#they are waiting for exist 💀 I'm sorry
thatbitchkayla30 · 1 year
Realizing I have 3.5 modes for RPing rn:
Any Bat fam things I can manage to get on Danny (@aidanwaynealghul )
Replying to things for Noodle.
Replying to Fyr(@cleverestofclevermen ) & Phalon(@winloseorcharmed ) on the rare occasion I get a reply from them.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
yoko shimomura i love her style so much
#🌙.rambles#shimomura w ffxv & kh is just. oh my god that#no wait this is so funny to me bcs i really just Cried for a bit n now i'm listening to music while eating a lot of chocolate 😭#random but brookside has always been my fav chocolate ever since i first ate it like years ago n no other chocolate compares to it for me#wait shimomura w the alchemist code! for whom the alchemist exists 🥺#goddamn i grew up playing a ton of gacha. like gacha strategy games n gacha uh.. otome.. 💀#oh man i love shimomura's compositions so much#apocalypsis noctis & forza finale & noctis & nachtflugel & melancholia & dearly beloved & apocalypsis magnatus & vector to the heavens#& moonlit melodies n. oh my god there's rlly so much !!!!#i'd say like.. i don't know how to describe it well right now but it's rather elegant in a way?#is it very obvious i really like orchestra#as much as i love piano uh. violin is tied w it as my fav instrument bcs it just sounds so elegant i love it so much#random i'm really just talking abt osts in general but gbf 'illuminated world' & ffxiv 'insanity' pls i love them so much#going off-topic from shimomura but yasunori nishiki w octopath n granblue n. 🥹🫶🏼#some of my favs r cyrus the scholar &. hdflajsdfj yk the break ver. of octopath songs!!!!#n then gbf.. the path of duty & weisser drache &#yk when i first listened to the path of duty it immediately reminded me of octopath's ost 😭#peacemaker's wings it immediately reminded me of uematsu n look he did contribute to it#I THINK AT LEAST.. I'M BASING ALL THESE OFF SPOTIFY I'M SO SORRY IF I'M WRONG#tsutomu narita ilyvm for gbf's ost!!!! n. oh nah if i talk abt soken i won't stop n uematsu too oh my god#keiichi okabe too ily. n the other nier composers i think i'm sorry i don't remember their names as well ><#i have no idea how all these ppl r all irl but i love all their music so much#listening to all these osts just make me so happy they comfort me sm fr i love video games so much :<<#nier automata my fav osts r voice of no return & grandma (destruction) & a beautiful song & emil (despair) & fortress of lies &#weight of the world ofc. n then gestalt/replicant there's uh grandma & song of the ancients / devola & dispossession & yonah & kaine#& emil & his/this dream & the dark colossus destroys all & shadowlord & ashes of dreams ofc!!!!#oh man i love music boxes sm.#THERE'S SM SONG I DIDN'T LIST BUT THERE'S SO MUCH 😭😭#other games n series like chrono & zelda & fe & soulsborne & persona & the witcher &. IM FORGETTING SO MUCH BUT <33#WAIT I FORGOT I CHANGED FROM BEING INVISIBLE IN DISCORD;;;;;
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kokushibouthings · 1 year
My jewels.
Chapter 1
Pairing: Kokushibou x AFAB reader x (Douma)
Content: Sexual themes, somnophilia, belly bulge, slight degrading and praise kink, slight choking kink, dub-con, human reader, modern AU but demons still exist, Reader is Muzans daughter so Koku = bodyguard, Reader is a switch, and Reader is in college
Note: This is my first time and probably last I'll attempt to make a book(?) like this...💀💭 Btw demons somehow evolved and can change existing features now, so Koku can hide his extra pair of eyes (wow so amazing, btw if can change existing features that means they can grow bigger..
Edited: 6/24/2023
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He couldn't help it, you looked so pretty whilst sleeping. His impatience only grew more hearing your low muffled ’mmh..’s in bed
Unable to resist, he crawled into your bed hovering over your sleeping body. You having such vulnerability due to being a human was cute.
Being able to do anything to your limp body felt like a dream, and so a hand hurriedly pulled your comfortable shorts down along with the blanket barely covering you,
exposed to the cold breeze, you let out a little concerned, and uncomfortable sound rolling a bit on the bed with your chest pressing against the mattress and head on its side facing right so you wouldn't suffocate.
He almost thought he woke you up for a second, but you happened to be a heavy sleeper this time... placing his cold hand on your waist felt like a lifeless cube of ice touched it making the warm temperature fade away,
The other hand, pushed your undergarment to the side. Contemplating if he should go back now, or take the chance he might never get again...
Barely the tip of his finger went inside, yet you already tightened up excessively. Again letting out a little grunt as your hand gripped onto the bedsheet weakly.
An attempt to push the finger in farther ended up successful, but damn are you tight. As his fingertips on your waist moved around, a spot repulsed and a shiver ran up your spine, which somehow made you loosen up
Slowly thrusting his finger in, and out felt euphoric. Who knows how long hes waited for a chance like this?
That finger always came out coated with your sticky fluids, his pace speedening along with him adding in another finger. Your little grunts slowly became moans, and your grip on the bedsheets became stronger
"Haah...n..–nh..!" Small beads of water formed in your eyes, dripping down from your cheeks from a sense of euphoria, who knew you'd be able to feel such pleasure?
Your eyes shot open after feeling a knot in your stomach snap loosely...and now wide awake, you got up with your knees pressed against your chest, and your back pressed against your soft pillows.
"What the fuck??" You pulled your blanket to cover yourself up, yet you were still rather wet. "...I'm sorry. Its just that..."
‹ Just that what? ›
The more he crawled closer to you, the more your knees pressed against your chest defensively, and your brows furrowed.
"Please... Spare me a chance." Saying that as he takes a large strand of your hair, pressing it against his mouth.
‹ Is he seriously seducing me when Its time to sleep? ›
Staring at him, as he pleaded desperately with a flustered face. An idea popped up, with a slight smile curling on your lips.
"Maybe. But just this once. Take advantage of me again and I'll have you killed."
As you sat down on his covered pelvis, it was truly sight to behold... You couldn't believe someone like him would act like this just to get his way with you. It was truly pathetic, yet adorable
His hands were tied up, above his head as he layed flat on his back. His expression was rather interesting, eyes scanning your body through the half transparent nightgown
"How about you keep your eyes on mine instead of letting it wander around like a stray animal?" You tugged on the tightly wrapped rope around his neck earning a sound of struggle escaping his lips, pulling him close to your face feeling a tent form. It took you by surprise since you were able to feel it clearly poke you, due to the fact your not wearing any undergarments now.
"Please... I need you.." He pleaded desperately, wanting you to start now. "Haah... What will I ever do with a pet dog like you?"
Your eyes broke contact with his just to look at his exposed chest, damn he was muscular. "Hmm..." Your lips parted, letting go of the rope as you placed your tongue slightly against his nipple. A little grunt could be heard as you tried to suck on it gently, unzipping his pants before pushing it downwards.
Pulling your mouth away, as you rubbed the tent in his boxers feeling it grow slightly larger. Stooping down before kissing his clothed crotch gently, leaving a wet circular mark on his boxers
Earning a satisfactory moan from him, you finally pulled down his boxers...and wow it was large.
He was rock hard, and it was rather veiny yet clean. Was he maintaining himself just for this specific moment? "Mmh... I can't believe your already this hard," Gripping onto his length loosely, trying to position yourself correctly, finally taking the tip inside of your mouth.
