#they call each other by their actual names when there are no dimensional visitors
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agent-r3ys-creations · 1 month ago
Taka sighed, they took one look at their sibling who shoved the cleaning supplies to the side. They were overworking again, and trying to hide it… atleast that’s what Taka thought. Their golden eyes focused on the tenseness in the rays of the animatronic that is a good quarter shorter than them.
Cano was the first to speak, always taking lead when silence deafens the room.
Ruin, we asked you to go take a break before continuing. A 5 minute snack and staring at the monitor blankly doesn’t count. Yes, Nexus told us.
Vega’s rays slumped and their hat jingled as the stars shifted to a black that matched the other fabric, making the hat completely black.
Taka sighed.
Jigs, atleast let me help you
Vega was starting to panic even more. If Taka tries to help they may come across the new… toon they said, and they don’t know if the toon is immune to being turned into stone!
Luckily, all Eclipses are great actors, especially Vega, so they played it off normally with lies and a hint of blackmail.
Darlings, I have been taking it easy! Not to mention I have been keeping eyes on your… specimen, Eclipse.
Taka froze but played it off as well. How dare the bitch resort to blackmail. They know if they try anymore Vega will start name dropping and that will not be good if Cano found out they were friends with a certain servant Eclipse.
Thank you…
Their rays twitched with agitation at falling to the blackmail, and this isn’t a first.
Carpy had been on a run. Not too early on, not too far, and was just casually working on extracting machine. Turning the valve with mild ease as she anxiously looked around every few moments for twisteds. Suddenly, a giant portal was ripped open right behind her, causing her to flinch and miss a skillcheck—— with a dreadful, silent pause, she waited until she heard the sound of a twisted being aggro. She yelped, getting sucked into the portal, the last thing she sees is twisted Rudie charging into the room, befuddled,
The portal opened on the sky and dropped Carpy off like trash, huffing and gasping a little for air as she landed flat on her stomach, wheezing a little. She turned and curled up a little, clutching her sides and laid there for a few moments before sluggishly standing up and looking around. A whole ass fucking castle. She ain’t seen nothin’ like this anywhere but the novels she’d read. She blinked, walking uneasily into the castle while fiddling her hands together, tugging on the strings of her hoodie as she looked around, turning her head every which way.
Vega was tired. It had been a long day for everybody in the castle, so Vega took over everyone’s chores for today.
As they walked down the long hallways of the castle and entered the ballroom holding some cleaning supplies they saw… something. A small little thing, really, half the size of a human.
They put their stuff down before kneeling down to seem smaller in case this was an animal… despite it not looking like any they know.
Hey there…
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apothecarinomicon · 4 years ago
Spring week 4, part 2
We found the guy staggering down the creek. We heard him before we saw him—he was wading through knee-deep water, half hunched over and groaning in pain. As he got closer, I was able to make out that he wasn’t human but crocodilian, and dressed for fishing. His pants had torn away below the knees, and I could make out bright green vines with vermillion buds snaking up his legs. He was bleeding where they burrowed into his hide. He looked up at us with glassy eyes and weakly called for help, reaching out with both hands. 
Automatically I moved to support him but Calder held me back. He told me he recognized the vines as marshbloom, a particularly nasty plant native to Blastfire Bog. An opportunistic parasite, it latched onto any skin that came into contact with it and fed on its host, growing until they were entirely overtaken and drained of their minerals. Once the marshbloom had fed all it could, the buds would open and spread their spores to find new hosts. 
This guy already looked to have been wandering for a couple of days; we didn’t have much time—probably only about another 24 hours. I told Calder to watch after him and make sure he didn’t wander off. Since Calder didn’t technically have skin, we agreed he might be able to physically restrain the afflicted man as a last resort. Meanwhile, I raced back to the cottage to scour my predecessor’s notes.
I found that her overall knowledge of the bog and its flora were spotty at best, but she did have an entry on the marshbloom. Her notes said that it should be treated like any other virulent parasite, but with extra focus on healing the skin. With the entry wounds closed, she noted, the portions of the plant inside the host’s body would be unable to photosynthesize and would simply die, and the portions outside would lose the necessary minerals and fall away.
With a little more research, I knew what I had to get. I dumped out the remaining breadcrumbs from my pack, had Ailean hop up on my shoulder, and set out for Hero’s Hollow.
I told the guards at the entrance that I was foraging and expected to be inside for less than an hour. Then I headed in, map in hand, to find some liquid fire.
It’s not quite lava, this substance (lava is molten rock and this is more akin to superheated magic), but it is quite hot. You need special gloves to handle it. It won’t burn you, but it will certainly feel as if it had. It’s great for clearing parasites if you can get it down—like a flash fire fever. I found it fairly easily, flowing right out of the wall (turns out Hero’s Hollow has a lot of natural deposits), and collected it with little issue. It was as I was headed back out, however, that I heard heavy, clanking footsteps sprinting towards me accompanied by a “what ho!”
I turned and looked to find a suit of armor approaching me fast. The visor was flipped up, showing that the helmet was clearly empty. “I, the Baron, challenge you to a duel, brigand!” The voice sounded more like a jester’s than a knight’s—or a baron’s, for that matter. I backed away and tried to tell this Baron that I really didn’t have the time (or the equipment or the skill) for a fight, but as I said so my back bumped up against the wall. The suit of armor ignored what I’d said, unsheathed its sword (the thin kind with a point, rather than the kind with two sharp sides), took on a cartoonish stance, and cried “en garde!”
I stayed very still for a good long while, and so did the armor. Every few seconds it shouted something like “you shan’t best me, scoundrel!” or “your scourge ends here!” Its accent was all rolled ‘r’s and rapidly fluctuating pitch. After about three minutes of this I finally went to try and just walk away, and the suit of armor immediately lunged forward and skewered my thigh.
I cried out, more out of shock than anything. It was a relatively shallow wound (I wrote “skewered” but it was more like “scraped”), but the sudden movement and prick of pain surprised me. The Baron, for its part, seemed delighted. It immediately turned and began to skip away, occasionally clicking its heels in the air and crying “tee-ha! Tee-hee! I, the Baron, have bested thee!” It disappeared around a bend in the corridor, but I could still hear it for a long while after as I bandaged my wound.
What a blighting nuisance. I supposed though, as I limped out of the dungeon, that it could easily have been a lot worse.
I headed back to Glimmerwood Grove next, to look for wild roses. The hip seeds promote skin health, and I thought they theoretically should be fairly abundant. But, as is my luck, they proved to be frustratingly elusive. I was already pretty annoyed when I ran into Kendre.
Kendre was a satyr, and (as they volunteered immediately upon seeing me) a druid who lived in the forest. Their arms were wiry, the rest of their human torso obscured by what appeared to be a grass-stained burlap sack with arm and neck holes cut out. The fur on their goat legs matched their russet hair. They wore complex jewelry, with earrings and necklaces and adornments to their curled horns all connected by small chains to form one large piece.
I asked how long they’d been living in Glimmerwood and they said just about their entire adult life. They mentioned a shack deep in the heart of the grove where they lived and gardened and kept to themselves. They said they didn’t normally forage this close to town but they were looking for something elusive.
I asked them if they had seen wild roses around and they thought for a moment before saying that roses had been an unusually rare sight this year. They apologized, and offered instead the location of a different plant: the coffee cap. Though unrelated to the bean (it’s actually a mushroom), it does contain about the same amount of caffeine and releases it into the body quicker when consumed. When added to a potion, its only real effect is to sharpen the patient’s senses—not useful for the task at hand. Still, I thanked them and followed their directions to find some—it’s always better to have more and more varied reagents on hand, just in case.
Kendre was the second denizen of Glimmerwood Grove I’d met who seemed to have no connection to the human society in Greenmoor or High Rannoc at large. As I plucked a mushroom and put it in my bag, I wondered if there were any more.
I didn’t have to wonder for long. After retrieving the coffee cap I headed back towards the path. I took a right that should have led me straight back onto it, but instead I found myself in a beautiful (if dilapidated) courtyard. I must have been caught in some kind of dimensional fold, as I surely would have noticed the high, ornate walls that now surrounded me had they been present before.
The walls themselves were ornate but clearly weathered, dotted with tall thin windows and covered with hanging moss and climbing vines. The floor was made of smooth bricks that must have once been an intense shade of lapis or ultramarine, but that had faded to a (still gorgeous) azure. They were cut and laid in a pattern that was symmetrical but irregular. It took a good bit of staring for me to realize it depicted the phases of the moon, running from right to left across the space’s center. At the corners of the courtyard were raised plant beds that may have once been carefully maintained, but now grew wild. Each had a great tree at the center. Three of them had a least one side that had cracked or buckled, allowing dirt to spill out and their tree’s great roots to spread less impeded. The fourth one, the one in the far left corner, held a smaller tree, mostly obscured by—to my surprise and delight—wild rose bushes!
I began to hurry towards them before the sound of a clearing throat stopped me. I had completely overlooked what was clearly meant to be the courtyard’s central feature: along the far wall was a great, ornate throne. It gleamed golden in the light, its high back intricately molded with dozens of humanoid figures in myriad combinations and contexts—probably recounting the plot of some long-forgotten myth. Seated on the throne, still regal and imposing despite being dwarfed by it, was a man. As I approached him I realized he was much taller than me, or for that matter any human. His skin was extremely pale, his form rake thin, his hair a nearly-white blond. He was dressed in a garb unfamiliar to me, though the dense ornamental fur of his cloak and the rich purple of his tunic and pants communicated his status anyway. He regarded me cooly with orange eyes as I took in the sight. Finally, I noticed his long, pointed ears and it clicked: this prince was an elf.
Belatedly I dropped to one knee and bowed my head. I hoped that was the correct gesture of respect for elven royalty; it had been many years since I took politesse classes in primary school, and I’d never had much use for what I learned from them before.
He chuckled and told me to rise. His voice, though a fairly high tenor, had a commanding sense of depth. He told me it had been far too long since he’d had a visitor, and I should feel welcome to stay as long as I like. I asked for his name, and he raised an eyebrow before telling me I could not have it, but that I could refer to him as His Majesty, the Crown Prince of Sovereign Go’ed-Wigg. I quickly apologized for my careless wording, and told him he could call me ‘F.’ Given the Crown Prince’s care with his own name I figured care of my own was in order. I decided to let it be ambiguous whether this was an initial, a random pseudonymous letter, or if I had chosen “Eff” as a name.
I asked the Crown Prince (as I decided to think of him because that full title was simply too much) if I might have one of his roses, so that I could heal a patient. He thought for a moment then said I could on two conditions: I had to give him a gift in return, and I had to listen to a story. I told him that my patient’s time was limited, but that so long as the story was of a reasonable length (I believe I specified no more than fifteen minutes), and so long as I myself got to choose my gift to him I would be happy to agree to those terms. His expression was unreadable enough that I couldn’t determine whether I’d wiggled my way out of some trick or not, but he conceded my conditions.
As the gift, I gave him the coffee cap I’d just obtained, and explained its uses. He told me he had heard of coffee caps before, but seemed satisfied with the gift anyway. He said with my limitation we wouldn’t have time for the full story, but he’d tell me the first part anyway. I can’t recount the Crown Prince’s exact wording—he spoke for a long time—but I’ll summarize as best I can.
Once (he told me), there were three queens. A queen of spades, who ruled over those things on the earth, a queen of diamonds, who ruled over those things below it, and a queen of clubs, who ruled over those things above. The queen of spades and diamonds neither one had a king, but each had one knight. The queen of clubs had no knight, though she did have a king—but he was perpetually absent.
The realm of the queen of spades was verdant and teeming with life, both plant and animal. The queen of clubs’ domain was bright and open and free, always fresh and always changing. The queen of diamonds, on the other hand, ruled a territory rich with minerals, precious metals, and gems, which all things that lived would eventually join as they decomposed and returned to their base materials.
The queen of diamonds, though, was uncaring of these gifts. She surveyed her realm and saw rot, slimy worms and scuttling insects, and tons and tons of dirt piled so much upon itself that there was barely room for plants or animals at all. She looked over the queendom of spades and the queendom of clubs, and all the light and life and variety and air they had, and she grew jealous. She resolved to take the other queens’ territories for herself.
The queen of diamonds knew that going to war immediately would be foolish. Her two rivals (the queen of spades especially) had dozens of subjects in fighting shape, and she had next to none. So, she worked on expanding her population. She promoted immigration, emphasizing the riches to be found in her domain. With her (previously unmentioned) magical powers, she engineered those denizens she already had over the course of generations into stronger, smarter, better fighters. She was raising an army.
What the queen of diamonds didn’t know was that her knight and the knight of spades were in love. They kept their affair hidden from their respective queens for obvious reasons, but met in secret regularly. Wishing to limit the chance that they might have to meet in battle personally, the knight of diamonds told the knight of spades what the queen was doing.
The knight of spades took this information to his own queen, who thankfully didn’t probe too deeply into how he’d learned it. Instead, she immediately set about raising an army of her own, and passed the information on to the queen of clubs personally.
The queen of clubs, then, faced a rather pressing issue: like the queen of diamonds, she did not have enough subjects in fighting shape to raise an army. Unlike her counterpart, however, she did not have several generations’ notice with which to rectify that weakness—nor did she even have a knight of her own.
So, after obtaining permission from her new ally, she searched far and wide in the domain of the queen of spades to find a champion, one who could inspire their peers to fight their hardest, with the knowledge to select the generals and lieutenants and foot soldiers who would be able to defend her queendom.
And find one she did. The champion was such an effective leader, so adept at rallying people to follow her with true deep-seated conviction for the cause, that she would come to be known as the queen of hearts.
It was at this point that the Crown Prince stopped and gestured to the rose bush. I realized that I’d become so thoroughly engrossed in his story that I’d lost track of time, and I was thankful I’d thought to set a time limit. He sensed this too, and as I went to pluck a rose hip he asked if I was enjoying the story. I asked him in turn where he’d learned it. He said that he was the only one in the world who knew it. I asked if he meant he’d made it up, and he didn’t respond.
Instead, he said I’d have to come back later to hear more of it. I told him I didn’t even know how I’d gotten here in the first place, much less how I’d return, but he insisted that I’d find my way. As I left the courtyard, he turned his attention back to the mushroom I’d given him, turning it over and over in his hands.
I was just about set to head back to Calder’s stream when I realized something all of a sudden: I couldn’t touch my patient, which meant I wouldn’t be able to force him to swallow the potion—he’d have to do it voluntarily, without spitting it out or spilling any. Liquid fire, one of my major ingredients, was notoriously both very hot and very spicy, making it difficult to stomach. I would need something to cover the taste. I remembered that I had the candy rock back at the cottage, but I was honestly closer to Moonbreaker Mountain. So, I decided to just run over and find some on my own.
I took a path I hadn’t been on before. About halfway up the mountain, I came across Mòrag McKinney, knelt at a shrine. It took her a long time to notice me, but when she did she smiled and bade me sit down next to her. She told me this was a shrine to Cernunnos, the antlered god of nature, hunters, druidry, fertility, and warriors. She said those going on journeys often placed offerings at it hoping for his favor. I asked if she was going on a journey and she said no, she’d just started coming here recently. Something about it called her.
She traced little circles in the dirt with her finger as she told me about Cernunnos, his ability to call animals to him, how wild-growing plants were considered his bounty. I had heard of Cernunnos before, even if I hadn’t studied him closely, but I let her speak. When she was finished, I apologized and told her I was on a deadline. I asked her where I might find the candy rocks. She seemed disappointed to see me go, but directed me a little ways up the path. I hurried off and found a large cluster easily. The rocks (crystals, really) were extremely brittle—I could break off a good-sized chunk with my hand. Once I’d done so, I hurried back to Calder’s river.
