#they balace each other out so WELL!!!
lolalvrrgurl · 5 months
The way teen!Vi is sitting....gays are physically unable to sit correctly
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And there's teen!Cait <3 being all pretty..and, wait... she'd fit so well BETWEEN VI'S LAP, oh MY GOSH (for the way she sit) oh.. i need a moment like this to happen, imagine Vi hugging her from behind and cuddle, and—she will totally hide her face in the curve of her neck....i cry, i need it...I NEED SOFTNESS AND TENDERNESS
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
What interpersonal relationship that your OC has with someone do you want to gush about but no one has asked? Gush about it. 💕
Okay maybe this is cheating because I'm writing fic of these two but this ask has been sitting on this inbox for too long and that bothers me so I'm talking about them
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Halsin is not Gwen's first relationship, but he is the first person to have made her feel appreciated and wanted. Like, she doesn't need someone who showers her in attention, but she needs someone to stand by her and that guy is Halsin.
Also, I think he compliments her quite well. Where Gwen is chaotic and impulsive, Halsin is wise, and patient, so they end up balacing each other out.
Besides that, there's a lot that Gwen learns from him. His firmness and past experiences with leadership are a source of inspiration to her, since she had never been in a position like that before. Gwen is young and grew up sheltered by her mom, so I think it's a nice contrast that her choice of partner is someone who has lived a long life and who has seen and experienced so much and who can possible show her so much as well.
And I think ultimatly, the reason they work so well is also because of who they are as people. They're both kind hearted people seeking to ultimatly do good and help others (even if Gwen might do some questionable things along the way, she always comes back to that what's more morally ok), and they really are a source of comfort and support to the other.
to sum it all up: Halsin's a good guy and he'll treat her right
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suzyq31 · 10 months
21. most memorable comment/review? ❤️❤️
I've honestly been so lucky with some regular lovely reviewers. It's hard to pick, but one that really made me tear up (in a good way), was this one (sorry it's long, also putting under the cut as it has spoilers for Maybe Tomorrow)
A wonderful conclusion to an outstanding fic.
It is with some trepidation that I have to pay you the compliment that it's obvious you are somewhat outside of what I've come to expect of most fanfiction writers. It is not meant to be insulting, but most of them are just so very young. Contrast that with the absolutely masterful way you have pulled on heartstrings and breathed life into the pages here, and every word shows you to be someone who has genuinely lived.
Your characters are some of the most realistic and intriguing depictions in the HP fandom I have ever seen. The careful picking and choosing of your phrasing and which details are given suggest so much beneath the surface, without falling into the trap of overexplaining everything. Ron as the genuine friend that is allowed to have sadness over his own what ifs without letting it jeopradize his friendship. Andromeda - despite her brief appearance - being characterised through the eyes of others and having the reader's introduction to her be so *right* as the wizened and grandmotherly type that is nonetheless sharp and present.
Finally, the true standout performance, are the children. I am a father to a six year old girl, and I can confidently say that in reading millions of words of fanfiction last year, you are by far the most accurate when it comes to depicting the behaviors and thoughts of children around that age. The raw love, the way their bodies and minds work in good and bad moments, the chaos and attention.
Finally, your descriptions of atmosphere (simply beautiful prose, outstanding command of pacing and balacing exposition and dialoge, not to mention the quality of said dialogue) and the thoughtful angles in the reflections of your characters were superb. The not-quite-dead scene, which I somewhat dreaded as soon as I recognized it (it *is* remarkable how that type of scene just seems to invite terrible writing) was Siriusly wonderful, adding a depth and comfort that feels entirely at home with the relationship this version of Harry would have had with him. The way most dialogues seem to be lifted out of actual conversation rather than two robots reading lines, with all the non sequiturs, banter, and desultory nonsense that actual humans that know each other well base most of their conversations on.
Selfishly, I am somewhat disappointed this is the end of (this part of-) Maybe Tomorrow. Please accept my warmest wishes for the new year, and sincere gratitude for sharing your work with us. I cannot wait to spend more time in the gardens of your creation.
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soundlesslament · 2 years
What are your thoughts on "Grey Jedi"? I got that broke woke bespoke Revan post in my tumblr recommended page and I will admit I was a little wary at first. "Neutrality" in the force is often a divisive topic so I figured I should actually ask rather than jumping to conclusions (that's not the Jedi way, after all.)
The simple answer is that I have no thoughts on Grey Jedi because those are exclusive to Star Wars comics (or novels?), which I have not read, and I do not believe in having an opinion on something when I do not have enough information about it. All I know about the Grey Jedi is that they are a separate group and have their own code, so...no thoughts here.
My post was not comparing Revan to a Grey Jedi in any way. At most, it was referring to a theory about the SW universe that states balance is the ultimate goal of the Force, and because force-sensitives set themselves at one of its two extreme opposites (Jedi or Sith), it drives them to clash against each other in endless wars in an attempt to reach a semblance of balace. I favor this theory as it is the one most in line with the KOTOR games, especially the second one, while also lining up with the movies.
I could make an entire long post out of that, so I’ll just leave it at that simple explanation. (I also have too many thoughts on the possible neutrality, since I find both the Jedi and Sith have serious issues while also having specific parts of their approach that are interesting. Maybe I should write that analysis.)
Aaaand I’ve written too much. Sorry for the long answer. Thank you for your question! Be well!
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napsfor-technoblade · 4 years
Based off this ask!! :D
"Oh my god! Sapnap, come look!"
Sapnap poked his head in the bedroom door, an eyebrow raised, "What?"
George sat on the bed, his laptop in his lap. He was in shorts and an oversized hoodie, Sapnap identified it as Dream's.
He pointed at something on the screen, "Look-look!!" He sounded like a kid on Christmas.
Sapnap chuckled, going to sit with him. When he saw what George was looking at he gasped, "Oh my god."
It was name bracelets, they were very pretty and came in many colors and designs. Currently on the screen was a silver one with small jewels on it that spelled out someone's name.
"It's so cute." George gushed, Sapnap nodded, "It is... How much is it?"
George scrolled down, when he saw the price both he and Sapnap grimaced. "Sometimes things can be left in the shopping cart," George closed the laptop, visibly deflating. He liked those bracelets.
"I wanted to get two for each of us..." George muttered. Sapnap took his hand, "Hey, it's okay, we can always just make some."
George frowned, nodding. He slid the laptop on the bed and got up, stretching slightly, before walking out the room.
As he left he quite literally ran into Dream. "Oh- Hey George." Dream chuckled as George stumbled back, a light pink blush rolling across his face.
"DREAAAAM!!" Sapnap called, running out the room and tackling the other in a hug. Dream wheezed, knocked slightly off balace before he stabilized, pulling George into the hug as well.
He snuggled into Dream with a hum, "How come you're home so early...?"
Dream shrugged, "I wanted to see you two."
