#they could renew their wedding vows
vickyvicarious · 27 days
I wanted her to tell me what they were; but she would only cross herself, and say she would never tell; that the ravings of the sick were the secrets of God, and that if a nurse through her vocation should hear them, she should respect her trust. [...] The dear sisters were so kind. Please God, I shall never, never forget them, nor the grave and sweet responsibilities I have taken upon me.
Sister Agatha respecting patient confidentiality (but making the effort to try and ease Mina's worries). Mina being so grateful to her and the others.
I've gotta add this hospital to the list of must-see locations on their We're Getting Closure Since Dracula's Dead tour. I can't believe I wasn't considering it already. Yes, the castle, yes, the inn (and the woman there who gave up her crucifix). Of course. But also, they absolutely must stop by the place where they got married! The place that saved Jonathan! The people who did so.
The nuns love their favorite patient and are deeply moved by his marriage in the first place, imagine how happy they would be to see him a few years down the line, so much more recovered. Still married and happy, and with a child now. And he and Mina both could thank them again for all they did, the kindness they showed...
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2hff · 5 months
I really shouldn't be allowed to watch tv shows. I always nitpick them on how often the script has to manipulate what would happen in a real-life situation for it to work it's "magic". Or, not even what would happen, but just obviously inconsistent representation of real-life dynamics.
Buck would NOT be standing behind his parents in the doorway for his sister's wedding. He would be right beside her (as I think we would all agree he's her Man of Honor) just like HEN was standing next to CHIM. But...that wouldn't work for him to be able to sneak off to kiss his boyfriend, all tv dramatically, to segway into him coming out to everyone. (Which would have happened ANYWAY because Tommy was ALWAYS gping to be Buck's date fancy ass wedding or hospital spur of the moment aside.)
It's just frustrating that these types of things are always done (in sooo many shows). But in reality, they cause the plausibility to plummet, and pull me out of enjoying the show.
But, also, I'm a cynical bitch. So there's that.
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peachsukii · 2 months
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₊✩‧₊ ⎯ hearts in the sand
content // tooth-rotting marriage fluff. talks of children hinted at. inspired by this TikTok. ((the Olympian who lost his ring in the river in France)) and happy softie sunday! <3
wc // 0.8k
『 k.bakugo masterlist | caramel & champagne series 』
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It’s a quiet night at home, a kitten in your lap with a cup of tea and your favorite reality TV show to wind down the evening. Your phone begins buzzing on the couch repeatedly with rapid fire notifications, startling your cat from his slumber and interrupting your show. Annoyed, you finally pick it up to silence the notifications until you see the multiple headlines that catch your attention.
“Dynamight Saves Dozens But Loses Precious Item”
“Dynamight Loses Treasure on the Beach during Villain Fight”
“…the hell?” You mutter aloud as the sound of heavy footsteps approach the front door before it swings open. Bakugo’s got his mask tucked up into his hair, beads of sweat running down his temples and dripping from his jaw. He’s still fully dressed in his hero attire, huffing frantically while accidentally slamming the door behind him.
“Is…everything okay?” You ask, confused and somewhat frightened. Phoenix jumps from your lap and moves to the opposite side of the couch.
“I…I fucked up,” Bakugo pants, hand on the wall to steady himself. “M’sorry, peach. It was an accident.”
“What was?” At this point, you assume he killed someone and is about to ask you to help him bury the body. “Spit it out, Katsuki. You’re scaring me.”
He sighs before wiping away the sweat from his nose, head hung low with a frown on his face. “I lost my wedding ring.”
Oh...That’s it?
“It’s alright, we can get another one.”
Bakugo’s taken aback by your nonchalant answer. He’s not one to lose things, especially extremely important ones that he’d crawl through hell to keep. He gives you the typical ‘hah?’ reaction, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
"Sweets...I don't want another one, I want that one."
You shake your head while tossing your phone back onto the couch. “It’s not like you meant to lose it, you’re a hero. Shit happens, it’s out of your control.”
"I should'a been more careful. Dunno how the chain broke and fell out of my costume."
"Don't be so hard on yourself," you say as you get up from the couch. "It's not like you tossed it in the ocean on purpose."
Bakugo scoffs. "How stupid could I be?! Already can't wear it on duty cause of my quirk, and nothin' will replace your handwriting etched inside it." He starts rambling, getting too worked up to notice you getting closer. "What kind of husband can't even keep track of his wedding ring? A shitty one, that's who. God, if I didn't⎯"
You cut him off with a soft kiss, arms gently wrapped around his waist. He melts into you, hands instinctually settling at the small of your back to keep you close. All the anxiety evaporates at your touch as his shoulders deflate. When you part, he lays his forehead against yours, eyes softening when they meet your own.
"Katsuki, you are the furthest thing from a bad husband," you scold, playfully pinching his side while maintaining eye contact. "Never, ever, say that again. You're the epitome of my perfect husband and that's all that matters."
It never ceases to amaze Bakugo just how quickly you defuse his insecurities and replace them with sweet nothings that make his heart flutter.
"I've got an idea that you might hate," you say, bringing a hand to his cheek. "Why don't I toss mine in with yours? That way they're together. Then, we go ahead and renew our vows like we wanted to and buy new rings together."
Bakugo is actually speechless.
He goes to say something, but each time, comes up short on how to properly express how much it means to him that you'd do something so drastic to make him happy. Instead, he tugs you into a tight embrace, squeezing you tighter than usual.
"Peaches, ya don't have to do that," he whispers over your shoulder, hushed and emotional. "Don't want you to risk losing somethin' so special just cause I did."
"I know it's sentimental, but it's only a material thing. My love isn't tied to one piece of jewelry, Katsuki, it's tied to your heart. You can't replace that, no matter how many rings we rotate through."
How'd he get so lucky? Bakugo truly doesn't know what good karmic deeds he's done to deserve someone as angelic as you, but he never takes it for granted.
"Got another idea," he says, pulling back to look you in the eyes. "Keep that one here, save it for a rainy day for the future. We renew our vows, get new rings together, and I get my ring finger tattooed. Can't lose that."
