acts, VS how venus's witchcraft looks and acts...
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it is very shiny. i like that people call it "the bean" instead of its actual title coz it pisses anish kapoor off.
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ah ; w ; THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, thats so sweet and this made me very happy,,, <3 im glad you liked it!!!! @allegedllama
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HEHEHE thank you. yes im aware that i am deranged.
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omg same hat!!! i was a lifeguard and it was.... uh.... INTERESTING to say the least... (sometimes lovely, sometimes AWFUL...) @datfearlesschick
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if by games you mean 'messed up deals that she can manipulate to her own advantage,' then yes! @frogonamelon
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@beannary @spectralsleuth @heckitall @livsinpjs and the sep council as a whole!!! y'all's support has definitely meant so much and there's no way i'd have gotten as far with any of my projects as i have without them... or without literally ANY of the people who take the time to do things like reblog with tags, leave commentary in the tags, send in asks about my stories, etc etc etc! that's definitely one of my main motivators to create more!!! <3 thank y'all!
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EEEE this made me smile, hehehehe. thank you :3c @thejavavoid
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thank you!!! u w u @fanrulerjynx
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THANK YOU ; w ; I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS,,, it made me very very very happy and HEHEHE IM GLAD YOU LIKE YASSIFIED DRAXUM,,, i just think he DESERVES it, y'know? also thats just my favorite way to draw characters lmao I think it's fun so I decided for this comic I just get to indulge...
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not necessarily-- this was mostly just a coincidence! @breezehurricane
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oh gosh. i'm not sure, but i know it definitely WILL affect their parenting... i think at first donnie will find himself just... deferring to his partner a LOT in almost any situation because he's afraid that he'll fuck it up, because he DOESN'T feel like he understands proper boundaries or what parenting is supposed to look like, etc etc etc, and he's afraid he'll mess up. he probably reads a TON of parenting books as well because RESEARCH and will often try to pull directly from them in any situation he can, and is confused when things don't go exactly the way they were described in the text... leo i think kind of tends to flounder between being overprotective and feeling the desire to protect his son from everything and anything and wanting to overcorrect this tendency by pulling back and trying to give him as much freedom and space as possible, which sometimes leads to some... inconsistencies. there's definitely a learning curve for both of them, but they both get the hang of it eventually. they both have lovely partners and a very loving and supportive family to help them and they'll figure it out with a bit of practice.
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ahhh thank you! :D im so delighted that my silly stories actually inspired something for you!!! hell yeah!!! MAKING THINGS IS GREAT!!! THANK YOU!!! @can-elope
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i like to imagine them all staying very close, especially coz i'm loosely planning on them all going through the kraang-apocalypse together (and then coming through to the other side!) so i can't imagine them ever drifting too far from each other, emotionally or geographically. there's a bit of a rocky start for a lot of them, but all of the siblings end up a very tight-knit bunch.
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nonsscrapheap · 1 month ago
Hello! Very random but I just want to tell you that you're a REALLY good writer-- just read your recent chapter of Twice The Primes AND IM HYPED UP!! I especially love Starscream's and Optimus Trion's interaction with the Primes, you wrote them so distinctively well! Goldbug's part also made me laugh XD, I literally had no faith in him when it comes to keeping Orion and Dion's designations a secret but then I was pleasantly surprised-- that was until he nearly blurted out Dion's name LMAOO.
And omgggg Pulsebeatttt! Shattered Glass! Soundwave!!! Any version of Soundwave is superior and I love love love that he's here! And he's attached to Artemis!!!! LETS GOOO. ALSO SPEAKING OF ARTEMIS-- THEIR PRIME DESIGNATIONS ARE SO GOOD!! THEY MATCH!! SUN AND MOON!! Im literally going feral about this chapter and cant stop re reading it (im not joking, this is my third read) Im so excited to see how Solaris is doing! And craving Solaris and General Megatron interactions, I can already imagine a scene where Solaris shyfully admits to not having an alt-mode and everyone is just: 🧍‍♂️
Anyways-- sorry for the long ask, I just needed you to know that I love love love your writing! (I've read almost all your Transformers fics, my personal fave is Twice The Primes and the reaction fic. They live rent free in my brain) I hope you have a GREAT day because you deserve it! That's all thanks!