He was unbelievable cold almost everywhere, the sudden feeling of your warmth made him grunt loudly with his fists clenching tightly. As you started to bob your head up, and down slowly, it felt like you were going to choke with how girthy it was.
Your saliva drooped down your chin, to his length. You could hear grunts mixed with moans under his heavy breathing as he tried to maintain his composure. "Nnh...haaah."
His desperateness led to an imagination, where he could forcefully shove your head completely down on his length, wanting to see you gag, and seeing your visage clattered with strands of hair with tears streaming down your chin.
You, yourself was wet, even you started to become desperate down there. You couldn't deny that how he fingered you felt good, slim hands, muscular, strong, and knows how to please a woman. Hes the perfect man, and a possibly great addition to your collection of jewels.
That night felt like it had lasted forever, as reluctant you were to fulfill his desires, you accepted anyway.
His fingers were coated in your juices, as he buried his head into the crook of your chest, the both of you were trying your best to keep a poker face along with the composure you both had always tried to keep stable,
Although you were cold, and arrogant like your father, it seems you can't keep that futile resistance against him for any longer.
As your soft, vulnerable moans got louder, the faster his fingers slipped inside-out desperate to hear you call his name, you could feel your belly bulge, though not understanding how he could reach in so far, you enjoyed it, feeling his fingers inside of you, and feeling a bulge.
"Ahhn..– nggh! Koku! Haah..ah!" Tears started to form, drooping down your chin...alas you felt a familiar knot snap before releasing all over his fingers and bedsheets.
He moves away from your chest, shooting a pleading look as he impatiently held his manhood, you sighed, planting your hand into your forehead.
Barely his tip just entered but you could feel a shiver up your spine as it just slipped inside earning a satisfactory moan and shiver from you,
"Hhnn...you look so pretty when your expressions like that.."
You felt a little annoyed with how needy he was being, but ofcourse, its a little adorable too.
"Fine... I'll grant you permission just this one night, to do whatever I have to do to fulfill your childish desires." His eyes lit up in excitement, nodding slightly along with a light blush fading onto his cheeks. "What a good boy you are, following my orders..." His hands grabbed both of your wrists, pinning it down onto an empty space above your head, as he kissed you everywhere roughly.
Was quite a surprise with how warm his tongue felt since you'd expect that it'd be as cold as the rest of his body parts.
Placing the glass of wine down reluctantly, your eyes made contact with hers seeing her lips parting to say something. "Also, I think I heard some weird noises from your bedroom last night?? I don't know..." You forgot one of your friends was staying the night, and it isn't going so well now.
"Sorry, I was trying to finish something." You sighed, getting up from the stool to leave the lonely bar. "Your leaving already? Class doesn't start until the next hour." Her cheek squished against her hand with her elbow pressing against the wooden table, taking a sip of a cup filled with sprite.
"Something I need to attend to again, you'd better finish that cup of sprite quickly if you don't want me to leave without you."
Mizuki let out a sarcastic sound of annoyance as she got up and left the cup on the counter to go with you. ‹ Atta girl, › you slightly smiled, slightly seeing Kokushibou standing there, looking embarrassed in the corner of your eye.
Probably because of how Mizu asked about... Last night. And he also seemed a liiittle disappointed how you brushed it off as some sort of project.
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
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Exorcist gang! (I'm so sorry it took forever to get to your ask. I kind of dropped the au for a long time and just now got the motivation to pick it up again.)
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Right on the money! I just narrowed it down to three because I can't do anymore(lazy ahh). But they can't actually drive motorcycles because none of them have a drivers license so they just try to seem badass by saying they are a biker gang. All christian but they have no idea how it works and do things looked down upon by the christian community. Left Victoria. Middle Stephanie. Right Kamaria. Kamaria got a tattoo of the upside down cross to seem cool but she knows it's St. Peter's cross so it's kind of a double meaning for her. I also gave Kamaria three toned lips because I jst found out that exists and I had to include that in some character. Atleast one.
Maybe one day I'll draw them as angels just to do it.
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For context, they are exes 😫
Are there still feelings? Kind of, they just aren't over eachother yet. Right now tho they are mainly enemies. Valerie(Vaggie) is kind of like Blitzø(relationships wise), but less of an asshole. It was mostly her fault they broke up though. She was uninterested and embarrassed by Kamaria almost all the time so ofc Kamaria doesn't stand for shit and ended it before it got worse. Valerie is like that with Charlie in some ways, but of course that's for growth purposes.
Oh also Valerie dated Lute too before she dated Kamaria so it's just this entire problem within the group bro.. Like, Lute is not over Valerie and not in a "I am in love with u still." Way, but in a "I hate the way you walk, the way you talk, I hate the way dress-" ahh way(and in an i am still in luv wit u way but shh). Lute has no idea why Valerie broke up wit her ass and takes it out on Kamaria. Kama takes no shit and bounced out that place quickly. Good for her ig. She still an asshole too, anger issues ahh, everyone except Charlie(until the vee accident 😏)deserves a kick in the ass.
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Pretend Charlie is in her human form. I'm still workshopping it right now! 😔 so yeah nobody else except Valerie knows she's a demon jst so you know!
Chaggie aren't dating yet! But they will one day 😈
For now it's kind of just pining. On both sides ofc.
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"So it mine el" we say in unison.
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Helmets and glasses off! I think they look pretty nice but im not great at making my own character designs from ground up. Which is why I havent shown my actual own OC's. Victoria is trans because I said so. Kamaria is probably Lesbian but she doesn't know yet, it's kind of a label she uses until she knows for sure (so me). And Stephanie is Stephanie (she don care. She don kno 💀). I FORGOT THE FLAME ON KAMARIA'S JACKET RAAAA.
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They also all have a picture on the back of their jackets that's jst wings and a halo. So do with that what you will.... if u wanna make fanart that is..... pls..... I'm begging..... jk but it would still be cool lmao.
They used to be in a gang with Adam and Lute but after Valerie was beat up real bad by Lute they all decided to just part ways. Not on good terms... So it's just Adam and Lute now who jst act like they are all that when they cant pack a punch at all 😒. I'll show Adam and Lute's designs in the next update (or somewhere) but that's all I have right now. I can't wait to draw the duo ughhhh‼️‼️‼️
(I have also changed a few things from my original idea, so if your a hxd au og from the first like... 3 posts I made abt it then ya... there's major changes. I'll go through them deeper in my next updates on this au!)
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ox1-lovesick · 1 year
hi love I HAVE A RQQQ- TXT OR ENHA WITH A SICK S/O PLEASE!! i have a killer cold and the worst dizzy spells ever nd i would love some comfort 😞😞 thank u sm
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★ pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff, comfort warnings. mentions of food wc. 100-300 each
✯ synopsis. txt with a sick s/o!!