"Shut up Sapnap."
It had been a few days after George had mentioned the name bracelets, Sapnap was laying on the couch, lazily scrolling through what looked like Instagram.
After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, the ravenette rose an eyebrow, going to get up before his taller boyfriend barreled down the hall.
"I got it!!" Dream shouted, going to the door. Sapnap could hear him thanking someone before closing the door. When he looked over he jumped up, Dream was holding a medium sized box.
"Whoa! What's that? Is it for you? Is it for me?" He babbled, Dream wheezed, "Hold on- go get George, I'll tell you when he's here."
Sapnap sped into their room, coming back and dragging a sleepy George from their room to the living room. When George saw Dream he was wide awake, "What's that?"
Dream chuckled, "You're both like puppies I swear- sit down, I'll show you."
George pulled Sapnap by the collar down to the couch, Sapnap making a slight choking noise before sitting down himself. When Dream gave him the box he immediately opened it, gasping at what he saw.
Inside were three small jewelry boxes. George looked up at Dream in surprise, the other just nodded. He opened one up and- yep, there were two bracelets in the box, each had the same name on them. "You didn't-"
"I did." Dream cut off Sapnap. His smile grew wider when the other two pulled out the other boxes, babbling excitedly as they slipped two bracelets on each other's wrists before turning to Dream and doing the same.
When they were finished they tackled Dream to the floor, the tallest making a disgruntled noise but laughed anyway, "You're welcome." He grinned.
George nuzzled into his chest, "How did you afford one? Let alone six?" Dream shook his head, "Don't worry about that, just enjoy your gifts."
And they would continue to enjoy their gifts until they eventually grew too worse for wear.
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mrs-ephemeral · 3 years
This is cher, the final egyptian god stand user the crusaders have to face, Isis in egyptian means throne and therefor is the name of her stand. The reason why I named it Isis is because it one one of the last things keeping DIO on his throne
i based the ability of the stand off of the lyrics of "Crazy over you" by Blackpink
take a moment to read the lyrics
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Her stand has a hole in its chest that has a hand balance with a heart abd a feather on each sode of the balace, in egyptian mythology it was meant to see if you were worthy of the after life or not so "I've been known to kiss and Tell. Send girls to wishing wells" means that her stand will send the victim into the hole in its chest and ask you to put your heart in the pen balace, if your heart was heavy then you would drown in the hole of Isis' chest and your heart will disapear. If your heart was lighter than the feather then you are able to have a final battle with Cher. But this all occurs at the final battle
before that she actually seduces the crusaders as the lyrics state and she basically makes you go insane, the more prone you are to women the faster you become insane. As you get insane this addictive poision forms into your brain and it makes you trribly dizzy and cough alot.
" Boy by the time I'm done i won't be the only one acting like you made me, you cant blame me" generaly relates to her battle against the crusaders where jotaro yells to her from the hole in her stands chest "Hey bitch let us out" she'll respond with a laugh "You didnt make me, You cant tell me what to do. Its your fault you're drowning right now! If only you weren't such a sinner"
in the final battle she tears a bit of the flesh from where she has an eye tattoed on the spots of her arm and actually splash her blood into thebcrusader's mouths making them feel even more woozy than normal. This allows her to temporarily take control of their bodies apfor 8 seconds. Like voodoo she makes them tear the flesh of off the place where she teared her flesh off. Generally wounding the crusaders.
"hit you with the red dont gi there no-no man" happens after the crusaders get affected with the insane illnes Cher gives them because after you've been affected with the illness you'll see red shapes on the ground and seats + stairs. Dont step in them or else you'll suffer a case of bad luck for 10-11 minutes.
she is seen having a good very friendly relationship with steely Dan and N'doul and all the other female servants of dio
i'll explain more later so yeet but her stand is extremelpy comlicated which is the reason why its so powerful Lmao
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hyunjin-ius · 4 years
Say What You Wanna (with my body)
Say What You Wanna (pt.I?)
Genre: Angst, little bit of smut,
Pairings: reader X Chris, reader X Changbin
Warnings: whore!reader, mention of prostitutes
Word count: 2,5K
Description: After all Chris might not be your happily ever after. But while you were blinded by said man, someone else might have just developed real feelings for you. How can a past whore deal with being loved or is it just lust playing the main role in her new relationship?
Writer’s note: Please please please for a better reading experience listen to Tujamo – Say What You Wanna. The whole story was inspired by this song. (ALSO I’m new to this whole writing thing moreover english is not my mother tongue, so please bear with me. Lastly, let me know if you want the story to be continued :D )
It’s been more than a month. More than a month that you and Chris have decided to seperate. It wasn’t exactly your choice. Chris have had his mind set. You weren’t asked questions, he wasn’t interested in your opinion either. Like lightning striking out of the blue he just snapped one day.
Waking up next to his body on that specific morning felt oddly strange to say the least. The past days were spent with nothing but work work and work. You at your 9-5 suddenly becoming 6-9 and Chris having a hard time with his comeback preparations. Both of you were exhausted and drained…and sadly the company of each other no longer lightend the mood or made your days better. Living together in your shared apartment ment that you couldn’t let loose even at home since the other one wanted to have a break, wanted to sleep, or in your case…wanted to cry. Frankly you felt the tension in the air, your 6th sense activated but you couldn’t vision what was coming your way. That morining Chris made you coffee as usual but after that he went to the balcony. You saw him lighting a cigarette which was unusual but a tell tale sign of him being extremely anxious. He was sipping on his coffee and puffing out dark grey smoke clouds into the air. You hated the fact that he was smoking. It was a well kept secret since him being a singer ment that his vocal chords needed special treatment which was not including cigarettes. You didn’t question him that morning. The rest of the day was spent quietly. Up until the moment you’ve said that you wanted to go out for lunch. You wanted to spend some quality time with your boyfriend of 4 years, wanted to dress up, wanted to look pretty for him. But Chris had other things in mind. He didn’t answer you. You were standing in your living room as far from each other as possible. You saw him tense up even more.
„I don’t think a lunch in town can solve our problems” was all that you got. Talking about your problems, you sure had a few. Your future together seemed darker and darker with each passing day. It took you 4 years to realize that. But you’ve felt strong enough to endure the hardships life was throwing at you. You’ve tried to talk to Chris countless times about your feelings. About him not being open enough about his plans with you. About the two of having no future together. He kept quiet about his feelings. It seemed like the two of you were match made in heaven. But from the inside it felt like you were matched with a person staright from hell.