- Taro 🍆
FPFPFPFT THANK YOU!!!! i WAS about to like, log off my computer, i'm still writing chapter 15, i'm at 1.8k words at the moment but yknow what? i can work a bit longer, get that past to like 2.5 or even 3k so i can finish writing it later
hehehe starscream and optimus trion's povs were fun to work with, especially optimus, i hope i'm conveying optimus' slow (slowish??) descent into falling in love with artemis. he already respects artemis so much and is awed by him.
golbug! the mischievous little insect (beloved) that is impulsive and selfish! yeah, he's attention seeking but he's smart enough to know that telling someone else about the primes' designation would be stupid and would reflect badly on him. even if it was his best friend, but he's still young and impulsive so he almost says dion's name anyway. still, he hast heart! he'll mellow out! eventually.
soundwave IS superior! any soundwave, we love him! i am especially attached to transformers: prime soundwave, he was the first soundwave i met AND the mech is purple, my favorite color :D i was tempted to make him the soundwave of the continuity but i decided to let PULSEBEAT have his design instead! i like green too, and sg!soundwave being attached to artemis, looking like tfp soundwave but acting different- i knew it'd be fun. especially with pax in nox's head!
hehehehe i've been waiting to reveal those names ever since i thought of them back in the single digit chapters. got inspired by solus just like in the story lmao, i went 'well, dee already has megatronus' frame, might as well have something related to solus be his designation' and from there it was the PERFECT opportunity to have nox be artemis.
*pointing at you with disbelief at the altmode bit*: YOU! HOW DID YOU PEEK INTO MY DRAFTS?! CAN YOU READ MINDS?!
lmao yeah
anyway! NO THANK YOU FOR THE LONG COMMENT! i dont get those often, its been way too long since i had one and i think this is the first long one for transformers! and aww thanks! i hope you stick around for MORE transformers fics! because i have no idea when ill be out of this pit that is the transformers fandom! it's been almost four?? five months??? and counting and i am still here. will be for a while i'm pretty sure!
question, i made a post about a fic of hot rod having tanjiro's memories and turning it into a hot rod harem fic, any thoughts?? (its not gonna happen for a while but its in my head persistently)
im glad youre enjoying Twice The Primes and my other fics! many apologies though because both other fics are p much on haitus since all my focus is on Twice The Primes, i haven't even touched my unfinished draft for the next part of Universal Observations in a while TuT
TTP is just too fun yknow??? and im at a really good bit too!!
i hope YOU have a great day because this question definitely made mine! don't apologize for the long question! i answered it in a long post lol
anyway back to writing TTP!
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lurkingshan · 1 year ago
Top 5 BL characters you wanted to hug and send to therapy?
Ooh good one, thank you for sending! Caveat that I think just about everyone can benefit from therapy, including every character in bl. So for this list I’m sticking with 1) characters I genuinely like; 2) who could clearly use a little more support. Here are the five I most want to give a big old hug and then sit them down on the therapist's couch:
Han Baram, Sing My Crush
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Baby boy, I am very glad you found your Im Hantae and your voice again but I still think getting some support to unpack some of the damage that evil man did to you is a good idea.
Uea, Bed Friend
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Do I need to explain this one? As @bengiyo says, dick is not magical and it cannot fix you. Uea, please enlist the help of a licensed professional to work through those mountains of trauma.
Kiyoi, Utsukushii Kare
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I am honestly so proud of you already my guy, you have grown leaps and bounds in your ability to communicate with your partner. That said, you have plenty of your own shit still to work through and Hira is a real next level psychological minefield, so you definitely need help.
Tien, La Pluie
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Who takes care of the caretaker? Certainly not any of the self-centered assholes you have surrounded yourself with, baby bro. You deserve someone who will actually pay attention to you.