☆ a/n. firstly i am so sorry this took 4 months 💀 writers block is the bane of my existence. i do hope this manages to bring you some comfort though :( please do take care of yourself and get well soon! (even though you are most likely not sick anymore 😭) also how ironic is it that i'm currently sick... :')
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by your side 100% of the time you cannot get rid of him.
he's over your bed when you wake up in the morning, waiting outside the bathroom door for you, laying right next to while you're sleeping. everywhere you are, so is yeonjun
will bend over backwards to get you anything you need
water? medicine? soup? more blankets? less blankets? he's on it before you can even ask
cooks for you !!! tries to make your food as interesting as possible so you won't get bored, without adding things that will make you feel worse or aren't good for you
you're bedridden. don't even try to fight him
he won't let you lift a finger, he wants you to get as much rest as possible so you can get better as quickly as possible
infact don't even speak, he'll learn morse code so you can just beep him whenever you need
if his schedule allows he'll stay home with you and be by your side every second of the day, if not he's texting you every free moment he has to make sure you're okay
would definitely call in sick if you were feeling particularly tired and need his care that day
has multiple reminders to make sure you're taking your medicine on time, will scold you if you're even a second late
he'll never tell you but he secretly enjoys you being sick . . .
he love love loves to take care of you, especially when you call on him to do things for you it makes him all giddy knowing you need him (he's not a creep i swear)
he's ontop of you so much he probably catches whatever you have
atleast you're sick together
hates to see you sick
1. because it's gross 2. because he hates seeing you in pain but mainly because it's gross
you're not staying in his bed i'm sorry he's gonna come over to your house to take care of you during the day and go home to his snot free blankets at night
gets your medicine mixed up all the time and complains it's the doctor's fault for prescribing ones that look so similar
low-key takes advantage of this situation so he can skip work and spend some quality time with you LMAOOO
"sorry guys yn's still dying i can't come to work today"
at first it's fun because you just have your average head cold so he doesn't worry too much
but then it starts getting worse and he comes home to you falling over yourself in the kitchen because of your dizzy spells and nearly has a stroke
he starts stressing like a mad man after that
probably gets himself sick just with how stressed out he is it's a problem
definitely calls his mom for help he doesn't know what to do
updates her on every little thing you do
"mom they just took a really deep breath does that mean something"
buys the entire pharmacy
wants to kick himself for not taking it seriously when you first got sick he feels so guilty 😭
although you did enjoy his company and the endless marvel marathons so all is well
will not leave you alone. you have to shit with the door open.
will do everything for you even if you're perfectly capable of doing it yourself
from brushing your hair to fluffing your pillows he's gonna do it all
he'll even clean for you, that's his ultimate declaration of love
in the end he didn't really do much to nurse you back to health but A for effort
i know practically everyone in moaville would say he'd tease the shit out of you but in my head he'd be the most worried for you
googles every single one of your symptoms and then cries himself to sleep because myonlineclinic.com told him you have cholera and 6 days to live
the only reason he'd tease you is to mask his worry
he'd watch you go through 60 boxes of tissues and be like "omg my snotty baby" but on the inside he's freaking out 😭
your pain is his pain, the way you feel affects him and his mood drastically
he's irritable when you are, he's tired when you are, your appetites probably sync too
puts a curse on whoever spread their nasty germs to you with ginger roots and vinegar
i think he'd also be the most sympathetic since he gets sick a lot more often than the others
so gentle and understanding compared to his usual self it's a little scary 😭
surprisingly good at negotiation like you're being stubborn because you don't want to take your medicine and he's like "if you drink the cough syrup i'll let you listen to the demos for our next comeback" and before you know it you've sold your childhood home to him for 3/4 of the initial price
will whip out his guitar and sing for you in a heartbeat if you ask him too
obviously tries to crack jokes and make you smile so you don't feel too miserable, he feels so accomplished even if you just scoff at him 🙁
gets back to his usual annoying self once you're better though
ironically, he doesn't know what to do
he rarely gets sick and when he does it passes in a day or two, so when you've been coughing like you have bronchitis for the past week he feels so lost
his first instinct is to take you to the doctor to figure out what's wrong but gets into a fight with doctor for charging him 19382928 won just to press his hand to your forehead and tell him you have a head cold (terry is against this capitalist society)
also buys the entire pharmacy
changes your entire lifestyle to the maximum efficiency so you get better as quickly as possible and makes sure you stick to it
strict like a prison warden, sometimes you wonder if he actually loves you
which he obviously does, but it's hard to believe so when he avoids any unnecessary contact with you as if you have the plague
takes you outside every once in a while to get some fresh air, he feels stuffy just watching you sit around
it also keeps you active 💪
he's always pestering you to wash your hands
will not let you touch him otherwise
makes sure he keeps your space clean, always has tissues and anything else you might need within your reach
at your aid 24/7
you take up a colossal space in his heart he's so soft for you
flying to your side before you even say anything
you don't even have to tbh he can read your mind
"how'd you know i wanted water?" "you looked thirsty"
if he notices you're feeling extra miserable he'll sing for you to cheer you up
swallows his pride because he's down bad and pulls out his best southern accent when you ask him to sing country music
he will be teased for the next millenia but it was worth it for you
he's like an overbearing mother but you get better the fastest when he's taking care of you
another mama's boy
probably calls his sisters too
hiyyih would tell him to soak your pills in vegetable oil as a joke but he'll actually do it because he's just that hopeless
he's unable to think straight he just wants to do everything in his power to make you feel better 😭
although he gets the hang of it pretty quickly, he's a fast learner and genuinely enjoys taking care of you
always praising you !!
"wow yn!! i can't believe you ate all your soup!!! you're so cool!!!"
tries to distract you by showing you his entire collection of pokemon cards
probably lies and tells you they're all super rare and he's the only one in the world who has them
does his best not to cause you any stress, he just wants you to focus on resting
the things this man does because he loves you istg
he cleans the entire dorm because it's a breeding ground for bacteria and he doesn't want anything making you more sick
the guys come home to the house spotless they're just like 🤯🤯🤯🤯
taehyun asks you to get sick more often if it means he doesn't have to fight his way through the ironing board and bike to get to the sink
he even lets you play on his DS he's down bad
side rant: i feel like kai is secretly a neat freak, he abhors the sight of filth but is just too lazy to do anything about it so he forces himself to deal with it 💀
anyway he's such a sweetheart :( does his best to keep the mood up even if you're feeling miserable because your nose is so filled with so much snot that you can't breathe
his positive energy definitely rubs off on you!!!
he actually does a good job taking care of you, he's a bit stressed at first but you're back to good health in no time !!!
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© OX1-LOVESICK ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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ninothebirb · 2 months
part!1: Prologue
Content Warning!: Angst, Fluff?, gn!reader, unhealthy obsessions, graphic depictions of violence (rarely), trauma, spoilers!, (Some of the lore here is accurate cuz i did my research😡) Note: The reader is part of the high cloud quintet- and is also a long life species. So they are vulnerable to mara- but Bailu helps in keeping it suppressed. They still have some amount of control on themselves.
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🌘 🦁 🐉 ❤️‍🩹 💀
When the high cloud quintet broke apart years ago, you isolated yourself away from people- only ever paying attention to the new found creation made by Dan Feng: Bailu. She was so clever, so smart and so much like him. It seemed as if he had pulled a part of his loving personality and inserted it all into her.
Nevertheless, you adored her. She was like your own child, a sibling, a friend, a companion. She had won the hearts of many people, being a healer that is- but. There will always be those who never let of the past. She was still a sin committed by Dan Feng, a being who shouldn't exist.
You often visited the statue of the once honored Vidhyadara Prince at Scalegorge Waterscape, where the Dragon palace was located. You would place flower, bouquets- even certain trinkets at the edge of the statue, and pray for his wellbeing. For you wondered, no- you knew he was alive. He was somewhere out there, and he would return for you someday.
It was an unhealthy obsession of yours, letting yourself completely depend upon the thought that Dan Feng will come back for you. He hadn't been killed- he had just been banished. And despite knowing that his memories had been wiped out after rebirth- your reason for living was purely based on the fact that he was alive.