You couldn’t deny the fact that Chris was beyond handsome, his body, his face, his charisma was indescribable. It was enough to pull you in. He was caring and loyal…to a point. It wasn’t easy with him being surrounded by hundreds of screaming girls all the time. You knew what was happening during their long tours, you knew that they were all enjoying the company of girls and boys after concerts. You weren’t an angel either to begin with. You’ve met Chris as one these girls after one of his gigs. It was all planned as usual. If people asked about your job you’d tell them that you work at a modelling agency. Modelling agency was the legal way of saying that you were a part-time prostitute. It really wasn’t your dream job of course. You just needed money and luckily had the face and body to achive such goals easier than others not as fortunate as you. The two of you met after the last concert of the first tour of Stray Kids. The company especially called for you to come and entertain one of the boys. You weren’t unfamiliar with Stray Kids but couldn’t name one of the members for the sake of your life. Then you came face to face with Chris. Turns out the boys were given pictures of that day’s whores and they were allowed to decide with whom do they want to spend the night. Chris choose you. He was eager to please you. The spark was between the two of you from the first second. His cock was hard for you from the moment you stepped into the dressing room. It was just the two of you and the sexual tension eating its way up in your bodies. He kissed you with such vigour that made you lightheaded. You weren’t used to this feeling. Feeling attached to one of your clients. But there you were making out with Chris while feeling him up through his jeans. The bulge in his pants was obvious from the start.
„Drop to your knees” he half ordered half asked you
Sucking on his cock was a marvellous experience. The boy was extremely vocal about how you made him feel with your mouth. You were expereinced at giving oral but you couldn’t remember the last time you had so much fun pleasuring a man. And boy did he pay back for your service. Eating you out, fingering you and really making you his bitch before entering you. You were pushed to one of the mirrors in the room. Trying to hold up with your hands on the mirror while Chris was pounding into you from behind wasn’t easy. He took his sweet time with you. Enjoying the view with the help of the mirrors even more. Suddenly piciking up his pace you knew he was close. Pulling his cock out of you he came on your bare back. He asked you to stay in place, he wanted to take photos of his cum splattered on the back of a whore. You were used to this as well. These boys had nothing but their bitches to help them out in situations like this. It wasn’t like they could go to the next bar to pick some girls up. They needed professionals who were able to keep their mouths shut about the dark side of the kpop industry. After taking the pics Chris cleaned you up with caring movements. It was obvious that he was into you. Usually idols would leave you behind with cum anywhere and everywhere on your body. You weren’t complaining. They wanted release not a relationship. But this time was different.
A few days later you were contacted by your agency. Chris wanted to spend the night alone with you. And this is story of how the two of you became madly in love. Chris wanted you as his girlfriend, but only if you could be his and only his. He helped you with finding a job at his company, and asked you to quit being a prostitute. Life was extremely difficult at that time. Balacing your not so usual job and your not so usual boyfriend made you depressed. The same depression that creeped its way into your everyday life after 4 years too. You knew that Chris still enjoyed the company of whores and that you were a whore in the past to begin with. You were afraid each and every day. When will Chris announce that he has found someone better, someone less depressed and less anxious? Or to put it simply when will he finally speak up about his emotions.
Eventually the day has arrived. You were in your living room which soon will only be his. The two of you looking at each other as strangers meeting for the first time.
„So” you started „Should I start packig my stuff?” you asked without a sign of anger. You were calm. You didn’t see it coming, but you weren’t one to play with. If he wanted to end things then you are going to be the one who has the last word. Chris didn’t say a thing. He looked down to the floor.
„I’ll take it as a yes!” you answered your own question. Looking around the apartment you didn’t really know where to start. Everthing was shared. Chris sensed your mood changing. In his mind he expected you to cry as you would usually do in pressuring situations. But you seemed to be everything but heart-broken. He decided to flee from you, from the moment. Brusing past you he grabbed his car keys and left the apartment.
 More than a month has passed since. That was the last day the two of you talked. After he left the house you called one of your closest friends, explained your situation in a hurry and asked for her help. You moved to her flat temporarily until you could find something to rent alone. You were thankful to God and the higher powers that dispite the fact that Chris and you worked at the same company you haven’t crossed paths since the break up. You were not in the position to quit your job just because of Chris. You needed money now more than ever, which actually made you reconsider the hoe life and its pros and cons. Sure, years have gone by, you weren’t as young any more eventhough you were still in your early 20s. But now you were stronger than ever, and more experienced. You used to plan to live your life with Chris and only Chris. Now you were planning to live your life according to your rules and your rules only. You were constantly thinking about your opportunities and chances at life. You wanted to fix things with yourself.
One night your phone lit up signaling a new message. You were in the middle of apartment hunting on your laptop and paid little to no attention to the continous massage sounds and lights. Then the long forgotten skype window of your past ’modelling agency’ popped up on your laptop.
„Playing hard to get huh?” accoring to skype the message was written by one of your past bosses.
„So Chris is cancelled right?”  came the second text right after the first one. Curiosity take over you and you reached for your phone. Unlocking the screen you saw nothing but the name ’Seo Changbin’ everywhere. You weren’t exactly close to anyone in Stray Kids except for Chris of course. You would see each other come and go in the company, but none of the boys were a fan of mingling their professional life and private life. Altough spending so much time together it was only natural that some of them would open up to each other. You knew that Chris was extremely close to Changbin and Jisung.  The three of them being the heart and soul of Stray Kids. But now you were bewildered. What does Changbin want from you?
„You really went as far as reaching for me on skype?” you typed on your phone as an answer to Changbin’s many questions regarding the Chris situation.
„I’d say im persistent” Changbin knew about your past life. After your first time with Chris the boy sent the photos of your back covered in his cum to their group chat. Just another thing that came natural to them after a good fuck. The next day you’ve found yourself in Changbin’s lap. He was different from Chris in many many ways. Sex with him was more about executing his commands. But it wasn’t any less pleasurable. It was actually nice to being told what to do. Changbin always got what he wanted. Just like how he was able to write to you in the name of your past boss. After Chris have officially asked you out you had to cut ties with everyone from the prostitute industry. You hated to admit it but it felt nice that someone was paying attention to you again. Especially since it was coming from Changbin. You knew far well why he was so eager to talk to you now. Changbin always voiced his thoughts, something you were not familiar with while you were living with Chris.
 It went against all your instincts but you’ve decided to give in and meet Changbin. You knew how to play this game. Now more than ever you wanted to be the one who’s in charge. You’ve had enough with Chris, you were fed up with boys not speaking their mind, leaving you in the dark. But knowing Changbin you shouldn’t have worried about the man not voicing his thoughts. Especially thoughts concerning you. You’ve met in a high end restaurant open only for idols and their guests, since going to just any place still wasn’t an option. Small talk was really not Changbin’s cup of tea yet the two of you’ve managed to keep the conversation going. Changbin was calm and collected during the meal. It seemed like he had planned everything in advance. He was wearing a black silk shirt, the material enhancing his taut chest. Catching feelings for him wasn’t difficult.
