#they could bond v well over it which i think is nice for them since they're both kinda solitary ppl as they r
dnangelic · 1 year
if takenaka read daisuke's mind, would he be able to hear dark as well?
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GOSH ORZO i've actually considered this a lot LOOOL and i think takenaka definitely would be! there's no reason that he wouldn't be able to hear dark tbh, and daisuke himself would be Incredibly Shocked that takenaka could hear dark too before frantically trying (and very likely badly failing) to cover up the fact he has another person in his brain and practically just admit to it.
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sachirobabe · 2 months
Chapter 8
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Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Wc: 3202
Summary: You, a dedicated member of the girls' volleyball team, find an unexpected connection with Kuroo Tetsurou. Igniting a bond over shared passions and stolen moments, love blossoms on the court; all because you met him at a captains meeting.
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Taglist: @merlucide, @lemurzsquad , @02shuuu, @michakune , @ivy-taylorsversion , @scinclaitnoir , @v-e-r-t21 , @bakugouswaif , @siheez
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"You sure you don't want to come with?" You sigh into your phone, currently on a call with Himari.
"Nuh uh, no way." You can imagine she's shaking her head quickly, "I'm not going to ruin your date." She squeals.
"We're doing homework." You say, but a part of you is a little nervous to go. You've hung out with him before, but for some reason you're finding yourself caring about what you wear to meet up with him.
"It's a start. Trust me, I'm so rooting for you both." She says happily. "Text me when you're home so we can debrief." She squeals again and hung up.
You frown at your phone and set it down, looking through your closet to find something to wear. Do you wear something comfortable? Cute? Causal? It was pretty warm, as it was later in may, heading to June and July.
You decide on a casual comfy outfit, seeing no wrong in it. You checked your appearance last minute and take a deep breath before waving to your parents goodbye.
As you walk to the agreed destination, you text him that you're on your way. He sees your message as he's sitting at a table, he's been waiting for you. He was so nervous that he left extra early.
The sun beamed down on you, making you sweat a little and in need of a drink. You enter the library and your eyes meet his, you're smiling. A bit too much as you catch yourself excited to do homework with him.
"Hey." You quietly say, "I hope you weren't waiting too long?"
He shook his head, "Not at all." He lied, there's no way he's telling you that he was an hour early. "I got you a drink..I figured since it's warm out you'd be thirsty—or you like to sip on something as you work." He nervously says.
You think it's cute that you can see a hint of pink on his cheeks, why? You're not so sure about that. You can't possibly be thinking he likes you like that, right?
"Thank you, that's so nice of you." You smile and take the iced drink, sipping on it and enjoy the flavor he bought you.
He nods and sips his own drink, trying to calm himself down. He almost chokes on his drink as he spots a few of his teammates in disguise behind a book shelf. He glares at them, specifically Yaku. He just knows this was his idea.
His eyes look at you quickly and is less tense as you haven't even noticed them. You're looking through your backpack and finding a few worksheets. He makes up an excuse that he's going to try and find a book.
You buy it and he gets up and walks quickly over to his teammates. "What the fuck are you guys doing here?!" He whispers, careful not to make too much noise or draw any unwanted attention.
Yaku, Yamamoto, and Lev all wore some shitty disguise. One that consisted of sunglasses and hats—which was stupid in Kuroo's opinion, who wears sunglasses inside?
"It was his idea." Yamamoto and Lev point accusatory fingers at Yaku.
"Oh fuck you guys." Yaku sighs.
"What're you guys doing?! What if she sees you?" Kuroo panicked.
"Relax. I just had to see you weren't lying." Yaku says and crosses his arms.
"Yaku said I could learn a thing or two by coming." Lev says, throwing the libero under the bus again.
"And why are you here?" Kuroo rolls his eyes at the other twos excuses.
"Someone has to be the responsible one." Yamamoto proudly says, but Kuroo was not buying it. None of them were capable of that right now. "Okay fine. Yaku said he'd buy me food."
"Dude?!" Yaku looks at him, "Well, now you're not getting it."
"I said this was a bad idea, for the record." Yamamoto says, as if that was going to make him look more innocent. "And you're still buying me food."
"Guys, please leave. If she sees you guys—in these shitty disguises, she won't want to hangout with me again." Kuroo whines, grasping at anything to get his teammates to leave.
"Bro, relax." Yaku says, "We won't get noticed."
"And what if I did this to you while you're with the girl you like?" Kuroo flips the situation onto him.
"Yaku can't get girls." Lev says and Yaku kicks him, Yamamoto held his mouth to not laugh loudly.
Kuroo's mind was filled with worry, he'd laugh at that joke later. "Yaku, I can't be embarrassed. I'm already nervous as is." He admits.
Yaku senses his captains worries and sighs, "Okay fine. We'll leave, but I just wanted to make sure you weren't lying. I can't stand the fact that you have a girlfriend before me." He glares.
"Oh god, thank you." Kuroo breathes out a huge breath of relief. "I've already taken too long, hurry up before she sees you." The three nod and Kuroo acts casual as he walks back up to the table.
"You didn't find your book?" You ask quietly and look up from your worksheet.
He looks at you confused, but then realizes that was the lie he told you. "Oh—yeah, no. Couldn't find it." He takes a long sip of his drink, watching his teammates pretend they're in an action movie as they leave the library.
The workers all looked at them like they were crazy. He's glad you didn't look behind you, otherwise he probably would've died from embarrassment.
Kuroo takes out his homework and works on it quietly in front of you. After a little you take a mental break, putting away two out of three papers into folders and into your bag.
"You look focused." You smile, he thinks his entire face is red as he feels you stare at him.
"Coach Mori assigns a lot of homework." He chuckles, "How's it going for you?
"Good, I just need to take a break." You say and stretch, "Otherwise I think my brain will explode."
"Oh, I'm sure you're okay." Kuroo laughs. "Miss smarty pants." He teases.
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Ha ha. Very funny."
"You think I'm lyin'?" He quirks an eyebrow, his homework long forgotten about.
You shake your head and chuckle quietly, wary of others studying nearby. "I know I'm smart, way smarter than you." You tease a little, finding the small banter amusing.
He laughs a little too loud and gets a look from the librarian, he smiles widely at you and the two of you quietly chuckle. "You're going to get us kicked out." He says quietly.
"Me? You're the one who laughs loud." You shake your head.
He wants to tell you that he laughs loud like this when he's with you, nobody else can make him feel this way. But, he's taking baby steps right now, he can barely ask you to hangout without turning bright red.
"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" He speaks up after a few seconds.
You raise an eyebrow at him, "I thought we were supposed to be studious?" Your actions are the opposite of your words as you begin putting away your things.
He grins and throws his things into his bag, he stands up and pushes his chair in, waiting for you to finish up and follow him.
"Where are we going?" You ask, finally not having to keep your voice down.
He thinks for a moment, walking beside you. "Do you like ice cream?"
"Of course." You nod and smile.
"I know a place." He says and leads the way, "Kenma and I have been going here since we were kids."
"Himari and I have a spot like that too." You say, keeping up with his long legs.
"Yeah?" He says interested, "What is it?"
"Bowling." You chuckle, "You know that old place deeper in town?"
He hums, "Yeah, haven't been there since I was little. It's still running?"
"Himari and I practically keep the place going." Your laugh was beautiful to him, he needs to hear more of it. "Last time we went was for her birthday, right before school started."
"So, does that mean you're like a pro?" He smiles, thinking he could potentially beat you.
"I'm not bad, but definitely not the best." You see the competitive glint in his eyes, "We mostly go for the curly fries and milkshakes."
He shakes his head softly, "I found the ice cream place the first time I asked Kenma to play volleyball with me." He smiles at the memory, "I practically forced him, so I offered to buy him a cone if he played with me."
"So you bribed him into playing volleyball?" You raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckles.
"I guess so. I would ask him to play a lot, so he and I quickly became regulars at the shop." His eyes leave yours momentarily as he opens the shop door for you.
You thank him, the bell ringing and an older woman looks up from her magazine. "Is that you, Tetsurou?" She pushes up her glasses and smiles warmly at him.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Yuki." Kuroo smiles back at her.
"My oh my, you've grown." She chuckles and closes her magazine.
"Maybe just a little." He chuckles and scratches his neck, "but it's only been 2 weeks."
"2 weeks too long, dear." She says and finally takes notice of you, "And you've even brought your girlfriend, how cute." She claps her hands together.
You think your heart just stopped beating for a second, your mouth opens to deny or say anything, but a part of you kind of liked it.
Kuroo felt his face heat up, he had been telling her about his struggles to talk to you for years. "Oh, we're just—"
"What can I get you two?" She interrupts him, liking the way he blushes at you.
"Don't—uh don't mind her." Kuroo turns to you, "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. It's okay." You chuckle, noticing how his face was more pink than normal. "I've never been here before, what would you recommend?" You ask and walk closer to Mrs. Yuki.
"Well, all of our ice cream is homemade." She smiles warmly, she can see why Kuroo had taken a liking to you. "I'd be happy to let you sample any flavors you'd like."
You smile widely at and thank her. You take a few minutes to read the labels on the tubs, you tried a few flavors. They were all delicious, her ice cream was nothing you've ever tasted before.
"I'll do a scoop of strawberry, please." You say and throw away the little spoon of the sample. She nods and takes her scooper, she gets a heavy ball and puts it in a waffle cone.
You grab it and wait for Kuroo to order, wanting to treat him.
"I'll do my usual scoop of matcha." He tells her, his face is still pink from earlier. She goes to put it in the register, you weren't given a chance to go up because he beat you to it.
"Hey!" You protest, "I said—"
"Too slow." He grins and pays for both of your treats.
"I said next time was on me. Let me pay you back." You go to reach for your wallet and he stops you and shakes his head.
"I invited you here." He smiles, your breath is caught in your throat at his smile, you've always known he was cute, but this was different. He was more than cute.
"Fine, but next time—"
"Eat your ice cream." He says and bumps your elbow on purpose, making your ice cream smudge onto your lips. He laughs, knowing exactly what he did. Mrs. Yuki hands him a napkin and he hands it to you.
"You're so funny, Kuroo Tetsurou." You playfully glare at him and wipe your mouth.
"You kids enjoy." Mrs. Yuki smiles, she can feel her face hurt from watching the two of you. She's happy to see Kuroo so happy.
Kuroo continues to laugh as he leads you outside to the tables. "Eat your ice cream." You do the same thing to him, he licks his lips and smiles.
"How mean." He says and wipes his face as well with his own napkin.
"You did it first!" You laugh and eat your ice cream, watching the green leave his face and onto his napkin.
"It's good, right?" Kuroo asks, seeing your eyes light up at the treat.
"Way too good." You chuckle, "I won't be able to eat store bought ice cream anymore."
"Welcome to my world." He laughs. "She's practically my second mom." He says, looking inside the shop for a moment.
"She's very sweet." You nod, "How long has she worked here for?"
"Her whole life, I think." Kuroo says, "Her father bought the store for her when she was young."
"It's a cute shop. I can't believe I've never came here before." You bit into your waffle cone.
"Yeah, I help her out from time to time." His tongue savors the flavor he got, "She needs help moving her batches sometimes."
"That's nice of you," You smile. "Thank you, by the way. For the ice cream."
He shakes his head, "No problem."
"But for real. Next time is on me." You warn him with a finger pointing at him and he only grins. Already knowing that would never happen, but he goes along with it for now.
You sit for hours there just talking to him, he made you smile a lot. You're trying so hard to keep your mind straight and focused on prelims, but being out with him was just so much fun.
It wouldn't hurt to keep this going, would it? You're still focused during practices and games, that's not changing.
Kuroo looks at his phone for the time and sighs, "It's getting a little late." He notices the sun setting, he looks at your features, appreciating how well the sun hit you right now. He almost wants to sneak a picture, but he doesn't want to seem creepy, he just wishes he could capture this moment forever.
"Yeah, we should start heading back." You say and throw away your napkin.
"I'll walk 'ya." He offered.
"You sure? I swear I thought your house was in the opposite direction." You say.
"Nonsense. I'll just take the long way." He chuckles and you give in, it was hard not to, especially since you didn't want it to end. "Don't want you to get kidnapped." He jokes.
You rolled your eyes, "I'd come back to haunt you."
"Oh, I'm honored." He laughs. "I had a lot of fun with you." He side eyes you for a reaction, you're smiling when he finishes his sentence and that's a win in his book.
"I did too." You say truthfully, you didn't even want to go home. "Who knew? That the nekoma boys volleyball captain was kinda cool?"
"Just kinda cool?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Don't push it." You joke and he laughs along. "I wasn't able to get very close with the other captains, so I'm really happy I got to know you more, Kuroo."
"Tetsurou. You can call me Tetsurou." His face gets hot.
You nod, "Tetsurou." He almost falls to the floor as a pile of putty after hearing his name leave your lips. "Today was fun." You say again, getting his attention, he was still smiling widely.
"We should do this again—if you want to of course, I-I don't want to force you unless you were just being nice—"
"I'd like that." You smile, cutting off his rambling and he lets out a grateful sigh.
"Great. Sounds good." He chuckles, telling himself to calm down.
"Actually..my parents leave tomorrow for a work trip," You gained a little more confidence to ask him to hang out, "And I have this cookie recipe I've been wanting to try, if you'd like to come over and bake with me?"
He feels his heart thump loudly against his chest, he's elated that you're the one who asked him to hang out again. He didn't want to feel like he was being too pushy or persistent. "I'd like that." His face hurts from how hard he's smiled all day with you.
"Great, so again tomorrow? At like noon?" You ask to confirm, looking at your house.
"Yeah, I'll be here." He nods. "Have a good rest of your night, Y/n."
"You too, Tetsurou." You give him a small wave and he thinks you look adorable. Once you're inside your room you're fumbling for your phone to call Himari to come over asap.
"Yeah? Wait—woah, slow down, slow down." Himari laughs on the other end.
"Wait! Don't go yet, he's walking past your house right now." You say as you look out your bedroom window. "Okay okay, come now." You say after he rounds the corner and off to his house.
Himari greets your parents as she walks by, seeing them pack up their car. She runs to your room and barges through the door. "Spill." She smiles ecstatically.
You go on about how you did homework at the library and then got ice cream, basically just giving her the rundown. "And then, I asked him to come over tomorrow after my parents leave to bake cookies." You finish, hiding your face.
"No. Way. You, Y/n L/n, invited a cute boy over." Her jaw drops, before all of this you hadn't been super boy crazy, you had two boyfriends before, but it obviously didn't go on for more than a couple of months.
"I know! I don't know why I did it." You say uncontrollably smiling.
"You like him. You so do." Himari grins, "Don't give me that bullshit about how you don't." She raises her palm to your face.
"I don't." You deny, but you can't stop thinking about him. He gave you butterflies. "We are just friends."
"Wait till Mori hears this now." Himari laughs, "She's going to have a talk with you.”
You groan, "No. She won't. Because this isn't going anywhere."
"Then why are you so excited to tell me about what happened? And why you invited him over?" She catches you in a lie.
You frown and didn't answer her for a minute, "So what? This'll probably fizzle out and go away in a few weeks." 