Here is how I made the potion:
First, I crushed the rose hip seeds with my travel mortar and pestle.
Then, I collected some water (Calder was kind enough to let me borrow a bit of his)
Then, I combined it with the seed powder, liquid fire, and candy rock.
Finally, I shook it until it was all combined.
I decided to call the potion Bog’s Bane—a fitting enough name, as it ended up looking like orange mud. My crocodilian patient was staring vaguely off into the distance, so I gave the potion to Calder so he could help get it down. Once he’d finished it, the patient gasped and his eyes unclouded. Already the visible vines crawling up his legs were withering, their yellow buds falling off. I told him he ought to go see Dr. Ardor-Knox in town, and to tell them that he was seriously drained of vitamins and likely anemic. I didn’t know if the doctor had the requisite knowledge of crocodilian physiology to treat him, but I figured sending patients their way might help smooth things over with them. The crocodilian was still a bit out of it but seemed to understand well enough. He paid me for the potion and stumbled off in the direction of Greenmoor.
When he was gone, I turned to Calder to apologize that my work had cut our picnic short. He said to think nothing of it—the man would have stumbled into his creek anyway, so it was good that someone who knew how to treat him was present when he did. Nevertheless, I asked if we could have a do-over soon, and he said he’d like that.
It was far too late by that point for anything further to happen (though if it’s not wishful thinking there was certainly some tension), so I resigned myself to trudging back home. Now that I’ve recounted the day's events, I’m going straight to bed. Here’s hoping that tomorrow isn’t quite so hectic.
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doyoufancyathought · 4 years ago
Through The Utility Closet Part 2: An Unexpected Visitor
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Y/N looked up from where she had landed on the floor. There was a table of open mouthed individuals, and one very confused presenter, looking down on her. Whoops, this is something she'd have to text her best friend about when she got home.
"I'm so sorry," Y/N stood up and dusted off her apron. "I had no idea there was a second door in the closet, and I couldn't find the light switch, and-"
And she was cut off. "Where did you come from?" The presenter asked.
Y/N motioned to the closet she had just spilled out of. "The storage room?"
"That's a coat closet. And we don't even keep coats in it. How long have you been hiding in there?"
"I'm so sorry," Y/N started to back up, not liking the route her evening had taken. "I swear I wasn't hiding, I was just in the room to put a box on the shelf, I was only in there for a minute, I swear."
He looked confused, as did the people seated around the table. "We've been here for 20 minutes, and there's no way you snuck past us carrying a box."
"Oh, there must be a different door that I came through, then. I'm so sorry, I'll be going now."
"Wait a minute," the man walked over and blocked her from getting back into the closet. "This is my coat closet, and I want to investigate where you came from. Rogers, come here please."
A hulking blonde man stood up from the opposite side of the table and started walking towards our heroine. He said a quiet "Hi, 'scuse me." and maneuvered past her and joined the other man in the room.
"Tony, there's no other door, just the one right here." The blond man said.
I suppose it's important to establish that it's not normal to have secondary doors to coat closets unless you live in a haunted Victorian home full of ghosts that have already plotted 63 different ways to kill you by Tuesday.
"I know, Steve!"
"Then where did she come from?"
"I don't know! She certainly didn't sneak in since we've been here!"
The two men in the closet bickered back and forth for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Y/N turned to the room full of strangers who were observing both her and the argument in the closet in equal amounts. She caught the eye of a massive brunet, and gave him the classic smile given to those you wish to scootch past in the grocery store. He looked away, and a man who I could have sworn had just had a red complexion rose from his chair to stand beside Y/N.
"I do apologize for our manners. My name is Vision, what's yours?"
"I'm Y/N."
"Lovely name. And where are you from, Y/N?"
This gave her pause. She assumed that she was from the same place as they were, the town they were all in at this very moment.
"I'm from here?"
"And where exactly do you think here is?"
"What, you think this door teleported me? I'm in (hometown) of course, same as you!" Y/N chuckled as she looked around the room. She caught the rest of the group exchanging looks, and sighed. "Right?"
Vision gently patted her shoulder. "I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, dear, but you're not in (hometown) anymore. You're in New York."
Y/N looked between Vision and the others. "What? That's crazy! I'm not - there's no way. You guys are crazy." Y/N looked over her shoulder to see the two men in the closet peering out at the rest of the room. "Did you find the other door? I really should get back to work, and I'm sure you all should get back to your meeting."
They shook their heads and moved out of the closet, although it was a battle between who entered the doorway first.
"I'll find it, and I'll be on my way." Y/N charged back into the closet, and crossed the foot and a half wide floor with one step. Surely she'd be better at finding a mysteriously elusive door than two men, right? She ran her fingers over the walls, looking for a hinge or a handle or even a bump to indicate an opening of any kind. She'd even pull an Alice in Wonderland and crawl on her hands and knees through a hole in the wall if she must.
Still, no luck. The wall was as smooth as a baby's bottom, which were usually quite smooth. So, Y/N returned to the boardroom with her arms crossed.
"Alright, this joke is very funny, but I'm really ready to go back to work now!"
"We're not pulling a prank here, I promise, we're just as surprised as you are."
"Seriously? Who paid you to do this? I don't know anyone who could pay you to pull this off. Who did it?"
"Seriously, lady, there's no joke here. We're not pranking you."
"Then," Y/N paused and licked her lips. "Hey, man, where did you say we are?"
Vision told her that she was in New York now. It was too much. Between the heat and the stress and the exhaustion, Y/N's brain couldn't take it any longer. Steve barely had time to leap back over the table and catch her in his arms before she crumbled to the floor.
When Y/N woke up, she was still in the boardroom, laid out on the floor, surrounded by good looking strangers. Weirdly, her life was looking better than it usually did.
"What happened?"
"You fainted, dear." A man with a goatee spoke up. "Don't worry, you weren't out for very long. I'm a doctor, by the way. Doctor Stephen Strange."
"That's, well," Y/N searched for a better word to describe her situation. "Strange." The man frowned down at her. "Not you, I'm sorry, just, I don't faint, I'm not really the damsel in distress type. Where am I?"
"This again?!?!" Y/N recognized the man from before, Tony. "You're in New York! Where did you come from?"
"I came from work, in (hometown). I don't just wear this apron around for fun, you know!" Y/N gestured to her apron, which conveniently had the company logo on it. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "So, I'm in New York. And I came out of your coat closet. And before that, I was at my job in (hometown), just going about my day. How did I get here?"
"Well," the man called Vision came back into the room. "I'm not quite sure, but if I had to guess, which I don't do often, you've just come through an inter-dimensional portal."
"A what now?"
"An inter-dimensional portal. You've travelled through space, clearly, possibly time as well, and I would guess you've also travelled across different planes of reality since you seem to have no comprehension of who we are. Thus, you've crossed into a different dimension that the one you usually reside in."
"That totally makes sense."
"Oh, really?" The blond giant from earlier asked.
"No, absolutely not. That did not make sense at all, Vision. I thought portals only existed in sci-fi, like Star Trek or stuff like that!" Y/N was, indeed, very confused.
"I think the science might be a little beyond your understanding, dear." Vision said. "But it appears to me that your storage cupboard was a doorway to this universe, to this reality. Sometimes these things just pop up, you know."
Y/N looked at Vision. "No, I don't know that these things just pop up! Pretty sure I would have heard about it on the news." Everyone sat for a moment, pondering their next steps. "So does anyone have any ideas on how to get me back to my world?" Y/N looked around hopefully.
The group of people around her all looked at each other, and Tony, Vision, and Dr. Strange looked thoughtful.
"I think that between the three of us we can probably figure out how to get you home." Dr. Strange finally said.
"And how long will that take? Like a couple of hours maybe?" Y/N asked from the floor.
"Uh, no." Tony stood up and started clearing off a whiteboard. "Inter-dimensional portals cannot be figured out in just a few hours, strange lady. It'll take a few days, at best. You got somewhere to stay?"
"Tony, she's not going to have anywhere to stay, she's not from here." Steve explained.
"She can stay with us!" a dark man with a buzz cut offered. "I've got a spare room in the basement still, she can stay there until we figure out how to get her home. I'm Sam, by the way."
"Hi Sam, I'm Y/N. You don't have to take me in, I can just stay in a shelter if there's one nearby."
"Hang on, I'm calling Fury." Tony dialled a phone, and pointed at me while it was ringing. "You're not staying in a shelter."
"No, it's fine, I'm sure it won't be too bad."
"They're terrible, you're not staying at a shelter, you're coming with me." Sam said.
"And why would I stay with you? I don't know who you are, why should I trust you more than some homeless shelter?" Y/N was standing now, and crossed her arms.
"We're the Avengers! You can trust us."
"I don't think you understand how little that means to me. Who are you?"
"The Avengers."
"And what is the Avengers? Sounds like either a league of superheroes or a terrible pop group."
"We're superheroes."
"Oh shit really?" Y/N blushed. "You're superheroes, for real?"
The group around the table nodded.
"So who's got the laser eyes?"
The group looked mildly confused, because none of them had laser eyes, but fortunately they didn't have a chance to answer, because Fury answered the phone, and Tony set it to speaker.
"What can I help you with, Stark?"
"Well, see, here's the situation. We're just sitting here, having our meeting, and the closet door pops open and this girl comes flying out onto the floor."
"Okay, so you have a spy, you know what to do with that."
"I'm not done yet. We thought she was a spy, but we've come to the conclusion that she actually just came through an inter-dimensional portal."
"So you have an alien in your conference room?"
"She's not an alien, Mr. Fury." Vision interjected. "I've scanned her, and she seems to be perfectly human."
Y/N frowned. She didn't like the thought of being scanned without consent. And how could Vision tell that she was human anyways? And did this guy think she was an alien? Were aliens common in this world?
The man on the other end of the phone sighed. "Is she there?"
"Yeah, she's been here the whole time. You're on speaker." Tony responded.
"I'd like to speak to her."
"Talk away, she's right here."
"Hello, what's your name?"
"I'm Y/n." she said, moving closer to the phone.
"Hi, well welcome to Earth. I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD. Welcome to Earth."
"Thanks, but I'm already from Earth, I don't really need a welcome."
"Ok, we'll brush past that for now. Have they explained the inter-dimension portals to you yet?"
"They tried, but if I'm being honest that's a little bit out of my league."
"Fair enough. You're in good hands there; we have the best scientists in the world at those labs. As you might imagine, it's not really an exact science, these portals, so it might take our team a while to figure out how to get you home."
"So are you guys like the men in black? Do you have that movie here?"
"Yeah, we have that movie here. I'm guessing that your world is very very similar to ours, so we're going to be taking you down to one of our labs and running a few tests so we can better determine where you're from. In the mean time, I'll let the Avengers take care of you, they don't have any other pressing matters at this time, and just in case you're a violent alien, they're best equipped to deal with you going rogue."
"Uh, well, I guess that sounds good. I promise I'm not an alien though."
"We'll see about that." Fury hung up and I looked around the room.
"I should make introductions, pardon my manners." Vision stood up from his seat (he kinda seemed to float, but maybe he was just hella graceful).
"This is Steven Rogers, you might hear him referred to as Captain America." The blond man who had earlier joined Tony in a closet gave a quick wave and a smile. He seemed very friendly.
"This is James Barnes, he's very quiet, so don't take offence if he doesn't say much to you. He means no harm." Vision pointed to the brunet I had locked eyes with earlier, and he gave a small smile, but didn't wave.
"This is Sam Wilson, as you know. He, Steve, and James all live together in Sam's house, and I suppose you'll be joining them. I'd offer you our couch, but my wife Wanda and I," here he pointed to a lovely brunette woman seated beside him. "are in the middle of renovations, and I'm sure a spare bedroom would be more comfortable for you than a dusty couch."
Y/N nodded. She was going to have a bit of trouble keeping track of everyone's names.
"This is Bruce Banner, this is Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, and of course, I am Vision." They all waved as their names were said.
"Wait, what's your last name?"
"I don't have one, dear. I'm a computer."
"Oh?" Y/N was shocked, understandably so.
"We don't have that in my world."
"Yes, it's uncommon here as well. Are you ready to go do some tests?"
"Um, I guess so. Nice to meet you all."
Vision and Y/N walked out of the meeting room and started down the hallway.
Tony decided to pick up from where they left off. "So as I was saying,"
"Tony!" Steve yelled at him. "What are you doing?"
"Getting back to the meeting we were having?"
"We just had a girl pop through a portal in our closet, and you want to go back to the meeting?"
"Um, yeah. Vision's got her."
"Aren't you curious?"
"Not really."
"The first time something pops out of a portal and doesn't try to kill us, and you're not interested?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Dude, you're crazy. I'm going down to the lab to watch the tests." Scott jumped up from his seat and started making his way to the door.
"Yeah, me too." Steve and Sam stood up, and Bucky followed suit.
Soon enough, the whole team was exiting the conference room and following the path that Y/N and Vision had taken down to the labs. Tony eventually decided to follow them, because he didn't want to be alone.
They got down to the labs, and found Vision waiting in the hallway.
"They sent her to get changed," Vision explained as the team assembled. "If she's staying here for a while, we're going to have to get her some more clothes. I'm sure she doesn't want to stay in her work clothes the entire time."
"Yeah, I'll get Pepper to make arrangements." Tony said.
After a few minutes, Y/N stepped out of a room just off the hallway. She was wearing grey shorts and a black tank top, and nothing on her feet. She frowned as her bare feet hit the cold tile floor.
"Ugh, so cold. Alright, let's figure out where I'm from."
A nurse came and got her, and led her into another room just off the hallway. There was an observation window, and the team gathered around to watch the tests. They watched her as she jumped up on the table, and smiled at the nurse as she began to hook up wires and prep for a blood draw. Soon they would figure out just who this unexpected visitor was.
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web1995 · 6 years ago
Aesthetic Significance and Human Meaning in the Iconography of Monuments to Mickey: What does Mickey Mouse look like?
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Mickey Mouse, a figure with unclear, possibly composite origins amidst the shadows of early human mythology, dominates much of our modern landscape. Visit any city upon any landmass, and you will find the familiar monuments to him, ranging from humble shrines to elaborate multi-storied castles fit to house the Mouse, Himself. Most creation myths regarding Mickey claim he originated in what was known as California, of the so-called United States, though there are variations on the geographical setting, and most speak of pre-plastic human creators, meticulously crafting his first incarnation from bones, potatoes, or, usually, from paper.
It is indisputable that Mickey is a pre-plastic relic. Mickey and his Friends have appeared on clothing, architecture, medical equipment, jewelry, cutlery, aeroplanes, submarines, and nearly every other imaginable pre-plastic object that post-plastic excavation has recorded. In the late stages of pre-plasticism, his image began to take on greater significance to the artists portraying him, and the consumers of Mickey Art grew ever more fervent, leading to the new artforms upon which the Mouse’s plastic throne has been firmly established.
In this essay, the authors’ unified goal is to introduce the reader (doubtlessly already familiar with Mickey and the many monuments dedicated to him) to some finer points of how specific iconography in the omnipresent Mickey Monuments functions to convey meaning. While much of this meaning may be clear on a first viewing and first trip through a monument’s coiled tract, other aspects of it have been lost to pre-plastic history, or lies in details that are better appreciated (in the authors’ opinions) with re-examination. 
Mickey’s following (and the reverence of his followers) are nowhere near devoid of spirituality. However, it bears mentioning that he has never been closer to a religious figure (or “god,” despite his obviously godly status) than to a mascot, an effigy, an anthropomorphic symbolization of the plastic world’s greatest values. Mickey became a symbol of prosperity and fortune early on in the plastic world. These are the main qualities attributed to him historically in his semi-deification, though he has been considered to represent various other patronages (such as joy, cleanliness, rationality, modern medicine, dominion over other beasts, and music, to name a few), and may be considered a “personal” patron by those who seek his favor. 