"Only if I can, too." You laugh, giving him an exaggerated kiss in response. "Save it for the future, huh?"
Bakugo blushes, grunting shyly as he rolls his eyes. "Y-yeah, you know...could give it to our kid or somethin' in the future for themselves or to give away."
"Aww, love when you get all mushy about the future," you tease, pulling his face down to leave a peck to his cheek.
"Just love you, peach. S'all it comes down to."
He's right, that's all it comes down to at the end of the day; love.
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((general idea for the ring tattoos <3))
⇢ subscribers; @sunflowers-4 @sweetloveandaffection @sugurei @jenn-majima @bkgpackets @notnightmarefuel
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The Look of Love.
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Synopsis - You, Buck and Eddie are absolutely, undeniably, head over heels in love with each other. It seems like everyone can see it except for the three of you.
Pairing - Evan Buckley x Female Reader x Eddie Diaz
Warnings - none!! just idiots in love.
Word Count - 1k
Author's Note - oh my buddie heart was bursting while writing this. whenever I watch 911, I always think about how easy it'd be to be friends (or more than) with eddie and buck. and then this was born!! hope you enjoy reading this sweetness as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
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Buck twirls you around, strong arms circling your waist. Your feet don't touch the ground as he spins you, the skirt of your dress billowing in the breeze. You lean back in his hold, and catch sight of Eddie throwing Christopher up in the air, both of them laughing.
Buck puts you down and grins at you, Cheshire cat smile bright and blinding. You smooth your hands across his chest, flattening out his crisp white dress shirt where you've crinkled it. You tug at his bow tie, straightening it gently. Your gaze meets his, and you beam at him.
"Have I told you how handsome you look tonight, Evan Buckley?" you tease, wrapping your arms around his neck to sway with him. There's a smooth, jazzy melody echoing through the huge backyard, illuminated by golden, twinkling lights.
He quirks a brow at you cheekily before answering.
"I wouldn't mind hearing it again."
"I'm sure you wouldn't," you laugh, shrieking as he dips you backwards quickly.
"Well, you look very handsome. I like you in a tux."
You swear you see him blush slightly, heat creeping across his cheeks. He finds his confidence again, sliding his hands across the exposed skin of your back slowly.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," he tells you sincerely, eyes never leaving yours. "I should tell you that more often."
"Yes, you should," you tease, grinning at him.
You take notice of his smile, his relaxed shoulders, the way he's swaying with you effortlessly.
"You love weddings, don't you?"
"Hell yeah I do!" he replies delightedly. "Everyone I love all in one place, dancing, music... what more could you want?"
You can't wipe the smile off your face. He's right. The entire 118 is here, together as a family. Everyone is happy, excited to be celebrating Bobby and Athena's vow renewal. It's not often you all get to leave work at work and enjoy yourselves completely. You plan to make the most of every single second.
You feel two warm hands find your hips from behind, instantly leaning back into the broad chest behind you, knowing who it is immediately.
"Hola, Mr Diaz."
"Hola, hermosa."
"You gonna keep her all to yourself all night, Buckley?" he asks, wrapping his arms around you, over the top of where Bucks are already resting. You're sandwiched between the two of them, completely content.
"We were avoiding you and your terrible dance moves," Buck jokes, the three of you swaying together now.
"Are you hearing this?" Eddie asks incredulously, chuckling into your ear. "My terrible dance moves?"
"Don't listen to him, Eds. His ego lies to him."
"It's called confidence! Sorry if I have faith in my dance moves!"
The three of you laugh, bodies and souls tangled and intertwined on the dance floor.
Across the backyard, Chimney and Hen are sat at their table, watching you, Buck and Eddie move to the music, arms wrapped around one another.
"They really love each other, don't they?"
"Oh, yeah," Hen laughs. "Wish they'd all just admit it."
Chimney looks at his best friend in confusion, brows quirked and face crumpled.
"... What?"
"Oh, come on, Chim," Hen chuckles. "It's twenty twenty three. Get with the program."
"You mean, like, love love," Chim confirms, still puzzled.
"Yes, Howie. Love love. In love. The three of them are completely in love."
Chimney processes for a moment, before a light bulb goes off in his head.
"Oh, shit!" he laughs. "They totally are!"
"Damn, men are oblivious. How am I the only one that's noticed?"
"You aren't," Bobby and Athena say in unison, pulling out chairs to sit at the table.
"But we can't rush them. Good things like this take time," Athena offers.
Bobby glances over at the dance floor. You're holding Buck and Eddie's hands, and Chris is too, the four of you dancing and laughing. He smiles for moment, before speaking.
"You know they basically live together?"
When he's met with confused faces, he continues.
"They all crash at Eddie's place with Christopher so often, they've practically moved in. Buck hasn't slept in his own apartment in months."
"I mean, how do you even... navigate something like that? The three of them? It's so complicated," Chimney asks genuinely.
"They'll figure it out," Bobby assures. "They always do."
With that, he rises from his chair and across the yard. He scoops Christopher up into his arms, promising him cake and soda, much to Eddie's dismay. He winks at Buck before carrying Chris away, leaving the three of you alone.
Eddie surprises you by grabbing your hand and then Bucks, pulling you both away from the crowd.
"Come on. I wanna show you something."
He leads you up and into the guest bathroom of the house, rolling his eyes at you and Bucks suggestive comments. He's first to climb out the window and onto the roof, making sure you get through safely in your dress.
The three of you sit and watch your friends in the yard below, quietly reflecting. You're suddenly aware of the way you're sandwiched in between them again, thighs pressed together. You lean left and rest your head on Eddie's shoulder, interlinking your right hand with Bucks.
"How lucky am I?" you breathe. "To be surrounded by so much love."
Eddie rests his head atop of yours, smiling as he watches Buck lean in to rest his on your shoulder. The three of you exhale.
"We're the lucky ones," Buck murmurs. "I never thought I'd have this."