Gun and Cher, A Boss and A Babe
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These two get a two-for-one deal, straight into couples counseling so they can learn how to tackle things as a team rather than running their own schemes for the others' benefit without communicating.
Bonus: Jae Won, The Eighth Sense
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I know he is already in therapy but it is very important that he continues and I just want to make that crystal clear. If we ever get that rumored season two I better see you at that office looking through the fishbowl lens every week.
Ask my top 5 anything in bl
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nemo-of-house-hamartia · 8 months ago
Hello again!
Thank you so much for welcoming me into your corner of the internet (it really feeds into my Ac obsession, as if I needed more of that lol, but really it’s nice to see other ppl that like some side characters ahem *likeFedericoand Greencoat*ahem). And thank you for your answer abt Feducia as well, I’m glad you liked the library gifting idea for I have another one : Imagine if the library had secret alcove(s) and/or passage(s) and one of them lead to a small balcony. Do you think Federico would stand below said hidden balcony to read poetry/Lucia’s favourite pieces while she stood up there and admired him from above ? (A bit like the infamous balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet, the inspiration came after reading @giuliettaluce’s seriously adorable fanfic “Upon their holy act, the heaven smiles”)
Oh! I also really like your Aranea x Mephisto ship and I’m so excited abt your new(?) OC Tatiana Volkov bc I seriously thought the Flables/The Wolf Among Us fandom was dead when I arrived late as usual 😂 And I love both ships dynamics, I think it just suits them very well
Hope you had a good day and keep going, xx
(Ps Im sorry abt the long long asks I’m just excited to share my ideas with you)
Hello there again, Nonnie!!!
Please, do partake in coffee that I just made (wish I could truly offer you one through the screen)!!
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I myself have been going strong for almost 5 years, AND AM STILL GOING STRONG.
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So please, do sit tight and enjoy the ride!
Like, I still get super SUPER salty about the fact that Federico has met his end basically 5 minutes in the game (infact, around here, we absolutely throw canon out of the window, and Fede is alive, well and living his best life with his love, somewhere in Italy - in my particular case, in the Kingdom of Sicily with Lucia. Trapani has never been more beautiful than when they lived there!).
As salty as I am about that, I am also immensely grateful, because if the Baguette Bois were full-fledged NPC, then I would have never created my Mathias, and as you will see now that you are here, he is my most beloved brainchild alongside my darling Dorothea <3.
Now, onto your question:
I *absolutely* believe that Federico would stand below said balcony and recite Lucia's favourite poems ( probably the Canto 5 passage of Paolo e Francesca from Dante's Commedy, her most favourite AMONG ALL).
I can envision it so well, with Lucia just beaming and listening to him as he recites those poems, waiting for him to just climb up her to her balcony (because she KNOWS he would do that. Man cannot stay away from climbing around, as much as he likes to make it believe that it's becasue he needs to follow Ezio and make sure he's not going to fall face first lolol).
(it kinda helps that my FC for Lucia is the beautiful Olivia Hussey as Juliet from Zefirelli´s movie).
Seriously, she wrote for me the Federico/Lucia one-shot based on Romeo and Juliet that was EVERYTHING, and she wrote for me a one-shot about Mathias/Dorothea that I have never shared, but that I reread truly often and it melts my heart each time. She is such precious friends and beautiful person, it warms my heart SO MUCH knowing that you appreciate her writing <3 she deserves ALL THE PRAISE.
they are my "dark pairings", so to speak, because while I love to dwell in FLUFF galore, and this is something that I generally explore with my Assassin's Creed pairings (though, there is a certain dose of darkness there as well), with Mephisto/Aranea and Bigby/Tatiana I LOVE to explore the darker side of the relationship between two lovers (though, tbh, Mephisto/Aranea take the crown in this, but that's easy because Bigby and Tatiana are still very much decent people altogether, while Mephisto is a freaking Archdevil and Aranea is his Warlock/Consort, so they are bound by their own character alignment - which is firmly on the evil side).