Bailu had told you so many times, let go of him. Even if he does come back he wouldn't have a clue of what's going on, let alone be allowed to enter the loufu. However much you tried- you always returned to him. No- not him, but his memory. You sobbed lonely into the nights, often being comforted by Bailu herself.
Jing Yuan had become general, he had attempted to visit you- comfort you, assure you that not all is lost. He used to be your best friend, the one you could always rely on after Dan Feng when thinsg went wrong. But you detested him now, you wouldn't speak to him or look at him. It was all his fault- his his his.
"Will you not pull so hard-?!" Bailu asked with a pout, you were so absorbed in your thoughts that you completely forgot about brushing bailu's hair. "I'm sorry.." You mumbled with a gentle smile, your grip on her hair softened and you brushed it with love. "Hehe, you bimbo/himbo!" She giggled as she looked up at you. You giggled in return. "Stay still, unless you wanna end up looking like a lion."
Yes, your life could have been called stable. But it lacked what you most desired, your deepest- most wanted desires. They weren't dark- but they were impossible. And you would spend your entire life waiting for them to be fulfilled.
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emilsendo · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers [preferences]
Type: Fluff
Warning: Male reader, G/N reader, Tall!male/GN reader, bxb, Shorter!Character, fluff, (Idk what else xD)
Author Note: In general, I apologize to those who were waiting for One Shot, but honestly, I was too lazy to do it and I forgot that I even had this application xDD So I'm giving you preferences, which I hope are good. And there has been a slight change in my block, I will write Smuts but only for characters 16+ or 18+. Not 15 and under that age.
Their reaction when you're taller than them. PART 1
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Manjirø Sano:
It's not a challenge to be taller than him, but to be 2 meters and how many centimeters? Mikey thought you were some kind of giant.
In the first moments of your acquaintance, he wouldn't like you because you looked like you were everyone's enemy due to your height and appearance. But when Mikey got to know you better and noticed that you had a great personality, the boy loved you just as quickly as he disliked you.
He thought you were an interesting type of guy and wanted to know as much as he could about your past and you. Mikey didn't know why, you just had something about your personality and looks that piqued his interest.
However, when your relationship reached a higher stage after some time (I bet after a few weeks, at most 4 months), the blonde would use your height as a playground because he would climb on you every now and then and want you to carry him. Draken was then SUPER grateful that you existed because he didn't have to take care of Mikey so much.
Sometimes he would scare his opponents with you while talking to the other gang, because something that the other leader of the gang do irritated him.
And the last one. He cuddles up to you all the time, sleeps on you, sometimes sits on your lap. He just treats you like a big teddy bear (I feel sorry for you because this mf behaves like this even in public👀)
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Ken Ryūguji:
Ken is used to looking down on everyone because usually HE is the big guy. So when he saw you, a six-foot and several centimeters tall boy, the blond boy felt a little threatened.
He didn't trust you at all at first, he thought you were a very suspicious guy, as if you were about to take a gun out from under your blouse and shoot the shit out of everyone. (Draken, chill out dude 🙄)
Your conversations were mainly based on exchanging a few words and then silence for the rest of the time. (very awkward feeling🌚👍)
but after some time, of course, you learned to communicate together, in fact, you both had a lot in common! Draken liked you very much, he wanted to spend more and more time with you.
As your relationship progressed, Draken felt a little embarrassed when you held his hand in public. The blonde hates affection, especially when you show it to him in public. (Sometimes he even hits you on the back of the head when he's in a bad mood, and you're begin clingy to him)
However, if you are alone, Ken loves to cuddle with you. (I know, hard to believe👀🙌)
Draken loves kisses on the forehead, I don't know why, but it makes him feel safe.
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Baji Keisuke:
This bitch attacked you as soon as he saw you 💀 He wanted to check if you were strong or just pretending to be. Well.... He found out.
You actually defeated him in one move because your height helped you. Baji hated you at first, he wanted to smash your face against the wall. But after a while he liked you (After 4 days when he saw you feeding homeless cats.)
After this event, he liked you very quickly. In fact, even from that moment on, he started to have a slight crush on you, of course, he never wanted to admit it. (Mainly because he was a bit ashamed that he fell in love with someone he wanted to send to the hospital...)
When your relationship moved to a higher stage, Baji became very jealous of you.
When some guy came up to you and wanted to ask for directions, Baji thought he was flirting with you, so he hit the guy as hard as he could, and then you had to force him away from the poor man. (Baji later apologized to you for his behavior)
His mother was a little afraid of you at first and thought you would hurt her son. (She doesn't know yet that it's more Baji that has a bad influence on you lmao)
But then Ryoko liked you A LOT, she thought you were a nice boy and she wanted your relationship with her son to last as long as possible. Because she saw how much Baji's eyes light up when he sees you, how much the brunette loves going out to the park with you because it makes him happy, how much Baji is lost in thought almost every day when he eats dinner with his mom because he thinks about you. His mother is happy that her son has finally found someone he cares about in hundred procent.
Baji often invites you to his place to help him study. (But it also often results in both of you ending up having a make-out session. Nothing more, so don't get your imagination too wild young fellow.)
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Kazutora Hanemiya:
The boy didn't waste any time and immediately started talking to you, he thought you were worthy of his attention and he wanted to get to know you better.
Kazutora often invited you out at night to get into trouble with the police and fight with some guys. You even have a special attack where Kazutora is on your shoulders and then jumps down on the opponent and hits him with his leg. He fell down a few times and started screaming things like, "It's all Mikey's fault! Mikey's fault!!!".
As your relationship progressed, Kazutora would often randomly jump on your back to give you a kiss on the cheek. After all, you're super tall, so standing on his toes to kiss you isn't an option for him. (Because he won't be able to reach it even if he does xD)
Mf will pretend he hurt his ankle just so you can hold him and carry him all the way to his destination in your arms.
He loves you very much, so he is kinda possesive of you. It is making you sometimes uncomfortable, but Kazutora tries to hide this side of him just for your comfort.
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writingmeraki · 1 year
cho guesung as a dad hcs !
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pairing : cho guesung x gn!reader (gender isn't specified)
genre : fluff !!
warnings : mentions of pregnancy, periods and labour. maybe some cusses.
author's note : sorry anon who waited almost years for this 💀 but hope you like it ! i don't know if I'm satisfied with this but hey it's my first attempt at something like this so i hope i did alright hehe <3 (not fully proofread)
word count : 1.2k
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‌Okay so obviously we all know Guesung would be an amazing father especially from his little interactions with his nephews AND the fact that he also wants to definitely have kids in the future as he said in that one interview :(
‌I just feel like he'd be the type to not accept the fact that his partner is actually pregnant because he'd be too fucking excited lol
‌"...babe i think I'm pregnant."
‌Seeing the somewhat blank look on his face you feared maybe he wasn't ready to have a child just yet even though he was excited but the self-doubt was very much still there, especially from the lack of his reply.
‌"Look I missed my period recently and just to make sure I'm not just jumping to conclusions I did do 6 pregnancy tests and they all came positive, I don't know-"
‌As you were getting more emotional he would literally run up to you and hug you so tight, slightly lifting you off the ground as he span you around and thanked you over and over again as he gushed about how this was the best news you'd ever given him.