„Does Chris know that we are here together?” you asked out of curiosty while sipping on your wine. Changbin looked at you with fire in his eyes
 „It’s none of his bussiness to know how and with whom I spend my freetime” his answer came strained. You didn’t mean to anger him. You just wanted to know if they were still talking about you. After his reaction you were sure that your name was a sensitive topic between the boys.
 „Chris fucked up your life more than needed” Changbin continued after a while „You two shouldn’t have crossed the line back then”
 „Well” you interrupted him „He was the one who wanted the relationship. I was fine with being one of his whores”
 „Exactly” Changbin smiled and nodded „You shouldn’t have crossed the line” he repeated. A short pause came before he started to talk again „He never really knew what he wanted to do with you other than fucking you 7/11. It was a pain in the ass to witness all the shit you’ve been through just to stay with him. And to see how Chris was about to throw you out one day”
 „Don’t tell me that you knew what was going on between us” you exclaimed both in surprise and disbelief
 „Not between the two of you” Changbin rectified „I just saw your struggles from outisde and somehow I was able to put the pieces together” he finished his thoughts. You remained silent. Your mind on the other hand was louder than ever. Maybe it was obvious from the start that you weren’t made for each other. Maybe everyone saw it but you. You wanted your relationship to work but mainly because of Chris. He wanted a girlfriend, someone who was there for him through thin and thick. But what was your motive other than pleasing Chris at every given chance? What did you get in return from Chris that you couldn’t get from any other men?
 „Changbin” you started after a while. Looking deep in the eyes of the man sitting across you „Do you know what you want from me?” Changbin smirked at your question.
 „Isn’t it obvious?”he whispered
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diminuel · 5 years
Supernatural 15x01 rewatch
As a warning to send you on your way; this is a long post and it’s not clearly structured. It’s a reaction and not a proper analysis/ meta. I’d love to hear your thoughts or be pointed towards your own reactions if you’re willing to share~
Okay, here we go! All under the cut!
I am fond of the smooth transition between the “THEN” and “NOW”. The summary of last season was pretty short and I had somehow expected a montage spanning all seasons, but this is better.
First of all I am confronted with the slight vagueness of the issue at hand: the doors to hell have all been opened, so any soul that wants to is free to walk the earth again. So are they ghosts or are they demons? Since they possess bodies demons would be most likely, but then they wouldn’t be cast out of a body by iron alone. Other ghosts we see later on - any ghost that’s not in the cemetary trying to eat Sam and Dean and Cas - don’t seem to need to possess a body. Neither are they in any way restricted to a particular place or object or bound by lore (White Woman, Bloody Mary... they both just kill whoever is available, not who they would usually go for due to the “rules”).
The second remarkable thing is that we get Belphegor in Jack’s place, both masking his loss but also parading it around, depending on which character he has a scene with. Belphegor, while suspicious, is also highly entertaining and even though he has no eyes he is pretty insightful. Jack’s dead and Dean comments it with “he didn’t deserve this”, but that is the height of emotion for Dean regaring Jack’s demise, at least in this episode. Dean wanted Jack to die but ultimately decided against it, but I assume his lack of emotion (or at least the lack of expression of those emotions) are a good indication that Dean’s anger at what Jack has done still overrides his paternal feelings and any sadness that Jack's death might cause him. He wanted him dead, now he’s dead, moving on to bigger issues.
How Dean deals with his own complicated feelings regarding Jack is one thing, but how he deals with Cas’ feelings is quite another. Dean shows no compassion at all for how Cas feels about Belphegor walking around in Jack’s body. But neither does Sam, not really. They instead jump at the chance of having an ally. A demon comes, possesses Jack’s body, gives them a little speech and conveniently has all the right spells just available to himself and Dean & Sam don’t even think about second guessing it? It’s like “I need angel blood :D” and when Cas hesistates Sam urges him to give his blood anyway.
Also, Sam doesn’t have a lot of scenes with the guy, it’s mostly Dean and Cas being shown to have very different reactions and that’s pretty telling too considering Dean and Cas have been established to be Jack’s parents more than Sam has lately. 
While Dean is pretty unperturbed and cracking jokes like calling Belphegor Crowley Jr. (I’d call him Babybel but to each their own), Castiel went from anger at him possessing Jack to a heart-broken admittal that he can’t even look at Belphegor, something that doesn’t even seem to cross Dean’s mind as a possibility? He lets Cas go without berating him for it, so at least it gave him to think a bit and he didn’t default to not letting Cas have emotions about it.
Belphegor has a reaction to the Equalizer, so I assume there might be something coming featuring that kill everything suicide gun. Belphegor probably knows more than he lets on, who knows if he’s even from our version of the Sam and Dean story, but we’ll probably see. The scene showing the gun in Belphegor’s presence was there for a reason and we’re bound to see what it’ll become.
Belphegor commenting on how gorgeous Dean is (and then later on how much he admires him as an artist) is just so funny to me. Kind of uncomfortable of course because it sounds like Belphegor is flirting and the dude is possessing Dean’s kid *lol* Generally, Belphegor is our big question mark of the episode. Is he who he claims to be? What is his goal exactly? Helping the Winchesters to put things back into hell seems far-fetched but not exactly impossible. 
But, I must now comment on one of the high lights of the episode for me. Dean, Cas and Belphegor are in the impala alone. Belphegor witnesses Cas share that he cannot even look at Belphegor. I’m pretty sure Jack made the demon news too, but Belphegor still asks about his meatsuit, which then reveals an interesting, juicy bit that warms every Destiel shipper’s heart. Dean says that Jack was “our” kid. Now, imagine you’re Belphegor and you get that piece of information after having just witnessed a tense moment between Dean and Cas. Who is “our”? Considering that Belphegor knows that Sam and Dean are brothers and he has seen how Cas acts around him, he inevitably must interpret “he was our kid” to mean Dean and Castiel’s. Especially since everyone in hell seems to know that Dean and Cas are “attached”. I’m just waiting for Belphegor to comment on Dean and Cas’ failing marriage.
But hey, back to the plot! I wonder what the Equalizer wound does. In all honesty we don’t even know for sure what the Equalizer does, because it certainly wasn’t the only thing that could kill Jack. Maybe its goal was to purge Jack out of the story since he, in theory, could be a thread to the whole cardhouse structure of the multiverse that is Chuck’s AO3 profile of not beta read variations of the same story (like Metatron said, Chuck posted the first draft). When Jack was born he created rifts into different worlds - the abandoned drafts existing parallel to their own - and he had impacted other worlds, killed players from different universes (well, not that this was the first time this happened, Meta Misha anyone? Poor guy) and could destroy it all. Chuck doesn’t mind losing one story. There are countless more, but having Jack mess up all of them, especially the ones Chuck likes to observe? That would suck. So if that was something the Equalizer was meant to prevent, balacing all the other universes out there, then maybe Sam now accidentally became a portal/ door to other worlds. The fact that we saw a different Sam, heard a different Dean seems to imply this. 