So trust and believe, no fandom is ever truly dead, and you are MORE THAN WELCOME to discuss whichever fandom you fancy at present! :)
(and please, do not worry about sending me long asks. I *ADORE* reading them, the longer the better. GIMME A DOORSTOPPER ASK OR GIVE ME NOTHING LOLOL I am kidding of course! always feel free to send asks as long or as short as you prefer, at your own convenience <3 just know that they are always welcomed! <3)
*gives lasagna in tupperware*
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 8 months ago
hi i hope you are doing well! i would like to apologize for trolling and bugging you + your friends a long time ago.
i realized after a lot of self reflection that i was listening to those who i didn't even agree with fundamentally but felt pressured to accomodate their views esp when it came to how some ppl felt like wangxian and hualian were better separate with other characters + devaluing mxtx as an individual bc "the author is dead/mxtx critical". i should have curated my space and taken a stand to express my perspective but i didn't.
i apologize if i ever made you angry or down. it was more so a reflection of me and upon reflecting, relationship trauma that seeped into a space where it never should have. you don't have to accept this and maybe you don't remember. but regardless, im sorry!
Hi there.
I am glad you have been able to find a place for your own self to be comfortable with. If you feel forced or pressured to do something to be accepted by others, they are not your friends and do deserve better for yourself.
We all are allowed our own space for opinions as much as others are able to as long as it remains respectful. That's all I and my friends ask for. If you don't like me, fine, it hurts me none at all as those that have harassed me are strangers but to use my friends and to demean them has been what has hurt the most, and I do take offense on their behalf when they are attacked.
And this all applies to creators, they are the ones that have to work within the frame of a lot of hurdles to publish, create and make their content. People feel as if they are owed a part of their mind all while not having the kindness to remember they are only people as well.
Respect goes a very long way, and in the end that's all I can encourage amongst this space, but I also refuse to say it's okay to let others be forced to do things they're uncomfortable with just to fit in for having a "right" opinion. Morals are a matter of kindness first and foremost when that is used as a way to say you are better than someone, you no longer have the right to claim morals.
I hope you have been able to be comfortable in whatever hobbies you have found and able to let others know your own boundaries for your own peace of mind. I appreciate the apology and for any of my friends that you may have sent this to or will be and do take care of yourself. All the best.
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downwiththeficness · 1 year ago
Shadow and Veil-Chapter Forty Seven (Final Chapter)
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Summary: Eva Moore’s life was a carefully constructed fiction.  Every day, she did exactly what her mother in law, her husband, and his  best friend expected of her. No mistakes. And, that was going pretty  well for Eva right up until a huge complication literally tried to run  her over. Now, she’s faced with trying to keep the pieces of her life  from falling apart while attempting (and failing) to keep her feelings  for her husband’s new business partner at bay.
A/N: This fic is a sister-fic to A Need So Great and A Need Unleashed.  You do not need to have read ANSG or ANU to read this fic, but there  are Easter eggs from those fics in Shadow and Veil for readers with keen  eyes.  This fic is explicit for canon-compliant blood, gore, violence,  and sex. As such, it is intended for an adult audience, only. A/B/O  dynamics come with their own warning. Anyone under the age of 18 should  not interact with this work. I do not consent to reposting this work to  other platforms. Reblog only to Tumblr.  
Word Count: ~1,100
Start from the beginning    Previous Chapter 
Masterlist Read on AO3
Eva sat in the front seat of Horacio’s truck, looking around with interest. There were cars parked in uniform lines on either side of her, each of them pointed at a huge screen.
The weather was just this side of too hot, one last burst of heat before the rainy season. Above, the moon shone high and full, illuminating the field and surrounding forest. The field was tucked away from the road and all the streetlights, leaving them in near darkness that was cut through with the pre-show animations.
She had no idea who Peter Fonda was, or what it meant to be a ‘hired hand’, but Horacio loved Westerns and that was enough for her. She didn’t care that it would be dubbed in Spanish, Eva was just glad to be out and about.