‌You would giggle as he let you go and held your face, gently placing butterfly kisses as he murmured words of gratitude and love to you
He already loved you so much but he was sure he'd never ever spend another lifetime with anyone other than you now and you were also grateful to have someone like him as your partner because every sort of self-doubt was dismissed the moment you saw his genuine happiness and love once he promised you to be the best father to your child and how he'd take care of the both of you
‌And this man was truly one to fulfil his promises as throughout your pregnancy he'd make sure you were properly looked after and took good care of yourself as well as your baby whom Guesung seemed even more excited to meet than you at this point
‌And when you went into labour he had wished he was able to take away your pain and this man absolutely shed tears at the sight of you in pain, he couldn't bare it at all even though he'd seen potentially worse, it was too much but he knew it was all worth it when he saw your newborn baby.
‌When he held your baby in his arms, he thinks everything was worth it and was ready to give up the entire universe and everything then and there for your child.
‌You were barely allowed to move in the first few days after your labour, Guesung had read up, especially on all of the things a husband could do in order to help his partner out. There was no way he was going to risk you hurting yourself after all that you’d gone through, much preferring to take things easy at the start.
‌Guesung had already prepared all the things needed for a newborn. The Nursery? He and the boys literally planned that for months and you couldn't help but tear up once you saw how beautifully they had done it. Clothes and other necessities? Let's just say Guesung was a very ecstatic father and had literally bought any type of baby clothes that existed.
‌To say the least, he was the most prepared father to exist at least he believed himself to be.
‌but when your baby spoke its first words, the waterworks made their way faster than ever and even more so when the words were along the lines of 'dada'
‌Man you'd give anything in the world to witness that look of pure joy on his face again but lucky for you, that same joy always stayed whenever your child was around.
‌You both were very delighted when your baby finally learnt how to walk and you actually had to tell Guesung it was still too early to teach your child football and you couldn't help the small giggle that left your mouth once you saw his pout and tiny mock glare directed towards you.
‌I think I accidentally have two kids huh You chuckled as you realised how some of the antics of your child were basically like your husband's
‌It was like just a mini version of him, with the little moles around the face as well the full cheeks which bunched up whenever a full smile was formed.
‌When you both slept with the baby, Guesung slips his arm over your body to catch his baby's little one too, avoiding your baby to fall from your bed at night. His long fingers rest softly on the tiny little back and his lips are against your nape.
‌He also bathes the child. You thought it was his paternal instinct to want to take care of the little angel, but the truth is that he has even a better time than the baby, making foam beards and playing with water toys.
‌Once your child was old enough, Guesung got the kid a football as well as a tiny jersey outfit that resembled his and in the same way of fate, your child also seemed to be fond of the sport as well.
‌Both Guesung and his teammates loved to play with your little champ, who was very much talented in the sports, and Guesung would love to let your kid play and score against him to which he'd get the opportunity to ruffle his little one's head and chuckle at the excitement shown by his baby.
‌Whenever you'd go out to eat, he'd make sure his angel ate well even feeding food from his own plate at which you'd sometimes have to shake your head and remind him that your baby had his own share of food but in the end, Guesung's habit never changed to the point where you'd put your own portion of food onto his so he could eat properly as well too.
‌He makes time from his busy schedule to assist with anything his baby does: scholar plays, dance exhibitions, football games (of course )... it doesn't matter, but you both want to be there, cheering for your baby !!!
‌Reads tales to your little one, even when a fly seems more interesting gets and keeps smiling towards Guesung's hands whenever he turns the page.
‌They both complot against you to go play arcade games and eating loads and loads of cotton candy after practices or after school.
‌He would try his best to help in academics if he can but he knows you're much better at that and just gently listens to you explain to your kid and smiles at your concentrated face.
‌He will spoil your kid to the absolute T and I mean that but he also knows he should teach your child lessons about not being a spoilt brat so he'll always play little games or give rewards once a small task is done or when your baby is in not that good of a mood.
‌Due to him being so tall, he loves to carry the kid on his shoulders and the kid absolutely loves to be that tall just like the dad and to be hugged like that.
‌He just wants his baby to grow up to be a smart, independent and strong individual. But on the other hand, he wishes that his little one would always remain little so he could forever take care of his baby.
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2022
links : main navigation !
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 2 months
Fight me all you want but huntlow/lumity antis are the weakest links in the toh community,
...unless you don't have ears idk block the haters
All this slander is coming from the goldric/huntmira/lunter/guster/amiter shippers, yes that's a mouthful, and yes I'll be blocking you if you're a toxic shipper, if your not, good! except if you ship amiter, fuck off you lesbianphobic bitch, anyways back to my rant, also sorry if this comes out as insensitive, rude, or if I sound over dramatic I just really hate these types of people
If I had a dime for every toxic shipper I've encountered since I first came into the toh community...BITCH ID BE RICH CAUSE SOME OF Y'ALL ARE WILD ASF 😭🙏, this is based off of a rant I got below this post so yeah credits to anon it was very helpful pookie
Y'all toxic ass shippers will go FUCKING PARAGRAPH LENGTHS TO DEFEND YOUR SHITTY SHIPS, and this is targated twords lunter and goldric, again, if you're not toxic this ain't for you I don't mean to offend anyone, cause tell me why there is this account on Pinterest, I ain't afraid to say their name it's something like TheGoldenCoven, or some shit like that, BROS A LUNTER FAN ACCOUNT 💀, and a toxic one too, dw I got some proof
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How the fuck do you normalize the TWO MAIN COUPLE OF A SERIES??? Hunter was never intentioned to date Luz and vice versa, this is a perfect example of toxic a lunter shipper, and not only are they toxic they're...LESBIANPHOBIC!! I know it was probably from 2021 and they've moved on buuuut they did post amiter art, and they're not even a nice person although having in their bio "I'm nice you if you're nice to me" or some bullshit idk
As for toxic goldric shipper accounts I haven't seen any Pinterest or Tumblr accounts so that's good! But majority of the shippers are the most insufferable human beings on earth, their only excuse for shipping them is "they want a mlm couple and they're the same age" noting against wanting a mlm couple it'd be super nice...buy may I remind you this is post early season two...HUNTERS NAME WASN'T EVEN CONFIRMED YET 😭🙏, And let alone having only two or three minutes of screen time makes the ship have an even worse reputation, and the shippers are just bitchy and biphobic, always complaining that Hunter should be canonically gay instead of literally anything else so he can be shipped with only Edric, and I know huntmira shippers exist but I've actually never had an interaction with one, hopefully they aren't too bad
Y'all will come out withe the stupidest excuses not to ship huntlow/lumity, also sorry I got off track 😭😭, for lumity, don't know how it exists, but it's either "it's abusive" or "it's toxic" brother ew 💀, name one way Luz or Amity have hurt each other and DO NOT say it's by how Luz always makes stuff mess even though it's literally apart of her personality or by how she didn't wanna tell her about the portal door in S2 or how she accidentally helped Philip/Belos, I'll wait 😊, and I see the point of how Amity's personality downgraded to only being Luz's gf but she still did have her family problems but I guess they just didn't wanna make it an episode, I mean we got Clouds on the horizon that counts ig?