Well, that’s just speculation because it could also be that Sam, having accidentally forged a connection with Chuck due to their common wound, could simply see things - the future, different versions that Chuck is currently invested in. In any case, I’m very excited about that, seeing different versions of Team Free Will is my jam.
And while I’m speaking of things that are my jam? I must mention Cas’ flat “You shot me”. So good. I always wonder why that doesn’t happen more often in close ghost combat when shotguns are involved. Luckily Cas can’t get hurt *lol* 
But... why can a ghost hurt a demon and why can a ghost get a hold of Cas? These ghosts generally do weird things but I assume that might be because they’ve been to hell for a while and are on their way to become demons? But that brings us back to the question I asked initially and I guess we’ll see more of that in the next episode.
And now, the other DeanCas scene. It doesn’t exactly qualify as a conversation but it’s there and it’s still meaningful. Why did Dean get out of the car, why did he approach Cas, why did he ask? The way he cuts any conversation short beyond the quick affirmation that Cas isn’t hurt, Dean shows that he doesn’t want to talk, doesn’t want to hear anything from Cas. Belphegor picks up on the rejection it is meant to be. It is kinda awkard, it is kind of cruel. Dean knows how Cas is struggling with the situation, at least when it gets to Belphegor but Dean is clever enough to know how much Cas is hurting because of Jack’s death. But Dean allows no grief, no expression of it, which I think is cruel... And it’s not necessary. Even if Dean is angry at Cas still (obviously) that doesn’t mean that he gets to decide to not let Cas be sad about the death of their child. (But Dean has done that before, when Charlie died and Sam apologized to her while they gave her a hunter’s funeral, Dean decided that Sam didn’t get to say anything, because he was at fault. It makes Dean seem so self-righteous, deciding who can or cannot be sad and in what shape they are allowed to express their grief.) Cas has shown in S14 and now again that he wants to talk, he wants to tackle the issue as a family. He never rejected Dean’s sadness, anger and grief - it was Sam that held him back, it was Dean who decided to cry alone in the woods even though Cas would have been there for him.
And Cas isn’t even angry at Dean, which is something that I expected. I wonder if that will continue this way; with Cas having plenty of reasons to be upset with Dean, but only ever taking the rejection Dean heaps on him, accepting that Dean doesn’t grant him the right to voice his own grief, without ever speaking up about it. Just... it’s unfair?
By the way, Sam continues to remove himself from the entire issue. He has very little to offer in terms of reactions to Jack’s death, he has nothing to offer in terms of comfort for Cas, presents no grief for either Cas or Dean to comment on and in turn get to show glimpses of their own struggling. And he too takes no responsibility at the current moment for the situation, no apology offered to Cas regarding his involvement in the “kill Jack” mission... Which is disappointing as well but not super unexpected either. Maybe it’ll come later, but as with Dean, Cas doesn’t seem to hold any anger so far.
I did like the ending. From what some interviews stated I had expected Sam and Dean to struggle with having God as the one who wrote their entire lives a lot more. But they’re doing fine so far...
All in all, a good episode. Throwing Belphegor into the mix created some very interesting situations and having him there means that he - as an outsider - gets to poke at things that interests us too, like the focus on the Dean - Cas drama. He comments on it for us, gets Cas to speak up in ways he probably wouldn’t if there was only Jack’s corpse around. So I’m pleased. :D
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awed-frog · 6 years
I may have mentioned this before, but I listened to this outstanding program a few years back (I think it was an interview on some German radio, but I may be wrong) and I can’t get it out of my head. Problem is, I don’t remember any names so I can’t find a source, but listen to this: as it turns out, a major yet hidden problem with academia and general adulting is that people are überfocused on a specific detail in their own field, and are neither encouraged nor equipped to see a bigger picture.
Example one were two Dutch researchers who were randomly talking to each other because they were friends or something (if I remember this right, one was a psychologist and the other an economist?) and that’s how they decided to study the mostly ignored correlation between capitalism and mental health? And maybe I’m the last person on the planet who never saw things this way, but it’s true that until very recently, if your life sucked you were mostly pitied and supported (I’m talking about Europe here - I know Americans have that whole American Dream nonsense going on, so it may be different over there). Like, you were unemployed - nobody would have scoffed at you and told you you just needed to try harder. People knew that times were objectively shitty - factories closing down and whatever else - which means there was some kind of emotional support system you could count on. Capitalism, however, turns everything you are as a person into an exploitable resource, and because of that how successful you are and how much money you make are directly and solely your responsibility. If you can’t find a job, or are stuck on a zero hours contract, or barely make the minimum wage, well - fuck you - those things are no longer considered as a ‘shit happens’ kind of situation, but have become your fault, and your fault only. Why didn’t you go to uni? Why did you go to uni? Why didn’t you study something more marketable? Why did you waste money and time on a holiday instead of learning Korean or C++? And so on and so forth. The fact many of us feel trapped in an economic nightmare and yet think it is of our own making is, according to those researchers, the primary reason why there’s an epidemic of self-confidence-related illnesses like eating disorders, anxiety, stress, OCD and so on. We become unable to answer a phone and even go outside because we’ve been brainwashed into believing every little choice we make will decide whether we’ll have a reasonably normal life or die in a ditch, and that’s something that’s unprecedented in human history.
Example two was how three grad students meeting in a bar basically realized why their efforts were amounting to nothing at all? Like, this was happening in an African country (again: sorry I’m fuzzy on the details), and one of them was working with the local community because many parents had stopped sending their children to school and that was Bad; another guy was a biologist, and he was concerned with the rising number of baboon attacks on people; and the third researcher was off doing something else - studying the impact of illegal deforestation, maybe? And anyway, of course they were all working separately within their organizations - until that moment they randomly started chatting to one another and realized their problems were actually the same problem. I think what had happened was: a big Western corporation had poisoned a body of water, which means fishermen could no longer make a living, which had led to them burning down stretches of forest to plant more crops so their families wouldn’t starve. The baboons, of course, were none too pleased with this, and also going hungry af - their next move was helping themselves with fresh, juicy food directly from the fields. People then started to task their children with protecting their maïze and egusi and manioca so the baboons would back off; and the local schools emptied. And, whatever, it seems so logical and self-evident when you look at it that way, I remember the radio program explaining how it had actually been very hard to piece these elements together? Because, like, one organization’s work had been to talk to parents and convince to send their kids to school, while other people were trying to come up with ways to stop the fires and biologists were just running around and wondering how to improve the cohabitation between wild animals and local communities. And from the outside, of course, all of these problems were considered lowkey unsolvable because Africans - ie, white people inherently assuming black people do stupid and irrational things just for the hell of it and what can you do, amirite? And again, in reality this whole mess was a West-engineered problem - a greedy corporation based in London or some shit who’d paid the local government to look the other way as they poisoned an entire lake.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, except - we need to be better at this. We need to find a way to balace the need to know our stuff very well with the absolute necessity of understanding what other people are up to. This is especially important in academia and in politics, but as extreme partisanship, an übercompetitive market for university jobs and a generalised ‘my view and experience of the world are the only ones that count’ mentality, we’re barreling faster and faster towards the abyss. So, let’s try and remember that it’s not person vs person out there. The real struggle is humanity vs unchecked corporations, and if we want a shot at winning we need to forgive one another a bit more and let go of damaging stereotypes and stay focused on what matters. Also: bloody talk to each other. Be kind when you can; be mad when you must; and above all, be relentlessly, unapologetically curious.  