As prosperity and fortune are ever-changing, Mickey himself has no single traditional depiction. The same artists may depict Mickey differently every time they portray him. There are regional, cultural, and religious trends but has never been a consensus on how “Mickey should look”— and most Mickey enthusiasts will instead reach a consensus on agreeing that there never should be. Let us begin our visual exploration of Mickey Monuments with four strikingly disparate depictions of the Mouse:
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The differences, not only in Mickey’s appearance but in the architectural motifs utilized, intended function of the monuments, overall composition chosen, and other decoration present are astounding. Mickey’s image is ephemeral, in the hands of the creator, but so too in the eye of the beholder— for each of these monuments, once erected, drew admirer’s cries— behold! the Mouse himself!
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Fig. 1
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Fig 2. 
One common motif in Mickey Monuments is the portrayal of Mickey’s head (and sometimes, his many noble heads) alongside the heads of other animals, lacking his pseudo-god qualities. In Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, Mickey’s dominion over ordinary beasts— what appears to be a common mouse, perhaps the extinct pre-plastic rodent Pikachu (if not the closely related, probably also extinct Raichu species), and elephants, demonstrates that Mickey is neither an ordinary rodent nor unable to wield authority over even much larger beasts. 
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Fig. 3
Similarly, in Fig. 3, Mickey’s dominion over other mascots becomes clear. Mickey and his Friends are afforded honors above other pre-plastic cartoons that may have once had a following of their own, because Mickey’s power surpasses theirs. Doraemon, another pseudo-god figure who may once have been equal in popularity to Mickey, is seen here as a mere painting alongside other cartoons, while Mickey is sculpted and elevated into the imperial 3rd dimension to show his status. Snow White takes a similar role in Fig. 1.
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Fig. 4
Two-dimensionality does not always denote a lesser status, however. In Fig. 4, simple iconography is used to evoke Mickey’s presence (as is a “cross” in christianity) in sculpture, accompanied by mosaic and/or fresco depicting Mickey enthroned, in a pastoral scene with his Friends. 
[ A word on Mickey’s Friends— sometimes, Mickey’s Friends appear as his companions, and sometimes as lesser aspects of Mickey’s own soul. In Fig 4, Mickey’s Friends appear to be his acquaintances or subjects, celebrating alongside him, but this is not always the case. All of Mickey’s Friends, Minnie Mouse especially, may be depicted as pseudo-gods equal to Mickey, and quite a few scholarly endeavors have been made in exploring the history of Donald Duck Monuments. Take note that in Fig. 4′s composition Minnie is equal in status to Donald Duck, rather than placed alongside Mickey, while in other monuments, Minnie appears as Mickey’s mirror image (or even as the superior deity, with Mickey as a lackey). ]
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Fig. 5
For a charming interplay of 2D and 3D space, one may turn to Fig. 5, in which is seen a mosaic/fresco of Mickey humorously pointing toward a sculpture of his head (authority), showing different aspects of his soul. Intriguingly, while Donald Duck appears beside Mickey in the arch, only Mickey is given the right to manifest in three dimensions— perhaps playfully reasserting the dimensional hierarchy seen in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3. 
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Fig. 6
In Fig. 6, two-dimensionality has a positive function (with mild third-dimensionism, in the shape of the columns). Mickey and Donald Duck decorate the pillars of this monument, suggesting that they are “pillars of the earth.”
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Fig. 7
Fig. 7 creates little distinction between relief, freestanding sculpture, architectural contour, and painted icon, in a chaotic plastic landscape, with one notable exception to this blurring of category— Mickey’s gaping mouth allows visitors to crawl in or out from it, bringing Mickey (and thus, fortune) into their life as both creator and judge. 
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Fig. 8
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Fig. 9
Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 demonstrate monuments in which Mickey’s eyes are obscured, showing his impartiality. Mickey’s ongoing popularity as a figure and his enduring semi-deification probably have been assisted by the human desire to appeal to fortune for help, and the human understanding that fortune is simply another word for “fate.” Mickey’s face acts as a softening mask over fate’s seemingly arbitrary, often cruel judgement.
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Fig. 10
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Fig. 11
Subdued by comparison, deliberatively minimalist Mickey Monuments like Fig. 11 followed controversy surrounding laboriously painted monuments such as Fig. 10. Elaborate paintings of Mickey and Friends drew criticism for their “gaudiness” at the same time that they drew praise for honoring Mickey with the luxury he deserves. Fig. 10 aims to be a gilded celebration of Mickey’s pantheon. Simpler designs like Fig. 11 typically signal an intent to prioritize the visitor’s relationship with Mickey himself.
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Fig. 12
Some monuments do verge on genuine deification of Mickey, such as Fig. 12′s emphasis on his Head of rationality and Hand of justice (with frescoes).
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Fig. 13
Other monuments use allegory to pay tribute to history. Fig. 13 shows a castle that has been decorated with frescoes of Mickey and Friends as the four humors, showing the influence Mickey has had on modern medicine.
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Fig. 14
It is only reasonable to take some time to focus especially on Minnie’s role in Mickey Monuments. Here, in Fig. 14, Mickey and Minnie Mouse are depicted as equals, sharing in the honor of a triumphal arch.
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Fig. 15
In Fig. 15, Minnie and Mickey take on the role of two sphinxes (the “ups and downs” of fortune, if you will). Minnie beckons the visitor to ascend the monument’s stygian stairs, while Mickey laughs at their all-too-abrupt plunge from grace. Both are mischievous (yet non-malevolent) figures.
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Fig. 16
Another triumphal arch, Fig. 16 actually centers Minnie herself. Minnie’s distinction from Mickey is not always clear— is she half of a single pseudo-god? While it is tempting to argue that Minnie’s status is entwined in Mickey’s, as much a part of him as he is of her, viewing her merely as half of Mickey reduces her significance in Mickey Monuments that have made the conscious decision to honor Minnie in the better-known Mouse’s stead. 
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Fig. 17
However, Mickey and Minnie sometimes are portrayed as two halves of a single soul, as seen in Fig. 17, in which case there seems no other choice but to admit these figures do, at least partially, share an overlapping self. Fig. 17′s melding of their flesh establishes them as true equals, though it is Mickey’s outstretched Hand of justice that seems to wield their shared power. 
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Fig. 18
When portrayed together, Minnie and Mickey seem to be conveying a shared power more stable than Mickey’s capricious rule might appear alone, evoking imagery of pre-plastic royalty. In Fig. 18, Mickey stands above the world, confidently surveying his surroundings, while Minnie luxuriates in her power, appearing to rule with serenity in this Mickey Monument clearly meant to show their dominion over Spiderman. 
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Fig. 19
In Fig. 19, the entirety of the monument is an altar, dedicated to Minnie. A small yet ornate monument, this altar’s subject matter is again the motif of dominion over beasts. Here is a hierarchy: an ordinary rodent, with little significance; Pluto, who is to Goofy what a human must be to Apollo; and Minnie, a true pseudo-god, blessed with wisdom beyond that of each lower category of beast. She appears to use her wisdom benevolently, gazing out at the visitor with self awareness and a welcoming expression, while Pluto lacks the ability to look into a higher dimension and interact with the beings there (and the ordinary rodent is merely a rodent). Minnie’s bold stare shows the visitor that she is aware of dimensions beyond the two that she has been painted in, that she feels no fear of the third dimension (indeed, she appears unsurprised and if at all surprised, merely charmed by the sight of the 3D world) and may in fact be aware of dimensions beyond even the one through which her visitors approach. This not-so-simple altar has an entire pseudo-theology painted on its sides.
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Fig. 20
Mickey Monuments often draw upon existing religious iconography to illustrate Mickey’s form, instead of attempting to create a separate pseudo-theology as seen in Fig. 19. Fig. 20 is a Monumental variation on an “Annunciation” scene, from christian myth, depicting Mickey announcing Mickey’s birth to Mickey.
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Fig. 21
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Fig. 22
Another reference to christian iconography, Fig. 21 depicts a Monument in which Mickey is the Gate through which lies “salvation.” ("Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus" or, in this case perhaps, there is no salvation outside the House of Mouse). In contrast, Fig. 22 depicts Mickey and Friends as bringers of joy and supporters of same sex marriage. 
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Fig. 23
Above the central portal by which the monument in Fig. 23 may be entered, the visitor is confronted with an unusual wall mosaic depicting Mickey and Friends as patrons of "fun" and "cleanliness." The subject matter may be a unique twist on Mickey’s patronage, but this style of Mickey Monument certainly isnt— wall ornamentation is a common motif, seen in many previous figures.
To conclude this essay, the authors have chosen to draw back from their closer analysis of these Mickey Monuments, to return to the most intuitive way of appreciating them: as a visiting admirer. Following will be examples of some unique and particularly visually striking Mickey Monuments, which the reader is free to admire and/or to apply any analysis of their own to, without the authors dominating the Mickey Monument conversation. Mickey may have dominion over all cartoons, mascots, and other beasts, but each follower of Mickey must decide for themself, in the end— what does Mickey look like?
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rayonwash4-blog · 5 years ago
Top 5 Abilities Employers Search For
What Guard Can As Well As Can Not Do
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Professional Driving Capacity
Whizrt: Simulated Intelligent Cybersecurity Red Team
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Objectsecurity. The Security Plan Automation Company.
The Kind Of Security Guards
Every one of these courses supply a declarative-based strategy to reviewing ACL information at runtime, releasing you from requiring to compose any type of code. Please refer to the example applications to discover just how to make use of these courses. Spring Security does not offer any type of special integration to immediately create, update or delete ACLs as component of your DAO or repository operations. Rather, you will require to compose code like revealed above for your private domain name objects. It deserves taking into consideration using AOP on your solutions layer to instantly integrate the ACL details with your services layer procedures.
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cmdlet that can be made use of to listing techniques and buildings on an object quickly. Figure 3 shows a PowerShell manuscript to mention this details. Where feasible in this research, typical customer benefits were used to supply insight into readily available COM things under the worst-case situation of having no administrative advantages.
Whizrt: Simulated Intelligent Cybersecurity Red Group
Users that are members of several teams within a duty map will constantly be approved their greatest consent. For instance, if John Smith is a member of both Team An and Group B, and Team A has Manager opportunities to an object while Team B just has Audience civil liberties, Appian will treat John Smith as an Administrator. OpenPMF's support for advanced access control versions consisting of proximity-based accessibility control, PBAC was likewise even more prolonged. To fix numerous challenges around applying safe and secure distributed systems, ObjectSecurity released OpenPMF variation 1, during that time among the first Attribute Based Gain access to Control (ABAC) items in the market.
The picked users and functions are now listed in the table on the General tab. Opportunities on dices allow customers to accessibility service actions and execute analysis.
Object-Oriented Security is the technique of making use of usual object-oriented style patterns as a system for accessibility control. Such mechanisms are commonly both simpler to utilize and also more effective than conventional security designs based upon globally-accessible resources safeguarded by accessibility control lists. Object-oriented security is closely pertaining to object-oriented testability as well as various other advantages of object-oriented style. When a state-based Accessibility Control Checklist (ACL) is as well as exists integrated with object-based security, state-based security-- is offered. You do not have consent to view this object's security homes, also as a management individual.
You might write your ownAccessDecisionVoter or AfterInvocationProviderthat respectively fires before or after an approach invocation. Such classes would certainly useAclService to obtain the relevant ACL and after that callAcl.isGranted( Permission [] permission, Sid [] sids, boolean administrativeMode) to determine whether permission is granted or denied. At the same time, you could utilize our AclEntryVoter, AclEntryAfterInvocationProvider orAclEntryAfterInvocationCollectionFilteringProvider courses.
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Whether you are a young single woman or nurturing a family, Lady Guard is designed specifically for women to cover against female-related illnesses. Lady Guard gives you the option to continue taking care of your family living even when you are ill.
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It permitted the central authoring of accessibility policies, as well as the automated enforcement throughout all middleware nodes making use of neighborhood decision/enforcement factors. Thanks to the assistance of several EU funded study jobs, ObjectSecurity discovered that a main ABAC strategy alone was not a convenient means to execute security plans. Visitors will get a comprehensive consider each element of computer system security and exactly how the CORBAsecurity requirements fulfills each of these security requires.
Understanding facilities It is a best practice to provide specific teams Visitor civil liberties to understanding centers as opposed to setting 'Default (All Other Customers)' to customers.
This suggests that no fundamental user will certainly have the ability to start this process design.
Appian recommends giving customer accessibility to specific teams instead.
Appian has detected that this process version might be utilized as an action or related action.
Doing so makes sure that record folders as well as records embedded within understanding facilities have actually specific visitors set.
You have to also provide benefits on each of the measurements of the dice. Nonetheless, you can establish fine-grained gain access to on a measurement to restrict the advantages, as defined in "Creating Data Security Plans on Cubes and dimensions". You can withdraw as well as set object privileges on dimensional objects using the SQL GIVE and REVOKE commands. You provide security on views and also emerged sights for dimensional objects similarly as for any kind of other views and also emerged sights in the database. You can provide both data security and object security in Analytic Work area Manager.
What is a security objective?
General career objective examples Secure a responsible career opportunity to fully utilize my training and skills, while making a significant contribution to the success of the company. Seeking an entry-level position to begin my career in a high-level professional environment.
Since their security is acquired by all objects embedded within them by default, expertise facilities and also regulation folders are taken into consideration high-level objects. For example, security set on expertise facilities is inherited by all embedded record folders and papers by default. Also, security established on regulation folders is inherited by all embedded policy folders and also rule things including user interfaces, constants, expression rules, choices, and assimilations by default.
Objectsecurity. The Security Policy Automation Company.
In the instance above, we're obtaining the ACL connected with the "Foo" domain object with identifier number 44. We're after that including an ACE to make sure that a principal named "Samantha" can "administer" the object.
The Types Of Security Guards
Topics covered include verification, recognition, and advantage; accessibility control; message security; delegation as well as proxy issues; auditing; and, non-repudiation. The author additionally provides many real-world examples of how protected object systems can be utilized to impose useful security plans. after that pick both of the worth from drop down, right here both worth are, one you appointed to app1 and also various other you designated to app2 and also maintain adhering to the step 1 to 9 meticulously. Right here, you are defining which individual will see which app and by following this remark, you specified you problem user will see both application.
What is a good objective for a security resume?
Career Objective: Seeking the position of 'Safety Officer' in your organization, where I can deliver my attentive skills to ensure the safety and security of the organization and its workers.
Security Vs. Presence
For object security, you also have the option of using SQL GIVE and REVOKE. provides fine-grained control of the data on a cellular degree. When you want to limit accessibility to particular areas of a cube, you just require to specify information security plans. Data security is carried out using the XML DB security of Oracle Data source. The next step is to really make use of the ACL details as component of permission decision logic as soon as you have actually used the above strategies to store some ACL details in the data source.
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writersrealmbts · 7 years ago
Bulletproof Melody: Part 1
Description: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn?
Prologue: Meet the Heroes
Warnings: Violence
Posted: 9/09/2018
Tags: SuperheroAU, Superhero!BTS, superpowered!BTS
Angst with little fluffs: 3,966 words
A/N: So, hopefully I’ve written it clearly enough that you guys know who is who, if not, there’s always the guide, so check that out. I haven’t gotten far enough into the story to actually decide who the love interest is, though it might come across as one more than another. The first few parts are mostly going to be exploring the powers and building up the relationship to the boys I promise there will be more action later.
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You rolled out of the way of your opponent’s kick, and grabbed the pipe, turning and swinging it at her knees before getting back to your feet. You swung again and caught her head.
She crumpled to the ground.
