#they bonk their heads together and their visors make a tapping sound
arttuff · 9 months
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woaw... loave...
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imababblekat · 6 years
Imagine The Tfp Bots/Tfa Blitzwing Reacting To Their Half Demon S/O And Their Demon Parent
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Characters For Ask:
Tfp Ratchet/Tfp Soundwave/Tfa Blitzwing
Tfp Ratchet:
Ratchet's optics look you up and down before he scoffs and turns back to whatever it is he was currently working on
whatever it is you were trying to do, he doesn't have time for your shenanigans s/o!
it doesn't matter if it's Cybertronian demons or human demons, the old medic believes in neither and will continue to deny your claims about being exactly that no matter how many times you argue back
eventually it leads to you having to actually prove to the grumpy Autobot what you are, even if partly, for him to even believe you by the tiniest amount
Ratchet wants to say something smart, like you're just using some sort of light trick, or give a scientific explanation, but he really can't
he sighs with helm in his servos as you continue to stand there doing or showing some demonic part of yourself; he's really too old for this stuff
he wants to ask why you hadn't told him before, but when he thinks about the way he acted when you literally just had, he can see why you didn't
Ratchet actually steps away from his work to talk more in depth with you about what you are, who you are, and where you come from, because even though he'll take this to the grave with him Ratchet is very much curious
you tell him everything, but what catches his interest and has him pausing you before you move onto another thing to say, is the mention of your full fledged demon parent who's trapped in a statue
by the hesitant expression on your face, Ratchet deduces that you were trying to brush by without having to explain, but he's not going to let you
this may very well put you in even more danger than you already were with just being with him and his team; imagine what the Decepticons would do to get their servos on you for such information as the location of an all powerful, other worldly being of pure chaos
after you explain everything about your demonic parent to the doc, he can see how much the topic has drained you and decides that’s enough for tonight before ushering you off to get some rest or fresh air
before you completely leave the vicinity though, Ratchet lets you know that he thinks nothing ill of you now knowing what you are; in fact he makes sure to tell you how happy it makes him that you did come to him
he know's he can be a very hard bot to talk to, even as an s/o, so it means a lot to him that you still came to him anyways with knowing how he'd react
he feels his spark flutter at the bright smile that takes over your face as you leave, and returns back to his work, but not before comming Optimus(the only person he knows who can keep a secret) about your monstrous parent and the concerns he has about them and your safety 
Tfp Soundwave:
Soundwave knew looooong before you even think about telling him about your other half, the only thing is that he doesn't know what your other half is
what I mean is that Soundwave knew something was off about you; you looked human, acted human, but there was just something about you that said you were anything but; he just couldn't figure out what
when you do pull him aside and tell him you're half demon you get as about as much of a reaction as you thought you would from the silent mech; a silent, gleaming visor stare
you get that ominous expression for a few seconds longer before Soundwave walks over to his large monitor, types something in, and points at a picture of Hell Boy when it suddenly pops up
you giggle and tell him no, proceeding to explain further about actual demons and their lore
truth is, Soundwave knows about real demons, or at least the mythical and religious information about them; he just did what he did to make you feel more at ease
if there's one sure thing about the silent con is his abilities to detect the smallest of details, and your very uncomfortable body language when confessing to him what/who you are did not go unnoticed by his observant self
after all is said, you two just sit there, Soundwave staring at you and you staring at the floor as silence takes over
the Con picks up on the way your fingers fidget, and your eyes flitter about instead of at him, and he knows you're still hiding something
he taps you lightly with a slim digit to get your attention, and when you look up there's a question mark glowing on his visor
you sigh before telling him something that’s been weighing down on you more then just being half demon; it's about your demonic parent who's been trapped in a statue for centuries
Soundwave once again sits still and silent as ever as you tell him more about your parent
they're nothing like you, where you're sweet and kind, they're down right evil and sickly twisted
you finally finish and watch for any sort of reaction from him, not the big gasp emoji or arms failing or anything like that, no, you watch for the subtle finger twitch, the glint to his visor, or the very very minuscule movement of his arm wings
after sitting there silently for sometime Soundwave suddenly stands and gently takes you in his servo
a small heart pops on his visor before he gently bonks his helm to your forehead and he proceeds to go back to his station while opening a comforting sub space just for you to rest in
for the rest of the night, the only sounds are the clacking of keys and your light snores from with in Soundwave, and the Decepticon is left to probably the most difficult decision he's ever had to make; should he tell Megatron about your true self and your parent, or keep a secret from the leader he's always been so devoted to?
Tfa Blitzwing:
you get three types of reactions; skeptical disbelief, demands to unleash hell across Detroit, and cooing while being called "tiny lil demon baby"
it was clear you weren't going to get a single type of reaction from Blitzwing, but with the three different personas it was all slightly over whelming
you decide to indulge the first two in a way that doesn't involve destroying a whole city
with wide optics watching you perform a small magic act, but one still powerful enough to prove this isn't some kind of fancy joke, Blitz is left speechless
this whole time he thought you were just another ordinary organic, well his ordinary organic if that makes you feel any better, but no, instead you've secretly been only half of what he imagined you to be
he questions why you never thought to bring this up, and you state you were fearful of him telling Megatron who would in turn use you as a means of destruction
Blitzwing understands your concern and doesn't hold it against you, or at least two parts of him don't; Hot Head can be a pouty shit baby but he won't stay mad for long only because it's you
Blitzwing doesn't know much about human lore(or anything about humanity really); the Con's never had the need or want to invest in the culture of your race, even after you two had gotten together
now though, he's very much curious, especially since this seems to be a big deal regarding you
he spends the next hour or two asking you questions about demons and yourself, and is quietly surprised by how different you are compared to the insights you're giving him about your other half
during that time you slip out about having a demon parent, and he ask you about them
the sudden paleness of your face tells him he just popped open a very bad topic and quickly apologizes, but you're just as quick to tell him he's done nothing wrong and you should probably tell him about them anyways
he is astounded to hear your descriptions of this person who aided in your creation; sure the Decepticons have taken many lives as a whole, but from what you shakily tell your parent has taken just as many all on their own
Blitzwing feels a wave of relief wash over him as he learns that this monster of an entity is trapped somewhere in a statue in a place you're not even sure of
while the chaos they've wrought among the world does somewhat leave him in a state of awe, he's also keenly aware of how much of a danger they are
you two go about your ways, either sticking together or off to take care of your own responsibilities, but either way two of Blitzwings persona's are very much concerned about your safety and are debating on whether or not to tell Megatron in case a certain seeker finds out about your demon parent and decides to mistakenly use them as a weapon
the last persona is concerned too, but at the moment he's too preoccupied with making adorable demon horns for you(if you secretly have horns already and reveal them, Random will die from gushing over you)
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