Himari raises an eyebrow, "Sure." She pretends to go along with it. The rest of the night, you and Himari spent the night together, watching shows and eating popcorn.
Kuroo had the dopiest smile on his face as he got home, he can't even say in words how happy and excited he is. He calls Kenma and yaps for an hour about you.
Kenma doesn't even acknowledge his babbling, he focuses on his pc as he games, but he can't help his curious mind about how you've gotten his best friend smitten for almost three years. It brings a small smile to his face, this means Kuroo will leave him alone so he can game more.
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sleepy-grav3 · 1 year
Parents - Uramichi x Reader
A/n: Random idea passed by and I couldn't make it go away, so uh yay
Summary: Uramichi, Kumao, Usao, and S/n (stage name) are made to go to a lovely mall event for father's day! Uramichi does a passionate speech about parents and growing up and Y/n couldn't help but tear up at what he had said, leading to an emotional bonding moment.
Tw: Angst (there is comfort), parent problems, swears, spoilers, depression, verbal abuse, some other stuff I might've ended up forgetting...
Also, your stage costume is a hip-hop dancer type with sunglasses. You always wear the sunglasses to hide your eyes that seem to always show your current mood (which isn't good for your job). Just a little thing.
And this is also not too romantic, but whatever.
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Y/n’s POV
“Y/n, I always see you with the sunglasses… They’re also really heavily tinted with a color and have different shapes. I doubt that Derekida actually buys those…”
I turned to look over at Usahara and smiled.
“Why do I wear these? Well people say that my eyes give away my current feelings! And since I work 2 jobs to keep living while having mandatory therapy to prevent me from going to a mental hospital, I don’t get sleep that often! So how do you think I feel every single god damn day?”
“U-um… Tired? Maybe?”
“Wow! You got it right! And what happens when you’re tired for such a reasoning every single fucking day?”
“You have heavy eye bags and get really angry really easily?”
“Ding ding ding! That must’ve been a hard question, Usao! I’m so glad the bunny learned yet another thing today!”
Usahara backed away, leaning over Kumatari’s shoulder.
“Is it just me or is Y/n sounding more and more like Uramichi as the days go on?”
“Please don’t talk to me.”
You mean the depressed 31-year old who’s having breakdowns about 10 times a day? Honey, I only break down to that point when nobody’s watching. This is nothing.
“You’re not a very good whisperer, Usao!”
To top it off, Uramichi entered the room with a blank stare and… what’s with the red balloon? He might as well be trying to cosplay Nicklewise with that balloon… but more depressed…
He turned his head to me with a more intense blank stare. I only tilted my head and gave him a more bright and sparkly smile. That seemed to make it worse as the stare became more… intense- how the hell is he doing that?!
“Hey, it’s Uramichi-san, good mor-”
“Morning. Want a balloon?”
“Nope. For someone in your line of work, it’s amazing how little that look suits you…”
“I look like a kid enough with this get up. Do I need a balloon and backwards cap to top it off?”
“... yes.”
“No ♥️”
I pushed Uramichi off stage for a moment, seeing as he broke down after a single comment from a child. Wimp.
“Haha! That was so nice of you to say, Tak-kun! It hit his heart so hard that he couldn’t help but cry from joy! Let’s give Uramichi oniisan some to convert that joy into energy instead of tears! And I think I know just the way! Let’s all get up and have a dance session with S/n!”
I could already see some of the parents hesitating along with some of the older siblings chuckling. I’ll teach ‘em-
Some music started up and I started to guide them through it, making sure I called out each and everyone who laughed at our Uramichi ^v^
“Today, as a special treat, Uramichi Oniisan and his friends will draw pictures of their daddies too!”
That’s not on the script-
“...Huh?” Uramichi turned to the hostess. “That… wasn’t on the script.”
“Us too? For real?”
“Don’t you want to know what their daddies look like, boys and girls?”
The audience cheered, making me realize how often we use these kids to support our own ideas to cover for our faults. Huh…
“Gosh! I don’t know if I can draw my dad that well! Do you guys remember your dad’s faces?”
“I love my dad, hippety! No… well, I guess I remember it, but can I draw it? Maybe not..”
“Me too, grr! I just remembered I haven’t visited my folks since two years ago.”
“Wow, to think I get to show my dad off to the kids! I bet he’ll be so happy! Absolutely, but I'm not giving him this satisfaction. Make it up, that's what I'm doing.”
"That's actually really sad..." Usahara drooped his shoulders a bit.
I ignored everything else that happened, focusing on drawing some random man that would fit my character. What would fit my character? Maybe I should just make him have some normal clothes and make it up as I go? Nah, I’ll just make him another dancer.
I turned to see how the others were doing until I saw the fuck up the animals made.
“What the hell happened to your characters?” I questioned.
“Seriously, what happened to your characters?” Usamichi repeated.
That’s when they realized their fuck up. That didn’t work though, the kids still questioned it.
“H-hey, let’s take a look at the other two, hippety!”
I launched myself over to Usao, wrapping an arm around his shoulder with a hearty laugh.
“Man, I was wondering when I would be up! This is my dad! He’s another dancer like me! Showed me the ropes, you know? Ain’t he cool!”
“But I’m better, right!”
“WOOO! That’s the spirit! Let’s move onto our amazing oniisan! Whatcha got the-... there…?”
The drawing he made was rough but it was of a muscular man throwing a crying kid and holding another crying kid. I had to strain my smile to keep it up as he spoke about his father. I’m… I’m amazed that he didn’t draw someone different like I did…
There was definitely more to this man, but children were present and he isn’t actually that close to us at the moment, so I doubt we’ll really get much more out of him unless we see through the lines…
Those lines have a pretty big gap though, so it’s not like it’s that hard.
“Weren’t you sad having him as a daddy?”
“If he hadn’t been my dad, I wouldn’t be here talking to you today!”
Wouldn’t that be a good thing?
“We all have only 1 life to live. Sometimes we think we’ve made a mistake, even if we can’t be sure whether that’s true or not… But in the end, if something brings us even a little happiness, it wasn’t a mistake at all! Whether you can reverse the mistakes of your mommies or daddies… all depends on the lives you grow up to lead. Even if you can’t live for somebody else… if you can live without blaming somebody else, I think that’s wonderful.”
Before a tear fell, I quickly wiped it away and went over to Uramichi, giving him a small side hug and a rub on his back. He put a hand on my shoulder, gripping it a bit tight for comfort.
Man, nothing can get past this man.
I couldn’t really see through my tears anymore as I sat down and took off my sunglasses.
“Fuck man… you need to warn me when you do those speeches..”
“Holy shit- are you crying?” Usahara asked.
“Shut up, I’ll clear up in a moment. Just… fuck…”
I felt someone pulling me into an embrace, petting my head so I rested against his shoulder.
“It’s ok to cry in front of us, just let it out.”
~Flashback | 3rd person ~
“Stop crying! This isn’t something to cry about!” Y/n’s dad exclaimed.
“I-I ca-can’t!”
Y/n curled up in their seat at the dining table, pulling at their hair to relieve some stress.
“It’s just homework, why can’t you do something as simple as this?!”
Y/n flinched, eyes wide from their mistake as they looked up in fear. Their dad grabbed their face with a hand with a tight grip, making them look into his eyes.
“Look at me. Don’t yell. Just take a deep breath and get back to work. You can have your break after you’re done.”
This wasn’t the only memory that flew by the current Y/n’s head either.
“Mom, I can’t find my notebook!”
“So? C’mon, stop wasting my time.” She rolled her eyes.
“Huh? Can’t you help me look for it?”
“And why should I? You lost it.”
“And you lost your keys yesterday! Why do I have to help you look for your stuff when you lose it but when I lose stuff, you don’t help me?”
“Because that’s reality. People are unfair and you have to handle problems yourself.”
“But I helped you…”
“That’s your problem then.”
~ Flashback end | Still 3rd person ~
“It must’ve sucked having a dad like that, right?”
Uramichi didn’t respond, knowing they had more to say.
“My parents were always really strict with my academic grades. I never got break and their word was law. So I decided to do just what they wanted. Yeah, sure, it was more extreme but… that didn’t fucking matter. They got even more angry at me. ‘Why won’t you help me find my keys?’ Because you never helped me with anything. ‘Why don’t you just ask us for help?’ Because when I asked, you said that it was nothing and to get over it. ‘Why won’t you hang out with your friends?’ Because you said they’re useless! Nothing mattered! They were never happy with me! It’s to the point they changed everything for my sister yet still treated me the same!”
Kumatani and Usahara awkwardly looked at each other. They never really saw Y/n look so distraught before. In fact, they got more and more concerned as Y/n rambled on and on, words soon becoming incoherent. Uramichi only continued to hug them, feeling a strange sense of comfort holding them.
“That’s way too many expectations. It makes sense why you chose to do that.”
“And they still ask why I’m depressed. They gave me a therapist and right from the 3rd day, they asked why I’m not fixed? Is severe depression supposed to be something fixable like that? NO!”
“That’s actually very angering.”
“And that’s not even the worst of it- They say this whole job is stupid! That I have college degrees and should be doing something with my life! But I- I feel happy here! Even if this job is draining, I get to make some people happy! Why should I give that up?!”
Uramichi could only agree with most of what they said. And honestly, he really did agree with Y/n. Their parents were the type to think they were always in the right, even after having a group talk with their therapist. Now that’s a fixed mindset.
Eventually, Y/n took a quick breath, wiping away their tears and pulling away with a bright yet awkward smile.
“Well, that was a great vent! I think I should call my therapist for an earlier meeting- anyway- Thanks for listening. I hope to never do that again.”
“That’s a quick switch!” Usahara exclaimed.
Uramichi got up as well, putting his hands on their cheeks gently to make them look at his face, rubbing circles with his thumbs.
“What they did was wrong, you know that. Family shouldn’t be the only people you could depend on. Friends are a good thing to have. Hobbies, even if you drop them, are good too. As long as you find some happiness in what you do, it’s ok. So you don’t have to listen to them. Do what you want. Stay here as long as you want.”
“Seriously, please don’t leave me in this hell of a kids show-”
“Here, how about we go out for a drink? I know you don’t usually drink anything alcoholic, so maybe a cafe might be better?”
Y/n blinked owlishly, blushing slightly as they had started to lean forward into his touch. He couldn’t help but squish their cheeks together.
“Uh, sure… When? What time?”
“How about today right now?”
“Yeah, um, sure. Great. Ok, let’s uh… go then…”
“You still have to change out of your clothes.”
“Right! Uh- I’ll be right back!”
Y/n quickly left to the stalls and Usahara crouched down.
“I can’t believe it… Uramichi is actually going on a date…”
“What are you talking about?”
Usahara jumped up, grabbing the gym rat by his sweater and shaking him violently.
“You idiot! Don’t you realize that you just asked Y/n on a date! A DATE! AND THEY ACCEPTED!”
Uramichi’s eyes widened, face going bright red.
“Oh shit, I did-”
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A/N: Would ya look at that! I had enough motivation to type another thing! It's awful but whatever. I'll eventually get something actually romantic on here... hopefully... It's probably not what you expected, sorry... Anyway! Hope you have a good day!
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Hello CC! I hope you don't mind if I come in here to theorize with you about some of my SI/OCs.
I've been a Barbatos guy for awhile and enjoyed many a good thought about how our fictional romance would go. But then I had gotten through enough of the game that I unfortunately started falling for Belphegor too. If only it had been Diavolo! I think Barb and Dia could hold hands nicely. But Barb and Belphie?
So I've made two SIs who are basically identical with separate romantic paths because I cannot imagine those two ever sharing an MC. It may be my limited knowledge of the game that's limiting my imagination on this, which is why I'm coming to an expert.
How would you make Belphegor and Barbatos share a romantic partner? If possible?
Hey there! I certainly don't mind, this is exactly the kinda thing I love to do! dkafljf but man I'm gonna end up with an inflated ego if people keeping calling me an expert lol!
Okay. So. Are we talking about a V triad polyamorous situation? Like Belphie and Barb are both dating MC, but they're not necessarily dating each other? Or is it more of a throuple situation where all three people are dating each other at the same time?
'Cause I think it's always easier if MC is the pivot of the relationship and the other two just have to get along. Though I also think you could make Barb and Belphie fall in love with each other if you wanted to. This could be because I have shipped Barb with every character possible. I just assume that everybody is in love with him because how could you not be? My poor OCs.
ER- anyway, in either situation, MC is the glue that holds everything together. Because even if the two characters can find no common ground, they always have their shared love for MC to bond over.
That being said, I actually think Barbatos and Belphegor are somewhat compatible. They're both relatively calm and they're also both very smart. They can be manipulative when they want to be. And I kinda think they'd get each other.
You could easily create some cute moments between them, too. For instance, if Belphie used his powers of persuasion to get his brothers to help out around the castle. Or if Barbatos made Belphie a new pillow case. Maybe they all have a picnic together and Barb tells Belphie to invite Beel. Since Beel always loves Barb's food and he can be sure to make enough to satisfy him. Maybe they stargaze together.
Where I think they might clash the most is that they're both kinda possessive. And that could be where MC runs into problems, especially if they're in a V triad.
I think Barbatos would be most likely to give in to Belphie, but do it too much and he's gonna get a little restless about it.
There's also the fact that Belphie is very lazy and Barbatos is definitely not. I could see them getting frustrated with each other over this. Belphie being like why are you always so strict about everything and Barbatos being like why are you always so careless about everything?? LOL.
But the other thing about Barbatos is that he likes taking care of people. And I think that Belphie likes to be taken care of.
So in the end, I think those major parts of their personalities blend quite nicely.
Say MC and Belphie end up taking a nap in a weird place. Barbatos probably keeps track of them, so he always knows where they are. And then he makes sure they at least have a blanket. Maybe he even moves them to a safer location. Rearranges them a little so they don't wake up with stiff necks.
Maybe Belphie goes out of his way to bring Barbatos special ingredients for one of MC's favorite dishes. He wouldn't normally make the effort, but since it's for MC. And you know, as thanks for watching out for Belphie and MC when they were sleeping in a weird place.
Hmm yes I feel like you could write a sweet little slow burn between them if they were dating each other as well as MC. But even if that isn't the case, they could end up being friends and getting along. Because not only do they see how much the other one cares about MC, but they have that potential to work well together, too.
Now just imagine what happens if MC gets into some kinda trouble or something. Damn those two would team up to protect or defend MC in a heartbeat and rip to anyone who thought they could mess with MC.
Anyway, I don't know if that helps at all! But this is how I would think about it!
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its-moopoint · 1 year
This is how shippers fabricate stories and pass them along to followers who believe it all.
Hyde Park, London. Planet Earth
This is fresh out of the oven: S&C's interview for Marie-Claire, released a couple of hours ago on Youtube.
I listened carefully and almost choked on my Diet Coke.
Minute mark 6:08, please and thank you:
Here is what I heard:
" S: Um, how did we bond? I mean, I'd call this probably involved but we did have weird dinners and things, we had a nice walk in London, didn't we, when we (unintelligible, haha).
C (dutifully chiming in): Yeah, we bonded over getting our hair destroyed. You know, I had two perms in one week, Sam was on his like seven.