Coming back to Colombia was like surfacing from underwater and taking a huge breath. She was finally back in the home she shared with Horacio. Finally back in their bed. It didn’t matter that Horacio got right back to work or that Eva still couldn’t find a job.
She was home.
The door opened and Horacio dropped into the passenger’s seat with an armful of candy and other treats. Eva stared at the bounty, surprised, “We’re never going to eat all that.”
He lifted a brow, “I’ve seen your snack platters, Eva.”
The man had a point.
“I withdraw my statement.”
Eva carefully arranged the snacks on the console between them, making sure to group them by category—salty, sweet, sour, savory. Picking up a small cut of diced fruit, she got comfortable and dug in.
“Carlos asked us over for dinner,” Horacio mentioned casually.
He nodded, “He got a new grill and wants to test it out.”
Eva chuckled around a bit of mango, “Should we bring a hose?”
Turning a little in his seat, Horacio’s mouth lifted in half a smile, “He said he has one, We’ll keep it at the ready.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Eva said as she picked up at box of sour candy and slid her thumb under the cardboard.
He was quiet a moment, watching her pick through the candies to find a red one. Then, “He said something else, too.”
She looked up in question and murmured an intrigued, “What did he say?”
Horacio’s earnest expression and the way he was watching her intently set her back a step. He looked nervous, almost worried. She reached over and touched his arm, finding it trembling, “What did he say?”
His palm laid atop hers, “That I was taking our relationship for granted.”
Stunned, Eva shook her head, “I don’t think…”
He cut her off, “I have. A little. I was so...confident that you were mine from the very beginning.” A hand waved away Eva’s soft ‘I was’. He took a breath, “I made a lot of decisions for you. I pushed you too hard. And, I am so grateful that you didn’t tell me to fuck off.”
Eva laughed soundlessly, “Oh, I wanted to a few times.”
“I know,” Horacio drawled, with humor. “I deserved it.”
She sighed, “It was...an impossible situation.” A pause, “Was. Its not impossible anymore. This,” she squeezed his arm, “this is an easy thing.”
Horacio smiled, “You’re right. And, I’ve been so focused on my work, and then Mexico happened.” He drew a breath, “Then…”
Eva shivered as his hand drifted across her gland. Her throat tightened around the still too fresh feeling of their bond.
“So,” he rasped, “I have something for you.”
He reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out a small deli box. Eva smiled when he handed it to her, that smile growing when she recognized the logo on the top. They had been back to that restaurant a few times since returning from their trip. The food was as good as she remembered it.
“I had them make that special. For the occasion.”
Thumb pushing open the top, Eva almost laughed at the little cake inside. Oblong and golden brown, the homemade Twinkie sat on a bed of chocolate shavings. The sweet smell of fried dough reached her nose, telling Eva that it was going to be absolutely delicious.
When she looked up to thank Horacio, he was also holding a box. This one was considerably smaller, fitting in to the palm of his hand. Eva’s breath caught and the weight of what he was doing settled over her.
“I know this is late,” he said, “But, I—ah—I wanted to give you this.”
She took the box from him and opened it. Her eyes watered when she saw what was inside. Blinking away the tears, Eva plucked the ring from its velvet cushion. Set in silver, the oval sapphire was flanked on either side by small, glittering diamonds. Eva slid it on her finger, turning her hand so that the stones glinted in the dim light.
“Its perfect,” she croaked around all her love for him.
Horacio let out a relieved breath, “I’m so glad you like it.”
“I do like it,” she replied, leaning over the console to kiss him. “How did you even get this? You’ve been at work, or with me the whole time we’ve been back.”
His smile was shy, “I actually bought it in Mexico. While we were...apart.” He took a steadying breath, “I told myself that I would give it to you when I got you back.”
All the tears Eva had been holding back burst forth with an ugly sob. She sniffed loudly and reached for him. Eva held him tightly to her, buried her face into his neck, and breathed in tobacco and vetiver.
“I love you,” she breathed, pulling back to kiss his forehead, his cheek, his lips.