And for huntlow I keep hearing the same shit "I-Its a crack ship, I-Its forced, t-they have no chemistry 🥺🥺🥺" yeah I can see your toxic ass shipping a 12 and 16 year old together don't think you're slick bitch, and just because huntlow was rushed doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, you don't know if Dana had intentions on it but because of the cancellation it was forced to be rush, and I'm sorry to y'all hearing the shortened s3 excuse but it's true since there's literally no other explanation, also don't come into the comments saying "B-But you don't know that!!🥺🥺" it's just speculation my brother in Christ 😭🙏, merely a theory put together with brain cells which almost everyone in this community doesn't have, another weird double standard is how everyone ships gustholomule and veesha even though there's very little evidence it'll be canon was supposed to be canon but since it's a more noticeable and popular ship no one bats an eye for some reasons even though huntlow is too a popular ship, but these are the more bigger ones so I'll more obscure like cameda or aladarius which where probably never meant to happen and totally fandom operated
Anyways that's all, I'll block haters/toxic shippers in the comments so don't think you'll get a reaction outta me with some half baked and barely thought through argument you found in a Reddit post
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kyxworld · 3 months
This just might be a case of me overconsuming but I'm confused. I've been around the ND community for a while and most of you guys say to not rely on senses, but recently I've been seeing posts saying not to daydream or anything because it's not a method. I thought we weren't supposed to wait on any physical changes 😅
So that's why I just wanted to clairfy what you meant in reply to this anon. The moment you "daydream" or imagine something, that's a real experience and waiting for something to materialize would be misidentification?
yep. see everything at the end of it “ ”
imagination=daydream=reality= “ ”
the moment you’re aware? you’ve experienced it. what are you waiting for? are you omnipotent or just a limited person?
you’re limiting yourself to the 5 senses so much, seeking validation.
also do what you want 💀
is there anything real 🧍🏻‍♀️it’s all a game.
you don’t wait to experience, bc that implies you’re aware of waiting, aware of wanting, aware of “not having” so and so 💀💀
by no means is this a method, yes. you’ll be disappointed if you look at this like that.
BC THE PHILOSOPHY, at its core just teaches how EVERYTHING around you cannot exist without your awareness of it, you’re brahman, everything around you is a mere illusion. your ignorance towards your real nature is what traps you into the illusion more, you’re always waiting, suffering, needing smth, when nothing is real. you’re not below or under the illusions or whatever. you’re always above the pedestal. (you= “ ”)
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kpopaussieline · 4 months
First Kiss With bff!Hueningkai
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T/w: Kissing, mention of reader being insecure, I think that's all? Let me know if I missed something
A/n: I was having thoughts and I just had to write them. Sorry if this is bad :)
W/c:💀 Idk. 1k+ maybe? I'm so sorry
You were fairly inexperienced with romance. You'd dated people before, but something always went wrong and the relationships never progressed far.
You'd learnt to live with that. Obviously you just weren't ready, or you just sucked at relationships. Either way, the love life was non-existent right now.
But now all your friends were dating- being affectionate, being couple goals and making you a third wheel.
You were jealous. As cliche and cringey as it sounded, you had so much to give and no-one to give to.
You were hanging out with your best friend, Kai, at his place. You'd spent the past nine hours talking, listening to music, watching Netflix and eating.
And cuddling. Always cuddling. He was so clingy with you, you could be as close as humanly possible, and it still wouldn't be enough for him. Like right now, you had your arms around each other, your legs intertwined. A Marvel movie played in the background, but you weren't paying attention. You were too distracted by the pleasant tingle on your leg where Kai was running his fingers back and forth, back and forth, tracing patterns on your skin.
He snuggled his face into your neck and let out a content sigh. That's when you felt his lips press to your skin.
You craned your neck and gazed down at him with wide eyes. "Did you just kiss my neck?"
Kai looked up at you, blushing. "Yeah... Sorry, I couldn't help it."
You chuckled, still surprised, but finding him adorable when he's flustered. "It's okay."
And it was okay, because you'd been best friends for years and you were nearly too comfortable showing affection at this point. You'd lost track of how many people (including your parents) had asked if you two were actually dating.
Kai focused back on the movie, still snuggled into your side. "You ever think about your first kiss?" he asks out of the blue.
Your eyes darted from the TV to your best friend. You felt yourself blush a tiny bit at the unexpected question. You'd never kissed anyone because- apart from the tragic relationship history- you were insecure about not being good at it, and you hadn't wanted to let your partners down.
"Uh, yeah. I think about it sometimes," you admitted. You pause, then sigh. "I wish I could just kiss someone already."
Kai looked up at you with a soft gaze as his lower lip caught between his teeth. "What if...?" he trailed off, blushing madly and looking away.
You watched him patiently, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Your head automatically tilted to the side slightly as you waited.
He went quiet as he continued chewing his lip and avoiding eye contact. When he finally looked at you again, he seemed sheepish. "What if we have our first kiss together?"
You blinked, not sure you'd heard him right. Your face warmed and your heart started racing. You'd never admit it, but you'd had a little crush on Kai for years now. He didn't know, but you wondered now if he felt the same? Or was he just 'helping out a friend'?
Kai noticed your hesitancy and flushed more. "Sorry, it was a stupid idea. Forget I said anything." He looked away again.
"No, no, it's not stupid!" you reassured him. "I was just... caught off guard, that's all." There was an awkward moment silence. "So, um..." You licked your lips. "Do you want to?"
You really liked Kai. Secretly, you would love to share a memorable first kiss with him. It didn't matter to you now whether it went good or bad, it'd be with your best friend/crush of three years, so it wouldn't matter.
Kai's eyes flickered up to yours, he looked so nervous and innocent. "Only if you want to."
You shrugged, trying to act cool. "I mean, yeah. You're my best friend. I'm really comfortable around you, so I guess sharing a first kiss isn't a bad idea."
Kai sat up and angled his body so he faced you. He licked his lips and glanced down at the covers of his bed. Your heart was hammering in your chest and you suddenly forgot how to breathe smoothly.
You guys made eye contact before his eyes dropped to your mouth. Kai brought his hand to the side of your face as he leaned in closer.
It was fairly quick. Before you could fully process what was happening, Kai's lips were on yours.
It felt...
Electric. Like a warmth- a buzz- was spreading through your body as his lips pressed gently to yours. You put your hands on his shoulders and brought him closer as you moved your lips against his. He responded immediately, putting his other hand around your waist and bringing you against his chest.
You guys stayed like that for a moment before Kai pulled away, keeping you held to his body.
"That was-"
"Shh," you interrupted. You leaned in and connected your lips once more, wrapping your arms around his neck.
The second kiss only lasted a few seconds before there was a knock on Kai's bedroom door. Your heads whipped to the side, jump-scared by the sudden interruption.
"Time to go home!" Kai's mum called through the door.
"Okay!" Kai replied, and you picked up on his slightly breathless voice. That made you smile as you looked at his lightly flushed cheeks.
Kai locked eyes with you and flashed you a playful grin. "We can continue this another time," he teased.
But you knew he wasn't joking. And you were thankful for that, because now that this had happened, how could you possibly look back?
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crimsonv1 · 1 year
'Second Time'
Tim LaFlour imagine <33
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𝗧𝗪// 𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗻, 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲, 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀
While walking down the concrete path at your school, a familiar looking face rolled up beside you on skates. A pierced one, very pierced.
Tim rolled beside you while you walking, as you turned to face him and smile. "Hey Tim-" you were careful of other people not to bump into him.
"ah, hey y/n where are you off tooo?" He smiled happily while asking the question,
"a class, that I have-" you pulled up your wrist to check a non existent watch, " 2 seconds to get to because it's all the way across campus. Tim laughed at your sarcasm. "Alright well, nice seeing youu Tim, and your 'Junkie', friend" You laughed as you walked off,
You knocked on an apartment door, a nice person soon opening it up. "Hey Darryl," You and Darryl exchanging a small 'secret' handshake. "Just dropping these off for Tim"
Darryl turned around "HEY TIM- Y/NS GOT YOUR POETRY BOOKS" Darryl looked at the books intently "Tell them to wait there!" Darryl looked at you, and walked off into somewhere in the living room. Tim came tushing out of what you guessed was the restroom to greet you.