S: seven times.
C: seventh hair-dye.
S: in three weeks, yeah.
C: and we went for a walk in Hyde Park and we sort of had a chat and we were like (unintelligible: "Lord" would be my best guess) this could be.
S: this could be a long one, so buckle up.
C: and let's have each other's backs.
S: yeah.
C: and we did.
S: and we did."
I immediately checked a trustworthy source of information: the Cambridge Dictionary, since these two are British English native speakers. Unlike me:
To be involved in/with something (does not apply, the first question was "how did we bond?"):
be/get involved )in/with sth) - involved - adjective = to do things and be part of an activity or event.
be/get involved with sb) = to have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone.
We knew something happened there and then. It was, after all, " a special day for us", wasn't it?
And they did.
I rest my case, your honor.
sgiandubh @lovejustlove - Stars aligned.
sgiandubh @jclovely - I respectfully agree to disagree, based on nothing else but my intuition. Chemistry test looked to me as love at first sight, which I have experienced - something shattering.
Personally I think they’ve been together from the beginning
sgiandubh @monimarim - You know, I am not so sure anymore. Others heard "alcohol was probably involved", which would also make perfect sense. He could have articulated it better, damnit! Unless...
Hmm, Freudian slip, or a voluntary one?
sgiandubh @shoutlandish - irrespective of the accurate transcript of this quote, which may, or may not be "alcohol was probably involved", yes. To my ears, it is impossible to tell and I own my mistake, if that is the case. :)
I can picture in my mind the cute photo of them in Hyde Park (or right after), Cait with her wild curls. They looked so utterly infatuated. It must have been a very special day, indeed!
sgiandubh @2truthsandalie5 - I mean, either they got drunk and then turtle soup, hehe. Or they got involved, hallelujah.
2truthsandalie5 @sgiandubh It changes nothing! I agree completely!
sgiandubh @mememukisblog - "alcohol was probably involved" is an alternate transcript. He always walks a thin, red line. Always.
sgiandubh @2truthsandalie5 - It could be, I listened again. It could very well be and if I am wrong, it does not change anything to the bigger picture, does it?
The Heughans!
I heard alcohol was probably  involved, but i just listened once?
Oh dear Jesus.
Again typical shippers bullshit: they tell others what to hear. And when it's debunked they go "oh well it doesn't matter" and "believe what you want".
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Man I was rlly hoping I could read the new chap on my break.
But it's ok we ball.
Instead, have some random thoughts I have of glass since the last time I sent in smth.
• Tommy you absolute child. I can see why he would see the logic in a suicide instead of being killed by cops but taking Jack's choice away in that is so fucked and not being sorry for it is also fucked up. Brother you tried to murder him without consultating him on yer options at all and because you thought it was best.
• The sandduo bonding is amazing. I have missed them sm from Stars and them in Glass is <33.
• I appreciate how everyone has their own ways of going about Wilbur & his trauma. Tommy brute forces his way through & often assumes that he's knows best. Phil has more experience and gives Wilbur things to think about & gently suggests thing, while also giving Wilbur space. Techno is blunt as fuck (me too bestie) but also has a similar approach to Phil. Niki is gentle and lets him go to her, letting him control the situation and do whatever makes him most comfortable while also being outside of his comfort zone and getting him to challenge the Pythia rules & beliefs.
It just shows everyone's character so well & their dynamics with Wilbur :)
• Clingyduo reconciliation is v nice and also opens the door for Tommy & Wilbur to not be as isolated anymore and perhaps not as codependent as they have the trio there and rain duo seem to trying to repair that bridge, though obviously not everything is going to be as it was.
• The guy they bumped into at the night market seems to be Foolish based on description which makes me wonder if he's related to Eret in anyway? But he's probably gonna be back. Maybe.
• Maybe he is who Phil & Techno r meeting up with?? Idk man I'm spitballing.
• Also tntduo dynamic in this is perfect. Are they gonna punch each other, are they gonna make out?? Not even Clara knows.
I cannot go back over the chapters to check what else I want to say and also my break ends in like 5 minutes but this is what I have off the top of my head rn.
- 🦈
rip ao3 none of you get to read new glass divine until this gets fixed
yeah glass!tommy has... issues. the thing is he does feel sorry for what he did in the sense that he knows it was a bit fucked to make that choice for jack, but he also still thinks it was the right option in the moment. he apologized to jack in the immediate aftermath but refuses to apologize again because he thinks it was understandable why he did what he did.
I missed writing sandduo sm...
that's a great way to describe everyones reactions to helping wilbur!! I have a lot of fun figuring out how each person would react to the things he says and does bc like you pointed out it's a really interesting way to show characterization and dynamics
clingyduo <33 love them
hmm we'll have to wait and see if night market guy comes back into play
lol thank you I love writing tntduo they have such a fun hostile and flirty at the same time kind of dynamic
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Yugioh Main Protagonists Ranked
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(No Yuudias because Go Rush isn’t complete at the time of writing this and I’m not even caught up on what is out.)
You get a veteran's pass to this blog if you know who I put at number 1 before I even start this list. Because spoilers it hasn't changed at all. And it probably never will. The rest of this list though? It was tight. The middle three are so interchangeable for me I just had to just go with my gut without overthinking it. This first one however was not difficult:
7 Yusei Fudo
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While the dub did make me like him more, I'm still not that big on Yusei. His dub added sassiness is entertaining and I even relate to his habit of pushing people away and wanting to do everything on his own. But as a protagonist, he's really plain. He wins every time (outside of a flashback) so his duelling isn't interesting to watch and he just doesn't have any substantial character growth. He’s a completely static character which might be okay for a side character but not for the main character.
6 Yugi Moto
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/Atem I guess? Atem gets more screen time and is the one who's duelling 90% of the time, let's be real. That's a problem and all but honestly the switching between and dynamic of Yugi and Atem is enough to put them above Yusei. They lose a lot more than him, making their duelling more interesting and both of them grow over the course of the series. It's fairly basic but still nice, nothing wrong with simple sweet development. Also Yugi himself made a pretty decent protagonist in DSOD, I like how his grief over Atem is explored.
5 Yuma Tsukumo
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…yeah this was a really tight list. I love these top five so much that Yuma just ended up here due to stiff competition. Yuma took what Yugi and Atem did and perfected it with his bond with Astral that's more focused on and more well developed as we see exactly how they met and every step in their journey as they become closer and help each other grow as people. It's sweet as hell. Also yes Yuma could be annoying towards the beginning of the show but most of his "stupidity" was coming out of wanting to help his friends so he came off as more of a “caring dumb” most of the time. Plus first impressions, while important, shouldn't define a character (or a person for that matter) and he becomes a much better character and duellist overtime.
4 Yuga Ohdo
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I think Yuga is the most unique take on a YGO protagonist. He's not the greatest duellist, he actually loses quite a lot and that majorly raises the stakes of the duels (a point that also applies to Yuma, though I feel they stopped letting him lose after part one ended but it’s still good). Because it's made clear he can lose at any point and there are consequences for those losses. Not life threatening consequences but still. Consequences that can hurt him, rush duels, and/or his friends and that made the show so unpredictable and interesting to watch for the very first time. But Yuga's not a pushover either. He's still a strong duellist who gets up after each loss and for gosh sake he invented Rush Duels. I like having a protagonist who's special not because of his duelling or friendships for once, I think that's really neat.
3 Yuya Sakaki
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Fun fact: Yuya was the main thing that pushed me to watch Arc V before 5Ds and man did he not disappoint. He is an endearing silly bean who just wants to make everyone around him smile with his entertainment duelling and it was so very sweet and wholesome- OH GOD WHY IS HE A DEMON?! Yeah, Yuya's an interesting protagonist. He's the main hero but also simultaneously the main villain, or at least one fourth of a villain and man was that interesting as hell. Yuya himself is also the perfect summation of Arc V's main themes if that makes sense, since the show is all about how stopping to be kind/share a smile can go a long way and Yuya’s whole goal is to spread smiles.
2 Yusaku Fujiki
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I’ll admit, these top two are really personal characters for me. (Yusaku was straight up a part of my wake up call to getting a handle on my mental health.) I relate to Yusaku immensely, even though, to my knowledge, I don’t have PTSD. His more serious stern attitude also fits the more dark serious feel of VRAINS and most importantly, he isn’t completely without personality or character development. From almost the very beginning, he has Ai, an upbeat little bean who is completely opposite to him in personality, to play off of and over the course of the show, Yusaku gradually learns to open up to others easily but his flaws of secretiveness and distancing himself from others remain. And that just felt very real to me. I like how he isn’t just all better one day, it’s a process and the bad things that happened to him shaped him when he was young, but that pain doesn’t have to define him and by the end, it doesn’t. He lets go of his desire for revenge and more easily expresses his emotions/attachments and it’s nice goddammit.
1 Judai Yuki
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Yeah, I’ll never change. Take everything I said about Yusaku having a realistic/relatable reaction to a traumatic event, add multiple traumatic events and an adorably sweet personality and you have Judai. I love his upbeat personality at the beginning of the series, he’s arrogant and a bit air-headed but in a way I found really charming. Then the show started hurting him… and hurting him more… and while he mostly retained his cheerfulness and seemingly came back swinging in seasons 1 and 2, there was a gradual shift in his personality which took centre stage in season 3. His determination to save Johan becomes his downfall and after seemingly losing the rest of his friends, it completely destroys him. He endures constant traumatic events and pressure from everyone around him and it changes him and breaks him like it would a real person. Makes me so glad that Judai was able to come back from it. During the highly underwatched and underrated season four, he gets space from all the pressure that was put on him and is able to regain his love of duelling and in a way, his childhood. Not so much childhood innocence, but he’s able to have the heart of a child while still being an adult mentally. I just, oh my gosh I love Judai so much.
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boba-beom · 2 years
you're so very welcome omg your writing is so good🥺❤ oooo, i like that. do you guys also hang out in person from time to time? maybe if there's some café you wanna go to or maybe like a christmas market (where i live they have these tiny wooden houses that make christmasy snacks and drinks and i think it's such a nice place for a date or even hanging out with your friends), you could drag his ass there😂 LOL, or just ask him yk, no violence needed. but i hope you'll get to see or talk to each-other soon🥺❤
i don't know if it's gonna be out by christmas, highly doubt it because i still have so much that i need to write (pretty sure it'll be out in spring, which is funny because the events in my oneshot/twoshot also happen in spring hehe), bUUUUUT if you're interested in my other oneshot i can send you the link to the other one? wait but then you'd know who i am 😳👀 i feel like you kinda might already have a feeling which account i might be tho LOL I DID LIKE YOUR RESPONSE TO MY ASKS TWICE.
YES I'M HACKING YOUR DRAFTS👀 PHEW I CAN'T WAIT FOR PART 1.5. also trynna find where that vlive soobin oneshot is in your drafts, but there are so many, what'd you name it👀👀👀
a win is a win!!! ohh, so you like them tsunderes. *proceeds to google how to be a tsundere* LOL. what do you wanna do on our first date😙 oooh that's so nice though, that means u must have a lot to talk about and maybe some time you can also go out together and do something you both enjoy to bond more👀 ❤
also unrelated, but i get so happy whenever you respond🥺 i have something to look forward to now haha🥺❤
- 🍓
pls 🍓 anonie, you're so sweet :< but thank you again for your support and for reading it!! I mean, we've only met in person 3 times but the second time was over 3 days and the 3rd time was over 4 days, if that makes sense? I would ask him to hang out, but he lives on a whole different island lmao so that's why I rarely see him but at least last time we hung out for the majority of it! but you'll know more later on in the series hehe we have a christmas german market too and it's so pretty! my flatmate and I went for a walk in the city centre since our flat is a 5 min walk from there, and the drinks and food smelt so good!
JFNVKJENFE WAIT WHAT,, I feel like I have a good guess but I'm not sure at the same time 🧐 BUT don't feel pressured dw <3 whenever you're ready to come off anon hehe and I don't mind around spring time either, that'd be really cute! my birthday is around spring time so I'm excited for that!
HAHAHA I'm just saying, the airport crush series as well as the soobin vlive are incredibly long and so smutty but atm I haven't felt motivated to write for that genre for a while lmao hence my spontaneous I Like U series 🤭
I find tsunderes v interesting esp when they start to behave differently, I feel like I'm decent at reading people's behaviour in person due to body language etc hehe and yeah, we have quite a few things to talk about, they end up being super long conversations so I'm good with that ^^ as for our date? how does a cute cafe sound? idk what it is, but I love going to cafes for dates :> *friend dates bc that I do lmao
WAIT PLS THAT'S SO CUTE 🥺 dw about it, I enjoy these talks, and as per, I talk a lot <3
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astral-from-afar · 1 year
After watching that movie and thinking about it for the past day, I feel like I understand why I didn’t like the Donbrothers segment (since it was a crossover)
It’s because it didn’t feel like a donbrothers segment
Like although I joke about the show being a fever dream. It had heart. The characters began as assholes and self absorbed. If it weren’t for the superhero duties none of these people would have interacted as they come from all walks of life.
But as the series progressed, they had to deal with each other’s flaws and weaknesses and confront their own issues to work together as a team. They learnt to care for each other and make genuine bonds with each other. No matter how crazy the hijinks were, they became a found family and I loved that. Even the antagonists learnt how to live like humans thanks to the main team and culminated in them working together as a single unit.
In the finale, Tarou asks the rest of the team if they regretted joining the Donbrothers. And that was when we got to see how they’ve all matured. It was really nice to see and I think the finale was a satisfying conclusion to Donbrothers.
Yeah now time for the ranting
Okay so you know how I explained how all the characters matured over the span of the series and became better people as a result of being in the donbrothers team. Yeah we throw that all in the bin in a time skip one year later. Now all of them have gotten inflated egos and think their too good to be part of the group anymore. They literally threw out all of their character development just for a 20 minute segment where they had to ‘relearn’ how to be a hero.
The most egregious part was how they did Jirou so dirty. He had gone from a naive but endearing wannabe superhero into a more heroic and calm character by the end of the series. But nooo. Now he’s stuck up and a whining baby shouting orders and blackmailing the rest of the team. He also fought with Sonoi and while in the main series they did hint towards another spar to see who is the stronger, Sonoi stated that Jirou WAS NOT like the person he first fought at the beginning of the show. Even at the end of the crossover movie, he still doesn’t learn anything and is instead rewarded by showing a woman who looked like a past love interest WHICH DOESN’T MAKE SENSE AT ALL!! Look if they wanted to show Jirou’s flaws as a leader that’s fine but they could have done it in different ways not ruin his character entirely in the process.
Another small bit that I don’t think most people cared about was that they did Natsumi dirty as well. She said two lines in the movie but it was so different to how she was portrayed in the series. A multi-faceted character with an overarching story with two of the main characters in the most soap opera I’ve seen got boiled down to “I don’t want you to talk to him, he’s my ex plus it’s awkward ” which was not how she felt at the end of the arc. They just wanted to make cheap drama and didn’t look at her character as a whole.