Horacio smiled into the kiss, “Let me take you home.”
“We’ll miss the movie,” she murmured, “Look, its already starting.”
Eva was right. The title screen had just faded away and music was swelling through the little speakers. He didn’t even glance in the direction of the screen, “We’ll catch another show.”
“You promised,” Eva reminded him.
A sigh, “I did promise.”
“You did.”
Licking his lips, Horacio made a noise of resignation, “Alright, I promised you a movie, and we’re going to watch it.”
“My first movie,” Eva replied, holding up a finger.
“Yes, yes. Your first movie,” he conceded, “But, the second we get back…” He let that promise hang in the air between them. Then, “Eat your Twinkie.”
Eva picked the Twinkie out from the box and broke it in half, “You want some.”
Horacio shook his head, “Even homemade, it will still be too sweet.”
“More for me,” she shot back primly.
He slung an arm over her shoulders, “Anything you want, Eva. Its all yours.”
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sixosix · 10 months ago
To approach ask length and my apologies… lkfhdh you created this monster and now you gotta deal with the consequences of your actions.
i wanted to keep this separate as a more focused thing as opposed to my other rambles. But as to how i think the potion stuff goes down…
Rosalie: no, unless T!Reader desperately wants her to.
T!Reader: Depending on how the interaction with father goes/any interferance, yes.
Rosalie I don’t see drinking it unless T!Reader wants her to, because I’d think she’d want to remember someone she considers her daughter, even if T!Reader doesn’t stay by her side. I’d think she would still cherish those memories and want to hold onto them, kinda like a parent looking back on memories rasing their kid when their kid is now living their own life and creating their own family. But I do think that if T!Reader does push hard enough, that she would drink the potion as to not put her child in distress in what could potentially be their final moments together.
As for T!Reader… something i’ve noticed but never really said rambling wise is that both her and lyney have that same intate urge to do anything for their family and loved ones. And right now, from T!Readers point of view, her only loved one (and family) is Rosalie. If she gets promised/convinced that Rosalie will be safe and left alone by the Fauti if she drinks the potion, I bet she would. Even if she no longer remembers her maman or the positive memories she has of the fauti, as long as Rosalie was safe I doubt she would care.
As for if she actually gets the chance to drink it or not… i’m honestly torn. On one hand, there is the chance that the trio + aether and paimon get their in time to stop her from drinking it and find another way. Which would be very cool and neat… But the potion is already the nice way out, as the hearth’s rule is with their life is the cost. 
Theres not really any nicer way to go around the hearth’s core rules, especially with the distraction t!reader is and the persistence lyney has. I’m sure Arlecchino knows that although her orders to leave t!reader alone may put lyney on a pause, it won’t last forever. I mean, the guy went straight to T!readers house with lynette’s help once their meeting with father was done. And although I haven’t done the story quest yet, I know enough to know that even with the traveler helping, they wouldn’t win unless father specifically let them. 
Plus, (and i had to go digging to find the exact words once i remembered it) i remembered something you said in one of my very first asks. Specifically art naosaki’s quote, "Reader needs to learn how to stay, and Lyney needs to learn how to let go". I can see the reader’s form of staying being finally confronting her past and taking the deal not for herself but for everyone else, while lyney’s form of letting go is letting go of the mc from before the potion. A bit more bittersweet, and again, i’m torn over it, but its just my thoughts! 