"Well you do," Eddie reassures. "And we're not going anywhere, Buckley."
"He's right, Buck. We're not going anywhere. Ever."
Evan sits up to kiss you on the cheek, before leaning over you and doing the same to Eddie.
The three of you sit on the roof, bodies and souls intertwined, illuminated by the moonlight. How lucky you are, to be surrounded by so much love.
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uyuforu · 7 months
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Boda by Signs, Houses, Degrees
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Boda (1487) is an asteroid discovered in 1938 by Karl Willhelm Reinmuth in Germany. It was named this way after Karl Boda. Boda in Spanish means "wedding", so it was natural for this asteroid to represent that. Boda is an asteroid we look at when we want to know more about what kind of wedding one will have. The Boda Persona Chart also means the same thing, and it gives more details about one's special day.
This observation is for Natal Charts. You can also check it in Briede, Groom, Juno Persona Charts. For Boda PC, check the Sun & Asteroid Boda.
Boda Aspects
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Aries, 1H, 1°, 13°, 25°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could happen quite fast. It can be a rushed wedding, meaning you could want to get married very fast after engagements, or it's a wedding that is happening out of the blue like for example, suddenly getting married in a Town Hall. The wedding could happen in Spring time. It can be also a very fast ceremony, and it could also be an indicator of a private wedding, maybe also just the two of you. You could feel a certain competition on your wedding day, maybe try to do better than someone else, or you want to show off you can have the best wedding of the year perhaps. There could be some fights or arguments during your wedding. You could also want to lead a lot during your wedding so you will maybe decide when things are happening. People could be passionate and spontaneous too. You could also want to party with everyone afterwards. A lot of dancing and moving. Because this placement can also indicate having in the 1H, you could feel like the main character during your wedding, the whole attention will be on you.
Taurus, 2H, 2°, 14°, 26°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be well prepared, and you could want to take your time with it. It can also be a spring wedding. This could be a normal or basic wedding, traditional too. You could spend a lot of money, and a contract like a prenup can be signed. The wedding could look very beautiful, romantic, very well designed and organized. People could also look very classy. It could be in nature, or outside, in a beautiful garden for example. People could be very polite during the wedding. The food could taste amazing, and the buffet could be a big part of the wedding's success. The wedding could look expensive, luxurious and just very classy. It can look ethereal too. All your family can be there and your loved ones too. You could really be happy about your day. It can also mean you could share a lot of romance with your spouse together and the vows could be very romantic. Someone could sing at the wedding too, or the first dance will be very romantic.
Gemini, 3H, 3°, 15°, 27°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be very joyful, and people could be smiley and happy. They could also be very much into talking, chatting. This could be a foreign wedding, it could happen in your spouse's country too if you marry a foreigner. Foreigners could attend the wedding. People from different backgrounds too. But you could feel like people don't really care and actually enjoy the conversation. You could prepare speeches, your vows can also be particular. You could also do some games during the wedding party. You could post your wedding on social media too, or people could post it. People could also be into gossips and there could be rumors about your wedding too. This could be a very humorous wedding too, people could make a lot of jokes during speeches. You could also invite your neighbors. This could be a big wedding too, at least because it can mean there are a lot of people. This placement could mean you could marry twice, not with two different people necessarily but for example, once in your homeland, and a second time in your spouse's homeland. Or you could want to renew your wedding vows and marry again later. This could also be a spring or summer wedding.
Cancer, 4H, 4°, 16°, 28°
જ⁀➴ Wedding could be very much familial, a lot of family members attending your wedding. It could happen in your homeland and, for some of you, it could happen in your home actually. It could be a wedding near water, the sea, at the beach perhaps. People will be emotional and cry a lot, maybe more family members, and to be even precise, the mother (your mother or the spouse's too). You could want to follow a traditional wedding, and maybe even let your family decide for you. You could also be pregnant during the wedding (it is a possibility, it doesn't have to necessarily happen). The wedding could also be influences by the moon. Only people you love dearly are there. You could cry too. It could be a religious wedding too. Perhaps a sign to lose your virginity after your marriage (doesn't have to be, don't take it too seriously). Moreover, the wedding could have delicious food, food form your homeland, traditional food, def a lot of food generally. Wedding could happen during Summer season. Could also be a sign of a private wedding. Since it is very traditional, you could also wear something related to your family, for example the dress of your mother, or something from your grandmother. If you are a man, you could also have the ring wedding that is passed from generations.
Leo, 5H, 5°, 17°, 29°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be really shiny, really amazing looking, and just incredible to look at. It could really be with extra details that just let you like wow. Very extra and could be dramatic too. The wedding could look expensive. Famous people could be invited, and the wedding could be famous too. You and your spouse could be the center of attention, and you will make sure that this is your day. The wedding party will be wild, and everyone will have fun. Very creative and joyful wedding. The entertainment is at its highest. It could take place in a place that is considered creative, not common yet amazing. It can be a summer wedding. People could be super happy, and look very joyful at the wedding. You could not stop laughing too and smiling. Nothing will bright shiner than you and your spouse. You will def feel like the main characters. People can remember the wedding like it was such an event not to miss. People will keep talking about it even years later.
Virgo, 6H, 6°, 18°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be very well organized, almost perfect looking. You could hire people to organize your wedding. People could actually compliment you for how good and perfect the wedding is. You could look very neat, clean and very well put together, but people could also feel like you look cold and distant. Guests could look very good too, and respect the theme. You will maybe ask people to dress a certain color to suit the theme perfectly. This could also indicate you could be stressed during your wedding, or really focused on making sure everything is prefect rather than enjoying the big day. You could want to put very healthy food, and maybe also ask guests to raise money for a charity rather than giving actual gifts. You could have a summer wedding. The wedding could also be traditional.