You dropped the pipe and leaned against one of the columns. “It is five in the damn morning on a Monday. I haven’t even had coffee yet and someone decides to try and steal from a bank. Most people do this in the middle of the night, but no, you wake me up before dawn. I hope you have a splitting headache when you wake up,” You told your unconscious enemy.
“That’s not very kind,” a teasing voice said from behind you.
You turned to look at your eternal thorn in the side. “This is my territory, why do you always show up?”
“Had to make sure you won,” He teased, dropping to the ground beside you.
“Really?” You folded your arms.
He flashed a winning smile. “Come on, Nightingale, admit it: if I didn’t come around you would totally get lonely.”
You hated that he was right. “Don’t flatter yourself, Jera. I mean, just the name is enough to annoy me.”
“I didn’t come up with it.” He flicked his wrist and there was a squeak of protest from your enemy as she was tied up with vines.
You sighed. “Yeah, yeah. Each of your members has the name of a Nordic rune because the journalist that first wrote about you guys not only called you the bulletproof boy-scouts—“
“Annoying name.”
“But also decided that he would name Eihwaz and Laguz after Nordic runes. Then the rest of you just accepted it and helped each other choose names. You opted out and ended up as Jera—after vehemently protesting Berkano at my insistence.”
“You still haven’t told me what it means,” he said, stepping close, obviously flirting.
“You could just look it up?”
“Now where would the fun be in that, petunia?” He tucked a flower in your hair. He was dangerously close, his powers radiating off of him, and sensed by you with your own power.
You smirked up at him. “You wish for a connection. If I tell you, you won’t have a reason to keep talking to me except for these useless check ups to see if I won or lost.”
He rolled his eyes. “You always make things harder. Don’t tell me.”
“I will. I’ll tell you when I’m dying.”
He grew serious as he realized you were. He swallowed and nodded. “So when we’re old.”
“Old is relative.”
“Hey,” he said, sounding worried. “Don’t…Don’t get yourself killed doing something stupid.”
You opened your mouth to reply, then snapped it shut as you sensed a fire super nearby. You pulled out some of your cached energy, handing one of the crystal pieces to Jera. “Fire, over there.”
He crushed the energy piece in his hand with a nod, preparing himself for whoever it was.
You picked the pipe up again.
“Nightingale and Jera? Lovers in the night? Or secret villains, colluding against the team he’s in?” A man’s voice rumbled in the darkness as his eyes began to glow like embers.
“Neither,” Jera answered, already in a fighting stance.
“You have something that belongs to me, Nightingale. I will have it back.”
“Her?” You guessed, pointing the pipe at the girl who looked up at you like you were crazy. You shrugged at her.
“Why should I care about some low-level thief? No, I speak of a scroll. A scroll that will solve all of my problems.” His eyes went from orange to blue in an instant.
Jera glanced at you, curious and uneasy. His powers weren’t strong against fire. He would get hurt if he fought for you.
You tried to think of what it could be. You had collected a few scrolls that supers had imbued their powers into upon retirement or as they died. It was like a sort of legacy. Because your caches existed on dimensional planes that only you or your ancestors could access, you stored a lot of dangerous weapons and artifacts for people.
“You try my patience!”
“My family has been collecting scrolls for centuries, you’ll have to be a little more specific!” You snapped, pointing the pipe at him in annoyance.
“The scroll of delight.”
You frowned. “Yeah, no, I’d have to check the records.”
A fireball caught Jera straight in the chest.
He screamed in pain, dropping to the ground as you shrieked in surprise.
“You have one week to get me that scroll! Or else I will burn this city to the ground!” The super roared, then erupted in a pillar of flames.
You dropped to Jera’s side. “Hold still for just a moment…I’ll…I know a song for this…” you squeezed your eyes shut, then slowly started humming. You felt the right sort of energy flow through you and you started sing the words of a healing song, gently touching where he got burned.
He grew still, his breathing calming down as the pain lessened. “Thanks, Tinny.”
You finished the song and surveyed your work. Now it just appeared he’d been in the sun for too long. You let out a shaky sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, if I hadn’t gotten snarky with him—“
“You still couldn’t have given the scroll to him. He’s clearly hostile,” he cut you off, sitting up gingerly. Then he fixed his gaze on you. “You’re going to need help.”
You looked away for a moment. “I am.”
He got up and helped you up. “We’ll leave her for the police to find when they finally show up. Let’s go talk to the other boys.”
You nodded.
Jera caught you by your waist and pulled you against his body. “Hold on tight.”
You grabbed on quickly, then the two of you were being tossed into the air by a tree.
There was a flash of light and then you were in their lair.
Both of you dropped to the ground groaning.
“Hyung!” Jera protested, rubbing his eyes.
“It was the fastest way to get you here.” Sowilo was glaring at you until he recognized you from your few encounters. “Nightingale?”
“Did you just turn me into particles of light?”
“So that’s how you stay so skinny,” you muttered.
He laughed, his tired appearance melting. “I can’t keep it as particles of light.”
“Oh well, it was just a guess anyway.”
“He forgets to eat,” Jera told you, clapping his teammate on the shoulder. “Too busy napping.”
You giggled as Sowilo protested his brother’s honesty loudly, groaning about him being loud.
You turned toward Laguz and smiled. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?” He asked, curious but cautious. Then he saw Jera. “What happened to you?!”
“Fire super. We’ll explain once the team is together. It doesn’t hurt that much. I’m just going to put on a different shirt. Take her to the meeting room?” Jera placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, knowing that you weren’t around this many people often.
Laguz nodded. “Alright. Wilo, lead on.”
“Hyung, no jokes. We don’t want to scare her,” Jera added, then passed through a different door.
Laguz looked a little miffed.
“Don’t ask, they’re terrible.” Sowilo put himself between you and Laguz. “I told the others that we have a visitor. They should be decent.”
“I sincerely hope you just mean that they weren’t disguised,” you muttered, uncomfortable with the two men that you barely knew. You were examining your surroundings cautiously, trying to calm your nerves.
Raidho appeared in front of you (technically transported) and grinned. “Nightingale!”
You gave a nervous smile. “Raidho.”
“You’re actually here! Wow! Jera has told us a lot about you!” He grabbed your hand and shook it. His voice was deeper than you had imagined, and he seemed surprisingly goofy and energetic compared to when he was working. Out there he was methodical and exact. Sure, he would smile and such, but he always seemed focused. Intense.
“Raid, calm down. You’ll scare her. She’s a loner, this is a little new for her,” Laguz said in a voice that said scolding but with a look like you would give a beloved pet who was being adorable.
Raidho pouted slightly, looking at you. “You’re not scared of me, are you?”
You kind of were, but more because you had seen him fight and he was a stranger than because you actually thought he was scary.
He looked so hurt when you didn’t answer. “You are?” His already big eyes widened. “Why would you be afraid of me?”
“I’m not…per se. I get around. I’ve seen you fight. And you’re standing really close to me right now.”
Sowilo pulled Raidho back. “Sorry about him.”
“Ah, don’t be afraid of me!” He looked like he was about to beg.
You looked at Laguz for help.
He clapped a hand on Raidho’s shoulder. “Relax, she just doesn’t know you yet and she’s a little shy. Right?”
“I would have said cautious,” you replied.
“Nah, you’re shy.” Sowilo turned to keep walking. “Nothing wrong with that. It’s a good defense mechanism given the secrecy that we all need to operate with.”
“So, what happened? I doubt you’re the one who did that to Jera.” Laguz kept moving forward beside you, making sure Raidho kept moving as well.
“Jera will explain,” you said, a little nervously since you didn’t know if he actually would.
Raidho bounced. “Are we teaming up? That’d be so cool!”
You shrugged slightly, sensing the powers of Tiwaz and Mannaz ahead.
Tiwaz was the leader of the group, though he often said he shouldn’t be. He had super speed, could sense danger before it came about, and if he gave someone a penny they would be completely honest for about ten minutes. He could get two minutes of honesty without the penny, last you heard. He was also somewhat clumsy because of his speed. Still, he was considered one of the most powerful supers in the country and was highly respected in the hero community.
Mannaz had animal related powers, able to communicate with and transform into animals. He also had a sort of animalistic empathy, like how a dog could sense emotions of humans.
The only person in their group that you couldn’t sense was Eihwaz, the youngest member of their group, who had the powers of super strength and force fields. He was probably out of range of what you could sense though.
Sowilo grunted. “I’m gonna need a nap after this. You’ll have to keep me awake.”
“Why?” Laguz asked.
Sowilo didn’t answer, almost going invisible as there was a flash of light before Eihwaz appeared in the hallway with all of you.
Raidho caught Sowilo as the latter stumbled. “I could have done it Hyung,” he murmured, sounding both apologetic and pouty.
Eihwaz was staring at you with wide eyes. “You’re…”
He nodded. “Uh, nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, Eihwaz.” You hummed a certain way, hitting the notes to open your cache of energy, pulling one out and handing it to Sowilo. “This is only an hours worth of energy, but it should get you through the meeting.”
He looked at the crystal in his hand, then at you with confusion.
“Crush it in your hand.”
He did, then flinched and his eyes became huge. His mouth dropped open slightly. “So that’s what Jera meant when he said you can store anything.”
You hummed slightly, sending the dust to a different cache, and nodded. “Anything but others powers. And emotions. Well, I can store some emotions, but the emotion has to be strong and I have to store it with some sort of substance that matches the emotion. Sadness and those similar are stored using collected tears, anger with blood, happiness with lemonade.”
“Blood?!” Laguz gave you a concerned look.
“Hey, it was in the vial when I inherited that vault from my parents. Besides, anger isn’t something that should be stored. The only reason I still have it is because there are certain weapons that require a little bit of anger to keep them in check. As well as a protection scroll that requires essence of anger to activate it. Almost forgot about that. I should put that somewhere easier to reach,” you muttered, pulling out your notebook and writing a note to yourself about doing that.
“Why is happiness lemonade?” Raidho asked, curiousity in his large eyes.
“Well, in the days of my great-great-great-grandparents it was wine. But there were a few too many of my relatives enjoying the happy juice so my great-great-grandmother changed it to lemonade and it’s been that way ever since.” You looked away, getting nervous the closer you got to where Tiwaz and Mannaz were. Both were intimidating, somehow even more so than Sowilo, even though he was solemn most often and Tiwaz had a tendency toward klutziness.
Mannaz was just intense and fought too well for you to ever hope to go against him. Frankly, he scared you even more than Raidho. When Jera had heard it he had laughed. A lot.
“What happened to the dust from the crystal?” Sowilo asked, looking at his hand.
“It’s sleep dust now, I stored it with the rest.”
“That’s so cool!” Raidho grinned.
Eihwaz kept well ahead of the rest of us, not saying anything, but looking curious despite his nervousness.
You understood the feeling.
Laguz stepped through the double doors first, bringing up a bridge from under the water that lined the new, circular room. Plants grew on many of the walls, and were in pots here and there about the room. A fountain, like a waterfall, flowed down the one planter wall and into the water around the room. There was a miniature Tesla coil off to one side, near a computer setup that was impressive. A set of weights that looked impossible to use were sitting on the opposite side of the room. The light seemed natural, yet there were no windows, and prisms were scattered about the room creating rainbows in random spots. Also scattered throughout the room were cushions, mats, and dog or cat beds tucked into corners and niches.
And in the very center, surrounded by the chaos created by all seven members, was an oval table with seven chairs at it. A clear glass ball sat in the center, no doubt to help Sowilo project images better.
Tiwaz was studying papers on the table and looking perplexed.
Mannaz shifted out of being a calico cat and into a human just a few feet away. “They’re here.”
Tiwaz looked up and his expression softened, looked happy. “Nightingale, it’s an honor to have you here.”
“Honor to be here, though circumstances could be better.”
He nodded. “Right. I think we’re just waiting for—“
“Everyone to sit down,” Jera interrupted with a chuckle. He had changed into casual clothes and damn it looked good.
Not that any of these boys knew how to look bad.
You nervously crossed the bridge and approached the meeting table, following the boys.
Jera moved to your side, giving you a reassuring smile. “I’ll do the talking.”
Relief flooded you. “Thanks.”
“Sorry I ran off. They treat you okay?”
“I think I broke Raidho’s heart.”
He looked concerned and surprised. “How?”
“I couldn’t say I wasn’t scared of him.” You kept your voice at a whisper, conscious of the other ears in the room.
He laughed. “He’ll get over it.” He gently led you to a chair opposite Tiwaz and pulled it out for you.
You sat, unable to meet the gazes around you. You hadn’t realized how tired you were until you sat down. That fight had taken it out of you and with the temporary energy starting to wear off as your nervousness and unease ate away at you, you were feeling the exhaustion from your early morning activities.
“I went to see how Nightingale made out with her fight after finishing helping Mannaz and Laguz at the—“
The computer beeped loudly enough to cut Jera off.
Tiwaz was at it in a millisecond. “Robbery at a…toy store? A man, alone.”
“Is it a Gerald’s?” You asked, sitting up straighter.
He looked back at you with some surprise. “Yeah…”
“He’s one of mine. Gerald’s uses child labor to make their toys, and is putting good toy companies and stores out of business in ways slightly less than legal.” You leaned back in your seat. “I decided I couldn’t be everywhere at once.”
“What does he do with what he steals?” Tiwaz asked, frowning.
You smirked. “He donates them to orphanages, schools, libraries, and day cares. In that order.”
Sowilo smiled. “I think we can let this one slip, Tiwaz.”
Tiwaz nodded and walked back to the table, sitting back down. “You were saying, Jera?”
“A fire super confronted us. Mostly her. He wanted a scroll, said she had it. Called it a scroll of…delight?”
You nodded, still unsure what it could be.
“He said that if we didn’t get him the scroll within a week…he’d burn the city down.” Jera touched his chest gingerly, even though you had managed to heal him mostly. “We can’t give him the scroll, so we only have a week to stop him.”
“Do we know where the scroll is?”
“I don’t even know what it is. I have to check the records, and that…that alone could take a whole day. Maybe two.” Your father hadn’t been the most organized vault-keeper, and had spent most of his life collecting the things that shouldn’t be available to just anyone. Which left you with a mess. Not to mention the records dated back centuries. To your eight-times-great-grandfather, who had compiled and translated the previous records into one book.
There were now twenty-four books and none had been updated. It was your project when you had spare time. Which was any time you weren’t fighting, really. Your family's long history had you set for life, so you didn't really need to work a job. Instead you did consulting on specific artifacts and pieces of art, and were decently well-known for collecting pieces by specific artisans. Not to mention you basically acted as a secure deposit box for other supers and sometimes they ‘rented’ the space they used.
“Tinny needs protection, and help taking this guy down. He’s dangerous.”
You nodded. You usually dealt with low level stuff and you knew your limitations. Your powers weren’t fighting powers. You had learned how to fight on your own, teaching yourself in your spare time. You never wanted to be defenseless. Not again. You didn't like hearing that you needed protection, even though you knew it was true. You were someone who handled thieves and sometimes helped in hostage situations.
The boys handled the bigger threats in the area because they were fighters. Good fighters.
“Okay, so what did he look like?” Sowilo asked.
You shook your head. “We could only see his eyes. And when he burst into a pillar of flames after hurting Jera.”
“He had flaming eyes: orange and then blue. Changed with his mood.”
Laguz sucked in a breath. “That means he’s at the very least a level six threat.”
The boys looked at each other in alarm, but apparently weren’t about to argue with the water-super’s assessment.
“Hyung…” Tiwaz looked at Laguz with uncertainty and worry.
“Did you two come straight here?” Laguz asked, color draining from his face.
Tiwaz suddenly stood up. “We have guests.”
Laguz turned and brought the water surrounding the platform up into a protective bubble around the table and computer, with the bridge leading there as Tiwaz and Sowilo quickly wiped the computers after getting the information they needed from it.