"oh, hey y/n-!" He said almost out of breath, he grabbed the books from your hand and set them down on a table beside him.
"Hey, just wanted to give those to you- anyways I'm gonna go to the store, you want anything?" "Uh, actually I can just come" Tim said rushed
"alright then, you can come" you laughed a little while saying "your flys unzipped" (OMG that's so old 💀💀🙏) Tim's knuckles almost whitened on the magazine full of women he was holding as the aggressively threw it across the room.
"oh uh sorry, uh- hockey practice." His sweaty palms reached down to zip his pants back up. "Alright well let's go-" He followed after you closing the door.
Holding some bags between your knuckles you both walked into the complex, Tim rushing to find his key somewhere in his pockets
"you know it turns out that prince Albert wasn't a good idea" "I could've told you that idiot" you said laughing, "That's exactly what Darryl said-" he said soon lifting up his shirt and grabbing the key piercing laughing, your hands tightening more and more around the bags as you were getting tired
"you know, Darryl really is acting Wierd I don't think it's great For-" Getting tired of him trying to not drop the key you let down the bags and yanked the key from him walking off with the chain to unlock the door until you stopped in your tracks, turned around "OH MY GOD- SORR-" before you could finish to a surprised Tim, he let out a loud whimper before falling on his knees with a yell and a sigh "second fucking time" he let out the breath before collapsing.
"Shit." You sighed trying not to laugh your ass off at the sight, Tim , nearly fainted on the ground face on the ground raised up his hand "It's not funny-" he said in a wheeze of a breath. Darryl coming out of the room to the commotion, laughing hard "OH SHIT BAHAHAHA" he pointed.
I'll be making a request board in a second <33
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Hello! :)
I found you're works a while back and finally worked up the courage to ask you something.
I love all the scenarios that you create but the Fragile Reader X Dottore works are some of my favourites, and one of them that stuck out to me was the one with that Tsaritsa that acts like a mother to the reader. I like to think that once a month or every so often she shows up to a harbinger meeting to check on their progress with the gnosis/gnoses.
How do you think the other harbingers would react if after a meeting she asked Dottore how Reader is, if they are getting better/worse etc. And if Reader is better how they would react if she asked if they could show up to the next meeting or when would be a good time to see Reader.
Don't feel obliged to reply at once if you have other requests, this just popped into my head and I figured it would be good to ask.
Ps. If someone has already used ❄️ I'm sorry. Have a good day :)
Hi ❄️ anon! I'm really glad you like my fics, thank you for the ask ❤️ And YES... i love mother Tsaritsa to fragile reader SO MUCH. Every time she sees Dottore she never fails to ask about you, even if she saw you recently, you're her child fr 🥺 I too think she does that, also to see how her Harbingers are faring and all. She cares about the mission but also them.
Not the Tsaritsa exposing Dottore in front of them 😭😭 She probably does it at the very end of the meeting, when everyone is walking out the doors when all of a sudden she questions him about you. And Dottore just freezes because he did not expect that, and now quite a few of the other Harbingers have stopped in their tracks as to the mention of someone called "[Name]." Particularly Pantalone and Columbina... two people who like to make his life miserable.
Dottore is very careful about others knowing about your existence, he knows that a clone is always with you so you can never get hurt but he is still very guarded when it comes to you. He simply can't risk anything happening to you, with your fragile state. Nor does he want to deal with anyone else pestering you or him. Only Pierro and the Tsaritsa know that you exist for real. Though, he knows you can't stay cooped up in your room all the time, so regular soldiers still see you, but they are sworn to absolute secrecy unless they want to... die a painful death.
But now... it seems that the cover has been blown, but he still tries to save it. He doesn't mean any disrespect to the Archon, though he answers her questions very quickly and dryly. You're doing fine, he says, and that you're always waiting for her. And it's then the Tsaritsa realizes that the other Harbingers are unaware of you... from how Columbina and Pantalone are looming behind him with the most horrible smirks ever and how Dottore is like 😐 The other Harbingers know not to push into the Doctor's affairs of all people, yet they can't help but be a little curious, you must be fairly important if even the Tsaritsa is worried about your wellbeing... They won't directly ask or get near him but they won't complain if they overhear some... things. (Arlecchino and Signora are Columbina's gossip victims and Childe catches wind of it too from Pulcinella 💀)
The Cyro Archon quickly finishes the conversation but the damage has been done lmao, you know the Regrator and Damselette are suddenly finding excuses to visit Dottore's lab to try and find you. Dottore and his clones swat them away everytime, though eventually, everyone finds out about your existence 😭 Dottore is exasperated, but you're just happy to have new friends! Mainly Bina and Pantalone, being best friends with them as fragile reader has been rotting my brain lately 🥰 I like to think they come visit you every now and then too and the clones are hella hostile to them but let them through solely because you're happy talking to them.
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
hi sweet pea!! For the headcanon meme I’m thinking Asmo? (Yes he’s all I’ve thought about this week I can’t help it anymore 💀)
∇ - old age/aging headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
I hope you enjoy your days off!! 💛
Max my darling, I'm so sorry this took me so long. I have no excuses besides the obvious, I suck! 😭😭 I hope you like it! 🌻🌻
Warning: 18+ content below MDNI. I did try to keep the sex headcanon gender neutral for both Asmo and MC. Also consensual recording obviously. (I heard you the other day random anon with your clit and pussy Asmo so hopefully you can enjoy this too 💕)
Character Headcanons
Old age/aging headcanon:
Watching you grow old has been a privilege. He's loved every second of it. You are just as beautiful to him now as the day you met all those years ago.
He loves running his fingers through the streaks of grey in your hair. Kissing the wrinkles around your eyes, proof to him that he's made you laugh and kept you smiling your long life together.
If he could have had you for an eternity he would have, but he wouldn't trade the life he had with you for anything. Your soul will return to his in your next life, of that he is sure. He's been alive for a millenia, he can wait for you again.
Angry/violent headcanon:
"Holy shit, holy SHIT!" Mammon cries as he rushes into your room, slamming and locking the door behind him. "I've never seen him this mad before! MC please, ya gotta hide me!"
Mammon is frantically opening up your cupboard doors and throwing your clothes onto floor. Yes like that's not an obvious enough hiding spot.
"Mams what is-!" you're about to ask him what is going on, trying to pull him back out of the closet when you're cut off by the sound of your bedroom door getting blown off its hinges and smashing to floor.
It's Asmo standing in your doorway, looking deadly in his demon form. Gorgeous as always but the air around him is thick with fury. The look he's giving mammon would kill you out right if he was directing it at you. Speaking of Mammon, he's currently trying to shield himself with your body. Typical.
"MAMMON! THAT WAS LIMITED EDITION YOU IDIOT... Oh hi MC darling, you look absolutely radiant today... DOES YOUR PEA SIZED BRAIN EVEN COMPREHEND THE MEANING OF THOSE WORDS? THERE ARE ONLY THREE IN EXISTENCE!!" He pauses in the middle of his yelling to acknowledgement your presence in the room before continuing his tirade of abuse.
Mammon is quaking behind you, the fact that he isn't trying to speak up for himself, even at the dig at his intelligence, tells you everything you need to know.
"Asmo, STOP!" You command, you hate using your pact on Asmo this way but you have too protect Mammon, and your room!