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Libra, 7H, 7°, 19°
જ⁀➴ Wedding could be very romantic, very beautiful. The ceremony could be very lovely to watch, and people could cry (or some cringe) at how romantic it will be. The wedding could take place in end of the summer or during fall season. It could be in nature, or around a lot of flowers, somewhere with a very beautiful scenery or place. Well dressed people. A contract can be signed, like a prenup for example, but it could also be another one. Aesthetic will be very important for the wedding, and the groom & bride could ask people to follow a certain theme. Music could be played during the ceremony, such like harp perhaps. People will have fun during the wedding party, at least this will be the vibe you will want. You will have a desire for everything to go well, everything to be in place, everything to feel peaceful, and you will do everything to be a good host, for people to have a good time. But the key to this one is romance at its fullest.
Scorpio, 8H, 8°, 20°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be a private one, it could really be more than private tho. You could really just invite people who are very close to you. The wedding could be even secretive, you could get married and don't tell anyone for example. Just the two of you. You could spend money on the wedding. You could feel an intense connection with your spouse that time, and you could even want to sneak to.. release the tension lol. There could be something spiritual happening during the wedding. You could also discover some secrets during the wedding. Someone could be jealous too. There could be something happening with someone you don't like. The emotions could be intense too. You could cry or not control your emotions. People could also cry but silently. There could be a fight happening too during the wedding. You could be pregnant during the wedding too. The wedding could happen during fall, or it can also happen at night.
Sagittarius, 9H, 9°, 21°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be in foreign lands, or away from where you live. The wedding could be fun, interesting, wild, spontaneous. You could marry suddenly without being prepared. Foreigners could attend the wedding too. If you marry a foreigner, it could be in their country, homeland. You could have a wedding without much preparation, you prefer spontaneity. You want people to be happy. You will perhaps want to include everyone, so some games during the wedding party could happen. You will want people from different backgrounds to meet, it could be a very open-minded wedding too. Wedding could happen during the winter season. You could also have took time to prepare your wedding without any rush. You could have a religious wedding, but this could also mean to have a spiritual wedding. A contract could be signed. You could decide to marry in different countries. You could also decide to not spend much money on the wedding but rather on the honeymoon.
Capricorn, 10H, 10°, 22°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be very elegant, very luxurious looking. You could spend a lot of money on your wedding, you want to make a certain first impression. The wedding could really be astonishing looking. You could ask people to come with very elegant clothing. The wedding will look expensive. You could also invite a lot of coworkers, or important people can be there. Your In-laws could have paid the wedding too. It could also be hosted by your In-Laws. A contract can indeed be signed, and it can also be a prenup. It could also be a wedding to show off money or possession. The wedding could have a certain popularity afterwards. It could also be famous for some reason. Def a wedding people will remember. It can be a bit cold and rigid tho, perhaps not a lot of people will cry or show much of how they feel. Some people could attend just to show themselves. Wedding could happen during Winter season. Your father figure could be important too during the wedding. He could also be the one paying for the wedding.
Aquarius, 11H, 11°, 23°
જ⁀➴ The wedding could be in foreign lands, or just in a place that is not usually taken for weddings. It could be very unusual, and maybe also avant-garde, breaking rules. Revolutionary wedding. It could also be a wedding that is not celebrated the way people consider "normal" in your culture. Since it is also relate to technologies, you could film your wedding, ask people to film your wedding. This placement makes me recall one couple who filmed their wedding The Office style. Quirky yet super original and funny. You could post your wedding photos and videos on the internet, or even make a live of it for people to see it or for the people who couldn't attend. Your wedding could also be posted on the internet as inspirations on Pinterest for example. The wedding could happen during Summer, maybe on Valentine's Day. Because Aquarius is again rules, it can happen during a time usually weddings don't happen, or you could also ask people to dress a certain way that is not "classic" for a wedding.
Pisces, 12H, 12°, 24°
જ⁀➴ Very emotional wedding. People can cry, you can cry, everyone can cry. Could happen around water, mostly the sea or at the beach. Also could be on a boat. Could be happening in foreign lands. Foreigners can attend the wedding. There could also be problems related to alcoholism or anything else. You could find it stressing, strangers could try to sneak in or some troubles could happen. On a good hand, the wedding could be very romantic, music could be played, and there could also be poetry reading. It could be a private wedding. It could feel like destiny, or you could have been predicted about something in your wedding. You could also have dreamed of your wedding. The wedding could happen during Winter season.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Please please please would you ever think of writing more to wait, what? I love it.
Maybe the group are upset they weren’t their for the wedding so they ask the reader and Bucky to have another one, renewing vows so they call all be there.
Plus the uncle and aunts playing with the baby. Babies first show of super grip.
More babies. How happy Bucky is when she is pregnant again. Maybe twins and they name them after the group; like have a girl so call her Samantha for Sam and a boy who is Nathaniel/Niklaus for nat.
Would love to see Tony as baby 2s godfather. Could totally see him “competing” against Steve. Look I got my Godkid this and that more than steve gave his. Not that it matters as tony fits for best uncle title so he gives everything to baby Stevie anyway :). Etc. Love your writing can’t wait to read your next fic. Anyway How are you? Hope you are well. How do you come up with stories?
YES YES One of my FAVOURITE AUs which I love to keep adding too. I've broken up this ask into parts here:
Wait, what? - 💔🥰 The secret you’ve been keeping from the team can only be hidden for so long (pregnant reader)
Wait, what? 2 -  🔥💔🥰 A little more back story + baby Barnes! (pregnant reader)
I do (again) Wait, what? 3 -  🥰 Everyone missed the first wedding, obviously you have to have another one
Wait, what? More Babies? -  🔥🥰 The family grows with a little new addition
Here is a little drabble with the aunts and uncles being complete menaces because they compete with each other. You shook your head looking at the growing pile of gadgets and toys collecting everywhere. There wasn't a single place where there wasn't a new present from either and aunt or an uncle, your kids spoilt beyond reason.
"Mama look!" Stevie ran into your room with a new shield in hand, proudly showing off the new technology it had been upgraded with from when he first got it. He whistled, grinning when the shield started to rumble before the plates shifted, expanding it to double the size. He had on a special type of watch fitted to his wrist and you couldn't even begin to comprehend what that would lead to.