Orange light shone through the protective water barrier on all sides, from all nine entrances.
Laguz was starting to struggle, visibly shaking.
You got up, unsure how to help.
“Eihwaz! Force field! Now!” Tiwaz shouted.
Eihwaz looked panicked, trying desperately to form a force-field.
The fire started eating through the water, causing Laguz to yell in pain.
Eihwaz finally got a force field up, but it was inside the water one, not nearly as large, and almost had Sowilo outside of it.
At that second, Laguz’s yell reached a new volume as the fire deteriorated the last of the water and he collapsed, eyes rolling back.
You caught him, despite his size and weight, staggering slightly.
“Laguz!” Mannaz cried, then turned to Raidho. “You need to get us out of here.”
Raidho nodded, closing his eyes to build up the power.
Eihwaz was barely holding the force field up, and it was getting unbearably hot.
Raidho grabbed Mannaz and Tiwaz.
Jera connected everyone with vines.
Then Raidho jerked everyone backwards.
The world flipped on its head, and then you were landing in a field.
You thought you would be sick, but you focused on Laguz. His pulse was thready and weak. He looked severely dehydrated, and burnt.
“Laguz?” Tiwaz stumbled free of the vines as they let go of everyone and dropped next to the two of you. He gently touched his brother’s face then looked at you. “Can you do anything for him? I know…”
You chewed you lip. “M-maybe songs about water? Hang on, let me get a water bottle out.” You closed your eyes and managed to shakily hum the right combination to get a water bottle. Normally you didn’t have to do it for water, but your nerves were shot, as was your energy.
“Please try the water songs,” Tiwaz asked gently.
“We need to move somewhere safer first,” Jera called.
Mannaz helped Sowilo up. “We’re not out of trouble yet.”
Eihwaz picked up the passed out form of Raidho.
You breathed shakily. “We’ll have to go to the safe house. But I won’t be able to help Laguz right away if we do, though.”
They all looked at each other with concern.
Jera came over and checked Laguz again. The water had helped a little, but it had to be given in small sips. He needed an IV.
“Does it have medical supplies?” Tiwaz asked.
You nodded. “I updated it two years ago to have a med-bay.”
Jera carefully took Laguz from you. “I guess we need to be put in storage then.”
You closed your eyes and started singing, opening the door to the safe house. You barely got the door to appear.
The boys did the rest though, getting Laguz and Raidho through, and then someone carried you through as well.
The door snapped shut behind you as the song died in your throat.
You were set down, but your legs were shaky and you fell back against him. You let out a sob, getting emotional with the absence of the threat and the exhaustion of everything you’d done.
“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re okay now,” a sweet voice said, gently caressing your hair. “You did well. You just need rest.”
“There’s a bed in this room.” You recognized Sowilo’s voice.
You opened your eyes and managed to clap and turn the lights on.
Mannaz kept gently petting your hair. “You need to sleep,” he said gently, hand supporting you when you flinched back in surprise.
You nodded, turning toward where Sowilo was standing. You were too tired though. Too drained.
Jera came back in and gently picked you up. “Laguz is in the med bay. Mannaz, go check on Raidho. Tiwaz is talking to Eihwaz.” He carried you to the room—which was actually your room—and set you on the bed. “This is my fault. I should have known better than to go straight to the base.”
“We turned into light,” You sniffled. “That’s hard to track.”
He stared at you.
“She’s right,” Sowilo murmured.
Jera covered you up briskly. “We’ll talk more after you’ve rested. I don’t suppose you’ve ever bottled good dreams?”
You shook your head. “Those are difficult to bottle. And good dreams from the past can be scary in the present.”
He gave you a smile. “Is that so?”
You nodded, then you gasped and grabbed his arm. “There are pictures.”
He became solemn. “You trust me to put them away?”
You hesitated, then nodded. “Please.”
“I’ll get all of them,” He promised, then lightly kissed your forehead. “Now rest.”
You nodded and let your eyes close.
Masterlist. ~ Prologue: Meet the Heroes. ~ Part 2.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years ago
12 Inquiries to Ask When Hiring a Native website positioning Company
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/12-questions-to-ask-when-hiring-a-local-seo-agency/
12 Inquiries to Ask When Hiring a Native website positioning Company
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Have you ever determined that it’s time to cease doing all your website positioning 100% in-house? Is it time to begin in search of an area website positioning company that can assist you meet your objectives?
It’s a determination most companies need to make at one level or one other, particularly when issues begin selecting up for a model (and albeit the work required to take care of a very good online presence simply will get to be an excessive amount of).
For a lot of, the answer is to rent an area website positioning company to assist not solely choose up your additional work however use their data to assist take you to the following stage, as nicely.
It’s essential that you simply ask the best questions and you realize what solutions to count on when considering of hiring an website positioning company.
You wish to be certain that there’s a good match with the corporate you’re working with, and the questions beneath ought to assist you to reply that.
Determine Your Native website positioning Objectives Earlier than You Get Began
Earlier than you start to search for an area website positioning company, it is very important put together.
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It’s best to first:
Know your organization’s objectives.
Know your competitors.
Have sufficient native website positioning data earlier than you go in you can consider candidates.
Know your choices (for instance, a person vs. an organization).
Have a schedule or a really perfect option to monitor progress and work with the corporate that you find yourself hiring.
Key Inquiries to Ask When Hiring a Native website positioning Company
Then, as you consider your choices, make sure you’re asking them these important questions.
1. Have You Labored with Companies in Our Business?
It’s actually useful to establish from the very starting whether or not or not the native website positioning company has labored with one other enterprise that’s just like yours.
This may increasingly give them an edge on figuring out how one can go about sure optimizations on behalf of your organization.
website positioning may be very totally different relying on industry and firm dimension, so the extra direct expertise an company can have, the higher.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
Ideally, you wish to hear “yes” and see some examples of corporations they’ve labored with to help their declare. Nevertheless, don’t dismiss the corporate instantly if the reply is “no.”
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It’s attainable that they’ve labored with related manufacturers and are equally positioned to assist your organization achieve success.
On this case, the secret is the portfolio examples they supply, so as to make a judgment name to see if the work they do for others will profit you.
2. Can You Assure Native website positioning Outcomes?
Quite a lot of website positioning corporations attempt to declare that they’ll assure outcomes or one way or the other have a “proven” relationship with the search engines.
The commonest assure sounds one thing like “Guaranteed a page one ranking for any keyword within the first 6 months.”
What You’re Trying to Hear:
The reply to that is “no,” there’s completely no option to assure website positioning outcomes or have some kind of secret experience that different corporations (and even in-house specialists) don’t.
Now, in the event that they’re so assured they’ll meet a purpose that actually issues to your small business that they’re providing a money-back assure, you might wish to take into account taking them up on it.
However merely guaranteeing rankings for this key phrase or that isn’t any assure it’ll transfer the needle in new clients or income.
You wish to discover an company that’s assured they may help you however shall be sincere, sensible, and authorized within the work they’ll do in your behalf.
In the event that they use black hat techniques to get forward, you’ll be in way more bother than earlier than you employed the company and will need to dig your self out of an extremely time-consuming and costly gap.
three. What Points of website positioning Ought to We Contemplate Outsourcing?
Even native website positioning is multi-dimensional, and for those who resolve to go along with an company you don’t essentially need to outsource each a part of your website positioning work.
The corporate you’re interviewing ought to be capable of provide you with a stable concept of at the very least three elements of native website positioning they may help you enhance.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
Clearly, in a really perfect world, the website positioning company ought to be capable of deal with any side of website positioning work that’s thrown at them (you need them to state that they’ll deal with any a part of the method).
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Nevertheless, they need to be capable of provide you with some suggestions on particular elements that you could possibly get began on with them.
For instance, you need them to acknowledge that they do their very own hyperlink constructing, native listings administration, and content material creation.
In case you hear that any of those three elements are outsourced additional, be cautious as these are three necessary elements of website positioning that you simply wish to be instantly dealt with by the company, significantly when interested by native website positioning.
four. What Metrics are the Most Helpful to Analyze/Which Metrics are a Prime Precedence?
It is a good query to look at what their finest observe is when your metrics from the very starting.
Determine which native metrics matter to you, then see if an company is on the identical web page.
For instance, for those who’re trying to drive extra calls to the enterprise and foot visitors within the door however they’re hoping to show success to you by numerous native citations constructed and prime rankings on 20 key phrases of their alternative, it received’t be a very good match.
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What You’re Trying to Hear:
Efficient website positioning account administration needs to be targeted on growing (1) leads and (2) gross sales, which is why you’re outsourcing. As such, these two metrics needs to be an company’s prime precedence.
In fact, metric evaluation is multi-faceted – rankings, visitors, and back-link numbers are all necessary – and it’s best to hear them point out one thing about these, as nicely.
Needless to say website positioning is about greater than growing rankings, reducing bounce charges, or enhancing your visitors ranges.
Efficient website positioning places the enterprise itself as a precedence, and leads/gross sales are important to enhancing website positioning for the enterprise as a complete. That is another excuse an area website positioning technique is so necessary for a lot of corporations.
Leads coming from areas you can not work with received’t do you a lot good, and the businesses you’re contemplating ought to perceive that.
So what’s it you wish to see — clicks for driving instructions? Native backlinks? Quotation consistency? Coupon redemption?
And the way will or not it’s measured? Be sure you’re on the identical web page.
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5. What Are a Few of Your Finest Shoppers or Examples of Case Research?
An website positioning company’s portfolio is extraordinarily necessary and they need to be capable of give you a number of examples of their finest shopper success tales.
This could embrace loads of knowledge, and testimonials together with precise screenshot examples.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
“Let us show you!”
They need to be capable of present you a number of websites and case research that can lead you to any additional line of questioning about your personal enterprise web site.
Be cautious in the event that they don’t have any examples that they’ll see referring to your organization’s scenario.
6. What Type of Experiences or Monitoring Updates Will We Be Receiving?
Realizing what week-by-week and month-by-month reviews are going to seem like with this firm is important.
Communication isn’t all the time straightforward in website positioning, but it surely must be taking place for those who’re going to work with a third-party firm.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
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You need them to not solely present you the reviews they are going to present, but in addition stroll you thru them.
You desire a report that’s clearly defined and simply understood by you and different members of your workforce.
In brief, a report ought to be capable of reply the next questions:
What was achieved, and why?
What have the impacts of earlier modifications been?
What sorts of returns have been generated?
What obstacles nonetheless stand in the best way?
What have to be achieved to beat them?
What are the following steps?
Measuring and reporting on conversions from online to in-store visits is extremely necessary, so spend time on this query and actually dig into the instruments they use.
In the event that they may give you clear examples, even higher. Have them fake like you realize nothing about this side of marketing and see how they might clarify this to you.
7. What Can Our Group Proceed to Work on In-Home?
Generally, hiring an website positioning company means a lot of the points surrounding website positioning shall be dealt with by outsourcing the workload.
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Nevertheless, this doesn’t imply your workforce will get to neglect all additional work in-house.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
They need to reaffirm that their firm shall be dealing with the vast majority of the workload, however that there are all the time areas you possibly can preserve website positioning in thoughts.
For instance, if any of the workforce continues to be dealing with content material improvement in a method, form, or kind (resembling repurposing content material or writing new weblog posts) then it is very important be linked to the company about what to do for that content material particularly.
Ideally, they’ll increase your efforts and the actions every of you takes will assist help a extra profitable native website positioning program as a complete.
eight. How Do You Choose Prime Key phrases for Our Model?
As we’ve already made clear on this article, website positioning is multi-dimensional and there’s no one factor that needs to be driving this reply.
That is one query the place you have to be open-minded however actually give attention to the explanations that an company provides.
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What You’re Trying to Hear:
There is no such thing as a one proper reply to this, and I’ll inform you, it’s positively not “traffic” and visitors alone.
After they speak about selecting your key phrases, you need them to talk to the truth that relevance, searcher intent, visitors volumes, and competitors stage are all necessary elements to contemplate in key phrase choice.
Does their response sign to you that the company actually understands your small business objectives? That’s what you wish to hear.
9. How Lengthy Does It Take to Begin Seeing Outcomes and Enhancements?
That is going to range broadly relying on how established your organization is and what sorts of enhancements should be made.
Once more, you need to be versatile right here however laying out sensible expectations is essential.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
You wish to hear honesty. Something lower than 6 months ought to increase an eyebrow.
Except you’re already a top-ranking supply on your industry and you’re hiring an website positioning company for upkeep, they need to be capable of clarify that it takes time and that enhancements are definitely not an in a single day scenario.
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10. How is Your Firm Positioned within the Present Local weather of Change within the Native website positioning World?
website positioning is continually evolving and for those who aren’t staying forward, you’re falling behind.
An company ought to be capable of clarify how they keep on the forefront of fixing native website positioning developments and the way they consider which alternatives are proper for your small business.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
If the website positioning company you’re interviewing suggests of their response that website positioning has remained fairly constant over time, positively be cautious.
Core, basic, elements of website positioning haven’t modified a lot, however there are quite a lot of extremely particular techniques which have needed to be up to date with the intention to sustain with the updates.
Be sure that they’ll stroll you thru the latest modifications and be capable of clarify what’s going on in phrases that you’ll perceive.
Native markets are aggressive, dynamic areas and you have to know that your native website positioning company has the data and drive to maintain shifting you ahead.
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You wish to ensure that they’re an organization that can be capable of place themselves efficiently it doesn’t matter what modifications happen over the following couple of years.
11. Can You Resolve Advanced Google My Enterprise (GMB), Yelp, Apple Maps and Different Itemizing Points?
You wish to know that they’re skilled in managing native listings and citations for a enterprise of your dimension and sort.
Past simply GMB, although, come different native platforms resembling Google and Apple Maps, Yelp, and anything industry-specific (resembling Thumbtack or HomeAdvisor, that are each native websites that rank extraordinarily nicely).
Secondly, are they utilizing any instruments to do it?  How do they guarantee they’re catching any inaccuracies and fixing them shortly?
What You’re Trying to Hear:
It is a large one.
Managing a Google My Enterprise itemizing may be time-consuming by itself.
You wish to proceed to characteristic new product launches, weblog posts, and many others. in your Google My Enterprise web page, however you even have troubleshooting to cope with resembling incorrect info, hours, and opinions.
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GMB is an enormous subject, so study extra right here. You want to listen to native website positioning firm has expertise right here, and it’s best to count on to listen to examples from the workforce.
Nevertheless, what many neglect is that in terms of native listings, GMB isn’t the end-all-be-all.
That is the place you wish to hear that they’ve labored in your industry earlier than.
For instance, an inventory on Yelp is likely to be extremely necessary to a restaurant, whereas an inventory on Thumbtack is likely to be extremely necessary to a Basic Contractor.
Google your small business title and/or your competitor’s enterprise title, see what native websites are rating, after which you should definitely ask about these websites when hiring an area website positioning company.
In the event that they don’t have expertise with these websites (in different phrases, they aren’t too aware of your industry), that needs to be a deal-breaker.
12. Is Assessment Monitoring and Response a A part of the Bundle, and What Does That Look Like?
For an area enterprise, opinions are every part!
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Based on BrightLocal, 82% of shoppers learn opinions for native companies. This might be the final step earlier than you see that conversion.
We all know that native opinions can affect your native search rankings and visibility, as nicely.
What You’re Trying to Hear:
You wish to hear that they’re monitoring for brand new opinions on GMB, Fb, and any area of interest networks (for instance, in healthcare you’d have Healthgrades, Physician.com, and many others.).
Relatively than give away your area of interest networks instantly, see if they’ll point out them on their very own.
In spite of everything, at this level, it needs to be nicely established that they’ve labored with others in your industry, so it is a good probability for the company to show it.
Secondly, ensure you perceive how they escalate adverse opinions on your intervention.