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jxffatkxns · 7 years
Cooking (Jeff x Reader)
First imagine. Probably crappy but hope you like it and let me know what you think.
– You took a hot shower after an exhausting day at school, dried yourself up with a towel that was hanging from the shower rod and put on some pyjamas.
You layed on your bed after discarding the used clothes in the laudry basket and opened your laptop. While looking through options for some shows to watch, your phone started vibrating on the bedside table. You saw that Jeff was the one calling and picked up.

“Hey, babe.” You greeted, your eyes glued to the laptop screen. 
“ Hi, uh… I wanted to ask you a favor?“ He sounded nervous for some reason, you heard crumpling on the other end of the line. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
 “ Sure…”
 “ Can you open your front door? I kinda got my hands full.” 
You sat upright, scratching the back of your head, your hair was still pretty humid since you decided to let it air dry. 
“What? What are you doing here at 8pm, Jeff?” You asked. 
He sighed and tapped on the front door with his foot. “Open the door and you’ll find out.” 
You hung up and rolled your eyes but got out of bed nonetheless. You walked down the stairs and opened the door to reveal Jeff holding two paper bags in both of his hands.
His phone was on his ear, trapped between his shoulder, his head tilted to the side. You rose an eyebrow, amused. “What’s all this?” You chuckled.
He didn’t say a word. Partly because he had his hands full and if he moved a muscle his phone would fall out from his grasp, God knows how many phones he’s broken in the past and you didn’t feel like adding another one to the list so you helped him out.
Taking a step foward, you took his phone in your hand. You also took one of the bags from him. He smiled appreciatively and pecked your lips. You stepped aside so he could enter the house. You went to put the bags in the kitchen counter while he closed the door and made his way back to you.
He placed the bag that was on his hand next to the other and stood behind you. Rummaging through the bags, you furrowed your eyebrows again.
“Groceries?” You turned your head to look at him and he gave you a sloppy grin accompanied with a small, nonchalant shrug. “Jeff, you know that I always keep my fridge stocked with food! Specially since you manage to eat it all in one night. I don’t even know how that’s possible.” You mumbled the last part to yourself, but he heard you.
He scoffed and placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt. “Okay, first, ow.” You rose a quizzical eyebrow and shook your head at him. “And second, they aren’t just for me. They’re for the both of us. I thought we’d try something new, toghether.” You turned back to look at the paper bags in front of you.
It all started to make sense.
“You want us to cook together.” It came out more like a question than a statement, but you knew he understood.
“Maybe…” He singsonged, shooting you a sheepish smile. You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your torso, he placed his head on your shoulder and started leaving a trail of small kisses down the side of your neck. He moved his head to the other side and peppered it with kisses as well.
Your mouth hung open and your eyes closed involuntarily.
The things this boy can make you feel.
Snapping back to reality, you turned to face him. He had a devilish smirk on his face, so you smacked him in the arm. Hard.
He deadpanned. “What was that for?!” He asked, staring at you with wide eyes.
“You know exactly what that was for! Asshole!” You retorted. He stepped back, lifting up his hands in surrender. “Now are we gonna cook or not?”
He didn’t say anything, he just nodded eagerly. He bought the ingredients to make some garlic butter shrimp pasta with steak, your favorite meal.
He snapped his fingers repeatedly, as if he just remebered something, walked to the speaker on top of a shelf and connected his phone to it. He clicked on a Spotify playlist the you two made together and headed back to you. “Let’s get started!”
You cooked the pasta in a large boiling pot of water. Jeff seasoned the shrimp with salt and pepper while you melted some butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Added garlic, oregano and red pepper flakes, stirring.
He added the shrimp and cooked until they turned pink for about two minutes and set it aside once it was done.
You melted the remaining tablespoons of butter in the skillet, stirrred it in pasta, arugula and Parmesan until the arugula began to wilt. You took out the meat while Jeff stirred the pasta in shrimp.
He put the lid on the skillet and helped you season the steaks, you put them in the oven.
When you finished, you both washed your hands and turned to one another.
Jeff reached his right hand up to give a high-five, which you returned with a smile. Taking advantage of having your hand on his, he grabbed it, brought you closer to his chest, and leaned foward to connect his lips with yours.
They were soft, delicate. His kiss was gentle, sweet and long lasting. He stroked his thumb across your cheek with his free hand.
His touch was faint, almost nonexistent.
He opened his eyes and looked down at you with nothing short from adoration. He had that same exact glint in his eyes from when you first met.
A small smile spread across his lips. He lowered his head to the floor for a moment and gazed back up at you.
Desirée Dawson’s Hide started playing from the speaker. You both got into a ballroom dance position and started swaying from side to side to the slow melody of the song.
You danced for a couple more minutes, his head on the top of your forehead and yours against his chest, he pulled back a bit to lift your chin with his thumb. “Do you know how much I love you?” He murmured quietly, out of the blue.
“I don’t think we’ve established it.” You teased, smiling. “Well, I love you… a lot. So much.” He kissed your tenderly.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands gripped your waist. He swiped his tongue against your bottom lip, asking for entrace, which you granted, deepening the kiss. You tugged on his hair playfully earning a small groan from him. You smiled against the kiss.
It almost turned into a full-blown makeout session but just bfore things got any more heated, the smell of shrimp and spices invaded your nostrils.
You pulled away to check on the pasta and shrimp, it was all ready so you turned off the stove. Jeff opened the oven, flipping the steaks around so they could cook from the other side. He closed it.
“The only thing left are the steaks. In the meantime…“ he strode towards you with a mischievious glint in his eyes, in one swift movement, he picked you up bridal style and started spinning you around.
Your laugh mingled with his. “Put me down! I’m gonna get dizzy! Jeff!” You exclaimed, he put you down and you stumbled backwards, trying to regain your balace. He gripped your shoulders with a laugh and you gave him a sour look.
You sobered up and playfully pushed him away from you to turn off the oven. “Could you hand me some plates, please?” You asked, he nodded. He opened the cabinets and took out two white plates. He placed them on the counter next to the stove and kissed your temple.
You took out a pair of tongs and served some pasta on both plates. Jeff took out the steaks from the oven and served them in each plate as well before closing it.