"Baby, where do we keep all this?"
"In my room!" He scrambled off without looking back, only to have his presence replaced by the twins, each floating into the room with glowing red capes.
"What on earth are you to doing?" You knew better than to try and intervene with whatever it was they were doing, Samantha and Nathaniel giggling while sipping in circles from their latest gift from Aunty Wanda.
"Aunty Wanda charmed it for us!" They squealed, the tiny rocket booster running shoes they had been given from Tony boosting them to the ceiling.
"Get down from there!" You hissed, making your way to the living room to ask each God parent if they were trying to take years away from your life through stress.
"Did you see what I got for the tiny terminators" Tony grinned at Steve, hearing sound of laugher down the hall followed by your exasperated voice. He chuckled when he saw you disheveled form with each twin under your arm, clutching onto them like footballs to keep them from flying off.
"Best. God Father. EVER" Nathaniel grinned while Samantha nodded, trying to squirm from your hold.
"Steve jr got an upgrade too" Steve stated proudly, seeing his god son using his shield to surf down the staircase, causing you to drop one twin and catch your elder son before he face planted onto the floor.
"For F-" You caught yourself before finishing your sentence, both men snickering while you huffed, "I swear, wait till daddy is home" You placed your kids in a pile between their God fathers before going up to take a well deserved bath.
Bucky snorted at the sound of chaos that he heard as he made his way from the gym to your shared bedroom. He didn't want to set food into the living room when his demon spawn and Satan's love child god fathers were together, making his way straight to you instead.
"How are you mama" Bucky whispered softly, seeing the bathroom door left lightly ajar, the scent of lavender filling the room.
"Your children are spoiled Barnes" You peeked one eye open before closing it again, humming when you felt Bucky step into the tub, settling himself behind you.
"And who is spoiling mama?" He smirked, letting a sneaky hand trail down between your legs, kissing the sensitive skin on your neck, "Hm?"
A snap of his fingers was all that was needed to lock the doors and sound proof the walls. He'd already shot a text to Steve before coming to your room.
"You're both babysitting. Code XXX" (and Steve 1000% blushed like mad though Tony cackled and decided to set up a bet on if tonight would make another baby Barnes)
It was going to be a loooong night.
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🌈CM Pride Challenge🏳️‍⚧️
The following are prompts including LGBTQA+ PRIDE! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!Please check out the Rules below the Keep Reading.
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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General Prompts 🏳️‍🌈
Coming out is so much harder the second time
Describe Character’s first kiss with the same gender
Describe Character(s) spending a day at a Pride parade
The team realizes that A&B were more than roommates
Penelope goes a little overboard on rainbow decorations at Characters’ wedding
Character's marriage mutually comes to an end when they come out... now what?
Character comes out at the same time they announce their new relationship to the team
Character A fears it’s too late for them to live authentically, and B assures them that’s not true
Character A gifts B something colored like their pride flag because “the colors reminded me of you”
Child realizes that not every kid has two moms/two dads and they have a lot of questions about it
Queer characters have a hard time deciding what their child should call them and come up with fun ideas
Character A goes to a LGBT bar with B as a wingperson (or maybe they want them, themselves?)
Anything else you can think of!
More prompts (transgender, assorted, dialogue) below!
Transgender Prompts 🏳️‍⚧️
Character A helps B get their first tailored dress/suit
Character A helps B shave and/or put on makeup
The couple is looking for gender neutral nicknames
Character A buys B specialty gender affirming lingerie
Character is casually referred to with an appropriately gendered nickname for the first time
Characters are renewing their vows and redoing their wedding photos following a coming out
Character A walks in on B wearing a new gender-affirming outfit and surprises them with an enthusiastic compliment
The team throws Character an impromptu first birthday party following their coming out (how did they get a banner so fast?!)
Character A buys B a gender affirming but stereotypical gift (sports jersey, neon pink purse, etc.) that they would otherwise hate (but find absolutely hilarious)
Specific Prompts 💝
[Bisexual] Character gets irritated when people reduce their sexuality to their current partner
[Bisexual] Character A is in a M/F relationship with B and worries that their queer identity will become invisible dating them
[Asexual] Characters explore different forms of non-sexual intimacy
[Asexual] Characters are both asexual but too nervous to tell one another. They awkwardly attempt to have sex but end up laughing at how ridiculous they feel.
Dialogue Prompts 💐
“Are they… flirting?” “Big time.”
“I got to fall in love with you twice.”
“To be seen is to be loved." "I see you.”
“Be gay, do crimes.” “Aren’t you a cop?”
“There is no heterosexual explanation for that.”
“Life is very different once you find your people.”
“Cardinals and hydrangeas can change. Why not you?”
“You're still the person I love. Nothing will change that.”
“We both wear pants. Makes it easier to kick your ass.”
“It’s never felt like this before. I've never felt like this before.”
“I guess it makes sense now why it never worked out with my exes.”
Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at? ("She" by Dodie)
“You can kiss a hundred boys in bars, shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling ... Well, good luck, babe. You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.” ("Good Luck, Babe!" by Chappell Roan)
Rules ❤️🧡💚💙💜🖤🤎
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check.Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
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🌈Happy writing! 🏳️‍⚧️
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garpen · 1 month
Ykw... Just thinking about a timberkon secret wedding. Just- just to prove they were together first.
Literally anyone: *joking about how Tim and Kon are step siblings now*
Tim: *responds with pic of their wedding cert. Just that, no text no nothing*
Them: 😰 when did this?? Don't tell me you three pulled a jay and Roy on us?!?!
Kon: ew. No. We got married in Smallville with pa officiating, ma and Alfred as our witnesses, Cass was our flower girl, and yj were the collective bachelor party, they took us all out separately the week after.
Them: so- like a small wedding that we just weren't invited to?
Bernard: Were gonna get married again, renew our vows and stuff (we didn't really have vows at our first ceremony) with all of you obv. However! We all agreed it would be funny.