Often, in terms of adverse opinions, you because the enterprise proprietor will wish to reply with steering from the native company moderately than having the native company reply for you. Let the company inform you this.
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In the event that they inform you that they reply to adverse opinions and also you’ll by no means need to see them, that’s a crimson flag.
Be cautious and well-informed earlier than deciding to outsource your native website positioning.
The perfect and most profitable company relationships are collaborative and cooperative, offering a real accomplice you possibly can depend on in each sense of the phrase.
These questions ought to assist you to unravel whether or not or not the native website positioning company you’re interviewing is an effective match with your small business!
Extra Sources:
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18043611ccd · 5 years ago
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(1)Advantages and disadvantage of virtual exhibition:
1. It’s green:
Virtual exhibition eliminate the transport of artifacts and materials, which could reduce the carbon footprint of an event and also save big money for other good use.
2. It’s time-saving and long-lasting:
Virtual exhibition not only allow visitors to save time on travel, many also keep the virtual space for a long time after the actual event as a long-term display platform.
3. It’s available for more visitors:
Digital strategy includes virtual tours to allow rural, interstate and international audiences to the exhibitions without regional restriction. Besides, since a virtual space has no boarder it could contain more guests as long as the server is stable
4.It’s easier to track visitors’ interest:
Digital platforms make it easy to record users’ data and provide the museum an overall assessment.
1. It’s not exactly exciting:
With virtual exhibition, the audience doesn’t have all the excitement that goes along with a live event, so they’re not necessarily as engaged. The point is the curator has to work harder to catch the attention of attendees because they are not immersed in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement as they are in a real space.
2. It’s technically vulnerable:
Virtual display may meet a lots of problems such as trouble connecting at the time of the show and page crash when overloading too many users…The museum needs to hire extra professional computer engineers to manage the online platform.
3. It’s relatively distracting:
When we’re attending an event in person, there is not many things to distract you. However, when we are visiting a museum online, it’s easier to get distracted by the web ads or other messages.
4. It’s not friendly to those who can’t afford a laptop:
(2) Examples of collections:
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Rich Collections: Featuring over 1,700 artworks by more than 625 artists, the Collection Online presents a searchable database of selected artworks from the Guggenheim’s permanent collection of approximately 8,000 artworks. The selection reflects the breadth, diversity, and tenor of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation’s extensive holdings from the late 19th century through the present day.
Detailed Searching Categories: The search engine is perfect and the visitors could easily find their favorite artworks divided by by artist, date, medium, movement, and venue.
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The online exhibition is only pictures with text description, and it is very difficult for visitors to immerse themselves in the virtual space since there is no where for them to explore. Personally, it makes me feel more like doing research or going through beautiful pictures rather than visiting a museum. Besides, the only medium is photography. There is no extra video, 3d maps or audio and to be honest it’s a little boring.
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The excellent 3 dimensional map allows all online visitors to feel like they really engage in the collections since everybody could talk a virtual walk at the real museum. 
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Poor web design: The visual effect of the website looks very outdated, like it was designed in the last century. On the contrary, GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM’s website is very clear, stylish and modern. Plus, the interface of the searching page is also a little bit unfriendly. There are only few categories and they are not that specific.
Lack of description: Although the 3d immersed map is very engaging and the viewer could click and zoom artifacts during the tour, there is no explanation of the displays when you click the work. It’s a single picture with no artist’s name and necessary information. It’s hard to leave an impression by just display a photo since the audience could not understand the purpose and the worldview behind it.
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Vivid combination of text, picture and video provide the viewers with a relatively comprehensive understanding and it’s more interesting and attractive than boring text description.
Handy: The Space Center Houston also has an app that provides virtual tours, augmented reality experiences, and videos and audio stories about space exploration.
Disadvantages: Their web pages is loading at a very slow speed and occasionally suffer from freezing, which greatly affects the user experience. People usually browse the web very quickly, and an unsmooth experience will make the visitors impatient and less concentrated.
4.The Palace Museum:
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Assistance functions:
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The online Palace Museum provides its visitors almost the best visiting experience they could achieve based on high technological support. Although it shares a similar 3d map with the LOUVRE, it has more assistant options to help their audience to engage in the collections, which include VR mode, full screen mode, automatic rotation (so that the visitors could follow the lead and won’t get lost ), related background music and detailed floor map.
Personally I like to hear matching background music when visiting the exhibition since it could help me relax and provoke some emotional feelings. So I’m very glad to find out that the curators of the Palace Museum considered that part and set a button so that those who prefer a quiet visiting time could also close the music and enjoy their time.
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The rotation speed of the map is a bit fast, which can easily cause 3d dizziness.
Although the audiences can zoom in to view the introduction of exhibits, they cannot click on the specific artifact. Some paintings are in a really huge scale and it’s difficult for the audience to see the overall appearance of the work.
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I think it’s better to combine the advantages of the Louvre with the Palace Museum that the viewer can not only zoom in to view the pictures, but also see the relevant notes.
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(3) Reading Reflection:
In Rodney’s opinion, it’s very different to appreciate the artifacts through its actual presence from experiencing it through the mediation of a screen (unless on purpose). Setting up in the physical environment, the audiences are more able to measure their own body against a display. The artwork could either remind them of some remarkable memories or some unforgettable experiences. Therefore, by occupying the same space and time, the visitors could create some special connection and meaningful memories with the displays and other viewers. In short, seeing art through screen does not allow the viewer to take his own measure and do no benefits for building up intimate relations to make visitors more engaged.
Ask questions of the work:
-The theme/purpose of the exhibition:
What is happening here? If the viewer could not find the answer during their visiting, it’s hard to provoke their further interest to investigate the artifacts. We need to communicate with them, to make ourselves present to the art even as it is present with us the moment we make visual contact.
“How did this come about? What kind of care had to be taken to make this thing? How long did this take and what else besides physical labor did it require of the maker?”
     2. Imagine the worldview that brought the work about.
Each piece of work represents a world, however, not all of them have physical meanings. Thus, we should wonder about the author’s perspective as evidenced by the work. Is it ironic, celebratory, political or aspirational..etc. I think it’s significant for both the viewer and the creator to think about
whether or not they can live in the imaginary world. Are they welcomed? Who can live here and  how can they thrive?
    3.  Look at yourself and ask what the work is calling up in you
A good artwork is in a conversation with the viewers and could provoke something. What specific emotional response is being called up and where did it come from? If you show some resistance in the interchange with a work of art and why?
    4. Recognize the work’s agency
It’s highest respect to recognize that an artwork has its own entity rather than coextending with the author  because it exceeds the artist’s hand and mind precisely when it comes into being in a different way for each viewer.
I really love what Rodney said that “Each work of art is like a clock that a watchmaker has given a ticking heart to and then let it go out to beat and beat and take breath and say with its own voice why it needs to be here with us now. ” A mature artifact has its own life and we should let it go when it’s been finished. However, before completing the last step, we need to question ourselves about its theme/purpose, its worldview and conversation like the essay discussed before.
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buzrushcommunity · 5 years ago
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maasayada · 8 years ago
二枚目の絵の話 The story of the second picture
私が選んだのはやはりモノクロの絵で、画集「God is Paper」にも載っている。まずは抽象画と見えるのだけれど、右上に窓があり、眩しい光の中によく見えない樹々が立っているのが微かに分かる。室内には性別の異なる二人が横たわり、胞子が漂っている。そこはきっと薄暗がりだろう。未来の生命が左上から降りかかっているのが見える。
Here’s the story of the second picture I promised.
This is the drawing by Mr Kyohei Sakaguchi, which has already reached me. On one hand, the woodblock prints of Ms Tatsuno are my guide, but on the other hand, I’d also like to purchase the works of people who are living today. When I buy their works, it’s compensation for their work, but it’s also because I’d be happy if they continued to create. It’s the same with books and music.
The exhibition was in a format that allowed visitors to freely touch the drawings. You could put on white gloves and go through the drawings one by one. I think there were about 100 drawings of five blocks each. I’ve followed people’s gazes and the movements of their bodies at art museums before, but this was my first experience seeing the dynamic way people looked at a work, made some judgment and moved on to the next one.
Whether the people visiting the exhibition were looking at the drawings with the intention of putting them in their homes like me, or weren’t planning on doing that, they were attracted to every work and shifted their gaze to the next drawing before long. Like when one is with one’s lover and is reluctant to leave, but perks up and heads for the next station anyway. I realised that when happy “judgments” are overflowing, space becomes three-dimensional and gently sensual.
In any case, the one I chose was a monochrome drawing that had appeared in the “God is Paper” collection. It seems like an abstract drawing at first, but there’s a window in the upper right-hand corner, and one can faintly tell that there are trees there that can’t be seen clearly in the blinding light. In the room, two people of different genders are lying down, and spores are floating about. It’s surely dusk there. One can see future life descending from the upper left-hand corner.
When one gazes at it for a while, the situation reverses. Aren’t the things that are falling birds and seeds - no, aren’t they fruits? By their shape, they clearly can’t be anything else. And isn’t the place where the two people are lying down actually a grass-covered plain? They’re dynamically coming out from the house with one window and breathing in the wind.
Mr Sakaguchi’s drawings have that appeal: that even for the ones that look abstract at first, if you try to talk about what’s been drawn like this, you can. That’s why there aren’t any works that throw you off your guard as simple variations. Each one of them depicts a humorous way of putting distance between oneself and reality.
The wonders of people’s faces which I can call to mind even though we’ve never met.
The tunnels I can express even though I’ve never been there, and me watching all that. Maybe it’s close to that feeling. I call them to mind and never get tired of looking. Space appears that doesn’t seem to exist, but does. Things like how I only passed through Kumamoto Station recently when I was on the Kyushu Shinkansen, but the place seemed like a wonderful neighborhood overflowing with green.
Something whose nature can’t be covered by words like “experiences” or “real observations”, but that has a unique intensity that differs from those terms. How can I receive this from and hand it out to others? I would like to do that in a story, and besides, when I’m in a daze from heat or tiredness, the memories that bring me back to consciousness are always things that aren’t “real” memories. How in secondary school, I fell in love with the protagonist of a drama, and cried while thinking of him after he left this world in the last episode. How someone close to me was in a play, where he was a timid person but tried to find employment for the person he loved, but he failed and I was struck by the scene where he murmured her name on the way back home. (The real him is totally different.)
These courses of events seem like they’re mine, but they’re definitely not, and will never be resolved. That’s why they can support me, and can also go far away. That’s really the power of fiction, and that’s why people who think that when they close the book, it’s over are really...
Maybe I make that kind of face when I’m working too.
Great, have a good late summer vacati
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jshi43ex · 5 years ago
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Description/Picture/Labels of Artists 
Selected pieces (from left to right):
Name of artist: Hieronymus Bosch
Date of artwork: 1490
Medium: triptych oil painting on oak panel
Dimensions: 2D
Being called as "the maker of devils, since he had no rival in the art of depicting demons", and even his friends considered his either a wizard or a madman, Hieronymus Bosch gave voice and imagery to what otherwise would have seemed unimaginable. Under Bosch's control, his version of hell, earth and heaven were born. Life's temptations, sexual joy, and all other symbolism characters could be found in this The Garden of Earthly Delights, making it not only a guide map for the three worlds, but also a guide book for life in Bosch's opinions.
Although the original background was taken from the Bible, however, using his imaginations Bosch added many symbols that could only belong to himself- distorted figures, weird monsters, and even the modern mechanic looking to architectures. When this triptych's wings open like a door, an entire medieval imaginary world will make its way to the real world.
Name of artist: James Turrell
Date of artwork: 1999
Medium: Light
Dimensions: 3D
Sacred lights leading people to its end, stretching out to the unseen depth, and unexpectedly  hiding a religious experience with contemporary art, Jame Turell treats light as a material presence in perfectly calculated installations. Encouraging viewers to stay as long as possible to see more and think more, Turell's pieces are expert in seducing the viewers to dig behind the surface, just like miners digging through the tunnels underneath earth's surface for gold.
Name of artist: Anthony McCall
Date of artwork: 2016
Media: Digital projection 
Dimensions: 3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76_Zyw_9nSI
“Swell is a fifty-foot horizontal projection inspired by the North East coastal landscape. Situated at the meeting-place of sculpture and cinema, this new work draws the visitor into a three-dimensional envelope of projected 'solid light'.
The inspiration for Swell came after the artist took a stroll on the coast near the Roker Lighthouse whilst in town visiting the Reg Vardy Gallery. The resulting work focuses on the phenomenological force of projected waves of white light, recalling the rolling waves of an ocean. The air of the gallery is filled with a sea-mist-like haze, which reveals the projected beam as a palpably present, three-dimensional form of astonishing beauty. Unlike a conventional film or video, the audience can move around the space, finding their own perspectives as the room-sized membranes of light rise and fall and turn through space, and one another.”
Name of artist: teamLab
Date of artwork: 2018
Media: Digital Installation
Dimensions: 3D
teamLab Borderless is a group of artworks that form one border-less world. Artworks encourage viewers to immerse and meld themselves into a unified world, we explore a continuity among people, as well as a new relationship that transcends the boundaries between people and the world.
The first one(The Way of the Sea, Floating Nest) is a large nest floats in the center of the space. The work is viewed by lying down or sitting in the Floating Nest. It starts when the shoal of fish from The Way of the Sea  passes through the Flower Forest and enters the Floating Nest. The work ends when the fish leave the space and disappear, leaving trails of light in their paths and creating spatial calligraphy. The work is rendered in real time by a computer program, it is neither a prerecorded animation nor imagery on loop.The work as a whole is in constant change; previous states will never be repeated and can never be seen again.
The second artwork installation(Memory of Topography) depicts a rural mountain landscape of varying elevations. The scenery is actually changing and viewers will never see the same scenery twice. The visual illusion produced by continuous dynamic change causes the viewer to become bodily immersed in the work, and the border between the viewer and artwork dissolves. As the unified world changes, viewers may feel a sense of melting into the world, becoming one with it and with each other.
Name of artist: Laurie Anderson
Date of artwork: 2017
Media: Virtual reality installation
Dimensions: 3D
“ Chalkroom is a virtual reality work by Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang in which the reader flies through an enormous structure made of words, drawings and stories. Once you enter you are free to roam and fly. Words sail through the air as emails. They fall into dust. They form and reform.”
There’s a serenity in this room installation, making it somehow feels like a memory room standing near the end of a life, a journey and a world. Compare to the extremely colorful previous ones, this installation offers a quiet reflection of the worlds in artists’ thoughts and the worlds in viewers’ lives. Everything will come to a dreamy end, to some point.
References: Hieronymus Bosch, Pitts Rembert, Virginia  Parkstone International  2012 https://www.mfah.org/exhibitions/james-turrell-retrospective/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76_Zyw_9nSI https://borderless.teamlab.art/
Theme: Creation
Outline: This exhibition will be about how selected artists created their world with the media they use.  From imaginary traditional painting to colorful digital light installations, artists in this 500 years never failed to amaze human.
Selected pieces will also be displayed in a order which symbolizes the way people explore a new world- firstly, viewers will see Bosch’s summary for heaven, earth and hell; then viewers will walk through Turrell’s Tunnel, as they starting to step away from the outside reality world; for the next they will step in McCall’s misty and foggy Swell, as the first sight of the new world will be blur and unknown ; after that will be two splendid and dynamic pieces from teamLab, whom held world’s first digital museum. After these two feast of light and color, viewers will find themselves in the profound and lasting Chalkroom of Lauire Anderson, and their journeys will end at this black and white place.
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umbrahighpriestofgiratina · 8 years ago
Rude Awakening, Chapter 2
In which jokes are made at the expense of Utah. And Ohio.
Chapter 2: Welcoming Committee
The four emerged in a grassy meadow, the portal quickly closing behind them as they gazed around curiously.