Then there are the character deaths. Look I know people die and come back to life willy nilly but COME ON. Sonoi dying in the last five minutes with no big impact save for Sonoza finding him dead at the oden cart. No scene where the characters would find him. Smh. I’m pretty sure it will be resolved in another movie or V-cinema but that was such a dumb decision to make. Also Tarou dying didn’t feel as emotional it just felt like something to move the plot along and while I did like the funeral scene I think it should have been handled a lot better.
I feel like the Donbrother segment didn’t have a clear idea on what it was going to be about so it just went “hey let’s revert the characters back to square 1 and make them relearn the lesson” but that just cheapens the story of Donbrothers. It didn’t have heart, it was more hollow.
There were parts of the movie I did enjoy.The humour was great and the interactions between the two sentai teams were nice and fun. They should have focused on that more in my opinion and integrating the two plotlines together rather than having it be two separate bits and an interaction in the last 15 minutes. They had a perfect opportunity as both series have a Kaito so explaining that would be an easy way of creating a movie but eh it is what it is.
Yeah I’m done ranting about the movie. Overall it was a 6/10 nothing too special. My opinion is my own and I understand that it will be different to others (seriously I went on Twitter for the first time just to see other people’s opinions and people were praising it). I will watch it again in the future to see if my perspective changes but until then it was an eh movie without cool set ups but was a disservice to the original donbrothers journey.
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morwap · 2 years
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sub!mechanic!sirius black x dom!fem!reader | mini fic | NAV |also neighbor!sirius, muggle and modern au, talk about family issues, unprotected sex, p in v, car sex, mention of getting drunk, handjob, nipple sucking, creampie
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closing your eyes in slight annoyance as you heard rock music start playing, knowing instantly that sirius black was outside and about to work on a car or motorcycle or anything with a fucking motor.
this was a normal thing durning spring and summer and the sweet old couple seemed to enjoy it, the nice lady attending to her garden if she was feeling well or sitting on the porch with their cat and hands full of yarn while listening to sirius’ music and watching him work on vehicles, always saying it reminded her of her son that moved away years ago.
her husband would come out and enjoy sirius’ music as well and talk about how he was in a band back in his day and would tell him how he had a good taste in music then they’d talk about parts and the different models of things before the old man would get ready to pick up lunch for him and his wife then come back and they’d eat and go inside to watch tv.
your kitchen window gave you a premium view of sirius, which meant when sirius decided to take off his shirt it was the only thing you saw when looking out the window, and you knew he knew that it was basically your only view and sometimes you thought he just took it off to tease you, you knew it wasn’t just a coincidence when youd look out the window and were met with his chest and vline, he’d have this smirk on his face that made you just shake your head and go back to what you were doing.
scrubbing the last of your dishes then putting them out to dry, glancing out the window and watching sirius work on a car that you assume was one of his buddies since it didnt look like something sirius would drive.
drying your hands before grabbing your bag and the present you had wrapped for your niece’s birthday party that started in about an hour.
grabbing your keys and walking out of your house then locking your door.
your car had been acting up and you honestly hadn’t had the time to worry too much about it, hoping to make some time in your schedule to ask sirius to take a look or take it to the shop but it kept slipping from your mind when you did have the time.
“where you going?”
you could barely hear it over his music, turning towards sirius while he wiped grease off his hands with an old rag and leaned against the car he was working on. squinting your eyes a bit from the harsh sunlight, noticing how hot it actually was without the cool ac being blasted.
“a little girls birthday party” you yelled over the music and lifted the present a bit to show it off.
“princess themed?” he asked as he looked over the wrapping paper.
“yeah, but she fucking hates princesses, more into my little pony” you sighed, sitting the present on top of your car so your arm could stop straining.
“why not get her something my little pony?” sirius asked tilting his head a bit and furrowing his brows.
“then be screamed at that i ‘ruined her birthday party’ by her mom? i dont think so, plus-“ you held up your finger then dug through your bag.
pulling out a gift bag and then showing him the my little pony’s that were inside. “-the wrapped gift is just a little set thing with accessories” you laughed and put it back into your bag. sirius laughed too.
you knew sirius would understand since you both bonded on family troubles and issues, the first time he spoke to you, you were on a call with your mother and held up your finger to tell him to wait one minute then the screaming started, taking your phone away from your ear and you could hear her loud and clear and so could sirius.
she was going on and on about how much of a “disappointment” you were, how not going to college ruined your life and how you needed to get your shit together and find someone to settle down with and that your sister finished college and gave her a grand baby while you did jack shit but work at a stupid library and get drunk and barely call anymore.
hanging up on her mid sentence and throwing your phone onto the chair next to you. you remembered sirius laughing and telling you how his mother was the same and he had almost the same phone call when he was packing up his things to move out here.
“but probably gonna get bitched at anyways but i mean the kid tells me im her favorite aunt so” you laughed with a shrug, sighing and looking at the time on your phone. “i gotta go, see you later maybe or maybe not with my head attached” you quipped and walked the rest of the little way to your car and put the present in the backseat before getting in the drivers seat.
your car started up just fine which surprised you since yesterday you had to try like three times before it finally started up. putting it into reverse and checking your mirrors and backing out of the little driveway you had, waving at sirius before going down the road.
not even ten minutes down the road your phone was ringing, your sisters number going across your phone instantly making you roll your eyes and groan before hitting answer.
her house was 45 minutes away and she was already asking where you were at and how close you were, even though before you finished up your dishes, you told her that you had somethings to do before you left and it would be 30 minutes before you even left your house.
hanging up on her mid sentence, hoping she’ll buy that you pasted a dead zone and your phone dropped the call. letting your phone fall into the passenger seat before you started messing with the radio, searching for something that wasn’t static.
the roads were weirdly empty but you didnt mind, not having someone driving super slow in front of you or someone being on your ass was great and you were enjoying it that was until your car started making a weird noise and starting to slow down and sputter.
“oh no-no-no-no” you muttered, slowing down and trying to pull to the side of the road before your car gave out all the way. luckily you made it off the road and into a little turnaround spot safely before your car officially gave out.
resting your forehead on your steering wheel, sighing as you were already going to be bitched at by your sister for getting her kid something she actually wants and now being late. you knew you should’ve just said you were sick and not go to the party but you couldn’t say no to your niece asking if you were coming to her party.
grabbing your phone and searching for sirius’ number, almost panicking when you skipped over it a few times but finally seeing it. holding the phone to your ear and listening to it ring hoping he would pick up.
you were startled when sirius picked up, cutting him off almost immediately “hey! sirius i um, i didn’t know who else to call…my car is like fucked up and i’m on the side of the road. i was just wondering if you could come look at it or at least give me a ride back to my house?” you asked with a breathy laugh.
sirius’ laugh made you smile and relax in your seat, him reassuring you that he’d come and fix your car and if worse comes to worse drive you home and leave your car there for the night. you told him where you were and he thankfully knew where that was at.
telling you he would be on his way directly and you thanked him until you hung up your phone. tossing your phone back into the passenger seat, taking your keys out of the ignition.
as you waited for sirius, you started cleaning your car up. napkins, empty water bottles, your name tag, a press on nail that popped off and almost caused you to hit a book donation bin that was beside your car at the time.
soon enough you heard a vehicle, turning to see if it was sirius or not and thankfully it was him. sirius pulled in front of your car. watching him get out, his hair half up and half down and shirtless with jeans on.
shirtless. now becoming well aware of how your jean shorts were putting sweet pressure on your clit, only getting worse when you moved your hips while he was walking up to your car. pressing your lips together as the seam rubbed against you, knowing you needed to stop this now, you opened your door and go out of your car, your cunt aching from the loss.
“so, whats going on?” sirius asked, you sighed and tried to think of everything your car has been doing.
telling him everything and absolutely everything that your car has done for the past 4 months, not leaving anything out even though you were a little embarrassed to have him come and help but what else are friends for.
sirius listened carefully and nodded along as you rambled about all the sounds and sputtering it was doing.
“pop your hood and ill take a look” sirius instructed, wetting his lips as he walked to the front of your car as you got in and unlocked the hood for him.
you watched sirius take a quick glance, then getting a closer look before going to his truck to get his things.
the harsh seam was back at your clit, pressing in just the right spot as you watched sirius work on your car. you couldn’t help but wonder when sirius got so hot, its been three years since he moved in and you were just seeing it now? he’s always been attractive but now felt different.
you watched sirius smirk which caused you to look away from him, fuck, you were staring and his smirk gave away that he had caught you.
an hour passed and you two made small talk about your car and how long you’ve had it, relaxing in your seat as he worked his magic with your car and made some flirty jokes creating a thick tension.
“here let me try to start it” sirius said, wiping his hands off on a rag he had as he walked to the drivers side. you moved everything that was in the passenger seat to the floor except for your phone then moved over your console and into the seat. sirius got in with a laugh after watching you.
you handed him the keys and he took them from you, making sure to brush your hands together as he took them. putting them into the ignition and starting your car up perfectly.
tossing your head back with a smile mumbling a thank you as you felt the cars ac hit you. turning your head and making eye contact with sirius who was watching you. not needing to communicate as his eyes went from yours to your lips then your cleavage then back to your eyes.
before you knew it his mouth was on yours, rough and needy, your hand going to his hair and his went to your waist. “backseat?” sirius mumbled into the kiss, you pulled away and nodded with a breathless “yeah”
basically racing to the backseat, you both detangled from each other and you opened your door got out while sirius managed to squeeze through the middle, getting to the backseat before you.
sirius was already undoing his jeans, you looked around to make sure no one was coming before you started to take off your shorts outside the car to save you two the awkward and hard clothing removal if you both were in the car.
getting in and tossing your shorts into the passenger seat, sirius was already pulling you to get on top of him, your hand reached down to his cock, pumping him as you got situated on his lap. sirius let out a low moan as his fingers dug into your thighs.
your mouth went his neck, licking and sucking on his soft skin, teasing at times with your teeth. leaving some hickeys on him as his hands moved from your thighs to your ass, gripping and massaging the fat in his hands while your hand pleasured him.
“i was— i was so excited when you called, i almost didnt answer because i thought it was an accident” sirius said, moaning in the middle of his sentence as he leaned his head back so you had more of his neck to suck on.
laughing against him, “you got a crush on me sirius?” you teased and focused your movements on his tip making him whimper.
“i guess so” he teased back, grinding a bit into your hand.
taking your mouth off him and sitting back a bit, moving your underwear to the side and leaning up as much as you could while you lined him up with your cunt. knowing it would probably be a bit uncomfortable since you weren’t stretched first but you wanted him in you now, plus you were wet from the earlier stimulation from your jeans so it wouldn’t be too bad.
moving down onto his cock, looking up then closing your eyes as you were taking him. sirius watched intensely, drowning in the pleasure your cunt was giving him but still noticing that you were tense and the slight discomfort on your face.
sirius’ hand came to rub circles on your clit, “relax, no need to rush” he whispered. relaxing and taking him deeper and deeper til you had all of him in you.
starting to grind and clench around him as he continued to play with your clit. his mouth now going to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses on your skin.
moans and whines slipping past your lips as your arms wrapped around sirius and you fingers threaded through his hair. sirius’ other hand pulled your tank top down and moved your boob out of the cup of your bra so he could suck on your nipple.
“fuck, you feel so good” sirius moaned with your nipple in his mouth. grinding faster and harder as every swirl of his fingers made the coil in your stomach tighten more every passing second.
“i should’ve known you were always taking your shirt off in front of my window to be a tease, i considered it for a while but didnt want to call you out” you teased, glancing down at him as he looked up at you and left your nipple and leaned up to kiss you.
tongues gliding over each other and moaning into each other’s mouths before he pulled away.
“cant blame me for just wanting your attention. should’ve came outside and put me in my place, i dont mind a bit of humiliation” sirius said, his fingers moving faster on your clit.
your phone started ringing, you debated on letting it go to voicemail but knowing if it was someone in your family they’d at least call five more times before even thinking about leaving a voicemail.
you removed your hands from him and slowed your moved so you could reach your phone, sirius furrowed his brows when you grabbed your phone and started going back to the pace you set before.
“she’ll just keep calling, keep quiet okay?” you said, and sirius nodded and went to move his hand from your clit only to be stopped by your hand and moving it back to your clit, getting the message that you didnt want to slow down even if you had to take a phone call. moving his fingers fast on you as you got back into the rhythm.
sirius’ mouth went back to your nipple as you answered the call.
“where the fuck are you?” you sister spat harshly over the phone, “are you even still coming?” she asked as you pulled the phone away from your ear to catch your breath.
bringing it back, “im on my way, my car broke down on the side of the road and i just got it working again” you sighed, and you heard her scoff over the phone, making you roll your eyes.
“try to hurry up, i knew you would be late-“ she started rambling but you couldn’t concentrate as sirius started bucking up into you and leaned up to your ear whining and whimpering.
“m’gonna cum- m’gonna cum” he whimpered in your ear as he tried to get you as close as he was.
muting yourself and tossing your phone beside him, “cum for me” you ordered, clenching around him and feeling as he was literally throbbing inside you.
squeezing his eyes shut as breathy moans left him, focusing on chasing his orgasm and trying to get you to as well.
sirius’ stilled but you kept moving, feeling him give one last thrust up into you before a warm feeling flooded within you, sirius gripped the edge of the seat as he came inside you, his head spinning as you kept moving.
you were close and you were so glad his fingers never left your clit even when he was cumming, his finger tips still doing fast, rough, circles on you drawing you closer and closer.
“im almost there sirius” you told him, knowing it was probably over stimulating for him for you to keep going. feeling his cock twitch and his whimpers flow from his mouth freely as he rested his head on your shoulder.
your cunt clenching around him as the coil snapped, and you basically fell into him as you came. contracting around him as your eyes rolled back and his name rolled off your tongue.
whining as you quickly reached down and moved his fingers away from your clit, breathing heavily as you reached over for your phone and unmuting yourself.
“hello? hello?-“
“ill be there when i get there” you said and hung up, tossing your phone back down.
sirius breathed into your neck as he calmed down, you could feel his eye lashes flutter against your neck.
you lifted up, and sirius got the message and pulled out the best he could, once his softening cock was out of you he watched as you moved your underwear back, almost giddy that you were keeping his cum in you. moving himself back into his boxers and jeans, knowing he would probably be messy until he got into his truck.
getting off his lap and sitting next to him, reaching up and into the passenger seat for your shorts. pulling them up and onto you without struggling too much then fixing yourself back into your bra and tank top.
“i have napkins if you wanna use them” sirius offered, you smiled but declined.
“i’ll clean up when i get to my sisters, her house isnt too far from here” you said, taking your phone and putting it in the passenger seat.
“dinner tonight? ill only stay at my sisters for like an hour and a half so like does 8:30 sound good?” you asked, looking over at him. red tinted his cheeks as he nodded.
“okay, i’ll pick up take out on my way home” you said and stretched a bit before you both get out of your car.
walking to the drivers side as sirius opened your door for you, you smiled and asked if he still likes the one restaurant that was by the Walgreen’s near your guys houses and listed his order, only knowing it from how many times the delivery person had dropped it off at your house instead of his.
sirius seem shocked that you knew it from memory by now, not thinking it had happened that many times to remember.
soon you both said your goodbyes and went your own ways, both excited to meet up later.