Tim: yeah... We knew after Clark and B got together the teasing would be relentless so we needed the upper hand-
Wait I love this. Tim and Kon really said uno reverse so they can be like "actually no it's weird YOU TWO got together. You're supposed to be parent-in-laws."
I like to think though it's not a legal marriage though?
Like I've thought about how marriage would work for TimBerKon since polygamy marriage is unlawful in all of north and south America. It is allowed in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines but only for Muslims. I tried looking up where in the world you could get married with 2+ people and gay married but nothing was popping up. (If you guys know where that's possible pls let me know).
So I think they're stuck with doing more a ceremony only than getting to all be legally married to each other. I don't think they mind too much though, I feel like the ceremony done right would be more than enough for them.
I do think everyone would be sad if they didn't get an invite to the wedding though :( With Jason and Roy it was more understandable bc they never intended to get married that day. They just got drunk in Vegas and it happened. Roy and Jason have no memory of it and NOBODY was "invited" (nobody can figure out how Cass knew)
I don't plan on TimBerKon getting married anytime soon, so I'll have to workshop some ideas for them for now, but I defo like where your mind went lol
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 9 months
husband!! armin arlert headcanons
- absolute blubbering mess at the end of the aisle. the tears could not be contained
- insists that you get your ring cleaned/polished regularly
- “have we really been married for [x amount] of days already?”
- your household together is the most peaceful thing either of you have ever known
- created a scrap book entirely compiled of wedding photos (most of them are of you)
- is interested in renewing vows
- “since i’m your husband now, let me do this for you”
- gazes at his wedding band when he zones out
- ‘happy wife is a happy life’ is this man’s motto
- gave you the most shy kiss after y’all said i do
- got drunk at the reception and then gave a speech about how much he loves you
- dedicates a day every week to have a little date night
- really wants you to have his baby but wants you to make that decision when/if you’re ready
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theundercoversquid · 11 months
Little Lamb PT2
Pairing:  Luca Changretta x Reader
Summary: Maybe Luca wasnt the butcher, maybe he was the savour
Warnings: I saw the request from @birdyman-momon at 11:54 p.m., and by 12:33, it had been written and formatted! So I hope it is good and that you enjoy it! For some strange reason, the inspiration hit, and I couldn't not write it! (I am publishing this before I have the opportunity to talk myself out of it!)
Part 1: Little Lamb
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If someone had told you three years ago on your wedding day what your future held for you, you would have scoffed at them. There was no way that being married off to Luca Changretta would be a good thing for you. No, you would have laughed and said that your family had signed you off to a life of mystery. You would have told them that your family had thrown you to the wolves. That you were a Lamb sent to slaughter.
But no, you would be wrong. Getting married to Luca Changretta would be one of the best things that had ever happened to you. On your wedding night, Luca never even touched you. The closest he ever got was to drape his jacket around your shoulders.
He never forced you to do anything that you were comfortable with. He let you lead at your own pace. Doing things how you wanted to do them.
The day after your wedding, he took you on a date. Showering you with gifts and his attention.
As if he could sense your apprehension, he did nothing to make you uncomfortable. You could tell that he wanted to return home to New York, but he did not pressure you to do so.
So when, 6 months after being married, you told him that you wanted to go home to New York with him, his face practically split in half from the grin.
His accent was thick as he told you about all the things that he wanted to do with you and all the places that he wanted to show you. You could feel his excitement catching on, and soon, you could feel yourself smiling along with him.
And well, going to New York would be something that you would never regret. The moment the ship left the harbour, you felt as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulder. You were no longer a Shelby. You were a Changretta, and you knew that Luca would never make you do anything you didn't want to do. He would never do to you what your family had done to you.
So when he carried you over the threshold of your new home, you gave yourself up to him in the most primal way. Bearing your body and soul for him. You let him see all the ugly bits and all the beautiful bits, and never once did he flinch.
Life only got better from there. You settled into life in New York. Surrounded by people who loved and appreciated you. The air and the atmosphere suited you far better than the coal-infested air of Birmingham. A place you vowed never to return to as you cut off all contact with your family. While they had given you Luca, they had thrown you to the wolves, knowing that you could be ripped apart.
Life only continued up from there, with you and Luca renewing your vows on the third anniversary of your wedding. So you could both properly celebrate your union, surrounded by happiness and the people that you loved.
Right then, on that day surrounded by a family that loved you, you would have told anybody willing to listen that it was the best day of your life, that there was no way it could get better.
Whilst you may have been right. You were also wrong. As life had much more happened in store for you. Surrounded by your husband and his family. But most importantly. Surround with the love of your husband.
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Tag list: @birdyman-momon @miojodetomatin @siriuslyblackonback
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pucksandpower · 10 months
is there a possibility of a part two on the mv1 vegas wedding, perhaps how they might have church wedding ? 🥹🥹 it was just so sickly sweet, i cant get enough of it 🤧🫶
There is definitely a possibility of a part two (though this is a little shorter than my usual work so we can also just call it a second epilogue)
Read part one here: What Happens in Vegas
You stand in front of the floor length mirror, smoothing your hands over the flowing white dress. Today you’re finally getting the real wedding you missed out on during that wild night in Vegas.
A pair of tiny hands suddenly grab at the tulle skirts of your dress. You look down to see your flower girl and daughter, two-year-old Vega, grinning up at you.
“Mama pwetty!” She declares. You scoop her up and kiss her cherub cheek.
“Why thank you, my love! But not as pretty as you in your special dress.”
Vega giggles and squirms to be put down so she can toddle around in her poufy flower girl outfit. You take a deep breath, heart swelling with love for your family.
A knock at the door announces your father’s arrival. “Knock knock! Ready to go become Mrs. Verstappen again?”
You take Vega’s hand and turn to your dad with a radiant smile. “Absolutely. How do I look?”
Your father presses a hand to his heart. “Oh honey ... you look absolutely beautiful. Max is going to bawl his eyes out.”
You laugh, feeling a few happy tears prick your own eyes. “Let’s just hope that Daniel doesn’t mess up his lines too badly. Did you see the Elvis costume he was begging to wear?”