"Doesn't look like anything too out of the ordinary..." said Quentin.
"You'll see soon enough," said Palkia, "There should be a big city up ahea-"
"What is that?!" said Hoopa.
He was pointing to a brown shaggy creature, with round ears and sharp claws and teeth, sniffing at them cautiously.
Palkia blinked. "Seems this is a bit further from home than expected - that's an animal, not a Pokemon."
"A-animal?" said Hoopa.
"They are beings touched by forces quite different from us Legendaries," said Dialga; "Like Pokemon, but feral and with only basal intelligence."
"So that thing is a fucked-up Ursaring?" said Hoopa.
"It's just a bear." said Palkia.
"...Just a bear? Not an Ursaring or a Pangoro or a Beartic or a Bewear, just a bear?"
"I... think it's a brown bear?" said Palkia, shrugging sheepishly.
Hoopa crossed his arms. "They need to hire a new guy to name these things."
"Can I keep it, though?" said Giratina.
Everyone looked over to see Giratina was holding the bear and pinning its limbs from behind, the creature roaring and attempting to futilely claw and bite at him.
"Giratina, no, you can't just adopt the local fauna in place like this!" said Dialga, scowling.
"But it's soft and huggable," said Giratina, pouting.
Palkia sighed. "Just keep it untill we get to Ylisse and we'll see what we do there."
She headed off, everyone else following after, the bear still struggling and roaring in protest in Giratina's grip.
The four eventually wandered far enough to reach the outskirts of a lavish city before them.
"There it is! Oh, it looks just like the game, I'm so excited!"
"Fancy place!" said Hoopa. "What's it called?"
'Yilissitoll, capital of Yilisse!"
"...The cities too?"
Palkia shrugged. "Eh, I've heard worse. There's this city near a salt lake in a universe we stopped by one time, you know what they called it?"
"Salt Lake City."
"...I'm suddenly grateful for our universe."
Palkia smiled. "As a mon who helped make it, I appreciate that. That said, let's see this one up close, shall we?"
The bear roared in protest again.
"Hush, Wuzzles," said Giratina, patting the bear softly while maintaining his tight grip. "I'll get you snacks when we get to the city place."
"Giratina, you were supposed to let that thing free when we got to the city!" said Dialga.
"Er, actually," said Palkia, "Letting it loose this close to the city might be a problem."
Hoopa put his hands on his hips. "...I'm not putting that in the Stash."
Dialga glared at Giratina before shaking his head, sighing.
"Please, just... Keep  it pinned for now."
"Thanks bro!" said Giratina, indeed hugging the protesting bear tighter.
Everyone then headed into the city proper, marvelling at the elaborate and sturdy buildings, bustling locals of various walks of life, and the busy shops, stalls, and bazaars, ignoring the more than a few odd glances they got back themselves as they whispered among each other.
"It looks so much like some of the cities in our world just a few hundred years ago..." said Dialga.
"Quite the nostalgia trip, huh?" said Hoopa.
"Still different from back home, though," said Giratina. "No Pokemon, humans dressed funny even for the time period, selling funky things at the shops..."
"Speaking of which, we should stick to the plan trying to talk to anyone for now," said Palkia.
"The "is that foreign" plan?" said Giratina.
"Hopefully we won't have to use it too soon..." said Dialga.
"Yeah, better for now we-" said Palkia.
She stopped froze, and grinned. "Scratch that, it's them!"
Everyone else turned to see Palkia staring enraptured at four people nearby - a white-haired young man in a black-and purple coat, a taller, blue-haired young man dressed in blue armor with a white cape hanging behind him, an even taller, somewhat older man with brown hair and much heavier armor, and a teenage girl with long blonde hair in pigtails complimenting a strange, dress-like outfit, all looking over the items in a shop.
"...Them?" said Dialga.
"The Shepherds! Well, the four major ones. They're the main characters of the game!"
"So they're the dudes we wanna hang with?'
"Exactly!" said Palkia.
"Sweet!" said Hoopa.
He frowned. "Now how exactly do we get chummy with 'em?"
Palkia froze and paled. "I don't know; I didn't think we'd get this far."
Dialga groaned. "Can't we just go up and ask them?"
"I don't think that's how it works... here we're the nobodies and they're the big shots!"
"Then how do you suggest we-"
The quartet then heard a scream.
"Bandits! To the south!"
The group of disguised Legendaries then saw a farmer barge through the streets in panic toward the Shepherds as they quickly turned to address him.
"Bandits? In this time?" said the tall, sturdily-armored man.
"Armed burglars, sir!" Whole bunch of them headed straight for our village!"
The blue-haired man scowled. "We'll deal with them right away."
"If they're just a bunch of theives they should be no problem  for us," said his white-haied companion.
"Yeah!" said the girl, pumping her fists. "Especially if they're dumb enough to attack this close to home!"
The four of them and the farmer rushed off, leaving the multiversal visitors staring after.
"Well," said Dialga, "They certainly seem to have the problem under control themselves..."
Palkia hesitated, then grinned. "Actually, I have a plan."
"Ooh, what, sis?" said Giratina.
"We help the Shepherds with their little bandit problem."
"So we're gonna impress 'em to get 'em on our side? I like this plan."
"I'm not so keen,"  said Dialga, "didn't we agree to keep things nonlethal?"
"That's part of the plan," said Palkia, grinning. "You see..."
The four huddled together amidst the crowd. A bit later, several onlookers stopped and stared when they seemed to vanish.
The village was battened down in their houses, a few farmers armed with crude makeshift weapons outside. Even then, they knew they didn't stand a chance against the rapidly-approaching raiders.
It was then a young, pink-haired woman in some bizarre-looking white-and-pink battle dress wielding a staff with a pearl-like orb at the end stepped out into the streets almost too calmly.
"Easy boys," she said, "me and my friends have this covered. Can I just borrow a horse?"
"M-m'am, you're crazy' there's-"
"Sir, I can save your village just fine either way, but it's better with the horse."
"...There's a draft horse in the stables, but she's used for till-"
He didn't get to finish, as the woman had vanished in a warp in space and emerged atop the draft horse in question just out of range of the bandits. The horse reared in panic before Palkia calmed it with a soothing aura from her Lustrous Orb staff and addressed the bewildered men before her with a smirk.
"Now you all hold still so we can make this easy."
The bandits blinked collectively before one stepped forward to face her with a scowl.
"And what makes you think you're some one-woman army?"
Palkia gave a dismissive wave of her hand and chuckled. "Ooh, you're all so cute trying to be little bandit-wandits out to kidnap the crops and burn the women, but you're still being naughty and need to be punished..."
She pulled out and opened out a dark blue book several of the bandits backed away nervously from.
"...But first you all need a bath."
Blue Unown-like runes spiraled upward from the book as a massive wave emerged in front of Palkia and swept the bandits back. As they gasped and spluttered trying to get to their feet afterwards a chill ran down their spines as a bear roared followed by a man shouting:
"Sneak attack, Wuzzles!"
The bandits screamed as a blonde, red-eyed man emerged from nearby shrubs atop a roaring bear, slicing at each of them with his sword...
...Only for the sword strikes to miss each and every one of them by a hair's length, instead opening dimensional portals that punted them screaming through the Distortion World only to fall through a much larger portal that landed them on the ground almost out of sight of the village.
As they got to their feet, they noticed a man with shaggy blue hair and long fleshy ears fiddling with a diamond-like orb.
"Okay, so I need to change to the right form to use my pow-"
Suddenly he was enveloped in a blue, crystalline cocoon, emerging as an enormous, monstrous blue rabbit with markings and armor plating reminiscent of his dragon form.
"...I'm a bunny?!"
He recovered from his shock just in time to see the bandits fling axes and spears at him. He sighed as his eyes glowed, the weapons stopping in midair and rusting and rotting into dust within seconds.
"...Let's just get this over with."
He rushed up to each bandit and dealt them precision headbutts and kicks, sending them flying and screaming yet again into a dazed pile.
"Now we've thoroughly gotten your attention," said a voice, "let's keep it!"
A youth appeared and threw golden hoops atop the pile of bandits, each squeezing in to bind them in place. Once he was done Hoopa gave the dazed, trapped pile of bandits a wave.
"Thank you for attending this show of "How Not to Plunder a Village!" We hope for your sake it was educational."
Dialga reverted to his more humanlike form as Palkia approached on the draft horse's back and Giratina approached on Wuzzles. A few of the trapped bandits started at Wuzzles sniffing them, at which Giratina shushed him.
"Wuzzles, they are not snacks. I will get you your snacks back in town."
"Speaking of which," said Dialga, "Where are those humans Palkia said were so important anyway?"
"They should be here any minute now..." said Palkia.
Indeed, the other quartet and the farmer soon ran up to the scene only to look at it baffled.
"What in the name of the gods...?" said the blue-haired one.
"...It seems we've been beaten to our objective," said the shorter, white-haired man.
"That was already apparent, but how?" said the third, tallest man.
"Aw, phooey!" said the girl. "I hate missing out!"
~Alright, who does the introductions?~ said Hoopa telepathically.
~I'll start.~ said Palkia.
She turned to the other group.
"Oh, hey! Sorry if we messed anything up taking care of these guys!"
"It's fine!" said the farmer. "You saved our village before the Shepereds even could!"
"We're part of said Sheperds by the way," said the blue-haired man."I'm Chrom, my companions here are Robin..."
He gestures to the white-haired young man in the coat.
~He's one of my favorites!~ said Palkia to everyone in her group.
"Fredrick..."continued Chrom, guesturing to his older, taller companion, "and Lissa," guesturing to the blonde teenager.
"You certainly seem skilled from how easily you seem to have dealt with those bandits!" said Robin, looking at the multiversal group in admiration.
He then furrowed his brow. "What land are you even from, though? You certainly seem like an unusual bunch."
"We're from the esoteric faraway land of Cincinatii," said Dialga dryly.
"It's got some great views and locales and good food!" said Palkia
"The sports teams kind of suck, tho-" said Giratina.
Palkia nudged him with a foot before continuing.
"Anyway," said Palkia, "I'm Valentia, this is Quentin, this is Howard, and this is  Bartemaeus," she  said, gesturing to each of them in turn.
"Pleasure to meet you all," said Chrom, nodding.
He smiled. "And for being so helpful here... If you need a place to stay from so far off why not with us?"
Frederick raised an eyebrow. "...Mlord, this time you cannot be serious."
"Frederick, you've known Chrom far longer than I have," said Robin. "He's always serious about these things."
~Chrom's the nice one,~ said Palkia telepathically. ~He's our ace in the hole for getting in with these guys without too much trouble!~
"But... We have no records of this Cincinatti place anywhere in Yilisse! They look more like travelling circus performers than anything!"
"Hey!" said Hoopa, gesturing to his outfit. "Don't tell me this isn't stylish."
Robin looked over the pile of bandits. "If they were circus performers or enemies they wouldn't have subdued what appear to be remnants of Gangrel's army so quickly or easily..."
~Gangrel's the guy that started the war right before this peacetime. He's a douche.~, said Palkia.
"Yeah!" said Lissa. "And if they're so tough, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"
She scrunched her face up. "Or... The other way around. Kinda. Mabye. You get my point!"
"If we could chill with you guys that'd be pretty cool," said Giratina.
"What Howard said!" said Hoopa.
"I suppose despite my own caution I'll agree," said Dialga.
Fredrick looked between them all and sighed. "Alright... But everyone, keep an eye on these.... Cincinnatians."
Robin gave a small bow to Palkia. "It's a pleasure to have you all with us."
Palkia bowed back. "You as well."
Internally, she gave an excited fangirl squeal. We're partying with the Shepherds! This is gonna be great!
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amazonfbaforbeginners · 6 years ago
Amazon FBA Recipe for Success |Some Important Tips To Note!
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Did you know that there has been no better time in the history of humanity to sell products? Where you had a reach of thousands of people with a physical store 10 years ago, you can now easily bring your product to the attention of a million people. This is the time to jump on this train and take advantage of the enormous benefits that the internet offers. But not via a web-shop. 
Competition is fierce and marketing costs are rising. The business model for the next 10 years is: selling your own private label products via external platforms such as Amazon. This is what is  known as Fulfillment by Amazon (Amazon FBA)
What makes Online Selling even more attractive is the fact that it is just in its infancy. Only 15% of all retail purchases are currently made via the internet. The expectation is that this percentage will double within 5 years . Talk about potential.
Why work with your own private label products and not with (known) brands? The market is flooded with suppliers of the same (brand) products, resulting in falling prices and therefore falling margins. You do not have this problem with your own private label product . Because you buy and sell at the source (manufacturer) to the consumer, your margin is maximum. No intermediaries who also want to get a piece of cake.
Selling on Amazon Tips!
One of the wise lessons I have learned in recent years is 'go where the traffic is'. You can currently find that traffic on Amazon. The last two years I have spent a lot of time optimizing my Amazon strategy. This strategy (with which I currently generate more than 150,000 euros per month through Amazon with mainly private label products), I will share with you in this article. I will do this using the Amazon Funnel below.
The order of the steps in the funnel is extremely important. A conversion rate of 10% (which is very normal on Amazon), does not help much if you only have 10 visits to your product listing.
1. Total demand: investigate whether there is sufficient demand for products
Before you launch a product, the first and most crucial question you must investigate is whether there is sufficient demand for that product. I regularly see that products are being launched for which there is little demand. In that case, the top of the funnel starts very narrow and the potential is low. With the total demand I do not mean the demand for your specific product, but the total search traffic for that product and the total number of sales of all providers on page 1 of the search results together.
Example: bicycle saddles versus camera stands I will clarify this on the basis of an example on Amazon Germany . Suppose you doubt between the sale of bicycle saddles and tripods for a camera. First of all I look at the search volume of both words on Amazon. You can use the Merchant Words tool for this, for example . The bicycle saddles keyword is searched about 3900 times a month and Tripods 34300 times. That is a first indication that tripods are more interesting.
In addition to the search volume, I also want to know the total sales volume on those keywords for all sellers on page 1 of the search results. Why page 1? 80% of visitors never land on page 2 or further. To find out the total sales volume on page 1 of the search results, I use the Chrome extension from Jungle Scout . How does this work? You enter the search term in the Amazon search bar, click on enter and the search results appear. Then click on the Jungle Scout extension in your Chrome browser. Jungle Scout then shows exactly how much each seller sells on page 1 per month.
With the Bicycle saddles, the average number of sales of the sellers on page 1 per month is 224. With Tripod cameras, the average number of sales per month is 1024. The funnel for the tripods starts a lot wider at the top and offers much more potential then the saddles.
Side note: with a product with a lot of search volume and sales volume on page 1, I want to see at least 3 sellers with fewer than 50 product reviews. I can 'grab' it. If all sellers on page 1 have more than 100 reviews and you are going to sell a similar product, then it will be a very difficult mission.
What I do not want to suggest with the above example is that you should not sell bicycle saddles. The profit with 90 saddles per month with a nice margin can be considerable. I am concerned here with the potential.
2. Impressions
If you have found a product with sufficient demand, the next step is to be seen by visitors. You also talk about impressions on Amazon.
Immediately after you have launched your product, you will enter the search results. But you will now end up on one of the last pages of the search results. This is because you have not yet made any sales and the number of sales are the most important ranking factor in Amazon's search algorithm. Visitors will therefore hardly see your product.
The vast majority of sales are made on page 1 of the search results. It is my goal to get the keywords that are important to me on page 1 of the search results. I use three strategies for this.
Strategy 1: Keyword research With a good keyword research you can lay a very good foundation and distinguish yourself from most sellers on Amazon. The found keywords must appear in your title, bullet points and description of the product. Furthermore, the back-end of the Amazon system gives you the option of filling 5 search term fields. You can enter no fewer than 1000 characters in each field. I also try to use all of these.