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Dear Y/n
pairing - carl gallagher x fem!reader
type - fluff
note  / request - “OMFG FINALLY SOMEONE WRITES FOR RECENT CARL GALLAGHER. Can we get one where the reader is Kev and V’s daughter so they grew up together. And maybe Carl is her secret admirer” so i made debbie and you seniors and carl a junior since he is technically a year younger than debbie. so let’s pretend that debbie stayed in school and carl never went to military school lol, just for the sake of this imagine. enjoy!
summary - you find a note in your locker from a secret admirer and try to figure it out who is your secret admirer
warnings - language
*gif isn't mine*
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“Hey, girl!” Debbie exclaimed. You looked up from your phone, smiling as you spotted your friend. 
“Hey,” you smiled while walking up to her. Your attention when to Franny, who was sitting in her stroller. You crouched down and smiled at the baby. 
“Hi, baby. How are you? Do you like going to school with Mommy? You know, some day you’ll be going to school. I’ll be an adult and with kids, too!” You babbled to the baby. Franny squealed and held her hands up to you. You giggled, bopping her nose before going up back to talk to Debbie. 
“You’re really good with her,” Debbie complimented.  
“Thanks, kids kinda like me,” you giggled. 
Debbie rolled her eyes, “Yeah, we know. Anyways, can we hang at your house?” 
You two started walking to your guys’s lockers. “Sure. I have to babysit Jems and Ames, though. Mom and Dad don’t get off work until like, midnight.”
Debbie nodded. “Franny can play with them.”
“Sounds good,” you nodded. You unlocked your locker, a piece of paper falling out. 
“What’s that?” Debbie asked.
“I don't know,” you muttered, furrowing your brows. You picked up the paper, unfolding it. Your eyes widened as you saw its contents. It read:
Dear Y/n,
I thought your outfit looked really good. Not that your outfits don’t always look good, but today’s my favorite. I really like your jeans and your red shirt. Red really looks good with your eyes. 
Secret Admirer
Debbie read the note with you, laughing as she got to the end. “You have a secret admirer!”
You smiled, “Yeah. This is cute. I wonder who it’s from.”
“Maybe it’s from Dean Kepner,” Debbie said, nudging your shoulder teasingly. 
You rolled your eyes, “That is the funniest shit I have ever heard.”
“Well, what if it is! I noticed him staring at your shirt today,” Debbie said.
You scoffed, “Yeah, more like staring at my tits. This note said nothing about my  tits. It’s probably not him. Plus, I’m pretty sure Dean can’t make compound sentences. He’s worse at speaking than Ames and Jems, and they’re 3 years old.
Debbie chuckled, “True. Well, we should try to figure it out.”
“Eh. It's probably some jackass who wants to get in my head, and then embarrass me because I thought someone liked me,” you said. 
“Be more optimistic!” Debbie exclaimed. 
“Hm, I will if I get a second note. Let’s go, Jems and Ames are expecting me to pick them up from daycare,” you said. You grabbed a few textbooks and shut your locker. “Is Carl coming home with us?” You asked. 
“I think so,” Debbie said. “Alright. Where is he?” You asked. 
“Probably making out with some slut in the bathrooms,” Debbie said.
“Probably,” you snorted.
You and Debbie walked to the nearest bathroom, peeking behind the corner to see if you could hear any noise. Surprisingly, it was quiet. 
“What are you guys doing?” 
You both jumped, turning around and seeing a confused Carl behind you. 
Carl was Debbie’s little brother. They were both Gallagher’s. They were children of the alcoholic and drug addict Frank and Monica. They lived on the South Side of Chicago, which was where you also lived. 
You were Y/n Ball. Daughter of Veronica Fisher and Kevin Ball. You had lived next to the Gallagher’s all your life. You were their best friend. Well, their only best friend, really. Your mom and their older sister, Fiona, had been friends since forever. You had been born around the same time as Debbie, who was the third oldest out of the 6 Gallagher children, so you two have been basically best friends since birth. Carl was also one of the Gallagher kids you were also the close with, too, him being just a year younger than you. You three had basically grown up together, so being best friends was pretty natural. 
“We were seeing if you were fucking anyone,” Debbie answered. 
Carl scrunched his face up in disgust. “I don’t do that.”
You laughed, “Sure you don’t. C’mon, C-Dog, I gotta pick up the little missies.”
“Alright, Y/n/n,” Carl smiled at the nickname you had given him ever since you two had gotten closer. 
You two hadn’t always been close before. Debbie and you were by far the closest, with being in the same grade and all. You and Carl hung out a lot, but it wasn’t really until he started high school when you two actually hung out one-on-one. He had come to you for relationship advice when he was dating this one girl, Dominique, who turned out to be a horrible person. You two have since bonded about your past, failed relationships, and how shitty life is. 
Since getting closer with him, you had kind of developed a little crush on him. He had always been cute, but when puberty hit him, he became really hot, really quick. You never showed any other feelings for him than platonic, though. You didn’t want to deal with all the drama that it would bring between you and your families. 
“Stop eye-fucking each other, please,” Debbie groaned, walking away from you two.
You rolled your eyes, “Like you should talk. Every guy you meet you imagine sleeping with them.”
“Not true!” Debbie defended herself. 
“Yeah, right. That’s why you have a baby,” Carl joked. 
“You guys are so mean,” Debbie muttered. 
“That one was pretty mean, but at least it didn’t come from me,” you smiled. 
“Yeah, it came from the asshole who got circumcised for a girl,” Debbie laughed. 
You laughed with her, Carl rolling his eyes and blushing. He looked to you and noticed a piece of paper peeking out from your jeans. 
“What's that?” He asked and pointed.
“Oh, it’s a note that someone gave me,” you said. You took it out and gave it to Carl. He opened it and read it. 
“This is nice,” he said. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty cute,” you agreed. He handed you the note back. “Who do you think it is?”
“I don’t know, honestly. I’m kind of thinking it’s a joke, so I wanna wait till I get another one,” you said, folding it back into your pocket. 
“I think it’s Dean Kepner,” Debbie stated.  You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, you're the only one.”
“Is that the popular football guy? In your grade?” Carl asked. 
“Yep. He’s so hot,” Debbie sighed dreamily. 
“I don’t think so,” you stated.
Carl looked at you and nodded. “Yeah, I heard he does hard drugs.”
“Yeah, another reason why I don’t fuck with him. I mean, I have a beer every other night, but never am I gonna do drugs. That shit messes you up,” you sighed. 
“Yeah, we know. We had Monica as our mother,” Debbie said. 
You chuckled, walking over to your car. You got in the driver seat, Carl sitting in the passengers. Debbie usually sat there, but since she has a baby, you told her it wasn’t safe to put Franny in the passenger seat, especially since if the even of an accident, the airbag goes off and hurts Franny. 
You drove to daycare, humming songs from the radio while doing so. While you were driving, Carl couldn’t help but stare between your face and the note in your pocket. You didn’t know, but the person who wrote you the note was him. 
Carl was usually pretty confident and outgoing. All of his family like that. You had to do that to survive the South Side. But when it came to you, he was like jello. He didn’t know how to act, speak, whether he could look at you two seconds longer than normal. You never noticed his behaviour change, though. To you, he was always quiet and low-key. He was thankful that he never questioned why he was so quiet around you, especially since he was a loud, annoying kid when he was younger. 
With these notes, he would be able to say what he was afraid to say to your face. He didn’t want to face rejection, especially by the pretty senior girl that had lived next to him since the day he was born. It would be awkward if you did reject him, so he just kept quiet until maybe he worked up the courage to ask you out depending on wether you liked the notes or not. 
You parked in a handicap parking spot. “Alright, one of you wanna go and help me get Ames and Jems?” You asked. 
“Carl, can you do it, I wanna stay with Franny,” Debbie said.
“Yeah, sure,” Carl nodded. He got out of the car with you, walking into the daycare. 
You walked up to front desk. “Hi, I’m here for Amy and Jemma Ball. I'm their older sister, Y/n,” you said.
“Alright, can I see ID?” The woman asked. 
You nodded and got your wallet out of your back pocket. You handed her your ID. She handed it back to you. 
“Alright, go ahead and head in,” she said.
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
She hummed a ‘you’re welcome’ as you and Carl went into the play room. 
“Why do you have to give her your ID?” Carl asked. 
“I think it’s because she’s new, and also I didn’t drop them off this morning. They wanna make sure no one kidnaps children,” you explained. 
Carl nodded. “Ah, makes sense.”
“Yeah, the usual woman here, Julie, moved to Florida. She always gave me and the girls a mint when we left, and never asked for my ID,” you said.
“Wow, she sounds cool,” Carl said. 
“Yep, she was,” you smiled. 
You walked into the room, spotting Jemma and Amy immediately. They spotted you two, smiling and running up to you. 
“Hi, babes!” You exclaimed, crouching down and catching them in your arms. 
“Hi, Y/n!” They both squealed. 
“Ready to go home?” You asked. 
They both nodded. 
“Alright. Let me go get your stuff, hang out with Uncle Carl for a few minutes, okay?” You said. 
“Okay,” Jemma said.
You walked over to their cubby, grabbing their baby bags. You went back over to Carl, taking a hold of both of the girls’s hands. 
“Let’s go, babes,” you said. 
“I’m hungry!” Amy exclaimed. 
“I’ll get you a snack when we get home, alright?” You asked. 
Amy nodded, smiling excitedly. You smiled at her, looking up to see Carl opening the door for you. 
“Thanks,” you smiled at him. 
“No problem,” he nodded and followed behind you. You put the girls in the backseat with Debbie, unloading their bags in the trunk. You got in the front seat, starting the car. 
“Do you want to be dropped off at your house or stay with us at my place?” You asked Carl. 
“I'll hang with you guys,” Carl said. 
You nodded, “Sounds good.”
You drove back home, parking the car on the side. You unlocked the front door, immediately dropping all the bags you had. You slumped on the couch, taking a breather. 
“Can we have a snack?” Jemma asked. 
“Oh, yeah, right,” you said, getting up. “You guys want some fruit snacks?” “Yeah!” Amy exclaimed. 
You nodded, going to the pantry and getting two packs of fruit snacks for each of them. You led them back to the couch, turning on the tv. 
“Watch TV with Franny, okay? Sissy has to do homework,” you said. 
The twins nodded, looking at Paw Patrol, which was what was playing. You went to the kitchen table, unloading your backpack. 
“You’re really good at taking care of them,” Carl said, sitting next to you. 
You smiled, “Thanks. Mom and Dad do a lot, but since they are a little older and so am I, they let me have more responsibility. They have to work and stuff to make sure we can afford everything. I’d like to say I’m an expert at taking care of Amy and Jemma.”
Carl chuckled, “Yeah, I couldn’t imagine taking care of a kid.”
“Well, you have been taking care of Liam since he was born, right?” You asked. 
Carl shrugged, “I guess.”
“Taking care of kids is easy if you like them,” you shrugged. 
“Makes sense,” he said.
You hummed. 
“So, are you waiting for another note?” Carl asked. 
“Hm, kind of, yeah. I would be lying if I didn’t say I hoped this will turn into some cute, romantic love story with someone,” you chuckled. 
Carl blushed a little, focusing on his own homework. “Yeah, that’d be nice. 
“Yeah, Mom, I got it. No problem, see you later,” you said, hanging up the call. You sighed, walking slowly to your locker. 
Your mom had just called you to come to the Alibi to help out since business was buzzing. Word was, Frank was up to one of his schemes again and got the Alibi full and drunk. You couldn’t wait to deal with perky, 50 year-old men catcalling you. You were wearing a sweatshirt, too, which you knew would make it worse since the men always would try to have you take it off, and never stopped pushing. Luckily, you had pepper spray with you at all times so if someone ever got too much, you wouldn’t hesitate to spray them. 
You opened your locker, putting away a few binders when you noticed another note. You grabbed it, unfolding it with a hint of excitement. You would be lying if you said you hadn't been looking forward to this all day. 
You opened the note, smiling widely as its contents. 
Dear Y/n,
Your makeup looks amazing today. You’re really talented with the eyeliner and stuff. Oh, and your lipstick matches really well with your outfit, too.
From,  Secret Admirer
“Another note, huh?” Debbie said, approaching you. 
You smiled and nodded. “Yep.”
“What's that?” Carl asked. 
“Another note from Y/n’s admirer,” Debbie smiled. 
Carl flushed a little. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “I hope this is for real. I want to meet this person.”
“Maybe you will,” Carl said. You looked to him, a worried expression settling on your face. 
“You okay, C-Dog?” You asked. 
“Yeah. I’m gonna catch the bus. See you guys later,” he said, walking off quickly. 
You furrowed your brows. “What's got his dick in a twist?”
“I have no idea. Maybe he likes you,” Debbie smirked. 
Your heart fluttered a little at the thought of him liking you. Debbie knew you liked Carl, so maybe she was fucking with you, but you had to ask to be sure. 
“Does he?” 
“I think,” Debbie said. 
“Oh,” you muttered. “Cool,” you smiled. 
You weren’t going to confront him just yet, but you prayed to God your secret admirer was Carl. 
“Hey, there’s something for you in the mail,” Veronica said. 
You furrowed your brows. “Who’s it from?”
“It doesn’t have a name,” Veronica said, hanging you an envelope. “It just has your name on it.”
“Huh,” you said, taking the envelope. You tore it open, your eyes widening as you saw another note it in. 
“What is it?” Kevin asked. 
“A note,” you said. “From my secret admirer.”
“You have a secret admirer! Wow,” Kevin said. 
“Yeah,” you chuckled. You sat on the couch, opening the note. 
Dear Y/n,
I thought you looked really pretty today. I hope you don’t find it weird I mailed this to your house, I actually live close to you, so I saw you crossing the street today. Anyways, I just thought I would let you know you look pretty. 
Secret Admirer
You found yourself giggling, setting the note down. Even though you were flattered, you found it a little weird this person knew where you lived, even if they supposedly lived near. You didn’t know why they couldn’t just tell you all these things in person. 
“What does it say?” Veronica asked.
“The note calls me pretty,” you said, putting it back in its envelope. 
“Hm, well, whoever this is isn’t wrong,” Veronica grinned. “Do you have any idea who it is?”
You sighed, “Nope. It says they live close to me, though.”
“Maybe it’s one of the Gallagher’s,” Kevin suggested. 
Your eyes went wide, remembering what Debbie had said to a few days ago when you got the second note. You shook your head, though. Carl was out with his friends right now, you had just left his house, too, and there was no sign of him. 
“Nah, no offence to them, none of them are this romantic or anything. Well, except Ian, but he’s gay,” you said. 
“Maybe ask about it, though? All of our other neighbours are old men, and that does not look like old man handwriting,” Veronica said. 
“Maybe I will. I mean, Debbie said Carl liked me, and when I got the second note, Carl was acting all weird and shit,” you said.
Veronica eyes widened. “Carl?”
“Yeah,” you said. “I don’t care if it's him, though, it'd be kind of weird.”
Veronica sat down on the couch next to you. “You like him, don’t you?”
“Kind of,” you said sheepishly. 