Also, I sent this at the same time as the fic since my theory influenced it a fair bit… so ye, back to the pit i go-
-deadman aether anon
- HI DEADMAN AETHER ANON u sent the fic first but i wanted to answer this one cus i got excited and wanted to treasure it…
- im very glad u got rosalie figured out tho!!! despite all the suspicion she received by everyone in the beginning, at the end of the day, she really just cares about mc and will always put her first! AND MC TOO!!!! top tier character analyzation 🙏🔥🔥
- I LIKE HOW U HAD TO SEARCH FOR THE QUOTE 😭😭😭 your interpretation of the quote deserves praise for fitting in the plot of the way things are going right now but i dont want to say anything in case i end up confirming or denying it HHAHA
- still, such a thoughtful and fun little read from you once again 😭🫶🫶 i have so much fun listening (reading???) your thoughts but now i got a wholeass fic from you as well?? oh i am so blessed truly U ARE A BLESSING TO MY ACC
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scarameownya · 3 months ago
🎁 ˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ HELLO NICK !!!! i am here with a word dump i am so very sorry 🙂‍↕️ i feel like in general, my yapping is increased tenfold with you in particular because you are such an awesome and easy person to talk to / pos ?! you have a very inviting and fun air to you :’) IT MAKES ME WANT TO TELL YOU EVERYTHING . i will ban myself from mentioning your art or puppetgear in this particular ask ( because .. we really would be here for the rest of the day .. never-ending chatter about how awesome both are .. and your .. s..st…sty… ANYWAYS ) and because i wanted to talk more about you as a person !!!! these things you do for others — DRAWING THEIR SELFSHIPS, commenting on their posts, encouraging your friends — urk 🥹🥹🥹 those acts alone are already SO KIND, like… so kind that i actually left this ask as a draft because i ended up staring at my screen like this -> 🥹 again HANSJDN so i was like .. take 2 … OKAY. THOSE ALONE ARE ALREADY SO INSANELY KIND, BUT YOUR ATTENTION TO DETAIL ??? the way you listen to your friends’ selfship lore and implement the little things they had mentioned )): asking them to elaborate on certain things )): YOURE SO KIND . AGGHHHH . i really don’t even know what to say about those things because i just turn into a sappy puddle honestly — so let’s switch up and talk more about OMG I WANT TO TALK ABOUT UR AWESOME HUMOR. NICK . is humor the right word ??? the way you type online — always brings such a huge smile to my face !!! so when you speak — LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL, I AM LIKE ^^ !!!! AISNDKDK . IT DOESNT NECESSARILY HAVE TO BE SOMETHING FUNNY. ITS JUST. THE WAY YOU DO ANYTHING. I ADORE . I HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE ??? !!! nick = smile essentially … i love seeing ur posts on my dash sniffle T T OKAY I NEED TO STOP HERE BECAUSE THIS IS SO LONG AGHH I HOPE U HAVE AN AWESOME REST OF YOUR YEAR NICK !!!! THANJ YOU FOR EXISTING T T !!!!!
wahhh evie you have no idea how much this means !!!! im not the best with words but sob sob sob IM JUST SO GLAD TO BE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDSS :[[[[[[[[
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liauditore · 1 year ago
Thought I might say hello and make some small talk, seeing that I'm camping on your trafficshipping tag and all.
Well hi! Lovely place you've got here. Fantastic art, GREAT vibes, very nice. I'm specially enjoying your character rambling; your takes on them are super interesting and they tickle my brain 👀
May I send Divorce Fource/Quartet and Majorwood for the shipping bingo? Divorce Fource were a right mess (affectionate <3) and a perfect one at that, but I can't help but wonder how the recipe would have turned out if the soul ties were Cleo-Pearl, Martyn-Scott.
Also there is so much potential in Limlife Majorwood for eroguro if you're nasty. Which I am. Time cannibalism, respawning mechanics, birthday time... blender go brrrr 👀
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y'all are really enabling my habit of long ass posts huh 😭😭
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OK SO first off thankyou so much?? thats so sweet?????? 😭😭 i really don't think my character ramblings are anything special, but i like reading other ppls insane takes so i thought i'd provide others with the same 👍
not to get too into it but i feel like a series like life smp is best enjoyed with your own crazy delulu takes (similar to touhou if anyone heres familiar w/ that fandom). and it makes me kinda sad to see ppl arguing abt whats 'canon' or 'correct' cus that's no fun lol
ANYWAY yeah uh im glad u like the vibes!! :J
this one first cus chronology. I honestly don't know if there's anything I can say here that hasn't been said before? But yeah they're. tasty. something about martyn waiting the entirety of third life to betray ren and never getting the chance and now longing to have him back. lots of regret but regret. for what. yknow. and ren always looking out for martyn even from a distance. and then martyn losing that connection in limlife.