“Forks.” You waved the forks in front of him and he took one. He twirled it around in pasta and you took a piece out of your stake with yours.
“On three?” He suggested, you nodded. “Okay, one, two, three!”
To say that you were impressed was an uderstatement. You both looked at each other in shock, your eyes wide. Jeff moaned in delight and you threw in a couple of curse words for good measure.
Neither of you were sure about how it would turn out, but the anticipation was totally worth it. “That was amazing! We should cook together more often.” He winked.
“That we should.” You smiled and he lifted you up, smashing his lips with yours.
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dragon-above · 8 years
Dolgraal Large Aberration Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26hp) Intiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Speed: 30ft. (6 squares) Armour Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+16* Attack: Scimitar +7 melee (1d6+5) Full Attack: 4 scimitars +5 melee (1d6+5) and 2 bites +2 melee (1d6+2) Space/Reach: 10ft./5ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft., Dual Consciousness, Battle Stance, Sprint, damage reduction 5/byeshk Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0 Abilities: Str 21, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Skills: Balance +4, Climb +11*, Listen +1, Spot +2 Feats: Quick Draw, Two-weapon fighting ========================================= Environment: Underground Organization: Solitary, pair or band (2-5) Challenge Rating: 5 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually chaotic evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: +4
A large well built gnoll creeps out from the shadows, an insane look in its eyes. Its lower limbs are not legs, but another set of arms, and anotgher gnoll body with a snarling head and yet another set of limbs trails behind it. Deep in the bowels of Mordain the Fleashweaver's Hall, the wizard conducts terrifying experiments to harness the power of daelkyr magic to create horrific minions of his own. From his Droaam home, the Fleshweaver easily 'persuades' gnolls to help him with his experiments, and using them he created the dolgraal, a fusion of two unfortunate gnolls. A dolgraal resembles a gnoll with its lower body replaces with the upper body of another gnoll. This six armed monster usually walks on four of its six hands, though in battle it balances on two, and when running it uses all six. Combat Typical dolgraals fight with few tactics, thier insanity driving them to almost barbaric frenzies. The dolgraals usually wade into battle to make the best use of their double body. With opponents on either side, the dolgraal takes its battle stance and fights to the death. Less insane dolgraals will sometimes retreat if the battle isn't in their favour. Dual Consciousness (Ex): A dolgraal has two brains coordinating attacks. In addition to providing a +2 bonus on Will saves, the dual brain enables the dolgraal to attack with each body half separately. Battle Stance (Ex): If a dolgraal takes a full attack action it can take a battle stance that enables it to attack with both halves of its body, balacing on its middle limbs. Each half attack independently of the other, meaning it has two primary hands and two off-hands rather than one primary and three off-hands. Sprint (Ex): A dolgraal can run on all six of its limbs rather than only four as usual. If it chooses to do so, it must sheath its weapons and can only attack with its bite attacks. While walking on all six limbs, its speed increases to 50ft. Skills: A dolgraal's many limbs grant it a +4 racial bonus on Climb checks and grapple checks. Dolgraal Characters Most dolgraals advance as fighters, gaining mastery with thier four weapon fighting style. Some of the dolgraals are known to become rangers, scouting the caves of Khyber for danger. Dolgraal adepts and clerics often dedicate themselves to the Dragon Bewlo or in some cases to one o the Dark Six. The dolgraal's favoured class is fighter.
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blaine2398750-blog · 6 years
Success Skill-sets Web Site Directory.
Thanks for visiting My Reddish Peninsula. Not merely the scores from people and also family members which were actually mesmerized in the child care scenarios, however also folks which were converted they had actually experienced ghastly abuse, yet hadn't, and families abused through unproven complaints of child abuse. 10. DO show your little ones the best ways to take their sensations to awareness. This is actually truly towered above through universities, and also I compare that to a person being actually engaged to 2 people at one time. Properly give thanks to The lord your child doesn't possess the health care need for that, for goodness' purpose, since if they performed I ensure you will rest on your laurels and also not give them the lifesaving procedure they need. My good friend told me final time she call ICA to ask for that and also the next day an ICA policeman call her as well as told her that she may drop to accumulate the accredited accurate duplicate from both docs on upcoming day liao. As a mama, covering put love on her kids generously and also luxurious devotion on all of them. The American Academy from Pediatric medicine suggests that kids eat at the very least five veggies and fruits daily. That said that the Jada mudi of god Shiva is present at the rear of temple, so we are actually not permitted to earn a complete around. When again, I'm in Ireland with my husband as well as each little ones-- so therefore satisfied to be actually traveling as a family of 4. Never mind, really, such a long time as when you review, you receive the details you are actually seeking. 2:14 But I possess a couple of things from thee, since thou hast there all of them that support the doctrine from Balaam, which instructed Balac to cast a hurdle just before the kids of Israel, to eat factors lost unto idolizers, as well as to dedicate fornication. Their second kid, Ethan, learnt how to check out phonetically by 2 years 9 months, and also at age 3, he knew at a grade 2 level with an analysis age from 7.2 years - advancing at an in a similar way fast pace as his older sister. Loved ones brutality, discovered at home, spreads into all factors from daily lifestyle, throughout our nation. Making it possible for children to demonstrate their understanding will certainly create assurance and also provide real-life language abilities. Easier for him to bear than that would certainly possess been for the common Leo, yet he'll bring the scars from the deep wound to his pride all his life. Certainly Bercow has understood for very time regarding Vaz's mentioned serial predations on minor boys. African American little ones have virtually twice the threat of sexual assault than white colored kids. Through finding out gratitude, children come to be conscious the emotions of others, establishing their natural abilities for empathy and also selflessness, whereas allowed youngsters end up sensation perpetually unhappy. As a mother, she'll see that the little one is actually well-maintained, delighted, healthy and balanced and enjoyed. Our company can't presume or count on others, our children, our relatives, to be the very same, as well as they can not assume us to be the very same either. Deeper inside that mean as well as important individual is actually an individual that is actually often terrified she or he is actually unlovable. And yet the stamina that women touch and Http://Perfectlybodyshaped.Info also find into throughout childbearing-- a time when they go to their most vulnerable, when a lot is at risk-- is actually astonishing, full stop. Today I'm visiting discuss 6 ideas that will deliver major smiles to your kids's faces, and also leave enduring impressions in their minds - rather than on your checking account. There is actually no country called Kwarakwara however it is the name given to individuals originating from African boundaries outside South Africa. He do with a weird combining from words: marriage hearse" given that a hearse is actually the motor vehicle to take you to religion when you are actually lifeless.
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alamyrr-blog · 6 years
The Seven Chakras and their Significance
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In yogic sciences, the word energy is not used to refer to our ability to do work, it is used to refer to the subtlest aspect of the physical. The purest form of energy is prana; it has no pattern, no form, no polarity, no gender. Prana is force of life. It is what assimilates itself into your body. 