“Well, I think you should ask him about it. If he says no, then don’t mention your feelings for him. If he says yes the notes are from him, then confess,” Veronica said.
“Should I do that?” You asked. 
“I think so, baby. Carl’s a good kid, especially with you around. I wouldn’t have a problem with you two dating.”
You smiled, “Thanks, Mom. I’ll go to his place tomorrow.”
“My baby is about to get a boyfriend!” Kevin whooped. “If he hurts you, I will kill him.”
You chuckled, “Thanks, Dad.”
You walked into the Gallagher’s house, spotting Fiona in the kitchen.
“Hey, Fi,” you smiled. 
“Hey, Y/n! Are you here fo Debbie? She went out,” Fiona said.
“No, actually. I’m here for Carl,” you said.
“Oh, okay. Well, he’s upstairs,” Fiona said.
“Thanks, Fi,” you smiled and made your way up to Carl’s room. You saw that the door was wide open.
You went in, not seeing Carl anywhere.
Where is he? You thought.
You went around his room, walking around the room. His room was ridiculously messy. Clothes everywhere, food and plates all over the dresser, weird liquid on the floor. You chuckled to yourself as you had to step over the puddle. 
“Boys are horrific,” you muttered to yourself. 
You went to the desk, sitting down in the desk chair. You looked around on the desk, seeing court date papers, old homework, and cigarette boxes. As you looked more to your right, something had caught your eye. There was a paper with your name on it on the back. 
You picked it up hesitantly, slowly unfolding it. Your eyes widened as you saw the words “Dear Y/n”. You knew you shouldn't, but you went ahead and read it anyways. You just wanted to make sure you were correct of your suspicions. 
Dear Y/n,
After these few weeks, I have decided to try and be brave and go up to ask you out. I think you’re really pretty and you’re so funny and nice. I’ve liked you since I started high school, and even if I get rejected, I know I would regret not trying to ask you out. So, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?
Secret Admirer, aka Carl (Gallagher)
“Y/n?” You snapped your head back, seeing Carl in a towel. Your eyes quickly ran past his chest, seeing the toned muscles in his arms and stomach. You eyes went up to his face, lingering on his lips. You then went up to his eyes, seeing them wide and filled with wonder. 
“Sorry, I’ll, uh, go,” you muttered and stood up, leaving the note on the desk. 
“What?” Carl asked. He was beyond confused, but when he saw you and the note, he put the pieces together. As you went to walk out of his room, he grabbed your arm, pulling you back gently so you two were face-to-face.  
“Did read the note?” He asked.
You looked up at him sheepishly, “Yeah, I’m sorry for invading your privacy.”
Carl sighed, “It’s alright. I’m, uh, sorry if I wasn't who you were expecting or anything. I know I’m probably not the person you like or anything, but I just wanted to try and see if you liked me. Ian and Lip said that was a cute idea, the notes.”
Your eyes lit up with he voiced his concerns. Your lips upturned into a smile, your eyes staring into his. 
“Carl, I like you, too,” you said. 
Carl’s eyes widened. “Wha-what?”
You took his hands in yours. “It was a cute idea. And I’ve liked you for the last 3 years, too. I was hoping it was you, actually.”
Carl blushed, a big smile appearing on his face. “Really?” “Yep,” you nodded. 
“Awesome!” Carl chuckled. “So, do you want to go on a date with me?”
“Yeah, I’d love to,” you smiled. 
“Cool,” he smiled. “Well, I need to get dressed. You can stay and watch if you want,” he smirked. 
You giggled at his words. “Don’t mind if I do.”
this was trash i am sorry
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antialiasis · 3 years
What do you think about the newly announced Pokémon games so far?
We don't have all that much to go on yet, but:
Scarlet and Violet appear to be retaining aspects of PLA such as seamless battles with camera control and all wild Pokémon hanging out in the overworld. This is cool!
The battle system will almost definitely just be back to standard mainline Pokémon; I'll give it some chance that something resembling agile and strong style could get incorporated as a gimmick, but I doubt it, and almost certainly not the way they worked in PLA, since I strongly expect it'd be way too much of a headache to try to translate the full battle system into something not strictly turn-based.
PLA-style catching could be a thing but I doubt it (the phrasing on the website suggests not). I wasn't really a big fan of sneaking up on Pokémon to catch them in PLA, so I don't mind this from a gameplay perspective, though I appreciated that PLA let you simply do both, and entirely understand why people would be disappointed at the loss of that choice. From a worldbuilding perspective, though, I actively disliked it and kind of will be happier if it doesn't become a thing in the main series (because if you can just sneak up on an unwary Pokémon and throw a ball at it and that's it, we entirely lose the sense that the Pokémon is challenging you, and the whole thing feels a whole lot less mutualistic and requires a bigger and clumsier gameplay and story segregation leap to believe that we have any kind of actual bond of friendship with the Pokémon we catch).
I would like the games to retain the ability to swap out moves and evolve Pokémon on the fly once requirements are reached, like in PLA; I would not like the games to relegate all evolution and learning of moves to menuing the way it is in PLA. To me, the PLA system is nice for smooth and uninterrupted gameplay, but it entirely takes the satisfying drama out of evolving or learning moves. That little moment of pause and sense of accomplishment when your Pokémon learns something new or is about to evolve is important to the feeling of growing alongside your Pokémon, in my view; in PLA I barely felt like I even had to pay any attention to my Pokémon, and would generally only even notice they'd learned new moves sometime way after the fact when I happened to look at the list and go, 'Oh, that wasn't there before,' which is a super anticlimactic way for my starter to get their signature move. My proposal: trigger evolution/offer to immediately swap out a move when the requisite level is reached, but make it easy to cancel out of it immediately and do it through streamlined menuing later if the player so desires.
I'm not personally wild about the game being fully open-world, because as I keep talking about, I'm not a big fan of open-world, but that's totally a format that meshes well with the Pokémon concept and I expect it'll work pretty well. Mainly what I'm hoping for is an engaging story with clear objectives to propel you through the game throughout. I didn't get a good sense of how easy it was to progress steadily through the story of PLA without engaging with sidequests or sitting around grinding catches etc., because Shadey (who likes this sort of thing) ended up doing like every sidequest while I sat on my laptop doing something else; by the time I took over to do more story, he'd have gotten me way beyond the required Galaxy rank for the next part. (While many requests were kind of cute, I quickly found that whole aspect of the game really tedious to actually play, at least with the obligatory running to the questgiver and then running to wherever you have to go to fulfill it and then running back to the questgiver. Once again just not really my kind of game.) It does seem reasonable that the main thing gating story progression in an open-world S/V would just be gym badges, which would be good, because then I could just do my favorite thing of finding a way to beat the gym while horrifically underleveled and then progress the story some more, while somebody else who actually enjoys running around taking their time can do that and have an easier time of the gym afterwards.
Sprigatito is adorable. I don't really like the other two much (their evolutions might be cool!) but grass kitty grass kitty GRASS KITTY
aw man Game Freak slow dooooown we didn't need Gen 9 yet. Everyone's enjoying PLA! Obviously they have this whole schedule about the show and other merchandising and everything but I just wish they'd relax the schedule a bit. At this rate people are just going to have Pokémon fatigue by the time Gen 9 comes out. Still really hope whoever at the Pokémon Company is making the executive decisions on the timeline of the franchise will just let them breathe and polish their games and stop trying to have them pump out new generations every three years. Nobody needs this! Pokémon is not going to stop being the world's biggest media franchise even if they chill a little!
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nsfsprince · 3 years
An a/b/o idea thats taken over the brain that I wish to write:
Intruxietlogical A/B/O au that's set in a manor or smth?
Theres Alpha!Logan(cismale), head of the manor and a very rich yet young and respectable individual of the city. Hes like 6'4 and handsome as hell, and secretly knows it(due to Remus's persistent courting) but sees no point in personally flaunting it, letting Remus take the lead in that.
Then theres his eccentric Omega spouse, Remus(nonbinary leaning with he/him pronouns), the (in)famous artist of the city. Hes unusually tall for an Omega at 5'10, crude and unworried about fitting the 'normal' societal omega expectation despite also being born to a rich family. He courted Logan, persistantly, as he loved the fact that Logan treated him with the same respect as he would anyone else and never judged Remus for who he was, and the more Logan accepted the courting the more they fell in love before marrying and bonding at like. 23-25?
Well, Virgil is a 5'1 omega(transman with he/him pronouns), age 24. Hes a feisty little thing thats been surviving the streets for too long, he's parentless and, his high anxiety keeps him safer than most omegas on their own but no ones perfect- he ends up almost getting abducted by a sketchy Alpha when a Beta named Patton storms in and saves him.
That's how Patton, Logan's brother, takes him in to treat the sprained wrist he got from the encounter, and for Remus to set eyes on Virgil and immediately decide he wants to keep and court him, too.
I could ramble alot about the months it takes for remus to flirt and fluster and break Virgil out of his shy terrified shell(because hes gone from interacting with fellow street raccoons to very weathy and very Pretty nobility and its. A Lot.
I could ramble about the way both Remus and Logan coax Virgil into staying in their home for more and more ludicrously simple reasons, just to keep courting him, and how Virgil catches on, and flusteredly does nothing to stop it bc he's slowly falling in love too
But what I Really wanna ramble about, is their bedroom dynamics.
Content warning for under the cut: a/b/o dynamics, talk/descriptions of knotting, polyamourus relationships, kinks. Lots of kinks: oralfixation, dom/sub/switch dynamics, praise kink, overstim(lots of overstim), talk of double penatration, p in v sex, ect. Let me know if i missed anything!
MINORS DNI or you will be fully blocked from this blog and my main one.
Logan is a soft but firm dom, always in control and ready to take control. He has a bit of an oral fixation and loves sucking off his loves as often as he can, happy to sate his loves while getting them to soak themselves in fresh slick. He's easily comanding when needed but also enjoys that Remus is more than willing to take control on occasion(see: regularly). He just really really likes taking care of his loves however he can, and aftercare is super important especially after some of their more intense scenes
Remus is a bossy switch, who Loves riding Logan's cock till hes stuck on his knot, or getting fucked up against a wall till his mind turns to jelly. Really likes a bit of primal play, loves riling Logan up with praising how good Logan could breed him(even tho theyre all on birth control so it really is just for the scenes) if he just pins him down and takes. On the flip side, Re also loves pinning Virgil down and driving him crazy, too.
Virgil is a near complete submissive, he's eagar to give and take as ordered and melts at any praise given. Starting out he'd been touch straved beyond belief(which has since been remedied thoroughly) and thus ended up developing a habit of dropping into subspace the moment Logan and/or Remus cradle his neck with both hands. Hes a very affectionate sub who puts so much of his trust and control into Logan and Remus's hands, and both cherish it as Virgil literally never lets his guard down around anyone else.
So, my favorite thing about their dynamic is that Remus still has a decent sized cock despite being an omega, like is actually rather big for Virgil to take, the draw back is just that Remus cant, at least naturally, Knot Virgil like Logan can. (However, its like one of Remus's biggest fantasies to Knot Virgil, and Virgil is totally in the same boat and would be Very on board with it)
This lack of natural knot doesnt stop Remus of course, infact its encouraging because he has a nearly non-existant refractory period so, literally imagine:
Virgil on his back, Virgil's head and shoulders are cradled lovingly in Logan's lap as the alpha occassionally trades kisses with both of his gorgeous omegas. Virgil's legs spread and cunt gently held nice and open by Logan's gentle but firm hands as Remus repeatedly sinks his cock nice and deep into Virgil. Slick soaks Virge and Remus's thighs, his cunt, and Remus's cock.
Every thrust has Virgil whimpering and his legs twitching with the relentless feeling of the head of Remus's cock just barley rutting against his cervix on every other pass. Just the hot way Remus has Virgil pinned into a mating press and obviously working hard to make that position live up to its name, babbling at how good Virgil feels taking his cock like a good little omega, at how easy it is to breed Virgil over and over and over again.
Then Logan enacts this little idea hes been holding onto the moment Remus starts to get close(hes trained Remus well, having helped him train to stall his orgasms for longer and longer because Remus LOVES overstimmulation). He has Remus slow down for just a moment, causing both omegas to whine, before coating two fingers in plenty of slick and slowly pressing them in alongside Remus's cock.
Virgil is slowly losing his mind(as they find out in later sessions that he absolutely has a size kink, and would happily take both their cocks at once any time hes given the chance) at the width, his eyes rolling. Then Remus is told to start thrusting again until he comes, and to ignore Logan's two fingers outside of being careful.
Virgil and Remus are so keyed up that it only takes another minute or so for Remus to start cumming, following Logan's order of pressing all the way inside as deep as he can get, at which point is Logan's cue to start curling his fingers firmly deep inside of Virgils walls.
Immediately, Virgil starts whimpering loudly as he cums, his body reacting the way it would if he were being knotted by an alpha, cunt clenching tight and sucking Remus's cock deeper as his eyes squeeze closed and his jaw fall lax, overwhelmed as his body draws out his orgasm for as long as hes knotted.
Remus is put in a mind-melting world of pleasurable overstimmulation as hes just climaxed and Virgils cunt is milking it for all hes got and he cant even move or pull out now because hes 'locked' inside. His hips and legs are trembling and he's moaning loudly because it's so hot that hes basically getting to Knot Virgil and it feels so good.
Virgil's cunt won't let him go and wont stop pulsing around the head his oversensitive cock and he really cant be faulted for the way he loses control and just keeps orgasming, his lack of refractory period as a keyed up omega just letting him squirt more and more cum and slick deep into the omega under him.
Logan's gentle and soothing, cooing reassurances to his two loves as he helps them lose their minds & fulfil their fantasies. He even uses his free hand to stroke Virgils little cock slowly, drawing out shaking whines from both of them as it makes Virgil clench harder in intervals. Remus ends up hunched over Virgil, his face tucked into his fellow omega's neck to muffle his overstimulated whimpers.
Logan draws it out for a minute or two, just until pleasured and overwhelmed tears picks at their eyes and their soft begging whimpers and mewls fill the room before slowly releasing the hold, letting the string of tension snap and watching them unravel and relax, finishing their peaks.
Remus cant help the way he struggles to pull out, so oversensitive that his hips keep hitching back in place with the way Virgils body tries to keep him there, needing Logan to pull their hips apart to fully end the scene.
Logan strokes and comforts both exhausted omegas, now fully in his element, cooing soft reassurances to both, getting up to start a bath and carefully guiding them both in and cleaning them up. The sheets are changed and both are put in soft clothing and given juice and cuddles.
Remus would probably make a comment on asking drowsily just how Logan deals with being knotted to him for in upwards of 30 minutes if it feels like /That/ the whole time. Logan would probably just smile sweetly and press a sweet kiss to his lips and say "with experience of course, perhaps we can work on that too, if the both of you would be so inclined?"
Virgil shutters and whines, too tired to get worked up again, Remus in a similar boat but nodding drowsily anyway. Remus probably wakes up sore and gets worked up all over again at the memory of why his cock of all things is sore and sensetive.
Perhaps they do work on it, perhaps Remus is trained to a take it little longer each time, no where near half an hour for the longest time, but he gets pretty close and much better at holding from losing his mind.