yeah i can see why people ship lmao
uhh i don't really know what else to write here so have some of my insane ramblings copy+pasted from my shipping doc ����
Martyn fancies himself a schemer, someone who's not afraid to play the game the way it's intended. If that means earning a powerful ally's trust only to shatter it then he was going to do it. Only, Martyn's bark is worse than his bite, and every night he spends in lying awake in those soft, warm sheets that Ren had laid out just for him (freshly washed too, he might add. Smelled like sunshine) he wonders if he can do it. He can, of course. (he can't. he won't. he's too soft. soft and useless.) He'd cut his head off already. (he wants to vomit) (this is why no one needs you. wants you. loves you) Who cares about other people anyway? He is the only one who really matters. (the thought of being alone makes him want to cry) Ren, on the other hand, is a capable leader. The definition of loyal and dependable, if not a bit dramatic. He struggles with self-worth, being good enough, useful enough, powerful enough. But to others, he's the opposite, caring and protective of any who would ask for his aid. After all, every citizen deserves to live in safety and comfort, and providing that is what a good King would do. ~ Martyn's not as sneaky as he thinks he is. Ren knows. Ren sees the signs. It's a death game for a reason. But he doesn't let Martyn know. He doesn't even hold it against him. He doesn't see the bloodthirst anymore, only the broken pieces lying underneath. ~ or the King's Hand, it was the thrill of feeling Useful, Powerful, Feared (loved). He was going to miss it after he betrayed him, the high of bloodlust, the smell in the air as he charged into battle. (the way his hands held him so gently) For the King himself, deep down he knew it was never to be. He had met a monster, but he hoped his efforts calmed the storm ever so slightly. On some days, he pretends to forget about the death game entirely and imagines the speech he'd give to retire his Hand. "You don't have to fight anymore," he'd say, "I'll take care of you from now on, I promise. So put the sword down, okay?" But in the end, it was all a fantasy, wasn't it?
^ yes this is so cheesy but so are they.
Cry with me again Smile with me again Scream with me again Sing with me again Dance with me again Talk to me again…
"Lower One's Eyes" (Oktavia translyrics)
I think.. I talk too much abt scott seeing as that's who everyone points out when it comes to my headcanons 😭😭 but uh i swear everyone else is just as messed up. and martyn is like. just as bad if not worse (if that wasn't made clear from my ramblings before)
anyway uh say it with me rebound 👏 relationship 👏
i think they're both.. very numb to it all once limlife rolls around. they're just tired and have this mutual understanding and both think they're horrible people. martyn just wants to play the game. scott doesn't even know what he wants anymore.
but ofc, they're both still human and want love and comfort, so they try to seek that from one another. even if it's fake. even if it doesn't matter in the end.
Baby, though I've closed my eyes I know who you pretend I am I know who you pretend I am
Washing Machine Heart (Mitski)
We’re the Delusioned Victim Cash-in Union Praise to the “love” that will bring salvation!  Two fools singing to a shallow melody Restart, reflation, teleportation Time and again we’re stuck in rotation Circles inside a love without any ending
MKDR (SirHamnet Lyrics)
Scott uses Martyn as a replacement for Jimmy and Martyn uses Scott as a replacement for Ren. they know they dislike eachother (see: all of double life) and that only one of them will make it out alive. but they can't get that love and comfort from anyone else now.
also uhhh eroguro my beloved...... im assuming this is getting brought up cus of my mentions of loving eroguro in the past. and yes to all of that very much i agree. but i do have kind of.. a limit to what i do w/ these characters specifically because of the fandom/ccs (at least publicly). if i ever do decide to share the nastier stuff in my head or go into detail on gore and whatnot i'd probs make a sideblog and tuck it away and maybe block scott and martyn for always somehow showing up on my posts lmao
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