Some tools with which you can do keyword research for Amazon: MerchantWords , Keywordinspector and AMZtracker .
Strategy 2: Launch promotion of your product Adding relevant keywords to your product listing is crucial. But this will not put you on page 1 of the search results. To immediately jump up sharply in the search results, a launch action is necessary.
How does this work? You give away a number of products for free or with a very high discount through websites with daily offers. Consumers on those sites can purchase the product on Amazon with an exclusive discount code. The result is that Amazon sees a significant increase in sales of the product in question and therefore puts the product higher in the search results. As a result, the product is more often seen by consumers, which naturally also increases the chance of a conversion. That conversion is good for your ranking.
Often you will see that (assuming a good product) the product remains 'stuck' in the search results after the launch campaign.
AMZ Tracker is a tool that you could use for launch campaigns .
Strategy 3: Sponsored products
The third way to get a picture of your product is to use the sponsored products from Amazon . This is one of the advertising options within Amazon and you can compare it with Google Adwords or Google Shopping. You determine on which keywords you want your ad to be displayed and what you want to pay per click.
Sponsored products offers you the possibility to get your product right on page 1 of the search results. The sales that result from this also have a positive influence on your organic ranking.
3. Sessions Better visibility of your product does not mean that consumers will actually click on your product. The number of clicks on a product is also called sessions. Three factors play a role in this, namely:
Main image
These 3 factors determine whether or not a consumer clicks on your product. Your product is on a results page with 20 other products. Why should visitors click on your product? Are you the cheapest? Do you have the most provocative title? Do you have the most eye-catching image? Or a combination of the three?
Tip: Many consumers nowadays use their mobile phone and only about 35 characters of the title are displayed on it. Therefore make sure that the most important words are found at the beginning of your title.
Example of a good main photo and an extensive title.
A / B testing When determining the right price, main image and title, A / B testing can help a lot. With an A / B test you can compare 2 scenarios and see which of the two performs best. In an A / B test with the main image, half of the visitors will see one main image and the other half see the other main image. This way you can easily determine which image gets the most clicks (sessions). You can perform the same tests for the title and prize.
A tool that you can use to test A / B on Amazon is Splitly .
Attract traffic from outside of Amazon
A strategy that is increasingly being used lately to get more sessions (and conversions) on your product is to get traffic from outside Amazon to your Amazon listing.
A concrete example: create a Facebook advertisement in which you offer your product with a hefty discount. When people click on the ad, they arrive on a landing page where they can leave their email address. After this they receive a discount code by e-mail, with which they can purchase the product on Amazon.
The sales that you generate in this way will contribute little to your profit and may even be loss-making. But they do lead to an increase in your ranking on Amazon. And more importantly, it leads to the creation of a list of e-mail addresses. You can approach these people later (for free) to promote new products, for example.
4. Conversions
If a consumer clicks on your product, you naturally want him to buy the product. The following factors play a crucial role here.
Good quality photos You have the option to add 6 to 8 images per product. Try to use all of these too. Also consider: images of dimensional drawings, manuals, atmospheric impressions and the product 'in action'.
In addition to the quantity of images, the quality of the images also plays an important role. Amazon provides the following guidelines:
Products preferably fill 85% of the image and preferably have a white background. Images are preferably at least 1000 by 1000 pixels, because Amazon wants you to zoom in on the images. Images that do not meet these guidelines will usually be accepted. But they will not have a positive influence on your conversions.
Good bullet points and descriptions that describe the benefits of the product With bulletpoints you present the benefits (usp's) of your product briefly and powerfully. These bulletpoints are more important to me than the description. The bullet points are right next to the photos, while the description can only be seen a lot lower on the page. You can create a total of 5 bullet points.
Tip: Write words that are important in full with CAPITAL LETTERS in the bullet points. This is how they attract the attention of visitors.
Consumers often buy after reading the bullet points. If they still scroll down and read the description, it is important to give them the final push for the purchase. Therefore, use a clear call-to-action in your description.
Product reviews
Research shows that potential buyers like to be influenced by the opinions of others . That is why (positive) reviews lead to more sales. Product reviews are crucial for the success of your product on Amazon.
By default, Amazon sends the customer an email about 2 weeks after purchase with a request to post a review. This email asks for a seller review and a product review. Nine out of ten times only the seller's assessment is completed and even that is rarely completed. My experience is only 1 in 100 customers.
What can you do to get more product reviews? Set up an automatic e-mail follow-up yourself. After purchasing the product, the customer receives a series of e-mails (maximum 3) with the aim of getting a product review. You determine the texts in these emails yourself. You can fully automate the sending of these emails .
Conclusion: How To Sell on Amazon Successfully
Are you thinking of starting an Amazon FBA Business? I am convinced that these are the Amazon FBA Recipe for Success! If you follow the steps in this article, you will give your Amazon business a big boost. 
To be successful at Amazon FBA it is best to first seek out the Best Amazon FBA Course that will provide you with the right guidance from start to finish. That is why i recommend the Amazing Selling Machine Course by Matt Clark and  Jason Katzenback. These 2 guys have created the blueprint for Amazon FBA success after training thousands of students who have generated Millions in sales. I suggest you Click Here to check out the course right now!!!
Do you have questions or comments? Let us know in the comments below.
Best Amazon Fba Course
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years ago
Speaking About Architectural Making
Speaking About Architectural Making
 Home providing basically refers to prepping as well as showing a planned style of a building establishment so that the individual who is accountable for creating the property may simply permit the concept. The discussion of the layout could be done for a commercial along with non commercial system. In aged days, the engineers as well as designers would prepare a made by simply creating outline illustrations of the numerous component of the structure with their measurement or standards. Also, each surrounding space will be embodied such as basic block representation.
 Along with the existence of personal computer assisted style as well as mixeds media relevant architectural approaches, there has actually been an extensive adjustment in offering schemes for new growths to intending policemans as well as potential customers. Mean you are actually obtaining a planning authorization and therefore when you make use of a 3D rendering technology, you can at that point appreciate the advantage of revealing individuals what your development are going to really appear like when it receives accomplished. A computer produced building rendering are actually specific in their presentations and also they even make use of true life structures, products, different colors and also coatings. A pc created home making also named as photo real making are made use of for functions relating to still renderings, scenic makings, online excursions and so on https://renderatelier.com/
 . Previously, it was actually hard to correspond the specific styles and the hues of colors to the designer and also after that to anticipate the outcome as every your style. Currently, along with building making, it has currently become achievable to offer expression to your subject matter which you consistently hoped of. Via a variety of combos of building rendering techniques on the pc display screen, right now it is feasible to offer practical forms to your graphic presentation based upon what you need in a structure. When you view the last image, you can receive a crystal clear tip if the final output matches with your actual demand. You might likewise make the required changes if required Manchester.
 A pc architectural leaving solution are actually primarily made to comply with the demands of engineers, property contractors, developers, intending consultants and building marketing agencies. Though a 3D rendering company, it becomes quick and easy to alter the surface products whenever demanded. Thus, after making the important modification, by utilizing a series of various structure products, you may eventually find what the growth will actually seem like. So as to produce reliability, 3D makings, utilize environmental surveys and site plannings as endorsement factors. Using this relevant information, true slab heights as well as roofing series may be produced for graphic portrayal function. Also, 3D makings may be utilized for the reason of marketing and also purchases. This is actually carried out through including a much higher level of cosmetic detail to the architectural renderings, such as individuals on the terraces, cars in the garages as well as designed yards etc. All this characteristics will definitely aid to make powerful marketing visuals that influence confidence and also intended in potential customers. The 3D building renderings can easily be definitely looked at as a price effective solution Dubai.
 The 3D computer home providing solution integrates strong conceptual resources in to the called for layout process. Along with 3D home rendering service, one show roads, landscape design, neighborhood, called for feel and likewise multiple design options could be discovered and also settled before the real building begins. Thus, a personal computer architectural rendering can effortlessly tailored a provided development strategy located on details customer criteria, considerably prior to the actual construction take place essentially.
 What Is Architectural Rendering?
 Home making is a discussion of a planned layout gotten ready for the authorization of the individual who really wants to create or create it. Along with the support of architectural makings, people can easily imagine the replica of the task that they have prepared and desire to construct. In the beginning, the professionals and designers made use of to take the help of described designs representing the numerous component of the building and construction. A design will give a dimensional suggestion of each room or even device and the technique they are actually considered to juxtapose with the total plan. Nevertheless, they were actually hardly sketches and widely described styles that barely provided the appearance as well as feel of the genuine project that was intended to be actually built United Kingdom.
 Along with the development of CAD (Computer-Aided Design), home renderings looked at a revolution presenting a precise replica of the project. Right now the proprietors can watch their prospective houses or even office properties only the way they have actually designed all of them as well as virtually view exactly how they will take care of the finalization of the task. Architectural makings deliver a collection of developing trends and choice of shades to individualize the appearance of the construction as well as thus create changes as and when called for depending upon the result of a particular layout. Numerous Auto CAD, Automatic Computer Aided Symbols are actually likewise hired to compare the various devices and also sectors of the properties, creating it simpler for the visitor to recognize each unit and also its own usage. Newest technologies also give the readily available choices relying on the budget plan selected as well as provided while seeking digital concept styles Dubai.
 Architectural rendering entails the simple conceptualization of a suggested venture, which creates the foundation of any building and construction. The distinct factors made use of in home makings like colour, design patterns, signs and computer animations, hence, play key roles to visualize the replica and eventually proceed to the building of the actual property. All the distinctions required for the improvement of the layout are actually included in architectural makings, which are actually the followed in the actual development. The leaving techniques have actually grown over the time period offering a reasonable shape as well as feeling of the organized tasks Manchester.
 3D Architectural Rendering
 3D building rendering, as the title on its own suggests, is a three-dimensional scenery of an item. In this context we suggest a structure or even a property you prefer constructed. A 3D scenery is definitely more expressive and also amazing than a 2D viewpoint since 3D home making gives you the chance to participate in with your creativity to receive an even more practical, inventive, and detailed opinion of what you need in your property.
 3D building making is achievable by utilizing a delivering component to view your task coming from numerous parts or angles, and afterwards create customizations accordingly. 3D making is actually generated due to the personal computer in the type of digital images, which are actually made with the aid of initial styles. Virtual graphics give you the very same take in or even the sense of the area as if you were really current there. You can easily find our home in each its own details, its own ceilings, wall structures, floorings, doors, installations, household furniture and the surrounding garden. You can even manipulate accounts and the cartoon or relocating video clips ahead as well as in reverse, to obtain the needed appearance.
 3D architectural rendering needs a fantastic volume of technical know-how in computer animation or even multimedia control. 3D building rendering, implemented by computer-aided design, is actually both innovative and also opportunity conserving. This is particularly correct when you think about changing designs created personally. The 3D architectural makings may additionally be presented in type of the digital pictures UAE.
 3D discussions are a lot more expensive as compared to various other forms of presentations. This is because of the complicated innovations associated with readying all of them. The manually attracted explanations or even versions are actually opportunity taking in, while the 3D presentations are promptly made without the requirement to obtain different components, colours, coatings or combs and enable better interactivity between the developer and the owner. Adjustments, if required, may as a result be actually incorporated right away. Also after the model is actually finally authorized, the originalities, if any sort of, can additionally be included at later stages. The numerous components of the buildings, featuring areas, steps, lifts, environments, color design, paints and layouts could be offered in form of videos in wonderful detail, which is actually certainly not feasible in by hand generated versions United Kingdom.
 Building making features graphic discussion of plans or even presentation of a style for a wide array of objectives including yard projects, structures, urban preparing and so on. Ever because computer system generated leaving company has existed, there has actually been a lot less commercial need for hand-drawn rendering solution. Building presenting company is actually in wonderful demand as a result of to the application of pc visuals and the digital photo concept. For instance: a 3D photoreal renderings play a crucial role in realestate purchases. It helps in taking layout relevant decisions effectively just before the property is in fact built.
 Architectural rendering is very crucial in today's building industry. Via today's computer innovation, architects and customers both acquire an option to view the developed scenery of a work that is in progress. Today's architectural leaving solution can create a number of graphic output styles just before it is really built. It may show outdoors and interiors of the planned structure with suitable lighting thinking and also complete colour. A computer created building renderings features intricate 3d choices in and also rendering program that are used to generate daily life like photos with dealing with view factors associating with igniting products and also cam scenery. All this is typically done for presentation, advertising and design analysis purposes. Right now, if you would like to use the computer system architectural providing service, all you possess to carry out is actually only send the needed info in electronic concept format alongside your proposed finances. Within concerning a full week, you will acquire several ideal feasible styles to decide on for yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that personal computer based architectural rendering innovation has actually eliminated the opportunity eating hand-operated procedures of creating illustrations UAE.
 Home making service is actually very realistic in attributes. It provides a complete visual particular of the building and construction plan and offers an accurate reproduction of what it will really resemble when it is completed. Considering that 3D renderings are realistic, they are for that reason very prodding. Also, expect a considering officer ask you to produce alterations to the program, it could be carried out quickly. A 3D computer home making gives a possibility to look at a certain construction from various point of view. This can not take place when it comes to a 2D making service which possesses simply one kind of a stationary picture to be actually looked at. In a 3D computer system home rendering, a fly-around animation impact can be delivered for a far better understanding of the entire viewpoint of the construction job.
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zaneopbv599-blog · 6 years ago
Small Company - Web Presence Is A Must
When you are going to Employ an Adult Website Design Business there is a ton of research study to be performed and a lots of concerns to gather in order to be ready when you talk to the web designers on the phone. Basically speaking, you need to do your house work and ask questions. We have actually put together 5 really standard questions that I think ought to be asked of the Grownup Website Designers and we have actually listed them here.
Site Design - 22 Dos And Do N'ts To Make Your Website More Usable And Accessible
Put appealing content that will grab the attention of the visitors in less than 5 seconds. You ought to remain in a position to grab the attention of individuals within the quickest time possible prior to they transfer to other websites. Put interesting contents on your page to guarantee visitors stay longer on your page. This must be above the fold where everybody can see it.
This is why practically every internet marketer today utilizes ecover action scripts to create their ecovers. Action scripts are utilized generally for software application and website development using the Adobe Flash Gamer platform in the kind of shockwave file (SWF) formats embedded in websites. It was originally established by Macromedia, however is now legally owned by Adobe, when it purchased Macromedia during the year 2005. Action scripts were developed at first to control two-dimensional images and animations, and transform these into three dimensional items.
Does Your Website Require A Facelift?
Now, in a webpage you will need to have a couple things. A domain that relates to your specific niche or item and a hosting service. These will cost cash. It is a very little expenditure depending on the service you use.
There are 5 vital components to website design. I call them fundamentals because if you are missing out on just one of them, your website could collapse. Make certain your style group is totally capable of dealing with each of these essentials below-- or it's time to try to find a brand-new one!
How To Earn Popularity In Web And Graphic Design Industry
A Guru in affiliate marketing Mark Ling, the well-known name behind the Affilorama brand, has actually simply launched AffiloTheme. This amazing premium wordpress theme is something different.
Save Time And Increase Productivity In Learn here Flash Style Projects
Development platforms create your code for you, but a few of them are not as reliable as a classic text editor. The principle behind development platforms is that once you select your website's functions, you paste the code produced by the platform into your site. However, if you're wishing to minimize mistakes and have an exceptional experience, you require to utilize a text editor.
There are other tools that you can use with one of the best web style software programs. At WA you will discover a keyword tool, niche research tool, and even a link masking tool that will permit you to keep an eye on where your traffic is originating from. It constantly assists to know which ones are working and which might need some aid.
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shoesforsaleggdb-blog · 6 years ago
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