The first form that prana organizes itself is the form of an ellipsoid with thousands of energetic paths referred to as nadis. Through this energetic map, the point where certain nadis interject are referred to as chakras. The geometry in between the energies of the chakras and nadis determine the final manifested form of prana.
A chakra literally means a wheel. Why these point of interjections are referred to as chakras is not because they are shaped that way, but because they are the drivers of your life. The way the energies are in your chakras determine in any moment the experience, possibility and quality of your life. There are 114 major chakras in the human mechanism; there are many more minor ones. Among these 114 chakras, 7 are the most significant when it comes to our experience of life. These chakras are mooladhara (root chakra), swadhishtana (sacral chakra), manipuraka (solar plexus chakra), anahata (heart chakra), vishuddhi (throat chakra), ajna (third eye or brow chakra) and sahasrar (the crown chakra).
Essentially, every process can be seen as a movement from Mooladhara to Sahasrar; from seed to flower, from foundation to completion, from root to fruit. Every spiritual tool or practice is a vehicle to make this movement.
There are no more or less important chakras. All 7 of them are essential. If you build the roof, without a strong foundation - you are setting yourself up for a rain of bricks on your head. We must arise from the lower to the higher. It is only if the lower chakras are balaced and in-alignment, that the way you carry your higher chakras and their potential will be balanced. Otherwise, you won’t get enlightenment, you will only get accidents.
There is a physical and spiritual counterpart of each chakra. Without awareness, the physical aspect of a chakra will be dominant. By bringing the right amount of awareness to it, you become capable to trascend the physical aspect of that chakra.
For example, Mooladhara is about the essential needs. For a person who is centered in this chakra; food and sleep would be the most important aspects of his life. If, on the other hand, somebody brings the right awareness to this - they can transcend the cycles of sleep and food. Mooladhara literally means root, or base. It is the foundation of the physical being. If the mooladhara goes into dysfunction, the whole body will collapse. The seed sound of this chakra is LAM. And it is colored red. To balance this chakra, ground yourself.
Once your physical needs are taken care of, the next thing you will seek is pleasure; largely physical pleasure. Swadhishtana is about pleasure. If your energies are dominant in this chakra, you will be what we refer to as an aspirant. You will try to seek fulfillment by domination. This chakra gives flame to sex, fantasies, power and the desire to control. A balanced swadhishtana gives you the right balance of these four aspects. If it is not balanced you will either be highly fearful or highly fearless, you will have no imagination or an unrealistic one, you will either have no sense of self or a fanatical one, you will either have no boundaries or you will close yourself down to the whole cosmos. The seed sound of this chakra is VAM. It is of the color orange. To balance Swahisthana, we have to recognize the nature of our life. The nature of our life is death. Someday, on some moment just like this one, we will go off. This is the truth of our physicality. By realizing this and putting it into application in our life, we balance Swadhishtana.
Next comes the Manipura chakra. Manipura means city of jewels. This is the most significant chakra in leading a wonderful physical life. If you manage to move your energies from mooladhara to manipuraka, your physical life finds fulfillment. Manipuraka is the key to hara which is a funnel of cosmic energy. Manipuraka is full of intensity. This is not creative energy, this is masculine energy. It is striving energy. If your manipura is active, your life will be active. You will be non-stop. You will have energy available for physical activity at all times. This chakra is about our sense of self and personal power. If your energies rise up to this point, your physical process will become your servant. The seed sound of this chakra is RAM. It is associated with the color yellow. To balance manipuraka, pranayama, also known as yogic breathing, is the most well-known practice. Manipura is also the extent that pranayama can take to. Beyond this, practical and conscious choices are needed to rise.
Anahata means unhurt. This is the center which is devoid of any judgement, belief, ideal, thought, dogma or prejudice. This is your unhurt aspect. It is full of creative energy. Your physical drama can only cloud you up till your energies are in manipuraka. Once you raise your energies to Anahata, you become an unconditional presence. The way you experience life becomes profound. By your very nature, you become a fountain of love. You begin to understand the harmony and the music in the whole of existence. This is a feminine aspect. The seed sound of Anahata is YAM. It is of the color green. In its most aligned form, it is a perfect six-pointed star. Anahata is the bridge between the physical and the metaphysical. From this point, your perception begins to embody both the dense and the subtler aspects of being. To balance it, artistry is the most obvious practice. It doesn’t matter what, but you must create something which sparks a fire within you.
The fifth chakra Vishuddhi is the gateway to the metaphysical dimension of existence. It is the center of power. Power is not just material, or physical strength; there is another kind of power. If your energies move to vishuddhi, you become a powerful being. This is true power. You become able to do the dance of life and death. You can manipulate energies, geometry, even create new forms. Vishuddhi is about going beyond the physical. It is about delving into the subtler aspects of being. This is not about awareness or perception, but about management. If your vishuddhi is well-managed, your life energies will never slip out of your body by accident. It is significant for people who want to practice certain types of psychic work or are in fields where truth has to be unapologetically spoken, and powerfully transmitted. It is associated with the color blue. It has the seed sound of HAM. To balance it, meditate on the five elements.
Ajna is probably the most famous chakra of all. Its more common and well-known name is the Third Eye. Many people have tried to demonize its presence; those people oftentimes fell into the category of people which required humanity to shut out its intellectual and perceptive capabilities, in order for them to maintain their authority and supremacy. If your energies move to Ajna, you achieve an extrasensory perception of life. Do you begin seeing fairies, and unicorns? Not necessarily. But the way you perceive life reaches an unusual peak. This is both the birthplace of all psychic work and intellectual capacity. If Ajna is active, it gives you a bird’s view on life and its many mechanisms. Once you have that kind of perception, no one can control or manipulate you. The seed sound of Ajna is AUM. It is of the color indigo. To balance it, travel. 
From Mooladhra to Ajna, there are many pathways that one can take. From Ajna to Sahasrar, there is none. For some it might just come out of nowhere. For some, it might require intense amounts of sadhana (spiritual practice) for years upon years. There is no straight forward formula to work your way up to Sahasrar. But if, somehow, you do get that bump and your energies move to Sahasrar, you and universe dissolve in the vastness of that which we refer to as Shi-va or Nirvana; that which IS not. The seed sound of both Ajna an Sahasrar is same. It is of the color violet. There is no way to balance Sahasrar. This is the dissolution. Here, the game of balance is over. At this point, what IS is no more. The existence goes back to being pure potential. The polarities, the genders, the forms; all dissipate.
This process from mooladhara to sahasrar isn’t a journey, even though it looks like so, this is a realization of your truth. It is becoming more and more of yourself till you blossom into your fullest potential. Have a good week.
••• Book a healing session with me: https://bit.ly/2LDvdFn ••• May we all heal. May we all be free. May we all be ourselves. ❤❤ _________________________ 
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