Maybe then they explore what it feels like for Remus to be stuck on Logan's knot, while Virgil is stuck on Remus's 'knot' with the help of a toy. Maybe then they also explore working Virgil up to take both of their cocks, and see what happens what Logan's fingers curl just right to trigger that knotted feeling to have Virgil lose his goddamn mind impaled on both their cocks as they slowly thrust in and out despite his body thinking he's already been knotted and reacting as such.
Maybe they even explore working Virgil's other hole open, just enough to take Logan's knot, and give Remus free reign to fuck Virgil's soaking trembling cunt until they can coax Virgil's cunt into taking Remus's 'knot' as well
Idk man. Just. This whole dynamic has so many hot possibilities. 💕💕💕
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Victor - NSFW abc headcanons (REMASTERED)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Warnings: Explit sexual content (GN READER)
it's what I posted a while ago, but better - I changed some things, I deleted some thing and wrote new. I think it's much better now
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A = Aftercare (What they are after sex?)
Victor is a man that has his values straight
You are the most important part of his life (even if he sometimes struggles to shop it) and he will do anything for you… and only for you
Other people don’t matter. He only takes what he wants and leaves.
But you - his sweetest, dearest, little love… can ask anything and everything (well, almost - see N).
You crave massages? He will buy the most luxurious oils on the market, might even take a course to perfect his skills to give you more pleasure
Want to take a bath? He will have a bathtub installed if he doesn’t have one already
Pillowtalk, kissing, snuggling, another round? No need to say it twice. He leaves to please you
When it comes to him, he likes to pull you close and tell you all the things he has no courage to say at any other time
Leave no space for misunderstanding in the department of his unconditional, boundless, eternal love and devotion for you
Tell you just how happy he is to have you and how everything is worthless in comparison to you
After he makes sure you’ve been pleasured throughly already, he will want to share a shower
And make no mistake - he will wash you. You can wash him too, if you want, but taking care of that pretty body of yours is his responsibility
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is his waist
It wasn’t easy to get that V shaped body and he is extremely proud of this accomplishment…
Especially when he sees your hungry gaze roaming his torso up and down
And you… He couldn’t possibly choose one part
Beautiful legs, rounded butt, soft abdomen and that gorgeous, gorgeous smile
That would be your thighs when it comes to the sexual aspect
You have such a delicate skin there. So suckable. Kissable. More plush than any pillow could ever be
He feels so secure and at ease when they squeeze around his head as you ride his face.
The sound of his hips slapping against them - heavenly
Not much can make him calmer than your lovely, plump thighs
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
It should come (hihihi) as no surprise that he loves to spill inside
It’s so intimate… Bonding…
Doesn’t really like to cum onto you for reasons he himself doesn’t really understand
It just feels… somewhat degrading? And he doesn’t like it that way?
Then again cuming into your mouth is a strong YES. Maybe it’s because of how enthusiastically you take him in
How you collect all the spill from your chin and lick it off your fingers like it was some kind of delicious delicacy
That sight makes him hard all over again…
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory - a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a folder of your photos on his computer
Some of them were taken with consent… Some without you realising…
Because you were in his bed sleeping in your naked glory… And he could only stop himself the first, like 20 (?) times
He sorts them by aesthetic and cuteness/sexiness
Jacks off to them when you’re not around
Most of them are very artistic. He tries his best to make them as good as the ones he was using before you… (see J)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He slept with a few girls in college, but he saw it only as ‘taking care of his sexual needs’ - no real feelings included
He had one dedicated booty call - a girl who fell in love with him despite him saying that he only only sees her for sex
That period really allowed him to explore his sexuality
So he knows what he likes and what to do, so his partner likes it too
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Everything when he takes you from the back
He’s rather keen on yanking hair, slaping ass…
But when it comes to the person he loves - you, he likes to face each other during sex
He wants to kiss your face, neck and chest. Nuzzle his face into your abdomen while he’s going down from his height
Your legs thrown over his shoulders so he can slap his hips against your soft thighs
Or legs pressed to your sides, hands gripping your thighs
And he can’t even attempt to lie he doesn’t absolutely love when you sit on his lap… or get on top in general
Or when your thighs grip his head when you 69 on the couch while ‘watching’ a movie. Your lips sloppy around him as his tongue pleasures you with most precision and dedication
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
No goofy.
If they start to joke around, they get spanked. HARD.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Victor is a passionate swimmer, so most of his body is hairless
But he doesn’t shave his pubes. Finds it weird to be completely bare down there and the first time he had sex with a completly hairless girl, he was a bit taken aback with her baby like smoothness.
Only trims them with a ‘pubes razor’ which is his old razor that he doesn’t use for face anymore, because he got a better one from his aunt for Christmas
Carpet matches the drapes
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
No goofy.
Only love and eternal devotion.
He will caress and leave kisses all over your body. Keep you close in the warmest and most loving embrace
No dummies or idiots in bed. Only treasures and loves
Almost like he’s trying to make it up to you for his tendency to be so aloof on a daily basis
The sweet talk doesn’t stop there, but I already said everything about it in A
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
This man didn’t have time to waste on women when he was building his empire, so he naturally spend quite a lot of his life masturbating instead of having sex
He doesn’t really enjoy porn, though. It’s too cartoonish for him. He much prefers to look through lingerie commercials or nude photoshoots - the more artistic the better
After he reunites with you, he starts to feel all that pent up sex tension and starts to jack off almost every day
Thinking about you. Looking at photos of you. Carving you with every small bit of his being
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
First of all - seeing his partner being pleasured. Either by him or by a vibrating toy plugged into them or pressed against their sensitive spots. He doesn’t even pump himself watching. He’s way too consumed with the enticing sights
Double penetration. His huge dick in one whole, dildo in another… Just thinking about it gets him going
He can’t deny himself at least some manhandling (if you consent - obv). Although he doesn’t go full on dom every time (at least with you) he seems to be unable to deny himself some hair pulling and choking... Although he almost does it lovingly? Spanking and whipping will surely also happen from time to time. Can get very rough when jealous
Also a slight daddy kink. When he hears it slip past your lips in the form of a joke - he feels some strange tingling in his groin and it’s not a venereal disease
If you sit on his lap, make a cute, helpless expression and ask daddy to play with you… It just turns him into a primal animal with no self restraint
That he kinda always seems to be
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Where nobody can hear them
Or see them
Anywhere with a stable surface really, but he needs to know you will have full privacy
Would never agree for public sex
All the sweet sounds and expressions he makes you do are his and only his to experience
M = Motivation (What turns them on/gets them going)
Stress, irritation, anger, hurt… Sex is a great way for him to gat this weight of his chest since he doesn’t really like to think those negative feeligs through
Or any feelings, if we’re at it
A nice butt is also a motivation, especially when it’s attached to a fine pair of legs
But both of these factors aren’t a guarantee of a turn on and even if they have that impact on him, he still will most likely not act on it
What he really struggles to control is a real attraction that reaches what’s beyond physical
A beautiful, hardworking and open-minded person is something Victor finds hard to ignore
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
No sharing
No blood play
No permanent marking
Nothing too forcefull or aggressive
No sex before assigning boundaries and exchanging preferences
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I already said In B, Victor is an oral lover
More into giving than receiving, but would never push his lover away
(you can always 69, right?)
The man is humming in pleasure as his tongue slides along your sex
Is more than willing to go for hours if only you let him
The more you moan the more intense his movements become
His main goal is to please
The secondary one is to be the best at yet another thing
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He has two base modes
One: I love you, my sweet creature - all about measured, unhurried but hard thrust. True, pure love-making
Two: Little girls don’t get a say in how daddy fucks them - you’re tearing up, sobbing, drooling and he gets even more turned on by it. Fucks harder and faster then you both believed possible. Years of engaging in sports come to show themselves
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He will participate when the occasion occurs
Might even initiate an occasion
But it’s not really sex for him. It’s a quickie
And when compared to the real love-making with you… it’s just meh
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
When it comes to taking risks, I believe I already made it clear that he isn’t too into that
If someone walked in you, it would be very upsetting for him
If you got accidentally hurt would break his heart
But experiment he would happily
New toys, new positions, new kinks… He will try anything once
Well, almost anything (see N)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
We all have our better and worst days, and this man has a whole company to run. It’s only natural for him to be tired
So usually he won’t last for more than one round. Maybe 3 on weekends
But will last a while if he sets a slower pace (see P)
On vacations however, after a few days of rest his stamina will increase dramatically
Have you seen this guy’s torso? Exactly
He has some stamina to spare
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not against, although he prefers to experiment with positions that to experiment with toys
Will probably never propose any, except when he knows his partner is into such things
If you do - Victor will do his research and find something exciting for you to enjoy
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He really is not patient enough for that
Doesn’t have time for it either
Why would he even want to? They’re unsatisfied = he’s unsatisfied (as I mentioned in K)
He sees no appeal in it. When he wants to fuck, he wants to fuck. No reason to beat around the bush
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Victor can be a bit more talkative than usual during the foreplay
Throughs some praise (a lot of it)
Tell you about his feelings (but not too much at that point)
About things that made him jealous…
A quiet Fuck may leave his lips when he enters you and when he’s about to come
In the middle of those two - he’s rather silent
Not much of a moaner
He grunts and growls a lot though. Can get a little bit loud from time
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
It was a sunny, autumn day. You were walking down the street. You’re fingers entwined. The sunlight was gracing your beautiful features so gorgeously… and he had already been yearning for so long
When you’ve finally reached the Souvenir’s door, the man is all worked up
Not that you could tell from his steely expression
But you sure got suspicious when he got all touchy feely out of the sudden
Not that you would ever mind - obviously
Feather light kisses on the nape of your neck and shoulders. Fingertips caressed your waist to then slide down to your hips. Then he reached for the hem of your dress…
“I love you…” he whispered in your ear
Goosebumps momentarily appeared on your skin as all the intense feelings he had been making you experience from the very day you saw him for the first time in his office travel down your spine in a form of a intense shiver
You wanted him. So bad. For so long.
And there was no hiding his feelings for you at that moment as you turned your head to face him
Soon after stomach was pressed against the kitchen counter. Your naked butt was all out on display for Victor to squeeze and spank as you squirmed and moaned under his touch
Victor didn’t take any unnecessary time to move his long, broad fingers down, to stroke your sensitive slit
He praised you for being so wet, so flushed, so eager for him
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
“I love you, too” you whispered to his ear as his arms pressed you as close to his body as possible, while you were still going back from your highs
And after that, from his lips slipped the words of the most sincere adoration… and true love
Words you would never expect to leave his beautiful, soft mouth
Matches the rest of the man
Long and thick
No curvature. Perfectly straight
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Rather average
Ha has periods when he doesn’t even think about it
And he has ones when he can’t stop thinking about it
However he doesn’t go too much either way
Z = Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Remember what I said in S? Applies here as well
He’s a hardworking man
Simplu needs to work hard to keep his business growing and to keep his lover pleased
Then he just needs to get some rest. Don’t try to change his mind because he will
If he’s well rested however, he won’t let you sleep
Like, not a chance. You need to come at least five times. He doesn’t make the rules, sorry
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Kibum is very good at picking up at your hints, knowing exactly what sort of affection you need from him and then. He prides himself on always being able to be there to give you affection whenever it is that you need him with you.
He loved getting to know you before he decided to think about dating you. The most important thing to Kibum was that the two of you had a close bond before doing anything major. He’d be with you most of the time when he had a few free hours, he was fond of your company from the moment he met you, and that never changed.
After a couple of months and a few mixed messages, you began to distance yourself around Kibum as you struggled to find where you stood. When Kibum noticed that you didn’t want to be around him as much, he knew that he had to step in and make sure you knew exactly how he felt before he risked losing you. When he eventually managed to get hold of you and encourage you to meet up, he told you exactly how he felt.
Your dates with Kibum were usually quite romantic, he loved to have you round the evenings, take things nice and slowly, with music always playing in the background. Like his affection, he can pick up on your mood a lot and know exactly what sort of date you want. The usual answer is Kibum’s cooking. He loves to cook for you, and you love to be able to sit back and let him take care of you, especially as his meals are usually so delicious. Time at home is enough for your dates, just as long as you’re with each other.
In his years in the industry, Kibum had had a few brief relationships, he tended to keep as much of it out of the limelight as he could. But you were his first serious relationship since his debut, and he was determined to keep you as protected as possible. If anyone ever asked him about dating, he’d be quick to shut them down before any rumours could be spread about you both which you were incredibly thankful for. He’d learnt over the years exactly how to keep you safe, and so that it what he always put first.
Whenever the two of you argued, it didn’t tend to go on for long. Kibum tended to get quite emotional when you both argued, he hated the feeling of not being able to talk to you or feeling like he was the one that hurt you. He’d usually tend to give you some space for a while, and then when you’d begin to drop clues that you were ready to talk, Kibum would appear straight away, desperate to try and sort things out between the two of you. To most people, he was incredibly blunt, but when he knew he was the one that had caused you to get upset, he would apologise immediately and admit that he was the one at fault.
Kibum didn’t feel too much pressure in letting you meet his family, because his family wasn’t that big. He saw being in a relationship with you as rebuilding his family. Even though she wasn’t with him anymore, he’d tell you the most about his grandmother and plenty of stories about growing up with her care and love.
As many of your dates tended to be at Kibum’s apartment anyway, it didn’t take long for him to consider moving you in permanently. He loved having you around, and the fact that you bonded so well with his dogs too just seemed like another pro on the list to having you move in with him as soon as you possibly could.
Kibum was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ at the end of his latest comeback. You’d been there through it all, supporting him through everything, and on the last night of promotion, he was desperate to make sure that you knew exactly how thankful he was. He knew it before that he loved you, but at the end of the shows, he knew he was finally ready to say it.
His stare was enough to let anyone know when Kibum was feeling jealous, he wouldn’t shout and cause a scene, but his side eye would be enough to let someone know they’d crossed the line. He was incredibly protective of you, perhaps sometimes even a little bit possessive, but he could read a room well, and he’d know if someone was trying to come onto you. So, before they could, he’d make sure that they stayed firmly in their lane and made sure that they were very aware that you were already taken.
Being an only child, Kibum was desperate to have at least a family of two kids with you. When he first told you that he didn’t want just one child, you were a little bit surprised, but as he explained to you about how he felt growing up as an only child, you could only sympathise with his reasoning for why he wanted to make sure that if he had a child, they’d grow up with a brother or sister who would stand beside them.
The two of you would laugh whenever you were around each other, a lot of people always commented on how well suited the two of you were, and that definitely became obvious in your humour. The two of you watched the same programmes, listened to the same music, which meant you were always laughing at the same things together. Whenever the two of you started laughing together, it was impossible to get you to stop. The boys would often sit for a very long time and wait until you’d both finished giggling before continuing the conversation.
Kibum trusted you with his life, but that never stopped him worrying about other people when he was on the road. He hated that he wasn’t there to hold your hand and keep you safe, it was always an incredibly hard time on him. Whilst he’d never get upset around you, the boys would often walk past his hotel room and hear little snuffles escaping. Whenever he was asked about it, he’d always reassure everyone that he was fine, but when he came back home and reunited with you, everyone who was on the road with him knew the reason behind his tear. It was always you, and the torment of having to spend any time away from you.