Your father chuckles. “Don’t worry, I talked him into a normal tux. He promised to be on his most professional behavior as officiant today.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” you joke. “Really though, thank you for standing by me through all the craziness these past few years. I’m so glad we’re finally doing this for real.”
He pulls you into a careful hug so as not to wrinkle your dress. “I’m just so happy for you and Max. Now come on, let’s get you married again!”
The ceremony is being held outside at a gorgeous vineyard, rows of vines dripping with grapes serving as the perfect backdrop. Your heartbeat quickens as the music swells and Vega heads down the aisle, haphazardly tossing rose petals from her little basket.
Then it’s your turn.
On your father’s arm, you glide towards the floral archway where a nervous but beaming Max waits. The love shining from his eyes when he sees you takes your breath away all over again.
Daniel stands at his side looking polished in his suit, though his hair maintains its signature wild curls. He winks at you as you take your place across from Max beneath the arch.
“Family and friends,” Daniel begins, “we are gathered here today to witness the renewal of vows between Y/N and Max. Their first wedding may have been, shall we say, unconventional—”
“You mean drunk and hasty!” Someone calls out. Laughter ripples through the guests.
Daniel grins. “Yes, thank you Lando. But today we celebrate Y/N and Max formalizing their union after three wonderful years of marriage.”
He turns to Max. “Do you, Max, reaffirm your vow to love and cherish Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife, in plenty and want, in joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?”
Max gazes into your eyes. “I do, absolutely.”
Daniel repeats the question to you. You blink back joyful tears. “I do, with all my heart.”
“Wonderful!” Daniel says. “Now, the couple has prepared their own vows to share today.”
He gestures to Max, who clears his throat and takes both your hands in his.
“Y/N, that crazy night in Vegas, I never could have imagined where it would lead us. The past two years as your husband have been the best of my life. Every day with you and our daughter is a gift.”
Max’s voice cracks with emotion. “You are my rock, my inspiration, my very best friend. Thank you for taking a chance on me then and choosing to recommit to our partnership today.”
He dabs at his eyes as Daniel prompts you for your vows. You have to take a steadying breath around the balloon of love swelling in your chest.
“Max, what can I say? You’ve turned this reckless whim into the love story of a lifetime. Being your wife and mother of your child are the greatest honors I could imagine.”
You squeeze his hands, voice thick with feeling. “You challenge me, support me, and make me laugh and love more than I ever thought possible every single day. I vow to keep racing into the future with you by my side.”
There’s not a dry eye left as Daniel concludes the ceremony. “By the power vested in me by BecomeAnOfficiantIn20Minutes dot com, I now pronounce you man and wife … again!”
Max sweeps you into a deep kiss as your loved ones erupt into cheers. Vega toddles up to tug on your dress, wanting in on the family hug. You scoop her up and press kisses all over her face as Max wraps his arms around you both.
It’s a perfect moment.
The reception is a joyful and hilarious blur. At one point Max pulls you aside, nodding to where Vega is passed out in her godfather Christian’s arms after tiring herself out dancing.
“Can you believe we made that perfect little girl together?” Max murmurs.
You shake your head wonderingly. “She’s the best surprise to come out of that crazy night.”
Max kisses your temple. “I would marry you a hundred more times if it means I got to relive this journey with you over and over.”
You lean into him contentedly. However unorthodox the start of your relationship was, you’ve built an incredible life together.
And it’s only just beginning.
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blushweddinggowns · 6 months
Eddie was dealing with a lot of firsts today. 
The biggest one being the first time he was getting married. Though, Eddie really hoped it wouldn’t be the last. If his fantasies about this day came true he was going to have to insist on a vow renewal somewhere down the line. Fuck it, if even a quarter of what he wanted came through he’d still insist on it. He was never not going to like showing Steve off, and this was the most ostentatious way he could get away with. 
Next, and most distressing, this was the first time Eddie had ever felt the lethal mixture of being incredibly happy and horrifyingly nauseous. He had no idea that a person could feel both things at once, and Eddie was starting to think the ability was just a flaw of the human condition. 
And last, he is a 100 percent sure he had never been this damn nervous in his entire life. Especially when the source of it was entirely self-made. It was an uncomfortable reminder of how he used to feel with Steve, back when he decided to be a fucking crazy person. 
But this was so much worse. 
“You really need to relax,” Chrissy said for the hundredth time, watching as Eddie fiddled in front of the mirror, “That anti-perspirant can only go so far.”
“I know,” Eddie sighed. He was on one today, he knew that. But knowing it wasn’t stopping any of his anxiety. Eddie was trying to fix his hair in the mirror, suddenly unpleased with how it was styled but unwilling to go bother the stylist that did it. She was busy enough with everyone else, let alone the fact that he didn’t even know why he didn’t like it. If anything he was just making it worse. But then again, Steve always said he liked his hair wild, right?
“Hon, I’m serious,” Chrissy sighed, grabbing for his hand to drag him away, “You are driving yourself crazy for nothing. Everything is going to be okay. He’s going to be there. Are you forgetting that it was Steve who asked you to marry him?”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile at the memory, even now. The little shit had beaten him to the punch by a matter of days, completely ruining Eddie’s elaborate proposal plans. No, instead Steve decided to do it in the dead of night, getting down on one knee in the middle of their living room after getting destroyed at an impromptu game of scrabble. 
Eddie should have seen it coming, he really should have. But he had been so caught up trying to plan his own proposal he had completely missed the signs. Like how Steve kept picking movies that involved proposals and weddings, and how he was always very interested in what Eddie thought of them. Eddie just hadn’t realized how many notes he’d been taking around his innocuous comments. Not until Steve showed him the scrawled out list he had made down the line:
Not public, he said he wouldn’t want to cry in front of a bunch of strangers. Not again (whoops, sorry babe but at least this one would have been happy tears?)
Close to a bed or a bed-like surface for “celebrating” (I should have seen that one coming)
Diamonds are apparently ~stupid~ so look at colored stones instead (maybe emerald for his birthstone? Stick with sliver tones.)