Sex headcanon:
A delicate hand has a firm hold on your chin making it impossible to look anywhere but forward. The big lens in front of you recording every little squirm and wiggle you make while trapped in your partner's arms.
"Look at the camera baby, don't be scared." Asmo's soft voice caresses the shell of your ear causing a shiver to run up your spine.
"I-I'm not." You stutter in response, a fresh blush blooming on your cheeks. You're not scared, you're just nervous about the camera. It's the first time you've been filmed like this; fully naked while being pleasured by your lover.
You feel the answering chuckle against your shoulder in between kisses so sweet you feel like melting into a puddle.
The hand not gripping your chin has been slipping down your shirtless torso so slow it's like torture. You can't stop a high-pitched whine escaping your lips as asmo's fingers slide down your hip and caress your inner thigh.
"P-pleeease Asmo-aahhhh." Your plea turns to a moan of pleasure. Those pretty, expert fingers have finally made their way to your sex. One of your hands fists those rose gold locks as you try and ground yourself, those soft fingers making you feel like your floating away.
"Be a dear and cum for the camera baby, need to show you how beautiful you look when you come undone under my touch."
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Hope you liked reading this as much as I did writing it! I haven't written for Asmo in a while besides script fics so this was nice. I love my pretty baby <3 <3
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Hey hey! I'm kinda struggling to figure out my identity :,) can you help me?
I'm pretty sure I'm an alterhuman, I've always had a very strong connection to nature, especially animals. I think I'm animalhearted. As a kid, I absolutely adored dogs. I used to pretend to be one all the time. (My mom told me I once went three days straight insisting I wasn't a human 💀) like- that's gotta be a sign for something, right?
But you see, over time, I've kinda lost that like... Idk how to describe it. That connection? I still like dogs, just not as much. I don't pretend to be a dog anymore, and haven't in years. Without a pet dog, that connection just.. Faded
I've been doing quads for about half a year now, yk, just for fun. But as of like maybe 4 months ago I keep getting these weird like, idrk how to describe it. These like bursts of energy that feel almost like they're not me. I'm still in full control, but that's not coming from me. That probably doesn't make any sense, but yeah. I don't want to call them shifts cus I have absolutely no idea if that's what they are, and they're not super often.
I'm thinking I'm probably doghearted? But now I'm wondering if I'm a dog therian? Idk, I mean I like the dual souls thing, I feel like I have the soul of a dog along with my human one. But I'm having a hard time figuring out if I'm actually a therian or if it's just shifting disease, cus I haven't really experienced this my whole life, and it's only after doing research did I start questioning. I've never really had species dysphoria either. Idk, what do you think? It's probably just shifting disease right? How am I supposed to tell the difference between identifying with vs. as?
Thank you for reading <3
(Sorry this took a while to get to! If you already sorted this out on your own, feel free to ignore this answer.)
There's a few things to address here:
1. Some fluctuation in the intensity of a hearttype or kintype is normal. Though this is extreme fluctuation that also neatly coincides with outside factors, so that's probably not it, I feel it's still worth at least mentioning.
2. I hadn't heard of shifter's disease before I got this ask. It was difficult to find information on, but I did manage to find a definition and a couple of forum posts further detailing the phenomenon by asking around on Discord. I'm not a big fan of the name tbh. I know the comparison it's drawing, but it still feels like over-medicalizing it. But whatever, that's the existing name, so I'll use it. Anyway!
To check for this, I would suggest trying to keep your mind off both alterhumanity in general and your own potentially alterhuman experiences as much as possible for a while. Stop researching, don't spend time mulling over it, and step away from any alterhuman spaces you're active in. You should be able to deduce by whether or not your feelings persist through that whether or not it was shifter's disease.
3. Last but not least- how do you tell the difference between ID'ing with vs. ID'ing as? Ever a tricky one. Corv's otherhearted questioning quick guide has a section dedicated to exactly that question, so it will probably be helpful to you! (But yknow, probably wait about it.)
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Because I’m in a chaotic mood can I request specifically for Arcana Twilight, with a MC who has a pet ferret that hides in their sleeves and pops out to bite someone and it’s really hard to pry the ferret off.
Once the ferret bit Sirius in his balls and wouldn’t let go for a whole 5 minutes.
And the ferret basically acts like a cock block - 💀🤚
HOLY- I like your chaotic energy lets GOOOOOOOOO ! (Sirius your gonna suffer, you little sh*t). I really wanted to name the ferret so if you don't mind, it's name is gonna be precious. Literally precious.
You can ask me to change it ofc. Since the number of characters wasn't mentioned I assumed you wanted me to write for all of them and although I only accept at a maximum of three or was it four- ?
I'll make an exception but it won't be very long considering this is absolute crack.
Pairing(s) : spica x reader, Sirius x reader, pollux x reader, alpheratz x reader, arcturus x reader, Vega x reader.
Reacting to an Mc with a difficult pet ferret :
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Alpheratz :
Keep that thing away from him-
No seriously he's covered in bite marks all over, just because you have an insanely overprotective, feral animal with you.
I just imagine him standing in front of you with his arm out displaying a very angry ferret on him.
Everything time he's about to do anything romantic the man is not met with your lips but the enraged bit marks of your so called 'precious'.
"Summoner- no- please- no I'm not scared-"
Rename that monstrosity and then we can talk peacefully, that thing is not adorable at all.
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Oh brother-
I feel so bad for him because arcturus is all smiles while you're struggling to remove precious off his leg without RIPPING IT TO SHREDS.
How the hell did it get so strong ?!
"Precious, could you please let go off my boyfriend-"
At first, arcturus found precious really cute and he still does. But it makes him a little bummed out knowing that it doesn't like him very much.
Don't be surprised when Arcturus starts to loose one or two fingers as your relationship lasts cause that animal of yours isn't gonna let that go.
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I'm sorry- What is the difference ?
No but seriously those two have the same face for some reason. I can imagine the both of them just having a hissing contest as you just watch in disbelief.
Whenever you give precious more attention, he gets all pouty and waits for you to be done while sulking in a corner.
"Wha-! No I'm not jealous !"
I have no idea what a ferret sounds like so please bare with me You don't know what to do with those two.
It's difficult cause on one hand, you have pollux who is your wonderful boyfriend that seems to get jealous over an animal, and on the other hand (more like the other sleeve) you have precious who loves you as an owner and would probably chew his face into shreds.
choose summoner.
do it.
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Now Vega finds your pet quite bothersome.
You need to understand that when this man says 'help' he means 'HOLY SH*T SAVE ME-'.
walks over to you asking if this...t h i n g..belongs to you.
It has a name ?
Precious ? Are you sure ?
He frowns whenever he gets cockblocked by a fucking ferret, gets pouty and proceeds to also compete with it by that I mean your small as fuck killing machine.
"Summoner...Could you keep...precious away when we kiss..It keeps hissing."
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This man is so confused.
Why does it hate him so much ?
He also doesn't understand why you're giggling about the whole situation. He got mauled by an animal the size of two apples, and you're laughing ?
"It's...protective..? Ha."
"Please throw it out the window."
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R.I.P this man's nuts cause they don't exist anymore.
No more nut to nut my guy.
Precious just won't stop biting, it just won't stop brutalizing this man's testicles I can assure you that.
But like..listen, as much as I dislike Sirius for being the asshole he is in the game and the fact that I'm a woman doesn't help.
I can still feel the pain- AND IT'S SO BAD !
He may have done some fucked up sh*t but that punishment is honestly not fitting the crime.
Cause like seriously-
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Thank you for reading.
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