The two of you tended to call each other ‘bub,’ it would confuse everyone else around you how you had the same nickname for each other, which only made things funnier for the two of you, winding the others up.
He was obsessed with your body, not necessarily in sexual way, but just in a way of always wanting to hold you and be able to cuddle up tightly against you.
The two of you aren’t well known for your affection in public, Kibum works hard to keep you safe when you’re in public, so he’ll never usually do something to over the top. You’ll usually feel at least one of his hands rest up against your body whenever the two of you are out, he likes to keep you protected, and more importantly, by his side.
He loved to chat to you, so Kibum’s questions could quite literally consist of anything. The element of surprise was definitely something that you loved about him; you never quite knew what he was going to say to you next.
Kibum absolutely adored his dogs, which you learnt very quickly, but what nobody else knew was how he loved to buy outfits for his dogs, and for the two of you. Every holiday, he’d get the four of you to dress up in something to stick on the front of a card. Even though the rest of your families thought that the two of you were bonkers, you loved including the two of them in every little thing that you did together.
It’s always romantic whenever you’re with Kibum, neither one of you tends to dominate, you trust each other to know exactly what you want from the other. His hands would often wander around your body, he loved to rest against your hips or play with your hair. Kibum didn’t tend to say a lot when the two of you were intimate with each other, but as soon as the two of you laid down after, he’d make sure to fill you with a lot of love.
You’d often give him pup updates whenever he was away, he loved receiving texts from you to make sure that you and the dogs were alright. He hated being away from the two of you, even if it was just for a few hours, so your texts were always welcome.
The two of you were like two peas in a pod, it was scary watching the two of you sometimes, you just always managed to make the perfect team. Most others around you were jealous of how well matched the two of you were.
Kibum didn’t like to go away too often, he much preferred to stay at home and be with you. If he ever had a lengthy holiday, he’d use to either go and visit his family or yours, usually switching turns each time. Family was everything to him, so he’d much rather use it visiting them then exploring the world without them.
If he didn’t have your attention, Kibum would usually moan by making a comment under his breath, refusing to apologise until you finally gave him your attention.
Whilst Kibum was a lot more of a cuddler than a kisser, that didn’t stop him from often trying to sneak up on you and give you a kiss. It was almost like a competition to him, the more he could make you jump, the better. He’d often end up kissing you with an elbow jabbing into his chest from the surprise, or an arm striking at his bicep as you scolded him yet again for terrifying the life out of you so unexpectedly.
You were his best friend, Kibum loved everything about being with you.
Falling asleep with you was Kibum’s favourite thing about being in a relationship. He always felt so comfortable when he could hear your light breaths or feel the rise and fall of your chest as he slept, sending him off into a nice dream.
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 years
dex, team bicycle
the following bullet fic has been in my drafts for over a year now and tonight i remembered it existed, read it, and decided to post it. why? who knows. don’t ask questions. just ~enjoy~
so i got an ask about how anon trusts me implicitly when it comes to writing bc they believe that dex is the team bicycle and eventually ends up with nursey and thinks i’m down with that too and tbh they ain’t wrong so like
here’s a bullet fic instead of me doing any of the work i SHOULD REALLY FUCKING BE DOING okie
first things first here’s the dealio this is crack-ish but also not so crackish that my dumbass couldn’t see it happening so let’s just suspend some disbelief and have a good time
first time dex hooks up with a teammate it’s not at a kegster
maybe a little later he’s a little too tipsy at a kegster not really knowing his own tolerance for tub juice yet and he’s dancing, a little more white boy than maybe one would like but he’s having fun with it and that’s half the game, and he’s sweaty and maybe some glitter from other dancers has rubbed off on him and he’s glittery and shining and he catches someone’s eye across the room (holster, i’m thinking holster) and holster sees him and thinks fuck and dex is maybe really into how big holster is and just like follows him up to the attic when holster grabs his wrist and pulls because why not--
but this is not about that (at least not yet) this is about how dex, new to samwell and ncaa hockey and everything, wants to be the best he can be in everything so naturally he goes to the best person to help him with every thing (for school he gets tutors and goes to tutorials and goes to all the profs’ office hours, for social stuff maybe he trails ransom around idk (that’s for later)) but for hockey he obviously goes to the person you go to when you need help with hockey
jack likes hockey. jack likes people who like hockey. jack likes when people are really into hockey
so when the little angery frog that seemed real appreciative of his butt on hazeapalooza comes to him with this frowny face determination asking how he can be the best player he can be, a part of jack’s brain that’s very quiet and seldom acknowledged goes “huh.”
and maybe they start meeting up for their own practices, practicing drills and plays so dex can get his speed up and reaction time down and just get better and jack’s benefiting from it too in a way, like trying to help a defensive player makes him have to switch up his thinking about things a bit and it’s helping his defensive play on the ice
and so this goes on for a bit and maybe they build up some inside jokes in between all the intensity and maybe there’s some playful moments in the locker room when they bump arms or throw a few chirps around and it’s cute okay and not too serious, jack isn’t in love with the kid (he’s a kid, lord, okay a lil problematic but if y’all know anything about my oc luke dex has Problems with Authority figures so whatever)
but the truth is jack doesn’t really have many people he’d be comfortable “relieving some stress” with, like there’s shitty but he’s ridiculously straight, and Camila went and got herself a girlfriend so that’s no longer a thing, and dex is there and eager and fun and
and long story short they end up fucking in the locker room oops
it doesn’t happen too many times after that, maybe once on a roadie, a few times at the haus. it’s fun, not in a laughing way or whatever, but it’s casual and it’s nice to get off and it doesn’t make jack any more anxious and dex is probably working through some issues he has with tall dark haired captains and they both get something good out of it, which is the point, anyway
and it ends maybe before winter break, either jack decides to focus on the nhl and his thesis and dex totally understands or dex realizes that maybe his thing with dark haired captains isn’t completely healthy and ends things but either way it’s nbd and no one on the team ever really knows, though it’s not like they lie about it either but who’s gonna ask, right?
and so dex and jack were fuckbuddies. for a time. noice.
now let’s return to that kegster scene, hmm?
so the way i picture it is dex hooks up with holster at a kegster, realizes it probably wasn’t the smartest idea he’s ever had but doesn’t completely freak out because holster’s a relaxed kind of guy, dex is sure it won’t get nuts
meanwhile holster wakes up freaking out because he just fucked ransom’s frog and that is so not cool so then he panics and avoids ransom and dex for like a week and then decides okay okay it’s not a big deal he just won’t tell anyone, it won;t happen again, it’s fine
and then he walks in on dex hooking up with ransom and he’s like Wow Okay So the Fine Thing Didn’t Work Out Huh
turns out while holster was freaking out ransom was really mopey about it and dex, not really knowing how to fix it, tried to comfort him and ended up... in bed
look this version of dex is a little thotty and knows like two ways of comforting people and he didn’t think getting drunk in the middle of the day was a good idea
and so long story short after some brief HUHs going around dex ends up hooking up with both ransom and holster for a bit (sometimes both at once!) and eventually the both-at-once-stuff makes ransom and holster actually acknowledge the feelings they’ve mostly been ignoring since their frog year and they explain this to dex who’s like okie bc he’s really only there bc they’re both hot and so ransom and holster get together and dex sometimes helps them out on date nights and that’s about it
lbr tho they never tell anyone how they actually got together bc they would never live it down so they say nothing and dex doesn’t either bc it’s not his relationship and the world goes on never knowing
so now we’re getting into the middle of spring term dex’s frog year and he’s kind of maybe sort of acknowledged that he has some kind of emotions about nursey that aren’t helpful so he’s attempting to repress real hard, but he’s also learning to repress less about other things, specifically his enjoyment of baking.
yup. you guessed it.
so he starts helping bitty in the kitchen A Lot, and sometimes they talk and sometimes they don’t and sometimes they talk about important things but most of the time they don’t, but at this stage in bitty’s life he is crushing very hard on a certain dark haired captain and that’s kind of really apparent in, like, everything he does so it takes dex maybe two weeks to realize what’s going on
and okay so it’s a little awkward bc 1-the fuckbuddies thing but also bc 2-dex knows how it feels to have feelings for a friend and it kind of sucks like a lot and he wants to make bitty feel better and yeah maybe this is another case of dex being bad at comforting people with his clothes on
but maybe also one day they’re talking about relationships/being gay idk something and bitty maybe casually (southern euphemistically) mentions that he’s never, erm, never quite, uh, never  done the dirty with a boy and maybe he sounds a lil embarassed about it idk and dex’s I Can Fix That brain switches on and he says, “I can help.”
and bitty’s like. what.
dex blushes and clears his throat and says it again. “i can help. i’ve, uh, done it before, and i can, like. show you.” then he pauses and, very uncasually, says, “casually.”
bitty, also pink at his point because he’s a sweet southern boy who doesn’t speak of such things, asks, “you’d be willing to do that?”
dex nods. he does not say that he’s done something like that before. he very pointedly does not say that.
and bitty, well, he’s pining and he’s been at college for a year and a half and the most action he’s ever gotten was with that boy who puked on his shoes and, you know, he came to samwell so that he could be who he is and maybe this is a way he can prove to himself that he is being true to himself.
it also doesn’t hurt that dex is v pretty, okay, bitty loves a boy with big shoulders and freckles.
and so dex and bitty start hooking up.
it’s somewhat like my The Arrangement fic where dex is sort of “showing bitty the ropes” but bitty, lbr, he’s a quick learner and he did his research so it very quickly just becomes hooking up for the sake of it
and it’s good. like. really good and both of them are benefiting from having someone to escape from their ~feelings~ in and bitty’s more comfortable in sexuality (like, his sexuality not his gayness ya feel me?) and everyone’s having a great time
then they lose the playoffs and emotions run high and bitty realizes how decimated he’s going to be by jack leaving and they don’t really have a conversation about it (let’s be real, neither of these boys talk about their feelings, at least not at this point) but dex goes home that summer with the understanding that he and bitty are no longer doing the thing, and that’s okay with him, really, because maybe now his feelings for nursey are becoming More of A Thing Than He Was Hoping They Would
of course bitty gets with jack at this time, so he’s kind of through the roof, and if, maybe, they have a conversation about their ex’s/past lovers and find they have.. more things in common than expected, well, at the least it’s a bit of a laugh and at the most well. let’s just say sometimes a ginger is mentioned in their bed WHATEVER OKAY MOVING ON
dex comes back in the fall ready to suppress the fuck out of his emotions and play some damn good hockey and who appears but this super eager tadpole
this now plays out as the first two chapters of my The Arrangement fic, though i guess now for canonical reasons whiskey ends up with lax bro and not tango, but that’s alright, we’re good at working on our feet here
for those who haven’t read the fic, dex shows whiskey how to gay sex while simultaneously gaining his trust and encouraging him to bond with the team and for personal reasons whiskey is a little shit but not as much of an asshole as he was in canon (look i love the guy but he’s a dick) and anyway go read my fic it’s good i promise #selfspon moving on
the latter half of dex’s sophomore year is spent mostly Not Pining for nursey and getting closer to him, friend wise, until the whole dib-flip, living together situation occurs, dex has a Freak Out, and ruins things a little
..this is getting off track, but long story short, his captains kiss each other on live tv and dex’s family starts to suspect that all those rumors that drifted around him in high school may have more truth to them than they’d been hoping and dex has a less than great summer break, coming back to school in the opposite of a good mindset
nursey also has a not great break (his parents are fighting, then he comes to school and breaks his wrist and can’t play hockey) and well we all know where this ends up
this leaves dex in a very mopey gross state and who to help someone feel better in their time of need than the sweetest little waffle you’ve ever seen in your life?
yes, it’s time for Hops.
now, this is a rather short lived affair, but over thanksgiving break, the entirety of the haus goes home to their families except for dex (who says he can’t deal with bus fare, and begs off any offers of help) and hops, who technically isn’t in the Haus, but stays there for the break while his parents are on a work trip during the holiday
dex ends up finding out just exactly how College Hockey Boy hops is when he almost burns the kitchen down trying to make a grilled cheese and dex decides then that he has to help this boy learn how to human, so they spend the first two days together with dex teaching hops all the basic skills dex thinks someone should know
this is included but not limited to: how to cook without making fire, how to change the oil in your car, how to hotwire a car, how to fix various different appliances, how to take the optimal notes, how to basic code, and how to sort and do your laundry
hops is enjoying the crash course (kid is just grateful to finally know where the detergent goes in a washer) but also, like, lbr. watching someone be competent in a thing--esp a thing you are yourself not good at--is a giant turn on, and so after two days of watching dex be really good at adulting, they settle onto the couch after doing the dishes and hops just gets on his knees and--
we aren’t smutting here on good christian tumblr but boy. hops is an eager kid.
anyway they spend a week fucking and then stop because hops falls in love with a girl in his intro class and then spends the next two months asking dex for advice on how to woo her, even though obviously chowder would be a better bet.
then comes the playoffs and everything is heating up and they’re on roadies nearly every weekend, still keeping up with their coursework, and it’s A Lot, and dex is really feeling it this year, especially with all the shit bitty’s been getting, and one night, on a roadie, he and bully get back to their room and dex collapses with a groan on the bed and bully, chill as anything, is like. “you seem pretty stressed. wanna fuck?”
and, you know what? dex is still his thotty (though more mature) self and he’s like, life sucks a little right now, why not get off
and so he does.
he and bully hook up through the playoffs and into the post-season (that post-final game sex is A Lot my dudes lemme tell you) but then dex gets elected captain and something twisty in his chest tells him that he should not be fucking someone on the team, especially not an underclassman, when he’s got that authority over him, and so he breaks it off with bully
who is pretty chill about it, since he’s bully, though he does miss the sex. the sex was p good.
and, to be quite honest, that’s it. dex wouldn’t fuck any of the baby frogs for the same reason he broke it off with bully (also ngl the senior-freshman thing doesn’t do it for him anymore) and so dex goes through his senior year of college without having any fuckbuddies--his first year of college so far, actually, where he doesn;t
the end
lol jk he and nursey start hooking up and it’s a Whole Bundle of emotions
in keeping with the rest of the fuck buddies, dex thinks that this is just like all the other times and nursey has no reason to think dex wants anything more and like. the sex is good, like very good, and neither of them are complaining per se but they’re also in love and haven’t said anything, and i imagine there are some ill-timed confessions prior to the final game of the playoffs and then they win another ncaa championship title and have sex in a janitor’s closet (but like,, emotional sex) and they live happily (thottily) ever after
i also like to imagine that there’s a point somewhere down the line when they all meet up for a reunion and something happens-- probably ransom and holster get a lil tipsy and finally tell the truth of how they got together-- and everyone basically does the spider-man meme but with “wait-you had sex with dex? i had sex with dex” and nursey--who knows bc dex told him when they finally got together-- is just sitting there all smug with his arm around a steadily reddening dex bc he’s fucking proud of the fact that everyone knows exactly how good his boyfriend is in bed
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