No where cold so he can focus on the moment instead of freezing
Make it a surprise (But not outside? I don’t want to wait till summer though. Maybe I can do it randomly? Like when his back is turned?)
Write. A. Speech.
Eddie had to give it to him, his notes weren’t in vain. It had been amazing. Tailor-made to him in a way he didn’t even fully get until it was over. Because he had started crying, right in the middle of their living room with no one but Steve to see him. And it had felt so fucking safe. There was no embarrassment, no worrying over someone he didn’t know taking their moment to share with more strangers, none of it. It was just them. 
He had fucking loved the ring, the colors, the style, all of it fit him perfectly. The only thing he loved more had been dragging Steve straight to their bedroom spoil him rotten for hours. The speech had been beautiful, for what he had managed to hear through his own excitement and tears. He had ended up asking Steve to write it down for him considering how he couldn’t trust his own memory. Now it sat on a cute index card he kept in his wallet, right alongside his cute scrawled out list, a constant reminder that Steve Harrington wanted him.
It had been perfect. Almost too perfect. Perfect enough for Eddie to be where he was right now, the doubt of how he ended up with Mr. Perfect. 
from the upcoming last chapter of this fic
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froglover7789 · 2 months
ok so the obv follow up to luke skywalker getting eloped at somepoint and not telling anyone is leia doing some serious meddling. like. shes bossy as fuck and at some point post rotj decides that shes sick of luke bothering her all the time (hes just annoying) and tries to set him up with someone.
imagine it please. please imagine with me. itd be so fucking funny. she'd keep trying to introduce him to people at galas or be like "ive got this friend i think youll like him" and luke has not a clue whats going on bc hes stupid and too busy thinking about the hottie hes banging. i love star wars. the sequels shouldve been leia getting increasingly frustrated that luke doesnt realize hes on a date/ being asked out until (insert your favorite luke ship here) tells him. and luke still doesnt believe it. and continues to go on the terrible dates leia sends him on. bc why would his sister send him on dates when she obv knows hes been married for forever? (she does not know this. no one knows this. luke is a fool)
it finally stops when luke tells her he cant visit with whatever mystery man of the week it is bc its his fifth wedding anniversary with (insert your favorite luke ship here) and theyre renewing their vows! isnt that so exciting leia! and he shows her their rings and starts yapping and leia promptly bangs her head on her desk bc how could she have missed that
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ventique18 · 1 year
You know 🐉 is an odd person, but one night when your daily evening stroll comes to an end, he presents you with a stone. A piece of rock. Now you would've been confused at this unexpected gift, but you are honestly so impressed by how round and shiny and absolutely perfect this piece of pebble is.
You accept it excitedly and he looks at you with relief, happiness, and unrestrained admiration. It strikes you as a bit odd, but you don't think much of it.
You don't know that accepting a dragon's favorite rock is agreeing to wed him. He doesn't know that humans don't ask for marriage like that.
So when you confess to him one day that you love him and that you want to spend your life with him, he looks at you not with elation or awkwardness or anything that would give away his answer, but with genuine confusion.
"I am glad to hear such direct words from your mouth, and I feel the exact same way. Though I am somewhat puzzled at this sudden renewal of vows, even when we are yet to actually marry," he says, and his eyes widen at a realization, "Or could it be... That you are impatient and wish to marry at once? Grandmother has suggested that we hold it in the coming spring, though if you prefer a snowy wedding..."
"Renewal..? Marry? The coming spring?!"
Malleus Draconia has already informed his dearest grandmother of your acceptance to his marriage offer, and she already has detailed plan proposals on your nuptial, destinations for your honeymoon, a whole book of beautiful names for your future children, and has apparently prepared you and your spouse-to-be's joint room, office, and baby nursery.
That day, you are reminded of just how unique and excitable dragons are in general, and not just this oddball of a man who started all these by proposing to you with a pebble, of all things.
But ah well, it's why you fell for him anyway.
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celestie0 · 2 months
the olympians in paris who can't stop talking about their wife/gf during the press 😭😭😭 it has to be adult kickoff!gojo. also omg ellie did you read about the italian athelete who dropped his wedding ring in the seine?? thats gojo behaviour but he could never be so poetic in his apology
this is so funny cuz i was literally JUST on tiktok and saw that news about the italian athlete that dropped his wedding ring bahahah the way he suggested she throws her ring in that water too so they can renew their vows...sobsss
yess i adore the olympian men who keep talking ab their spouses but like if that were kickoff gojo this is how he’d do it:
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cerasus--flores · 1 year
Wedding ask game for your newly (and not so newly) wed OTP
(made mainly with couples in mind, feel free to adapt to as many people as you want)
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Who first brought up the option of marriage? Was it an easy topic?
Which one proposed? Was it grand and public? Discreet and private? Was it expected?
Show us their engagement and/or wedding rings!
Did they plan the wedding by themselves, with help, or with a professional planner?
Was the planning and time up til the wedding stressful?
Who were the first people to find out about the engagement? How did they react?
Who are the maids of honor and/or best men? Why and how were they chosen?
Was there any drama whatsoever regarding the guest list?
Show us a mood/stimboard of their wedding's general aesthetic.
Do they get married through court? Church? Third secret option?
When do they get married? Night or day? Any specific reason for either?
Do either of them play music while walking down the aisle (if they do at all)? If yes, show us their song.
Show us their outfits!
Do they follow any familiar, cultural, and/or religious traditions at any point of the wedding?
Who was the ringbearer?
Who married them?
Show us their vows. Did either of them tear up at them?
Did anyone oppose the marriage? Did they speak then, or did they just forever hold their peace?
What was the ceremony like? Any highlights?
Did anyone pass out from a food/alcohol coma?
Do they have a honeymoon? Where to? How soon after?
Do they renew their vows? Remarry, even?
If the couple could describe their wedding in a sentence, how would they?
If you could describe their wedding in a sentence, how would you?
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